#I am always adjusting frying pan handles
sarasa-cat · 1 year
Well, it's official, it is a full fledged vestibular migraine with visual and abdominal symptoms but very little headache (because my meds mask/kill that symptom dead).
That means one big NO to every website with:
- video of any kind (unless it is realllllly slow, steady, and panning shots only)
- stripes and radial stripes
- things pointing at me (like, for instance, a video game photo of a character with a gun pointed at the viewer)
- "broken" or "jagged" images -- idk, like, imagine broken glass or a torn up looking thing
- anything that is exceedingly 3D (lcomic book images that are really pushing 3 point perspective; this includes lots of video games btw)
I'll be on the old fashion web until this blows over (could be a few hours, could be a few days).
As for tumblr, I do have plug-ins on my laptop that STOP all video and, even, hide all images but no such option on my ipad or phone.
Will dip in and out in a safe manner but, lol, yeah, off to the old fashion websites that do not move. ;)
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skeezsbbygirl · 4 years
call me that too + kim seungmin
this one’s for anon who requested a seungmin scenario with a dash of oppa kink. i didn’t go too overboard hehe, just a sprinkle of a suggestive theme at the end (i’ll leave it to your imagination asdjhfrirgjgl cuz i can’t handle them feelssss ugh)
nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy! oh and thank you for the love that you guys are showing for “peaches + bang chan” uwuuuu (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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[5:12 p.m.] A yawn escaped your lips as you managed to go through all your assigned lectures for the day. You logged out from your university's portal and shut your laptop close, not wanting to stare at the bright screen any longer. You sauntered towards the kitchen and opened the drawer that contained all your caffeine-related pick-me-ups. As you were about to grab a mug, your actions were halted by your phone's ringtone, signalling a call as it rang on the coffee table from your apartment's living room. You managed to accept the call before it was dropped.
SeungMong <3
"Hey," you answered, sauntering back to the kitchen as you cradled your phone in between your right ear and shoulder to keep your hands free. "Baby, are you busy?" Seungmin asked. You shook your head but you mentally facepalmed as you remembered that the boy on the other line couldn't see you, "No. I just finished some school stuff. What's up?"
"Can you come over? Chan-hyung wants to take us out for dinner," Seungmin replied and you could faintly hear Jisung and Changbin screaming in the background -- something about Chan covering food expenses for the first time. You lightly chuckled and responded, "Yeah sure, I'll be there in twenty."
An hour passed and you were all gathered at the boys’ go-to restaurant, which was three blocks down from your university's dormitory.
"Am I dreaming?" Jisung teased as he hopped off Chan's car, Changbin and Jeongin not far behind him. “Somebody drive him back home,” Chan groaned to which the younger one giggled, jumping on his back in the process. “Hyung, come on. I was just poking fun at you,” Jisung cooed at the elder, earning him a light flick on the forehead from Chan.
You beamed at the sight of the boys playfully bickering. “Pay attention to me,” Seungmin whined and nudged your shoulder. You broke into a cheesy grin and gave his cheek a peck, “You always have my attention.”
Seungmin extended a hand towards you, to which you gladly complied, squeezing his hand three times as you intertwined your hand with his -- your silent way of saying ‘I love you’. 
Soon after, you guys were seated inside the restaurant and you fell into each of your own said conversations. 
“How was your day?” Seungmin asked as he adjusted his seat closer to yours. “Better now that I’m with you,” you said in a voice soft with affection. Seungmin chuckled, “Stop it.” You shook your head, leaning closer so that your forehead touched his. “You’re so cute,” you teased, which earned you a pout from the older male. “You do know that I’m a year older than you, right?” Seungmin bragged. You rolled your eyes, “Your point being?”
Seungmin sighed in defeat, opting to plant a kiss on your lips, but you were interrupted by multiple groans and a chorus of complains. “Get a room already!” Felix exclaimed with his hands covering his eyes, a poor attempt to discard the sight of yours and Seungmin’s “sickening” affection, as Minho described it. You stuck a tongue out at Felix, “Stop being so bitter.”
Felix faked sob and Jeongin joined in on his act, embracing the older male and patting his head.
Soon, your playful banter came to an end as your orders arrived. You guys were eating in silence, uttering a compliment here and there towards the dishes that you were served, until Hyunjin called for your attention.
“Oh, (y/n), before I forget,” the older male started, only stopping for a second to sip on his drink. “I found that outline you’ve been looking for,” he continued. “Please tell me you have it,” you pleaded, eager to finish the book review that your professor has quested upon your class a week ago. Hyunjin nodded, “The copy is in the car, I got you.”
You cheered as you reached out your hand to give him a high-five. “You’re the best, oppa.”
With your response, Hyunjin immediately side-eyed Seungmin’s reaction. He might have known something or at least sensed something, specifically when Seungmin blabbered -- well, more like ranted -- about you not calling him the said endearment you just used on Hyunjin a few seconds ago. 
Let’s rewind, shall we?
Hyunjin was an hour away from a deadline, and yes, he admits that he may have finished his project sooner, but a certain someone, who goes by the name of Jisung, decided that it would be more fun to play video games over at Felix and Changbin’s dorm. “That stupid project isn’t even due for another day. Chill out, dude,” Jisung claimed with burgeoning excitement. Instead of turning his friend down -- or better, kicking his tempting ass out of the dorm -- he caved in.
Hours later, he was cramming at least two days worth of work into an hour. Then comes your boyfriend, Seungmin. “Hyunjin!” the younger male called out from their dorm’s entrance. “In here!” Hyunjin hollered, his fingers still hot on his laptop’s keyboard, seven more questions and a descriptive about his said stand on the project, and he’ll be done -- both figuratively and literally, his brain’s slowly pan-frying itself to destruction. He mentally cursed Jisung.
“Procrastination at its finest,” Seungmin mocked as he entered Hyunjin’s room. “You can nag me later, bur right now I have to finish this and then kick Jisung’s ass,” Hyunjin said with firm persistence. The younger lad sighed and sat down on a bean bag at the corner of the room. “I don’t have the energy to nag,” Seungmin whispered, but Hyunjin still managed to catch his words. He jokingly rolled his eyes, finding slight amusement towards Seungmin’s puppy expression.
“You and (y/n), had a fight?” Hyunjin asked, his attention still on his laptop but he figured he needed Seungmin for a little background noise to keep him sane, plus the guy’s one of his best friends. “Not really,” Seungmin disagreed. “Then, what got you all gloomy?” Hyunjin insisted, but he was only met with silence.
“Seungmo, come on, spill.”
“She addresses you as an ‘oppa’,” Seungmin blurted out after a few seconds. “Who addresses me as what?” Hyunjin asked, his eyebrows contorted in confusion. “(y/n),” Seungmin answered as he buried his face in his arms. “Seungmo, you do know that she does that to everybody that’s older than her, right?” Hyunjin replied, “It’s called being polite.”
“Well, I call it being unfair.”
Hyunjin chuckled in amusement, “Please elaborate.”
“You and I are the same age, which means that I’m older than her too, but she doesn’t call me that,” Seungmin whined.
And that’s how Seungmin ended up being silent for the rest of the night. You, being unaware of the situation, shrugged it off, thinking that he was just exhausted from his vocal lessons. Until, Hyunjin decided to let you in on the puppy’s cause of gloominess.
“Here, now go ace that literature course,” Hyunjin handed you the outline he promised, giving your head a pat in the process. “Thank you, oppa.”
“One more thing, (y/n),” Hyunjin said as he leaned down and whispered, “Seungmin wants to be called that too.”
“Huh?” you turned to him in confusion, but Hyunjin just stared at you and decided that you would come into revelation in a few seconds. “Oh,” you gasped, eyes lighting up in the process. “That’s why he’s been acting weird,” you added. Hyunjin smiled in approval, “Do something and wipe that pout off his face.”
The car ride back to your dorm was silent. Seungmin kept his eyes on the road, no words were exchanged between the two of you and he clearly showed no effort of doing so any time soon. You’re slowly running out of time as your building came into view a few minutes later. Seungmin slowly stopped the car and got out, he jogged towards your side and opened the door for you.
Go time.
“I’ll text you when I get home,” Seungmin said. His expression was sad but he still managed to give you a kiss on the forehead. He was about to pull away but you prevented him from doing so by holding his face in your hands. You stared at him lovingly, thanking the universe for bringing this man into your life. 
“I love you, oppa,” you whispered, but loud enough for him to hear you. 
A soft gasp escaped from his lips as his eyes widened, “What did you just call me?”
“Oppa, why?” you giggled and gave his nose a kiss. “Don’t get me wrong, I feel like I’m on top of the world right now, but you never call me that,” Seungmin wondered, his arms now wrapped around your waist, allowing him to pull you closer. “Let’s just say, a little bird told me,” you teased.
“Hwang Hyunjin!”
You laughed, “Don’t get mad at him.”
“Listen,” you called back for his attention, “I don’t call you oppa because I use that on everybody who’s older than me, well close friends of course, but you know what I mean.”
“And you, Kim Seungmin, are not just anybody. You’re my person, my everything, my whole world. You’re special to me and you matter the most,” you explained, pouring your feelings out for the said man. You were about to say more in order to get rid of Seungmin’s doubt, but he cut you off with a kiss.
You guys were practically making out in your dormitory’s parking lot, but it’s the least of your worries right now.
You pulled away first as you tried to catch your breath. “I love you so much, (y/n),” Seungmin confessed, his expression now darker as you witnessed his eyes fill with desire. “And I’ll prove that to you.”
“What do you mean, oppa?”
Seungmin leaned down, his lips dangerously close to your ear. “Don’t test me, baby.”
You whimpered in response, “Do whatever you want. I’m all yours, oppa.”
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kaalamarii · 4 years
Maybe It’s The Thought Of Not Being So Alone (BelphiexMC)
Gender neutral MC!
Warnings: Major spoilers if you haven’t gotten to chapter 16!!!! Fluff, angst, and smut. So many feels. Sad feelings, sorrow, grief, it’s all in here.
I think this is the longest fic I’ve ever written but I’m really proud of it.(also the longest title...who am I, Fall Out Boy) Also, the grammar might be off because for whatever reason I kept switching back and forward between past and present tense? 
Belphegor frowns as, one by one, all of his brothers find excuses to leave the room. He had just walked in, and saw them all sitting at the dining table, talking and joking around like normal. But once he came in, they all grew silent and awkward. He had asked them why they hadn’t gotten him for dinner, and Lucifer muttered something about how they figured he was asleep.
Belphie’s not surprised by this anymore. They’ve been this way for the last couple of weeks. But still, it hurts. Even Beel doesn’t seem to want to be around him these days.
He gets it in a way, he really does. He hurt the human. Still, he’s apologized to them several times, as well as his brothers, and he doesn’t really know what else to do. 
Now that he’s free, he just wants to be able to hang out with his brothers like he always used to before the exchange program. He wants to go to Hell’s Kitchen with Beel, pull pranks on Lucifer with Satan, play games with Levi until he falls asleep. But they aren’t interested anymore. They no longer treat him like a brother, but a stranger.
As much as he wishes he didn’t, he still finds himself resentful of the human, blaming them for the rift between him and his brothers. 
MC comes out of the kitchen, pausing for a moment when they see Belphie sitting at the dining room table alone. “Where’d everyone go?”
Belphie shrugs. “They all had things to do, I guess.”
“Ah,” MC says with a nod. They too have noticed the way the brothers have been avoiding Belphie. While it was understandable to an extent and they were touched the brothers were so protective of them, they did find themself feeling bad for Belphie. “Well, I saved you some dinner. Want me to reheat it for you?”
“You saved me dinner?” Belphie asks, flabbergasted. 
“Of course. I didn’t want you to go hungry.” They grab a container from the fridge with some sort of stir fry in it and throw it into a pan. 
Belphie watches the human as they stir up the food, making sure it heats up enough. He’s actually...touched. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
“What do you mean?” MC asks.
“After all that I did...I don’t deserve this. Why aren’t you mad at me like my brothers are?”
MC gives him a little grin. “Don’t get twisted, I’m still pretty pissed about what happened.”
Belphie averts his eyes in shame.
MC continues, “But I see the effort you’re putting in.” 
They plate his food and hand it to him. “Your brothers will come around, Belphegor. I know they will.”
 Belphie sighs as he finishes his dinner. He’s so tired. And he wishes he could speak to Lilith now. She wouldn’t treat him differently and he wouldn’t feel so lonely with her around. He does have the next best thing, he supposes, thinking back to the human. He can tell they have a part of Lilith in them. Lilith was kind, forgiving, and Belphie sees that in MC too.
Without thinking, he finds himself going to the human’s door. When they answer, they are shocked, maybe even a bit uncomfortable to see him there. 
“Everything alright, Belphie?”
He holds his pillow tightly to his side, also feeling awkward. “Um, do you mind if I come in and hang out with you?”
“Uh. Sure.”
Belphie smiles as he follows the human into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He immediately sits on the floor, setting his pillow in his lap. MC sits on their bed, legs crossed, and looks down at the demon. Like his brothers, he’s cute despite the potential danger that lies within him. But now, hugging a cow print pillow in his lap, he seems so innocent. During their time here, MC has discovered that though they’re powerful, the demons are as complicated as humans are, with emotions they don’t know how to deal with, resentments and hurt feelings that have run deep for centuries. 
They watch Belphie place his pillow on the floor and lay down on his side, facing away from the human, eyes on the tv that was playing some cheesy romcom from Devilflix. 
Belphie turns to look at the human, fully expecting them to kick him out, but pleasantly surprised when they scoot over and pat the bed next to them. “You can come sit up here if you want.”
“Oh,” Belphie responds, uncertain. “Are you sure? I don’t mind lying on the floor.”
“I don’t mind. Wherever is more comfortable for you.”
Belphie looks down at his pillow, then back up at the space next to the human. He scrambles up his pillow and climbs up onto the bed, careful not to get in MC’s space, making sure that his limbs don’t touch theirs. 
The longer the rest of the demons in the house avoid him, the more movie nights there are with MC. Slowly, they get more and more comfortable with each other, sharing a bowl of popcorn and blushing when they reach in at the same time, accidentally touching hands. They put his pillow against the back of the bed and both sit with their backs against it, no space between their sides and shoulders, knees up against each other’s.  
Sometimes they watch comedies and the two of them lean on each other as they laugh. Sometimes they watch thrillers and MC gets squirmy, shutting their eyes and burying their face into Belphie’s shoulder. Usually, Belphie falls asleep and MC adjusts, laying him down so his head is on their lap. They don’t even notice that they run their fingers through his hair, but Belphie does, and he often fakes sleeping so that he can stay in that position.
His brothers quickly start to notice the weekly night time visits with Belphie and MC. Of course, they start to join them. First Mammon and Levi, both jealous and not willing to share. They’re both livid when they see MC and the seventh brother cuddled on the human’s bed. Next comes Beel, happy that the trust in Belphie is coming back. Then comes Asmo, hoping the cuddle sessions will turn into something a little more sexy. Even Satan finds himself in there, making pretentious comments about the movies based on books. 
As happy as Belphie is that his brothers are coming around, he finds himself agitated when they show up. They all fidget too much, talk through the movies, and fight to get MC’s attention.
It becomes too stressful and Belphie stops coming to the movie nights. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” MC says one movie night when they go to the kitchen to make popcorn. “You don’t show up for movie night anymore.”
Belphie sighs. “I’m sorry, MC. Sometimes my brothers are too much to handle.”
MC chuckles. “Don’t I know it. What do you say we go out this weekend, just you and I? We’ll go to the theater...I heard ‘Curse of the Succubus’ has a sequel out now.”
Belphie grins at the memory of the time they watched Curse of the Succubus. The human had wrapped their arms around his and laid their head on his chest, telling him to tell them when the scary parts were over. 
“You barely even watched the first one!” he laughs.
“It was scary!”
“It’s supposed to be.”
“Well, you’ll be there to protect me anyway, won’t you?”
Belphie feels a feeling in his stomach and throat he had never felt before. He clears his throat, trying to push it away, whatever it is. His face heats up. “Yeah, of course.”
Belphegor is glad that the sequel is even gorier and has more jump scares than the first. The human squeals and jumps every couple of minutes, holding on to him and digging their face into them just like before. Afterwards, they go out to eat and split dessert. Someone tells them that they’re a cute couple and they both blush and spit out denials. They go for a walk around Devildom, neither of them wanting to end the night.
Belphie is quiet as they walk side by side, taking in all the beauty of the Devildom.
“You okay?” MC asks. 
Belphie nods. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Nothing, it’s not important.”
“Oh, come on, Belph,” MC teases, lightly nudging him with their elbow. 
He sighs, but doesn’t otherwise react to the human’s teasing.
MC frowns, stepping in front of the demon. “Hey…what’s going on?”
“I miss Lilith.”
MC doesn’t mind the demons bringing up their sister. After all, it was a horrible, tragic loss for all of them, but they had to admit to themself that there was some sort of pressure on them since the boys found out MC’s relation to Lilith.
“I doubt you want to hear how much like her you are,” Belphie continues. “I was lonely a lot after she died-or well, after I thought she died. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had Beel. But Beel was dealing with his own feelings on it. And then after the attic, I missed her more than ever. And that first night I was in your room, it had nothing to do with you. I just didn’t want to feel so alone anymore.”
MC sighed, unsure what to say.
“But after a while, it wasn’t just being alone. I liked being around you. You’re not just special to me because of Lilith, you know.”
“Thanks, Belphie,” MC replies with a smile. “You’re special to me too, you know.”
“You’re really nice to me. Especially after what I did to you.”
“It’s under the bridge now.”
“I’m glad you’ve forgiven me, MC, but I don’t think my brothers ever will. And I don’t expect them to either. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself.”
“Belphie…” MC says, their hand coming up to stroke his cheek. 
“I’ll never hurt you again, MC, I promise.”
“I know.”
They walk back home in silence. He walks them to their room and is shocked when they lean over to give him a good night kiss on the cheek. The two stare at each other for a moment before Belphie goes in to kiss them back and MC turns to catch his kiss with their mouth. The two of them hold the kiss, moving their mouths against each other’s. 
MC opens the door behind them, not breaking the contact between them. They pull him into the room with them, and shutting the door by pressing him against it, their tongue darting into his mouth to rub against his. 
Belphie lets out a quiet groan, returning their kiss. His hands roam up and down their sides before sliding down to their ass, giving a light squeeze. They make their way to the bed, shedding clothing. Side by side, they lay down, hip to hip, groin to groin. 
MC pulls away to pull off their shirt and Belphie leans his head down to plant sloppy kisses on their chest. His mind is going wild as MC arches their back, a soft groan escaping, and grinds their hips into his. 
MC reaches for his belt buckle, and Belphie is filled with desperation. He wants them so bad.
A knock on the door causes them to scramble away from each other, MC throwing their shirt back on. Belphie isn’t sure why, but he feels guilty for putting his hands and lips on the human. It doesn’t get better when he hears his twin’s voice when MC answers their bedroom door.
“MC? Have you seen Belphie? I woke up to get a snack and saw he wasn’t in his bed.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s in here. We just got back from the movies.”
Beel looks into the room and the twins make eye contact. He sees Belphie’s troubled expression and sends him a questioning look back. Belphie sighs. Beel’s gaze goes back to the human, their messy hair, red lips, the embarrassment on their face. MC can tell that Beel knows what was just happening, but they find themself unable to read his expression. Was he jealous? Angry? They weren’t sure.
Desperate to get him out so they can get back to Belphie, they offer him the leftovers from the restaurant they and Belphie ate at. This seems to make Beel happy, but they still sense there’s something else. 
“Listen, MC,” Beel whispers. “If you need anything, you can come to me, okay?”
“Okay…” MC replies, unsure what the demon’s getting at. 
Beel takes one last look at Belphie before heading out.
MC makes their way back to Belphie but his demeanor has changed. “I’m sorry, MC, but I’m going to go to bed. I’m really tired.”
“Oh,” MC says in disappointment. “Sure. Okay.”
“Thanks for tonight,” he says, giving them a quick kiss on the cheek.
It was the first time in a long time, maybe ever in his life, that Belphie couldn’t sleep. He lies there in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He went to the attic, trying to convince himself that the awkwardness from Beel earlier is making him uneasy. But even there, he can’t sleep, no matter how hard he tries.
Thoughts of MC flood his mind. How cute they were at the movies; how their face lit up as they shared dessert; the way they always took care of him and his brothers and how they never brought up how he had killed them. 
As hard as he tries, Belphie can’t stop his thoughts from going back to kissing them. Their soft lips bruising his, the feel of their hands all over his body. Belphie feels himself growing hard as he thinks about what they almost did, but he doesn’t dare touch himself. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve the human, and he certainly doesn’t deserve to put his hands on them after what he had done to them. Though he wants nothing more than to go back to MC and continue where they left off, he doesn’t dare leave the safety of the attic.
Everybody has already left for RAD by the time Belphegor wakes up. He has dozens of missed calls from his brothers, and a bunch of threats from Lucifer in the form of voicemails and texts. He doesn’t care, he’s used to this. It’s not the first time he’s overslept.
He scrolls through all his messages, stopping when he sees MC’s name. 
“Hope you’re doing okay,” he reads the texts out loud to himself, “Can we talk after school?”
He sends them a quick, “yes of course” before going back to sleep. The day’s half way over anyway, no point in showing up now.
