billthedrake · 2 days
Mmm... that feels nice, bro.
Bring it in Brodie... your Matt's got you. There... lean back against me.
(chuckles) You're sweaty.
We're both sweaty.
Hm, didn't know you could get like that going slow.
Slow and long, buddy. We were at it almost an hour. That's why.
(Pause) I sometimes wish Dad would go slow. Usually, it's... I wish I could tell him to go slow.
(sound of a hand patting tight abs) You can, Brode. You should.
(sigh) I know. I just want it to feel good for him. It's weird but now that we're boyfriends, I dunno....
Boyfriends talk about shit. You should tell him.
(more resolved) I will.
(soft kiss to the head) You're all jacked Brodie... when did you get so big?
Since last Spring. Been working on it. You guys should come to visit more often.
I know. It's complicated.
I know. I just miss you guys. Dad does too.
I'll be back for your graduation. I'm sure Connor will, too.
Hmmm.... I like the way you touch me, Matt.
I can't stop feeling you up.
Then don't.
You OK with me shacking up with you tonight, buddy?
Oh yeah. I figured that was going to be the arrangement. You know, with Dad and Connor having their date night.
Doesn't mean you have to like the arrangement, Brode. You OK with them together?
I'm not jealous. And Dad... well, he kind of encourages me to be with other guys.
Have you?
A couple, yeah.... Damn, Matt, whatever you're doing with your hands is boning me the fuck up again. Already.
Connor doesn't like this... after he cums, he's done.
Dude, he's missing the best part.
(chuckles) Maybe you should tell him that.
I fucking will. Seriously, Matt, you should became a masseur or something.
I have a day job already.
I know, I'm just saying.... mmm, a little lower, oh fuck, right there.... making my cock leak and you're not even touching it.
So Brodie, be real with me bro... how's the boyfriend thing working out?
I know I seem messed up, Matt, but it's been mindblowingly awesome.
Doesn't seem like this bed's been slept in much.
Bro, I haven't slept in my own room since I got grounded.
(laugh) Dad grounded you?
(laugh) Yeah, back in the summer. For breaking curfew. Three fucking weeks. He thought he had to act all paternal, you know.
How was that?
Dude, I was pissed. And we were fucking blue balled for three weeks. The make up sex was pretty intense, though. Kind of made it worth it.
Oh yeah. Only time I think I really loved it hard.
You're getting bricked again, Matt. I can feel that big cock against my back.
(soft kiss to the head) Just hearing my little brother talk like that is wild.
Huh. I think that's why I wanna get big. So you guys will stop thinking about me as little.
(Pats chest) It's not about size, Brodie.
I know, Matt. Still, I wanna get big. Bigger than Dad eventually.
Bro, I'm bigger than Dad. He's solid, but he doesn't lift.
I'm surprised you ended up with Connor, actually.
I love Connor's body. But it's more than that.
He's my brother, like you Brodie. But we've always been especially tight. Grew up together. And maybe I go for the smart ones. (chuckles)
That's cool. I guess go for the strong, silent type. Connor probably does too.
He does. (scoots) Here, let's shift a little.... much better, Brodie.
(soft kisses)
Fucking nice.
Yeah, Brode... fucking nice.
Man... your fucking arms are insane.
Connor likes 'em.
I bet he does. Fuck.
Brodie... I don't wanna be the older brother who's always lecturing you, but life is more than muscles you know.
(chuckles) Easy for you to say.
(smiles) Well, feel em all you want, buddy.
I will.
(More kissing. Deeper, longer)
You're so hard, Matt.
Guess I have a fresh pump from my workout this afternoon,
No, I mean your cock.
Oh yeah, it's been like that the last fifteen minutes. I got my stud little bro in bed with me.
I'm not little, Matt.
You're not. 6'5" (kiss) tight end body (kiss) D1 ready.
You ready to break some hearts at Stanford, bro? (kiss)
I'm a little in denial actually.
Bro, that letter of intent is signed. Big fucking accomplishment.
I know. I mean about going off.
(sigh) You gotta, Brodie. Gotta leave the nest. Become your own man.
I know.
You know... Dad's gonna have empty nest syndrome like crazy. You can probably get your way for the next few months.
Yeah? (chuckles) No more being grounded?
No more being grounded.
Shame, I'll miss the make up sex.
Dude, homecoming sex is just as good.
(wet kissing)
You think that's what Connor's going to feel tonight?
I know that's what Connor's going to feel.
He's probably not going to tell Dad to go softer, is he?
Knowing Connor... no, no he won't. But don't compare yourself to him, Brode. Him or anyone else.
I guess.
You're Dad's favorite, buddy. He worships the ground you walk on.
Yeah. Matt... you wanna fuck me again?
You know I do Brode. But let's take our time. We got all night.
You must think I'm an impatient kid.
You're a horny fucker. I like that.
Jesus, Matt. I'm gonna try this out with Dad.
Try what, bro?
The whole slow thing. I'm so fucking horny with you.
I can only imagine what this would feel like with Dad.
Tell him, Brode. Make it happen.
I totally will.
Jesus, Matt, I fucking love your muscle. My big brother.
You're fucking jacked for 18, bro.
Mmm... does Connor get into it?
Yeah he does.
Does you guys, you know, ever do any worship stuff?
You mean body worship? (softer) We've done that.
Hot. (softer) I wanna ask Dad to try that too.
You think I'm weird.
Hardly. I'm just picturing Dad doing a worship session with you.
He's not very verbal.
No he's not. I think I heard him say 10 words all through high school.
(laughs) Come on, Matt... he's not that bad.
I exaggerate. But not much.
Fuck yes.
You like that buddy?
I love you on top of me, Matt. How much you weigh?
2-fucking-50. Fuck.
Does Dad know you curse like a sailor.
(laughs) He once grounded me for that, too.
I remember that. You were testing his authority.
Dad doesn't like that.
No, he doesn't.
Thought I was gonna get whipped, too.
Dad wouldn't do that.
I know. But fuck, I really thought he was gonna get the belt, he was so mad.
Brodie, you called him the c-word. In front of Mom.
I was there, remember? We laugh about it now.
Mmmm... feel my arms stud. You like those.
Damn, Matt.
Damn, yourself. Someone taught you how to kiss.
Yeah. Dad.
You're a better kisser than him, bro. For real.
(more kissing)
How do you think date night is going?
Sure you're not jealous, Brode?
Sure I'm sure.
Connor misses Dad. A lot.
You don't?
I do, too. But...
I know... it's complicated.
OK if I tease the hole a little Brode?
You gotta ask?
Sometimes it can get uncomfortable keeping your legs spread.
(smirks) Sounds like you speek from experience, Matt.
Some. Tried it but realized bottoming wasn't for me.
Dad. And a couple of dudes in Chicago. Never felt good.
For what it's worth you're an amazing top, bro.
Thanks. I have some amazing inspiration beneath me.
Oh fuck, you're big.
You took me just now, Brodie.
I did. That was thirty minutes ago.
Who's counting?
Easy buddy, just gonna work it in and out.
That big brother cock.
Yep, that big brother cock. In my little bro's tight hole.
I'm not little, Matt.
(smiles) And you're not gonna be tight when I'm done.
(heavy breathing)
Connor's one lucky dude.
Hope that wasn't the wrong thing to say.
I can take a complement.... gonna go in with more.
Goddamn, that jock hole is amazing. So wet....
That's all you, Matt.
I can see why Dad has you sleep in his bed each night. Fuck.
He doesn't make me, bro. I wanna.
I know.
Jesus, how much did I cum?
You don't know?
(laughs) I thought I did. But fuck... (choked grunt)
Why'd you stop?
(whispers) Is that them?
(whispering back) Yeah.
(quiet) They're gonna fuck.
Yeah Brode, they will.
So fucking hot.... you in me, while Dad bones C.
That turns you on too.
Hell yes it does.
I can tell. You're rock hard inside me. Alive.
If I tell you something will you keep it a secret, Brode?
If Dad asked me on date night while I was here, I'd say yes in a heartbeat.
God you guys are so fucking stubborn.
I inherited his worst traits, Brodie.
And his best.... oh fuck me, man.
Like this?
Yeah, just like that. So fucking nice.... I don't know how you even go so slow.
It's because it turns you on.
You like me whoring out for you?
I don't like that word.
You don't have to apologize. I just don't like my little brother thinking of himself that way.
Unng.... deeper, man.
Yeah. Fuck me.
Your voice even gets deeper when I fuck you Brode.
Just fucking shove it in me already, bro.
Slow, remember?
(laughs) You're killing me.
Like that.... yeah... you feel it.
I wanna get us both there, bro.
You're gonna, Matt.
Feel me up, Brode. Feel my muscle while I fuck you.
You're bottoming out now.
I'm bottoming out.... I'm not as big as Dad.
You're big enough. Fuck.
You're a firecracker, bro.
Goddamn, Matt. I love this.
Me, too, buddy. Hang on.
Oh fuck... oh fuck.
Turns out I have more than one speed, little bro.
Fuck me, Matt!
Huhnng.... they're gonna hear us Brode.... they're gonna hear me fuck you.
You naughty fucker. Hot fucking ass.
So wet. I can feel your dick sliding in and out.
My cum. It's frothing up.
Dude, you're fucking railing me. Stirring it up.
Ung... ungh... ungh...
Matt, just fucking cum... Fucking cum up my hole.
Almost there, bro.... too fucking hot.
Fuck me like Dad fucks me.
Jesus. FUCKK!
(heavy breathing) God.... that was....
Stay in me bro... like that... saw that brother dick in and out while I stroke...
Go for it bro.... Your Matt's got ya.
Yes... oh, I'm gonna.... oh yeah... oh fuck... SHIT!
Stud!.... shit, that's a big load.
(laughs) Jesus, yeah. Guess the slow thing really works one up.
OK if I pull out?.... whoa I wasn't kidding... you're all frothed up, bro. Like a...
You were gonna say 'whore' right?
I wouldn't call you that, Brodie. But fuck...
We're even sweatier now.
Got my cardio in that's for sure.... damn these sheets are fucking soaked.
Maybe I should change them. Put these in the wash.
You're not doing a damn thing. Just relax. Bottom's prerogative.
Dude, is that even a thing?
(chuckles) For me it is. A man puts out like that, I'm taking clean up duty. OK?
Damn. Dad definitely didn't teach you how to kiss like that.
You haven't kissed him in a while, Matt.
I know. Still.... my brother's got game.
Where are the clean sheets? I'll go get them.
Wait a second, OK?
What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong. I just royally fucked twice. I wanna hold the man who did the honors for a second. OK?
Mmmh... yeah. Sorry. How's this?
You know, Connor chastises me for not being romantic enough sometimes.
You guys bicker a lot?
Our fair share. It's been more since Connor moved in with me.
I keep waiting for me and Dad to get like that.
Whaddya mean?
You know... argue... like a real couple.
Dude, he fucking grounded you.
(shrugs) Yeah, he was being Dad, though. That's different.
Mmm, nice...
I'll say.
You know... I think you should tell him, Matt.
Tell who? What?
Tell Dad you wanna go on a date. You guys are here, what? Three more days?
Bro, it's fucking Christmas.
All right. (light slap on flesh) OK... time to change these sheets. They're fucking drenched.
You're totally going to listen in to see if you can hear Dad and Connor, aren't you?
(laughs) Maybe.
(chuckles) OK, perv. I'm gonna shower off. Maybe you can make me a midnight snack while you're out there. You know, bottom's prerogative.
You got it, Brode. And breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow, too. Just now... that was frickin' incredible.
I agree, Matt.
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piknim · 2 months
Day 2 work impressions: the smell of tobacco is burned into my nose aaaaaaa
But other than getting mixed messages from the rules about tobacco and alcohol sales this job seems fairly easy??? I get why it has a high turnover rate though. Customers kept saying "oh youre new, welcome to the hood. Theres a high turnover rate here" FJSBSBSBSB
0 notes
evasive-anon · 6 months
Jason Attacking Tim at Titans Tower
Fanon vs Canon
We've all seen the versions in fanfiction but I'm not so sure everyone's seen the original so if you're one of those batfam fans who doesn't want to read the comics (regardless of reasons) but you are curious about how it actually went this is for you.
What I'm addressing:
What does Jason actually say to Tim during the attack?
Did Jason drug all the other Titans?
Did Jason really wear a Robin costume?
Did Jason slit Tim's throat or call him replacement?
Did Jason actually break Tim's bo staff?
Was Tim crying or scared?
Did Jason write a message on the wall in Tim's blood?
Did Jason's eyes glow green?/Did he follow pit rage mechanics?
Panels and details below. This is a LONG one.
What did Jason actually say to Tim during the attack?
Dialogue in fanfiction during the Titans Tower attack varies based on what kind of fic you're reading but usually its either 'time to clip Replacement's wings' if its staying a beatdown whump 'or oh no precious lil bby why is no one watching you' if its an accidental child acquisition. Not judging either option, but this ain't about them its about the real shit.
Look at these opening lines:
Hey, Tim. I was here first.You're the Red Hood. You've been cleaning up Gotham the easy way. Easy? What do you know about easy, Tim? You had a father that looked after you. You went to a private school, right? You slept in a bed. I slept on the streets, I lived in the alleyways in Gotham. Trying to survive. Until Bruce took me in. I trained as hard as I could. I did whatever he asked. . . at least at first. But it didn't matter. They said I wasn't tough enough to be robin. But today, they say you are. Show me, Tim. Show me what you have that I didn't.
Jason really puts himself out there in all of his dialogue in this encounter, the struggle of having to fight for anything and everything he got in life, even the things that came to everyone else for free, and then being told he wasn't even good enough for the things he fought for.
There's a trope in fanfics that if Jason knew Tim stalked Batman and forced his way into being Robin that it would change how Jason felt about the situation but that's even addressed in this comic:
You were a kid, worried about how Batman was spiraling down into darkness. You spent weeks tracking the dark knight. Solving a mystery no one else could. You discovered who he was behind that mask. Millionaire Bruce Wayne. You were so pleased with yourself, I'm sure that you forgot who you were really dealing with. I know Bruce Wayne. And let me tell you, Tim if someone was trying to find out who Batman really was. If someone was stalking him for weeks. He'd know about it. You can't be that good. I am. He let you find him. And I bet he said the same thing to you as he did to me, didn't he? That you had a talent to make a difference in Gotham. That he needed someone he could trust in war on crime. That you were one of a kind. The light to his darkness. Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Tim saying 'I am' is really such a moment that doesn't come through in text because he is right that he really did do that but I also completely understand why Jason wouldn't believe it.
TBH my favorite part is how done Tim honestly sounds with Jason thoughout all his trauma dumping. Like imagine a grown man who used to work the same part time job as you breaking into your house, dressing up in your work uniform, ranting about how much the job ruined his life while he beats your ass??? God, and he probably had to write a fucking report about it after. RIP Timmy.
What do you want? Do you want to be Robin again? Is that it? You... want to take it away from me? Why in the hell would I ever want that? Don't you get it? When I died no one cared! No one remembered me. Are you completely insane? No one could forget you. I've spent my entire career wearing this mask under your shadow. I had to convince Batman to let me try this. All because he'll never stop blaming himself for what happened to you. You ask me, that's the only reason he hasn't taken you down. He's holding back. But me? No freakin' way. That's the Robin I wanted to see. Still. You do realize the whole idea of training a teenager to fight against something he'll never eradicate is a mistake. It didn't even surprise anyone when I died. When I failed. I failed-- but I'm still beating you. Do you think you're that good now?! Do you really, Tim? Yes.
Tim bashing Jason across the face as he says 'no freakin' way'? *chefs kiss*
Jason drugging the other Titans to knock them out?
Little bit true, Kory was actually just already away from the tower and BB and Cyborg were about to bounce because of the drama going on with Donna's return but Jason like super tazes them and then drugs Raven who he thought already went through enough shit without him knocking her out violently.
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Note: Jason says in the text here that he never rolled with Cyborg or BB but like he actually did in some comics so?? The continuity is lie I guess idk.
Did he show up in Red Hood gear or a Robin costume?
Both tbh but he spent most of the time in the Robin costume but bro actually made a stripper rip away version of his Red Hood gear so he could dramatically reveal the Robin costume underneath. I can't believe no one ever includes that in their fics its so fucking funny.
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Does he call Tim 'replacement' or slit his throat?
No, this came from a Batman comic with Hush not Teen Titans. That incident takes place in a graveyard not Titans Tower and he calls Tim pretender not replacement.
Does Jason break Tim's staff?
Tragically, no. The bo staff snap would have been iconic. Instead he just takes Tim's staff and beats Tim up with it and breaks stuff. BUT!! He uses it to bust a statue in the TITANS MEMORIAL ROOM which is a place in Titans Tower just for having statues of dead previous titans and Jason is rightfully pissed he didn't get one. Like Tim is correct in saying no one forgot him still but like I would be hurt too if all my friends made cool statues of friends that died and then just left my zombie ass out, like wtf.
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Note: I am seriously losing my shit that I have never seen someone bring up the memorial room in a fanfic. That is so much angst material. 😭
Tim crying/ being scared?
Hell no. He's a fucking Robin you know he's being a sassy boy the whole time, even towards the end when he's about done he's still saying he's her and I love Tim for that.
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Note: There are a few different times where Tim does a flippy Robin move and then Jason just fucking copies it like flexing that he can do it too, and its just so petty and stupid he's trying so hard to be better than an actual child. 💀I get why in the context of the situation but its still so ridiculous.
Message on the wall in Tim's blood?
TBH I really don't know for sure on this one?? Like its implied that he did but Tim isn't bleeding all that much throughout this beatdown and like we don't see Jason do it just the Titans reacting to seeing it after. It could be Tim's blood, it could be red paint, and it could even be that Jason packed an actual bucket of blood to bring with him to write a message with after he finished. TBH the world is your oyster on this one.
Note: If anyone can find another comic where this event was brought up where they actually clarify it was Tim's blood hmu and I'll update this but I couldn't find any.
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Pit rage/ glowing green eyes?
Fanon only at this point in the comics. Jason is seems to be himself and even thinks Tim and his friends are pretty cool at the end, and he's just like reflecting on if he had good friends if he would have turned out better as he leaves.
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spookwyrdie · 1 month
.Riled Up.
{part 1}{part 2}{part3}
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Bang Chan x Reader x Han Jisung
word count: 6.2k
summary: Jisung arrives at your front door and Chan goes over a few ground rules for the evening. He's feeling a little extra bossy tonight.
genre: smut, power play
warnings: adult dialogue, sexual content, dom/sub dynamics, jealousy, threesome, piv sex, oral (both m and f receiving), edging, squirting, unprotected sex, creampie, a little M/M
a/n: Here it is! This ended up being waaaay longer than I anticipated, so thank you for your patience lil babies <3
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I have only posted this here and on AO3 - user: spookwyrdie
The words bounced around Jisung’s mind as he quickly turned the key in his ignition, roaring his car to life. 
