#I also really like Miles being a biotic but not a *powerful* biotic and only being able to do a few things with a lot of concentration
I think one of the sexiest things about biotics is the way it potentially turns your very body into a tool. I just think that's a fun thing to consider with Shepard.
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Rescue You  Chapter 2 : October 28,29 and 31.
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Dean x reader
Summary : My name is Y/n. I’m the outcast of my witch community. This is the story of how I rescued Dean Winchester, the story of how he saved me.
Serie Warnings : Swearing. Injuries. Smut. Fluff. Angst.
Chapter warning : Injuries.
Words : 2.9k
***Rescue You Chapter 1***
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
October 28, 7am.
           Something hurts badly on my back and shoulders, it wakens me.
           I open my eyes and my heart races. I fell asleep in the cabin ! Shit ! I spent the whole night taking care of the man they call the king of hunters while they were celebrating his death like it was an equinox. They made Ophelia the youngest member of the Coven and talked about how they just changed the world.
           I just left. And spent the night here.
           Suddenly a pain hit my chest : Is he dead ? I turn my head to check on him, really hoping, everything was not for nothing. But my breath get caught in my throat and I jump.
           His eyes are open.
           I crawl back as fast as I can in a held back scream. I was just within easy reach, he could have killed me just like that. How could I be so reckless ? How could I feel comfortable enough to fall asleep just there, on the floor, beside my mortal enemy ?
           I look at him for an instant, he takes a labored, trembling inhale. His swollen piercing green eyes are full of questions, and drowned in pain, I can’t even imagine how much suffering he must be feeling. But he doesn’t talk, or move his face at all.
“H-hi… My name is Y/n” I say, trying to sound calm. “You’re badly hurt… I-I tried to heal you but you… you need medicine, and to drink something.”
He tries to talk but his mouth barely moves so he sighs in a discreet whine of pain and frustration.
“It’s okay…” I raise my hands in a sign of peace. “Listen, I have to take this opportunity of you being awake to give you something to drink, and painkillers. I gave you anti-biotics with a syringe but you need… W-will you kill me if I try to sit you just a little to make you drink ?”
Still no answer… With shaking hands, I put a palm on his forehead and sigh, he’s still burning with fever.
“I will check your wound now, don’t move… Please.”
Saying that, I push the blanket down to reveal his chest and stomach ; he tries to move, like he was afraid, but the ties I used and his extreme weakness doesn’t allow it. I move the bandage a little and frown, there is a huge inflammation but the bleeding stopped thanks to the magic ointment.
“From what I know… you have a knife wound on your stomach, broken ribs, a badly broken leg, a bruise almost the size of your back, cuts everywhere, but that’s okay, and your head has been hit hard, I really hope you don’t have head trauma…” I list, trying to help him stay awake. “You may have other things but I will only know when you’re able to tell me where it hurts, okay ?”
His lips says “yes” but no sound comes out.
“I’m sorry I had to tie you up… I just… don’t want to get killed” I sigh.
Once again, his lips move, but I can’t understand what he says, so I come closer, knowing the risk I take. I kneel close to him.
“Same ?” I ask but he keeps going. “Sammy ?”
He closes his eyes in relief.
“No Sammy here, I’m sorry…” he sighs in pain. “Is he friend or enemy ?… Friend. Okay… Your phone is dead, but I’ll try to contact him.”
He weakly nods.
           I stay here a few seconds, watching his swollen face. Then I slowly untied him, my palms sweating.
“I do this because I want to give you something to drink, please don’t attack me, you can’t go anywhere, for now you need me…” I keep talking.
After the ties are undone, I take all I need before I come sit behind his head. Lifting it slowly, I put it on my knees and move them to have him a little higher, his head almost on my belly, and my legs on his back to make him a little straighter. He grunts in pain.
“I’m sorry” I say sincerely. “Okay, you need sugar and painkillers and water… So I’ll mix the three. This is high-calorie drink, and see, I put powerful painkiller in it…”
I let it melt and stir it with the straw. Then I give it to him. He refuses it, closing his mouth so I sigh and lower my arms in defeat. Of course he doesn’t trust me.
“Mister Winchester” I say softly. “I will do my best to keep you alive, but if you don’t heal soon, they will find you, and kill both of us…”
I put my hand on his forehead again and decide to add paracetamol in the drink to lower the fever. I show him what I do, really hoping he will drink what I give him.
“Please…” my voice is exhausted, but I won’t give up so easily. “At least try.”
He lets his lips part and I thank him in a sigh of relief. When he almost chokes on the first sip, I try to comfort him by touching his sweaty forehead, stroking it a little while the cough with his broken ribs makes him almost faint in pain.
“It’s okay… It’s okay… You need more, just a little more for me M. Winchester. Please…”
           After a few minutes, he finishes it, it was a very small glass, but this is victory. I stay a little beneath is back to make sure he doesn’t choke.
“You’ll feel better with the painkillers… I-I’m sorry, I didn’t manage to put you on the bed but, when you’ll be able to move, I promise I’ll help you, the wooden floor must be horrible and cold… I’m really sorry, do you need another blanket ?”
His mouth says “no”.
“I have to go M. Winchester. If they look for me too long, they will be suspicious. Just don’t move or try to go out okay ? We’re in the middle of the forest. And don’t call or anything… I’m the only one who doesn’t want you dead for miles. I’m sorry… I’ll check on you tonight, I promise…”
October 29, 9am;
             Sweating, I look at my watch. Shit. I had a lot of deliveries to do this morning, and, even waking up early, I didn’t manage to finish yet. I was asked for two different mushrooms and at least five plants. I can’t believe people calling themselves witches can’t go in the woods themselves to find ingredients… But at least it gives me the best opportunity to wonder without anybody looking for me.
           While I look for the required ingredients in my way to the cabin, I think about yesterday evening. The hunter still didn’t talk, but he was awake again. I cleaned his wounds, checked his leg, and gave him something to drink again. I really hope today he will be able to eat something I brought.
           I’ve never felt so alive in my entire life, my senses are in alert, my brain works quicker, and I do my duties so faster. The only thing obsessing me is making him survive, and the pain he feels.
           I know who Sammy is now, his brother. Sam Winchester. I hear they are really close and literally went to Hell for each other. To actual Hell. They are all the community talks about lately, from my mother to the witch of the post office. They sent Sam a magical untraceable message, saying his brother was dead, with the rest of his blood and a picture of the car that still lays in the forest, under an invisibility spell.
           I don’t know that Sam-guy, but as they celebrate his older brother death, and keep rewarding Ophelia, they seem really afraid of him, they reinforced security. I wish I could contact him, but none of my calls can go out the town since I tried to contact my father years ago, and I have no idea where to send a letter. It wouldn’t be such a good idea anyway, his brother can’t be moved for now so I’d better keep him with me a little more… At least that’s what I tell myself.
           When I finally see the cabin, with already almost all my ingredients for later, my heart races a little as usual. I push the door and see his eyes are closed. I rush toward him to check his pulse.
Thank the Goddesses, he’s alive. But there is something wrong… the blanket is wet… But not blood. Oh !
           I get up and put my face in my hands, how could I have never thought of that. He’s a human being. Good think he’s unconscious, because I wouldn’t have wanted to face the look on a warrior that peed himself’s eyes.
           I rush to the bathroom and take towels, soap and a basin of water. Please don’t wake up… I think pushing the cover. With a sigh, I push his boxers down, trying not to look at him. Now what… I take the little towel and soak it, rubbing the soap on it to make foam.
           The instant I put the wet towel on his stomach, he wakes up in a deep inhale. Cold water.
“I’m sorry” I wince. “It’s cold…”
“No…” he painfully whispers, trying to move but the restrains keep him still and he’s completely paralyzed by weakness and pain.
“You can’t move…” I sigh. “It’s okay, see me as a nurse” I try.
I keep my eyes away when I wash his chest, just looking enough to avoid the wounds. I wash his arms and shoulders, better do it all at once. While I rinse the towel and put more soap on it, I notice the look on his face, jaw clenched, eyes shut in a frown. Dignity must be pretty much all is left for a man that went to actual Hell.
“I told them you were dead” I say to catch his attention on anything else.
With the fresh foam I start washing his legs, careful with the splint.
“They will kill me when they’ll know… If… If they know” I wash his thighs. “But they already hate me so I guess that will just give them an excuse” I lift my head to look at his face. “I guess I deserve their hate though… Hiding a mortal enemy.” I stroke his hips and finally wash his intimate parts, trying to look at it the less I can, and I keep casually talking to distract him. “You must be asking yourself where you are… It’s my cabin. I mean it wasn’t mine but it became, so don’t worry, no one comes here, except me.” I push his hips up a little to wash under him, his butt and lower back. “And the cabin is invisible for humans, but also for demons and angels… So just me. Here you go…”
I go to the bathroom, I come back with clean water and another little towel. As I start to rinse the soap on his body, he looks at my face intensely, like he was trying to read me.
