#I am glad to share my art progress
ellidena · 2 years
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January art summary! Proud!
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u3pxx · 10 months
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finally sharing the piece i drew for @aasiblingszine! :^D if there's one thing about me, it's that i will be VERY sappy about apollo and trucy <3
leftovers are live over on here! so feel free to grab yourself a copy of this siblimful zine if you wanna feel warm and fuzzy and maybe cry a lil bit about ace attorney and the siblingisms of it all pftt <33
extra stuff under the cut! :^P | like this art? it'll be a print in my shop once the leftovers are over! | like what i do? support me on ko-fi!
help i just noticed that the timelaspe i had of this didn't record me rendering the rest of the drawing 😭 oh well, here's the progress gif too why not pftt
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it's been maybe more than a year since i drew this so very wild to see how my art style has evolved since this! considering that i'm currently in an art rut pftt, i've changed my inking pen so many times by now lol. but i still like this a lot! what's a den drawing without too many add (glow) layers and the sun setting down in it lmao
just looking at all the art and writing made for this zine was such a treat! so many heartwarming and heartwrenching scenarios so beautifully written and illustrated! flipping through this zine, i teared up a bit, my man!! i'm so glad to have worked with such talented peeps! :'^] <33
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this drawing of mine is kind of an expansion of this old doodle i drew, i'm just a big enjoyed of trucy and apollo ending up being the same height after a timeskip AND i am also just very weepy about missing people who used to be always with you, mayhaps.
once again reminding you that leftovers are live!!! here's the link, go get this wonderful zine!!!
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littlelesbinonny · 12 days
The Devil's Den
Chapter 47: In Which Pieces Get Set For Motion
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/150347506
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You stood looking at the entrance to Alcina's city from the steps of the church's hall that lead to its underbelly. 
You knew the way. Sort of. You had your cell phone for a flashlight and figured there were really only so many ways you could get lost. At least until another vampire or lycan found you. Though you didn't know if that would be a good thing, either. But, it was also only 3 in the afternoon; shouldn't they all be sleeping?
"I've never been there myself," Father Sullivan said, now beside you with his hands folded neatly, "but you're welcome to stay here as long as you like if you're wary of the trek."
A soft sigh escaped your lungs and you glanced over at him, "this if my first venture by myself," you admitted, "I'm not really needed down there until tomorrow, but."
"Your nerves are getting the better of you?" He offered at your hesitance.
"Little bit."
Father Sullivan smiled and straightened his sturdy back, "Lady Dimitrescu does that for all of us here," he grinned wider, "though I don't think it's her you're so nervous about."
Your blush was muted but you felt the warmth, "no, not her... but she definitely has that immobilizing intimidation thing going for her though, huh?"
"Indeed!" He laughed, "though I am grateful for her potency. Effective should be her middle name."
"You know, I think it actually is."
"It would not surprise me in the slightest."
The two of you shared a laugh and then you took a big breath, releasing it with an even more embellished sigh.
"Good luck, miss," he nodded at you, "give the Matriarch my regards."
Welp, if you were looking for a nudge or a send off, that was good enough.
Goddamn it was dark. And eerily quiet.
It became progressively cooler as you made your way further and further down and you were glad you were wearing what you were. You could recall that it was chilly the last time you were here, but at the time you had enough adrenaline pumping through your veins it didn't bother you in the slightest. If Alcina wanted you to move down here, there'd be some serious accommodation issues to be addressed.
A hint of firelight from the torches you remember from your walk with Alcina finally leaked into the darkness, a bigger smile coming to your lips as you rounded the corner to this lit area that reminded you the entrance to the city was only 3 more turns away. 
As you stepped carefully through the tunnel mouth, placing your hand carefully on the intricately carved stone banister of the large stairwell down into the city, you took a good moment to really look at it.
It really was beautiful. In its haunting, quiet, and macabre sort of way.
Hundreds of years of hard work went into creating this. Uncountable hours making everything as beautiful and mysterious as the inhabitants therein. Humans used to make living art like this, but now everything was boxes and boring. It gave you nostalgia you'd never felt before. This place could almost feel like home.
Taking silent steps, you descended the many stairs and realized only when you set foot onto the familiar cobblestone streets that the bite of cold in the air was now very comfortable. You sighed pleasantly.
With no real rush to get to Alcina's manor, you took advantage of the empty streets and admired the many structures as you went.
Most of them seemed to be made of the same stone that made up the underground itself; dark and shiny, almost coal or obsidian like in the right light. While others were made of a lighter stone; a type of granite perhaps. And others, though very few it appeared, were made of wood that had been either stained or painted over with darker colors like forest green, ocean blue, and you spotted one or two further off that looked merlot in tone. 
Some homes, and what you assumed were gathering places like what would akin to a bar for the human world above, were 2 to 3 stories high. The architecture of many of them felt very much like the French Quarters one would find in Louisiana, others were very gothic-cathedral like, and some were as ornate and beautiful as a Victorian mansion you'd seen pictures of. 
There were only 3 buildings that stuck out apart from the rest in height; one you knew as City Hall which could be seen from every corner with its massive imposing, sharp domed peak, the Matriarch manor that was far to the left, and one in the far back that you hadn't noticed before. It stood taller and wider than everything else, had hundreds of tall glass windows, and had a most beautiful amber glow emanating from each of them. Another council hall maybe? A hotel? Your brain chuckled a little at that thought, but it really didn't seem so far fetched; while these beings were undead, they were still human, they still traveled, did most of the normal things you did, didn't they?
As your train of thought continued down the tracks, it was derailed quite loudly as you approached a very large familiar gate.
How exactly were you going to get in? You knew this thing was damn well locked, and you didn't have a key, nor any way to alert Alcina you were there.
Your hands carefully pressed to the thick heavy metal but all you got was defiant resistance in return.
Fuuuuuck times two.
Perhaps your wild hair to show up early could have used a little flat-ironing.
Dropping your gaze to your feet in a bit of sheepishness, the idea of sitting like a lost child in front of Alcina's gate until someone noticed felt pretty embarrassing. But, suddenly there was a disturbance in the air and a soft whoosh as you looked up to find a brilliantly smiling Cassandra right in your face on the other side of the bars.
"Hi," she grinned, "you're early."
"Uh - yeah, a bit, sorry - I hope that's -"
"You're eagerly awaited!" Cassandra smiled even wider as she opened the gate and waved you in.
Well she definitely seemed eager and you weren't sure how exactly to receive it, but you nodded shortly and stepped through, "oh, ok, well, thank you for let -"
"Of course." She cut you off, latching the gate and ushering you towards the manor, "mother hasn't returned yet, but my sisters and I are up so you can relax with us until she's back," Cassandra continued, a more devilish smile gracing her lovely face as you entered the house, "let me take your coat, and you can put your bag right here," she more or less instructed as the front door shut and she reached for your article before you'd even began removing it.
