yanderefan-kimi · 1 year
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"You won't leave me, right...?"
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grinlux · 2 years
In my first run in disco playthrough I had enough to pay for the apartment since I sold stuff I found in the old start up area, I jumped to get my coat, I shot the body down without damaging it and found the bullet right away, didn't drink throughout the game, let Ruby and Klaasje runaway and saved mostly everyone at the tribunal with a molotov, getting the happiest and overall best ending for most people, especially for Harry with having Kim join the team after meeting the phasmid. Just imagine some amnesiac getting so lucky and just ace everything he does saying how sorry he is and then try to convert you to communism. I love my Harry so much.
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
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I'm only posting this convo bc Jaehee saying "Don't drag the Catholics into your plan" made me laugh
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seraphinitegames · 3 months
After torturing myself through A's route my last few playthroughs, F's is even more of a bright ray of sunshine. They have such puppy energy, can never contain their overwhelming excitement at seeing their human!! Very much needed after all that angst.
It's the comment I get back from ALL my readers—that F route just instantly makes them smile, hehe! :D
It's definitely the route you want to play if you just want to enjoy the romance.
I remember getting the comments back from readers for the demo of Book Four, and they all just loved F's opening so much because of their happiness and enthusiasm! F doesn't hold back and doesn't hide how they feel, and it makes it such a joyful and romance-y route!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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itsdrawingmen · 10 days
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We need to talk about Zen.
Every character in Mystic Messenger is a tragic one, and the Casual Story trio is often disregarded in that respect. But there is one character for whom I’ve hardly seen it explored at all. Maybe it’s because his route sucks such major ass, or because he’s honestly a bit of an asshole, misogynistic, homophobic, and ableist; or maybe it’s because his trauma is only briefly, fleetingly mentioned, as he and his friends refer to it, and then quickly brush it aside.
Zen Ryu, beautiful, stupid, and self-absorbed, is, on the surface, a perfect comic relief character, a beloved himbo, brash but well-intentioned. And I think this wonderful actor has been playing that role so well that he has fooled everyone, including the fandom.
Some character exploration and the uncropped art under the cut.
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It’s no secret that Zen’s selfishness is nothing but a coping mechanism, masking a deep-set fear of inadequacy and paralysing self-doubt. It’s stated explicitly by Ray in Another Story, and it’s pretty evident from the way Zen is quick to worry there’s nothing more to him than his looks.
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It’s obvious where he got it, considering how his mother treated him and his passions, and how his brother turned his back on him when he needed him the most. But there are more things I haven’t seen discussed anywhere, and I have a lot of thoughts and headcanons, and simply questions, so let’s start from the very beginning.
It’s made very clear in Zen’s route that his early life was… well, horrible. As early as kindergarten, he started getting singled out for his looks. Strangers kept staring at him and wanting to touch him, which bothered his mother.
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Instead of getting on their child’s side, little Hyun’s parents tried to convince him he was ugly, to ‘humble’ him. It’s said that they just wanted him to be successful and to have a stable, secure life. Well, good intentions pave the road to hell, as it’s said. What they got as a result was a child who was harassed and stalked at school and in the streets with no one to confide in but his brother, who didn’t explicitly dismiss it, but still made light of it.
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A little interesting point:
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Make a note here of the ‘protection’ line, because I will get back to it later.
Anyway, whatever small support and understanding little Hyun’s brother provided him with, it wasn’t meant to last. Zen states that their parents treated them so differently they effectively separated them.
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When he entered middle school and found passion for music, what his mother saw was her son turning to a precarious road and basically undermining his future. When she tried to convince him his dreams were stupid, Hyun’s brother took her side, leaving Hyun without the last person in his family who supported him. So little Hyun ran away from home, and thus began the story of Zen.
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And here is where things get interesting. Zen left home when he was in middle school. A middle schooler in South Korea is anywhere between 12 and 15 years old. And a person living on their own must eat something and sleep somewhere. But here’s the catch: you can only rent if you are at least 19 (I’m assuming, Korean-19, so 18), and you can technically work part-time jobs starting at 13, but you need parental permission for that. And for any full-time job you must be 18. And this is the first big question with no easy answer: how did little Hyun survive after he left home? Where did he live, and what did he eat?
We can assume that for a while, he stayed with his friends, whom he for some reason tried to hide from his parents.
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However, it would have been problematic for him to make it a long-term arrangement. If his friends were teenagers like him, their parents would be likely to tell his family where he was so that they would come collect their son. And if the friends were older and employed, it’s doubtful they would be well off enough to host a dependent long-term, unless there was something sinister going on. So the question remains: where did he live and what did he eat?
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He mentions part-time jobs and extortion as sources of income, he worked night shifts to make ends meet, and there are also the mysterious 'bad things' that we will get back to later. But there are more variables here than just money.
Well, as far as I can tell, the answer to that is right here:
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And now, I want you to stop for a moment and think about what this implies.
A child in his early teens (I like to assume 13-14), and a very pretty child at that, with a history of harassment that was never addressed, let alone stopped, finds himself on the street (at this point, we can presume: homeless and hungry). And he catches the eye of gangsters. Perhaps it’s my fresh experience watching ‘Banana Fish’ speaking (definitely not, I've had this conviction basically since I saw 'bad things' mentioned), but I want to really ask you: what do you think gangsters are likely to do with a beautiful and vulnerable young boy, besides use him for petty crimes Zen admits on the screens above? What 'bad things' could he have been forced to do to survive?
This admission by Zen himself doesn’t help my train of thoughts at all:
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Of course, this is said in the context of exploitation at work, but given the gangs and the ‘bad things’, one can’t help but draw a connection.
Besides, this is where that screen I told you to take note of comes into play. Zen says that after middle school, he understood what his parents were trying to protect him from, essentially what dangers being pretty entailed. It couldn’t have been the usual harassment that he had been facing since kindergarten, he would have understood that by then. Another interesting point is that for someone with a gangster past, Zen is suspiciously gender nonconforming in his looks, and mellow in general demeanour. Yes, he’s rough around the edges, he’s homophobic, misogynistic, and foul-mouthed, but he isn’t really violent. Someone who used to fit in with gangs, especially as a youth, I would think, looks and acts differently. And this all takes me to a very grim conclusion: I firmly don’t believe that a good-looking and vulnerable child with no support network and with a history of harassment survived in gangs without being molested or sexually exploited once.
But let’s not delve into my headcanons and continue with the facts we have. These bits and pieces that come together to form a picture of Zen’s teenage years already paint a pretty morbid picture. But he made it big, became an actor, and left it all behind, and he’s happy in the canon timeline, right? Right?!
The most obvious thing is the contents of Zen’s fridge, which Jaehee points out when she goes to see him.
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It’s referenced many times in the game, Zen lightheartedly says he often skips meals and in general eats pretty badly, and I think even V refers to it. And it’s easy to chalk it up to his insane diets and the expectations of his body and looks that he has to maintain to stay in the industry. Or, if you are a little like me and like to assume the worst, you can also attribute it to Zen’s borderline self-harming workaholism. But I think there’s a little bit more to it, and the key to it is actually where Zen lives.
I remember being a little confused as to why everyone was surprised that Zen lived in a semi-basement.
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But I didn’t give it much thought, after all, semi-basements seem to be cheaper here as well, and Zen’s flat looked pretty nice on CGs (if extremely beige). And it wasn’t until recently when I was talking to a colleague about his friend sharing her experience in Korea that I learned that semi-basements were actually a signature dwelling of the poorest, and seemingly a clearly understandable trope for a Korean. Those semi-basement apartments are often at risk of flooding, which is apparently a well-known fact, and also why they’re supposed to be banned as residential quarters. And, of course, Zen is quick to tell everyone he likes that place with poor ventilation and little sunlight, because it’s Zen, after all. He has that working class mentality because he’s cool, and he likes underground apartments and old tech.
But it seems that the picture of his present life is also pretty grim. Now, I’m not in South Korea, and I know little about how theatre actors are paid there, but I can tell you what I know from several actor/actress friends here in Ukraine: theatre actors aren’t, unfortunately, paid shit. Even the ones you recognise and talk about, working in cool popular theatres, drop over half of their salary to rent a shitty apartment, and are left wondering what they’re going to eat. So it seems pretty likely to me that Zen’s empty fridge, old computer and mp3 player, daily subway commute, and semi-basement apartment all point to one simple fact: he’s simply poor.
And to make it worse, he seems to be extremely lonely.
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I’m pretty sure he also mentions isolating himself when he’s feeling bad, but I can’t seem to find screenshots for that anywhere.
All that said, when the fandom looks at Zen, they see a self-absorbed himbo, the ‘don’t kill yourself you so sexy aha’ type of guy. And he is, and I think he’s hilarious, and I’m the first one to laugh at him tbh. But when I look at him for a little longer than a second, I see a young man who has been harassed to hell and back starting as early as kindergarten, who never graduated from school, who ran away from home in his early teens, worked multiple jobs, and still had to resort to crime to make ends meet. I see a young man who was once a vulnerable teen at the mercy of gangsters, who had to learn that all help comes with strings attached. And I see a young man struggling silently with poverty while maintaining a facade of a glamorous and charming actor.
And I think the charming actor has fooled everyone.
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obsessedwrhys · 2 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ HER FURY
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ᯓ★ Reader has EXTREME emotional detachment/anger issues, enemies to lovers trope (?), John loves to rile up reader, angst (mention of r-word but it doesnt happen dw), slight gore?, lots of funny shi tho, intense smooching but nothing crazy 🤯, reader is fem!!! (Literally writing this instead of doing my assignment, didnt proof read I rushed)
Pairing you and John up for any mission was a recipe for disaster. Yet Dutch doesn't seem to catch the memo about the chemistry between you both. You HATED John and he? He enjoys that you hate him. As a matter of fact, he gets the thrill out of pissing you off. Because everybody and I mean EVERYBODY at camp knows you have a bad temper. It's just some of them happen to value their life instead of testing your limits.
Nonetheless Dutch had asked of you and John to confront a company man in Saint Denis. The details were that he had a contract that you needed to steal from him. You didn't know much but all you knew was that he played the chief into giving up all his property to the him and with the crew needing help from the chief, this was the only way to do it.
You're never a complainer when it comes to being assigned a mission but since you're being paired up with John and not to mention being told to do it this early in the morning.
You were pissed.
"Can't believe I'm doing this in the morning... Out of everyone Dutch should know I'm not a morning person" You cursed before riding off with John matching your pace on his horse.
Hearing your muttered curses, he can't help but smirk.
"Ain't that the truth. I don’t think anyone in this gang is a mornin’ person" He said.
"Oh shut up" You simply replied.
John doesn't say anything but chuckle at your annoyance. Eventually you two made it to the city, you both dismounted your horses and tied them to a nearby hitching pole. Even in the early morning, the city of Saint Denis was already bustling with activity, horse-drawn wagons passed by, and people hustled and bustled about their business.
John and you made your way through the city, eyeing the people around you and listening for any clues about the man Dutch sent you to hunt down. As you made your way down the sidewalk, you couldn't help but glare at every businessman your eyes laid upon. The way they speak and act just manages to tick you off. This however caught John's attention.
"Ain't you just a ray of sunshine" He sarcastically said and it made you look at him with your brows narrowed.
"What? You're scarin' the city folks, that's what"
You scoff.
