#I also immediately go so dizzy I had to grip the bathroom sink for dear life lmfao
caterpillarinacave · 11 days
I may be stupid
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mothra-obeyme · 4 years
( Haha i'm back out of Hiatus what a surprise. I'm still not that well but i felt guilty for not posting anything so here you go)
Lucifer x MC Oneshot
Warnings: Usage of painkillers
It was a surprisingly cold night in the Devildom when you opened your eyes a sigh leaving your mouth. After 2 hours of desperately trying to fall asleep you were done with just laying in your bed because no matter how you lay it is uncomfortable anyway. You reached out your hand to grab your D.D.D. from the bedside table unplugging it from the charger. A little shriek left your mouth when when the light of your screen blinded you so much that for a second you were convinced you're blind. When your eyes finally adjusted to the light you were able to see that it was 2:34 at night.
A lot of homework lead to you staying up way to late. You don't even know how you survived until now with all the stuff you have to do for RAD but somehow you're still alive.
Knowing that it would just be useless to keep staying in bed trying to sleep you slowly sat up and stretched which lead to your back making  an oddly loud crack which surprised you a little. Mentally preparing yourself you put down your feet on the ground immediately getting hit by the cold floor which lead to you quickly putting your feet on the bed again.
After a few seconds of thinking which was really hard when you're this tired an idea came to your mind. You locked eyes with the socks that you put on your chair after you finished your homework and changed into your sleepwear. Gripping your desk for balance you stretched out your arm to reach for your socks. After nearly falling of your bed you now had the socks in your hand immediately putting them on because your feet slowly were becoming cold.
When you finished mentally preparing yourself the second time you slowly put your feet on the ground. Now that you had socks on it felt way better and wasn't that cold anymore. Slowly you stood up and immediately a wave of dizziness overcame you. Thinking back to the evening when you were doing stuff for school you remembered that you didn't drink enough water which lead to you now feeling dizzy and having a splitting headache. Asmo would definitely scold you for that and would tell you how not keeping hydrated is bad for you skin. The thought of it made a chuckle leave your mouth.
A groan left your mouth when a stronger wave of pain overcame you.
'Okay how're we gonna do this. Either i drink some water or I'm gonna take some painkillers. Wait a minute i can just combine the two.'
Grabbing the glass standing on your desk you looked around your room searching for where you put your painkillers after you used them the last time. Your eyes lit up when your gaze fell on a white little box. Trying your best not to stumble over all the stuff laying on the ground you grabbed the little box and walked over to your bathroom and opened the door.
Strolling over to the sink you looked up into the mirror and disgust made its way onto your face. Your hair looked like a complete mess and the makeup from the last day was still onto your face because you were to lazy to take it off. You glanced back down onto the glass and began filling it with water. When the glass was full put it down and grabbed the painkillers out of your pocket and opened them.
After a few seconds of struggling to get one out you put the pill into your mouth and grabbed the glass full of water. With a few gulps you felt the pill going down your throat.
'Now what the heck am i supposed to do. The brothers are definitely already asleep.'
Walking back into your room nearly falling over a hoodie laying on the ground you looked outside of the window. Deciding that a little bit of fresh air wouldn't hurt you strolled over and opened it. Immediately a wave of coldness hit you making you shiver run down your spine. The air was freezing today but it was oddly comforting.
When you looked out the window your eyes widened in awe. Thousands of stars littered the sky the full moon was shining bright and no clouds could be seen. The sight was breathtaking and a little smile came onto your face happy because of seeing something so truly amazing.
You only realized how long you were standing there when you noticed how your complete body was shivering but you didn’t want to stop looking at this wonderful view. At first you thought of just putting on warmer clothes but then you had an idea.
On the roof you definitely had a better chance of seeing the lovely night sky and the many stars. You grabbed your hoodie and put it on thinking that it would be enough to keep you warm. Slowly opening the door to go outside into the hall while trying to be as quiet as possible you looked around praying that Lucifer wasn’t walking through the halls at the moment. When you were sure that it’s safe you fully opened the door and closed it as quietly as possible.
An unbearable silence made you really paranoid and made you constantly look behind you to make sure no one was standing there. Regret came over you that you only decided to put on a hoodie but you were too lazy to turn around and walk all the way back to your room. With your hands in the pockets of your hoodie you walked up the stairs to the roof. When you reached the top of the stairs a smile came onto your face because you managed to walk up the stairs without slipping.
‘Not that that happened before no definitely not.’
Pushing down the door handle you pushed open the door and again a wave of freezing cold air hit you which made another shiver go down your spine.
The sky was still as stunning as it was when you looked out the window of your room. The roof was fairly big which surprised you when you discovered this great spot for the first time. It was another night in which you just weren’t able to fall asleep so you decided to walk around and see what you’re able to find and you were glad because now you have a safe place where you can relax and not have to interact with anyone
Deciding to lie down even if the ground was hard and cold just so you could watch the beautiful stars better. You started thinking more about it. About how the constant interaction with one of the demon brothers slowly became very exhausting. Yeah you don’t mind hanging out with them but sometimes they can be a bit much. For example when Asmo made you come shopping with him so you could tell him how amazing he looked in all those new clothes or the time Satan made you come and help study with him and Mammon. You spent 30 minutes trying to explain the new stuff for math to him but in the end just gave up. You also thought back to the time where you got scolded by Lucifer because you didn’t finish your homework in time leading to your teacher telling it him. To be fair you were sick but were too stubborn to tell anyone and just kept on going like you usually would. Regret still overcomes you whenever you think about it because that didn’t really help your situation. You became really sick and had to stay at home for 7 days because you were so weak you couldn’t even walk 6 steps properly without falling over. Lucifer still uses it as an argument and you get annoyed whenever he brings it up.
“What are you doing?”
Jumping up into a sitting position you quickly turned around in panic and your eyes fell upon the First Born which didn’t really help your panicked state. You were sure you’re going to get another hour long lecture from him because you could get sick again and that you don’t know what could happen but the only thing that you saw on his face was a warm comforting smile.
“Don’t worry I’m not going to scold you. The sky is truly beautiful tonight. I also came up here to look at the stars,”
A look of surprise made its way onto your face when you registered the words of the oldest brother but a soft smile made it’s way onto your face.
“Yeah the sky really is beautiful tonight.”
You watched him as he moved over to the wall taking of his jacket and sat down leaning against the wall.
“Don’t just keep sitting over there and come here my dear. I promise i don’t bite that hard.”
As soon as the words left his mouth a blush made it’s way onto your face but nonetheless you stood up and made your way over to him and sitting down next to him while still keeping some space between the two of you even if you wanted lay your head on his shoulder.
Just now you noticed how cold you were. Your complete body was shivering so you wrapped your arms around your body to keep you somewhat warm.
A sigh left Lucifer when he looked at you and saw you completely shaking.
“Here take my jacket and put it on. I know that your cold don’t even try to deny it you’re going to put it on or you’ll be sick again.”
With that he grabbed his jacket and because his words didn’t leave any room for arguing you grabbed it and put it on. Immediately a warmth spread through your body and you felt how soft his jacket really is for the first time. Subconsciously a smile made it’s way onto your face which made a chuckle come out of Lucifer’s mouth.
Your complete body tensed up when you felt his arm wrap around your shoulder and pulling your body closer to his but quickly relaxed when his hand stroked over your upper arm to comfort you.
After  a while of looking at the amazing night sky you noticed how tired you really were so you didn’t even notice when your head fell onto his shoulder too weak to keep it up and a yawn left your mouth.
“Are you tired my dear? i can bring you to your room if you want to.”
You were to tired to notice the words leaving your mouth next.
“Noo. I don’t want you to leave. Can i sleep in your room tonight please?”
A look of shock made its way onto both of your faces when you two registered the words you just said.
“W-Wait i didn’t mean that I’m sorry-”
Before you could finish your sentence completely flustered his lips turned up into a smirk.
