#I am on my fucking knees I am begging and pleading for my god damn life
nakanotamu · 9 months
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bahrtofane · 6 months
bruised knuckles
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 Jude x gender neutral!reader 
While it’s not that surprising that a last minute party invite leads to a fight, Jude carrying you out was a little bit of an overkill 
Word count - 1.5K+ 
Watch it - physical fight, pretentious male character, bruised knuckles mentioned like once. i am so unserious for writing this yall
“That doesn’t make any sense though. “ You scoff idly playing with the rings adorning your fingers. Most gifts from Jude. 
Speaking of, He sits next to you on a sleek black couch. The both of you got dragged away to some party by his teammates on what could’ve been a lazy weekend at home. He got a call way too early than what was socially acceptable on a weekend, (it was 10 am), and was begged to come along. You were already getting up groaning at the whining coming from his phone. Blame it on being half asleep or unaware but you both mumbled a promise to be there and went back to bed. 
So here you are at a party hosted by god knows who in a now packed hotel, god knows where.
You know Jude doesn't like going to these. He calls them a poor excuse to show off and boost egos. You agree, it's all a ruse to see who can drop the most on champagne or bring the model with the most followers home. All just to have pixelated pictures of yourself blasted on social media 
You couldn’t even call it a party to be honest, there’s a crowd jumbling together in an attempt to dance and music blaring from somewhere. It's more of a bad linkedin meetup. Dim lighting flickering poorly and cups strewn carelessly on the floor. It’s lame and you can’t wait to leave. His teammates that dragged the two of you here have long since abandoned the two of you to do.., actually you have no idea what any of them are here for, nor do you care. 
You just continue to sip on your water and try to keep yourself entertained. It's not going very well. 
The guy you're in conversation with sits on an identical couch across from you rolls his eyes, “Of course you don’t understand. I don’t expect you to understand the complexity of such a topic. “
Judes been pretty silent this whole time, watching the exchange. He understands you prefer to handle things yourself and respects that fully. He won’t take that away just to tell someone off. Though the second you ask he doesn't have a problem getting in anyone's face. 
Now his hand moves to your thigh gently squeezing it, a warning to keep things in check for the night. He knows that you can get into more trouble than you care for sometimes. Spurring into action faster than you can actually process what you're doing. 
You dont want to give him anymore bad press but holy fuck is this guy youre talking to an ass hole. You don't even know how he spotted you in the almost pitch black room. He smiled and asked for a picture with the two of you, and had gotten agitated when you declined. 
“At least give me conversation.” He pleaded.
And so here you are. You regretted the choice about 20 minutes ago. 
Your eyes narrow as you clench your teeth. “Listen I don't care for pretty arguments on topics that are in my jurisdiction ”
The man, who’s name you long forgot, just shakes his head and takes a long drink from his red solo cup. 
“I seriously doubt that. You dress like that and expect anyone to take you seriously like come on. “ He snickers. 
Jude tenses next to you and you try your best to calm the both of you down. Jude isn't one to start fights per say but he's not 6’1 (give or take) for nothing. Reputation be damned. 
You breathe deeply trying to resist the urge to beat his ass right then and there. The cheap laser lights only make your head hurt. Jude rubs circles on your thigh, you settle for a quick response instead. 
“What I wear doesn’t mean shit. I look good. What the fuck you have going for you? “ 
“A diploma ?? I don’t think you have one of those do you.”
Your patience is wearing thin, knee bobbing up and down harshly as you try and focus your attention away from him.
Jude stands, gently nudging your shoulder. It's time to leave. And you agree. No worth entertaining this any longer.
Just as you stand, taking Judes outstretched arm with a smile, setting your cup down on the table.  You get one last retort that truly sends you reeling. 
“Oh yeah walk away,” he begins, using his cup to point at you both. When you dont reply he chooses to get up, following you around the table and back into the dance floor. 
“Let the money maker drag you away,” He yells, grabbing into your arm and yanking it back it almost knocks you off your feet“ So worthless compared to him you don't-”
You don’t let the man finish, rushing from your seat to slam him onto the floor. His drink splashes on your chest as you meet the slippery brown hardwood with a loud thud. Your body jerks with heavy force, ears ringing, but you don’t let up. Trapping his legs under your weight, one arm forcing his hands down while the other lands blows into his face. A crowd has gathered, you know that much, the bass that’s been shaking the floor has stopped as people are clamoring around to get a better look. 
That all fades in the next few moments, passing in a blur as the man under you tries desperately to get up with no avail. You're clawing at whatever you can reach, tufts of his hair in between your fists while he yells so harshly you think his voice is about to give out. 
He manages to land a kick haphazardly to your lower stomach, which makes you groan just enough for your grip to loosen and for him to begin to slip away.
Just as you get a good grip on him again you're lifted on the ground watching him skimper away, heaving deep breaths as he grips a couch arm rest. You thrash trying to slip away from the arms but you're caught all too soon. You're yelling at the man, spitting venom. Though the exact words are less clear at this point. 
When you walk out from the blaring lights, you have half the mind to realize you're in a familiar set of arms. Wrapped around to keep you steady, swinging you over their shoulders. Jude. 
The adrenaline rushes through you, blurring the party and its noise out of focus. You do realize you're heading down stairs and outside, the cool night air like a hotel AC on summer vacation, a little bit of an overkill. But it does good to bring you back to reality. 
“You're going to get quite the reputation if you keep this up. “ He sighs, amusement in his voice. 
You have half the mind to respond with a slap to his back. “Yeah well next time bitches need to know not to try me. A reputation wouldn’t even be that bad for me. Might be bad for you“ 
He pats your back gently and continues down the curb, softly setting you down when you reach your car. You lean against the passenger door, wiping the sweat off your face and checking for any major damage across your body. There are none, just bruising on your knuckles. Dude couldn’t even get one proper hit in. The aftermath of your actions sets in and you groan, rubbing your temples. 
Jude gives you a small smile, gently taking your hand in his. You look at him fondly, if it weren’t for him you really don’t know what you would do at this point.
“I'm sorry. This is going to be all over twitter in an hour fuck.” You apologize. 
“He deserved it. Doesn't matter what they say they weren't there.”
You shake your head, “i need to do better, this is just gonna come back to you. I guarantee you everyone was recording.”
“They can think and do what they want.”
“No more talk of that. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” taking your hands and giving then a once over.
“No baby. Im fine.”
“Thank god.”
“I'm really really sorry, love.” you mutter.
He fixes your outfit, gentle tucking and rearranging the fabric back into place. “I told you baby, it's really fine. He was disrespectful and passed the limit.”
“Do you think he'll press charges?”
“I'm not sure. But for now dont worry okay? I got you. He touches you first anyway”
“Okay,” you breath out. 
“Eduardo’s getting your stuff, he’s gonna be here in a sec. “ He tells you softly. 
You nod your head and lean onto his shoulder, “The carrying me out was a little bit of an overkill babe.” you play with the buttons on his shirt. Trying to find at least a little light in the situation. 
He snorts, “if I didn’t you would’ve mauled the guy.” 
You shrug in response. Maybe you should lay off parties for a while if they keep ending like this. 
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kombuuuu · 1 year
OH MY GOD I JSUT HAD AN IDEA. PAV WITH AN INSECURE GF :( hes so sad and he's js wondering why she feels like that :( and he like. buys her flowers and just like kisses all over her face and tells her all the things he loves about her :(
Only you.
“Thithli, there is no one in any universe I love more.”
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blushes giggles kicks feet twirls hair chokes a little coughs giggles again
There wasn’t a moment in time where Pavitr wasn’t infatuated with you.
From the second he’d seen you he’d already had all his love in his hands, down on his knees begging you take it from him and keep it for yourself.
He’d let you cave your way into his chest, rip his ribs and lungs apart. Let you curl yourself around his heart and make yourself home in his chest.
Everything about you made him feel like a sailor to the sea, called only by the softened sounds of your calming voice.
And every day, when you laid next to him, sleeping curled up against his chest. He would trace every line and crease of your face, every feature your body held. Every mark and blemish and would call you flawless.
Would close his eyes when his heart started beating a tad too fast, and would thank every god he’d ever known for bringing him to you.
So when you had the audacity, the gall— to feel insecure about any one thing, he had to shut that down like his life depended on it.
You were shaking, the trembles brimming under your skin a thorough show of your unnerve.
You were at an event, a pretty tame one considering the other Pav had bring you too.
And in the midst of all the talking and introducing, you had lost him. In a sea of around 150 people, you were isolated. Desolate in yourself.
So to say you were anxious was an understatement. You berated yourself, the small voice in your head giggling and snickering at your own anguish.
You should go find him.
Ohhh, yeah, sure. Cause if he walked away in an event he’d invited you too, he definitely wants to be found.
Jesus christ, It’s not like that.
Someone had brushed up against your shoulder, you jerked away quickly.
“I am so sorry.” You basically pleaded with the woman before she could even speak. She laughed happily, seeming to be completely okay with what just happened. “It’s no bother, sweetie. I bumped into you,” She laughed again. “,I should be the one apologising!”
You laughed with her this time, calmed but still beyond nervous. She turned away, leaking back into the sea of the crowd.
You damn clutz.
It’s fine, she wasn’t mad. She was nice, what the fuck are you on about.
She looked pissed.
She was smiling.
You felt insane, talking to yourself like this, you were in control of your own thoughts, why were they so against you?
Walking along the edge of everyone, in a decision to go find your Pav, you scanned the room for his face.
In the far corner, a way away from you, you caught sight of him.
He was lent against a wall, in a packed party, his hands gesturing wildly as he talked to a group of people. He paused for dramatic effect, before saying the lunch line. The group laughed with him, joyous in light of the story.
One of the girls, evidently closer to him than others, laughed exceptionally loud. Giggling and tapping his arm as she did. Pressing closer to him in a stumble, or, what was faked to be.
Pav glanced at her, paying no mind, before he slyly brushed her off. Your heart strengthened a little at the act. But when she pressed even closer, and he didn’t do anything about it, the hope was shattered.
Told you.
Please be quiet, just this once. Please.
You went to turn around, to get out of there before you could make yourself worse, you knew you were being irrational, insecure.
But you couldn’t help it, and when the girl caught your eye and smirked, your resolve had been broke. You turned quickly. making your way away from the party, from your lover.
You needed to get out of here.
Your thoughts were quiet, a buzzing running your mind. There was a sting in the back of your eyes but it was dull, like static had been shoved into your cortex.
Bile had rose to the back of your throat, trapped and never fully being enough to make you gag it up.
You ran cross the busy trafficked street, the cars were barely moving, but you still waved them down in thanks or sorry despite.
Like a woman from her crimes, you ran.
Pavitr shrugged the lady off once more, shooting her a nervous look. He was uncomfortable, and people were starting to take notice, except for her apparently. Seeing as every time he pushed her away, she pushed back stronger.
A witching giggle erupting when he made his jokes. He didn’t like this, going to tell the woman off, that he has a girlfriend, before someone else had done it for him.
Gwen basically came out of nowhere, which given the watch on her wrist— wouldn’t be impossible. She shoved her way between them. Putting her arm around Pav’s shoulder and chatting loudly.
He shot her a grateful look, sighing in relief while Gwen took the girls spot. Geeking him like an old pal before anyone in the circle could notice anything amiss, slowly, but forcefully pushing the girl farther and farther away from her friend.
“What’s up, Pav?” She smiled at him, speaking over the music playing. People greeted Gwen as she did back.
“Nothing much, Gwen.” He was genuinely happy now, his friend bringing him a security he hadn’t felt before.
“Where’s the girlfriend? She’s been coming to a lot of these with you, hasn’t she?” Gwen glanced at the scowling woman when she mentioned her.
“Oh! Yes, She’s been getting more and more comfortable with my family! So more family events. I’m so proud of her,” The stars in his eyes as he spoke “,Getting more confident as the days go by. I’m so happy with her.”
Gwen smiled at him, genuinely in awe that her friend had found someone to love like that. Who loved him back just as much, if ever more.
“She left.”
The grating voice of the woman brought it seemed, everyone in the inner-circle to freeze. She sound so smug, so happily responsible.
“Oh, Yeah! A while ago, actually. Saw her leave when we were talking.”
Gwen cut it, anger lining her voice.
“And you didn’t say anything?”
The woman tried to play off innocent, trying to make it seem like Gwen was attacking her.
“What! Why would I? She looked pretty upset about something, Im not gonna intervene.”
“…Upset?” Pav whispered to himself.
Gwen peeled off of him, turning to the woman and indirectly interrogating her.
Pavitr took the chance to slip away, already on his way to grab his back and find his web slingers.
He reached the entrance to the main room, thanking the staff and grabbing his stuff.
Pulling out his phone he clicked on your contact, a photo of your squished cheeks between his thumb and forefinger while he kissed your temple the contact.
Pressing “Call Mobile.”, he waited for your answer. Putting his web slingers on in the closest ally he could find.
“C’mon, Shonu pick up.”
He put on his mask, not bothering with the rest of the shit while the tone rang out. Cursing something sweet, he put his phone in his bag, and swung it across his shoulders, shooting webs on either corner of the building, and launching himself forward.
When you came to it, there was a knock at the door.
You had spent the better half of an hour sitting in your bed, doing little to nothing but thinking about every flaw you could behold.
The way your voice sounded when you talked.
How you got nervous so easily, always in need of Pav’s soothing words to talk you through it.
To how you cried so much, and the annoyance that would cause him.
Every other thing stacked up and piled into this ugly amalgamation of why he would want to leave you.
And it was a lot of things.
You groaned as you got up, wiping the tears from your stained face, and patting your eyes to make them seem less puffy as you opened the door.
Pavitr was right behind it, flowers almost dead in his hand from how high speeds he was going to get to you.
“Did someone die?”
“Wha— Pav, no. No one died.”
“Okay good, because I got these flowers thinking I could be romantic but then realised if someone had died, probably not the time for romance.”
You giggled, the thoughts clouding you mind fading away for a moment and you relished in it.
“Can I come in?”
His voice was soft, and with the way his free hand reached out to caress the apple of your cheek. Thumb wiping away the remaining tears and comforting your heart. You couldn’t refuse him. Nodding to him, his hand fell from your face. You opened the door wider, letting him through before closing and locking it.
He went for your couch, ready to sit and talk to you. He wanted to know why you left, and not to take that lady’s words to heart—. But if you were upset, he needed to be there for you. In his heart, his head, every sense of his self— That’s what should be as a partner. The shoulder to cry on, man to love, and to love you himself. To give his all to you and let you take anything from him.
You followed him to the couch, sitting next to him like a scolded child, guilt scratching at your gut.
He kissed your temple, placing the flopping bouquet on your coffee table.
“[Name], Whats wrong? Why’d you leave without coming to get me?”
You cringed, looking down at your hands. “I didn’t mean to—,” your voice was trembling. “,—I just..”
You cut yourself off, pushing the ball of your palms into your eyes, the tears falling from the creases of your eyes and being wiped away in the same beat.
“I freaked.”
You sighed out, shaking in every inhale.
Pavitr’s shoulders sagged, a kind of saddened relief. Still worried but not nearly as much.
“You know you can come get me anytime you need baby, you must’ve walked all the way here, I mean—“
“—I tried.”
He paused. The sentence making his words fall flat in his mouth.