"All these rich folks just make me all pissed off. Actin' all high and mighty like their lives are worth more than the poor. It's all about class 'til you're talking to someone beneath you"
John chuckled, his eyes following your gaze as you glared at the next businessman walking past you.
"I don’t blame ya. Most of these fools wouldn’t last a day out there tryin’ to survive. They ain’t got any idea what it’s really like" He said and you somehow found yourself nodding to his words.
Suddenly your eyes stopped at a figure hurrying outside a tailor shop. His appearance fitting the very description Dutch had provided you. You nudged John with your elbow and you jerked your head towards the target. John followed your gaze, his eyes landing on the man you pointed at. He studied him for a moment, taking in his features and behaviour.
"I think that's him" You said.
"Seems like it" he answered in a serious tone.
"He’s in a pretty big hurry to get somewhere, ain't he?" He pointed out the obvious.
"Well let's make sure he doesn't get there" Before you even finished talking you were already going after the man.
The two of you started following the man while making sure to keep some distance as to not raise any suspicion. Eventually, the man's route lead the two of you to a quieter part of the city, away from most of the people. John shot a glance your way, a silent question in his eyes of what to do next.
You don't say anything but the mischief on your face somehow answered that question in his head.
"Hey!!" You called out to the guy who's body tenses at your voice. Despite you trying to plaster on a smile, it just made you come off scary.
"What do you want? Money?" he asked gruffly, his hand reaching for something inside his pocket discreetly.
"Money? Is that what you think what my kind is always after?" You approached him slowly and John simply watched from a feet away, his arms crossed with a glimpse of amusement on his face.
He had to admit, this is always the best part of being paired up with you.
"I heard from a birdy that you've done something terrible... you wouldn't happen to be familiar with the chief now would you?" You placed a hand on his shoulder and from how the man's eyes widened slightly at your question and the hint of nervousness displayed on his face.
You knew this was the right guy.
"And who might you be? A-And why should I tell you anything about my business with the chief?" He asked, his tone guarded and wary with suspicion.
When your hands came down to smooth out the wrinkled fabric of his suit, he yelps at the sudden tuck of his tie. You laugh it off.
"I'm simply a nobody but I know damn well you tricked the chief into giving up half his property to your company. Now I don't care what you need it for but there's nothing more that I hate than a lying scum" You flash him a smile before grabbing him forcefully by the jaw. Your action causing him to panic.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! Let me go!!" He stammered, his mask now slipping away to reveal his true self.
"Give me the contract sir and you won't be leaving here with a broken nose" You casually spoke and John stepped a feet closer to the scene.
"Just do what she says sir" John added and the man looks between the two of you before finally nodding quickly.
"O-Okay!! It's in my pocket!!" He said and you gave him a warning look before releasing your grip on him.
He took a few deep breaths to steady himself before taking out a crumpled piece of paper. You raise your eyebrow as you took it from him, then unfolding it to read the words written on it properly. Once you were sure it was the real thing, you turn to face John who has a small smirk on his face from observing the confrontation.
"Well, well... that was quite the performance darlin" He said, taking the contract from you the second you handed it to him.
"I ain't your darlin" You said as you walked past him and back onto the city streets. He chuckles softly while following you from behind.
"Oh, that's right. You ain’t my darlin’, you're just someone extremely stubborn and bossy who I gotta follow around all day" He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"Glad we've got that cleared out"
Suddenly the sound of a whistle pierced through the air. John's expression darkened at the sight of the lawmen headed at the direction of the two of you.
"Great, now the law is after us. Figures" He remarked at the turns of events but you were already halfway getting onto your horse.
"Are you plannin' on staying?!" You shouted and he didn't need to be told twice as he quickly got on his horse.
The two of you quickly rode off and you checked over your shoulder to see several lawmen hot on your trail. Their guns firing as they tried to stop you from escaping. John, too, was firing his pistol as he rode, his aim steady and focused. You let out an annoyed groan before taking out your rifle and began shooting at the reinforcements coming from the left.
"Now I'm thinking if I should have killed the guy!" You shouted before shooting one square in the face.
John chuckled grimly as he watched you take out another lawman, his focus still on the ones from behind.
"Maybe you should've done us all a favor and put him out of his misery. Would've saved us a whole lot of trouble" He said and with half of them taken out and some on their way. You quickly looked around for an escape route.
"There!! The trees!!" You pointed.
John followed your lead, steering his horse into the trees as you both hid together. The two of you waited silently, the only sound the rapid beating of your hearts as the lawmen rode past, their horses' hooves thundering against the ground. Once they were out of sight, John let out a breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"Well, that was a close call" he muttered, his voice a little out of breath.
"I suppose I should be thanking you for getting us into this mess in the first place, then?" He manages to say even after barely making it out. You shoot him a death glare.
"Now I'm wishing Dutch had picked Javier to come with me" You said before galloping the way back to camp.
John raises his brows out of shock at your sudden confession. Quickly and almost desperately, he catches up to you and rode alongside you.
"Oh, come on, I ain't that bad" he countered, his tone feigning offense.
"You're worse" You said and like always, you rode off in a haste, leaving him completely behind. He sighs as he watches you go.
Once you made it back to camp, John arrived right after you. He got off his horse and he watches as you hand Dutch the contract before heading to your tent. When he tries to say something to you, you gave him a middle finger with your back facing him. Clearly noticing you're not in a good mood, he shrugs and walked away.
John had an amused look on his face as he stood beside Arthur, the two of them watching you practically storming inside your tent.
"She's quite the firecracker, ain't she?" John said and it had Arthur chuckle, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Oh, that she does" he agreed with a smirk on his face.
"Although I gotta say, it's rather entertaining to see her riled up" He added.
Just then they see Uncle headed towards your tent. Clearly looking to ask you for something.
"This can go wrong in so many ways" Arthur observed.
The second Uncle made contact with your tent, that was it.
"GET OUT!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!" You shouted and threw a candle that merely missed him by the head.
John and Arthur couldn't help but burst out laughing as they watched Uncle trip and fall on his way from your tent. Everybody knows that you hate getting your alone time interrupted, especially when you're tired or had just came back from a rough mission so anyone who tried to talk to you was practically asking for it.
"That poor bastard" John said, wiping a tear from his eye while Arthur's laughter was subsiding slowly.
"I gotta give him credit for trying though. He's either really brave or really stupid to approach when she's in a mood like that" Arthur chuckled.
Soon Javier joined the conversation, confusion and curiosity shown on his face.
"Well speak of the devil. Just in time to witness (Y/N) in all her glory" John said and Javier raised his brows in surprise.
"Ah, is she in a mood again? I thought I heard her yelling from all the way over there" Javier said and mirrored the other two who were standing and facing your tent.
"You heard right and apparently Uncle was unfortunate enough to be the first one to try and talk to her" John said with a slight smirk on his face.
"Poor bastard probably got an earful" Javier shaked his head with a chuckle.
"But I wonder why she's always so angry, there has to be a reason to her anger" Javier spoke and it sparked something inside John's mind.
He always figured it was something apart of your character so he never thought to view things like that.
"Who knows? Dutch found her in the woods alone, starved to bone and yet she still had the energy to fight. She was only 9 and she never told us why she was out there all alone" Arthur answered.
"Poor girl"
As the two kept on talking. John was standing there with his arms crossed as he's completely lost in his mind. The one question he never thought he should pay more attention to.
Why were you angry?
The evening came fast. Everybody was busy doing their own thing and John was simply relaxing by the chair until he heard sounds of giggles. The voice was awfully familiar so he got up to follow the source of the sound. To his surprise he found you playing with Jack by the grass a bit further from camp. You were teaching him how to make a flower crown and John couldn't help but notice the one on top of Jack's head.
"Well, I'll be damned" John muttered.
"She's a natural isn't she?" He jumps slightly at Hosea who pretty much came out of nowhere.
"Looks like she's got a soft spot for the kid" He added as the two watch you laugh when Jack began stressing over the steps.
"More like a natural pain in my ass" John said and Hosea snorts. The sound catching your attention almost immediately, the second your neck snapped towards their direction. The two knew what was coming.
"THE HELL ARE YOU TWO LOOKIN' AT?!" You cursed while amusingly at the same time were covering Jack's ears.
The sight was enough to have John grin.
"I didn't know you were a real softie for the kid!" He said while Hosea decided to leave for the sake of his safety.
"I bet you even read bedtime stories to the boy"
"She does!!" Jack said and you couldn't contain the betrayal on your face when you turned to look at him. Seeing your face, John laughs.
"Can I get a piggyback ride auntie (Y/N)?" Jack asked so innocently that you couldn't stay mad at him. You simply nodded and he giggled with excitement as he settled onto your back.
"Say the thing!!" Jack said and you awkwardly looked at John from the corner of your eyes to see him looking all curious.
Ah... this is so embarrassing...
"All abroad the (Y/N) express..." You said with less energy than you usually do but regardless Jack was having the time of his life.
This just made John burst out into laughter. If he thought he hadn't seen it all, he does now.
"Damn kids got a good grip on you" He said, following you as you carried Jack around the camp. Your expression stoic while Jack was acting as though he was flying.
"Good I wouldn't want him to fall" Hearing you say that, John couldn't help but let a genuine smile slip.
"Of course you wouldn't" He said, his tone more softer and now less teasing.
The second it was night time, it was your turn to patrol the grounds. You walked around, rifle in hand as you were on high alert and watching for any potential dangers. It was peaceful you had to admit, just you and the sounds of the trees rustling through the wind.
You continued on your patrol until your ears perked up at the sound of footsteps approaching. You turned around almost in a blink of an eye, rifle drawn at the figure nearing towards you... only to see it was none other than John.
Of course it's John.
Why wouldn't it be John?
"Can't you just leave me alone?" You asked while he had both his hands raised up.
"Wow now, I just wanted to keep you company"
"God you're like a poodle. Wouldn't leave me alone" You said as you lowered your rifle and continued on the path of your patrol. He snickers at your words.
"A poodle? That's a new one"
You simply ignored him hoping that he'll go away but instead he followed you. After a few moments of silence, he spoke up, his tone a little softer than usual.
"So, what made you suddenly decide to take Jack on your back and act all motherly-like?" He asked and you were hoping he would drop that topic by now.
"What do you mean? I'm always like that" You response made John raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his expression.
"You? Always motherly?" he chuckled, his skepticism evident.
"That's not the impression you usually give off, darlin"
"Oh please I can be nice. It's just some people don't deserve that from me"
"And who exactly doesn't deserve your so-called kindness?" he inquired, knowing very well that the list was probably long.
"People who just keeps on pissing me off" You look over at him for a quick second that if he wasn't looking at you from the start, he would have missed it.
"You mean, like me?"
"Oh you just happen to be at the top of my list" John chuckled, clearly enjoying your blunt honesty.
"I'm honored. It's good to know that I'm holding the top spot on your list of people you hate most" He said with a sarcastic voice.
After what felt like minutes of walking around, you let out a yawn as you decided to rest by a log. John stood by where you're sitting, his arms crossed as he tilts his head at you.
"Exhausted?" He asks.
"Of your shit? Yeah, just about"
He rolls his eyes at your reply before making himself sit down beside you. You stare off into the distance, at the brightly litted camp. He stared at the emotionless look on your face. Almost like all joy was sucked out of you. Sensing this might the best time and the only time he'll get, he decided to ask something.
