#I always think of him whenever I drink root beer
skyward-floored · 2 years
*raises glass of root beer* to Shadow
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eclipseslayer · 29 days
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➭ SUMMARY: Your dad calls you over to sit in front of him, and he orders you to finish off his beer. Enthused with your obedience, he takes advantage of that.
➭ CW: DARK CONTENT. Incest, forced drinking, cockwarming, deep throating, Toji is meanish, Toji calls you 'kid' and 'sweetheart'.
➭ WC: 1.5kish
➭ A/N: Hello! I've done a drabble with icky!dad!Toji before, and honestly I really like doing them... so I'm wondering if I should make a series/compilation or something with icky!dad!Toji?? 👀 lmk in the comments or my ask box!! :) N e wayz enjoyyy.
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"Come 'ere. Sit."
Toji points at the floor in front of him with his beer bottle, and you look up from your book you're reading.
Your eyes widen and you swallow thickly, knowing your dad wants something. It always puts a little fear in you, because your dad is disgusting. He's a grumpy, divorced, old man who got stuck with some kid out of wedlock, who happened to be you, so now he treats you like some sort of object, something to be used.
As much as you loathe him for it, a part of you actually loves it, though you don't think you'd ever admit that to yourself, at least, not out loud.
You close your book, and you get up. You slowly walk over to him, carpet brushing against the soles of your feet as you drag them, trying to take your time as you walk over to the old man.
Toji sees you taking your sweet time and he scoffs. He points to the floor again, and his beer sloshes in his bottle.
"I said, sit," his tone is harsher this time, almost spitting out his words.
With a huff, you nod and you pick up your pace. You then plop yourself onto your knees in front of your dad, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, already knowing what he wants.
He leans back against the couch to get a good view of you. A wry grin appears etched onto his face as that scar of his quirks up, and those green eyes of his darken while a drunken gaze drinks in the sight of you.
His gaze makes you nervous, as you hardly ever know what he wants from you. You know you're here to be used, but you just don't know how, and that's what makes you so nervous. His jade eyes always make your heart thump in your chest as they always have something conniving cooking.
Suddenly, he thrusts his bottle out to you and he presses the glass opening of it against your lips. You blink quickly as you catch a quick whiff of the beer—cheap, and wheaty—and look back up at him.
"Drink. Finish this off for me."
"I—" You're about to try to defend yourself, as you're not looking to drink tonight, but your dad tuts, shaking his head disapprovingly. He reaches out and grips the root of your hair with his free hand and pushes your mouth against the tip of the glass bottle, forcing it into your mouth.
"I said, drink. Jesus, are you having a hard time hearing me tonight?" He mutters, and his words slur, clearly drunk.
You let out a whine and a grumble and you tilt your head back, allowing for the liquid to pour into your throat. There's about a half of the bottle left, so Toji makes you chug it, and he watches with narrowed as eyes as you drink.
"There we go... good girl..."
Fuck. You hated it when he praised you. He only praised you whenever you did his "evil" bidding, which is why you didn't mind doing it so much. You loved the praise, and he knew it, which is why you're so obedient to him. It's a constant cycle of you needing praise, and receiving it after you do something for him, and, you couldn't get enough. Sometimes, some of the things he made you do felt so good that you truly hadn't minded at all.
It was toxic, but... you honestly couldn't get enough of it, which is also why you hadn't moved out of the house yet.
His praise was addicting.
Once you finish the beer, your mouth leaves the bottle with a satisfying pop, and Toji hums. He runs a hand through your hair and sighs as he places the empty bottle with the rest of them, on the stand next to the couch.
He pats your face with a large, calloused hand and sighs, leaning against the couch again. His large frame takes up the majority of it, and his thick long legs are spread out in a man-spread.
He reaches down into his pants and you hear the faint sound of scratching. He yawns, looking at the TV briefly before turning his head back to you. You look at him, awaiting further instructions, and he chuckles, and you assume another idea has popped into his head.
"You got an oral fixation, right, sweetheart?" He slurs, and, honestly doesn't care if you do or not as he starts pulling down his sweatpants, the hem of them fits around his thighs so well.
"I... yes, I do," you reply, watching him as he now takes his hand and slides down his underwear around his thighs, as he reveals his, big, hard cock, sitting heavily on his stomach.
Toji raises an eyebrow and he hiccups. He nods and sighs. "That's right... I knew ya did, kid. I know you like suckin' on my dick, but you just don't wanna admit it, right?" He grins, and he watches as you shift on your knees, your gaze averting his. His grin widens.
"Ah, knew it," he sighs, and he leans forward with his cock in one hand, and presses the tip against your mouth, and, so willingly, you open it up for him, accepting him into your mouth.
He groans once he feels your warm, wet mouth, and he closes his eyes, leaning his head back. He takes a minute before he looks down at you.
"Just keep your mouth like this for me while I watch TV. I'll get you a fuckin' candy bar or somethin' if you suck me off," he chuckles, and you furrow your eyebrows because he still treats you like a little kid, rewarding you with dumb shit.
Nevertheless, you sigh, accepting this as you keep him in your mouth. Not like you're going to complain anyway. This was one of your favorite things to do for your dad, simply because it just felt so good to have something so thick fill up your mouth.
So, you sit for awhile as he leans back against the couch, watching TV. You don't move your mouth—just enjoying how good he feels—for about ten minutes until you feel your jaw start to hurt.
That's when you start moving your head, pushing your mouth all the way to his pelvis, and then pulling back until you're suckling on his tip.
Toji groans at this and turns his head back to you. He sighs, and he grips your hair, and begins guiding your wet mouth along his cock.
He revels in the feeling of your mouth, enjoying how tight and warm it gets when you hallow your cheeks, and when you do that little thing with your tongue.
His head leans back, looking down at you as he admires how good you look, sucking on his cock. Sure, it was wrong, but that was why he drank, to get the mental block out of his head so he could easily get his dick wet. You were never one to say no. Hell, he wasn't sure why you were so easy, but he wasn't going to knock the opportunity.
You, on the other hand, are having such a good time as you moan softly on his cock, loving the feeling of how good he feels in your mouth. He feels so good that you're drooling on his cock, making a mess of it all over his length. You soon add your hand to the mix, pumping the length of his shaft while your mouth drools all over the tip, licking and sucking so fervently that it has Toji cursing under his breath.
"Shit, kid, fuck, your mouth does such a good job..." He groans and a big hand grips your hair tightly once more, guiding you along his cock, except, he decides to cruelly change the pace up, making it so his cock hits the back of your throat.
You let out a gag in surprise, your eyes widening and your hands quickly move to grip his thighs. His thick cock bullies into the back of your throat as you let out choked moans.
Saliva coats his dick, and drips down to his balls as you're uncontrollably salivating all over him, simply because that big tip of his bruises the back of your throat, allowing for no control over your mouth.
He groans with almost every thrust, and his breath gets heavy. He chuckles as he sees you struggle to take him, your hands gripping his thighs so tightly that he finds it so hilarious as he lets out yet another mean chuckle.
"That's right... gonna cum in this mouth, yeah? How's that for ya?" He grins wickedly, and, with one, two, three more thrusts, he slams your nose against his pelvis, leaving you choking on his dick as his cum suddenly spurts into your mouth. Load after load fills your throat, and you swallow it quickly.
Your nose scrunches up at the taste, as it damn near tastes like battery acid from the amount of beer he just had. You want to choke it up, but you know better, and so you swallow each spurt of cum until he rips his cock out of your throat.
He watches with a satisfied gaze as you choke for air, leaning over his thighs.
"Good girl." He reaches down into his pants pocket and fishes out a couple yen bills. "Go buy a candy bar at the corner store or somethin'. I don't fuckin' know."
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carmensbloggg · 6 months
matt sturniolo x waitress!reader
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the two of you probably met because him, nick and chris vlogged a ‘come eat with us’ at the diner where you work.
“hello boys, my name is y/n, i’ll be your server today, what can i get for you?” you voice, making your way out of the kitchen and over to the booth of three boys in your section. “hi, i’ll have the king cosmo special please,” the one sitting by himself speaks. the ‘king cosmo special’ being a meal made in honour of the head chef, whose nickname is cosmo. it’s not really a special, just two fried eggs on two pieces of toast, but cosmo wanted it named after him. “of course, anything for you two?” you ask the two boys sitting opposite him. “yeah, can i get the waffle supreme with extra syrup please,” the boy with the longest hair asks. “mhm, and for you?” you question the final boy, writing down the other two’s orders. “uhm- i’ll have the french toast, please,” he says, quietly. “mhm, is that with raisins or without?” you hum, earning a quick “without, please,” in response. “and what drinks can i get for you guys,” you finally break the eye contact between the quiet boy. “do you have pepsi or coke?” the long hair boy asks. “we have pepsi, is that alright?” you respond, getting an aggressive nod from him back. “okay, pepsi, and for you two?” you gesture between the boy on his own and the quiet boy with your pen. “i’ll get an oreo milkshake, please,” the boy on his own speaks. “oreo milkshake, you get free refills on those by the way,” you tell him. “i’ll take a root beer please,” the quiet boy speaks up. “okie dokie, i’ll bring those out for you now,” you say before turning around and heading back to the kitchen. “alrighty here are you drinks,” you say, placing the tray down and handing the glasses to the boys. “your food will be out soon,” you walk back to the kitchen. soon enough their food is ready for you to take to their table. “so we have the king cosmo special, the waffle supreme and the french toast,” handing them each their plates, you speak. “thank you so much,” the boy on his own tells you. “no, thank you, if you need anything else i’m happy to help,” you smile before winking at the quiet boy and walking away. after they pay the bill, you walk back to find a $50 tip and a phone number written on the bill. you have no idea whose number it is, but you decide to call it anyway. of course, it ends up being the quiet boys number and it turns out he’s not so quiet after all. you stay on the phone with him until your break is over, and call him again when your shift is done. you find out he, matt, and his brothers, nick and chris, are youtubers and have recently moved to la. since then you and matt have been a little more than friends.
he often visits you when you’re working and you two spend your break making out in the back room. you always offer to pay for him, but he always refuses and leaves you a relatively large tip.
he also tries to get nick and chris to vlog there again just so the camera can see you. because of his constant whining nick just ends up inviting you over theirs to be in a vlog. you probably all went thrifting together or something but the fans end up loving you (most of them anyway) and beg for you to come back.
i feel like matt would try befriend your boss so he can convince them to let you have a day off to spend with him (spoiler alert !! it works).
matt also always lets you vent to him whenever you’ve had a long day at work. whether it’s customers being bitchy, you being overworked or even just you spilling coffee on yourself, your boyfriend is always there to comfort you.
he definitely wanted your first date to be at the diner, but thankfully you refused because god knows how weird that would be. he took you to an arcade instead and did in fact win you a waffle plushie to keep.
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a/n : this is kinda short but idc i think it’s cute. my first work !! please be nice; feedback is appreciated :) also masterlist coming soon 🙌
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emiplayzmc · 2 months
Hooo boy, time for the ref sheets of two more Pink Addi OCs!
(Image text and IDs in the ALT text!"
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Introducing Click Velvet and their Trojan (or 'Copycat'), Clickbait Page!
Some extra info about the both of 'em under the cut because I have far too much info about my babies :D.
(Jsyk there is. A lotta rambling under the cut. Most of the longer stuff is under Clickbait :,) )
Click Velvet:
-Click is a loner Addison, which - in my AU - basically he worked his way to 'sentience' on his own rather than having anybody else helping him through that process. 'Sentience' is the Addison equivalent of reaching maturity, since when they first spawn all they can really think and do is working and advertising, but they slowly start gaining their own thoughts and personalities over time as they mature.
-Click is the S/O of my main Orange Addi, Banner! I've made ship art of the two of them before ^-^
-Click is an EXTREME lover of stuffed animals, his favourite being a small duck plush he named 'Tap,' which became a third joking 'mascot' of his and Banner's catering service 'Click or Tap the Banner.'
-Their leg is partially malfunctional because of a car crash - the leg is mostly fine now, but there are days where the wiring goes slightly off and it glitches or has a slower response time than normal, so he always keeps a cane on hand in his inventory just in case he needs it.
-He's a very sweet individual, and a very talented baker - he and Banner even have a catering service for parties! Click knows how to make just about any sweet treat you cam think of, and even makes his own root beer (although he doesn't sell this, despite Banner's gentle nudging. He prefers to have it as a drink for himself). He also happens to live above his bakery in the attic. I'll have to draw his room someday!
-He can be a bit of a neat freak / germophobe at times :,) Not as much as Target, but all Pink Addisons have a tendency to want things to be tidy - Click is no exception. Every part of his bakery needs to be SPOTLESS before the open hours of the next day, or else he frets about if something will be too dirty.
-Red velvet is his favourite flavour of just about anything he can work it into, so that's what he made his middle name! Click Velvet :D
-Click's a great photographer! Since his whole purpose is to generate 'clicks' on his store / website, he photographs all of the products in his advertisements to make them look as appealing as possible to customers.
Clickbait Page:
-Clickbait spawned in when Click was 19 and had wandered into the Dark Web on accident - Trojan Addisons are essentially 'virus copies' of a normal Addi's code, with some of their personality traits being shared between them, while any and all natural physical traits are shared (looks, glitches, et cetera). They have a chance of spawning in whenever a normal Addison wanders into the Dark Web.
-Trojan Addis all have a mark inside their mouths that indicates they're a Trojan, which is a small Web logo in a glowing bluish-green colour.
