#I aint tagging all of the OP's in this are you kidding me.
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wrenfeathers · 1 month ago
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The Greeks told of a man made immortal in the stars, his name was Orion. It meant 'Heaven's Light'.
Anyway i've been lurking in the tf fandom for 2 months now so have a hastily made fanart of OP
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little-wawita · 4 months ago
Im back <3. First of all
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And the tags in cuestion of course
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VLAD YOU´RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE. Guy thinks that just because he (nearly) flawlessly hid his lab he wouldn't be discovered? Tell me you've never met a bat without telling me you've never met a bat. Keeping all his incriminating stuff togheter is probably the dumbest thing he's done but Vlad isn't known for being as smart as he thinks.
Also the image of his sorry ass waking up in the middle of the night hearing the-baby-that-refuses-to-be-his-baby chirping for family? baby want family?? but not you, asshole, he's playing with your feelings, go back to sleep (his ass is not sleeping, don't believe what he says, he's a liar who lies) ((he's also screaming his lungs out to the next underling he finds)).
Orphan apearing out of nowhere to help, girl how did you learn that? what do you mean with you worked in construction?? where??? Ask all you want, she's not answering, wait where did she go? whatever, you heard her boys, keep working!
Now, the kids going to the police instead of home? Awesome, everything according to plan :]. Oh, a social worker? Ok, this seems a little bit excesive but they haven't been around for many police related issues so maybe that's how they handle minors? Oh. Their parents are under investigation? The GIW are actually a bunch of humans sopremacist and aren't legal?. Ok, it's fine, they can take it.
(it's not fine, but they can take it regardless)
At least the social worker is nice.
But learning that their aunt won't take the, specially the reason why? DEVASTATING. It felt like that anyways.
I also had to google about the axolotl thing, it shouldn't have been so funny.
Also, Jazz is baby. Please let her act like the baby she is, even if we know she won't. :'((((
THE WHOLE THING JUST TO MAKE JASON RELATED TO THEM. These bitches (bats) aren't just pulling some strings and faking papers, oh no, they are completely puppetering the whole situation so the kids would end up with Jason in Gotham. He IS getting his son, thank you very much. And his son's sister. (he aint calling her daughter unless she allows him to) ((Danny is not getting the same privilege.))
There are going to be so many misunderstandings when they realize WHO, specificaly, Vlad was trying to clone. And his reasons. The little badger thing is also not helping, sorry Vlad. It's also gonna generate so many awkward questions and even MORE awkward-er conversations, sorry Danny.
Jack having five siblings is literally the least surprising thing about this post. He is also the middle child but the physically bigger of all of his siblings, you CANNOT tell me he's not used to having little gremlings and bigger gramlings using him as a literal climbing post. That's why he's so strong, all of his siblings were always on top of him when they were togheter before he was disowned. Too bad there's no one to climb him now.
Anyways. Thank you so much for feeding us with this lovely addition Op, kudos, all the kudos for you <3<3. Also don't stress yourself if you dont have (or dont want) more things to add to this au AND if you do dont pressure yourself to write it quickly or whatever, we love you anyways <3.
Ghost Chirps AU Part 4
A little treat in these trying times
Part 1 & 2
Part 3
The first time Daniel chirps (to Vlad’s knowledge, but it’s actually the fifth, he was just out of range in the GZ all the previous time) Vlad responds immediately. 
The boy attacks him just as viciously as ever, and Vlad assumes from then on that the boy is merely taunting him, crying out for family only to go “no, not you.”
Vlad ignores it from then on. It isn’t particularly frequent anyway.
When he hears him chirping back and forth with some other ghost somewhere on the East Coast he feels his eye twitch. 
He dismisses it, however. No doubt it is one of Daniel’s little ghost allies helping him try to antagonize Vlad into showing up just to be rejected again.
Well, Vlad won’t fall for Daniel’s petty tricks. He would be Vlad’s son in time one way or another, no need to indulge the boy’s temporary sense of superiority.
It is grating when it wakes him up in the middle of the night, but he goes back to sleep quickly after.
Midday, he thinks he might have to track down Danny’s little friend for a nice long chat about Not Doing That. But that’s an issue for later.
Before “later” can arrive, Vlad finds himself taken into “temporary custody” while the police search his house.
He goes peacefully, assured that they’ll find nothing amiss, all of his ecto materials tucked neatly away in a lab that is inaccessible any way other than phasing. And wrapped in lead just in case.
He does not notice that a member of the Justice League is involved, nor would he care, certain that none could find his lab. And utterly unaware of the JLD’s existence.
Not that the JLD is needed in this case.
Despite his best efforts to change every copy of the construction crews’ blueprints both digital and physical in order to eliminate knowledge of the inaccessible room, there’s no accounting for memory.
Officer Roger worked in construction before joining the force, and it was only less than a half a year ago that Masters’ Amity home was constructed. Officer Roger still remembers the doorless, windowless box they built alongside the small mansion itself. It’s nowhere to be found on the property, so he brings it up with his superior.
Orphan questions it - nearly giving the whole team heart-attacks in the process - but a simple “I used to work in construction” seems to be enough to satisfy her curiosity.
A two hour sweep with some metal detectors finds nothing.
Then Orphan reappears from the shadows, providing another jumpscare, before pressing a hand silently to the side of her head.
The crew watches in silence as well, giving their pulses a chance to slow.
A ten-count later Orphan’s hand drops, and she strides confidently to the rear-left corner of the mansion and points at the ground.
“200 feet beneath the foundation,” she says before disappearing back into the shadows.
The crew shares a look and gets to work.
The time it takes to dig up the cube is just more time spent in a cell for Vlad, where he waits patiently, assured he’ll be released soon enough.
The lab itself would be only a minor problem - there would be fines and inspections and a heavy watch until everything was brought up to code. Questions about how he accessed it would be a larger problem.
But worst of all, in the comfort of his lab? He’s not much for hiding away incriminating documents. 
Of which there are many, given his propensity for keeping extensive records of his experiments, which include unethical cloning and what sums up to human experimentation. 
Once they find the actual facilities for the experiments in his Wisconsin home? It will all be over for him.
Being a ghost he could, of course, simply flee the cell and start anew somewhere else, with a new identity or even in a new dimension altogether - so long as he could nab Maddie and her children to bring with him.
But within his labs, he also keeps extensive records of himself.
A copy of the Plasmius Maximus.
Other ghost- and halfa-capturing restraints.
When he hears steps approaching his cell 2 days into his stay when it is clearly not a mealtime, he thinks “finally” assured that he is about to be released.
He only registers that it is Batman after he’s been hit by the Plasmius Maximus - cut off from his powers for at least the next two hours.
He has no chance to complain, as he is subsequently tranqued unconscious to be taken to a more secure location.
It’s an hour and half after school let out when the cops - who had taken to trying to distract Jazz and Danny with cards games and work stories while they waited - step away to answer their radios. 
When they return, they tell them that it’s “time to go.”
The siblings share a look, then shrug.
It wouldn’t be the first time the cops had to drive them home - rare though it was, there were at least 4 such occasions in their memories. It wasn’t a big deal.
They were less than enthused when the cops explained that they’d be heading to take them to the station instead of to home. Still, they chalked it up to the whole “questions about the Red Hood” thing and moved on. 
At least it meant they could dodge a home visit like Danny had wanted.
Except when they get there, they are taken to a cushy room and introduced to their social worker, a woman with a kind smile and a soothing voice who introduces herself as Bethany Scott, sits them down and explains, very gently, that their parents are currently under investigation.
To her credit, she isn’t condescending. She doesn’t try to hide away the truth; when they ask why, she tells them.
It’s a surprisingly long list of charges. Of everything on it, the violation of the meta protection acts comes as the biggest surprise.
Their parents were obsessive about ghosts, but they were also good at it. They never attack anything that doesn’t have ectoplasm.
Well, barring a few misfires.
Another surprise comes then: the Anti-Ecto Acts don’t exist. Ghosts are covered by the MPA by design, the AEA would never have gotten off of the ground in any legal capacity. It is solely a creation of the GIW, an extreme “‘real’ humans only” supremacist group that had worked at every level to pull the wool over the eyes of the small town’s citizenry so thoroughly that they’d been thought a real government agency - the imitation of which would be just one of the many charges that every member they managed to capture would be facing.
Then Mrs Scott starts talking about placement options.
Their Aunt, they are told, is not an option. 
