murderofsomeone · 1 year
the day I'm not the only consistent art poster in the lemon demon tag is the day I can finally die
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giamee · 4 months
... aka something super self indulgent because i'm going insane right now
༊*·˚ featuring ➻ the hsr men
༊*·˚ gia's notes ➻ this is probably gonna get posted way after exam season is over but here it is!!! my coping mechanism!!! i have 3 exams in 8 days im gonna explode bro. and before that i had a THREE HOUR STATISTICS EXAM 😀😀
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you've been running yourself into the ground recently with revision- yes, it's important and you need to study to get good grades, as he is more than aware of due to your multiple stressed rants to him when he suggests that you take a break.
it doesn't bother him, not really. he knows that you're beyond stressed right now and don't mean to be so snappy. he just wants to make sure that you're still taking care of yourself despite everything.
he's in your dorm room, not really making much noise, scrolling through reals with his phone on mute, just present to keep an eye on you and get you to take a break whenever it's been a little too long since you've moved from your desk.
it's some time where it's debatable whether it's very late or very early- both of your sleep schedules are fucked- and there comes a little thunk from your desk that interrupts the otherwise silent room.
your boyfriend glances up, smiling in triumph as he sees that you've finally succumbed to the nap that he's been trying to convince you to take for the past... 36 hours? something like that.
and now that your body has finally given in to exhaustion, he springs to action.
you'd been studying for days, you'd done more than enough for your upcoming exam, and a solid few hours of uninterrupted sleep is exactly what you need right now.
he slips off of your bed, his movements quiet and calculated as he sidles up next to you. your glasses are smushed against your face, and he gingerly removes them as gracefully as he can. you stir a little as he does so, and he grimaces, waiting for you to settle again.
it looked like you would wake up if he carried you to your bed- looks like he'll have to improvise.
he snags the fuzzy blanket folded neatly at the foot of your bed, wrapping it around your sleeping form still sat at your desk as best as he can. he then takes one of your smaller pillows, coaxing it between you and the solid wood of your desk as best as he can before admiring his handiwork.
hopefully, you wouldn't wake up with a stiff neck.
and finally, as a cherry on top, he places a kiss to your squished cheek and sits back down to let you take a well-deserved nap.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ BLADE, gallagher, BOOTHILL ++ your faves!
you don't have to lift a single finger when he's around. luckily for you, his exams finished a lot earlier this term than yours did, leaving him ample time to help you as much as he is capable of.
and what an attentive boyfriend he is! amidst all the stress, you can't help but swoon for him all over again because of how attentive he's being towards you. he just wants you to help you study and not worry about anything else!
if you're hungry, he'll have a plate of food ready for you before the request has even left your mouth. your back or neck is aching due to being hunched over? his strong hands are rubbing circles into the muscle, making you sigh contentedly as the stiffness melts away.
he's honestly like an angel in your time of need.
you feel guilty about how one-sided this all is, but he merely smiles, giving you a quick kiss and assuring you that he understands and just wants you to do well. you almost cried because of how sweet he was being.
once these exams are over, you're definitely going to make it up to him.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ GEPARD, jing yuan, sunday ++ your faves!
despite not doing your degree, he's clever, and he knows enough without googling to help you out when you revise.
he's an advocate for the "teach someone about a subject until they understand it as well as you do" and luckily for you, he's all ears... and even if he does get some things a little quicker than your fried brain can explain, he still bites his tongue and plays a little dumb to probe you further with questions to test your understanding.
it'll help in the exam.
you've decided that this is way better than being cramped in a booth in the library- you have the freedom to wave your arms around and pace the room, to fully illustrate your thoughts and knowledge as he flips through the colourful flashcards that you made, reading the answers on the back of each of them, grilling you on the questions like a tiger mum.
he'll be damned if you don't get an A.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ dan heng, DR RATIO, welt ++ your faves!
in the days leading up to your exams, it was best to describe your stomach as a pit of nerves. it was honestly distracting you from revising, all the pent up anxiety that churned within you until you were on the verge of a meltdown.
and while you may be too stressed to realise all of this and do something about it, your boyfriend's watchful eye realises this.
and so he does what he does best- he makes you feel better.
he pulls your body to rest against his where he lies in your bed, his large hand drawing comforting circles up and down your spine- and after a few minutes he can feel you melt into him, your body finally releasing the pent up stress that it's been holding for too long.
"it's ok to take a break, honey."
you sigh into him, and he hugs you tighter.
"c'mon, let's go outside for a few minutes. it'll help you feel a lot better."
you shake your head.
"you wanna just stay here for a bit?"
he feels you nod against his chest.
"ok, then let's do that."
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SAMPO, luocha, AVENTURINE ++ your faves!
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IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY ... do you want somebody like i want somebody?
the sweet and caring nature of the hsr men is also shown through them being your roommate <3
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mayon3sa · 2 months
🗯️700 Days of you
SYNOPSIS: Part 2 for the infamous Bakugou texts
DISCLAIMER: Guys English isn't really my first language, though i understand it well i had my friend read over and give me feedback on what i should've changed and added I'm sorry if this is a let down but i tried really hard, i hope you guys enjoy any feedback is greatly appreciated, also I'm so sorry it took almost a week i kept scraping so many ideas sorry , ending was kinda rushed as well sorryyyy :((( <3
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You've known Bakugou Katsuki for roughly 700 days, which is since you were 14. It's not like you knew him well, you just always saw him around your middle school, neighborhood, and at your parents' jobs. The first time you caught a glimpse of Bakugo was on the first day of middle school, the same year you would be leaving for high school. There wasn't anything special about that day, but what made you cherish that day was that he looked back at you as well.
The very first time you got to catch a glimpse of who Bakugou was as a person was through a school project. There aren't enough words in any dictionary to express your gratitude towards Aizawa for pairing you guys together. That day, you managed to get his number and meet up with him at a cafe. Looking back at that memory, you start to cry, not from sadness but embarrassment.
"Hey Bakugou, over here, I got some food for us," were the first words you had spoken to him directly. It seemed foolish to think about his response; would it be "Thank you so much, I love you, let's get married"? Not really. Maybe you had started reading too many romance mangas with Sero. "I don’t like anything that’s not spicy," he said bluntly, getting straight to the point. You would be lying if you said you weren't feeling as if he would explode any second.
"Oh, well, I can always ask for something else."
"There’s no need for that, let's just get started with the project."
"Oh, right. So, I was thinking..." As the afternoon soon turned into nighttime, you both had a pretty decent outline. Bakugou wasn’t bad, at least you didn’t think so. He was the type of person to get straight to the point of whatever he needed to communicate. Although he had trouble wrapping his head around the idea of teamwork, he was still there with you, giving you his views on your research and fixing the paper you had made.
When the night approached, you had both parted ways. That day, you could proudly say that Bakugou wasn’t as entitled as everyone made him out to be; he was smart. It came as a shock to you - getting used to his yelling was hard, but seeing him care for a school project and be somewhat smarter than you was even more surprising.
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The second time you caught a glimpse of Bakugou was when you were at work. Not that you wished to be a stalker, but that's what it seemed like at the moment. As he walked through the door, both of you were stunned to see each other. Although you wished you could crawl into a hole and die in that moment, you still had to stay professional.
"Hello, welcome to Mitsumu’s Fashion headquarters. What can I help you with today?" This was the most embarrassing moment in your life. He just stood there staring at you before he spoke up, "Yeah, I’m just gonna go to my mom’s office. She told me to stop by to help her with a photoshoot." "Oh yeah. I’m supposed to be there. We can start the shoot in a few minutes. Just waiting for the next receptionist to clock in."
20 minutes went by, along with 20 minutes of your anxiety catching up to you, fearing what was to come. The shoot went by pretty smoothly in your opinion. Well, at least Bakugou posing in different outfits went well. The only thing that went south was when the other crew members whispered about you. It was as if you weren’t there.
‘She’s such a screw-up, why can’t they just fire her already i’m getting kind of annoyed having her around’ was a sentence that caught you in a trance, amongst the ‘ugh not her’ and the ‘she’s so weird’ hearing that sentence was enough to make you stop dead in your tracks. 
Words hurt. They seemed to cut deeper with every passing day at work. But then you realized that perhaps not all words hurt equally. It was Bakugou who made you believe in that last sentence.
“You two over there near the lights, you’re not discreet at hiding your gossip, instead of focusing on a teenager at your grown age you should maybe focus on doing your job, see that light over there go fix it. It’s your job. She’s doing hers quite fine, Such shame the person you seem to talk about put you both in shame”
He looked at you, and you looked at him. In that moment you knew that deep down the angry Katsuki Bakugou everyone was so afraid of was a mask to hide how he felt. You realized at that moment that Bakugou wasn’t a bad person at all, he just had issues, just like everyone else, And part of you understood that it was okay that he did that. Because by the end of that day, you could say, Katsuki Bakugou was a kind person.
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In your eyes, Katuski was the kindest person you could think of if you get to know him that is, and although kind isn’t a word people use when describing him, It was what you thought of him, and you certainly loved viewing him as such.
Katsuki Bakugou, who stayed sleepless nights with you in a cafe reading romance novels and hearing you rant about your favorite character
Katsuki Bakugou, who always glanced at you when sparring because you would cough more normally than what your drawbacks usually are
Katsuki Bakugou, who when you have no money pays for your food and orders more to disguise it as an eating competition saying he would win and ends up giving you his food because he claimed he didn’t like it, even though it’s his favorite
Katsuki Bakugou, Who hated physical touch but would let you cling to him whenever you got excited, scared, or sometimes needed a shoulder to cry on
Katsuki Bakugou, Who isn’t good at comforting people but tries to show support in different ways and when he’s cornered for being soft will always reply with ‘I’m just telling the truth’
That was the Bakugou you knew, or at least you thought you did. But you couldn’t recognize who stood in front of you.
Bakugo Katsuki, who now stood in front of you saying words you wish you could cancel out “We were never friends, I only let you stick around out of pity”. Maybe this was the kind of person you tried seeing in someone. But not everything goes how we want it to go, do we? In the end, it was you seeking comfort in someone else when they probably didn’t want you around.
Maybe 700 days of thinking you knew Bakugou were probably reduced to 1, the one being today. You had concluded the person you once thought was kind was just a character you decided to make in your head.
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“What’s up with you, you looked like you got run over” How you wish you could smack your best friend right now, “Shindo you think you’re so funny, could you at least pretend to care, you assface” Yo Shindo, the only person you could say has seen through you, not just physically but emotionally as well.
Shindo just never seemed to leave you alone, having met you at recess one random day in kindergarten. He had spotted you and just followed you around wherever you went. You hit him multiple times with rocks hoping he would leave you alone “You can’t keep hitting me with rocks that’s mean, and I’m older than you” were the first words he had told you.
“I don’t care if you’re older just leave me alone” “No” “ Why not” “Because” “Because?” “Just Because” From that day on Yo Shindo followed you everywhere and you listened to whatever he had to say. At this moment, you wish you had thrown a tree trunk at him when you were younger.
