#I R Baboon
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whowouldwininafite · 1 year ago
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clipsmix · 2 years ago
He swims with the fishes now 😢🫡
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Self Indulgent Silly Bracket
Bracket 2 Round 11
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time2memedrjones · 4 months ago
That is the power of the cartoon cartoon
cartoon network on nickelodeon in 1999. an off-channel promo for cartoon cartoon fridays snuck onto nick’s airwaves via unmonitored local ad buys.
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the-pantry-of-art · 11 months ago
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The fun part is that up to this moment I thought that the Bravelands baboons were Chacma Baboons, 'couse I always imagine that they where smaller and cinda scrawnyer. Buuuuut then looking for a good reference I faid out that Chacma baboons don't live in forests :')
Soooo, I had to change him middle-linart to a Olive Baboon XD
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talonabraxas · 6 months ago
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The word Abracadabra is said to derive from an Aramaic phrase meaning "I create as I speak." However אברא כדברא in Aramaic is more reasonably translated as "I create like the Word."
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made."
In the beginning was the Word: the Logos, the sound frequency (vibration).
We know that speech means not just any kind of a vibration, but a vibration that carries information.
Thus, I create like the Word.
In the Hebrew language, the phrase translates more accurately as "it came to pass as it was spoken."
The first known mention of the word was in the third century AD in the work Liber Medicinalis by Quintus Serenus Sammonicus, a physician to the Roman emperor, who suggests to wear an amulet containing the word written in the form of a triangle:
A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R - A A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A A - B - R - A - C - A - D A - B - R - A - C - A A - B - R - A - C A - B - R - A A - B - R A - B A
Abracadabra and the Gnostics:
Abracadabra was used as a magical formula by the Gnostics of the sect of Basilides in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune. It is found on Abraxas stones, which were worn as amulets. Subsequently, its use spread beyond the Gnostics.
Have you ever been mesmerized while waiting for the sunrise? As you watch the horizon for that first burst of light, you get swept up in the eternal present moment. With baited breath, your sense of time is suspended, and you’re primed for a miracle. This is the “liminal zone,” the threshold between night and day, between here and there, between this and that. It’s the crossroads where anything is possible. And then the dawn breaks through, like a sudden burst of inspiration, like an act of creation: “Let there be light.” That is the magic of Abraxas, an enigmatic name that has perhaps always been closely associated with the power of the sun. This strange, mysterious name captures that magical, suspended, timeless moment: “all of time as an eternal instant.” Abraxas is the power of infinity—the promise of endless possibilities, the “cosmos” itself. In mythology, Abraxas is the name of a celestial horse that draws the dawn goddess Aurora across the sky. The name suggests a power that is not properly ours but rather a gift from another world.
But what of the name’s origin? It is likely, as an etymologist posited in 1891, that Abraxas belongs “to no known speech” but rather some “mystic dialect,” perhaps taking its origin “from some supposed divine inspiration.” Yet scholars, of course, search for a root. There are speculatory shreds of evidence which suggest that Abraxas is a combination of two Egyptian words, abrak and sax, meaning “the honorable and hallowed word” or “the word is adorable.” Abrak is “found in the Bible as a salutation to Joseph by the Egyptians upon his accession to royal power.” Abraxas appears in “an Egyptian invocation to the Godhead, meaning ‘hurt me not.’” Other scholars suggest a Hebrew origin of the word, positing “a Grecized form of ha-berakhah, ‘the blessing,’” while still others speculate a derivation from the Greek habros and sac, “the beautiful, the glorious Savior.” The name has appeared in the ancient Hebrew/Aramaic mystical treatises The Book of Raziel and The Sword of Moses, and in post-Talmudic Jewish incantation texts, as well as in Persian mythology.
An interesting occurrence of Abraxas is found in a papyrus from late antiquity (perhaps from Hellenized Egypt, though its exact origin is unknown). The papyrus contains “magical recipes, invocations, and incantations,” and tells of a baboon disembarking the Sun boat and proclaiming: “Thou art the number of the year ABRAXAS.” This statement causes God to laugh seven times, and with the first laugh the “splendor [of light] shone through the whole universe.”
The Basilideans, a Gnostic sect founded in the 2nd century CE by Basilides of Alexandria, worshipped Abraxas as the “supreme and primordial creator” deity, “with all the infinite emanations.” The god Abraxas unites the opposites, including good and evil, the one and the many. He is “symbolized as a composite creature, with the body of a human being and the head of a rooster, and with each of his legs ending in a serpent.” His name is actually a mathematical formula: in Greek, the letters add up to 365, the days of the year and the number of eons (cycles of creation).
