#I am aware that some of the people on this poll may not count as Aces per in universe definition but most fuckable ace sounds better than
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tomialtooth · 4 months ago
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ginger-grimm · 6 months ago
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Another year around the sun has passed for me, almost. I did a poll, and the results were overwhelmingly a big yes. I've had a very attentive follower who's been asking me to post the form, so here we go. Please note that you can take your time with the gifts, my birthday is not until the near end of September. Whether you post the gifts now or a bit later is up to you, just remember please that I won't post your gifts until mine have been posted, I've been burned one too many times.
Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to this, I remember last year's exchange turned out great and I always appreciate doing these things. So, as always, come one come all, and have fun with this, I know I will be!
The Rules and regulations are simple, but they exist nonetheless, so here they are:
The exchange, for now, is open until September 25th, though I may extend it who knows *Kevin James meme*
You may make 1-2 requests, but hey, I will probably reblog it saying you can make more once no one requests anything *Kevin James meme intensifies*
Please reblog this post to spread some awareness, please. You can like for remembrance but just a like doesn't count (you already know this, I know my 5 regulars who come here every time)!
As aforementioned, this is open to my regular drunks and new patrons alike, so please do not be shy. Think of me as I think of birds, I am more scared of you than you are of me.
Fill out the form linked below and find the password in the form!
Please only send me faceclaims with good quality and plenty of material to use. Also, no cartoon characters. Video game characters are all right if it's motion capture. I'm not trying to discriminate, it can just be really tough for me to find material for cartoons, animes, video games, etc. as I edit by making little video clips first blah blah blah. However, if you slide in my DMs we might be able to discuss some stuff.
Please, please, please fill out all the columns I need and choose at least two gift options. It makes it infinitely easier for me to make something for you. Just remember I can't read minds and it's worse when I can't find anything in your blogs.
Remember the pleases and thank you's, pleases and thank you's make my heart grow fond.
I don't do Harry Potter OCs or Stranger Things OCs and while I don't have a specific list of FCs I don't use, I ask that you do not request anything for overtly problematic actors, thank you!
I accept pretty much any gift in return, it can even be story reviews or playlists for people who don't/can't edit themselves. If it's a story review, please let me know in the form so I know you did as I don't check my accounts every day.
I'm fine with gifts for any of my OCs - my master list as well as the link to my Pinterest is in my pinned post.
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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haveyoubeentothiscity · 1 year ago
Hi and welcome! I post polls about cities and towns to find out where in the world tumblr’s been. Submit cities here, not in the ask box.
I am also @youhavebeentothiscity for commentary and other content.
How are cities chosen?
Almost all polls come from submissions! I don’t mind duplicate submissions, but if you’re curious, the list of posted/queued/submitted cities is here. No limit to how many you can submit. Please be aware that the queue is very long, so it may be months before I reach your submission.
Please read the instructions to help make my job easier. Thank you for your contributions!
I mostly post in order of submission, but I try to maintain a mix of continents and countries, so some cities may jump far ahead in the queue, or be held back if I’ve had too many in a row. I also reserve the right to let certain cities jump the queue when doing so benefits the blog organization.
I sometimes supplement submissions with other cities, particularly on theme days.
What counts as a city?
I’m not paying any mind to city/town/village descriptors. If something is very small (and I mean very, very small) I might deprioritize it in favor of ones that more people have heard of, but as long as I can find a Wikipedia page I won’t disqualify it.
How do you tag?
#city poll for each regularly formatted poll, plus the name of the city, country, and continent
#not a city poll for any other polls (ex. #demographics)
#not a poll for everything else
#asked and answered for asks
#submission guidelines for what you can submit and any clarification on how to submit
#voting guidelines for advice (not rules) on how to vote in ambiguous cases
#submission stats and #voting stats for any insights or charts
#chatty for asks and other posts that are just conversational, not informational
#theme announcement for posts kicking off theme days, plus the tag for that theme
If you have questions, suggestions, or just thoughts to share feel free to send an ask!
Personal notes: I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA and love it here. She/her pronouns. Not going to use name or age on this blog, but I am an adult.
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siblingshowdown · 2 years ago
Sibling Showdown Extra Poll: Eliminated for a Technicality
Here is a one-off poll of sibling sets that were nominated for the sibling showdown, but who did not make it in because they didn't meet one of the technical requirements.
See under the cut for an explanation as to why each sibling set did not count. (Note: I am aware that some people may disagree with sets excluded based on other sets that I did include. Much of this was based on short, preliminary research. Also vibes)
The Heaps (Septimus Heap series) - Septimus is a reveal
Luke and Leia (Star Wars) - reveal. They're literally the example I used for surprise reveal siblings that do not count
Taako and Lup (Adventure Zone) - reveal
Luz and Hunter (The Owl House) - found family rather than technical siblings
Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney) - reveal
Jade Nguyen and Artemis Crock (Young Justice) - reveal
Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta, and Gretl von Trapp (Sound of Music) - based on real people (debated with my family whether they should count given how different Sound of Music is from the real-life events it is based on, and while I would’ve put them in the bracket if it was a larger one, I ultimately decided to leave them out and put them on this poll instead so I could include another sibling set)
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butisithorror · 10 months ago
But is it Horror explanation masterpost – below the cut
What is this blog?
A place to fight about what things count as horror!
But why tho?
The category of horror is loaded with connotations of disreputability, discomfort, and boundary-pushing. In the original horror definition poll I posted on my main, people generally agreed that horror was defined by creator intent, but I think in practice that still leaves a lot of wiggle room. And these categories make a difference in how people engage in a work. Referring to something as horror brings with it a set of expectations – for the horror fan who complains that something isn't "really" horror and to the horror skeptic who doesn't want to watch something categorized as horror at all. Even as someone who has studied horror in academic settings and as a horror fan, I don't know what those expectations are and no one will tell me! Together, we can find out! How should I vote?
By whatever criteria you think is appropriate! I am most interested in whether or not you would call something horror in conversation. Would you recommend this to someone who likes horror? Or not recommend it to someone who avoids horror? With this in mind, I encourage you to vote even if you haven't seen the film/book/etc. in question but are just aware of its reputation Can I submit a poll?
Hell yeah please do! All forms of media welcome -- movies, books, tv shows, individual episodes, video games, music, literally anything. Please keep the following in mind: * I may post a few "canon" horror works for calibration and in case anyone wants to make an edgy argument that Halloween isn't real horror or whatever, but mostly this blog is for edge cases. * I will most likely not accept properties that engage solely in real-world mass atrocities (i.e. Night, 12 Years a Slave) unless they include some other element that relates to horror (i.e. Beloved). * If there are multiple iterations of the property you're submitting, please tell me which one you mean (i.e. Interview With the Vampire novel vs movie vs tv series) * Let me know if you would like to be thanked in the poll! * I'm especially interested in video games and anime, as I'm less familiar with these!
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Ultimate Vriska Showdown Round 2 Masterpost
Info on the polls
Links to all the polls for round 2 are listed below. Sorry for the delay:
Alador Blight Vs. Catra - Winner: Catra (78.6%)
Grace Monroe Vs. Asuka Langley Soryu - Winner: Asuka Langley Soryu (53%)
Azula Vs. Edelgard Von Hresvelg - Winner: Azula (69.8%)
Dahlia Hawthorne Vs. Katsuki Bakugou - Winner: Dahlia Hawthorne (60%)
Vriska Serket Vs. Nanami Kiryuu - Winner: Nanami Kiryuu (lmao) (53.5%)
Rose Quartz Vs. Prince Lotor - Winner: Rose Quartz (71.6%)
Princess Bubblegum Vs. Ianthe Tridentarius - Winner: Princess Bubblegum (61.2%)
Homura Akemi Vs. C!Dream - Winner: Homura Akemi (35.1%)
Some thoughts below:
I am considering taking C!Dream off of this poll. This isn't because I have any opinions on the character. This is mainly because, from what I've seen, the controversy surrounding C!Dream only partially stems from things in his story. A larger part of the controversy is surrounding Dream the real-life Youtuber, which I don't want to get involved in.
The other characters on this list are known outside of their fandoms because of discourse surrounding the characters themselves. Meanwhile, people who aren't into MCYT are only aware of Dream the character because of the controversies surrounding Dream the creator. While discourse on other characters on the poll may spread to their creators, the majority of discourse I've seen on C!Dream was spread to him from his creator. This, in my opinion, doesn't fit with the other characters and isn't something I want on my poll.
Additionally, some people regarding C!Dream have been overstepping boundaries and otherwise making me uncomfortable, both privately and in the tags and replies of polls. When I said I wanted to learn about discourse surrounding the characters of this poll, I didn't want discourse about the creator to overshadow discourse about the character. I especially didn't want to be pressured to make a judgment call on discourse in a fandom I wasn't a part of.
Right now, the way to take C!Dream off the poll would be to have Homura automatically go to round 3, whether she gets the majority vote or not. Another option would be to replace C!Dream with another character (I'm considering Iroha Nijiue from Super Danganronpa Another 2), and have them go up against Mabel. The winner from that poll would go against Homura. In this case, I would be making a single post on the 24th with three polls: Mabel vs. the replacement, Mabel vs. Homura, and the replacement vs. Homura.
Whoever wins the first poll, I'll be taking the winner from their poll against Homura and having that character move to round 3. This is to save time. I will be making the final decision on whether to take C!Dream off tomorrow. Unless a significant number of people want the second option, I will just move Homura up to round 3 automatically.
Me taking C!Dream off is not an indictment of either side of C!Dream or Dream discourse. It's just that I don't think this character is a good fit for the Vriska poll. If you disagree, I invite you to make your own poll with C!Dream. Maybe you'll have other characters that could count as Vriskas that I didn't even think of. Good luck.
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angeltreasure · 3 years ago
Hello friend, sorry if this is a silly question but could you explain what the Eucharist is and why it is important? I’m in the beginning of my journey and feel so overwhelmed by google. Have a beautiful day 😊💛
I’ve been saving this ask for a while so this is so exciting! I apologize for my lateness. I usually answer right away but we have had trouble with the WiFi setting up. Anyway! Welcome Anon!!! I am so excited for your faith journey!! Welcome. 😊🙏🏻
Don’t worry, this isn’t a silly question at all. No, it’s a very good question! I am a Catholic, so I will be explaining my Christian denomination believes what the Eucharist is. In fact, this is a VERY important topic to learn about. I will give you my answer then give you some quotes and videos. Hope you enjoy.
The Eucharist IS Jesus Christ. You know how traffic lights are different colors? Red for stop, yellow to caution; slow down, and green for go? Well, you must understand if you choose to join the Catholic Church that the Eucharist is not a symbol. Although the appearance is a wafer bread and tastes like one, it is not plain like a traffic signal. When a priest blesses the host at a Catholic mass, the host transforms into the body of Jesus Christ. You will not see Jesus appear in the priest hand when he raises the host up for that blessing, and you will not taste human flesh when you eat of it. The veil between this world we live in and the afterlife block us so the appearance and taste remain as a wafer host but the substance has really changed into the body of Jesus Christ. Eating the bread means Christ becomes a part of us and makes us stronger in faith! ♥️
Here’s what the Bible says about the Eucharist, taken from my favorite New Testament book called Matthew. I will color the specific verse in the story as red to help you understand what we believe. In the story, Jesus and His disciples were preparing to find a place for Passover. There is a lot to unpack since you are very new to the faith, so I will skip right to the verses of what Jesus spoke. [Passover: “Passover is a Jewish holiday that honors the freedom and exodus of the Israelites (Jewish slaves) from Egypt during the reign of the Pharaoh Ramses II. Before the ancient Jews fled Egypt, their firstborn children were "passed over" and spared from death, thus dubbing the holiday "Passover."”]
….. “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” - Matthew 26:26-29
You see, at this point in time, His disciples did not fully understand the mystery surrounding what was to come. After this night, Jesus was betrayed by Judas (one of His followers) gave His life to die on the cross. In doing so, He saved us from the punishment of all of our sins and opened the gates to Heaven. Back in the past, animals were often given up a sacrifice. Jesus Himself was the perfect sacrificial lamb for slaughter in order to save us from death. This image is the very best that I love that describes the Eucharist Transubstantiation.
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I love this one too…
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So when you eat the blessed Eucharist and drink the blessed wine done by a Catholic priest, you really do consume the substance that is Jesus’s body, blood, soul, and divinity. Ever hear that phrase, “you are what you eat”? When we consume Jesus, that doesn’t mean we are cannibals, become God, or re-sacrifice Jesus. It means we become a better reflection of Jesus.
Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist because Jesus tells us this is true in the Bible: ““No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” John 6:44-66
Fun facts!!!:
Eucharist: “is a transliteration of the Greek word eucharistia, which is itself a translation of the Hebrew word berekah. All three words have the meaning of thanksgiving, or praise for the wonderful works of God.”
Bethlehem: the city where Jesus was born means “House of Bread”!
Transubstantiation: “the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining.”
I saw a poll that only one third of Catholics really believe in Transubstantiation. If you decide in your journey to become part of the Catholic Church, please do not ever forget the words Jesus spoke about Himself to His people and those who read today. He truly is present as the Eucharist and wine.