“Get up let’s go get ice cream, you’re even making ME depressed, I don’t know what happened at UA, you don’t have to talk about it just come with me to get ice cream”
“How did you get in my house in the first place”
“I broke in”
“You’re lying, no you didn’t Yo”
“I’m kidding your mom let me in”
Hanging out with Shindo was always a way to decompress however you felt in situations. Being separated from Shindo at the start of High School was always hard to get used to. Not having him come visit you during lunch always felt so strange to you, half of your life seeing him come to your door with two bento boxes just disappear into thin air, leaving you lonely almost every day.
“Shindo is there any way I could transfer to Shiketsu” 
“Not that I know of, why?”
“At school, there was this guy I started getting close with, I liked him a lot. Maybe as friends, as more, I can't tell my feelings apart but I know one thing. We started getting closer and getting to know each other, I thought he was a great guy, he would do things that just made me feel loved, not necessarily romantically loved but I felt seen with him”
“It was that comfortable feeling I get when I'm with you. If that makes sense, I thought he felt the same way since he also opened up to me. He texted me yesterday saying he didn’t want to be friends with me anymore, I thought it was a joke Shindo, i even went to the company to look for answers, I found him in the middle of a shoot and I was hoping he would tell me  it was a joke but in the end, he told me‘ We were never friends, I only let you stick around out of pity’.” That sentence alone was enough to let Shindo know how you were feeling and as if on instinct he was quick to hold you against his chest as you explained how you felt
“It’s stupid to think he would feel something about me, I feel stupid Shindo I loved him a lot. Whenever I was with him I felt seen, those moments with him made me feel that someone other than you loved me, I feel so stupid, I’m so stupid to think that the boy I fell in love with never existed, it was all just what I wanted to believe Shindo”
“He never cared for me”
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It had been weeks since you told Shindo about what happened. Things weren't going great, but they had taken a turn for the better. After school, Shindo would pick you up and bring snacks. Sometimes, he would take you to the library after school.
Your occasional hangouts became more frequent, and Shindo started dropping you off at school in the mornings in addition to picking you up. You began to notice a positive change in yourself, and you were proud to say that you were feeling a lot better. You weren't the only one who noticed this shift; your classmates noticed it too.
"Y/N, you seem happier, especially since that guy started dropping you off and picking you up. Are you guys dating?" Mina was quick to ask you as you showed up to class one day.
"You mean Shindo? Oh, we’re just childhood friends. He started helping me train and with my school work," you replied.
"You guys are always together. It’s almost impossible to hang out without you having plans with him," Midoriya added.
"Sorry, guys. We’ve just been catching up," you tried to clear up any rumors that might have caused any miscommunication.
Everyone had their eyes on you, watching as you spoke so highly about your 'best friend'. Especially Katsuki; he watched as you smiled, recalling all of your memories with him.
It left a sour taste in his mouth watching as you talked highly about someone else. He was never one to express his emotions well, but with you, it felt easy to try and express how he felt. He knew from the moment he stayed up with you in a library reading ‘A Silent Voice’ that he was developing feelings for you.
He was never one to indulge in emotions, but having those deep talks with you every night made him feel dumb for trying to deny his feelings.
He never confronted his emotions straight away, no matter how much Katsuki tried to adjust; he just couldn’t accept the fact that he was growing in love with you. 'Falling in love' seemed like a terrible way to describe their way of loving someone else. But again, who is he to construe about love?
Not that he purposely wished for it to be that way. Katsuki wanted nothing more than to have done things differently back then.
As time passed, he couldn't get the image of you crying out of his mind. It pained him to see you that way. It wasn't just because he liked you, but also because he knew he was the cause of your sadness. The guilt consumed him, and the thought of you moving on only added to his pain. He couldn't help but feel like a fool for what he had done to you.
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Katsuki was familiar with you. He knew about your favorite romance manga, your parents' connection to his, your love for fashion, your passion for romantic comedies, your favorite subject, and your usual order at the café where you both spent countless nights. He knew you well.
Katsuki knew all your fears - spiders, carnivals, clowns, open spaces, failure, and his mom when she yelled at your co-workers. He noticed all your symptoms and sometimes felt like both of your hearts were connected. He felt crazy saying it out loud, but those moments when you both trained together, you suddenly felt everything he could think of - dizziness, nausea, chest pain, shaking, and trembling. One thing that always stuck with him was whenever you felt anxious, you would bite your fingernails. Once, he took your hands and tried to stop you from doing that, and he noticed how quickly your heartbeat calmed down and started matching his instead.
"If anyone asked him why he was so in tune with knowing you on a general level, he would say out of courtesy. But if he was asked on a deeper level, he would say his heart was calm whenever you were with him, and he yearned for that feeling and you."
He always heard from his mom that love is the most powerful thing someone can experience, in friendships, relationships, or just emotional connections with someone. He believed the majority of what his mom claimed with thoughts of his own. Love is strong, but is it strong enough to make a person?
Certainly not he thought to himself as he watched you and Shindo laugh and push each other at the carnival.
He was tired of pretending he didn’t love you, but he was also tired of not knowing how to talk to you after developing feelings for you. He messed things up, and he knows it. 
It hurts to be something he so desperately wish he wasn’t, a uncommunicative person, but it hurts more than anything being nothing without you
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You were gone, no one knew where you had gone they just knew you weren’t at your dorm
The only things left behind were boxes of letters and a blanket he had got you when you were sick. Everyone was distressed, teachers all around the dorms most reassuring students others talking with Nezu on finding out where you were
And all katsuki could do was hope he wouldn’t rip the letter you had wrote to him through his tears and frustration from how tight he held the letter to his heart, hoping some way you could feel how his heart was beating and in hopes of you coming back
Tho the smartest yet dumbest person i know,
If you’re reading this it probably means i left, well kidnapped in other terms, i’ve known for a while i would be taken, i had a gut feeling about this a long time ago so just in case i die, or don’t make it back alive i wanted to write something for you.
There’s so many things i wish i would’ve told you before i left, but sometimes not everything goes the way we wish for them to go, I Know you Bakugou, you’re probably mad i left, or you’re probably pretending to not care, maybe even wondering where i am, if you still care that is, you’ve always been the type of person to think about things too often.
That’s not the real reason i’m writing this letter for you, there’s so much i want to say but i’m afraid there won’t be enough time to do so, so i’ll say it in this letter
Katsuki Bakugou, I am in love with you, i have been from the 700 days of knowing you, but words aren’t  enough to describe how i feel, i left a box under your bed, every reason why i fell in love with you is written in all of them. If i do end up being alive i want to say it to your face
But if i am dead, i want you to know you’re the first person i’ve ever truly loved in this life and hopefully i can love you the same way in my next one
And with that i ask one last thing from you, you’re a person who hates changes but please, if anything does end up going wrong i want you to pursue your dreams for bring number one, i’ll always be cheering you on
So for now this is my last goodbye Katsuki, Thank you for making me feel so at home, i still
think about what happened between us everyday but i hope the best for you in life, even if i’m not there
I love you, thank you for being my friend
You were such a dumbass. How could he not love you, when you constantly ran through his mind, he tried to keep his emotions in touch but just as he opened the box you left him he was met with notes and items that reminded him of you. What hurt him even more was reading through all the notes you had wrote for him
One particular note had shifted his emotions complete
‘Hey katsuki, remember that time i kept freaking out over my school grades and you comforted me saying it would all be okay? I still think about that moment and how you held me close to your chest and we layed in bed, in that moment when i looked up at you i saw the reflection of my LED lights in your face and all i could think about was you, i wanted to kiss at that moment from how pretty your eyes looked’
In that moment Bakugo Katsuki knew that what he felt for you wasn’t some simple puppy crush, he craved you he knew that whatever he tried convincing himself wasn’t true at the moment
Not when he was clutching your hairpins and notes close to his chest wishing the burning sensation in his heart would stop
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Weeks had gone by, You had been found by the pro heroes and all he could think about was how he wishes he was the one saving you instead. But atlas he was glad you were safe
When he had gotten word you were found but your condition was critical he wanted nothing more than to just run out of the dorms and find you, but he knew he would’ve been stopped by the teacher. So he waited, he visited the hospital you were staying at everyday, constantly asking when they would be taking visitors 
Everyday he was met with the same answer ‘no’ ‘not yet we’ll let you know when she’s ready’. It was killing him not knowing whether he would get the chance to clear up his mistakes and confess to you.
But all of those thoughts suddenly vanished as he waited for the nurses to let him in
You had no memory whatsoever on when you had been rescued, according to the nurses you had woken up 6 days after being rescued by the heroes, and according to one of the nurses there was a boy who constantly kept looking for you, surely it was Shindo, the nurses had said they would bring him to your room
Shock wasn’t enough to describe how you were feeling at the moment, Staring at the guy you least expected in front of you was surely not on your bucket list at all, you were going to speak first until he beat you to it
“I have a lot to say to you so just listen to what i have to say first”
“Back then, i didn’t really know how to deal with the sudden shift in my heart, watching you smile and do things we would normally do, felt so different one random day, I don’t know when it started but watching the way your eyes would shine made my heart tighten, i knew that whatever was happening to my emotions wouldn’t go well on my part”
“So i distanced myself, i never meant any of the words i said at all, i was a asshole for saying that to you, i’m not expecting forgiveness straight away, but watching you get so close to someone else made me feel uneasy, not in a possessive way, but in a way that makes me remember everything you were doing with him you had done all of that with me”
“And when i realized my feelings and had everything sorted out, i was waiting to confront you but i waited too long and you had been kidnapped, When i read your letter i knew that if i were to get you back i would tell you as soon as i could, i didn’t wanna risk you leaving without hearing what i have to say”
“I’m in love with you, I grew in love with you and your stupid smile, your stupid rants, I love you like i’ve never loved anyone before. You’re the only person that has made me smile and I yearn for that feeling and I crave you most importantly. Before i met you i didn’t understand the true meaning of what love is but being with you made me realize it’s okay to not have everything figured out and just enjoy the present” he had finished off
“You’re an asshole”
“I know that”
“You made me cry”
“I know that”
“But at the end of the day it’s you i would rather spend all the time with arguing and clearing every mistake with katsuki, I love you and i hope we can both learn more about each other”
Though he didn’t kiss you in that moment he did pull you in a hug that warms your heart. Every day you’re thankful you got to know Katsuki 700 days of knowing him made your heart warm at the thought of getting to say you had feelings for Katsuki. Things would certainly be tough from that moment on but if it was with Katsuki it was definitely worth it in your eyes.
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A/N: That letter part was heavily ib the galaxy is endless on ao3 ugh i love it sm
Taglist @makaylaislovely @emmab3mma @probablylia0 @socialkid @captainshindo @yourfriendlyweeaboo @st4rf0rlife @juliii @b2mmyy @sangwooswife @sunnydaychai @peyingbills @lemon-lav @tsumuus @itzjustj-1000 @whosmarjj @lovra974 @yourmajestyqueena @scarasw1f3 @tranquilcosmos @antriimx @siraxealot
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First off, I love how violent it is. Obviously it's tonally appropriate, but it also seems like a logical escalation from the other instances of the transformation we've seen. I'm gonna rant about it for a minute so body horror warning I guess? I don't know what other category a guy vomiting green science goop would fall into.