“You were with that— that girl. And I couldn’t—“
“[Name].” His stern voice interrupted.
“Please, Pari, don’t be.” He grabbed your hands, coddling them up in his own and shuffling himself closer to you. His knees brushing yours. You looked up at him, watching the smile lines etched into his skin slowly from.
“You know it’s only you, right?”
He was as breathless as you, less of a nerve ridden thing. More of a bashful blow.
A dumb noise left your mouth, a whine mixed with a sob. “I know.”
“Shonu. You are the only person in any universe I could love the way I do,” He promised you, the sincerity in his voice putting your mind at an ease only he could bring.
“,You understand?”
He moved ever closer, slipping his hands from yours to grab your waist and pull you over him.
“Yeah—… Yes.”
“Good.” He smiled. He kissed the crease between your brows, smoothening it away.
Your teary smile melted his heart. Small whines still wracking your body.
“I know, Thithli, I know.” He whispered to you, rubbing your skin in hypnotising circles.
Later that week, you returned home to see flower (admittedly more alive) on your kitchen counter, chocolates and sweets placed next to it.
A basket of skin care, sweets and anything you could think of on your couch.
You put the flowers in your spare vase, running a small bit of water for the plants to drink. Putting the chocolates in the fridge, not before nicking one. The caramel of the sweet making your heart ache.
You entered your room, a small envelope with a heart on the lip gaining your attention.
You approached with a smile, slipping your thumb under the paper to pull out the card.
A spider-man themed card was in your palm, you giggled at the silly image of your boyfriend on the front.
You opened it up, the words “Happy Birthday! You’re eight!” Crudely scribbled out and replaced with Pav’s messy handwriting.
“Have a good day, Shonu. I love you.”
once more i got out of hand this was meant to be 200 words tops
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kokushibouthings · 2 years
pairing – Shigaraki x reader
warnings – Sexual themes, Adultery, AFAB reader, Reader is kinda a stalker?? somnophilia, part of the LOV
You were just in shigarakis room, sitting on his bed while he plays league of legends.
Admiring him quietly...
Then you just decide to tidy up his messy room, you put some stuff inside the garbage bag with your telekinesis..
Tying it up before going to leave with the bag behind you floating and closing the door gently..
But earth to god he looks so fucking rideable while he's playing something...
You stop, and put the garbage bag in front of your door, heading inside...
You can't take it anymore...
Shigarakis POV
"what the fuck?" Fucking annoying... I scratch my neck dropping my headphones on my desk, exiting the game and shutting down my computer.
I look behind me to see Y/N gone, and some stuff were taken away... I mean she decided to throw out the mess?
I walk out the door to see a garbage bag, isn't that mine? Its in front of Y/N's door...
I guess I'll go throw it out, but can't I just decay it?
. . .
Is that Y/N? I grab onto the garbage bag with a finger lifted...
"..." Was I hearing things?
"f ...—uck...tomu.." I grab the bag leaving like I heard nothing...
Back to 1st person.
Ugh I'm tired... Is shigaraki still playing? I'll go check... I head towards his room, opening the door slightly peeking in seeing him on his bed sleeping.
You walk in his room checking if he still has some trash left, but you still quite wonder where the garbage bag went...
You give up and end up sitting on his bed too tired after all that holding onto your stomach painfully
Damn am I getting cramps?? I don't even have my period at all..
I turn to shigaraki sleeping peacefully...
All the fervent desires are creeping back inside me too quick again...but it wouldn't hurt to try would it? He wouldn't know right..??
I flush slightly red debating about it for a good minute. Before unzipping his pants...and slipping my hand inside his boxers feeling it.
This is bad but I am technically a criminal so who cares at this point...
Sliding his boxers, and pants down, groping his length, feeling every inch of him...
He already got hard that quick too.
I move my mouth over to it, licking and sucking on it before suddenly feeling a rough palm push my head down,
Moving his arm aside rechecking if he's asleep before going back to just satisfy myself...
I suck on him, hearing low whimpering and moaning slipping from him...
God he sounded so cute...
I slip my panties down, positioning my entrance at his tip... Slowly going up and down letting low moans slip from the tip of my tongue.
"Nngh..— fuuck...so good.." Muttering to myself repeating it every time.
Suddenly something happens, knees into your chest and shigaraki hovering over you.
"Did you really think...I didn't wake up when I pushed your head down?" He muttered, with his length hard still in you.
"Fucking needy slut, beg for it." Hissing words at you with your walls clenching tightly around him... But you don't even care at this point
"Please...fuck me, tomu. I fucking need it. Break me please..." I plead desperately towards him, putting on a slight grin on his face..
"Just like that." He thrusts sloppily inside of you, but it reached deeper inside of you this time than how you manually shoved his length inside of you repeatedly.. He grabs onto your hair yanking it, thrusting out and inside of you with a quick pace.. Moans slip out of your hand on your mouth..
"Fuuck...to—tomu.. Mmngh. A..aah!"
You end up cumming on his cock but shortly after he pulls out cumming on your stomach.
You both just acted like nothing happened that day ever since..
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naavispider · 2 years
I BEG OF YOU, PLEASE SHARE WITH THE CLASS QUARTICH'S POV FOR THE LAST FEW SCENES (When Quartich had a knife to kiri, when Spider saved his life, and when Spider contacted him with the communicator) PLEASE I AM ON MY KNEES, CRYING, BEGGING, SOBBING, PLEADING, GIVE IT TO MEEEEEE
I find Quaritch's pov more difficult for some reason! Anyway here is the section where Quaritch has Kiri under knifepoint, just for you 🥰🥰
His grip was firm, strong, unyielding. The girl stood stock still under his touch, any movement and she'd scrape her neck against his hunting knife. Finally, some fucking leverage.
His heart pounded as he rounded the corner, slowly bringing them into view of the one whom all this was about. The one who was costing him so damn much. Sully. Quaritch thought he would have more of a visceral reaction to finally seeing him in the flesh, stood only feet away. But instead he mostly just felt sorry for the man.
Jake Sully had an arm thrown out protectively behind him to shield his littlest - Quaritch would have hated himself even more if he had to hold that one to knifepoint instead. The ex-marine was the picture of desperate anger, glaring daggers at Quaritch, yet clearly afraid to become too violent in front of his girls. This was the perfect set of circumstances for Quaritch. He had the upper hand, after all these months.
"Don't move! Not a step!" He growled, weeks' worth of quiet anger bubbling to the surface of his voice.
Sully stilled, looking desperately between Quaritch and Kiri.
"Throw your weapons down! Now!" The girl under his grip struggled, begging Sully not to do as he said. Quaritch had to give it to her - she had some spunk.
Sully snarled furiously, before tossing his axe and knife to the floor. Not good enough.
"Kick em away!" Quaritch shouted, words cutting through the air like a knife through butter. "Do it!" He roared. The sooner he could let this damn kid go the better. Sully kicked the weapons across the deck.
"You son of a-" he started, only to be interrupted by Quaritch's next move.
The recom reached into his belt - thank fuck he still had one last pair of orange cuffs - and threw them across the deck to Sully. "Cuff yourself," he snarled.
This was it. He finally gonna get the bastard.
"No!" came a small voice from behind him.
Quaritch's heart had sunk before he'd even turned around to confirm with his eyes what his heart already knew. He could not believe Spider. The kid picked his timings impeccably. Half of him wanted to throw the kid overboard - the other half wanted to scoop him up, shield his eyes and whisper to him that he was just pretending.
He reacted with the half that he was most familiar with: anger.
“Stand there!” he had to restrain himself from screaming at his boy. Spider didn't need to be scared by him even further. But at the same time, he had to believe that Quaritch was serious.
Spider's breath caught, obviously scared, but he didn't seem deterred. "Please, don't hurt her..." he begged. The kid's eyes were searching out Quaritch's soul, God damn him. Quaritch knew if he allowed Spider to find his way beneath the shield, everything would be lost. He turned his attention back to Sully, using his voice to command the room.
"Cuffs on, now!"
Sully was shaking his head in utter desperation as he slapped one of the orange bands over his left wrist. Thank Jesus. As soon as he was bound, Quaritch could release the teenager under his knife and go and shoot Sully somewhere away from the three twerps.
Quaritch's head whipped around to follow the motion out of the corner of his eye - coming from where Spider was standing.
There was the she-devil. Damn. Sully's wife.
His eyes widened while his blood turned sour. She had her knife to Spider's throat.
What the fuck?
He thought these people were supposed to care about Spider? This didn't make any sense. The woman was more stupid than he'd realised if she thought he was going to fall for the bluff.
"Release," she hissed, "Or I cut."
Quaritch eyed her, speechless. Her face was a canvass of pain. He couldn't remember his old death, but even in the visuals Lyle had pulled from his AMP suit, Sully's wife had never looked this demonic. Her eyes were wide - larger than Sully's, larger than any of the recom squad - and her snarl looked like it could wring necks. Her face was covered in bloody splashback.
This was the face of a woman who had lost everything. A woman who would kill, mercilessly and without hesitation. This was his murderer.
His eyes fell to the blade pressed into Spider's throat. It was big - too big to be held against a small human. She gripped it in a vice. Spider's head was pulled back to better expose the skin there. Every breath he took was obvious.
"You think I care about some kid?" He tried. He had to bluff this. Even as he said it, he thought it came out weak. Godammit. "He's not mine," he continued, throwing a shrug in for added effect. "We're not even the same species..."
"Please, don't hurt her..."
"Mom, don't kill him..."
Jesus, these kids were worst hostages he'd ever seen. Made the for the best tactical bait though.
Sully's wife was still staring at him, waiting for a decision. He stood her down, silently calling her bluff. There was no way.
Before he could react, she'd slid her hand down to Spider's bare chest and sliced the knife across, letting out a horrific growl as she did so.
"Ahh!" Spider groaned, taking breaths through small hisses to steady himself. Just a flesh wound. Not serious. But then he raised his eyes to assess Sully's wife. Behind those terrifying eyes was true horror. Fury, rage, and insanity. The woman was batshit crazy, and it sent a chill all over Quaritch. His knife loosened minutely against his own hostage's throat.
"A son, for a son," she whispered, not needed to raise her voice. The whole area was silent, or so it seemed to Quaritch. He understood now. She was going to do it. And she'd have no remorse. She raised her hand high, screeching a terrible pitch, bringing the knife ready to plunge into Spider's chest...
"No!" he yelled, bringing his knife away from the girl's throat, holding it up in defeat.
Sully's wife paused just in time. He threw the girl away from him. His cover was completely blown, but he still hated the way his face had morphed into a plea towards the woman still holding his son. Fuck.
He took a breath he didn't know he was holding when she hurled Spider away from her - but not towards Quaritch. Damn her. Spider landed roughly, but got to his feet quickly, backing away from the situation - away from Quaritch. Kid was going to leave with them.
Spider was leaving... with them.
Fury raged and pulled and twisted at his insides. His squad was massacred, the operation had failed, Sully was getting away, and now he'd lost his son.
The family had started to back away into the water.
"You're not going are you Corporal?" he snarled, deadly. "Knowing that I'm out there? Knowing that... I'll never stop?" He had to get this guy. He wanted to rip his throat out with his bare hands. It was now more personal than ever. Quaritch was surprised his voice was still working when he uttered his next threat, knowing it would get the reaction he needed. "I'm coming for you and when I do I'll kill your whole family!"
The last thing he saw before Sully lunged was Spider's small, anxious face, watching on in disbelief, and he hoped that one day, Spider could forgive him.
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Amongst Friends: Chapter Four
Smut ⚠️
Smut warning!!! ⚠️
You should stop. You need to come to your senses. But then his teeth dug harshly into the side of your neck and he made a deep guttural sound. As his hands ran over your nipples, you were helpless. Lust is dominating all other emotions. Your head falls back and eyes roll. "Suguru..." your usually abrasive tone was now a whimper.
"Say it again..." he snarled madly as he sucked on the delicate skin of your collarbone. "Call out my name." The gently coaxing before has dissipated, it was a demand.
You tried to but all you could do was moan when his face lowered and tongue swirled around your areola. He lets out a frustrated groan. Again you were picked up as if you didn't weigh anything and tossed on your back, bouncing lightly.
You were in a state of shock. No other man had handled you this way. The rough way he pinned your wrist back with one hand, hovering above you. The tender touch of his fingers from the other as he trailed up your stomach, between your chest, and taking hold of your chin.
Since you had met Suguru and Satoru you had taken back control. Which mirrored your actions when you were intimate with someone. You weren't used to being the one on your back. The one pleading for more.
Suguru kisses you,  it was all consuming. Tongue and teeth. Biting and sucking. It was like he was taking ownership of your very being. "Hah..." You gasp for air when he pulls back. Leaning away just enough to tug his shirt above his head.
You admire his physique. You knew he was in shape, he boxed as a form of exercise. Seeing him above you like this was something else, sinful. Your hand reaches up on its own to caress his abs. "Ah ah..." Suguru says as if getting onto a bad pet. "I didn't give you permission to touch."
You feel yourself actually pout. "Don't look at me like that..." He warns and you feel a bit of shame. You wanted him. No, you craved to feel him. "What? What do you want pretty?"
You reach up again but he takes hold of your hands. "Use your damn words." You are going crazy. Being denied like that was twisting your mind.
"I want to touch you. Please you..." You manage to whine. A dark expression clouds his features, hearing you sound so pathetic. Suguru clicks his tongue at you condescendingly.
"I thought we taught you to get rid of your people pleasing ways. But here you are wanting to pleasure me. To appease me." Suguru continues to scold you. Some strange part of you enjoyed it. "Have you really lost yourself to me that much?"
Your lower lip quivers and you see him tense at your reaction. You shake your head yes. Again he joins his lips against yours. "You're too sweet." He mutters against the kiss. He nibbles your ear and whispers, "But I'm not done yet. So bear with me."
Gripping your hips he forces you to arch as he removes the last layer of clothes. "Look at me..." He demands again and you refuse. He pinches your inner thigh and you yelp. "Stop being stubborn."
You look up at him and he grins. He grips your thighs. "Fuck... I love them so much..." taking his time he runs his fingers along your knee taking his time moving up. You open your legs wider to guide him where you want to be touched most. But he only slows his pace. Meticulously teasing your inner thigh. While leaving marks on your neck and deep kisses on your lips.
"Suguru please...." You cry out then cover your mouth embarrassed by your outburst. Suguru chuckles, reminding you of your friend. Your mind starts to awaken. What am I doing? "This is fucking insane..." You mumble but before you could fully come back to your senses his long fingers are shoved inside of you. "Hah..."
"You're so wet..." Suguru moans as his thumb rubs your clit. You barely comprehend what he was saying. Your nails dig into the sheets and toes curl. "You are so sensitive.... God it's so adorable..." His fingers pull out slowly and you miss the feeling of being filled.
"Please!" You beg him to keep going. You moan loudly when he  pushes back in and curls his fingers, running them along your spongy walls. "Fuck yes like that..."
"Tell me I'm making you feel good..." Suguru growls his forehead pressed against your, his pupils dilated and cheeks flush.
"So good..." you say and he finds your sweet spot. Your whole body convulses under him. "You... o my god..." Tears begin to cloud your vision as he relentlessly strokes the same area. Your legs tremble. "Going to cum..."
"Already... so easy... Being such a whore for me..." Suguru degrades you just as you feel yourself crash over the edge. You cling onto his body, the sounds escaping you were unrecognizable. Your pussy clenches and unclenches as he removes his fingers.