“You have ten minutes to be at my front door… If you want another demonstration,” Chan had said and then the line went dead. Anticipation flooded Jisung’s veins as his heart pounded.
After the first moan he heard from you on the phone, he felt his cock twitch and immediately got up to leave the club, nearly jogging to his car. He couldn’t be around the thumping bass while he was trying to focus on the little whimpers that would leave your throat while Chan fucked you with his mouth. He needed to be in an enclosed space so he could really focus on picturing your face when you were mewling. Jisung could hear the slick noises your cunt was making in the background - it made him feel feral. 
It was bad enough that he got hard on the dance floor from you grinding into his thigh. It had started out innocent enough, just helping a friend out while she tried to coax her man to the dance floor. But then you went from zero to sixty, turning around and rolling your hips back into him, pressing your ass directly into his cock. He loved Chan, one of his best friends, always quick with good banter, but he couldn’t ignore how he’s always thought you were dripping with sensuality. It would do him no good to pine after a woman so wrapped up in his friend, so he compartmentalized that feeling so he could enjoy your company. But then you pressed your body up against his and his grip on that boundary loosened. It was so easy to help you out, to challenge Chan, by getting caught up in the way you danced with him. 
The eye contact he had made with Chan was electric, taking the sensation of you grinding on him and ramping up the voltage to a dangerous level. His eyes met Chan’s across the room and it was like the three of you were the only people in the room. He was obsessed with the way he had made Chan’s jaw clench while he watched you rocking your hips on Jisung’s thigh. The way the perfume on your neck lingered in his nose, the way your lip caught between your teeth, fuck… it was all too much. 
Being on the other line of that phone call had been the exact type of torture Jisung loves. His cock was straining against the material of his pants while he drove, images of you on his thigh with Chan glaring at him over your shoulder flashed through his mind. Every new little noise of yours that floated out through his phone’s speaker had him pulsating. He zoned out while on his way over to the house you shared with Chan, wondering what the night had in store for the three of you.
He arrived, pulling into the driveway, and killed the engine. He sat for a moment, steeling his nerves before he built up the courage to approach the house and ring the doorbell. 
Chan answered the door after a moment, cocking an eyebrow and giving Jisung a cocky grin. “It’s been exactly 9 minutes and 43 seconds. Good job following directions.”
Jisung rolled his eyes at the older man, a thrill running through him at the repartee still present from earlier in the night. “Well, it sounded like it might be more fun than the club, anyway,” he replied. 
“I bet it did,” Chan said, opening the door wide and gesturing for Jisung to enter. He had a glass with one finger of whiskey in it, swirling around as he waved his arm. “Follow me.”
The flickering in the fireplace had you in a trance as you came back into your body. You sat on the couch, tucked away in the corner cushions of the sectional, reeling after Chan had you coming undone in the back of a limo such a short time ago. Chan had gently half-walked, half-carried you into the house, sat you down, and fetched a cold water bottle for you that you were currently sipping. He was currently massaging your wrists where his belt had bitten into your skin, leaving behind red marks and a lovely sting. His eyes were full of affection as he gently rubbed over your sore wrists, murmuring little praises here and there.
“You did really well on the drive home, sweet thing,” he said, bringing your hand to his lips and planting small kisses on your inner wrist. “How are you feeling?”
“So good,” you hummed as you sank into the couch.
“Do you feel up to playing a little more tonight?” 
Chan’s eyes appraised you while you assessed yourself. Having one incendiary orgasm in the back of a limo on his tongue was amazing, but the dull throb was still present between your legs. You felt like that was only a taste of what was to come, so you just needed a moment to catch your breath before the next onslaught of sensation.
“Yeah,” you reply, pulling him towards you by the hand, pressing a slow kiss to his lips. You poured all the gratitude and emotion you felt tonight into that kiss. “I still need you.”
“Excellent. Cumming on my face once isn’t enough retribution for your little show this evening,” Chan said, pulling away slightly, dipping back into the dominant energy from earlier that evening. “We’re just waiting for the rest of our party to join us before I finish the lesson.”
At that, the doorbell rang, your eyes wide, arousal churning in your belly. You had fully spaced out when Chan had invited - no, commanded - Jisung to come over. Truthfully, you hadn’t really expected him to show up. But now that you knew he was here, that ache between your legs became more persistent.
For a while now, you’ve had an attraction to Jisung that you mostly ignored. You enjoyed how he and Chan would bounce off one another, they always made for an entertaining conversation. You usually kept your eyes from wandering too far, but you weren’t blind. Jisung was hot, with his broad shoulders and small waist. He had let his hair get shaggy over the last few months and you had been wanting to sink your fingers into it for a while now.
When the two of you discussed bringing in a third sometime, Jisung’s name got floated, and you hadn’t stopped thinking about it since then. Tonight was an accidental catalyst, provoking Chan’s possessive nature while testing the waters with Jisung. The memory of your hips rocking against his thigh while Chan trailed kisses up your neck hit you suddenly with a bolt of desire, ringing around in your chest and building deep in your core. You shift your legs as Jisung walks into the living room with Chan, and feel how slick you were already just from thinking about that moment on the dance floor. 
Chan has a hand around Jisung’s shoulder as they amble in. “Sweet thing, I was just going over some ground rules for us to all follow for tonight.” He stops Jisung in front of the massive sectional couch you’re sitting on, sliding the younger’s jacket from his shoulders. Chan patted his shoulder and squeezed.
“The most important rule of the night is that you both do what I say. Agreed?” Chan says as he walks around the back of the couch, slinging the jacket over the back cushions. 
You murmur a reply and Jisung nods silently. 
“Voices, I need to HEAR you.” 
“Yes, Chan,” the two of you say in near unison.
“Better,” he clips out. He meanders around the other side of the couch towards you, offering you a hand to stand. You wobble to your knees, still finding your balance, and he pulls you across the room towards the one armchair in front of the fire. “Ji, take a seat on the couch. Get comfortable.”
Jisung moves to take the seat you were just occupying, studying the two of you across the room in the flickering light. There’s a tension in his features, something sultry but a little nervous painting his features. Chan pulls you into his embrace, caressing up your arms. Gently grabbing your face, he draws you close for a kiss. His lips meet yours, tender yet filled with heat. You melt into him, his hands wandering to the back of your neck and up into your hair. His short nails dig into your scalp rhythmically, a soothing touch to match the fire that burned through you. You know beyond measure that anything that happens tonight is built on a solid foundation of love and safety. 
Chan pulls away, taking you by the shoulders and turns you to face Jisung. Standing behind you, his hands roam your body, fingers trailing along your outline. He’s the one presenting you to Jisung this time, a mirror image of your position earlier this evening. You’re like putty in his hands, malleable and warm. His eyes are on Jisung’s, taunting him with your body.
His fingers slip to the back of your dress, pulling the zipper down bit by bit, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. Jisung’s eyes are glued to your form, a faint blush on his cheeks as you watch him wet his lips with his pink tongue. Chan glides his hands under the straps of your dress and edges the fabric down your shoulders. He’s peeling your dress off of you slowly until it falls to the floor in a heap. You are fully naked now since your dress couldn’t accommodate a bra and your panties are still in Chan’s pocket. 
Jisung’s eyes widen as he drinks in the sight of your body. Chan’s hands slide up from your waist to cup your breasts and grips onto them. His fingers brush against your nipples, stopping to roll them between his fingers, having you gasping at the touch. One hand moves to your neck while the other snakes down to your mound, teasing and caressing over the neat thatch of hair framing your cunt. The way his fingers dance along your skin have you shaking in his grip. 
He maneuvers your body over to the armchair and sits with you on his lap, on display for Jisung. You can feel how hard his cock is, still trapped in his pants, pressing into your skin where you’re perched on his lap. Chan hooks his chin over your shoulder, hand drifting towards your glistening folds, and he smiles lazily at the younger man across the room. “She’s already had one orgasm tonight, but look how eager she is for another.”
He spreads your lips as you whimper, clenching around nothing. That hot bolt of embarrassment shoots through you again, but quickly morphs into lust when you see the look on Jisung’s face. He’s taking in your fucked out state, his mouth open in awe. Chan’s fingers start drawing lazy circles around your clit, barely applying any pressure, but just enough to chase his touch with your hips. His other hand snakes to the back of your head, clutching your hair again. 
“You had my mouth earlier, now I want yours,” Chan hisses low in your ear. You nod feverishly and slide onto the floor on your knees, twisting your body so you’re facing Chan. You are perfectly slotted between his thighs, waiting for instruction. 
“Well? You know how buttons work,” he says, full of snark. You scramble to untuck his button up shirt and undo his pants, focused on getting his cock into your mouth as fast as possible. Chan grabs your hands when he notices they’re shaking a little, smoothing his thumbs over your knuckles. You meet his eye and in a calm voice, he says, “Slow down. We’re only just getting started, sweet thing.”
You nod, take a deep breath, and unbutton his pants. You pull them down just past his hips, enough to dip your hand under the waistband of his underwear and pull him out. His neglected cock is a throbbing red. The tip leaks a little when you finally wrap your hands around him. You smile eagerly, looking up to Chan for permission.
He nods. You lick him from base to tip slowly. Hovering over the tip by a few millimeters, you drip saliva off of your tongue onto him. He hisses through clenched teeth as you slowly sink your hot mouth onto him, swirling your tongue around his tip. You moan at the taste of him, salt and musk, something so essentially Chan. He grunts and his hips buck into your mouth at your moan reverberating through him. 
“Fffuck, so good,” he grits out. “Take me all in.”
You feel him twitch in your mouth, bobbing up and down his shaft slowly. Relaxing your throat, you take him further in, your hand holding on to whatever you can’t fit in your mouth. Drool spills out of the sides of your mouth, the noises coming from your mouth getting sloppier. Chan’s hips start matching your rhythm, little grunts escaping his throat as you suck harder, hollowing your cheeks. He groans at the pressure in the vacuum of your mouth. 
Suddenly his hips still, you look up at him through your lashes. He’s glaring across the room at Jisung. The younger man’s hand is on his cock, palming himself over his jeans.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?”
“But, hyung…”
“No.” Chan bites out. “Hands off until I say so.”
Jisung clenches his jaw but does as he’s told. His hands rest on the tops of his thighs, fingers gripping into the fabric. 
“Good,” Chan says, gripping onto your hair once again. He pulls you gently off of his cock with a lewd pop! and takes hold of your jaw, making you look up at him. 
“I think he deserves a little treat for being such a good listener, don’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you hum, batting your eyelashes at him. 
Chan grins wide, his dimples showing. He runs his tongue over his teeth briefly as something wicked tinges his eyes. You look up at him eagerly. With your chin in his hand, he pulls your wet panties out of his pocket. His fingers press on the side of your cheeks, popping your mouth open, his eyes glowing with affection and pride at your easy submission. He loves knowing exactly how keen you are to put your full trust in him. 
He takes the elastic and presses it into your mouth.
Your teeth grab onto the garment, still soaked in your essence. You’re still looking at Chan expectantly, waiting for his next command. 
“Take those over to Ji,” he says. “On your knees.”
You turn, eyes locking onto Jisung’s face, as you start to crawl across the floor to him. Being on your knees makes you feel more animal than human, a feral lust growing with every move. Hips swaying back and forth, you note how Jisung’s gaze follows the movement like a hypnotist’s pocket watch. When you get to his lap, you slot yourself in between his thighs, still holding the panties between your teeth. 
“Jisung, hold out your hand.”
The younger man’s eyes flick between your face and Chan’s across the room. He places his palm up, cupping it like he’s waiting to hold water in his palm.
Chan is stern from across the room, his unemotional commanding voice sending a shiver of pleasure through you. You can hear the dominance in his tone, thankful you’re already on your knees. You drop the wet panties into Jisung’s waiting hand. He closes his fingers over them with a gasp and brings them to his nose. At the scent of you, his eyes flutter shut and a deep groan rumbles through his chest. When he opens his eyes again, they’re full of undiluted hunger as he pockets the panties.
You turn to look over your shoulder at Chan. He’s still in the chair, lazily pumping his cock in his fist. “Why don’t you sit on Jisung’s lap, sweet thing. He needs it.”
You crawl up Jisung’s body, his eyes never leaving your form. You rest a knee on either side of him, straddling his body. You grip onto his shoulders as you slowly sit yourself down. Resting at the crux of your thighs, you can feel the swell of his cock pressing eagerly against the fabric of his jeans. 
“Hi,” you say, suddenly bashful at your nudity against his clothed body. 
“Hi yourself,” he murmurs, a small smile gracing his heart shaped lips. “Can I touch you?”
You nod.
“Can I touch her, hyung?” Jisung’s eyes never leave yours as he asks.
Chan’s eyes are bright as he grins, “Yes, good job asking.”
Jisung puts his hands on your thighs as he drifts them up towards your hips. Snaking around your frame, he grips onto your ass, yanking your body towards him a few inches. You lean against him closer, knocked off balance by his pull. In unison, you both moan at the drag of your core against his cock. The distance between your faces close, your eyes flit between his gaze and his open mouth, ready to descend onto him.
“Can I kiss him, Chan? Please,” you whine, desperate to feel Ji’s lips on yours. The silent pause in the room is overwhelming as you feel Jisung’s hands kneading into your flesh. 
“Sure, sweet thing. Show him how good you feel.”
You surge forward as Jisung meets you halfway, closing that small distance between your mouths. Your teeth bump together in the frenzy, making you giggle into his mouth. You whisper a quick apology as Jisung slides his hand into your hair to ease your face away from his for a moment, smiling against your lips. He holds you steady while he goes in again for a kiss, slower and more steady, slanting his lip on yours with a confident determination. He pulls your bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling lighty, smirking with his half smile when he hears you gasp.
Your hands grasp at the fabric of his shirt, bunching it up in your hands and pulling. The idea of his skin on yours has you feeling hot, needing to feel him as soon as possible. 
“Shirt. Off. Now,” you grunt out, your brain is too preoccupied to form a full sentence.
He chuckles as he pulls away, tugging his shirt off quickly. His wavy hair falls into his eyes as you grab his face to kiss him again. You lick lightly against his lips, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. He obliges, tilting his head and gliding his tongue against yours. 
Jisung’s hands roam around your body, trying to learn your shape from feeling alone. One hand grabs the back of your neck as the other finds your hip again as he encourages you to grind into him again. The pressure he applies to your neck as he kneads has the tendons and muscles around your spine jolting with a shock of desire, the sensitive nerves zing! through your body. You lean fully into him now, breasts pressed up against his chest, mewling when his hips roll up into yours, nudging a blissful friction against your clit. Grinding your hips down onto him, your arousal coats the seam of his jeans as you find a rhythm that leaves both of you panting. 
“Fuck, y/n,” Jisung grunts into your mouth before he starts kissing along your jaw. “Better than I ever imagined.”
“You’ve imagined this?” you ask, hips still rolling against his.
“Dreamed of it once or twice,” he murmurs against your skin.
He licks a stripe down your neck, biting down just below your ear, your hips shuddering against him. Every part of your body that is touching his is on fire, a tingling erupting on your skin as your nipples brush against his as you rut against his clothed cock. You’re getting lost in the sensation, groaning at the heat of his mouth as he sucks against your neck. You speed up your hips until you feel another pair of hands on your waist. 
Chan looms behind you, slowing your hips down and directing the flow of motion against Jisung. Leaning towards your ear, he whispers, “Not yet, sweet thing.”
“Hyung, wait-” the younger man starts to say as you lean into Chan’s touch, still rolling your hips into Jisung. 
“Ji, you’re wearing far too many clothes. Y/n, help him out.”
You drop down to your knees again, using Chan as a support for your shaking legs. Your hands fly to the jeans, the seam covering his zipper damp with your arousal, giggling as you undo his pants. Tugging down on his remaining clothes, Jisung’s cock springs free from its confines, slapping wetly against his lower belly. You lean forward to get a taste, but Chan winds his fingers into your hair, holding your head a few inches  away from Jisung’s cock. You stick your tongue out as far as it will reach, trying to touch him, to lick against him. 
A loud slap echoes in the air as Chan brings his hand down on your ass, your hips spasming beneath him. Another slap on the other cheek has you whining, stinging pleasure and blooming pain light up in your core. You’re left clenching around nothing again, arching your back, another wave of hot arousal pumping through your abdomen.
“You have to ask if you want a taste.” Chan grits out. “Do you want to taste Ji?”
You can’t even speak, you just moan in  response and nod. “P-please.”
“Ji, do you want to feel what her hot little mouth can do?”
Jisung’s cock twitches against his belly as his hips shake. “God, yes,” he gasps out. 
Chan still holds your hair, not letting you move just yet. He takes his time, suspended in this moment of control.
“I bet Ji would taste so good on your tongue, it looks like his cock would feel heavy as he pulsates in your mouth.” 
You raise your eyes to meet Chan’s pleadingly.
“And Ji, I know how soft and wet her mouth is. But when she sucks down hard? Fucking heaven.”
Jisung whines this time, his hips bucking up. The tip of his cock coming within millimeters of your mouth. Chan just laughs, gripping hard on your hair before releasing you suddenly. 
“Go ahead, give it a try,” he says, pulling his own shirt off. 
You take no time pouncing on Jisung’s lap, engulfing him with your mouth, taking him in as far as you can. He nearly cries, choking on a moan from the onslaught of pleasure. Your hands rest on his hip bones, pressing him into the couch as he tries to thrust up into your mouth.
“FUCK!” he yells, as your nails dig into his flesh. His hands fly out, grasping onto your hair as he bucks into your mouth, legs quivering beneath you. You whimper from the pull on your scalp, eyes fluttering closed at the intensity of his grip and the taste of him. Jisung’s hips start to stutter, arms flying up to grab the back of the couch, babbling about how hot your mouth is as you suck him down. Chan’s hand suddenly snatches the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling you away from Jisung’s cock with a wet pop! A string of saliva still connects your tongue to the tip of his cock.
“HYUNG, WHAT THE FU-” Jisung starts to yell, cock bobbing as his hips chase after your mouth. 
“Hush.” Chan barks out, silencing him. He pulls you up to a standing position. “Remember the most important rule of the night?”
Jisung sits up, crossing his arms. “We do whatever you say,” he says, huffing, still trying to catch his breath. “But you didn’t say anything that time!”
Chan just laughs. “I know. Isn’t it fun?”
He goes to sit on the couch next to Jisung, taking your hand and pulling you down on his lap. Chan’s fully naked behind you, adjusting himself so his cock sits right between your folds. He pulls your back against his chest, leaning you back so your head rests on his shoulder. You loll your head to the side and look at Jisung, reaching out a grabby hand for him to come closer. 
