#I already know mine is gonna come out wack
malmagmafr · 11 months
Let’s Build Your Flight Rising Sona!
Breed: Determined by the breed most prominent in your den + hibden!
Gender: Determined by your gender! ENBY, gender fluid, nonconforming folks choose what feels best!
Age: Choose hatchling if you prefer sunrises, choose Dragon if you prefer sunsets
Primary Color: Your favorite FR color
Secondary Color: The color most often found in your room
Tertiary: Your childhood favorite color
Element: Your flight!!
Eye Type: If your age is an even number, choose from: Bright, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Innocent, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon. If your age is an odd number, choose from: Common, Faceted, Goat, Multi-Gaze, Primal, swirl, Unusual
You get to gene yourself however you want, mix and match to find the best look for yourself! (Also bonus points if you can find your dragon self on the AH)
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ninjago-x-lmk · 2 years
Theories I had that are headcanons/slightly canon to this AU
I'm just gonna put out on a whim here and say, if you ever reblogged a post that has the same theory as mine and it has the display name 'lilacartsmadison' that disappeared all of a sudden, then most likely that was mine, but I had accidently deleted my acc so now you can't see it...
also, for story purposes, this theory will play into the AU.
So I've seen a lot of people try to 'rewrite' Ninjago, and I definitely I understand and actually am interested in what people rewrite it as, buuut...for me, I wanna sorta 'rewrite' an inconsistency in my AU.
specifically, a headcanon I had that inspired a theory.
SO, I know that Ninjago's magic system is all wacked up and that Lloyd's connection to the elements doesn't make sense...and that's because they had to...'go with the flow' and improvise it. But I decided to fix the inconsistency and turn it canon here in this AU
so I propose these theories
1.) None of the Ninjas stood a chance with becoming the Green Ninja and it was not because of 'Destiny'
Lloyd was going to be the Green Ninja from the moment of Birth. Whatever Finnwick said in Cloud Kingdom was a lie. The Green Ninja was always going to be Lloyd.
The thing I asked myself is, what makes the Green Ninja the Chosen One? The prophecy stated that he would be the one to defeat the Overlord...But with what? And that got me thinking, that being the 'Green Ninja' meant that the Chosen One should retain the elements of creation once more, time and time again, both Oni and Dragon powers (specifically the Four Elements or at least one of them) seam to weaken the Overlord, and not just any 'Oni Power' like Garmadon's seems to be pure Oni, but specifically, the one who wields both sides of the powers, the one who wields both Oni and Dragon.
The Overlord gets weakened, by Lloyd's power the first time he is defeated, only appearing as a computer virus, all because Cyrus Borg built it in the place he died. He was shun out as a virus when the Ninja used Lloyd's power after hearing him while being stuck in the Digiverse. Zane legit apparently absorbed the power of the Golden Armor so any mere mortal could touch it. (So that would mean pre-MOTO, Lloyd, Garmadon and WU could potentially touch it?) who's to say that Zane couldn't defeat him that way all because he absorbed the powers of Creation? and in Ninjago Crystallized, again the four elements or the Dragon element defeated the Overlord, but the Oni Power did great damage to him compared to Garmadon's power.
So the key should possibly be 'One who posses the power of the First Spinjitsu Master.' and since the Elements in this world, seem to be either HEREDITARY or UP TO DESTINY and with Lloyd being FSM's grandson, it seems very likely Lloyd's powers were hereditary.
2.) All the powers of the Ninja were given to Lloyd.
The reason that the other Ninjas didn't get their powers through hereditary means, is because the powers had to return to Lloyd or at the very least be given back so that Lloyd could get the full powers of Creation. Which is why the Ninja couldn’t inherit their elemental powers. Lloyd needed the four elements in order to gain his true potential, thus, skipping the ‘original bearers’ to the true bearer. This could also be the reason that Wu had the Green Ninja Prophecy in his satchel in the first place. Wu saw that the Ninja somehow didn’t inherit their powers, and took it as a sign that The Green Ninja was coming. Which also explains another thing.
I feel like that the Golden Weapons are also related to the original elements in a sense. It is already confirmed that you can heal it from corruption if you use your respective elements and channel it. But what if the one who wields all 4 elements is the reason the Golden Weapons reacted in the first place? If Lloyd inherited all four elements, which hasn’t been done before, then it would explain how the Golden Weapons would react if the Green Ninja was near its proximity. Probably how Misako found out. How does this confirm though? Well in earlier seasons, The Four Ninja don’t have their elemental powers yet, and the first time we see the Golden Weapons react to Lloyd in the form of the Armor it glows. Granted this is just speculation and Garmadon was there with him, but what’s a theory without good speculation?
Anyways, story-wise it could try and fix the inconsistency and why the Ninja needed Lloyd to get their powers back. Lloyd as the Green Ninja inherited the powers of the Four Elements in order to become the Chosen One and defeat the Overlord.
The elements were hereditary but, with Lloyd’s birth it basically had a choice. Hereditary by the means of the bearers of the Elemental Powers or Hereditary means by the FSM.
There was no choice at the matter, honestly, I believe if Lloyd had a sibling or biological cousin, there would definitely be a choice made by the Cloud Kingdom, but since he was the only grandson to the FSM via hereditary means, he’s the only heir with Oni and Dragon powers.
3.) The reason why Gramadon nor Wu somehow can’t tap into each other’s powers.
Something that’s also bothering me that could rip a hole into the ‘Lloyd was never chosen, it was always gonna be him either way’ theory into shreds and that’s Garmadon and Wu, if Lloyd was supposed to gain both Creation and Destruction powers why him? Why not the sons themselves? My first speculation is biased…and it seems to be the case…
After all, Garmadon’s full Oni form has Dragon Wings.
But why doesn’t Wu have it? Like he could just do it?
I feel like, because Lloyd since he can control both, (There’s a theory from a tumblr user that Lloyd can control both if he’s using the Green Powers. Honestly it makes sense since, ‘The Energy powers’ have to be created then they are created to destroy) using Green Powers, without any personal bias (He just refuses the Oni form) which is why he is the Green Ninja
He has balance, he is trained to KEEP the balance, whereas Garmadon and Wu are personally biased. Wu not only using his powers less, but only using creation, and Garmadon Destruction. United, they were powerful and they were keeping balance and peace. But when they separated, the balance begun to shake off-course. With Lloyd he kept the balance in check, he did things that Wu and Garmadon could not. Balancing himself as a person and holding the responsibility as a Ninja. Thus making him the Green Ninja.
Though that doesn’t exclude the existence of ‘Destiny’ here ‘destiny’ still plays a role, making sure Lloyd becomes the Green Ninja instead of Choosing him. They had to make sure he was born, had to make sure that he was the Green Ninja. Wu and Garmadon had to be biased. The FSM had to die and Quanish had to predict the future for the Green Ninja. Perhaps…perhaps destiny did indeed choose Lloyd, but not in the way that it made it sound, Perhaps his destiny as the Green Ninja was paved and built upon, forged for his fate. But in any way…Lloyd will always be the Green Ninja, due to hereditary means and fate.
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zaenight · 1 year
Chapter 18 of crazy but she's mine
Im so Excited and Scared for the Mayans finale!
It's been 6 months since the events of Natalia kline , she will never be forgotten , that night will never be forgotten.
Jackie was showing more and more , two more months and baby reyes would be here , Illiana was excited , the happiest she's ever been since Natalia.
Ez was softly snoring , until a crash from the kitchen alerted him , As his arm stretched over the empty spot where Jackie slept , he jumped up , grabbing his gun.
Illiana woke up Early that morning Saying Becky was picking her up to put flowers on Natalia's grave.
"What the fuck?" Ez said as a loud scream was let out.
"Angel shut up!" Jackie said wacking the screaming man.
"And you! Put the gun away , and help with the Steaks." Jackie said pointing at Ez , Rubbing her stomach.
Jackie can't see her feet anymore , she sat on her comfy chair as she seasoned more Steaks , The guys decided to come over to do what they always did , drink and Party , Oh and play board games!
"You almost gave me a heart attack Querida , you didn't say anything about this yesterday." Ez said unloading his gun.
"It was a last minute thing , Illiana's on her way back with Gilly and Hank, Now go put on some pants!" Jackie said wacking his shoulder.
"No kiss?" Ez said raising a brow.
"Im gonna throw up." Angel said as he seasoned some steaks.
So Jackie did kiss Ez , On his shoulder.
"What you never said where to kiss you." Jackie laughed as Ez raised a brow , letting out a scoff , before stealing a kiss from her .
As she laughed he went to put on some clothes.
"Voy a pegarme un tiro si tengo que verlos a los dos siendo muy cariñosos el uno con el otro." Angel stated making a face.
(Im gonna shoot myself if I have to see you two being all lovey dovey with eachother)
"Dus je blijft maar zeggen: breng die steaks Angel nu op smaak!" She replied in dutch.
(So you keep saying , Now season those steaks Angel!)
"I have no Idea what the fuck you just said." Angel stated until Jackie gave him a glare , smacking a steak and telling him to start seasoning them.
A pregnant Jackie is someone you don't wanna fuck with , be afraid , be very Afraid.
Sally barked as her tail wagged , She stared up at Jackie's Pregnant belly.
"Are you Having a staring contest or somthin?" Ez said as Sally stared deep into Jackie's eyes.
"She won't leave me alone today , yestarday she was fine , but now she's watching my every move." Jackie said as Ez wrapped his arms around her gently from behind , his hand resting on her stomach.
Jackie tilted her head as Ez kissed her neck.
"You know Im gonna keep asking until you get annoyed and say yes." Ez said as Jackie grunted.
"For the Last time Ezekiel , all the other charters think im your old lady already , why do you keep asking?" Jackie rolled her eyes , turning around.
"Cause I wanna hear it from you , Camila." Ez whispered in her ear , hands on both sides of her stomach.
"Hmmm , Nuh uh." Jackie said turning around.
"Fuckin' hell Querida , Your killing me , we're raising a teen , and now your pregnant , what more do I have to do." Ez said resting his chin on her shoulder.
"That's for me to know , So impatient Ezekiel , I'll say yes , one day , I- I just love torturing you , and the look on your face , the look of a kicked puppy , is so worth it." Jackie said with a laugh , soon a small grunt as she held her stomach.
"What?, you okay?" Ez said as she turned around , Placing his hands on her stomach.
"The baby kicked , it fucking kicked , fuck! " Jackie laughed , As Ez smiled , This woman.
"We're here!" Illiana yelled entering with Gilly and hank.
Letty and Hope arrived later on , The Four girls sat talking about the baby , Illiana very excited to be a big sister.
"When you gonna marry her bro." Gilly asked Ez , who took a sip of his beer , turning his head to see Jackie laughing at Illiana's antics .
"Eventually." Ez said turning back to Gilly , raising a brow as drank his beer.
"No more details,just eventully , thats all we get." Gilly said raising his beer in the air.
"eventully what?" Jackie said causing all the men to jump.
"Jesus Querida , you can't do that." Ez said.
"Do what?" Jackie said raising her brows.
"Pop up and scare the crap out of us." Angel said hand on his chest.
Jackie rolled her eyes , Grabbing Ez's hand , she dragged him to the rest of the girls , the boys couldn't make out what was being said , but with the lovey-dovey look ez was giving Jackie , it was most likely about the baby.
Whst the guys did know , is That the monster Ez Reyes became was slowly going back into it's cage , Because Jackie vincent was a force to be reckend with , and she just tamed the beast , but if somthing happened to his girl , God help them all.
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ghosts-of-love · 2 years
SONG ANALYSIS TIME :))) Changing it up a bit here in terms of characters. You're Not Welcome by Naethan Apollo is both Cap and Pat. (still mostly cap tho)
The first fuckin verse is...i mean
I don't start fights but I'll handle you just fine Usually I'm very kind to others But I won't think twice if you step to me or mine You're a slimy little motherfucker
If that ain't Pat punching Damien idfk what is. And yeah ofc the man can get a lil annoyed sometimes but the "Usually i'm very kind to others" is literally Pat. My man out here punching a mf for Cap like the fuckin king he is <3
First half of the chorus was basically everyone at the party towards Damien (although Fanny was the one to kick him out)
Uh oh, don't you know? You're not welcome 'round here I think you should go 'Fore you cause some drama
except of course...he causes drama >:(
Uh oh, don't you know? I'm the one you should fear Talk to me if you've got a problem
Pat once again going to punch Damian. And Fanny chucking him out. (legends <3)
And now we get to Cap :)
I can't believe you used to truly scare me
Ofc this would be after everything's happened and Cap has resolved some internal shit.
You were like a ghost story told to keep me wary But I never listened, no, I slept good 'til morning And when our paths finally crossed I didn't heed the warning
This I guess is more Cap continuing to sleep with the cunt despite the fact that part of him knew Damien didn't care about him. But it's not that same tone like in Honey (BTR).
Then push, push, push, push Yeah, you pushed me to the edge I used to dread the thought of falling quickly
The pushing to edge bit reminds me of Cap finding out Damian was married and also the way he treated Cap in bed when they were "together" just using him and shit. And then the last line, Cap's insecurity about finding someone good and falling for the wrong person. (screaming and crying why do you write such good angst)
But now, I just wish that you'd send me off that ledge So I can finally fucking take you with me
Probably Cap after the party when he leaves. All those emotions and he lashes out at his new friends even tho ofc it's Damien who riled him up. He probably woulda preferred going off at Damian than his friends but when you're in emotional turmoil you can do wack shit. (get this man therapy) And also the fact he didn't wanna cause more of a scene at the party than what was already happening. (the way he comforted kitty while he was literally being choked mygod) (charlie predicted fairy godmother cap)
Anyways yeah, Pat (and Fanny) featured in a song analysis :) God those first two lines are so Pat after punching Damien. As he should. King <3
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk :)
(also i forget which but one of the 'TEDTalks' i typed out while tipsy at like 2:30am and i would've slept but i knew if i didn't send it then my ADHD ass would just be like...nahhhhh for the next several months. yeah. gonna go figure out which one it was rn)
broooo you KNOW I absolutely love your TEDTalks about song analysis!! everything fits so well with the scenes you're talking about (also I really enjoy the album cover art for the song!!)
I see the specific scenes and characters that you've noticed in Lost then Found but I would also like to raise you: Cap and Pat's early relationship/rivalry/whatever they've got going on in Adored. I just think it's got the right vibe of them driving each other absolutely crazy and also the wildly inaccurate view that they had of each other ("you were like a ghost story told to keep me wary"). It also works for Pat, "I'm usually very kind to others" 👀 because the running idea in Adored that Cap often comes back to is that Pat is So nice to everyone else but not him.
Once again, always love to read your analysis!! Thank you for sending this!! ❤️❤️
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silentsthoughts · 2 years
My Thoughts On: Prologue Chapter
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Hello everyone, welcome to this week's topic discussion on Genshin Impact!!! Originally, I was gonna wait till next week but I got too excited so that's why we're here. This week's thoughts I want to share will be about the Prologue Chapter! I know, we're going way WAAY back here but here me out, I wanted to share my thoughts about the recent chapter while it's still fresh in memory but where would be the fun in that, really? For my senior citizen/OG Genshin players out there, ya'll really know how it was back then. Times were great when we had to pick up each individual loot from every boss fights to trying to visit Diluc and/or Kaeya at their respective places (I see you Diluc and Kaeya simps out there, don't hide now). Anyways, without further ado, let's jump right into it, shall we? Before I really get into it, please don't come for me if I said something that wasn't aligned with the Prologue Chapter, it's been so long. Alright back to it.
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If I have to be brutally honest, I do have a lot of regrets on not paying attention to the Prologue Chapter. I really tried, I really did guys but I don't know what happened, something did lmao. My attention span to the chapter was so bad that I had already forgotten how Aether (since I play as Lumine) looked like and I thought that Venti was my long lost sibling. And yes, I do give you guys permission to come for me about that cause that was some wack ass logic of mine, I honestly had no idea why and how I came up with that conclusion. Every now and then, I do think about starting up a new game but I've worked too hard to get to where I am now (AR 59 BABYY!!) so all I can really do now is to just listen to the audio of the Prologue Chapter. I honestly was SUCH a big noob during the entirety of that chapter ya'll, it's near cringey when I think back to it *cringes in AR 59*, but now that I've been properly paying attention on the main story line lore, everything is starting to make sense to me. It was very hard for me to hide my amusement and ooh's and ah's during that chapter cause think about it: a mobile game that is super high quality without needing to pay for continuing the storyline, fluid animations, BEAUTIFUL soundtracks!?!? Oh hell yea, SIGN. ME. UP! Cringey and weird as this sounds but it was at that moment that I knew Genshin was gonna be my forever game, my comfort game and it still is two years later.
