#I am always listening to the sand in the hourglass
nacvamp · 6 months
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This line has me feral (aching miserably for the mortal condition, the ever-stalking predator, Death).
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rattkachuk · 4 months
for the hurt/comfort starters I've gotta ask for mattdrai with "Please tell me I don't look as bad as I feel" please! <3
"Please tell me I don't look as bad as I feel."
Matthew frowns at Leon’s image on his phone screen. The dejected tone of his voice is more than enough to tell Matthew just how bad he’s feeling, but there’s also a slope to his shoulders and the stress in his eyes that he can’t miss after loving him as long as Matthew has. He knows how much responsibility Leon carries with him, and is very familiar with the helpless feeling of not being able to show up for your team.
“You don’t look great,” Matthew says truthfully.
Leon scoffs and rubs a hand over his face, “Oh, thank you.”
The image goes blurry for a moment while his phone re-establishes it’s connection with the shitty Boston hotel internet. He knows there’s not much he can really say to quell Leon’s worries, and it’s late and they both have a game tomorrow. Important games. He doesn’t know the full extent of what’s up with Leon, and doesn’t dig (he’ll find out later and chastise him for it then, just as Leon did to him last year), but he knows that it’s worrisome enough to make Leon call him in the midst of their playoff run.
“Hey,” Matthew says gently, “I know it sucks and I know that I really can’t ask anything of you that I wouldn’t do myself…”
“But?” Leon bites.
“If it’s really bad, please don’t push yourself,” Matthew pleads, quiet but sure. He can’t say much more than that. Can’t tell Leon that it’s not worth it. Can’t sooth him and say that everything would work out for the Oilers without him, for fear of the falsity of his words being too glaring.
Leon sighs, but is silent beyond that. Matthew gives him the space, doesn’t push, listens only to the faint sounds in the background of Leon’s room, and watches the soft flickering light of his TV. Matthew wonders absently what’s on.
There’s a set to Leon’s jaw, and he’s pointedly not looking at Matthew, but even through the pixelated video call he can see the shake to his body as he breathes in and out, “Matthew, you know-there’s just so much riding on this, right? What am I going to do if this season ends in another failure? I’m running out of fucking time, here.”
A pang of unfounded guilt hits Matthew, knows that Leon is a few years ahead of him and in reality it’s not that much, but in hockey it’s everything. Maybe he’s not as well acquainted with the hourglass of time taunting him just yet, doesn’t have to worry about the sand falling through the middle, faster every time he gets another blow to his body. Doesn’t know the pain of making it within reach of the thing he’s always striving for, only to have it ripped away in a blur before you can even get your legs underneath you. Every. Time. Matthew can see it ruthlessly eating away at Leon year after year, chips away at him and seeps into the corners of his being.
Matthew had been closer than Leon ever had, and he felt confident his team could do it again, could see his chances in the coming years only increasing. Coming from him, it felt wrong to placate Leon and tell him that next year would be better, when he’d already had so many years of loss under his belt.
“Then you’ll figure it out. We'll figure it out, alright?” Matthew swears, wanting Leon to know he never had to face this giant thing all by himself, that he didn’t have to cross any bridge without Matthew’s hand to hold, “I’m always with you, Leon.”
There’s a helpless gasp of air from Leon’s mouth, maybe the tail end of a sob stuck in his lungs, “Yah, yah. I know. Thank you.”
Matthew offers a small albeit sad smile, and they don’t say much else. Matthew doesn’t hang up, though, can't bring himself to sever the one line of connection they have in the moment. Leon doesn’t look in a rush to go, he’s three hours behind and has time yet. Matthew sleeps eventually and lets the video call go, so Leon doesn't have to be alone.
ao3 drabbles <3
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ remus leaves you after the first war.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 inspired by love of my life by queen 𖦹 y'know "love of my life, you've hurt me. you've broken my heart, and now you leave me" 𖦹 angst 𖦹 hurt/not quite comfort but kind of ??? 𖦹 pizza thursdays :) 𖦹 sad :( 𖦹 ANGST (you have been warned) 𖦹 i did not proofread this⎝(ˊ0ˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 623
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Remus was sad and angry, and in pain. Sad that he had lost everything, angry that he had lost everything. He was always saying that, talking about how he lost everything.
"But I'm still here, Remus." You told him countless times. His response was always a curt nod; it never failed to hurt you.
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"I miss them," He whispered, holding a picture of James and Lily.
"I miss them, too," You put your arm around his shoulder and scratched his scalp—he leaned into it.
You cherished moments like this. In some selfish, twisted way, you were glad Remus only had you right now. You knew this—whatever you two had—was temporary. He would kiss and hold you, but his heart wasn't yours. He wasn't yours. Your heart would always belong to him, though. 
Part of you was scared he would wake up one day and realize he didn't love you.
"What're you thinking about, m'love?" His voice was lazy and sleepy.
"Us," You murmur.
"Yeah? What about us?" It seemed like he was in a better mood.
"If you love me or not." It slipped out.
"Of course I love you," He frowned, "Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know," You sighed longingly.
"I love you so much." He reassured.
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Foolishly, you believed it.
You dropped by Remus's flat. Another Thursday meant another pizza date. He had everything set up, roses, candles, everything to make a girl feel special. And that was how you knew it was ending soon. 
"Bad movie," You grimaced as the film ended.
"Agreed," Remus nods. He turns to you, "I'm thinking a lot," He pauses.
"Yeah?" Part of you wanted to joke about how surprising it is that he can actually think; another part of you wanted to scream. The part you listened to was telling you to stay and listen.
"About what?"
"Lots of things. Sirius, school, life before all of… this."
And your heart hurt. It hurt for you, and it hurt for him.
"I think about that a lot, too."
"I miss it," He whispers.
You nod, "So do I."
"I miss him," He murmurs, and the crack in your heart grows.
But that's as far as he goes before standing up and going to do the dishes.
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The next time you see Remus, he's moving things into boxes. You're confused. Today's Thursday; you're supposed to have pizza, not do whatever this is. And then it dawned on you.
"Come in," He greets you like nothing is wrong.
"I brought pizza," You murmur, toeing your shoes off.
Once you're all settled on the couch, pizza on a plate in your lap, you ask him, "What're you doing?"
You can see his subtle hesitation as his movements stutter, "Just putting some things away," He lies.
"Remus," He stops and looks at you, "Where are you going?"
He sighs, rubs his face, and sits next to you. He places a hand on your knee and proceeds, "Somewhere far away from all of this. I—" He shakes his head, "I can do this anymore. I need to leave."
And that selfish part of you wants him to say: "And I would love for you to come with me."
But you know he won't.
You stare at each other for what feels like an eternity—just him and you and the last granules of sand in the inescapable hourglass that was your relationship. 
"What about me?" Your voice is soft and quiet, and goddamnit, why did you have to look so sad?
"What about you?"
A fitting reply to a fitting ending.
"What about us?"
He had no response.
"Am I not good enough, Remus? Why am I not good enough?"
All he could do was hold you as you cried.
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sorry :(
mutuals: @sw34terw34ther @imshiningjustforyou @woahlifehitsyahuh @forourmoons @vampieteeth @masivechaos @queerpumpkinnn @lucasnclair @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @maddipoof @nutellani @zvdvdlvr @honeymunson @reysdriver @just-another-godless-god @bellathethirstybitch @onmyknees4lily @angry-little-frog @starstruckmoony
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flowerhead-fh · 11 months
Cupid!Steve x Rockstar!Eddie
OHHH BOY- GUYS- I was just watching my favorite series of all time, which I would recommend to every living being, called Brooklyn 99, and I got an idea for a fanfic, which immediately made me think of Steddie, so here I am. Please enjoy this, drabble? ficlet? I dunno, short fic sample
In this world, there are Gods, a lot of them. Under them, you have the demigods. Ever living beings, scattered throughout the earth, to make sure everything is running smoothly (which actually means, they are constantly keeping humans from sending the world to shit)
Steve, is one of said demigods. The demigod of love, cupid himself nonetheless. He does his job, better than most demigods actually. Can even find love for the most unlovable. However he has one weakness, and that's finding love for himself. Yes, yes I know. The irony, but the unfortunate truth is; that Steve Harrington's luck in the romantic department is non-existent.
He had just been complaining about this to Robin during their shared shift at Family Video. "It's ridiculous! I can find true love for everyone but myself?! What kind of power is that?!" He groans in frustration and rests his head on his forearms. "I'm gonna be lonely forever." Robin (the demigod of sand (I told you there were a lot of them)) was meanwhile playing around with the sand in an hourglass.
"Relax, I'm sure you'll find someone eventually! And until then, you've always got me! Besides, would you really want to just zap yourself and a random person, just for the sake of dating someone?" Steve groans again, raising his head up and running a hand down his face. "No, but.... still! I want to- have someone in my life like that." Robin hums sympathetically. "Well, at least you can get laid easy." She says shrugging."
Ahh yes, one of the perks to being Cupid, is that he can control, ignite, and remove lust within anyone he so wishes. "Yeah, but I'm past one-night stands now, Robin! I want someone to love." Steve huffs, as he finishes his sentence.
Just then someone enters the store. The bell rings, and they both spare a glance at the door. The man entering was dressed in mostly black. He had long curly hair, and silver rings adorned each of his fingers. "Robin," Steve whispers to her, as she's still distracted by the hourglass. "12 o'clock." Steve nods subtly in the direction of the man, as Robin looks up at him. She raises her eyebrows. "Oh shit." She mutters.
Steve tried not to ogle him, he really does, but this might be the most interesting man, currently in Hawkins, so that proves difficult. The man, the stranger, is checking out something in the sci-fi section, smiling to himself. His expression then drops a bit, as he pauses and suddenly makes eye contact with Steve. Steve flinches and gives him a small awkward wave.