I never saw a body like his, and I really try to be indifferent to him, but every scar is a mystery, a story I will never know. He’s so strong and manly and… I surprise myself comparing him with Aiden, the only other men I’ve seen naked, and it’s like they weren’t even of the same matter.
           When I feel myself blushing, I decide I have to distract myself too.
“Okay, now I’ll dry you, but I have no clothes, and I can’t give you the blanket, so I’ll give you my hoodie to hide, I quickly go find something for the cold, don’t worry okay ?”
I take off my oversized hoodie and shiver at the feeling of cold air on me. After wiping the floor where he lays, I put it on him and notice he passed out again.
 October 31, 6am.
           As usual, I get up earlier, take a quick shower and breakfast and go before anybody wakes up at home. Tonight is Halloween, and if I’m not allowed in most ceremonies, I have to attempt the Halloween rituals, even men do. It means I won’t see the hunter tonight. It will be the first time in four days I don’t visit him at least twice and I’m terrified.
           Yesterday he said two or three weak words to make me notice wounds I haven’t seen, like his dislocated shoulders… But this time I had at least painkillers to give him. He can’t really sit, but he moves just a little more now his shoulder is in place. He will soon be able to go to the toilets and on the bed.
           I go out of the house with a big bag full of stuffs for him and cross the empty streets to join the woods. I go through the neighborhood, rushing when I cross Aiden’s garden, because I know he wakes up early. But he’s here, taking the mails.
“Y/n ?” he stops me with a surprised look.
“Hey…” I sigh involuntarily.
“In a hurry ?” he asks with that kind sad smile he always have.
“Yeah… Halloween…”
“I wanted to tell you… I’m sorry they sent you after Dean Winchester alone… This pisses me off, you could have died. Ophelia got all the rewards and…”
“It’s okay” I cut him. “It’s really okay, I didn’t kill him so…”
“Still, what if he had still been alive ?”
“We’re not allowed to talk” I say coldly, thinking about the hunter alone in the cabin.
“I know, but I really miss you” that sad smile again.
I miss him too, and usually I tell him, but not today. I nod and tell him to have a nice day, which is pretty ridiculous to answer. Then I leave hoping he won’t notice something is wrong with me, Aiden knows me too well.
           When I enter the cabin, I smile seeing the hunter is awake. I put the bag on the floor and kneel, as usual.
“I will untie you for a while” I say, already doing it. “Today you will try to eat something solid, I brought mashed potatoes with pieces of chicken…”
He looks at me and tries to sit but fails. It’s strange, seeing him in those clothes ; I gave him the sweater I had kept from Aiden and bought boxers in the store, careful to not catch attention.
“Wait, I’ll help you but first…” I inject medicine on his arm, trying not to hurt him too much with the needle.
           After I cleaned his wounds and checked the fever, I sit behind him, helping him until, this time, he’s almost sitting, resting on my chest between my legs.
“The good news are, I don’t think the stabbing touched any vital organ, or you would have died already, and the fever is going down… Bad news are…” I put the bowl in front of him and propose him the fork, he takes it weakly. “I won’t come back today. It’s Halloween and it’s a big deal in the community. Not fun Halloween night like in movies though… Sacrifice of a goat, never-ending rituals and powers demonstrations.”
He tries to take a bite but his arm won’t carry his own weight to his mouth so I just push under it to make it easier, without making him feel like I’m feeding him.
“They will bully me again…” I sigh falling silent.
“Who ?” he whispers after a little while, making my heart race at the idea of him actually listening to me.
“Everyone.” I push under his arm again. “I’m… I’m not thought highly of them… See… I have no powers and…”
I shouldn’t be telling him that. I stop talking and help him eat until he doesn’t want anymore. After a while he sighs and almost passes out again.
“Wait ! M. Winchester, I haven’t given you your meds yet” I say, touching his cheek from behind.
“Dean…” he grunts.
“Dean” I state with a shy smile. “Is your valid leg working just a little ?”
He moves it and shrugs, immediately wincing.
After half an hour, he’s finally on the bed, he’s sweating from pain but I couldn’t stand seeing him on the floor like that anymore. He’s so brave, so silent. The fear is fading, even if I still feel like when I rescued that wolf from Ollie’s trap, knowing he could kill me, just hoping he will understand I’m trying to cut the ropes for him.
“Look what I bought !” I smile with an old remote in my hand. “It has a shitty image and only three channel but that way you won’t die of boredom.” I turn the old TV toward him. “This is the bottle for… you know, this is a bottle of coke, just don’t mistake them” I try to joke.
Half a smile appears on his face and it’s like I saw a whole knew him.
           I give him covers and make sure the pillow under his head is okay. I put a pill of painkiller in a little bottle next to him, and make sure he can reach everything. Then I look at him one last time hesitating for a second. How am I supposed to say that I will miss him… Because I sure will.
           I turn and open the door in a sigh.
“Y/n” he says, letting me hear his voice clearly this time. “Thank you.”
Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @animegirlgeeky @paradoxical–intentions  @thefaithfulwriter@parinarain@vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496@daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @mogaruke @masterof-agony @mogaruke @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @hawaiianohana31 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n
Rescue You tags : @thatgirl1456 @acklesterritory @divadinag @blackrockshooter78 @stilltoomuchafangirl
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hollisterranch · 3 years
When A Thing Is [Not] Right - Hollister Ranch Access Plan: Incomplete and Unrealistic by Cynthia Carbone Ward
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Original posted in the Santa Barbara Independent www.independent.com (Archive link) Mon Oct 11, 2021 | 2:01pm ‘A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.’ —Aldo Leopold
I have been an active and concerned Gaviota community member, local middle school teacher, and Hollister Ranch resident for decades. (I also have a master’s degree in public administration and professional experience with program implementation, public engagement, and consensus building.) The recently released Hollister Ranch Public Access Plan under consideration by the California Coastal Commission is a misguided charade with potentially grievous consequences. I have seen this process through several incarnations over the years, and the only thing new in this go-around is that the state finally acknowledges that there are significant constraints — but it fails to offer any solutions.
At its onset, the document refers to the 60-mile section of the Santa Barbara coast from Hollister Ranch to Point Sal as one of the least accessible shorelines in California, failing to mention that this stretch also includes the inaccessible Dangermond Preserve and Vandenberg Air Force Base, and focusing exclusively on the 8.5 miles that skirt the Hollister Ranch. In fact, the Gaviota Coast is 76 miles, from Goleta to Point Sal, and other than limited beach access at El Cap, Refugio, Gaviota, Jalama, and Surf Beach, none of the other beach areas are accessible or subject to the relentless focus directed toward Hollister Ranch, and many are closer to public roads, facilities, and population centers.
Former Mexican land grant ranches such as Hollister have for more than 150 years steadfastly resisted the urbanization that characterizes the rest of the southern California coast, with cattle grazing still the primary use of the land — and let’s take a moment to contemplate how serendipitous that turned out to be. Highway 101 diverts north away from the coast at Gaviota a couple of miles from the Ranch boundary, and there is no public road near or reaching the coast until Jalama, more than 20 miles to the west. The coastline between is nothing like that seen along the freeway. The terrain is far more rugged, which is why a public roadway was never built there, and the only land access is via a single private ranch road, not built to public road standards. It is narrow and winding, with tight curves, blind corners, and many grades in excess of 20 percent. Much of the area has no utility services of any kind.
If the state wishes to make easier coastal access here a priority, it has the power to do so by condemning trail or road easements, paying for the property and loss of privacy, and paying for and providing the facilities, infrastructure, and management for this type of access. Where is the plan for covering these daunting costs? And where is the assessment of environmental impacts? More important, should this even be the state’s priority? With so many crucial and competing demands and shortfalls, is this really where the citizens of California want to direct resources and effort? It’s an interesting case of role reversal: the California Coastal Commission is the entity advocating big, expensive development here, while we who know and love this place are fighting to protect a precious and irreplaceable environment.
The plan declares its goal to be public access, when what is really being sought is convenient access. (In one inadvertently humorous section, a shuttle is deemed necessary for people who would otherwise find it “physically challenging, unappealing, or inaccessible” to get to a beach like San Augustine, at the west end of the Ranch. The very word “unappealing” is quite telling. And is it a human right that access to all the wonders of the natural world be effortless? Or that it justifies traversing privately owned and carefully stewarded properties?)
