#I adore a bunch of the options and I love the hug option
ipcearn · 1 year
The only thing that made me reload on the hug option was that it came without asking Astarion first?
In a conversation about how much his bodily autonomy had been taken from him and he wasn't sure about what were his desires and what he had been conditioned into, and associating any intimacy with Cazador, that felt just a bit off to me
I'd love an option to ask him if he wants a hug?
Asking him if he wants a kiss is an option, so asking him if he wants a hug shouldn't be a problem
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crystallinestars · 6 months
I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
A short-ish fluffy drabble about morning cuddles with Aventurine inspired by this gorgeous official art of him on Twitter (click the link, I promise your eyes will be blessed). I've written enough hurt/comfort for him, so it's time for some fluff. This was supposed to be short, but it somehow turned into 3 full pages.
The title for this fic is actually the title of a song (and album) made by The 1975. Check it out if you're curious!
WARNING: Contains spoilers for Aventurine's real name!
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Pale sunlight shone through the half-closed curtains of the window, illuminating the room in a dim light. You slowly woke up, retaining fragments of the dream you just had as you blearily opened your eyes. You couldn’t quite remember what it was about, but the feeling of serene joy it left behind was still palpable. Such dreams were very rare for you, but perhaps the recent good dreams could be attributed to the handsome blond man sleeping beside you.
Despite the mattress’s large size, Aventurine lay in the center, ignoring his half of the bed in favor of sleeping right next to you. He had pulled you close to him last night, joking that you might feel lonely in such a large bed. You knew that in reality, he did it because having so much space between your bodies made him feel isolated. That was how you found yourself sprawled in the middle with Aventurine, your hands still intertwined from when you went to sleep last night.
Glancing at the blond, you saw him resting on his back, the covers pulled down just enough to unveil the messy state of his black pajama shirt. With all but the top button undone, the two halves of Aventurine’s shirt bunched up to reveal his toned stomach, which slowly rose up and down with every deep breath he took.
Seeing him softly snoring with his hair in disarray and pajama’ shirt all scrunched up, was an adorable sight. Aventurine’s guard was lowered around you in this moment. He allowed you to see this vulnerable side of him that nobody else had the privilege to.
With a soft chuckle, you straighten out his pajama shirt and pull the covers higher to cover his belly so he would stay warm. Reaching a hand out, you gently brushed a few stray locks of hair from his face, smoothing out his bangs and marveling at how handsome Aventurine truly was. In the pale sunlight, his hair glowed a soft gold, making him look almost angelic. While asleep, his features had a look of innocence to them that was usually absent when he was awake.
During the day, he was Aventurine, the cunning and confident gambler who bet his very life for the sake of the thrill and higher rewards. But at night, he was just Kakavasha. A lonely and empty man who sought the comfort and love you had to give. Your beloved Kakavasha.
You had the option of getting up and starting your day, but a glance at the clock told you it was only 6 am, too early for your liking. In all honesty, you would much rather stay snuggled up in the warm bed with your boyfriend and sleep for a couple more hours, which is exactly what you did.
Letting go of Aventurine’s hand, you scooted closer until your body was pressed against his side, and loosely wrapped your arms and legs around him as if you were hugging a giant teddy bear. Aventurine remained peacefully slumbering, unaware of your movements.
Resting your head on his chest, you exhaled a contented sigh, relaxing against the warmth of your boyfriend’s body. The slow and even beating of his heart assured you that he was here, he was alive and in your arms, and before long, your eyelids began to droop as sleep claimed you once more.
Rays of sunlight streamed through the window, landing directly on Aventurine’s face and rousing him from slumber. With a grimace, he cracked open his eyes and squinted in the bright light, before raising a hand to block out the rays. 
Morning had come, much to his dismay. 
Aventurine glanced down at you. You were pressed against his side with your head resting comfortably on his chest, arms and legs securely wrapped around him as if you didn’t want to let him go. The blond man’s heart skipped a beat, expression softening into an endeared smile. Something about the way you held him made Aventurine feel loved and protected.
Still groggy but unable to go back to sleep, Aventurine chose to remain in your warm embrace for a while longer, unwilling to get out of bed to start his busy day. Peaceful and leisurely moments with you like this one were far too few for his liking. 
The blond wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer while you slept, and chuckled when you let out a soft snore. 
Really, you are far too cute, he thought. Glancing at your face, Aventurine’s eyes roamed over your peaceful expression. Out of everyone he was currently acquainted with, you were one of the few who showed your genuine feelings in front of him. None of your expressions were a mask, and he still wasn’t used to someone being so open with him.
Right here in his arms, you were more vulnerable than ever, placing your complete trust in him to keep you safe. To Aventurine, your trust was one of the greatest treasures of all. He cherished the fact that you allowed him into your heart and showered him in all the love you had to give.
As much as he loved the sight of your sleeping face, the Avgin had begun to miss your pretty eyes. Those eyes that looked at him with joy and love—all things Aventurine thought he would never experience with someone again. 
With a soft sigh, he lowered his head and kissed the top of your head, basking in your presence and breathing in the familiar, comforting scent of your hair. 
He tried his best to not wake you, but you had stirred awake regardless, woken up by his caresses. Reluctantly opening your eyes, your sight was greeted with the adoring violet gaze of your beloved.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” he murmured, voice a little hoarse from sleep. Aventurine's speech was uncharacteristically soft and gentle, showing a more tender side of him that only you were privy to.
“Yeah, but it’s okay. I’m glad I got to wake up next to you for a change,” you reply with a small yawn. Aventurine usually woke up before you so he could get ready to attend a meeting or prepare for another dangerous mission, which usually resulted in you waking up alone in an empty bed.
“Oh? Did you miss me that much?” the blonde couldn’t resist teasing you, a playful grin pulling at his lips.
“Very much so,” you agree without missing a beat, refusing to let his teasing fluster you this time. Plus, it was the truth—you did miss him. Letting out a deep sigh, you nuzzled your face into his warm chest, still feeling a bit sleepy.
Aventurine fell quiet at this, his playful expression softening into something more subdued, but it lasted for only a split second before his lips curled into a familiar smile once more.
“Hey, since it’s rare for us to wake up together, how about celebrating the occasion with a delicious breakfast? I can order anything you like, just tell me what you want to eat,” he offered, already reaching for his phone on the bedside table.
You groaned, not in the mood to think about breakfast or move from your warm spot in bed just yet.
“Not yet. Give me five more minutes. Please, Kakavasha?” you whine, tightening your hold on him.
Aventurine let out an amused chuckle and sighed, finding himself unable to refuse your request. Truly, it’s a good thing you were unaware of the power you held over him because he couldn’t ever say no to you.
“Alright, alright, fine,” he relented, abandoning his phone in favor of wrapping his arms around you to hold you close. “But I expect something in return.”
You only let out a muffled sound of protest in response, but otherwise relaxed into his embrace, keeping your head comfortably resting on his chest.
Despite his teasing, Aventurine also enjoyed cuddling in bed with you like this. Sooner or later, both of you would have to get up and start your day, forced to part from one another. But Aventurine was grateful for these five extra minutes. Every minute spent with you was a minute of feeling alive again.
Even though his time was precious, he treasured these little moments with you that brought him a sense of belonging and peace.
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ckret2 · 4 months
Chapter 53 of human Bill Cipher not properly appreciating the fact that Mabel is his only friend on Earth:
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Mabel has read a book about Bill's home dimension and is prepared to interrogate him all about where he comes from.
Bill is willing to do anything to avoid being interrogated.
(Featuring SEVEN illustrations, provided by 🌈 MABEL 💖)
Flatworld, from what Mabel had read, was probably literally the worst place to ever exist. 
The book was a hundred pages of an old-fashioned formal-sounding super boring guy rambling on about the most egregiously evil society Mabel had ever had the horror of reading about.
Society consisted of a bunch of geometric shapes—which in concept sounded half nerdy and half adorable—but they'd made a brutally oppressive government organized by quantity of sides, with infinite-sided circles at the top and three-sided triangles at the bottom, and one-sided lines—women—oppressed into near silence. Career options, educational opportunities, who you could love, were all determined by your sides. Irregular shapes—quadrilaterals that weren't squares, triangles that weren't equilateral, anyone with a side too long or too short—were presumed from birth to be criminally insane. Each generation had sons with one more side than their father—and they had to, because having higher-ranked sons was the only way families could climb out of poverty. When babies were born with too few or irregular sides, poor families abandoned them—or worse—and rich families put them through oft-fatal bone-snapping surgeries to regularize or increase their sides. Knowledge of the third dimension was considered heretical, and anybody claiming it was real was locked in an insane asylum.
There was a lot of mathy stuff in the book about a square meeting a magical sphere and going on educational adventures to the higher and lower dimensions; but most of it passed by her in a blur. When she'd finished reading last night, Mabel had lay in bed for an hour, staring at the ceiling, trying not to think about dead baby shapes and fighting the urge to wake Bill up just so she could hug him; until she'd finally drifted off and woken up in her own bed.
At least, thank goodness, the bit about banning colors so lower shapes couldn't contour themselves to look like higher shapes was false. But she was sure that at least part of the story was true. And it had happened to somebody she knew. It was a lot to process.
So she processed it the way she usually did the stories that weighed on her: by creating a self-insert and pulling out her art supplies.
"You're drawing fan art of Flatworld?" Bill asked warily.
"I wouldn't call it fan art. I'd say it's more of a... thoughtful artistic critique. I don't think I'm a 'fan' of the second dimension," Mabel said. "No offense."
Mabel had designed a shapesona of herself: a pink heart with a rainbow-colored outline, a big sparkly eye, and skinny black stick limbs like Bill's. If, as Bill had said, colors weren't illegal, she didn't see any reason she couldn't be rainbow. The heart shape was maybe unconventional, but Bill hadn't said she couldn't be a heart yet, so she was sticking with it for now.
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She'd honestly expected Bill to come over and interrogate her about her creation long before now. Usually, when she was doing art and he was unoccupied, he was hovering right by her, examining her work and dropping hints—some more subtle than others—that she should draw him next. But she hadn't immediately noticed when he'd silently drifted into the room, and she wasn't sure how long he'd been there before speaking up. He was still leaning on the wall, arms crossed, watching askance from halfway across the living room as Mabel worked with her crayons, as if she were playing with a chemistry set and he was trying to figure out if she was building a bomb.
"Is Flatworld really about your world?" Mabel asked. "Did you tell Edward Bishop Bishop all that stuff? With the circles and all the laws about shapes and stuff?"
Bill mulled over the question, staring into space. Mabel had never seen his face look so inexpressive before—at least, not since his first night as a captive, after he'd gotten all the screaming out and had looked too exhausted to feel. "We talked," he conceded. "I'm surprised you got your hands on it. I suppose Stanford brought it up."
Something in the back of her mind pricked up defensively—what was that supposed to mean, he was surprised she got her hands on it?—but she pushed it back down. "Yeah, he told me and Dipper about it when you guys got home yesterday," Mabel said. "But you brought it up to me first!"
"No I didn't. When?"
"A few weeks ago? You mentioned Edward Bishop Bishop."
"I don't remember that," Bill muttered. "I probably didn't think you'd make sense of it."
"You didn't make sense of it! Ford had to tell you about it."
"Yeah, but—mean!" She shoved aside her drawing and started on another one, grumbling, "I could've made sense of it if I'd looked it up."
What was up with Bill today? He wasn't usually this much of a jerk. To her. Lately. Plus, she thought they'd really had a moment yesterday! But Bill had had a rough couple days. Maybe he was just tired and cranky. 
A wiser person might just leave well enough alone. But a wiser person wasn't exploding in their brain with curiosity about just how bad Bill's life had really been. There was something itching at the back of her head, had been itching since she'd woken up—something about Bill, something important, she was sure of it—but she couldn't quite put together what it was. She just needed to talk to Bill long enough to figure it out.
"So..." She glanced up from filling in a shape yellow, "were lines really executed if they didn't make noises all the time so everyone always knew where they were and they couldn't sneak up and stab anyone?"
Bill scoffed, rolling his eyes, as if the very idea was stupid. "It wasn't that extreme. Making a peace cry is like a human saying 'coming through' when they're trying to squeeze past somebody. Lines are just taught to do it in public because it's easier not to see a line, that's all."
"If they didn't, were they executed...?"
"No. They were just rude."
That was a relief. Mabel had been worried for her fellow ladies. She was plenty noisy, but she didn't think she could remember to make constant sound any time she was around other people. She turned back to coloring her newest drawing, but watched Bill out of the corner of her eye. "Is it true that rich people killed almost all of their babies by giving them surgery to break their sides?"
The corner of Bill's mouth curled in a sneer. "Do I look like a pediatric surgeon?"