Did you know there is evidence that the Eucharist is truly Jesus?! They are called Eucharistic Miracles. There are sooo many stories from around the world of bleeding Eucharists that scientists and such have actually tested in their labs to find real they had human blood down to a specific blood type AND material evidence of finding human heart tissue not healthy and strong but distressed! Blessed Carlo Acutis (a young man that passed away that is currently in the process of sainthood here on Earth) created an amazing website that collected examples of Eucharistic Miracles. (See link below.) This subject itself is just extra icing on the cake but don’t fall down the rabbit hole so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Bishop Barron on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Explaining the Faith - The Eucharist In Scripture
Explaining the Faith - Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof
The Veil Removed, what really happens during a Catholic Mass
I could give you so much more but this was just so wonderful to be able to teach you. Know that it’s ok to feel overwhelmed. The topic of what the Eucharist really is and why it is so important is so rich in history and traditions. I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity. If you ever have any more questions about it, I highly recommend reading sections about it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (revised edition) but more importantly, reach out to a Catholic priest or bishop by calling them, e-mailing, or even dropping by in person. I am not part of the clergy at all, so talking to a Catholic priest or bishop, you will be able to answer any more questions you have to the Eucharist and they will explain it so well. If you are interested in wanting to know more about the Catholic Faith, I strongly suggest asking about the RCIA, free classes offered by your nearest Catholic Church which will allow you to explore what the Catholic Faith is and answer any questions you have. No pressure though, but just know we are here for you. I am so happy you were chosen as well by God! I will pray that you have a wonderful, exciting journey! God bless and you have a wonderful day/night as well.
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pirates-and-posies · 2 years ago
I have never been so flabbergasted by a post until now and I am not going to be as nice as the above folks. There is so much wrong with this kind of mentality and I am very much going to nitpick most of it.
You are not being forced to like any ships. What you are implying with this post is that people are wrong for even so much as using canon material to justify their ships or using it at all. That is, to put it simply, childish at best and straight up cruel to fandom culture overall.
"Leave canon alone" your blog is filled to the brim with both canon and fanon content, you saying that makes you hypocritical. Any form of headcanons or character usage take directly from canon or are inspired by canon because it is the blueprint in the first place. By asking the fandom to "leave canon alone" you are saying there shouldn't be a fandom at all.
"It pushes people away from the community" @/lietpolski said a lot of good points! Especially about that kind of behavior not happening in the recent years, since earlier fandom was definitely hostile about ship wars and it was an unwelcoming environment. You rarely see that anymore.
In fact, do you want to know what drives people away from Hetalia nowadays and keeps them fearful of ridicule? POSTS LIKE THIS. By publicly shaming people for even so much as using canon as inspiration you are barring them from the freedom of expression. By mentioning popular ships and deeming them as problematic you are demonizing the ships from any other interpretation and generalizing shippers.
I'm not even going to entertain what was said about UsUk and Spamano because those shippers have heard enough accusations as is, not every shipper enjoys the problematic aspects behind those ships and typically DO separate from canon just like you say they should. You would know that if you interacted with a majority of those shippers or even looked in the tags.. but instead, you have taken canon material and a hypothetical situation that may or may not have happened and assumed. I have not seen anybody say something so bold on main in YEARS about that kind of Spamano or UsUk content unless you count a small fraction of fics on AO3 and maybe a once in a blue moon post on here. So you're just turning gears at this point. I've seen more hate over Spamano and UsUk being "problematic" than I have actual problematic content from shippers. It's been that way since 2020 since people keep hopping on the hate train.
Funny enough, Spamano is indirectly canon just as much as SuFin or CzechSlovak (those ships aren't fully canon either and are more implied). Spain proposed to Romano and Romano said as long as he gets taken care of he's fine with it. Spain however took it as a rejection. So there's canon. I hope you follow it as much as you say others should.
Hetalia canon isn't some saint, either. I shouldn't even have to explain the implications that both Spain and France are sh/tacons. Himaruya isn't some idol, and neither are his works. By treating canon as some virtuous content you are ignoring a lot of his mistakes and a lot of his misinformation. Are you going to fight those strips? Or just accept them? I don't think you should fight him over it. (Sarcasm).
If you really had nothing against shippers or headcanons you wouldn't have made this post and worded it in such a way that implies people are doing wrong for using canon to create content they enjoy. You are a blog who recently became very popular with polls and fandom engagement. You are very aware of your reach and influence. By posting disheartening shit like this for everybody to see you are collectively affecting people.
We're in 2023. Why the fuck are posts like this still floating around and being used to shame and berate people for doing what they want. You've been in this fandom longer than I have, and yet you lack respect for other people's interpretations and what they do. If it is that much of a problem use your big adult block button. Mute tags. This is an absurd take I'd expect to see from a young teen on TikTok, not a full grown adult. Y'all have got to stop shaming people over HETALIA in 2023. You are pointing one finger at others while 4 more are pointing back at yourself.
Just voicing my opinion here
Something that has always bothered me is when people force their ships into cannon and make up things that are taken out of context or just never happened. I feel this was for all media in general. Not just hetalia but I’m using Hetalia as prime example because I’m a hetalia blog.
Now I’m not saying I don’t like when people ship that is fine and people can of course do whatever they want. I’m talking when they take a screen shot of 2 characters together on screen and say something like “omg they looked at each other they are so in love” like you don’t have to do that. Make up your own storylines leave cannon alone. I especially don’t like it when it’s two characters who clearly dislike each other and it is forced to ‘be so’ if you get what I’m saying. Like if someone says they hate that person maybe just understand that they hate them in cannon but it may not be so in your fannon. It might stem from being Ace but when I enter a fandom and there are already pre established ships that everyone must agree on or face wrath it’s just never good. I have only just started having a ship in hetalia after being in the fandom for almost 10 years and it’s something I have always hated. Not to mention it pushes people away from a community. It’s like we should enjoy the show at face value and then in our fan works do whatever we want. If the creator says ‘you’re reading too much into it it’s just not there.’ then just accept that.
Hetalia for example the only confirmed relationships we have are Sweden & Finland, Austria & Hungary and Czech and Slovakia. Everything other than that is just searching for things that are not there. Like you can say Germany and Italy are in love all you want. But it does not change that in cannon they are just friends. How do I know this? Because the creator said so. But it doesn’t change we can make our own fan works to make it that way. We should leave his material alone there.
Another one I truly cannot stand and have never understood and will never understand and just don’t want to is when people use the source to justify ships like America and England or Spain and Romano. Like if we use the source what we have are Spain and England Raising them from little babies. Like that just gives me the ick and major grooming vibes. I got nothing against these ships in practice but once you start screenshooting a baby America hugging England and saying they are in love. I do not like that. Same with Romano when he literally pisses the bed and runs to ask Spain for help and people say that they’re in love it’s just yucky disgusting. Like how about it’s a little boy who just pissed the bed and we leave it right there. And just do whatever you want outside of cannon but when you use these tools to push your narrative it’s not good like at all. But I’m just saying leave cannon be. We don’t have to search for things in the source material. I personally respect Himas work and when he says “no sorry they’re only friends” I don’t think you can fight him on that. He created it he knows what he’s decided for the characters. But if you want to make your own fictions on the side the sky is of course the limit.
I hope this came across how I wanted it. Again I have nothing against head cannons or shipping in general.
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route22ny · 4 years ago
On Tuesday, I received an absentee ballot. It was the second absentee ballot I had received from the New York City Board of Elections in two weeks. I had filled out, completed, and mailed back the first ballot. Now I was holding another one that also had my name on it. After speaking to a Board of Elections representative on the phone, I was told to fill out this second ballot, too, because the first one no longer counted.
If you live in New York City, you might already know why this happened. The contractor screwed up printing the first ones, sending secrecy envelopes with the wrong names on them. As it happened, my first ballot was not one of the screwed up ones—I was aware of the problem and had checked to make sure before filling it out—but the BOE decided to send everyone in Brooklyn a new ballot regardless.
This is hardly the first time the New York City Board of Elections messed up and I highly doubt it will be the last. But in this case, the latest screw-up was the final nudge I needed to push me over the edge. I am not going to vote by mail. I'm voting in person on Election Day. And I really think most of you should, too.
When we started this project, a lot of us thought the USPS would be a potential weak link in the voting-by-mail chain. This made sense at the time given the slowdowns implemented by Louis DeJoy and the agency's financial situation. But thanks to extensive public outcry and five separate federal judges issuing injunctions against the USPS from messing with election mail, I feel really good about the postal service delivering the overwhelmingly vast majority of ballots in a timely fashion to local election officials. There will, of course, be screw ups and small issues affecting a few dozen voters here and a few hundred voters there, but they will be nothing in comparison to the much larger systemic issues with mail-in voting in this country that have nothing to do with the ballot getting from place to place.
I am hardly the only one coming to this realization in recent weeks. Derek Thompson at The Atlantic had a great article about how voting in-person is much safer than we thought months ago while voting by mail has a number of issues in terms of having people's votes actually count. Democratic strategists around the country have been getting wise about the problem as well, shifting tactics to urge more people to vote in person.
Unfortunately, voting by mail seems like a process designed more to weed out ballots rather than count them. The rules vary by state, but generally speaking, the more fields voters have to fill out and the more rules they must comply with, the higher the rejection rate.
Some states like New York simply require a signature which needs to match the one the local election officials have on file. Young voters in particular are vulnerable to having their ballots rejected due to a signature not matching, a study by a voting non-profit in California found, because young people don't put much thought into creating a distinctive signature and refine it over time, exactly the kind of process that would get their ballot thrown out. Most young people's signatures are scribbles they make up to sign credit card receipts quickly. I, for one, can verify that I did not think about creating a unique identifier that would ensure my vote was counted when I came up with my John Hancock. As a helpful New York Times interactive demonstrated, it can be really challenging to match signatures if you don't know what you're doing. This is great for rejecting fraudulent ballots, but it means throwing out a lot of legitimate ones, too.
Back in June during the primaries, 80,000 ballots from New York City out of 400,000 were thrown out, about one out of every five ballots, a staggering toll of voter disenfranchisement. And voters were not notified of what they did wrong so they could correct it in future elections. It is a pretty shitty feeling sitting here with no idea whether my vote in the primary—which in NYC is the most important election for determining local candidates—was counted!
According to the Times, 28 states and DC will give aspiring voters a chance to "cure" ballots with problems (and the courts are generally friendly to these requirements on due process grounds). For the first time, New York will be one of those states this November. But, for my own voting purposes, I don't have a ton of faith in the Board of Elections to execute that process well, given that with the surge of mail-in voting we could be talking about millions of mail-in ballots in the city alone requiring hundreds of thousands of cures if not more.
And that is just regarding signatures. Three states, including the battlegrounds Wisconsin and North Carolina, require witnesses as well as signatures. In Wisconsin, witnesses are required to put in their address. According to an investigation by the non-profit news organization Reveal, 13,834 ballots were thrown out in the Wisconsin primaries because some fields on the witness form were not filled out properly, a number that is sure to increase in the general election with its higher turnout. The voters weren't notified or given a chance to correct them, nor will they be allowed to in November.
All of this would be a regrettable reality if the health risk of voting in-person was quite high. But for most people, it simply isn't. As Thompson noted, other countries have held nationwide elections with in-person voting without tracing any outbreaks to the voting booths, nor have any outbreaks been traced back to primary voting. As long as people generally behave themselves and wear masks, the voting booth ought to be no more dangerous from a pandemic standpoint than the grocery store check-out line.
That being said, I am still a huge proponent of universal vote-by-mail as a concept every state should strive towards. People in states that have had that in place for years such as Washington, Utah, and Colorado should absolutely continue to vote by mail if they prefer. Those states have experience with high volumes of vote-by-mail, signature verification, and robust methods for allowing voters to cure ballots. It is the states like New York, Ohio, and Texas that have suddenly implemented expanded and complicated vote-by-mail procedures I'm worried about. And, of course, if you have pre-existing health issues that make even going to the grocery store or the voting booth an uncomfortable prospect—or if you simply can never be bothered to vote in person but find vote-by-mail an acceptable middle ground—roll the dice with vote-by-mail. It's better than putting yourself at unnecessary risk or not voting at all.
But if you aren't sure what your signature looks like, aren't familiar with your state's vote-by-mail laws, or generally feel fine about voting in person as usual, it's something we should do. This is an extremely important election and I want to do everything in my power to ensure my vote counts. It turns out the USPS isn't a weak link in the vote-by-mail chain at all. In fact, it may be the strongest.
This Week In Mail
Americans generally agree on the post office. They overwhelmingly like the post office. And a new poll finds they support it being run like a public service and not a business by a two-to-one margin.
The courts are already playing an important role in this year's election. So far, that role has been to reject GOP claims of voter fraud in mail-in voting and generally uphold whatever election rules the state law requires, regardless of whether that law makes voting easier or harder.
Steve Hutkins at Save the Post Office reviewed documents from eleven lawsuits against the Postal Service to cobble together evidence that new management has a super aggressive plan to slash the number of work-hours after the election, which would likely hobble the post office and make current service levels impossible.