Surfers, hikers, and boaters have long enjoyed access to the Ranch beaches, which are indeed public; many appreciate the natural barriers of tide and terrain, which inhibit crowding, and that’s partly why the place is still so special. To be sure, the boat launch at Gaviota was helpful too, but when the State Park introduced a plan to rebuild it, that plan was rejected by the Coastal Commission, and the pier has remained broken since a storm slammed into it in 2014. Meanwhile, Gaviota, Refugio, and El Capitan state beaches are perpetually underfunded and often difficult to patrol and maintain, and the County struggles to operate and maintain its own beach park at Jalama.
In the decades since 1982, and more recently in the aftermath of a workshop that yielded “hundreds of comments, concerns, and strategies,” which were later distilled quite selectively, we are looking at a document that integrates no new ideas or solutions. Forty years. What does that tell us about the integrity of this process and the validity of the stated goals? In the commission’s own words: “The relatively undeveloped landscape and ruggedness of the coastline, the high quality of the natural environment, surf conditions, and the lack of crowds are all aspects that make the Hollister beach experience special.” But the proposal is in direct conflict with all that it declares to be special.
In Vision and Objectives, for example, we see again the stated desire that there be “lack of crowds.” Actual Hollister Ranch usage numbers fall well below the numbers advocated here. How can the state reconcile this contradiction? Implementation of this plan would undeniably lead to a completely different experience and environment. The very elements that environmentalists cherish, such as pristine tidepools and many species of threatened flora and fauna, have been protected by the limited use of these beaches, and would be diminished and destroyed by the numbers of additional visitors, vehicles, and infrastructure this plan is recommending. Costs and revenue sources are unclear, and impacts have not been assessed. Based upon my own experience in public administration, I can tell you that to launch this as a “pilot” or experimental program in April, with so many loose ends unexamined, is foolish. It’s not so easy to backtrack, and the harm will be irrevocable.
And what of the need to take private property to achieve this? How is that going to be accomplished, especially when the premise is to demonize ranch owners? Contrary to absurd stereotypes propagated by some who like to tell tales, the prevailing ownership does not see this land as a personal playground or exclusive real estate; we are concerned about its fate far beyond our individual life spans. Evidence? Many of the activities “envisioned” are already being done, and have been for many years: environmental education, scientific studies, organized visits by persons with disabilities, the beloved Tide Pool School.
The Hollister Ranch has been responsible and forward-thinking in offering such programs, and its residents tend to believe that people value the natural environment more when they understand it. We also believe that once a place is gone, it is gone forever, so please understand our reluctance to accept this deeply flawed, incomplete, and misguided proposal. More evidence? The place exists. It continues to shimmer, unlikely and amazing, despite the clamor and unrestrained development all around it.
If I were to summarize my fundamental issue with this plan, it is this: concerns are listed, but not addressed. It is infused with optimism bias, denial, and a strange kind of obsession, and it solves nothing. If I were a teacher … and I was … I’d send it back with questions and mark it incomplete. If I were a public administrator … and I was … I’d be alarmed by the lack of realistic analysis and integration of the knowledge-based input and facts from 40 years of study and citizen participation.
An undertaking on this scale has got to be more than just a notch in someone’s belt or a political performance. Alas, there is something disturbingly single-minded and vindictive about this thing, and I admit to a sense of weariness, déjà vu, and disillusionment, but I still feel it is imperative to speak out.
Those of us who oppose it are neither heroes nor the rich pig enemies of the masses. We simply care, with all our hearts, and we believe that the state is greatly underestimating what is at risk here.
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shu-of-the-wind · 7 years
UUUUUUHM for the RebelCaptain prompts: skylines
So, confession time: I have approximately ten million AUs that I haven’t talked about online, and this is one of them. Mass Effect 2 AU. Credit to @turiantea for building this with me! They’re my primary bouncer for rebelcaptain AUs and anything good about this comes from them.
They’d both known, from the moment they’d left the Normandy, that the magnetic field on Altus 9 was going to disrupt communications entirely, but it’s still disconcerting to have K’s voice stutter and static and go out like a light the moment they hit atmo. 
“Well,” says Jyn, staring at the console. Bodhi’s piloting, and through the shield, Altus 9 stretches out like a field of violet glass, reflective, slippery, deadly. “That’s it, then.” 
Cassian doesn’t say anything. 
“I’ve marked the coordinates for pickup on your omnitools,” says Bodhi. “They should be able to work okay without–without too many problems from the field, I think, me and K did a lot of work on them. But they can’t–they can’t transmit anything to and from the ship. We’re going to lose all–all contact with you until pickup. So, y’know.”
“If we get eaten by husks,” says Jyn, and pops the latch on her seatbelt, “nothing you can do.”
Bodhi grimaces. 
“Twenty-four hours,” says Cassian, and Jyn flinches the way she has for three weeks, every time he’s opened his mouth. Jyn doesn’t flinch like other people, really. She doesn’t flicker back or stiffen or look like she’s about to be struck. She sets her teeth to lean into the strike, instead. There’s always a faint whirring from her implants, too, like they’re about to overheat. “See you then.”
“Yeah,” says Bodhi, and then Cassian follows Jyn out the side of the shuttle, catching himself with one hand on the hard ground.
They’re looking for an asari researcher, supposedly. Commander Tano had wanted to send a much larger team than this, almost all the crew, but then the planet intel had come in about the magnetic field. Biotic implants still work, down here–biotech’s designed not to be too affected by magnets–but transmissions, no. Suit data, no. To the Normandy, they both look like they’re dead on arrival. 
“Last known location’s here,” says Jyn, and brings it up on her omnitool. “Six miles south-south-east.” 
“Don’t,” she says through her teeth. “If there are husks, they’ll hear you.” 
Twenty-four hours. His heart rattles in his throat. He can wait a few more, if he has a full twenty-four hours without them being surveilled. 
Cassian nods once, and pretends not to notice the hurt on her face when he starts walking. 
Altus 9 used to be inhabited, according to the asari matriarch. A Prothean facility, thousands and thousands of years before the Council ever took shape. There are only a few shards left of that, now. No buildings, really, but there’s the look in some of the ground they pass of places that used to be inhabited, mainly. Now it’s only used by merc groups and smugglers, a hidden place where transmissions can’t come in or out, and most Alliance ships stay far away if they want to keep their cores burning properly. Where Prothean intel exists, so too do reaper monstrosities, but there’s nothing, so far. Not on any of his scopes or systems, nothing he can see but the purple glassy fields, flat and slick, almost like ice. Jyn slips twice, and wrenches her elbow out of his grip when he catches her, hissing. 
I deserve that, something small and bleak says in his head. I’ve been lying to her the whole time. Of course I deserve that. 
He’d known going into this assignment that he was going to lie. A long-term, deep-cover operation in Cerberus, in a terrorist organization, a pro-human network of scientists, speciesists, mercenaries, and soldiers who could only see humanity taking its rightful place in the universe through the devastation of every other species in it. He’d known he’d have to lie, through his teeth, every day, for as long as the job lasted, and he’d made his peace with it months and years ago. He’s settled so deep into the role that it’s a part of him, really. 
Ahead of him, Jyn slips on the glass again, and catches herself this time, nearly cracking the surface with the hard glove on her palm, swearing under her breath. Her hair falls forward. The implants on the back of her neck are flaring hot, warning lights blinking at the top, the skin around them red and sore and cracked. His own implant is much smaller than Jyn’s, much less dangerous, cool and steady at the nape of his neck, but Jyn–
Erso, Jyn Lyra. Formerly a member of the Partisans Collective. Accused of smuggling, theft, and murder by the Alliance. Warning: experimental biotic implants make her a dangerous enemy. 
A good asset, he’d told Ahsoka when she’d inquired. A good soldier for a suicide run. A powerful biotic. Probably willing to do anything for a price. It’s what he’d expected, when they’d broken her out of prison. It’s sure as hell not what they found. 
People don’t like me, she’d said, a month ago, a week before the mission on the Citadel. People don’t stay for me. I’m used to it. 
I want to stay, he’d said, and she’d looked at him for so long that he’d thought she was on the verge of tears before she’d yanked her blankets up over her head and pretended to be asleep. Cassian had sat on the floor all night, to make a point, he supposes, that he wasn’t going anywhere. That he doesn’t want to go anywhere. That even if he did want to, he can’t go anywhere. He could no more leave her than he could leave his lungs behind and live, but he knows, too, that she won’t believe it no matter how many times he says it aloud. Staying had seemed like the only option. 
Tell me the fucking truth, she’d said, on the Citadel. I thought you–
“Stop staring,” she says through her teeth. 
There’s no point in denying it, really. Cassian turns, looks out at the skyline for a moment. In the distance, to the south-south-east, there’s something looming out of the murky purple light. Buildings, maybe. “Is that it?” 
Jyn looks at the map on her omnitool. “Probably.” 
