#I also have a severe need of Goodnight in reading glasses
zaebeecee · 4 months
To Sever a Loveless Bond
••RadioDust Soulmate AU••
Part 10/?
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Some of that promised fluff coming right at you. Also, sorry, I’m inflicting my other ships on y’all starting now, but they’ll be mostly background and you can ignore them.
Also, because I feel it needs to be stated: nothing in this chapter is meant to make you feel bad for, or sympathize with, Valentino. He is still a sinner, and so he is in a complicated situation, but most sinners are, and a complicated situation is not an excuse for evil behavior. It simply exists to further the story, as well as to highlight the fact that Val is a hypocrite.
“What the actual fuck is going on in this hotel?”
Vaggie’s firm statement—which would have been basically a scream from anyone else—was out of her mouth the moment Alastor vanished from the room. Charlie watched as her girlfriend looked at the little group still gathered, the angel’s expression one of deep frustration. Nobody answered her immediately, because nobody else seemed to have any idea, either.
Dinner had been very, very weird. It had been good! It had been quite good, since both Angel and Alastor were fantastic at cooking and, since it was Angel’s recipe, there wasn’t any concern about what the… ingredients… might have been. But the mood had been weird, mostly because of the way the two sinners had been talking to each other over the course of the meal.
As soon as she had that thought, Charlie felt kind of terrible. After all, they were getting along, which was good. They were both in friendly moods. Alastor seemed like he was opening up to the idea of making friends, and that was amazing! But there was something else, something different, that she couldn’t quite identify. And now, it looked like she wasn’t the only one thinking it.
Charlie was sitting in the lounge with Vaggie, Husk, and Niffty; Alastor had been present for a few minutes, as well, but had bade them goodnight and vanished. Angel, by contrast, had gone straight to bed as soon as he was done cleaning up, which was also weird. Even if he didn’t want to hang out with any of them, he usually went out in the evening, if he could get away with it. And now, Vaggie was pacing, and that… wasn’t helping the energy.
Niffty was the first one who actually spoke in the weird silence that followed Vaggie’s questions. “Alastor and Angel are friends,” she said.
“Alastor doesn’t have friends,” Husk countered, leaning on the arm of the couch and pressing a half-full glass of ice water against his temple.
Niffty turned her head to look at him. “Alastor has Rosie.”
“Rosie doesn’t count.” Husk turned his own head just enough to return her frown. “Rosie is the exception that proves the rule.”
“Isn’t this a good thing?” Charlie asked, looking between the three of them. “I mean, yes, it… it’s a little strange, sure, but there isn’t anything wrong with it, is there?”
“You should always be worried about Alastor spending a lot of time alone with someone,” Husk said, turning his head away again.
“That isn’t even my point,” Vaggie said. “The two of them have been strange. I said as much to Angel Dust, and I know he knew what I was talking about. And I think the two of you do, too.”
Niffty tilted her head, but her expression was oddly neutral for the usually manic little sinner. “I won’t talk about it.”
“So you do know something.”
“Yes,” Niffty said, her tone not changing. “And I won’t talk about it.”
Vaggie made a noise of frustration. “Why not?”
“Because it’s not my business. It’s Alastor’s,” Niffty said with a shrug. “If he wanted you to know, he would have talked to you about it. But he didn’t. He talked to me.”
With a quiet noise of frustration, Vaggie put her face in her hands and walked a few steps away, muttering under her breath in Spanish. Charlie watched her with sympathy, but turned her attention to Niffty and Husk almost immediately. “We just want to help.”
“He doesn’t need help!” Niffty said, her expression morphing into a frown. “He knows what he’s doing!”
“No,” Husk said. “He doesn’t. Neither of them do.”
Niffty shushed him, but Charlie focused on the bartender exclusively. “Husk… what happened?”
“Don’t,” Niffty said, her voice lightly pleading.
Husk sighed. He looked at Niffty, and his expression looked sad. Complicated. “Alastor didn’t tell me shit,” he told her. “Angel did.”
Niffty didn’t look happy, but she looked away, holding her hands up like she was giving up on the situation. Husk watched her, and Charlie thought he might change his mind, but after a few moments he looked up at Charlie. “You can’t lose your shit over this. Either of you.”
“We won’t,” Charlie said, before Vaggie could get aggressive again. She reached out to her girlfriend, and when she reluctantly accepted her hand, Charlie pulled her back down to sit beside her on the couch. “We’re just worried and we want to know that nothing bad is happening.”
Husk closed his eyes and leaned his temple into the cold glass again. He looked like he had a headache. “…the kid talked to me one night about… I dunno. Two weeks ago, I guess. A little less, maybe. Didn’t want to, he made that pretty clear. It was when he locked himself up in his room that whole day. When I finally got him to get to the point, he asked me about… about soul marks.”
Charlie frowned. “He asked… …why?”
“Because Alastor, apparently, woke his up.”
Gasping softly, Charlie covered her mouth with her hand. “He what…??”
Vaggie, on the other hand, didn’t react at all. “Woke his what up?” she asked. “What are you talking about?”
“His— oh, right, you wouldn’t…” Charlie trailed off before she provided everyone with yet another reminder that Vaggie wasn’t actually a sinner. “It’s something that all sinners and Hellborn have. …well. Almost all,” she amended. “Nobody knows why they exist, but the best theory is that they’re another punishment that Hell created. They’re a mark that’s supposed to tell you who your soulmate is. When you meet and first touch, then your soul marks… become active, or wake up, and you know you’re meant to be together.”
“A perversion of the promise of happiness,” Husk said darkly. “Never seen it cause anything except unhappiness, myself.”
“Yeah,” Charlie agreed softly. “Me too.”
Vaggie frowned. “That… that doesn’t sound very happy,” she said. “Who would want Hell telling them who they’re supposed to love?”
Charlie shrugged. “Some people think they come from Asmodeus, but Uncle Ozzie assured me it’s not one of his spells. He doesn’t know, either.”
“I see.” Vaggie paused, and Charlie could hear her thinking. “…you said almost everyone,” she added, a little hesitantly. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I don’t have one,” Charlie said with a shrug. “But I didn’t think it was that weird. My parents didn’t, either. You know, fallen angel, human cast into Hell alive, it… it made sense.” She twisted her hands together in her lap, her mind conjuring up the sounds of her parents yelling at each other in another room, and did her best to banish it. “Husk, do you know… does Alastor…?”
“Angel said so,” Husk said, watching her with a critical, suspicious eye. She immediately stilled her hands. “But I don’t know myself, no. Alastor and I don’t exactly chat about that kind of thing.”
“So what are they doing?” Vaggie asked. “I don’t believe that, out of nowhere, Angel Dust and the Radio Demon have just… decided to give in to some kind of romantically cursed fate.”
“I don’t know.” Husk looked away. “And neither do they. That’s pretty obvious. But if they’re… plotting together, or something, you’re going to have to ask them.”
Charlie nodded. The silence was thoughtful, but heavy, and the princess watched the shadows on the wall flickering in the firelight. Eventually, Niffty spoke again. “I wish Cherri hadn’t moved out.”
Husk twitched, the ice in his glass rattling, but he didn’t look at her. Charlie looked between the two of them. Cherri Bomb had moved into the hotel after the extermination and Sir Pentious’ death, but only for a short period of time. It was less than a month before she was gone again, the stated excuse being that redemption was “boring and not her thing”, but it was so abrupt that Charlie knew something had happened. Vaggie squeezed Charlie’s hand, but spoke to Niffty. “Why?”
“Because if anybody knows what Angel’s thinking, it’s her. And she would be easier to talk to than Rosie.” Niffty glanced at Husk.
The maid didn’t even open her mouth before the bartender said, “No.”
“Husk,” Niffty said, clearly frustrated.
“No, Niff,” Husk repeated more firmly, looking down at her again. “She made it pretty fucking clear she doesn’t want to talk to me, and I’m not gonna get my head blown off for trying to get her to talk about her best friend behind his back.”
Charlie frowned. “…you know her better than the rest of us do, Husk,” she said. “At least, from what I hear.”
“She did used to hang out at the bar a lot when she was here,” Vaggie added suspiciously.
“Because she drinks like alcohol is her replacement for oxygen,” Husk grumbled.
Niffty made a noise of frustration and stood up on the couch (probably only because she wasn’t wearing shoes), leaning in to Husk’s face and pointing at the door. He immediately leaned away from her, stopped by the arm of the couch from escaping, his eyes wide and his ears flicked back. “Look,” Niffty said firmly. “I don’t care if you have weird hangups, and I don’t care if you’re not a real bad boy! You’re gonna man up and you’re gonna talk to her and you’re gonna figure out how we can help Alastor and Angel!”
Husk held one hand up. “Shit, Niff, okay, fine, chill the fuck out. I’ll try to talk to her tomorrow, okay?”
Immediately, Niffty brightened. “Good!” she chirped, reaching up to pat the top of his hat before she hopped down to sit on the couch again.
“Um… thank you, Niffty, Husk,” Charlie said, smiling at them. “I guess that’s all we can do for now. We’ll keep an eye on them until we find out more.” Both Alastor and Angel were so volatile, there was no telling how they would respond to any level of probing.
It wasn’t long before they disbanded and headed off to their separate rooms. Charlie hesitated outside Angel’s door, debating knocking to see if he was okay, but she didn’t hear any sounds inside. Was he asleep? After a few seconds, she thought better of it, following after Vaggie and closing the door to their bedroom behind her.
It wasn’t until they had both dressed for bed and Charlie sat on the edge of the mattress, yawning, that Vaggie caught her hand and drew her attention. “Charlie… are you okay?”
Charlie looked at her. “I’m fine!” she said, far too brightly. It was hard not to cringe at her own tone, especially since Vaggie’s face told her that the angel could tell, too. “…why do you ask?”
“It’s… kind of obvious, babe,” Vaggie said carefully. “I know I don’t really get the whole soul mark thing, but I could tell it was getting you down. Is it because you don’t have one?”
“Oh, no, it isn’t that,” Charlie said with a quiet sigh. “It was just… it was my parents,” she said, looking away.
Vaggie waited for her to expand on that, but when she didn’t, she asked, “Because they don’t have them?”
“No, it…” Charlie exhaled in a huff that ruffled her hair briefly. “They didn’t have them, no, not for a long time. …my dad doesn’t know that I know this, but… when I was little, after I had been put to bed, I heard them arguing. They didn’t really do that, ever, so I got worried, and I…”
“…you went to see what was wrong.” Vaggie smiled a little. “You haven’t changed much.”
Charlie almost giggled. “I guess not,” she said, returning the tiny smile before looking down at her lap again. “I went to their bedroom door and listened. I just wanted to make sure they were okay. And I found out my dad…” She twisted her hands in the soft silk of her pants. “…my dad manifested a soul mate mark. And my mom didn’t. And… and his wasn’t for her.” She gestured loosely and meaninglessly. “He said that it didn’t matter, that he didn’t care about a mark, but for some reason she really, really did. It… I don’t think it ruined their marriage, but it sped it up, or made it worse, or… well, it didn’t help, at least. All it did was hurt them. I just don’t want to see that happen to Alastor and Angel, too. I don’t want this to hurt them.”
“Hey.” Vaggie took both of her hands in her own and made Charlie look at her, squeezing gently. “It won’t,” she said. “We won’t let anything happen to them, okay? We’ll find out what’s happening and we’ll figure it out.”
It was more complicated than that. Charlie knew that. But she knew Vaggie knew it, too, and arguing wouldn’t help. She had to believe everything was going to be okay. She had to. “Yeah,” Charlie said, giving Vaggie a smile that she didn’t feel, but she would soon. “We will.”
Rage was exhausting.
It was even worse when rage was all you had to fuel yourself.
Valentino made another circuit of his room, his mind a cyclone of rage and half-formed plots with no middle part and a sickening feeling of Want that he had always associated with Angel Dust and had only grown darker, heavier… nauseating. The fact that his amorcito didn’t wear his mark was insulting enough.
But to know, beyond doubt, that he wore Alastor’s? That his beloved pet’s flesh was marred with an image bestowed by the soul of the Radio Demon?
How much am I going to have to lose to that fucking broken, psychotic little cervid? First Vox, and now…
Valentino seized a statue and threw it to the ground, where it shattered tile and burst in a cloud of stone dust. He didn’t even hear the door open, but he did hear it close.
Valentino tensed, his wings twitching on his back, before he looked over his shoulder. Vox was wearing his annoyed but resigned expression, his tie and hat gone, his jacket open, and everything about his demeanor suggestive of a very long day. The other overlord was watching him, and Valentino got the distinct impression that he was the current primary cause of that exhaustion.
“What the fuck do you want?” Valentino asked.
Vox’s eyebrow lowered further. “Look. I get it. You’re pissed,” he said, coming further into the room and waving away a small, lingering cloud of Val’s smoke. “But you have got to chill the fuck out about this.”
“How do you expect me to do that?!” Valentino snarled, rounding on Vox, his wings spreading outwards slightly on instinct. “How am I supposed to ignore this, Vox?!”
“Because… Angel Dust and Alastor are spending time together,” Vox said; it was phrased as a statement, but Valentino knew a question when he heard one.
Valentino forced his wings to lower, focusing on the light of Vox’s face. “…how have you not put this together yet?”
“Put what together?”
“They are soulmates, Vox!”
Valentino’s voice echoed in the sudden silence of the room. Vox’s eyes were wide as he blinked once, twice… and then his expression collapsed and he started laughing. To anyone else, it was a terrifying declaration of his mirth, but to Valentino… to Valentino, it was Vox’s disbelieving rage bursting forth in the only form it could without erupting from him as a scream. “You’re not fucking serious!” Vox cackled, his eyes flying wide as he stared at Valentino. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that Alastor has a soulmate? And that it’s your little arachnid whore?!”
Valentino narrowed his eyes, waiting for the sound of Vox’s laughter to die enough to speak over it. “I’ve seen Angel Dust’s mark many, many times. It’s a deer skull, complete with antlers. So you tell me, Vox. Angel Dust’s deer skull soul mark comes alive. He tells us that he has no relationship to break with his soul mate. And now, Angel Dust is seen alone, at a night club, dancing with the Radio Demon, who happens to be a deer. Is that the action your precious rival would take if Angel’s mark was unreciprocated? That would be very kind of him.”
Vox’s eyes were still wide, but his laughter had died down. His lip was curled just slightly, and it kept twitching, like he was fighting the urge to bare his teeth. “Val…”
Valentino knew he was pushing Vox, but he couldn’t make himself stop. “Sounds more like Alastor must have a little spider somewhere on his untouchable skin. Wonder how that interaction must have gone down, don’t you, mi amore? And if Alastor has Angel Dust’s soul mark, it makes you wonder what they might be doing right now—!!”
Valentino’s voice left him as his airflow was choked off by something cold, hard, and oddly flexible. He reached up and felt what had wrapped around his throat—a cable, one of the thousands that Vox had threaded through the building and could control with what was functionally Wi-Fi but might as well have just been his mind—as it tightened and yanked him backwards until he lost his footing and hit the ground. His glasses skidded across the tile floor with a soft clatter, and Vox’s sharp heeled boots clicked ominously as he moved to stand over the supine moth.
“I told you,” Vox said, in a voice full of a strange and deadly stillness, “to calm down. You will cooperate, or I will beat you into submission.”
Valentino gritted his teeth, stilling in his struggles against the cable around his throat… but it was a different feeling, the memory of something else latched around his neck, that truly made him stop. That cold, heavy, sharp, always present, blinding electric blue…
why did I let myself give it to you
Valentino nodded, just once. Vox’s eye twitched, and the cable released him, allowing him to gasp air back into his lungs. He rolled over onto his side, pushing two of his hands against the floor to keep himself up.
He could feel Vox staring at him, but soon, the other overlord turned on his heel and began slowly pacing a short distance back and forth. “Let’s say you’re right,” Vox said. “Angel Dust is well aware of his deadline, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” Valentino rasped. He didn’t push himself to his feet. There were times that he could test Vox. There were times that he was even Vox’s equal. This, very clearly, was not one of those times.
“…well,” Vox said, thoughtful. “More than likely, Alastor will take care of breaking the bond for us. Not by killing him,” he said, when Valentino moved to protest, “simply by being himself. I know Alastor. He destroys everything he touches. He can’t help himself.”
Valentino swallowed past the rage in his throat. “…and if he doesn’t?”
“If he doesn’t, and if Angel Dust fails, then you will simply keep him here.”
Vox cast him a look, and Valentino knew he could stand up, getting to his feet. “Keep him here?”
“If Angel Dust fails to break the bond by his deadline…” Vox placed Valentino’s glasses in the moth’s hand, slowly folding Valentino’s fingers over them. “We will retrieve him. We have assassins on retainer, I’m sure they will be able to handle him if they catch him off guard. And then, you simply won’t let him leave.”
Valentino didn’t know what Vox was planning. It was something—Vox never proposed a plan if he didn’t have seven other unspoken reasons that he wanted it done—and it probably had to do with Alastor, because when it came to Vox… it almost always had to do with Alastor.
Valentino thought about the arch of his own foot, where he bore those strange lines that he hadn’t understood until he’d seen them on one of Vox’s electrical blueprints. When he’d asked, Vox had been in a patient mood, and had described them as the electrical symbols that represented a battery of three cells and variable resistance.
He didn’t tell Vox why he asked, but he still wondered if Vox had an antlered deer somewhere on his skin, too. He wondered, but he didn’t ask, because he didn’t want to know.
Vox was pacing again, and Valentino delicately cleaned his glasses, replacing them. “He won’t be happy,” he said. “Mi amorcito is very vocal about his freedoms, and the princessa seems to think she can exert her authority over us. Are you prepared to deal with that?”
“We will be,” Vox said. He walked up to Valentino and placed his hands on the taller sinner’s shoulders, smiling up at him as he squeezed. “Whether they break the bond or not, it won’t matter. We will take care of it is they don’t, and either way, we will make sure Angel Dust never leaves your side again, if that’s what you want.”
Valentino nodded once, resisting the temptation to bare his teeth again. “I still want to kill Alastor.”
Vox tightened his grip for just a second. “You let me handle Alastor. Don’t worry,” he added, slipping back into that voice that Velvette called his ‘placating Val’ voice. “I promise you, you’ll get all the violent revenge on Alastor you could possibly want.”
Valentino smirked. “You’re so good at talking dirty to me, baby.”
Vox laughed softly, his voice crackling with electricity. “I’ll make your wait worth it, my little white witch. I promise. And I always keep my promises, don’t I?”
“…yes, Voxxy. Always.”
The next couple of days were some of the most surreal in Angel Dust’s life. He was technically still in a recovery period after his last filming session, which meant some time to himself that he was supposed to use for recuperation. It was the only thing he’d ever been grateful to Vox for… well, that, and everything else that he was granted in the name of ‘the image’. It didn’t matter why Angel had the days off, of course, because it meant no VoxTek, no shoots, and (most importantly) no Valentino.
Usually, Angel spent these days doing anything except resting, usually getting out, going to clubs, getting his hands on drugs he wasn’t supposed to have, and staying out all night. Usually. But the night after Alastor showed Angel his radio tower, the spider woke up at a reasonable time, and even though it wasn’t quite noon yet… he felt good.
Angel touched his lips, remembering the warmth of Alastor pressed against him what felt like only minutes ago. The weight of his brow against Angel’s own, the sharp touch of his claws that could have gutted him but only gently grazed his skin, the anxious flutter of his breath as he tried to keep his murderous impulses under control…
…yeah. The fact that Angel thought Alastor controlling his murderous impulses was sweet… that was concerning. So was the fact that Alastor still smelled like death and blood, and it had been almost overpowering so close, but Angel hadn’t cared. Maybe he hadn’t even minded.
“Nuggs, I think I’m nuts.”
Angel rolled out of bed, dressed, and had just stepped into the hallway with a mind towards finding some breakfast or something when movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Angel turned on his heel and saw a shadow disappear around a corner, and he couldn’t control the smile that practically burst onto his face at just that little glimpse.
“I saw you,” he said in a teasing voice, clasping his hands behind his back and taking a few steps towards the corner. “Why’re you hiding from me, big boy?”
Alastor’s shadow peeked around the corner, a funny image since it was plastered to the wall, and gave Angel a grin that almost looked shy. When Angel didn’t balk, the shadow came out of hiding entirely, swooping around Angel’s own shadow and sending a terrifying chill down his spine that made him giggle. It felt, somehow, like something had actually swirled around him for a moment. As though the shadow had realized that Angel was happy to see it, the form raised its hand and beckoned for Angel to follow before its smile widened and it seemed to fly down the corridor.
“Ah— wait!” Angel said, hurrying after it, but he only got halfway down the hall before a hand reached out from a small alcove and grabbed him by the wrist. He was pulled into the alcove with a sharp squeak, the force sending him into a dizzying little spin before he was suddenly pinned with his back against the wall.
“Hello, sha.”
Angel laughed breathlessly, blinking his dizziness away only to find himself looking into Alastor’s gently glowing eyes. “Holy shit, Smiles, you scared the fuck outta me. You coulda just knocked or somethin’, you know.”
“Oh, I know. This was more fun,” Alastor said with a sinister grin, tilting his head to the side. He the reset to his neutral smile as Angel laughed again. “I didn’t know if you’d be awake.”
“Did you send your shadow to spy or something?”
“Not… precisely.” He paused, and Angel felt one of Alastor’s claws stroke along the inside of his wrist. “…admittedly, I wasn’t sure you would want to see me right now.”
Angel snorted quietly and, clearly telegraphing his movements, he raised his higher set of arms to wrap loosely around Alastor’s shoulders. “Why wouldja think a silly thing like that?”
“Thought you might have come to your senses about last night.”
“I don’t got senses.” Angel regarded him thoughtfully. “Thought you hated being touched.”
“Oh, I do,” Alastor said brightly. “And I wouldn’t recommend initiating anything like this yourself. I’ve been told I’m a little volatile!” The sheer, absurd cheer in his voice made Angel laugh again. Alastor’s expression grew a little more subdued, but his smile was no less genuine. “…there is something… different about you, Angel. I don’t mean to be trite, but your touch… The touch of others can feel like shards of glass even through my coat, but you are… soft,” he said finally, like the word wasn’t adequate but he couldn’t come up with another one.
Angel tilted back against the wall. “This part of what you want to figure out?”
“If you’ll permit it.”
“And then what?”
Alastor tilted his head, a brief buzz of confused static filling the alcove.
Angel grinned. “I mean… what happens when you figure it out?”
“No idea!” Alastor said. “That’s the fun of it, my dear, don’t you think? I never know how I might respond from one moment to the next!”
“Hoo boy,” Angel said, rolling his eyes. He couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. “Okay, fine. But I got a couplea conditions here.”
Alastor’s eyebrow went up. “I’m listening.”
“First, you gotta tell me how you’re doin’. And I mean, whenever you think it’s important, no matter how much it changes up.”
“Fair enough. And?”
“And, if your mood changes while we’re doin’ somethin’ like this, you ain’t allowed to freak out on me. I ain’t losin’ a hand or worse just cause you suddenly decided you don’t wanna be touched anymore. Just… tell me, and I’ll back off, I promise. Kay?”
“Communication. Lovely!” Alastor chirped. “This must be that elusive consent that’s so difficult to come by down here.”
“Exactly. Easy, and then I don’t lose an arm. Or a kidney.”
“Unless you consent to that.”
“Don’t you dare threaten me with a good time.”
Alastor smiled at that, hesitated, and then kissed Angel again.
It was very much the same as the night before, though more confident and certain. Afterwards, he released the spider and headed off through his shadows to do his work, and Angel was left to hum to himself as he practically danced down the hallway and the stairs to the kitchen.
That was all Angel needed to make up his mind about whether or not he was spending the day in the hotel. He suddenly became the most suspiciously helpful being in the hotel, giving Charlie a hand with her filing and aiding Niffty in some cleaning and organizing. He caught up on some of his knitting and a bit of reading, he did some prep work in the kitchen, and he took Nuggets out for a walk in the hotel’s small garden. All throughout the day, to the bewilderment of everyone else, he would randomly disappear as a hand snatched him into a shadowy corner to whisper to him, to kiss him, to make him laugh into his own hands to stay quiet. Then, Angel would emerge, and no one would see him reappear, just as they hadn’t seen him vanish… but they all knew he was gone.
It was exhilarating, in a way; thrilling, even though it seemed so low-stakes in the safety of the hotel, to be sneaking around under everyone else’s noses. Alastor seemed to be enjoying it, too, his smile brighter than usual as he tended to hotel business with Charlie or harassed Husk (though Angel thought he seemed more good-natured than usual even in that).
The next day was much the same, until two o’clock rolled around. Angel was curled up in a chair, counting in his head as he worked on his knitting, when Alastor’s voice just behind him made him jump.
“Hello, Angel.”
“Oh my fuck hi Alastor,” Angel said, frowning almost immediately. “Aww, you made me drop a stitch.”
“Terribly sorry, my dear,” Alastor said with a smile that didn’t look sorry at all. “I was heading out on an errand and I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been shut away for nearly two days now. I thought you might like to come with me.”
“Really?” Angel asked, perking up slightly and setting his knitting down. He could fix it later. “Sure, Al, sounds good.”
Unlike the last time they left the hotel together, nobody stopped them, but Angel could feel eyes following them as they headed out again. Alastor didn’t seem bothered by it, going so far as to comment as soon as they were out of earshot, “Don’t worry about them, my dear. If they have concerns, I have little doubt that they will be addressing them to me before you, and I will do my level best to redirect their attention before you fall victim to yet another interrogation.”
“I appreciate that, Smiles,” Angel said as his phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw Cherri had texted him, opening it up. “Where we goin’?”
< “hey bitch do u no y husk called me” >
Angel raised an eyebrow at his phone as Alastor said, “Simply dropping off Charlie’s restocking order for her, nothing taxing. I thought we might take a walk after, if you were interested.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Angel said, firing off a text response.
< “Sorry, bb, aint got no idea, did he leave a message?” >
“Everything alright?” Alastor asked. He actually sounded interested.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I think so,” Angel said. “Cherri said Husk called her.”
“Really…” Alastor sounded keenly interested now. “Old Husker, calling Miss Cherri Bomb. Oh, that is a very interesting tidbit of information.”
Angel looked at him. “You’d better not harass him over this—!” He jumped a little when his phone vibrated again.
< “lol fuck no he didnt, called yesterday n today, thot u mite no if smth was wrong” >
“Are those words?” Alastor asked, the sneer audible in his voice.
Angel jumped and pressed his phone into his chest fluff. “Don’t read my phone!”
“I didn’t,” Alastor said with an airy shrug and an unconvincingly innocent smile. “There was nothing to read, simply gibberish.”
Angel laughed quietly, texting back. “We come from the same era, old man, get with the times.”
“I refuse.”
< “Sorry hon, guess you gotta call him back” >
Angel pocketed his phone again and didn’t bother looking when it vibrated again, since it was probably just Cherri cursing at him. “Whaddya got against technology, anyway?”
“I find it an unnecessary distraction.”
Angel snorted. “You wouldn’t be able to figure out a smart phone to save your life.”
Alastor glanced at him, his eyes narrowed and his smile sharp. “Of course I could. Trivial. I simply feel no need to.”
“Sure, sure.”
“I know when I am being baited, Angel Dust. I will not permit you to do it.”
“Okay, sure, be that way, big bad Radio Demon.”
Alastor made a noise that sounded like an annoyed radio, and Angel couldn’t help laughing… but that was mostly because Alastor’s smile was still one of the most genuine Angel had ever seen.
If th’ boys don’t get here soon, I ain’t gonna be responsible for them missin’ shit.
Just Millie’s luck, she supposed, that she would be the one on truck duty when the alarm went off and the surveillance camera informed her, mostly because of its scrambled image, that the Radio Demon had just left the hotel. She immediately fired off messages to Moxxie, Blitzø, and Loona (if Blitzø wanted her out then he would have to nut up and talk to her himself, she wasn’t gonna exclude the girl to make his job easier) before grabbing the equipment VoxTek had provided and hurrying out of the van.
The Radio Demon was very easy to spot, as was his companion, Angel Dust. As she followed them, Millie found herself either thinking about how cool this job was or how much better Angel Dust’s legs looked in person, both of which were not the mission. But it was the Radio Demon!
Just her luck that the one time she got an opportunity to meet him, it was through stalking him and she wasn’t actually allowed to talk to him. What a load of horseshit.
Millie kept an eye on her coworkers’ locations, but she knew she would be doing most of this herself, so she just stuck to the program as she followed the two to some kind of emporium where Alastor talked to someone behind a counter for a brief moment, and then the two left again and just started… walking around.
It wasn’t long before Millie figured out what they were doing. Casually strolling, chatting, occasionally pausing to point at something in a store… they were window shopping and going for a walk. Millie frowned to herself, wondering just what the hell made the Vees so interested in this; it looked very casual, nothing secretive or threatening, no plots being made… Why did they care so much?
From across the street and positioned behind a dumpster, Millie raised the camera that would automatically take a long series of rapid-fire pictures (necessary for Alastor, according to Vox), and she watched the two of them through the lens. They were both looking at something through a window, Angel Dust pointing, before they turned at the same time to look at each other. Millie pressed the button, and the camera began taking its pictures, just as Alastor raised his hand and brushed a stray shred of burned fabric from the pyre on the next street from Angel Dust’s hair.
