#I also hate their interactions and there nothing to that ship for me it's empty and p much emotionless
zenosanalytic · 7 months
I've been thinking about how to articulate a thought I had about a possible Doylist/non-diegetic reading(EDIT: I originally wrote "Watsonian" here, which is the opposite of what I meant X| X| Brain, you Tricksome Jester *shakes entirely metaphorical fist*) of Eridan's Trollian handle, caligulasAquarium, in response to a post of @mmmmalo's, and I think I've got it.
Ok So: the popular perception of Caligula is as a "Mad Emperor". One of the points used in this depiction is his "War on the Sea", which is taken as obvsl absurd and empty and irrational(and possibly hubristic). Eridan chooses to call himself "caligulasAquarium" and he lives in a wrecked ship(a feature commonly put in aquariums)... on the surface.
So like: maybe the title is meant to be taken by the audience as ironic. Eridan's claim to an "Aquarium" is as absurd and empty and irrational as Caligula's claim to have warred upon the sea(in the common understanding of those events; as a matter of history this seems to be a Telephone distortion, from the sources I can find).
A few more points that have occurred to me since I started writing this:
Caligula "Made War on the Sea"; Eridan wants to "Make War on the Surface" by Killing All Landwellers, carrying forward the themes of inversion btwn Alternia and Earth.
Also: "Kill All Landwellers", "Kill All Humans": he's lampshading common evil-alien-overlord tropes
...Which in itself is sort of dunking on HIM, since Eridan is nobody's overlord he's just some GUY. Like: Yes, he's "Nobility" due to blood-caste, but he has no influence, no power, no RESPECT from anyone we meet, no friendships let alone alliances with other socially powerful individuals(other than Feferi, who seems to have foresworn all that to monastically care for G'lybgolyb) that he could USE to have influence; he's just a loner with his grand-dad's gun and allot of pretension.
...which you could argue furthers his parody of USian internet white-supremacists? Like: He is THEM: a gun-humping loner who only feels comfortable talking to the people he claims to hate, with no idea how unpleasant he makes himself to interact with, and even less interest in introspection or self-awareness, fetishizing past genocides as a way to claim for himself a "Glorious Past" he had nothing to do with.
As Feferi(and possibly other characters I'm forgetting) point out, Eridan's ambition to Kill All Landwellers is more than a little absurd. He's never really DONE anything to plan or prepare for it, and aside from Fef he exclusively hangs out with and befriends Landwellers, as well as LIVING ON LAND(well: a sandbar or reef). This could be taken as furthering the Caligula "War on the Sea" parallel.
Expanding on the last: Caligula, THE EMPEROR OF ROME and Grandest of Nepo-babies, was rather notably disdainful of and hostile towards the Roman nobility and inherited wealth/rank. This connects to Eridan in two ways I can think of: 1) his avoidance of other seadwellers, and 2) his philosophical hostility to landdwellers while Being, in practice, A Landweller. Basically: both Hate things about themselves shared by others.
Reinforcing #3: the choice of Caligula, a Troll-Emperor. Again: Eridan is Just Some Guy; he does not command armies, he does not command society, he can't even command Equius, who GETS OFF ON being ordered around. This is Pretension.
...which, I guess, you could connect AGAIN back to Caligula via the popular memory of him wanting to be treated "As A God", but it should be noted that 1)everyone who wrote anything about him hated the guy and was explicitly dunking on him, so we don't know how accurate these charges are, and 2)in the Roman context, while legal apotheosis was reserved for after death, imperial Divinity was already de facto given that sacrifices and prayers to the Emperor's health and success were legally mandated civic religious duties, AND 3)that classical Greeks and Romans, contra the Abrahimic societies which would later create this popular memory, considered apotheosis a real possibility for notable individuals.
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the-paris-of-people · 6 months
Blue Brownies and Finding Nemo, Part 4: BOTL
“So how did you do it then? How did you forgive your mom?”
“I didn’t,” Annabeth shakes her head. “I don’t think I ever will. I just have to hope that I’m better for my future family.” 
Percy cocks his head, his eyes light with wonder. “You think about that stuff?” 
A chapter post-BOTL where Percy and Annabeth finally get to go on that movie date, featuring Rachel Elizabeth Dare angst, complex feelings towards Frederick Chase, fantasies of future Percabeth, and as it turns out, no movie at all?
Tagging: @yojeannie@angelthearsonist@m-cliffords-not-real-wife@that-chick-103@queerynotfound@thefabulousfab-3@montygreen@moonlightredfern @flamingbisexual08
Read on AO3
The person in the mirror at the back of the Delphi Strawberry Service van is a stranger to Annabeth.
Inside, she feels like she’s fought a million battles.  The constant cycle of pouring over Daedulus’ laptop and crying herself to sleep has stretched her thin. Her hair has withered away from the stress of almost losing Percy, then actually losing Luke. The person she sees now looks like the face that launched a thousand ships. Silena had ambushed her outside the Athena cabin, covered the bags under her eyes with a magical shade-match foundation, and woven her hair with golden thread, just like she had it on Circe’s island. 
“Trust me, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.” Silena reassured after charming Annabeth to vent to her about her date with Percy. She tapped her brush against her compact mirror and swirled it across her cheeks as she continued to comfort her, “There’s no need to worry about this Rachel girl.” 
She wasn’t sure about that. She saw the way Percy’s eyes flitted towards Rachel in the Labyrinth, the way they spoke to each other with ease, nothing like the way she and Percy interacted. Yes, she and Percy had gone to the 4th of July fireworks this summer, but she’d also tried to tell him how she felt about him before he left for camp and… nothing. Annabeth had felt so stupid. For reasons including and not about Rachel at all, she was holding onto this movie date like it would be their last.
“Annabeth,” Percy flusters when he sees her hop out of the van on the corner of 72nd street. He’s wearing his nicest green jacket, blushing so red he nearly looks like one of Apollo’s cattles. “You-you look nice,” He finally manages after struggling through his words like he was reading Lord of the Flies in English.
“Thank you,” Annabeth tucks a strand of her braids behind her ear. She notices the shift in Percy’s expression. He knows something is wrong. Normally she would flick a smile his way and tease, but she’s so worn out by the nightmares about Luke and Kronos that she can’t even summon her pride to be vain about her looks. “So, are we going to see this steel man movie or not?”
Percy opens his mouth to correct her, then shakes his head and opens the door for her. 
“Do you want any popcorn or something?” Percy gestures to the snack bar. “Tyson and I used to get a giant tub and share it with my mom. They make it pretty buttery here.”
“No need,” Annabeth smirks and opens the purse Silena gave her. “I have everything we need.”
“I’m confused,” Percy studies the empty lining of Annabeth’s purse. “Is this some kind of Mary Poppins situation?”
“Covered the snacks with the invisibility cap,” Annabeth zips up the bag and slugs it over her shoulder as she heads towards the escalator to the theater. “It’s not just useful for sneaking up on monsters. Plus I snuck some extra M and Ms in the cargo pants pockets.”
“And somehow Mrs. O’Leary didn’t follow you from camp?” Percy asks as they both climb onto the escalator, impressed.
“I fed her some blue gummies before I left.”
“Hellhounds can eat blue gummies? And those giant boar things hate egg salad? Seriously, why doesn’t Chiron just host courses on random picnic foods for monsters before each quest. Then I could get out of archery practice.” 
‘Hey, you’re almost getting better,” Annabeth punches him lightly in the shoulder. “Last time you almost hit the target.” 
“Haha, very funny,” Percy rolls his eyes, even though he knows it’s true. He’s as bad at archery as Annabeth is at gardening with the Demeter cabin. “Now come on. I want to show you something.” 
Electricity sparks through Annabeth’s veins as Percy takes her wrist and leads her down a regal hallway. The hum from her heart is so loud it nearly drowns out her observations as she hurries past the red velvet carpet and black, marble Grecian pillars. She would have to make a note of that later when they were walking back from the theater. With Percy’s fierce urgency, Annabeth expects Percy to be leading towards some kind of secret tomb with rubies and emeralds, but instead, he takes her to a plaque outside the last theatre in the hall. 
“These are what I was telling you about. Each of these theaters is designed after a movie palace from the twenties, a lot of them are still all around New York, decorated in a different architectural style. This one is from-” 
“Art Deco!” Annabeth exclaims gleefully. She marvels at the style of the theater in the photo. “See? You can tell by the horizontal design elements on the marquee and doorways, alluding to Streamline Moderne style.” 
“Horizontal elements? Because being vertical was too old school for the modern style?” 
“Actually, you’re not too far off, Seaweed Brain,” Annabeth rolls her eyes, but a hint of a smile plays at the corner of her lips. “Horizontal lines gave an impression of sleekness and modernity in the 1930s, which I assume is when the original theater was built. See?” Annabeth turns back and skims through the plaque first, absorbing the most important ideas and key words. Then she rereads through it again, more slowly, imagining the construction of the arch and statues… 
“How do you do that?” Percy asks, breaking her concentration for a moment. She quickly refocuses back on the photo of the theater, picking out structural details of the facade that were expanded upon in her reading. 
“Do what?” 