Thankfully, MC gets home first, so they get to speak before whatever Lucifer’s punishment for Belphie will be. 
They find him still in the attic, a little bit of drool collecting on the cow print pillow as he snored. MC sat on the bed, lightly putting a hand on his shoulder. He opens one eye to look at them before turning pink and sitting up, wiping the saliva from his mouth and turning the pillow over.
“Where were you today? Lucifer’s going to kill you, you know.”
Belphie chuckles. “He already locked me up for several months. Not much worse he can do to me.”
“Yet you still come up here to sleep.”
He shrugs. “Sometimes I need alone time.”
“Is that what you needed last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t want to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, Belphie, but last night...there’s no denying anymore that there’s something in between us.”
Belphie sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Look, MC, I very much wanted to continue last night.”
“But we can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because I feel guilty...every time I touch you, all I can think of is how I hurt you.”
MC shifts, obviously uncomfortable with him bringing up the time he killed them. “You said you’d never do it again, didn’t you?”
“Of course I wouldn’t.”
“Then I trust you. Why can’t you trust yourself? I like you, Belphie. Don’t you like me?”
“Yes, of course.”
MC leans forward, kissing him. “There’s no reason to feel guilty. Also, your brothers are at a meeting, so we have a little bit of time.”
“Time for what?”
MC grins, shoving their RAD jacket off and undoing their shirt buttons. “I mean, unless you don’t want to…”
Belphie runs his eyes up and down MC’s body, staring at their now bare chest. He still feels worried, but that is quickly thrown out as another part of him begs to take advantage of the alone time.
Ultimately, as the human continues to undress, that side wins. Belphie smirks, reaching out to pull the human down with him. They laugh as he lightly tosses them onto the mattress, trailing kisses down their chest, catching each nipple between his teeth. The human lets out a moan, running their hands through Belphie’s hair. He kisses back up to their neck, suckling as he trails a hand down to between their legs.
MC mirrors him, reaching down to undo his pants. Belphie kicks his pants off his legs, desperate to shed his clothing and feel the human’s touch. He wiggles out of his underwear, his already hard and waiting cock springing out. MC wastes no time wrapping their hand around it, gently pulling at him. 
Belphie finds MC’s mouth, moaning into it as they kiss each other. He opens an eye to look down at MC’s beautiful face, flushed, eyes shut. He quickly takes a peek down to MC’s hand on his dick, pumping it delicately yet quickly, sending pleasure throughout his entire body. And his own between MC’s legs, playing with the most sensitive part of them. 
Their moans, the feeling of their touch, it was all getting to Belphie. He hovers over them, and they open their eyes, looking up at him. He lines up with dick with their entrance and they nod, granting sweet, sweet permission. 
Belphie enters, swiftly yet gently. MC cries out in pleasure, and for a moment, Belphie is paranoid that he harmed them. But when he sees their naughty smile, he lets himself focus on the feeling of being inside them.
He pumps in and out of them, speeding up. Both of their moans get louder and louder, echoing through the attic. Belphie begins to use his hand on them as he fucks them, determined to get them to climax. He hurt MC so badly before, and all he wants now is to be the reason for their bliss.
MC calls out his name as they cum, tightening around his cock and starting his own orgasm, both of their juices joining together inside of MC. 
Belphie collapses on top of MC, holding them tightly, fighting back his emotions. “I’m sorry, MC, I’m so sorry.”
MC shushes him sweetly, stroking his head. “I know, Belphie.”
“I won’t hurt you ever again. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The sound of the rest of the demons coming home pulls them apart. Belphie chuckles, wiping tears from his eyes. “Guess our time is up.”
MC smiles, kissing him back. “Don’t worry, Belph. We’re just getting started.”
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what-big-teeth · 5 years
Spark (Male Fire Elemental, pt. 1)
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When graduate student Simone Price inherits her deceased grandmother’s house, she hopes to mend bridges that were long burned prior to the sudden passing by way of fond memories. But she soon learns two important truths. One, the cause behind those severed connections is still around. Two, the childhood fables her grandmother told her are more rooted in reality than imaginative fantasy.
Female Human (POV) x Male Monster [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] ”It’s...charming, you know? Really rustic.” Mica carefully chooses her words and attempts a cheerful smile. When she fails, she settles on tucking a loose microbraid behind her deep brown ear. “Right, Mason?”
Mason hefts the large, black garbage bag full of cleaning tools off the ground, gives the old house a once-over from top to bottom, then snorts. Loudly. Mica swiftly elbows her twin in the ribs for “being rude”, but even I can’t stop my nose from scrunching up in displeasure. 
She can dress up her opinion with as many euphemisms as she wants. But the truth is plain as day: Nana’s place has gone to the dogs. 
The two story’s once brilliant white paint is a dingy, chipping mess that reveals the underlying dark decay. The windows, always transparent enough to see through when the curtains were drawn back, are caked with grime and rust. And the front door, a deep, beautiful burgundy my mind can still picture, has dulled into a paler shade of red. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nana’s little garden in the backyard has been choked by weeds and overrun with wild plants. It saddens me to see the current state of her home compared to when my visits were more common. That was before Dad suddenly severed all contact with Nana ten years ago, when I was only thirteen.
A warm weight settles onto my shoulder, fending off the morning’s autumnal chill. Mica wears a sympathetic smile.
“Are you alright, Simone?”
I’ll never be able to thank Mica and Mason enough for sacrificing part of their Thanksgiving break to help me out. But I can try by remaining as positive as possible. 
“I will be,” I say. “Once Nana’s place starts looking like it used to.”
“It’s your house now,” Mason says, adjusting his grip on the garbage bag. Oddly enough, his words sound sad. “You sure you don’t want to do anything different with it?”
It came as a shock when Nana’s last will and testament bequeathed the entirety of her property and assets to me. Dad did all he could to contest the document, but his attempts failed. I’ll never forget the haunted look in his dark eyes when I asked him why he disagreed with my newfound inheritance.
“That place isn’t a home, baby. Not with what it’s got locked inside of it.”
I later refused to budge on the matter, even when he begged me to. After that, Dad told me to do as I wished, but to be careful and stay vigilant. I didn’t understand what he meant then and I still don’t. But I hope, with some hard work and lots of love, Nana’s house will be whole again. Then with time, Dad will come to visit and remember the good times before his mother’s passing.
“Earth to Simone,” Mason says. “Did you hear me?”
“Yeah, and I’m sure.” I fish out the front door key from my coat pocket and smile. “Let’s get to work.”
We hang our coats in the entryway. Once the buckets, brooms, and mops are divvied up among us, Mason works on doling out the cleaning solution. We then decide on who gets what area. Mason is quick to claim the upstairs, citing the possibility of rotten wood weakening the floor.
“I’d rather fall to the first floor and get hurt than see it happen to you two,” he says in an obstinate tone. “Especially since you two might end up worse off.”
“Always the gentleman,��� Mica mutters, rolling her light brown eyes. “I’ll take the kitchen and dining room. Might be worth it to see what condition your Nana’s cookware is in.”
“Good idea,” I say. “Just be sure to yell if you find anything interesting.”
“Will do!” She grabs her broom, bucket, and mop,then leaves the foyer.
“Guess that leaves me with the living room and fireplace,” I say.
Mason replies with a hum I can’t discern, which is weird since Mica and I are fluent in Mason-ese. Always have been since we were little kids.
“Something up?” I ask.
His neutral expression doesn’t reveal a thing and that worries me. He’s always had a tell or two, even when he’s tried to hide something from me. Instead of talking, he just ties back his dreadlocks, grabs his share of the cleaning supplies, and walks towards the stairs.
“Call me if you need anything.”
I follow his old sneakers until they vanish from my line of sight. That was weird. But there’s no point in digging to figure out what’s going on. He’ll tell me when he feels like it.
After locking the front door and grabbing a broom, my feet guide me down the main hallway towards the living room. And my heart nearly breaks at the sight. Just about everything is covered in a thin layer of dust and cobwebs, including Nana’s knitting basket and needles. The floor and rug are worst off and I’m somewhat scared to tackle the fireplace. But if I don’t, no one else besides Mica and Mason will. Especially not anyone in town.
After asking for directions and mentioning our reasons for being here, nearly everyone bid us a swift farewell, claiming they had something to do. Only a few upfront people told us to leave the estate alone and head back home, claiming that a witch once lived there.
My grip on the broom handle tightens to the point of pain.
Nana was many things; a huge sun tea addict, an amazing storyteller, and a wonderful knitter. She may have used Black folk magic to help me with my childhood night terrors, but she wasn’t a—
A thick wooden splinter peers up at me from my index finger alongside a bead of blood. This is why I told Mason we should’ve packed the plastic brooms instead. I lean the broom against the brick mantle, swiftly remove the sliver, and flick it into the dead fireplace.
The piled ash sparks with light and heat, singeing the cobwebs. 
“What in the…”
“Gah!” I wait until my racing pulse calms a bit then respond. “Yeah?”
“I found your Nana’s bundt cake pan,” Mica yells out, “but I can’t tell if it’s still usable.”
“I’ll be there in a moment!”
I look back at the fireplace. Nothing but cold ash. I shake my head and make my way to the kitchen, trying to recall where Mason keeps the mini first-aid kit in his pickup truck.
Midday sneaks up on us, warming the chilly house a few more degrees. Mica decides it’s the perfect time to break for lunch and Mason agrees.
“We passed by a burger joint on the main road,” Mica says, wiping off her hands. “Wanna give it a try?”
Even with the tempting prospect of a patty melt, my mind keeps drifting back to the fireplace. And what I think I witnessed.
“Sure, but do you guys mind going without me? I want to get more cleaning in before the day’s out.”
“Seriously?” Mason is quick to call out my attempt at an excuse. “We’ve been at it for four hours.”
Before Mica can chastise him for being, well, himself, I think up a compromise.
“What if I took an extended break instead? I won’t touch a broom, mop, or bucket while you guys are out and I’ll eat with you once you get back. Sounds good?”
“Sounds perfect!” Mica chirps up. She grabs Mason by his forearm and starts hauling him towards the foyer before he can object. “We’ll be back soon. A patty melt with onions and a small fry?”
“And a bottled water too, please!”
The front door slams shut, the sound echoing until the truck’s engine revs up. I let out a heavy sigh and plop down onto the couch, uncaring of the weak cushioning.
“Finally. I thought they’d never leave.”
I stop myself from launching off the sofa, but my feet still slip on the area rug. My ass slams onto the floor with a hard thud and a deep chuckle follows soon after.
“You’re not very graceful, are you?”
A large, bright flame emerges from the ash piled in the fireplace. It twists and curls in random patterns until it settles into the distinctive outline of a humanoid face. It grins. I scramble away and slam into the opposite wall.
“What’s this?” it says. “A descendant of Abigail, afraid of me?”
No shit. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be? But, as the barely-calm-and-reasonable part of my brain points out, I won’t get any answers if I let my tongue turn into lead.
“Who are you? How do you know Nana?”
The flame…face…creature remains silent far longer than need be. Its eyes narrow.
“Don’t mock me, girl. You know very well who I am. Or did you forget Abigail’s tales all too quickly?”
The creature’s words slowly begin to make sense, as much as my mind begs them not to. Nana used to tell me all kinds of stories when I was little. But she’d always retell my favorite whenever I asked: the story of a fearless Black girl who trapped an evil flame spirit, thereby saving the town she lived in.
“Oh my god. That story was about you?”
“Cruel, isn’t it? Conditioning a child to believe a lie through a simple fable. All whilst I could hear and see everything. Abigail was always a manipulative, abusive wench.”
Hot, white anger floods my body, wrenching me to my feet. 
“Like hell,” I hiss, stalking towards the fireplace.
The creature peers up at me, stunned and silent. Good.
“Nana would never harm anyone. But she sure as hell didn’t take shit from anybody. Ever. What did you do?”
The story always characterized the fire spirit as evil, but never gave a reason. So why not ask the source?
My gaze snaps up. Mason stares at me with brows furrowed with concern and confusion. My rage dissipates into nothing, leaving me drained.
“You alright?” he asks.
I glance down at the fireplace. The creature’s vanished. Leaving me to look like an utter fool.
“Uh, yeah! I was just…re-enacting a scene from my favorite drama! Nothing else to do while waiting for you guys to get back, right?”
Mason’s eyes narrow, the simple action screaming ‘bullshit’. “Not even looking at your phone?”
I jam my hand inside my back jeans pocket and pull out my smartphone. Surprisingly, there’s service.
“Not enough bars,” I lie.
Mason doesn’t look convinced in the slightest, but thankfully, he lets my horrible excuse slide. He holds up a large, white paper bag stained with grease. The scent wafting from the inside makes my empty stomach clench with anticipation.
“Mica and I will be in the dining room. Be sure to come and eat while the food’s hot.”
He walks off, the wooden floor creaking underneath his every step. With a heavy sigh, I start to follow.
“Perhaps you are more like Abigail than I first believed: utterly stubborn and foolishly brave.”
I stop moving. If the creature’s words were meant to insult me, they fail. Pride wells up in me and it takes all my willpower to not smile. It somehow notices and scoffs.
“To answer your earlier questions, past humans have called me a fire elemental. And one gave me the name Ignis.”
The creature...Ignis begins to recede back into the ash pile, but my mouth opens before it can vanish.
He does, to my surprise.
“You weren’t awake before we arrived, right? Which means something made you come around.”
I carefully recall Nana’s story, then all of the related events leading up until now. My eyes widen.
“It was my blood on the splinter. That’s what woke you up. Because I’m of her bloodline.”
Ignis continues to sink further into the ash, but says one last thing.
“You have a sharp mind as well. How interesting…”
The fireplace goes dark, but I stand before it, staring.
I get it now. I understand why Dad severed contact with Nana ten years ago and never wanted me to inherit this place. Why Nana told me those childhood fables and willed her home to me.
But Dad’s still wrong. This house will be a home. But first, I have to finish what Nana started.
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a-5-7-b-8-4-c · 5 years
You’re not alone
Another random touch-starvation fic with Logan
Sometimes when I write I feel like what I’m writing is hella unorigional so I hope it’s not too boring.
Summary: Logan is touch starved but also too stubborn to ask for help.
Logan was doing ok. His unexplainable need of physical human contact was being satisfied.
Well, it wasn’t really that unexplainable; he theorised he was particularly prone to touch starvation. Naturally, he didn’t want to bother anyone with this. He didn’t need to bother anyone with this. He was Logic; he was going to figure this out.
Maybe that’s why he let Roman draw on him so often. Whenever he needed to use another person for his creations, Logan was always willing to help. That’s all Logan needed to get by, honestly. Just a few moments of having his wrist held in place as Roman drew on it, or the few milliseconds of being touched as Roman adjusted a costume on him. It wasn’t ideal, he knew, but Logan could get by.
That was until Roman didn’t ask him as much any more.
As Virgil got used to being a light side, he also started to accept physical contact a bit more. Naturally, Roman asked him to help with his projects, since out of all the sides he has the most realistic views on people’s opinions on them. This was an issue, though. Logan’s already low amount of physical contact was halved and he didn’t have any replacements.
Obviously, he could tell the other sides, but Logan didn’t want to interfere with their usual schedules for something as trivial as asking for a hug. He would be fine on his own; it wasn’t even affecting him that much, right?
He lived like this for a few weeks before he really started feeling sick. He even went as far as to let Remus cling to him for longer than a few seconds. In fact, he didn’t ask him to leave until Remus himself got distracted. That got the others’ attention.
“Logan, are you ok?” Patton asked when they were alone in the dining room, his voice casual but his eyes filled with concern.
“I am adequate.” Logan answered, a bit surprised at the question.
“You seem tired lately. Are you taking care of yourself properly?” Patton pushed further.
“I have been working late recently - nothing concerning, Patton.” It wasn’t a lie. He had been immersing himself in his work, for nights in a row now, in an attempt to distract himself from the almost painful need for human contact. He could just ask Patton for a hug right now. It was just six words and knowing Patton, he wouldn’t reject him and he would be warm and it would —
“As long as you’re taking proper care of yourself.” Patton said smiling, cutting off his thoughts. He was thankful for that, to be honest. He didn’t want his spiralling thoughts to make him burden anyone with his issues. He was Logic. He was fine on his own. No-one should have to care for him.
That night Logan was working again. Not that he had to do it but he was organising some facts Thomas had previously learned in his part of the memory archive. He knew no-one would be here at this time of night and that he wouldn’t have to stress over difficult questions... such as why he looked sick.
He sat by his desk, focusing on trying to focus on the knowledge, and finding it extremely difficult. His concentration was at an all time low but he had to focus. He was Logic. That was his job.
“What are you doing up so late?” Someone asked from behind. He spun on his wheely chair to face them.
“Hello, Deceit.” He said in the most monotone voice he could manage, “I am clearly working. What brings you to the Logic memory archive?”
“What’s wrong, Logan?” Deceit’s voice changed from his usual indifference to genuine concern.
“Nothing is wrong. I am perfectly adequate.” Logan replied, adjusting his glasses. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about this encounter. If Deceit finds out, he might tell the others.
“That’s a lie, if I’ve ever seen one.” He replied. After a brief pause he walked up to Logan and crouched down by his chair, “Logan, you’re crying.”
Was he? How didn’t he notice? Logan started panicking as he reached up to touch his eyes and realising they were, in fact, filled with tears. He stayed silent as Deceit continued, lies set aside from his voice to fulfil his other role.
“Logan, you look like a ghost on a bad day. You’re thin, pale and clearly sick and not taking care of yourself to the point I was summoned by the mindscape. If you don’t tell me now, I won’t be able to help, which will go against my role as self-preservation and you know that.”
“I-I’ll be fine.” Logan said weakly. He didn’t need anyone’s help. Logic could figure it out. He was Logic; He could do that, right?
Deceit stared at him for what seemed like eternity but then sighed, got up and said, “If I figure out what’s wrong, I’ll stop by again.”
And with that, he left Logan there, crying silently until exhaustion.
Two days later, Deceit knocked on Logan’s door once again. When Logan let him inside, he knew what he was going to say; it didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to argue with it anyway.
“You’re touch starved.” Deceit deadpanned, “Would you like a hug?”
“No.” Logan tried, “I am perfectly adequate. I do not need physical contact.”
“You must not be aware of who you’re talking to.”
Logan sighed, “Please do not mention this to anyone. I am looking for alternative solutions which don’t involve other people.”
“Oh, of course. How could I forget that this condition, deriving from the lack of human physical contact, has a solution not involving people?” Deceit said sarcastically.
“I am working on it.”
Deceit cleared his throat and spoke seriously, lies set aside once again, “I will respect your choices until this becomes dangerous. If this gets out of hand, I am instantly telling everyone.”
“I don’t have a choice on that condition, do I?”
And with that, they split ways once again.
A week later, the sides were in the kitchen, waiting for Patton to finish breakfast. Remus and Virgil were arguing about a detail in some conspiracy while Roman and Deceit discussed the significance of the inaccuracies in a movie. It was a regular morning, except for one detail.
“Has anyone seen Logan?” Patton asked as he set out plates for each side.
“He probably worked late again.” Roman answered. That was the excuse Logan gave for his tiredness recently.
“We should smash his door with an axe and then all jump on him to wake him up.” Remus suggested.
“...Or we could just let him sleep. He probably needs it - he’s been pretty dead lately.” Virgil countered.
“You’re right. He’ll probably be awake for lunch anyway.” Patton smiled, putting the frying pan of scrambled eggs and a plateful of garlic bread at the centre of the table.
Breakfast continued as normal, except Deceit wasn’t sure if it should have. After everyone split ways, he headed straight for Logan’s room.
When he got to the door, he knocked.
No answer.
He knocked again.
No answer.
He hesitated, silently worried for his fellow side. Curling his gloved hand on the handle, he gently opened it.
That morning, Logan felt exhausted. He was aware he had spent too much time avoiding the topic but he really didn’t want anyone to be obliged to care for him. He would be fine, right?
Now he was aware of why Deceit had been so serious about his condition. Last night he hadn’t had the energy to even change into his pyjamas so now he was lying there, half conscious, his blue striped tie loose on his neck and his glasses on the pillow next to him. Moving hurt but the cold pricking his skin was worse, so he curled up even more and pulled his covers above his head. He didn’t even know what time it was. He couldn’t concentrate; he couldn’t move. Instead, he lay there, waiting. He didn’t know what for but he was preparing for the worst. If only there was someone here with him.
It was too cold.
When he opened the door, Deceit knew something was wrong. The room heating was set to the fullest and on the bed there was a pile of blankets and extra duvets. When did Logan even take them?
When he tried to pull the blankets away from Logan’s face to help him breathe, he heard a disapproving groan.
That wasn’t right.
“Logan?” He called but didn’t get a response.
He took off one glove and pulled back the covers with his other hand to touch Logan’s forehead - it felt like ice.
Instead of trying to pull the covers back up like Deceit expected him to, Logan pulled his hand and hugged his arm.
“Ok. This is definitely a dangerous deterioration of health. Logan, I’m telling the others.” Panicked, he pulled his arm away and headed straight to the door. In the background, Logan tried to mumble something at him, nothing coherent, but Deceit was already outside shouting to get the other sides’ attention.
In his defence, Logan didn’t have his glasses. The knocking he assumed was illusory and the sound of the door opening was probably someone else’s. Then he felt someone pull his covers.
