#I also had to double up for the occasion /j
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artfartt · 7 months ago
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*Edit* MAJOR TDP spoilers!!!
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hooked-on-elvis · 2 months ago
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"There was just something about the way he sang, and also the way he'd interact, that was really really good. It was the musical communication and personal communication. He was just really nice to us. It was fun to play, you know." — Jerry Scheff, bass player.
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Scene from "Elvis On Tour" (MGM, 1972): Elvis and his bass player Jerry Scheff. Jerry played bass for the singer from July 31, 1969, to February 23, 1973, and again from April 24, 1975, until Presley’s final show on June 26, 1977, at the Market Square Arena in Indianapolis.
The admiration in Jerry's eyes when he looks at Elvis... it was earned. 🥹 Jerry said in an interview he didn't like Elvis' work until 1969, when he was invited to play in Elvis' band in Las Vegas for the first time.
Jerry 'thought that jazz and classical was what was happening at that time' and, although he had played some pop and rock 'n roll songs before working with the King, he never played rock "Elvis' way". The funny thing is: Jerry was a recording studio musician and played in several artists' records, including two records by Elvis himself, but from that moment as a musician working in studios with Elvis prior to work in his live concerts, Jerry has no memories. There's records showing that Jerry Scheff was one of the professional musicians playing in Elvis' soundtrack recording sessions in two occasions prior to the invitation to join in Elvis' TCB Band, but he doesn't remember such moments or ever seeing Elvis at that period. Jerry was asked about it and his first answer was negative, saying that he never played in any of Elvis' soundtrack albums, so the Union contracts were presented to him and there it was. Jerry played bass on the soundtrack albums for the films 'Double Trouble' and 'Easy Come, Easy Go' (both times in 1966).
Below, another picture of Jerry looking at El with that same shine in his eyes (this is 1970 - and that admiration in his eyes means a deep respect, as you'll notice further on):
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1970. Jerry Scheff is at the far left in the picture above.
This information above comes from an 1999 interview with Jerry Scheff. Following, a few excerpts that I found very interesting.
Do you remember what songs you rehearsed [in 1969, getting ready for the 'comeback' at the International Hotel in Vegas]? J: Oh, I can't remember. Blues songs, and 'Trying To Get To You', 'My Baby' - things like that. I read somewhere that you rehearsed about 150 songs. J: Oh yeah, we went over a LOT of songs, and then later we never rehearsed at all, so it's a good thing we rehearsed then! (laughs). It surprises me a little that you rehearsed so many songs, and yet stuck to the same 12 - 15 songs the entire engagement. J: Well, that wasn't up to us. It does after a while when you play the same songs, you know, get a little - But the saving grace was that Elvis never did anything the same way twice. We always had to keep our eye on him. You never could just, you know, relax (laughs), you had to pay attention. You never knew what he was gonna do. Never.
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Elvis on stage in late 1969 and then early 1972 (with Jerry Scheff).
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One interesting point in this interview is what Jerry said about Elvis and his political views:
Did you ever discuss political issues with Elvis? J: No, I never discussed politics with him. But in some ways Elvis was more conservative, and in other ways he was very liberal. He wasn't someone that was following some political line, you know. He'd figure out for himself what he thought was right.
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Elvis with Jerry Scheff onstage in the 70s.
Here it is: The most heartwarming moment in this whole interview (I recommend you reading the full article that I'll link at the end), is when Jerry Scheff stands up for his friend:
Towards the end of his life, Elvis was criticized badly for his appearance, his weight gain and so forth. J: You know, I've always been the kind of person that - I don't judge people on what they look like or on their faces. Period. I think that it very well could be that Elvis thought that he was a normal American man approaching middle age, and let himself go a little bit: 'It wasn't anybody's business'.
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March 1977: Elvis and his musicians (TCB Band) on stage. Jerry Scheff is at the far up left corner, Ronnie Tutt hides behind his drums and James Burton is at the far right corner.
"The idea that it was Elvis' duty to keep himself pristine looking is ludicrous. It makes me angry to think that people think that. Why, what does he owe them? He doesn't owe them anything."
— Jerry Scheff
The press really went after him for it. J: The press was just horrible. But then again, I don't remember a good review, even in the early years. The press was always horrible. I discounted what they said. There were jokes about him on television shows and stuff, and people were really really cruel. They don't say that about, let's say Neil Diamond. They don't say: 'Neil Diamond is bald now, why doesn't he get a toupet?' or 'He's got a paunch'. Or David Crosby of Crosby, Stills and Nash. They don't go on about him, and he's overweight. But it was Elvis, you know. It makes me angry, it really does. People wanna make money, and if they need to be nasty about it, they'll do that. They'll crack jokes - Saturday Night Live will have a parody of Elvis, some fat guy with a jumpsuit on, and everybody goes Ha, Ha, Ha. They're like grave-robbers, you know. I don't have any respect for them. That part of human nature is not a very positive part of our make-up. A lot of the troubles between human beings are the lack of compassion of one another, and a lack of tolerance between human beings. How many of these same people that are saying this about Elvis and putting these parodies on the screen, how many of them have potbellies, how many of them have let themselves go, how many of them have other faults that are far worse than than the 'sin' of letting yourself get a little overweight? Or being so unhappy that you're - Because I have been there. I had a really bad bout of clinical depression some years ago. I was in that syndrome, that whole thing - drugs, alcohol and stuff. I understand that, you get caught in that. It's not a nice thing. Elvis was obviously in a depression in his last years. Feel some compassion for him, you know. He's a human being, for crying out loud - no worse, and no better. But he was certainly not as bad as some people. He always treated me with respect. We had an extremely good relationship. He was NEVER disrespectful to me. He was always there if I wanted to see him.
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Another very interesting thing Jerry Scheff said concerns Elvis' Memphis Mafia guys. It caught my attention because linked that recollection to one of Elvis' old times army buddies' book (Johnny Lang's "My Army Days with Elvis: Friendship, Football, & Follies"). Johnny mentioned attending Elvis concerts in 1975 and 1976. In one of those occasions, Johnny talked to Charlie Hodge backstage and asked him if he could see Elvis and talk to him up close again, after many years without seeing each other after the army service. As Johnny shared, Charlie behaved overprotective and, without even checking, said Elvis was too tired to see anybody, but that he would say Johnny said 'hi' to him. It makes me sad to know not only friends like Johnny were hurt by what they probably assumed were strict orders by Elvis to those men working for him, and that they were only following them, but to think that Elvis many times didn't even was aware there were old friends that still cared for him so much to travel far distances with their families just to watch him perform live on stage, but also hoping that maybe they could be with him for a moment just to catch up a bit, and he never even heard about it... never. We know more about some of those cases than Elvis knew. That's so sad and it makes my blood boil, to be honest. How could they? Jerry Scheff, however, trusts they had their reasons to do such thing as to block people to get too near to Elvis, even old friends:
J: During the last years, these people in the so-called Memphis Mafia got into this Howard Hughes thing, where they could pick and choose who could see him. One night Charlie Hodge came down in the dressing-room, and said: 'You know, Elvis is really bumped out because you guys don't wanna see him'. And Ronnie and I said: 'Charlie, we have been down there to see him, but these guys always say: 'Oh, Elvis is busy'. So Charlie went back and told Elvis that, and Elvis hit the ceiling. Charlie came back and told us that Elvis just blew a stack. So there was that kind of stuff. I'm sure that all these people fulfilled some need that Elvis had, and I don't mean to question their motives. They just did what they thought would be best for him. So I don't try to judge that. But I do know that Elvis was always there for me.
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Interview conducted in Denmark 1999 by Arjan Deelen. All rights on the excerpts published here goes to elvis.com.au. There's many other interesting information to learn on this interview. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
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moonshine-82 · 1 year ago
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Max Verstappen x Female driver reader
Warnings - angst, j*s verstappen (ewww i know but he’s too good for angst), swearing, also my first ever fic so woo.
Info - ~ writing ~ means flash back. Also sort of based on lyrics from Taylor swifts out of the woods
Summary - you and max have always raced against each other, but now you are both teammates together at red bull. Untold feelings remain however will they be exposed before the pressure get too much
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As you trudge away from the wreckage and through the gravel, you can’t help be look back.
~ Max Verstappen was the one name you would always be able to pick out from childhood. As a girl in karting you faced a lot of obstacles; mostly boys and their fathers telling you you weren’t good enough. Max wasn’t one of them. Surprisingly his father wasn’t either, well not outwardly at least. No the year older Dutch boy always treated you the same as everyone else. It did mean he acted like a spoiled little brat who wouldn’t take anything less than a win but that was what everybody got.
This lack of sexism continued as you progressed through the ranks together. As such a friendship began to bloom. Both of you had your difficulties and critics, one the patriarchy and the other their own father, which helped a bond form. You would regularly be seen talking shop before the race and guiding each other through the emotions after. It was a rare occasion that your pair were spotted apart. In that time, Max learnt just how harsh the world was to a girl in motorsport, that no amount of victories will be enough. You learnt that Verstappen’s sore loser nature came from his father, more specifically the way he treated him.
As you grew up together the connection only got stronger, heading up to the higher levels didn’t change that…~
A now painfully familiar voice snapped you out of your day dreaming. Looking up, the only thing in view was the furious stature of your teammate marching towards you. Not the crash of the two highly expensive red bull cars. Not the marshals trying to get you over the barrier. Not even the stand of fans all rendered silent by the events. No, all that you eyes were willing to see was your childhood best friend and love of your life (though you had never expressed that) on a murder path.
Your comment only seemed to make Max even angrier. The second it happened you knew the crash was your fault, but you couldn’t just let him shout at you at by way. As he stalked closer and closer, your original strength vanished. So much so your heart began yo face. You knew Max was capable of a destructive rampage. It was something that you had to witness numerous times. The only difference is that you were never the destination before. Not to say he was never annoyed by you, and especially with the rising tension this season, but never like this. It forced the little girl deep inside of you to be reminded of someone else. A memory that you wished to forget came flooding in.
~ You were staying at Max’s house for what you didn’t know would be the last time. As the two of you sat in his room talking of your latest double podium, a shatter of glass was heard. The second it did you saw the young boys face fall. It wasn’t until the screams were heard you understood why.
The overbearing words of an enraged man echoed though the house. As you looked over at Max, it only confirmed what you suspected. Even at such a much younger age you knew his father wasn’t the nicest man, however this was the first time you saw his true side. As the curiosity got the better of you, you opened Max’s door to go look at the damage. Any attempt he made to stop you were useless as you sat on the stairs staring into the kitchen.
The look on Jos Verstappen’s face was one that you would never forget. It was the look of a crazed, mad man who was willing to kill the next person that dared to even breath next to him.
As you turned to Max, he was meet with your face in tears. The sight hurt more than any words or actions Jos could ever use. He comforted you, took you back to his room and listened as you shook in fear of his father. In that moment Max held your face, looked you dead in the eyes and promised to you and himself that he would never become the monster that scares the girl he cared for the most. ~
As Max finally towered in front of you, he was shook at what he found. Up until now, you would always stand you ground in an argument. Not even recently when it had began to apply pressure to your friendship had you backed down. However he didn’t see the strong women he had grown to love, but instead a weaker shadow of you in tears. To add to the pitiful scene you stood with your arms up in a form of protection.
Max’s original anger at the race ending collision was all but there. His championship dominating attitude faded and all that was left was regret. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together, and figure out that you state was due to his behaviour. The only time he had seen you like that before was your last ever sleepover. He also couldn’t ignore how much you had brought up the comparison between the father and son in arguments lately. This all however, was long enough for you to turn and run over to the marshals.
