#I am falling so damn hard for this incredible slayer
flynnsdoomangel · 1 year
I am so in love with him🥲🥺
This man sets my heart ablaze‼️❤️‍🔥
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DOOM Slayer, my beloved💞
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animebw · 3 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 774-776
-Not much to say about the little princess’ rescue. She hasn’t really been a character before now, so this is by far the most perfunctory beat of Dressrosa so far.
-Oh right, Senor Pink is still awake. Clearly, this is a mistake that must be rectified immediately.
-”I lose.” Okay, that was decently cool. He’s a man of his word, if nothing else.
-”Because the only time you smile for me... is when I wear these clothes!” See, I appreciate the sympathetic backstory, but you’re still a gross fucking person and I don’t like looking at you. Sayonara, Senor.
-”Gaze upon this beautious sight! It’s like falling stardust!” Damn, that’s a cool power.
-Look, I’ve already talked a lot about my frustrations about Rebecca’s arc, and I don’t want to just repeat myself. But I am so fucking tired of shonen that don’t let their female characters fight their own battles. Demon Slayer barely ever lets Nezuko out of the box, and it always has some excuse to lock her back in after just a couple minutes. Fire Force is lousy with instances of male characters taking over Tamaki and Iris’ fights. And despite how much emotional investment Rebecca has in this climactic battle against Diamante, she doesn’t even get to fight with Kyros to take him down. All these huge franchises treat girls fighting like it’s some shocking diversion from the norm that can only be allowed in short, infrequent doses, and I am just done with it.
Because let’s be perfectly honest here: if Rebecca were Kyros’ son, instead of his daughter? She wouldn’t be sitting out this fight. She would stand behind her father and fight just as hard as him to take Diamante down. She would share all his incredibly badass moments surviving through the iron rain, bringing her arc to a close with her own agency. Because men in One Piece are never made to shoulder the burden of “keeping their hands clean” like Rebecca is here. And considering how many shonen have no problem letting their female characters stand on their own- Blue Exorcist, Jujutsu Kaisen, Soul Eater, Gintama, Fullmetal Alchemist, My Hero Academia, even Attack on Titan- then One Piece has no excuse to rely on such lazy, gendered storytelling.
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spnae · 2 years
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Chapter 21 Our Expert
The two vampires made their way down to the front entry hall. Spike bounced on the balls of his feet while Angel leaned against the wall with his arms across his chest. Angel eyed Spike with annoyance, “So I see you found her alright. Did she even really need your help?”
“I managed to get to her in Paris before it did. We took down the nasty together. Sort of solidified the bond between us.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Thing’s blood had certain mystical properties, we both got completely drenched in it.”
“That sucks.”
“Not as much as you might think. Turns out that back in old times they used to use this thing’s blood for marriage rituals as a test of true love. Couples that shared real true love got over a weeks worth of seriously incredible sex and the couples that had anything less than the real thing just went completely mouth-foaming, bug-shagging mad. Normally ended up with the unhappy couple killing each other before morning according to Little Red. These folks would do it on purpose as a test of love and fidelity. It just sort of happened to us. We didn’t find out about the strings attached until well into the next day when Wil called to tell us about it.”
“And since neither one of you is dead or insane…”
“Course, Buffy and I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. We just thought things were amplified because we’d been apart for so long. Couldn’t keep our hands off of each other, you see. Didn’t really leave the room much that week… or the next. Nothing quite like Paris in spring,” he smiled serenely, gloating.
“Are you done? You got that out. Played your little mind game and had your fun?”
Spike grinned, “Not just messing round, Angel-cakes. Every word is true. Best. Sex. Ever. And I do mean, ever. Not to mention it seems to have left this sort of connection between us. Like a psycho-sexual thing, hard to make out sometimes if we’re not actually touching or in the act, but it’s coming along, getting stronger. Growing. That one wasn’t in the books, we’ve been figuring it out on our own since it happened.”
“Bet you’re loving this.”
“Damn right I am.”
“You’re twisted.”
“Yeah, a bit. At least I know how to have a good time.”
Buffy came jogging down the stairs dressed for fall in jeans, a sweater and running shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a severe braid. When she got there she pulled a messenger bag down from a hook by the door and slung it around her neck.
“Ready boys?”
Spike smiled at her fondly while Angel looked like he might be sick. She shifted her gaze between the two, “You told him about Paris, didn’t you?”
“You know I couldn’t resist.”
“I thought we agreed we were going to wait to tell him about that.”
Angel looked at the two of them, “Seriously?”
Buffy sighed and opened the door leading the way in across the lawn towards the duplex, “Nope, it’s all a figment of your imagination and you’re going to wake up soon. What the hell do you think we are doing here anyway?”
“Each other apparently…” he grumbled as he followed them across the lawn, “I don’t know, I assumed training Slayers. But you two seem more like honeymooners than teachers. So you tell me.”
“We wanted to take a trip together but thought we should come up here first. Do a little actual work and take things from there—“
“Then Giles broke his leg, and we decided to stay on a bit longer. Had planned on a little sightseeing tour of Edinburgh this weekend, and now we’re entertaining out of town guests,” Spike interjected.
Buffy shot Spike a quick nod, “Right now we’re just sort of rolling with it.”
“You always did like rambling didn’t you, Spike?”
“Figured the lady deserved a bit of fun for once; before we decide to settle down for good,” Spike rested a hand on her shoulder as Buffy stopped to unlock the front door. The three of them stepped inside without any resistance. For now the two vampires still didn’t need an invitation.
“So what is this place anyway? Looks like you’re starting renovations in here,” Angel said as he looked around the living and dining rooms and followed Buffy through the kitchen and into the basement.
“Yup. We just got the place cleaned out, renovations will be starting soon.”
“Are you going to start keeping the girls in here?”
“Not exactly,” Buffy said, dismissively as she pulled out a map, “look this is where Wendy said she and her girls found the baby.”
“Don’t you think maybe we should’ve brought her with us, Love? The redemption bit?”
Buffy frowned a little, “Honestly at this point, I don’t know if that would be a good idea. She’s been seriously off since it happened. Obviously it’s important for her to have a role in fixing this, but maybe just not tonight.”
“Fair enough, I just work here.”
“I’m not your boss, we’re partners.”
“Can we move this along?” Angel asked impatiently.
Buffy folded the map up and handed it over to Spike for safekeeping, “Ready to see something cool?” She asked Angel as she made her way down into the basement, stake at the ready. Once again the basement was empty. She went over to open the tunnel door and it swung open.
“Nice,” Angel grinned approvingly.
“I know right?” Spike agreed as he pushed past him into the tunnel, “Dead convenient.”
It didn’t take them long to find the tunnels Wendy had noted on the map. Angel led the way until they came to a large curved room with a small altar in the middle. There was a single older looking demon standing near the altar. He had blue skin a little darker than the baby’s and was wearing green robes with black trim. He had been lighting a series of candles on the altar. He was mostly bald, which made the three small horns on each side of his head seem larger than the ones on the stocky male demon they had seen in the tunnel before with the mother. The old demon in front of Angel had several eyebrow piercings and a large ring through his nose and a thick white beard.
Angel held up a hand signaling for Spike and Buffy to hang back while he took several more steps into the room. He waited a moment then cleared his throat before speaking in the odd language Buffy had heard the parents of the child speaking. The conversation seemed to be going well until the older looking demon suddenly tilted his head looking confused.
Angel fumbled for a second, “Spike? Help me out here.”
Spike cleared his throat, “Ah well, I think you just told him you know the location of the missing cabbage.”
Angel grimaced, nodded once, “Always get those words mixed up…” he said under his breath before he continued on.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I present our expert,” Spike murmured low into Buffy’s ear.
Buffy glared at him and turned her attention back to Angel trying not to smile. Angel continued his conversation with the old looking demon. After a moment he bowed his head. Angel imitated him then turned around to Buffy and Spike. “This is Elric, he’s one of the elders. He is willing to arrange a meeting with the other elders tomorrow night. The girls involved will have to be present.”
Buffy stepped forward, “Do we trust this guy? How do we know they won’t hurt them?”
“It’s not part of the process. They wouldn’t do anything until they talk to them first.”
“Ah hum, ok… do we bring the baby?”
Angel turned back to Elric, asked Buffy’s question and turned back to her, “The elders will need to see the baby, but they can not accept him at that time. If things go well tomorrow, then we can bring him back the next night when the girls will have to present the parents with gifts. If they accept their gifts then we can give them back their son.”
“Ok. And if they don’t?”
“Oh the usual.”
“Great, I love the usual,” Spike quipped.
“Speak for yourself,” Buffy intoned flatly.
They had no more than got back into the kitchen at the duplex when Angel’s phone started ringing. He checked the phone and held up a finger. “I’m going to have to take this,” he excused himself walking away from them and into the empty living room area.
“Hey, is something wrong?” he asked quietly into the phone, “No, of course not. I don’t mind.”
Angel listened intently for several minutes before answering, “I’m in Scotland on business right now…” another pause, “It might be a few days but I can meet up with you if—“ Angel stopped talking abruptly, “Yeah alright, sure. I’ll be in touch. Hey, thanks for calling. It was really nice hearing from you. I’ll see you soon.”
He flipped the phone shut and looked up to find Spike and Buffy both watching him. “That the werewolf?” Spike drawled.
Angel looked at the phone and back up at them, “Wh— oh no, that was just— it’s not important,” he slipped the phone back into his pocket then rubbed his hands together. “Ready to get out of here?”
Buffy eyed him, “Sure, sun up isn’t really that far off, probably a good idea.”
As they made their way across the lawn Angel spoke up again, “By the way, where’s Dawn? I’m surprised she’s not here with you.”
“Taking summer classes in Rome.”
“And you’re here, with him?”
“And she’s almost eighteen, living with a super powerful witch and a Slayer; not some random guy. I have met most of her friends and she hangs out with at least one Slayer nearly all the time. Plus there’s this thing called a telephone that’s super handy for two people to communicate with.”
“Hard to believe she’s that old already.”
“Wait; Did you say Rome?”
“They’re still in the same flat,” Spike interjected.
“What school is she at?”
Buffy told him and then raised an eyebrow at him when he stopped dead in his tracks. “What’s the matter with you?” She asked.
He shook his head, “Ah nothing, I just know someone else who is taking summer classes there,” he hitched a thumb behind his shoulder gesturing towards the duplex, “Kind of a crazy coincidence… the phone call I got in there… just letting me know he’s—“
“You gotta be kidding,” Spike and Buffy said in unison as they both stared at him.
“No seriously, you gotta be kidding me,” Buffy repeated, “If you tell me your kid is at the same school as my little sister… that’s some coincidence.”
“Oh right, so how many college-age kids do you know?”
“You expect us to believe that your kid just happens to be taking a summer semester at the same school her little sister is?” Spike asked.
“First of all, I don’t have much contact with him. He calls every once in a while to give me updates. I knew he was planning on taking a summer trip somewhere in Europe. I didn’t know he’d be in Rome. Or there. It’s a big school, they might not even meet.”
“They’re taking summer classes at the same school, roughly the same age, both speak English, come from LA, and both exist because of some major cosmic rewriting. No, they won’t stumble into each other at all.”
“Probably shagging already,” Spike said nonchalantly.
Buffy and Angel both glared at Spike, “What? Like you’re not thinking it too? I know you are, Pet. Probably what Dawn has been so squirrely about.”
Buffy turned to Angel, “How long has he been there?”
“Humm, I’m not sure, maybe a month? He had some trouble with housing, he was just letting me know that it finally got sorted out and he was settling in.”
“Be funny if he’s just crashing with Dawn. He knows Willow right? It’s not that far of a leap, is it? Friend of dad’s, bonus cute girl… just saying,” Spike said.
Buffy rolled her eyes towards the sky, “William, Honey, please shut up…”
“Slayer, I’m just elaborating on what you already said. You know as well as I do, how this stuff works. I can’t be the only one who’s noticed how the Powers That Be, love to screw with anyone in the know. Sounds just like their brand of screwy. Your mystical sister getting it on with his mystical son. Both of whom shouldn't actually exist. You see what I’m getting at don’t you?”
“That’s just what we need…”
“I’m sure it’s nothing. Connor is a good kid… now… Look, I was already thinking about heading down that way when I’m done here. That’s what we were talking about. I can check in on Dawn at the apartment too if you want.”
Buffy shot Spike a quick glance, “Yeah, I think I’d really appreciate that. As much as I don’t want to think about it, Spike is right.”
“Only if Dawn has started wearing leather and slaying,” Angel mumbled under his breath.
Buffy caught it and looked at him strangely, “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Just that he, ehh… has a type… wears leather, can fight… and he may or may not have a thing for Slayers…” he trailed off.
Spike opened the castle door and let them all in, “Must be hereditary… but Dawn’s not a Slayer,” he pointed out.
“No, but I have taught her to fight and she does have full access to my closet…” she said grumpily as she hung up the messenger bag she had taken with them.
Spike smirked as he shrugged off his long leather jacket, “No telling what sweet delights are hiding in there.”
“I’m going to see if Willow or Dawn emailed me back yet. Maybe they’ll tell me something that cancels out this whole stupid conversation,” She paused abruptly and shook her head, “You know what, no, I’m done worrying for tonight. Now we have a game plan for getting the kid back. I feel a little better, like I can breathe.”
Spike and Angel exchanged glances.
“You have something planned for tonight, Pet? Letting go of worry and all…”
Buffy thought for a moment looking between the two handsome vampires. She had a brief daydream of the two of them standing in front of her shirtless on some tropical beach at sunset. Buffy cleared her throat, “Humm, not really. Maybe a glass of wine and a movie, then I can check my email.”
“Switch wine for whiskey and I’m in,” Spike shrugged. He brushed her hair behind her shoulder and ran his hand down her arm taking her hand in his.
Buffy smiled, “Movie night?”
Spike swung her hand once and smiled at her, “Alright, but not another chick flick.”
“I was thinking of a comedy. I need a laugh. Get my mind off Dawn and all this baby stuff for the night,” Still holding his hand, Buffy turned to Angel, “What do you think Angel, join us for movie night?”
“Yeah, what do you say, Mate? Bury the hatchet and try doing the old-friends bit. At least for tonight. Try it on for size,” Spike said in a tone that dared Angel to refuse the olive branch.
Angel glared at him then glanced at Buffy. She was still holding Spike’s hand. All she was asking for was a little civility and an escape. “It’s been a while since I’ve watched a movie.”
“I’ll get the popcorn!” Buffy withdrew from Spike and shot off towards the kitchen.
Spike watched her for a second then turned towards Angel, “Come on then, let’s find something to make the girl laugh.”
Angel hesitated but followed Spike into the large living room. Spike immediately started rummaging through the extensive movie collection, pulling out a couple of Buffy’s favorites along with some random ones she might be interested in and laying them down on the coffee table to give her the final say.
Angel eyed the movies, “I’ve never even heard of half of these,” he said skeptically as he eyed the small stack of movies including, ‘Death Becomes Her’, ‘Scooby-Doo’, ‘Men In Black’, ‘Dazed and Confused’, ‘The Burbs’, ‘Saving Grace’, and ‘Bedazzled’.
“Not surprising. You really got to get out more.”
“When did they make a ‘Scooby-Doo’ live action movie?”
“It’s pretty new. Haven’t watched it yet. But look at the front. Daphne’s never looked better, she’s seriously hot.”
Angel eyed the movie case, “Looks like Buffy with red hair.”
“Like I said, seriously hot.”
Angel looked at it again and set it back down. Buffy came in a minute later with a big bowl of popcorn and she set it down, “If you two want blood you can help yourself.”
Spike raised a hand absentmindedly as he continued looking through the movies, “Just whisky for me, for now.”
“That’s what I forgot,” she said as she went to retrieve her wine, and the whiskey and glasses for the guys.
She came back in, set down the glasses, a bottle each of wine and whiskey. Angel watched with interest as she stripped off the sweater she had worn out. Now they were inside, she was getting warm again. Buffy didn’t notice his gaze and picked up the stack of movies. She threw one back down and handed the rest back to Spike to put away. He shifted through them before putting them back in the bin, noting which movie was missing from the stack and grinned.
“Go on, Pet. Let’s see what happens when cartoons come alive.”
Buffy got the movie started and went over to stand by the couch, “I’m honestly just hoping for a good laugh.”
“Freddy looks like a real winner,” Angel scoffed as he sat down.
Buffy looked almost offended, “Maybe not the hair, but I thought the actor was pretty damn cute.” Both vampires looked at her, “What? I’m allowed to look,” she said indignantly.
Spike stood up, suddenly wrapping his arms around her and pulled them both down onto the couch. Buffy let out a squeal as she landed on top of him awkwardly and laughed. She swatted him playfully and Spike loosened his grip, letting her up. He sat up a little with her. Their eyes locked as he pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, “As long as you know where home is.”
“You know I do,” she said low in his ear. Spike leaned down to her for a kiss. It was sweet and passionate and left them both wanting more.
Angel fought the urge to vomit. Instead he just reached for the remote and hit play on the movie, “Could you please not do that? Movie night was your idea, if you two need to go upstairs then go,” his tone was grim and he said it without looking at them.
Spike smirked at Buffy, “What say you, Pet? Do we need some alone time?”
“Shhh, the movie is starting,” she said in her most innocent tone. She pulled the popcorn towards herself and settled into the crook of Spike‘s arm leaning up against him comfortably.
The movie had barely started when Faith came into the living room carrying a glass of ice and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight before her. Spike and Buffy cuddled on one couch and Angel sitting alone, sullenly on the other.
“What the hell is going on in here? What happened tonight; did you meet with the elders?” Faith asked indignity.
“Movie night. We will go back tomorrow and the next night with Wendy’s group and the baby,” Buffy answered without turning towards her.
Faith sat down with a huff on the opposite side of the same couch Angel was on and grabbed the popcorn off of Buffy, “Nice of you to see if I wanted to join. Where’s the love, B?”
“Got wine and whiskey, get yourself a glass,” Spike added.
“Already got one. Felt like having one on the rocks so I came down for some ice. Guess that explains why I couldn’t find the bottle in the kitchen. Sounds like my kind of movie night. What are we watching anyway? Is that— is this Scooby-Doo? Are they getting stoned in ‘The Mystery Machine’, what the?”
“Everyone knows Shaggy’s a stoner. Now shut it, watch the movie. Drink,” Spike said simply.
Faith leaned forward to grab the whiskey off the coffee table. She poured herself a glass and glanced over at Angel. She caught him stealing a quick glance at Buffy and Spike, and filled his empty glass. Angel grunted a thanks and sat back looking dejected. Faith stretched her legs out on the couch, her feet not quite touching Angel’s thigh. He didn’t seem to notice. In fact he just sat there staring at the television rather than actually watching the movie. Faith rolled her eyes and directed her attention back to the movie where Scooby and Shaggy were doing something goofy.
Spike and Buffy both laughed at the antics on the screen. He murmured something into Buffy’s ear that Faith couldn’t hear and Buffy laughed again. Angel furrowed his brow and downed half of his glass of whiskey. He held the glass to his forehead as he glanced at them again.
Faith kicked him with one sock covered foot, “Let it go,” she mouthed to him.
Angel let out a sigh and relaxed a little before finishing off the contents of his glass and poured another drink. He continued drinking, sipping slowly rather than pounding shots, throughout the rest of the film. Casting a glance at the happy couple nearly every time Buffy giggled.
The moment the movie ended, both Buffy and Spike practically shot off the couch. Buffy muttered something vaguely apologetic about going to bed early and she and Spike made their way up to their bedroom.
Faith got up, “How about another movie?” She asked Angel.
He turned his head back around to look at Faith, “As long as it’s not based on a cartoon.”
Faith rummaged through the movie bin and pulled out ‘Lethal Weapon 3’ without asking what he wanted to watch. As Faith sat back down with a fresh glass of whiskey in her hand. The movie started and Angel patted the top of her foot, “I know what you’re trying to do…”
“Is it working?”
“I’ll let you know.”
Faith eyed him before taking a sip of whiskey and turning back to the TV, “You got to lighten up dude. I’m not saying get your happy on, just ease up a bit.”
“Not sure that would help the situation.”
“A little levity helps in like 80% of all situations. Maybe you should give it a shot.”
“I can be funny. I make people laugh all the time,” he said with a pout.
“Ah huhh, sure, whatever you say,” she added as she rolled her eyes.
Upstairs in their bedroom, Spike pulled Buffy to him. She placed a hand on his chest, “Thanks for tonight. I think Angel is finally starting to come around,” she said softly.
“No he’s not. Just because he’s playing nice doesn’t mean he’s on board with you and me shagging every chance we get. Might not be such a bad thing if he never does.”
“Now that’s just evil.”
“I don’t mean it like that,” she gave him an angry look, “No honestly,” he said defensively, “Think about it like putting an extra lock on Angelus’s prison. Even if he does get back with his werewolf chippie or finds someone new, he can be happy without being TOO happy.”
“So you’re saying flaunting our happiness in front of him is for the greater good?”
“Basically, yeah. It’s also a hell of a lot of fun. Throwing all that nonsense of his, back at him.”
“Yeah I’m not sure how I feel about that. I get that he’s put you through some shit but I refuse to be a pawn or worse, some ridiculous prize, in some kind of sick game between you two idiots.”
“You know that’s not how I think of you, don’t you? You are so much more to me than some stupid prize, Buffy. I love you, all of you.”
“I know. I just can’t stand the stupidity of it all when you two get together.”
“Not really much I can do about that, Pet.”
She glared cooly at him. Spike sighed, “I’ll do what I can. But only because it’s you, Slayer.”
Buffy let out a huff and dipped her head before looking back up to him, “I’ll take the nice act for now.”
“That right?” His tone was seductive as he let his hands roam over her body.
“What do you say to trying a little meditation?”
“Not exactly what I was hoping you’d say,” he arched an eyebrow at her.
“Oh I think we could make it interesting if we try,” she smiled wickedly.
“Alright, where do you want me?”
Buffy threw a couple of throw pillows on the floor and got out some candles. Once the candles were lit she sat down on one of the pillows. Spike kicked off his boots and mirrored her. They sat cross legged across from one other. Buffy held out her hands for Spike. His fingers glided over her palms. A subtle electric current passed through them both as their fingers intertwined. Buffy let out a small sigh.
“Ready for this?” She asked.
“Ready if you are.”
She nodded, “Close your eyes and clear your mind. Focus on me. I’ll do the same. We’ll try sensing each other and sending thoughts back and forth.”
“Sexy thoughts?”
“Let’s try small and work our way up,” she winked, “Although I wouldn’t complain to a little sexy.”
Spike cracked his neck and settled down. Closing his eyes he started picturing himself kissing Buffy dressed just as they had been. The kiss was slow and tender. Buffy pulled back from him a little.
So far so good, can you hear me okay? She thought.
Loud and clear, he responded.
A moment later the mind-scape shifted slightly. The kiss resumed and they were floating through space.
Spike? What just happened?
Just roll with it, Love. In his mind's eye he tangled his fingers into her golden hair and pulled her head back kissing along her neck and down to her exposed breast. They were both naked. Interwoven and floating. He imagined taking one of her breasts in his mouth, nipping at the tip with a little more force than he normally would. He heard Buffy gasp and realized it must have worked. Buffy’s eyes suddenly flared with desire.
Two can play that game, she thought. She ran her mouth along his neck and throat. Down towards his collarbone and back up to his ear as she ran her hands through his hair. She wrapped her legs around him, then ran a leg down the back of his thigh and hooked her ankle around the back of his knee. She ground down on him, rubbing herself against his hard member.
You’re in for it now, Pet. Spike growled and his eyes flashed yellow as he reached a hand down working his fingers over her. Slowly he worked his way in. Buffy moved to take him into her warmth.