Instantly, Logan’s hoarded warmth escaped and he couldn’t even call out to for them to stop; he tried to but it came out as nothing more than a groan. For a second, Logan was thankful because they stopped. Then he was thankful for the warm hand on his forehead. He didn’t notice that the blankets were stolen from him once again; he did notice the overwhelming warmth seeping into his head. He wanted more of it. He needed more of it. Grabbing the hand before it got away and pulling the person down so that he could trap their arm and steal their body heat he didn’t feel guilty. He probably should, to be honest, but at the moment it was too cold for his brain to function properly.
The person in front of him said something - something too loud - and then took back their arm, running out. Logan tried calling out again. It didn’t work. This was the reason why he didn’t want to tell anyone. Whoever was by his bed probably despised him now. They probably will start avoiding him. This wasn’t what Logic was supposed to be like. He wasn’t supposed to be all this... touchy and feelingsy. He was useless and they now knew it. He wasn’t even able to cure himself. Tears fell on his hand as he pulled the blankets back over his head, sinking himself into what was left of their warmth.
He thought he heard someone coming back in but he didn’t dare hope.
There were some voices somewhere around him. Maybe if he goes back to normal they’ll still tolerate him afterwards.
Deceit pulled the last of the sides (Remus because he was ‘busy’) into Logan’s room to see the others utterly confused. A lot of the heat had already escaped through the open door making the room a lot more like a person’s who wants to be cozy and not one who is ill. To make his point, Deceit pulled Logan’s covers back once again to reveal an unkempt Logan, curled up on himself. Guilt built up swiftly - Logan was crying. He wasn’t crying before, was he? ...So it must have been something Deceit did, right?
“Logan is prone to touch starvation but he didn’t want to tell anyone and now he’s sick because of it.” Deceit started hoping the others would understand and looking at the their shocked reactions: Patton immediately jumped at Logan to hug him, Virgil’s brain almost crashed with worry but he joined Patton on Logan’s other side, Roman joined too after he had shaken away his surprise and disbelief, Remus didn’t get as close as the others because he was scared he would overwhelm Logan but he still came close enough to touch him and offer his warmth too.
Deceit predicted this.
“Told you Logan.” He said softly.
Slowly healing from the mass of warmth, Logan understood Deceit. He looked back at him with a knowing pout as if to say “I know but you don’t have to say it” before making a grabby hand at him too. Hoping for Logan to recover quickly, he joined the Logan-centred cuddle pile, pulling a hesitant Remus along with him, letting Logan leech on their warmth and heal from the large crowd.
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asianadjacent · 4 years
If you don’t like this dish, you don’t like food
When I think of Thailand, I think of food. You can’t escape it when you’re there, you miss it when you’re not. As a fellow Southeast Asian person, Thai food in all it’s regional varieties, styles and dishes is up there as one of my favourite cuisines in the world. 
I’ve been traveling to Thailand pretty regularly since I was in my teens and there are two dishes that I always come back to, no matter where I am in the country. The first dish is a plate of kao pat or fried rice in English. My love story with Thai fried rice will be the focal point of another piece someday but we’re here to talk about another dish. 
We’re here to talk about pat grapao moo, or stir-fried minced pork with chillies and holy basil. This dish would be cooked quickly in a street side stall or even some restaurants, served on top of fragrant white jasmine rice and topped with a deep fried egg.
The smell of the basil, mingled with the heat and aromas of the chillies and garlic, rounded off by the fat and silky texture of minced pork is irresistible. Combine that with runny egg yolk, crispy egg whites and delicious chewy soft morsels of rice - it’s pretty much a perfect dish for all the senses. I could eat this dish all day, every day and I still wouldn’t be bored of it.
And honestly, if you don’t like this dish, you should just crawl into a hole and suck of Huel packets for the rest of your life.
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Pat grapao moo or stir-fried minced pork with chillies and holy basil
Servings: 2 Cooking time: 30 minutes
4-6 garlic cloves, peeled
Large pinch of salt
2-3 long red chillies (if you can’t handle the heat, devein the red chillies)
2-4 bird’s eye chillies (optional if you don’t like it too spicy)
1 tablespoon oil (I use a neutral oil like rapeseed or sunflower)
200g minced pork (chicken or beef will be great too but I prefer pork because it’s fattier)
50ml of water (or stock if you have that handy)
Pinch of white sugar
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
Handful of holy basil leaves (which are basically impossible to find outside Thailand so Thai basil or regular basil will do)
Pound garlic, salt and both kinds of chillies into a paste using a mortar and pestle. (Alternatively, you could also food process it into a paste or just finely chop the ingredients. If chopping, no need for the salt. I will say that the hand pounded paste is worth it as the natural oils of the ingredients come out to play, which makes the dish that much more fragrant.)
Heat wok or frying pan over a high heat. Add oil and then fry the spice paste for a minute until you can smell it throughout the kitchen.
Add minced meat and cook until the meat is browned and starting to caramelise.
Add the water (or stock), sugar, and both soy sauces. Stirring to incorporate. If it’s looking a little dry, add some more water. This is where you adjust to your own tastes.
When the dish is to your taste, sprinkle in the basil and bring it all together.
Serve over white rice. Add a fried egg on top if you fancy it.
Finish dish in two minutes and wonder why you didn’t make more.
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
No Sympathy → Levi Ackerman Chapter 5 → Sandwiches and Parties
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Read the rest of the chapters here!
    The day started out normal — well, as normal as it gets for Aella now. Having a roommate that wasn’t here just last Sunday was pretty weird, though Aella surprisingly adjusted fast for someone that was living alone for two years. Aella sat at the table ready to rush every assignment out but was surprised to find most of her assignments done. Aella’s eyes widened knowing there was only one person that would ever do her homework:
    “Levi…Did you do my homework last night?” Aella looked over to Levi, who was cooking breakfast since he was once again awake before Aella at 5 AM. Levi turned his head ever so slightly to make eye contact with Aella before grunting out a ‘yes’ and turned back to focus on the task at hand. The smell of French toast filled the apartment and soft sizzling was heard against the frying pan from the many greases and oils being heated — in the other frying pan was two omelets cooking just the way the two roommates liked; Aella was fairly surprised to know they liked the same type of omelet, nevertheless knew Levi had enough time to learn how to cook. Aella furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side moments after Levi’s confirmation.
   “Why?” Levi directed his gaze towards Aella and narrowed his eyes after plating each omelet and toast for the starved duo. Levi picked up both plates and set them in front of the mess that was Aella’s side of the table before grabbing two mugs of freshly brewed tea. Levi clicked his tongue and motioned for Aella to remove the shit that was spread all over her side of the table; papers littered everywhere around here — even on the damned floor. Levi pushed Aella’s plate and mug towards her and then took a bite of his steaming omelet before replying:
    “Because you were on the verge of a mental breakdown and we’re only on the third day of school. ” Aella sighed and heavily regretted taking all AP classes with the amount of homework due already during the first week of school. Aella took a bite of her omelet followed by one of her three pieces of French toast — turns out Levi is an excellent chef; had he not have been a gangster, he could’ve easily made a successful career in the food industry. The duo ate in silence, the only sounds being the occasional scrap of a knife or the poke of a fork on a glass plate. For the first time in years, Aella had a proper meal that wasn’t something instant made or fast food aside from the fruit she always had. Immediately after Aella finished eating, she bolted to the bathroom in a panic — she was going to be late if she didn’t hurry up; they had to leave for school in 30 minutes and she didn’t even shower yet. Aella practically spedrun getting ready and bolted out the bathroom door to see Levi sitting on the couch with his backpack at his feet; Levi looked up from his phone and let out a mumbled ‘you’re late.’ — Aella simply flipped Levi off, bolted into her room, and slammed the door. Though, Levi being Levi, dragged her out of her room just so he could make sure she didn’t dirty anything yet — leaving a squirming Aella in his arms. Levi glared at Aella, put her down, and threw her her backpack and opened the door; letting Aella leave first. Levi turned around and closed the apartment — locking it with his new key Aella gave him earlier. The duo walked beside each other to Karanese High, never once stopping for anything out of fear for Levi being recognized. Just as she was about to go into the school, Aella felt Levi’s hand on her shoulder. Turning her head with a questioning gaze she stopped walking. Levi sighed and handed her a mini knife just small enough that she could fit it in her pocket.
    “Keep this on you at all times. You’re affiliated with me now, which means you’re likely going to be in danger one of these days without me there. I do take it that you know how to fight with a knife?” Levi raised his eyebrow. Aella scoffed:
    “Of course I know how to fight with a knife, Levi. I’ve always had the burden of almost living on the streets for two damn years. I’ll see you in fitness, Dumbass” And with that, the duo parted ways for the time being. Later, Levi somehow managed to convince Aella to skip lunch with him to go to some fast food chain a mile away, walking through the drive through without a car. When the worker looked out the window to hand Levi their food, she raised a brow seeing two teens — one of which was sitting on the curb playing on her phone — without a car that ordered food. Levi glared at the worker having a silent argument with her saying ‘We’re paying fucking customers. Don’t judge us.’ the worker in turn simply handed Levi their food with a nod after taking his money. Levi turned around and looked at Aella:
   “Let’s go, Idiot. If we run back we’ll be there in five minutes. We’re eating on the roof.” Aella grabbed Levi’s arm and walked beside him until they were off of the fast food’s parking lot. Aella smirked and poked Levi’s cheek; earning a turn of his head and a glare.
   “Race ya, Bitch!” Aella laughed when Levi realized she was running off to the school without him. Aella bolted down the street and turned around to see Levi speeding past her with no effort whatsoever — leaving Aella in the dust and evidentially shocked. Aella screamed out a ‘hey!’ and attempted to catch up to the raven, but ultimately failed. That man could run fast as fuck. Levi slowed down and turned around to face the panting Aella meters away leaving Levi smirking like a fucking fool. Levi walked back to Aella and sighed. They were so close to Karanese, but Aella didn’t seem like she was going to make it even running — she sprinted fast and for a long time nevertheless.
   “Jump on, Idiot.” Aella looked at Levi like he was crazy.
   “You’re seriously telling me you’re going to give me a piggyback ride?” Levi gave her a look of ‘what the hell do you think you lazy bitch?’ leaving Aella to give in and jump on Levi’s back — groaning in the process when she hit his back too hard.
   “Jesus Christ, you’re like a fucking rock, Levi!” Levi rolled his eyes and snarked back:
   “It’s called muscle, though you wouldn’t know that by the looks of it.”
   “Oi!” The rest of the two-minute walk consisted of endless banter between both parties until they reached one of the side entrances to Karanese — Levi decided he carried Aella far enough to drop the bitch; so that’s what he did. Aella let out an ’oof’ as she hit the ground with her ass — groaning out a ‘that was so uncalled for, Levi.’ Levi walked in and immediately went to the stairwell that lead to the roof, looking behind him to find Aella following behind complaining about her injured ass the entire time. Their footsteps echoed in the stairwell due to the ceiling being so high up; when they reached the latched metal door, Levi grabbed the handle, pushed the button with his thumb, and pushed out so the door would open — revealing the roof of Karanese High and evidently a view of the entire district. Aella looked around and turned her gaze towards Levi.
   “It’s so quiet up here… I didn’t expect that.” Levi nodded and lead Aella to the edge of the building — sitting down in a way that his legs dangled over the edge. Levi took their sandwiches out of the bag and handed Aella hers as she sat down right beside him. Levi bit into his sandwich and looked at the scenery surrounding him; the wind gusted a gentle cold breeze, kissing their cheeks and messed with their hair. The trees around the high school swayed just enough to have cherry blossoms be swept up in the breeze — two of which landed in Levi’s lap. Levi looked down and saw the delicate pink flowers, eventually picking them both up and handing them to Aella.
       “Nature wanted you to have this, I suppose,” Levi mumbled, finishing his sandwich. Aella smiled and put the two blossoms in her hair and finished her sandwich as well. Levi grabbed both paper wrappings and threw them in the trash, recycling the plastic bag they came in and walked back — sitting next to Aella once more. Levi checked the time to see they had ten minutes left before lunch was over — noting that they got sandwiches and ate them in only twenty minutes — not bad at all. Levi turned back and saw Aella still focused on the nature around her — Levi shook his head and stared at the scenery as well. He didn’t need a blunt to relax, he had this to look at. Aella sighed and rested her head on Levi’s shoulder — not giving a damn about the glare she received from her now pillow. The two remained like that until Aella groaned about going back to class after a relaxing lunch. The two parted ways once more for the rest of the school day — eventually meeting up after school to walk home together. As soon as Levi opened the door, Aella threw her backpack across the floor and jumped on the couch — leaving Levi to cringe at how she was damaging the couch and already making a mess of the living room when they had just got home.
   “Could you at least keep a damn room clean for a day, Brat? Now I’ll have to clean the entire damn apartment again.” Aella cackled and turned on the TV — she had taken the day off thanks to Levi’s recommendation after finding out she never took a day off ever since she started working two years ago. Though, it wasn’t necessarily a recommendation as it was a no option suggestion where Levi would get his way and make Aella take a day off; Aella didn’t feel like pissing off the gangster more by saying no after making a mess of her homework that morning. Aella curled up in a ball with two blankets wrapped around her now potato self and proceeded to watch Dr. Phil roast the hell out of some dumbass people. One point, even Levi stopped to watch Dr. Phil as he flat out ended some e-girl’s career. At some point when Aella was watching Dr. Phil, she grabbed her homework and computer and started to work on it as well, eventually finishing most of the projects leaving her without any homework that she didn’t need Levi’s assistance for. When Levi finished cleaning, he begrudgingly sat by Aella and gave her ideas for finishing her 10-page essay as he watched the TV. Though, when Levi didn’t hear the soft clicking of Aella’s keyboard, he turned his head to find Aella napping; Levi checked the time to see it was only 7 at night, so he got off of the couch and made dinner while the sleeping Aella was off in dreamland — only to be woken up by none other than Levi.
   “Oi, Dumbass.” Aella groaned and buried herself deeper into the blankets — Levi sighed, tonight was the night he was going to bring up the party Arlert mentioned.
   “Get the fuck up. I made food.” Aella’s head perked up after hearing there was food. Aella yawned and stretched her arms out before walking to the table with a blanket still wrapped around her. Aella didn’t bother heading back to the couch knowing Levi would’ve had a fit if she tried eating there.
   “Thanks.” She mumbled and started eating the parmesan Alfredo Levi made until Levi began to talk.
   “There’s a party Saturday — we’re going. Don’t give me the ‘I’m too broke’ excuse; I’ll pay for whatever things you need to get to not look like you obviously haven’t been to a party for years. Some chick named Sasha is throwing it and it’s supposedly paid for by mafia members.” Aella practically dropped her fork when she heard Levi. Blinking a few times from shock, Aella looked at Levi like he went insane. Aella sighed knowing she was going to be dragged there either willingly or not.
   “I assume I can’t get drunk off my ass if we go?” Levi snorted
   “Hell no. You’re not drinking shit when we’re there.” Aella nodded and pursed her lips together.
   “We’re not only getting me stuff, but you stuff too then. We’ll go tomorrow.”
   “Fine by me, Dumbass.”
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Facade (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Prompt: “That’s the nice thing about telling the truth. You don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.” Word Count: 2378 words Warnings: Angst, sad and betrayed Bucky, probably cursing. A/N: I don't have much to say, other than this sort of spilled out of me when I read the prompt. It didn’t exactly turn out the way I thought it would, but here it is! I hope you all enjoy. My permanent taglist is still open for anyone interested.
This is my entry for @delicatelyherdreams’s (Elle’s) 1K Writing Challenge! Congratulations on the milestone!
The only thing that pulled her away from attacking the punching back in front of her, was a bead of salty sweat dripping into her eye. She hissed at the sting, bringing up her hand to press her palm into her eye socket in an attempt alleviate some of the pain. The gym had been empty all morning. The majority of her coworkers had left the night before, following a lead on an organization called Hydra that they had been tracking for quite some time. Their captain had insisted that only she and a couple of other stay behind. She had done nothing to hide her frustration at being left behind, and had confined herself to her bedroom and the gym since the group had left.
Y/N hated it when Captain Rogers ordered her around. Having to report to someone had been the reason that she had been hesitant to join the Avengers in the first place. She and authority figures never tended to get along, so she and Captain Rogers often butted heads. However, Y/N and Steve were quite good friends.
Outside of when they were planning mission tactics or out on the field itself, Steve and the newest recruit spent a bit of time together. They would wake up, usually before the sun had risen, and go for runs together. Usually with Y/N complaining the whole time that Steve’s pace was too quick for her.
Y/N reached for the towel that she had slung over a bench, using it to remove the layer of sweat from her forehead and cheeks. She took the opportunity to take a long drink from her water bottle, pausing in her action when she saw the tiny Sokovian woman watching her warily from the door of the gym.
“Morning, Wanda,” she greeted with a smile. The Scarlet Witch always made her uncomfortable. The younger girl was so trusting and naive that Y/N felt like it had to be an act - no one could be in their line of work and be so innocent.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Wanda returned her smile. “I was going to make some breakfast for us, and I realized I didn’t know if you liked pancakes. Or if you liked anything in them.”
“I do like pancakes.” Y/N picked up her gym bag, adjusting the strap on her shoulder. “I’ll take a quick shower and help you. I found a new recipe I wanted to try out.” Wanda nodded her agreement, and skipped down the hall in the direction of the communal kitchen, while Y/N headed into the showers off the gym.
Y/N always found showers the perfect place to think. She often got so caught up in her own brain that it would take someone knocking on the door to pull her from her thoughts. Today, however, the promise of pancakes had her rushing through her shower.
Wanda had laid out any necessary ingredients by the time Y/N entered the kitchen, Flour and baking powder and eggs along with chocolate chips - semi-sweet and milk chocolate, blueberries and strawberries, powdered sugar, and whipped cream. The girls giggled over mixing and shared stories as they poured the batter into pans. They were sitting at the table about to eat, when Bucky Barnes strode into the kitchen.
Bucky Barnes made her heart flutter in ways she hadn’t realized were possible. Even now, as he stood above her, his strong hands on her shoulders, she felt breathless. He kissed the top of her head and stole her fork from her hands, spearing a portion of the pancake that she had been eating. His voice was muffled when he commented, “I didn’t know you liked blueberries.”
Y/N rolled her eyes as he returned her fork to her. “You don’t know a lot of things about me, Barnes.”
He hummed in response, his metal hand moving to rest on the base of her neck, the mechanical thumb rubbing small circles onto her bare skin. “I guess so.” He removed his hand from her when Steve called his name from outside kitchen. The dark haired man sighed, leaning down to murmur in Y/N’s ear. “I’m gonna shower and go to this briefing, but meet me in my room in an hour?” She simply nodded her agreement, smiling softly when Bucky pressed his lips to her temple and left the room.
Y/N looked across the table to see Wanda smiling at her knowingly. “He’s completely smitten with you, you know that right?” Y/N glanced down at her now half eaten pancake, a blush evident on her cheeks.
“The feeling is mutual,” she whispered, the bright grin on Wanda’s face evidence that she had heard Y/N’s low words.
Bucky’s apartment was on the opposite side of the tower from Y/N’s room, but nestled comfortably next to Steve’s. It hadn’t quite been an hour when Y/N let herself into Bucky’s place, after allowing FRIDAY to scan her thumbprint.
She always hated being away from Bucky. Though their relationship was new, she quickly had become attached to the former Winter Soldier. She told him that she saw the same darkness in him that she saw in herself. But Y/N didn’t believe Bucky really understood what she meant when she said that.
Y/N had just poured the first pancake onto a pan from the batter that she and Wanda had made earlier, when Bucky opened his door and walked into the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder, smiling softly at him. “Hey Buck, how did everything go?” She turned back to the stove, turning the heat up slightly and reaching up to grab a plate, when she realized that Bucky hadn’t moved to greet her.
She turned around, her hands still holding the white plate, and her eyebrows immediately pulled together when she saw the blank look on Bucky’s face. “Bucky? What’s going on?”
She watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat and his chest rise in a deep exhale. Bucky’s blue eyes were dull, his mouth settled into a frown. An uncomfortable silence settled between them before he spoke, his voice low and rough.
“What would you do, if you were me?” Y/N was about to ask what the hell he was talking about when Bucky took a step toward her. Y/N had never felt unsafe around Bucky before, despite his broad form and history, but there was something about the way he took that careful step forward that made her a small step back. “What would you do? Because I really am at a loss here.” He rested his palms on the small island that separated them and Y/N found herself wondering if he was showing her his hands to appear less intimidating.
“I told Steve I’d handle this. But I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”
“Where are you from?” He interrupted, his eyes narrow. “Where is your family from?”
“Florida,” Bucky repeated, nodding slowly. “Okay, where is it you went to university again?”
“Florida State.”
“And what did you study?”
“Bucky, what the hell is this?” She was frustrated now. She placed the empty plate on the island, in front of Bucky’s hands. “You know the answers to all these questions.”
“What did you study, Y/N?”
“History. I studied History.”
“Who was your favourite professor? What was your favourite course?”
Y/N shook her head in annoyance. “Dr. O’Day. Classic History 4437. It was a course about Greek history and myth.”
Bucky nodded, his eyes trained on her. He was looking for something. She was unsure of what exactly it was, but of this she was sure - Bucky Barnes was interrogating her.
“When were you recruited by Director Fury?”
“Last August. Are you going to tell me-”
“How old were you when you had your first kiss?”
“Who was it with?”
“Matt Bartlett. He lived next door.”
