#I also understand they are twins and u can mix them up but. I tag it as ford lol
tazmiilly · 4 days
its kind of crazy the amount of times I've gotten my drawings of ford commented as drawings of stan. I know stan can be a nickname for stanford but stan is literally some other guy
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feekins · 1 year
woof. ch 6 is a LONG and DENSE one. I foresee this post getting a bit text-heavy to compensate for The Tunglr's ten-image limit. in any case, here are more of my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read Trigun Maximum vol 4!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
so. interesting start. Dark Horse's "fell to this planet with us" implies that worms (wamz? bah. from what I remember, they're p consistently collectively referred to as "worms" in the manga, so yeah, I'm going with "worms" from here on out) are also extraterrestrial to Noman's Land. I can see how/why the mix-up could've happened, though, so to me it's just a funny lil quirk of the Dark Horse translation. nothing egregious. also, although both translations effectively set Vash and Knives apart from humanity here, I appreciate the specificity of the Overhaul's "Yes-- These are the different ones."
then, right after the title page, I LOVE that detail we're given about Zazie - that they "can naturally read the feelings/emotions of all living things" (Dark Horse/Overhaul, respectively). and then Meryl apologizing to them? and Zazie not quite getting why? is adorable (Meryl and Zazie ship when?) 😊
back with Vash and Hoppered's fight...the translations for the first page where it's the both of them speaking (the one starting with Vash yelling for ppl to run) are similar enough - but Dark Horse's translation of the middle panel...idk. intrigues me.
whereas the Overhaul has "The one they should be running from is you," Dark Horse went with "These insects should run from you," which. might imply. interesting things, imo, if you'll excuse the following brief descent into literary analysis. one could argue that it's indicative of how drastically Hoppered's life/identity/ideals shifted post-July, focused totally on eventual revenge to the exclusion of/with utter disdain toward that of humans who aren't traumatized the way he is. that said...we know as a fact that being a GHG was only ever a means to an end for him, and also, he couldn't give less of a shit about Knives' ultimate goals. so it's strange how Dark Horse has Hoppered referring to humans as "insects" when Knives does the same (except Dark Horse doesn't keep that wording, I suspect for reasons relating to its irl usage in racism, genocide, etc, as others have pointed out in the tags of one of my previous book club posts).
on the page where we see Hoppered watching July's destruction from afar...Dark Horse translates what Hoppered says to "You snatched it away. You tore it...in half!" meanwhile, the Overhaul has "You took it all away! You tore it to pieces!" and that's hitting me WAY harder than Dark Horse's ever has 🥺
when Zazie is explaining Vash's and Knives' gates - two things. ① in Dark Horse, Zazie says in the second panel "The flow from those two is tremendous" (vague, always made me scratch my head) whereas the Overhaul has "The flow of energy from those two is tremendous." y'all whose first and/or only time(s) reading the manga via the Overhaul are so spoiled lemme tell u (I say this affectionately - I'm just happy I'm finally getting The Good Shit, too, this read-through :,D ). ② last panel - Dark Horse has Zazie saying "Don't you understand? Those two are self-reliant" whereas the Overhaul has "You understand? Those two are self-reliant. Independent." EXCUSE ME WHILE I LOSE MY SHITDJGGDJXJ
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"will" (vague) VS "will to survive" (explicit)
it's interesting that Dark Horse went with "benefactors" considering ① the death and destruction the twins are responsible for and, more importantly, ② the title of the chapter, which both translations have as "The Bystanders"
(also...Dark Horse, you big silly, you literally started the chapter saying the twins "fell to the planet" and now you're implying they were born here...? 🤣 )
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
we know that "your companion" refers to Vash...so Dark Horse always confused me by then saying "your friend" whereas it's clear in the Overhaul that Zazie is still talking about Vash.
and it's weird how we have, in Dark Horse, Zazie mentioning just a few pages ago that they can sense others' emotions, but now "yeah, idk how deep Knives' hate is." the Overhaul specifying that this is true despite Zazie's abilities...is...honestly horrifying, separating Knives even further apart from humanity than Zazie.
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no comment on this translation discrepancy. I just think it's neat c:
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same with these - I'd just have everything highlighted here 🤭
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...and it's at this point that I realize I'm running out of spoons for commentary;;;;;;;;
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interesting translation discrepancy with "that punisher" VS "once I have the Punisher" autocorrect I promise it's not called the Publisher djgdjgjgx
also. Milly's line. the Overhaul's translation is a way better fit, but I'm not telling why 😜
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Dark Horse choosing to use "us" is interesting - grouping Zazie, Midvalley, and Hoppered together, as if all 3 of them are in on this. only in the Overhaul do we see that Zazie separates themselves from them - from Midvalley, specifically - while also doing a better job at conveying how insanely OP Knives is.
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aaaaaand we end with more weird Dark Horse vagueness and a mounting sense of dread (at least for me) from the Overhaul!
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gatheringfiki · 2 years
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They're back: Kink Bingo and H/C Bingo!
Hi everyone!
We might be slightly late with our announcement (apologies) but we are definitely ready to rock & roll with our much-loved twin events of a Kink and H/C Bingo! *confetti*
The rules are going to be exactly the same as last time, but here they are again, just to refresh our memory:
Yes, we are running both Kink Bingo and H/C (Hurt/Comfort) Bingo simultaneously. You can take part in both, switch between the two however takes your fancy, or take part in just one and totally ignore the other. They are unrelated to each other.
We have 2 Collections: Kink Bingo and H/C Bingo
In each of those, on the 2nd of July, the prompts are going to appear on a 7x7 card, visible as the Collection's banner.
We are playing between the 2nd and 24th of July.
Your task is to create something for 7 consecutive fields (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) to achieve a bingo. 
... Or not. We really have no way of checking who’s completing which line, so you can use it as a free-for-all, pick and choose prompt board, if you prefer. But it’s good to challenge yourself and attempt prompts you wouldn’t normally pick - you may be surprised to find you like it!
Both Collections are fully Anonymous and will remain that way forever. However, you may choose to ‘reveal’ yourself as the author and ‘claim’ your work, if you wish. You don’t have to. More about this below. 
Usual pairings apply: FiKi or any fictional pairing portrayed by Dean or Aidan.
Tag your warnings and kinks R E L I G I O U S L Y
No kink-shaming or judgement, please. We are all grown-ups: don’t like, don’t read.
There are no word limits
Play as little or as much as you like; you can even attempt all 49 fields, if you wish.
This event is mostly aimed at Writers, but Artists can also take part. More about this below.
Q: But why run those two bingos together?
A: The common theme for these events is that they cover subjects that could be considered ‘guilty pleasures’ or ‘taboo’. We wanted to create a safe environment where these themes can be explored and shared. Plus, they will have identical rules, so it didn’t make sense to run another Bingo event, with a different theme, later in the year.
Q: Do I need to post each response in a separate work or can I have a single work with chapters?
A: We would suggest separate works, because it will make it easier for you to tag it appropriately, and for the readers to search for, or avoid.
Q: Can I create one thing (story or art) for multiple fields in a single bingo card?
A: You can, but we would encourage you not to. The aim of this event is to create as much new content as we can and that doesn’t help it. Having said that, we understand that sometimes brain just connects things and it wants a combo.
Q: Can I create one thing (story or art) that covers both a Kink and H/C scenario?
A: You can, but we would encourage you not to. See: above.
Q: Can I mix and match pairings, e.g. within a single line have 4 FiKi and 3 Britchell?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I create more than one response to a single prompt field, for example for different pairings?
A: Yes, just post them as separate works.
Q: Can I use a prompt that someone else has already used before me?
A: Absolutely.
Q: Can I somehow visualise which line I’m working on, or which prompts I managed to fill?
A: Sure. Feel free to copy the Bingo Card image and start marking off the ones you’ve done. You can then post your updated Bingo Card picture with each response.
Q: Can I comment on the works posted in the Collections?
A: Yes, please do! If you wish to comment anonymously though, you’ll need to log out of your account first and comment as Anon, or open the story in a private tab. The Collection won’t anonymise the commenter’s identity automatically.
Q: How does the ‘Anon’ thing work?
A: The author is displayed as ‘Anonymous’ to everyone, except you. Yes, this includes the mods - we don’t know either. If you wish to respond to your comments, it will automatically show as ‘Anonymous Creator’.
Q: When can I ‘claim’ my works and ‘de-anon’?
A: Please only do this after the event has ended, i.e. after the summary post has gone up. This is because otherwise there is no way to track which works are event responses and which ones aren’t, and we’ll need that for the summary post.
Q: How can I ‘claim’ my works and ‘de-anon’?
A: Please message @linane-art with the work you'd like to de-annon. There is a way to do this AND leave it in the Collection! You may then choose to make an accompanying Tumblr post, if you wish to promote it.
Q: Do I have to ‘de-anon’ at the end of the event?
A: No. you can leave your works as anonymous forever, if you wish.
Q: I am an Artist and I would also like to take part.