Again, my memories on this chapter is kinda fuzzy so please spare me on that but all I ever remembered doing during those times was just going to domains left and right and following Venti around as if he was a mad sus man (to which he kinda is, if you think it). I also remembered when we had to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel, it was very much giving Thief/Assassin's Creed kind of and I hated doing that cause I am the WORST at stealth but I was able to complete it anyway. If I remembered correctly, I think you were able to play as Diluc in one of the domains unless I'm thinking of his story quest, but regardless I did not for the life of me, know how to play as him (and I still don't now that I have him). Regardless, I just remembered that there was a lot of fighting and going back and forth. Towards the end of the chapter when we start fighting Dvalin, I was lowkey freaking out cause I didn't know how to fight him along with not knowing how to utilize Venti lol.
Just right when the chapter was coming to an end, I remember when Signora came in and I was like,"Who the fu--oh.. *lowkey blushes*" Like, please tell me everyone had the same thought, it can't just be me right? Right? And of course, at the end of every Archon Quest, we get to ask questions about our life and it did take me awhile what Allogene and Gnosis meant until I had to do further research and do the whole coming-back-to-listen-to-the-audio to finally have a good grasp on what they are and their purposes. Also, does anyone remember when Diluc was talking about the Fatui and he was like,"If I have to choose between eating a slime and (something else, forgot what he said), I would rather be crushed by a meteorite." Something along those lines but I just found it so funny cause my guy rather choose death than do any of those things lmao.
Overall, I give the Prologue Chapter 7/10. The missing three points has nothing to do with Genshin or Hoyoverse, it's more towards my lack of attention during that chapter so I would give myself -10/10. But next week, I'll be discussing about the next chapter which will be the Liyue chapter! I'm so excited to give my input on that chapter because it's still pretty fresh in memory, but it's probably simply because I DID pay attention to the story line that time. See you all next week!!
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A/N: Hi everyone, I just want to say thank you for taking your time reading this sucky review/thought of mine on the Prologue Chapter. It's been a long week at work for me, so some things probably sounded repetitive or just didn't make sense at all so I would like to apologize for that. Besides the fact that I've been kinda brain dead, I couldn't really say much because I really don't remember the Prologue Chapter at all lolol. But again, thank you all so much for reading this and hopefully I won't be too tired and dead next week cause I really want to let you guys know my enthusiasm through each chapters and whatnot. Have a beautiful day/night everyone and I'll see ya'll next week!!
P.S. My posting days might be a little inconsistent, I'm trying to get into groove of this so until I figure things out for myself, you guys will be seeing me post up on random days each week.
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“You suck cock? ‘Cause you look like a cocksucker. Get on your knees fag and choke on this hog. It’s more than a mouthful.
“I don’t get it. Every time I stop here, there’s always a faggot or two wanting to suck my dick. Even now, at 5:30 in the morning. I used to get pissed off when one of you would come round my truck. Now I see you fucking queers serve a different purpose.
“I stopped first taking a piss when I get here, cause some of you like drinking it. If you are not into it, you better pull off now. I’m sure one of the other fags would jump at the chance.
“Good. Good. Oh man I needed this. Oh fuck. You are swallowing like you’ve done this before. Of course your have. You’re a fucking faggot. I saw you get out of that semi that just pulled out of here. Did he feed you his load? Don’t pull off, just nod…. In your gut or up your butt?... Just point. You fags have no shame.
“You’ll take a load from any driver no matter how nasty he is. I know I had some cheese under my skin, but you didn’t care. Disgusting.
“Oh, this driver parked next to me by just woke up. He’s wacking off in his cab. Faggot, let’s put on a show for him. Strip naked. Don’t look in his direction. Keep your eyes on me. And don’t worry if anyone comes in. I figure any driver that pulls in this difficult to navigate vista point is here to get off. I don’t think this is the first time you have been naked here.
“I just signaled him, and he’s making his way over here. Remember, my cock is your focus….
“…Hey bud. The faggot’s mouth is mine. You can have its other hole. I should tell you that there’s a load already in there from the driver of that Freightliner that just pulled out…. Just shove it in. I can’t imagine that its hole is anything but a sloppy mess.
“…I got to nut soon, cause I have to roll in about ten to fifteen minutes…. You too? The Bufford docks?... Heh! Same here. Well let’s get this faggot loaded up. It’s not going to take me long. This is one of the better mouths I have found here. How’s the cunt?... Sloppy?... Figured. These faggots are just whores to any real man that comes along. This one at least has a useful mouth. I drained my piss in it a few minutes ago.
“Fuck yeah. Slap its ass again. Its throat spasmed around my cock. That feels good. Keep it up…. Do you feel anything around your cock when I slap its head?... Not as much as when I make it choke? Well fuck! I can do that.
“Fuck yeah! Its throat slime is making its throat feel better than my girlfriend’s pussy. This particular faggot gives much better head than her. Hell, I can smack it around, and it seems to crave it. Now I am beginning to see the draw to using these cum dumps. Now if kissing was an option with this faggot, I probably would ditch my bitch. Heh. Heh…. No, there is no way I would kiss a sewer hole. It’s taken cock after cock in its mouth. Hell I pissed in it. There’s no way I would ever consider kissing it.
“…What? You want to kiss it? …You mean me? I’ve never kissed a man. Aw, fuck, why not? …Mmmm… Fuck… Oh hell yeah. I like that. I liked that a lot.
“I’m real close. Looks like you’re ready to pop there too. Go for it. Let’s dump our loads at the same time. The fag is in no position to say no. Beside it already has cum loads in its cunt and in its belly.
“Fuck. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum! Hell yeah. Fuck yeah buddy.
“Faggot, what you think you are doing? I still have to finish pissing. And it’s going to take a few minutes for my hard-on to deflate. Just stay in place; besides, he may need to piss in you too…
“You got to piss? Do it in its sewer of a cunt. Ahh. …Feels good doesn’t it? Say, when we get to Bufford, wanna talk over some coffee while we get loaded up? By the way, I’m Alan. You are… Nice to share a faggot with you Eddie.
“OK fag. I’m done pissing here. Eddie’s done too. Hey faggot, give me your contact info. I wanna use your toilet mouth again. I’ll share it with Eddie if he wants it.
“That smile on his face says he wants to do this again. So faggot, go over to your car across the lot and write down your phone number and e-mail and bring it back to me. Here’s your car keys. You’ll get your clothes when you come back to us. Now don’t hesitate, go! Atta boy!
“Look at him walk. He’s doing everything he can to keep those loads in his cunt. That is a fucking riot. Hey, you come here often? Me neither. I only discovered it a few months ago. I haven’t done much other than blowjobs and piss play. I’m seeing that there’s a lot more to do.
“See you at Bufford’s?... What? You are going to walk away without a goodbye kiss? Heh heh. The faggot is coming back. Let’s give him a show.”
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Incorrect Quotes (Part Fourteen)
(Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine/ Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve  / Part Thirteen )
(Dividers by this person here)
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Red: If I run and leap at Thomas, they will most certainly catch me in their arms. Red, running towards Thomas: Coming in! Thomas: No! I’m holding coffee! Thomas: *Drops coffee and catches Red*
Red: Are you trying to seduce me? Thomas: Why, are you seducible?
Red: What? I'm not aggressive! Thomas: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips? Red: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
Red: Shut up, you’re messing with my train of thought! Thomas: I thought you didn’t have a brain and now you say you have thoughts?
Red I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship. Thomas: These are handcuffs. Red: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Red: So you're looking for information on this thing, huh? Well, I feel like it must be from far away. Thomas: What makes you say that? Red: If it's something even I don't know about, then I'm sure nobody else must have a clue. So it's gotta be from some faraway place. Impeccable reasoning, isn't it? Thomas: Red... You don't have a clue about this thing, do you? Red: *screams in anger*
Thomas: Being half asleep and feeling someone gently plant a kiss on your forehead is one of the purest kinds of love in the world. Red: Unless you're home alone.
Red: *closes a cabinet* *a crash is heard behind the cabinet door* Thomas: What was that? Red: The sound of someone else's problem.
Red: Thomas, what is the ONE thing I asked you NOT to do tonight? Thomas: Raise the dead. Red: And what did you do? Thomas: Raise the dead.
Thomas She couldn't find her way out of a paper bag. Red: That's not true! I found my way out of a paper bag yesterday!
Thomas: Red, what do you call people you go out with but don’t try to sleep with? Red: ...People?
Thomas: Red is restricted to decaf for the rest of this adventure.
Red: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swing set? Thomas: No, I said "Red, don't lick that swing set" and you said "Don't tell me what to do" and licked the swing set.
Red: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Thomas: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Thomas: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep? Red: Yes? Thomas: We’re in too deep.
Red: I just ended a five year relationship. Thomas: Oh no, are you okay? Red: It's okay, it wasn't mine.
Red: I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses. Thomas: The big five licenses? Red: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Red: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Thomas: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Red: Thomas, can I speak to you for a minute? In private. Thomas: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that.
Thomas: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it. Red: ...what happened? Thomas: I made a VERY bad mistake.
Red: I’m not being weird. Am I being weird? Thomas: Yes, and that’s coming from me.
Thomas: Red, you risked your life to save me! Red: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
Red: I desire moisture. Thomas: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
Thomas: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi. Red: Thomas, NO!
Thomas: *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride. Red: Actually Thomas, it’s salt. Thomas: That’s what I said, sodium chloride. Red: Uh Thomas, that would be salt. Red: *takes salt packer from Thomas* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
Red: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper? Red: I must be losing it, I'm quoting Thomas.
Red: My only talent is being stress. Thomas: Don't you mean stressed? Red: No.
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ghost-ghost-baby · 4 years
We're Just Friends! (Omega!bakugo x alpha!reader x omega!Izuku) pt. 5/5
pt 1 / pt 2/ pt 3/pt 4
omegaverse lore
lore: Once an Alpha reaches 21 they get their first rut, they’d either already have their mates or the rut will act as a push for them to get together and bond.
summary:  Reader and Katsuki have been friends for years, and everyone expects them to get together, until reader rescues an omega that lives in their building, and things get a touch more... complicated
a/n: FINALLY WE DID IT!!! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT ITS 4K WORDS!!!! ENJOY!!! general nsfw hcs will b posted at some point, gonna make a diff taglist for it tho so lemme know if u wanna b on it. Warnings: omegaverse, swearing, untraditional omegaverse roles, gets a bit spicy towards the end 
“Okay, so, we’re inviting Kirishima, Sero, Jirou, she’ll wanna bring her mate Yamomo, and Yamomo will wanna bring her bestie Shoto, of course.” you had no idea what Denki and Mina were going on about, you and Izuku were waiting in the park while Katsuki finished up an exam, and the pair had cornered you with plans for your party. Izuku had been extra clingy, he’d held your hand all the way to school, and then inched his seat closer to yours in class so he could keep touching you in any way possible, and now he was practically in your lap, arms possessively wrapped around your waist and his head on your shoulder. 
“Uh, okay, I wanna invite Shinso too, I know he’s Mr. Aizawas kid but he’s really nice, oh and Tokoyami, he might wanna bring Tsuyu-“ You were distracted, not that your friends noticed, by Izuku’s arms tightening around your waist, and you only realised he let out a growl because you felt it vibrate from his chest and into his throat. Your friends were still rambling, completely ignoring you and your mate, so you turned to Izuku with a questioning look. 
“You okay?”
“I don’t like the way Shinso looks at you, why are you inviting him?” Izuku pouted, and you shook your head, reaching up to ruffle his hair. 
“Don’t be silly, now Izuku. I’m with you and Katsuki, I’m only inviting him so he can make more friends!” Your answer soothed your mate, although barely, he’d just have to stick to you like glue for the entire party. 
“Let’s go, c’mon.” Katsuki pulled Deku up by the back of his shirt, ignoring the omegas cry of protest to offer you a hand, gripping it tighter than usual and pulling you up, wrapping his arm around your waist as soon as you were standing, Izuku grumbling as he made his way to your other side. 
“Wow Bakubro- the exam was that bad, huh?” Denki’s question was only met with a growl from Katsuki, and you shushed him before you turned back to your friends. 
“Sorry guys but you heard the man! Text me if you need any help with the party but I already told you what I want!” You waved, Denki and Mina waving back from their place on the grass, and you heard them giggle as Katsuki pulled you away, the omegas scent much stronger than usual. 
You headed right for the shower when you got home, only stopping to grab a towel, with your mates hot on your heels.
“What’re- what’re you guys doing-?” You were about to start stripping when you noticed them standing in the door, Katsuki with a frown and his arms crossed, Izuku hanging off him with an expression you could only describe as eager. 
“You weren’t planning on leaving us, were you?” Izuku pouted, and for a moment you were too shocked to speak. 
“I’m just- I’m just having a shower?” You frowned at the pair, and Katsuki let out a growl at your response. 
“Why do you have to leave us for it though, we could shower together-“
“Katsuki! Absolutely not! The shower’s barely big enough for one person, no way the three of us are squeezing in there!” You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest and staring down your mates. Katsuki was glowering at you, which you were used to, however, you were not used to Izuku’s puppy dog eyes, you never stood a chance against that. 
“Fucking fine- you can stay in the bathroom, but if you so much as touch the shower curtain I’m locking myself in my room and not coming out until tomorrow, got it?” 
“Yes alpha! Thank you!” Izuku flung himself at you, Katsuki joining less than a second later, at least they weren’t fucking growling at each other anymore. 
“I forgot clean clothes, would one of you be okay getting me some? I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.” You almost fell when they pulled away, you didn’t realise how much you’d been leaning on them, and Izuku was answering without hesitation. 
“I’ll grab you some of mine!” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before he headed off, and Katsuki couldn’t help but let out a growl, quickly following Izuku’s kiss before he went after the other omega. 
“Like hell they’re just wearing your clothes!”
The solution was Katsuki’s hoodie, and a pair of Izuku’s shorts, brought to the bathroom in record time, and both omegas looked so proud of themselves for compromising you got distracted showering them in praise and kisses for a good five minutes. Your actual shower was uneventful, although the conversation with your mates made it fly by, and you still made them turn around when you got out to dry off and get changed. Then you were being bombarded with kisses from your mates, and coos of how cute you looked in their clothes had you blushing. Then they’d ushered you to the kitchen, and Katsuki wrapped your arms around him before he started cooking, even nodding at Izuku for him to join, although he ordered the other omega to get him ingredients. Izuku didn’t seem to mind though, and he pressed kisses to your cheeks and lips every chance he got, even daring to press a few daring kisses to Katsuki’s cheek, which merely got a huff instead of the growl it would have in the past. 
“You’ve been awfully good today, Kacchan.” You’d taken to calling Katsuki by the nickname, which still got a growl when you used it, but he was so cute when he got grumpy. He couldn’t help but let out a purr at the praise, it rumbled up through his chest and even Katsuki was shocked by how loud it was, he looked like a started cat, and you and Izuku couldn’t help but laugh, something you both got yelled at for. 
“Okay guys, I’m gonna turn in for the night.” You yawned, trying to get up but being stopped by Izuku’s arm around your waist. Your movement woke Katsuki up from the doze he’d fallen into after dinner, and his red eyes were sleepily blinking up at you from where his head rested on your lap. 
“Zuku? You okay…?” You shot your mate a questioning look, and Izuku bit his lower lip as he thought. 
“Yeah, shitty Deku, they wanna go to bed, so do I.” Katsuki was finally coherent, although he made no move to get up. 
“I wanna scent you first.” 
“Huh- you scented me right after dinner-?” You were confused, and Izuku’s request had Katsuki bolting up and wide awake. 
“Yeah but- I don’t know- y-your scent it’s- it’s stronger than- than normal and-and mine just keeps wearing off and- I don’t like it when you don’t- when you don’t smell like me.” Izuku was a blushing mess by the time he finished speaking, he always got that way when scenting came up, and you leant forward to kiss him before you spoke. 
“You can scent me as much as you want, but can you do it in bed?” Your question had Izuku’s face going even redder, and the omega was too flustered to speak, which had Katsuki cackling. 
“You broke him, Y/n! Apparently scenting in bed is too scandalous for sweet little Deku.” He grinned at Izuku before turning to you, “However, I have no problem scenting you in bed, he’s right about your scent overpowering ours lately.” Katsuki finally sat up, stretching more than he needed to in order to wack Izuku over the head. 
“It’s not- not too scandalous-! Y/n, tell Kacchan to stop being mean!” Izuku whined, cuddling close to your side to rest his head on your shoulder and glaring at your other mate. 
“Oi! Don’t bring them into this!” Katsuki growled, and Izuku only smirked, maintaining eye contact with the blonde as he leant forward to bite your neck, hard enough it had you yelping and Katsuki snarling as he pulled you to him. 
“Hey- guys- what happened to- oh…” You trailed off when Katsuki started kissing from your collar up to your jaw, the blonde smirking at Izuku when you melted against him. 