The guy starts walking over to them, and Steve gently elbows Robin to HELP HIM BECAUSE WORDS HAVE ESCAPED HIM. "Hey, couldn't help but catch you staring. You a fan?" He asked in a polite manner. Steve wrinkles his eyebrows. "No, that's a fan." Steve points to the ceiling fan. The man glances briefly at the ceiling fan, and then back at Steve, laughing.
"I'll admit to staring at you, yes, but I don't think I recognize you sorry." Steve continues after the stranger's laughter has died down. He stares at Steve, mouth slightly agape, in a somewhat mortified expression. "Oh shit." The man runs a hand down his face an embarrased manner. "Ohhhnoooo, I must seem like such a douchebag now."
He looks down and away from Steve. "No, no ,no! It's fine! Erm- Are you like famous or something? What's your name? Maybe I've heard of you somewhere!" Steve says hurredly, trying to salvage the conversation. The stranger chuckles. "Uhum, it's Eddie, Eddie Munson. I started a band called Corroded Coffin. Do you listen to Metal?"
Steve shakes his head awkwardly. "No sorry, but those names do ring a bell... Oh!" Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin, it's that band Dustin has been raging about, together with the rest of the party. "The kids I babysit won't stop talking about you! You're like their idol. What's a celebrity like you doing in Hawkins then?"
The guy- Eddie, scratches his neck. "Ah, just visiting home. Taking a break, kind of." Eddie leans an elbow on the counter. "What's model like you doing out here?" He asks in a slightly deeper tone. Steve clears his throat, and turns away to attempt to hide his blush. "Ahaha. I live here. Thanks." Eddie hums, and smiles.
He then notices Robin's fidgeting with the hourglass. "Woah! Holy shit!" Eddie straightens up, no longer leaning on the counter, and stares at the hourglass amazed. Robin hums looking up at Eddie. "Oh, we're demigods. I'm the demigod of sand, this is basically I can do." She says is shrugging.
Eddie turns back to Steve with an excited questioning look. "Both of you? What's your thing then, pretty boy?" Eddie leans on the counter again, this time resting his chin on his hand. Steve hums, and ponders on his next actions. On one hand he could just tell Eddie he is Cupid, on the other hand...
Steve hums, and boldly puts finger on Eddie's chest, sliding it down slowly, while igniting an amount lust within him, that's just edging on too much. Then he looks into Eddie's eyes, and says; "This is." Eddie stares at him, with wide eyes, his face burning red, his mouth just slightly open, as if trying to find something to say, and failing.
Steve pulls his hand away, and simulteaneously quells any and all lust he awakened within Eddie. "I'm Cupid, basically. I make people fall in love and shit. I can also do that- what I just did." He smiles a bit. "Sorry, I hope that wasn't too much, or anything?" Steve looks at him apologetically.
Eddie stares at him a bit longer mouth agape, still blushing. Then he clears his throat, and speaks as casually as he can muster. "Yeah, no, it's cool, it's alright. That was cool, that wasss a-okay!" He grins at back at Steve, who doesn't seem to fully believe him. "You sure? I can imagine it was a bit much."
Eddie nods. "Yeah, seriously, it's cool. Just didn't see it coming is all." Eddie seems to be speaking truthfully, so Steve decides to believe him. "Okay, if you say so." Steve nods as well.
Eddie switches topics. "So, are you single?" Steve looks at him surpised, and pauses. "Uhh... Yes, very much so, actually." He admits blushing a bit. Eddie grins. "How come? I'd imagine you could make anyone fall in love with you, and I mean that both literally and figuratively."
Steve chuckles. "Romantic love spells don't work in my regards, I have to find love the normal way." Steve says rolling his eyes. "So I've remained lonely for a while now." Eddie hums. "Well... This might be a bit forward, but I think-" Eddie leans into Steve's space. "That I should maybe fix that." He then shrugs "But you tell me, Cupid. Are we compatible?"
Eddie looks at Steve expectantly, and Steve pauses to think. "... Yeah, I think we are." He says smiling a bit. They're first date happens just a couple days later.
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ser-jorah-the-andal · 9 months
And now, his watch has ended
Her knight lies on top of his funeral pyre, in the snow and the muck, and grief and rage fights in her soul as Vhagar and Caraxes did above the Gods Eye. 
That is not where you belong, Ser. You belong next to me, Ser!
Her legs are leaden as she takes one unsteady step in front of the other towards her knight, her protector, her Jorah.
A sob leaves her heart through her lips at the sight of him, dead and cold. His eyes are closed and she will never again see their blue, never read them as a book, never have them look at her the way they did, the way no other eyes ever did.
This can not be where our story ends, Ser. Please, awake! Please! 
He does not. He is gone, and with him, the road not taken. I thought there was time. I always thought there was time. But the sand had slipped its very last grain through the hourglass, none left to spill. Turn it back, let me choose again a road in which he lives. One in which we still have time. Please! 
The Gods are not listening. Or if they are, they have no care for her pleas. 
Her lips press to his forehead wishing she had done so when blood ran through his flesh. When he could feel her kiss. The flesh that was full of life not long ago is now cold and gray, and the coldness in him moves from her lips into her, into what’s left of her heart. She lets her lips linger there. She wants the cold and the numbness it brings. She wants to feel nothing at all. She wants to feel every single slash, cut and tear the sight of him marks her soul with.
What do I do with all this I am feeling? With all the sorrow, the pain, the… love? You’ve carried it for the both of us for so long, and now, I feel it. I finally feel it! And it is so heavy, Ser, like a great rock pressing on my chest, squeezing the breath from me. How can I carry it alone, now that you are gone? How, Ser?
He does not speak. His lips will never move again, His mouth will never call her ‘my queen’, ‘Khaleesi’, ‘friend’, ‘love’. The great silence is upon his lips and upon her ears, and it's the loudest she has heard it.
---- A deleted scene from Breath of eternity on your lips
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
Are you still taking asks, if so Protective Baron
A/N: Here's a secret: I'm always up for taking asks ;) I pondered on this, and wasn't sure if you were thinking more self-sacrificing protective or angry protective, so I guess it'll be a surprise ;) enjoy!
"I know I have said this many times over the years, old friend," Toto says softly, "but this is the most reckless thing you've ever done."
The Bureau is quiet – too quiet – and so there's no way for Baron to miss Toto's gentle warning. Even the mantelpiece clock is silent, its second hand frozen a moment before the hour.
Baron tears his gaze away from Haru's still form, lifeless, but not dead – not yet, not if he has anything to say about it – laid across the sofa. He listens out for a breath that never comes. "Can you blame me?" he asks.
"It's not a matter of blame," the old crow Creation replies. "It's a matter of what else you're going to lose in the attempt."
"I'm not going to lose her," Baron snaps.
Toto and Muta exchange glances, and the unspoken agreement between them unnerves Baron more than any raised voice.
"Baron," Muta offers, uncharacteristically softly – like a mourner at a funeral, Baron thinks, and then discards the thought angrily, "this is kinda out of our hands. Death came for her – literally, with the bones and the scythe and the hourglass..."
"We've faced bad odds before."
"Not these kinds of odds," Toto says.
"We have time–"
"Time is very much the one thing we do not have." Muta gestures across to the desk. "Look at her hourglass, Baron! The only reason the last grain of sand hasn't already fallen is because you've pulled some fancy-schmancy time-freezing trick with the Sanctuary, but that ain't a solution!"
"It'll break the Sanctuary," Toto warns. "You can't put that kind of strain on this place for long."
"Then I'll save her before it gets to that point!" Baron retorts. He paces the Bureau, trying to look anywhere but that fateful hourglass.
It's an insultingly simple affair, too simple for the value it holds, and only contains a single speck of sand – suspended moments from falling. The handful of sand it had first arrived with, before Baron had been driven to such physics-breaking extremes, had each vanished as they fell through the upper glass. It sits atop his desk, still and quiet and ominous.
"It's not your fault," Toto says in the awful, unnatural silence. "What's happened to her... you had no way of knowing."
"Yeah, how could you have known being so close to a Creation world and its magic would be toxic to a human?" Muta adds. "It's not like either of you ever got a manual on this stuff. And Haru – she never let it slip to any of us."
To stay with him, Baron thinks. Because she would have known that he would have barred the Sanctuary doors from her if he'd had any inkling of the damage it was doing. Because in her heart-first recklessness, she would rather have risked it than walk away from the Bureau.
From him.
"She's not going to die," he says, and there is steel in his voice. "I won't let her."
"With all due respect," Toto says carefully, "I don't think Death is asking your permission."
"Then I'll just have to make sure he listens." He gathers up his top hat and his cane, throwing a sorry smile to his friends. "She's not dying," he promises. "Not today." And he steps out into the Sanctuary courtyard.
Out here, time resumes its steady march, the air alive in a way it had been lacking in the Bureau. He approaches a cloaked figure, their face veiled in shadows which give the impression of a skull. In one bony hand, a scythe rests.
"Have you come to your senses?" Death asks. "Will you relinquish the mortal?"
Baron stares up to the hood, to the empty abyss where eye sockets lie hollow in place of irises and pupils. "You're not having her."
A rumble rolls through Death. "Her time has run out, Creation. At best, you have bought yourself a goodbye, but mark my words, it is a goodbye."
"There must be a way. There always is."
"I am the one constant," Death replies. "Once the sands of her hourglass have run their course, they cannot be renewed nor returned." The hood inclines in a way which could almost be an apology. "Her time is up, Creation."
Baron's heart beats an unfamiliar staccato; a heady mixture of grief and love runs riot in his veins.
"Can they be traded?"