“Oh no don’t worry that’s alright with me. I do have to say i like how you’re so open with your feelings to me. I’m proud of you being so honest with me.”
With that he stood up and picked you up bridal style and held you in your arms. Your brain didn’t even really registered what’s happening because you were so tired and being held in Lucifer’s arms was really comforting. You felt him opening the door with his elbow and close it with his foot.
The walk to his room felt way too short for your opinion but you definitely didn’t complain.
When the two of you arrived at his rooms he laid you down onto his bed and switched his jacket with the blanket so that you don’t get cold. With his bed being way too comfortable you were already half asleep when you heard him taking of his clothes and putting on his sleepwear.
As soon as he laid down next to you being on your side he wrapped one of his arms around you and pulled you closer to him so that he was spooning you. At first it felt a little uncomfortable but after a few seconds it became comfortable and you started to fully fall into the land of dreams.
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Family Dynamics
Rating: T Summary: Every family has their own dynamics. The Varia are no exception. Fran has a father—an alcoholic, trigger-happy father, but nonetheless a father who loved him. He has a mother—two mothers, to be exact. He has a brother whose favourite game was to try and maim him. He has a couple of uncles, who were cranky and cheap, and that’d be normal, if they weren’t also full of bloodlust.
When Belphegor entered the spacious, gleaming kitchen, it was to see a small figure hunched at the refrigerator, rummaging through the food arranged clumsily on the glass shelves. The eleven-year-old soon emerged with a triumphant smirk, holding a container of leftover apple pie.
With quick feet Belphegor moved across the kitchen. He nicked the plastic container from the small hands with a wide grin. "Ushishishishi. Looks like the prince has found breakfast!"
Scowling, Fran glared up at the blonde. "I had it first!"
"You snooze you lose, Froggy," sang Belphegor.
Fran jumped up, attempting to grab hold of the dessert. But Belphegor towered over him, and he couldn't even come close to getting his food back. Huffing in frustration, Fran launched forwards, trying to tackle the lanky blonde. Belphegor dodged the child and took off out of the kitchen, laughing gleefully.
"Bel-senpai!" snapped Fran, sprinting after the knife expert. Belphegor’s long legs allowed him to get a strong lead, leaving Fran to lag behind. The teal-haired boy’s eyes turned calculating and he ducked down a different corridor.
Belphegor noticed his sudden disappearance when he reached the main entry hall. Golden eyes peered through his long bangs, slightly baffled that Fran was no longer in pursuit. It wasn't like the tiny illusionist to give up so easily.
The front door creaked open, and Belphegor turned his head. He was expecting to see Xanxus back from his business trip, not a sixty-five-pound runt charging across the tiles towards him. Fran managed to slam right into the blonde, taking them both to the floor.
"Ha!" hollered Fran, wrenching the pie from Belphegor's grip. He scrambled off the male and tried to make a break for it.
"Like hell!" snapped Belphegor, shooting out a hand. He grabbed hold of Fran's ankle and stood abruptly, bringing the kid with him. Adjusting his grip, he held Fran by the waist, the boy hanging upside-down.
Feeling the blood rush to his head, Fran tried unsuccessfully to glower at him. "Put me down, jerk."
Belphegor smirked. "You didn't say please."
"Shut up."
The front door slammed fully open, causing Belphegor to whip around. Fran grunted slightly as he moved with the blonde, vision growing blurry from the resulting dizziness. When it faded, he could see Xanxus standing before them, staring blankly at them.
"Hey, Boss," greeted Belphegor. "Did you have fun?"
Xanxus shot the blonde a withering glare. "No. But I'm realizing now that it was better than being here with you morons."
Taking his chance, since Belphegor was distracted, Fran kicked his foot against his chin. Grunting in surprise, Belphegor dropped the boy to rub at the fresh, throbbing bruise. "Rotten twerp," he growled.
Fran stuck his tongue out. "My pie."
Xanxus snorted. "Eff you." He sauntered forwards, boots clunking against the tiles, and snatched the plastic container from Fran. "My effing pie."
Belphegor and Fran watched as the man went up the stairs. Belphegor scowled in irritation. "You're not getting any pie, but you sure as hell are getting a beating, you insolent brat."
"Only if you can catch me, Prince of Nothing," retorted Fran.
The chase began, and it wasn't until later on, after many wrestling matches and exchanges of insults, that Fran realized he wasn't an only child any longer. Belphegor, the legendary Prince the Ripper, had become his older brother.
He was starving.
Hands clutching his rumbling stomach, the eleven-year-old made his way down the corridor, eyes squinted slightly as he tried to figure out where he was. It was his second night of his permanent residence at Varia Castle, but despite previous frequent visits, he still had trouble navigating the large estate.
"They should make a map," grumbled Fran, pausing at a cross-section of winding corridors. "Damn."
Scratching his head, Fran glanced in both directions before choosing a way to go. He continued down the corridor and found himself in the wing where the spare bedrooms were housed. Frowning, Fran looked over his shoulder.
Fantastic. I went in a big circle.
His stomach gurgled and Fran winced. "Shut up, I know."
He retraced his steps and returned to the main wing, where their bedrooms were located. Lussuria was the only other one home, and his bedroom door was closed. Not sure if the flamboyant man was inside, Fran figured he might as well take the chance. It was better than wandering around until he starved to death.
Approaching the wooden door, he rapped his knuckles against the surface. He could hear movement inside, and soon Lussuria appeared in the doorway, his tinted glasses in place. "Fran-chan," he cooed. "What can I do for you?"
"I can't find the stairs," he answered. "Which means I can't find the kitchen. Which means I can't get to the food."
"No problem, dear," assured Lussuria, stepping out of his brightly coloured room and closing his door behind him. "Come with me."
Relieved, Fran followed after Lussuria. He made a slight face when the Sun Varia turned left when he himself had turned to the right. Damn. Made a wrong turn.
When they reached the stairs, Fran knew he would be fine. The first floor was not nearly as maze-like as the second. "I can take it from here," he spoke up as Lussuria started to descend the glossy oak steps.
Lussuria paused for a moment to pinch his cheeks. "Well, you very well can't make food yourself, can you?"
"I can manage," muttered Fran.
"Don't be silly. I'll be glad to do it."
Giving a shrug, Fran skipped down the stairs behind the eccentric man. Lussuria was the one who seemed the most eager to have a child in the castle again. Fran suspected he missed the days of when Belphegor was young and needed to be looked after.
But he wasn't complaining. If Lussuria wanted to make food for him, he sure wasn't going to argue.
They reached the kitchen and Fran settled on one of the stools at the marble kitchen island. Lussuria immediately went to the refrigerator, pulling out an assortment of vegetables from the crisper. Fran rested his chin against the cool countertop, watching the man flit back and forth. He quickly noticed the vegetables Lussuria was putting into the pot on the stove were all vegetables he liked.
After about fifteen minutes, a bowl of hot vegetable soup was set in front of him. The steam wafted up, bringing with it a delicious aroma. Fran's stomach immediately gurgled with eagerness. "Thanks," he said, grabbing hold of the spoon the man handed him.
"Of course," said Lussuria with a dismissive gesture. "It's what I do."
Taking a few sips of the soup, Fran looked up and watched as the man bustled about, cleaning up the mess. "Do you like doing all this stuff?" he asked, idly stirring the contents of his soup. "Cooking, cleaning, and all that?"
Starting to fill the sink with warm water, Lussuria gave a thoughtful hum. "I don't think anyone really enjoys doing housework. But I enjoy looking after my family, so I don't mind." He grinned. "Besides, if I didn't, this place would become a dump."
"True that," conceded Fran, going back to his soup.
"Speaking of which, have you made your bed yet?"
Wrinkling his nose, Fran gave the Sun Varia an unimpressed look. "What's the point of that? I'm just going to mess it up later."
Lussuria clicked his tongue and flicked soapy water at the child. "No dessert for you, then."
"Ugh. Fine," he grumbled. "I'll make my stupid bed."
"Thank yoouu," sang Lussuria, washing the dishes as Fran finished his soup.