A: Great! Fantastic! We’re all dying here to see it! However, because we all have our distinctive art styles, we can’t think of any way to keep you anonymous. If this doesn’t bother you, just play like everyone else, using artwork inspired by the prompts for your responses.
Q: But how to post artwork as a part of event response?
A: Post your artwork on Tumblr or host it elsewhere (Tumblr doesn’t like sexytimes, so it might try to block you). That will give you a hyperlink to the picture itself. Then create a new AO3 work within Kink or H/C Collection, and add a picture (using hyperlink) into the body of the work. If in doubt, message @linane-art for help.
Any further questions? Please give us a shout!
This is the first time we’re running this event, so please be patient with us, should the things start going wonky.
Good luck!
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fishymom-art · 4 years
How do u created hate u girl? :o
All my stories begin with me creating a main character and then building a world around them. Same with HUGirl, but it was a liiiiittle bit funnier. In the beginning Diana was just... well, me.
Thhhat right, the original design of Diana and her character herself is how I used to draw myself back in 2016, when I first started calling myself FishyMom!
I drew myself in Ford Pines’ (from Gravity Falls, yes) outfit and with gills, because I was in Undertale fandom and I was in loooove with Undyne. I used to have a group chat with my friends who also liked Undertale and at some point they started calling me FishyMom, because I was bossy, caring and had gills, apparently. 
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This design, as well as the nickname, stuck with me for a long time. At some point, I decided to make a character out of this design.
I called her Ford. You know. Because of the obvious thing XD. But I didn’t have a world for her yet.
Then I had a lot of things going on. In around 2014-2015 I was going to write two books about this world called Mirror World or Mirror Side. Some kind of shadows, who were assigned to you since your birth, would lead you into this world if you were unhappy. Mirror World has everything you ever wanted to have, creates a wonderful, flawless life and... brainwashes you completely into hailing the king of this world who harvests your powers to break out of the Mirror World and conquer the other side???? aka Magical Cult Kingdom, nothing else to say. 
Ford was going to be a right-hand-man of the king and had his mark on her face which meant that he sees through her eyes. But I never finished the book (in fact, I tried rewriting it 3 times and did not succeed) and didn’t really know how to put Ford in, since I already had a hecking lot of characters who were much more important to the story than she was. But she was still kinda there in the story.
(btw, the king’s name was Gaskard, which is Alex Gaskarth’s (vocalist of All Time Low) name written wrong. I didn’t know it was his name, my classmates were joking around when they said it when I was asking for a villain’s name. I was on their concert in 2017 uwu)
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I was thinking about a sequel of the book at the same moment as I was still not writing the first one XD. And now it gets interesting.
In the first book, there had to be this girl, who was one of main character’s young sister and student. The second book was going to be about her and her twin brother. Her name was Elizabeth. 
The first picture is Elizabeth with her twin-brother, Noelle and second picture is the old Elizabeth.
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A lot of things later, I decided to get rid of the story and make a whole new story for a sequel. But I was still left with Elizabeth. And I made her Ford. (and I made Noelle her sister instead of brother I guess...)
At this point, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted Ford to be a scientist. I wanted her to be a warrior. I wanted her to be the characters I was inspired by when I was creating her. And I knew the story I was going to give her.
But I still didn’t have a world. And I still didn’t have a name.
And then I did a thing
There was a blog on Tumblr before hate-u-girl that had something to do with Ford. And I posted comics there. And you could or could not have seen at least one of the stupid comics I drew calling them all under the name HUGirl, which was literally Human, but a “girl” instead of “man”. And I mean this one...
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- ok, screaming aside XD
Yup! That was Ford! And there was also Huboy, who then went on to be Robert! (hoooo boi....). They were partners right from the beginning!!!!
And I finally started drawing the actual comic. THIS, everybody, is two ONLY pages that were made for the first ever try on “HUGirl” comic.
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Ah, they were such babies....
The main antagonist of the comic, however, was someone fully new and someone who was also first just the way I drew myself.
Fishy Mom. Yes yes, you heard it right. Fishy Mom IS a character. That’s why at some point I asked people to call me RK (Ar-Key or, for Russians, Er-Ka), because that was a little weird. And she had to be some kind of a ruler of fully re-made Mirror World!!! 
I came up with the idea of making her a villain and a separate character after I made a cover on Die House and drew her in that dress for the first time. She evolved to an entity that can transform into your biggest fears (directly or indirectly). And Ford’s greatest fear was (and still is) water and fish.
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Strange and unpolished, I left the first attempt and started drawing the second one, already including my baby Adelaide, who has a much bigger role than you think and I won’t be telling it. (Oh, and Robert’s lasagna appeared there too! Me and my friends made a lot of jokes about this lasagna XDDD)
Here are some of my favorite panels!
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“big power with a tiny apartment?”
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Diana and Robert were going to be a couple.
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it’s a toxic haze all around
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+ bonus of a badass Robert.
There had to be that other character called Complete Failure who has first appeared in this animation I made. All the characters in it are “the original cast” of HUGirl and will always be. I wanted them to be the villain for some time but quickly changed my mind and put Fishy Mom back into the role of the villain. They still remained a very important character to me who you can thank for the story HUGirl is now and will be.
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Then Fishy Mom (or rather F-001 aka Fishy Good/Too Good To Be True) got a HuMan FoRm!!!! Yaaaay! Because a cartoony fish in the middle of a sci-fi post-apocalyptic drama would have been pretty weird. Btw, I have no idea at which point it turned into a post-apocalyptic comic, but I had to roll with it, because I put it as genre in WebToon and Idk if I can change it and I already came up with an excuse ahhaha.
My idea was that she put experiments and tried to create humans out of magic and science (i like that mix). This is when the “HU” in HUGirl turned into Human Urge Academy (now, Haze Unity Academy), the research academy on human life, who’s role is to create more humans because they can’t produce them the good-ol’-way anymore XD. And Diana (the “F” in the beginning of every experiment meant “Ford”, btw), alongside other characters, became a part of it and Fishy Mom became Diana’s personal nemesis, who was one of the experiments and wanted to kinda break free. It was still very weird and unpolished but I loved it. I had everything planned, from the beginning to the end and everything in the middle.
The last character I came up with was Susan Whaletaker. And she was anything but the character she is now XD. She was going to be the CEO of HUA and a pretty nice person. [turns to Susan now] NICE PERSON.
I had a lot of other thinking and writing in-between, but now I know exactly what I want to do with the story. And I have all those babes on my side uwu
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It’s not a full story since it would have contained a lot of spoilers, but those are all the main events hehe, thank you very much uwu
if you have any other questions, please do ask!
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foxyotomelady · 5 years
Another love, Chapter XIII (JuminxReader)
Author’s notes:
I missed the chat rooms. So they came back.
The drama is back too.
Be aware of: slightly angst, strong language, Yoon the cutest bodyguard in the world!
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Chapter XII | Chapter XIII (You are here) | Chapter XIV |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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When you woke up, your body still remembered. You had the feeling that you still feel a gentle tickling on your scars and the memories of what happened at night made you feel hot down there. You pursed your lips and took a breath. Well... You were sure that from now on every time you look at these scars, you will only think about Jumin.
He wasn't with you on the bed, but you heard him bustling in the kitchen. Jumin never missed an opportunity to pamper you. Whenever he had enough time, he would make you breakfast and bring it to your bed.
You picked up the phone and opened the chat room. Jumin and you had a rather childish habit of writing on the messenger when you were both at home but in other rooms.
[Y/N has entered the chat room]  Zen: Baby~! Hello! You: Ah, Jumin is not here :(  Zen: ^^ ;;  Yoosung: lolol, you have been totally ignored  Zen: you too ;;
You: Sorry guys, I didn't mean to ignore you ^^ ;;  Zen: That jerk is already at work that you are looking for him here?  You: no, he's in the kitchen  Zen:..... uhm ;;;;  You: he's making me breakfast <3  Yoosung: 
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Yoosung: I want to be like Jumin  Yoosung: when I'd have a girlfriend, I must follow his steps Zen: don't ;;;; Zen: we don't need another obsessive freak You: Zen, Jumin tries very hard, so don't judge him so harshly  You: We've agreed that when the whole thing with Sarah ends, I'll look for a new apartment  Zen: Really? Zen: That's... unexpected.  Zen: maybe this guy will eventually regain his mind  [Jumin Han has entered the chat room] Jumin Han: Were you dissing me, Zen? You: mornin' Jumin ^^ Jumin Han: good morning, my love. Jumin Han:
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Jumin Han: your breakfast is almost ready.