Exhibit A:
From the very first change, it's always been very intense.
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He describes it as deeply unpleasant and painful, because his bones are literally changing, and by the end of it he's fallen to the floor.
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Pretty expected for your first time through an extremely physically traumatic event. But he never seems to get used to it.
Exhibit B:
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This transformation takes place two years after the first one. I'm sure a lot of this is the way it is because this moment is very dramatic and it needs to land that way, but the in-world logic is far more interesting to me. His dropping the flask and collapsing implies that even after this whole thing has become routine, his body still isn't used to it. Obviously your bones changing on a dime is never gonna be easy to go through, but even after two years there seems to be almost no acclimation. He probably can't even accurately predict when the pain will start, otherwise he would've set the flask down earlier.
But both of these transformations seem somewhat predictable. It starts inside of his mouth and eyes and spills out, working from the inside outward. My guess is that that is the stabilizing effect of the portion. Because once he starts to transform without it as a catalyst...
Exhibits C, D, and E:
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The process starts to break down. It starts the same way it always did, but by the third or fourth switch he starts producing a lot more science goop (Goop? Slime? Bile? Some kinda.... Green shit. What the fuck is this shit), but with less physical change. It starts getting onto his clothes, and it seems a lot more all- encompassing than it did before. Early on the goop seems incidental. The goop and the pain are both byproducts of the potion. But at this point he's practically choking on the stuff, it's not just an ambient effect, it's something being violently purged from his system. Until we get to this point- the first self-inflicted shift without the use of the potion.
Exhibit F:
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It's completely out of control. Not only is it full-force Exorcist style exploding from his mouth, it looks like it's coming out of his skin. These two panels, to me, imply that the stuff is sweating out of his skin in quantities that are heavy enough to soak through his hair. His expression can be interpreted a few different ways- general agony, screaming, ect. - but when I imagine what this scene would sound like I think there's too much blockage for him to be screaming. The way he folds over, his wide eyes, the amount of goop, I'm willing to bet that his expression is him desperately trying to breathe.
Anyways. I genuinely love this stuff. This is exactly my type of horror. The kind that doesn't seem like straight up horror until you give it a bit of thought. Chef's kiss. Delicious. Finally some good fucking food
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minimomoe · 23 days
Hi just wanted to let you know I LOVEDDD Not Just Neighbors but I have a question does reader know about Logan and variant reader in his past universe and if she doesn’t then who would tell her and how would she react?would she be understanding?or would she feel like Logan’s only with her to fill in variant readers place? (I don’t know if your requests are open so you can ignore this if not or if you don’t feel comfortable answering :D)
For the sake of keeping it a short (I tried my hardest but ik it's long lol) oneshot reader understands that she might have meant something to Logan in his universe but doesn't press on it since he seldom talks about his past. I kinda wrote that whole story on a whim so I didn't think too hard about it. Since you asked so nicely, here's an alternate excerpt of how that realization could've went: wrd ct: 1.9k tags: a little angsty but that's all
Not a Replacement
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"Wade you gotta tell me. We're on better terms now, but why did Logan hate me so much? I hardly ever talked to him but when he sees me his face scrunches up like he smells shit. Do I smell like shit? Be honest."
Wade's nose went straight to the crook of your neck and you rolled your eyes before shoving him away. "What?! You said to be honest. You smell great though," he shrugged.
"Okay, so what was it?"
"What is what?"
You pinched the bridge of your nose. Your patience was running thin and you didn't have time for Wade's games. "What was the reason? He's your roommate, you gotta know something."
You were sitting at Wade's dining table and you saw the food in his mouth slow to snail speed. His eyes darted to you for only a second but it was all you needed.
"Wade," you said in a warning tone. "Do you know something?"
"I know a lot of things. For instance, I know that you are the best damn cook in this whole apartment building, you're insanely gorgeous, you hate when people keep secrets, and did I mention how really fucking pretty you are?"
"You better tell me or so help me god every plate I bring you will be under seasoned and burnt to a crisp."
"Okay fine!" He dropped his sandwich onto his plate and crossed his arms over his chest. You scooched your chair in closer, finally ready to hear an explanation. "You better not tell anyone you found out from me or steak knives is gonna cut my dick off again."
"Again?" You gave him a concerned look.
"Don't try to change the subject, missy. The truth of the matter is that our resident honey badger might like you a lot more than he lets on. I am risking so much by telling you this."
"From my understanding you can't die, so how much are you really risking?"
"You don't live with him, smartass," he grumbled. Wade scratched the back of his neck, suddenly a lot more serious than you usually see him and he looked almost... apologetic. You straightened up when he hesitantly opened his mouth again. "I explained the different timelines, right? Logan isn't from our time line, I plucked from a different one and tricked him into helping me. The thing is, these timelines can be very similar to each other."
You understood it well, or as much as you could, from the first time Wade explained it to you. Time traveling, anchor beings, Paradox and Cassandra Nova all seemed too ridiculous to be true, but you knew Wade wouldn't lie about such a thing. Plus you know about mutants and Wade's regenerative powers. Of course crazier things existed.
"I'm picking up what you're putting down. What does this have to do with Logan's apprehension towards me?"
Wade sighed, running his hand over his face. "It's not apprehension, okay? Look, I noticed it too. The way that he acted like he might explode if you come too close. He knew you, and I mean knew you, personally— intimately, before and now you don't even recognize his face. I know that feels fucking horrible."
Wade stared down at his sandwich somberly like he was speaking from experience. You fell silent, ruminating on his words.
Intimately. You have never met anyone like Logan before, but he already knew you. There was nothing you could even compare this to. You slowly got up from your seat and patted Wade on the shoulder. Your mood was dampening at the new information.
"Uh, thanks man."
"This is why I didn't want to tell you. I don't blame you but you're all weird now," he groaned. "You're not a replacement. She could've been entirely different. She could've be Catholic."
He was expecting a smirk from you at the very least but got nothing. "That doesn't really help."
Wade watched you slump out of his apartment to head back to yours without another word. He could literally see the cloud of gloom forming over your head and he groaned dramatically.
"Canadians are supposed to be nice people. I should know! Leave it to the Australian to ruin that for us."
Logan could smell the difference in your mood around him. You were on edge, giving him sneaking side eyes when you thought he wasn't looking and nervously biting on your thumbnail. Something was bothering you, something pertaining to him, and you didn't know how to bring it up.
It would be hypocritical of him to drag out the issue with you, but he never played fair before.
"If you stare at me any harder bub, you're gonna put a hole in my head."
He offered to take you out to get dinner instead of staying in. It was nothing fancy, just a small Indian restaurant that he found on a whim, but he remembered you saying that it was one of your favorite ethnic foods to eat. The short walk back to home was just to kill more time to spend with you, but you were hardly saying anything.
You pinched your bottom lip between your two fingers, rolling it over slowly. "It's nothing. I'm just tired, that's all."
The dismissive answer did nothing for Logan. He gave you a hard stare that you didn't return. Instead you walked a few paces ahead of him, leaving him behind.
"Hey!" Logan called out to you, grabbing your arm. You reeled back, shaking him off and pursed your lips together. The sudden coldness wafting off of you made him panic internally. Did he say something he shouldn't have? Did you suddenly get tired of keeping things friendly. Was he reading you all wrong? All those questions burned the back of his throat but he rather ask the obvious one.
"I've seen you tired and this ain't it. What's the problem?"
Finally you returned his gaze with an cautionary look. "What really happened between us Logan? In the past, or a different timeline, or whatever the fuck. How much history is between us?"
The question knocked Logan over like a mack truck. This was not the type of conversation he wanted to have with you in the middle of the street with cars honking and passersby brushing past, but you were standing your ground. Logan ran a weary hand through his hair then rested it on his hip. If he wanted to make this work with you, he'd have to be honest with himself.
“Did Wilson run his mouth—“
“Forget about him. I’m asking you.”
He stared at you dead on, looking into your eyes that were uncertain of him. "You left me.”
You stiffened up, the statement making you falter.
"And I'm not saying that to make you feel bad. You gave me chance after chance to get my shit together and I didn't. I was breaking your heart and you didn't want to stick around to watch me crash."
Logan sat down on the nearest street bench. The headlights of oncoming traffic blinded his visage with a pure bright white before turning. He could hear your pleas from time's past, your dissapointed tone. He could hear the screams of his x-men, his family that he left behind.
"You visited me after they... after the humans killed the x-men. You saw the damage that was done and you hated me for it."
Logan felt the thud of you sitting on the other side of the bench. He didn't look at you, now taken with his memories, but you were no longer on the run. You wanted to hear his side that he never got to tell anyone.
"They were like family to you too. Ororo, Charles, Jean, Scott. You loved them, so when you found out that they were gone and I was still alive..." Logan's voice trailed off and his head hung low. "I was never a hero. Or a good guy. I was a selfish asshole who left when things got tough. I couldn't save my relationship with you, or save the people I owe my life to because the only thing I'm good at is destroying things. Then I come to this world and you givin' me this bright eyed, hopeful look and I couldn't handle it."
New York City has never been known as a quiet city but there was an eerie silence that ensued. It was like everybody was holding their breath, silently listening to Logan’s darkest confessions.
"I wasn't trying to hide anything from you. What I did before keeps me up at night, eats me from inside. But being around you again... shit, it reminds me that I didn't lose everything.”
A long beat of silence stretched after Logan's words. You stared into on coming traffic too, unable to form words. You held your arms together, the cool breeze of the night chilling your bones.
“Fuck,” you sighed, a wave a guilt washing over you. “I shouldn’t have pushed you.”
He shook his head. “You have the right to know.”
“I just made you spill your guts out on this public bench because I was worried that I was some freaky look a like for somebody that you used to know.” You put your head in your hands and groaned. “I can’t speak for past me because she isn’t me… but I am glad to have you here in this timeline, Logan. If it’s any consolation, it seems like we were always supposed to find each other.”
Logan couldn’t be more grateful for that fact. He never sought out to use you to fix some broken piece in him. It just happened that if given the chance, he would choose to love you every single time. Given all his mistakes, loving you was never a wrong choice.
You scooted closer to Logan’s still body, closing the distance until your thigh was pressed against his. You leaned over until your head was resting on his shoulder, soaking up his body heat. Neither of you said anything for a while. You didn’t need to.
Logan’s voice travelled through your body when he spoke again. It was gruff, making him clear his throat before starting over. “They had a nickname for me according to the TVA. They called me 'the Worst Logan'.”
“Do you believe that?” You peered up at him. It was that same look that made him want to run for the hills. You were disarming without even trying. He felt naked, unable to hide his beating heart that you held in your hands. After a thick swallow he was able to answer.