Lussuria, he decided, was certainly the mother of the Varia—one of the mothers, anyway. The overly affectionate and manipulative one.
"I'll kill him."
Those three words were the only ones falling from Fran's lips as he crawled slowly about the grass surrounding the castle. The eleven-year-old parted long green strands, squinting for anything that sparkled in the afternoon sunlight.
In one of his latest attempts to harass the young illusionist, Belphegor had taken Fran's cell phone and chucked it out his bedroom window. Furious, Fran was forced to race outside in order to retrieve it, for he knew it would be a long time before Mammon would be willing to buy him another one.
"Just wait, Fake Prince," he growled, moving on his hands and knees through the yard. "Maybe I'll set your room on fire with you in it. That'll teach you."
Something glinted a few feet to his right, catching his attention. Snapping his body around, he lunged for what he believed to be his cell phone, hand closing tightly around the object hidden within the grass.
He jolted backwards, gripping his throbbing hand to his chest. Protruding from the middle of his palm was a thick piece of dark brown glass, suspiciously similar to the bottles of beer Xanxus drank. "Screw everything," he groaned, gingerly climbing to his feet. Blood poured from his palm and down his arm, dripping to the grass.
"Bel-senpai ditches my cell phone, and now Boss is leaving traps to try and kill me," he muttered, making his way back to the castle. He knew the shard of glass had probably ended up in the yard during one of Xanxus' rages, and he was unlucky enough to stumble across it.
He shoved his way through the massive oak doors and started his trek to the nearest bathroom. Small drops of blood made a trail after him and he grit his teeth against the pain.
He needed to pass the living room in order to get to the bathroom, and he was halfway past the entryway when Squalo, who was watching the television, happened to turn his head in the kid's direction. His eyes zeroed in on the blood-soaked hand clutched to Fran's chest.
"Voi! What the hell happened to you?" he demanded.
Fran paused and shot his captain a withering glance. "Can I tell you that after I make sure I don't bleed to death?"
Scoffing, Squalo got to his feet and strode over to the injured child. He set his artificial hand against the boy's back, giving a firm nudge. "Get the hell to the bathroom before you make a mess of this place."
Fran let the silver-haired man push him down the corridor. They entered the bathroom and Fran sat on the edge of the porcelain tub. Squalo took a cloth from the cupboard and some disinfectant from the medicine cabinet.
"Hand," ordered Squalo.
Fran extended it and Squalo carefully removed the piece of glass. He tossed it into the trash and wet the cloth with warm water. "Press this against the wound."
Fran obeyed. Squalo leaned against the wall, silver eyes surveying his young companion. "The hell happened to you?"
"The stupid fake prince threw my phone out the window," said Fran, putting more pressure on the cloth to help stop the blood flow. "I went down to the yard to find it. But what I found instead was that piece of glass."
"What, are you blind?" snorted Squalo.
"I saw something shiny and I thought it was my phone," snapped Fran. "When the hell did Boss fling a beer bottle out into the yard?"
Squalo grinned. "When didn't he?"
Fran grumbled under his breath and, after a while, slowly removed the cloth to see how the wound was doing. The blood around the cut was mostly cleaned up, and there was no new blood replacing it. The glass had not gone deep enough to make a substantial injury. Squalo picked up the disinfectant bottle and took a cotton swab from the glass holder near the sink. He soaked one end of the cotton swab and bent down.
Fran put his hand in Squalo's waiting grasp. His posture stiffened as the wound flared with a stinging pain as the disinfectant seeped into the gash, but he made no sound.
"All right, runt. You're not gonna die—not today, at least." Squalo straightened and tossed the swab into the trash.
Fran rolled his eyes. "Small miracles," he quipped.
Squalo grabbed some bandages and wrapped them securely around Fran's injury. "There," he said, giving the boy's frog hood a yank to bring him to his feet. "Go clean up the mess you made."
"What about my phone?" asked Fran, indignant. "And it's technically Bel-senpai's fault for being a colossal jerk!"
"Your phone won't be going anywhere," retorted Squalo. He used his foot to kick the kid in the butt, sending him stumbling towards the door. "Move it."
"Fine. Slave driver."
Squalo was most certainly the second mother of the Varia. He was the one who retained control, and set everyone back in their place when they were acting particularly crazy.
Bored out of his mind, Fran lounged against the leather couch in the living room. He flicked through channels absentmindedly, watching as the colours flashed before him. He briefly eyed the game console resting on the entertainment stand, but dismissed the idea. Most of the games belonged to Belphegor, and though he was allowed to play them, the majority were two-player games.
Normally, he'd pester Belphegor or Squalo into playing with him, but both of his gaming partners were currently out on a mission. Mammon and Lussuria were also out, doing something or other on Varia business. He was not stupid enough to bother Xanxus, who was particularly irritated that day.
"You're gonna give yourself a seizure if you keep doing that."
Fran pushed himself up to peer over the edge of the couch. "The television is mine."
The Lightning Varia snorted derisively and strode into the room. "For now, brat. That can change if I decide I want it. Move your ass."
Fran scooted over, making room for Levi to sink into the cushions. He wasn't wearing his trademark black leather jacket, so he figured it was a casual day for the man. Perhaps he had a gaming partner after all.
"Oi, play a video game with me," he demanded.
"Hell no."
Ignoring him, Fran got up and started setting up the gaming console. Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance, but did not protest when the child came over to hand him a controller. Dropping back down onto the couch, Fran waited for the main screen to show up. "It's a racing game. Press the big red button for the gas, use the stick to move the car. Got it?"
"You better stop talking to me like I'm stupid, boy."
Smirking slightly, Fran kept his eyes on the television. He selected a racing track and a car, and when Levi made his choice, the race started. "Get ready to have your butt kicked."
Levi rolled his eyes, but he wasn't so flippant when Fran won the first five races with little effort. Now scowling, he eyed the small illusionist accusingly. "You're cheating!"
"I am not!"
"One more race!"
"You should quit while you still have some dignity. Oh, wait. Too late."
Levi delivered a sound smack to the boy's head, to which Fran responded with a cackle. He started up another race and quickly took the lead. Not willing to let the kid win another one, he set his boot-clad foot firmly in Fran's back and sent him flying.
Fran hit the hardwood floor with a surprised grunt, his control skidding away from him. He shot back to his feet and dove for the plastic device. He rose up on his knees and scowled when he realized Levi had taken first place.
"You're the cheater," he hissed, pushing heavily on the buttons.
"It's strategy," countered Levi, a pleased smirk curling across his mustached face.
Fran huffed in irritation three laps later when Levi won the game. "You're worse than Bel-senpai," he groused.
"Don't be a sore loser." Levi reclined against the cushions. "Start it up again."
Narrowing his eyes, Fran began another race. He stayed on the floor, a distance away from where Levi sat. He let his car hang back so Levi could take the lead. He waited a few beats before suddenly springing to his feet and body-slamming into the Lightning Varia.
Levi let out a muffled sound of surprise as the kid landed straight on his gut. The air whooshed out of him and his controller clattered to the floor. Fran grinned as he once more took first place. "You're right, Old Man. It's good strategy."
"Lousy runt," he growled, using his right arm to bring Fran into a tight headlock. "I'll teach you a thing or two about respect."
With quick movement, Fran wiggled his lanky frame to freedom. "Or we could get ice cream," he returned.
"Tsk. Not like there's anything better to do." Levi stood up and stretched. "I'll go see if Boss wants anything. You're paying."
"Like hell."
Though Levi was often grumpy, Fran knew under his gruff demeanor was a steadfast loyalty and love for his family. Even average families had their curmudgeonly uncle—Levi was theirs.
Sneaker-clad feet slapping against the white tiles of the grocery store, Fran followed lazily after Mammon. Shoppers would step out of their path, eyeing them warily and with slight curiosity. Fran ducked his head to hide a smirk.
Mammon often received such a reaction, since most strangers didn't know how to take the long black cloak that hung from his slim body. It probably didn't help that the hood obscured most of his face, hiding his eyes, which those closest to him knew were the shade of deep violet.