You: Muah <3 Jumin Han: muah :3 Zen: ugh ;;;; Jumin Han: Yoosung Jumin Han: I'll take back Elizabeth the 3rd tomorrow after work. Yoosung: OMG!!!!! Yoosung: FINALLY  Jumin Han: ??? Jumin Han: She caused problems for you? Jumin Han: that's rather impossible. Jumin Han: She's a very obedient cat. Yoosung: 
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Yoosung: NVM Jumin Han: anyway, Jumin Han: thank you for taking care of her. Zen: 
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Yoosung: uuuhhhh... no problem? Zen: dude, did something happen to you? Jumin Han: Y/N happened :3 You: so smooth Mr. Han <3 Zen: so cringy ;;; Yoosung: stop being so jelly Zen lol Zen: I am NOT You: but Jumin You: you didn't tell me at night that you about to take Elizabeth back Jumin Han: I didn't? Jumin Han: I must have forgotten Jumin Han: but I think it's quite understandable Jumin Han: as I was busy with something more interesting  Jumin Han: 
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Zen: dude must you show off? Jumin Han: of course I must Jumin Han: I want to place tags all over her body so everyone knows she's mine You: you're cute Jumin ^^ Zen: he's not, Y/N ;; Jumin Han: sorry, my love. I'll be back to preparing your breakfast. Jumin Han: Do you also want coffee? You: yes, please.  Jumin Han: then excuse me
[Jumin Han has left the chat room] Yoosung: I'm leaving too Yoosung: I must do some research and study Yoosung:
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You: take care, Yoosung!
[Yoosung has left the chat room] [Saeran has entered the chat room] You: oh, hello, Saeran Saeran: hello Zen: well, hello and goodbye Zen: I must be going too Zen: be careful with this guy, Y/N You: Thank you for caring, Zen, but I'll be fine ^^ Zen: sigh ;;; [Zen has left the chat room] You: Saeran, I actually have a request Saeran: ??? You: are you free or busy working? Saeran: I'm free [707 has entered the chat room] 707: oooh, a lot of people here today You: we need something for Sarah and Glam  You: Something that will finally convince Mr. Chairman who these women really are. Saeran: I’ll see what I can do. 707: 
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707: stop ignoring me u two  707: God Seven can help you too!  707: 
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Saeran: mind your own business Saeran: I don’t need your help with it
Saeran: I'll help her myself 707: 
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You: thank you Saeran ^^  Saeran: no problem Saeran: just stop with this stupid kind smile of yours You: teheheh come on Saeran  You: I know you like it when I'm nice to you  Saeran: ugh, whatever 707: lolololol u r so tsundere brother 707: but
707: *clears throat*
707: * drums* 
707: * whistling* 
707: *cheers* 
You: what is happening ;;; 
707: Saeran
707: A PART OF
707: Y/N's HAREM !!!!
You: ...... ^^;;
707: *standing applause* Saeran: You officially became the stupidest person in the world.
707: do not deny it, brother!
707: now u r also wiggling your tail in front of her
707: wiggle wiggle
Saeran: you want me to kill you?
You: um... I think Jumin finished preparing breakfast
You: so I'll be going
You: have a nice day, Choi twins! [Y/N has left the chat room] Just when you put the phone down, Jumin entered the bedroom with a tray of food and two coffees. He prepared a wonderfully fragrant omelet and decorated it with herbs - it was obvious that he put a lot of heart into the preparation of this meal. You thanked him, you ate together in bed, drank coffee and you told him what you asked Saeran for. "Mornings with you are wonderful, but they don't make me feel like going to work," Jumin said, putting down his empty cup. He was sitting on the bed next to you, already dressed for work. You, on the contrary, were still lazing in your pajamas - he really spoiled you. "Sometimes I would like to force you to stay but I can't do it Jaehee," You laughed lightly.  "Force me?" Jumin raised an eyebrow and then took your hand and kissed it, "All you have to do is ask and I won't leave anywhere."  "As I said I can't do this Jaehee," You replied with a smile.  "Are you sure?" He moved his lips from your hand to your wrist, to the scar.  You shuddered and pursed your lips, "You're sly, you know it, don't you?" "Sly? Why shouldn't I use your weak spots when I know them?" "Because it's sly!"   
Jumin smirked, "Then maybe I'm a villain." "So, villain," You reached his cheek. "Before you leave me in your tower, how about a kiss goodbye?" Jumin leaned toward you, brushed the hair off your cheek and kissed you gently on the lips. You smiled, he still didn't move back. You kissed him again, this time on the cheek, "Well, you have to go." "Uh-huh," He nodded, then placed a kiss on your jawline and went his lips down to your neck. Despite the common sense that told you to stop it, you drew him closer. Jumin put a hand on your back, holding you. His lips caressed your collarbone. You dug hand in his hair with a sigh. Jumin suddenly embraced you tighter, pulled you on his knees - you instinctively put your legs apart and clung to him with your body. Your lips met again, much more intensely this time. Your breaths have accelerated. "If we continue..." Jumin panted, "... I'll be late for work." "So we should stop..." You whispered right next to his lips. "Definitely," He replied and pressed his lips against yours again. You embraced his neck, one of his hands fell on your ass. You murmured through the kiss without interrupting it. And... Then there was a knock at the door. You parted your lips and both sighed with displeasure. Jumin pressed his face to your collarbone for a moment, "What a terrible timing..." When you both got out of bed, you quickly adjusted Jumin's tie and when he went to the main room, you peeked from behind the wall, staying in the bedroom. "Mr. Han," It was Yoon who stepped to the apartment. "Yoon, is something the matter?" Jumin asked. You emerged from behind the wall and approached Jumin, "Yoon!" After what you've been through, Yoon was more a friend to you than a bodyguard. His gaze drifted toward you for a moment, his serious expression broke by a slight blush. The man cleared his throat to regain his face, "Ms. Y/N, good morning." Ah, right... You were only in a nightgown, probably now crumpled, with disheveled hair... Maybe Yoon was your friend, but he was still Jumin's employee and he probably felt embarrassed when thoughts of the sexual life of his boss appeared in his mind. "I'll go take a bathrobe," You mumbled and before you slipped into the bathroom, you felt Jumin's eyes on you... He probably wasn't pleased with your sense of latitude in front of another man either. Even if it was just Yoon. When you put on your robe, you scolded yourself in thoughts - one more minute and you would give Jumin another reason to fire this poor guy! "Your father is here, sir," Yoon said when you got back to the room. "Should I let him in?" Jumin frowned. You saw that he hesitated. You knew his relationship with his father was now being put to a great test - but you also knew that Jumin valued Mr. Chairman very much. "Maybe you should try to talk to him," You suggested. Jumin sighed, "Fine. Let him in." Yoon just nodded, opened the door for Mr. Chairman and, following Jumin's instruction, left the three of you alone. "Father," Jumin said in a cold voice. You were standing next to him, grabbed his hand. Mr. Chairman was silent for a moment. You felt strange under the look of this older man. You've come a little closer to Jumin. "So it's just like I thought," Mr. Chairman stated suddenly. "Son, I understand that she is a beautiful and young woman, but pleasure is not everything you should expect from a relationship. You should think more about your future." You felt anger growing up in you mixed with shame. Did he really just suggest that you are just his... what? Hook up? Jumin squeezed your hand tighter, "Father, refrain from such judgments. You know nothing about our relationship. And you are the last person to speak on this topic. Why are you here?" "I'm here because you didn't want to come to any meeting with me. I wanted to talk to you about my beloved Glam and her student Sarah." You looked at Jumin's face, his expression was still calm as always, but as you hugged his arm, you felt chills running through him. "You still want to insist on my wedding with Sarah? Does this Glam woman still have you wrapped around her finger? After all that Y/N had to experience because of Glam, Sarah... because of you, you still-" "Son, think about it... No," Mr. Chairman looked at you. "What can you offer to my son, girl?" You blinked, taken aback. "You don't have to answer that, my love," Jumin interjected brusquely. You felt a wave of icy anger overwhelm you. You let go of Jumin's hand and stepped in front of his father, "No. I actually want to answer." "You are just a student. You are young, too young. Inexperienced. Can you offer any contribution to the business of our company?" "No," You answered hard. "But I can offer something that Sarah will not offer him and which Glam will not offer you." "And that is?" "Love." For a moment Mr. Chairman looked at you without a word, the meaning of your words reached him slowly and suddenly it had to hit him hard because he exploded, "How dare you!" "No, how dare you, father," Jumin interrupted again. "You come here to my apartment to judge my love one. After you made sure that Sarah escaped just punishment." "Sarah had nothing to do with this whole abduction. Glam assured me that her student is a good and nice girl. She couldn't do anything like that. I'm almost convinced that this girl here is the one who planned all this." "What?" You ran out of words, opened your eyes wide. "You probably only care about my son's money, so you organized all this kidnapping to frame Sarah and get her out of your way." "Sarah bribed bodyguards so that they don't guard the lowest floor!" You exploded too, couldn't believe what you hear. "No, you persuaded them to do so. And they'd tell later in court that Sarah had bribed them. That is why I made sure that they did not participate in the trial. You couldn't pay them with money because you don't have enough. So maybe you promised to sell your body to them." "That's enough!" You heard a cold fury in Jumin's voice. "Leave immediately, father. I don't want to hear another word." "You'll regret your choice, son." Mr. Chairman turned on his heel and left. You stood there, paralyzed, shocked. You couldn't catch your breath. "God..." Jumin massaged his eyelids, which he had tightly closed. "What got into him? He's acting like a stranger. I'm so sorry..." He turned to you and embraced you around the waist. "You shouldn't have listened to all this." You slowly returned his embrace, "Don't worry, Jumin... We can handle it... We can handle all this..."