Red bulls number one driver was left by what maybe the resting place of his one true friendship. The very scene that you had just escaped. It had all gotten too much. This was the final straw. Much as Spain was labelled the death of Hamilton and Rosberg’s seemingly ever lasting connection, this would be yours and Max’s. Formula 1 had told the world that no compassion survives between rival teammates before, and it was trying to remind it once again.
The walk to the garage was the longest of your carrier. It wasn’t just because of the looming wrath of Christian Horner but overwhelming more due to that which loomed behind you. Max’s constant presence only made the whole situation worse. He was the years of memories that were still trying to cling on desperately. The dread that it had all gotten too much, and things between the two bulls would never be the same. The crushing wait of a heart beginning to crack at what it had been waiting for for over a decade fading out of view.
Finally getting back to the garage, the next hours flashed by. Your mind was too stimulated with stress and anxiety to process any going on. The one thing that got through was the repeating phrase…
“This is it”
Every warning was right. There was no way that you could beat fate. In the history of the world, no friendship has survived the pressure of true competition. Why did you think you would defeat it? Looking back at the day you two agreed to be teammates, you realise just how naive you were. No not naive, you were foolish and arrogant and stupid. You thought you could win a game against destiny, and now you would face the consequences. It was all o…
“Hey, it’s me, can I come in?”
There it is once again that painfully familiar voice broke your train of thought.
“Yeah sure”
In all honestly you don’t know why you say yes, he is the last person you wish to see right now. The reaction must have been a force of habit. As Max enters the medically room, you are both hit with the true weight of it all. He looks down at your stomach, whose scars from the twenty stitches you had had years a ago were visible. They were from a fishing accident, on a fishing trip the two of you went on. Max’s eyes softened looking at them, the memory coming back like one in the million others in the last feed hours. As you both looked up it was obvious you had both been crying.
This shocked you entirely yet not at all. The world’s young champion Verstappen wasn’t one for crying, and he was the one that you had hit the breaks on too soon causing all this mess. However, you knew that your maxie was a big crier. He cares so much about so much, but has the idiotic tendency to bottle it all up till it got too much and explodes.
That’s exactly what the both of you had done and you both know it. Neither wants to admit that the stress of the rivalry was becoming too much however. Admitting would be admitting you were losing, and the one thing your friendship was built on was not being allowed to lose. The consequence of this silence was hostility. Both of you had become more argumentative. It started small, slowly growing to a seeming hatred that all boiled over in todays race. Now both of you are placed in the medical room, red eyes not wanting to say the first words.
The question of wether you would fight past this and back to the childhoods friends, possibly more or if it truly was the end. You’re hearts are simultaneously asking, are we out of the woods yet?
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Woooooo, well that was painful. Sorry not sorry. If you have read this I would appreciate it greatly if you would like and please do comment with feed back. Especially if you would like a prequel or sequel to this. Once again this was my first ever fic so probably wasn’t fantastic but I definitely enjoyed it. Thanks for reading !!! Please don’t copy this, not even with credit. Also no translations. Do feel free to reblog.
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kazoohaa · 1 year ago
hello!! i would like to request something platonic with jing yuan
how would jing yuan be as a father? (like biologically) headcanons please
𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑. honkai star rail
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— notes. omg yes !! also i’m sorry ive been really inactive recently yall 😭
— details. father!jing yuan & gn!reader.
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honestly i think he’d be really fun to have as a father!!
light teasing is engrained in his Personality™, he lovingly does it to you a lot
despite his responsiblities as the luofu’s general, 90% of the time he’s somehow free whenever you approach him for things
jing yuan is also 100% happy to spoil you, a lot — he believes that you deserve the best, after all!
what do you mean he can’t spend just a bit of money for you? just this one time? (it isn’t just this one time, and won’t be.) sure, it might seem like it’s a lot of strales (..it is,) but you don’t have to worry about it, he’s got more than enough :)
buys you lots of little things quite often, small presents and trinkets, something like a keychain or an interesting book he spotted, or just your favourite foods from aurum alley
jing yuan also regularly plays xianzhou starchess with you. he’s proud of having taught you many different strategies — a goood amount being ones that you’ve learned from observing his tactics during your games. he’s quite proud of that, it’s made your observational skills sharper, after all! but, even if you’re equipped with lots of knowledge on how he usually plays, it’s still always a challenge to beat him, especially since he keeps somehow managing to one-up you, leaving you baffled, or trying to pull things mid-match without you noticing LMAO
“...did you just take off that piece?”
“there. i swear you had a piece on that square—”
“hmm? i don’t know what you mean.”
it’s become a bit of a game between the two of you. a passerby could see you and jing yuan intensely staring at the board in silence, occasionally glancing at each other, and they’d think that the general and his child must be having an intense match of starchess — but really you two are just examining each other to try and figure out what their tactic is and when you can find a good time to snatch a piece /j
while he doesn’t talk about the past that much, since those times were rather... complicated, and also he doesn’t really see much reason to randomly speak about it. but he does mention some tidbits here and there if you ask him, but sometimes they’re also the most jaw-dropping things that you’ve ever heard, and then it leaves you doing a double take while you process that information he just dropped out of the blue like that — imagine hearing stories about the high cloud quintet for the first time
he also teaches you combat, although he hoped that there wouldn’t be many occasions where you’d have to use those skills. it is undeniable that some areas of the luofu are quite dangerous, especially because of the mara-struck and the followers of sanctus medicus wandering about, but as a parent, he’d prefer that you never get into any dangerous situations if he can help it.
sometimes, you train alongside yanqing, who gets really excited and absolutely fired up at the prospect of getting to spar against you, more so when he actually gets a chance to. being the child of the general, how cool is that! you must be a strong opponent! you two give each other pointers sometimes — jing yuan is a proud father x2, he’s happy you and yanqing get along so well :)
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pariahofpelicantown · 8 months ago
NSFW ABC (Emily)
(Minors DNI!)
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A = Aftercare 
She is huge on aftercare, especially if things got a little rough. She will clean you up, get you water, or whatever else you may need. She is very attentive and caring and needs the same level of attention from you if you got a bit rough with her. Respect is key, and she is always attentive to your
B = Body part 
She loves your neck and shoulders, and loves leaving little love bites on your collarbone, just out of sight so you only you both know they are there.
On herself she likes her hands. They are delicate and always soft, and she likes to think she is quite skilled with them, both in and out of the bedroom.
C = Cum 
She can cum a few times in one go, but they are spaced out. When she cums the first time it will take quite a while for her to cum again, so she requires a bit more attention after the first time.
D = Dirty secret 
She knows that Clint frequently sneaks up to the farmhouse to spy on her, and as a result she will sometimes initiate sex with you right there in the living room. She whispers to you that he is watching, and wants him to see all of the things you can do to her that he can only dream off. At first you were a little unsure, but after she explained she wanted him to watch you take her and make her yours you came around to the idea. She cums so hard knowing that he is watching, and knowing she belongs to you.
E = Experience
She has been around the block a few times. She and Shane have hooked up on more than one occasion, frightening the poor chickens in his coop.
She knows what she likes and isn't afraid to tell you what she wants.
F = Favorite position 
She avoids bringing it up until she really trusts the person, as it has been a taboo topic with her partners in the past, but she actually really enjoys anal play. Rather full anal, or just fingering while she uses a dildo on herself, she loves the feeling of double penetration and feeling so completely full.
She will only broach this topic when she is fully comfortable with you as she considers it one of her dark secrets.
G = Goofy 
She can be extremely playful when it comes to sex, believing it should be fun as well as pleasurable. She can be serious if the mood calls for it but she prefers a more carefree approach, preferring to laugh and be free with each other.
H = Hair 
She lets it grow out a bit, but not to the point where is it unmanageable. She prefers to let it grow naturally but she keeps it well groomed and clean.
I = Intimacy 
She views sex as intimate regardless of how fast or slow it is. For her it’s all about the spiritual connection you share, and believes that can be achieved regardless of how fast or slow it is.
J = Jack off
She used to take care of herself every morning in the shower, but now she rarely needs to. And if she does, she makes sure to send you a video of it so you can see what you are missing out on.
K = Kink 
Voyeurism (with consent of course) she loves watching other people have sex. She also enjoys exhibitionism, and loves to be watched.
It's part of why she loves doing it knowing Clint is watching. It has nothing to do with any attraction to him, she just enjoys putting on a show and makes it clear she belongs to you.
L = Location
She really is down to fuck anywhere within reason. She doesn’t mind if it’s in public as long as you’re not getting it on in the middle of town square. The bedroom is fine, but she doesn’t view it as the only acceptable location.
M = Motivation
It drives her crazy when you bite your lip and beckon her with your finger. She finds it insanely sexy, and will melt as soon as she sees it.
N = No 
She will not do anything that is not consented to, believing it to be the most important aspect of your sex life. Permission is always sought with the other couple before engaging in voyeurism, and if she ever had an inkling you were uncomfortable with it, she would drop the topic completely. Same with exhibitionism, it's a kink but not a deal breaker.
She is also no willing to share you with anyone. Looking is fine, but touching is strictly forbidden.
O = Oral 
She loves both giving and receiving, but if she had the choice she would much rather give. She loves watching you fall apart as she uses her mouth on you, and will kiss you afterwards so you can taste yourself on her lips.
69 is also a good comprise.
P = Pace 
She prefers taking her time, if given the option, but sometimes when tensions are running high, she knows a good hard fucking is needed. She is more than happy to be an outlet for your frustrations (within reason, don't go overboard), and once in a while she needs to pull your hair and fuck you senseless to relieve stress.
Q = Quickie 
She is always down for a quickie, especially when the mood strikes her when she on a time crunch to get to work. She will press you against a wall, not even bothering to undress as her hand slides up your skirt or down your pants.
R = Risk 
She is always up to try new things, as long as you both agree to it. She isn't the type to worry about being caught, so she is always down to have sex in a park behind a bush or behind the Stardrop. She is not shy, and if someone happens to catch the two of you so be it.
S = Stamina 
She is usually down for more than one round, though it takes a lot longer for her to get off a second time. The first comes pretty easily but after that it takes a bit of work to get her to a second orgasm, and that is usually her limit.
That being said, she will spend as much time on you as you need, regardless of if she’s at her limit, she will always make sure you are properly satisfied.
T = Toys
She has a decent collection of toys, some accumulated before she met you and a few after. She is very open and experimental, and if she sees something you both might like she will buy it on the spot.
She loves using toys on you, especially a rabbit (for females) or jacking you off with a flashlight (male.)
U = Unfair 
She loves to tease you throughout the day. She’ll send you suggestive texts messages if you’re apart, and wear clothes that leave little to the imagination if you are together.
She loves the buildup, and will keep going until you are practically begging her to fuck you.
V = Volume 
She can get very loud, and doesn't care at all who hears her. As far as she is concerned, if they don't want to hear it then they don't have to listen. She likes that some people (Clint) knows exactly what you are doing to her.
W = Wild card 
She loves watching you fuck yourself, and also loves watching you fuck yourself. She also loves mutual masturbation, almost as much as she loves fucking you.
X = X-ray
She has small, perky breasts that are extra sensitive as her nipples are both pierced. She has a few scattered freckles across her chest that look like constellations against her pale skin.
Y = Yearning 
She has a pretty high libido, but she doesn’t need to engage in sex every night. She is usually down if you are, but she will never expect you to be on the same level as her. She is perfectly fine cuddling on the couch if you prefer.
Besides she is more than capable of taking care of herself if she has the need.