"Um." Not a welcome question. She tried to backtrack to something softer. "So, in the second dimension, the outside of your body is just your outline and your guts are everything inside the outline, right?"
He gave her a wary look. "Yeah."
"So your bow tie is basically in your stomach."
Bill sucked in a deep breath; but quickly caved in to the need to be the most correct person in the room. "More like around my esophagus, but. Sure."
"So, where did you wear it when you were back in the second dimension? Was it on your side? Did you have to wear two so people could see them from both sides—"
"I didn't need a bow tie then."
Mabel stared at him. "What do you mean, you didn't 'need' it? What do you need it for now?"
Bill ignored the question. "You know, I didn't think Flatworld was an interesting enough book to deserve this much attention! Especially not from you. You like fun stories." It felt oddly like he was criticizing her for having read it.
"Well—yeah, but it's about your home! That makes it fun!"
Bill raised his brows.
"Right? Doesn't it?"
"Kid." Bill laughed condescendingly. "Don't give me that. You read an entire book. In the summer. About math. With a downer ending where the narrator goes insane and gets locked up. That's some people's idea of a fun time, but I know it's not yours."
Maybe "fun" was the wrong word—but it was still important. She was glad she'd read it. She'd cared about it. She'd cared enough to know Bill was describing it wrong. "That's not what happened. The square got locked up because he kept telling everybody the third dimension's real."
"Like I said! He went insane!"
"But he's not insane. Everyone says he is, but he's right about the third dimension! It's everyone else who's stupid!"
"So what," Bill said. "The things he knows mean he'll never be able to see the world the way other shapes do, and no matter what he does he'll never be happy with his home. If that's not insanity, what is?"
Last year, she'd heard Bill agree when Gideon called him insane. She'd always wondered. "Is that why you're insane?"
Bill shot Mabel a furious look. That was the wrong thing to say. "Shooting Star—"
(Oh no, she thought, he's using my full name.)
"—what's with the third degree." Bill crossed the room to lean on the other side of the table. He gave her the guarded glare of a guilty suspect facing down a cop in an interrogation room—and trying to figure out whether he could kill the cop before he was stopped. "What do you think you're trying to dig up?"
"I'm not trying to 'dig up' anything," Mabel said. "I just want to learn more about you!"
"Oh yeah, I'm sure you do! Who doesn't wanna know all about me! And right after I trusted you yesterday! Do you think you're the first person to start digging into my history? 'Hey, does anyone know what made Bill Cipher so crazy'?" Bill laughed bitterly. " You're not even the first Pines to try it. Not even the second."
"That's not what I'm trying to do!" said Mabel, right before it dawned on her that that was exactly what she was trying to do.
"Right. I'm sure whatever you learn will make a nice two-page spread in Journal 5. Another secret you and Fordsy can add to your Mysteries, huh? Think he'll draw the dead babies?"
She thought back to Portland—to asking Ford what had made Bill so awful. I think if anyone’s ever had a chance of finding out what made him like he is, it might be you. Mabel shook her head. No. She didn't want to be that. "I'm not Grunkle Ford's spy, I'm your friend. I just—I just want to understand you—"
"Yeah, and the 'friends' who understand you are the most dangerous kind." Bill laughed harshly. "Your uncle and brother couldn't figure me out! And Sixer's been trying for years! So what makes you think YOU can?"
He was calling her stupid. He'd been calling her stupid all day. That was why he was so surprised she'd read the book.
"You—shut up!" She wadded up her latest drawing and flung it in Bill's face. (He snatched out of midair.) "All I did was read a book I thought was important to you, you jerk! I thought you'd like that!"
She hadn't meant for that waver to enter her voice. But she was exhausted from too little sleep and worrying about dead baby shapes and worrying about Bill's fear of death and worrying about what Ford had said about not giving Bill a second chance, and now Bill was being a jerk, and maybe he was just exhausted and upset too, but he was treating her like she was stupid—and there was that pathetic little waver.
But it made Bill pause in his onslaught; for a moment, he averted his gaze. Still, he said, "Maybe if you'd thought to ask—"
"You were asleep! I was being nice! And letting you sleep! In my bed!"
"Just go away!" She pointed at the doorway.
Bill's face hardened again. "Fine!" He flung his hands in the air and stomped from the room. "Who wants to hang out with you when you're in such a bad mood, anyway."
Mabel glared at her stupid drawings so she didn't have to watch Bill's stupid back as he left.
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Why had she bothered?
When Bill was out of sight, she dropped back onto her chair, pulled her sweater over her face, crossed her arms on the table, and buried her head in them.
Bill didn't think to smooth out the paper Mabel had flung at him until he was out of the room.
On one side she'd drawn Bill—properly triangular—with an expression that he thought was supposed to be fear and on the other side several angry-looking shapes, pentagons and hexagons, colored gray and black, being led by a pale figure shaped like a human skull and wielding a scythe; and between them, a bright pink heart, standing in front of Bill protectively, hands on its "hips," glaring down the would-be assailants.
The corners of Bill's mouth sagged down.
The bell rang and the shapes began filing out of class, muttering to each other about how they thought they'd done on the test. As the triangle cheerfully left the room, the teacher caught him by the arm again to pull him over. "Just a minute," she said. "I want a word with you."
Oh, he bet she did. Breezily, he said, "Sure thing! What is it?"
"Who was the first triangular president?"
"Wh— Th—" He spluttered indignantly. "There's been like—seven of them."
"Nine. And I'm only asking about the first one."
"How should I know!"
"You knew an hour ago."
He sputtered again. "That was— That was a multiple choice test! And it was an hour closer to when I'd studied! And I can focus better in the classroom! You can't expect me to remember anything in the hallway. You're using intimidation tactics. How could anyone focus under these conditions—"
"I don't know what you're doing," the teacher said, "or how you're doing it. Maybe I never will. But..." She sighed, and the anger seemed to leak out of her, and that only made him more nervous. "But whatever you're doing—you won't be able to do it forever. What will you do when you're out in the real world and you didn't learn anything in school?"
Her pity was worse than being hated had been. At least when he was hated, he knew she only looked down on him because she had something against him. What did he do with pity? With concerned warnings about the "real world"? He'd never heard anybody use the phrase "the real world" as anything but a threat. He hoped he was never out in the real world.
"Who cares! I'll never need any of this!" He should have shut up there. He didn't: "You're just jealous that me and my family make a million times more lying to everyone than you'll ever get trying to teach them the truth!"
His teacher gasped in shock; but before she could say anything, he was halfway down the hall with no intention of slowing down.
The next day, he stayed home, and his mom visited the principal. The day after that, he had a new teacher.
He was stupid. He knew that. He didn't know when he'd gotten stupid—if it was because he'd started touring so much and missing classes, or if he'd always been dumb and just didn't notice it before he registered just how often he was using his all-seeing eye to pick up answers that other kids couldn't see. It had crept up on him. But there it was. He was stupid, and he was too stupid to figure out what to do about it.
There was a big difference between being able to see everything, and actually knowing anything. And he might be all-seeing, but an idiot like him would never be all-knowing.
A trillion years later, he still didn't remember the name of the first triangular president. And look how far he'd gotten without it.
Lunch was toast and peanut butter. The toaster was the only source of heat he could use without having to ask his captors for access; and peanut butter and bread were the most nutritious foods he could reach without asking his captors to open a cabinet or fridge. He was sick of toast and peanut butter.
He wasn't about to ask Mabel to help him get lunch.
Well. He'd succeeded. He'd known just the right thing to say to get Mabel to lay off and drop the topic. Did he feel accomplished?
He stared out the window as he ate—there were hazy gray clouds on the horizon, beyond the trees, slowly inching closer—and he tried not to look at the picture Mabel had flung at him.
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Mabel felt dumb about being upset that Bill thought she was dumb.
Because of course he did. Sure, he liked her art and he liked dance music and games without rules; sure, he was a willing student when it came to stuff like making friendship bracelets or artistically mixing sprinkles; sure, he was a weirdo fun guy; but he was also a Smarty McSmartypants, just like Dipper or Ford. And Mabel was the Girl Dipper who brought home C's. And even a weirdo fun Smarty wouldn't want to hang out for long with someone who couldn't keep up with nerd talk. He probably just... put up with her for as long as he could stand pretending he took her seriously, but he'd finally lost his patience...
And shown his true, jerky colors again.
Maybe Ford and Dipper were right about him; maybe he couldn't really change.
Except... there was something he'd said. And right after I trusted you yesterday. When he'd cried in front of her. When he'd told her about his fear of death.
He was being a jerk because he thought she'd betrayed him. But by reading a book?! Why couldn't he ever just explain himself? Did he think whatever was bothering him was obvious, and she was stupid for not figuring it out?
Something she almost but didn't quite remember thudded like a drum inside her brain. Dum-dum-dum. Dum-dum-dome.
From the entryway, Bill called, "Hey, star girl. I—"
He stopped in the doorway. Mabel had taped 28 pieces of paper together, drawn on a door knob, written "DOOR" at the top, and taped it across the doorway into the living room. Irritably, Bill said, "It doesn't work like that. This is obviously paper."
"Bill," Mabel grumbled. "Go away."
"No. I'm gonna say something to you."
He didn't phrase that like he was giving her a choice in the matter; but all the same, she said, "I don't wanna hear it."
"You know that horror story about a bride with a velvet ribbon tied around her neck, and her head falls off and rolls down the stairs when her husband unties it?"
She did. She and Dipper had read a book of scary stories to each other on Halloween a few years ago while waiting for it to be late enough to go trick-or-treating. In spite of herself, he'd piqued her curiosity. She reluctantly turned to look at him. "Yeah? So?"
Bill was leaning in the doorway, head tilted against the doorframe so he could see Mabel around the paper door curtain. "That's why I wear a bow tie."
Mabel blinked. "Wait—if you didn't, your head would fall off? What part of you is your head? How did it come off? Were you decapitated? Did you get decapitated for knowing about the third dimension—?"
"It doesn't keep my head on; it keeps my skin on."
Mabel's nose wrinkled. "Gross! How?"
"Remember how you said my outline is my skin and all my organs are inside the outline," Bill said. "That didn't change when we left the second dimension! We had to get exoskeletons on our top and bottom sides so solids like you can't stick you fingers in our guts. My bow tie keeps it tied in place."
"Whoa." So that was why they hadn't seen Bill's organs before. "Do you ever take it off?"
"Mostly when I'm eating!" He knocked on the doorframe. "So can I come in now?"
Of course. He'd been using information to buy his way back into her good graces. (No—that was what somebody who didn't think Bill deserved a second chance would think. He was making up for earlier by answering one of her questions about him.)
She took a deep breath, turned to face Bill, and said, "You didn't talk to me like a friend earlier."
"I—" Bill grimaced, looked at the ceiling for help, and conceded, "I mean—It's how I talk to my friends, but all right, I know you're not used to that—"
"Nobody should be used to that!" Mabel said. "What would Love Bunny say?"
"Wh—?! I— Th— You—" His voice cracked as it jumped higher, "What do I care what a cartoon rabbit thinks about—"
"What. Would. She. Say."
Bill's face screwed up in agony. He crossed his arms. "Ugh."
Eyes squeezed shut, Bill said, "She'd say my breath smells like I've been eating mean beans."
"I'm not going to say it. I won't say it."
"And you need to eat your nice rice!"
Bill let out a long, slow sigh.
"Say it!"
"This is my penance," Bill muttered toward his feet. "This is my penance. This is fair." He took a breath. "And... I need to eat my nice rice."
Mabel nodded. He'd confessed his sins.
"I think we're out of nice rice," Bill said, "but I've had the peanut butter of kindness and the toast of remorse. Good enough?"
She considered it. "Yeah. You can come in."
Bill batted aside the paper door curtain and ducked into the room. 
He sat across the table from Mabel and set down the paper she'd chucked at him amongst her others. Mabel glanced at the drawing, embarrassed of it now; but Bill didn't say anything about it.
He just propped his cheek against his hand and started looking over her other art.
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Mabel sat there with her hands under her legs, watching his spotlight eyes rove over the table, feeling like she was waiting for a teacher to grade a poster she'd made for class. He saw a stop sign red octagon in sunglasses that was labeled "Bill's parole officer" and snorted. She wasn't sure if it was an amused snort or a derogatory snort. His gaze stopped on her attempt to figure out how Flatworlder anatomy worked, and didn't move farther. She'd probably gotten everything wrong, hadn't she?
She couldn't stand waiting for him to pass judgment on her art. "You think they look dumb, don't you."
Bill took a moment to reply. He didn't look up from her drawings. "I don't think you're dumb, Shooting Star."
"You think I'm dumber than Dipper and Grunkle Ford."
Bill winced. "I don't." At her dubious look, Bill amended, "Only Stanford! And that barely counts, all humans are dumber than Stanford. It doesn't mean I think you're dumb-dumb"
"Could've fooled me," Mabel muttered.