"I heard that Dutch found you alone in the woods when you were 9. How'd that come to be?" He asks and you were still for a second before your eyes turned to look at him. With the way you were staring at him so coldly, he was wondering if he had pissed you off.
"... how would you understand?" You asked and he paused for a moment, his expression hardening slightly.
He understood your hint that you didn't think he would understand how you felt, which rubbed him the wrong way. He let out a scoff, his irritation growing.
"I ain't some damn fool, darlin'. Don't assume I can't empathize with you just cause I ain't the most sensitive person in this gang" He said and you stared at him a little longer before letting out a defeated sigh.
"I grew up in a poor family. Everyday it was a struggle to even put food on our plate. So one day my deadbeat father thought it would better off selling me and my sisters to some rich perverts. I fought like hell to run away. In a way I thought it would be better having my body torn apart by the wolves than to have a man touch me inappropriately" You said and every word that came out of you made John's mouth go dry.
It's no stranger that majority of everyone in the gang had their troubling past but to hear it from the very person who barely ever expressed themselves. It was different.
"I hated my dad. Fuck. I hated my mom more for not doing anything. The more I grew up, the more I grew to hate everybody. This ain't even the life I wanna live so what's the point of loving it" You cursed, your hands now clenching into a fist.
"So you hate everyone because of what your parents did to ya? Don't get me wrong, they sure can rot in hell for what they did but for you to keep everyone at arm's length? Don't you think it's a bit lonely? Living like that?" He said and you looked at him.
"You're the one telling me this?"
"I'm just sayin', pushing everyone away ain't gonna fill that loneliness inside you, darlin'." He said.
You stared at him, contemplating a bit while John held your gaze, his dark eyes studying your face intently. He could see the conflict in your expression, the internal struggle you were having with yourself. He shifted slightly, leaning closer towards you. His voice was low and earnest as he spoke.
"You can't keep running from your feelings, darlin'. Sooner or later, they'll catch up to you" He said.
"And what if they hurt me again?" You said and guilty enough your eyes trailed down to his lips which made John's breath hitch as he felt his pulse quicken for a brief moment before he quickly composed himself.
"What if they don't, darlin'? What if you're just letting your fears control you? Letting you miss out on something great? On moments that could possibly make you feel alive again?" He said, forcing his voice to remain even and steady.
You looked at him and he swore he has never seen you this vulnerable before. So when you leaned in towards him, John's heart skipped a beat. Your lips inches apart that for a brief moment he thought you were going to do something unexpected... but then you pulled back, quickly standing up and breaking the closeness between you two. John felt a pang of disappointment in his chest, though he quickly masked it with a neutral expression.
"Where you going?" he asked, his voice slightly hoarse.
"To sleep" You said, rifle held by your side as you went. He doesn't say anything as he remained seated on the log. He let out a sigh and turned his gaze towards the ground, his thoughts a tangled mess in his head.
For the next few days, John had noticed the subtle changes in your behavior. He realized that you were deliberately avoiding him. You would steer clear of him whenever he was around, finding tasks or conversations to distract yourself elsewhere.
He couldn't help but feel confused and slightly hurt by your distant attitude. He hadn't done anything to warrant such coldness from you, and the only interaction you'd had was that brief exchange in the woods. So he figured it was because of that night that your behaviour have changed towards him.
John's irritation began to grow as your subtle avoidance continued. He couldn't understand why you were suddenly treating him like he didn't exist. He was used to your usual hostility, sure, but this was a different kind of cold shoulder. So there's no other solution but to confront you.
One evening, after the camp had quieted down for the night, John approached you while you were sitting alone, sharpening your knife. The second you became aware of his presence, you quickly got up and tried to leave however this time he stood in your way blocking your path.
"Now hold on a moment, we need to talk" He said firmly.
"There's nothing to talk about" You said and John grew annoyed at your dismissive response.
"Oh, there's plenty to talk about... You've been avoiding me like the plague for days now. Can you at least tell me what the hell I did to deserve this silent treatment?" He said and you couldn't help swallow anxiously.
"Maybe have you thought that it isn't about you?" You said and once again tried to walk past him but as predicted, he stood in your way. His body almost towering over yours.
"Don't give me that horseshit, I ain't blind. You've been avoiding me like the plague. And every time I try to talk to you, you practically bolt in the other direction" He said, clearly growing more infuriated.
"I'm a busy girl!"
"A busy girl, huh?" he repeated sarcastically, his tone laced with thinly veiled anger.
"I ain't buying it. You've always found time to be a pain in my ass, and now suddenly you're too damn busy to even look at me?"
""What the hell do you want from me John?! You just looking for someone to put your anger out on?!" You raised your voice and John wasn't afraid to match your tone.
"Maybe I am! Maybe I'm sick of your goddamn attitude, your constant need to push everyone away. You ain't fooling anyone with your coldness. You're scared!"
"I'm scared?!"
"Yeah, you're scared. You're scared of letting anyone in, scared of letting your guard down. You act tough and distant 'cause you think it'll keep you safe. But it's all just a—"
Before he could continue on talking, you suddenly grabbed him by the collar to kiss him on the lips. The action clearly caught John off guard, his surprise evident on his face. But his body responded to you despite his confusion, his own anger fueling his reaction.
He returned the kiss passionately, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you against him in a tight embrace. The kiss was fierce and consuming, both of you releasing all the pent up frustration and tension between you two.
John's hands ran over your body, his touch greedy and possessive. He pressed himself hard against you, his body molding to yours as if he couldn't get close enough.
He broke the kiss for a brief moment, his breathing ragged and his eyes dark with desire. He captured your lips again, his tongue seeking entry into your mouth as his hands roamed under your shirt, exploring the bare skin of your waist.
That was until the sound of someone talking from nearby that made the both of you snap out of the moment. John's attention snapped away from you for a brief moment, his eyes darting towards the source of the noise.
He then took a step back, creating a small space between you now. Both of you were breathing heavily, trying to catch your breaths after the intense moment you had just shared. Surprisingly you were the first to speak up.
"I... I didn't mean to avoid you... I was just scared of these feelings I felt around you... I thought ignoring it— ignoring you was the better idea" You said. After all, you weren't ever good at understanding your emotions.
John watched you, taking in the mixture of emotions that played across your face. He knew exactly what you were feeling because he knew what that feeling was. He took a step closer to you again, his expression now more serious.
"Sometimes we can't control how we feel, darlin'. And trust me, ain't nothing wrong with what we just did" He said, gently caressing the side of your face.
"... I'm fucking scared John... in this life I'm used to losing people, if I let myself feel things then I don't think I'll be able to survive the thought of losing you" You said, the fear in your confession made John frown a bit but there was this sweetness in his gaze when he cupped your face to look at him.
"I ain't going anywhere, darlin'. You ain't gonna lose me, I promise you that"
"You can't be sure" You said, your hands rested on top of his.
"You're right, I can't guarantee anything in this life... but I can promise you I'll do everything in my power to stay by your side. I ain't leaving you, no matter what. You got my word on that" He said, his eyes never leaving yours. You stared at him for a while before resting your head on his chest.
"God I hate you" You sighed but your lips formed a small smile. Seeing that, John couldn't help but chuckled, a warm, genuine smile spreading across his face as he wrapped his arms around you.
"You don't hate me. You can't stand me, though, I know that. But you definitely don't hate me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be leaning on me like this" He teased.
"Stop pushing your luck"
"Oh, come on, darlin'. You know you love me really" he said continuing his tease with a smirk on his face.
"Ugh..." You groaned and it had John chuckled again, enjoying the playful banter between the two of you. He tightened his arms around you while holding you close to him, his face nuzzling into your hair and his voice lowering to a husky, teasing tone.
"You don't have to admit it right now... but I know you do..."
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silver-starss · 1 year
Ahsoka spoiler thoughts:
My incoherent ramblings.
Holy crap, Natasha Liu Bordizzo is killing it as Sabine. She's got the perfect attitude. Rosario Dawson also seems much more settled into her role this time around, but Liu Bordizzo is the real standout in terms of performance.
Speaking of, I teared up every time Sabine's suite played in the score. Kevin Kiner never disappoints.
I'm glad to see Sabine and Hera's relationship not being neglected. Even if their shared screentime is brief, you great a very good sense that these characters care about one another, and deeply.
Also glad they're taking the non-Force sensitive route with Sabine. It's an intriguing idea, and Ahsoka is one of the few people who would indulge a potential Force blind Jedi.
Ezra's presence looms large over the series, even though he never directly appears. Still, very glad to see the series not downplaying his importance for the sake of casual audiences.
Loving the KOTOR and KOTOR 2 easter eggs! Although I hesitate to use that term since Star Maps and ship are in fact highly relevant to the plot.
Shin Hati my beloved.
Baylon Skoll intrigues me, and not just because Ray Stevenson was an incredible actor. I'm curious to see what his deal is, but I imagine he's (narratively) there to act as a foil to Ahsoka. Someone who doesn't follow the Jedi/Sith dichotomy, but on the opposite side of the Force.
MORE GALAXIES? Is this a Yuuzhan Vong sort of thing? I'm going to reserve judgment for now, but I wasn't a huge fan of the idea the first time around, so I'm doubtful it'll work now. But we'll see what Filoni does with this concept.
This feels much more Star Wars-y than the other live-action series. That isn't a knock on those series, to be clear - shows like Andor needed a gritty, realistic tone, for example - but I missed the more esoteric elements of Star Wars. And Ahsoka unabashedly embraces and celebrates those elements of the franchise.
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writingpiecesak · 6 months
Hiii can you right a bakugo x severely injured reader
we dont get enough of these😓😓 IF YOU DO THANK YOUUU
Hiii , wasn’t sure how much severely injured or if blood was okay butttt yes! Love this idea!! ❤️
also it’s pretty lengthy lol i wasn’t sure when to stop 😅 also I had this song in mind while writing this.
It was supposed to be a simple evacuation mission. Simply guide the residents to safety and rescue any injured civilians then take them to the medical tents for treatment. You were assigned to Ground Group B, go through each alley way of apartments and help civilians out of harm's way. Your partner dashed off to help the others taking on Slade and his minions. You moved quickly and silently, you never knew who could be lurking about.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now, take my hand.” You extended your arm out to a terrified child, hiding behind the dumpsters covered in dirt. The air was filled with dust and rubble from the fallen buildings, the child looked to you, his hand trembling in fear. You waited patiently till his hand was fully in yours, and slowly you guided him out of his hiding spot.
“Alright, don’t let go okay? Stay with me, you’ll be okay.” You reassured him.
Your other hand stayed hovered above your thigh holster, securing a flare gun in case you needed aid to your position. You were holding his hand tightly as you walked through the streets desperately trying to find the route you knew that led to safety.
With the thickness of the dusty air clouding your vision, you decided to use your quirk to help light the way. Your quirk, Rays, is able to make waves of blinding lights enough to illuminate a dark forest and when concentrated enough can blind an enemy for a whole five minutes. But for now, you used only enough as a flashlight would.
“yo sunshine, what are your coordinates?”
His voice startled you for a moment, only a moment until annoyance took over.
“What did I say about calling me that?” You tap your ear piece that has a built-in mic that withstands over 200 meters and works connectively like Bluetooth.
“Tsk, you still respond to it. Where are you?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m here on the ground, trying to help this kid I found to a medic tent. He has some surface wounds.”
You glanced back at the young kid who naively sucked his thumb as a way to help make himself feel safe. You chuckled.
“Where's your partner? I thought there was a buddy system.”
