#I ain't trying to start new discourse
destinygoldenstar · 22 days
☀️This Gabby Stan Supports Everything She Does☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 6 “The Most Tranquilous Game”
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I'm aware of Season 3 airing. I put the poll on whether or not I should watch this while it was. By the time this comes out, this may or may not be before or after the finale of that season is released.
Quite obviously I'm not caught up so I'm not watching that right now. The only thing I know is that the finale is around the corner, and I heard a lot of people online saying they hate the Finalists for some reason.
I also saw awhile back a little meme image (that I won't show cause it's not mine) that "Jake is a garbage human being and he should die" or something.
(Became a Jake stan) ...huh, well ain't that a bit extreme.
That totally gives me hope that things will be civilized.
I didn't plan to get caught up by then, as I'd rather watch at my own pace and actually sink in what's happening so I understand it. I did the same thing with Total Drama. Because whatever show, you have to actually take any and all moments and dialogue into account, otherwise stuff gets misinterpreted.
I know half the time with these reactions I'm cracking jokes, but that's only my way of showing my investment. If I was bored and/or frustrated I wouldn't be doing that.
I hope that's understandable. I'd much rather enjoy this show and form my own opinions and takes from my own viewing experience. Obviously if I have major gripes with a plot element going forward, I'll say it, but for the most part I actually want to hear it out.
Indie Animation such as this get a lot of creative freedom to make whatever story and narrative they want. So instead of whining about corporate interference that isn't there, I'd rather say "I'll hear you out, and here's how I feel personally. Whether I think it was handled well or not with what you were trying to do."
So... I apologize if I show an opinion on something that isn't majority. Like if I like someone you hate or if I don't care for something you love. But also, I'm not gonna apologize for having them.
I'm an analyzer. My username is AnalyzGolden. I analyze stuff in the way I see it. It's in the name!
I'm like this with Digital Circus as well. I don't interact with much internet discourse surrounding it and I just want to do my own thing and see things through my lens and not others. Cause most indie animation fanbases have a reputation for being… shall we say, extreme.
So... I hope this is understandable.
I'm also thinking about doing a post on the tier list on the characters in this season once I'm done with this season. I think that'll be a fun way to properly explain my takes on all of them.
So with this out of the way, let's begin:
"It had some cool stuff that we can apply to the game!"
"It mentioned this 'Heather' person, who betrayed her alliances, abused her alliance members, and sabotaged a relationship!"
"Then there's 'Alejandro', who flirted with everybody and betrayed everybody, and also sabotaged relationships!"
"...I'm seeing a pattern."
"...but only if we ignore the section on teamwork."
You guys are slaves to the demon child. I hope you're proud.
Btw I'm only hating on Fiore because she's the villain character and therefore she's supposed to be hated. I don't actually hate her as a character. She's quite interesting.
"Do you recall what I told you about my wife?"
Are we FINALLY getting info on this?
He's broke or something, right?
"That you don't get along?"
"We do get along. It's common for marriages to get testy, I'll have you know. I'm just hoping things will get better."
Aaaahhhh... okay.
I thought for a second it would be that, but I leaned more towards my theory of them being broke.
"If I win, I'll take my family somewhere to start a new life."
Add that to the list,
'Alec: Fix Family Bond'
Okay, who do we not have for a motive that's still here?
I don't think Miriam or Gabby mentioned theirs. Or Dan. Or... I think that's it.
"Wow, look at Romeo over here, I'm sure money will solve your marital problems."
That is sarcasm caught in 4k
Not the six year old roasting the life of a grown married man!
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Ooh, Grett actually looks really good in pink. I'm just noticing her wearing that.
"Jake, how are you? Do you feel better?"
He might still be mourning. Idk what his mental state is after that.
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Now I'm actually giddy. What is wrong with me?! Why are they so great?
Going in, I was expecting Toxic Yaoi just cause of Tom's spy shit, but they're actually so sweet and wholesome and good for each other.
"I'm here if you need anything."
I can't imagine how it's like for Tom. I don't think he was imagining getting close with someone just cause of the spy profession.
"I like this boy, I want to be around him and help him out."
"Now don't worry about getting us breakfast today, I will get us the usual."
Idk how I like the sound of that tbh. XD
I just imagine Tom coming back and calling everyone to the meal. "BREAKFAST IS READY!!!"
...and it's just char XD
That also implies they work together to prepare meals for the group EVERY DAY. I love that.
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No not Grett changing her facial expression from that!
"I smell gay! I didn't ask for that in my coffee this morning!"
"Jake and I really bonded in the last challenge, it sort of opened my eyes. It's gotten me to open up more to these kids."
Yeah, I actually like Miriam now. Before I was just kinda forgetting she was there, but I like her now.
"Do you like him?"
*Covers mouth to hold back the giddy noise from my mouth*
Oh my god she's actually going there! I did not expect that.
"Uh... maybe. He's just really good as a person towards me and I feel like we're really opening up to each other, you know? It's not that deep... maybe we'd go out for Chinese sometime. Maybe we'd catch a movie together."
"Tom, do you like him?"
"Uh, no?"
You're lying. You gotta be lying.
"You always smile when you're talking to him."
"It's just... I like him, but not in that way."
Liar. Your scenes together say otherwise.
"I'm not ready to be in a relationship."
Oh is that what it's about... yeah I would understand that.
"Recently... I was in a somewhat toxic relationship and things didn't end well."
Oh now that makes a lot of sense.
Was it SOMEWHAT toxic, or...?
I'm probably thinking too angsty about it.
"He cheated on me. And... I couldn't get over it."
Well no shit you wouldn't get over that. That's awful!
Why did he do that?! Why would he want to hurt you like that?!
"Well you're young, unlike me, you still have a lot of time ahead of you."
Yeah... you can find someone better.
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Oh shit, Grett...
And because of Jake's past experience, he is NOT gonna take it well!
OH NO...
"Hey um... how's everything?"
"All good... I'm still here."
That sounds so sad.
"Yeah I'm still alive. A tornado hasn't slammed into us yet, you know?"
"Everyone tries to vote me out! Only Grett stayed by my side even though you said I shouldn't listen to her!"
This Gabby Stan supports everything she does.
"I'm sorry, I thought I could trust the guys, but I was wrong."
Dan. You're being a dick.
"I hope our team wins todays challenge because I'm not too confident about my position."
And I hope they don't so you get voted out!
...actually is that worth that risk? They could vote the others.
Dan, really, you're the only one on that team I wouldn't mind losing.
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Like this is not fair!
"Today the challenge will be for individual immunities."
"Tonight, BOTH teams will go to elimination and vote a person off each of their teams."
"Double elimination AGAIN?!"
"Well guess what? Life isn't fair."
...he do be spitting facts though.
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Yeah uh, that doesn't look like a tranquilizer gun! THAT LOOKS LIKE A MACHINE GUN
"It'll only put you asleep for a few minutes... hopefully."
Cut to everyone waking up from a ten year coma.
"If there's no way to avoid elimination tonight, I have to start preparing..."
*Gets a fashion ad*
I guess she's going to slay with her fashion sense 💅
"Gabby what were you doing talking to Dan this morning?"
"I was reading him for filth."
"You shouldn't talk to him!"
On the one hand, Dan is on your team. You kinda want to be on good terms.
On the other hand, it's Dan, so it's fine by me.
"But it's only a matter of time before her little cry-baby bonding session turns into an alliance."
"Oh boo hoo, my loves ones died! Who gives a shit?! UGH, people who mourn the dead are SO ANNOYING!!"
He's also a bad aim apparently cause HOW DO NOT HIT ANYONE?!
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He really is not subtle, is he?
"I don't want to be in a relationship or push it further, but I didn't say I can't crush!"
Tom's like "Why you pressing your hands like that?"
"I'm a wittle scawed of the bullets..."
"I think I saw Jensen."
"This way, come over here."
I thought you were trying to AVOID him. Why'd you want go towards him?
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Oh shit here we go...
"Golden told be awhile back to tell you something very important!"
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"Hey Grett. Maybe you should tell Jake something. Just a thought.
"For some reason I have the urge to tell Jake something. Huh, wonder who this Golden Voice is.""
"Tom was lying to you. It was Tom who voted for Drew."
Ooooooohhhh god...
I'm like preparing myself for the blowout.
"Because Drew found out his little secret."
"What secret?"
"The whole sun sensitivity story is fake. He lied to you because he's a spy."
"What are you talking about? Is this a joke?"
"He's here for work. You mean nothing to him other than a way to blend in more."
"Come on Jake, Grett has clearly lost it."
I'm CONFLICTED. Not my best girls HURTING my best boy!!
What do I do? Do I support her...? I don't know...
At least it's earlier in the season so they have a chance to bounce back... I don't... I don't know...
This is gonna be so ugly. Jake is gonna be HURT.