“What was your favourite vacation you’ve ever taken?”
“A trip with my girlfriends to Greece.”
“Who went with you?”
“No one you know.”
Bucky gritted his teeth. “Who went with you?”
“Jesus, Bucky. I think I’ve taken this sudden questioning quite well, considering the way you came in here. But that is enough. What the hell is this about?”
He stood up, placing his hands by his sides and walking around the island. He stopped when Y/N was only a breath away from him.
She moved away from Bucky, suddenly feeling like he was invading her space. She had only taken a single step back when her back hit the counter. “I don’t understand what’s happening.”
“Don’t you?” Bucky grinned at her, but it was tight and angry. “C’mon, Y/N. I think you do.” He walked over to the stove, turning off the burner and moving the frying pan. When he turned back to her, he looked defeated. “How about you tell me the truth this time? How about we make a pact not to lie to each other anymore? That’ll make everything so much easier.”
“I don’t under-”
“Or not, I guess.” Bucky cleared his throat and straightened his spine. The look in his eyes was familiar, but Y/N was not able to put a name on it. “I saw the proof, Y/N. I saw it. But I still didn’t really believe it. Not until now.”
He moved closer to her again, placing his flesh hand on her hip and resting his metal hand under her chin, cupping her jaw. He pressed his lips to hers in a quick kiss, and he sighed, resting his forehead on hers. “The thing about liars is,” he whispered, his warm breath hitting her face, “is that they tend to lie so much that they get so tangled in the webs they weave, that they can’t remember so much of what they said.”
His blue eyes flicked between hers when he said, “You told me on our first date that you didn’t like berries, I know it sounds ridiculous, but that was how I knew Steve was telling the truth. We went for ice cream after dinner,” he recounted, “you brought me to that place that made their own ice cream. And you spent five minutes ranting about how berries didn’t belong in anything, let alone ice cream.” When Y/N didn’t speak, Bucky continued, “you also told me that your favourite vacation was to Italy. Not Greece. Maybe another person would think that’s just being nitpicky. Everyone misspeaks sometimes.” His eyes narrowed slightly, and his metal hand slipped down her neck so that his thumb sat on the base of her throat. “But when you suspect your girlfriend is a Hydra spy, well, then that’s a bit of a red flag.”
“What the-”
“Don’t,” Bucky warned, his voice falling dangerously low and his grip on her throat tightening enough to remind her who had the upper hand. “Don’t lie to me, Y/N. I think you’ve done enough of that.”
Bucky tightened his hand around her throat again, this time squeezing enough to restrict her airflow for a moment. Y/N realized quickly that there was only one way this was going to play out.
“Fine,” she managed to gasp out. Bucky immediately loosened his grip, but kept his hand firmly on her airpipe. “You should know by now, Barnes, that Hydra won’t stop until it has it’s best weapon back.”
“So, what, exactly, they had you spying on me? Checking in every few weeks, letting them know what their experiment was up to?” Bucky’s face was getting flushed and the anger in his eyes unnerved Y/N. “Goddamn it, I trusted you. I told you so much and you turned around and told them!”
Y/N narrow her eyes. “You were so easy to manipulate, Barnes. I want you to know that. It was so easy, it was almost boring.” She immediately felt a sharp pressure at her abdomen, and glancing down, she realized Bucky had pulled a knife on her. She hadn’t even noticed him take it out. The months she spent at the Avengers compound had really caused her to get a little lax on her skills.
A sharp knock on the door pulled their attention away from each other and the door opened quickly after. Steve Rogers stood in the doorway, dressed in his tactical gear, shield in hand. He was ready to take her down if needed.
“Bucky,” he said cautiously, taking a step into the room, his entire body on high alert. “You good?”
The brunette turned his attention back to the woman he had pressed against the kitchen appliance. “Yeah, we’re all good here. We’re just having a little chat, aren’t we, Y/N?” He paused for a moment, a smirk crossing his features. “That still is your name, right?”
Rather than speaking, Y/N simply nodded.
“And where are you actually from?”
“Canada,” she murmured.
“That’s the nice thing about telling the truth.” Bucky’s voice was soft and filled with a quiet anger. “You don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.”
“You know, soldat, it’s a little difficult to have a conversation with your grip so tight on my neck,” she managed to spit out. Her words only seemed to make him even more angry and he used his grip on her throat to push her into the fridge.
“You don’t get to call me that,” he growled.
“Bucky,” Steve warned, his voice sharp. Over Bucky’s broad shoulder, Y/N watched as a group of men, dressed head to toe in black kevlar, each of them holding guns. “Bring her here, Buck. We gotta take her.”
Keeping his metal hand around her throat and his knife pressed into her side, Bucky led her to where his best friend was standing. Steve wrapped his large hand around her bicep, eyeing Bucky as he finally dropped his knife.
“Barnes,” Y/N said, turning to look at the soldier over her shoulder as Steve passed her to two of the agents. This time she didn’t bother to plaster a smile or a scowl on her face. Instead she just looked sad. “My first kiss really was with Matt Bartlett.”
Permanent Tags: @pineapplebooboo
Marvel Tags: @asguardiansoftheavengers @spidey-d00d
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iamvegorott · 6 years
Undercover Love Ch 27
The Last Secret
“Bing, Google, try to track their location. Host, see if you can figure out anything without hurting yourself. Edward and Henrick, make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. Jackie, Wilford, JJ, Bim, and Yandere, go to the vault and grab every weapon that you possibly can because whoever the bastard that took my husband and child is going to rue the day they fucking pissed off this gay man!” Marvin was now rapidly pressing buttons on the control panel and line after line of code began scrolling on the remaining screens.
Dark was paralyzed, eyes wide and fixated on the screen that had Anti and Chase on it.
Was this a sign?
Should he have never thought that it would ever happen?
Was this his fault?
“Do you have any idea of anyone that would do this?” Bing asked.
“The bigger question is, who’s capable of doing this?” Google added. “Someone managed to trap a literal virus and a bulletproof man. They have to be like us to some degree.”
“I honestly have no idea who they are, but they won’t be alive much longer when we get them back,” Marvin stated.
“Anti…” Chase’s voice came through the speaker.
“We have sound!” Bing announced.
“It’s okay, we’re gonna be okay...right?” Anti was twitching, shaking as if struggling to keep still.
“Shit, he’s anxious.” Marvin’s voice was heavy with fear.
“I mean, understandably so, but why are you making it sound like a death sentence?” Edward asked.
“He glitches,” Marvin said. “Phases in and out of this world and the one online.”
“The bomb on his neck,” Henrick added. “If he glitches too much…” Henrick had his voice trail off, knowing that it didn’t need to be said.
“Surly Anti can handle an explosion easily,” Edward said. “Or glitch away from it.”
“Chase can’t.” The room went dead silent.
“Anti, get out of here,” Chase said.
“If I glitch out of this thing will go off.” Anti protested.
“I know.” Chase’s voice was barely a whisper.
“You’re bulletproof, not bomb proof.”
“I know.”
“Chase!” Anti snapped. “Don’t you dare!”
“It’ll be okay, you have the others and-”
“No, no it won’t be okay!” Anti cried out. “It won’t be okay without you!”
“I’ve had a good life and...I have a good family.” Chase swallowed thickly.
“I am not leaving you to die,” Anti said with gritted teeth. “I need you.”
“Marvin will be there for you and Henrick and Jackie and Robbie and JJ...and Dark.”
“They’re not you, Chase. No one can ever be you.”
“After what those monsters did to my kids, I never thought I’d be a parent again. To have someone look up to me, to need me and for someone for me to care for.” Chase’s head slumped over, a sniff filling the room.
“I know I’m not actually your parent, hell, I didn’t even have anything to do with your creation and you came out of it as a full-grown man but…” Chase blinked and a tear fell from his eye, landing on his jeans and creating a darker spot. “I know I did a damn good job at making sure you were happy, even though there were flops and mistakes that we both made but in the end I know that I did the best that I could.”
“Stop talking like you’re not going to make it out of this.” Anti could feel his body trembling, his emotions running high.
“It’s okay, Anti. Get home safe, please.”
“I’m not going, I’m not.” Anti shook his head. “I’m not letting you die!”
“Tell me that one of you has something!” Marvin cried, looking at Bing and Google, both who just refused to meet Marvin’s gaze as they kept working.
“Host, you’re bleeding,” Edward said as Henrick gathered up bandages.
“Host will not be useless.” Host stated.
“You’re going to kill yourself if you keep pushing yourself,” Edward warned.
“Anti and Chase will die if Host doesn’t!” Host slammed his fist into the top of the control panel, brows going up when he heard a click.
“The communicators!” Marvin exclaimed, going through the opening and counting what was there.
“Dark, you haven’t moved,” Wilford said in a whisper. “Are you okay?”
“You know damn well why I won’t leave you!” Anti had tears flowing down his face as he tried to yell some sense into Chase.
“Dark?” Wilford tried again.
“There’s one missing!” Marvin scooped up all of the devices and ran over to the other side of the control panel with them. “If we can figure out which one is gone, we should be able to track it.
“It’s not gonna be on them,” Jackie said.
“But one of the bad guys might have it.” Robbie bounced a little. “We can find them!”
“Host! Fuck!” Edward cursed when Host collapsed on top of him. “Henrik, get fluids! Jackie, help me get Host to the couch.” Edward didn’t have to wait long for Jackie to do his part.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” Anti sobbed as little parts of his body started to look blurry. “Mom, please.” He begged. “I don’t want you to go, I don’t. I love you, mom.”
“Dark, you’re going gray.” Wilford looked around to make sure no one else was looking. “Dark, your eyes.”
“Model, 2-B-5-4-R-S-T!” Marvin watched as Google and Bing both perk up and typed even faster than before. “Hurry!”
“I love you too, Anti,” Chase said, a soft beeping following.
“No.” Dark finally spoke, his entire body vanishing in a cloud of black smoke.
“Found-” Bing slapped his hands over his face when there was a loud explosion, the image becoming static.
“No! No!” Marvin cried at the top of his lungs. “No! No God, please! No!”
“Ant…” Robbie fell to his rear, hands over his face as he sobbed into them.
“Don’t take them, please!” Marvin begged towards the screen. “Don’t take them away from me!”
“Oh, God.” Yandere whimpered before hiding her face into Bim’s chest, crying into it while Bim held her, crying as well. Edward and Henrick both stared at the screen, stunned as their mouths were frozen open with Host still unconscious next to them. JJ went over to Wilford and held his arm, Wilford adjusted them so he was fully embracing JJ, feeling the silent sobs against him. Bing cried into Google’s shoulder while Google just shook his head in disbelief. Jackie has his hands at his head, pressing them hard against it as he fought his own tears and losing that battle quickly.
“No...no...no…” Marvin’s voice got softer and softer as he fell to his knees. “Please.”
“What the fuck?” The curse made Marvin almost break his neck from turning his head so fast.
“Chase!” Marvin cried out and scrambled to his feet, immediately hugging the other man. He covered Chase’s face with kisses, getting a chuckle from him. “I thought I lost you!”
“Love you too, dad,” Anti said with a little smile, yelping when Marvin was now on him and making sure he wasn’t hurt. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“I thought you couldn’t glitch with other people?” Jackie asked.
“I can’t,” Anti answered.
“Then how did you…” Everyone followed Anti’s glance as he looked at Dark, who’s skin was now a dull gray and an aura of red and blue surrounding him.
“I was not expecting that,” Chase said.
“No. Understand.” JJ signed, shaking his head.
“I knew something was off, but…” Henrik was at a lost for words.
“Dark, what are you?” Anti asked.
“I’m not human either.” Dark finally admitted. “I don’t know what I am exactly. Dark took several steps, heading over to the fallen bouquet. “Most call me a demon, so that’s the title I go with. I used to formless, a simple consciousness that seeped in from another realm and found a house known for trouble.” JJ felt Wilford stiffen. “The woman wanted to find me, to contact me, to know if I was the cause of everything happening in the house...sadly she didn’t know I wanted a body.” Dark slowly bent down and picked up the flowers. “She’s dead, along with her brother and I took over the body of the brother and while their souls are gone, their energy is what keeps me whole.” Dark started an attempt to fix the bouquet. “But the house had gotten used to my own energy and with me gone, it broke, shattering everything...and one inside of it.” A look over at Wilford told the Septiceyes what they needed to know. “Wilford found me and I found him. I knew what I was and what I will always be. A killer.” Dark faced Anti, flowers between them. “A monster.” Anti took a small step towards Dark. “A monster without feelings, a heart, anything that could be related to actually being a living thing.” Dark took in a shaky breath. “I don’t know I actually thought for a second that I could have anything that would make me...human.” There was a shared silence between Dark and Anti. “I-” Dark didn't get to continue before Anti grabbed him by placing both hands on his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
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thedistantstorm · 6 years
A SteelPoncho Dawning - Part 1
A Dawning romance featuring the Commander and the Clan Steward, their feelings for each other coming to a head during the first Dawning celebration following the Red War, featuring Lord Saladin, city food, eventual smut, and a whole lot of pining.
Just before he adjourns the Consensus, Commander Zavala says, “A reminder that Lord Saladin will be arriving next week with the intent of hosting the Iron Banner through the Dawning. I would remind everyone that with the Faction Rallies, Crucible, and Iron Banner all inevitably inspiring competition that we remember what this time of year is about. Dismissed.”
Per usual, Hawthorne is waiting for him when he exits the hall. Usually, one or both of them are too hyped up to do anything productive after the hostilities that typically consume these bi-weekly gatherings of the powers that be. Especially with her adjusting to her new role, specifically the responsibilities, protocols, and expectations that came with, Suraya had taken to asking the Commander questions or voicing her concerns afterward, and he found that such discussions were best done either over a meal, or at the very least, some caffeine. The walk down to the City usually gave her some freedom to think through her questions and, more importantly, get some fresh air after spending hours locked up in the Vanguard Hall.
It was getting colder, scant flakes of snow breezing by as they fall into step together. They are almost to the area of the Tower reserved as residences for the Vanguard and any other high-ranking officials who chose to keep a flat atop the wall when her steps slow and she looks at the swirling snow around them.
“It’s a long walk down there,” She says to him. “You want to ditch the armor and put on something that actually keeps you warm?”
He laughs. “I will be fine, Suraya. The Light is useful to Guardians for more than battle.” He puts a hand on her cheek. She is frigid. He is pleasantly warm.
He feels the grumble she makes through his palm before he removes his hand. “Okay, got it. Awoken furnace.” She rolls her eyes in mock irritation. “Must be nice.”
“I learned very little about solar abilities aside from this,” Zavala hums back. “It certainly has its advantages, but burning hammers do not interest me.”
“I thought it was a maul?”
He shrugs. She giggles. “Of course,” He backpedals, suddenly self-aware of his flippancy, “All of the Titan orders and abilities are of equal importance, do not get me wrong-”
She nudges his forearm with her elbow. “No need to explain it to me, Zavala. I am the last person to be passing judgement. But, speaking of judgement,” She segways for as much for his personal comfort as for sake of moving the conversation along, “This meeting was way lighter on it than the others, thankfully. Anyway, I would like to know more about Saladin-”
“Lord Saladin.”
“Yeah, him-”
“No, I mean Lord Saladin. He was my teacher, Suraya. He is deserving of your respect.”
“Sure. Lord Saladin,” She agrees, with a roll of her eyes that he'll never break her of, “Tell me about him over lunch. Especially stories about both of you. Also,” She leans over to him conspiratorially, falling out of step with him to do so, “This diner we’re going to? It has amazing pie.”
Of course it does, Zavala thinks. That earns her a laugh as he shakes his head. “I'm beginning to think this is all a rouse to coerce me to take you for a meal. Do you actually have things you need to discuss?”
“Please. If I insisted on doing this every time I needed help, we’d go at least three times a day.” She ducks her head, giving him a sheepish smile. “I actually have questions I save up, since, y’know, I haven’t been alive for more than this age of the city and you’re ancient enough to remember most of them - I think.”
He rolls his eyes. “I might be old, but I’m not senile, Hawthorne.”
“Most of the time,” Suraya teases, brown eyes sparkling with a playful glint. She pulls her hood closer to her neck to abate the cold, and his eyes narrow on rosy cheeks and a pink nose. Ignoring her jibe, he can’t help but wonder if she would prefer a scarf in periwinkle or red.
He enjoys spending these afternoons(and the occasional evening) with her, following meetings of the Consensus. Over the last few months since her appointment as Clan Steward, he's had the distinct pleasure of watching her come into her own. He'd asked her to stay and monitor the clans because she had owned them since they were civilian flags waving in the refugee camps at the farm. She excelled at bringing people together, at inspiring unity amongst the Guardians as well as the general population both inside and out of the walls.
Hawthorne, for all her reputation as someone who flew off the handle - there were rumors amongst FOTC about what she could do with a frying pan that she always brushed off(which meant they were true) - was surprisingly poised in Consensus meetings. She'd come in humble but firm, and eager to debate things for the benefit of her people - all people. Instead of screaming when someone voiced something that contradicted her beliefs, she backed up cool statements with fact.
Secretly, he liked to believe he had rubbed off on her - a little. Of course, the last time he'd thought that in a meeting, she'd thrown an absolute fit at something he personally had said, refused to meet with him afterward, and come back hours later to debate with him until the early morning hours.
He remembered fondly taking her to breakfast once they’d finished going round after round of mental warfare. She’d apologized quietly into her tea for the myriad of insults she’d volleyed at him, saying that she was only trying to do what was best for the clans and their people. They looked to her, and she was beholden to defend their best interests wherever possible. His reply was to convince the waitress to bring her the largest slice of apple pie, fresh from the baker's oven, and make her promise never to change.
It is undeniable that he values her opinion, her spirit, her company. She is invaluable to him. A friend. It has been quite some time since he’s truly had a friend. Despite technically pulling rank, they regarded each other as equals, she being his civilian counterpart in all but name.
Not that he needs a sounding board. Certainly, they discuss major issues, and he’d be remiss if he denied ever asking her opinion on items he’d been pressed to decide for the City, but theirs was an easy camaraderie.
She would spend hours reading up on the City’s history, that of their enemies, the Factions, and even the occasional recreational story he’d send her way when he felt she needed a break. In the same way, she’d know exactly when to clear her throat, pull the tablet out of his hands, and force him to take a break - even if she cleverly disguised it as needing him to tend to her until he was out of his own head. His Ghost was certainly pleased with the arrangement, Zavala’s mental health had never been more in hand.
It had probably been a century - maybe more - since he’d looked forward to more than just work. His work was important, irrefutably so, but he found he had a clearer resolve with more anchors than those constantly being forced upon him by political bodies who would see him rip himself apart to please all their whims.
He found himself eager to set aside his reports in lieu of spending quiet evenings lost in crochet while she thumbed through a book, journalled, or tended to Louis. More likely, she’d do all three with the day’s crucible matches playing quietly in the background, take-away containers scattered across one of their kitchen tables if she was feeling adverse to cooking. And oh, if there was something that was incredible about Suraya Hawthorne that was not humanity or clan related, it was that the woman could cook.
At first it had come as a surprise, her casual refusal of more enthusiastic plans for a night spent in his company, sometimes exchanging few words and almost always ending in him waking her to send her home or to her bed while he saw himself out. The rough 'n tumble vibe others so commonly appointed to her could not be further from the truth. She drank very little, hated large, boisterous taverns, and kept a small circle of friends. There was something comfortable about their arrangement, their companionship. Something that came from not discussing, not making it any more than it was.
...Something that was easily avoided, but fierce and strong, exhilarating and new. He refused to really think about it, for fear of ruining the balance they’d managed to attain - that stark contrast from their original interactions during the war, at the Farm. He knew he trusted Suraya Hawthorne with his life, she’d certainly saved it a time or two. He knew in his heart of hearts that she too trusted him implicitly. That was enough. He dared not consider that soft edge in her glances, the occasional brushes of fingertips(or arms, or legs, or her head on his shoulder), their ridiculous ability to wind up on the same wavelength despite varying experiences.
Zavala is pragmatic, rational. He knows better than to look at things through the lens of what he wants, and instead to see them as they are. But so much of it really seems to be the same, no matter how he looks at it. Which is why he refuses to think about it, and instead cherish whatever interactions they have, for what they are. No reading into it allowed.
Even if it meant ignoring that warm, tight feeling in his chest at her successes, or the lack of air in his lungs when she'd look at him a certain way - the way that said she sees him as a man who is more than a title or an immortal or a weapon or a leader, sees beyond arcing fists and too-bright eyes into a soul that is old and new all at once. Or, even still, holding her heartbreak close to his own when she failed, allowing her space when all he wanted was to hold her close and chase it away.
No, he absolutely couldn’t think about it, because he’d be in way over his head, and everything would change.
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troublemakerfiction · 7 years
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Pulling up to my house I mentally prepared myself to see my place torn the fuck up. Knowing Nicki the way I do, and with how she was going off on the phone there is no way in hell she left peacefully without any problems. I was ready to deal with the worse.
I got my bags out my trunk then went up to the front door. I took a deep breath before unlocking and opening the door. When I walked in the smell of food cooking immediately caught my attention. I instantly got upset because I told this broad to get out of my house and she in my shit cooking.
I dropped my bags in the foyer and went straight to the kitchen ready to deal with this bullshit. To my surprise my mother was standing in front of the stove flipping chicken over in a frying pan. Now, I was really confused because I didn’t see her car parked anywhere but here she was.