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serbarris · 5 years
your oc’s seem so so interesting! as a new follower i’m a little lost tho - if u have time & feel like it, i would LOVE to read like a tiny mini intro to each of them so i can understand ur more specific content? i want to know these elf kids 💕
Ahh thank you!
Yes of course I’ve been debating doing that for ages. Firstly tho I do also have full bios on their pages if ur on desktop and I’ll also link the bios I’ve done individually for each oc too
Vaimah bio tag
He was born into the Glŵrin clan, when he was ~20 moved to the Sabrae clan. He’s becane friends with Faralen, Eilan, Envin (all ocs) and Tamlen. He’s my inquisitor and actually called Vaimah Glŵrin and not Lavellan but goes by Lavellan because of a mix up at the conclave. At the conclave Vaimah loses his memories of the past 10 years. The most significant being; the blight, Eilan and Tamlen dying, the clan moving to Sundermount, Merrill being a blood mage and Marerhari dying. Also the fact he’s been deeply in love with Faralen for at least 9 years. Vaimah is stubborn and believes in his feelings and own moral compass, he can often see the world in a bit of a black and white way.
Faralen bio tag
Faralen was born into the Sabrae clan. Her father was a mage healer and her mother is an apothecary. She has an adopted brother, Eilan Mahariel, who died at the start of the fifth blight. Faralen becomes the leader of the clan despite not being a mage after Keeper Marethari’s death. During Vaimahs time at the Lavellan clan (helping out) and going to the conclave with them for protection she thought he had died when no word had been sent. In the time he was gone Faralen came to the realisation she loved him and always has, not just as a friend, so it pained her when her and Vaimah were reunited that Vaimah suffered with such severe memory loss that it spanned a decade and most of their friendship. She is appointed the Dalish Ambassador for the Inquisition and moves the whole clan to Skyhold.
Vaimah and Faralen finally get together around the end of da:I, they shag just before the final battle with corypheus and properly start dating after.
Cuelen Tabris chaotic good elf who wont hesitate bitch, and has a soft spot for one (1) antivan elf
Aemul Cousland really doest know how she ended up in this mess she just wants to go home, but at least she’s now queen. (Married Alistair)
Eilan Mahariel adopted brother of Faralen, dates Vaimah for a bit, then dies with Tamlen at the Ancient Ruins
Adela Hawke - twin of Aurick, will talk your head off, gay for isabela
Aurick - twin of Adela, the biggest prick in thedas (it’s a double entendre for a reason) but deep deep deep down he is a bit of a softie
Eladd and Varliss the biological parents of Faralen, and adoptive parents of Eilan. Eladd was a healer and Varliss is an apothecary who is best friends with Athrin
Sylavun and Athrin the parents of Vaimah, Sylavun is a carpenter, Athrin a Halla herder.
Amath A cook in the Sabrae clan, everyone’s favourite pseudo-uncle.
Envin Varliss’ apprentice, a quiet but observant member of the Sabrae clan.
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soullesscoyote · 5 years
Tagged by: @robots-and-rawhide
1. NAME: Taylor!
2. NICKNAMES: Tay, Tay tay, Sol, Solly,
3. ZODIAC SIGN: Aries!🐏
4. HEIGHT: 5'2
5. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English. I took spanish classes but I really am only good when absolutely necessary
6. NATIONALITY: American
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: Theres this one that looks like a lions head i always find pretty
FAVORITE SCENT: its hard to say, there's one i know that was my moms perfume when I was really really little but I never got a name to place to it
FAVORITE ANIMAL: So so many. Cheetah, Make mole rats, cats, African Painted dogs, tree kangaroos,
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Jay Merrick, Beast Boy, any pokemon, Kipo,
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate 😤😤😤
AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 5 or 12 no inbetweems
DOG OR CAT PERSON: both but often cats more
DREAM TRIP: hmmmmm im not the biggest on travel (not that i dont enjoy it, but i more so like it regardless where im going) but I guess a roadtrip to go to places my friends live would be ideal bc then I'd get to see them!!
FOLLOWERS: 600 ish? Idk how many are real ppl?
RANDOM FACT: hmmmmmm, heres a couple
- as a twin who deosnt look alike. Ppl always mix my sister and I up after we tell them we're related
-theres a species of frog called the tomato frog in the wild (the name is something like that) and it sweats glue
-while theres albinism and its opposite melanism theres also psuedo forms thats are lesser versions of them
Leucism is a lesser form of albinism that results in a yellowish tint to animals as opposed yo all white
And abundisim in which more so is dark and or bigger stripes and spots on an animal instead of them being all black.
Albinism in particular outside of causing white cats with blue eyes to be deaf, can also end up causing animals to be mentally off due to lack of pigment
Piebald is a tuxedo color variant that's less rare, but common in domesticated animals if I recall bc the allels are close genetically
-bc im real particular on textures and all that one day I would love to make a YouTube channel abt stuffed animals just bc i like talking abt how u can use a team ripper to cut tail strings without causing damage and textures they have from minky, terry cloth, velboa, and stuff they don't put on tags
-i am better with understanding animal social cues but with ppl im empathetic enough to feel their emotions so it makes me trying to understand why ppl feel the way they do interesting compared to most ppl
-got into cocaine once when i was two
-zebras have their stripped pattern not as much to blend into surroundings but to blend in with one another bc to predators eyes they can't pick zebras apart bc the stripes
Tagging: @antivaxxer @toxic-astin and anyone else whom wants to do it!
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rosesisupposes · 6 years
Going for the Glory
Part 8 of Breakin’ Free, a High School Musical Sanders Sides AU
Chapter Pairings: Prinxiety, Logicality, Slight Remceit
Chapter Warnings: Coming out, swearing
word count: 4,980
Reader tags: @residentanchor @royally-anxious@bewarethegrammarpolice   @jemthebookworm@arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt@astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty
<<7. If We’re Tryin’ | Masterpost
read on ao3
SCENE: East High - Game Day, Scholastic Decathlon Day, Callbacks Day
Friday afternoon arrived like a swarm of honey bees. The whole school was buzzing in excitement with a large helping of sweetness. The cliques continued to mingle as ‘good lucks’ were exchanged between drama geeks, science nerds, jocks, and pep band geeks alike. As the basketball team found the scholastic decathlon team, the sweetness became slightly more literal.
Roman led the way into the lab where the decathletes were prepping, with teammates shielding their gift.
“Virge, Logan, we have a surprise for you!” he called happily. The two science students turned from where they were donning their East High lab coats.
Patton emerged from where he’d been ducking behind the team to place his creation on the lab bench, glowing with pride. He’d made a lemon meringue pie decorated with a huge “𝚷” in the meringue. “In your honor - a Pi Pie!” he announced, grinning hugely.
Logan looked up to thank him but suddenly went quiet, smiling just as widely. Virgil noticed and smirked, then nudged his friend in the ribs. Coming back to himself, Logan said “Thank you, Patton. In fact, we have a present for you as well.”
He and Virgil walked over to a white board and both gestured with open arms, chorusing, “Ta da!”
Remy, Patton, and Roman all stared at the board, heads tilted. It was covered in incomprehensible (to them) equations that seemed to be somehow explaining how to make the perfect free throw, accounting for drag, vertical draft, air pressure within and without the ball, and speed of the player shooting.
“Oh, it’s… equations!” Patton said with forced cheer. “Thanks, you two!”
Logan and Virgil made eye contact and snickered. Snickers turned into laughs as they flipped the board over, revealing a colorful drawing of a wildcat dunking a basketball and “Go Wildcats!” in huge letters. The basketball players all sighed in relief with “Oh!”s of understanding, as Logan, Virgil, and their decathlon teammates pelted them with stuffed basketballs they’d hidden around the lab. The team tried to retaliate, but they were outmatched and laughing too hard to care.
Remy suddenly caught sight of the clock and nudged Roman. They waved goodbye to the decathletes and jogged as a team down to Ms. Darbus’ classroom, where Dee & Cee were chatting with other students who had callbacks for the singles roles that day.
Remy strolled in and leaned over a desk to wink at Dee. “Hey, Not-So-Evil Twins, we’ve got something to show you. Follow me!”
The twins were slightly off put by the nickname but mostly intrigued. The rest of the auditioners and Ms. Darbus crowded behind them in the door of the classroom to watch. The entire varsity squad of the basketball team were arranged in rows in their red-and-white warm up suits. Remy re-joined the formation, telling Dee, “From our team, to yours!”
One by one they opened their jackets to reveal t-shirts painted in huge letters. “G - O - D - R - A - M - A - C - L - U - B” they spelled out, Roman bringing up the rear with “Exclamation Point!”
Ms. Darbus smiled. “Seems we Wildcats are in for an interesting afternoon.”
Dee smirked, enjoying the offering. Beside him, Cee stared in confusion. “Godra? Godray?” he read aloud. Dee rolled his eyes and pulled his twin behind him, heading towards the auditorium. The basketball team split off towards the gym, and the decathletes made their way to the amphitheater. It was 2:45 pm, less than an hour until the multiple events started.