“Ji, come here and admire her,” Chan beckons. Jisung moves over closer to your body, but Chan takes an arm and pulls him in even tighter, leaning up against Chan’s side. “She needs another kiss, I think.”
This time, Jisung cups your face as he presses his lips against yours again. Instead of a feverish heat, it’s tender, more curious. Your tongues explore each other’s mouths, drawing breathy whimpers from your throat. Chan lifts Jisung’s hand that’s cupping your face and places it on your breast. He squeezes the soft mound, grazing over your nipple. It makes your hips spasm and a grunt leaves Chan’s throat, your cunt sliding over his cock.
Chan’s hips thrust upwards, slipping through your wet folds and dragging along your swollen clit. You cry out into Jisung’s mouth. Chan’s hips shudder with effort, he loves taking his time even if it drives you both insane. The blunt head of his cock slides against your clit, building that friction again, your essence mixing with the arousal leaking out of his tip. He groans against your skin, biting into your shoulder as his hand drifts down, fingers finding the sensitive bundle of nerves. He draws lazy circles around your clit while Jisung starts to kiss down your neck towards your breasts. He flicks his tongue over your nipple, looking up at you, giving you that cocky sideways grin again. 
You’re writhing under their combined torture - Jisung teasing your nipples and Chan teasing your clit. You feel your muscles flutter with an edge of frustration, clenching around nothing, begging to be filled. 
“Chan, fucking…please,” you gasp, picking your head up from his shoulder to meet his gaze. 
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me,” you whine, hips grinding down on his cock, still teasing you relentlessly.
“Well,” he says, his voice a little strained. “Since you asked so nicely…”
He lifts your hips a few inches higher so his tip catches on your opening. Readjusting, he sinks you slowly onto him, groaning through a clenched jaw. You’re so slick and warm, the squeeze of your walls almost enough to do him in right then and there. He stills beneath you, allowing you a moment to adjust to the stretch and for him to catch his breath so he doesn’t immediately bust inside you. The way you’re whimpering and rocking against him is almost too much. 
“Jisung, kiss her. Shut her up,” he grits out. 
Jisung obliges, shifting back up to your face and capturing your lips again, biting down on your bottom lip sadistically. Chan focuses on finding your rhythm, starting off at an excruciatingly slow pace. Each flick of his hips drives into you forcefully. The room fills with the sound of skin slapping wetly as your hips meet his. He bottoms out in you, groaning against your neck as he holds you tight in his embrace. 
He tears your face away from Jisung, pulling your lips to his, stealing any air you had left with the way his cock plunges into you. Jisung pulls your face back towards him, taking your lips and tongue for his own again. Chan growls at this, fisting his hand into the younger man’s hair, pulling him off of you and up to his eye level. Jisung’s tongue is pressed against the side of his open mouth, hooded eyes appraising Chan. 
“What, hyung? Isn’t it fun?” Jisung smirks, echoing Chan’s earlier sentiment.
Chan’s jaw clenches for a split second before crashing his lips against the Jisung’s. Their own battle of hot annoyance mixed with pent up lust and power ignite between the two. Tongues lash out, groaning into each other's mouths. You fuck yourself onto Chan’s cock while your hand reaches out to wrap around Jisung’s. He thrusts himself into your fist while his lips are still wrapped around Chan’s, biting down on the elder’s plush bottom lip.
Chan pulls Jisung’s face away again, both panting into each other's mouths. 
“Look at her doing all the work for the three of us,” nodding towards you writhing against him while your hand fists around Jisung’s cock. “Put your mouth to better use, Ji.”
He lightly pushes Jisung’s head away, motioning down towards where Chan is still inside you. Jisung drops to the floor, shuffling closer to your cunt as Chan resumes thrusting into you. 
Jisung drifts his hands up your thighs to your cunt, gently pulling your lips open and watching Chan’s cock disappear inside of you. The way he’s awestruck at the sight of your glistening cunt greedily sucking Chan in has you trembling.
“Jisung,” you whine. “Make me cum.”
He wastes no time diving right into you, mouth first, groaning at the taste of you. You whine pitifully at the feel of his tongue. He laps at your clit, licking up all of your juices that have mixed with Chan’s. His tongue swirls around your cunt and you begin to feel yourself tightening, your muscles clenching around Chan. It’s hard to remember to breathe when white hot pleasure is pulsing through you with every flick of Jisung’s tongue. Chan is groaning in your ear as Ji’s tongue dips down and runs along the underside of Chan, licking a stripe from cock to cunt. 
Chan’s thrusts get sloppier and he slips out of you, the blunt head of his cock nudges harshly against your clit in such a way that has you moaning. Jisung wraps his hand around Chan’s cock and takes the tip into his mouth, flicking his tongue on the sensitive nerve on the underside of his tip, teasing him mercilessly. This time, Chan whines, bucking up toward Jisung before the younger pulls him out of his mouth. He grins up at both of you as he pushes Chan back inside you.
Your eyes roll back as Chan pounds into you, chasing his own high, Jisung’s tongue still lashing against your clit. You’re not sure when you started crying, but tears stream down your face, desperate to come undone, overwhelmed by the way these two men handle your body with deft precision. You feel yourself brought to the edge again, pleading them to push you over.
“Cha-Chan,” you whimper, “c-can I cum?”
His hips start to stutter again at how pathetic you sound, crying out his name like that. Still, in his desperation to fill you up, he finds it in himself to drag it out a little longer.
“You forgot…” he grits out, each word staccato as he slams himself into you. “Say please.”
“PLEASE!” You wail.
“Yes!” is all he can get out before your vision goes white, your body convulsing against his with a pitiful cry. Jisung uses this opportunity to pull your clit into the heat of his mouth, sucking hard against the sensitive bundle of nerves. You feel the orgasm crash through you, gushing on Chan’s cock and Jisung’s tongue, heart beating erratically as they fuck you through it, fingers tangling in Jisung’s hair. Chan loses himself in the way your muscles clench down on him and the way Jisung is drooling on his cock, he groans loudly in your ear as he spills inside of you. You go limp in his grasp.
His hips still as he feels some of his cum drip out of where you’re still connected. His cock is softening, spent from the exertion, your body took everything from him this evening. Jisung tentatively presses his tongue against you, sending a jolt of overstimulation through you. He tastes the mix of you and Chan together as the two of you above him catch your breath.  
Chan gently slides his cock out of you, his seed leaking out of you slowly. Your whole body is buzzing, you feel like you’re drifting through puffy clouds. Jisung whines at the sight of you dripping onto Chan’s softening cock. The elder laughs, spreading your lips wide so Jisung can get a better look.
“Poor Jisung,” Chan teases. “You and your poor little cock still haven’t gotten to feel her yet.”
“Hyung…” Jisung whines, a blush creeping up his cheeks again.
“Well, if you want my seconds,” Chan says, petting the younger’s head lovingly, “You better ask her if she’s up for it.”
You look down at Jisung, big brown eyes searching yours, pleading.
“Yes, come here,” you say, reaching out your hands again. “Wanna make you feel good too.”
Jisung crawls up your body, pressing eager kisses up your torso and chest before settling his hips between your thighs, cock twitching against your swollen clit. You pull his face to yours, sloppily kissing him, too exhausted to do much else. Chan’s hands find your thighs and lift them, pulling them towards your chest and bending you in half. Jisung ruts against your clit, but you’re so sensitive, you whine into his mouth.
“Fuck me, Jisung,” you gasp. “Fill me up.”
He groans, the tip of his cock finding your dripping entrance, and pushing in. He bottoms out all the way, the combination of your arousal and Chan having stretched you open perfectly, has Jisung enveloped in the warmth of your core all the way to his pelvis. The way his cock drags against your walls as he nuzzles his face against your neck has you approaching your peak again. 
“Y/n… I’m n-not gonna last long…” he whines against you.
One of Chan’s hands sneaks down between your bodies, gently rubbing circles around your aching clit. He whispers filthy praise into your ear.
“That’s it, sweet thing,” he murmurs. “Show Jisung how good he makes you feel.”
You cry out, bucking against Jisung as his hips speed up, gripping onto your body as he hammers into you. A new sensation builds from this angle, a pressure building in your cunt.
“FUCK, y/n!” Jisung cries as his hips stutter, slamming into you with force. 
Your second orgasm bursts forth, this time squirting out onto Jisung. The slick, wet sounds combined with your screams fills the room. Your whole body trembles as your muscles spasm around Jisung’s cock. He collapses against you, his hips stilling as he spurts inside of you. Your eyes roll shut and you take a deep shuddering breath, sucking oxygen into your lungs. Your body still tremors, the aftershocks of your orgasm jolting through your muscles every few seconds. You’re floating above your body right now as you’re sandwiched between the two bodies of the men you adore. 
After a few moments, Chan groans, “You two are CRUSHING me.”
All you can do is hum as Jisung melts into a puddle on the floor, body half slung over the edge of the couch. He looks up at the two of you with a dopey, fucked out smile on his heart shaped lips.
Chan slides out carefully from beneath you, rearranging your limbs on the couch so you’re laying down, propped up with a few pillows. He picks up Jisung from the edge of the couch, basically a puddle of a human being, and coaxes him into your arms. The younger man melts into your embrace, pushing his face into your chest with a sigh. Chan presses a light kiss to each of your foreheads.
“I’m going to go grab us some water,” he grins. “You two need to rehydrate.”
He plods away as you and Jisung ground yourselves in the moment, slowing down your heart rates. You rub your fingers sluggishly up and down his back, your fingers finding purchase in his hair. Raking your nails over his scalp, he groans into the soft touch, planting small kisses into your skin. Eventually he raises his head to look at you.
“How was that?” 
“So, so good,” you murmur, your voice gravelly from exertion. “I’m getting a bit chilly though.”
The sheen of sweat against your naked bodies was finally cooling off. Even by the heat from the fire, now embers in the fireplace, you were relaxed enough that a shiver ran through you. Jisung lifts his head, finding his shirt and jacket, and drags them sleepily off the back of the couch to cover you. The clothes land directly on your head and you both giggle. He pulls them gently off your face, an exhausted gummy smile greeting you. He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, your heart fluttering with a newer emotion.
Chan returns, black sweatpants slung low on his hips as he carries a few water bottles and some snacks into the living room. 
“Well, don’t you two look cozy,” he says, a bright smile on his face.
“Hyung, I wasn’t-” Jisung begins, anxiety creeping up his throat,
“Sshhh,” Chan soothes him. “I had fun, you had fun, she had fun. It’s not complicated.”
“Are you sure?”
Chan smooths his hand down Jisungs hair then moves to cup your chin, grazing thumb over your lips. You smile and press a tiny kiss to the pad of his thumb. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Chan smiles with only affection in his eyes. “Now come on, the bed is big enough for the three of us.”
taglist: @skzswife @wjhswife
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(Continued from this snippet! Content notes: police interrogation, homophobia)
“You don’t look gay.” The detective gives Steve a very obvious once-over. Steve tries to look gayer as subtly as he can. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Guess I’ll have to let my boyfriend know you don’t think I look gay enough to fuck him.”
The detective’s face twists slightly, like he’s smelled something bad. “No need to be like that. I’m just saying, I bet a good-looking guy like you could get a girlfriend pretty easy.”
“You’re not my type,” says Steve. He smiles with his teeth, even though his heart is going fast and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. 
The detective’s hands tense, and Steve wonders if he’s about to get hit, but they relax again and the detective sits back.
“Just doing my job,” says the detective. “Because, funny enough, we asked around with all your little friends, and it seems like you used to be a bit of a ladies’ man.”
“Things change,” says Steve. 
“In fact…seems like none of your friends ever even saw you talk to Munson before. Moved in different circles and everything. I remember what high school was like.”
The detective leans close. 
“So why would the captain of the swim team, a nice normal boy from a good family with a string of pretty girlfriends, ever—ever—stick his neck out like this for some murdering scum like Munson? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, here.”
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that,” says Steve. His mouth is dry. His pulse is thundering in his ears. “He didn’t kill anyone. He was with me the whole time. He’s—he didn’t kill anyone.”
“Hm,” says the detective. 
It takes a while for them to stop interrogating him. They keep asking him the same questions over and over, trying to trip him up. He asks for water and doesn’t get it. In the back of his mind, a hysterical little voice is shrieking Scoops Ahoy! I work for Scoops Ahoy!, but he manages to keep it locked down. Doesn’t let himself get baited, just keeps repeating that Eddie was with him the whole time and neither of them know anything. 
It takes a while, but it’s over eventually.
When he leaves the station, Eddie’s standing outside with Hopper and Joyce Byers, wearing a shirt and jeans that definitely belonged to Jonathan at some point. Eddie’s got his hands tucked into his armpits, looking antsy and tense, but he’s free and standing on his own two feet. It’s a pretty big upgrade from when Steve last saw him about a week or two ago. 
It’s almost too easy to go straight over to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug like they’ve had their arms around each other a million times. 
“Oof. Easy there, tiger,” laughs Eddie. “I’m, uh, still a little fragile.”
“Sorry,” says Steve, and loosens his hold. He doesn’t let go all the way.
“Come on, boys,” says Joyce. “I’m taking you two home. Steve, Eddie’s been staying with us, but we’re a little short on spare beds and it’s not great for his recovery. We’re moving him to your place until we can figure out something better, okay?” 
Joyce drops them off and helps carry in a few garbage bags full of Eddie’s stuff. There’s not that much.
And then the door closes behind her, and Steve’s alone with Eddie for the first time since—actually, maybe ever. 
“So,” says Eddie. “What…the fuck, Harrington.”
“Is that an actual question?” Steve says. He rolls his shoulders, trying to get some of the stiffness out. “I mean, didn’t Hopper and Mrs. Byers explain everything to you?”
“Kind of? I mean, I still think this is probably the worst idea of all time, but they told me—anyway, what I meant just now was a much more personalized and individual what the fuck. As in, why the fuck would you agree to any of this? You know you’re never gonna get another girl in this town to look at you now.”
“Dumping me already? Ice cold, man.”
Eddie groans and actually throws his hands in the air in frustration. Steve hadn’t known people did that in real life. 
“Jesus christ.” Eddie wheels around and grabs two of the garbage bags. “I can’t do this right now, I need to take a fucking nap. We will be discussing this later.”
“Still don’t know what there is to discuss,” says Steve, but he picks up the last garbage bag and leads the way to the spare room. 
Eddie pitches forwards onto the bed, arms outstretched and face mashed into the pillow. “Fuck yes, I am going to marry this goddamn mattress. Hit the lights when you leave,” he says, slightly muffled. 
For a second, Steve finds himself stepping forward with a hand outstretched to—do something. He’s not sure what. Touch Eddie’s hair, or something dumb like that. His face warms. He’s really glad Eddie isn’t looking at him and doesn’t see how he’s kind of just standing there with a hand out for no reason. 
He turns around, flicking the light switch on his way out, and doesn’t look back.
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signedkoko · 5 months
Hi hi! I want to request a gn reader who is the closest thing Alastor has to a best friend, right hand man type feel. Like Reader is a sinner and had to make a deal with Al for their soul, but Reader is so honest when they talk and act that Al is all "they aren't so bad." Alastor calls on the Reader first almost everytime and Reader is like, "This is the least worst situation. Let's not screw it up" as they throw their all into whatever Al needed them to do. So when Alastor tells them to get a job with Vox to spy on him, there's a groan, then a fine.
Sorry if it's a bit jumbled, I had a thought and ran with it. Also, could I be 🗑anon
Alastor X Reader [Platonic]
In which you are the only person Alastor might consider a best friend. Reader is genderneutral.
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While you'd sold your soul to the demon a long time ago, you certainly had perks that most others under his control did not
In fact, you didn't even act as if Alastor 'owned' you; you did your own thing and respected his wishes as best you could, and Alastor just never seemed to mind
Perhaps that was a front; no one was certain; all they could tell was that Alastor certainly favoured you
Anytime an issue arose and he was busy, he would leave you in his place, and by god, you never did disappoint
Actually, most people prefer it when it's you; you are far less worrisome to be around and a lot less mysterious about things
The only thing you didn't talk about was yours and Alastors history
Whether that was part of some binding agreement or you were just scary good at diverting the topic whenever it came to what you did in the past
Typically, Alastor's duties for you include watching over his other souls, going to the tailors, or doing 'whatever Charlie asks of you!'
Otherwise, you'd be at his side, usually the two of you watching the rest and making bantering commentary about the hopelessness of the people in the hotel
Unfortunately, being so close meant that Alastor really trusted you with difficult tasks
Were you capable? Absolutely!
But did you want to? No.
Because he tells you so much, he probably goes to great lengths to make sure you aren't accidentally 'letting things out'
Which means no technology when working with him
You found that out the hard way
" Oh yes! Do you have a phone I could borrow? "
" Uhh - yeah, sure. Here. "
He crushes the device instantly
" What the fuck. "
The one thing about you is that you prefer the easy way out, and as Alastor puts it, you have hidden talent that you are 'too lazy to use', but you couldn't care less
You'd do anything he asks, both because he is your friend and because you technically have to, according to your soul binding
But you will be grumpy about it the entire time
Being so close with Alastor means you also hate Vox by proxy, so any mission involving him is just miserable
Fortunately, Vox doesn't know you, though, so you really were Alastor's best bet when he wants a spy on the inside
" Do I have to? "
" Of course you do, deary! Now pick up that smile and get marching! "
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Author's Note - He is such a menace to his friends, I love writing for platonic Alastor. Thank you so much for requesting, and welcome to the blog, bin anon!
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toxicanonymity · 10 months
At the table.
2.2k, DARK!Joel x f!reader, then dark!Tommy
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Joel master list
A/N: One shot, follows Caught, can read alone. Throwaway Joel encore by popular demand 🚬🤡
SUMMARY: Joel brings you back to his apartment and makes you suck him off then cockwarm him while he and the boys play cards. Tommy tucks you in but not before getting off.
WARNINGS: Very dark, mean, dubious consent (captivity & ongoing abuse), humiliation, degradation, manhandling, injury (intentional burns), shackles, blow job, P in V, cockwarming, stretching, fisting-adjacent fingering
He caught you. You knew he would. You never should have tried. It was too easy and you’re beginning to realize he probably left you unlocked on purpose. For the chase, the thrill of the hunt, and the punishment. The humiliation.
On the walk home, Joel screws open his canteen and asks if you’re thirsty. You nod and he forces you to your knees and tells you to open your mouth. He takes a swig of water, swallows it, then spits it in your mouth. Then he takes another sip and doesn’t swallow it. He squats down, firmly takes your jaw in his hand, and lets it dribble from his mouth to yours.
“Now get up.”
You struggle to your feet and he yanks you up by the elbow. His apartment isn’t too far, because you didn’t make it far when you ran.
On the way up the stairs, he groans with the effort. “Too fuckin tired,” he complains. “I should get Tommy to fuck some sense into ya.”
You’re quiet.
“Bet ya’d like that, huh?”
