#I MISS THEM SO MUCH !!!! sooooooon
ksdesign · 1 year
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Patience 🐺
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rennybu · 3 months
Just had your rb of the Solas and mahon piece rock up on my timeline and instantly recognized it as your art without even seeing the account name. The way you depict light and have such a deeply unique and beautiful art style esp when it comes to coloring + lighting has always been such an inspiration and beautiful to me. I've loved your art since early DA:I days and cannot wait to see what you get up to with DA:V. I'm incredibly ill with a fever rn so I'm sorry if this is incomprehensible I am just so incredibly in love with your art and think.u deserve to know mahon and ur art has always been so influential to me as an artist. I hope u have a wonderful day!!!!!
I HELD ONTO THIS FOR A FEW DAYS ANON THANK YOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!! this really really moved me, it was a lovely surprise to read - DA:I inspired me so much and pushed me to use more dramatic lighting and i'm so touched to know that that became a memorable part of my work!!!!! AND TO INSPIRE YOU EVEN A LITTLE!!!! AAAAH!!!
i'm very quietly following the DA:V news and i will admit its my own ocs getting my excitement back up... i missed thedas... opening the old toy box... i hope to draw some new things to bring them up to date sooooooon I MISSED THEEEEEMMMM!! i hope you've enjoyed your week! tysm for your kind message!
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seekerstone · 6 years
there was a cute girl at my bus stop today and i wanted to compliment her outfit bc it was so coordinated and pretty but i didn’t work up the nerve... 😭😭😭
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winterandwords · 3 years
It looks like my brain is taking some time off doing things with words. This honestly almost never happens. I'm ✨obsessive✨ about writing to the point where it often sometimes becomes A Problem™
So, this used to drive me crazy with frustration. I'm a very push-through-it kind of person. This is also A Problem™ and one that I'm actively working on for reasons of physical and mental health. Before, I would admonish myself for not trying hard enough, force myself to do the thing, be utterly miserable, and ultimately end up despising every fucking word I wrote when my mind and my heart weren't in it.
Now I'm trying this new thing where I don't do that and I think about how I got here. I've been working on Project Frequency non-stop for a while, even though I didn't fully intend to get stuck into it just yet. I published a short fiction collection on my website. I finished the last revision on Project Storm way sooner than planned after it came back from my editing folks (still needs proofread, but sooooooon!).
Within the last few weeks, I also started creating regular writing-related content for Instagram, which has included making artsy fartsy microfiction videos where I read things with my own fucking voice OMG. This is legit one of my favourite forms of creative expression right now and I'm learning so much. I gathered three years' worth of microfiction into categories for future posts. And I completely overhauled my entire website.
My mental health has been not amazing. OK, that's a massive understatement. My mental health has been an explosive catastrophic disaster because of stuff relating to serious trauma that I don't want to talk about here. I fell apart in a full-on breakdown kind of way, which is not something I do very often because I live in a perpetual state of denial and dissociation and like to pretend I don't because it makes me feel like I've got my shit together better than I really do.
I contacted a trauma support centre that specialises in the very specific context of my trauma. I realised I wasn't ready to go through that whole process yet and cancelled the initial outreach assessment. Then I felt like a weak piece of shit and hated myself a bit. Then my close family and a very good friend helped me understand that this was an act of self-care and boundary setting and sometimes first steps have to be taken a number of times. So it's OK. Sort of. And I'm doing way better at dealing with the mess in my head with the support of people who love me. And I'm extremely lucky to have those people.
My chronic illness/disability stuff has been a pile of fuckery too, but the more manageable kind of fuckery. Except I've been really struggling with mobility aids lately because I'm basically going in cycles of fucking up my lower body by not using them, then fucking up my upper body by using them. So I found a truly epic rollator/wheelchair hybrid (swear to god, this thing is cyberpunk AF) that is everything I need and actually possible for me to operate even when my stupid hands are being stupid, and now we're trying to work out how to afford it and hopefully I'll be able to get it within the next few months.
Now that I type all that out, I'm not quite so much like "Why am I not feeling creative right now? It's a mystery!" I am burned the fuck out and profoundly exhausted on every level. And I'm doing that new thing I mentioned at the top of this post. I'm accepting it. And I'm letting myself rest. And I think it's good.
Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say hi and I miss you all and I'm still lurking even if I'm not posting as much. Love love love. PS. Sorry if I've missed any tags lately. Please keep tagging me. I don't usually suck this bad at keeping up <3
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alkhale · 4 years
Typetober Day 8: encounters and partings
In light of a Memos update coming veeeerrrryyyyy sooooooon (to the reader who asked for an update because today was their birthday, i’m sorry i wasn’t able to make it :( but i promise i’ll make it up to you! hope you had an amazing one <3)
A flurry of bodies rushed past her legs, nearly toppling her over. Hoku wobbled, grabbing the wooden pillar of the shop beside her before she could fall flat on her face. She scowled, whirling around with one hand curled into a fist. “Hey! Stupid brats, watch where you’re going! You could get someone killed!”