He feels Death's eyeless sight turn on him. "What?"
"The sand," Baron says. "You said it could not renewed or returned – but can it be given from another hourglass?"
"Gifted," Death amends. "It must be willingly given from one's own hourglass, but you, Creation, cannot."
"I must have an hourglass. Every living thing has an hourglass, you told us, and I live."
"Indeed," Death concedes, "but yours," and he sweeps an hourglass out from the recesses of his cloak, "is a Creation's."
The hourglass before Baron has a wooden frame, carved with intricate leaves, and the glass possesses an almost iridescent sheen – like his own stone-cut eyes. But it is the contents which is the strangest of it all.
There is sand within, but it is frozen in place, the grain fused together in an almost glassy fashion.
"You are an immortal," Death says. "You can no more portion out a fraction of your lifespan, than you can halve eternity. It's all," Death intones, "or nothing."
"Then take my all."
The bony hand tightens around the strange hourglass. "You understand what that will mean for you."
"I understand enough," Baron says, and he does. He understands that Haru will live. That's all he has to understand. "Give her my time. All of it."
Death looks to him with something that might be pity. The skeletal fingers dig into the glass. Cracks spiral out.
"Then so be it."
The hourglass shatters.
And in the Bureau, Haru wakes.
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thinplacesradio · 11 months
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a field of white, three-bladed wind turbines at night, seen through a car's windshield. deep blue sky. the image is distorted by VCR static. white text reads:
listen here, or anywhere you find your podcasts. transcript under the cut:
[static, radio tuning]
[Traveling Sales Rep: Don’t touch that dial! We’ll be right back, after these short messages.] [static, radio tuning]
Hello and welcome to Thin Places Radio. I’m your host,
and it is the middle of the night. But don’t worry. You’re not alone.
[Thin Places theme] 
I’m coming to you awed from my studio, which is what I like to call this silent, endless field of windmills I’ve found myself at the foot of. I am smaller even than the dot at the center of the blades. Every second, they blink red, then go dark again. Red. Black. Red. Black. There. It’s like they’re all breathing together, or all looking out for something, a hundred eyes opening in unison.
Something is beginning to spin them off in the distance, coming this way. I don’t feel a breeze. The night air is still and empty. But something has them shuddering and turning, faster and faster, moving through the herd like a swarm of biting flies.
So… what is Thin Places Radio? Well, you can call in about anything strange that you’ve got going on in your life - feelings, omens, premonitions, hauntings.
Are you getting help from the other side?
Are you looking for something small?
Are you seeing someone across the street that no one else can see?
When the veil between worlds is thin, we get closer than ever to the strange and the unexplained - but also to each other. Call in, get it off your chest. Lines are open.
[click] [voicemail:]
I am feeling particularly wistful this evening, and wondering if time itself has lost its balance. Maybe, just maybe, there is something out there - smaller than we think it is. 
You’ve got me wistful over here, too, caller – next door to you in the neighborhood of the cosmos.
I don’t think time has a balance – or, if she does, not one that I will ever understand.
[steel guitar - eerie, curious music begins]
There is no real moment where the hourglass is balanced. A grain of sand doesn’t suspend itself in midair. The next one is always falling behind it. We never have the present moment. And yet, the present moment is all we ever have.
Time doesn’t need to hold steady. She passes. Sometimes slowly, and sometimes relentlessly, but she never pauses, not once. There is life to live. There is rot to progress. There is hair to gray and water to flow and billboards to peel and bleach white. Even if you lose track of her, she never loses track of you. Well. Of most of us.
We’re all one of those little grains of sand, caller. Everything big is made up of something smaller, and smaller, and smaller. The windmill field is each windmill, and each blade, and each atom of metal, and each person who welded it together in the factory, who loaded its parts onto the train that would bring it across the country to this place, who worked the machinery to piece it all together. And each of those people is every moment they’ve ever been through, and every person they’ve ever loved, and every mistake they’ve ever made, and every bright thing that’s captured their interest or their ire.
Am I making any sense, listeners? Maybe not. I’ll try again. The big things are hard to touch. We let them pass through us and then remember how it felt. We keep the big things in the small things, because the small things are what we have. But that’s good. That makes them easier to hold on to.
I’m here. So are you. All the impossible things exist anyway. And thank God for that.
[a swarm of creatures]
The windmill above me is creaking to life. There’s still no wind, but I can feel something moving, trying to settle around me. The red lights are flashing quicker, now, uneven. There’s a pattern to them that I can’t understand. I think they’re speaking, in whatever way they can, but they aren’t speaking to me. The invisible swarm passes right by me, and around me, but it doesn’t settle – except for the brush of one small animal-insect-something that does not have a taxonomy that lands on the back of my hand, for just a second. I feel chitin or scales or feathers or fur. And then it’s gone, and everything, including the windmills, is still again.
Thank you for listening, callers, and thank you for calling, listeners. I hope you feel a little bit lighter. I know I do. As always, our number is 717.382.8093. That’s 717.382.8093. Until next time. I’ll be here.
[static] [Traveling Sales Rep: visit us at the - diner just off -] [Various Garbled Voices: the - road - provides - the - road - provides -]
Thin Places Radio is a podcast written by Kristen O’Neal and produced by Kaitlin Bruder. The voice of Your Host is Kristen O’Neal.
Tonight’s voicemail was left for us by Kent. Editing and sound design are by Kaitlin Bruder, and the music tracks you heard in tonight’s episode are: the Thin Places theme, by Miles Morkri, and Unearthed by Miles Morkri. If you have a question to ask, a story to tell, or a suggestion for the host, give us a call at ‪(717) 382-8093. The lines are always open.
[Thin Places Theme outro]
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grey november
I walked in the rain today
as usual I tried not to think of you
as usual I failed and talked to you in my mind
the yellow grasses were long in the meadow
I felt how the wet made my skirts
so heavy and uncomfortable on my legs
as the fabric reminded me the conditions
rain and earth tend to make when blended
I found a way to knot it higher
I loved to imagine that every roll of thunder
held the rhythm and tone of your voice
we les misérables and our tigers
it always feels like something is coming
I am impatient for something
I can't quite grasp or dream
that frustrates me
I used to be able to pluck my future
from the threads of fate I could see
in the patterns of my environment
I feel so blind now
my name means that god is my judge
but I've always seen god as a prism
I suppose that's why I loved the idea
of household gods and how they represented
the true alchemy of our hearts
a pantheon to choose from
or an ear to pray to when you
were confused or struggling in certain topic
then again I've always kind of
felt like I was drowning
and when I prayed it just brought
more water into my mouth
gasping into my lungs to get
the job done faster I suppose
drowning often has one intended outcome
then again you can be saved
with a hand's press to the heart
and a kiss to refill your lungs
with the breath of gods
as it is I have plenty of breath
I've learned how to listen to my emotions
I've learned how to be honest
even if I disappoint someone
or reject someone
sometimes I wonder what I would do now
if like in the past the consequences of my honesty
was some kind of dismissal or flavor of violence
like the rain I learned how to diffuse myself
fall into whatever reality I was told
believe everybody but myself
and at night me and my heart
would write about it in secret notebooks
I was sure I'd die if I ever let anyone see
my secret colorful thoughts of chaos
that were often such a spark of rage
for everyone around me
but what about now?
who am I now?
have I not escaped everything?
survived every dangerous dynamic?
did I not craft and build the very things I longed for
as a child into the hearts of my children?
they are exactly who they are meant to be
and scoff at anyone who tries to tell them differently
how do I build that in myself?
I think I started but I have to finish it
no one tells you how to finish it
can I just be finished now and learn as I go?
in my mind you were laughing at me
watching me ramble my lovely nonsense
touching each tree I encountered
telling you that it is at where the trunk
and earth meet that's called a union
that it where the heart of a tree is
that's why they are the best place to read
books are the children of trees
made of their vital essence of wood
united in the thoughts of humanity
I suppose that's why we still know
they are magic when you hold them
absorb the information from their pages
thought some do the same with
their pocket stones and electricity
it's the same but it's different
like how I miss you
and know the whispers of divine timing
the heart is impatient compared to divinity
because each heartbeat is a grain of sand
in an hourglass we want to fill with
as much joy as our human psyche is able to grasp
the rain stopped and so did my daydream
you were gone again as in my reality
nonetheless I walked on
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clover-writes-poetry · 5 months
i spent so much time with your head in my lap i forgot what it felt like when it wasn’t there 
maybe i should’ve held onto the wisps of you that were stuck to my sweater and kept them a box inside my heart 
i think i’ll be forever chasing the feeling i left on your back patio two years ago in some version of the past 
the last time i really slept was in your sheets staring up at the constellation of your face  
i find an excuse to bring you up at every chance i get 
mentioning you to the cashier at 7/11, telling my grandma about your latkes 
even when your jaw slipped from my fingers like sand from an hourglass 
and under the cover of night i still listen to songs you like and wish i could banish myself to go live in the field behind the graveyard 
among the skeletons and the dead flowers 
do you ever think about the flowers i gave you that sat on your windowsill for 3 months? 