“Not as much. I’m better than before.”
You nodded, content with his response. “And you’ll keep on getting better. The TVA doesn’t know what they’re talking about anyway.”
You slipped your hand under Logan’s that rested on his thigh and he quickly squeezed it like a lifeline.
“I’m not subbing you in for anyone, bub. Plus, past you was never this sappy,” he joked.
“Oh fuck off,” you chuckled. “But thank you. For telling me everything.”
“You’re easy to talk to,” he shrugged.
You and Logan remained on the bench for a little while longer. The sleepless city continued to hum along, cars honking and people talking, and you sat there absorbing it all, hands still entwined together.
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thank you so much for the request! sorry it took so long, I was trying to balance angst and good ending. Check out Not Just Neighbors ("the worst" Logan x Reader) for more context! I'd love to hear y'all thoughts xx!!
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mcflymemes · 5 months
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE (2022) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
in another life, i would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.
the universe is so much bigger than you realize.
maybe we would have been better off if we had never gotten married.
why are you dressed all stupid?
you're just very bad at explaining.
how did i die?
he who loves the most regrets the most.
why would anybody want to kill me?
it's the way you look at me.
how do you think i feel?
you can either come with me and live up to your ultimate potential, or lie here and live with the consequences.
do you still want to do your party?
you are not unlovable. there is always something to love.
you think i'm weak, don't you?
can we just stop fighting?
you're capable of anything because you're so bad at everything.
i'm tired. i don't want to hurt anymore.
i still want to be here with you. i will always, always want to be here with you.
if nothing matters, then all the pain and guilt you feel for making nothing of your life goes away.
we're all small and stupid.
i wasn't looking for you so i could kill you.
so what? you're just gonna ignore everything else?
i will cherish these few specks of time.
i've been on this earth just as many days as you.
i know better than to ask to help you.
so we'll talk later... like this afternoon?
you look really pretty right now.
you took everything away from me.
we're all useless alone.
i don't know what i'd do without you.
i only made enough food for three people. i'll have to cook more.
i always learn something when i hang out with the elderly. old people are very wise.
everything i do, i try to make things simpler, easier.
maybe you can audition, too.
i don't know how to be any fucking clearer.
i didn't mean that. it was a joke.
the only thing i do know... is that we have to be kind.
i know you see yourself as a fighter.
that's not a very funny joke.
actors are very poor.
it's nice to feel needed.
i was thinking, maybe after this is all done, we can go on a trip.
if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode.
you may be in grave danger. there is no time to explain. hold this.
can't you see how wonderful it'll be? we can make our own way.
i'm here because we need your help.
sorry, very busy today. no time to help you.
i have spent years searching for the one who might be able to match this great evil with an even greater good and bring back balance.
i know it's a lot to take in right now.
i can see where this story's going, and it doesn't look good.
you're always trying to confuse us with these words.
i know you. with every passing moment, you fear that you might have missed your chance to make something of your life.
don't let anything distract you from it.
our time here is up. they are going to kill us.
i may be old, but i still know how to negotiate.
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lunamochii · 3 months
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cw; thirdyear osamu miya x f!reader, smut, yep. That's all.
Even though they have just comeback from nationals, voleyball team were no exception to the upcoming finals especially the third years.
All Osamu wants right now is to be laying down in bed with you at his side but instead his stuck here at the library trying to understand equations, trying to find the right solution so he can get the right answer
"Mhn, this sucks!"
He heard his twin groan as Atsumu finally drop his pen and rest his head on the table, as much as Osamu wants to meet up with you, you're busy with the exams too. Why do you have to be on the other section?
"I'm gonna go buy foods. Osamu, you coming?" Suna said, finally giving up too "Sure. Tsumu' whaddya want?" Instead of answering, his twin only shook his head and proceed to fiddle on his phone, the two of them shrug and made their way towards the canteen
"Wanna go karaoke today?"
Exams are just right around the corner and your friends have the audacity to go karaoke later, very nice.
"Karaoke? We need to study."
"My brain is going to explode! I need a breather!"
You laugh at them, others may say that they are only exaggerating but exams are really hard because it the grades you'll be getting will determine if you can go to a good university and hell, you want to go to a good one
"Hmm what's this? Karaoke today?"
You quickly turn around upon hearing the voice of your boyfriend, you two only met the day he return after being in Tokyo for the nationals but ever since that day, you guys stop seeing each other. Too busy with the exams.
He quickly catches you when you practically throw your body to him, Osamu hug you tight and bury his head on the crook of your neck. You could hear the snickers and giggle of your friends.
"I miss you so much, baby."
"Miss you too, baby."
Osamu smiles warmly and leans in to kiss you on your cheek, he wrap his one arm on your waist and face the others
"Hey! Why don't we go to Karaoke after exams?" One of your friends suggested "Seems nice, a reward." Suna agreed, after that it was decided that you guys will be going to Karaoke together with the vb team, well, if the others agreed.
"Your house later?"
Osamu whispered and you look up at him, he have this annoying smug smile on his lips which made you rolled your eyes
"Yeah yeah."
"This was your plan all along huh?"
You groan when his hands traveled down again and grope your ass. Both of you were really studying while ago but Osamu couldn't stop himself from kissing your neck.
"Sorry, I just miss you so darn much that I can't hold back myself.."
"Oh baby..."
Osamu kisses you once again but this time his using his tongue, you could feel the coldness of the floor on your room as your boyfriend have his way with you. It would be a lie if you say that you didn't miss him too.
He unbutton your uniform and trail his kisses down, letting out a groan, Osamu expertly unclasp your bra and his mouth quickly latch on your nipples. Sucking and licking them while his other hand is pinching your other expose nipple.
Your boyfriend won't admit it to your face but he likes keeping his mouth or head very close to your chest. He loves your breast, okay? The way his hands couldn't hold it because it spills out. The softness of it is what make him crazy. But what if...
You snap back to your sensws when Osamu stops and just towers over you, his eyes staring at your boobs. Now what's gotten into him?
"Osamu?" You called his attention "If I get you pregnant you're gonna lactate and if you're gonna lactate..."
You almost let out the loudest moan when he grope your boobs, his gray eyes found yours and you know what he wants. You gulp and held on to his arm
"You can only do it inside once we graduate!"
Osamu scoffs and leans down to kisses you, you can hear the sound of him unbuckling his pants and when the kiss broke, you can feel your pussy tightening at the site of his hard cock. Fuck, his precum is leaking.
"Y'know we're very close to yer bed but I wanna fuck you here on the floor. Yer bed makes too much noise that yer parents might hear us fucking."
"It's because you do it so rough!"
He laughs at your reaction and grab his bag that is place not so far away from where you guys are, he grab a box of condom and took out one.
"You brought a box?!"
"Baby, when was the last time we fuck? Ya don't know how much I miss yer pussy."
You felt yourself blushing at his bluntness, Osamu is a great dirty talker in bed. It helps you get to your high faster, you moan out his name when his fingers starts to do a slowly circular motion on your clit.
"Mhm yer wet though I wanna stretch you more.."
He covered his two fingers with your own slick and slowly insert it inside you. You huff and tried[keyword here is tried] not too moan out loud. He began thrusting his fingers in, at first it was low as if he was getting you to know the size of his fingers. Then, it got faster that you use your free hand to cover your mouth.
"M'gonna cum at this rate!"
"Uh-uh can't have that. Wanna feel ya cum on my cock."
He took out his fingers and inserted his cock, heck his fingers didn't do any justice on just how big he is. Did all the training from their practice went to his cock?! You swear that he felt bigger and longer that you feel full inside.
"Hold on tight, baby. We're just getting started."
"Winter uniform? Stockings? Aren't you hot?"
It's Osamu's fault. You specifally told him not to leave a mark on your thighs but that asshole left a mark everywhere on your body! To think you'd be wearing your winter uniform and stocking under the blazing sun!
"Heya guys!"
Speaking of the devil
"What the- why are you wearing turtle neck underneath of your uniform? Wait...."
You quickly covered the mouth of Atsumu before he can even open his mouth and utter such embarassing words. Osamu texted you to come to the gym since he said that he brought the notes that you guys did after some hours of fucking.
"Osamu- you little shit!"
Let's just say that everyone on the voleyball team figured it out.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Bestie, I'm gonna need Logan to invite Alex and Lily over to Florida for a big Sargeant family Thanksgiving 🙊
Thanksgiving in the 305 || LS2 {3}
Pairing: Logan Sergeant x fem!reader Summary: You have lots to be thankful this holiday and get to share the special occasion with even more people this year. Warnings: 18+ only, implied smut, fluff, lots of fluff WC: 3.4K F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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Monday, 20th November 2023 You had just walked through hell and it had been an absolute nightmare. By hell, you meant Walmart during the week of Thanksgiving. With another point scored on home soil Logan’s popularity seemed to explode overnight and the shopping trip had taken longer than expected after he signed some autographs and took photos with fans. Shopping wasn’t something you enjoyed on the quietest of days but knowing the amount of food prep you needed to do only left you more stressed.
“Relax, honey,” Logan soothed as he rubbed your shoulders with a smile. “We can do this. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
You eventually made it to the checkout with two laden trolleys and Logan did all the heavy lifting of the bags into the back of his Range Rover. Unfortunately you lost more precious prep time to the traffic that swarmed the city and the stress had you wringing your hands together until Logan took one in his.
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“Sweetheart, I think you might be going a little overboard.”
You looked up from the pastry you were rolling out to weave into a lattice topping for the pumpkin pie. “What? No. No, I’m not. This is perfectly acceptable.”
“There’s twice as much as last year,” Logan stated, his lips a shade of deep purple from the berries he had stolen.
“We have more guests this year - special guests too.”
Logan’s lips perked up as he laughed. “I’ll let Dalton know you think he’s not special.”
“That is not what I meant,” you gasped, only forgiving him for the joke when kissed you sweetly. “I’ve never seen your principal outside of the races, or Alex and Lily. I’m nervous.”
“You have nothing to be nervous about. They are exactly the same outside of work.”
You chewed your lip as you nodded, hoping he wasn’t just trying to ease your worry. If he was right then you knew you would get along with them just like you had when you went to the races with Logan. You had been lucky enough to make it to most of his races after the summer break and Sooty even joined for the Triple Header rounds, but he missed out on the Vegas trip. The schedule was just too busy to have a dog in tow.
Since everyone was on the same continent, for the moment, you had invited Logan’s team mate and his team principal to join you for an early Thanksgiving. James was bringing his wife and daughter while Alex was coming with his girlfriend Lily. They had all been so supportive of Logan throughout the year that you wanted to show your appreciation before making your way to the final race in Abu Dhabi.
It was going to be the first year since being with Logan that you wouldn’t be at home on Thanksgiving but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to slack on hosting the event. If anything you were going to make it more special to make up for having it on a Tuesday. 
Logan knew one thing that would help you relax while you were busy in the kitchen and after disappearing into the living room you heard the stereo system click on and Logan’s playlist filled the room. The upbeat intro to Hold On, We’re Going Home started and Logan reached you before Drake’s voice could, his hands finding your hips as he rested his chin on your shoulder and watched you work the dough. 