“I can barely spell my own name and you can speed read that entire passage in like, five seconds.” 
“I can barely spell my own name too. I don’t know… being dyslexic, I just got my hands on whatever I could read when I was younger. My dad’s old house had a giant library when I was little, so I tried to read everything in there, and then when I got to camp, I had a lot of free time on my hands in the winter,” Annabeth turns back to Percy, and that’s when she notices how his eyes lay across hers, soft and full of wonder. She remembers how he pulled her in in the Athena cabin, when she had him all to herself at the beginning of the summer, before everything turned sour, how she tasted the sweet, salty taste of his lips even after it had been days since they had entered the Labyrinth. Suddenly, heightened nerves arrest Annabeth. Her heart rate quickens as she speeds through her explanation, doubting Percy notices the uncharacteristic tremble in her voice. “Chiron gave me a book on the Parthenon when I was 9, and then I just couldn’t stop reading, even though it’s still hard for me.” 
“That’s really cool,” Percy’s voice is steeped in awe. It’s the same tone he used when Rachel had gotten them that car in New Mexico, and Annabeth can’t help but to feel proud of herself. “You know, I don’t know if I could ever become good at something that’s that challenging to me.” 
Annabeth frowns. Sometimes Percy was so self-deprecating, it frustrated her. He was totally unaware of his own strengths. “Please, remember when you first started sword-fighting?”   
“Hey, I thought you said I wasn’t bad.” 
“You weren’t,” Annabeth remembers with a glint in her eye. “But you’re even better now.”
“But I didn’t even train that much, I just accidentally kind of… got better as I fought.” 
“Percy,” Annabeth sighs, bowing her head in exasperation. “You’re a talented guy, but you can’t take a compliment to save your life.” 
“Is that supposed to be a compliment? Because I honestly can’t tell.” Percy replies back dryly. 
Annabeth scoffs, but they’ve known each other for so long she and Percy both know it’s free of malice. They both know this is one of the moments in the script they tease each other, but underneath all eye rolls and barbs is a deep understanding and respect of the other. They hold each other’s gaze and both wordlessly break out into smiles, realizing they’ve fallen back into their usual routine after a summer that threw a wrench in everyone’s schedule. Annabeth’s skin buzzes with excitement. She has a glimmer of hope that maybe this is a date, whether Seaweed Brain realized it or not. Yes, this was how they typically interacted, but there was something different in the way they spoke to each other as well, something she saw in Beckendorf and Silena interactions, new sweetness balancing out the usual sour tang.
“You know, it’s a compliment, Seaweed Brain. So just take it and acknowledge you’re a talented guy. Now come on, I want to read the other plaques before the previews start,” She leads the way towards the next plaque even though she’s never been to the theater and has no idea where she’s going, Percy groaning as he trails behind. 
“All the plaques?” Percy questions, his blonde curls rattling as he shakes his head. “I swear, you and Rachel are just like each other. She wanted to read all the plaques when she came here too.”
Annabeth freezes in her tracks like snowboots caught in old snow. She turns to Percy slowly, her face crumpled. 
“You’ve been here with Rachel before?” 
Percy flinches a little at her tone: demanding, hurt, seething with rage. Still, he remains oblivious as he answers her question,
“Yeah, a couple times. She invited me to see a Matrix movie marathon a few weeks ago.”
He came here with Rachel multiple times since he came back from camp. Since he had come back from camp, he’d been hanging out with her, even though he’d asked Annabeth on a date months ago, even though he comforted her and let her hold his hand in the dark and shared his blanket with her as they watched the fireworks. 
“Annabeth?” Percy’s voice is drenched in worry at Annabeth’s non-reaction. “Annabeth? Are you okay?”
“Excuse me,” Annabeth says quietly as she rushes towards the sign for the bathroom. She claims the unisex stall and hunches over the sink. For the first time that day, she finally sees the withered little girl she feels inside. 
The tears come not as an eruption, but as a quiet trickle of disappointment in herself and everything her life had turned out to be. She wanted catharsis and a good cry, and yet, still she’s disappointed herself on that front. 
She had no right to be angry and rude. Rachel was as talented as a child of Athena, as brave as a certain son of Poseidon, and as pretty as a daughter of Aphrodite. She glowed in the darkness of the Labyrinth and even as a statue in the middle of Times Square. She was smart and knowledgeable about art and Annabeth could’ve spoken with her about Jacque-Louis David for hours and hours. She could see why Percy liked her. 
So why did it hurt so much that another person she loved left her for someone else, once again?  
As Annabeth wipes her tears with the pack of tissues she’s stored under her invisibility cap, a sheepish knock taps at the door. 
“Annabeth? Can I come in?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Annabeth calls with a slight bite to her voice. She brushes her tears off her face again, thankful for the magical smudge-free makeup of the Aphrodite cabin, for once. 
The door creaks as an apprehensive Percy walks over and stands next to her over the sink. She averts her eyes down, knowing she’ll start to cry more if she meets his eyes. 
“Hey, I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?”
The softness of his apology splits Annabeth once again, and she feels guilty all over again for feeling so uncontrollably possessive and jealous over someone who was never hers. 
“No,” She shakes her head, still fixated at the white marble of the sink. “No, you did nothing wrong.” 
“Oh, okay, then uhhhh, do you want to check out the other plaques? I think we still have some time before the previews to read a couple more.” 
“Can we just go to the park?” Annabeth sniffles, finally turning back to Percy. “Riverside?” 
Percy winces as he watches her dab away at the last of her tears. He knows Percy expected her to ask to go to MET or the Morgan Library. She’s never told him, but being by the water is special for her, too. “Yeah, sure, of course.” 
The kiss of summer sunshine brightens the scent of the grass so much, it almost smells like Camp Half Blood strawberry fields. The walkway winds around gated playgrounds, filled with children swinging their arms across the monkey bars as their parents lean against each other on a chipped park bench and watch them from afar. The Hudson glitters like the mischievous twinkle in Percy’s eyes, deep blue with flecks of silver and gold, and the thought of it makes her blush, realizing she’s thinking this while she’s standing right next to Percy. She’s thankful all over again for Silena’s makeup, causing her to wonder if she should start wearing blush more around him. 
She and Percy match each other’s long, slow strides, the air between them thick with tension of all the things left unsaid, then thinned out again with the comfort and ease that’s existed between them for years. Annabeth looks back out onto the water and thinks about the stories her dad regaled her with before her stepmother came into the picture. Every so often, he would tell Annabeth how she came to be the most precious gift in his life, how he met the most beautiful, intelligent woman while studying at a magical place called Harvard, how they used to study together at Reading Room on the top floor, with paneled rooftop windows that ushered light that fell onto their faces. They talked in the library for hours, and when they needed a break, walked along Cambridge Harbor with ice cream cones that spilled onto their hands in a sticky mess. Whenever Annabeth was by a body of water, she thought of them happily together all those years ago, then of an alternate reality where they stayed together and the three of them were walking together, too. 
If you loved each other so much, why isn’t she here with us? Annabeth had asked once, and her father’s face crumbled like a wrecking ball taken to a safehouse. Even though she grew older, and logically, she knew her mother couldn’t be with them, she couldn’t help but feel angry and sad that she never tried. Even though Annabeth and her step-family got along now, she couldn’t help feeling like she did before she ran away. If she couldn’t have her mom, why couldn’t she have her dad all to herself, instead of having to share his scattered brain with three other people?
“Hey,” Percy nudges her arm as Annnabeth descends further and further into her imaginary fantasy. “Thinking about your dad?” 
Annabeth realizes she’s subconsciously touching her dad’s ring and drops her hand. She wonders how much she should tell Percy, how ridiculous it seems, but she stares back at him and knows he would understand her. 
“You know why I wanted to come here?” She twists the ring in between her thumb and index finger and stares back out at Hoboken, across the river. “The summer my parents met, they used to take walks together by the Charles River. The way my dad talks about it…” Annabeth’s eyes get misty again, but she wills herself to push them away. “I can tell he really loved her. And sometimes when I walk along a body of water, I imagine that they’re still together and we’re a family. I know, it’s stupid.” 
“No, it’s not stupid.” Percy reassures, with that sweet, genuine tone he uses to comfort her. He pauses for a moment then admits, “Actually, I uh, saw your vision at Siren Bay. I just didn’t bring it up because well,” Percy scratches the back of his head. “I think about my parents getting back together too.” 
“Really?” Annabeth had discussed with her siblings how much they hated having one parent around, but she’d never felt secure enough to broach the topic of wanting her family back together.
“Yeah. I was actually just thinking about them now, even though we’re not in Montauk,” Percy flicks his eyes down for a moment, then towards the kids on the playground. “Did I tell you though that Paul wants to propose to my mom? He told me at my birthday party a few days ago, before my dad showed up.”
Annabeth is taken back. She knew about Poseidon showing up, but not Paul Blofis proposing. “How do you feel about that?” 
“I’m happy,” Percy sounds upbeat, but she senses his voice falter, just the tiniest bit. That was Percy, always trying to accommodate everyone without thinking of himself. “I mean my mom was miserable for so long with Gabe. She deserves to be happy..” 