Z = Zzz
It usually takes her a bit to wind down afterwards. She loves basking in the afterglow with you and engaging in pillow talk before going to sleep. She wants to make sure your needs are met and will always ask if you need anything before falling asleep.
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astral-corner · 1 month ago
Happy Swap AU Day Weekend!
Given the occasion, let us post about one of our funniest aus; The Stick Shuffle au. (Name probably pending, idk we haven't super talked about it.)
What happens when you give every character a number, put their names in a random list generator, and match the new list to the original numbers? Oh boy! Let me show you.
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Welcome to our beloved, beautiful mess.
We set this up to challenge ourselves to make an AU that made sense with all of the characters randomized, and oh boy has it been a challenge. With no rhyme or reason behind the character placements, we really had to stretch some things to get it to fit roughly into the original AvA/M story and timeline.
(We also originally made it before AvA 11 came out, but we liked what we had too much to reshuffle things to include Mitsi, so we added her to a list of background characters and shuffled that instead 👍)
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The plot's a little loose, and it'd be hard to put it all in one post without it getting too long (and we'd like to post this sooner rather than later ^^;), so here are some highlights:
The human characters got shuffled too! I completely forgot about that until writing these notes down! Alan's role is taken by none other than programmer021 (known as the Programmer), with their little sibling alexcrafter28 (Alex) taking DJ's role. DJ and Alan take Programmer and Alex's roles respectively, and are relatively minor characters in the AU.
Powder (Blue) runs Rocket (or it's equivalent) like Vic does in canon. All of the employees at the company, including Powder herself, are anonymized during working hours, using art tools to turn them various shades of gray to protect their identities. This eventually leads to Powder essentially living a double life.
Given that Cobalt was swapped into King's role, and Purple didn't change at all (lol), this means that after the plot of AvM season 3, Purple somehow manages to get adopted by their own biological father. Neither of them know they're related at that point. This will never stop being funny to us.
Warning (Hazard) is very strange, as far as stick figures go, because they literally just appeared one day on the Programmer's computer with no apparent origin or source. They were a force of retribution for the Programmer's crimes against sticksfight.com (don't worry about it /j). Eventually the two of them came to an understanding, and Warning became Programmer's new desktop buddy, along with the four residents of sticksfight at that time (Mango, Yuzu, Green and Agent).
Other important name changes include: Orange/TSC's file name is still The Second Coming, but she has a negative association with that name, and exclusively goes by Orange. Paleo/Primal's name is The Hunter, and she was created to hunt and capture/kill Orange. She totally didn't do that tho, lol. Victim's file name was changed to Victory after they joined Powder's company. And last but not least, Red started going by Ruby Red sometime before their death, matching themes with their adopted dad, Cobalt.
This. just... this.
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hauntingjasper · 10 months ago
Headcanons about Fionna?
Okay so Fionna headcanons/AU stuff:
1- She has different bunny hats for different occasions. She just has to be wearing those bunny ears at all times and you cannot stop her.
2- Brazilian Fionna. That's it. That's the headcanon. She's even got the flag colors COME ON /j
3- I've mentioned this on the Gumball hc list but I'll mention here again, she's a young adult in the design I draw her. She's like 21 years old, I aged her down mainly because we all got the impression that she was in her 20’s so why not.
4- She has bandaged hands because of how much she uses her sword and punches things. She *could* wear some gloves but,, , She thinks bandages make her look cooler.
5- Fionna is not really a book person, and especially hates having to read big books to write a review or an essay, because then it requires double of her attention. Not only does she struggle focusing on these big walls of texts, but she also struggles picturing in her head what they're describing. This has greatly impacted her self-esteem because she thinks she's too dumb for books. She prefers to read comics and watch movies instead.
6- Fionna is bi, but was painfully oblivious about it. I'm pretty sure that the torn painting of a blonde lady Finn has in the treehouse isn't genderbent for Fionna, so let's say that Fionna got it from somewhere and kept it because she thought the art was pretty. Well, turns out that wasn't the only reason why she liked a painting of a s u p p o s e d l y naked girl so much.
7- Fionna is also asexual, and also very unaware. You ask her how she feels about some things and she just awkwardly goes “Mmmmm I don't knoooow…”.
8- She's got some questionable survival instincts. What (somewhat) makes up for it is the fact that she can crack the floor with someone's head.
9- If she had to pick a favorite kingdom, she'd either pick the Breakfast Kingdom or the Candy Kingdom, because good food. (She doesn't tell Gumball that he has competition.) Her least favorite kingdom is the Fire Kingdom, everything is too hot for her poor human body.
10- Her favorite music genre is anime openings, I fear. (I think she'd also like a weird mix of pop, rock and flute music since she plays it herself but okay.)
11- Queen of the “why do I have to take a bath today? I didn't get dirty or anything” logic.
12- Her closet probably has more swords than clothes in it. They have a lot of sentimental value, don't even try to make her get rid of them.
13- Her love language is Acts Of Service, the service in question is beating up jerks for you.
14- She sucks at cooking, this one I actually got from this unused design:
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Gumball & Fionna my beloveds <3
I think that's all for now :P Thank you for the ask!
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abyssal-ali · 2 years ago
JaySteph Dating Alphabet Headcanons
I used @/imagine-mcu's alphabet prompts
Join the JaySteph Server ao3
A - Asking out: It starts as ‘just friends’ hangouts during or after patrol, but one day after Jason orders her usual order and brings it to her because she was busy with an assignment  Steph asks if they’ve become dates. Jason says no, if they were dating, she’d know. He then asks her out on a proper date.
B - Being best friends: They get along like a house on fire. They have regular competitions to see who can sass Bruce more and cause a headache first.
C - Celebrating their birthdays: Steph loves birthdays, whether they’re hers or someone else’s. Jason doesn’t quite see the appeal but reciprocates by making Steph breakfast in bed and planning a date she’ll love. With Steph’s love for both birthdays and Jason, she celebrates Jason’s birthday and a day she picked as his resurrection day, to remind him how much he means to her and how happy she is that he’s alive.
D - Double dating!: JaySteph are so busy with the rest of their lives, both as civilians and vigilantes, that when they can be alone they prefer to have a private date, but sometimes they’ll join a friend on a double date.
E - Eating dinner: Jason cooks, Steph eats. Alfred often sends leftovers from Family Dinners for when they’re too busy to cook, or they take out food from their favourite holes-in-the wall. Steph has her favourite Indian place on speed dial and Jason has an in with his favourite Chinese restaurant. His usual will be ready in ten minutes.
F - Flirting: They are insufferable flirts in public, simply because it weirds out the rest of the Bats. In private, they keep it much more low-key.
G - Getting protective: Jason and Steph are both extremely protective of the other. They know they can hold their own, but if they can help the other, they will.
H - Hugging: Their hugs usually happen in the wee hours of the morning. Jason had a nightmare and Steph wakes up to hug him until he can try to sleep again. Steph had a stress-fueled cry on Jason’s shoulder about balancing school and vigilantism, and he didn’t let her go until she was almost asleep. Their hugs are always warm, solid, and grounding.
I - Inviting to team up/join their organisation of heroes: Steph is an honourary Outlaw and gets along great with all Outlaws, present and former.
J - Joking around: When they’re in public, Jason and Stephanie are usually acting; Jason prefers the grouchy, snarky act while Steph favours the put-together happy mask. When they’re together, they’re just Jason and Steph. They don’t joke as much as they do in-mask (vigilante or civilian), though they have plenty of light-hearted moments.
K - Kissing: JaySteph are constantly kissing. Little pecks before patrol; longer kisses to reassure themselves that they’re both okay after a dangerous operation; slow, sleepy kisses in the morning; hot and heavy makeouts against a wall during a slow patrol…
L - Lounging around on a lazy day: The days when they both have nothing to do and nowhere to go are few and far between, but they make the most of it. Sleeping in if possible, curling up and reading together, maybe having a playful spar? They also enjoy playing civilian and doing domestic stuff like shopping and cooking together.
M - Making breakfast: Usually Jason is up first, either from nightmares or because Steph likes to sleep in as much as possible. On the rare occasions Steph is up first, she likes to race the clock and see if she can get it made and possibly to him in bed before he is up.
N - Netflix and chilling: There’s not a lot of time to Netflix and Chill when you’re heading out on patrol in the evening, so if they do have time, it’s usually in the morning or early afternoon.
O - Overcoming a fear: They’re both terrified of the other leaving like they were nothing. After the first big fight, when Jason showed back up at Steph’s door and they worked it out like adults, Steph cried for half an hour. Jason was worried she’d either not answer the door or answer it to say they were done. He cried a little bit too.
P - Partying: Steph wants a full university experience so she’ll attend one or two parties a semester, with Jason accompanying to keep an eye on the happenings and make sure nothing non-Red-Hood-approved occurs.
Q - Quarrelling: They usually clash over their different reactions and outlooks on subjects that touch their trauma, as the heightened emotions make it more difficult to detach and consider things logically and from the other’s POV. Once they’ve calmed down (and maybe had a talk with their therapist(s)), they’re quick to try to understand and support the other and fix the issue if possible.
R - Rescuing: They’re both vigilantes. Most of their rescuing comes in the form of creating an excuse to drag the other away from family dinner or one of Bruce’s lectures.
S - Sleeping over: At the beginning of their romantic relationship, they both had their own apartments/safehouses and usually crashed at whoever’s was closer. Later on, they got a centrally located apartment, btu of course they have safehouses scattered around with both of their stuff in each other’s. Su casa es mi casa and all that.
T - Taking care when sick: It’s usually Steph sick because Jason has an enhanced immune system from the Pit. He is the best nurse she could ask for, making tea and chicken soup and reading to her if he can.
U - Using technology: They prefer face-to-face when possible, but they also have a regular string of text messages as well, usually memes and a way to subtly joke about Bruce when he’s in front of them (not that they have anything against needling Bruce to his face but sometimes subtlety is better, such as when he doesn’t yet know about a prank).
V - Vexing each other: One thing Steph does that Jason hates & just doesn’t understand is how much hair she sheds down the shower drain and how often he has to clean them out. Steph hates how much Jason relies on the Pit’s enhanced healing factor and himself to protect her. She doesn’t mind the protecting part, just that he does it at his own expense, saying better him than her because she would take twice as long to heal.
W - Waking up to: In the beginning of their romantic relationship, and even in their platonic relationship, one would wake up to the other crawling into their bed because they had a nightmare.
Y- Yelling at each other (for the angst!): Again, it’s usually because one of them was in danger and did something reckless. When they’re truly mad, Steph goes quiet and Jason leaves until he’s cooled off so he doesn’t make things worse.
Z - Zoo date!: Of course they can’t have a normal date. Damian comes along and demands to make sure all the animals are being taken care of properly. JaySteph love the little gremlin though and have mentally adopted him.
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jules-has-notes · 8 months ago
2018 VoicePlay summer activities — projects, planning, and the Philippines
Summer is often a time for fun and relaxation. For the VoicePlay guys, the summer of 2018 was largely a time of planning, rehearsing, and pursuing some individual projects. Though they did also do some significant travel.
Following a comfortably busy spring, they took the beginning of July as a time to rest a bit and work on other things.
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"You're not going to start chasing me like Eli does, are you?"
J.None spent the Fourth performing with Paradigm at a local event, before zipping up to Virginia for his aunt's wedding.
J.None sings "Why I Love You" by Major. at his aunt's wedding reception.
When the weekend rolled around, the PattyCake guys took over a grocery store in a nearby town for an overnight video shoot with the ladies of 4Eva29 and a group of dad friends.