“No,” you reply.
“‘an’ why’s that?”
“Only want yours.” If he knew any different, he probably wouldn’t let Tommy speak to you much less touch you.
“Cause i ruined ya, didn’t i? Ruined all your holes.”
“I dunno”
“Got ya too stretched to even feel Tommy’s, right?” He sighs and musses your hair. “Ruined. Now you’re just for me. You know that, right?”
“I know.”
“That cunt’s never gonna please another man now.” He chuckles darkly. “But hell, might as well try, darlin’.”
You don’t say anything else.
“I ain’t gonna stop ya.” He’s passed you around enough that you don’t doubt it, but he always keeps you to himself in the end. It’s almost like a game of dominance. Like he’ll let the men get a taste, then yank you away and laugh that they can’t have the rest.
Joel gets you back to his apartment and you’re briefly relieved when he doesn’t take you straight to the dim room with your bed and chains. But he does shove you up against the door with his hand around your throat. “Don’t you ever pull that shit again.”
You nod a tearful acknowledgement. He lets go of you and softens his tone. “Such a pretty girl,” before adding, “Fuckin’ act like it.” You nod again.
“Boys are comin’ over,” he says. “You’re gonna sit on my cock and you’re not gonna fuckin’ move.”
Your clit twitches. The sitting-on-his cock part, that doesn’t sound half bad. But you’re afraid of what else he might do. You’re also afraid of what’s becoming of you. Part of you (a specific part of you) is more excited than fearful at the thought of him hurting you, humiliating you. It’s pavlovian - he’s forced you to cum so many times in fucked up situations, your body can’t help itself.
They’re coming over to play poker. They sit in the kitchen. First, Joel puts you under the table at his feet. “Do a good job, and I might let ya stay there.” You palm the warm bulge over his jeans, then straddle his boot as you unbuckle his belt. You slowly feel him getting bigger and harder. When he’s fully stiff and his hips begin to rock into your hand, you dig your knuckles into his belly as you unbutton his jeans then unzip him. You massage him through his boxers before unbuttoning the flap and taking out his hard cock. You wrap your hands around it as you sit up more to bring your head to his crotch as Tommy deals the cards. Joel moves an ashtray from the table to a shelf behind him.
As your head approaches his groin, you get a strong whiff of his musk and it makes you throb. You take his tip into his mouth and don’t go slow. He doesn’t like it when you ‘tease’ him. You suck with your whole mouth and throat, bobbing your head, getting him really slobbery, his girth stretching the corners of your mouth. Your suction extracts his salty precum and a drop trickles down your throat. Joel plays a hand of poker and growls from his chest. The sound makes you twitch and your crotch presses into his shin for relief.
“Lil slut’s already humpin’ my leg.”
They laugh. Tommy asks, “dibs on next?”
Joel scoffs. Not today, apparently. “Fuck off, man,” he grumbles, then peeks under the table at you. “Take your clothes off, baby.” You get his dick really wet, then take off your pants and underwear, preparing to climb into his lap. “Everything,” Joel says. You take off your shirt, too. You don’t own any bras right now. "C'mere." He puts down his cards and rests his hands face up on his knees for you to grab onto. You begin to hover over his lap, biting your lip. He sticks two dirty fingers between your legs and slides them through your folds. He laughs at how wet you are. "Thirsty bitch. Turn around."
Your thighs shake as he makes you face the rest of the guys. He holds his cock with one hand and guides you by your hip with another. The men stare. As soon as his slobbery tip hits your cunt, he impales you on his cock. You gasp as he bruises your cervix and your body tries to catch up with him, giving you more moisture. Then he roughly gropes your breast and pulls you back against his chest on full display for all of them. He massages both your breasts with a groan.
"Your hand, buddy," Joel says to the man across from him. The men compose themselves to keep playing.
He rocks you on his cock, massaging your breasts in a circular motion with your nipples between his middle and ring fingers. His thick cock moving deep inside makes you feel good. Nothing hurts at the moment, except your nipples which are so hard they're on the verge of pain. He moves one hand to your clit and begins to rub you with abandon, still massaging your other breast. Tommy lights a cigarette.
By the time it's Joel's turn to play, you're about to cum. You look up at the ceiling and he bounces you on his cock in short quick pulses. The tension bursts and you whimper as he moves his hand from your clit to the back of your neck. "Look at me, baby." When you turn your head to the side, he slams you down on the table. Your hard nipples are swallowed up by your breasts with the impact and you're still coming. He holds you down and you whine as your walls choke his cock.
Your hips rock with your climax and he commands "stay fuckin' still." You whine and gush on his lap as he holds you down on the table.
"Good God," he grumbles. "You're gonna wash'em"
You finish coming and Joel keeps holding you still. You know better than to try to move. He picks up his cards and holds them between your naked shoulder blades as he plays his hand. Then he puts them face down on your back to light a cigarette. He picks up his hand of cards again and sits back in his chair.
The men continue their game, talking like you're not there, but you can feel their eyes on you. Your breasts are sweating against the slick wood table. Your eyes are growing bloodshot with the smoke of their cigarettes. Joel's cock occasionally twitches inside you, thick and stiff.
Tommy finishes his cigarette and hands it to Joel, nodding at the ashtray behind him. You flinch and your ass clenches as he brings it to your shoulder, close to a cluster of scars. He presses the smoldering end to your skin and you tense with the white hot burn, making your cunt choke his cock. You twitch with pleasure as the burn fades. His cock moves.
"Oof," his hips shift under you. "Easy baby." He's close to finishing his own cigarette. They continue playing. When Joel finishes his own cigarette he sits back and brings the cigarette butt to your lower back.
He lifts his hips as he presses the butt of it into your skin and your eyes pinch shut. Your body erupts in goose bumps and as you clench around him, he begins to erupt with a long sigh. He pulses warmly against your cervix. Lifting his hips and sighing as the other men watch. Your eyes briefly flutter open to see Tommy palming himself and you lock eyes with him. Your mouth falls open, you pinch your eyes shut, and you moan as another climax overtakes you.
Joel finishes dumping his load in you and you're a whimpering mess as you finish coming. He leaves you on his softening cock for the rest of the game, and you begin to drift off, then one of the men wants to talk about their drug supplier. Joel sighs.
“She asleep?” Tommy asks.
Joel leans to one side as he digs into his pocket and hands Tommy a key to your chain. “Put her to bed.”
Tommy clears his throat then adjusts himself, then nudges you. “Hey, ready for bed?”
“For Christ’s sake, just take her, Tommy.” Joel lifts his hips and holds you up against the table by your sides. You wobble as you begin to stand on your feet.
“Clothes?” Tommy asks.
“Nah,” Joel says.
Tommy swallows and takes you by the elbow. His grip is firm but nothing like Joel’s. He takes you down the basement, catching you when you wobble on the stairs. Then he gently shoves you down on the bed like it’s a chore. “Why’d ya run?”
“I was hungry.”
“I’ll getcha somethin’ if you’re good.” He probably would. He was the one who got you a blanket.
Tommy palms himself over his jeans as he watches you turn on your side and reach for the dirty blanket. He shakes his head. “Not yet, sugar,” and you drop the blanket. He kneels on the bed. “Open those pretty legs and lemme see the damage.” You turn onto your back and spread your thighs.
Tommy bends your knees for you then spreads your thighs wider.
He watches Joels cum leak out of your fucked-out cunt and gives a low whistle. “Really did a number on ya tonight, didn’t he? Kept ya on it forever”
Tommy sits on the bed and reaches for your pussy. He runs his fingers through your slick and inserts two, then three of his thick digits within seconds. “God damn,” he mutters. "Does it hurt?"
You shake your head no.
You squirm with tension building as he finger fucks you. You watch him watch his middle three fingers go in and out of your cunt. He then he adds his pinky, stretching you even wider. You gasp at the strain. "Fuck," he says. He thumbs your clit and slowly moves his fingers inside you in small pulses. Your body adjusts and gets wetter again. "You wanna cum again? Cum in my hand like a good little slut?"
You nod.
"Gonna let me fuck ya first though."
You swallow. "Okay."
Tommy takes his soaking wet hand away. He unzips his pants and takes out his hard cock, stroking it with his dripping hand as he gets between your knees. His cock looks painfully stiff.
He braces one hand on the bed near your navel and slides his cock right into you. "Shit," he mutters, disappointed rather than pleased. "Shoulda done this first," he laughs. "Could prolly fit two of me in here right now, huh?" His cock wasn't small, either. He thrusts a few times and pulls you toward him by your thighs. You try to squeeze him with your walls and he chuckles. “‘s good effort, sweetheart.” After thrusting a few more times, he speeds up. He slams his hips into you and your back arches. You whimper on the verge of coming.
“Really?” Tommy asks? “I’m hittin' somethin'? You can feel it?"
You nod with a whimper.
“Alright,” he pants, “I'll let ya have it.” He rails you hard and fast for a minute then you whine as a climax overwhelms you. Your walls contract around him and he says, “Yeah, there we go,” and keeps fucking you. "There it is." He fucks you through it. “Ready or not,” he mutters, then slams his hips into you and begins to dump his load. He sighs as his spend fills you and mixes with Joel’s. Then he pulls out and smiles darkly as some trickles out of you. He gathers it with his fingers and pushes it back inside.
"Gettin' real good at takin' all this," he whispers, then squeezes your thigh affectionately. He reaches for the floor and grabs the blanket. "you're a good girl, ya know." He cuffs you to the bed and spreads the blanket over you. "you know better than runnin’.”
You nod. Tommy squeezes your thigh as he stands up, then he goes across the basement and returns with some jerky. “I’ll talk to him ‘bout the food”
“No don’t”
“Why not”
“I’ll get in trouble”
“Not gonna say you said it.”
“Thanks,” you smile.
He walks upstairs leaving you alone.
Thank you so much for reading and engaging 🖤🤟
@toxicfics for notifications ✉️
For a different dark Joel who's more complex, read raider Joel ⛓️🖤 read the latest if you haven't for his POV.
For a different dark Tommy, see Birds of prey (raider Tommy)
For another under table bj that leads to Tommy, see Tommy's hard day. 🗼
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ciitroner · 7 months
Rough Day
Ghoap x kidnapped!reader
Wc: 1.3k
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), afab!reader, noncon/dubcon-ish???, not proofread, kidnapping, oral sex (fem receiving), cunnilingus, reader is kinda touch starved, dark fic, mentions of creampie, Simon and Johnny are mean :(, Simon calls Johnny “pup” (once), voyeurism, one-time-mention of pee (not piss kink), reader is restrained and threatened (kinda), Soap acts like a wild animal sorry that’s how it goes 🤷‍♀️, also reader refuses to call them by their names lol, tell me if I missed any!
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The sounds of clinks and jingles can be heard as the numerous locks unlock on the door, “Fuuuck. Hate this fuckin’ job sometimes.” You hear a deep, frustrated voice groan, paralleling the whistling creak of the wooden rectangle. Some hefty objects, perhaps a few bags, are thrown on the ground, and another voice replies curtly, “Manners, Johnny.”
Their heavy footsteps slowly move around the house, which is located in the middle of pretty much nowhere. Your breath hitches when the steps move closer to the dark room you’re locked in, chained to the headboard of their shared bed. They don’t come in yet, though, acting as if you don’t even exist. Acting as if they didn’t take you away from your life, locking you up in a house for them to play dolly with you. “Eh? Dinnae act like yer not agreein’ with me, Lt” the muffled voice rumbles from the other side of your door, coming closer and closer, until a ray of light peeks through the doorcrack that keeps getting bigger. He swiftly moves into the room and turns on the ceiling light, a poor little lightbulb hanging by an old cord. The sudden shift in brightness makes you blink a few times until your eyes adjust. You’re sure they have way more money than they’re letting on; yet they keep their pretty prisoner in a humble house - which could only be described as something from a cliché horror film. “Hey, lassie.”
His eyes meet yours, and you writhe against the headboard, trying to break free - albeit for naught. Your wrists hurt from the previous numerous attempts, and you quickly give up and settle down when he moves into the room, sighing. He sheds his clothes, only leaving him in his boxers, before he lies down on the bed next to you, lifting your tank top slightly and circling his cold finger on your stomach - dipping it down to the hem of your sweatpants from time to time. You shiver slightly and let out an audible gasp, trying to squirm free from his touch. “Had a rough day, lovie. Dinnae test me, aye?” He kisses your tummy before squeezing your waist with one hand and holding up his head with the other whilst lying on his side. Ghost moves into the room, and your eyes shift to his figure in the doorway. Soap notices your absent eyes and looks behind him, “Simon, need’ta fuck her.” In which the masked man only shrugs, “Go on then, pup.” Before chucking off his clothes as well, changing into a pair of sweatpants, and sitting down on the bed beside you.
The creaking bed dips down to one side, and you look over at Ghost, his muscles left on display. He’s big, and that’s accentuated by the phone he pulls out. It’s small in his hands, and you bet that he’s pressed the wrong letter on the keyboard one too many times because of his big fingers - which are twice as large as one of your own. Without the mask, now replaced with a balaclava, you can much easier see his brown eyes, and the fluttering blonde eyelashes every time he blinks. He starts mindlessly scrolling somewhere, furrowing his brows sporadically, but your attention is quickly shifted back to the man now between your legs.
“C’mon, lift yer hips.” His hands find the hem of your pants, but you refuse to budge. As grateful you are for the two to be back, as human contact is near impossible in your… new life, you hate when they touch you. Ghost appears to understand your situation slightly, or at least he seems to pretend-empathize with the ill-fated girl lying on their bed, “Easy, Johnny. Poor thing looks like she’s about to wet herself.” He snorts, sharing a laugh with the man forcefully tugging your bottoms off. The panic in your eyes is clear as day, when he carelessly throws them somewhere behind him, letting them scatter on the slightly dusty wooden floor. His fingers find your clit, and he slowly circles it, playing with it like a toy while he converses with Ghost for a bit. You don’t listen in, but try to focus on not getting wet, though his skilled fingers and the shackles aren't giving you much freedom.
After a while of kicking his legs back and forth like a teenage girl talking to her crush whilst lying on her stomach, Soap turns his head to you - giving you a toothy grin. He positions himself on his knees, dick throbbing against his boxers. He grips your thighs and pulls you closer to him before removing his fingers from your clit and moving his head down to kiss it, darting out his tongue and licking down to your hole. “Fuck, hen, yer pussy n’ yer attitude are givin’ me two whole different signals.” He inhales loudly, and you let out a quiet whine. You’ve learned that they either like it when you talk back to them or hate it - which leads to you getting gagged; and not trying to test the waters - you bite your lips instead. “Only if ye were a wee bit better actor, maybe I’d believe yer complaints, bonnie.” And with that, he starts eating you out like a starving man. He leaves no place untouched, bites your inner thighs and grins when you close them on his head - trapping him between them.
His wet tongue glides over your glistening pussy, pushing it into you before travelling upwards. You choke back a sob of pleasure when two of his fingers start dancing around your hole while he sucks on your clit - biting it occasionally for the pleasure of hearing a moan leave your mouth. It’s downright filthy, and he keeps mumbling incoherent things to your pussy, before plunging his fingers into you. A loud whine leaves your mouth, followed by sweet little ah’s, which prompts him to groan against you. “Yeah, good girl, moanin’ like a bitch in heat.” Your head flies back and your toes curl at the third finger he crams into you. Pouting, you look to the side, not being able to bear the sight of Soap hunched over your bottom half like a wild man. Your eyes meet Ghost’s for a short second, before they travel down to the bulge between his pants, clearly aroused by the action going on beside him. His eyes are half-lidded, and you can tell he’s smiling at you before palming his clothed dick and looking down at Soap fingering you to oblivion.
Soap scissors his fingers and licks his name onto your clit, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Suddenly, a loud mewl can be heard from you when you finally cum. Your eyes are closed shut, and only open when Ghost lightly slaps your cheeks, “Open your eyes, sweetheart. Come on.” You almost let out a scream when you’re met face to face with Soap. His jaw is wet, and his mouth is drooling. His leaking cock’s hard against your stomach and twitches slightly when he pulls you in for a deep kiss. “mmph taste so fuckin’ good” he moans against your mouth, biting your lower lip. One hand leaves your hips to guide his cock to your wet cunt, and you sigh because apparently, the concept of condoms doesn’t exist in the scot’s head. You feel like you need a break though, so when he tries to push in, you attempt to stop him with a weak, “W-wait I-”
His other hand leaves your hip and squishes your cheeks together until your lips form a cute little pout, which he can’t help but kiss. “Haud yer wheesht” he hisses, and pushes his cock into you faster than you’d like. Ghost pets your hair and softly speaks, “Don’t be greedy, let him cum and spread you out for me, hm?” Your lips quiver and they both laugh at you, “be a good girl, and you’ll get treated like a princess afterwards, love.”
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cordeliawhohung · 26 days
Touch Me 'Till I Vomit (pet!au) [7]
pet!au part 7 | ghoap x fem!reader | tag list
imitation of flesh
cw: non-con, smut, unrealistic anal, fingering, degradation, cum eating, dark content, dead dove: do not eat
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The only scrap of clothing you have clinging to your body as you lay on Simon and Johnny’s bed is your collar. 
Somehow, you feel more naked with it on than you ever did with it off. It’s an embarrassing reminder that your body no longer belongs to you — a proof of ownership to a man who can hardly seem to stand your mere existence. Your fingers ghost over the leather and you feel it bob with your throat as you swallow. The urge to rip it off is strong. Tear through that leather and rid yourself of the incessant reminder that you’re trapped. It’s so easy for you to undo the clasp and toss it into some forgotten corner where you’ll never have to worry or think about it again — but you don’t. No, there is very little you can do besides lay there when you have two hulking figures between your open legs. 
At least you’re not the only one who’s naked, though that only gives you nominal reprieve. Johnny’s clothes were ripped from his body with the same urgency as yours were, and you feel your stomach flutter at the sight of his hardened cock. His leaky, puffy tip bounces as it throbs, begging for something soft to bury itself in. You’ve seen it plenty of times before, but it never gets easier. Simon sits behind him on his haunches, fully clothed, bored eyes flickering back and forth between the side of his face and your exposed body. 
Scenarios begin to tear through your mind, making your stomach flutter and drop through the floor. Johnny has had his fun with you plenty of times over the last few weeks, but it’s never been anything as… formal as this. Every time he’s put his hands on you, it’s always been a spur of the moment. Something he does when he can no longer hold himself back. Tearing you apart like a sacrifice. It’s never been anything like this, and the darkness in Simon’s eyes doesn’t offer you any comfort. 
“She’s so pretty,” Johnny says with a shudder. 
Simon’s hands trace along Johnny’s waist where they slide to the front of his stomach and then dip down to the thick, dark patch of hair at the base of his cock. For hands as large, brutish, and scarred as his, his touch looks light. Delicate, even. Johnny jumps in excitement as he wraps a fist around him and begins to lazily tug at him, purposefully ignoring his needy red tip. 