“Sorry, lady!” one of the boys hollered, breaking out into a chorus of laughter as they ran. The smallest one tripped, forcing the other two to brake on their heels. They quickly rushed back, hauling him up by his arms and running away with him in tow.
Hoku stopped at the sight, fist loosening in the air. She felt a little quiet all of a sudden, staring at their backs as the three boys laughed, heads tossed high and smiles bright until they disappeared entirely from sight.
“Hoku, you’re too slow!”
“Put more effort into it!”
“We’re gonna leave you behind!”
“My star, is something wrong?”
Hoku’s fingers uncurled from her fist. She dropped her hand back down to her side, staring after the empty space between the crowd. 
No. She thought back, reaching behind her to touch Mau’s hilt before she shook her head, turning toward the shop and stepping inside. “It’s nothing.”
Hoku fixed the tie under her chin. Her hood stayed well in place, hiding the bright white hair she’d tucked away for the sake of a little stealth. The island ought to be fine for now since she was just picking up supplies before her next raid, but she couldn’t be too careful. I have to think ahead. I have to be smart.
There wasn’t anyone else around to do it for her.
C’mon, it’s not like I haven’t done this solo thing before. Hoku shook her head, making her way to the back counter of the shop. Her order from last night should be ready by now, so she’d be in and out without a hitch. It’s nothing new.
But it was a bit new. When you’d had something for so long and were forced to live without it, everything became new.
You know what you’ve got to do.
“I’m here to pick up an order from last night,” Hoku said to the man at the counter. 
His eyes flickered in recognition at the mark around her eye and he nodded, shuffling to the back. There was another man at the counter, waiting for his own order. Hoku stopped a polite distance away from him, folding her hands in front of her and waiting, trying to map out how she’d make it to the next marine base without setting off an entire armada. It’s located at the center of the island, so it’ll be a little harder to make the runaway. Can I really handle just going in and getting what I need without causing a fuss? Not causing a fuss had never really been the Straw Hat Pirate’s motto. 
Hoku ignored the tightness in her stomach in the heavy weight in her chest. You’re just getting sentimental. Suck it up.
She glanced to the side, watching the other man at the counter inspect bottles of ink in an attempt to distract herself. He was pretty well-dressed for this part of town. Maybe from the rick mansions up the hillside? Hoku blinked once, watching the thick, gloppy substance churn inside. Ugh, that’s not going to sit well on paper. It would probably bleed right through. It’d stain the brush too. Terrible quality. Don’t buy it, man. It’s not worth it.
He ran a gloved thumb over the label, seemingly fixated on it. Hoku’s eyes swept along, squinting suspiciously when his gloved fingers rolled a heavy bottle to the side, showing its brand.
“Pokian ink?” Hoku said out loud in disbelief. “That’s supposed to be Pokian ink?”
The man paused, his fingers halting over the bottle. Hoku flinched in realization, cursing herself as he started to turn toward her. She quickly whipped her gaze down, making sure her hood kept her covered from his line of sight. There’d been a flash of wavy blonde from his hair underneath his top hat, the collar of his dark coat folded down over his carvat. Don’t make a scene, you dumbass.
“I’m sorry,” he said. His voice was amiable, nice and pleasant. She’d almost say charming, but Hoku had the displeasure of meeting plenty of people with personalities that didn’t match the nice tone of their voice. “Did you... are you familiar? With ink, I mean.”
Hoku considered keeping her mouth shut and just coming off as some rude weirdo. He probably wouldn’t bother her if she just kept quiet and let it go.
“What do you need it for?” Hoku said. She should stab herself in the foot. She really should. “Just for writing?”
“That would be ideal,” he said, sounding a bit relieved for the conversation. He turned his entire body to her, opening up his body language but Hoku kept her gaze forward, refusing to turn her face. “I... I was looking a bit into ink that might be good for painting, though I’m not very good at it.”
“You should buy paint then, not ink,” Hoku said automatically. He seemed a bit surrpised. “If, I mean, you’re going to paint. You can paint with ink, but they’re different for a reason.”
Hoku pointed a finger to the jar in his hands, not turning once. “That’s not good quality for either. Real Pokian ink doesn’t look like that. It’ll have a smooth, thick texture, depending on what it’s for. It might even seem clear sometimes, pinkish. Usually it can be found in black though, but you can tell through a jar by the way it slides when you turn it. Should move like blood.”