You were still registering the pace in which you got in here by the time two more bodies showed up behind you.
Bela, the blonde, was smiling much more warmly and comfortably than her brunette sister, and the redhead who was almost right in your face had the same devilish, although slightly more chaotic, grin slathered on her facade. She looked far too pleased to see you than you had anticipated and you swallowed.
"I hope you weren't waiting at the gate long," Bela chimed in trying to inch Daniela back a little, "we weren't expecting you for a while, but we're glad you're here."
You nodded through a short smile, "yeah, sorry, I guess I -"
"No need to apologize," the redhead beamed, "we can show you the rest of the manor and hang out until mother is back!" She bounced.
Cassandra snorted as she walked around the side of you to walk past her sisters with a wicked smirk, "I think I smell a little guilt in that excitement there, Dani," looking back and eying you pleasingly, "she's the one who found you and drug you to the club that night, you know."
Well that was one hell of a revelation. You'd not really considered how you'd ended up at the club for the longest time, and now you were half mortified and curious as all hell.
Daniela's entire demeanor plummeted into the ground, her face blank, eyes wide as she looked at you then shot her sight at Cassandra, "why would you tell her that?!" She blurted breathlessly, her hands now on her face in embarrassment, "I - We - I'm -"
"Jesus Christ, Cassandra," Bela stated starkly, moving in and wrapping her arm around Daniela, exasperatedly shaking her head as her sister disappeared down the hall then looking to you regretfully, "I'm sorry... and welcome to our home where that one," she motioned her head down the hall, "has no filter or any couth AT ALL, and the other three of us live in utter madness at all times when Cassandra's in a mood."
Ah. So Cassandra was ruthless. Duly noted. 
Daniela was still quite beside herself and unsure where to look and you felt so badly. Even if it was true, that was a sharp way to throw that information at everyone's feet. You'd never had siblings but you had heard plenty of stories of how brutal the relationships could be. Being undead probably allowed for a whole new level of brutality to ensue.
You reached your hand out to Daniela and touched her arm briefly but reassuringly, "it's all good," you offered with a warm smirk, "I guess by technicality I should be thanking you, really, for the new life I've got and whatnot."
Her eyes were flipped from upset to beaming hope in a split second as she stared at you, "r-really?"
You shrugged with a bigger smile, "pretty much. I'd never have met Alcina or had any of this happen if you hadn't... ya know. So, yeah. Thanks."
The haphazard hug you received from Dani was just tallying up the unexpected event points you'd had in the last 10 minutes and you just chuckled, hugged her back, and decided everything from this moment on was likely going to be just as unpredictable and giving into that would just be easier than not.
"Ok, good," Dani huffed, grabbing the sides of your arms hastily after releasing you, "if you hated me because of that I would be so upset, I mean, you have every right to be, but it wasn't intentional, I mean none of the choices are intentional for the most part so you were just more or less collateral, which sounds insensitive, but I don't mean it to be! You just -"
"Dani," Bela stopped her barrage of blurting thoughts, "maybe go find our guest a human drink, like one of those bottles of wine mother likes that doesn't have blood in it?"
The redhead looked at her sister briefly, then to you, flashed a humble smile, nodded and then dashed off in the same direction Cassandra had gone.
You, still processing, took a deep breath.
"I am so sorry," Bela offered once more, "she's not used to interacting with humans. Or any type of normal interaction, really."
You chuckled, "it's ok. But I sure do have questions, although I think I'll just save them for much later."
Bela smiled warmly and waved her hand down the hall, "that might be best... We really are happy you're here, though. But please take Cassandra with the most miniscule grain of salt. And Dani will calm down eventually, but until then, I'll play mediator as much as possible."
You had been given a glass or normal wine as the showcase of the manor began. Cassandra was mostly reserved through the adventure but added in quips as she saw fit while the tour went on. Daniela was the main storyteller and Bela was the stability you leaned on when those two got into it over whatever happened to come up at any given moment. You loved the banter and couldn't help but imagine what it was like for Alcina raising them back into the women they were today from where Mother Miranda had left them. You could see her strength, resilience, tenacity, and spunk in each of the girls, even though they were all uniquely themselves. It was warming. 
The 4 of you were now in the turret, your second favorite room in the manor, as the conversation and interactions had gotten much more smooth and comfortable.
Settling into one of the couches, Bela sat adjacent you on a plush leather sofa, Cassandra perched directly across from you on what you assumed was her chez lounge, and Daniela had hopped off to grab you another glass of wine. You really didn't need another one but she was so happy to be of service so you couldn't say no.
"So," you began tentatively, "have any of you ever been part of a grand council like what's coming up?"
Cassandra ran a hand through her long hair with a scoff, "god no," she chuckled, "and thank fuck, because to hear how mother tells it, they're fucking awful."
"They're not awful," Bela stated with a look thrown at her sister, "but taxing would be a better word. These councils are strictly for those in charge; leaders of clans; sometimes the heads of military, but never anyone else, so no, luckily we haven't. I bet you're not looking forward to it."
"I'm going into all of this completely blind, so I'm pretty hesitant and nervous."
"Ah, just zap 'em with your fae powers if they give you any shit," Cassandra grinned, "and believe me, there are several who will."
Bela rubbed her forehead, "stop trying to freak her out."
"I'm not! It's true," Cassandra rebutted, flinging her hand to her sister dramatically, "how many times has mother returned from the yearly meeting talking about how annoyingly confrontational that French bitch, oh what's her face - Margery, Margaret - "
"That bitch!" Cassandra slapped the arm of the lounge, grinning at Bela, "she's always starting shit with mother - the biggest gossiper outside of Pablo - although Pablo is hilarious. He's the head of the coven in Spain," she went on, looking at you, "he's incredibly handsome, very vain, and so snotty, but he has comedic timing like you wouldn't believe."
Daniela had returned with your other glass of wine and handed it to you with a glimmer in her eye, "what'd I miss? Who's so funny?"
"Pablo," the other sisters answered in tandem.
"Ohhh, yeah. He's awfully self centered though." Daniela added, plopping next to you, "but god is he cute."
You couldn't help but chuckle, but as you were going to ask another question your phone dinged in your pocket. Pulling it out there was a text from Malka on the screen but you'd ignore it for now. At least, you could. There was a redhead within breath range of you as you looked over and you watched her gaze as it fixated on your phone.
Daniela's eyes snapped up to you, "oh my god, that's a nice phone," she smiled, "do you have any cool games on there?"
"Uh, yeah I've got a merging game on there I play from time to time." You replied unable to hide your amusement.
"Oooo, what's a merging game?"
You had to remind yourself they didn't have cell phones and games like you had at your fingertips everyday, so her childlike curiosity made your smile grow even wider, "want me to show you?"
"YES!" Daniela squeaked.
Cassandra rolled her head back on her headrest and groaned, "my god she's unbearable."