Millie’s eyes widened a little and she lowered the camera, then she crouched fully behind the dumpster and looked at the screen on the back. She pulled up the previews of the images she had just took, then flipped through them to roughly the middle of the set.
They were both smiling, which seemed normal for the Radio Demon, but Millie was pretty sure this was different. Angel Dust was giggling, his cheeks pink, and Alastor’s expression… she had seen a look like that before.
She had seen it on Moxxie, the evening of their first real date, when he came to pick her up and saw her in the dress she had bought special, just for the occasion.
“You look… beautiful, Millie.”
Millie lowered the camera and stared at the ground. Suddenly, she had a very, very sick feeling about this job.
Val: Makes you wonder what they’re doing RIGHT NOW
Well going by the timing they were probably making out in Alastor’s radio tower, Val
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princesspuresarahk · 10 months
The Batman Fanfic: A Little Robin’s Beginning
Chapter:2 Talk and Plans
Warning for some mature and dark scenes.
“Yes Jack, let’s talk privately in the bedroom,” said Janet as she walked after her husband to discuss what was on his mind. Janet knew that if it was this important, it was best to discuss it away from prying eyes and open ears; away from both their son and their guests.
“Okay Jack, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” asked Janet as she closed the door of her upstairs bedroom and sat on the large bed that she shared with her husband while she waited to hear what he had to say. Janet’s chest was pounding, she fiddled with her blouse collar nervously as she wondered and wondered what he was going to tell him. She hoped that he wasn’t having an affair. "I'll need your help with some very important papers at the office some of them involved Tim that we both need to set up and a couple of others that I'll show you when we get to the office I know this is sudden darling but I really help your help on this ." He said calmly taking his wife's hands into his and bringing them close to his face while looking into her big baby blue eyes the same that their son inherited and looked so similar to his mother's as she looked into his soft grey ones full of love and tenderness that seemed to always convince Janet of anything
“What exactly are these papers for? Also… how do they involve Tim? I can check them out at the office Tomorrow… but I’ll feel much better if I knew what it was that I was signing” said Janet as she sat on the bed and reached onto her nightstand for a glasses case so she could better read the document. “Is Tim alright, John?” asked Janet who was trying not to worry. Janet who often came across as a rather confident woman was also a dedicated mother who wanted to be in the loop of all of her child’s activities. Janet continued to play with her blouse collar, still nervous. "Tim is going to be fine dear some of these papers are just a set for his inheritance and in case something ever happens to us he'll be taken care of as for the others Janet, wait until we get there okay." It was then that they heard Tim calling for them "come on dear I promise these can wait for tomorrow for let's go spend time with our son." Giving his wife's hands a quick kiss he headed out the door downstairs as Janet slowly followed still thinking over what John said “I knew we had to settle the inheritance matters for Tim sooner or later. I do know that we’ll have to explain all of this to Tim when he’s a little older~” said Janet who got up and left the important documents on the small desk in their master bedroom.
Several minutes later, Janet followed her husband back downstairs to rejoin the party. “Hello Tim, Baby. Mommy and Daddy needed to discuss something but we made sure to be quick about it so we could focus more on your special night~” said Janet as she hugged her darling son, even in front of all of his guests. Janet didn’t care if everyone was watching them; she just wanted her son to feel loved no matter what. After a couple of hours of fun games ,more playing and chatting soon it was time for the guests to leave as they said their goodbyes and wishing Tim another happy birthday as their helped their kids already tired and sleeping from all the fun out the door wishing the family a goodnight and we'll see you Monday until it was just Tim his parents and Maggie who insisted to help clean up before she left for the night even though Janet told her that there was no need to and she helped enough today and that she could take care of it but Maggie with her loving heart didn't mind as Tim and John joined to help get everything cleaned up once everything was picked up and put away Maggie gave him a hug any sweet kiss good night sweet baby as he gave off a tired yawn wishing Maggie good night as he entirely rubbed his sleepy eyes his little body already tuckered out from today's events as Maggie waved a final goodbye as she close the door leaving the Drake's residence in the meantime to let off another cute little yawn as his mother lifted him into her arms happy and adoring her sweet baby knowing that he had a fun day "Come on my sweet darling let's get you a bath ready and then before bed we'll read that new book you have." She cooed as John tousled his raven hair chuckling as Tim's baby blue eyes lit up in his sleepy face After a couple of hours of fun games ,more playing and chatting soon it was time for the guests to leave as they said their goodbyes and wishing Tim another happy birthday as their helped their kids already tired and sleeping from all the fun out the door wishing the family a goodnight and we'll see you Monday until it was just Tim his parents and Maggie who insisted to help clean up before she left for the night even though Janet told her that there was no need to and she helped enough today and that she could take care of it but Maggie with her loving heart didn't mind as Tim and John joined to help get everything cleaned up once everything was picked up and put away Maggie gave him a hug any sweet kiss good night sweet baby as he gave off a tired yawn wishing Maggie good night as he entirely rubbed his sleepy eyes his little body already tuckered out from today's events as Maggie waved a final goodbye as she close the door leaving the Drake's residence in the meantime to let off another cute little yawn as his mother listed him into her arms happy and adoring her sweet baby knowing that he had a fun day " come on my sweet darling let's get you a bath ready and then before bed we'll read that new book you have." She cooed as John tousled his raven hair chuckling as Tim's baby blue eyes lit up in his sleepy face.
“And they all lived happily ever after. There Tim… I hope you enjoyed your story” said Janet as she kissed Tim’s forehead before getting up to put his book on his small desk. Janet smiled as she went on to tuck Tim in. The older woman smiled at her young son, who was beginning to drift off to sleep “Yes Mommy, I enjoyed it. Goodnight Mommy~” said Tim as he kissed his Mother on the cheek and went to sleep. Janet then turned the lights off and closed the door before she went to the master bedroom. John had already gotten into his pajamas and was in bed reading a book of his own.
“He’s already asleep John, it’s just us two Honey~” said Janet as she unzipped her skirt before unbuttoning her blouse and removing that too. Janet then placed her clothes on her hope chest before removing her bra, stockings and panties. Janet then went to her underwear drawer and pulled out a satin nightie that she often wore to bed and put it on. It was a beautiful deep blue one of her favorite colors “I always like that color on you it always brought out those big blue eyes of yours." A comment making his wife smile as she climbed into bed snuggling up to John as he finished a chapter of his book setting it on the side table and settling in the covers when he noticed Janet still had a concerned look on her face to cheer her up he thought of some comforting words to ease her “I’ve been spending so much time at the office John. If only we could spend more time with Tim; that boy needs his mother and father in his life, especially at his age” said Janet as she adjusted her nightie before pulling the covers over herself while snuggling up to John.
“I’m really not too sleepy at the moment, maybe we can… you know~” said Janet who was snuggling closer to John. Janet really wanted to get it on as it was far too long since their last time, but she wanted it. " we'll why not .?" he whispered a pink blush forming on Janet's cheeks as her husband gave her gentle kisses on her face and brushing his fingers against her raven hair " don't worry darling tomorrow will be different once we get things settled we’ll head home to have more family with Tim from now on that I promise my love." Making Janet smile even more " Oh John dear that makes my heart soar things will be different." they gave each other a deep kiss and began to make love unknown to the Drake family that after this night that would be the last I love you hug and kiss they would give their son as a family as the early foggy morning came the Drake house completely quiet as a mouse all except for the soft breathing of little Tim slowly from his peaceful sleep.
Janet and John had made love for almost the entire night until about 4:00 AM when they both fell asleep. At about 7:00 AM, Janet got up with her beautiful raven black hair kinda messy and her nightie had one strap that had slipped off her shoulder from making love with her husband several hours prior. Janet then went to check up on Tim who was still sleeping peacefully. Afterward, Janet went downstairs to the kitchen to make herself some coffee before heading back up to the master bedroom to be with her husband. “Good morning handsome, I made us some coffee,” said Janet as she waited for John to sit up before she handed him his mug before Janet sat back in the bed. Janet pulled the covers over herself to be close to her man while she drank her coffee. "Hello darling that sounds great ." He replied kissing his wife on the cheek and pouring himself a cup to enjoy as Janet looked at the cloak by the time they were out the door at 8:00 Maggie would be there and by later today they would be back in time to spend time with Tim maybe they can go to the park and have a nice picnic “I think today we should do something with Tim, all three of us. I’ve been working really hard at the office lately and we haven’t had time off altogether, you should’ve seen Tim’s little face light up when you came home for his party and all three of us were together” said Janet as she kissed John’s face, she was still happy from having sex with him last night after a long time. Janet smiled as the morning sun slowly came in through the blinds of their bedroom windows.
“Let’s go have a picnic at Gotham Park. I can prepare some food and we can even bring some toys to play together with Tim; oh I’m sure he’ll love that so much. What do you say, John?” Said Janet as she played with John’s hair, wondering if he’d agree with her. Janet kissed John’s lips after she took a sip of her coffee; she also let down one strap of her nightie to look seductive for her man. "That definitely sounds great my love." He returned the kiss as they finished up they finished their coffee and got ready for the day before leaving Janet quietly went to Tim's room to check on him who still sleeping sweetly like a baby still tuckered out from yesterday's party smile she slowly went to him leaning over to give a kiss on his rosie cheek a light smile on his face as he snuggled into the bed more with teddy  as she quietly whispered him a goodbye "goodbye Tim my sweet babydoll Mommy and Daddy will see you soon." As she looked at him one last time until she was out of the room walking with John “You look amazing in that outfit." He commented as he noticed Janet wearing a black suit with a cream pink blouse black heels and a brown leather belt along with her favorite pearls flattered she gave him a bit of a twirl “Seeing you always so well dressed up really turns me on haha~” John flirted as he kissed Janet’s cheek before fixing his tie and walking out with Janet. The sun was pretty hot especially at this time of year, even when the summer season was almost over.
“I hope we won’t be late for our appointment with the lawyer, these appointments always make me stressed sometimes; and I’m a businesswoman who knows a lot about dealing with clients, signing papers, and negotiating~” said Janet as she drove with her husband to the attorney’s office to settle their inheritance for Tim. Offering his arm John gave her his most charming smile “Shall we, my darling." He declared making her giggle such the gentleman as Janet took his arm in delight as he opened the door morning mist was thick in the air like pea soup as they stepped out heading toward Janet closing the door behind them as she looked up at where Tim's window “I’m always happy to know that I’m in good hands in your arms my Darling John~” said Janet as the two have been driving for close to 30 minutes because there was a lot of traffic in the city. The husband and wife arrived at the attorney’s office, ready to finalize their son’s inheritance. “I’m ready my husband. I hope this doesn’t take too long~” said Janet as the two got out of the car. Janet was eager to get home in time to see Tim, hoping that today was the first day the three of them could hang out.
9:30 Tim's face is welcomed by the warm summer rays peaking from the clouds rubbing the sleep from his big baby blue eyes as he lets out a little yawn " G..good morning Teddy." He said hugging his bear as he climbed out he noticed the house seemed very quiet as he went to the bathroom to potty he went to wash his hands as he wondered where Maggie was "I wonder where Maggie is Teddy s..she usually comes t..to check on me when I wake up in mornings?" Once he finished he grabbed Teddy again as he went down the stairs to see if Maggie was in the kitchen maybe she was making breakfast but when he checked she wasn't there either when he checked the living room no one was there or in the other rooms where was everyone he knew his mommy and daddy were at work and would be home later when he heard a beeping sound noticing that it was there answering machine maybe it was Mom or daddy or Maggie cuddling up to the side desk where it was he pressed the button that it would answer revealing that this message was sent 5 minutes before his parents left for work and when he heard the voice he was surprised that it was Maggie " hello Mr. and Mrs. Drake I …cough…cough..am terrible sorry to…cough.. call at an unexpected moment but I'm definitely sorry to tell you that I have gone under the weather badly and may need to go to the hospital so I'm afraid I might not be able to watch dear..cough..Timothy today I hope you will understand and to let..cough..cough..cough.. Timmy knows that I'm sorry..cough.. I couldn't make it today please thank you for…cough..cough… understanding." With that the beep sounded signaling that the call was over Tim gave a sad face to poor Maggie she must have sounded very sick and sad "Oh T-teddy p-poor Maggie she sounded so so sick ." He said hugging his teddy to his chest " I g-guess just going to be me and you.." as he thought about his momma and daddy they were away at work he wished he could call them but the only home phone they had was in his daddy's office and Tim was never allowed in there only when his father allowed him and it was always kept locked at all times so there was no way to let them know that Maggie was sick.
He suddenly heard a gurgling when he looked around to find where the noise was coming from but didn't see anything he looked down and realized that it was his tummy "Breakfast" I'm g..getting hungry Teddy h..how about you?" He asked pressing his ear to listen what his bear “you h..hungry too ok come we can go find some breakfast." If Maggie's not here to help him it'll be okay he can make his breakfast by himself he's a big boy now he and Teddy made their way to the kitchen to find food.
At Drake Industries
“Right; now Mr. and Mrs. Drake, I’d like you both to please sign and date this document. This is your confirmation of consent that makes your son Timothy Drake the next of kin who will claim the inheritance when the time is right” explained the lawyer as John signed and dated his part, and Janet had just signed and dated her part of the document when she got a call on her cell phone from Maggie and how she was unwell and unable to come to work. “John, we have to hurry home as soon as we’re finished. Maggie can’t come to the apartment to look after Tim, she’s in the hospital. Let’s wrap this up and go home to check up on Tim; poor baby must be starving” said Janet. Despite always trying to come across as a strong businesswoman, she was definitely a helicopter parent who often showered Tim with love and affection so many times that she didn’t know when to start letting him do things for himself despite still being so little.
“Hello, Tim. Don’t worry Sweetheart, Mommy’s coming to make you breakfast~” said Janet sending the phone hoping Timmy will hear it as she had everything completed with her husband and the two hurried out to their car to drive back home to be with Tim. But as they were heading out they were suddenly stopped by a big black car in front of them preventing them from leaving the chauffeur got out of the car and approached them calmly as a concerned look grew on Janet's face "John..?" Looking to her husband as the man came closer unaware to both of them that they would not be going home to their son. “I don’t know who these guys are! I’m going to get to the bottom of this!” said John who reached into the glove compartment to grab his gun when the glass car window on his side broke as one of the assailants shot the gun out of John’s hand. Suddenly, another thug tossed a nerve gas canister between the couple.
“J-John… I’m… I’m scared!” said Janet who was struggling to breathe as she couldn’t keep her eyes open. Her vision suddenly became hazy, and she couldn’t concentrate. Janet then passed out after the nerve gas was really getting to her. “Janet?! Baby!? Please wake up! Please!” said John worriedly as his wife was knocked out. John could just about see the people who were attacking them before he also passed out. A much taller man stepped out of the limo, he wore a whitish silver suit and had a metallic face in the form of a black skull with red eyes.
“We managed to get Drake, but his wife is also in the car; shall we kill her now?” asked a smaller man with long white hair and orange shades.“Certainly not Number 1! Why only capture one of them when you can capture both the husband and wife? These two will be the ticket to getting what we want!” said Black Mask as he watched his thugs load John and Janet into the limo before driving them both to Black Mask’s warehouse later. Later, Janet woke up, having been handcuffed to a chair; she looked around frantically and tried to figure out where they were.
10:30 pm The ending music of Oliver and Company filled the living room Tim gave a tired little yawn as the movie ended being the 4th one he watched while waiting for Mama and Daddy who still weren't home yet he was already up way past his bedtime having snuggled up in the couch with his favorite blanket maybe they had to stay at the office more? But no matter what he'll stay up for them to come home " O..one m..more..yawn.. movie Teddy then Mama and Daddy will surely be home by then it's okay Teddy you can go to sleep and I'll stay up to wait..Yawn…okay." He said sleepily tucking Teddy into his blankie and giving him a goodnight kiss just like his Mama does for him “Good night Teddy I love you too." He cooed as he put on the movie Bambi but not long after Tim had fallen asleep just as Bambi was looking calling out for his Mother. As the little one slept not knowing his Mama and Daddy were not coming home for a very long time with no friends or family unaware that in that house was Drake's only child all alone with nobody to notice at all. As the next morning came heavy rain clouds surrounded Gotham signaling for a heavy rainy day as Tim slowly woke up from the couch.
Meanwhile, over in Black Mask's hideout; Jack and Janet were not having a good night. Janet was in a windowless room feeling cold and unable to move, fearing for her husband's safety. Earlier, one of Black Mask's guards came in and tried to sexually assault Janet by opening her blouse and trying to feel her breasts; but Janet attempted to fight back in retaliation. The guard left when he was called back by Black Mask to interrogate her husband, who was beaten to a pulp as Black Mask demanded to know where the information was. "I'm disappointed in you Drake! You said you could get me my money; you're several grand short," said Black Mask as he nodded for one of his men to punch Jack in the stomach, hoping the man got the message. "I'll get it to you! I SWEAR!" said Jack, who felt so delirious that he couldn't communicate properly; he didn't want Black Mask to hurt him or his wife and he knew appeasing their captor was all they could do to keep them alive. "Please! I promise you'll have the rest of the money! Every last dollar! I'll see to it! Just PLEASE, let my wife and I go! We have a son, he NEEDS US! I'll get you the money!" said John as he did his best to convince Black Mask that he would be on time with his promise.
"You've got until this coming Friday! Get it, or I'll also show your wife what I can do when you double-cross Black Mask. Speaking of your wife, she's very beautiful… perhaps she should stay here… as collateral~" said Black Mask as he snapped his fingers and two of his guards got Janet and brought her over. John had to find a way to get the money for Tim and Janet's safety but how? Timothy! Please oh, let him be safe that Black Mask doesn't find out thankfully they have no idea where they live nor what Tim looks like. John knew he made mistakes in the past he regretted and this was one of them but he was desperate he needed the money to pay those hospital bills! He prayed no matter he and Janet would find a way to get out of this and get back to their boy.
End of chapter 2 Will Janet and John find a way out? Why did he make a deal with Black Mask? will Tim find out when his Mom and Dad will come home? Hopefully help will come.
credit to the lovely https://www.tumblr.com/theivylinerart for being part of this story!
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hellolittleogre · 5 years
OK, but WHO is going to give me the Billy/Goody kidfic AU based off this? 
Like WHO? Because I want it yesterday.
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roonyxx · 2 years
Same 4/4 Different Souls
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : AU Dean x reader, Dean x reader
Summary : Two Deans… What could go wrong ?
Serie Warnings : Smut, Angst, hurt (and jealous) Dean, hurt AU Dean, hurt reader… hurt everyone, Swearing.
Wordcount : 3.8k
Note : This is a collaboration beetween both of us. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each. This is the final chapter of Same; shout out to my babe @jay-and-dean for working with me on this amazing journey, I hope you all enjoyed this adventure as much as we did!
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
Part 1: Same eyes
Part 2: Different hearts
Part 3: Same names
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
         4. Different souls
Dean came down the stairs from letting the Winchesters 2.0 out. Wiping his face, he was relieved that they left. But he could see that Y/n was clearly upset, she was wiping her eyes and sniffing.
As Dean ascended the stairs he sat down at the illuminated world map table, his eyes focused on Melville Canada.
Sam stretched his back, he could feel the obvious tension between the two and he didn’t want to end up in the middle of it.
“I’m exhausted from the whole double me double you thing, i’m gonna get some sleep guys.”
Dean looked up at his brother. 
“Night Sammy.”
Y/n turned to Sam, trying to hide her eyes.
“Goodnight Sam.”
With that Sam left them behind in the war room. 
“You okay sweetheart?” Dean asked as his eyes tried to met hers.
“Yeah… I just need a drink” she said a little too coldly. 
The other Dean’s words had hit her like a slap, and she really felt confused and… hurt somehow. 
Y/n got up to take a glass and a bottle of whiskey, sitting across from Dean without a word. He frowned. When he opened his mouth to say something, she cut him :
“I think you have had enough whiskey for a while Dean.” She said gruffly.
“Yeah you’re probably right.” He scratched the back of his neck. 
Y/n filled up her glass and shot it all down at once. Her eyes focused on the table in front of her. 
The tension in the room was palpable, both of them had obviously things on their hearts but each one was waiting for the other to address the elephant in the room. 
Dean let out a big sigh.
“What did he tell you? It looked serious. And you’re upset…” He watched her face, to see if he could read her, but she looked… shocked? Scared even.
“Nothing that matters.” She took another drink, no way she was gonna tell him and make things even worse.
“Stop being like that, Y/n… Talk to me.”
Talk to him ? When he was himself letting her with no answer ! He got hurt, fine ! But why that reaction ? Why not telling her anything else than I’m sorry.
“I know you’re furious or something.” Y/n didn’t make eye contact when she finally talked, letting her frustration overcome her guilt. 
“Furious ? I’m not furious ?” Dean frowned. 
Y/n scoffed dryly. 
“Oh yeah not at all, isn’t that why you drank an entire bar ?”
Dean leaned over the table to take her hand in his.
“I’m not furious Y/n.”
Y/n pulled her hand out of his grasp.
“I never saw you that drunk Dean, and believe me, I have seen you drunk.”
He slumped back in his chair, rubbing his hand over his face,
“It wasn’t because I was angry with you Y/n.”  
“Not angry huh ? You came home and went all fight club!” Y/n finally yelled at Dean.
“I wasn’t angry with you, not even with him!” Dean yelled back.
“Then why did you hit him ?” Y/n questioned him. “Please answer, this time…”
Dean looked down at his hands on the table.
“If he didn’t wear the same face it wouldn’t have happened. I was angry at myself.”
“That makes no sense Dean.” He could see she was annoyed now.
Several silent minutes passed, Y/n’s annoyance turned to a deep sadness, he wasn’t going to talk, she will have to leave with the idea of hurting him that bad, but not knowing exactly how. Tears filled her eyes as a lump grew in her throat. After a while, Dean looked at her and sighed, she was in pain, he had to do something.
“How long have we known each other ?” 
“7 years.” Y/n shrugged. She very vividly remembered when she first laid eyes on the man she knew she would love forever.
“I was drunk because I was… hurt.” Dean told her.
Y/n frowned.
“How do you mean hurt ?”
“He achieved what I wanted for years in just one day…” 
“I have no idea what you are talking about, Dean.” She looked at him, trying to read what he was saying on his face.
“I was jealous.” he softly shrugged, in a way to make it seem like it was no big deal. 
“Jealous ? Of him ?” Y/n didn’t understand what he meant, of course.
“Yes! He touched you, he kissed you,  he got to smell you and keep you close, he got to know what it’s like to be with you, like really be with you. He got to taste your love, he got to see every inch of you, to admire you in the way I always wanted to. When i close my eyes all I can see are his hands on you, hear the noises you made for him and it…it hurts Y/n.” 
Now Dean had finally talked, he couldn’t stop.
“But -… I- you want to have sex with me?” Y/n wasn’t sure she heard him right.
Dean shook his head, a deep sigh leaving his lips. 
“I- I’m sorry.” 
“Dean answer me, did you want to fu-… have sex with me ?” she had to know.
He scoffed darkly.
“Not just sex…”
Y/n waited for him to further explain what he meant with that. 
Dean looked her in the eyes.
“I l-love you Y/n.” He stated his voice wavering, he felt so vulnerable, more than ever. He could feel his eyes getting wet despite his will to keep some composure. She didn’t love him, he was sure of it. 
“Wh- what ?” She looked at him like he grew a second head. 
“I know, I’m sorry, I… I can leave if you want.” Dean was getting out of his chair but she stopped him with a shaky voice.
“Did he tell you to say that ?” He could see the tears threatening to leave her eyes.
“What ?” Dean tilted his head to the side. 
Y/n was getting up now, ready to leave. Of course he told Dean that she loved him, he probably wanted to do her a favor, but he just made it worse.
Dean grabbed her arm with a firm but kind gesture making her stop. He didn’t want to frighten her, but now that he revealed his deepest secret, the one he actually thought could ruin his life, there was no way he could live not knowing what she thought of that.
“What are you talking about ?” 
She pushed his hand off her, gently.
“He told you to say that, to make me happy RIGHT ?”  
“You mean other me ?” Dean questioned, confused, still a little shaken by his own confession.
She didn’t answer but Dean could read of her face that he was right.
“He didn’t tell me anything ! Why would he? What would he say to me Y/n ?” 
“Because of this soulmate thing !” a sob choked her and Dean’s eyes widened.
“Soulmates what ?” 
“He… Him and his Y/n were soulmates and he… He seemed to think that… “ she couldn’t find her words, or her breath, rib cage suddenly tight. “Dean, he was confusing his love story with our friendship  I think, he kept telling me we should be together, but I… I told him.” 
“Told him what ?” Dean lightly shook his head.
“That it was not the same, that you…” 
She turned and pushed at Dean to give her space. And he couldn’t move. 
A million ideas passed through his skull without staying. Soulmates ? How could she know ? What did it even mean ? Did that mean the other him and his Y/n were soulmates too ?  Were they, himself and the woman he loved so much, soulmates ? Or not at all ?… He swallowed, like it would move the lump in his throat. Was it possible that he, himself, had a soulmate ? Was it… 
She weakly talked again, saving him from drowning in his questions.
“But he knew so…” Tears were rolling down her cheeks. 
“He knew what ?” Dean now held her tight by the upper arms.
“That I love you !” She half screamed at him, the words hurting her throat on their way out. 
His grip on her loosened, he stood before her as she looked down at her feet.
“Wh-what?” Dean gasped.
��I told him, I’m sorry you… I know you don’t feel the really same and I-”
“You love me?” Dean cut her off.
“Yes Dean… why else would I have sex with him ?! Why … among all the men, would I want him ?” She finally dared to look up at him, her vision blurry because of her tears.
“Because he got the looks without the crap ?” He stated with a sad smile, it broke her heart that he could think of himself like that once more.
“Because I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss you, to have you inside of me, Dean… To hear you moan my name for once…” She muttered the last part as she looked straight ahead to his chest, not wanting to see the disgust in his eyes because she used the other Dean for her own heart. 
She felt his hand on her cheek, tilting her head up so he could look in her eyes. 
“I want to give you all of that. I love you, Y/n.” He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.
She put her head on his chest, softly sobbing. She could barely believe what he was saying, her heart racing in her chest, echoing in her head, tears heavily falling between them directly to the floor. How could it be true… And yet, she felt it. In his hand holding the back of her neck, in the soft held back sobs making his chest tremble, in everything that emanated of him, she could feel love.
“He’s not you, I know that because even when I was with him. I only thought of you. I love you Dean.” She lifted her chin to dive in his eyes. “I love you so much.”
He bent down to slowly catch her lips in a tender kiss, barely grazing at first, to then crush softly on her craving mouth, finally feeling her lips on his. He sighed in relief, like he could breathe for the first time in ages. 
Her hands wrapped around his neck pulling him down to her, she felt his tongue softly grazing at her bottom lip, wanting access, needing more. It was her. She had seen him kissing, each time clenching her fists, but this time it was her… She parted her lips and let his tongue start a raging fire in her whole body.
But she broke that heavenly kiss because she needed to hear those words again, she to be sure she wasn’t making all this up in her mind :
“You really love me Dean?” she questioned once they parted.  
“I really do Y/n, I have been loving you for a long time now.” 
A soft smile formed on her lips as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him again. She couldn’t have enough.
“I’m sorry for… sleeping with him I just, I was stupid… sorry.” She hid her face in his neck again, a wave of new guilt hitting her, if he was in love with her like she was with him, he must have been through hell.
“I’m sorry for acting like a dick and being so hard on you… I was just hurt.” 
She slowly started kissing his neck, which pulled a groan from Dean.
“Let me show you how much I love you sweetheart.”
His lips crashed onto hers hungrily, pouring all his love into it. His hands traveled down her body to the back of her thighs and he whispered.
She jumped up and locked her legs behind his lower back, her arms wrapped around his neck as he carried her to his room.
Entering his room he kicked the door shut behind him, walking to the bed to drop her on it.
He stood at the edge, just watching her for a moment, enjoying the sight before him, and he tried to ignore memories of her voice moaning that stranger’s name. He could see the blush crawling up her neck.
“You’re so beautiful.”  He said as he crawled over her. 
Her hands cupped his face, just watching him, now that she shamelessly could. Taking in every inch of him, she could see he was doing the same, admiring each other for the first time.
The wrinkles around his eyes as he wore a small smile, the freckles dusted across not only the bridge of his nose but also up his temples, his scruff that slightly scratched against the palms of her hands. His lips slightly parted, spit slick and swollen from her kisses. Her fingers touched the fine naked line between his scruff and ear, the skin feeling incredibly soft beneath her touch.
His eyes were a deep, enchanting shade of green. Her favorite color, she never liked green before she saw his green, they held such warmth and comfort, she wanted to drown in them every time.  
His hands moved down her sides, feeling her steady breathing beneath her ribs, her heart thumping in her chest. He moved them down until he reached the end of her shirt to push it up, lowering himself to kiss every inch of skin that was revealed to him. His tongue leaving behind a wet trail, sucking a mark near her belly button.
His touch was intoxicating, she was already panting as her hands fisted his hair which made him smirk against her skin.