“Dude,” Annabeth scolds, softly enough to coax him into admission. 
“And….” Percy hesitates, because he can’t say a bad thing about anyone he cares about, even if it’s devouring him alive. “It does make me a little sad too, and I’m angry at my Dad for not getting it together and being with us too.” 
“I know the feeling,” Annabeth murmurs. A gust of wind blows and whips her braids across her hair.
“So how did you do it then? How did you forgive your mom?”
“I didn’t,” Annabeth shakes her head. “I don’t think I ever will. I just have to hope that I’m better for my future family.” 
Percy cocks his head, his eyes light with wonder. “You think about that stuff?” 
“Sometimes,” Annabeth flushes hot. She’s never admitted that to anyone, because it’s embarrassing and illogical and stupid. She knows the rules of their world, but she can’t help but dream. “I know demigods don’t live past 16, but sometimes I picture myself as  a famous architect, maybe a professor giving lectures across the world, and sometimes… I imagine myself with a family, too.” 
Percy purses his lips together and thinks to himself for a moment. “You know, I’ve never thought about it too much before, but a family would be nice.” 
And there he is, holding his gaze with hers again. Annabeth swallows and begins to fidget furiously with her fingers. A building can only be supported with a solid foundation, she realizes, and she never imagined herself with a family until she met Percy. Her heart leaps as she watches the golden light trickle through the tree branches and onto his cheeks. The way he stood was so easy, so relaxed, he slouched without thinking and his fingers always curled casually at the ends, like he didn’t think about what to do with his hands. Annabeth was deliberate in every movement, she overthought everything, and he just.. was. Even when it hurt to be around him, it was easy to be around him. 
“Listen,” Percy breaks the silence with a hoarse whisper. “I’m sorry about Rachel.” 
Annabeth stiffens at the mention of her name.
“Okay,” Percy says slowly. “Well it seems like you really don’t like it when I hang out with her, and I don’t know why.”
He really did have a thick skull.
“No seriously, I don’t care.” Annabeth crosses her arms. “You can hang out with whoever you want.” 
“Well, okay then,” Percy dismisses, annoyed, before turning sincere again. “I just… I know things have been weird between us this past summer, and I just don’t want to be so distant from you.” 
It really was hard to stay mad at him when he was so sweet, even when he was being an obtuse idiot.
“Well, unfortunately you’re stuck with me,” Annabeth brushes him off with a sarcastic comment to avoid the skip in her heart. “If we go down, we’re going down together, remember?” 
“Okay,” A slow smile curls across Percy’s mouth, and the sunshine lit behind him makes it look like a halo with his smile and golden curls.“Good to know you’re still in on that.” 
“Always,” Annabeth says with an eye roll, but she casts one last look at him in the light before turning to pretend to look at the river again instead of his handsome eyes. She curls her hands into fists to suppress the urge to reach out and hold his hand.
“On that note, let’s go get some ice cream,” He leads the way before Annabeth can object. “I’m buying.”
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poisonous-honey · 8 months
Sorry, but you need an AO3 account to read my fics :)
My master list is still under the read more for now. You have until I finish going through my drafts, so reblog your favourites to keep if you don't want to get an AO3 account!
I deleted some of my other blogs and will slowly re-upload the fics and drabbles I made here. I hated having everything separated, this is just my attempt to make navigation less confusing for me. Also, so I can tag everything properly from the beginning lol
Website Master list/TBA
Rules and App Friendly Version of the Masterlist under the cut!
(Work In Progress. Some links won't work I think, I just copy-pasted from my other page)
Rules and Regulations First >:)
Are Minors Allowed?
As long as you’re the age you’re supposed to be when making a Tumblr account (13+), I’ll allow it. Though I’d be more comfortable talking to people who are 16+ so keep that in mind.
Anything I feel that isn’t appropriate for minors I’ll put under the Tumblr content warning and tag appropriately. If I feel too many minors are interacting with those works I’ll just delete them.
Ask Rules?
TLDR be respectful. No NSFW (drugs, gore, and porn).
Don’t send me discourse of any kind. This includes any “REBLOG IF YOU CARE” posts. I’m only using this blog for fan fiction and the like. I will not engage with or entertain anything else. Might make an exception for artwork, but nothing else.
I don’t RP. Please don’t ask me to.
Don’t send me anything to do with drugs. EVER.
I’d like asks to stay within my realm of knowledge, but recommendations for media to look into is appreciated!
Please don’t talk about Character x Character shipping.
I’m fine receiving suggestive asks, but full smut is a no-go. I’m picky about what I read and most of the time it just makes me uncomfortable. I wouldn’t be able to respond to a smut ask
I don’t care for gore. Not written, and especially not pictures
Can I Send A Request?
TLDR you can, I may not write for it but I'll at least respond, and do not send Cult!SAGAU requests of any kind
I mean, you can send one. Just know I might not finish a request or even feel like writing for it at all. I can barely finish my own work lmao. Writing is not my main hobby so I don't have much time for it. However, I will totally add onto drabbles or head cannons you send (even if my reply is short, I will respond as long as you follow the rules)
The one thing I ask is that you DO NOT send me Creator!Reader, Cult!SAGAU, Imposter!SAGAU, or Yandere!Character requests. I may not even respond to those. If I think the general idea is at least interesting I may still write for it without those themes, but most likely I'll just ignore it. I do not like those AUs anymore and don't want to see them.
Honkai Star Rail
My Hero Academia (EMPTY)
Persona Series (EMPTY)
(18+) (EMPTY (Probs for the best lmao))
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talesfromthebacklog · 4 months
Tales From The Front Log: Endless Ocean Luminous
This was a $30-$40 game labelled as a $60 one. It’s fun but after a day or two you’ll find yourself quickly bored. Yikes. I don’t have a lot of nice things to say about this one. I’m not angry at it, but I’m just going to lay it all out as it is.
Endless Ocean suffers from what I consider to be the worst thing that can happen to a game. It’s just… not much to talk about. It’s largely nothing. Good games will be remembered. Bad games will also be remembered. Maybe not made again, but we still talk about trite like Superman 64.
Nothing games? No one talks about. Which is sad because I love games like this, but I don’t see this as a franchise Nintendo will continue to make because no one from the casual sphere will be asking for it after this. (And despite what many folks believe, you need casuals to buy games like this from companies like Nintendo to convince the corpos that they are still worth making).
Let’s talk about this ocean diving game and where it went wrong.
Firstly the story-mode. Hate it. The story itself is very… okay. Nothing special but serviceable. My big problem is the progression. It’s locked behind doing TONS of exploring instead of just letting players enjoy the story at the pace they want to enjoy it! (Probably because players would finish it in a matter of hours and put it down forever because it would have little left to offer. The replay value is nonexistent and there is no incentive to play longer.)
Additionally the only person who ever speaks is your AI computer companion and I could not care less about anything that thing says. It’s dull and lazy. All the divers just flail around. You’re telling me we can have special magic fish which I can suck the light out of to save magic coral, but no communicators so the divers can actually speak to each other? Okay💨.
I’m being harsh here. But when I see a $60 price tag with Nintendo’s name attached I expect more than this. And while I am going to get into the stuff I like it’s hard to ignore to mediocre nature of the game.
For example this game is just… empty. It feels weirdly lifeless despite being heavily populated by fish. Probably because they don’t feel like they’re really there sometimes. You can swim right through nearly all the models. The maps are huge but I actually think this is a disservice because they largely don’t do anything interesting with them. There aren’t many different biomes to visit randomly, you can’t interact with anything other than treasures that just give you nearly meaningless currency. It’s just diet New Pokemon Snap. And Pokemon Snap arguably does the job much better despite being on rails.
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And the more I think about it… the more I realize that it really does have a LARGE amount of similarities with New Pokemon Snap in terms of story and function. Even down to the luminescent giant creatures! I would almost say if you want the Endless Ocean: Luminous experience of wandering around looking at stuff you should just go play that. The environments are prettier, Pokemon react to your presence, Pokemon react to each other, you interact with environment, you get items, and you get tons of unique biomes. Or just play the original Endless Ocean games because they’re way better.
In Endless Ocean: Luminous you’re just kinda dropped off in a big blue pool. The water even looks kinda hazy when you’re in it. There’s no weather, no sunsets, no beautiful ocean moonlit nights. Just… big blue planes of nothing. And there are fun places to explore sometimes. Like ruins, old ships, some caves, and the depths. This is in the minority though.
In majority there’s big flat sand planes of fucking blue nothing. With rocks. And you’ll spend more time there than you will anywhere else. Especially in multiplayer.
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That’s all you really do in Endless Ocean: Luminous. You wander around and look at shit. Which I like games like this in theory. Outer Wilds and Paradise Killer are also “look around” games. But they also have compelling narratives and gimmicks to keep players hooked. And I’m not arguing it’s not fun to poke around in Endless Ocean: Luminous. I did have a fun time swimming around. I’m just also saying you’ll get bored quick.
This extends to the multiplayer. Which boils down to who can wander around and look at everything the fastest. That’s it. You’re given emotes but players rarely interact with each other and are given basically no incentive to. I guess you can join the mode to feel less lonely. It’ll get you through the story mode quicker than working on your own.