He had barely worked himself in all the way before Buffy pulled back and opened her eyes, breaking the connection. They were both still sitting in the middle of their bedroom on the throw pillows. Buffy was panting. Spike looked at her with a combination of lust and confusion on his face, “Why’d you break it? It was just getting good.”
She rocked up onto her knees pitching herself into his arms, “Because as awesome as that was, I need you. The real you. I need to feel you inside me.”
He smiled, “Bloody hell yes!” he pushed himself up to his knees to meet her lips. Buffy stripped his shirt from him and ran her tongue along the well defined line bisecting his amazingly chiseled torso. She bit at his hip. Spike’s eyes flashed open turning from blue to yellow and back again.
He gripped his fingers into her hair pulling her up to kiss him again, “I love you, Buffy,” his growl came out from deep within his chest.
She knew his demon self was hovering just below the surface and didn’t care. She kissed him as she reached for the hem of her own shirt. Spike ran his hands up her smooth taught stomach and up over her bra. He pulled back to look at her as she pulled the shirt off revealing a pale purple bra.
“This a new one?”
“I held back a few surprises from our shopping trip.”
“Keeping thing’s interesting are we?”
“Always,” she said as she shimmied out of her jeans.
They kissed again as Buffy pushed Spike back onto the bed. She unfastened his pants and slid them down. Spike sat up to remove his shirt, and she straddled him. Buffy took out the hair tie still holding her hair back in a tight braid and shook out her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders.
“God you’re beautiful,” Spike exclaimed softly. He ran his fingers lightly along her hips stopping when he felt little bows of ribbon on the sides of the little matching panties.
He looked down and grinned, “I like this set,” he said as he pulled a ribbon on each side before pulling them off completely. She shivered as the fabric passed over the sensitive skin. Then he reached up until he found the clasp of her bra and undid it with a practiced hand. Buffy arched her back, letting the bra slip down exposing herself fully to him. Spike gazed at her atop him, feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
Buffy grinned at him, “What's that look for?”
“Just appreciating the view” he lifted a hand, trailing his fingers from her collarbone downward. She shivered in anticipation when he passed down over her breast. He brushed the soft toned skin of her abdomen and continued down her body, moving slowly and deliberately.
Buffy moved her hips, slowly rocking herself over his fingers as he rubbed her gently. Buffy was starting to feel desperate now. Her need for him growing. She raked her nails lightly down his chest as she went in for another passion laced kiss. Spike deepened the kiss as he adjusted himself and pulled Buffy down onto him in one fluid motion. Buffy let out a little gasp as he pushed his hardness into her completely. Giving her exactly what she wanted so badly. The connection between them intensified as they sensed each other’s needs and deepest desires. Spike nearly lost control for a moment, feeling his fangs descend. Buffy watched. Then leaning down she grabbed his hands and using her strength she pushed his hands up over his head pinning them there. In retaliation Spike took one of her breasts in his mouth, teasing her with his tongue. Buffy gasped when he bit lightly. It sent a shock of pleasure and pain through her that had her right on the edge of release. After several minutes she let his hands go. However, he held them in place, reaching up to hold onto the headboard.
He watched her with hungry eyes as she pulled back, sitting up and rolling her hips sensually as she felt him gliding inside of her. They were both lost in a sea of sensation as they moved their bodies together in writhing synchronized motions. Suddenly it was as though they were connected in both the physical world and their shared mind-scape. The feelings were intense as they explored each other both inside and out. The mind Spike was the one in his vampire form, the demon inside him joining in the fun. She opened her eyes to look at the real Spike pressed into her, realizing his face hadn’t actually changed at all. She kissed him and they kissed in the mind-scape too, in spite of his fangs. With a thrill Buffy realized she didn’t mind either way and deepened both kisses.
When she opened her eyes again Spike really had let his face shift, “Are you sure this is what you want?” He rasped quietly.
“I want you, all of you. The monster and the man, inside and out.”
Spike growled as she brought her mouth back down onto his, carefully keeping himself from hurting her with his fangs. She moved back over to his neck and ear, sucking and flicking with her tounge. Can you be gentle with those things? She asked inside her head without ever lifting her mouth from his ear.
“What did you have in mind?” He gasped aloud when she bit his ear with blunt teeth.
Buffy sat up a little, offering her other breast to him. He took it gleefully. As he rolled his tongue along the tip the way she liked. He gave a little nip with his teeth. She gasped. Little pinpricks of blood met his tongue making him shudder involuntarily. Did I hurt you? He thought to her.
“A little. Don’t stop,” she gasped again as he continued to tease. The sensation over took them both. He ran his tongue around soothingly, tasting the little hints of blood on her skin. He loved that taste but never wanted to really hurt her. He thrust up into her as hard as he could and Buffy shuttered as the first orgasm hit.
Spike let go of the headboard. He grabbed Buffy’s hips, suddenly lifting her up and pulling her forward towards him. He let his face melt back into his human form before grinning up at her. “Wouldn’t want to damage your sweet spot, Pet,” he growled low, “I want you.”
Buffy grabbed hold of the headboard and pressed herself against it as he dipped his mouth under her. Tasting her. He teased her with his tongue relentlessly and dug his fingertips into her hips and thighs as she pressed herself to his mouth asking for more.
Buffy screamed as he continued to pleasure her. His hands wandered over her lower back and up to her breasts. She released her grip on the headboard and grabbed his hands signaling him to let go. She ran her fingers through his hair roughly. Spike let out a low sexy growl. Arching her back, Buffy reached behind herself rubbing her hand against him. He was still slick and wet from being inside her. Electricity shot through them both as Buffy screamed again, “William!”
Buffy moaned again, and gripped a handful of his hair, thus spurring him on harder. A scream escaped her lips again before lifting herself up. She swung her leg around so she could move to the side, going down on all fours. Communicating her needs through their link.
Without saying a word Spike got up, and positioned himself behind her. She pushed back into him and he glided into her deeply once more, feeling her clamp down around him. Buffy straightened up, pressing her back against his chest as they continued moving in rhythm with each other. Spike growled and kissed her neck, tasting her salty skin. She moaned in appreciation and reached one hand to grab his hand on her hip, moving it down between her legs. Then she turned as she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to her for a kiss. He bent towards her, accepting it like a living man might accept an oxygen mask.
As their lips and tongues kneaded each other, Buffy felt herself building towards another release. The kiss deepened. Spike moaned into her open mouth as he continued to drive into her steadily. She let out another little cry of delight as he moved his other hand over her breast pinching gently. Buffy released her hands and moved slightly as she pressed them against the headboard for leverage. Spike increased his pace, sending them both over the edge.
He held her in place with his hands on her hips as Buffy steadied herself. She reached her arm back again pulling him into another kiss, this one slow and tender. They turned to face each other and resumed the kiss as they laid down on the bed. Buffy struggled to catch her breath as they lay there intertwined in postcoital bliss.
Spike rested his head against hers and smirked, “That was incredible.”
“Yeah it was,” She panted as she pulled herself a little closer to him.
“That’s a mind game I don’t mind playing.”
“Think we’ll ever get the hang of that without the sexcapades?”, she teased.
“I’m not complaining.”
Buffy laughed, “Yeah, I didn’t think you would,” she passed the moment relishing in the feel of his arms around her, “I love you.”
“Still getting used to hearing that,” he said softly.
“I love you,” she repeated earnestly.
“I love you too.”
Buffy wiggled a little in his arms as she readjusted herself on the bed with him, “I know I don’t say it enough… to anyone… I just really want you to know how much I really do, love you— you know, with Angel in town and all… I just want—“
“I’m gonna stop you. You don’t have to prove anything, Love.”
She took a deep breath, “Liar,” she laughed, “You say that, but I know you. You wouldn’t be so damn insecure around Angel if—“
Spike huffed, “You have no idea how much of that bloody nonsense isn’t even about you, Pet. You’re right about one thing, I’m still working through it a bit. Did a lot of that in LA but it’s still there; a bit.”
“You’re sure that’s all?”
“I’m sure. Think of it like serious daddy issues— except not— and way more twisted than the average.”
“Yeah, I can’t think of you two like that—“
“Like what? A freaking twisted family? That’s sort of what we are, Pet. A little like the family you’ve built for yourself around here. Except way more buggered.”
“I so don’t need to hear this. Why not go with something less— icky than daddy issues?”
Spike chuckled, “Dru always called Angelus ‘daddy’,” he shrugged, “Then he wouldn’t think twice about shagging her just to annoy me,” he cleared his throat, “I see your point.”
“Yup. That and it sounds like you’re still hung up on Dru.”
“Pfft, not bloody likely,” he paused a moment turning his face towards hers with a wicked grin, “So what do you think, Love, round two? Or would that be three with the whole mind thing?”
“Oh yeah, color me totally reassured,” she snorted delicately and grinned.
Still grinning, she tilted her head for another kiss and let herself melt into him. He pulled her hard against his naked body. Letting out a gruff moan, he kissed and gently nipped her neck. She ran her fingers in his hair and gripped hard. Setting up the mind-scape once more they dove in. The physical and the mental intertwining until they lost themselves in the other. There in that bramble of mind and body they found themselves and each other over and over again.
They moved against each other. Feeling, touching, and tasting every inch of one and other in slow sensual movements that consumed them both in sheer ecstasy. They let their minds wander in and out of each other, heightening the experience exponentially. The sun had risen long before they finally fell asleep, still intertwined in a tangle of limbs as they slept.
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wisteriashouse · 4 years
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pairing: rengoku kyoujurou x reader
genre: angst
word count: 1876
remarks: why do i do this why do i make myself suffer
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In hindsight, you should have known the second you saw the site of the train wreck with your own eyes.
“Kyoujurou!” You call, doing your best to keep your breathing and emotions in check as your eyes sweep the place. You’ve been running desperately, following the railway tracks along the route that you know the Infinity Train to have taken — hoping, begging, that you wouldn’t find any casualties along the way.
Your kasugai crow, which you use more to keep in contact with Kyoujurou than anything else, had informed you of Upper Moon Three’s appearance when you’d just finished clearing a forest of demons, much to your horror. You know the Flame Pillar is strong, incredibly so, but to face an upper ranked demon right after dealing with Lower Moon One is an impossible task.
If anyone can do the impossible, though, it’s Kyoujurou. You have to believe in him.
The closer you get to the wreckage, your seasoned senses can already pick out smaller details of the battle from the night before — the acrid smell of burning ash that still lingers in the air, the dented metal of the toppled train carriages. Although your lungs burn from exertion, you push yourself onwards, frantic to confirm with your own eyes that Kyoujurou is still alright.
Nothing is going to happen to him, you chant to yourself in your mind, over and over. Kyoujurou is going to be alright. He has to be.
You barely spare the casualties at the side of the tracks a glance as you leap onto the wreckage of the carriages, eyes desperately scanning around you for a glimpse of that familiar flame emblazoned haori. Most of them seem to be only suffering from flesh wounds, which means that Kyoujurou and the three that joined him have been successful at keeping civilian losses to a minimum. You allow yourself to cling to hope for a brief moment. They’re alright, so Kyoujurou must be as well–
You see him.
Or rather, you see the back of him as he kneels on the ground next to the wreckage, a boy in a green checkered haori sobbing in front of him. Your breath hitches, and then you’re running, shouting his name. 
The boy glances up in shock at your voice, his eyes and cheeks wet with tears, but you hardly pay him any heed as you come to a stop in front of your best friend, nearly falling over from how fast you’re going. “Kyoujurou, the crow told me that you encountered Upper Moon Three, I couldn’t reach fast enough to provide backup, are you...” Your words die into a strangled sound in your throat. “...alright...”
Kyoujurou looks up at you and your panic only grows when you see the red staining his smile, the familiar one that is only reserved for you and Senjurou. His remaining eye fixes on you, slightly wavering, so gentle you want to cry in anguish. 
“I didn’t think you’d run all the way here just because I haven’t replied your last letter.” He says, but his words are nothing but white noise in your ears, your gaze transfixed on the blood that just keeps seeping from the hole in his torso. His voice is so strained, so weak. “I was going to tell you that sweet potatoes were better than yam, but–”
His words are cut off into a pained gasp as you tear the haori off your shoulders and press it to the wound on his stomach, praying that he hasn’t lost enough blood to put him in the grave. “What are the lot of you doing standing around and crying for?” You bellow at the two junior demon slayers, who flinch back at the volume of your voice. “Earring boy, help me staunch the bleeding from the back with your haori! Or have you learnt nothing but swinging swords from your trainer?”
Kyoujurou’s bloodstained hand rests on your trembling ones as you apply pressure to the wound, while the other brushes tears that you didn’t even know were falling from your eyes. “It’s alright–”
Something in you snaps.
“Shut up!” You scream at him, so fiercely that Kyoujurou actually recoils, his expression one of shock. He’s never seen you lose your composure like this, not after hearing about the deaths of your comrades, not even after the passing of your father whose haori you’re currently pressing to his wound. “Shut up, Kyoujurou, just... shut up! You’re bleeding out in front of me! It’s alright? It’s alright? Are you fucking with me?”
“That’s not what I meant-”
“You’re asking me to watch you die!” You snarl, fingers tightening so hard in the fabric of your haori there’s the sound of ripping fabric. “It might be alright with you, but don’t you dare think that I’m going to be okay with you dying in front of me! Use total concentration breathing to slow your blood flow! Don’t make me watch you die!”
Kyoujurou blinks up at you slowly, watching as tears flow down your cheeks uncontrollably, the way your shoulders tremble with barely repressed emotion. He’s so exhausted, and his body is in so much pain that he just wants this to be over so that he can join his mother in rest, but you’re crying.
You’re crying, and it’s because of him.
And because it’s you, he parts his lips and forces himself to breathe.
Deep, measured breaths, just like he was teaching the Kamado boy a few moments ago. There are too many injuries to concentrate on, so he focuses on slowing his circulation so you won’t have to see his blood on your hands. Gritting his teeth, he takes one more deep breath to steel himself and forces the blood vessel to stop the bleeding.
Pain rips through him, clawing at his abdomen and a choked, soundless scream escapes Kyoujurou before he can swallow it. White flashes in his vision and he so damn badly wants to give up, but then your fingers are suddenly there, stroking his cheeks and begging him to stay with you. He clings to your voice even as waves of pain rock through him, as if you’re his lifeline and he’s a man drowning. You need him. He can’t go just yet.
When the blinding agony finally subsides just slightly, he finds himself lying on his back, tear tracks running down the sides of his face and his throat raw from screaming. You brush his tears away with the sleeve of your uniform, pressing your lips to his hairline. “You’re doing so well, Kyoujurou.” You tell him. His entire body feels sluggish, completely drained. There’s a light smack on his cheek. “Come on, talk to me. I’ve already called for a surgeon in the area, so you have to wait until he’s here. Don’t go to sleep just yet. You still haven’t told me why sweet potatoes are better than yam.”
Your voice is trembling.
“Sweet potatoes...” He forces his remaining eye to focus on your face, trying to remember your every feature. “I like the ones you and Senjurou make for me the most. The ones we make together on the first day of autumn. They’re always so warm and good.” The blood tastes like iron in his mouth, and suddenly he’s standing next to a pile of burning leaves in the yard of the Rengoku family home, poking at them with a long stick.
There’s a tap on his shoulder, and he turns to see you standing there in a thick kimono decorated with russet and crimson maple leaves for autumn, Senjurou clinging to your sleeve. He tells you that you look beautiful and your cheeks turn a hint crimson, mumbling your thanks shyly. Senjurou chatters excitedly about the roasted sweet potatoes in the fire, while his own face warms at your response, heart throbbing in his chest.
We’ve been making roasted sweet potatoes since we were children, Kyoujurou. You still can’t tell when they’re cooked or not?
He never tells you that he doesn’t want to learn, so that he can keep inviting you to his home year after year to make them together. 
The sweet potatoes the three of you shared always taste the best. No matter how simple they are, nothing can compare to them in the way they warm his heart.
“Mm, we used to make them so that you would give Kanroji a break from training.” You slap his cheek again, a little harder this time. Kyoujurou blinks blearily in realization that his eyes were slipping shut, instantly feeling guilty, but he’s just so tired. “Don’t sleep yet, Kyoujurou. Senjurou was telling me about how his broom broke yesterday, and he’s waiting for you to get back from this mission so that we can get a new one from the market together.”
“A new... broom? Ahh, I just fixed the old one before I left, it mustn’t have been enough.” Kyoujurou’s head spins, and his breathing comes out shallow. He tries to breathe right, he really does, but he’s losing strength with each passing second. “He was telling me about a new vendor in the market selling konpeito, so he wants to try making some. It’s simple, so Senjurou said I could try making some and giving it to you as a gift.”
“That sounds nice.” You hum, your voice trembling slightly, although Kyoujurou doesn’t know why. His entire body feels heavy, and his head rests in the softness of your lap. It’s warm and comforting and familiar. Kyoujurou used to do this after a long session of training, before the two of you had become Pillars with your own missions, your own paths taking you apart. Simpler, happier times, a long, long time ago. “When we go home, let’s make a fire and roast sweet potatoes together again, alright?”
“It’s not autumn yet, though... There won’t be enough fallen leaves.” Your hand finds Kyoujurou’s, and he squeezes it weakly. So warm. “I’m really tired... could I nap... for just a bit?”
Kyoujurou faintly hears a choked sob, feels your fingers stroking through his hair and your lips against his forehead. “Okay.” You finally whisper after a heartbeat, your voice cracking at the edges. “You’ve done wonderfully, Kyoujurou. I’m so, so proud of you.”
He feels the corners of his mouth lift in joy at your praise. “Will you still be here... when I wake up?”
“Of course.” You kiss his eyelid, the tip of his nose, then his cheek. “I’ll always be with you, Kyoujurou. We promised each other since we were kids, am I right?”
“Okay.” He murmurs. Relief settles deep into his weary bones, and he allows himself to stop fighting the exhaustion dragging him under. You’ll be there when he opens his eyes again. “When I wake up... I have something important... I wanted to tell you...”
You wait for him to continue, but Rengoku Kyoujurou falls silent and still – and stays that way. His warm smile remains on his face, and you fight back your tears to press a featherlight kiss against his brow, so that you don’t disturb his peaceful slumber.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, your voice hushed with unshed tears. Your hand, stained with his blood, cups his cheek gently. “Goodnight and sweet dreams, Kyoujurou.”
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cloudyempress · 4 years
Storge || K. Muzan + Upper moons
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✦ Fluff, comedy, manga spoilers, child!reader, reader is Muzan's daughter. 
- This was originally published in wattpad.
Storge (noun); familial love, the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa.
They called you Little Misfortune. Spending time with you was a nightmare worse than disagreeing with Muzan. Your seven year old self could only think of their faces as a canvas to use the paint your father regularly buys you. A few minutes babysitting you was the equivalent of being in rainbow land and hell at the same time. And if you had a single, microscopic scratch at the end of the day, they would suffer severe consequences.
Kokushibo hated how much you'd tug his hair and make fun of his eyes, along with your hideous loudness. Hantengu ran away from you when he realized how deadly adorable you could be, forcing him to become tiny so you could put him inside your dollhouse. Gyokko had to put up with you breaking his pots and making disgusting faces whenever you saw him, also having to praise your artwork even if he disliked it. Gyutaro found you incredibly annoying, but loves when you disagree with him being ugly and laughs when you prank Daki. Talking about her, she's the upper moon that hates you the most since you gained all the attention from Muzan and you generally bothered her. Akaza was the nicest out of them, so you'd crawl onto his arms whenever you were scared or feeling tired. Finally, Douma loved you, finding it funny when you blushed at how cute he was or how much you adored playing with him.
Being born a demon, which was a extremely rare case (specially being born from a human and having a lot of human features like aging), you had gained your demon blood art early. This meant more trouble for the Upper moons, you could make them lose control over their arts and breaths (in the case of Kokushibo and other demon slayers).
It was a chaos when you first used it. Hantengu's turn of babysitting you turned into you getting lost in the Dimensional Infinity Fortress, Nakime not being able to know where you were and the rooms moving and shifting randomly. Once Muzan found out, he rushed the other upper moons into an emergency meeting.
"Why are you so incompetent? First the lower moons, and now you as well? Can't you just guard a fucking child?"
Everyone was in complete silence. They knew better than to mess with Muzan when he got angry about something happening to his dear daughter.
"I'm going to say this once. Find (Name) before I disband you. Now."
Not wasting time in saying 'yes', they all left to find you. As the fort was chaos, most of them got smashed into a wall or pushed to the ground. Luckily, Kokushibo had enough instinct to avoid those, quickly finding you eating a giant jar of your favorite ice cream with lots of oreos and sprinkles. You were stuffing your face with it and humming songs, until you noticed that his towering figure was standing next to you, his accusatory six eyes piercing through your soul. You stopped everything you were doing, standing up and taking a defensive pose.
"Come, (Name). Muzan-sama is..."
Before he could continue, you took out pieces of a flute from your dress' pocket and waved them in the air high enough for him to see. Kokushibo frowned in anger and confusion, wondering how you got your hands on his brother's flute, which he usually keeps on him.
"No! I won't give in to a hairy spider like you! I used to have nightmares about you, but now I am not scared!"
"Spiders have eight eyes, (Name)."
But you didn't listen, sticking out your tongue and throwing the pieces in the air, running away the second he shifted his gaze to them instead of you.
The fort was filled with your giggles, sounding like a music only two people liked but the others had to endure it. They just didn't stop until you found Gyokko's freshly painted pots, his colors begging you to smash them into the ground. You climbed the table and shoved them to the edges, then began jumping to see if they would fall or resist the vibrations of your weight against the table. They didn't, falling into the floor and becoming tiny pieces of what they once were.
"Oops!" you turned around with a cheeky grin adorning your face.
Gyokko launched at you, gritting his teeth.
"I did you a favor! Now you'll have to throw them out in the trash, were they belong"
Before his hands could reach you, a wall as fast as lightning hit him so hard he ended up in another room altogether. You shrugged and kept running around.
Meanwhile, Gyutaro and Daki walked together, both complaining about the situation. He mainly listened to her whine while she rambled on how pointless looking for you was.
"Can't somebody shut up that horrying child laughter?" she screamed at the ceiling.
Gyutaro crossed his arms, he lacked the energy to explain to her how an annoying child worked. He knew it too well from taking care of her.
"I don't get why Muzan-sama wants her when he has me." Daki spread her hand in front of her face and started counting with her fingers. "I'm gorgeous, strong, loyal... and I'm not an stupid, loud-as-fuck child!"
"Ume" Gyutaro called, as the both of them kept walking straight.
"She's a pain! She takes all of Muzan-sama's precious time away."
"Ume" he stopped walking, Daki kept her pace as she was fixated on finding things to hate you for.
"She couldn't even speak properly when we first met her. All she does is cause trouble for us, that's why nobody likes her!"
She turned around to face him, a vein popping out of her forehead.
"At least I'm not as stupid as you, miss whore! Daddy told me you were annoying yesterday."
All her hairs perked up when she heard your voice. She turned around to find you a few meters away from her, a bit shocked from hearing you insult her that way.
"Who taught you that word?" she placed her hand above her chest, surprise evident in her expression.
"I did" Gyutaro said, a smirk appearing in his face. He waved at you ignoring his sister's terrifying anger. "Hi there, little misfortune. Everybody's looking for you"
"You're not going to stop me?"
He shrugged, going back to his usual annoyed expression.
"Not me, but my sister is"
Daki jumped at you, almost not giving you time to react properly. You spit the gum you were chewing to put it on her hair. Her eyes widened in horror as she tried to take it off, letting you off her hands.
"Fuck you, (Name)! Come back here you damn brat!"