Sticking his hands into the pockets of his jeans, Fran paused beside his fellow illusionist as he surveyed the canned foods on clearance. The eleven-year-old wrinkled his nose. "It's always stuff on sale for you."
"Do you pay for the food?" asked Mammon, lifting up a can of vegetables and studying the label.
"No. But I don't think you do, either. Not from your own paycheck, at least."
"No, but I do use the Varia's funds, and it's not unlimited. With all the destruction the other morons cause, I have to be meticulous with the spending."
“Lussuria wanted—”
“Eff Lussuria. If he wants the shopping done his way, he should have come himself.”
Fran held the basket he had been tasked with carrying and Mammon deposited a few cans of mixed vegetables. They continued on to the next aisle, which housed the cereals and other breakfast items.
Like any child, Fran immediately went to browse the colourful brands. Mammon selected a few boxes of breakfast bars that were on sale, along with a variety pack of breakfast shakes. He flicked his gaze over to his young companion, who was studying a bright blue box of cereal with interest. His eyes went down to look at the price, and his lips quirked downwards in disappointment.
As he moved on Mammon went over to see what had caught his student's attention. The cereal box was covered with green frogs, and the cereal was frog-shaped granola pieces. Amused, he looked at the price, and quickly knew why Fran hadn’t grabbed it.
The cereal was ten dollars. It wasn’t even family-sized.
Who the hell asks ten dollars for a box of cereal?
He glanced sideways at the eleven-year-old, who was staring at a purple box of raisin-bran cereal with a disgusted expression. The grin curled across his face before he could stop it. He grabbed the cereal the kid wanted and went to toss it into the basket.
"You really are a frog, you know that, right?"
Fran looked at it with hidden surprise. "You realize this is ten dollars."
He smirked. "Right. I don't think a day goes by where you don't look at the price tag of something." The smirk then turned into a small, grateful smile. "Thanks. It's stupid, but this cereal is one of the few things that made me content in France. They didn't have it in Namimori."
Given Fran’s traumatic and miserable childhood, the significance of this confession was not lost on Mammon. He reached out and ruffled the hair under Fran's frog hood. "Don't mention it, kid. By the way, you owe me ten bucks."
Fran snorted and nudged him in the side. "Yeah. Whatever."
Mammon was the cheapskate uncle of the Varia. He hated spending money, but he had his moments of splurging for the sake of his family, even if they were few and far between.
Xanxus, dressed in his usual Varia jacket and clunky black boots, was one step out the front door when he realized something rather important. Belphegor and Levi were on a mission, Lussuria and Squalo were in Japan to discuss some things with Sawada and Mammon was dealing with some accounting business at their private bank.
A few years ago, that meant the castle would be left empty. Now it meant there was one more person left inside—their new eleven-year-old recruit.
"Damn it all to hell," he groaned, scrubbing a hand down the side of his face. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't leave the kid alone. Belphegor and Levi's mission was related to a Mafia Famiglia who were currently trying to make rifts within the Vongola.
An utterly moronic move, and though his two men would no doubt crush the filth attempting to bring down the strongest Mafia Family in the world, he didn't want to chance leaving the small illusionist home alone in case an attack was launched on their headquarters.
"Fran!" he hollered, his strong summons echoing off the walls. "Get your scrawny ass in here!"
The kid had good reaction time. He was sliding into the entry hall a few seconds later, green eyes impassive as he stared at his leader. "Boss?"
"I need to go pick up some paperwork. Get in the truck."
Fran spared a moment to shove his feet into his sneakers before hurrying out of the castle. Xanxus turned on the internal security system and followed after the runt. He clicked a button on his keys, unlocking his vehicle. Fran hefted himself into the front seat, and Xanxus smirked at the effort the squirt had to use in order to get inside.
"Need a step stool?"
Fran glared at him as he buckled his seat belt. "Very funny. I'll have you know that I'm the height I'm supposed to be."
"Yeah, for a sixty-five-pound rail-thin runt."
Ignoring the man, Fran crossed his arms and settled against his seat as Xanxus started the truck. "Where are we going?"
"None of your business."
"How can it not be my business?" asked Fran. "I'm going there with you!"
"Only because I had little choice. Well, I suppose I could still kill you."
Fran snorted. "Yeah. Let's see how you like blood stains in your precious truck."
Lips curled slightly, Xanxus shot Fran a brief glance. The last time he had anyone under fifteen in his command was when Belphegor had been eight. Back then, he never thought he would take in a child. He hated kids. Still did. But there was something about the twisted royal prince, who murdered his whole family with no remorse, that intrigued him. Raising Belphegor had been no easy feat, and when the blonde reached his teens Xanxus vowed never to take in another kid again.
Even when he received the memories of his future self, he scoffed at the idea of having a disrespectful, lazy, insolent boy in his squad. He believed the future was not set in stone, and as far as he was concerned Rokudo could keep Fran.
Unfortunately, Rokudo was not as accommodating. He insisted that he at least had to bring Fran over for one visit, so everyone could meet him in person. Annoyed with the constant badgering, Xanxus conceded, with the warning that if he still didn't want him, he didn't have to take him. Rokudo agreed, and brought his student to Italy for his first visit.
To this day, he still burned over the smug smirk Rokudo had worn when he agreed Fran could return.
Those brief visits turned into week-long sleepovers, and Xanxus knew with a grudging acceptance that his vow would be broken, and another snot-nosed brat would be taken into his care.
But there was something about Fran that was just as intriguing as Belphegor had been at that age. He lacked proper emotions. As Belphegor had felt only bloodlust, Fran felt nothing in particular. His face was always a blank mask, but those green eyes were sharp. He was different from the brats Sawada and his brood housed. There was a sadistic streak about him that was pure Varia.
He supposed he hadn't stood a chance. But Xanxus wouldn't ever admit it.
"Oi, what are you thinking about?"
"Why did I get stuck with you?" retorted Xanxus, not missing a beat.
Fran smirked. "Funny. I was thinking along the same lines."
It took fifteen minutes to arrive at their destination. Xanxus rolled up to the curb, parking beside a small café. Fran pressed his face against the window and stared at the green awning above the door. "What, is paperwork now code for pie?"
"Get inside."
Fran obeyed, swinging open the door and climbing to the sidewalk. A bell gave a soft ding as he opened the café door, staring at the dozen or so circular tables that covered most of the floorspace. White tablecloths covered the tables, and there was a long counter at the back of the room. The glass display case was filled with desserts, and there were three women behind the counter.
"I want a fudge brownie," he declared.
"Hell no." Xanxus shoved his charge further into the café and pushed him into a chair, at a table near the counter. "Sit here and shut up."
Fran watched as Xanxus crossed the café to sit at a table with a tall, broad-shouldered man wearing a neat suit. Huffing, he turned around and rested his chin in his hands. He suspected the paperwork had something to do with the recent problem with the Diano Famiglia.
"Hey there, sweetie," a soft voice cooed.
Fran looked up to see one of the counter girls at his side, smiling at him. "Hi."
"Can I get you anything?"
"Well, if I had the money, I'd get a fudge brownie," he replied. "But I don't."
"It's on the house. You're the most adorable kid I've ever seen."
She disappeared for a brief moment to get the treat and when she returned, she set it in front of Fran. "Thanks," he said, taking a bite out of the brownie.
"Don't mention it."
She went back to her position to coo and squeal with the other girls, and Fran snuck a glance over to Xanxus. The Sky Varia was looking at him out of the corner of his eye, and Fran could not help but stick out his tongue.
Ha. You're not the only one who gets what he wants.
But it was not his young charge Xanxus was looking at. He was staring at the occupant of the table close to the bathrooms. It was a short, reedy man with a scruffy beard, and he seemed to be leering at the eleven-year-old.