“Ma,” I called out getting her attention. She turned and smiled at me. “What are you doing here?”
“I knew you were coming back today so I wanted to come make you some good home cooking. I know you’re not eating like you should be with that thing around.” She scoffed at the thought of Nicki.
My mother isn’t the biggest Nicki fan which is strange because she loved her when we were younger. She said she gets weird vibes from her and that something is wrong with her. My mom didn’t even like Nicki being around her period.
“Is she here?”
“No, she said something about going to handle some business, I don’t know. You need to get rid of that girl and find somebody new. I’m telling you Messiah, that girl has some issues. She’s not right in the head.”
“Ma, Nicki is a dead issue because it’s over. I told her to get out; she wasn’t even supposed to be here.”
“Oh, well shit if I had known that I would’ve put the bitch out myself. What brought on this sudden decision? I’ve been telling you to drop that girl for years.”
“I know andI’ve been thinking about it for a minute now. I can’t take her anymore, she’s too damn insecure and she’s been starting drama for no reason.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re finally listening to me.”
“Yeah finally,” I chuckled. “What’s up with you though beautiful.”
“What did I tell you about talking to me like I’m one of your fans.”
“I don’t have fans but ma, you are beautiful.” My mother is absolutely gorgeous. Honestly she looks like she could be my sister if anything. Whenever we go out people think she is, when I say she’s my mother they always looked shocked.
“I know that.” She laughed. “I wish I could say the same thing about you but you look like your father with his ugly ass.”
“I’m far from ugly,”
“Sure you are. Finish telling me about everything. Does your dumping that bitch have anything to do with that girl you told me about? What’s her name?”
“Millz, but yeah. She’s a big part of the reason me and Nicki is done.”
My mother knew all about Millz and the situation with Nicki. I’m close to my mother so telling her about my woman problems aren’t new. Thankfully she knows how to give me some advice then step back, she makes her remarks but she’s not interfering in my life.
“Alright so I know she went on the trip with y’all, what happened?”
“You don’t need to know what happened ma, trust me.” I chuckled. She knew exactly what I meant to because she picked up a dish towel and threw it at me. “Chill,”
“I hope you wore a damn condom. I want grand babies but I need to meet the girl first.”
“That’s not happening right now. Shit, it’s not happening any time soon.” I went over and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for cooking for me mama.”
“Yeah right, back up,” She playfully pushed me away from her. “Besides being nasty what happened with you and this Millz girl.”
“We talked, and I mean really talked. We’re going to see where shit goes and how it works out. Not rushing into anything though.”
“About time, you’ve been lusting over and wanting that girl for years. I’m glad y’all are finally getting it together. So when am I going to meet her?”
“You’ll meet her when the time is right.”
“The right time better be soon, I know that much. What are you going to do about Nicki?”
“Tell her she has to get the fuck out of here when she gets back.” Just as I said that I heard my front door close.
“There she is, here’s your chance.”
Seconds later Nicki came walking in the kitchen and smiled when she saw me.
“I’m glad you’re here and your mother being here makes it even better.” Nicki said.
“I told you to be gone when I got back, what are you doing here?”
“Oh I’m leaving, my stuff is done. You probably haven’t been upstairs. I just need you to sign some things.”
“Sign what?
“Well I need you to co-sign on the lease for my apartment in New York. You want me gone alright fine; I’ll give you enough space. This way I won’t be in your way, yet you’re still close enough to come by.”
I looked at my mother and she had the same expression on her face that I did. The fuck was she talking about? It was at this moment I realized my mother was right about something being off with her because shorty has to be crazy if she thinks I’m co-signing on a fucking lease.
“You really are crazy as hell, see Messiah I told you.” My mother shook her head going back over to the food.
“I’m not crazy, I’m far from it. Also I’ll make it easy on you and only require you pay $10,000 a month.”
“Have you lost your mind? I’m not giving you shit.”
“I’m just trying to help you out. I’m sure when we go to court the judge will require you to pay more. Take my offer and be happy.”
“Why would we go to court Nicki? We weren’t married or anything close to it. I don’t owe you shit and I’m not giving you shit.”
“See that’s where you’re wrong, I��ve got you by the balls for life.”
She went in her purse pulled out what looked like a picture and handed it to me. I turned it over and it was a sonogram picture. I looked at the top left hand corner and her name was printed on it.
“What the fuck?”
“Yeah nigga, I’m pregnant and if you think I’m killing my baby or you’re just going to walk away you got me fucked up.”
“You’re on birth control, how the fuck did this shit happen?”
“I might’ve forgotten to take my pill once or twice.” She laughed.
“You sneaky bitch!” My mother shouted. She tried to push past me and jump on Nicki’s ass but I pulled her back. As much as I would want my mother to beat the shit out of her, I couldn’t let it happen. Not while this bitch is possibly carrying my baby.
“Ma chill,” I told her then turned my attention back to Nicki. “So you trapped me is what you’re saying.” I clenched my jaw trying to calm myself down. I wanted to put a bullet through this bitch’s head for doing this corny bullshit.
“Yup, pretty much. I knew once that bitch came back up here you were going to front on me so I secured myself. You don’t have to sign the papers right now; I’ll give you some time to adjust to the news. I’ll text you about my next doctor’s appointment.” She gave me another smile then walked out.
“FUCK!” I punched the wall putting a hole in it.
“I knew that bitch was sneaky, I told you to drop her ass a long time ago. Now look, my first grand baby is being carried by a nutcase.” My mother ranted.
I tuned her out trying to get my own thoughts together. I was having a kid by somebody I didn’t even want to be with. I was prepared to never deal with this bitch again and now I’m stuck with her for life. Two things really had my mind going. How the fuck was I supposed to deal with a kid by this bitch and how the fuck was I supposed to tell Millz about this shit? We finally get on the same page and this bullshit pops up. I can’t for win for shit.
Three Weeks Later
“Trouble you might as well fix your face. This is happening, be happy about it.” Nicki said as we walked out of her doctor’s office.
I came here just to get confirmation about whether or not she’s lying about all of this just to fuck with me. Turns out she wasn’t lying; she’s just hitting two months. I wasn’t mentally prepared to deal with this bitch for the rest of my life. I knew she was about to make me go through hell.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Ooh that attitude isn’t a good one.”
“You trapped me; you think I’m going to be happy about this bullshit?”
“I didn’t fuck myself and get pregnant.”
“You’re right about that but you stopped taking your damn birth control on purpose. You know if I knew your ass was skipping pills I wouldn’t have fucked with you.”
“Oh well, it is what it is. You might as well deal with this. Now we can be a family and have the life I’ve always wanted.”
I shook my head chuckling. I didn’t find what she said funny but it was too crazy for me to believe. This bitch was on some other shit.
“We’re not going to be a family, understand that shit and get it through your head.”
“Why not? Is it because of Millz? Do you really think she’s going to want you when she finds out I’m having your baby?”
“What I do with Millz isn’t your business so shut the fuck up.”
“You shut the fuck up. Have you even told her I’m pregnant?” I didn’t say anything and she started laughing. “I’ll take that as a no. Ooh I wish I could see her face when she finds out.”
“I really wish you would shut the fuck up. Go home or wherever the fuck you’re staying right now. I’m not about to stand here and listen to your aggravating ass talk.”
“You’re just salty because I’m right.” I waved her off and walked to my car.
When I got in I punched my steering wheel in frustration. I really had to deal with this bitch and I knew she wasn’t going to make it easy. Nicki is a petty ass person and knowing her, she was going to make this much harder and complicated than it needed to be.
She was right about one thing, I haven’t told Millz about her being pregnant. I didn’t want her knowing anything until I knew for sure she wasn’t lying. I was hope Millz didn’t get mad but she’s unpredictable. You never know how she’s going to react. I’m honestly expecting the worse.
Deciding to get it done and over with, I made my way to Millz’ office. I knew she was down there getting everything prepared for her grand opening this weekend.  As soon as we got back from LA she went to work or renovating her office space and getting the look right. From what she told me, her decor is done, she was just hiring some more of her staff. So far she already had an assistant, and a receptionist, she was just looking for other designers, decorators at the moment.
I parked in their expensive ass parking lot then made my way up to her office. When I got off the elevator I smiled looking around. The whole atmosphere of her office let you know, her services wasn’t cheap. Everything about it said luxury and high class.
“Can I help you?” The white blonde haired blue eyed girl that was behind the desk asked me.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Mi-“I stopped myself realizing she more than likely wouldn’t know who the fuck I was talking about if I just said Millz. “Is Ms. Diamond here?”
“Yes she is, she’s in her office. What’s your name I’ll let her know you’re here?”
“Messiah Garnett,”
“Okay,” she picked up the phone and punched something in. “Ms. Diamond a Mr. Messiah Garnett is here for you. Alright I’ll let him know.” She hung the phone then looked at me. “You can go up to her office, take the stairs.” She pointed to the hallway next to her desk. I went up to the office and knocked on the door before I walked in.
“Come in,” I heard Millz say. When I walked in she was talking to a tall model like dark skin girl. They both looked at me before Millz told the girl she would talk to her in a minute. The girl nodded then walked past me out the office, closing the door behind her.
“So what do you think?” Millz asked with a big smile on her face.
“It’s nice as fuck, I like it.” I walked over to where she was and kissed her on the lips. “Are you busy right now?” I wanted to take her our to eat and break this Nicki news to her. She’s less likely to go off in a public place.
“No, I have my last job interview for the day at three o’clock so I have about two hours of free time.”
“Let me take you to lunch.”
“A lunch date? This is pretty random.”
“I haven’t seen you in a minute so I want to feed you.”
“We’ve been busy,” She chuckled.
The last few weeks have been crazy for the both of us. She was dealing with opening her business up here, still running the business she opened in Virginia and her children.  I had the tattoo shop shit going on, and I still had the illegal part of my business to run. Crazy thing is the street shit wasn’t giving me any problems at all. Everything was on lock as far as that part of my life. It’s the personal shit I can’t get a hold of.
“Well right now we’re not so are you ready?”
“Yes I’m ready.”
“How many people are you trying to hire?”
“I need one other designer, a decorator, an event planner and an event designer, plus I need another receptionist. If everything goes well, I’ll be getting the space on the floor below us too.” She grabbed her purse and walked from behind her desk.
“That’s how you dress at work?” I asked her with a smirk on my face. The white fitted dress she was wearing had that ass on blast but not in a bad or tacky way. It’s an appropriate dress, her body in it just made the shit dangerous.
“Yes, this is my version of professional. This is the good thing about being your own boss; you can do and wear whatever you want.”
“So your employees can dress like this too?”
“If they’re signing their own checks yes, if not no.” She shrugged her shoulders. “They can’t do what I do; they just need to do what I say.”
“Bossy ass, come on.” We left her office and I took her to one of the many restaurants that was in the same area as her job.
When we got seated and ordered our drinks she looked at me with her eyebrow raised. “Alright, tell me what’s wrong.”
“What makes you think something is wrong?” I asked.
“I know you, this is very nice but it’s way too random. I know it’s not because you missed me or something. You have something to tell me and hope I won’t lose it in public.”
“Damn, are you the Feds or some shit?” She knew my whole plan from the jump. There is no getting over on this girl.
“You know better than that. Just tell me what’s going on.”
“Alright, it’s about Nicki.”
“Oh boy, what is it?”
“When we got back from LA, she came to the house and told me she was pregnant. Before you even say it I know it was three weeks ago, but I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know whether or not she was lying. I didn’t want to get you all worked up about it before knowing the facts.”
“So since you’re telling me that must mean she’s pregnant.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I went to the doctor with her earlier. She’s just hitting two months. That shit shocked the fuck out of me man.”
“If y’all were using protection it was bound to happen. Why are you shocked by that news?”
“She was on birth control, apparently when you came back she started skipping pills. I didn’t know that and was going on about shit like we were before. Now she’s pregnant.”
“Damn,” She shook her head. Our waiter came over and put our drinks on the table, took our food orders then walked off again. “So what are you going to do?”
“She says she’s having it. This ditsy bitch is talking about she wants ten grand a month and for me to co-sign on a lease for an apartment or she’s putting me on child support.”
“I know a lawyer that can handle that with no problem. I’ll call him when I get back to my office. He will handle everything trust me. We’re not about to be going back and forth to court with her ass and she’s not getting ten grand a month either.”
“Wait, you just said we’re not going back and forth to court.”
“I know what I said, what’s your point?”
“So you’re not walking away from me because of this shit?”
“No, it is a lot to handle but hell you didn’t turn your back on me or get all mad and shit when I got pregnant. You’re literally in the same position I was in. Break up with somebody then that shit pops up. The only difference is I don’t think Nicki is going to be as peaceful as Cameron. So, like I said I’ll get you in touch with the lawyer and we can go from there.”
“I’m surprised at you,”
“Why? I know I’m hard to deal with some times and I might come off like a bitch but when I care about people, I’m always there. I’m not going to walk away from you because that bitch trapped you, because of me. I’m sorry but that bitch if crazy as horse shit, who does that?”
“Something is wrong with her ass for real. I should’ve listened to my mother when she said that shit.”
“Your mother said what?”
“That Nicki was crazy and something seemed off about her. I don’t know why I brushed that shit off, dumbest shit I could’ve possibly done.”
“You know I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant. I was like now I’m stuck with this nigga for the rest of my life. I thought we were going to go through but he surprised me. There is no drama with at all.”
“Well Prophet grew some common sense over the years I see. Besides it’s different, he didn’t get you pregnant on purpose.”
“You’re right about that but fuck her. Let her have the baby, she’s in a rude awakening when she finds out it won’t change shit. She’s going to be a bitter bitch, so you really need to keep eyes on her.”
“What do you mean? You think she’ll try some shit with you?”
“Hell no, I’m not worried about that bird. I’m talking about when she has the baby. When Tonya got pregnant with Imani she thought he was going to be done with Shante and be with her. Her ass felt stupid as fuck because he wanted nothing to with her. When she saw he was dead serious about not fucking with her, she started treating Imani like shit.”
“That’s what that shit with her mother is about?” All these years I didn’t know why Imani didn’t have a relationship with her mother. I know they didn’t get along but I didn’t know the details. They don’t really speak on shit in their family too much.
“Yeah, she was mad because he would go all out for Imani but not pay her any attention. She got jealous and started doing some bullshit. Imani was 15 when she went to go with my uncle and got away from that witch. Pay attention to your child because bitterness, desperation, jealousy, and mental illness isn’t a good combination and that’s exactly what’s going on with that Nicki bitch.”
“I’m going for full custody right off rip, which means I have a few months to really make some moves. My shops are doing well but I need some other shit going on to match my income.”
She nodded taking a sip of her drink. “You’re right; they’re going to look into all that stuff if you file for full custody. You have to figure out some other things to invest in.”
“What is your degree in again?”
“Entrepreneurship and Interior Design why?”
“That’s perfect.”
“What’s perfect? What are you talking about?”
“You can help me open a business, plus tell me what’s good to invest in. As a matter of fact, the business I want to open, we can partner on it.”
“Partners? Oh you want to be business partners now?”
“I’ve seen you get your shit up and going in a matter of weeks. You have the drive to make something pop off so I know my money won’t go to waste.”
“I don’t know Trouble,”
“First of all what did I tell you about calling me that?” I said in a serious tone. I didn’t want Millz calling me Trouble, the nigga she was getting and Trouble are complete different. She wasn’t on the same level as these other bitches, so she wasn’t going to address me like they were.
“Alright damn Messiah, are you happy?”
“Yeah, I am actually. What you mean you don’t know though?”
“Opening another business so fast? I’m just about to do the grand opening for my company.”
“I know that but it’s an opportunity to help me out and make some more money. I know you’re not opposed to that shit.”
“You’re right,” She smiled. “Fine we can do this together, but you better not try and make me do all the damn work. I’m not playing with you.”
“I got you, trust me. I want to do a lounge type of thing. Not a full night club, Lock already has that going.”
“That makes sense, we could serve food and I do mean actual food. Not just hot wings and potato skins. I want it to be laid back but upscale at the same time.”
“I feel you, so you got my back with everything. The business, the shit with Nicki and this baby shit.”
“The baby thing is going to take getting used to but I got you. I mean, you let me move in with you when my mother kicked me out. I was pregnant and you didn’t turn your back on me, so I’m not going to do that to you. All I’m going to say to you is, my temper isn’t easy to control so keep that bitch in check. I will forget she’s pregnant and beat her ass again.”
“Nicki isn’t going to be a problem for you, trust me I have it under control.”
“I’m going to trust you to handle it. I’m going to trust you until you give me a reason not.”
“I got you.”
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“Look at you playing daddy day care.” I said to Cameron when I walked in his living room. Dyce and Darius were on the floor sleep lying on some blankets and to my surprise Karma was on the couch knocked out too. “So you’re really stepping up with her? That’s good Cam, you’re growing up.”
“Yeah something like that,” he chuckled. “You don’t have to wake them up and take them with you. I can drop them off at school tomorrow. I signed Karma up at the same day care so they’re all going.”
“Well you are a good father, annoying as shit but you’re good.”
“Thank you I think.” We laughed. “What’s up with you though? Your grand opening is this weekend right.”
“Yes and the boys are coming and if you and your girl want to come you can.” I told him. I had no problem with Cameron’s new girlfriend. They were good together as far as I know, as long as shorty isn’t a bitch to my kids we’re good.
“I don’t have a girlfriend anymore. We’re over.”
“What happened?”
“Things just weren’t good with us. She was insecure always sweating me about shit. In the business I’m in the last thing I need is an insecure chick around. You know what I mean,”
“Yeah I feel you. You do know you’re going to have to give that shit up at some point though. You can’t be a 40 year old pimp, that’s not a good look and my sons are not doing that shit either.”
“Our sons, it’s a family thing. Come on, you get where I’m coming from with that.”
“I do and they’re not going my family business either. I want them to go to school, go to college, and be normal boys not drug lords on the rise.”
“I hear you man. So are you excited about your opening?”
“Yeah, I wish I could say I’m about to relax but I know that’s not happening. I have to get that up and running plus Trouble wants me to go into business with him.”
“What kind of business?”
“Like a lounge type of things, we haven’t talked about all the details but we know what we want to do.”
“So you’re about to open up a whole new business?”
“Yeah, I have to make my money.”
“Do you have time for that?”
“I’ll make time for it.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Cameron what are you getting at?”
“You work a lot already, and I don’t want you to have so much on your plate that you forget about the boys.”
“How would I forget about my kids? I can’t forget being in labor for ten hours and pushing two boys out of my pussy. Don’t go there with me Cameron.”
“Go where? All I’m saying is you work a lot, by the time you get them at the end of the day they’re asleep.”
“Not really,”
“The last few times you’ve picked them up they have been asleep. Am I right or wrong?”
“Alright and? I’ve been busy working, so?”
“So? We’re both parents, all of this shit shouldn’t be on me. What are you going to be doing? Out here playing the female Bill Gates while I handle them by myself?”
“Cameron you can get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. I get them up every morning; I wash them, dress them, feed them then take them to school. You don’t pick them up until five and I pick them up at seven or eight the latest. That’s two to three hours at the most. Let’s not act like you’re with them all day playing Mr. Mom. You’re out here selling bitches half the day so relax.”
“All I’m saying is, they don’t see much of you right now. How do you think that shit is going to be if you start up another business? I don’t think you should do it.”
“Well it’s a good think I don’t give a fuck about what you think. The last time I checked I was grown and I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want to do. I’m not a deadbeat fuckin’ parent, I’m working. You need to focus on you and the child you been neglecting for three damn years before you run your mouth about me and what I do with my children.”
“You really wanna take it there Millz? For real?”
“Yes for real, you pissed me off. Don’t try me like that for real. I’m going home now, bye” I didn’t wait for him to say anything else I just walked out before I really ended up telling him off. The last thing I wanted to was hit a rewind and end up in a fight with that nigga like we used to before.
When I got home I poured myself a glass of wine and sat on my couch. I wasn’t furious or too angry about what Cameron was talking about but it was irritating to hear. I do work a lot and the fact that my business is new is very time consuming but I’m not doing this shit for just me. I was doing it for my kids too. I wanted to give them something to respect.
Growing up my mother was barely around but it wasn’t because she was working or doing anything productive. It was all about her partying, shopping and everything else. My father was busy a lot of the time too but it was because he was out there grinding for us. Even though I would preferred my dad being around way more I can respect the fact that he was working.  
I could easily sit back and use the fact that I’m the mother of Prophet’s children and Dice’s daughter to not do a damn thing. I don’t have to work if I don’t want to; my uncle will handle any and everything for me if I ask him to. I don’t need to do what I do, but I do it because it’s fun for me, I love it and I want my kids to respect their mother.
I don’t want them to look at their dad and see him providing all of these things but their mom isn’t doing a damn shit. I’m going to work; I’m going to continue to open up businesses and make my money, make some more money. If Cameron has a problem with that, oh well. I don’t give a fuck.
Walking into tattoo shop I went straight to the back so I could go to Vick’s work area. My grandmother supposedly had something for me and instead of sending straight to me, she went through Vick.
Before I could get to his area Dro came walking out the bathroom. “What’s up Millz?”
“What’s up,” I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.  I turned and looked at him like he was stupid. “Let my arm go.”
“I just wanted to tell you, you look nice today.”
“Thank you, now can you let my arm go?”
“Why are you acting funny with me?”
“Nigga I barely know you.”