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I just… additionally one of the big selling points was you could be with up to 30 people in a room but this isn’t quite true. It’s up to 10 random people. The other TWENTY you need to have friends or join a stream. And practically NO ONE was streaming this on Twitch ON LAUNCH. The amount was painfully low for a Nintendo IP. I wasn’t expecting Mario numbers but it was kinda pathetic. 🤷‍♀️ I was genuinely disappointed. The large amount of players in one room sounded fun.
But at the same time 10 players on one map can actually be too much at times and leave little for players to do as you witch hunt for the one fish that hasn’t been scanned. A weird conundrum.
So… what did I like about this game??? I did mention I would talk about stuff I liked.
The variety of fish was good. I like that all the fish got factoid excerpts that could be read aloud. Though I’m irked I can’t play the verbal explanation and look around at the same time. While the game is very basic it’s still fun to poke around and look at stuff! There is interesting stuff to look at. I appreciate the fantasy elements.
I like the idea of the fish bosses you have to lure out. Though I wish luring them out required learning about the fish and using something special for that fish to get them to reveal themselves. They want it to be a big grand event but it’s really not.
The fish models actually look really good and detailed. If you know your ocean life you can properly identify the fish for what they are. As someone who loves ocean life this actually matters to me quite a bit. Weirdly enough I’m disappointed the plant/coral life was lacking. It would’ve been a good way to add to the catalogue. Might just be a me thing but ocean plants are as equally interesting as the fish.
I appreciate that there’s no combat. As I don’t have a strong spine for ocean horror. (I have to play Subnautica with creature aggression turned completely off.).
Fish companions. Great choice. Being able to unlock bigger fish friends over time and respecting their dive capacity was also a great choice. My favorite ended up being the starfish since they could just attach to your tank. Too cute. (Though… we needed urchins in the game too. Just saying…)
Actually. This leads me to another real niche nitpick. We can have fantasy fish but the all the plants outside of the World Coral are BLAND normal ass plants??!?
*Flips table*
MORE PLANTS and CORAL GOD DAMMIT. I WANT TO LOOK AT PRETTY PLANTS WITH MY PRETTY FISH. It’s not a lot to ask! I want Subnautica level plant decoration even if it’s on a budget. Barbie Ocean Discovery has more COLOR in the background for Christ’s sake.
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*Ahem*. Sorry. Ocean stuff is a hyper fixation, but I promise I’m not actually mad. Ha ha. Can you imagine?
The customizable avatar and emotes is… cute. Really. I swear. But you likely won’t last long enough to unlock anything truly complex before moving on.
The idea of events is cute, but don’t mean much. It’s largely just increased rates for rare creatures to appear. Eh.
In short Endless Ocean: Luminous is a fairly empty game with a LOT of padding for $60. You can tell they wanted a cozy game that players would play for longer than a few days, but you likely won’t. I’m not going to argue it’s valueless to pick up. I’m just going to say that you deserve to not buy it at the price Nintendo wanted us to buy it at.
Buy it on sale and just accept it for what it is.
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It's up to you to answer this or not. As a new Valenfield stan, I'm wondering why our ship is not as popular as other ships.? Because Chris and Jill haven't had many games or movies together? I love your ship so much I'm disappointed 😕
i'm so sick and tired of the online discourse of people being like I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T LIKE THIS THING I LIKE - THAT MEANS YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON
anyways i will be honest
so i am not super interested in the jill or chris only games. leon was my first introduction into the re games all the way back in like 2004 or whatever and then 2012? when re6 came out. i was never really into 0 or 1 or any of the other games.
from what i understand, is that (valenfield) is a ship that's generally liked (but i agree it's a small group.) but also i feel like it's super strange(? as a ship) because capcom has never really implied that they are romantic (as opposed to aeon which has had several romantic implications.)
TO ME, i feel like valenfield are coworkers that COULD maybe become a thing but there's SO little in the lore that makes me feel like it would happen. i feel like NOT ONCE has there been an overt romantic action done between the two characters.
that doesn't mean i think it can't happen - but i think this is why the ship is unappealing to me
if i will be blunt, it's just a ship that's a hr violation imo. OR i guess a friends to lovers trope (which if you know me, you know that it is one of my least favourite tropes)
now i wouldn't necessarily say that i hate it or anything like that, it just does very little for me. and in terms of popularity, i really just think that there isn't a lot of a push for romantic content? (even from capcom's pov?) they're pushed as coworkers and friends a lot and it's always just kinda been implied by devs/directors that they're just friends.
there's still def lots of fan created content for them? but i do think that the ship for jill x carlos had grown more after re3r came out.
i feel like if they wanted to make the ship (valenfield) more of a thing, then in death island or something they should've had chris and jill interact more and have some sort of romantic implication put in place?
i dunno. also character x character ships are usually generally less popular as opposed to character x reader ships if you're talking about fics. but yeah. i dunno. i'll def read fics with valenfield in the background and i already have. but i don't really seek them out.
i also just don't find chris to be a very complex and interesting character (I'M NOT SAYING HE'S BAD OKAY)
on the other hand though, i do like jill, and i kinda enjoyed her plotline in death island but i wish they actually didn't do the whole avengers thing and have everyone else involved because death island should've honestly cut leon and (maybe claire) leon def should've been cut and have the film focused on jill
but he makes the big bucks or whatever so i get it
capcom has never been great with character writing
their most complex characters are women and are sidelined half the time or they have their plots reduced to just character tropes so they can fit the plot device that they need. it's exhausting sometimes to write for the characters because they can feel so bland and slate like. i have to figure out SO MUCH STUFF cause some of the characters are so empty personality wise.
gimme some complexity dude
but i get it i get it
capcom is writing for american audiences so they have to dumb down literally everything :|
okay anyways sorry lol
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ppulverse · 1 year
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this is a personal + multifandom blog where you'll see me talking about life and reblogging a little bit of everything i like! if you only wanna see kpop gifsets/gfx and nothing else, you can follow my sideblog @bamgeut 🤍
byf + dni under the cut!
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DNI: basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, sexist, rude ppl etc) || empty/blank blogs || ageless blogs || nsfw blogs | thinspo/ed/self-harm blogs || you seriously ship irl people || you send hate to people/artists || you sexualize idols (especially minors!!!) || you have a problem with my age
BYF: please don't ask me if i wanna be moots as it makes me feel super uncomfortable! if you interact with me and i like your blog, i'll definitely follow you back at some point || PLEASE HAVE YOUR AGE VISIBLE somewhere on your blog (bio/pinned post/carrd). i won't block you because of your age but if you're too young i might feel a little uncomfortable interacting directly with you so please respect that! || i'll probably shitpost a lot so keep that in mind! || this is a sfw blog! but i'm still an adult so you'll be seeing a lot of swearing and whatnot
if you don't want me following you anymore, feel free to softblock me (or hardblock me if you REALLY don't want me to interact with you at all)!
finally, if there are any specific triggers you want me to tag please send me an ask and let me know 💜
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personal tags i use:
🌙.txt = text posts about literally anything. rants, comments, thoughts, etc
🌙.mp3 = songs i enjoy and wanna share with everyone!
💜: callicore = things that are very me-coded
also, when i'm watching a movie/event/concert/anything and start liveblogging about it, i usually tag it as calli watches [insert name of the thing here], in case you wanna filter it!
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Anonymous asked:
What is on your wishlist?
I actually have a wishlist here! But it is more based around what I feel like could work for first interactions. I keep the heavy stuff close to my chest because I like the slow burn and I want to save the mega angst for writing partners who stick with it for the long haul.
Also because Hacker talk about personal stuff with random acquaintance. But yeah, some stuff I really want to do:
-Ship with a Coop mun who sort of has similar headcanons about their relationship as me. I have so many AUs planned for a Coop, but there isn't a mun available so (yes, I know there technically is, but I'd prefer not to discuss that). I want Coop to really tear into him and for them to have a rivalry filled with the strongest angst imaginable and maybe some lingering romantic tension? My vision is so good sobbb if someone would like to share it with me I'd kiss them.
-Really just anything having to do with someone who knows Hacker really well telling him he's never going to be Ruler of Cyberspace and that he's a failure who ruined his life for nothing. Just give him what he has coming and make him hate you but know you're right.
-To ship with Stolas PLEASE GOD SOMEONE FIND ME A STOLAS and one who writes a lot and who is open to writing with me back of course. Or really just any Helluva boss characters, because I think I can write something fun with them even if it's not shipping!
-Someone trying to reprogram Hacker, but it goes wrong and they end up sucked into the computer and go inside him mind where they get to see his memories, but maybe they're also living them and it makes them uncomfortable/stressed/triggered.
-Someone who is willing to be nice to him even though he's a bit insufferable. Or maybe they're just so empty headed and clueless of a person they'll go along with stuff. I think they could have some fun together.
-More Hacker in the human world in his human disguise trying to figure out how human works.
-Idk, if anyone wants to write a Cyberchase character, I'd probably write with you as much as you want. I love doing crossovers as well, but my ideas for canon are literally limitless and I've been holding it all back for years.