"You bet! I'm good at fooling people. All I have to do is say things I don't mean that make people feel the way I want." His voice was flat and matter-of-fact. "I wanted you to feel like the conversation wasn't worth it. That's all."
She stared at him. "By letting me know you think I'm stupid?!" She chucked a crayon at his face. "You could have just told me you didn't want to talk about Flatworld!" Her voice was getting that stupid waver again. "If I'd known, I would have dropped it! I didn't want to upset you!"
"I wasn't upset, it's just a stupid thing to complain about! It's just a dumb book! It'd—it'd take a real loser to be bothered by talking about a dumb book! I'm not..." He sighed harshly. "I know you weren't trying to get on my nerves, kid. It'd mess up your sticker chart." (Mabel hadn't even realized he knew about her sticker chart.) Almost inaudibly, he added, "M'sorry."
She'd never heard him apologize before.
She let out a slow breath. "Biiill. I don't think you're a loser."
He muttered something she couldn't make out as he flipped his hood on and pulled it down over his burning face. "Forget it. Move on. It's in the past!"
"If you're so embarrassed—"
"Not embarrassed!"
She chucked another crayon at his chest. "Then why are you telling me this now?"
Bill shut his eyes; took a deep breath; and, with a look of solemn dignity, and no small amount of pain, he said, "Because. Teddy Tender says. Our friends can't help us feel better if we don't tell them why we feel bad." He almost, almost managed to say it without sounding sarcastic.
Mabel burst out laughing. Bill pulled his hood lower.
Bill didn't even like Teddy Tender—he thought he was the stick in the mud of the Color Critters—and he certainly wasn't actually trying to follow Teddy's friendship lessons. He was just... saying something he didn't mean to make Mabel feel the way he wanted. And he wanted her to feel better.
No matter what anyone else said, he could change. And he was changing.
"Apology accepted," Mabel said. "Gold star!" She peeled one off a nearby sticker sheet and held it out.
Bill eyed it, like a man so hungry he was too nauseous to eat eyeing a pizza; and then snatched it from her and stuck it in the middle of his hoodie.
Mabel said, "And... I guess I'm sorry for getting all diggy about your home world." Even if she hadn't known it was bothering him, she probably should've guessed, shouldn't she? With how crabby he'd gotten. "I just got all excited and curious and... kinda worried about you after reading that book?" She sighed. "I understand if you don't wanna talk about it. You probably hated your dimension."
"What? He lurched forward with the vehemence of his denial—"Of course I don't hate my dimension!" Mabel leaned away at the sudden rage that had flared up in his eyes; but it died just as quickly and Bill immediately reeled himself back in, sitting back, crossing his arms: "I mean, come on, kid, use your head: you read a book about a culture. We're talking about an entire dimension. Would you hold a grudge against Jupiter if an ant bit you on Earth?"
Even as casually as he played it off, Mabel was sure he hadn't meant anything as calm and measured as claiming it was technically irrational to hate an entire dimension. He meant—emphatically, with his whole heart behind it—that he didn't hate his home dimension, at all.
Then why didn't he want to talk about it? (Then why had he destroyed it? Or was not hating it just another fiction he'd made up because he'd prefer that reality? Or was the destruction itself a lie? He hadn't mentioned it once since they'd started talking about Flatworld. Or did he think she didn't know about that and didn't want her to know? Or...)
Something had been churning in her subconscious since she woke up, and now—watching Bill ball up around himself as he squirmed around the things he didn't want to say—it finally dawned on her. Two words. Another piece of the Axolotl's poem. She tried to hold the words in her head until she could write them down, repeating them over and over—Misses home. Misses home.
Quietly, she asked, "Then... don't you want to remember it?"
His face spasmed, like it was nearly cracking in two—and then smoothed out. His face was blank. He didn't answer for a moment. "The last time I told a human more than two sentences about where I'm from... he gave me the universe's most depressing geometry textbook."
Oh. Maybe Bill was following Teddy Tender's friendship advice. "That's because you were talking to a boring old-timey math teacher, duh."
He laughed wryly. "You may have a point!"
If Bill assumed anybody prying into his history was either looking for the reason something was wrong with him, or publishing a whole book about the super bad parts... No wonder he hadn't wanted to talk to her. "So you didn't dislike Flatworld? You just dislike the book?"
Bill grimaced. "Did you read Eddie's biography?"
As soon as he'd buckled himself into his seat for the drive to Northwest Manor, Dipper read the summary on the back cover of Flatworld, and then the paragraph-long author biography underneath it:
Edward B. Bishop, born in 1838 in England, was an accomplished mathematician, writer, theologian, and closet occultist, as well as a professor at the esteemed University of Fancyton. He published twelve books, the last of which was Flatworld in 1884. After sentencing his square protagonist to a two-dimensional asylum for preaching of the existence of the third dimension, he himself succumbed to an ironically similar fate: three months after publication, he was committed to an asylum for insisting that two-dimensional alien invaders intended to conquer the Earth and were persecuting him for revealing their existence, a delusion he maintained until his death from sleep deprivation in 1886. His most enduring legacy is inventing the margarita glass, which he claimed came to him in a dream. 
Dipper hissed between his teeth. "Ouch."
"Never mind, don't worry about it," Bill said. "But no. I didn't like the book."
"You poor thing! All this time you've been homesick for the second dimension, but the only things humans talk about is the bad stuff!"
"Don't call me that."
"Do you want to talk about the non-depressy stuff instead? Like..." Mabel wracked her brain for something nice she'd read in the book. She winced. "Uh... I'm sure there's something. You could choose the topic?"
Bill didn't look directly at her. He just looked over all her drawings again. "Tell me why you want to know so badly."
It was basically the same question he'd asked earlier—what's with the third degree—but his tone was different. Mabel swallowed hard and repeated, "Because... I'm your friend. It's crazy that we've been friends for like a month and I barely know a-ny-thing about who you are or how you grew up! By now, I'd usually know about a friend's family, favorite subject, favorite animal, opinion on glitter, and biggest life dream! Plus all the stuff humans have in common—like, 'do you breathe?'"
This time, Bill didn't argue with her answer. (He could have called her a liar. A month ago, she had just been trying to find out what was wrong with him. But this version of the truth she'd made up was better.) "You already know I'm pro-glitter in all contexts and my life's work is to throw an eternal party. What else really matters?"
"Those are the two most important questions," Mabel said seriously. Tentatively, she asked, "Did you have glitter in the second dimension?" He'd already reassured her that they'd had color, but it was hard to imagine glitter in such a bleak world.
Mabel heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness."
She looked around at the morning's art production, pulled over the first drawing she'd done of her shapesona, and grabbed a bottle of glue to draw a thin line around the heart.
Bill watched as Mabel carefully sprinkled several separate colors of glitter on the line of glue, like a master chef adding a precise amount of spice to a gourmet recipe, to create a glitter rainbow gradient; and then he slowly sat up and leaned toward the table again. "So, who's this freak?"
Mabel gave him an exasperated look. She decided he'd meant "freak" neutrally; but she'd clearly labeled the heart "ME IN FLATWORLD," she thought it was pretty obvious who this freak was.
But Bill cheerfully went on, "He's the most hideously disfigured shape I've ever seen."
"I'm not joking, it hurts to look at this guy. At least he's symmetrical, but woof."
"She's not a guy! She's supposed to be me in Flatworld," Mabel insisted. "She's a powerful lady and I think she's beautiful." She paused. "Can a heart be a girl?" Lines looked boring, but Flatworld said that girls were all lines and all other shapes were boys. (Or were they? When they'd talked at the mall, Bill had been very clear that he considered himself a triangle instead of male or female, which scuttled the "all polygons are male" concept. Maybe Edward Bishop Bishop had made that part up?)
"She can be anything she wants," Bill said firmly. "I don't see any gender cops around here, do you?"
Good point. "And when there's no cops around, anything's legal."
Bill laughed. "Hey, I like that."
"Grunkle Stan says it!"
"Wise man." Bill leaned forward further across the table and tapped a finger on the deep cleft at the top of the heart. "Personally, I'm more worried about that agonizing-looking birth defect. I'm surprised she survived past infancy!"
Mabel glared at him, but she supposed she couldn't argue. A heart was a pretty irregular shape. And according to Flatworld, almost all irregular shapes were executed in childhood or else imprisoned in adulthood, since they thought irregular shapes would grow up to be depraved, imbecilic criminals—
"Wait," Mabel said. "Wait. Last year, when I called you an isosceles freak—"
Bill cut in, "It was 'monster,' but go on!"
"Was that, like..." Mabel's voice dropped to a whisper, "a slur on Flatworld?"
Bill fought to keep his face straight as he decided how to respond. He went for the funniest answer. "Yes."
Mabel clapped her hands over her mouth and squeaked, "Nooo!"
"It's actually pretty impressive a human managed to come up with it!"
"I'M SORRYYY, augh I didn't know!"
Over her anguished whines, Bill went on, "It's just a good thing you didn't say 'scalene'! I would've had to wash your mouth out with drain cleaner!"
Mabel had pulled the collar of her sweater over her face. From within Sweater Town, she asked, "Was that the first thing I ever said to you?"
Bill choked back a laugh. "Yeah, it was."
She squealed in embarrassment and slid under the table.
"Heck of a first impression, star girl!"
"i'm sorryyy."
Bill reached under the table to pat the top of her head. "Ahhh, it was funny. Get up here." 
As she climbed back into her seat, Bill added, "I'm getting back at you now, I'm not done making fun of your medical miracle yet. You know what she'd look like as a human? A headless, neckless body with an eyeball shoved six inches down her esophagus." He paused thoughtfully. "Actually... that sounds kinda cute."
"Eww, Bill."
"It is, it's cute. Like a clumsy puppy with a neurological disorder! I guess that's how the hideous Miss Heart here must look to humans!"
Mabel looked over her art again, wondering if she should change her shapesona, considering Bill's reaction to it. 
So, maybe she was creating a freak. She didn't see any shape cops around here. She kept drawing. "I'd be fine," she said. "You like weird freaks! You'd keep me safe."
A stricken look crossed his face. He was momentarily silent as he watched Mabel start another picture. And then, as though he were only considering it for the first time, he said, "Yeah. I guess I would."
His gaze drifted to the wrinkled picture of Mabel's shapesona standing protectively in front of Bill. "Freaks can't afford to tear each other down."
(THIS is the chapter that's been giving me hell the last few weeks. Months. Last few months. I'm so glad to finally have it out, and I hope y'all enjoyed!! This chapter probably brings up a lot more questions than it actually answers—and completely different questions based on whether or not you've read Flatland lol—so I can't wait to hear what y'all think.)
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pablitogavii · 5 months
Hiii gorgeous ☺️
But I have this adorable idea for a story featuring Pablo . How about a future story where the reader attends a wedding with Pablo and his family? They decide to wear matching outfits. Before his family member's wedding, when they see each other in their wedding attire, he wants to give the reader a kiss. She asks him to kiss her gently so that her lipstick/lip gloss won’t smudge, and they share a very cute moment together. Maybe even his parents or Aurora tease them playfully, but in a fun and non-offensive way. Throughout the whole wedding, they are being so cute, and they steal the show.
Hope you like the idea, and maybe consider writing it in the future! I just genuinely wanted to share my idea with you ☺️
Summary: You and Pablo were family friends since childhood and you were invited to attend wedding as his date..little did they know you two had a secret crush on each other.
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"Do I have to wear this mamá!?" Pablo was already whining not sure how to tie his bow properly and Aurora was giggling and showing me his confused face on the face time call.
"Pablo, stop complaining and finish getting ready! Y/n is waiting for us to pick her up.." Belen said rushing around the house to make sure she gets all the gifts and the cake she made for the bride.
When they arrived, I came out in a black dress matching Pablo's suit and he politely came out and opened the door for me. We were friends for a long time but in the past few months I started to develop feelings for my close family friend and now we were attending wedding together! Just great!
I never expected Pablo to feel the same way since he had so many beautiful fan girls some of them photo models and influencers that were so much more attractive than me.
"Porque estas triste chiqui?" he asked touching my hand and I felt a shiver move down my spine at that simple physical contact. I always feel insecure when I think about this..so I ignored it often.
"Just tired.." I lied and he smiled moving closer and kissing my cheek. He was always a physical touch type of person so it wasn't weird to have him hug or kiss my cheek often.
"We'll survive this together.." he said and we both giggled while pulling up the the venue and a bunch of girls attached his window begging for photos. The same feelings returned..Pablo will never return my feelings when he has so many options.
When we walked in, Pablo pulled out my chair, brought me a drink and always checked if I needed anything. Aurora and Javi danced majority of the night while me and Pablo sat together and talked about random things.
"You look beautiful tonight chiqui.." he randomly said and I blushed.