"It's no big deal," you said as you opened the app and leaned into Daniela's space, "here, it's called Merge Dragons."
You let her watch the load screen with awe at the colorful, cuter than necessary dragons and scenery unfold, and when the game started you just handed the phone over to her, "so, see these?" You pointed to a couple squares that had identical items, "find another one of those and place it in one of these squares - " Dani did just as you instructed and the 3 merged into a new upgraded item, "and that's basically the jist of it."
Daniela's eyes were even bigger as she pulled your phone screen closer to her face with utter glee, "THIS IS SO COOL!"
Her fingers started tapping and dragging away and you just chuckled, "well play away, I haven't been on that in weeks."
"Thank you!!" She squeaked one more time before huddling into the other side of the couch, continuing to play.
Bela smiled at you warmly, "she's obsessed with technology."
"But mother won't let us have any." Cassandra whinged.
"Yeah, so I've heard. Why is that?" You asked.
"Hell if we know; you'd think for her ancient ass she'd have kept up with times a little better, but no, apparently cell phones are the devil."
Bela rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time tonight, "mother is old fashioned, and it's not like we're hurting for it."
"She's boring."
"You just want a cell phone so you can hunt the easy way and be lazy," Daniela chimed in slyly, glancing over at you only briefly to resume the game, "dating apps, you know?"
You raised your eyebrows high at her comment but quickly regained your composure.
"Oh piss off Dani," Cassandra spat, "it's not being lazy, it is literally broadening my horizons in the vastest way possible! I have expensive tastes but sometimes I like fast food."
Cassandra winked at you and you so wanted to understand what the hell that meant but you also were pretty sure you didn't at the same time.
"ANYWAY," Bela cut off the conversation, setting her sight back to you, "the council meeting - I think you have little to worry about, really."
You took in a deep breath and nodded, "thanks, I've not heard much else from Alcina about what I need to do or who all these people are so... my overactive mind has been pretty occupied with it."
"Well, if my memory serves me, now that Miranda is dead, there's only eight clans with leaders, so... that leaves mother with ours, the Shadowed Dominion. Then there is Marguerite, from France, her division is called Les Chevaliers des Ténèbres, or the Knights of Dark. And then there's Pablo's faction; La Bella Damned. The Dutch lady, uhm, Belinda, with the Eternal Dominion. Escamillo and the Kiss of Shadows clan. Verona Giordano, whom you will love! She's from Italy, such a wild woman with a feisty personality, and her clan is called the Nightfall Legion. Then there's Ishaan, he's over the Moonlight Bearers - and lastly, Auguste with the Fallen Devil's clan... at least, I think that's all of them."
Cassandra leaned over languidly, "you got the Escamillo wrong, it's Emiliano with the Kiss of Shadows."
"Oh... yeah that sounds right; Emiliano."
"But yes, Bela is right; you'll love Verona. She's like our honorary aunt. Very loud. Very in-your-face. Love that woman."
"She sounds fun," you replied, "her I'm looking forward to."
"For real though, steer clear of that French bitch," Cassandra added, "she's a nightmare."
You'd take her advice and do just that, but likely with most of them, just for safety sake.
Karl stumbled into his shop with several full oversized bags slung over his shoulders, though he was met with the light already on and a figure in the shadows of the corner where his best comfy chair resided. Dropping the bags with a thud he flipped the rest of the light switches on aggressively to see who had invaded his space.
The person in question was certainly not who he'd expected.
"The fuck you doin' in my shop, murder mittens?"
Alcina dropped the book in her hands to her lap with a flump and arched her brow fiercely, "you want the truth?" She asked flatly.
"No. I love being lied to - the fuck you mean; do I want the truth - DUH."
She sighed heavily as the burly, disheveled lycan made his way over to her and uncrossed her leg, eyeing him with less scrutiny and more calculation, "this is the only place the clan leaders won't think to look for me."
Karl stopped dead in his tracks and looked blankly at Alcina. Then he started to laugh. Guffawing would be the better word.
"For god sake would you keep it down," she scolded, "this is why I hesitated to even tell you!"
He regained himself slowly, then plopped next to her on the neighboring stool and shoved his hands under his suspender straps, "oh damn Alci, you could not have hit me with a funnier mental image; big tall scary vampire hides from much smaller less fierce vampires in the lycans shop to avoid responsibility - I love it! You can hide here all you like, shnookie-ookums!"
"Oh dear Christ, Heisenberg, you're mental alright."
"Ah, c'mon, we rebels look out for each other, so don't get your titties in a twist - I got your back."
He was so crude, Alcina just rolled her eyes and closed her book, "you can leave my tits out of all of our conversations, if you please... have you had the pleasure of running into any of them yet?" She asked, referring to the leaders and changing the subject as fast as she could.
"Nah. Heard a gaggle of commotion as I passed around the back of City Hall so I assume Donna's got them all wrangled like the heard of gobbling geese they are. This week should be interesting, eh?" He nudged, "but I swear to god if they find out you're here and they start snooping 'round here all the time we're gunna have words."
Alcina blinked, "for both our sakes, I promise they won't find out." She leaned back and huffed once more, "and yes, this week, and likely many more will prove to be incredibly eventful. Dmitri, my men, and yours, are still pilfering through Miranda's labyrinth of chaos and uncovering more and more each night... I'd rather not deal with it at all, but alas, duty prevails."
Karl nodded and took off his hat, tossed it onto the nearby counter and shrugged, "I say burn the whole thing down, all of it. We already know she was psychotic, why keep any trace of it."
He had a point, but as much as she didn't want to admit it, she wanted answers just like everyone else.
"If it were up to you and I, I'd actually let you," the look of pure surprise and a cocky esteem boost made her choose her next words carefully, "however, it's not as simple as we both want, so cool your jets. But if burning it down comes to the surface, you'll be the first to know."
Karl smiled, "now that I like to hear." He reached for a beat-up metal box and opened it, plucked a cigar, lit it, and eyed the book on Alcina's lap, "whatcha readin', toots?"
His brows shot for his hairline, "don't make me have you committed."
Alcina actually snickered, "please, I'd rather gouge my eyes out with red-hot pokers," she smirked wickedly, "it's one of your machining books I found on the shelf in the back..." Peering down at the cover she sighed, "almost as eventful as Twilight - "
"Now hear hear," he grumbled, reaching for the book and grabbing it up, "them's fightin' words." He tossed it onto the counter and took a long puff, offering it in Alcina's direction, but after she softly declined he tilted his head, "hey, when's your better half coming back down here? Seems weird not having the spicy little fairy running around."
Once more Alcina's brow arched, "tomorrow night."
"Did you give her a prep talk for what's she's getting into?"
"Well, I suppose you could call it that. But I don't foresee her 'getting into' much. If someone decides to pick a fight, they will be sorely displeased at their choice..." she smiled broadly, "now that I've got blood on my hands, I'm not opposed to doing it again."