“Alright, so get to know me then.”
“What do I need to know about you? The last couple of times I’ve seen you, you pissed me off.”
“Trying to check me like you got it like that. You don’t know me, so don’t ask me no personal shit, don’t come at me crazy and most of all watch your mouth. Thank you, goodbye.” I went to walk away but once again this nigga grabbed my arm. He really has a problem with personal space and boundaries. “Can you let my arm go?”
“I will just listen. I did come at you crazy a couple of times, but I’m a nigga who speaks his mind. So, if I have a question or have something to say I’m going to do that. Fuck I need to bite my tongue for?”
“When you don’t know somebody you don’t come out your mouth to them off rip. That’s disrespectful and disrespect isn’t tolerated over here. Now, let me go.” I snatched my arm from his grip then stepped back. “I’m trying to keep my temper in check these days, and you grabbing on me every two seconds is about to make me forget all that shit. Keep your hands to yourself.”
“Look, let me make it up to you okay? Can I take you to dinner or something?”
Chuckling I shook my head. “Nah, I’m good. I can’t do that.”
“You can’t or you don’t want to?”
“Both, trust me I’m good.”
“Let me guess, you have a man now?” I was about to answer him when Trouble’s voice cut him off.
“Yeah she does,” Dro looked at me then at Trouble before chuckling.
“Aight, I didn’t know man. I’ll back off.” When he walked off I turned to face Trouble who had his face screwed up.
“Let me talk to you for a minute.” He grabbed my arm pulling me into his work area and slamming the door. “The fuck was that about?”
“Why were you even talking to that nigga?”
“I can’t talk to people now? Don’t start the jealous shit with me.”
“I’m not jealous I’m asking you a question. That nigga likes you and I’m not feelin’ that so stay away from him aight.”
I just looked at him waiting for him to finish what he was saying because surely there was a punch line to the joke. I don’t like being told what to do. I had no intentions on being around Dro, and him asking me out made it clear to me that I need to keep my distance. Trouble wasn’t about to tell me what to do though, nope not happening.
“Why are you looking at me like that? I know you heard what I said.”
“I heard you but I’m trying to figure out who you’re giving out orders too. I’m tired of you niggas trying to tell me what to do like I’m not grown.”
“Hold up, the fuck is you talking about? That nigga is clearly feelin’ you if he just asked you out on a fuckin’ date so yeah I’m telling you to keep your distance. I don’t give a fuck about what stubborn shit you’re on right now, you heard what I said.”
“Yeah okay whatever.”
“The fuck is wrong with you? Who pissed you off?”
“Nobody pissed me off.”
“Bullshit, you have an attitude right now. What happened and what niggas are telling you what to do?”
I sucked my teeth and sat on the tattoo chair. “I went to pick the boys up last night and I was talking to Cameron about everything business wise. I let it slip that we talked about going into business together and he came at me sideways.”
“Came at you sideways how?” He raised his eyebrow. I could tell by the look on his face he was about to get pissed.
“Relax; he was not on some disrespectful shit so calm down. He was basically telling I don’t need to work so much because of our kids. Almost making it seem like I don’t take care of my kids because I work.”
“That nigga sells pussy; he should be the last one talking about anybody’s job.”
“That’s what I said. It was just irritating. I know I’m working a lot but once everything is on the right track it won’t be so hectic. He wasn’t seeing it like that though. Now I’m here because Vick has to give me something from my grandmother and for some reason I feel like it’s about to be some bullshit.”
“If it wasn’t something dramatic she could’ve just called me and told me what it was. Why would she need to send me shit through Vick?”
“You know Vick is like the head of y’all family besides Nasir. He’s the oldest, so maybe he wanted to do it.”
“Well I really don’t have much room for bullshit so I hope it’s nothing crazy. You’re not off the hook though; don’t come at me over no nigga. I’m not thinking about anybody but you and you know it.”
“I know that, but it is what it is. I don’t want you around that nigga at all, even when you see him here. Leave it at some hi and bye shit.”
“I hear you,” I chuckled getting off the chair. “Oh before I forget,” I went in my purse and pulled out a business card. “This is the name and number of the lawyer I was telling you about. Jack Dennis, he will have all of that shit straight.”
He took the card and smiled at me before kissing me on the lips. “Thank you ma,”
“No problem. Let me go see what all this family shit is about.”
“Vick is in the office,”
“Alright,” I left his room and went down to their office where Vick was at his desk sketching something. “Aye nigga be alert, I could’ve came in here and blown your head off.”
“Niggas know better than that, I’m glad you’re here. Sit down.” Vick said then went into one of the drawers in his desk. I sat in the chair in front of it looking at him skeptically.
“Before we go even further, is this going to piss me off or make me cry?”
“I mean, I don’t know depends on how you look at it.”
“Okay, that’s not really telling me much. Did somebody die, or did somebody steal or lie from me? Which one is it?”
“Just look,” He pulled out an envelope then handed to me. I looked at it and it had my name on it but the address wasn’t mine. It was the address of the shop.  It was from somebody named Dominic Jones who was clearly locked up since the letter said Rikers Island.
“What is this and who the hell is Dominic?”
“This is Dominic,” he put a picture on the desk. I picked it up and looked at it then back at Vick.
“Okay, I don’t know him. Who is he?”
“He’s your brother.”
“Excuse me?” I had to be hearing wrong because what brother? The last time I checked I was an only child. My parents didn’t have any other kids, so the fuck is he talking about?
“He’s your brother; I just found that shit out too. None of us knew besides grandma. Your father didn’t even know about him.”
“Wait pause then rewind. What do you mean my father didn’t know? This is his son? What the fuck is you talking about Vick because I’m confused.”
“That’s not the only thing, there’s this too.” He put another picture on the desk and it was another guy except he had a medium brown complexion.
“Who the fuck is that? Another brother or some shit?”
“Yeah, his name is Dylan. They’re fraternal twins and their both your brothers.”
“Alright,” I put everything on his desk then stood up and started pacing back and forth. I was more than confused. Where the fuck did two brothers come from? “I woke up this morning an only child and now you’re telling me I have two brothers. What the fuck?”
“Can you sit down so I can explain this shit to you?”
I sat back down and gave him my full undivided attention. I wanted to hear this shit. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“Alright so they’re 19 years old. Uncle Dice stepped out on Keisha with some Spanish bitch around the way. Before she could tell him she was pregnant her parents sent her away to some family in Miami, so your father never found out about them. That didn’t stop their mother from giving them the last name Jones; apparently she knew them before they changed their last name so she stuck with Jones. When they were 9 years old she brought them up here so she could finally tell him about them, but this was after his murder so she left it alone. They moved to New York and have been living there since.”
“Okay, so how did grandma know if my father didn’t?”
“Well as you can see by that letter Dominic is locked up. They didn’t have money for a lawyer so their mother told them to ask their father’s family. She gave them grandma’s name and he looked her up and found her information. He reached out to her and told her everything; she flew out here to meet Dylan. They took a DNA test and it matched, they’re your brothers. They’re twins so of course he’s Dominic’s father too.”
“What the fuck,” I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I was just at her house a few weeks ago and she didn’t say shit but now she wants to deliver this news to me now. “Why didn’t she tell me this shit?”
“She was just getting back into the swing of things with us and she didn’t want to upset you. Don’t get mad at Unc either because nobody knew about it. Shit, I’m just as shocked as you.”
“So now what? Did she help them with that lawyer shit?”
‘Yeah and now Dylan wants to meet you. You do need to read that letter though.”
“You’ve spoken to him?”
“Hell yeah, I was checking that shit out before I let you anywhere near the nigga. I did my research and his story matches up so it’s up to you if you want to meet him.”
“I don’t know, this is a lot to take in. I really have to sit back and think on all this shit.” I wasn’t really opposed to meeting this so-called brother of mine but I was skeptical and stressed out. Between the new baby mama drama, my baby father irking me and two brothers I knew nothing about reaching out to me I was about to lose my shit.
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klynnwordsadhoc · 7 years
It Started with a Wedding 1.5:  My Hero
After a few weeks of living together, Alec has a harrowing encounter in the kitchen, and Magnus most certainly does not find it funny. Alec would believe that if he weren’t laughing.
Read on AO3
Magnus had never shared his space with a lover before he'd asked Alec to move in with him. It had made sense, Alec spent the majority of nights at his Brooklyn loft anyway, there was really no reason for Alec to go back and forth between his spartan Manhattan studio sometimes simply to get a change of clothes. At least that was what Magnus told himself. 
In reality, his reasons were much more selfish. He slept better when Alec was there beside him - This in itself was something of a revelation to Magnus, who before could barely stand sharing a bed with any previous lover because usually he was a ridiculously light sleeper and any sound or movement outside of the norm woke him and kept him awake - he missed Alec on the nights he had to stay at the office late and opted to go home in lieu of waking Magnus, and he honestly just preferred having him there to being without him. It's been 3 weeks since Alec moved all his things, such as they are, in. Alec didn't hold onto much, just a few photos and knickknacks and a shadow box of his honors from the Marines, which hung in a place of honor in the loft, despite Alec’s protests that Magnus could just put them in storage. Magnus had informed him unequivocally that he would do no such thing, and didn’t miss the pleased little smile Alec tried to hide from him. Still, Magnus had expected something of an adjustment period. He kept expecting that somehow, they would start to get on each other’s nerves, that Magnus would miss his independence, or Alec would miss his solitude, and they’d decide this wasn’t going to work. Magnus fights these fatalistic thoughts, but sometimes they get the better of him. Somehow, Alec always seems to know, because he will bring home takeout from one of Magnus’ favorite restaurants. He’ll curl around Magnus on the couch and watch Devil Wears Prada with him for the thousandth time and pretend he���s not bored out of his mind. He won’t say anything about it, not unless Magnus wants to talk about it, but such a small thing, and it does wonders to silence that part of Magnus that is waiting for the other shoe to drop. The adjustment period never came. Living together is just easy. Alec wakes up at some ungodly hour every morning without an alarm, which is a miracle in Magnus’ opinion, and only very occasionally does he wake Magnus in the process. Magnus would be annoyed by this, but he can’t really complain when Alec smooths his hair back and kisses his forehead and murmurs for him to go back to sleep. Alec is meticulous about cleaning, something left over from his military service, Magnus is sure, and Magnus is decidedly not. He’s not dirty, but he has a habit of just tossing things this place or that, intending to come back to it later, which he may or may not do. Alec just sighs and picks up after him and only complains about it a little. They fight, because of course they do, fights are part of being in a relationship. It’s small things. Alec’s inability to relax about the dishes, Magnus’s inability to do them in what Alec considers an acceptable amount of time, Alec’s early mornings, or when sometimes he has to drop everything for a client, regardless of plans they may have had, Magnus’ late nights, or the fact that sometimes he’ll work 24 hours straight to meet a deadline. But they never walk away from each other angry. It helps that the make-up sex is usually pretty stellar. They both take work home with them sometimes, so neither makes too much of an issue about that. Magnus is in his study, working on some new designs, while Alec moves about in the kitchen, attempting to make dinner. Magnus learned very quickly that Alec’s culinary skills were rudimentary at best, but Alec tries, and as with anything he sets his mind to, he is improving steadily. Magnus has grown used to the sounds of Alec moving about. He tunes it out until he hears a short, yelped curse and the clatter of something heavy hitting what was either the floor or the wall. A second later, Alec calls out to him, “Babe, can you come in here for a second?” The tentative quality of his voice makes Magnus set aside his work and head toward the kitchen. “Alexander? Did you hurt yourself?” “Magnus, just come in here, please.” Magnus increases his pace, this time wondering what Alec managed to break. He sees nothing immediately wrong when he enters the kitchen, other than the fact that there is a frying pan on the floor and Alec is standing as far away from the counter as he can get without leaving the room entirely. He’s staring intently at a spot on the wall. “There,” he says, pointing to it. Magnus arches a brow, “What am I looking at exactly?” Alec glances away from whatever he is staring at long enough to give Magnus a harried look, “There’s a spider. Can you please get rid of it?” Magnus takes a second to process that, “A spider?” He walks toward the spot, and indeed it is a spider. His building is older, and they do get the occasional wolf spider, which is exactly what this one is. As much as it takes him a moment to wrap his head around the fact that his six foot three, solid, former Marine is scared of a little spider, at least to Alec’s credit they’re not exactly nice looking. “Will you just kill it please?” Alec says tightly. Magnus tisks, “I’m not going to kill it, it didn’t do anything to you.” He gets a cup and uses a paper towel to urge the thing into it. "There we go, little friend, let’s put you outside.” “It existed in the same room as me,” Alec retorts. “Magnus can you please not coo to the spider?” “It’s alright, darling,” Magnus soothes him, quickly losing his fight with his amusement, especially when Alec skirts away from him as he heads out of the kitchen to release the spider outside. “I’m taking the big bad spider outside.” “Magnus, it’s not funny,” Alec says, exasperated. Magnus says nothing until he’s come back inside, having released their eight legged friend back into the wild. “It’s a little funny. You can kill a man in six seconds, but you can’t handle a little spider.” “That thing was not little,” Alec glares at him, “It was massive.” He gives him a flat look, “And six seconds, really?” “Well, I don’t know, it was an estimate,” Magnus says with a little shrug, his voice a little shaky. Alec’s eyes narrow, “Magnus, it is not funny,” he says again.
Magnus loses his battle with his amusement, and Alec turns his back on him with a huff, heading back into the kitchen.
“Alright, love, it’s not funny,” Magnus follows him, trying to keep his breathing under control.
“I would believe that, except you’re still laughing,” Alec says, dryly. He stoops to pick up the pan on the floor, setting it back on the stove.
“Did you…throw a pan at it?” Magnus is not laughing, he swears.
“Okay, that’s it. Out.” Alec points to the doorway to the kitchen, “I’m mad at you.”
Magnus hums, stepping up into Alec’s space and stepping him back against the counter. “Alexander, my love, light of my life. I’m sorry. It’s not funny.”
Alec doesn’t immediately unfold his arms, and he watches him, one brow arched. “I’m still mad at you.”
“I promise I will remove any spiders from your general vicinity should the need arise,” Magnus promises, and Alec huffs a tiny laugh, shaking his head. “And it will not be funny.”
Alec sighs, finally unfolding his arms. “Better.”
He leans a little into Magnus’ space, a sure sign he’s been forgiven and Magnus takes full advantage, leaning up to press a kiss to his mouth. Alec responds immediately, so he feels like he’s back in his good graces.
“So…spiders huh?” Magnus can’t help himself, it’s just…rather adorable actually.
“Shut up,” Alec says with a short laugh. “I don’t know why, they just freak me out. I think it’s the legs.” He shudders a little. “You’re telling me there’s nothing you’re scared of?”
Losing you, is Magnus’ first thought. He doesn’t say that, not yet. Maybe someday he will. “Acid wash jeans,” he says with the utmost sincerity.
Alec laughs, shaking his head, and he drapes his arms over Magnus’ shoulders. “Okay fine. You take care of the spiders and I’ll protect you from any fashion disasters we come across.”
“My hero,” Magnus replies, kissing him again.
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xxmadsxoxo · 7 years
How to get on Santa’s nice list.
{Part Five}
Pairing: Buck Barnes x Reader
Pre warning: Fluff, Fluff, and some more fluff
Warnings: Swearing, Bucky, a small bit of masturbation but nothing too detailed, and probably bad punctuation because I’m using my phone.
Summary: you moved in with your best friends apartment around 3 years ago, and found out she has one hot neighbor. Only problem is he is a huge smart mouth, and he always has jokes. Worst thing of all is he is a huge flirt, the boy could make your face warm up with a look. One day he gave you a snarky comment (to no surprise.) but you decided in spirit of the holiday to challenge him. No, smart mouth, or dirty jokes for the rest of November lets see if he can get on Santa’s nice list.
This is for (@lovelynemesis) Sam’s rockin’ around the Christmas tree writing challenge!
Parts One, Two, Three, and Four.
Day 4
Bucky has become way too good at keeping his snarkiness locked away. I’m beginning to worry that he’ll win, and if he wins I’ll have to dance half naked in front of him. Which is terrifying, because just sleeping next to him drove me nuts.
The morning after
The sun shines through his window, and I struggle to open my eyes. Being as cozy as ever wrapped up in his big comforter, and his body heat next to me. It was such a nice feeling, I wish it could happen over and over again. He stayed a good distance away through the night, which worries me a bit. Maybe my hair doesn’t smell good, or maybe he just doesn’t wanna take it to far. Who knows? I hear him groan, and feel him shuffle around behind me.
His rough and husky voice from just waking up is all I ever wanna hear. “Morning doll, or good afternoon. I have no clue what time it is.” He is such a dork.
I chuckle a bit before answering. “It’s 10.”
“Ah, okay so I was right the first time.” I roll over to face him, and the sight is perfect. His bed head is the best, I just wanna mess with it. He’s so relaxed, and calm. It’s definitely a new side of him, that I haven’t seen. I mean yeah I’ve seen him sleep on our couch, but he never looked this relaxed. “Well I better go get dressed, I’ve got plenty to do today.” Buck opens his eyes and looks over to me as I sit up. “What do you have to do today?” I grab my water bottle and keys, as I stand up. “Oh, well I’m going to see if tony would be willing to hire me for something, hell anything.” Bucky sits up and brushed his hair back. “Well he’s been looking for an assistiant recently, maybe you could do that.” I smile and walk towards the door. “Yeah maybe that could work, if he’d take me of course.” I open the door before waving goodbye. “I’ll see you later buck.” He waves back. “See ya doll, good luck.”
Today 11:26am
I hadn’t seen him when I got back yesterday, so it was easy for him to pass through the day. I am going to dedicate the day with the boy, because I need to win. I miss going to clubs, I miss the music and the people. It was the only way to escape the time of year, but now it’s been ripped from me by Natasha. This has to go right.
“Hey Nat, wanna come with me and Bucky to get late lunch?”
She keeps her eyes on her book as she answers. “Eh, I’m good I had a sandwich not long ago.” I grab my keys and smile. “Alrighty well we won’t be long.” I open the door walking out as she says “Okay.” I close the door, and walk into buckys apartment. “Hey buck!” I don’t hear a response for a bit, which means he must be showering. I walk to his bathroom door about to knock before I hear a faint….moan? No it couldn’t be. I go to know again before I hear it louder “uhhgh, Jesus doll you’re so good to me.” I cover my mouth and try not to freak out. I just quickly run to his living room and wait for him there. He comes out not 20 minutes later in sweats, running a towel through his hair. He sees me on his couch, and looks confused. “Hey y/n/n, How long you even out here?” I look at him with a smile. “Not too long, just was gonna see if you wanted to get a late lunch.” He throws the towel over a dining chair as he reply’s “Sure doll where were you thinking of eating?” The nickname can never be thought of the same. “I was gonna ask you where we should go.” He nods and smiles at me. “Alright let me get dressed and we can catch a cab.”
I am becoming more, and more attracted to him each day we spend together. Which is crazy! I mean I know I just heard him jacking off, but who’s to say he was thinking of me? God I hope he was thinking of me. I like him, he’s a good guy. Why did I start this bet? Because now I like him more than I did before, and if he wins I have to get nak-
“That okay with you doll?”
I look at Bucky for an answer as to what he was talking about, is what okay with me? Was I thinking so much that I heard none of what he said??
“Is Isabell’s okay with you?”
“Oh, yeah that’s fine!”
Isabell’s is an amazing hidden little resturaunt, that isn’t exactly a restaurant it’s more of a cafe. It’s my favorite place to eat, and it my favorite place to get hot tea before I start my day. Damn it how did he know of my favorite place? Is he stalking me? I know I’ve never talked about Isabell’s in front of him before. Bucky notices my distance from him, and squeezes my wrist lightly to get my attention. I hum “Hmm? What’s up?” He smiles and hold my hand. “You seem to be somewhere else right now Hun, are you alright?” I smile back reassuringly. “Yeah I’m Good buck, just thinking about the new job.” The cab driver stops and puts it in park. “Thank you sir” Bucky pays him, and we both get out of the cab.
We finally get our food, and our drinks. Bucky has talked about the wiring and, what he know about the works of his metal arm. It’s been great to learn more about it, and it’s actually kept me calm. By the time he’s halfway through his burger, he looks up at me chewing before he mumbles out something. “Mmso..” I chew on my fry waiting for him to continue. he swallows quickly. “What’s tony having you do?” I set the half eaten fry down, and pick up my cup. “Well he’s having me keep his files in order the first couple weeks, then I’m goin to basically be his waitress.” I take a few sips of my iced tea. “Oh okay, that’s kind of odd.” I set my cup down and tilt my head “What’s odd about it?” He sips his coke before answering. “Well I thought you’d wanna do something different.” I chuckle a bit. “When I was about 15 I dreamt of owning a bar of all things. It didn’t exactly pan out considering I got kicked out of everything. School, my house, and every job ever.” I shake my head looking at my food. “This is gonna be the best job of my life, Hell I’ve even got a good place to stay. I’d say life is going as good as ever.” Bucky sets his burger down once again swallowing what he chewed. “Well alright, if it’s good enough for you.” I nod. “It really is.” I pick up two fries at once before asking “What were your dreams?” I shove the fries in my mouth waiting for his answer. “Well I wanted to become a scientist.” I look up curious for more. “I don’t know why, but it really sparked my interest. By the time I could even start my dream, I got drafted.” He half smiles and eats more of his burger waiting for my thoughts. Except I have no thoughts, because what do you say to that. Well I’m sorry you never got the chance to live out your dream, all because you got drafted. Now your 75 or so years into the future, with a metal arm? Like honestly what should I say? “Well maybe its for the best, you know?” Oh he spoke for me. “Yeah maybe.”