Logan nudged Virgil with a small grin. “It looks like the game is afoot.”
“I never thought I’d be able to say this without seeming like a huge hypocrite, but you are a enormous nerd,” Virgil smirked back. “But also, yes it is. And we’re as ready as we’ll ever be.”
SCENE: Locker Room
Roman was in the locker room suiting up, stretching out his pre-game jitters. He couldn’t wait to get out there with his team, but the amount riding on this game was nothing to sneeze at. He was in the middle of an arm stretch when his dad knocked on the wall, getting his attention.
“How you feeling, Ro?”
“Nervous,” the captain admitted.
“Me too. Wish I could suit up and play alongside you,” the coach said with a smile.
“Hey, you had your turn! Let the young guys show you how it’s done,” Roman shot back with a chuckle.
“You know what I want from you today?” Coach Bolton asked, sitting on a bench across from his son.
“The championship,” Roman said, feeling another butterfly burst out into his gut.
“Well, that'll come or it won't,” his father said. “What I want is for you to have fun. I know all about the pressure. And probably too much of it has come from me.” His face twisted a bit, betraying his guilt. But he made eye contact with the teen across from him as he continued. “What I really want is to see my son having the time of his life playing the game we both love. You give me that, and I will sleep with a smile on my face no matter how the score comes out.”
Roman could feel the butterflies melting away. His dad got it. He knew he’d been harsh, but ultimately, he just wanted his son to be successful and happy.
“Thanks, Coach - I mean, Dad.”
He stood up and hugged his dad firmly. Father and son both squeezed for a moment, then parted to finish getting ready for the game’s imminent start.
SCENE: All Over East High
Quiet chatter bounced around the amphitheater where the decathlon was soon to start. Virgil stood in the audience, chatting with his mom as she cooed over his lab coat.
“I’m so proud of you, mijo. I know you’re gonna do great today!”
“Mamá, you are not allowed to be embarrassing in any way.”
“When am I ever embarrassing?”
Virgil rolled his eyes as he held up a hand to list off his grievances. “The competition in Colorado, junior high graduation, the nationals in 2015, the science fair in seventh grade…”
Lisa laughed and hugged her son around the shoulders. “Okay, okay, I’ll be good. Can I at least meet your friends on the team?”
But Virgil was saved by the decathlon judge stepping up to the front of the room and gesturing for the teams to come meet one another. Virgil hugged his mom back quickly and hurried up to stand by Logan as they shook their opponents’ hands.
“Welcome to the tenth annual Scholastic Decathlon,” the judge announced. “Today we have the East High Wildcats versus the West High Knights.”
“Now presenting your Wildcats!” the announcer blared. Roman, Remy, Patton, and the rest of their team spilled into the gym in a wave of red and white, cheering and waving to the crowd. They grabbed basketballs and circled, warming up, dribbling, and shooting in turn.
“Welcome to the championship game between East High and West High!”
Remy dribbled past Roman, throwing him a grin. “You ready, man?”
“You know I am!”
“It’s go time!”
“It’s time!” sang Ms. Darbus, leading in the small crowd of actors to the auditorium. Joan sat at the piano, warming up and practicing. In the green room, Dee and Cee were performing their vocal warm ups, trills and scales and enunciation exercises.
“Ahhhh-ee-ee-ah-ee-ee-ahhhhhh,” Cee sang, traversing the entire octave up and down. Dee rolled sounds in his throat.
The sounds rolled around the dressing room before Dee held up a hand. Without looking, he fell backwards into Cee’s arms. Standing, he turned to his twin.
“I trust you.”
Ms. Darbus checked the watch of the student assisting at her audition table. Standing, she took the stage.
“Casting a show is both a challenge and a responsibility. A joy and a burden,” she proclaimed, her voice booming through the mostly-empty auditorium. “I commend you and all other young artists to hold out for the moon, the sun, and the stars.” Her assistant took a picture of her and Joan as director and playwright. She smiled and asked, “Shall we soar together?”
Taking her seat in the audience, she called out “Diego and Cedric!”
As the music started, Cee appeared onstage first. His shirt was flowy and glittery, not quite a full Flamenco shirt, but definitely pushing in that direction. Silver threads interlaced with blue and sequins made him a bit difficult to look at directly as the stage lights caught him. Hitting his first pose, he sang out “¿Quieres bailar?”
Dee appeared on the opposite side of the stage in his own spotlight as he blew a kiss to the audience and sang in response to his twin “¡Mirame!” If Cee was sparkling, Dee was blinding. He was in full character as the musical’s heroine, Minnie. His dress hugged his slender chest and cascaded in tiers of waves in the skirt, all blue and silver and far too many sequins. Even his headset microphone matched, bedazzled in glittery blue rhinestones. He swirled to center stage in a flash of blue and dove into the first verse of the song, with Ms. Darbus grooving along from her spot in the audience.
The twins had a mix of choreography, switching from salsa to flamenco to rumba and sprinkling in more classic musical theater moves in between. In terms of pure talent, they’d never been in doubt.
“Yeah, we're gonna bop, bop, bop, bop to the top!” they sang in tandem, singing through plastered-on stage smiles as they made their way through complex steps and spins. Joan nervously checked the clock as they continued. Time was of the essence today, and the twins had once again adapted Joan’s song to be much faster than they’d pictured.
In the amphitheater, Virgil’s event had been drawn first, and he raced against a West High student to complete a full chain of reactions. He was a comfortable level of jittery as he wrote across his white board quickly. He reached the bottom as his opponent was completing only her fifth line, and quickly made his way to the game clock and stopped his timer.
The judge came forward and checked his word, before gesturing to the team table and announcing, “The point goes to East High!”
The team cheered and their supporters cheered with them, Lisa Montez the loudest of them all. Virgil rolled his eyes but smiled at her and gave a small wave. Logan clapped him on the shoulder, saying, “Excellently done, Virgil!”
Virgil glanced at the clock and nudged his friend. As the next event started, Logan brought out his laptop. “It seems it’s time that the Wildcats made an orderly exit from the gym, does it not?” he murmured as he worked. He sent off the code he’d created, then opened his other file. “You are quite sure this one will work to disrupt the room, Virge?” he asked quietly, typing away.
“Oh believe me, it works," Virgil whispered back, eyeing the Bunsen burner near the judge stand with trepidation.
“All right. Here goes,” Logan said, sending off the new code. The beaker on the burner started to heat up, causing the sac inside to burst. The room filled with the scent of rotten eggs as team members and audience members alike gagged and rushed to the exits.
“I assume it is working?” Logan whispered as he hurried Virgil to a side door closer to the auditorium.
“Uh, yeah, Lo, it smells terrible,” Virgil exclaimed.
“I would not know - I have anosmia. Why else did you think I agreed to this childish distraction?”
Virgil swore at him over his shoulder as he sprinted away, heading for the theater.
Joan was hiding behind their bowler hat as Dee & Cee’s routine neared its end. It’s not that the twins were bad, it was all just so extra. Every extra flourish, every break to throw in more unscripted Spanish just made the composer cringe more and more. They’d even worn a burgundy suit jacket and bow tie for the occasion, but now it was only serving as camouflage as they shrunk into the red audience seats.
“Bop, bop, bop, bop to the top, wipe away your inhibitions!” the twins sang, Dee always managing to be just a bit downstage and more center of his twin. His skirt flared as they neared the conclusion of their song. The lights raised on the back of the stage, revealing a ladder covered in gold tinsel. As Cee spun in front, Dee scaled the ladder into the spotlight.
“We'll keep stepping up and we just won't stop ‘till we reach the top!” the twins hit the final note together as Cee scaled the ladder, only to be push down a rung by his brother.
They held the final note, both breathing heavily from the exertion of the performance as the audience of drama students erupted into applause, Ms. Darbus enthusiastically clapping along.
“Do you see why we love the theater, people? Well done, Dee & Cee!” she cried happily. She picked up her clipboard and called out the next names on her list. “Roman Bolton and Virgil Montez. Roman? Virgil?” The auditorium was silent as Dee smirked triumphantly.
“They'll be here, Ms. Darbus,” Joan said, looking anxiously at their watch.
“The theater, as I have often pointed out, waits for no one. I'm sorry, Joan. Callbacks are over. Cast lists will be posted on Monday.”
Joan cursed under their breath and stormed off into the wings, scowling at the self-satisfied twins.
The first quarter was coming to a close and East and West High were still tied at only 8 points each. The team was moving well, their defense strong. There had been a slip early on, but they were holding West High still. Roman raced the length of the court, directing teammates and weaving between opponents. He watched the ball fly over his head into Patton’s arms when the scoreboard flickered. The voice of the announcer who’d been offering blow-by-blow commentary fizzled and faded. Suddenly, every light in the gym went off. Murmurs of confusion rolled around the crowd as the players stopped and stared at each other awkwardly. Remy nudged Roman with a grin.