-Clickbait doesn't share Click's malfunctional leg, but he does share his farsightedness - he wears contacts over his camera lenses for that, but only when he's writing. He also shares Click's asexuality, adoration of anything sweet, skill in a kitchen (although Clickbait's pertains to making drinks rather than food), germophobia, and love of plushies.
-Clickbait is the youngest overall of my Addis, and also the youngest in his family! Clickbait wasn't a loner when he spawned - he was taken in by two other Addis who eventually became his 'sister' and 'father,' they'll get ref sheets later. Even though he's technically the youngest, only having been around for 16 years, he has the same mental maturity as Click, most of which was gained after he became 'sentient.'
-His given job is writing 'clickbait' articles. Given jobs are basically the first jobs that an Addison is assigned to once they're created, Trojan or not, that relate to their purpose. As a result, he's a bit of a pathological liar, making him very skilled at making up pretty believable lies on the spot for the articles he writes in newspapers (basically the type of ads and articles you see that are like 'You WON'T BELIEVE what happens to [So-and-So Celebrity] after they used this product!!').
-His second job was given to him by his dad - working alongside his sister as a bartender in their dad's casino, the Sapphire Retire. His father is... also really strict, and doesn't really like the idea of Clickbait or his sister having other jobs beside the casino and their given jobs. Because of that, Clickbait keeps his third job - working at Cyber Shoes II as a supervisor - a secret from both of them. Although this does stretch him quite thin at times, between working at Cyber Shoes by day, the casino by night, and writing his articles in between both jobs - the casino, Cyber Shoes, and the newspaper printing house all being pretty far away from each other in Cyber City doesn't help either.
-Clickbait acts VERY differently between the casino and Cyber Shoes II - at the casino, he's more of his natural self, which is rather awkward, quiet, and a little dorky. At Cyber Shoes, however, he's... not exactly the nicest to be around. He acts like a cold, sarcastic jerk around his co-workers to keep them from questioning about his actual life, since he doesn't want to get too attached to the job in case his father finds out. He doesn't actually DISLIKE anyone there, he's merely trying to keep them out of his personal life by discouraging people from interacting.
-Clickbait adores taking pictures of his Tasque, Bread, and dressing it up in cute little outfits - he also spoils Bread to no end, treating him like a little prince.
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laurenairay · 1 year
Jeff Skinner for “stop talking” kiss pls??
Stop Talking Kiss – Jeff Skinner
Words: 1.2k
Thank you for this one anon! I love Jeff so much and he needs much more appreciation on here.
The team party was in full swing, you having shown up about an hour ago with your friend, having swung an invite from her boyfriend. It wasn’t unusual though, tagging along with her. Whenever there was a party, you were an automatic plus one to the plus one, and it had been that way for over a year now. You couldn’t deny that these gatherings were one of the exciting highlights of your avid social life, and you were grateful that your friend had wanted to include you from the start. As far as she was concerned, the two of you were a package, and her boyfriend was more than happy to go along with that. Where she went, you went, and the team knew to expect you along with her whenever there was something going on.
Speaking of the team…
“Hi Jeff.”
Jeff Skinner, one of the other highlights of your new social life. There was just something about the cute curly-haired boy, from his wide smile to adorable dimples to his unabashed laugh. Your friend teased you relentlessly ever since the first time she’d seen you around him, teasing you about your crush, but you knew that unless Jeff said something, there was no way you were going to act on it. You couldn’t face the humiliation of a rejection – and to be honest, Jeff really had never given you any indication that he was interested in you too.
You had enough pride to hold out, at least.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were here,” he said happily.
Jeff rooted around in the fridge, pulling out a beer for himself and handing you a black cherry white claw. Your favourite. He remembered?
“I’ve been here for an hour already,” you mused, watching him blush in glee as you opened the can, “Nice to know you noticed.”
He blushed even harder, shaking his head.
“I always notice you. It’s kinda hard not to,” he murmured, taking a deep gulp of his own drink.
“I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not?” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course it’s a good thing. It’s always good when you’re here.”
“Oh?” you prompted, only teasing a little bit.
Jeff huffed out a breath, almost seeming to squirm a little with the attention solely on him, only making you smile more. What was it about this guy?
“You’re like, so pretty? And you’re funny, always making everybody laugh with your hilarious stories. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone command a room like you do, and it’s mesmerising. Whenever you’re around, I can’t take my eyes off you and it’s driving me crazy. You’re beautiful, and funny, and so smart, and…”
As he continued rambling, it felt like something inside of you snapped. That was it. You couldn’t take anymore. Almost a year you’d suffered through not knowing how he felt for you, and this was the closest he’d ever come to saying anything that gave you a hint that he liked you too. If you didn’t take this chance now, you didn’t know if you’d ever get it again.
“Oh my god Jeff, stop talking,” you groaned.
Jeff barely had a moment to look confused before you placed your drink on the side and cupped his face, pulling him down into a kiss. He froze for a second, long enough to make you hesitate, before that freeze broke and he slammed his own drink down, kissing you eagerly, clutching at your waist with both hands. Fuck, yes, finally. Jeff kissed you over and over again, sending electricity through your body, letting out occasional whimpering noises himself. You didn’t know how long the two of you stood in the kitchen kissing for, hands clutching and lips colliding desperately, but you found that you didn’t care the moment that Jeff’s tongue slipped into your mouth, swirling with yours in a way that made your head spin.
“Goddamn, get a room.”
You broke the kiss with a jolt, Jeff not looking away from you as he flipped Dylan off, resting his forehead on yours as he tried to catch his breath. Dylan just snickered, grabbing a beer from the fridge before leaving again.
“So that was something,” Jeff murmured.
The nervousness from before made you purse your lips, moving your hands from cupping his face to resting on his chest.
“How could you not know that I like you?” you asked, frowning.
“I’ve been so obvious! You think I flirt with everyone like I flirt with you?” you asked, a little incredulously.
“You like me like me?” Jeff asked, lips parted in surprise.
You groaned and stepped out of his arms in frustration. How could he be that blind? You knew the stereotype of hockey players not being the brightest crayons in the drawer, but this was crazy.
“Hey, no, don’t go please?”
Jeff hand lightly rested on your shoulder, still clearly nervous, but you turned back to face him properly anyway. There was very little you wouldn’t do for this guy, you knew that much.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such an oblivious idiot. You deserve better than that. Better than me. I just honestly didn’t think a girl as pretty as you would be interested in me?” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
His self-deprecating words made you soften, and you smiled sadly.
“We have got to work on your self esteem bud,” you said, pursing your lips.
“Yeah, I know. Not my finest attribute.”
You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head as you leaned against the kitchen counter.
“I like you, Jeff. I thought you knew that and were just shy, but apparently not. I had no idea you were this nervous around me, but you really don’t have to be nervous, okay?” you said firmly.
“Still trying to get my head around the fact that you like me, let alone trying to stop being nervous,” he said, smiling wryly.
Bless his heart. His humble nature was one of the things that had drawn you to him, if you were being honest. That, and how cute he is.
“Are you going to ask me out for real or am I going to have to do that too?” you teased.
Jeff blushed but shook his head, walking up to you properly to take a hand in his.
“Would you like to go on a date with me? Because I would love to take you out to dinner,” he asked, raising your hand to his lips and kissing the knuckles.
Okay, smooth.
“I would love to go out with you, Jeff. About time,” you said, smiling up at him.
Jeff just blushed a little deeper, running his thumb over the back of your hand.
“Now kiss me again, we were interrupted,” you demanded playfully, hopping up to sit on the counter.
“I suppose it isn’t a team party until the rookies are traumatised,” Jeff grinned, stepping forward to stand between your thighs.
That was more like it.
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ghostkidsblog · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the Shadow Boys when it comes to food? (I know that's random but I'm hungry so this came to mind)
Of course I don't mind, although I don't know which category of food your asking so I'll try to name at least 5-7 food types.
Griffin stagg
I see Griffin actually loving the flavor of mint chocolate chip ice cream or strawberry ice cream but it has to have small bits of strawberry in it or he refuses to eat it.
Spaghetti and meatballs, his mom made it for him once testing out a recipe and now forever loves them and asks his mom to make them for dinner at least 2 or 3 times a week. He would also help his mom make them whenever he can.
Animal cookies, his favorite would always be the lion shaped cookies, I mean like it's animal cookies, besides I think he used to play with them when he was little
Apple juice and cherry/ strawberry sodas are his all time favorite drinks, you can't tell me he doesn't enjoy cherry or strawberry soda. Also it's a funny moment when there is a fight going on and he is just there drinking his apple juice box in the background.
Billy Showalter
Billy gives me the type of person to like apple pie, along with any dessert that is apple flavored
Chocolate ice cream all the way. He loves and I mean loves Chocolate ice cream, he also enjoys sherbet ice cream
Hates root beer soda, he actually is a fan of coca cola, he likes the classic cola can.
Loves and I mean LOVES Caramel apples on a stick. His sister introduced him to the dessert ever since he was little and they went to the local fair, and has loved it ever sense then.
Vance Hopper
I haven't thought much about Vance so most of these if not all are ideas from a couple of friends on discord gc!
Vance would like to eat old fashioned recipes because his mother would make them for him growing up. ( It can be french,Italian, heck even Greek whatever you headcanon to be he will always love the old recipes)
He is a meat lover, meatloaf,hamburgers,hotdogs,etc. He will love it if it has meat in it.
Rocky road ice cream, I thought long and hard for this one, I genuinely think he would love the rocky road or any Flavor with huts in them.
Spicy chips, he would eat them without a problem. He has a high tolerance to spicy foods and he loves them to snack on.
Cookies, personally snickerdoodles or sugar cookies. He baked them with his mom and molded them with cookie cutter with whatever shapes they had. I like to think vance liking cinnamon treats sue me for headcanoning that.
Bruce Yamada
Mint chocolate chip & chocky chocolate ice cream, I had that idea in my head since freaking October. He would love those two flavors.
Chocolate desserts/treats he would love to have anything chocolate flavored.
Peaches and apples would be his favorite fruit in my book. He would share his peache or apple in slices with his friends/shadow boys.
Big league bubble gum, he also likes other flavors but I can't seem to find what type of flavors there are.
Robin Arellano
I don't care what anyone says Robin is a HUGE SWEET TOOTH KID, he definitely likes those bonbon cookies in the Mexican store
His mom's cooking is the best, whether that be empanadas, enchiladas, heck eve chicken soup, it's his favorite because his mom makes the best food
He strikes me as a sour gummy worm kid, like he would enjoy eating sour gummy worms while everyone else he knows dislike or hate the taste of them or how they look
Chicken tenders was his favorite school food, the only thing that looked safe to eat was chicken tenders and he would gladly give you a full on lecture/rant on how the chicken tenders are the best option (he also like dinosaur nuggets!)
Mangonada & cookies n cream is his favorite ice cream in my book
Finney Blake
M&Ms and 100 grand chocolate bar is his favorite candies (he definitely separates the cold tone M&Ms and warm tone M&Ms then eats the cold tones ones first)
Vanilla ice cream lover but doesn't mind eating other flavors (he would put sprinkles & other toppings on his ice cream you can't change my mind on that)
Grape and cherry soda lover (he definitely goes to the store only getting grape or cherry soda and nothing else)
Garlic bread is his favorite bread to snack on (his mom taught him how to make it when he was a bit young and still has the recipe on how to make it)
He strikes me on loving a chicken Alfredo and beef stroganoff dish (he was sleeping over at Robin's at the time and robin’s mom made these two dishes and Finney loved it so much he asked Robin's mom on how to make them afterwards)
Sorry for such a late response, I've been busy with both personal and school problems. Thank you for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy this answer for your ask! :D
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petersbaby · 2 years
Cold- Eddie Munson x reader
Part five ♡
Part four / Part six
Warnings: oral (m receiving) and that should be it
A/N: so turns out reader is a switch so the dynamic will change. She’s kinda dominant here. I am, in fact, a switch irl so I might be referencing myself a little >:) also I need to add these to my masterlist but I’m putting it off because linking all the different parts together is gonna be a pain in the ass. I shall do it though, soon. Whenever I get back on desktop hehe
“Hi Eddie.” Your voice comes through the phone and into his ear, causing a smile to spread across his face.
“Hi. What are you doing?”
“Welllll I’m thinking. Thinking about how nice it is outside and how it would be good to maybe go back to that spot near the lake. We could get food, have a little picnic in the back. What do you think?”
“I think that sounds perfect. I’ll come get you in about an hour, okay?”
“Okay. Bye.”
He had barely gotten out of the bed yet, he was just lazily lounging around since it was a Sunday. He likes to call them “lazy Sundays” when in reality he’s pretty lazy every other day too. When he got your call, he got butterflies in his stomach, and he was immediately praying you’d say you wanted to see him too.
He hopped up and into the shower, washing his hair and putting on a clean outfit with his beat-up old Reeboks. Admittedly, he doesn’t always care so much about his appearance or presentation. You were making him think and act totally different, because all he could think of was you no matter what he was doing.
He sprays on his cheap cologne as a final touch and heads out the door. After a couple of minutes into the drive to your house, he got nervous and habitually reached for a smoke. He really loved that the smell of tobacco didn’t bother you. In fact, you’d told him it was a comforting smell to you. Something that relaxed your senses for some reason you couldn’t quite place.
He finally arrives at your door, and you’re conveniently waiting by it so you answer it right away. This surprised him, but he thought it was really sweet. All the voices racing in his head seemed to all cease the second he laid eyes on you. His eyes scanned your body, not so much in a sexual way but rather to see what inevitably is gonna be a super cute outfit you chose for the day.