It comes as a surprise to Danny. On quiet nights, when no ghosts showed up to interrupt him and Sam and Tucker weren’t up to distract him with a game of Doomed, his mind would sometimes wander back to that darkest of timelines.
He’d wondered how Vlad had ended up with custody. Being his godfather made him an option, but Danny would’ve wanted to go with Alicia. Will be damned, Danny would’ve plead on both knees with the judge to go with his aunt. Grieving or not, he’d have wanted as much distance between him and Vlad as possible,
He’d assumed Vlad must have done something to her or paid off the judge to rule in his favor.
To find out it was because she simply wouldn’t take him?
A part of him understands. He doesn't - Aunt Alicia is a kind person, yes, but not particularly loving or caring. When his parents brought up the subject of children with her on one of their rare visits, she described herself as having “less motherly instinct than a starving axolotl.”
Not an encouraging description after he read a book on axolotls for context. 
With their options being “Aunt in a small wood cabin in the middle of nowhere with the emotional sensitivity of a bull in a china shop” and “Rich friend of the family who would enable them to stay in contact with their friends and could hire them therapists even if he’s personally useless for helping them through the grieving process” she probably also figured marking herself down as a solid non-option would just expedite them getting the help they need (because she does care, even if she herself can’t - won’t - be there for them in that way).
He doesn’t hate her, but the knowledge burns. To know that there really was no avoiding Vlad - in that horrible future and in the now - makes him sick to his stomach.
Except before he can spiral, Mrs Scott tells them that Vlad is also not an option. Because he’s also under investigation.
A hysterical giggle bursts past his lips before he can think to stop it.
“Why?” he asks, ignoring Jazz’ disapproving grimace.
It’s less funny when they’re told that he’s under investigation under suspicion of mostly the same violations as their parents - including MPA violation, given the whole “million dollar ghost” incident and related propaganda. As the mayor especially, he should’ve known the AEA weren’t real and that the GIW were frauds and it was his responsibility to do something about them.
Depending on how he’d interacted with the group, he might be looking at aiding and abetting treason - or just outright treason - charges.
“If Aunt Alicia and Vlad both aren’t able to take us, then where are we going to go?” Jazz asks, shoving her emotions aside to deal with the matter at hand.
“Ordinarily, we would call up a few local fosters and see if one could take you in for a few days while we look into more long-term options. Worst case scenario you would have to spend a night or two in a hotel suite connected to mine while I found someone,” she answers. “But the two of you are in luck; Batman is the one who brought the case to our attention - apparently some erratic behavior from Red Hood brought them here, don’t ask, I don’t have all the details - and offered to run your parents’ DNA to check for other relatives that could take you. There was a match.”
The siblings share another look.
Both grandparents on their mother’s side had been only children and both were dead. Aunt Alicia had already said no and had no children of her own. Their father had been disowned by his family, and even if their other Aunts and Uncles would have been willing to take them in it didn’t matter, because all 5 had died in various accidents on their “hunts.”
“Apparently your uncle, Jerry Fenton, had a fling before he passed with one Ms Sheila Haywood. Their son, Jason, was thought to be the son of Willis Todd and Mrs Haywood until the DNA test today. He was raised by Willis and Mrs Catherine Todd until his subsequent adoption by Mr Bruce Wayne, and is currently living in Gotham.”
And it sounds wrong - the only thing most Fentons could love was mystery and danger - thus why only one out of six had survived. But they don’t know enough to dispute it.
Also. The involvement of another billionaire is setting off alarm bells. On the one hand: this could be a fruitloop paying someone off in order to forcibly adopt them. On the other hand, maybe Jason Todd really was a Fenton and being adopted by fruitloops was some kind of curse on the current generation.
“We contacted Mr. Todd the moment the connection was made. He has expressed an interest in taking you in, and flew out immediately to come and meet you. He arrived not five minutes ago.”
She paused and gave them a sympathetic look. 
“I understand that this is all a lot to take in. Please know that placing you with Mr. Todd is not the end of my duties; even after he takes you, I will be following you to Gotham. I’ll be looking into counselors for the both of you, and we’ll have a follow up on that topic in a maximum of a week’s time. I’ll also be doing regular home checks to ensure you’re both settling in well and that you’re being taken good care of. 
Even with what little I’ve gleaned, it is obvious that the environment you both grew up in until now was neither a safe nor a healthy one. It is my job to ensure that doesn’t happen again. If you have any concerns about your placement home now or in the future, please do not hesitate to bring them up with me. If you worry something is not “important” enough to mention, rest assured that if it bothers you in the slightest, then it’s important to me.”
She gives them each a long look.
Then she brings in Jason.
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bravo-four-seal-team · 4 years ago
Rubble and Ghosts
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Tagging:  @disasterfandoms @theysayitscrazy @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @donovanrocker @thelovelyleo23 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @mrsmarvelous1995 @softi92 @abby-splace @pinkrockstar19 @itsonautopilot @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @jasonbabymama @hails-halstead Summary: Boys get a little help from an old friend 
The small bits of rubble crumbling from above woke him, coughing. He looked around, groaning as he tried to sit up, tried to move, he saw the bravo patch of another brother, no...that wasn’t a bravo patch… It was Alpha, he blinked and saw the man sitting on the rubble watching him “Gonna lay there, or are you gonna get up and fight?” he asks. 
That wasn’t right...He shouldn’t be here
“Hayes, you are not getting out of this life that easy” Metal states, looking at him “Get off your ass and work the problem” he states. 
Jason is staring “You’re dead” 
“Yeah, sure, your point?” Metal responds “You give up now? Leave two kids without a parent? Get off your ass, work the damn problem!” he snaps.
Jason let his head drop to the floor as he stares at the rubble above him “What did I do to deserve your ugly mug haunting my ass?” he grumbled
The man rolled his eyes, moving and kneeling beside Jason's head “use that thick skull of yours Hayes and figure the way out” 
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“Wakey wakey” 
“Fuck off Met--Wait” Trent grumbled, slowly opening his eyes registering the pain, well that wasn’t good, assessing his injuries he concluded he was ok, just a few broken ribs...boots where in front of him as he looked up, there was his best friend, he looked healthy, didn’t look like anything had happened to him “Trent, you need to get out of here man” 
“Go Trent, get moving, it ain't safe here” Metal states looking at Trent “You aint dying yet” he huffed, hearing the radio crackle to life.
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“TOC to All call signs come in can anyone read me” Blackburn’s voice comes over the radio 
“Alpha One to TOC, read you loud and clear, Hayes and Sawyer are alive, still searching for the others,” Metals voice crackles through, it's almost distant, they were not expecting to hear that voice. 
Everyone freezes. 
Soto looks to Blackburn, he was annoyed that Blackburn took over his Op, but it had been almost 4 months since Metals death...why were they hearing him? 
“Say again your last” Blackburn states, the voice comes back stronger “Alpha One, I read you loud and clear, gonna need CASEVAC, for Hayes and Sawyer, continuing the search for the others standby” 
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Metal climbed over the building collapse finding Brock helping Sonny out “Let me help” he says, grabbing Sonny’s upper body and dragging him to safety, both Sonny and Brock were staring, how the hell was he there? 
He then checked Ray's unconscious form, and Clays. Before radioing back to base. 
“Alpha One to HAVOC, Bravo Two and Six are injured and unconscious, currently looking for a way out” 
“Good Copy Alpha One” Blackburn’s voice came back over. 
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When Alpha team returned with the injured Bravo team, Metal was not with them, the boys kept asking questions but Alpha 3 spoke up “Full Metal was never there...but when we got to you guys, someone had already got you to safety and patched up”  Alpha six snorted “What think Metal is now the guardian of the battlefield?”  “Mean come on, its so stupid, ghosts? Angels? Demons? Just bed time stories to keep kids in line”  If they had looked closely to the window behind them, they would have seen the form of their fallen friend watching them with a smirk before vanishing. 
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years ago
If you don't like Misha, this post might make you smirk.
I did this post yesterday and then deleted it because the OP made me feel sorry for her.  Luckily for me, someone reblogged it and my momentary stupidity is now remedied.  This whole scenario makes me smirk. 
Yesterday's post:
Doll face found @dean-supernatural-akf ranting in the main tags, including the Jensen tag, which is why she forwarded this biased drivel to me.  Thanks sweetie.  I scrolled though OPs blog, trying to figure this person out, because she ships wincest and destiel, apparently.  And she hates the haters.  It is convenient and dismissive to label those who don’t agree with you, don’t you think?  Label them rather than proving them wrong conclusively, because that would be difficult and you might lose the argument because of a lack of intelligence.  So call them names and be done with it.  Her rant is in italics, and my rebuttal in bold.