"I get hurt and traumatized by my ex! I lose my grandma! AND NOW THIS SHIT. I CAN'T CATCH A BREAK!"
"Tom! You're not gonna believe this!"
"Believe what?"
"Grett was saying the strangest things about you!"
"Wh-what did she say?"
"She said you were the one who voted Drew because, get this, he found out you were a spy?!"
I mean I don't think he should lie any further, but...
"I can explain!! It's not what you think!!!"
"Wait what? It's true?!"
"It's not that simple!"
Just hear him out! I can explain EVERYTHING! I know you're upset, but please hear me out!
"Oh my god... it really is! So you're just here for your job!"
"And our friendship, was that just to blend in too?! Did you ever care about me at all?! Was any of it real, HUH?!"
I know you being upset is understandable! It still hurts!
I can imagine what's going through his head though. His loved ones have a habit of either dying or lying to him and hurting him, and now turns out his new crush is a spy?
"Jake, calm down-"
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"I don't owe you anything! It's my life! Step off, Jake!"
"Oh EXCUSE ME if I don't want to be part of your 'super cool' spy plan!"
"Can you stop telling the whole goddamn neighborhood?!"
And they got shot...
Oh my god, I need a minute to CALM DOWN.
Was that... I mean I know that was a Tom liar reveal, but was that a Jake true personality reveal?!
Is he an asshole?!
Goddammit, he IS an asshole, isn't he? I WAS ROUTING FOR YOU.
I'm calming down, I'm calming down...
Tom and Jake are gonna drive me FUCKING. CRAZY.
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I don't think that's how those pans work, I think the darts would stick to the pan, not bounce off of it.
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She pulled a Rapunzel.
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And this man shot a child.
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Why are you wasting time digging a hole?!
There's a man with a machine gun!
"What revenge?"
"Against Dan."
Go ahead Gabby. I support whatever you do.
"Why don't we just focus on getting to the lake?"
"No! We eliminate the competition first, and search for the lake after."
So anyway, I feel like someone's getting immunity right now...
*thinks about it*
Okay NOW I get it.
"How come you're helping me? You know only one of us can win, right?"
No I think he's gonna betray you.
Should've kept Lilly and Ashley around Ellie. This is your karma.
"You would do the same for me."
"Uh... yeah. Sure..."
*cuts to confessional*
"I definitely wouldn't."
I can't blame her though.
"And then Jake said 'I need you to tell me what's going on' and Tom said 'I don't owe you anything' and then Jensen popped out and BAM!"
She do be right though...
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"You can play guilty while putting together a raft. I don't want to get wet."
"We're on National TV! I'll get my hair wet!" - SAME ENERGY
"Sometimes I just like to do what I want and not be bossed around."
Like, I'm defending ZERO of Grett's actions. She's a bad person. But it's just because how she goes about being a bad person that interests me so much.
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Oh so NOW they stick!
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(Twice in a row, Gabby...)
"It's my plan. I did all the hard work. I deserve it."
...I mean she DID do shit, but also...
"I know you weren't helpful today! We all know that without me, you couldn't have made it this far."
"All day I've been doing what you say, AND YOU NEVER EVER SAY THANK YOU!!!"
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I mean, I love Grett too... BUT.
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And Alec gets it too.
Cool. I guess.
I mean he's fine, I just like others more.
"Yeah... just one of the rafts broke my bamboo."
"And also hit me in the face. I was lucky not to drown."
"Do I need you to give me my totem?"
Sorry, TOTEM, I keep saying idol.
Honestly, yeah, you gotta play it. Cause I guarantee you you're gone if you don't.
"No I'm fine. I think tonight's decision will be an easy one."
"Golden put me in the heading! That MUST mean I'm safe!"
God I think I jinxed Ellie...
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They're STILL pissed.
Miriam is gonna come to me like, "Golden, you're having Toxic Yaoi for dinner tonight."
"Grett, I'm sorry, I don't regret taking the immunity."
As you shouldn't.
"If you don't vote for Dan tonight, you're out next."
Is Miriam gonna convince them to vote Grett out?!
"I don't know if I can trust Tom after betraying the guys alliance..."
And besides, it's screwed.
Tom and Jake divorced.
"There's no way you can win the next challenge with her here."
Especially since she's a kid who has limitations. It is the smarter move.
"I would've preferred the three of us to make it to the merge, but there's no other option."
Honestly I would've preferred that too and that's what I thought would happen. Guess not.
"I like Fiore, but Ellie is more useful in challenges..."
It's up to Alec.
Alright... let's see what we've got this time. This should be interesting.
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Dammit, why'd he have to be an asshole, huh?
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Of course Miriam writes in cursive.
"You can fool these Gen Z'ers..."
Miriam's climbing up my tier list.
Alright, Teal's up first.
I mean, I prefer it be Dan just cause I like Grett, but also...
I don't think I'm gonna be mad.
I like how Trevor says her name.
And then the last vote is Grett.
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A fav is gone.
"Sorry. We won't tolerate you any longer."
"You think I care?! Because I don't!"
I think she does care though.
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Ellie's gone, isn't she?
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I thought she was gonna make it further, tbh.
"Good luck winning challenges with a six year old."
Wah wah waaaahhh...
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"I've already won a lot in my life..."
The shakiness of her voice. OUCH.
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*I got a safelife repair ad*
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Oh god, that's gonna be bad for Tom's mission, isn't it? Whatever it is he's doing.
I mean lets be honest though... that post isn't Jake's fault. How's he supposed to know that would happen?
Ugh... I had a gut feeling though, cause I saw people HATING Jake's character and calling him the worst.
Okay, BUT, I don't hate him. Surprisingly enough.
I'm actually intrigued by his character a lot more now.
I thought he was gonna be the precious bean. The sweetest character. But no, he's petty and impulsive.
I HAVE to give credit though, this is NOT something that came out of nowhere for me. He did snap at Nick in Episode 4 for stubbing his toe, and they established this episode more of Jake's past to add more context to his POV.
So he was in a toxic relationship before and got betrayed by it. That makes perfect sense to me. I understand why he'd be pissed. Tom lied to him.
But he DEFINATELY overreacted towards it. It's one thing to yell at the heat of the moment, it's another to vote for him just because you're pissed.
So, yeah, I'm not excusing his behavior, I'm just understanding WHY.
"OH NO! A character is revealed to have FLAWS. And said flaws made things worse for other people! Well clearly I hate them now!!"
I'm not doing that.
I'm just not that kinda person in how I view media. I don't hate characters just because they have flaws. When you're watching Total Drama, you gotta have that mindset too. Cause in that show, there's A LOT of characters that do screwed up things and it's wrong. So I'm used to it.
If anything, I guess Jake being revealed to have negative traits makes him a lot more interesting now. Cause yeah, I've been there. It sucks. Well, I wasn't in a toxic romantic relationship, but a toxic friendship when I was younger. It lasted for years so it left me pretty distasteful to the people around me and everyone hated me for... acting like Jake did here, honestly. How bout that?
Him and Tom are gonna BREAK ME, I can tell.
At least the lie is outed earlier in the season, so it's not as bad as it could've been...?
Like, it would've been a lot uglier later and it resulted in one of them getting voted off.
But at least they can work this out, right? Cool off, come clean, and repair the damage. Then go out for Chinese Food and hang out by the lake. Everything will be fine. They'll get their Chinese date. IT'LL ALL BE FINE.
...god, looks like I'm having Toxic Yaoi for dinner tonight.
Really, of my favs, Gabby is the ONLY one who ACTUALLY did nothing wrong. It looks to be that way.
I didn't expect her to kiss Ellie though. That was cute.
I was expecting that to be just a friendship, but I definitely don't hate this.
Too bad Ellie's 'gone'.
Should've used that idol.
And I shouldn't have put her in the heading. I jinxed an elimination yet again.
I'm a Grett stan. I definitely want to analyze her in the character tier list I'm gonna do after this. That way I can properly explain WHY I like her so much. As a villain, obviously. I think she has a lot more depth to her than shallow "I'm a mean girl".
But I'm also not mad that she got voted off. It is deserved. And let's face it, Grett was never winning anyway.
Anyway, idk if this will get any attention because of the Season 3 finale, but hey, I can continue these if you guys seem interested and entertained by them.
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
Terry's place in the "modern" Batfam, or rather, his incompatibility, an essay
TL;DR: some JLU episode "Epilogue" discourse is missing some at the time context.
Also, if anyone tries to redo the same story: "Amanda Waller, why do you think the ideal of Batman is going to die? Have you seen his imitators? Have you seen his actual proteges? The dining room full of his kids???"
It was technically one of Terry's Birthdays this year. (either June 27th or August 18th of 2023/2024, yes i love you DC and you're inability to commit) and I've been thinking. His canonical DCAU origin.
Amanda Waller and her Cadmus Project "Batman Beyond" and her big fandom-enraging decision of making a "Son of Batman" to carry out the Batman name.