"Thank you! You cleaned up nice yourself, only.." I said fixing up his bow tie a little not expecting him to take my hands in his and kiss them lovingly..luckily Belen interrupted out moment before i freaked out!
One thing I loved most about our relationship is that it was never boring when we were together, there was always something to talk about and no matter what it was never avkward.
"Um..do you maybe want to dance with me Y/n?" he said shyly and I looked at him with blushing cheeks.
"Since when do you dance Pablo?" I asked and Belen caught onto what we were talking about pushing us to try it together.
"Let's go embarrass ourselves together, shall we my lady?" he said and I swear my heart almost broke our of my chest when I heard him call me my lady. I stood up taking his hand and walking to the dance floor.
"Okay just try and follow me..." he said snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me close while I gulped trying not to faint from the feeling of being this close to him finally.
"So tell me what makes you sad chiqui.." he asked again and I felt nervous not really knowing how to approach this topic the right way..I couldn't tell him the truth and I hated lying to my best friend.
"It's really nothing Pablo.." I tried the same method and his hand went to the side of my face making me shut up and just stare into his eyes.
"We don't lie to each other chiqui?" he reminded and I sighed. He was right..so I decided to say partial truth.
"I just wonder what your fan girls have to say for me being your date for a wedding..?" I said and he rolled his eyes as his grip on my waist tightened.
"I don't care about that! And I'm glad it's you..because I know you and I feel comfortable with you. We were friends for so long.." he said and I sighed about to pull away but he pulled me back quickly making me look up.
"Stop!" he said sternly and I whimpered pouting at him as he sighed.
"Why?" I said and he drew invisible circles on my waist. I was breathing heavily looking at him as his eyes moved lower watching my lips now.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered underneath his breath while focusing on my lips and I was in utter shock at his question. I wasn't even sure that I heard his right..did he just ask to kiss me!?
"U..um..do you want to?" I asked and his hand started caressing my cheek while his eyes were glued on my lips. Damn I wish he would kiss me already!
'So bad chiqui.." he said moving closer and looking into my eyes as to check if I was approving of his actions. When I smiled and didn't move but nodded he cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips passionately.
"P..Pablo.." I whimpered and he smiled pulling me in again and kissing my lips with passion while his hands went into my hair not letting me move an inch.
We completely forgot where we were, standing there, holding each other and kissing like we are the only two people left on Earth..and it was perfect..everything I ever imagined. Suddenly people clapped around us and we pulled away embarrassed.
"We really embarrassed ourselves.." I said and he grabbed my hand looking around the crowd who was aweing and smiling.
"Come with me chiqui.." he pulled me outside into the garden passing Aurora on the way who slipped "congrats hermano!" and made him smile wide.
"Come here.." he said pulling onto my waist while sitting on the bench and placing me on his lap. I rested against him blushing and smiling like an idiot the entire time..was this real?
"Is this real Pablo?" I asked turning to face him and he smiled nodding him head and pulling me close to leave a few more sweet gentle kisses on my lips.
"Why wouldn't it be real mi amor?" he said using the words I waited so long to hear leave his mouth..he was saying it to me..he called me mi amor like in some fairytale.
"B..because you're Pablo Gavi and I.." I started and he shut me up with a kiss.
"You're the most gorgeous and kindhearted girl I have ever met mi amor..and the only one I want" he said making me stare at him in awe. Just as I was about to lean in and kiss him first this time did Aurora pull my hand making me stand off his lap.
"Aii que lindo but they are throwing a bouquet! All ladies have a chance to catch it!" she said pulling me inside as I gave Pablo apologetic look and he smiled walking inside as well.
"Whoever catches it, will be a happy bride!" Belen said walking up to Pablo with his father who smiled pretending to close his son's mouth when he watched him stare at me form afar.
"I take it she said yes Pablito?" his dad asked and Pablo blushed nodding his head while his father tapped his shoulder proudly.
"Que!? you and y/n hijo??" his mom was surprised but happy at the same time that her son is with someone she knew and trusted so much to take care of him.
"Only you were clueless to their secret crush they had on each other Belen" his dad said making everyone laugh. The the bouquet was thrown and it landed straight into my hands making everyone call "Gavi Gavi!" and my face to go completely red. Pablo saw this and quickly joined me pulling me into his chest while everyone cheered.
"You would be a perfect bride in the future amor.." he said kissing the top of my head as everyone went back to their business and we slow danced with each other once again happy to finally do so as a real couple!
"Are you happy now mi amor?" he asked while we danced resting his forehead against mine and I smiled.
"The happiest!" I answered and he smiled pulling me into another kiss.
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look at the starts..look how they shine for you💗
pablogavi: mi amorcito😍
y/n/bebe: 😳
aurorapaezg: the way she looks at mi hermanito💗💗💗
y/n/bebe: hehe❤️
gavigavifans: adorable!!
belengavira: future mrs Gavira 😍
aurorapaezg: she caught the bouquet!
y/n/bebe: 😳
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iamthecomet · 5 days
-appears in a plume of smoke-
I come bearing Dewther thoughts, because I have been thinking about them.
Okay, so going with the idea that Aether is back at the abbey doing other work, I need you to imagine that, despite having the internet and phones and all that, it's not always easy to sit down and have a call or even really respond to messages with time differences, spotty signals, other people in the room, etc... so Dew sends Aether postcards while he's on tour.
Obviously, Dew has already left the location after the postcard is sent, but I like to think that once they get back into the country post tour -maybe staying at a hotel overnight before making the long haul home- Dew sends a post card ahead of him so that Aether knows he's back... but doesn't tell him he's going to be home the next day.
Aether just thinks he sent his stuff ahead, and he did, but it's because he doesn't want to have to deal with a bunch of luggage when he could be running over to hug him, ya know?
Something, something, Aether is looking at the postcard like, "When will my husband return from the war-" and then Dew's doing little jumping jacks to get his attention outside of the infirmary's windows, because fuck waiting with the bus, he wants to see his man NOW.
Anyway, Aether hangs the postcards in his office and grins at them like a complete dork whenever someone mentions them.
Also Dew definitely gives him hea-
-vanishes before finishing that sentence-
SADJKFASDFw. Lamp your brain is so big. I adore this. I'm picturing Aether's little spot where he has them all hung up--in order. How he pulls them down to look at sometimes, re-reads them--even after Dew is home. He's just sentimental like that. And yes, Aether is definitly staring longingly at Dew's latest postcard, while the bus is pulling into the Abbey. While Dew is walking over to the infirmary windows to tap his fingers on the glass and scare the absolute shit out of Aether because he cannot wait one more second to see his face. And yeah, I mean. Dew definitely pulls Aether into the nearest room with a door that closes (lock optional) because if he doesn't get his mouth on him right now he is going to "actually die." I love them so much.
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ || 2012! ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
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“Look, here’s the thing. I never asked to fall in love with you. Before I knew it, it had already happened.” A breathy chuckle slips past your lips, wiping away the stinging tears from the corner of your eyes. 
You’re greeted with silence, and you hold on for a while longer before pulling the phone away from your ear with confusion in your eyes. “Hello?” You call out one more time, but Donnie doesn’t respond. 
You frown slightly, trying not to let it get to you more than the entire day already had. You hang up, shoving your phone back into your pocket with a heavy sigh.
Donnie’s stunned into pure silence by your confession, about to speak when you hang up. The monotonous dial tone is all he can hear. “Hello? Y/n? You there?”
He stares at the screen of his T-Phone with a small frown, his heart heavy at the precious secret you had so easily divulged to him with a simple question. His shoulders sag with a single sigh, sitting in his chair and holding his head in his hands. 
He had some thinking to do.
— — — — — — — — —
“Thanks, Leo, but I’m fine. Yeah, I’ll visit you guys soon. Pizza? Sure, I’ll get some along the way. Do you want Hawaiia-” You pause, shaking your head with a brief chuckle. “Sorry, do you want the usual pepperoni?”
You can hear the cries of happiness from Mikey in the background; the prospect of more pizza is always a reason for his euphoria. You would never understand how they never got tired of eating the same food over and over. But then again, not many would understand you being friends with four teenage mutant ninja turtles, either.
Well, it’s more like three now. 
You don’t know what you and Donnie are anymore. It’s been a couple weeks since you last spoke to him, your last form of contact with him having been that rather devastating phone call. 
“And, y/n,” You hear the hesitation in Leo’s voice, but also the tinge of worry and care. “I don’t really know what happened with you and Donnie, but…Could you spare just a moment to see him tomorrow? Please?”
You sigh. Your brows furrow, mulling over your options. 
Damn it. You’re vulnerable to his pleas; the soft spot you have for the leader of the bunch now is like a sore thumb that keeps getting slammed on.
“Fine.” You cave so easily, knowing that if he ever begged you again, you’d give in all the same. Damn those brothers and their manipulative tactics.
You hang up, the empty silence of your room greeting you in place of Leo’s voice. You lay on your side, staring at the slightly brownish spot on your wall where you had accidentally smeared paint when having a painting session with Donnie. 
The usual logical turtle was cute when he tried artistic things, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he tried to trace an outline of your face. He had to get the angles right, the shading perfect, and even the shapes. It was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen.
You wince when your heart squeezes with a hollow pang in your chest, lips quirked into a sad smile at the memory as you doze off to sleep.
— — — — — — — — —
“I smell pizza.” Mikey suddenly sits up from his lazy position on the couch with wide eyes, his keen sense of smell only ever activated in such moments.
“What? Oh, that must be y/n.” Leo greets you with a warm smile as you walk in with a piping hot box from Papa Louie’s. 
“Special delivery,” You grin, embracing Mikey in a gentle hug. He reciprocates it with genuine affection but sneakily grabs the cardboard box out of your hands with a pleased smile. “I’ll just lighten your load real quick, dudette.”
You watch Mikey leave to the kitchen with a chuckle and shake of your head, having missed your bundle of sunshine the past few days. Leo walks up to you, and you give him a simple nod.
“How’ve you been?” He asks. The nature of his question is innocent, yet you find your mood instantly shifts to a more sombre one. You shrug, subconsciously averting your gaze to look around the living room.
“Been better, I suppose.” You answer, your lips curving into a smile when you see Raph leaving the dojo. “Heyya Red.” You greet his tired form, the tough teddy bear straightening his posture at the greeting. 
“Pipsqueak,” He acknowledges, coming over to give you an affectionate noogie. You giggle, shoving him away with a laugh of protest. “Don’t make us worried like that again.” He warns you, though his eyes are gentle.
You smile sheepishly, nodding in response. “I smell pizza.” He states abruptly, his stomach letting out a rather noisy grumble. “Mikey better not have gotten the left slice.” He mutters, rushing off to the kitchen.
You turn back to face Leo, who’s rolling his eyes with a nonchalant expression, though his gaze turns soft when he looks back at you. “We’ve all been worried.” He mentions quietly. 
You’re instantly wrecked with guilt, as if a large truck had just rammed into you with full force. 
It’s not a pleasant feeling.
“You’re right,” You sigh, running your fingers through your hair and smoothing out the tangles. “I’m sorry.”
His arms are crossed, but his tense shoulders relax once he hears your sincere apology. “Have you been eating regularly?” He questions. 
You lift your shoulders in a shrug. “Meh.”
Leo frowns at this information, dragging you into the kitchen where Raph and Mikey are, for once, peacefully enjoying their slices of pizza. However, once Mikey reaches over to the left side with fingers of anticipation, Raph smacks it away with a stern frown. 
“Ow! I don’t get what’s with you and the left side of the pizza….” Mikey sulks, crossing his arms with a huff. 
“Left side’s better,” Raph states with a knowing smile, eyeing you as you walk in behind Leo. “Haven’t eaten?” He guesses, smirking when you duck your head with an embarrassed flush that creeps up your neck.
“Should’ve gotten an extra large.” You murmur, only half the pizza left in random slices. You pick up a piece, humming happily when you bite down on the gooey, stringy cheese. The tangy tomato sauce hits all the right spots on your tastebuds, and the flaky yet chewy dough is absolute heaven to your stomach. 
The only thing it’s missing is pineapples.
Your smile falters yet again at the unintentional reminder of Donnie, glancing around. Where was he, anyway? He’d never let Mikey get the last piece. 
However, the youngest is already scarfing it down, Leo luckily grabbing a slice just in time and setting one aside for Splinter. You’re hesitant to voice out your question, but Mikey already answers it before you even ask.
“Man, Dee’s still stuck in his lab, huh?”
“How long has he been in there?” You question softly, having stood up to wash your hands at the sink.
“...Ever since you left the lair that day.” 
Raph’s response makes you still, the running water cascading over your cold hands and splashing into the drain. Your eyes widen for a brief moment, but you take a breath to compose yourself. You turn, shutting off the tap and drying your hands with a tea towel.
