#I am about to go to sleep and I am just rambling for the sake of it lolol
nemo-in-wonderland · 19 days
I won't be able to share Mephisto and Aranea's first kiss tonight, because I am still in the sketch phase of it.
But let me tell you something.
Drawing Mephisto with straight hair feels SO WRONG FOR ME, DEAR GODS.
I need to, because timeline wise, at that point in time when they first kiss, he still has it long and flowy and straight.
But dear Gods, while I find him still fascinating, it feels SO WEIRD AND SO WRONG FOR ME LOLOLOL
Gonna counterbalance with extra curls, in their first time artwork lololol
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dbphantom · 2 years
Hmmm lungs and throat pain. Don't like that.
#I stg if my mom actually has covid and gave it to me I'm going to be so fucking pissed#She's like oooohhh no it's just a sinus infection well girl I did not want that either!!!!#Grumble grumble I'm really annoyed I wanted to sleep in today and I woke up bc of the pain#Cruddy rambles#I wear a mask every time I go outside but EVERY TIME one of my parents gets sick guess who also gets sick!!!!#And guess who don't wear masks!! That's right... My parents!#I have not brought a single sickness into this house since I started masking. Meanwhile whenever either of them gets sick I'm always the#One who catches it a couple days after. It's miserable#I also go outside Very Rarely. My dad works in an office and my mom goes to the gym every single day except the weekends#And neither of them mask anymore. They genuinely don't give a fuck.#And it pisses me the hell off. Not only am I getting sick bc of it (and ofc usually worse than them) but that's a blatant disregard for#Literally everyone around them. And my mom had BEEN immunocompromised before. She just doesn't care about other ppl ig#Meanwhile at dinner last night my dad is like 'oyeah my coworker has had the flu for *ninety days* they dunno what's wrong with him'#And it doesn't click in his tiny fucking pea brain that hey. Dont fucking risk taking that here (bc he caught it from his niece apparently)#Granted my dad's probably lying bc that's what he Does TM but like. If he's not? Way to be a dumbass. Idiot.#And my mom is like 'oh yeah the gym owners bring their kid to the gym whenever he gets out of daycare for being sick and I love kids so I'm#Always going up to him like hi!!' and I'm sitting at the table like 'so. Let me get this straight. You knew you were probably gonna catch#His cold/whatever and you still went up to him without a mask or anything on' fucking brilliant aren't these two#YES I'm annoyed I'm sick I had Shit To Do this week. Fucks sake. I limit the amount I go out for leisure to like 1x a month and always mask#Meanwhile these assholes are going out and spreading disease like its NBD#Like what is the point of me even bothering when I live with these two. I still will but like. It feels so bleak#Eventually one of them is gonna catch covid and bring it here. They don't care about quarantining. Is it just going to be an endless cycle#Until eventually one of us finally gets unlucky and is hospitalized or dies? Like I genuinely don't know what it would take to get them to#Actually give a shit anymore. It's infuriating#I try to talk to them and they just laugh at me and shake their heads when I mask and tell me I look stupid and paranoid now#Maybe you should be fucking paranoid!!! FUCK!!#Why do I have to be sick because of your fucking negligence it's not *fair*.#I close my eyes and because I just slept the background radiation of my consciousness won't dissipate enough for me to fall back to sleep#Screams
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tibby-art · 3 months
i am straight up on my hands and knees BEGGING for more hitman au
crazy that you mention that actually because i did write another snippet a little while ago.. here’s a doodle i did to accompany it + the writing under the cut
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Grian gazed out the window of the bus, soaking in the quiet evening of the city. It had been some time since he was out in public like this, since he had felt like a normal citizen going about her daily buisness. It was nice to be outside the NHO headquarters for once, free to do what she pleased. Well, sort of.
Grian wasn’t exactly free. He was allowed some free time out when there was no training, lab visits, or missions. However, she was only allowed outside the NHO with a bodyguard. Someone who could both protect him from the overstimulation of the outside world, as well as protect others from her… if he were to ever lose control of his powers, or something.
Yes, riding the bus with a former-criminal-turned-professional-hitman certainly made the whole experience feel less normal for Grian.
“It’s nice to take public transportation once in a while,” Scar mused, stretching his arms over his head. “Us vexes don’t get to do that much anymore, when we can just fly around wherever we need to go.”
“That must be so much better, though,” Grian pointed out. “You can fly wherever you want, and you don’t even have to pay the bus fare.”
“Let me tell you, Grian, flying can be so tiring,” Scar huffed. “Sometimes I’m so tired by the time we show up to a hit, we need to take a breather on the roof for a few minutes. The NHO should just let us have a car for the long missions, for goodness’ sake!”
Grian did a quick check of his surroundings. The bus was pretty empty this time of day, but she got no sense that any of the passengers were paying attention to Scar so casually talking about being a hitman. A brief tap into watcher vision didn’t show any movement from the passengers behind her, either.
“Cub’s in much better shape than me,” Scar rambled on. “Did you know that man was a professional basketball player once? Or was it golf…? Actually, I think it was both.”
The NHO didn’t deem it too urgent to send both their prized hitmen on Grian-watching duty, so Cub had stayed behind at the headquarters. Last time Grian had seen Cub, he was showing off a ring of keys to Scar, saying how he was going to get a lot of ‘research’ done that night.
“What are those keys for?” Grian asked.
“Don’t know yet,” Cub shrugged. “That’s part of the fun”.
“So… those aren’t your keys?”
Cub and Scar just grinned at her.
“….This is our stop,” Grian said.
The pair exited the bus. The Hermit City library stood before them.
“Library, huh?” Scar asked. “Do you have some overdue books from before you became a watcher or something?”
“Not so loud,” Grian scolded, glancing around a mostly empty city street. “But, no. Speaking of… that, I wanted to see if there were any books I could find on the subject.”
Scar raised an eyebrow. “Do you think a public library would have better information than what we have at the NHO?”
Grian shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”
The library was pretty empty at this time of day. In fact, they probably closed in an hour or so. Grian had deliberately chosen a time of day where less people would be around, so that the trip was less overwhelming on his new senses. Scar had complained that he wasn’t a morning person, so they settled on the evening instead. Grian secretly was also glad she could sleep in a little.
“Geez, when’s the last time I’ve been in one of these?” Scar muttered, glancing at the countless shelves of books as they walked past.
“What, are you allergic to reading?” Grian teased.
“Well, I am dyslexic, so… sort of?”
Grian realized that for a trip to the library to do some research, she probably should have gotten Cub to come. The man literally has two science degrees, after all.
The two made their way to the front desk, where the librarian on duty appeared to be preoccupied… knitting a hand puppet of some kind?
“Well howdy there!” The librarian looked up from his work cheerfully. He had long, brown hair that was dyed neon green at the tips, matching perfectly with her pointed green glasses. “What can I help y’all with?”
“Uh, yes, um.” Grian tapped his fingers on the desk. “We were wondering if you had any books on Watchers, and where they might be?”
“Watchers, huh…” The librarian furrowed their brow. “Now that’s an obscure topic.” He swiveled his chair towards his computer to investigate further. Grian began to grow anxious with how obvious he felt they were being.
“I know, right?” Scar sighed, leaning on the desk casually. “It’s for some lame group project that’s like, a fourth of our final grade in the class.”
“Yikes! That sounds rough,” The librarian remarked as she typed on the computer. Grian tapped into his sixth sense and didn’t pick up on any feelings of suspicion from the librarian. Maybe bringing Scar was a good idea.
“Okay, well, most of these books that are coming up seem to be more on the… fantasy side,” The librarian explained after a moment of scrolling. “I know those guys are mythological beings, but you said you’re doing a research project, so I’m guessing you want something more factual…”
“Yeah, anything with information about where they came from, what they do, stuff like that.” Grian nodded. “Y’know, like if they were real.”
“Oh! Here’s something promising.” The librarian turned the monitor so that Grian and Scar could see. “This book right here seems to be a study of the tales of Watchers throughout history. Although… it looks like our only copy is checked out at the moment.”
“Really?” Grian asked. “By who?”
The librarian blinked. “Hm… y’know, I’m actually not sure if I’m supposed to like, give that information to people? Like, legally?”
“There’s another person in our group project, so we just want to know if they beat us to checking out this book,” Scar lied. “Communication in group projects, am I right?”
“Pff, yeah, that makes sense,” The librarian turned the computer back to face him. “It looks like this book is currently being borrowed by a Martyn. With a y! How fancy.”
“Ah, Martyn with a y, of course!” Scar exclaimed. “Well, now we know that Martyn has the book, right Grian?”
“Yup,” Grian agreed, mind racing.
“Hey, actually…” The librarian scrolled down on the computer some more. “You guys sure got the right person for this project. It looks like this Martyn fella has been checking this book out for a few months now?”
Grian’s eyes widened.
“Ohh, that Martyn,” Scar laughed. “Always getting the head start on things! Uh, did we need anything else, Grian?”
“Um…” Grian needed to think fast. Whoever this Martyn person was, he’s been checking the same book on Watchers out for months. Surely he has to know something about them. Grian had to speak to him. But how on earth were they going to find this person?
Grian focused on the back of the librarian’s computer monitor. For a brief moment, in her mind’s eye, he could see the content of computer screen, from the librarian’s eyes. There on the screen was a full name: Martyn Littlewood.
“Nope, that’s all,” Grian replied, blinking rapidly as he returned to his own vision.
“Great. Well, you two have a good one!” The librarian said cheerfully, and returned to their knitting.
Grian and Scar briskly made their way outside.
“Wow. So who’s this Martyn guy? I didn’t think anyone else cared about Watchers that much,” Scar began, turning to Grian. “Oh uh, Grian, you’ve got something there…” Scar pointed to his own nose, looking worried all of a sudden.
“Huh?” Grian wiped his nose on his sleeve instinctively, expecting snot. However, when he glanced at his arm he saw red.
“Ah.” At least her sweater was already red.
“What did you do in there?” Scar asked, his green eyes intense with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“I was able to get a better look at that computer, and see the guy’s last name,” Grian explained. “Martyn Littlewood. Whoever he is, he might have a ton of information about Watchers. I’ve got to find him and have a word with him.”
“Grian, you’re amazing!” Scar exclaimed, impressed. “Well, finding someone in this city should be easy enough for a Watcher.”
“Shush,” Grian glanced around the empty bus stop. “Or we could try, y’know, looking the name up online first…” Grian quickly pulled out her phone. “Ah. Found him.”
“What? You’re kidding.”
“Oh my god, Scar.”
“Scar.” Grian held the phone out. “Martyn Littlewood is…”
“A youtuber?” Scar’s jaw dropped as he scrolled through the list of videos. “And he makes videos talking about-“
Scar stared at Grian, dumbfounded.
“Scar, I think we just found the world’s biggest, and perhaps only, Watcher fanatic,” Grian stated in disbelief. “And he lives right here in Hermit City.”
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for-those-who-wait · 14 days
it hurts me to ask this, but how would blorbo!Hunter respond to the death of flapjack…
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Blorbo Hunter has cat brain where he doesn't really have a complex thought process (there's another ask about this in my inbox that I'll answer once I doodle some more, I'll try to go more in-depth about it then) so I think it would be that situation where one of your pets passes and the other is confused about why their buddy isn't around anymore and why their owner is suddenly very sad
I would really like to make a comic about it but it would take a while and my brain is mush so, taking crack seriously, I think it would happen like this (very limited memory of what happens in the beginning of For the Future):
Blorbo Hunter is probably in somebody's pocket or bag for the whole altercation with Belos in Thanks to Them, so he didn't actually witness anything. Everyone is very torn up about it after they go through the portal, the blorbo is a little confused about why Hunter looks sad and weird, but he's just kind of chilling. Hunter can't really stand to look at the blorbo for a bit (something about anxiety about loss and wanting to distance himself emotionally as a coping mechanism) so he passes him off to Luz and the gang to watch over while he broods in the corner at the Owl House like normal. Blorbo Hunter is just hanging out, he's kind of wondering what's up since I think Flapjack would be as constant a presence for blorbo Hunter as he is for regular Hunter and he's similarly not used to not having that presence nearby. They are friends, they love each other, and he wants to know where his friend is!