Maybe it was because "the only assistant that can deal with his job and his intense boss" relationship was actually kind of nice and different from the sidekick thing. and the JLU episode "Epilogue" took that concept and tainted it by saying "he had to be Batman, it's in his blood".
But the text of the episode genuinely refutes that and it just makes it...tonally messy and bittersweet? idk i ain't mad which is why I've picked at this tangled ball of yarn to get at this story.
Maybe it's not the making an heir to the Bat was enraging, as you realize, Cassandra Cain was introduced in 1999, the literal incarnation of Scary Fighter with Soft Side. Damian Wayne was retooled in 2006 and we all love a little Murder Child getting Growth, and Duke Thomas from 2013 is shaping up to be a great all rounder for the title of both Scary and Great Detective.
Even skipping Dick being Batman for a year and it sticking, the other Robins could wear the cowl as well. Maybe it was something else?
Currently, in the Modern!or Comics!DC, Terry is redundant because of all of the Batfam that have been introduced before and after him. And because of Fandom Telephone Fanon, it's hard to interpret older canon as fairly.
With how the Batman Beyond story is structured, Bruce has to be isolated, old and alone in order to trust Terry with the cowl. It's an escapist fantasy and it's a redemption for both of them. It's implied that the Justice League is not as strong as it used to be. The Age of Heroes is over. there was a "near apocalypse of '09"
Especially looking at Wayne Family Adventures, it's hard to imagine all of the Batfam just goes their own ways and doesn't check in.
Terry's origin and start as Batman is fundamentally incompatible with modern canon. It does not work with the concept of the "Batfamily" and even the "extended Batfamily".
Because of that we have to step back in time to 1999 where Terry was created and we also have to completely disregard the comics. Because he was created specifically for the streamlined DCAU.
At this point in the DCAU, the New Adventures of Batman wrapped up. There's Nightwing, Barbara Gordon (only Batgirl, not Oracle, even though the incident that put her in a wheelchair was written in 1988, the DCAU didn't adapt it), Tim Drake (who was combined with Jason Todd, taking over his outfit and backstory). that have been in the BatFamily. Three people who could try to take the cowl.
And then we get into the incident from the Return of the Joker, which was alluded to in series but never actually described. Where the Batfam Blows Up. and Bruce just carries on and isolates himself from Everyone.
Yeah, making a new incarnation of Batman sounds like a pretty good option at this point.
What I'm trying to say. the "Batman Beyond" project, at the time both in universe and out of it, made sense. but like all "future worlds", time catches up and eventually surpasses it.
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lastoneout · 1 year
I really don’t want Twitter users here. A lot of them are toxic and Tumblr has finally become more of a comfortable space for a lot of people. I’m worried about all the discourse and witch hunts that could start up here again.
I mean we really can't do much about where people go post-twitter, and tbh so far the majority of people have been really chill(and I've had several friends come over too!) but I think it's gonna be up to the users as a whole to continue the trend of us not tolerating that sort of thing. Like we aren't powerless, blocking people, reporting threatening anons, trying to promote positive engagements and interactions, making sure to fact check things and not just let our anger get the better of us, not participating in witch hunts and harassment campaigns and ignoring, blocking, and deplatforming people who do, all of that can help keep things chill. We can't stop it all, but we can work to make our own communities spaces where that sort of thing isn't welcome.
It's worth a shot anyway. I really like the vibe tumblr has currently and I'm def willing to fight to keep things positive. Besides, there are def still plenty of toxic tumblr users who've been here the whole time, this ain't nothing new.
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andreaphobia · 1 year
hi, friends! long time no see. obviously i've started reblogging stuff here again (ty to my mutuals who have the most excellent taste in both art and memes), but i think i'd like to start posting here again as well. (and before you ask, yes, these entries will be tagged so they can be filtered xd)
over the last couple years or so i've found that i'm sick to death of social media, and what it's done to fandom and the way people interact with each other. i know that makes me sound like a real fucking fandom boomer but man i'll just fucking own that at this point. i'm sick of clout chasers trying to go viral, of people trying to be content creators, of people who think of fanworks first and foremost as "content" to be monetized and hawked to consumers as opposed to SOMETHING FUN TO BE SHARED WITH FRIENDS. also sick of discourse but well, at least that shit ain't new.
at any rate, here we are! i would love to both reconnect with old fandom friends and also make some new ones! please do not be shy about reaching out, sending asks, or replying on posts if we like the same things and/or you feel the same way about the state of the internet today, 'cuz we'll probably get along. if we used to talk somewhere else but have since lost contact, hit me up for my discord!
little intro for those who don't know me yet...
fandom interests: persona 5, final fantasy xiv, chainsaw man, trigun (+ stampede), katekyo hitman reborn, mob psycho 100
ships: shuake, 8018, erejean (yeah im gonna put this here lmfao)
fic on ao3, art here and (begrudgingly) on instagram
lastly, if any friends/mutuals are considering getting into p5........ i'll buy the game for you. dead fucking serious. please join me in my brain worm hell, i would love to have more friends understand why i can't stop thinking about akechi goro :')
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sugarless5 · 1 year
On Forgiveness, Jamie, and Ted Lasso
I've been seeing a lot of discourse about Ted telling Jamie to forgive his father and I've got complicated thoughts about it too, but I'm starting to see something I've seen in lots of fandoms which is that what starts as a reasonable critique of something spirals into something that seems to have lost all perspective. Ted's not perfect and he's not supposed to be but if I see one more "Ted condones abuse" take I'm going to lose my mind. Totally legit to hate Ted's advice, but I just wanted to throw in my thoughts:
The whole "forgiveness isn't giving the person who wronged you a favor, forgiveness is for yourself" advice is extremely common - it's a classic trope. I spent a long time puzzling over it back when I was a kid (when it was a classic after-school-special kind of advice) because it didn't seem to match up to my definition of what "forgiveness" means to me, but bottom line is: when people give that advice what they're saying is: let go of the anger. Stop carrying all that anger or hurt or resentment around if it's no longer serving you. When you're in a shitty situation, you need those things to get you through. Anger, fueling you, hurt, making you try to shield yourself, resentment, helping you either cut someone off or build up a sort of emotional callus to them. And when someone's hurt you deeply, you'll carry those with you for a while. If you (metaphorically) press on an emotional bruise and you still wince, you're not over it yet. But Jamie's whole crisis is that he felt nothing anymore when he reached for that old hurt to turn into a kind of anger that'll fuel him. When those feelings aren't serving you anymore and you find yourself still carrying that resentment around, you should let it go or, as the common wisdom goes, forgive them.
That's very obviously what Ted is saying in that scene: "if anger at your pops ain't motivating you like it used to, it might be time to try something else. Just forgive him." That advice doesn't men "you should definitely let your abusive father back into your life" and I've always been frustrated by how TV (this show included) blurs that line. He's just saying "stop carrying around that resentment if it's not serving you anymore." And sure enough, when he's no longer hearing his hateful dad in the voices of all of those Man City fans, he can take their jeers as a challenge accepted and go back to being the prickiest prick he's ever been in his little prick life. So, unpopular opinion: there's nothing wrong with Ted's advice.
Letting go of the resentment doesn't necessarily have to mean letting them back in your life, and I was disappointed that the show had Jamie reaching out to his dad without even knowing he was taking steps to get his shit sorted out. That sort of made it a parallel to Nate - but Nate actually earned his redemption. I think it's better as a parallel to Rebecca:
First, the wound is still fresh, the rage is fueling everything, she keeps getting hurt by news and the bullshit he's throwing at her and she sabotages herself and those around her (season 1 Jamie)
Then she makes amends, starts letting herself connect with people, lets go of some of the rage that had her hurting herself and those around her, but Rupert still has the power to hurt her. The anger and hurt are still there, but they're fueling her in a much more productive way. His news about the baby makes her realize how badly she wants one and she starts to explore her options. So she's in a better place, but she's still hurt. But this time, all of that anger gets directed in one way: Beat Rupert.
By the end of season 3, Rupert has no power to hurt her. That scene in International Break where she can laugh with him is that big shift. She doesn't care about beating him, she just wants the team to win for themselves. She can hang up that expensive artwork again because she likes it and who cares that Rupert was the one who gave it to her. When she meets Rupert in the last episode I think she's genuinely happy for him that both of his beloved teams are at the top. That's what forgiveness looks like. She didn't give anything to Rupert. It actually has nothing to do with Rupert - he's still a prick and I don't imagine them hanging out for fun any time soon. But it means able to approach him without any of that resentment along for the ride.
Which, again, makes that text really annoying. Even if we're going for a second chances, and rehab really is the sign everything is going to change for Jamie's dad, Jamie being the one to reach out to him and put him back in his life was annoying. I'd have even been fine with him showing up at the rehab facility at the end if we didn't have the text.