Despite the court injunctions and DeJoy's promises, service has not returned to its pre-DeJoy levels in some areas. Senator Bob Casey from New Jersey published evidence of first class mail backlogged by weeks.
Perhaps on a related note, the USPS is blocking elected officials from inspecting facilities claiming it's too close to the election, which as far as I can tell is a completely made-up reason. Previously, some facilities had scrambled to hide backlogged mail before elected officials showed up.
Subscribe to Aaron Gordon’s reporting on the USPS here
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ginger-grimm · 9 months ago
Tumblr media
Another year has passed and though most of us live out our Pride all year round, it's officially our month to celebrate (almost). I've attempted this once before and unfortunately became too busy to finish it. This time things will be different. I've had an awful two months and it's time to turn stuff around. So please, join me in making some gifts for each other's OCs once again and make this month even more fun than it already is!
As a disclaimer, because I don't want to get too anxious about it again. I will only post your gift once you've posted one for me! It's happened a few too many times that people sent in either forms that aren't filled out properly or never posted a gift and I let it slide because I'm historically too nice (aka no backbone disease). I don't mean to sound like a nag and if you don't feel like editing you don't have to sign up or anything, that's why I do the polls. Anyways, your gift then you get mine.
The Rules and regulations are simple, but they exist nonetheless, so here they are:
The exchange, for now, is open until July 1st, though I may extend it who knows *Kevin James meme*
You may make 1-2 requests, but hey, I will probably reblog it saying you can make more once no one requests anything *Kevin James meme intensifies*
Please reblog this post to spread some awareness, please. You can like for remembrance but just a like doesn't count (you already know this, I know my 5 regulars who come here every time)!
As aforementioned, this is open to my regular drunks and new patrons alike, so please do not be shy. Think of me as I think of birds, I am more scared of you than you are of me.
Fill out the form linked below and find the password in the form!
Please only send me faceclaims with good quality and plenty of material to use. Also, no cartoon characters. Video game characters are all right if it's motion capture. I'm not trying to discriminate, it can just be really tough for me to find material for cartoons, animes, video games, etc. as I edit by making little video clips first blah blah blah. However, if you slide in my DMs we might be able to discuss some stuff.
Please, please, please fill out all the columns I need and choose at least two gift options. It makes it infinitely easier for me to make something for you. Just remember I can't read minds and it's worse when I can't find anything in your blogs.
Remember the pleases and thank you's, pleases and thank you's make my heart grow fond.
I don't do Harry Potter OCs or Stranger Things OCs and while I don't have a specific list of FCs I don't use, I ask that you do not request anything for overtly problematic actors, thank you!
I accept pretty much any gift in return, it can even be story reviews or playlists for people who don't/can't edit themselves. If it's a story review, please let me know in the form so I know you did as I don't check my accounts every day.
I'm fine with gifts for any of my OCs - my master list as well as the link to my Pinterest is in my pinned post.
Obviously, since this is a Pride exchange, please only send in LGBTQ+ OCs. Gay, lesbian, bi, pan, trans, etc. anything from the LGBTQ community - this excludes kinks and whatnot, obviously.
TAGLIST: @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange @forchrissy @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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I’m gen z, so I’m not trying to talk down to about anyone younger than me, but it's always interesting to see people talk big online, when the turnout for young voters is fairly low. I have so many friends (some that were in Darren's mentions) who are 18+ who preach about social justice and politics, but I know for a fact they don't show up. Not to protests, not to the polls, some can't even manage to sign petitions (1/2)
(2/2) It really is a trend to some and it’s ridiculous. Spreading awareness is great, but it’s performative when you don’t show up. They say Darren’s a celebrity who can do more than they can but it’s just not true. Money wise, yes, but everything else? I just don’t understand nitpicking everything he does when most don’t even do the bare minimum. Of course a lot DO actually show up when it counts, but it's just interesting to see certain @'s in his mentions
This is what makes me crazy, I am a millenial (a 80s one) and I always was raised with “you can open your mouth if you voted, if you didn’t you accepted that whatever was elected was ok so just shut it” so I may not always feel like someone represent me but I always vote for the person closer to my beliefs. 
To be honest with you, this is how I felt but as I’m closer to people my age, I never am sure. If this is what they do then at one point they’ll have to look in the mirror and reevaluate themselves. And I hope they’ll understand bedore the election. It is crucial.
Darren is doing what he feels he should, but when he does open his mouth he gets attacked, so what should he do ? conform to exactly what they want ? It will not happen ... He is an intelligent adult with his own beliefs. The nitpicking is driving me insane, most should take care of themselves instead of what a celebrity online does, or doesn’t do.
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the-peaches-pit · 5 years ago
This misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and false accusations of Ushijima Wakatoshi
Hi howdy, not fanfic but a character essay I wrote for fun. Twitter wanted me to post it so I’m just gonna put it on here. 
...... A popular question that comes up in the Haikyuu fandom is what character do you not like? Many will reply with answers on a copy-paste that everyone has seen before. Yamaguchi’s bullies, Tendou’s bullies, Bokuto’s middle school teammates, and well some deserved Terushimas. One character that also floats around in the comments and polls is that of Ushijima. Being a Shiratorizawa stan you could call me biased but I am more than aware of his flaws. People have valid reasons but, I also feel he is still blamed for unfair claims. The series has developed and blossomed very much but at one point Ushijima was horribly despised. The fandom doesn’t hold many grudges moving on from what he was, but that past tense still irks me in people’s words. That irking past tense leads to an in-depth analysis of Ushijima’s character looking at what the fandom still mentions about him. In other words, talking disproving, and explaining the misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and false accusations of Ushijima Wakatoshi.  
The most common misinterpretations of Usihijima start the moment you lay eyes on him and really meet his character, his first appearance isn’t the brightest and either is his actual appearance. Ushijima isn’t the softest boy in the series clearly. A 6’2.6 (189.5 cm) giant with a blank stare and a flat expression. Some tend to get rubbed the wrong way just from seeing him and the first appearance of a character does mean a lot. The start of taking his looks the wrong way is the classic idea of judging a book by its cover. The thing about Ushijima’s cover though, is that the pages of his book aren’t the most pleasing either. Compare Ushijima to someone with his similar issue of Tanaka or even Tendou. The first thoughts seeing them are that they stand out negatively almost, the baldy with shark teeth and the dead-eyed redhead. The thing these two characters carry though vs Ushijima is stand out positive personality. They may look frighting but are truly delightful angels were it counts. Ushijima though looks fearful and his personality doesn’t help disprove this theory. He can be said to be judge filled and outright rude from his character interactions. These views have evidence to back them up, but they’re a view that doesn’t match up with what people say. Ushijima views himself above others but this is not carried with intentional rudeness. He knows his strengths and what he is good at, an overabundance of confidence is clear but isn’t always horrible. Interacting with Hinata and Kageyama for the first time is an example. He knows he has the ability to take the two on this isn’t something negative. Ushijima is just not denying his strengths and has evidence that he is powerful enough. Back to a book metaphor Usijima’s cover and contents don’t seem the best, but that comes from mindful skimming of what you may see. Don’t interpret the snippets for his entire being look and actually read before your final conclusion.  
Misunderstandings and misinterpretations may be similar words in meanings and even synonyms but regarding this situation, they can be two different things. People will misinterpret Ushijima’s appearance and misinterpret what his actions really mean. People misunderstand the drive behind his actions and why he acts the way he does. Ushijima is a plain and simple boy he is in no way the most complex character but there is a layer of depth. He may like plain rice and not have a current concern but why is he like that? There is not exactly a given reason behind his personality but look at his past and it’s not the best. A mother who didn’t like the way he was trying to force change until his dad stepped in. That stepping in along with some love and inspiration helped Ushijima, but with a nasty divorce that didn’t last the longest. His father across the seas and gone from his life was still a sour topic for Toshi at 18, leaving it up to the imagination that it may still haunt him. Even if not the most dramatic it’s a shame if this doesn’t drive the smallest bit of sympathy from one learning this. One of the most believed and theorized headcanons that exist for his character involves him being autistic. This is in no way true but many admit they see autistic coding in his character and viewing him in this light, would make sense. The poor social behavior, bluntness, hyper fixation, and not liking things he doesn’t know of. Looking at him with this understanding changes things. Other characters that sometimes act this way are Atsumu and Kita from Inarizaki who share similar autistic-like attributes of Ushijima. All are blunt, sometimes rude, and social messes. But with all three of these characters adding this headcanon can help understand them a bit better. It gives them excused reasons for why they’re like this, but it’s not true. Overall this headcanon just helps give light, but a thing in canon that all these characters share isn’t the best past. Lack of parents for two and cruel people for another. Understanding them and what they’ve come from and maybe in a different view, truly can help maybe explain how they are and the way they act. 
Lastly with Ushijima comes the false accusations of his character that are linked to the fandom’s misinterpretations and misunderstandings. We’ve all seen the joke. The overplayed and oh it was funny for four seconds joke of Usijima being Oikawa’s stalker. It’s one of the farthest things from the truth. It was funny but then got so carried away. The interaction and the saying, “you should have come to Shiratorizawa” can haunt dreams. No one fully belives it but some still take it wrongly or twist it for angst. Ushijima with blunt behavior as normal simply commented on skills. He was actually giving a complicated compliment in this. He was simply saying Oikawa had the skills to join and be part of his team. A team that was the powerhouse of the time who only allowed those in with strict scholarships. It was in no way stalking behavior. Praise the fandom for no Ushioi killing stalking crossovers just for the poor taste of the joke. Another false claim is he’s sort of an empty robotic character. Volleyball or nothing. He does slightly follow this claim but he can show to have relationships and have some other interests. He has friends of his team that he talks to and associates with outside of practice. Tendou is the main example. A complete opposite that he has seemed to have clicked with. They’ve shared depth filled talks and Tendou tries to get him into hobbies. Related to updated chapters as adults his old teammates even seem to keep in touch with him. They can playfully pick at him and he’s not just gonna critique them. Shirtoizawa has a vice-captain you’ve probably never heard of him but his name is Jin. He’s in no way a regular, but that means Ushijima still had some sort of connection to choose him. Perfection, skill, and other things mean a lot to Ushijima but he’s still human. A human character that has no sinister stalker intentions behind people who spark his interest.
I am a proud and passionate Ushjima Wakatoshi stan who can admit, when joining the fandom I didn’ have the best view of Ushijima either. I fell into the depths of rumors and things said about him, also he is a tad scary to look at. But, diving into it and taking a better glance. I’ve come to love him so much. Everything I’ve said is a personal view of the things I’ve seen in the hidden layers of the fandom. Ushijima grew the smallest bit thankfully and so did many people’s opinions. He wasn’t put in as a character to hate thankfully which is saddening when some still do. Before making a statement of hating Ushijima I just hope that people can read and start to understand that the boy, has many misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and false accusations. 
Also, I did not mention the farmer headcanon or claim because it’s funny and is still loved but he isn’t one sadly. 
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emospritelet · 6 years ago
Honourable Members
This is partly the fault of @thestraggletag for this post and the subsequent dream I had.  It’s also the fault of Bobby for posting pics of his new project.  I know I said I wouldn’t post it until it was done but I am weak.  Should be a three-parter.  Part two is almost done.  See AO3 re the fictional political parties and Government departments.  Sorry about the title: I am a child :)
AO3 link
If there was one thing Robert Sutherland hated more than any other, it was giving interviews to right-wing lifestyle journalists.  He’d had to suffer through many an indignity in his working life, but relatively little of that life had been under public scrutiny.  He had had what was diplomatically described as an inauspicious start in life, but had developed an interest in politics after becoming a union representative at the factory where he had started work at sixteen.  Coming to Westminster as a backbench MP had opened his eyes to the reality of trying to represent the people he served in a place rife with deep divisions and party infighting.
One of the hardest lessons he had learned was that honesty and integrity did not automatically lead to political success.  A less surprising, if more irritating realisation, was that once you made it to the House of Commons, and especially to the front benches, it was open season on your private life as far as certain sections of the press were concerned.  He thought that it was probably fortunate that he had gotten divorced five years earlier, before becoming leader of his party, but it didn’t stop the speculation about potential love interests. Since leading his party through a successful election campaign, ousting the British Unionists from power in a crushing victory and entering 10 Downing Street, the interest from the press had only grown, and with it the amount of salacious gossip that he tried hard to ignore.
He supposed it was hardly surprising; he had been single since the divorce and happily so, but a vacuum always tempted people to fill it with their own rumours.  His Principal Private Secretary, Carrie de Ville, had assured him that giving interviews to publications such as Green Space would improve his polling amongst right-wing middle class women, but he was beginning to wonder if the current discomfort he felt was worth it.
The current subject of his disdain, Ms Tamara Finlay-Warburton, was perched on a chair in the White State Drawing Room, a porcelain cup of tea steaming in its saucer on the table beside her.  The red-haired woman had been servile to the point of revulsion, but there was a predatory gleam in her blue eyes that told him she was in no way to be trusted.  10 Downing Street’s resident cat, Arthur, had taken one look at her and scurried off, and he considered that a black mark against her character before she had even opened her mouth.
