#I am only a nerve
manwalksintobar · 5 months
Why Are You Writing These // Alice Notley
  to try to remember what you is that nothing much happens for 17 years it was rich living in isolation in a populous city remember when I hated my neighbor because he was noisy I didn’t hate him I couldn’t look at him I wanted to kick him out     he held raves every weekend I called the cops a lot and worked with a certain policeman who discovered my neighbor had been arrested in Bordeaux for breaking furniture     he finally stopped paying rent had to leave then the gardienne and I gave thumbs-up signs across rue des Messageries     she has since moved to Valencia I’m interested in how totally against him I was you could say I have sensitive ears that simply react his mother came up from Toulouse once to help him clean we were overrun with mice she caught seven one morning with glue traps excuse me she said I’m the mother of your neighbor who’s sometimes noisy do you have mice I tried to tell her I’d seen them slide down the gas-pole like firemen but I didn’t have the French for that and French firemen don’t she had a dream of moving to San Diego I don’t mind any of it except for my ears I was born receptive and sound shakes me up I have a poem in which the universe is like a vocal cord it must also be an ear infinite reception music destroys thought poetry is it I couldn’t have been bothered to tell this story in prose     A decision was taken after time began to maintain a prose universe I have been bored ever since and keep to myself though contrarily trying to save you from the materials of your destructive lives masses of noise anything to forget what and maybe I am only a nerve or am nerve if you could remember shut up and remember or is it not remember I am in a state of vibration every possible sound available why or is it only something to do the one thing to do or is it only Helen Morgan again singing Why was I born / Why am I living I have nothing to show for my time but poems what do you have
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antiparticular · 7 months
I feel like people hcing tmagp gerry as being pastel goth have completely missed the point. the point is that you don't have to dress colourfully to be happy. dressing in black ≠ depressed. and he was never goth !!!!!!! I'm sorry I keep saying it but it's true. he was never goth he's a metalhead and he still dresses the exact same.
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
I want to believe danny finds it more annoying to use children swears.
Vlad uses food
Mr. William Lancer uses book titles
And Danny can say things like “oh golly this is on heck of a situation”
At first it started as it starts with any child. Wanting to test the limits of the rules and then he noticed it annoyed some adults. They can’t tell him to just swear :3. So he kept it. As he gets older he does curse like normal but not very often. Like it’s rare. Imagine his coworkers the first time he drops the “f-bomb”
Do you think they are shellshocked (thats a good handsoap) or do you think they scold him.
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
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click for better quality!
whaddaya think makes tracks like that? / needletail and violetpaw
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cicide76536 · 9 months
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My gift to @tragediegh for Rote Winterfest Gift-exchange !
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My beloved @vilyar was a life saviour for lending me his drawing tablet and computer when mine broke and for helping me sketch some of the harder parts ❤️ Thank you
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defiledtomb · 1 month
DREAD WOLF!!!! my life is yours !!!!
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bumblydumbly · 2 months
I cant ship laios with anyone currently in his party bc those shapeshifters of him were FOUL
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superconductivebean · 24 days
#1216: addition to the #1215
so, about the exchange between aesop and julia:
julia says to aesop, after rescuing highwing and feeling unwell after being up for 24+ hours, that she's someone he could've been
aesop gets petty and grunts, she was someone he used to be
julia was offended, aesop was offended by the exchange followed, eleazar was unhappy to see his grandkids fight, julia got in detention until the end of november (aesop realised he did stupid and turned that detention into teaching her some additional potions and dada ; by an extension, everyone became Very Confused at what has she done to get on his nerves to deserve that much of detention time)
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littledead-ridinghood · 6 months
Oh god Steph is apparently being put into a leadership/mentor role for a new teen team
I’m so scared, guys
🤞Oh pretty please don’t infantilize her 🤞that’s like my only wish right now and then I’ll start to aim higher. She’s a grown woman who (like many other adult female characters) DC often writes as much younger. I hope because she’s (supposed to be) in a leadership position, they’ll highlight her skill, experience, and maturity while also showing off how she can still have fun, find joy, and laugh/joke around but I’m also so nervous that they’ll just write her like she’s 16
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I have this thought for quite some time, coming mostly from my twitter and Reddit interactions.