You can't think as he brings them to his lips licking your cum. "You taste amazing." He compliments you then shoves those same fingers into your mouth. You suck them and he moans. "Filthy slut..."
He takes your hand and places it on his lap. "Look what you have done." He says as he forces you to touch his erect dick.
"Want me to take care of it for you?" You ask with a sultry pout. He bites his lip and it's the sexist thing you have ever seen. You squeeze his cock and he lets out a deep groan. The sound turns you on even more.
"Can you?" He asks as if doubting your ability. Something burns in you, the need to prove yourself. You nod confidently. "Alright then..."
You smirk almost manically. You push him back and force him down to sit against your headboard. Poor Suguru... you have made a grave mistake... This was not about simply providing you pleasure, this was about gaining back control.
It was your turn to explore him. Your mouth and tongue quickly go to work. Small bites along his neck. The soft groans he produces only motivate you more. Your tongue circling his nipples following the curve of his abs. You easily pull down his sweatpants.
Your eyes widened as his erect cock was freed, he was large. "You were so confident. Are you still sure you can handle it?" Suguru asks smugly.
You glare at him defiantly, as you run your tongue along the tip teasingly. The way he sucked in a breath made you grin. "Shut up..." you mutter and suddenly his cock was down your throat. His hand gripping your hair. You make a startled gag as he pulls you back up for air. Your eyes were watering.
"What was that pretty?" Suguru asked maliciously and you shook your head. "I could have sworn you told me to shut up..."
"Nope me? Suguru..." you backpedal suddenly realizing you may have mistaken his compliance for submission. He smiles tugging you in for another kiss leaving you breathless.
"My fault then." He whispers biting and tugging on your lower lip. Frustrated with losing control you pull his head back by his long hair. "Getting feisty again..." Suguru chuckles but then moans when you bite down on his shoulder.
"Sit up." You order him as you grip his chin and you get a smirk in return. He obliges with amusement present on his face. You take hold of him again with your hands, slowly caressing the veiny shaft. You spit and take your time rubbing the tip, you could feel him throbbing at every touch, his breathing becoming more uneven.
The moment you lower your lips to suck gently his head falls back, you see his clenched fist and arms flexing beside him. "You said I am the sensitive one Suguru. If only you could see yourself..." You whisper your breath ghosting against him.
"Watch yourself..." Suguru growls and you smile. Before he could get the chance to force his cock down your throat again, you swallow him whole. "Ahh fuck... You're too good at this..." He whines a bit as you move vigorously, choking yourself with his dick. "Hell I thought you were such a good girl.." His voice was now raspy and you can't help but rub your thighs together. "Who knew you could suck dick like this..."
Drool pools around your chin and your jaw aches. The fact you had this massive man under you losing all his ability to think made you mad with lust. "Y/N... O my god..." He cried out as you swallowed around him. "Gonna cum down that tight little throat..."
You feel his cock twitching but suddenly you wanted to toy with him. You pull up and feel him shake, as you grab the top and squeeze to stop his release. "Ahh fuck... you are cruel!!" He shouts his eyes rolling back as he bucked up into your hand desperately.
"And your adorable Suguru..." you mock him. You suck in a breath when those dark eyes open and glare down at you. A chill travels up your spine at the intensity. "Wait... Suguru..." You begin to sit back but it was to late.
He was quick and his large hand easily wrapped around your throat. His eyes never leave you as you gasp.  "You love teasing and torturing men don't you my sweet little Y/N?" His voice is menacingly low as you nod. He squeezes and you tense up as the oxygen slowly stops. Your nails dig into his forearm as your vision begins dotting with black specks.
"Sug..." you try to call his name but it's useless. Just as you felt you were about to pass out he lets go. Your head rushes and you arch forward clinging onto him as your body trembles. You moan at the sensation.
"Are you going to be good for me now?" He whispers and then sucks on your earlobe. All of your senses were heightened. His breath on your neck gave you goosebumps. You had lost all control of your body. 
"Yes I'll be good..." you groan and his hands circle around your neck once again with another tight grip, your body crumbles and you cry out from the pleasure of it all. Not able to think. "Lay on your back like a good little slut then." His lips are on yours as he devours you with a kiss. It is overwhelming.
Your body was still shaking as he lets you go and you lay down. Suguru climbs on top of you staring down with animalistic passion. "Open your mouth..." You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, still a moaning mess. You watch as he grins then strokes himself.
Without warning he guides his cock into your mouth and then grips the headboard. "You are so tough..." He thrust roughly down your throat and your arch up. You grab at his hips to try and get him to move and he laughs. "Awww you want me to fuck your throat?" Tears fall down your cheeks as you nodded. "Fuck your so cute..." He whines and as if he had lost all patients he began to slam in and out of your mouth.
"You look so hot like this..." He growls, increasing his pace. "Can't last... holy shit..." He shoves his dick down as far as possible and you feel his cum slide down as you swallow around him. "Mmm fuck!!" Suguru shouts out curses and shakily leans away. You take in breaths. Your mind is blank. You felt intoxicated. You didn't know if you could move.
Suguru recovers faster than you. You feel his tongue trace your body. All you could do was make pathetic noises. He scrapes his teeth along your lower stomach and your finger entangles into his long black locks.
"I'm going to enjoy devouring this gorgeous cunt..." You hear him but what he says does not register as you watch him remove a ponytail holder from his wrist with his teeth. He looked unexplainably sexy as he pulled up his hair into a bun.  Hypnotized by this visage you are too slow to react as he yanks your legs apart and you feel his tongue slide across your folds.
Your body is possessed as it arches up at an awkward angle. You cry out for him and he groans. He greedily sucks up your wetness and it's pure bliss. Shoving his tongue inside you already feel yourself about to climax. "Go ahead and cum. I'm not a fucking sadist like you." He says harshly then continues eating you out like he is dying of thirst. You crash over the edge and he moans into your pussy, lapping up your juices.
He doesn't stop after your walls stop tensing. "Suguru... too much!!" You whimper, now overstimulated as his tongue continues to plunge deep inside you.
"It's only fair Y/N..." he says as he now circles your clit with his tongue. "You tortured me by edging me. Now I'm going to make you cum over..." He sounded completely drunk from the taste of you, "and over and over again..." He viciously sucks on your clit and again his long fingers find the perfect spot inside of you. You were truly going insane.
You felt wet tears on your face after the third orgasm. You were pleading to him as he messily and hungrily licked and stroked you. Suguru no longer spoke just low groans and his eyes went wild and primal.
Just as your body surcame to yet another pulse of pleasure causing your head to roll back. You see your bedroom door swing open. A tall figure stands in the doorway. Your foggy mind travels to find piercing blue eyes wide in shock and a grocery bag crashes to the ground. "Satoru?" You barely recognize your horse voice as you stare at your other best friend.
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reginas-toy · 3 months
Chapter 4: 3. The Dreams of You Make Me Go Crazy
The private diary of Wednesday Addams (do not open)
The dreams have been getting worse. In the last week I have started my days the same. Wake up feeling especially adamant to partake in procreation with a particular someone, check my undergarments which get wet after the night beforehand. In my sleep I seem to let go of the chains that hold my being together and put on different type of chains, those of primal lust and pleasure. My body (very understandably might I add ) has the reaction of pure lust which in turn leads to the soaked panties. Not unusual for people my age, however what is strange is that these sorts of dreams coincide with Enid's cycle even though I have been in love with her for months now. A coincidence perhaps, but one which needs to be monitored. However, for now I shall continue with my research and enjoy the position I am in. End of entry
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Enjoy her position she did. It was now Thursday of the first week of Enid's cycle. Her urges were getting stronger and stronger. The switch between happy go-lucky Enid and the werewolf became more sudden. Because of this Enid skipped biology class, choosing to rather explore her own body in a quaint stall in the closest of Nevermore's bathrooms. It wasn't the prettiest place but it'll have to do thought Ms. Sinclair. Suddenly any thoughts of where she was at vanished as the cycle took over her mind.
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By the time it took over completely Enid's skirt and panties were just above her knees. The girl herself was lying face down. Her ass was in the air, her cunt wet, begging to be touched, anticipating her own fingers entering. And they did, slowly at first, but soon the werewolf was writhing around the ground in great pleasure fingering her cunt fast and expertly, if someone had walked in it would look like Enid had gone mad. However if we were to explore the inner thought of our beloved Enid all would be more clear. For you see from the moment she switched her head was full of thoughts. Unstoppable amounts of thoughts, even now SO OVERWHELMING. It was driving her insane, one vivid imagination after another. In some she saw Willa naked and tied up, in others she FELT Wednesday's wet dripping cunt as if she were Infront of Enid, being fucked by the werewolf, in yet another fantasy she saw a collar on her neck and saw herself lapping up Wednesday's juices and one where Willa was nothing but Enid's toy to be proudly shown off to others and walked on a leash. Whichever one it was it was overwhelming and made Enid moan in pleasure.
It was like a telepathic scream sent directly to Willa and her alone. The energy was huge. Wednesday crossed her legs. It was the middle of the day and she was feeling herself get wet, which she had to say was a first in classes. She also noted that during biology especially, her mind always wandered over to Enid's claws, thighs and ass and the wet mouth-watering cunt that she observed every day for almost a week now. It was as if Enid was drawing her in slowly, invading her thoughts, her dreams, even parts of herself she restricted. The Connection with her werewolf was so strong, so primal, she couldn't control anything anymore. Her showers became longer and longer. Whereas previously it was as easy as undress get into the shower and get out, now it took ages, undressing, getting in the hotter than ever shower and touching, lots and lots of touching. Willa found her own body so much more attractive and in need of touch, it yearned for it, pleaded with Willa's delicate, slender fingers. Her writing changed too, her cold and clear detective novel shifted into having passionate well-crafted sex scenes.
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Under normal circumstances Enid would've been concerned but god damn it, every pair of her pretty panties was now wet, stained and smelt of her cum (on top of it all her favourite pair was missing) and not only that, but she could also barely keep up with her classes. Her day dreams were getting worse. They made her go insane, every time she saw Wednesday her imagination would make her think about her roomies slender body being bent over, the feeling of being inside her wet cunt. Nothing could stop the werewolf's cravings, well almost nothing…
quite the chapter ei? that took a lot of writing sessions but I like it, hopefully more of the insanity on the way
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
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Pairing: Eddie x pregnant plus!size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Author’s note: This was a request by @generouspuppypuppy. Just a quick one shot. Hope you like it. Feedback is appreciated
Warnings: Language and fluff. Not proof read and no word count.
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night craving fast food. But your baby daddy is passed out. 
You felt a kick in you lung late one night. You had just fallen asleep when your unborn child decided to use your lung as a punching bag. You struggled to sit up because of your protruding belly and Eddie's arm draped over your chest. You were 8 and a half months pregnant and you were starving. Your cravings for fast food was so intense for the past month that poor Eddie barely got any sleep because of it.
You had put on more weight than you should've in the past 3 months, that you were starting to worry that you would never be able to get it off. See you were already a big girl and you didn't find out you were actually pregnant until you were deep into your second trimester. You thought for a while you were just sick. And you really had an irregular menstrual cycle. So it wasn't a shock that you didn't have one for 3 months. But then all of a sudden you felt something move in your belly when Eddie was laying on you one night in the winter.
He always liked to lay on you because you were so warm and soft. But when he felt that move too he freaked. You guys have been dating for years since he graduated and moved to Indianapolis. You met him at an open mic night. He was standing behind the bar working while you and your band played. You were the bass guitarist playing all Eddie's favorite songs.
He was in awe of you and how you moved. How you held the guitar so close to your wide hips. He instantly fell in love. He offered to buy you a drink after the performance and you actually declined. There were so many nights after you rejected his advances. But finally. Finally! You gave the tall lanky man a chance. He took you on so many cute little dates. Sometimes it was just a walk in the park or sitting in the small living room of his studio apartment playing cards. He never got handsy or tried to force you into anything.
Even when you kissed for the first time he was so damn nervous and cute. It honestly felt like it was his first kiss. He was really bad at it. You thought someone so handsome would have girls begging on their knees for him. Worshipping him like some god. But then after the terrible first kiss he explained that he never actually dated someone. Or even had sex. Which only made him more adorable. And well the rest was history.
" Ed's." You shook him. " Ed's...wake up."
He wouldn't. He was so tired the poor thing. But the baby wasn't having it. So you grabbed the pillow from behind you and smacked his softly with it. Your eyes widened when he shot right up.
He jumped out of bed and scrambled around. Hopping as he put on one of his shoes.
" Ed's?" You smiled how flustered he got.
He was too worried to hear you. He fumbled around knocking things over with one shoe on looking for your go bag.
" Shit!" He yelped as he slipped and fell.
He hopped back up quickly and put on his other shoe. He grabbed his keys and then went to the bathroom to get something. You just sat there watching with a smirk.
" Fuck what am I doing?! He went back out and then came back in.
He went to the closet and pulled out your bag and was searching for something.
" Shit shit shit! Baby don't freak but I think I lost my keys."
"Ed's...they're in your hand."
He stopped and looked in his hand. " Oh....okay baby. Where does it hurt? Let me know how close the contractions are. No, forget that let's go. Let's get your slippers on."
He tried to pull the blanket off of you but you grabbed his hand.
"Common love. The baby's coming." He pleaded
" Ed's...the baby isn't coming. She better not. Right peanut. It's too early." You said looking at your tummy and rubbing it.
Eddie sighed and relaxed. " Shit princess. I thought-"
" We're just hungry Ed's." You smiled and kissed his cheek. " But great response time."
He chuckled. " Damnit you scared me."
" I'm sorry babe."
He hugged you and put his free hand on your belly. " What do my girls want?"
" Fries and a chocolate strawberry shake."
" Coming right up." He kissed your forehead and started for the door.
" Ed's.."
He turned back with a grin. " Yeah don't forget the ketchup."
" Well yes. But, you can leave the bag here."
His arm went up to rub his neck. " uh right." He laughed and put the bag back in the closet.
" God I love you Munson."
" I love you too princess. I will be right back."
" Be careful Ed's. I need my king and father of our unborn back safe and sound."
He did a low bow. "As my queen commands"
He jogged to you planting one long smooch on your lips. He definitely got better at that.
" Alright I have to go. My baby is hungry." He said nearly tripping as he ran out.
You smiled and held your stomach. " honestly kiddo you are gonna have the best daddy in the whole world....Now if only he would use that ring he keeps hidden in the underwear drawer and asks mommy to marry him soon."
Eddie came back pretty fast and his eyes were barely open.
" Oh Ed's I'm so sorry." You held out your arms to give him a hug.
" It's okay love. Whatever my girls need. I'll get it."
He kicked off his shoes and handed you the milk shake and bag. He climbed in and hugged your tummy. He smiled feeling her kick. You had pulled out chicken nuggets handing them to him. He always got chicken nuggets with no sauce. Which was definitely strange.
" Mmm. I love you."
Eddie looked at you as you took a sip of your shake. Chewing on a nugget "Are you talking to me or food?"
" umm. Should I lie or tell the truth?" You said eating a french fry.
" uhh the answer better be me."
" Yeah. Yeah. Duh of course I love you too."
He narrowed his eyes. " TOO!"