All too soon he grew bored of just watching and his lips started to tease kisses along your neck. “You need to go for a run,” you murmured as you found your progress slowing. “I can’t concentrate with you doing that.”
“Doing what?” he asked innocently, the curve of his lips on your skin giving him away. 
“Distracting me.”
“But it worked, look how relaxed you are now.” His arms curled around your waist as he swayed to the music and you joined him until his hand dipped beneath your shirt and warmed the soft skin on your stomach. 
“Lo…” you groaned as you pushed him back with your hips. “Behave, please.” 
“Cause you’re a good girl and you know it,” he teased in your ear with the song. “You act so different around me.”
You turned in his arms with a smile that he reflected and placed your palm over his chest. “You are going to ruin Thanksgiving dinner.”
Logan looked around the kitchen, every surface full of the food you just had to make final touches on in the morning. There was already more than enough to feed an army. “I don’t think you have to worry about dinner.” He reached behind you and placed a spare cover over the unfinished pie before pulling you flush against him. “And the pie can wait an hour.”
“An hour? I was thinking 10 minutes max,” you giggled as he grabbed your hips and picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist naturally.
“Is that a challenge?” he dared as he carried you out of the kitchen. “I don’t mind spending the rest of the day proving you wrong, sweetheart.”
“Yes, wait, no, any other time, baby, but not today.”
Tuesday, 21st November 2023 - Thanksgiving Dinner You had never been happier that Logan had insisted on buying a house much larger than anything the two of you needed. Built for a large family, the kitchen had two full sized ovens and both were currently in use. The giant turkey filled one oven on its own and the other had its racks full of different dishes to keep them hot. 
The other great thing about the home was that the stacker doors folded back in the living room to give a massive open space that flowed out into the patio and pool. You needed all that space with the guests that had arrived. Logan’s parents had come first. Mallika had insisted on arriving early so she could help you with the fresh food that couldn’t be pre-cooked and Michael had been ordered to help Logan stock the bar.
Next to arrive had been Dalton, Logan’s older brother, who came with a very happy Sooty after dog-sitting him while you were in Las Vegas. You had rushed out of the kitchen as soon as you heard his excited bark and grappled him into a tight cuddle before Logan wrapped his arms around you both. 
“Hi, my baby,” you cooed as you scratched Sooty’s fur and kissed the top of his head. “Mommy missed you. You’re looking skinny, did uncle Dalt not feed you?” You rose to your feet at the laugh and greeted Dalton with a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for taking care of him.”
“I would say anytime but he stole an Angus steak from my plate, twice.”
“Why do you think I came out here?” you said with a shake of your head. “There is no way I am letting him anywhere near the kitchen. Lo?”
“On it, honey,” he chuckled. “Come on, Soot, let's go play frisbee. You in, bro?”
You watched the brothers jog out to the lawn and separate to opposite ends and it wasn’t long before Michael joined his sons too.
It was another two Sargeant boys that came through the door with Logan’s aunt following with apologies for her son's lack of manners for skipping the doorbell. You waved the apology away as you gave her a hug. “It’s fine, Debbie. My mother always said doorbells are for salesmen and strangers, not family.”
“Your mother is a good woman,” Harry said as he came in with a large bouquet of flowers for you and a kiss. “You are more and more like her every day.”
You grinned at the compliment and inhaled the sweet scent of the flowers. “Thank you.”
When you first met Harry you had felt intimidated by the billionaire but you had quickly realised he was a kind, down-to-earth man who put family values first. It was one of the reasons he sponsored Logan and helped get him into Formula racing. He believed if he had the resources to help, then he had the responsibility to help. It was the same with Dalton’s NASCAR career.
The next arrival did use the doorbell and Sooty came inside to growl at the uncommon sound until you told him to stop being silly. Once the door was opened he recognised it was Alex and Lily on the doorstep and the protective nature changed to the playful wag of his tail. Sooty enjoyed the attention he got from the animal-loving couple for a moment before another duo stole his attention and he leapt off the porch to race down the driveway. 
“Sorry, he saw my parents,” you said as you invited them inside and to the bar. “Now, Logan’s the mixologist in the house so if you want something more than a beer, a wine or whiskey neat then he’s your man.”
Once Lily had a glass of riesling and Alex an IPA beer, you made the introductions to the few members of his family they hadn’t met. Most of them had crossed paths at least once during the three US based Grand Prix’s this season so it was only Harry’s teenage boys and your parents who needed naming. 
“I found some wanderers in your driveway,” your mother joked as she stepped into your line of vision and waved at the quickly growing Vowles family. “Oscar looks different, more mature.”
You looked at Logan’s old teammate who was just walking through the door and chuckled when he took his shoes off, the only one that ever did when he went inside other people's homes. “That’s what a year will do to a man,” you replied. “I don’t think you’ve seen him since last Thanksgiving, mom.”
“Not true, I saw him at Logan’s birthday.”
“Oh, okay, my bad, it's only been 11 months then,” you said with a laugh as you went to greet him and Logan’s team principal. 
“She is absolutely adorable,” you gushed over the newborn in James’ arms. “I swear she’s grown and I only saw her a few days ago!”
“She’s put on another ounce since then,” the proud father said before holding her out to you. “Go on, I know this is what you’re really after.”
“I was just coming over to see if you needed a drink,” you lied as you reached for her, “but I’m not going to turn down baby snuggles.”
Logan’s eyes found you from across the room where he was talking with Alex and Oscar and he lost track of the conversation at the sight of you. The image of you holding a baby so comfortably made something crack in his chest and he knew you would be a natural when it came to motherhood, he just had to be patient for a few more years. You didn’t even notice his lingering stare as you pressed your nose to her soft hair and inhaled the new baby scent before cradling her closer. 
“You know you are not getting her back until you leave,” you warned James, and he just smiled knowingly.
“I had a feeling that would be the case. Now Rachel and I can enjoy a few hours of free babysitting.”
“Absolutely anytime, any place. Go on, have a drink and chill out, or even a nap if you need. There’s plenty of guest rooms down the hall and a nursery too so you have nothing to worry about.”
“A nursery? Is there something Logan hasn’t told me?” he asked curiously.
You laughed as you shook your head. “Not yet, James. The house was furnished for a family sale when we bought it and one of the rooms was set up to be a nursery. We just never renovated it.”
“You two look really happy,” Alex broke through Logan’s wandering thoughts and he blinked twice before he snapped out of the moment.
“We are. She loves this, having a full house, lots of noise and company.” Logan smiled into his bottle as he tipped the cold beer back and watched as you flitted around the room topping up drinks and chatting with his family all the while managing to cradle his boss's baby safely. “Best thing I did was ask her to come with me. Makes the good days better and the bad ones easier, you know?”
Alex nodded sincerely and cast his eyes to Lily who was laughing at something Dalton said to her about his latest round of golf. Alex knew exactly what Logan meant. 
Logan had always been open about wanting children, even more so when he was drunk, and he was always making plans for the future. He hoped to stay in F1 for as long as possible and he was especially happy that he had signed with Williams for another year, but after that he thought about moving into endurance racing as it was a less intensive schedule. With less commitments to work he would have more time to focus on starting a family, so you waited patiently and supported him in his choices after all the hard work you had seen him put in.
You continued on your way around the guests, oblivious to the way Logan’s eyes followed you the entire time. Eventually you  reluctantly passed the sleeping babe over to your boyfriend knowing he would want to have some time with her too and the next part you needed two hands for. “Dinner is almost ready, if you want to start rounding everyone up into the dining room I’ll bring in the turkey.”
“I can come and help, sweetheart,” he offered but his face softened at the cutie in his arms. Your chest warmed at the sight and you shook your head, not wanting to disturb the moment.
“Between my mom and yours, there’s hardly anything left to do.” You left him with Alex and Oscar, passing by Lily and Dalton’s discussion about the best US golf courses, and found Sooty so he could be put in his kennel. You weren’t keen on having a repeat of his first Christmas when he broke the table leg trying to get scraps and the whole thing had crashed down. It had been a disaster that took a while before you could see the funny side but it still didn’t mean you could handle it happening again. “Come on, as soon as dinner is over you can have your freedom back.”
Sooty whined as you left him behind and you didn’t dare look back or you wouldn’t have the heart to leave him there. The sound followed you until you were inside and the noise of the guests swallowed his lonely cries so you could focus on the meal shared between friends and family.
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Logan knelt beside the kennel and caught Sooty’s collar as he unhooked the chain and praised him for being a good boy. Dinner had been another one to remember for a long time to come and everyone was more than full as they settled around the extra large sofa inside. Traditionally, after dinner everyone would be feeling the liquor and reminisce on what they were thankful for before watching the Miami Dolphins game on the tv but since it was only a Tuesday there weren't any big teams playing. 
Logan had a better way to end the perfect afternoon anyway.
“Sooty, where’s mommy?” Logan asked as he buckled his collar back in place and kissed the top of his head. “Go find mommy, go on, good boy.” 
The quick moving ball of fur caught your attention and you just saved your glass of wine from being knocked off the coffee table before Sooty bounded over Lily’s shoes and landed at your feet. He barked twice and sat back on his heels, waiting as if he had been ordered to obey and was expecting a treat - except you hadn’t called him.
“Sooty, how did you escape your…” your words trailed off as you held his collar and watched the light catch on a diamond ring. The room fell silent as you looked up in time to see Logan lower himself onto one knee in front of you.
His deft fingers unbuckled the collar and slipped the ring off so he could hold it delicately in his hand. “I don’t need Thanksgiving to reflect on everything I’m grateful for this year,” he said softly and your heart beat so loudly you were certain everyone in the quiet room could hear it. “Since I found you, I’m thankful every damn day, and I would love to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much, if you’ll let me. Will you marry me?”
You couldn’t remember when you last took a breath and your throat seemed to clog with emotion, choking the word you wanted to scream. Logan’s lips began to curve up into a proud smile when you nodded your head and lifted your trembling hand for him. 
“Yes,” you finally managed to whisper, before the cold band slipped onto your ring finger and your vision blurred with unshed tears of joy. 
You didn’t hear the cheer that erupted, you didn’t hear their congratulations. All you heard was Logan whispering he loved you against your lips before he claimed them for the first time as your fiance.
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Logan hadn’t let go of your hand since he put the engagement ring on it but eventually he couldn’t keep you all to himself and draped an arm across the back of your seat instead.
“This is gorgeous!” Lily gasped after she leaned forward to inspect the large rock on the ring. You didn’t miss the pointed look she sent Alex and wondered how long it would be until he took the same step. “So how did you two meet if Logan was in Europe racing?”
Logan grinned as he traced his fingertips across your shoulder and over your collar. “Her mom was my uncle’s secretary and when I was home for the break I dropped by his office to visit him, and then I kept dropping in because I knew she was always in the staffroom doing her homework. Not that she ever looked my way.”