I kinda love the amount of hate I see towards Buggy. People hate how Oda loves this clown and keeps bringing him up, how he is getting more connections to story, how he gets that high bounty. They hate him because he doesn’t have powers, or isn’t smart.
And the fact that so many of them try to cope by putting Mihawk in place of Buggy is incredible. Mihawk is not some lost friend who is having insanely deep contention to shanks, BUGGY IS.
But I guess he’s not “cool and powerful” enough and they don’t get why shanks could be friends with “someone like that” (actual take I saw a lot).
I can’t wait for buggy to be more important just to see everyone lose their minds. If he gets to laugh tale, the best day of my life. And I’m not even that big on Buggy
These takes make me so angry because they're just??? Not true at all??? Most of these opinions come from the general audience and dudebros who don't take the time to analyze Buggy and just accept his character the way other characters see him. Instead of stopping for a second and thinking about why he does what he does and why Oda likes him so much, they just assume he's the lame clown everyone in the OP world thinks he is. Which is, in my opinion, extremely sad. And you don't even have to analyze shit?? Like, okay, I get it. Chapter 1082 is crucial for his character and perhaps if you don't read that you might think he's useless and Oda uses him too much for what he actually does for the story (bullshit, by the way, I'm just trying to find a reasoning behind their shitty takes). But after reading 1082??????????? Okay???? Whatever. Buggy haters get on my nerves, not because they don't like Buggy, but because they don't understand him.
Saying Buggy isn't smart is uhhh. It's just not true. The fact that he's constantly placed next to the biggest, most feared, and strategic pirates in the world just doesn't help him at all to prove that, tbh. I'd be scared af if I had gone through all the things he has, honestly. Like- People- People just ignore Water 7 and the whole thing with Usopp being a coward but wanting to be more than that because of his dream and that being scared doesn't necessarily mean something bad??? I think people just forget entire arcs and scenes to post these things. Buggy might not be the bravest but he understands the pirate world better than anybody and he's genuinely smart, he's just constantly placed in situations that force his character to be scared af (for obvious reasons) and everyone looks down on him for that. Which makes total sense for his character because his whole thing is feeling inferior and being compared to others when he has many talents himself. He isn't dumb, he just has the worst luck in the whole fucking world. Or the best. It sort of depends.
I think he lost his bravery and sense of adventure when he gave up on his dream, but now that he's being more confident in the fact that he could achieve it, we will see him using his full potential. And I am so, so excited for that. The speech he gives in chapter 1082 changed my life and it's easily my favorite chapter from the whole manga. I really, really hope they do something with that. I want him to have all the wonderful scenes he deserves.
And, okay, about the Mihawk thing: I don't agree with that that much? Like, okay, I can see people often making Mishanks relationship more than what it actually is, but tbf, Mihawk is barely a character here because Oda hasn't given him screentime of his own. He's always there for another character (Shanks, Zoro, Cross guild, etc). What we do know about him is that he went all his way to find Shanks and tell him about Luffy?? Like. Okay, babe, I know what you are. What we do know is that Shanks and him have something going on and I would really like to know WHAT exactly. I'm not even a huge Mishanks shipper but I completely understand why people like it. I prefer other ships like Shuggy and Cross Guild but, well, I don't think they use Mihawk to take over Buggy's place. I think they just want Mihawk to have some story because Oda barely gives him one. But I can see where you're coming from, though. I can see a lot of people using Shuggy's dynamic for them sometimes and it bothers me because these two have their own thing and they could easily just?? Ship both things??
People saying they don't understand why Shanks would be friends with somebody like Buggy is so funny to me, because we barely know anything about Shanks either, lmfao. He's the cool and powerful role model of the main character. He's literally the most cliché thing in the whole wide world, shut up. And I absolutely love him and he has wayyy more personality than these types of characters usually have, but I am tired of seeing takes like this as if Buggy wasn't one of the most interesting characters in this manga. But, also, Shanks would just?? Kick these people's asses for this shit. Saying you don't understand why Shanks would be friends with Buggy is just admitting you think the same way people in-world think about him, which is just admitting you don't understand his character. At least people in-world think that way because they don't know Buggy's story. You know Buggy's story. You should know why Shanks is friends with him and cares so much about him. But also?? Even if Buggy truly was a fucking loser with no talent and no dreams. Saying Shanks needs a reason for being friends with him is so dumb. Have you considered that... Sometimes... Most of the time... People don't have a reason for being friends with somebody and you don't need to find a reason for somebody's love?? Like- Perhaps Shanks just fucking loves Buggy because that's his childhood friend and he doesn't care about his abilities or talents. Perhaps he just loves him for who he is. I don't think it's that hard to understand, honestly.