“What are you waiting for, babes? Go!”
Roman smiled and ran out of the gym, dodging through the crowd and hurrying out.
He tore into the auditorium as Ms. Darbus picked up her purse and made to leave.
“Wait! Ms. Darbus, wait! We're ready, we can sing!” he cried, seeing Virgil running down another aisle.
“I called your names, twice,” Ms. Darbus said sharply.
“Ms. Darbus, please,” Virgil begged, running up the stairs to the stage.
“Rules are rules,” the director insisted. But as she spoke, crowds of students started filing into the auditorium from both the basketball game and the decathlon. Most wore East High red and white, but the West High teams were present too, all looking confused.
Dee leaned over, staring starry-eyed at the huge audience, and said, “We'll be happy to do it again for our fellow students, Ms. Darbus!”
“I don't know what's going on here,” the teacher began, uncertain, “but in any event, it's far too late and we have not got a pianist.”
“Aw well, that’s show biz,” Cee said sympathetically.
“We’ll sing without a piano!” Roman insisted, but was interrupted by a blur of burgundy and black.
“No you goddamn won’t!” Joan stepped in front of the Evans twins to speak directly to the director. “Pianist here, Ms. Darbus.”
“You really don’t want to do that,” Dee said dangerously, stepping into Joan’s space.
They stared back steadily as they replied, “Oh yeah I fucking do.” Dee’s eyes widened in shock as the composer ran to their piano, calling “Ready on stage!” behind them.
Ms. Darbus eyed the interaction. “Now that’s show biz,” she said with admiration.
A stage hand gave Roman two handheld microphones as the twins stormed off into the wings.
He walked over and handed Virgil one where he was still standing in the middle of the stage, staring at the huge number of people  that was only continuing to grow as the last of the crowds filtered in. The stage lights came back on, illuminating his white lab coat and Roman’s white tracksuit as the basketball player signaled to Joan to start.
The familiar strains of the song began, but Virgil remained frozen, eyes wide as he stared straight ahead.
Roman gestured for Joan to pause and walked over to the shorter man, partially shielding from the crowd as he murmured, “You okay?”  
“I can’t do it, Ro, not with all those people staring at me.” He started to turn away as Roman caught his free hand.
“Hey, hey, look at me, look at me, right at me. Right at me, okay? No one else is here. It's just like the first time we sang together. Like kindergarten,” he said with a reassuring smile. “I’m here. You can do this, I know you can.”
Without releasing his hand, Roman gestured to Joan to start again. 
“We're soaring, flying. There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach,” he sang, staring directly into Virgil’s eyes.
Without breaking eye contact, Virgil lifted his mic and continued, “If we're trying, so we're breaking free.”
Roman spotted the tiniest hint of a smile. Virgil would be okay. He spun out to the audience. They needed to hear this too, see them up onstage and telling them what could be possible.
“You know the world can see us in a way that different than who we are.” He saw movement at the door and realized the last person from the gym had entered. It was his dad, leaning on the wall and listening hard.
Virgil let his hand drop, stepping away, “Creating space between us, 'til we're separate hearts.”
Joan grinned from their spot at the piano as the two built up to the chorus, signaling the rest of the band in the wings to join in.
Virgil suddenly  realized that Roman was right. It was just like New Year’s Eve all over again, all familiar jitters and excitement and this beautiful man singing to him like no one else could hear. Roman’s red hair glowed in the stage lights, a sun rising in the dark of the auditorium. Dimly he was aware that the crowd was starting to clap along, but what did that matter when a freckled smile was harmonizing and dancing around him?
They hadn’t practiced any choreography, but danced together and apart, spinning around their lone set piece, a crescent moon they’d painted together. They danced over to Joan’s piano as the composer danced with them, still playing and bopping their head along to the beat.
“More than you, more than me,” Roman sang, spinning Virgil out onto the stage.
“Not a want, but a need,” he sang back, grinning like mad as Roman followed him.
"Both of us, breaking free!” they chorused, hands finding each other and interlocking like an old habit, newly formed. The basketball team whooped and cheered, Remy leading the crowd in a standing ovation. Logan found he couldn’t be self-conscious, watching his friend glow with happiness, and stood too, earning himself a huge grin from Patton, just a row behind him.
Virgil briefly caught sight of his mom in the crowd, her hands covering her face as he swayed to the music. Was she crying? Her hands moved to clap along, revealing tears and a huge smile as she cheered loud and long for her son.
Joan and their piano led the song to its conclusion, slowing down to the final note as Roman and Virgil sang to each other.
“You know the world can see us in a way that’s different than who we are…”
They hit the final notes in harmony. Roman was staring unashamedly into Virgil’s dark eyes, at his flushed cheeks, at the way the stage lights caught the purple highlights in his hair. Grabbing the shorter man’s hand, he felt the same urge as that moment on New Year’s, when the distance between himself and Virgil seemed to shrink and all he wanted was to breach that final, infinitesimal separation between their lips. He leaned in, and despite the loud applause of the crowd, they didn’t break away.
Virgil was positive that this was death. He’d freaked out so hard about singing that he’d died and gone into a weird afterlife dream where the most beautiful man serenaded him and then kissed him in front of the entire school. Because it was only in heaven and his daydreams that this could actually be happening, right? His lips were so soft, and it felt like sunshine spilling into his soul as he kissed back, holding his waist with the hand not occupied by a mic.
The only thing that could cut through the dull roar of the crowd’s applause was a familiar, drawling voice shouting “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FINALLY!”
They broke apart, blushes spreading on both of their cheeks.
“Ro, I have no idea how we get off this stage now,” Virgil whispered.
“Don’t worry, Panic! at the Musical,” Roman said, still blushing. “I think I know how.”
He stepped forward, closer to the stage, and spoke into the mic. “Thank you! To my teammates, to the drama club, to the science nerds, skaters, band geeks, and also both my parents, my name is Roman Bolton, and I am apparently gay. And I can’t ask my fabulous duet partner, Virgil Montez, to be my boyfriend with you all watching. To our West High guests, can’t wait to see y’all in the rematch, and to my East High friends, go Wildcats!” With that, he grabbed Vigil’s hand and dragged them both offstage, laughing like mad and still blushing furiously.
SCENE: Gymnasium
Roman was more than a little certain that he had yet to touch the ground since callbacks, floating on the countless wonderful emotions and memories that were the reality of dating Virgil. Somehow he had been able to drag himself away from walking down the street and the hallways introducing him to anyone and everyone who would listen as “my BOYFRIEND!” But at least there was the perk that he was constantly walking on air.
Or, in the case of the East-West rematch, flying down the court.
“...and West High pushin' the ball. Fast break. Looking for an open man. Oh, but it's stolen by number 14, Bolton, heading back the other way!” The commentator channeled the crowd’s energy as she called the action on the court. “East High has possession, one point down and only 15 seconds left on the clock! He’s looking for an open man. Fake! Swing to the outside, ball on the perimeter.”
Roman panted as he tossed the ball to Remy, getting closer to the net. He was acutely aware of how close they were to winning this thing, if they could just get an opening… there it was!
A high toss from Remy that only Patton could possibly reach, then a quick throw to Roman. He leapt, legs, core, and arms all in perfect harmony to get just the right angle and…
“And it's good! A 12-foot jump shot as time expires for the victory! East High has won the championship!”
Roman felt a thwump as Patton collided with him in a huge hug, followed shortly by the thwumpthwumpthwump of the rest of the team following suit. They all jumped up and down as one, cheering and celebrating without abandon. The cheerleaders and mascot were the first to get from the sidelines to the court to celebrate with them. But soon after, Coach Bolton, close to tears with happiness, came over to the team huddle of bodies to hand them the enormous championship trophy.
“Coming through! Proud coach coming through!” he yelled, and handed off the gleaming brass basketball on its heavy wooden base to Remy and Roman. Gripping his son’s shoulder, he managed to be heard as he told him, “I’m so proud of you Roman. For everything!”
Remy was the first to start the chant as the team swept Roman off his feet, hoisting him on their shoulders. “What team?”
“What team?”
“Get’cha head in the game!”
They finally released him as he passed the trophy on to the other teammates and grabbed his dad for a hug as the spectators flooded from the bleachers to the court. Even Ms. Darbus had caught the spirit, cheering “Bravo!” at Roman as she passed.
Coach Bolton was even happy enough to cheer back, “Brava!” at her. The assistant coach pulled Roman’s dad away as he paused for a moment, catching his breath for the first time since the game had begun. Arms suddenly wrapped around him as he turned to see Virgil, hair re-dyed a festive Wildcat red just for the occasion.
“Congratulations, you dork,” he said, grinning hugely. “You’re officially the school’s Prince Charming again.”
“I would never make you share this brilliance with the entire school,” Roman responded. “Did you get the scores back from the decathlon?”
“We won, too,” Virgil said, but was interrupted by Roman hugging him with both arms and swinging him around in the air.
“I bring the looks and the brawn, you bring the smarts and also the looks, we are clearly the best couple ever and I am so happy you’re my boyfriend.”