“Don’t,” she says. In all the hours he’s spent talking to her since they brought her on board, and all the missions they’ve been on since in those five months, and all the times she’s bumped into him in the mess hall on her way back down to her hidey-hole by the engine, he’s never, ever heard her that raw. “Don’t, Andor. Don’t.” 
“We’re not friends,” Jyn snaps. She stops walking. “We’re not–I don’t have friends. I don’t have people. I don’t need people. I don’t give a damn what you were doing on the Citadel that day, and I don’t need a bloody explanation, so just do your damn job for Cerberus and leave me the hell alone.” 
That actually takes the air out of him. Cassian shuts his eyes, and tries to remember how breathing works. 
“Let’s just get this damn scientist and get out of here.” 
“I couldn’t tell you what I was doing on the Citadel that day because people were listening,” he blurts, and Jyn goes frosty still. Everything is still, here. Despite the magnetic storm up near space, the surface of Altus 9 is as cold and still as a tomb. “I couldn’t say. I wanted to–” 
“I don’t care.” 
She does, he thinks. She wouldn’t be staring so hard at the sky if she didn’t. If she really didn’t care, she’d still be speaking to him. He’s hurt her, and he’s known it for weeks, and he hasn’t been able to do anything about it because K listens to everything as Cerberus’s observational AI and he couldn’t explain himself. “Please just let me explain–” 
“I don’t need an explanation.” 
“Five minutes,” he says. His heart’s under his tongue. “Just give me five minutes. Jyn, please. That’s all, just five minutes.” 
Jyn wavers. 
“Please,” he says again. “Please.” 
She folds her arms over her chest. “Fine,” she says. “Fine. Five minutes.” 
It takes fifteen, to explain it all. He keeps getting sidetracked, stumbling over his own words. It’s not like delivering a report to Draven. It’s Jyn, looking at him with a face like murder when he says, “I was meeting my contact there. For the Alliance.” Jyn, whose fingers curl so tight into her arms that he swears they leave bruises behind when he backs up, and says, “I’m–I’m a Spectre. Or not officially. I’m undercover, I’m not on record. I’m–Jyn, I’m trying to infiltrate Cerberus.” Jyn, who’s never been in so much obvious pain than she is when he says, “I couldn’t tell you because K was listening, but I wanted to. Every–I wanted to. All the time. Every day. Every second. I couldn’t until now.” 
She’s quiet, when it’s done. Cassian’s almost panting, he realizes. His heart won’t stop pounding. There’s a rushing in his ears from all of it, all the secrets he’s just spilled, things he’s kept inside for four straight years, said to no one. I’m a spy. I’m here to dismantle Cerberus as best I can. I helped bring Ahsoka Tano back from the dead to stop the Reapers and the whole time I’ve been feeding information to the Alliance about whatever I could get my hands on. I couldn’t tell you. I wanted to. 
The buildings on the skyline waver, fragile as a mirage. 
“So the person you were meeting on the Citadel,” she says. “The meet I followed you to. That was Alliance.”
Her hands clench into tight fists against her arms. “So you’ve lied to everyone. The whole time.” 
“I had to.”
She opens her mouth, shuts it again. Jyn pushes her hair out of her eyes. “So why tell me now?”
Because I love you. He almost spits it out. He would, if he didn’t think it would hurt her more, to hear it back to back. I’ve lied to you since the moment we met. I also love you. Cassian wets his lips. “I can’t lie to you. I won’t lie to you. I don’t want to. But I couldn’t–with K listening, I couldn’t tell you.” 
Jyn’s shaking, just a little. He can hear her implants whining, like a drill for a tooth.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and this time it’s a real flinch, a recoiling, her eyes wet and her teeth digging deep into her lip. “Jyn, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” 
Jyn scrubs at her eyes as best she can with her gloves. She stares at the ground. “Nobody knows.”
“You,” says Cassian. “My supervisor in the Alliance, General Draven. And my primary contact, Biggs Darklighter. That’s it.”   
She wavers, again and again and again. When he takes a step closer, finally daring to, she doesn’t retreat. “You’re an idiot for telling me,” she says. Her voice cracks. “What if I told Cerberus?” 
“You hate Cerberus.”
Jyn makes a noise like a laugh, half broken. She’s trembling. 
“I’m sorry,” Cassian says again. His throat stings. He thinks his cheeks might be damp. “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you. I’m sorry.”
“Stop talking,” Jyn says. 
He shuts up. He also shifts just close enough that when he cups a gloved hand to the side of her neck, rests his nose to her hairline, Jyn has time to get away. She doesn’t try. It’s awkward, holding her in full armor, and they can’t really manage anything but this, her hands on his ribs and his lips pressed to her temple, but it’s more than he’s had in a month. It’s more than she’s ever offered, really, Jyn who does not like to touch. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, one last time, very soft against her hair, and Jyn clutches him around the ribs and rasps a little. “I’m sorry, mi vida. I am so, so sorry.”
“Shut up,” Jyn says, and this time he does.  
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Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
"Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who can get your insurance. how much does it cost.?
what is the age limit that can get your insurance. are there any limitations to getting this insurance.
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
How to convince my dad to insure the car? Thanks?
I had a car accident in my 2004 Honda under my dads insurance. Im 19 and I didnt get dropped from insurance. The accident had 3 claims of bodily injuries and a total loss car & I was at fault. I have the money to buy another vehicle but my dad wont insure it till the case settles. How do I convince him to insure me now while the case is settling? Hes afraid I might crash before the case is settled but I learned from my car mistake. What do I say? Thanks
Can you get car insurance just for a few days?
1st time driving (well With my license) lmao, have drove be4. but i got my g1 a month ago, and bought an suv 2days ago wht i play on gettin rid of as i found at theres no way i can get it safty as it needs a weld. but i would at least like to drive it for a few days on a Trip permit, but u need insureance in order to get tht. and i was told there is a pay-by-day insurance that u can get. so i am wondering how much would insurance be for only 10days? as thts how long a trip permit is good for ps.. i live in belleville ontario""
How much would small business insurance be?
This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: 1.property damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!""
How much auto insurance coverage do I really need?
I am 21 years old and and married. I drive a 1 year old volkswagen rabbit, have had one speeding ticket and 1 major accident where I totaled my car(I was deemed at fault although it was BS, she hit me). I am renewing my policy and thought I had way to much coverage but I was reading this and apparently I need even more. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/new-cars/buying-advice/a-guide-to-car-insurance-405/ I do not own a house, the largest asset is our cars which are not that much. Currently I have: 100,000/300,000 bodily injury 50,000 property damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist 500 deductible for comprehensive/collision 30 rental reimbursement- that is the cheapest they have and since I am under 25 I want to keep that on""
Are Americans excited about brand new affordable 2014 health insurance plans?
Plans where you pay $610 per month premium for a plan with a deductible of $6,000 dollars before you see any insurance payments So unless you have medical costs above $6,000 you will pay everything yourself in addition to $610 a month as well Are you used to this level of sharing in the cost of your healthcare? So if you see your doctor because you think you might have the flu: $375 You buy some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital night: $6,500 per night Physician MRI: $3,750 Plus every month: $610/month""
I am single. Do I need life insurance?
I am a 40 year old guy in good health. I have health insurance. Do I need life insurance or some other kind of insurance?
Will adding a person to my car insurance (progressive direct) make it go up? by how much?
i want to add my wife and she's 24
Does the insurance company have to pay me because my car is less valuable after getting repaired?
I have a 2005 VW Jetta TDI with 112,000 miles. It was hit in the front (not my fault) and did $7,100 worth of damage. It is repaired but if I go to sell my car it will obviously be worth much less because of a bad carfax report. It's not fair to me, so the insurance company should give me about $1,000 for the lost value. I called the insurance company and they gave me the run around and said the value is the same and argued with me. What do I do to get the money?""
Parents' health insurance?
If you take a semester off from college, how long do you have until your parents' insurance doesn't cover you anymore?""
Car Insurance quesiton?
I live in Orange County, California. My question is if there is any cheap car insurance? I'm looking just for liability and would appreciate if anyone knows of the cheapest insurance. Thank You for all those that answer:)""
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 years old and I live in Virginia. What is the estimate for my car insurance if I was added under my parents policy considering these factors: I am a female obviously... I want to either drive a used Kia optima hybrid, Camry, or a Toyota RAV4 and the years of the car will typically be above 2010 Thank you! Also if I drive my parents car and wreck it, would it be covered?""
What are the best/cheapest insurance companies in the uk for motorbikes?
and yes i will only of just passed my Direct Access and likely to be riding a 600cc.....thanks
Car insurance for a new driver?
I will be driveing soon how much on average is car insurance for a new driver?