“Oh you mean Aoyama? He took off, said he wanted to help you guys fight Slade. Didn’t really give me a choice, isn’t he there?” You whispered, peering around a corner of a building scoping out for any signs of threat.
“No…he isn’t, wait so you’re alone?”
You smiled softly, “Aww, are you worried about little ol’ me, Katsuki? Don’t worry, I can take care of myself.”
“I never doubted that Sunshine. Just don’t like the idea of you alone out there.”
A soft smile played on your lips, “You don’t like the idea of me period, Suki.” You said sarcastically.
“Tsk, never that Sunshine.”
This fun little banter you had going on with Katsuki actually helped ease your nerves a bit. You both had this secret push and pull game you two played together and it was really the best thing you could cling to at a time like this. You didn’t like the idea of being alone, especially with obscured vision and in the presence of a young civilian. You could light the entire block if you wanted but you didn’t want to give away your position to potential threats.
“Katsuki?” You questioned when static was playing through your ear piece.
“H-He’s –––stay–—move!”
You stopped in your tracks trying to make sense of those broken parts of his voice. Your breathing became more heavy and you quickly tugged the kid closer, lifting him to your arms basically carrying him as his legs instinctively wrapped around your waist.
“Is the bad guy here?” The young boy asked nervously.
“I’m not sure. We have to hide for now.” You started to run down the street in hopes of just finding the evacuation zone by luck.
“He’s gone! Slade left the field, stay where you are, don't move!”
You were listening to his words yet at the same time a figure in the distance was emerging. Your eyes squint trying to make out if this was a friend or foe. You stopped in your place and waited for some kind of signal, the figure was walking closer but something about them seemed injured almost as if they were limping.
Another civilian? You thought, slowly placing the child down slowly on his two feet. You started to approach the person but the young boy tugged on your hand, his eyes pleading you to stay. You crouched down to meet his eye level.
“I have to see if they need my help. They could be hurt.” You patted his head affectionately.
You took a deep breath and turned to the person, who stood there not making a sound nor were they walking towards you anymore. You proceeded with caution, shimmering light emerging from the palms of your hands.
“Are you okay, do you need some help?” You shouted, taking baby steps closer, your gut was fighting your steps telling you to turn back, to run, to hide, to blind this person before they could hurt you.
You should’ve trusted your gut.
Your eyes grew wider as you saw this person raise his arms, aiming for a sonic boom clap, but not at you. Your eyes traveled to where their hands were pointed and horror filled your veins. There was no injured civilian. This was Slade.
His sonic boom clap would send this kid to oblivion, killing him instantly. Your feet quickly took off heading back for the kid who stood there fidgeting with his fingers. Every step from your feet echoed in your head, and for a ration second, you threw your hand back and used Ray to its full extent, waves of blistering white hot light shot out from your hand instantly blinding Slade causing him to throw his aim off.
At the very last second, his hands clapped and his sonic boom trashed to the nearby building. Cracks spiderwebbed across the walls, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. The young kids' eyes were full of panic and tears. You were close, so close. Just enough to grab him but then debris rained down from above, shattering windows and blocking your only pathway to reach for him. With each passing moment, the building groaned under the strain, its supports buckling under the immense pressure. The building began to crumble. Floors pancaked on top of each other as the structure collapsed in on itself.
With the surge of desperation you reached out for the kid and in a blink of an eye, you pulled him out of his stand still panic state, and tossed him to the other side of the street, clearing him from the damage that’s now been done.
The kid cried out as he watched rocks of cement topple over you and bury you inside. Dust and smoke filled the air once again, the boy crawling over trying to remove any pieces of debris. He couldn’t leave you. Not after you saved him.
“Damn what was that!” Denki shouted, pointing towards the town where different groups of rescuers were dispatched. Their eyes watched as smoke rose from the unknown to them, a fallen building. Katsuki had a bad feeling, he turned away, turning his mic back on.
“Sunshine? Come in Sunshine?”
“Who’s Sunshine?” Ashido tuned in, “He means y/n, only he calls her that for whatever reason.” Denki reminded her.
“Shut up assfaces! Sunshine, come in, what was that explosion?”
His only response was static. He chewed his bottom lip and ripped off his ear piece in frustration. He took a glance at his group, fairly enough everyone was doing okay with minor injuries. His head was doing backflips and somersaults trying to think if you were okay.
“Sunsh–Y/n isn’t answering her coms.” He informed Izuku.
“Wait really? Maybe she’s with her group rounding up the civilians and heading to the hospital.”
“That’s shit, she would’ve answered me. I’m going to look for her.” He pushed aside Izuku.
“W-Wait Kachan you can’t go by yourself!”
“Try and stop me.” He sneered before taking off.
He blasted through the air heading towards the faded smoke cloud only to see that Izuku was right on his tail following him. He scoffed but didn’t reject any help.
His mind was racing with possibilities. Maybe you were farther than 200 meters. Maybe Izuku was right, you could be at the hospital right now tending to victims' needs. Or perhaps your ear piece fell out. Anything was better than what his mind was creating.
“Down there!” Izuku pointed.
Katsuki's eyes saw the fallen building and a small kid sitting against the rubble hugging his knees. The two landed right by and immediately went to the crying child. Izuku, handling kids better than Katsuki, took charge.
“Hey little guy, are you alright? What’s wrong, what happened here?” He helped dust him off and wipe away his tears.
“Bad guy..” He sniffled.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was looking around for any information or indication on your whereabouts. Checking the ground for a broken earpiece. He could ask for the story later but right now his only concern was you. There was no one in sight. His heart was falling to the pits of his stomach, his breathing becoming shallow at the narrowing of possibilities.
“A-And then, she sa-saved me.”
“Who kid?” Katsuki quickly pulled the kid towards him, also crouched down to his size. The young boy only lowered his head, tears flowing through as his small hand pointed to the pile of rubble besides them.
Both Izuku and Katsuki's eyes slowly looked over to what he had pointed at. Katsuki’s heart pounded in his chest as he frantically began sifting through the debris, his hands bloodied and trembling with each movement. Every fiber of his being was consumed by the desperate need to find you, his Sunshine. With each passing moment, his fear intensified, driving him to dig deeper, to search harder, refusing to accept the possibility of you being lost to him forever. Every tug on another rock, his eyes were filling, stinging of tears that threatened to fall. His sniffles reminded him what he could possibly lose. No more fun banter. No more Sunshine jokes. No more late night talks. No more pranks pulled. No more secret stargazing. No more teasing of his hair. No more beautiful smiles when you laughed. No more stolen glances. No more shy compliments that make you blush. No more. No more you.
And then, amidst the rubble, he saw you. You laid motionless, battered and broken, your body barely recognizable beneath the broken glass and concrete. Horror washed over him as he knelt beside you, his hands shaking as he gently cradled you in his arms. Tears welled in his eyes as he whispered your name, praying for a sign of life. But you remained still, your breathing shallow and faint. He brushed your hair to the side letting rugged sobs escape his lips.
Izuku immediately discharged his flare gun while talking to his teammates on their coms, informing them on the situation at hand. Katsuki holding you dearly, praying for a miracle, for you to open your eyes and just joke about how much you scared him.
“Please..please Sunshine..please open your eyes.” He begged.
“Katsuki maybe we should–” His eyes darted to the crying child.
“I’m not leaving her!” Katsuki screamed out, his voice hoarse.
Every fiber of his being ached with sorrow as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy that had befallen them. The weight of guilt and helplessness bore down on him, threatening to crush his spirit as he grappled with the realization that he had failed to protect the one person who meant everything to him. Tears blurred his vision as he knelt beside the pile of debris, his heart torn asunder by the devastating loss. In that moment, Katsuki felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, as if the very essence of his being had been ripped away, leaving nothing but a hollow shell in its wake.
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naffeclipse · 9 months
Btw the mistletoe kisses in White Coat make me absolutely feral, thought you should know-
BUTTT I have to wonder, would Eclipse try to use that tradition with the vigilante? 👀
THANK YOU! (If anyone hasn't read it yet, you can read it here!)
Eclipse isn't usually so compelled into holiday traditions simply because if he wants to do something, he will do it. He doesn't need the excuse. But the mistletoe is an amusing exception. He'll get that kiss from the vigilante and play with them in the way a tiger does, all sharpness and menace, goading them into giving in due to the mistletoe hanging above them.
The vigilante will duck and weave to escape such a situation, but if Eclipse catches them in his arms, and there's no other escape route, they'll see that the only way out is through. They'll share a kiss like ice and fire, and then the vigilante is yanking on a sun ray to catch him off guard, escape his crushing grip, and hit the ground running.
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tricoufamily · 1 year
🔪rogues gallery legacy challenge 🔪
i'm misleading you most of them aren't even criminals
ok!!! so i made this challenge for myself because i can't commit to any save, but i'll definitely want to play with these sims it's got autism sprinkled all over it. some of you might also like it as well so i'll share it!
this is a ten generation legacy challenge, with every generation loosely based on a different batman villain, but you don't have to be a batman fan to do it.
general rules
start with the default amount of money you get straight out of cas. no money cheats!
heirs can be any gender with any appearance. i think it'd be fun to dress them inspired by the character, but you don't have to. you probably don't want to make the actual character, honestly (what, ivy marries harley, then a few generations later there's just another harley? no)
choose your own succession laws
if you don’t have the pack for the requirement, replace it with whatever is a logical replacement. or just do something else instead, i’m not gonna come through your computer
i have provided alternate requirements when necessary for people who don’t want to play with occult sims
when stated that the sim goes to university, i recommend turning off aging until they graduate. sims without a university requirement can still attend!
if you end up doing this, please tag me in your posts 💜 or at least tell me how it's going in an ask lol
1: poison ivy 🌱
people say you’re a bit intense about the environment, but you say people are too stupid to see what’s right in front of them. the world clearly needs your help, but no one understands you. people quickly disappoint you when you get close to them. they voted against the clean energy production n.a.p.—why shouldn’t their spouse find out about that secret date you had?
traits: green fiend, hot-headed, loves outdoors aspiration: villainous valentine career: gardener (botanist branch) max skills: gardening, herbalism, flower arranging
live in any world but strangerville (it doesn’t have an eco footprint!). make every neighborhood in the world have a green eco footprint—this means you’ll have to live in all of them at some point. big worlds recommended.
get the super green thumb bonus trait from the aspiration rewards store.
leave someone at the altar.
eventually end up with your best friend who’s already in a relationship.
have 3 cowplants. if one of them dies, remove 1000 simoleons as punishment and replace it. what you do with them is your business.
2: scarecrow 👻
between moving constantly, being terrified of the man-eating plants outside your window, and your parent's reputation preceding them, you fantasize about the control you’ve lacked your whole life. you loved creating monstrosities with your chemistry set as a child, and when you finally escape your town for college, your mind leads you to dark places. you evade consequences until your scheming backfires, and you’re haunted for the rest of your life by a terrifying specter your family can’t see.
traits: paranoid, genius, ambitious aspiration: purveyor of potions (non-occult alternative: academic) career: education (professor branch)/scientist (for non-occult route) max skills: mental skill, mixology skill, cooking skill
gain and conquer every adult fear.
go to the university of britechester and major in psychology. join a secret society.
become a spellcaster. feed hexed potions to 5 sims and use negative spells on 10 sims. non-occult alternative: instead of becoming a professor, join the scientist career, and with the sim ray, use the mind control: panic upgrade on all coworkers.
after college, move to another world than where your parent lives.
become cursed with the curse of the night wraith (you may cheat for it if you can’t get it). live 3 days with it then you can de-curse yourself, but not before adding the night wraith to your household (requires cheats). obviously you can’t stop your family from interacting with it autonomously, but never initiate an interaction yourself while playing as another family member. non-occult alternative: use a ghost instead and you can pretend it’s just a figment of your sim’s imagination.