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All aboard
The second week of July began with a flight to Puerto Rico so VoicePlay could board the Disney Fantasy and perform on the last third of its trip back to Florida.
When they were ashore once more, they released their epic Panic! at the Disco two-parter, which received a flood of attention. They then spent the rest of the month preparing for the coming months.
Up, up, and away
August kicked off with a trip up to the northeast, returning to New Jersey, where they'd received a warm reception the previous winter.
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photos by Duane Smith and Leon King
Leon also posted a few short clips to his Instagram.
On your marks…
A week later, they convened at Rayne's Room to film three short music videos geared toward social media that they could release over the following weeks, as well as a promotional video for their upcoming concert with Rachel Potter in the Philippines.
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Recording all of that in one sitting was apparently a little rough on their bass man, though.
Earl and J teasing Geoff for indulging in a moment of younger sibling behavior
Get set…
The first item from that marathon session they released was, of course, the announcement of their concert in Manila.
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A few days later, they boarded their flight to The Philippines. Once they arrived, they had a little time to get acclimated, so they decided to visit The Dessert Museum and sample some local sweets.
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The show itself went swimmingly, and the crowd had a grand time singing along with some of their best tunes. The only hitch was Geoff having to tough it out with a minor case of food poisoning.
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The next day was the party with their hosts. They gave the tiny birthday girl a private preview backstage. (Scroll to the third slide.)
Carrot shenanigans will continue indefinitely.
The trip happened to coincide with Eli's birthday as well, so their hotel surprised him with a tasty treat for the occasion.
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Some of the food might not have agreed with Geoff, but Earl clearly enjoyed himself more and found a new favorite dish.
After just a few days on the other side of the world, it was time to head home.
And for our next trick…
While the rest of VoicePlay recuperated from their globetrotting, Layne and Tony announced upcoming auditions for PattyCake's second scripted series, The Princess Academy.
Once they were well rested, VoicePlay hit the road again to kick off the main stage performances at the Woodstock Fair in Conncecticut. They were in a double header with Lee Rocker from the Stray Cats.
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photo by Duane Smith
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post show silliness // travel advice
As the rest of the guys spent some more time at home, J.None headed over to Dallas to visit with friends. He even happened across a bonus pal from high school.
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When he got back to Orlando, J was greeted in a brotherly fashion (by his fellow mischievous middle child Layne, of course).
Just a few months after VoicePlay had hit 300K subscribers on YouTube, they celebrated gaining twice as many followers on Facebook.
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Here, there, and everywhere
Since they weren't returning to Disney World for the holiday season, the guys announced a much more reasonable tour schedule for the end of the year.
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As the month hurtled toward its end, Layne and Tony gathered a cadre of their favorite Disney antagonists to film the first episode of their new Villains Lair series.
A couple days later, VoicePlay hopped up to Little Rock for the ACANSA Arts Festival at the University of Arkansas.
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Over the ensuing weekend, J.None made another trip up to Virginia. In addition to visiting family, he also fit in a video shoot with his longtime friend Najee for their song "Dues".
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Everybody scream!
VoicePlay closed out the summer by preparing for their favorite time of year with an elaborate music video shoot. After two long days of props, prosthetics, silliness, snacks, and hard work, the boys had the makings of a fantastic visual tale to accompany their wonderful singing.
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year ago
Ranking who I KNOW I can seduce in BTS least to most likely Context: I'm THICK big butt, big boobs yummy thighs straight smile and round face. That's what we're working with lets get into it! Least- Jimin! While I think Jimin would be very attracted to me I think I'd spend too much time psychoanalyzing him, definitely a turnoff! Jimin and I would more quicker become long term confidantes than ever romp around in the sheets. Cute face though, maybe an accidental makeout once or twice? J-Hope- Jhope is not a one night stand type of deal to me idk. I think I'd be too in awe to even try to seduce him and if he paid attention to me I'd probably be too focused on something more long term that I'd forget all about the seduction mission. Also I think he'd find me a little exhausting lmao SeokJin- Love of my life jin please I need him so bad and that would be my downfall. He would know by one look in my eye how BAD I want the dick and I think that would be a big turn off for him. I think he'd enjoy toying with me for months on end but would never give me what I want.
Yoongi- Yoongi and I have def made out a couple of times but the friendship is so good that fucking seems off the table. I think we'd have too many deep convos about our lives and what we want in life that sex would seem like something almost too intimate to share after all that mental intimacy if that makes sense?
JungKook- I think I could pull JK! He's sexy and all but I am too lmao! I also think seducing JK is much more about the chill approach. coming over and playing video games, buying him a stuffed animal that reminded you of him. texting him only on occasion. Just giving him space to trust me and like me and he'll be knocking on my door begging within mm a month?
Namjoon- All I gotta do is be 1/10th of a natutally charming person to namjoon, not be an ignoramus, and continue to have big boobs and an ass and namjoon is in the bag. Maybe we'd spend a few days getting to know each other but he doesn't seem like he'd waste much time once he trusts that you're not a fuckin weirdo Taehyung- Not to double down on the taehyung easy train but you're absolutely right compliments and some expressive faces and he's done for. And as someone who has seduced someone without speaking their native tongue it's really not gone take much. Taehyung likes loving and being loved and I'm readTEE to give it to him.
SEE NOW those are different parameters than i allowed myself to operate within like i was thinking more like i meet you at a bar and decide i want you who am i taking home tonight but what you're getting at is WAAAYYY different bc give me some time and i 100% can have my pick of the litter bc my personality is a 12/10
but before i dive back into that lemme first say that you may be onto something with seokjin bc like i said before we got the same personality type and i literally did that to like 2 guys this past year ajsksjjwje but in my defense!!!! im on the spectrum so it wasn’t on purpose i just didn’t realize they liked me until i had already hurt they feelings LOL
ALSO that makes perfect sense for yoongi being so mentally and emotionally intertwined that you end up in that friend purgatory bc you’re afraid to change the nature of your relationship it’s textbook really
NOW who could i seduce HOLISTICALLY from least to most likely since that's the trend i started with that one actually i'm gonna do who would be the easiest to seduce from ltm and i'm forcing myself to do a spark notes version to save you from another one of my dissertations that nobody asked for
i’m keeping jin at 7 bc like i said unseduceable (we’d end up a nice lil nuclear family with 2 kids and a dog)
i’m dropping yoongi down to 6 bc that’s my twin flame and i feel like if i gave him too much time to think he’d talk himself out of it
i’m keeping hobi at 5 bc we’re endgame like we’d def have a good mix of 2seok and sope energy im his lil rain cloud and he’d be my sunshine we’d make rainbows together <3 but i’d have to give him the space to come to this conclusion on his own
dropping jimin to 4 bc he’s another one who would try to talk himself out of it but he’d be super curious about the possibilities(we’re playing the long game)
joonie would drop down to number 3 but only bc
jk would be number 2 like give me a month and i’d have that boy eating out the palm of my hands like we fr fr have too much in common and don’t have similar sense of humour i got that whole tsundere thing going on im so certain he wouldn’t be able to resist me like he’d talk himself INTO it bc he thinks we’re written in the stars or something (we’re not) but i’d let him think we were (¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he’s hot)
then tae stands at number 1 for previously mentioned reasons
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f1-ferraero · 7 months ago
We're sort of on the same page, yeah, and I've really enjoyed this as well! It's nice to be able to have a level-headed and objective discussion about something despite actually having very different personal opinions about it. Hopefully we'll get more good racing in Baku and Singapore!
I fully agree with everything you said about McLaren. They're in a difficult position and it would make sense for them to prioritise Norris, but it's just more complicated than that. We'll have to wait and see what they decide to do.
"...which is why I’m baffled that McLaren haven’t used their fancy brainy strategists to just look at the table and go from there." Respectfully, this made me laugh a bit because Ferrari have seemingly sent all of their shitty strategists to McLaren this season. They CANNOT strategize for the life of them.
I knew when I compared the MCL38 to RB19 that it was a little bit of an exaggeration, sorry about that! It's very track dependent, but I do think it's quite close in most cases, especially since I also don't think either driver have maximised it on any occasion other than perhaps Zandvoort. The RB19 was dominant because Verstappen made it dominant, I think the same could have been true for the MCL38. BUT here's hoping it does NOT gets better. How dare you accuse me of being a McLaren fan (/j). I thought all the everything about my blog made it very clear where I stand, but if I doesn't I need to make some drastic changes.
ANYWAY, I think we've said all that needs to be said about Zandvoort. We have pretty much the same opinion about it: bad start but good drive otherwise. However I think we're just on opposite sides of whether it was an underrated or overrated performance, with you being a Norris fan and me being very tired of the British media bias lol
About the Monza start, the only part I have to comment on is the "double DNF if Norris hadn't backed out", because I don't think that's quite fair. It's not false, but it does make the overtake seem out of control or more aggressive than it actually was. It was a clean move, Piastri took the racing line and therefore claimed the right to the corner, which meant Norris had to concede the place. It's not really a big deal, but I see similar phrases all. the. time and it's really not that dramatic. And of course Oscar is going to prioritise himself if the team hasn't explicitly ordered anything else.
Okay, tyre degradation time! Your source isn't necessarily incorrect but it isn't the best. I really really hope this doesn't sound condescending, as that's definitely not my intention, but I wanted to write about this because I think it's very important.
Data doesn't exist in a vacuum—there's always context. Unless two drivers are on the exact same strategy and both are in clean air the data, while still factually correct, isn't fully representative. It needs to be adjusted for strategy. (I know I've seen similar graphs which are adjusted, and I can try to find them again if you're interested!)
Looking at that graph without context leads you to believe Ferrari had some of the worst tyre degradation, when actually they had among the best, which made the one stop possible. While Norris and Piastri both did two pit stops, their stint lengths weren't the same. Piastri's first two stints were longer and the last was very short. His degradation allowed him to extend the stints to get the benefit of track position and having fresher tyres at the end. Doing longer stints meant the degradation of those tyres was higher, while he still gained time by having a better average speed. A strategy adjusted graph would show both him and Ferrari as having better degradation. It's kind of similar to survivorship bias.
I'll add this picture again, just so you don't have to scroll up so far. This graph is from f1 tempo: the y-axis shows the lap time range and the x-axis shows the race lap number. Every dot shows the lap time by the driver on every lap (orange for Norris and white for Piastri). Yellow dots represent medium tyres and white dots represent hards. The spikes are the inlap and outlap of their pitstops.
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We're not talking about any huge margins, but the data still shows that Piastri's average pace and degradation was marginally-to-noticeably better than Norris's this race. But like we've already established (lol) their performances relative to each other bounce back and forth, so it doesn't really matter beyond this specific race.
I'm sorry if I'm pushing this a lot but, like you said, there's been so much drama about it and I've seen people throw around the idea that "Oscar obviously wouldn't be capable of a one stop, but Norris probably would have" so much that others have started taking it as a fact. It just annoys me because the data doesn't support that claim, even if Norris would have had free air.
Anyway, I really did enjoy discussing this with you! I'd love to be mutuals with you because you seem like a really great person, but I'm not sure if you're going to like my blog because I am 100% a McLaren hater, have zero respect for Norris as a person and do not rate him very highly as a driver, and I am sometimes a lot louder and less polite about it, just so you know. I'll let you make the call of whether you want to deal with me on your dash or not😂
The commentators being like "oh Piastri compromised Lando's race by overtaking him🥺 I don't understand why McLaren would do that to him🥺 they need to swap places🥺"
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daemonsdivorcerock · 2 years ago
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IN WHICH: a decade after the two rogues of house targaryen run away, they live a content life in pentos until they are invited to laena velaryon’s funeral on driftmark and are forced to reunite with their dysfunctional family.