sometimes i wonder if you look at them while you brush your hair in the morning in front of the photos of us stuck to your mirror 
almost identical to the ones on the corkboard in the kitchen 
breakfast at 7 am, your voice in my ear, the rush that came with boiling water, our favorite plates on the drying rack 
i miss you when you’re next to me and i wish i could reach out to tell you that 
imaginary fingers choke the back of my neck and i settle for watching you make dinner instead 
i loved it when you cooked, i told you that once 
you shrunk away from my voice and went back into the kitchen  
but i could see your face light up in the reflection of the white tile 
when you came home after work with a blue toaster i knew i was done for 
a week later i found us teacups on someone's doorstep 
we put on a record we didn’t care about, and you had your hair tied up in the kitchen 
making a pasta dish we’d had 100 times 
i poured the wine into our mugs, toasting to your hips as i raised my fork to yours 
in the dining room i’d eat your weapons first because i have always been disarming  
with your armor gone maybe you would let it be me who got to hold your hand under the table as if someone was watching us  
we said grace for our own religion and when i opened my eyes your hand was resting on my plate 
that night i put up a shrine to your name in the corner of our living room 
you laughed when i made heart cookies and they turned out as misshapen lumps  
pressing a kiss into my cheek you assured me they were just as good  
i used the nice jam we bought at the farmers market in midtown  
lines blurred between love and need as we spent all weekend writing the laws of our new country  
were you laughing when we walked around the city for three hours trying to find your favorite ramen place? 
i don’t remember but in the photo sitting on my dresser you were smiling, mouth full of noodles, eyes bright with joy 
when i signed the check, you made fun of how i write my ys and i snaked an arm around your waist in a way that seemed almost overfamiliar 
months later i stand in our bedroom door and pretend that i know a thing about love and anger and you 
i think this is what they wrote about, when i read that love is falling 
because i don’t know where the floor is 
because i know it’ll hurt when we hit the ground 
at one point i promised myself that i could be a person without you 
[i broke that promise 3 months and 2 years later when i lay on the cold tile floor and cried]
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
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@ajestice​ for some reason Tumblr keeps eating my reply so I’m going to try it as just a post and see if that will work. *side eyes Tumblr so hard right now* 👀😉
Hello! *waves* Thank you so much for playing along! 😁💖
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Ooo, yes, I'm always listening to something while I write, whether it's one of my fandom-related playlists or something like ASMR or ambient rain sounds (when words are distracting to me).
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(Hello, random Grimes album mixed into the fandom playlists, lol! 😂 I love that album, though. I also adore Taylor Swift’s folklore and evermore and listen to them constantly. 😉)
Anyway, here’s a song from Built Spartan Strong that gives me a lot of Silver Team feels (plus is just a song I like to listen to 😉)... 
They say we are what we are, but we don’t have to be I’m bad behavior but I do it in the best way I’ll be the watcher of the eternal flame I’ll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams
Oh, I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass Oh, I try to picture me without you, but I can’t
'Cause we could be immortals, immortals Just not for long, for long And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down Just not for long, for long
Thanks again for the ask! 💖
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
My Flash Masterlist
My Halo Masterlist
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dimensionalthoughts · 4 months
Light Wounds
Life is ephemeral
Fluttering like a fugitive of fallen grains
Tunneling through time and building
On dunes of memory
Subtracting from the future
And yet always, always adding to our past
Banks of Pepin’s drift wood and sea glass
Whiskey bottles and lilac petals
Chains and silk
Solfeggio beats and screams
Air and stream water
Volcanic lava and sequoias
Brim abundantly
Held within my fleshy body
Gifted as pillars at birth
An hourglass timer
Chronos flips himself
Starts at first breath
Life begins and thunder rumbles
Birds sing too
Trees dance
Thunder rumbles
Time passes
Crystal speckles illuminate
Drawing in the lightning
My sand and soul savagely fuse
Fulgurites galavant into a galvanized frenzy
- -Add fossils to my time’s temple
If you would
But please
let it be me who discovers the depth of them
Alchemy aches within my altered chemistry
Until I but whimper —
One speck of sand had dropped
no theatrical markings of time
Lightning strikes just as transiently
The ether crackles as if taunting time
It arouses my vision
Through my third
Thunder rattles through my bones
And I am changed
I collect my sea glass and explore my new scars
Time continues to trickle
And I plant seeds in my petrified light
The whiskey bottles and chains
Get strung up into the air
With drift wood
Wind chimes of my gatherer’s pain
I dye my silk with lilac
And I caress the screams
Until OM is home
How many grains had gone from me
Since I last left my temple?
I extend tendrils of healing light
And blooming flowers of time
To the ether beyond my own sense of frame
Love answers me in waves
Gentle breaks and rough shoves
Whirlpools of golden light
Pepin is glittering with diamonds
And I see it now
We all have lightning strikes
Somewhere in the temples of our time
Transcendent of the sand’s fall
My word given right there
To the creator
I am forged by your rebellion
The act unseen by anyone
And yet i kneel
To the traumas that rendered me changed
Pray upon them with reverent rose
Or wintergreen’s breath
Tidy up your own temple’s trickling sand
And reach out with tendrils
There are those waiting to feel your love
Me too
Listen for the wind chimes
And flow
0 notes
ewanmitchellcrumbs · 5 months
Hi Ange!!! ✨
Ahh jumping on this game train because this ask game is so cool. Stealing some titles from songs, what would you do for “War of Hearts”, “Don’t Go Insane”, or “Meant to be Yours”? (You can choose one or all, I just couldn’t decide since they all sounded interesting!)
I hope you’ve been well, I feel like I haven’t stopped by in forever 😩 I got really busy all of a sudden, but think of you often!! I got a new job that I’m really nervous but so excited about! I’ve always wanted to be a bartender bc I think they’re so cool, so I’m excited but it’s also a lot especially dealing with people that aren’t always the nicest. But I have terrible terrible social anxiety, so I think it’s kinda helping me work through that in a way even if i’m kinda being thrown into the fire every now and then. 😵‍💫
How are you doing? I hope life has been treating you kindly! And that you’re getting a break every now and then. How is work? Please stay safe and healthy, much much love to you, Ange!! 🩶🩶🩶
-Hannah Montana anon.
Hey, love!
I will pop my response under a cut, as it will be a long one!
For the ask game:
War of Hearts - I'd do an angsty Aemond fic for this one. Aemond is deeply in love with his wife, but goes off to war and in the ensuing chaos, also falls in love with Alys. His wife finds out via correspondence from Daemon and is heartbroken. Aemomd dies before he ever gets a chance to explain that he loved them both and never meant to hurt her. She travels to Harrenhal to seek answers from Alys and the pair learn they aren't enemies, just victims of awful circumstances beyond their control.
Don't Go Insane - I would do an academic rivals Michael Gavey fic for this one - but completely one sided. A girl on Michael's course gets consistently better feedback and marks than him and it makes him irate, as he can't understand why. When he finally decides to confront her about it, she's unaware of who he even is, which annoys him even more.
Meant to Be Yours - I'd do a Tom Bennett fic for this one. Tom is stationed on the HMS Exeter with the boyfriend of a girl he's been sleeping with and is secretly in love with. He has to watch as he receives letters from her, while she's also writing to him too, and him having to listen to her boyfriend talk about how he plans to propose when they return slowly makes him more and more jealous.
That's so exciting about the new job, congratulations! I'm sure you'll do great. I am wishing you all the luck!
This week is kind of a nightmare for me - we have a house inspection tomorrow, so I have been busy preparing for that. I also have to go into the office on Thursday, and we're going on holiday on Sunday, so I feel like I'm watching all of the sand rapidly trickle out of my hourglass. I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed and not enjoying not having any time for myself! Trying to find the time and motivation to write is hard.
Trying to look ahead to the holiday though, and how fun that will be! Plus things will be considerably calmer once we get home.
Sending lots of love to you! Let me know how the new job is going xoxo
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
One More Month
Pairing: MC x Comte 
Type: NSFW 
Warning: marking, kissing, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration, first time sex 
WC: 1340
Made for @crystal13unny for @ikemenlibrary gift exchange. I hope you enjoy darling ^-^
Comte watches Mc from his balcony as she hangs up laundry, her smile competing in radiance to the sun. He doesn't realize how long he stands, until one of his hourglasses makes a noise, flipping over as more sand starts to fall. Startling himself out of his thoughts he frowns. 
How had she stolen so many thoughts? She was just an innocent soul he was supposed to watch. But over the course of a few days, he finds her radiance bringing a new light to the mansion. One that he can not imagine living without. But how can he convince her to stay?
The days seem to fly by, Comte finding every reason to be with the visitor. Social events, festivals, trips to town, Mc is showered in love, always hiding her blush and growing feelings away. The little dates, the subtle touches, the way he keeps her by his side, it is clear to everyone in the mansion, but the two who are participating in it what is going on. 
A silent sigh falls from the man as he watches her gracefully move about the ballroom in the dress he bought for her. He watches as she laughs with the other residents, a pang of jealousy shooting through his heart. Does she not realize how much she affects him? How in love he is with her? She spins in Leonardo’s arms, but her gaze meets him and she smiles, soon leaving Leonardo’s company to walk over to him. 
“You look lonely” she murmurs as she stands next to him and he looks down at her. 
“I am not anymore” he can’t help his eyes as he admires her neck, her figure in the dress, he is trying to keep his gentlemanly side present, but he needs her. He can feel her gaze on him, but as he looks at her, she blushes, looking away. 
“Ma Cherie-” Comte, reaches out to her, brushing his hand along her cheek. He can feel her flush and she looks down, only feeling it growing. 
“Excuse me, I need some fresh air” she murmurs and he removes his hand, offering his arm instead. 
“May I escort you?” He asks and Mc slips her arm through his, allowing him the small pleasure of walking her outside. The moonlight does little to Comte but accentuate her beauty even more and feelings continue to stir in his heart as he watches her. His emotions falter when she looks up at him so innocently. 
His fingers find hers and he gently holds her hand as they sit on the bench, MC is happy for the warmth emanating from the man and she seems to nestle closer to him, feeling safe. She knows she needs to go home soon, but a thought has been weighing heavily on her mind, and she finally gets the nerve to voice it. 
“Comte?” She looks up at him, waiting for him to catch her gaze before continuing. 