I'm 20 with no diploma: How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male in Austin, Texas, and I was homeschooled and have 2 courses to complete until I get my highschool diploma. I have very little work experience (worked for HEB for 3 months). How do I get health insurance? Any suggestions on who would hire me that has insurance, or any government help I could be eligible for health wise?""
Car insurance excess?
My car is now only worth between 200 - 300 so if it was involved in an accident I doubt the insurance would repair...& write it off. Insurance is due for renewal & I have a 250 voluntary excess, which means that I would end up with nothing in the event of a crash. If I increase my vol. excess to 500 the premium goes down by about 30 which looks like a good idea to me but. If my car was written off due to an accident with another vehicle would I still have to pay the 500 vol. excess towards repair of the other vehicle or does the excess relate only to my car in this situation?""
Can my mom have two cars under her name?(insurance)?
I am turning 16 soon and i would like to purchase or lease my own car.. Of course i will pay half of the insurance and as much of the lease price as i can... However, before i do anything... I would like to check a few things.. Is it possible for my mother to have two cars under her name/insurance while I am also registered in her insurance? Like me being registered under my mothers insurance because if i make my own insurance the cost is very expensive.... I tried calculating how much it would cost if my mom had a car under her and another car under my name (inside the same insurance) and it was around 800-900 dollars per month.... *This is ontario..* so is it possible to have two cars under my moms name and none under mine? and will it be expensive as me having a car under my name and the same for the other car under my moms name? thanks!""
Car & Insurance ??? Help me please?
Im 15 and im looking at cars so i know what im saving for. i know its abit early but im looking to star driving straight away. I am looking for a nice powerful car with nice boot space, and i know that the cost will be around 10k but im worried about the insurance ... what would be a good car to buy ?? thanks for all your answers""
""Car insurance, advice and help!?""
Im 16. Ive done a bit of research and it looks expensive, so im going to try to be put on my parents plan. I know it depends on their plan and everything, but im just looking for an approximation per month or per 6 months or per year. They have pretty good coverage if that helps, and my dads on geico and my moms on progressive i beleive. i live in miami if thats useful, and i will only use one car if that would make the insurance cheaper (its in their name). Any bit of advice to make it cheaper or any tips would be extremely appreciated. If i could get somewhere around 500 per 6 months that would be ideal. Thanks u guys""
What's your Scion TC's Insurance Rate?
Scion TC's are in the top 10 most expensive cars to insure. (Number 2) So I was wondering if you have a TC, how much do you pay monthly? What's your deductible? What insurance company are you with? And how old are you?""
How do I help families not see life insurance?
How do I help families not see life insurance as a bill but rather protection for their family? I am on a crusade to help families become properly protected (create an immediate estate) in case of a loved ones untimely death. Of lately, prospects see life insurance as another bill. Although it is; can any life insurance agent please share with me how they get around to making sales in the life insurance industry? Thank you.""
What solutions would make health care treatment instead of health care insurance more affordable?
considering out of pocket expenses? and would this be a conservative approach to the health care issue?
""When will my car insurance rates get cheaper, due to having a clean driving record?""
I know I didn't do the best job asking the question, but I'll try to be short and sweet. I'm going to turn 18 in one month and 5 days. I got my license exactly one year ago, November 14th,2009. In January 2010, I got into a small accident, it was during my midterms at school, was a little stressed, but I rear-ended somebody, sadly not in my crappy car that would've cost barely anything to fix, but in my fathers expensive car. Now there was no damage done to the other car, and barely any damage done to my fathers, but because the airbags deflated (which ended up being the most expensive thing to fix) it was a hefty amount to pay. Insurance covered it (geico) and they advertised that the first accident wouldn't effect our rates. Well they lied and it did, so our rates went up because of my one accident. Since the incident, my parents have not got into an accident in at least 7 years, and since my accident all i have received is a few parking tickets. All in all, what I'm asking is; when are my insurance rates going to go back down? I'm going to remain on my parents insurance for a while, just because its cheaper etc etc... and I know I'm still under 25, and a guy, but will they ever go back to the original price they were at when I got my license? (before they got raised)""
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
I need help finding affordable health insurance for my family?
My husband has a job currently that offers health insurance for us, BCBS of NC great insurance but his job doesn't pay enough for us to survive now that we have a new baby. He is switching to a driving job that pays a little more so we can survive and pay some more bills, so we have decided to try to buy our own health insurance with this new job. Things are very tight with money with me being a stay at home mom to a new baby boy and a toddler so I need very affordable health insurance for my husband and myself. My kids are covered by medicaid so I do not need to buy it for them. I do not qualify for medicaid so I have to buy insurance for myself and my husband. Any suggestions of where to look? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
What's wrong with car insurance?
I am a safe driver. I've never had a car accident or ticket. As a consequence of my choices, I pay very low rates for car insurance. Other people I know have had accidents and many tickets, they pay a lot for car insurance. In this system, each person pays a different rate based on the consequences of their choices and actions. So what is wrong with this system? Why can't we use the exact same system for health insurance? If I eat right, exercise, and wash my hands then I will rarely get ill and should pay very low insurance rates. My neighbor eats junk food, smokes, and never exercises, has lots of medical issues and will for as long as he lives, shouldn't he pay a much higher rate for insurance? Why would anybody want a government system in which we will both pay the same rate? That is blatantly unfair to me since I make good choices and wont get sick as often. Furthermore, I have the choice of lots of different car insurance companies (Geico, Allstate, Nationwide, Progressive, etc.), this competition drives lower costs and better service. Why would I want to give up choice in favor of a monopoly? What is wrong with our car insurance system that somebody would not want the exact same system for our health care?""
Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
What is the best health insurance for a newly married couple to get?
My husband and I just got married and are looking to get health insurance. we both can not get insurance through work. we live in arizona, my husband attends ASU. We are both involved in masters programs. We are looking to start a family poss. with in the year! what is the best coverage we can get, with our student incomes? thanks in advance for any advice / guidence you can provide!""
""If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
Does getting a parking citation raise your insurance rates?
I just got a ticket for parking near a fire hydrant and I wanna know if my insurance will be higher, i can't find any answers on my insurance website. And, does anyone know exactly what constitutes a no-parking zone, cause i have to pay 40 more for that too and the spot wasn't marked. Gahh i don't want my parents to know unless they absolutely have to!!!""
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
Insurance or real estate test is harder?
I have my Property and Casualty License in Colorado and now I am looking into Real Estate license as well. Which test do you think is harder??
Insurance for my baby?
I am researching insurance options for my baby. The baby will be born in few months. I know that the baby will be insured 30 days after he is born. This is my question. Should I find an individual plan for the baby or should I add the baby to my insurance? I did not even know one can add the baby to an existing insurance. I am just trying to find the best deal. If I have to have an individual plan for the baby, I am looking only for Blue Cross or Blue Shield of California (PPO only). If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you""
Do you need a motorcycle license and insurance to buy a bike from a dealership?
I currently only have my permit and want to purchase a used Ninja 250 to practice on before my road test. I plan on keeping the bike for a while.
I have have 14 points on my license i need a cheap insurance?
some companys have a limit on points
Where can an 18 yr old get insurance?
I'm an 18 year old male (19 next month) I need major dental work: root canal, filling, crowns, possible extraction Question: Where can I get good dental insurance that covers the above procedures without a waiting period. I need these procedures fast. I need a high annual maximum which I assume comes with a high premium. P.S - I've looked at Aetna, Humana and Delta Dental; they only pay a miniscule fraction of the procedure.""
Reg Car Insurance and Road Tax?
Hi, My car insurance ran out. My road tax ran out last month. I applied for SORN and have one for my car. Now the problem is i want to tax my car. I dont want to take an insurance for a whole year. Is there a chance where i can get a pay as you go insurance for just a month and get it taxed for 6 months. Will they give me a tax disc from the post office if i have only a 30 day car insurance cover. Let me know""
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Insurance for Mustang v6 2014 for 18 year old?
Hi , I'm planning to get a Mustang v6 premium 2014, I'm an international student with 3.7 GPA in High-school I have a clean record even in my country ( no accidents or tickets ) I know it's not possible to get a real accurate estimate but what I want to know if it would exceed 200$ a month ?""
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
We're TTC and having a bit of trouble so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good health plan that covers maternity and possibly specialists.
How much to insure for drivers insurance?
Im 16, so I know it will be expensive. I will be getting a 4 Cyl car, either a Honda Prelude, Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, something along those lines. I took a drug and alcohol class which takes off 15% and then I got a B average which takes off another 10% can someone please tell me how much it would be a month? Thank you""
Medical insurance?
does medical insuance cover eye exams and eye doco visits for glasses too
""For USA: If i got hurt in a car accident, will my heath insurance cover the expenses? or the car insurance?