“Alright,” You huff, already recalling Leo’s plea from the night before, “I’ll go check on him.”
You head to the lab, your palm laid flat against the cold metal door. You take a shaky breath, steeling your nerve and walk in with a push of the door. It swings open slightly, revealing Donnie at his desk with his welding mask on.
“I said I’m not hungry.” He calls out with an emotionless voice, aiming his blowtorch at the next few bits sprayed out on the table. You take a step forward, then another.
“I can tell.”
You can see his entire body stiffen, instantly shutting off the blowtorch and taking off his welding mask with wide eyes. 
“In the flesh,” You joke, trying to keep the mood light. His face is slimmer, you note. He’s lost weight since the last time you saw him. His skin is a paler shade of green, fingers trembling as he sets down the mask.
How long has it been since his last meal?
You don’t know, but seeing him like this broke your heart all over again.
“H-hey,” He’s fidgeting with the wrench on his desk, his voice a tad bit more nervous than usual. Your eyes soften, regret starting to take the form of a painful lump in your throat you find impossible to swallow down. 
You should’ve never confessed.
You could’ve lived the rest of your days with him as your best friend, even if he was happy with someone else.
You had to put an end to it. You needed him back. Not this Donnie, your Donnie.
“Hey, Don?” He looks up at the familiar nickname you used to call him so endearingly with.  You take another breath, finding the strength in yourself to utter the words you’ve been planning to say once you see him again.
“About the confession…Don’t worry about it. I realized it was just an infatuation I had. I know I’m asking a lot from you, but do you think…maybe we could become friends again?” You ask hesitantly, leaning against his desk.
You hold out your hand, waiting patiently for his response and hoping, just hoping, that he’d say yes.
Your shoulders relax from the hidden tension that’s coiled in every muscle in your body, and an exhale filled with nothing short of relief huffs past your lips. You look up with a warm smile, though your eyes are slightly timid.
And there he was. Your Donnie, the same old twinkle back in his eyes. A glimmer of hope fills his chest, looking down at his hand in yours. 
“Friends.” You confirm with a chuckle. “If it helps, I have a date this Friday I was hoping you could help prepare me for.”
And just like that, that same hope is instantly snuffed out.
— — — — — — — — —
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astupidgaydog · 4 months
Intro Post (NEW)
I. About me;
Hello !! I’m so glad to be back on Tumblr once again !! Since you probably don’t remember my account I’ll give a short refresher. I used to have the user name “@//Thesilliestperson” and ran a pro-ship safe mood / stimboard account.
I was under a lot of stress at the time and had quite a lot on my mind. I kind of just deleted my account out of no where because I felt like I couldn’t balance doing requests while also doing a bunch of school work. I don’t know why my first thought was to delete it but, hey, that was quite a while ago.
I’m going to try to build my account from the ground up, so be prepared for me to be on here pretty much 24/7 !! ( I still have to go to work so not 24/7 but you get what I mean. ) Thank you all for being so patient even when I deleted my old account out of no where, lots of hugs and kisses !!
For those who don’t know me; I’m Silly / Silliest !! I go by all pronouns except for She / her and I hope you can respect that. I am 17 and strictly anti-harassment in all shapes and forms as I know how it feels to be bullied to your lowest point over stupid things. Even though this is a pro-ship stim / moodboard account, I am currently iffy about dark-ships, I will most likely be posting them in the near future because of other people’s requests though so don’t let that discourage you from sending dark-ship requests !! ( I also ship some myself, it just feels kind of iffy to me. )
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II. Stim / Moodboards;
I allow pretty much anything. You name it, I’ll make it into a stim / moodboard for you. As you can see, I don’t really have many boundaries when it comes to requests. ( The only requests I do not allow are NSFW requests since I am still a minor and am extremely uncomfortable with making those things )
If you want to request something from me please do the following; Add the media source, character(s) you want featured in the board, and if you want to be @‘ed or not in the post. You can optionally add what color palettes you want the board to follow and what ever extra things your heart desires.
I try to be very fast when posting stim / moodboards but please be patient if I don’t do your request(s) immediately, I might have a long list of other requests in front of yours. If after a month or two yours hasn’t been done it either got buried under requests or didn’t go through. If that happened, please re-send the request with a short message that should look something like this; “Hey, I didn’t receive my board yet! It included; ( Insert request. )” I will try my best to do yours as soon as possible when I see that message.
If something’s wrong with your stim / moodboard don’t be afraid to tell me !! You can privately DM me the issue or just talk about it through the request box. I will almost immediately try my best to fix the issue I made with your board before doing any of the other requests. ( I will keep the original board up unless you request me to take it down before posting the fixed version. )
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III. My F/O’s;
This is a list of my F/O’s ( Also known as ‘Fictional Others’ ) that I adore with all my heart. You may request stim / moodboards that include my F/O’s, I don’t mind sharing them with other people / characters at all !!
💚 = Romantic , ❤️ = Platonic , 💛 = Familial
☆ Cracklin (ION) 💚
★ Gelatin (BFB) 💚
☆ Aventurine (HSR) ❤️
★ Leafy (BFB) 💛
☆ Kankri (HS) 💚
★ Mituna (HS) ❤️
☆ Sylveon (PK) 💛
★ Vaporeon (PK) 💚
☆ Moon (FNAF) 💚
★ Sun (FNAF) 💚
☆ Master Frown (Unikitty) ❤️
I love my guys / gals so much !! more may be added in the future, I’ll see what I do.
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IV. The End;
Thank you for reading my long ass intro, I just wanted to redo the one on my old account in the best way possible. I hope this was good enough way to feature everything I do !!
Anyways, I hope to do lots of boards for many different people in the future !! I’ll try my best to make good ( or decent at least) boards. I haven’t made one in a while so this will be the best start to remembering how to make them again !!
Again, thank you for being so patient with me, even through tough times, I greatly appreciate it you have no idea.
Lots of love,
Silly 🎉
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More domestic Malec set in the petals universe? Because there is never enough domestic Malec! Have a happy Writing Wendsday !
thank you! i hope you enjoy this bit of care and domestic comfort (no hurt)
Alec sighs as he rubs his face and wonders if he can convince Magnus to portal half of the clave’s Council into Edom.
“That is not a happy face, beloved. What happened?”
Alec squints up at Magnus, head suddenly pounding and rasps, “is it too soon to ask if you can open another rift over Alicante? I can move to Edom if it’s too much work to send the clave there.”
Magnus startles, eyes wide for a moment before he throws his head back and laughs and then his warm hands are pressing against the point of pain in Alec’s head.
Magnus’ laugh slows to a warm chuckle and Alec unconsciously, tiredly smiles at the sound and leans into his love.
“Oh darling, as much as I adore you, surely we have better options.”
Alec sighs and stares at the giant stack of papers that should already be gone.
“Just a little rift?” He hedges and it gets him an amused scoff against his hair as Magnus kisses his forehead.
“No, but I will open a portal and kidnap an unsuspecting Commander away to my lair. I have a nefarious purpose, you see.”
“Oh yeah, yes please.” Alec gets out, because he has never been so happy at the thought of just leaving his hunters wondering where he is. Mirai is due to wake soon and if Andrew can’t handle being in charge until she’s ready, then Alec is going to train him until he’s competent.
Magnus ushers his tired hunter through the portal and then spitefully, he looks around the office and snaps his fingers.
“Magnus! Did you put glitter on my clave reports again?” Alexander calls and Magnus titters, shooting Alexander a scolding glare.
“My darling your distrust wounds me! I would never do such an awful thing as glitter bomb the clave.”
“Right—” Alexander says, and he gives Magnus a dark look, “and when Jia calls me tomorrow to let me know Imogen is cursing both of us again?”
“Oh, is she trying to learn magic? Has she finally accepted the might of warlocks?”
Alexander sighs and Magnus almost feels bad until he sees the corner of Alexander’s mouth wobble and he smirks, because of course his boy wants plausible deniability.
In case Imogen does something ridiculous, like question Alexander n the soul sword.
The surprise is a bath full of flower petals and Magnus doesn’t even bother pretending he’s going to do anything but pamper Alexander.  This last weekend his boy gently tended to Magnus through one of the worst potion catastrophes of his life.
Alexander has been exhausted and tired and Magnus still remembers him working from home, insisting he stay so that Magnus wasn’t alone. The way he set up close enough that he was there every time Magnus opened his eyes and how he looked at Magnus with the same love he does when Magnus is at his best.
“Let me wash your hair, sweetheart.” Magnus urges and Alexander nods, chin dipping low into the water and petals clinging to his jaw and lips.
Magnus is slow and methodical as he scrubs Alexander’s hair and then his body. His boy is like a vine, bending and moving wherever Magnus puts him with a happy, content hum of encouragement.
Magnus ends up magically drying him before carrying him to the bed, because Alexander just looks at him from the bath and shrugs, attempting to nap in the water.
“You make a charming fish, Alexander.” Magnus teases as he drops his sulking shadowhunter on their bed. “However, I prefer you to nap in our bed. Not in the tub.”
Alexander pouts up at him and Magnus nearly turns the bed into a hot tub before he reminds himself that Alexander will be confused and exasperated if he does that.
“I’m joining you, sayang.” Magnus promises and while he could use magic to dim the lights and get ready, he enjoys the sleepy but possessive gaze watching him from the bed.  When he turns to smile at his boy, he finds Alexander watching him, chin bunched on a pillow as he hugs it to his chest.
There’s an exhausted appreciation that makes Magnus grin as he crosses the room.
“You’re in my spot.” He reminds his darling and Alexander nudges over less than an inch before dangerously pouting again.  Charmed, Magnus gets into the bed and drapes himself over his boy. “Is that what you wanted?” He teases and Alexander nods with a tired rumble, smelling like lilacs and peach blossoms as he wraps his arms and legs around Magnus.
“Goodnight my darling—” Magnus murmurs to him, “sleep well.”
Alec sighs as he rubs his face and wonders if he can convince Magnus to portal half of the clave’s Council into Edom.
“That is not a happy face, beloved. What happened?”
Alec squints up at Magnus, head suddenly pounding and rasps, “is it too soon to ask if you can open another rift over Alicante? I can move to Edom if it’s too much work to send the clave there.”
Magnus startles, eyes wide for a moment before he throws his head back and laughs and then his warm hands are pressing against the point of pain in Alec’s head.
Magnus’ laugh slows to a warm chuckle and Alec unconsciously, tiredly smiles at the sound and leans into his love.
“Oh darling, as much as I adore you, surely we have better options.”
Alec sighs and stares at the giant stack of papers that should already be gone.
“Just a little rift?” He hedges and it gets him an amused scoff against his hair as Magnus kisses his forehead.
“No, but I will open a portal and kidnap and unsuspecting Commander away to my lair. I have a nefarious purpose, you see.”
“Oh yeah, yes please.” Alec gets out, because he has never been so happy at the thought of just leaving his hunters wondering where he is. Mirai is due to wake soon and if Andrew can’t handle being in charge until she’s ready, then Alec is going to train him until he’s competent.
Magnus ushers his tired hunter through the portal and then spitefully, he looks around the office and snaps his fingers.
“Magnus! Did you put glitter on my clave reports again?” Alexander calls and Magnus titters, shooting Alexander a scolding glare.
“My darling your distrust wounds me! I would never do such an awful thing as glitter bomb the clave.”
“Right—” Alexander says, and he gives Magnus a dark look, “and when Jia calls me tomorrow to let me know Imogen is cursing both of us again?”
“Oh, is she trying to learn magic? Has she finally accepted the might of warlocks?”
Alexander sighs and Magnus almost feels bad until he sees the corner of Alexander’s mouth wobble and he smirks, because of course his boy wants plausible deniability.
In case Imogen does something ridiculous, like question Alexander n the soul sword.
The surprise is a bath full of flower petals and Magnus doesn’t even bother pretending he’s going to do anything but pamper Alexander.  This last weekend his boy gently tended to Magnus through one of the worst potion catastrophes of his life.
Alexander has been exhausted and tired and Magnus still remembers him working from home, insisting he stay so that Magnus wasn’t alone. The way he set up close enough that he was there every time Magnus opened his eyes and how he looked at Magnus with the same love he does when Magnus is at his best.
“Let me wash your hair, sweetheart.” Magnus urges and Alexander nods, chin dipping low into the water and petals clinging to his jaw and lips.
Magnus is slow and methodical as he scrubs Alexander’s hair and then his body. His boy is like a vine, bending and moving wherever Magnus puts him with a happy, content hum of encouragement.
Magnus ends up magically drying him before carrying him to the bed, because Alexander just looks at him from the bath and shrugs, attempting to nap in the water.
“You make a charming fish, Alexander.” Magnus teases as he drops his sulking shadowhunter on their bed. “However, I prefer you to nap in our bed. Not in the tub.”