“Yes Ma Cherie?” He urges, noticing the way she seems to get shy, overthinking what she wants to say. 
“I know I’m supposed to go home in two days, but I was wondering if it would be a bother to stay longer? I  would still help Sebastian, but there is so much in this world I want to explore, and I don’t want to leave the mansion yet.” Comte listens to her request, struggling to keep the smile off his face. He was hoping she would stay, but he would never have mentioned it to her. 
“Of course you can stay MC, I’m sure Sebastian has gotten used to the extra hands and my other residents seem to love having you around. As long as you are happy, I would be glad for you to stay.” 
The extension is given, Comte and MC spending more and more time together, the more months she stays. Every month she asks him for an extension, and every month he asks for a reason why, but she never lets him see the true reason why, too afraid that it will fall apart. 
One night both are in Comte’s office, Mc is reading while Comte works, a comfortable silence falling over them.
"Ma Cherie?" Comte’s voice startles the girl and her eyes shoot up to him. He stands up and goes to sit next to her on the sofa.
"Are you okay? You have been staring at the same page for some time now?" 
“Yeah, I am okay. I was just wondering if I can stay another month” MC asks shyly and Comte takes a deep breath. 
“Of course Ma Cherie, you can stay as long as you want, but is there any particular reason you would like to stay?” He quietly holds his breath. 
“N-n-oo not really” Comte doesn’t miss the flush across her cheek and the way she hides her face. His heart starts to race and he can’t help himself. 
“MC” He tilts her chin up, his lips only a breath away from hers. Comte just watches her breath leave her lips, the anticipation rising. Her tongue comes out and swipes her lips and Comte can’t resist anymore. He finally connects their lips in a slow kiss, leaving room for MC to pull away. His heart is praying that he isn’t misreading the situation. MC surprises him when her hands find his neck and keep him close. Comte pulls her closer, deepening the kiss. 
“Comte-” MC breaks the kiss, a smile on her face, as she looks at him. 
“Is there a reason that you want to stay?” He asks again, and MC smiles at him, pulling his lips back to hers. 
“You” She breathes, pulling him into another kiss. His hands find her waist and the book falls forgotten to the floor. 
“Do you realize how long I have loved you?” Comte’s voice is quiet as he speaks against her lips, his eyes searching hers for answers and she shakes her head. 
“I was scared you could never love a human like me, but I wanted to stay near you anyway” She finally admits and Comte’s eyes grow big. He lays her back on the sofa, his hands roaming her body. 
" I apologize, I can not hold back any longer" Comte murmurs in her ear as his lips trail along her neck. MC opens her legs slightly, a shy smile, but desire filled eyes.
"I don't want you to" she whispers, allowing the nobleman ample access to her body, she starts stripping his top half as he lavishes marks across her skin. He works his way down her body, his lips kissing a trail to her core. 
"Fuck, Comte" the second his tongue trails along her heat, she arches, desire pooling along her core. Her hands find his silky blonde hair as she uses it to keep him close to her. Cries leave her lips as the coil in her core builds and Comte slips his fingers in her. With a cry of his name, pleasure crashes over Mc and her eyes close as she rides out her pleasure. 
Comte withdraws once MC has ridden out her orgasm, his hands going to finish stripping himself. Mc watches entranced as Comte strips, silently admiring his lean, sculpted body. She is quick to reach out and pull Comte down for a kiss, her mouth searching for his. 
Comte gently lines himself up with her entrance, pushing himself in slowly, barely able to stop himself from groaning at the tight fit. Once he is fully sheathed, he grabs tightly to Mc’s hips, and pulls back. He feels her nails clutching to his back as he slams back in. Her cries of his name grow louder the tighter he winds her. Both are lost, whispering each other's name as they chase their releases. 
Mc falls first, clenching so tightly around Comte’s length that he can no longer resist, releasing in her.  He kisses her, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her into the deserted thermae. 
"Thank you for staying"
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liz-is-short · 3 years
Comments and Questions about Encanto - Part 2
Triangles as the shapes in Bruno's cave, literally everywhere,
Things crack more when things start to get placed together… why???
Why does abuela always get angry at Mirabel. Im sorry miss girl here doesn't have a gift
"WE DONT TALK ABOUT BRUNOOOO BUT-" - love that s how the sing starts
"Im sorry mi vida go onnnn"- supportive HUSBAND <3
"I associate him with the sound of falling sand" is that because of the sand in his room or does she associate everyone with sound?
How does Camilo know more about Bruno when him and Mirabel are the same age. I really do believe in the idea that he saw Bruno in the kitchen getting a snack as a kids and freaked out
Casita helping Mirabel hide the vision when Agustin walks in makes my heart squeeze
Agustin freaking outttt and puts the prophecy into his pocket even though we all know something WILL happen
The little "hmm" thing that Dolores does. Makes me wonder how she picked that up and OH- maybe she does that to signal she was listening, or maybe she does that when she hears something that makes her uncomfortabe in some way????
The eye contact between Dolores and Mirabel added tension but it was also kinda funny in an uncomfortable way. y'know?
Camilo's gift being affected because of his mood- we see this several times. Pepa does this too. It doesn't have to be a negative emotion though (will mention later)
"Camilo fix your face" Felix said that so casually and i dont know if thats because hes trying to protect that families image with guests over or if its becasue it happens all the time
Pepa petting her hair for "clear skys" kinda like this because shes not just emotionally trying to clear things, but also with her gift (definitely want to talk about her emotions and gift later)
Mariano was going to do a song for Isabela and thats literally so sweet
Mariano is definitely a mama's boy
Dolores covering her ears while yelling
Sensitive ears???
Agustin looking after his daughter <3 (I love him and felix, who im convinced are best bros)
Mirabels glasses are green like Bruno's eyes being green, AND PROPHECY- WAIT
COLOR THING AGAIN??? (dude, im obsessed with colors representing things)
parkour my dude. - love that there is a hole their thats he constantly jumping over and never fixed
Probably why Bruno is so fit- or that Ju
Camilo helping his mom- mama boy- which im obsessed with cause hes seen as a sarcastic jokester but he really has a sweet side AH
Literally triangles everywhere on Bruno
Bruno things include the folowing:
Knocking on wood
Not stepping on cracks
BRUNO LEFT FOR MIRABELS SAKE- oh gosh that hurts like a butt cheek on a stick
Antonio just meeting his uncle and being like "yeah, use my room. Rats told me about it lols"
Back to the familia-
"I was thinking OF MY DAUGHTER" one of my favorite lines
we must protect our family- oh gosh, Abuela, pls look at what is happening. Mirabel is a PART of the family.
Sand- time- future? (sorry if this already made sense but i didn't get it until now)
Am I fighting or hugging??? ISABELA???
Bruno being afraid of his own mother hurts ( but me too Bruno, I'd be terrified of abuela)
"The family was happy, abuela was happy." NEVER did we here a "i was happy" from isabela
Isa <3
What else can she do? Without having to be prefect she wants something true not perfect
The amount of faith Mirabel has in Isabela and her control of the plants amazes me- CAUSE THEYRE LITERALLY ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY ON A VINE AT ONE POINT
Best sister hyper upper goes to mirabel
the cracks started with you (mirabel)
Bruno left cause of you (mirabel)
Youre (mirabel) hurting the family
I will never be good enough for you? Will I? No matter how hard I try… no matter how hard any of us tries. WE ALL LOVE THIS FAMILY. THE MIRACLE IS DYING BECAUSE OF YOU (not exact quote but you get the picture)
Mirabel not having a power to rely on BUT STILL GETS THE CANDLEEE
Casita helping her to the end
Bruno not being shoved out by Casita unlike the rest of them??? Hmm??? why? WHY???
Casita waving GOODBYE- im sorry but that hurts...
Dolores helping abuela is so bittersweet
Everyone trying to find Mirabel and even the towns people knowing about this
Abuela never being able to process her trauma HURTS ME TOO
Two Ourguitas
OH GOSH *slams keyboard* pls dont finish reading this one if death and imagining horrible deaths make you uncomfortable- ---------------------HE WAS NOT SHOT BUT PROBABLY HAD HIS HEAd CHOPPED OFF BY THE MACHETE
im sobbing rn
I can finally see--- open your eyes
The admitting of brokenness makes me feel broken
Mirabel loving her family no matter what she went through is so UGHH- pain
I realized that stars is mentioned several times in this movie. Like during Waiting on a miracle mirabel says something like "shine like all of you shine" and she mentions something like this again in the last song of this movie.
abuela singing in this song <3
The town helping and giving back <3
Isabela and Luisa incorporating a part of their songs into the last song makes me happyyyy
...sorry for all caps... but-
"I see… me. All of me." She sees her worth guys SHE SEES IT
CasITA WAVING "hola Casita" *heart melts*
Isabela have an indigo indigo dress with colors instead of purple. She is showing her true colors- wait- COLORS AGAIN BRO
Luisa getting the break the queen DESERVES
The family photo not being perfect just WARMS MY HEART- They have so much love, and aren't just being focused on their gifts.
I love things about family so much that my heart aches because of it- *sobs joyfully*
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totallynotpuri · 3 years
List of Oh Hello Songs that make me think of Last Life
Heads up, some Oh Hello Songs have romantic connotations, but when I talk about these songs, it’s all platonic and friendships except maybe Flower Husbands
Theseus: Gives off the general vibes of Last Life and Third Life. The line “Maybe that's what it's all about, We keep fixing what we know is only bound to break, What's worth saving is never worth letting go to waste” makes me think of the strained alliances that Last Life has and how people keep trying to fix alliances after they’ve broken apart because they don’t want to be alone.