I think blorbo Hunter has a little bit of a signal thing going where he'll make little gestures about things he wants (he just learned that Flapjack is more likely to interact with him if he opens his arms like he wants a hug, and he kept doing it). So the gang is familiar by now that when he splays his little arms out, he's referencing Flapjack. And he doesn't actually do that until they're all calming down, slowly trying to fall asleep at the Owl House, and he finally wriggles away to find Hunter (because he follows him absolutely freaking everywhere and he might as well have a natural homing beacon for that boy)
Hunter's not really trying to sleep, he's been Irreparably Traumatized, and blorbo Hunter climbs onto him and splays his arms out like "Where's Flapjack?" since Hunter usually knows where he is, and blorbo Hunter has associated Hunter with Flapjack appearing. Hunter isn't even sure if he should respond to that, because he knows by now that the blorbo just can't really understand the concept of loss like that. Hunter's probably tearing up a bit by now because of all the stress and emotions he's shoving down, and now he's got this innocent little thing looking up at him for guidance that he feels he's incapable of providing because Flapjack, the one thing the blorbo is asking for, is gone in a way that Hunter can't explain and the blorbo can't understand.
Blorbo Hunter, ever the cat, at least recognizes that Hunter's upset. The blorbo climbs up onto his chest, probably lays right up against his chin, and just sits there for the sake of closeness and an attempt at comfort. And for his part, I think Hunter would just grieve a lot about it because Flapjack was probably there to help him process even accepting blorbo Hunter in the first place (I think Flapjack would immediately love the blorbo and would have to spend a long time convincing Hunter to give him a chance as well), and now he's left with the guilt of having initially disliked the blorbo and also killing his friend. Like "I killed Flapjack with the hand that I am currently using to try and comfort this weird clone-cat-creature he was friends with, I'm so incredibly messed up and terrible for this."
This child can fit so much trauma and self-hatred in him holy crap
ANYWAY sorry for the ramble, hopefully that answers the question, thank you for asking it :))
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Hyiaa!! If these prompts are still free can I please request
BINGO: Bimbo , Eggsy Unwin with the prompt
"I like having you covered in me. Smothered in me, full of me. Want all of you, and you need all of me." ?
Thank you for your time!
—𓆩[your majesty]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Eggsy Unwin x Fem! Princess! Bimbo! Kingsman Agent! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, maybe slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 2.6K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Eggsy truly didn’t know how you were recruited into Kingsmen, but he wasn’t complaining. You helped him out a lot during training, but for fucks sake, were you blind to how Charlie and his friends looked at you? When you go missing, though, Eggsy has to save you. He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - foul language and cursing || reader is portrayed as very naive and kind of an airhead || reader is portrayed as wearing tight and revealing clothes and likes makeup || sex positive reader || again, kinda ditsy || you’re an undercover spy princess now || you get kidnapped || edited timeline || lovesick eggsy || smut || fingering || masterbating || different positions || multiple rounds || size kink || cum kink || marking kink || rough sex turned soft sex ||
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“Your mission,” Merlin spoke as you handed Eggsy, Roxy, and Charlie. “Is to win over the asset shown in the folder. And when I say win over, I do mean biblically.”
Eggsy smiles, opening and showing off the picture. “Easy. Posh girls love a little rough.”
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Charlie scoffed, showing the exact same image. “We’ll see about that.”
Roxy giggled. “We certainly shall.”
“Yep! Mhm, sex! You need to fuck her,” you filled in, Charlie scoffing a slight laugh as Merlin smiled slightly and nodded. “Nicely! She’s an heiress.”
“Yes, Y/N, I’m sure they are aware she is an heiress,” Merlin spoke, a sheepish smile developing on your lips. “Anyways, you will be going to the club-”
“Oh, I love clubbing!” You say, Merlin looking over at you with a slight raise of his brows. “O-Oh I’m sorry… I’ll be quiet now.”
Eggsy smiled slightly as he stared at you, but his stomach twisted slightly at the thought of sleeping with someone else. Eggsy was faithful, he always was no matter what, and to be honest, he wasn’t very excited about sleeping with someone else when he wanted to be sleeping with you – both sexually and when he woke up.
“Anyways, you leave at 2200. Please be ready by then. Y/N, come with me.” Merlin smiled at you as you nod, smiling back.
“Yes, Merlin.”
As you both walked out, Eggsy quickly ran after you before Roxy could say anything. “Y/N! Y/N, wait up!”
“Oh, uhm,” you looked back at Merlin who nodded slightly, walking away as you turned. “What’s up, Eggsy?”
“I-I uhm… just wanted to talk to you real quick,” he whispered, looking back at the other two with a slight sigh. “If uhm… If I don’t go past this session-”
“You will,” you say, giggling. “I’m sure a rough boy like you can handle your liquor. And you’re very loyal too!”
Eggsy paused, tilting his head. “Loyal?”
You froze, humming. “Forget I said that. Anyways. Like you were saying?”
Eggsy cleared his throat, swallowing. “If uhm… I wanted to say that when I sleep with this girl,” he ignored your giggle. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m aware,” you say with a shrug. “I had to sleep with a pair of guys, but not for the initiation part. The initiation part was actually easier than sleeping with those guys, how are you gonna be a crime lord with a small dick…”
He smiled as you continued to ramble off, his eyes slowly trailing over your pretty face all the way down to your tight clothes and perfect body, round and soft in every perfect place, and the thought of having your thighs around his head truly was a dream.
“Oh, I am so sorry… you had a question, what was it?” You tilted your head, smiling at him.
“I-I uhm… I just wanted to ask if after this session… if you would want to go out with me? On like… a real date?” He whispers, tilting his head slightly as you gaped at him.
“R-Really? You want… you want to take me out on a date?” You whisper, eyes narrowing. “Why? I have nothing to do with the choosing process.”
“I’m not trying to get points for the choosing process,” Eggsy clarified immediately, taking a step closer toward you. “I just… I want to take you out to see if we could… go out together as a couple.”
You paused, swallowing. “Oh…” you looked back at Merlin who was tapping on his tablet, then turned around with a nod. “I would like that. I would like that very much.”
“You would? Good. Good, perfect,” he smiled widely as you inhaled, smiling. “Go. I’m sure Merlin needs something important.”
You smiled, nodding as you leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to his cheek. “I can’t wait.”
Eggsy smiled widely as you walked off, turning around to see Charlie and Roxy staring at him. “Did you just ask Y/N out on a date?” She spoke, tilting her head. “Really?”
You didn’t have a code name because there was no point. You were already known to the world, Princess Y/N who was the face of her kingdom, perfect in every way, though slightly naive – it didn’t make one bit of a difference to Eggsy. He truly, truly wanted to see how far he would get with you, and just maybe he would get you to the altar.
Right when they were about to leave, Eggsy noticed you in the corner, staring at yourself in the mirror as you flattened out the sides of your dress. For fucks sake, you looked absolutely stunning. Perfect in every way, the dark blue dress pooling at the floor as you slowly turned in the mirror.
He wasn’t used to seeing you in such a dark color, but you looked just as beautiful in it as you did any other color.
He couldn’t speak for a minute, but when it finally came to mind, all he could say was, “Wow.”
You looked over immediately, smiling as you walked toward him, heels clicking. “Going undercover,” you whisper, then shrug. “Kind of.”
“Well, I wish you luck,” Eggsy whispered back, trying to keep his eyes on yours and not trail over your body like a pervert. “You look… so beautiful.”
“Thank you, Eggsy, really,” you smiled back at him as he looked down at his clothes, completely underdressed compared to you. “You look great too.”
“You don’t have to lie, love,” he laughed slightly, embarrassed. How could he think a pretty girl like you would want to be with him? “W-Well… good luck on your mission. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“I could come to the barracks tonight,” you suggest, shrugging. “It’ll just be you and someone else anyways. I’ll bring you to my room.”
Eggsy smiled. “That sounds perfect, Y/N. Good luck, I’ll see you later.”
“See you, Eggsy.” You smiled as he leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before slowly turning around and walking off.
After he finished his initiation sequence, he waited in the barracks, reading a book as he slowly stroked JBs back, waiting for you to come in and take him back to your apartment for the night.
“Eggsy? Are you waiting for Y/N?” Roxy spoke, Eggsy looking up with a slight sigh.
“I was, yeah,” he whispered, shaking his head. Tomorrow was his day with Harry, and he couldn’t have thoughts of you interrupting it. “But I’m going to go to sleep now.”
“Oh, okay. Goodnight, Eggsy.”
“Goodnight, Rox.”
When morning came and Eggsy walked toward Harry who was speaking with Merlin, he inhaled as he heard your name on the TV. “Princess Y/N has been missing for three days now, gone and we haven’t been able to locate her since.”
“Y-Y/N’s missing?” His voice came out broken and hoarse, Harry turning around with a slight sigh.
“She didn’t come back from her mission last night,” Merlin says, shaking his head. “Y/N is a strong girl, she can handle herself. Now, go enjoy your day and we’ll keep looking for her.”
Oh, and then everything stacked up. With you missing, Harry being fucking murdered, figuring out that Arthur was with Valentine the entire time, he was so fucking tired. Now, about to die from Valentines dumbass soldiers, he couldn’t stop thinking about you — until the microchips came to mind.
After telling Merlin about the microchips, he could’ve sworn he heard your voice.
“Eggsy! Eggsy, is that you?!”
He quickly turned around, at this time ignoring the announcement that Valentine said and storing it for later, gasping when he saw you. “Y/N! You’re here!”
“Yes I’m here!” You giggled, sighing. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t come back and-”
“Don’t worry about that now, darling, what matters is that you’re safe,” he smiled as you leaned forward, pushing yourself closer to the opening, Eggsy doing the same before he heard Merlin’s voice.
“Hate to interrupt this lovely moment, but the fate of the world is about to be decided, Eggsy!”
Eggsy sighed as he pulled away, shaking his head. “As much as I’ve always wanted to kiss a princess, my darling, but I have to go save the world.”
You smiled, giggling. “You save the world, you can get me pregnant.”
Eggsy paused, blinking before nodding slightly. “I’ll be right back.”
You laughed, biting your lip slightly as he ran off. “Good luck!”
And as soon as he said his wicked last line to Valentine, he was already running to your cell and tried to open the door. He heard your laugh when it didn't open, clearing his throat. “Merlin, what’s the code?”
Merlin laughed and told him, Eggsy smirking as he slipped off his glasses and slowly walked in, holding back a loud groan when he saw your legs spread and your fingers working your cunt as you groaned loudly. “Fucking finally Eggsy, what took you so long?”
He laughed as he set down the champagne and the champagne flutes on the table, slipping off his tie before you pull your fingers out of your cunt and quickly moved to your feet, stumbling slightly before falling into his chest. “Are you alright, darling?” He laughed slightly as you giggled.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just… need you. So bad. Gotta hold up my end of the deal,” you tilted your head, winking up at him with another giggle. “You gotta put a baby in me, Unwin.”
He groaned loudly as he easily lifted you up, moving you back to the bed and dropping you gently onto the bed. He watched as you quickly parted your legs, sighing as Eggsy kicked off his shoes – carefully of course – taking off his suit before you leaned forward and held his tie. “Keep this on.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” he whispers, slipping his button down off from under his tie that you immediately took hold of and pulled him down. He leaned down, kissing you and savoring your lips on his as you moved your legs to wrap your legs around his waist. “For fucks sake, never thought I’d be kissing an actual princess.”
You giggled as he pushed down his slacks, pulling him down for another kiss and rutting your hips into his. “Oh please, please… just forget about the fact that I’m a princess and just fuck me. Not like a prince, I need that roughness.”
“Whatever you say, darling,” he whispers back, smiling as he watches you slowly lay back. “Are you sure you want it rough? Darling, I-”
“I’m a princess, Eggsy, just not one made out of glass,” you whisper back, smiling. “Fuck me, Eggsy, hard.”
Oh, you truly didn’t have to tell him twice.
He was quick to snap his hips into you, groaning loudly as your head tilted back, leaning down to tuck his face under your chin. His hips moved rough and quick, fucking into you like he was infatuated. In a way, he was, his mind blurring in pleasure as moans unconsciously fell from his lips, your cunt tight and perfect around him.