“Goddammit Ro, you’re gonna make me blush and then I’ll clash with my hair,” Virgil admonished as he wriggled out of Roman’s hold.
“Guess I’m forced to kiss the blush off your cheeks,” Roman proclaimed. Just as he leaned in, Remy pushed in between them with a basketball in his hands.
“Hey Ro! Team voted you the game ball! Congrats!” Remy said airily, barely pretending to not notice what he’d interrupted.
“Thanks, Rem. Really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” his friend said with a bow, strolling off.
Virgil hugged Roman again, then suddenly hit his arm excitedly. Staring in the direction of his pointing arm, Roman saw Patton walking up to Logan and grinned.
“So, you’re coming with me to the after-party, right?” Patton asked, open face smiling.
Logan started. “Sorry, that was directed to me?”
“Of course, Lo! So will you?”
“I- uh. I was planning to attend because Virgil had asked me to…”
“Oh, sorry, I wasn’t being clear!” Patton realized. “Words are funny like that, aren’t they? I meant as a date!”
Logan stared for a moment, then two, then three without moving anything besides his eyes blinking.
Virgil nudged Roman and muttered in his ear, “Logan.exe has crashed.”
“Oh, also, these are for you! Fresh today!” Patton added, handing the shorter man a bag of cookies. “I heard you like jam thumbprints!”
Logan accepted the bag and managed to nod his agreement, to both the cookies and the date, as a huge smile spread across his face.
Virgil and Roman both punched the air in victory as Cee and Dee passed by, both in full East High spirit colors.
“Congrats again on your roles,” Dee said. “I guess we’re going to be the understudies in case you can't make one of the shows, so... break a leg.”
Roman stared in slight fear until Dee laughed and added, “It’s drama geek for ‘good luck’.”
Dee passed them and watched Cee dance off with a cheerleader, bopping to the music the pep band had struck up. He shouldered his way through pairs of students before coming up on Remy, leaning against the bleachers as he watched Roman and Virgil steal another kiss in the middle of the crowd.
Dee came up to lean next to him. “Can’t believe I crushed on Roman all these years only for him to actually be gay but still allo. I’m so disappointed.”
“That’s what everyone says when they what I’m ace. Like, I get it, I’m frustratingly hot and sassy as hell, why are you so obsessed with me?” Remy drawled back. He’d found his shades somewhere by the team bench and slipped them back on.
“You’re ace too?” Dee asked incredulously
“Of course I am. Hey, Dee, want to come to the afterparty and make fun of these gay disasters more?”
“Wait, really? You aren’t like ‘Dee’s a bitch and I hate him’?”
“Not at all, hun. You’re a bitch and I like it so much.”
“Well in that case, lead the way, Mr. Danforth.”
Somewhere in the crowd, Roman managed to find Joan. “Hey composer! Here’s your game ball. You deserve it, playmaker!”
Joan took the basketball, smiling. “Congrats again, you two!” they said with a wicked grin. “Can’t wait til rehearsals start and you’re at my mercy for eight weeks straight.”
Virgil laughed and pushed them. “Hey, this is all your fault. You can’t be mean to us now!”
“Oh so you’re saying you’d rather that you hadn’t met your boyfriend through the power of my beautiful song and lyrics?”
“Ya got me there,” Virgil shrugged. “But for real, thank you, Joan. We couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
Roman nodded emphatically. “And the rest of you, too,” he said, turning to his and Virgil’s teams. “All of this was a group effort. We made each other strong.”
“None of us are exactly alike,” Patton added. He and Logan were very subtly holding hands. “But the ways we’re different are all good and unique. And I’m grateful we arrived at where we are now.”
“Now let’s go celebrate!” Roman said.
“All of us?” a decathlon teammate asked.
“Absolutely!” Roman called. “This is a celebration for all of our victories. We’re all Wildcats, no matter what. And if there’s one thing this school has learned, it’s that we’re all in this together.”
a/n: Thank you for sticking with me through this weird little adventure, especially the cheesy-as-hell ending. Gotta get to those DCOM roots and end in the hamfisted moral.
In conclusion: I love my collection of disaster gays of various heights. I hope you've enjoyed them too <3
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celestialsunglasses · 5 years
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♡ preferred name: Cecil ♡ age: 23 ♡ pronouns: they/them, or he/him preferably at least online (not out irl, so that changes things in that regard as far as referring to me when in person tbh) But I don’t care as long as you give my identity respect, whatever i’m labeling it on any given day. I’m not 100% on my identity, but i’m at least 99% certain it isn’t completely cis. So just. keep that in mind regardless of what you use for me. ♡ sexuality: Ace and Queer ♡ height: 5′2″ ♡ hair colour: Brown with vaguely red undertones. ♡ relationship status: Single
♡ favourite colour: Lavender and cerulean ♡ favourite song:  I have no clue whatsoever. I don’t really have a favorite song??? I’m bad on the spot idk. ♡ favourite band / artist: aHHH. IDK TBH. I’M BAD AT THINKING ON THE SPOT AND I’M NOT SURE I HAVE A FAVORITE RN. ♡ favourite youtubers: for the sake of things we’ll just say it’s a lot of asmrtists, don’t look at me like that i’m an anxious trash panda it’s so soft and easy. ♡ favourite food: Spaghet ♡ favourite family member: probably my twin sister ♡ favourite bird: I,,,, loVE ALL BIRDS. YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE I CAN’T PICK. ALL BIRDS ARE PURE AND GOOD AND DESERVE MY LOVE. ♡ favourite animal: Cats, birds, small fuzzies. But I do like reptiles on the low-key as well. ♡ favourite celebrity: i genuinely don’t have a favorite celebrity, i don’t think. I generally like most celebrities if I’m enjoying what they’re in. But I don’t really,,,, keep up with any of them. So I have no idea. Bellamy Young? Idk I’m kinda gay for her don’t look at me. ♡ favourite time of day: Nighttime probably. ♡ favourite holiday(s): Whatever holiday in any given year was the most enjoyable at the time. Don’t have a set favorite. Not really a holiday person, never grew up with proper traditions so it just never settled in me to have a favorite without other people getting really into it and thus encouraging some level of enjoyment in me.  ♡ favourite season: Probably like,,, early summer. Don’t like the wasps, but the answer still stands. ♡ favourite fruit: Strawberries ♡ favourite flower: snapdragons. u can squeeze them and make them look like they’re talking. but pansies are also cute. ♡ favourite emoji(s): 👉😎👉 ♡ favourite app: y’all idk. I really don’t. ♡ favourite hobby: it’s either reading, or RPing here on this hellsite. I don’t have other hobbies, I’m boring as fuck. ♡ favourite country: I don’t know. I have only ever been the US, but I also don’t want to say US, because the US kinda sucks ass sometimes. ♡ favourite weather: Where it’s warm, but not too hot, and not too cold. ♡ favourite element: Air. ♡ favourite language: I only know how to speak and understand English at the current time, hOWEVER. I love the look and vibe of ASL and one day want to learn how to do the sign language thing. I’d learn through books during time while I’m not in any classes for it because,,,, that’s a process and I have anxiety out the ass. But I don’t process visuals well unless someone’s physically doing it in front of me, and fuck my memory’s bad. But ASL. It’s a beautiful language. Love it. I’ll fuckin’ learn it one day. One day.
♡ name of your crush: I literally don’t have any crushes. ♡ name of your pet(s): So there are like,,, seven cats (Lana, Wheeze, Winston, Floof, Abelas, Frisk, and Pounce), and four birds (Regis, Peeps, Mimi, and Boo Boo.) ♡ name(s) of your best friend(s): Reilly, Jan, Arin, Six, as far as online friends are concerned. Also my twin sister.
♡ introvert or extrovert: Introvert, I’d love to be extroverted but I’m easily burned out by lots of personal contact and also I have really bad social anxiety to boot so it’s just a horrible mix of things that lead me to having mostly online friends. and only like two IRL friends that aren’t family. ♡ nerdy or sassy: Punny. ♡ tall or short: do you mean, myself or preference for people? I myself am short. Preference for others I almost by default have to say tall just because most people are taller than me. But generally don’t mind either way. ♡ looks or personality: Personality ♡ homesick or traveler: Homesick ♡ musician or artist: Either or. I love them both. ♡ woods or city: City ♡ tv or youtube: Youtube, probably. ♡ phone or computer: Both, but in a scenario where I could only have one for a period of time I’d say phone. I can use it like a computer for personal reasons up to the point I’m able to be back on the computer, and if I need a computer for something specific then I borrow someone’s for a minute. But I like having both. ♡ family or money: I don’t know. ♡ books or movies: Books. Movies are great, but I have ADHD and can’t focus on them 95% of the time. Books almost force me to focus on them if I’m gonna do it at all, where as movies are easy to not watch. So books. But I do like a good movie once in a while. When the mood strikes. ♡ food or sleep: Actual good sleep, I’m always fucking tired. Food is fine, it tastes good, I like it. But eating is tedious, making food is hard i’m bad at cooking. And I have ADHD so it has to be simple or I lose all will and motivation and focus to actually make it half the time and most things require more energy or concentration even if it’s easy than I can handle at any given time at the moment. It’s also tedious. So for now I’d rather have sleep. 
tagged by: No one, I stole it from @shieldchosen
tagging: Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 years
Hi I'm looking for songs, do you have Louis playlist that you recommend?