Rude and Missunderstood.
Shocking right?
Here have a seat and lean back.
Very recently i got heavily missunderstood, and i’m making this post so it won’t happen again.
I asked someone if their blog is real . Because it was so full of hate against this actor named Misha Collins.
This guy right here, and I bet when you are one of the anti misha people then you even share the same look on your face right now, congrats.
Listen… I love JENSEN and i love JARED. And yes i love MISHA too.
But i don’t follow him around like a dog, i don’t kiss the ground where hes walking on.
AND i also don’t do this with J2.
Why is it that when there is an entire blog dedicated to hate for Jensen or Jared, there is no bleeding heart rant like this about that blogger?  But if you write a blog about all the mean things Misha and his fans do, you are a “horrible human being” with “toxicity and hate in your heart”.  No, I would prefer to call it discernment.  I wont like someone just because “it SPNFamily darn it, haters don’t belong”.  So if Misha gives me consistent reasons to hate him, I am still not allowed to hate him because I will be ejected from SPNFamily?  What is this?  A communist fanbase?  Nobody is allowed to have their own opinions?  Everybody must think the same way and feel the same fairytale happy feelings?  Which dandelion world did you pop up from?
I fight for all of them, i fight against the hate that all of those three get and Misha gets more hate then J2 and thats a fact.
Misha gets more hate?�� Really?  You mean like death threats?  Like people tweeting him directly that they wish he was dead?  That kind of hate?  Please, show me where the hate is.  Bring me your receipts.  I want to see all the hate that Misha gets. 
And it’s so fucking unfair, i have seen blogs and people that wish that he would die, a man with two children and wife.
This is so sick and it’s so not okay.
Prove it.  Screenshot and show me where all these horrible people are.  I will put it in a post.  I always do.  The death threats and death wishes for J2 have been screenshotted and are on my blog.  So I have proof for my claims.  Bring the proof for your claims.  Its called making mature statements.  Quantifying your claims.  So please, set me straight.  Show me all the nastiness poor Misha gets.  I would like to see it. 
Shocking again, right ?
From under which rock did you emerge?  Misha named his fans minions.  Very disrespectful.  No other actor has ’‘minions’’.  Benedict Cumberbatch didn’t like his fans referring to themselves as Cumberb*tches.  I respect him for that.  Misha did the opposite.   Shocking, right?
The people who only love J2 hate on Misha. And the people who love all of them hate back against the anti Misha people.
That is an incredibly simplistic way of putting it.  And it gives me the impression that this rant was written by someone who is young and idealistic in their notion of how the world works.  How come you don’t talk about the people who like Jensen and Misha and therefore hate Jared?  You cant.  You cant because that would be problematic to the narrative you are vomiting right now.  Those cockles perverts are the ones that tweet him, telling him that that they cant wait for him to die.  Receipts on my blog. 
The way you support J2 is the same way that Misha’s people support him.
Actually no, J2 fans don’t get angry when Misha is interviewed for Elle magazine, yelling “where’s J2”.  They don’t ask “Whose line is it,anyway?” why they excluded J2.  They don’t threaten to burn Misha alive in his house for being anti-destiel and/or making a joke about Jensen.  That happened with Jensen.  I have the receipts.  The same group were discussing kidnapping Jared’s kids.  That group was made up of 3500 people.  So many haters slipped up your radar?  Well, now you know. 
Minions and bitchy people are EVERYWHERE.
It is such a useless fight, don’t like someone?
Yeah, take a page out of your own book.  If you don’t like the “haters”, as you dismissively call them, then don’t put this incorrect, unsubstantiated, unquantifiable rant in the main tags.  In fact, keep your uninformed opinion to yourself. 
What you do when you hate someone so badly and make a whole tumblr Blog about it then you are not better as those highschool bullies.
Dealing with the entire subject of hate, in the most abstract manner, without any analysis into your darling actor’s bad behavior and without taking into account the nasty behavior of his fandom, shows that high school is all you know.  Hopefully, one day you will grow up and think on broader terms. 
Cyberbullying is a serious subject, and thats exactly what you do with Hate Blogs and Hate tweets and Hate comments.
Keep using the word “hate”.  It will abrogate all the legitimate anger that the J2 fans have against Misha and his hellerminions.  Hellers are the biggest cyberbullies in fandom.  They sent hate directly to J2.  Some of the things they write will shock a person who has a real disdain to hate, not a daffodil like you who thinks Misha is infallible and doesn’t deserve an anti tag.  One said that she couldn’t wait for Jared to die.  And she tweeted that directly to Jared, along with a praying emoji.  Oh, you don’t know about that?  Well, then I guess you are not an authority on who is SPNFamily and who is not, now are you? 
You want to be a bully ? You love spreading hate ?
Don’t reply to this?  Then why put it in the main tags, as well as inappropriate tags, and still hope that nobody disagree with you.  Aren’t we childish? 
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What happened after the post was put up:
She DM's me and says that she has since changed her mind because she did another post about the hate that J2 get, and if I could please remove my post, because she was suffering panic attacks over it.  I said I would, but she is going to remove the above misleading post and provide me with proof that Misha gets death threats.  Caught between a rock and a hard place, she said that she came across the death threats on two blogs, that had blocked her for some mysterious reason, which is why she couldn't screenshot the evidence.  I found what those reasons were, when I went to those blogs: 
I searched through their blogs, and found nothing.  No death threats.  They just point out the truth about Misha.  That is it.  She accused them for nothing.  Of course, that didn't occur to me until today, because I still felt concerned for her because the poor kid was suffering panic attacks.  So I deleted the post.  Today I find this message from her:
''So i asked like 10 different people Misha stans and Misha haters about those things you said he did. Nobody has ever heard of it, no one. You are telling your lies man, i aint stopping ya. But you are a horrible person if you need to attack a 19 year old on the Internet and 'Call me out' just because it gives you a kick. And just because you disagreed. My post will stay deleted because it wasnt up to Date anymore, but it wont be my last one. People like you need to be stopped, people like you are the reason why this fandom sucks so hard. Bye Bye. You are the sick one here .''
The weird thing is she attached this gif:
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I don't know whether she thought it was going to hurt my feelings or something but, it actually helps to show her true identity.  She is not a wincest fan.  She is a Sam-hating heller in disguise.  Who would have thunk it? 
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flandesuka · 6 years ago
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(���ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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morethanmeetstheass · 6 years ago
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions and tag 20 people. I was tagged by @thatswhyhesprime ayoo
1. How tall are you? 5′6″ i am Average
2. What color and style is your hair? brown to blonde ombre that goes to me shoulders
3. What color are your eyes? omega dark brown
4. Do you wear glasses? im nearsighted so i do but just for driving and looking at faraway stuff
5. Do you wear braces? i used to and thank god that hell is over, i had a herbst appliance for an overbite and the canker sores.... the c a n k e r s o r e s.....
6. What is your fashion style? uhhhh kinda cyberpunky casual? when i actually try i do a lot of cargo pants and boots and techwear sorta stuff but im in skinnies and a black hoodie rn bc college
7. Full name? i plead the fifth
8. When were you born? october 24
9. Where are you from and where do you live now? born in new york, raised in west virginia, college in new york now!
10. What school do you go to? engineering school in new york
11. What kind of student are you? one who tries her absolute best and asks for a lot of help but still manages (i was a “gifted” high schooler so college whooped my ass but im in the swing of it now)
12. Do you like school? kinda? college is great but gen ed classes will be the death of me
13. What are your favorite school subjects? english and classes for my psych minor are my faves but im also taking a digital design course rn and its pretty rad
14. Favorite TV shows? scrubs is my all time favorite show EVER but i also love cartoons like tfa
16. Favorite books? hhhh cyberpunk ones, “i have no mouth and i must scream” is a fave, and also horror and cheesy romance
17. Favourite past-time? writing, drawing, video games (currently obsessed with cod black ops 4 and >observer_)
18. Do you have any regrets? yes and no, my bad decisions led me here but i couldve gone without a lot of my mistakes
19. Dream job? an author or an artificial intelligence researcher
20. Would you like to get married? eh? maybe?
21. Would you like to have kids someday? god no
22. How many?��-100
23. Do you like shopping? absolutely
24. What countries have you visited? spain and england 
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? i have this recurring nightmare about a victorian house that pops up a lot
26. Do you have any enemies? my high school physics teacher who sexually harassed me and gave me the only B i ever got in high school (he aint teaching no more)
27. Do you have a s/o? nopE
28. Do you believe in miracles? in a way
i tag uhh @needs-to-stop-looking-at-valves and @lockdont but feel free to not do it or to omit questions, this is a personal one but its fun lmao
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superemeralds · 7 years ago
my sonic characters: a masterpost
I’ll add more whenever i get new info on characters and so on sakjsak
I used to have more but i gave some of them away so i dont feel like i should mention them here (even if those designs are not in use anymore)
[edit 4/20/2019 (haha) added nexus and links to character tags]
1) Saph the hedgehog
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This is Saph. He’s a 18/19 year old disaster gay trans boy.