His cock was perfect inside of you, just the right length but heavy on the girth, thick and filling you up just right and absolutely fucking perfect. You gasped as you tilted your head back, savoring the feeling of him inside of you. Even with his strong and rough thrusts, he was still holding himself back, and you could feel it every time he held back from slamming his pelvis into yours.
It makes you take matters into your own hands, easily pushing him over and straddling his hips. “I said that I want rough Eggsy,” you whisper, placing your hands on his perfectly toned chest, roughly rolling your hips as you threw back your head. Oh, it was finally perfect. You could feel him in all of the places you desperately wanted him to be, letting out a loud groan as you rut your hips roughly into his. “I don’t want you to hold back, please, Eggsy.”
He groaned, his head tilting back just like yours, his hands automatically finding your hips to help guide you into his hips. Sadly, they were trying to get you to go slower. “Fuck, darling, don’t do this to me. I don’t want to hurt you, please baby-”
“I want it to be rough,” you responded, gasping as his hips roughly snap into yours. It was perfect, just like you wanted to, but it was a singular movement. “No! Eggsy please, please don’t stop!”
“Fuck, please… please, you need to tell me if I hurt you. Promise?” His voice was breathless as you nod, pulling his hands upward toward your tits.
“I promise. Just fuck me, Eggsy.”
This time he really didn’t hold back, immediately twisting you to lay on your back, inhaling as he snapped his hips forward to fuck you, rough and hard just like you wanted him to. He didn’t hold back, his hands holding your hips roughly. Oh, it was perfect and everything you wanted.
He was rough just like you wanted him to be, your body bouncing along with every thrust, head tilting back with pornographic moans falling from your mouth. The way you were being fucked was as though Eggsy was never given the chance to let loose, using your body as a way to escape.
His roughness wasn’t subjected to just his thrusts, leaning down and marking up every inch of your skin with hickies and bite marks from his mouth, his rough hands rubbing and gripping your body. You were basically sobbing when he was done, not even done as he panted above you, his cum dripping down your ass as he pumped his cock.
“Can I keep going, baby? Please, darling? I want to keep fucking you, want to fuck you so bad,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss against your ear. “Please?”
“I want you to keep going,” you didn’t care how sore you were, how full your stomach was of his cum. You felt sticky, gasping as he slid back inside of you, rolling his hips softly instead of what he was previously doing. “N-No, no, roughly. Rougher. Please.”
“You’re sure you can handle it?” His voice wasn’t taunting you, his lips pressing soft kisses to your skin. “I like having you covered in me. Smothered in me, full of me. Want all of you, and you need all of me. But I can’t give it to you if it’s gonna hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me,” you whispered back, shaking your head as you kissed his lips softly. “You could never hurt me. Keep going.”
He smiled, nodding. “Whatever you say, your majesty.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It’s your highness. I’m not queen yet.”
“You’re almost there,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Your majesty.”
“There you go.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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thethirdromana · 5 months
Subscribing to Letters Regarding Jeeves and the Woman in White Weekly has left me preoccupied with the role of servants. So here's a bit of a ramble on servants - and particularly Dracula's servants, or lack thereof.
Jonathan comes from a time when being middle-class means having at least one live-in servant. But the number of servants per head of population in the UK was falling - from 1.38m in 1891 (4% of the population) to 1.27m in 1911 (2.8% of the population). That's why, in Jonathan's time, employing one servant means entry to the middle classes, but 30ish years later, the fabulously wealthy Bertie Wooster also has... one servant.
(To disgress: admittedly Jeeves is likely to be a lot more expensive to employ than the entry-level maid-of-all-work that a middle-class household would have, and there's also no indication that Wooster couldn't afford more servants, but I think it's still significant that he's happy with just the one. Wooster is gently snobbish about being appropriately dressed and going to the right restaurants and so on, but he doesn't see only having one servant as a problem.)
Dracula is a medieval nobleman. I don't know much about Transylvanian history but I would expect that in life, his castle would have been swarming with servants, both as a necessity (it takes a lot to keep a castle warm and clean, and its inhabitants fed), as a duty (to employ people from the surrounding area) and as a status symbol. And I would expect much the same to be true of a living nobleman on his country estate in 1890s Transylvania as well.
So why doesn't Dracula have any servants?
Well, obviously from a storytelling perspective, it's fucking creepy. I think the impact is lessened from a 21st century perspective because "there are no servants" is the default state for most of us, but this is the 1890s equivalent of being in a city and suddenly all the street noise goes silent. And I fear I am myself the only living soul within the place goes hard in any century. From Bram Stoker's perspective, I don't think this needs more justification and if I wasn't analysing every aspect of this book in the minutest detail I don't think I would give it any further thought.
The other obvious answer is that, being dead, Dracula doesn't need any servants. But I don't think that works. He may not need to eat or stay warm and presumably he doesn't produce any waste, but he still wears clothes that need washing and has horses that need to be cared for. Any old building needs an exhausting amount of maintenance just to keep it from crumbling. There's a lot of work that needs doing and I think we can assume that Dracula doesn't want to be doing it himself.
Perhaps he can't have servants. If serving at the castle means death (which presumably it does) then maybe the locals just refuse. And while Dracula has ways to pressure people, I can imagine that he would see that as beneath him just for the sake of having someone to wash his shirts. Maybe as much of that work as possible is done outside the castle, free of charge, by the terrified locals.
So then I find myself wondering, what is the state of the castle usually? Has Dracula spring-cleaned for his visitor? Has he brought the bed-hangings and linen out of ancient storage chests, replacing the moth-eaten ones that usually sit there, decaying? Has he dusted? There is an enormous amount of work involved just in getting the castle to the standard that Jonathan sees. Is there magic involved? Does Dracula usually live there like Sleeping Beauty with the castle crumbling around him? Or is the sumptuous luxury that Jonathan sees just an illusion?
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depressedbeano · 2 months
Toji Fushiguro: Dull Roses
“I’m sorry.” 
I winced and controlled my facial expressions carefully to avoid giving away more. I've learnt how to control my body language and social cues in various events to be presentable. An only child born in a rich family would give you that. And somehow, these social cues waver when it comes to him. 
"You're not." I uttered. I thought I was being stoic, but in fact, I wasn't. I got teary, my lips trembled, and most importantly, I started snapping my fingers as a form of an anxiety tic. 
“Baby-” He stepped forward with his arms open, but I took two steps backwards. A literal execution of ‘one step forward, two steps backwards’. He put his arms down in defeat and hurt flashed through his eyes. 
“Pack your clothes and leave. I never want to see you again.” I said with an eerie calmness. Yet, my lips continued to tremble as I was trying hard not to cry. 
“Please listen to me. I didn’t mean it. I was angry and I wasn’t in my head.” He continued to step forward with caution. I laughed bitterly and ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration.
“You are a good fuck, but that doesn’t mean you can control my life!” He shouted, mere seconds ago. 
His words flashed through my mind. Repetitively. Every time I thought of it, my head and chest squeezed painfully. I tried to make the pain go away by rubbing my temples and chest lightly, but the pain was still there. I felt suffocated just by his words. 
Toji and I shared an apartment, a place we called ‘home’. We were together for three years until he asked me to move in with him. It has been two years since then. 
Toji came home with a darkened aura around him. It was written all over his face that he had a rough day. Not a normal corporate rough day, but a rough rough day. He threw his shoes away and pulled his tie back so harshly that I could hear his clothes tearing. I walked up to him and caressed his cheeks, “Bad day, huh?” I asked softly. 
He grunted as a form of response and left me standing at the door to shower. I followed him silently into our bedroom. “Is there anything that I can do to help?” I asked again in a soft tone. 
He shook his head but didn’t look at me. It was like he couldn’t see me. I found it weird but didn’t want to press further, so I just prepared the tub for him while he stripped naked silently. 
Two hours later, he exited the tub with a towel hanging around his torso. He seemed better but his eyebrows continued to furrow. His telltale that he was still upset. I made him his favourite chamomile tea, one that always relaxes him and makes him sleep better at night. I pushed the mug towards him at the dining table. 
“Toji? Do you want to talk about it? You know bottling up your emotions will just make your overthinking worse right?” I asked while caressing his back. He grunted again and took a sip of his chamomile tea, still not looking at me. 
“Or do you want to have a movie marathon and we’ll just talk about it tomorrow? You could pick the movie while I prepare us some snacks-” I continued while shuffling through the discs in the bottom drawer of the TV cabinet. “Dear lord, can you just shut up for one second!” Toji yelled. 
I flinched and halted my movements. 
“The moment I came home, you just pestered me about my day and never stopped talking. I just wanted peace of mind from this shitty day for fuck’s sake! You want to know what happened? I got laid off! Happy?” He exploded and rambled on. His raised tone was loud enough to make me shiver. 
I told myself that he was just angry. He was just lashing out. He rarely lashes out so this is just him exploding all at once. “Toji-” I stepped forward to console him. But his next words stopped me. 
“I am working so hard for our future and you are staying home doing whatever the fuck you are doing. Here you are, asking me so many questions when all I wanted was just peace and quiet.” 
“You are a good fuck, but that doesn’t mean you can control my life!” He shouted. Silence filled the room afterwards. 
“No, those were your true words. You meant it. I am a hindrance to your life and a whore. You made it very clear.” I whispered. Finally, he looked me in the eyes. Whatever signs of his anger washed away, replaced by remorse and guilt. I wrapped my arms around myself and finally let the tears run down my face. Hurt and anger flashed across his face at my words. Anger towards himself, I could tell. 
“No, baby, I didn’t mean it. You are not a hindrance and definitely not a whore. You are my life and I will never forgive myself for saying those words. I love you so much, you know that.” He explained himself hurriedly and stepped forward eagerly to console me. 
I laughed to myself at his words, aggressively wiping my tears off my face. “Get out this instant.” I said, pointing at the door with a sharp tone. 
He tried to explain himself, and I wouldn’t listen to his explanation. So, I did what I had to do. I walked into our bedroom with intention, packed my clothes and went back out.
“I’ll leave. This is your apartment, I have no right to stay.” I mustered without looking at him. I can’t look at him, or else, I will be tempted to forgive him. He probably exploded out of anger, out of frustration, he probably didn’t mean them but they hurt all the same. 
With intention or not, the damage was there. 
“Bye Fushiguro, take care of yourself.” I bid farewell, not missing the way he winced at how I called him by his last name instead. 
Two weeks later 
I opened my rented room's door to a mailman, holding a bouquet of roses with a letter addressed to me. From Toji. As usual, for the past two weeks now. 
I sighed, “Sir, any chance you could send this back to the sender?” I asked while leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed. 
The mailman shook his head, “No can do. He made it very clear that you will receive it unless I want to lose my job.” He answered with annoyance and fear. 
“I am going to kill you, Toji Fushiguro.” I mustered under my breath as I closed the door. I couldn’t help but smile at the bouquet and letter. It was another series of apologies from him, wrapped with warmth and love. 
But I hold grudges and am pretty petty. The thought of his last words made my head throb. So, I put the bouquet in one corner with the rest of the bouquets and opened up the letter. 
Another two weeks later 
“Baby.” A gruff voice came from the other side of the door, slurred as well. Toji Fushiguro is drunk and at my doorstep. 
“Baby! Please!” He begged with a strained voice, accompanied by hiccups whilst banging on my door aggressively. He has been outside for 15 minutes now. “What?” I asked with annoyance on my side of the door, not wanting to deal with his drunk and sorry ass. 
“I missed you- hiccups no, I miss you. Please let me in. I want to see you. I haven’t hiccups been able to sl-sleep.” He slurred his words with hiccups in between, still banging on my door. At this rate, my neighbors are going to file a complaint about the noise disturbance and not to mention, the existence of a broody suspicious man banging on a woman’s door. 
I opened the door and his body warmth engulfed me with his head automatically nuzzling against my neck since he was leaning on my door earlier. He was so heavy that I had to hold onto my doorknob for support to make sure both of us did not fall. 
“How much did you have? For fuck’s sake.” I grumbled as I maneuvered us into my bedroom and dropped him carefully on my bed with his head well-positioned on my pillow.  “Not enough to numb hiccups m-myself, I could still feel the p-pain when you left.” 
“I am sorry, baby.” The only words he said without slurring and hiccuping before he went into a slumber. 
I caressed his face and trailed the wrinkles on his face to the back of his ears. His eye bags are darker, his wrinkles are deeper, and his eyebrows are furrowed even though he’s asleep. He looks miserable. With a sigh, I got up to clean up his mess. 