HI! I made you one.
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Never Found Our Way | Louis de Pointe du Lac
01. Aphex Twin - aisatsana [102]02. Agnes Obel - Dorian03. Thomas Newman - American Beauty04. Gavin Luke - Emotions Becoming Clearer05. God is an Astronaut - A Deafening Distance06. Have a Nice Life - Emptiness Will Eat the Witch07. Placebo - Song to Say Goodbye08. Nine Inch Nails - 1 Ghosts 109. Clara Rockmore - Valse Sentimentale10. Yann Tiersen - La Dispute11. Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 112. Ramin Djawadi - Light of the Seven13. Portishead - Roads14. Billie Holiday - Gloomy Sunday15. Dead Can Dance - Musica Eternal16. Opeth - To Rid the Disease 
Listen on YouTube.
Anyway so I sincerely apologize for how long it took me to answer this ask; the truth is that I don’t think about Louis as freely as I think about Armand and Daniel and Marius so all my VC playlists are based on those other clowns lmao. But I wanted to put something together for you and wanted to think about it a little.So this playlist is kind of a mix of things that remind me of Louis while also being things I think he might like. Granted, this is headcanon and is subjective, but I see Louis as being sort of sad and dreamy and being into soft melodic things and gloomy piano and film scores and depressing mellow prog. I also totally see him falling for ambient music and getting lost in it. I also want to give honorable mention to Opeth, even though they made it on here anyway IT’S JUST THAT LIKE, OPETH IS LOUIS? It sounds like their songs are about vampires most of the time lmao. Special mention to Blackwater Park, Damnation, and Pale Communion for being Extra Louis. And the song Faith in Others is like the Louisest thing I’ve ever fucking heard in my life. Listen to it/look up the lyrics cause DAMN but this part especially ARE YOU SURE IT’S NOT ABOUT LOUIS?
Out through the doors of starvationAnd into the rains of damnation
And the intro always makes me picture when he’s moping around the streets of New Orleans in the movie. (Pictured above lmao).
Also special shoutout to Daniel Ketchum, here’s a link to this album Sea of Tranquility on Spotify but apparently it’s 3 OBSCURE 5 U cause it’s not on YouTube. Also, I apologize if Spotify is easier anyway but I don’t like to link my Spotify playlists here cause my account is under my real name. =XAnd if I wanted to be a troll I’d also throw in Hilf Mir by Rammstein since it’s about like, a little girl burning LOL WHOOPS. (Also linked on Spotify bcuz Rammstein are bloated parodies of themselves and pulled it off YouTube LOL!)Music is subjective though, so these are MY feelings about Louis, and I threw together some links for you also in case you wanna see what other people have to say or hear some other tastes. :)And the Night Alone Understands You by @theroyalpalmtreeofoz Dark Angel by @anton-mordridThe Fall of a Century by @laurencombeferrePyromania: A Total Serious Fanmix About Louis’ Favorite Pastime by @robin-goodfellow You Are the Night by @muirin007These ones don’t have names that I can see LOL This one from @sangcreole Some from @firelight-fadingALSO RELEVANT A masterlist of awesome classical music from @echo-de-la-lumiereAnd then I know @i-want-my-iwtv has a tag for fanmixes WHICH YOU CAN FIND HERE  and I tend to drop all VAMPIRE MUSIC related posts in my tag #Vampire Music. HOPE THAT HELPS!!! I love vampire music, vampire music is my shit, I always wanna hear some, so if you guys have more to show me please send them my way. :D Also for the sake of sanity I tried to keep these Louis-Centric, I know there are more Louis/Lestat playlists out there too! But I think that’s a different beast haha. 
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rangergirl3 · 8 years
Alphabet Game
I saw that @butteredonions did this, and it seemed like fun! :D
A - age: I’m in the 25-30 range. However, I did just find that I have a few strands of pure white hair. They really aren’t very visible, but yeah...so that’s a thing. I am now convinced my nickname should be Shiro. :-)
b - either centipedes or failure: I’d avoid the centipedes. I hate insects that are hairy and big and crawly. 
c - current time: 8:46pm.
d - drink I last had: In the morning? Coffee with hazelnut creamer and some hot cocoa mix. Just now? Water. :-)
e - every day starts with: two cups of coffee and queuing up my Amazon Music playlist so I can have background music when I go for a walk or do other work.
f - favorite song: Oh, man, I have so many... but the latest one I’ve been listening to non-stop is ‘Titanium’ by Voices In Your Head. Also, a close second is both ‘Light Up The World’ by the Glee Cast. I haven't seen the show, but I love the beat to that version of the song.
g - ghosts. Are they real?: I think there’s some merit to it. I’ve definitely felt completely creeped out in places where I had no bad associations with, and then found out later that something pretty bad went down there. In a similar category, I do think that those who love you are looking out for you in a similar manner. A few years ago, I was driving and barely avoided a head-on car accident at 70mph because someone in my backseat (which was empty) told me to just keep driving straight and not panic. I was a complete mess of nerves later, but I swear that it was my uncle and my aunt who were doing the backseat driving. They both died long before could really get to know them, but damn. They are bad-asses protectors.
h - hometown: Didn’t really have one growing up. I currently reside in the Midwest, but I’m not particularly attached to it. For me, home is people and where you can relax with a good story and a cup of coffee. :-)
i - in love with: My awesome husband who is just as much as a nerd as I am. I’m absolutely head over heels for this guy. I’m serious. He’s not perfect, but then neither am I. Together, we make a pretty good team. <3 <3 <3 
j - jealous of: Um...to be truthful, I’m not really /jealous/ of anyone. I do wish that some things in my past were different...but I’m not really jealous of those who had what I didn’t. I do wish I could do parkour and sword fight and make it as a published author...but you know. Those I might be able to work on. :D
k - killed someone: I killed an OC in a fic in my Lost Paladins series. It was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. That OC was a jackass.
l - last time I cried:  Oh, honey, I’m Irish-Italian. Count on us to tear up at almost anything. But the most recently that  I really, truly, cried was with both relief and fury last month because two of my siblings were in an airport shuttle and some jackass ran into their shuttle going over 100mph in a 30mph zone. Miraculously, they are fine. Every single aspect of the accident should have resulted in death...but it didn't. *insert PSA about safe driving here because life matters*
m - middle name: Catherine, after my aunt who apparently likes to make life-saving cameos in my life. From when I nearly got hit by a car when I was three, to the head-on collision avoidance by about five feet, to not being electrocuted in a freak accident. Dang, did I get a great namesake or what. :-)
n - number of siblings: Seven, every one of them unique and awesome. I wouldn’t trade being their sister for the world. Or universe.
o - one wish: Being better at feeling confident in social situations where I feel uncomfortable - mostly gatherings where I want to impress people but I’m not sure what they’ll think of my accomplishments or interests.
p - person you last called/texted: My twin sister. Yep, it’s awesome when we get  together. Fun fact: siblings interactions always give me inspiration for writing. :-)
q - questions you’re always asked: “Do you think the same as your twin sister?” No, honey, but we both think that’s a really annoying question. Please stop it.
r - reasons to smile: My ‘Lost Paladins’ series just beat the word count of Crime and Punishment in less than a year because apparently, I am a queen of true nerdiness. *noisemaker sound of celebration*
s - song last sang: ‘Light Up The World’. The beat is addicting. Also, hugely fun to practice ridiculous dance moves to.
t - time I woke up: 8:45am.
u - underwear color: Lol, no. Just...no. 
v - vacation destination: Somewhere with lots of beautiful rolling hills near the sea and a really cute bed and breakfast with wifi so I can still access my music. So, maybe, Ireland? Europe would be pretty neat too.
w - worst habit: I have been listen to the same one, or two, or three-minute song on repeat while writing for hours. Hours. I must use headphones because otherwise anyone near me goes absolutely bonkers, which I understand.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Really, only one, for my arm a while back...but as far as reactions to pain meds, it’s somewhat legendary. Ever since I was little, I have regularly been 1) Unable to keep them down 2) they didn’t really do shit and 3) I lost six hours of awareness. Not consciousness, mind you. Just awareness of what I was doing or saying. Apparently I wandered around the house looking spaced out beyond belief and said rabbits were cute before sitting on the couch and staring up at the ceiling for another hour until on of my roommates took pity on me and helped me curl into a snuggly ball of still-completley-out-of-itness on my bed. Needless to say, I never took that kind of pain med again.
y - your favorite food: Chocolate. It’s a food group.
z - zodiac sign: Libra. Dangit, I was so close to being a Sagittarius - I always liked that they had an archer for a sign :D
I’m tagging @teenage-mutant-angsty-zukos @havetoomanyfandoms and anyone else who’d like to play! :D Don’t feel like you have to - it’s just for fun! :D
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