Gyutaro helped Daki take off the gum, you running away from them. The last thing you heard as you escaped was Gyutaro offering to cut off the damaged part of her beautiful long hair.
Your legs were short and you got tired of running after a few minutes. You collapsed on the ground to take in some air.
"Oh~ Are you tired, (Name)-chan?" Douma's playful tone made your eyes shine at the realization that he was there.
You nodded, tears rolling down your cheeks. You were not only exhausted, but also feeling guilty of accidentally stepping on tiny Hantengu on your way there. It wasn't your fault he was terrified of your childishness and Muzan's rage, but you didn't notice he was in the way and stepped on him.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for causing all of this! Is just that Hantengu didn't want to play with me and I felt lonely! I don't want to be alone! Now everyone hates me!"
"Shhh... It's ok. You're an adorable little princess, nobody hates you."
He ruffled your hair as your teary eyes stare at his rainbow colored ones. They were both beautiful and calming for you, those colors made you think pretty things when you were sad.
"You don't hate me?"
"Of course I don't!"
"Then, will you marry me when I grow up?"
He chuckled, ruffling your hair again. Your cheeks were burning from embarrassment.
"Yes, su—"
Half of his head was suddenly cut off by a hand. You frown at Akaza, who seemed very angry at seeing Douma that close to you. Douma's head regenerated fast, his charismatic smile never leaving his features.
"Why are you proposing her marriage?"
"I'm not—"
"Yes, you are. What the hell is your problem? I'm not going to let you put strange ideas into her innocent mind."
Akaza opened his arms at you so you could climb into him, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Little misfortune was feeling lonely and hated, so I simply made her feel happier. Now let me hold her" Douma tried to take you to him, but Akaza's grip on you was stronger.
"You try to make her feel happier by proposing? Also, you only eat women, why would I let you near (Name)?"
"Well, she's not human!"
"Can I marry you too?" you ask above the discussion, your voice silencing the both of them. You pulled away a little bit from Akaza's hold to look at him in the eye. "When I grow up, can I marry you too?"
Akaza's concerned look grew bigger by the second. Douma had an amused expression, holding in laugher. Akaza's gaze shifted from Douma to you, not knowing what to say. His face told a different story than you had intended. You leaped away from them, tears floading down your face again.
"Then I'll be alone my entire life!"
You started escaping again, covering your face with your hands. The upper moons attempted to use their arts to get you back, but failed as yours contradicted their use.
Douma sighed, then turned towards Akaza with a smile from ear to ear.
"You're not a great liar, are you?"
After running around all day, your energy was so low that you could barely walk without dragging your feet. Loneliness was the strongest and most shocking feeling you'd gotten in the seven years you had been alive. No mother, no siblings, only a father who'd mostly be working and babysitters who hated your guts. Facing the ground, lips curved downwards, you clearly weren't expecting crashing with something. Or more accurately, someone's legs.
It was Muzan, his stern expression changing into a softer one when he saw your defeated state. He opened his arms to engulf you into a hug, so you jumped at him with the strength you had left.
"I'm sorry, I felt lonely!"
"Why is that? You always have an upper moon to take care of you" he walked towards your room as he caressed your hair.
"But they hate me!"
"They don't hate you. Kokushibo's always worried about your health and safety. Gyokko and Hantengu try to enhance your talents in art since they know how much you love it. Gyutaro likes to make you laugh, and while Daki acts as if she hates you, she sew you a stuffed animal for your birthday by herself knowing that other stores didn't buy the plush you wanted. Douma plays with you all the time, of course he loves you. And Akaza is always there to keep him from crossing the line. They don't hate you, they are your family." he tucked you in your bed, a smile reaching his lips before you closed your eyes in order to sleep.
He leaned in to place a soft kiss on your forehead.
"As I love you too."
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Vampr Erik Origin: Part Two
okay so I wanted to quickly get this out to basically wrap up the origin half of my new vampire Erik series Faerie and Vampr  that I am starting.
Origin Part One
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Let’s start with a little background on vampires:
In order to create a vampire, a human must be drained of their blood by a vampire and the blood lost needs to be replaced by some of the vampire's blood. The vampire and human must then sleep in the ground (this is presumably the point where they technically die) until the newborn rises as a vampire the following night. The newborn and the maker will subsequently have a maker-progeny bond, unless the maker deserts or releases their progeny.
If the head, or the heart are missing at the time of death, the person in question will not wake in transition; but simply stay dead. Currently, it is unknown what will happen to a person who lost other organs, such as a liver, or kidneys, and woke up in transition. Most fatal injuries, such as snapped necks, slit throats, stab wounds, and shattered bones from falls will be healed before the fledgling vampire awakens in transition. Furthermore, the person must be mortally wounded or ill to the point that conventional means cannot save their lives. I 
A newborn's existence depends upon their abilities, which are taught to them by their maker. These abilities take time to learn and develop. As vampires age, they become more adept at controlling their abilities. According to the history of the creation of vampires, two-thirds of newborns die during their first year without the guidance of their makers.
Newborn vampires will be thirsty and will need to feed to survive. Although newborns have some control of their abilities, they are mostly controlled by their impulses and can cause serious harm and accidental deaths to humans around them. In addition, newborns cannot resist blood at all, as resistance develops with age. The biggest difference is the fact that a vampire gains extreme strength, and has much agility and reflexes. This is more than a match for almost every human alive, and serves the vampire well for hunting and feeding. Of course, like humans, some vampires are just naturally stronger than others. 
Also, if a human who is strong is turned into a vampire, then that human strength is added to the vampire strength, creating a very powerful vampire. This is why many vampire leaders will sire huge men; they make incredible bodyguards even against a Slayer. As a vampire grows older, it’s demon side becomes more and more powerful. Vampires do not age, their bodies are, for the most part, just reanimated preserved corpses, and do they, through supernatural means, stay the same forever. There are some exceptions, for example, vampires still appear to grow hair...though perhaps at a much-reduced rate. 
A vampire can suffer terrible injuries and heal from them easily. Since they can only be killed by a few select things, they can suffer injuries a human could not heal from, like a broken spine. Gunshots, swords, and any injuries caused by weapons that aren’t wood can’t kill a vampire, only cause pain. Certain vampire poisons and magic do exist though, which will permanently hurt, or kill a vampire. In 1610, a powerful witch named Antonia Gavilán de Logroño cast a spell that summoned all vampires within a 20 mile radius to expose themselves to sunlight. This caused a number of vampires to die and caused vampires to be very fearful of necromancy.
Another example of the supernatural preservation is that vampires don’t need to take oxygen to live. They can, however, force air in and out of their lungs, which allows them to do things like smoke, or perhaps cool air into their chest if they get too warm. They do not have a beating heart like humans do. Although this is true, through some supernatural means they still seem to have blood flow. Without a blood flow, a vampire can’t bleed, or react to drugs, which they clearly do. They can’t however become pregnant or produce waste. 
Vampires are recognizable from their fangs, which are located behind the maxillary lateral incisors (as opposed to the canines, as per vampire mythology). Fangs can be extended and retracted by choice, and are controlled by the movements of certain facial muscles. However, fangs protrude automatically when vampires are feeding, angry, excited, sexually aroused (colloquially referred to as a "fang boner"), need to fight, or see blood. Fangs can also be removed, but grow back after three months. Without fangs, vampires cannot feed on live victims unless the victim is already wounded….
Erik’s eyes shot wide open in a flash. Darkness surrounded him and his large, muscular body was resting on a hard surface. He could hear the springtails, beetles, centipedes, and ants that make their home in the soil, crawling around. The katydids and crickets were chirping much louder in his ears now. He could smell the odor of dry blood and decay in the earth from the deceased. His body no longer aches and he felt like he had the strength of an entire army. 
The last thing he remembered was waking up on a makeshift bed surrounded by burning ritual candles enchanted with herbs, oils, and crystals chosen for their metaphysical and magical properties. He could recall a voice, a captivating voice speaking Jamaican patois in his ear. Now that he forced himself to remember while lying beneath the cold, damp earth, she said she was Mama Dalma; Tia Dalma. The powerful voodoo priestess Erik heard many stories about in his youth. 
Like flashes, Erik could vividly see her coming down on him speedily and sinking her teeth into his neck, draining him of his blood. What was she? She said that she would give him the power of immortality, superhuman strength, and healing capabilities. Did that include drinking blood too? From what Erik could tell from his razor-sharp senses is that it’s nightfall. His hands reach above him, feeling around since he could only see pitch black. He noticed wood beneath his fingertips. Erik pushed with ease, although the top flew off and landed somewhere far within the distance. He sits up, finally breathing in the night air. 
Erik stares at his hands in bewilderment before looking around him. Erik could see the full moon peeking through the branches of the oak trees. As his eyes moved he could make out a sprawling wooden shack surrounded by a damp, gloomy world. It’s a steamy bayou and the forest within this area looked like a spooky cypress where fireflies flickered in the heavy air. The swamp water surrounding the shack was eerily still. The sprawling shack clings to the branches of a tree within the swamp. This had to be Tia Dalma’s home. 
...Yuh can stay here on muh table and die slowly...or I can give yuh immortality….
Her words rang true in his ears. Tia Dalma saved his life. Erik was about to die by the hands of white men who seeked revenge for burning down their homes and killing their families. He now remembers tasting the mixture of saltwater and freshwater, also known as brackish water in his mouth after being tossed inside the swamp by the white men. The gators would have devoured him in minutes if it wasn’t for him being pulled from the swamp. He figured Tia must have killed those men and rescued him. 
Standing slowly, Erik tested his ability to move by stepping out of what appears to be a wooden coffin and into the shoveled-out ditch. He clearly recovered from the multiple stab wounds to his abdomen. His cream colored linen blend shirt with a collar was still covering his torso even though it was ripped. Erik delicately touches the skin of his much smoother chest, his head lowering to follow his movements with fascination. His blood still stained the shirt that is also covered in dirt and grass stains. Lifting his shirt up, he examined his abdomen, the muscles crunching the more he bends his back to get a good look. 
There are no wounds. The jagged knife used on him to create deep gashes was apparently gone. All that’s left is smooth skin and an eight pack so rock hard that if a mortal punched him their phalanges down to their carpals would be fractured beyond repair. Erik breathes irregularly and his eyes are wide with astonishment. He quickly touched his face and head, his hands moving rapidly with shock. His face is back to normal before the white men kicked, punched, and pistol-whipped him. 
“Wut kind of magic is dis’?” He spoke with a staggering voice. While staring at his hands, a drop of blood landed on his skin. Startled, Erik touches his nose, bringing it down to examine. He’s bleeding. After that realization an insatiable need to eat overpowered him. It hit him so fast and strong that it made his body weaken and stumble. He grabbed at his throat as more blood dripped from his nostrils. Erik lets out agonized gasps that turned into deep growls. His fingers damn near clawed at his throat. He felt like he was going to die if he didn’t eat something, anything.
“Wah yuh still doin’ down dere?” 
Erik turned with great speed towards the direction of the vivid voice. Standing above him, was Tia Dalma herself. She’s wearing the same sheer, black gown Erik remembers, her long, slender dreadlocks framing her face and a sneaky smile was plastered on her black painted lips. 
“Wut happened to me? Did I die?” Erik says while looking up at Tia Dalma with his inky black irises outlined crimson twinkling in the evening night. 
“If yuh climb out of deh, Mama will tell yuh everything,” Tia Dalma steps back, “Come mi child.” 
Erik grabs hold of a few vines sprouting from the soil-covered wall before climbing up with superhuman agility, his body standing before Tia Dalma in a matter of seconds. The speed still amazed him. It felt like everything around him was moving at a slow pace. Tia locked eyes with Erik before circling him. She was especially proud of herself. She finally has a progeny after 175 years of immortality. Tia smelled Erik’s dreadlocks and squeezed his muscles while circling his beautiful frame. 
“I give yuh more life, Erik Stevens. Yuh will walk deh earth unstoppable, like mi,” Tia caresses Erik’s cheek with her sharp, long black nail. He looked her up and down before his eyes moved to the finger on his cheek. He gently brings his hand up, grabbing her finger and bringing it away from his face. 
“Wut am I?” He spoke carefully with squinted eyes. 
“Yuh a Vampr, Erik, a creature of deh night, deh undead.” 
“Ondèd? Mwen? Ondèd?” He walks away, his head moving up, down, and side to side with curiosity and confusion. Mama Dalma watched like a proud mother with her arms crossed, allowing Erik to get a feel of things before she started teaching him. The sooner the better since he’s a newborn. Erik could see with perfect clarity in the darkness of the night, to the point of being able to detect bodily heat emanations. The keenness was comparable on many levels to a bat or owl but ten times more. 
Erik starts moving extremely quick, testing out his new abilities. He would run to the left and stop, then turn and do the same thing, creating diagonal patterns with his movements. This speed made it impossible for him to be detected. The more he moved, the more excited he became. He was like a curious child, wanting to explore what else he was capable of doing. Erik ran towards an oak tree, wrapped his arms around it, and without even trying, he uprooted the entire tree before dropping it. The oak tree landed on the ground heavily, causing it to shake like an earthquake. This startled the animals, leading to a few deer and owls fleeing. 
“Just rampin around huh?” Tia Dalma laughs before walking up to Erik. His eyes are wide and his nostrils flared. All he wanted to do was move. Staying still only agitated him. Mama Dalma grabs his arm, yanking him towards her with her strength superior to Erik’s since she is much older. 
“Ah, yuh have deh bleeds,” Tia wipes Erik’s nose with her fingers, “Deh is what happens when yuh need to eat.” She checked his ears, and sure enough, he’s bleeding from there as well. Erik raises a single brow in question, clearly not understanding a word she was saying. 
“Out and bad, yuh will have deh chance to play, but for now, mi have to teach yuh about what it is to be a vampr. Listen to mi, Erik,” She spoke sternly while grabbing his chin harshly, “Yuh have to feed. Deh is mi first lesson. Feedin’. Come.” 
Tia Dalma grabs Erik’s hand and the both of them zoom off into the night. 
A white young lady named Isabella Guidry was playing her violin on the open porch of her family's plantation home. The Guidry plantation had about thirty field slaves before they were all freed because of the abolition of slavery. The only negros left we’re the house negros who prepared meals, cleaned, and baby sat. Isabella had just turned 21 years old and she was in preparation to be wed to a veteran named Alex Bellefleur who served as First Lieutenant in the 28th Louisiana Infantry. She suddenly stopped playing her violin when she heard her mother calling for her. 
“Isabella! Come in darling! Yvette has to do ya hair! Ya have to teach the new debutants in da morning!” 
“Coming, mama!” Isabella places her violin back in its case before securing it. She fluffed out her full forest green skirt that reached the ground, the bustle providing fullness in the back. The cream-colored corset top with cotton bell sleeves cinched her waist giving her an hourglass appearance. She stepped inside of the grand plantation home, the eldest house negro named Mabel approaching her cautiously. Mabel was wearing an apron over her withering cotton dress, her silver hair sprouting from underneath her sun bonnet. 
“Miss Isabella, ya needin’ any help?” Mabel asks.
“Just take my violin, please,” Isabella spoke dismissively, “Da last time one of ya broke my precious violin...DONT break this one,” Isabella spoke harshly. 
“Yes ma’am,” Mabel grabs the violin case from Isabella carefully before turning to leave with a limp in her leg.
“Why are ya walking like that, Mabel?” Isabella studied Mabel’s legs.
“Nothin’ just tired is all,” Mabel smiles despite her pain before turning the corner to leave.
Her green eyes looked up to find her mother standing at the top of the stairs dressed in a black gown with a full skirt, her jet black hair pulled to the back of her head in a neat bun, and pearls dangling from her slender neck. She was clutching a handkerchief and before Isabella could ask why her mother began coughing into it. 
“Get up here, Bella. Yvette will put barley curls in ya hair and roll dem up. She’s waiting in ya room.” 
Her mother turns away abruptly, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor before disappearing into her bedroom. Isabella climbs the stairs to her room, worry filling her belly for her mother. When she finally made it to her room, Yvette was waiting for her patiently by her Astoria Grand Vanity. Yvette is a mulatto slave who Isabella’s father treated differently from the others because she’s his secret daughter. Her father slept with a house slave named Edna and impregnated her. Isabella’s mother found out and sold Edna to another plantation; the Compton plantation in St. Tammany Parish. 
“Evenin’ Miss Isabella,” Yvette spoke with her beguiling voice. She has smooth tawny skin, loose curly, sandy brown ringlets framing her face while the rest was hidden beneath a red and khaki tigon, which was simply the French New Orleans version of an African head wrap. She wore a brown southern belle dress with lace drop shoulder sleeves, a low neckline, and a voluminous skirt. Isabella hates that this is her half sister and the fact that she gets to dress so nicely. 
“Who gave ya dat dress?” Isabella asks with an attitude and jealous eyes. 
“I made it, Miss Isabella,” Yvette blinks her chocolate brown eyes away, “I have to do ya hair.”
“I know, barely curls,” Isabella takes a seat at her vanity, her eyes sharp on Yvette. Yvette could feel her burning holes through her head with her furious eyes while she took down Isabella’s black hair. Yvette grabs a brush to smooth it down, “Well? Wut are ya waitin’ on?! Do my hair!” 
“Yes, Miss Isabella,” Yvette moved at a faster pace before grabbing a clip to pin up some of Isabella’s dark strands. 
“I hate ya,” Isabella didn’t hesitate to say, “Ya brought down my family, ya negro tramp.” 
Yvette bites her tongue. She had a lot that she wanted to say to Isabella but she would only end up killed. It wasn’t her fault that her father slept with her mother, Edna, around the same time Isabella’s mother was pregnant. Yvette didn’t ask to be here. She couldn’t control the fact that she was half white, even though she despised that side of her because of how they treated blacks. Yvette will always feel disgusted about that part of her. While Yvette began working on Isabella’s hair, wetting a few strands, a scream rang out from her mother’s room. It went on a few more times, the sound so scary it made Isabella’s fingers tremble. Yvette was in the middle of wrapping Isabella’s damp hair around a piece of soft rag to form the curls when she stopped, a startled expression on her face. 
“What da hell?” Isabella stands, “mama?” She called. Her father wasn’t home yet from an outing with her fiancé, Alex, and the rest of the men for drinks, preferably hard apple cider and rum. It was unnaturally quiet. A pin dropping would probably echo throughout the room from how silent it was. Isabella lets out a panting breath before standing from her vanity. Yvette began to quickly clean Isabella’s vanity, her hands shaky. She heard tales about Ricardo Dupoux and his revolt burning down plantations throughout Louisiana. She didn’t want to be around for it to happen. 
“Go see what dat noise is!” Isabella ordered. Yvette pauses, giving Isabella a dirty look. 
“Did I stutter, nigger?! Go see what dat is! NOW!” Isabella yells with a trembling finger pointed to the door. 
Yvette drops the items in her hand onto the vanity before gathering the bottom of her dress to walk away. Before she could even make it to the door it was torn from its hinges. Yvette runs to the other side of the room, tripping over the bottom of her dress, and falling to the floor while Isabella screams, falling back against her bed. Standing at the door, both bodies covered in blood, is a black man and a black woman. Their eyes are round with pitch black irises, mouths wide open and sharp fangs protruding automatically to threaten. Their faces from the nose down are covered in blood and some of it stained their clothes. The woman, however, barely wore any fabric, her small breasts with hardened nipples and her hairy mound clearly visible. 
“WHO ARE YA?!!! WHAT DID YA DO TO MY MAMA?!!!” Isabella yells with fear. Yvette was hugging herself in a corner, tears filling her eyes as she prayed in Haitian creole. 
“Chè Bondye, tanpri, mwen pa vle mouri,” She sobbed while praying. 
“No use in cryin’ child, hush yuh mouth,” Mama Dalma spoke with an evil tongue, “hole yuh cahna, gurl,” She insulted Isabella, putting her in her place when she kept yelling about how they are a bunch of niggers and how her father will find them and kill them. 
Erik tasted his first victim and it was glorious. It was like an unimaginable, indescribable sweet heavenly nectar. It’s like being able to perpetually exist off nothing but sweet desserts without any negative health repercussions. The taste of Isabella’s mother's blood reminded him of fresh gala apples. It satisfied his hunger but it didn’t give him that feeling he yearned for, a feeling close to an orgasm. A feeling close to his dick chubbing up in his brown knickers. As he stared at Isabella with predatory eyes, he could hear her heart racing, and smell her fear, a scent that Erik relished. While he was draining Isabella’s mother dry he could hear Isabella’s heartbeat through the thick walls. His new powers as the undead allowed him to see Isabella’s blood and brain activity as well. 
“Mwen pa ka tann pou tiye sa a,” Erik spoke with a deep, gravelly voice before licking blood from his chin with his thick pink tongue. Mama Dalma gave him a seductive look, her clit jumping below her tightly coiled pubic hair. Yvette shudders from his words. He said he couldn’t wait to kill Isabella. Yvette wondered if he would say the same about her. 
“Eat mi child,” Mama Dalma says with a wave of her hand, granting Erik permission to drain Isabella dry. Mama Dalama couldn’t keep her eyes off of Erik’s blood-covered lips and fangs. Isabella tried to run with a high-pitched scream filling the room but Erik already detected her escape, running up on her at a whizzing speed that ripped through the air, grabbing her by the back of her frail neck and slamming her face first on the hardwood floor. Erik twisted her neck painfully before sinking his fangs deep into her pulsating jugular vein. Since he’s new, he drank from Isabella with so much excitement to taste her blood that Tia had to stand by him to instruct him. 
“Patience, Erik, slow down,” Mama Dalma moves some of his dreads from his face, “Feel her heartbeat...yuh feel that? Yuh hear it slowing up? Deh is what yuh want to look for. When yuh feedin’ yuh must never take deh last breath or it will draw yuh in and yuh will drop out. If yuh plan on feeding yuh have to learn how to do it without killing dem, yuh know?” 
Isabella’s cries grew fainter and fainter. Yvette was staring her in the eyes, watching the life drain from her body. Tears of fear fell from Yvette’s eyes and a hand came up to cover her mouth so she wouldn’t scream. She didn’t understand what she was witnessing before her eyes. 
“Good job, Big up yourself,” Mama Dalma congratulates Erik on properly feeding from his victim, “Now, yuh may finish her off.” 
Erik didn’t need to be told twice. He sank his fangs deeper, ripping the flesh from her neck, and in a matter of seconds, Isabella was lifeless. Erik retracted his fangs before dropping her body to the floor with a loud thud. Her blood was much better than her mother’s, it tasted like cinnamon apples. He could easily tell Isabella and her mother apart from their bodily odor, down to their blood types.
“Now, appreciate yuh prey,” Mama Dalma smashes Isabella’s head like a watermelon with her bare foot, “Deh are food, and only food.” She reminds a newborn Erik. 
“More,” Erik says while the blood of his victims electrified his body. 
“There’s one more,” Mama Dalma points her sharp black claw nail at Yvette, “She’s a pretty one too...I bet she tastes better,” Mama Dalma says with a honeyed voice. 
The echo-sensitivity of Erik’s hearing is what made him notice Yvette. When his eyes landed on hers and his nose sniffed the air she openly cried, her hands flailing and pretty face stained with tears. His sheer speed made it impossible for Yvette to escape. Erik picks Yvette up by her neck and slams her against the wall, grabbing her chin to aggressively turn her head so that he could have access to her neck, or, another area…
“Mwen...Mwen...bèl, Mwen,” His eyes are glued to the copious amount of cleavage she has spilling over the top of her dress. Her skin was translucent to him and he could see her veins and arteries contracting and pushing blood throughout her. Then, Erik could hear her heart like ritual drums pounding his ears. She smelled so...good. Her scent was like Heliotropes with their vivid purple beauty that reminded Erik of cherry pie. 