Alexander pouts up at him and Magnus nearly turns the bed into a hot tub before he reminds himself that Alexander will be confused and exasperated if he does that.
Also Magnus had to replace the floor.
“I’m joining you, sayang.” Magnus promises and while he could use magic to dim the lights and get ready, he enjoys the sleepy but possessive gaze watching him from the bed.  When he turns to smile at his boy, he finds Alexander watching him, chin bunched on a pillow as he hugs it to his chest.
There is an exhausted appreciation in his eyes, and it makes Magnus grin as he crosses the room.
“You’re in my spot.” He reminds his darling and Alexander nudges over less than an inch before dangerously pouting again.  Charmed, Magnus gets into the bed and drapes himself over his boy. “Is that what you wanted?” He teases and Alexander nods with a tired rumble, smelling like lilacs and peach blossoms as he wraps his arms and legs around Magnus.
“Goodnight my darling—” Magnus murmurs to him, “sleep well.”
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Uh.....Samatoki, Doppo, and Rei interact with a daughter. I also really love your work!
Samatoki, Doppo, and Rei interact with a daughter
hiii!! First thing first - thank you for your words!! <3 Also, you didn't mention if they need to interact with a kid! reader or just their daughter, so I write the second option. Please contact me if I mess up something!! ^^ also hc about Samatoki being a father
no reader, family relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
Samatoki (557 words), Doppo (558 words), Rei (542 words);;
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Samatoki - when someone offended her.
Breathe in. And out. Samatoki knew how to keep his promises but it was really hard right now to hold himself back.
Never scream or get too angry in front of his daughter - this is his vow. And it feels like he can crush his teeth from this strong tension in his jaw as he tries to calm down after what she just said for him. Someone tries to offend his daughter?!
When? Where?! What exactly did these jerks say to you?! All these questions bump into his mind, yet Samatoki didn't say a word. There's a more important thing, after all.
"How did you feel?" - he leans closer and hugs her lightly, patting her head in a soft, relaxing manner. - "Want to talk about it..?"
"Mm-hmm.." - she sob, and honestly Samatoki doesn't care if she will mess his T-shirt with her cries. Well-being of his daughter is more important than any expensive vintage clothes he has in his wardrobe, so go on, he's willing to soothe his kid in his hug for the whole evening.
Cause there's nothing that Samatoki would value more than his family, and especially his adorable daughter. Always being kinda overprotective, he makes sure all her friends and just classmates know just who her father is so they wouldn't try to do any stupid shit. But it seems that someone gets too bold and needs to get a little warning.. But right now he's more concentrated on his daughter and her feelings, wanting to calm down her hurted soul.
Soft cuddles and plush blanket, some soothing tea and his serious face as he's ready to listen. And after she tell him the whole situation, asking what she did wrong to get into something like this, Samatoki just shakes his head, wiping her tears.
"There's nothing wrong with you and your behavior, honey. Don't think that it's your fault.." - only with her and her mom, his wife his voice gets so soft and gentle, as he treats them both as some sort of porcelain dolls. - "You're a bright sun and there's just some clouds that envy you, trying to hide your shine.. But as time passes, they go away and you'll shine no matter what, understand..?"
When she nod weakly, his expression gets more calm, and he kisses her forehead. Seeing that she's calmed down a little bit, he starts talking in a more cheerful voice, pulling at her shoulders in a playful manner.
"That's it! As my daughter, you shouldn't even think about some lowlife..!" - with a smirk the father looks at the clock. - "Hmm, I think your mother won't be back soon.. So that means we can peek into the kitchen, hm? I think I know where she hid the candies this time..!"
It's so refreshing to see him so goofy while he's fooling around with her, especially after a deep and long talk about her feelings. Laughing, they both get into the kitchen while Samatoki keeps thinking how he can make this evening more pleasant for her. Maybe they all can make a movie night today?
As time passes, she wouldn't even remember about these bullies, shining like always. Yes, as time passes.. Samatoki would make sure that this time would come as soon as possible, already having a plan on how he would teach these assholes a few lessons..
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Doppo - when she get ready for her test.
Ahh, work. And this bunch of papers and documents that Doppo needs to do till the morning is absolutely killing him.
It's already midnight and when he was walking through the corridor to drink a glass of cold fresh water, he noticed that there's light in his daughter's room. Isn't it a pretty late time to be awake, even for teens with their love of the internet?
"S/o..? C-can I come in..?" - only after knocking on the door and calling her softly, Doppo gets inside. - "Is something wrong, honey?"
"No, dad, nothing.." - with a small yawn she turned to face him. - "Just.. tests, and everything, you know.."
Oh, of course he knows. Not only because once upon a time he was also at school, struggling with all these things, but also because in his adult life he's still surrounded by all this paperwork. It's so exhausting, yet still.. He doesn't want his kid to also get all tired and depressed as he is, so Doppo quickly gets closer:
"When will this test be? Maybe there's something that I can help with?"
"Mm.. On next week.." - another yawn and he furrowed his brows.
"N-next week! Then you shouldn't push yourself so much, dear..!" - even someone as soft as Doppo can get pretty strict, and he starts taking her books, closing them.
"I'm just a little worried.." - she mumbled, but didn't really try to fight back, actually tired. And her bed was looking so luring right now..
"I understand.." - her father got on knee to look at her face more properly. - "But you would receive nothin if you keep studying in the middle of the night.. Only headache."
Never in his life Doppo thought he's capable of taking care of someone, being just a grumpy poor salaryman. Yet now, when he has a whole family with wife and daughter, he finds out with surprise that there's a very soft and protective side inside him. This caring side that he shows right now, helping his daughter to collect her books and clean the table.
"That's better.." - he sighs when she finally gets into her bed, nuzzling under blankets. - "Try to forget about your exams and just relax, okay?"
"And what if I didn't pass..?" - well, it seems his pessimistic point of view passed to his daughter through his genes. Yet Doppo just chuckled, patting her head.
"Huh.. That's pretty bad, but me and your mom would love you anyways, okay? You will re-take it then, and that's it.." - he smiled softly and walked to the light switch. - "But think positive, o-okay..?"
Ahh, think positive.. It probably sounds funny when someone like him talks about this, but Doppo always tries to be more energetic and lively around his family. Because they're everything that he has, and he's willing to work hard for their bright future.
Work hard? And maybe he actually needs to also take a break? Scolding his own daughter for overworking herself yet doing absolutely the same things.. Well, maybe it's time to be a more good role model and show how important relaxation is. That's it, Doppo totally should take a few weekends or maybe a small vacation to spend more time with his two most important women. Maybe he will even be able to help his daughter with her studies, making sure she's not stressed or anxious…!
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Rei - when she's achieving something.
Ahh, how ironic. Leaving three kids and not really connecting with them, yet paying so much attention to his youngest child, his daughter.. Well, not even Rei himself knows what's going on in his mind and soul sometimes. But it's not really bother him, as the main thing was that he, his wife and their kid were having fun right now, all together..
"Dad, look..! I got the highest score in my class today!" - with a proud playful smile, his daughter runs closer, and Rei can't help but smirk too.
"I didn't expect less from my princess..!" - quickly catch her and carry in his arms, he swirls around, listening to her ringing laugh. - "I know you would beat everyone once again."
"But this time I did something bad.." - she suddenly mumbled, looking away when he pressed her closer to his chest.
"Oya? Can I know what exactly?" - with a more serious face, Rei put his finger to his lips. - "I swear to not tell mom.."
Giggling, she leaned to his ear and started whispering something, but her small secret just makes her father's smile get even wider, as now he almost can't control his laugh. Ahh, that's it, she's really daddy's girl, who picked up not only this devilish smirk from him, but also his cunning behavior..
And maybe like a good dad he should scold her for cheating like that for a test, but this plan that she just uncovered to him was pretty good. Even better than if she would actually just sit and learn everything for her lessons, and it could not but please the soul of this old conman.
"Wha, what a great idea you got here.." - chuckle, he buried his fingers in her locks just to completely mess up her hairstyles. - "Did you really come up with it all by yourself?"
"Of course!! You don't believe me?" - furrowing her brows, she asks Rei with an angry tone. Ah, did he really get so old that such an act from his kid makes his heart melt?
"No, no, I believe, princess.. I'm just glad that such a smart girl is my daughter, good job.." - he put her on his shoulder, still swirling around a little. - "Let's go and surprise your mother now.."
"Are we gonna keep a secret?"
"Of course, dear. But don't do it too often or I will tell her everything, okay?"
She just nodded with a fake, childish serious face, before starting laughing as Rei ran to the living room to his wife. This old man is too unruly himself to actually snitch on his daughter, especially for such a small reason, as it actually even strokes his ego a little bit.. Well, never in his life Rei wants her to get the same life as he has, a life of a scammer, yet everyone needs to have some slyness in them, don't you think? And he's willing to share many of his tricks with his dear daughter to make her life easy and also teach her to not trust strangers, as they always can try to take advantage of her.. So Rei just wanna be sure she would know how to cheat the cheater, in this case… He's a good, protective father, after all.
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absentia-if · 1 year
Oh hey, it's been a while, I should play the latest update.
*Names MC Karina Zane...an M-mancing MC without knowing Carina is M's own aunt.*
*After finding out*: Ah...Shit
But for real, I'm really happy to have the option of being happy for K in moving on XD My MC isn't particularly vengeful (Kinda have this headcanon image of her having been pinning for M for years and it solidified during her captivity, wishing she could see them one more time.)
Feel free to ignore this ask, but I want to say I love the chapters you've work so hard on ;-; FUCK, it hurts to see how many people got affected from the kidnapping incident..
As for my question: Say MC has a thing where scent gives them the safety they needed most and the RO came home early to find MC hugging and clinging to a clothing of theirs that smelled of them the most, just burying their nose in the fabric or even having a little clothing nest if they could be spared. When MC notices them, they get embarrassed and try to come up with a logical, 'totally normal' reason to be sniffing their SO's clothes. How would they react/approach this?
I've done the exact thing multiple times! In fact, there are two canon women with that first name-- Carina Steele and Karina Ashford, both of whom you meet. I just thought the name was neat when creating Detective Ashford that I completely spaced on Carina Steele; even though I absolutely adore her.
I'm excited for your Karina to begin romancing M. I just know that it'll be a fun adventure for you both. I can't wait for you to see what's in store for M-Mancers down the road! In fact, there's a scene coming up that I think you're going to enjoy quite a bit. And thank you for your kind words! I truly appreciate it a great deal. I'm so honored that I have people like you reading my story, and that I get the privilege of being able to interact with you too. Thank you so much for being here! For being your wonderful self!
As for your question?
Kade/Kara: "What're you doing, sweetheart?" They tilt their head, hazel eyes flitting over the nest of clothes you had crafted on the bed. A warm look quickly took over the one of confusion that had been prominent only a second before; a gentle smile appears at the corner of their lips. "Having a lazy afternoon? I'll join you once I've changed out of my work clothes. Is that all right?"
Michael/Margot: Complete adoration flickers across their face, warmth completely suffused within the azure blue of their gaze. "I have a bunch of sweatshirts that I could give you, baby," they murmur, sitting on the edge of the bed, making sure not to disturb the nest, as a gentle look etched itself across their face. "Why don't I go get them and you can turn on something that we can watch? I won't be gone long, I promise."
Blaine/Blaire: They tilt their head. "Whatcha got there?" Plopping down onto the bed beside you, they toss you an award-winning smile. Their focus only shifts when they pick up one, of the many, shirts you had used to make your nest upon the bed you shared with them. "You know," they muse, a thoughtful hum interlaced with the words. "I wasn't even aware I had this many shirts. I guess I've found a good use for them, huh?"
Wren/Wynn: Confusion filters across their face before dawning realization eclipses it. And, from that confusion, a look of gentle sincerity appeared. "There's no need to be ashamed of this, MC." They shrug, an almost smile curling their lips. "I'm honored that you find so much comfort in me. I'll try to make sure that the feeling remains no matter what, okay?"
Nicholas/Natalie: A shy smile graces their lips at the sight that greets them on their bed. The warm expression causes their gray eyes to appear almost silver within the dimming light of the room. "You like to be surrounded by my clothes." It's said as more of a statement, the fact that it is, and you don't even have a chance to respond before they continue. "I'm assuming it has something to do with my scent, right?" They wait for your approval, one that you give in the form of a nod before their expression softens even more. "You can always cuddle me now, dearest one. I think I'm slightly better company than an old hoodie."
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Short replies! As many as I can write in 30 minutes! Let’s goooooooooo
Anonymous asked:
Deuce should have put a ring on his mom if he didn't want anyone to flirt with her. she's free for picking
Yeah, by the time Deuce figures it out there’s going to be a line of people who want to put a ring on his mom, and I stand in this line too.