“That a name so sacredly guarded, so potent in its influence, should be preserved by mystic societies through the many ages . . . is significant,” notes Moses W. Redding, a scholar of secret societies. Redding suggests that only in Freemasonry has this “Divine Word” been “held in due reverence.”
In Kabbalah:
As a carpenter the creator employs tools to build a home, so G'd utilized the twenty-two letters of the alef-Beit (the Hebrew alphabet) to form heaven and earth. They are the metaphorical wood, stone and nails, corner­posts and crossbeams of our earthly and spiritual existence. As in abracadabra "Αύρα κατ' αύρα" אברא כדברא, as he, she, it created the universe with; the Letter, The word, and the number.
As Kabbalist sages say G'd created the alef-beit, before the creation of the world. "The Maggid of Mezritch" explains this on the basis of the first verse in the Book of Genesis “בראשית ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ—In the beginning G'd created the heavens and the earth.” Beresheet Barah Elokim Et (in the beginning God created the) The word את, (es or et) is spelled with an aleph, the first letter of the aleph-beit, and a tav, which is the last. The fact is, את, es, is generally considered to be a superfluous word. There is no literal translation for it, and its function is primarily as a grammatical device. So why is “es” present twice in the very first line of the Torah? It suggests that in the beginning, it was not the heavens and the earth that were created first. It was literally the alef-beit, aleph through to tav. The alpha and the omega, Without these letters, the very Utterances with which G'd formed the universe would have been impossible the Baal Shem Tov explains the verse, “Forever the words of G'd are hanging in the heavens.”
The crucial thing to realize is that G'd, creator, source did not merely create the world once. His Her It's words didn’t just emerge and then evaporate. Rather, G'd continues to create the world anew each and every moment. His Her It's, words are there constantly, “hanging in the heav­ens.” And the alef-beit is the foundation of this ongoing process of creation.
According to Kabbalah, Cabbalah and Qabbalah sages and scholars, when the same letters are transposed to form different words, they retain the common energy of their shared gematria. Because of this, the words maintain a connection in the different forms. We find a classic example of this with the words (הצר, hatzar, troubles), (רצה, ratzah, a desire to run passionately into the “ark” of spiritual study and prayer) and (צהר, tzohar, a light that shines from within). All three words share the same three letters: tzaddik, reish and hei in different com­binations. The Baal Shem Tov, explains, the connection between the words as follows: When one is experiencing trou­bles (hatzar), and one runs to study Spiritual txts and pray with great desire (ratzah), one is illuminated with a G'dly light from within (tzohar) that helps him or her transform there troubles into blessings, as it is said that the source of the twenty-two letters is even higher than that of the Ten Commandments.
As it states: “With you, is the essence of G'd", בך means “with you.” The (Beit which has a gematria of 2) and the (kaf = 20) added together equals 22. Through the twenty-two letters of the alef-Beit, we are all connected to the monad, G'd, Allah الله, the source, and each other through our words and language as words hold power as that which makes us All unique is language as language weaves everything together. These are the teachings of our holy teacher, as the The Zohar affirms that every sentence, every phrase, every word, and even every letter of the Bible exists simultaneously on several levels of meaning. This sacred work clearly declares, “Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words! . . . Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery.”
[Except from Path of the Sun Keepers by Paul Francis Young]
“Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men's actions.” --Sigmund Freud
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howlingday · 6 months ago
Trim That Mop, Leader~!
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Jaune: (Thinking) I don't like the way she's smiling at her scroll. Must be something super creepy!.
Nora: Hey, Leader, check out this video! It'll give you the feels!
Jaune: Uh... Don't you mean "the creeps"?
Jaune: ...It's a guy shearing a sheep.
Nora: All that fluffy wool getting shaved off~! Doesn't it make your heart go thumpy-thump~?!
Jaune: I mean... I can kinda get why you'd get excited about it, but-
Nora: Right?! It just gives you warm and fuzzy feels~!
Nora: Hm...
Jaune: Wh-What?
Nora: Leader, your hair is getting kind of long...
Jaune: Yeah, I haven't been to the barber in a while.
Nora: ...
Jaune: ...
Nora: How about I shear you, Leader~?
Jaune: What?! But I'm not a sheep!
Nora: No, but you got hair as thick as wool, though~! I'm surprised you can see anything the way it hangs there~.
Jaune: Would you stop messing with my hair?! I'll go to the barber tomorrow, okay?!
Nora: A barber? Why waste your good lien (Holds buzzer) WHEN I CAN JUST SHEAR YOU RIGHT NOW?
Jaune: (Covers head) WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE THAT?!
Nora: I borrowed it from Renny! I just happened to have it~!
Jaune: Which is it?!
Nora: If I buzz it all down, it'll feel real good~!
Jaune: I'm not a sheep, though!