“You look cute.”
“No, you do.” You smile, giving him the same look up and down. You step outside with him, closing the door behind you and following him to the van where he opens your door like he always does, even though you’ve told him he doesn’t have to. He also had a solid habit of asking to make sure you’re buckled up, citing that you’re “precious cargo”.
You guys stop by the convenience store, the only place he could think of to spontaneously get food for a picnic. He was worried a bit that this wasn’t what you had in mind, but it was also admittedly just he could afford. He looks over at you once you park in front of the store, looking a bit like a confused puppy.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, uh, nothing.”
He was just overthinking. You were more than happy with this. Once inside, you both grabbed a premade sandwich, some candy, chips, and a couple of drinks. You got pink lemonade and he got root beer, after which you set it all down on the counter up front. The cashier bags it all up, and you happily take the bag from their hand. You waited as Eddie paid, then followed him yet again back to the car.
He plays music on the way, tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat which was really cute and had you smiling when you saw it in your peripheral vision.
When you get to your spot, you both go to the back again to spread everything out on the blanket and sit down.
“You know, I’m not gonna lie. I thought it was weird that you had a van, maybe even a little creepy. But now I see the appeal.” You laugh, gesturing to the space where the two of you had hung out on several occasions. It was cozy. That was one thing you remember from that night, how you just felt so comfortable and safe in there.
“Ouch. Well at least you don’t think I’m creepy anymore.”
You ate, you laughed, you talked, but ended up making out once again. Bound to happen. It was admittedly something you probably did more than you should, but it was addicting. His lips were a LOT softer than they looked, and had a mint/cigarette taste on them.
You were far past just his lips, now, though. You were practically swallowing each other whole, tongues not fighting so much as moving together in harmony until he pulls back to breathe.
“God, I don’t want to make you feel pressured but I need you so bad.”
“Hmm.” You start, an indicator that you’re thinking of something mischievous. You remember one thing you said on the phone that one time, about how you’d like to hear him beg.
“How bad?”
“Really bad.” You exchange whispers between deep kisses.
“What do you want?”
“I’ll take anything. I’ll take anything you’ll give me.” He sounded so desperate he was falling apart with every word.
You start to move, to hover above him and sit on top of him.
“Okay. Gonna take it?”
“Y-yes.” He breathes.
Your lips leave his, moving over to his ear where you nipped his earlobe and started kissing from his jawline and then lower, taking your sweet time until he’s whimpering and then you finally reach that perfect spot at the bend of his shoulder and neck, where they connect.
You kiss this spot harshly, sucking the skin between your teeth and running your tongue over the spot to soothe it and then repeat this over and over.
“Get this off.” You tug at the bottom of his t shirt, which he pulls off right away. Now you have more expanse to cover, kissing and licking his collarbones and slightly bearing down, clothed heat rubbing up against his erection.
“Oh, god.” He murmurs. “Can I?” He holds his hands up, eyeing your waist.
“Mhm.” You take his hands and help guide them to your body. He runs his hands up and down the curve of your waist and all the way back down to your hips. His big, calloused hands find their way to your ass, where he uses a little bit of pressure to push your crotch down against his once more. You weren’t prepared for this, moaning when he does it.
“Oh, shit.” He murmurs.
That was the first time he’s ever heard that sound from you and he decided he needed more right away. He grew even harder, if that was at all possible, and you could feel it. You allowed him to continue guiding your hips up and down and you tried to hold back the moans that threatened to follow that first one while you kissed the tattoos on his chest.
You pull back off of him to just sit for a moment, watching his chest rise and fall with the intensity. He was so, so beautiful, especially like this. But, eventually, you remember that you’re in the view of anyone who may come near. “Fuck, close the doors.” You order him, a little more urgently than you meant to. You had all day, after all, but that fact slipped your mind in the moment.
He scrambles to pull them shut, leaving you alone in the back with him and still an ample amount of sunlight coming through the windows. You shuffle close to him again to push him back, and he does fall back but doesn’t seem to mind at all.
You start to take control once again, having allowed your guise to slip when he caught you off guard. He looked completely submissive and entranced right in front of you, big brown eyes blown out. You start to desperately undo his belt buckle, and he grabs both your hands.
“We don’t have to go that far, you don’t have to do that.” He reminds you, almost in a warning tone.
“I want to. I mean, only if you do too, of course.”
“You have no idea how much I want it.”
“Okay then.” You say, with the slightest bit of smartass-ness.
You make quick work of it, then just having to unbutton and unzip his black jeans. You tug on them slightly knowing you’ll need his help in getting them off, and he assists you. Once it’s free and you see it for the first time, you can practically feel the drool pooling in your mouth. “Jesus.” You comment, a little stunned.
“You okay?” He half laughs at your reaction.
“Mhm. I’m more than okay.” You fake confidence that you’re gonna be able to fit that in your mouth with the hopes it’ll just happen magically. You procrastinated a little, licking up and down the bottom of his shaft at which he groaned repeatedly, and then kissing the tip.
The kisses turned sloppy, the sloppy kisses turned into kitten licks. All over the head of his cock, over and over again until you finally feel like you can take it. You do it slowly, sinking your mouth down onto it with your tongue flattened against the underside.
He makes sure to keep his hands beside him, makes sure not to touch you and not to make you feel like you have to go faster. Not to rush you, not to make you feel the slightest bit pressured. He let you take your time, and it pays off, because now you have his entire length filling up your mouth and throat.
“Good god, Jesus Christ.”
“Hmm.” You hum around his cock.
“No gag reflex? Holy shit.”
You pull off only to take it all back down again, nose touching against his happy trail and slightly into the dark hair at the base. You hollow out your cheeks, sucking even harder, and he’s gripping his fists into the throw blanket below the both of you.
His head tips back and leans against the wall as his eyes shut involuntarily and he has to make an effort to keep them open, keep them on you and your pretty little face down there. He couldn’t last long at all, and he couldn’t even begin to try and stop it. He just hoped you didn’t mind, and don’t think he busts that quick every time. There had just been so much sexual tension.
“I’m gonna cum, pretty, ‘m gonna cum.” He warns you, and you continue without a second thought until his load is going into your mouth. He thinks that, anyway, when it’s actually going straight down your throat.
“Holy shit. Holy shit.” He’s said that probably a million times already, but it was just the default thing to say when his mind couldn’t find any actual words. He looks fucked out, a little dumb, and he sounds like it too.
When you pull off of him, he looks up at you, dazed and almost as if he’s expecting something. You just looked back at him and blinked through your dark lashes.
“Did you swallow that??”
“Mhm. Was I not supposed to?”
He laughs in amazement.
“I don’t know how I got so lucky, sometimes I’m convinced you’ll vanish right from my sight, like you were a dream.” He says, pulling his pants back on but remaining shirtless for now.
“A good dream, I hope?”
“A really fucking good dream. Too good to be true. C’mere, don’t disappear. Don’t just be a dream.”
He holds his arms open for you and you crawl into them, into his lap as you wrap your arms around each other. Just to stay like that, for a while. Just stay.
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barkspawn · 2 years
could you maybe write a oneshot or hc about amelia/the farmer standing up for shane after hearing people talk sh!t about him and his struggles? and he thinks like woah maybe i can tolerate them... maybe. <3
Can you tell who makes me the saltiest? I like this one a lot, though they kind of are already friends.
Amelia stood with Shane, laughing about something silly his blue chickens were trying to do. He had just come back from Zuzu after his episode on the cliff. Something clicked in him then and he cut drinking immediately. 
He wasn’t feeling great, of course, his hands shaking and headaches pulsing constantly. More than anything, it was the constant shift between cold and hot. 
He sometimes thought about saying fuck it and just giving in. But, as his therapist told him, these were intrusive thoughts. He had little affirmations that he told himself each time, which felt stupid at first, but then he realized how it actually worked. Harvey had given him medication that was meant to help with the symptoms of his withdrawal. It seemed to be working well enough, his symptoms being much less severe than they were at first. 
Though all of that aside, Amelia was the most helpful. She was by his side whenever he needed her. She hired him on as a farm hand, though his workload was light, often just helping her out. 
He wasn’t sure he could do it without her. 
Even now, as they stood by the fire in the saloon, sipping their Joja colas, he found himself smiling, which often still surprised him. 
He had this big elaborate plan to ask her out when he stabilized a bit. He still didn’t think he was worth a second glance to someone like her, but, again, his therapist told him he’ll never know unless he asks. 
The thought twisted knots in his stomach in fear of losing her. He watched as she exchanged pleasantries with Emily, noting the way the corners of her lips would rise only slightly if she told a joke, or how her hair, which she loathed, was always a little unkempt. But she wore it perfectly. The faded teal color is darker at the roots and vibrant at the tips. Her hair was riding the thin line between wavy and curly, half tied back in a messy bun, small strands of hair framing her face. 
She had a nervous habit of biting on her lower lip or sometimes picking at her fingernails. 
He could watch her for hours if he allowed himself, but while he was many things, he was not a creep. 
He straightened up a bit as she turned back to him, Emily leaning over the counter, a bright smile playing at her lips, “you guys want the usual? Beer and cider?” 
Amelia frowned, about to speak up, but Shane offered a smile to her and then Emily, who looked curious, “I’m actually not drinking anymore.”
Emily beamed, starting to congratulate him before they heard Abigail scoff, leaning on the counter as she waited for her drink, “right. That’ll last all of ten minutes.”
Amelia clenched her jaw, looking at Shane, who frowned. Amelia turned, giving Abigail a fake smile, “why don’t you keep your incredibly insensitive thoughts to yourself?”
Shane reached out and touched her arm, though she didn’t relent. 
“I’m just saying. Once you start something that bad for you, you just don’t stop,” Abigail shrugged and grabbed her drink before turning toward the arcade area. 
Pissed, Amelia called after her, “what, like shamelessly flirting with Sebastian when he made it clear he’s not into you?” She ignored the shocked stares from everyone, including Abigail, “at least Shane has the self-respect to own his issues instead of projecting–” she was cut off as Shane took her arm and pulled her toward the door. It wasn't rude or malicious, he just wanted to stop her from getting too angry. Once outside, he kept walking and she finally pulled free at the bridge to the beach, “what, are you planning to throw me in or something?”
She was joking, though some frustration bled through her tone. Shane just sighed and gestured for her to follow him. They wound up on the bench beside Willy’s shack. They sat in silence for a long time, watching the reflection of the moon on the water as millions of stars glowed in the sky. It was gorgeous, and honestly, it helped her calm down. 
After a few minutes, Shane spoke, his voice soft, “thank you. For what you did back there.”
She looked him over, scanning his profile before nudging his leg with hers, “for embarrassing someone much younger than me for being rude?”
“No, but that was pretty awesome,” he laughed, looking at her briefly with a crooked smile before leaning back and resting both of his arms along the back of the bench. He sighed, his gaze turned back out to the water, “for standing up for me. You didn't have to do that, but you did.”
She smiled, touching his leg gently, “Shane, I wanted to do that. You mean a lot to me and I'm so proud of you. I'm not going to let some girl whose biggest problem is a boy–” she stopped, giving his knee a gentle squeeze before pulling her hand back, “sorry. She just really got under my skin.”
“Because of me,” he added, not really asking so much as stating. He was looking over at her now, her bottom lip between her teeth. He tapped her shoulder with the hand that rest along the back of the bench, “hey, none of that,” he teased before signing, “my point is that… No one has ever stood up for me like that before.”
She watched his face for a long moment before nestling into his side in a makeshift hug. He laughed and let his arm fall around her, keeping her close for a long moment before easing his arm. He didn't want to force the hug for too long and be awkward… But she didn't move away. Her head rests on his chest, slowly rising and falling with his breath. 
After a long moment, she spoke up, “am I hurting you? Or is this weird? You're just super fucking warm,” she explained. 
“Nah, Oatmeal. Not hurting me. And trust me, I'm okay with this.”
He took a moment and let his words linger for her to take as they were. He liked this: holding her while watching the stars and sea. His hand gently rubbed her back. 
She pulled herself up a little and looked at him with almost apologetic eyes. 
Great, so here comes the ‘i just don't see you like that.’
She looked down though, as if she were embarrassed, “I want to say something but you can't laugh or hold it against me because it is a compliment.”
He blinked, nodding slowly. 
“You used to just smell like beer, which I'm not trying to insult the old you, but the point is that you smell really nice now. Like… Well, obviously is a bit of hay, whatever you use to wash either yourself or your clothes… I… Am dragging this out.”
His cheeks felt warm, and he knew it wasn't from the withdrawal. They both laughed as she covered her face with her hands, “hey, don't hide your face,” he chuckled, his hands moving to pull her hands from her eyes, their hands never quite pulling apart.
“Uh, thank you, for what it's worth,” he sighed loudly as his head fell backward, “you're forcing me to sound creepy now, but I've always loved the way you smell.”
She laughed, giving in and just letting herself fall against his side. His arm took its place around her, the whole situation feeling somehow right. 
“Hey, Shane?” she hummed after a long few minutes. 
“Yeah, Oatmeal?”
She shifted to take his free hand, looking over his palm, “is… This weird? For me to make myself comfortable in your space uninvited?”
He gave a small laugh, cursing the thought that she could hear his heart racing, “for one, I'll never turn you down… Uh, for these things,” he corrected before going on, “and sure, people might talk shit, but if you and I are okay with it, then I couldn't give a fuck about the opinions of those guys.”
They sat in silence for a long time before she pulled back up, looking him over one more time. 