“That so?” he challenges. His lips brush against Johnny’s ear, and you watch as those deep blue eyes roll slightly into the back of his head, eyelids fluttering like butterfly wings. You squirm at the sight as a deep shame eats at your chest — you are a product, a show to be enjoyed — but you know better than to move too much around sight-based hunters. “Like havin’ a soft toy to play with? Somethin’ to sink your cock into? Bet you wanna fuck ‘er right now, yeah?” 
Johnny’s eyes stay glued to your body as he nods his head. “Aye, I really do.”
“Yeah, needy fuckin’ mutt. Go on. Play with ‘er a bit, but keep this fuckin’ cock dry, yeah? Get yourself nice and worked up f’me,” Simon orders. 
Ardent eyes blink down at you as Simon frees Johnny’s cock from his hand, and the man descends upon you like a ravenous plague. A squeak leaves you without permission when his lips crash against yours with enough force to knock your teeth out, and your whole body jumps as he paws at your chest. Your tits are so sore from weeks of abuse that you can’t help but whimper into his mouth as his fingers contract and relax over and over again, rolling the soft flesh between his hands. There’s no escape. You are surrounded, both by a stranger and his prison-like bed. 
This is nothing new. Johnny’s always been easily… excitable. All you have to do is grit your teeth and take it until he dry humps you long enough to get off or gets bored and abuses your mouth. You often think of your old job bar-tending while he has his fun. Anything to get you away from the present. How to make an old fashioned? How many seconds does it take to fill a pint? You try to recall the acrid taste of the air, and the way condensation glistens on the bar top. Usually it works well enough to keep yourself distracted.
It doesn’t work tonight, though. Not with those dark eyes peering from behind Johnny, murky and menacing. As Johnny gets to work giving love bites to the underside of your jaw, you make the terrible mistake of glancing at Simon. He’s got one hand on the small of Johnny’s back like it’s the only way he can keep the man leashed, and the other is pawing at his cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. You can make out the clear, meaty outline of it, and you find yourself silently praying that his eyes don’t wander too far from Johnny. You’re certain Simon would break you if he decided to fuck you himself. 
Your yelp is sudden and piercing as pain blossoms in your left nipple. It ebbs and flows with your pulse, as if the sting is supposed to be a reminder that you’re still alive. Johnny leans back in astonishment, as if he can’t piece together why him pinching and yanking on your nipple would ever rouse such a reaction from you, but then he does it again, this time to the right. You squeal once more, and your hands move to cup your breasts, hoping to deter him from antagonizing you further. 
“Johnny!” you whine.
“Do that again,” he says, pupils blown wide. 
You squeeze your chest more, as if you can fold your body in on itself and vanish completely if you try hard enough. You blink a few times as you attempt to process his request, but all you can muster is a puzzled look. 
“Say my name again,” he clarifies, voice darker and more husky than you’ve ever heard it before. 
Humiliation courses through your body, forcing your bottom lip to tremble as you writhe under his gaze. It’s easier when you don’t have to participate. When you can just lay there and take it and pretend it doesn’t exist. There’s a special kind of hurt to be found in the way he’s trying to torture you now. Simon’s eyes meet yours from over Johnny’s shoulder, and you try your best to keep your composure lest he get upset at you for keeping his adored pet waiting. 
“Johnny…” you mumble once more. 
For a moment, you fear that your performance is too forced. Something so faux that even Johnny’s slow, horny brain can see through. It’s not satisfying enough. Instead, he groans as he descends on you again, tongue lavishing over your breasts and chest bone as he pushes back against Simon, ass against his clothed cock, going lower and lower along your abdomen. 
“Goddamn angel. Sound so sweet sayin’ my name. You’re perfect. So perfect, Bonnie,” he groans against your skin. “I’ll fuck you good ‘n proper one of these days. As soon as Simon lets me, I promise. For now… just… let me have this.” 
Whatever question you have bubbling up in your throat gets smothered with a gasp as Johnny’s mouth lands on your cunt. A hot, wet tongue laps at you, sliding all the way from your clenching hole to your clit. It doesn’t feel good. It feels messy, and disgusting, yet he laments at the taste of you. His lips and tongue work in tandem, not for your pleasure, but for his. Muted sensations rumble between your legs, but nothing’s connecting. All the wires are cut, but Johnny’s still trying to send signals through anyway. 
Everything he does to you — suck on your clit, hold your hips with a bruising grip — all feels searing. It’s torching your skin, melting you into mush, because if you cannot feel pleasure, then you can certainly feel pain. Things only get worse when you realize Simon’s grunts are sounding in terrible cacophony with Johnny’s. Once more you make the mistake of glancing at him, and you realize he’s got his own cock in his hand now, lazily pumping that monster. It’s incredibly thick and terrifying; something that fits the brutish and colossal nature of your captor. You glance away, turning your head to the side with a look of disgust you attempt to drown out with a forced moan. 
Just pretend, just pretend, just pretend…
Suddenly, it all ceases. Simon pulls Johnny back by his collar, forcing his mouth off of your cunt with a wet pop, before he’s pushing him into your chest. Lips wet from spit and what minimal amount of arousal he was able to rip from you smears against your tits as the poor dog pants.
“Plan on eatin’ her alive, Johnny?” Simon goads. 
He chuckles against your skin as he nuzzles your chest as if he’s trying to get underneath your skin. There’s something about his laughter that almost makes him seem more human than the dog Simon tries to force him to be. Whatever it is, it makes your heart lurch, but it doesn’t tug on it enough for you to forgive him. You bite into your lip as your arms wrap around his neck, searching for a stability you don’t think you’re going to find, yet so desperately crave. 
“Oh, I’d like to,” he coos. 
All Simon does is hum in response as he reaches around Johnny. You jolt when his hand brushes against your thigh, and he shoots you a glare in warning before pushing your thigh back. Trepidation hangs so thick in the air you nearly choke on it as you helplessly feel his fingers brush against your sex. Soon, it’s no longer a gentle brush, but a forceful intrusion as he dips them into your cunt. 
Johnny’s spit allows him to enter you with little protest, but it does nothing to ease the burn that ails you as Simon’s thick fingers split you open. Your eyes screw shut in discomfort as you do your best to hold back a sob. Instead of pumping in and out of you, his fingers dance as if looking for something inside of you, all but tearing you apart in the process. They churn, and scrape and claw. He does not care to draw out moans or other sounds from you — he cares only to aid himself. The heat of the burn that ravages your cunt forces your skin to perspire and your vision begins to tunnel. 
Your only saving grace is that Simon finally seems to have found what he was looking for, and he yanks his fingers out of you with little concern for your body. Tense muscles flutter as you try to force yourself to relax, to calm your tendons before they snap free from bone. Even in the dim light of the bedroom, you can make out the wet, gooey sheen on his fingers as he turns his attention to Johnny. He whimpers into your skin as Simon wipes the sloppy mess around the tight ring of his ass, not stopping until there’s proper lubrication. Strong arms snake underneath your back where needy fingers hold onto your shoulders, as if you’re the only thing grounding Johnny at this moment. 
All you can do is close your eyes and pray it’s quick. 
“Been a long while since I last fucked you, yeah?” Simon teases, fingers still taunting Johnny’s needy hole. “Look atch’ya, puckerin’ around nothin’ like a dirty fuckin’ mutt. Gonna be a good boy and beg? C’mon, you used to beg for this cock all the time. Go on. Beg.” 
Johnny’s body trembles with want, and it rings throughout your body, numbing your senses and rendering you useless. His nose nuzzles into your breast bone before he turns and rests the side of his head just above your heart. You’re certain he can hear the muscle trying to tear itself apart with how fast it’s beating. 
“Please, Simon. I’ve been a good boy,” Johnny whines, following Simon’s orders to a tee. “I need it, need it so bad. Missed you so goddamn much, I just… f-fuck, yes, fuckin’ christ, thank you, thank you.” 
As Simon presses into Johnny, the weight on your chest grows heavier to the point of suffocation. Desperate fingers claw at your shoulders, and you force yourself to stay quiet and take it. Whimpers sear into your skin as Simon keeps going, and going, and going until he bottoms out, and for once Johnny seems content. Praises and gratitude continue to fall from his lips as his body rocks against yours like a poorly tethered boat against a dock. There is little remorse for Johnny as he’s split apart, but he seems to enjoy the burn more than you ever could. 
You don’t dare to peek over him. All you can do is screw your eyes shut tight as you bury your face into the overgrown strands of his mohawk. 
“Such a tight fuckin’ arse. You really are a pathetic mutt, aren’cha?” Simon shames. Despite his harsh words and tone, Johnny whines in confirmation. “Gonna be a good boy ‘n take it then, yeah? Go on. Tell your precious Bonnie how good this cock is makin’ you feel.” 
And he does, like the obedient animal he is, but you don’t hear any of it. You feel the rocking of your body as Simon’s speed picks up, and the slick sweat that builds between your bodies, but you’re too far away for his words to reach your ears. Right now, you’re back in that old bar you used to work in, wiping down grimy tables and filling hoppy drinks. The sourness of the alcohol and the acidity of the cleaner assaults your nose even in your daydreams, and you feel your stomach twist at the scent. Dull music thrums somewhere on your left, and someone’s waving at you so they can pay out their tab. 
That bar had been nothing but a prison to you before, but now you can’t help but hate it even more. Would you have ended up here, underneath two brutish men, had you gotten that office job you interviewed for? Was the outcome always destined to be the same? Teeth ache in your mouth as your jaw clenches at the memory of your attempt at escaping that life. So smart, but not smart enough — always one step behind what everyone else is asking from you; the docile little lamb. 
Sharp nails rake across your skin, and you’re pulled out of your daydream as Johnny is ripped from your arms. Angry streaks and broken skin are left behind in his wake, and you try your best not to cry out. Tears blur your vision as you finally open your eyes, and you see Simon yanking Johnny back against him by his collar. Desperate hands claw at the leather as the sounds of pain and pleasure mix together in his throat as Simon tugs at Johnny’s cock with vicious strokes. You can do nothing but lay there and watch in abject horror as Johnny’s cum spurts from the tip of his cock and coats the length of your stomach and chest. It’s a warm, sticky mess that has you grimacing as it mixes with the lingering sweat on your skin, yet you know better than to voice your discontent. 
“There he is,” Simon grunts. “Makin’ a goddamn mess all over my hand. A mess of your favorite toy too, hmm?”
Despite the fact that Johnny is obviously spent, Simon doesn’t let up. His hips continue to slam into his ass with no disregard for the slight whining that emanates from his favorite pup, who can do nothing but mindlessly babble. 
“What? You thought just because you were done that I was done with ya? C’mon, Johnny, you know better than that. Now, be a good boy and fuckin’ take it.” 
Vibrant blue eyes find you in the darkness of the bedroom before they roll into the back of Johnny’s head. His cum begins to cool and thicken on your body as Simon continues to have his way with him, and their combined grunting becomes near deafening. Even though you and Johnny are the ones wearing the collars, Simon sounds the most animalistic out of the three of you. Grunting and panting and growling. You hold your breath, as if that monster of a man will pounce and attack any moment. 
When Simon finishes, he does so with another feral grunt and a final thrust into Johnny where he continues to hold himself against the man. A cacophony of appreciative remarks fall from Johnny like a strained prayer to a deaf god as he’s pumped full of all of his would-be lover’s spend. He enjoys every moment of it, and you’re not sure if you should be comforted by the fact this man can be so attached to someone so purely evil. It isn’t until Simon’s given him every last drop that he finally pulls out, leaving him deserted and empty. 
There is slight reprieve to be found in the fact that they’re finally finished consuming one another. It’s not enough to cleanse you of the sullied sensation that torments your skin, but you’re at least able to wipe the stray tears from your eyes. 
“Filthy thing. Spoiled rotten, you are,” Simon growls as Johnny begins to gag. “Completely spent and still wantin’ more.” 
You venture a glance from behind the backs of your hands, and you look up to see Simon shoving his cum-coated fingers down Johnny’s throat. Stomach-churning gagging sounds from him as he devours it like dessert. His devotion to a beast such as Simon is infuriating in a complicated way. It sends a tingle up your spine. Something bone chilling — it only gets worse when Simon’s gaze lands on you. 
He doesn’t speak a word as he yanks his fingers out of Johnny’s mouth and pushes his face toward your body. A flinch echoes throughout the chords of your muscles, preparing to be bitten by the brainwashed mutt, yet no such pain blossoms on your skin. 
“We’re done playin’ for now. Clean up your fuckin’ toy,” Simon demands. 
Obedient. Eager. Johnny’s tongue lulls out of his mouth without a second thought before he licks a line along your abdomen. It’s just as warm and wet as it was when he was lapping at your cunt, and still it makes you squirm. He laughs at the way you tremble under him, and it sounds more like a pant as he washes away the remainder of his cum, consuming it without complaint. 
Licking quickly turns into kissing once he’s finished, and he starts to nibble on your neck as he settles his body weight onto you. A still needy and half hard cock presses against your thigh as he nuzzles you, legs wrapped around your body, keeping you attached to him with vice-like strength. Sticky warmth seeps through the pores of your skin, and you are so painfully trapped in that moment with a spinning head and an achy cunt. 
Simon had barked at Johnny to clean you up, but you feel the complete opposite of clean — disgusting, undignified, desecrated. Those feelings only rouse and fester when Simon begins to shove himself back into his pants with his umber gaze trained on you. You are not human. You have never been human. You’re an imitation of flesh, a bird with clipped wings, a song with no melody — you have become everything you ever feared of being:
A catalyst. Food for the greedy. 
A trophy of bone. 
“What’re you crying for, angel?” 
Johnny’s lips are on you again, smothering away each fat tear that rolls down your cheeks. He fakes his concern for you so well, it can almost be confused for love.
“I know, you’ll get your turn too. I promise, Bonnie. I always keep my promises, you’ll see,” Johnny assures you as he licks the salt off of his lips. 
That’s what I’m afraid of.
But there is no room for fear. Not as Johnny settles against your back, tucking you into him like a prized possession. Not as Simon turns off the bedside lamp and plunges the room into darkness. There is only one thought that consumes your mind as both men begin to snore — survive. One day, something will save you; be it yourself, or anyone else; be it death.
For now, you’ll just have to get used to being devoured whole.
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crushmeeren · 8 months
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♡ Master List Link
♡ Gojo / Fem Reader
♡ Warnings; age gap (you’re 24, Gojo is 40), major daddy kink, praise kink, vaginal sex, anal sex,
♡ Note; God, I hate myself for writing this. Alas, I couldn’t help it. It’s probably about 1000 ish words? It’s an AU where Gojo is the definition of a single DILF and you’re his new babysitter.
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When you first got recommended to babysit for Gojo Satoru, you thought nothing of it. You needed the money and you had a great track record with other families. You’d heard nothing but good things about the man in the circles of moms, but you had never met him yourself.
You never paid attention to the gossip of how beautiful he is, brushing it off as exaggeration of bored housewives. It didn’t matter to you either way. The only thing that felt out of place was being informed Gojo is a single dad.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, you just routinely deal with the mothers. Whatever, no skin off your back, it’d be fine. A decent change of pace.
To your immense satisfaction, it was. It is. Gojo has the most wonderful four year old little boy, Megumi. You love that kid as if he’s your own and he adores you.
However, the moms were clearly not being dramatic. Gojo is, to your disdain, angelic. With his snow white hair, clear blue eyes and tall as a mountain, he leaves you speechless.
You weren’t surprised when your thoughts turned wildly sexual towards him. Hell, he’s a DILF if there ever was one. You couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty though. You’re not here to lust after your boss, this is your job.
You used every fiber of your being, every ounce of willpower to try and squash those thoughts.
Nevertheless you couldn’t get used to his god like stature. You’re embarrassed to admit it was made infinitely worse by the fact that he’s pushing forty, and you’re only twenty four.
When you gained that piece of helpful knowledge, your stomach burned with pleasure. You couldn’t look him in the eye for a week. It’s not your fault you have a fucking daddy kink.
And so, after almost a year of your pathetic, overwhelming pining for the man, your heart dropped to your stomach when you found out Gojo harbored similar fantasies for you.
He had invited you stay late one night after Megumi had gone to sleep. He wanted to watch a movie, drink some wine, relax. You had agreed, because at this point you were well past the point of friends and it was the weekend.
The two of you had drank enough wine to loosen your lips. Not sloppy, but enough for the lines to get blurred. Enough so that you started calling him Satoru, and flushing every time you did.
It was enough for Satoru to drunkenly admit he’s been shamefully lusting after you for months. For him to almost forget he was telling his deep dark secret to the person it conveniently about.
You sat side by side on his fluffly couch, thighs pressed together. Your head was fuzzy and his was the same. Satoru had his let his head drop onto the backrest with a thunk. Pretty eyes closed while you admired how sinfully long and lean his legs really were.
“I’m a terrible person,” he mumbled out of nowhere, brows pinching as he kept his eyes shut. You hummed in question, focusing intently on his snowy eyelashes. “I think, no I know I have feelings for you. I should feel guiltier than I do for wanting to have sex with someone so much younger than me, but I don’t,” he said with an airy sigh, shifting his head and snapping his eyes open to gaze at you.
Warmth instantly curled in your lower belly. The enticing flash of arousal blistered through your limbs, leaving you to unsubtly clench your thighs.
It was too easy to admit that you felt the same way, to admit you had touched yourself thinking about him. Your body flushed white hot when Satoru leaned in close, and you turned your gaze away. It made him giggle.
“You’re so cute!” He gushes. “Don’t worry baby girl, I stroke my cock daydreaming about how your pussy would feel around me. About how much I could show you. I bet you don’t have that much experience do you sweetheart?” Satoru taunts, wolfish grin on his lips.
You nodded, shifting your weight when he trailed the soft pads of his fingers over the sensitive crease of your elbow, tickling the underside of your bicep. The heady tension between you becoming dizzying.
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You’re not sure who leaned in first for the kiss, you’re only aware that now you’re occupying Satoru’s bed, wine long forgotten. You’ve both lost your clothes along the way and you’re tangled in his blankets.
Satoru presses a large, sweaty hand over your mouth to try and keep your whines at bay.
You’re desperately trying not to wake up Megumi as Satoru urges you to ride his cock.
Satoru reclines on the headboard. He keeps his knees bent and his feet planted so his thighs act as a cradle for you to rock against.
The jerk is making you work for your third orgasm, thighs burning as you chase your high. He was eating your pussy not even five minutes ago, now you’re bouncing in his lap.
Satoru starts to trail his free hand down your spine, following the knobs down to the crease of your ass.
A startled cry of his name presses into his palm when he gently pushes the pad of his pointer finger against the pink, taught skin of your asshole. The unfamiliar sensation causes your movements to falter.