“I looked, when you weren’t,” you admitted as your cheeks heated. “But I had to keep my head down so I could actually concentrate on my assignments. He was very distracting to look at, still is.”
Oscar smiled to himself since he already knew the story well over the years of friendship and double dates.
Alex chuckled and mirrored your cosy state with Lily opposite you. “So did he finally ask you out or did you have to take charge?”
“Actually Harry set us up,” you said with a smile in the oil magnate’s direction where he was talking to his wife. “I didn’t have a licence and when my mom got sick Harry had Lo take me to visit her. He went out of his way to pick me up after school every day for like two months. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through that time without him.”
You turned your smile to Logan as he reached for his beer and took a long drink. If you were alone he would have whispered sweet affirmations in your ear about how strong you were and how he would always be there for you but with the present company and his ears turning pink he swallowed his words. But you still saw them in his proud smile and in his blue eyes.
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“Okay, maybe I went a teensy, tiny, little bit overboard,” you admitted as you saw the leftovers filling the kitchen island after everyone had gone - the house was quiet once more.
You knew there was the temptation for Logan to say ‘I told you so’ but he just kissed your temple with a smile before he checked his watch and said. “I’ll get the containers.”
Although it was too late to go to Miami-Dade shelters tonight, it had become a tradition to take the leftovers around to them after a holiday. It would only go to waste with the two of you, especially since you were heading to Abu Dhabi in the morning.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” you asked when he returned from the garage with his arms full of takeaway containers.
“Once or twice,” he teased as he abandoned the containers to pull you into his arms, “but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”
“Good thing we’ve got the rest of our lives then.” You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked at the ring on your finger with fondness before staring into his ocean eyes. “I love you, Lo.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Always have, always will.”
Click here for the next part.
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buckleyx · 1 year
hii! first off I love your blog ♡ you’re so talented and soo kind and your blog just gives such a welcoming vibe <33
If you’re looking for a request, I would love a angsty with a fluffy ending imagine with eddie diaz x reader if you’d like..? maybe like reader gets hurt somehow and eddie is all worried and sad (the 118 is too of course), cause I love me some eddie angst ♡ thank you sm <33
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner!
Author’s note: AWHHH YOU'RE SO KIND DJFBBF. The way i started giggling when i read this, thank you so much darling !! (Also ur pfp is so cute) <33
I'm also such a sucker for Eddie angst hehe, aren't we all tbh
Eddie Diaz x gender!neutral reader
Warnings: major injuries, explosions, blood loss, car crash and ANGSTTT
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"Noo not now!" Buck whined at the ringing alarm bell. The food on his spoon almost close enough to touch his lips. You giggled, grabbing a piece of bread and putting it in your mouth before running off to get your uniform on. Eddie waited for you at the truck, your helmet already in his hands, leaning against the red door so you can get in first. "Hello handsome." You teased as you climbed in. His cheeks flushed, playfully rolling his eyes as he gave you the helmet with your name on. The door closed behind him and at a fast speed the truck started moving.
"What are we looking at, cap?" Eddie asked throught the combs. His eyes landed on you. You were sitting in front of him, your seatbelt thigtend against your chest, your hand resting on the mental part so that when you arrived you would be quick to unbuckle it.
"Car accident." Bobby replied, looking at his team throught the rearview mirror. "It's not gonna be pretty."
You took a deep breath as you caught Buck nervously shuffling in his seat. Calls like these almost always meant a heavy outcome.
Eddie brushed his foot against yours, a wordless gesture of asking if your were okay. You nodded, smiling at his concern. "I can't wait when we are finished with this shift." You admitted. "I wanna finally eat."
"Oh, same here y/n." Buck agreed. "I'm starving." Eddie's mouth curled up in a small smile, refusing to keep his eyes of you. He admired your succesfull attempt to make the mood a bit lighter since he knows you aren't keen on heavy silences.
Once you arrived at the scene, you patiently awaited captain's orders. Two cars where smashed into each other as the third laid further down on it's back. Four people where involved with one victim who's injuries were already fatal. The team moved quickly as you were the first to arrive at the scene.
"Eddie, Y/n?" Bobby yelled. "Go look at the car further down and give me an update."
You quickly sprinted over to the upsidedown car, gear in hand and Eddie next to you. A man, about 30, layed unconscious in his car seat. The seatbelt stopping him from completely falling to the ground. You tried your best to examine him in his current situation. But the door had blocked all your access, luckily the man had his window open. You kneeled down so you could feel for a heartbeat. "I got a pulse!" You yelled, feeling the skin under your finger move in a slow pace. "We'll need a neck brace and an IVE. Can you call for extra backup to get him out?"
Eddie nodded, rushing to the truck while updating dispatch and Bobby on the current situation.
Your brain was looking at all the different options to get the man safely out. In your head you had already sawn off the door and got the backup to help you get him back down. But in reality it would be taking a bit longer so you had to find a way to keep him alive until then.
You were deep in thought until Eddie's screams pulled you back out. You looked over at him. He was running towards you but yelling for you to get back. In a split second your brain switched and you were hearing clearly what he was saying. "The motor!" He yelled. "It's gonna explode."
You were still positioned on the ground, you tried crawling back but a hand suddenly grabbed your uniform, stopping you from moving. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You cried, looking at the passenger who had just woken up. His grip was ferm and before you knew it there was an explosion. Your body flew to the side. A stabbing pain in your side and a pounding headache made it unable for you to get back up.
Oh no. You though, seeing the ground underneath you turn into a puddle of blood.
"Y/n? Y/n!" Eddie cried, falling to his knees, his hands shaking. He tried whiping away the blood from your face, stroking some hair behind your ear before grabbing your cheeks in his hands. "Oh honey. Oh god."
"Eddie?" You breathed weakly, noticing the blood on his clothes. "Are you okay."
The firefighter tried to staunch the blood on your side while panicked breaths left his lips. His eyes were red and full of terror. "Eddie, I'm fine. I promise." You mumbled, not fully processing how bad it was. You weakly grabbed onto the hem of his shirt. The blood on your hands left a red stain the shape of you fingerprints. Oh. It isn't his blood that he was covered in. Your vision started to blurry, breathing started to hurt, your ears were ringing and your head was pounding so hard you were afraid your heart was gonna burst out of your body.
"Just look at me." Eddie assured. As he watched the rest of the team help him out with stopping the blood from leaving your body. You looked down at the nagging pain. A sharp piece of metal was struck right through your side. Looking at it made it worse. The pain was stronger then ever. "Hey look at me. You're alright." Eddie grabbed your hand, squeezing it as hard as he could. He was trembling over his words but you didn't care. All you could think about was him. His eyes. His beautiful eyes being filled with worry. "I'm sorry." You cried. "I'm so sorry." You sobbed, your free hand grabbed his shirt again. You where terrified, completely terrified and all you wanted to do was sink into his arms and never let go. "I'm so tired, Eddie."
"I know baby. I know. But you gotta keep looking at me. Let me see those pretty eyes." You couldn't help the hot tears streaming down your face. Your breathing became more shallow and your eyelids more heavy. It was getting harder to stay awake. You tried. You really tried. Eddie was mumbling to keep you awake but you couldn't hear anything cleary at this point. Hen secured the piece of metal that was crushed into your side. She and the team helped you on a curney while Eddie kept by your side. Your hands still locked into each other.
You felt so weak and in so much pain. You saw the sky moving above you as they rolled you to the ambulance. You vaguely heard your panicked colleges and conversations over dispatch but it was all too foggy to clearly hear what they were saying.
The sky looked pretty that night. The stars seemed to be perfect. But you were tired. And ready to go to sleep.
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You were awoken by a soft buzzing sound and some distant chatter that you couldn't make out. Opening your eyes seemed harder then you rememberd. Your eyelids felt heavy. You started flickering them until you were used to the white light that the room illuminated.
Your throat felt afwul and there was still a sharp pain on your side but this time more bearable. Your eyes closed shut a few times again and here and there you drifted back into a deep slumber.
Once you slept off your anesthesia you were able to think again. You opened your eyes and tried to locate were you where. You fell a soft hand touching yours and after you carefully tilted your head, you saw your tired boyfriend sitting next to you. His hair was a mess and his head was resting on your bed. He was snorring a little and you smiled at the peaceful state he looked in. A nurse walked into the room. He greeted you but lowered his voice once he saw Eddie sleeping.
"He has been here quite a while." The nurse admitted while they checked your obs. "How are you feeling?"
You carefully nodded your head. "I'm fine. Could be better though." The nurse smiled sympathetically. Once he was done checking your vitals the doctor wandered in.
She told you they were able to successfully remove the metal and that you should be able to make a full recovery. "You did lost a lot of blood and suffered some head trauma so you'll have to take it very easy, y/n." The doctor warned. "Lot's of rest and taking it very easy. I'll let a chiropractor come and visit you once you're feeling better so they can discuss further treatment with you. For now I'll give you something more for the pain and some ice for your throat. You're very lucky, y/n. This could have taken a very different turn." She said before leaving the room to let you rest.
You took a deep breath. Your hand softly combed through the messy brown hair of the Diaz sleeping next to you. He stirred in his sleep, muttering your name a few times before realizing what was happening.
His head abruptly perked up. "You're awake." He whispered, almost not believing his eyes. He immediately sat up straight, his right hand holding yours.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm alive." You smiled. "But I'm still starving."
Eddie let out a soft laugh, he tried his best to hide the tears that were forming in his eyes.
"You scared me y/n." He admitted. "You really did."
"I know."
Eddie leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. He brushed some hair away, his fingers following the soft skin of your cheeck. "You're going to be okay." You were afraid and in pain but seeing him here made it for some reason go all away a little. "And once we're home I'm gonna cook you the best meal you ever had." He laughed, trying to see you crack a smile in which he succeeded.
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My requests are open! :)
911 Taglist: @roseelone @persie123 @nycbaddie @mrspeacem1nusone @ittzzgillianj @notnowtobey @princessamericachavez @campingmonkey @barzy90 @911readercollection
Main Taglist: @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89  @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa   @embon   @pansexualmommamess  @mykookieme-blog  @fairyhope028  @alexxavicry  @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler  @attackonnat   @strangersomeone  @ahookedheroespureheart @asimplystrangemisfit @911readercollection
Let me know if you want to be added for future work! &lt;3
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anangelinthepit · 9 days
Without you…
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Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe @amelia-acero
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fletchingbrilliant · 2 months
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Good evening, my sinful skanks. Katie Killjoy is back with an update on Princess Morningstar's ill-advised attempt at love and togetherness through horrible bloodshed, the Helluva Hungry Games!
The opening of the games has kicked off, and blood has already been shed. Do you think the dopey princess is rethinking her brilliant scheme already? Probably not, but that means more bloody entertainment for us!
All twenty-four contestants were circled up on motion sensative plates, rigged to explode should anyone step off before the bloodshed was set to begin. One of our intrepid battlers didn't take too kindly to the request to be patient:
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The cameras trained on Team Nine are temporarily down after the explosion, so we do not yet know what fate Cherri Bomb suffered due to her impatience.