I am an international student studying in NJ. It is mandotory for all students to have heath insurance so i got one. I recenty bought a car from NJ. I m looking for insurance prices now. I m confused about that issue! In my country (cyprus) car insurance companies only pay for your damages to cars or environment. Your health insurance cover the medical expenses. I think it is different in here USA...
Is Obamacare insurance.?
at Healthcare.gov they will be doing quotes on October 1 so is the Government selling there own version of Insurance
Do most parents pay for their children's car insurance?
Ok, don't rant at me, I'm asking this question innocently. Basically, I want to know if it's common for parents to pay for their children's car insurance (I'm thinking of those 17, 18, 19, etc. who just passed their test and haven't moved out), or if the child is usually made to pay it themselves? I don't know if part time jobs will cover the cost or what (especially as I imagine they will usually pay for their own petrol), but 3000 a year does seem quite a bit for a teenager to be able to afford. And seems like more and more youngsters are getting cars... I don't think I would expect my parents to pay for mine when I pass my test, but then again I don't know how I'd be able to afford it myself either... So I'm looking for some insight on the topic.""
""Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
""How much do you pay for your car insurance policy evey year, all said and done?""
My boyfriend and I are moving to Portland Oregon, and we're trying to get some sort of idea. This is some info that would help us get an idea. How old are you? How many people are on the policy? What type of car(s)? How much coverage? THANKS!""
How do we get life insurance?
im 45 & my wife is 42 we have 2 kids one is 18 and one is 20 we never had life insurance before 1.how does it work? 2.is it expensive? 3. how much money can you get? 4. what company is the best to choose? 5. can we still get life insurance? please answer all my questions dont put stupid answers :)
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Will my insurance go up?
I got a failure to obey a traffic control device ticket because I cut through a parking lot to go on a road. I paid the ticket today, wondering if this gets turned into insurance? I am hearing mixed reviews on this from looking online. I would hate to see my insurance go up at all for something so petty. I'm with state farm. Im 25 and just had my insurance go down a few months ago. Never had an accident and havnt had any other tickets since I was 18.""
""I live in So Ca am 55 years old and I don't have medical insurance, I have ongoing medical problems. Any help
Any subjections for low income doctors.
My grandpas doctor wont sign an insurance for him to drive?
Im 17 and i live with my grandpa but i drive with his insurance. I changed the companies because of a rate increase and now they gave me a medical form for my grandpas doctor to sign that says hes ok to drive. I told the doctor i need him to sign it for me because i drive the car not my grandpa but he wont sign it what do i do i really need it. The doctor said my grandpa cant drive because hes 80 and he gets dizzy spells but i need it to drive asap
Do i need car insurance?
i am turning 16 soon and i am wanting to buy a cheap truck that's about $1500. I wont be able to afford insurance since i will have to be on my own insurance plan and it would be about $200 a month. since i wont care about the truck if it gets damaged and since its so cheap i didn't know if their is a way i could just get like liability or something? also I live in missouri. Thanks
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
if i was to work for pizza hut or dominos or any other delivery shop in the uk.and they would provide a car for me.would i have to have my own insurance on my name.or would they cover this
What kind of insurance do I need?
I provide training workshops for colleges and the school I am currently doing work for asked me to send them a certificate of insurance. They said, they need this in order to process a purchase order. What kind of insurance do I need? I've never had to do this before? Is it general liability insurance? And generally, how much does it cost?""
Insurance price for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 live in Minnesota and i want to get a car maybe around $5000 just wanted to know how much a month it would cost for insurance with and without my parents
I need Insurance help?
Hey, I just got a full-time job that pays very well. I make roughly $1500 a month, and I was looking to get a new vehicle as a means of celebrating my new step into adulthood. The vehicle I was looking at was a 2005 Pontiac GTO. I'm 19 years old, so I would have to get my parents to help me with cosigning. That wouldn't be a problem, since my parents have good credit. Now, my parents said that they'd cosign if I pay for both the car payment and insurance monthly. I also pay $200 a month for medical insurance, phone bills, etc. The car payment monthly would be about $400 a month, so that would be about one check. My question is, does anyone know roughly how much insurance would be for me? I currently pay $122 a month on a 2002 Taurus, with just one speeding ticket on my record. Any ideas? Thanks""
""Need cheap car insurance, already looked into geico and progressive?""
what's a good, AFFORDABLE company i can go to for auto insurance? i'm a 19 yr old female, living in dallas, tx marital status: separated""
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
Only Teens please :) How much do you pay for auto insurance?
Teen payments 19 years old preference
What is the purpose of a car insurance company giving quotes for the other insurance companies??
Just wondering... could they maybe lie about it? Why would they give quotes of the other companies if theirs isn't as good as the other ones? To me it just sort of seems like they are screwing themselves... Does anybody know why they do this?
Is American Family Insurance a good insurance company?
Currently I have State Farm on my car and EMC on my house. I found out I would save money if I switched both insurances to American Family Insurance. I was wondering if this would be a good choice?
New Car Insurance?
I have a little 2001 Saturn SL2 and I'm on my oldest sisters policy and it runs around $350 a month for both of us (I'm only 18 and she has like a 5 or 6 speeding tickets). My saturn is nothing but a big dent in my walllet so I've found a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe that I want to get but my main concern is how much would my insurance go up? Would it be a drastic change since the my car is 2001 and the SUV I want is a 2004? SUV are more expensive when it comes to insurance and with it being a 2004 I'm a little worried. I haven't been in wreck and I don't have a speeding ticket to my name.
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
""Anyone one use best for life dental insurance,are they any good?""
Anyone one use best for life dental insurance,are they any good?""
""Dui in personal vehicle 5 years ago, can i get comercial insurance for livery service?""
independant owner operator of sedan service in st petersburg, fl""
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm 17 years old, I'm a guy, it's my first car and it's most likely going to be a 2004 Impala or a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I'd most likely be on my mom's insurance. Could you guys give me like a general estimate of what I could expect to pay a month. Thanks in advance.""
Can I get an auto loan with a permit? and If a car is under my name can my moo give me insurance if I live?
Can I get an auto loan with a permit? and If a car is under my name can my moo give me insurance if I live with her with the same address?
How much would liability insurance cost?
I need to know how much it would cost to have general liability insurance and E&O. I live in California. thanks.
How much would Car insurance cost per month for a new teen driver driving a sport car?
I might get a Honda Prelude or a Honda Civic and a prelude is more sportish than a civic. But how much would it cost for car insurance per month for either cars ?
""If you have or had a ninja 250 at 16-18, how much did your insurance cost and who where you with ?
Does the bundle up insurance on some companies actually save you money ?
Insurance Rates on Cars?
If you happen to know off hand....what would the estimate insurance rate be for any of these cars 2000 Honda S2000 2001-2002 Audi TT 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 Ford Mustang 2004-2005 Mazda RX-8 2007 Altima 2.5 Even if you don't have the year....if you know the car thats good enough...The insurance websites are blocked here and i won't be able to check them so any help would be appreciated....
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Hi, I need car insurance but I really don't have a lot of money to spend on car insurance. I need the cheapest possible. I've tried Progressive & Harley's Ville and both were way too expensive. Progressive has given me so many issues it is ridiculous. What is the cheapest car insurance. Please?!""
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Cheap car insurance 22yr old just passed test but have been banned for drink driving?
hi all i've been banned from driving and now i've passed my test i need cheap car insurance but everywhere i go is way to high for me. any advice please?
Anyone know about car insurance?
I have always wondered about this.... say you were in a car accident with canceled insurance/ no insurance....but the next day you pay it. Then you reprt the accident, will they cover you?""
Cheap car insurance for 17 yr old in California?
i have a license and i'm getting a honda civic 2005 and i wanna know about how much is a cheap insurance thanks:)
Does having a manual transmission affect insurance rates?
Will it make a difference in insurance rates here in the U.S., home of the lazy, horrible driver who pays more attention to the radio then to the road? Sorry for being so critical. I'm just pissed that my dad thinks that. Perhaps 85 of the wotld drives stick for crying out loud! I shouldn't be penalized for the typical Americans sake! So, any ideas? Need info A.S.A.P! Any positive input appreciated.""
Can we have the car in one name and insurance in the other name?
My boyfriends car is in his dads name. Does anyone know if we could keep the car in his dads name but get the insurance in my boyfriends name???
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
Do parking tickets make your insurance go up?
i just got one last night for $40. guess i didn't have a permit to park on that street during those hours. i have state farm auto insurance. i'll pay it right away, but will it raise my insurance rate?""
Asking all under 25 female drivers in uk- whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
Travelers -safeco insurance..need help?
Hi Everybody .. I am in CA and paying around $2K yearly for Auto Insurance only . I recently got a quote from Travelers and Safeco Insurance for about 1400 yearly (for Auto and Home) . That is a very good saving but I have not heard much about these insurance companies . Any Ideas on how good and reliable these companies are ? Is Travelers better than safeco or vice versa .. Any help is greatly appreciated
Does State Farm Insurance go up after ONE speeding ticket?