Nora: So I can't?
Jaune: No!
Nora: Not even a little?
Jaune: No way! Nobody's ever gone so short that I need a razor- Not even my barber!
Nora: Tch!
Nora: Well, what if I just used my scissors instead~?
Jaune: ...
Nora: I'm good at cutting hair, y'know! Even Renny lets me cut his sometimes~! Not to mention that if you go to a barber, you hair will still look like a soggy, yellow mop; so unstylish and uncool!
Jaune: Would you please shut up?
Jaune: Nora... cutting my hair?.
Jaune: (Gulps) N-No, no. Don't bother. I don't wanna waste your time.
Nora: It's fine! I'll just snip a little here and there!
Jaune: Well, if it's just a little, then... I guess it'll be fine.
Nora: Leave it to me~! Just a couple trims and you'll be looking better than ever!
Nora: And I can't have you walking around looking so pitiful, Leader~!
Jaune: Stop being mean!
Nora: ...Oh! My comb is broken! Wait here, I'm gonna go get another one from Renny. I'll be right back~!
Jaune: Uh, alright...
Jaune: ...Oh, you're back alre-
Yang: 'Sup, Vomit Boy~?
Ruby: 'Sup~!
Ruby: Nora's not here~?
Yang: Ooh~! Did we stumble into their little love nest~?
Ruby: Love nest~?
Yang: How raunchy~!
Ruby: So raunchy~!
Jaune: H-Hey! This is a club room! You can't just barge in here, you know!
Yang: Something smells weird...
Ruby: Smells raunchy~?
Yang: Huh?
Ruby: Hm?
Jaune: Oh no! That's the-!.
Ruby: Hey, Mr. Leader! How about a haircut~?
Jaune: N-No...
Yang: We'll help you out~!
Jaune: Please, don't...
Nora: (About to walk in, Humming)
Yang: It'll be fine~! Just a bit off the top~!
Ruby: We'll make you as bald as a butt~!
Jaune: Stop! I told you to stop!
Nora: (Barrels inside)
Jaune: (Shaking his head, Hair fluffing)
Ruby: WHOA!
Yang: What are you, some kinda dog?!
Nora: (Blushing)
Yang: Hoho~. How cheeky of you, Vomit Boy~.
Ruby: Cheeky~!
Nora: KHM!
Yang: ...
Ruby: ...
Nora: (Glares, D R E A D)
Yang: (Runs with Ruby) RUN AWAY!
Ruby: (Runs with Yang) RUN AWAY~!
Nora: (Huffs)
Jaune: ...
Nora: (Starts cutting)
Jaune: Don't take off too much, please.
Nora: Relax~! You'll only be as bald as a baboon, maybe~.
Jaune: That's way too much!
Nora: (Holds mirror) Well...?
Jaune: ...Oh, it... It looks good.
Nora: (Smiles)
Jaune: (Smiles)
Nora: It won't make you look any less creepy, though, Leader~.
Jaune: Oh, will you stop?!
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years ago
you know, the Horrible Histories "Victorian names were WEIRD!!!!" skit leaves out some important info on some of the names (assisted by Ancestry.com searches):
Lettice Berger: "Lettice" was an anglicization of the Roman name "Leticia." Berger is just a normal German surname. Yes, they had the word "lettuce," and I'm sure the similarities occurred to them. But nobody named their child "lettuce" like the vegetable.
O.K. Johnson: Probably just the kid's initials. "O.K." as a slang term was invented in 1830s Boston, but without any evidence of when little O.K. lived (they don't cite any sourced for these names, how convenient), it's impossible to tell whether it would have crossed the pond by the time he was born.
Never [they pronounce the surname Rookrook]: I found a LOT of Nevers in the UK with Indian surnames. So uh. There's that. And a lot of census records online seem to have notes written by the census-taker mislabeled as names- "never opens door" was one I noticed. Just saying. I also found multiple "NEVA Rook" census entries- which probably would have been pronounced "NEE-vah" but sounds like "Never" with a British accent if you tilt your head and squint.
Toilet: Surprisingly common modern misreading of "Violet" on 19th-century censuses with bad handwriting.
Baboon: Found one census where it's a misreading of "Barbara;" others were non-Anglo names like Baban, Babyon, Babboni, etc.
Susan Semolina-Thrower: That's just two unfortuate surnames, I'm guessing? I can't find their sources, again, but I do find a lot of records of "Semolina" as a surname in the UK during the 19th century. The poor parents had no control over that, did they?
Happy: ...yeah, it's a virtue name. And? How is that weirder than Faith, Hope, Grace, Patience, Prudence, etc?
Evil: Another census misreading- usually "Evie."