“So,” purred Ms Finlay-Warburton, tapping her pencil on her notebook.  “Still unmarried, after all these years. It must get lonely, having no one to share your success with.”
“Can’t say I’ve thought about it,” he said.  “A little too busy with matters of state.”
“So there’s no special someone?” she pressed.  “No dirty little secrets? We’re all aware of how indispensable your secretary is.”
“Yes, Carrie is my right hand woman,” he said honestly.
“So there’s no sexual tension there?”
He blinked at that.
“Uh - no,” he said.  “Our relationship is very professional.”
“But so many relationships start in the workplace, don’t they?”
“That may be true,” he said, feeling his irritation grow.  “But she’s already married.”
“Well, it’s not as though that’s a barrier to anyone these days,” she said airily. “You can imagine the opportunities for gossip, I’m sure.”
“Did you do any research before this interview?” he asked waspishly.  “She’s married to a woman!”
She looked momentarily stumped, and shuddered delicately, as though Carrie’s private life was somehow distasteful.  It made him dislike her all the more.
“Well, I did a piece on her last year,” she said.  “I must have forgotten that, but then I was concentrating on her time at university.  Quite the wild thing in her youth.”
“I couldn’t care less what she got up to,” he said, reaching for his tea, and counting down the seconds until the allotted fifteen minutes was up.  “She’s extremely competent.”
“So, no sparks flying from that direction,” she said vaguely, scribbling in her notebook.  “Of course, the other rumour is that you’re having an affair with the intern.  Comments?”
Sutherland almost spat out his tea.
She sat forward, pale eyes gleaming.
“Why so surprised?” she purred.  “Pretty young girl, blonde curls, all that energy and innocence of youth.  A little odd, by all accounts, so she probably needs taking under your wing and protecting.  Plus, I hear she’s always pulling your tie straight and dusting your shoulders.  Rather familiar for a mere minion, wouldn’t you say?”
“I can assure you she’d think the idea of the two of us sleeping together both hilarious and revolting,” he said tersely.  “And don’t ever call her a minion in my presence again.”
“Ooh, looks like I touched a nerve,” she said, with a smirk.  “No need to hide your office romance from me, Prime Minister.”
“I’m not,” he snapped.
“And why should my readers believe that?”
“Because I’m a massive lesbian!” announced Alice cheerfully, breezing into the room with a leather folder in her hands and her blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders.  “Going from what you write in that magazine of yours, I’m probably at least partly responsible for the decline of society, but I have to say I’m having a lot of fun with it.”
Ms Finlay-Warburton looked as though she’d bitten something sour, and sat back as Alice leaned over to place the folder in Sutherland’s hand.  Alice grinned and leaned closer, making her shrink almost into the cushions of the chair.
“Oh, don’t worry,” said Alice pleasantly.  “You’re so not my type.  I did put my nasty gay hands all over the biscuits though, so I hope you didn’t eat any.”
Sutherland bit the inside of his cheeks to hide a smile, and she winked at him.
“Carrie said to tell you that the car will be here in a moment, sir,” she said.
“Thank you, Alice.”  He stood, tugging his cuffs straight.  “Ms Finlay-Warburton, you must excuse me. Prime Minister’s Questions, you know.  Ms de Ville will show you out.”
He strode out of the room, wanting to sigh with relief, and made it to the waiting car without incident.  It idled outside Number 10, the engine purring as they waited for Carrie to emerge with his briefcase.  She appeared in less than a minute, sharply-tailored charcoal grey trouser suit and white silk shirt beneath a gleaming bob of blonde hair.  She slid onto the back seat beside him, setting the briefcase between them, and the door thumped shut before the car pulled away. Sutherland slipped the leather folder into the case, and Carrie looked at him with some amusement.
“I hear the interview went well,” she said wryly.  “She seemed not to want to shake my hand, so I can only assume she’s remembered I’m a raging homosexual.”
“I don’t understand why you delight in inviting bigots to interview me.”
“Oh, it’s fun,” she said airily.  “They’re always the easiest to offend.  Besides, it’s a section of society in which you need to improve your polling.  You’re falling down with the ‘traditional family values’ mob.”
“I don’t need the support of intolerant arseholes,” he said sourly.
“Now now,” she chided.  “That’s not the attitude to take.  Their votes are as good as anyone’s.  And not all of them are like Ms Fanny-Wobblebum, I assure you.”
“Bloody gossip-monger!” he grumbled, running a hand through short, greying hair.  “She could have asked about the new policy on free childcare or the money for women’s support services, but instead it’s a bunch of bloody shite about work-based romance!  Are they expecting me to be shagging half my staff?”
“Well, they’re in for a disappointment.”
“Oh, they’ll just make something up, you know how it goes.”
“They’re welcome to.”  He sat back with a sigh.  “Any idea what’s coming up in PMQs?”
“Other than the usual?” she asked.  “Nothing I’ve heard. We’re as prepared as we can be.”
The Commons was in excellent voice, the benches filled with MPs, almost all of whom were awake and contributing to the noise.  Sutherland tuned it out, tapping his fingers on the papers in front of him, the crisp white cuffs of his shirt just visible above the sleeves of his black suit.  He knew the contents of his papers by heart, but having them there was useful nonetheless, allowing him to collect his thoughts when necessary. Prime Minister’s Questions was in full swing, and having delivered a ringing endorsement of the government’s economic record in response to a question from his own side, he was waiting for the resulting shouts of derision and braying cheers to die down before the first of the questions from the Opposition back benches.
“Miss Belle French!” bellowed the Speaker.
Sutherland’s brow crinkled for a moment. French, French.  Ah, of course.  New Liberals.  Just won the by-election in Avonleigh.  Carrie says she’s one to watch.
“Thank you, Mr Speaker.”
He glanced around, trying to see where the voice was coming from. There. God, she’s tiny!  A young woman was standing in the top right of the rows of benches.  Small and pale, with deep red lips and chestnut hair tied neatly back, she was dressed in a very respectable dark blue dress and jacket.  She was perhaps five feet four, although his guess could be off by an inch or two, depending on how high her heels were. She was also incredibly pretty, but he did his best to ignore that fact.
“Mr Speaker,” she began, “last week in my constituency of Avonleigh, I received some truly shocking news regarding Government contractor Wolsingham plc and its negligent attitude to its waste treatment facility.  It appears that waste material from the production plant bordering my constituency has been leaking out and is in danger of polluting the water supplies used by local farmers.”
A familiar noise rose in the House, a booming chorus of denials from the Government benches, and roars of support from the Opposition.  Sutherland wanted to sigh. Questions about Wolsingham plc were inevitable, he supposed; nothing stayed secret for long in politics, but he had hoped to avoid the issue for a little longer.
“Rumours have also spread,” she went on, “that the company itself is failing and that its assets are being sold off piecemeal while it destroys the land around it!”
The noise had increased to a roar, the odd bleating noise from some of the older politicians, order papers being waved.
“Having - having made some enquiries—” Miss French was having to shout to be heard over the din.  “—I was shocked to discover that not only was Wolsingham plc fully aware of the pollution, but had done - had - had done—”
The clamour from the House had reached a level loud enough to drown her out, and she bit her lip, clearly frustrated.
“Order!” shouted the Speaker, calming the noise somewhat.  “The Honourable lady must be allowed to put her question!  Which I have every hope she will do very shortly, rather than treat us to a lengthy speech!  Miss French!”
“Thank you, Mr Speaker.”
She was still looking frustrated, and Sutherland sensed that she would abandon the speech, ask her question and be done.  Good.
“My constituents are concerned that special interest groups may be influencing Government policy regarding Wolsingham plc,” she said. “Particularly in respect of their continued breach of environmental legislation, and the company’s future financial viability. What assurances can the Prime Minister give me to take back to my constituents that their concerns are being addressed?”
Sutherland nodded as he stood up at the despatch box, catching her eye. She was staring at him with a strange mixture of caution and hope.
“Let me be amongst the first to welcome the Honourable lady to the House,” he said.  “I trust that she will serve her constituents well, and the country as a whole. This Government is - aware - of the reports of which she speaks, and I can assure her that they are being looked into.  A statement will be made in due course.”
He sat down to indicate that he was finished, shuffling the papers in his hands. Miss French was bouncing on her toes, mouth opening and closing and looking outraged, but the Speaker called another name, and she was forced to sit down, her face like thunder.  Sutherland tried to put her out of his mind as he listened to a question from his own side. A pity she had chosen to raise the bloody subject today, but there it was. No doubt the press would now start digging around, and the whole shit show would be wide open for all to see before they could get everything sewn up.  New MPs.  Always so bloody idealistic.
Once PMQs was over, he gathered his papers, slipping them into his briefcase before stepping away from the despatch box.  There was to be a debate on renewable energy, but he left the Environment Secretary to make the Government’s arguments. Carrie was waiting for him in the lobby, foot tapping impatiently on the stone tiles.  She flicked her hair out of her eyes and arched a brow at him as he left the chamber.
“Well, that was reasonably successful,” she said, taking the briefcase from him and shoving it at one of her assistants as they began walking.  “I thought we might go through the preparations for the President’s visit after your four o’clock.”
“Yes, fine,” he said.  “I believe her wife is coming too?”
“So my counterpart across the pond tells me.”
“Good.  We’ll host them at Chequers, but I’ll leave any decisions on menus and entertainment in your hands.”
“Understood, sir.”
“Prime Minister!”
He wanted to sigh as a clear voice cut across the lobby.  Miss French.  Of course.  He kept walking, shoes ringing on the gleaming tiles.
“Prime Minister, if I might have a word?”
She trotted up beside him, but he didn’t slow his stride.  Carrie looked at her somewhat askance, but said nothing.
“What is it, Miss French?” he asked dismissively.
“My question about Wolsingham plc,” she said, her voice impatient.  “You completely shut me down!”
“No, I gave you an answer,” he said.  “Just not the one you wanted.”
“I told my constituents I would raise the matter with you personally!”
“And so you have,” he said, and turned away from her to Carrie, who was watching him with an amused glint in her eyes.  “Carrie, can we fit Mr Llewellyn in before six, do you think?”
“I could find ten minutes in your diary, sir, no more.  And even that would be a squeeze.”
“Do that, then,” he said.  “If you can get one of your staff to prepare a one-page briefing paper beforehand? I’d rather not go in cold.”
“Consider it done.”
“Thank you.”
They walked on, and Miss French trotted to keep up.
“Prime Minister, might I schedule some time with you to discuss my concerns?” she asked, and he glanced across at her.
“Put your question in writing to Ms de Ville, Miss French, if you’re unhappy with the answer I gave,” he said impatiently.
“It wasn’t an answer!” she retorted.  “It - it was a fudge! You didn’t tell me anything!”
“As I said, put any further requests to my secretary in writing,” he said.
“A letter?” she scoffed.  “Should I sign it with a quill pen?  This isn’t the nineteenth century!”
“There are still protocols to follow, as you’re well aware,” he said.  “I’ve already said we will be making a statement in due course, and I have nothing further to add at this time.”
He walked on, the entrance looming in front of him, spring sunshine spreading across the tiles.  He could hear the rapid click of Miss French’s shoes as she sought to keep up with his stride, and rolled his eyes as they stepped out into the warm spring sunlight.  The press pack waited some way beyond, cameras clicking and flashing, reporters waiting with mikes outstretched, and Miss French was still at his heels like an insistent terrier.
“Prime Minister, I really don’t think you understand how worrying this is for my constituents,” she said, a little breathlessly.  “If we could just sit down to discuss the matter, I’m sure we could—”
Sutherland stopped abruptly, spinning on his toes to face her as he finally lost patience.
“Miss French, are you deaf or merely stupid?” he snapped.  “For the last time, I have nothing to say to you regarding Wolsingham plc and this will remain the case until the Government delivers its official statement on the matter!”
She stared at him, strands of chestnut hair buffeted by the wind.  Her eyes were wide and very blue, her cheeks smooth and pale. She had full lips, painted with a deep red lipstick that outlined them perfectly.  They were slightly parted in shock at his outburst, but there was also fire in her eyes, something he recognised well from his own youth, when he had been filled with ideals, with the desire to do good.  It made him feel old and irrelevant. An ancient political dragon, facing a young would-be slayer, Chosen One of the people. Oddly, it also made him want to stand his ground, to roar and belch out flames one last time to protect what he hoarded.  Instead, he tried for a more measured, dismissive approach. The young firebrand was gone, after all, mellowed by the years into the elder statesman.
“Put your concerns in writing,” he said, more calmly.  “Ms de Ville will bring them to my attention as she sees fit.”
Miss French worked her jaw a little.
“I thought at least you might hear me out,” she said.  “I’m aware you were born and raised in a deprived community, you must know how dependent my people are on the land around them, and—”
“I got where I am by knowing how to pick my battles,” he interrupted. “Something you appear to have no concept of, but which you’ll learn in time, I have no doubt.  If you want to be anything other than a voice in the wilderness, you need to learn how to bend in the wind, follow protocol, and understand that sometimes progress happens in ways you may not always like.”
“I came here to serve my constituents!” she protested, raising her hands and letting them fall.  “To give a voice to those who can’t speak out for themselves, to - to help people!  Not to become part of the problem!”
