Always a Slut for Anything Historical
196 posts
Despite the generic blog name, this is a kink blog. 18+, please do not interact if you are a minor. Bi-ace. 22. She/Her pronouns.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 4 days ago
hii can you please reblog or like this if you post sapphic snz content? trying to find more f/f stuff on here but it's hard!! 💕
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 5 days ago
𝕱𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕾𝖙𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖞
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No particular character, just really wanted to try this pose.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 5 days ago
Back with another wav! (Omg, who is she?)
Pretty much what it says on the tin- my nose was itchy, it was annoying me, I decided to record this. It did take me a minute to get going, but around the halfway mark I really got going (well, relative to how I usually sneeze anyway XD).
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 6 days ago
i always hear about big noses but…. may i present to you: small noses? how do you fit so many tickles in that tiny little nose, bunny? so delicate, so sensitive. all those nerve endings bunched into tiny nostrils. imagine taking a feather to them…
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 9 days ago
thinking about noses that are very active. always quivering and flaring in response to any slight irritant. constantly quick to turn bright red the second a sneeze begins to build up.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 11 days ago
Back with another wav! (Omg, who is she?)
Pretty much what it says on the tin- my nose was itchy, it was annoying me, I decided to record this. It did take me a minute to get going, but around the halfway mark I really got going (well, relative to how I usually sneeze anyway XD).
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 12 days ago
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 13 days ago
Side-effects of getting a fairy roommate: turns out a really high proportion of the human population is allergic to fairy dust, so it's kind of like owning a cat but with more social awkwardness.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 17 days ago
someone post sneezing fit stumbling to the bathroom to grab toilet roll to tend to their nose because theyve used up all their tissues. whether it was allergies or some sickness, they were sneezing their head off and when they look in the mirror it is very obvious they had been sneezing too. their eyes are red and puffy. their nose equally red or more, streaming onto their upper lip. its raw and chapped. as they bring the tissue up to their nose it starts to quiver and flare. they should just get in the shower
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 17 days ago
Thinking about a long, grueling retail shift that’s made even worse by an unrelenting cold. The worker is sore and fatigued, rocking on their feet to stabilize themselves seven hours into their shift. Their head spins every time they blow their nose and they have to hide their incessant sneezing from customers. They’re trying to greet everyone with a cheerful smile but their raw, red nose draws more attention. Their pockets are stuffed with tissues as they move around the store restocking shelves, ducking behind racks of clothes and merchandise to stifle their coughing fits. The harsh florescent lights don’t help the headache they’ve been fighting with medicine, and they’re not sure if the store has turned up the heat to combat the winter weather or maybe, just maybe, they’re beginning to run a fever. They’re not allowed to answer the store phone because their stuffed up voice is unintelligible. They don’t have the energy to placate rude customers, and the few sympathetic smiles are outnumbered by the harsh looks that come with each sneeze. The end of their shift can’t come soon enough, and they’re already dreading doing it all over again tomorrow.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 18 days ago
A character in desperate need of warm, dry clothing struggling to undress themselves- fingers clumsy with cold fumbling at buttons and laces and fasteners; wet or muddy or ice-encrusted fabric clinging and tangling and resisting efforts to pull it off; quaking shivers destroying the necessary coordination to free theirself of successive layers, and the entire process getting progressively harder the longer it takes and the longer they're stuck in cold, wet, heat-leeching clothing.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 18 days ago
A polite and dapper twink of a man with a big nose and glasses…
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 23 days ago
Petulant sneezing while hiding scenario:
Character A has been plagued by a horribly stuck sneeze all day, but now that they're in a hiding place with character B, their nose is finally ready to end their suffering. They're so desperate for relief that they're not considering their current situation—their face goes slack, head tipping back...B sees this and can't believe A is so readily reckless. They have to convince them to hold back the upcoming fit, or at the very least stifle it into submission. A's practically pouting in their reluctance and itchiness—the only thing they can think of right now is letting the mounting sneezing fit explode out of them. B might not be able to convince them, and in that case has to somehow force A to cooperate, lest their hiding spot be given away.
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 1 month ago
✧ 𝓐𝓼𝓴𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓢𝓷𝔃 𝓞𝓒𝓼 ✧
- Reblog to get questions in your inbox! This is an 18+ only ask game. Thank you! -
👃 Does the character have an interest in snz? Do they prefer sneezing, or seeing others sneeze, or both?
🎼 Loud sneezes, or quiet sneezes? Is their voice high or low pitched? What does it sound like?
💯 How many sneezes in an average sneezing fit?
🌸 Do they have any allergies?
❄️ How frequently do they catch colds?
😖 What cold symptom is most bothersome for them?
😳 Are they embarrassed about sneezing in front of others? In front of someone they like? Why or why not?
😑 Is it easy or difficult for them to admit to being sick?
🙊 Do they tend to stifle?
🛏️ Are they willing to stay in bed when they’re sick?
🌡️ Would they be good at caring for a sick person, or would they be a little lost?
🍜 How do they like to be comforted when they’re sick? Or, how do they like to comfort others?
🤧 Do they carry a handkerchief/tissues?
💞 Do they want company when they have a cold or do they want to be left alone?
❤️‍🩹 Do they get emotional when they’re sick?
🖤 Have they ever been shamed or neglected for being sick, or have they always been well cared for?
❤️‍🔥 What’s something they would admit during a fever/illness they wouldn’t admit at any other time?
❤️ How sexual are they outside of snz?
💧 How stoic or openly vulnerable are they overall?
💗 Are they a top, bottom, or switch?
🫦 Do they have any other kinks?
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 1 month ago
snzario: moving in together
Just some musings on a couple moving in when one is, as the law requires, a sneezy individual
Dust. That’s it that’s the post. No but dust from unpacking those boxes that take a while to get to, dust from cleaning furniture before it gets put in the moving truck, just. Dust.
Deciding who gets which chores in order to minimize the sneezy one’s exposure to allergens like cleaning agents
Navigating pets involved and the need to de-fur more often
Discussing what brands of laundry detergent and dryer sheets set them off
Also, preferred brands of tissues, cold meds, etc
Watching their morning fits pre-allergy meds
and lots more 😊
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 1 month ago
Love when a character is already sick, and then they get injured on top of that.. peak misery
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laceandsilkhandkerchiefs · 1 month ago
Love logging back on here after weeks of having absolutely no horn due to hormones and stuff to see a creepy message in my DMs, and then finding that the person who sent it deleted their blog anyway (presumably because they were sending people inappropriate messages and got called out for it).
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