I think letting go does go hand in hand with reconnecting on better terms. There are people who hurt me very deeply and I think I was legit in my hurt, anger, and attempt to cut them out of my life. But years later, when I pressed on that bruise and it didn't cause me any more pain, I did find myself building connections with them again. But that second part takes time and the show wasn't well served to try to shortcut it.
Tl;dr - Ted telling Jamie to forgive his dad wasn't bad or wrong or anything else. The text was bullshit though.
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rosietrace · 2 years
Melodic Misconceptions 🎹
Track 16: Young & beautiful 4/4
Synopsis: Victoria Shard was a former member of the popular idol group [ Poisoner ] from NRC corporations. After discourse with her group leader, Victoria decided it was best for her to leave and pursue her solo career in a record label run by her parents.
It had been half a year since her separation from her old group, and Victoria had never been more successful. But now she has a new problem. She must return to NRC corporations in order to mentor the seven idol groups.
Ellis Clawthorne is a member of [ (Co)-connect ] the most recent group under NRC'S belt. With no experience as an idol, Ellis must persevere in order to succeed and pursue her dreams.
Will both girls be able to adapt to their current situations?
✐ ✎_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_✐ ✎
Author's note: So.... A little note, updates might take a little longer since I've got school now 😭 I'll do my best to update regularly with the time I'm given to write and edit these tracks-
On the other hand, woo! The young and beautiful arc of 'Queen of nothing' has concluded! ^^ I'll do my best to write the rest of the plot current plot to fit the name of the album.
Anyways, I don't really have anything else to ask but uh- Reblogs definitely help and- I hope you don't mind reblogging-
But other than that, enjoy!
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"It's a shame that everything's gonna end soon…."
Feeling a little confused, Juvia turned to Ellis with a concerned face."What do you mean?"
Ellis sighed, munching on her sugar cookie before she responded."The music video thing…. I think I got too used to the routine of getting ready for the music video. Once it's over, we're returning to NRC Corp…" though she felt saddened, it was still a little difficult for Juvia to take Ellis fully seriously while she was pouting.
Letting out a breath, Juvia sat next to Ellis and put her hand over hers."I know, and I understand, but… It kinda had to end eventually." Juvia sucked in a breath, hoping she didn't upset Ellis even more.
And yet, Ellis huffed and gave her friend a tired smile."I guess…." She said, finishing the last bits of her sugar cookie and wiping off the crumbs from her dress.
"But to change topics, remember that post Zen made about… You-know-who?"
Juvia furrowed her eyebrows, slightly confused.
"What do you mean- Ohhh….. HIM." Ellis giggled while watching Juvia suddenly realize who she was referring to.
"I mean, yeah, but what about it?"
This time it was Ellis who sucked in a breath."Do you think….. He, you know…." She hesitantly trailed off of her sentence and began to make gestures with her hands.
"Er…. Ellis, I don't know what you're trying to imply-"
"Oh- Well I was gonna ask, do you think he likes Victoria-"
Juvia's eyes widened and her mouth fell agape at Ellis's question. The latter had to scratch the back of their head and raise their hands in defense.
"Why would you think that??"
"You never know!"
"Ellis, he's only known Victoria for a couple of weeks-"
"Juvia. The chemistry is THERE. And it doesn't take long for anyone to start pining for our mentor."
Juvia's eyebrows furrow again, but this time in subtle bewilderment at Ellis's assumption.
Ellis shrugged, still contemptuous about the assumption that Aguri likely began falling for their mentor.
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The minute the director yelled the word "Action!" Victoria and Aguri put on their best poker faces to maintain the everlasting tension between one another.
It felt so unnatural yet so mesmerizing to see Aguri dance with Victoria up the stairs while the camera followed their movements.
Miren watched behind the cameras with everyone else, his eyes softening while watching the two of them in awe."Would you look at that…" he managed to murmur after it had been pure silence since filming began.
Zen chuckled."Mesmerizing, ain't it?..." He said to Miren, watching his best friend continuously dance.
Their dancing came to a halt as Aguri stopped her and trapped her with his arms against the railing behind her.
As the final lines of the song were coming to a close, Aguri leaned in, feeling his breathing against Victoria's.
And just as her breath hitched as he leaned a little closer, eyes wide,
"And…. Cut! That's a wrap!"
It was over.
Realizing the level of proximity he had with her, Aguri stepped back with wide eyes, equally as embarrassed as Victoria.
As for the latter, she was even more shocked. Did he…
…. Did he just try to kiss me?
That was what she thought. And she had that thought running through her mind as soon as Vil declared that there was going to be an after-party to celebrate after they edit and upload the music video.
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Aguri groaned.
It was currently the after-party of the music video and they had rented one of the largest first-class hotels to celebrate. As happy as almost everyone was, Aguri felt awkward.
Why? Because of what had happened between him and Victoria during that final scene.
It wasn't obvious to many, but he leaned closer than what was scripted. And he was close enough to have the tips of their upper lips against each other.
He felt embarrassed. Ashamed, even. He couldn't look Victoria in the face after what had happened between them during that.
"What are you doing?"
"Ah- Vil…. You gave me a little scare." Aguri brushed off his shock almost flawlessly. Vil sighed and walked up to him, giving him a glass of red wine before he drank his glass of water.
After swallowing the last bits of his water, Vil turned to Aguri, who hadn't touched a sliver of his wine."Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.
Aguri snickered, faking an expression filled with amusement at Vil's concern for him."Trust me, Vil, I'm fine." He assured, patting his friend on the back.
Vil pursed his lips and clicked his tongue."You better be. I don't exactly like it when you lie to me, Aguri." He sent him a scowl before walking out the balcony, and back into the sixth-floor lobby.
Ah. Right. Aguri almost forgot he was distancing himself from Vil after he spoke with him, days before.
[ Flashback ]
"Why did you call her that?"
"Call her what?"
Aguri took a sip of his coffee."You know, you should probably drink your coffee before hair and makeup show up-"
"Don't change the subject. Just- Answer my question." Vil interrupted, hesitating to continue mid-sentence.
Aguri rolled his eyes and leaned against the table."There's nothing wrong with calling her 'princess', Vil. It isn't going to imply anything." He put his cup down and crossed his arms.
Vil huffed."But it WILL imply something if you start calling her that in public." Aguri didn't like that he emphasized the word 'will'. And in general, he didn't want to argue with his friend at the moment.
"Tell me, Aguri."
He fell silent and almost hesitated to reply.
".... What?"
"What feelings do you have for her?"
He knew he was talking about Victoria, he couldn't help but frown."What the hell are you talking about, Vil?" He asked him a question in response.
And that irked Vil a little.
".... You're in love with her."
Aguri coughed, surprised that Vil would assume such a thing."What- Vil what the hell?? I've only known her for a couple of weeks, how could I possibly be in love with her???"
Vil crossed his arms, sending his friend a scowl."Don't lie to me, Aguri."
Aguri clenched his jaw, as well as his fists."I'm not!" He shouted, feeling his nostrils flare.
Scoffing, Vil was about to walk out of the room before saying one more thing. Something that would be on the back of his friend's mind since then.
"I don't like that you're lying to me, Aguri."
[ End of Flashback ]
Thinking back on that memory only made Aguri feel even more awkward. If not depressed.
It wasn't like his entire career was based on his relationship with Vil. It was only like that in the beginning. Now, it didn't matter if his relationship with Vil was positive or not.
How the hell am I supposed to- His thoughts were interrupted.
"I noticed Vil left here. I'm guessing you didn't have a pleasant conversation?"
The second he realized it was Victoria, Aguri didn't hesitate to chug down his glass of wine, spilling a bit of it on his white blouse.
Victoria watched in disgust, scrunching her nose as she walked over to him and handed him a handkerchief from her purse.
He took it, even if he was hesitant to do so.
"So… You sure you aren't gonna get drunk?"
Aguri snorted at her attempt at a joke and watched the sky next to her. But he made sure that there was a considerable distance between them.
"I doubt that. I'm not much of a lightweight.."
"Is that so? How many drinks until you go black-out drunk?"
He stifled a laugh."Seven…" he answered, feeling his forearm get punched by Victoria in disapproval.
"How uncouth. I'm surprised you haven't had alcohol poisoning yet." She looked away from him.
Aguri smiled playfully."I don't drink all the time, princess." He replied, getting another scowl out of her.
Not long after was silence brought in.
Until Victoria decided to break it by speaking.
"You did well. Your acting is more impressive than I initially thought." Her words brought a softer, less playful smile to Aguri's face.
"Thanks… I'll give you another thanks for putting up with me." This time it was Victoria's turn to stifle her laughter. It was adorable to witness in his eyes.
"Well, it was hard to…" her head leaned against her hand as she glanced at Aguri with his apparent wine stains on his blouse.
And out of nowhere, silence had returned to seamlessly disrupt their conversation. And it lasted a little longer. About nine minutes, at most.