He pulled the shirt over her head,, eyes darkening at the sight before him. His hands moved behind her back to unclasp her bra, his finger went to  her shoulders as he moved his thumb over the hickey on her neck, as if he was trying to erase it.
“I’m sorry…” If he wasn’t so close he would have never heard her whisper the apology. 
“It’s okay Y/n, I’m not mad.” He lowered his face to her neck, sucking a mark over the one she already had and switched to the other side to mark her there too. 
Everything was different, his mouth was way more eager and his hands roamed, conquering, discovering her and earning every moan, every little whimper slowly. Her body reacted different too. This was Dean, her Dean, and every touch was overwhelming.
Her hands tugged at his shirt.  
“I need to feel you Dean, please ?” She fisted his hair to make him look at her.
He smiled at her, how could he ever refuse her ? With one hand he gripped the back of his shirt to pull it of.
“Woah…” she gasped, her hands carefully touching him.
“What? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” The words left his lips before he knew it, he didn’t mean it in the way she thought. Her eyes flickered down, her hands leaving his chest.
“No baby… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” He took her hand and placed it back on his chest. “I’m not angry, it’s just… the jealousy, it can be overwhelming.” He admitted to her as he could see a small smile on her lips.
“What?” he asked her. 
“You called me baby.” She said as her smile grew. 
“I did, because you are my baby.” He pecked her lips and felt her hands push a little at his chest to roll over him.
She straddled him once he was on his back, a small satisfied  smile gracing her face.
“I want you Dean, not a copy. You.” His hands held her by the waist as she shyly started to grind on him. He bit down on his lip, guiding her movement, encouraging her by pushing his hips up.
She bend down, her chest flush against his, her nipples rubbing against his. Her hands went up in his hair, as she kissed him like she always wanted to do. Her hips growing more confident with his growls.
“Fuck baby, I need to feel you, all of you.” Dean gasped against her lips.
She sat up straight, her hands sliding down his body to stop at his belt, unbuckling it and pulling his pants down, Dean kicked it of his feet as he held her up by the waist. She whimpered a little while Dean kept her up, her hips now grinding in the air.
“All of you baby, loose the pants.” He let go of her so she could quickly take off her pants, panties being kicked off too. She straddled him again, rubbing her already wet pussy on his hard cloth covered cock. 
“Fuck baby, you’re soaking me.” He groaned as his grip on her tightened crushing her more down on him as he pushed his hips up.  
She bend down, kissing his chest, nipping at his nipples which made him gasp,  he could feel her smile against his skin. 
One of his hand shifted from her waist to in between her thighs, two fingers parting her lips so they hugged his cock through his underwear, cock twitching because of the amount of slick he was already covered in.
“Fuck Dean… I need more…” She whined as she sat up, rolling her hips on him as she put her hands behind her to rest on his thighs. 
Dean briefly stopped her movements to take off his underwear, Y/n licking her lips at the sight of his hard cock, she sat down on him once more, the skin to skin contact sending electric through her body, making her grind harder. One of her hands wrapped around his cock pumping him in the same time as her pussy lips hugged him, pushing his cock close to her as her clit reached his tip, rubbing deliciously.
He was panting beneath her, head thrown back and a concentrated frown on his face. She rubbed faster, feeling her climax climb, she was so close to fall over that edge.
“Fuck Dean… I’m c-close… so c-close” She was sweating, gasping his name.
She clenched around nothing as she came on top of him, her body convulsing at how hard her orgasm hit her.
Dean struggled not to come himself at just the sight of her coming.
“Yes baby, that’s it come all over me.”
She dropped on the bed next to him, she started laughing in her after bliss haze.
“Fuck Dean, you’re not even inside me and I already came harder than ever before.”
He chuckled, loving the sound of those words, loving how natural they felt ; and turn to her, hand cupping her breast as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, teeth grazing it.
“Harder than ever before huh?” His chest swelled with pride, a wicked smirk on his face as he moved between her legs. The heavy weight of his cock resting against her thigh.
She bit her lips as she moved her hips so his cock would rest against her pussy.
“Do I need-” He started.
“I want to feel all of you Dean, I want you bare” her hands on his lower back to push him closer.
During his hesitation, she could see the question burning in his eyes. Now she new he had been so jealous, she could imagine his feelings, she could guess what he was thinking, because she knew jealousy too well. 
“He… I didn’t let him… you know, only you can do that.” She told him, he catched her lips in a sweet and tender kiss.
“I love you.” He told her.
“I love you too Dean.” 
He guided his cock to her entrance, pushing inside her slowly. 
“Fuck you’re tight baby…” he panted in her neck.
She welcomed him, searching if face, her mouth agape. He didn’t know her and seeing his pupils dilate made her heart flutter. This was them, not the echo of another story, and they had everything to learn about each other. Her hands grabbed his shoulders hard at the intense pleasure spreading in her whole body, her nails leaving moon crested shapes in his skin.
“De… m-move please move.” She begged him once he bottomed out.
He pulled back, slowly, his cock dragging along her inner walls. As he did, she stared at him, taking in the nobility of his shape. He looked stronger than his double, rougher around the edges, he carried the violence of his life on his warrior shape, without looking brutal himself. A single tear rolled from the corner of her eyes when her love overflew her.
Leaving just the tip in he slammed back into her, making her scream out his name in surprise.
He started pounding into her hard, pushing her up the bed, unable to tame that hunger inside him, that craving. Her hands went above her head to hold onto the headboard. This was so intense, both too much and not enough and her mouth opened in ecstasy. This wasn’t only about sex, he was claiming her.
“You’re mine.” He growled in her ear as his cock hit that sweet spot deep inside her over and over.    
“Tell me, tell me you’re mine, I need to hear it.” He bit her shoulder, arms holding her behind her shoulders, pounding into her like there was no tomorrow.
“FUCK I’m yours Dean, I’M YOURS !” 
She could feel he was losing his rhythm, the sounds he made indicating he was close.
With one hard thrust he filled her up, his cum shooting deep inside her, coating her walls white.
“FUCK YES Y/N YES!” His his jerking into her made her fall over the edge to succumb into her own orgasm, scratching his back as she clenched hard around him.
Dean fell on top of her panting, hips jerking slightly. 
Her hands wrapped around him, fingers tunneling through his sweaty hair. She didn’t really notice it before but they smelled slightly different, her Dean smelled like the mundane shampoo she bought him, the leather of baby and bunker, he smelled like the bunker, like home.
There were many differences between the two of them apart from just their smells. Her Dean’s hands were rougher, probably from digging the graves and working on baby, he had more scars than the fashion version of him. His love was more… raw, because it was more like him, and she loved every bit of it.
He lifted his head from her neck, looking in her eyes, a lazy smile across his face.
“I love you Y/n.” He said right before he kissed her, lazily, still slightly out of breath.
“I love you too, Dean” she smiled against his swollen lips, his name sounding so right. “Can I sleep with you ?”
“Oh baby I’m never gonna let you leave my side.”
The two version of Dean might be made of the same wood, but they grow in a totally different forest, And the biggest difference ? Only one of them held her heart.
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helloalycia · 3 years
just a kid [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: you're a field medic at the Avengers Tower and get into an accident where you hurt your head. It was only supposed to be a mild concussion, yet things don't seem to be going right when you try to remember the accident.
warning/s: mentions of violent/dark scenes.
author's note: here’s the first of a little two-parter I worked on not long ago, hope you all like it!
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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I woke up with heavy eyes and an aching head, momentarily dazed.
"Hey there, Doctor Y/L/N... can you hear me okay?"
Breathing deeply, I found the energy to clear my throat and scan the view above me. I was laying down on a bed, in a hospital room, I think. The lights were ever so bright and I now knew how annoying it felt to wake up like this as my patients had.
"What happened?" I asked, eyes roaming around until they settled on my doctor. "Doctor Maya? What am I–? Why am I here?"
I recognised Doctor Maya as a colleague of mine, though unlike me, she was a doctor who worked at the Avengers Tower whereas I worked as a field medic so was more on the move. The only reason I'd be here is if I was in an accident. Was I? I wasn't sure.
"Something happened when you were on your last mission," she explained gently. "I– hold on. I'm going to get Miss Maximoff, okay?"
"Wanda?" I asked, furrowing my brows and pinching them to relieve the stress in my head. "Where is she? Is she here?"
"She just nipped out," Doctor Maya said, before backing up. "One second, Y/N."
She left the room momentarily, leaving me to try and remember what had happened. I was on the quinjet and was getting briefed with my team. There were casualties that we had to get to and an agent– an agent I was helping, yes!
I groaned, clutching my head when I tried to remember. Deciding I shouldn't push myself so soon, I waited until the doctor returned with Wanda. Maybe they could tell me how I ended up here. I wasn't exactly injured, at least not physically and that I knew of. My head hurt and that was about it.
The door to my room opened suddenly and I looked that way, seeing Wanda rushing in wearing her civilian clothing. The doctor followed soon after, gently closing the door behind her.
"You're awake," Wanda said with relief, stopping by my bedside. Her hand rested on mine, squeezing it comfortingly. "How are you feeling?"
I smiled upon seeing her, even if she was staring at me like I was a fragile piece of glass. We'd been dating for a while now and she always had the power to make me feel better with her presence.
"I'm alright," I promised. "Just a bit confused to what happened. The last thing I remember is going into the field. Then I woke up here."
She chewed on her lower lip, exchanging unreadable glances with the doctor.
"There was a mine that detonated near you when you were helping an injured agent," Wanda explained softly, and I opened my mouth to speak, but she quickly added, "The agent is okay before you ask. But you hit your head from the impact. Mild concussion."
"That's why your head hurts and you're having trouble remembering," the doctor said, earning my attention. "You should be feeling better soon. And I've got some medication for the pain."
Now that Wanda mentioned it, I did vaguely recall being thrown back by a blast. But remembering it was like watching a film with poor satellite, the screen fuzzing around the edges and remaining unclear even though you focused hard. I was sure it would return to me soon.
"Thanks," I said, before attempting to sit up straight. Wanda helped me as I looked to her with gratitude before paying my attention back to Doctor Maya. "Am I alright to leave?"
"Of course, yeah," she said, nodding quickly. "Feel free to come back if you have any trouble. You should be okay though."
I nodded and smiled gratefully before watching her leave. Sighing, I pushed my hair from my face and looked to Wanda who was hanging by me patiently, eyes twinkling with concern.
"I'm fine," I promised her with a knowing look.
She gave me a small smile – her way of saying I'm still worried, but I'll dial it down – then moved to the chair beside the bed and grabbed some clothes.
"You can change into this," she said about the clothes in her hand, and I was sure they were some of hers; mine must have been ruined from the mine. "And if you want, you can stay with me whilst you recover."
I raised my eyebrows as I accepted the clothes. "You sure? It's nothing serious. I can take care of myself."
She shrugged, eyes avoiding mine with embarrassment as her hands played with mine. "I wanna help. I like looking after you... plus, you've stayed at mine before. This isn't any different. And you can be closer to Doctor Maya in case anything is wrong."
I weighed the decision briefly before giving in, unable to resist how cute she was when she was worried. "Okay, yeah, sure, why not?" She smiled widely, and I added, "Any excuse to cuddle with you, right?"
She chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just let me get ready and we can head to your room. I'm actually a little tired."
She nodded and helped me up so I could get ready. I didn't think much of the whole thing, until later that night when I fell asleep beside Wanda.
My dreams never usually meant much. I wasn't one for reading into them, nor was I one to get seriously affected by 'nightmares', knowing they were usually a concoction of bad horror films and stupid ghost stories from my childhood.
But tonight was different.
It wasn't a dream and it wasn't a nightmare, but rather a memory that couldn't exist.
There was debris everywhere, a mixture of yellow rays blinding my sight with dark shadows looming over me. Destroyed buildings and scattered bodies – none were alive – surrounded me. The heat was too much, but I had a job. I knew I had a job, but I couldn't focus because of how fast my heart was racing, beating an incessant drum in my ears, and how rigid my body felt.
"Help!" a voice was shouting. A young girl, I think – she sounded like a kid. Who was it?
Before I could make sense of anything, I heard a loud noise, like an explosion, that sounded so close yet also extremely distant. Nonetheless, my eardrums weren't spared. The mine, maybe? Was this a memory? Was this how I got hurt?
I was thrown back, head hitting a wall, but I didn't pass out. There was a figure looming over me, short, like a child's shadow, but with no visible face or features. Nothing, actually, just a dark outline staring at me though I couldn't stare back because there was nothing to stare at.
The shouts for help returned, but it was distant like the explosion. I couldn't make sense of anything, and when I closed my eyes to blink, I opened them to find debris washing over me all over again, flying in the air along with my body. It had to be the explosion, my memory returning.
This time, when I hit the wall, I woke with a start. My eyes snapped open, taking in the dark room and nightly blue hue casting over the ceiling and walls. I swallowed hard, finding my breath, and raised my hand to gently massage my forehead. An aching pain was shooting all over, forcing me to sit up as slowly as I could as to not wake up Wanda, who appeared to be fast asleep beside me.
I checked the clock beside her bed and saw it was closing on half three in the morning. I went to bed around nine, which was also when I last had my medication. Doctor Maya said I could have it every five to seven hours and when I got a severe headache.
"I guess this counts...," I mumbled to myself, before grabbing the medication and bottle of water beside the clock.
I downed the two tablets within seconds before sitting upright for a few more minutes, needing a moment to myself before attempting to get back to sleep.
"Y/N...? Are you up?"
I winced at the sound of Wanda's groggy voice, immediately feeling bad for waking her. I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes with one hand whilst blinking away her fatigue.
"Just have a headache, don't worry," I reassured quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. "You can go back to sleep."
"Do you need me to get you anything?" she asked, finally able to keep her eyes open long enough to meet my gaze with her cloudy green ones.
I smiled through my exhaustion. "I'm okay, love. I've had some medicine."
"Well, I can get you something to–" she began, trying to make a move to sit up, but I pushed her back down gently.
"I'm okay," I repeated sternly, before slipping back into bed beside her. Wrapping an arm around her torso, I said, "Get back to sleep."
She nodded tiredly, getting comfortable and pulling me closer to her. I felt her arm wrap around me as I snuggled closer, relaxing in her embrace.
"Wake me if something is wrong," she mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you, too," I returned, kissing the closest thing to me which was her chest. "Goodnight."
Admittedly, it was still difficult for me to fall back asleep. It must have been no longer than ten minutes when I heard Wanda's breathing and felt the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath me – she'd fallen back asleep. I sighed, slightly jealous, but stayed close to her and tried not to think about my accident or my weird dream/nightmare. Eventually, slumber found me.
The next morning, I didn't exactly feel well-rested, but I didn't want to concern Wanda nor draw attention to it as I knew it was probably just a rough first night. Instead, I let myself get distracted with Wanda wanting to cook me breakfast.
I soon found myself in the kitchen, sitting at the island and watching Wanda cook some pancakes for us both with an endearing smile on my lips. She was still in her pyjamas like me, her red hair pulled into a messy ponytail as an afterthought, and she radiated beauty. Right there, I could only wish my future looked exactly like this.
My moment of admiration was interrupted when someone came into the kitchen, earning our attention. It was Sam, one of the Avengers and a colleague of Wanda's.
"Good morning, ladies," he greeted with a smile. Already dressed for the day ahead, he asked, "Do I smell pancakes?"
"They're for Y/N, so back off," Wanda said playfully, pointing her spatula at him threateningly.
He raised his hands with defeat as I chuckled.
"Relax, I've got a shake," he said, grabbing said protein shake from the fridge. "Enjoy your pancakes." He glanced to me, expression softening as he added, "And I hope you feel better, Y/N. I heard about your accident."
"Thank you, Sam," I said gratefully, noticing the way Wanda flinched at his words. "I'm already feeling better, so..."
"That's great," he said genuinely, before looking between us. "I'll catch you guys later."
We both waved our goodbyes to him as he left. I wanted to question what was up with Wanda just then, but as Sam left the kitchen, the door slammed shut and startled me more than I thought it would. The noise sounded so familiar, so loud, kind of like what I heard last night in my dream. It must have been the mine when it exploded, a ghost of a memory that was returning. But that didn't seem right. Why didn't that seem right?
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Wanda asked, and I looked up, only to notice she was now standing by my side and looking down at me with concern.
I licked my lips, nodding. "Yeah, sorry, I just... yeah. I'm fine."
Her eyes were swimming with doubt, but she chose to say nothing. Instead, to my relief, she pulled me close, giving me a quick hug which I appreciated. As my head rested against her chest, I tried to ignore the familiar striking pain travelling around my forehead.
It was two nights later when another strange dream plagued my sleep. Similar to last time, there was a strange combination of scenes that I was sure I remembered and scenes that made no sense. This time though, all that I could feel was a tenseness in my whole body, like I was in a frozen state and my mind and body couldn't communicate. I couldn't move, paralysed by... fear? Shock? Disbelief? I didn't know what it was, but I woke up in the same way.
I'd heard of sleep paralysis, even experienced it a few times without realising. I think this was one of those times, with my body frozen in bed beside Wanda, but I didn't know it at the time. It just felt like a horribly-real dream. The room was dark, the familiar, yet unsettling, nightly blue hue casting shadows on the wall. But on the ceiling, bright and terrifying scenes played out before me. An explosion. Debris. Screaming.
None of it made sense and all I could feel was shock, horrified at how I couldn't move a muscle even if I tried. I tilted my head, seeing the alarm clock glowing red in the dark, letting me know it was past midnight. To the left, I saw a sleeping Wanda, lost in her dreams and unable to help me. I wanted to get up, run my hands over my face, have some water, open a window, do something. But I couldn't move. All I could do was watch the nightmare dance across the ceiling as my heart struggled to beat regularly and my lungs struggled to get enough oxygen.
I didn't know how long I was stuck like that, tears brimming my eyes and body paralysed with fear. But it finally ended and I opened my eyes, only to find the ceiling blank and myself able to move. Reluctantly, I lifted my hand, wiping the tears from my cheeks. It was just a dream (or form of sleep paralysis in hindsight). It wasn't real. But God, it felt horribly terrifying.
Admittedly, I was scared to go back to sleep for fear it would occur again. So, my eyes stayed wide awake, burning with exhaustion, and I continued to stare at the shadows on the wall, feeling my heart pounding in my ears.
I must have fallen asleep again at some point, as I woke up the next morning to Wanda getting out of bed. Sitting up in bed, I looked around and found the fear of last night wearing off now that the room was bathed in the morning light. Still, I was more shaken than I thought.
Not wanting to draw attention to it though, I let the day go on as usual, deciding to appreciate the free time I had from work to spend with Wanda. We decided to go to the park for a walk – Wanda thought it would help get me out of the Tower and I was hoping the fresh air would give me some clarity and help me to recover.
Only, it did the opposite.
We were walking hand in hand, myself listening to Wanda as she chatted about something that happened in training. If I'm being honest, I wasn't really listening; my thoughts were preoccupied with the jumbled mess that was my mind. Glimpses of memories were dancing across my head, teasing me with elements of the truth I couldn't quite make out.
My eyes drifted around mindlessly, settling on a little girl playing by the swings with her parents. I didn't think much of it, but then the familiar shouts for help from my nightmare plagued my mind, making me flinch. The dark, looming shadow returned and I suddenly felt a headache coming on, the pressure against my brain making me nauseous.
I stopped abruptly, letting go of Wanda's hand. She stopped speaking, turning around and furrowing her brows with concern.
"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" she asked, and I winced, clutching my head to relieve the pain.
The wave of nausea left after a moment, but the headache remained. I heard Wanda repeat my name quietly, sensing my discomfort.
"I think I need to see Doctor Maya again," I finally found my words.
"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked, resting a hand on my cheek and tilting my head up to meet her eyes. "You can tell me."
Her eyes were reassuring, calming me in an instant. I wanted to tell her everything, but I didn't want to burden her with my anxieties, so I offered her a small smile.
"I just don't think my recovery is as straightforward as I thought," I settled. "She may be able to help."
Wanda chewed her lower lip, nodding slowly. Thankfully, she didn't question me anymore. Instead, she took me back to the Tower to see Doctor Maya. I was grateful as she waited with me for her to be free, until I had to convince her I'd be okay going in myself.
"Are you sure? I don't mind," she said, exchanging looks with Doctor Maya, who looked away quickly.
I glanced between them, mildly confused, but nodded to Wanda. "I'd rather go alone, Wanda. I'll be okay."
She nodded, squeezed my hands comfortingly, then let me go. When I headed into Doctor Maya's office, she took a seat behind her desk and motioned for me to sit before her.
"You said this was urgent," she spoke first, after I took a seat opposite. "Is everything okay?"
I licked my lips, looking down at my hand as it scratched the arm of the chair nervously. "No... not really."
After a moment of hesitation and partial embarrassment, since I knew this was only supposed to be a mild concussion that felt like so much more, I explained everything that happened to Doctor Maya. The odd dreams/nightmares, the headaches, the overlapping memories and sleep paralysis. As hard as it was to relive, I told her everything in hopes she had an answer that maybe I hadn't realised.
When I finished speaking, she looked distracted with her own thoughts. I waited patiently, watching as she nodded to herself before looking to me calmly.
"It doesn't seem like anything to worry about, truthfully," she said, which I didn't expect. "You suffered a mild concussion, yes, but it must have rattled you more than we thought. The dreams and trouble sleeping are a result of your headaches and returning memories. You do remember what happened, right?"
I nodded, though something felt incorrect. "I think so, yes. I was helping an agent when a mine went off. I was thrown back, covered in debris. Hit my head."
She hummed. "Yes... and you're taking your medication?"
Another nod. "Of course. I just want to get better. The sooner I do, the sooner I can return to work."
"Then it seems that your only opponent is stress and impatience," she said simply. "You need to relax. Keep taking your meds. Try not to worry about returning to work just yet. Focus on getting better. I can prescribe you some sleeping pills if you think that will help."
Sighing disappointedly, I nodded. I was expecting more to be honest, possibly an explanation. Her words made sense logically, but it still didn't feel right. Nonetheless, I didn't want to hold her up any longer, so I let her prescribe me some more medication before leaving. Maybe I'd give relaxing a shot.
"It's a meatball."
I stifled a laugh as I studied the oddly shaped ball of meat in Wanda's hand. "Is it?"
She narrowed her eyes playfully. "It is otherwise you're making your own meal."
I laughed, pressing a haste kiss to her cheek. "Okay, okay, it's a meatball. Add it to the tray."
We were cooking spaghetti and meatballs for dinner about six days after my incident out in the field. I was still staying with Wanda at the Tower, and I was taking Doctor Maya's advice with my recovery. I didn't worry myself with returning to work which, admittedly, helped out, and the sleeping pills knocked me out long enough to get a good sleep. Though, sometimes the nightmares would still return. I didn't think about them too much though, not wanting them to hinder my recovery. Instead, I focused on getting better with my very supportive girlfriend by my side.
Wanda added the meatball to the baking tray, alongside the others, but as she reached to form another one from the bowl full of minced meat, she accidentally knocked it to the floor. The meat splattered across the tiles, making her gasp.
"Shit," she cursed, eyes widening slightly.
"Very clever," I teased with a smile.
"Let me just–"
"I got it," I cut her off, already bending to clear it up. "Just put the tray in the oven, yeah? Try not to drop it."
"Ha-ha, very funny."
I looked up in time to see her rolling her eyes playfully, but she grabbed the tray as I said.
I kneeled down, scooping the meat up and throwing it in the bowl, knowing it would have to go in the bin now. As I did, I realised how familiar the meat looked. Pink and flesh-like, covering my hands and sticking to me. Suddenly, my hands were shaking, the fleshy bits surrounded by blood, and I tried to blink away the sight, expecting to just see minced meat, but I couldn't. They were covered in what I somehow knew was the flesh of body parts.
Startled, I fell back onto my butt, my back hitting the drawer behind me and pulling me from my daydream. Wanda looked down at me with confusion, before sensing something was wrong and leaning down beside me. She rested a hand on my head, thumb stroking my forehead.
"What's wrong?" she asked, confused eyes staring between me and my hands which were still shaking. She grabbed the tea towel from the counter above us before wiping my hands for me and holding them. "Y/N. This has happened a few times. Please tell me what happened."
I was still shaken, unsure why there was a discomfort in the pit of my stomach. I risked glancing at my hands, which were clean and no longer covered in human fle– I mean, meat.
"I don't know what's going on," I finally admitted to her, shaking my head. "It's like my thoughts aren't my own. I can't control them. I just keep seeing stuff that isn't real."
She frowned, eyes peering through mine patiently.
"I still can't remember what happened with the mine," I said, swallowing the lump forming in my throat. "It's like, I know what happened and I know it's real, but when I try to remember, it just doesn't happen quite right. The picture doesn't appear. And I don't know why."
She pressed her lips together, jaw clenching slightly. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but her eyes wouldn't meet mine.
"What did the doctor say?" she asked lowly.
I sighed, the discomfort still lining my stomach. "She thinks I just need time."
Wanda nodded, finally lifting her gaze. "Maybe she's right."
I knitted my brows together with frustration, nudging her away and standing up. "I don't need time! I'm a doctor, too. I know it shouldn't take this long. It was a mild concussion. I've treated hundreds of those."
"Just forget it," I said with exasperation, pulling away from her as she tried to reach out again. I knew it was uncalled for, taking it out on her for no reason, but I was too frustrated with the situation to care. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk."
She sighed from behind me, running a hand through her hair. I left her in the kitchen, suddenly not in the mood to eat. Clearly all of Doctor Maya's advice wasn't working – what I was experiencing wasn't normal. I needed to see her again.
So, after cleaning my hands properly and having a walk around the Tower to clear my head (as expected, it didn't work), I headed to Doctor Maya's office, hoping she was still in work today. To my surprise, when I reached her office, I saw her door was slightly ajar and she was already speaking to someone. My intention wasn't to eavesdrop, but when I heard my name said in a hushed whisper from a familiar voice, I knew I had to stay.
"...can't say anything," Wanda finished. "She'll get better."
Doctor Maya sounded frustrated. "It's not right, Miss Maximoff. This is against everything I stand for. Against everything Y/N stands for, too, I'm sure."
"This is for her benefit," Wanda snapped, before taking a deep breath. "Look, she can't handle the truth. It'll break her... I haven't worked out the kinks, but it'll be okay. She'll get better."
What the hell were they talking about? What truth could I not handle? Wanda and the doctor were in on something together, something they didn't want me to know... and it was something to do with why I was feeling like how I was. I knew I wasn't going insane – something was wrong!
I left them to it with plans of seeing the doctor afterwards, not wanting to get caught, and tried to wrap my head around the fact that Wanda had been keeping something from me this whole time. How could she? I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I thought that we could trust each other.
What was she hiding?
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Keep You Safe
Frankie Morales x gn!reader (no y/n)
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: fluff, pining, mild angst, a shitty ex, a break in, brief panic attack (not overly detailed), protective!Frankie, bed sharing, happy ending
Notes: This sat drafted for weeks cause I just kept picking at it and I think I’m finally happy with it so I hope y’all enjoy it! Thanks to my wonderful partner @we-can-be-himbos​ for beta reading for me!
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The little dive bar was full of noise and life. You stood around a high top with your brother, Santiago, and your shared friends Will, Benny, and Frankie. Technically Santi was your step brother; your parents married when you both were young, but you two grew up together and he never treated you like anything other than a sibling. He was always very protective of you and always looked after you even well into adulthood. The two of you even lived together in a shared little house since he was away a lot for his job.
You all gathered together because it was Santiago’s last night before he left for his deployment. It was always tradition before any of the guys left to have a night out as a send off, and you loved when you and the boys all got together. You were fond of the Miller brothers, but you had a special place in your heart for Frankie Morales. 
Frankie captivated you ever since the day you first met all those years ago. You hid it as best you could, but you couldn’t help the way your eyes lingered on him for just a moment too long or the way your heart flipped in your chest whenever he laughed. And whenever you weren’t looking, Frankie’s eyes trailed down your figure as he shifted in his boots. He always smirked at your effortless charm that drew him in from the get-go.
There was an undeniable attraction between you and Frankie, and the rest of the guys could definitely sense it. Yet, no one said anything. Perhaps no one wanted to be the one to tell Santiago that you were interested in his best friend. Or maybe they wanted you and Frankie to come together on your own without more than a gentle nudge from the rest of the group. 
But what no one knew was that you and Frankie did hook up once. It was a couple of months ago after a night out at the bar, much like this one, and Frankie had offered to take you home. Santi had already left with a random person he had been making eyes at all night and trusted your safety with Frankie. One thing led to another and you ended up naked in his bed after several orgasms. The two of you agreed to never mention that night again, although it was always on your mind.
You had no idea that it was always on Frankie’s mind as well.
Glasses clinked as you and the boys all cheered to Santiago’s health and wished him luck on his mission. He would be gone for several months: the longest he would be away. You all chattered and laughed as you shared memories of good times. Benny let out a loud cackle and rested his hand on your shoulder as you told an embarrassing story about Santiago from your childhood and Frankie couldn’t help the way he frowned slightly. He wasn’t a jealous person, but he wished that he could be so casual in his touches with you as the others were.
“Hey Fish,” Santiago’s voice shook Frankie from his thoughts, “Can I talk to you for a second?”