Karl just grinned, "feral you is so satisfying," he cackled, "it's always been my favorite version."
"I'm so pleased," Alcina mused, "but, I do suppose I should get home to my daughters. It's nearly nightfall and I'm sure they'll be readying to go out. Lucky shits get to roam freely while their mother is strapped to responsibility."
"Yeh, definitely not the funnest thing to be strapped to. Personally I prefer a four-poster bed with - "
"Well that's enough of this conversation!" Alcina said hastily, cutting him off none too soon, rising off the chair eying him stoutly, "good night."
He waved amusedly at her as she walked her way out and chuckled under his breath, "night, night! Get fae-bae to strap you down instead!"
Alcina's grumble was barely audible to him as she quickly made her escape but he continued to laugh as he began to go back about his business in his shop.
Getting through the city undetected was more difficult that she had anticipated, and having to act like she wasn't trying to go unnoticed by the passerby's was just as aggravating. But after her best calculated detours, she finally was far enough away from the hot spots of the city to move freely and get home.
The lights were on in the turret and she smiled warmly to herself as she slipped in through the gates quietly as possible. She was certainly tired, but knowing her girls were awake and she'd get to see them before a few hours of shut-eye gave her a much needed mood boost.
Alcina halted for a split second as she stepped through the threshold of her home; the undeniable smell and feel of you permeated her senses and she almost audibly sighed at the relief that you were here. And then a pang of anxiety thudded against her; dear god please let my daughters be behaving.
With silent swiftness and agility Alcina scaled the stairs to the turret, and with great relief found the 4 of you lounging in the middle of the room talking, laughing even. She folded her arms across her chest and leaned on the archway, admiring a scene she wasn't sure she'd ever see in all her years. You. Her daughters. Together. A whole new tidal wave of emotions she hadn't prepared for about bowled her over, but it was such a comforting sight she could barely breath, unwilling to shake the image in front of her.
Cassandra, whom she was most worried about, was doing most of the talking with you, and Bela was smiling from ear to ear, and Daniela... Daniela was... playing on a phone? Alcina narrowed her eyes at the girl and the intensity of the focus seemed to beckon her awareness.
Daniela's eyes shot up, and at the sight of her mother in the doorway unshuffled herself from the huddled ball in the nook of the couch with phone in hand and gasped; "mother!"
All eyes turned to the smiling matriarch and everyone rose to greet her.
"Well, isn't this a nice surprise," she cooed gently as her girls came to kiss her cheek, those silvery slate-colored eyes looking you over so fondly, "I hope the three of you have been nothing but hospitable to our guest?"
"Yes, mother," Cassandra drawled, "although Dani stole her phone and hasn't given it back since she got here."
"That's not true!" Daniela argued, warily handing your phone back to you, "she let me play on it, I didn't steal anything."
Alcina looked to you for confirmation, or something of that sort, and you obliged with a nod, "yeah, no it's fine. She leveled me up like 5 times, hell of a gamer that one." You smiled at Dani. She beamed.
"Mmm, I see," Alcina mused softly, "well she and I have quite a bit to discuss now that she's here... are the three of you headed out soon?"
Bela shrugged, "I'm in for the night I think."
Cassandra, in a less than obvious fashion, nudged her sister in the ribs with her elbow. Hard.
"U-Uh, uhm, actually, yes, yes I think we're all headed to the park tonight," Bela recovered, snagging Dani by the arm, "so, we'll see you two later."
Cassandra joined the link and pulled her sisters with her down the stairs, a jumble of 'byes' drowning out as the girls took off.
You were still shaking your head with a chuckle as you looked up at Alcina, feeling very out of place still, but happy and relieved to be with your vampire feeling less and less vulnerable as the seconds passed.
"You came early," she cooed as she stepped forward, grabbing the sides of your face gently, planting a tender, needful kiss to your lips.
Instinctually, your arms slipped around her waist and you sighed into her kiss, "yeah," you muttered, "was getting antsy up there above ground without you."
Alcina could feel the weight of her weariness pressing down on her now, having you here, the worries of you being away, gave her reprieve that she didn't know she was needing so badly until now. She sighed, pressing her forehead to yours, "did you have any trouble getting into the city?"
"No, it was pretty empty when I got here."
"Good. And the girls? They were nice to you?"
You giggled, "yeah, they were great. Cassandra is very feisty, Dani is adorable, and Bela is definitely the diplomat between the two."
Alcina laughed low and warmly, pulling back to smile at you, "there is rarely a dull night in this house."
"I can absolutely see why."
"Come," Alcina smiled through her sigh, reaching for your hand, "I want to change into something comfortable."
With Alcina now dressed down to a simple yet elegant white slip of a night gown, and matching robe to drape over her bare shoulders, you admired her from a far as you unpacked your bag and placed your things in the drawers next to 'your side' of the bed, as Alcina had pointedly told you. It was weird. But it was wonderful. Feeling like you had an actual spot for your own things here with hers; in her home; your heart swelled a little with how permanent this was all starting to feel.
The two of you had spoken about your afternoon with her girls, Alcina's busy day with Dmitri, Donna, and Gerard, all while successfully not interacting with any of the leaders that had made their way into her city, and how tomorrow would, hopefully, pan out.
"... everyone will be accounted for tomorrow, now when the meeting itself begins, will be another story," she explained, sipping on a glass of blood wine you'd silently escaped to grab her as she was changing, "but it will be simple; you will accompany me to City Hall, sit at the table beside me, introductions will be had, and depending on how the council converses, next steps will be had according to vote. I know the lot of them will demand to see Miranda's lair here, and likely her abode in Connecticut, which while I'm curious of myself, would rather not have to babysit these imbeciles without knowing what I'm also getting into."
Her sigh was heavy and you scooted closer to her on the lounge, running your fingers over her arm you could see how tired she was. She'd gone almost a full 20 hours without sleep and you could already tell she wasn't intaking blood wine in a manageable fashion to keep up her strength. You had a feeling you'd be babysitting her just as much as she'd be doing for them if this is how she was taking care of herself this far in.
"Well, I don't know how much real help I'll be, but whatever you need me to do, just tell me." You reassured her with a smile.
"Ah, draga mea," Alcina cooed, "you being here is the best help I could ask for already."
Taking initiative to act on your offer to help, you took her empty glass from her, placed it on the glass table in front of the chez lounge, and carefully straddled her lap, peering down into her eyes.
"You're wiped, I can tell," you said, stroking the sides of her face, "and if you've got to be at the ready here in about 6 hours, I think you should drink from me, and then we should cuddle and sleep while we can... then tackle those pesky leaders, hm?"
Alcina's hands grasped to your hips as she hummed over your suggestion, feeling her desire for you and your blood rising in her bosom, "just cuddle and sleep? I do believe I enticed you here early with my promise to ravish you in my bedchamber, dragoste... Did I not?"