Walking into his apartment with Christmas presents, he runs them to his room. He says I can’t see them because some of them are for me. While we were out I got Nat some more hair products. Bucky comes back and grabs a couple water bottles tossing one to me, I catch it and set it on the coffee table to take off my coat. “Can we watch friends?” Bucky smiles chucking his coat onto the arm chair. “Sure doll.” I toss my coat on top of his before sitting next to him. “Awesome!”
Bucky ended up laying his head in my lap comfortably, just so he could nap. Let me tell you I’m 100% tempted to play with his hair. He moans and re-adjusts his head and his pants. I can’t help but look, and if course I’m regretting looking because now I can’t stop. I look back to the tv hoping Joey will distract me. Bucky starts mumbling in his sleep, and I can’t do it. I shake him attempting to wake him. “Hmmmmm? What?” I move my legs a bit. “My legs are falling asleep Mr. Barnes wake up.” He sits up slowly, groaning with his eyes still closed. “You haven’t watched any of this with me.” He looks at me with a sleepy smile “I don’t watch tv much doll, it’s not my thing.” I nod. “Oh okay, than it’s perfectly fine.” He nudges me with his elbow. “Oh come on don’t be mad sugar.” I roll my eyes. “I just remembered no nicknames Barnes.” He groans “Oh come on it’s not the same as me flirting and all.” I give him a stern look. “You’ve let doll slide all this time, but once sugar came out you’re mad?” I scoff “You call anyone doll.” He sits on the edge of the couch and shakes his head “No I don’t, I only call you doll.” My eyes blow wide in realization, and buck gives me a confused look. “I’ve gotta go, I’ve got papers to finish for work.” Buckys stands as I do. “Wait, what just happened?” “Nothing, just realized I have stuff to do before bed.” He grabs my coat and hands it to me. “Well alright, good luck. Don’t forget Nat’s gift.” I smile taking my coat, and grabbing the rest of my things. “Thanks for having lunch with me Bucky, see you later.”
Maybe it was a bit too much to walk out like that, but my mind was running with crazy thoughts. You heard him right? He only calls me doll, and when I heard him in the shower the one nickname he called out was doll. I don’t exactly know how to handle this, do I tell him I heard him? Or that I have feelings for him growing stronger? No, I can’t I have to keep this in line. I finally have something going for me, and I’m not gonna screw it up because of my feelings.
I finally finished all the work tony gave me to start with, and I had time to make dinner too. Now I’m laying in my room listening to old music from the 20s or so, and I don’t know why but it calms me. Helps me think better too. Nat kept to herself all day, so maybe an upcoming mission has occupied her thoughts. I won’t bug her about it, I know when she needs her space. Let’s hope work goes well tomorrow. I shut off my lamp, and try to sleep.
Tony had me skip filing because, F.R.I.D.A.Y helped him do it last night. He’s having me get him coffee as we speak, luckily I don’t have to go too far. His kitchen in the tower is only 1 floor down from the conference room. I finally make it back to the conference room with his coffee, and set it on a coaster. “There you go.” Tony picks it up while still reading his papers. “Thanks Hun.” I stand with my hands behind my back, waiting for any other requests. He looks up at me with a small smile. “We’re going to have a conference meeting around 11:00, so if you could stick around make sure everyone has everything to stay content.” I smile and nod understanding. “That would be great but, I’d also love if you could help me with something in the lab before hand.”
“Oh Mr. Stark, I’m not exactly qualified for anything in the lab.” I try to explain.
“It’s nothing too serious, just need a hand with a small project. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist, I promise.” He smiles and sips on his coffee.
“Okay, well until then I’ll sit here.” I pull a chair to sit beside him. I scroll through my phone waiting for things to do. It’s going to be a long morning, and it’s only 10.
Part 6 is comming soon!
Hey guys! I really like this chapter, and I hope you do too! Thanks for all the support so far, I am already working on part 6 for you guys! Xoxo
Tag List: @starkxpotts @ailynalonso15 @boyzines @buckysforeverprincess @of-rin-and-carlile @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @libbymouse
39 notes · View notes
taikoturtle · 7 years
“rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.” for the prompts. trimberly
This was intended to be a short,
Read it on Ao3
“Rise and shine everyone; rise and shine!”
Zack’s surprisingly chipper voice rings through the crisp morning air and Kimberly wonders why she even agreed to this trip in the first place. A low grumble resembling a feral growl more than anything, emits beside her.
“I’ll rise, but I refuse to shine,” Trini grunts as she turns over and pulls her cushiony sleeping bag tighter over her head. Tufts of disheveled hair poke out from haphazard directions and it’s quite possibly one of the cutest things Kimberly’s seen, but that’s probably the drowsiness talking.
Jason had called for a group camping trip out on the mountain for the weekend, aiming to strengthen their team bond and take a break from their grueling training regimen. It seemed like a fantastic idea at the time, but with the bright sunlight flooding through the thin material of the cheap, flamingo pink tent and her stomach growling louder than a starving tiger, Kimberly’s starting to think that Trini has the right idea.
“Ten more minutes,” mumbles Kimberly as she wriggles deeper into her own sleeping bag.
The sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs gets louder and louder until the entrance flap of the girls’ tent swings wide open and Zack’s boyish grin fills their view. “Oh hell no, we are not sleeping in. We’ve got a full day ahead of us!”
A yellow pillow promptly flies through the air and smacks him in the face with expert precision. He crinkles his nose in response and purses his lips playfully.
“Fine, no breakfast for you Crazy Girl, but don’t come whining to me when you miss out on all the sausages.”
Trini pokes her head up from beneath her sleeping bag and snickers, “I’ll pass on the morning sausage—not really my thing.”
“Suit yourself,” Zack says with a shrug, completely oblivious to the double entendre. “More for me anyways.”
He releases the tent’s flap and retreats, muttering to himself, “Who doesn’t like sausage?”
Trini glances at Kimberly and upon catching her gaze and holding it for all of three seconds, their self-control crumbles and they burst into a fit of wild laughter. It’s pure and uninhibited and Kimberly’s sides start to ache with each successive giggle, but when she rolls over a little too far and ends up barely a foot away from Trini’s face, the laughter slowly subsides. The air is heavy with silence, the noise of the great outdoors seemingly dialed down to a dull background hum, leaving them with nothing but each other.
Kimberly swallows thickly. “Zack’s pretty…dense, huh.”
“Yeah,” Trini remarks quietly, her eyes piercing Kimberly’s, “he sure is.”
Maybe it’s the morning mental haze blanketing over her judgment, or maybe it’s the soft, warm light catching on her billowing locks of hair, but Trini looks absolutely angelic. She looks stunning, beautiful, entirely unique and perfectly her. There’s a thousand words Kimberly can use to describe Trini and a thousand more beyond her vocabulary and yet it still wouldn’t be enough to rightfully do her justice.
Except these thoughts scare her more than anything, all the way down to her core. Kimberly has only ever liked guys before, but that’s because it never crossed her mind before that there could be room for alternative options; she never had to think about it.
Not until Trini.
But admitting these feelings are real, acknowledging that they exist, could lead down a slippery slope because they only spell a world of complications and hardships. What if Kimberly ruins the synergy of the team? She doesn’t want to be the reason they can’t morph. It can’t happen, not again. So Kimberly pretends these feelings aren’t there, that they’re just a figment of her imagination, a cruel fabrication of her lonely heart.
Sometimes though, when she catches glimpses of Trini, she swears she sees the same reservations reflected in her cautious eyes, and yet…
“Jason, I think the potatoes are burning.”
Billy’s mildly worried voice drifts through the air followed by a string of obscenities, courtesy of Jason. A smoky, slightly charred odor begins to permeate the tent and the spell is broken.
Kimberly clears her throat and rolls back to her side of the tent. “We should check on the boys. Sounds like they’re having difficulties without us.”
If Trini’s privy to Kimberly’s brief internal panic, she doesn’t show it. Her expression, stoic as ever, betrays nothing and she simply nods in agreement. “Sure.”
They get dressed and exit their tent only to be greeted by the sight of Jason slumped over a frying pan with Billy patting his back.
“It’s okay Jason, I have a hard time with potatoes too. We can just scrape off the burnt parts. They’re not completely inedible.” He pauses for a couple of seconds. “Only about 75 percent inedible.”
A heavy sigh leaves Jason’s mouth and Zack laughs before noticing the girls and waving. “Finally, the sleeping beauties decide to grace us with their presence.”
“Oh har har, Mister I-Need-Seven-Hours-Of-Sleep-Or-I’ll-Die,” Trini retorts sarcastically.
“How else am I gonna look this good?” Says Zack as he winks at them. “Besides, I slept at a decent hour last night while you were both doing whatever girls do at sleepovers. Braiding each other’s hair? Gossiping about celebrities?”
Trini rolls her eyes and smiles. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Duh, that’s why I’m asking.”
“Well none of the above,” Kimberly interjects. “We were actually looking at the stars. The sky is super clear out here and we could actually make out some constellations.”
“Plus we saw a shooting star,” Trini adds. “How cool is that?”
“And we both made a wish,” Kimberly hums happily. She won’t admit what she wished for, at least not out loud, because it may or may not involve a certain Yellow Ranger.
Billy gasps, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “What did you guys wish for? You’re always supposed to wish upon a shooting star. Wait, wait, no, don’t tell me, otherwise it won’t come true.”
“Hey, guys, we’re losing focus.” Zack starts to snap his fingers to grab their attention. “What we should be concentrating on is the fact that our fearless leader burnt the easiest breakfast in the world.”
“Lay off, man.” Jason groans in protest. “You try cooking the potatoes next time if you’re such an Iron Chef.”
The light-hearted bickering continues for another good fifteen minutes as Jason doles out the somewhat edible portions onto round, dented tin pans for everyone to get their fill before heading out for the day. With food occupying their attention, the back and forth banter dwindles into a comfortable silence punctuated with the sounds of content chewing. Zack practically inhales his food, both out of sheer hunger and from raw excitement, so he starts doing some stretches to limber up while waiting for the rest to finish.
The first item on the agenda is hiking. Jason seems to have a route in mind as he maneuvers briskly, weaving in and out around the trees with purpose behind each wide step. It almost feels like they’re walking in circles based on how much ground they seem to be covering and it makes Kimberly fascinated with how vast the forest really is.
“Hey Jason, how far away is it?” Billy asks as he adjusts the straps of his backpack to get it situated in a more comfortable position.
Waving his hand, Jason presses forward. “We’re nearly there.”
Trini swats at a stray spider web caught on her wrist and frowns at the nuisance. “When you mentioned a hike, I was picturing more of a leisurely nature walk.”
“Having trouble keeping up?” Zack cackles from farther ahead as he hops up several boulders before leaping high onto a swaying tree branch nearly twenty feet off the ground. His added weight bends the wood down precariously as he finds his balance. “And here I thought you were the most athletic of us all next to Jason.”
“Make no mistake, I can be as athletic as I want,” Trini yells up at her friend, “but the keyword here is want, and what I want right now is to be wrapped up in a warm sleeping bag and catching a couple more hours of sleep.”
“Well all I’m hearing from up here are excuses. Maybe you should put your money where your mouth–”
The branch beneath Zack’s feet buckles without warning before snapping in half. Splinters shower out in all directions as he plummets to the earth, colliding with a couple of other stray branches on his way down before hitting the ground hard with a sickening thud.
“Zack!” Trini dashes over with Kimberly right behind her, both girls kneeling beside him. He lets out a long, weak groan and coughs a few times, the wind having been knocked from his lungs as he rolls around on his back.
“Are you okay?” Kimberly asks with concern.
“Nothing’s hurt but my pride,” Zack jokes quietly before hissing in pain, his brow scrunching abruptly. “And maybe my leg.”
They turn their attention to the limb in question to survey the damage and spot a large tear in his jeans with a gash spanning a good length up his shin towards the bottom of his kneecap. It’s large but shallow, with blood seeping out at an even, slow pace.
Jason starts motioning back the way they came. “We need to take him back to the camp, get it cleaned up–”
“No way,” Zack objects as he struggles up into a sitting position. “I’m not going to be a downer for this trip. You said we were almost there anyways, right? Let’s just get to wherever we were going to go and you can just patch me up there.”
“I don’t know…” Jason hesitates as he looks at the other Rangers for a second opinion.
“How far away are we?” Kimberly asks.
“About five more minutes.”
“I can handle that,” Zack chimes in as he shakily stands up with the help of Trini. “Stings like no other, but that’ll be nothing compared to what my mom will say. She just helped me sew these pants back up from that incident a couple weeks ago.”
“Maybe someone should stop ripping their pants so much,” Trini quips sarcastically, prompting Zack to roll his eyes. She pauses momentarily before continuing on. “I’ll fix them for you. Your mom has enough on her plate already and I’m a pro thanks to my little brothers.”
He grins broadly and ruffles her hair. “Thanks.”
She pulls her head away from the affectionate gesture in mock irritation, but the small smile that’s spread across her face says otherwise.
“Alright, follow me then.” Jason nods his head and they press onward.
True to his word, they walk for hardly more than five or so minutes before the trees begin to thin out and they’re met with a large open clearing and a shimmering lake. Sunlight glitters along the gentle, placid water and with the subtle sounds of birds and wildlife vibrating in the air, it’s an absolutely breathtaking sight to behold.
“Wow,” Billy exhales as he shields his eyes against the bright reflections to take in the entire view.
“Wow is right.” Trini echoes his sentiments as she helps ease Zack down to rest against a nearby boulder.
“Yeah, I had plans for us to go swimming,” Jason admits as he rubs his neck thoughtfully, “but I don’t know anymore.”
“You guys should still go.” Zack waves his hand. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“I’ll stay behind and patch him up,” Kimberly offers.
Trini’s face twists into a frown and she shakes her head adamantly, “What? No, I’ll do it.”
“It’s no big deal. Besides, I want you to go have fun.” Kimberly gives Trini’s shoulder a quick squeeze. Trini opens her mouth to protest, but whatever long-winded words she has prepared seem to die in her throat and her lips slowly come to a close. Zack casts an odd, skeptic look between the two of them, his eyebrow quirking up before sighing loudly and extending his arm towards Billy.
“Can you hand me the first aid kit please? These girls can’t get anything done when they’re around each other.”
“Hey!” Kimberly and Trini shout in unison but Billy remains unfazed to their affronted response and unshoulders his backpack with Zack laughing heartily from his position on the ground.
Unzipping the largest pocket, Billy tosses the emergency first aid kit at him before heading towards the water with Jason. Trini narrows her eyes at Zack before trailing shortly after to where Jason’s already starting to shed his clothes in favor of his swimsuit underneath. Billy hangs near the edge to feel the water lap at his feet, but politely declines when they ask him to join them out in the deeper depths. Kimberly doesn’t blame him; after what he went through with Rita at the docks, she would feel the same way.
Her attention though is quickly diverted as Trini catches her eyes. She pauses by the water before shyly pulling off her top to reveal a sleek, two-piece golden yellow bikini. It hugs her curves in a flattering way that has Kimberly’s breath hitching in her chest as she subconsciously licks her lips.  
“Thirsty much?”
Kimberly’s eyes bulge and her head whips around, bewildered and appalled at Zack’s comment. “Wh-what?”
“Hey, there’s no judgment here. We’re all a family, remember?”
“I–but– I, what?” Kimberly weakly sputters, completely at a total loss for words. She frantically snatches at Zack’s pant’s leg and starts rolling it up, busying her hands with pulling out the necessary first aid supplies. “No, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Listen, I’ve seen the way you guys look at each other. Doesn’t seem like much of a secret to me.”
Kimberly’s brow twitches and she splashes on some mild disinfectant to Zack’s gash causing him to grit his teeth. Her hand shakes as she reaches for the gauze, fingers fumbling while she wraps his leg with glazed and unfocused eyes.
“I don’t…I don’t know.” Kimberly’s voice is hushed and barely above a whisper, almost as if talking to herself instead of Zack. Slowly her hand comes to a stop over his leg, the gauze only partially wrapped around his skin. She doesn’t know why this is bothering her as much as it is, but there’s just so many questions, so many what ifs, that each possible outcome presented only seems worse than the one before. She’s run through countless scenarios in her mind, but the negative options constantly eclipse the good to the point where she’s simply given up.
Zack’s comment though, the way that they look at each other, well, it gives her a sliver of hope, but having hope like that is a dangerous thing because it can also set her up for an even harder fall. For once Kimberly isn’t so sure of anything anymore.
“I’m… scared.”
Her voice comes out so small that it sounds foreign in her ears. It’s so uncharacteristic, so atypical, that she just shuts down, because how does she even begin to deal with this monstrous, intangible fear? Where does she even start?
“You? Scared?” Zack scoffs with disbelief. “You’re Kimberly fucking Hart! Since when are you afraid of anything?”
Kimberly shakes her head and chuckles despondently, “More often than you think.”
He takes her hand in his own, his grasp both reassuring and comforting and it’s damn near impossible not to look him in the eyes. Zack has always been known to be the devious trickster of the group, the energetic character who manages to get them into all sorts of mischief and trouble, but it’s moments like this - when the facade is dropped - that his support means so much more.
“Even when you’re scared, you’re still a fighter,” he says proudly. “You don’t let anything pull you down, so whatever it is that you’re telling yourself, whatever it is that’s psyching you out, you just need to push it out of your head.”
“Yeah, well, easier said than done.” Kimberly casts her gaze sideways towards Trini and sighs, “This… isn’t that simple.”
Zack follows her line of sight before his features contort and he sucks in a sharp breath. “I mean, Trini would kill me if she knew I said anything, but–”
Except he never gets to finish his sentence as an unearthly screech rips through the air and Kimberly’s world goes black for several seconds before the pain even registers in her mind. Her body flies through the air before skidding to a halt, rocks and foliage raking harshly against her skin and drawing blood as an explosion of stars and dots obscure her vision. She can hear someone calling her name, but the voice sounds far away, almost like a dream, but the pounding in her head and the pulsing pain shooting up and down her arms firmly reminds her that this is as real as it gets.
“What the hell…” Kimberly groans disorientedly as she tries to regain her bearings but then a hand hastily snatches her by the arm and yanks her upright. Blinking hard and shaking her head to rid herself of the pesky stars muddling her vision, Kimberly glances sideward and is met with Trini’s distraught face.
“Are you alright?” She yells above the raucous commotion.
Kimberly finally takes a quick second to survey their surroundings and is met with the most bizarre sight: aggressive, anthropomorphic ravens with razor sharp talons are surrounding the group. There’s around four or five of them, each standing at least a head taller than Zack, but they’re circling in a frenzy making it harder to get a good gauge of how many they’re up against.
“What’s going on?!”
“They came out of nowhere,” Trini shouts urgently, “we’re under attack!”
Kimberly’s eyes widen. “Trini on your right!”
Trini heeds her warning in time to dodge the lunging foe before dropping low to deliver a sweeping kick to its shins, but the bird is equally fast and responds by leaping through the air and out of harm’s way. They engage in a dance of sorts, exchanging blows back and forth with neither landing a devastating enough hit to make a difference, but Kimberly has no time to focus on Trini’s well-being because another bird nearby squawks like it’s a harbinger of death and charges at her with startling speed.
She swivels in place and leans back, narrowly avoiding the sweeping arc the bird’s talons make as it swipes at her head. Grabbing its feathered arm with a vice-like grip, Kimberly counters by hurling the bird over her shoulder and slamming it into the ground. The earth crumbles underfoot, dirt and debris scattering outward as leaves and bones alike crunch and crackle from the impact.
A feeling of pride swells in Kimberly’s chest because she hasn’t exactly had the most stellar track record with hand-to-hand combat, so watching the enemy writhe on the ground with no signs of standing up anytime soon makes her feel accomplished as hell.
But there’s no time to waste, no time to slow down. There’s chaos all around as each Ranger is still paired off against a bird of their own. Kimberly’s mind is racing a thousand miles a second as she tries to decide who she should go help next, but then that’s when it happens.
The choice is made for her.
In the worst way possible.
Zack is favoring his weakened leg as he struggles to keep up against his enemy, but the bird is too fast and far more intelligent than it lets on because it goes straight for his injured leg. With a powerful kick, it clips Zack on his shin causing him to buckle from the pain and lose focus.
Then the bird swings its talons.
It’s like a scene from a movie. Or maybe a nightmare, but at this point they’re just one and the same. The deep slashes that appear on his throat almost look fake, as if they’re a cheap, horrible makeup prosthetic applied during Halloween. She sees a puffy, disgusting off-white, almost cream color where the skin is parting and Kimberly refuses to believe that it’s real, but after time starts ticking and the vacuum of disbelief dispels, the blood just starts gushing out in thick streams like a grisly waterfall. Zack’s widened eyes flutter, his mouth gaping open in shock, but there’s no sound coming out, there’s no nothing despite how hard he tries.  Kimberly hears a spine-chilling scream rip through the air.
Trini’s on the unlucky bird who’s responsible in an instant, wailing on it with a surprising flurry of punches as she beats it down into the ground harder and harder until the beast’s purple blood is coating her fists like macabre paint. Tears stream down her face as she relentlessly pummels the bird into submission to the point of it being an unrecognizable mess but she doesn’t care.