“Tanpri, pa touye m’. Mwen ansent!!!” She pleaded and shook with fear, “Mwen gen yon ti bebe k ap grandi andedan mwen!!” She couldn’t look Erik in his killer eyes. 
Erik retracted his fangs, his eyes tearing away from Yvette’s cleavage with great restraint. He lets go of Yvette walking away to control himself. Yvette slides down the wall to the floor clutching her belly. She trembled as she cried. Erik clenched his fists, trying his best to control his breathing and his temptations to drain her dry. 
“Erik? Wuh are yuh doing?!!!” Mama Dalma spoke with rage, speeding over to Erik and standing in front of him, “Yuh stopped...why did Yuh do deh?!” Mama Dalma was hysterical. 
“Not dis one,” Erik spoke with a low trembling voice, “She’s pregnant.” 
Mama Dalma tilted her head up at Erik before grabbing his chin roughly, causing her sharp nails to sink into the flesh of his cheeks, drawing blood,“Yuh came here to feed, right? Wat a gwaan? Yuh killed the other two just fine. Yuh can’t have remorse, it’s not in our nature.” 
“I can’t do it,” Erik moves his head away from Mama Dalma’s grip, “There has to be another way, I can’t-I can’t kill her.” 
Mama Dalma’s eyes were scornful on Erik. He didn’t cower under her gaze because he knew she wouldn’t kill him, she needed him, that much Erik could tell. 
Mama Dalma closes her eyes with a shake of her head, “Yuh queff dem whites...Yuh need to glamour this one then, wipe her memory.” 
Erik’s eyes narrowed with confusion. 
“It's a form of hypnosis. Come, I’ll show Yuh.” 
Both Mama Dalma and Erik dash to Yvette causing her to scream. Erik places a hand over her mouth to calm her but it wasn’t working. Mama Dalma rolls her eyes with frustration, preferring to kill her but Erik did need to learn how to glamour his victims. 
“Alright, now, stare into her eyes.” 
Erik locks eyes with Yvette. 
“Keep eye contact...yes...now, yuh will feel yourself invading her mind...when yuh feel that connection, hold it with all Yuh might. Now...use your voice to compel her to do wuh yuh want her to do...now try.” 
Erik felt tethered to Yvette’s mind. It was hard to hold on but Erik pushed himself to keep Yvette under his control. He liked the challenge and if this was going to be his life he needed to do it right the first time. That was the perfectionist in him, even as Ricardo Dupoux. 
“...I’m going to release ya mouth now….” Erik spoke calmly and carefully. Yvette didn’t make a sound as Erik’s hand left her mouth. She stared at him with a dazed expression like she was in a dream-like state. 
“Tell me, what’s ya name, girl?” Erik asks. 
“Yvette,” She spoke with reverie.
“Yvette...ya very lucky tonight. Ya get to leave dis plantation and never look back. Ya can find ya family, and be free with ya babies,” Erik smiles with his blood stained lips and deep charming dimples causing Yvette to smile. 
“I can finally see my mama?” even in a stupor, Yvette couldn’t fight the tears of joy falling from her eyes. 
“Yeah, ya can go to ya mama. Ya won’t remember wut happened here tonight, ya never even saw me, or her,” Erik reaches out to stroke Yvette’s face. She leaned into his touch while staring at him like she was stuck in a daydream. 
“Now, I’m gonna let ya go now, girl. Forget this plantation, just keep going and don’t look back, ya hear me?” 
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl, now, go on, love, leave and never, ever look back.” Erik stressed while holding the eye contact he had with her. Yvette blinked her pretty chocolate brown eyes at him like she was under a love spell, “Say, yes sir so I know you understand what I’m telling ya to do.” 
“Yes sir,” Yvette says with a nod of her head. Erik left her in suspended animation while Yvette lifted from the floor, gathering the front of her dress, and walking out of the room. She was gone. 
“Yuh gonna tell mi wuh happened back dere?” 
Erik turned to Mama Dalma and she was on him in a flash, slamming him to the floor hard and breaking the floorboards beneath him. His fangs extended and he hissed at her with his dark eyes unblinking on her. Mama Dalma’s hands are a blur as she holds Erik down with his arms above his head. She hissed in his face harder, her fangs inches away from biting a hole through his pouty bottom lip. 
“Yuh enjoy misbehaving I see. Let me tell yuh something,” She spoke with venom, “I am Yuh maker, I created yuh, and I can take Yuh life away,” She snaps her fingers before dragging her hand down his body to his crotch, squeezing his erection hard,  “Just...like...deh, do yuh understand? I command yuh, I have a link to Yuh body and when I call on yuh...yuh come to mama,” She whispered before pushing off of him with great speed, standing above him. 
“Retract yuh fangs,” She says. Erik glared at her on that floor, disobeying her yet again. 
“As yuh maker, I COMMAND YUH TO RETRACT YUH FANGS...NOW!” Her voice boomed. 
Erik retracted them without any more trouble. 
“Good boy,” She says, “Now get up. I’m not finished feedin’.” 
There are rows of Cajun homes within New Orleans that belonged to many white people. Some were plantations, others were of regular architecture. Mama Dalma and Erik have been feeding all night and it would be dawn soon in a couple of hours. Since Tia has already killed the men that attempted to kill Erik, Erik seeked revenge on their families. They couldn’t walk into the homes unless they were invited which is what got them inside of the Guidry plantation. An elder house negro named Mabel invited them inside when Mama Dalma persuaded her. As soon as Mama Dalma and Erik stepped into the home, Mama Dalma killed Mabel by draining her blood through her throat. 
Mama Dalma made Erik glamor each white person that owned the homes so they could invite them inside to kill them. Bloody footprints made a trail up the road to each and every home. Children, mothers, and fathers all lay in a bloody pile for the flies to swarm them. It was sensual and addictive to feed from his victims. He didn’t feel sexual attraction towards them, especially the racists whites all over New Orleans, but the tastier the blood, the harder his dick became. His mortal life was becoming an afterthought, especially with what happened at the Guidry plantation. He couldn’t bring himself to kill Yvette, even as a newborn, because she was pregnant. Her fear and her words made him think about Justine Dupoux; his wife, and his two little girls, Rose Fabiola Dupoux and Felicie Ines Dupoux. 
With Dawn approaching, Mama Dalma and Erik are simply walking through the bayou, dried blood on their skin from head to toe. Mama Dalma tells Erik the story of how she was created. A mob of pirates came looking for her to kill her because of a curse she placed on them. They hunted her down and each of them took turns raping and stabbing her to death. She was coughing up her own blood in her shack in Cuba similar to the one she has in New Orleans. Just minutes later, a handsome vampr with smooth bronze skin, a broad and hooked nose, thick curly hair, and a tall, slender frame cane upon her. He said he had traveled from the Eastern Desert that extends from the Nile Valley all the way to the Red Sea Coast. He was stunned by Mama Dalma’s bravery and beauty, so he granted her the gift of immortality. 
Erik impressed Mama Dalma for his thirst for things. She, however, knew that Erik was going to be trouble since he’s not used to taking orders from anyone. Within their walk in the remaining hours of darkness, Mama Dalma taught Erik all about the world of a vampire and its history from what her maker shared with her. As for Erik’s new powers, he was beside himself with the pleasure of it all. He will live forever, he is strong and unstoppable, and he can hypnotize people at will. One downside to it all was that he was going to miss the feeling of the sun on his skin, releasing endorphins such as serotonin; proven to improve mood, and energy, and increase feelings of calm and focus. Another downside stood before his eyes right now. Erik didn’t mean to come here. 
Hiding in the trees, Erik stares at his old home. It was a beautiful forest retreat surrounded by green. He remembers building this home from the ground up. Focusing his eyes, Erik can see an oil lamp ignited in the small window of the living room. Just beyond the glass, Justine could be seen praying with Erik’s mother, Fabiola. He could hear them calling on the spirits for help to bring Erik back to them. Rose and Felicie are sound asleep in their beds. Erik can hear their soft breaths. He couldn’t stop thinking about all the times he would enter that home, kicking off his riding boots and sneaking up on his wife while she sewed their daughters clothing, placing a delicate kiss to her neck before trailing those kisses down to his wife’s copious cleavage. He could almost feel her curves against his solid frame. Then, the smell of his daughter's hair; a lavender scent. They were always so happy to see him. 
“Come on, we’ve stayed long enough,” Mama Dalma says with a hand to Erik’s shoulder, “A vampire's life is a life of discretion.”
“Discretion?” Erik looks down at Mama Dalma as his eyes become glossy before they leaked bloody tears, “Why must we hide, Mama Dalma? We are da powerful, we are da immortal, we should walk fearless in da open,” Erik spoke with a raucous voice. He didn’t like that he had to leave his family behind. Stopping here to see his home one final time was a grave mistake. 
“Deh cannot be, mi child,” Mama Dalma wipes away Erik’s bloody tears with her fingers, slipping them into her mouth to clean off, “Mortals must never know bout’ us for deh sake of our kind-
“So I can never know my family?!!!” Erik’s voice was thick with emotion.
“Not unless yuh plan on killing all of dem. Yuh have to cut out, Erik,” She steps closer to him, her eyes more serious, “Yuh must be dead to deh world.” 
“I can’t accept dat,” He steps away. 
“As yuh maker, I command yuh to leave yuh family behind.” 
Erik’s body felt like it was being controlled just from those words alone. Mama Dalma starts walking away, and Erik has no other choice but to follow her while bloody tears stained his cheeks. 
“Yuh will do nothing but feed and feed until yuh are satisfied. We are savages, it is time for yuh to understand deh...I am sick of repeating myself wit yuh,” Mama Dalma scolds, “Now, let us go to ground until tomorrow night, I’m craving infant blood,” Mama Dalma wickedly laughs while twirling around in a state of euphoria, her hands playing in her dreadlocks, “I know where deh newborn nursery is at Charity Hospital!! Nice, plump babies!!!” 
Tia Dalma is the epitome of vampiric evil and malice, all because of her abusive, cold-hearted, and manipulative maker named Abasi. Abasi and Tia traveled all over from South America, Africa, Europe, and North America.Together, Abasi using Tia’s abilities to seduce and entice men and women, he lured them into his clutches, thereby raping and murdering countless men and women then mutilating their bodies. Abasi created a sadistic vampire. Erik has yet to see what Mama Dalma is capable of and she couldn’t wait to transform him into a male version of herself, just as cruel, limitless, sadistic, and torturous. 
It is the year 1891, three years after Erik Stevens was made vampr. Mama Dalma and Erik often traveled to the French Quarter, also known as Vieux Carré and Barrio Francés. Anglophone Americans and Francophone Creoles would meet and do business in both French and English. It was a big tourist destination. There are multi-story Creole townhouses with businesses occupying ground floors and living quarters above. There were railroad tracks, warehouses, and industries built near the riverfront. Some wealthy Quarter residents relocated to Esplanade Avenue and North Rampart Street when things became overcrowded. Here, Mama Dalma and Erik felt most alive at night. It’s been a while since Erik came to the French Quarter. 
The old Lalaurie mansion that was burned down by a mob in 1834 and remodeled in 1838 is used as a public school for girls. Evening parades with drunken civilians who engaged in sex and violence thrilled Mama Dalma and Erik. There is a luxury hotel that Mama Dalma and Erik often decide to bombard and take the riches from the wealthy whites after draining them. Erik especially loved to steal three piece lounge suits and polished shoes for himself from local shops. He looked dapper with the slim fit, always wearing his jackets partially undone to reveal the high buttoning waistcoats and watch-chain. He didn’t bother buttoning his shirt since he preferred it to be open to show off his defined pectorals and sculpted eight pack. He still dawned the Vodou jewelry he adored so much.
Mama Dalma is a confident woman who screams sex. She often wore long, sheer gowns that gave you a view of her nudity. She wore heavy jewelry like Erik and dark makeup that made her inky black eyes pop. She was determined to fuck Erik, waiting patiently for him to finally accept his new life. It took him over a year to freely accept being a vampire. He never talked about his family again which made Mama Dalma very happy, especially if he was going to be her lover. It was his compelling eyes, his remarkable body, his voice, the way he fed on his victims, how his dick would thicken and leave an enormous bulge that she wanted nothing more but to ride, suck, and nibble on with her fangs. She noticed the way women; white and black, looked at him. She noticed a lot of traits in his new vampire body. Erik is calculating, disobedient because he didn’t like to be told what to do and when to do it, seductive, calm and methodical unless pushed towards a lethal violence with surprising strength for a newborn. 
One evening, Mama Dalma and Erik visit a brothel, posing as a wealthy black couple. The prostitutes of the brothel were a mixture of races; French Creoles, Spanish, Haitian Creoles, African Americans, White Americans, and the list goes on. It’s been three years since Erik had sex with a woman. He would often lure and seduce them to kill them or feed but not to have sex. Seeing all of the half naked women offering themselves to him stirred something within him that he hadn’t felt since his wife. He could never see them again so there was no use in denying himself of what he craved besides drinking blood. Mama Dalma sensed his struggle and decided to let Erik have some fun while she watched, that is, until she intervenes.
 Erik chose a beautiful African American girl named Althea who physically reminded him of his wife; short, curves in all the right places, and lips so round and full he wondered how good they tasted. She wore tight, barely curls in her hair and Victorian lingerie with a corset in a peach color. She looked timid, constantly staring at her bare feet to avoid Erik’s piercing black eyes. Just simply extending his hand for her to grasp made her gasp. When Erik took her to a room draped in red velvet with fancy suede red furniture lit by an electric lantern, he informed her that Mama Dalma simply wanted to watch them have sex. This poor girl Althea didn’t know what was coming to her. Mama Dalma took a seat in a corner, removing her long coat and revealing her sheer gown underneath. 
“I’ve never done dis before...having a woman watch me,” Althea whispered nervously. 
“Just act like she’s not even there, girl,” Erik kisses down Althea’s neck, “Ya like da way I kiss?” 
“Yes,” Althea gasps when Erik’s tongue snakes down her neck to her cleavage, “Ya sure love to lick my skin, Sir,” Althea laughs nervously. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of Mama Dalma. 
“Ya smell just like honey,” Erik drags his nose along Althea’s skin, “I bet ya taste like honey too, girl...right here,” Erik says while rubbing her pussy lips through her lingerie. 
“Please,” Althea lays back in the bed, “ya so handsome, I need ya to fuck me.” 
Mama Dalma brings her hand down between her legs, resting her fingers over her curly pubic hair. Wet wasn’t even the word to describe how slick her folds are. Watching Erik undress Althea made her fangs extend on its own. Luckily, she’s in the shadows and Althea can’t see. Erik used one had to rip Althea’s corset and lingerie from her body, causing her to moan from his aggressiveness. Althea has nice big, round breasts with dark chocolate areolas and nipples. Mama Dalma could only imagine how it must feel to sink her teeth into all that flesh. 
“Goddamn, girl,” Erik practically rips his shirt from his body followed by his waistcoat, trousers, and shoes. Althea couldn’t believe the body before her was real. She touched Erik with intriguing eyes filled with so much desire they began to water. 
“What a beautiful man,” Althea expresses, “What are ya?” 
“Ya Master,” Erik gives Althea a wicked smile, “And da one dat plans on making ya cum,” He licks his lips before leaning forward to suck on Althea’s nipples. 
Her heart rate banged in his ears and the constant pulse coming from her veins and arteries was driving him insane. He was extremely hungry and after three years of being a vampire his control became better. His fangs didn’t extend prematurely anymore, now, Erik could control it. Althea’s sweet moans made his fat dick cast iron hard. He quickly drags his lips down Althea’s body while she grabs a fist full of his long, slender dreadlocks. Erik wasted no time while bringing Althea’s legs up and out, causing her to whimper. The smell of her inner folds was what caused his fangs to extend. Althea heard it and lifted to try and see but Erik held her down with a single hand around her throat while he vigorously lapped at her pussy. Pussy. He forgot how amazing it tasted but with his heightened senses he had to be licking grains of sugar. 
“Oh, yes, oh God, yes,” Althea was gripping the sheets while struggling to breath from Erik’s strong hand around her neck, “Yes, Master, eat my pussy like dat.” 
Mama Dalma was rubbing her clit in a circular motion with her razor sharp eyes focused on the way Erik’s tongue would lick Althea’s pussy. That thick, pink tongue would flick Althea’s clit up and down and then he would occasionally move that muscle side to side up and down Althea’s inner folds. She was nice and engorged down there, her hips constantly jerking like she wanted to shower Erik with her liquid. The minute Erik’s full lips wrapped around Althea’s clit and labia, Mama Dalma slips three fingers into her pussy to stroke herself. Althea couldn’t handle it. Mama Dalma however would have taken that sweet torture like a champion. 
“Unh! Unh! I’m cumming! Master, I’m cumming!” 
Althea’s hips levitated off of the bed and Erik followed her movements with his lips still sucking on her clit. 
“Jesus,” Mama Dalma whispers, “Yuh tore deh girl up, Erik...her pussy is nice and wet now.” 
Erik’s lips slowly pulled off of Althea’s clit to place kisses along her inner thighs. He licked with a circular motion to make her shiver before sinking her teeth into her thigh. Althea screams, yanking Erik’s dreadlocks. Her entire body spasms beneath him, soft whimpers escaping her mouth. She didn’t understand what was going on. Erik retracted his fangs before licking her blood up that constantly leaked. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before kneeling between Althea’s legs with his dick in hand. Althea watched him clutch that long pipe before bringing her knees back further. 
“It’s so big,” She says with a stunned voice, her hands holding her pussy lips open now with desperation, “ya fucking me wit dat?” She was nervous and aroused at the same time. 
“All of dat,” he leans over Althea’s body, his dick in one hand and his other hand wrapped around her curly strands. Erik rubbed the wide tip of his dick against her clit before slowly entering Althea. She let out ragged breaths with her mouth unhinged. Erik licked and kissed all over Althea’s neck all while his hips were pistoning in and out of Althea’s pussy. The entire bed would moved, the brass headboard banging against the wall covered in elegant ornate French Victorian wallpaper that is a black and red color. 
“Fuck, dis pussy is so tight,” He whispers. 
“It’s so much dick, Master, so much dick!!!!” Althea pushes at Erik’s chest but he wasn’t going anywhere, “Jesus! it is filling me up!! unh, FUCK!”
“Ya better take all dis dick I’m giving ya girl,” He whispered to her, “Don’t run from me, I’ll hold ya down and fuck ya some more.” 
Mama Dalma moaned from his words before bringing her fingers to her mouth to taste herself. With her spit covered fingers she rubs her clit, bringing one leg up so she could have a better reach. She could only imagine the pleasure Althea was experiencing. The more Erik fucked her the more possessive Mama Dalma became. Althea was taking all that dick, dick that belonged to Mama Dalma. Erik’s stroke was dangerous. The muscles in his back rippled and flexed each time he entered Althea. 
“Ya making me cum again!” Althea twisted her head to the side, tears falling from her eyes, and moaning into the pillow beneath her, “UNH GOD!” 
Erik’s inky black irises dilated when he saw Althea’s jugular vein protrude from her neck. While stroking her, Erik takes a single finger to trace her vein before extending his fangs from simply flexing his jaw, startling her by coming down on her with speed, his teeth sinking right into her vein. Like a pipe bursting, Althea’s blood spilled into Erik’s mouth. His eyes rolled and the grip he had on her hair became painful and uncomfortable. Her screams turned into scared cries as her hands attempted to push him off of her. 
“Yes, feed, mi child!!! take her blood!!!” Mama Dalma felt overwhelming joy and lust instead of a building orgasm since she is the undead. Mama Dalma sucked the lubrication from her fingers before speeding over to the bed. She moves Erik’s dreadlocks out of the way so she could sink her teeth into Althea’s right breast. The fleshy area was like a cushion for Mama Dalma’s lips while she fed off of her. Althea could do nothing but cry. Erik continues to fuck her until his body tingled and the same overwhelming lust that Mama Dalma felt blasted through him. It was strange and intriguing to not ejaculate but still very powerful like an orgasm. It hit him so hard that the hand in Althea’s hair yanked some of her strands out. Blood began to soak the sheets and Althea’s body soon became lifeless. 
“FUCK,” Erik stares at Althea’s dead body. Her blood was so rich and sweet Erik couldn’t help but to lick and suck on his fingers. His dick was standing straight up and pointed out with deep veins and a tight sack. 
“I’m gonna suck and fuck deh sweet dick so good, Erik,” Mama Dalma grabs Erik’s dick, her fingers barely touching, “Oooh, it’s so damn thick.” 
“I bet ya been wanting to suck dis dick for a long time...wut took ya so long? Huh?” He says with a sly smirk. 
“Eva since I first laid eyes on yuh.”
Mama Dalma forces Erik to the bed with her superior strength. Erik’s fangs retracted instantly when Mama Dalma started stroking his dick. Erik hisses while taking his strong hand to rip Mama Dalma’s dress to shreds, revealing her toned body with small breasts. Mama Dalma lowered her head between Erik’s legs and with her superhuman strength and stamina, Mama Dalma tightened her jaws and bobbed her head expertly to fill her entire throat with his dick. She would suck him all the way down to the base and back up. 
“Fuck, kenbe souse m’tankou sa,” Erik closes his eyes, “sa kaka santi li tèlman bon,” He spoke gruffly between moans. He was telling Mama Dalma how good it felt and that she needed to keep sucking on him. Erik felt a pinprick on the side of his shaft that made him bite down on his pouty bottom lip, drawing blood. Mama Dalma was tasting the blood from the throbbing and protruding veins of his meaty length. Erik instantly healed from her bite. 
“Yuh are one sexy man, Erik, and yuh are mine. I always get wuh I want. I will take it by force if I have to. Deh dick is mine, yuh hear me? Alllllllllll Mine.” 
Mama Dalma couldn’t be stopped the more she gave Erik fellatio. Suck long, suck hard, and suck often. That’s exactly what she will do every chance she gets. With Erik’s newfound strength, his dick was practically impenetrable; unyielding; tremendously solidified. That pleasure stick will have Mama Dalma feeling intimacy stronger than she ever did in her early vampire life. It was different at first for Mama Dalma to be sexual but not in a reproductive way. Since discovering Erik, she felt the strongest sexual lust in her 175 years of being a vampire. Mama Dalma mounted Erik speedily, grabbing his dick at the base before lowering herself on him. 
None of the sex is quite as good as vampire sex, though, which can happen at the astonishing rhythm of 120 bpm while simultaneously devouring one’s neck and making your eyes roll back into your head. If they go from a base level, vampires create a hole in the neck where there wasn’t one before. It’s a devirginization—breaking the hymen, creating blood and then drinking the virginal blood. And there’s something sharp, the fang, which is probing and penetrating and moving into it which is pretty sexy. 
As she bounced on his dick Erik fed from her neck, tasting the very blood that heightened the feeling like ecstasy. His strong, powerful hips met hers in sort of a race to see who was in charge. Mama Dalma clawed at Erik’s chest with her sharp nails, creating deep claw marks that healed instantly. Her nimble body moved at a swift speed above Erik causing him to grip her hips to try and keep her in place. They were fucking so hard and fast that the bed banged against the floor loudly. The mind-blowing passion was most exhilarating while feeding. It’s not simply “feeding” but it’s sex, breathing, having the best dinner you’ve ever had, feeling the life force of another filling you and making your flagging essence re-surge with vitality. It bolstered your sense of well-being as well as gave life to your body, mind, and demon spirit. 