You laughed and happily rocked side to side eating and drinking. When all of a sudden you heard Eddie snoring. You looked over and he had a half eaten chicken nugget in hand, resting on his chest.
You leaned and gave him a kiss on the cheek. When you lifted he smiled. You plucked the nugget out of his hand and popped it into your mouth.
"M-marry me." Eddie mumbled.
Your head shot to look at him. He was definitely still out. But he said it again saying your name this time.
You smiled and whispered. " Ask me when you get up."
"Okay. Love you." Eddie sighed
"Love you Ed's."
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codenamehazard · 1 year
.:Mournful Maelstrom:.
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Chapter 17: Mournful Malestrom
Hey guys! Another slow chapter to further cool heels as we see what Cole's up to after the last chapter. Hope you guys don't mind!
Let's jump in!
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Dirt and gravel crunch under my feet as I wander the battlefield on the outskirts, a place I know nobody will follow me. I didn’t know if any of Mako’s friends had noticed my absence, but I didn’t care. They’ll be fine not knowing. It’s none of their business anyways. They don’t need to know and I don’t want to explain.
I walk over to the body of a husk and kick it over, looking at its gnarled face and emaciated body. A broken shell of what once was a Conduit from what I understand. A Conduit who’s powers turned against them and became like a parasite, draining their body. I continue on and see all of the crumpled bodies surrounding me, some were charred to cinders from my Lightning Storm. I scoff at those matchsticks, even crushing the head of one.
If I’m to be honest, I’m numb to these sights. Sights of devastation and death, I’ve caused quite a few. Hell, I even reveled in some. The feeling of absolute power, knowing how easily I can bring armies to their knees, have them pleading for mercy and showing them none. Giving society the monster they begged for.
But this stroll… Is different. While the sight of these broken bodies give me hits of dopamine, it did little to dull the pain of my heavy heart. For this battle had a casually I actually gave a damn about.
Speaking of that casualty, I walk over to the body of the one who caused it. The heap of genetic nonsense that was this god-awful thing. Its corpse looked like it had been picked at by vultures. I sneer at it as I kick one of its bones and crush it. As I do, a thought clears through the chaos in my mind. A line of questioning that has cycled through the years again and again since the beginning.
It seems it’s always the same when it comes to Conduits and their relationship with their powers, I saw it with Sasha and Alden, I saw it with Bertrand, the Swamp Monsters and the Icemen and now I’m seeing it here on an even greater scale. Twisted minds and warped bodies. I look at my own hands, shifting my powers to reveal my Beast form. Staring at my ashen skin and twisted black veins. Even my own power has corrupted me to some extent.
My body wasn’t fully corrupted. Even in this form, my humanity is still there somewhat. A pale echo, but still there. Why? I mean… Yeah sure, it could be argued it’s a ruse, like Bertrand’s disguise, but still… When that bastard’s true form was laid bare, he looked like a monster, wholly and truly. Yet here I am standing, my power of the Beast showing, yet I still look human. Even with the color-change, my features are unchanged. I still look like… Me. Why?
I shake my head as a new string of thoughts come through, the situation I really wanted to think about. I stare at the monstrous corpse one more time before walking away, heading off to a clearing where these twisted forms won’t distract me.
Away from the town and the bodies, I sit in an open field, staring at the night sky before pulling out a coil from my backpack, a piece of the Amp, one of many pieces. This weapon, the last thing that Zeke ever gave to me. Something he toiled day in and day out to create, crafted to perfection. Something that started out an olive branch to mend our friendship and became the last scrap of the life I used to know… Of the only friend I had in this damned world…
And it’s gone.
The turbulent thoughts crash through my mind like a raging storm, breaking through the emotional barrier I had up and letting the tears flow free. The screams of a broken man rip from my throat as I grip the sleeves of my shirt and curl up into a ball. I have tried so many times, spent days trying to repair it on my own and I couldn’t!! I couldn’t fucking fix it!! I let go of my sleeves and bury my face into my hands before wailing in grief. The Amp, it’s broken, shattered, in shambles, destroyed, ruined, and I can’t fix it!!! The only thing in the GOD-FORSAKEN WORLD I gave an iota of a damn about! The last remnant of my best friend, my brother, and it’s gone!!
My body heaves and trembles with broken tears as sparks pop off of my back. They don’t stop flowing down my face. At this point, I don’t care as it’s the only thing I can do. Scream and cry. At least I’m far away from any prying eyes, lest I be ridiculed.
The tears keep flowing and the sobs keep spilling until my voice is shot and hoarse, my whole body aches from the relentless wailing and screaming, but at least now I don’t feel like I’m fighting against a tidal wave and my head’s a little clearer. With a shaky breath, I let out a ragged sigh.
Now that I’ve had my pity party, I can now think. God, it’s ridiculous. I made this choice. It’s my fault Zeke’s gone, I killed him.
“Just like you killed her.” A familiar venomous voice hisses out in my mind, but I shake my head to keep it from taking root.
Wiping my tear-stained face, I think back to the day Mako and I talked in Droptown. How she suggested I should seek out the Gunsmith, how highly she spoke of Kestrel. I also think about our history. I know Mako said that if I went to her to fix the Amp, she would do me no wrong… But how can I trust her? After everything she’s pulled? With her biting words and her fiery spite, I wouldn’t put it past her to do something just to hurt me since she can’t do jackshit to me physically.
Still… In that same history… The bird has shown glimpses of the side that Mako talks about. Her apologizing and taking ownership of her fuck-ups, to me of all people. Someone who tried to kill her, someone who hated her guts and someone she hated in kind. Yet, she still apologized to me. The last person anyone would think she owed an apology to.
Then there was the battle with the mutant gorilla thing. She could have let that thing take a swing at my head and lop it off. It would have freed her from her obligation to me. She wouldn’t have to uphold her end of the bargain. She would never have to deal with me ever again. Hell, letting that thing body me would be doing the world a favor as far as society was concerned.
Yet… She pushed me out of the way. Why?
To add on top of that, what was with that “Besides, I have a deal to uphold, don’t I?” thing? She actually… Wants to uphold the deal? Her end of the bargain? Why? I upheld my end, she got the shards and finished her project and even though it was a flop, she still was able to finish it before that monster showed up. She had an easy out, why didn’t she take it? I shake my head, nothing about that girl made any sense to me.
But in that rambling stream, I found a flicker of hope. It’s a dim one, but a light is still a light. She wants to uphold our deal, that means she’s willing to work with me despite everything… And  might be willing to change our arrangement. I know it means I won’t be getting my shotgun, but at this point, I couldn’t give a shit.
Compared to the Amp? That gun is worth less than the dirt on the bottom of my boot. I would happily give up ever getting a gun I could use just so I can have the Amp fixed.
My mind now made up and my emotions calm, I stand up and vent out the rest of my pent up energy before making my way back to Droptown, hopefully the Misfits haven’t left, but if they had, I can wait in town. Since it is a bit of a hub for them. I may not be a patient man, but I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for a chance to have it fixed.
I know this is a gamble, as there is always the chance she’ll say no… But I’m willing to take that chance.
For Zeke…
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jjungkooksthighs · 2 years
"I've told you before that by the time I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk. "
W-wait.. I thought that was just an e-expression. You were being serious, alpha..?*whimpering*
"Have you considered that if I can render you incapable of walking with how hard and rough I can fuck you–my mate–there are other ways I deal with wolves that think it wise to cross me?"
*eyes tearing up as I sink into my chair*
I n- never thought of it that way..
Oh my fucking god.
I think I'm going to faint with how terrified I am right now. Omfg omfg I'm crying. Sobbing. Bawling my eyes out.
Alpha, I've understood the number of humongous fucking mistakes I've made over the past few days. I just wanted to see how far I could push you, and I think in the future, I'd have to think twice, thrice, infinite times before doing regrettable yet enjoyable no sorry, sorry shit like this.. I've pushed your buttons far too much, and I've realised it far too late. I beg for your forgiveness. I'm so fucking terrified right now, am bawling my eyes out, and my hands and spine are trembling, so please, show me mercy. Be the bigger person here and please be merciful with your omega. I don't know what possessed my being to speak so disrespectfully, misbehave, to even try and challenge your words and you, my alpha. I don't know how I could have allowed myself to be possessed by anything other than you.
I'll do as you say regarding listening to the audios, please guide me. However, I beg of you to please.. show me mercy. I will do as you say. I now realise that I have no choice. I submit. I have no choice. I'll never forget how you are capable of beastly intimidation ever again.. I'll try not to forget that you own every single part of my soul, body, me. Please, I beg of you alpha... grant me your forgiveness.. Forgive your dear omega, your mate..
Cry for me more. Your tears fall so readily onto my tongue. Even now, you cannot help but to get wet for me.
Look at you now, my omega. How far you have cracked from that wooden facade that crumbled so easily under me. Trembling and stuttering just like you always do in my presence.
You had better think about your actions next time or risk severe punishment, little wolf, because I assure you that next time I will not entertain your rebellious act as I did this time. Next time, you'll be dragged to my chambers by the scruff of your neck by my own teeth. I'll bend you over my knee and discipline you with some slaps on that pretty ass of yours before you get thrown over the nearest surface and taken from behind while I hold your hands with one of mine behind your fucking back.
You say you are terrified now, but you were on the cusp of awakening another side of me. A side that is entirely primal. Unhinged and unrelenting.
You can beg all you wish–and you're so cute when you plead for me like that–but I've already made up my mind. You made your bed; now you have to lie in it.
I will make sure that this does not happen again. And the only way to do that is to teach you a lesson. One where you will be punished for your wrongs.
"Be the bigger person here," you say...well, I am big in many aspects of myself. Big arms, big thighs, big hands...big cock, too. All of which I will use to pound you, rail you, and take you until all you can do is pass out from it all.
And when you wake, there will be no more rest. I'll mount you as many times as I need to until I'm satisfied and secure in the knowledge that you've been thoroughly tamed and trained to obey me.
Because you'll know then what happens if you do not.
You wanted this. You wanted to play with fire. It's why you let yourself continue even after I told you to put the damn stick down.
This whole thing started with your disloyalty in succumbing to the voices of other males. You do not need any when you have me. Clearly I have not done well in assuring you of that, but you'll learn tonight. Tonight, you're going to be instructed over and over on who the only male is that can please you. That can touch you. That can screw you.
You tell me you'll try not to forget that I own you, but it is only a matter of time before you are shown, without a doubt, that it is but a fact that you belong to me and me alone.
No amount of pleading will aid you now. Your fate is sealed.
It is a fortunate thing that it is colder due to the winter that has come. It will be fun to rip your clothes to shreds and watch your skin pebble and your pretty, perky nipples harden without my body to keep you warm.
And you'll beg for me then just as you do now, but I won't come to you. You'll remain exactly where I tell you to, bound by silver that I made for you that I'll put on your wrists and ankles.
You'll whine for me. You'll whimper for me. You'll even cry for me.
I will not let you escape from this. You will repent with those words of yours and you will fucking mean it. And if you can convince me that you are sincere and earnest in those apologies, maybe then I will take off the anklets. The bracelets will stay on. The entire night.
You will not get to touch me. Not until you're drooling and limp underneath me, your throat aching from how loud you'll have screamed my name over and over again.
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northliights · 2 years
One foot is shoved between the door and it's frame before she's able to slam it in his face, green eyes glancing over her shoulder as if to gaze into the seemingly empty apartment. There's a cat just behind her, staring with those judgmental eyes that Jaime had come to expect, and giving little flicks of the tail that curves around back paws. He misses that damn cat, he thinks. Misses the way she'd scratch at bare ankles during the night as if punishing him for a quick getaway - and as if she can read such thoughts, Anastasia's fur suddenly puffs up slightly and Jaime grins at the sight of it.
"Still a bitch, I see." At Aurora's answering expression he stumbles slightly, eager to set right the apology he's already fucked up. "The cat. Not..." His mouths gone dry, tongue sticking to the roof like damp cotton and for the first time that Jaime Lannister remembers .. he doesn't feel like the golden lion London makes him out to be. A tarnished silver, maybe.
"Aurora." Fingers curl around the edge of the door and he rocks his weight, suddenly far too aware of the fact he's forcing himself upon a woman who has already banished him, pride warring with shame. "You were the best of me, you saw the best of me." Let me be the man you thought I was. The plea is on the tip of his tongue, he's ready to all but beg on his knees if that's what it takes for her to listen..."I want to be that man, the one you saw. The one you said you loved."
It hits him like a bolt of lightning, a spark that spreads like wildfire through the hollow of a suddenly deflated chest and it takes all of Jaime's willpower to not audibly gasp from the force of it. It's not a lie, he realizes. And as he steps away from the door, freeing it so Aurora can shut herself away if that's her wish, the Lion of Lannister acknowledges that the one thing he can do to actually be that man is to acknowledge that he's man enough to set her free, to let her go. Whether he intends to actually do so, remains to be seen.
"I'm sorry. I know it does nothing now and probably won't tomorrow, but...I am."
Please, Gods, let her talk to me.
His intrusion into her world is an unwelcome one, a visit she hadn’t looked for, one she’s frankly hoped to avoid in the months since they parted ways, but the Lion of Lannister never did do what she needed. It had always been about what he wanted, what was convenient or comfortable for him, and in the end walking away had been the easiest choice she’d ever made - one that she would never regret making no matter how much he pleaded with her now.
Narrowing her eyes at him, Aurora sets her jaw and listens for a moment to the words that spill like honey from his lips, her gaze simmering with righteous anger as she plays over and over again in her mind the night she’d found out his secret, the sense of betrayal still as fresh as the day it had happened, and when he’s finally done begging for her attention like the dog he is, Aurora draws a deep, calming breath before she speaks.
“You want to be the man I thought you were.” It’s not a question, the statement hanging in the air between them like a challenge, and Aurora folds her arms across her chest in a pose that makes her smaller frame slightly more intimidating as she gives him a slow glance up and down, eyes filled with unmistakable disdain. “That man is dead, Jaime. You killed him the moment you left me and went home to her.” She pauses, wishing she could stop the way her voice trembles with the force of her anger and pain, lungs aching with the need to screech at him like the banshee that she is beneath the surface.
But instead, it’s a calm and collected Aurora who speaks one last time, her gaze cool as she  meets his, the spark of recognition gone and her expression flat and emotionless. “Thank you for stopping by. Give your sister my best...”   She begins to inch the door closed, unable to resist the urge to fire one last shot across his bow, a parting volley that she knows will sting with the amount of venom she’s poured into it.
“I’m sure she already had yours.”
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paddockbunny · 2 years
DYYYYYYYYYYYYYING at that Toto fic! can you write for Daniel please? Maybe either during an activiy cause that sounds interesting........or maybe his own car sex one?
Into the Woods
Summary : Daniel and the boys decide to go hiking. But what happens when the hike gets a little too tough for you? Rating : 18+ Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x Reader Word Count : 2.6k Warnings : NSFW, adult material, 18+, language, PinV sex, slight fingering, unprotected sex
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"God…” you huff through gritted teeth as you tried to catch your breath. The guys were storming ahead and you cursed Daniel for bringing you along when you knew you’d be struggling along at the back. You liked hiking and could usually keep up. But these boys were practically running up the trail as if they had been promised a harem at the top. Your boot clad feet pounded into the rocky dirt track as your thighs burned like they had been set on fire. “Fuck…” You moaned as you saw the big muddy reddish boulders that the boys were tackling and you seriously contemplated crying. It was too much for you and you finally came to that realisation as your doofus boyfriend finally shouted back to check on you. “Hey baby, you ok?” The look you shot Dan was a mixture of I am going to fucking kill you and if you don’t come give me a piggy back all the way home I’m going to cry. You blinked several times when you saw that signature wide smile appear on his face followed by a loud, roaring laughter. “Stay there, I’ve got you.”