“That’s so not fair-!” Izuku followed, crawling forward until he was basically on your lap and you were trapped between the two of them, with their scents almost overwhelming you. “Y/n, look at me!” You didn’t even realise you’d closed your eyes until Izuku was whining and grabbing your face, green eyes darting to Katsuki still mouthing at your neck before he leant forward and forced his lips to yours, your eyes once again fluttering closed as you reached up to wrap your arms around Izuku’s neck. His lips were always so soft, and he kissed you like you were the only thing keeping him sane. You were brought back to the present when Katsuki bit down right above your scent gland, the pain and the placement clearing your head enough that you could push Izuku off and stagger to your feet, wiping your mouth as you tried to regain control of your breathing. 
“B-Bed, guys-“ your head was still foggy, and you shook it to try and clear the haze. It worked, partially, but once it was gone you were so, so tired, you were ready to collapse. 
“Look what you did Kacchan- you ruined all the fun.” Izuku pouted, but he was rushing to your side without hesitation, wrapping your arm around him so you had someone to lean on, Katsuki only huffing and joining the two of you a moment later, shoving himself under your arm on your free side. 
“If both of you shut the fuck up and take me to bed I’ll still let you scent me, but don’t push it.” You growled before Katsuki could say anything, and both omegas shut right up at your words, bowing their heads as they practically carried you to your room.
You hit the bed with a relieved sigh, already closing your eyes before Katsuki cleared his throat, and you opened one eye to look at him, a moment passing before you realised why both your mates were just standing there staring at you. 
“Oh, right, sorry!” You pushed yourself back up, automatically baring your neck and almost giving your mates an aneurism at the sight of you. Katsuki all but jumped on you in his eagerness, quickly smothering your startled noises with a kiss before he rubbed his wrist on his own neck and then rubbed his wrist over almost every inch of you, until you were completely covered in the smell of caramel. 
“Don’t hog them!” Izuku was next to you just as Katsuki finished, and he shoved Katsuki out of the way so he could proceed to scent you too, although he chose to rub his scent gland directly over yours first, and you almost pulled back with a yelp from how intense it was. You somehow held it together until Izuku was satisfied that his and Katsuki’s scents were even, although the omega took over ten minutes, thankfully for most of it he was doing the same as Katsuki, but your eyes were still drooping closed by the end, and you would have fallen back if Katsuki hadn’t moved behind you to help prop you up, his arms wrapped low around your waist. 
“Are you almost done, Deku? They’re practically asleep in my lap.” You could hear the smirk in his voice even if you couldn’t see him, and Izuku only huffed in response, although his eyes softened when you offered him a sleepy half smile. You looked so sweet, eyes lidded and face flushed, was this what you’d look like when- 
“Oi! I asked you a question.” Katsuki leant forward to shove Izuku, and  that snapped the omega out of his… more unsavoury thoughts. 
“Sorry Kacchan! Y/n’s just so cute when they’re all soft and pliable like this, I got distracted!” Izuku grinned, quickly leaning forward to kiss you before Katsuki could yell, and you did your best to kiss your mate back despite your half asleep state. You didn’t want to pull away, but Katsuki didn’t have an issue breaking the two of you up, something you were thankful for, in that moment at least. 
“Enough getting distracted, they need sleep.” The blonde manoeuvred you so you were laying down facing him, and Izuku let out a huff as he followed suit, mumbling something about how Kacchan always ruined his fun. You shushed both of them before Katsuki could reply, tugging the blonde closer for a kiss to stop him grumbling, then you were grabbing Izuku’s hands, pressing your head to Katsuki’s chest, and finally falling asleep. 
You woke up covered in sweat, the hoodie you’d worn to bed now feeling like it was suffocating you combined with the heat your mates gave off, and you gently slipped out of bed, throwing the hoodie off and letting out a sigh of relief when you were just in a tank top. You still had twenty minutes before you needed to get up, and you turned to wake your mates, only to slap a hand over your mouth to stop yourself squeaking. Neither of them had woken up despite you moving, but Izuku must have moved closer to Katsuki in his sleep, and the two of them were cuddling, with Izuku’s head nestled against Katsuki’s chest. You quickly grabbed your phone, making sure it was on silent mode, before you proceeded to take a rather excessive amount of pictures of your mates. Then, still being as quiet as you could, you made your way out of the room and into the kitchen. You made yourself a coffee and a bowl of cereal, taking a seat at the counter before you opened your messages, quickly finding the group chat with Mina and Denki, and sending through one of the pictures. The response was instant, Mina going into all caps to scream about how cute it was, and Denki sent through a spam of keyboard smashes, also in all caps. You kept chatting to them while you finished your breakfast, but a yell from your room had you texting them goodbye and putting your phone down. Any minute now. 
“Get the fuck away from me, Deku!” 
“I was asleep, Kacchan, it wasn’t my fault! You’re the one that did this to me!”
“I thought you were Y/n, stop following me!” 
“I’m not following you, I’m trying to find-“ 
“Y/n! Kacchan is being mean again!” Your mates turned the corner into the kitchen, Izuku sprinting to your side, and your eyes widened at the mark on his neck. 
“Damn, what happened?” Izuku wrapped his arms around your waist, whining until you bared your neck for him so he could rub his cheek over your scent gland. 
“I was just sleeping, alpha! And then Kacchan bit me!” Izuku whined against your neck, and you cooed as you reached up to play with his hair, calmly brushing through the curls and turning your gaze to Katsuki with raised eyebrows. At least the blonde looked sheepish, and he reached up to scratch the back of his neck before he answered you. 
“You’re usually the one in front of me, how the fuck was I supposed to know it was shitty Deku. When did you even leave, huh? You’re meant to wake me up.” Katsuki growled, and you sighed and shook your head, he really couldn’t take the blame for anything, huh? Still, you gestured for him to join the hug, which he happily did, and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“I know you were expecting me, Katsuki, but you really uh- gave Izuku a shock, can you apologise? For me?” You cooed, only getting a growl in response, so you pulled away with a sigh, Izuku whining in protest at the loss of contact. 
“Fine. Sorry for biting you, Deku, even though it was your fault for cuddling me.” The blonde growled, but you weren’t going to get any better, and Izuku seemed happy enough,  by the way he was hugging Katsuki. 
“See, there we go! Izuku and I gotta get ready for class now!” Your words had both of them turning to you with a growl, and you could only look at them in confusion. 
“We’re not going to class today, Y/n.” Izuku pulled away from Katsuki to look at you, and you were cut off before you could ask why. 
“Yeah, your birthday’s tomorrow and you fucking reek, no way you’re leaving the apartment.” Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest, and you grabbed your phone with a rather dramatic sigh. 
“Fine, guess I’m stuck here with you idiots.”
You’d gotten yelled at for that remark, and Katsuki was still sulking when he pulled away to go and shower, Izuku tugging you to the couch the second Katsuki was out of view. 
“You still wanna scent me? We’re not leaving the house-“ Izuku kissed you to cut you off, and all thoughts went out the window as you kissed him back, letting him lay you down on the couch and pin you under him with his weight. Your head tilted back when Izuku pulled away to kiss down your jaw and neck, your hands automatically tangling in his hair to tug him closer, and Izuku let out a whine that had your scent going haywire. He kept going down, peppering kisses and sucking marks over your collarbone before he moved to your chest, and you briefly wondered where he was going with this, but then Izuku was lifting your shirt up for better access. He stayed at your chest for a few more minutes before he continued, pressing kisses to your ribs and stomach, and your heart was in your throat as he reached your hip, but then the omega just, stopped, resting his head on your hip and just gazing at you from between your thighs. 
“You’re so pretty when you’re all hot and bothered like this, alpha! Are you disappointed that I stopped?” Izuku chirped, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh, and you were quickly grabbing a pillow to cover your rapidly growing blush, while Izuku just looked at you and giggled. 
“Kacchan! Pass that shirt to me when you’re done!” Izuku was seated on the bed, casually scenting anything Katsuki had scented and thrown his way, as if this was the most normal occurrence ever. And it almost was, except for the fact you were stuck in the middle of the bed, getting growled at if you so much as shifted your position. They wanted to ‘build the nest around you’ apparently, which was something you’d never heard of, but you weren’t going to argue with your birthday a mere day away, Katsuki and Izuku had been… on edge lately. 
“Arms please!” Izuku’s chirp broke you out of your thoughts, and you hesitantly held out your arms, although you got the message when Izuku leaned back against you, and you were wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder without a second thought. A shirt was hitting you in the face seconds later, and you yelped at the impact, throwing the shirt right back at Katsuki. 
“What was that for!” He snarled, throwing the shirt back at you and huffing when Izuku caught it, although both of your moods improved when he let out a happy hum and proceeded to scent the material before gently folding it and placing it on the bed. You couldn’t resist sticking your tongue out at Katsuki from where you were stuck behind Izuku and the blonde only grumbled as he got back to grabbing bedding from the cupboard you had especially for when he nested. He was… more subdued, than normal. He didn’t growl when Izuku kissed him, and you’d actually caught them cuddling on the couch when you came back from the shower. The lack of bickering was a breath of fresh air, and you couldn’t resist pulling Katsuki in for a kiss when he came to dump more material on the bed. He let out a grunt when you tugged him down, the blonde almost falling on the bed, his arms going either side of of Izuku, who took the opportunity to kiss whatever part of Katsuki’s neck he could. You were the one that had to push him away, and Katsuki growled at you when he lost contact, which caused you to flick his forehead and click your tongue, but Katsuki just pouted and got back to scenting the fabric. See what you meant? You’d be worried if his scent wasn’t so… content. 
Movement next to you woke you up, and Katsuki came into focus above you as you blinked away the sleep. 
“Good, you’re awake.” The blonde nuzzled into your neck and you tilted your head to the side for him, sleep still heavily clouding your mind so you couldn’t made sense of anything. 
“Why am- why am I awake…?” You mumbled, too tired to stop yourself letting out a little moan when Katsuki pressed a kiss to your neck, and you felt him smirk against your skin. 
“Your rut’s started, dumbass.” 
“Mmmm? I don’t feel… any different… just kinda hot…. You smell really, really good, Katsuki…” Your hands went to his hips, and Katsuki let out an exasperated sigh, resting his forehead on the pillow next to you before he answered. 
“God you’re so fucking stupid, that’s my heat, idiot, it woke me up. Deku’s started too but he’s still asleep, so I thought I’d wake you up now, I want to get something straight, okay alpha?” He went back to kissing your neck between words, and you only hummed in response, nodding as your eyes fluttered closed. 
“Good, now listen, okay? I was here first, I want to fuck you first, and I want to mark you first too, okay alpha?” His teeth grazed your skin and you whined, your fingers digging into the blondes hips, and you let out a whimper when he bit down, almost breaking the skin.
“Of course, Katsuki- you’ve been so good of course you can…” 
“Say it, I wanna hear you say it, alpha.” Katsuki pulled back, bracing his arms and caging you in so you couldn’t look anywhere but his face, and a blush spread over yours in response. 
“You can- you can fuck me first, Katsuki-“ you barely finished the sentence before he was kissing you, nipping your bottom lip before he pulled off, his breathing heavier than it was before. 
“Good, now, I guess we better wake shitty Deku up.”
The throbbing from both sides of your neck woke you up this time, and you groaned as you tried to move your neck, slowly coming around to your surroundings. You were on your back, with Katsuki’s head on your chest and Izuku’s on your stomach. When you finally sat up slightly, (you didn’t want to wake them) pride flashed through you at the site of the fresh bonding marks, and you couldn’t stop yourself letting out a happy purr.  Unfortunately, your back was killing you- so you gently shimmied out of bed, pulling the blankets back over the sleeping pair before you turned to the cupboard to get yourself a shirt. Fuck, your neck was still killing you, maybe icing it would help? You couldn’t help the pained hiss that escaped you when you pulled the shirt over your head, still knocking the bites despite your best efforts to be gentle. 
“Y/n…? What the fuck are you doing?” Katsuki rubbed his eyes as he sat up, his abrupt movement waking Izuku, who let out a huff at his sleep being interrupted. 
“Neck hurts, I was gonna try and ice it.” You looked at yourself in the mirror, no wonder you were in so much pain- 
Your neck and shoulders were littered with bites and hickies, some of them rivalling the bonding bites with how deep they were, you probably needed to do more than ice it. 
“Oh, right, Deku got carried away.” The blonde let out a groan as he stretched, and when you turned back to them you weren’t surprised to see Izuku pouting.
“You got just as carried away, Kacchan! Don’t try to blame it all on me!” Izuku hopped out of bed despite his half asleep state, shuffling to your side and pressing a quick kiss to your lips before he cuddled under your arms, possessively wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Tch, whatever Deku, just take them to the kitchen to get some ice, I’ll check to see if we have witch hazel or arnica to help with the healing.”
taglist:  @pasteldaze @hopeless-ro-simptic @ntngann @somerandominternetgirl-blog @ianem005 @lalaluvzen @antisocial-minnie @rogueofbullshit @hakunamatatayqueen @so-uncute @therealwalmartjesus @unlightedfool @all-the-kings-reblogs @cth-l @dudedontjudeme122 @lushpluto @ley-lani59 @seven-seventeen-blog-blog @firecet @invisiblemolly @wayward-bumblebee @glasswolff @graceorchid24 @letskidaddle @duskjelly @oddwvrlds @leslielikesmusic-blog-blog @akirahyoshi @tamakiwithcrab @xnorthstar3x @mitchiesdungeon
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Meeting The Family- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
     Request: hi darling, how you doing? can i request a draco x reader where is draco going to her house on christmas break to meet her parents? maybe she has a younger brother who is quite jealous of her and draco together? just something very fluff and funny !! thank you, i love your work btw ❤️
     Kody: YESS. I’ve been waiting for something like this for the sole purpose that i’m going to make the reader a Weasley!
     Year: 7th
    House: Gryffindor
    Possible Triggers/Warnings: Fred and George being the best siblings, Molly being Molly, Draco being literally terrified of the Weasley’s, a little bit of the spice spice at the end. 
   “will you stop pacing? Your making me nervous” you grumble, watching as the platinum blond hair boy walked back and forth in your dorm room “Your nervous? Your not the one meeting your girlfriends whole bloody family today” he snaps at you. 
    he walks over to the edge of your bed and sits down, putting his face in his hands “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you” he sighs deeply. You crack a smile and walked over to stand in front of him and take his hands into yours “It’s alright, but i’ll be there so there’s nothing to worry about. They’ll love you”
   Draco scoffs, leaning his head against your stomach “They have every right to hate me, my father is a horrible person to them and they’ll think i’m just the same as him” he spoke. You had never seen him so worked up over anything before, except for maybe when you got injured by a werewolf in the woods. 
    you purse your lips before sitting comfortably on his lap “Draco. You are nothing like your father and you will show them that. So stop moping okay?” you watch his eyes for a moment as he nods his head “Okay darling. I won’t mope. I just hope your right about this”
   “I’m always right”
    today was the day, you had put on a blue, burnt orange, and brown striped sweater with blue jeans. The Weasley aesthetic really while Draco wore a emerald green sweater with black jeans (ik hawt). You stood in front of the burrow, holding his hand “Here we go” you spoke.
   you reach up to knock a couple times and the door swings open. It was Fred with a candy cane in his mouth. He looks at the both of you and nods once “Hey Y/n and Malfoy. I’m Fred by the way, not George. Just so you know” he sticks out his hand and Draco takes it. They shake hands. That’s a good start.
   he takes the candy cane out of his mouth and points behind him “Let’s head in shall we?” he says and you smile. As you both step in, you could hear everyone talking “Is Charlie here yet?” you turn and face your brother. Fred’s face drops and he shakes his head “He said he got busy with work.”
   you nod slowly, your expression dropping “Oh, okay” you shrug. “Y/n!” you hear a familiar shout and watch as Molly and Arthur come from around the corner. You let go of Draco’s hand and walk up to them. They both embrace you tightly. You pull away from them and walk back to Draco.
   you could tell how tense he was when he saw your parents. “Mum, Dad. This is Draco” you say and slowly brought him up to them. Draco cleared his throat before speaking “Hello Mrs. and Mr. Weasley. Thank you so much for inviting me” he spoke. So polite. 
   your mother smiled warmly at him as well as your father “Well, were glad you came. Seems like our girls like Slytherins” Molly let out a laugh. You raise a brow “What do you mean?” “Hey Draco” you both turn to the right and see Pansy Parkinson come out of the hallway. Oh right, Ginny’s girlfriend.