“So.. You're fine if people think we're a thing?” she mumbled. 
He signed and shifted to face her and lean on the back of the bench, “people will think what they want. I understand if what people think would bug you-- I mean look at me,” he gestured to himself, “I'm a fuckin’ mess while you’re,” he gestured to her settling on, “so far out of my league that it’s laughab ---” he jumped as she smacked his chest, looking surprised and rather mad, “damn, what was that for?”
“There is no such thing as leagues. I happen to find you to be more attractive than a lot of people in this town,” she huffed as she plopped back down against him, hand resting on his chest. 
After a long moment, he chuckled, “attractive, huh?” he teased, his smile growing wider.
“Ugghhhhh,” she groaned, rolling her eyes, “oh I'm going to regret telling you that.”
He laughed aloud, a sound she didn't think she'd ever grow tired of. It was another few minutes as they sit there, his hand idly playing with her hair. She spoke up after a long second, pulling back to look at his face, “will you go to that tunnelers game with me?” he spoke, cutting off whatever thought she had been about to share. 
She laughed and nodded, “of course. I want to see you in your element,” she teased, looking over his face for a moment. 
“You do know that Abigail was wrong, right? You can get better and you're already doing an amazing job.”
He didn't know what to say, and it seemed she understood. They sat there for what felt like at the very least an hour, just huddled together and watching the sea. 
She started to doze before she muddled him, humming that they should go home. Despite his place coming up first, he insisted on walking her home. They made it to her door a little after 1 am. Her eyes were heavy as she rubbed them. 
“Will you be alright heading back?” she started, looking up at him. He gave her a small smile before pulling her into a hug goodnight. She hugged him right for a few moments before he pulled back. 
“I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow around 4 at the bus stop, right? For the game?”
She smiled warmly before pressing a small, almost imperceptibly short kiss to his cheek before heading up the stairs to the cabin, pausing at the door, “I'll see you tomorrow at 4 then.”
He gave her a small wave goodbye as she disappeared inside of the cabin. His cheek burned from the peck, not having expected it. 
Yeah, the game tomorrow would be huge. 
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duchesschameleon · 2 years
i’m only looking at you
summary: “When you know you’ve found the woman you want to start a life with, don’t waste time telling her how you feel. Get a ring on her finger, tell her you want a life with her, whatever you gotta do to get that future started. Make it clear and start setting those roots together.”or, the advice Javy Machado should have followed before he stood up in church. Better late than never, though? pairing: javy “coyote” machado/natasha “phoenix” trace, background bradley “rooster” bradshaw/jake “hangman” seresin warnings: teen & up, alcohol mentions a/n: well, I finally wrote an interrupted wedding fic! this is unbeta’d, all mistakes are my own find this fic on ao3
His dad’s advice echoes in his head, the way it always does when Javy’s thoughts turn toward the future.
“When you know you’ve found the woman you want to start a life with, don’t waste time telling her how you feel. Get a ring on her finger, tell her you want a life with her, whatever you gotta do to get that future started. Make it clear and start setting those roots together.”
Those words echo louder and stronger when he thinks about a future with Natasha.
It had happened when they first met and started seeing each other as a natural consequence of Hangman and Rooster being together. And when that relationship fell apart, effectively ending the relationship Javy had with Natasha, he felt a hollow space in his chest. He knew then that Natasha was who he wanted to spend his life with.
But here she is, a subtle but still gorgeous ring on her left hand.
Javy sighs and hangs his head. He knows he should go over to her and fiancée, congratulate them and just rip the bandaid off. Get it over with so he can get back to drowning his sorrows in the strongest beer Penny has on tap and whatever liquor she’s willing to give him. But going over there means putting an end to his dreams and plans, means admitting his father was right and he should have spoken up sooner. Maybe when they were all in North Island two years ago for the special detachment.
If he’d spoken up then, she wouldn’t have had the chance to meet Michael and fall in love with him. She wouldn’t have had the chance to marry someone other than him.
But he’d kept his mouth shut and now, they’re here. So Javy heaves another sigh and downs the rest of his current drink before getting up to congratulate the happy couple.
 Eight Months Later
Javy stands outside the church, off to the side as he tries to calm his nerves enough to go inside and join his friends.
God, he’s not drunk enough for this.
Actually, he doesn’t think there’s enough liquor in the world he could consume that would make him ready to attend Natasha Trace’s wedding as a guest.
He can’t even believe he made the guest list, thought for sure he’d get left off. But nope, he’s got the invitation in his hands. Because for some reason, he thought it would be a good idea to come to her wedding.
Javy will maintain he was drunk or just not thinking straight when he RSVP’d yes to the wedding. Jake and Bradley - who are now actually together and happy - fix him with twin arched eyebrows whenever the topic comes up.
There must be some twisted place in the back of his mind that thinks if he can’t be at Nat’s wedding as the groom, he should be there as a guest. He should be there for her, watch as this chapter of his life comes to a close.
So he’s here, outside the church, and seriously debating if he’s hit his head too many times.
“Getaway car is ready to go if you need it, Javy,” Jake says, coming up behind him.
“Yeah, whatever you need man, we’re here,” Bradley says from over his other shoulder.
Javy just shakes his head. “No, I said I was gonna be here, and I gotta do this,” he says resolutely. “I need to see her happy and married to close the chapter of my life with her. I just need to know she’s happy and doing the right thing for her.”
Bradley and Jake look at each other and nod behind Javy’s back. No matter what Javy is saying now, if he needs out of there, they’ve got him. They won’t let him do this alone.
Following Javy’s lead, the three head into the church and find seats in a pew towards the back. Javy’s knee bounces, the only outward sign of his nervousness, and he wills it to stop. Wills himself to be calm, reminds himself that this is the right thing to do. That today is about Natasha, about her being happy. And that’s all he wants for her.
He’d prefer it if she was happy with him, but he’ll take what he can get. Natasha’s happy and going to live a good life, that’s what matters. He’ll deal with his own sorry ass later.
The church is filling up, family and friends from the bride and groom sitting in the pews and chatting amongst each other. Until the music starts and everyone falls silent as the doors at the back of the church open up and the bridal party starts their march down the aisle and the groom steps up to the altar.
The music changes and everyone stands, looks towards the back of the church and Javy takes a breath to steel himself to see Natasha in her wedding dress.
She looks gorgeous, almost ethereal and Javy feels his breath catch. She’s gorgeous and she’s everything he’s ever wanted and he can feel the memories he has with her creeping into his brain.
He floats through the wedding, half-paying attention and half in this dreamlike state, his brain inundating himself with memories of Natasha and him at the beach, walking around base together brushing hands, holding hands at the bar just off base. All these snippets of their relationship, the moments he wanted to tell her how he felt, that he imagined a future with her, interspersed with moments of his hand running down her skin, flashes of warmth from how they’d be pressed together, the feeling of her moving under him, above him, around him, those vulnerable moments together where the world fell away and it was just them.
He’s not certain where in the ceremony they are. He’s not certain if he can make it through the whole thing. He’s not even certain he’s fully in control of his body right now.
But then he hears the preacher say those fateful words: “If anyone feels these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Javy snaps back to the present, painfully aware of the silence and the stillness in the church. The peace he’s about to interrupt because he can’t let Natasha do this.
He’d promised her once before that he’d always be honest with her, and in the same breath he told her how much he wanted her. He’s always prided himself on keeping his promises, so he has to do this.
That’s what he tells himself as he stands up.
“I object.”
He can feel Jake tugging on his suit jacket, trying to get him to sit down but the words are out now. Javy can’t take them back.
Every head in the church has whipped around to look at him. The entire bridal party, all the guests, everyone is looking at him like he’s crazy. Callie’s brow is furrowed he can see out of the corner of his eye, but his focus is on Natasha.
Natasha who’s looking at him with wide eyes, her jaw dropped. He can’t tell from back here if she’s mad at him or not, if she’s surprised he’s in the church, if she’s happy to see him. He doesn’t even care at this point. He has to be honest with her, honest with himself, and say this finally. Even if she doesn’t come with him, he has to do this.
“Natasha, Nat,” he starts, shaking Jake and Bradley’s hands from off him as he moves toward the aisle. “I’m sorry I’m late. I’m sorry I’m late to saying this, that I haven’t been honest with you. I told you I’d always tell you the truth, and I’ve been keeping this from you for too long.”
He hears the whispers from the guests, the annoyed and worried words of “why, why now, what’s happening” but he ignores them.
“I need to be honest with you, you deserve that, and if you don’t want this, don’t want what I’m offering, then I’ll go and I’ll stay out of your life,” he says, trying his best to make sure Natasha knows she can do what she needs to do. What she wants to do. He won’t make her do something she doesn’t want.
“I love you, Natasha. I’ve always loved you. And I never should have let things fall apart between us,” he confesses. “You’ve always been it for me, the woman I love and see a future, a life with. One even beyond the Navy. And I know my timing here sucks, but I promised you long ago that I’d be honest with you, so I have to do this. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner, that I kept it to myself. But I’m saying it now. I love you, Natasha. I’m in love with you.”
He’s close enough to the altar now to see the warring emotions in her eyes. The hope as she looks at him, the softness that was familiar to him from all those years before, and the confusion as she looks at Michael. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Callie wiping away a tear, a small smile on her face. It’s the little bit of strength he needs to focus on Natasha again and ask her an important and probably ill-timed question.
“Nat, my timing sucks. You every reason to tell me no. And I respect that. But I have to ask you this, will you come with me? Build a life with me, have a future with me? I love you, and I want it all with you, if you’ll come with me.”
She looks back and forth between him and Michael. Looks out to her parents, out at the whole church.
Then her eyes meet his, and he can see her melt. See her shoulders drop into a more relaxed position as she smiles at him. She gives him a little nod before she turns back to Michael.
“I’m sorry,” she says, and Javy’s heart is pounding in his ears, he can’t believe this. “You know I love you, and you know that I have to do this.” She slips off the engagement ring, hands it back to Michael, giving his hand a squeeze before turning back to all the guests.
“I’m sorry everyone,” she says, voice loud and strong. “I made a promise to someone, long ago, to always tell the truth. And I made a promise to myself to always follow my heart. The reception hall will still have food, you can go and enjoy that. But, uh. The wedding is off.”
She steps down from the altar and crosses the few steps to Javy. He reaches out a hand, heart still pounding and when she takes it, all feels right in the world again. He smiles at her, and she returns it.
They don’t need to say a word, they just make their way out of the church. The guests are in a shocked silence and Javy knows that there’s going to be fallout from this. He knows there will be hell to pay from her family, her brothers who he’d met once are going to wonder why the hell he waited until the last possible second to say something, her parents are going to wonder what the hell Natasha was thinking, and that doesn’t even begin to cover how their friends are going to react.
Which, Jake and Bradley are standing at the edge of the pew he’d been sitting in not even five minutes ago.
“So, you guys still up for driving the getaway car?”
And so the four of them exit the church and climb into Jake’s car, and there’s a part of Javy that gets a flash of deja vu, remembers nights from years ago when he’d gotten into this car with these friends and driven off base, the four of them against the world.
Nat squeezes his hand and he looks over to her.
“You still here with us?” she asks.
“I’m right here with you.”
“So,” Bradley says from the front seat, turning to look at them in the back. “When do you expect your phone’s going to start blowing up?”
“Oh my god, I’m sure it’s already blowing up but it’s back at the church,” she laughs. “All my stuff is there or at the hotel.”
“Do we need to make a detour? Call someone to get it for you?” Jake asks. “We didn’t exactly plan for this, but I’m sure we can get something together quickly, a rendezvous point to get your things.”
“I had a plan. Have a plan, actually,” Natasha says, matter of factly. “Rooster, give me your phone. I just need to text Callie and Bob. They’ll get my stuff and we can meet them.”
“You had a plan?” Javy asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I had a little hope that you’d say something. That you still…still love me, still want me,” she admits softly. “Michael knew, he knows that I loved him, that I do love him, but that it’s different than how I love you. He knows I’m still in love with you, that I never stopped being in love with you, and he knew that if you said something, today or earlier, that I would…” she trails off and takes a deep breath, turning to face Javy and meet his eyes. “I told him that if you said something, if you told me you still love me, there wasn’t a choice to make. I would go with you, because it’s always been you at the end of the day, Javy. Even when I couldn’t tell you that’s how I felt, and then I let myself feel uncertain if you felt the same way, it’s always been you. I could have been happy with Michael, I would have been, but I knew and he knew, if there was a chance to be with you, I had to take it.”
Jake’s stopped the car at this point, pulled over to the shoulder and turned in his seat to look at Natasha.
“So you and Michael got engaged and went into this whole thing knowing that if Javy said anything, you’d leave him? You’d go with Javy and leave Michael?” Natasha nods, eyes wary and guarded. “And he was totally okay with this? With putting all this effort into planning a wedding that could fall apart and did, the moment Javy pulled his head out of his ass?”
“Jake, Michael and I talked about it. He was okay with it. And if Javy didn’t speak up when he did, I would have gone through with the marriage, the wedding, and been happy. Michael does make me happy and he’s good to me, but I’m just not in love with him the same way I’m in love with Javy. And believe it or not, Michael has his version of that. So now he can go chase that. It’s really okay,” she explains.
“You’re incredible,” Javy whispers. “You think of everything, you plan for everything, you’re amazing. I love you.”
She smiles at him, full and bright, eyes crinkling at the corner. “I love you, too.” Javy leans in and kisses her, for the first time in years, and another piece of the puzzle of his life slips into place. Natasha leans back and gives him another smile.