The sensation of feeding is akin to an orgasm, but even more powerfully so in some instances, particularly when properly hungry, which is why stopping can be an issue for vampires. That’s what Erik was experiencing. He lets out a guttural rasp, gasping for air until Mama Dalma finally stops. Erik sucked on her nipples and trailed kisses all over her flesh before forcing her head down so he could nibble on her lips with his fangs. Her moans were stuck in her throat the more Erik fed from her lips. She couldn’t get enough of it, and neither could he. 
After three months of torture, kill, and sex, Erik became concerned for his family’s welfare when a pox epidemic broke out. Just when he was finally accepting his vampire life, Erik was soon reminded of his mortal family and how they must be struggling to survive. Maybe the faith of the Vodou Religion kept them stable but this epidemic was killing hundreds of people. After Mama Dalma and Erik had sex at their home in the shack, Mama Dalma went to ground earlier and that gave Erik an opportunity to check in on his family. He speeds over to his forest home, peeking through the trees to see how things were. It was dark inside, almost lifeless. Erik became afraid and made the risky choice to approach the home. Out in the clearing now, Erik walked towards the home, nervous and afraid for his family to see him like this. 
“Ricardo?! Ricardo se ke ou?!” 
It was Justine, standing on the porch wearing a poor Victorian style dress made from cotton with her hair wrapped in a tigon. She looked exhausted with dark circles under her eyes. She was 30-years-old now, and his daughters would be 8-years-old. Fabiola’s birthday had just passed in August, she turned 56-years-old. All of the time had slipped away. Living as a vampire, time wasn’t important with the exception of when dawn was approaching. Justine had lost weight, her fullness that Erik loved no longer there. 
“Kote ou te ye?!!” She yells while running down the front steps to their home. She wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck, pulling him down into a tight, suffocating hug. Erik’s nose landed in her hair and it smelled earthy, floral, sweet, and relaxing. This was the scent he remembered. It took all of his will power not to sink his teeth into her neck. They stayed like that for some time while she weeped into his cotton shirt. 
“Ti fi Yo? Manman m?” Erik asks, pulling Justine away by her upper arms so that he could look at her. He asked where the girls and his mother were. Justine broke down crying again, her knees buckling. Erik held her tightly while a crease formed in his brow. 
“Ricardo, ou ta dwe retounen!!!! Poukisa ou kite nou!!!!” Justine attempted to push Erik over and over but he wasn’t moving. 
Hearing Justine refer to him as Ricardo felt strange. He almost forgot that was his birth name. 
“I had to leave...for ya safety...dem white men would have killed all of ya.” Erik squeezed her tightly to calm her down.
“Fabiola...li mouri.” Justine’s voice was barely audible when she told him the news. Erik felt like he was dying all over again. Fabiola was dead. 
“How?” He asks, holding back his tears. 
“Fever... a year ago... couldn’t save her...she died in her sleep,” Justine’s words halted as she began to cry again, “Her last dyin’ wish was to see ya again but ya never came back!” Justine looked at him like she was looking at a stranger, “Ya look so different, Ricardo.” 
“Da girls, Justine, I want to see dem,” Erik says. 
“Ya too late,” Justine fought for oxygen in his arms. 
Erik’s eyes grew wide and he stormed past Justine and into the house. There, lying in a coffin, was Rose Fabiola Dupoux and Felicie Ines Dupoux. They are dressed in cotton gowns, one purple and one pink with floral crowns and white dress shoes. Their coily hair is long and luscious, even in death. The last time he saw them they were five years old, running through the little garden in their yard, playing hide-n-seek. They were covered in pox that left nasty scars on their beautiful melanin skin. Erik couldn’t stop the bloody tears that began to flow. He walked up to their wooden coffins, his hands reaching out to touch them. Erik dropped to his knees, loud, uncontrollable sobs filling the room as his body shook. 
“I tried, Ricardo...dere was nothin’ I could do,” Justine kneeled by his side, resting her head against his shoulder, “Dese precious girls…I prayed to Papa Ghede for help but nothing worked. I’ve exhausted all of my tears…I accept dat dem girls have to go...Marie is dead, ya mother is dead...I had no one to turn to.”
Erik stands, walking up to each of his daughters to place a final kiss to their heads. He felt disgusting. If he wouldn’t have chosen this life, he would have been here for his daughters, he would have been here for mother, and he would have been here to comfort his grieving wife. He couldn’t begin to understand what Justine was going through. She assumed that Erik had perished when he left their home to go with Augusto. Justine clings to Erik so tightly she was afraid he would slip through her fingers. Erik tried to hide his face from her but Justine’s delicate fingers smoothed his dreads from his face so that she could give him a kiss. It’s been three years. 
“Ricardo, ya so cold,” She says before her eyes fell upon the bloody tears spilling from his eyes. Frightened, Justine practically leaps away from him before grabbing a shotgun that used to be Erik’s. She pointed it at Erik’s back with her shaky hands before cocking the gun.
“Who are ya?! Wut did ya do with my husband? Ya not Ricardo, ya are a demon!!!! A zombie!!!” Ricardo turns, his hands up in surrender. The blood tears made him look like a monster. 
“Justine, it’s me...it’s Ricardo,” Erik walks towards her, “I won’t hurt ya. I just wanted to check on ya to make sure everything was fine. I can’t stay, not like dis-
“DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!!!” Justine yells, “I WILL SHOOT YA!!!”
Justine shoots Erik in the chest. He stumbles back with disbelief that she just shot him before his eyes went down to stare at his wound. The bullet wound healed immediately causing the bullet fragments to fall on the floor. Justine drops the gun, screaming at the top of her lungs while running towards the door. 
“Justine! Wait!” Erik was right on her tail but his maker, Mama Dalma unexpectedly appeared at the door. She grabs Justine, pulling her towards her and holding her hostage with her hands, yanking the tigon from her head and grabbing her by her hair, pushing her down to her knees. Erik’s fangs extended, ready to attack Mama Dalma. Justine gawked at the sight of his fangs. She was ready to scream but Mama Dalma brought her to her feet speedily, wrapping a single hand around her neck. 
“If yuh so much as scream, I will rip yuh throat out,” She spoke between clenched teeth before showing Justine her fangs, “I don’t care if yuh are Ricardo’s wife or not, I will FUCKIN’ kill yuh.” Mama Dalma snarled in Justine’s face, scaring her half to death. Justine was paralyzed with fear. 
“Tia, let her go...now,” Erik says as anger stirred within him. 
“Yuh planned on leaving mi? Erik?” 
Panic surged through Justine, “Erik?! Who is Erik?!” 
“Yuh hear deh? She wants to know who Erik is…tell her, Erik, tell her who deh is,” The corners of her mouth quirked up into an evil smile, “TELL HER!!!!” 
“I’m Erik, Justine,” Erik spoke to Justine but his eyes were focused on Mama Dalma. 
“So, if yuh Erik, why would Yuh come back after I told Yuh not to? Dis isn’t yuh life anymore. When yuh left yuh home that night, yuh left Ricardo behind.”
“I-I don’t understand,” Justine’s stomach clenched. 
“Of course yuh wouldn’t understand, child, it’s alright, yuh won’t see Erik anymore after dis...Erik, yuh know wuh yuh have to do, right?”
“DO IT. It’s either deh, or I kill her.” 
“I can’t do dat to her-
“So killin’ her is better? Fine,” Tia was on Justine fast, Feeding on her viciously from her neck. Justine’s throat tightened and she could no longer scream. 
“STOP!” Erik speeds over to Mama Dalma only for her to push him off of the porch. Erik fell painfully against the ground. 
“ENOUGH!!!” Erik yelled so loud his voice could probably be heard a mile away, “Awrite, I’ll do it...I’ll glamor her.” 
Tia drops Justine carelessly, “See? Wasn’t so hard, was it?” 
Justine’s body felt numb and the blood froze in her veins. Erik approached her, his eyes locking with hers, holding her gaze before finally connecting with her brain. Justine was transfixed under Erik’s spell. He tried to hold back his tears but they disobeyed him. 
“Justine,” Erik strokes her face with his fingertips, “Ya never saw me, ya never saw her, I am dead, have been for da past three years. Ya will move on with ya life, start a new one hopefully because ya deserve it.”
“Yes,” Justine’s pensive eyed saddened Erik. 
“Now, I want ya to go on upstairs and get some rest. Rose and Felicie will be buried in da St. Louis Cemetery. Ya can go visit dem anytime ya want.” 
“I’d like that,” Justine says. 
“I know, baby,” Erik kisses her forehead. He brings his fingertip to one of his fangs, pricking it before bringing it down to the bite mark on her neck, rubbing his blood into the wound to heal it, “Everything will be just fine.” 
Erik stared at Justine one final time before she stood up, walking into the house and up the stairs. Erik’s temper sparked again when he noticed Mama Dalma smiling like the entire thing was a joke.
“If you would have killed her, I would have ripped ya fucking head off,” Erik says.
“With what strength more than mine? Yuh can be angry all yuh please but dis needed to be done. Now, yuh have no reason to come back here.” 
“Ya evil, ya have no remorse, I’m exactly like ya. Didn’t care to check on my family, I let my manman die, my babies die, Nothin’ will change dat.” Erik was defeated. 
“Like I told Yuh, yuh are a vampire now. Deh won’t EVER understand deh. Keep this up, and yuh will end up dead. If anotha vampire catches yuh acting weak deh will make an example out of yuh. It’s okay...I have a lot more to teach yuh. Now, let’s bury deh babies and leave for good. Deh is deh last time I’m telling yuh.” 
“Erik Stevens,” A single bloody tear fell from Erik’s eye. 
“When yuh bury deh babies, yuh burying Ricardo Dupoux. As yuh maker, I command yuh to never come back here, and never go back to deh cemetery. Do yuh hear mi, child?” 
Erik simply nods his head before walking into his old home to grab the coffins that held his deceased daughters. What this vampire life has in store for him Erik could only hope it would get better. 
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mysaldate · 4 years
hii! in honour of valentine's day, can you please give me some pick up lines the demons/demon slayers would say✌🥺 have a good day btww!
I’m terribly sorry for getting to you this late! There’s a lot of characters and as you all know, I was on a bit of an unwilling hiatus lately. Hopefully, I will be able to make up for the wait with this. Some of them will have more than one pick up line, some of them will even have serious ones since I felt like it would be better that way than to just meme my way through.
Demons and Demon Slayers Pick up Lines
Muzan: Not only would I kill for you but I would die for you all the same.Or: Do you prefer men or women? I just want to know how to boost my chances with you.
Kokushibou: My eyes are only on you.Or: My blood art is called Flesh sword. Want me to impale you?
Douma: I’ve been guiding people to paradise my whole life but only now did I finally find my own.Or: You’re lucky I’m not hungry because you sure are a snack!
Akaza: You should get a tattoo like me because you just stole my heart.Or: Wanna play basketball? Your hands can be the basket and I’ll give you the balls.
Hantengu: Every last bit of me likes you. Including the one that hates everyone.Or: I’d ask you out but you would most likely say no so I’ll just sit here and cry over a bottle of vodka and a whole chocolate cake. If you change your mind, I’ll share with you.
Nakime: I can make you fall for me in more ways than one.
Gyokko: Something’s fishy – you’re not dating me yet!Or: Wanna hold hands? I’ve got six of them!
Daki: Most humans are disgusting but you’re not so bad.
Gyutaro: The benefit of dating me is you would never have to worry about anyone wanting to steal me away from you.
Kaigaku: (before we get to him, here, have my exact thought process)
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Kaigaku: You thought your first kiss would be Zenitsu but it was I, Kaigaku!Or: I’m gonna eat your peaches like no one has before.
Enmu: I’d like to drive my train in your station tonight.Or: Let’s see... This is like a dream for me. To die by your hand in person. And I so enjoyed hearing the other demons’ last gasps! I feel so blessed! Because I love to see others in despair and agony. Because it’s like a dream come true for me. I thank you for leaving me for last! (that was a pick-up line and you cannot convince me otherwise)
Rokuro: I was meaning to ask you out but then I realized how incredibly stupid that would be. I’ll leave you alone forever now.
Wakuraba: Damn, I’m losing my head over you.
Mukago: I accidentally bought two tickets to a scary movie so I’m looking for a cuddle partner right now. You interested?
Rui: Let’s play house. I could be your boyfriend.
Kamanue: Sure, it’s easy for you to say you can do better but what am I supposed to do when I want the best?
Sister Spider demon: My thread may be smooth as silk but good luck getting out of it once you’re tied to my bed.
Brother Spider demon: You know, my poison isn’t the only thing I can fill you with.
Father Spider demon: (Honestly, I have no idea. He isn’t exactly well-spoken. My best guess is he would just throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and take you with him.)
Mother Spider demon: I hope you like bad girls because I am bad at everything!
Kyogai: They say you can’t write what you don’t know. Would you like to help me write the most romantic story ever?
Susamaru: Even if you say no, I will hug you with all my eight limbs like a giant spider until you go out with me.Or: I’d let you play with my balls any day.
Yahaba: If you don’t come to me on your own, I can simply make you, you know?
Swamp demon: We’re a package deal of everything you may ever need – the voice of reason, the voice of emotion and the voice that will break your enemies’ eardrums.
Hand demon: Ever heard of kitsune udon? Would you like me to make some for you?
Temple demon: I ain’t no saint but damn do I pray you’re single!
Tamayo: Eternity is a curse but by your side, I wouldn’t mind staying cursed forever.Or: If I weren’t already obsessed with ruining the life of another person, you would be on top of my list.
Yushiro: Lady Tamayo might have competition in you soon, you better watch out.
Nezuko: It doesn’t matter if the sun doesn’t burn me because your smile is much brighter anyway!
Demon Slayers
Yoriichi: I couldn’t slay Muzan but you, I am quite sure I can.
Jiggoro: It may be hard and it may be painful but after this hellish training is completed, our garden will be magnificent!
Urokodaki: I’m very good with children. Some of them even lived beyond their sixteenth birthday.
Shinjuro: At least if you marry me, you’ll get two great sons to compensate.
Uzui: I’m opening up the applications for my fourth wife position. Interested?
Himejima: Though I lived in a temple, I am not exactly a monk. I have made no celibacy promise.
Kyojuro: Darling, you set my heart ablaze!Or: Would you like to see my crimson red blade?
Obanai: Are you a snake charmer, because I sure am charmed.
Mitsuri: In the name of love, please go out with me!
Muichiro: I lost my phone number. Could I get yours?
Shinobu: You believe in female supremacy? Good.
Kanae: Let’s start as friends and maybe we can work our way up? Let’s work hard!
Genya: You know, demons aren’t the only thing I can eat really well.
Tanjiro: You smell really nice. Would you mind if I got a taste as well?
Sanemi: I will not share my ohagi with you but that doesn’t mean I don’t care, ok? Just so we’re clear.
Giyuu: As the water pillar, I know a lot about making people wet. Especially with tears.
Zenitsu: PLEASE MARRY ME OR I’LL DIE ALONE!Or: Do you like bad boys? No? Oh, thank goodness!
Inosuke: Among the boars, I would sing for you and give you lots of hugs and attention. Will you let me try even though you’re human?
Kanao: The coin told me to say yes to whatever request you may have. Pick wisely.Or: I was told to follow my heart. And it lead me to you.
Murata: I’m a completely average guy but sometimes that’s better than someone special, right?
Aoi: I may be frail but I can handle brats like you just like you deserve – with lots of love and strict training routine.
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wombathos · 4 years
s1e1 - welcome to the hellmouth
- the way buffy looks when cordelia picks on willow... I just love how even though... she’s new here, she’s clearly anxious about fitting in and making it work and all... and yet she still instantly gravitates to the nerdy outsider who is being picked on and decides she’s going to befriend her. yes these episode rewatches may just end up into a buffy love fest, what of it
- the bad part of town being “half a block from the good part of town”... do love myself sunnydale’s incredible inconsistent town size
- the “buffy? what kind of name is that?” “hey aphrodesia” “hey!” gag immediately followed by the guy falling out of the locker is still pitch perfect
- all the character establishing moments are just.... really good? for all that s1 is probably my least favourite season, this first episode did all it needed to for these characters. cordelia being perfectly bitchy but also having endless witty one liners, buffy already being a bit of a disillusioned hero (but god she’s young here), willow’s nerdy sweetness and how certain she is buffy will only hang with her if she’s useful...
- also in retrospect you do kind of wonder what was going through giles’ head that first time they met, he seems so taken aback by her and especially her unwillingness to do her part. like I am fascinated by that disconnect between how theoretical it must all be for the watchers until they meet their actual charge, how the entire watcher institution and the training they get must encourage they never see the slayer as an actual teenage girl (because then it’d be too horrific). also now obviously they made a lot of this up on the fly, but given what we later find out with giles’ more rebellious past, there’s a sense in which he’s playing this very rigid role here and he can’t really handle anything that doesn’t fit into that
- what is your childhood trauma?? i laugh every time
- just adore the horror aesthetic of s1
- darla’s personality, however, is pretty damn hard to reconcile with everything that comes after. love it.
- buffy actually still being scared of stuff, the jump scare when she lands next to a skull, the dude biting down on her etc., hits kind of hard... like presumably she eventually becomes deadened to it all (ha ha) but it’s just these moments that remind you she is still very much a teenage girl
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marmar-97 · 5 years
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First I want to say thank you @uglynicc-kitchensink for giving me permission to use this pic of your demon Troy drawing, love how you draw him, also got this idea of a fanfic after watching demon slayer and decided on a cross over. HONESTLY THE ANIME IS LITERALLY AMAZING, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!Sorry this took long Tumblr kept being ass and not letting me upload it. Sorry if it's too long for y'all to read I might have gotten a bit carried away hehe. 😅 but I have a Troy and Tyreen head canon coming sometime this week of their childhood.
To befriend a demon|Demon Troy x fem! Demon slayer
Warnings: blood, biting, smut maybe?
A/N: if you're sensitive to this type of stuff then you probably shouldn't read this 😅
"This is it, final selection. Today I'll become a true demon slayer." You thought to yourself as the ceremony began, although you were a bit nervous thinking you won't make it out alive. You enter and once you're a bit far into the mountains you pick up the scent of two demons as they charge towards you quick. "Pft this'll be easy." You draw your sword out using your technique instantly killing them. "Huh, that was way too easy, they weren't even thinking straight." You walk away putting your sword back and noticed some kid running for his life you saw what he was running from, a demon. He had bat like wings dripping with blood, jet black hair, tall figure, red tattoos in some pattern on his left arm and near his left eye and his jaw was split with blood dripping from it and a long tongue along with razor sharp teeth and he starts speaking. "Every year some dumb child sacrifices their life just to try and kill me? HA! I'm the damn king of this mountain and I'm not going anywhere." The boy falls and the demon grabs his leg with his right arm. "Guess it's snack time!" He says while dragging the poor boy towards him cackling laughter coming from him, screams of terror erupting from the boy's throat as he claws at the ground. "Save him...save him...SAVE HIM NOW!" The little voice in your head said as you jumped out from behind a tree trying to strike the demon but ended up missing as he moves out of the way. He let's go of the person he was about to devour putting his focus on you now. The boy ends up running off on his own now, probably gonna end up getting killed by other demons. "H-hey, don't go off on your own!" You tried calling out to him but he was far gone. "Dammit he got away thanks to you, no matter, I've got new prey now. Heh, more prey asking for a death wish huh? Well then, let's dance shall we? I'll give you a 10 second head start, after that, hide and seek is over, and I'm going to feast on you. Countdown starts... now." You got up and started running as fast as you could away from him. Seconds have passed by already. He was ready for his next treat. "Annnnnd... 1... TIMES UP!" You hear him shout as he extends his wings again and splits his jaw doing the same cackling laugh as before. You managed to jump and dodge tree roots and branches. Taking a glance behind you, you didn't see him in sight making your heart rave a bit. But that's when you knew you messed up as you tripped over a tree root tumbling onto your back hitting your head on a tree very hard. Your vision kept fading in and out as a pair of feet were approaching you. His feet. He had found you. He kneels down next to you. "Well so much for a demon slayer like yourself, heh I could devour you right now but that would be no fun now would it? I like taking my time sometimes when I'm not starving like these other demons out here." You tried moving but he pinned both your wrist to the ground. You tried breaking free from him but he was incredibly strong. You wanted to black out right there but knew you couldn't with a demon around, showing surrender. He saw the blood on your head and licks it. "Ohhh yeahhh that's the stuff, your blood tastes really good, my type of treat." Your body shiver from the feeling of his tongue licking your wound. "Let...me...go!" You knew struggling to break free was useless at the moment since he had a stronghold on you. "Mmm my blood is pumping from the adrenaline, this year's final selection is sure bigger than last year. More blood for me. You demon slayers sure love to come out here thinking you're the shit and could easily kill us demons. Just know that I've survived for so long and became the king. And also..." He shows you his left eye. You couldn't even do anything at the moment but stare at him in shock. He was one of the twelve Kizuki demons, a high ranked one at that. "R-rank 2? S-so who's rank 1?" He must be one of Muzan Kibutsuji's demons." You had a good look of his features up close and noticed how attractive he was, but he was still a demon who devours humans thirsty for blood.
He softly caressed your cheek with one of his sharp nails as his face was inches from yours now as he hovers over you. You closed your eyes thinking he was about to devour you. He still had blood on his face, torso and hands from someone he's devoured before the boy you had seen earlier. "It would really be a shame to actually kill you right here and now, even though I'm supposed to but I think I'm going to have more fun with you. Oh, heh how rude of me not introducing myself, name's Troy Calypso, or demon king, which I go by around here, and what may yours be sweetheart?" He uses his long tongue to clean his face of human blood now. "Ugh, their blood wasn't even good like yours to satisfy my taste." He licks his fingers and hands clean soon after leaving the blood alone on his torso. "Y/N, m-my name's Y/N." His grip on your wrist got a bit tight holding you down still. His lips brushed against yours as he breathed in your scent making you shudder. "Heh, nice name. You smell of, kindness, what a sweet smell." His voice was low and husky. You held your breath as he stared at you with those fiery eyes of his. He held your chin with an index finger and thumb making you look up at him dead in the eye as his lips pressed against yours. Your mind went blank from the move he just pulled. He was kissing you instead of devouring you? You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts and noticed you were kissing him back. Why were you, you weren't really sure yourself. You also weren't sure why he was even kissing you to begin with but you had no other choice. You instead close your eyes as he gets more into it forcing his tongue into your mouth while pushing your legs apart as he moves one of his legs between yours kissing you still. You suddenly let out a low moan from the feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth. He pulls back then sits you on his lap straddling him going for your mouth once more. This time you were whimpering while moaning. You wish you could scream for help but he was preventing you from doing so. After a short while you both pull back to catch your breath. "Guess you humans are worth living sometimes, if only humans and demons could get along somehow."