“I see,” he said, sounding a little amazed. Hoku nodded, curt. “I... You’re very knowledgable. Are you well-versed with Pokian crafts?”
“...I know a bit,” Hoku said, giving herself a pat on the back for not saying anything else. “Just trust me on this though.”
“I will then,” he said warmly. Hoku blinked, a bit pleased by his compliance. “Sorry,” he laughed. “Do I seem gullible?”
Yikes. Am I that easy to read? “No,” she said, “I’m glad you trust me.”
“It does seem like someone who wouldn’t know the truth wouldn’t have much to say,” he said, a little sly as he dragged his finger down the ink bottle and set it down. “Do you see fraud like this often?”
“Too much,” Hoku said instantly. She pressed her lips into a tight line at his boyish laugh. “Just... Just know most real Pokian works won’t typically say they are.”
“I��ll remember that,” he said with a small laugh. “Do you have anymore tips?”
“Not really,” Hoku forced herself to say. “If you’ve got a good eye, you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
Hoku tried to stifle her curiosity. “...you a collector of some kind?”
“No, nothing of the sorts,” he said quietly. There was something a bit sad to his tone, a little lost. Hoku raised a brow, turning a tiny bit. “I’m... I’m fond of the culture, I suppose. It... It feels like knowing more will help me find something I’ve lost.”
“...oh, yeah?” Hoku said, turning a tiny bit more. He hummed, soft in response. “What did you lose?”
“...something very important,” he said quietly. Hoku fell silent. “I wasn’t able to... no, I’m going to try to think a little more positively. I’m still looking. I have to keep looking.”
Hoku said nothing, keeping her eyes forward, hoping a bit for his desperate sake he’d find what he was looking for too. Lost something important, huh. 
Her chest ached.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” he said politely, reaching his hand over to catch her attention. Hoku half turned. The man behind the counter was returning with her bag as well. “I... Feel free to say otherwise, but if I were to be looking for someone of Pokian descent—not for bad intentions! More... more for a specific person, do you know what would be the best way to find them?”
Hoku debated the words on her tongue. Half of her had a mind to just grab her bag over the counter and leave. He seems earnest though. His questions were weird and she didn’t like people poking around into Pokian business with unsavory intentions. But is it even my business if it’s just one person he’s looking for? What if it’s an old flame or a friend or maybe even family? Distant? Who knows?
She didn’t really owe him anything either.
“It depends on the person, you never really know unless you’ve got the right information,” Hoku decided. She grabbed her bag across the counter, already sensing his disappointment in waves. From the corner of her eye she saw his shoulders slump, hands falling down in front of him. “But if it’s just one Pokian in particular you’re looking for...”
Hoku lightly tapped the side of her head on the outside of her hood. He paused. “You should look for their coming of age mark. If you remember what it looks like or where they had theirs... you can’t miss them.”
“...I’ll remember that,” he said, sounding a bit more hopeful, a little... a little curious? “I... Thank you, miss.”
“You’re welcome,” Hoku said simply. She threw her bag over her shoulder. “Good luck.”
“Thank you—“
The doors to the shop slammed open, smacking into either wall. The shopkeep fled to the back of the store and Hoku froze, staring at the entrance as three marines searched before their eyes landed on her.
“There she is!”
Son of a bitch! The man beside Hoku froze, growing rigid as he raised one hand. Hoku whipped her head to the side.
She didn’t hesitate, taking off. The marines flooded into the store and the man at the counter turned, his eyes following her in wide surprise as she jumped onto a table and leapt through the window feet first, boots smashing through the glass and flinging herself outside.
The wind ripped her hood back. Paper white hair spilled out, brushing over her face.
He stopped, frozen.
Hoku ran, ducking into an alleyway as the marines tried to tail after her. If there’s a few, there’s more. They’re like cockroaches. She clambored onto a roof, ducking as a group ran past. She quickly took out her brush, drawing onto the thatching and pulling the bird free from the wood. Hoku blew across it, mumbling under her breath as it expanded, unfurling its wings with a resounding flap.
“Excuse me!” Hoku whirled around in surprise. The guy from the shop? “Excuse me! Wait! Please, wait a second—”
Hoku’s eyes caught the flash of blue and white uniforms. She shook her head, jumping onto her bird and taking off. It beat its massive wings once, shaking its beak in protest before it took off into the sky, leaving everyone behind.
“Wait, please! Wait! Wait! Please, wait—“
Hoku didn’t look back.
Hoku stopped. Her bird continued to fly beneath her, taking them further and further away from the marines. She blinked, mind whirring as she quietly turned behind her, staring in confusion.
“Guess I heard wrong,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “Let’s go.”