“Ok but, I seriously need someone’s phone to get in touch with Bob and Callie. I need my stuff. And to make sure my family’s okay and not on their way to find me and drag me back down the aisle. I planned for everything but them.”
Javy hands her his phone, his contacts already pulled up. “Call them. And hey, you’ve got me. We’ll handle your family. It’ll be okay.”
“Yeah, it’ll be okay. And you’re not in this alone,” Bradley reminds Natasha. “We’ve got your backs, we all do.”
Natasha nods and gives Javy one more kiss before calling Callie. And he just sits back, thinking he’s damn lucky to have fallen in love with Natasha Trace all those years ago and damn lucky she loves him back.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Autumn prompts! Our friend is too good at telling ghost stories at this sleepover, can I please sleep in your bed with you? + your most indulgent rare pair?
“Hurry up!” Reggie called as Julie hoisted herself up the last few rungs of the ladder. “I wanna eat!”
“No eating in the treehouse until everyone is here,” Bobby reminded him, reaching over and giving Julie a hand up.
“Pfft, you’re just saying that cause the only one that wasn’t in yet was your girlfriend,” Luke teased.
Julie blushed, still not used to the label. “No, it’s just a rule,” she defended him, scooting over to sit between Bobby and Alex on the treehouse floor.
“Sureeeee,” Alex smirked, poking her in the side.
She squealed and ducked away, ending up tucked right against her boyfriend’s side. She went to move away, not wanting to make the most touch averse member of her band uncomfortable, but he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. When she glanced up, his face was bright red, but he didn’t make any effort to change their positions.
“Okay, post gig pizza, now!” Reggie demanded, reaching for the box. He flipped it open and grabbed a slice without waiting for a plate from Alex. 
Julie chuckled at his enthusiasm and took the paper plate Alex offered before accepting some pizza from Luke. “Here’s to another successful gig!” she cheered, reaching for the cans of root beer.
The boys echoed her cheer as they all dug into the food and drinks supplied by Julie’s dad. Julie rested her head on Bobby’s shoulder as she ate, glad that they had planned to all spend the night in his treehouse. She was way too tired to bike all the way home. 
Luke started raving about their Eats and Beats gig in between bites, rambling about Reggie’s bass solo and Julie’s vocals and Alex’s fire and Bobby’s energy. Julie relaxed against her boyfriend as Luke tired himself out. Bobby’s arm shifted a bit, pulling her closer. Reggie lay on his stomach, kicking his legs back and forth as he ate. Alex leaned back against the wall of the treehouse, interjecting snarky commentary about Luke’s guitar playing whenever the boy took in a breath. Julie felt herself settling into the easy rhythm of the band dynamic.
It had taken ages to get here, what with Luke and Bobby’s blowout back in sophomore year, the brief stint where Alex had been living in this very treehouse after his parents kicked him out, Reggie joining the Molina family, first as a foster kid and then as an adopted family member, and the short period of time where Julie and Luke listened to the kids at school more than themselves and dated.
There had been mess after mess after mess, but they made it through. They were all out of high school, Julie just barely, and they were a band. A family. And they’d figure this whole life thing out together. 
Luke finally ran out of words and flopped backwards onto a beanbag. “Good gig everyone,” he stated.
“Well, now that our fearless leader has finally shut up,” Alex snarked, “I think it’s storytime.”
“We’re not in first grade, Lex,” Bobby griped, but his smile was obvious. 
Alex always told the best stories. He always had, since back in middle school when Julie met him. They got paired up for a creative writing project and she’d discovered the power of Alex’s words. And they all had some issues winding down, especially after gigs, so… Storytimes with Alex had been born. A way for everyone to listen to something entirely separate from their own lives and work off the adrenaline. 
Julie stood up, passed everyone paper towels to wipe off the pizza grease, then grabbed the bag of chocolates her dad had sent with her. “Okay, no more than three, anyone,” she warned, setting them down in the middle of their little circle. Then, daring to be brave, she sat back down in Bobby’s lap. He started a bit, but wrapped his arms around her waist before she could move.
“Alright, what kind of story do you hooligans want?” Alex asked, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders.
“Scary story!” Reggie declares, tucking his pillow under his head and giving them all a wicked grin.
Luke gave him a horrified look but Alex’s face split into a slow, twisted smile. “Okay. I can do that.”
Julie felt herself holding Bobby tighter and tighter as Alex spun a tale of an evil ghost magician who stole souls and made them dance for eternity. The ghost, a jazzy madman, sneakily collected the souls of some recently deceased young musicians, musicians just like them. They signed their souls away without knowing just what they were in for. And they didn’t find out, not until they were forced onstage night after night, forced to play something they hated, and kept apart whenever they tried to resist. In the end, the musicians were destroyed, all of the music drained from their souls, and the magician was eyeballing some new talent, young lifers teetering on the edge of disaster.
When Alex stopped talking, Luke had a death grip on Reggie’s hand, both of them looking terrified, and Bobby had long since hidden his face in Julie’s hair. She could feel the tension in his shoulders where they covered hers, could feel his heart racing in time with hers against her back.
She took a shaky breath. “Geez, Alex, why?!”
“Reggie said scary,” Alex defended. He didn’t look sorry in the slightest. “Okay, I’m exhausted, time for bed,” he said, yawning.
Julie slowly nodded and clambered up, stumbling over to the nest of blankets that was her spot for the night. Luke didn’t seem to be letting go of Reggie’s hand any time soon, but their sleeping bags were right next to each other anyways. Alex dropped onto his giant beanbag with a satisfied smirk, pointedly ignoring the middle finger Bobby gave him on his way to his own blankets.
Bobby flipped off the lantern that provided the only light in the treehouse now that it was pitch black outside, then Julie heard the rustle of him climbing into bed. 
“Goodnight guys,” she called softly, receiving a chorus of shaky responses. 
She rolled onto her side and closer her eyes, trying not to think about evil gay jazz hands and being tethered to a passionless piano for eternity. A plane flew overhead, filling the quiet night air with sound for a few moments before leaving it even emptier than before. In the near silence, broken only by the chirping of some cicadas or something, she swore she could hear catchy jazz music. Goosebumps rose all up and down her arms.
At the sudden voice, Julie bolted upright, almost slamming right into Bobby, who was crouched above her. “Oh, Bobby, hey, you scared me,” she gasped, trying to be quiet. “What’s up?”
Bobby’s face was hard to see in the darkness, but his body language seemed kind of… embarrassed. “I just… the story was really scary… and I was wondering if I could come sleep with you? So we can protect each other from jazz ghosts?”
Julie chuckled under her breath and lifted the blankets. “Yeah, that’d be great actually.”
Bobby sat down on the pile of pillows and blankets that made up her bed and slipped under the big fluffy one she was sleeping under. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, so Julie moved closer to her boyfriend.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” she checked.
Bobby rolled onto his side, his face visible in the moonlight. “Yeah, I’m very okay with this,” he whispered, leaning forward to kiss her gently on the cheek.
Julie felt her face warming and when he lifted an arm for her to cuddle against his chest, she didn’t hesitate. The sound of his heartbeat drowned out the haunting jazz music playing in her head. His arms were strong and steady around her, one finger gently playing with the curls at the end of her braids. She wrapped her own arms around his waist and settled in.
“Goodnight, Bobby.”
“Goodnight, Jules.” And if it was the best she’d slept in years, well… no one needed to know that. She was pretty sure Alex figured it out though, if the teasing grin and the little, “You’re welcome,” he whispered in her ear during breakfast the next morning were any indication.
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sharksa-shivers · 6 months
🍕🍔🥩🍣🦪🍤🍺🌮Kidnapped food-posting quotes n shiz PART 1🌯🦑🦐🐟🦀🍗🍪🍫🍰
Why not do a themed one? I see no reason not to fsdhfdjshkjfdshdjfs -------------------------------
Kristy:(annoyed)So what??? You're just gonna ignore our mission???
Max:(nods, smirks)Yep, sure am. New mission is getting some lunch. (Hungry)Godddd, that barbecue place smells so good, i could go for some goodass steaks right now…
Sharky:(hungry too)You think maybe we could snag a few? I could really use some food…I'm starved…
Max:(smirks)Hell yeah i bet we can. We got some cash.
Kristy:(annoyed)You two are seriously just gonna listen to and think with your stomachs??? Like really???
Max:(nods, scheming)Yep.
Sharky:(hungry)Honestly yeah. Can't focus really with mine being empty…
Kristy:(annoyed as fuck)Unbelievable!!! I can't believe you 2 are just gonna-!!! (She's cut off by her own stomach growling hungrily, wrapping her arms around herself)Ughhhhh…
Max:(smirking)Maybe you should be listening to yours, seems like it's trying to tell you something…
Kristy:(annoyed)Ughh!!!! Shut up!!!! We need to focus on-
Sharky:(cutting her off)Getting food. Look, nothings gonna get fuckin done with all of us starving so lets get some grilled goods, chow down then we get back to the mission ok? (Looking dead at Kristy)You're always the one lecturing me about self care so…Yknow, maybe we should all do that huh?
Kristy:(annoyed, glares at both of them)….Fine, goddamnit. BUT WE'RE GETTING RIGHT BACK TO THE MISSION AFTE-
Max:(already got a plan to find the place)Yeah yeah yeah, the stupidass mission. Anyway!!!! LET'S GO!!!! -------------------------------
(Max being Max xd)
Max:(hungry, just rambling outloud)Okay but some nachos would be banging right now…And also maybe like something with whipped cream, i'm thinking like a drink but like…Man, i'd eat an entire cherry pie though with whipped cream on it…Root beer float also sounds really fucking good though…Or maybe-!!!
Kristy:(interrupts, annoyed as she's trying to read something on her phone)Is it like actually physically possible for you to go at least 20 minutes without thinking about food? Like can you actually think about things with your brain instead of your stomach or like?
Max:(amused, smirking)Nah, not really. And if i ever manage that, that'd be the time to panic cuz that ain't me heheh…Got a shapeshifter with ya and i'm probably being held captive somewhere…
Kristy:(groans annoyed)Ughhhhhhh…
Max:(defensive, amused still though)Look, i do not know why i'm always hungry, i just know that i am. Gotta have a well fed Max to do the dumbass Trio shit ya need me to do alright? This kinda quality tech and hacking work comes with a price tag and that price tag involves tacos…(hungry, lighting up)God, tacos though, ughhhh, i just want something with some steak…
Kristy:(annoyed, trying to focus on her phone)Please stopppp, this is already so boring to read and you're just distracting me…
Max:(amused, getting his phone out and looking for a taco place now)Alright alright, fineeeee…I'll go get some chow then. I'm starving, i need some food real bad, legit all i can think about right now… ------------------------------- inb4 this one DO NOT DO THIS ONE...DON'T... Not food related but it involves Max eating something ig so...I'm putting here anyway lol
(We see Max and Kristy sitting down in the underground area, resting a bit…Kristy's reading one of her manga's and Max is fucking around with a glowstick…We see Max tapping on the stick and shaking it around…And then he gets a dumbass idea lmao…We see Max take a claw out and saw the top bit of it off, peeling the lidbit off. He chunks it to the side and that's whenever Kristy looks up and notices.)
Kristy:(concerned, worried)Uhhhhh, what the hell are you doing?
Max:(his gaze goes from the blue glowstick to Kristy, smirking)Gonna do some shots if you catch my drift…
Kristy:(immediately tries to stop him)Max, no!!!! It could be dangerous!!!!!!
Max:(scoffs, tapping the stick, amused)Nah, i googled it, not poison so i'll be fine butttttt am curious sooooooo…-(he gazes at Kristy, smirking and then quickly opens his mouth, pouring the liquid in, he lets it sit in his mouth a sec, showing Kristy, trying to talk)Look Kwis, mah mouths glowin!!!
Kristy:(anxious, apprehensive)…….Yeahhhh, i dunno bout this…
Max:(mouth still full of blue glowing chemical, amused)Quit cwyin, is fine!!! Is cool!!!! Now i wanna see tho…(we see Max decide finally to close his mouth and gulp the liquid down, then quickly opening his mouth, now it not glowing, Max immediately being disappointed)Awwwww, fuck!!! Really not glowing anymore????
Kristy:(kinda surprised)…Ok, i actually did think your mouth would still be glowing…
Max:(annoyed)Yeah, same, what a fuckin disappointment…Ughhhhh…(slouches back before looking down at his body, moving his bag and looking at his body)Wait, is my stomach glowing or…? (Looking, annoyed, head smacks back into the wall)No!!! Goddddddd, how boring!!! I was hoping something would glow, like that'd be really cool!!! Damnit!!!!! Ehhhhhhhhh…
Kristy:(staring)Well, like…It still doesn't hurt right or does it or?
Max:(he thinks a second, shrugs)Not reall-(stops a second)……..Orrrrrr…My stomach does kinda tingle a bit now…So might end up getting a stomachache later…God, this wasn't even worth it, how lame…
Kristy:(kinda laughs a bit)Well, least it didn't really hurt you…
Max:(annoyed, sideglances)No but it is lame as hell, ughhh…(reaches into his bag, pulls out another glowstick)…Maybe if i ate a few more?
Kristy:(quickly)Uhhhh, don't we need these for down here?? You probably shouldn't right now, we need to conserve energy!!!
Max:(huffs, annoyed as he chunks another glowstick up and down in his hand)Yeah, yeah, yeah, god, just…Ughhhh… -------------------------------
(Max and Kristy trying to go find a thing or something lol, idk)
(We see the 2 derpos walking around downtown Shellside City, actively looking for a specific place…Andddd then Max veers that shit offroad p damn quick.)