3: riddler 🧩
with your parent who hasn’t slept in days claiming your house is cursed, you drown it out with the internet and video games. your social skills might not be up to par because of it, but you’re a genius the likes of which has never been seen before. according to you, at least. you aren’t easy to get along with, but neither is one of your exes, whose path you just can’t stop crossing. try as you might, you can’t stay away from each other for very long.
traits: geek, socially awkward, self-absorbed aspiration: chief of mischief career: tech guru (start-up entrepreneur branch) max skills: mischief, robotics, logic
as a teen, be in the streamer part-time career. have at least 500 followers on social media.
have a sim you’re dating die.
your “forever partner” has the hot-headed and mean trait. break up and get back together with them 4 times.
successfully hack supercomputer 3 times.
woohoo a servo. at least once
4: harley quinn ♦
you might never be a fully mature person, but that’s okay! you’re a free spirit—a bit unpredictable and fickle, but you’re fun! your parent’s dream is for you to go to foxbury, but one night out drinking with your roommates, you fall head over heels for a mysterious, charismatic stranger at the bar. you very quickly decide to follow them to the city, only to realize that they aren’t who you thought they were, and maybe you’re not who you thought you were, either. you end the relationship and truly find yourself.
traits: goofball, childish, romantic aspiration: leader of the pack career: doctor max skills: mischief, comedy
start a club with your two best friends.
have an equal number of friends and enemies
briefly live on the foxbury campus, majoring in biology. fall in love with a criminal sim with all negative traits, drop out of college, and move in with them in a needs tlc apartment.
work a number of odd jobs and part-time careers while your relationship deteriorates.
break up with your partner, move out on your own, and go back to college. do not live on campus this time—continue working a part-time job while living at home. become a doctor.
5: clayface 🎭
your parent never took life very seriously, but you couldn’t be more different. not only are you fiercely competitive, you have to be liked by everyone. you’re a social chameleon who dreams of the stage. you’re only a high-maintenance, jealous, hothead—fame certainly won’t go to your head…
traits: high-maintenance, hot-headed, jealous aspiration: master actor career: actor max skills: acting, charisma
live in del sol valley.
have a good reputation until becoming a proper celebrity, then earn a bad reputation.
marry and divorce (at least) 2 actors.
fist-fight 5 costars.
after completing the master actor aspiration, gradually lose all fame.
6: penguin ☂
there’s a lot you can say about your childhood, but you can’t say it wasn’t comfortable. with all the trust fund and nepotism you could ask for, what’s there to lose? oh. oh, wait, this trust fund isn’t bottomless, actually. uh oh. better pick up a couple side hustles to keep the lights on.
traits: snob, mean, materialistic aspiration: mansion baron career: business career (investor branch) max skills: nectar making, fishing
never work a job until young adulthood.
spend all or almost all of your inheritance immediately after moving out (have <1500 simoleons).
start selling nectar and fish on the side.
adopt or have 1 solo science baby. be enemies with all of your neighbors but have a max relationship with your child.
have 5 on-and-off woohoo partners but never a real relationship. once you reach mid-adulthood (not young adulthood), you may marry one of your woohoo partners who’s always secretly been in love with you.
7: mr. freeze 🧊
your eccentric parent doted on you, but school was miserable. at least you had one friend, your best friend. as you got older, you got shy about your developing feelings for them—little did you know, they were in love with you too. you got married and everything was perfect. and then they died. you’ll dedicate your entire life to bringing them back, no matter the cost.
traits: gloomy, perfectionist, family-oriented aspiration: soulmate career: scientist max skills: all skills associated with making ambrosia
be disliked by at least 3 classmates as a child/teen and have only 1 friend.
become soulmates with the friend, get married, and move to mt. komorebi. when at least 1 of your children ages up into a child, your spouse dies.
you quit your job to focus solely on making ambrosia to bring your spouse back. you can rejoin the scientist career when this is complete. if you need money, start selling household items.
you become increasingly distant with your child(ren), too focused on your goal. your relationship with them suffers greatly.
you cannot have any romantic relationship with another sim ever. even if your revived spouse can’t forgive you…
8: joker 🤡
when you watch your parent sob while baking ten cakes in a row, saying it’ll bring your other parent back from the dead, the best way to cope is turning it into a stand-up routine, right? you’ve used comedy to mask the darkness in you your whole life. might as well try to profit off it. also, your vampire obsession is kind of off-putting.
traits: goofball, evil, hates children aspiration: joke star career: entertainer (comedian branch) max skills: comedy, mischief, vampire lore
as a child, get a’s in school and be in the drama club. have a forgotten birthday when becoming a teen, the final straw. quit the drama club, become disliked/enemies with all of your friends, and become a d student.
move to san myshuno.
reach a two-star celebrity level from comedy.
never marry and have an accidental child with a fan. all children you have must be accidental. like your parent before you, you cannot connect with your children and have a difficult dynamic with all of them.
have a -100 relationship with a vampire. have a negative interaction at least once a week. non-occult alternative: make it a human goth sim. lmao.
9: two-face 🌗
despite absent parenting, you were voted most likely to succeed in high school and graduated at the top of your class. your goals are simple and attainable: become leader of the free world. but your promising political career is nipped in the bud when your entire life is ruined. disgraced, secluded, and battling two sides of yourself, you turn to other career options.
traits: self-assured, erratic, overachiever aspiration: goal oriented, public enemy career: politics (politician branch), criminal career (boss branch) max skills: charisma, research & debate
as a child, receive a future cube as a gift from a parent. every major decision you make besides the requirements have to be made with the future cube. no takesies backsies.
make all a’s in elementary and high school and win prom royalty.
marry your teenage sweetheart straight out of high school. have only 1 child.
reach level 5 of the politics career, then your sim is turned into either a werewolf or vampire (player’s choice—or flip a coin!) against their will (you’ll have to pretend). non-occult alternative: you’re caught in a cheating scandal that ruins your career.
you’re forced to quit your job, get divorced, move to a non-city world with your child, and join the criminal career.
10: catwoman 🐈
your parent was not an easy person to live with. they may have not minded your habit of stealing from school, but you couldn’t take it anymore. you return to the city with a plan to get rich quick, but you’re no crime boss. you’re doing this on your own terms, playing for nobody’s team but your own. even if someone keeps trying to poke their nose in your family’s business.
traits: kleptomaniac, cat lover, adventurous aspiration: fabulously wealthy career: retail employee, thief max skills: rock climbing, knitting
your non-criminal parent dies before you reach teenhood.
have a gloomy childhood friend you lose touch with in your teen years. as young adults, the friend has become a secret agent investigating your family. they are enemies with your criminal parent. you and the friend also become enemies.
you’re working as a retail employee, but where you’re really getting your money is robbery. initiate 2 romantic relationships with rich sims to rob their house.
eventually become lovers with your friend-turned-enemy.
adopt 3 stray cats.
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maboroshi-no · 3 months
Hamefura BluRay S1 Vol 3 SS
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I have translated Anne’s SS from the Anime Blu-ray special.
Series: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Title / Character: Anne Source: Anime BluRay S1 Vol 3 Synopsis: Anne is "enjoying" a day off that Katarina has forced on her. Translation: maboroshi-no
Translation below ⮟
Anime Bluray Special Story - Anne
Katarina: Alright, Anne. Have fun today, okay?
Anne: Yes. Thank you very much, Lady Katarina.
As Lady Katarina saw me off with a whole-face smile, I, Anne Shelley, thanked her like this, then left the residence and headed to town.
The academy was on holiday today, so I had returned with Lady Katarina and Lord Keith to the Claes residence, but then I was given a full day off.
It had honestly been a while since I had a proper day off. In such cases, people would think it was due to the workplace, but it wasn't.
At the Claes' household, servants were properly given days off due to the master's policy, so the other servants were often taking leaves to return to their family's home or go shopping. However, I didn't have a good relationship with my family, so I didn't feel like returning home, and my shopping would usually be done in half a day, so I didn't need such a lengthy leave. Rather, my honest feelings might be that even if I had a day off, I wouldn't know what to do. Because more than a day off, I would far prefer staying by Lady Katarina's side.
And yet, today, when I asked her why I was given a day off, Lady Katarina, who didn't know that I voluntarily didn't take leave, said…
Katarina: Anne, you haven't taken time off at all, have you? You should properly get a full-day rest from time to time.
She suddenly told me this as if it had just crossed her mind, and then in the blink of an eye, she more or less forced a day off on me. On top of this, she heard me grumble that I had nothing to do.
Katarina: In that case, you should go shopping in town. The weather is nice today, and if you like, I will have a carriage prepared for you.
Like this, she smoothly decided my plans as well. However, I frantically stopped Lady Katarina from calling in the Claes carriage. A simple servant using the splendid carriage of a ducal family for her shopping was unthinkable.
Lady Katarina somehow agreed to it, and before she said another ridiculous thing, I promptly got on a stagecoach and set out to town.
When I arrived in the castle town, it was bustling with people.
Because Lady Katarina had to move into the academy's dorm, I also came to live on the same grounds, and since I was increasingly purchasing the daily necessities from the merchants coming and going, I hadn't been to town in a while. Even so, it hadn't changed so much.
It was just that with fall intensifying and the temperature having gradually grown cold, a lot of warm food was on sale.
Child: Hey Mom, I want to eat this~ Buy it~
At a storefront, a small child pulled the hand of a woman who seemed to be his mother and coaxed her like this.
Mother: You're still eating? You've just eaten earlier!
Child: Sweets go in a different stomach!
The child said this and puffed up their cheeks.
Looking at this child, the figure of the child Lady Katarina overlapped. Lady Katarina often used to coax me for sweets like this too. On that day when the child Lady Katarina said, "I want to play in town", I accompanied her and went to town.
Lady Katarina's eyes sparkled and she pulled me to various places.
Until then, even when I went to town, I only bought the needed daily necessities, so it was my first time entering a gift shop and a confectionery shop. 
I had been raised in Baron Shelley's household with my father just telling me to be obedient, and even after being employed in the Claes household, I did the same for a while and just acted submissively without trying to possess a will of my own.
And yet, Lady Katarina would ask things like "Anne, which do you like?", "Which do you find pretty?" "Which is to your taste?". She would ask my feelings on things.
At first, I didn't know what to do and would often get bewildered and falter, but my reactions wouldn't discourage Lady Katarina at all and she would ask me the same things again. Before I knew it, I gradually became able to answer her about my feelings. 
What I liked, my taste… I went from being a mere tool just going along with its master to a human being.
"Anne, today is your birthday, right? Here, it's a present." After saying this, what the child Katarina presented to me was a bundle of papers with "Shoulder Massage Ticket" written on them. They were what she called "a birthday present". I didn't even know such a thing existed, so I was bewildered and then felt a somewhat fluffy, mysterious feeling. It was only after a while that I realized that it was "happiness".
Using the tickets I had received at that time would have been too much of a waste, so in the end, I didn't use them and had carefully kept them up to this day. Together with the presents she offered me every year afterward.