PAIRING: daemon targaryen x fem!reader
AUTHOR’S NOTES: sequel to “taming of the shrew”. i advise that you read that first. also reader is described as having silver hair. meraxes, the dragon of the first rhaenys targaryen, is alive for selfish reasons/j. sorry if this is shit.
WARNINGS: incest (bucket loads), westerosi shenanigans, mentions of death, childbirth, children, daemon being daemon, otto hightower, maiming/bodily injury, angst, fighting, dysfunctional family, targaryen shit etc
“THAT’S IT, PRINCESS, ONE MORE PUSH!” the young Pentosi midwife joyfully encourage, crouching at the end of a double bed, the white sheets tarnished with the crimson blood of the Heir Who Never Was.
(Name) panted, chest heaving. Sweat clung to her brow, eyebrows knitted, eyes closed and nose scrunched as her features contorted with pain. Her hands were occupied. One gripping Daemon’s alarmingly pale one in a vice-grip and the other holding her swollen baby bump.
“I AM PUSHING YOU CHILD-LOOKING CUNT!” (Name) shrieked hysterically. Daemon covered his mouth in a failed attempt to conceal his snicker, “DAEMON, SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE NOT BEDDING ME EVER AGAIN, YOU STROPPY SMALL-COCKED GIT!”
The room was soon filled with the loud set of shrieks that the whole castle could here. (Name) began to son happily as Daemon kissed her sweaty brow. “A boy, my Princess,” the midwife happily said, holding the naked, squirming, blood-stained babe in her arms.
“It is all over now, my shrew,” Daemon softy whispered, kissing her temple lovingly, “The babe is safe. He is healthy. He is kicking like a goat. Our son,”.
Minutes later, the Rogue Prince and the Shrew of King’s Landing sat on the bed, doting on their new son. The sound of subtle whispers, odd for their daughters, came from the corridor. The door softly opened, revealing their brood of silver-haired daughters in tow with a servant, Elaine.
“Come here, girls,” (Name) beckoned, smiling happily at her daughters, “Come and meet your younger brother,”.
Their eldest, Daenerys, was mature for an almost eleven-year-old and led her younger sisters. After an encounter in a brothel in the weeks leading up to Rhaenyra’s wedding to Laenor Velaryon, (Name) refused the Moon Tea from the Grand Maester and she hadn’t regretted it.
Daenerys was the eldest of now six children. Aemma, Rhaenys, Alyssa and Rhaella followed their eldest sister. “Girls, this is your brother,” Daemon said, holding three-year-old Rhaella on his lap, whilst five-year-old Alyssa climbed onto the bed with the help of nine-year-old Rhaenys.
Seven-year-old Aemma sat closest to (Name), doting on her brother. “This is Baelon,” (Name) told the girls, gesturing to the slumbering babe in her arms, fondling smiling at the sleeping baby boy.
The girls gushed over their new brother, each getting a turn to gently hold the babe. For none of them knew what the future held for them in the days coming.
Laena Velaryon was dead. Set herself aflame after failing to give birth. The funeral was in to be held on Driftmark, as she had wanted. She’d left behind her husband, Ser Harwin Strong, and their twin daughters, Baela and Rhaena.
The funeral was teemed with tension and was a sombre occasion as Laena’s stone coffin was lowered into the sea. Laena’s mother Rhaenys looked devastated. Ten years it’d been since (Name) had seen her family. And much had occurred in ten years.
Alicent had bore her father two more sons, Aemond and Daeron. Rhaenyra had bore three sons, Jacaerys, Lucerys and the infant Joffrey, who were in no method possible Laenor’s biological children and had an, as Daemon put it, “entirely coincidental and unmarked resemblance to the Commander of the City Watch”.
After the initial funeral procedures, (Name) had noticed how the girls had made Baela and Rhaena smile a little and how her daughter Rhaenys had taken a shining to Aemond. Daenerys and Aemma were in deep conversation with Helaena. The interactions made her smile.
The girls had yet to meet their cousins, Jace, Luke and Joffrey. Or their aunt, Rhaenyra. Rhaella clung onto (Name)’s skirts, hiding behind the thick, black velvet of the dress’ material.
Baelon was a heavy sleeper, currently residing in his mother’s arms, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took and gave. She’d reunited with her cousins, Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon, offering her sympathies for what happened to Laena.
As children and teenagers, (Name) had shared a sweet friendship with Laena, comforting her after the events at the Heir’s Tournament all those years before. They’d danced at the celebrations for Laenor and Rhaenyra’s wedding ceremony.
Her father looked terrible. His hair had thinned and he looked frankly horrible. Yet, he somehow gave his eldest daughter a smile. “(Name),” Viserys spoke. His voice sounded heavy as if it pained him to utter the word, “It is…good to you, my daughter,”.
(Name) gave him a half-curtsey, careful not to wake Baelon. “As it is equally good to see you, father,” she spoke, half-smiling, “Ten years. It certainly has been a long time,”.
Daenerys, Rhaenys, Aemma, Alyssa and Rhaella trailed behind their rogue of a father. “Brother,” Daemon greeted, “Time hasn’t been too kind on you,”.
(Name) thought he’d be upset but Viserys laughed slightly at Daemon’s comment. “These are your granddaughters,” (Name) said, “Daenerys, she is ten. Rhaenys is nine. Aemma is seven. Alyssa is five. Rhaella is three,”.
Viserys fondly smiled at each of his granddaughters. “They have their mother’s beauty,” the King mentioned. (Name) noticed how he’d visibly tensed at hearing Aemma and Alyssa’s names but smiled, “Is this my grandson, who cried a little during the precessions?”.
Daemon smirked. “His name is Baelon,” he casually mentioned, causing the king to visibly tense again, “After Father. He was born but three weeks ago,”.
“That was around the same time as when Joffrey was born,” a voice chimed in. Rhaenyra, with her sons,“Sister. Uncle. It is good to see you both again. And meet my nieces and nephew,”.
(Name) was elder than Rhaenyra by a year. Their relationship soured when Rhaenyra was named the heir to the Iron Throne, despite (Name) being Viserys’ eldest child. “Sister,” she smiled, “Those must be my nephews. Jace, Luke and…Joffrey, he’s inside, is he not? They will be good knights, so…Strong,”.
Viserys’ face blanched. Rhaenyra glared whilst the boys looked confused. “Do not take is as an insult, boys,” (Name) spoke in a manner that bordered on mocking, “It is good to be Strong, is it not, sister?”.
Daemon began to snicker. (Name) handed Baelon to Viserys, who held him in his remaining arm. (Name) sharply elbowed Daemon in the ribs, causing him to spill his cup of wine slightly.
Rhaenyra huffed, walking away to speak to Laenor. Luke followed Rhaenyra suit. Jace lingered. “Aunt,” he asked, catching (Name)’s attention, “May I ask you something?”.
“Of course, dear boy,” (Name) spoke, smiling at the brunette boy, “You may ask me whatever you wish,”
“Mother will not be honest with me about this matter…” Jace spoke, nervously fiddling with his fingers, “Am I a…bastard? Is Ser Harwin my father?”.
(Name)’s eyes widened in horror. Was Rhaenyra truly planning to put a bastard on the Iron Throne? She always knew her father was metaphorically blind, but not this blind. She was blatantly aware of her father’s favouritism to Rhaenyra. But she never knew it was this bad.
“Yes,” she spoke quietly, “I cannot believe your mother is not being honest about this to you. Harwin Strong is your father. Laenor is not your father. Nor is he Luke or Joffrey’s father. I am so sorry, dear boy,”.
Earlier in the day, whilst Daemon was holding Baelon, (Name) found herself skulking around in black velvet after Laena’s casket had been lowered into the ocean.
“Hand turns loom…” the dreamlike voice of her younger sister, Helaena Targaryen, uttered, letting a spider crawl across the skin of her hand, “Spool of Red…Spool of Black…dragons of flesh…weaving dragons of thread,”.
(Name) crouched next to Helaena. “Sister,” Helaena greeted, smiling at her older sister, “May I tell you something?”.
The older woman smiled at her younger sister. “Of course, Hel,” (Name) spoke, “Anything,”.
As an infant, Helaena was restless and cried with her whole being unless she was held by (Name). “I have…strange dreams,” Helaena confessed, “And those dreams…become real as time goes on…do you think that is normal?”.
(Name) placed a hand on Helaena’s shoulder. “My dear Helaena,” she spoke, catching Helaena’s attention from the spider, “It is. You see…many years ago, before the fall of Old Valyria, our ancestor, Daenys, had a dream. She dreamed of the fall of Old Valyria two and ten years before it actually happened,”.
Helaena’s eyes widened, beckoning her sister to continue. “As Targaryens, we are known for our ability to ride dragons. Some Targaryens had the ability to dream of the future. Dragon Dreamers. I am a Dreamer, just like you. My sister, don’t ever let Aegon make you feel inferior without your consent. You are a marvel,”
The sun was barely setting when she discovered a horrific sight. Otto Hightower, who’d been reinstated as Hand of the King, was roughing up Aegon, who was half-drunk and slumped against the wall.
“Just what do you think you’re doing, Lord Hand?” (Name) spoke, glaring at hole into Otto Hightower’s soul. Her voice had a frightening steeliness to it.
Otto bowed. She truly resented Otto, as a man and as Hand of the King. “Princess,” he greeted, “There is nothing to see here. I suggest you rejoin Prince Daemon inside,”.
She scoffed. “I would rather feed myself to Meraxes than listen to a word you have to say,” (Name) spat, folding her arms, “I know a few dragons who would gladly set you alight, akin to a torch. Caraxes, Meraxes, Vermithor and Silverwing, for instance,”.
Otto visibly tensed. He bowed and walked past her. “Sister,” Aegon drunkenly slurred, as (Name) heaved teenager up from the ground, “-Nice to see you again! I missed you!”.
“I missed you too, Egg,” (Name) smiled to the boy, placing his arm across her shoulders for support and guiding him up the stairs. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed, sweet Prince,”.
It was the late evening when (Name) had been approached. The events following Laena’s funeral had been drastic. Young Aemond had claimed Vhagar as his mount, causing a fight between him, Jace, Luke, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Aemma, Baela and Rhaena.
It was an honest accident when Daenerys maimed Aemond and caused him to lose and eye. Alicent understood that. What she did not understand was that it was in defence of Jace and Luke’s legitimacy.
It’d blown up into a full-blown fight between Rhaenyra and Alicent, one of which had come at the other with a Valyrian Steel Dagger belonging to Aegon the Conqueror. (Name) had stepped in and gotten cut across the bridge of her nose.
There was a sharp knock at the door, catching both the attentions of the Rogue Prince and the Shrew of King’s Landing. “Enter,” (Name) spoke. The doors opened, revealing the visage of Otto Hightower.
Daemon blanched. “Lord Hand,” he bitterly spoke, “Have you come to darken our door for the ordeal earlier?”.
Otto sent a steely glare Daemon’s way, causing the Rogue Prince to mockingly smirk at him. “I have not, Daemon,” Otto spoke. Alicent stood behind him, guiltily staring at (Name), “I have come to speak to Princess (Name),”.
This caught (Name)’s attention, who was rocking Baelon softly in her arms, their daughters had since retired to the guest chambers with Baela and Rhaena hours prior. “Speak plainly, Lord Hand,” (Name) commanded coolly, briefly making eye contact with Ser Criston Cole, “What brings to you my chambers at this time of night?”.