I change his shoe design literally every single time i draw him. :)
I’ll go in depth about his past later.
Saph is pretty much all over the place and forgets to be considerate of other peoples feelings sometimes. He might come off as very egoistic of self centered, but he does actually care in his own kind of way (even when its. kinda bad bc he gives off wrong signals sometimes and ends up hurting people hes close to)
He’s looked up to Sonic ever since he was small and he collects all of the Sonic comics and video games. His dream is to meet Sonic and win against him in a fight.
Shadow is his big idol in many things so he tries to be edgy sometimes or act tough but he fails miserably most of the time and makes a fool of himself; which he doesn’t really mind because he can take a lot of things with humour (sometimes too much). He also uses white eye liner to imitate shadows marks, and he dyes some parts of his fur white to make the marks he already has extend to look more like shadows.
Shadow was the person that taught him how to control his chaos powers, because he’d always just weakened himself in the past, because he is super unstable. (If it wasnt for Shadow he probably would have died by now.) Shadow also was the one that told Saph to go to Tails for help with the buckles on his wrists and the rings on his ankles. They are made of a material similar to shadows rings (tails tried his best to replicate them) so they would help keep the energy in Saph balanced. Due to his strong affiliation to Chaos Energy, he could technically even turn super; but his body would be unable to hold the immense amount of energy and begin to literally burn down to ash within a few minutes.
He is very gay and in a relationship with Ezra.
He’s on T and has not yet had top op. (his bobbies smol its all muscle >:3€ )
Old pic of him and his bf as humans uwu
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2) Red the hedgehog
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Red is 25/26 years old and works at GUN as special agent. Sometimes he and Rouge get drunk in her club at night and joke about tearing that organization down (or maybe they are not joking)
he’s pansexual and horny 24/7. He has a girlfriend and is in an open relationship. hes polyam if you didnt guess it askdsajh
he’s blind in the right eye and has a tattoo of a star on his chest
(here’s his gijinka because i just. hes hot. he used to be the one character that had like 30 fangirls on deviantart and each of them would comment “nosebleed” every time i uploaded)
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Saph and Red. They are brothers.
*WARNING: abusive parents, transphobia, homophobia, violence
When red was a young lad and Saph was still a baby their father snapped and beat Red up with an iron bar, making him blind on his right eye. Red took Saph and ran away from home.(Their mother died at saphs birth)
They lived and still live in a city a litte farther off Empire City.
Red decided to go to an orphanage because he could not possibly take care of an infant. (granted his dad couldnt either but it seemed the best possible solution)
They lived in the orphanage for a few years, but saph very soon showed sighns of being trans and got bullied by the other kids. they would call him gay and tr*nny and kick him until he fell silent to endure his “punishment”.
Red couldn’t take it and decided to run away with Saph again. They lived on the street for a while, but Red was caught by GUN for stealing. Once they found out he had a form of chaos powers (even if weak) they decided to let him slide and hire him as Special Agent.
Red accepted this and uses the money he ears to make sure Saph has a good life. This kinda spoiled Saph a little, but he also deserved it lets be real here.
Red made sure to enable saph to get education (which he totally refuses to acknowledge and take seriously) and physical transition.
3) Ellectra “Ellie” the tenrec
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[ pardon me being inconsequent with the design omg ]
Ellie is a 20 year old functional asexual demiromantic lesbian who is not interested in dumb boys and would rather talk about science with a pretty girl.
She can manipulate electricity and is called “Daughter of Zeus” by the townsfolk in her home island called Coral Island, which is located near the windsmil isles in Apotos.
She studies archeology and gaia mythology/ancient history, which makes it very convenient that she lives nearby an actual gaia temple. (She wants to be like lara croft one day)
At the 2005 black arms invasion her mother got heavily wounded when she tried to protect the town from the aliens and died from the aftermath.
Ever since then Ellie hates Shadow with a burning passion and holds him responsible, because she believed the government propaganda (provided by GUN ofc) that Shadow is One Of The Aliens. If she was ever to meet him she would be FURIOUS and ready to murder (she knows he cant die though).
She tried not to focus too much on that and just. do her cool ancient stuff.
Here are her parents Chion and... the mother i had still not found a good name for.
5) Chion the tenrec
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This gentleman is 40+ years old and proud father of Ellie.
Hes also a het ace.
Chion is greek for snow (as far as google translate goes) and he was named that bc of his white nose lmao. its like a snowflake on his black body.
He doesn’t have any elemental powers, but he is naturally very strong and will punch anyone who comes close to his family. He can also use swords and is a skilled swordsman.
He inherited an olive farm from his family and he does keep it going. He makes his money selling olive products he does make himself.
6) Athena the hedgehog
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Athena was the daughter of the “major” of the island that the family lived on (coral island), so she was expected to become the new major once he had to retire.
Due to the location of the island and the geographical landmarks on it, many raiders (and also eggman) have great interest in the ruins and mythological places. Athena is not one to give in easily and defended her people and the island from many intruders.
She possessed a less particular (than Ellie), but still fierce power of lightning manipulation. Having used her powers excessively, she sustained severe damage to her arms which showed as lighting shaped scars. She showed them with pride, because they meant she had fought hard to get where she was now.
She was bisexual and married to a tenrec called Chion. She was a year older than him.
The rings Ellie wears on her wrists were her mom’s.
7) Frost the snow leopard
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Frost is a 15 year old demiboy who really just wants to have a good time. He hasnt really given his sexuality much thought.
He lives in a small village in Holoska; hes actually even met the werehog. Well he saw him. but he was too afraid to talk to him because holy shit its Sonic The Hedgehog!!!!!!!
He has ice powers!!!!
His insides are like -18°C and he cant eat anything that is hot. He has to eat cooked meals when they are room temperature, or even cooled down to fridge temperatures ( about 6°C).
He basically lives off ice cream and dry meat (if they get fancy food from the city he gets frozen pizza) He thinks of going to the UF for college, but he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life yet so hes just having fun snowboarding.
8) Mitzu the Cheetah
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Mitzu is 22 years old and owns a flower shop/chao garden combo where she takes care of chao, while taking care of flowers and breeding them. Her hydrokinesis powers are very helpful in that!
She loves nature and the outdoors and feeling the grass under her feet, so she doesn’t wear shoes/socks. Ever.
She generally is very free spirited and optimistic!
Shes a big sapphic but shes also okay w being single atm.
Her chao are like children to her and she loves the chao that get left in the garden as much as her own. (ppl leave their chao there when they cant watch over them anymore or if they go for a vacation and cant take them with them or smth)
9) Dan the red panda*
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Dan is 17 years old and a big homo.
He has no special powers, except being able to eat and sleep more than the average person.
He’s from a very rich family, but his parents insisted in him finding a wife to like. pass down the heritage but he aint having none of that so his punk ass ran away from home to be his gay self and study art. 
He lives in a tree house a little off a small village in a more rural area in east UF, near station square. let the depression boy be happy...
10) Yoshi the siamese cat
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Yoshi is a 20 year old enby kitty who wants to make the world a gayer place!
They are studying fashion design in hope to one day open their own fashion store for queer people! The clothes are made with body differences in mind and they also want to offer a free customization service to fit clothes to every single body type.
They don’t have any special powers as of now but i kinda want to give them a power that could be helpful with their goal Im still thinking about it ...
11) Joel “Spirit” the Husky
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Spirit is fresh ripe 14 years old and Sonic the hedgehog is his big big idol. He wants to be JUST like him when he grows up.
It has come to my attention that he is basically the sonic universe Deku and I may or may not be planning to write a fanfiction for that...........
He doesn’t have any special offensive powers, but he has orange blood and he has the ability to read the Chaos Signature of anything he encounters. (called: Chaos Vision)
This means he will immediately know if a person he meets has super powers and he will also know what that power is. He can also guess the emotions of people because they are tied to the kind of chaos energy that surrounds a person.