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strawhatkia · 1 year
✧ do not interact & before you follow !
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if you are apart of this list, you will be blocked immediately
as you have seen from my pinned, i am anti-dark content, which means i am against the sexualization and/or romanticization of harmful topics such as incest/stepcest, r*pe [noncon/dubcon], minor x adult, incels, racism, homophobia, misogyny, ddlg (including all variations), pedophilia, gore, vore, snuff, etc. -> if this you, seek therapy and block me !
racists. homophobes. transphobes. ableists. trump supporters. pedophiles. gatekeepers. people who send hate on anon, and all around rude, disrespectful, and mean people in general. sexist/misogynistic. nazi/nazi supporter. anti-feminism. anti-semitic. (enter here)phobic. ‘superstraight’ or support ‘superstraights’. headcanon characters as anything relating to basic dni criteria. romanticize mental illness death, s3lf h4rm, ed’s, or suicide. if you write, support, and/or enjoy dark content. if you bash or talk down on minors. if you ship illegal ships, including incest/twincest.
people who believe in the following . . .
- “[insert here] wouldn’t date [poc] bc of…”
- “i think that [insert here] wouldn’t care for BLM or ACAB.”
- “[insert here] doesn’t like [gender/sexual identity] people.”
also, i block empty/inactive, ageless blogs, and spam likers that don't reblog. and yes, i am checking every single one. i need to know you not a bot shawty.
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do not recommend me on platforms outside of tumblr especially tik tok. no translating my work anywhere (without permission). no reposting. no using for asmr content. no plagiarizing.
i reclaim slurs !
i am down for interaction ! whether we follow each other or not, do not be afraid to pop up in the inbox !
don't ever interact with me sexually. you wanna talk about the latest chapter ? sure ! my ### life ? nah, shawty, nah.
until we have a couple of conversations, don't come cussing at me or in offensive tones. i have anxiety and anger issues, i will shut that shit down immediately and you'll be due for a block. when in doubt, use tone indicators !
with that being said, if i made you uncomfortable or i've upset you, let me know. I'll ask for clarification if not given and apologize. i'd rather you just tell instead of sub-tweeting because then I'll just add to the fire.
i use terms of endearment like love, sweetheart, sweetie, honey, etc. because of i'm cozy like that <3 let me know if that makes you uncomfortable.
ngl my posts range from sweet and cute to random to...well, so check the tags to make sure you block out the right things !
i like constructive and respectful criticism. i'll curse your bloodline if you ain't got nothing nice or helpful to say.
do NOT bring up things about politics or religion, or bring up topics such as r4p3, su/c/de, s3lf h4rm, pedophilia, 3at/ng disorders, depression, etc.
this is not a discourse blog, please take that shit elsewhere ! (you're on the wrong blog hun)
if you send me hate, be prepared to have niggas in your inbox blowing yo shit up. just don't do it stink !
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mercurialkitty · 2 years
Fanfic Writer 20 Questions!
I was tagged by @tuometarr thank you so much  🥰
1. How many works do you have on ao3
only 13
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only spn but one of these days I'm going to write bbc sherlock
To not make this too long let’s add a read more
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I have so few, I'm just gonna give the top 3 - Road Trip for the Holidays, Talks with Dads - Dean and Cereal, A visit to The Empty
5. Do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yep. I don't get a lot, so it's pretty easy, and I want to show that I really appreciate people taking time to read and interact.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't think any of them really end angsty, but Game Night is the closest. 
7. Do you write crossovers?
Like @tuometarr said, I would if I had ideas
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No. I mean so few people look...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't think I do it well, but confession: I actually wrote one het ship smut fic. I don't know if it will ever see the light of day. I might put it on a Psued. It's a rare SPN pair and I felt guilty writing it instead of destiel! I would like to write smut, but honestly I get so embarrased! Flirting and implied future or past smut is easier.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I would love it
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I'd be open to a co-writer (especially for smut).
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Destiel is my favorite, but Midam is close and just as amazing and cosmic. Plus TBH, I think Michael and Adam have the healthiest relationship on the show. SPN pushed Johnlock down my list, but I still have fond thoughts and would want to write it someday.
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
LOL. All of them! Fortunately I don't put anything out on AO3 that isn't going to come to a relationship resolution/stopping point, even if there are plot arcs unresolved. But I have about 3 WIPs in Scrivener.
15. What are your writing strengths?
IDEK maybe fluffy feelz
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Planning and plotting
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Personally I don't have language skills, so I don't know.
18. What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I have two fic that don't embarrass me to look at Talks with Dads - Dean and Cereal and The Ministry of Brewing. I'm content with those two in a way I'm not with my others.                             
20. Who do you tag?
I don't really tag folks on fic. Maybe just whoever it's for on an exchange, or if someone inspired it. On this game I am just going to tag a couple people. Like @tuometarr said,
If you are a writer and just want to do this, feel free to consider this your tag! Also no pressure for anyone to do this!!
@all-or-nothing-baby @thepainofdreams
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vantasei · 6 months
since no one else did. kurasame and bonus uuuummmmm firion.
youre the only one who really gets me gale. ily.
Favorite thing about them
can i say nothing. genuine question. ok fine. uhhhhh his ability to kill. no wait. the fact he has a pet tonberry
Least favorite thing about them
where do i fucking begin. he's incapable of having normal social interactions, he doesn't know how to handle social relationships, he's in a polycule without even knowing it, he kicks his kids' asses on the regular, he's so incapable of emotional intimacy that he can't say he's glad his kids returned from the battlefield without also joking that his life would be easier without them, he falls in love with a girl and is completely oblivious to the fact he's in love with her and dumps her immediately to save his besties parents after constantly failing to look after her, he was deliberately hired to look after a gaggle of kids bc he's so emotionally closed off, and most importantly I HATE HIM!!!!!!
Favorite line
“Don't worry. If I die, the Crystal will wipe your memories.”
followed closely by “By the Crystal, you are a child." iykyk
KURAMIWA BROTP SWEEP. tbh that's just the champions anyway but shh.
USHDHNCHCHS kazukuramina ofc and qatokura teehee
Random headcanon
uhhh between his dad hating him and his co being a hardass and potentially abusive. he is not breaking the cycle of abuse (casual) all ima say.
Unpopular opinion
he is unlikeable. i hate him.
Song I associate with them
Dead Memories by Slipknot from my qatokura playlist but its so much more a kura song LOL
Favorite picture of them
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this panel does go hard tho i'll give him that.
Favorite thing about them
MY LITTLE GUY he's so head empty but he's such a good kid. nothing like a guy with determination beyond thoughts of ambition amirite
Least favorite thing about them
Favorite line
“Maria... Leon is right. We've been through too much. I can't stop him. Not now... Leon! We will meet again. This is only the beginning!"
he has like. 3 lines of dialogue total bro. this is like the most he talks all game and it's to tell leon he's chill to fuck off as he pleases. like. so true bestie.
i don't think he has enough brain for that yet if i'm being honest. he has a one track mind and now that it's not on the emperor it's on helping communities and nations rebuild and reconnect.
Random headcanon
OH my god. smiles. he would love uh. i had to google the english for 참외. asian melon or whatever. he would be such a sucker for those. ugh i can smell them in my brain just typing this.
Unpopular opinion
Song I associate with them
idc if it's copout. the rebel army theme is firion forever and ever. otherwise. recuerdos de la alhambra by francisco tárrega performed by andrés segovia. he's just a guitar guy to me.
Favorite picture of them
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vision-bound-muse · 6 months
More Kuki HC things: Not verse specific, just things that lurk or 900+ words of Rene rambling. This is a long post.
I hate the fact that is game is so vague, while simultaneously dropping small trauma bombs.
Her entire reason for leaving home is “I didn’t want to be a shrine maiden.” I… really think it goes deeper than that. I get that it is partially cultural, but even considering that it still doesn’t sit quite right. She says she got stuck in Inazuma when she went back to visit family but given the reaction to her seeing her sister. I really don’t think that’s quite true either and was just an answer provided to keep nosy travelers out of shit.
Kuki’s story quest really made me hate the Traveler and Yea on her behalf, that’s a ship that’s never going to happen here. I would be hard pressed to call it friends even and verges on a level of disrespectful behavior I have a hard time thinking she would be okay with… Getting.off.topic… If it was simply just about the shrines, there should have been a stabbing. (tbt it should have been a stabbing period).
The mask was presented as a way to prevent people from recognizing her as a shrine maiden, (and also intimidate tf out of people) buttttt again half-truths, and she is hiding from her family. It is also a visual representation of that wall between her and everyone else.  
Shit only hinted at, again. I have thoughts, but I don’t want to linger in this headspace for too terribly long. TL;DR there are scars. Hence, Fortress Shinobu. She cares about Itto, that much is obvious, but he is very much kept outside those walls like (almost) everyone else she comes in contact with.
There is Shinobu and Shinobu presenting. They are both her to a degree, but really in? That’s specific to Caelus right now, thus discord thoughts for Jace along with some other things.
Less specific and mere rambling of theory crafting. Sorting, acclimating, expanding and so on. My brain is a pingpong ball, truly, which is why I dump these things here.