As for the rest, as soon as the horn sounded, they were off. Some made strategic (read: COWARDLY) retreats into the surrounding forest. But others were more bold, and headed for the massive cornucopia in the center of the arena. It was filled to the brim with supplies; weapons, food, fresh water, all things these idiots are gonna need if they want to survive.
I found it especially hilarious when, in the first few moments after the horn sounded, the King's imp showed an impressive level of grace and dexterity:
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One of our angellic guests snatched up a spear, and was intent on making her presence known:
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Looks like her attack met its mark. But I'm with the mutt, what's up with the gold blood, Vaggie? Katie's got the scoop of a lifetime here, motherfuckers!
We also managed to snag a shot from inside the Cornucopia itself, and it seems that Team Three isn't going to get very far, seeing as one member is still deathly afraid of the other. Especially now that she's found a very shiny, very sharp sickle:
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We didn't think it worthwhile to catalogue the other events, so here's a quick summary of the rest of the teams activity thus far:
Team 2: Angel Dust and Adam kept surprisingly even pace with each other in a hasty retreat to avoid early carnage
Team 5: Sir Pentious acquired a pack of fishing gear, while Emily unearthed a trident before the pair vanished into the woods
Team 6: Neither Husk nor Stolas had to say much to agree that retreat was the best choice
Team 8: Asmodeus carried the princess with him into the woods, apparently concerned that none of this was a great idea
Team 11: Vox and Moxxie went in separate directions, Moxxie snatching up a backpack filled with unknown supplies, and Vox went off to set up camp fairly close to the Cornucopia. No word on whether they've regrouped
Team 12: After Fizzarolli ran screaming from his partner, we lost track of both him and the Radio Demon
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That wraps up our reporting on the initial Bloodbath! Stay tuned to see how they handle the rest of the day! This is Katie Killjoy signing off!
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reysdriver · 1 year
Behind The Venue | J.P.
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(part 1 to this fic) you discover rockstar!james is cheating on you through a fan's social media post — modern!rockstar!james x fem!reader angst
warnings: james being a cheater
words: 1k
warnings: umm just to let y'all know, a lot of my writing is gonna be angst for the time being cus i'm going through a breakup lol and also let me know if you want me to write a part 2 to this cus i can defo see it already
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James was currently on tour with the boys; last night was Berlin, tonight was Vienna. Although you both wished you could join them as they visited almost every European capital, you couldn’t leave everything for two months. 
Well, you could. James had made it clear you didn’t need to work, that he would buy you anything you ever needed or wanted, but you didn’t want to be completely dependent on him. So while he travelled all around the continent, you stayed home to wait tables and keep your flat warm. 
But it wasn’t like you were completely away from your boyfriend for the whole time; you called each other every night—even the ones where the boys got blackout drunk in foreign hotels, and you constantly stayed updated on everything regarding the band. 
The little bits of connection were how you found yourself on Austrian social media scouring the hashtags related to The Marauders. You scrolled through selfies of fans in front of the empty stage, waiting for the boys to start. Some people brought posters and gifts for them, which always made you smile. Some of the fans even mentioned you in their posts and you commented on a few of them, wishing them a fun time at the concert. 
Then, you sent James a good luck text and went to make yourself dinner. You’ve learned that the best concert pictures and videos get posted a day or two after they’re taken, so you know you don’t need to stay online all night. Instead, you take your food to the couch and put on a movie while the concert hall in Vienna was electric with excitement. 
Near the end of the second movie of the night, you almost fell asleep in your living room, but your heavy eyelids shot up at the feeling of your phone buzzing shamelessly against your thigh. 
It had been going off periodically before, but the notifications increased exponentially in the last few minutes. 
Although you were half-asleep, you couldn’t just let your phone explode with activity. Scary thoughts that something happened to James at the concert overtook your mind and you quickly reached for your phone while attempting to hope for the best. 
It was about James, just not what you were expecting. Someone had caught a video of your boyfriend making out with Lily Evans, the lead singer of their opening band, outside behind the venue. 
The clip was short but inarguable. That was obviously James and Lily, and there was no debate on what they were doing. 
It showed them quickly, then the teenage girl who took the video flipped the camera to herself and said something in German. The only thing you could understand was your own name, and you weren’t sure you wanted to know what the rest meant. 
The video was just posted, but it was already spreading. There were so many comments and reposts; everyone seemed to have something to say on the matter. 
It ranged from ‘you should take this down, imagine how humiliating it is for (y/n)’ to ‘I mean, we’ve known this was coming lol look at their constant flirting’, and you weren’t sure what hurt more. 
And even though every single take felt like a slap in the face, you kept scrolling through them all. You were careful not to interact with any of them so as to not encourage drama, but it seemed like the fans were doing fine on their own when it came to stirring the pot. Eventually, it just became all too much. You took a screenshot of one post and sent it to James. 
But despite that, you weren’t staying up any longer. You shut off your phone, plugged it in across the room, and started getting ready for bed. You didn’t care if the only other thing to do was cry yourself to sleep, you weren’t spending any more time watching your boyfriend kiss his coworker. 
The night barely consisted of sleep. There were periods where you calmed down enough to sleep, but you woke up several times in a pool of emotions. You managed to stay asleep for long enough that you’d be adequately rested, and that was good enough for you. 
When you opened your phone in the morning, you were sure that any limits to messages and mentions must have been hit. So not in the mood to hear anyone else’s opinions on your relationship, you didn’t even bother opening social media. 
You saw that James had sent a string of texts and tried calling you several times, and your heart ached. He was the only person who you would listen to about this, but you didn’t want to hear anything he had to say. What could he say over the phone to fix this? 
Then, as if on cue, your phone vibrated with an incoming call from him. 
You were torn on what you should do. Answer and listen to him begging for forgiveness, decline and ignore everyone? If you answered and he asked for mercy, would you forgive him? You even thought about airing out all his secrets online in a petty act of revenge. But none of those really seemed like something you would want. In this fragile state, you wondered if anything could help. 
Then your attention snapped back to the picture of him on your screen, letting you know he wanted to talk. 
Compromising between all the ideas that had just been running through your head, you declined the call and opened your messages. ‘come back home and we’ll talk.’ was all you sent James before tossing your phone aside.
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fillthattank · 10 months
Hey there, congrats on the 2000 followers! I wanted to see if you were still taking submissions for the mini celebration you were having. If you are, could you do a story about these progress pictures?
Keep up with the great blog and here's to another 2k followers
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He was already one of the bigger and stronger guys at the gym when I first saw him. Nice bic pecs, a defined mid-section, and arms that earned him many stares. I was one of those, I won't hide it: I wanted to be that big too, one day.
But when I talked to him, I soon found out he didn't care for all those envious - and sometimes lustful - stares. All he wanted was to grow bigger and get stronger.
"The bigger you get the more you want to grow," he said, when I pointed ou he was already massive. He was drinking a gigantic shake in the locker room, his abs already bloated. After giving me some more advice, he tilted back his head to chug the last of his shake, his belly inching forward ever so slightly.
"Damn, I'm so bloated," he laughed nervously, noticing my eyes staring at his belly.
"You always have this much?" I asked, still in awe.
"Lately, yes. Trying to bulk up, but it turns out you need a real lot to be in a surplus when you're my size."
He moaned and rubbed his belly with one hand, as he flexed his other arm. In every gym, you see guys with big bloats, but this was seriously big.
"But like, is it safe to let you belly get this big?"
"Yeah, it's kinda freaky how big it gets. But it's just a bloat. And I want that extra muscle so bad."
This was indeed a daily occurrence. He'd bloat himself crazy after each session. Earning himself plenty of stares, from terror to jealousy passing by fascination, sometimes freaking himself out by the size of his bloat. But for his efforts, he was rewarded with consistent strength and muscle gains.
One day, he turned up at the gym with an already bloated tank, stretching his shirt tight.
"Big lunch?" I asked
"Big dinner, really. I was still so bloated when I woke up," he said, slowly rubbing his huge round gut. "Fitting breakfast and lunch in there was rought. But I want those gains so bad."
He really was huge. I'd seen him leave the gym after some monster chugging sessions with a smaller bloat than this. Watching him pump iron with a belly that looked like it would explode if poked the wrong way was both fascinating and terrifying.
And yet, his workout done, I found him in the locker room, holding the same monster shake. His bloat hadn't gone down one bit, digestion being offset by the water he'd been drinking between sets.
"There's no way you've got room all that, right?" I let out.
"I'm gonna make it fit. Can't miss out on any gains."
He didn't so much chug the shake as brute-force it into his already overloaded belly. His neck muscles working hard, leaning back or to the side as his stomach was forced to stretch. I stood fascinated, both telling myself I might need to jump in if he hurt himself, and in awe of how a single belly could hold so much.
Once done, he opened his mouth to burp, but no sound came out. He was beyond maxed out. Way past his limit.
"I think I need a belly rub," he said.
His belly looked so full I was scared to touch it. But, no one had ever looked as desperately in need of belly rubs as ths guy had.
Just a slight touch and I straight away felt the insane pressure inside his huge belly. As if the huge volume of food and shake was pushing against my hand with all its strength. Just touching the belly seemed to provide a visible amount of relief
"I needed that," he said.
I tried moving my hands around a bit. Like any self-respecting gym bro, I'd overdone it with the shake or the cheat meals a few times, and had some experience, but this was no ordinary bloated belly. His already huge stomach was so overloaded it seemed like he had gone beyond his capacity, forcing it to stretch. There really wasn't much I could do, though it seemed
I offered to drive him home. And to stay with him for at least a bit, as it didn't feel right to leave someone alone with a gut this dangerously stuffed. We lied him down on his bed, his enormous belly taking up a freakish amount of space. Jutting out vertically from below his beefy pecs, and rising up high in the air before it even started to curve back down.
"You really do want those gains bad," I joked.
"Yeah," he replied. I got a chucke out of him. "So bad I almost burst."
Desite almost all the energy in his body being redirected to managing his gargantuan bloat, he mustered enough strength to flex one of his arms.
I ended up staying the night.
The next morning, his bloat no longer looked like it was at risk of bursting, but still stuck out from beyong his pecs by a few inches. Not surprising, as even big muscle guy like him couldn't digest that much in just one night.
What did surprise me was how hungry he was. Even with a bloat big enough to freak out a smaller guy, his belly was still grumbling in hunger, loud enough to wake both of us up. Begging for a gigantic breakfast that he immediately got up to make for himself.
"How are you still hungry?" I asked.
"I don't know, I just am. My belly feels like it's empty."
The hunger only faded when his belly was back to being close to the size it had been last night. I was concerned, but he was now getting excited: with all this food, he was going to be able to put on even more muscle.
Rather than try and calm down after overloading his belly so much, he only increased his intake. His belly did not explode, but his strenth did. PR after PR was crushed. He was adding size at an insane pace.