He goes to kiss your neck or maybe bite it even but gets interrupted when you both hear people shouting for more demons in the distance. You get off his lap as he stands up with his back against you. "How rude of them to interrupt me, well I've got more work to do, maybe when I'm done you and me can continue before you leave this place. Now I must hunt." You see him make multiple copies of himself. "Find them, and bring me their body and soul." They Kneeled in front of him. "As you wish master." And off they went in a flash. He opens up his jaw once more and his teeth get sharp again, along with extending his wings. "W-wait, I can't leave without bringing something back, I-I'll need a head or something to prove I killed a demon." He stops and turns around to look at you. "Fine, here you go." He pops his head off and regenerates a new one shortly after. "You're welcome, now you better go. Don't forget we have some unfinished business before you leave here." And off he flew. You kept the head in a basket as you continued on with your hunt for more demons finally reaching the end. Seems like you've made friends with a demon, or maybe more? You held a hand over your mouth remembering the way he had kissed you. This is a demon you won't forget. You then checked your watch noticing that final selection was over within 2 hours, that also meant the sun will rise up. You've had enough time to wait for other demon slayers to show up. You then saw him him standing there cleaning himself off from the blood that was on him, turning to look at you. "Well I'm full now. Thought you were gonna leave without finishing what we started? You didn't forget our deal now did ya?" You furrowed your eyebrows looking at him now. "I've never made a deal with you." He chuckles low as he walks close to you now. "Oh really? You were enjoying my tongue inside your mouth and didn't fight back so that means you want to continue. You were… aroused. Now, to have some fun, don't worry I don't bite unless you tell me to." You wanted to say something but in one swift move he had you over his shoulder flying off with you now. "What the- HEY WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?! I-I GOTTA GET BACK BEFORE SUNRISE! HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! I'M NOT VERY FOND OF HEIGHTS EITHER!" He chuckles while having a smug look on his face that you couldn't see. "You'll see soon enough princess, I'm not gonna kill you if that's what you're thinking, like I said, I'm gonna have fun with you, just be patient." You huffed out in frustration as he finally landed near some cave walking in finally letting you down. You looked past him seeing an exit thinking of escaping but quickly knew it would backfire on since he would actually catch you very easily. "Thinking of escaping? Not possible." He picked up on you looking past him making you tense up. "U-uh n-no I'm just, trying to figure out where I am." You watched as he made his way towards you. "You're not lying to me are you?" He didn't seem a bit angry, in fact he had a neutral look on his face. "N-no of course not, but wh-what do you mean by fun?" You asked just to change the subject, playing his little game now. "Hmmm lemme show you." He picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist pressing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss. You could tell he was waiting to feel your lips on his again. This time you went along with it, not because you liked it, but because you knew you wouldn't be able to beat him in your current rank. Plus you wouldn't even be able to escape. You held onto his shoulders for support so you won't fall.
Suddenly he stops kissing you and changes the inside of the cave into a room. It seemed like it was fit for a king. You look around in amazement at how nice it looked and also from what he just did. "Like it huh? Fit for a king like me. Now to enjoy my time with you." He throws you on his bed not too hard making you bounce a little. It was very soft and comfortable. You watched him as he poked his index finger with his sharp nail on his thumb drawing blood from his finger. He then pressed it against your forehead. Suddenly you felt light headed and numb. "H-huh, what just happened?" You felt like sleeping from the feeling of being on his bed and from being numb. "I don't want you feeling pain from what I'm about to do, plus I want a taste of your blood once more. It's been on my mind ever since and I just needed more. Plus just the thought of tasting your blood while getting intimate with you is getting me all riled up." You didn't say anything as he ripped your dress with his sharp nails. His gaze was hungry when he saw your breasts and he immediately sucked and licked them. You would be lying to yourself saying you didn't like the feeling of his tongue on you. You were getting riled up yourself a bit. He then ripped your bra with his nails putting one of your nipples in his mouth sucking and licking it. You arched your back from the sensation letting out a low soft breath. He then did the same to the other one earning a low moan from you. "P-please, s-stop..." He was enjoying this moment. He bit down on one of your breasts hard drawing blood and drinking it. He hummed in approval sinking his teeth in deeper. He was breathing through his nose as he kept drinking your blood then finally pulling back licking the wound. "Fuck I needed that, but I want more." He goes to your other breasts doing the same thing. You felt his length pressed against your hip while he was enjoying his drink. He pulled back once more ripping your panties then going for your thighs now. He licked one of your inner thighs near your entrance making you squirm a bit. A low chuckle was heard from him as he did it again. And then he bit down on it drinking more of your blood, doing the same to your other thigh. "Mm looking good so far, but you could look better." He pulled you into his lap as his length was pressed against your entrance. He bites your upper arm getting another taste of your blood as you held onto his shoulders for support. You started to grind against him as the pleasure was building up inside you more. And without warning he entered inside of your wet folds. He leaned back propping himself up on his elbows watching you with half lidded eyes as you started to move slow, your blood on him getting him more excited. "yes this is just how I imagined it, you feel amazing." You picked up your pace while having your hands on his chest with your head thrown back as low soft moans escaped from your throat. He helped you by gripping your hip with his left hand pushing you down on his full length. Once you were you leaned in kissing him on the lips as he had a grip on your ass moving you back and forth on him. You moaned into the kiss as his tongue dominated your mouth once more. "Why am I even letting this happen? A-a demon? I should know better than that, but he's just so-" You were cut off when he bit into your upper arm. You hear him groan from both the pleasure and taste of your blood. He sinks his teeth deeper reaching bone and breaks them with one chomp. You didn't feel the pain but knew it would hurt so much if you did from the way your bones just cracked. He bends you over positioning himself behind you as blood dripped from his mouth and jaw. "Don't worry, once I'm done these wounds will be healed right up."
He lightly scratched the back of your neck with a nail drawing out some blood. He leans over you licking your upper back working his way to your neck. You felt him push himself back into you thrusting harshly but slow. You bit your lip trying to hold back your moans but failed when he hit that one spot. You weren't sure how you didn't even pass out yet from all the blood you've lost so far. His pace started getting fast and more harsh. He bit down on one of your shoulders while thrusting inside you still. You couldn't help but moan more getting close to the edge, a knot forming in your stomach. He bit down on your shoulder more breaking your shoulder blade. He finally pulls back from your shoulder admiring his work. He was panting slowing down his pace but his thrusts was still harsh. He kept it up until you finally spilled all over him, your orgasm finally hitting you. He chuckled as he pulled out of you releasing himself onto your back. "Heh you were such a good girl for participating in this sacrifice." You felt more numb than before from all the blood you've lost but managed to speak. "S-sacrafice? Wh-what do you mean?" And that's when you saw him, Muzan Kibutsuji appearing right before you. "Well done Troy, another successful sacrifice, you're close to being rank 1, do your master proud and kill the next victim you bring. This one lives another day." And he's gone in an instant. That's when another demon enters the room, and this one was female with a similar appearance to him but much shorter than him and had white hair to the side covering her right eye? "Were you holding back on this one Troy? What did master think?" She saw that you were still alive and sounded disappointed. "He said the sacrifice was successful but to kill my next victim." She goes over to you now hovering a hand inches from your body and heals your wounds and the same clothing you've had on before. "Well that's good I suppose Troy, alright my work here is-" She gets cut off as you start speaking to her now. "H-how do you know Muzan Kibutsuji?" They looked at both each other giving it the okay to tell you. "We both work for him, and I'm rank number 1." She moves her hair out of the way showing you her right eye with the mark, opposite from her brother's. "So are you two related? But how? I-I thought demons weren't supposed to be in a family." She turned on her heels facing the door now. "Let's just say, we stuck together before becoming demons and our bond never gets broken. Plus we're twins." And she started leaving. You looked at your watch seeing that you've had five minutes left before final selection was over. "Shit I've got five minutes left, I have to get back or they'll think I'm dead." He holds you against him flying with you to the bottom of the mountain where no one could see you both. He landed near a tree placing you on the ground. Before you ran off you felt him grab your arm. "So when will I get to see you again?" Seems like he took interest in you. "I'm not coming back, you know that right?" You actually didn't want to leave him but you had no choice. Seems like you became friends with a demon, though it was against demon corps. rules but you didn't know that yet. "I know but, maybe I could try to see you other than the mountain?" You looked at the entrance seeing everyone starting to leave now. "Sure, now I have to go. Also, I did have fun with you." You smiled at him and he smiled back as you ran to join the other demon slayers who made it out alive. "Guess demons and humans can get along in a way." He says to himself leaving before daybreak.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
Henlo!! I love your blog so much 😍 it gives me life and makes me happy when I have a bad day. I was wondering if you had any headcanons about Malec’s first time or something where Magnus is a nervous wreck cause he has to tell Alec that he’s trans? Thank you and sorry for the bother 😭♥️
y’all it is a CRIME how long this has been in my inbox, im really sorry and ur not bothering me at ALL i just love this ask and wanted to do it JUSTICE 👏
also im!!! so flattered!!! aaaaaAAAA im glad my blog can cheer u up :) 
okokok so trans magnus + malec’s first time + magnus being nervous about coming out lghkjgfh
ok i have no fucking idea why but i’m making this twi malec. i’m just. in the mood for twi malec i guess. fuck it amiright
magnus is just. he has a lot of secrets. there’s a reason he hasn’t gotten close to anyone in a long time, there’s a reason he only talks to two or three people who actually know him, there’s a reason he hasn’t been how he used to be--out and about, flashy and showing off and wearing armor made of glittering beauty and colorful silks and bold makeup, instead of comfortable cardigans and twitching hands and quiet. 
speaking of which: def headcanon twi magnus wasn’t always the way he is in that episode. he was a lot like canon magnus once upon a time, charismatic (well, he’s still charismatic, but like, in that bold flashy way, you know?) and open (closed off, but with the illusion of having all his cards on the table) and bold
anyway. there’s a reason. lots of reasons. mostly all the secrets he hides.
the fact that he has magic, that he’s immortal, a dusty relic of a time long gone, of an age past, clinging on past his due date. he feels like he doesn’t belong in the modern world, like he should have died with the shadow world, like he should have been sealed out with all the other demons.
the fact that he is a prince king of hell, son and slayer of the greater demon asmodeous himself. even tho he’s sealed it all away, he has a huge amount of power, both from just. originally being the son of such a powerful demon, a fallen angel, and also from managing to kill one.
i don’t think it fits with canon twi lore but i don’t care, i’m saying twi magnus was involved in the sealing of the realm, and he managed to kill asmodeous and basically absorb his power, so a) he actually did this huge incredible feat that changed the whole world, whether on purpose or not i’m not sure yet (it has something to do with asmodeous, but i’m not seeing the whole picture yet) and b) he’s actually. more powerful than canon magnus. it’s partially why he sealed away his magic for so long, he was afraid of what that power could do. 
honestly i dont have this super well thought out but i like the potential
but anyway! barely related to this! let’s get back on topic!
and. the fact that he’s trans. a decidedly more mundane secret, but still one he keeps close to his chest. he’s lived through a lot of eras with bad very transphobic times? like he’s lived through places/times with very accepting atmopshere, but he’s also lived in like, victorian england, you know? and canon magnus had a chance to be more out of his shell and open in the modern world but this magnus has completely closed himself off. he mostly talks to people other than his close friends to give them a tarot reading. he’s not like, totally cut off, i can’t imagine him like. not helping people. you know. idek. but the point is he’s more isolated. canon magnus was closed off in a lot of ways, but still surrounded by people. he had a job to do, people to protect, and parties to attend. not to mention going to pandemonium and stuff. twi magnus isn’t really doing that. man i really went on a tangent here but the point is i feel like that would contribute to how he feels about being trans. feeling isolated, having less friends to be open with and to help him you know? in my experience it’s a lot harder to feel like. valid? without that sense of community. even with a few close friends, it’s hard. if you’re “passing”, which magnus is, it feels like a secret. 
the point is! i am getting so off track! magnus has got layers and layers and layers protecting him, both literal and metaphorical (he doesn’t wear the more flashy and revealing clothing canon magnus occasionally favors, preferring thick and comfortable sweaters and cardigans and stuff like that. bonus headcanon: whatever happened that ended in asmodeous dead and the walls of the world sealed, it left magnus with more scars. not to mention top surgery scars he may have, or even just hiding a binder, or using thick layers to disguise small tiddies since binders are great but you can’t bind all the time or every day for centuries and still be like, healthy. anYWAY) 
and when he starts dating alec despite that little cautious voice in his head insisting he needs to not get attached, alec begins to just. effortlessly peel those layers away
he’s so blunt and honest, unlike people who have lied to and manipulated magnus in the past (CAMILLE, anyone? i feel like she’d still be a thing in the twiverse. also asmodeous, albeit in a different way) and he’s gentle and loud and bold and he’s funny and sweet and he just. fucking cares about magnus.
when he finds about magnus’s magic he’s like “oh my god that’s so cool” he just fucking accepts him so easily!!! 
and even when magnus ends up tearfully confessing he may or may not be a literal king of hell (or, one of the hell dimensions) alec’s like “damn, i’m dating royalty?” and maybe makes a joke about not everyone getting to make a king scream with pleasure and magnus is just so relieved???
but that’s later
they haven’t had sex yet and magnus is just like. he feels like inevitably this relationship is gonna fall apart. he has too many secrets, too many hidden parts of himself that if he ever shed light on, alec wouldn’t see him the same way
and as much as he wants alec to fuck him, as much as he wants to be in bed with alec and cuddle with him and have sex with him and show him everything, he feels like he can’t, it would be the beginning of the end
he keeps pulling back just as alec begins to initiate, and alec never pushes but wonders if he’s doing something wrong, or if maybe magnus is asexual, or just doesn’t want to have sex for other reasons, and eventually he broaches the topic with magnus and magnus is so surprised alec noticed something is wrong (he expected alec might confront him over not “putting out” but alec doesn’t seem to care about the sex--he makes sure to emphasize while he is attracted to magnus and would lvoe to have sex with him if that’s what magnus wants, it’s by no means a requirement--but more about. magnus. and communicating with him.) that he just blurts out i’m trans. 
and alec kinda blinks at him. his beautiful, wonderful, nervous and scared boyfriend. and he ends up blurting out oh thank god. because he would be more than okay with magnus not wanting to have sex--he’s super gorgeous and absolutely smoking hot, but alec doesn’t ever like, want to have sex with him unless magnus wants to. obviously. but he was honestly worried it wasn’t magnus but him, that he’d done something wrong or wasn’t attractive or something, and honestly worrying about something being wrong with him was not a feeling he was used to. then he realizes how bad that just sounded, and he’s like, aaaaaaaAAAA WAIT and ends up panickedly rambling like i mean sorry i just was kind of worried i was doing something wrong but like, i love you so much and you being trans changes nothing about that, and if you never want to have sex that’s totally okay and i love you, but if you’re worried about me still being attracted to you that’s not a problem, but-- and magnus is like y-you’re not?? but you’re gay! and i’m-- and you know that feeling of like. internalized [insert form of bigotry towards yourself, in this case transphobia]. where you think something bad about yourself. and if you think about it you’re like “no that’s transphobic i would never think that about anyone else” and your brain is just like “yeah it’s true about you tho” that’s this. magnus is like. i’m not a real man, how could you be attracted to me? and alec (not to be all Cis Savior, but look, magnus deserves a loving supportive boyfriend who comforts him and shit, okay! i am PROJECTING) is like yeah i’m gay and you’re a gorgeous, beautiful, stunning man? 
and they end up talking it out and get it sorted that yes, magnus does want to have sex, but it would be okay if one of them didn’t want to, magnus being trans does not make alec unattracted to him, it’s okay, they’re okay, because malec are Kings of Communication,
probably not the same day, that day they cuddle and talk 
but like later
alec is just so gentle and reverent y’all. like. them big hands on magnus’s body, all warm and gentle and magnus is like oh fuck this is nice
they do have to kind of communicate boundaries--alec’s asks if there’s anywhere magnus doesn’t want to be touched because dysphoria (or any other reason) and vice versa, magnus trying to be like “you know if you only want to fuck my ass or have me wear a strap-on or anything like that it’s fine, i understand you’re not necessarily attracted to those parts of me” and alec’s like “we’ve established that you would enjoy me eating you out and i WANT TO EAT YOU OUT” 
their first time probably is pretty simple, “vanilla”, idk why but im thinking they just exchange oral sex tbh like magnus blows him and then alec eats him out 
also magnus cums pretty fast bc he hasn’t been touched like this in a long time and he’s very embarrassed about it but alec is like “damn that’s hot can i try to make you cum a few more times” 
ok but imagine their first time it’s just alec holding him down and eating him out until he sobs and squirts? yes
anyway tho they have like, lots of “other” first times too like. first time alec fucks his pussy. first time alec fucks his ass. etc. 
first time alec slides that Thick Dick balls deep into magnus’s cunt he’s for sure immediately on the edge of orgasming he’s so full and it feels so good--
and alec’s like holy SHIT bc he’s warm and wet and tight and he clenches every time alec praises him or dirty talks him and it feels amazing
first time alec fucks his ass is also very fun for both of them ;) 
it’s just a good time all around folks communication and magnus getting pounded the way he deserves :’) 
not to mention when they first start getting into kinks 
alec, carefully broaching the topic of bondage: how would you feel... about handcuffs?
magnus, barely looking up: mm, padded or not? and what kind of padding? the normal kind hurt my wrists after too long and not really in a nice way, so i like padded. furry can get a little itchy sometimes but they look real nice. also, are we talking above my head to the bedpost, and if so, am i on my stomach or back? because stomach is a little uncomfortable. or like, behind my back? especially bent over, mm. good view for you ;) 
then he like looks up and realized he’s said all of this very casually and alec’s looking at him with 1. shock and 2. lust 
like. “i wasn’t expecting this, but i really should have, and now i want to bend you over and tie you up and fuck you hard” 
and he blushes just a lil bit like o shit i just said all that and alec’s like “padded it is. behind your back or above your head... hm... both have potential, but maybe the latter? i love you on your back under me, i can see so much of your beautiful body and all of your gorgeous face :)” 
and like TOYS 
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snexy-the-snail · 5 years
Strange, but safe
((I havent seen the third season so plz dont kill me))
Steve Harrington was a lot of things, a hard worker, decent student, mother of six, monster slayer, a bunch of normal teen things. He always stated he wasnt a babysitter but here he was stuck with Dustin for the day. 
Honestly the kid wasnt that bad, and begrudgingly he got close to said kid. He showed him the ropes with a lot of things, and after recent events he got even closer to the little shit.
“I know 11 closed the portal, but it still scares me, like what if we missed something?” Dustin asks, leaning against Steve’s legs as the older teen wrote out his resumes. These conversations happened from time to time, and it never bothered Steve to much. It was just a part of life now. 
“I’m pretty sure we’d know by now, if that was the case kid.” He says absentmindedly. God if only he could put demogorgon slayer in his special talents. Well he could definitely put babysitter in at the least. Half the time the kids just showed up at his house, uninvited, of course, and ate all his snacks. 
“Yeah but..still.” Dustin says shifting a bit. Steve felt him settle more against his legs, he had no idea how the kid could sit like that for so long but he wasn’t going to question it.
“You having nightmares again?” Steve asks deciding to just drop the bomb. It usually happened when the little shit got overwhelmed with school or just life in general. It always sobered him up remembering how young the kid was. Dustin was only 13 and he had saved the world twice now, he had a lot of trauma to show for it too. 
“…yeah. Only..um..you..you weren’t with us a-and and it didn’t go well." 
Well no wonder the kid wasn’t sleeping. That was a lot to unpack for a 13 year old. Damn.
One slightly good thing came out of this collective fuckening though. While strange, Steve had the ability to hold things inside of him without digesting them which was also paired with the ability to basically shrink people’s sizes. 
It happened sometime after the tunnels, when Steve’s bandana fell off and he breathed the contaminated air. The only reason they had figured this out was a sleep deprived three am. meeting when they collectively couldn’t sleep. It ended with six children squashed down in his gut. While incredibly weird everyone slept better than they had in weeks. 
"So, are you hinting or do I have to drag it out of you?” Steve asks setting his resume to the side and looking down at the kid. He nudges Dustin, none too surprised when the kid climbed up onto the bed with him. He smiles tiredly and flicks the kid’s hat off. 
“M’ just nervous. Cause’ like..what if it happens again?” Dustin continues on, leaning into Steve’s side, hat going ignored. None of the kids would ask, they would always slightly hint at what they wanted, which was mildly frustrating, but Steve had a pretty good judgment by now. 
“Well, if the slim possibility it does happen again, we’ll be ready.” He says putting a hand on Dustin’s shoulder, carefully following the kid’s height down to a manageable size. 
“We kick ass together buddy, we have weapons and plans on stand by just in case.” Steve adds on, shifting Dustin into his hand, his heart melting when he felt tiny hands nervously latch onto one of his fingers. He smiles slightly at the display as he brought the kid up to his face.
“Yeah- yeah you’re right.” Dustin says grinning up at Steve. He relaxes slightly knowing that he’d be tucked away safely soon.
“We’ll always kick ass.” He says with a small grin. Steve just chuckles softly and opens his mouth, tilting his kid slowly in. It was weird how normalized this had become. If any of the kids had troubles sleeping they usually ended up at his house, then tucked away.
Dustin would never get over the feeling of immense warmth whenever he was slipped inside Steve’s mouth. It wasn’t unbearable, and at this point it meant safety and being secured tightly away from the world. He smiles a bit as he was pinned lightly against the roof of Steve’s mouth, the area going dark with the quiet clack of teeth. 
He was soaked with saliva at this point, but it didn’t stop him from being pushed around gently. He was used to the prods fully knowing Steve liked to mentally prepare himself before swallowing. He had no idea what it was like to swallow a person, and he didn’t exactly want to find out.
“You still have your bat..right?” He asks as he was pushed lightly down, a swallow threatening to pull him down if he wasn’t pressed down so firmly. Steve hummed softly which Dustin took as a yes.
They would have to better their weapon stash, for now it was time for a much needed a nap. He wondered how the rest of his friends were holding up with the whole aftermath. They would probably be joining him sooner or later. 
His thoughts came to a halt when he was being tipped forwards, giggling slightly as a loud swallow squashed his head into Steve’s throat, the tight muscles dragging him down with ease. He lazily wiggles as another loud swallow pushed him down farther, past his friend’s heart and into his stomach. He lands with a light thump. The muscle gurgled unhappily as it formed more around Dustin, gently kneading at him. 
“You good in there?” Steve asks. Like always there was a slight tone of worry in his voice. Dustin grins widely, feeling pretty good that he was safely tucked away from everything. 
“Yeah, thanks. I like totally needed this.” He says happily. He settles down into the soft flesh, easily finding a comfortable spot.
“Ya know this would be a /lot/ cooler with glow sticks or like a colored flashlight.” He adds on slyly as he relaxes. He grins when the place jolts slightly when Steve huffs at the idea.
“And have you almost lose it in my gut /again/ yeah no thank you." 
"Okay that’s completely fair..but like what if it was a bracelet?” Dustin asks. The warmth and soft noises of Steve’s body working was pretty relaxing. He found himself already dozing off.
“Ah, no. Nice try but do you really want a repeat of last time?” He felt a pressure on his back, no doubt that was Steve’s hand. Dustin leans more of his weight against it, letting a pleased sigh out when gentle fingers rubbed at him. 
Steve might have tough words but man his actions were incredibly sweet. 
“Oh come on, the adult didn’t actually know something was-” he pauses to yawn, settling down more before continuing. “Was going on.”
 He could practically feel Steve rolling his eyes at that. They had a lot of close calls, apparently adults were nosey when it was least convenient. No one outside their friend group knew what they did after all. 
“I’m not debating this with you, no glow sticks." 
The rubbing got softer before it left completely, making Dustin whine unhappily at the loss. He pouted slightly before sinking down into the stomach side, barely able to keep his eyes open. 
"You’re no fun.” He grumbles. He huffs when everything moves, jolting him around for a moment. Steve must’ve gotten into a more comfortable position. 
“Yeah yeah, now go to sleep you little shit." 
Yeah Dustin wasnt going to argue with that. He was extremely exhausted at this point. He yawns again, sleepily closing his eyes as he relaxes more into the soft flesh. 
"Thanks Steve.” Dustin says yawning again before promptly passing out. Steve smiles when his guy falls silent except for the content gurgles of his stomach settling. These kids were going to be the death of him he swore.
“Anytime you little shit."  He says smiling fondly. Now to get back to the resume. God growing up sucked.