And this time it was Aguri who broke the silence, hoping it would finally stop interrupting them.
"Can I get your number?" He asked abruptly. And he successfully managed to get a shock out of Victoria, as she backed away with a stunned but otherwise cute expression on her face.
"What? Why?" She questioned, "Why would you ask for my number?"
Hell, even Aguri didn't know the answer to that. And he simply shrugged."Just because. Kinda wanted to mess with Vil a little by getting to know you a little more…"
He didn't even know if that was a lie or not. If anything, Aguri couldn't tell what was true or false. Even if the words came from himself.
Although she hesitated, Victoria took hold of Aguri's phone and began typing. He felt his jaw drop a little, is she gonna give him her number?
After a couple of seconds of waiting, she handed him his phone."There. Now my number is there." She stated firmly.
Waiting in silence, Victoria now felt a little awkward. Did- Did I do something-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a low chuckle. That transitioned into stifling laughter.
"Hahaha… Thanks, princess."
Victoria frowned, rolling her eyes and looking away from him.
"Don't take it lightly."
"Pffft- Don't worry, I won't."
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@starry-night-rose @nem0-nee @authoruio @fumikomiyasaki @windbornearchon @sakuramidnight15 @geminiiviolets @knights-escort @twsted-princess @crazyyanderefangirlfan
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inkdemon-whore · 2 years
al/alex/alta | adult | he/him it/its (trying these out) | aspec multi fandom/fandom hopper | proship | atheistic satanist (the 7 tenets)
tw tag list: mostly for the batim/batdr au, but also includes most tw tags i use
archived blogs: @the-core-archive | @alta-2016-2018 | @alta-2018-2020 | @saved-as-jpeg (&lt;<< for REALLY old art, saved because i like looking at how much i've grown as an artist, maybe it'll inspire someone to start/keep drawin, idk. warning, cringe child art from 2005-ish)
active-ish blogs/sites: @inkdemonslament (ask/story telling blog) | @altadud (reblogs, nothing gets tagged. asked santa if i could have an "e" for x-mas, so url might change soon) | ao3 (not super active and don't really know how it works)
tumblr bday: may 15th, 2015
as an scp, i'm classed as safe. the foundation has locked me here for years. my art on the other hand, is keter and breaches containment constantly.
getting more blue checkmarks any time i see a post bitching about them naturally on my dash. i will not buy more just cuz you send an ask ragging on them. i'm stupid, but i ain't that stupid.
fandoms i'm in, or more accurately, stuff i like. red is what i'm makin art for at the moment/my current hyper fixation.
pokemon (drawn stuff for)
sonic (old art, can't be found anymore)
a monster in paris (old art, can't be found anymore)
undertale/deltarune (drawn stuff for)
BATIM/BATDR (drawn stuff for) [currently doin an au for this, tag is "daddy ink demon au". post to catch you up/tell ya what it is -1- -2-. or just bioshock big daddy but it's ink bendy and an early version of audrey] {making a master list}
steven universe (drawn stuff for)
dream smp (drawn stuff for)
fnaf (drawn stuff for)
fnf (drawn stuff for)
OFF by mortil ghost
yume niki
centaurworld (drawn stuff for)
encanto (drawn stuff for)
mystery skulls animated (drawn stuff for)
the girl from the other side (drawn stuff for)
spooky month (drawn stuff for)
the stanley parable/tspud
tiny faq:
can i make fanart/fanfics based on your stuff?
yes yes yes yes yes -grabby hands- please do, i love seein that stuff. you can @ me, send it as a gift on ao3, or put it in my sub box. also just be sure to link back to me in some way (such as an @ or linking my blog)
can i dub your comics?
oh FUCK YES!! go for it n send it to me, i wanna see!!
can i use your art as an icon?
yee sure, just link back to me.
you're proship?
yea, if i'm shipping the character's i'll tag it with "tw ship" or "proship". if ya don't see that tag, it's not a ship. i don't do discourse/fandom wank, i'm just the art guy. if ya wanna know more, read the carrd linked above, or go to @/sl-ug's blog as a starting point (they're workin on a paper, i think it's neat)
here? other than suggestive stuff and jokes, no, not really. i have things tagged for blacklist though, being #nsfw and #nude/#nudity. old post won't be put under the new filter thing unless it gets flagged (mostly cuz i'm lazy), but newer post will. if you're askin about an alt.... -coughs-
might update this every now and then.
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ambrosialdesire · 2 years
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general rules :
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! This is a dark content/yandere blog, do not interact with me or my content at all. I check my activity tab a lot so if I do not see an age in the bio, any request of yours will be ignored and you will be blocked. If you bother me about the things I write, I will promptly block you. If you have a blank blog, I will be keeping an eye out for any suspicious behavior. You have been warned and content warnings/tags will always be put in place before the start of fics.
If you do not like or want to see my content, blocking is free. Don’t try sending me hate asks, you will be ignored and blocked.
RACISM, TRANSPHOBIA, & HOMOPHOBIA IS NOT AND WILL NEVER BE TOLERATED IN THIS BLOG; don't even try to spread any negative political propaganda (aka the orange felon) cause you'll just get straight up blocked, I literally do not care about how much you'll dickride the fuck out of his stupid ass ideologies.
I will not be answering any discourse or hate posts/messages/asks. If you are actively searching for particular content and then complaining about said content that YOU sought out for and ignoring every warning that is given to you beforehand, that is completely out of my hands and on you. My responsibility as a dark content writer is to warn readers beforehand with ALL tags and warnings; if they are comfortable with reading such content, it is their sole responsibility of having the decision of continuing to go on and read my content. I get curiosity but please do not go on with reading if you are uncomfortable with any of topics written. Don’t fuck up your mind this early if you’re a minor. Viewer/reader discretion is advised.
If you want to filter out my content, trigger warnings are usually tagged as something like this: #tw: yandere
All characters that I write will be 18+ and will always be portrayed as adults.
Please ask me if you could recommend or repost my fics to other people in other sites (like tiktok). On most occasions, my content is not for others and I don’t want these things being exposed to a younger audience. Please respect this request of mine.
Do not repost any of my works (art and writings) on other sites, the only site I will be posting is on Tumblr and that's it. I might make an AO3 account for fics, but it depends on how much I actually want to make one.
I will tag everything correctly and if I don't add a particular tag, please tell me! Content warnings will also be tagged before the fic starts so please tread with caution!
Will only be writing for what's on my masterlist, new things would be added in if I'm able to vibe with the show + fandom long term.
I take a long time to write so please don't complain or beg me to post as fast as possible; I try to take my time to make sure the request or fic is good enough to read and sometimes I have writing slumps.
Sometimes I won't take on your request, mostly because I can't think of how to go about writing it or I ain't vibing with the prompt. Please don't constantly spam the inbox if I don't take it.
Please respect me in my inbox and through asks. If I begin to accumulate a bunch of hate, anon messages will no longer be available. Respect each other in the comments of each post as well!
No one and I mean no one has my permission to use my works (both fics and answered asks based on those fics) for AI and chat bots. Please refer to this answered ask linked right here.
Asks can only usually be related to fics or silly little life updates or small chats/advice, however, I don't really want to be sent heavy subjects that I cannot deal with in an appropriate manner! I'm literally just a silly fanfic writer going through college, trying to answer extremely venty asks are not only inappropriate (since I didn't consent to be vented to), but if posted publicly to be answered, it might be triggering to others! Please keep this in mind and stay safe, seek counseling, and an actual therapist if able to.
Keep this author and anon/reader relationship platonic and not parasocially weird! Yeah, I may be cool to talk to (no I'm not LMFAO) and occasionally would reveal some things about my personal life, but all I am is a person on the internet having fun! Don't try seriously flirting with me, I'd just get weirded out and eventually will block you if you don't stop. Again, let's just respect each other!
Critique is NOT asked for unless specified! I know I'm not a professional writer, but again, I'M JUST HERE FOR FUNSIES! I'm not trying to get writer of the century. I will allow a small point out of a misspelled name, just don't spam it once I fix it. I usually notice the errors in time either before I post it or a few days afterwards, but like the Hedonic fic, I fr may not notice immediately LOL
More general rules will be added if needed
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request rules :
I write mostly fem or female genitalia reader, so if you request something that is not fem reader, please specify so I know!
I will not accept any physical characteristics for the reader, I like having an “open” reader so anyone can imagine themselves in the character. I try my best to keep the reader interesting personality-wise but still a blank canvas at the same time.
Make sure that before you send in your request, to see if my requests are open, its availability is on my pinned navigation post.
I may or may not write sequels, depends on my mood about the fic and how much I want to continue it.