Satoru’s eyes light up, as if he’s just tried a new sweet and loved it. He tilts his head at your reaction, shaking it condescendingly, making a tsk noise when you stop moving.
“That’s not the right name, is it princess?” He teases, applying more pressure to your rim. Your eyes flutter shut and you shake your head no, a low moan escaping you. “Tell me what it is,” he demands, blue eyes piercing. He removes his hand from your mouth so you answer.
“Daddy,” you murmur, nails biting into his shoulders as he continues to loosen the ring of muscle. You’ve come to a stand still in his lap, unused to having your ass played with.
“That’s it, what a good girl for daddy,” Satoru purrs. “Say babygirl, has anyone ever fucked your ass?” He muses, raising one eyebrow and biting the tip of his tongue.
“No daddy,” you say. His cock twitches in response.
“You gonna let daddy be the first one?” He presses harder on your rim, the tip of his finger sinking in. You yelp, tensing slightly. “I swear daddy will make you cum like you couldn’t believe,” he coos convincingly.
You’re anxious the pain, but ultimately you trust Satoru. You nod your head, happy to give him this first. He grins as if he’s going to eat you alive, the hand not in your ass squeezing your waist harshly.
Quickly Satoru helps you out of his lap, manhandling you until your cheek rests on the sheets and your ass is in the air. Satoru steps off the bed to grab lube from nearby.
Your belly fills with butterflies, pussy clenching when you admire the way he moves. He’s tall, lean, and gut wrenchingly pretty.
He’s looming behind you before you can register it, rubbing your lower back comfortingly as he delicately slips one lubed finger past the tight ring of muscle.
Your breath hitches, fingers curling around the sheets shakily. It’s uncomfortable.
“Shh, it’s okay baby girl, I promise it’s going to get so much better,” he soothes, pumping his finger in and out until you relax. You take a deep, steadying breath, releasing it as Satoru eases his middle finger in alongside the first, all the way to his knuckle.
“Daddy!” You cry out, forgetting to be quiet. The stretch is overwhelming, a terrible mixture of a dull ache and barely there pleasure.
Satoru bends over your back, tangling his fingers in your hair and shoving your face into the mattress.
“Hush,” he admonishes you, scissoring his fingers in warning. You nod quietly, close to sobbing into the mattress below. He hums in approval, releasing your hair as you keep yourself muzzled.
You don’t even notice the third finger. After a few minutes of stretching your rim to his satisfaction, the pleasure starts to drown out the pain.
You protest when he finally decides to pull his fingers out, the empty sensation almost unbearable now. Satoru chuckles, lining himself up.
“Don’t tell me you’re whining now, after all that complaining you did?” He teases, rubbing his tip over your soft, warm skin. You fold your arms under your head, resting there and ignoring him.
It doesn’t phase Satoru. He grips the base of his shaft and applies increasing pressure until the tip pops past your rim. The initial sharp sting makes you tense up, before relaxing as it fades to a dull ache.
Satoru produces a twisted version of a whine, carving a space in your ass until his curly pubic hair brushes your skin.
“Okay?” Satoru asks, panting lightly and petting your lower back, straining with the effort to stay still.
“I’m okay,” you reassure him, even if you’re not completely sure you are. You start to clench rhythmically around the thick cock splitting you, involuntarily trying to get him out of you.
Satoru sucks in a breath through his teeth. He’s lightheaded from the pleasure, feeling like all the blood in his body is currently in his cock.
Satoru holds your hips, starting with a teasing backwards pull until only his tip remains. He smoothly pushes all the way in and repeats that motion until it suddenly clicks in your mind.
The pleasure from anal sex is divine, absolutely brain melting as he rocks his hips back and forth, creating a smoother, faster paced rhythm. It’s intense, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
A warmth burns violently behind your navel, as if you’ve never been pleasured before. It’s so fucking good, you immediately know you’ll be addicted to it.
“Daddy,” you can’t help but moan. You’re still attempting to be quiet, but it’s proving impossible. You want Satoru’s attention.
“What baby?” He asks breathlessly. He moans as he watches his cock disappear into your puffy rim as he waits for your answer.
“I’m gonna cum,” you warn him, stifling your moans into the sheets as they increase in volume. Satoru laughs meanly behind you, but he thrusts harder at your words.
“Already?” He questions incredulously. “That was fast.” He sounds smug, tilting his hips so he’s hitting your g-spot through the thin wall separating him from your pussy.
Your pulse thunders in your ears, going silent as your orgasm shakes you to your core. The blood in your veins thrums at a dizzying pace. You feel all the thoughts in your head fizzle out to pinpoint on the pleasure as Satoru fucks you through it.
“Oh god. Yes, fuck — just like that,” Satoru snarls through clenched teeth, spanking you harshly.
Your thighs start to shake as Satoru doesn’t let up in his pace, but you’re starting to float down from your high, and you’re getting overstimulated.
“Satoru,” you gasp, trying not to scream as he chases his own orgasm. “I can’t take much more,” you plead, trying to move forward. He just giggles, gripping your hips and pulling you back into his thrusts, he knows you don’t mean it.
“Just a little longer princess,” he coos, voice wrecked. You nod, taking deep breaths that rattle your chest.
Satoru throws all his weight into the next few thrusts, forcing a wail out of you that neither of you pay any mind to.
“Fuck fuck fuck, you’re gonna make me cum,” Satoru whines, yanking his cock out of you, causing your rim to clench painfully around air.
He fists his cock twice before he lets out a strangled sound. You feel the long ribbons of warm cum all over your back, some reaching up to your shoulder blades.
Satoru lets go of his cock and sits back on his heels, breathing heavily as he calms his heart rate. He reaches forward and tugs your legs out from under you so you can collapse.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt so satiated in your life. Every inch of you feels like jello.
Neither of you speak for a moment, soaking up the silence as you collect your thoughts. You still can’t breathe yet.
Eventually, Satoru pats your ass twice before rising and hunting down a damp wash cloth to clean you with. You lay there limp as he wipes away the mess you made.
He pokes your rib playfully when you don’t move a muscle. Twitching, you open one eye to look at him.
“Did I fuck your brains out?” He teases, giggling. You hum in affirmation, nodding your head. He laughs out loud this time, head tilting backwards.
A soft knock on Satoru’s door makes the two of you jump two feet off the bed. Your heart skips a beat as you raise up to sit on your knees.
“Daddy?” Megumi’s tiny voice calls out softly. “Are you in there?” You and Satoru share a panicked look. Thank God you locked the door.
“What is it my love? Are you okay?” Satoru calls out fondly. You’re shocked he’s able to keep a steady voice.
“Come lay with me daddy, I had a bad dream,” Megumi whines, little sniffles coming through the door. His sad voice makes your heart squeezes in your chest. Satoru’s eyebrows scrunch in concern.
“I’m sorry you had a bad dream Gumi, I’ll be there in a second to lay with you bubba, go lay back down,” Satoru soothes.
“Mkay.” Megumi’s soft footsteps fade away as he returns to his room. Satoru looks at you guiltily, but you give him a sweet smile.
“Go, it’s okay. Poor Gumi, I hope we didn’t wake him,” you whisper. Satoru gazes at you as if he’s in love, leaning forward and kissing your forehead.
“I’ll be back, then we have to discuss how to tell Megumi we’re dating tomorrow. He’s gonna be surprised to see you so early.” Satoru pulls on a pair of loose sweats as he speaks, heading towards his door.
Something warm and sweet settles in your heart knowing that Satoru already assumes you’re dating. Not as if you have any complaints about that.
You watch the door shut behind him and you shift around, pulling on the t-shirt Satoru was wearing. You snuggle up under his sheets and promptly pass out.
You sleep peacefully knowing Satoru will return soon to wrap you up and hold you tight.
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
I just did an ab workout and it fucking sucked ass
But as a result… may I raise you, workout out with Peter
It’s a need!
*cleaning out my inbox*
peter’s strength…. so yummy 🤤
you knew exactly what you were doing, but peter didn’t. ‘i bet you couldn’t bench two fifty.’
he’s insulted to say the least. ‘i’m sorry, trouble. you said what?’ because there’s no way you just told him that.
‘i bet you couldn’t bench two fifty. you’re strong, but not that strong.’ peter scoffs, ‘i don’t think you realize how light two fifty is.’
you quirk an eyebrow, ‘oh really? i’d take you up on that bet.’ it’ll be the easiest bet of his entire life. ‘deal. i’ll take you to the gym with me next time, then you can see for yourself.’
that’s how you ended up watching peter grunt under the weighted bar, he’s got three twenty and he’s going so smooth he doesn’t need a spot, but you’re still there just in case. it’s not like you’d be any real help if shit went south.
‘is this your max?’ your words make peter laugh, like your question was adorable. ‘not even close.’ okay, maybe you thought he was stronger than what you originally teased. but him barely sweating at over three hundred pounds has you truly questioning his strength.
‘do you even have a max?’ there’s no way he could bench much more, he doesn’t have the muscle mass to back it up. not that he’s lean, but he’s no body builder either.
‘haven’t found one, no.’ the bar slams down, it bends under the force on each side. ‘there’s no way. i may have been exaggerating at first but you’re not mr. strongman.’
peter’s eyebrow raises like you just challenged him, you didn’t, but he took it as one. ‘wanna bet? give me a number.’
‘four fifty.’ an egregious amount but peter just nods and starts collecting more plates. the second his hands wrap around the bar you stop him, you didn’t want him over performing for your sake. if he hurt himself trying to impress you, you’d never forgive yourself for pushing him to that place.
‘you don’t have to. i believe you.’
peter fingers grip the steel, ‘it’s okay, i can do it.’ you slap his hands away, ‘no, really. don’t do it.’ you don’t care what expression he’s looking up at you with, you refuse to allow him.
‘you’re the one that gave me the number, trouble.’
‘because you were supposed to say no! don’t hurt yourself over this, i’m already impressed.’
peter clicks his tongue, disappointed you’d think of him so shallow. ‘i want to make you impressed at every chance, but i’m not gonna be stupid about it. if i couldn’t do it, id tell you.’
it’s not good enough, it’s a clear expression. peter immediately eats his words, he’s about to show off because you don’t believe him. the second the bar raises off the handle your teeth clench, you peer around the room and familiarize yourself with a very muscled man in the corner of the room. just in case.
no need, peter’s doing it with ease. he’s breathing hard, strained grunts pull from the back of his throat. he can bench it, but it’s not as easy as three hundred.
after four presses you can’t handle it, ‘okay, okay, okay! please stop.’ your hand hovers underneath the bar when it slams into the handle.
peter teases you when he rises from the padding. ‘you could never be the girlfriend of an athlete. what would you do if i broke my leg while drag racing?’
‘kill myself, i dunno.’
peter’s sweating across his hairline, his skin tacky under your touch. he shakes it off, ‘i’m hot.’ you wink, ‘yeah, you are.’
‘next time, just tell me you wanna see me workout. you don’t have to make up numbers, trouble.’
you play offended, ‘i did no such thing.’
‘you didn’t touch a single machine here.’
‘i was emotional support.’
‘i was eye candy, that’s it.’
your arms wrap around his waist, his back damp under your palm. ‘and you are so, so, so yummy. can i take you home and eat you?’
a glare from peter, ‘isn’t that my job?’
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thebigbadbatswife · 9 months
Day 3 - Hate Sex
Pairing - Arkham Knight!Jason Todd x F!Vigilante!Reader
Warnings - 18+ content, if you're under 18 leave immediately! Hate sex, rough sex, table sex, ass slapping, name calling, degradation.
Summary - The Arkham Knight finally gets you right where he wants you.
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You’re sure that he is smirking beneath that stupid Batman-esque helmet of his. Why wouldn’t he be? He has you pinned to a desk, on your front, your hands being held behind your back by one of his much larger ones and his thick cock pumping in and out of your dripping cunt. It’s embarrassing, not only because of how wet he has made you, but how much you’re enjoying it. The desk creaks beneath you from the force of his thrusts and just as you start to wonder whether or not it’s going to hold up or collapse beneath you, he gives a particularly hard thrust that hits a spot that finally has you moaning.
The Arkham Knight chuckles and does it again, making you moan louder. Until now you had been doing a good job at holding them back, not giving him the satisfaction. Mentally, you scold yourself. 
Your weapons lay scattered across the floor. The condom wrapper glistening in the light of the street lamp pouring into the office, from the window. At least he had those on hand otherwise tonight would have turned out completely different.
“Didn’t know that Batman had started allowing such whores into his ranks,” he taunts. “Wonder what he would think if he was to walk in on us right now. Bet it would piss him off seeing you bent over and letting me fuck this sweet hole of yours.” 
“Fuck you,” you spit, glaring at him over your shoulder.
“It’s the other way around, baby.” To prove his point his next thrust was even harder, making the legs of the desk scrap against the wooden floor. You mewl loudly, the head of his cock hitting a spot that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head. “Yeah, Batman will be really disappointed knowing his brand new friend is such a slut. Do you think he’s listening in right now? Hearing how much you like having my cock inside of you?” 
He wasn’t. Batman couldn’t be. You had switched off your comms before coming here. Not to mention the man in question was currently AWOL. He would have no idea where you are or what you were doing.
He pushes one of your legs up onto the desk, letting his thick cock hit deeper, making your moans louder. He leans forward, trapping you beneath his body so he can lean in. “I bet he is listening, isn’t he? That’s why your cunt is trembling so much around me. You want him to hear us.” He stands up straight again and suddenly the palm of his hand meets your ass cheek. Pain and pleasure from it has a high pitched moan leaving you.
“Hear that Batman? That’s your partner being a complete whore for me! Bet she didn’t even know what a cock hungry slut she was until she saw my cock!” He almost sounds manic as he yells out. “Maybe he should have you fuck the rest of Gotham’s rogues. Maybe you could even set some of them on the right path with this sweet hole.”
“Shut up! That’s not true!” You can feel tears forming in your eyes.
“Of course it is,” he slaps your ass again, forcing another moan out of you, while his thick cock keeps driving into you. “Why else would you be so easy? Moaning and creaming all over my cock? Finally someone who knows exactly what to do with a whore cunt like yours and you’re loving every fucking second of it.”
“I hate you. I fucking hate you.” Venom drips from your voice and your blood boils with hatred for him, but your body disagrees. Your words only drive him on as he keeps fucking each inch of his fat cock into you. Despite your very best efforts not to, your body reacts to his, your walls tightening and stars starting to dance behind your eyes as the only thing your brain can focus on is the feeling of his cock still drilling into you.
Then he pulls out of you and gives your ass one last slap, already stuffing his cock back inside his pants and zipping them up. “I’m sure that we’ll do this again sometime.”
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auspicioustidings · 8 months
I love your work! May I please request ghost finding a captured civilian in an enemy base and taking her for himself?
Ah little posessive freak Ghost my beloved <3 I didn't know if you were looking for fluff or twisted Simon so I've leant towards the latter!
CW: Attempted rape (non-graphic), kidnapping
They had been warned there were going to be civillians in the building, but it wasn't the first time Ghost had to work around hostages to get the job done. It was an understanding on the team that whereever possible it wasn't going to be the huge fucker in the skull mask who dealt with that side of things. If they knew where hostages were being kept, that's where they sent Gaz or Johnny or even Price to settle them and get them out. Not the Ghost.
And that was working smoothly once again. Gaz had radioed in saying he found where they were being kept, had taken out their guards and would wait for the all clear for an exit route for the handful of doubtless terrified little civilians looking at him like he was the second coming for saving them.
They were all accounted for and that always made Ghost feel some tension bleed away. The last thing he needed to be worrying about was hostage situations.
The rest of the mission was easy enough, taking out any enemies and finding the saferoom to snoop around in for intel. It was laughably easy to get into. Saferooms only really worked if the person who knew the code didn't spill it at the first little twist of an arm, the press of a knife against their throat. They only worked if they were used. But obviously playing at warlord the man was arrogant, thought he could easily take on whoever came at him. Idiot. The moment he had the code, Ghost had no more use for him until he could get him somewhere for a proper interrogation, so he was smacked in the skull with a pistol and out cold. His fingerprints and eye scanner worked just fine even with him unconcious and the code he had given beeped with a green light and the click of a lock.
It was a damn good thing that you assumed it was your captor coming in and so were aiming the cast iron at where his face would be. Instead it smacked into the tactical vest of a much taller man. You hissed and spat and fought like a feral cat when the man immediately reacted by grabbing your wrist and twisting so you cried out and dropped the pan. There went your weapon, there wasn't much else to use in this little safe room but for the small implements in the kitchen and you hadn't felt confident with a knife. A blunt object with a larger surface area had felt like a better bet.
"Don't fucking touch me! I'll claw your fucking eyes out!" you spat out at what you were sure was a bloody monster.
You had been a victim of wrong place wrong time about 12 hours prior. You had broken down on a stretch of road that barely got any use and had fuck all phone signal to get help, so were at the mercy of someone passing by. Just your luck the someone passing by was some slimy asshole with a compound nearby he thought to drag you to. He had found out quickly he wasn't getting his hands on you without a fight. You were a bit of a mess, shirt torn and what you suspected was a cracked orbital bone from where he had punched you after you bit his tongue. You wished you had bit fucking harder.
The only thing that had saved you in the end was the alarm going off. The man had thrown you into the safe room, telling you that once he had dealt with whoever dared break into his base he was going to fuck you bloody. You'd kill him before he got the chance. You'd fucking kill him before all this adrenaline fuelled fight turned into fear and had you accepting your fate.
The monster in the skull mask didn't have the laugh of a monster. It was gruff but there was something very genuine about it. He had his hands on both of your wrists, locking them so you couldn't scratch at him with yout body pulled right into him so you couldn't kick either. Your wrists were pinned at your chin so you couldn't even bite at him. Didn't much stop you from fighting, trying to just drop all of your weight to get him off balance. The added weight did not phase him in the slightest.
"Settle sweetheart, I'm the good guy."
"Do good guys often wear skull masks?!" you hissed back, still struggling to no avail.
He manouvered so that you could see out of the doorway and to the passed out man on the floor.
"They do when they're going after bad guys."
It was like all the adrenaline had finally burned off at right that moment and you felt yourself go boneless in his hold, fight gone. You had a sick moment of being disappointed that you could see that the man was still breathing.
"We sure all the civilians are accounted for?"
You felt a little dazed as you squinted back at him before realising he must have been speaking on the radio. Whatever he heard back must have been interesting because he looked at you, considering, before twisted the little dial to another channel.
"Got a stray, let's keep it out of the reports."
Simon knew that the 141 would back him up. After all, him and the Seargants had always admired the relationship between Price and his wife even if when they first met she kept trying to murder him. She had grown out of it after a few years.
And Simon had never felt like this before. He thought you truly would have killed him if you had been able when he opened the door. It was love at first murder attempt for him.