Her bird banked beneath her, taking them far, far away.
“There he is! Hack! I found him! Where did you run off to—huh?” Koala’s eyes went wide, hands flying up into the air as she stopped just short of giving her friend a playful shove. “I—oh my goodness, are you okay?”
He sat, slumped over the top of the roof. His hands hung limply in his lap, gloved fingers clinging to a loose leaf of paper he’d tugged hastily out of his breast pocket. He stared out into the sky, looking forlorn and lost.
“What happened?” Koala asked, crouching down beside him. “Are you alright?”
“...I,” he stopped, looking down at the paper in his hands. “I don’t really know.”
Koala frowned, lightly rubbing her hand against his back. He ran his thumb across the carefully inked marking, curved like half a heart and smeared at just the bottom, like someone had bumped into them in the middle of it.
Sabo gently folded it back up, tucking it into his pocket, right beside his heart.
Was it even you?
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ask-sou-hiyori · 3 years
Important Lore!
This post will contain very important details about this blog. It’s highly recommended that newcomers read this in order to understand aspects that will be mentioned throughout the blog!
It may be long since so much has happened and Mod Soup wants the audience to understand as much as they can, but also lore is very tasty so there’s that too.
Everything will be listed underneath the Keep Reading as to not clog up the current events, but will remain pinned and be updated when needed~!
(MAIN: @soupietime )
(Disclaimer: if you've seen and read before I was involved in the Takeover event and all that, please note that the previous Dad Midori stuff is NON-CANON to this blog, it makes me, the mod, quite uncomfortable. thank u and here's a snail 🐌 \^o^/)
(...Catboy Shin event was pretty funny though not gonna lie)
(Added fact: I HAVE NOT PLAYED 3-1B YET-)
(Keys: MILL / More Information Listed Later)
Name: Shin Tsukimi / Sou Hiyori (previously)
Age: 22
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 106 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual (male leaning)
Gin Ibushi (@askgin-ibushi) - Familial love. His only son, officially adopted before the beginning of the “#up the tower” (MILL) HE LOVES HIS EPIC SOOOOOOON.
Sara Chidouin (@ask-chidouin-sara) - Didn’t pay much mind at first due to lack of trust, but soon developed a protective nature towards the girl. Adoption material?
Sou Hiyori/Midori/Spark (@ask-sou-midori) - Unaware of his new name (Spark). He has heavily conflicting feelings due to the effects of “#event: blended” (MILL) but currently does not forgive him for his actions due to the amount of trauma caused to both him and his family. He’s afraid of this man, yet misses him greatly. Seeing him brings him immense pain, but also a strange comfort. He is unaware whenever he relapses with Hiyori.
Zinnia (@askgin-ibushi) - Strong security guard lady… kind and protective. Good for comfort and cuddling. Soft.
Leidora Margarati (@askgin-ibushi) - Resident Doctor. Helped Shin realize that Midori/Spark gave him severe brain damage with the “blending” and everything in his blended life was a lie. Shin is grateful for her in telling him the truth, but as a result Shin has many conflicting feelings about everything and himself, plenty of migraines and headaches to go along with it all. Leidora is the one helping Shin heal from the severe trauma caused.
Shin Tsukimi (literally me) - ……
(There are various other blogs out there, but Shin has not made much of a relationship with them yet. These blogs are who Shin has interacted with relatively a lot and thus formed relationships and thoughts about them)
Every character from these blogs are from their own YTTD universe. Through the power of Tumblr and ask blogs, a rift was torn and brought these characters together.
Though… Gin and Midori/Spark have been known to be from the same universe.
Revealed during “#hospital arc”, Shin is from Gin and Midori’s universe as well. It’s been believed he perished due to an act to save Kanna in the second main game, and then killed after an escape attempt. However, that was proved false after a conversation between Shin and Spark, Shin showing him his abundance of gunshot scars from how he was “killed” in the second main game, Spark immediately recognized the scars, and thus… the reveal has been made. Gin is aware of this fact as well after Shin returned to the hospital, the two now closer than ever.
There had been a Sara in the three's universe. Gin had taken his own Sara with his sacrifice win, but she had eventually offed herself, leaving Gin as the only survivor before finding out that Shin survived as well.
Kanna is a sister to Shin. Shin is a brother to Kanna.