Minty Badger: "Minty" is short for Araminta/Aminta/Arminta. Still sounds like a Discworld character, but nothing would sound normal with "Badger" as a surname. Araminta Badger at least makes more sense to modern ears, though.
Freezer Breezer: Breezer was a real surname, and parents can be cruel. I don't doubt that- my dad went to school with an "Emily Memily." that being said...I did find a "Fred R. Breezer" born in 1873 in England; see above re: census misreadings. Just throwing that out there. I found it as a corruption/misspelling of "Fraser/Frasier" too.
Scary Looker: I actually found this one. It was a misreading of "Jeany" on a census- the girl's name was Jane Looker, born 1841 in Lancashire to John and Elizabeth Looker. Nice research there, team.
Farting Clack: Fasting Clack or Clark, born 1863 in London. Another lovely misreading from the census. True "Fasting Clark" is not NOT a weird name, but it's a lot less horrible than "Farting Clack" and it makes sense under the Hyper-Christian Parents category.
Princess Cheese was real, not a nickname, and not a misreading or misspelling. Princess May Cheese was born in 1896 in West Bromwich. She married one John T. Brookes in 1914- possibly eager to no longer be a Cheese?
Multiple people really have been christened Bovril, most notably one Bovril Simpson, married in West Ham in 1911.
Incredibly, Raspberry/Rasberry/Roseberry is a real given name, and Lemon a real surname. Most people named Raspberry seem to have been men.
So that's only three of their Wacky Victorian Names that are actually 100% real. Nice job, there, team. I love Ghosts, but get your collective act together!
(They did once have a skit insisting that Victorians called trousers "the southern necessity" when that's actually a phrase from the writings of famously terrible 19th-century author Amanda McKittrick Ros, whose work her contemporaries loved poking fun at. So I shouldn't be surprised)
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buttherainbowhasabeard · 3 months ago
Why Glicked Never Really Clicked
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It was the mashup that Hollywood hoped would match the magic of Barbenheimer: a kooky combination of gladiators and good witches. But Glicked — the name given to the late November releases of 'Gladiator II' and ‘Wicked’ — was a tale of two cities (Rome and Oz) that felt forced to sit side-by-side in cinemas.
When ‘Barbie' and ‘Oppenheimer' debuted together in July 2023, they were an unlikely yet complementary pair. Even though one was a technicoloured exploration into the world of dolls and dreamhouses and the other was an IMAX-scale atomic biopic, they became a must-do double bill. They gave audiences an excuse to dress up and make going to the movies an “event”.
Glicked on the other hand, felt like an arranged marriage, and we the viewers – the children – took sides.
The first problem was the source material. 
The musical ‘Wicked: The Untold True Story of the Witches of Oz’ debuted on Broadway in 2003, and it was an instant classic. It spawned a stunning soundtrack of award-winning hits, including “What is This Feeling?”, “The Wizard And I”, “Popular” and “Defying Gravity”. It went on to be performed right around the world, including in Europe and Australia and continues to tour to this day.
This means that despite Jon M. Chu's movie adaptation coming 21 years after the first stage show (and 22 years once Part 2 is released in 2025), the fans hadn’t moved on or forgotten the Witches. If anything, the love and appreciation for the characters of Elphaba and Glinda (played by powerhouse performers Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande in the film) have only grown over the years, picking up new devotees with every new stage outing.
Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator’ came out even earlier, in the year 2000. Although it was a big hit (winning five Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for Russell Crowe, and Best Supporting Actor for Joaqiuin Phoenix), it wasn’t a movie that needed a sequel, and frankly, the ending didn’t really lend itself to one.
Now, 24 years on, spiritual successor ‘Gladiator II’ is here sans most of the original cast and it feels... unnecessary. The lineup is impressive (Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington and Joseph Quinn to name a few) the visuals are epic and the CGI is fun (ugly baboon, I’m looking at you!) but the story is lacking somewhat. Crowe’s Maximus Decimus Meridius is mentioned and mirrored constantly, meaning that overall, the film struggles to step out of the original’s successful shadow.
The second point of difference was appeal and accessibility.
Although musicals aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, the family-friendly rating of ‘Wicked’ meant it was going to be a go-to choice for families and big groups of all ages. Fans of Erivo and Grande were also going to be keen to see their favourite singers in action, even if they weren’t familiar with the play.
'Gladiator II’, on the other hand, was hindered by its R rating. An Ancient Rome saga of bloody battles and political betrayals wasn’t going to have mass appeal, and those who were drawn to it would need to be over 17 years of age.
The third reason was marketing. 
Barbenheimer had its own memes, merchandise, costumes and a communal sense of fun, as well as triggering that all-important feeling of FOMO to drive ticket sales. Glicked didn’t generate any of that kind of buzz.