He cooed at you and comforted you the whole way through exfil. It wasn't until you realised that you couldn't leave that it really started getting fun.
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bluesaie · 12 days
lights, camera, sex baby g!p bada
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bada lee has been working as a porn video director's assistant for the past year. it all started out as a desperate measure to earn easy money, and indeed easy money it was. Just within a single filming, she had managed to earn enough to pay off her outstanding student debts, and that was the driving point to spur her to continue on with the job.
working in the porn field definitely had its perks. while being able to meet famous porn actors and directors, she was able to enjoy the porn right in front of her eyes. at the same time, she was casted a few times to appear in videos since she was undoubtedly handsome. men or women, she didn’t mind, as long as she was the one doing the fucking. but bada was one to prefer working behind the camera rather than in front of it. also, appearing in videos allowed her to earn much, much more while enjoying herself, so who was she to reject easy money?
of course it came as no surprise when one day, out of the blue while she was setting up the cameras for another video, the director approached her and requested for her to appear in that video. without an ounce of hesitation, she agreed and immediately, stylists escorted her backstage to do her makeup and costumes. 
while sitting in front of the mirror, with a few stylists working on her face and hair, she realised she never asked the director who she was acting with. curious, she decided to ask the stylists.
“hey, do you guys know who I’ll be doing it with today? I don’t remember hearing anything about today’s shoot.”
“oh, you’ll definitely like today’s actor,” one of the stylists squealed. “she’s so small and pretty, definitely your type.”
“she’s the current hottest sensation on the internet - Y/N she’s only appeared in a few videos so far but they’ve been hitting at least a million views each! she’s  popular, and she’s dubbed as ‘every man’s and woman’s wet dream’!” Another contributed.
bada hummed in response, already looking forward to who she would be fucking later on.
within half an hour, bada was all prepared. makeup done not too thickly, wearing only a blue silk bathrobe, no undergarment underneath. she looked around the set, and there was still no unfamiliar face, meaning bada finished her preparations earlier than the other actor. so she walked over and sat in one of the chairs meant for the actors, scrolling through her social media on her phone while waiting for her co-actor for the day.
after a long 20 minutes, the sound of doors opening could be heard, signifying the entrance of the other actor whom bada had been waiting for. looking up from her phone to take a look at who the stylists had been previously swooning over, bada was rendered speechless. yes, the actor was indeed breathtakingly beautiful and petite-sized, undoubtedly bada’s type. But at the same time, the actor was none other than y/n bada’s high school ex-girlfriend, strolling in while adorning a red silk bathrobe, contrasting against her spotless milky white skin.
the moment bada laid her eyes on the woman she once called hers, she was brought back to her high school days. the two of them were once high school sweethearts, exchanging loving kisses and hugs whenever they had the chance to, and moaning beneath messy sheets every other night while whispering sweet words into each others’ ears. Many had envied them for you two for your chemistry and love, even betting that you two would last forever. However, no one would expect for you two to break up all of a sudden one fine day and you disappeared from their lives without a final word, and no one knew why except bada and you.
your father had received a promotion at work and was sent to work based in Europe, but he didn’t tell you till a week before he you were both leaving. this had left both of bada and you devastated, knowing you had just one week left with each other. one would expect the two of you to maintain a long distance relationship upon witnessing how in love you are with each other, but you two didn’t. Instead, the two of you parted on mutual terms, knowing that a long distance relationship rarely works out, and that your return was indefinite, therefore the mutual breakup.
The last she remembered, you were one to be really shy when it came to anything sexual. she was rarely one to initiate anything, and she was afraid to try anything else adventurous when it came to sex. But how you became such a sensational porn star, she didn’t know how it was possible.
back to the present, you was standing right in front of bada, in the flesh, looking just as how you looked years ago, maybe a little prettier. 
“hi”you broke the silence. “long time no see, bada.”
you flashed on a sly smirk, one that bada had only seen when you was being playful.
“yeah, kinda unexpected for our reunion to be here, huh?” bada breathed out, sounding more of a whisper.
The two of you continued gazing at each other’s faces, admiring the face that they have constantly missed over the past few years, but you were broken out of your trance at the director’s booming voice.
“so it looks like the both of your are acquainted? I guess it’ll be much easier this way. But reunion later, sex first. Get into positions everyone!”
At the director’s instructions, everyone started moving instantly, not wanting to delay the shooting. While the filming crew got to their positions behind the various cameras, spotlights and boom mics, bada and you made your way over to the king-sized bed that was situated right in the middle of the set, all spotlights casting their lights upon it. The king-sized bed was adorned with simply plain white sheets and two cotton pillows - simple-looking but comfortable enough for fucking.
after much shouting by the director as to where the different cameras and lights should be directed at, as well as giving that day’s actors the rundown of the filming, bada and you were now sitting in the middle of the bed, waiting for further instructions. you were sitting cross-legged, looking around the set, without an ounce of nervousness visible.  bada thought.
meanwhile, bada was an inner mess. It was the first time meeting his ex-girlfriend after years, and within minutes of meeting they were about to have sex! Not to mention since you are a rising porn star, bada suddenly feels so inexperienced even though she had her fair share of men and women. 
she was snapped out of her panicking when she heard a shout of “action!” coming from a director. Before she could even respond, she was pushed backwards, made to lie on the bed while you hovered above her.
“do you know what I’m best known for in this field?” you smirked.
bada gulped and shook her head, never seeing this side of you before.
you leaned in and whispered into her ear, “for taking charge.”
without waiting for a response, you crashed your lips onto bada’s plump and soft ones. in shock, bada gave out a gasp and you took that opportunity to slip your tongue into the other’s mouth, deepening the kiss. bada, quickly coming to her senses and tried to dominate the kiss, but your firm hand on her chest prevented her from switching the positions, so she had no choice but to let you have control.
tongues roughly sliding against one another, teeth clashing and lips being bitten till swollen while saliva trailed down from the corners of your mouths - the two of yoy exchanged kisses of pure lust, not caring how messy it was. With each heated lick into her mouth, bada would let out a soft moan that she wasn’t sure the boom mics would pick up. since she was pinned down onto the bed, all she could do was let her hands roam about your still-clothed back. Even with the robe still on, she could feel the obvious curve of your waist. Hands sliding further down, it stopped at the curve of your ass, and she squeezed hard. you let out a moan into her mouth and bada deemed it as a sign to continue. she continued to massage the fleshy cheeks with increasing pressure, causing you to release more melodious moans. 
Hearing you moan boosted bada’s pride; her feeling that she still had some control over the you. Just as bada was about to try to dominate you by flipping your positions once more, she felt a hand gently press down on her exposed chest and sliding further down south, to her waist where the ribbon of her robe was. nimble hands loosened the knot and bada was soon completely bare to you.
you broke the heated kiss and took your time to admire the masterpiece that was lying beneath you. pale skin just as yoy remembered from years back, but stomach comparable toned, obvious that bada had been working out. you placed your palm back in the middle of bada’s chest and splayed it out, feeling the muscles that lay beneath the taut skin. you then slid your palm downwards, feeling every raise of muscle at the abdomen.
Albeit a little ticklish, it was also sensual, giving bada shivers down her spine, but in a good way. she felt the hand go further down and down, until it gripped her half-hard cock. she flinched in surprise, but let out a breathy gasp that sounded more like a moan.
you inwardly smirked at the sight of bada being aroused - nipples erected, lips swollen from the kissing, and cock pulsating in your hand. you absolutely loved it when you was in full control over what was happening. If you told the old you a few years back that he would be dominating during sex, she would laugh it off. But through nights of exploration after moving to Europe, you discovered that although you didn’t like topping, you loved to be in control over your partner; which is why you was dubbed as a ‘power-bottom’. 
as you slowly stroked badas cock to its full erected glory, you lowered your face to bada’s chest, and nipped at the skin there, occasionally licking and sucking, bruising it with hickeys. bada was obviously enjoying the different sensations as her moans increased in volume, and more blood rushed down to her cock, making it fully hard. 
you continued nipping downwards, licking at the hard abdomen. When you have reached bada’s cock, you took a moment to appreciate it in its full hard glory, before taking it into your hand and giving it kittenish-licks around the head. Like a child savouring a lollipop, you took your own sweet time tasting your delectable treat, taking in the saltiness of skin and precum. meanwhile bada was enjoying the attention you showered her cock with , her hand gripping hard onto the sheets beneath her due to all the pleasure she was receiving, moans and whines leaving his saliva-slicked lips.
you, wanting to see bada ruined more, without warning, started to take bada in your mouth. Inch by inch, bada’s cock entered your mouth, stretching your lips, but halfway through, you realised you couldn’t take in anymore, making you remember how large bada actually was. Whatever you couldn’t put into your mouth, you made it up by stroking it with your hands. 
bada had let out a loud moan the moment she felt her cock enter the warm cavern - she swore she could come right at that instant. Slowly, more of her cock welcomed the warmed and soon, the tip of her cock had hit the back of your throat.  Unable to deal with so much pleasure, bada reached her hand downwards and found her grip in your locks. 
as you continued sucking and stroking, bada willed herself not to thrust her hip upwards, but alas it was futile. At one particular hard suck you gave, bada’s hips reflexively bucked and the moan you released sent vibrations down bada’s cock, sending more blood there.
bada continued to fuck your mouth and at the sounds of your moans, you didn’t seem to hate it at all. you struggled to keep up with bada’s pace, sucking whatever you could and stroking what you couldn’t suck, while enjoying the feeling of bada’s cock hitting the back of your throat. Saliva from your mouth leaked down from your lips to the angry cock you were sucking on. bada’s hips began to stutter in pace and without warning, she came in your mouth.
With warm liquid suddenly filling your mouth and saltiness with a tinge of sweetness hitting your taste buds, you moaned in delight and happily swallowed it all. you even continued sucking bada’s softening cock as to not waste a single drop. Once you was done, you let it go with a soft ‘pop’ and while staring into bada’s eyes, you licked your lips, once again tasting the delicious cum you have enjoyed.
bada, still breathing hard after her orgasm, stared back at you. He absolutely looked like a beautiful mess - hair dishevelled from her grip, lips swollen and moist, face flushed and the red silk robe slipping off your shoulders, showcasing baby smooth skin and sharp collarbones.
With increasing sexual tension in the air, tou seductively removed your robe, taking your own sweet time. When the robe was thrown onto the floor, bada could feel herself getting hard again just at the sight of your untainted and beautiful body. 
bada rolled over and switched your positions, such that you was now lying under her and surprisingly, you showed no resisting. you looked so much more ravishing under her and ravish you bada did. 
bada crashed her lips into yours and both of you were engaged in a fiery lip-lock, tongues having a battle of dominance. All you could hear were the sounds of wet kissing, tongues dragging against one another and moans coming from the both of you. Saliva made it messier but both of you didn’t care. bada then snuck a hand between your bodies and started to rub your pussy.
you gave out a moan in shock, and bada deemed it as a signal to rub it harder. Soon, you came all wet , spurting translucent white cum onto bada’s hand and both your bodies. bada broke the heated kiss to move downwards and lick off the cum that landed on your body. The sensation of the wet muscle dragging against your body, you absolutely loved it, moans increasing in frequency and loudness, whispers of “More” could be heard.
Once bada was done licking off your body, she took the back of your knees and positioned them onto her broad shoulders. Going down even further. bada came face to face with your pussy, all pink and hairless, twitching to be filled. bada nuzzled her face in between the two lips and breathed in hard at the scent of you. she then gave a fat and long lick to your pussy, you moaned at the sensation, wanting more.The moment the tip of bada’s tongue entered your wanting hole, you came once again,loads of cum drooling out of your hole At the same time, your hole contracted around bada’s tongue, making her moan from the tightness. Nonetheless, she continued on, tongue licking the insides of you, while nipping at the rim. 
you choked out moans at the amount of pleasure you were receiving, since you was still sensitive from the orgasm that had hit you not too long ago. you was basking in the feeling of bada eating you, when suddenly a palm striked against your left ass cheek. you gasped at the sudden sting, but pain morphed into pleasure when the same palm caressed the reddening cheek. 
Both cheeks received equal attention, being spanked and soothed by the rough and gentle hands of bada. As bada continued to thrust her tongue into your hole, she slowly added one of her fingers in. At the sudden stretch, you squeaked out but as bada moved that finger in and out, you started soon moaning in pleasure. One finger became two, and soon the tongue was replaced by three thick fingers, pistoning in and out of you at a fast pace, while bada went back to kissing the daylights out of the smaller under her. you screamed at the intensity of the pleasure you was receiving.
a moan that sounded more like a scream echoing within the room. and with a smirk, continued to grind her fingers you mewled at the electrifying pleasure washing over your body and soon, your orgasm hit you once again. However, bada’s fingers didn’t stop grinding her fingers, spurts of cum continued to drip out of your pussy due to hypersensitivity. you whined at bada to stop, feeling that you couldn’t come anymore.
However, bada had different plans in mind. The moment she removed her fingers, you sighed in relief and used that time to catch your breath. What you didn’t expect was for bada to slam her cock right into you, hitting your spot in one go. 
your back arched off the bed, once again having your orgasm hitting you like electricity. Having come thrice already, you felt that there was nothing you could release already, yet cum still landed on your thighs, pussy still red and wet.
bada continued to piston into you, hips landing hard onto your red ass. you couldn’t find anymore energy to moan, so all you could do was whine and mewl while bada growled at the sensation of the tight cavern she was furiously fucking into. One of your legs soon slipped off bada’s shoulders, so she lifted the two legs into the air, and continued to to fuck you in that position. It made bada’s cock go even deeper than before, giving you new pleasurable sensations, pussy leaking more cum than before.
With a few more thrusts, bada managed to reach her climax, shooting her load into you. you choked at the feeling of being filled and with a weak whine, came once again. you thought that bada was done with you, but yoy was so wrong.
bada’s cock was still rock hard, so with a quick change of position, you found yourself being fucked from the back on all fours. bada took her time licking and sucking at your neck and back, decorating them with blooming hickeys. you buried yourself face into the sheets, dirtying them with the saliva escaping your lips and tears rolling down your flushed cheeks. with your body rocking back and forth from the force of bada’s thrusts. With gyrating hips, bada once again came in you, white semen leaking out from the wrecked hole even though bada hasn’t pulled out, showing how filled he is.
With a last change in position,you found yourself sitting on bada’s hips, cock still buried deep inside you. you weakly shook your head, saying that you couldn’t come anymore. bada gently stroked your cheeks, which were now soaked with tears,
“come on, baby. Ride me for the last time, won’t you.”
att the endearment, you nodded and with a choke, lifted yourself upwards and slammed yourself down onto the still-hard rod. you could feel bada spreading open your ass cheeks, causing you to sink lower onto the stiff cock. you fucked yourself onto bada’s cock for a few times, but you soon ran out of energy and laid slump on bada’s chest.
Knowing that you finally exhausted yourself, she decided to do all the work. she lifted up your weak body and fucked it as if she was playing with a sex doll. you continued whimpering and moaning at the feeling of you being used.
Yes, though you was more used to being the one in control in bed, bada was too good for you to control. Somehow, you loved the feeling of being used by bada, as if you was a cum dumpster. 
With a final slam into your hole, she once again reached her climax, painting your insides white. Cum from inside you leaked out and flowed down bada’s softening cock and onto bada’s hips. At the same time, you came hard for the final time bada then delivering a final heated kiss to you.
you, feeling totally drained of any energy, rolled off bada, silently whining at the feeling of bada’s limp dick pulling out from your abused hole. The both of you laid side by side with no words exchanged, just the both of them catching their breaths, till they heard a distant ‘Cut!’ coming from the director.
The both of you had been so preoccupied with each other and your heated sex session that you two totally forgot that they were filming a porn video. 
“You guys did a really great job!” The director praised you both. “We got so many amazing shots, I could feel that this would be the next big hit! Thank you for working with us and I hope to see you again~”
With a wink, the director walked off the set, while stylists ran towards bada and you with towels and new robes for the both of you. Before you left all cleaned up and covered up with a new silk robe, you called out for bada.
“Although I’m known for taking charge, I don’t mind you taking charge of me. My number hasn’t changed so give me a call some time? Let’s catch up again.”
With a final wink, you walked off, leaving bada shocked and with a kindled hope for the future.
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morallyinept · 10 months
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Pedro Boys & Sex Sounds
Clearly, I have thought about this waaaay too much. Thoughts. Thots? Head canons… I dunno what this is. Lack of an actual life? 🤔 Quite possibly.
But I hope you get a giggle out of it nonetheless. 🖤
☝🏻I'll mention that this is probably NSFW... it's kinda tame-ish, but just incase.
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Joel Miller - Grunter.
Joel is a rabid grunter. Oh yeah. Grunts, snarls, snorts, you name it. But he's not infected. You're safe. Just sounds likes he is when they roll and rumble out of him. Right in your ear so he makes sure you can hear what you do to him, darlin'. Joel's also a bit of a goer. He can last pretty good. But due to his advancing years, he can soften quickly, but he stays harder for longer if you're on top grinding onto your big guy. Then he gets to look up at you and those grunts, man. They just snuffle endlessly out of his nose and into your face as you lean forward to kiss him. Overuses the word 'fuck' when he comes. Fuck yeah... Fuck baby... Fuck. Fuck... So fuckin' good... Fuck, you're killin' me, darlin'... Fuck! Fuck darlin'... FUCK! And so on. Absolutely no clicking involved. Unless it's from turning the vibrator on.
Frankie Morales - Stammerer. 
Frankie moans a lot. Makes all manner of ungodly noises when he sucks his fingers clean, licks his lips, nips on your neck… Hums in abject satisfaction at a job so well done. Grizzly, hungry moans roll up from the back of his throat. Frankie likes to be close up in your face watching as he pulls orgasm after orgasm out of you. Frankie's a hella attentive lover (hail the pussy eating king 👑) that he wants to know what feels good for you. Wants to learn your body controls and dials, and all those things that make you propel for him as he makes you fly. That feel good, hermosa? You like that? Yeah, look at you taking my cock like that… Fuck, I can't get enough of this pussy. Frankie can be a bit of a talker during sex, but is nowhere near as annoying as Ezra. When Frankie comes, he stammers in both clumsy English and Spanish inflections as he forgets what dimension he's in for a second or two. May need to be flown out. Standby, pilot.
Ezra - Rambler.
Ezra won't shut the fuck up. Even when doing the nasty. We all know that Ezra likes to talk and he'd be as equally vocal in the sack. He wants to tell you what he's going to do to you in sordid detail. Then will tell what he's doing to you, as he's uh, doing it to you in sordid detail. You get a full blow by blow - if you'll forgive the pun - of your fuck session. With subtitles. He can be soft too, this man is multi-faceted like Aurelac gems. When he's gentle, he's like descriptive poetry; sweet and candescent and all about your pleasure. He's a connoisseur for filthy, dirty talk. Ezra says all the right, rancid, disgustingly perverted things in your ear between gritted teeth. He's also a growler. He'll grunt too. Lots of swears will flow out of him really fast like garbled gibberish as he comes. Fuckfuckfuckshit!OhKevvashitahfuckohshitohshotohshit! Almost like he can't believe it's happening, bless him. I mean, it's been a while, stranded on The Green...