Gin and Shin are family :) Father and son
(NOTE: If you are going to read through the tags of the events, MAKE SURE to read through the notes of any interactions, as very important parts of the events are played out through interactions between the blogs. It’s not only through the asks of the audience. Plus it's easier than scrolling through to find every single interaction reblog)
#event: takeover (@askgin-ibushi)
The event that brought us together
Part 1 synopsis
Part 2 synopsis
You may read these synopses on the event in the links above, or you may read through the whole tag on Gin’s blog :D
#event: blended
(TW: mental manipulation and toxic relationships)
After the events of Takeover, Shin was found by Gin in… well, Gin’s room. Midori manipulated Shin before getting chased away and told Shin to stay in the room until he came back. Obviously, Midori did not come back. Shin only left the house after getting a few answers from Gin (who came up to his room shortly after Takeover) about what happened, and Gin falling asleep. Snzz.
Soon after, Shin gets a call from Midori again, and… surprise surprise… Midori manipulated Shin once again and got the man to follow him into a warehouse, putting a machine (that was similar to the one Midori put on Gin previously) onto Shin’s head despite the man’s loud and frantic protests, “blending” his brain and turning him into his own “perfect Shin”, which was a Shin that absolutely loved and adored the man, doing anything he would tell him.
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Midori, using Shin’s totally real love and adoration to his advantage, sent him to Gin with the intent to lure and kidnap him. After all… Gin was part of Shin’s “family”, it would be wrong to just leave him alone… While Shin had a “family” mindset, Midori wanted to kidnap the kid solely due to the fact that Gin was the “winner” of their death game via sacrifice. Midori had the job of collecting the winner and making them join Asunaro. Shin and Midori’s plan succeeded, the two kidnapping both Gin and Hinako (she was there too with Gin. Asuga was also there but she was knocked tf out so yeah).
After kidnapping Gin, Midori had blended him as well, finally creating their “perfect little family”.
...All was going “well” until Gin decided to fight Midori to protect Hinako. That soon resulted in Gin getting stabbed by Midori, and Midori’s head getting bashed onto the ground. Due to the blunt force trauma, Midori developed something similar to a conscience, now realizing what wrong he’s done and a will to assist Shin after seeing him panic over a bleeding out Gin.
They eventually arrive to a hospital, Gin getting the treatment he deserves, Shin getting observed by Leidora and figuring out what Midori has done to Shin’s brain, Sara getting blended as well, but only to erase her memories, and Midori leaving after Shin confronted the man about what Leidora has told him. Midori finally leaves Shin’s life…
...Or does he?
#up the tower
(TW: suicide attempt)
Days after entering the hospital, Shin constantly has headaches and conflicting feelings about everything he’s ever known. He thinks about what was fabricated, and what’s real. At times, he even has trouble differentiating the two. Shin’s blending had made him basically addicted to Midori like a drug. With the lack of Midori around because of Leidora’s advice, Shin goes into a withdrawal over the man, and soon develops hallucinations over him. The hallucination is tame, but starts leading Shin out of the room, making him follow him all the way up to the roof, ignoring those who stand in his way.
In reality, the hallucination had only left the room, disappearing right after. It was Shin himself who had decided to make his way to the roof. Before he had left the room, Shin was on a call with Midori… Midori found out about the hallucinations and took that as Shin missing him dearly, his “error” fixing temporarily and the man driving over to come collect Shin. When Shin mentioned over the phone about walking “up the tower” to wait for Midori, then jumping off to land in his arms in a false fantasy, Midori’s error picked up again and panicked, now rushing to the hospital.
Once reaching the top, followed by Sara and Leidora, Shin stood over the edge, remaining there as the others spoke to him, trying to convince him not to jump. Shin revealed he's been having so many problems with himself: He's weak, he's awful, he's a horrible parent, he could've prevented all of this, and various other bad thoughts about himself, and then the constant pain he's felt since the blending, which has only gotten worse overtime, was the breaking point for him, he just couldn't handle it anymore. The pain was unbearable.
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It had only calmed down once Gin made his way to the roof, bleeding due to opening his injuries up again while walking up to the roof after anons told him about the situation. The moment Shin took notice of Gin and heard his voice, he realized why he's still here. It would make him even more of an awful person to jump and leave him alone once again. Soon enough, Shin staggered off the edge of the roof and embraced Gin.
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This arc ended with Shin, Gin, Sara, and Leidora going back into the hospital. Midori had been watching this entire time, the sight of Shin's suicide attempt making him leave once more, realizing it was his fault that the attempt even occurred.
#hospital arc
Several months had gone by since Gin, Sara, and Shin had entered the hospital. Gin's being cared for his injury while it scars up, Sara is there due to her blending, and Shin is mainly there on a close watch due to his suicide attempt, while also there healing from his blending.
Shin relapses, and escapes the hospital to go see Midori again, breaking his room's window and hopping out and landing on mattresses that an anon laid out during "#up the tower". The whole hospital is in a panic at his disappearance, especially since Shin was in the mental ward.