The stars of ‘Wicked’ walked yellow brick road themed red carpets in colour-coordinated pink and green, and the movie account had an unmissable social media presence through regular collaborations, sing-a-longs, fan art shares, dance tutorials and announcements. 'Gladiator II’, however, followed the more traditional path of posting trailers, set photos, and interviews.
There didn’t seem to be much effort on the part of either film’s team to create a sense of “us”, so it instead became a feeling of “this” or “that”. Not “When are you going to see Wicked AND Gladiator II?” but "Are you going to see Wicked OR Gladiator II?"
And that brings me to my fourth and final point – which is probably the most important: Barbenheimer worked because it wasn’t planned. Glicked felt like a failed attempt to manufacture lightning in a bottle. But as the myth goes, lightning never strikes twice…
‘Wicked’ 4.5/5 stars. ‘Gladiator II’ 3/5 stars.
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journeytothewestresearch · 1 year ago
One question is if the six-eared macaque is a negative aspect of Sun Wukong's personality, that means that the other two mystical monkeys are also aspects of the personality except that unlike the Macaque, they are both positive aspects or simply part of Sun's personality. and the reason why they do not appear directly or are agonistic in jttw is because they do not go against the path of Buddhist enlightenment
Sorry if you don't understand, I don't speak English and I'm using a translator.
I've also speculated that the other two cestial primates are aspects of Sun Wukong's mind. An update to my Six Ears article reads:
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I'm not really sure why the other two don't explicitly appear in the narrative. But I do know that, including Sun Wukong, the four celestial primates mirror the four kinds of monkeys and apes living on Flower-Fruit Mountain. As I write here, chapter one reads:
The Handsome Monkey King thus led a flock of gibbons [yuanhou, 猿猴], macaques [mihou, 獼猴], and horse-monkeys [mahou, 馬猴], some of whom were appointed by him as his officers and ministers (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 106). 美猴王領一群猿猴、獼猴、馬猴等,分派了君臣佐使。
The gibbons are also called "long-armed gibbons" (tongbei yuanhou, 通背猿猴; lit: "(arms)-through-the-back gibbons"). [1] (This refers to the belief that the long, agile arms of the gibbon were somehow connected (i.e. tongbi, 通臂), passing through the back (i.e. tongbei, 通背) (Gulik, 1967, p. 92-93).) The horse-monkeys are also called "red-buttocked horse-monkeys" (chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴). [2] These terms are important to remember.
Here is the list of the four celestial primates:
Stone-Monkey of Numinous Wisdom (Lingming shihou, 靈明石猴) - i.e. Sun Wukong
Red-Buttocked Horse-Monkey (Chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴) - The exact same kind as that mentioned above.
Long-Armed Gibbon (Tongbi yuanhou, 通臂猿猴; lit: "Connected Arms Gibbon") - As mentioned above, tongbi (通臂) and tongbei (通背) refer to the ape's long arms.
Six-Eared Macaque (Liu'er mihou, 六耳獼猴)
The apes and monkeys of Flower-Fruit Mountain and the Four Celestial Primates both include Sun Wukong (i.e. the Stone Monkey), Red-Buttocked Horse-Monkeys (Chikao mahou), Long-Armed Gibbons (Tongbei and Tongbi), and Macaques (mihou), one of which has Six Ears (Liu'er). Therefore, the two groups are practically the same.
Based on this, a person might suggest that if one celestial primate (Sun Wukong) is born on Flower-Fruit mountain, then others can be, too. This opens the door to all four of the celestial primates having been born (or at least manifesting) there. And since Six-Ears is an aspect of Monkey's mind, the missing two celestial apes could be as well.
I should note that Wukong's Four Might Commanders are two long-armed (tongbei) gibbons and two red-buttocked horse-monkeys. Someone could suggest that two of them make up the missing celestial primates. But they are never shown to have great powers, just knowledge about the world outside of Flower-Fruit Mountain.
In the end, though, the missing celestial primates may not appear simply because they are not important to the overall narrative.
1) Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) incorrectly translates tongbei yuanhou (通背猿猴) as "bare back monkey" (vol. 1, p. 131).
2) Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) incorrectly translates this as "baboon" (vol. 1, p. 106). The horse-monkey was a nickname for the macaques placed in horse stables to keep away sickness (refer to here).