“I believe we are…aligned,” Otto mused, adjusting the pin on his emerald-coloured lapel, making Daemon scoff, “In our beliefs in regards to the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons and the line of succession,”.
He was putting salt into the all the right wounds. (Name) was still evidently bitter about her younger sister being named heir over her and her plans to put her bastard son on the throne.
“My father is a fool,” (Name) confessed, softly stroking Baelon’s silver-coloured tufts of hair, “Nothing would change that. He is blind to the truth. Rhaenyra is his favourite child and nobody can deny that. He cannot accept the truth that Jace, Luke and Joffrey are bastards,”.
Otto smirked. “What if it did not have to be that way?” Alicent asked. This made (Name) glance at her stepmother, “What if another were to inherit the throne after the King’s passing?”.
“How would you like to be Queen, (Name)?” The Hand of the King quickly asked, making (Name) glance at Daemon, holding Baelon closer to her chest.
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hiddenlife-manager · 3 years ago
Hii, can you do a Nsfw Alphabet Odasaku, please?
Odasaku NSFW Alphabet
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Buy me a Coffee
There are going to be SPOILERS!!!
I love this man so much the reason why my standards are so freaking high. ( SPOILER )A man who is willing to take care of children he isn't biologically related and would die for them ugh!
A = Aftercare (After those moments how are they)
Okay, there are some bungou stray dogs characters not the greatest at aftercare or just never does it and this man is not part of that group. His aftercare is not the best but it isn't the worst. He will always be there wiping down your body with a soft towel he just bought. He would also get up and make your food to eat if you are hungry.
B = Body Part ( Favorite body part from them and you)
He is an ass man and there are reasons as to why. One you can grip them during sex for support, two you can kiss such an ass and well it is soft. Well, that is what he loves about an ass yet if you don't have that it won't bother him any ass is an ass.
C = Cum (How much do they cum, headcanon of their cum, anything!!!!)
Oda is in the category of the average amount of cum only reaching around 3.35 ml which isn't much but enough. His cum has a little sweet hint to it while most men are a bit salty or metallic. Where he cums though is almost always your belly he isn't sure about cumming in you for most of the relationship.
D = Dirty Secret (Something no one else knows but them)
More like a dark secret of the both of you, there is a video recording of the two of you fucking. This sex tape is so embarrassing for him even if on multiple occasions he thinks you are the hottest in it. He just can't believe he did that.
E = Experience (What have they done before you? Do they even know what they are doing?)
Eh had some flings here and there not really the type to have a long-term sexual relationship. He did once go out with a girl because Dazai wanted to go out with the other twin. That did end with him having a night with the girl and well he was tied to the bed and had a knife to his throat he vowed never to go on a double date with Dazai.
F = Favorite Position (self-explanatory)
This man is all about being simple and vanilla and that is what you love about him. Of course, his go-to is a missionary and he gets that it is simple and basic so he also really enjoys Plain. Though the name is pretty much calling it simply the fact that your ass is slightly up for him to fuck behind.
G = Goofy (Serious during it or maybe be cracking jokes midway)
Midway he can be serious and on some points, he can be a bit of a jokester typically will crack jokes when you are nervous or he is. If that isn't the case then it'll be a bit more serious.
H = Hair (Are they clean-shaven, taken care of, length?)
For once a guy who doesn't trim even if someone asks or even goes bare. He will go full natural and you better like it. The color is almost aburn beautiful and just ugh! Seriously the hair on his balls is extremely pretty.
I = Intimacy (In a romantic view how are they during it)
He lacks being romantic with many tries he will attempt but he is so busy already that being romantic in bed is hard for him to remember. Don't get him wrong maybe on valentines day he will set the bed up for you with roses, comfortable sheets, and candles.
J = Jack Off (A headcanon of them)
I don't see him as a man to jack off most of it is that he holds a lot of respect to you that if he jerks off with you on his mind it makes him feel extremely dirty. This being said the only times he does is when you send him photos.
K = Kink (Things they are super into, maybe even more than one)
Anal now I have mentioned how he loves a good ass quite a bit and I am right for that he loves an ass. So the idea of penetrating an ass is extremely erotic to him. Of course, it is on the low spectrum of erotic still hot to him.
L = Location (Where would they do it)
Anywhere in your apartment. He doesn't mind anywhere in your apartment. As long as the both of you are comfortable he is fine with it. He does have a preference for soft beds or couches anything soft and that is where he most likely will fuck you.
M = Motivation (What is getting them in the mood)
At times you wear lingerie and that makes him turn red in the face. The fact that you went out to buy fancy underwear is lovely. When you wear lingerie you are always calling for a day off the next day.
N = NO (Would not do at all no matter what, or like a complete turn-off.)
Child play and I hate mentioning this "kink" but for him, it is totally understandable. He hates the idea of anyone acting at an age that isn't theirs and also he has children he really cares for. Why would he find it attractive an adult dressing like a kid?
O = Oral (Enjoy it, giving or receiving. Skill, or even headcanon of it)
He isn't really the one receiving the one thing he is good at is giving oral. He believes that giving oral shows how much he cares for you that he is putting so much effort in pleasuring you not just himself in the process. The full focus is on you.
P = Pace (How fast are they)
In the middle too slow will make him feel like it is a waste of time. He cares for you but his life outside of you requires his focus as well. Don't get upset about it he won't go so fast that it makes you feel like you haven't reached your peak.
Q = Quicky (Would they do it or nah. How and more)
Though quickies are meant to save time he doesn't like it because it still takes time to even do. So at that point have a full session with you instead. That is kind of him. He also sees quickies as something Dazai would do and would try not to do it.
R = Risk (Are they okay with something new, would they take a risk)
Not at all, this man avoids risks. There is something about risks he feels uneasy about. He likes your sex life with him and doesn't want to change it. Even if you want to take a risk he probably will stop you and make you think about it if it is reasonable or not. There is one risk though but that is for later.
S = Stamina (How long can they last? How many rounds?)
Three rounds max won't go over it. Three is his max only because he cuts himself off. He needs his time to be spent a bit more reasonable you are a reason but also can you handle it. Many factors contribute to his max of three rounds.
T = Toy (Do they use them, have them. Use them on themselves or partner?)
Won't shame you for using them at all. He might even buy some for you when you are next to him. he understands he won't always be there, something that will help you relieve yourself is not so bad.
U = Unfair (Do they tease and how much.)
I feel like some people refuse to do so while others aren't like that and will. Odasaku is always in the middle he just is so normal that it is amazing. He will be a bit of a tease like telling you that your beautiful moans should be heard by the neighbors or talking about your lingerie. So he will tease you but it won't be like degrading or anything.
V = Volume (How loud are they?)
There are grunts here and there but he won't be the most vocal-like Ranpo or Sigma or too quiet like Mori. He is going to let some grunts because of how well you take him or treat him. He won't be so silent because it isn't fair for him to tell you to let your moans out if he doesn't do it.
W = Wild Card (Something shocking or random about them)
Pretty into sexting. Sexting is something he strangely enjoys where you send pictures of yourself or even videos of you masturbating. He won't outwardly admit the fact he enjoys sexting but he won't tell you to stop sending it. The only risk he will take.
X = X-ray (What is down there?)
This man radiates big dick energy like some Bungou Stray Dog characters are average he is big dick energy for his kindness. (A shame he dies). His dick soft is 6'4 inches I know that is huge for soft and for erect he is 7'3 inches. His dick has veins going around it and they are out there his girth is 5' inches.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Not that high he won't have a high sex drive because his focus towards work is a bit stronger than sex. He will fuck you when you want and he has time but if you aren't asking he won't really think about it.
Z = ZZZZ (How fast do they go to sleep afterward?)
Once you are asleep he will go back to clean up the mess while you lay there naked in bed. He is cleaning up the area putting all the clothes thrown around in a laundry basket and whatever lube is left out in the drawers. Once he is done cleaning he might go to sleep if not he'll head over to the bar and get a drink to think.
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So here's the true story that happened to me and my friends the other night, and I'll be sharing it at the open mic tomorrow!!
Us three friends decided to visit the graveyard, three nights before Halloween. It was one in the morning, Jess as well as Trip were drunk, but myself sober. Surprising, considering I was dressed as a Viking, and known for drinking mead.
Nonetheless, they’d both explored this graveyard on multiple occasions. Gravestones from over 200 years ago stuck up, some dilapidated and falling over. They weren’t the oldest graves I’d stepped on. I had been on some from the 1500s years ago at my aunt’s farm. However, all these were new to me.
Immediately, upon leaving my car, the air felt heavy, and cold, despite being 70 degrees. Presences filled the land around me, and I hesitated.
“The reverend is over there,” Jess told me, pointing to the distance.
I could have sworn I’d seen a shadowy figure kneeling at a grave.
Shaking the feeling off, I followed her point to a location we couldn’t make out in the pitch black of night.
“He’s got a gigantic cross and the biggest grave,” she said.
I gulped. A gay trans pagan crossing the holy ground of a reverend? From the 1800s when being gay was so blasphemous that you’d be killed, not to mention paganism had been nearly wiped out, and also worthy of the most brutal heretical death? I almost doubled over in fear. If there was one thing I wouldn’t fuck with, it wasn’t ghosts. It was churches, and especially the dead who were associated with them. I carried an air about me of everything unholy just for existing…
Together, Trip, Jess, and myself, walked through the beginning of the graveyard. Things seemed normal, but she and Trip warned me, there is a lurker who would follow us around.
The hairs on my arms stood up beneath the gauntlets I wore, and goosebumps covered my body. I barely breathed while we three wandered forth, into the pitch black night, lit only by a nearly full moon and the reflection it had on the clouds above.
As we traversed, more figures appeared within the corners of my vision. Some walking, some just standing, one scampering on all fours across the ground before disappearing behind the grave next to it. I simply nodded, refusing to put energy toward them. However, a suppressive, cold air surrounded us all, and I spoke out. “I’m cold,” I said. My friends knew I was never cold, especially in thick armor and multiple layers of furs on a 70 degree night.
Trip began shivering, rubbing his arms and letting his teeth chatter.
Something was absolutely following us.
We continued despite this, some areas warmer than others, but footsteps followed us. I kept glancing over my shoulder, looking to see what was there, only to find more shaded figures in the corners of my eyes still lurking. But nothing directly behind us. Pebbles moved all around despite there being no wind whatsoever.
Jess led us across several graves, one decorated for Halloween. We smiled at this, cute little ghosts and a jack-o-lantern surrounded by a faux gate sitting before the headstone. All three of us were careful not to step on those melded into the ground itself, but rather around them.
Never desecrate the deceased. Never dishonor them.
From here, we entered a pathway leading to the reverend. Following it precisely, we found ourselves standing before a gigantic wooden cross reaching at least twenty feet into the sky, and a tall grave which looked like it could be a mausoleum in and of itself. The air felt less suppressive, but still hesitant.
At least I knew I was hesitating…
Jess pulled out her spirit box, a device that allows the deceased to talk to us. And immediately, we got a male voice saying, “Hello.”
“Hello,” I said. “I know I’m a very blasphemous person by nature of what I am, but I promise from the depths of my soul, I mean no bad. I just want to say hello.”
“Go away,” he told me immediately after this.
I stumbled backward. I was expecting something, but not such a harsh response.
Jess spoke up. “Do you want us to go away?” she asked.
“Sure,” the same voice responded.
I looked down at my feet, and nodded. “S–sorry…” I told him. “I really didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted to say hi…” And suddenly, the air became cold and heavy again.