   Draco smiled kindly, she was his friend after all. “hey Pans” he replies. Pansy waves before disappearing into the living area. “Now, you two join your siblings in the living room while we finish dinner” Molly spoke and leant down to kiss your forehead before leaning with Arthur “I think that went well”
    Draco nods “Me too”
    “Percy, don’t be such a buzzkill and take the candy cane” George sat next to Percy, jabbing him in the side with the peppermint treat. Percy just rolled his eyes and continued to read the book we was holding. You chuckle as you sat on the sofa with Draco, his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
   It was certainly a full house tonight. Molly, Arthur, George, Luna, Fred, Percy, Ginny, Pansy, Bill, Fleur, Ron, Hermione, you, and Draco. You wondered where you would all eat considering your family table could barely fit the kids who already lived in the house. “Your family is much different than mine” Draco whispers to you.
   you turn your head to face him with a smile. “Yeah, we’re definitely stranger then other families” you laugh quietly, a grin forming on his face. “I like it. I’m so used to the quiet that i forgot that actual families talk and hang out with each other” he spoke, his eyes glossing over a bit as he looks at the tall christmas tree.
   you reach into his lap and grab his hand, bringing it up to your lips to kiss his knuckles. “I hope i don’t make you feel as alone anymore” you spoke with a small frown on your face. Draco shook his head and with the arm wrapped around your shoulders, he grabs the back of your head and pulls you into a kiss.
   it was sweet and loving. To bad you had shit for brian brothers. “Hey hands off Malfoy! No snogging my sister while i’m here!” Ron shouts, causing you to pull away from the kiss. Hermione seemed annoyed with her boyfriend and pushes his shoulder “Y/n can do whatever Y/n want’s get over yourself Ron”
   George and Fred both choked back laughter then actually choked on candy canes. Idiots. Ron grumbled something and crossed his arms. What a child. After more talking you had the urge to go to the bathroom and laid your head in the crook of Draco’s neck “I’ll be right back. I have to use the bathroom. Okay?”
   Draco nods and places a hand on your thigh to squeeze it gently before unwrapping his limbs from yours “I’ll be back. Be nice. All of you” you gaze at all your brothers because Ginny at least knew how to be nice to Draco. You give a sharp glare to Ron before you leave the living room.
   Fred watches as you walk out of the room and like a pack of dogs, every single Weasley sibling crowded Draco. He thought he was going to be murdered on the spot as his grey eyes widened. Bill smiles lightly and holds out his hand to shake “Hi, i’m Bill. Anyway as you probably know were missing a Weasley tonight”
   Draco grabs his hand and shakes it “Charlie, right?” he says and all there heads nod. Oh this is so creepy. “Right. Well you see Y/n is really close to Charlie, but she hasn’t been able to see him for almost three years and such, so Fred told her he’s not coming, but we plan on surprising her when we open gifts”
   a small smile graces the Slytherins face- wait. “Why are you telling me this?” he questions and Percy speaks up surprisingly “Because you make our sister happy and considering you both are graduating next year, we figure your  going to be around more often and- so welcome to the family Malfoy”
   Draco was in complete shock as Percy spoke, considering he thought Percy hated him the most. Y/n was right. “Thank you. I also want to apologize for my fathers behaviour towards your family as well as mine in the past. It took me awhile to see you guys the way Y/n does”
   the twins shake their heads “Don’t worry about it. Your dad’s a real piece of work. Y/n tells us your mum’s nice enough though” they spoke in unison. Draco nods “yeah, she’s not judgemental” he reassures. “Anyway, we hope your having a nice night though. Right Ron?” Bill turns to face the younger Weasley.
   Ron looks at Bill and shakes his head, but Bill hits his shoulder “Yeah yeah whatever. We hope your having a blast” Ron then tore away from the group and went back to sitting with Hermione on the other sofa, mumbling something along the lines of ‘snogging his sister’ 
   a couple minutes later you came back into the living room and were pleasantly surprised to see Bill, George, and Fred chatting with Draco who seemed to be smiling brightly. What a sight. You lean against the doorway and watch as he interacted with your brothers. 
   you watch as they all went to sit on the floor so Percy, Ginny, Hermione, Luna, and Pansy could sit down and chat as well. Who would thought the Slytherin prince would get along so well with your family. “You guys seem to be having fun” you say as they turn to look at you. 
   you look to your left to see Ron sitting alone on the loveseat with a scowl on his face. You wave the group off before going to sit with your brother. He looks at you then the floor “Y/n” he spoke and you smiled lightly “Ron” you say in the same manner. “Why aren’t you sitting with the rest of them?”
   Ron scoffs under his breath “Why should i? Malfoy will never be friends” he comments and you reach up to lift his face, making him look at the group laughing and talking. “Look at Percy. He’s the most stuck up person i know and he is having a blast talking to Draco and Pansy. Why do you have a problem?”
   Ron sighs and pushes your hand away “Because your my sister. Yes, i know Ginny is to, but we’re the same age you and i. I can talk to you about anything, but ever since you and Draco got together. It hasn’t been you and i. It’s been you and him. What’s gonna happen when your married? I’ll never see you”
   you frown. You didn’t know Ron felt this way at all. It wasn’t as surprising though to be honest “Ron. Your my brother and i love you dearly. I’ll never forget about you or George, Fred, Percy, Ginny, Bill, and Charlie. Your my family. If your ever feeling alone. Just talk to me, okay?”
   your words seemed to cheer Ron up. He nods and looks over at the group once more “Let’s do this.” he said and stood up.
    after dinner the whole family including the lovers were in the living room again, passing out gifts. You watch as a square shaped box decorated with orange wrapping paper and a red bow floated from out a room and into each and every ones laps “oh wow, i wonder what these could be” 
    George spoke sarcastically before getting wacked on the head by Molly. You chuckle and look over at Draco who stared at aw in the christmas gift in his lap “Are you alright my boy?” Arthur spoke up. Draco looks up and nods eagerly “I’ve never gotten a real christmas gift before. My mother snuck me sweets and such, but never anything like this”
    Molly gave Draco a look of solace before smiling “Well, i hope you enjoy this one! Now kids open them up!” she shouts and you all start to rip open the wrapping paper and you saw a deep red sweater with your first initial on it. Every year. The Weasley kids slip on there sweaters “Thanks mum!”
   after slipping yours on, you look over at Draco who had a emerald green sweater in his hands with the letter ‘D’ on it. He looked excited as he takes off his quidditch sweater to put on Molly’s. “Do you like it Draco?” you spoke “i absolutely love it” he a wide smile spreads across his face.
    Luna got a baby blue sweater
   Hermione got a deep red one as well
   Fleur got a white sweater
   Pansy got a emerald green sweater as well as Draco.
   Pansy slipped hers on and nods smugly “i look awesome. I’m never taking it off. You’ll have to kill me first!” she exclaims as Ginny laughs beside her “She’s not joking either” Luna pulls the sweater over her head and wraps her arms around herself “So warm” she mumbles in her soft voice. 
   George smiles brightly and wraps his arms around her “Your so cute” he says before kissing the side of her face. Fleur looked down at the sweater on her and smiles warmly “I adore it” she spoke in her thick accent and Bill nods before grabbing her hand to kiss her knuckles.
   Molly clapped happily “I’m so glad you all like it. Now me and Arthur are going to get the christmas cookies from the kitchen. We’ll be right back out!” she announces before leaving the room. Everyone began to talk amongst each other and while you were distracted Draco snuck off into the kitchen.
   “Um hello” he spoke up. Molly turns around and places the icing bag she was holding on the counter. “Ah Draco! Did you need something?” she asked, waving her hand for him to step closer. Draco walks over and immediately felt a cold shiver run up his spine. He was nervous.
   “I wanted to ask you both something?” he says, gulping. Arthur and Molly look at each other before smiling “Sure, go ahead” Arthur spoke. Draco takes a deep breath to calm his nerves “Me and Y/n have been dating for three years now and i know we only just turned 18, but i wanted to ask for your blessing to marry her when the time is right”
   Molly gasped loudly, before covering her mouth “Oh Draco! We would be more than happy to give you our blessing. She talks about you all the time and you had been nothing but kind to her and our family. I know you are much different then your father. you’ve learn to accept and adapt”
   Draco felt as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders and he smiles “Thank you so much. Uh- can i help ice those? If you’ll teach me how?” he laughs nervously and Molly nods.
   ten minutes later Draco came out holding a tray of cookies with your parents. You smile lightly at the sight. How cute. He places the tray down on the floor where the group sat and everyone began to much on cookies, except for Fred and George. Where had they gone off too? Draco takes a seat next to you.
   he hands you a cookie and you smile, taking a bite “You snuck away to ice cookies with my parents?” you ask, laughing a little. He nods with a smile and pecks your lips quickly, “Seemed fun” he replied nonchalantly. You roll your eyes and continue to eat your cookie in piece.
   after everyone ate one Molly shot up from the sofa and gasped “Godric! We forgot Y/n’s present outside!” she exclaims, causing everyone to look at her. You tilt your head “What present?” you ask. “We all pitched in and got you a present. It’s so big we have to show you outside” Arthur spoke.
   you were now thoroughly confused as everybody made there way to the front door and walking out. Draco grabs your hand and lifts you up from the ground. You both walk outside and see George and Fred on both sides of a tall present, wrapped in orange paper with your name written in red ink.
   you laugh nervously. What was going on? “Um- do i open it?” you ask and Ginny nods, pushing you forward “Go on! Open it!” she shouts. You watch as George and Fred walk away from the present and behind you. “we suggest to pull the red ribbon then step back” George points out.
   you chuckle with a confused expression before taking the end of the ribbon and tug it once. You hear a couple clicks and step back quickly as the box falls apart. A tall male with orange hair and a red sweater with a ‘C’ smiles at you. Charlie. You watch as he steps out the box and opens his arms.
   “Hello my little dragon” he smile brightly as you ran up and tackled him into a hug. He lifts you off the ground and spins you around as you cling onto him. After a couple seconds he lets go and eyes you up and down “You’ve gotten so tall! and your hair is different. I also hear you have a boyfriend” he teases.
   you smile widely and nod “Yeah. He’s hear. Um- Draco!” you turn around and call for your boyfriend who steps towards you, holding out his hand “I’m Draco Malfoy” he says politely as they both shake hands “I’m Charlie! I hope my little sister hasn’t annoyed you too much. She’s mental this one”
   you huff and wack your older brothers arm “Hey! Don’t scare him off!” you shout, making Charlie laugh. He shrugs his shoulders “I don’t think he’s going anywhere. Your in for the long hall Malfoy. Welcome to the Weasley’s!” he exclaims and Draco smiles as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
   the party came to an end and everyone made there way to there perspective rooms. There was surprisingly enough room for everyone, to be fair your pretty sure that your father used a spell to add some extra rooms of some sort. You put on black and white flannel pants with a black crop top, as well as a dark grey jacket.
   Draco had on a black t-shirt and his boxers. You yawn as you began to fold up your sweater and place it in your trunk. You feel hands wrap around your waist and pull you close to his chest. “I had fun tonight” Draco mumbles against the skin of your shoulder since your jacket had slipped down your arms a bit. 
   you smile and lean your head back to look at him “You did? I’m happy. I’m also happy i got to see my brother” you spoke with a warm smile. Draco hums in response and slowly begins to pull the jacket off of your arms “I promised my mum no funny business while were here Draco”
   he smirks and begins to place sweet kisses on your neck “You may have promised that, but i didn’t darling” he rasps. You feel one of his hands run across the exposed skin of your stomach as his thumb traces the hem of your pants. “Why are you always horny?” you asked.
   “I don’t know? Have you seen yourself?” he chuckles as he spins you around to face him “Come on darling~” he coos and dips down to kiss your collar bone. “I-” “-Goodnight Y/n. Goodnight Draco!” you heard Charlie, Percy, and Fred shout. Oh those little shits.
   you flush in embarrassment and sputter out a goodnight back as Draco growls in frustration. “Cockblockers” he snarls, making you laugh. “Don’t worry, there going to do it to every couple in here. Didn’t expect Percy too though, just listen” you say and Draco keep quiet to listen.
   “Night Ginny. Night Pansy!” 
   “Go away were busy!” Ginny shouts
   “Sleep tight Fleur and Bill!”
   “You all are insufferable!” Bill yells making you snicker a bit
   “We don’t have to worry about Ron and Hermione. Ron has got like zero game” Fred speaks and they all laugh.
   “Hey i heard that!” Ron shrieks in offense.
   “Sleep well George! Sleep well Luna!”
   “You guys can’t pull this shit on me! Shove off!” George shouts and you hear a door slam.
   “Goodnight” Luna says. What a sweet girl
   Kody: I hope you enjoyed this one. I really liked writing it! Anyways peace.
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Journal Finale
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 4.9k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!jeongin, milf!reader x dilf!changbin, threesome, blowjob (giving), unprotected PIV (missionary position), breeding/impregnation/pregnancy [end of threesome], protected anal (receiving), more unannounced voyeurism, arguing :(, kissing/making out, nipple play (giving), blowjob (giving) the squeakuel, cum swallowing, slight pussyjob, unprotected PIV (cowgirl position), use of handcuffs, creampie, your usual praise and mild degradation here and there, and the ending :) enjoy~
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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“Jeongin, get over here.” Changbin readied himself at your entrance while Jeongin stumbled over to Changbin. “You’re gonna fuck her pretty face while I take this pussy, got it?”
“Yes, sir!” Jeongin jumped at the command and walked to the top of the bed, running the head of his cock between your lips before you smiled and took him into your mouth. His dick hit the back of your throat as Changbin filled you up, his thick cock making you whine loudly onto Jeongin. “Ah~ mommy!”
“Such a good mouth, huh?” Changbin’s hips are relentlessly thrusting into your sopping cunt while Jeongin desperately bucks into your mouth. “Tight little cunt, too.”
As much as Jeongin wants to say “yeah, I know,” he holds back to keep the peace. Jeongin watching you get fucked while sucking his cock is going to make him cum so much faster than usual, he can already feel it. You just look so gorgeous with your tits bouncing on your chest as you get pounded by Changbin and the drool running down your face from Jeongin’s cock.
“I’m gonna fill this pussy up with my cum. Get you pregnant with my kids.” Changbin groans loudly as his cock rams into you, brushing perfectly against your g-spot. You swear you can see stars when he starts playing with your clit, egging you on even more. “Fuck, you wish this was you, don’t you, Jeongin?”
“Huh?” Jeongin peeks his head up, slowing his pace in your mouth so he can edge himself (and not look like a baby for cumming so soon).
“You wish you were knocking Y/n up, don’t you?” Changbin smiles, staring Jeongin dead in the eyes as he pounds your pussy like he owns it. “Y/n’s gonna be all mine soon enough. Once she has my kids, you’ll be out of the picture.”
“No! Please!” Jeongin’s cock slips out of your mouth, the younger going to push away your other lover. “You can’t take her!”
“You’re too late, Jeongin.” You and Changbin laugh as Jeongin looks down, your belly already bloated as if you’re pregnant. Suddenly, Jeongin feels miles away from the bed, Changbin fucking you from a distance across an indescribable void. He tries to run, but you just keep getting farther. He hears your voice: “Wake up, Jeongin! Wake up!”
“Ah~ oh my god…” 
“You like that, baby? Tell me you like it.” 
“Y-yes Changbin, so good.” 
Jeongin slowly opens his eyes, rubbing them before looking at his surroundings. He’s still in the closet… what? Jeongin looks out the crack in the closet door and as if he couldn’t already hear, Changbin’s pounding you from the back. The lighting of the room is hardly bright enough to see the action, but he certainly hears every skin slap, moan, and bed creak. 
“Fuck, your ass is so tight,” Changbin groans hardly over a whisper, the deep growl in his tone making you shiver. His hands gripped your hips tight enough to control your movements, keeping your ass still while he rammed his fat cock into your tight ass, the lube making everything sound extra wet and lewd. 
You dropped your hands to your sides and let your face fall into the bed, turning your head to the side so you could still breathe. The vision of Changbin’s dimly lit body with sweat dripping down his sculpted chest made your cunt throb, as if he hadn’t just been balls deep inside that hole minutes earlier, the used condom still on the floor next to your bed. 
Without warning, you feel Changbin release inside of your ass, his cum being caught in the condom as his pelvis stops thrusting for his body to rest. He moans loudly, your name somewhere in the mix of expletives as he comes down from his second high of the night. You both feel worn out, bodies exhausted from two consecutive rounds of sex. 
Being the gentleman he is, Changbin pulls out slowly and pulls off the condom, picking up the other one from the floor to throw them both into the trash can. As you go to the bathroom, Changbin sits on the edge of your bed and waits for you to return. 
Jeongin’s sweating bullets in the closet. He feels so disgusting for peeping like this, although this was one of his secret fantasies not too long ago. He also can’t help but feel the slightest bit jealous… okay, maybe really jealous. He backs himself into the back of your closet and puts his head into his knees, curling into a ball not to cry but just to pretend he’s anywhere else. 
“Hey, this was fun, but I should get going.” Changbin puts his wrinkled clothes back on as you get out your own pajamas. “I’d be down for a second date.”