Her wink made your cheeks blush, "ok, mmmaybe a little, but - " you tilted your chin up, "your wellbeing comes far higher on the importance scale than getting fucked silly... besides... I don't plan on going anywhere too soon, so... we have plenty of time."
Your smile made her absolutely weak, just as much as your admission did, "really?" Alcina asked airily, "you're not rushing above ground as soon as you get the chance?"
Shaking your head you leaned down and kissed her bare lips, plush and still as soft as ever even though they were missing their crimson paint, "my plants are watered; my crows know where I am; I'm here for a while, if you'll have me."
Alcina hummed low in her chest as her hands mapped their way further up your sides, pulling you into her as she peppered kisses along your collarbone, "I would like that very, very much."
Her lips crept further and further up your neck until your lips were pressed together again, breathy 'I love you's' exchanged as she wrapped her hands under your thighs, rising with you off the chez to drop you into the bed with her, languid, passionate, truly comfortable kissing commencing as clothes were removed and naked flesh pressed close as the two of you settled into a perfect fitting mess of tangled limbs. Not shortly after you felt the nip of her sharp teeth nibbling at your wrist, the icy prick of her bite causing your eyelids to flutter shut as she drank, the fueling sensations it bestowed both of you satiating the hungers within you. And then within the darkness, she wrapped you up in her arms and in such rhythmic perfection, the two of you fell fast asleep. The worries of what came in 6 hours shoved to the wayside.
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inexplicifics · 6 months
Hi! This is my first time sending you an ask bc I'm so shy, but I'm a huge fan of all your work! And it's so amazing to see a new AWAU part! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this incredible piece of art with us!
What I wanted to ask is, since you've introduced our boy Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach with his full name and everything (like he himself did, every other scene even though everyone had heard that introduction about 10 times already), are you basing Cahir's characterization more on his book counterpart or on the Netflix series?
And if you base him on the books, could that mean that perhaps in the future we might see more of Geralt's Hansa? Like Milva and Regis and Angouleme? (Angouleme and Ciri would be instant besties) Geralt with his Hansa in the AWAU would be so fun to see! And I think the Baptism Of Fire fish soup scene with AWAU Geralt would be so wholesome and also immensely funny XD
Regardless of your plans for the future though, I am absolutely frothing at the mouth to get the chance to read more of your work as always! Thank you so much for continuing to feed us so well over multiple years!
I must admit that as with many things, I am basing my characterizations on fandom osmosis, as I have still never read, watched, or played any of the canons.
That said, I would love to get Regis into Kaer Morhen - the shenanigans would be amazing - and if I can arrange for the Progress to happen across Angouleme, after I've done some research, I may well do so!
I'm so glad you like my fic!
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dawneternal · 5 months
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200 followers!! I know there are people celebrating much bigger numbers but I am nothing if not sentimental lol
I've shared a bit about my chronic illness/disability before, but since it's progressed to the point that I'm mostly housebound, I'm so glad I made this account and started making friends and interacting with other writers!
I'd love to take a couple of writing and art requests as a little celebration so if there's anything you'd like to see please let me know!
Ollie xoxo
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moldspace · 2 years
new year new news
hey everyone! wow! 2022 is over! what a year! i made a lot of art, had some cool opportunities (painting a mural!!!) and some challenging transitions (quitting my job, switching academic programs!) but i think, overall, i’m glad to put this one in the rear view mirror. 
now, to get out of the rear view mirror and look forwards into the metaphorical windshield - my resolution this year is to MAKE MORE ART and to GET OUTSIDE OF MY COMFORT ZONE and with that in mind, my first actionable goal for 2023 was...
to start a patreon!
not gonna lie, i’ve been just as nervous as i’ve been busy setting this up the past few weeks (and the imposter syndrome has kicked in HARD), but hey, doing new things is always scary and awkward. and i really wanted a good excuse to put some time and energy into behind-the-scenes stories, progress shots, sketchbook pages that aren’t pretty enough to post on their own, and rambling talks about the winding path my own art tends to follow. so maybe check it out and throw some money my way, if you’ve got extra and are curious!
currently i’ve just got one $3 tier up, but i’m sure that will change and evolve as i figure out what i’m doing. but what can i access with three dollars, i hear you ask? well...
full digital copies of all of my zines! with transcripts, and personal commentary!
polls! maybe i'm making new stickers and don't know which design to go with, maybe i'm amassing work for an update and don't know if i should make some more selkies or some more sphinxes - these polls will help ME decide what to make more of, and help YOU ALL see more of what you want from me. win-win!
behind the scenes posts and videos! i have to admit that i harbor a secret love for video editing, but I have so far had no real outlet for it (aside from the AMVs that i occasionally make in a fugue state and NO i’m never showing them to a soul) - but i've just filmed and edited the first full start-to-finish process video for patreon! watch me make a ceramic beasty from sketch to glaze firing, with full voiceover commentary (my voice was once described by a child as “why do you sound like that? you sound like you’re going to cry” so look forward to that!) i have plans in the future for tutorial posts and videos, more process timelapses, and full behind the scenes zine-making retrospectives, from writing to illustrating to binding.
this month (january 2023) only, sign up as a patron and i will personally send a little doodle to your house! yes, like in the mail. feel free to send me a prompt with your pledge, otherwise it’ll probably be some sort of creature with a human face and stars on it. maybe it will still be that, even if you give me a prompt.
finally, you will get my eternal gratitude! i truly cannot thank you all enough for the support and love over the years. it's been such an amazing honor to find other people who like the wacky little critters i make, and whether you've purchased art from me, follow me, or are even just someone who's seen and liked a piece of mine, i am forever grateful to be able to connect across space and time, with you, over art. 
whether or not you decide to pledge, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! i am so lucky to have this space on tumblr to share my work - every kind comment means the world to me, and i just hope my work can be enriching to your worlds in some small way, too! i know making it enriches mine :^)
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lilbeanz · 6 months
Hello! Not an ask, just wanted to say I adore your content; you're so skilled. I came across your art first, and the drama of even the smallest panel; I'd been eyeing JoDT & sequels for awhile because it was a WIP, but I caved and binged bks1-4 in about three days. I reread the "Eat your heart out Pureblood society" scene at least once a day, thank you for that, superb execution. I also really liked, in the first book, the interactions between Malfoy & Harry, and the very gradual "well, he's our friend now." The development of their friendship has done a great job of re-defining the characters and their relationships. The series feels like its own thing, and the fact that Ginny never even had the diary in book 2 only cemented that. I've really appreciated the deviation from Draco-the-tortured-hero/Draco-making-amends (which I also love to read). Horrors of the Heir was a great twist and really put the whole series in another tier, tbh. CoS was like, my least favorite of the series as a kid (alongside GoF, which has grown on me as I read fanfic) and your version of bk 2 easily established the micro-obsession of your series for me. Also, Crabbe & Goyle?? "They're actually really good friends"?? "Just to see if we feel anything"?? Adorable. Obsessed.
tldr; Your rewrite of the series is incredibly unique, and I admire how you've really taken the series and made it something completely fun and new and modern 💜💜💜
Looking forward to the rest. Thank you for sharing!