12) Aurora the Husky
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Spirit’s Sister!
Her name is Aurora and she also has Chaos Vision!
She was born blind, but she’s been able to see with her power, so that’s just what the world looks like to her: Darkness with many many colorful lights.
Over time through hard training she was able to perfect her vision and be able to distinguish between a lot of things and even see things that only have very little chaos energy in them!
13) Axel the Axolotl*
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I don’t really have much info on them I made them pretty random one day bc i thought. hey. .... what if... axolotl sonic character.
14) Azul the cat
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Azul is my sonicsona kinda. He was pmuch my persona b4 i was kin w shadow. 
He’s an edgelord and i guess he’s still technically me; or rather what i want to be. 
He’s already on T and has has top op and he does not crumble away under social anxiety like i do askjdsakjd.
15) ( UNKNWOWN) the Pangolin*
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Similar to Axel I didn’t think much about him yet......  
he’s aroace and kinda goofy but he cares for his friends. He can roll up and do spin dashes and homing attacks like sonic, but he obviously doesnt have his super sonic speed.
16) Coal the hedgehog
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Coal is one of the newest of my characters; but he’s also one of my oldest. 
You see, Coal is a revamp of a very old crappy fanchild i had back in like 2012.
for reference thats him
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New Coal is 27 years old and a gay mess. He can turn into a cloud of smoke and control it at will. He is completely immune to physical attacks. try to stab/shoot him and u ded. hes coming for u.
he steals, but only from rich ppl. hes chaotic neutral tho bc he keeps that shit for himself safhsaljfha he generally just wants to chill and have his peace. 
he loves being an edge lord though he just wants that image for himself, even though he is kinda a softie... hes good at keeping up an act in dangerous situations though and that sometimes scares attackers off (also his powers)
Some gijinka doodles that make his age more justice than sonic style aksjfhaskj
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17, 18, 19) The Crew On ARK
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old bad art but i never really drew them, i did write about them in my fic about shadows past! (im excluding the black guy from the list because i didnt write him yet and i guess hes not really established yet since i got literally nothing on him)
from left to right
Nia, (that dude), Hikari, (gerald), Theodor
Nia is the daughter of a shamaran professor and a woman who owns a boulongerie in spagonia. She joined the ARK program in hope to make the world a more accepting place.
Hikari is is from an island near chun-nan (japan) and she also joined the program in hope to be able to help make a change for the better. she also enjoys biology and genetics a lot.
Theodor joined purely because of his joy in working on genetics and robotics that immitate life. He’s innitially from the GUN team but was assigned to work with Gerald.
20) Commander Jonathan Williams
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old art again sorry sakjfhsakj. He is the father of the current GUN commander! He’s 52 and a total douchebag. He’s kinda mad with power and genuinely believes that putting shadow under pressure to become the ultimate and strongest weapon (stronger than an atomic bomb) was necessary to end the war that was going on at that time.
I cannot spoil too much on what happened to each of these people as it’s spoilers for my fanfic. 
If you want to know more, read here -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/10992156/chapters/24482199
21) Sidus “Nova” the black panther (and 22 Badass the Chao)
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You see. The thing with nova is that i recycled him as human/demon character for a story sjkhfkafhsakj but he has shadow powers where he can use all shadows as portals into a shadow dimension that is entirely his own. he can travel through that but it makes him very tired. he likes to store capri suns in there and just take em out whenever he wants. He has a Chao called Badass (pictured below)
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his new human/demon design is below
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23) Blossom the horned Frog
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She is new and I don’t have much info other than that she’s from a jungle area; perhaps in adabat.
She secrets a poisonous slime from her body; yet her spit has healing accelerating properties.
A gene defect lets her never lose her tail.
24) Nexus the demonic sheep hound
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nexus is a demonic sheep hound mix?? idk i just didnt want to draw hooves aksfsakhfa
they can manipulate metal and bend it in any shape they want
however they cant make it float n shit like youd think of metal powers like magneto jsfhsakjf they can literally just. shape it like play-doh but with their mind
they wear those gold rings so when theyre in a pinch they can just make a bunch of cool knifes of a sword n be like SURPRISE BITCH IM NOT JUST PRETTY. IM PRETTY DEADLY!
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roseverdict · 8 years ago
i brainfarted this all out and i prolly wont remember any of it in the morning so uh have fun while i sleep
i’ll tag it properly tomorrow but if anybody wants to do a thing with it go right the flip ahead i aint stoppin ya
edit: tagged, and i was right, i don't remember what the heck this is xD
Chell falls down into Aperture because they did not pay attention to zoning laws why is there a siNKHOLE IN THE BACKYARD she has a reputation for never giving up, for doing whatever it takes to win…and getting frisky when she gets cocky (HEH) The only way out…is to test. Gladys says so. except Gladys is really GLaDOS is really partly Caroline heh
And who should show up to give Chell a leg up on GLaDOS?
it’s frigging Wheatley. Wheatley shows up and is all “ELLO” and is freaking out cuz he has no idea how to deal with GLaDOS but inadvertently teaches the player how to beat her, she goes all “i’ll be back”
Explore wheeeeeeee also Oracle Turret takes the place of Napstablook.
Instead of pulling a Toriel and trying to mom (dad?) Chell to death, Wheatley’s all “well uh…i wanna help u get out cuz i want out too, but uhhh i can’t go any further. carry me?”
Carry him for true pacifist
Leave him for neutral
Shatter him for genocide
Leave the old test track (the Ruins) and enter the next one, slightly pulling itself together now that GLaDOS knows there’s Science to do (Snowdin! :D) and the Co-Op bots are the skelebros! (spacey is totally MK)
Instead of passing P-Body’s puzzles, though, Atlas and P-Body enlist Chell and Wheatley to help them test.
Turrets are the minor NPCs you encounter. Minor NPCs you can talk to, but don’t technically ‘encounter’ are personality Cores.
(Curiosity sooo runs the library, and Intelli-cake is definitely the Shopkeeper. Morality is def Grillby and Emotion is the Innkeeper.)
Pacifist: Test with them, co-operatively. Don’t kill anyone.
Neutral: Test with them.
Genocide: Test against them, hamper their efforts while furthering your own. Also kill everyone.
The hangout is teaching the bots to bake, then realizing you’re the only one in the labs with a mouth to eat cake with. Much sads happen, but the effort is appreciated.
The Co-Op bots don’t join the party after pseudo-Snowdin.
Wheatley leads Chell out of the testing tracks and into the back area, the Waterfall if you will. They see P-Body report to Rick-totes-not-Undyne and Space Kid is there. Rick heads back to…wherever…and it’s exploring time!
Wheatley and Space actually do get along. It’s amazing what not connecting to the mainframe can do.
Space Kid winds up slipping from his rail in his excitement about finally seeing space, and Chell has to drop the Portal Gun (and Wheatley (“OI!”)) to grab him and reattach him. If saved, Spacey decides he’ll wait back with the Co-Op bots.
Rick is watching you.
The Undyne Chase is replaced by Rick following you around, being…Rick…and instead of getting water, you gotta grab him when he tries something insane called flINGING HIMSELF FROM HIS RAIL-
Once reattached, he thanks you, then the hangout is watching action movies. Wheatley likes to talk during them, but honestly…is Rick even…he’s not even watching them is he.
Rick no.
The Undying fight is against Rick in a shell not unlike Atlas’s. And yes. He watched so many action movies that he know exactly how to back up his black belt claims.
The Tems are definitely hopelessly corrupt cores. Who knows what they’re talking about. Bob is weird, his optic is just as dilated as the other Cores’, but he’s extremely coherent. Tem Flakes are pieces of turret boxes and Tem Armor is made from scraps saved from Redemption.
Pacifist: Explore, don’t die, don’t kill.
Neutral: Explore, don’t die.
Genocide: Explore.
(from here on out, assume i’m writing for the paci/neut routes unless specified otherwise)
They head off again. The core transfer happens in that weird spot between Waterfall and Hotland, or rather, the backstage and Old Aperture.
goshdangit mistake orb y u do dis
(In genocide route, Wheatley is not there anymore, but GLaDOS still decides to make you test in Old Aperture, as a special torture for making her relive her death. still salty i see)
Old Aperture is Hotland, and hoo boi there are some strange bots down there. Virgil (as Alphys) leads you along. Instead of MTT, it's…the Rainbow Core. Bleach my eyeballs now.