Toji woke up with a throbbing head, he could feel the veins in his neck and temples pulsating. “Fuck.” He threw an arm over his forehead in hopes of relieving the throbbing sensation but it was no help. Beside him, were a cup of water and medicines for his hangover. 
“Great, you’re awake. Now, leave.” I demanded with a fake firmness with my arms crossed. Though his presence here calms me, his harsh words still float in my mind. With that, I decided that he only deserved cold treatment from me. 
Despite his throbbing head, he insisted on walking towards me with his forearm on his forehead to avoid the blinding lights in his eyes. “Let me explain, please. I was wrong. Please give me a chance to at least beg for your forgiveness.” 
My heart ached for this, Toji never begs. No matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the uneasiness away. I had a feeling that if I didn’t listen to him, I would be miserable too. I would be overthinking and drowning in my spirals of self-doubt. 
At last, I nodded as a sign for him to continue. 
“That day, I got laid off. I entered the office, thinking that there would be good news for me because my colleagues had told me it could be a promotion. A promotion means a raise and that means I could save more money and we could finally get married.” He explained all in one breath as if I would run away if he didn’t. My eyes watered at the word ‘married’. 
“I got laid off because the company was not doing well. They had to cut down staff to save costs and I got the brunt of it. Afterwards, everything just went downhill for me. I tripped over a chair, lost my wallet, got scolded by a random old man on the streets for scaring off his dog and more.” I snorted and crossed my arms tighter at his explanation. At every sentence, he took a step closer to me carefully. I never stopped him. 
“When I got home, all I could think of was how I was a failure. Because if I was a competent staff, I wouldn’t be laid off. I wouldn’t have to worry about our financial difficulties and we could still get married.” His voice strained with a silent sob. Finally, he came to me and held onto my arms, wrapping his fingers over mine. 
“I was occupied with self-doubt. I wasn’t thinking straight. I was spiralling. Eventually, I exploded.” Subconsciously, I leaned towards him, wanting to be close to him despite my heart aching for him. 
“By the time I realised, you were already crying. I regretted everything and I hate myself for it. For you leaving. I always had anger issues and you never cared about them because you knew that I was trying my best. You always care for me in ways that I didn’t know I needed.” He confessed and I couldn’t hide my sobs anymore. I hid my face in my face as he embraced me while smoothing a hand on my back. 
“I am sorry. I am so fucking sorry. I know it’s hard for you to trust me right now, but all I am asking for is a chance. Just tell me yes or no, and I will respect what you want.” 
“Even if you don’t want to see me anymore.” He whispered. 
He knelt and held onto my calves, kissing them while holding onto my hands. He knelt like I was his queen. 
“Okay.” I answered in a small voice. He was confused by my answer so I knelt to his level and crashed my lips onto his. Our kiss wasn’t soft, it was full of hunger. Seconds later, I pulled away but he didn’t like that so he held onto me tightly. “I forgive you, Toji.” 
“Well, the kiss gave it away. Would be weird for you not to with that mindblowing kiss.” He joked, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. His breath fanning above my lips. “Don’t push it, Fushiguro.” I laughed as I straddled his lap. 
“Now, make it up to me in bed.” 
“Gladly, my queen.” He smirked. He carried me princess-style, plopped me onto the bed, and started trailing kisses on my stomach to my cleavage. 
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marksmelodies · 1 year
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stuck like glue
“tangled in love stuck by you from the glue”- glue song by beabadoobee
paring: chenle x fem! reader
genre: smut,fluff
warnings: mention of sex, oral (f), unprotected sex, cussing, kissing
note: i know chenle lives on his own but for the sake of this story pls pretend that he lives in the dreamies dorms lol
no proof read
minors dni
———————————————————————————————Chenle has been away on tour for a little over a month. Tomorrow him and the dreamies will arrive back to korea, you’ve never been more excited to finally see your boyfriend again,You already took off a few days of work and told your professors that you won’t be in class for a few days.Of course Chenle didn’t seem supper happy about you calling off of work and missing school just to see him But deep down he was excited to finally get some alone time with you
“I cant wait to see you lele, Daegal and i miss you so much” you say to your boyfriend over facetime
“ I miss my girls too, thanks again for taking care of her while i was away” Chenle says
“ It’s not a problem babe i mean i’m basically her mom am i not??” you ask
“ What?? no Daegal has no mom only a dad” he says
“ Oh right Chenle that’s why she wines and claws at the door when i leave the dorms”
“ You’re such smart ass Y/n”
“I really do miss you though babe,ask Jisung I talked his ear off every night about you, actually don’t ask jisung or any of the members anything.. forget what i said” He starts rambling and you notice that his ears are turning bright red
“And why’s that lele?” you ask with a smirk on your face
“ Uhh i may or may not have drank a bit to much one night after our show and accidentally spilled to jisung, mark and renjun about how good you are in bed” he says extremely embarrassed
Your eyes go wide as you audibly gasp
“ You did not” you say rather loudly
“ I’m sorry babe i was drunk i doubt they even remember it, i only remember so much i don’t know what else i said” he tries to defend himself, You start laughing uncontrollably
“ That’s actually hilarious, i never see you that drunk” you say making fun of him “You’re such a brat” he laughs
Once your FaceTime call ends with Chenle you tidy up your apartment that you both agreed he would stay at for a few days once he gets home from tour. You get ready to head to bed and say goodnight to daegal
“ Your daddy is gonna be here tomorrow!!” you say in a high pitched voice causing Daegals head to slightly turn, ears to purk up and tail to wag “ I know i’m excited too” you say as you pet her head and turn off the light ,It feels like hours have passed since you closed your eyes, it’s hard to sleep because of the excitement running through your veins,Finally you feel yourself drifting off to sleep
You shoot up and look at the clock that reads 2:45 am you woke to up the feeling of sweat dripping down your face, you realize that your whole body is drenched in sweat “ What the hell” you say in utter confusion as you get up to check the thermostat “ Why isn’t my air conditioner working” you say pressing buttons on the screen
You walk out into the hallway to check if air is flowing through the hall,Sure enough the hallway is cold yet your apartment is sweltering hot “ You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” you say as you walk back into your place
Turning on every fan you can find and placing them towards you and Daegal it finally felt a little bit better but not nearly enough to spend anymore time other than tonight in your apartment , Once the morning came you called the tenant about the air conditioner “ What three to five days just to get someone to check it out?” you say baffled
“ Sorry ma’am our technicians are booked out for a while” the man says on the other side of the phone
“ Alright well thanks anyways” you say as you hang up “god this is not how i wanted my week to start” You called your boyfriend to tell him about the air, Chenle talked to the members and they all agreed that you could spend a few days at the dorm until your air conditioning gets up and running. you’ve spent the night a few times at the dorm but never more than just one night at a time, you felt bad intruding on the other boys place but living without air conditioning during the hottest season in korea was a big no for you
Once you got the text that Chenle has landed and is on his way to the dorms you begin to make your way there as well. Standing at the entrance a wave of nervousness comes over you as you knock on the door “ Y/n come in” Jeno says while giving you a big smile “ Hi Jeno it’s good to see you” you say
“ It’s good to see you too, Chenle is in his room” he says You thank him and head towards your boyfriends room knocking on Chenles door before opening it. Daegal jumps out of your arms running to her dad “ Daegal my sweet girl i’ve missed you” he says bending down to pet her “Uhmm” you clear your throat standing at the doorway as Daegal runs out of the room to see the other members
“ I told you she loves me more” chenle says laughing
“ Really lele i haven’t seen you in over a month and this is how you greet me” you scoff in annoyance
“ Babe i’m kidding come here” he says as he walks towards you engulfing you into a big hug
“ I missed my baby girl” he says to you while kissing the top of your head.You lay on his bed and let him get settled and unpacked before demanding his undivided attention,You lay on Chenle chest while you both talk for what seems like hours about his tour,He tells you everything from start to finish, and you excitedly listen to him.When you both are done talking he decides you two should go out and hang with the rest of the guys
Chenle walks to the door about to leave the room when he realizes that you aren’t behind him “ Come on babe let’s go” he says waving you over to walk towards the door
You don’t say anything
Chenle walks back over to you and you throw your arms up in the air.Chenle makes a confused face.He knows that what you want is to be held; He also knows that you absolutely hate pda and would rather die than to show affection in front of the other boys so why would you want him to carry you out there?
Chenle shoves his confusion into the back of his mind and picks you up ,He wasn’t expecting you to want to be carried but what shocked him the most is that you clinged onto him like a koala, he took both arms off of you to open the door and you’d stayed clinging to him with your arms and legs wrapped tightly around your boyfriend ,You laid your head on his shoulder as he walked to the living room where the rest of the dreamies were hanging out
The boys all look at Chenle as he walks into the room, never in the three years you and Chenle have been together have they seen any type of affection being given between you two,There’s been times where haechan jokingly asked if you and Chenle were really dating because of the lack of a skinship “ you guys don’t even hug around us, that’s suspicious is it not”
The guys say a lot with there faces but no one voices anything out loud, Chenle shot a “i don’t know what’s going on” look at them and sat down on the couch with you still wrapped around him.The dreamies decide to play video games and of course Chenle was down to beat them all, through the entire gaming session you stayed wrapped around him not saying a word. Although Chenle didn’t seem like it he was honestly pretty worried about you, you never act like this in front of people
Of course behind closed doors you were affectionate towards him, but even then you were never this clingy
“ Babe i want to get something to drink” he whispered into your ear,No response came from you, you just looked at him and put you head back onto his shoulder.He got up and walked to the kitchen with you wrapped around him, opening the cabinets and the fridge he poured himself a cup of water, while you stayed clung to him completely unbothered. He goes back to gaming with the boys taking his mind off worrying about you
Later in the evening Jaemin starts making dinner, usually chenle and Jaemin cook dinner for everyone,Chenle looks over at Jaemin who’s in the kitchen and gives him a “ i’m sorry bro” kinda look followed by Chenle looking down at you and then back to Jaemin,Jaemin didn’t mind though he grabbed Jeno to help him make dinner
“ Hey babe you wanna let go for a second so i can use bathroom ” he asks, you just shake your head no, with that chenle sighs and takes you with him,He puts you on the bathroom counter and you finally unlatch from him “ everything okay baby?”You say nothing, just give him a quick nod as he comes back over to the sink to wash his hands and you latch right back onto him.Chenle really thought he finally got you off of him, he just looked at you confused again and kissed your forehead while walking back to the living room
He ate dinner with you wrapped around him, he asked if you were hungry, you shook your head no,At this point chenle gave up just letting it happen, everyones so confused by what’s going on, especially since you hadn’t said a word since you came out of Chenles room hours ago
After dinner Chenle did the dishes with you wrapped about him, he fed Daegal with you wrapped around (him which was pretty challenging he’ll admit) he played more games with you clung to his body. The guys suggested watching a movie and started scrolling through netflix debating on which one to choose
“ You wanna watch the movie with them or go back into my room” Chenle asks hoping for an answer.You just shrug your shoulders while your head is buried into the crook of his neck.Chenle has honestly had enough, he doesn’t know what’s going on, are you just tired? are you mad at him? are you upset? you were perfectly fine hours ago what happened??He gets up off the couch and brings you into his room sitting on the bed
“ Baby look at me” he says in a serious tone,You lift you head up off of his shoulders and look up at him
“ What’s wrong sweetheart” he asks
“ Nothing” you say shortly.Chenle is visibly getting annoyed by your short answers you’ve been giving him for hours
“ Y/n you’re pissing me off i don’t want to yell okay” he says “ what is wrong my love, saying “nothing” isn’t going to cut it”
“ I just missed you lele” you said
“ Are you sure that’s all baby”
You nod “ yes i promise i just want to be close to you” Chenle looks at you and smirks
“ I can think of a few ways we can get a lot closer than you just clinging to me” he says smirking.You laugh and push him away, he pulls you back and smashes his lips onto yours,Tongues battling for dominance you quickly lose,he flips you around so that he’s now towering over you
“ You’re so pretty lele”
“ Says you angel, god i missed everything about you” Chenle whispers in your ear,lips attached his hands roam your body unbuttoning your shirt and taking off your shorts, laying there in nothing but your undergarments Chenle pulls away from your lips to look at you “ god you’re so beautiful” he says taking off your bra chenle kisses down you body leaving a trail of marks.He gets to your heat and looks to you for approval, you nod your head yes and he begins to take off your panties, spreading your legs apart and leaves kisses on your heat before kitty licking your pussy,you instantly throw you head back into the pillow and grab Chenles hair while arching your back Chenle takes that as a sign to go farther and fully dive into your cunt, trying your best to hold in your moans knowing that right outside the door were the other members
“Fuck Chenle that feels so good” you moan softly as you tug on his hair a little harder his eyes look up to yours giving you an eye smile while hes still working to get to you finish while licking stripes up and down your pussy Chenle pushes a finger into your hole roughly going in and out
Feeling a tingly rush throughout your entire body you knew you were about to finish
“ Babe i’m about to cum” Chenle removes his finger and licks up and down your clit causing you to release,Chenle keeps one hand rubbing circles on your clit while the other hand covers your mouth, you let out a loud moan covered by chenles hand, he knew better than to leave you completely ungaged, he knows you’re a loud moaner, he could tell it was taking everything in you not to let out the normal pornagraphic moans that you usually do. After he lets go of your mouth he goes back into your pussy to ride out the rest of your high leaving both of you panting, Chenle pulls you into a kiss having you taste yourself
“Chenle please fuck me” you beg
“ Babe the guys are right outside”
“ I’ll behave i promise”
Chenle looks at you suspicious not sure whether believe you or not, you begin stroking his hard member through his grey shorts, Chenle let’s out a grunt and pins your arms beside your head
“ Don’t be greedy ” he warns while pulling his pants off and throwing them across the room with his shirt that was already long gone, he pulls down his boxers revealing his hard length, you basically drool over his dick which causes Chenle to chuckle,He pulls your hips closer as you wrap your legs around his torso, he slowly pushes in, Chenle lets out a grunt as his dick slides into the tight walls of your pussy
“ Fuck y/n you’re so tight” he says while progressively moving in and out faster “god you’re so wet too” he says right before pounding back into you
He has one hand on your waist and other covering your mouth like before,You shut your eyes feeling your body going into a different dimension
“ look at me, I wanna see my pretty girl” you look at him and make eye contact while he’s fucking you so good,you can tell he’s about to nut by the way his thrusts become sloppy and he moves faster and faster while soft moans and grunts fill the room hoping the members can’t hear what you two are doing
“ Fuck baby i’m coming” he says as he slows down his pace, you feel hot liquid shoot into your core as he fills you
He lays down on top of you but doesn’t pull out yet
“ That was amazing Chenle”
“ You felt so good my love, you did so well for me” he said as he kissed your lips and pulled out of you,you both lay there for a little bit just soaking in the presents of eachother before he gets up and puts his clothes back on heading to the bathroom, he comes back with a warm towel cleaning you up and making sure you’re okay.After not having sex for a while you were pretty sore but it was nothing major and you didn’t want to make chenle feel bad so you just smile and thank him for cleaning you up .Once you both freshen up you go join the boys in the other room to finish the ending of the movie that neither of you were there for
As he was watching the screen you were watching him, admiring how beautiful he is and how lucky you are to be with such a good guy, you thought about how many girls would kill to be in your position and a sense of pride washed over you, you were proud to be his girl.