You're not that big on Buggy, but I am. I really am. He's probably getting a tragic ending with Shanks but I do not care. If he ever gets to Laugh Tale or- Or if he ends up believing in himself finally. If he gets closure with him (which he will get, because Oda loves these two too much to leave them without closure). I will be the happiest person in the whole world. My mind and body say "Luffy king of the pirates!!" but my heart cries of happiness every time I think about Buggy being the king. I love him so fucking much.
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chimeragirlpleopods · 3 months
estrogen did something funny to me which was funnily being comfortable with aspects of masculinity to the point of seeking it, which is funny because I spent my first growth phase avoiding things
I really did just did it to be a tomboy. I love nonsense steps taken for this
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nguyenfinity · 11 months
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You would not believe what AU I cooked up with @posebean this time it's genshin
Additional notes:
Melt synergy (also reversed colors yahoo)
They run a tea house!! Hachimitsu Tea House :]
And they're married
They're sooo married (Niki's ring is holding his lil tassel)
Support/healer (anyone's a dps if you build them hard enough though)
Signature dish: Cinnamon baked apple slices (we'll figure it out don't worry about it)
Ascension mats: pyro cube, slimes, naku weed
Constellation: esuriens ursi
dps (glass cannon style)
Signature dish: Honeycomb nikujaga (once again don't worry about it)
Ascension mats: bathysmal vishap, treasure hoarders, onikabuto
Constellation: fila fati
he throws his claymore at you and then decks you in his normal attack sequence
mr. master of deception keeping his vision tucked away and wearing red
mostly useless without his wife (see: passive)
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ganondoodle · 6 months
serious question, are there ANY (wired) headsets made today anymore that have seperated plugs for audio and microphone??
usb ones always cause trouble and the only other ones i can find are those with combined audio+mic into one plug, which i dont have the ports on my PC for.............
i tried looking through adapters but the only ones i can find are those that combine seperate ones, id need the reverse (if thats even possible)
(visualization bc i feel like i am losing my sanity trying to explain what i mean, am i stupid? did i halluzinate the two jack/plug thing???? do only cheap garbage ones have this??? is that one of the gaming chair things??? like oh you want a GAMING headset- that means either combined or usb haHA???)
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the-sky-queen · 4 months
The Mind Electric - Animatic
Starline AU belongs to @totaleclipse573
My goodness I'm so nervous to post this but I'm gonna be brave and do it anyway. Inspiration struck me like a lightning bolt yesterday and I rushed to make this as fast as possible. I have visions in my head for how I would do the whole song, but I'd only want to do that if I could use the actual audio. (I couldn't figure out how to just record it off of YT (there was a specific edit of the song I wanted to use) which is why I ended up singing the section of the song I wanted. If I ever figure it out, I may possibly reupload this and/or do the full version. *shrug*)
The editor kinda ate the quality a bit so separate pictures along with the original sketches are under the cut!
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tswwwit · 1 year
I know Bill's the big bad demon everyone is afraid of and he will protect his husband at all costs (when no one's looking), but I think it's also worth mentioning that Dipper, even being the dorky, squishy human that he is, also cares about his dumb demon hubby and wants to keep him safe, even if it annoys Bill, and really, he doesn't need protecting the way Dipper does. He isn't going to puff out his chest and get in someone's face like some macho man, but I think Dipper knee-jerk reaction when Bill's in "danger" isn't to just shrug because he's an all-powerful demon who can handle it. If a blast that could level a whole town was aimed at Bill's head (for him, this just means a bad hair day and a new body), Dipper's immediate impulse is to push him out of the way or defend him against whatever wants to kill his familiar. Because he's not thinking "Bill could literally end this match in .3 seconds." He's thinking "if you touch even one hair on that asshole's head, I'm going to knock yours clean off your shoulders." I don't know what the point even is in this post, just that Dipper is this nerdy, unassuming guy who ends up being viciously protective under the right conditions. Like I think Dipper pulls off the bloody and vengeful look SO well that Bill immediately melts and just lets him handle the situation, even though it's not really Dipper's fight to begin with. He's beating the guy to a pulp with zero reserve, and Bill's off to the side swooning and twirling his hair over his man for getting his hands dirty for him.