Clenching his jaw, Xanxus kept an ear on the Vongola Mafioso who had been assigned to deliver the recent information on the Diano Don and an eye on the man that was causing his blood to boil. Five minutes passed, and when Fran stood up and entered the bathroom, it was barely a minute later when the man followed.
"I'll be back," he said in all but a snarl.
He was in the bathroom less than a second later, in time to see the creep reaching out to grab the unsuspecting Fran, who was washing his fudge-encrusted fingers at the sink. Xanxus grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back.
The man gurgled in surprise and panic as the fabric of his shirt cut into his throat. He was slammed into the wall near the door, his arm pinned behind his back. A man with spiky raven hair and a long coat was towering over him. His crimson eyes seemed to glow and the man realized with horror that the scars on his face were expanding.
"Out!" Xanxus barked at his bewildered ward. Fran was quick to book it out of the bathroom, and when he was gone Xanxus reared his free fist back for a solid punch to the man’s face. He cried out as his nose seared with pain, and blood poured from his nostrils and split lip. Xanxus leaned close and said in a thunderous voice, "You were going to touch my kid."
"I wasn't, I swear!" choked the man. The grip on his arm tightened, and he screamed with pain. "Okay! I was! I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again!"
"Effing piece of human waste." With one quick movement, Xanxus broke the man's arm and threw him to the floor. "The only reason you're not dead is because I don't have effing time for this." He landed a vicious kick to the back of the man's head, knocking him out.
Calming down now that the threat to his ward was taken care of, Xanxus entered the corridor to see Fran hovering outside, waiting for him. Green eyes peered at him intently. "What the hell was that about?"
"Don't worry about it. Pay more effing attention to what's around you."
"All right," said Fran, utterly baffled.
They moved back into the dining room. Fran went to sit at the table he had recently vacated, but Xanxus set a firm hand on his shoulder and steered him to where the Mafioso was waiting. "Sit."
Fran quickly sat down in the chair beside Xanxus. The suited man looked at him with interest. "You must be the new recruit I've been hearing about. How's life at the Varia?"
"They're all a bunch of jerks. Just like me. So it's pretty great."
Fran pretended he didn't see Xanxus' lips quirk in a slight smile.
He knew that Xanxus was more than just the king of the Varia. He was the protector, the guardian, the father. He always had been, even during his darkest days, and Fran knew Xanxus would kill anyone who dared mess with his own.
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oneblckcoffee · 5 years
Only Us [2]
Pairing - Mob!Harrison x Mob!Fem!Reader
Word Count - 2,044
Warnings - drinking, swearing
A/N - i have no excuse as to why this is EIGHT MONTHS LATE. im sorry ok, but life got in the way. im not sure when the next chapter is gonna be up but @rupimiller kinda pressured (but mostly motivated) me to write this, so i guess peer pressure is the way to go? ALSO, the name is based on the song Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen, you can listen to it here. it’ll make sense eventually. anyway enjoy!
chapter 1
Harrison woke up that fateful afternoon, feeling numb. He was hungover, with a pounding headache, and the unexpected wake up call from Tom had left him slightly disoriented. This was his new normal, though. The drinking, the smoking and the occasional drugs; anything to ward off his actual feelings, to numb the pain. He was simply going through the motions; taking each day at a time, still struggling to come to terms with reality and the consequences brought about by his actions. 
He sat up at the edge of his bed, resting his head in his hands, waiting for the dizziness to subside. With a sigh, he stood up and made his way to the en suite bathroom. Harrison stood in front of the vanity, taking in his reflection. His eyes were bloodshot, lids still heavy with sleep, and the bags under them could never fully describe how tired he truly felt. His hair was disheveled, sticking out every which way. His eyes fell on his torso, on the scar that ran down his chest, all the way to gunshot wound in the middle of his abdomen. The physical wounds had healed very well over time, the scar almost invisible to the untrained eye but the pain was still there, the memories all too fresh in his mind. Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, Harrison entered the shower. 
This meeting had been in the books for a while now and Harrison had been dreading it ever since. When he first discovered that Tom had reached out to you, he was livid. He could not believe that Tom would undermine his authority and ask a stranger for help. Harrison did not want to admit that they needed the help, especially not from some random girl who’s father just happened to be well respected in the industry. However, he was painfully aware that things needed to change if they wanted to stay on top. Once he got over his initial anger, he did of course realise that this was the only way to climb out of the hole they currently found themselves in. So even though he didn’t agree with Tom’s methods he trusted his judgement and decision, partly because Tom had never failed him but mostly because he was grateful that Tom hadn’t dropped the ball on things, unlike him. 
And for those reasons, Harrison got dressed and found himself sitting in the passenger seat of the Porsche as Tom drove them to their destination. As he sat in the car, Harrison noticed a silence that would not be there on any other day. Usually, Tom would put on some music for car journeys as long as the one ahead of them and would talk about some client that was being difficult, but today he was way too occupied in his thoughts to bother with any of that. The pair had been inseparable ever since they met in primary school; they were as thick as thieves and had been with each through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. They knew each other better than the back of their own hands and trusted each other to a fault. So of course Harrison noticed his tense demeanour instantly - his jaw was clenched and his hands were gripping the steering wheel a bit too tightly. His brows were knotted and even though his eyes were trained on the road ahead, they seemed distant and lost in thought.
“Alright, out with it,” said Harrison, who couldn’t take the silence any more. He’d much rather have Tom talk his ear off than watch him battle his thoughts, alone. 
“What d’you mean?” asked Tom, not once taking his eyes off the road.
“Mate, I know you’re worried about this but I can’t have you this distracted when we’re there, so what’s on your mind?”
“This needs to work out. I need it to work out,” Tom sighed, “And yes, I’m incredibly aware that this could very well be an ambush. We’re not armed, have no backup and are meeting a very dangerous stranger in the middle of nowhere. Things could end badly, not that they were great to begin with. I don’t know why I agreed to all her terms and I regret not setting our own but we have no leverage, she’s doing us a huge courtesy by even agreeing to meet us ‘cause we all know that she doesn’t need this. Which just makes me question her intentions further, ‘cause like, she can just wait us out and watch from the sidelines as we fuck ourselves over and then there’s one less family in the mob world. But no, she agreed to hear us out and discuss a possible merger which doesn’t really do her any good, at least nothing that I could think of. And to add to that, we barely have anything on her! I’ve done my research, if I can even call it that, and all I could find is that she’s young and runs the business and has ruffled some feathers here and there. That’s it! There’s nothing else on her, not many people even know that she’s a part of her father’s business. She may as well not exist, that’s how little we actually know about her, and that’s never a good sign.”
Tom let out a deep breath and brought a hand up to his eyes to try and relieve some of his headache. He was rambling and he was stressed and tired and way in over his head. This was new territory for both of them and neither knew what was going to happen in that bar. They were desperate and this was probably their last chance to save face and not burn their business to the ground.
“I trust you, you know that right?” Harrison reassured, “You’ve never made a wrong decision. Hell, you’ve managed to keep my ass out of trouble for such a long time you deserve a goddamn award!”
Tom let out a small laugh, “Yeah, it’s not easy mate.”
Harrison clapped Tom’s shoulder, “I know and I’m sorry that we’re in this situation right now and I know it’s my fault even though you’re never gonna blame me for it. But we’re gonna fix this, alright? One way or another.”
Harrison didn’t really know if he was going to accept your offer, he didn’t even know the specifics of the deal that you had discussed with Tom. But he trusted him to make the right decision so he stayed silent while they sat in the rundown bar waiting for you to arrive.
Forty-five minutes.
They had been sitting there in that bar for forty-five minutes, drinking and waiting. Tom was still anxious and lost in his thoughts while Harrison was getting more annoyed with every passing second. He’d suggested leaving twenty minutes ago but stayed because he didn’t want to argue with Tom. 
“This is ridiculous,” he muttered, getting up from the booth to make his way to the bar to get himself yet another whiskey. The bartender had been eyeing them ever since they walked through the doors, sometimes even eavesdropping in on their conversation from time to time. He handed Harrison his drink, without exchanging any words and watched as he walked back towards the booth before continuing with his work.