“If you’re paying, I’m down for anything.” You both laugh as you take him out to the front door to say goodbye. After a short kiss, he goes out to his car and drives into the fog of the night. Satisfied, you hobble back to your bedroom, pleasantly unaware of the laughable mess going on at your destination.
Jeongin’s face down on your bedroom floor after tripping on the way out of the closet. You hear a loud thud, so you quick check on your daughters, but nothing’s out of the ordinary. Turning the corner into your bedroom, Jeongin’s on the other side of the door, a weak attempt to hide from you.
Of course, when you close the door, you immediately see Jeongin. You jump back and clutch your chest, beyond confused as to why Jeongin’s in your bedroom right now, half naked and shaking like a scared pup.
“Jeongin, what the fuck?!” He’s never heard you so loudly angry since you were on the phone with Minho. Every word gets caught in Jeongin’s throat as he tries to explain why he’s creeping in your bedroom. “I should call the police right now...”
“No! Wait!” Somehow, he’s out of breath without even saying anything. “I can explain.”
“Then go ahead, Jeongin. I’d love to hear your reasoning for snooping around in my room right after... wait, how long have you-“
“I wanted to surprise you, but you brought home someone else, so I just... hid in your closet while you, ya know, did that.” Your jaw hangs open because you’re just unable to believe what you just heard.
“I told you to leave, and yet you felt the need to stay, but not just stay, to hide in my closet and watch me have sex?” You’re tempted to go absolutely feral and beat the shit out of Jeongin, but being the classy lady you obviously are, you hold back. “Give me one good reason why I should let you off the hook for this.”
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t just leave. Besides, I... I fell asleep.” Jeongin hangs his head, his hands tightened into fists at his sides.
“You fell asleep?” You’re shocked the little pervert managed to doze off while you were getting the life fucked out of you. “Was the sex really that boring to watch?”
“Nonono! It’s not that! I was just tired... I guess.” Jeongin looks out of your bedroom window and sees his own bedroom, his safety. God how he wishes he were there right now. “I’m sorry! Can we just pretend this didn’t happen?”
“Pre-... Yang Jeongin, this isn’t something we can just brush under the rug!” You pace back into your room, putting your hands to your head to alleviate the sudden stress. You were too focused on what you’re going to say next that you didn’t hear Jeongin’s ‘well we could try’ remark. “This is a breech of privacy!”
“And fucking another guy behind my back is a breech of trust!”
The self control it took you to not wack this boy upside the head was immeasurable. At this rate, you had as much patience as a silent monk.
“I thought I was your only man. How many other guys have you been fucking, huh?” Jeongin thought he had finally gotten you on his side, he really did. He thought he put the jealousy behind him, but now he was heated, but not as heated as you. Oh, not nearly as heated as you.
“I don’t have feelings for you, Jeongin.” You put your foot down. You just stared at the boy, crossing your arms to firmly stand your ground. “This partnership isn’t exclusive. I can fuck whoever I want. I thought I made that clear.”
Jeongin’s shattered. Destroyed. Ruined. Synonyms he can’t think of for right now. You said what he already knew, but he didn’t want to hear it come from your mouth. As explosive as this relationship was, he knew it would eventually blow, just not like this, and definitely not this soon.
“Get out of my house. I want to go to bed.” You turn around, unable to face Jeongin for your own sake. “We can talk about this tomorrow.”
When the going gets tough, Yang Jeongin runs the other way. Whenever he stands up for himself, he’s punished for it. All he can do is run. He can’t keep running away.
Jeongin gets dressed in his clothes from earlier and leaves without a word, only a sullen look on his exhausted face. Walking into his own home, no one is there to greet him so late at night. Everyone in his family is asleep, or more likely jarred awake from the random slamming of doors from their lovely Jeongin.
Looking across the way to your bedroom window, the lights are off and the curtain is shut. You’ve likely gone to bed by now after this restful and simultaneously stressful day. Jeongin’s heart aches, but he’s glad you’re getting some rest. He knows how hard it can be recovering from anal.
As usual, your babysitter arrives at 5pm sharp to watch your kids while you go to work. You wave him a sour goodbye before leaving him with your kids. For once, you’re actually worried if your kids are okay. You’ve always trusted Jeongin with your easygoing daughters, but you can’t trust him anymore. Not after that.
Upon getting home, you see your two daughters running around pretending to be knights and a tired Jeongin laying on your couch being the slain dragon of course. “Welcome home! Sorry, they wouldn’t go to bed.”
“Well, at least you tried.” You put your purse down before wrangling your kids and hustling them into bed, but not before promising to play castles with them in the morning for your day off. “G’night.”
“Goodnight, mommy!” No way was Yang Jeongin going to ruin that word for you.
“So, how was work?” As you walk back into the living room, Jeongin is acting as cool and proper as possible to keep your anger level at a low.
“Let’s talk.” Damnit, the one thing Jeongin wanted to avoid. “Why did you stay last night after I told you to go home?”
“I... I wanted to play.” His cutsie submissive voice is sweet, but very much unwelcomed right now. “I missed you!”
“Cut the shit, Jeongin. I know I should have told you about Changbin, but sneaking around my house is unacceptable.” There you go again, scolding him like a child. Even though he was totally in the wrong here, he couldn’t help but feel bitter from you treating him like a kid. Some things never change. “And you decided to just stay?”
“What the hell else was I supposed to do? You and your man were blocking all the exits!” As right as he is, you refuse to admit defeat so easily. “And I wanted to join in... a little.”
“If Changbin knew you were in that closet, he would have tossed you out of the window. Consider yourself lucky.” You sigh, tossing yourself onto the couch next to Jeongin. “I don’t want to end our relationship like this, but-“
“End? What?” Jeongin’s doe eyes are wide as he jumps up and stares at you, weak in the knees just from the thought of leaving you. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“It’s not just this incident.” You take his hands in yours, rubbing your thumbs over the backs of his hands to comfort him. “This relationship was never meant to go far. We both know that.” Just because you both knew it doesn’t mean Jeongin wanted to accept it. “You deserve better than your old neighbor, and I need to move on to be happy. You deserve a real girlfriend, and my kids deserve a real dad.”
“I can be a great father!” Oh, he’s so desperate. You’ve never seen him so tearful. Your heart stings just seeing him like this. With your hands still intertwined with his, you pull him onto your lap. “Where is all this coming from? You just said the other day that you loved me.”
“I do love you, but not like this.” You can’t look him in the eyes right now. It’ll hurt too much for you both. “We’re just sex partners. That’s all this was ever going to be. Do you honestly think I’d let you become the father of my children?”
That dream. That god damned dream. The images of Changbin and you from his dream are all he sees. Your words sting like knives but they go in one ear and out the other; felt, but not heard.
“Please don’t leave me.” Jeongin can’t hold it anymore. He starts to cry, falling into your shoulder to hide his shame. You just pat his back, clutching him to your body. You didn’t expect him to get this emotional. With how your last breakup went, the crying was your job. “I love you.”
“I know,” you say, giving him plenty of time to calm down. His eyes begin to dry, but his chest is heavy. He feels like the world is collapsing around him. “All of this because I couldn’t mind my business and keep out of your journal.”
Your attempt to lighten the mood does get a chuckles out of Jeongin, but it’s followed by a pause in his breathing and a loud sigh. He backs away from your hug, wiping his cheeks and finally looking you in the eyes. It was now you realized that you haven’t made eye contact with him since you started this conversation.
“Can we do it one more time?” Aaaaaand there goes the eye contact. You fumble over your words, mind jumbled from the unexpected proposition. “And if fucking you vanilla didn’t keep you around, can I be your little boy again?”
The light in his eyes is flickering back. His skin feels warm again. Jeongin’s coming back to you. As much as you want to say no, you couldn’t possibly turn down one last time with your favorite boy. “Of course, baby. One more time.”
“I want to break the bed.” Jeongin hops up, pulling you up by your hands before you can even process what’s going on. You’re tired, he’s tired, but you both want this. This is for the both of you. “Ruin me, mommy.”
"A little demanding, aren’t we?” You turn to lock your bedroom door shut as Jeongin sits on the edge of the bed, eager for whatever you’re willing to give him. After turning down the lights, you push Jeongin back on the bed, his legs still hanging over the edge. Although your body was still recovering from the night before, you’re ready to, as Jeongin so kindly put it, break the bed. 
You set yourself up on Jeongin’s lap, both of you still clothed, and gently grind down onto his crotch. He’s hard as ever, whining as you roll your hips over him. You bite down on your lip to hold your moans, although your partner doesn’t care how much noise he makes. Jeongin’s sure that if he gets too loud, you’ll shut him up. 
“You’re so pretty underneath me, baby.” You lean down to put your hands in his hair, combing through his short hair to cup his cheeks with both of your hands. “Can I tell you something?”
“Anything,” Jeongin huffs. 
“As much as I yell at you, I do want you to know that I enjoy my time with you,” you say with sincerity dripping from your tone. You kiss his lips sweetly, quickly turning the kiss into a heated mess of tongues. His cheeks are warm against your palms. He feels so small, so precious. All yours. When the kiss breaks, you look each other in the eyes for a moment, his eyes sparkling with innocence despite the circumstances. “My lovely little boy.”
Before Jeongin can speak, you dive in for another make out session, this time the kisses leading down from his pretty lips to his defined jawline. As much as you’d love to leave hickeys, you don’t want him to have a reminder of you for the coming days. Your hands rest on his chest over his shirt as you move down to his neck, hearing him whimper and whine above you. 
Your hands slowly move his shirt up to his collarbones, exposing his chest for you to see. When you move down to his chest to play with his nipples, Jeongin throws his head back from the sensation. Your fingers twist his nipple while your mouth keeps busy on the other, sucking at the perk bud. His mind was entirely black, his only thought being how good everything feels. Pulling away from his spit-coated chest, you look down at him like he’s prey. Seeing the look in your eyes, he can feel his dick twitch in his pants. 
“You’re so sexy, mommy.” His voice is light and sweet, his submissive persona finally taking him over. “Need to be inside you.”
“So impatient, tsk.” You stand up from his body and pull him up by his wrists. “Take your clothes off, baby. I can’t touch you if you’re clothed.”
Compliantly, Jeongin quickly strips his body of his clothes, taking his pants and underwear down in one motion after yanking his shirt over his head. Behind him, you’re doing the same, getting naked so the fun can really begin. 
“Aw, so hard for me already.” You walk up to Jeongin and take his cock in your hand, stroking it while maintaining eye contact with him. His little lip bite makes him look so endearing. “You want me to suck you off, sweetheart?”
“Yes, mommy.”
“Then beg for it.” You remove your hand from his length and step back, staring at him with your arms folded over your chest. He whines loudly before pouting out his bottom lip.
“Please suck me off, ma’am. Wanna cum down your throat...” his eyes wander to your chest before darting back up to your lips where you hold a hint of a smirk. “Please?”
“What my boy wants, he gets.” You smile as his eyes light up. “Back on the bed, boy. Let mommy take care of you.”
Jeongin hops onto the bed, spreading his legs flat for you to get between. You lay on your stomach between his legs, hands immediately going to stroke his cock and play with his balls. He stares down at you, eyes glued to your face as you stare at the head of his cock. He’s already dripping. So pathetic.
Before taking him fully into your mouth, you run your tongue along the underside of his cock, flicking your tongue against his tip. He bucks his hips up before you wrap your lips around him, bobbing your head around his tip as your hand stays hard at work on his shaft. Jeongin closes his eyes and moans a little too loud for your liking, but your mouth is too busy to scold him.
“Fuck, so nice,” Jeongin whimpers between heavy breaths. He jerks his head back as his toes curl, the pleasure from your mouth becoming too hot to handle. Hollowing out your cheeks, you’re prepared for Jeongin to cum fast. If he’s really frustrated enough to spy on you, then he isn’t lasting long with your mouth on his cock. “M-mommy...”
You pop your mouth off of him, “yes, doll?”
“Please swallow my cum, okay?” Jeongin looks so angelic with the dim light bouncing off of his sweaty skin. “I’m so close.”
Without a word, you get back to business, swirling your tongue around his cock like it’s a lollipop. You can feel him throb in your grip, and his balls start to tense. For one last effort, you remove your hand that was jerking him and take him down your throat, feeling yourself nearly gag from his length.
The sensation becomes too much, and Jeongin cums down your throat, bucking his hips into your mouth while drool escapes the corners of your mouth. Carefully, you pull your head off of him, not dripping too much out of your mouth. Jeongin watches your face with a dazed expression as you swallow his load just as he asked.
“You taste so good every time, pretty boy.” You wipe your mouth of any excess runoff while Jeongin catches his breath, laying with all his limbs extended. “My turn now, isn’t it?”
“Do whatever you want to me.” Jeongin sits up on his elbows, finally able to look at you with his mind fully present. “I’m all yours.”
“You wanted to break the bed, right?” You straddle his hips, cock starting to harden again as he feels you rub his cock through your folds. “Let’s make that a goal, shall we?”
“Oh my god, please.” Jeongin holds your hips and presses his cock up against you, thrusting through the folds of your cunt.
“Hands to yourself, baby.” You take his wrists and hold his hands above his head. “Unless you need some help restraining them.”
“Oh mommy, please handcuff me!” He’s too excited about this. Still, you reach over into your bedside drawer and pull out a pair of leather cuffs, wrapping them through the bed frame before retraining his wrists.
“Much better.” You kiss his lips before leaning back up to ride him. Now that’s he hard again, you raise your hips from his to line his cock with your entrance. “I’m not stopping unless you say something, got it?”
“Yes ma’am!” Jeongin can hardly wait to be inside you again.
You slowly lower yourself down onto his cock, letting him stretch you out and fill you up with his length. Your moans are deep and grand, while Jeongin pathetically whines like a bitch in heat. You love it. “Mmm, good boy, Innie. Such a good boy.”
Your praises make him stutter in his whimpers something vaguely resembling a “thank you”. You’ll take what you can get, surprised he can think of anything when he’s this far into his headspace.
You start to ride him, your hips lifting and lowering on his cock. The continuous clenches of your cunt around his dick makes him throb, his chest raising and lowering with every deep breath. His tip runs into your cunt as his shaft drifts against your walls. You feel so full, so good, so fucking good. The only thought on your brain is Jeongin’s cock.
When you speed up your strokes, the bed starts squeaking louder and louder. Between your shared moans and the suggestive bodily noises, you couldn’t be any louder unless you wanted to scare your children awake. Still, you didn’t get this house so well soundproofed for nothing, although that was admittedly Minho’s idea.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Jeongin.” Dropping the pet names for a moment, you let your body go as you feel your orgasm start to near. One of your hands goes down to your clit while your other holds you up, planting firmly next to Jeongin’s head. Your tits are practically in his face, and he can’t help but take a peek. “You think you can cum again for me, baby?”
“Of course, yes! Please let me cum.” Jeongin struggles against the restraints, totally forgetting they’re even there, in an attempt to wrap his arms around you. His hips buck up into you as you slowly stop your motions and let him fuck you. Hitting your g-spot so effortlessly, you tighten around him as your orgasm washes over you.
While listening to you curse through your orgasm, Jeongin relentlessly pounds into you from underneath, jutting his hips up just enough to make you lose your mind. With your cunt convulsing around his dick, Jeongin can’t hold it in anymore. As you come down, he cums up into you, fucking his release into you for as long as he can before his legs go weak and he stops, you gently lowing into him before falling into his chest, kissing the nearest skin to your lips.
Suddenly, the room feels gloomy. You both know the goodbye is coming. Neither of you are ready. Being the mature on, you stretch your arms from around him and sit up, ending this sensual moment.
“Alright, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You lift yourself off of him, holding your legs together to keep the mess from dripping down your legs. “There’s tissues next to you if you want to clean up.”
Jeongin soberly takes a tissue and cleans off the mess between his legs, wishing this wasn’t the last time he’d have to clean himself up in your bed. One last time, he turns to his side and sniffs your pillow, an oddly nostalgic feeling washing over his senses. He’ll miss this.
You come out of the bathroom with a robe around you. Jeongin’s still lying on the bed collecting his thoughts. You look at each other. His smile is so pure. He’s happy just to see you.
“Thank you for everything, Jeongin.” You walk over to where he lays and kiss him on his forehead. His cheeks flush pink, but he stops smiling. He knows what’s coming. “You should go.”
“Does this mean I’m also fired?” You nod at his question, and now Jeongin’s double disappointed. “Did you enjoy tonight?”
“As much as I could.” You look around at the clothes scattered on the ground before picking up Jeongin’s underwear and handing them to him. “You should head home. It’s late.”
Jeongin takes his underwear out of your hand, and now he’s red with embarrassment. He gets dressed as you walk back to the living room to get his bookbag so he can walk out as easily as possible.