It's true! While Bill's not the type to enjoy being underestimated, he has to admit! Seeing his adorable husband all riled up on his behalf is a hell of a sight.
The thing is, Dipper's a good guy! He can't help but put himself in danger over others. Even when all reason and logic say that Bill would be absolutely fine if he got his head exploded or a shiv in his kidney, Dipper's instinct is to fully and immediately get in the way of that. To, in fact, be protective.
Mostly this is only evident when Dipper has to stand up to Ford. Yes, yes, Bill's a vile horrible monstrosity, but he didn't do that particular thing you're accusing him of. Watching him stand up to his uncle is a particular treat!
For bigger threats, though - Well. Bill's gonna be absolutely fine, no matter what happens, thank you very much. But he's definitely not opposed to seeing some guy who was about to literally stab him in the back get a few of his teeth knocked out.
#answers#Dipper doesn't like seeing his husband get hurt. Yes Bill likes pain and all but only contextually. And he's immortal.#But Dipper can't help but cringe and wince on his behalf anyway. He talks a lot of shit but he really does love his bastard husband#When it comes to most of the the Ford situations#Bill gets to have fun with those#Dipper's ready to argue on Bill's behalf. Most times. Yes a little head-explodey doesn't keep Bill down but Dipper is NOT a fan#Catch Bill standing just behind Dipper - or even leaping up into his arms and nearly making him topple over -#Only to look very self-satisfied. Going :3 'yes I am babey'#Looking like the perfect innocent cherub he absolutely isn't gets on Ford's nerves in a HUGE way#Both super obnoxious AND it makes his mortal roll his eyes at him. SO fun!#For other times he gets defended it's Bill's turn to roll his eyes#But goddamn if it isn't cute as hell. PLUS it's one of the rare times he actually sees Dipper really riled up#Not in like a flustered argumentative type of way. In an actual Fuck You You're Going Down kinda way#Real stupid that Dipper keeps doing this. But real hard to oppose it when Bill gets such a view outta it!#Also concept: Dipper trying to shield Bill while he's in his real form and feeling a moment of 'oh no' when he fails#Only for like. The knife to go 'tink' off his surface. Bill looks unimpressed#Another reminder for Dipper that yeah okay Bill can handle himself. He feels pretty dumb about it#That's okay DIpper you mean well! Bill will still smooch you for trying#APPROVED.jpeg implied but not included due to me adding too much text
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bisexuallsokka · 1 year
i was tagged two weeks ago by my beloved @petricorah for a wip game!! rules: share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your wip. i've seen this go around a bunch so idk who hasnt done it yet but! feel free to do it if you want to <3
here's yet another snippet from my current divorced zukka wip
“Pretty clouds,” Zuko finally says. Sokka can’t hold back the snort of surprised laughter. “Yeah, fluffy,” he mumbles, then hates himself for already letting his guard down when he hears Zuko laugh as well. “Can we…talk?” Zuko asks. “We are talking,” Sokka says. “Yeah, for the first time in three years,” Zuko replies. Sokka frowns at the tinge of bitterness in his tone. “Oh, and that’s all my fault? You didn’t reach out either.” “What? No, I didn't say that," Zuko says quickly. Sokka lets out a deep breath, internally kicking himself. “Sorry, I,” he rubs a hand over his face, “I didn’t know you would be here. I shouldn’t have come.” Zuko takes a step closer to him. “I’m glad you’re here, Sokka, really. It’s really good to see you.” Sokka feels some of the anger deflate, looking over at the man he loves. Loved. He’s giving Sokka a tentative, but soft smile. “It’s good to see you too,” he admits.
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