Gulik, R. H. (1967). The Gibbon in China: An Essay in Chinese Animal Lore. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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skincareroutine · 1 year ago
maybe this is a stupid tumblr moment or bc i grew up w like arab n south asian dad culture but that orange peel trend going around tiktok where girls ask their bfs to peel an orange foe them n some if the guys r like no u should b independent im actually helping u here. is insane firstly if they say yes thats the lowest bar ever EVER. to just peel an orange for someone baboons in conservatories do that for their handlers all the time. i would tell my friends dad that i liked these choco paste that u get in small packs at the grocery store in dubai n he would buy then for my friend n i whenever i went over they just had it. like think abt that. n she liked them too but he like went out of his way. crazy. anyway i think im like that too
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hysteria-things · 6 months ago
like sorry ur bf hits me for a living, every time she has a bf she turns on me and seeks male validation, then when they break up she comes back to me.
And she doesn’t tell her bf not to hit me? She just LAUGHS? And so i yelled at him, “Bro fucking stop.” (I SAID THAT) and then the girl stares at me, and my arm was bruised from this fucking baboon.
like pls put a diaper on ur fucking bf and teach him how to control his hands. Ofc everything is my fault, and i am such a nice friend that I always forgive her, I even invited her to dinner AND, i will be bringing the girls to a rage room.
Unfortunately this bitch ruined her for herself, if i see her step any close to me when I see her at college i will literally kick u.
AND SHE EVEN SAID, “I don’t want to start drama.” LIKE R U INSANE?
anyways she blocked and unadded me so
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that’s… quite something😭
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compneuropapers · 10 months ago
Interesting Papers for Week 18, 2024
Neural circuit mechanisms for transforming learned olfactory valences into wind-oriented movement. Aso, Y., Yamada, D., Bushey, D., Hibbard, K. L., Sammons, M., Otsuna, H., … Hige, T. (2023). eLife, 12, e85756.
Stimulus-Specific Prediction Error Neurons in Mouse Auditory Cortex. Audette, N. J., & Schneider, D. M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(43), 7119–7129.
Guinea baboons are strategic cooperators. Formaux, A., Sperber, D., Fagot, J., & Claidière, N. (2023). Science Advances, 9(43).
Perceptual learning across saccades: Feature but not location specific. Grzeczkowski, L., Shi, Z., Rolfs, M., & Deubel, H. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(43), e2303763120.
Continuous multiplexed population representations of task context in the mouse primary visual cortex. Hajnal, M. A., Tran, D., Einstein, M., Martelo, M. V., Safaryan, K., Polack, P.-O., … Orbán, G. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6687.
Mood fluctuations shift cost–benefit tradeoffs in economic decisions. Heerema, R., Carrillo, P., Daunizeau, J., Vinckier, F., & Pessiglione, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 18173.
Reliable retrieval is intrinsically rewarding: Recency, item difficulty, study session memory, and subjective confidence predict satisfaction in word-pair recall. Holm, L., & Wells, M. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(10), e0292866.
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rivka-kopelman · 10 months ago
Crepuscular Lemur: Log 0.1
[April Xth, 30XX]
hi, today i went to Sleazeslaw & Colebag's Slipper Emporium.
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Since I'm not busy today and I have slipper problems, I went in. Colebag was a human with a broom, gathering the day's dust into a little pile.
Sleazeslaw was a nearsighted aardvark (big glasses). He was hunched over the counter, doing some embroidery. I examined the shelves of neatly arranged slippers.
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“R u gonna buy anything or just look?” asked Colebag.
“Hi I was wondering if u have anything like this?” I showed her my slippers. “...But without a hard rubber sole?
Colebag took my slipper and turned it over.
“Without a hard sole u won't be able to walk around outside.”
“Yea I know, I don't want to wear them outside, just inside.”
“Well it still won't hurt u to have a sturdy sole, obviously!”
“But it loudly clacks on the floor. I want soft ones.”
She sighed and shook her head. “Here how about this orange set? She showed me some vibrant slippers with a pattern of citrus fruit embroidered on it and a fluffy inner lining.
“No I like slippers just like these.” I pointed at my blue slippers she was still holding. “Cause they're warm and I like them.
She rolled her eyes and went over to Sleazeslaw and dropped them noisily onto the counter.
“What is it Colebag u fucking bitch?” he demanded. "What a damnable bitch!"
Then Colebag told him everything I told her, like the conversation he just heard by being in the room.
“Uh huh . Uh huh . I see. I can just remove the rubber bottoms from these and replace them with something spongy, but they will be difficult to wash.”
“That's ok I don't have a washing machine haha.”
“Alternatively...” Sleazeslaw went on, squinting at my slipper from another angle. “I could just make u new pair. These are not tailored for a lemur paw.”
He nodded sagely. “It's true. These were made for a baboon.”
How embarrassing I didn't even know.
“Um ok I'd like a new pair of slippers please.”
Sleazeslaw nodded again slowly. He looked pleased but quite serious too.
“Ill take your measurements... step into this paint for me if u please.”
He produced a bucket of green paint.