(the guy looks like a fun character but gooD GRIEF THERE’S ONLY SO MUCH FABULOUS™ I CAN TAKE)
(doug gaster? doug gaster.)
Paci…ehhhhh you get the drill
The CORE is Wheatley Laboratories. Fun. Avoiding Frankenturrets at every turn…and not knowing where to turn iM LOOKING AT YOU “THE PART WHERE HE KILLS YOU”-
Encountering all sorts of crazy characters, lots of fun. Virgil is still leading you, though. In the RBC EX Battle, there’s a moment at the Paci end where he goes “Ora-”
what noooooooo im not making RBC be a defective turret who dreamed bigger than the incinerator whadayatalkinbout
Virgil shows up and just. Yeah gotta be blunt here your chances of survival are slim.
Now Chell and PotatOS make their way back up to the Central AI chamber, but not before thE PART WHERE HE KILLS YOU!!! MWAHAHA
Fact Core shows up and leads them to the terminal where they can get cores who’ve volunteered themselves for just this sort of thing while explaining the sad story of Aperture Science. (New Home) (If genocide route, Chell finds it on her own and GLaDOS taunts her over the intercom with the sad story)
He leaves them right before the Lair with a morbid statement about their chances of survival…and also a Craig-esque good-luck.
Atlas appears. He’s absolutely Sans-ing the heck outta you. I sure hope you didn’t delete P-Body’s AI backup and rip her apart… >:3c
Wheatley’s battle is the Asgore battle, except. Yknow. Wheatley no.
(If genocide, GLaDOS takes this battle. She’s decided she doesn’t want to take any chances with You. Don’t do her any good tho.)
Upon defeating him, you have the choice to give him MERCY and save him from space or to let him fly away. You need him alive for the pacifist route yknow.
GLaDOS isn’t happy if you save him, and she wants you out ASAP, but you’re also the most capable of repairing what’s left to fix in the facility, so she sends you out to fix things.
Go hangout with everyone if you haven’t already, and the True Lab is a great big Rattman’s Den. (Exile Vilify is the Pit Song, the other radio song is Dumb Ways To Die)
Now, GLaDOS has been resisting the Itch ever since you plugged her back in, but that’s not the actual issue once you finish in the Lab.
The Announcer, everybody! *spattering of applause*
However, unlike in the Reversal, the Announcer wasn’t Greg. No, the Announcer was, in fact, a shoddy brainmap of Cave Johnson himself, combined with leaked-over programming from the GLaDOS project (and thusly Caroline). The Announcer has an unrivaled love for Science and Testing, even more so than GLaDOS, except he didn’t get a character arc yet.
well that’s all about to change
He disables GLaDOS and assumes control of the entire facility, even the parts Aegis once reigned over and the parts neither AI led.
The Announcer brings the cores and bots in to do his dirty work for him, attempting a factory reset on all of them.
Call out to them, SAVE them, just like you would your UT monster pals.
The Announcer doesn’t have a SOUL of love to call out to, but he was made with bits and pieces of two human SOULs. Sure, they love science, but they also loved each other, twisted as it was. SAVE them and split them apart, reverting the partial SOULs to childlike forms to keep their personalities intact, and behold! Caroline and Cave!
They set everything back to the way it was, they fix the elevators and call one down, then Caroline fades first. GLaDOS wakes up, and Cave apologizes to her for having the scientists stuff her into the chassis. Having gone through not one, but TWO character arcs, GLaDOS begrudgingly lets him off lightly.
Roam Aperture as a hero as lomg as you want. You’ll find Cave in your old Portal 1 Relaxation Vault, staring forlornly at the clipboard, resting against the wall.
Rise to the surface, each core in a Co-Op style set of limbs, and embrace the Outside.
…the Outside is really really wheaty.
Wheatley is not amused.
Though there is quite the moonrise going on and it’s pretty so there’s that.
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reactingtosomething · 8 years ago
Reacting to Captain America: Civil War (Part 3 of 3)
He Reminds Me of a Chicken Pox. If I’m In Trouble PLEASE Do Not Call Him.
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The Setup: Here’s Part 1 of Marchae and Clint’s Civil War reaction, and here’s Part 2.
Notes from Kris and Miri in italics.
MARCHAE: Ok can I tell you what I liked
CLINT: Sure I liked everything
MARCHAE: NO NO NO first tell me what you liked 
I would not go that far...  but I did LOVE Madam Hot Sauce!! She is a really strong female character (physically) and that makes me happy... 
CLINT: It was a good continuation of the cap story
Black panther
Obviously, cap
Yes Madame hot sauce
MARCHAE: Hawkeye is a male Katniss Everdeen 
He is not on my list... our lists do not match except for Madam Hot Sauce
CLINT: Visions density shifting
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His name is Clint
MARCHAE: SPIDEY is so far not on my list he isn't even on my non existent kid's kid's kid's list
CLINT: [Hawkeye] grew up in the circus
CLINT: Hurtful
MARCHAE: you want me to get back on the things I DON"T LIKE
But really… A CIRCUS 
ok i am going to tell you the things I LIKED 
CLINT: That's his comic history. But continue
MARCHAE: it should not be
CLINT: It works
KRIS: It does! 
I don’t think it’s supposed to be Clint Barton’s backstory in the movies, though. For whatever it’s worth, the Ultimates version of Clint (whom movie-Clint was more directly inspired by, at least early on) was an Olympic archer who became a special ops soldier. We do know that movie-Clint was with SHIELD long before Natasha, and that when he was assigned to kill her (she was with the KGB at the time), he turned her instead.
MARCHAE: I really do like the core of the story like when you take out all the things I didn't like about it the root message of friends til the end is a good one
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CLINT: And him and hot sauce are bffs
K: The movie does shortchange this. And I would’ve liked to see even more work with Steve and Natasha’s friendship.
MARCHAE: also...why. I also really liked the action scenes 
CLINT: So Friends makes it worse
in fact my note was "I think if they don't talk and it was just action with no words ALWAYS... I could get all the way down"  that's kind of a backhanded compliment but i REALLY REALLY REALLY like action movies a lot
K: I don’t think I knew this
MIRI: I definitely did not
CLINT: So less story more action
MARCHAE: so it is a testament to the fact that they were some amazing action scenes.
CLINT: So you'd like a Michael​ Bay avengers
MARCHAE: We can talk about my issues with story later (and it was mostly just wonky time things)
K: I’m learning so much about Marchae
MARCHAE: I mean I do love to see the people fight and the things get blown up
CLINT: Watch Man of steel you'll see why that's bad
MARCHAE: guess I will and I bet it will be GOOD!
MARCHAE: well it's also superman...
ok things I like Mr. Madam Hot Sauce (I know she's your crush)
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CLINT: #notmysuperman
CLINT: Scarjo is the best
MARCHAE: I did like the Black Panther Reveal ( I think by this point in my notes I got their names somewhat together because they are all written-- I am going to take pictures of my notes and put them in the post) I loved the spotty accent the Olsen Sister
CLINT: She was regionally vague
MARCHAE: it was regionally hilarious because it was only on words that had weird 'R' sounds
LOL. it provided comedic relief
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I actually really liked the toddler robot he may have been my favorite
CLINT: I don't know if it was funny but ok
MARCHAE: it was
CLINT: Really him
K: Now I legitimately think Marchae should go back and watch Avengers: Age of Ultron for Vision stuff.
MARCHAE: YUP and Madam Hot Sauce... I may be her if I ever decide to celebrate Halloween
K now hear me cause this is going to be mean
CLINT: Comic con
Cos play
MARCHAE: but I really really liked the individual's subplot story lines... they were well defined but the total stories as a collective not so much  so if each character had a break out session of sorts i could do it...
CLINT: That's what the whole movie was
MARCHAE: no...
CLINT: Unrelated (re:Cosplay)
MARCHAE: (no that last bit is truth)
ok The fight scene with Bucky was also great and the tag team girl fight scene was also pretty amazing
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CLINT: Which Bucky fight the one on the stairs or when he was cray. Or both
MARCHAE: Both actually were really good
I also like that it is a woman who calls Iron Man on his crap and tells him to watch his back
CLINT: The stairs is my fav next to the one at the end
The kids mom
MARCHAE: I also really did forget how awesome iron mans suit was  and I appreciated Stan Lee's cameo
those were all the things I liked
CLINT: It it's cool but he has no powers
MARCHAE: who? Iron Man
MARCHAE: Are you kidding me right now?