Kristy:(looking at her phone confused then back up at Max)…..Are you sure this is the right way?
Max:(amused, hands in his hoodie pockets)You remember earlier when you were like "You got to listen to your gut sometimes!" ?
Kristy:(confused)Yeah? Why exactly?
Max:(amused)I am fully embracing that advice and my gut right now is telling me that i need some food asap hehehe…
Kristy:(her face falls as she looks back at the map and sees where they're ACTUALLY heading to, a local bar and grill, looking up at Max, pissy)Are you serious???? You were doing this on purpose weren't you?!?!?
Max:(walking backwards some, looking at Kristy, amused)Hey now!! You gave that advice earlier and i for one like to listen to my friends when they give good advice!! If you have an issue with it, then you're gonna need to take it up with my gut cuz uhhhh that's what i'm listening to right now.
Kristy:(glaring, pissed)I can't believe you dude, ughhhhh, holy shit…
Max:(amused, moving back to walking normally)Welp believe it cuz i did do it haha, and i'll do it again at some point. Now that that's out in the open, goddddd, i can't wait to sink my teeth into some bacon cheeseburgers, ahhhhh, holy shit…
Kristy:(glaring at Max still)Here's some new advice for you since you like my points so much: Maybe try and think with your brain instead maybe next time…
Max:(amused)And ignore my stomach?? Kris Kris, i'm sorry but absolutely not. My stomachs always been on my side and has never led me astray, not even once!! So uhhhhh yeah, i think ima keep doing things my way haha!!
Kristy:(glaring, pissed)…You are seriously so fucking insufferable sometimes Max…
Max:(shrugging, amused)Can't argue that one honestly… -------------------------------
(We see Kristy waking up during a rainy night, anxious and scared after a dream, to which, Max tries to help her with…)
Max:(walking into the bunkroom with a container of cookies, he notices Kristy's up and upset, getting her attention, caring)Ey, you ok?
Kristy:(she looks down from her bunk to see Max, wiping tears out of her eyes)Max? What are you doing up?
Max:(plopping his cookie box onto her bunk, climbing up to her and getting comfortable, amused as he grabs his box again)Woke up to pee and then wanted a midnight snack so…(chomps into a sugar cookie before offering the box over to Kristy)Want one?
Kristy:(calming down some since she's not alone now, takes one, lightly)……You always offer me food and stuff when i'm down…Like I've noticed that…
Max:(shoving a cookie into his mouth, smirks)Well yeah. Foods good for ya. Good for the mind, good for the soul and good for your stomach heh…Kinda can't go wrong with it… ------------- Have i mentioned Max is a cryptid who is a bottomless pit and we have no clue why it's not possible really for him to get full except in the most rare of circumstances? That these abilities of his are goddamn supernatural in nature and we have 0 clue wtf is wrong with him? Well i'm mentioning it again lol. That doge will fistfight you over a bag of doritos, do not test him. Next one will have more Sharksty shit and will be more Sharky/Kristy related in general. I'm scaredt ima run out of room sooooo you getting a part 2 lol, hold up. Will link whenever done: https://www.tumblr.com/sharksa-shivers/748263506686722048/kidnapped-food-posting-quotes-n-shiz-part
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xoteajays · 1 year
I've always had long hair.. At least in my older years, not as a child just because my mother never wanted me to have long hair which may be I only prefer having long hair now. But my hair is very long. I think that my hair is past my waste, down to my ass now, but my hair just never grows past that though. I'm way too emotionally attached to my hair.
Ever since my maternal grandmother died since she was the one who owned her own hair salon (and gave up her shop before she died), I've been going to my mom's friend who is also a hairdresser. She's okay... I have nothing against her. But she's too afraid to style my hair, or she just doesn't like to. Since she never does whatever I'd ask her to do.
I never liked people playing with my hair. And it makes it worse when someone does play with my hair, that always makes me sleepy every time that happens. I always get so sleepy whenever I am at the salon.
My family.. That depends. Half of my family is overly affectionate with people, and the other half of my family is not affectionate at all either.
Apparently, as a sign of Asperger's, I'm not fond of being touched but I have never liked being touched. Way before I even knew about many of my diagnoses. I don't know if that's because of my autism. Or not.
But, either way, I have never been comfortable with being touched.
That's why I brought it up! You see Ryu standing in the VIP balcony of the club, he is really standing by himself drinking while he is watching the concert. Like he is standing by himself, and instead of sitting with Sarah at the bar. So he is not sitting with someone he would consider as a friend, especially if Sarah might be Ice's love interest (based a lot of the comments in those mangas). And Ryu is definitely introverted.
Actually... If I'd ever went to a club like Club Heaven, I would be sitting with Rocky and the White Rascals up in the main area where they are. Nothing against Club Heaven, but I hate clubs. I have rarely danced in my life, I have the grace of baby deers. Let's not forget sweaty people grinding against each other. The germaphobe in me is so skived out.
And when I go to concerts, I don't sing or dance either. I'm even more interested in watching the musicians performing. But that's just me.
I'm not really a fun person in crowded places.
I know, I know.. That was a stupid reason to want them be related. I'm always thinking of things that most people don't care about, so which is why I'm always trying to find abstract ways to connect any details.
You already know that Pearl's one of the few background Warriors I've actually liked. Not including Jesse and Ice. So if I did have connection between Orange and Pearl.. I could try attempting to give him a story, possibly some drama for this story too. I'm not completely sure yet.
Exactly.. Koo's caring after Rocky and the Rascals, managing multiple businesses at a time, beating up creepy men, and even fighting other gangs too. Koo has more important things to worry about that isn't a dramatic situation involving Kizzy. And Kizzy's just having her drama.
Kaito's definitely the relaxed friend who is very accepting of everyone.
Ice cream floats, root beer floats if you mix it with root beer soda.. I've never been a fan of root beer soda. But I've had ice cream floats a few times in my life. I've had cherry ice cream mixed with cherry soda but that cherry ice cream doesn't exist anymore.. They'd stopped making that ice cream. But I never really had many ice cream floats though.
I do like fruit.. I don't think there is a fruit that I don't like, that I would know of anyway. And I do enjoy real cherries. But real cherries are too difficult to eat, messy too, so I don't eat real cherries that often either.
I don't know about you. But I love bananas and banana flavors. But as always, there's rarely any banana flavored snacks. Every yellow flavor.. Is either lemon or pineapple. Not really many banana flavored snacks.
Before I forget! Have you watched the movie Ballerina? But I'm asking maybe that movie could give you inspiration for Hinami since you did want her as a ballerina.. All I know is that the movie is a Korean action movie, a revenge plot type of action movie too. But I haven't watch it.
Well.. I don't know about undercover cops. But, if someone is coming at the cop with the intention to harm them - especially with weapons, the cop has every right to shoot them. I know this because there have been a lot of people in my family who are now retired police officers.
So much drama happening. And a lot of betrayals too. Mafia boss did become friends with the cop without knowing who he is, which could be a lot of drama for them. There are going to be so many betrayals.
I do love when a character is multilingual. And I mean.. Well. That can be sexual and non-sexual for me. But, in general, I'd find it fascinating to hear people speak in other languages. I love the multilingualisms.
So not only is he being played by the cop but he's being played by the wife at the same time. So this man is thinking with his dick too much. He needs to start thinking with his brain, not his dick. What the fuck.
I can't say anything about the actress who is the wife. But... I do enjoy the actor of the cop though. Because I'd seen him as an actor before.
Definitely tell me when you watch more Vincenzo episodes. And even other shows or movies.. When you do. That would be something to be talking about. Seriously. So that would be another topic to talk about.
I sent that video to you for a reason. The period episode. That was the old cartoon I used to enjoy.. The female characters are menstruating.
But I've been menstruating. I'm on my rag, but I think my cycle is very close to being done now.. But I only have a couple days left though.
my hair was short for a long time, then i started to try growing it out, but i’ve got this stress issue combined with medication i’m on that’s causing my hair to fall out. i’ve had it checked out and tested, i have healthy hair, the stress and stuff is just making it fall out and i’ve got all this short regrowth that makes my hair look uneven and a lil frizzy. also i’ve got grey strands poking through, but i think they’re cool so i don’t pull them out.
my aunty used to be my hairdresser but she quit because she developed pretty bad arthritis or carpal tunnel. so now i have to waste literal hundreds of dollars at actual hairdressers.
kind of unrelated but i realised it while i was at work. i don’t usually think about the other rude boys unless it’s takeshi or some times smokey, but! did nikaido did he choose the location for the drug den!? did he manipulate shion into dealing drugs?!!? DID HE KNOW WHY SMOKEY WAS SICK?!? FOR HOW LONG?!!???
ryu is a total introvert surrounded by extrovert. he got friend adopted like every other introvert who meets an extrovert. he’s up on the balcony to drink by himself and listen to music and support his bestie ice.
i’m also not a big club person. i’m not good at dancing, i don’t like having my eardrums blown out by music i don’t really like, i don’t like wasting my money on drinks. i’d maybe like to go to a queer club, but i don’t know of any in my area and i don’t really know any other queer people irl. i’ve never been to a concert actually. my dad and brother have, but not me. i don’t know any artists i’d like to see in concert tho anyway.
koo is busy being helpful around club heaven, kizzy isn’t. kizzy is having her dramas, but also she’s probably the cause of half the situations anyway. or the situation isn’t that bad and kizzy is just blowing it out of proportion. kaito is being mildly helpful, like he’ll help if asked but he’s not taking the initiative like koo.
i haven’t watched ballerina yet. but it’s on my netflix watchlist! it’s got my girl jun jong seo in it! i loved her in the call!
i don’t know that he killed any of them with the gun shots, but injured definitely. iirc the cop asked one of gang guys about the guys that had attacked them and apparently they’d all survived but were in hospital. so. he hasn’t killed anyone yet.
the boss is going to be betrayed and i’m so sad for him. he’s having his heart manipulated from all sides, since the wife is a girl he’s crushed on for years and the cop is pretending to be related to his best friend who died in front of him.
he’s absolutely thinking with his dick. he’s so into this chick he can’t even see how she’s playing him, even when his friends are like ‘this is a horrible idea, she’s a cop’. and he’s still like ‘…….i’m gonna go see her anyway’. A FOOL!! A BEAUTIFUL IDIOT!!
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The first 3 for the amazing devil ask game with codsworth bc it’s been a while!! Sorry life happened lmao <3
OMG HI I hope life is being better to you, you deserve the world <33 THANK YOU FOR THE ASK ALSO :D
And as you grip me like an animal that you're about to spear: What are their feelings on physical touch? If disliked, how do you two work around that?
Given that I'm probably the first person that Codsworth has been romantically involved with, I imagine he's pleasantly surprised about it! Though he doesn't always want it since it's something he's still getting used to. So whenever he tells me that he doesn't want that, we talk!! Sometimes I shower him in compliments, sometimes we just talk about random things. The weather, old music, how to fix a building nearby, the science of the mutations in the word, etc. It's nice :D
How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do: What is your favorite little known fact (headcanon or not) about your f/o? What is their favorite little known fact about you?
So this is a fact that isn't talked about enough I feel but HE WAS ALONE FOR SO LONG......AND HE TRIED TO MAKE THE SOLE'S HOME LOOK NICE FOR WHEN THEY RETURNED.....like it isn't my favorite in terms of "omg that's so cool" but in a way of like..."holy fucking shit that's insane i'm gonna scream".
Little known fact about me,,,,I have a collection of energy drink cans (two are Monsters and the other is a Bob Ross one) and then a bottle of root beer my friend bought me, and THEN a can of Diet Sprite Cranberry. All because of either "this item had sentimental value to me" (one of the Monster cans was the first I ever drank and the second I just wanted to keep, the bottle was from a very important friend) or because I thought it looked cool (the Bob Ross can and the Sprite Cranberry)! I dunno if this counts but I like to imagine the progression of Codsworth's reaction to it.
Like at first he's confused by it, cuz it's just trash? But then he gets to know the history and it was still confusing but now it was something that made me happy so it made him happy!
Dearheart, it's me, you don't need to pretend to be someone you're not: Did you or your f/o try to hide parts of yourselves during the first stages of flirting/dating? If so, what parts?
I tried to hide being awkward because like......that's a cool robot guy I CAN'T look like a fool. But after like two weeks of being official I slowly let myself be an awkward little dumbass and Codsworth thinks it's charming and worries about me stumbling like a newborn deer.
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nincompoopydoo · 4 years
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PAIRING: Jack Thompson x reader
SUMMARY: You, the Sousa’s neighbor, mistakenly arrive at their doorstep, thinking it was pie night rather than date night. Yet, the sight of a disheveled, troubled and somewhat handsome Jack Thompson convinced you to help out with baby Nancy.
A/N: Uh, I think I got carried away because this is almost 2k words oops. Also, changed the name because I like this one better. Anyway, enjoy read and Jack Thompson being cute in a house that’s not even theirs.
Jack Thompson never expected to be met with a pair of wide eyes when he opened the front door, or to be met with the smell of apple pie, tucked nicely between your arms and under a piece of blue Gingham cloth. He blinked as you began to frown, face blossoming with confusion. “Darn it, was date night tonight? I should have called before-”
“Who are you?” Jack interrupted, confused by your sudden presence. You chuckled sheepishly, eyes lit up. “I’m sorry, how rude of me. I’m Y/N and I live next door. I just got off work from the bakery downtown and I thought we could have some pie,” you paused, eyes darting towards the front lawn. You note the missing car you completely missed when you were walking up to the front door. “But it seems I got the dates wrong.” You let your shoulders slump a little. The thought of spending the Friday night alone was certainly unpleasant. Yet, you flashed him a strained smile.