“Bye, Jeongin. I’ll see you around I guess.” This is so much more awkward than you intended. You’re waving goodbye as he walks down your driveway, but he isn’t even looking at you. When he turns back to his house, you see him wave his entire arm towards you.
“Bye Ms. L/n! Thank you!” His yell is so cute. You can’t help but smile before walking back into your house to finally go to bed.
Walking into his silent house, Jeongin runs up to his room to finally be at peace. He tosses his bag towards his bed before sitting against his door with his head in his hands. He isn’t crying (he already did that). He’s decompressing. That’s what he’s calling it, anyway.
Looking at his desk, that’s where it sits. That fucking journal. The thing that got him into this mess. The omen that’s been haunting him since that night. Jeongin can hardly look at the black and white marbled pattern. As nice as he thought his writing was in that book, he can’t have it anymore. The clusterfuck that his journal represented was too much to handle. It’s time to move on.
Jeongin: Hey sorry it’s late can I use your fire pit tomorrow night?
Seungmin: Wtf why?
Jeongin: Long story. I just need to burn something.
Seungmin: Should I invite the others?
Jeongin: Sure let’s make it a party
Seungmin: I expect a full explanation tomorrow, alright?
Seungmin: I don’t just light up the fire pit for anyone.
Jeongin: Thank you
Seungmin: Anything for you bro :)
Jeongin: omg don’t call me bro you’ve been hanging with Felix too much
Seungmin: Is it really that obvious?
Seungmin: Damn 😔
“Do it! Do it!” Jeongin’s friends were chanting behind him, eager to see the youngest burn his notebook. Jeongin looked down one last time at the journal before tossing it into the open flame and watching the fire burn higher and brighter. He steps back into Felix who holds him by his waist, pulling him into a back hug.
“Fuck yeah!” Jisung raises his beer in the air and turns up the music with his phone. Hyunjin and Jisung go dance on the patio while Seungmin tends to the fire. “Woo! Jeongin’s free!”
“I’m proud of you, Jeongin.” Felix turns him around, bringing him into a regular front hug. “I don’t know the whole story, but I’m glad you moved passed whatever was getting you down, man.”
“I’m not over it yet, but this sure did help.” Jeongin looks back at the fire before faintly smiling. “Let’s go drink.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice!” The Aussie in Felix is eager to grab a beer like the rest and loosen up, Jeongin joining his hand in the cooler. Seungmin smiles as he looks over his friends, all smiling and singing to a song from 2009. “Min, ya joining?”
“I’d rather not burn my house down. I can sing from over here.” They all cheer before continuing to sing their childhood classic.
For the first time in forever, Jeongin’s thinking of something other than you. He’s happy. Let him be happy.
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taglist: @binnie-m00n​​ @sparklysung​​ @starsareseen​ @sailorhyunjinz​ @gothicstay​​ @vogueinnie​ @mariannaab​ @spilledtee 
Thank you for reading this series and supporting my writing!!! This has been a really fun series to write and I’m glad so many people enjoyed it :) Again, thank you!
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to-boldly-nope · 3 years
Thunder (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Plot: You've always been terrified of thunderstorms, but what happens when it gets really bad?
Words: 706
A/N: Ohio has some wack ass weather right now so I just wrote this on the whim because it's storming and I'm not ok. This can either be read as platonic or romantic
GIF is not mine
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You kept on looking at the weather alert on your phone. You never enjoyed bad weather, who did enjoy it? But every time there was a storm watch or warning you'd be terrified.
"If you keep on checking your phone it's gonna break," Dean said as he sat the pizza boxes down on the table.
"Yeah, sorry," you apologized with a nervous smile. "How was the hunt?"
"We're not dead," Sam chuckled, "so I'd say it went well."
You heard thunder in the distance and you went to check your phone for any more weather alerts, but let out a sigh when your phone didn't turn on. There was a flash of lightning and you flinched, dropping your phone. Everyone was asleep by this point, the Winchesters in their respective motel room while you were in the next room over. You wanted to return to the bunker where you couldn't see or hear any of this storm.
You turned on your lamp and quickly found your charger and plugged in your phone, making sure it had some battery to it in case something happened. You went to close the blinds and the curtains to try to block the lightning, but nothing could help the thunder.
You heard a knock on the door and grabbed your gun. You didn't know if it was the wind or someone out to get you. You went to the door and opened it, holding your gun up.
"Woah, chill, it's just me," Dean said while putting his hands up. You quickly lowered your gun and let him come into your room. "You ok?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I-"
There was a crack of lightning and you flinched again, dropping your gun to the ground. Dean went to retrieve your gun and he sat it down on the spare bed.
"It's supposed to be bad tonight and I saw how much you were checking your weather app. All you had to do was say something and one of us would've stayed with you."
"I honestly thought I could wait it out, but it hasn't even started yet and I'm already scared," you admitted, embarrassed about how you can go through torture and killing monsters without feeling scared but as soon as you see a bolt of lightning you're ready to cry. 
"Again, all you had to do was say something. We have no right to make fun of you because Sam's afraid of clowns and I'm scared of flying." 
"I just thought that I could wait it out this time," you repeated quieter as thunder shook the walls of the motel. You felt tears roll down your cheeks as you felt weak and scared. 
"Hey, hey, it's ok," Dean whispered as he took you over to your bed and sat you down. "I'm here now and I'll stay up with you as long as you need me too."
The wind began to blow and the thunder and lightning got more frequent. You wanted to crawl in a hole and hide.
"I got you, focus on me."
He hugged you and managed to hide you with his body. Dean knew that this was going to be a long night for him and you, but he was more worried about you. You've always had to had someone or something with you during a storm because of what happened in the past, but damn did you hate to admit it. You never outright told someone that you needed them there, usually they would find you.
Dean laid down on the bed, taking you with him. He made sure that you couldn't see the flashes from the lightening.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "You'd think I'd be over this by now."
"Don't apologize. This isn't exactly my first time doing this."
"Yeah but-"
"No buts. You and I are going to stay here until morning."
You sighed as you shut your eyes to better block the lighting. Dean never complained about having to stay with you, neither did Sam or Cas. You were greatful for them but you also felt so dumb.
He didn't say anything as he held you closer. You smiled lightly as the two of you continued to wait out the storm.
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savebatsfromscratch · 3 years
RusAmeChu Week 2022 Day One.
Prompt: Party/Dance
Words: 2,532
America throws a party in his house. His two boyfriends show up.
This was gonna be for the ‘World Meeting’ prompt, because I like reading those better than party fics, but then it sort of morphed. *shrugs*
It’s kind of set in my house??? I didn’t have any other ideas, okay? I was really tired lol.
Also it focuses a bit more on RoChu than anything else, but it’s meant to be RusAmeChu. .-,
The ending is a little bit wack, just ignore it.
Fic under the cut or at this link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36925651
America pushed past China, “I’ll get it!” he cried, reaching for the handle, “It’s mine!” China shook his head but stepped back anyway, awaiting the creak of the door as the rusty hinges squeaked open. Not a moment later, the shocking shriek met his ears and he peered out the door, suddenly curious. Three sets of eyes connected, and a moment of realization passed between them.
“Russia!” America cheered, throwing his hands up above his head as his boyfriend shouldered his way into his house, “You made it!”
“Why wouldn’t I have made it-,” Russia broke off, suddenly crushed as China unexpectedly tackled him.
“I dunno bro, but it wouldn’t be the first time, would it.,” America scolded, pulling his two boyfriends apart and directing them away from the door. “Come on dudes, let's get out of the way of the door,” he mumbled, “I’ve got other guests coming you know.”
Once they were sufficiently far away, China turned to face America, “Who’d you invite?” he asked curiously, peering over America’s shoulder to look if there was anyone else entering the room.
“Oh just the normal guys,” America answered, waving the question aside like his answer had been the most specific thing he could have said, “But I’m more interested in who’s here already.”
“Me or him?” Russia asked, laughing from under his scarf and gesturing to China, “Or maybe you meant yourself?”
China stifled a laugh and lightheartedly punched Russia’s arm, “Oh stop it, you know he didn’t mean himself.”
“Maybe I did,” America joked, “I am the coolest one in this room, maybe I’m the hottest one too!”
“Not true!” China sputtered, “That’s definitely me!”
America and Russia burst out laughing, and it didn’t take long for China to join them. In fact, their little giggle fit only ended when the door hinges creaked open again. (Quieting as all three nations hurriedly turned to see who was joining the party.)
“Yo! Japan dude!” Called America, waving his hands and rushing over to properly invite his friend, “You need anything? Juice? Chips? A place to put your bags?” Relieved, Japan nodded and followed America, still chattering, to the snacks table.
Russia smiled slightly, America looked like he was having fun, and honestly, that was enough to let him brush aside how much less planned out his welcome was. (The man could have at least asked him if he’d had a good flight, I mean really.) But as he watched the two friends chat, he knew it didn’t matter, Alfred was having a good time! And heck if he wasn’t going to follow his example.
China followed Russia as he made his way over to the snack table. Snickering to himself as he was reminded of how much the amount of junk food outweighed the singular vegetable platter. (It wasn’t a bad vegetable platter, but nothing to boast about when compared to the absolute mountain of chips that stood next to it.)
“Hey America!” he teased, picking up a Cheese Puff and flinging it at his boyfriend, “Do you want me to teach you how to cook some real party food?”
America looked over, an obviously fake look of annoyance on his face, “Not now dude, can’t you see I’m busy talking to Japan over here?”
“He sees that,” Russia interjected, not looking up from filling his place with diced carrots, “He’s just so enamored by your cooking abilities that he can’t but give a few tips,”
China snorted slightly and began to inspect a cracker, “Pretty sure this is processed but thanks for trying to explain my opinions.” Russia nodded into his scarf, but even with his face half buried in light pink fabric, China could tell he was smiling. (Knowing that sort of thing just came naturally when you’d been together for as long as they had.)
China finally decided that the cracker was safe to eat and bit into it. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Japan stifling a laugh and patting America on the shoulder. “It’s okay Alfred,” he was saying, “I like your food selection,”
America batted his friend’s hand away and shook his head, clearly not upset despite his slightly annoyed expression. “You’re just saying that because the cake isn't out here yet,” he decided, looking more and more cheered up by every word, “I frosted it myself!”
Japan grimaced, obviously aware that that meant the cake was almost certainly an unhealthy looking shade of green or pink. (China and Russia quickly followed his example when the realization hit them.), Looking around himself and seeing their faces, America broke into a barking laugh, “Don’t worry!” he reassured them, wiping an eye with one hand and pointing around at them with the other, “It’s just a little bit of frosting, nothing to worry about!”
“Oh whew,” Russia mumbled sarcastically, “For a moment there I was worried you had covered the thing in dead bugs,”
While China pretended to throw up, America just fell back into a couch, laughing harder. (Poor Japan didn’t seem to process the joke for a moment, but eventually smiled slightly as it dawned on him.) “You know I would never do that!” America finally choked out, “Not unless it was our anniversary or something…”
China leaned over to Russia, whispering behind a hand as he joked, “Reminded me when that is so I can avoid it,”
Russia nodded solemnly, “14th of October,” he whispered back, “And I’ll only remind you if you remind me first,”
China shook his head and rolled his eyes, “Russia that doesn’t make sense,” his voice now at full volume, “How would that do any good if I had to remind you first?”
Russia shrugged, but before he (or anyone else for that matter) could open their mouth to speak there was a knock at the door. Instantly America shot off the couch, vaulting over an end of the snack table as he rushed to invite another friend in. “I’m getting it!” he yelled, “All of you stay right there, I’ve got this!”
Russia looked to the sky and China pinched the bridge of his nose. “Really,” Japan murmured, “It’s like he thinks it’s some kind of contest.”
“Oh you don’t even know the half of it,” China said, turning to face his friend, “You didn’t see how aggressively he ran to get the door for you or Russia.”
Japan raised his eyebrows. “How aggressive would you say it was?” Russia asked, sounding mildly curious, “For me I mean,” he corrected, “I saw him inviting Japan.”
China shrugged, “Pretty aggressive I’d say,” and then, suddenly serious he added, “He pushed me out of the way Ivan,” -he mimed hitting something, “Phhss, right like that,”
“Wow, that’s very violent,” Russia said, following China’s own mimed seriousness with a nod and a blink, “So very unlike him.”
China nodded back seriously, but a stifled cough of laughter broke though as Russia copied his little smack movement and subsequent sound effect, “Shut up,” China mumbled, watching out of the corner of his eye as Italy and Germany finally made it through the door, “It was the only thing I could think of doing,”
“Thank you for thinking of it then,” Russia smiled, casually picking up an entire bell pepper and biting into it, “It was funny.”
Abandoning the snacks table, Japan rushed over to the newcomers, excitedly hugging Italy (and then Germany) as America explained where the snacks and everything were. After a moment of watching the three former allies greet each other, Russia opened his mouth to speak, “When do you think they’ll figure it out?” he whispered, “They’ve obviously got a thing for each other.”
China shrugged and climbed into a chair, “I dunno, but hopefully it’s soon. They’re driving me mad with anticipation.”
“It was the same for us you know,” Russia nodded, leaning on the chair back and sighing, “That feels like such a long time ago…”
“It was a long time ago,” China laughed, “We’ve been a thing for a real while now.”
“I guess you’re right.” Slowly, the two drifted into silence. A direct contrast to the growing noise of the party as another group of nations made it past America’s little ‘greeting’ speech. It was nice, being close enough to each other that they could talk face to face. (Which was a luxury that neither of them had ever been able to take for granted. Being nations and everything, they usually had to stay in their own countries, far away from any other immortal friends or lovers.)
-That was the reason that China was so grateful to America for throwing this party. That loneliness was thrown off his shoulders with an excuse to leave and see the people he cared about the most. He knew that Russia felt the same way (they had talked about it over video call more than once), and he also knew that America had set up this whole party basically just to see them smile.
He’d never said it, not out loud anyway, but America was notoriously bad at keeping secrets, so China knew anyway. He was glad that he knew. (It almost entirely excused the junk food, which Finland was busy digging into. China had to appreciate the hustle.)
Russia hummed a note and leaned over the chair back a bit more, resting his forehead on the top of China’s head and bringing the other man out of his thoughts. “Would you like me to get you a drink?” He asked, “You seem pretty comfortable there.”
China smiled up at him, pushing his head back in order to not clonk their noses together, “That would be really nice, can you see if he has any good tea?”
“I’ll try,” laughed Russia, pulling away from the chair and nearly crashing into Hungry as she and her girlfriend strode by, “But I dunno if he’s gonna have any real tea,”
“He might!” China called, no longer visible behind the chair back as Russia glanced back at him, “He’s perfect in every other way, this can’t be his only fault!”
Russia shook his head, smiling as the atmosphere of the party drifted in through his ears. Oh how happy he was to be here, finally surrounded by the warmth of other people and the chatter of their voices, and finally being able to fetch one of his boyfriends a drink. (It was a weird thing to want to do, but for him, it felt like it proved that he was really in love, and it felt like it proved that he was really ready to spend life with the two men he called his.)
Suddenly, he spotted a shock of bright blond in the crowd. He knew that a disproportionate amount of male nations had blond hair, but this wasn’t any dumb blond, it was his dumb blond.
“America!” He called, swerving around a gaggle of nordics and a small crowd of female nations, “America do you have any tea?”
“Sure I do dude!” Came the excited response, “Are you the one asking?”
“No I’m not,” Russia answered, shaking his head and shuffling a bit closer to the other nation, “China wants some tea,” he leaned in closer and glanced behind himself, “The good kind,” he whispered, “Do you have any good tea?”
America blinked, and for a moment Russia was scared that his dreams of bringing China a drink wouldn’t be fulfilled, but just as suddenly as he always spoke, Alfred laughed. “Of course I do! I got it just for him, come this way!”
Russia smiled and felt another wave of gratitude for his man, “Thank you Alfred, I’m sure he’ll appreciate that,” he said truthfully, scrambling after America as he led him past the kitchen and into the basement. ‘And I appreciate it too.’
“I’m sure he will,” America agreed, rifling through a few boxes as he seared for the good tea, “But maybe you could make it for him,” he murmured embrasedly, picking out the right box and handing it to Russia, “I, er, I don’t know how to,”
To America’s surprise, Russia’s smile only grew. “Of course!” He nodded, “That’s alright, you all are known for your love of coffee, not tea.”
But before America could properly ask him what the hell he meant by ‘you all’, he was already thanking him and halfway up the stairs. “You’re welcome!” Alfred called after him, heart soaring as he climbed after Russia. He watched as he busily made his way over to the correct cabinets for the teapot and measuring spoons (and ignored how mildly questionable the fact that he knew he way around was. America had reorganized the entire kitchen since either boyfriend had been here last).
It felt good to be appreciated, but it felt even better to help someone achieve something.