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This is such a lovely comment, I can't even -- I -- I'm --
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the series so far! It really has been such a challenging, fun project!
I adored writing the "Eat Your Heart Out" scene. People tend to forget that Draco Malfoy is canonically *very* dramatic when he wants to be. Yes, he can be sulky and scheming, but he also shouts taunts across the courtyard, and puts on scenes to make older students laugh at Harry’s expense, even going so far as to dress up as a Dementor to make his "rival" lose in Quidditch.
The Horror of the Heir was such an experience for me as the author, because CoS is my favourite book from the series (weird, ik) and looking back, I sort of realise I could’ve squeezed in so much more. But last May, 45k was a HUGE amount of words for me! And now I'm churning out 100k like nobody's business 💀
And speaking of growth, the reason I had Draco take Tom Riddle’s diary was purely because of growth. It would've taken him far longer to change as a person if he hadn't taken Ginny's place. A pivotal character development moment, as he reflects on his upbringing etc...
Crabbe and Goyle generally get overlooked in the fandom, and it really bugs me. Vince dies canonically, yes, but I absolutely love it when fic writers incorporate Greg as an actual character in post-war fics, and acknowledge that Vince was Draco’s friend.
It's always Blaise, Pansy, and Theo because they're intelligent and societies definition of "attractive." I mean, each to their own of course, but I could write an entire essay on the injustice I feel for Crabbe and Goyle!
And then, of course, the development of Draco’s relationship with the Golden Trio, specifically Harry. Just -- Ugh-- these silly kids make me so unhinged!😂
It wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows to begin with. Of course it wouldn't. It's a rocky start, with bumps along the way (and more big bumps to come), but I really do love the way I have progressed their relationship, and I'm not even gonna be humble about it! I really do love my own fic!!!
All this to say, thank you so much!!! I realise fix-its are a very popular type of fic to write, but I really do try to keep it as fresh and unique as possible, so the fact that I really am able to give my readers an experience means the world to me💖
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curdledmilkk · 2 months
im sorry for whatever has made it so you likely won't post on this blog again (even if it's just a loss of interest in the topic). i hope you enjoy whatever art you make moving forward! just wanted to say i love the art you've made and appreciate that you shared it. you draw soft but clear, if that makes sense, and it's really beautiful. ur color choices draw the eye and the layouts demand careful attention. all the best to you in the future wherever you go and whatever you make!
This is so sweet, thank you so much for the lovely words! It brings a tear to my eye reading it back again, it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything so I’m genuinely surprised and thankful to receive the kindness
The absence is a lot of different things combined (retreating from social media, lack of skill progression due to unavailability, loss of interest, fear of showing said art), the root of the issue being an on-call job that demands 200% of my life and rapidly declining mental health
I won’t go into a ton of detail because it’s just a lot of stuff, but losing the time and (in some ways) the ability to draw as a whole is very damaging to someone who has spent their entire life building their identity around being an artist. I think I can count the amount of times I’ve been able to sit down and draw this year alone on one hand
That being said, I am so so so grateful to everyone who has followed me over the years despite the very erratic posting schedule—surprisingly, I still see some of my drawings making rounds every now and then, I smile every time I read the tags. Naruto has been a huge part of my life for a very long time and I’m glad I’ve been able to meet and collaborate with so many wonderful and talented people here. I do hope in the future the time will find me again because there’s still a ton of things I want to create! We’ll see!
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hawkland · 1 year
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Art Masterpost: The Beginning Story by emmbrancsxx0 (@valleydean) Art by sidewinder (@hawkland)
When I saw an endverse story up for claims in this year's @deancashorrorfest — particularly one exploring the beginnings of how it all came to be — I knew I had to get my grubby, greedy hands on it. When I found out it was written by none other than @valleydean, I may have made some hqppy screeching noises to rival Castiel's true voice. Getting to do art for one of my favorite writers is always exciting, if sometimes anxiety-inducing, but I ended up having an absolute blast working on these with Mallory and am really happy with how they turned out. Thank you for being such an amazing partner to work with, and I'm so excited for everyone else getting to read the story now!
Thank you as well to @kingdumbass for organizing Horrorfest once again, and creating one of my favorite little Destiel communities on the net. It's always a ton of fun and I love how you keep the server going & engaging year round.
Some rambling comments on the art & my process below the cut.
As usual these were all done in watercolor with a little bit of black & white acrylic pen work for fine details and lines. I used rough/cold press paper for all of these to keep a consistent feeling and because it's always my favorite for doing any portraits and where I want a lot of blending control.
The hardest thing for me was deciding which of the many memorable scenes and moments I wanted to illustrate in the time I had available. I had a pretty clear vision for the title art early on: to show Dean & Cas at the beginning of it all, with a collage of elements of destruction behind them and doing the title text in the "Croatoan graffiti" style. There were a bunch of different reference shots combined for that one: screencaps from 5x04, a later-season shot of Dean & Cas walking together to get their positions how I wanted, etc. My Cas "face" reference was actually from Stonehenge Apocalypse as I wanted him looking a little more human/hopeful than standard s4-5 Cas as he's pretty low on grace but still has a little "angel mojo" left.
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(As Mallory commented when I shared it as a WIP, "That's a man who's about to be destroyed!" :D D:)
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I'm also really glad I was able to get the painting to Mallory at DC-Con! You can see in the pic that it's pretty big (16"x20") to get all that detail in!
For the next piece, there's a small scene of Dean and Cas on the road under smoke-filled skies, past a "God Saves" billboard that just struck me. I'd just driven out to Pittsburgh and back on the PA Turnpike so used some quick reference snaps I took combined with photos of the hazy skies from the Canadian wildfires earlier this year to get the atmosphere I wanted. I tried to keep some of the same washed-out colors and feeling of the title piece for that, save the color of the sky.
For the rest, I wanted to do one piece each of Cas and Dean at critical moments in their journey through the story. Cas facing himself in the shattered glass of a pharmacy cabinet was a moment I knew I had to try to capture. It reminded me of that amazing shot of Misha in Gotham Knights, with Harvey and the smashed mirror, so that was definitely in my mind as a visual reference.
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Cas himself is a combination of some Purgatory screencaps and some out-of-character Misha pics from here and there to get his hair the way I wanted it to look (even if I ended up painting over most of it with interference silver watercolor to create the effect of the shattered glass. Here's an in-progress look:
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The Dean rooftop piece is one I'd had in my head as soon as I read the passage in the story, but it was the last piece I tackled. The city in flames behind Dean was pretty much done in one shot as a spontaneous wet-in-wet wash...though it was a little eerie and unsettling working on it this past week with current events playing out on the tv while I painted.