“ Y/N is everything okay” renjun asking about earlier,all the boys look at you and Chenle
“ Yeah i’m fine thanks” you reply smiling
“ She just wanted dick” Chenle blurts out
“ What the fuck lele” your face begins to heat up as you shove Chenle
“ Yeah we have ears ” Haechan smirks at you both
“ I don’t know what your talking about” you defend yourself
“ Right because the headboard slamming into the wall which happened to the this wall” pointing at the one in front of them with the tv on it “ was from you both jumping on the bed” Haechan says sarcastically,You burry your head from embarrassment into Chenles shoulder while the boys are laughing
“ I mean you guys did make the tv shake” Mark chimes in
“Shut up your all just jealous you don’t get any” Chenle states
“ At least we know they’re a real couple, i was starting to think it was fake” Haechan laughs
my first fic! i hope you enjoyed!! my requests are open for all of nct!!
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gaias-space · 6 months
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“Dean we’ve got nothing!” You shout frustrated. “Is Sam sure there’s even a case?” You sink in the chair of the building you were in. Sam was at the bunker with a busted knee, so he assigned the next best person he knew to hunt alongside Dean, you. You were skilled, had years of experience, and smart. You’d known the boys for years, Sam admired you, but Dean…he never knew why but you rubbed him the wrong way. But you too felt the same. Neither of you got along, you were on the brink of ripping each other’s throats at any time you were around each other. But when it came to a job both of you tried putting that aside to get the job done and then wouldn’t have to worry about seeing each other for another few months or for both yours sakes, years.
“Yeah I’m thinking that too, but the mass of deaths in this town…it’s off. But where the hell is the evidence” Dean says also frustrated. It was late, you were exhausted. And Dean, refusing to admit it, was also tired. “Alright well how about tomorrow we head into the town and speak with the local sheriff” you suggest: Dean agrees “yeah. You’re right, we’re going to have to check it out tomorrow because god…I’m so tired.” The two of you yawn. “it’s gettin late. And I want some food, I’m starving”. Deans voice was low, never once looking you in the eye. “There’s a motel not far from here, we’ll have to crash there and tomorrow we’ll look for more answers” you say. Deans brows crease and he hisses frustrated. “oh hell no. No way am I putting up with your ass got a whole night. There has to be someone who can give us any sort of information” he turns around slowly gesturing to the remaining people in the office. Your heart ached and you took a step back. “Ass” you murmur under your breath. “Dean it’s nine at night, we’ve been up since six. Not a person here has given us any- or much useful information. I say we try investigating the sheriffs office tomorrow but we need sleep and we need to do this for Sam.” your voice hopeful. Dean rolls his eyes frustrated. “Yeah…you’re right.” His voice deep and filled with annoyance. Sam had felt depressed for weeks while he was in the mend, seeing his eyes light up knowing there was a case- well how could you not do it? You sit in silence in the impala, Dean blasts his favourite songs with full intention of drowning you out if you even tried to speak. He couldn’t stand your voice, he couldn’t stand your excited rambling when you discovered something he couldn’t stand you. He just wanted this case to be over, and he was regretting taking this one since it’s taking a lot longer then he wanted it to be. The car ride was painfully long, but you couldn’t help the loud sigh of relief when Dean says “we’re here”. He pulls into a small parking lot and a small motel building. He pulls the car into an empty lot, turns the car off and looks at you. “One night, and first thing Tomorrow morning, bright and early, crack of dawn, sunny-“
“Alright, alright I get it Jesus!” You wave a hand in dismissal. “God you really are the worst” you say exiting his car, refusing to hear another word. It was now closer to ten pm, you were tired and exhausted, but now more irritated then ever. The two of you enter the small building to boom a room. In the office was a thin, scrawny young man. “H-hey what can I do for yous tonight?” He says with a squeaky voice. He has to be young, or this is his first job. Dean stands in front of you, dominant like always. “We need a room” he demands. The nervous kid flicks through the motel book and sighs happily. “Ah perfect! We have one room left and it’s perfect for you lovely couple it’s a-“
“Excuse me?” Dean interrupts. The boy chokes and there’s a shakiness to hos voice again. “Well uh there’s one room available. One double bed…”
“No! No none of that! We sure as hell ain’t a couple! Listen buddy we need two rooms or two beds anything else!” Dean slams his fist on the desk, startling the boy. You can’t help but chuckle at the situation, of course this would happen to you. “Oh I’m so sorry sir…I didn’t mean to assume. But we’re all out, that’s the last room we’ve got tonight.”
Dean sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Is there another motel nearby?” His voice lowered. “I mean not for another four hours…”
“Four hours!? What kind of city is this- god…just..fine. That will do.” He says in defeat. The boy nervously grabs the key and hands it to Dean. “C-can I have a name?…for the book I mean”. You couldn’t help. But feel sorry for the kid. He looked like he was about to wet himself. But Dean was an asshole, he had that effect on a lot of people. “Kyle Maddison” Dean says. He always used an alias especially on a job. You sank in the waiting seat you were tired, exhausted, trusted, disappointed now. The one thing you wanted was sleep, and also to get this job done and not see Dean again. But of course this had to happen. As much as you wanted to put up a fight, the idea of sleep sounded marvellous. Dean finishes up and turns around storming out the door not waiting for you. Why would he? You follow along and find yourselves at room 403. “Can’t fucking believes this” he mutters. You enter the room and he throws his bags on the small table. Both of you look at the double bed in the room. Now there was the elephant in the room. “Well what are we going to do now?” You say. Dean takes his jacket off and kicks his shoes off. “I dunno about you sweetheart but sleep sounds great right about now and this bed- oh she’s calling my name”. He smiles at the furniture and falls o to the comfortable looking mattress. “Excuse me?” You say annoyed. Dean just st looks at you confused, as if you should already somehow know the answer. “What?” Your jaw drops and you scoff. “Where the hell am I gonna sleep? Why don’t I get the bed? Ladies first and all?” Dean lets out a choked laugh “ha! Honest I paid for the room. I get the bed. And I sure as hell ain’t sharin’ so.”- he darts his eyes at the floor. A small space beside the bed that could fit your body with a little extra room. “You’ve got to be kidding me Dean” you growl. “Your fucking ridiculous” you shout. “Well that’s not my problem now is it? You’re lucky I even let us stay in here. Lucky I even paid for us to have the room. Speaking of”- deans eyes dart to the mini fridge. “Bingo”. He rolls his body out of bed and raids the mini fridge. “You know you have to pay for that?” You attempt to ruin his joy. But he just shrugs. “Ah fake credit cards, never paid a dollar for these in my life” he says muffled as he shoves chips into his mouth. “You’re actually ridiculous my god”. You couldn’t believe he was making you sleep on the floor. You notice there was a small ensuite. Perfect, a shower. Just what you needed after today. Showers always made you feel better no matter what kind of day you’ve had. And perhaps this would help with this sleeping arrangement. “I’m going for a shower” is all you say as you enter the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Dean continued stuffing his face with drinks and snacks.
The shower was warm and refreshing, the water trickled down your body and the rosy scented soap suds drizzled down you and into the drain. For a moment you had forgotten all about your worries. Just the warmth and comfort of the shower. You had been in there for quite some time and you were now at the brink of passing out from tiredness. You quickly finish in the shower and dress yourself in satin sleepwear, another comfort item. You open the ensuite door and are greeted with the smell of pizza. “Dean. Did you get pizza?” You ask in shock and confusion. You watch as Dean shovelled down a pizza, noticing the delivery recipet hanging on the bed. “Yeah…well, the snacks didn’t fulfill my hunger so I ya know- got food.” You could barely make out his words while he chewed. The smell of pepperoni wafted in your nose and you felt your stomach ache. You too were starving and hadn’t eaten for hours either. And now it was almost sickening. “It was a two for one special so I got you a cheese pizza” deans voice interrupts your thoughts and he points to a box on the bed. With a shocked expression you move your way to the box and take it “uh…thank you” you mutter. “Pfft didn’t do it for you. Almost considered eating that one myself. You just got lucky tonight that’s all�� how voice was cold and sarcastic. Would he ever lighten up? Rolling your eyes you sit on a small stool and shovel the pizza in your mouth. More time had passed and it was closer to midnight, your stomach was full, Dean was now lying in bed trying to sleep and you, you were making a makeshift bed on the floor. as you made your bed, you huff and puffed and made all kinds of sounds expressing your annoyance and frustration with your sleep arrangement, hoping it would get a reaction out of Dean. “Look I ain’t happy about it either, the sooner we get this done the better it will be alright? You fight demons and all kinds supernatural beasts but you can’t sleep On the floor? pfft make that make sense” he snarks. Rolling your eyes you finally lay down on the hard, rough carpeted floor and attempt to find a comfortable position. “Yet, you’re too afraid to share the bed” you respond. Dean doesn’t reply he rolls over facing away from you and attempts to sleep. He couldn’t help but feel a little bad for making you sleep on the floor, it was cruel even for him, but he refused to kill his ego and sleep in the same bed with you. Soon he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep. And you, you tossed and turned for another hour trying to get comfortable until sleep finally took you and you fell into a deep rest.