- - - - -
China didn’t know when he had gotten pulled into dancing, but he knew that he was having fun. He spun across the carpeted floor, ignoring the way that it burned his toes as he swept dramatically into Americaś arms. (Off to the side, he could hear Russia cheering and clapping as the two danced. It was like they were the only couple to ‘grace’ the hastily cleared living room dance area.)
America grinned and leaned in to kiss him. China however, was not having any of that, and ducked to the side lightheartedly, totally ready to surprise hug as it became his ‘turn’ to give a move. Alfred hugged back, and China couldn’t help but look out to the small crowd in search of his other boyfriend. So it was no surprise that when the song shifted key (whatever track was playing then) China gestured for Russia to come join them.
“It’ll be fun!” He called, unlatching himself from America and making cute little ‘come here’ gestures with his hand. “Come on! Let’s all dance!”
At first Russia shook his head, but slowly he hesitated. They did look like they were having a lot of fun (plus, of course they looked great while doing it). Who was he to pass up an opportunity? So, as the song blurred over the CD player, Russia let himself be pushed into the carpeted area to join his boyfriends.
“This is a good party.” He commented, casually doing a pirouette (even as it 1, didn’t fit the song, and 2, hurt his toes a lot), “Nice music choice too,”
“I wonder who put it on,” America joked, pausing for a moment to let himself rest, “I bet the party thrower would really appreciate a thank you right about now,”
China laughed, spinning his own little circle before jumping up to put his arms around both his boyfriends, “Will this one suffice?” He leaned in closer.
Before America could say or process anything, China had already kissed him. “Now,” he chirped, smiling brightly, “Let’s all hold hands and act like nothing happened,”
“Oh yes,” America agreed, nodding as the song finally began to draw to a close, “That will definitely make that less oddly timed,”
Russia giggled and China rolled his eyes, “Come on, just do it,” he whispered.
“Of course!”
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Gn mc if you can. And may i get your personal headcannons for a mc that was affected by the paws and claws potion and turned into a sheep? Like fluffy hair, ears and tail?
Yes! I shall!
GN Mc as a sheep and the brothers reactions!
Aside from the occasional dirty eye at Satan and Mammon over destroying the antidote, all was well in the Hall of Lamentation. Belfie was cuddled up with his tall taking a nape, Beel went to raid the kitchen, Asmo was taking selfies and blowing up Devilgram with is "cute looks", Satan was watching the fish on the TV occasionally batting at them, Levi was looking up anime characters he could possibly cosplay with his current looks, Mammon was chasing a lazer light, and Lucifer was watching you tease Mammon with said lazer light. All was calm. Untill you felt a pain in your stomach, it felt like you stomach was twisting in knots. Then your head started throbbing, your body started to ache.There was a sudden Pop! And your pain was gone. Reaching up to grab your head you hands brushed against something fluffy? And why did you suddenly want to eat grass?
".....Oh no....." apparently eating grass wasn't the only instinct you gained. You were the prey in a den of predators. So you did the natural thing.
You ran.
- This really appealed to his inner (and outer) wolf. He was up and running before you disappeared around the corner.
- You could hear his footsteps pounding as he chased after you, looking over your shoulder you yelped and kicked it to high gear. He was less than an arms length away, and the look in his eyes, that wasn't the prideful first born. That was a wolf on the hunt.
- Your mistake was making a break for your room, Lucifer already knew that, so when you went to make the turn he was ready. He grabbed you by the shirt and pulled you into him. The first thing he did was bite your neck staking claming you as his. You whimpered when he pulled his teeth out, mean while he cooed and licked at the mark.
- After he finished treating the bite he carried you to his room and sat you on his bed. He climbed on to of you and started to kiss down you body and stopped when he reached you bottoms, he put his fingers around the waist band and tugged them down, he smirked when you whimpered.
" What sounds can you make for me my little lamb? Just let this wolf devour you, you won't regret it trust me."
- He knew what was happening when you dropped the lazer light and he was ready to pounce. The minute you two locked eyes he was ready and when you ran he flipped the coffee table and chased you down.
- He will sabotage his brothers to make shure they can't reach you. Will throw things at them, trip them, wack them with his tail, he will do just about anything.
- There's no elgagance when he catches you, it was a full on leap tackle and carried you to his room. No way in Devildom was he taking you to your room where all his brothers were going.
- Once he has you in his bed, he rips off your shirt and kisses and sucks on your neck. As he's doing this he keeps purring and mumbling about how he finally has you.
" I want you, I want you so bad, lamb please just give your self to me. I promise it won't be bad, just give yourself to me please. Just be my lamb, just be all mine."
- Levi was the one to attack his brothers, holding back Asmo he screamed for you to run. His voice would reverberate around the room with his comand. There is no urge to hunt you. Instead, his instincts demand him to protect you.
- After taking Asmo down he went for his older brothers as they were the ones closest to you. With strength only the third born could have, he plowed through his brothers to grasp your hand. Quickly, he would usher you into his room.
- If any of his brothers were to follow, he would plant his feet firmly on the ground with soft stomps. Then he would lower his head to flash his horns at his brothers, warning them that he won't hesitate to fight.
- You notice he doesn't seem to sit down for hours as he paces the room. Giraffes almost never sleep on the ground, feeling too vulnerable to take more than a six minute nap for fear of predators. Levi won't let himself rest, not when he has you to protect.
" You doing alright? I really don't know what came over me back there, sorry if I scared you. Just no I'm not gonna hurt you Mc, that's the last thing on me mind."
- After recovering from taking a coffee table to the shins, he was at Mammon's heels hissing and clawing at him with the full rath of house cats across the dementions.
- After separating the tiger from you, he makes sure to rub up against you. He covers you head to toe with his scent because you are HIS, and his scent is the only one allowed on you.
- He will take you to his territory after you're drenched in his scent. You aren't going anywhere anytime soon, he will bring you food himself and make sure it wasn't touched by anyone else.
- As long as you're within his sights he can relax and lay his head in your lap, because you are warm and you are his pillow now. He demands it with grumpy growls when you startled away the first time.
" Hey Mc, can you take your clothes off? I'm tired of senting your clothes this time I want to sent your body. Who knows maybe one your clothes off we can do more."
- He may be a panda, but don't forget he's a bear. Underneath that cute cuddly appearance is a bear that wants a chance at seducing this cute little sheep.
- He'll be the one who offers to help Mc after they tire out of running from his brothers. Stating he's in control of himself, this is a lie.
- He's the one who'll talk to you so sweetly and softly, he's not one to chase his prey he wants his prey to come crawling and begging for his attention. And he's not one to get his hands dirty.
- After Mc is convinced and goes into his room they're not coming out till he's had his fill. Not one to waist time your clothes are shredded, and your pinned to his body.
"Oh Mc~, your so cute like this, from your soft little ears to your fluffy tail~. Ne ne, do you mind if I take some pictures of you like this? Don't worry I'm not going to post these, these are only for me."
- In retrospect running to the kitchen wasn't the best idea especially since Beel was currently filling his bottomless stomach. With a deep inhale he pulled his head out of the fridge and started your way.
- Running wasn't really an option, Beel has long legs, a long reach, and speed on his side. Before you could move you were in his embrace, pinning you to him he started purring and licking at your sheep ears.
- His tongue was bigger and rougher in his current form and every time he hit a sensitive spot you'd let out a Yelp and start to blush. He'd laugh and continue to lick at the spot.
- Every time his brothers came to the door he'd grip you and growl, this was his den and only you could be here. He would protect you (and the fridge) from intruders.
" When I lick here you really start to squirm does it hurt? No? Then does it feel nice? Alright, then I won't stop, I won't stop until I've gotten my fill of you."
- Belphie was crafty, he laid traps for all his brothers and started his hunt. He enjoyed taking his time to hunt you down, slowly going from room to room calling for you.
- He was really shocked you weren't in your room, why wouldn't prey go to their one safe spot. Then again if he was here then how safe was it really.
- With a huff he continued to hunt you down, stomping down the hall he glanced around and saw your tail out of the corner of his eyes. With a smirk he followed you up the steps.
- So this is were you've been hiding, in his attic claiming it as your own. Well at least you made the catching part of the hunt easy for him, but your going to pay for making him walk around for hours hunting you. Wrapping his tail around you he woke you up.
"Hey Mc, nope don't even try getting up, you've been hiding in this attic and your not leaving it yet. I really need a nap and your the perfect pillow to help me. But don't think your off the hook yet, you're going to pay for making me hunt you for hours. Oh don't look so scared, I'll be gentle...at the start.
I finally finished it, this took so long and I had a friend help me with it, but I finally did it.
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seulbby · 3 years
give me a reason
╰┈➤ chapter four; vertigo
➛ y/n meets an old friend. 
➛series masterlist / regular masterlist
⧖ natasha romanoff x fem!reader
⧖warnings; angst, swearing, blood, gore, and lmk if i missed anything.
⧖a/n; sorry this took me so long to upload. i had a lot going on. but here it is!
•°. *࿐
natasha was truly dumbfounded. where the hell did this little fuck nyx go? first she has her against the wall, fingers laced around her neck. then next thing natasha sees is a black fog thing in place of nyx, or now should she say y/n. natasha truly hated her now. if natasha didn’t hate y/n before when she found out y/n was trying to kill her, she sure does now. 
nyx or y/n or whatever her name is, truly is something natasha has never seen before. and natasha has seen some crazy shit. she literally say giant aliens come out of a wormhole from space! she’s seen fricken asgardian gods! 
natasha, like any child, were told stories either from friends or family about the gods and goddess, greek or celtic, evil or good. nyx was the goddess of the night. when natasha was little and learning about the greek gods while going to that shithole boarding school the red room, she learned even zeus, the all powerful god of the sky, was afraid of nyx. now some wack job with some party tricks and mind control is coming out to kill her and is called the nyx for the exact reason zeus feared her? yeah, natasha has never seen anything like her before. 
•°. *࿐
y/n was used to whole fighting thing. she’s been up against some of the worlds deadliest people, including the winter soldier. she’s been there and done that. but for some reason she can’t get natasha, the infamous black widow, out of her head. 
the way she had elegance in the most crude way. even choking her up against the wall natasha had some grace to her. which y/n finds hard to understand given her background, but not really. 
after y/n literally vanishes out of natashas grip. she goes to where she was staying. in this old raggedy hotel. she didn’t like staying at the higher class hotels because it wasn’t what she was used too. or what she was comfortable with. 
when she was back in her hotel room all showed and clean to some degree she receives a text from a stranger, or so she thought. 
heard you were stirring up trouble with a friend of mine. 
who are you?
you don’t remember me? ill give you a hint - 🧙🏻
wanda maximoff
ding ding ding
holy fuck. you know natasha?
wanda maximoff
of course. i’m in the avengers you know?
well my apologies for trying to kill her but i have a job to do you know?
wanda maximoff
i’m in paris this week. as backup for nat. everyone knows how the notorious nyx can be. can we meet up? 
shit let me check my schedule. i have a lot to do. killing people and stuff. 
wanda maximoff
cut the crap, y/n. 
im free idiot. how about we meet right under the eiffel tower? 
wanda maximoff
your wish is my command. get it? cause you can control people's minds?
so can you.  
after y/n’s conversation with wanda, she started to get ready. wanda was an old friend. they were both experimented by hydra at the same time. while wanda volunteered to try and save her country, y/n wasn’t so fortunate. but they had gotten to know one another and became good friends. y/n was even good friends with pietro. wanda would say they were better then friends because they might have had something going on, but y/n would never admit that. 
y/n’s whole world was turned upside down when pietro died and she hasn’t seen wanda since. so safe to say that y/n was surprised that wanda reached out. well, it might have been because she was trying to kill wanda's mentor. 
•°. *࿐
natasha knew wanda was there, and as backup. she just didn’t acknowledge it. she would rather die by the hands of her hit women then let her mentee clean up her mess. she’s stubborn (she’s a scorpio what do you expect). 
•°. *࿐
once wanda and y/n met up, there was only one thing to talk about. and it wasn’t the thing anyone would expect. 
“i just have one question, y/n” y/n was hoping it wasn’t the question that she was anticipating. she wasn’t really up for discussing it. 
“well how can i say no to an old friend?” she can. she could just disappear right now. but no. she’s gonna stay and try to be a good friend. 
“why did you leave?” well shit, that wasn’t even the question she was anticipating. but she already has an answer. and she already gave it to wanda. 
“i already told you before i left. i had an out and i took it.” y/n says without a second thought. 
“you didn’t even give me or pietro a second thought. you just left.” wanda might start crying. being friends was an understatement from the both of them. they were like sisters. getting experimented on at the same time can do that. 
“i did. i asked you both to come with me. you both said no.” y/n really didn’t want to have this conversation again. she was sick of feeling guilty for escaping a literal nazi organization. 
“but we were family. we were supposed to stick together. pietro and i had to fight for our country.”
“and i had to fight for myself! you guys volunteered for struckers shit. i didn’t. i was forced. so excuse me for wanting to leave somewhere where i was held captive.” y/n was on the verge of strangling the living shit out of the girl in front of her. 
“you didn’t even stay after i told you what happened to pietro.” 
“i couldn’t, and im sorry. but i lost my first love and i couldn’t stay.” that was the first time y/n as ever said that she loved pietro. wanda always suspected it, but now she has proof. 
“and i lost my brother!” wanda was yelling now. which is new. y/n never heard her so angry before. 
“i know. i wanted to be there for you. but i needed to leave, and im sorry. i wish i never did.” this was the first time y/n was actually showing any emotions since the death of pietro. 
the both of them didn’t say anything else after for what felt like years, which it was actually around 5 minutes until wanda put her hand over the table to grab y/n’s. 
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 10
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:5 i’m jared 19 and i never learned how to read
Warnings: Curse words, implied sex jokes
Words: 3.4k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
You three made it to homeroom right before the final bell rang, meaning none of you were late which was boring in your opinion. Being fashionably late especially on the first day just shows character. 
The classroom was full of caldrons like from Harry Potter but also full of lab coats like a science lab. There were also just shelves with glass covering them full of plants that you have never seen before and ones you hoped to never touch because you are 100.69% sure they can kill you. Then, there were just shelves of bottles of potions like in the movies which you also did not want to touch not for fear of death but because they could turn you into a frog or something which sounded kinda cool now that you thought about it. Still, you were not going to do it.
Your teacher, however: a hottie. He obviously knows about style and fashion if his dual colored hair and his fur coat are anything to go by. He also had a perfectly shaped face with sharp eyes that you just couldn’t look away from. The whip in his hand told you enough about his life outside of school, and the collar at the end of it also told you enough. This man was def not someone to disrespect, and ngl he could yell at you. That’s for another time; you just hoped you could stare at the man for the entire class. 
Once you and your three friends put the lab coats and goggles on and went to your seats (you assumed because Ace and Deuce dragged you there), the gorgeous man started to lecture, “I see you’re the fresh new faces who will be joining my class today.” He walked around the classroom and gazed at everyone’s figure. “Hm~ What an unusual hair color. Not bad at all, I say. Be careful not to take too long to finish, understood?” He made it to your group of seats near the back and stopped, “My name is Divus Crewel.” His gaze was caught on you for a couple of seconds until he returned to walking around the classroom, “You shall refer to me as Master Crewel, if you please.” He had the most miniscule smirk when he turned back to meet your eyes. 
You turned to Ace with your wide eyes and muttered, “Please tell me he gets you hot and bothered too.” 
Ace just glared and spat back at you, “Only you are dealing with those feelings.” 
Master Crewel clapped his hands twice, “Come, settle down. It’s time for class to begin. First off, a few disclaimers.” 
The entire class ceased the side conversations, and you even placed the weight of your chin on your hands with your elbows on the desk so you could balance your newfound crush for him.
The magnificent man just lightly placed the edge of the whip on his desk, “I shall have your tiny brains remember hundreds of names of medicinal herbs and poisonous plants. And mushrooms are a whole different topic. I’ll have you remember them so that you don’t accidentally poison yourself if you eat some when you go for a walk. Dogs love to eat anything they see, after all.I don’t want to see anyone getting a failing mark during the exam, so I shall be as strict as I can.”
You don’t even remember what he was saying, but you just nodded the entire time. This was a class you knew you were going to stay awake in. Your eyes were still stuck on his figure, and you knew just from looking at him that you may not have a failing grade because you bet you were going to ask for help. 
Your three idiots were seemingly having a conversation next to you while your brain was stuck in your fantasies of after school tutoring. 
Your mind was stuck in your fantasy until the end of class when someone had to use his textbook to smack the back of your head, “Ouch!” You spun around only to find Grim and Ace behind you with a textbook in Ace’s hand. 
 Grim snickered out behind you, “You deserved that, Prefect. Even I, the Great Grim, was paying more attention in this boring class.” By the end of the sentence he sighed all of it out. 