Shin goes to Midori's place, and all seems normal until Midori figures out Shin broke out to see him again. Midori wants to take him back, but Shin asks for Dunkin Donuts first, something to eat since the man hasn't been eating right since the hospital. They get their food, and thanks to an employee commenting about the two being "lovers", Midori quickly pays and drives away as fast as he could, ending up in the woods. The two lay down on the ground for a while and have a few talks. Only when some anons give Shin steps on how to run away, Midori brings Shin back into the car and starts driving back to the hospital.
...They don't get that far, as some teasing occurs and Midori's "error" fixes itself for a brief moment, and harasses Shin. Shin eventually kicks the man in the nuts which led to Midori threatening not to take Shin back. Shin, of course, freaks out.
Eventually the error returns, and only with a few words of encouragement from Shin does Midori start driving Shin back. Once they arrive, Midori gives Shin a piggyback ride since the man's body is in immense pain. Once they get close enough to the hospital, Shin gives Midori a goodbye hug and a thank you for being relatively good, and finally returns to the hospital.
Shin had reached the hospital, but his legs had quickly given out, causing him to fall face first onto the ground. A security guard, Zinnia, was the first to find him and carry him back into the hospital, where they were met with an upset Leidora, demanding that Shin speak about his whole breakout. Shin... couldn't speak, he was too tired and absolutely exhausted. After Zinnia managed to temporarily make the doctor leave, she brought him back to his new room (no windows this time) and let him rest.
Soon, Gin had peeked into the room, both him and Shin glad to see each other again. They had a comforting moment before Shin decided to talk to Gin about what happened during their game. Gin, still thinking he's the only survivor, asked Shin about his own game. Eventually, Shin revealed to the boy that he was not the only survivor after all. When Shin showed Gin his gunshot scars, Gin finally realized his dad was his own Shin all this time, and soon ran out of the room in a panic, in despair over the fact that he had "killed" Shin's Kanna, whom was a little sister to Shin, because of his sacrifice win, even though Shin nearly died in order to protect her. Shin's act to protect Kanna was futile.
Zinnia to the rescue! She caught the young boy in her arms, as well as Shin, who had been chasing after Gin. She brought the two back into Shin's room and told them to talk it out like normal people. And so.. they did. It ended well, and now the two are sleeping so soundly together in each others embrace like father and son. Zinnia sits with the two, watching over them to protect them. Snzz.
#event: shin ai
After returning Shin back to the hospital, Midori had a mini breakdown over the situation. In order to attempt to cope, he went back home and brought out something he found in his closet before… a monitor. After hours and hours of trying to fix it back up, it finally worked, and what appeared on the screen was an AI. An AI of Shin, in fact. At first it was incredibly awkward and highly uncomfortable for the AI, since all Midori did was stare at him. But after asking question after question, Midori finally spoke to the AI.
The two conversed and became friends! More "interaction points" were programmed into the AI, per AI's request, and all was chill until an anon started trying to tell the AI what Midori has done in the past. Shin AI knew the man had did bad things, he's lived through so much of that before he had shut down for a long time. But… Midori caught on and finally told the AI what he's done. The AI was mortified at the blending and kidnapping and the like, but had grown some sympathy towards the man. After all, the AI knew about Midori's "error", and how he wanted to change, but he wasn't sure if he deserved to.
The AI kept on reassuring Midori, supporting him the best he can from now on. To pull him away from being Sou Hiyori and allow more room for change, the AI even gave him a new name… Spark.
Spark intended for his gay thoughts to lessen after turning the AI back on but y'know. That only caused him more gay thoughts.
Not too long after… the AI received an email, glimpses of Sou Hiyori flashing every so often on the email, as well as text telling the AI that He'll see him soon. The AI is panicking… but what more could he do about it?
//To be updated soon//
Start of the blog
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After "#event: blended"
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Festival event :) (#event: festival)
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"#hospital arc"
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(I do not have a sprite made just yet, however, he's wearing an oversized hospital gown with small shorts underneath, as well as the scarf he always wears. There are some eyebags under his eyes, and his eyes themselves still has remnants of the swirls, caused by the blending)
"#event: shin ai"
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(Disclaimer: All art/edits shown in this post belong to me)
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luxekook · 4 years
[teaser] zero gravity ✰ namseok
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✰ pairing: namjoon x hoseok x reader
✰ genre: space au, f2l, angst, smut, crack, fluff
✰ summary: being the captain of a spacecraft is all fun and games until you catch the only two others on board hooking up and you’re in love with both of them. it’s only natural that you act out - just a little...