All of us calmly continued walking onward, and suddenly, responses flooded the box. “Sit!” they said. “Sit! Sit! Sit!”
“We’re not going to sit,” Jess said politely.
“I feel them. Their untold stories,” I told her. “I want to know them all…”
“It’s kind of sad, isn’t it?”
I nodded. “Yeah…”
Nonetheless, we all continued walking. Suddenly, Trip paused. We asked if he was ok, to which he said, “No. I’m going to throw up.”
Hungover, I realized, and patted his shoulder gently as he wretched forward, spewing horrible bile from his mouth. He stood up. It was over a stump he’d gotten sick, not a grave. Nothing had the right to be pissed at us for that.
“We should get back to the car, then,” I told him.
Jess agreed, so we began walking back.
More pebbles rolled far away from us, despite there being nothing visible, and no wind. The air was still, cold, oppressive, and I continued hearing more footsteps.
“Sit!” said the voices through the box again. “Sit! Sit!”
“No, we aren’t going to sit here,” Jess told them once more, and we made our way to the central point of the graveyard where there were two benches, and a small glass pavilion. There, we all sat.
Or at least Jess and I did. Trip immediately kept walking, as though something was following him and he tried to escape. He made his way around it, and disappeared for a moment.
“Trip?” we called out.
“Trip? You alright?” I asked.
Pebbles moved behind me, and shadowed figures continued walking as a voice said, “Blood,” through the box.
There, Trip reappeared from behind the glass. He made his way forth, eyes distant and glazed over.
“There were footsteps coming from that direction,” he said, pointing to a place we didn’t walk.
“I know,” I told him. “I didn’t want to scare you by saying anything. You ok?”
“Let’s keep heading back, then.”
And together, we continued onward, back toward my car, careful as we cut through the graves to another pathway that we didn’t step on any stones. But as we walked across the final paved road to my car, I spoke out again. “I see stuff over there.” I pointed to the right.
A voice came through the box: “To the right,” he said. Different from any other voice we’d been hearing. And I gave a single nod as something ran past the field, entirely empty otherwise.
Finally, I saw my car. Taking one step toward it, off the pavement of the graveyard, something swiped at my fur wraps and grabbed the right one, and a distinct feeling of a hand on it disappeared within moments. I turned around at this. “Something just tried to grab my leg,” I said.
Jess also turned around. “It’s the lurker,” she told me. Looking into the distance, she said, “You aren’t going to follow us home. Ok? You have to stay here.”
The air freed itself up, returning to how it was before we’d arrived in the graveyard. Warm, humid, 70 degrees. And with that, the three of us entered my car.
Jess lit palo santo, or at least tried to. As I backed out, it wasn’t lighting. The moment we crossed the threshold of the graveyard, it suddenly caught alight, and she waved it around a little. “That was weir–Magnus? Don’t freak out, but do you see something in the rear view mirror? Or the side mirrors?”
I nodded, taking a brief look as I saw a shaded figure there, lurking in the rear view. “Yeah,” I said, driving down the dark, unlit road.
We ignored it, and eventually, it left. But its air still remained until we arrived at Jess’s house… And only then did it go away…
Can't wait for a few hours from now, where I get to host an open mic for my club while dressed as a Viking in plate armor and everything.
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sugaredraspberries · 4 years ago
MLQC Victor - NSFW abc headcanons (REMASTERED)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: Explit sexual content (GN READER)
it's what I posted a while ago, but better - I changed some things, I deleted some thing and wrote new. I think it's much better now
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A = Aftercare (What they are after sex?)
Victor is a man that has his values straight
You are the most important part of his life (even if he sometimes struggles to shop it) and he will do anything for you… and only for you
Other people don’t matter. He only takes what he wants and leaves.
But you - his sweetest, dearest, little love… can ask anything and everything (well, almost - see N).
You crave massages? He will buy the most luxurious oils on the market, might even take a course to perfect his skills to give you more pleasure
Want to take a bath? He will have a bathtub installed if he doesn’t have one already
Pillowtalk, kissing, snuggling, another round? No need to say it twice. He leaves to please you
When it comes to him, he likes to pull you close and tell you all the things he has no courage to say at any other time
Leave no space for misunderstanding in the department of his unconditional, boundless, eternal love and devotion for you
Tell you just how happy he is to have you and how everything is worthless in comparison to you
After he makes sure you’ve been pleasured throughly already, he will want to share a shower
And make no mistake - he will wash you. You can wash him too, if you want, but taking care of that pretty body of yours is his responsibility
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is his waist
It wasn’t easy to get that V shaped body and he is extremely proud of this accomplishment…
Especially when he sees your hungry gaze roaming his torso up and down
And you… He couldn’t possibly choose one part
Beautiful legs, rounded butt, soft abdomen and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile
That would be your thighs when it comes to the sexual aspect
You have such a delicate skin there. So suckable. Kissable. More plush than any pillow could ever be
He feels so secure and at ease when they squeeze around his head as you ride his face.
The sound of his hips slapping against them - heavenly
Not much can make him calmer than your lovely, plump thighs
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
It should come (hihihi) as no surprise that he loves to spill inside
It’s so intimate… Bonding…
Doesn’t really like to cum onto you for reasons he himself doesn’t really understand
It just feels… somewhat degrading? And he doesn’t like it that way?
Then again cuming into your mouth is a strong YES. Maybe it’s because of how enthusiastically you take him in
How you collect all the spill from your chin and lick it off your fingers like it was some kind of delicious delicacy
That sight makes him hard all over again…
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory - a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a folder of your photos on his computer
Some of them were taken with consent… Some without you realising…
Because you were in his bed sleeping in your naked glory… And he could only stop himself the first, like 20 (?) times
He sorts them by aesthetic and cuteness/sexiness
Jacks off to them when you’re not around
Most of them are very artistic. He tries his best to make them as good as the ones he was using before you… (see J)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He slept with a few girls in college, but he saw it only as ‘taking care of his sexual needs’ - no real feelings included
He had one dedicated booty call - a girl who fell in love with him despite him saying that he only only sees her for sex
That period really allowed him to explore his sexuality
So he knows what he likes and what to do, so his partner likes it too
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Everything when he takes you from the back
He’s rather keen on yanking hair, slaping ass…
But when it comes to the person he loves - you, he likes to face each other during sex
He wants to kiss your face, neck and chest. Nuzzle his face into your abdomen while he’s going down from his height
Your legs thrown over his shoulders so he can slap his hips against your soft thighs
Or legs pressed to your sides, hands gripping your thighs
And he can’t even attempt to lie he doesn’t absolutely love when you sit on his lap… or get on top in general
Or when your thighs grip his head when you 69 on the couch while ‘watching’ a movie. Your lips sloppy around him as his tongue pleasures you with most precision and dedication
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
No goofy.
If they start to joke around, they get spanked. HARD.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Victor is a passionate swimmer, so most of his body is hairless
But he doesn’t shave his pubes. Finds it weird to be completely bare down there and the first time he had sex with a completly hairless girl, he was a bit taken aback with her baby like smoothness.
Only trims them with a ‘pubes razor’ which is his old razor that he doesn’t use for face anymore, because he got a better one from his aunt for Christmas
Carpet matches the drapes
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
No goofy.
Only love and eternal devotion.
He will caress and leave kisses all over your body. Keep you close in the warmest and most loving embrace
No dummies or idiots in bed. Only treasures and loves
Almost like he’s trying to make it up to you for his tendency to be so aloof on a daily basis
The sweet talk doesn’t stop there, but I already said everything about it in A
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
This man didn’t have time to waste on women when he was building his empire, so he naturally spend quite a lot of his life masturbating instead of having sex
He doesn’t really enjoy porn, though. It’s too cartoonish for him. He much prefers to look through lingerie commercials or nude photoshoots - the more artistic the better
After he reunites with you, he starts to feel all that pent up sex tension and starts to jack off almost every day
Thinking about you. Looking at photos of you. Carving you with every small bit of his being
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
First of all - seeing his partner being pleasured. Either by him or by a vibrating toy plugged into them or pressed against their sensitive spots. He doesn’t even pump himself watching. He’s way too consumed with the enticing sights
Double penetration. His huge dick in one whole, dildo in another… Just thinking about it gets him going
He can’t deny himself at least some manhandling (if you consent - obv). Although he doesn’t go full on dom every time (at least with you) he seems to be unable to deny himself some hair pulling and choking... Although he almost does it lovingly? Spanking and whipping will surely also happen from time to time. Can get very rough when jealous
Also a slight daddy kink. When he hears it slip past your lips in the form of a joke - he feels some strange tingling in his groin and it’s not a venereal disease
If you sit on his lap, make a cute, helpless expression and ask daddy to play with you… It just turns him into a primal animal with no self restraint
That he kinda always seems to be
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Where nobody can hear them
Or see them
Anywhere with a stable surface really, but he needs to know you will have full privacy
Would never agree for public sex
All the sweet sounds and expressions he makes you do are his and only his to experience
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
Stress, irritation, anger, hurt… Sex is a great way for him to gat this weight of his chest since he doesn’t really like to think those negative feeligs through
Or any feelings, if we’re at it
A nice butt is also a motivation, especially when it’s attached to a fine pair of legs
But both of these factors aren’t a guarantee of a turn on and even if they have that impact on him, he still will most likely not act on it
What he really struggles to control is a real attraction that reaches what’s beyond physical
A beautiful, hardworking and open-minded person is something Victor finds hard to ignore
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
No sharing
No blood play
No permanent marking
Nothing too forcefull or aggressive
No sex before assigning boundaries and exchanging preferences
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I already said In B, Victor is an oral lover
More into giving than receiving, but would never push his lover away
(you can always 69, right?)
The man is humming in pleasure as his tongue slides along your sex
Is more than willing to go for hours if only you let him
The more you moan the more intense his movements become
His main goal is to please
The secondary one is to be the best at yet another thing
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He has two base modes
One: I love you, my sweet creature - all about measured, unhurried but hard thrust. True, pure love-making
Two: Little girls don’t get a say in how daddy fucks them - you’re tearing up, sobbing, drooling and he gets even more turned on by it. Fucks harder and faster then you both believed possible. Years of engaging in sports come to show themselves
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He will participate when the occasion occurs
Might even initiate an occasion
But it’s not really sex for him. It’s a quickie
And when compared to the real love-making with you… it’s just meh
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
When it comes to taking risks, I believe I already made it clear that he isn’t too into that
If someone walked in you, it would be very upsetting for him
If you got accidentally hurt would break his heart
But experiment he would happily
New toys, new positions, new kinks… He will try anything once
Well, almost anything (see N)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
We all have our better and worst days, and this man has a whole company to run. It’s only natural for him to be tired
So usually he won’t last for more than one round. Maybe 3 on weekends
But will last a while if he sets a slower pace (see P)
On vacations however, after a few days of rest his stamina will increase dramatically
Have you seen this guy’s torso? Exactly
He has some stamina to spare
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not against, although he prefers to experiment with positions that to experiment with toys
Will probably never propose any, except when he knows his partner is into such things
If you do - Victor will do his research and find something exciting for you to enjoy
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He really is not patient enough for that
Doesn’t have time for it either
Why would he even want to? They’re unsatisfied = he’s unsatisfied (as I mentioned in K)
He sees no appeal in it. When he wants to fuck, he wants to fuck. No reason to beat around the bush
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Victor can be a bit more talkative than usual during the foreplay
Throughs some praise (a lot of it)
Tell you about his feelings (but not too much at that point)
About things that made him jealous…
A quiet Fuck may leave his lips when he enters you and when he’s about to come
In the middle of those two - he’s rather silent
Not much of a moaner
He grunts and growls a lot though. Can get a little bit loud from time
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
It was a sunny, autumn day. You were walking down the street. You’re fingers entwined. The sunlight was gracing your beautiful features so gorgeously… and he had already been yearning for so long
When you’ve finally reached the Souvenir’s door, the man is all worked up
Not that you could tell from his steely expression
But you sure got suspicious when he got all touchy feely out of the sudden
Not that you would ever mind - obviously
Feather light kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. Fingertips caressed your waist to then slide down to your hips. Then he reached for the hem of your dress…
“I love you…” he whispered in your ear
Goosebumps momentarily appeared on your skin as all the intense feelings he had been making you experience from the very day you saw him for the first time in his office travel down your spine in a form of a intense shiver
You wanted him. So bad. For so long.