Hours had gone by, it was around 4 am when you felt something touch your arm. It’s little legs tickled your fingers, and then your hand, then up to your arms and finally, you woke to the sensation, thinking it was a dream. Your eyes fly open, and you notice and sensation was real. It was a roach from the floor, crawling on your hand. Your eyes widen and an earth shattering scream bursts through your lips. You jump to your feet waving your arm around, throwing the roach into the air. “FUCK! BUG! ROACH! AHHHHH!” You could barely make the words, Dean wakes up in a panic. Your worst fear was bugs. “What the hell Y/N?!” Dean yells. You grasp your knees breathing heaving trying to catch your breath. “There was a - a bug!…crawled on me-“ you pant. Deans face contorts, annoyance and tiredness reading all over him. “You woke me up over a goddamn bug!?” Dean yells. You were still shaken up “it was Crawling in me!” You scream. Dean signs and falls back onto his pillow. “Go to bed. Fuckin pussy” those last words he mutters, but you could still hear him. You look back at your bed, a blanket and a single pillow. If there was one roach, there had to be others. You were exhausted, your eyes barely focusing. Dean grunts and tries to fall back asleep. But no way in hell could you sleep now. What if another crawled on you? What if it went in your mouth? Or bit you somehow? Can Roaches even bite? Well you weren’t gonna try and find out. With a shaky breath you contemplate what to do. The floor was so uncomfortable you knew your back would hurt in the morning, there was also possibly a family of bugs waiting to dance in your body. But there right in front of you was the coziest looking bed right now. You sigh feeling defeated, you knew what his answer would be but you needed to try. You tiptoe over and stare at him for a moment. The moonlight illuminating his features. He looked so peaceful sleeping. His soft lips parted slightly, his arms hugging his pillow. He looked cute, almost like he could be nice. Something he’d never been to you. You reach out a finger and poke his arm, he grunts but doesn’t wake. “Dean!” You whisper. He could not have fallen back asleep that fast. “Dean!” You say louder. He jolts awake again “huh? What? Oh…for god sakes Y/n what are you doing awake? You’re not still scared about a damn bug are you?” His voice deep and tired. “As a matter of a fact yes, I’m horrified. Can I-can I please sleep on the bed? You won’t know I’m even there? Please” you whimper. He rolls his eyes too tired to argue. He was tired, he wanted sleep. Needed it infact. His eyes lazily look at you “no” is all he says before laying his head on the pillow. “But - but”- he doesn’t say a word he closes his eyes and ignores you. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me’ you thought. Well it was worth a shot. You shakily lay back down in your makeshift bed feeling unease. Dean wasn’t asleep, he couldn’t. Not after the guttural scream that came from you. He felt guilty. Why? He wasn’t sure. But it wasn’t fair for you to sleep on the floor. Dean tried everything he could to get comfortable and sleep but all he could hear was you tossing and groaning.
His tired figure rolls across and he props himself up on his arms watching you. Watching your tiny body shake and quiver. ‘God she’s really shaken up over a bug?’ Dean thought. He knew you were completely terrified of them, it was almost pathetic. He couldn’t help but feel dread and guilt. You looked so frightened, that floor did not look comfortable and after all you hadn’t annoyed him too ouch today. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so hard on you, for tonight. His arm hangs down and he shoves your shoulder, starting you awake. “Cmon. Now” is all he says. He pays the mattress beside him I. A sleepy manner before rolling back over. “Don’t make me regret this”. He mumbles. It takes you a second to realise what he said and you jump to your feet. You knew Dean wanted you up bright and early but with the broken sleep you were having, that plan was going to change. You gently slide yourself into the mattress, trying not to disturb Dean. The soft foam supported your back and the pillow under your head was the perfect fineness. Your eyes shut almost immediately, exhaustion overriding you as you fall into a deep sleep. Hours had gone by and both you and Dean had slept in. It was now 10:30 am and neither of you had woken up. The sun beams on your skin, the sound of birds chirped outside.
The second you had placed your head on that mattress you had the sounded sleep Ever. In fact possible too good- Dean was first to wake his eyes slowly blinking open. But he couldn’t move. Sleepily he looks down and it takes a moment before he freezes in place. Your head on his chest. You were sleeping in a ball snuggled tightly into Dean, peacefully sleeping on his chest and one hand over his chest. Drool escapes your lips and trickles onto this shirt. You looked…peaceful. Deans eyes widened. What the hell would he do now?
(Stay Tuned For Part Two…Coming Soon)
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roseapov · 11 months
Lilia Vanrouge Rambling
Scaring others and masking his true self Book 7 Spoilers!
I just got enlightened after messing with Lilia's Character AI and OH MY GOD, just some rambling, don't mind much
What if Lilia scares people only to get a reaction out of them? Like, only for the reaction, and not for the entertainment, but he does find amusement in that too. (He tells everyone that he did it purely for fun, so they won't see him as some creep)
He observes and collects every one of the reactions, and then tries them on himself to 'fit in' with the current times. To fit in with the kids these days, to understand them better (Silver, Sebek, Malleus).
People who are scared and taken off guard show their true self, acting on their natural habits, so can Lilia possibly study others moments 'off guard' to hide his own habits?
I like to think that Lilia started scaring people when he went to NRC, as in the cottage he lived in he didn't had many people to scare, and could act freely, not necessarily correcting his habits.
Also considering his past and his position, he also wouldn't have to worry about fitting in, as the others would try to change themselves according to his liking.
Correcting and changing habits, something like a coping mechanism, just like his cute self, being his response to the traumatic experiences from his past.
It's like he conceals his true self, his true thoughts and habits just to not scare the others and make himself seem more likeable and approachable. As he knows his boys aren't the most social ones, he does go out of his comfort zone for their sake, to not be too closed off of the happenings in school.
Making connections for them to communicate through and many more, Lilia does a huge work behind the shadows. Since he works from the shadows in a school full of humans, he does walk on eggshells sometimes, even if only intuitively, feeling like a spy.
And since he's feeling like a spy, he does change himself according to the mission, to ensure its winning end. And that's why, the reaction and habits of his surroundings are so important to him.
It was supposed to be way shorter with not much angst, but idk how it turned out. I feel like I heavily drifted from the main topic but it is what it is
It's almost 3 AM when I write and publish it and WHY CAN'T I HAVE A NORMAL NIGHT SLEEP? I just had to overthink it. I hope it's not too angsty and dramatic, my brain does not function now💤
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justallihere · 5 months
I️ LOVE and ADORE Xaden going from “I️ don’t care about you or your feelings 🙄” to “Why wouldn’t I️ come for you and take you home? 🥺”
It really reminds me of this post where someone made the commentary about Xaden refusing to coddle and be nice to Violet, even downright being an asshole about it
To giving her his flight jacket because gods forbid Violet be cold for the 2-3 minutes they would’ve stood in formation!
Love love love that growth for him, like yes king! Tell us how much you love her through your actions! Give her that flight jacket and everything!
Chapter 35 was such a GIFT! I️ loved it so much! From Mira and Xaden shelving their dislike for each other for V’s sake and just mother henning her! Loved Xaden taking care of her and reaffirming that she can be upset at the threat against her hair and the autonomy she would have been robbed of, had Aetos actually cut it. I️ love how gentle he was, making sure she was okay, even arguing with Tairn about it on the flight home because their whole dynamic in canon is just over protective dragon meets over protective enemy to mutually assured destruction to lovers, and amari give us mercy that Violet gets injured around either one of them.
I️ was so shocked and legit almost cried at the confession because bby boy X was NOT letting her think that he didn’t love her! Really gives a whole “Aretia could burn and I️ wouldn’t care as long as I️ had you.” vibe to it and I️. Am. Not. Okay!!! I️ am not normal or sane about this love confession! V is getting some HONESTY out of this man without having to jump through 5 million hoops or questions about it. X really just said it with both tiddies and his full chest!!
I️ also really loved the display of Rhi and Xaden’s conversation. He knows how much Rhi means to Violet, and having her best friend with her is the best thing for her! I’m so nervous and excited to see if you include a convo with the rest of the squad about her torture sessions and just showing how much they all love her! Cam was right! Everyone who knows Violet Sorrengail is a little bit in love with her!!
I’m curious if Violet is gonna think about how she basically begged for her mom to come with them to Aretia, when she was freed and I️ wonder what Xaden would have done if Lilith had actually planned to go with her daughter… thoughts and theories I️ suppose!!
God Alli, there are so many little things about this chapter that I️ adored and so little time to write about it! I LOVE this fic so much that I️ always am ready to read the next chapter immediately! So ready!! I️ hope this doesn’t pressure you too much but I️ did want to say that I️ adore this fic so much!! 10/10 would highly recommend!!
Also I️ hope my sleep-deprived ramblings made sense lol! Thank you for such a wonderful story and I️ cant wait for the next chapter 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Xaden’s growth has been so fun to write. Just the little moments of his growing respect for Violet, realizing he actually likes her, falling in love—it’s been one of my favorite things about this fic
Thank you! I had a great time with the two contrasting sides of Xaden in this chapter: the version of him who loves Violet and will wipe her tears and do anything for her, and the version that is just an absolute asshole to anyone who isn’t her 😂 if your name isn’t Violet Sorrengail he really doesn’t give a fuck
There’s some squad bonding next chapter 🫶🏻
Violet will definitely be reckoning with that conversation with her mom at some point—Lilith said she’d come, but will she really? Xaden would let it happen for Violet, of course, but it wouldn’t be an easy adjustment lol
Thank you so much for reading and for this ask, I appreciate you 🩷🩷🩷
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
hii!! i am in love your works sm and you actually inspired me to start writing for cookie run again!! so ty for that ^_^
i saw you have your reqs open and i was wondering if you can do a little thing for cauliflower and peperoncino cookie?
maybe y/n is cauliflower's lab partner and they got into a small experiment mishap that so happened to catch a jealous cookie's attention and badmouthed them infront of y/n, cauliflower and peperoncino cookie
also poly couple too?? maybe cauliflower and peperoncino cookie are in a relationship, and are interested in having y/n in their relationship!! but that one is up to you :D
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Group Findings (Cauliflower Cookie and Peperoncino Cookie)
Wowie, my work actually got ya motivated? I’m flattered to hear that, my dude! Hope my work continues to be up to your expectations!
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You scooped up the soil nearby the lava to place it into a container, pairing it with another container that contained soil more inland. Alright, that should be enough to give you enough data on the activity here.
You have been assigned by the lab to head out to the Dragon’s Valley in hopes of figuring out the cause of the area cooling down as of lately. The volcanic air was definitely more tolerable currently, last time you had to wait at the outpost for hours after spending just one out in the valley.
You weren’t assigned as the lead researcher though, instead, you were the lab assistant to Cauliflower Cookie, your optimistic and hyperactive research leader.
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Not just her, but also her partner, Peperoncino Cookie, as protection for the research group.
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He did intimidate you with his appearance at first, but Cauliflower reassured you that he’s actually a big ol’ softie once you got to know him! You weren’t sure of that until you had a one on one with him during a field experiment, with Peperoncino guarding over you as you experimented with the volcanic soil.
You initiated small talk with him, only receiving short answers from him. You figured a small joke was in order for this cookie.
Want to know the opposite of salt water? Pepper water.
You didn’t turn to face him after saying that, but you waited a little bit for his response. After a silence, you figured perhaps he wasn’t the jokes type…until you swore you heard a small laugh from him! That was good enough in your book!
It got better from that point onward, Cauliflower was happy to see her partner and her lab colleague get along so well! Peperoncino would insist on coming along with your group, when really he’ll likely be hovering around your area the most.
Cauliflower wasn’t helping at all by talking all about you to him! About the many findings you and her had made and the time spent together out in the field.
“Y/N Cookie is a great research buddy! When I was sleeping, they went ahead and collected all of the needed lava samples! They can tell me it was for the sake of our research all they want, but I knew it was because they cared!”
“Lava…were they hurt?!”
“Just a few minor burns, but nothing a little treatment from me couldn’t fix!”
Peperoncino still felt the need to head over to you to see if you were really alright. These stories from Cauliflower were really painting a picture for the man, you sounded like a cookie with a just heart if Cauliflower was rambling multiple times about you.