“Enjoy your time on the back benches, then,” he said, his tone dismissive. “Spend time in your constituency, and leave the politics to those of us who are in touch with reality.  While you’re listening to tales of woe and patting shoulders and kissing babies, you’ll become increasingly irrelevant.”
She opened her mouth angrily, but he cut her off.
“You’re not part of some Borough Council anymore,” he said scathingly.  “Time to grow up. See the big picture.”
“Don’t patronise me!”
“Don’t act like a child, then.”
She took a step towards him, eyes flashing with the light of challenge.  It was giving him a tiny thrill, a tight ball of fire in his chest that was sending a pulsing trail of heat down to his groin.  No one had dared to get in his face to this extent for years, instead shouting their insults from across the benches or making sly comments about his alleged incompetence to the press.  To have someone go toe-to-toe with him outside the Houses of Parliament was almost exhilarating.
“So, one little push back from a woman, and the misogyny surfaces,” she said, in a flat tone.  “Why am I not surprised?”
“My assessment of your behaviour is based on your inexperience and current attitude, not your gender.”
“And you want to teach me a lesson, is that it, sir?”
Oh, his mind did not need to go there!  He yanked it back before his imagination could cause too much mischief.
“I have every confidence that your peers will do that, Miss French,” he said coldly.  “Do us all an enormous favour and try not to get above yourself in the meantime.”
“If you think you can pat me on the head and shut me up, you’re mistaken!”
He smiled at that, knowing how it would irritate her, and was proven right as her glare intensified.
“Well, I must say this passion is admirable,” he drawled.  “But ultimately pointless.  Political naivety may play well in whatever backwater constituency you managed to claw your way into, but in Westminster it’ll get you eaten alive.”
“I have no intention of - of letting you eat me!” she snapped.
A faint blush had risen on her cheeks, and he felt an odd lurch in his belly as his active mind helpfully provided an alternative meaning for that phrase.  She was glaring at him, eyes shooting blue sparks, chin raised as though she would bite him.
“Then take my advice,” he said.  “Pick your battles. Fall in line. And wait your bloody turn.”
“So, they got to you, too?” she said bitterly.  “I might have known. I knew there had to be some reason everyone’s lips are sealed.  Wolsingham has his dirty little fingers in every political pie going, it seems to me.”
As fascinating as she was, Sutherland had had enough.  He raised an admonitory finger, leaning in as his eyes bored into hers and she met him stare for stare.
“You’re new here, Miss French,” he growled, his accent thickening.  “So I’m gonna let that one slide. You ever question my integrity again, and you and I are gonna have a problem, understood?”
She swallowed, sudden fear in her eyes.  It was gone almost as quickly as it had come, her jaw tightening as she faced him down.  Really, she was magnificent. There were flashes in the air around them, the click of cameras, and he wanted to groan as he remembered they were in the sights of the entirety of the Westminster press.  At least they were out of reach of any microphones, he supposed. He leaned back, swallowing his anger, and nodded curtly.
“Good day, Miss French.”
He turned on his heel, Carrie side-eyeing him before following him to the car. Reporters clamoured, questions being fired at him, but he ignored them all, slipping onto the back seat and staring straight ahead as Carrie got in on the other side.  The door closed with a heavy thump, and the sounds of the waiting press were cut off immediately. Thank God for armour plating.
“Well,” said Carrie, as the car pulled slowly away.  “That was - bracing.”
She sounded highly amused, and he decided to change the subject before she could start teasing him.
“Who’s next?” he asked.
“Lunch first,” she said promptly.  “Then I thought we might go through the Select Committee papers before tomorrow.  And you have a four-thirty with the Chancellor.”
Sutherland sat back as the car headed for Downing Street, trying to ignore his thumping heart.  Miss French was a mouthy nuisance, to be sure, and he wanted to put her from his mind, but the encounter had made him feel more alive than he had in years.
The heavy tick of the clock on the wall showed that it was after ten, and Sutherland pinched the bridge of his nose to clear his eyes.  A large tabby cat with white socks was settled comfortably on a pile of discarded papers to his left, purring contentedly. Arthur’s job was supposedly to catch mice, but he seemed to spend most of his time sleeping as far as Sutherland could tell.  He didn’t mind that too much; he liked cats, and it was nice to have a little company in the evenings when he finally stopped working. He scratched Arthur’s ears, receiving a nuzzle in response, and set the final document aside just as Carrie entered.  She had a glass of whisky in one hand, a pile of newspapers in the crook of her arm and a wide grin on her face.
“Well, at least you made the front page.”
She dropped the first editions of the next day’s papers on his desk, startling the cat into a standing position. He lashed his striped tail before settling down again, tucking his feet under as the top newspaper—a copy of The Sun—slithered off the pile into Sutherland’s hands.  A picture took up almost the entire page, a close-up of he and Miss French practically nose to nose, glaring at one another with every ounce of the mutual disdain they could muster.  The headline above, in thick red letters, shouted GET A ROOM!
Sutherland groaned under his breath as Carrie chortled, and despite himself he read the opening paragraphs of the drivel masquerading as an article. Sparks flew this afternoon outside the Houses of Parliament as Avonleigh’s stunning New Liberal MP Belle French went toe-to-toe with the PM!  Petite brunette Belle (29) let Sutherland have it with both barrels! You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, and your Sun reporter wonders how they might break their deadlock outside of a bedroom!  Policy difference or lovers’ tiff? See more on page 2! Pages 4 and 5: Belle French - bombshell or bitch?
He tossed the paper aside in disgust, and Carrie caught it, grinning at him.
“Now now,” she chided.  “Don’t blame the press for the stories they cover.”
“It’s The Sun,” he growled.  “One flash of a pretty woman’s legs and they collectively lose their tiny minds.”
“So, you think she’s pretty?”
“Please tell me she didn’t give an interview,” he sighed, ignoring her question.
“Not that I can see,” she said.  “But the two of you made the front of every tabloid there is.  Even pushed the latest horror story about a new Ice Age off page 1 of The Express.”
“Wonders will never cease,” he remarked.
“I expect she might use the sudden interest to publicise her concerns over Wolsingham, though.”
“Well, that can’t be helped,” he sighed.  “It’s all gonna come out soon, anyway. However things go.  Did we hear anything from DII?”
“Talks still ongoing with potential administrators.”
He grunted.  Lengthy talks about financial viability never boded well, in his experience.
“You know,” she said thoughtfully, looking the paper over.  “They’re not wrong. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.”
“Fuck’s sake, Carrie…”
“I’m teasing.”  She rolled up the paper and swatted him with it.  “I’m sure your intentions are completely honourable.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course, hers might not be…”
“Can we leave Miss French out of this?” he snapped.  “Is there any actual news I need to hear?”
“Apparently William Hill’s have slashed the odds on you getting married during this Parliament to seven to one.”
“Alright, fine!” she sighed.  “The Guardian didn’t mention the spat; however, they have picked up on the precarious position of Wolsingham plc and are starting to put feelers out.  You have a nine o’clock tomorrow with the Minister. There’s a briefing in the folder at the bottom of that pile.”
“Thank you.”
“The Telegraph, Independent and Financial Times are focusing on the prospective deal with the US, unsurprisingly,” she said.  “I thought we might release the President’s proposed itinerary tomorrow.”
“Yes, fine,” he said absently.  “Are we expecting any protests?”
Carrie snorted, setting down the glass of whisky.
“Since that bigoted, racist disaster was ousted and thrown in jail, public perception of the White House has improved greatly.”
“Not wholly surprising,” he remarked, and she nodded.
“A few small groups have requested permission to march,” she said.  “Mainly pacifists, anti-capitalists and anti-pharma, nothing to cause any real disruption.”
“Fine,” he said, pushing the pile of newspapers away and sitting back in his chair.  “Go on, get home. I’m sure Ursula would like to see some of you this week.”
“I’m sure she’d like to see all of me,” she said, with a wink.  “Are you sure? I can stay if you need my input on anything.”
“Go home,” he said firmly.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, sir,” she said.  “Don’t stay up all night.  And try not to let the gutter press give you nightmares, hmm?”
“Would you bugger off before I change my mind?”
She swept out, chuckling, and he sighed, reaching for the glass of whisky she had brought him and sitting back in his chair.  It wouldn’t hurt to take a break. There were some papers he wanted to look through, but nothing that needed his immediate attention.  He sipped at the whisky, enjoying the smooth burn on his tongue, the warmth of good alcohol and the taste of honey, peat and smoke.
The image of Belle French kept swimming to the front of his mind, blue eyes sparking with anger and passion, and he scowled to himself, shoving the memory away.  So what if she had intrigued him? She had all but accused him of impropriety in respect of a Government contractor. The fact that her claim was bollocks was beside the point; she had no business throwing around accusations with the press pack just out of reach.  He recalled that Carrie had caught some of her campaign on a visit to Avonleigh, and had been impressed with the dedication and passion she had seen, but if Miss French was to succeed, she would need to learn to bend a little. She wouldn’t last long in Westminster if she couldn’t rein in her clearly impulsive nature.  Her fellow MPs would soon steer her right.
He shook his head, wondering why he was wasting time thinking about her future.  It wasn’t as though they would be working together, and she was on the Opposition benches, if not in the official party of Opposition, so hardly likely to be looking to him as a potential mentor.  Even if she was, the woman was clearly wet behind the ears and he didn’t have the patience to deal with that level of inexperience. Besides, it was unlikely they would cross paths unless he wished it; as a new back-bencher she had been lucky to get to ask a question at PMQs.  There would be no reason for him to have to endure her impertinence again.
He drank the last of the whisky, putting down the glass with a clunk and making the rare decision to go to bed at a reasonable hour.  Arthur seemed to sense that he was making a move, and stood up, stretching paws in front of him and curling his tail over. Sutherland petted him, pushing back his chair and heading for the door, the cat sauntering in his wake as he prayed for a decent night’s sleep, free of dreams of fiery young blue-eyed goddesses with perfect lips.
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douxreviews · 6 years ago
Supergirl - ‘Stand and Deliver' Review
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Alex: "How can I, with a clear conscience, protect a man who is causing so much pain in the world?"
An episode in which many of our favorite characters stand up for their consciences, and in which the writers find a way out of the apparent impasse.
Ben Lockwood, as the president's new director of the Bureau of Alien Affairs, gets attacked by the Elite very early on in the episode. Because of the attack, Lockwood is assigned a new security detail, with Alex Danvers in charge - another move made by the president. As Alex loathes the man, this does not please her, but both her boss, Colonel Haley, and her adopted sister, Kara, give her the same advice: that by doing her job she will protect lives. (Supergirl, of course, has rescued many humans who she dislikes. I bet Colonel Haley has as well.)
As soon as Lockwood can speak without getting attacked, he announces his intention to repeal the Alien Amnesty Act, which, fortunately he cannot do by fiat, as this was apparently an act approved by Congress and Lockwood, a director in the executive branch, cannot unmake a law. However, Lockwood is in a position of influence, and by lobbying could get the act repealed. The announcement sends a chill through aliens and their friends, and they have to do something about it.
And the core of the show is when several of the characters take stands and deliver. The first to take a stand is Brainy, who, despite working at the DEO decides to organize a counter rally to the one being done by Lockwood (we all knew Brainy was behind it). The second is when James decides to go out – not as Guardian – but as a photographer to help the press show to the people what is really going on. The third is when Kara, originally hovering over the rally as Supergirl in order to protect everyone, staying above the fray, drapes herself in a Kryptonian robe (or perhaps just a blue blanket) and joins the pro-alien rally. The fourth is my favorite. Lockwood is getting the humans to shout, “Us or Them! Us or Them!” He’s egging on an attack. And then we have the wonderful:
Alex: You need to get off the stage now. Lockwood: Where’s the threat? Alex: You are the threat.
She hustles him off the stage. Pandemonium still breaks out, but the conflict would have been much worse if he had remained, and because she took him away, the brawling dies down, and people start helping one another (and her action even wins praise from Colonel Haley).
Olsen proves he deserves the position of photographer by taking a great shot of a human helping an alien, and that becomes the moment, the picture worth a thousand words, which defuses the anger being felt by so many. I was very impressed by this turn in the series, because I have been wondering how the writers could get them out of this jam – and they found a way that was fairly credible. Lockwood (pressured by President Baker, who we know cares a lot about the polls) says that they will hold Congressional hearings, which is a huge step forward.
Of course, the factions are not vanquished. Lockwood’s celebrity is based on hating aliens, so he’s got reason to try to come back. Some of the Elite are locked up. The writers can choose to return to this arc or not, but I am happy where it is for the moment.
For what I assume is a future part of the story: James is worried about the black budget at L-Corp and because he and Lena are on the outs, he can't really ask her. Instead he pumps Eve Tessmacher, his former employee, for information. Tessmacher actually has scenes that Lena would usually have more of a say in. Lena’s scenes are short and she appears overworked, which make me wonder if the actress was tired and overworked during the filming.