You stood exactly where you were and observed as the boys all came to a stop while Daniel tentatively made his way back to you. As he got closer, you looked up while his feet were practically level with your head and saw the slightly dirty black and grey trainers on his feet and you rolled your eyes. The damn fool was hiking in a pair of trainers while you were wearing big professional looking hiking boots - the ones he specifically told you you had to bring for the terrain, the ones he told you to bring that weighed your suitcase down, the ones that had given you blisters and made your feet ache - and it was at that point you genuinely contemplated killing him.
Daniel was still smiling when he reached you and let out a few small clucks of laughter upon seeing your silently fuming face. You pressed your tongue into the roof of your mouth to stop you from calling him a whole bunch of names you had been manufacturing for the past hour when the trail got exceedingly tougher. He bit his bottom lip as he pulled a twig from your hair and smoothed your tresses back down. “How’s my girl doing?” He asked and now that he was standing a foot away from you, his eyes staring directly into your soul, you felt your anger dissipate and you began to soften. “I can’t do anymore. I’m sorry, I tried.” You didn’t like admitting defeat. You didn’t want him thinking badly of you. You had wanted to make him proud that his girlfriend was able to keep up with the boys but your body was begging, no pleading, with you to stop. “Thank God!” He whispered under his breath and he exhaled heavily and put his hands on his knees. “I’m so tired.” You couldn’t tell if he was being truthful but in all honesty you didn’t care.
“What do we tell them?” I motioned with a head tilt to the 5 men waiting further up. I suddenly wanted to laugh at how the guys were so competitive they wouldn’t give up even if they wanted too. They probably all wanted to stop too but none of them wanted to hurt their pride. “Uh, guys…” Daniel shouted “we’re just going to head back, it’s getting a bit too rough for this little one to keep up with.” When he patted you on the head like a little puppy you blinked a few times in disbelief. But then again, he had stopped to come back with you so you couldn’t be mad.
“It’s funny how it’s quicker coming back the way that it is going up, isn’t it?” Daniel said cheerily and you nodded. Truthfully, you were trying not to lose your footing so his small talk was beginning to annoy you. “It’s beautiful up here.” It again was met with no reply “Do you think it would be ok for kids? What age do you think kids would be able to go hiking? Do you think kids actually like going hiking?” “DANIEL!” You shouted at him and his face went blank for a minute before he giggled like a kid. “Honestly, it’s actually like being here with a kid. You’ve not stopped talking.” You playfully moaned and had a small laugh yourself and he stopped, flung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him. “Sorry, exercise makes me chatty.” “No shit!” You scoff and can practically feel the smile radiating through him.
You continue down the trail a little bit. Even in sweats you can see how athletic he is and how he’s barely broken a sweat. Actually, you try to remember when you actually have seen him break a sweat. And other than after a race, it dawns on you it’s only when the pair of you are having a particularly energetic sex session. Then while he holds your hand to help you down a big pile of sharp rocks, your mind wanders directly to the last time the pair of you had had sex. It had been days, six to be exact. Almost a whole week. Six days of being here in the wilderness, at a lodge with 5 of his best friends. It wasn’t exactly conducive to hot, sweaty, passionate sex, was it? But…
You were alone with him right now. And, no one else was around.
“Dan…” you lulled and tugged on his sweatshirt lightly to slow his pace down so you could move directly in front of him. Your eyes trailed from his dark chocolate eyes, down that nose you loved so much, to his full pouty bottom lip that drove you absolutely insane. “This might sound crazy but…” you pressed your body against his and the burning from your sore thighs travelled further up and now your pussy was throbbing due to where your mind had travelled too. A wave of pure thrilling excitement washed over you as you pressed your lips to his and whispered; “…let’s have sex, right here.”
Straight away shock was written all over his face. He blinked a few times as if he hadn’t heard you properly but his ears were certainly not playing tricks on him. You really had said that. A small twinge of a smile appeared on the mouth you had just kissed before he asked if you were serious. “Mmmm hmmmm…” you nodded and tan you hands down his chest before back up to gently caress his neck “it’s been days,” you pressed even closer against him in order to convince him but you really didn’t think he would need much at all. And when you whispered; “I need you to take care of me…Please baby....Pretty please.” With an almost comical glance around he finally grabbed your arm and pulled you off the trail in amongst some tall trees.
“Fuck…” he moaned “this is so fucking hot.” His voice did that darkening thing it always did when he was hard and horny. It was your own personal music because it was only you that got to hear it. That and the moans he made when he was fucking you. The groans and grunts he makes when he cums were for your ears only and right now the thought made your panties dampen. Speaking of which, while he pressed your front against the rough bark of a tree, his hands were pawing at your ass. Roughly grabbing it before he sighed when he pulled your leggings down over it. You moaned at the sudden cool air hitting your hot pussy and you felt like you would die if he didn’t touch you soon. “Dan…” you sighed “please!” You wanted to feel him. You were so desperate to have him that you didn’t care if it was his fingers, mouth or cock that were driving you toward an orgasm, you just needed him to make you cum.
Finally, his fingers ran up and down your soaking wet folds and he practically growled. The contact made you lunge forward. It wasn't enough. You needed more. “Fuck baby….you should have told me sooner you were this wet.” His fingertips gently slipped inside you - only a little - and he pulled back out leaving you utterly wanton for him. If you hadn’t had such heightened senses in that moment you would have missed the sound his mouth made when he sucked on his fingers. Tasting you on them. The image of looking down and seeing Daniel’s dark curls between your thighs as he went to town eating your pussy, flashed in front of your eyes and instinctively you pushed your hips back. It just came natural to you but you hadn’t expected to feel his bare cock when you did so. He worked so fast.
“Fuck, look at me…” he asked and you used your hands to brace yourself against the tree as you turned and looked over your shoulder at him. His eyes were practically stormy and completely ready to devour you. “You’re so fucking beautiful….” His cock ran up and down your soaking, throbbing folds. Internally you were screaming at him to do it, to fuck you, rail you out here in the open. There was absolutely nothing else in the world you wanted more in that moment than him pounding into you mercilessly. You were lost in those thoughts when he finally did thrust into you. Your legs felt like they might give way from how deep he felt. Your mouth fell open and you realised how cock starved you had been. “Daniel!” You yelped as he wasted no time warming up and he began to pound into you. His body curling against yours as he reached round and gave you a little extra help by way on his fingers touching you clit.
Moans poured from your lips and grunts and groans fell from his. He kept thrusting his cock again and again and again. Each time hitting that spot inside of you that he always knew how to find. Your legs were sore and tired and yet somehow, just out of sheer pleasure at him railing you, they managed to keep you up as you felt your orgasm starting to ascend upon you. The sound of his skin hitting yours and mixed with the beautiful noises he kept making. “I’m so close…” Daniel’s voice poured from him through gritted teeth. His breathing fast and unsteady gave him away. His pulsating, throbbing, hard cock inside your drenched pussy giving it away even more. “Fuck, baby….” He sighed again.
“Daniel….” You whimpered breathily “right there!” You exclaimed as a slight change in angle had his tip directly massaging your g-spot with every, single, thrust. “Right…..there, right there!” the words poured from your gasping mouth as your hands gripped the mossy fought bark of the tree before you. His hand fell from your clit and gripped both of your hips so hard you were sure his fingertips would have left marks but you didn’t care.
Your mind went blank when he finally slammed in one final time and it was enough for you to topple over the very tip of the edge he had you dangling from. An orgasm ran through your body and wrecked it. Your legs shook and threatened to give way as your lungs struggled for air. Lunging forward you practically had your face on the dirty tree trunk as pure buzzing ecstasy reached every inch of your being. You could easily be forgiven if you got emotional from the hard hitting orgasm your incredible boyfriend had just pulled from you. But as much as you were in the highs of the ultimate passion, you heard Daniel groan again behind you and quickly refocused on the fact he too was ready to fall over the edge and his thrusts had gotten lazier since he felt you orgasm around him. Your pussy tightening, clenching, pulsating around him. “Fuck….” He growled. And then, just like that, he quickly followed. His cock twitching inside of you as he came. Filling you up with his milky seed. The feeling was intoxicating and now - with his body completely flush against your back - you felt him convulse and shake as his orgasm swept through his body. His mouth was right against your ear and you focused on his rugged, jaggy breathing.
“We definitely need to do that again.” His words came out staccato and totally spent you turned around to face him still against the tree truck. Bracing your weak legs. Weak from the trail or the railing you had just had, you weren’t sure. He had a smirk painted on his face and for a second you watched as he put his cock away and pulled his teal green sweatpants back up his thighs. Moaning at the loss of the momentary view of the dick you at this point would die for. Finally as his eyes glanced over at you, pink leggings still around your knees he let out a quiet laugh. Daniel was only a few feet away from you but he closed the gap quickly with outstretched hands.
“Does my girl need some help? Too cock drunk to move eh?” He practically purred out of sheer delight and smugness at seeing you like this. He got down on one knee before his hands collected the soft, tight, Lycra material and worked them back up your thighs. Pausing when he saw his own milky white cum begin to dribble out of your glistening pussy. His eyes in direct eye-line it was like he was momentarily transfixed on the sight. Well, it wasn’t like either of you had brought anything to clean up with. You were supposed to be on a hike, remember. The smugness radiated from his body as he glanced up at you while continuing his task. The damp, wet material of your panties now mixed with Daniel’s spent pleasure oozed out of you slowly. Something inside him screamed of pride thinking of the journey down you would have to make with his cum making a wet patch between your thighs. Seeping through your dusky pink leggings. You had nothing to cover up with and it sent a pulse-wave of excitement ripping through his body at people knowing what you two had just done. How his girl was so desperate for him she pulled him into the woods to fuck her against a tree. Once he finished, your leggings now finally back in place, he arose and kissed you gently. “I fucking love you.” You knew he did. You were perfectly matched for him and that was because no one else on earth was as perfectly matched for you. He pulled you away from the tree that had moments ago been a lifeline to save you from falling on the ground while your legs shook from the orgasm he drove out of you. And after making your way back through the trees you got back on to the torturous trail that made you pitstop in the first place. “Do you think they’re still climbing?” You asked as his arm went around your neck. “Sheer pride won’t let any of them quit.” He replied. “Good.” You stated confidently “that means we will get back to the house before any of them do….” He glanced down to see how you were going to finish that sentence “you can help me shower to clean up.” “Shower sex now? You really are horny today aren’t you?” He laughed and you could feel the pride practically shining out of him.
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aizawaskittenwhore · 4 years
𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘸 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
≛ 𝘧𝘵. 𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘶, 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰, 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰, 𝘥𝘢𝘣𝘪, 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘴.
≛ 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵. 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵.
≛ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴: 1𝘬
≛ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘥𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢 /𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨/𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺, 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘥𝘰𝘮 (𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪), 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.
𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 18. 𝘥𝘶𝘩.
i’m gonna be honest
that whole “innocent bby deku🥺” shit is played out. this man will demolish your pussy and will not apologize for it.
izuku has the full capacity to be rough in bed, so don’t let his sweet and demure presence fool you
he’s really into overstim surprisingly enough
watching you stir and keen as you cum again for the third time in a row fills him with a sense of pride
knowing nobody else could make you whine like this, make you sputter and stumble over each word, make you cream all over the dick the way he does
he also adores fucking you to the point where you can’t form a comprehensible sentence
he’ll give you deep, slow strokes while holding a bullet vibe directly to your swollen clit, pine eyes sparkling as he watches you plead for him to stop, yet buck your hips into him, chasing another orgasm.
calls you bunny instead of puppy bc ew
“you’re so insatiable, bunny. you like it when i—ah, fuck!—tease your pussy like this? ‘like it when i take what’s mine?”
the pleasure is overwhelming, insurmountable as he brings you to that prepice over and over again until you’re crying.
he’ll then flip you onto your stomach, hands digging into the dimples and slopes of your hips before absolutely impaling you on his length
he’s thick, and comes in at a solid 6-7 inches, so you’re always sore after a round or two
breeding kink. like a major one.
izuku wasn’t always the most confident in his abilities as a boyfriend let alone a lover
so when you started letting him cum inside you it was a huge boost
likes breeding you before work so he can think about the guys that hit on you in the break room smelling the scent of sex all over your body as you walk past them, sticky white fluid creeping down the leg of your pantyhose.
he couldn’t keep other guys from looking at you, but he could damn sure remind you of who you belonged to.
oh, and he’ll slide two fingers in once he’s done and scoop as much of his cum between them as possible before slipping them in your mouth so he can watch you suck it all off
this mf is possessive and nasty.
that’s it. send tweet
nah but in all seriousness, katsuki loves watching your eyes well up with tears as you squeeze and milk his dick for all it’s worth.
he’s a good 7-7.5 inches
not an insane amount of girth but the length more than compensates for it
most definitely uses it as a punishment
and isn’t afraid to do it while you’re in public either
which brings us to his exhibition kink
he’s very prideful when it comes to his reputation as a hero, so you would think that it would keep him from doing anything scandal worthy
it only adds to the searing arousal he gets from watching your tongue fondle his sensitive head, knees bruised from being beneath him for so long
it’s a power trip for him, especially if he’s in costume
depending on your behavior, he’ll be generous and let you swallow while praising your performance
or he’ll wrap a hand around the back of your neck, slide your mouth off of his spit-soaked cock, and stroke himself until his cum splatters all over your eyelashes, fully debauching you in the desolate alleyway
he’s made you walk back home with cum all over your face before, after you’d been particularly bratty over the course of a week
“katsuki! i can’t walk back home like this, what if someone notices?!”
“should’ve thought about that before you decided to visit me while you weren’t wearing any fuckin’ panties. nasty little girl...now hurry up and get a move on, and you better not wipe it off either.”
loves the thrill of humiliating you
unrelated, but he’s an ass man through and through, taking such pleasure in watching it jiggle and ripple under each heavy blow he delivers
takes photos of the marks afterwards and has an album for em.
he also loves fucking you on different surfaces around your penthouse (and his agency)
the man is territorial
so what better way to mark his territory than by making his gorgeous girlfriend squirt and cream all over it?
babe i am so sorry for your neighbors
cause if there’s nothing else shinsou loves it’s to make you scream
he’s got a corruption kink, but not in the way most people do
he doesn’t give a damn if you’re sweet and innocent, or if you’ve got the mouth of a sailor and could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch
what matters to him is making you lose your composure.
one day you’d been anticipating a call back from a job interview you’d gone to a few days prior
and shinsou just so happened to be observing your blissed-out expression as he ground into you from below, your body atop his
when your damned phone started ringing
being the sly little shit that he is, he saw an opportunity
“answer the phone pretty girl...don’t wanna keep them waiting, do you?”
reaching for your buzzing cell, you press the green ‘accept’ button, raising the device to your ear as you jolt forward
“hello, may i speak to y/n?” a chipper voice chimed through the receiver.