It made him feel something as he turned to see you in the distance..with a visibly angered cookie talking to you?
You were just about done studying the flora within the valley, of what you can find anyway, as well as the soil samples you had, you made your way back to the lab when you were halted in your path by a particularly upset looking cookie.
“So you’re the wise cookie who thinks they can steal all our work and make the rest of us look bad! It was bad enough that you’re paired with that weirdo, but now you’re out here trying to upstage me?!”
The lab needed the data in a timely manner, if this fella wasn’t going to do that, leave it to the cookies who can. And you would appreciate it if this cookie didn’t refer to Cauliflower as a weirdo, she’s just as capable of handling the notes and research as any cookie here. If this cookie had a problem with you, that’s fine, but the second they insulted Cauliflower, now you were taking it personally.
“You make it sound like you’ll do something, Y/N Cookie. You’ll what, Y/N, you’ll what?! I bet you couldn’t even take a punch! We all remember that time you tried to study a magma geyser, you recoiled from even the simple smoke. Ha!”
That smoke would’ve been enough to cook your dough, they’d do the same!
“Just face it. You’re nothing but a weasel, willing to take all the credit, but crumble at the slightest punch.”
You try to warn them that they do not want this fight. While looking right behind the cookie.
Unfortunately, they didn’t not pick up on this…
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I…do?”
The cookie raised their hand into the air, ready to strike you with it as they spoke, but paused when they noticed that their hand was caught by something..or someone.
The cookie turned…to see an angered Peperoncino and Cauliflower behind them.
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Seeing the glaring cookies was enough for your would-be assailant to completely lose their nerve as they took steps away from them.
“You better listen to him, because I won’t stand by and let you hurt my lab buddy either!”
The cookie was wise enough to take their advice and bolted the hell out of there, leaving you to take a sigh in relief. You were going to thank the two of them before Cauliflower launched herself towards you in a hug as Peperoncino went to your side to make sure you were okay.
“I heard what you said, Y/N Cookie! It makes me happy to know you feel that way about me! That you put up with what I do…”
Cauliflower, if it was for her, you’d be willing to go through hellfire and back. For her and for science!
“Y/N Cookie…”
You knew Peperoncino would do the same for her, you wished them luck on their relationship as you started to continue the walk back to lab, leaving Cauliflower’s hold. Then you felt a strong arm grip your shoulder, it was Peperoncino!
“Y/N Cookie…wait…”
“Me and Peperoncino Cookie are quite the pair, but I can’t help but fancy you too! Peperoncino does too!”
…What? Peperoncino, was this true?
Peperoncino averted his gaze from you, but you could tell even in the hot environment that his face was heating up.
“I guess all the stories I’ve said really got to him!”
Cauliflower wh-
“We’ll understand if you don’t want to, but, it would make the both of us happy if you gave this a shot.”
“Habanero Cookie…would be excited to see you..”
You’d be returning to the lab with both cookies to your sides, Cauliflower hugging you tightly while Peperoncino had his arm around your waist.
You couldn’t stop yourself from being a red faced mess when you walked in!
But even with all that, the sense of urgency kept with you as your main priority was to report to the head scientist immediately.
The data you collected only confirmed your fears
Dragon’s Valley is cooling down and it’s only going to get worse soon….
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Character voice
Thanks @elsie-writes here, @willtheweaver here, @mk-writes-stuff here and here, and @illarian-rambling here!
Rules: rewrite the given line in your characters' voices
Got long, under the cut
“Are you okay?”
Lexi: "Omigosh are you okay? What happened???" [Probably panicking herself]
Maddie: *squints, tilts head* "What's wrong with you?" (Genuine worry)
Ash: *tries to read them telepathically* "You're upset. Why?"
Gwen: "Hey, are you feeling alright?"
Robbie: *clears throat* "You good dude? Been worried about you."
Akash: "Are you okay? Been worried, man."
Jedi: "Are you feeling alright?"
Carmen: *pretends she doesn't care, even when she does* "What happened?!"
“I overslept!”
Lexi: "WHAT?! What time is it?? Oh no oh no oh no I overslept my alarm! How is that possible?! Now I'm gonna be late oh no --"
Maddie: "Hm? It's [time]? Hm. Overslept I guess."
Ash: "Wow. I was more tired than I thought."
Gwen: "Oh, no, I overslept!! Guess I have to go to bed earlier or set more alarms next time."
Robbie: "What time is it?! Huh. Guess I needed the rest."
Akash: "There's no way I overslept--guess I didn't set my alarm. *Checks* I did?! Oh no, what are they going to think?!"
Jedi: "I overslept? Oh, dear, this never happens... I rarely sleep as is."
Carmen: "Did someone turn off my alarm? Change it?? There's no way I forgot to set it or slept through it. I don't do that. I don't need the sleep. I made sure I got my schedule working to get the maximum amount of work done. And now, I won't be able to do everything today." (This may continue)
“No, I don't want to eat that [insert food]!”
Lexi: "No, thank you. I'd rather not eat that. I ate too much already, and am full. Also not the hugest fan of it--it isn't your cooking."
Maddie: "I don't like that food. The texture is all wrong."
Ash: "I don't want to eat this--I don't care for it."
Gwen: "Sorry, not that hungry for it. Thank you for offering, though."
Robbie: "Nah. Not in the mood. Thanks, though."
Akash: "I, uh, hate to disappoint you, but I don't like this food. Nothing to do with you or your cooking abilities, it's all me."
Jedi: "Thank you for considering me when offering this, but I am afraid I am not fond of this particular dish."
Carmen: "Ugh, it's disgusting, I'm not eating it."
"That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen someone wear."
Lexi: "Oh... Um, here's the thing: I think we can do better. With the outfit. It's, like, cute and all in a... Unique way. Grotesque maybe. It's the color, I think. We can fix it though! I'll help."
Maddie: "What are you wearing? Are you going to the town in that old Dr. Seuss movie? Or like a Star Trek vacation spot?" *Grins at joke*
Ash: "Why would you wear that? It doesn't really look good."
Gwen: "Oh wow. Um. Sorry, I--your outfit. It's... Interesting. Haven't really seen anything like it."
Robbie: "Oh my GOD! Sorry. Your outfit just took me by surprise. It's...dude, I can't -- it's awful. For your sake, please go change?"
Akash: "Um..." *runs hand through hair* "Look, buddy, I love you, but *grimaces* I think you can do better. Frankly, it's not good. It's...bad? For you. How about I help you pick out something that's more...you?"
Jedi: (silent for several moments) "That is certainly a very interesting choice of fashion. I have certainly not seen anything quite like it, that's for certain."
Carmen: "What in the world made you get into that - it's hideous. Never seen anything worse in fact."
Bonus for this one, because I have a couple specific fashion oriented characters I wanted to react to this--
Rose: *several seconds of panicked crisis* "Okay, we can make this work. Let's spruce up this outfit."
Alex: "Oh honey...darling. Babe. Sweetie. Treasure. Sweetheart. Sunshine. Baby. I'm running out of synonyms. We need to help your look. It's not that good."
Sam: "...this is weird for me, I usually have something to say here. Well, uh, that outfit isn't working for you. Sorry. Don't want to hurt your feelings. But I think your feelings might be more hurt by others. You're glad you're with me. I'll help you."
Niri: *several seconds of contemplating what to say, if anything, he can't talk, he has an excuse, but oh no they're expecting a response, any longer and he will be rude!!!* (hesitant signing): "I don't want to be rude, but I...don't like it. Sorry. Do you want me to help you? I'm good with fashion."
"I hope you stub your toe."
Lexi: "Y'know what? I wouldn't care if you stubbed your toe." (She thinks this is an insult)
Maddie: "I really hope you stub your toe. Cause that hurts. A lot. You've done it before, right? It's bad."
Ash: "Leave me alone and go stub your toe."
Gwen: "You're such a rude person - I hope you run into something and stub your pinky toe. Maybe that will teach you." (Akash: Gwen, babe, how would that teach them? Gwen: I don't know, it sounded better in my head.)
Robbie: "You wanna know what I think about you, Jason? You're a pompous prick bus stop. And the next time you turn a corner, I hope you slam your tiny toe right out of the joint. God, that's painful. And maybe you can get the nail caught on something too. And I hope someone wearing shoes steps on your bare toes as well. And I also hope--" *Akash probably pulls him away*
Akash: *gets as close as possible* "Why don't you go stub your toe or something. I hear that it hurts."
Jedi: "If you were to stub your toe, I will not make a promise to not enjoy it."
Carmen: "I cannot describe how much I want you to STUB YOUR TOE RIGHT NOW!"
Woo, that was a lot!
Tagging @foyle-writes-things @drchenquill @monstrouswrites @mysticstarlightduck @talesofsorrowandofruin @sleepyowlwrites @sleepywriter00 @sarandipitywrites @theeccentricraven @leahnardo-da-veggie + anyone else!
Y'all's sentence is, "Is anyone going to drink this?"
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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Sweet Music Playing In The Dark (Be Still, My Foolish Heart) [Part One]
I'm super excited about this "fic" and am so happy to finally start sharing it with you guys! It's really gonna be more of like... a "not-fic" and mostly me rambling on and on about this world I've got in my head.
Some things will probably be contradictory because i constantly think of new things and ways to do things as i ramble, but it's just a loosey goosey overview of the thing! That I'm posting cuz i hope you guys will enjoy it too!
It's all pretty much based on inspiration I've gotten from listening to Bring Me The Horizon so it's almost all gonna be their songs, if i get the links to post! And i hope you enjoy listening to the songs as well! I'll post the song that inspired each part on each part!
It's a friends to lovers au! There will be some Buckingham as well, because Chrissy and Robin are together and have a band together and are Eddie and Steve's besties! Steve is with Nancy at the beginning but there's really not gonna be much details about them aside from the breakup! Eddie also has a partner at the beginning (i haven't decided who yet shh shh shh shh), but there will also be a breakup. Or maybe I'll just have him not able to find the right person. We'll see what happens! But i hope y'all enjoy the ride with me!!!
{ Cute little bat banner is by @1-800-shedevil }
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What if they know each other vaguely from robin and chrissy. They aren't close really, just see each other around. Passing in the studio sometimes. Or at events. They're each others besties friends. Besties in law maybe?They chat here and there.
And then covid happens. They're in lockdown. And chrissy and robin get tagged in some musical video challenge that's going around. So they do it, cuz they live together, and because they've been dying to see steve and eddie sing together, they tag them and pass it on. They have each others numbers because of chrissy and robin importance. So they'll both see it. And eddie sends steve a song name, some 80s song, he remembers them chatting about how they love 80s music at an event when they'd both run to hide in the bathroom to be away from the crowds for a bit. And steve text back,
"???" so eddie sends the post, and steve is like,
"oh!!! Oh my god yes let's do it!" So they do a little face time split video thing and its not a huge deal. Its goes a little crazy for a day or two and then calms. But then steve wakes up to robin calling him, and like 10 missed calls from her already. And he answers all groggy in the middle of the afternoon, lockdown, he can sleep when he wants damn it. And he's like,
"whats happened?" And she SHOUTS his name into the phone, he groans. But then she tells him to check Eddie's instagram, and then promptly hangs up on him. And he's like blinking himself awake still but he clicks it open and pulls up Eddie’s. It's actually the first thing that pops up on his feed cuz he really doesn't follow that many people... like... at all. He can see eddie, sitting on his bed, guitar in his lap and one of his little music machines next to him. Steve clicks it and feels himself blushing because of what Eddie's saying.
Basically, he starts of with,
"okay so normally i wouldn't comment or respond to like... assholes in the notes and comments but, I'm locked in my apartment and haven't talked to anyone face to face in like a fucking month an half and am just scrolling through all these stupid fucking comments so lets break this down." He shakes his hair out of his face, it's even longer than normal, his bangs are falling into his eyes. He settles back in, leans closer over his guitar, pointing into the camera.
"All you assholes. Calling Steve's music like... bland pop whatever blah blah blah. Have you listened to his stuff??? Cuz like, not to get TOO into it. Just... oh fucks sake hang on." He leans off the bed, making a weird strangled noise as he stretches. He manages to get hold of a hair band and shoved his hair up into a severely messy bun. Pushing his bangs to the sides he settles back in with his guitar and plays a bit of one of Steve's songs.