When I thought about this, I found myself yearning to see Lady Katarina's face even though I had just arrived in town.
Lady Katarina was loved by her fiancé, Prince Geordo, by her adopted younger brother, Lord Keith, and by many other people.
Everyone wished to stay with Lady Katarina.
I felt a little sorry for these people but the one who spent the most time with Lady Katarina was none other than myself. I was priding myself on this.
"I need Anne. I want her by my side." Just with those words Lady Katarina gave me, I could do my best over and over again.
Despite receiving a day off and being sent to town like this, all that came to mind was Lady Katarina. I just wanted to see her face as soon as possible.
But since today Lady Katarina saw me off with such a smile, I was hesitant to go back so early. I managed to idly kill time, buy sweets that Lady Katarina might like, and finally, it was a time when returning home wouldn't cause any issues.
In the end, despite receiving a day off, I had my mind so full of Lady Katarina that I actually wound up being emotionally exhausted. As I thought, I didn't seem to need a full day off. As I was thinking this inside the stagecoach, when I returned to the Claes residence…
Katarina: Anne, welcome back.
For some reason, Lady Katarina was striking a daunting pose near the servants' entrance.
Anne: I have returned home. Lady Katarina, is something the matter?
Katarina: I've been waiting for you, Anne. Now, come with me.
After saying this, Lady Katarina led me by the hand to the front of the door of a parlor's room. Then Lady Katarina looked at me, grinned, and opened the door. There…
Katarina: Congratulations, Anne.
Lady Katarina said this and clapped her hands.
In that room, a feast and a cake had been prepared. The other servants working with me were also there and they welcomed me with smiles and clapping hands. 
Anne: …Umm, this is?
Katarina: Today is your birthday, right? That's why I've prepared a surprise party for you. You've stuck with me all the way to the academy and I owe you so much, so I wanted to make a grand celebration and thank you.
Lady Katarina said this with a grin. 
I see… Come to think of it, today might be the day I was born. I had completely forgotten about it.
Katarina: Again, Happy birthday, Anne. This is your present this year.
After saying this, Lady Katarina presented a wrapped box to me.
Anne: …Thank you very much.
While receiving the present, my hands shook a little.
Today, I learned for the first time that people teared up even when they were happy.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 1 Match 25
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Rei -
"Buddy Daddies is a story about buddies who are hitmen. (And later become daddies while doing a hit. It makes sense in context) One of those buddies is Kazuki Kurusu, but the other is Rei Suwa.
Rei's peculiarities include:
He's a content, lonely introvert.
He's shit at self-care, spending all night playing video games and forgetting to clean up and such.
He sleeps in the bathtub.
He's not good at expressing emotion.
He doesn't like tomatoes, mushrooms, or spicy foods. Kazuki considers him a picky eater.
Lots of little stuff that makes Kazuki call him immature.
And most importantly, to me, is his general vibe with Miri. After getting used to the disruptions to his routine that come with adopting a kindergartener, he's happy to have Miri around. But, unlike Kazuki, he struggles to express his affection. He doesn't understand how, or what a kid like Miri needs/wants. But even though he's bad at it, he tries.
I'm pretty sure most of this is supposed to be either comical immaturity or the emotional scars inflicted by his abusive hit-dad. But I won't let that stop me." (propaganda courtesy of @greatwyrmgold)
Gin -
"First of all, he's canonically autistic :). He appears to have a special interest in animals, feeling the most safe when wearing a mix of various different animal related clothes (A pair of bat wings, a monkey tail, a hooded cape with cat ears and large animal paw mittens). He carries around a comfort dog toy called Mew-Chan who is adorable, and he also has verbal tics where he both barks and meows.
This kid is twelve and in a death game btw- he is one of the few people that canonically survives in every route, at least up to the current point in the story. He's a ray of sunshine, the literal glue of the group who holds them all together. He's such a genuinely sweet kid and everyone loves him both in and out of canon so he's the best boy in my eyes.
(The line where he tells the protagonist about his diagnosis and why he wears an animal costume)
"I don't really get all the details, but… I have this sorta condition called autism, meow… If I don't wear this… I feel really embarrassed. I get nervous, woof… I know it's weird, meow…""
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girlstuffnorp · 4 months
Julie and the Phantoms Song Recs: McFly Songs that are Sunset Curve/JATP Coded
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So, McFly are a big British pop/rock band that have been around since 2003, and are still releasing music and touring at the time of writing in 2024. I saw them perform live in 2023, and loved it. 💖 That tour was to celebrate the release of the most recent album (at the time of writing) - Power To Play - and listening to that album immediately gave me Sunset Curve vibes, and then I subsequently realised that they had been making Sunset Curve/JATP-coded songs throughout their whole career. 🥺💖
Edit: So, McFly are really popular in Brazil, and they released a song with popular Brazilian band Fresno in 2023 as part of the Power To Play album - Broken By You... and I've just discovered that Fresno actually had a cameo in Julie e os Fantasmas (the original Brazilian show that Julie and the Phantoms was adapted from) in episode 3, so this whole post has gained a lot more validity in a '6 degrees of separation' kind of way 😍👏
I wanted to make a list of songs that I could see Sunset Curve/JATP performing/recording for their potential albums, some that just remind me of the boys, and some fun gems in between - these are all my personal preferences/opinions, so you may think differently, but here is the current tracklist in no particular order. (All with YouTube links of varying quality since a lot of the music videos/live performances give Sunset Curve/JATP vibes too IMO. All [except one] of these songs are also on Spotify etc.):
🎶 God of Rock & Roll (link here) (Screams Sunset Curve for me)
🎶 Where Did All The Guitars Go? (link here) (Also screams Sunset Curve for me)
🎶 Air Guitar (as McBusted with Busted) (link here) (Always reminded me of when the boys realised that people could see them play with Julie)
🎶 Ghostbusters (Live cover of song by Ray Parker Jr.) (link here) (On Youtube, but sadly not on streaming) (Maybe a bonus/hidden track on the album or they would exclusively play live at the gigs - I couldn't not share it because it's awesome from start to finish, and the boys would totally cover it as a joke 👻Also, imagine the boys getting the crowd to do call-and-response with them - iconic 😍)
🎶 I'll Be Ok (link here) (Gives me vibes of the boys helping each other through their crappy family lives in the 90s 🥺)
🎶 Five Colours In Her Hair (link here) (The song written during a jam session - the boys just having a laugh)
🎶 Make It Out Alive (link here) (As soon as I first heard this, the angst and melodrama of the song gave me vibes of the boys being cursed and under Caleb's control at the HGC 🥺)
🎶 Route 55 (link here) (A song all about friends having a great time together during an endless summer)
🎶 Don't Stop Me Now (Charity single cover of Queen) (link here) (They would have totally covered Queen during their jam sessions - respecting some of the best but putting their own fun spin on things 😂)
🎶 Transylvania (link here) (This song always gives me HGC vibes - so gothic and melodramatic, and Dougie's vocals in the chorus?? 😍)
🎶 Party Girl (link here) (Such a guilty pleasure song of mine~ This music video is slightly NSFW since it contains clips of the band's infamous vampire-themed short film that they all starred in 2010 to promote their album at the time [which even the band realise was a bad idea in hindsight, since it was clearly riding the Twilight wave]... but! Listening to this song also gives me ideas for a possible evil Julie possessed/controlled by Caleb - maybe sometime I will write them down~ 👀)
🎶Tonight Is The Night (link here) (A spiritual sequel to I'll Be Ok in my mind - when the boys realise that they're not really okay and need to ask for help to process all the shit that has happened to them - think what Luke went through in Unsaid Emily [and what we presume Alex and Reggie would go through in subsequent seasons] and the boys helping each other through it 🥺)
🎶 Too Close For Comfort (link here) (The obligatory break-up song on an album, and this performed live is everything - just heartbreaking 🥺)
🎶 Umbrella (Live cover of song by Rihanna) (link here) (Julie gives the boys a lesson in popular music during the 25 years that they've been dead, and they decide to surprise her with a fun rock cover of Umbrella to cheer her up one day)
🎶 The Heart Never Lies (link here) (The dramatic love song on an album that is really about the band's bond and sticking together through thick and thin)
🎶 Falling In Love (link here) (The love song that has a music video full of tour footage, which always make me think of the boys in Sunset Curve absolutely loving playing for a crowd, and the bridge/quiet part of the song giving the vibe of Julie, Luke, Alex and Reggie cherishing the moment at the end of Stand Tall before the boys cross over 🥺)
🎶 One For The Radio (link here) (The defiant song for everyone who dismissed Sunset Curve and JATP - I could imagine this as a song written in response to either record companies who wouldn't sign Sunset Curve/JATP, Bobby/Trevor or Caleb. It also gives me vibes of the boys appearing back onto the stage of the Orpheum to perform Stand Tall with Julie - defiant celebration)
🎶 Lies (link here) (The break-up song that gives me vibes of the boys standing up to Caleb. Also is it just me, or does Tom [you can see him at around 0:43 in the video] give Luke vibes in his styling? 😍)
🎶 Forever's Not Enough (link here) (The true love song that Luke writes for Julie, but will never admit that it's for her because he makes the lyrics vague enough 💖)
Tagging @ri-jane @phantomwriter95 @hemeraomara @1mnobodywhoareyou @legolasghosty
@floating-in-the-blue @60sec400
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nickssidewitch · 2 months
when you get questions like these and your answers are like “the boys don’t care they’ll love their s/o regardless 🤍✨” it makes me wanna hug them 😭 because they truly are rays of sunshine. Many guys usually judge girls to their last of their core or are simply not genuine with their feelings, unloyal, hate childish things (like watching a disney movie or coloring some book). I don’t know but it’s so nice to read how the triplets are or how they could be. Silly ik but ☹️ I literally think I have hope for good guys because they are
🤍 A bit of a LONG answer to this ask but it NEEDS to be said:
The triplets come from a great home and a great community. Having a mother like theirs, they know they should treat women with respect and kindness and not to judge anyone by their covers. And growing up with a father and older brother like theirs, they know how to be proper male figures. 🙌🏾✨
They’ve seen routes that their peers have gone to that have gotten those peers in trouble or have harmed them (i.e. doing drugs, drinking underage, being disrespectful to women, etc.), and have learned not to take those paths. That’s a huge part of why they’ve remained sober for all of their lives so far.
They grew up making a lot of female friends, and that also plays a role in their mindsets towards women and the girls they would like to be romantically involved with. They still have a lot to learn of course, as romantic and platonic intimacy are very different things. But, as of right now, they know how to be respectful and loving to their female counterparts.
When Matt mentioned on their recent Twitch livestream that he hates his type being talked about or thrown around, even in something as silly and unserious as fanfiction, he wasn’t playing. He (and his brothers) HATE talking about “types” because at the end of the day, their philosophy is that you truly don’t know anyone unless you get to know them. They simply don’t have types. Another reason they hate talking about “types” is because they don’t want to make their fans feel that they are inferior of they don’t check those boxes. They know their demographic (Gen Z and a few Gen Alpha girls), and are aware of the impact of their words on girls of these generations. Saying anything about “types” will start to create egos in some girls while simultaneously crush the self-esteem of others. On a simple note, they also simply don’t want their fans stalking/harassing girls that the fans feel might be competition since those girls might fulfill the criteria of their “types” 😭.