Harrison sat down beside Tom, sipping on his drink. He had almost finished his drink when a soft thud caught his attention. His head immediately moved in the direction of sound, eyes straining to see the figures at the door in the dimly lit bar. His eyes were trained on you, as you and a guy entered the bar, following your every move. His eyes travelled across your figure; you were wearing a light blue shirt with some trousers and a pair of heels and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think you were attractive.
“Mate, she’s hot,” said Tom, his face flushed with relief at your arrival. Harrison gave him a pointed look. “What, you told me to relax?” Harrison rolled his eyes but a soft chuckle fell from his lips.
He watched as you took a seat at the bar, listening to your conversation with the bartender. He tried to get a read on you, as you intentionally made them wait longer, but couldn’t which was new for him. You finally finished your conversation with the bartender, grabbed your drink and joined them at their booth.
“Hello boys,” you said, as you sat across from the two of them, studying them. Tom was sitting up straight, his fingers interlaced in front of him on the table, eager whereas Harrison leant back in his seat, his left arm resting on the backrest of the booth, uninterested.
“Fucking finally.”
“Excuse me?”
“We’ve been waiting for an hour.”
“No, you’ve been waiting for fifty minutes. But I really do apologise for making you wait ten more minutes than I initially planned; you see, something important came up.”
A snort left Tom’s lips that he tried (and failed) to cover up with a cough and Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Anyway, I guess I should properly introduce myself, eh? I’m Y/N Y/L/N. Yes, Y/L/N. Meaning that Y/D/N Y/L/N is my father. And you must be the Osterfield family disappointment, yeah?”
You were trying to rile him up, push his buttons as far as you can, just to see what he would do. You noticed his jaw clenching, tightening the grip on his glass, his eyes never leaving yours as he brought the whiskey to his mouth.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet with us on such short notice, Ms. Y/L/N,” began Tom. “You may have heard that we are in need of some assistance, financially, and the prospect of a deal with you and your dad is very appealing to us. As discussed, we’ve agreed to share the profit and territory with your organisation. In exchange, we’re willing to provide you with any assistance or man power that you may need.”
While Tom was talking, your eyes never left Harrison’s; his icy stare meeting yours. You only looked away when Tom was done rambling.
“It’s Tom, yeah?” You asked rhetorically, finally looking at him, “you can cut the bullshit, Tom. Everyone in the fucking country knows you’re sinking and the sharks are beginning to circle and you’re need me to come in and save you.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
“That is the only way to put it. Let’s be honest, I’m your best, worst option. Everyone else wants you dead, and most of the time I agree with that sentiment. But you could be useful.”
“Oh how so?” asked Harrison mockingly, pushing himself off the backrest and leaning forward. He knew you were going to be cocky given the circumstances, but your know-it-all attitude was beginning to annoy him.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Well, you’re just gonna have to wait to find out.”
“That’s not how it works, love.”
“That’s how it’s gonna work, love.”
You knew of Harrison’s reputation. Cutthroat, unyielding, short tempered. Nothing you hadn’t dealt with before. Yet he annoyed you, which wasn’t something you were expecting.
“So, Tom. How does 80-20 sound?”
“Fuck, no.”
“What, no way. That’s not what we discussed on the phone. We settled on 60-40.”
“Yeah I know, love. But you see, I run the south and you barely have a grip on the north. Your business is failing and honestly, I don’t trust you. So, 80-20.”
“We still have some power.”
“In your fucking dreams, Osterfield. The only reason why you’re not dead yet cause people are still scared of you.”
“And you’re not?”
“I don’t see anything to be intimidated by.”
“Would you go for 70-30, maybe?” tried Tom.
“No we’re not doing fucking 70-30!” said Harrison, “It’s 60-40. That’s it. Take it or leave it.”
“Well, it was nice meeting you, boys. Let’s go Michael.” you said, getting up from the booth. Tom had his head in his hands, Harrison was angry underneath the cold exterior but also worried. Didn’t Tom say that this was their best chance?
“Fuck you, mate.”
chapter 3
tags - @deleteidentity @rupimiller
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kyloripped · 6 years
Hey folks, I’ve had a fic rattling around on my phone for nearly a year so I thought it was finally time to post it! In honour of Mermay I have a written a small Mermaid!AU in which Hux is a grizzled sailor and Ren is a mermaid. As usual I thank @sugardaddyhux for sitting with my for hours in a coffee shop last year and helping me build the foundations of this idea. I’m nervous as I haven’t written a proper fic in a while but here goes! Here is a bit of the fic, the rest is on my Ao3. Enjoy <3
[Ao3 Link]
The ocean was boiling, rolling in anger. Any ship foolish enough to dare set sail soon felt the grizzly waves slap against their keep as the sea roared its discontent.
Armitage Hux was no fool, and yet he braved the unforgiving waves. No matter how black the sky became he would not tolerate trespassers on his land. And trespassers there were; somewhere in the mass of grey manifested the dark, unwanted outline of a ship.
Whalers or some other stubborn trawlers invaded his waters. The calm morning had been coveted by many ships, but most had the good sense to quit when they saw the dark hull of his ship stalk the waves to warn them away. Not this particular ship though, which had clung to the horizon line with some kind of irritating defiance.
The storm had caught both of them by surprise. What had begun as a trading of biting insults had been sucked away by the howling wind, had been dulled by the force of the waves shunting their keels from side to side. Hux had leaned against his stern and shouted at them to leave his waters, but the wind stole his words.
The wind now howled around them in salt bitten fury and the invading ship keeled to the side. Hux, a safer distance into the shallows, felt his breath sucked out of him as he saw the inevitable; an unseen rock smashed against the intruder’s hull. A ripping noise mixed with a crescendo of screams and the boat hovered uncertainly for a moment, suspended for one second of pure disbelief as it was silhouetted against the iron sky. Hux was clutching at the prow for dear life as he saw the water break over their stern.
There was nothing to do but watch; one moment there was a ship, the next there was great jagged hulks of debris floating against the waves. A discordant shout of, “Don’t let go of it-!” had cut through the roaring, but that could have been mere fancy. Hux clutched the damp wood as he felt the sea ready to suck his ship into its own watery maw.
But Hux was a sailor. A wind bitten, jaded thing, but a mere storm would not faze him. He leaned into the wind as he felt the boat shift, his eyes on alert for any rock or fast moving current that may rise up to thwart him. The pounding of the sea was a rhythm he loved almost as dearly as breathing. Trusting his old ship to guide him he started steering starboard towards the safe haven of the shoreline.
And then he saw it; the shape of a hand seemed to rise up out of the graveyard of scattered debris like a small beckoning flag; help. Help me. It hovered above water level before sinking, then rose up again to catch his attention.
The sight tormented him. To go back for what was quite possibly a dead body was madness, but the hand looked like it was moving. It tugged at Hux like a compass point, and before he knew it he was changing course.
When Hux had managed to heave the ship towards the shape the first thing he registered was the dark crisscross of a net floating in the water and dissecting it into squares. The next thing was that there was a man twisted in that net- a large shape pulled underwater by the cruel bonds encasing it. Hux could just see dark hair floating above the water level before it was sucked down again.
Mind in autopilot, he reached into the icy water to grab at the net. He nearly toppled overboard as it yanked away from him. Thinking it was the current, Hux just pulled harder until the rope began to rise towards him. When the face finally broke the waves Hux almost lost his grip.
The eyes were yellow. Bright and mistrustful, they narrowed as the dark lips split into a snarl. The bared teeth seemed all incisor as they glinted up at him in fury. Hux stared dumbfounded and unable to understand what exactly he was looking at.
But the creature, for creature it was, had its neck constructed by the net, the one free arm struggling to rip free from the bonds encasing the rest of him. The more he struggled the tighter the net closed in on his throat.
There also seemed to be blood billowing from a nauseating wound in the chest which made a cloud of red amongst the grey. It billowed and coalesced like ink spreading to stain everything it touched. Hux’s hands were red to the elbows as he leaned into the water.