Frankie nodded as he finished his beer before he followed Santi to a quiet corner of the bar.
You watched the two men walk away with furrowed brows, “What's that about?” you asked as you took a sip of your drink.
“I bet he’s telling Fish to make sure Benny keeps his hands off of you,” Will joked, which made you burst into laughter as Benny gave him an exaggerated pout.
Santi and Frankie looked to be deep in conversation and they both had serious looks on their faces. You didn’t bother to try to eavesdrop, since the bar was too loud and you settled for just watching their interaction from a distance. But you were soon distracted when you felt another pair of eyes on you. A chill ran down your spine as you casually leaned back and tried to find the source.
On the other end of the bar you swore you saw Casey, your ex. His face disappeared into the crowd before you could be sure, but even just the thought made you uneasy. Things did not end well with Casey; he was very overbearing and made you uncomfortable with how possessive he was. Even after you ended your relationship with him, you found that he would pop up sometimes whenever you were out like he was following you. 
You shuffled closer to Will and Benny as you rejoined the conversation and tried to put your ex’s face out of your mind. The boys didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary and you convinced yourself that it was just your imagination as you put a soft smile back on your face.
The other two came back to the table within a few minutes, and you and Santi left the bar shortly after that. His flight was early the next morning and you wanted to get some sleep before you drove him to the airport. Even as you left with your brother, you still felt those ice cold eyes on you, but you didn’t say anything to Santiago.
Your little one story house you shared with your brother was cute and cozy, and was just enough for the two of you. You each had your own bedrooms and separate bathrooms, which was a must when you were house hunting. The car was quiet as he drove the two of you home, and though Santi usually pressed you about what was on your mind, he chose to stay quiet this time. 
“What time do we need to leave, Santi?” you asked though the wall as you got ready for bed.
“Six,” he shouted back.
Fuck, that was so early. But you always liked to be the one to take him to the airport whenever he left for assignments, so you sucked it up for one morning. You could always come right back home and go back to bed anyway. After you said your goodnights, you slipped into bed where you fell asleep quicker than you expected to with how full your head was.
But you didn’t stay asleep.
A loud bang at the front door jolted you awake and you scrambled out of bed to duck down onto the floor like your brother had taught you to. The noise must have woken Santiago up as well because you heard him shout your name as he told you to stay in your room. You heard an argument and you recognized the other voice anywhere: Casey. You gasped as you realized that was actually him at the bar and he must have followed you home.
You cracked your door open just enough to see into the living room where Santiago was locked in a heated argument with your ex. Panic raced through your veins as you fell back onto the floor. You didn’t even register that Santiago came back and was right in front of you. His hands were on your shoulders as he shook you gently to get you out of your head. It wasn’t until the third time he said your name that you came back to the present.
“Hey, hey,” Santi used as calming a voice as he could, “He’s gone.” He was just as frightened as you were, and he was ready to defend and protect you. Santi watched you in your relationship with him and he didn’t like the way the guy treated you at all. You were the only family he had left, and he would do anything for you, “You ok?”
You swallowed hard as you nodded weakly, “I’m ok,” you took in a big breath to steady yourself, “It was Casey wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he grit his teeth, clearly annoyed, “But you’re ok,” he pulled you in for a hug, “We’re ok,” Santi repeated.
You trembled but your brother’s embrace was calming, and the two of you stayed like that for several minutes, “I don’t think I can go back to sleep now.”
He let out a short laugh, “Me either,” he broke away to take a look at your face, “How about some coffee?”
“I don’t wanna stay here…” your voice was weak.
Santi nodded in understanding, “There’s a 24 hour diner, how about we load up the car and go there?”
Instead of leaving at six in the morning, you and your brother walked out of the door around 4:30. Santi tossed his bags in the backseat and offered to drive, but you insisted you could. You needed something to focus your mind. The two of you were the only ones at the diner save for the couple of workers, and you sat at the booth in silence for some time with a pot of coffee on the table between you.
“Go to Frankie’s,” Santi finally broke the silence. He desperately wanted to do something to help you, but he had no idea what.
“What?” you barely heard his voice, too lost in your thoughts.
“I don’t want you home alone after I leave,” he explained, “Go to Frankie’s for now and tell him what happened.”
You winced, you didn’t want to have to relive what happened in your head as you told the story to someone else. Even if it was Frankie. “Alright…”
“Hey,” he laid a hand on top of where yours laid on the table to get you to meet his gaze, “You know I’d stay if I could.”
“I know,” you sighed. You were quiet again for a moment before you changed the subject with a question that had been on your mind, “What did you say to Frankie at the bar last night?”
Santi grinned, “I asked him to take care of you while I’m gone. Because I know he will.” Frankie was the person that he trusted the most, and Santi could tell how much he cared about you. Frankie even confided in him how much he didn’t like Casey and how much he worried for you. If anyone would do anything to protect his family while he was gone, it was Frankie. 
You frowned, “He told you we slept together didn’t he?”
“Nope,” the shit-eating grin that came across Santi’s face was priceless as he leaned back in the booth, “But you just did.”
You sighed dramatically as you buried your face in your hands and collapsed onto the table, “Dammit Santi…” but you also couldn’t help but giggle when you heard his laughter. 
As the sun started to rise on the horizon, the two of you decided to leave for the airport. The talk with your brother and the several pots of coffee helped to ease your nerves, but you still fell quiet again as you drove. Usually, the car ride to the airport was full of chatter, but not today. And Santi hated that he had to leave right after something like this happened, but there was nothing he could do about it.
Santiago bid you goodbye with a tight embrace as you dropped him off at the terminal, and he made you promise to go to Frankie’s. You assured him that you would go straight there, even if it was still ungodly early in the morning. As you watched him walk through the doors and disappear into the small crowd, your heart fluttered as you thought about your next destination. 
It wasn’t that you meant to avoid Frankie since the night you slept with him. You just didn’t know what to do from there, so you only hung out with him in a group with the guys. Of course, you ended up spending most of your time talking to him anyway. There was just something about Frankie that you could not stay away from, no matter how hard you tried.
The sun shone brightly in the sky for how early it was as you drove over to Frankie’s house. You held your breath as you knocked at his door and hoped that he wouldn’t be mad that you woke him up. But, your breath caught in your throat when he answered the door in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that hung how on his hips. You had seen him naked before, but the sight before you literally knocked the wind out of you.
You temporarily forgot about everything that had plagued your mind for the past couple hours as you stood awestruck at Frankie’s front door. It took you several moments to even notice the grimace on his face as you obviously had woken him up.
But Frankie wasn’t mad; he could never be mad at you. He said your name to snap you out of your thoughts, and he couldn’t help the small chuckle at the way you looked at him. If he was honest with himself, Frankie would have liked to ask you out on an actual date after you two hooked up. But, you came up with the arrangement to keep your relationship under wraps for now before he could. 
“What are you doing here so early?” he asked in a groggy voice, “Everything alright?”
“I’m sorry, I know it’s early,” a heavy sigh escaped your lips as the memories of earlier this morning flooded back, “Can… Can I come in?”
Frankie stepped aside and extended an arm to lead you in, “Of course,” he couldn’t hide the concern in his voice. Obviously something was wrong, and he immediately worried about you. “Did something happen? Everything good with Pope?”
You bit your lip and nodded, “Yeah, he’s on his flight. He’s good,” you sat down on Frankie’s couch and you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes as he gently sat down next to you.
His eyes bore into your figure as he asked the silent question in concern for you. Frankie carefully placed a hand on your thigh and gave it a soft squeeze to get you to look at him. The way he looked at you made you melt, and you couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“Casey came by early this morning,” you blurted out, “And he and Santi got into it.”
“What?!” Frankie immediately went on high alert as questions poured from his mouth and he wrapped his arms around you without a second thought.
“I’m ok, I’m ok,” you reassured him as you leaned into his embrace, “Santi told him off.” You felt Frankie tighten his grip on you and you swore you heard a growl from deep in his throat, “I just… I don’t know what to do now.” Frankie was the one person you confided to about how nervous Casey made you, and how you thought you had seen him pop up whenever you were out.
“You can stay here,” he said without hesitation, “As long as you want.”
You let out a deep breath. Frankie only had one bedroom, so that either meant you would share a bed with him or you would be just a few feet away on the couch. Either way, you knew what staying the night with him would most likely lead to, and though you wanted that more than anything else in the world, you were hesitant. You weren’t even sure why you were; obviously your brother was more than ok with the idea of you and Frankie together. Maybe you were too afraid to face your own feelings for him.
“I don’t want to impose,” you finally said, “Besides, I hate feeling like I’m scared out of my own house.”
Frankie was quiet for several moments. You were stronger than you gave yourself credit for, and you were stubborn to boot. Then, he had an idea, “How about this,” he started, “I’ll take you to get a new security system and an extra deadbolt for your door,” he stared at your for a moment before he told you the last part of his plan, “And I’ll stay over with you tonight.”
You didn’t need much time before you agreed to his plan, and you spent the entire day with Frankie. He packed himself an overnight bag and followed you in his car to your house to drop it off before he drove you to the store. He could tell that you were still uneasy, so he made a fun day of it and treated you to lunch as well.
The stresses of earlier in the morning melted away the longer you were with Frankie, and you were happy that you went to him. You had always felt comfortable with Frankie, even from the day you first met. And Frankie felt a connection and attraction to you right away as well. He would do anything to protect you, and he cared about you more than he could express with words. 
By the evening, Frankie had installed the new security system and extra locks and you had cooked him a big dinner as a thank you. As the two of you talked for hours, you felt more and more relaxed and the events of earlier this morning were pushed to the back of your mind. That was, until it came time to head to sleep.
“I’ll take the couch,” Frankie offered.
You stood in the living room as you fiddled with your fingers nervously. You didn’t want him to have to sleep on the couch, and you spoke before your mind caught up to your mouth, “Stay with me.”
Frankie stood dumbfounded as he stared at you, “What?”
“You… You can stay in my room. With me,” the last two words were just a whisper as you dropped your gaze down to the floor, “Please?”
A soft grin came across Frankie’s face; he couldn’t say no to you, especially when you asked like that, “Ok,” his voice was just as hushed as yours. 
The tension could be cut with a knife as the two of you settled into your bed. Luckily, it was big enough to fit you both, and as you laid on your side with your back to him, you found that you wanted nothing more than to turn over and nuzzle into his arms. And Frankie had to wrap his arms around his torso to keep from reaching out to you.
You didn’t know how long you laid next to Frankie, but you were sure he wasn’t asleep yet. Without a word, you gave in to your feelings and you rolled over and wrapped your arms around his waist and nuzzled into his back. You heard him gasp softly as he tensed for a moment before he also turned over so he could wrap his arms around you. Frankie pulled you in as close as he could and held you tightly and you smiled into his skin as you rested your head on his chest.
Everything felt right like this, and you would have fallen asleep if it weren’t for the way his heart pounded in his chest. You shifted so that you could look up at him, and the movement made him open his eyes. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for several long moments before you hauled yourself up slowly and inched closer and closer to his face.
Frankie’s eyes never left yours, except to glance down at your lips once for a brief moment. He breathed your name as he gripped onto you tighter, as if he was afraid to let you go. Your eyes darted down to his own lips for a second before you closed the rest of the gap and placed a tender, soft kiss. He sighed into the kiss and held you as tightly as he possibly could.
He was about to deepen the kiss when a loud crash made both of you jump in surprise. There was a rattle and pounding at your front door, and you immediately panicked. Frankie, however, was quick to jump into action.
“You're ok, You’re ok,” he cupped your face and softened his expression for a moment, “Stay here. Lock your door,” he ordered before he grabbed something from his overnight bag and darted out of your bedroom.
Your hands shook as you did as you were told and quickly locked your door and scrambled back to the floor next to your bed. The sounds were muffled, but you could hear a fight just outside the door. Tears filled your eyes as you hoped that Frankie was ok, and your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you thought about how he did not hesitate for a second to jump in and protect you.
Then, everything got quiet and all you could hear was the sound of footsteps running away. You strained to listen and crawled over halfway to your door. You heard the sound of footsteps followed by running water from the sink before Frankie’s voice rang through the door.
“Baby, it’s me. It’s ok,” his voice was surprisingly calm and soothing, and you immediately jumped up and ran to unlock your bedroom door.
Frankie met you on the other side and you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. Your shoulders shook as you sobbed into his chest, and you let out a deep breath when he hugged you back just as tightly.
“Shhh, it’s ok. You’re ok,” he stroked your back in a soothing manner as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, “I got you. You’re safe.”
“Frankie…” you breathed as you pulled back enough to look at his face, “Are you ok?” you cupped his cheek with one hand as you clung to his shirt with the other.
He smiled at you, “I’m fine,” he paused as he just gazed into your eyes, “He tried to get away, but your neighbor heard us fight and came out to keep him down,” Frankie kept a tight grip on you as he spoke, “Casey won’t bother you ever again. I promise.”
“Thank you, Frankie,” your voice was so quiet that you weren’t sure if he heard you as you dropped the hand that cupped his cheek down to his chest. You were silent again as you stayed securely in his arms, “Frankie I…”
He cut you off with a chaste kiss. Unlike when you kissed him in your bed, this one was more intense and full of passion. It was a desperate kiss, as if he used it to make sure you were actually here and ok. Frankie did not regret beating your ex up for you; he’d do anything to keep you safe. He kissed you for what felt like hours before he finally broke away for air.
“I know baby,” he murmured against your lips, “Me too,” he kissed you again, much more slowly this time. You weren’t going anywhere this time, and he had all the time in the world now to be with you. 
“Pope gonna be ok with this?” he asked with a laugh when he broke away again.
“I’ll handle my brother,” you joined in his laughter, “But he’s ok with it, trust me.”
Frankie gave you a look that said you had explaining to do later, but for now he just wanted to enjoy and relish the time with you and keep you safe in his arms.
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yutahoes · 3 years
(Fourth Part)
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pairing : Yuta Nakamoto x Y/N
word count : 3.6k words
genre : fluff, angst
The last part of Different. 
One - Two - Three - Four
Yuta was staring at the coffee cup in front of him. Today is the day Y/N and Haru are going to New York, with Doyoung. Although he knew their flight details, he doesn’t want to go to the airport or it might just break him. It might be the last time he can see his son. The last time there’s a connection between him and Y/N. So instead of staying in Korea, where he can stop them, he flew to Japan days before.
The chair moved followed by a screeching sound that made him look at the girl occupying the chair in front of him. "You look stressed," Mika commented while removing her sunglasses and placing her bag on the chair beside her. "Where’s Y/N? Haru?" 
He smiled. Funny, she would ask that. “They’re going to New York.” He mumbled then drank the contents of the glass. 
Mika asked why and he shared about the procedure and the high chance that Haru can get treated in another country. “And you just let them go?” The question startled Yuta. “Your son is sick, his mom must be stressed out right now and his dad just abandoned them.” She continued with a scoff. 
"I don't know what to do, Mika. I'm really lost." He confessed. “I can’t do anything to save him. And everyday becomes harder. I’m scared that one day, Haru will be gone.”  
"Because you're always such a coward, Yuta" She claimed that made him look at her. What? "You're scared to get hurt. Isn't that the reason why you married me? Because you're scared that my parents might hurt you if you don't fulfill my promise. Look at us, we're not even happy with each other." Yuta nodded, that might be the case. "Isn't that the reason why you never told Y/N your feelings?"
The guy glared at him and Mika just looked happy at what she claimed. “If it’s hard for you, then what about Y/N? She doesn’t want you to save your child, she wanted you to be there for your child.” Yuta smiled. Mika makes sense and it amazes him that the girl he protects when they were young is telling him these things. “Go to them. I never divorced you just to be miserable like this.” 
“Thank you, Mika.” 
The girl smiled. “Don’t thank me. You should have been with her from the start so please, tell her that you’re in love with her since junior year and that Haru isn’t a mistake.” Yuta chuckled, nodding at her. “I have another meeting but here’s a present for you, it might help cure Haru.” She handed him an envelope before leaving the coffee shop. 
Yuta brushed his hair when he read the contents of the paper. A way to cure Haru. He does need to go to New York. 
But New York is a huge place, he thought. How can he find them in this place? The answer came when he accidentally saw Doyoung while searching for hospitals. The only conversation they had was when Haru introduced the two of them, he didn’t know that he was dating Y/N back then. Now, it feels awkward to be in front of another guy who liked the girl you love. “Haru will be doing a chemotherapy session here and then they might go back to Korea and continue the treatment.” The doctor's voice became quieter, “He might not live for a year.”  
Yuta nodded. So his son’s sickness is that severe already? He was aware that cancer in his blood is spreading to his body, the reason why chemo is essential to help him survive. But less than a year to live? Haru is still young. He can still do a lot of things in his life. Y/N might have a lot of dreams for him. Yuta handed an envelope to Doyoung and waited until he can digest the information written on the paper, “Will this save Haru?” 
“Giving him a sibling?” Doyoung asked then nodded. “It’s a fifty-fifty chance and the chances are high if they have the same DNA.” So it is indeed possible. All he had to do is ask Y/N to have a child with him. But that is the most difficult task. “Yuta, if you’re doing this for just Haru please don’t. Haru will just feel bad that he had to use a sibling to save himself. And Y/N wouldn’t like it.” 
He sighed. “I’m sorry. All I wanted to do now is save Haru. I know you and Y/N are together but….” 
But Doyoung laughed. "I don't know how much she told you but I was rejected when I proposed to her." They're already at that point in their relationship? "Don't make her feel alone again, please." He suddenly felt bad, why did she reject him when Doyoung is obviously in love with her? “This is their hotel,” he said while slipping him a piece of paper. "Haru has a session tomorrow morning. He will be happy to see you." Yuta nodded which made Doyoung smile. 
His first step to being brave for his family. 
"Appa!" Haru called, running to where he is. Yuta gave him a big hug then carried the younger boy in his arms. "Why are you here? I missed you." 
Yuta laughed then ruffled his hair. "I missed you too." He gave a timid smile to Y/N. "I have to be here for you." Haru nuzzled his head on his neck, whispering that he's glad he is here with him and that he's not too scared now. It was Haru who kept on telling him about what he saw in New York, even memorizing the way from the hotel to the hospital which made Yuta's heart hurt. Will this be happening often? 
The younger boy greeted everyone in the hospital, even introducing Yuta to some nurses and doctors. Y/N was only following close by. They stopped outside a room with oncology written on it. Cancer. It really is severe. A man came out of the room and Haru smiled, calling him 'Doctor Johnny'. "This is my dad." He introduced and he smiled at the doctor attending Haru. "I'll be inside. Appa, can you get eomma something to eat?" Yuta lightly glanced at Y/N before nodding at Haru, ruffling his hair once again. 
Haru went inside the room with Johnny after saying goodbye to his parents. "He's going back right?" Y/N nodded, smiling timidly at him. "Let's get some breakfast." 
It feels awkward sitting in front of Y/N in a hospital cafeteria but Yuta was sure that this is what will happen if the treatment continues. He never took her on a date before and now, they're just eating breakfast in this crowded place instead of a diner. "His hair is thinning out." Yuta started, feeling the soft strands on his fingers. "Doyoung told me about the sessions." 
Y/N nodded, rubbing the lips of her cup. "He might not live until his birthday." A heavy sigh escaped Yuta's mouth. "I don't even know what to do. I'm not prepared to lose him." No one is. But she is the most affected of all. "He's everything I have. I honestly don't know what to do without him, Yuta." He held her hand that was above the table. Honestly, he doesn't know what to tell her. The feeling of being useless came once again. Mika is wrong, she doesn't need him. 
"Thank you, Yuta." He gave her a questioning gaze. "For bringing me Haru." There was a small smile on her face as if thinking deeply. "When I graduated, I didn't know what to do. When Haru came, I was so scared at first but he gave me direction in life. He gave meaning to my life." Again, she smiled at him. "Thank you, Yuta." 
He gave her a small smile, rubbing a thumb on the back of her hand. "Y/N, I have to tell you something." He sighed. "That night wasn't a mistake. I knew you were at that party and I followed you upstairs." She listened attentively as if recalling that night. "I regret it when you left me that morning. I should have woke up early and made you stay." 
A gasp escaped her throat. "Why? We don't know each other." 
"But I like you since junior year." Y/N’s eyes widened at that which made him chuckle. She’s just too cute. “I lied to Haru, I didn’t saw you first in school. It was at a bus stop during junior year.” He can see from her expression how she was thinking deeply of it. “It was raining and you gave your umbrella to an old lady. You helped her cross the street and you return to the shed dripping wet from the rain.” He smiled at the memory of the younger Y/N, walking in the rain and looking like a real angel. “That was the time I started liking the rain.” He said more to himself. “I started to like you.” 
“But Mika…”
Yuta smiled timidly. “I thought I love Mika but it’s just the feeling of comfort.” He had known Mika since they were young and she had been there for him. It’s a dick move but he married Mika knowing that he won’t be alone. In the end, they just hurt each other. “I’ve been a coward in facing my feelings, Y/N. If only I’m braver, Haru wouldn’t get hurt this much.”
Y/N shook her head. “Thank you, Yuta. For being here for Haru.”
“I’m also here for you.” He held her hand tighter. “If it’s alright with you, I want to watch Haru grow with you.” He kissed the back of her palm. “Let’s start over, not only for Haru but for the two of us.” 
The girl smiled, tears forming on the corner of her eyes. She nodded that made him grin. 
Haru’s first reaction when he exited the room of his doctor is excitement seeing his parents holding hands. Y/N and Yuta didn’t say anything but the younger would stare at the two in glee. Y/N would always note that he looked brighter now that he is here and Yuta would only smile. The younger had fun exploring some places in New York and eating foods that they can see only in the city. Because of tiredness, he was already sleeping while leaning on his mother’s lap. 
Yuta helped carry him up to their hotel room, even kissing his forehead before muttering a ‘Goodnight’. "What time should I pick you up tomorrow?" He asked, standing in the doorway of their hotel room. 
"Do you want to stay the night instead?" The guy had to stare at her in surprise. "We need to be in the hospital early tomorrow, it's a hassle…" 
"Will that be alright?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "Me staying the night?" 
Y/N nodded nonchalantly that made him nod. "I'll fix the other room for you." But he insisted that he'll just sleep on the sofa. "Are you sure?" Yuta nodded, smiling at her. "Do you want to drink, though?" She disappeared to the kitchen that made him smile. Funny, she would ask that. 
Yuta followed him to the small kitchen as she bent down to look for something on the minifridge. The moment she stood up, with two soda cans on hand, he hugged her from behind. "Please don't get drunk." His hand held her tighter. "You get wild when you're drunk." He chuckled at the memory, "And you get drunk with just a can of alcohol." 
She turned around in surprise. "You still remember that night?" 
He smirked, his hands held her waist. "You smelled like flowers." Unconsciously, she sniffed herself which made him laugh. His hand went to her hip, tracing a certain spot. "And you have a small butterfly tattoo here." A gasp escaped her lips. "You can't really remember anything?" 
"I was so hammered that night, okay?" She revolted that made him laugh. Of course, she is. Her hands went to his shoulder, sliding down his torso. "Yuta…" 
"You're not drunk, are you?" 
She shook her head with a smile. "I like you, too." Y/N stared at him. "You're always there for me and Haru and it hurts me before knowing that you're only here for Haru. I thought you'll be gone when Haru leaves me as well." 
His same dilemma. Yuta leaned in, wrapping her in his arms. "No one is leaving you, Y/N. I'll be here for you, Haru as well." He held her cheeks, raising her head to look at him. "We will save Haru and the three of us will be a happy family together." The tears on the corner of her eyes were back, his thumb rubbing her heated cheeks. "Can I, Y/N?" 
She nodded before he leaned closer to her, placing his lips to hers. A soft kiss. She moaned when he sucked her bottom lip, igniting some fire inside him. He held her by the waist, wrapping her legs around his hip. "I'll make you remember that night." 
Every day is the same routine, going to the hospital in the morning and spending afternoons with Y/N and Haru like they're on a trip. The younger had shown positive results with the treatment that they returned to Korea after the second month. Mika visited the hospital once, giving Haru different stuffed toy dinosaurs much to his delight. Even Yuta's parents visited him and he had fun spending the whole day with his obaasan and oujisan. Jiwon is a frequent visitor, even teaching him the lessons he missed for school. 
Haru's hair got thinner and he'd been vomiting a lot, a side effect of the chemotherapy. They're only thankful that he's getting more cheerful. A premonition that makes Yuta nervous. 
In the third month, there was incessant vomiting not only for Haru but also for Y/N. Yuta felt bad that she got pregnant first before asking her for marriage. For a while, Y/N thought that he planned all of this. But she cannot complain or revolt, this is their last resort in saving Haru.
The younger seemed excited at the thought of a younger person growing inside his mom’s stomach, even noting that he’ll be a great big brother for the baby. “Do you think I can see the baby, eomma?” It must be the hormones, Y/N thought, but she only answered him with a loud cry. “If ever I didn’t, can you just tell the baby that I love him or her?” Haru just smiled wiping her tears and she was annoyed at the fact that he’s slowly becoming more like Yuta. 
In the seventh month of her pregnancy, Y/N was not allowed to see Haru nearby because of the radiation that might hurt the baby. She watched behind the glassed window how he got weak with the medicines injected into his body. Haru kept crying every night, clinging into Yuta’s arms. Yet she can’t do anything to ease her son’s pain. She can’t even hold him in her arms. 
And the stress was too much that she started bleeding early. 
Yuta was panicking, his wife is in labor but he cannot leave Haru. “Dad, what am I going to do?” He asked for the umpteenth time and the older just stared at Doyoung who was seated on the bench opposite Yuta. “Doyoung, you’re a doctor. Do something.” 
The guy sighed. “We wait, Yuta. Your mom is inside with her.”  
“Appa.” They heard a small voice call from the hallways. Haru was walking to where his dad is, followed by Jiwon and her mom who volunteered to look for him. “I want to see the baby.” Yuta smiled, tapping the chair beside him to let Haru sit. “Can we name the baby Hana?” The older nodded, smiling while he gently caressed his already hairless head. He tightly held his hand, thumb rubbing the back of his hand. 
Yuta stood up twice before they heard a baby’s voice coming from inside. His first instinct was to look at Haru’s face. And for the first time since he had been on his medication, he saw the hope in his face. “You’re going to see your sister, Haru.” His grandfather claimed, making the younger smile widely. There was still rustling inside, the sound of a machine consistently beeping. That’s a good sign, he thought. 
The doors of the emergency room opened followed by an incubator dragged outside by a nurse. “Haru, come and see Hana.” Yuta called. Haru hurried to where she is, Yuta carrying him as he touched the glass where his sister is. “She looks like your mom.” 
“She’s so small,” Haru claimed. “Am I like that when I was a baby?” 
“Only your mom knows.” 
The nurse apologized that she had to bring the baby to the neonatal care unit and Yuta agreed, thanking her. Another doctor went out of the room and called Doyoung, she handed him a small tube that had something inside. The doctor looked at Yuta and he nodded before kneeling in front of Haru. “Son, Doctor Doyoung is going to treat you now.” He whispered, holding his cheek. “I want you to be strong for a while.” 
Haru nodded, a tear falling on his cheeks. “I wish I could have hugged eomma or hold Hana.” Yuta wrapped him in his arms. “Please hug them for me, appa.” 
“You will hug them both,” Yuta whispered, looking up to stop a tear from falling down. “We’ll be waiting for you here, Haru.” He tried to regulate his voice to prevent a choke from his throat. “Just listen well to Dr. Kim.” 
The younger nodded, holding Yuta’s cheeks. “I love you, appa. Please tell eomma and Hana that.” Yuta closed his eyes, breathing hard. A premonition. “You can tell them that.” Haru grinned before taking Doyoung’s hand. 
When they disappeared to the hallway, Yuta’s tears fell on their own. He can’t do anything but to wait. Wait for Haru. Wait for Y/N. Wait for Hana. He’s already tired but he’s the only one left to wait for them. When he felt his dad tapped his back, he only cried some more. They were never close, never showed emotion before. “You’re doing well, my son.” He needed to have strength like his dad. For Haru. For Y/N. For Hana. 
He hastily wiped his tears as they attract attention. He breathed hard, calming himself when he heard a loud beep sound created by a machine. 
“You’re late!” Mika shouted while running to the steps to greet Yuta. “Do you really have to be late today?” The guy gave a heavy sigh before smoothing out his black coat. Another sigh that made the girl in front of him, smile. “Yuta-kun, I’m so proud of you. You’ve been through too much. I wish you can get the happiness you truly deserve.” 
Yuta smiled as the church doors opened. His and her friends were seated on their chairs, beautiful white flowers adore the area. “I am happy, Mika. Everything was all worth it.” He gave her a warm hug. “Thank you, Mika. For everything.” 
The girl shook her head and made her exit as his mom wrapped her arm on his, “I can’t believe you’re getting married again.” Yuta chuckled at that. “She’s such a darling. Please don’t hurt her Yuta.” 
“Of course, I won’t.” 
The song played and as he watched the people they care about walking to the aisle of the church, Yuta can’t help but think back at everything. They should have done this way before and maybe they can be saved from the tears and the worry. But seeing Haru carrying Hana, he didn’t wish everything was different. All the tears made him stronger, made Haru stronger. Now, he just wanted to be a better father for the two of them. 