The episode ends with a great teaser: Who shot J.O.? (For those who are too young to know the phrase, “Who shot JR?” was the CBS hook for the show Dallas in the 1980s. Even though I never watched Dallas, I recall the phrase.) James Olsen, fresh from delivering the hearts-and-minds-changing photograph, is working late at CatCo, just the way a good boss should. Just as he is finally leaving the office, a gun is seen and a shot is fired. The last shot (camera shot) is of James Olsen lying on the floor, bleeding out. Will Olsen die? I hope not, even when they don’t give Mehcad Brooks enough to do, he is so easy on the eyes – besides, they cannot kill James Olsen, who is such a big part of the Supercousin world. So, who shot him? One of the Children of Liberty, out of resentment for that photograph? Or someone who doesn’t want him doing an expose on L-Corp finances?
Title musings: “Stand and Deliver” is the title of a 1988 documentary about a high school teacher who inspired his drop-out-prone students to master calculus. The word stand also evokes the “stand your ground” laws in various states, which have been used for the shoot first ask questions later and let Trayvon Martin’s murderer go unpunished. But it also serves the actions of at least four characters in this episode, and so I think the title works really well. All four of them made a difference by standing up when needed, and their actions together - even though not by design - had a great impact.
Bits and pieces
The Elite has a group of four, but as one of them is invisible most of the time, that’s good for the budget.
Some actual conversation for Eve Tessmacher!
Finally giving Nia Nal a more individualistic personality, and she seems to be into the meta awareness of the series, saying that’s a superhero speech or a classic bad guy move. Maybe this is a characteristic of a Dreamer. Or perhaps it is a characteristic of a superhero in training (which is rather cute).
I don’t recall Manchester Black having purple hair before this, but that’s in line with the comics. Very nice.
Loved the scrimmage between Brainy and Hat. Very artistic; they must have worked hard on the choreography.
Loved the super-heavy key for getting into the Fortress of Solitude and how the Elite looked under the mat for it.
Lockwood: I know you think I’m a monster. But half of England said the same thing about Winston Churchill before World War II.
Nia Nal: Returning to the scene of the crime is a classic bad guy move.
Brainy: Well, whoever this American Alien is, their website superbly protected. He or she must be a highly intelligent cryptophile. Translating. This may take some time. Editor translation: You’re asking me to research myself. Haley: Just do it, Dox.
Hat: We’re supposed to be changing the world. Not acting suicidal to settle old scores.
James: You fight injustice with your fists, you can help one, maybe a dozen people. But good journalism – that can impact millions.
Brainy: Supergirl may be a symbol, but more importantly, she’s a citizen of Earth. Just like the rest of us.
Nia Nal: It always amazes me how much one photo can change the conversation.
Haley: Lockwood is a bureaucrat with power he doesn’t understand. Not only does that make things dangerous it makes our job difficult. Note that I disagree; I think Lockwood understands the power very well. Still, it's an interesting perspective.
Overall Rating
I can tell that I really enjoyed this episode, as I am still writing about it something like 1300+ words later (the word count may shrink when I edit). Three and a half out of four superheavy Fortress of Solitude keys.
Victoria Grossack loves math, Greek mythology, Jane Austen and great storytelling in many forms.
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theobsessedblogger · 6 years ago
Make your vote count
Yes, you must have heard the above statement when the election season is around. The Government has all the signage across Delhi making people aware that hey, the Lok Sabha Elections are here and its time to cast your vote. What appears to the voter is that they go to a polling station/booth, get inked and vote. And, Voila, they’re done. All’s over till they (the votes) get counted and till then, the result is awaited.
Yes yes, I thought it was that simple too. But just like Software - the User doesn’t have a clue of what’s actually going on behind-the-scenes. The background working is known to those who actually ink you, check your credentials and lead you to vote. Yes, the people in the polling booth. Certain Central government employees get directed to perform election duty. And the threat of removing you from service in case of non-compliance is lingering on their heads. This time, I was one of them. I was deputed as polling officer - 3 in the Lok Sabha elections that took place in Delhi yesterday i.e. - 12th May, 2019. And man, was it a nightmare come alive.
So, we had been training for this since a month. Our duty orders came in April and we attended the training held in the East Delhi constituency according to our postal address. My training took place in CWG Village behind the Akshardham Metro station on the 16th, 23rd and 30th April. Of course, since the reporting was at 9am, there was no going to work that day. Yes, that was the only saving grace. The training was for around 3-4 hours. Following sector officers who are in charge of more than one polling station, comes the Presiding Officer - the hero or the main person who would lead a particular polling station. Under him, is the polling officer- 1 who checks the electoral list when you walk in with your identification, the polling officer- 2 who puts the name in the register of voters and issues a voter slip. Then one has to give the voter slip to the polling officer-3 who collects them serially and directs you to the voting compartment. He/she presses the ballot button on the device enabling you to secretly cast your vote in the voting compartment. Make your vote count they tell you? It can’t be possible without the Polling Officer-3, who is not supposed to let the voter go before the beep sound is heard on the device with the ballot button. This device is called the Control Unit. Indian Election process makes use of 2 other devices, the Ballot unit and the VVPAT. We were gearing up for the D-day in all the trainings imparted. The Presiding Officer had to make a million entries in the Presiding officer’s diary, check-lists and forms, stamp every one of them and collect all the papers into envelopes and even seal the important ones. It was actually his job that day and having a good presiding officer was luck.
On 11th May, we were asked to report to CWG to collect our kit (signage, some pamphlets and charts for display, all envelopes and forms, stationery items, candles and wax to seal, matchbox, et al). On the three training days, I mentioned above, there was better arrangement - in tents marked clearly for each polling station, training had been provided. Demo on the devices was given. But this day, all the polling stations under all sector officer in the East Delhi constituency had it’s members assembled there. It was close to a stampede situation, I tell you. We got to know the final polling station to report to on the D-day and were asked to check it out lest we shall be unable to find it the next day. The poll hours are from 7 am to 6 pm for voters. But you guessed it right. Not for those on duty, for us the day starts at 4 am. (Right!) One needs to set up the polling station, put the signages, check if there is a clear entry and exit way for all voters, place desks and chairs for ourselves and for the polling agents (party representatives). Our particular centre was a God-forsaken Jhimil Industrial area’s head post office. Within this tiny cramped up building, there were 4 polling stations. My polling station no. 121 was in the back of the dilapidated building with no fans or lights. Not even connections. It looked like a godown to me, at least till 3 pm on Saturday afternoon.
I was staying at a relatives place for the night. Hell, I needed to be up at 3 am the next day. Sleep was scarce as I tried to shut my eyes. Even at night I could barely get my eyes to shut. 
Finally the D-day was there. I was up from bed at 3 am, my relatives packed some lunch for me (Yes, I had heard horrible stories - you won’t find time to eat). I had packed some dry items like chips and cake for myself the previous day. At 4 am, my brother dropped me to the post office. With my election ID card around my neck and my two bags, i waded my way to the station and found PO-2 already there. The place looked better. There were mobile fans and a cooler but there were a million mosquitoes. Moreover, there was a railway line right behind the post office and every now and then, we would be startled by the sounds of passing trains. There had been some cleaning but the place was super dusty. All my co-members reached by 4.30 am. We started setting up the station - putting the various signages exit and entry, for us four officers, on the walls with tape, we put all the pamphlets for display, like rules and process of voting, acceptable identifications, secrecy of voting declaration etc. At 5 am, those 3 devices were sent to us. Did I tell you it was like a Physics laboratory session we had in school -  We had to connect the VVPAT to the 2 ballot units (yes, those with the candidates names and symbols on them) and the VVPAT to the CU (my baby for the whole day -  it had the ballot button and the close button to start and end the poll). After our polling agents joined us, we began the mock poll to cast 50 first votes. Thankfully, we were game. Everything was working fine. But it was 7.15 am and there was a huge line of voters outside being ushered in one by one by police officers on duty. Yes, the place had police around like anything. It was crazy, what happened next. By the time, it was 9.30 am, we had around 200 votes cast. I had to collect all the voters slip in a thread I pushed them in with a needle (yes, some super trick PO-1 told me).  Then ink the voter using a bottle of indelible ink and press the ballot button - remember, only let the voter out when the beep goes off was my motto for the whole time. With no break and time to shut our eyes, the nightmarish day pulled along. With a voters count of 830 voters on roll, we had a longggg day. We kept ourselves hydrated, what with the heat and only a cooler to cool the area, and got through till 6 pm when we finally closed the poll. After declaring it closed, the final count was 445. 
Yes, I had pressed the button 445 times. I had ink on my hands. I looked like a mess. Then started the Presiding Officer’s ordeal. Remember me saying he was the hero and it was luck to have a good one? We were truly lucky to have Sir (an Economics teacher with 34 years of experience) who had it all sorted. At around 8.30 pm, we had all our forms and envelopes in order. We sealed the important ones with candles and wax. Out of the 4 polling stations, 3 winded up their work and we were seated in a DTC bus (on election duty) which was to take us to CWG village for depositing the devices and the envelopes. The bus finally moved at 10.30 pm (one of the last teams had just finished up). Everyone was super exhausted by then but the battle was only half fought as there was to be a secure checking of all devices before submission. When we reached CWG at 11pm, we rushed to the counters for our polling station, because the submission was to be done on first -come - first - serve basis. We received no. 4 on the return list, and our chance came at 12.45 am. Yes, you got me right. I think I was in a zombie state by then. But still, keeping up the spirit and with the hero by our side, we winded up by 1 am. We got our forms stating we had performed our duty attested and left for our homes from there. PO-1 dropped me to my relatives place, calling the day over.
It was the longest day of my life. Something I would never forget. Getting Rs. 1650 for it doesn’t help. Because nothing will.
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sunyoonandstars · 7 years ago
BTS mini series || Friday Night Club || You x (?), feat. OT7 as High School students || CHAPTER 1
This is an interactive (!) Breakfast Club kind of High School AU. For the sake of the story, all members are of similar age here. 
fluff, slice of life, hints of angst, future smut, and possible romance 
Pairing You x (?) || Will be decided by your choice/a poll after Chapter 1 
Word count  5.790
Synopsis You find yourself in detention on a Friday night in the middle of summer at a new school. And for company, you have seven equally handsome and troubled young men. Which of them will you decide to get to know better? Your choice might just as well change your life ...
"So, what you're going to do is pair up and confess your sins and secrets to each other. Nothing too naughty. Just whatever you're comfortable with. Up here, in front of everyone, in a back corner of this room or, if you like, in a broom closet or god knows where. As long as you do it. And I need you to be honest here, with me and yourselves. Also, I'm basically a human lie detector. I will be able to tell if you didn't do it, just saying. So, find yourself a partner and get started." Mr. Wong claps his big hands, full of zest for action. "Ladies first!"
Suddenly, all eyes are on you.
"Ms. Y/l/n, please stand up and pick your partner."
With a pounding heart, you push back your chair and get up, taking a last look around, staring directly into each of the handsome faces surrounding you before you decide to follow your instincts and make your choice ...
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"Great," you mutter to yourself upon opening the door to the stuffy, almost empty classroom. A room full of clichés. And, apparently, you are one of them. 
You have no idea why Mr. Wong considered it to be necessary for you to join this sad circle. Even though you haven't been attending this school for long, a few faces already seem familiar, and not all of them earned their reputation by being straight-A students and class president, as did pretty boy Park Jimin in the far right corner of the room. His is the only name you remember as you make your way to a vacant seat without establishing eye contact, even though you can feel the seven boys staring at you curiously. 
"You're late," Park Jimin comments from his corner. When you turn around, he isn't even looking at you but instead fiddling with an expensive-looking silver pen. 
"To detention," you finish his sentence as you plop down onto one of the ridiculously uncomfortable chairs and let your backpack drop to the floor,  the very second Mr. Wong makes his presence known by demonstratively clearing his throat. 
"I thought I made myself clear, Miss Y/l/n Y/n," the teacher starts out in his soft, yet firm tone, a bland smile stretching his thin lips which, however, doesn't reach his eyes. "You shouldn't view this as detention. This is an opportunity for the eight of you to deal with your issues and be better students, maybe even find friends. Since all of you seem to have certain difficulties adhering to our school's high standards, I believe it to be a good idea to actually talk and find out what troubles you before we are forced to, well, adopt more drastic measures."
"But we are being detained against our will, right?" the guy to the far left of the room, seated where the daylight doesn't reach, raises his voice. Only now do you even really notice him. It seems, though, as if he didn't want to attract attention in the first place. Shoulders hunched, pale-faced, dark hair falling into his face, hood pulled up, he sits there, a smirk plastered on his, what appear to be naturally pouty, lips. You wonder why you haven't seen him before on campus. 
"Yes, Mr. Min, that's right, but -"
"So it is detention then." 
"No. It's -" Mr. Wong stammers, barely keeping his countenance by the looks of it. 
"So, I'm free to go?" the guy named Min cocks his head to the right, his eyes becoming visible for the first time as a strand of his soft hair shifts slightly. Those eyes, red-rimmed, appear to be infinitely tired but at the same time alight with life, dark and deep like bottomless wells, full of stories and ideas. 
"No, Mr. Min, you are not!"
Mr. Wong takes a deep breath to calm himself. 