Marcus Pike - Huffer.
Marcus fogs your eyes up with those breathy huffs like the Little Engine That Could. Marcus is a leg twitcher. A leg tenser. Either way, when he comes his leg tightens or stiffens. Or breaks. Easy there, bud. Marcus tenses right up and does a little shudder. If he's jerking off solo, then that leg rises up a little and bends at the knee. If it's a hard orgasm then his knee might even click with the strain. Those little breathy moans chug and puff from his nose regardless. And you can bet he'll get a cramp in his leg too if he's going at it for a while. Has to switch positions regularly because of it. Not caused by an injury; the guy just gets too fucking excited that parts of his body just lock up. This guy is the maestro of making love. He'll prefer to spend hours fawning over you rather than quick fuck sessions. Because he's so husband like that.
Oberyn Martell - Hummer. 
Exhibitionist Oberyn wants everyone to know that he's taking you to pleasure town. Groans. Whines. Grunts. Even hisses like a viper. Can be a little nasally as he breathes, and when he comes he almost gasps. Eyes roll into the back of his head with the pleasure of it all. Neck cords strain and he may even pull out a croon-like laugh of satisfaction as he watches you come undone as he spills that sumptuous, bastard seed inside you. Screw the Iron Throne, the only throne you need is this man's face. He'll give you that smarmy eyebrow arch as you come down because you both know he just utterly fucked your shit up. And so does everyone else in the brothel. Que the applause.
Javier Peña - Hisser.
We all know what Javier Peña looks like when he fucks (thank you very much Narcos 🥲). Javier bears his teeth when he fucks hard. Growls and grunts. Pants and moans. Small, pitched whines will flow out between his teeth and curled lips as he comes. He's a jolter too. Hips will jolt and twitch into you as he empties. Thighs will jerk. When he's making love and not fucking, and there is a difference, cariño, Javier's breaths are more laboured, controlled. More nasally sounding and deep. You'll hear them in your ear as he kisses and licks around them. He'll utter Spanish obscenities delicately to you in that soft, gravelly tone that haunts your blood. He could be telling you how to parallel park for all you care. Either way, it sounds utterly delicious. Oof.
Marcus Moreno - Panter. 
Marcus is in pretty good shape from fucking up supervillains on the daily, so when he gets his sexy on, he hardly breaks a sweat. 💪🏻But he does pant. Gentle, raspy pants that flutter into your mouth as you swallow them down like powerups. He'll moan around your lips because you feel so good squeezing him like that; he'll barely last much longer as he tightens on your hips to control your pace. The embarrassment of losing a life if he comes too soon isn't worth it. This gentle daddy knows how to rock your world and take you to new heights.
Dave York - Grunter.
Dave can be a talker when he's in the mood to play dirty and has the time. More often than not though it's a quickie in the shower before the girls are up, or late at night when he comes home after moonlighting as a murder daddy under your nose. He'll climb into bed next to you and he can't sleep. So he'll slip inside you and wake you up as he's grunting softly inside your ear and growling gently as you turn to kiss him whilst he plunders deeper. He presses his mouth hard against yours to quell your moans and whines so the girls don't wake up. When he comes, his jaw locks, he grinds on his teeth and growls out between them. His eyes close and he won't open them until he's fully empty. He often falls asleep almost immediately afterwards as he's satiated - and fucking exhausted from living a double life. 
Dieter Bravo - Wheezer.
Dieter likes to know it feels good for you, and also likes to tell you how good you feel around his cock. Most of the time he's high, so sex is a whole ethereal experience. Sometimes he's even present for it. Lots of oh wows and fuck yeahs mutter out of him. He's quite chill, his hips do most of the work but he can tire easily so likes you to take the reins and ride. Partying hard is catching up with Mr Bravo. But he lives for sex of the kinky variety. It's weird and he likes it. But when he comes, his back tenses and he fists the sheets or whatever he can squeeze at the time. Dieter wheezes like he's out of breath, particularly after a hard session. It's all the shit that he smokes on the regular. He'll also hack up a bit afterwards, coughing into the pillow as he tries to catch his breath. Be trained in CPR and adrenaline injections, just in case.
Agent Whiskey - Crooner. 
Another talker. That feel good, darlin'? Let me see you. Eyes on me, sweet thing. Christ, look at you. So fucking gorgeous, darlin'. That's it now, work it. Like that. Aw hell yeah, like that. Ride it, baby! Who can resist that smooth cowboy, huh? Whiskey will always be smirking around those wet, moustached lips as he watches you fall apart and coaxes you through it. He moans softly with lots of yeahs thrown into the mix. He's a true Southern gent; likes to make you feel good. Likes to know he's making you nut. He'll make mince meat outta your insides. Then when he comes, he likes to tell you, naturally. Oh, you got me shakin', baby. I'mma need to calm down for a sec. Fuckin' Christ. 
Din Djarin - Panter.
When Din has his helmet on, you hear his breath whooshing fiercely against the inside of it. The modulator will only increase the gravelness of his breathing and make it louder. Like holding a shell to your ear and you can hear the ocean? Yeah. He crashes over you like thunderous waves. On the rare occasion that Din removes his helmet, he bears his teeth, bites down on his lip (and yours too as he lets it go with a squelchy pop) as he comes hard and whines out in a squally, panting moan that fills the Razor Crest. Luckily, Luke is babysitting The Kid. Sex with Din is like surround sound. You hear every delicious noise he makes. This is the way, mesh'la. 
Pero Tovar - Grunter. 
Pero fucks likes he eats - like he never will again. Fast, clumsy and handsy. A little bit of the animalistic about him. He needs the release, but needs you to release first. His partner always comes first, despite his less-than-gentlemanly ways at times. Grunty, deep breaths bounce up from out of his ribs, almost like he's wheezing. When he comes he growls and mutters incoherently. Words literally fail him as his jaw goes slack and his body flops over onto yours as he pants into your face, and it takes him a moment to remember where he is and that his supper is still waiting for him. Pero is a man that always goes back for seconds. 
Maxwell Lord - Screamer.
Max takes the only position for the guy who is most likely to holler and actually scream louder than you do when he comes. Makes loud, high pitched cries and pants that sound faster and more garbled the closer he gets towards blowing his load. The excitement in him just comes out, he can't help it. He'll pant and clutch at his invisible pearls as though he can't believe the audacity of you riding hard on him. Mouth open, starry eyes and wails rising in tempo. This would-be supervillain has been well and truly subdued. He loves every second of it though. Especially when you lasso him up with rope. 
Comandante Veracruz - Murmurer.
Controlled breaths. Slick smirks. Deep pants. Veracruz is a man in charge that knows what the fuck he is doing to you as he drives deep and ploughs you into the sweaty mattress in his jungle hideout. Favourite position is probably the mating press or from behind. The man likes it deeeeP. He's a smarmy bastard even when he's fucking. Taunting. You want this cock, baby? You want more, hmm? When Veracruz comes he shudders; the veins in his arms and wrists tense. You bet those cords in his neck pop too, pow, pow! Growls, bears his teeth and presses his clammy forehead into yours as he empties. Then softly murmurs into your face that you're his and only his, menacingly. But you love it. It's called Stockholm Syndrome, sweetheart.
Silva - Silent. 
Silva doesn't need to make any noise at all. All that escapes is a small, ragged breath that catches in the back of his throat, that you barely hear, ebb out of him. Doesn't mean he's not enjoying it by not being vocal - this wild gun is absolutely loving it - but more so that he's completely lost in the awe of how good you're making him feel right in that moment. Stunned and drowning in euphoria. Lips part with a silent groan, just the barest husk escapes him as he edges closer to the drop. Then a small grunt as though he's clearing his dry throat, and a soft nasal whoosh is heard when he finally lets go and finds his way back to you. 
Javi G - Giggler. 
Javi G giggles when he comes. Don't try to tell me he doesn't. Sometimes he can't stop and you end up tittering with him. I mean, sex is supposed to be a little funny, right? Even when he jerks off alone, a little giggle slips from his lips; it just feels too fucking good not to smile and chuckle like he's five years old and just discovered his junk for the first time all over again. During the act, sweet Javi G is all up in your grill wanting to know how good it feels, hermosa. Searching into your eyes as he moves and shifts to get deeper inside you. Adjusts how he touches you. Watching for your reactions and giving you more of the things that make you appear like a cross-eyed mutt he wants to pet. Javi G is a feeder - he wants to feed you the utmost pleasure. And then giggle incessantly like a little girl when he finishes inside you. 
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sc0tters · 10 months
The Study Date | Adam Fantilli
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summary: you and Adam have been on opposite ends of the table for months, but when Luca misses out on your study session things take an enjoyable turn for both of you.
request: yes/no
warnings: mature scenes, p in v, oral (fem receiving!), swearing.
word count: 2.27k
authors note: I’ve been trying to write like three pieces at the same time and haven’t been sure about any of them but I couldn’t get my mind off of this one… you girlies that wanted some Adam content here it is!
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You swore the world was against you.
In November you had been assigned to tutor Luca, which was an easy task because he had turned into your new best friend.
The task that was harder was that since you had done such a good job with helping him join the top ten students of the class by January that you were now being assigned to help Adam out too.
Now that was complicated, if there was one person on this earth that you could kill it was him. Adam knew how to rile you up in ways that nobody else did which was fine because you did the same thing to him.
As much as Luca hated having you and his brother at odds but eventually he gave up trying because he didn’t have the energy having to sit through your sessions of tutoring as you paired whim with Adam.
Of course you couldn’t tutor Adam alone as you knew that you’d kill him thus leaving Luca in the chair between you both.
And that worked for you or at least it did until Luca decided to not show up one day “where the hell is he?” You groaned seeing that the older Fantilli was now twenty minutes late.
Adam rolled his eyes looking back at you “not coming,” he grumbled flipping his phone around to show you the text.
Luca: hey bro I can’t make it today, tell y/n I’m sorry!
Luca: also please don’t get yourself kill!
You wanted to reach through the phone to hurt his older brother instead “I should get going then,” you sighed shutting your laptop as you reached to grab your coffee.
The boy let out a grumble pulling your coffee away from you “c’mon stay for a bit!” He complained taking you by surprise “you got all dressed up for this anyways.” Adam trailed off making you sit right back in your seat.
A scoff left your lips “if you must know I’ve got a date later.” You crossed your arms leaning back in your chair.
It made Adam laugh how your forehead creased “who is the unlucky man?” His question was met with a kick on the leg from you.
There was the irritating Adam you had grown so familiar with “I’m not telling you.” Your head shook as you knew that he would never let you hear the end of it.
But you also smiled seeing the scowl on his face when you said you had a date “well clearly he doesn’t exist then,” Adam shrugged causing your face to scrunch up in anger “yes he does!” Your words were met with a shush from the on lookers as you rolled your eyes “then tell me who it is?” The hockey player rested his head on his hands.
You contemplated not letting him win “it’s Ethan.” You announced as the older boy had been flirting with you for weeks before he mustered up the balls to ask you.
Adam let your voice ring through his ears “you’re going to get eaten alive,” Adam laughed as he shook his head “look I get that you’re upset that he could fuck me better than you ever could but don’t make that my problem.” Your voice was laced with venom as you sent him a glare getting up to grab your things again.
Somehow you managed to push his buttons in that moment better than he ever did with you “don’t play with fire princess,” Adam mimicked your actions as he now towered over you “bet you couldn’t even make me come.” Your words barely got out of your mouth when his fingers pinched at your chin pulling you into a kiss.
It was messy, letting you melt as your hand reached up to slide between his shirt and his chest “your dorm or mine?” Adam pulled away letting your lip pull between his.
Thankfully your dorm was only two minutes away “mine.” You mumbled grabbing his hand as you locked your fingers in his.
The walk as short as it was it felt like an eternity “please tell me your roommate isn’t gonna be back for a while.” Adam muttered tucking your hair behind your ear as he shut your door pushing you further into your room.
You nodded letting out a giggle “she won’t be back until this evening,” you explained feeling grateful that she had band practice after her lecture.
His hands went to your waist as he pushed you to your bed “gonna take my time with you then.” Adam kissed your lips as he groaned letting his fingers graze the edge of your dress.
It made you roll your eyes “I’m still seeing Ethan,” you reminded him causing Adam to send you a glare “when I’m done you won’t even know his name.” The hockey players warning had you pressing your legs together as you tried to stop thinking about him like that.
The last person that you had slept with was in high school and he hadn’t even made you come “would like to see you try,” your words were like a knife that twisted in his chest “bout time you picked your words better.” Adam pushed you against your mattress letting your back bounce against your bed.
You gasped as he leaned down to kiss you again “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.” He mumbled letting his nose bump into yours as Adams fingers trailed down to your panties as he hoisted up your dress.
Adam smiled as he pulled the lacey material down your legs “looks like you wanted this baby.” The hockey player cooed kissing down your thigh making sure to give each one each amounts of attention.
His eyes were set on your face as he lowered his head down to the point where it hovered over your core “fuck Adam,” you groaned locking eyes with his as his breath fanned at your thighs “like it when you’re all needy.” Adam mumbled kissing your clit before he licked a stripe up your folds.
Before you knew it your had locked into his hair as you had never left these sensations before “so good,” you moaned using your other hand to pop the button at the front of your dress.
It was everything Adam needed to hear when he wrapped his hands around your thighs pulling you even closer to him “don’t stop,” you brought your hips up as you rode his face.
The hockey player moved his thumb to your clit so he could talk to you “such pretty noises baby,” Adam muttered smirking as your hand pushed him back down to continue sucking at your clit.
Part of you thought that Adam was a starved man with the way he was slurping at your juices “all for you,” a whimper left your lips as your head dug deeper in your mattress.
Adam had to admit that the moans that let out made his pants tight “I’m gonna come,” you announced feeling his fingers slip into your pussy giving you something to clench around.
He smiled as his thumb went back to your clit as the hockey player pushed himself closer to you “thought you said you weren’t gonna come.” Adam let his lips hover over yours as you tried to push forward to kiss him “don’t make me beg.” You whimpered hearing the boy laugh.
The hockey player smiled “but I like hearing those noises.” His lips formed a pout before he accepted your wish kissing your lips.
Your juices tasted salty on his tongue letting Adam get carried away “shit,” your voice was muffled between his lips reminding him of what he was doing “let it all go for me baby.” Adams words rang through your ears and the second his tongue hit your clit you reached your high.
You legs shook as the Fantilli boy didn’t let his tongue stop “Fanti no,” you groaned trying to pull his head away from your thighs.
He shook his head as he let out a grunt having the vibrations shoot through your body “no baby,” Adam mumbled looking up at you “you wanna act all strong until you see how good I make you feel?” You didn’t respond as your eyes fluttered feeling this bliss as his fingers were still inside of you.
Squelching noises bounced off of your dorms walls “now you gotta take it like a good girl.” His warning rang through your ears as he went back down acting like you were his last meal.
Your body melted into the sheets as you hadn’t even gotten over the first orgasm “enough,” you begged using all of your power trying to pull him up.
As much as Adam wanted to have you shaking, legs dripping, he couldn’t wait any longer “feeling good baby?” Adam asked coming closer to your face “you got any condoms?” He added smiling as you just pointed to the cabinet on your roommates side of the room.
The hockey player laughed looking to see that it was fully stocked with condoms of all different sizes “she said I could use them when I want to,” you explained cheeks turning red as your roommate was the one who was always busy.
Adam grabbed the condom of his choice before he came back over to you “want to do the honours?” He held the silver packet out for you to grab “think this might be a little bit big for you.” You teased as the boy pulled his shirt off leaving you to look up at his toned chest “think it’s just right,” Adam mumbled hooking his fingers under your jaw as he pecked your lips quickly pulling your dress up to your arms “you knew you were gonna get fucked didn’t ya?” The boy groaned seeing that your bra and panties matched.
You smirked “knew Ethan would fuck me real good.” Your words hit him as he let out a dry chuckle “gonna regret that you ever said that.” Adams words made your eyes go wide as he pulled his shorts down with his underwear.
His cock slapped his torso making your mouth water “like what you see?” He asked taking the condom from your hands as you licked your lips.
The honest thought of all the different ways that Adam could fuck you were making you wetter than you already were “I’m gonna make you feel so good.” Adam groaned running his now covered cock over your clit as he dropped to his knees “you’re on the clock Fantilli,” you warned letting out a gasp as his cock slipped into your pussy.
“oh god!”
Adam smirked bringing his lips down to nip at your neck “it’s just me baby,” he murmured beginning to thrust his cock as he grinded his hips against yours.
You let your head rest against the mattress as your body enjoyed how Adam felt stretching your core out “shut up,” you grumbled cupping his face as you brought his lips up to your own.
His hands grabbed at your ass “you’re lucky this pussy is so good.” Adam grunted bringing your legs around his waist.
The compliment made your cheeks weirdly warm as you stared up at him. His chain was cool against your jaw “don’t stop fucking me,” you begged letting your hands rest behind his neck as your core clenched around him.
It was safe to say that Adam felt like he was on cloud nine “you feel me right there?” The hockey player asked placing his hand on your stomach making sure that he used just enough pressure so that he’d feel the way his cock moved inside of you.
A groan left your lips as you nodded “making me feel so good.” If you knew that Adam was so good in bed you would have gotten him in there way earlier “so easy to please you baby.” The hockey player grew comfortable with that pet name as he brought his hand between your body’s letting it rest on your clit.
The sound of skin slapping bounced off of the walls as your bed shook “please let me come.” You begged letting your face tense up as your toes curled “I’ll be your good girl just please!” Your words made Adams cock throb as he watched your roll back.
Adam used his free had to grab your face “don’t have to beg me to come baby.” He reminded you as he squeezed your jaw “but when you tell me you’ll be my good girl I can’t complain.” The hockey player kissed your ear lobe as his breath hit your neck.
Just when he thought that he was going to last you reached your high for the second time of the night “so fucking good!” You cried out as you kissing Adam letting your moan get muffled as his lips swallowed it triggering his own orgasm.
His body shuddered as he almost collapsed on top of yours but luckily his hands were there to stop him as Adam pulled out of you “you did so fucking good baby.” The hockey player mumble as he pecked your lips before he reached over to grab your phone.
You furrowed your eyebrows watching him unlock your the device as Luca had obviously let the password slip to his brother one day “telling Ethan you can’t make it.” Adam explained as you let out a laugh.
Adam sent the text as placed your phone on the table “better make this stay worth my while then,” you warned wriggling your eyebrows.
“Baby I’m only getting started.”
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