“Are you here, for the baby emergency?” he asked hesitantly, hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks. You frowned once more. “Baby emergency?” you blinked, shifting the pie in your arms that were beginning to feel sore by every passing moment. “It’s more like a pie emergency.” You laughed. It was a terrible joke if it was even meant to be one yet Jack found himself struggling to resist a smile. You had a contagious laugh. Shifted in your stance, you were ready to turn around, leave with embarrassment and later wallow yourself in self-pity when you heard the sound of a newborn’s cry—Nancy. Nancy Sousa was a fussy one; she mostly cried than laughed according to Peggy’s claim during one pie night with prominent dark circles under her tired eyes. Then, it clicked in your head; this must be Jack Thompson, the babysitter and colleague, that Peggy had told you about last night.
You caught the sight of him wincing, hand rubbing against his temple. Daniel often did that when Nancy had one of her temper tantrums. There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach—Guilt. Guilt, if you didn’t at least ask if everything was alright. Well, you were already here after all. You could either sit alone at your dining table with your apple pie or you could lend a hand to this very sorry and somewhat charming blonde man. You took a step forward, peeking into the house behind him. “Do you need help?” As soon as those words left your mouth, Jack heaved an immediate sigh of relief, looking at you like you’re his savior. “Yes, please.” 
You reminded Jack a lot of his mother, the way you moved around the kitchen as you rummaged through the cupboards in search of a knife. Your skirt brushing against his forearm every time you squeezed through the small space with the soft murmur of an apology and the flash of a small smile; he’d only just met you and yet, your presence gave him a sort of comfort. You reminded him of home.
“Aha!” You exclaimed and waved a pie knife in the air. Jack chuckled at your wide grin as he held a spoonful of the beef & ham to Nancy’s gaping mouth while you pried up the crust of your apple pie. Scooping a slice onto two plates, you glanced at Jack, hunched down in his chair as he carefully scraped out the remnants of the baby food while Nancy watched him eagerly. He was in his dress shirt, clearly he had come right after work. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tie loosened and his blonde hair slightly disheveled. He was very handsome, to say the least, but you’ve heard of his talent for making bad situations worse; though the past half an hour might be making up for that claim.
As you eyed him, he happened to turn his head and caught your stare with his direct blue gaze. You divert your eyes away in an instant, cheeks burning in embarrassment. You hear him clear his throat Nancy lets out a soft burb, followed by a trail of giggles. “Pie’s ready.“ you said hastily, nearing the dining table with a couple of dessert plates and forks on the table. Jack accepted the plate you handed him with brows raised in amusement at the sight of an inviting slice of sweet and savory. Your eyes perked up at a sudden thought that came into mind. “I know just the drink.” Yanking the refrigerator door opened, you pulled out the bottom drawer and met with the sight of an emerald towel laid by the corner of the drawer. Beneath it, you pulled out a couple of root beer bottles from the six-pack. 
Shuffling to the chair opposite Jack, you popped the bottles excitedly. He gave you bewildered look. “Trust me, it goes well with the pie.” You pushed an already opened bottle to him, taking a swig out of yours. Jack chuckled lightly, shaking his head. “I meant to ask if we are even allowed to drink these because I ain’t risking anything with Peggy.” He gestured to the bottles, giving you a look before reaching over to Nancy to wipe off the smudges of baby food around her mouth. Your heart clenches slightly at the endearing sight. “I’m sure it’s fine. Peggy and I are old pals. Plus, she owes me for stealing my hairpins.” You waved one hand dismissively, already digging into the pie. Jack’s gaze flickered to you. “Old pals?” he questioned and you beamed. “Yeah, I was a nurse for the 107th during the war. That’s how I met Peggy. It was only three years after the war when I happened to move next door and now we’re best friends and their glorified piemaker,“ you explained as Jack laughed at your claim and you decided that you liked it when he laughed. It’s incredible how you were already enticed by a man you’ve only met in the past hour. “You are a glorified piemaker alright because this is really good stuff,” Jack said with amusement, shoving another bite in his mouth. He took a sip of the root beer. “And you’re right. Root beer surprisingly goes really well with apple pie. Who would’ve thought?” You hummed in response, glancing at Nancy who had become quiet for the past couple of minutes. It seems she had fallen asleep while sat in the baby high chair. The two of you shared a knowing look.
With the soft clank of your spoons against the dessert plates, Jack gently reached over to the girl and carefully held her against his chest as the three of you made your way to the nursery. 
There’s that feeling of endearment and the occasional ache in your heart whenever you catch sight of Jack and Nancy together and it’s the words of your mother and your aunties that kept ringing in your head throughout the evening. When are you going to settle down? That particular question was bound to be brought up and nearly impossible to escape during the annual Christmas dinner and every year you turn up without a date. If you were to be honest, you always had a deep yearning for at least love—if not marriage. Yet, being the independent woman you were, living alone and working at the bakery downtown six days a week, you have never put much thought into it. Well, until now at least. Except, it’s the daydream of being all domestic with the man right in front of you who’s busy tucking your neighbor’s daughter to bed.
You knew you were damned from then on.
Switching off the lights, as Jack brushed past you as you quietly pulled the door close, leaving it ajar. You turned around to see that he was already seated at the table, spoon in hand as he gazed at his unfinished slice of pie. There’s a part of him that believed that the pie tasted so good partly because of the person who made it.
“What about you?” you blurted out, pausing as you made your way to the table, seated across him once more. “The war. Were you . . .” you trailed off, instantly regretting your initial question. You blamed it on the exhaustion from your shift and frankly, you had a knack for saying things without thinking things through. You noticed how his face changed as soon as you mentioned the war yet before you could apologize, Jack answered. “I was in the navy . . . The 25th.” you nod thoughtfully, sensing the growing tension in the air. You desperately needed to divert the topic somewhere else. “That’s funny, I met someone who used to be in the 25th and for the life of me I can never remember his name. I don’t think he even told me,” you said, recalling the face of a young blonde man you briefly met on VJ Day.
That was an understatement, the man kissed you for heaven’s sake.
It was when you gazed at Jack, it hit you like a ton of bricks as you noticed the familiarity of the blue in his eyes. With wide eyes, you gawked at the man in shock and Jack must have realized it too. 
You were the nurse with the pretty smile he had kissed on VJ Day.
“Oh, Jesus,” he muttered and blinked at you, trying to process the whole situation while you gaped at him. “You-you kissed me on VJ Day,” you exclaimed, almost too excitedly and before you knew it, the two began to crack up, as quietly as you could. 
It is a small world after all.
Just then, the front door swung open, the two of you immediately stood up and were met with the sight of a very red and sweating Edwin Jarvis who came rushing into the kitchen. “Mr. Thompson, I apologize for my lateness but I-” the man halted in his step as soon as he spotted the two of you, watching him with bewildered faces. “Oh, Miss Y/N. You’re here,” he stated between huffs, trying to catch his breath. “Jarvis, what are you doing here?” you asked as the two of you watched him collapse onto an empty chair by the dining table. “Well, it started out as a baby emergency and I tried to ring you up but you weren’t answering. So, I came here as fast as I could but traffic was absolutely atrocious!” He explained as you went to fill a glass of water. “However, I suspect you already settled the issue, Mr. Thompson.” Jack smiled at Jarvis, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “Thank you, Jarvis. I appreciate it.” 
You returned with a glass of water, a spoon and plate. “Pie?” you gestured to the apple pie, sitting idly at the center of the table. His eyes lit up. “Oh, that would be delightful. Thank you.”
You caught Jack’s gaze as you began to sit, the two of you shared a smile. This was certainly not what you expected your Friday night to turn out.
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‘The One’ - Mat Barzal (Part 1)
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And it’s finally here! Clearly inspired by ‘the 1’ by Taylor Swift.
Let me know your thoughts on a second part, I kinda feel like it’s needed.
Hope you like it!!
Part 2
Persist and resist the temptation to ask you If one thing had been different Would everything be different today?
“Cappuccino with 2 sugars for ... Mat?” the barista said from her spot behind the counter and your heart stopped for a second because you knew someone named Mat whose usual order was that. He happened to be your ex boyfriend.
This happened a lot of times, way more than you’d like to admit. Whenever you heard someone say his name or saw a tall brunette on the street that looked just like him. This time, just like all the others, you pushed the thought away because there were probably thousands of Mats and tall brunettes in New York, and even if it was him you wouldn’t know what to say. So you went back to your phone as you took another sip from your cup, trying to distract yourself.
“Here.” he answered, making you almost choke on your drink. You’d recognize that voice anywhere and your suspicions were confirmed once you looked up to find Mat thanking the barista as he took the coffee from her hands.
Mat on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing. He knew your workplace was only a couple blocks away, he knew you’d sometimes like to take a break in the afternoon and he knew this was the place you’d always choose. However he didn’t see you when he walked in so instead of finding a table and taking a seat he decided to order something to go since he was already there. He stood there waiting for his drink, feeling dissapoited and stupid for thinking this would ever work. He thanked the barista as he grabbed his drink after they had called his name, and was about to leave the coffee shop when he heard you.
“Mat?” you called him and he turned around instantly at the sound of your voice. A certain spark appeared in his eyes when he saw you. You thought it was probably a surprise, but what he was feeling was pure happiness.
“Hey.” he said with the biggest smile as he walked up to your table.
You stood up to greet him, not sure if you should go for a hug or not. He awkwardly opened his arms once he was in front of you and you stepped into his all too familiar hold. The two of you stood there in eachothers arms, it was clear you both had missed this.
“What brings you to this side of the city?” you asked breaking away from the hug, worried it had gone a bit overly long for a hug between two exes.
“I was just- you know, running some errands. What about you?”
“I wanted to take a quick break from work and this place is near my office.”
“Oh! You still work a couple blocks from here, right?” he pretended to remember just then, even though that was the exact reason he had driven to the other side of the city for coffee.
“Yeah I do.” you replied and the conversation died there. Neither of you knew what to say, you had both imagined this moment so many times and now that it was happening you were silent. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long.” you finally said.
“Same. We need to catch up one of these days.” A thought crossed your mind and you let it out without much thinking.
“I still have some minutes left from my break if you want to- you know. I mean if you have the time, I-I get it if you don’t-” you started to regret it as you were saying it, not because you didn’t want to sit and have a nice talk with him, but because maybe he didn’t. After all you were still his ex, no matter how friendly exes could be, maybe he was just being polite when he said you should catch up and you shouldn’t have taken it seriously.
“I’d love to.” he said with a sweet smile cutting you off when he saw how nervous you were getting. Relief washed over your body and you went back to your seat.
“Are you sure? Weren’t you running some errands?”
“Oh yeah but that can wait.” he brushed it off as he pushed the chair in front of yours to take a seat. “So how’s life? Anything new?”
“Not really.” you said and it was like a weight was taken off his shoulders. All of this would have been pointless if you were with someone new, however he knew you were too nice to actually tell him if you had moved or not. “I finally got that promotion I wanted.” you added like it wasn’t a big deal, not sure if bringing up work was a good idea. It was a sensitive topic when you were together because your jobs were the main reason you couldn’t spend as much time as you’d like together, that was one of the main reasons you had broken up after all.
“That’s huge news Y/N! Congrats!” he said grining from ear to ear. You could tell he was genuinely happy for you. “I know how hard you worked for that. You really deserved it.”
“Thanks. What about you?”
“Everything’s pretty much the same. Family is good. Team is good. We play next friday.”
“God I miss going to the games. It’s not the same watching them at home.” you said thoughtlessly, it didn’t feel like a big deal to admit you still saw him play but to Mat it definitely was. You could tell your comment surprised him by the way his eyes went wide and he caught his breath.
“You still watch our games?” he asked, still unable to believe you would. He didn’t know why, but for some reason he thought after the breakup you had stopped watching their games, trying to avoid him like any ex would. Knowing you didn’t try to somehow erase him of your life gave him hope.
“I became an Isles fan because of you but I can’t just stop being one because we’re over.” you replied like it was the most obvious thing on earth. His smile only grew bigger at the thought of you laying on your couch in your pijamas, watching him play, cheering when they’d score and probably doing that cute twitch with your nose you’d do everytime it became too rough for your liking.
“Maybe I could go to the next game. Say hi to the team and the girls. If you’re okay with it.” The idea came to your mind as you witnessed how happy he was to know you were still a fan, nevertheless you started to regret what you were saying again as the words left your lips, not wanting to overstep that line between friendly exes and actual friends.
“I’m more than okay with it.” he was quick to reply, excited at the mere possibility of you going to see him play. He knew you were going to see the whole team, not just him, but still he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss looking up and seeing your face in the crowd, a huge smile full of pride for him.
“The guys really miss you and the wags too. They ask me about you all the time and I never know what to say.” he added.
“I miss them too. The barbeques, going to the bar after a win, gossiping with the girls, kicking everyone’s ass at beer pong.” you said, reminiscing all the amazing moments you had lived with his team.
You had dated for over 2 years and in that time you had become part of his family, not just the team that were like a second family to him, his actual family. In those two years you had somehow made your way into all the aspects of his life, rooted yourself there to the point that after the break up it felt weird not having you there. That was the reason why he was here today, because even almost an year later he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing in his life.