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duskroots · 5 years
💖 Full Name: Bria (Duskroot)
💖 Gender and Sexuality: bi gal
💖 Pronouns: she/her
💖 Ethnicity/Species: Sylvari
💖 Birthplace and Birthdate: The Grove in spring in 1325 AE (Cycle of Dusk
💖 Guilty Pleasures: she has a sweet tooth and she’ll stuff her face with baked goodies until she feels sick if given the chance
💖 Phobias: fear of failure and causing harm to those that she loves; also I like to think post-PoF she’ll develop a very prominent fear of fire (any flame that’s larger than a candle is gonna be a hard nope for her)
💖 What They Would Be Famous For: being The Commander, leader of Dragon’s Watch, slayer of dragons, champion of Aurene, stomper of gods yadda yadda
💖 What They Would Get Arrested For: she kinda develops a huge authority problem over the course of the story so she could potentially end up in jail for pissing off any important leader i suppose. also i really liked that AU idea that was floating around that Tyria eventually turns against the Commander out of fear and distrust, so I guess that would also always be a possibility! :’)
💖 OC You Ship Them With: i don’t actually ship her with any OCs as of now! still undecided if she’ll ever feel ready to fall in love again tbh
💖 OC Most Likely To Murder Them: oh boy, any OC who’s a villain or just likes to murder people, i guess?
💖 Favorite Movie/Book Genre: i don’t think Asura have invented movies yet, but she’d be very into romcoms; until then she’ll have to stick to books that fall under that category but she also enjoys a good history book to learn more about Tyria’s past and the races that came and went (especially dwarves, Sieran got her into that). she also has a book of quaggan bedtime stories and lullabies that she loves and cherishes because it’s so damn cute.
💖 Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: “The Hero has to tragically sacrifice their life in the End instead of overcoming their struggles finding happiness” for pretty obvious reasons I guess
💖 Talents and/or Powers: she looks unassuming but she’s a powerful chronomancer and a capable fighter even without her magic, and that paired with her smarts makes her a formidable opponent. away from the battlefield she’s got a lot of talent for playing the lute and she has recently picked up knitting and sewing, both things she enjoys a lot and tries to share with others if possible
💖 Why Someone Might Love Them: she has a big heart and cares a lot, about everyone and everything, and even if she tries not to care at times she always ends up inevitably failing and that is both her greatest strength and weakness
💖 Why Someone Might Hate Them: I could see people hating her for being very outspoken and carrying her heart on her sleeve, and the fact that she has a stubborn streak and doesn’t shy away from conflict with people she does not consider close friends
💖 How They Change: honestly she came out of the pod and just wanted to travel and explore the world at her own terms and be selfish about not wanting to complete her wyld hunt because she felt like she didn’t owe the world anything, but by meeting people who became so incredibly important to her she eventually went from “I don’t want to do this and you can’t make me” to “I have to do this or nobody else will” to “I will do this fuckers just watch me” and i personally am very proud of her
💖 Why You Love Them: Bria was my first GW2 charater and that’s partly it, but she means a lot to me for a variety of reasons tbh ;w;
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beatriceeagle · 5 years
@scarletwinterraven asked: Of the shows on my list, what are my favorite ships and why?
ATLA: Zuko/Mai. I wouldn’t have called myself an ATLA shipper, but on my most recent rewatch I found myself really fascinated by the Zuko/Mai dynamic and by Mai as like, a person, generally, and I actually have most of a fic about them written. I just like them both so much individually, and also, there’s something deeply interesting to me about the balancing act that they must have had to perform throughout their adolescence, having a crush around Azula and all that palace intrigue. And can you imagine being Mai, and having a crush on the crown prince once day, and then the next day he’s been banished forever, and his sister is still ostensibly your best friend? And knowing that any amount of emotion you display over that is power that you’re giving her over you? And then he comes back after three years away? I would so desperately love to have seen their reunion scene.
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wesley/Lilah. It’s technically an Angel ship, but Angel should really be on the list, anyway and also my GOD I love that ship so much. They were the first couple I ever shipped, which, uh, probably tells you something about me. I don’t want to see them end up together, or anything, I just enjoy them so damn much. Also Willow/Tara of course, but I don’t wanna talk about it.
Community: Britta/Jeff. Also not in an endgame way, more in like an, “I really enjoy every time these two people are paired on screen together” kind of way, but they obviously shouldn’t be together, that would be a trainwreck. (I also thought Britta/Troy was very sweet.)
ER: Carter/Abby. They’re one of my ride-or-die OTPs, and I will NEVER be over the bullshit that show pulled with this ship. She left him for Luka? LUKA? HOW BORING CAN A PERSON POSSIBLY BE?
Farscape: So like. Is it possible to friendship ship people? Like, not in a BroTP way, but like, specifically, there’s a kind of dynamic that I very rarely see in fiction that I can get REALLY into, where two people are best friends who love each other incredibly deeply and want the world for each other, and who have a platonic relationship, but there’s a lot of sexual tension there and they both know it, but it would be an incredibly bad idea to follow through on it, so they don’t, or maybe they do for a while but then they stop, but there is a definite sexual component to the relationship, but ultimately it’s more friendship than anything else, just… complicated by this other thing. I fall head over heels for relationships like that, and in that sense, you could say I “ship” John/Chiana.
Girl Meets World: I am. Sigh. A Lucas/Maya shipper. Don’t look at me.
Legend of Korra: Korrasami, obvs.
Leverage: Hardison/Parker/Eliot TIL MY DYING DAY, BAYBEE.
The Magicians: Quentin/Eliot is still a great ship, and you will pry it from my cold dead hands, motherfuckers.
NMTD/LoLiLo: Pedrazar  :) :) :)
One Day at a Time: Uh, okay, so here’s the thing, I don’t SHIP Penelope/Schneider, but I ABSOLUTELY see the chemistry and I think it’s HYSTERICAL, and because I am secretly, in my heart of hearts, kind of a troll, I’m so excited by the fact that it’s there and the show is getting another season and somehow they’re going to have to deal with it. Does that count?
Parks and Rec: Ben/Leslie are a weird exception to almost everything that I normally ship, but whatever, I love them. Gimme all the wholesome nerds in love and supporting each other.
Schitt’s Creek: I “ship” David/Stevie in all the same ways and for all the same reasons that I do John/Chiana.
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated: Fred/traps.
Star Trek: Tom/B’Elanna is probably the ship I have loved the most that has ended up being endgame, and I can’t believe that it was on freaking Voyager. There’s something about the way that they are both such incredible disasters, and they are both kind of incredibly hard to be in a relationship with, but also they both try so hard to be there for each other regardless, that really works for me. Every relationship should ideally switch back and forth between insulting each other, sincerely reassuring each other that you’ll be there during times of trouble, and encouraging each other to commit acts of ecoterrorism.
(I’m also really into Picard/Crusher but specifically as a weird, tense, unconsummated thing. Like hell yeah, TNG, show me a future where Picard and Crusher are already divorced. That’s the good stuff!)
Superstore: JONAH/AMY OH MY GOD. These two are a disaster in probably a bad way, but there’s something so real about Superstore, and something so delightful about their chemistry, and again, I’m just such a sucker for people who can’t get their shit together, and like. They had sex for the first time when she was pregnant with her ex-husband’s child? Their life is a series of awkward, undernegotiated attempts to merge their extraordinarily incompatible contexts? I just feel like Jonah/Amy takes the standard trappings of the Mike Schur style grounded soulmate workplace romance and turns it into this slightly sordid, unwholesome, not always good thing, where the fact that they’re opposites who attract and work together leads them to have real problems, like, a lot of the time. But also (because I promise I’m not a complete downer) that relationship just feels so fucking lived in, those people just feel so detailed. The joy they take in each other feels equally real.
Teen Wolf: If you’ve gotten all the way to the bottom of this list, surely you can guess that I am in love with Stiles/Malia. FOR FUCKS SAKE. They lose their virginity to each other in the basement of the mental hospital that they’re both staying in while dealing with their overwhelming trauma. After knowing each other for like five minutes. And then they turn that into a relationship. Those two are in no position to be dating anyone, let alone each other, I love them so much.
As you can see, I find it very difficult to ship like a normal person, and therefore I am perennially frustrated. (Other ships I have loved: Jane/Michael from Jane the Virgin; Clarke/Lexa from The 100; oh, and I wrote what I believe to be the single most popular Tony/Nebula fic in all of Avengers fandom.)
My migraine is getting better, but feel free to keep sending me meta asks!
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Blessed: Arrow 7x13 Review (Star City Slayer)
It may be difficult to form coherent thoughts right now because of all the screaming, but I shall do my level best fam because WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Warning: gif explosion ahead.
Let’s dig in...
Olicity and Mia Smoak
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I AM DYING Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Of course, there are plenty of other things to discuss in the episode and we’ll get to it, but right now I want to bask. 
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This reveal was EPIC. 
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It actually exceeded my expectations because I didn’t think we’d get all the goodies all at once. “Star City Slayer” is basically my Christmas Wish List and Beth Schwartz just put delightful rainbow colored check marks after each request.  *falls to knees to worship Beth*
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We knew Arrow was dropping a bomb because Kat McNamara gave us all a heads up in her promotional press tour for “Star City Slayer.” But it’s wasn’t just one bomb. It was several.
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First, Felicity is alive which DUH. 
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This reveal felt fairly perfunctory and it tells me the Arrow writers didn’t really expect us to believe Felicity was truly dead because, as I always say, they ain’t that crazy. You do not throw out the lightning in the bottle. You keep the lightning in the damn bottle for as long as you possibly can until she starts screaming to get out and you are absolutely forced to let her go otherwise you’ll be charged with kidnapping.
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But was I laughing my ass off at all the antis who thought this was their year and Felicity was truly dead? You’re damn right I did. SUCK IT HATERS!!!!
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Everything was revealed to us in the last three minutes of the show, which felt like the writers throwing a confetti and glitter bomb at us in a dark hole. 
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AND I WILL TAKE IT. Please and thank you. 
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We already had a mountain of evidence Mia is Olicity’s daughter, but there are extremely big hints throughout the episode telling us exactly where we are headed.
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There is an absolutely beautiful transition from Felicity’s face in the darkness to Mia’s face.  In fact, Felicity’s face almost melts into the Mia’s, so it is pretty damn clear Gregory Smith (the director) is trying to draw a substantial connection. These kinds of shots are important guys. This is how Arrow Arrows. Transitions, cuts, focused shots – it’s all trying to tell the story visually. When Arrow cannot give us the answer directly then they will drop crumbs the size and weight of anvils.
Dinah and Zoe are using Felicity’s Archer program to find where she planted the bombs, but thus far haven’t been able to locate them. Roy believes Felicity could have hid the bombs in the old, but still secret, Team Arrow bunker. But of course we know two people who are already in the bunker!
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Mia and JJ tranquilize everyone, tie them up, and begin the interrogations. I like these kids. They’re nifty.
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Mia wants the codes to the Archer program from William so she can find Felicity. Nobody questions Mia’s ability to kick William’s ass, least of all William, so he doesn’t last long. He also wants Mia to stop hitting Zoe. Awww… this is the Arrow equivalent of these kids playing Legos together.
Mia tells William Felicity is alive. It’s unclear if Mia knows because she has actual proof or if this is more a gut feeling type of thing. Either way it’s significant. Felicity’s circle of trust is pretty limited in the future. If she trusts Mia then she is incredibly important to Felicity. The only other person Felicity has reached out to for help was William, her son, and she sent him to get Roy, the brother-in-law (I’m just calling it like I see it).  QUEEN FAMILY REUNION!!!!
This whole “Felicity is evil” angle is total crap too. Toss that nonsense out the window.
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I think Felicity, Mia and JJ are trying to stop the destruction of Star City by infiltrating the Glade because Rene’s Chief of Staff is evil. Even if I’m wrong about plot points I am not wrong about Felicity being one of the good guys.
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Mia can’t quite figure William out and the feeling is mutual. 
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William not a vigilante like Zoe, but finds himself embroiled in this bomb plot.
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The differences between the two aren’t difficult to see. Mia is street and William is luxury condos. William is tech and Mia is Krav Maga. William is gentle and Mia is punch first ask questions later. To say these two come from different worlds is an understatement and yet they find themselves circling around each other. 
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She mistakes his interest in Felicity as romantic and we all gagged right along with William.
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Mia’s reaction to Felicity being William’s step mother was a massive tell, which means Oliver isn’t the only one in the family with a terrible poker face.  
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Source: plotbunnyshipper
It was similar to Mia’s reaction when William told her Felicity was dead. 
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There is a person who cares under that hard exterior. There is someone who loves under all that pain. Sounds like someone else we know doesn’t it?
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Oliver made his famous chili tonight, which is something the comic canon nuts have been after for years. But Arrow is going to put their spin on it. The comic canon folks will get their chili, but Oliver is making it for Felicity and William (and not LL like they want and ridiculously still believe they’ll get). It was two spicy for William, but Felicity was having seconds because SHE IS INCUBATING THEIR LOVE CHILD!!!!
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Source:  lucyyh
Stan the Fan, who was fantastically creepy, put some kind of drug in the chili to paralyze Oliver, Felicity and William. They went to the hospital and Felicity commented on the “mountains of blood” staff took to confirm there were no lasting effect.
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I didn’t jump off the ground quite yet at this point. It was a fairly offhand remark from Felicity and I wasn’t sure if they’d reveal she was pregnant at the same time they confirmed Mia’s identity. I know I know. It makes complete sense to do it at the same time, but since when does Arrow ever make complete sense? I was being cautious.
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And then all the bombs drop. 
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
Felicity gets a call from the hospital regarding her blood test and SHE’S PREGNANT!  THIS IS WHEN THE SCREAMING STARTED!!!!
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We immediately cut to the flash forwards.  Mia & JJ are fighting Dinah, Roy, Zoe and William. This is a fantastic fight sequence. It really feels like the old guard meeting the new. Roy gets the upper hand on JJ, but Mia gets the upper hand on Dinah. That’s my baby girl!!!!
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William nervously holds a gun on Mia, but she’s cool as a cucumber. She knows he won’t shoot.  
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And why? *saythewordssaythewordssaythewordssaythewords*
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Source:  katie-mcgraths
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My screaming went ultrasonic STG. 
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It’s so much goodness all it once I almost hyperventilated. 
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This reveal was like setting off fireworks in this dystopian nightmare world. 
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Is it awful William and Mia don’t know each other? Of course it is. My heart is broken Oliver and Felicity didn’t get to live an idyllic life, raising their babies in peace, and the city is still a hot mess 20 years in the future. I wouldn’t have picked it as a storyline, but if I was writing this show then Olicity would’ve been married in Season 3 and we’d be on our second set of triplets by now.  
I don’t know how the family became splintered, but I am dying to find out. I want to see Felicity reunited with both her son and daughter. I want to know what the hell happened to Oliver. I absolutely want to see William and Mia’s relationship as brother and sister develop. It reminds me of the Season 1 between Oliver and Thea or more accurately Oliver and Emiko now. If everything is a mess in the future then at the very least I want to see the Queen family fighting to make it better. SIGN ME THE HELL UP!!!!!!
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It’s not just about the Queen family either. Roy and Dinah officially confirm Connor Hawke is John Diggle’s boy JJ. Finally someone from present day recognizes these kids. 
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It’s clearly been YEARS since Dinah or Roy have seen JJ. What the hell happened? Where is Diggle? (Thank you David Ramsey for confirming you’ll be in the flash forwards).  If JJ is working with Mia and Felicity then hopefully it means Diggle is as well.
“Star City Slayer’ felt like the birth of new OTA (William, Mia and JJ). Did you notice how JJ came running in as Mia interrogated William and Dinah, all protective and concerned for her? My ship is setting sail!
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Kat McNamara said in her TVLine interview, “Beth has said they’re trying to combine the best qualities of Oliver and Felicity — his physical strength and her intellectual strength. “ 
And she is the best qualities.
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Mia is the perfect blend of Oliver and Felicity. Everything we saw in the show was put there for a reason - the scotch,
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the fight style, 
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her reaction to Oliver’s documentary, 
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her reaction to Felicity’s death, 
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Mia’s intellectual smarts 
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along with her street smarts. 
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It was all to show Mia’s connection to her parents. We didn’t imagine anything family. This fandom called it right from the start.  
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Let’s rewind a bit and go back to present day. I love how Felicity finds out she is pregnant. A blood test is irrefutable proof. Sure, pregnancy tests have come a long way, but you always get a blood test to confirm. I was happy to skip the whole “Is she sure?” trope.
It’s the perfect way for this child to happen.  I never thought this baby would be planned. Look at Oliver and Felicity’s lives! It’s going to be difficult to find “a good time” and Felicity is extremely pragmatic. I like how Mia’s arrival is unexpected. That’s life folks. If you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans.
If you are screaming “But birth control!!!” lemme tell ya I know plenty of folks who have gotten pregnant on birth control. It would be easy to miss a step here or there given the craziness of Oliver and Felicity’s lives.  I am also of the opinion Oliver “The Sex God” Queen has super sperm.
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Felicity is understandably stunned, but she instinctively puts her hand on her belly as she watches William being ushered away to Central City with his grandparents for a “normal life.” 
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This is the life Oliver and Felicity chose, but it’s not the life their children chose. Felicity’s desire to protect William and her unborn child is completely understandable and what any mother would do. This news is unexpected and life changing, but Felicity’s hand over her belly shows her instantaneous love. Even though this child was unplanned it is already adored.
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Source: olicitygifs
I’m not sure if the costume department specifically chose red on purpose, but Felicity finding out she’s pregnant dressed in a red sweater is a beautiful visual call back to Arrow 3x01 “The Calm.” 
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This is the episode where the seeds of this future were sewn. Their dinner at the Italian restaurant didn’t meet the qualifications of a first date, even though it came with all the nerves, because Oliver and Felicity already knew each other really well.  They were already in love.
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This was never about one date, a one night stand or even a fling. Oliver put those days behind him the minute he realized he loved Felicity Smoak. 
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It was always about forever for him.
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Oliver is not a man of many words and it’s difficult for him to talk about emotions or the past. But Oliver owed Felicity the truth after their “ruse” to stop Slade. She needed to know there were no lies in that “I love you.” 
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Oliver tells Felicity how much she means to him and the life he dreams of having with her.  
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Felicity waited two long years to hear everything Oliver said.
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This is why their breakup was so painful. 
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Oliver wasn’t just saying no to a relationship with Felicity. He was saying no to everything he dreamed. He was walking away from lazy days in bed, 
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failed omelets, 
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love ferns, 
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brown bag lunches,
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ying yang kisses,
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Christmas trees, 
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vows in the park,
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homework help,
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video game wars,
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breakfast for dinner, 
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and experimental cookies.
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Oliver said no to a home, children and a love strong enough to build it all around.
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Oliver could picture that life any time he looked at Felicity. He saw their children in her eyes. He knew exactly what he was giving up.  Oliver gave himself one moment to live that dream 
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and love the children who would never be.
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Anytime you think Oliver only loses I want you to think back to “The Calm.”  You think back to the beginning of the series and remember how far Oliver Queen has come. Remember everything he has built with his blood, sweat and tears. We’ve gone from a man who was emotionally cut off, suffering under the weight of his pain, because of his self hatred and guilt, 
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to one who believes he deserves to be loved, fights with everything he has to hold on to love, and shines his light for the world to see.
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The fans didn’t introduce the Olicity baby into the story. 
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The writers did and they did it for a very specific reason. 
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This has always been what Oliver is fighting for. Arrow is not just about saving Star City. It’s about saving Oliver Queen too. Felicity’s love and the family they will build together is his salvation. 
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This family is everything Oliver dreamed of. It’s everything he believed he didn’t deserve. It’s everything he’s fought to earn. Love, family and purpose. This is what it means to be alive. From the moment Oliver stopped surviving and truly started living again, this is the promise he’s always been headed towards.
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Mia is the fulfillment of that promise. 
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She is the final piece to the puzzle.
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Mia closes the loop around the life Robert and Moira Queen wanted for Oliver.  The life they died to give him.
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Maybe the Queen family is broken and splintered in the flash forward, but they will be put back together. Don’t doubt it for a second. Arrow is mass array of broken pieces which will ultimately fit together to unveil the final image. Salvation for Oliver, Star City, his family and the team is all the same thing. It’s all connected. You don’t get one without the other.  Oliver will save his family just like they saved him. 
It’s also important to remember how far we’ve come as fans who love this romance. We were told constantly Olicity would never happen. The NOlicity haters, L*urivers and antis from every nook and cranny said everything we saw on screen was our imagination. There was never a chance for Olicity. The writers would never abandon comic book canon for a love story of their own creation.
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And yet… they did. Felicity became the female lead. Olicity became the central romance of Arrow.  We didn’t imagine anything. Everything we saw was intentional. It was real. The smile was magic. 
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Her belief made him believe. 
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The lie was the truth. 
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The kiss led to 
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the sunset drive. 
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Everything broken 
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would be repaired. 
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would bring forgiveness.  
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The bouquet 
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promised the wedding.
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And the dream 
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would become a reality.
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Oliver and Felicity are blessed, and we as fans, are blessed to have them as our OTP.
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Olicity and William Clayton
Oy. What a couple of weeks with William. He still hasn’t coughed up a reason for his expulsion, so Oliver and Felicity play good cop/bad cop with him over breakfast. 
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Is anyone surprised Oliver is the good cop? No. 
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He wouldn’t have been on the damn boat banging his girlfriend’s sister if Robert and Moira Queen said no when he was two. The fact Oliver continually found himself in trouble with his parents is a clear indication whatever discipline the Queen’s used didn’t work. 
In fact, I remember Oliver having this fight with Moira in Season 1 over Thea. It’s a different story when it’s your kid, you’ve been in prison for several months and you just want bond with “Buddy.” Well, hike up the big boy pants and strap on those green tights Oliver. You’re a father now which means NO PANCAKES.
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Felicity is the most adorable bad cop to ever walk the face of the earth, but her husband knows better than to question her benevolent rule. 
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Bae is still Queen.  Felicity says one word and it’s see ya pancakes. 
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Oliver even takes William’s knife and fork away. I died. He’s like a light switch she can flip on and off. Let’s see what else Felicity can make Oliver do!  Sounds like a good use of 45 minutes to me!
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Source:  myhauntedblacksoul
I have to be honest if I was expelled, refused to explain why, copped an attitude and stormed out on my parents I would not live to tell the tale. Instead, I would be buried in the backyard next to our pet bunny Petunia. I had no desire to piss my parents off. I valued my life thank you very much.
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William does unload on Oliver and its pretty friggin great. The attitude needs to go, but William makes some valid points. 
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There’s been a lot of discussion about the “mistakes” Oliver has made and what he needs to do to be a better leader. I’m drawing a blank whenever this topic comes up around the Newbies because they are all awful and Oliver should’ve let them rot in Slabside.
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However, the next phase of the Oliver Queen evolution is listening and his teachers are his wife and son. Keep your expectations low fam. Oliver is still a heterosexual male. There’s only so much listening he’s physically capable of doing.
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William is cheesed off Oliver went to prison without discussing it with either Felicity or him (FACTS KIDDO), because his father does whatever the hell he wants to do (TRUE STORY). Simply because Oliver was heroically falling on the sword doesn’t erase his inability to ask for opinions. 
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Oliver feels this is an unfair characterization, but we only need to look at Felicity’s face and to know William’s remarks are on target.
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Source: olicitygifs
Felicity changes into her good cop hat and approaches William with Oliver’s world famous chili and a Rubik cube lesson. 
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Source: ebett 
Oliver acknowledges William’s right to be angry and apologizes. The kid has been through a lot in the last couple years, which is why Oliver wants to bring him home. 
It is at this point Samantha Clayton’s parents show up on Oliver and Felicity’s doorstep.  
