anangelinthepit · 1 day
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Why do they all stand like that?😅
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anangelinthepit · 2 days
After the toxic dream I had about Noah last night this was fucking refreshing 😭❤️making me giggle and kick me feet
Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
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anangelinthepit · 2 days
You gotta admit he is actually sexy as hell
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anangelinthepit · 2 days
Should I bleach my hair and go red or do blue-black 😁😁
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anangelinthepit · 3 days
Yea I get this stare from my sister slot tbh
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I don’t have a dad but I feel like this is what a “dad stare” looks like 😅
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anangelinthepit · 3 days
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I don’t have a dad but I feel like this is what a “dad stare” looks like 😅
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anangelinthepit · 3 days
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Don’t look at me like that pookie 😭
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anangelinthepit · 4 days
Literally they’re like “peaceful Sunday ? Fuck that “
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Well I was at peace 😭😅
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anangelinthepit · 4 days
Right but look at all the positivity ?!?! I love it. Zero bullshit. Just beautiful men making amazing music ❤️
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Well I was at peace 😭😅
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anangelinthepit · 4 days
Seeing them just makes me happy. Don’t get me wrong they are good looking men but the love I have for them is starting to become more of a “I need to see them happy, if they’re not happy then I’m not happy” 😭
the fact that the crumbs that they just gave us were enough to send me spiraling says a lot about me i think but my life automatically transforms into sunshine and rainbows the immediate second they do anything ever and thats okay
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anangelinthepit · 4 days
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Well I was at peace 😭😅
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anangelinthepit · 4 days
I like it 😌
Without you…
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Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe
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anangelinthepit · 4 days
True true
Without you…
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Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe
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anangelinthepit · 5 days
Psycho or passionate ?😳😂❤️ thank you love
Without you…
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Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe
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anangelinthepit · 5 days
Agreed! Should the reader go home or take her chances out in the real world without Noah?
Without you…
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Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe
63 notes · View notes
anangelinthepit · 5 days
Gotta put him in his place somehow 😭
Without you…
Tumblr media
Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe
63 notes · View notes
anangelinthepit · 5 days
Without you…
Tumblr media
Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe @amelia-acero
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