I'm almost 18 years old, and I'm on my dads insurance policy. They've been customers with state farm for almost 15 years. I got a speeding ticket a few months ago, but ...show more""
Buying a Toyota - price and insurance advice please?!?
I am going to pick up my new car today IF this is a good deal. Its a black 2008 Toyota Corolla S. I am buying it, its a 72 month pay schedule of $387 a month. Insurance for it and our 2002 Santa Fe (both full coverage) is $157 a month. Do these prices sound about right? I want to know if I'm getting a good deal. Also, do new cars need to be maintinenced every 5,000 miles? Someone said that on another question of mine and I was wondering if thats true. I want to know anything that is vital to purchasing a new car. We dont have great credit... both our scores are around 600. We are paying for the gap insurance and all that other good stuff. Oh and we're not trading a car - this is just straight up - no money down - our interest rate is 14%..... Thanks to answers""
Speeding ticket in a rental car raises my insurance?
Hey forum, I got a 34mph-over speeding ticket in some tiny texas town in my rental. I didn't give the cop my insurance b/c the car was insured through my credit card. How will this affect my Texas Farmers insurance rate? Thanks heaps""
Unemployment Insurance for Teenagers?
The business I have worked at for 3 years has just announced they are shutting their doors at the end of the month. I am only 17 but have been told that I am still able to apply for unemployment benefits...which I know next to nothing about. Basically, I've only worked 10-20 hours a week for a wage slightly above minimum. It's just been a part time job for me since I'm a student and involved in several sports and challenging classes. However, I'm still trying to save money for college, so...what do I actually get when I file for unemployment and am hunting for a job? Anything? Sorry if this question sounds ditzy...I don't know much about the workforce.""
Do you have to get insurance before you can get a license plate?
I just bought a used car off of someone and drove it home. Luckily it was at night because the car doesnt have a license plate. This is my first car and none of my family seems willing to answer the phone today to help me. What am I supposed to do first? When I looked up the cost of plates, it said that when purchasing the plates insurance must be presented at the time of purchase. So that means I have to get insurance before I can get the license plates right?""
Car insurance for a peugeot GTI?
Ok, so I'm 18 and a girl!! i have been driving for a year. i want a peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 16v. i have seen one for about 2000 in good condition, BUT because of my age, I'm struggling to get insurance. does any one no of a good site where i can get a reasonable quote. thank u!!!""
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
Question about SR22 insurance in NJ?
My live in fiance just got a DWI. I'm trying to plan ahead regarding the car insurance situation and I was wondering.....Currently he is a driver on my policy. If he gets his own policy and I keep the policy I currently have, are MY rates going to go sky high also? Am I just better off joining the assigned risk pool with him? Also, I know that a DWI is 9 insurance points for 3 years. Does that mean after 3 years they will be gone? Does the 3 years start when the SR22 is filed or does it start on the date of the DWI conviction?""
If i bought a cheap non running car on craigslist do i need to get insurance on it?
if i bought like a $600 car on craigslist that is not running, And would like to work on it to make it run. Do i have to get insurance on it, or any kind of monthly fee, while i work on it to restore it.""
17 year old looking to buy a car ( what cars are cheap to insure)?
hey as the title says what cars are cheap to insure and tax and so on please say the make as i dont have a clue about what makes of cars and stuff, prefer a 4 door as got a kid so it will be easier getting in and out with the car seat, thanks""
Insurance companies that offer insurance to permit drivers?
I just recently bought a car a few days ago and I'm in need of insurance until I get my license in October, is there any insurance company that will offer insurance until I get my license, I'm only 19 and I live in ny, I'm also aware that I will get crazy rates since I'm a teen and have a permit and will be considered a first time driver but I need insurance, don't have anyone to put me under so I have to put it under my name. Thanks in advance""
Should I get Term Life Insurance at a young age?
I am currently 30 years old and in excellent health but since I am getting ready to start a family, I want to be prepared for the future of my loved ones. After reading about different life insurance options, I am deciding to go with Term Life Insurance for 20 years. Is it true that Term Life Insurance premiums don't change throughout the life of the term? If so, shouldn't I sign-up now while my annual payment will be low and locked in at this rate? My employer offers a very small life insurance benefit that I am already a part of but I want more just in case. While I am asking, are there any circumstances where a payout won't be made if I were to die under a term life insurance plan? Is it guaranteed? What if I (God forbid) get Cancer or have a heart attack? Thanks in advance!""
Voluntary excess and insurance?
if getting insurance what is a voluntary excess ? should you select to pay a high amount, like 500 so you can get the cheapest insurance?""
Is auto insurance always required in California?
I remember hearing that if you had enough money set aside in an account, you wouldn't have to pay for car insurance. Perhaps the minimum coverages for all the various types of accidents, which would sum up to somewhere around $50,000. Is this actually a possibility?""
My own insurance?
In High school I was on my parents insurance and then I moved out with my boyfriend and got put on his parents insurance, but Im pretty sure his mom is lying to us about how much the insurance costs. We payed a varied amount (75-200) every 2 weeks for a couple months and then that same varied about after that per month. I feel bad about not trusting her but I want to have my own insurance. Mainly because I want to be self sufficient and pay my own everything! How do I go about getting insurance for me and my boyfriend?""
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
Glencoe Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63038
0 notes
greggory--lee · 7 years
Your 4-Step Beginners Guide to Fitness and Weight Loss
Step 1 – Food. Counting calories, carbs and grams of fat can be very intimidating. I do not and will not do it. It is easier and quite effective to just try to increase your nutrition, and cut out the foods that do not actually feed you. This will automatically reduce the calorie content. Look for high protein foods such as, meats, fish and eggs (if vegetarian there are alternatives). Add lots of green veggies. Raw is best as the nutrients are still intact, not heat damaged or diluted by boiling; Lightly steamed or quick stir fry is okay. Avoid white food (except cauliflower) as they are high starch, and high on the glycemic index (I will over simplify to say high on the glycemic index means it converts to fat easily). Avoid anything made from flour. This means cakes, cookies, pasta and bread. Do not worry, you will not starve. To keep from being hungry either increase the proportion of the proteins, or veggies or add beans. Beans are starchy so they are filling. They have high fiber, and although they have calories they are processed slowly so you do not get hungry for quite a while. This means you end up eating less. If after you fill up on these foods you want one of the foods you are avoiding go ahead. Have ONE. One cookie, or one slice of cake. Not one each. If you feel deprived of these things you will not keep up with the healthy eating. Or instead of giving yourself permission to have one treat a day, some people prefer being very, very strict with themselves 6 days a week and on the 7th having a "Cheat day". I can not stop with just one, so I like the cheat day myself. I even write down the foods I really want, it is a reminder that I do not have to give them up forever, I can still have cheese cake. Other people say no cheating, never. If you can do it, I salute you. I have tried and ever I just cave up. I want a plan that actually works, not one where I can play the martyr with my friends and family or where I try to impress people with my will power. I do not actually have any will power.
Step 2 – Water. You need water for your body to be able to flush out the fat, and the toxins stored in the fat (that could be a whole other article). Everything your body does, it does better with adequate water. Chances are, you are not drinking enough water (soda, coffee and juices do not count). Start getting more water by substituting water or tea for your soft drinks and coffee. Do this slowly, give yourself time to adapt. If you normally drink 4 soft drinks a day, then on one one make it 3 soft drinks and 1 water or green tea. When you are used to the change, substitute water for a second soda, then a few days later substitute for the third. You want to have no more than 1 a day. I would not recommend cutting the "bad" drinks (except diet drinks) out completely as that will make you resistant to keeping up with the plan. Only have one when you really want one and then take a little time – sit down and enjoy it. It will be more satisfying if you make drinking it an "event". Being satisfied will keep you from wanting another one immediately.
After you gradually reduce the sugary or caffeine laden drinks, you will want to start adding more water. Again do it gradually. Your body is not used to getting all the water it needs. It is used to storing and hoarding water. It will still store water for a while as that is what it has always done and it takes time to change. This means you may have a little water retention, be a little bloated. This is temporary. As your body comes to rely on you giving it water, it will start to store less. When it stops storing and starts releasing old water, you will have to go to the bathroom more frequently. This is also temporary. Your body (bladder) will get used to working again and you will have less frequent urges. Your body needs 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, but you have to allow your system time to get back into gear. Do not overwhelm your body or yourself by making this change too fast.