“t-this is sh-she. how can i—ah!—help you?” you garble your words, trying to suppress your moans
hitoshi merely takes this as a challenge, opting to drive into you deeper whilst trying to keep the noise down, it’s less fun when it’s obvious what you two are doing
his dick is thick as FUCK. 6 going on 7 inches but honestly you couldn’t give less of a fuck with the way he’s stretching you
surprisingly enough you managed your way through the phone call, telling the white lie of “helping the neighbors move”
but little did you know this was only the beginning of hitoshi’s new favorite pastime
he’s another exhibitionist too
so uh...good luck with that
remote control vibrators on dinner dates, fingers stuffed deep inside your sloppy cunt while he makes small talk with your mom at the dinner table,
even kneeling beneath your desk and sending you to heaven and back while you’re on a video call with your fucking boss.
he’s addicted to watching you fall apart, and is more than willing to apply that pressure.
dabi’s dick would fuck anyone stupid.
let’s make that clear.
it’s canon that he’s got a jacob’s ladder, blah blah blah, but let’s discuss how fucking pretty it is
creeping in at a firm eight inches, and about 4 and a half in girth with a drool-worthy mauve tip, his shaft slightly lighter than the rest of his tanned, unscarred skin
it’s dangerous, barbells running up the underside of his shaft or not
definitely into temperature play
and i’m not talking about that soft shit like warming up his fingers whilst they’re plunging in and out of your sweet center
no no no
that fucker will BRAND you and will not apologize
you’re his pretty little cumdump, and he’ll stake his claim upon your body how ever the hell he pleases
degradation is a given.
“—what a fuckin’ whore. tch, you really think you deserve this dick?”
“how about you get on your knees and beg for it then if you’re so damn needy.”
“quit your god damn whining, or i swear i’ll leave you spread out on this fuckin’ bar for shiggy to find. maybe i’ll even get a promotion for giving him such a slutty little bitch to use.”
“what’s wrong? does it hurt sweetheart? can’t take it after you talked all that shit earlier?” you shake your head no, thighs trembling as you struggle to maintain the position dabi’s folded you into. “...good.” he smirks, eyes gleaming with malice before pounding you to filth, cries spilling from your mouth as you beg for release, knowing he won’t give it to you.
making you cry? a specialty of dabi’s. your tears get him harder than anything; to watch your lips quiver as you sniffle, wiping away tears while he palms himself through his sweats
has shown you off to shigaraki, and will not hesitate to tongue your fluids off his digits while carrying on a full conversation with the other man.
after all, when you know your toy’s better than someone else’s, you tend to brag.
speaking of this mf
he’s the reason gamer boys get the rep of having massive dicks
cause god damn did you not expect this man to be slinging around eight bordering on nine inches of dick. four and a half to five inches of girth. poor you.
he’s also got a penchant for angry sex, so if that’s not enough of an indication that you’re going to have trouble walking afterwards i don’t know what is
but one thing he loves more than taking you apart piece by piece and cumming inside of you with zero remorse?
doing it when he’s in the middle of a game, and he’s online with the party’s voice chat.
“mmm—god, you really will do anything i tell you....swallowing every inch while these guys get to listen, and you’re not even embarrassed, you’re getting off on it!”
“i love little sluts like you, always doing whatever it takes just to have a cock pry them open at all times. that’s what you are, right? my little slut, made for me to do whatever i want to.”
yes, he’s made you whine so sweetly for him, cry as you beg him to touch you, while he plays fucking valorant.
and you can’t count how many times he’s mocked the way you gag and choke on his massive length while he played genshin impact with random guys online.
is a sucker for a good set of nudes, and isn’t afraid to ask for them on a regular basis
plus he just likes taking pictures/videos of you in general, saving them to a private album of his phone for him to use when you’re not there
he may parade you around as though you’re a lifeless fuckdoll, but if nothing else he’s possessive, and would rather relive the pain of losing to all might than let another man see you the way he does
but i’ll be honest, tomura’s not always a teasing, possessive, vindictive asshole with a huge dick.
he’s also a teasing, possessive, vindictive asshole with a thing for being dominated....and a huge dick.
see, it balances out!
it started with a bet that if he lost another round of mortal kombat you got to peg him
it took a lot of convincing, but he agreed to the terms, certain he’d win regardless
and after button smashing like your life depended on it with subzero, you managed to secure the win.
a grin stapled itself to your face after being treated to two hours of tomura’s incessant sobs and wails
“mhm—please...i can’t take it—ah! fuck, fuck, fuck! right there!”
“don’t make me work for it, i promise you’ll never be player two again, just please let me cum—m’ so close..”
game nights are always fun with him, you can count on it.
my god my god
i’m gonna say it right now: keigo doesn’t eat pussy for you.
he does it for him.
and that makes all the difference in the fucking world when he’s pulling you to sit on his face
scruff scratching at your inner thighs deliciously as he makes you squirt alllll over aforementioned facial hair, rolling your hypersensitive clit between soft lips and a fluid tongue
he could stay between your thighs for hours and hours on end
will propose to devour you in the most inappropriate of places
and honestly? isn’t the least bit ashamed about it. elevators, in front of large office windows just a few stories above the street where you’re just barely visible to the people below,
on endeavor’s decorative towels after he spread them out on the floor so he could fuck you senseless on top of them, etc.
the flame hero had pissed him off earlier, and he needed to exert some petty rage. this was most sensible use of his energy.
also in case it wasn’t obvious: breeding kink. duh.
no thoughts head empty just hawks begging to breed you during his rut
“come on pretty girl, let me make you a momma....can’t wait to stuff you full of my chicks....”
he blushes so deeply when he’s close to cumming
and boy does he fucking whine
dick is just as pretty as he is, he’s a good 6 inches with a three inch girth; tip flushed and pink
definitely cherishes intimacy during sex
and will certainly go out of his way to make sure you feel comfortable/desired
he could have all the money/fame in the world
and it still wouldn’t compare to the feeling of your thighs suffocating him while he slurps at your cunt like it’s his last meal.
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erythrum · 3 years
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘱𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 | 𝘑𝘑 𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘹 𝘱𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢,𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦,𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴,𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨,𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵,𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵,𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦,𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘫𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘢,𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢 𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮 (𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨,𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦&𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨,𝘷𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘹,𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬)
𝙖/𝙣: 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 @outcrbcnks ,𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 :)
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 5.3𝘬+,𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯𝘦
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘺/𝘯, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘰
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Find the gun, find the gun y/n. It was all I could do to keep me calm down in the sewer, the disgusting sewage the covered my body in a thin layer made me nauseated. Kiara was ahead of me leading the way down the tunnel. The light of the drain was coming in to view. Almost there.
"Kie, I think I might throw up," the smell was making me gag.
"God this is fucking awful, why did we let them convince us to do this?”
“If you remember correctly, we are trying to find a damn murder weapon,” I might have said that a bit too demeaningly, but to be fair, I couldn’t ignore the way my boyfriend looked at her. The hardest part was pretending like I didn’t know what was going on.
“Whatever, let's just find this damn thing and get out of here,” Kiara said.
We eventually found our way to where the sewer met the storm drain on the street above. Searching felt like a waste of time, I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to get involved in this bullshit, but I guess dating JJ came with its ‘perks’. Which happened to include searching for a fucking murder weapon at the bottom of a sewer.
I dragged my hands as deep as I could under the nasty water, trying my hardest to keep my head above water.
“People are so shitty,” Kiara said, disgusted by the trash that easily could’ve been recycled sitting at the bottom of the basin.
“Guys! I think I found something,” she held up something that was definitely not a gun, something dead. It elicited a yelp from her throat, definitely not good.
“Is it Gavin? Is it a body?” The sound of JJ emanated through the drain. That was when I heard the water coming.
“Kie, somethings wrong,” she was so caught up on the poor animal she failed to notice the water beginning to flood in.
“Oh shit!” She was starting to panic. Not good not good not good.
“Guys get out of there!” The voices of JJ and Pope slowly being drowned out by the rising water.
Kiara began climbing up the ladder leading to the drain on the street. Adrenaline was coursing through my body as I climbed behind her, the water closing in on me.
“Push Kie!”
“I am y/n, it's too heavy,” the drain was our only escape now. The water was at my chest, inching closer and closer to my neck. The adrenaline made my body act on instinct, but I also couldn’t keep myself calm. It felt like my body was numb as I tried to pull myself up the ladder, closer to Kiara.
I couldn’t keep my head above water now as it rose up above my head. I took the largest breath I’ve ever taken in my life and prayed that JJ and Pope would come lift the drain. Struggling for air was the worst experience I’d ever felt, I couldn’t hold it any longer. The water filled my lungs, it went black after that.
The boys were pulling as hard as they could on the drain. The combined strength of the two alone just wasn’t enough. But someone else had heard the screams of the two girls and came barreling down the street to help.
Pope had a look of horror on his face as Rafe Cameron himself began pulling on the drain as well. The three of them together much more easily pulling the manhole off and onto the street. Water came flooding out as JJ pulled Kiara out, she was sputtering the disgusting muck out of her lungs, begging for air.
“Kie, Kie! Are you alright?” JJ asked.
“She’s still down there,” she struggled to get out, still filling her lungs with clean air.
Rafe was in panic mode, he nearly dove into the water, reaching his torso as far down as he could. He had to find her. He had too. Rafe's head below the water and into the drain, reaching out for her. After what felt like hours, he felt something, grasping on with all his strength and pulling her body out of the sewer.
"Fuck, Pope! She's not breathing, Pope, I swear to god you better know CPR," Kiara was screaming, still in the arms of JJ.
Rafe began pumping his fists down on her sternum in a steady rhythm. All hell broke loose when he plugged are nose and connected his mouth to hers, blowing air into her water filled lungs.
"What the fuck are you doing!" JJ viciously pulled Rafe from her body, throwing him back onto the concrete.
"Saving her fucking life asshole," Rafe pulled himself back up, rushing back over her and continuing to do what her boyfriend could not. He pushed another breath into her lungs, pleading with himself that she would survive.
That was when y/n began coughing up the sludge lodged in her lungs. She was nearly throwing up her lungs as Rafe stared at her, a look of relief washed over his face. He was the first thing she saw when she came to. Then she saw JJ, clinging onto Kiara in a way she'd always knew would happen.
"Y/n! Fuck I'm glad you're oka-," JJ tried reaching out for her.
"Get the fuck off of me JJ," y/n pushed him back, disgusted yet not surprised by his actions. She had just been brought back from the dead and it felt like he didn't even care. The one person who did care was supposed to be her mortal enemy. A million thoughts were trying to process in her head all at once. Having no idea what to do, she picked herself up and began walking as fast as she could away from the group. On her heels was that same kook, the one she hated, the one she couldn't keep off her mind, the one who ruined her life, the one who saved her.
Y/n only made it 30 feet before hunching over and resting her hands on her knees as she heaved onto the sidewalk. Rafe had chased after her, now pulling the drenched hair from around her face. Once she had emptied her lungs of the filth, she only had one thing to say.
“Get the fuck away from me Rafe,” she said, still hunched over. He stood in shock, not knowing what to do next.
"At least let me take you home, for the love of God I literally just pulled you out of a sewer." She hesitated for awhile, finally recognized the car she had been throwing up next too. It was Rafe's truck.
The truck was filled with nothing but silence as they drove, y/n ignoring every word Rafe said. They had been driving in a giant circle around the island with no destination for hours. Finally Rafe pulled over on the side of the road, hazard lights on.
"Listen, y/n, we can't stay in the car all night, and it seems to me like you don't want to go home, I can take you back to Tannyhill, you can take a shower and get cleaned up, we have a guest room, stay the night if you'd like," Rafe said, hoping she would say yes. Y/n let out a deep sigh before speaking.
"Fine," it was all she could muster up. Her heart was hurting. Y/n had come to the realization that her boyfriend instinctually went for Kiara, and that she would always be his second choice. She never wanted to be a second choice, she wanted to be the only choice.
His house was enormous, probably bigger than any she had seen on figure eight. Rafe hopped out of the truck, racing over to the passenger side door to let her out. He led her into the massive home, before arriving at the guest room.
"There's a bathroom through that door, I'll bring you some clothes to wear," he said. She barely let him finish before bolting towards the bathroom door, locking herself in. She laid her back against the door, wondering how in the world she ended up here. It took a moment to take in the beauty a bathroom could hold. She'd never seen anything like it. Marble floors and brilliant gold detailed fixtures. It was easily the nicest thing she had ever seen. Finally, she reached her hand to the shower faucet, turning on a beautiful cascade of water. There was nobody in the world she believed needed something so fancy. Y/n stripped out of her muck caked clothing, tossing it onto those beautiful floors. Stepping into the waterfall was exactly what she needed.
Meanwhile, Rafe ran upstairs, grabbing whatever he could out of Sarah's closet. He ran over and over again in his head what to do next as he raced back down to the guest room. Leave the clothes next to the door? Wait for her to come out of the shower? Before he had a chance to decide, y/n came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. Rafe had a look of shock in his eyes, he never thought he'd see the girl he couldn't keep off his mind here, in his home.
Rafe stuck his arm out, holding the clothes just in front of her. She looked Rafe up and down before gently reaching out for the clothing.
"Thanks," that was all she said before turning around and locking herself in the bathroom again. Y/n struggled to hold her tears in, knowing what she would have to face in the morning. It wasn't an easy decision, but it needed to be done.
It was possibly the best sleep she had ever gotten. The satin pillowcases soft against her cheeks as she slept, the warm comforter encasing her. No interruptions or pogues banging on her bedroom door for her to wake up. Just peaceful sleep.
Y/n laid awake in the bed, sunrise creeping through the curtains, dreading the next few hours. She left the massive home as soon as possible, sneaking out at daybreak, making the nearly hour long walk back to the cut.
Rafe found no trace of her left behind, everything was in its place just as it had been before y/n occupied the room. She couldn't have gotten far.
He caught up to her in his truck, she had only made it maybe a quarter of the way to her destination. Wearing Sarah's clothes he had lent her, she fit right into the neighborhood. She kept her head held high and determined to ignore him.
"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?"
"Fuck off Rafe," she shoved her middle finger towards his window as he drove along side her.
"So I save your life, let you sleep at my house, lend you Sarah's clothes, and now I can't offer you a ride?"
"Correct, I don't need your help, the only thing I know you to be good for is hookups and rebounds," she said rather matter of factly. He couldn’t lie to himself, hearing her say that made his heart hurt a little bit.
“Whatever, there's a party at Topper’s tomorrow night if you’re interested, but I’ll go ahead and guess your answer is a no,”
Y/n stopped in her tracks, causing Rafe to slam down on his breaks. She finally turned to look at him, a smile growing on her face.
“You’re absolutely whipped.”
Rafe hesitated before driving off, this girl left his head spinning in circles.
Once she reached the cut, y/n made a B-line for the chateau. Finding the rest of the pogues wasn’t hard, they were usually out back up to whatever shenanigans they had planned. JJ especially came up with bad ideas, somehow convincing the rest of the group that they would work. Y/n rested her body against a doorway, finally making eye contact with JJ, then nodding her head back gesturing for him to follow.
They creeped back towards the front of the shack, still trashed from the hurricane.
“Jesus, where were you y/n? I was worried sick that fucking kook hurt you,” JJ hugged her, squeezing as tight as he could. When she didn’t return the enthusiasm, he knew something was wrong.
“What’s going on?” He questioned.