I do appreciate every request that I get, don’t get discouraged if I do not take your request! You can still send requests no matter what :)
Please respect what I will write and not write below:
I WILL NOT write: anything with piss and fecal matter, necrophilia (like anything with actual dead bodies, zombies are an iffy subject), underage (like literal children) + ageplay, incest (biological), beastiality (like actual animals that aren’t able to communicate or understand human language), FEET (i will block you immediately /hj), will add on if needed
I WILL write: yandere, breeding, dubcon + noncon, overstim, threesomes/groupies (depending on which characters and how many people are involved), monsterfucking, praise + degradation, dom and sub dynamics (like daddy or master), cheating, pseudo-incest, hatefucking, size difference, legal age differences (like 20 year old with a 30-40 year old), somnophilia, manipulation, will add on if needed. Most kinks and topics are acceptable but remember, I can refuse your request.
More request rules will be added if needed
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art rules :
I welcome any fanart! It can be related to my fanfics or any ocs that i post or even my sona (when i make one), so long as it's not like WILDLY inappropriate and uncomfortable. It can be nsfw but not like the weird fetishy nsfw yk like air inflation or feet, you get the gist.
DO NOT STEAL/CLAIM MY ART AS YOUR OWN OR REPOST ANY OF MY ART ON ANY OTHER SITE (like tiktok)!!!! This makes me extremely uncomfortable and I'd prefer to not have my art seen/more exposed to apps that minors constantly use.
The only people that get to keep my art are the ones that commission me. Even then, you are not allowed to sell the art without my permission but otherwise than that, you can do whatever you want with it.
Again, no bullying or unwanted criticism is needed or wanted! I do NOT care if you don't like the self-shipping sonas or my art style or the oc designs or the kind of art I make. I draw for fun/practice and for the hobby of it, that's completely it hehe
More art rules will be added if needed.
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one-boring-person · 3 years
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Requested by: @phantomshadow13
John Rambo (First Blood) x reader
Warnings: anxiety, mention of death
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My leg jitters slightly as I watch John interact with the woman at the washing line, my lip between my teeth again as I bite more and more marks into the chapped skin. A dull ache has spread through my body from the long walk, but I've managed to keep it at bay and ignore it, having gotten used to doing this years ago, when it was more than necessary to do so. Despite this, I find myself hoping that our journey is finally at an end, and that we'll have found John's old comrade here, and that he'll let us stay with him, until we figure something better out. Looking at the way the conversation is going, however, I'm not too confident in this.
Quietly, I follow the discourse with my eyes, glancing around every now and then, distrusting of my surroundings, even though I have no reason to be, trying to ignore the gentle tremor that's started to set into my hands. A metallic taste lingers on my tongue from my near-constant lip chewing, a little dried blood encrusting some of the worst areas, but it's not noticeable, at least not to a stranger. John, of course, has noticed, and asked about it, too. I'd made up some excuse, but I know he sees right through it, like he does with all falsities. 
Across from me, I catch sight of John's shoulders slumping, his lean form losing some of the energy he had before we got to the tiny village. Swallowing, I know instinctively that something is wrong, my leg jittering  much more noticeably as I shift where I stand, watching as he comes over. The dark-haired man briefly makes eye contact with me, before he jerks his head, gesturing for me to follow, leading me away from the settlement. His expression is solemn, lidded eyes bright with a new sadness that wasn't there before. 
Worried, I follow after him, staying silent as I hurry to keep up with his faster stride until we've reached the road again, leaving the picturesque village behind. Immediately, John starts off in the direction we were previously going, feet dragging a little as he goes, hands shoved in his pockets again.
"John?" I call out to him, my voice shaky, "John? What happened? Where's Delmar?"
John glances at me, noticing my uneasy state as he always does, his eyes softening a little at this.
"Delmar's gone." Is all he says, waiting for me to fall into step beside him.
I frown a little, tilting my head as I try to ignore the small jump in my pulse.
"Gone? Gone where? When will he be back?" I query, pushing my own hands into my pockets to conceal the tremor from my observant companion.
A flash of a wry smile goes across his face, some unknown thing briefly amusing him before he replies.
"He ain't coming back. He's dead." The veteran murmurs to me, knowing I'll hear his slightly slurred speech and be able to understand him perfectly.
I'm left speechless, my head struggling to grasp at something to say, unable to understand. 
"D-dead? How?" I can't help the stammer in my voice, very much aware of the tension flooding my body, further accentuating the tremor in both my leg and hands.
"Cancer, apparently." John informs me, looking down at his boots as he continues on along the path.
"Cancer…" I mumble to myself, stopping momentarily as I feel a cold sweat break out across my forehead, a sense of hopelessness flooding me now. What are we supposed to do? There's nowhere we can go, nowhere we can stay. Neither of us have that much money, and we have barely any food on our person at this moment.
Already, I can feel my breathing picking up, the air coming out in short, sharp bursts, my pulse thumping heavily now as I try to keep it all at bay, failing in this as I feel the tremor get worse. Unable to focus, I don't quite hear John calling out to me, my eyes fixed on the road ahead, unseeing as I stand there, shaking like a leaf in the wind. Vaguely, I notice him come over to me, the lean man carrying an expression of worry and concern, his head tilted to get a proper look at me.
"(Y/n)?" His voice breaks through the haze in my head, somewhat pulling me out of the state of panic I'm in, jerking me from the fog in my head.
I don't respond, my muscles continuing to tremble as I fight to control myself, each breath harsh and nearly painful as it rushes into my lungs, the sweat now coating the back of my neck. Tense, I stand, almost rigid apart from the shaking, where I am, staring blindly at a point on the horizon.
"(Y/n), look at me." John tries again, dropping his stuff as he reaches out to me, not quite touching, his dark eyes fixed on me.
Somehow, his rough voice manages to somewhat snap me out of my trance, my eyes flicking up to meet his, swiftly dropping to the floor again. Seeing this, John places his hand on my arm, glad to see I don't flinch away from him anymore, like I had the first time this happened, the muscular man dipping his head down a little to reach my level. Unable to avoid him, I make eye contact again, easily losing myself in those near-black depths, finding safety there.
"Look, (Y/n), I'm here. You're ok, we're gonna be ok. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you, or us. We'll be totally fine." He murmurs to me, his tone soft as he gently pulls me to the side of the road, his other hand coming up to rest on my other arm, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into my tense muscles.
I don't say anything, my breathing still ragged as I stare at him, reassurance from his touch seeping into me.
"Come on, (Y/n), breathe for me." John softly orders me, "In and out, nice and slow. Take your time, stay focused on my voice. In...and out. Good."
Breathing in time with his words, I start to regulate my exhalations better, tension starting to lessen slightly, the tremor sulking a little as I feel myself fall into a better pattern.
"There, you're doing great. Keep going, in and out…" He keeps this up, encouraging me until my breathing is back to normal, meaning I'm able to speak.
"Th-thanks." I stutter, embarrassed at myself, still trying to calm my racing mind, pushing back the plaguing thoughts from before.
"Anytime." He gives me one of his rarer, gentle smiles, the crooked expression sending butterflies through me, as it always has.
"I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't...that was stupid…" I try to apologise, groping for words again, only for him to cut me off.
"Don't apologise, (Y/n). It isn't your fault." He assures me, tilting his head momentarily, noting the tension still lingering in my body, "C'mere."
My eyes widen as he pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me to crush me into his chest, his hands splayed on my body. Instinctively, I reciprocate it, a feeling of warmth flowing through me as he rubs my back, his face burying into my hair as he tightens his grip, trying to get me to relax into him. Knowing this is rare, I allow myself to melt into his embrace, relishing in the comforting scent that surrounds me: sweat, fresh air and crushed evergreen needles from the trees we passed a couple of hours ago. Pressing my face into his chest, I sigh, the last of the tension dissipating along with the tremor, his soothing movements drawing out any painful knots. His dark hair brushes against my face as he holds me closer, making sure I'm totally relaxed before he pulls back a little, keeping one arm around my waist as he lifts one to my face.
With a slight frown, John lightly draws his thumb across my lip, pulling it away to inspect. A thin layer of blood coats the pad of the sight, my lip stinging now to let me know I bit it much harder than I thought I had. He doesn't say anything, only making eye contact with me again as he leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. Heat rises along my skin where his lips touch me, my eyes briefly closing as he lingers there, clearly as unwilling to let go as I am.
The sound of a honking truck snaps us apart, the taller man pushing me behind him out of instinct, ready for action. He soon relaxes as he remembers there is no danger letting go of me as we watch the large vehicle roar past, the driver shouting something at us as he goes. Frowning, I swallow and glance back at John, wishing we hadn't been interrupted.
"Where do we go now?" I ask quietly, stepping up beside him as he picks up his stuff again.
John looks back at me, starting to walk off in the right direction with me following on.
"Someplace." He replies, smiling at me again as I fall into step beside him.
After a moment, his hand slips into mine and his fingers loop through mine, squeezing me gently as we walk. Reassured by his touch, I manage to keep my slight anxiety at bay, knowing we'll be fine as long as we're together.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Queen Marinette
Queen Marinette
Here is a ~2000 word song fic that I wrote in place of working on my ongoing fics hope you guys like it.