The rest of the remaining assailants look back and forth between each other, assessing the situation swiftly, before squawking and flying away.
“Come back here you fucking cowards!” Trini snarls viciously, halfway ready to leap through the air to pull another bird back to the ground and to its death, but a choked garbled sound escapes Zack’s mouth and rips her attention back to what matters.
“Oh my God what do we do?” Kimberly’s hands are shaking and there’s tears streaming down her face because fuck, there’s just so much blood and it’s everywhere.
“Put pressure on the neck, we need to stop the bleeding and get him to a hospital!” Trini’s hands are on his neck as Jason comes running up with his shirt that was shed earlier before swimming. She presses it against the wound to staunch the flow of blood, but her face is grim.
They’re all thinking the same thing, that Zack’s already lost too much blood, that her efforts are futile at best, but nobody wants to say it, nobody wants to admit it out loud.
Zack knows it though, his face reflects the same despair swirling in Trini’s expression, but there’s also acceptance in his glossy eyes and he grabs Trini’s arm. His mouth parts slightly prompting her to lean in close as she shakes her head, refusing to believe that this is the end.
“Take… care… my mom…”
He squeezes Trini’s arm weakly but it conveys the comfort and love that he holds for the entire squad and as his chest slows to a motionless halt, his grip going slack and eyes unseeing, Kimberly’s heart sinks like an anchor into the pit of her stomach.
Everything is still.
There’s no wildlife chirping, no breeze blowing–it’s almost as if the world stopped in solidarity of the fact that Zack’s whole life just ended. His brilliant energy and lovable charisma snuffed out faster than a candle in a storm and in spite of the rebellious life he’s lead, his final words were nothing but selfless; they just need to make sure to honor his request.
“What about… what about the Command Center?” Billy asks quietly. “Can Zordon or Alpha do anything? They brought me back, right?”
Jason rests his hand on Billy’s shoulder and sniffles, his eyes red as silent tears trickle down his cheeks. “No, the morphing grid only worked that once, it’s not going to work again.”
Billy’s face contorts in confusion. “Why not?”
“It won’t, okay?!” Trini snaps loudly causing Billy to flinch. Her shoulders sag with instant regret - she didn’t mean to be so rude at his honest question - so she softens her words as the heaviness in her heart speaks for itself. “It just… won’t.”
Still staring desperately at Zack, Billy continues on. “…Why can’t we at least try?”
The Rangers exchange looks with one another, knowing how fruitless it would probably be, but they figure maybe Billy is on to something, that hey, maybe there could be some goddamn miracle in Zordon’s bag of tricks. It’s a long shot, but it’s all they have at this point, so Jason hoists Zack’s body over his shoulder and they make their way towards the Command Center.
It’s the longest trek of their lives, or at least, that’s how it feels for Kimberly. Haunting visions of carrying Billy’s body from the docks to the Command Center flash through her mind. The first time dealing with death was almost easy. Easy in that it’s like blacking out. It’s like forcing your brain to shut down so that you can’t absorb the pain, to not digest how much it truly hurts.
But the second time around?
No, it doesn’t get any easier. The memories she’s tried so hard to suppress are slowly creeping up in the distance, like a suffocating blanket of darkness following in the wake of Zack’s untimely death, both events joining forces to be an unbearable, stifling pressure. For some reason it’s just so hard to ignore the second time around; she can only feel so numb.
The sun has already set by the time they reach the Command Center, their footsteps echoing throughout the cold, metallic hallways of the foreign ship and everything that follows just blurs together.
Alpha offers no quirky remarks, no half-baked attempts at human jokes - the moment he sees that there’s only four of them standing he assumes the worst has come to pass. The Rangers plea with him, asking if there’s anything that can be done, if there’s anything at all, but Alpha and Zordon’s responses are exactly as they fear.
There isn’t a damn thing in the world that can bring him back.
They stand there silently with the weight of the world on their shoulders as reality begins to crumble around them. How are they going to tell Zack’s mom? How do they tell an ailing woman that her only son, her absolute pride and joy, is gone? That she’s going to have to bury her own child before herself?
Nobody wants to be the one to tell her, but the wretched task is inevitable, however it’s getting late so they come to a collective decision to break the news in the morning. Alpha says he’ll clean Zack up while the team gets in a quick rest so that when they have to speak to Zack’s mom, Zack won’t look as… bad.
The hard part is figuring out how to explain it.
How does one explain away the horrid scratches on his neck? Or explain that her son was keeping the world safe from inexplicable evil day in and day out? Perhaps by the morning Alpha will have an answer, but it won’t make things any easier.
The team heads to the sleeping quarters to try and get a hint of shut-eye, but it’s hard when there’s nothing else to focus on but one’s own thoughts. Airy sniffles interrupt the still, dark room and Kimberly’s lungs constrict tightly in her chest, aching from the loss of one of their own. It doesn’t seem like she’ll make it through the night - how can she when Zack’s not there with them? - but she feels her bed sink down as Trini crawls under the covers with her.
Kimberly’s shirt dampens immediately from the silent tears streaming down Trini’s cheeks and Kimberly wishes she could just make the pain go away.
But she can’t.
No one can.
So she wraps her arms around Trini’s tiny, trembling body and lets her own tears flow freely until they have nothing left to cry and they both drift away into a dark, heavy slumber.
The first thing Kimberly notices when she wakes the following morning is just how nauseated she feels inside, how just the knowledge of knowing that Zack is no longer with them makes her gut twist like a pretzel.
The second thing she notices however, as she sluggishly blinks away the crust and rubs at her eyes with the back of her hand, is that everything looks… pink? And distinctly not the grey, lifeless color of the Command Center. So pink like… her tent?
“Rise and shine everyone; rise and shine!”
Kimberly’s eyes shoot wide open in shock.
That voice.
There’s no way.
It can’t be.
“I’ll rise, but I refuse to shine,” Trini grunts as she turns over and pulls her cushiony sleeping bag tighter over her head and an intense wave of déjà vu crashes over Kimberly.
The sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs gets louder and louder until the entrance flap of the girls’ tent swings wide open and Zack’s boyish grin fills their view. “Oh hell no, we are not sleeping in. We’ve got a full day ahead of us!”
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kivrin · 7 years
Sam and Andrew, January 1943
Because there are always new people turning up in the tiny fandom... a spot of self-promotion with my view on how Sam and Andrew might have gotten back together.
Sam was out of bed and pulling on her dressing gown before she realized the sound that had woken her came not from Mr. Foyle’s room, but from downstairs. She stuck her stocking feet into her slippers and stepped into the hall. Two dim bars of light fell across the stair head, one narrow from Mr. Foyle’s room and one wider from the bath. The snick of the front door’s latch sounded loudly in the quiet house, almost as loudly as the cautious footsteps that followed.  
Burglar, or something worse?  Sam cast about for some kind of weapon, finally settling on the frying pan she’d left on the hall chair, after bringing it up in an attempt to keep their supper of powdered-egg-omelette hot.  Now, hit the intruder and run out for help, or hit him and retreat to protect Mr. Foyle? She hefted the frying pan, grateful that she’d managed not to get grease on the handle, and took a step closer to the stairs. The footsteps stopped, and she drew breath, then held it when they started again. A bit of shadow solidified and advanced.
“Look,” Sam said, wishing her voice sounded steadier and deeper, “Don’t come any further, because I’m armed.”  
The shadow stopped. “Sam?” A match hissed and sparked. “What are you doing here?” Andrew asked.  
At the sound of his voice all the fear went out of Sam, and for an instant she felt bright and warm and glad. Then the sense of his words sank in, and echoed with the words burned in her memory: someone else… begin again… don’t think badly.   “What am I doing here?” It came out more loudly than she meant; Sam dropped her voice to a fierce whisper. “What are you doing here?  You’re meant to be in Debden!”
“I got your letter. About Dad.” The flickering light made his dark eyes cavernous and unreadable.
“Oh.” Sam couldn’t find anything else to say.  
“Is he in hospital?”  
“What? No!” Sam motioned towards Mr. Foyle’s room with the frying pan, then hastily set it down. “He just, it’s because he’s not to get his own meals. And the steam inhalations. Are why I’m here. I did tell you it wasn’t serious,” she added.
“Not terribly serious,” Andrew said. “Which… ow!” The match guttered against his fingers, and he winced as it went out. “Bugger.  Sorry.”
Sam blinked and waited for her eyes to adjust to the dimness.  
“...which could mean anything, depending on who’s saying it.”  
“Well. It was me saying it,” Sam retorted.  
“Right. Of course. But if it was what Dad had told you...”  
“I should have had the doctor write you. I’m sorry,” Sam said formally.  
“No! You… Sam. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Andrew came up the last few steps into the pale wash of light from the bath. He looked tired, but less worn out than the last time Sam had seen him, immediately after his breakdown and immediately before he left for Debden. He also looked sharply older somehow, broader in the shoulder but thinner in the face. No less handsome, unfortunately. “I’m sorry I scared you, creeping in like that.”  
“I’m sorry I scared you, with the letter.” He was wearing his flight jacket. She could smell the leather. It made her heart jump as if nothing had changed.  
“Is it… can I…?” He motioned towards his father’s door.  
“Of course.” Sam stepped back, then, when Andrew hesitated, led the way. On the threshold she could feel him tense, and hear the sharp breath he drew as he took in the room, and at the center, Mr. Foyle, lying pale and rumpled and unshaven on his pillows.  
“When?” Andrew asked, his whisper hardly audible over Mr. Foyle’s rough breathing.  
“The week-end, I think,” Sam answered softly, her eyes automatically checking everything: Water in the glass. Cough mix in reach. Bedclothes quite straight, he’s not been too restless. “He was his usual self on Friday but when I came on Monday he was very poorly indeed.”
“Christ.”  Andrew’s voice trembled.  
Sam made fists in the pockets of her dressing gown, though whether to keep from hitting him or embracing him, she wasn’t quite sure. “I’ll make some tea,” she said. “There’s a chair by the door, move it if you like.”
From my story Burn Brighter Through the Cold.
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Boundaries, Part 4
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Steve Rogers x Plus Size!Reader
Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes
A/N: More Bucky in this one.
Summary: You just finished a two year long photojournalist stint overseas and decide to take a break from traveling. So you head back to your home town and lucky enough, your childhood friend Sam Wilson has a few rooms to rent out. So you head back to California and are met with a surprise, a very handsome surprise.
His name is Steve Rogers and he’s a shy guy from Brooklyn, New York. Dragged across the country by his best friend, Bucky Barnes - he hopes to start a new life after a pretty bad break up with his long time girlfriend, Sharon Carter.
Can the of four of maneuver the art of living together? Or will boundaries be crossed?
It had been nearly two weeks of living with your new roommates and things were slowly coming together. Everyone was getting along, besides the little peek show Steve had walked into one morning in the bathroom - when you apparently forget what a lock was.
“I’m so sorry!”
Steve had yelled slamming the bathroom door shut.
You laughed and continued to use the toilet. “What is this? A Fox sitcom!”
Besides that one incident, things were going pretty well. You had started work at the local photo studio, which gave you a flexible schedule and it was smack dab in the middle of downtown and across the street from a small park that was literally 10 feet from the front door
You usually had mornings opened, which meant walking around in shorts and oversized shirts until it was time to adult. Luckily, everyone was pretty much morning people - so you always had company and it also meant you could play music loud.
Well, most of the time.
Steve stood in the hallway, a mug of coffee in his hand and eyes glued to your bedroom door - which looked like it could burst off it’s hinges at any moment. Music bumped through the walls, muffled, but loud. Sam and Bucky had left early to work, leaving Steve alone with you. He had made breakfast and coffee, so he went to call you, but the music interrupted him.
He inhaled deeply and prepared to knock, feeling a hint of nervousness tighten in his chest. Steve wasn’t sure what it was, but being around you lately had him on his toes. You were so different, in every way from any person he had ever met. Truthfully, he thought it was like inhaling fresh air after a long stay indoors. Was it attraction or fascination? Both?
He couldn’t be sure, but it was nice - definitely nice.
Steve reached out a hand and knocked loudly. Twice, before the bedroom door swung open and you stood there, disheveled and with a wide smile.
The music was louder with the door opened and Steve attempted to speak, but your head was bobbing to the song and your hips were doing something he thought he shouldn’t be staring at. Your eyes flew to the cup in his hand and you smiled, but shook your head.
“I can’t drink that!”
“Hold on,” you laughed and walked over to the bluetooth speaker and turned it off. “Bruno Mars, am I right?”
Steve’s brows scrunched in confusion and you laughed. “Jesus, should I play John Mayer instead? You’d like that, huh?”
He would, but he just smiled and offered the cup again. “I made breakfast, hope you like french toast and bacon.”
“Sounds good, but coffee’s a no go for me.”
Disappointment fell over his face and his eyes looked down at the mug. “I thought you..”
“Runs right through me,” you explained motioning for him to lead the way. “Believe I wish I could, but I’d be in the bathroom all day.”
He laughed and held up a hand. “Duly noted.”
The two of you walked into the kitchen and you eyed the two plates on the kitchen island. “Nice, roomie.”
The man smiled and asked if you’d like a water bottle from the fridge. “Yeah, thanks.”
Within minutes, the two of you were standing next to each other - eating off your plates and talking about your new job.
“I mean it’s going to be different, not traveling around,” you bellowed out - taking a bite of bacon. “But a little stability is what I need right now. And you? Any job prospects?”
Steve pulled at his blue shirt and sighed. “Not really, applied at the gym Buck works at. I’m hoping I’ll get hired.”
“You should do personal training, get on Craigslist or whatever. Make sure to use your photo, I’m sure the ladies and gentlemen would be lining up.”
He laughed and shook his head. “Not a bad idea, if the job doesn’t pan out - I might just do that.”
“I can take your picture, but know I only do nudes.”
Two weeks ago, Steve would have choked on his bacon - now he was use to your brand of humor. “Even better.”
Your eyes lit up and you playfully smacked him on the forearm. “Now that’s the spirit.”
“Alright, stay still sweetheart.”
You focused on the little face in front of you, a four year old little girl in a cute blue sundress. She sat still, a wide smile plastered over her face. Snapping more than a dozen photos in various poses, you ended the session before the girl could get restless and thanked her parents. After informing that they could come back in a week for the photos, you followed the family out and waved them off.
“You’re really good.”
“Thanks, Bruce.”
Bruce was your boss and the owner of the studio, he was a reserved quiet man, but very generous and kind. He adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and tucked his hands into his black slacks.
“You do really well with the kids, do you think you could take my appointments this weekend? I have two weddings back to back.”
“You really shouldn’t overbook,” you teased walking over to your desk. Looking at the time on your desktop, you realized it was lunch time. “Of course I will. Don’t worry about.”
Bruce looked at his own watch and started shuffling through his desk. “Thanks. Lunch time. I’m going to close, be back in an hour.”
Grabbing your things, you followed him out and told him to have a good lunch. You watched him walk down the street and took out your cell. There was a text message from Bucky.
Noon. Park. Lunch.
Smiling you looked up and scanned the park, immediately spotting Bucky under a small tree. Crossing the small one way street, you jogged over to the man - who sat on a flannel blanket wearing a gray cut off shirt and black basketball shorts. He saw you and smiled, standing up just as you arrived in front of him.
“Hey,” he smirked and pressed a kiss onto your forehead. “I’m in between clients, thought we could have lunch together.”
“Damn, you know the way to a girl’s heart,” you exclaimed. “Is that JB’s?”
Bucky grinned and nodded. “Grilled chicken sandwich, extra tomatoes and a chocolate shake.”
You made a noise that could have been described as a moan and settled onto the blanket. Bucky laughed and followed suit, taking out the food and handing it over. You bit into the sandwich and groaned.
“I missed this so much.”
“I bet. Music?”
You watched Bucky take out his cell, sneaking bites from a fry as he scanned through his playlists. The afternoon was perfect California weather - clear skies and 70 degrees out, with the lightest of breezes. Sipping from the shake, your eyes widen when he pressed play.
He laughed and nodded. “Gambino.”
You sat there moving to the music, while eating and singing along to the song. Bucky couldn’t stop smiling, only moving his head slightly to the music.
“Got no patience, cause I’m not a doctor. Girl why is you lying, girl why you Mufasa,” you sang to your roommate and he laughed as he bit into his burger and shook his head. And when the song ended and the next one came on, you stared at Bucky in disbelief.
“Kali Uchis?”
Bucky shrugged innocently. “I like her music.”
“This is my playlist on Spotify, isn’t it. Oh my god! You’re my follower!”
You quickly took out your cell and touched the music app, while Bucky sat and tried to hold back an embarrassed laugh. Going through all your playlists, you land on the one titled ‘No Fucks’ and looked at the one follower’s handle.
“Winterdude,” you read aloud. “WINTERDUDE.”
“Figured it would throw you off, since we live in California and it’s never cold here.”
“You follow like all my playlist, you dork.”
Bucky shrugged. “You make good playlists, plus it felt like having you around again.”
Your eyes snapped up to your friend and you gripped his shoulder. “I missed you too, Buck. And also, you’re like really buff now. It’s kinda hot.”
His entire face lit up and he just roared out a laugh, throwing a fry in your direction. “I’m glad to see you haven’t changed in the last two years, punk.”
“That might be a bad thing, I’m nearly 30 and haven’t evolved much.”
Buck rolled his eyes. “We’re all nearly 30 and we live in a house together - bunch of single, attractive people. Shit, we could be doing worse.”
“Speaking of,” you changed the subject. “Any chance on getting Steve that job at the gym?”
“Look at you, caring about my good friend, Steve.”
“I’m being a good roommate, jackass.”
He pulled down the black sunglasses that had been resting on his head and smirked. “Yeah, he’s in. I was going to tell him when I got home.”
“Damn, I was really looking forward to those nudes,” you sighed.
“Nothing,” you laughed. “It’s an inside joke. But what’s his deal anyway?”
“No, Dennis Rodman - yes Steve!”
Bucky chuckled and leaned back on his arms. “He was dating Sharon Carter…”
“Fancy,” you interrupted with a smile.
“Yeah, she was a pretty good catch. They dated through high school and college, they got engaged and everything.”
“Holy shit, he was engaged?”
Bucky ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “But they couldn’t decide on date, truthfully I think neither of them wanted it. She broke it off when Steve wouldn’t move to London with her.”
“What - why? London’s amazing,” you scoffed and Bucky agreed.
“I know, that’s what I told him, but Steve doesn’t like change much.”
“Shit, how’d you manage to get him to move across the country?”
He laughed. “My good looks, my dazzling charm.”
“You’re an idiot,” you announced, packing up the leftover lunch. Bucky watched you carefully and something clicked inside his brain.
“You two would be good together.”
You looked over at Bucky and chuckled at the joke. “Yeah, okay.”
“No, really,” he argued. “You’re exactly what he needs. Someone new, someone with a different take on life.”
You listened to Buck’s words and digested them all with a grain of salt. “You can’t go from Sharon Carter to me - I’m too much for him, literally and figuratively. That man wouldn’t know what to do with me.”
You listened to Bucky laugh and smiled at him seductively. “Now you, you’d know be perfect for me. But I’ve seen you throw up like six hot dogs after the Wiz Coaster at the country fair - can’t unsee that.”
“Are kidding me,” he groaned letting his head fall in shame. “We were 16.”
“Six hot dogs, Buck.”
You stood up and held out a hand. “Those six hot dogs ruined a lifetime of dirty - and I mean downright dirty, sex with me.”
Taking your hand, he chuckled and got up. “The biggest regret of my life, doll.”
The familiar nickname made your body warm with comfort and you leaned in and went to press a kiss on his check. But he turned and let his lips touch yours. You grinned against him and pulled away, smacking him on the chest.
“Thanks for lunch, Buck.”
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Boundaries Tags: @finallybreathee @scentofpineandhazelnutlattes@toniinhere@wildestdreamsrps@toofulloflove @thatgirlsar @smartmoochie @debzybrazy @ssweet-empowerment@cami23593@arrowswithwifi @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @lovelylittlekittn  @counted16hawks @the-doctor-called-loki @ashleydivine @grace-for-sale @explicitbucky@xxlashtonxjonnorxx@thedanifaith @frnkensteingrl @obsessedwithmisha@thebabewiththepwr @debzybrazy​ @bkwrm523​ @justcallmeyeli​
Forever Tags: @my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @adorable-assbutt @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes@policeofficerdean@dontbeamenacetotheforce@melonberri @superisatomboyuniverse@xloudwhocares @crownie-sr@dracsgirl @moonlight53@makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @rayleyanns @trekken81 @barely-emily@winterboobaer @latenightbooknerd @goodnightwife@mishaissocoollike  @stormyfandoms@foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass@flirtswithdanger @yana-tardis-drwho@myplaceofthingsilove  @jchona  @alyssaj23    @blackhoneybucky @urbanspacedecay@castieltrash1@hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines @brok3nsurvivor @motleymoose@distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming @fizzylollipop12@iamwarrenspeace@thisisthelilith@darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose @divide-supermarketflowers  @kapolisradomthoughts @sisinia13@swiggityswagness @stormyfandoms @takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7@whatmakesmebeme-tblr @supermoonpanda    @sisinia13@thewinterwitch@avengersgirllorianna@holywinchesterness @seeyainanotherlifebrotha​
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