Steve feels his face getting hotter and hotter. He's still with nancy. But she's locked down at her own place and it's not even attraction making him blush. It's the fact that eddie munson, heavy metal rockstar man, is playing one of his songs, peice by peice, and laying down some serious music theory on his fans.
He plays it bit by bit until a small section of the song is playing out over his little recorder. And its acoustic and not electric like the actual song. But all the parts are there, and it sounds good. Steve can't stop watching. Barely blinking. Eddie stops playing and looks back into the camera, eyes a little wild, he's really been going at it for awhile. And he's like,
"steve might be, technically, a popstar, which, isn't really even THAT true. He jumps genres just like we do, but thats not the point. The point is, there are so many fucking... the fucking layers??? The goddamn depth of the composition of these songs he's making? He's a musical genius okay? Like... his songs are bonkers when you break them down okay?? So of i see one more of you cunts come into my comments and tell me to stop associating with popstars, which is a whole fucking OTHER topic im choosing to ignore. Dont fuckin tell me who to associate with you pretentious fucks. Anyway. Dont fuckin talk about his music until you fucking LISTEN to his music. The skill and precision it takes to make music like this? And in all the genres he ventures into, the skill level stays. Like...." eddie makes a wild flourishing motion.
"This dudes fuckin nuts okay? He's got fucking bars. He's got fucking talent. And he's my fuckin friend. So shut the fuck up. Mind your own business. Or get with the fucking program and go fucking listen to his shit. Fuck. Got me all fuckin heated now. Bunch'a dumbasses." He shakes his head. Clicks the music play back off, and sets his guitar down next to him. He pushes his bangs up off his head, breathes out a deep breath and rolls his eyes.
"Just... be nice. Or stay out of my comments. He's a friend. He's a fucking hard worker. And i dont take kindly to people calling themselves my "fans", he does the air quotes,
"and then showing up and shitting on steve just cuz he doesn't sing metal." Eddie lets his eyes move away, and then back, and then he smirks, reaches for the camera and says
"Not yet, anyway." He winks, and the video goes black.
Steve is so fucking flattered he has no words. And it only gets worse when he scrolls and sees chrissy and robin cheering eddie on. But THEN he sees Jeff, Andy, and Gareth in the comments too, saying stuff as well. Jeff leaves a trail of fire emojis and then says,
"yes!!! We use Steve's stuff at warm ups alllll the time!!! His shit will rock your world!"
And steve is just, so fucking flattered. He likes the post and tries to think of a way to respond. He thanks eddie in the comments. After checking his own and seeing some of HIS fans saying similar stuff about eddie and his band.
So he comments and doubles down,tell HIS fans he feels the same. He doesn't tolerate hate toward his friends. And then, he grabs the box from under his bed. Pulls out his stack of Corroded Coffin ticket stubs. He's been to.... several shows. Like a lot. Not always front row. He and robin love lawn seats. So they hang back there, and party with the kids and make a good space for themselves, dustin had started a lawn mosh three or four times. But he just makes a video, says,
"its come to my attention some of you think i couldn't possibly be a fan of Corroded Coffin. And i just woke up like an hour ago and im not generally good with words so im not gonna say anything. I'm just gonna do this." He holds up the stubs, all stacked together at first, and then he slides his thumb and the stubs fan out, he's got like... 15 to 25 of them.
He smiles. Fans himself a bit with them, holds them closer to the camera so people can see they're actually Corroded Coffin tickets and then pulls them back. He gives a little toothy smile and a peace sign and then turns the camera off. He goes to take a shower and comes back to a comment from eddie under his video thats just,
Cuz he's an emoji slut and had been up for... over 24 hours making that video and just losing his shit a little. But then he also gets a personal text from Eddie and he's like,
"holy shit. Have you really been to that many of our shows?" And steve is like,
"yup. More actually. Ive seen you a few times at festivals from backstage too" and they get to chatting.
Steve tells eddie about dustin starting the lawn moshing and eddie loses his shit again cuz that was so cool to him and the guys, that the lawn had been moshing like the pit. And thats how they start really talking and becoming actually friends and not just semi sort of adjacent friends. Robin and Chrissy add them both to the same group chat and it just blossoms from there.
They dont really post anymore videos, alone or together. But then, after lockdown, a music award show comes to them both and asks if they'd wanna perform a song together as a suprise for the show. And Steve's kind of hesitant. Cuz he doesn't know if he can pull off a Corroded Coffin song. But eddie just claps him on the back and is like,
"dont worry. We're gonna play one of yours" and steves like,
"shouldn't we talk about it a little?" And the band boys chime in that they've been DYING to perform one of his songs. And steve is just so flattered. But he's also like,
"i dont... know. How's my song work with you guys and your style? Im not exactly a heavy metal guru." Eddie smirks at the word, throws his arm over Steve's shoulder and says,
"oh steve. Lemme open your eyes. Lemme show you what you can really do." He widens his eyes cheekily and he and the boys take him to their studio to show him what they have in mind.
When they perform, it starts with just steve alone with his guitar, the stage behind him dark. He gets through the beginning and then the band kicks in with their heavy style and the crowd 'ooohs'. Steve finishes the first verse and then the lights come up, the band goes harder and Eddie comes out from behind Gareth and starts playing his guitar, walks up to the second mic and starts singing and everyone goes CRAZY.
Steve matches Eddie's energy for the whole performance. Eddie jumping and playing and sliding to his knees when he's not singing. Steve jumping to the beat and playing when its Eddie's time to sing. Both of them leaning in close to one mic to sing and play their guitars in unison a few time. The crowd screaming making them both smile.
The crowd screams loud again when Steve leans against Eddie's back as they play, head falling back to lay on his shoulder. And then Eddie is hard core screaming the end of the song. Steve bouncing on his toes as he plays the final notes and the light fall and the stage goes black.
The comments on the videos online are almost all about how GOOD it sounds. And how well their voice go together. And a ton of Corroded Coffin fans being like,
"look at the little popstar man go!!! He's a little rocker at heart!" Cuz steve had been jumping around, keeping up with eddie as he played his guitar and yelled into the mic with him. And Steve's fans are like,
"holy shit! I haven't seen him look that happy on stage in ages!! He's a rockstar!!!" Everyone coming together and agreeing that rock agrees with steve! Even if he doesn't go their on his own in the future, they're glad he's friends with eddie and can venture there if he wants too, when he wants too. Because eddie is always happy to have him. They hug super tight at the end, eddie grabbing Steve's hand and holding it over their head as he screams,
"make some fucking NOISE!! FOR STEVE. FUCKING. HARRINGTON!" and the crowd fucking loses it as they smile and walk off, Eddie's arm draped over Steve's neck, both of them sweaty and hot and beaming.
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dangoulains-devotion · 6 months
my humble onions on That One Bit Of Dialogue™ (you know the part) from that spooky Nibel sidequest
Prefacing this by saying I'm very chill with whatever they decide to end up doing with Vincent as long as it's interesting and not just "surprise twist for the sake of surprise twist" if u get what I mean. And seeing other theories is fun! So I thought I might share my own
But my personal first impression when he said he'd had plenty of chances to pull the trigger but couldn't doesn't necessarily mean he's talking about literally shooting sephiroth. I parsed it more as a "I knew very well that something was likely to go awry with Sephiroth even if the Jenova detail wasn't known to me, I knew that Lucrecia had chosen to experiment on her unborn child, I knew that with Hojo involved it was going to be a disaster, I knew I knew I knew. But I still couldn't bring myself to stop any of it from happening because I couldn't bear to hurt her."
From what I remember from that sit-down at the table flashback scene in Dirge, he was aware that Something was going to happen to this child but he couldn't have known what. If we're going to follow the line of pulling the trigger literally, I felt like it was more aimed at Hojo in that he regrets he didn't shoot first... My man's could've negated like All of FF7 if he'd beaten Hojo to the punch lmfaoghskhg
Vincent very much does not and has never come across as someone to kill a child or consider doing so, sure he was a turk but I feel like the whole thing with Reno after the plate drop was supposed to drive home that as much as they know certain abhorrent things are part of their job, it doesn't mean that they necessarily want to or feel good about it.
I am certainly interested still in what's gone on in the remakes with his situation of what we previously knew as him sleeping for his sins - the room itself didn't seem like it'd been untouched for 30 years and he had that speaker that let him hear yuffie and barret bantering in the elevator... If he had it as a way of alerting him to intruders, and that it would wake him up, then perhaps there was a literal "I failed to shoot" moment when the Nibelheim Incident was about to happen. He'd have known there was people down there when Sephiroth holed himself up if that was the case, maybe he considered it at that point but hesitated for several reasons
But then again! They kept Crisis Core 1:1, and when Zack finds the coffin, unless Vincent was feigning it to be anti-social, he seemed pretty out cold. So maybe he only started to actively move around/have that speaker *after* the Nibelheim Incident because it tore at him to know that something so tragic happened so close and yet he did nothing because he was asleep... So it was a choice made to be more vigilant? Who knows!
This is kinda rambly and somewhat out of order which I apologise for. It's not even my full thoughts about this damn character, we'd be here all day if I unravelled it all in detail! But I do think that, provided Dirge doesn't get retconned completely, it's likely he considers his gravest sin regarding Sephiroth was that he didn't intervene to divert the poor child's fate before it was even born. And when I say intervene I mean stop the experiment from proceeding rather than tucking his tail and letting the woman he cared for make One Real Fucked Up Choice (that's a part of Lucrecia I appreciated and kind of really hope they don't lighten or retcon about her - the way her ambition and drive was her greatest strength but also her worst traits in that it meant her sense of ethics and the like was tossed to the wayside in favour of Progress™ and Science™.)
Who knows honestly! I'm just glad we got to see him and that he's not optional anymore <3 and that he's a dork besides! I'm also very interested in his left eye... There's some parts where his left eye is much more open than his right when he's wincing or when he back flipped out of the coffin... We've seen he can close them both properly but that small detail felt intentional so I guess we'll seeeeee
I wrote this more as a tossing my 2 cents into the pool, and to organise some of my thoughts I suppose... Cid and Vincent were the two parts I was most excited for with Rebirth and after having completed it as well as side quests and the QB storyline I have much 2 think about...
If you read all the way to here then I appreciate u sticking with my rambling... I am mentally unwell about that tragic old man 🫡
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giuseppe-yuki · 3 days
I am hopped up with caffeine and i need to sleep so let's indulge my overactive imagination-
Franco has a bird gf, I think I've told you that before, right? And she's really vain and is the type to get jealous easily because yes!!! that is her man!!! leave him alone!!! the f2 press have made a whole joke about it but f1 media is very surprised when she flutters at them during media. Methinks that's why Williams media hates her too
Ollie's gf is a legacy kid (idk which but Schumi sounds good) and her dad was a shifter (a bear??) so her turning into a bear cub is honestly something to be expected but when she didn't become an actual bear (just stayed a cub) everyone was like 🧍‍♀️
Arvid (Lindblad)'s gf is a small animal that loves to nest in his curls. She is obsessed with them, like always pulling at them and nesting and all that
Kimi's gf loves rolling around in the grass so when she did it during the 2025 season George screamed so loudly that Bono smacked him because LEAVE THE TIGER ALONE, GEORGE. He nearly went to the GDPA to try and ban the tiger
OSCAR's gf is bffs with Mark Webber's gf. Enough said
And there is a groupchat for Prema shape-shifting gfs, and half of them are F1 gfs whose men were in prema and they all go: how do these idiots not know that so and so has a shape-shifting gf
Anyway enjoy my ramblings wifbjejdnwjw lots of love
- 🐺
i always love to see ur little rambles in my inbox, 🐺 anon!! it always helps give me ideas for my incoming fics :)
there is nothing i would like to add to the parts talking about each of the drivers’ girlfriends- it’s perfect, lmao! it would all fit perfectly into the canon shapeshifter!reader lore.
the group chat thought is so funny though. i feel like the most obvious one would be kimi- he has a whole ass tiger shapeshifting girlfriend, for goodness sake. a recurring topic would definitely be that even though george russell is such a good driver and the head of GDPA, he still has not connected the dots of why kimi’s girlfriend is never in the room when the tiger is present, and likewise. (george’s girlfriend gladly takes part in the george slander)
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