I saw a post a while ago where Damian would call Mari Queen/Your Majesty as she was a princess, but i cant find the post anymore but the idea stuck so here we are.
The League of Assassins also known as the League of Shadows is one of the Earth's best kept secret society second to Themiscyra home of the Amazons and Atlantis of the Atlantans. However there is one that only a handful know and whispers of their existence are mythical in the cosmos. Only known to the head families, or rulers, of Themiscyra, Atlantis, and the League of Assassins.
That would be the Kingdom at Miraculi.
Marinette is anything but a normal girl. She is the crowned princess of Miraculi as well as being the reincarnation of the goddess Tikki. She is creation herself, but on top of that she was blessed by the other gods as well, meaning she is able to wield their gifts as well. She is Princess Marinette Dawntreader of Miraculi.
But right now she wants to be anywhere but the palace. At the age of eight she just met her betrothed and let's just say he did not make a good first impression.
In front of her stood Damian Al Ghul the heir of Demons and next head of the league of shadows. The league is the guard of Miraculi, ensuring that the existence of the Kingdom remains peaceful and in turn the Kingdom of Miraculi supplies the magic of the Lazarus Pit. The concealment of Themiscyra and Atlantans able to survive under water are other blessings provided by Miraculi. But back to the pain on hand, Damian Al Ghul.
"Tt. you really do look the part of a princess" she was in a long flowing dress with long sleeves as she had finished her classes for the day. "Fragile and helpless."
"Yes and you appear as a demon" she shot back. "self-absorbed and arrogant" she turned on her heel "keep up little Prince" she called over her shoulder.
They got to know each other better but he was always so cold and distant. But they grew to love each other. Damian left to be with his father when they were 10, but they still stayed in contact. Then when they were 13 she got news that broke her heart, Damian was dead.
She couldn't stay in the Kingdom without remembering him. She needed distance and new scenery wouldn’t hurt. So she brought it up to her parents, and they were reluctant, but Diana Princess of Themiscyra brought up the solution Marinette would be staying with Sabine Cheng, an Amazon who was granted leave of Themiscyra , and her husband Tom Dupain.
That was how she found herself in Paris as an 8th year introducing herself as Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
That was how she also met Adrien Agreste. He was kind and sweet. He was new to school life just as she was new to life outside of Miraculi.
But not long afterwards did Lila Rossi enroll at Du Ponte.
With a quick search on google revealed most of her tales to be just that, fiction.
Adrien and Mari dated for two years before he ended the relationship. It was because she
wouldn't stop trying to reveal Lila's lies. That it was hurting his image that he was seen with her. That if only they knew the truth it would be enough. Well, fine, goodbye Adrien was her only thought. Her head held high.
Cross my heart and hope to die
I don't need another guy
To fight my battles, to overshadow me
Don't ya know I'm dangerous?
Fire burnin' in my blood
I got this handled, I don't need rescuin'
Unfortunately for him she didn't stop trying to get her class to see the truth.
A side effect of the liar's influence was that she was ostracized from the rest of the class.
But that wasn't a priority. Miraculi was going to become public. So she had a revealing ceremony to prepare for.
But before that she was asked to join as a joint member of the Teen Titians and Young Justice.
She was to meet with the two teams at Mt. Justice so she was looking for Kaldur, Aqualad, as she exited the building.
She was making her way towards him when she heard it.
"Princess" Adrien called and pulled her to look at him.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
"Can I do something for you Agreste?" she asked as calmly as she could. "Because if not I am meeting a friend I haven't seen in ages."
"Just make up with Lila" he started "she isn't hurting anyone. And when you do everyone will be your friend again."
She smiled and noticed Kaldur closer than before. "Kaldur good to see you again how was your flight?" Adrien turned to see who she was talking to, and Kaldur after a second of shock responded.
"Uneventful, is everything set?" he asked giving her a way out.
"Yes" Mari answered "Sorry Adrien, another time"
"B- 02 Aqualad, B- 34 Omni"
She was in a black formfitting sleeveless top that rose to form a mask covering her face to her nose. Dark red combat boots that were tucked into black motorbike pants. A red belt with a forest green sash that faintly resembled a skirt just under it. Her gloves and arm guards were black and grey, and all over were golden accents. Her hair was cut short and was pitch black and her eyes were a golden color with flecks of green. (Outfit)
After quick introductions she noticed him, Robin of the Teen Titians, was standoffish but was familiar oh so familiar. Then she saw his hand twitch towards his sword and tapped the butt of the hilt twice before dropping his hand.
That was all the confirmation she needed. As everything fell into place.
That little jerk.
Batman asked for her to spar, to assess her combat skills. As she predicted Robin stepped in to be her partner.
She pulled two red batons from the small of her back and they began. Yes they were evenly matched but then she decided to mess with him. She turned back time to feign a right but ducked and swept his legs from under him. With him distracted she created a Mirage of herself and another to make herself invisible. She snuck up behind him used venom to freeze him and flip his cape over his head while her Mirage took his sword.
"Tt. unfreeze me" he practically growled she noticed almost everyone flinch and took a step back.
"You sure that's what you want, while I have your sword?" she taunted. She noticed a few shot her looks of sympathy. Odd. As Robin stayed quiet. "Fine" she dropped venom and he charged "Have it your way little Prince."
She jumped and he seemed to freeze mid charge but she didn't. She created a shell-ter around him.
Which he crashed into. He stood up and was gaping at her.
She dropped shell-ter and was making a few final decisions with Batman, while Robin still hadn't moved 30 minutes later and his mouth still agape. By this time Nightwing had come over.
"I think you broke little wing" he chuckled.
"You think so." she responded with a slight question. "Close your mouth your going to catch flies Al Ghul."
"Yes, Your Majesty" he finally snapped out of his stupor.
She saw Nightwing and Batman share a look and then look between the two of them.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
They explained the role of Miraculi in the world. How they had met and knew one another. Their engagement and finally the reopening of the Kingdom to the world. By now she dropped her transformation, meaning her eyes were back to bluebell and her hair was a midnight blue, and the bats had taken off their masks.
Then an idea hit.
"Your plotting something" Damian snapped her out of her planning.
"Plotting makes it seem malicious" she paused "I'm planning."
"I'll bite, what are you planning?" Nightwing, Dick as he introduced, asked.
"How would you like to come to my coronation and be some of the first outsiders in Miraculi?" she responded.
Eyes on me like I'm a prize
But you better recognize
I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
As she guessed the news of Miraculi opening up was all the news was covering. The hidden Kingdom known only by the Amazons and Atlantans, officially, was all everyone was talking about.
The fact that the opening was set for the coronation of the princess added to the suspense.
About a month before our teacher had news. "Due to a special invitation our class has been invited to attend the Princess’ coronation in Miraculi" that was when the class erupted.
In a week Lila convinced everyone she personally asked the Princess to invite the class as a favor to her. That she grew up in the castle with her and was made a lady in waiting. Two weeks until the coronation, she asked Damian to tweet that 'he can't wait to see his best friend again in Miraculi.’ Which caused a small discourse with a boy called Jon Kent of how he was Damian's best friend. Where he answered with 'female best friend. Better Kent' That Lila used to say it was her, and that he only used best friend instead of girlfriend.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
The week before they left to Miraculi, in order to show them around. Before landing Mari changed into an emerald green dress with a mandarin collar. A jacket and belt with a duster in a dark silver trimmed with gold and matching gloves. Her hair was in a side braid and a thin golden circlet on her brow. A few of her classmates glared at her but she didn't pay them any attention. (Outfit)
She was the last out of the airport and you could feel the tension in the air. Lila was spouting some nonsense to the guards that were sent to retrieve them. Then they noticed her, every guard formed a straight line to the captain as they dropped onto one knee and bowed their heads. As she passed them they stood up.
"Captain Chase it is good to see you again” she smiled as he also rose.
"The honor is mine Princess" he bowed again.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want,
She turned back to face the class. "Welcome to Miraculi, I am Princess Marinette Dawntreader. I hope you enjoy your stay. The guards will escort you in these carriages to the castle for your stay." she mounted Yin (Silver), who Captain Chase brought for her. "I will ride ahead, as they are in capable hands." She smiled and rode off towards home.
The next week was amazing. Between tours of the Kingdom her classmates were part of an honorary court, to glimpse into the Royal life.
Damian almost cut off Lila's head the first time they met. Most of the class realized that if Lila lied about knowing Marinette, well the Princess but Lila hated Mari, and dating Damian, what else had she lied about. Turns out they can use google and Mari received several apologies and offers to be friends. She accepted the apologies but not their offers.
"Why?" was a consensus of the group.
"You realize that you were deceived, but that does not excuse your actions. As I am also assuming you wish to be friends because of my status." That seemed to force them to think, thank Kwami.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
But the best part of this week was after the apologies was hearing them all, Lila included, only address her with 'Your Majesty’.