A smile escaped his lips when Y/N can be seen, next to his father. The tears made Y/N stronger. He remembered how it scared him, losing her. He felt his heart fell on his feet when his mom called him inside the emergency room saying that Y/N isn’t responsive. He repeatedly called her name, whispering that Haru already named their daughter and that he wants to hug her. When she gasped for breath then opened her eyes, he felt the heavy thumping of his heart. “You almost killed me.” But she was only chuckling while tears fall from her eyes.  
The moment he knew he wanted to be with her. Whatever it takes. 
“You can still run,” Y/N whispered when he held her hand. “I won’t stop you.” Yet Yuta just smiled, pulling her closer to him. “Yuta, do you wish we could have met differently?” He only smiled. Weird, he was thinking of that earlier. They really are meant to be. 
He lightly stared at Haru who was quietly watching them. His hair is growing back and he looks healthier for the first time since he met him. Although he still has medicines to take, his life isn’t in danger now. His mom’s dream of him playing with kids his age is slowly coming true. All thanks to Hana.
Hana, on the other hand, was sleeping on his mother’s shoulder. His little miracle. Up until now, he was surprised at how she managed to survive the two months of being in neonatal care. When she was cleared, it was Haru who first held her and they had been inseparable ever since. 
Thinking back, they might be a family of warriors. How are the three of them so strong? 
Yuta smiled, shaking his head before bopping her nose. “I won’t wish for anything different, Y/N. We’re perfect.”   
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 9
It’s fun watching Thor work. He charms and chats with people, making them feel important and listening to their suggestions. You know that you’re just eye candy here, but when one man starts talking about vaccines and how ineffective they are you can’t stay quiet,
“I mean herd immunity right?” He says with a laugh.
“Actually, herd immunity should only be used in cases where a person physically cannot get immunized due to other health conditions. It shouldn’t be used just because someone doesn’t want to get an immunization.” The man laughs uncomfortably then gives Thor what you assume is his attempt at a charming smile.
“It’s like she’s a doctor or something.” He laughs and Thor looks coldly down at the other man.
“Mr. Pierce, my wife is a doctor.” He says shortly.
“W-wife?” Mr. Pierce says looking embarrassed.
“What kind of doctor are you?” T’Challa, the King of Wakanda and a friend of Thor’s asks.
“Pediatric. I just worked my last few days for a while but plan on getting back to it when I can.”
“Being Queen is a lot of responsibility.” T’Challa’s wife Nakia says, “it takes dedication to have a job outside of that but it’s possible.”
“I don’t need full time, just something to make me feel like I’m doing something good with my time.”
“I understand completely.” She says with a kind smile. You’ve got a feeling that you and Nakia are going to be good friends.
The rest of the night goes smoothly, although it seems that Mr. Pierce has a big mouth because several people come and congratulate you and Thor on your marriage. Some even seem a bit put out that they weren’t invited to the wedding. Neither of you give them any answers, you still don’t know how this conversation is going to go but you’d rather keep quiet until you can get it out of the way.
You step out for a moment, just needing a second alone, well with Bryn on your six, for a minute. Frigga was right, when you’re not in the crowded room it’s chilly and the little gauze fabric isn’t really enough. You’re looking over the pediatric wing when the soft material is draped over your shoulders.
“Thank you, krigeren min.” He smiles at the nickname.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, it’s just a lot. Now everyone knows that we’re married and I don’t know how I feel about any of this.”
“I know it’s a lot, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you my wife but I lost my temper.”
“Ah, so you’re not perfect.” You tease and he laughs.
“No, and if you ever need reminders just ask Loki. They will tell you.”
“Yes they will.” You agree with a little smile.
“We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
“One more glass of champagne? I’d like to say goodbye to Nakia and T’Challa too.”
“Of course. We have an open invite to go and visit them if you’d like.”
“That would be wonderful. I’ve heard Wakanda is incredible.”
“One of my favorite places to go.” He agrees as you turn and walk back toward the party. You slip your hand into his as you walk, it’s so natural now to just be touching him. When you get back into the room one of the men gives you a look that you don’t like then approaches.
“Excuse me. I read that you were cheating on the Crown Prince with people in the States. Is that true?” You stare at him, surprise on your face.
“Volstagg. Remove this man.” Thor orders, his deep voice carrying causing several people to look, “I will not allow such disrespect.” Volstagg hurries the man away from you.
“I’d like to go.” You say softly and Thor nods. He gives T’Challa a handshake and you and Nakia hug then he places a protective hand on your lower back and guides you out of the building. While you wait for the car Thor takes your hand and gives it a little squeeze.
“Don’t pay him any mind Elskede.” He says when you look up at him.
“It’s hard not to. I know what he said isn’t true but it still makes me look bad.”
“Min dronning,” he practically rumbles the words, “how can I make it better?”
“Just, let me process this okay? Be patient with me?”
“Of course.” He agrees pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. God he makes you weak in the knees. You follow Bryn down the the car then curl into Thor on the drive home. He keeps an arm around you as you ride back to the house, neither of you say much, he just trails his fingers up and down your arm.
When you get back you say goodnight to Sif and Volstagg then head to your room. Before you can get there you run into Odin.
“Father? You should be resting.”
“I’m fine. I need to speak to you.”
“I’ll leave you alone.” You tell them before pressing a soft kiss to Thor’s cheek.
“No, both of you.” Odin says gesturing for the two of you to follow him back to his rooms. Once you’re there he points at the seat for you to sit.
“I’ve come to a decision.”
“About what father?” Thor asks and when you look at him he looks as puzzled as you feel.
“I’m going to abdicate the throne to you.”
“Yes, father we’ve talked about this. After we get our annulment I’ll take the throne.” Thor says and you’re surprised, you had no idea this was happening.
“No, I’m abdicating in two days.” You gasp and Thor cries,
“What?” As Odin holds up a hand to silence you both.
“I have less than six months to live. The doctor told your mother and I tonight. I still have things I need to teach you but the best way to do so is with you as King. Besides, I want to live the remainder of my time with my wife. Being an old married couple.”
“Thor, my Son. My first born and my heir, I know this isn’t what you wanted or had planned but this is what needs to happen.”
“This isn’t what the plan was!”
“I know.” Odin is calm but Thor is anything but. He storms out of the room and you’re left sitting there with Odin. He goes to follow him when you stand,
“I’ve got this. Please, rest, give yourself as much time as you can with them.” You tell him and he gives you a tight smile before you follow Thor out the door nearly crashing into his sibling. “Loki?”
“I saw him leave, I know where he will go and I’ll bring you there but you can’t tell him it was me.”
“Just in case he’s mad, he won’t get mad at you like he will me.”
“Deal.” You tell them and they lead you away from Odin’s room. “Do you know what Odin spoke to him about?”
“Yes, father is abdicating. We don’t have much time left with our father do we?” Loki asks softly as the two of you move quickly through the palace.
“There are some things we can try, but they won’t cure him. Just give him more time. I’m sorry.” Loki nods once, they don’t say anything until they stop before a short corridor with a tapestry hanging in it. They move the tapestry to one side and you see another small hallway.
“He should be in there, left hand door way at the end of the hallway.”
“Thank you Loki.” You tell them giving their hand a squeeze. Sure enough you find Thor storming back and forth in the small room. You don’t say anything, he throws a bottle across the room where it shatters into pieces, then sinks down onto the older couch in the corner of the room.
“I’m sorry.” He says gruffly and you move slowly into the room. You step in between his legs and he wraps his arms around you. He takes a deep shuddering breath and you rest one hand on his shoulder and card the fingers of your other hand through his hair.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” You assure him softly, it’s then his shoulders begin to shake and soft sobs escape him. You let him cry against you, just carding your fingers through his hair.
“I’m not ready.” He says, his voice thick.
“You’re not ready for what?”
“To lose my father.”
“Oh Honey.” You soothe, that’s what this is all about. You thought maybe he was upset about having to become King too soon, or not having time to annul your marriage before doing so, but that’s not it. This is about a boy being afraid to lose his father. “You still have time min kjærlighet, there are things we can try. I’m not making promises that they’ll work but we can try.”
“Thank you.” He says into your torso, before falling silent again. When he speaks again it’s in a much more steady voice, “Did Loki bring you here?”
“I am not supposed to confirm or deny that.” He gives a small huff of a laugh.
“I’m glad they did.” He’s quiet again before he says softly, “Jeg elsker deg.”
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@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity @gaitwae @blackwidownat2814
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iamstartraveller776 · 2 years
Next to You 4/?
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Summary: (Modern AU) Killian had taken one look at Emma Swan and knew she was every kind of trouble a man ought to steer clear of if he wanted to keep his sanity. Beautiful, vulnerable—probably with a heart-rending backstory—but hiding it admirably behind a tough exterior. She was an open book to him, and he’d read one just like it before. The last thing he needed was to have her as a flatmate. Unfortunately, he was outvoted.
Rating: T
Previous Chapter (Also on AO3)
A/N: Therapy is a great thing. Like, your therapist says, “So, what do you do for self-care” and you answer “Um, self-what-now?” Eventually, I had to ask if writing was self-care or a job skill for me right now. I chose self-care—which means I can write WHATEVER I WANT WHENEVER I WANT INCLUDING FANFIC. (I’m not yelling at you, I promise. I’m yelling at that stupid “practical” voice in my head that says, “But you’re good enough to sell your work!” That idiot needs to learn that taking care of my mental health isn’t time wasted.)
Anyway. All this to say that I felt like writing more of this story. So I did. And it made me so happy. I don’t know when I’ll add more to it, so no promises on regular updates. We are living life one day at a time, me and my broken brain.
CHAPTER FOUR: Netflix and Chill
Killian cursed under his breath as he rolled to his side. After three hours of staring at the dark ceiling of his bedroom, he had to admit that sleep wasn’t coming. He was bloody exhausted. Tired of double shifts at the pub. Tired of hunting for reasons to stay out. Tired of living like a hermit on the days when he couldn’t stomach another bar crawl, another poker night, another party, or the infrequent tryst with a lass whose name he didn’t bother to know—anything to chase away the old, familiar ache that had dropped anchor once again in his chest.
“What’s going on with you lately?” David had asked this morning, wearing that damnable expression of brotherly concern.
Killian pasted on a smile, feigning ignorance. “Just trying to make the most of life before I shuffle off this mortal coil. Work hard and play harder, right?” He held up his mug of coffee in salute and left the kitchen before David could call his bluff.
The truth was—no. Killian smothered the thought before it could reach its ineffectual conclusion. He’d rather feel nothing than mope like some bloody angst-riddled adolescent over yet another woman he had no business pining for.
That’s bloody enough.
Scrubbing a palm over his face with a groan, he threw off his down comforter and sat up. He needed a distraction. Alcohol and Netflix should do the job at this hour. He swiped the bottle of rum he kept on his nightstand on his way to the living room.
Fifteen minutes and a finger’s worth of liquor into a pirate documentary Killian was only mildly interested in, one of the bedroom doors opened with a soft creak. He knew who it was before she stepped into the dull light emanating from the television. Wordlessly, Emma settled on the couch next to him, drawing her knees up to her chest. She gave him a cursory glance, and damn the woman took his breath away. Even in that threadbare Northeastern sweatshirt several sizes too big. Even with her hair thrown up in a tangled knot at the top of her head. Even with the glasses perched on the bridge of her freckled nose.
For the last month, he’d barely caught glimpses of her, mumbled perfunctory greetings in her direction when he did, and it’d been easy to tell himself that she was just a lass, that she had only been a passing fancy. But as the lavender in her shampoo permeated the air, that tense moment in the hallway came back to him as if it had been yesterday. The way she tipped her chin up, the dare in her eyes.
“You gonna drink that all by yourself,” she said, nodding to the bottle in his hand, “or are you gonna share?”
He didn’t answer right away. He had half a mind to give her the remote and bid her goodnight, but then her gaze softened, tough mask slipping away briefly with a silent appeal for them to be okay. Bloody hell. He’d do it—play pretend for her. He’d dance a bloody jig if she asked it of him, cursing her with every step.
“I’ve never been one to deny a beautiful lass,” he said, giving her his best devilish smirk as he handed the bottle to her.
She snorted and took a healthy nip of rum. “Yeah, I heard you were easy, Jones.”
He tried not to frown at the jab, knowing she meant it only in jest, but the words had a prickly sort of honesty to them that he didn’t care for. “Don’t believe the rumors, love,” he replied, keeping his tone light. “I’m a man of discerning taste.”
“I’ll bet.” She breathed a soft laugh and gave him back the bottle. “So, what are we watching tonight?”
He glanced at the screen, paused on a reenactment of some historical battle between ships. “A little swashbuckling and plunder.”
Emma scrunched her nose. “Pirates again?”
“Again?” Killian frowned. He hadn’t seen this documentary before.
“You’re kidding, right?” She rolled her eyes with a snort. “The ‘Black Sails’ binge. The ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ marathon. You were Jack Sparrow for Halloween. You even dress like a modern day version of a pirate with all the jewelry and black and swagger.” She waved a hand over his body.
He glanced down at his dark t-shirt and pair of flannel pajama bottoms with a pattern of dancing beer bottles—a gift from his nephew last Christmas. Hardly pirate attire, and he gave her a look that said as much.
“You know what I mean,” she said. “It’s definitely an obsession for you.”
“You’re one to talk, lass. Love on the High Seas, sound familiar?” A half second too late, he realized he wasn’t supposed to know about that.
Her mouth dropped open, a lovely pink staining her cheeks. “How do you know about that?”
“I’m perceptive, love.” He wasn’t about to confess that he’d made that discovery when he tucked her in one night months ago. And he certainly wasn’t going to tell her how often he’d been tempted to read the book to see why she found it captivating. “Besides, if I have a fascination with pirates, I come by it honestly. My great, great, great… I don’t know how many ‘greats’ granddad was a pirate.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not. He was a pirate,” Killian said. “According to family lore, he was the inspiration for the infamous Captain Hook.”
Emma pursed her lips. “Now I know you’re yanking my chain. You’re telling me your great-whatever-grandfather had a waxed mustache and a perm.”
He huffed a laugh at her reference to Disney’s rendering of the classic villain. “I take it you haven’t read Peter and Wendy.” When she shook her head, he explained, “Captain Hook was actually quite handsome. As you can see, the apple doesn’t fall far from the ancestral tree.”
She rolled her eyes again. “I’m guessing modesty wasn’t anywhere in the family genes.”
“Oh, aye.” He laughed and for a heartbeat the world was right once again. But only a heartbeat. He couldn’t forget Walsh. He couldn’t forget that parting look she wore in the hallway after their heated words. He cleared his throat, picked up the remote to cover the sudden morose turn of his mood. “Shall we?”
Emma shrugged and it was a deflated thing—as if she too was struggling to keep up the ruse. “Since I’m sure this will cure my insomnia, we might as well.”
Killian shook his head with a twinge of amusement. She despised documentaries, called them boring. He, on the other hand, enjoyed learning a bit of history when the fancy struck him. He pressed play without comment, and they watched, occasionally passing the bottle between them.
She lasted all of a half hour before she blew out a sigh. He paused the film again, prepared to switch to something she would find more palatable. Perhaps one of the shows they used to watch together. When he glanced at her, though, the offer stuck in his throat. She stared ahead, gaze hollow as she hugged her knees. She appeared younger, smaller.
She blinked but didn’t look at him. “Do you ever feel like you’re making all it up as you go?” she asked in a quiet voice. “Like, you want to have a normal, happy life but you have no idea what the hell that even looks like?”
He drew his brows together, uncertain how to answer. He’d given up on the notion of a fairy tale happy ending years ago—after Milah.
Emma let out another thready breath. “I broke up with Walsh.” She glanced at Killian. “You were right about him. About me. I didn’t want to see it, but I was trying to pretend that I’m not broken. I just… I look at Mary Margaret and David, and I’m jealous. I’ll never be like that.”
Her words made Killian’s chest tight with a different kind of ache despite his brief elation over the breakup. He shifted on the couch so he could fully face her, waited until she brought her glassy eyes up to meet his. “You are bloody brilliant, Swan. Just the way you are.”
“You really think so?” Her voice quavered, and he wanted to string up everyone who had made her feel less-than.
“Aye, I do,” he reassured her. “I’ve never known you to fail when you’ve set your heart on something. I’ve never known a more fierce lass.”
The pain ebbed from her features as she gave him a watery smile. “Thank you, Killian.”
A weighted silence stretched between them, and he gave into his instinct to gather her into his arms. She came willingly, resting her head against his chest with a sniffle. Sensing that she’d rather not talk further, he turned the program back on. In a matter of minutes, she began to snore softly. It was unjustly endearing, and he brushed a feather-light kiss to the top of her head before he could think better of it..
There was no going back from this, was there?
Next Chapter
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An anonymous lover (Part 5)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particularly rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, angst, arguing, not proof read
Word count : 2.2k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - You're here - Part 6 - Part 7
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
It is not possible. It is a mistake. He has dream of that moment so much, he is just imagining things now.
Sirius was in his dorm, laying down, looking at the stars on the canopy of his bed. He has stuck all the enveloppe he had receive decored with stars there, so he could see the sky before falling asleep, this had helped him to sleep better for the past few weeks.
But even the soothing looks of the stars could not help him calm his mind, he simply could not believe the person he was exchanging letters with, for now soon to be two months, was a slytherin. He knows her house shouldn’t be important, that no matter what she had helped him in so many ways, but he had developped such a hated for this house, he could simply not accept it.
He didn’t dare to compare the handwriting, fearing it would be indeed true, but after a few minutes he finally decided to look, he had to be sure, he couldn’t stay in the mystery like that for much longer.
He took the notes Y/N gave to him and the latest letter, the one he got today, it was a warming letter, she was talking about how she used to climb trees with her brother when she was a kid but never dared to go high, and how all the assignment was stressing her out and that writing to him helps her feeling better. Sirius felt like shit reading the lines.
He finally compare the two handwriting and threw his head back when they were the same. All the memories of the letter who were a source of joyed turned into a taste of disgust in the back of his tongue. What was before a blessing to be able to read those impossible lines became a curse. He hated it.
He hated how much of an impact her being a slytherin had on him, he didn’t want to deal with the emotion and decided to burry it deep inside of him. He didn’t copy the notes Y/N gave him and used Remus’ instead, he didn’t go to supper that evening, he didn’t respond to the letter like usual, and he didn’t sleep that night.
Y/N was a bit surprise to not have any letters from Sirius that night, she had not see him in the Great Hall either, that got her a bit worried. She tried to reassure herself, he did say he had difficulties with that specific potion so he was probably studying.
She laughed at that idea, she had never seen him study before, clever and smart Sirius. Always finding ways out of situation, always the right answer in class if he bothered participating. The two month were over soon she realised and he had still to find her. She felt a bit of dispointment but also a satisfaction of winning the bet. She blushed when she remembered Sirius had promised a date if he find her before. Would he still wants to ask her if the bet  was over ?
She thought for a moment, she hoped he would, she was still a bit scared to reveal herself, but she was confident everything would go alright if she did. After all, they had spend so much time sharing their hearts, it couldn’t desappear that easily, right ?
The next day she searched for him in the crowd and she felt her stomach flip, he looked livid, her first thought went to his mother, has she send another letter ? She felt so bad for him, she just wanted to hold him in her arms and tells him everything would be alright because he was capable of anything.
When their eyes met, Sirius quickly looked away, he didn’t want to see her, didn’t want to think of all the things happening in his head and she was only making things worse. Y/N didn’t know what to think of that, she decided to let him his space, he could always write to her if he needed her help.
But Y/N’s concern only got worse, it was Remus who gave her back her notes, and when she asked if Sirius was ok, he just nodded and said he will be alright. He completly ignore her in class, and wierdly enough he seemed to look at her way more often than before but always looked away when she noticed him.
She send a little message, a very short one, “Are you ok ? I’m worried”, all she was able to write down, she felt a weight in her stomach getting heavier every day and sharp glass in her throat forbbiding her to talk.
Those feeling only got worse when Sirius only responded with “I know who you are. Astronomy tower, 11PM, tomorrow” Y/N has never sweat that much in her entire life.
The walk from the dungeon to the astronomy tower was a long walk, and she was very careful to not get caught by anyone patrolling the corridors, she was trembling like a leaf in the wind. Each step getting heavier. But when she finally arrived, he was there, looking at the window, he turned to her when he heard someone enter.
For a solid second they just stand there, looking at eachother, not daring to say a word, but after a few moment it Y/N who spoke. “So... You know who I am”
“Yeah..”, his eyes looked in the void, he didn’t know what to do, he felt completly paralized. “Well.. What now ?” she didn’t dare to look a him either. “I don’t know”
Y/N froze for a moment, he didn’t know ? He is the one who asked her to come here ! After all they shared to one another, all the words exchanged, all those freaking kisses and hugs that’s all he had to say ? What for ? “Is it because I’m a slytherin ?”
Sirius didn’t answer for a moment but that spoke for itself, Y/N scoffed, tears running down her cheeks. “Of course” Sirius frowned “What do you mean by that ?”
“Of FUCKING course the great Sirius Black can’t deal with the fact he befriended a slytherin, how could have i been this stupid to think he could get over his own prejudice on a house he knows nothing about” Sirius stood from the window seat and walked to her visibly pissed “I know enough ‘bout yer stupid house to know t’s just a bunch a soon to be death eaters !”
Y/N open her mouth, completly shocked “Death eater ? Death. Eaters ? What do you even know about it ? Have you even try to talk to-” “Actually, yes, I did ! And mind ya all those I have talked to are nothing but monsters, so I prefer keep you and your kind away from me as much as possible”
Heavy tears were falling, how could he say that ? Her voice were cracking “Me and my kind ?! Do I look like a monster to you ?” Sirius opened and closed his mouth a few times “Maybe, yeah ! I know nothing about you !”
Y/N and Sirius froze, Professor McGonagall and prefect were standing at the door, arms crossed, a severe look on her face. “So ? I’m waiting”. Both the students were heads down, ashamed of being caught like four years old. It is Sirius who answered “Nothing Professor", she frowned when she saw the tears Y/N was quickly swipping away and her puffy eyes. “Well I am sure you will gladly do nothing at your detention tomorow after class”
“Yes Professor” have they replied in union, “Now, I believe you both know the way back to your dorm ? Go Miss Y/L/N, accompagny her Mister Collins, and it better not happen again” Y/N nod, unable to say another word and got out, following Collins. “Follow me Mister Black”, Sirius followed without a word.
After a few minutes, when they were starting to climb the moving stairs back to the Gryffindor commun room, she spoke, “I will not hide to you that I am quite desappointed Mister Black”, he frowned but before he could they anything, McGonagall added “I heard enough of your conversation to know what was happening, Mister Black” He felt his blood running out his face, probably leaving whiter than snow. “Professor I-”
“I don’t need your explainations, what you have said to Miss Y/L/N is simply intolarable, I thought better of you” Sirius was now red of shame, he didn’t know what to say, actually, he already regretted every words, he regretted them the second they have left his lips. “I can understand your disfavour toward the slytherin, I know your difficult relationship with your family and the fact they were all from this house, but I need you to understand that not all slytherin are bad people, the same way not all people who were from gryffindor turned out to be good people. Do you understand ?” Sirius nodded “I want you to think about it, goodnight Mister Black”
Sirius said goodbye and enter the common room before going to his shared dorm, he was not surprise to see that none of the marauders were sleeping. Sirius put the map he had used to sneek out in James drawer, his friend spoke “Where were you ?”
He didn’t answered at first, letting himself flopped on his bed, face first and groaning into his pillow. His friends looked at each other, worried, “Were you with a girl ?”, that only made him groaned louder. “C’mon, talk t’ us” said Remus, who stood up to sat beside his friend.
Sirius didn’t said anything for a moment, he was gnaw with guilt, he wanted all he said back, when he remember you crying his chest tighten, it was his fault if those tears were rolling down your cheek, if you were screaming at him, he had said such horrible thing to you but you didn’t said anything bad, you just observe a hard truth : this idiot could not go past his jugmental ass.
“The anonymous lover is Y/N”, all the marauders gasped together and hurried beside on his bed. “So ? What happenned ? You should be through the roof !” Sirius turned around, “I knew it for ‘ few days now”, James widen his eyes “ ‘nd you did tell us ?!”
Sirius grimaced “I know ! ‘m sorry ! ‘t just...” Remus frowned, something bad happened. “Pads, what have y’ done ?”, he simply put a pillow on his face, groaning and speaking intelligible words. “Wha’ ?”
“I TOLD HER SLYTHERIN WERE ABOMINATIONS !” they all sat there for a moment. James finally took the pillow from Sirius and hit him as hard as he possibly could with it “You. Are. An. I. DI. OT.”
“OUCH ! Yeah, YEAH ! I know, stop hitting me !” but he didn’t stop before a few more hit. He stop and catched back his breath. “I wouldn’t like to be you” said Peter, “Yeah, no shit Worm-” -another hit from James- “What do I do now ?!”
“Wha’ ? ‘cause you want her now ?” questionned Remus, he did not approve of his friend behavior, but he assumed that since he basicly called her a monster, he must not want to be with her. He observed his friend for a moment “C’mon, tell us everythin’ “
Sirius told them everything, from how he foud out, to what McGonagall had told him, passing by the horrible things he said to Y/N and him hiding his feelings away, getting interrupt occasionly by hit from James. But then he stopped, realising something horrible. “Oh no. Oh no no no no, I’M BECOMMING MY MOM !” He put his face in his hands. “I said such horrible things to her, she didn’t deserved any of it ! How do I make her feel better ?” He sounded desperate.
James put a hand on his friend’s shoulder “You gotta show her you really regret wha’ you said”
“Maybe some gifts ?” suggested Peter.
“Nah, first you have to deal with yer slytherin hate” said Remus.
Sirius frowned “What do you mean ?”
“If you want to date a slytherin, you have to deal with your irrational hate towards all of ‘hem”
“It’s not irrational ! I have perfectly good reas-” but he stopped mid-sentence, it was the argument with Y/N all over again, he sighed, he did need to deal with that.
“Let’s sleep, it’ll be better tomorow” said James who went to his own bed, the rest nodded and did the same.
Sirius put on some pyjamas and laid there for long minutes, thinking about why he hated slytherin so much, about his family, about Y/N. About the tears he caused, he wanted to punch himself for that, he swore that night that he will do anything to put a smile on her face and never see her cry again. He knew it will be hard but he will do anythign to deserve her fogiveness.
@blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657 @theincredibledeadlyviper @bleh-bleh-blehs @whiskeypowder @edithsvoice @weasleybeb
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Touch it for Real, Part 4
Genre: Humor / Fluff / Eventual Smut
Warnings: OMG they were roommates / slice of life / slow burn / mutual pining / crude humor / cursing / virgin!baek / idiots to lovers
A/N: The song featured in the kitchen scene is Fantasy by Mariah Carey.
Characters: Baekhyun X You/Female Reader
Description: You teach Baekhyun how to date. (Basically the Get You Alone M/V)
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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You were puzzling. Alone in your bedroom, laying within the comfort of your own bed, you were positively puzzling.
After sorting out just who Ben was and fixing the damage Baekhyun had done to your reputation by explaining that your idiot roommate had just gotten a hold of your phone, you reintroduced yourself and apologized for the confusion.
This ‘Ben’ actually seemed to laugh off the odd behavior he’d gotten as a first impression of you, mentioning that your roommate seemed funny, if not weirdly protective of you.
You could see what he meant when you read through the rapid fire questions Baekhyun had asked him from his age, to his preferred operating system, whether or not Ben had Facebook so “you” and him could be friends, his profession, and his parents line of work, his current place of work, how long he’s worked there and whether or not he moves around a lot, his hometown, his hobbies and even whether or not Ben has now or has ever had any pets; it seemed that Baekhyun had actually done a whole lot of legwork to give you a pretty good idea of what Ben might be like.
But the moment Baekhyun’s conversation topic changed to innocently ask Ben for his astrological sign, something struck you as off to see Baekhyun proclaim you to also be the same sign and after the two compared birthdays you began to find the whole exchange quite odd.
You realized that Baekhyun had simply lied about your birthday. Baekhyun knew your birthday. Why had he given a fake date to Ben? Unless there was something else happening that you didn’t understand. Then again, Baekhyun had always been rather stingy about giving out personal information; both yours and his. He was probably just being cautious about revealing too much to a stranger.
And actually, Ben seemed rather …. nice. You always hesitated to give them this adjective right off the bat as most of the guys you met who seemed nice right away turned out to be very good at faking nice and stringing along at least three or four girls at once for the shot at fucking at least one of them, and the hopes of fucking all of them.
You’d been called the wrong name late at night, whispered through a sleepy voice over the phone. You’d been sweet-talked and then abruptly called a bitch for refusing to send nudes to a guy you’d been talking to for only a week. Apparently a week was his limit and all his other girls gave him what he wanted within a couple of days. You’d been ghosted by nice guys who felt victimized and led on when you said goodnight politely with a smile and a wave instead of inviting them inside for ramen.
You did want a nice guy. But you wanted a real one.
What you wouldn’t give for one of them, for just one of them to be honest with you and really show you their true self.