"Anyway. Director Ko was ready to give up on you bunch of delinquents –" 
"That's a little strongly worded, don't you think?" the tall, silver-haired guy with the cute nose in the front row cuts his teacher off. You believe to remember him from the time he sat some girl's notebook on fire, by accident as he claimed. Kim something. God, why are you so bad with names? 
"Exactly!" Park Jimin agrees with him, suddenly agitated. "I don't even belong here with these –– people." 
"Ha! That was a close one, Park," the hooded vampire guy scoffs. "What did you wanna call us? Weirdos? Losers?" 
"You're pretty close," Park Jimin hisses back at him. 
"Come on, guys. This isn't much fun as it is. But do you really have to make it unbearable?" The slender, red-haired boy seated right in front of you turns around to glare at the both of them. "I know you're gonna hate me for saying this, but let's just make the best of this and get it over with, everybody." 
He winks at you as he notices you staring and throws you a gleaming smile. Now you remember. He's the dancer, famous all around town for his charm, skills and freestyling. 
"I can't believe I'm actually saying this," Mr. Wong continues. "But I'll have to agree with Mr. Jung. Let's all try and be civil and learn something from this experience. Otherwise, you will be back in this very same room next Friday after classes, as well. And the Friday after that, and the Friday after that."
"Yes, we get it," Min Vampire grumbles. 
"Well, then there shouldn't be any further issues," Mr. Wong darts him a glare. "Whatever happened to your uniform, young man? This may not be detention, but it's still not leisure time. Take off that ridiculous hoodie."
"But I'm cold."
"It's the middle of July, for God's sake! It's 32 (90) degrees in the shade. Take it off." 
"What if I don't?" Min Vampire provocatively raises a brow at him. 
"I don't know what has gotten into you lately, Min Yoongi. But if you keep this up, your behavior will have serious consequences. Don't you care about anything anymore apart from your precious music? What about your poor, troubled parents? Your grades? Your future?" 
"Will you stop harassing me if I take the fucking hoodie off?" 
"Language, young man! And I'm not harassing you," a despairing Mr. Wong objects, throwing his arms into the air. "I'm trying to help you, boy. Can't you see that?" 
"I don't need your help. And I don't want it." 
"Fine," the teacher eventually gives in, already busy packing up his things while ceaselessly shaking his head. "I see staying here with you is pointless anyway, so I'll turn my attention to tasks that will actually benefit from it. If you need anything, you can find me in the principal’s office. I will check on you regularly. Here is a list of assignments you're expected to complete in order to be able to leave this building later on." 
With those words, he takes a stack of papers from his bag and sets them down on the teacher's desk. 
"If even only one of you doesn’t complete these, all of you will be required to stay for the night or the whole weekend if that's what it takes. This is your last chance before expulsion, and next year all of you will be seniors. So, leaving this fine institution and transferring to another High School at this time will most likely have a severely negative effect on your final grade. I hope today you finally come to realize what your misconduct may cost you and change your habits."
Mr. Wong pauses for a few impactful seconds and tries to make eye contact with each of us. 
"Your parents have been informed and agreed to my methods. If you don't believe me, here are their signatures. I will be present to watch over you at any time. The end of the semester is closing in, so I have plenty to do around here anyway." 
"Mr. Wong, you must be mistaken. I'm not supposed to be here," Park Jimin objects once more, this time getting up from his chair. "I can't be. What I did can in no way justify expulsion. I've been an exemplary student ever since I started attending this institution."
"That may be true, Mr. Park. And I am well aware of your great contributions and outstanding grades. But your behavior clearly shows that you are highly lacking in the social department. Those anger issues of yours have no place in this school and none in society, either. If you don't change your ways, even your talents and intellect won't get you very far, I'm afraid. And no teacher I know is willing to put up with you any longer. So you better change your approach to the people around you, or the school board will have no choice but to expel you." 
"But –" 
"No backtalk. I'm leaving you to yourselves now. In about an hour I will be back. I expect to see results by then." 
Without looking back, Mr. Wong turns on his heel and leaves the room, locking the door behind him. 
"Great. Now we're his prisoners," Min Yoongi groans, shaking his head before he goes on to place it on the table top, using his folded arms as a cushion. 
Right. Finally, you remember him. He's the guy who's always sleeping in class but somehow seems to know the right answer whenever a teacher wakes him from his peaceful slumber, silently hoping he's going to make a fool of himself. You just never saw his face before. Because, well, he's always asleep. 
A sudden movement to your right demands your attention. It's Park Jimin, striding to the front of the classroom, his step determined and his expression almost solemn. You never quite noticed how well-composed his body is until now when he passes you so closely his elbow brushes your shoulder. You can tell by the confidence and fluidity of his movements that he is a dancer, too, although you've never seen him perform. Without further explanation, he picks up the assignments and starts handing them out. 
"Seriously?", Min Yoongi grumbles, barely lifting his head. "I'm not gonna do shit. This is illegal. He's not even allowed to keep us here in the first place. He locked the fucking door." 
"Well, I don't intend to spend the whole weekend here," Park Jimin shrugs, obviously unimpressed. "There's an essential maths exam to take place on Monday, and I didn't bring my learning material. But be assured that I'm not going to let you ignorant dumbass ruin my final grade." 
"What did you just call me?" Suddenly wide awake, Min Yoongi sits up straight, exasperation apparent in his widened eyes. 
"An ignorant dumbass," Jimin repeats calmly, leaning in closer with each word. 
"What the fuck!?" Yoongi gasps, getting up so abruptly, his chair falls over with an earsplitting bang. By the looks of it, he’s ready to fight and Jimin's posture clearly shows that he's only waiting for his opponent to throw the first punch. The tension building up between the two of them is palpable. 
"Enough now," a deep, smooth voice cuts through the nervous silence. Immediately following his words, the chem lab guy steps in the middle of the two squabblers and holds each of them at arm's length, maintaining a firm grip on their shirts. "You two were best friends before you decided to run against each other for class president, remember? You were basically inseparable. This is just ridiculous. Get over yourselves, or we'll be here till Monday." 
"He started it," Yoongi snorts, his eyes burning holes through Jimin's perfect visage. 
"Well, you basically asked for it," Jimin retorts with a grin. 
"Shut it! Both of you," chem lab guy silences them. "Pull yourselves together. We're not kids anymore, and this isn't the time for your bullshit. Didn't you hear what Mr. Wong said? This is our last shot. And I deserve being here just as much as you do, Jimin. I didn't even do anything, but here I am, and there's nothing I can do except for dealing with it. And I suppose you do the same." 
With one last pull at their collars, chem lab guy lets them go and returns to his seat. Jimin follows suit, sitting down with his arms crossed in front of his chest, still breathing heavily, whereas Min Yoongi merely puts on a pair of hi-fi headphones and apparently goes back to sleep.
The whole room falls quiet since everyone else grudgingly starts skimming the printout before them. Except for the redhead in front of you. Rocking his chair backward and forward, chewing on a pencil, a smirk playing on his rosy lips, he eventually leans back far enough so he can rest his arm comfortably on your desk. 
"That was Namjoon, by the way. Kim Namjoon. The guy who separated them," he whispers, pointing his chin in silver-haired-chem-lab-guy’s direction. 
"He seems okay. Why's he here?" you can't help but ask, your curiosity getting the better of you. 
"Oh, he keeps destroying school property," the redhead chuckles, watching his classmate go through the list of assignments. "Unintentionally, of course. Namjoon's just hella clumsy. He's really tall and grew so suddenly, his extremities just can't keep up, you know. But the teachers call it vandalism. They believe he does it on purpose, to get attention and to work through some issues they have at home. But, from what I know about him, there aren't any. Namjoon's a decent guy. His grades are just slightly above average, he reads grownup books and listens to Hip Hop. There's nothing wrong with him. He might be the only one of us who doesn't deserve to be here." 
As if he just now remembered he was even talking to someone, the redhead abruptly turns around and extends a hand for you to shake. You do so reluctantly. 
"My name's Hoseok, by the way. Jung Hoseok," he smiles at you gleamingly. "But my friends call me J-Hope. It's kinda my stage name." 
"You dance, right?" 
"Oh, you've heard of me?" he wonders aloud, genuinely surprised as it seems. 
"There's no way I didn't. You're kinda famous around here." 
"I guess I am," he shrugs nonchalantly, grinning goofily. "You want me to spill all the gossip? You're new to this school, right?" 
"Yes. How’d you know?" 
You can't hide your puzzlement.
"Well, otherwise I would've noticed you sooner, obviously. I only saw you a few times around campus, but you caught my eye right away. Not a lot of girls manage to do that." Again, Hoseok winks at you, causing a hot blush to creep up your neck and settle on your cheeks. 
"Y/n was the name? Y/l/n Y/n?" 
You nod your head yes, unable to speak, your throat suddenly as dry as a desert. 
"That's a pretty name. It suits you." 
"Oh, stop it," you mutter. "It's nothing special. And neither am I. But I'll gladly take you up on your offer." 
Hoseok questioningly arches a brow at you. 
"I believe you promised me some gossip. A quick who's who? I'd really like to know who I'm dealing with here." 
"Oh, sure," he agrees, slightly disappointed if you're not mistaken. "Where shall we start?" 
Exhaling a sigh, Hoseok takes a look around, still leaning on your desk. 
"Well, I don't think Park Jimin requires an introduction," he starts, lowering his voice to an almost inaudible whisper. "He's from a good household, a straight-A student, class president, one of our school's best athletes, a talented classical dancer, a mathematics genius, dangerously handsome and on top of that our resident number two crush boy, closely following the one and only Kim Taehyung as our school's ultimate heartthrob." 
"Kim Taehyung?" 
He points at 'Dorian Grey' how you have come to call him. You have seen him before, often times, roaming the school's corridors, untouchable, staring into space, his head always somewhere else, up in the clouds. This unreally beautiful young man with his shiny, caramel-colored hair and delicate hands who is currently seated in the second row, next to the shy boy with the starry eyes and the most adorable nose you've ever seen. The two of them whisper constantly, seemingly lost in their own world. 
"I'll come to him later," Hoseok explains. "Anyway. Jimin has trouble acknowledging his mistakes sometimes. He always needs to be the best, to be right. So, when teachers or students are 'too stupid for him to deal with', he, well, tends to lose his patience. He keeps aggressively correcting our math's teacher who does not appreciate Jimin's input. That's basically what landed him in here. But I think the anger isn't actually in his nature. Jimin surely has a temper. I believe, however, that these little escalations only happen thanks to his parents and the insane amount of pressure they put on him. You see, they want, no expect him to excel at everything. But it's kinda lonely up there on the top. Thanks to his competitive nature, Jimin doesn't really have friends. Sure, there are people circling around him like vultures, hoping his 'fame' will somehow rub off on them. But none of them have his back. He was friends with this Yoongi character for years. Don't ask me why, though. Anyway, they sort of drifted apart during the last election for class president. Ever since then, Jimin has been more of a loner, claiming he's too busy to have friends. But I think he just really needs someone to show him he's being appreciated."
"I see," you mumble, catching yourself staring at the gorgeous, full-lipped boy in awe. 
"Well, over there we have Kim Namjoon. I mentioned him before." 
While you listen to Hoseok's narration, your eyes wander to the prementioned who is currently immersed in the lecture of the worksheet before him. His chin protruding slightly, teeth absentmindedly gnawing at his lower lip, brows furrowed to a frown, he studies the printed lines intently, massaging his temple with the knuckle of his thumb. The dark, silvery grey color of his short hair complements his complexion and gives him the appeal of a mysterious intellectual. 
"He's another model student, in a way. His grades are not as good as Jimin's, and he struggles in certain areas, like maths or science. But he's a thinker, highly intelligent and very sensitive, even if you might not think so based on your first impression of him, especially judging by his strong build. He's excellent at languages, social studies, philosophy and just joined an art club. He's also widely read and knows a lot about literature. Namjoon spends most of his free time at the library or looking up music. We get along quite well. Actually, he makes an effort to be neutral, so he gets along with almost anybody, although most people consider him a geek, so he doesn't have a lot of friends, either. He's still very kind and generous with everybody and tries to help where he can. Last term, he saved my ass when I was about to fail my English class." 
"Then why's he in here?" 
"Like I said. Our Namjoon here keeps damaging, or rather demolishing, school property. By accident, though, I'm convinced. On his death roll are a couple of hairdryers, two doors, I think, a few Petri dishes and glass flasks, a window, a hand-towel suspender, three soccer balls, a tennis racket, a blackboard, a few TVs – I could keep going, but I believe you catch my drift."
You nod in agreement, unable to keep your lips from smiling while you watch Namjoon shift in his seat, still focused on his assignment. 
"Namjoon keeps pleading innocent," Hoseok continues, sadly shaking his head. "But both his parents and the teachers are confident he's acting up because he's in some kind of 'rebellious phase'. The guy is seventeen, for God's sake. He suddenly shot up like a palm tree. He's a teenager. His body can't handle the changes, so he's a little clumsy, sure, but he means no harm. Grownups can be so ignorant." 
"I couldn't agree more," you scoff bitterly, drawing circles on the bottom right corner of your assignment sheet. 