When I write her I get the general sense she feels like she does not fit in anywhere in Teyvats verse. Stuck kind of feeling… just there because she has nothing better to do than study look after a hand full of idiots. Which should feel like family but fuck it’s just not and its empty and forced. It’s babysitting in the true sense of the word, and I leave that bullshittery at the doorstep of Hoyo, flaming. You gave this girl a machine for a brain and ambition for centuries to leave her… a.fucking.babysitter. There will be none of that on this blog, she is a person with desires, and we will be putting that pretty brain and ambition to good use.
Direction: She will play up the responsible professional girl act because she full well knows that is what is expected of her and it is business. It has been drilled into the core of default Shinobu operations, but she is a rebel at heart. This girl is a runaway and the defacto leader of a gang which she has used to facilitate light organized crime.
To further, she is a Consigliere equivalent minimally and she is quite happy with this. Thus we will lean on that heavily in a less babysitting way and more of an I actively want to be doing this way. Seperate from the gang, because welp, that’s just done. There is just no room for growth there.
Problems? From subtle to brutal, it will be taken care of. She will use this to protect and provide for those she cares about, but also to quietly stir the pot. Bad little fingers there. This also speaks to some of the more negative aspects of her personality, a lot of interactions being very transactional. It is business, and she does look at it entirely as business at times. Additionally, it lets her have these special interest in a meaningful way beyond just a gaggle of lunatics. She will look to build her own little empire.
Knowledge: Varied per verse, but she is a quick learner and is going to look for things which can be useful from a problem-solving business aspect. Due to the force that is Itto and her mechanical role she field medic + she’ll quietly pull those bullets and patch you right the fuck up. Lawyering, given canon. The rest is tucked in that has nothing to do with her as a person and is just there to say she is smart without showing that she is smart. God bless you, Hoyo (in every sense of that southern fucking phrase).
Morally gray pumpkin: Kuki has her own rules. She is likely not going to stand for injustices or bullying. As she is self-sacrificing to a degree of insanity, she does not like to see people suffer without cause, being on the opposing side of that will probably be met with violence. With that being said, she is not above doing shady things if the job calls for it but do take care to make sure one is in the right before requesting her services as she is not going to have any issues turning shit right back around on people.
Personality and other junk: She likes a challenge, to be specific people that challenge those walls (or you know, just bulldoze right the fuck over them), and she does like it when people playfully mess with her. Earn that trust? She will give you unspeakable loyalty, but she also does not give up ground easily at the same time.
Society is dumb, expectations equally dumb. She is headstrong and aggressive, but not immune to reason and likes to be the one in charge.
What she is looking for is home and acceptance. Simple, seeing as she is very independent.
All things considered; this is what I want her to find.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
There's some other things happening I thought I'd make a note people are observing them and bothering them and harassing them talking about money you don't have I mean these people are pitiful and I want to them down and out let me start threatening them and other stuff too is going on
-Trump is continuously threatening his people are continuously being laid off and he is being hounded because I think he has an AI somewhere or rigged it and so on and we have some interactions no they interrupt all the time other than that and they're more and more people suspect he has it more and more people are going after him in this core group of insane people we have a viewing audience of ambulance people and they are disgusting and we are going to go after them we also have something that's not new then picking away at him but a lot of people can see it clearly and they are seeking them out and they're going after them right now for what they're trying so if you steal that they are under attack and scrutiny and can't figure it out and get hit all the time so nothing will change it but Force
-another notes Charlotte county is breaking apart at the seams they are losing positions and we mean Trump and bja and pseudo empire. The max are taking over and these people have an attitude of if they take over he won't win so they're not resisting too much and we have to come in and wrestle with the max it works out better. In other news
-Candice acting blase but he knows he'll be part of it and it might be different than what is going on he knows about foreigners. And that's Ken not Candice
-there's also a few things firing people like we said it's up to 35% this morning right now they're starting on another 10% and it's bja and the pseudo empire and all firing each other and it is what they're doing and they're up to trying to be superior and we the foreigners in action moving in and the crowding each other out of jobs and it's almost natural but they say they're going to kidnap him to somewhere we think it's California so we're on that and they want to go across us foreigners and have foreigners help them and yeah they're sick they're also a gearing up for another invasion attempt and they are also evacuating a roughly 3% to me from 19.5% it is going to be awful for them they're attacking the pseudo empire globally and they're getting crushed they have some ships that are heated up about 500 million
We have battle groups in place and removing more in the pseudo empire is moving 3 billion ships in the empire is moving 5 billion in and the foreigners 4 billion and it's covered and very well they know that they're heating up and they have special and they're going to hit them before they turn fully and they've been doing it steadily in all of them we are watching them suffer they're sitting there trying to crash into the planet with some of those ships which are loaded and they explode and it is the max plan that they're exposing. So they're hated and the max are coming in and trying to get them and we are for what they're doing in general society we have a lot of devices that they're trying to pull out now and we're going after them and they're stashes and caches all over the world and those are going to empty out today probably up to 20% eastern and western hemisphere each we're moving now to intercept and we are engaging this about 100 million down 200 million we are trying to move I'm getting 50 million now 100 million they're trying again they're up to about 200 million more pretty soon it's going to be another 100 million pretty much done right now and these assholes and the kids the blue one we're going to haul them in right now
Thor law ib2 license plate everybody please please do s*** heads in they're trying to threaten to go after Hera Freya
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barksbog · 5 years
when you REALLY just need to drive a long time and be somewhere else away from all the people but it´s december and you live in the alps so it´s cold as fuck and you can´t sleep in your car.
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ms-starflower · 3 years
Maribat Rare Pairs — Day 4 — Caught in the rain
What is the ship name for Bart x Marinette?? Bartinette? Bartnette?? MariBart?? Mart?? (I don't like this one)
I'm calling them Bartinette.
Also, TimKon if you blink. It's really only in subtext, but still.
As a rule, Marinette didn’t make long car trips after the sun was down. There was something that always bothered her about long and almost empty highways. Not that she was scared, of course not. It was just more convenient to do the trip by daylight. And safer, too.
But Tim and Kon’s christmas party was tonight and she had been needed at the New York’s headquarters until 5pm. By that time the sun was already down and she could only take the road or miss the party. Tim would kill her if she missed the party.
She would have used Kaalki’s Miraculous, but Tikki had looked at her with that disapproving expression when she had brought the idea, and she had relented.
At least, Bart had also business in NY and proposed to carpool with her, so she was not alone. Even if she had to spend two hours confined in a car with him, fighting down her blush as he joked and laughed. His laugh was very, very pretty and it was taking all of Marinette control to keep
An hour in and she was starting to regret their close proximity. She hadn’t been able to say anything to him, not trusting herself to not stutter like her middle school self in front of Adrien, but he didn’t seem to notice, filling the silence alone. Telling her embarrassing stories about all the people they knew, and some she didn’t.
That’s when the rain started.
Marinette hated to drive under the rain.
And Bart was just here, beside her. Being all pretty, and funny, and cute, and laughing, and she couldn’t focus. And that was making driving under the rain even more difficult.
They were just out of the city limits when her car started to make really, really worrying sounds.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” she muttered with panic when the car slowed down.
“Something wrong?” Bart asked her with a cute little tilt of the head.
“Ah, um. Yes?” She said slowly, parking the car on the side of the road and putting on her warnings.
“I don’t have any signal,” he told her, waving his phone at her. “Do you?”
I— Um,” she muttered, taking out her phone to look. “No, I don’t.”
“Well, I think we are going to be late to the party,” he said with an attempted smile, not a very successful one. “Tim is not going to be happy.”
She hummed her agreement, avoiding his eyes. Now that she wasn’t driving anymore, it was way more difficult to ignore his presence this close to her. Why did she accept to this torture, again? Oh, yes. Because he asked her with his blinding smile, and that ‘yes’ had been out of her mouth before she even registered his proposition.
“So, wanna go to Tim and Kon’s place on foot?” He asked, looking out the window. She actually blinked in surprise, looking out. The rain was still pouring.
“Ah, uhm— I— Uh, not really, actually,” she stammered out, still avoiding his gaze. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Oh,” he mumbled, she saw his shoulder dropping in disappointment from the corner of her eyes. “Right. Do you have another idea?”
She didn’t, no. Chewing nervously her lip, she looked back at the backseat with the rearview mirror, Tikki was still sleeping but, then again, transforming in Ladybug wasn’t going to help her. Maybe she could use her yoyo to—
Her brain froze suddenly when she felt Bart’s hand on her arm.
“Hey, it’s fine, don’t worry. We can just wait a bit for the rain to stop,” he told her with a comforting smile. Marinette looked up at him, feeling the sudden need to kiss him.
“Yeah!” She exclaimed, looking around for an escape. She needed to get some distance before she did something stupid. “I’m going to try to get a signal!”
She opened her door, making Bart jerk back in surprise, before trying to get out but was stopped by her security belt. Cursing, she got it off and got out, slamming the door behind her. Only then realising that she was being drenched by the rain, and that her phone was still inside the car. Taking a deep breath, she turned back and opened the door.