“Come on. Let’s not be late.” Deuce grabbed his stuff and motioned to your group to leave. 
You lightly and neatly put up your lab coat and goggles because male Cruella De Vil was still situated at the front of the class, and you had to look good in front of him. 
“Have a great day!” You gushed out while frantically waving at the man to give him a proper farewell. 
Ace slapped your hand down once you exited the room, “Can you please stop? It’s getting real disgusting.” 
You blew a raspberry at him while the four of you were on your way to your next class, “Oh, shut up and let me be a simp.”
“A what? You know what I’m ignoring you.” Ace shook his head and sighed at your comments. 
The conversation stopped after that when you began to make your way up stairs to get to your next class. You had to go up two flights of stairs which ended with you leaning along a wall, red-faces, and out of breath by the middle of it. 
“Hurry up, supervisor,” Deuce advised. 
You hissed, “Shut up.”
The three of you arrived at your next class which Decue said was “something-something history.” And you were actually kind of excited because you have no clue what has happened in this world, and it is gonna be so different with magic and everything.  
You three took seats near the middle of class, so all of you could still concentrate but still talk some. This class room was structured much more like a lecture hall than the past one with a chalk board at the front behind a teacher desk and desks being on different platforms going up, and so your group had to go up a couple of stairs to get to where you claimed were your seats. 
The class all took their seats and shut their mouths once an older man without a uniform came into the classroom carrying a cat. 
The cat had your full attention for this class because you now have the human desire to pet and love the cat as one should. 
Once the professor sat down with the cat on his lap, he introduced himself, “I am Trein, the professor in charge of Magical History. And this is my familiar, Lucius. I shall have you learn the history behind the magic that you are using now.”
Lucis, the cute little black cat who had a hint of white on his front right under his head, confirmed Professor Trein’s previous statements with a “Meow.”
It took a couple of seconds for you to process the Professor’s words, but once you did you turned to Deuce who was located to the left of you and blurted out, “Wait, is Lucius a real cat? What's a familiar? Can I not pet him? OMG, what if he can understand what I’m saying. That cannot be it-”
Professor Trein cut you off midway with another Lecture (Deuce was just gazing at you with disappointment in his eyes), “I do not only grade by your reports, but also by how you behave in my classroom. I will not tolerate sleeping in class. Now then, please turn to page 5 of your textbooks. This is related to the magic stone that was discovered inside the Dwarf Mines.”
You were taken aback by everything, but you also realized that you did not have a text book. You didn’t even have a book bag or pens, so you turned to Deuce to only flutter your lashes and pout at him until he shared his textbook with you and gave you lose leaf and a pen. 
Lucis decided to bring his voice into the conversation, “Meow.”
“The discovery of this jewel led to magical energy being able to spread worldwide. It could also be considered as the 1st year magic was made possible.” Professor Trein continued his lecture, and you were actually actively taking notes because this was like some wack anime and you had to know the full plot line.
Ace yawned into his hand when you gazed at him. 
And Deuce was taking notes but his eyes were also beginning to close, “Oh…! The Dwarf Mines, huh… Oh…! Magical energy, huh…” You had to kick him to keep him awake.
Grim rested his head on the desk, “Ugh… I want a more explosive and flashier magic class!”
You could only sigh at the three idiots not paying attention while your pen kept on writing. 
By the end of the class and the lecture was over, all three of the spots next to you were occupied with asleep idiots. You put your stuff into your pockets and got up to nug Grim on his shoulder for him to wake up. His head slowly lifted up with his eyes still closed, so you decided to just carry him to the next class. He was in your arms by the time you got everything together and moved onto the other two idiots asleep. 
You kicked Deuce in the calf who jumped up immediately and rushed to get everything together, and then moved onto Ace to pull his hair. Ace stayed still until you found a certain spot of hair closest to his neck and pinched it and tugged on it. That had him reaching for your hand to stop your actions and had him awake and ready to move. 
“Get up, class already ended.” You let go of his hair to move to the walkway of the classroom. 
Ace shook his head to wake himself further up, “Okay.. but why did you have to pinch me so hard?”
“Were you gonna wake up by yourself?”
“I think you see my thought process, then.” You shrugged your shoulders while the two remaining boys got their things together. After that all three of you were off to your next class, causing you to walk down stairs and through hallways until the three of you made it to a field outside.
The boys made you drop off your stuff, which wasn’t much anyway, and Grim in order to go and change into a P.E. uniform. Apparently, in the locker room, there were some extra uniforms for you to change into. 
The locker room stunk of mold and fungus from somewhere in the corners of the room, but Deuce led you to a bin of uniforms. He just pulled the first one from the pile and gave it to you. It was a bright green shirt with a dragon or lizard on it. Then, he gave you a black jacket with yellow stripes on the sleeves and a pair of pants with a faded royal purple stripes on parts of the pants. Seems were also ripped out of certain parts of the uniform with most of the colors being lightly faded. Looking at the uniform as a whole, it was definitely going to be too large on you. 
You thanked Deuce while he was walking away to the right side of the locker room, and then, you got moving. You observed the locker room to see if there were any bathrooms and to your luck, toward the back there was another door which led into the bathroom. You entered the next room to find no line and no one in the last stall. On your way to the stall, you passed up a bulky male with silver-white animal ears on his head in a yellow uniform who was washing his hands. You set foot in the final stall to only find the toilet flooded and writings all over the wall, causing you to let out a sigh and shut and lock the door just happy you did not have to use the restroom. 
Once dressed, you took your cloak and other clothes and walked out of the stall to wash your hands. Looking in the mirror was not on your to-do list, so you kept your eyes stuck on the faucet and your hands because the headache from the rat’s nest on your head and the slight pain from parts of your face gave you all the information you needed. You left the restrooms and found a deserted area where many lockers were empty. You threw your clothes in one of the middle lockers, closed it, and took account of the number of the locker. 
You left the locker room to see that you were one of the final people to get dressed and get out of the locker room. Grim, Ace, and Deuce were seated on the ground near the back of the group, and you made your way to them with many different eyes on you. 
The hulking man blew his whistle to get everyone in the class and started a speech, “I’m Vargas and I’m in charge of watching over your physical education.Excellent magic starts with excellent bodies! Behold…! These muscles that I train every day! A magician with no stamina is unspeakable! First, do 20 laps around the field! And then, 100 sit-ups!” He blew the whistle again and threw his pointer finger out the motion for you all to start your laps.
The three of you jumped up from your spot on the ground and slowly walked over to the track. 
Ace grimaced at the teacher, “Eh… I don’t hate exercise, but I can’t handle teachers like him.”
“I have confidence in my physical abilities,” Deuce had his hands on his hips and was twisting his torso around to stretch it. 
Grim shook his head, “What's so fun about running around? I’m not a hamster, yanno?”
You just sighed and joined the group of students starting to run. Ace, Deuce, Grim, and you slowly joined the middle of the group in a jog around the field. 
You were left pondering for a second about everything and anything and your mind went straight to how you could get out of the stuffy cloak because even if you did look like an adventurer you could not stand to wear it in the heat all the time. So you started up a conversation:
“Yo, Deuce,” You bumped arms with him, making Deuce’s eyes slowly drifted to your figure, “Do you know where I could get a school uniform? Is there like a store or something nearby?” 
Deuce contemplated your question for a couple of seconds until he snapped his fingers, “There is a shop on campus that has everything. We could stop there after school today.” 
“Well, that’s one thing covered,” Your feet were still in a constant jog, but they started to cramp in some areas, “I hope they have a clearance section.” 
The rest of PE was much more strenuous than you expected. This teacher thought that all of you were Olympic Athletes with all the work he is making you do, but looking at some of the students here (the green shirt-green haired fellow who is racing down the track whenever possible and the furry male who you saw in the bathroom earlier). Everyone was doing better than you. Even Grim. 
However, the exercises were soon over and you were all allowed to go back to the locker rooms and change. You were for now stuck lying on the ground wheezing from the physical activities you just completed in the past hour. Ace and Deuce went back to get changed and Grim is asleep on the grass behind you. 
“You okay?” A male’s voice could be heard from somewhere above you, but you were too drained to even move your eyes to see who it was. 
You groaned, “Don’t mind me. I’m just slowly decaying.” 
The male was speechless for a second and did not respond until your eyes fluttered open the slightest bit, “Do you want water? Or the nurse?” 
“No, oh gracious savior, but I’d rather you leave me here to be eaten by the birds.” You shut your eyes, listening to Grim groan besides you.
“Um...okay. Please get better,” The male’s footsteps could be heard walking away. 
You stayed there for about another hour in your head just trying to breathe in and out and maybe even fall asleep until a kick was landed on your side. 
“Get up, you lazy ass.” Ace was blessing you with his presence and his torment.
You hurled your body forward and up to grip Ace’s foot which was making its way to your side again, “Don’t you have a sense of common courtesy to not kick someone when they are dying?” 
“You aren’t dying, but you are wasting our break time.” Ace groaned and pulled his foot out of your grip, “So go get dressed.”
Rolling your eyes, you gathered yourself and stood up to make your way back to the changing rooms. You left Grim to be with Ace, so you hoped those two would not cause problems. The rest was a lack of oxygen and lack of water blur until you found your three idiots out in the hallway and began your track to your next class. You decided to take your time a little because you had a ten minute break before the next class. 
Deuce was looking around the hallways for the next class, “Let’s see, the next class is..”
Ace was pouting next to you, “For a magic school, it doesn’t really feel that much different from a normal school, huh… It’s a lot more… ordinary than I thought… Guess I don’t have to worry much even without magic.” His body shifted to turn to your side, “Dontcha think so, too, Grim? Hm…” 
You gazed at where Grim last was which was to the left of you and let your eyes focus and blink for a couple of seconds, “Are you fucking kiddin me?”
A gasp was heard from Deuce in front of you, “Look outside the window! That fluffball running in the Courtyard…” He pointed out Grim’s exact spot in the middle of the large area. 
Once you began your sprint to him, you could hear him cackling about how he did not deserve to listen to boring lectures all day. 
You stopped your run when you realized that you would never be able to make it farther due to PE kicking your butt, “If I have to go to school, then, so does he.”
Deuce and Ace were arriving right behind you.
Deuce crossed his arms, “Running away on the first day…” He shook his head, “That guy just doesn’t learn, huh.” 
“Being negligent on the first day, are we? So, d’ya want us to help you catch Grim?” A smirk bloomed on Ace’s face. 
You scrunched your nose, “If I have to be here, then so does he.”  threaded your hands together and squeezed your eyes shut and bowed, “Please, please help me.”
“I want some chocolate croissants from the canteen!” 
Deuce blurted in agreement, “Then, I shall have some café latte from the cafeteria.”
You rose from your bow, “Perfect, perfect. Thank yooou!!” not even thinking about how you were going to afford that. 
Ace and Deuce pulled their magic pens out of their pockets and joined each other in front of you to start their hunt for Grim. 
Ace smirked at Deuce, “And that’s a deal! Alright, shall we go help out our helpless prefect, Deuce-kun?”
Deuce narrowed his eyes and rolled back his sleeves of his jacket, “Sure thing, Ace-kun. I’m most looking forward to lunchtime.”
“I’ll be in the classroom once you catch him.” You waved the two off while they began their hunt for the cat. 
By the time you made it to your next class, the three showed up with sweat dripping from their faces, their clothes in disarray, and the teacher right behind them. 
This would surely be a great year.
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
Seeking comfort ✨
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I've been having some tought couple of weeks and wanted to imagine some comfort interactions with my comfort character John Walker. Hope y'all enjoy it. I'll try my best as usual. The reader is gender neutral and this fic is sfw. Mention of death of a relative.
It's been a month since half the population of the universe got snapped by Thanos. I've received a sudden promotion. I should be happy about it but I wasn't. My promotion, like the promotions of many of my coworkers was only a reminder that the previous person on the job was not longer part of existence. They were not dead, they simply vanished. They turned to dust. Stopped existing altogether.
I left my workplace at five. The bus had less people than it used to. There used to be those "familiar strangers", those people you don't actually knew but who were still a part of your routine because you shared a bus ride everyday. Now the bus was full of unfamiliar strangers again. According to the avengers the choice was random. I wonder if in some places no one got dusted at all. If some families were somehow still intact.
I tried not to think too much about it. Tried to focus on the present and on those who remained but it was just impossible. Everything reminded me of the snap in one way or another. Like my home. Coming home from work used to be good, my parents would be watching tv, and my dog would jump in my legs. My dog and my father got dusted. My mom didn't, but she was in the car with my dad. She wasn't quick enough to grab the wheel.
Now my home is just me. It has been for a month now but I still can't get used to it. The walls feel so cold and abandoned. So empty all the time. I got hit by a sudden urge not to go home. On the bus window I saw the city lights and the people walking around. I saw Custer's Grove High School, the school I attended as a teenager. I left the bus in front of it.
It was already dark so there was nobody there and the lights were all off. I walked in with no problem whatsoever. There used to be security guards there, one or two tops, but apparently those were vacant now like so many other jobs all around the world (and galaxy).
My footsteps made loud noises while I walked around the school. On the walls there were colorful cardboards with the names of snapped people. There were also photos and poems and flowers all around. It all felt wack for some reason. Pointless. If there was a heaven those people were not there. Were they even dead?
The football field was still as huge as I remember. I never liked being there. I didn't enjoy the games or the cheerleaders or the mascot. Now though the field made me feel good. Good and bad at the same time. Bittersweet. I sat in one of the stands like I've done so many times in the past. I took a deep breath and the cold air hurted my nostrils a little but I didn't care. It was indeed the first thing I felt the whole day.
I dived my face into my hands and without realizing it I started to cry. The tears flew around my fingers. Even though I knew I would feel better eventually, at that particular moment I felt like crap.
"Tough times huh?" I heard a male voice nearby and jumped in surprise.
The man seemed to be around my age. He was wearing a military uniform, was blond and that was pretty much all I could see with the darkness around us.
"Don't worry" he chuckled, "I won't tell anyone you're crying in a highschool field at night. Otherwise I'm gonna have to explain what I'm doing here!"
He got closer and I realized he also had tears in his eyes even though they looked dry now.
"I'm John Walker, by the way."
I said my name and shaked his hand.
"This is embarrassing." I poorly cleaned my face with the back of my hands.
"No, it isn't!" John reassured me, "We have all being crying. I mean it's the only option at this point."
"You're right. I wanted to ask if you've lost someone but it's pointless. Of course you have. We all have."
We both looked at the empty field for a second.
"I used to study here." I said.
"Yeah, me too. I was one of those jocks."
"I can see that!" I said, pointing at his uniform. We both chuckled. "Where were you?"
"Afghanistan. We all came back because of the snap."
"You were there when it happened?"
"War is hard in and on itself. I'm sorry John."
"Thanks." He smiled, "It means a lot."
I smiled back and suddenly felt the need to talk
"Can I vent real quick?"
"Please! This is why I came here in the first place!"
We both chuckled again. I stayed in silence a couple seconds gathering my thoughts.
"It's just that...everything just seems so pointless nowadays. I get up, go to work, come back home and go to sleep just to repeat everything the next day. But I can't find any joy in it because the people I would like to share this routine with are now gone. You understand me?"
"Yeah, totally!" John sighted, "I'm just so glad my girlfriend is still around."
"Your girlfriend didn't get snapped? You're one of the lucky ones, I see."
"Hardly!" John chuckled while tilting his head, "I mean I love her don't get me wrong!"
"Of course!"
"...But looking at the circumstances. It's all fucked up. I wanted to ask her hand, you know?"
"Oh my gosh really??"
"Yeah yeah I even bought the ring already."
He stopped talking and I felt the "but" building itself inside his head.
"But...?" I whispered.
"But..." He snapped his fingers and the gesture actually sent a shiver down my spine. "Not the best time for a party is it now?"
I took a deep breath.
"I just feel so lost."
"Me too."
"I had everything planned out, you know? But suddenly all my family is gone and I don't even now how my life is going to be next week. I don't feel safe or organized in any way."
I felt John touch his shoulder on mine. I appreciated the gesture and smiled. Abusing of his kindness I placed my head on John's shoulder. He shifted to a more comfortable position for both of us.
"I miss before." I said, "The world wasn't perfect by any means but waking up in the morning surely felt so much easier."
"I agree."
John and I stayed there for a while enjoying each other's company and silent comfort. Eventually I took my head off his shoulder. My chest felt lighter.
"You're a true hero John Walker."
"Please don't thank me for my service!" He smiled.
"Don't worry I won't. I will thank you for being here tonight. It feels good to share the grief."
"Thank you for being here tonight!" John replied, "I agree with everything you said."
I smiled at John and he smiled back. We hugged each other really tight and went to the bus stop together. And this is the story of how I cried in front of captain America that one time. Before he was Captain America of course!
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