And there was no hiding his feelings for you at that moment as you turned your head to face him
Soon after stomach was pressed against the kitchen counter. Your naked butt was all out on display for Victor to squeeze and spank as you squirmed and moaned under his touch
Victor didn’t take any unnecessary time to move his long, broad fingers down, to stroke your sensitive slit
He praised you for being so wet, so flushed, so eager for him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
“I love you, too” you whispered to his ear as his arms pressed you as close to his body as possible, while you were still going back from your highs
And after that, from his lips slipped the words of the most sincere adoration… and true love
Words you would never expect to leave his beautiful, soft mouth
Matches the rest of the man
Long and thick
No curvature. Perfectly straight
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rather average
Ha has periods when he doesn’t even think about it
And he has ones when he can’t stop thinking about it
However he doesn’t go too much either way
Z = Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Remember what I said in S? Applies here as well
He’s a hardworking man
Simplu needs to work hard to keep his business growing and to keep his lover pleased
Then he just needs to get some rest. Don’t try to change his mind because he will
If he’s well rested however, he won’t let you sleep
Like, not a chance. You need to come at least five times. He doesn’t make the rules, sorry
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hornime · 4 years ago
hello hello!! happy 500 :D i’m a new follower and i’d like to request a pit stop (i’m pretty sure that’s the alphabet thing) with mr kenma pls and thank u <3
part of my 500 event! [CLOSED]
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warnings: 18+, timeskip!kenma, gn!reader, mentions of: filming, exhibitionism, choking, bondage, voyeurism, edging, roleplay
a/n: thank you for requesting!!!! this was super fun to write and i hope u enjoy <3
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
kenma’s competitive with himself, and that’s something that definitely carries into the bedroom. he’s analytical, so he’ll ask you questions that you really cannot take seriously after getting your brains fucked out like how many times did you cum? and on a scale from one to ten how good did that feel? although its not the traditional sort of aftercare, you know that he’s only doing it so he can make the experience better for the next time, and so far he hasn’t failed in doing so.
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
himself: his fingers. he’s gotta use them for a lot of things: clicking the mouse while he’s gaming, signing business contracts, making you cream around them, sticking them down your throat, you know, day-to-day things. he looks at his hands with pride with the way they’re able to manipulate anything—especially you.
partner: your wrists. he loves the duality; when he’s holding your forearms above your head and thrusting into you mercilessly, he gets a sort of satisfaction in how limp your wrists go, your clenched fists drooping helplessly in his grasp. but he has reverence for their strength; when you’re choking him, fingers digging into his pulse points, he can’t help but focus on the way your wrist pushes down on his collarbone, the post-sex aches there simply reminders of how he fell to putty in your hands.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
would rather cum on you than inside. let’s face it, he was probably a hentai addict at some point and got hooked on the lewd way they showed backshots, facials, and the like. also a sucker for cumming in your mouth when you give him a blowjob and making you stick your tongue out before swallowing. put on a little show of licking your fingers or your lips and he’ll instantly get hard again.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
wants to fuck you while streaming. even after graduating high school, he’s not the tallest nor the strongest, and he’s constantly getting comments like how did he bag someone as hot as ‘em? or they’re probably just in it for the money on videos that he films with you. he’s not an idiot, he knows that even if he was the world’s hottest person there’d still be hate comments because that’s just how the internet works, but he really really wants to shut them all up by pausing his game and folding your body across his desk. there’s no way in hell he’d follow through with that though, because his career—and probably both of your lives—would be ruined, but he’s not opposed to making some faceless porn videos if you’re down for that kind of thing.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
kenma kept to himself for most of his life, so while he didn’t really have hands-on experience, he did get a lot of knowledge from hentai and mangas and such (which really is a double-edged sword because no, not everyone’s nipples are that sensitive, but its fine). so he kinda had a lot of unrealistic expectations and not a lot of sexual encounters to disprove them. but when he blew up on twitch and youtube? phew this guy had people THROWING themselves at him. and so he did indulge a bit, ‘gained some xp’ and ‘leveled up’ as he’d say, before stumbling upon you.
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
when you ride him and he’s sitting up so your chests are pressed together. kenma’s the type of person to see kissing as super intimate (yes, even more intimate than literally being inside you) so he loves this position because he can make out with you. he lives for those heated makeout sessions when you’re both moaning into each other’s mouths and nipping at each other’s lips. also likes the position where either you’re sitting with your back to his chest or vice versa and getting each other off.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i feel like he’d be pretty serious at first, in the early stages of your relationship, but as you got more comfortable, his dorkiness would shine through. like, this guy plays video games for a living, alright? he’s bound to make a few dumb references while you are ‘doing the dirty’, maybe let loose his killer wario impression when things get steamy.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i feel like kenma definitely dyed his pubes blonde as part of a prank at some point so that it matched his hair LMAO. and hygiene-wise, i mean, he still is a musty gamer boy except now he’s getting paid for it. so he probably didn’t take care of it at all before really settling down with a long-term partner (cough, you). now he keeps it trimmed (and he might dye it again for kicks).
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i feel like it varies from situation to situation. depending on the mood and whatnot, he might really cling to the romance stuff and kiss you on the neck or forehead or murmur i love you, that kind of thing. other times, it might just be all about physical pleasure. it all chalks up to what kind of sex you guys are having, really.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
likes to be watched when masturbating. this pretty much goes hand-in-hand with his fantasy of railing you while streaming, but he’s a fan of either having you sit in front of him and boss him around while he’s jerking off or recording himself. also he might have posted a couple of the videos he films for you to a brand new account on twitter, accidentally blew up, and caused the hashtag #isthiskodzuken to trend for a couple weeks... oops.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
filming/voyeurism: kenma spends all his time in front of cameras, and that part of his life is just part of his sexual preferences now. would almost always be down to film a sex tape. when you guys are separated because of work or whatever, your messages are just lewd pictures and snippets back and forth. its really fucking with your data plan.
roleplay: he has an active imagination—need i say more? he’s constantly coming up with scenarios in his head and he’s definitely bought you a sexy cosplay costume on multiple occasions. i can’t see him into anything too intense like ddlg but i’m sure there’s some more milder stuff sprinkled within his sex life.
edging + bondage combo: when he’s subbing, kenma’s definitely the type who wants to relinquish all control. he just wants you to do whatever you want to him and tease him until he’s crying and begging to cum. will squirm a lot, which will eventually prompt you to tie his hands behind his back, which he realizes he likes a lot more than he thought he would.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
his office (feeds into his boss/employee fantasy) and in the bedroom, but just not on the bed (on his desk, at his gaming chair). the bed is for the more lovey-dovey sex.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
this is oddly specific, but i feel like he’s the kind of guy that’ll get really hard if you massage his hair, lull him into a false sense of security, and then wrap your hand around his neck. the moment you squeeze, his face’ll go red and the blood goes rushing to his dick.
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
threesomes or sex with other people watching. although he might be an exhibitionist, he’s pretty hesitant when it comes to actually being that vulnerable for another person. there’s a fine line between the thrill of possibly doing it with other people and then the reality of actually doing it with other people and its a line that he most likely will not cross. after all, even though he’s more extroverted than he used to be, sex is still something you still had to coax him out of his shell for.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
giving (50%): he likes the ego boost that comes with making you cum with just his mouth and, since he keeps note of the kinds of things that really get you over the edge, he’s constantly getting better at it. likes fingering even more, though, so he’ll almost always have his fingers in your hole while he does it.
receiving (50%): loves getting blowjobs while he’s gaming and his headset mic is on (exhibitionist, cough cough). his favorite time to get oral is when you’ve got him tied to a chair and are taking your own sweet time, daring him to cum at the frustratingly slow pace you’re going.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
regardless of the scene, he goes relatively slow. likes savoring the moment and likes seeing your reactions to each of his individual movements even more so he wouldn’t like rushing things.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
honestly, not a fan of them. he gets really flustered after sex, like red-face-and-heavy-breathing-and-messy-hair kind of flustered, so he sucks at composing himself. the last thing he wants is for his stakeholders to realize he got the soul sucked out of him from the burning blush on his cheeks, therefore he like sex when he can take his time with it.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
will be down to experiment if you’re clear about it. open communication is a big one for taking steps in sex because he’s not the best at reading people. so as long as you explain what exactly you want to do, sure, he’ll try it.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
not more than a couple rounds, but they will be excruciatingly long. he’ll make you cum multiple times before he takes care of himself just because he loves seeing your expression when you finish. but once he cums, there’s not much going to happen after that. baby burns out fast.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he loves ‘em and uses them at any given opportunity. he’s still a bit lazy, but does it really matter when he can just buy something to make you both feel good with minimal effort? after all, he has the money. kenma always has the latest ‘gadgets’; in fact, there’s an entire box of toys in his closet. his favorite would have to be the app-controlled vibrator—he loves using it on you as much as he loves you using it on him.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
as much as he likes making you cum, he likes seeing your face and hearing your noises more. so yes, he’s a teaser. he just loves how receptive you get when you’re begging him to touch you more, to fuck you faster, that he can’t help but drag things out longer than necessary. it’s really your fault that he does it, at least, that’s what he tells you.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
loud, loud, LOUD. kenma whimpers and his moans usually get higher-pitched the closer he gets to his orgasm. when he’s busy focusing with you, though, all that’s pouring out of his mouth is absolute filth, talking about how sexy you look and how good you’re taking him. might degrade you here and there when he sees how easy it is for you to finish with him just using his fingers—he can’t help it.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has the money and the inability to take life too seriously, so yeah, he’s ordered a silicone mold of your genitalia, whether its your pussy or your cock. its embarrassingly useful when he goes on business trips and its the one thing he never forgets to pack (he forgot his passport once but you bet he had his custom sex toy tucked safely in his luggage like the crazy bastard he is). got you a dildo in the shape of his dick for your birthday so he wouldn’t feel as weird about it.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
six and a half inches, slight curve to the left, and for lack of a better word, pretty. it sits prettily in your palm, has a pretty pink shade on the tip, and overall always leaves you satisfied. for what he can’t do with his cock, he has plenty of toys to compensate anyway.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he was pretty conservative about it at first, but once you gave him a taste of his desires and some of your own, he was hooked. what started as taking out his frustrations after a particular bad game became compounded with rewards after a particularly good game, and now he thinks of sex as a good luck charm before he even turns on his pc. so yeah, you got a pretty needy guy on your hands.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he’s out almost immediately. he puts a lot of effort into fucking you well, and i mean, he doesn’t have the best stamina despite years of volleyball. basically the pleasure goes straight into his brain, electrifies his nerves for a solid couple hours, and then the moment he cums it all just shuts down. if you make him drink some monster you’ll probably be able to fix the circuit board and get him started up again.
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