“Listen JJ, this, us, it’s not going to work,”
“What the hell are you tal-,”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about JJ, I've seen the way you’ve looked at her for months, you’re always going to choose Kiara over me, always. I am not a second choice. I know what I saw.”
“Did that kook get into your head or something?” She was sure the others could hear them now.
“It’s not about that JJ, I was fucking drowning and you didn’t even try to help me, I’d probably be dead right now if it wasn’t for him!”
“Oh so it is about him huh? Did you have fun last night curled up in figure eight? Wait wait, I see, he didn’t get into your head, he got into your pants instead didn’t he?” Y/n didn’t know how else to react, slapping him square across his face.
“Don’t you dare, fucking accuse me of that, or I swear to God JJ,” she could barely hold back the anger boiling her blood right now.
“Its over. Done. Have a nice life.” Y/n ran as fast as she could out of the chateau, tears pooling in her eyes, looking for any escape.
The next 36 hours were a daze, and before y/n knew it, she was getting ready for a kook party. What does a girl even wear to a kook party? A nice sundress? Little black skirt and a crop top? How fancy is this supposed to be? In the end she decided to wear a sleek black dress, knowing she would stick out like a sore thumb, regardless of what she wore. Being likely the only pogue in the middle of hundreds of kook's, it wouldn't matter.
Meanwhile, Rafe was already at Topper's house, making preparations for the oncoming chaos.
"Boys, if you see a little y/h/c pogue try to walk in here, let her in," Rafe said, handing each a $100 bill. The two door boys nodded their heads in understanding.
The easiest part was over, now y/n just had to get there. She didn't even know where Topper lived, well, figure eight obviously, but where? Actually, that's a stupid question, just follow all the BMW's and audi's driven by reckless teenagers.
Y/n knew something was off when the two kids stationed at the door let her through without question. Fucking Rafe. He was surely already here, and she was questioning what in the world led her to make the decision to come here tonight.
Rafe found her in the kitchen, downing shots of tequila.
"Didn't expect to see you here y/n," he slid next to her, pouring himself a shot as well.
"Didn't think I'd be here either, I have much better things I could be doing right now," she snickered back.
"So how'd it go when you got back to the cut?" Rafe asked, knowing something had changed.
"Well, I dumped JJ, so I am officially a free woman," she said, downing her next shot.
"And you're taking it well, obviously," he laughed, smiling as he watched her take the shot with ease. In true y/n fashion, she flipped him off before grabbing the bottle of tequila and disappearing into the house. He watched the way her dress clung to her hips as she moved, now more than ever aware of the ache he felt.
Only fifteen minutes had passed before Rafe went looking for her. Searching through crowds and empty rooms, finally finding a door on the second floor that was cracked open. Not locked out, but not to be unfound. He poked his head through the door, not seeing much at first, until his eyes landed on an open window. The cool breeze of the ocean drifted into the room. He climbed through the window and out onto a small section of the roof overlooking the backyard.
As soon as she saw him, she knew there was no escape.
“Ugh,” y/n rolled her eyes, taking another drink from the bottle she had smuggled.
“Excited to see me?” Rafe said as he settled onto the roof.
"How did you guess?"
"Just the fact that you even showed up, your actions speak for themselves," he said rather confidently.
"Do they now? Because it seems to me like you're the one who is stalking me," she let out a giggle.
"Well, I still need Sarah's clothes back,"
Y/n shoved his shoulder, the both of them laughing as she did.
"Mhm, I don't know, I think I look pretty good dressed in kook," y/n passed him the bottle now, he accepted her offer. He had to think long and hard about what to say next, his heart beating relentlessly in his chest.
"More than pretty good," there was a silence between the two, both reading into what he said.
"Y'know, I don't even know who I am anymore."
"And by that you mean?" Rafe asked.
"On this island, it's always kooks or pogues, no in-between, and I thought I was a pogue for the longest time, but I never quite, I don't know, fit in? It sounds fucking stupid, forget it."
"No no, it's not, I feel like we're actually having a conversation, not just bickering at each other, and it's, it's nice," his voice was becoming shaky now. She took a deep breath before continuing.
"I think I'm just in a rut, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with myself. All I ever did was for JJ, I gave him everything,” he understood the magnitude of what she had given him.
“And now that we've broken up, I have this new freedom that I don't know what to do with, it was the first relationship I'd ever been in, and at this point I don't even remember how to be single. I hate to say it, but I feel like he took everything I gave him for granted."
Rafe smirked at his thoughts, knowing exactly what she needed.
"Oh what's so funny?” She said.
“You desperately need a rebound.”
“I do not!”
“You do, and I know the perfect guy for the job.”
“And who would that be exactly?” Their witty banter had turned to flirtation, and they were now physically closer than ever. Rafe had his hand cupping the side of her head, fingers tangled in her hair, leaning in closer to her. Her breathing has quickened as his face came closer to hers, knowing what he was insinuating.
The connection of their lips sent shockwaves through her body. It was the first thing in a long time that felt like it made sense. They disconnected for a moment, staring longingly into each others eyes for permission. A sense of understanding overcame them as their lips smashed together once again. Rafe's hand moved lower down to her neck, tracing his thumb to the other side and giving a light squeeze.
"Rafe I, don't get me wrong, I want this, but I don't think it's a good idea right now."
"You're right," he whispered as a whirring noise approached in the distance.
It was maybe thirty minutes past 11, the sound of an approaching boat caught their attention. They both looked at the boat coming to dock on the Thornton's boat dock. Rafe and y/n climbed back into the home, recognizing the boat pulling up to the dock. Rafe raced out the back door, y/n steps ahead of him as anger and adrenaline rushed through her body. She ran down the dock, ready to fight the boy hopping off of the boat.
"JJ, please explain to me why the fuck you are here right now, and it better be a good reason or I swea-,"
"Y/n please, I just need to talk to you okay? I've been thinking about the other day and I just needed to-,"
"Not good enough JJ, you had your fucking chance, got it? I never want to see you again," she had tears of anger streaming down her face, that was when Rafe lodged himself between the argument.
"You heard her pogue," Rafe said threateningly.
"What are you gonna do about it huh?" JJ pushed his hands against Rafe, knocking him back only slightly, Rafe stood solid.
"What am I gonna do?" Rafe shoved him back with all his strength, knocking JJ onto his back.
"I'm only going to say this one time for you," Rafe crouched down, grabbing fistfuls of JJ's shirt.
"Stay," he landed to first punch.
"The fuck," and the second.
"Away from her," finally the third, then forcing him back onto the ground in a sheer competition of dominance. Crowds had gathered around the commotion, watching the kook and pogue battle it out. Y/n felt a sense of relief, someone had finally chosen her.
"You already fucked her didn't you?" JJ struggled to spit out, coughing on the blood lodged in his mouth. Rafe promptly pulled JJ up by his shirt, making sure to look right into his eyes as he made his next threat.
"Stay off figure eight, or so help me God JJ, I will kill you." Rafe tossed the boy back onto the ground, watching as he struggled to pull himself back to his boat.
"Show's over everyone! Get out!" Rafe said, the crowd watching dispersed over fences and into cars, not wanting to face the same fate.
She was the only one who didn't leave. Y/n watched as he came closer to her, pulling her into an embrace.
"I'm sorry y/n, that asshole deserved it,"
"Thank you," her tears were staining his polo as they held each other.
"Also, neither of us are in any shape to drive, so what's the plan?" She asked.
They made the short walk back to Tannyhill, ending up in the same rooms they had been in the day everything changed. When morning came she stayed in her bed, enjoying the comfort she felt in this home. The sudden knock on her door awoke her from her daze.
"Hey, I uh, brought breakfast," Rafe said, holding up the bag of breakfast burritos. Y/n patted the empty place on her bed, inviting him to sit down. They sat and ate in silence, unsure of what to say to one another. Once finished, she ended up snuggling her head into the crook of his neck, arm tossed across his abdomen. Rafe wrapped his arm around her and they stayed there for awhile, simply enjoying each others presence.
Rafe placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, rubbing his thumb across her shoulder at the same time. Y/n looked up at him from her spot on his chest, moving herself up so their lips connected. The kiss was just as good as she had remembered. Rafe began deepening their kiss, pulling her in by the waist with his free hand.
I had woken up. For the first time in a long time I felt it. How it felt to be the only choice for someone, to be at the top of someone's priorities. Feeling his hand pull my waist into his sent lightning through my body, and I've never wanted anything more in my life than right now. I threw my right leg over his hips, anticipating to climb on top of him. I brought my hand up to the back of his head, threading my fingers through his hair.
"Think it's a good idea?" Rafe asked.
I simply nodded my head in response, bringing my mouth back to his. His hands began tracing further down my body, grabbing at my hips as he pulled me in closer. I got the message. I threw myself over him, sitting perfectly in his lap, hair hanging almost in his face. We reconnected and the speed at which we kissed quickened. My arms had snaked behind his neck, my entire body resting on his, legs straddled across his lap.
He was surprised when I removed my mouth from his, only to begin trailing kisses down his neck, towards the collar of his polo. He sat up, leaving room for him to pull his shirt up and over his head. I pushed him back down into the bed as I trailed lower and lower. Reaching the spot I needed most, I unbuttoned his pants, pulling them as far down as I could. He was already hard, clearly anticipating this when he walked into the room an hour ago.
I began leaving kisses down his clothed dick, teasing the throb. But I myself was too in-need to tease for long. I pulled his boxers down, revealing the eager member. Wrapping my hand around him, I pumped it a few times, leaving light kisses all around him. The taste of him spread in my mouth as I took him in. His hands pulled my hair back as I sucked on him, the pace of his breathing becoming more of a pant. One of my hands grasped onto his hips as the other pumped him in sync with my lips.
A shock ran through my body as he flipped me over on the bed. Rafe nearly ripped my shirt in half when pulling it over my head. He sat over me for a moment, taking in the sight of me like he'd been waiting to for so long. Just after, his hands came to either side of my head, propping himself up as he began kissing down my neck, surely leaving bruises. Moving lower to my breasts, he continued, tugging and pulling at the straps of my bra. He was now resting his entire body on me, his elbows at my sides as he started massaging my breasts through the fabric.
"You can take it off, you know," I said.
That was all he needed to hook his hand underneath me, tugging at the clip holding me together. Rafe popped it off with ease, not that I was surprised. His mouth attached itself to one of my nipples, teasing it with his tongue. The cool air hitting the wet spot he left behind causing me to gasp. Meanwhile, he had been rolling the other between his fingers, sending arousal between my thighs. The sensitivity rolling between my hips was begging for more.
Rafe's hands began trailing lower down my body, his mouth not far behind. The ache in my core was growing more and more with every inch he passed, until finally I felt a finger graze over my shorts.
"These need to come off," it was more of a question than a statement.
I nodded, because I needed more. He slid the shorts off of my legs, tossing them onto the ground, leaving my panties on full display for him. Then his mouth moved to my thighs, starting closer to my knees, slowly moving in towards my center. I could feel every breath he made against me, and knew he was just as in-need as I was. It felt like ages before he finally made contact with my core. His lips left kisses over my clothed clit, at this point I was begging for more.
He knew too, knew how much I needed him right now. The wetness soaking through my underwear as he played with me through them, thumb massaging little circles around my clit. My legs shuddered as he did, needing to desperately to be released. His fingers latched underneath the waistline of the fabric, and he pulled them all the way down my legs, exposing every inch of myself, and discarding them on the floor.
I was absolutely soaked, and he had barely even touched me. I could barely imagine what I’d be like once he had. When his fingers finally returned, I was a mess. He was eager too, not even waiting because I was already ready for him. His middle and ring finger teased my entrance, before plunging deep into me. The gasp that came out of my mouth was the loudest I’d ever had, causing my hand to close over my mouth in response. But Rafe didn't care how loud we got as his mouth came down to me, his tongue flicking at my clit, fingers beginning to thrust in and out.
My hips were rolling, legs shaking as the combination of his mouth and fingers pushed me closer and closer to the edge. Whimpers came out as his free hand was grasping onto my stomach, thumb tracing circles below my navel. I tugged at the sheets around me, needing some sort of grounding as he continued fucking me with his fingers. My pussy was aching for more, begging for something bigger to ease the ache.
"Rafe, I need you inside, like right now," I struggled to get the words out. But he wouldn't let up, he was determined. His fingers were moving faster and faster and his mouth was lapping at the wetness of my pussy. I couldn't take it anymore, and my legs closed around his head, squeezing as I came.
I barely had time to recover before Rafe was on top of me, lining his cock up with my entrance, then pushing himself all the way into me. My walls clenched around him as I tried to adjust to his length, but he wasn't waiting. Slowly he began thrusting in and out, plunging himself deeper each time. He reached down to kiss me as he pounded me, hand wrapping around my neck and squeezing.
"Fuck," I squeaked out.
It only got better when he threw my legs over his shoulders, they were nearly at my chest. He pounded into me at a hard but steady pace, and it was driving me to the edge once again. The whimpers coming from me were more than enough to tell him to keep going.
"You like that princess?"
"God, yes Rafe, harder," I pleaded.
He listened, but it was taking a toll on him, his breathing was now broken and unsteady as he thrusted. I could feel his body beginning to tense up on top of me, he was getting close. It was my turn now.
I used all of my strength to flip him onto his back, my legs on either side of him as I began riding him. Rafe's hands came around to my ass as I repeatedly moved up and down on him. Then I laid down on him, arms behind his neck for support as his arms held onto my waist tightly. Rafe propped his legs up for support and began thrusting into me harder than he ever has. The feeling of my walls clenching around him as he pumped into me, using me as a toy.
"Cum in me Rafe, please," but it wasn't a question. I nearly screamed as he released inside of me at the same time I came. We stayed that way for a few moments, simply taking one another in as our breathing steadied.
Finally, I slid off of him, releasing the tension of him inside of me. I could feel his cum leaking out of me as I laid on top of him. I could go to sleep right here if I wanted to. His hand laced into my hair, playing with the ends of it.
"I still need Sarah's clothes back," he laughed.
"Don't think so, consider it the start of my kook wardrobe,"
"To going full kook?" he asked.
"To going full kook."
✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵
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redhoodieone · 3 years
His Girl Part 2
Warnings: Language, SMUT, heartbreak, and fluffiness.
“Jay…” Y/N breathes against Jason’s lips. Her eyes shift from his emerald eyes to his adorable pout. “You don’t want this with me. You shouldn’t want this with me.”
Jason pulls back from her and his face falls. The look of heartbreak pains Y/N, but she can’t help but feel the way she feels, because why would someone so attractive and perfect like Jason want with a short, chubby, and plain looking girl like her?
Jason lifts Y/N’s chin so they can see eye to eye. “I’ve wanted you since the day I met you. Sweetheart, when you first looked at me, I was done for. You know, I never believed in God. You know damn well I’m not the religious type, despite the jokes from the league who say I could have been a priest in another life,” he says with a small smile. He holds his hand up as if he’s taking an oath. “But I swear to God when I first saw you, I thought you were an angel. You stood there, you were lovely and gentle, and at that moment I knew something good had to exist in this fucked up world because you were brought into my life, and you made me want to be a better man...for you.”
“Dick’s right. He’s right about me. You don’t want me, Jay. I’m nothing special. I’m not beautiful. I’m not skinny. I’m not smart, funny, or even interesting,” Y/N admits.