MIRI: Spiderman has powers. Just saying
CLINT: Iron Man has no powers he's just rich and smart
MARCHAE: like none of them have powers is my point I think that this wasn't a bad movie I just would rather more put together polished heroes
CLINT: Vision, Wanda, cap and Spidey
MARCHAE: if you say that things name one more time i swear  Ok can we please talk about spider man just for a moment and I will try to be rational
CLINT: They didn't need back story at this point We're like 12 movies in
MARCHAE: (also thats not a lot of people to depend on--but we are rehashing earlier conversation if we keep revising that point)  
CLINT: Spidey was awesome
MARCHAE: Here is my thing I don't like Spider Man ... not one bit nope
MARCHAE: in fact... my actual honest to god note says... "He reminds me of a chicken pox. 
K: I’m... not sure what this means?
he is always jokes on jokes on jokes. If I'm in trouble PLEASE do not call him. Is this THE BEST that Tony can do! He has the ENTIRE MARVEL UNIVERSE AT HIS DISPOSAL”
I've never liked spiderman . he is kind of whiney and it is really annoying when you're depending on people to save your life. I think from that point forward the movie kind of turns into a farce
CLINT: He is a kid and it's how he deals with the stress
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MARCHAE: He needs to grow the heck up
See this is what I mean  
CLINT: He's in high school
MARCHAE: and the reason it turns into a farce
CLINT: Tony used a child soldier. Let that sink in
MARCHAE: SANK. I mean there is an entire universe and that man was like let me go and get this MAN CHILD who makes JOKES to help out?
CLINT: Which is why you don't register
MARCHAE: and also the fact that Ant Man referred to them as SUPER HEROES. Which is why we need a manual  
K: Wait, maybe Marchae really will like Zack Snyder’s DC movies
CLINT: Ant Man was cool he had his own movie
MARCHAE: Sweet grief
I did like the ant woman/Madam Hot Sauce Fight!
CLINT: And if you let that get to you too much you're done
She kicked him in the gonads
MARCHAE: I feel like That trio: Ant, Spider and Iron Man act way to casual for me
she did and it was great!
Ant Man was the worst... A giant Tiny Man
CLINT: You need them though so it's not super dark. Giant Man was dope
MARCHAE: *eye roll*
CLINT: I'm at that part now. I'm watching it again
MARCHAE: You're watching it AGAIN! LOL
CLINT: Just cause
okay so did you have any specific questions for me?  (I mean I have lots for you but I feel like I can easily wikipedia them and spare the interwebs my ignorance)
CLINT: You can ask away, but how did you feel about the reveal at the end with Buck and Tony
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MARCHAE: OH I actually really liked that and was shocked!!!  that was pretty cool
K: This is interesting. As a longtime MCU fan who saw it coming from the teaser (and I don't think the movie was necessarily trying to hide it), I still thought it worked on a dramatic level, partly since it involved a betrayal from Steve as well, in his lie of omission.
CLINT: All that destruction to break up the crew
MARCHAE: and it nearly worked...
CLINT: It did
MARCHAE: I think I even noted that it was sad that Captain America felt so alone in the world and that they were literally destroying each other... that was kind of sad ...and great character/story development
CLINT: Man out of time
Defend my friend or jump on board with something to keep his new friends. I was shocked I thought he was hoping to use the soldiers.  
But nope I'm here to let you know buddy killed your parents 
Have fun 
Also Tony's phone
MARCHAE: The phone?  what did I miss 
CLINT: It's just cool
CLINT: And projects holograms. I'd want it
MARCHAE: They have those out now! (just kidding)
CLINT: I would own it
MARCHAE: K I don't think I have anything else really of note necessarily
CLINT: See the funny thing is at the end they were close to all being friends again but that was part of the plan
Great ending
MARCHAE: OH NO i didn't mean to cut you off
CLINT: Oh it's cool
MARCHAE: Yeah ... but i feel like it will never be the same with them again 
CLINT: It won't be and that was the plan
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MARCHAE: (not that i know a ton about how it used to be with them I mean I saw avengers 1... but still they seemed to all get along)  to turn them against each other and have them all going rogue perfect plan! sounds like gravy to me! 
CLINT: Yep in zemos eyes the avengers killed his family 
he knew he couldn't beat them so he decided to break them 
You can't overlook your friend knowing his homie killed your mom 
Then just be cool
MARCHAE: It is a very intricate story that's for sure
CLINT: But well done
MARCHAE: *offers tight smile*
MARCHAE: We all like different movies  
CLINT: What would you score it
MARCHAE: I feel like it's a trick question because it's like the score BS and the score AS
CLINT: (I'm lost) wait spider Man
CLINT: Oh wow such shade
MARCHAE: So BS  it yielded a solid 7.5
AS it went down to probably a 5... I really don't like him and it did get a little silly to me when he arrived on the scene
CLINT: Then after
MARCHAE: also I need to shout out Marisa Tomei.
K: This did kind of make me want to watch Only You, an early-90s rom-com Tomei and Downey star in. But having seen the trailer, I’m not sure Downey’s character will have aged well.
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After what
CLINT: After no more Spidey
MARCHAE: Oh it'd go back up to a 7.5
CLINT: 9.5
MARCHAE: on that note LOL 
MARCHAE: well hey it's been a freaking DELIGHT to do this with you!!! I had fun watching and talking to you about Captain America Civil War
CLINT: 11ty. Hundred! It was a good time
MARCHAE: 11ty hundred is not a movie rating LOL 
CLINT: For this one it is
MARCHAE: I adore you 
Let's try and see LOGAN!
CLINT: I say bvs or we can do both
MARCHAE: what is BVS?  bible vacation school? 
CLINT: Or if you're up for torture will Smith and suicide squad. Batman vs Superman
MIRI: Marchae, don’t watch Suicide Squad. Two bad Will Smith movies in a year might destroy you. He’s good, but the movie is a disaster.
MARCHAE: Lets aim for BVS and Logan! we officially have plans! 
Thanks again for doing this brother 
CLINT: No prob sister
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Thanks very much to Clint for being our first Guest Reactor! We hope he has time to join us again further down the line. I mean hopefully it won’t come down to the end of the line. Which is a reference Marchae would understand IF SHE’D WATCHED THE WINTER SOLDIER.
Anyway. No promises, but maybe a Spider-Man: Homecoming reaction is in the cards, though if we want Marchae to watch it we’re going to owe her two or three Reactions to things she chooses. Watch this space. In the meantime, you can follow us on Twitter.
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dreamscript · 8 years ago
HEY IT ME AGAIN-- LITERALLY SAME I GOT SICK AND LIKE IM STILL COUGHING AND I WANT IT TO STOP. LIKE. RIGHT. NOW. I hope you feel better soon! I can only imagine how bad you're suffering! Make sure to get lots of rest and binge watch Naruto hehehehe// I got sick around Christmas so it's kinda just here// But yeah lol just excuse me late responses (; 7 ; ) and yas girl just embrace you're inner otaku its okay xD (i wanna re-read Naruto actually//) OMG YES PLZ I LOVE YOUR FICS AND-
{CONT} YO HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT JUNGKOOK FIC IM SHOOKED JKSDFNKJD// LMAO IF THAT AINT ME IN ANY MATH CLASS FUKFFKFKKFKF BUT ITS OKAY YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU! There was freezing rain here a day or so ago. That was fun . u . (sobs) IF YOU COULD TWEEK MY BLOG OMG ID LOVE THAT. But the theme isn’t originally mine and I’d assume the original owner wouldn’t want the original code changed?
{CONT} IDK I wanted to change my theme for a while now // Something not endless scroll but just boxes for previews? Also I wanted a minimalistic theme based with pastel colours and black and white hehe/ ANYWAY NO NO WORRIES SOMETIMES IM JUST HERE WONDERING IF YOONGI SUED BIGHIT FOR DYING HIS HAIR TOO FREQUENTLY AND NOW HE BALD (LOL) BUT YEAH APPARENTLY THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO HAVE A COMEBACK IN FEBRUARY AND MY WALLET IS UPSET. I ALSO WANT THE NEW ARMY STICK FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL LOL
{CONT 3 xD} I’ve only read Naruto Manga so if you wanna screech with me about that lets do it ahaha/ HECK YES I WILL READ THEIR FIC- I WILL NOT STUDY JAHAJSDSDKJF Shout out to Cat and Fae too like i seriously love their fics- your Christmas series had me shooked!! Anyways I have so much work to do and so i will bother you later :) - Sakura !