All that weight wasn't muscle of course. A gigantic belly stuck out at all times. The constant overeating made it adapt. It kept getting bigger, of course, and it got sturdier. His belly no longer looked like a bloated six pack that would burst if poked the wrong way, but like a solid powerbelly, capable of digesting just about anything.
His abs were now gone from sight (though likely bigger and stronger than ever), but he didn't care. The giant belly wasn't just a tool to get bigger muscles, it was a point of pride in itself: just like he had the biggest guns, he also had the biggest gut. And he wanted both bigger.
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7ndipity · 11 months
Hey, bestie :3
How was your day?:3
Can I request à headcanon for the seven of them with a girlfriend with an explosive temper? I'm really patient whatever I do (I'm actually studying law and it's really hard) but sometimes, I just run out of patience and boum! I explode like a volcano🤣 Saying a lot of bad words (not to people but to my belongings like my notebooks. Poor them.) while I'm usually really polite (people say that I speak like a book, some friends call me "Walking Encyclopaedia" so they are kinda surprise when I say some profanities). Sometimes, I just cry out of frustration. But many times, I just blame myself for being stupid.
How would they react?
Thank you and remember: YOU ARE THE BEST!
Their S/o Has an Explosive Temper
Ot7 x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks for this request! Honestly, I think they’d all have fairly similar reactions, but I tried to make these all a lil different.
Requests are open
Jin: He kinda does this too sometimes, so he gets it, but he really doesn’t like seeing you upset, so he tends to go into ‘Y/n Defense Mode’, wanting to know who/what irritated you and how he can fix it as soon as possible. “Yah, what’d they do? Give me names!”
Yoongi: Ngl, he’s gonna find it a lil hot sometimes jdgfjskfhdiu. But seriously, he gets that sometimes shit just gets to you and you gotta vent a little. If you start to get really worked up, he’ll try to calm you down, but otherwise he lets you work it out at your own pace
Hobi: He gets soo startled the first few times it happens, like ‘wtf happened to my sweet baby?! Since when do you use those words?!’ He might try to diffuse at least some of your anger if you’re really mad, but I think he mostly just tries to stay out of your way when you’re like this.
Namjoon: Tbh, he’s got a lil bit of a temper too, so he’s not that shocked, moreso just surprised to hear that kind of language from you. He mostly lets you be, trusting you to let him know if something’s really bothering you, and offering to talk if you need to.
Jimin: I think he’d be so genuinely startled at first, he thought he was the one with the temper in your relationship! He’s more concerned about why you're upset than anything else tho, wanting to try and find a solution or way to help out you if he can.
Taehyung: Similar to Jimin, I think he’d more worried than anything, wanting to know why you’re upset and if there’s any way he can help. He really hates seeing you upset, so he’d try to find a way to make you smile, whether that’s a simple kiss or surprising you with your fave food.
Jungkook: The first time he hears you get mad and curse, he’s like 👀, it’s just so different from your normal personality, he doesn’t quite know what to think. For the sake of your books and things, he might ask if you wanna try some boxing or smth with him to vent your frustrations.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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konekoling · 2 years
Hi hello since the states are gonna get blasted with cold soon I figured I'd shave some Helpful Cold Survival Advice I've absorbed as someone who lives in an area that hits -50C/-58F temperatures periodically
-Starting with a somewhat obvious one, but HOLY SHIT DO NOT BRING BARBECUES, GENERATORS, OR ANY OTHER FORM OF OUTDOOR HEAT SOURCE INSIDE FOR WARMTH. CO poisoning WILL kill you if you don't accidentally start a fire in the process.
-If you wanna stay in your car and turn the heat up for warmth DO NOT do it in the garage. Again. CO poisoning.
-You can turn up your stove/ oven and crack the oven door open in an emergency if you have zero other heat sources available, but only if its electric (Gas stoves will generate carbon mono...yeah you get it already), and even then its going to be much less energy efficient than a normal space heater, and you're gonna want to stay nearby while it's on to make sure you don't start a fire.
-Don't plug a space heater into a power bar or extention cord unless you're 100% sure it has a high quality cord. They need an absurd amount of power to run, and most extention cords in particular aren't insulated enough to handle those levels of power without becoming a fire hazard. And for the love of God, don't run multiple heaters on one power bar.
-Candles don't actually do much to generate heat unless you're ina very small area, but they ARE an excellent light source should power go out
- tragically, the best way to keep warm in the absence of home heating is through boring ol layering, especially on your feet and head. Avoid jeans, as they're somehow terrible at heat retention despite how thick they are, and throw on a pair of long underwear/leggings if you have some. Also feel free to pile as many blankets as you own on top of yourself, you deserve it.
-Youre gonna want to stay well fed, too. Keeping your body temperature up in the cold is pretty calorically demanding, AND the digestive process tends to heat your body up as well. Its a win/win.
-Also unfortunate: another excellent way to stay warm is through your enemy and mine, physical activity. Every half hour or so, pace around your living space to get the ol blood pumping a bit.
-If you get wet outside while it's substantially cold out, get inside as soon as possible bc that WILL suck the heat from your body. This goes for sweat too, so layer responsibly if you're out shoveling
-Electric blankets are a scam, don't buy them.
-heating pads and heated mattress covers are less of a scam, but don't fall asleep with them on bc once again, fire hazard.
-If you have any faucets in your house that don't see a lot of use/you live somewhere that doesn't usually see cold weather, keep all your faucets on just a bit so your pipes don't freeze and/or explode. This WILL cost thousands of dollars to fix.
-Likewise, if you're traveling for the holidays see if you can have someone come by to turn the faucets on every day or two so you don't come home to find your house sunk into the ground
-ALSO if you're traveling and think "hm, I think I'll turn off the heat while I'm out to save some money that is the devil speaking, do NOT listen. (Heating helps keep the pipes warm and unfrozen)
-Fill your bathtub up with water and/or stock up on bottled water if you're gonna be getting unusually cold temperatures in case your pipes DO freeze, since you're probably not gonna want to hit up the store should this occur
-Stay off the roads if you can help it. Turbocold weather makes cars periodically fail to start, and also the second snow touches the ground people somehow forget how to drive.
-IMO If it's below -38C before windchill, you have a substantial commute, and you have any PTO/can afford to miss a shift at work, don't bother going in. Just lie and say your car wouldn't start.
-If you absolutely need to go to work/go out for whatever reason, take public transit if possible. If thats not possible, keep some blankets, food, candles, and a lighter in your car in case the battery dies on the road so you can stay toasty and Alive until help arrives.
Probably gonna add more as I remember it, but thems the basics! Stay warm!
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jesterofcringe · 3 months
hellooo!! It is I, the totally not suspicious anon❗️❗️ may I humbly request Caregiver Lottie helping a little one who has tantrums? Throwing toys in such. Maybe because reader has to go to bed? ty!!!!!!!! :3
Cranky Kiddo Caregiver!Lottie x Little!Reader
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anon i could not be happier to write this for you ive been having the craziest cg!lottie brainrot omfg :3 also again sorry this took forever,, finals and everything but im finally done!! so fics will prob come out faster from now on 😋 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★You had a bit of a tendency to bottle up your emotions. It was a huge problem and you knew that. You honestly were working on it because you hated when you had your mini outbursts, but you couldn't help but to have a little tantrum from time to time. 'One step forward, three steps back' you called it though 'gradual progression' was the term Lottie liked to use for it instead.
★You were really happy to have her. She was so patient and calm anytime you had one of your little meltdowns. You always anticipated anger that never came, instead being greeted by gentle words and soft hands.
★One of your strategies for tackling your frustration was coloring. To be fair, it wasn't exactly your idea, more of Lottie's suggestion. Whenever you had a crappy day you drifted off and drew a little picture until your frustrations melted away with the crayon you dragged across the page.
★"Can you come to the table and finish eating please? You can play after."
★Of course, you didn't really like discussing when you had a bad day, so it wasn't Lottie's fault that she didn't know that's what you were doing as she called you to come eat. But that didn't matter because you were little, and frustrated, and holding a box of crayons.
★"Darling? Your food is getting cold-"
★One simple request. Lottie had given you one simple request. And for that you decided it was appropriate to introduce her face to the box of crayons you had in your hands.
★She didn't have nearly enough time to react as you chucked it at her. She brought her hand up to block her face too late as the box exploded like a firework, crayons scattering every which way. She stood a bit shocked for a brief pause, before sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb.
★You were fully prepared for her to be angry, but instead her expression softened and she sat on the ground to meet your eye level.
★"Rough day today, huh?" You didn't respond, but she nodded with understanding as if you had, "You still need to eat love, you might feel better when you do-"
★"I don't wanna!"
★Lottie hummed for a moment, considering this, "You can eat in here if you like?"
★"Just have to be careful, you don't wanna mess up you're drawing. It looks so good so far :)"
★You immediately softened up at her compliment, "You think so?"
★"Of course!" She stood up, ruffling your hair as she did, "I'm gonna get your food, stay here ok?"
★Lottie always knew the right words to help you settle down when you got yourself a little worked up. And it wasn't always her words, it was in her actions too. She knew all the right buttons to push to get you to settle down, even when you were being obnoxiously stubborn and absolutely refusing to let her in.
★"Baby c'mon, a quick bath won't kill you."
★You were less moody, more absolutely determined to not get in the bath. You knew what a bath meant; it meant settling down for the night, which meant bedtime. You were not a fan of bedtime, not when you had so many important things to do, like play with your stuffies and finish watching bluey.
★"Five more minutes."
★"You've been saying that for the part forty five."
It was like a verbal tug of war, with Lottie trying to convince you to go, and you asking for another five minutes. You knew you were winning based on how her eyelids drew heavy and she started to yawn more and more frequently. She was a sleepy person in general, let alone how late it was. If you could just keep this up, she was bound to pass out and leave you to do your own thing.
★"Darling I promise it will be fast-"
★She grumbled, and you could tell you were getting to her, "Don't be a brat-"
★ D:< "Don't call me that!"
★You hated being called a brat, and in her sleepy haze she must've forgotten that. Or maybe she decided to try name calling in an attempt to get a leg above you. Either way, you didn't appreciate it.
★You pouted and turned away from her to break eye contact. Although, after a short beat, something floated through your field of vison. A bubble, gently drifted past you. Your eyes grew wide as you watched it float past, more bubbles parading behind it. You pawed at them, grinning to yourself as they popped, before turning around to locate their source. You aren't quite sure why you were so surprised to see it was Lottie, but you reached out and gestured for her to give you the bottle.
★"Oh, you want these?" you nodded quickly, and she kind of giggled to herself, "You can have them... in the bath."
★You turned to look away from her again, as more bubbles gently floated past, some popping on your skin and leaving little wet circles as reminders.
★You wanted them so badly.
★You tried to take the bottle from her, but she jerked her arm up and held them where you couldn't reach. You whined and tried to pull her arm down.
★"Darling these are all yours the second you get in the bath."
★Another thing you hated was letting her win, but you kind of had to admit, the bubbles sort of took priority here.
★"...fine >:("
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