Perhaps you had been going about it all wrong.
Your conversation with Ben quietly fizzled and you put your phone away to charge and now, now you were simply puzzling.
It panged at your heart to think of it, but the upset with Baekhyun hours earlier kept replaying in your mind. You propped your feet up on your wall and let your head hang off the edge of your bed, enjoying the way the gravity pulled at the blood in your brain and you tapped your fingers on the bed absentmindedly to the soft beat of music you heard playing from his room.
And you puzzled.
Don’t use your beauty as a weapon against me.
You hadn’t been this bothered by something since you’d watched that Mission Impossible movie the first time and spent an hour and a half trying to wrap your head around the complicated plot.
A Weapon.
Your beauty … a weapon … against me.
Why did it bother you so much? Why had he been so upset that you were playing with him, that you were messing with him. He messed with you all the time. You messed with him just as much. He never got this upset. No, he never got upset in this way. In such a way as to call you out on using something you had, against him. Something that you hadn’t even known had any power at all to attack the man. Your beauty. Did you have such a thing?
You thought about the other times you fought with him.
Not really fought, the two of you never did that, but that fake sort of fighting like when he’d woken you up at 2am for the third night in a row with his loud working music and you found him out in the kitchen disassembling your favorite toaster, the one with the wide slots for bagels that also toasts four slices of bread at once and even has special buttons for frozen items. The stainless steel one that you won in a work raffle and proudly marched through the office carrying with a huge smile on your face. It was a deluxe model. Supreme even. The master of it’s craft. Said so right on the box. Your toaster in a million pieces on your kitchen counter; all because he needed some components or resistors or whatever the fuck it was and he decided the best move was to take your toaster apart rather than to just order what he needed online and wait two business days for them to arrive.
Sure, he put it back together a few days later but not without enduring the laser eyes you shot him over breakfast when you had to toast a piece of bread in a frying pan on the stove like a loser who did not own a four slice Deluxe Toastmaster Supreme.
You’d planned your revenge then. It was something tiny and it involved his TV remote. His precious TV was enormous, took up almost the whole wall, OLED or SUPER-NANO or ULTRA-NANO some similar nonsense words and had 8-Ks of pixels or so he claimed and had so many smart functions you could hardly get comfortable using it for anything that didn’t involve the Netflix button. And no, no, you didn’t do anything to the actual TV. Relax, this was just the remote. This was harmless. Absolutely harmless. Easy to solve really if he had half a brain in his head.
You just carefully cut out the smallest tiniest piece of IR blocking tape that fit exactly over the infrared sensor on the remote control and fit so well it was undetectable to the human eye. Unless you knew it was there and knew exactly where to stick your fingernail in under the plastic bezel to peel it back. You simply applied the tape and left the remote right on the coffee table before you left for work.
You’d come home that night to a pile of assorted battery packs all strewn about the coffee table, and the remote completely taken apart down to the tiny circuit board and Baekhyun was quietly touching the tip of some tiny tool to the different spots on the scary looking green part from inside of the remote with all the metal bits stuck to it and when you slowly walked by he looked up at you through the magnifying eye glasses he wore. His eyes looked comically enormous and you swallowed away your laughter and considered how long you’d let him suffer.
“Something wrong with your remote, Peanut Butter?”
“It was working fine yesterday. I just don’t understand it.”
“Maybe it’s the batteries,” you offered innocently and he just ignored your helpful suggestion as he began screwing tiny screws into place with a precision screwdriver.
He was reassembling it all now and you sat down beside him on the sofa about as amused as you had ever been to sit and watch him suffer.
He grabbed two new batteries from an unopened pack on the table and aimed the remote, pressing the buttons again and again. Nothing happened.
He was surprisingly calm about the whole thing and judging by the various shopping bags and different brands of batteries you saw, he seemed to have been working on this all afternoon. Probably for hours now.
“I’m going to have to take the TV apart.”
He was already standing up and walking across the room toward the wall mounted monstrosity when you leaned forward for the remote. He glanced back at you as you did it and he looked at you just in time to see you shake the remote back and forth and then hit it twice lightly against your left hand. Just a little knock-knock should do it. You were careful to keep the expression on your face calm and well controlled.
When you pressed the power button, the big TV came to life and you pressed the button for Netflix and scrolled through your recommended titles. You had a new episode to watch. You’d have to make time tonight for that. After he was done with his little project here.
Baekhyun instantly pulled his hands away from the TV and hopped back and away from the screen, peering up at it with his mouth hanging wide open. His eyes shot back to where you sat on the sofa holding the remote control. You did not allow your smile to form. Nothing in your whole life had ever been so difficult. You felt as if you could pop right here. You casually flipped through the menu on the screen and the man looked back up at the TV and back down at you again.
You could see him coming in then. He was moving fast with several large steps toward you and with the quickest movement you could manage you used the tip of your finger to slide the IR tape back over the remote sensor. You could not be as precise as you had been before with him coming right at you so quickly, but hopefully it wouldn’t be visible.
He reached for the remote. “What did you do, how did you fix it?” He held it up and pointed it toward the TV. Again, the remote did not work. You bit down hard on the inside of your cheek.
He was pressing buttons again and nothing happened with each new button he smashed down. You could see the madness growing in his eyes the more he tried.
He made the smallest whining sound from the back of his throat and it took every ounce of self control to keep from laughing as he lightly tapped the remote twice against his hand just as he had seen you do. Nothing.
You tried to hold it. You tried so hard. A tiny sound escaped, the smallest sniffle with a laugh broke free from your throat and you coughed lightly to hide it.
His face turned on you and those crazed eyes were back only instead of directing them at the remote, he was looking at you now.
“How did you fix it? Do it again.” He looked insane and desperate and a tiny smile betrayed you as you grabbed the remote from his hand. You played the smile off as part of the help you were willing to offer him but you also had to inhale a deep breath and carefully and slowly exhale it through your mouth to keep from breaking completely.
You held it up in your right hand and gave it a little shake. As quickly as you had done it before you turned the remote on its side as you gave those two little knocks and his head flipped toward the TV when you aimed. With his eyes averted you were able to slip the tape off just before pressing the button.
The Netflix logo greeted you and Baekhyun threw his head back and let out a loud frustrated yell into the ceiling above him.
You’d been holding your laugh for too long. It was becoming too difficult now and he was back, reaching for the remote when the first suffocating giggles took your composure and you laughed out loud.
Your laughter brought all of his attention right to you and only you. The entirety of his focus shifted and that brought those crazed eyes of his bearing down on you, wide and demanding.
It was, by far, the most successful and meanest prank you had ever played on him to date and you were gasping for air and laughing as he reached for you. He grasped both of your shoulders and he shook you as you laughed and laughed at the absolute madness in his eyes. Oh he was crazy. It was just so damn funny.
The remote was still in your hands and you flipped through the different inputs on the TV as you cackled and tears formed at the corners of your eyes.
“How did you do it? You devil! Tell me how you did it?”
He balanced with his knees on the couch and his hands were on you, roaming over the fabric of the sweater you wore, lifting your arms to look under them, maybe for spare remotes or for hidden batteries or secret formulas, who knows what he thought he might find.
You’d stashed the tiny circle of tape by sticking it to the skin inside your elbow and he was currently examining the fingers on all of your hands up close as if they concealed all of the secrets he was looking for.
It wasn’t until he searched higher, pulling your hand forward toward his chest and his thumb grazed against the shiny plastic of the tape circle you had on your inner arm when he did a double take, pulled your arm harder and lifted an accusing finger to point at the tape.
“What is that?!” He clearly thought himself to be the world’s greatest detective.  
You allowed yourself to be manhandled by him a little bit more as you got every bit of humor about your recent victory out of your chest and you lifted your other hand, the one he did not have held hostage right now to wipe at the tears that had fallen from your eyes.  
“Stop laughing and answer me, woman! What is it?”
“It’s my birth control patch,” you said through a laugh and his eyes widened as he pulled his hand back. It was a tiny movement but you were so close to his accusing eyes that it felt monumental and the dramatic reaction to your teasing lie made a fresh wave of laughter bubble up in your chest. You knew he would react this way. Any mention of your contraceptives always made him clam up.
“It’s IR tape, Baekhyun. Infrared blocking tape. I put it on the sensor this morning after breakfast. After I made toast in a pan instead of in my toaster.”
The truth pulled his whole head back and he fell down on his butt on the sofa briefly before he slipped and fell right off the couch onto the floor and he sat there with a blank lifeless look on his face; staring ahead without any focus in his eyes.
“Do you know how sad pan toast is, Baekhyun? Tell me, how am I supposed to be satisfied with pan toast when I should have been having Deluxe Toastmaster Supreme toast?”
He was shaking his head back and forth as you spoke and when he did move it was to lay down flat on his back on the floor of the living room. His hands were up and he rubbed roughly over his face.
“Oh my god. Oh my god—it’s so good. I would have never checked for tape over the sensor. Fucking tape. A piece of goddamn tape. I was so focused on the batteries.I went to three different stores today. The circuits to the sensor were all intact, I checked it, it was good — I never even considered this. Are you an evil genius? My sweet innocent Bug ... is actually an evil supervillain.”
You left him on the floor and made your way into the kitchen to make dinner. It was your night to cook and thanks to the man stewing on the floor of the living room you had to do it around the scattered carcass of your third favorite kitchen appliance.
You remembered the way he reacted then. He pouted and moaned on the floor for a few moments until he smelled the stew you were cooking on the stove. It was comfort food. Something with meat and potatoes and warmth and spices. It would lift anyone’s mood and his had been lifted almost immediately. There were no apologies or any tears. Just a promise to put the toaster back together tomorrow after he went to the store for the parts he needed and that was the end of it.
He didn't storm away. He didn't raise his voice or say you were mean or unfair or too beautiful for him to withstand. He didn't get angry about closeness being used the wrong way, in a way that was unfair to him. In a way that could hurt him, like a weapon.
If he said you had the kind of beauty that could be used against him, didn't that mean he found you beautiful? Wouldn't that mean that Baekhyun found you attractive?
The words protested inside your mind. You shook your head.
That was impossible. Definitely. You’ve been so close to him for so long without even a hint of that sort of a feeling from him. Sure you were close to each other. Sure you cared for each other. It was a familiar sort of affection you shared. But attraction? Because he found you beautiful in a way that was unfair?
The puzzling was giving you a headache. There were some things that just did not exist in the same space in your mind and that was the existence of your roommate, Byun Baekhyun, and the possibility that he was attracted to you in any way.
You’d been inside your bedroom for hours now and you were no closer to answers than when you first came in here.
Baekhyun would be done with his episode. He would have watched it with Mia and discussed themes or scenes or dramatic moments with her. Did he talk to her on the phone or maybe though a headset as they streamed the episode together.
Did he like her voice and did she like his jokes?
Did he make her laugh? Of course he did. He made everyone laugh. Baekhyun was charming and hilarious. But could she make him laugh? Could she make him giggle and shake like he laughed with you?
It was late. That didn't really mean all that much to Baekhyun, as the man didn't really have any set bedtime and usually just fell asleep when the sun began to come up. It was a weekend night and you didn't have work in the morning and frankly your curiosity had grown too much for you to just stay in here and fall asleep without at least checking on how the streaming date went.
You knocked lightly on his door. You could hear music playing inside. Nothing too loud or crazy. The man seemed to be having a somewhat low key evening.
“Yeah,” his voice called lowly and you opened the door and peeked your head inside.
“How is our girlfriend doing?” Baekhyun was sitting on his butt on the floor in front of his bed with his head laid over his arms and his phone abandoned in the middle of the floor out of arm’s reach.
He let out a long low groan but did not lift his head up when you stepped inside.
“I don't even know. I don't know.” He sounded defeated already and this had only just started.
“Peanut, what happened?” You picked up the phone and unlocked the screen, searching through his apps to find the dating app so you could see if they had said anything to each other that might give you some clues about what went wrong.
“Nothing happened. I was too quiet. I couldn’t talk at all. I didn't say anything during the entire episode. Why is this so scary. Uggghhh...I feel unsafe. It’s gross.”
You stepped over him and climbed onto his bed, sitting up against the head of the bed as you scrolled through the chat logs.
It looked normal. Not unfriendly. A little terse and abrupt on his part. The man didn't know how to loosen up when he talked to girls and you wondered if maybe you needed more one on one lessons with him before he was really ready for this stuff.
When you leaned back against the headboard you felt the bed dip and he climbed onto the bed beside you and angled his body toward where you sat up against the pillows.
When you got to the end of the chat you could see that she was the last one to speak and she remarked that he felt a bit different from when they spoke at the beginning of the day. He didn't say anything in response to that.
Baekhyun moaned with his eyes closed and he turned his head into your waist. He was obviously reliving some perceived embarrassment he must have felt during the interaction with Mia and when he moved his arm around your waist you looked down to find yourself trapped under his arm that constricted as he pulled tightly, hiding the entirety of his face somewhere in the shirt you wore. He was warm. The weight of his arm around you felt nice.
“I felt so unsafe,” he repeated his complaint from earlier and his voice was obscured and muffled as he hid himself. He switched the tense though and you wondered if he no longer felt unsafe now that you had come in.
You typed out a quick response to Mia. You didn't think it was right to just leave her hanging without an explanation for his strange silence during and after the show.
“I’m going to tell her that you were so quiet because you were nervous. I’ll also thank her for watching the episode tonight.”
You heard and felt a hum and the tightness of his arm around your waist relaxed a little as his arm went slack. He did not move though. He still hugged you. He was still warm and it took only a moment for your nose to pick up the pleasant smell of his clean bed sheets fresh from the dryer. You both had a schedule for washing things like towels and bed sheets. Yours had been cleaned today as well, but something about the smell of his bed felt better than yours had. Perhaps it had been all that difficult puzzling that had tainted yours.
Mia responded right away to your message. She was flattered by his nervousness. You could tell with the way she reassured that he really didn't have to be nervous around her. That she was an easy going kinda girl. Low maintenance she said. You scoffed at the thought of a computer geek being low maintenance. As if you didn't know how difficult to obtain fancy GPUs were and how expensive high powered CPUs, high capacity SATA drives, and their required cooling systems were. You looked around Baekhyun’s set up and figured it had to run somewhere in the multiples of tens of thousands of dollars; just in this room alone.
Low maintenance. Please, she was just as high maintenance as any other regular girl just with a different catalogue of parts.
You switched to the emoji keyboard and keyed off some random happy faces and closed her chat window with more force than was necessary; suddenly and unexpectedly irked when she responded with similar emojis and the notification popped up on the screen. You swiped it away quickly to be rid of it.
“She sounded nice though, even if I couldn’t talk. She sounded nice. Do you think she will even want to talk to me again? I think she likes you more than me.”
“She will like you. If she doesn’t she’s an idiot. A girl would have to be an imbecile, Peanut, to not fall for you.”
He lifted his face then, just enough for the corners of his eye to peek out and you looked down at the side of his face as he looked at you for a moment, absorbing the encouraging words you spoke to him. His leg began to shake somewhere on the end of the bed. You could feel the rhythmic motions. He often did this when he was tired.
You had been scrolling through matches on his phone, building on an idea that popped into your head.
The man needed some practice to build up his confidence. Maybe, just maybe you could find another girl. Someone who he could talk to, chat with, be friendly with, that maybe wasn’t just so wonderfully perfect for him. Someone just to break the ice with.
You stopped on a girl. Her dress was short and the neckline was low. She really left very little up to the imagination with this outfit. Outside of the revealing clothes, it was clear that she was a beautiful woman. She was sexy and very confident in herself despite the glaringly obvious grammatical typo in her bio.
You spun the phone around to show him.
“She looks nice,” you said. Baekhyun blinked at the phone and pulled his face back a little to see the image clearly.
“—-follow you’re dreams — you are — Never too old to follow you are dreams.” Baekhyun read out the sentence with the typo out loud and you laughed.
“Come on, she’s pretty,” you said softly, “right?” You probed gently and he chuckled once to himself and closed his eyes up with a sigh.
“Yeah, she’s pretty,” he said after a while and you felt yourself stiffen just a little bit with his admission. Of course she was. Anyone could see it. He’d be lying if he didn't admit it.
“Okay but like, just pretty or do you also think she’s beautiful?”
He hummed some non response and you focused your attention back on the phone in your hands. After scrolling through a few more profiles you found another woman whose beauty shone brightly right through the screen at you.
“And her? Is she pretty or is she beautiful?”
Baekhyun’s eyes opened again but just barely. He looked half asleep and you wondered if the reason his arm was still around you was because he was so sleepy he didn't realize he was still hugging you like this on his bed.
“Pretty,” he mumbled and pushed his face into your waist again. This time the shaking in his leg began to settle and you could hear a slow steadiness in his breathing.
“Should I message her? Maybe we can practice talking to her so you’re not so nervous talking to girls?”
“Sure Bug,” he said quietly, “you can do anything you want.”
He was falling asleep now. You could feel the change. It didn't matter. You’d let him rest a bit while you opened up a chat window and began talking to Candy.
She responded quickly and had a completely different feeling from Mia. Maybe this was good. Candy was easy to talk to but she had nearly nothing in common with Baekhyun. She casually asked what a computer programmer did and when you went into specifics you had trouble finding synonyms for words that didn’t just make it all more complicated. You finally settled on a simple explanation of what kinds of computer software Baekhyun had developed and left it at that.
After a while Baekhyun shifted in his sleep and uncovered his face. His lips were parted and from the upside down angle you could see the dark splash of his pretty eyelashes that landed over his soft cheeks. He looked lovely and peaceful. All the worries and fears of the day were gone and he was sleeping so calmly. You watched his sleeping face for a while, growing warm inside with the strange contentedness you felt.
You could see some light movement behind his eyes and you wondered if he was dreaming about anything.
Candy had asked for a picture. She was asking something superficial like what sort of car Baekhyun drove and you slipped into his picture gallery for the folder with the shots you took for him when he first bought his car. You found a nice one with him smiling behind the driver’s seat, bright red seatbelt across his chest and the logo of his fancy ride on the steering wheel.
‘Wooo, baby boy an Audi? you must be loaded. When are you gonna come pick me up in that?’
You laughed at her obvious reaction. Candy was exactly as you expected her to be. Baekhyun would be able to laugh and chat with her easily without too much pressure of impressing a complicated woman like Mia was. Candy was an open book. The stakes were lower with Candy.
Your giggle made him stir and you looked down to see his eyes open a tiny bit before he closed them again.
“It’s going well with Candy,” you whispered and he inhaled a breath and nodded his head as he closed his eyes again.
“Mmm, the pretty one?” he asked in a sleepy voice and you hummed your confirmation. Something buzzed inside of you; just a bit of nerve. Call it gumption.
“Baek,” you called quietly and his lips parted with his breathing but his eyes stayed closed this time. He did not respond. He didn't give any indication at all that he heard you call him.
“Baek, what about me?” Your voice was tiny when you asked it. You felt more warmth in this bed suddenly. You felt it in your chest and it seeped up to warm up your face too.
He hadn’t responded at all to your question. It had been pretty unclear though. He might not have heard it, or might not have understood it. Or his sleep may have just been too deep to register your words.
“Am I pretty or am I beautiful?” You said it so quietly there was little chance of him actually hearing it. He was asleep and you were just here, trapped in his embrace on his bed as he slept and you puzzled over the words he had told you during an upset. The words that you had pried from him when he was vulnerable and emotional. The words that you shouldn’t be over analyzing like this. Those words felt too risky to be giving this much thought to.
Here you were again, using your sneaking methods to try and trick him into something when you knew it wouldn't work, when you knew there was nothing really there and you were reading too far into things.
His steady breathing continued. His eyes remained closed and his arm still gripped around your tightly, holding you still, holding you close to him as he slept.
So you gave up. You’d moved back to the phone to respond to Candy; something silly and lighthearted, something easy just like she was, when you heard him speak.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he said so far under his breath the statement sounded more like air than actual vocalization of any kind and your fingers stopped their rapid typing in the middle of your sentence.
Your eyes looked down. Your entire body was frozen. Half of you expected to find his eyes open and a wide teasing smile on his lips, begging for you to take the bait and believe his words just for the chance of laughing at your shocked face and making fun of you for being stupid enough to believe them.
He was asleep. His eyelids did not pull open when you looked down at him and his breathing remained as steady as ever.
Baekhyun was asleep.
That damn puzzling — your jaw was sore from clenching your teeth down and your lips were dry and chapped from biting them.  
You had dropped the phone and it disappeared somewhere amid the bedcovers.
Baekhyun’s sleep was deeper now. He must have been very tired to be falling asleep so recklessly like this. You shifted downward and made some attempt to find the phone without waking him up and your small movement made him inhale a deep breath through his nose and he was moving now. You felt him shifting, moving his sleepy body up higher in search for some comfort; for something to lay on that was a bit more comfortable than flat on the middle of the bed like that.
You used the movement to reach for the blanket and pull it over his body so he could be warm at least and when he finally settled he shared the same pillow as you. His forehead rested against your shoulder and he was once again, fast asleep.
His arm though— you found yourself still very much trapped in nearly the same embrace as before, just shifted. A forearm landed over your chest and you felt a new heaviness of his bent leg land over your thigh.
You could wake him.
You could push him off and let him roll the other way so you could make an escape back to the peace of your own bedroom.
You would. You would do that soon.
Your current state of thoughts was simply too overloaded to follow through on any game plan. If you could only have a few more minutes of his warm steady breathing, you would move away from this. You would do it.
It wasn’t that you had never considered it. It was that you had gone through many lengths to come to this place. You were safe and secure here.
It was that you had nowhere else to go when it was over.
This place was your home.
Peanut was part of that home.
Things were nice right now; the way they were at home.
As they sometimes do, and against your own will, your thoughts wandered.
You wondered as they wandered — wondered about him.
From the deepest parts of your mind; down where you’d shoved them roughly many times before, those wondering thoughts danced and swayed lightly to the soft music playing in this room.
Those secret thoughts about the sweetness in his eyes. Secrets about the fondness you felt for the little tips of him; the tip of his nose, the tips of his fingers, the pink tips of his ears. Thoughts you refused to encourage.
Baekhyun was asleep and you were thinking.
With the thinking came the shame and your skin was hot to the touch. The last thing you wanted was to ruin your home. With the thinking came the denial. You could not encourage anything. You could not afford to become complacent. You did not need these thoughts to become so brazen. You did not need them taking root. The last thing you needed was them making an appearance again.
The sounds he made while dreaming pulled your closed eyelids back open. You turned your face toward the sound. It was soft, the small groan from the back of his throat. But his face changed then; eyebrows screwed together and his lungs constricted as he let out a softer sound, like a whine. It was a complaint. His face showed signs of pain. The dream must have been unpleasant.
You lifted a hand then, shifted within his embrace you raised your palm and laid it carefully over the side of his face.
The shift happened with the warm contact and his features evened out and that pained look was gone.  
You smiled then. So sleepy but satisfied that you could help when he needed it.
You would move after he got a little more sleep. After he’d had a little more comfort from you, you would move.
You weren’t the first to move. And it seemed by the change in light that shone through the windows that your visit had lasted much longer than you had intended.
It was the untangle that woke you up. A conscious and deliberate lifting of limbs; the careful grip of a hand lifting your arm by the wrist and setting it gently down on a flat mattress.
You opened your eyes when he pulled his own leg out from between your thighs. The temperature change was most jarring. You had felt so warm before.
Baekhyun was sitting up in his bed. His hair was standing up in places all over his head and he was moving slowly and carefully, in an attempt to disengage himself from the tangle of this woman he had just woken up with.
The sleep was still very thick in your head. It hadn’t been a full night’s sleep had it? You felt like you had just closed your eyes a minute ago and yet the sunshine was so bright outside already.
“Sorry,” Baekhyun whispered when he realized you were now awake and looking at him, “guess I got too comfortable...must have fallen asleep.”
His voice was thick with sleep and with embarrassment too, you could hear it everywhere, with the quick words he spoke to you and the pink that covered the back of his neck and flooded his cheeks too.
This situation...this was an embarrassment. Of course it was.
This was something that should not have happened. Not with two adults of similar age who shared so many liberties with each other; spending time in each other’s arms at night, well…
You felt awkward all over. What if—what if you’d done something in your sleep? What if you said something?
And he already wasn’t meeting your eyes as he climbed out of the bed and awkwardly made his way into his bathroom.
You could hear the sound of the running water faucet and the door closed with the smallest click like he went out of his way to close it as softly and quietly as possible to avoid disturbing you any further.
You could feel the heat burning on the skin of your cheeks and you used his absence to get up and get out of his bedroom before he came out and found you still, still tangled in his bed sheets like you’d been tangled in his legs and in his arms all night.
You had to ignore this. You had to forget it ever happened, and anyway, you were best friends with the guy...right? Wasn't this thing bound to happen in the course of a friendship? What if you went on a holiday with him and the hotel only had one bed? These things really did happen, you read about it on twitter once. Would you be that asshole best friend who let him sleep on the floor just because he was a man? No! You could build a little pillow wall between your bodies and sleep as still and motionless as possible, like a corpse.
This feeling would go away. The red hot embarrassment would wash down the drain of your shower. The sticky warmth left behind by his skin would go with it.
You’d made it as far as to undress and turn on the hot water when an awful memory dawned on you.
Baekhyun still had your shampoo.
You didn't have any other shampoo in this bathroom that you could use. You pulled open cupboards and drawers, searching for anything; tiny hotel sized travel bottles, a nearly empty bottle under the sink for a rainy day, even maybe something in the trash can that still had a few drops. Nothing.
You eyed the hand soap on your sink and pictured stepping out of the shower a frizzy, tangled mess.
A soft knock vibrated against your bathroom door.
“Bug, your shampoo.” Baekhyun’s voice called out, muffled by the sounds of the running water and the door itself, “it’s almost empty, but there’s a little left. Sorry, I’ll run to the store and get more.”
Your ear was pressed against the door so you could make out everything he said; so you could listen carefully to the tone and delivery of his words to see if he was still embarrassed about last night or if he’d brush it off easily like he did most things that seemed to bother him.
There were another two soft knocks, “B-Bug?”
“Yeah, Peanut, thank you. Can you just...put it by the door. I’m already undressed. I’ll grab it in a bit.”
He did not respond right away and you stayed with your ear against the door waiting for some sound. Some indication that he had left. The click of your door, anything.
“I left it by the door,” you heard his far away voice shout and then the click of your door.
When your shower was done and you were dressed in your favorite weekend outfit, the high waisted comfy shorts with pockets and a cute top that made you feel somewhat pretty even on a casual day and you emerged from your bedroom feeling ready to face whatever weird moods or wacky situations accosted you today.
You found him singing a song to himself in the kitchen as he made something that smelled delicious for breakfast. The radio was on a pop station that played hits from all the past decades and the upbeat rhythm of the song that played was a definite favorite that had him dancing at the stove.
It was a groovy little love song, quite old now that you thought about it and you felt the beat hit hard in your chest with each pop of his shoulders and hips. The joy you could feel in this song hit you just like that beat hit; heavy and prominent, and you smiled wide to welcome this morning mood it brought with it.
When you stepped into the kitchen to grab a mug to make yourself some coffee you couldn’t help but sing along to the song, you loved the song as much as he did and when he noticed you enter the room you could hear him singing the main parts; expertly, even though the singer was a woman, his voice could always reach the high notes as well as the low ones. She was the kind of epic singer with one of a kind of talent that was world dominating. Baekhyun was singing along, doing the same kinds of ad-libs and vocal runs that she did and he did it while holding the spatula up to his face like a microphone.
As you walked by he dipped his head and looked into your face and his eyes caught ahold of yours. You knew what was coming. You could hear it coming in the song, the chorus. The part you had to sing. These were the rules. He leaned hard and brought the spatula up to your lips just in time for your part to come on. You did not disappoint. You gave it your all closing your eyes up tight and throwing your head back, singing from the very center of you, this part you always sang during this song. The part that was made for you; he knew it and you knew it.
His smile was genuine and breathtaking and he grabbed your hand with his spatula-less hand and pulled you into him, the beat taking over whatever bit of nervousness he might have had before. This was different. This was dancing. This was singing to simply the best song for a Saturday morning and it was moving and laughing with your best friend and you let him spin you in a small circle, careful to keep your coffee mug lifted so it didn’t hit anything during the spin.
His sense of rhythm was perfect. His hips moved as if they were made for this. You had no choice but to follow. An occasional hand on your hip told you where to go. The song was reaching its peak and you knew it was a short one. The best ones always were. It was going to begin winding down now. It was always such a sweet and short lived moment of happiness that you always appreciated immensely.
As a final move, he gave you a little spin and released you to go on your way toward the coffee maker you so desperately wanted to get to when you first entered this kitchen.
He finished the eggs with the last notes of the song.
As you both sat down to eat, his eyes met yours and yours met his and you dug into the eggs and bacon he’d prepared. You offered him a perfectly buttered toast slice and he took it, nodding his head as he bit into the crisp corner.
“So Bug,” he spoke up between bites of eggs, chewing and swallowing thoughtfully, “about this...Candy.”
You swallowed the hot coffee in your mouth and clasped your hands together, suddenly remembering how asleep he had been when you had hit it off with Candy, his practice girl.