Anonymous asked:
Which anime characters do you love drawing the most?
This is such a difficult question to answer, I can’t pick 😭 Pretty much every title that we watch or read or play has a bunch of characters that I adore drawing, but I guess I gravitate towards characters with long hair and unusual hairstyles or outfits?? I also feel the urge to try to draw a character when they are out of my comfort zone, which doesn’t mean that I always do it or good at it, but I always have fun drawing stuff in a different art style (like the guys from Scott Pilgrim),with complicated outfits (like Barok van Zieks) or with mechanic parts (like Ortho!)… but the last one is pretty recent, I just noticed that I kind of enjoy drawing it. I guess I love a challenge? In a way? It’s just more fun that way.
By my comfort type of character and a default option would be a gloomy boy/girl in a hoody, my heart is always smiling whenever I draw this type.
Examples of some of my faves throughout the years (without twst): Levi (SnK), Ainosuke (sk8), Killua (HxH), Shiroba (DMMD), Apollo Justice (AA), Geto (JJK)… this is just a few of them.
I also still think that Prussia from Hetalia is our ultimate boy because I’ve been drawing him for about 15 years now lol
Anonymous asked:
Omg, your boob post,bless u... What would Riddle think of her childhood friend having those honkers though?? (Also, her burying her face in those tits or fondling them with curiosity lol)
Ahh thank you so much, Anon!! <3
I still giggle every time I think about how we ended up with poor Riddle being surrounded by busty girls, I swear it wasn’t intentional. But the more I think about it, the funnier and more Freudian it gets… what an aggressive way to heal mommy issues and an acute deficiency of tight hugs.
To answer your question, I think Riddle was kind of surprised when she saw Trey after being separated because she didn’t think boobs could get that big. Logically yes, it makes sense, but seeing it in person is different. Riddle always does her best to be proper and act like a lady, but I can imagine her eyes sliding down all the time during their first conversation. Trey would absolutely notice…
Riddle is indeed very curious, and it’s pretty obvious, but she would never talk about it or even ask to touch Trey’s boobs, but maybe one day… you know, for science… or Trey is just going to offer it herself lol save that girl, Trey.
Honestly? If Riddle could just bury her face in Trey’s chest for a minute or two, I think a lot of her tantrums would just… not happen. She would be so calm…
Alright, now Trey owes this to humanity.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Why do I deeply headcanon Night Raven Collage have orgies? I kind of blame you
😭Look at us being the worst influence on this fandom LOL
Ironically, I don't think we ever talked about orgies and such?
NRC might have a secret student society for orgies though...
Anonymous asked:
Eric Venue can get it though 🥵
And he did! That’s how we got Vil 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
Have you seen Vil’s father?! And why do I get a feeling you might be putting him and Trein together?
Yes, we have! He looks great, and based on everything we’ve seen and heard so far (as always, we aren’t watching the event just yet), he is everything we wished and expected him to be, so I’m very satisfied hehe.
I don’t know about your feeling though, do you want us to? 👀 Is it because of another certain stylish young man?
We don’t know who we’re going to ship Papa Schoenheit with though, only time will tell…
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say i absolutely adore your Ortho x Vil stuff!
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I am very happy that you love them!
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think Sebek has fantasies ab breeding Malleus
Kind of talked about it here!
But also in general, I feel like Sebek has all kinds of dreams about Malleus, like he wouldn’t dare to actively fantasise about it, but his mind keeps showing him so many naughty scenarios that he finds it very difficult to look at Malleus after that sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
Do you guys ever think about how Floyd would try to breed Riddle?
Because he probably didn't understand how human bodies work at first (was probably taught but got bored listening)
Floyd probably like : Where the baby bump?
Then Riddle would be like : Baby bump? I can't have babies -
*insert small sad Floyd in eel form here*
Awwww, poor eel, he was so sure that he found his mate 😔 Keep trying, buddy, maybe you’ll get him next time. Or the time after that. Basically, just keep mating with him until you change his entire anatomy lol
We haven’t really thought about this specific theme, but we did talk about Floyd being in heat and being all over Riddle, so at least there’s that!
Anonymous asked:
Hello!!  Iirc, you guys don't read the TWST mangas or light novel right?  There's a bit in the new 4-koma manga I'd thought you'd like: Rook, Leona, and Idia have to paint something and then make it move with magic.  Rook paints himself about to shoot an arrow that always aims at Leona.  Then the Rook in the painting comes to life and terrorizes the Savanaclaw students, so Leona smacks Painting!Rook with his canvas where P!Rook decides to stay.  Leona's okay with it cause it means he doesn't have to paint anything.  Idia's just there to judge I guess.
(new head canon, Leona's a pillow princess)
Hi Anon! Yeah, I heard that they’re making a 4-koma manga, and even though we don’t read any additional twst material, I really love that they’re making it! I love 4-komas, they’re silly lol
The one that you described is golden and pretty in-character; god poor Idia who had to witness all that lol I love that just running around and shooting beast boys is pretty much Rook’s entire essence…
It also makes sense that Leona would do something like this omg, paint your own picture you lazy bitch 😭
(also not a headcanon, Anon, this is 100% factual)
Anonymous asked:
I….That anon was….personally offended by a headcanon? I’m so confused…
(related to this reply)
Maybe?? I don’t know, but they weren’t rude about it or anything, so I hope it’s all good.
Anonymous asked:
Jade can gaslight me all he wants…
Don't encourage him, Anon... he is already very ill-behaved.
Anonymous asked:
Jinx from Arcane looks like Idia’s long lost sister.
Don't know much about her other than her design and some bits and pieces of her story, but Idia with two pigtails would look very cute.
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itskikanow · 10 months
In honor of the DLC coming out tomorrow I’ve replayed Error 143 to enjoy the adorable dork that is Micah Yujin. So let me gush about him will ya.
Micah Yujin is the main character and only love interest of the indie dating sim called Error 143 made by Jenny Vi Pham and her crew. The main premise is that you, the player, lost in a coding/hacking competition to your rival (Micah) and you as the sane level headed person as you are decided to troll him by hacking his computer and leaving a note “Ha, whose the better hacker now”. In response Micah hacks you back and puts you in his not discord server that he made and from then on comedy ensues.
The gameplay is pretty straightforward, it’s like every other dating sim. There’s the occasional hacking minigame that is just hangman which is neat, but the whole design of the whole game is so cool. I love pixel art and not discord looks fantastic with it. I also find it elegant that the parts without voice acting look like chat conversations, and the conversations with voice acting to be video calls is fucking great!
Also his voice actor goes hard!!! Corey Wilder is a talented va and I wish nothing but the best for them!^^
Micah himself is a funny playful cheeky guy with a shit eating grin on his face. His banter with the player is honestly hilarious and wholesome at times. He doesn’t hide the fact that he thinks you’re hot and he starts being flirty around day one or two. Him and the player have some good chemistry and they really match each other’s vibe. (Oh yeah forgot to mention but the player character actually have a personality in this game. They’re not a fully fleshed out character but it’s more than what the player character gets in these games. The only other time I can think something similar happened was in The Arcana [also a great dating sim I do recommend that])
The story spans out 5 days (well, 4 actually cuz day 4 is pretty short). In those 5 days the player and Micah get to know each other pretty quickly and it’s pretty obvious you both really like each other. And Micah puts his money where his mouth is because on day 5 he makes your dream first date come true. I find that so wholesome and sweet like on my first playthrough my first thought ‘I wanna hug him’ and ‘AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!’ (And that’s just one of the sweetest things he does in game, there’s like two other one which I both adore a ton.)
But I couldn’t because the game ended! 🥲🥲🥲🥲 (Thankfully the dlc is coming and will probably give me that option and I honestly cannot wait!^^) It is a short game but it’s definitely one of the best ones out there!
I also remember when this game first came out it got really popular in just a few short days. And I also cannot forget how in just one night a bunch of twitter ghouls jumped on the creator and accused her of fetishizing black men, hiring a va who voiced in a pe** game and how her writing is actually very racist because….. she shared some old concept ideas for Micah’s parents that are not even canon. Back then I was pretty scared about those accusations because I myself am not white and thought “oh fuck what if actual black people found something actually problematic that I’ve missed”. In reality what actually happened was a bunch of racists didn’t like that there was a dating sim out there with the main love interest being a half Korean half African American. And they hurled shit on both Jenny and Corey. I even saw people whom I used to follow take those accusations seriously and write it of as “ah even when we get a dating sim with a black love interest there’s always a catch”. (I was honestly baffled by them cuz, ‘wha- you can’t be serious! There’s gotta be something more to this’.) Thankfully Jenny managed to resolve that drama in the end by explaining everything in a tweet longer? (idk the exact name of it but you know what that is) and addressing every main accusation while also addressing how the harassment has affected her. I’m honestly proud how she managed to still write on Twitter where most would’ve gone silent to take a break from that bullshit. But she and Corey shouldn’t have been subjected to that kind of harassment in the first fucking place.
Still, I’m so happy that things are better now. I don’t have Twitter anymore (and I’ve been much happier since) so I don’t know if anything similar happened since then (hopefully not).
Amidst all that bullshit tho there were some people who gave genuine constructive criticism, one I can remember is about Micah’s inconsistent hair texture. Since there are a lot of artists in the team they all drew his hair a little differently every time. Jenny responded to that critique apologizing and doing some research before deciding what Micah’s hair type is gonna be. Ever since then his hair has been consistent in official arts. The assets in game hadn’t been switched out but by the sneak peeks she posted on Instagram, it looks like they’re gonna be finally.
(Ok I originally wanted to write down his hair type but I’m actually not sure what she said cuz I forgor but comparing his hair to pictures on google, seems to his hair is either 4B, 4C or a mix between those two. I’m sorry I don’t remember 🥲)
My apologies for the detour there. My final thoughts about the game though is that it’s amazing, fun and I adore Micah a lot! If you like dating sims, fun and wholesome cheesy romance then I can recommend it to you wholeheartedly!^^
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dammons-forgefire · 10 months
Omg i found this!! Request send already! Spread it my love our men needs a hug at least!
Hello anon, thank you for sharing!
I'll definitely ask them to give us more interactions with our favorite tieflings, but I will be completely honest; I think there are limits to what we can realistically ask for here. Do some expectation management, if you will.
So far we don't even have hugs for our direct companions and lovers in the game, so if hugs for NPCs are to come, it might take a while. Perhaps even a long while. I still think they would definitely implement them should they see the demand. Larian is overall great when listening to fans and players.
But there are also a lot of things I doubt we can expect them to implement.
The way a lot of the NPCs are written feels like their story should take place off-screen as well, and making more of it happen on-screen would probably take a very long time of writing and recording more dialogue, among other things.
I doubt they will add any new permanent companions, as that would mean an insane level of additional effort for them. And while Zevlor, for example, is extremely strong and I would have loved for him to help us more under Moonrise, I think overall, the area was supposed to be difficult but manageable, which it already is, even in Tactician difficulty, especially if you have Aylin to aid you in the fight. Adding him to fight with us there would probably not be too difficult, but it feels as though they would have to buff Ketheric in order for things to still be balanced.
Now this might just be me, but as much as I adore Zevlor (among a lot of other NPCs), and even though I would have loved to hug him or even flirt with him during the party in Act I, accepting something like that or even having him sleep with Tav there doesn't seem to be in character to me. He seems more like the type to be caught off guard and flattered, but not like someone who would ever act on it, even if he did have a little crush on Tav. I could be wrong, though.
There is also a big difference between changes like that during early access and now that the game is released. It is no longer in active development, even though they are still working on a lot of things. But the game is released. It's out. I don't see them putting in thousands of work-hours into completely new character quests that they didn't at least already explore during earlier stages of development.
I know they had something else planned for Zevlor in Act II, but from what I heard, that was about him intentionally betraying the refugees, which I'm very glad they didn't implement.
Now, as much as I understand some people wanting to ask for romances of their favorite NPCs (I've seen Zevlor, Dammon, Rolan, Raphael, Omeluum, Abdirak, Kar'niss, Gortash, Orin, Nere, Barcus, Rugan, and a whole bunch more that people want to romance), writing a whole new romance that doesn't just feel like an afterthought, but fleshed out takes a lot of time. And you can already tell that, because even most of the main companions don't feel like they ever finished those. Which also means that the companions need to be the top priority here.
Wyll was rewritten a few months before the game was released, and even now, months AFTER release he is still hours behind in content compared to other companions. It just takes a very long time to write, produce, record, polish, animate, then fully implement things. Even with mocap, there are still animators who have to properly animate everything. Mocap doesn't do the full job here, so even smaller animations take time.
Something as fleshed out with as many scenes and dialogue options as Astarion's romance took them 4 full years of constant development, recording and many iterations to get things right. And even there they still have to keep working, fix things, rewrite smaller things, add more dialogue, etc.