✰ teaser word count: 0.8k
✰ teaser warnings: 18+, cursing, established mxm, dom/sub themes, grinding, implied smut [dirty talk, voyeurism (aka the reader listens to namseok gettin it on), oral (f receiving)]
✰ banner by: the amazing rose @jeonggukingdom​
✰ commissioned by: THE LOML ATLAS @miamorjoon​ hope you prepare urself hehehehe
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You arrive at the navigation deck and sigh in disappointment at the absence of Hoseok who sometimes monitors the flight course during the night. Instead, you activate your ship’s Responsive Electronic Environmental Systems Engine - simply called R.E.E.S.E. for short. “Hey, R.E.E.S.E. Status report, please.”
“Hello, Captain (y/n). It is my esteemed honor to deliver a status update to you at this hour. I have been getting so lonely, you see. Usually Pilot Hoseok stays up with me, but tonight he has abandoned me for—”
“R.E.E.S.E.!” You groan. This is typical R.E.E.S.E., going off about something trivial in a dramatic fashion.
“Oh my. I have done it again. My apologies, Captain (y/n). All systems operating as normal. Shields activated and secure. Navigation set on nightly autopilot course.”
“Thank you, R.E.E.S.E.” You gaze out of the front windows for a moment; the view never gets old. Countless stars surround you with planets of every color scattered in between. Sometimes, you would see an occasional ship passing by, but right now there is not one to be seen. 
You deactivate R.E.E.S.E. and head back to your captain’s quarters. Walking through the control room once more, you pass through the common quarters and finally enter the hallway containing your shared bathroom, both Hoseok and Namjoon’s respective quarters, and then your own at the end. The hallway is dim, illuminated only by the slight glow of the floor beneath you. 
You move slowly, careful not to wake either of the boys.
And then you hear it.
Your first thought is porn as you pause in your tracks, standing stock still as the sounds of muffled groans and slapped skin seep through the sliver of space under the metal door leading to Hoseok’s quarters. Is he really jerking it right now, you think as you shamelessly creep closer to get a better idea of whatever - or whoever - is going down right now.
“Fuck, give it to me harder.”
Yup, that’s Hoseok all right. You place your palm on his door, dirty visuals racing through your mind. Who is he imagining? What you wouldn’t give for him to be thinking of you...
“Oh yeah, I’ll fucking give it to you hard, baby. Just how I know you like it.”
Your breath catches in your throat as you slap your palm over your mouth. Holy shit. Holy fuck. Holy hell in a handbasket. That’s Namjoon. Namjoon is there with Hoseok, fucking Hoseok.
Your imagination goes wild - as does your heart and your thoughts. How long has this been going on? How have you missed this? Are you that oblivious? Or are they just that good at hiding their relationship? Why haven’t they told you? Do they not trust you as much as they say they do? Do they think you won’t accept them if you knew?
It’s those final thoughts that hurt the most.
How is it possible that you know the intricate plans of an uprising occurring on a planet light years away, but you don’t know your only two crew members are hooking up?
You somehow manage to soundlessly continue down the corridor to your quarters. How does someone respond to overhearing the two men that you’re desperately in love with having sex? And just steps away from you at that?
All of your training never prepared you for this moment. You sit in your empty bed, gazing out the large window that takes up the majority of your quarters’ back wall. Emotions roll over you like waves. Arousal. Grief. Shame. Longing. 
It isn’t that you are upset at them for being with one another. If anyone in the galaxies deserves love, it is Hoseok and Namjoon. You are more upset with yourself for naively thinking that they might have had feelings for you, that they might have loved you back.
There had been that fateful night at a bar on Xyreus when the three of you had gotten just a little too drunk on Xybrew and had fooled around. You still remember the feeling of Hoseok grinding into you on the bar’s tiny dance floor, his hands wandering across your body, driving you insane. You still remember the taste of Namjoon’s lips as he pushed you up against the wall of the small alley behind the bar, his fingers digging into your ass as he pushed his hips into yours. You still remember how Hoseok watched you with fire in his eyes as Namjoon sunk to his knees and—
Fuck, you can’t go there. You can’t revisit that memory because it only ends in disappointment. 
“A drunken mistake,” They had called it the next morning before you could get a word in edgewise. “A threat to our crew’s dynamic.”
What a joke. 
It turns out that their only regret must have been including you.