Teeth gritted, Hux pulled at the cruel net ensnaring the creature. He knew without a doubt that it would die if he left it to be strangled in these turbulent waves. And even more, he knew that to let go now would mean losing the most important catch he may ever find in his career.
The rope cut into the blue tinged skin without mercy and there was another howl as the creature was brought above the water level. What a howl it was- it cut through mouth, then air and then bone. Struggling, Hux pulled and pulled and cursed the sea, the creature and himself for being so stupid to risk his life this way. Somehow the whole weight of the body thudded to the deck as it was hauled aboard. Face down and with dark hair spread on the salt-bitten wood, the creature did not move. Body sagging and bloodied tail motionless, the trauma of the net and turbulent sea seemed to have overcome it.
Tail. Hux gawped at the whole length of the man… no, the mermaid. He felt dizzy as the realisation came to him. The tail was an enormous, coiling mass of dark scales scratching against the decking. Bright red blood was seeping into the wood as if it were thirsty for a drink. The rest of the creature was thickly built and so huge with it that it made Hux feel hopelessly small. The broad back was crisscrossed with the pearlescent slashes of old wounds and the hands had unfurled to show sharp webbed fingers.
It needs to die, was Hux’s desperate, immediate thought. One wouldn’t haul a shark on board no matter how much that doleful black gaze cut through the heart to clutch at some kind of mercy. But this was no shark; the large dark lips were still open in a silent scream of pain even as the yellow eyes were shut. It had been a human scream that had come from that mouth. Feeling nauseous, Hux steered towards the shore.
Later on, Hux would never know how he managed to drag the creature across the sand and to his door. Some last vestige of adrenaline perhaps, or maybe he knew that it was the only way to save the creature. He pulled and heaved and a long red line was carved into the wet sand to be sucked back down by the time he reached the blue front door. The creature was still motionless, still succumbing to either injury or fatigue.
The body dragged another line of red grit on the spotless wooden floors as Hux heaved him towards his bathroom. The long, dark tail flopped hopelessly behind them, and Hux saw with a jolt that the tip of his marvellously long fin was torn to shreds. His legs tingled in some kind of hopeless empathy as they entered the bathroom.
Across the white tiles they went. The huge body thumped heavily to the floor as Hux let go, rolling his shoulders and grimacing at the ache there. He stretched out to turn on the taps over the bath. As the water fell into the tub he turned back to the creature.
Its eyes were open.
Hux barely had time to move before the creature darted forwards. There was a horrible discordant screech bouncing around the bathroom as it writhed in his direction. Hux gave a shout as he clutched the bathroom wall for safety. Jaws snapping, the beast accidentally slapped its long ruined tail against the side of the bath. The resulting groan of pain was low and long. Hux took the moment of weakness to leap over the figure and towards the door. Hearing it crash behind him, he stood in the corridor for a moment with chest heaving.
A mermaid. In his bathroom. A mermaid. His breaths began coming quicker then. Knowing that accepting the truth would most probably lead to meltdown, Hux locked the bathroom door with a shaking hand. He would think about this rationally and deal with when he had formulated a plan that did not involve him being bitten by those frightening teeth. His thoughts were accompanied by the crashes and shrieks coming from behind the locked door, but Hux was practised at ignoring unwanted things.
The next day was tense. There was the odd thump from the bathroom but otherwise the creature had seemed to slump into uneasy silence. When Hux was making himself some much needed breakfast, he wondered if the creature was hungry. The image of the flashing incisors lunging towards him killed any thought of going back into the bathroom however.
The house was eerily quiet. Hux sat on his doorstep in the afternoon to fix some fishhooks that had bent out of shape. As he absentmindedly twisted the metal he cut his thumb on the sharp barbed tip. The small bead of blood reminded him of the great slash in the creature’s chest and he all but recoiled.
When Hux's rumbling stomach prompted him to make a late lunch he threw some kippers into a pan and began frying them. He watched the fish sizzle in the butter, and his eyes were drawn to the little tails poking the sides of the pan. Did the mermaid eat fish? Hux couldn’t decide if that counted as cannibalism. But he must surely be hungry by now. He would never be approachable if Hux starved him out. Before he quite knew what he was doing, he was stood outside of his bathroom door with a plate of kippers. Feeling stupid, he pressed his ear pressed against wood and listened.
Nothing. But, no, that wasn’t quite right- there was a quiet splash coming from within. Gathering his courage, and more importantly the plate of fish, Hux turned the key.
Inside the bathroom was in utter disarray. His neatly folded towels were scattered on the floor, his bottles of shampoo and gel thrown under the sink. There was water everywhere. As Hux observed this horrifying sight, he saw that the yellow eyes were peeking up at him over the lip of the bath. Although the bath was comfortably large the creature was too big to fit in fully and his tail was flopped over the side like an enormous wet beanbag. But he had managed to dip under the water level. They regarded each other for a moment.
Hux was the first to move. Refusing to be intimidated, he walked in clipped footsteps towards the bath with the plate in hand. Stopping at the edge, he proffered it.
The yellow eyes looked up mistrustfully. Hux waited.
“Eat.” He said in a clear, slow voice.
There was one long blink at this. It took hux a few moments to realise that the creature may not understand him. He brought a hand up to his mouth and made an eating motion.
“For you. Eat.” He repeated, snapping his teeth.
There was a slight splash as the mermaid twitched at the noise. His ripped tail flicked more water into the floor. Hux sighed. This was hopeless.
He bent to leave the plate on the floor. As he walked back to the door he heard the sloshing of water which indicated that the creature had moved. He couldn’t resist turning, and when he did he saw the gleaming, blueish torso rise out of the water. The wound there was ghastly but bloodless now, and small beads of water stuck to the skin like small pearlescent beads. The yellow eyes blinked once at Hux as he retreated although he could not make out the expression sat there.
Safely outside, Hux clutched at his temples. His head hurt. He had to find some way of dealing with this creature….no. Ren. Hux’s face creased into a frown. How did he know that? His ear itched, or maybe it was some intangible place he couldn’t reach that did. He did not relish the sensation. He made his way back to his fishhooks, his mind echoing to unfamiliar word. Ren. Ren.
[Find the rest of the chapter on ao3!