Larian worked on the game for years to get it to this point, so another romance, a fully developed quest line, could easily take a year during active development. Outside of development, it could take much longer, so to me it doesn't sound feasible to create something like that for a character that isn't part of the main group.
They already have their hands full with hundreds of things they still fix and develop, the entire upper city was cut fairly shortly before release, so it will probably be put back in. And I wouldn't be surprised if that meant some changes as to what we can see and who we can meet in Act III, but even then, I doubt they will make smaller NPCs romanceable.
Hugs? I would like that. A few more one-night stands with some extra dialogue? Sure. But I don't think we will get any more companions, or full romances. (Which is, by the way, the reason I think Frazer has been told not to hype up a potential romance with Dammon, not to inspire hope where there is none. He is a big part of the story for Karlach, that was already written in Early Access and developed quite a bit before being ultimately dropped for now. But creating a full romance with him is not in scope of what they can realistically put out with the level of quality they aspire to have.)
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~more NY hc’s for you other simps~
(Also, pls take a break to get some food and water and to tell yourself how much you matter and how loved you are pls 🥺🩵)
-this boi has most definitely dragged his brothers outside if it had snowed overnight and there was a bunch of snow on the ground, and his brothers are fine with it at this point. Why? Cuz they’ll get a rare phenomenon known as a Cold Cuddly Yorkie after.
-York has 100% walked into one of his brother’s rooms, stood in the doorway, knocked something over, and just ran away while they’re like- "👁️👄👁️💢"
One time, he did that to Connie and he got chased outside and up a tree, since he can climb while Connie can’t. So Connie got Texas to get up there and get him. York thought that he could jump to the next branch, but got snatched by Tex and handed to Connie, who got his revenge.
-Sometimes, when York is in a bad mood and is mumbling a list of things they dont like about themself under their breath, Mass or one of the other two will notice and chime in with a way longer list of things they like/love about York whilst hugging him and keeping him pinned til they’re done.
-York is a certified hoodie thief, but only with those that he loves. He will go into their room and just snatch a hoodie and RUN- he thinks that his friends and family won’t notice, but they do. And they think it’s friggin’ adorable.
-He f(speaks Midwestern)in’ LOVES animals. He has a rat, a ferret, and a small Yorkshire terrier of his own. But he also loves his brother’s animals too, especially Mass’s cat, Mayflower. He was a bit skeptical of Jersey’s dogs Mar and Murrie (one’s a Doberman and the other is a Boxer) at first, due to them being big powerful dogs, but he eventually learned to love them as well.
-due to the cultural diversity in his state, I like to believe that York speaks several languages and has very little to no struggle in switching from language to language, tho he speaks Dutch and Italian the best.
-his brothers will bug him while he is laying on the ground or something by wiggling their finger above his face just to see him paw at them like a cat
-him and Loui both love doing makeup and pulling off insane makeup looks, so whenever Mass isn’t available to be a test subject, Loui is his next option.
-this man’s flexibility is otherworldly- it’s terrifying honestly- he can bend in ways that no human should be able to 😭 and he’s double jointed.
-he is 100% the mean friend and you cannot tell me otherwise
-hell will freeze over before this mf decides to sleep willingly
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postwarlevi · 2 years
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You find a little black kitten alone on Halloween. He has no name tag and there are no other kitties in sight.
You already have a few cats at home with Levi/Jean...... (Or both of them..... Have we done a poly with Jean and Levi on here?! Hmmm......) But what's one more kitten?
He's soooo cute! Hello Cat <3 Surprise I'm not letting this sit in my inbox for 7 weeks (like some other things oops! Sorry everyone!)
I know black kitties especially aren't treated well on Halloween. Oh that makes me mad! Literally the reason I'd be put in jail is for beating someone for abusing an animal LOL not sorry!
Also, I'll skip the poly angle on here to be safe but....I'll see you on Discord ;)
About 900 words of short scene/HC cat dad Levi fluff!
I really see Levi liking cats. They can keep to themselves, are pretty clean, low maintenance, at least some of them!
So, wandering around on Halloween to see the neighbors decorations just before dark and all the kids running around in costume.
The littlest kitten comes mewing up to you as you pass by a house and of course you reach down to pick it up.
He's pretty tiny but doesn't seem in bad condition.
You try to figure out who he belongs too but the house whos yard he came from tells you it's not there's, but there is a bunch of stray cats in the area.
You hold the kitty who purrs and settles into you and looks around for a bit but it's getting late and there's no sign of other cats.
You most certainly can't leave him, especially on this night, so.... :)
"No, no, what is that?" Levi says the moment you enter the house.
"But Levi!" You huff and explain. "What do you want me to do with him?"
He stands there shaking his head as your other cats Penny and Scout come to see what's going on.
Penny hisses and backs away, but Scout forgets all about personal boundaries and wants to see the kitten.
"He's so little." Levi is already starting to cave.
"Yeah. Wanna hold him?" You ask timidly as you try to keep Scout from scaring the little ball of fur who also seems interested in him.
Levi sighs. "Let's...give him a bath." He mumbles and heads to get some towels from the closet.
You bite your lip to keep yourself from squealing with delight and carry him into the bathroom.
Your other cats are on flea medications as they go outside with you, but this guy is way too young for that and it would be best to take him to the vet first. So, this is your option.
Levi fills up the tub just a couple inches and as you both sit on the floor you cringe, waiting for the kitten to flip out when you put his paws in the water.
"Huh. Look at that." Levi smiles and you open your eyes to see that the kitten doesn't seem to mind the water at all.
He splashes around at the ripples of water like he was made for baths.
He does protest a little when you try to wipe him with a wet cloth.
"Oh stop. You're already wet." Levi tells him after he lets out a long cry.
"Hey, stop that!" You yell to the crying adult cats on the other side of the door that want to know what's going on.
While the bathtub drains and Levi cleans up you towel cry the kitten.
"You're just so adorable, aren't you? You don't have any siblings, do you?" You baby talk to him while he purrs.
"Don't even think about it." Levi says of you already thinking about more cats.
Thankfully he's not so little he can't eat some wet cat food, and gobbles it down to the point you think he might pop. But he sure is happy.
"Better think of a name." He says of the little guy who he already loves.
You hug Levi tight. "Thank you. I didn't do it on purpose, honest!" You want him to know. But he knows.
While you finally introduce him to Scout who takes him under his paw right away, you and Levi start getting up every few minutes to hand out candy. It is Halloween, after all.
The costumes are creative and the kids all love coming to your house as you hand out the best candy.
"Thank you Mrs Ackerman! Thanks Mr Ackerman!" The ones that are old enough and know you say with wide smiles.
"Don't eat everything in one night!" You tell them, waving to parents who are waiting for their kids at the end of your driveway.
At some point Penny gets some courage and comes and meets the new kitten after watching him and Scout playing with some toys.
Turns out she kind of likes him too now that he doesn't smell so strange.
Levi gives her lots of attention, showing that there are no favorites.
"It's your new brother." You tell Penny while she washes the kitten.
After all the candy is given out (you save a few pieces for yourself, of course) and the kitten is passed out from an eventful evening, you carry him to bed.
Yes, you and Levi let the cats on the bed. Most of the time at least, until they start playing at 3am like it's time to get up. Then it's time for them to go.
Tonight though, everyone settles in easily.
Scout down by your legs, Penny leaning against Levis pillow, and the new kitten purring loudly between you two.
"Thank you Levi." You say sleepily as you lay together.
"Don't make it a habit." He jokes as he gives the kitten a pat and reaches over to rest his arm across you.
Tomorrow, you'll call the vet for his first visit, and pick out a name as you get to know his personality more.
You're very happy that he picked the very moment you passed by to show himself, as he's the perfect fit for your family.
So, what are we naming him!? Thank you for sending this :D
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hoper-n-dreamer · 2 years
Title: Until I found you both.
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(gif by zeifellt and frozen-delight )
[ yeah I know credits are visible under the gifs but I am new here and want to make sure the people making these beautiful gifs have their names on top]
This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic. I am a sucker for platonic fics so here we go.
Summary: what if you told Dean and Sam about an insecurity regarding your appearance and they react in the most wonderful manner.
Word count: no idea
You, Sam and Dean were lying on the bed comfortably. Sam busy on his laptop while Dean hastily eating the last piece of cake(yes he was out of pie). You were best buddies so there was a comfortable silence until you broke it with a question;
'Dean , Sam do you think I am pretty?'
The question caught them off guard but after a few seconds they did answer,
'Of course sweetheart, no doubt the prettiest one. ' Dean expressed without missing a beat with Sam accompanying,
'Yeah sweetie you are indeed, but why are you asking this ?'
' I know you guys are saying this because you love me and we are like family, but seriously I do think if we weren't friends , you wouldn't even notice me if either of you met me somewhere. Uh, what I want to say is that I have seen the women you go out with , they are so pretty and tall and blonde and skinny, and I am neither of those things.'
' Hey sweetheart that's not true. You are really beautiful, like sure the women we go out with are all that but you are also beautiful I mean any guy would be hella lucky to even breathe the same air as you.'
'Yeah , I mean if I had a chance in a lifetime without hunting and my girlfriends getting killed and all , I would love to marry a girl like you.'
'But I am fat , look big thighs and belly fat, people would make fun of you guys if you were with me. It's just I wish sometimes that someone would ask me out and take me for a date you know like dinner and dance and stuff. And he wouldn't be embarassed to be seen with me in public, i just don't want to change my appearance for someone you know , i want them to love me for who I am with all these flaws.'
After you finished this emotional outpour both Sam and Dean looked at each other , with a little concern and maybe tinge of pity. They wanted to tell you that whatever they said about you was not some sympathy talk, it was real. They wanted to tell you that you were the kindest , sweetest , most beautiful soul they had encountered. Selfless , smart and brave, heck even the vocabulary would fall short of adjectives to describe how special you were to them. They made a silent pact and after giving you the biggest group hug they went out to do their respective stuff.
Here you were lying on the same bed , looking at the ceiling and asking dear Chuck that if you were as special as the brothers made you sound why hasn't anyone in your life made you feel that special. While contemplating all these things hours passed by and then came a knock.
' It's open come in.' Sam entered with a bunch of clothes in his humongous moose arms.
' Hiya milady , now get your pretty ass up and choose one of these three things to wear.'
Bewildered by this sudden demand the only thing you could conjure was,
' what ,huh? Why? What? Why are you wearing a dress shirt?'
' We are going for a special night . Here are the three options , the comfy jeans and Tee, the red satin dress and the black gown. Whatever you feel comfortable in , get ready in 15 minutes and meet me and Dean at the garage. Hurry up.'
And with that the adorable giant went downstairs leaving you in a happy shocked state. Not wasting even a second you put on your favourite outfit and wore your hair in a manner it made you feel pretty, excited you put on your shoes of your choice and ran downstairs.
And with the brightest smiles there were these two beautiful brothers you loved , who were the best thing that had happened , greeting you with roses in their hands. You could see how their smiles grew the moment they saw you coming downstairs, as if entranced by your beauty and the softest eyes they greeted you.
' Princess , would you do this peasant a favour and get your beautiful, hot ass seated in the ride i affectionately call 'the baby'.'
'Oh my , Dean, Sam I - oh , you guys are doing so much for me , I don't even know how to thank you.'
' Oh sweetie believe me when I say you thank us everyday by merely existing, now take my hand and let's roll because I am really hungry.' Sam said with a chuckle.
Man you were really feeling pretty thanks to these adorable dorks. After about half an hour , the three of you arrived at your beloved restaurant. Sam and Dean insisted that you order as much as you want it was their treat and so you did. Especially taking care to order the pie knowing Dean loves it , and Sam's guilty pleasure a French pastry with some fancy name you couldn't pronounce. The three of you sat there stuffing the food and laughing, forgetting about any worries that plagued your lives. After few hours passed you thought that the day of surprise was over but after reaching the bunker they stopped you from going to your room.
'Hey , the night's not over yet ' and with that Dean took your hands and signalled Sam.
And there it was your favourite song playing in the background. The first song was Until i Found you by Stephen Sanchez ( readers do listen to this song it's beautiful and you can listen to it while reading it).
Georgia...wrap me up in ....
Dean pulled you close , one hand in yours the other on your waist. Swaying effortlessly. With Sam taking his turn and replacing Dean while you twirled .
And then the realisation hit you , you looked at both of them,you really looked at them, you looked at their smiles in their eyes. And you looked at their happiness, and realised that even if you didn't feel like the prettiest person in the world earlier, Sam and Dean made you feel like a queen. And with your head on their chest, closing your wet eyes you realised how damn lucky you were that you found them, really they were the one pulling you out of darkness all along. And even if you weren't their lover per se, you loved them with all your damn heart. And you knew as well that they loved you with theirs .
I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you 💖
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