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latinotiktok · 4 months ago
Anyways conozcan a Horacio. Es un perrito que se apareció en la verdulería en donde trabajo hace como una semana en un estado moribundo y medio que lo adoptamos. El chabón tiene una comida re cara, le compran sobresitos de pollo y le cocinan aparte, lo bañaron ayer y ahora básicamente es como nuestro hijo. Una familia puede ser 3 pibas, un grupo de viejos en sus 50's, un jefe metalero medio explotador y su comfort dog.
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Pd: los que lo bañaron le pusieron brillitos y ahora lo tratan de gay, they are being homophobic to the dog!!!!
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savagesyeah · 28 days ago
Acá van algunas imágenes y carteles de la marcha lgbtq antifascista y antirracista
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theginkosakata · 1 month ago
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rafaelmartinez67 · 2 months ago
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Sobre la Marcha...
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argentinainlondon · 5 months ago
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nectarderaiz · 10 months ago
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Por qué tanto miedo de educar al pueblo?
Argentina 23 de Abril de 2024
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frociaggina97 · 10 months ago
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unos pocos
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months ago
i think marcia absolutely was hoping two-bit would call her back, she probably waited by the phone every night because she was hoping that she wasn't just reading into things, that the spark she felt, the spark she never felt with randy, wasn't just in her mind.
and when two-bit doesn't call her, she feels absolutely hopeless and heartbroken, but there are other things going on, so she puts it in the back of her mind until things are resolved.
but marcia finally confronts ponyboy at school one day, later on, and asks him why two-bit hasn't called her, if it's because of everything randy did, and ponyboy's eyes go wide with shock and he explains that two-bit fully believed she gave him a fake phone number because he didn't think a girl like her would want to go out with a guy like him, so he threw away the paper, and marcia has to bite back the most frustrated scream because how is it that the funniest, cutest boy she's ever met is also the biggest idiot, and ponyboy just has to follow along as she storms through the halls of the school to find two-bit, who's sitting in the cafeteria, and marcia rips out a piece of notebook paper, writes her name, address, and number down, and shoves it into a shocked and speechless two-bit's chest. she tells him he'd better call her at 6 p.m. later that night and ask her on a date or else she's never speaking to him again, and ponyboy is just doubled over wheezing because he's never laughed so hard in his entire life
and two-bit is sitting there unable to speak because he thinks he's just fallen in love and he's not exactly sure what just happened but he knows he'd better make that phone call at 6 p.m.
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apricotprincess2 · 27 days ago
Marcha federal del orgullo antifascista antirracista LGTBIQNB+ [Rosario]/ muestra en el museo Castagnino con carteles de años atrás que hoy son relevantes otra vez.
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magiaveneno · 1 year ago
vieron lo de los spidermans en el obelisco jajsns que país hermoso
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quemirabobo · 10 months ago
Cuando arrancamos la marcha desde la facu fue hermoso, habían nenes en la vereda levantando sus libros sonriendo, gente mayor aplaudiendo en los balcones, los autos tocando bocina (en apoyo, no para putearnos). Fuimos en subte y los empleados nos abrieron la puerta para que pudiéramos pasar y ayudaron a organizar la marea de gente que éramos, dsps íbamos todos cantando y la gente que estaba en el vagón se sumaba, un señor me dió ternura porque mientras cantabamos "la uba no se vende" dijo bajito "ni la utn"🫶 El chofer? maquinista? Prendió el altavoz y empezó a cantar "universidad, de los trabajadores, el que no le gusta, se jode, se jode" y cuando estábamos llegando a nuestra estación dijo "en la próxima se baja filo, suerte!" Es hermoso ver como el pueblo se une para defender uno de los derechos más antiguos e importantes de la nación, educación pública, gratuita y de calidad hoy y siempre en la Argentina 🩵🤍🩵
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theginkosakata · 10 months ago
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rafaelmartinez67 · 2 months ago
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“De la vida no quiero mucho. Quiero apenas saber que intenté todo lo que quise, tuve todo lo que pude, amé lo que valía la pena y perdí apenas lo que nunca fue mío.”
― Pablo Neruda
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argentinainlondon · 28 days ago
Marcha Federal del Orgullo LGTBQ+
Algunas fotos propias y otras encontradas de la marcha en Londres
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taniushka12 · 10 months ago
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elbiotipo · 11 months ago
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Just so that you realize how incredibly awful Milei is being. Argentina's public universities are widely considered amongst the most prestigious of Latin America and the world. Nobel prize laurates, advancements in medicine and biotechnology and other incredible research have come from here. Not only that, but professionals of all kinds, no matter where they came from, have been able to access quality and completely free university education. It's one of the pillars of this country.
Right now the budget cuts are worse than in 2001, which is widely considered to be our worst economic crisis (for real) of recent times when the country defaulted completely. As it stands now, with the current budget, universities will be only open up to july before being forced to close.
This is obviously not a mistake from Milei's part but a deliberate project, an excuse for privatizing and dismantling the public education system, which allows people from all backgrounds to access to education and also represents a major obstacle for the market-driven ideology of libertarianism.
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