“I, um, just need that,” she muttered, grabbing her phone without looking at Bart, and slamming the door again.
She walked to her trunk, deciding that now that she was out, she could place that warning triangle thing you were supposed to place when something like that happened.
She was just putting it in place when Bart got out of the car, her coat in his hand. Marinette hadn’t even noticed she wasn’t wearing it. She took it with a muttered ‘thanks’, looking somewhere around his chin.
“Did I say something to hurt you?” He asked suddenly, more serious than she ever heard him outside of the field. “Maybe I did something to offend you?”
“What?!” She exclaimed, looking up at him in surprise, not sure she heard him right above the sound of the rain. "Non! No, of course not! Why—”
“I don’t know!” He said, shrugging his arms and shoulders. “I’m just trying to understand why you don’t like me! I’m sorry if—”
“Wait, you think I don’t like you?!” She asked, so astonished she forgot about her nerves.
“You don’t,” he told her with a frown. “You don’t talk to me outside of mission, and if you do you don’t look me in the eyes. I see you with Tim or Kon or Cassie or anyone, really. You laugh with them, and you are friendly and relaxed but as soon as I come near you, you shut down.”
“And— And you think it’s because I don’t like you?” She asked with a disbelieving tone.
“Why else?” He said, passing a hand through his wet hair. “Look, I don’t know what I did but I really hope you can push past it because I think you’re great! You are funny, and strong, and cute— Not that that has anything to do with it! I’m just saying, I’m sorry for whatever I did—”
She didn’t know why she did it, but Marinette suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him. It took her less than a second to register what she was doing and letting go, taking a step back.
“Oh mon dieu, I’m so, so sorry! I—” she stopped, putting both hands on her mouth.
“You kissed me,” Bart said slowly, blinking at her.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! It’s just— You said— But it was— And then— You’re wrong,” she said suddenly, looking down at her hands. “You didn’t say anything to hurt or offend me. The problem isn’t that I don’t like you, the problem is that I like like you.”
“You like me, like me,” he said slowly, and Marinette didn’t want to see the expression on his face. “As in, ‘you would go on a date with me’ like me?”
“Um, yeah. That’s— That’s sum it up,” she said, playing nervously with her hands. “And I never was my best self with my crushes so I— I figured that if we don’t interact much, you wouldn’t hate me?”
“And it never occured to you that I could like you back?” Bart asked, something akin to amusement and relief in his tone.
“What?!” She asked, looking back up at him. Bart took a step toward her, his hand coming up to put a wet strand of her hair behind her ear before cupping her jaw.
“You’re beautiful, badass, funny, when you don’t talk to me, at least,” he added with a small, his eyes searching for something in hers. “There is nothing in you not to like, and I was heartbroken that you seemed to not like me that way. But you do.”
“I— Um, yeah. Yeah, I do,” she said softly as his face came closer to hers. She looked down at his lips. “Can I kiss you again?”
“Yes, please,” he told her with a chuckle.
And she did. It wasn’t fireworks or butterflies in her chest, but it was just as good, if not better. It felt right and warm. Like coming home.
They stayed there for a while, ignoring the rain and the world around them, losing themselves into each other.
“Oh my god, Bart,” Marinette said, jerking her head back. “You’re a speedster.”
“What?” He said, blinking the daze out of his head.
“Bart,” she repeated with realisation. “You’re a speedster!”
“Uh, yes? That’s not news?” He told her with confusion. “You’ve known that for almost two years?”
“Oh my god, Bart,” she said again, starting to feel stupid. “When you asked to go on foot, were you planning to use your vitesse?”
“Well, yes? But you—” He paused, looking down at her with a grin creeping on his face. “Mari, did you forget about my vitesse?”
“Oh mon dieu,” she muttered, hiding her face in his chest.
“You thought I planned to make you walk all the way there without super vitesse under this rain?” He asked, laughter seeping in his tone.
“Shut up,” she muttered halfheartedly, hitting him with her fist.
“That explains why you said no, at least,” he said when his laughter finally calmed down. “So, now that you remember my powers, wanna get out of here? We can call a tow truck from Kon’s place.”
“Oh please, yes!” She said, looking up at him. She smiled stupidly when he gave her a peck on the lips. “Let me just grab my stuff and Tikki.”
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hello author san! If you are taking requests can you make HCs for Sanji, Kid and Killer. Where the reader has unrequited Love for them. They don't notice the reader until she is gone trying to give up her love. Then they go for her again. Please make it a happy ending. Ignore if you dont wanna write though. Idk why but I truly love angst with happy ending.
Hello!! You’re the one who complements my writing all the time I love you!! Angst with a fluff ending is my favorite!
Also for anyone requesting please tell me if you want me to anonymously answer~
Sanji, Kid, Killer headcanon- You are in love with him but he doesn’t notice or return the feeling until you are gone
Warnings: angst
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•You couldn’t help it that you had fallen in love with someone like Sanji
•You thought he would be smart enough to notice your actions towards him and realize the reason behind them
•Your lingering eyes and touches, you would bring him the ingredients he needs while cooking, help wash the dishes, look for things he would like in the town stores
•But all he did was treat you the same as Nami and Robin when you wanted more, it was painful to pine after him so long and you knew that eventually it would be too much
•So you decided to ask him to dinner and see if he could finally figure out your true feelings
•Sadly, throughout the whole night he showed to signs of realization nor return of your feelings, and that night you knew you would have to stop before you end up hurting yourself or the crew
•You knew it would be painful, but you decided to distance yourself- you stopped helping with dishes unless he specifically asked you, you no longer went out of your way to buy him gifts, no more shared glances when Zoro or Luffy did something
•What you didn’t know, was that Sanji had noticed something missing, he felt somewhat alone and he pondered over it at night- only then did he begin to realize the difference in your actions towards him
•Could it be..? How could be so stupid?! He thought he had only felt towards you the same lecherous way he felt towards all other women- maybe it was because for once you had been the one pining after him- but he didn’t crave their attention or affection as much as yours
•With that he prepared you’d favorite treat and ran out to confess he felt the same feelings that you were trying to get rid of
•Hoping it wasn’t too late, he presented you with the gifts and explained that he had finally realized his feeling towards you, seeing as you were still skeptical, Sanji said you didn’t have to return your feelings right away but that he would win back your heart the right way
•A few days later, you had returned to your original affectionate attitude towards Sanji, and he couldn’t be happier now that he knew what it meant and what he meant to you
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•You hated it, you hated the empty feeling in your heart after a day of attempting to court Kid to no victory. You hated that your heart had to belong to Eustass Kid. Yet you understood why it did- he was powerful, hot, tough, smart, and occasionally nice. He was the complete “bad boy” package
•You would bring him anything he need while he was working, he would even let you sit in the room sit in the room with him while he worked. You would buy his favorite beer, and grab any neat mechanical things you thought he would like
•You would just linger around him, but despite all of your rather obvious hints at your feelings, Kid remained oblivious
•The Kid pirates were celebrating in a bar one night, and you had come back from the bathroom. You looked around for Kid, but when you found him you wished you hadn’t. He was flirting with some girl at the bar, and your heart broke as you realized that maybe it was time you stop pining after someone who would never return your love
•You didn’t know what you had expected, but no more would you go out of your way for Kid. You stopped spending time with him and giving him your little thoughtful gifts.
•Even Kid knew something was missing, usually you were in his room annoying him at night, but now he was alone in the silence trying to figure out what happened. He missed your presence and the little things you picked up for him, he didn’t know what this feeling was- but he hated it
•The next few weeks, Kid spent trying to get you to spend time with him again, giving you missions or orders that placed you in his company. Kid thought it be too weak of him if he confessed to you only to have you reject him.
•He doubted you felt the same feelings for him that that he felt for you, and it took a very long talk with Killer for Kid to understand that you did in fact return the feelings, which is why you had spent so much time with him
•He was angry that you hadn’t just told him how you felt, but to be fair you didn’t know about his feeling for you and he deffinetly didn’t do anything to help
•He grabbed the latest thing he had been working on, a little music box Kid had been saving for your birthday. He ran right to your cabin on the ship and practically threw the music box into your hands as he yelled at you for being to scared to confess to him- then he proceeded with a confession of his own
•You said that you didn’t know how you felt about him now- to say that kind of broke Kid’s heart would be true. Kid said that he would court you this time, and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. It was an extremely soft confession for the usually rough captain, but it melted your heart.
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•Killer’s attitude towards you was the opposite of what you expected a pirate to be, he was kind and gentle, he would cook for you and scold Kid when he was mean to you, so you had quickly fallen in love with the man
•It deffinetly wasn’t a smart idea, but you were too love sick to think rationally about it. You would help him in the kitchen, try to take lookout duty the same time as him, piggyback rides were common with you two, and on top of that you would constantly compliment him
•You thought Killer was a smart enough man to realize you felt something other than friendship for him. You were planning to finally confess to him when the Kid pirates were at the bar.