There are some times where I can see certain physical traits that the boys (especially Matt and Chris) have more of a preference for (maybe a hair color or something small and stupid like that 😭). But when it comes to someone’s identity and self-expression, their energy is so open and inviting to everyone. They don’t have a type! 😭🤍They’re truly kindhearted and lovely growing young men, and I’m so happy for their success and all of the love they receive in different forms. 🥰🤍✨🫶🏾
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sphaxcca · 5 months
My Candy Love New Gen Ep. 3 Review
Okaaaaaay so since this is my first post on here: Hi there! guess who's gonna give her unasked opinion about her Playthrough of My Candy Love New Gen? ME! ofc.
So i've finished playing the episode and honestly i'm starting to wonder how the plot is gonna develop during the story.
Until now ce can't really say that the story is growing but, I mean, it's completely fine because these are the first episode so it's pretty normal that there's basically nothing but just a presentation of the character and a little peak of their routes.
The episode was pretty chill and cute for some point of view, but my only doubt is about the speed of the storytelling, i really hope that with new episode the story's gonna grow in speed or in lenght of episodes because, for how is it now, it's gonna take forever to make a real "change" in the plot (especially for Jason's route candies like me) The idea of the welcome party was EXTREMELY cute also the "preparation" part was okay;
Amanda not partecipating at the party because Candy didn't choose the park had me turn up my nose honestly, but by the way she reacted the all time, i could have guessed it. She gives me a little bit of snooty vibes but i guess it's just the shell of the character.
ELENDA. oh my ELENDA. I hope with my whole heart that she's gonna be the new Rosalya because i need it. I genueine need a ray of sunshine like her in my candy's life when she's gonna sleep with the rival agency's boss :PPPPPP (The truth or dare part XD had me DEAD, i mean come on guys, you're almost 30 and you need a TRUTH or DARE game to break the ice? LMAO. )
ROY. Can someone explain to me? Please don't tell me that the dare that he should have done was to kiss Candy and, because is dating Brune, he turned candy's head to kiss her on the check. Please don't tell me or imma GASP. At first i thought he was going to be the gym bro not interested in any dating or in date many girls at the same time, BUT THIS. BRUH unexpected. So i guess Candy in thi s case have to be Eric 2.0 of new gen. Love it. Let's sleep with another taken man!
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DEVON. So I Honestly don't know what to say about him for now because i can't really say what's gonna be the issue with him. I Just really hope is not gonna be like Hyun route ( a full of nothing) because the character seems really cute, so please beemoov give us some tea or a plot twist. Something that happened in the episode that made me actually turn my head the screen was Candy saying (if you go to him at the Mall) "It seems that he doesn't want to be the Ceo" Maybe this is going to be the route?
THOMAS. I honestly love him and i feel like his entire route is gonna be Candy tries to make him understand what is to date someone. I also have a feeling (which would make totally sense) that Thomas is either authistic or he's part of that percentual of the populations that has an IQ higher that the others. L O V E I T TBH and it's a shame that i hvae to play two time the episodes because the outfit it's not the same for jason's route.
AMANDA Snooty on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside, i'm so sure of this. My guess here is that, girl's rich ass didn't say anything to her family that she likes girls. I just really hope is not the sme thing that happened with Priya because players dont wanna play things two times.
JASON. At last but not least, the enemies to lovers we didn't know we needed. what can I say? I have a huge love for Men who are so incure of themselfs that they put up this gigantic EGO (and not Confidence) to try to hide their real self. This going to be and Astarion (Bg3) route 2.0, I'M HERE FOR IT. Btw i'm pretty sure he seduced Danica to make her leave Devenementiel, this B, love him. At least he's not taken Candies....
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what do you think? <3
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littlejuicebox · 10 months
I just want to stay in that lavender haze.
Pairing: Astarion x Original Female Character/Ranger AKA AstarionxWren Rating/Warnings: PG maybe 13?/ Act 1 Spoilers / Nudity / Sexual Tension / Gore / Angst / Anxiety / Cursing / Lae'zel being kind of a butthole Chapter number: Nine Word count: 3.9K Masterlist: Click here. Song inspiration: "Lavender Haze" - Taylor Swift Notes: I know only a few people read this series religiously but thank you! Wren and Astarion are my little lovely goobers and I'm glad at least one person loves them as much as I do. And I know my other work gets more attention, but this is my favorite storyline and I plan to continue writing it. That being said, if you do actually enjoy their story… I truly appreciate the comments on this fic and that’s what inspires me to keep writing them even though they don’t get as much traffic.
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After terminating the last few goblins, everyone recollected themselves outside of the dilapidated temple. A few healing potions were drunk, a couple of incantations were murmured and then the group turned to Wren with an expectant look, waiting for her next directive.
The half-elf woman never actually wanted to be a leader. But more than once, she’d had the damned role thrust upon her. It was becoming annoyingly, and unfortunately, apparent that this time would be no different. What was it about her that made everyone trust her judgement; why did they let her make the calls? Hadn’t Shadowheart been doing a fine job… couldn’t she just… keep doing it?
The tired little bird sighed, running her bloodied, callused hands through a mess of gut-splattered brunette hair as she looked towards the sky, quickly gauging the time. It was early evening by now. The last few rays of sunlight were glimmering upon the horizon as that soft blend of rose and orange began to melt into a deeper, star-speckled blue. The merry band of misfits had to accomplish two things at once by nightfall… so unfortunately, they would have to split up.
Wren rubbed at the jagged lightning bolt burns sneaking out from underneath her bracers; it hurt like hells. Her eyes glossed over the group as she took a deep, exhausted breath, and then muttered, “Well... I’m sure Halsin needs to get to Emerald Grove as soon as possible. Some of us should go with him and the others should swing by the bog to pack up camp and bring it all back to the Grove. We'll have to head out from there once we've all had some time to recover. Astarion and I will go with Halsin, the rest of you can pack up camp and then meet up with us.”
Lae’zel made it clear she disapproved of this call with a hissed, “Tchk! Why do we have to do all the grunt work, while you and your favorite vampire princess get the easier route.”
Astarion almost leapt forward to snap at insufferable woman, quite displeased with being called a princess. Before he could, Wren’s mouth hardened into a thin line at the challenge, and she quickly stepped closer to the Githyanki, tone dropped into an irritated hiss.
“You’ve been given more people than we have, Lae’zel. The Grove needed Halsin back yesterday, and Astarion is skilled at both downing and evading enemies… whatever we may happen to need along the way. The Archdruid can surely handle himself. As for the rest of you… Well, sorry to be the one to say it and to burst your little bubbles, but none of you aren’t quite as versatile as the two of us, and you all need one another to cover your weak spots. It isn't favoritism, it's pragmatism.
And as for me? I had my brain invaded and nearly fell to my death today… so no, I’m not interested in packing up camp and playing inventory manager right now. If that’s such a problem for you, Lae'zel, and you’re questioning my judgement, then leave my shit there for all I care. I have all I need in my pack... Or should I remind you, I'm not the one that insists on hauling a stone wheel all around Faerun when a simple whetstone would suffice?"
Wren and Lae'zel were roughly the same height; she stood nose to nose with the fighter, her two-toned eyes boring into angry reptilian ones. Gods, Wren was growing so tired of this. If no one else wanted to be the one to make the calls, then why was there always someone questioning her judgement?
“Oi, no worries, mate! I’ll take care of yours and Fangs’ stuff.” Karlach cut in, stepping between the two women, quick to try and ease the group tension. “Go on and we’ll meet you — the Grove has to be in an absolute state by now, what with Kagha and all her antics.”
Lae'zel spat at the ground and then spun away from Wren, and the two groups went their separate ways in silence.
The short journey to Emerald Grove was a mostly quiet one. Astarion felt too mentally worn from all the revelations of the day to play the loquacious, flirtatious rake. Wren, on the other hand, felt absolutely shredded around the edges of both her psyche and her body.
The Druid and the ranger had a brief conversation about her father, but it soon became clear it wasn’t a subject Wren wanted to discuss for too long. She would trail off or become distracted during the conversation, her mind entirely elsewhere. Halsin graciously took the hint and let silence fall among the trio, chalking everything up to the exhaustion of such a tedious and gore filled day.
At the gates of Emerald Grove, many of the tieflings and a few of the druids welcomed the Archdruid with a chorus of ecstatic cheers. All three beings were ushered in with a smattering of hugs, thanks, and congratulations, which Wren numbly accepted and Astarion willingly played into. Halsin soon interrupted the small welcoming party and rushed to interrupt the ritual of thorns, unleashing a scary and very bear-like chastisement to all the participants. His thundering voice drew the attention of everyone in the grove, and Wren took the opportunity to quickly peel away from the scene.
Astarion’s eyes followed Wren as she headed towards where they’d rescued that Tiefling kid from the Harpies weeks ago. This was his chance; the other campmates weren’t around to stick their noses into his business. The vampire thought for a moment that he might try and use his body to lure information from her like a Harpy used their voice to lure tiefling children… and he quickly made his peace with that possibility. Whatever the method, the rogue had to act now, without the risk of outside interruptions. He had to pry some information out of Wren tonight.
The pale elf quickly trailed down the remaining stone steps while the other druids had their heads bowed, listening to Halsin's booming lecture. Silent steps led him around the curved pathway, down to the water bank. He thought he’d see Wren rinsing her hands and face, ridding them of filth or taking a small moment of silence to stargaze or smoke from that pilfered pipe. He truly didn’t expect to see a panicked little bird, tearing wildly her own armor, trying to rip it off. He stared dumbly at the wide-eyed and panting ranger, watching as she appeared to be in the middle of a battle with… well, herself.
Wren’s eyes snapped to Astarion, where he was frozen mid step, scarlet eyes assessing her hysterical movements. Suddenly, she called out in something between a strangled scream and a sob, shaking hands now pulling desperately at her chest plate, “Take it off! Take it off! Please!”
She fell to her knees, half in the sand, half in the water. Her hands ripped at the leather straps of her armor as she heaved. She sounded as if the weight of her armor were crushing her; she sounded as if she couldn't breathe.
Of course, she could breathe… she was speaking, after all. Astarion didn’t know what else to do but answer her pleading voice. So he moved forward, deft hands quickly unsnapping buckles and ripping leather pauldrons from the ranger’s shoulders. She gasped in relief, and without a word, nimble fingers moved down to snap off her chest plate and then quickly loosened the laces of her bracers.
His brow furrowed as he watched Wren’s face, still caked in goblin guts, with thin rivulets of tears streaming from her two-toned eyes. She clumsily slid her bracers off and threw them down into the sand. Wren was still heaving as she sank down into the earth and then suddenly, she was sobbing, her entire body shaking with the force of her cries.
Gods. This absolutely hadn’t been the plan; Astarion was, once again, totally out of his depth here. How did he keep getting caught in these ridiculous situations with her? None of this ever ran on any script he'd ever prepared for himself.
The rogue ran a stressed hand through his hair before he took a deep breath and kneeled beside her, placing his cold hands on either of her shoulders. “Darling, listen to me! Shut up, right now. Stop this instant or else the entire grove is going to be here staring at you in a few minutes and unless I’m horribly mistaken, you don’t want that. Wren, come on, that's enough!”
The ranger wasn’t listening; to be fair, Astarion couldn’t be sure she heard him in her current state. She was still crying -- well, wailing, really -- and the look in her eyes seemed a million miles away. He recognized that look, that feeling. It made his gut churn. The vampire began to panic; she needed to quiet down before this all became an even bigger spectacle, or worse, someone accused him of causing her pain.