"So, who's next?" Hoseok mutters, more to himself. "Ah, right. Kim Seokjin. Mr. Worldwide Handsome, as he likes to call himself." 
You look up and in the direction Hoseok is pointing in. 
"Ah, right," you nod. "He's the guy all the girls want to marry when they get out of school." 
"That's right," Hoseok snorts. "Seokjin comes from a wealthy family. His father is some big CEO, and his mother is a former Miss Korea. That's probably where he got his good looks from. He's not precisely our school's brightest student, but that does in no way diminish his popularity. He takes up third place, right after Jimin, on our school's list of the 'most eligible bachelors', you might say. And he's the number one flower boy. All he has to do is blow them a kiss and the younger girls fall for him like cut-down trees."
Hoseok rolls his eyes. 
"Then why's he in here?" 
"I think, first and foremost, this punishment was encouraged by his parents themselves."
"What for?" 
"Because Seokjin keeps making jokes in class. He's basically famous for being our school’s top class clown and keeps rambling on about wanting to become a famous comedic actor or entertainer or something." 
"Oh," you think out loud. "I imagine his parents are not too fond of that idea."
"Yeah, especially not his dad. Seokjin once mentioned that they want him to take over his family's corporate empire some day. It's a shame, though, because he is good at what he does. He always makes everyone laugh, even the teachers, and you can tell it makes him happy. It's so sad that his parents can't see that and want to take away what's best for him. They even had him kicked out of drama club." 
Clicking his tongue, Hoseok slowly shakes his head, eyeing Seokjin sympathetically. Your gaze, as well, lingers on his amazingly handsome features for a few more seconds before it goes on to focus on Hoseok's next target. 
"Over there, you see the boy with the hazel coconut hair and the undercut? The one with the many piercings?"
"Yeah. He looks cute." 
"Oh, does he now?" Hoseok suggestively wiggles his eyebrows at you. 
"I meant nice," you quickly correct yourself, cheeks blushing furiously. 
"Yeah, sure." Hoseok playfully pokes your arm. "Anyway. He's kinda shy. His name is Jeon Jungkook. I think his friends, well, his only friend, calls him Kook or Kookie sometimes. Which really fits him, I think. Because you're right, he appears to be cute at first sight." 
„Appears to be?" 
"Well, he's got the soft baby boy looks, sure, but he isn't necessarily one. Partly he might be. But he's stronger and much fiercer than he lets on. Hidden underneath that oversized uniform of his are pounds of sheer muscle. Jungkook's our school's top athletes. A fast runner, a skilled boxer, a supreme weightlifter. He does parcours and stuff, too, and lately Jimin has been teaching him some dance moves, I think. The teachers like him because the poor boy is so insecure that he's always quiet and obedient in class. Jungkook basically only landed himself in here by being a good friend." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"Him and Taehyung over there," Hoseok points to the duo sitting huddled together in the front, so close to each other their arms are touching. "They are inseparable, literally. Always have been. And even though Jungkook is a few months younger and clearly the shier of those two, he has this guarding instinct and protecting drive when it comes to Taehyung. You see, Taehyung is the dreamy kind. His head is in the right place, and he's not dumb, might I add. But his mind is a wandering one. He see's the world through some kind of kaleidoscope, you know. Differently than we do. More colorful and from an artistic point of view, I guess. He's an art nerd, by the way. Very gentle soul, romantic, may appear kind of cold at times. Taehyung is very sociable, but not always the most social, if you get what I mean?" 
"I guess, yeah," you shrug your shoulders, your eyes glued to Taehyung's gorgeous side profile. He seems to have some kind of power over you already. The longer you look, the stronger it gets. He's pulling you in like a magnet. 
"Anyway, our Taehyung isn't exactly the toughest when it comes to defending himself against the evil in this world and dealing with nasty comments made by those who are envious of his charm and beauty, seeking to put him down. So that's kind of Jungkook's role, you know. He's always by his side, there to protect Taehyung against any sort of abuse. Taehyung doesn't exactly come from the best of families. His folks are very poor, so he's always had to deal with bullying. He's only here on a scholarship because he's practically a child prodigy, that's probably why a lot of kids hate him. You see, Taehyung took part in one of Korea's most prominent art competitions about two years ago and won third place. And he was competing against grownups there, mostly."
"Really?", you gasp with wonderment. 
"Yes," Hoseok confirms, almost proud. "He's a special boy, although he usually keeps those magnificent thoughts of his to himself, probably because he's tired of being called an alien, freak or weirdo. But if you listen to him, I think you might learn something."
"So, why's he in here?" 
"Oh," Hoseok scoffs. "Because he's always late and keeps missing classes that aren't, you know, art." 
"Ah, I see." 
You can't help but be fond of the artsy boy. 
"And Jungkook? Why's he here?" 
"Oh, sorry," Hoseok giggles. "I kind of drifted off there for a second, didn't I? Well, Jungkookie here received this punishment because he keeps getting into fistfights, or rather starting them. Whenever someone attacks or offends Taehyung, Jungkook kind of loses it. He's very timid, usually, like I said, so he lacks the confidence to settle things verbally and doesn't know what to do with himself. That's why he lashes out, I guess. And those poor rich boys don't stand a chance against him. Oh, I forgot to mention. He's also here on a scholarship, as is Min Yoongi. Because our school makes a point of fostering exceptional talents, in the arts as well as in other fields. So, Jungkook came here as an athlete and Yoongi because of his significant achievements in science competitions."
"Oh, I see. I didn't know they were so generous with scholarships here. It's not exactly Korean standard." 
"No, it isn't," Hoseok agrees, leaning back so far now, he's basically lying on your desk. "But our principal also comes from a poor family. Everything he accomplished, he owes not only to his sharp intellect and spirit, but also to the generosity of people like himself who recognized his merit early on and saw to it that it was being nurtured. So, he took it upon himself to do the same for young people from similar backgrounds. If you don't mind me asking, aren't you here on a scholarship, as well? Sorry, if that was too direct. I just heard a rumor and got curious." 
"No, it's all right," you brush off Hoseok's concern with a gesture of your hand. "It's true. I'm here on a sort of literary scholarship, you might say. I wrote a few essays, poems and short stories that received positive feedback in competitions and apparently attracted some attention. One day, there was this letter in the mail, signed by Principal Ko. He invited us to take a look at the school, and, of course, my father insisted on going. Before we left, the Principal offered me a scholarship, and my father agreed immediately."
"You don't sound too pleased with his decision." 
"You're very observant." 
"Why, thank you!" Hoseok smiles at you, his beautiful features twisted into an adorable grimace. 
"So, why don't you like it here?", he goes on to ask, serious again in a matter of seconds. 
"We had to move and leave my hometown so I could go here. My father has to drive hours to work every day, I barely even see him. Our relationship was bad before that, ever since my mother passed away, but now it’s just – worse.“ 
"Oh," Hoseok gasps, one hand shooting up to cover his pink lips. „Your mother – I had no idea. I’m so sorry!" 
"It's all right," you lie, lowering your head, so your face is concealed by a protective curtain of hair, hiding the tears clouding your vision. "It's been years since she left us. Since then, we're not really a family anymore. I don't have any other relatives I know of, so it's just my father and me. And all he ever does is scold me and tell me to do better. The things he values most are money and reputation. I'm not like that, though. I wanna live. I wanna have adventures and write about them. I need to feel things. To see them, hear them, taste them. Everything. I can't lead the life he wants me to. So we don't get along all that well. Just last week he told me I shouldn't 'rest on my oars'. That I practically didn't even deserve this scholarship because all I did was lock myself in my room and write."
"Oh, damn," Hoseok sharply inhales through his teeth. "That's bad. How can he say such a thing?"
"It's what he believes," you shrug, attempting to appear unaffected. 
"Y/n, why are you here, if I may ask?", Hoseok breaks the awkward silence that had settled in between the two of you for a few minutes of you pretending to read the assignments given to you by Mr. Wong when all you really did was stare at the blank, white spaces in between words. 
"Me? Oh, you don't wanna know," you chuckle. "It's pathetic." 
"I do. I want to know. What did you do?"
"You see, we were given this homework," you begin, struggling to withstand Hoseok's straightforward gaze and maintain eye contact. "We had to write a thousand word essay about our life in English class. And all I wrote was 'My life sucks'." 
"But I thought it was a thousand word essay?"
"Yes. And I wrote 'my life sucks' three hundred thirty-three times."
"No, you didn't!", Hoseok shouts out, bursting into laughter, the sudden sound turning a few heads. 
"Yes, I did," you snicker, for the first time since the incident occurred actually feeling proud of your childish action. 
"Are you in Mrs. Kim's Engish class?"
You nod. 
"So, I'm sure she made you write it again." 
"Yes, she did. Two times. And I kept handing in the same text. When she asked me why, I told her the truth. That my life indeed does suck and that I hate it. Everything about it." 
"Wow, that sounds kinda black and white to me. I'm sure there are some grey zones. Stuff you kinda enjoy doing. Like writing. Writing's fun, right?" 
"No," you shake your head, steadily holding Hoseok's glance. "Not ever since I moved here. I've been writer's blocked, feeling uninspired. It's like torture to me." 
"Ah, I get it," Hoseok mumbles, giving you a sympathetic look. "So that's why I never see you smile." 
His statement hits you like a blow to the gut. 
"I wonder what it looks like."
"What?" you ask. 
"Your smile. Won't you show me? Just this once?" he tilts his head, placing his chin on your hand on the table and blinking up at you out of chocolate brown puppy eyes, lips pursed into an endearing pout. "Pretty please?" 
"We're in detention. There's no reason for me to smile."
"But it's summer. The sun's out. The weather is nice.“
"Exactly," you scoff. 
"I don't get it," Hoseok frowns. 
"I hate summer. I hate the sun. And don't even get me started on smiling." 
Your reply earns you a low chuckle from Min Yoongi whose face has now entirely disappeared under his sweater's hood. 
"Oh, you're one of those," Hoseok comments, feigning repulsion. "I'm kidding. You're okay. I kinda like you, Y/l/n Y/n." 
"Wow, was that supposed to be a compliment? Thank you so much! I feel like a whole new person now. I'm honored, really,“ you tease Hoseok who, in response, turns his back on you with a disgruntled nose scrunch. 
During the minutes to come, he doesn't turn around again, and you can't quite tell whether he's merely pretending to be offended or if you actually hurt his feelings. 
"Hey! Psst! Hey!", you hiss at him, trying to get his attention. "Hoseok! Jung Hoseok!" 
Jimin darts you an annoyed glance. 
"Hoseok! Come on, don't be like that." 
You reach out and tap his shoulder with the back of your pencil. 
"Come on. I'm sorry."
No response. 
After another futile attempt to get Hoseok's attention, you eventually take your worksheet and tear off the upper right corner to scribble a message on the blank paper. 
Hoseok. I'm sorry. I can be a dick sometimes. I didn't mean it like that. I'm really glad you started talking to me. You're the first person at this school who showed the least bit of interest and kindness. Don't take what I said too seriously. I'm an idiot. 
Quickly, you crumple up the note and throw it at him. It hits Hoseok's head before it lands right in front of his nose, in the middle of his spreadsheet. He hesitates before he reads it, all the while being carefully observed by you. His reaction still comes as a surprise to you. 
"It's okay, stupid," he grins in turning around. "I was just pulling your leg. But I'm glad you like me, too." 
"Wait, I never said –" 
Right then, the classroom door flies open and Mr. Wong enters, his step suspiciously light. 
"So, it's been almost an hour, time for your second assignment," he announces with a broad smile. 
"But I didn't even finish the first one," Taehyung objects, his tone whiny. 
"That's okay," Mr. Wong says. "The essay can wait. You may write it later, at home even. Now, however, it's time for a joined activity." 
"Oh, great," Min Yoongi grumbles from underneath his hood. 
"And all of you are going to participate. You, too, Mr. Min." 
The namely mentioned merely gives off a dissatisfied grunt. 
"So, what you're going to do is pair up and confess your sins and secrets to each other. Nothing too naughty. Just whatever you're comfortable with. Up here, in front of everyone, in a back corner of this room or, if you like, in a broom closet or god knows where. As long as you do it. And I need you to be honest here, with me and yourselves. Also, I'm basically a human lie detector. I will be able to tell if you didn't do it, just saying. So, find yourself a partner and get started." Mr. Wong claps his big hands, full of zest for action. "Ladies first!" 
Suddenly, all eyes are on you. 
"Ms. Y/l/n, please stand up and pick your partner."
With a pounding heart, you push back your chair and get up, taking a last look around, staring directly into each of the handsome faces surrounding you before you decide to follow your instincts and make your choice ... 
Who of the seven boys will you pick as your partner for this intimate assignment? Who of them do you want to get to know better? Who of them captured your interest? 
🗳 Vote here. Your choice will be crucial to the further development of the story. 
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Thanks for reading and voting. I hope you liked it so far! ☺️💖
The next Chapter will be posted next Wednesday, at the latest. 
Here you can find the matching PLAYLIST. And, if you feel like checking out more of my fiction, my Masterlist. 🙃
NONE of the GIFs used are mine. Credit goes to the initial creators. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. 
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