•You saw Killer behind Heat and went over to ask him to come outside, but as you passed Heat, your eyes fell on the woman Killer was talking to. The realization that Killer didn’t love you hit you like a ton of bricks and you felt the need to show him that you didn’t need his love, even thought he still didn’t know you loved him
•You ended all extra contact with him, only interacting when ordered to. No more lookouts with him, no more assisting him in the kitchen, no piggyback rides from him, nothing
•Killer immediately noticed you’d absence as you had become a large part of his day, not to mention his favorite part. It was during one of his night lookout shifts when he saw you down on the deck making your rounds, the moonlight dancing across you’d face, that Killer finally realized the weight on his heart and identified it as love.
•His immediate thoughts were that someone like you would never love someone like him, but as he remembered your old actions towards him, he began to suspect that just maybe, you had returned the feeling once. Afraid that it was too late he quickly ran down to you
•Killer explained what he felt, hoping with all his heart that you still held some of your feelings towards him. To his luck you still felt something other than friendship, but you were very skeptical. Killer promised to earn back your love the way you had earned his in the first place
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mardereads19 · 4 years
A Comparrison between Az’s Chapter and Cassian’s Chapters in Acofas
Today I found myself inspired by @thereaderspeaks ‘s post and what I had to add about it, to write this long-ass post comparing Az’s chapter in Acosf to Cassian’s three chapters in Acofas.
@rhyssescups does an amazing job in this post (and @psychee92 in this one) of comparing Az’s chapter to Cassian’s POV in Wings and Embers. I’ll also attach @psychee92 ‘s comparison of both batboys’ attitudes after their respective solstices. But I’m going to concentrate on Az’s POV and Acofas rather than Wings and Embers.
There are a LOT of things in common, so when you add the posts linked above to this one, you’ll see how Azriel’s emotions and his interaction with Gwyn mirror those of Cassian. Everyday I find more peace of mind regarding Elriel.
Before I begin, I want to clarify that Emerie is not in Wings and Embers, but on Cassian’s perspective in Acofas. I had seen many people on Tumblr and on Twitter saying (by mistake) that she’s in W&E, so I wanted to point that out. It is Mor who is mentioned in W&E. How Cassian does not want to tell her about Nesta, etc. For more on that, check out the links I attached above.
There are many elements that Cassian and Azriel share in their chapters and I decided to divide them into categories. I’ll support them with quotes so that we have the receipts. With that said…
Let’s get started!
1. Distance
In both instances there was something that separated the couples and caused distance. 
In Cassian’s case it was post-war-Nesta and even Cassian himself (it was pride that kept him ignoring her all through the party until he couldn’t take it anymore and ran after her, simple as that): 
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In Azriel’s case it was his understanding of what he feels for Elain and the fact that she has a mate. But also, let’s add Rhys’s order as a new element that will cause distance.
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2. Emotions
Cassian did not allow himself to think about Nesta because of the feelings that stirred up in him.
Anger, passion, confusion.
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And Azriel… 
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Well, well, well... What do we have here? 
Anger, passion, confusion. 
He was ready to spar it out of his system, too, like Cassian.
3. Something the batboys associate with their mate Archeron sister
I noticed that in both cases, Cass and Az had given their girls something that they associated with them, be it material or other.
For example, Cassian’s was names for Nesta’s poses.
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He saw Nesta stand in any particular way and if it was something she repeated he gave that pose a name. It is something he associates with her.
In Azriel’s case, we know he gives Elain a rose necklace. 
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Roses signify Elain because of what she does: gardening; But also, it could simply represent them. Their way of spending time together (here’s a post of different refences of Elriel in the garden by @silver-flames​) and their relationship that has been slowly blooming in secret, like how that charm shines with colors when it’s in the light, but looks ordinary in the dark.
4. The batboys hurting the sisters
In both POVs the Illyrians hurt the Archerons. 
Cassian does it out of anger. Because Nesta kept rejecting him. Instead of holding his tongue, like any mature person should, he tells her something that destroys her (we know by her reaction).
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See how her eyes go empty? 
Well, in his chapter, Azriel hurts Elain, too, though it pains him as much as it pains her because he did not do it intentionally. 
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5. The sisters rejecting/returning the gifts
Nesta rejects Cassian’s gift, though I wouldn’t have taken it either after what he told her. This quote comes from before his insult, but my point is that she left without taking the gift.
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Also, notice how Cassian hadn’t wanted to give Nesta her present in front of the others, something that Azriel does, too, though for different reasons. Cassian had feared rejection and had been waiting for her to approach him.
Azriel had not given Elain her present because Lucien, her mate, was there.
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And of course, Elain returns her gift after Azriel left her standing in the hall with the words “this was a mistake.” I wouldn’t have stayed with that necklace either, not when it reminded me of that moment.
6. Regifting/Comparing
Something particular that happens in both characters’ PoV is the regifting of the objects the batboys used to relate to their girls. I do not think they are necessarily wrong, just that it happens.
Cassian uses the name of one of Nesta’s poses to describe Emerie.
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He also compares her way of speaking and the look in her eyes to that of Nesta.
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Azriel regifts the necklace that represents Elain to Gwyn (though he doesn’t give it to her personally, just hands it to Clotho for her to do it), and describes her with the same quote he used on the necklace (Elriel). 
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I have my own theory on why the thought of her smile makes him smile. Soon I will explain.
7. Getting rid of the gifts (decisions made in haste)
Cassian being all impulsive and throwing the very expensive and extremely unique gift to the Sidra:
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Gotta love our hotheaded overgrown bat. (My baby!! <3)
Then, we have Az making the dumb decision of regifting the present because somehow he couldn’t get rid of it (symbolism but not the post for it).
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He was in a bad place when he made the decision, and even Clotho points out that his eyes are sad. 
The quote in purple is important to note. The theory about Clotho not giving Gwyn the necklace? That line is good for it. The fact that he told Clotho to give the necklace to anyone as long as he didn’t have it and the sadness she gleaned in his eyes is enough for her to know there is more to it than what he tells her.  
I also want to point out that we know for a fact that Cassian regretted getting rid of the present and that he knows he had been foolish that night. So, considering how parallel to each other these chapters are, I’m sure that Azriel will, too.
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8. Distraction/Consolation (Aftermath)
I think it is important to highlight how Cassian got to the Townhouse late and was followed by a worried Mor, who most likely consoled him after his disastrous evening with Nesta...
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...and compare it to how Azriel had needed to release unspent energy and was successfully distracted from his bad juju by the short lesson he gave to Gwyn:
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He straight up says he’s thankful for the distraction. That was what the whole convo had been for him -in a good sense. 
It also aligns super well with @silverlinedeyes​ ‘s theory of Gwyn being a lightsinger in how they appear to people when they are lost. Gwyn was there when Azriel needed someone (even just to distract him), be it coincidence or not, and that cannot be ignored. 
If Gwyn does take on a role in Acotar 5, I think it will have a lot to do with being his friend and confidant (and trainee), someone who will help him figure out what to do about his situation, just like how she unknowingly helped him on solstice.
9. Empathy towards the Valkyries
Another parallel that I found in the chapter is how Cassian felt empathy for Emerie’s situation upon looking at her...
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...and how Azriel’s interaction with Gwyn brought about the same reaction:
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This is what I was talking about earlier. Notice how he sees her pain and grief and prefers when she’s happy to when she’s sad? Who wouldn’t want that? That is the same mentality I apply to his smile at the thought of her smiling. That he is glad that something would make her happy after what she has been through. Especially after remembering her past (within the last three pages). 
10. Emerie and Gwyn’s attitudes
This was super curious for me! Look at how both girls say goodbye to the batboys:
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Emerie being a whole independent female, and Gwyn… 
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All business. 
Literally got the same energy from them. 
Gwyn finished the convo and continued her practice like the badass warrior that she is. There was no demure glance or cloy blush anywhere. The interaction was not romantic, purely platonic. Just like Emerie’s with Cassian.
11. This interesting parallel:
These two moments that are almost identical:
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Cassian tells Emerie to give the Illyrians the clothes he just bought and to tell them it was the High Lord’s gift. He does it because he knows the Illyrians would not accept them if they knew they came from Cassian.
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Another one (DJ khaled voice). 
“Just tell her it was a gift from Rhys.” 
Why does he do that? Because it wasn’t romantic and if Gwyn had known she’d have brought it up in conversation. He just wanted to be rid of it, so he gave it to her, perhaps as a way of thanking her for the distraction yesterday, but nothing more. 
“If there’s another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them.” He didn’t care who’d have it as long as it wasn’t him. 
(Wings and Embers + Acofas) Cassian = Acosf bonus chapter Azriel
That’s the real formula bestie SJM used and the receipts are here. 
Azriel mirrors Cassian in emotions, actions and interactions. 
Remember how Nesta Antis began shipping Cass with Emerie after their interaction in Acofas simply because they hated Nesta? Their scene had zero romantic energy, but Nesta Antis still did it. 
Well, history repeats itself with Elain.
Regarding Gwyn: So far, I see no build-up to something more than a friendship. Like we explored, Az’s scene with her was similar to Cassian’s with Emerie. The differences lie in that Gwyn is more energetic than Emerie and that Az’s shadows reacted to her power (she has powers, read about it in the lighsinger theory). 
There is literally nothing more I can add. 
Peace out.
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