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nuclear-satan · 3 years
Final Space Season 3 Episode 1 Review **SPOILER WARNING!!**
...And Into The Fire we go!
I really have wanted to do a Final Space review for a while, so now - I'm going to do it, fuck it. Starting a couple episodes late, but after [insert shenanigans] I needed to let it cool off before getting back into it.
With the disclaimer out of the way, let's get into it.
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So, first of all, I have to acknowledge that this cold open? Fucking toasty. The entire first five or six minutes of this episode is flat out amazing and some of the best that Final Space is. Really intense - I love the dramatic cold open to a space chase.
Also, however, brief, the Quinnary reunion was nice. Quinnary is a ship that I enjoy subjectively more than objectively, but considering it really hits now even if S1 had issues... I can look past it yo.
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Invictus proves his power and intimidation incredibly well this episode, between the Gary Zombies and even this first incredibly terrifying matchup - even Mooncake, who in any other situation has been able to zap it away, couldn't touch it. Really setting the villain well.
Small thing I want to acknowledge because there was some discourse on it -- Sheryl saying "I'm his mother; where do you think he got it from?" Was really nice to me. Obviously not all is forgiven, nor should it be, but it's just a nice bit of character development.
Then, Ava gets Yeeted by Bolo and breaks.
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I could have taken a better screencap probably, but I will not.
Anyways, considering the cast of characters was way too fucking big in S2, I'm not... particularly aggrieved by this, especially since I didn't really like AVA anyways, but it is pretty unfortunate that one of the only female characters just got the ax without basically any development other than the obligatory robot comphet stuff. Whatever, I think this is setting the stage for HUE AI, so I'll bite my tongue.
That said, the conversation that HUE and AVA had before she died? Sweet.
And then they're in Final Space. Goddamn, they really went the extra mile animating and illustrating this episode. Gotta acknowledge it.
Also, quick note: New OP is a banger.
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...And this is when the review's going to start getting a bit more negative, because we jump straight into everyone's favorite trope: a time skip.
I. I really have issues with this timeskip. This episode was fucking ballistic in the pacing, and I really, really wish that I could have spent some more time within Final Space just trying to survive. I get it. It was a premiere, so you wanted to go all out, but... I really wish we could have savored it. There's just suddenly a timeskip! We don't get to see how they've been surviving. We don't get to see shit. Quinn just suddenly appears in a new outfit, and then we're off the races.
I dunno man, I really had issues with the pacing of this episode, and this is the backbone of it. It's okay to take a breather, even in your opening episode. You have to know when to take a breather. This episode sorely needed it, and it didn't get it.
Also, obligatory Danger Groins mention. Yeah, I know that's not what he says. It's what he says in my heart, tho.
From here, the Gary zombies show up, which are... admittedly intimidating.
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They get attacked, and - okay, can we fucking mention the titan fights for a moment? No matter what happens this season, I'm here for this. This is Gurren Lagann levels of ridiculous, and I fucking love it. Smash that planet, yo.
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lThey get separated, and Avocato and Gary have a bit unfitting but fucking hilarious moment that has to be acknowledged. This shit ain't straight, yo. There's no fucking way you tell me this shit is straight.
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And... *sigh* I really have some goddamn issues with the next... I don't know, I wasn't watching, six minutes?
"There's no more grossout scenes," we were told. "Season 2 gross out is done. No more weird fetishes."
Okay, sure.
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I'm sparing you the images, because I don't want to post grossout on my blog, but... holy shit, Quatronostro's birth scene. First of all, which of the fuckers on the blog keeps putting their fetishes in this show? Clarence is gone, so you're making Mpreg Tribore (I realize Tribore is canonically genderfluid, but he's male presenting at the time of this birth... and at every time... I don't have faith in two cishet men to actually make good on that, sorry. I hope I'm wrong.) Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
The scene is gross, uncomfortable grossout. This isn't the 90s anymore!
Also, the other thing I have to acknowledge - that motherfucking robot. It's season 3 - haven't we moved past the screaming = funny leftover humor from Olan's YouTube days? Clearly fucking not.
Also, Ash did a really out of character thing this episode by shooting the robot. I... what is Ash's character, exactly? Ash is an inconsistent enigma. Someone define that poor girl's character, already.
After that... mess.... though, we do end up with a very solid ending. Bolo headbutts the planet, Quinn and Gary get swept up in the blast, and we end up with a very beautiful but quick scene of Gary and Quinn embracing one last time - it's very reminiscent of chapter 9, and I did thoroughly enjoy it.
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iAlso, the shot of Mooncake saying "Gar" while looking for Gary, presuming he's dead? Oh, that just hurts.
And then we end with HUE saying, "We are alone, Gary." Honestly, genuinely was a little disappointed to find it wasn't just HUE and Gary. I thought this line was going to come later in the season, and it was just going to be HUE and Gary in a callback from season one. It wasn't, and I'm genuinely very disappointed as someone who's favorite dynamic in the entire show is S1 HUE and Gary. Of course, as a result, I'm not unbiased, and... well, I do stan Quinn too.
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And goddamn, look at the Earth. She got fucked uuuuuup. I think I remember hearing next episode that there's only one survivor left, which I do NOT buy as a concept, but it's very cool to see a show that does not shy away from full apocalypse scale destruction of the earth. It like, never happens, so it's a nice subversion. Get fucked, earth.
Overall Thoughts:
This episode is the definition of a mixed bag. The beginning is fantastic and the ending is solid (even if personally disappointing), but the middle is genuinely kind of bad. The pacing is rough, there's season 2 tier grossout that I did NOT need to see, and that robot deserved a punt in the face.
The animation is fantastic though. Everyone point and stare at the animation.
I still think the good outweighed the bad, though - if only because of my personal attachment to the characters. I think this was a decent episode - probably on par with the other openers... actually, I don't know.
My disappointment with this episode was more than with the Toro Regatta, but that was more due to my own expectations and thus not fair to rank it that way. I don't know - all the first episodes of the seasons are meh at best, and this unfortunately due to the lackluster middle fit that mold as well.
If you asked me to give it a ranking, I'd probably say if we assume a 5 out of 10 is average, I'd give it a 6. Decent, fantastic when it's good, but the entire middle section really brought me out of it and because of that I can't give it anything more than that.
I've heard episodes two and three are good, though - excited to see the Ventrexian for myself after all the fuss, so let's see how it holds up!
I'm scared for Biskit tho.
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I got tagged by @shameless-notashamed (thanks darling 💜) so let's do this!
1. Why did you choose your url?
It's me 🤷‍♀️🤣 I'm southern, blonde & a bitch. So yea, really creative stuff there lol
2. Any side blogs?
Nope, I dump everything here like the dumpster fire it is
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
🙈 can we please stop asking this question? I don't wanna talk about it
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I guess? It's #riosircontrolyourface bc yea homeboy needs to be stopped
5. Why did you start your blog?
Ummmm I think it started with Supernatural & maybe True Blood??? I dunno, I spent so long buried in the Shameless Fandom that it's hard to remember life before. But now I'm with Good Girls (still trying to decide if that's better or worse)
6. Why did you choose your pfp?
Bc hoodie!Rio is my baby
7. Why did you choose your header?
Bc hoodie!Rio & height difference (plus I really like Beth & brio's chemistry in that scene)
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Shit I dunno but probably this one
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Shit I don't even know anymore. Let's do I a roll call. If we're mutuals comment...nah, I'm kidding. I dunno how many, but I'm grateful for all of y'all
10. How many followers do you have?
1,710. Which is just...wow.
11. How many people do you follow?
960......I shit you not 😆 I'm a mess y'all
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
😅😅😅😅😅😅 have y'all seen my blog? 95% of what I post are shitposts.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
That depends: was there a new episode? Did Beth do something stupid? Did Rio make an aggressive innuendo? Is there discourse? Am I posting angsty shit & making everyone cry? Am I bothering Jade in the dms???
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Nah, bc look I got enough shit happen in my day to day, I ain't trying to have Fandom be another fucking stressor. That being said, I will block so fucking fast if I see bullshit. I don't need it
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Hate that shit. Won't do it.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yea they can be fun. I struggle a bit tho bc uhhh how do you talk about yourself??? I'm so awkward about it. Like I have hobbies & shit but if someone asks what I do for fun I just...blank. poof, gone. But I love getting to know all of y'all
17. Do you like ask games?
See above about my inability to function as a normal person
18. Which of your mutuals do you think are Tumblr famous?
I....I really don't like the idea of Tumblr/Twitter famous. It gives me hives.
So I guess that's enough outta me. I'm going to tag the following lovely people: @jade-marie @mego42 @blizabrth @sothischickshe @ama-ssiempre @delicatelingon @lan-jev & if you wanna do it, this is me tagging you mmkay?
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