Finally, I really wanted to do a piece showing Dean and Cas as they are near the end of the story compared to how they started out. This one came together in a really fast burst of inspiration - I think one day drawing and two days painting because it's smaller than the others (12"x6") and I wanted it to be really close up and intimate. Drawing:
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Poor boys have been through a lot. And it's only going to get worse )-:
Anyway, that's more than enough from me. Have you gone to start reading the story yet? If not, go there now! Bookmark! Read! Leave lots of love in the comments! Reblog and check out the rest of this year's Horrorfest collection while you're there!
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boozye · 1 year
Hello. I have good news, sort of.
You might have noticed I've been drawing and posting more often lately. I've finally gotten used to my meds I think, and with that it's been more manageable to get myself to draw. I've been trying to take it easy with this, since stressing over it is unlikely to help. In my road to recovery I've been drawing more casual stuff, nothing very serious or too involved, just so I don't take on too much at once and ruin my progress. I have some art I owe pending, most of which are raffle prizes from last year. All of which I want to draw and render with care as always. And I am glad to finally be moving towards being able to do that again. I stopped making raffles because I had pending prizes to do. As soon as I get them done and delivered, more winners will be selected again, and I'll begin looking into what else I could offer as well.
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I want to apologize for going silent about this for so long. And I want to thank you for being so patient and understanding with me.
Your continued support has truly made the difference, both financial and not. It is a huge help and has been what keeps me going so long. Thank you truly, to my friends and followers. I don't know where I would be without you.
I'm looking forward to what I'll do next and sharing it with everyone. I hope you are too. 💕
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kensiesh · 4 months
this is going to be a huge ramble fest
but more so just appreciation for the isat fandom;
i joined officially march 18th (my birthday!), so almost four months, and it was truly a fandom i was able to jump right into. everyone was so nice and welcoming, and there was so much encouragement to bounce off of i was so easily able to get back into not only art again, but writing again.
i doodled a lot while in high school, not really drawing. they were sloppy and i have never taken an art class so they were lacking in style, proportion, things like that. then i graduated and moved onto university where i really didn’t have the time to draw. i would still try naturally, but it was only some things here and there. like one major work every few months.
since march 18th, i have made over 40 art pieces, played around with some animatics, written nearly 100k words for fics, and i have never felt so happy to keep creating.
especially as i near 150 followers. you all are the best!!
my art isn’t anything major. i am quite literally teaching myself how to draw again, and having to find a style that i enjoy and i can call my own (we’re getting there!) there are things i have posted that i don’t like posted anyways because you all like it and i want to share it with you.
in doing so i have been able to share my progress with such an amazing fandom of people that i am so glad to have found.
if you are apart of the in stars and time fandom, i just want to say thank you for being there. for liking my posts, reblogging my art, reading my fics.
if you are not apart of them fandom, give it a try! you will find a community who will not hesitate to give you unwavering love and support.
you all are amazing and i am so glad to have accidentally stumbled upon y’all
thank you ♥️
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judasiskariot · 1 month
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
The 🖤judasiskariot❤ round - thank you lovely delightful @pinkberrytea for the tag 💕🌸
When did you start writing?
Already enjoyed writing creative essays at school. Wrote my first fanfiction (yugioh) as a teenie at an anime/fandom website. Got really into it, with writing fanfiction about a RPG I were playing/writing at the very same time.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Maybe I read more smut than writing it. Because it seems I always need to put up huge story before smut, so it makes sense, cause the ghost of dumb it is ooc comments are still in my head.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I guess not. Both ways (I just often say I am a film noir or Tolkien type cause I often get lost in description or heavy in inner monologue. We could be in Mordor....or only went down the hill, same length. So happens with me. (So gods no never ever would I say I can write like Tolkien!!!! I just mean by that, that I do not keep some things sharp and short when maybe needed, as I do prefer in real life)
I am a huge Dante Alighieri and Vergil fan, compare me to them and I will always love you 🤣🤣
I just feel like a bardic soul 💜📜🪶
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Desk is always occupied. Also is there gym, man sleeping medieval storage cave (The Manc Ave, right Terry and Korvo? 😉Dig old bicks)
Hardly wifi connection in there. I have no stationary pc, only cheap small laptop (it is hard to be a bard xD) so writing on the couch.
I have reading and writing candles (my luxury; even I should not)
Love to write in my bard poetry book outside in the nature 🌳🏞️🏕️☀️
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I am the drama queen.
Love some angst and emotional damage; make it harder than it needs to be.
But also horror, gore, love and smut.
Never surprised.
and dumb sassy joking; could write forever funny crosstalks like chat. Would anyone read that? Than I would write all my ideas, ALL! So efficient and quickly. Sooo...I get lost in my Tolkien surroundings 😅🙈
maybe i write more cheesy and theatrically than I thought 🤔
What is your reason for writing?
No. I am not skilled in any other divine arts and I guess that's the only thing I can call on. I like it. I always liked it. I can create something, that's nice. And I've written so much RPG and FF as a teenager, I messed it up and I hate that I didn't do it for over 10 years now. Why abandon the thing you were good at, had fun with, made progress while practicing? So that all progress seems lost and you have to start from zero?
I'm glad I've started making progress again, maintaining what I once set out to do, and learning to be better.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I'm incredibly happy with every single comment, even if it's just a smiley.
" You really did read my thing? How great is that!?!?" 😍🤩
But comments with a specific part or a line that they liked or whatever, their specific thoughts on certain parts are incredible. As a writer, I need feedback to know if I'm doing well and if I'm on the right track. Do others know what I wanted to say? Does it come out right? Otherwise I cannot improve.
If someone shares their exact first thoughts, what they thought about certain passages while reading, then the work pays off. 😍😍🤤🤤
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
As someome whose writig is good? 😅🤷‍♀️🙈 someone they can talk to. some nerdie partner in crime.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I have no clue. No one told me. I guess maybe having drama ideas and writing the inner struggles of characters.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Also here not much confidence in my own writing.
Reread it: what da fuck is this?! 😠 I thought this was good?! I have no clue where I wanted to go with that 🤷‍♀️
BUT I can also be proud, reread it and think "I did this. I created that myself. It may be not the best, just small and silly and cliché, but I created it myself!" Be proud, all of you writers!! 👏🏻🫵🏻💪🏻 We are forgotten so often.
Do people criticize paintings for being ooc? Well..I guess assholes being assholes in every aspect of life 😅😆
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I do it cause I want to. But of course the external motivation is important. Lack of comments and feedback makes you quit, mean people make you quit. You post cause you want to share your joy with others, hope they enjoy it too. When they do not, it can be bitter.