Soap: This one specifically for LL Bdubs and Ethos and Post Session 7 Ethos
Rounds: The dead players, specifically Jimmy. “When did I last breathe in? Am I empty again? Oh, that wind that I've been spending, Is a long one, my friend” just reminds me that he’s dead first again and the fact that he ended his video with “I’ll see you on the other side”.
Cold: The line “Well, I'm not quite ready, To turn to bone, To petrify the shred of life, I'm holding onto”, that’s just, Red Lives in general. Not ready to die, grasping onto any shreds of life they can as they try to outrun the inevitable death awaiting them.
Rose: Renchanting, period. “No, love'll get you slaughtered, Like a ram at the altar, What is safe ain't the same as what is good” and “Wars are raising for her, Crusades to adore her, The light of your afterword”. The second line also makes me think of the Fairy Alliance of LL.
Boreas: Just an overall vibe of Last Life, specifically the line “In the end, All I hope for, Is to be a bit of warmth for you, When there's not a lot of warmth left, To go around“
Passerine: “Cause you were the song that I'd always sing, You were the light that, the fire would bring, But I can't shake this feeling that I was only, Pushing the spear into your side again” makes me think Flower Husbands, but “My palms and fingers still reek of gasoline, From throwing fuel to the fire of that Greco-Roman dream” makes me think Desert Duo. Also, I’ve misheard the line “When the cold wind rolls in from the north” as “When he comes with roses from the door, what am I to do?” for the longest time, so another point in the Flower Husbands section.
On the Mountain Tall: This song is so Desert Duo that it physically hurts, please listen to it.
Constellations: Not really a duo or a group or even the series as a whole, but just something that feels like Last Life for some reason.
New River: A general 3rd life Desert Duo focused vibe, specifically the line “And though the eons may pass as slow as the sands of an hourglass, Every grain that we've counted claims that even the mountains can change”
Bitter Waters: Flower Husbands ;-;-;-;-;-;
Caesar: “Crown him and give him a scepter to hold, Sound every horn as the columns extend, Up to the hill where the king will ascend” short song, but this gotta be Ren “Red King” Dog 
This Will End: I can make an entire post about this and how it fits so well with Scar. “No, I am not afraid to die, It's every breath that comes before, Heartache, I've heard, is part of life, And I have broken more and more” is about how he gave away his lives (not afraid to die) and how he’s constantly faced with nothing but loneliness (the heartache part). “I'll give you all I have to spend And you'll give nothing back to me” is about how he gave away all his lives, and how no one returned that loyalty, how he gave all he had to spend and got nothing back.
Like the Dawn: Very much a post session 7 Bdubs and Ethos song. The line “At last, And you will surely be the death of me, But how could I have known?” has me BROKEN. 
Wishing Well: Jimmy as he BOOKED it with Martyn’s life. It doesn’t fit the mood as much, but I can’t imagine anything for the line “I ran like a speeding train, Cut my hair and changed my name, Only had myself to blame, For the company I was keeping” as Jimmy and The Southerners.
In Memoriam: “And by the time I blink, I'll see your wild arms swinging, Just to meet me in the middle of the road, And you'll hold me like you'll never let me go, And beside the salty water, I could hold you close” just any duos lost after their permadeath, the line could fit with so many of them. Spirits reuniting with allies and friends and not letting go in fear of losing them again.
Hello My Old Heart: Duos who had to see their other half die, “Oh, oh, don't, leave me here alone, Don't tell me that we've grown, For having loved a little while, Oh, oh, I don't wanna be alone, I wanna find a home, And I wanna share it with you”. That’s all, the heartbreak is real.
@chaggle listen to these songs, this is a threat <3
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saintorchid · 3 years
Stuck on you
Eat, Sleep, Teach, and Kill was (Y/N) routine each day as a sorcerer. The mind-numbing routine varies each day, giving (Y/N) a little enough reason to stay in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery. However, there is a blond man who makes her time on earth worthwhile. 
Word Count: 5k
A/N: Hello! I am back from the dead with a new fic. I kinda went overboard with this ahahahaha. As always this is smut and...
!!!!!!MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!!!! IF YOU DO I WISH BOTH SIDES OF YOUR PILLOW ARE HOT. (I’m serious and you will be blocked). 
Eat, Sleep, Teach, and Kill was (Y/N) routine each day as a sorcerer. The mind-numbing routine varies each day, giving (Y/N) a little enough reason to stay in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery. (Y/N)’s worries clouded her mind each day. The next curse, future meetings with the staff on campus, the insufferable Gojo Satoru, and the biggest of them all, her students, overall it was exhausting.
In a world so cruel and children so innocent, it broke her heart to see the unavoidable responsibilities placed on her students. “They don’t deserve this; they are just children burden with the problems caused by the elders of the Jujutsu world.” However (Y/N) took that extra step extra mile to provide a better life for the students. Their lives were similar to an hourglass. A single grain of sand represented a day of her students' life. Their days were limited; time is the ultimate enemy for these children. How cruel.
As a teacher, you taught your students about jujutsu sorcery and taught your students how to remain human. Kindness, compassion, patience, and many more emotions, make us human. If you could do anything for these students, teach them that it's okay to be human. They are not dispensable emotionless soldiers used by the elders.
The sun shone through the window of the building you were in, basking you in a warm glow. It was an off day for everyone. The students and staff were free to leave campus to have time for themselves. Looking out the window, you see your students carrying beach towels in their swimwear.
A pink-haired student spots you in the window and calls out your name. “(L/N)-Sensei!!! Would you like to join us for a beach day! It will be fun and relaxing! We're staying at Gojo-Sensei’s villa!” Itadori yelled at the top of his lungs while showing off a bright smile.
You smile back, waving and answering your student's call, “I would love to, Yuji!” The students listened eagerly for your response, hoping you would join them.
“However!” A collectible groan came from the students. You laughed and gave them a bright smile, “I am a teacher, and I still have responsibilities such as grading your exams on the subject of curses we learned last week!” The students now had a pained expression on their faces and now slightly moving faster into the car to avoid the following few words that will come out of your mouth.
“But!” The students now had their heads sticking out of the packed car. “I would love for you guys to bring me back a seashell or some kind of souvenir! If it’s not too much to ask!”
A babble of replies came from the students while the car was slowly moving out of the parking lot, “You got it (L/N)-Sensei!”, “I’ll bring you all the seashells!” and “Bye, Sensei!! Have a nice day!”
You smiled, feeling your heart become full of love and adoration for your students. You would do anything to protect the remaining innocence they had.
You looked at your watch, still seeing that the time was 9:17 am. You still had a few more papers to grade, so you decided to finish grading them in your office and head out for the town to buy some groceries and other personal things.
You head to your office that’s right next to principal Yaga’s office he wasn’t in, so that made you breathe a little easier. You settled on your desk and started to grade your students' exams. Lost in focus, a knock on the door alerted you. You thought it was principal Yaga asking about the last meeting notes; however, you noticed the sight of a tall blonde man with an empty stare. Nanami Kento was your senpai back in your high school days. The man was a realistic person. His harsh truths and criticism never failed to pain you nor your student Yuji. A perspective entirely different from yours; however, despite his straight-to-the-point attitude, he still respected you. And you were enamored by the man who stood in front of you. His words did carry some truth, but that didn’t stop you from engaging in conversation with him and showing him the world through your eyes.
A smooth voice broke your focus from eyeing the man’s toned chest. “Is there something on my shirt?”
You immediately apologize, “Oh no, sorry! Um, anyway, what can I help you with, Nanami-san?” Quickly diverting the conversation back to Nanami. Hoping that he didn’t catch you ogling his chest. He noticed but still took some pride in knowing that you were staring at him. Nanami was quite fond of you. The two of you shared many things, such as your love for castella cakes that were sold at a hole-in-a-wall bakery the two of you once visited together. He appreciated you and the work that you do. Though he doesn’t know why you put so much effort into teaching, he enjoys watching you teach your shared students.
“I had a question about next week's staff meeting, so I came by to ask Principal Yaga about it. Do you know where he is at?” Nanami's voice went through your ear and settled in your lower stomach. You subconsciously squeezed your thighs, hoping that the light blush on your face goes unnoticed by him.
You reply, hoping that he would overlook the faltering in your voice. With all your confidence, you reply, “ I do not know where he is at, but I think that he has a meeting with the higher-ups from Kyoto.”
Nanami ponders on your answer and accepts it. “Ah, I see; well, sorry to bother you, Enjoy your day off (L/N)-san.” Nanami leaves and shuts your office door. Hearing his steps slowly fade into the air, you finally take a deep breath.
You had worries; however, one thing that clouded your mind was Nanami. You enjoyed his presence; actually, you enjoyed everything about him. You have loved him since high school. However, you don’t know his thoughts on love. You and Nanami have shared deep conversations about life but never love. It felt wrong to talk about love since the two of you were sorcerers, and your days are numbered. Still, that didn’t stop you from loving him; you just loved him in silence. You used small actions to your advantage. A cup of black coffee or his favorite sandwich from his favorite bakery, These small actions kept you sane.
You finished up the remaining exams and headed towards the school's parking lot. It was still early, so you decided to start your day. You got into your car and headed towards the shopping center in town.
You first head into a clothing store picking up some cardigans and tights since your last pair ripped while heading to a meeting with the higher-ups. The next store was a beauty shop. You picked up some lotion, face wash, and some perfume since you were running low. After a few more stories, you were about ready to leave, but your eye caught something. A store called “All for You”. It was covered in red lettering neon sign. Intrigued, you walked towards the store, not knowing what it contained.