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jurgenmeister-blog · 7 years
El Matador (Chapter 59)
Link to Full Story
Alexia’s POV: “Yes, fuck, yes Sergio oh my god.” I moaned as my hands gripped Sergio’s shoulders and neck for dear life. “You like that? When I pin you up against a wall?” He growled, his face buried in my neck as he continued thrusting into me. We had decided, well, I decided, I couldn’t wait until we got back to Sergio’s house. I needed him now, in the men’s restroom in the club. Obviously this wasn’t the first time we had had sex in a club, but it was the first time when any one of Sergio’s teammates could’ve walked in, included my brother. There was something exhilarating about the idea of being caught in such a compromising position. *** You see, Sergio and I were having that cute moment on the dance floor, and that smile he flashed, well it was it for me. I leaned in for a nice kiss and couldn’t help myself beyond that. As I’ve said, Sergio is enticing, addictive even and in that moment I couldn’t stop myself. “Do you happen to have a condom with you?” I had whispered in his ear. The biggest smirk I had seen in months flashed across his face. “I always carry one when I’m with you.” He teased into my ear. “Why? Can’t wait until later?” He added before pulling away. “I think I’m going to go see if I can find Iker, he might be in the bathroom I’ll check.” I said feigning innocence before winking and strolling off. Sergio waited a few moments, even stopping to talk with Blanca before making his way to me. I was leaned up against the sink, giving him a sultry look when he walked in. I motioned with my Index finger for him to come closer. “Out in the open? I like it nena, it’s daring.” He smirked, trapping me against the sink and pressing his body against me. I stopped him as he leaned in for a kiss, “not so fast, handicap stall.” I pointed with my eyes. Sergio lifted me up and practically carried me the small distance before setting me down and fumbling with the simple slide lock. “Good boy.” I teased as he turned back to face me. Sergio immediately approached me, quickly closing the distance between us and kissing me roughly. This went on for what seemed like ages and I felt Sergio grow against me. He worked his way to my neck, breathing heavily as kissed. “I was hoping you’d want to start this early.” He whispered, his hand pushing up my dress. *** “Uhhhh fuck!” I moaned, probably a little too loud as I buried one of my hands in Sergio’s hair. “God I love hearing you moan.” Sergio groaned as he slammed into me. I nodded, moaning as I bit my lip. “Look at me nena.” Sergio demanded as he lifted his head from my neck. I leaned down to face him, holding his face in my hands as he kept his pace. “Promise me something.” He growled. I loved his possessive side, especially when we were intimate. “Fuck anything Sergio.” I moaned as he hit deeper with his thrust. “No one else gets this, fuck, no one gets to hear you scream and, oh my god, moan their name.” Sergio struggled through his words, I could tell he was very close. “Just you baby I, uh, promise.” I moaned as I answered him. “Good.” He smirked and forcefully kissed me, his tongue roughly wrestling mine. I kept my grip on his face as he did so. “I love you.” I told him, causing him to stop his thrusting. He looked up at me, with that special sparkle in his eye as a smile spread across his face. “I love you too nena, so much.” He responded before kissing me softer this time and slowing down his pace. “Mmm babe I’m close.” Sergio groaned, pausing our kiss briefly. I nodded to acknowledge him. I wasn’t as close as he was and he could tell. There was a look of strained focus on his face as he kept thrusting, hoping to edge me closer. “Babe just finish, you can finger me after.” I said, trying to stay in the mood. Normally Sergio would fight me on this suggestion, but seeing as we had limited resources and limited time he just nodded. Slight relief washed over his face as he realized he could stop worrying about finishing too early. “Fuck.” He breathed against my neck. “I’ve been waiting all day for this.” He added as his thrusts got sloppier. “Cum Sergio, for me.” I spoke in a sultry voice, coaxing him as I clung to his rock solid body. He had a certain ego complex when it came to finishing early and I was hoping it wouldn’t bother him too much and ruin the evening. Following my command, Sergio let out one of the deepest, sexiest moans I’ve heard from him and with one final thrust he released. “Fuck, oh my god.” He breathed heavily against my neck as he finished riding out his orgasm. He slid out of me and slowly set me down before pressing a loving kiss to my lips. “I’m not finished with you.” He said as he removed the condom, tidied himself up and threw it in the garbage. “I didn’t think you were.” I teased, leaning up against the wall. Sergio quickly approached me, his lips immediately finding mine as his fingers found the spot they were searching for. What I loved about Sergio sexually, was that he always found a way to make sure we were both satisfied and if he didn’t, then the next time would make up for it. His experienced hand expertly teased and pleasured me. This boy could be a pianist with how well he used his fingers.
I could feel his smirk against my lips as I struggled to muffle my moans. I kept a tight grip on his wrist, letting him know I was enjoying this. 
It didn’t take long for me to reach my climax and Sergio slowly retracted his hand from my tight grip and wet center with a victorious smirk on his face. He always felt a great sense of satisfaction that he could make me feel that way with just his right hand. 
Without breaking eye contact, he took the two fingers and sucked them, cleaning them slowly. 
“My favorite flavor.” He winked and moved to wash his hands at the sink.
Sergio’s POV:
I fixed my hair and bow tie in the mirror, hoping not to arouse too much suspicion upon my return to Alexia’s party. I glanced at my girl who was fixing her hair as well.
“What?” She giggled, catching me staring and I blushed slightly.
“Nothing, you’re just cute.” I responded innocently.
“That is not what you were thinking five minutes ago.” She teased and looked back at me.
“Yes it was, you’re always cute, it’s just all cute in different ways.” I shrugged and smiled.
“Care to elaborate?” Alexia smiled and walked over to me.
“Well when you’re focused on something it’s cute to watch you because I can see you thinking, and when we’re making love you start off a little shy and that’s cute. You just do a lot of cute things.” I smiled down at her and tapped her nose.
“Am I not sexy when we’re making love?” I could tell she was teasing but I answered honestly.
“You are the most sexy, on the football pitch or in my bed, and don’t you forget it.” I winked and Alexia just smiled, her eyes shining.
I cleared my throat, “You should probably go out first, we’ve been in here for nearly fifteen minutes. I’ll just wait a few and grab a drink at the bar.” I stated, hoping to raise the least amount of suspicion among our friends. 
“Right, I’ll see you out there handsome.” She nodded and pecked my lips before walking out, stumbling slightly. Clearly the alcohol had gotten to her.
I felt its effects as well. Normally I wouldn’t have fucked Alexia here like this, not with her friends and brother around. I also probably wouldn’t have finished as quick as I did, but I don’t think she really minded. 
I waited a few more moments before smoothing out my hair and clothes once more and then heading to the bar to get another drink.
After ordering my drink I headed over to where my teammates were. 
“Nice of you to join us.” Iker teased as I sat down.
I just laughed, “Well it is her birthday, if I don’t spend time with her she’ll get upset.” I caught Xabi’s glance as I said that but he didn’t say a word. 
“Why is it so dead over here, let’s do some shots guys come on.” I said, noticing how lame it was over here. 
“How much have you had?” Cris laughed.
“Obviously not enough, now who’s with me?” I responded. They all nodded and I ordered two rounds for each of us. 
I took the two rounds with them, but it was evident they all needed to catch up to me as I was now pretty drunk.
I sat the next two rounds out and sipped the drink I had ordered earlier. 
After we were all good and giggly the conversation flowed much easier. I glanced over to Alexia, seeing her laughing and having fun with her friends made me smile.
“You really like her don’t you?” Cris asked and the whole group’s attention turned to me.
I shook my head no as I looked down at my almost empty drink. I was feeling pretty dizzy at this point.
“I don’t really like her.” I said and looked up with a lopsided smile. “I love her, like I really fucking love that girl.” I added, feeling a warm feeling rush over me. 
“Why?” Xabi asked and I was surprised he was even interested in the conversation.
I was too drunk to care at this point and just answered what I felt. “She’s gorgeous, and she’s funny, she cares about me and takes care of me when I need it. She’s smart and beautiful, she’s sassy. I just, I can’t not love her, she’s so good to me.” I gushed, not caring what they all thought.
“I’d say she’s been really good for him, I mean when was the last time we all saw him like this?” Iker asked the group and they all shrugged. “He can’t even keep his eyes off of her.” Cris added and they all laughed as I turned my attention from her back to them.
I leaned over to Cris and whispered, “She’s also incredible in bed, so really what’s not to love about that.” He and I shared a laugh and Iker rolled his eyes, only guessing what I could have said. 
“What are you boys laughing about?” Alexia asked as she sat down on my lap. 
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and rested my head against her arm, cuddling her like she was my favorite teddy bear. 
“Just how smitten he is by you.” Marcelo answered, “And how drunk he is at this point.” Xabi added and sipped his drink. 
“Is that true?” Alexia asked and looked down at me.
I nodded and kissed her arm. “I am very drunk right now.” I giggled as I admitted to her. 
She just rolled her eyes and ruffled my hair, “How much did you have?” She asked.
“I didn’t keep count.” I answered and she looked to the group for an answer. 
“Don’t ask them they’re pretty drunk too.” I spoke before any of them could say anything. 
They all just nodded in agreement, “Just not as drunk as he is, he’s probably a couple drinks ahead of us.” Cris said. 
“I love you.” I blurted out at Alexia. “And you look so hot.” I gave her a crooked smirk
She just smiled and brushed some hair from her face. I made a kissy face hoping she’d give me what I wanted. I could hear the guys laugh making me open my eyes and realize I wasn’t getting that kiss.
“And you look very dashing yourself babe.” She answered before finally giving me the kiss I wanted. 
“Oh come on now, get a room.” Marcelo joked. 
I could only smirk, if only he knew.
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