xxmadsxoxo · 3 years
Loving this series (I’m super late to this, but still.)
The Merciless
-Danielle Vega
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Brooklyn Stevens sits in a pool of her own blood, tied up and gagged. No one outside of these dank basement walls knows she’s here. No one can hear her scream.
It’s quite special. Either you like it or you don’t. I for instance loves it! I didn’t even sleep that night.
Although the cover is pretty pink it definitely isn’t something for the fainthearted. I thought I had to throw up a few times (I’m usually very resistant, btw I love to dissect stuff in biology) but nevertheless, it’s a great book. Totally worth reading. (I ordered the second book at my local bookstore and they said it takes at least 6 weeks! I’m dying!)
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xxmadsxoxo · 4 years
I made this in 5 minutes just so I could cry some more, I’ll make a better one soon.
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xxmadsxoxo · 4 years
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Just the ordinary life X
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xxmadsxoxo · 4 years
I feel low often. I don’t know why, but I know it’s hard. I miss waking up, and being okay. It’s been so long, I’m just moving through my life. I don’t really feel like I’m living it anymore. I hate it. I hate waiting for the balloon to pop. For me to go through my problems through my head, and wait. Wait for the next wrong thing to happen. When it does, not only will it be added to my list of issues.. it will also be added to a list of reasons for people to like me less. I’m too sensitive, I apparently play victim in arguments, because I can’t help but cry when There’s confrontation. I overthink everything. I hate it all so much. I hate doing the same thing every weeks for the past 6 months.
I love a lot of things in my life. I love my mother, and my niece. I love my boyfriend. My pets, my friends. I can even manage to love myself sometimes, and the many things I consider to be huge accomplishments.
I have trouble loving the things that shaped me into who I am today. The heartbreak, the loss, the trauma, all the awful words spoken about me through the years. All those things in some way shape or form, built me into the person I am today. Yet I sit here, and hate them. I cry about them, because I haven’t figured out how to cope with it all yet.
Questions I often ask myself:
•Why wasn’t I good enough?
•Why did I have to go through that?
•Did I deserve it?
•Am I really everything they say?
•Am I just not trying hard enough?
•will I ever stop feeling so low?
Answers I’ve gotten:
Answering it myself is just a meltdown waiting to happen.. having someone else answer them for me, would be easier maybe? Then again, it’s my be criticism I can’t take.. Because I’m weak. I know I need to grow to be better, and less of a self pity black hole. It’s just hard when you’ve learned people will always expect the worse from you, and so far they haven’t been disappointed...
I feel like I’m trying, with everything I’ve got.. but it’s going no where.. I don’t know what else to do.
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
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rip you legend
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
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No marriage required.
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
Me fucking too, I was so lost.
Illustrations of Homophones
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Credit to: Homophones, Weakly.
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
Praying that all of your abusers, rapists, and bullies die this year.
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
It will be my mission in life to find all the Chris Evans laugh edits and apprehend the crafty son of a bitch that keeps making them. 
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
Get to know me
Hey guys! I know I said I’d be writing, and putting stories out soon. It’s just been really hectic, and I swear I will get to it. I figured I’d do something a little fun, and tell you a few things about me.
Here are some facts:
1. I’m a hardcore lover, not necessarily in bed. More so in general, if I love someone I most likely will love them forever. Or never stop caring about them, no matter how hard I try.
2. I like literally all genre of music, and any generation of music. If I haven’t heard it, chances are I’d like it anyway.
3. I’m a sucker for concerts, parties, amusement parks, really anything outside. I like doing things, and I hate having nothing on my schedule.
4. I’m constantly broke, I come from a pretty poor family. I have had 5 jobs since I was 16, and I’m 18. I work hard, but I won’t put up with snakes.
5. I’m a big family person, I love my family. I really do, I probably wouldn’t be able to move far from them anytime soon. Even though I love my family, I have cut out toxic members. Just because we are blood does not mean, that I will put up with your toxic lifestyle.
6. I’m a BIG movie/tv show person. I love so many movies, I have never been able to pick a favorite. I used to be able to pick a favorite show, but now not so much. If you ever wanted a list of my few top favorites, just lmk.
7. I’m in love with the sky, I love watching the clouds roll by, any sunset is beautiful these days. I’m a watch the stars kind a person, I love looking at the moon, and watching the night sky. Clouds will forever fascinate me.
8. I love both cats and dogs. I grew up with them all my life, never had a problem with either one. Of course I’ve had other animals growing up, such as; Ferrets, Racoons, Hamsters, Fish, and Bunny’s.
9. I’m a genuine person, I will say what I’m thinking. I don’t say awful things, unless you really bring it out of me. Which is rare that anyone gets that part of me out, I’m pretty mellow most the time. I will almost always support you, unless it’s really dumb what you’re doing.
10. I’m not a political person in the sense, that I didn’t really grow up learning about what the president had been doing wrong. Because my parents weren’t really into it either. Now I’m into it, because I don’t want to see anyone get outnumbered by powerful people. With a really bad mindset.
Here are some (political) things you may want to know about me, before you decide to follow me.
I support abortions, then again I feel like almost all women do.
I don’t like trump, then again I also feel like most people don’t. (Which still leaves me confused on how he became president.)
I love the LGBTQ+ community. I feel like everyone should, and that’s all I have to say about them.
Our justice system needs to fucking change, right fucking now. The fact that abortion could get a women locked up for years, but a rapist only gets a few months and probation.. it really fucks with my head. Along with the a white guy getting caught with possession of marijuana, only getting let off with simple shit or something, and then a POC getting arrested and put in jail.
I hate that the world is struggling to fix the shit we have ruined, because if we could make things to destroy this beautiful planet. I think we could just as easily make things to make things better, and nobody can argue with me about this. We fucked it up, WE NEED TO FUCKING FIX IT. Thank you for reading, leave me some asks! I love talking to you guys, and I promise I’ll try my best to start writing soon.
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
About my fictions. A different connection.
HI! You may have noticed I’ve kind of been MIA with my story updates, and if you hadn’t noticed cool pretend I never said anything.  Anywho, i’m sorry for the delay in my updates I’ve been a busy bee. I’m sure you all understand what that’s like, but i assure you i haven’t given up on any of my stories! They are still in the works. A different connection is a story I would love to keep writing, and i hope you all would like to continue reading. I have had my hands tied with family matters, and a few other things that have been rather stressful. I just thought i’d let you know, that i’m not going anywhere! I should be back sometime within next month, if all goes to plan. Thank you for your patience, I hope you haven’t forgotten about me! -mads
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
I came up with this
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Old meme but still
Thank you to @wenkiemoo for the inspiration! Go support them, they deserve it!💖
I can’t draw hair so I decided to cover it up with a hat, but then I realised I can’t draw hats either
Pls don’t repost w/o tagging meh ☺️
Click for better quality
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
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Animal snaps 
(#2 @ellietiny)
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
me: why is my fic not done already
my piece of shit rational brain: you gotta like… write it bro
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
how many followers do i need to get random asks god be nosy u little shits ask me about my personal life this is fucking boring getting nothing
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xxmadsxoxo · 5 years
Cher destroying gender
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