You entered through the doors, immediately noticing the lingerie on display. You admired a set of purple lingerie, wondering how it would look on your body. The fabric is hugging your curves, your breasts covered by the transparent lace, the garter belt that would caress your thighs. A voice broke your focus; it was an associate heading towards you. “Pretty, isn’t it? We currently have a sale going on in the store its buy one get one 50% off the whole store. If you see something you like, don’t hesitate to ask one of us for help!” Her honey-coated voice filled your ears. You thanked her and began to roam the store. You noticed a few more sets, but they didn’t catch your attention like the purple lingerie set they had displayed at the front. You then landed in the back of the store and immediately froze up.
There were adult toys on shelves, a wide variety of dildos, vibrators, and more toys meant for one's pleasure. You looked at the toys observing their traits “vibrating”, “sucking”, and “thrusting”. You haven’t thought about sex nor masturbation in so long. School and the students always took up your time. It left you frustrated and stressed out. You haven’t masturbated either. Your fingers could only do so much but still left you unsatisfied and horny. Another associate came up to you.
“Hi Ma’am see anything you like?” The associate asked.
The thought of having an orgasm clouded your mind. You hadn’t had one in so long. The pebble of your nipples hitting the cold air, your puffy clit desperate for attention, your whole body was shaking due to the oncoming orgasm.
You shook out of your daze and answered the associate. You were about to spill your orgasmless life onto this associate, hoping that they would help you in some way and not be uncomfortable.
“Um, well, I don’t know where to start, but I am a teacher, and it's been challenging to have some time for myself, especially pleasure-wise. Is there anything you would recommend?” You mentally prepared yourself for the associate response.
The associate smiled and proceeded to show you an array of toys hoping that one of them would bring you the pleasure you needed.
You looked through the array of toys until the associate showed you “the best for last”.
It was a black vibrating egg. Its design was sleek and had seven different modes.
“This is one of my personal favorites. The more you squeeze, the more intense it gets. It has me orgasming under five minutes.”
You looked at the toy and decided fuck it, why not. You told the associate that you would take it.
She smiled and asked if you would like to buy the purple lingerie set since it was a buy one get one fifty percent off deal.
Without hesitation, you said yes.
You left the store with a new lingerie set and wireless vibrator. Maybe today was the day you can combat the stress plaguing you since you enter the jujutsu world.
You now walked to your car happily with today's purchases.
The campus was empty due to everyone leaving. The peace that covered the campus like a morning dew was relaxing. Days like this were rare, so you always took a second before heading towards your room to breathe in the fresh air.
You entered your now-empty apartment. You decided to do some chores and put away the things you bought. You decided to relax and catch up on some reading. However, there was a black bag on the kitchen table that teased you. You chose to keep on reading, but the words seemed to crash into each other like waves on a stormy day. Thirty minutes had passed, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You placed your bookmark on the page you couldn’t finish. Now with the black bag in hand, you walked into your bedroom wishing for something, but you didn’t know what you desired. You just hope whatever it was, worked.
You took out the items and laid them on your bed. You admired the lace on the lingerie set you bought. The removal of your clothes was of the utmost importance. A pile of work clothes piled around you. You turn around to face the mirror that also acted as your closet door. You take a look at your body. You never thought you were beautiful, just normal. Stretch marks kissed along your thighs, scars from fighting against curses made their home on your skin, and the curves and rolls that appeared were normal. You appreciated your body for keeping you alive.
Little by little, you placed the lingerie set. The bra covered your breasts and pert nipples, the panties hugged your hips, the long knee socks with frills made your legs even more delicious, and the garter belt with heart hoops added to your confidence. You posed in your mirror, enjoying the confidence the set gave you.
A box was open, and its contents covered your bed. You sat down, observing the toy in hand. It was slim and sleek. You read the instructions getting the general gist of it. It was rechargeable which was excellent. You heard stories from your female colleagues saying that they are immediately turn off when their battery-powered vibe dies on them while they are on the precipice of an orgasm. Thankful that this vibrator had a rechargeable battery.
The purple panties were now covered by a wet patch that has been slowly growing. Turning on the vibrator on the lowest setting, you teased yourself. The vibrations kissed your nipples and lit up your body in the smallest of touches. The vibrator moves across your body, sending your clit signals that it needed to be touched, to be teased, to bring you a well-deserved orgasm. The black vibrator in hand teased your covered pussy closer to the place that desperately needs to be touched. You moved it up and down your panties which were now soaking. You placed various pressure along your clothed pussy but never touching your clit. Your hips subconsciously bucked into your vibrator. Your other hand was fondling your breasts and teasing your nipples. A soft moan escaped your lips.
You were soaking. You cursed yourself for not putting a towel down, but you didn’t care. Your body felt like it was on fire.
Your hole was clenching around nothing. It was painful. You weren’t a virgin; you had someone nightstands to help relieve your stress from your early days as a teacher. Some of them managed to bring you into an orgasm, but it was futile. A connection is what you wanted, not meaningless sex. Then you thought about the blonde sorcerer that came into your office earlier.
Nanami was a handsome man with a body big enough to cage you in. Hands bigger than yours. His expensive cologne is filling up all your senses. You wanted him. Thinking about his hands slowly thrusting in and out of you, stretching you out to prepare you for his pre-cum covered cock. Drool slowly escaped your mouth. Moans and whimpers were becoming more frequent.
You placed the sleek vibrator inside your needy pussy while moving your panties to the side. Your pussy clenched on it eagerly, and the vibrations became even more potent. You tried to hold onto the self-control you had left. You decided that it was too much and wanted to take it out, but you realized it was stuck. Now panicking, you tried to reach inside, but your insides were covered in your juices. You couldn't take it out now in the process of thinking of resolutions; your doorbell went off. You froze. You were a horny mess; who could it be at this hour, you said to yourself.  
You grabbed your robe, covering your tantalizing body. A strained “Coming!” came out of your mouth. The vibrations were getting more robust, and you quickly decided to deal with the person at your door and resolve your problem by yourself.
Opening the door and seeing a 6-foot tall blonde sorcerer was now your second most significant problem.
“Sorry for coming so late. I came to return your bread…basket.” Nanami’s voice was now filled with worry seeing your flushed face.
He pulls you in closer with a firm grip. Your body is now indulging in his presence. “Are you okay?” He then proceeds to place his strong, callused hands on your face and forehead.
His hands-on you caused your pussy to clench, which the vibrator go to the following setting a more robust setting. A moan escapes your mouth.
The moan reaches Nanami's ears lighting his body up. Nanami looks at you with shock. Having no sanity left, you needed help, and you decided to ask Nanami to take out the toy that has been terrorizing your pussy.
Still in his grip, you looked at the blond who held you reasonably close. His scent reaching your nose was making this even more dangerous for you.
With a strained voice, words came out, “Nanami, please, I need your help, and I feel comfortable asking you for h-“
Your body betrayed you focused on reaching pleasure. With hurried words, you continue. Nanami's concern for you was even greater. You decided to get straight to the point for your own sake. “Nanami, please help me. I have a…”
You mumble into his toned chest.
His face reaches face level with you. A heavy blush covered your face. “What was that? I can’t hear you (L/N)-san.” A small smile tugged his lips, but it went unnoticed by you. The man in your apartment was making you go crazy with each passing minute.
With the left overconfidence, you plead to Nanami to help you.
“Nanami, please help me. I have a vibrator stuck inside me, and I can’t get it out, please. My body feels like it's on fire.” Nanami looked at you and realized the severity of the situation.
Nanami hasn't been in this situation before but seeing your trembling body in his arms; there is always a first for everything.
With no questions asked, Nanami picked you up while you directed him towards the bedroom. Carrying you, he saw the left overpacking of the vibrator, making a mental note of it. He carefully laid you on the bed.
“Nanami nggghhh, please.” Your body is now squirming on the bed, and the robe you had on was slowly coming undone.
Small flashes of your skin appeared in Nanami’s eyes. The bulge in his pants was becoming more prominent. Everything was too overwhelming. Your heart couldn’t take it anymore; the love you had for Nanami Kento was about to be spilled on his hands. Nanami reached to undo the robe that contained paradise but stopped.
“(Y/N) I am asking you for your permission before we continue? Do I have it?”
The respectful man was going to be the death of you. With all the strength you had left, you got up and immediately began to switch positions. Nanami followed your lead. He was now leaning against your bed frame while your legs wrapped around his waist.
Now trying to scrape the confidence you had left, you looked at Nanami, whose tips of his ears were now bright red.
“Nghhhhhh Nanami, you have my consent.”
Nanami reached for the robe once again, undid the loose knot, and internally groaned. He knew you were beautiful. Gojo would show him the women he had from one-night stands. They were beautiful women, but Nanami’s definition of beautiful was different. You are the definition of beautiful. He loves your kind personality and how you find a reason to live no matter how small it is. The set hugged you beautifully, and Nanami began his ministrations.
He pulled you closer, kissing your jawline to your neck. Inhaling your scent was like an aphrodisiac. His cock felt your wet, soaking pussy. He began to touch your nipples through the lace admiring the craftsmanship. You slowly started to hump him hoping for some kind of release.
He felt the pressure on his cock, which almost made him come. He immediately grabbed your waist, stopping you from attempting another thrust.
The look in his eyes made you squeal. His low baritone voice came out of his mouth. “If you keep doing that, I don’t think I could control myself.”
“Then lose it.”
Nanami’s hand ripped your panties off your body, freeing his piece of paradise. You felt the ripping of your panties, but you didn’t care. His callused hands teased your clit, and you let out a whimper. Your voice was addicting, and Nanami wanted to hear more. You were plenty wet, more than ready to take in Nanami. His cock was slowly becoming painful, but he proceeded to tease your hole. He inserted one finger and immediately feeling your pussy clench around it. The vibrator now moved into another level of intensity. You immediately arched your back, giving Nanami a view of your breasts that were now freed from your bra. Moans were now spilling from your mouth.