“Darling! Wren! For gods sakes—“ The rogue snapped his eyes shut and plunged forward in a last-ditch effort. He smashed his always-cold lips into her always-warm ones, swallowing her insufferable cries, digging so tightly into her shoulders as if he were hoping to pull her out of her own mind with brute force.
They stayed frozen like this for several beats; time almost felt like it ground to a halt. Astarion could hear the half-elf woman’s heart thudding erratically in her chest and then, miraculously, slow itself to a steadier thrum. The vampire opened his eyes and pulled away to see the little bird staring dumbly at him, her perpetually berry-stained lips swollen from the crushing force of his mouth on hers. Wren blinked rapidly, but remained silent, before carefully lifting her hand out of the water and brushing it against her own lips.
“Apologies, darling, but I didn’t know what else to do. Now let’s get cleaned up and then we can chat about whatever is going on in that pretty but absolutely twisted head of yours.” Astarion murmured, quite ruffled, but still lifting himself to his feet and then holding out a hand to help the little bird up, as well.
The half-elf woman had apparently fallen selectively mute, but she nodded her head and followed the vampire as he dragged her back toward the grove circle.
He was still mad at her. Furious, really. He didn’t have all the words to explain why, but he felt she’d somehow been misleading or hiding things from him all along. But then again, hadn’t he been doing the same in so many ways? If he weren't outright lying, which he definitely had more than once, then wasn't he also concealing aspects of himself… just like she had? But somehow, despite the clear hypocrisy Astarion was aware of and chose to ignore, it still felt like a betrayal to him. And yet, even though she absolutely infuriated him… the way she looked in her panic plucked at his heartstrings and compelled him, beyond his better judgement, to comfort her.
Gods this was supposed to be easy. A nice, simple plan. But it grew increasingly complicated by the minute.
Halsin kindly allowed Astarion and Wren access to his bedchamber. The bear of a man often preferred to bathe in the natural water source on the edge of the Grove, but he conveniently kept a tub for soaking within his personal chambers, more for his own rare moments of enjoyment.
“Thank the gods that the druid isn’t totally removed from society.” Astarion mumbled, after Halsin helped to fill the massive wooden tub with heated water and then politely saw himself out. He was about to have a lengthy conversation with Kagha… surely, they would hear the results later.
Wren hadn't uttered a single word, but she watched as the vampire moved around her, plucking jars from the shelf by the tub and sniffing them. Finally, he settled on one, and poured some of the milky contents into the tub, causing the water inside to turn a clouded haze of pale purple. Then, he spun to the little bird and clapped his hands in his signature, impatient chop-chop. “Well, come on then, darling. In you go."
Wren sat blinking at him, unmoving. Astarion scoffed and rolled his eyes, briskly moving toward the archer. “Little bird, surely you aren’t going to turn down the first real bath you’ve had in weeks and the only one you’ll get for who knows how long. Now enough of this. Arms up.”
The half-elf sighed and followed Astarion's order with heavy limbs. The vampire stripped her of everything besides her underwear and then tugged her with a bit of force, over to the tub. The rogue couldn’t help but admire the sinewy ripples of her back, and the freckles along her collarbone as he watched Wren remove her smallclothes and sink into the opaque tub of water.
The little bird closed her eyes and sighed as the comforting smell of lavender began to swirl around her. Wren allowed herself the smallest moment of bliss as she inhaled the relaxing tendrils of scented steam, but then she felt Astarion’s leg slipping into the bath with her and snapped her eyes open to stare at the silver-haired elf.
The man cocked an eyebrow as he assessed Wren’s wide, shocked eyes from where he faced her, now sunk chest deep in water, sitting on the opposite side of the tub. He huffed and leaned back in the bath as his long arms crossed resolutely.
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re suddenly a prude now, little bird. This bath is more than big enough for the two of us, thanks to the behemoth it belongs to, and we’ve already seen one another completely nude and in the throes of ecstasy. So, if you think I’m going to pass up the only luxurious bath I might get in weeks, just because you’re naked and in a sour mood, you’re dead wrong.”
Wren chuckled; Astarion smirked in response at the first sign of her potentially improving mood. And then the ranger gave a good-natured eye roll before she shifted over just enough to make a bit of room for the rogue’s legs. But still, she didn’t speak.
The vampire occupied himself with dunking a sponge in water and wiping the grime off his own body. After that, he grabbed a small wooden cup off the bath tray and rinsed his hair; pale hands moved to scrub more of that milky liquid through his blood-flecked silver strands. Astarion closed his eyes and carefully rinsed again, inhaling the floral aroma and ensuring he felt no more suds remaining in his precious curled locks.
When the rogue’s lids fluttered open, the little bird had already moved to scrubbing her own body with a sponge. With his eyes closed, Astarion didn't see that she'd been staring at him, admiring his little smile and the way his hair looked weighed down by the water.
Wren flicked her gaze toward the vampire and sighed; her mouth opened as if she were about to speak, but then she sighed and shut it again. A few more minutes of silence passed, in which both beings simply welcomed the heat as it eased the soreness of overtired muscles.
Eventually, the ranger broke the silence, her voice still raw and scratchy from the earlier episode at the shoreline. The pale elf's eyes were closed as he lounged in the tub, but quickly snapped open when his pointed ears picked up her quiet, shaking voice.
“There are many pathways to and from the Underdark throughout Faerun. Kol was out with his friends, exploring one of those pathways. Unfortunately, they’d picked one that led to a cavern full of Phase Spiders… not unlike the one we encountered down that well.
We were out hunting when we heard their screams and went to investigate. By the time we downed the spiders, Kol was the only one alive… but barely.”
Astarion passed the cup to Wren as she spoke, and a few more seconds of silence passed as she rinsed and scrubbed her own hair with the lavender-scented solution. The elf watched from hooded, relaxed eyes as the water ran down the woman’s neck, languidly flowing down to that little spot at the crook where two faint pinpricks blended into a smattering of freckles, before finally trickling to where her breasts hid under the clouded tub of water.
“My father and the other elders wanted to leave Kol there to die… simply let nature take its course. But a few of the younger generation, including myself, begged them for mercy and they relented. Kol spent a week with us before he was well enough to go on his way and return to the Underdark. But he didn’t want to go. Life isn’t exactly great for male Drows in Menzoberranzan, especially not a second son, despite the Baenre name. So, he left a coded note in the cavern in case any of his other friends hoping to escape came looking for him... and then he was one of us.
Father considered Kol dead weight… he was softer, an artist… he would often draw me pictures of squirrels or other creatures. He was about average with a blade and terrible with a bow… but he was talented in other ways and surprisingly kind. I’d never met a man with a gentle, soft-hearted nature quite like him. And he pulled a softness out of myself that I’d shoved down and all but forgotten when my aunt brought me to my dad.
My father never wanted to be a parent, he remained unwed and unattached for that very reason, but I was an unexpected consequence of his actions and well… suffice to say I didn’t always have the most tender upbringing. Neither did Kol, but he honored his own nature despite that.
Anyway, my dad wanted me to marry Zahara, my first love… or one of the other warriors. His priority was to guarantee my safety and status within the clan. Either Zahara or I were going to be the next elder when one of the clan members passed… so it was the most pragmatic decision. But I was uninterested; so was she… we’d had our fun, but the romantic love just never stuck between us.
Against my father’s wishes, I snuck away with Kol... more than once. We sometimes journeyed down into the Underdark, and he showed me around very briefly. I suppose you've never been, but it’s beautiful down there, truly. We would never venture close to the city; he didn’t want to risk being caught… turning from Lolth is unthinkable and unacceptable in their culture. But I know he missed the beauty of the Underdark… he drew it all the time.
Father eventually relented and gave his blessing for Kol and me to be married. He knew I would leave and marry Kol on my own, settle down in some small hamlet or within a city, if it ever came down to it. So, we were married one beautiful autumn day, and we spent five years as husband and wife until his own kin found him.
They tracked us for days, waiting for the right opportunity. Kol was ambushed; they found him alone by the river near where we’d made camp. He was drawing, practically defenseless apart from a small dagger. I had been hunting not far away with the youngling group I’d been placed in charge of. I ran to the screams, but he was already gone when I got to him... Minthara was among them, she escaped… but one of her siblings and a two of her cousins were less lucky, in the end.”
Wren blinked away tears that were just beginning to form in her eyes as her voice cracked. She inhaled a shuttering breath through wobbling lips. Astarion watched the little lip scar that he was absolutely obsessed with as it trembled and fought back the urge to move forward and envelop it in a kiss.
The little bird dunked her lithe hands under the water and brought them back up to her face, wiping at the final specks of blood still stuck to her forehead and cheeks. She missed the spot near her eye, and Astarion leaned himself forward, lifting his hand to gently rub at the stubborn stain with his thumb. His eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to process all the information. And then, he stuck his foot in his mouth.
“So… when you said you downed two of house Baenre… it turns out you didn’t actually mean your own husband.” He murmured, his hand lingering a beat too long on her cheek.
“No! What?!” Wren snapped, her own eyebrows crinkling together as she pushed Astarion's hand away from her face.
Astarion rolled his eyes and huffed, leaning back again on his side of the tub. Part of him wanted to back off, but the more insolent and hurt part decided to double down. “Look, you've been quite mysterious about all this, and one can’t help but assume things, trying to make sense of it all. You’re hard to read!”
“Have you ever considered I’m not here like a book to be read?” The little bird snapped, suddenly lifting herself out of the bath. Streams of water trickled from her dark hair down her naked, freckled body. Astarion averted his gaze, suddenly quite aware he'd made another misstep and unwilling to piss Wren off further with his wandering eyes.
She climbed from the tub and snatched a towel from the shelf, wrapping it around herself before crouching and rustling through her bag. Then Wren quickly pulled her chemise from the sack and threw it over her head. When she turned and looked at Astarion, the expression on her face was a heartbreaking mixture of disappointment and sadness. She heaved a heavy, burdened sigh as she slipped her camp shoes on and shoved everything into her bag before grabbing it by one tattered strap.
“Astarion…” His name on her lips simultaneously sounded like a song and a slap, “If you’d ever bothered to actually ask me about myself… I would’ve told you the truth. I would’ve told you anything you wanted to know… if you’d just asked. I felt it, that night you pried into my mind, after the first time we kissed, you know. Why do you think you saw primarily nature scenes? That Wood Elf you kept seeing? It was a nightmare… not a memory.”
And then she walked out of the room, leaving Astarion alone and staring up at the ceiling. The vampire ran his hand through his hair and then groaned, dunking himself under the water’s lavender-scented, hazy surface. He closed his eyes, effectively cutting his senses off to the outside world. For a while, Astarion considered staying like this forever… he didn’t need to breathe, after all. Perhaps he could just hide in the tub, senses numb, all alone. Nobody would miss him or come looking for him here… that much was certain.
But soon the bath water started to grow cold, his fingers began to prune, and the rogue’s discomfort forced him to break through to the surface — and to reality — once again. He stood and shook his head, spraying scented droplets around the room before gathering his own towel and wrapping it around his waist. Astarion sighed and sat down on a bench, pinching his nose bridge as he wondered what in the hells he should do now. His body was clean, but his mind still felt riddled with debris.
Perhaps it hadn’t been Wren weaving a messy web around him… perhaps he’d been the one doing it to himself all along.
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