“Ok,” I say, and step in with both feet.
“Perfect. Now step on this piece of paper.”
“Ok,” I say, and step on it. Sleazeslaw held up my runny green footprint page and squinted at it.
“I see, I see... It will take me some time to create your new slippers,” he said.
“How long?”
“Six minutes and ten seconds. You can get your fortune read while you wait. It's complimentary.”
“Ok cool,” yep that's fine
“Come now Colebag u have a customer here,” he snapped. The human stomped over and got behind the counter. She put on a baseball cap that said I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS
“What's your fave colour?” She brusquely asked.
“Grey,” I answer. She looks at the lines of my palm and coughs.
“It's not looking good,” she confesses. “Not good at all.”
“What's gonna happen to me?”
Her nostrils flared. “Ohh you don't wanna know.”
“Oh. Hmm can u check again?”
“Yeah,” she said. Colebag took out a pack of cards from her purse and shuffled them then told me to hold them to my heart. I did so.
“Now, since you are a lemur, draw three cards,” she instructs me. I turn over my first card onto the counter.
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“Ah, the Sesame Seed. The meaning of this card is quite interesting.”
And then my second card. It's another Sesame Seed.
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“Ah, looking seedy,” sighed Colebag.
I draw my third card and it's the Shining Meteor.
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“Ah, this triplet is a clear omen.”
“What does it mean?”
She waves her hands mystically over the cards. She lowers her head. “An omen is a sign of what is to come.”
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ultrvmonogamy · 11 months ago
would you rather be stuck in a shark tank or locked inside a monkey enclosure? (with the animals included in each)
depends what kind of each rly. if the sharks r great whites or similar, then i'd take the monkey enclosure regardless of the kind(s) of monkeys in it.
i don't think those sharks could possibly see me as anything other than food for v long, whereas monkeys could potentially view me in any number of ways. if they're like carnivorous baboons, i'm probably done for in roughly the same amt of time as w sharks, but there's at least a non-zero chance they'd just leave me alone. most monkeys i've crossed paths w were total assholes but still weren't interested in being within my reach long enough to risk an altercation.
also i tend to breathe better when i'm not submerged, so there's that too.
thanks for the ask 🤘
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talonabraxas · 4 months ago
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Abracadabra Talon Abraxas A B R A C A D A B R A
The word Abracadabra is said to derive from an Aramaic phrase meaning "I create as I speak." However אברא כדברא in Aramaic is more reasonably translated as "I create like the Word."
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made."
In the beginning was the Word: the Logos, the sound frequency (vibration).
We know that speech means not just any kind of a vibration, but a vibration that carries information.
Thus, I create like the Word.
In the Hebrew language, the phrase translates more accurately as "it came to pass as it was spoken."
History: The first known mention of the word was in the third century AD in the work Liber Medicinalis by Quintus Serenus Sammonicus, a physician to the Roman emperor, who suggests to wear an amulet containing the word written in the form of a triangle:
A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R - A A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A A - B - R - A - C - A - D A - B - R - A - C - A A - B - R - A - C A - B - R - A A - B - R A - B A
Abracadabra and the Gnostics: Abracadabra was used as a magical formula by the Gnostics of the sect of Basilides in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune. It is found on Abraxas stones, which were worn as amulets. Subsequently, its use spread beyond the Gnostics.
Abraxas: Have you ever been mesmerized while waiting for the sunrise? As you watch the horizon for that first burst of light, you get swept up in the eternal present moment. With baited breath, your sense of time is suspended, and you’re primed for a miracle. This is the “liminal zone,” the threshold between night and day, between here and there, between this and that. It’s the crossroads where anything is possible. And then the dawn breaks through, like a sudden burst of inspiration, like an act of creation: “Let there be light.” That is the magic of Abraxas, an enigmatic name that has perhaps always been closely associated with the power of the sun. This strange, mysterious name captures that magical, suspended, timeless moment: “all of time as an eternal instant.” Abraxas is the power of infinity—the promise of endless possibilities, the “cosmos” itself. In mythology, Abraxas is the name of a celestial horse that draws the dawn goddess Aurora across the sky. The name suggests a power that is not properly ours but rather a gift from another world.
But what of the name’s origin? It is likely, as an etymologist posited in 1891, that Abraxas belongs “to no known speech” but rather some “mystic dialect,” perhaps taking its origin “from some supposed divine inspiration.” Yet scholars, of course, search for a root. There are speculatory shreds of evidence which suggest that Abraxas is a combination of two Egyptian words, abrak and sax, meaning “the honorable and hallowed word” or “the word is adorable.” Abrak is “found in the Bible as a salutation to Joseph by the Egyptians upon his accession to royal power.” Abraxas appears in “an Egyptian invocation to the Godhead, meaning ‘hurt me not.’” Other scholars suggest a Hebrew origin of the word, positing “a Grecized form of ha-berakhah, ‘the blessing,’” while still others speculate a derivation from the Greek habros and sac, “the beautiful, the glorious Savior.” The name has appeared in the ancient Hebrew/Aramaic mystical treatises The Book of Raziel and The Sword of Moses, and in post-Talmudic Jewish incantation texts, as well as in Persian mythology.