Nanami brought your body closer to suck on your breasts. Everything was becoming too much for you. You felt his groans while sucking your breasts. Nanami then entered a second finger. He felt the toy vibrator that has been plaguing you. He needed to take it out; why was he doing all of this extra stuff. You felt ethereal in his hands. Your moans fueled his ego and caused him to have a hard-on. You worked too much, and Nanami knew he shouldn’t be the one talking, but you deserve it. You deserve everything.
Nanami’s hands were now doing a curling motion in your pussy, hitting your g-spot every time. You told Nanami that it was becoming too much. He just went faster. Your legs began to shake, feeling your lower stomach catching on fire.
All of a sudden, the vibrator was now out of your soaked pussy. The building of a powerful orgasm now began to dissipate. You whimpered at the loss of Nanami’s fingers that were stretching your pussy deliciously.
You closed your eyes to catch a breath before assessing your next move. While you were doing that, Nanami reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. He grabbed the condom that Gojo placed as a prank; however, this one time, he was grateful for his senpai. He took out the condom with one hand while his other hand was still keeping you steady. He throws his wallet on the nightstand with a condom in hand and bright red ears.
You thought about your loss of your orgasm, and you were so close, so close to reaching cloud nine. Nanami broke the silence but for a good reason.
Your eyes immediately open; that was the second time that Nanami had said your name.
Nanami gulped. He was staring at your body. Your bra was still on you, but your breasts were free from the constraints. Your garter belt and thigh-high socks were still on by some sort of miracle. But your panties were gone giving Nanami his private view of your dripping pussy.
You began to cover yourself, but Nanami interrupted you. You slowly put your hands to the side of your body. Nanami was someone who made you feel safe and protected. You trusted him, and He trusted you. You weren’t going to betray that.
Nanami thought about the words that he would say to you, but his eyes were slowly taking your body in. He spoke, trying to ignore your body, but he would never call it a distraction. You were a ray of light that kissed his face in the morning.
“(Y/N), I know you asked me to take out your ‘problem’.”
He used ‘problem’ because he didn’t want to scare you away or embarrass you even further. You look at him with such soft eyes, his heartbeat against his chest. This unknown feeling began to creep on him. He has (Y/N), a beautiful woman, and his heart was going crazy on top of him. He continued talking.
“However, I have a solution that would leave us both satisfied.”
He then shows you the condom that was in his hand. You looked down to see his cock begging to be freed. He then asked you for your consent, and as soon he finished the last syllable, you said yes, yes, yes, as a prayer for only him to hear.
Nanami slowly pulls his pants stained with your juices down, which allowed his cock to be somewhat free, his boxers still covered it. He was about to reach for the band of his boxers but felt a hand slowly grasp his cock through the fabric. His breath got heavy. You slowly palmed his covered cock noticing the wet patch of pre-cum. You looked up for permission, and he nodded. You grabbed the band of his boxers and pulled them down. His cock sprung up, hitting his chest. Pre-cum was slowly going down his veiny cock. You began to wrap your hand around it, maintaining a steady rhythm and applying different pressures. Nanami hadn’t had sex in so long, but it never felt like this. This was different. He unknowingly thrust his hips upwards fucking himself in your hand. You then brought your other hand to play with his balls slowly. He was breathing heavily. The grunts and moans that slipped out of his mouth only fueled your passion for finishing Nanami off. Nanami realized the dynamic he was in and immediately told you to stop. He saw the pained expression on your face and began to explain himself.  
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it’s all about you tonight; you can do it next time.”
The thought of next time made you giddy. You said okay with a smile. You were driving Nanami crazy he doesn't know how long he will last, but he’s savoring every moment with you. Nanami proceeds to lay you down. Your body was a blank canvas ready to be coated. He looks into your eyes then your lips. You slowly brought your lips closer to his lips, slowly exchanging breaths. Nanami kissed you. It started slow but slowly becoming intense. Your tongue began to lick Nanami’s lips; Nanami noticed this and opened his mouth, letting you explore before he took over. His tongue was meshing with yours. You moan into the kiss, hoping it won’t end, but this was just a tiny part of the night that the two of you were going to share.
You pull away, noticing the string of saliva that connected your lips. Nanami looks at your glossy swollen lips. Imagining how they would look around his cock. How would you take it? Would you kiss it first? Give it small licks? Thoughts of you were slowly filling his mind, you, you.
He was shaken out of his daze due to you kissing his neck. He pulled back and told you to lay down once again. He then left a trail of kisses from your forehead to the tip of your nose to your swollen lips. Kisses were littering you, and it just felt so right. He noticed that your bra was still on. He sucked and licked your nipple until it became hard. You brought your chest towards him, enjoying the feeling of his warm mouth sucking your nipple and teasing it with his tongue. While Nanami lifted your back off the bed, he used his free hand to unhook your bra. The bra all of a sudden became loose on your body. Nanami gave you a look, and you immediately tossed your bra to the other side of the room.
He continued kissing and sucking your breasts. They were made for his hands and his only. Nanami was biting harshly on the skin of your breasts. He was leaving love bites, and they looked good on you.
“Nanami, please, I want you, please fill me up; I-I need you.”
“Not yet, my darling. I still have some things up my sleeve.”
He moved down towards your body, bringing his face next to your aching pussy. He began to kiss your clit before eating you like it was his last meal on earth.
“Nanami, N-Nanami, oh god yes right there”
Nanami was enjoying your praise. Then not one but two fingers immediately entered you. You were feeling the stretch and the movement of Nanami’s fingers once again hitting your g-spot. It was all becoming too overwhelming. The fire in your lower stomach began spreading, and it was getting bigger.
“Nanami, I’m so close, please.”
Nanami saw the desperation on your face. He took pity on you.
“Before I continue, you need to do something for me.”
You, of course, said yes to anything that Nanami wanted.
“I want you to call me Kento.”
Baffled by his request, you all of a sudden got flustered.
Nanami was now waiting for you to say his name while teasing the insides of your thighs.
You whispered his name for you and God to hear it.
“What? I couldn't hear you, come on, sweetheart, I know you can do it.”
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
You were saying his name like it was a spell, and it worked.
Nanami lowered his head next to your ear, “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
Nanami lowered his dress pants and boxers even further. He grabbed the condom and ripped it open. You saw him placed the condom on his cock. He was a good 7.5 inches, but what worried you was his girth. His cock was pretty; it had a pink tip and some very prominent veins.
“Are you ready?” Nanami chuckled in amusement, seeing you stare at his cock.
“Yes, Please be gentle with me.”
Nanami smiled and said, of course. Always such a gentleman.
He then lined himself up to your hole, which has been clenching for who knows how long.
Nanami got the first inch in, feeling you immediately clench around. “God,” He thought to himself, “She’s so fucking tight.”
“Sweetie, you gotta relax. Can you do that for me?”
You nod due to you slowly reducing into a babbling mess. You did your best to relax. However, you couldn't focus on anything, only his fat cock stretching you out.
He was finally in, and it felt like fucking heaven.
“I'm gonna start moving, sweetheart’ You think you can handle me?”
Your response was quick, Yes, Kento, anything for you. I’m yours.”
He smiled. His face was covered in a layer of sheen sweat, and his mouth and throat still had remnants of your juices from eating you out.
He began moving slowly, feeling all of you around him. Each of his thrusts was met with a mixture of each other moans.
His pace is now a little faster, rougher. Your hands were squeezing the blankets beneath you. Feeling your tight pussy clench around him almost made him come. He decided it was time for both of your to reach enlightenment.
His hand reaches for your puffy clit, which immediately made you scream.
“OH GOD, Kento, please, I’m so close it hurts.”
The orgasm that was slowly building up felt different; this one felt stronger.
“I’m close, sweetheart; you can come whenever you want; I’ll be there right behind you.” Nanami Kento, the love of your life, was helping you reach an orgasm. It felt like a dream, but it wasn’t. He is abusing your needy pussy, trying to get you closer to an orgasm, and it was working. Your body was on fire. The knot in your lower stomach was about to burst. You couldn't take it any longer. Nanami now was stroking your clit with a little bit more speed and pressure.
“Kento, fuck I-I’m coming.”
Nanami felt an even tighter squeeze and fucked you through your orgasm. Nanami is stroking your clit to the point it was coming almost unbearable.
You tried to speak up, but your body betrayed you. You squirted on him, even soaking him further in your juices. Nanami saw you squirt and thrust even harder. Your pussy had a vice grip on him. Not even a second later, he moved in you as hard as he could and came. He collapsed on top of you. His cum was still leaking into the condom. He had been pent up for quite a while now.
The two of you felt like you were in heaven. Still connected, Nanami faced you, giving you a soft stare. You look back at him, trying to find the words to say, but Nanami spoke first.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you managed to make a home in my heart. Every day, even if I see you for just a split second, I’m happy. My heart beats faster every time I think about you. Your endless devotion and love for teaching and your students amazes me. What am I feeling? Can I ask you that (Y/N)? What is this feeling that has been plaguing me since our high school days?”
His response was so innocent, and your heart nearly exploded with all kinds of positive emotions.
“Kento, That’s love. It's what keeps us humans sane. Love comes in all kinds of forms; it's versatile. I have endless devotion and love for my students because they are just children who haven’t experienced what it's like to be a normal child. I want to protect the remaining innocence they have. It’s okay to have emotions, especially one like love, Kento.”
He looked into your eyes then to your lips. He kissed you with such fever, and you happily reciprocated.
“Then will you stay with me despite our days being numbered due to our professions,” Nanami said those words with such honesty it just made you fall in love with him even harder.
“I’ll stay with you, even if our days are numbered. Let’s enjoy what we have left together.”
“I like the sound of that.”
You replied, “Me too.”
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