He listened to your explanation. Your theory that the stakes were simply too high with Mia and he needed someone to talk to that was a bit more of a relaxed task for him. You called it easy mode so he might get the game reference. He ate and listened to you talk and occasionally his eyebrows would lift or screw together with whatever sorts of thoughts he was thinking inside his head. You could tell by his body language that he didn't exactly want to start something with Candy and you had to emphasize that it was really just for practice, talking to her. It was to help build his confidence.
“She’s already in, Peanut. She thinks you’re super cool, she thinks you’re rich and thinks you have a very good job and plus, you make lots of money and she seems super into that.”
He was not speaking yet, despite how much you had talked and you were beginning to get worried that he didn’t see the benefit of practicing his conversation skills a little bit.
“It’s not even real, Baek, you just have to make some things up with her. Just to get over that anxiety about talking to women. Just until you are more comfortable.”
When he finally did speak, it was as you feared.
“It just feels kinda gross, Bug. She’s a real person too, even if she is obviously a gold digger. It just seems wrong. I’ve been...thinking lately. What if this is...wrong of us?”
“What if I just have to tough it out with Mia and get the fuck over it and just,” he thrust his hands forward over the food on the table for emphasis, “just — blehhhh — talk, just fucking talk to her.”
You lifted a fork with eggs toward your lips but your stomach protested. You suddenly didn't want any more food. The coffee you were drinking had suddenly gone too cold for your liking and you pushed the plate and mug away from you with your fingertips.
You were bothered.
Why did he choose right now to suddenly grow a conscience about this? Did he forget that Mia was chatting with both of you and not just him?
“I...I just — I want to try with Mia. I know I can get over it and talk to her. And I don't want to talk to Candy. The person Candy thinks I am, well...that’s just false. I can’t be the person she’s expecting me to be.”
He had obviously read through the entire conversation with Candy last night and found the tales you told simply too stretched out for him to try and live up to.
“But that’s what people do when they start dating. They stretch the truth, make themselves sound just a little bit better, make themselves taller, or make themselves look richer. They all do this.” You simply could not understand why he didn’t get this. Why he didn’t just play by the rules that everyone followed to get through the door so he could stand a chance here.
“Well I don't. I don't want someone to fall for a fake version of me. I want someone to like me now. This me. Byun Baekhyun. The Peanut with anxiety who lives with Bug who almost killed him over a cheese stick, but who makes really great toast.”
He was smiling now, joking about the funny memories. You pulled your lips into a forced smile and lifted the coffee for another drink so you didn't have to smile any more.
He was watching your face. You were sure he sensed it. Something had bothered you to the point of giving up on your breakfast and every pass your eyes made over his face led to the same thing. He was watching you.
“Why are you upset?”
You shook your head lightly. Willing the obvious signs to leave your face. You didn't even know why. You didn't have a name for this. So you just shrugged in response to him.
“Because I don't want to practice on Candy? Did you actually like her for me?”
You really made your best attempt. You inhaled deep and closed your eyes and you shook your head.
Candy did not matter and you knew it. There was something ugly inside of you maybe. Something that did not want Baekhyun to get along with perfect Mia. Something that was fighting against the idea of him being happy and healthy and free of this unhealthy attachment you had to him. Free and happy away from you.
“Then why?”
Enough. You were being unfair to him. You had promised him that you would help him. You had gotten him this far and you’d be the worst kind of asshole if you didn't see him through to the end; if you didn't follow through with your promise to find him someone who would love him like he deserved to be loved, exactly as he was now. The amazingly wonderful Byun Baekhyun.
“It’s nothing like that,” you smiled softly. It felt like a sad smile, but at least it was genuine. “I just worry when you get so anxious. You know you fell right asleep last night. As soon as I came in, you passed right out.”
Your words skillfully slipped out of your lips and you successfully changed the subject. You felt like a coward, but you simply did not have words for what was happening to you.
“I didn’t...say anything did I? Before I fell asleep?”
This question was quiet. His fingertips grazed over his lips as he asked it, nearly muffling the words he shyly asked you at the breakfast table, the morning after.
You are so fucking beautiful.
You are so fucking beautiful.
You lifted your coffee cup to drink the tepid liquid inside and dropped your eyes from his shaking ones. The answer to his question sat on the back of your tongue even after you swallowed away the liquid.
You swallowed again and it refused to budge and yet you sat in silence, unable to utter a single word in reply to his quiet question.
Your silence went on for too long and he looked up into your face. An instant smile lifted at the corner of your lips and you forced it up into your eyes.
“You just slept, Peanut. We—” you had to exhale the breath that you had been holding for too long in your lungs, “we just slept.”
 Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
Tag list: @j-pping  @blahblahblah-boo  @his-mochi-cheeks  @amyeonzing@littleflowercrown13  @baekinmylife  @insta1010  @nana-banana  @f4ncyvelvet@bbhbeth  @totallynerdstuff  @byunbabybaek @maijinki @bbyunz@theclawofaraven
380 notes · View notes
vennilavee · 4 years
love lockdown (7)
pairing: levi x reader summary: an anniversary spent together, and an old memory. warnings: wine, cursing, suggestive content, feelings of insecurity, smut (levi gets pegged)- 18+!!! word count: 4.3k a/n: based off of several asks you guys sent me hehe (the ones about the sweater curse, and tbah couple being the winery couple) tbah masterlist
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Levi has been knitting for a long time, for years now, since a little before his mother had gotten sick. His mother had been the one to teach him- she had tried to even as a young boy, but he hadn’t really paid attention to it until he was older. He remembers how happy she had been when he had woven his first wool scarf. It’s been several years since his mother passed away, but he still keeps his knack for knitting alive and well.
Besides, it’s a way for him to feel close to his mother.
Levi has his favorite techniques tucked away in his brain and his favorite types of fabrics tucked away in a royal blue box in the corner of his linen closet. His trusty knitting needles also sit in the same box. It’s been a while since he had taken them out.
But he has decided that he’s going to knit you a thick blanket. Who better than to knit a blanket for anyway?
Once you and Levi begin to rack up anniversaries, Levi feels the need to do something different. Neither of you had celebrated monthly anniversaries because you felt no reason to (other than a nice candlelit dinner for your six month anniversary), but this specific moment in time feels different. Mainly because he’s come to the calming realization that you are it for him. And really, it’s a realization that has been brewing warmly for the last few months.
He’ll make it out of sunflower yellow yarn. The color that reminds him of you.
The idea is planted in his head about two months before and he sleeps on it. Before deciding that he wants to do it. It’ll take some time to finish, and he thinks he can have it done in a month or so.
Levi’s favorite way to knit is with a glass of whiskey and with the television turned on for background noise. With every stitch, he finds himself thinking of you- will you like it? He hopes you will- it’s not much, but it’s him.
But he has nothing to worry about, because he knows you’ll appreciate it. It’s part of why he keeps you around, after all.
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“Dude, you’re knitting her a blanket? Have you never heard of the sweater curse?” Mike asks incredulously, “I would think you, as a well seasoned member in the knitting community, would know what the sweater curse is…”
“The what,” Levi says flatly. 
“The sweater curse,” Mike repeats with a raise of an eyebrow.
“You repeating it doesn’t tell me what it means. Spit it out.”
“It’s when someone who knits makes a sweater, or anything really, for their significant other. And then the couple inevitably breaks up, because one of them realizes that they put in way more effort than the other,” Mike says. He says it so knowingly, as if it’s fact.
Levi scoffs with a slow roll of his eyes. But still, something uneasy settles in his chest. He tries to quell it before it sprouts and blossoms, and he does a mostly good job of it.
But Mike’s words stay with him for the rest of the day. Even when you had called him to say goodnight from your apartment, it had lingered in the back of his mind.
You could tell something was off- after all, you like to think you could read him like a book. Despite him giving you his full attention, you could tell he was distracted-
“Levi? Is everything okay?” You ask softly, “You seem... preoccupied.”
“Yes,” He says instantly.
With that, you don’t push him. But still you frown a little at him, wondering what could be bothering him. You decide to change the subject. It’s taken a while, but these days, if something was bothering him then he would tell you.
After letting it fester for a bit and after he tried to work through his feelings on his own.
“Hey, can I come over this weekend? I have something for you… And also your bed is comfier than mine.”
“Just say you wanna sleep on my bed. No need for false pretenses.”
“Well, it is a well known fact that your bed is superior to mine…”
You don’t push him and Levi is grateful for that. Maybe he’ll voice his concerns when you come over.
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The blanket that Levi is preparing for you still needs about a week of work, but they are coming along nicely if he says so himself. The material is soft- he’s particular about what he works with and for you, he’s even more picky.
With each weave and stitch, he grows a tiny bit unsure about the stupid sweater curse. He curses Mike for putting such a stupid idea in his head. But what if it holds some truth to it? After all, he can vividly remember the instances of breakdowns in communication in the beginning- how many times he was so quick to jump to conclusions rather than talk things out with you.
He’s come a long way since then, but what if the stupid curse holds some truth to it?
His slight spiral takes a backseat when his phone vibrates, a text from you letting him know that you’ve just parked your car and you’ll be inside in a few minutes.
Levi makes his way to the lobby to greet you. Almost every time he does this, you protest, telling him that you can just meet him in his apartment. But every time, he greets you in the lobby whenever you visit him.
It’s small, but it makes your heart sing happily for your chivalrous man.
Levi takes your bags and touches your elbow lightly as you both wait for the elevator to ding. In the privacy of the elevator, you kiss him hello quickly. 
“How was the drive?” Levi asks, rubbing your wrist.
“Felt longer than usual,” You admit, stifling a yawn. Levi hums in acknowledgement and keeps a hovering touch over your elbow as you both walk side by side to his apartment. You allow yourself the luxury of resting your head against his shoulder as he unlocks the front door.
“I would’ve come to pick you up if you were tired,” Levi scolds gently.
You shrug, “I don’t mind the drive, baby.”
Pet names slip easily from your lips when you’re in each other’s privacy and comfort.
“Go change and wash up,” Levi murmurs, patting your ass fondly, “I have dinner ready. I’ll pour you a glass of wine, shiraz good?”
You hum wordlessly and squeeze his arm with a grin. As you fumble through your small duffel bag that you specifically use for whenever you stay over Levi’s place, nerves begin to fizz up in your veins.
You sincerely hope Levi enjoys the small gift you had for him. Pulling on one of Levi’s looser shirts, your favorite purple hoodie and cozy leggings, you pull the gift tucked away in the side of the duffle bag and hide it behind your back.
“Hi,” You mumble softly, molding yourself to his side in the kitchen where he is setting plates for you both, “I have something for you, baby.”
“And what’s that?” Levi asks, bringing you in front of him and pressing your back against the kitchen countertop.
“Sit with me on the couch,” You murmur, tugging his hand in yours gently. Levi sees a small package in your hands as you not discreetly try to hide it from him.
You seem a little nervous, picking at the hem of your hoodie before finally raising your eyes to meet his.
You hope he likes it.
“It’s not much,” You mumble, “But…”
Levi unwraps the blue wrapping paper dotted with little cartoon stars on it with a raised eyebrow. His lips are pursed together in a thin line, wondering what it could possibly be and how he didn’t know you were planning to gift him something.
He thinks about the nearly completed blanket hidden in his bottom dresser drawer.
“It’s getting cold, and I know you don’t like how cold your neck gets in the winter,” You say, watching with wide eyes as he pulls out a rich navy sweater from the wrapping paper. It’s warm to the touch, the material thick and of good quality.
It doesn’t feel store bought.
“Did you- did you make this?” Levi says, almost incredulously, “You made this for me? Since when do you knit?”
“I don’t,” You say sheepishly, “You like knitting and I wanted to make something that you like. Or try to make something at least. If it’s shorter on one arm than the other, mind your business.”
Levi rolls his eyes and pats your head fondly. It had taken you months and hours to figure out what you were doing, with the help of videos and the elderly lady that you bought your fruits from on Saturdays.
He can’t believe you had done this right under his nose. But should he be so surprised, considering he is doing the same?
He wants to tell you about the blanket sitting at the bottom of his drawer, but he refrains. The sweater is a rich, blue that brings out his eyes (at least, according to you).
Levi instantly takes his shirt off to pull the sweater over his torso as you watch with hearts in your eyes. 
“I know it’s not much… Do you-mmph-”
Your sentence is cut off by the abrupt press of his lips on yours. Levi leans over, laying his weight on top of you and kisses you soundly- his tongue slipping in your mouth with the tilt of his head. The material of the sweater tickles your chin and your cheeks. You’re surrounded by him- his kiss, his touch, his distinct love.
Levi knew he was worrying for no reason. The sweater curse might exist for other couples, but not for you both. 
“Thank you,” He mumbles into your neck, his cheeks heating up, “It’s really warm.”
You only beam at him, adoration clear in the edges of your smile. Levi looks handsome, infinitely more handsome than usual since he’s wearing something that you made for him.
Your love looks good on him. 
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The memory of the sweater curse is amusing now, when Levi looks back on it. Now, five years later, he’s with you at a winery in celebration of your anniversary. You’re spending the night at a nearby hotel- you had picked the winery and Levi had picked the hotel.
If Levi was a painter, he thinks this would be the perfect picture to paint. You, in a sea of green vines and a clear sky beaming down on you. You, with your glowing skin and mischievous eyes. You, with love sitting in every crevice of your smile that you give him.
Maybe someday he’ll paint it. You, his sunshine personified.
“Mmm, Levi darling. Don’t you think this red wine contains a note of blueberry? Perhaps some...how do you say...raspberry?” You giggle behind your wine glass, the liquid swirling around carelessly.
“It’s a pomegranate wine sweetheart,” Levi says in amusement. You always do this at wine tastings, pretend like you’re an actual sommelier when in reality you and Levi mostly believe that all wine tastes the same. 
“Close enough. It’s in the same family,” You huff.
“Oh is it? Blueberries taste like pomegranates now? What kind of berries have you been eating?”
“It’s called wine. You should try it sometime.”
That earns you a subtle swat of your ass and you giggle happily.
“It’s gorgeous out,” You sigh.
“Yes, it’s almost as gorgeous as you,” Levi says flatly and you nearly throw a slab of cheese at his chest, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Tell me you think I’m pretty.”
“You already know I do.”
“Tell me anyway. It’s my birthday, remember?”
“Your birthday just passed.”
“Okay, and? It’s still my birthday season.”
“You know you’re gorgeous. You know I think you’re gorgeous,” Levi rolls his eyes and then smirks, “But you’re prettiest when your mouth is stuffed full of-“
“I’ll blow you right here in these vines, don’t test me.”
“Stop making empty promises that were both too classy for and finish your damn wine.”
You beam at him and clink your glass noisily. It nearly slips from your grip but you catch it in time.
“We have about an hour until the wine tour. Think we can finish this bottle by then?” Levi murmurs, tugging on your hand for you to settle in his lap. 
The vines you’re seated in are far, far away from the main entrance of the winery. Away from prying eyes. Which is why you both allow for a little touching, a little kissing and a lot of flirting. 
“Who do you take us for?” You mumble and turn your head to kiss him lightly, “We’re wine connoisseurs. Sommeliers, if you will-“
You laugh wildly when Levi playfully nips your neck and steals a sip of your fruity wine. He wraps an arm around your waist, holding you tightly. His long, lithe fingers brush against your bare thigh. It’s funny, even after all these years, he still manages to touch you in a way that feels like magic. 
You both finish your glasses of wine and eagerly fill them both up to finish off the bottle.
Your lips are stained a pretty red, matching Levi’s own lips. You touch his lips with your fingers and he doesn’t even swat your grabby hands away.
“There’s some cheese at the corner of your mouth,” You say flatly, “I’ll just get it off-“
You kiss him and he expects it, already used to your antics. He doesn’t let you get very far, only allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth and only allowing himself a plentiful grab of your ass.
“Wow, Levi, keep your hands to yourself. We’re in public,” You laugh to yourself, shooting him a pretend glare.
Levi only sighs and pops a cracker and cheese into his mouth, his hands never leaving the curve of your ass. Your giggles are higher pitched than usual, your limbs and your lips a little looser. 
Tipsiness colors your dark eyes when Levi pulls your sunglasses off. “You’re not fooling anybody, sweetheart,” Levi jeers, “You're drunk off your ass.”
“No! I’ve only had like… two glasses!” You protest, grabbing your sunglasses back from him.
Levi looks at you in disbelief but says nothing. He indulges you in taking selfies with him and deciding to change your lockscreen to a new photo of both of you.
He can’t resist kissing your cheek after another half a glass of wine. “Mmm, you’re pretty,” Levi murmurs into your neck, his face warm, “You wore this dress for me?”
It’s one of his favorite dresses and his favorite color on you, and yes, maybe you did wear it because you’re very well acquainted with this information. 
“No,” You roll your eyes and ignore the pinch to your waist as he tightens his arm around you, “I wore it for the wine tour guide. She’s really pretty, I might ask for her number-”
You swat his shoulder when he has the audacity to bite your neck in response. “I’d call you a vampire but you’re looking more golden than usual, my love,” You poke him, “That’s what happens when you get more than two minutes of sun per day-”
“You’ve got a mouth on you today, huh?”
“Gonna fuck the attitude outta me or what?”
“Tempting, but I’ve got wines to taste.”
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Once the wine tour starts and you both get progressively more and more tipsy, blaming it on both of your affinities for wine, you make grabby hands for Levi’s cheese and crackers. He glares at you, close to pushing your hand away, but you stick your tongue out at him and swipe them anyway.
“God, fuck, you know what would taste good with this wine,” You whisper (but really it’s more of a low groan).
“Fuckin’ Thai food,” You moan, cracker crumbs sticking to the side of your mouth, “Fuck, babe, I could go for some pad see ew…”
You huff, a dreamy sort of look in your eyes at the thought of it.
“You’re interrupting the wine guide,” Levi scolds, swatting your thigh. Though his eyes are starting to unfocus as the heat of your thigh feels so nice in his palm. He thinks he’ll leave his hand there for a bit.
“This tastes like I just dunked my head into a crisp apple and sucked the juice out of it,” You murmur, giving him a mild cider.
“Like in a good way?” Levi whispers.
The wine tour consists of a few other couples and groups, but you and Levi keep to yourselves at a corner table as you give each wine you taste a rating. They all begin to blend in with each other after each taste, and pretty soon, you’re heavily leaning against Levi. The scent of his warm, spicy cologne curls around you and envelopes you in a hazy daydream filled with shades of grey.
“What?” Levi whispers when he sees you staring (a little dopily, he might add).
“Nothin’,” You grin, “Wanna nap at the hotel after this?”
“Can’t believe we’re getting drunk just to nap together,” Levi scoffs but he squeezes your hand.
“We have reservations later,” You remind him, “We both need to rally before dinner, honey.”
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“Are you ready, baby?” You purr, stroking Levi’s hair back and leaning over to kiss his forehead. A pretty peachy pink blush colors his cheeks and creeps down to his neck. You tug his bottom lip out from the grip of his teeth.
A thin sheen of sweat coats his skin. You grin salaciously with hungry eyes and lick a stripe up his neck. His breath hitches, tilting his neck to the side a bit and you kiss his neck even over his pretty necklace with a green pendant hanging on the gold chain.
It’s pretty because it’s your necklace.
The softness of your lips over his skin- his chiseled chest, his lower abs- is a nice compliment to your fingers gently skimming his sides. You sit back, looking down at him from above. You lick your lips to moisten your suddenly dry mouth.
You’ve seen Levi like this, pliant and glistening for you too many times to count. But still, the sight of him flusters you and sends an instant rush of wetness flooding your pussy.
You adjust the straps of the black harness around your hips, tugging at the pretty purple silicone cock that hangs heavy between your legs. Levi tracks your movement with blown out eyes and a hand wrapped around his own thick, dripping cock.
“Did you like my fingers, baby,” You murmur, letting your hands travel up the expanse of his chest. His muscles tense with your touch, goosebumps arising instantly.
Levi hums, reaching for your hands and rubbing your knuckles. 
“Mmm, words, my love,” You mumble, pressing a thumb to his plump bottom lip. His hot breath warms your finger when he opens his mouth to reply with a soft ‘yes, sweetheart’, his voice heady and low. Broken and slow with desire for you.
You pull away from his lips, ignoring the way arousal swirls in your belly and your clit throbs with how needy he looks already. You reach forward and stroke his cock languidly and gather his wetness over your thumb and press your thumb to his bottom lip again.
“Open, baby,” You say, your own voice sounding a little raspy, “Open up.”
Levi parts his lips and allows your thumb into his mouth and he swirls his tongue over it, tasting himself on his lips. You groan at the sight with hooded eyes, wishing for some friction over your clit.
You look like a vision hovering over him- your legs tanned and glowing, eyes zeroed in on him, looking at him like you want to absolutely ruin him. You are a goddess, and he’ll follow you wherever you might take him.
Especially when you slide into him slowly, deliciously, as he savors the slight burn as it dissipates into pleasure. Your grip is tight over his hips, warmth and electricity spreading from your fingertips to his belly.
You’ll ruin him, ruin the silky navy sheets below him, steal his soul from his cock. All of the above. Anything you give him, he’ll take. He’ll take it with open lips and open legs.
It doesn’t take much for you to find a rhythm with your palms flat on the sheets on either side of Levi. Arousal licks your insides at every gaze of his heated cheeks and his murky, grey eyes. He’s openly vocal with you, panting and mewling into the sheets, alternating between fisting them and holding your hips with a searing grip.
“God, baby, look at you,” You whine, leaving open mouthed kisses to his chest while still rocking your hips into him, “Is this okay, baby? I love you-”
Levi groans and nods, wrapping his legs around your waist for a deeper grind of your cock. He palms your tits, squeezing in his large hands and moans into the space between you both.
“Are you wet,” Levi asks in a strangled voice.
“Fuck yeah,” You grin, thrusting your hips in a slow grind into him. His cock is throbbing, standing tall and pretty for you. You stroke him slowly, matching your thrusts with your strokes.
It takes coordination, but you’re used to it.
“Wanna sit on my face?” Levi murmurs, squeezing your thighs with his heavy hands. He’s close, so close, and you both know it- his thighs begin to quake slightly. And he has the familiar look in his face when he’s about to cum, his eyes go dark, lips parted and his eyebrows are furrowed into a tight line. 
“Mmm, maybe later,” You reply instantly, wanting to see him come undone by your hands and by your cock. By you, by the steadfast beat of love that surrounds you both and envelopes you on this silky sweet cotton candy cloud.
Or maybe it’s just the sheets.
“Is my baby close?” You purr, dark eyes swirling, “My baby’s gonna cum?”
“Fuck,” Levi groans, throwing his head back onto the bed when you thrust into him particularly harshly. The column of his pretty throat is exposed to you and you lean forward, his cock still in one hand. Sucking a mark on his clavicle, you nip his earlobe and his breath hitches as you make your way down his chest.
“Your cock is so big in my hands,” You marvel softly, looking down, “You’re so big, baby…So good to me. My big, strong, sexy man.”
And apparently, that’s what he needs to finally cum, a long, drawn out groan of your name slipping out of his mouth as he shakes in your hold. Ribbons of cum paint your hand and his lower abs, some of it even spraying on your harness.
“You’re messy,” You tease and Levi only hums in acknowledgement, “Are you okay? I’ll go get you water and clean you up, sweetheart.”
Levi doesn’t move, only shifting on his side tiredly. You make your way to the fancy, marbled bathroom to unclasp the harness and clean yourself up. Your pussy still throbs, achingly so, but that’s the last thing on your mind.
He calls your name gruffly, voice a little hoarse. You return to him with a glass of water and wrap your arms around him from behind, kissing the back of his neck gently. Your fingers thread over his sore muscles, his abdomen and his thighs and you rub his scalp soothingly with a deft touch.
“Are you okay?” You murmur, hugging him close to your chest.
“Yes,” Levi says instantly, “More than okay.” He turns in your arms and pushes his head into your bare chest, inhaling deeply and innocently grabs your ass. Just to hold you close- his touch is mostly unassuming. He likes being close to you, touching you, just breathing with you after times like this when you steal his soul with your cock.
You glance down at him and smile, pushing his dark hair away from his forehead and press a kiss to his sweaty skin. Levi nuzzles his cheek further into your chest, a content hum rumbling in his chest. His thigh brushes against your aching core and you force yourself to stifle a groan. But he catches it, because he always does.
Your attentive man.
“You didn’t cum,” Levi states, letting his hand drift downwards to palm your sensitive pussy. 
“We have later for that,” You mumble, swatting his hand away but he doesn’t listen. He presses himself closer to you, sinking his lips into your neck and rubbing your clit lazily.
His long, lithe fingers slide into your wetness easily and you huff into his ear. “We have now for that,” Levi murmurs, nipping your jaw as presses his finger into your dripping core, “Slow with me, baby.”
It doesn’t take much for you to cum, just a few strokes of his fingers in you and a few slow circles of his thumb on your clit. It hits you slowly, crawling up your toes before curling in your belly in a warm stroke of flames. It’s unhurried as it blooms in your belly, allowing you to savor every second of it.
“Sit on my face later,” Levi says, pulling you closer into his side. You throw a leg up around his hip and hum in agreement. You press a kiss to his clavicle, the slow of his heartbeat in tandem with the gentleness of your fingertips rolling through his hair.
“Happy anniversary, my love,” You mumble, kissing the corner of his mouth.
“Our anniversary was on Friday,” Levi says with a turn of his lips, earning himself a swat to his chest, “Happy anniversary, pretty girl.” 
Levi kisses your forehead, his knuckles brushing your cheek before dipping down for another kiss. 
“Cheers to many more,” You say, smiling into his kiss. He replies by deepening the kiss and pressing your back to the bed, allowing himself to drop on top of you. 
Levi’s touch has always made you feel infinite, and this time is no different.
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tags: @simpingmaize​ @captainchrisstan​ @kentobean​ @alrightberries​ @melancholicmonologue​ @regalillegal​ @castellandiangelo​ 
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velvethopewrites · 3 years
Top Hinny canon moments? ❤
Ack! So many. Okay, five. Let’s see if I can narrow it down.
1) Lucky you scene in OOTP - important for many reasons, mostly I just like it because Ginny basically helps Harry pull his head out of his ass with grace and gentleness while still standing firm. She soothes him, reassures him and oh yeah, reminds him he is not the only person on the planet to suffer so. Ok, so I am paraphrasing, but you get my drift. It’s brilliant, subtle writing and just what the reader and Harry needs at that point in the story.
2) The several sunlit days kiss in HBP. Close you eyes and think of this scene. Don’t think of the blasted movies. Think of how Jo wrote it. It is EPIC. It is romantic. It is fucking poetry. There are fierce gazes, blazing looks, breaking glass and a shocked yet absurdly quick to accept things Ron. Not to mention a beaming-so-bright-you-can see-her-from-outer-space, Hermione. There are no words because Harry and Ginny DO NOT NEED WORDS. It is pure passion and anyone who says differently is high.
3) The “I told her it was a Hungarian Horntail” scene in HBP - not just because it is funny, which it is, it’s hilarious *that a girl, Gin*, but it also shows just how comfortable Harry and Ginny are with each other. There’s no embarrassment or anyone getting offended (except Ron, lol, but that is sort of the point), there’s just a great line about a tattoo. Also there are kisses goodnight and gentle touches and there’s just Harry and Ginny being Harry and Ginny. A glimpse into their future life together, perhaps.
4) When Harry saves Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets - from the text - it was probably the worse day of his entire life. That is a literal quote. Now tell me that doesn’t mean something. I had an inkling Ginny was going to be our girl in the first book and this scene in the second one, sealed it. He slays a (basilisk) a freaking dragon for her with a big sword - uh, symbolism, anyone? Could Jo have dropped any heavier hints? (Well, yeah, in the size of Ron and Hermione being gaga for each other from the get go, but that’s a whole different post). People who think Ginny came out of nowhere, need to learn how to read and stop basing their knowledge on the films.
5) The ”Better than Firewhiskey” scene in DH - I almost picked a different scene, but in the end I went with this because it shows us how deeply the both of them feel - they are broken up, but not really broken up. There is tension between them - like a live wire of hormones, wanting, and yearning and PINING. She kisses him - passionately, joyously wanting to give him something to remember her by (and maybe give herself something to remember as well, in the long months ahead) - Ginny claims Harry with a kiss - just like he claimed her in the previous book. Again, my fiery OTP do not need words. They have moments - because that is the best that Harry can do with his prophecy of becoming a murderer hanging over his head - MOMENTS. Neither of them know what the future will bring - death, destruction, or even a (hopefully) happy ending. But for now they have this - this kiss - this passion and yeah, they have each other in this tiniest, frozen-in-time moment and it is glorious. It is no wonder Harry thinks of Ginny as his last moment before dying. Because Ginny represents the entirety of what it feels like to BE ALIVE to him. She is his beating heart, his pumping blood and his soothing balm all in one. This moment makes my heart pump faster, too.
Whew. *wipes brow* Thanks for the ask @startanewdream!!!! This was fun. ;) I got sort of into it, lol.