An interesting occurrence of Abraxas is found in a papyrus from late antiquity (perhaps from Hellenized Egypt, though its exact origin is unknown). The papyrus contains “magical recipes, invocations, and incantations,” and tells of a baboon disembarking the Sun boat and proclaiming: “Thou art the number of the year ABRAXAS.” This statement causes God to laugh seven times, and with the first laugh the “splendor [of light] shone through the whole universe.”
The Basilideans, a Gnostic sect founded in the 2nd century CE by Basilides of Alexandria, worshipped Abraxas as the “supreme and primordial creator” deity, “with all the infinite emanations.” The god Abraxas unites the opposites, including good and evil, the one and the many. He is “symbolized as a composite creature, with the body of a human being and the head of a rooster, and with each of his legs ending in a serpent.” His name is actually a mathematical formula: in Greek, the letters add up to 365, the days of the year and the number of eons (cycles of creation).
“That a name so sacredly guarded, so potent in its influence, should be preserved by mystic societies through the many ages . . . is significant,” notes Moses W. Redding, a scholar of secret societies. Redding suggests that only in Freemasonry has this “Divine Word” been “held in due reverence.”
In Kabbalah: As a carpenter the creator employs tools to build a home, so G'd utilized the twenty-two letters of the alef-Beit (the Hebrew alphabet) to form heaven and earth. They are the metaphorical wood, stone and nails, corner­posts and crossbeams of our earthly and spiritual existence. As in abracadabra "Αύρα κατ' αύρα" אברא כדברא, as he, she, it created the universe with; the Letter, The word, and the number.
As Kabbalist sages say G'd created the alef-beit, before the creation of the world. "The Maggid of Mezritch" explains this on the basis of the first verse in the Book of Genesis “בראשית ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ—In the beginning G'd created the heavens and the earth.” Beresheet Barah Elokim Et (in the beginning God created the) The word את, (es or et) is spelled with an aleph, the first letter of the aleph-beit, and a tav, which is the last. The fact is, את, es, is generally considered to be a superfluous word. There is no literal translation for it, and its function is primarily as a grammatical device. So why is “es” present twice in the very first line of the Torah? It suggests that in the beginning, it was not the heavens and the earth that were created first. It was literally the alef-beit, aleph through to tav. The alpha and the omega, Without these letters, the very Utterances with which G'd formed the universe would have been impossible the Baal Shem Tov explains the verse, “Forever the words of G'd are hanging in the heavens.”
The crucial thing to realize is that G'd, creator, source did not merely create the world once. His Her It's words didn’t just emerge and then evaporate. Rather, G'd continues to create the world anew each and every moment. His Her It's, words are there constantly, “hanging in the heav­ens.” And the alef-beit is the foundation of this ongoing process of creation.
According to Kabbalah, Cabbalah and Qabbalah sages and scholars, when the same letters are transposed to form different words, they retain the common energy of their shared gematria. Because of this, the words maintain a connection in the different forms. We find a classic example of this with the words (הצר, hatzar, troubles), (רצה, ratzah, a desire to run passionately into the “ark” of spiritual study and prayer) and (צהר, tzohar, a light that shines from within). All three words share the same three letters: tzaddik, reish and hei in different com­binations. The Baal Shem Tov, explains, the connection between the words as follows: When one is experiencing trou­bles (hatzar), and one runs to study Spiritual txts and pray with great desire (ratzah), one is illuminated with a G'dly light from within (tzohar) that helps him or her transform there troubles into blessings, as it is said that the source of the twenty-two letters is even higher than that of the Ten Commandments.
As it states: “With you, is the essence of G'd", בך means “with you.” The (Beit which has a gematria of 2) and the (kaf = 20) added together equals 22. Through the twenty-two letters of the alef-Beit, we are all connected to the monad, G'd, Allah الله, the source, and each other through our words and language as words hold power as that which makes us All unique is language as language weaves everything together. These are the teachings of our holy teacher, as the The Zohar affirms that every sentence, every phrase, every word, and even every letter of the Bible exists simultaneously on several levels of meaning. This sacred work clearly declares, “Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words! . . . Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery.”
[Except from Path of the Sun Keepers by Paul Francis Young]
“Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men's actions.” --Sigmund Freud
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