But still for me I guess. But non the less, I pick up things I think others will like (but not troping or so, writing things I dislike myself cause they are gaining online likes and so on; not in that way never) When I know a certain mutual/friend is reading the thing, I put easter eggs/insiders in it, they should get; things I think they might like and makes them smile. If someone would request some things they would like to happen/read, I would totally pick it up when possible. Shared happyness is happyness doubled.
thanks for the tag lovely
All my muts, please keep tagging me. I just keep forget doing it, when I can't do it right away.
And spinning head prevents me from that. I see what nonsense I write in the DMs and in every lil post a huge amount of spelling mistakes; I can't do it better at the moment; so embarrassing🙈
I've had a hectic time, sorry, but I love things like that and always smile when I get tagged😃😘 (and sometimes I'm a little unsure about telling something about myself. The urge to disappear completely one day and the next day I urge to overshare. Plus bad experiences with some folks😅🙈 )
I tag @nihil-ism @damadisangue
maybe you guys want to ramble a lil bit
[check out their works (if you like 😘)]
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anxiousdreamcore · 3 months
hey I saw that lovely art you posted of an alternate first meeting between Superboy and Superman in Young Justice. I watched YJ as a teen and loved it, but I've also heard people say that they dislike how much it mischaracterized Superman for the sake of giving Superboy drama and daddy issues. I don't know much about Superman outside of YJ, but from what I know about the character, the complaint seems legit.
If you could rewrite S1 of Young Justice, how would you change Superman and Superboy's relationship? And how would it effect the rest of the plot, especially the subplot with Lex Luthor?
Oh boy I am SO GLAD you asked
First of all yes, the complaints are legit as I have just binged all of season one and…Clark was bad. The writers fumbled his character big time and underutilized all of his personality traits. I have complaints about Conner too, as I will forever be more of a fan of his punk look and his “born to be a product” character version, but we have what we have and I think DC cooked when they made him pine for Clark’s affection for once. I think it could have been a genuinely touching found family story if it was written properly.
I’ve talked to a friend of mine about this and I feel like, if I had the reigns, it’d make more sense for me to write Clark taking on the role of Young Justice’s housefather (or den mother, as the characters themselves call it😂) instead of Red Tornado. If we refer to his canonical personality, Clark would have been much more present in the team’s lives as well compared to Tornado. I can see him cooking dinners for the kids, comforting them when the world weights too heavily on their shoulders, giving out advice or a shoulder to cry on. Perhaps even following them on some more dangerous missions and when drama calls for kids to be alone, he can just be at the JL headquarters or busy with his life as a civilian.
If it was up to me and I had to add more drama to the show, I’d take on the slowburn route. Clark, although clearly shocked and definitely on some level disturbed, would’ve been excited to get to know Conner and spend time with him; teach him about his powers, about the world, and help him find his place in it. That is just the kind of character he is outside of Young Justice. He’d understand that DNA relations make them a family, but wouldn’t want to push Conner’s boundaries as he is notoriously snappy, distrusting and at times aggressive with people, even if Superman sees none of that aggression or distrust directed at him in particular.
If he only knew that it is because Conner wants his approval more than anything in the world.
Clark gives Conner the same love and care as he does other children of the team, but it’s not enough. Perhaps Conner feels like he isn’t special; rejected even, as he is no different to Superman than any other member of Young Justice.
Both sides grow to want to be a family, to be a father and son and care for each other, but they don’t know how to approach the subject in fear of pushing the other away, however their dynamic slowly progresses throughout the first season and ends in the two fully accepting each other.
In terms of the Lex subplot, I definitely see Clark getting protective and hella pissed that a man who never gave a damn about his alleged son has suddenly showed up in his life, trying to manipulate him. As my friend had said, he cold have sat Conner down for a conversation, assured him that family is not only blood, but bonds. Sure, Superman and Superboy share blood, but they have also chosen each other, and that makes all the difference.
THIS might have been A tier stuff, in my humble opinion.
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mj-thrush-gxn · 2 months
hiya so me reblogging all the s2 covers turned into me looking back through a ton of ur art bc ur literally one of my fave artists in the fandom and i gotta say! its WILD to see how much u have improved!! i remember when i first saw u show up on here and start posting ur art and i was super excited to see where u would go w it and its been incredible to have seen ur progress over time!! okay thats all just wanted to express how much i love ur art 🫶
this honestly means so so much to me, i can’t even put it into words really. this podcast actually means so much to me. the podcast and its fandom have helped me through so much and i can’t express how glad i am i get to share my art with everyone here. honestly this fandom is the nicest and least problematic group i’ve been a part of and it’s so nice to get away from all that stuff. anyway sorry for rambling-
you are one of the most genuinely nice people i’ve interacted with and im so glad you like my art. my day honestly got 1000000x better after seeing this in my inbox. i wish nothing but the best for you, thank you oh so very much🫶🫶
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kurattes · 4 months
Hi! I just met you and - I just went through your art up to 2018 and I must say your art progress is phenomenal! I don't really mean anatomy technical improvement as much as your entire grasp on color, shading and composition, your most recent arts with backgrounds are SO GOOD, the composition and all the elements around the character, they make such good posters in general... so good! damn! it really is very inspiring to see such progress, makes me think I can improve my skills too even though I doubt myself so much. thank you for sharing your stuff, and I hope to see more of your art!!
Oh man, thank you so much!! It genuinely means the world to me to know that I am improving and have it be noticeable. I'm glad you enjoy my works!! I'm happy to know that they push you to create too - good luck if you do! I'll keep working hard to improve even more and create better works in the future as well 🙏
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gutterballgt · 1 year
I'm kind of nervous doing this since I've only done this like, once before (despite all my years on Tumblr) and it was anonymously, but hi, I really, really like your Chaleigh fics. You probably get that a lot but they are absolute goddamn works of art and are literally inspiring all my muses as I read them. I remember reading through a ton of them a few years back before dropping out of Pacific Rim for a while, and honestly, rereading them now, they're definitely a must read if you're big on Pacific Rim (and Chaleigh)
Literally, they are reawakening the fanfic writer in me. I have so many ideas that I want to write inspired by your fics. A throwaway line from "Here a Dragon, There a Dragon" and I find myself plotting out a domestic future fic spin off because I cannot resist. Your works are a blessing and a gift and I just wanted to let you know (and set myself up to share all the ideas that your AUs and writing inspires because I need an outlet and what better place-)
Thank you so, so much for reaching out to tell me this! I am so stoked to hear that people are still reading and ENJOYING my work! I keep telling myself I'll finish all my in-progress fics someday, and posts like these make me think maybe I should.
I've been writing original stuff the past couple of years, but fanfic will always be near and dear to my heart, and Pacific Rim will ALWAYS be my fandom of choice, so I'm glad to know that you're there, too.
I'm seriously grinning SO HARD right now. Seriously. THANK YOU.
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