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venting blog about the tinhats cc community. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and their only values are "what will fit my narrative". Their meltdown over Mia are funny, so here I am.
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i must have pissed her off enough cause i cant see her account 😂
Oops :'D she can't take a tenth of what she's giving to everyone, I find all this hilarious :'D. It would seem my main (this is a secondary blog) isn't blocked which is pretty funny considering her friends did block me for statistics lmao.
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Now Cassie posted a gif: I'm surrounded by idiots.
Who are the idiots? The people gushing about cute little Bluesy oder the sheeps that reposted Cassie's not so subtle old post about a jacket and a movie?
Looool classy Cassie in her whole lmao. Her post was awful in her whole, the take, the hate and the meaning behind it ... The image she has of Darren is horrible, and that says a lot more about her than anyone else ...
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I love when Cassie acts like a desperate hag and clutch at post about a jacket and Bradley Cooper, to prove Darren doesn't love his daughter. Does she even see how her Darren is an awful asshole ? When your nemesis is a one year old little girl it's time to look long and hard in a mirror.
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I hope you’re doing ok ❤️ You’re a rockstar and I wish all the best for you!
Hey ! I"m perfectly fine thank you !! I'm still around just not updating here. But thank you so much for taking news <3 .
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The tinhats are playing dumb with the timeline too. Darren is really bad with dates - not just private dates but work stuff too. He doesn't know if he did a project three years ago or maybe two or four.
I mean some people are good with remembering all the dates - Darren isn't one of them. There isn't anything suspicious about it.
And he is of his accord, lol. But they just refuse to aknowledge anything he says if it's not going their way. He's a patholgical liar except when they like his words. Maybe they should rethink their vision lol.
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I guess they're only trying to convince themselves at this point, because to everyone else they're embarrassingly transparent. They don't give a single shit about "privacy". They're stalkers, for god's sake, lol.
They're infuriated because candid photos (I haven't even seen them, nor would I know where to find them) exist that once again destroy their fantasies. It reminds me of when Mia's sister in law posted photos of her wedding party with Mia and Darren in them. This was apparently a HUGE affront to any private person, and unless Darren demanded these photos be taken down, it HAD to be a conspiracy.
Fact is, their fantasy is based on the idea that Darren is a pathological liar who is so demented he would fake even a wife and child. Yet the idea that he would lie about not having a gf back in 2011 is UNTHINKABLE. The idea that he would lie about being private (more like his definition of privacy doesn't match theirs), is UNTHINKABLE. As per usual, tinhats are insane, incoherent, and incredibly sad. Their fantasies have been destroyed over and over again for over a decade now and they're still here, beginning a new year with the same old shit. The patheticness level they've reduced themselves to is reaching unheard of depths.
All you say is perfectly true. There is something sad about tinhats in the sense that they made their life revolves around a lie for 10+ years. So it's difficult to admit, or see that your whole universe is based on a lie. Those people are clutching at what they can (lying to themselves in the process) to not admit they lost 12 years over a fantasy. I kinda pity them to be honest (then they act like awful wench and I forget all pity lmao).
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Flower is angry at me. I started posting a little bit and was surprised how fast they got angry. But that makes it fun for me.
The moment Flowers see someone not agreeing with her narrative she gets angry. I once was at the other end of her angriness (not with this account), and she's an agressive liar, conspiracists, lunatic lol. She's acting all high and mighty, I'm staying on my own lane etc ... but she's constantly stalking and bringing the bs to the main player.
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Same anon as before.
I think it’s fine if you find the pictures the way you did. But if they actively search for them only with the purpose of thinking maliciously and hate on her existence, then that is sick. They search for pictures of a baby just to hate on her. In what sick mind is that okay? On the other hand, finding the pictures and smiling at them and thinking they’re cute / how precious Bluesy can be is fine imo. The ccers are just losing it.
:) . And I never talked about it neither in any way publicaly. Cause at the end of the day, the person it's from IS a personal account, that is just not closed.
CCers are seeing what they refused to aknowledge, calling Mia's pregnancy a pizza box, calling that Ben is the father etc. Before they could act like there was nothing to see, that's getting harder to do. That's why the "privacy" is such an issue to them.
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They can’t deal with a sweet child’s existence because it is proof of her father loving her mother and not being living in a conspiracy. Because it is the physical proof of his relationship with his wife and how much he loves her and wanted to have a life with her - create a life with her and raise their child. Children in the future, perhaps.
They don’t care about BB’s privacy. They care if they’re reminded she exists. But the worst is - I am a fan of Darren and really like Mia. I follow D - I follow some of his friends. Yet I have not found those pics of BB. If they do is because they actively search for her. That is so bizarre and so mental. They’re sick.
That's true, I had found them by accident to be honest. The account that posted is often proposed to me, I never clicked and I don't know why I did that day. But considering who it's from, they're definitely stalking Mia and her family lmao. It's pretty funny when we consider how much they hate them. They have no care about that baby they only care about how she affects their fantasy.
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Aww Floflo can't stand being confronted to the fact Bluesy is her Dad's doppelganger and hide behind the privacy trope ... when Mia and her family act like normal people, NON CONTROLLING normal people/
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I'm the anon from before. I tried again and tumblr says to me the blog (metalom) doesn't excist.
That may be because we need to reach from the app. But i see it :)
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Sorry to bother you. I know you are not active on tumblr anymore. Do you know what happened to Metaloma? Her blog suddenly disappeared completely.
Oh ? I still see her blog from tumblr :). That's weird.
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darrencriss: ユニクロはすごいです ‼️ Check me celebrating #LifeWearDay @ uniqlo with some timeless threads for the season. Stop by the @ uniqlousa store on 5th Ave NYC to see the collection come to life. #Uniqlo2022FW #UniqloPartner
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Darren Criss | Uniqlo
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Darren Criss
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Hi, im really sorry to bother you but I just wanna know exactly what azscc/klainebutmostlycc did since im still quite unsure about it. One of my ex-friends was friends with her but idk what she did (I like genuinely don’t know ;-;)
She wished AIDS on Will in an insta story. I admit I erased that person from my memory tbh.
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Watching DCN go off on the tinhats was VERY satisfying. All they do is attack and defame innocent people by roping them into their destructive conspiracies. Then they try to act like it's all harmless and they should be left alone because they're not hurting anyone. It's nice to see a victim of theirs call out their bullshit to their faces.
They also need to shut the fuck up with their constant whining about being blocked. They DON'T stay in their lanes, as we all know, so the only option if someone doesn't want to see their fucked up comments is to block. They cry whenever anyone confronts them directly, so what else can anyone do? Just put up with listening to their bullshit? Hell no.
Those people complmetely forgot there are real human beings behind the screen. We had told them multiple times, that trop was fake. They never let it go, and I'm pretty sure they still won't. The trope is more important than the human beings they hurt with their bs.
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