Diet drinks may not have the calories, but there are other problems. They are not good for you. Do not start drinking them. If you are drinking them, try substituting them out of your diet at a slightly faster pace. You may even consider using the regular soda instead of the diet while they are being phased out. There are numerous articles and books on the dangers of these drinks. I will not repeat them here (although I may at some point do an article just on diet drinks). Just think of them as poison and treat them as a disease you need to be rid of. I will just say one thing. Your body knows how to process sugar, but it has trouble dealing with unnatural foods like diet soda. There is an insulin response because it is sweet, but there is no sugar for the insulin to work on. What happens? My theory is the insulin that has been released because of the diet drink has to do something, so it works on whatever sugar is there in your blood stream, turning it into fat, and as your blood sugar lowers, you get hungry. So even though there are 0 calories in that drink, the extra snack you are eating is because the diet drink made you hungry, does contain calories. Diet soda is one diet food you could do without.
Step 3 – Supplements. Do you need supplements? Supplements can help, but you do not have to have supplements for success. If you are currently taking supplements keep on taking them. If you are not taking any, but you are interested in boosting your nutrition with supplements go ahead, but again I would caution you to go slowly. Add one supplement at a time. Give yourself time to adapt to it and time to be certain there is no adverse reaction. People can be sensitive to supplements just as some people are allergic or sensitive to some foods. If you add a dozen supplements to your diet all at once, and you react to one, you will not know which one is the problem. Also your body has to learn how to process the supplement. Even if you are giving yourself something you really need, your body has learned to cope without it, now it has to do things differently. Even though it is a change for the better, it is something that your body must learn and adapt to. Do not overwhelm your system by too much at a time.
I would start with a good multi-vitamin. You could read the labels and find the one with the most vitamins and minerals, or ask a friend, or ask your doctor, or ask your chiropractor. After a few days, you can add another supplement. The second one I would add would be something to provide Omega 3. You have some choices here. Fish oil, hempseed oil, Chia seeds all are good. With fish oil, you want to be sure the manufacturer has tested it for pollutants. I believe fish oil, good fish oil, to be the best option, yet I do not use fish oil myself. I can not swallow the capsules, so I eat Chia seeds. If you get Omega 3's from fish oil, I would add vitamin E. It helps to protect you if the fish oil is even a little bit "off", which can happen. The third addition would be a good pro-biotic. If you have ever had an anti-biotic you probably need to increase the good bacteria that your body uses for digestion. The fourth one would be Vitamin D. The use of sun screens, has resolved in nearly all of us being low on vitamin D. Next I would add magnesium as my reading indicate it is a mineral we all seem to be deficient in.
I take several other supplements, but we do not all need the same things. This is a good start and for many people it is all you need. If you wanted to investigate whether anything else was needed I would recommend seeing a qualified naturopath, or getting a good book on supplements from the library.
Step 4 – Exercise. Exercise can be tricky. It is possible to lose weight without exercising; Harder, but possible. If you are losing the weight to look better, or to feel better, then do it with exercise. Otherwise the weight you lose may be muscle as well as fat. You may be thinner, but soft flabby muscles are not attractive. Working out also jump starts your fat loss.
With exercise, you have to start where you are; Where that is and build yourself up. Too many people start at a level that is several steps above where they are. At best they will get discouraged and quit, at worst they get injured. Take your time. A slow success is much better than a quick failure. If you are quite out of shape here are some very easy exercises you can start with.
• Gentle stretching. My mother is 92 and in very good physical shape. She starts her day by stretching (while still in bed). She recommends moving like a cat. Move everything that can move. Stretch your arms up, stretch your legs out. Lift your leg (you can use your hands to help) stretch your thigh. Bring your knees to your chest to stretch your lower back. Give yourself a hug to stretch your upper back. Just slowly and gently move yourself. Do not do anything that hurts. Do not do anything fast (too easy to go too far and hurt yourself). At her recommendation I started doing this. Before, when I first got up I would ache, just a little, walking downstairs was just a little difficult. This has made a big difference. Now I roll out of bed ready for the day.
• Walking. Do not worry about how far you go or how fast – it is not a competition. How much time do you have? Make the walk fit into your schedule, do not rearrange your whole life for the walk because you will become resistant to doing it. When you start your walk, pay attention to your energy levels. When you start to get tired turn around and come back (you have to have energy for the return). It does not matter whether you go half a block or a couple of miles. Just go. Do what you can. As you get stronger you will go farther. If your time is limited you do not have to take more time, you can build yourself up by doing your route faster. It is also effective to walk at a brisk pace for most of the walk, but add a sprint (full out run for 10, 15 or 30 seconds). Yes, I said seconds. You will be amazed at how much good you can do in just a little bit of time.
• Weights. You do need to weight train too. Hold on, weight-train is not a four letter word. It does not need to be super hard, difficult or complicated. You can start slow and easy. You do not even need equipment in the beginning. You can use your own body weight to start. Stand by a wall palms touching the wall about level with your shoulders, lean into the wall and then push away. As you get stronger move from the wall to a counter, then to a braced table (braced, you do not want the table moving and you ending up on the floor), then a braced chair, then a push-up from your knees . There are a lot of ab work outs. To start, just engage your abs while doing other things. Tighten them, hold the muscles but do not hold your breath. Another, while lying down on your back, try to pull your navel toward the floor. If you do these for a couple of weeks you will be strong enough to try a "plank". A "plank" is where you are on the floor, face down supported on your elbows and toes. Keep your back straight. It is your abs that keeps you from slumping. Try to work up to holding this position for 30 seconds. Work up to 30 seconds, if at first you can only do 5 or 10 that's okay, start where you are. You will get stronger. If you are a woman, the body parts most in need of help are the triceps. You know them. That is the part of your arm, that when you wave good-bye continueaving after your hand has stopped. Some people have you start training triceps with "dips" or with weights. They are tricky to work. Problem with "dips" is you may not be stronger enough to start there. You could try a reverse push away. Stand with your back resting on a wall, feet 4 to 5 inches from the wall, palms on the wall about hip height. Push yourself away from the wall just a couple of inches (you do not want to push yourself over, just a little movement is necessary). Pay attention to your muscles. If it is not the triceps that is doing the work of moving you from the wall you may have to adjust your hands up or down, out or in. Do these exercises and you will be able to feel yourself getting stronger.
• When you can do these easily you will be ready to start a more traditional work out with free weights (dumbbells) or resistance bands. I would do the bands first. You can easily adjust the tension to increase or decrease the level of difficulty. If purchased as a set, usually instructions and exercises are included in the package. Neither the bands or dumbbells are extremely expensive. Dumbbells can be purchase one set at a time, starting with just 2 pairs (light and medium weights). You can add bigger weights as you get stronger so you are spreading the cost out over time. If you are still concerned about the expense of buying equipment, it is possible to use items in the house as a substitute for weights. A milk jug washed out and refilled with water (how much water depends on how strong you are, increase the amount as you increase your strength). Soup cans also work as weights.
• There are many books and videos that describe the best method for using bands and free weights safely. While books and tapes are good references, and I know many people feel that gyms can be expensive, even so, if you can afford to go to a gym and see a professional trainer, even for just a couple of sessions; Go. You need someone to show you how to do things right so you do not injure yourself. A book can not see your form and could never correct it.
The information in this article is enough that, if you actually did it, regularly, every day, it would result in weight lose and it would build strength. You would get fit. If only it was really this easy. The real secret to fitness and weight loss is mind-set and motivation. The why? Why you are fat, why you want to lose weight, why you have failed in the past? Is much more important than what to do? Or How to do it? But that is a slightly different topic, for a different article.
Source by Fay Whitford
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/your-4-step-beginners-guide-to-fitness-and-weight-loss/
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I like Reave as a power but it's always been an ability that makes me go "okay I think we're stretching what biotics are here" and it's also always seemed like something related to Asari physiology, combining the warping power of biotics with their melding abilities (especially with the healing effect), so I still feel like Kaidan having it is kind of bullshit on those grounds.
But at any rate his implants are canonically powerful and I like the idea that Kaidan was able to squeeze a bit more out of them over time. I've always imagined Miles as not being able to use warp in me1 and mostly using his biotics defensively, but between games he also gets a biotic amp upgrade, though I think his natural capacity is low enough to not really qualify for biotic charge or singularity level implants.
Still, now with warp (and later warp throw combos) he can really dish out some damage with them, but even with the new implant he can't quite use his biotics as often and inexhaustibly as an adept or even vanguard probably could, and he uses tech powers to cover up these weaknesses, switching to using tech armor so he can keep those biotics focused on ripping enemies apart and detonating gravity fields (which, I'm not necessarily like Miles can't pull enemies, but I like the idea that he only uses biotics as much as he has to, and that Kaidan does this as well, and cryo blast is an effective crowd control option that frees them up to "save" their biotics for where they really need them).
Anyway I like thinking about this stuff a lot.
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