IM HEALED AND BETTER NOW THANK YOU I HOPE YOU’RE FINE NOW TOO??!?! but i remember my doctor telling me once that if you’re still coughing like a month later you should get it checked out or something D:
and oh. my. god.
but yeah no it’s okay! i have super late responses as of late…. and it’s really only because i’ve been too emotionally spent by the end of the day or tired or busy or just “not feeling it”
idk, but i hope to get back into being more active. i miss this place. i miss interacting with others, as little of it i seem to be doing right now (guh _ _)
dude it was rainy and windy and cold today and i had to go outside and the entire time i was walking/running/dying to class i was thinking a) why b) this was a Mistake
ah well in regards to your theme, usually the theme makers are okay with minor changes (sometimes major ones too) as long as you keep the credit and the changes are for personal use (as opposed to commercial use/redistribution, etc). just to be sure, you can just check their rules. they usually have that whole page/pop up or will simply include it in their theme code.
hmm what do you mean by boxes for previews? i don’t think i’ve ever seen such as thing. it sounds interesting, though. are they previews for like posts or…?
thank you for loving our collaboration! i’m still amazed on how quickly we got things put together and everything… honestly… cat and @zephyoongist​ are so talented i don’t know what i’m doing here :’) (or where i would be without them)
and now finally…
(for the maaaain event)…
okaY OKAY I WILL SCREECH WITH YOU ABOUT NARUTO. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. just under the cut because spoilers:
i love kakashi
i also love gaara. i can’t choose between the two, but lately i’ve been more biased towards kakashi. i blame it on my sister because she’s always had a thing for him
(i still love you gaara its okay my sand child)
kakashi’s backstory had me in tears… like… with obito died and he’s telling kakashi he’ll give him his sharingan (the sharingan that he’d always been talking about that would get him to hokage) to be his eye to see the future…
i just..
fucking broke down man like dude… stop… you’re killing me here… and then how kakashi really changes afterwards
(okay but listen child kakashi was savage as fuck though and it was hilarious)
(also i know it’s a filler but that one episode in which it showed guy and kakashi comparing dick sizes as kids….,,..,.
….,,..i wasn’t expecting that at all but i don’t mind the info heheheheh heh /dies)
literally if she hadn’t died a lot of the issues in naruto wouldn’t have occurred but they fucking did
no i’m not blaming her she died for a noble reason okay it just makes me really sad i’m sorry
on a side note minato and kushina were cute as fuck
ANYWAYS GAARA OH MY OH MY GOD MY POOR BABY as a kid he was so cute and just wanted some friends and was out helping all those villagers and such but then his damned dad just had to go and screw those things up like STOP IT HE;S MY CHILD
even though i love those two, my favorites are actually the akatsuki
like. they hate each other but istg they secretly love each other like have you seen kakuzu and hidan’s interactions??? they tease and insult and threaten (and have killed) each other but kakuzu is actually patient with hidan’s rituals and such, and hidan will still accompany kakuzu to the collection centers
also, when he sees asuma’s guardian shinobi thing the first thing that comes to mind is kakuzu and how he’d want him for the money and he’s like u gh but like !!!
and AND when hidan at first thinks he’s accidentally killed kakuzu in his fight with shikamaru & co., he has that look of panic ooooh my god I JUST GASHUDFJSDIJASD
also hidan is just hilarious. like when they go to recruit him he’s like “who are you guys, all wearing the same clothes?? are you guys an orchestra or band or something?”
/points at kakuzu/ bet you play the bass
/points at konan/ bet the girl does vocals and keyboards
/points at itachi/ …or do you do vocals…?
and then the first thing hidan and kakuzu do to each other is kill each other
the look of utter disbelief on both of their faces
“what the–why aren’t you dead?”
“bitch that hurt–wait. why aren’t you dead?”
but anyways we can’t forget about itachi and kisame either, now can we?? like. they are actually like the only partner group that openly got along with each other, and they were sad oh my god they were sad upon realizing each other’s death’s
and idk just the way kisame says “itachi-san” does something to me
 i t a c h i
oh boy i have so much to say about this kid
but before i move on i must! address! the others!!
okay so like deidara is actually op as fuck and sometimes idk i feel like he doesnt get enough credit?? idk.
and he’s 19 like lol what bye
but anyways, after his “fight” he loses his other arm because kakashi and now he’s armless BUT THIS KID STILL HOLDS HIS OWN though completely on the defense AGAINST TEAM GAI LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HE’S AMAZING and then he manages to create a bomb without using any sort of handseals and fools them all into thinking he’s dead
i love this boy give him a metal why did he have to die so early why (yet another reason why i dislike sasuke lmfao)
black zetsu scares the fuck out of me (esp when i learned of his true past and intentions) but white zetsu!! he’s such a sweetie holy shit
and also unlike so many others he actually likes everyone and when he saves deidara he’s like “you’re a fun guy to be around” and then and then later when he’s talking to tobi he reveals that he’s sad that so many of the akatsuki members died like D::
let’s not forget when black zetsu called him weak (they had split in two at the time) and white zetsu just kind of D: and wilts a little like ooHH NO oo baby it’s okay it’s okay
konan is so strong… holy crap… like… her ultimate attack? with the bajillion paper explosive tags disguised as a lake?? that go off for 10 minutes? holy fuck.
yahiko’s pretty damn hot if you ask me (yes i know he’s a cadaver in the main time period but listen)
idk my favorite arc of the entire thing was pain’s invasion of konoha… like from the moment jiraiya’s message arrived to when everyone got revived…. and then kakashi almost became hokage…
it was fantastic
i think it’s mainly because it was a mystery, race against time, battle thing all in one and it was so neat i guess
also you could see everyone in the village working together, fighting their hardest, showing their potentials for like, the first time ever
um um um okay sasori mentally scarred me as a child, and now whenever i hear the rattling puppet noises i immediately think of these scary nightmares i had after watching his fight with sakura… yeah, puppets scare me a lot now
orochimaru is a creep ‘nuff said moving on
tobi! i love this alternate ego of obito/”madara” like idk he’s so jumpy and honestly it’s fucking hilarious watching him because he’s so secretly op certain people underestimate him at first (and then others overestimate him because of his association with akatsuki)
like. when he was warding off konoha from itachi vs sasuke’s fight (which i am still emo about) he was just like playing whack-a-mole with them and then he’s like lemme use this ability! frill-necked lizard!
and they all kinda stand and stare at him intensely execting something legit
but in reality that’s it. the extent of htat ability is just him hanging upside down with the cloack falling behind him to look like a frill-necked lizard
and it’s fucking hilarious
i also thought it was fucking adorable when he and deidara first confront sasuke
and the little bitch goes ahead and slices through him
literally through him
but sasuke thinks that he actually killed him and sasuke’s all like “one down”
and deidara just kinda
ugh this kid
and tobi gets up and brushes himself off like wow that was rly fast!!! and sasuke just >:/
sorry i thought i should make this clear but i lowkey highkey have this vendetta thing against sasuke like this little shit
i mean ofc i know the reason for his disillusionment really isn’t all his fault like @ itachi really?
like really when he goes back to konoha and sasuke tries to kill him… he goes and easily breaks his wrist
and he kinda just considers him for a moment like
how about i….. make his situation even worse…?
and then traps him in a genjutsu that forces him to relive their parents death for 24 hours like why the fuck this is literally all your fault
and also on a side note, fuck danzo. why the fuck did the 3rd not kill him when he was supposed to. why. all the wrong people lived for far too long.
but yeah no idk i just really don’t like sasuke after he defected and became a Vengeful Teen
AND ITACHI’S STORY MAKES ME CRY EVERY TIME HOLY SHIT IT MAKES ME SO SAD WHY DID THIS BOY HAVE TO SUFFER SO MUCH and then mess up his little brother’s psyche to the point in which he starts killing like everyone wtf
another favorite moment arc of mine is the very beginning
like the first 15ish episodes
he’s such a blessing. he’s literally one of those crucially important side characters and i appreciate him and i love him and it would’ve been nice to see more of him, but hey, that’s okay too.
(his part in the naruto road to ninja movie had me in tears. like at the end. fucking tears.)
like naruto and kakashi may be super close and stuff, but when he needs someone as a guardian, naruto turns to iruka and idk i feel that says a lot about their relationship and it makes me cry all the fucking time
um anyways yes i also love zabuza
he’s so strong and empowered
i have a lot more the say probably but it’s getting late and i need to take a shower and sleep and get up early in the morning to make food so i’ll just leave it at that
(i wrote a lot i know i’m sorry)
(hope i didn’t blow you away with any spoilers D:)
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