“How can you even say that to me? Did you forget our talk last summer?” Jason says carefully, his gaze never breaking hers.
“I didn’t forget, Jay. I just don’t think we should start anything up between us. It’ll just-”
“So, what am I not good for you?” he snaps, his tone is harsh as he accuses her.
“What? No! I didn’t say that. Why are you so mad at me, Jay?” Y/N asks quietly.
“I’m not mad. I’m hurt,” Jason admits, before he decides he can’t stand the distance between them anymore. With both hands, he roughly grabs Y/N’s hips and pulls her body closer to his. He moves one hand up her back until he’s holding the back of her head; forcing her to keep her eyes on him. “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to see you talk to other guys? Do you know how difficult it is for me to stand by and see these other assholes get to touch you, kiss you, and fuck you? Do you realize how close I’ve gotten to ‘accidentally’ shooting Dickie-bird in his balls just because you were flirting with him? I couldn’t stand it sweetheart, and I still can’t.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in surprise at Jason’s confession. The pull is too strong for both of them to ignore. Jason takes a chance and lowers his head to kiss Y/N. His lips are initially warm and rough, but they fit perfectly against her gentle and soft lips. The second Y/N kisses Jason back with as much fervor, he realizes his feelings couldn’t be one-sided.
The kiss wasn’t deep yet. They barely pull back enough to breathe before Jason takes the reins and rests his forehead against hers. He teases her by leaning in to kiss her but then pulling back when her lips chase after his. She inhales sharply when his scent fills her nostrils; his exotic, smoky woods, sandalwood, and spices make her weak in her knees that she has to hold both his forearms to keep herself steady. Luckily, Jason manages to hold her up, and he brings her close enough to grind his evident bulge against her core. “Please...please let me show you how much I want you. Let me show you how beautiful you are to me and how much I want all of you,” Jason whispers against Y/N’s lips.
Jason’s green eyes burn into Y/N’s eyes. She licks her lips. “Okay,” she breathes out.
Jason surges forward and slams his mouth against Y/N’s. He wastes no time licking her bottom lip, seeking entrance to taste her and have her in ways he’s always imagined. When she opens her mouth wider, he falls deeper when he realizes her taste is addictive, and he knows this can’t be the last time he’ll kiss her. Their tongues rub and stroke each other’s, and he bites her bottom lip.
He pulls back only to see if she wants more. The look of lust in her eyes is enough. He carefully pushes her backwards until the back of her knees tough the bed. She crawls up to her pillow so she can lie down, her hair fans out around her, creating an illusion of an angelic halo.
Jason looks down at Y/N with adoration. He knows for a fact he’s never looked at a woman like this. He knows she’s the first and will be the last woman he’ll look at like this.
He can tell she’s nervous to make the next move. He smiles softly and begins to undress himself. Kicking off his boots and socks, he shrugs off his jacket and his Kevlar armor. He notices she’s watching intently, biting her bottom lip.
Jason can’t help but smirk. Once he shoves down his pants, he’s left in just his boxer briefs, which nearly exposes how hard his cock is for her.
He crawls on the bed until he’s hovering above her. His hands move to her pajama pants, but he doesn’t pull them down just yet.
“Are you sure you want this?” Jason whispers to her. His voice is deeper and rougher.
Y/N nods her head. “Yes, I want you, Jay,” she whispers back.
Jason kisses her softly to help her relax. He tugs her pajama pants down to her knees. He pulls back from her lips and sits up when he realizes she’s not wearing any panties. He raises an eyebrow and smirks. “No panties?” he teases.
“I...I don’t like to sleep with underwear on,” she confessions shyly. He thinks it’s cute when she blushes.
“That’s perfectly okay, doll. Now that I know, maybe I can join you in bed sometime?”
Y/N giggles at that as she watches Jason move down until his face is in front of her pussy. She quickly sits up and tries to cover her modesty.
“Wait, you-you don’t have to do that. It’s okay. You don’t have to,” Y/N stammers.
Jason smiles softly at her. He quickly sits up to kiss her, to get her to relax. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to sweetheart,” he says, as he helps Y/N remove her top so she’s completely naked in front of him. His hands rub her arms, chest, and stomach, which seems to help her lie back down. “I want to eat you. I want to eat this delicious, wet pussy so much that you’ll be cumming all over my face.”
Y/N blushes more as Jason grins smugly and winks at her before he lowers himself back down to lick her folds. She gasps out in surprise and reaches down to grab his dark hair to tug.
“Oh God,” she whines out.
“Fuck baby girl, you taste so fucking good. You’re sweeter than apple pie,” Jason moans out.
He sucks her clit on the borderline of pain and pleasure, and when he releases it, he can see her pupils dilate with lust.  
Jason smiles against her pussy and uses his fingers to part her folds so he can circle her clit with his tongue. He knows he has experience going down on women, but he also realizes that every woman is different. Deciding to show her a few different ways to cum, he switches up his methods. As he continues to rotate between licking and sucking Y/N’s clit, he pushes a finger inside to warm her up. And with all the noise she’s making, he knows he’s on the right path.
“Oh fuck...Jay. Finger me harder,” Y/N pleads.
He keeps his eyes on her. When she tries to close her eyes, he slaps her thigh. “Keep your eyes on me, sweetheart. I wanna see you cum,” he demands.
Y/N opens her eyes, and it makes everything better for him. Just feeling how tight and wet she is drives his cock to twitch hard in his underwear. He adds a second finger and strokes up against her walls. He can feel she’s close to cumming just by her clenching his fingers. He licks and sucks her clit faster and harder, as he drives a third finger inside her and rubs against her g-spot. He has her now. She’s going to cum for him and he’s excited as fuck.
“Oh, fuck! Oh, my God! Jay! I’m cumming!” Y/N cries out. She sits up and pulls his hair harder.
Jason keeps his eyes on her and hums for her to go ahead and cum. He refuses to take his eyes and mouth off her. He needs her to cum.
With his fingers fucking her pussy loud enough to create that wet, sopping sound, Jason wraps his mouth against Y/N’s pussy to catch her cum. He moans in delight at her taste, and he can feel his cock leaking more precum in his underwear. Once she calms down from her hard orgasm, he quickly stands up and pulls down his underwear.
Y/N is stunned to see Jason’s cock. She knew he was big, partly because of his pants and boxer briefs displaying his rather big bulge. But seeing it in person and up close is different. She knows he’s above average, but his cock is thicker than she imagined. She swallows hard when the red, swollen tip leaks precum.  
Once Jason’s completely naked, he climbs on top of her. Y/N reaches to stroke his cock, but he gently moves her hand away. “As much as I’d like you to touch my cock and maybe suck on it, I don’t want to cum that way. I want to cum in you,” Jason says softly.
When his cock brushes against her pussy, Y/N knew she needs inside her. “I want you to cum inside me. Please...please fuck me,” she pleads.
Hearing her beg does something to him. Jason kisses Y/N hard and moves his hand between them to push his cock inside her. She gasps breathlessly as he groans at how well she’s taking him. She’s tight, warm, and wet, and he knows he’s not going to last long. He looks down at her and his heart swells at the fact that she’s looking up at him as if he is her world. His hands move all over her body, tracing scars and stretch marks, as her own nails scratch down his arms and back.
Y/N takes Jason by surprise when she bites his jaw and giggles when he nips her neck. The intimacy between them is what makes them happier in the moment. But when the tip of his cock brushes against her g-spot, she clenches around his cock, causing his thrusts from going slow to fast and hard now.
“Jay...fuck me harder. Faster, please,” Y/N begs breathlessly.
Jason’s hips slam into hers, his pelvic bone rubs deliciously against her clit. She squeezes around him again, and he knows he won’t be able to last longer. “Okay, sweetheart, okay,” Jason chokes out. He angles his thrusts to be deeper and to hit her sweet spot every time.
She wraps her arms around him and brings his face down to kiss him. He moans against her mouth, and not being able to breathe properly is doing something to him. He quickens his thrusts and moves a hand in between them to rub her clit hard and fast to match his thrusts.
Y/N and Jason break apart to breathe and she throws her head back. He watches in awe at her falling apart because of him, her orgasm takes him by surprise. She cries out his name. She cums hard around his cock and soaks him in her sweet juices that forces his own orgasm out of him.
“Fuck...Y/N, fucking Christ,” Jason moans loudly. He grunts hard and moans when he slams deeper inside her, coating her insides with his seed. He squeezes her hips and thrusts a few more times until he’s sure she’s gotten all his cream.
When he pulls his cock out, he can feel himself get hard again from just seeing his cum seep out of her pussy.
Jason inhales hard and collapses next to her. His arms instantly wrap around her, and she willingly cuddles against him. Fear runs through him, though. “Please be mine...” he dares to whisper. He wonders if she even heard him. The fear of rejection scares him more than anything right now.
“Yes, I’ll be yours,” Y/N whispers back. She kisses his chest and lies her head back down on him. She falls asleep to his even breathing and his hand rubbing her back.
The next morning was a rude awakening for Dick Grayson. He couldn’t believe his own eyes. Out of him and his family, Jason was supposed to be the shallow, man whore who slept around with girl after girl every night. Jason was supposed to be less likely one to find a girl, actually fall in love with her and be serious. Because anyone who knows the Batboys knows each of them are viewed a certain way.
 Bruce is the playboy billionaire.
Dick is charming and sweet.
Jason is rough bad boy.
Tim is intelligent and kind.
Damian is a cute demon spawn.
And even Alfred is a badass savage.
 When Jason and Y/N announced their relationship, Dick smirked to himself. He knew there was no way Jason was ‘serious relationship material’ and he knew their relationship would end before it even started.
 He’ll fuck up. He always screws up because he inevitably fucks up everything he does, Dick thinks to himself. And once he does, I’ll be there for her, and she’ll be mine.
 But Jason never fucks up, not with Y/N. To everyone, Jason and Y/N are beautifully perfect together. Dick does manage to fix his friendship with Y/N, and the two are closer than they’ve ever been. It isn’t until after Jason and Y/N’s one year anniversary that Dick finally accepts their relationship.
 Because it wasn’t long until Jason got Bruce and Alfred’s blessing to propose to Y/N. The engagement ring is a beautiful black solitaire diamond, and the reason doesn’t confuse Dick at all, because Y/N isn’t like other diamonds.
 Their wedding is something out of a fairy tale storybook. Dick had to admit that seeing Y/N in a wedding dress made him cry, because he knew she would have the time of her life with Jason on the honeymoon.
 Three years later, Jason and Y/N announce they’re having their first child together, a boy, the news actually made Bruce tear up because Jason and Y/N were giving him his first grandson.
 Call it fucking karma, but Dick finally saw just how beautiful Y/N was, as a wife and a mother.
 But Dick was just a little too late.
 And now she was Jason’s.
 His girl.
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thesolferino · 4 years
senior high school bf!dream headcanons
⤷ note: literally woke up this morning and couldn’t get it out of my head so i wrote this whole thing at like 8 am while having coffee instead of writing my actual requests. hope you enjoy!
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mister “quarterback on the school’s football team-wide shoulders-super tall-pretty smile-letterman jacket” dream
your high school jock bf dream (no pun intended)
your high school was never that cliquey in the first place, but clay was definitely popular and well known by the whole school
he mostly hung out with nick (who everybody grew to call sapnap) and george who were, as opposed to him, kind of shit at sports, but geniuses in literally everything else
he never dated one of the cheerleaders despite them obviously hitting on him (who could blame them?) - he simply wasn’t interested. ppl couldn’t believe it, especially him being a senior and never having dated anyone from the school
the person he DID, however, end up dating, was you - a girl he had to tutor in english ‘cause you were so bad at it that you were absolutely going to fail
he wasn’t all that excited about it, assuming you wouldn’t want to cooperate, until he saw how pretty you were when you approached him to figure out when you guys were gonna meet up
and once he figured out you were actually quite good at english, just didn’t have the attention span for writing long essays, he liked you even more
during your shared chemistry class, for a moment he turned around to look at you, and you smiled at him from your place at the other end of the classroom
sapnap and george caught that. they did not let it go for approximately the rest of eternity
they actually let it go after a few weeks when they saw the two of you leaving the school together, hands interlocked
my GOD he would be a sucker for you wearing his clothes - ESPECIALLY HIS LETTERMAN
he’d take it off in school just to give it to you so you can walk around in his jacket and show off that you’re his
lots of stares since, like, that’s CLAY’s jacket!!!
he also gets jealous/protective so easily
one of the dudes in your class tells you you’re pretty? arm around your waist immediately
someone who’s into clay DARES to make fun of you? he’ll embarrass them in front of the whole class. no mercy!
he thinks you’re like the coolest person alive. he’ll just sit and listen to you ramble about things you love forever
you’d come to football practice with him when you had time (and even when you didn’t, because he’d beg you to come watch him) and cheered him on every time he seemed vaguely happy with his results since you had 0 knowledge of the game
be prepared for a lot of smelly and sweaty hugs
nothing he loves more than picking you up and spinning you around after they win a game
and hugging you very very very very very tight
“baby, let me go, you smell!” “what? i can’t hear you.” “i said you smell! let me go!” “wait, i need to bring you closer, i can’t hear what you’re saying.” “NO!!!!!”
also late night talks about your future and what he wants to do when he’s finally out
not sure if he wants to use his intellectual skills and learn coding or put his love for writing to use or keep doing football
you teasing him saying he’s like troy from high school musical
him wheezing loudly and claiming you’re gabriella
cue half an hour of discussing high school musical
going back to that “clay after they win a game” point,,,,,
nsfw under the cut! if you are a minor or uncomfortable with such topics, please stop reading here!
⤷ note: the characters in this story are high school seniors, which means they are 18-19 years old!
he’d have SO much adrenaline and energy that just needs to go somewhere
istg the stamina that man has is crazy
if the guys stick around in the locker room he’ll just usher you to one of the bathrooms and fuck you there
he does not give a single fuck if a teacher walks in; it’s their damn problem!
and if everyone gets changed quickly and leaves for an afterparty you bet you’re getting railed on one of those benches
“come on, baby, get on your hands and knees for me.”
he’s definitely one for overstimulating so he’ll just fuck you through your orgasm, fingers still on your clit and everything to the point you have to push them away
feel like he would be really good at aftercare so after he fills you up he’ll pick you up and sit you down on the bench, get some tissues and whatnot
“you okay?” “does it hurt?” “d’you want me to carry you?” “i didn’t hurt you too much, did i?”
and when they lose the game
whoooOooooo boy
you’re getting railed into next fucking week with all the force he has in his body
he’s going full degradation mode + spanking bc fucking you is just not getting that energy out by itself
“look at how you clench around me, whore. my little whore, aren’t you?
“i told you not to hold back. keep doing that and i’ll fuck you in the damn cafeteria so you’ll be sure everyone knows who you belong to.”
his ego is just wayyyyy too big to not have you screaming every time
tease him and he will have you spread out, begging and pleading. literally no question about it
“aw, you thought that was funny, didn’t you? not so funny now, is it, princess?”
he’ll edge you for literal hours until you apologise. don’t underestimate him! he has his goals set and will do whatever it takes to get to them
that’s what makes him so successful, i suppose
i just feel like he would be a vvv sweet boyfriend 🥺
(would defo convince you to go to a college that’s close to his but that’s a story for a different time)
football player dream supremacy, me thinks!
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