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That’s right folks! A ticked off William called Grandpa and Grandma to complain. Jeez William. This is how those awful Lifetime movies about custody battles begin. Put down the phone dude.
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I’m laughing right now because I’m imagining calling my grandfather to complain about my parents. He would have reached through the telephone to bop me on the head. Then he would’ve said my parents were amazing, I’m the luckiest girl on the planet and I should apologize right the hell now. Then he would’ve sent me fifty bucks. My Papa was the best.
Grandma and Grandpa Clayton have a different approach. They want custody of William. Sigh. I’m not saying they don’t have a point. They didn’t know Oliver was the Green Arrow and the dude is convicted murderer. He just did time in a maximum security prison! Also, he knocked up their daughter and his Green Arrow activities are pretty much the reason she’s dead. So Oliver isn’t going to win the Claytons over anytime soon.
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They may think it is an open and shut custody case, but WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY? 
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There were plenty of times the Claytons could have intervened, but it takes William calling and complaining for these two to get off their asses? The kid was put into Witness Protection for god sake. Open and shut I think not.
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Obviously, Oliver goes growly papa bear and tells them nobody is taking his son. Damn right. He didn’t even get that mad at the Claytons until they insulted Felicity’s ability to parent. I thought Oliver was gonna put an arrow in them. DO NOT SPEAK ILL OF THE WIFEY. HE WILL COME FOR YOUR LIFE AND A LIFE IS WHAT HE WILL TAKE.
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I know William is going through stuff, but this is a really dick move. He knows Oliver and Felicity adore him and threatening a grandparent custody battle simply because he’s mad at Dad is completely inappropriate. Anyone can discipline this child at any time. I’ll wait.
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Oliver finally finds his angry voice! 
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There ya go big fella. It’s the same one you use to interrogate suspects, but with less torture.  And they say the hood didn’t prepare him to be a family man. Pfft.
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Oliver and William basically have it out. 
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As parent versus child fights go this is a pretty good one. Obviously, Oliver wants to have his son home and give him a normal life, but there is no normal when you are running around in green leather pants shooting arrows every night. 
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Am I saying Oliver and Felicity should immediately ship William off to his grandparents? No. There’s a way to build the Queen family version of normal. They’ll do breakfast for dinner, but will occasionally be held hostage. It’s a give and take.
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Parents have jobs where their lives are at risk every night. Do police officers ship their kids off to the grandparents? No. Do John and Lyla, who work for the least secret spy agency in the world, ship JJ off to Lyla’s parents? No. Zoe isn’t going anywhere. So why is William flipping his shit?
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Source:  olivergifs
Because William lived ten years with his version of normal and that life was with Samantha. It was a life with no masks, kidnappers blowing up islands or incredibly dull mob bosses. As wrong as it was to keep Oliver out of William’s life, Samantha did insulate their son from all the crazy.
William’s mother died pretty recently and this child has adjusted to a lot. He meets his father, but loses his mother. He gets to live with his father and gains a step mother, but he has to move away from his friends, school, grandparents and city. Then, just when he’s adjusted, everything is torn away again. His father is sent to prison and he’s put into Witness Protection with his stepmother. I understand why William is having difficulty adjusting to the Green Arrow life.
Felicity broaches the subject, but even discussing letting William go tears Oliver apart. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
Felicity thinks William is old enough to decide for himself what kind of life he wants to live. And right now that life is with his grandparents.  So Oliver lets him go.
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Source:  thegayfleet
This is why I’m still mad with writers for killing Samantha. 
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If the intent was to protect William from all the insanity of Oliver’s life then why kill his mother? Why bring back Raisa? Why send him off with the grandparents when William simply could be splitting time 50/50 with his mother in Central City? 
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Samantha’s existence didn’t preclude Felicity from having a relationship with him. It would have been interesting to see Oliver, Felicity and Samantha co parent.
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The only reason Arrow killed off Samantha was to make Oliver a full time father and for the whole father/son sin cycle to continue. Eh. That was never a good enough reason for me, but especially now because they are looking for an escape hatch to throw William out of.  If the endgame was always to route William back to Central City then they should have left his mother alone.
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The argument Oliver and Felicity can’t provide William protection or a normal life, when they achieved those things all last season while living a pretty idyllic life, is a lot of nonsense.  Yes, I know Oliver went through a time in Season 6 when he hung up the hood, but Felicity was still on the team. And Oliver suited back up eventually. William could adjust to the new normal just like JJ and Zoe have.  Are JJ and Zoe getting shipped off to their grandparents? No.
It’s difficult to believe Oliver and Felicity willingly letting William go, even though I understand the kid’s frustration and anger. 
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Oliver is right. William can’t call his grandparents for back up anytime he’s mad at his parents. But by letting him move to his grandparents, Oliver and Felicity are just reinforcing this behavior! The Queen family needs to learn to fight without someone packing up and moving.  
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Perhaps, if we didn’t have the flash forwards we would see Oliver, Felicity and William work through this, but the writers want some distance between the three to sell the future storyline. I’m still not even sure this is the “abandonment” William is still bitching about 20 years from now, because guess what son? You left Oliver and Felicity! Not the other way around. It still boggles my mind Oliver and Felicity would allow this given how hard they fought to reunite their family this season.  
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It seems a little ridiculous to me William peaces out after his dad is released from prison or Felicity being so willing to let him go.  William’s present day storyline feels slapped together with tape and glue. It flies in the face of everything this family established in Season 6 for the sake of the flash forwards. I’m having a very difficult time buying any kind of separation between William, Oliver and Felicity no matter how ticked off this kid is.
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Of course, as William is walking out the door Felicity finds out she’s pregnant with his sister. I have no idea why William doesn’t know about Mia. I don’t think Oliver and Felicity said goodbye to him forever in “Star City Slayer” so there’s a lot of plot holes needing to be filled. I can’t even venture a guess and I really don’t want to. There’s too much information we don’t have and it feels like a fruitless endeavor. My plan is to wait and watch.
Curtis Holt
The Olicity baby wasn’t the only thing on my Christmas Wish List! Beth booted Curtis Holt off my show too !!!!!!!! YAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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Honestly, I felt a little bad for Echo because this was the least important development in the episode. The Olicity baby bomb blew him out of the water.
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No, it doesn’t bother me he isn’t dead. I’m perfectly fine with Arrow shipping Curtis off to Washington D.C. for his dream job. I didn’t need him dead. I needed him GONE.
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At first, I wasn’t quite sure what route Arrow was going. He tells Diggle about the job in DC but then John, who is determined to piss me off at every turn this season, offers Curtis a bigger job at ARGUS. 
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He’ll be in charge of their science division because what would we do without Curtis! HE IS SO VITAL. 
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Dammit Diggle! You had one job! JUST LET HIM GO.
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Curtis goes out into the field with the team to hunt the Star City Slayer and I felt certain we were headed into L*urel L*nce territory. She decided to suit up “one last time” before taking her DA job and then BAM! Arrow right to the gut.
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Amazingly, Curtis makes it out relatively unscathed and he even saves Dinah’s life with one of his T-spheres. I think. I didn’t really care other than he wasn’t dead. I was too busy thinking, “Shit he better not take John up on the ARGUS job.” 
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But I was prepared folks. As long as I got an Olicity baby I was prepared to deal with whatever other disappointments came my way.
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But NOPE! Beth decided to be Santa Claus and give me allllllllll my goodies.
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Curtis decides to take the job in DC. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The minute Curtis said it I went online to buy him 15 plane tickets – one for him and his 14 PhDs.
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Of course, he gives full ownership of Helix back to Felicity. 
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See this is why he needs to go. He acted so magnanimous - like it was his to give. Curtis gives Felicity some pompous talk about finding her purpose. OMG THIS GUY IS TOO MUCH. IT WAS HER COMPANY AND YOU ROAD ON HER COATTAILS. MAYBE SHE WOULD HAVE HER “PURPOSE” BY NOW IF THE WRITERS WEREN’T CONSTANTLY SIDE LINING FELICITY TO GIVE YOUR USELESS ASS SOMETHING TO DO. Ugh. Is the plane here yet? I’m so done with this douche.
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Anyways, what matters is Curtis Holt is GONE!!!!!!! 
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And it looks like we’re full steam ahead on Smoak Technologies. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
I don’t know why Arrow continually compartmentalizes Felicity. It seems to me she could be deputized and work with Team Arrow as Overwatch while creating Smoak Tech. Maybe that will happen, but for now it seems only one activity at the time. But at least her storyline won’t be stripped and ransacked to serve Curtis Fucking Holt anymore. WE CONTINUE TO BE BLESSED FANDOM. ALL MY PRAISE TO JESUS AND BETH SCHWARTZ.
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Stan the Fan
Last, but certainly not least, “Star City Slayer” finally delivers a villain worth watching. Stan the Fan is back and is more creepy, diabolical and terrifying in one episode than Diaz was for a year and a half! 
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Brendan Fletcher is a genius and the smartest move Arrow made was not killing him off at the end of the episode. WE WANT MORE STAN!
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The back story even made sense. WILL WONDERS EVER CEASE? 
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Stanley was abused and tortured by his parents until he finally killed them. Stanley’s older brother, who always tried to protect him, was horrified when he found out.  So, Stanley killed him too. Now he seeks out older brother types to look up to and endear himself to. Stanley tries to protect his new “big brother” just like his brother did for him. He kills anyone he believes are bad for the person he admires – friends and enemies alike.
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Okaaaaay. My man Stan has some legit issues. 
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Oliver: My teammates would never hurt you.
Stan: But they’re still bad for you!  Worse even because they don’t understand you.
Soooo… not for nothin’ but I found myself nodding along with Stan the Fan. 
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He was making many of the same arguments many of us have made about the Newbies. 
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Is Stanley wrong? Are we wrong? HELL NO THEY ARE THE WORST! Is it a little worrisome I’m agreeing with the psychopath? Well sure, but I think it’s find to agree with crazy people when they make sense.  Did Stan back into the right opinion via Insanity Street? Sure, but facts are facts no matter what route you choose.
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I also completely understood his desire to hang out with the Queen family and make a new team just the four of them. I’ve had that dream myself. 
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But let’s be clear - I’m not a crazy fan like Stan. I AM COMPLETELY RELAXED ABOUT OLIVER QUEEN!!!
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Slicing Dinah’s throat was a step too far over the line though Stan my man. 
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Source: arrowdaily
I just want her to take a job in Central City like Curtis moved to DC and bring Rene with her. Relocation would have been fine. You didn’t have to fricassee her vocal chords, bro.
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I think the scariest movies are when you are physically restrained from defending yourself in any way. You can’t move or scream. The scariest Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode is “Hush” and it remains one of the most terrifying hours of television I’ve ever seen. I’m still traumatized.
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Obviously, Oliver can take Stan the Fan in a blink of an eye so the paralyzing drug really shifted the power dynamic. It made Stan a real threat not only to Oliver, but his whole family. 
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Source:  plotbunnyshipper
It’s completely unnerving to listen to a powerless Oliver Queen trying to reason with Froot Loops. Stephen Amell always does such a great job with making his voice melodic like Oliver is trying to lull Stanley into submission.
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But you can’t fix crazy Oliver! I love how the Queen family worked together to stop him. William slides the bottle, 
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Felicity pisses Stanley off to get him to attack her, 
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and Oliver takes him out in one shot. BAM! 
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That’s how we do! It’s gonna be so great when all four members of the Queen family are reunited, kicking ass, taking names and saving the city together.
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Stray Thoughts
Wait. So Bl*ck S*ren isn’t even IN the episode where Mia’s parentage is revealed. HAHAHAHAHA. Obviously, KC was on her honeymoon and that’s lovely, but it never ceases to amaze me how wrong her fans are. Just when I think they’ve hit a new low they reset the whole scale by digging even deeper into the Pit of Wrongness. Am I being petty? YA DAMN RIGHT I AM.
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Ben Lewis’ scream when Dinah shoves William off the platform made me laugh until I cried.
Roy’s parkour made its triumphant return!
When my parents asked me to unpack the groceries it wasn’t a request I could refuse. My parents are lovely people, but next to Oliver they look like the Gestapo! Someone in the Arrow writer’s room needs to take a parenting class.
Felicity’s apartment security system is great and everything, but can’t she install a camera or something so they can see who the unidentified persons are? It’s called The Ring. Quite handy.
Loved the pink. Felicity was checking off all her signature colors. Source:  lucyyh
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Dinah lost her Canary Cry. Since she was having trouble dealing with being an outed meta it’ll be interesting to see what her reaction is. She doesn’t need to be a meta human to be part of Team Arrow. Although, I think this gives Team Arrow more of a reason to occasionally reach out to Bl*ck S*ren. 
This was such a mom moment. Source: EBETT
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This was such a dad moment. Source:  olivergifs
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Followed by another mom moment.  Source:  olivergifs
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The woman loves her man and his chili. Source: feilcityqueen
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This is the zenith of my shipper life. I have reached the top of Everest. Time to take stock of my OTP journey.
One taught me patience
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One taught me pain
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One taught me love
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Thanks to @callistawolf for the review title!
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 7x13 gifs credited.
If you’d like to support the blog, please buy me a cup of tea!
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biting-you · 6 years
finished love letter commission for lovelyplot!!!
My first commission for the Hellsing fandom and a great way for me to show of how goddamn bad my priest kink is, enjoy!
Dear Miss Lovely,
I apologize for the suddenness of this letter, but trying to converse with you face to face has been nothing short of a challenge, you are a rather elusive young lass. Not that I mind of course, being able to observe while out on the field has been rather efficient method to learn more about you.
I won’t lie, I expected a cocky and overblown ego that many young vampire slayers have a bad habit of possessing when they first start out, you are so incredibly refreshing in your reserved attitude and ability to be humble about your work, completing it without being a show boating idiot. You’ll do well, that I can assure you.
However, I do find myself wondering why you have chosen such a grisly line of work looking the way you do.
Perhaps it is out of line for me to say, being a man of the cloth, but I have never seen a hunter who’s body looked so…soft.
There is no hardness to your figure, only dipping curves and full roundness to observe. I worry about this. About the way you look. How those fanged abominations seem all too happy to try and sink their teeth the generous flesh of your bosom.
There’s too much about you that tempts these beasts. You beckon without words for touch, to have hands stroke and squeeze whatever they can reach, eliciting moans from plump parted lips that only encourage a man to fall further from grace into near uncontrollable depravity.
It’s almost as if God’s loving light can be ignored for the sake of looking upon your own shining form, it makes a man forget. It makes a man forget who he is and the rules he must abide by, how damned he truly is for thinking these sickening things in the first place. You make a man want to throw it all away for a singular chance to hold you close and feel how soft you truly are.
It’s dangerous.
But I do my best not to worry about you, as I have said before, you are a capable hunter who can defend herself and will excel in no time.
Though, if of course you find yourself needing a guiding hand or simply a shoulder to lean on, I am more than happy to provide both for you. There’s no need to go this alone and my support for such a budding young woman will never run out.
Remember lass, my door is always open.
Yours truly,
A. Anderson
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rex101111 · 5 years
Character concept: Aria/Justice
because I can’t get it out of my head here’s some scattered nonsense of ideas that I would like to see if Aria becomes a playable character again in the next Guilty Gear :D just like, a bunch of stuff thrown at the wall because I want these out so they won’t bother me in my head so here you go!
Intro: Shot of a hand holding a remote with a prominent red button on it, the thumb presses down on the button. Camera pans up to see a shine in the sky, followed by a huge shadow dropping swiftly down. Cut to a side view of Aria with her hands crossed as the shadow stops in front of her, a lightly altered recreation of the Gear Justice. She looks aside, at the camera and her opponent, says her opening line, before the suit opens up and she jumps inside. The suit closes around her as lights turn on all at once and the Gear, Aria, turns to her opponent with clenched claws.
opening line ideas:
Sol: “Fredrick, I want to test this thing out, don’t hold back like last time.”
“Don’t give me that look, I know you’re itching for another go.”
“I get antsy too you know, research gets boring sometimes.”
“No, I’m not mad. I am still going to beat you up though, it’s the principle of the matter.”
Dizzy: “Alright, now take a deep breath, and don’t hold back.”
“I know you don’t like fighting, but keeping your skills sharp is important.”
“You can do better then that, I know you can, I’ll drag it out of you if I need to.”
“You can’t hurt me dear, so let Necro have some fun this time, eh?”
Ky: “I need to know for certain if you can stand by her side, your majesty, so get ready.”
“A mother-in-law’s advice is healthy for any marriage, now pay close attention.”
“You never did fight Justice did you? Now’s your chance.”
“Dizzy gets a lot from me; my looks, my eyes, and my fire power.”
Baiken: “Take your anger, your pain, your hatred, and fight me!”
“I remember the feel of your blade against my armor, this time don’t miss.”
“This is your revenge, come and take it!”
“Guilt isn’t weighing me down, but I won’t sit by and let you wallow.”
Generic: “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt you, just think of it as an intense work out.”
“I installed a few new tricks into this baby, keep your guard up!”
“This isn’t the real deal, but it will be more then enough to handle you.”
Instant Kill: Aria lunches out a sort of tether to trap the opponent in place, fires a barrage of lasers, and then charges her Gammy Ray. She charges it up until the glow of it reaches the sky, and then flies towards her target to fire it, at point blank range. DESTROYED. Open to a large canyon in front of the suit, stretching out into the horizon. The suit opens and out comes Aria, grimly satisfied and the wind whipping her hair around while she says her winning line. Aria WIN!
“Asuka really went for overkill with this, didn’t he?”
“And that, is how you win a battle, even if you lose a war.”
“Most strategies fall apart when faced with overwhelming force, bigger stick always wins.”
“It may be a pale imitation, a reproduction, but this lady still packs a mean punch doesn’t she?”
Normal Victory Pose: The suits opens to let Aria step out before kneeling behind her, she leans back to sit, not at all elegantly, on it’s head with a weary sigh, reaches into her pocket to pull out a lollipop with a kind smile as she says her line before she starts eating it. Aria WIN! 
“Yikes, did I overdo it again? Sorry about that.”
“The thrusters still need tuning up, thanks for running around so much that I noticed.”
“You did well back there! A little more practice and I’ll have to work for it next time.”
“Next time, when you think of picking a fight with a laser shooting robot, don’t.”
End match quotes (AKA where I completely indulge in my HCs about Aria post Rev2):
Sol: “Hey Fredrick, remember that time I challenged you and Asuka to an arm wrestling competition? You two complained about sore wrists for weeks! *short chuckle*...brings back memories. doesn’t it?...”
Dizzy: “Very good Dizzy! Literally ever single reader and scanner on this thing burst and broke during that fight! W-wait no don’t look worried! That’s a good thing! I’m proud of you, really.”
Ky: “If I’m being honest, I really don’t get what Dizzy sees in you. Not that I’m questioning her choices, God forbid! You’re just not my type at all, bit too straight laced...though, that short hair look does suit you better, very handsome.”
Leo: “You make an odd King, Leo. But not a bad one at all! Sure, Ky may be more popular among the public, and the press love him more, and he tends to lead things more confidently and thoroughly, but you-you....Leo? Why are you sulking?”
Sin: “Well, deal’s a deal. I beat you so now you need to go back and finish your homework young man. Now don’t frown like that, only kids do that. Tell you what, finish your work quickly, and me and Fredrick’ll treat you to a big dinner, deal?”
Ramlethel: “Excellent work Ram, you’re improving very quickly! You and Sin train hard don’t you? Just try not to overindulge on those burgers after your sessions alright? Gear Biology or no those things are bad for you.”
Elphelt: “El, sweetheart, I know you have your style and all, but is the wedding dress still necessary? A place to hid your weapons sure but doesn’t it get in the way?...was I ever like that? God I hope not..oh! Nothing it’s nothing!”
Slayer: “Every single reader is either broken or glitching on me, armor cracked to hell, engine damn near exploded, exhausted my fuel and my ammunition...and here you are, lounging like it’s a holiday...what are you exactly...?” 
Potemkin: “Well! Zepp technology is certainly...hardy! Nearly overloaded my canons on you! Took me by surprise there...”
Chipp: “You really need to stop playing this silly ninja game of yours and sit down. Politics is boring as dirt but if you call yourself a president that’s your job...*sigh* I pity your secretary, truly.”
Faust: “Sorry about that...outburst, I kind of have this thing with medical procedures and needles and...well, I’m sure you understand, Doctor.”
Jam: “God it’s been ages since I had proper Chinese food, how’s your general Tsao?...why are you giving me that dirty look? Did I say something wrong?” 
May: “You pack a wallop don’t you? I thought that anchor was a toy at first but your swinging that cast iron like it’s nothing! Maybe train with someone who can teach you how to use it more directly? Who knows what kind of damage you could do...”
Zato: “...according to my scanners you don’t have a pulse...did that vampire have something to do with it? Either way, stay away from me, no offence but that shadow of yours is creepy, and coming from me that says something.”
Millia: “There are no chains on you dear, nothing holding you down and no one holding you back. Your freedom is right there, all you have to do is reach for it with both hands.”
Venom: “...you know, you remind me of this baker in downtown Ilyria, he’s a genius with bread and sugar, honestly incredible. I hope his business is doing well, I don’t know if I could make it through the day without one of his cinnamon buns.”
Baiken: “Get up. I know this isn’t all your anger, get up! Gather more hatred and fight me! Pour every ounce of pain you have into your blade and let it out! Get up! I won’t stop until you can live again, until you can let go before you tear yourself to pieces...get. Up.”
Anji Mito: “Now. You are going to behave, sit there, and tell the truth for once. Mind you this suit has a heartbeat monitor so I’ll know if you try to pull a fast one. Now, question one, what do you know?”
I-no: “...sorry for causing you so much trouble as Jack-O, my excitement kind of got away from me. Thanks for putting up with it.”
Raven: “I never did thank you for that wound you healed, did I? Of course I remember, who forgets a friend in this day and age?” 
Extra stuff/Headcannons:
* She’s like mature Jack-O personality wise, though with a rather wry sense of humor. Pokes fun at Sol every chance she gets (only calls him Fredrick, or Freddie if she wants to troll him), but always with a hint of affection. Sometimes blanks out or has her mind wonder off.
* Worked closely with Paradigm to build the suit, though she did most of the heavy work herself. Used schematics from a few of Asuka’s old hideouts and accounts from the Crusades while adding her own spin on the design. No...crotch spike. Constantly improving it and tweaking it whenever she has the time. 
* Nags Ky like a proper mother-in-law mostly just for the sake of poking fun, she trusts him with Dizzy. Wants to make up for lost time with Dizzy, though she knows she can only go so far with her being about a decade late to be a mom.
* Treats the Valentine sisters like, well, sisters almost. Little sisters. Spoils Sin rotten whenever his parents aren’t paying attention. Had a 10 hour long training session with him after he called her “grandma” once. 
* Feels a little guilty about Japan. Doesn’t exactly blame herself entirely, but she still feels some responsibility to fix some of the damage. Baiken makes that guilt double in her gut, wants her to move on because she has a vague memory of Baiken fighting Justice and failing miserably. 
* Has an odd, vague mix of memories from both Jack-O and Justice, she can just manage to keep up and make sense of them, but both at once has her needing to sit down and clutch her head because ow migraines. Also pretty much remembers everything from before she died the first time.
* Wants to punch Asuka in the nose. Also to say she forgives him and she gets why he did what he did, but first she needs to break his nose because seriously Asuka the fuck.
* Her theme would probably be some mix between “Meet Again” (Justice theme) and “Juno” (Jack-O theme), with maybe the “Diva” riff thrown in there for flavor. Slightly manic rock mix but ultimately in control and, near the end, happy. Song title would be something like “Together Again” or “Hera” (Juno’s Greek name) 
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