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tennessoui · 3 years
KUWSK is killing me with cuteness like I literally feel my heart clench with every one shot. I was wondering if you could maybe do a lil one shit on the aftermath of the aftermath of the router incident 😭 after obi-wan clarifies he does in fact love the kids and doesn’t want them to leave…I just need anakin to tell obi-wan he wants to stay… love this sm
oh bless, i'm happy to hear you like them!!! this is a bit sappy and also um definitely unedited so 🙈🙈but i think this includes the most obikin content of them all so far which is wild seeing as how my google doc for KUWSK is literally 15k at this point.
(here is the aftermath of the Router Incident, for context)
Comforting and calming the children, that’s the easy part. Children forget grievances like water rolls off a duck’s back. Adults are trickier.
Adults don’t just forget and forgive.
Obi-Wan finishes the book he’s been reading to the kids. Last night, they had been on Chapter Two. Tonight, the kids are asleep by Chapter Four, but he keeps reading, all the way through the denouement at the end of the book. He knows he’ll have to go back to Chapter Four tomorrow night, knows that he may have bought himself some time but not enough time to make a difference.
But if Anakin really wanted to leave, there was nothing on God’s green earth that could stop him.
He places the book on the nightstand between the two beds and quietly stands, adjusting his glasses.
Finding and signing a lease can happen very, very quickly. He suddenly wants to wake the kids up, just to read another chapter. There are so many books left to finish, but finding and signing a lease can happen...can happen very, very quickly.
How many more chapters do they have left?
The entire time he spends walking down the stairs, he’s hoping that Anakin will have already gone to bed. But the light in the living room is still on, which means Anakin doesn’t want to keep ignoring the elephant in the room, which means in turn that either Obi-Wan can continue down the hall at the bottom of the staircase to his own room and just pretend that he doesn’t know Anakin’s waiting up for him, or he can confront the situation and perhaps even act his age.
He goes to the living room. If he only has a certain block of time left with Anakin in his presence, he’s not going to waste any of it hiding in his room.
Anakin is standing with his arms crossed, looking at the mantle of the fireplace and the photos lined up there. His face is hidden from view, but his posture is stiff.
“The children are asleep,” Obi-Wan says, mostly to announce himself. Which he knows is stupid, seeing as how Anakin most definitely heard him come down the stairs. But suddenly he wants Anakin’s eyes on him quite desperately. He will, in fact, do most anything to have the man look at him. His eyes are so expressive. His eyes are so beautiful.
Obi-Wan shakes the thought from his head and reminds himself of what’s very quickly become his mantra over the past few months. You will not make your housemate into your rebound.
It had sounded so logical when Quinlan had suggested it. So easy to agree to.
“Thanks,” Anakin says, turning to face him. It’s awkward. Anakin hasn’t thanked him for putting the children to bed for months.
“Of course,” Obi-Wan replies, coming into the room completely. “I--”
“I--” Anakin starts, but cuts himself off when Obi-Wan speaks. “You go.”
“Ah,” Obi-Wan stutters. “Well. I. I meant to say. That I...I understand. Obviously. If you were to. Want to leave. You must have had time by now to...have found a place that could. Better fit your needs.”
Anakin clears his throat. “I guess,” he says. “Yeah. I’ve. I’ve looked.”
“You have?” he asks, much too quickly and with much too much painful interest dripping off the words. “And have you? Found a place?”
Anakin hesitates and looks askance at the frames on the fireplace. “No,” he admits. “Not a place that’s. That’s anything like here.”
Obi-Wan’s smile feels so forced on his face that it actually hurts to hold. “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, Anakin.”
Anakin looks at him as if he’s lost touch with reality. “Obi-Wan, come on, you have to know.”
Obi-Wan stays quiet. He doesn’t know anything. Just a day ago he had wondered absentmindedly how they were going to deal with a teenaged Luke and Leia both wanting the singular second floor bathroom in the mornings before school.
And now--well.
“You have to know,” Anakin insists in the face of Obi-Wan’s silence. “I would stay here. If it were up to just me.”
“If not you then who is it up to, Anakin?” he begs and then tries to pretend that he isn’t begging by rubbing a hand over his beard and turning away. He’s faced immediately with a picture of the twins on Christmas morning, passed out in the foreground as Obi-Wan is in the background trying to put together one of their new toys.
It had been one of the most frustrating mornings of his life. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Do you...do you really think...that I don’t--that I hate the twins? Anakin, you have to know I love them--”
“No, I’m sorry,” Anakin quickly says. “I never said that, Luke was just--he--”
“He made his own conclusions,” Obi-Wan finishes.
The other man nods gratefully. “Obi-Wan, I know you love the kids, I know you do. It’s not. It’s not the kids.”
“So if it’s not you, and it’s not the children, it must be me,” Obi-Wan concludes dully. Of course. Of course it’s him.
Anakin doesn’t immediately say no, and that pause is enough of an admittance that Obi-Wan has to pause to take several deep breaths to regain his composure.
“You’ll get tired of it,” Anakin finally says quietly. “You never signed up for us, for this for this long. I don’t want to impose. I--” he turns away to stare at the mantle, where a picture of the four of them after one of the twins’ school plays sits proudly in the middle. “I don’t want to see you growing to resent m--us. You shouldn’t have to tell us to leave. It’s your house.”
“Anakin, if you think it’s just my house still, after all these months, then I don’t know what to tell you,” Obi-Wan scoffs. “Other than to look around. “There’s stains on the ceiling I didn’t put there, we never managed to get Leia’s crayon drawings fully off the walls in the hallway, and I can’t walk twenty paces without tripping over some sort of mechanical part I have no idea what to do with if I try to pick it up off the floor. I haven’t thought of this as my house in months.”
Anakin ducks his head, as if he’s being scolded. “I’m sorry,” he says, barely louder than a whisper.
“I’m not,” Obi-Wan wants to yell, but he’s mindful of the children asleep just a floor away. He walks closer to Anakin instead, and speaks with a quiet sort of intensity. “I’m not, Anakin. And if you leave, it will still not be my house. It will just be--”
He purses his lips and sets his jaw.
“What?” Anakin asks, coming forward to meet him in the middle of the room. His hand twitches as if he wants to reach out and touch Obi-Wan, but he doesn’t.
Obi-Wan shakes his head and swallows, but he figures he’s already committed to this sort of confession. There’s nowhere else to go from here. “A house I live in,” he admits quietly. “A big, quiet place that I’ll dread coming home to.”
Anakin looks speechless, and Obi-Wan tries to smile. He can’t--he shouldn’t pressure Anakin. He’s said his position. If Anakin truly had only been afraid of overstaying his welcome, surely Obi-Wan has assuaged those fears.
But the fact that he hasn’t said anything must certainly mean that Anakin harbors other reservations. Ones he doesn’t want to share with Obi-Wan.
Very well.
“I will not...pressure you,” he tells the man. “I understand. I do. I--”
Anakin cuts him off and grabs his shoulder. “Obi-Wan, I want to. The children want to. I don’t want to leave. I’ve never had…”
Obi-Wan waits on tenterhooks for the end of the sentence, as Anakin searches for the words.
“...a home that feels like this,” Anakin finishes quietly, his hand slipping off Obi-wan’s shirt. Obi-Wan misses the muted heat of the touch immediately.
“Then don’t leave,” he pleads, crowding forward into Anakin’s space. “Anakin, stop looking. Would it help...would it help to quiet your fears if we were to draw up some sort of lease?”
“A lease?” Anakin asks, sounding strange as he looks down at Obi-Wan.
“Just something that says we’ll talk about this every year. To check in and make sure we both still want to live here?” Obi-Wan knows his answer won’t change. Probably won’t ever change. But if it’ll help calm Anakin, he’ll sign whatever.
Anakin seems to think about this for a minute, mouth pursed and eyes downcast. Obi-Wan wants to thumb at the moue of his lips, wants to press against his wrinkled brow until the skin smooths out.
“Alright,” Anakin finally agrees. “We can draw up...a lease tomorrow then. But it won’t be legally binding, alright? As soon as you want us out, tell me and I’ll start looking. Please, Obi-Wan. That’s my only condition.”
Anakin’s only condition to stay is that Obi-Wan will tell him as soon as he wants him to leave?
Does the other man know the extent that Obi-Wan would have tried to go to convince Anakin to stay?
“Alright,” he says, instead of anything else he’s thinking. “Of course. Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” Anakin repeats. “Okay. Um,” he backs up. “Goodnight then, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan reaches out and grasps his wrist as soon as he turns to leave. He doesn’t know why. He just. He wants. He doesn’t want to see Anakin go yet. The idea of being alone right now terrifies him in a sort of undefinable way.
“Sit with me?” He says, instead of what he really wants to say, which is thank you, thank you, thank you.
Anakin gives him a sort of half-smile that’s impossible to read. “Sure,” he replies. “I’d like to hear about your day.”
Obi-Wan winces, thinking about how much of his day was spent fretting in Quinlan Vos’ office. “Oh, I’m not entirely sure about that, dear one,” he laughs self-deprecatingly, and Anakin’s smile grows, and Obi-Wan knows that everything is going to be okay.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
If you’re up for more of a series could you possibly write the part of Remus recovering at home after leaving the game (the one with the stick to the face) and Sirius having to take care of him and all that?
Yes, I can! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the continuation of something I wrote so long ago <3 Side note: I would give my left foot to be part of the Lions groupchat. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for bruises and blood
Sirius was worried. Even though Remus claimed he felt fine, he was just fine, everything was fine, a small seed of doubt lingered in the back of his mind. He had dozed off in the car on the way home—Sirius’ heart had stuttered for a moment before the swelling-enhanced snores started. His phone lit up every few seconds, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off the road for even a millisecond, just in case.
Remus woke when the car stopped and immediately winced. “What’s wrong?” Sirius asked, taking the hand that rested on his thigh.
“Just hurts.” Remus kissed his knuckles as best he could. His skin felt strange, and the edge of the tape was an unfamiliar sensation next to the softness of his lips. Sirius collected their gear from the trunk, then helped him up the front steps; just as he went to unlock the door, he felt Remus’ hand tighten on his forearm. “I hate not being able to see well.”
Sirius kissed his temple. “That’s what you’ve got me for.”
Hattie stopped in her tracks as soon as the door opened, and Remus frowned. “Hatters? Where are you, sweet girl?”
“She’s here.” Sirius whistled for her and crouched, setting their bags aside while Remus sat crosslegged on the floor and held his arms out. Hattie’s tail wagged low, almost as if she was afraid; she glanced up at Sirius, who tilted his head back toward Remus. “Go on, mon chou, he’s not going to break.”
“C’mere,” Remus said softly, shifting in her direction. “C’mere, babycakes. I need some cuddles right now—there we go. Okay, Hat Trick, okay.”
Sirius carefully closed the door as Hattie climbed into Remus’ lap and let him hug her, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Good girl,” Sirius said softly. A quiet sniffle led to a flinch. “Re? What’s wrong?”
“I fucking love our dog.” His voice sounded even more clogged than before.
“Are you alright?”
“It really hurts.” A shuddering breath made Hattie nuzzled closer. “Hey, good girl. I love you.”
Sirius sat down next to them and wrapped his arm around Remus’ shoulder, tracing a pattern with his thumb. “Deep breaths. You can take more Tylenol in a few hours. Let’s go get some ice, yeah?”
“Can I stay here with her?”
“Of course.” Sirius kissed the top of his head and gave Hattie a gentle pet before walking into the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer, as well as a towel to wrap it. The last thing Remus needed was a freezer-burned bruise. They were in the same position when he came back, though Remus raised his head from her thick fur when he heard him coming. “I’m going to put it on your face, okay?”
“Okay.” Remus sighed when the ice pressed against his eye and one hand came up to cradle Sirius’, running carefully down to his wrist. “Love you.”
“I love you, too. I was thinking about making some soup if you want to hang here for a bit.”
Remus nodded silently, though his lower lip wobbled in the one spot it wasn’t puffy. Sirius carefully transferred the ice pack to his hand and ran his thumbs over Remus’ cheekbones—usually they were sharp enough to cut glass, but now they were purple and overheated under his touch. He kissed each one before going back to the kitchen.
After grabbing some soup from the freezer and turning the stove on, he finally took his phone out. You Have: 20 New Messages
Message From: J ;)
Did you get home safe?
Call me when u can
Lil is worried ☹
Tell Re we send big hugs
 Message From: Tremz <3
Lmk when you get home
Leo is making soup for u
Bringing it over demain matin and won’t let us have any :(((
 Message From: Bliz
Nat sends her love for Re
Remember ice packs and NO IBUPROFEN DUMBASS
 Message From: Dumo
Sa mère est inquiète
Send text when home safe, love you
 Message From: Walkie Talkie :P
U okay? Sending lots of love
Lmk if you need soup or smth <3
 Message From: Hope <3
Thank you for the call honey <3
Tell Remus not to look at his phone and keep us updated please
Love you so much <3
 Message From: Baby Rookie
I’m bringing y’all soup and that’s a threat
Big hugs for Re <333
 Sirius laughed under his breath.
Home safe. Re is fine, getting lots of cuddles from Hattie. Thanks for the messages.
 He sent a few more texts to the individual people and, after a quick conversation with Hope, stirred the soup until it began to bubble. Remus entered the kitchen a few seconds after he took two bowls out of the cupboard. “Smells good.”
“It does. Are the lights bugging you?”
“Nah. At least I can see.”
Sirius poured out two portions and set one in front of Remus, handing him a spoon as well. “Careful, it’s hot.”
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Can’t cook it cold.”
Sirius’ phone began to ping several times in rapid succession and he turned the ringer off quickly, checking the screen to make sure there wasn’t an emergency. “Leo’s bringing us soup in the morning.”
“Neat. Is everyone else okay?” Remus blew the steam off his spoon.
“The guys are all worried about you.” Sirius glanced back up, only to see Remus staring down at his soup bowl, frozen in place. “Re? Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Is this my mom’s?” he asked in a small voice.
Sirius wracked his brain. “…I think so? It was in the freezer. Is that okay?”
He nodded silently and a tear dripped down his cheek. “ ‘s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He reached across the counter and pressed Remus’ hand between his own, wiping his cheek dry.
“God, I miss them. You called her, right? To let her know I’m fine?”
“I did. She told me to give you something.”
Remus’ eyebrows drew together and he looked up. “What?”
Sirius scooted around the table and wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him in for a tight hug and pressing his face into his curls. “This.”
“Thank you.” Remus went a little boneless against him. “I needed that.”
“I bet. Do you want me to give them another call so you can talk to her?”
Remus squinted at the clock. “It’s pretty late.”
“They’re still awake.”
“Could we?” Remus dug around in his pocket and handed it to Sirius, who dialed Hope’s number and put it on speakerphone.
The call connected on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, mom.”
“Are you okay, love?” Hope sounded like she was on the verge of tears already. “You sound a little funny.”
“A little banged up, but I’m alright.” Remus gripped Sirius’ hand tightly. “We heated up the soup you left us.”
“Oh, I’m so glad. Have you taken any Tylenol? Ibuprofen is bad for bruises, but I don’t know how much pain you’re in.” Her voice hitched at the end of the sentence.
“Mom, it’s okay,” Remus said gently. “It’s okay, I promise I’m fine. It looked worse than it was.”
Looks pretty bad to me. “Hestia took really good care of him,” Sirius said instead. “We got home safe and we’re icing up now.”
“What’s the healing look like? Sirius said you didn’t have a concussion.”
Thank you, Remus mouthed before turning back to the phone. “About two weeks, mostly for the little scrapes.”
The ‘little scrapes’ were held together by strips of medical tape, but once again, Sirius kept his thoughts to himself. “The blood was just a regular old nosebleed and a cut on the lip.”
Hope paused and they heard a new voice in the background. “Alright. Is it okay if Jules and your father say goodnight?”
“Yeah, totally.” Remus sniffled and Sirius silently handed him a tissue.
The line crackled for a moment. “Re?”
“Hey, buddy!” All trace of pain and exhaustion disappeared from his voice. “How’s it going?”
“Are you still bleeding?”
“Nope, my nose is a-okay. I’ve got a pretty cool black eye, though. Kinda look like a pirate.”
“The announcers were saying you were really hurt.” Jules’ voice wavered and Sirius’ heart broke a bit.
“Well, they were wrong.” Remus leaned closer to the phone, as if he could reach right through it. “In two weeks I’ll be good as new. I was really lucky.”
“Okay,” Jules still sounded unsure. “Mom says I have to go to bed.”
“Yeah, it’s late, buddy. Sleep well. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
There was a rustling noise. “Remus?”
“Hey, dad.” The exhaustion returned and Sirius rubbed his back gently, letting him lean on his shoulder.
After a moment of hesitation, Lyall sighed. “Alright, they’re in the other room. What actually happened?”
“High stick from the Ravens caught me in the face. No concussion, just bruises and swelling.”
“Do I want to ask Sirius to send me a picture?”
Remus winced. “Probably not.”
He sighed again. “I’m sorry we can’t come out and see you.”
“Don’t worry about it, dad,” Remus said softly. “Really, I’m okay. It sucks, it hurts, I’ll ice it and be fine.”
“Sirius, are you there?”
“I’m here.”
“If he starts pulling some ‘go back to practice early’ bullshit—”
“—don’t let him. If you have to lock him in the bathroom, I promise to cover for you.”
“Yes, sir,” Sirius laughed.
Lyall chuckled on the other end as Remus groaned. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. If Sirius locks me in a bathroom, I’m citing you in the court case.”
“There won’t be enough witnesses if he does it right. Sleep well, kiddo. Thanks for calling.”
“Love you,” Remus said again as the call ended. He blew out a long breath and leaned his forehead on Sirius’ chest. “Thank you for that.”
“Ne rien, mon loup. You should eat and then take a shower.”
“Are you saying I smell?” Remus teased.
“Yes, I am. I also think you’ll feel better if you do.”
They ate in silence; both were hungry, so it wasn’t long before Remus walked carefully up the stairs. Sirius checked the groupchat as he poured himself a third bowl of soup. You Have: 7 New Messages.
That is the blandest fucking response I’ve ever read
I’m guessing y’all are alive then???
Haha y’all
Ok gator boy
Give Hattie lots of kisses from us and also GIVE US DETAILS
What do you want to know??? We got home, ate soup, called parents, and now Re is showering
You’re so fucking nosy jfc
Also cut Rookie some slack it’s hard being so far from his swamp
From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself.
He doesn’t have to he has Remus
Pots I’m going to remove your kneecaps
 Sirius paused just before responding. Despite the quiet of the house, he couldn’t hear the shower running. “Re?”
“Up here.”
“Did you take a shower already?”
“Not yet.”
The bathroom door was ajar and the light was on when he entered their bedroom; Remus stood at the sink, staring into the mirror as he felt along the edges of the butterfly tape at his lip. “Did something happen?”
“It’s worse than I thought.” Sirius stepped inside and joined him, staring at their reflections. The stripes that marked the stick’s edges had turned almost indigo since they left the rink; no less than six pieces of tape decorated the places between mottled bruises. Remus reached up to touch his cheekbone and Sirius guided his hand back down.
“Poking it won’t help.”
“Two weeks, huh?”
“That’s what Hestia told me.”
“Will you help me get the tape off?”
Sirius patted the edge of the counter and Remus pushed himself up on it, leaning forward for easy access. The first one was easy—a small cut just below his brow. It slid away without an issue and Sirius pressed a gentle kiss to the spot, then moved on to the next one. They fell into a rhythm—one side, second side, slow pull, and a kiss, until only two were left.
Remus hissed in pain as he lifted the edge of the tape across the bridge of his nose and Sirius shushed him softly, moving to the other side. “Two more, sweetheart.”
“Just rip it off.”
Sirius gave him a look. “Absolutely not.”
“I’ll do it.”
“No, you won’t, because that would be a stupid idea.”
Remus huffed, but didn’t protest. His jaw ticked as Sirius pulled the last bit off. “Can we leave the lip one?”
“Not unless you want an infection.”
“You’d be a good PT.”
“I would be the worst PT.” Sirius worked the inner edge free. “I know, like, ten stretches and basic first aid. My bedside manner sucks, too, and I’d pass the fuck out if someone asked me to set a bone for them.”
“Good points all around,” Remus laughed.
The motion pulled the last of the tape off and Sirius held it up with a grin. “All done. Hey, your swelling is down. I can see your eyes now.”
The slight gleam of amber brightened as Remus smiled. “I thought I could see a little better.”
“Do you want company?”
Remus thought for a moment, prodding the cut on his lip with his tongue. “As much as I’d love to invite you in, I think I need a second to myself.”
“Cool.” Sirius kissed his cheek and stepped out of the bathroom. “Yell if you need anything. I’ll be in bed.”
He made a pit stop downstairs to gather Hattie and bring Remus’ ice pack up, and by the time he finally slid between the sheets it was nearly midnight. Remus came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, looking happier but still incredibly worn out. He took another Tylenol and snuggled up against Sirius’ side with a quiet hum, laying the ice pack over his face once again.
“Sleep tight, Re.”
“Love you.”
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bilgisticallykosher · 3 years
Happy Ending; Years Alone, Then Not
Helping Establish Yet Another Transformation Nuzzle
Who remembers this? No one? Great, good, I wrote a fic about it after I started it March eleventh of last year out of nowhere with no planning. Wrote it in a week and then didn't touch it again.
Please read the original How Easy You Are To Need by delimeful here or on AO3 here
Warnings: Uh, some possessive thoughts about people. That's it?
Word Count: 1615
Masterpost | Next Chapter | AO3
That first full moon, he'd been surrounded by his humans. Dealing with the apparently-greater-than-he-could-have-thought misconceptions aside, it had been nice. 
He hadn't paid much attention to it, of course, not with the I'm-a-bigger-idiot-than-even-I-knew revelation. But there had been something missing. Something off. Something that could have been better.
Over the next several months, and subsequent full moons, things changed. (He could practically hear Patton's 'You mean aside from your Shifting?' joke, and resolved not to bring up that particular turn of phrase out loud, (at least not around Logan, for his sake.))
He certainly shifted around the full moon, but it wasn't exactly a rare moment that he was found in his wolf form the other three weeks of the month. He didn't necessarily sleep while shifted, but when he did, one or more of his humans would join, cuddled around him, arm over his furry pelt like he was nothing more than a slightly oversized dog. 
But that was the rest of the time. Around the full moon was another story entirely. He hadn't realized it fully back when he was by himself in the forest, day in and day out, but his personality was naturally a little…different around the time of the moon. 
He'd always had a natural inclination to monitor the perimeter of his forest, watching over it. He'd always prevented it from magical damage, unnatural threats, dangerous intruders, save three humans that could have so, so easily been threats. That had been true no matter what point in the month it was, so he'd never noticed an increase in feelings when the moon was waxing. 
Now, however, he'd noticed that he'd become a little more territorial. Or, maybe a little more than a little more territorial. He'd been embarrassed when Logan had idly asked him about it one day, in between moons, but he secretly felt that he couldn't help himself. Especially after all they'd been through, back when he'd had those unbelievable beliefs. 
So it was now common that in the days leading up to the full moon, he'd give an extra lap or two around the forest, mine, no one touches, mine, nobody hurts it, nobody hurts them, mine, nothing comes between me and what's mine, mine, mine. His humans, meanwhile, would pile up in the big bed, able to fit all four of them with room to spare, and they would not cuddle up around Virgil. 
Instead, they arranged themselves all pressed together, and allowed Virgil's big, fuzzy body to lie across all three of them as he snuggled into them. 
It was thus that Virgil found himself in bed on his back, a mockery of that first time he'd exposed his weak point to them, with Patton finally giving him belly rubs. He had to admit, they were really quite nice. Patton was the only one of his humans that was ready for bed right now, but he was able to push down the urge to worry about the others, mostly because he could see them from his current position. He watched as they brushed their teeth (taking turns at the sink in the bathroom visible from the bedroom) and putting on their pajamas with the door closed.  
Virgil at least had enough sense that he didn't listen to the part of him that said he had to watch them get dressed. Privacy was privacy. But even if they had been willing to have him in the room with them…well, that was a layered issue, anyway, and he'd get to dealing with that hopefully never. 
For now, he enjoyed the belly rubs that Patton was so enthusiastically giving. The second that Logan came nearer to the bed, Virgil turned and jumped off, prompting a small yelp of surprise from Patton. He'd feel worse about that later, but he was too intent on circling around Logan, sniffing him to make sure everything was alright. If something had happened to him in the short time he hadn't been paying as much attention, he couldn't allow it, nobody could touch…
But he was fine. Virgil allowed himself to relax that much more, but not fully, until Roman was back, too. He listened to Patton and Logan chatting idly, determining what their sleeping arrangements were, as Logan took off his glasses and other accessories. It wasn't long before Roman entered, and Virgil enthusiastically gave him the same once-over (okay, maybe thrice-over) until he was satisfied. 
Roman chuckled and scratched behind Virgil's ears. He ended in a light tap on his nose, muttering a quiet boop! Patton pulled down the covers beside him invitingly, and Roman bowed, once to Virgil to excuse himself, and once to Patton. Logan and Virgil shared an eyeroll, but he followed after him as he headed for the bed anyway. 
Roman climbed on, settling next to Patton, and Logan followed suit. Virgil finally jumped on top of them, delicately, if he bruised them or scratched them or made them bleed or- and lay down with his head on Logan's chest. They exchanged goodnights, Virgil doing the best that he could in this form, and they gradually fell asleep. 
At some point during the night, Virgil woke to the sensation of someone trying to get out from underneath him. Well that was just unacceptable. He growled lowly, opened his eyes, and turned his head to see Patton trying to wriggle his way from under his haunches. He growled again, and Patton frowned, not stopping his movements. 
"I'm sorry, Virge," he whispered, trying not to wake the others, "but I have to pee." Virgil just growled at him again. That meant that he had to get up. Not allowed. Virgil had to be on top of him to protect him, and Patton had to be in the bed to be protected. "Viiiirgiiiiiiiiil," he whined. "I've gotta go, come on!" Virgil shook his head back and forth once. Didn't he know in the calm of the night was a dangerous time to be up and around alone? 
Patton sighed. "Okay, how about you walk me to the bathroom, so you can watch over me?" How did he know that was what the problem was? Logan must have discussed his theories with them. And knowing Logan, his theories were probably dead on. He should be mortified. Instead, he was glad of the offer, even as he grumbled in apparent reluctance. 
He gently rose onto his legs, careful not to shift the mattress too much, and lightly jumped off of the bed. Patton made a relieved noise as he joined Virgil on the floor, immediately heading towards the bathroom. They were halfway through the door, Virgil, alert, at his side, when they heard Roman shift, and speak. They looked back at the bed. 
"Mmmm…….. cold." And that was all the warning that he gave before hefting Logan up and over onto his body like a living blanket. Logan yelped loudly, waking up immediately and struggled for a moment, until he was able to gauge what had happened. Roman, somehow still half-asleep, eyes closed, shushed Logan, patting him on the face. He huffed and accepted his fate, relaxing slightly, before giving Virgil and Patton a defeated look. Patton was shaking with silent laughter, leaning against Virgil slightly for support. 
Virgil gave Logan a wolf-y grin, nudging Patton until he was upright, and came behind him to guide him the rest of the way to the bathroom. He waited outside the door, Patton's snickering eventually tapering off as he did what he needed to.  Virgil kept an eye and both ears out, listening for anything off, either in or outside the house. Soon, he heard Patton call out that he was almost done, along with a flush and the sound of him washing his hands, before coming back out to Virgil. He gave him a few scratches around his ears before returning to the bedroom with him. 
They had to pause at the doorway again, to allow Patton to be overwhelmed by cute. Logan seemed to have fallen asleep as he was, on top of Roman. As they composed themselves and walked closer, Logan's eyes fluttered open. 
"Help," he implored, not looking all that urgent. Patton hid another snicker before getting back in bed, gently tapping Roman on his shoulder. 
"Ro," he attempted to peel off one of his arms wrapped around Logan. "Come on, Virgil's back, you can let go now." He gave another tug, which seemed to wake him enough to relax his grip, and Logan was able to escape back to his spot with a heavy sigh. Roman started frowning again, hand reaching over towards Patton, so Virgil took that moment to jump onto the bed, back to his position by Logan, and returned to his protective sleep pose.
Immediately he felt Roman relax, which prompted him to relax also, safety assured once more. There was minimal movement as he waited for them to all fall asleep again, not content until they did, not able to quell his instincts until he was assured they were safe enough to stop watching over them. 
Maybe at some point, they'd have to have a talk about it, or he'd be ashamed of it. Right now, though, as he felt Patton's arm swing over him, Roman clutching at his fur like a lifeline, and Logan cuddled up with his front paw between his arms, he didn't think they had much of a problem with it. In fact, he realized as he heard their breathing even out, it almost seemed as though they needed to watch out for him, as much as he needed to watch out for them. 
He was asleep within the minute.
Hey, I've got a discord based around my cursed fic, come join!
@katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @royal-stormcloud @thefivecalls @awkwardjester @ollyollyoxinfree @intruxiety @brain-deadx0 @the-grounded-raven @just-your-typical-trans-guy @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun @callboxkat @legendsgates @nonasficcollection @rainbowbowtie @10moonymhrivertam @idont-freaking-know @somehow-i-got-an-account @aceawkwardunicorn @enby-ralsei @cottonwoolsocks  @silverobsidion-speaks @robinwritesshitposts   @a-fandom-trashdump @averykedavra @demoniccheese83 @drarrymalecsolangelo
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