The conversation kept on flowing naturally between the two of you, no one who saw you would’ve guessed you were exes. Mat could feel that other part of him that had been missing slowly coming back, and you too, slowly all the reasons why breaking up seemed like the only answer to your problems started fading away and you even found yourself wondering why you broke up in the first place.
You talked about your families, your friends, your jobs, and once you had run out of topics you started sharing anecdotes, remembering all the good times you have had together. You remembered that night you met after Mat saved you from the worst date of your life, you had become friends after that and slowly started falling for eachother. His happiness the first time you went to see him play and how it had been one of his best games ever. The time you almost burn down the kitchen trying to cook, that had actually happened many times. How nervous he was when he decided to tell you how he really felt and  the overjoy when he heard you say you felt the same. The fact that no one was surprised when you told them you had gotten together, they even teased you saying it was about time. Everyone seemed to know you were meant to be except for the two of you.
Without him even noticing that one question started forming in his head. It wasn’t a new one, he’d sometimes ask it to himself and drift off in his thoughts about all the possible answers and outcomes. He always felt tempted to just text you said question, finally put an end to it and find out the real answer. And now as he had you right in front of him for the fist time in months, a sweet smile plastered on your face, laughing at some dumb joke he had made, he couldn’t resist it anymore.
“Do you ever wonder if one thing had been different, would everything be different today?” The question left his lips before he could even process what he was saying. He was as shocked as you were to hear him say it. “I mean, if we had worked it out how different everything would be today, you know.”
“I do.” you replied, taking another sip of your now almost empty cup and looking away trying to hide the blush that was quick to appear in your cheeks. You didn’t know why you were blushing, it felt like you were admitting something you hadn’t even been able to admit to yourself yet.
“Me too. I think that by now, after trying a million times, a lot of begging and maybe a bit of extortion, I would have finally convinced you to move to my apartment.” You couldn’t help the childish laugh that escaped at his comment. Mat had asked you to move in with him countless times when you were still together, saying it wouldn’t be much different since you already spent most of your time there. But you never gave in, there was always that one insecurity, what if we break up? What if the convenience was too much? You weren’t wrong after all you did end up breaking up, but now as you thought about it it sounded nice, you almost wished it was real.
“And I would have convinced you to adopt a puppy.” you added and he was the one laughing now.
“That’s the extortion part. If you move in, we adopt a puppy.”
“It probably would have worked.”
“So it would be you, me and a dog living together?” he said while counting with his fingers, then stopped to look you in the eyes. “Doesn’t sound bad at all.”
The conversation went quiet once again, but not because there was nothing left to say. On the contrary there were so many things the both of you wanted to say. ‘I miss us’, ‘I regret it all’ were some of them. But neither of you had the courage to say them, you just stayed there looking at each other with a mixture of nostalgia for everything that happened and regret for everything that didn’t. There were smiles on both your faces and your heart started racing when Mat finally opened his mouth to say it, somehow you knew he was going to say what you were too afraid to confess to even yourself.
That’s when your cell phone started ringing bringing you back to reality, the reality in which you were just two exes grabbing a coffee together. You had forgotten you were supposed to go back to work, that’s the effect he had on you, the whole world would disappear. Your phone was in your bag, at some point you had put it away so there would be no distractions. You grabbed it and saw your boss's name on the screen.
“Shit. It’s my boss.” you said shoving it back in your bag. You don’t know how long you had been talking, but it was definitely past your break. “I probably should head back to work.” You hated each word as it left your mouth, but there was nothing you could do. The moment had come to an end.
“Yeah of course.” he said as both of you stood up.
After you made your way out of the coffee shop you stood on the sidewalk. It was clear neither of you wanted to say goodbye but it was time. He noticed your hesitation, so he stepped forward and pulled you into a hug.
“Goodbye Y/N.” he whispered into your neck. It felt like your break up all over again, neither of you wanted to pull away, neither of you wanted it to end, but there was nothing left to say or do. You hated it.
There were a million thought runnign through your head but all you were able to reply was:
“Goodbye Mat.”
Then you pulled away and turned around quickly so he wouldn’t see your face, because if he did he would know exactly how you were feeling. You started walking down the street, trying to push away the feeling that there were so many things left unsaid.
Mat watched you walk away. A feeling of dejavu took over, it was just like your break up, you walking away from him down the hall of his building, into the elevator and out of his life. He couldn’t do it again. No. This time it was going to be different, he would not let you go.
Before he knew it he was running down the street, shouting your name.
“Y/N wait!”
“What?” you turned around confused.
“I wanna see you again.” he finally said once he had caught up.
“Sure we can keep catching up-”
“No I mean see you as on a date.” he cut you off. “I wanna take you out on a date and talk and laugh and discuss what went wrong and how to fix it. I wanna try again Y/N.”
He was saying everything you knew you wanted to hear but hadn't admitted it yet. However your insecurities were stronger. It was getting real and the moment you have had minutes ago was slowly being overshadowed by the bad memories. The fights and the impotence you’d feel after each one of them because the problems you had couldn’t be solved.
“Mat ...” He knew you were about to turn him down, that doubt was taking over, but he wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t feel that. It was like time hadn’t gone by, like we had never broken up. We still have it. Please give me a second chance. Give us a second chance.” He didn’t care how embarrassing he sounded basically begging you, all he needed was the chance to show you not everything was lost.
You stopped for a second to actually think about it, but there wasn’t much to think about, your destiny had been sealed the moment you called out his name when he was about to leave the coffee shop earlier.
“One date.” you finally said and his whole face lit up. You couldn’t help but smirk at how sweet he looked.
“One date.” he agreed.
“Then we can see how we go from there.” You wanted to be clear with him, accepting his offer didn’t mean you were getting back together. He nodded. “When?”
“Whenever you can. If it was up to me I’d take you out tonight, but I don’t wanna be pushy.” You laughed once again at how cute he looked ecstatic to get that second chance.
“Maybe next friday after the game?”
“I better get going.” you told him slowly, turning around to leave, but he stepped forward to hug you one last time. This time it felt different, it wasn’t a goodbye, this time it was full with hope.
“Thank you.” he whispered before letting you go.
“Don’t thank me just yet.”
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omniscientoranges · 3 years
Advanced Reader Copy
Dean gives Cas a book to read. Or, well, a passage from a book.
(basically, Cas reads a part of Lost and Found)
read on ao3
"Hey, Cas, can I talk to you?" 
Cas stops in place at Dean's voice, a few feet in front him. They're standing in the middle of the library, where Cas had just been trying to stealthy avoid Dean noticing him walking by. 
It's been a little over a week since Dean (with some help from their friends) had pulled Cas out of the Empty. Since then, they've been not-so-obviously/obviously avoiding each other. 
The reason being that, basically, they haven't talked about what Cas said. Yet. Maybe they wouldn't ever talk about it. Honestly, Cas would be absolutely fine with that, if it meant he got to keep Dean as a friend. That would be absolutely fine and not at all painfully heartbreaking in any way. Not at all. 
Cas nods. "Of course, Dean. What is it?" 
Dean shifts on his feet. "It's, well, it's kinda important." 
"Okay," Cas says, smiling slightly even though his heart has started to beat erratically in his chest. 
"Look, I- shit. This is-" Dean stops himself, and shakes his head as his eyes dart back and forth across the concrete floor. Then he pauses, eyes fallen on one of the shelves, and looks back up at Cas. 
"Just gimme a minute, I'll be right back." 
Cas squints, "Alright, I'll just-" he starts to say, but Dean's already ran off to some far-flung corner of the bunker — taking whatever he wanted to say and whatever idea he's suddenly had with him. 
Cas stares after him, but stays rooted to the spot. 
Time passes. It is — possibly — the longest string of minutes Castiel, former Angel of the Lord and current Angel of Absolutely No One (Except, Maybe, the Winchesters), has ever experienced. 
After an eternity passes in 10 minutes, Dean walks back into the library. He's carrying a beat-up cardboard box, with a single book resting on top of where the box has been folded closed. 
Dean drops the box onto a nearby table, and the old wood creaks under the new weight. Before Cas can see it, Dean quickly grabs the single book off the top and holds it tight to his chest. It's angled in a way that Cas can only make out that it is, in fact, a book; but not anything else about it. 
"What are these?" Cas asks, moving the cardboard flaps out of the way to peer into the box. 
"Books." Dean answers. 
Cas rolls his eyes, "I know they're books, Dean, I mean what-" and Cas finally catches sight of one of the covers. 
Carver Edlund.
"Oh," Cas says. "They're, um. Our books, I suppose." 
Dean rubs a hand over the back of his neck. "Yeah. I guess, uh, I guess Chuck kept writing. Sammy found them when he went to check out Chuck's old place a few weeks back. Looks like the rest of his books never made it into circulation though. I think he just mojo-ed up some printed copies for himself when he finished with 'em, pompous bastard." 
Dean's mouth forms a thin line at the thought of Chuck, but wipes it away as quickly as it came. "But anyways, here," Dean holds out the book he was carrying between them. "Take it." 
Cas reaches out apprehensively, and pulls the book from Dean's grasp. 
"I promise it'll all make sense," Dean insists. "Just, um, flip to the page I have marked." 
Cas takes a moment to look over the book before opening it. The paperback is a stark black, contrasted by a stylized funeral pyre adorning the front, which is set at a distance so the majority is taken up but a long trail of smoke curling up until it disappears beyond the edge of the cover. 3 figures are silhouetted by the flames, and they stand apart from each other. Separate. The title reads Lost and Found by Carver Edlund.
Cas opens to where Dean has dog-eared the book only a handful of pages before the end, and reads. 
Dean held the lighter close to his chest, almost like he was holding a candle at a vigil. In a way, he was. 
Dean had been to a lot of funerals, built a lot of funeral pyres, but something about this one had broken him in a way he wasn't expecting. It broke him in a way he had spent years — decades, really — fighting against. 
You see, Dean wasn't the kind of guy. He was a red-blooded, beer-drinking, pool-hustling, bacon-cheeseburger-eating, classic-car-driving, skin-mag-reading American male. Guys like that don't have game-changing feelings for other guys. They just don't. 
At least, that's what Dean always told himself. 
But standing in front of that pyre, watching the smoke rise, he told himself something different for once. Dean told himself it was all a bunch of bullshit, because he was still all those things he was before, and he wouldn't ever stop being those things no matter what. He was just something else extra, too. 
Because Dean would have traded anything in that moment to get Cass back. Would have traded all the cheeseburgers and beer in the world. Would have traded his life. Hell, he would have traded his car if it meant he'd get another chance at this. Another chance with Cass. Just one chance to finally tell him what he'd been too scared all these years to say. Because Cass had always been around, even when he didn't need to be — he was there. But now he wasn't. And Dean wanted more than anything else in the world for him to be there so he could finally say— 
"Dean," Cas says, voice wavering. The paragraph cuts off mid-sentence; if he wants to read the rest of it, he'll have to flip to the next page to see. "What is this?" 
"Your funeral, after Lucifer killed you." 
Cas shakes his head, not quite believing Dean's words, or Chuck's for that matter. Surely this couldn't be, he couldn't really mean—
Dean interrupts Cas' swirling thoughts. "It's Chuck's words, but it's- it's all me. He writes it more flowery than it really was, ya know, up here," Dean taps two fingers to the side of his head, "but it's the truth." He laughs to break the tension, but there's an edge of nerves there. Cas can almost hear his heartbeat across the room. "Don't tell Baby this, but I really would've given her up if it meant getting you back." 
Cas shakes his head harder, tears springing loose and dropping onto the page, smudging the ink. 
"Turn the page." 
"What's on the next page, Dean?" 
"You know what." 
"Cas, just turn the page." 
Cas turns the page with an unsteady hand. It's blank, likely formatted that way for dramatic effect, save for 3 words in the top left corner. 
I love you.
Cas makes a choked sound and breathes out in disbelief, in sheer amazement. He runs his fingertips over the letters, traces the shape of them, feels their weight and knows it's heavier in his hands than any cheap paperback ever could be. It feels too much all of a sudden. Like something so remarkable shouldn't be confined to print — like 3 typeset and faded little words shouldn't be enough to shift the core of him so intensely that it makes his whole body ache. 
Then, the feeling of hands brushing over his pulls him out of his own head, and he looks up to see Dean (Dean, of course it's Dean, who else would it be? Who else could it ever be but Dean). Dean shifts one hand over Cas' around the spine of the book, and uses the other to push Cas' fingers away from where they rest on the page. He gently pulls the book out of his grip, and sets it on the table next to them. They both stare at it for a long moment, and then Dean is moving his hands back onto Cas, bringing both of them up to cup his face. 
Dean looks at him, eyes shining. "I meant it, I mean it. I know I'm not the best at showing it all the time, and I know I should've told you a million times before this, but I really do mean it." 
"I know you do." Cas wraps one hand loosely around Dean's wrist, and lets the other dig into his hip; anchoring both of them in place. "I- I mean it too." 
"Of course." 
They smile at each other and rest their foreheads together, just standing there breathing the same air like it's the first time they've let themselves breathe for months. 
When they kiss, it's not a storybook. It's not bargain bin horror fiction. It's not a bestseller. It's not scripted, or planned out, or lighted particularly well. It's a kiss. It's a little awkward, a little unpracticed, a little gross through the tears. 
What it is, is the promise of another. And another after, and after that, and after and after and after. As many as they want for as long as they want. 
Their life isn't a story anymore, not in the way that they're used to. And it's no longer getting written down to be conveniently handed to each other to read whenever they have a hard time expressing their feelings. But, for a time, it was a story. It was their story. 
And it was a hell of a story, all things considered.
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