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COMING SOOOOOOON [later this week uwu]
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towerfandoms · 4 years
ZZZ I HAVE BEEN DROWNING IN HOMEWORKS SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY WJSBJSJD BUT I'M HERE NOW and AAAA I'm glad i was somewhat able to make your day feel a bit lighter? Brighter? Zzz idk it's late rn, got no brain cells to think abut grammar. But yes! Sachi and a lot of characters have potential, I wish we could've seen more of them at least also Hockey still hasn't shown much of his abilities because if he was able to ward off some passengers in the floor he was living in before then.. 👁️✨
HI DWW BB. hah you still have school can’t relate 🙈🙈 but fr fr I hope you don’t stress out too much and take breaks 😡😡😡 I missed you but now we can continue thirsting 😌😌 I cant wait to see hockey’s full abilities and with the war coming 😳😳 it’s gonna be sooooooon. Like with the war and shit manz gonna have to pull his weight soon ✋😔 man you ever just stop and think damn I love Sachi kinda miss him ngl :(((
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artificialqueens · 6 years
cirque d'amour - chapter six (trixya) - cal
A/N: tw: drug addiction
I’M SORRY Y'ALL IT’S ANOTHER SHORTY (by that i mean it’s another short chapter)
i will post chapter 7 soooOoOon.
i haven’t wrote chapter 8 yet though, so y'all may need to gather your patience.
love love love xox
thanks elliot as always <3
“There you are!”
Trixie had been sat on the stone wall for so long that her ass had gone completely numb. She looked up to see Courtney, flushed and beautiful, gliding towards her.
“We were looking for you,” Courtney stammered, her breath laced with liquor. “You missed Bianca and Katya! You should’ve seen Bianca, she did her infamous Rolodex of Hate where she spews insults while riding a unicycle.”
Trixie couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows at that, feeling sorry she had missed it. “Yeah, uh. I’ll come in now.”
Courtney’s brows knitted together, noting Trixie’s slump. “What’s wrong?”
Trixie hesitated. She didn’t know Courtney that well - and she realised with a sudden, horrible pang, that she didn’t really know any of them - how could she possibly express her turbulent feelings, especially to someone in Katya’s family?
She shook her head, forcing a wobbly smile. “I’m fine. Just…drunk.”
“I feel ya,” Courtney chortled, offering a hand to Trixie.
The pair entered the club again, the lights now a soft glow above them. People were milling around the bar, chattering excitedly about what they had just seen. Trixie noticed that most of the Cirque performers were at the far end of the bar, and some were talking to various members of the crowd. Trixie’s eyes hesitantly found Katya among them - she was talking to a tall and leggy girl, her silver hair falling to her waist.
“Who’s that Katya’s talking to?” Trixie tried to sound nonchalant.
Courtney smiled. “Katya’s always talking to some girl after a show.”
Trixie tried to swallow the lethal jealousy unexpectedly rising within her. She was surprised by the intensity of her feelings, having not really noticed Katya in that way before tonight - or she thought so - before their kiss. Trixie’s stomach somersaulted at the memory, which confused her further.
“Listen,” she hissed at Courtney. “I need a top-up.”
She stumbled towards the bar, her eyes trained dangerously on the exchange between Katya and the ethereal stranger. Katya had her head thrown back, laughing wildly. The taller girl was smirking, so close to her now that their arms were touching.
Trixie ordered a glitter bomb, her signature shot, tearing her eyes away from the flirtatious dance between Katya and the other girl.
Trixie stared into the swirling mass of stars in her shot glass - it reminded her of the bath bomb Willam had gotten her from Lush for her birthday, that had turned her bath into a galaxy. Trixie felt an intense stab of guilt - Willam.
“Fuck Willam,” Trixie said, not for the first time tonight. She drained her glass, signalling for a second round at the bar staff.
After a couple more glitter bombs, Trixie felt more able to handle the thunderstorm of feelings inside her. She realised at that moment that Violet was performing her close of the show - her perfect body suspended in mid-air and spinning gracefully. Trixie could just make her out on the stage through the blur of her intoxication.
When Violet had bowed for the crowd’s appreciation, Latrice ambled back onto the stage. All eyes were trained on him, and Trixie realised that the Cirque performers had disappeared from the bar.
“Ladies and gentleman,” he smiled, his voice broken by a soft lisp. “That -”
He paused, joined suddenly by the rest of the Cirque, who spun, kicked, and danced their way onto the stage.
Milk skidded under Latrice and a burst of flame erupted from his mouth and into the stale air. The crowd gasped.
“-Was the Cirque of L.A.”
The room erupted into a cacophony of cheers, screams, and applause. The Cirque joined hands and bowed before taking their leave from the stage. Katya was the last to leave, and for a fleeting moment, her eyes met Trixie’s.
Trixie felt her breath catch.
Barely an hour later, the club was in full-swing.
It was a custom that the Cirque was followed by an all-out riotous party, even in a different state. The performers were mingling with their admirers on the heated dance floor, enjoying their moment of fame.
Trixie was still sat at the bar with a bulging lower lip. Her sulk had only intensified as she watched the rest of the group sashay around the dance floor. Courtney and even Bianca had tried to coax her into joining them, but she politely refused and painted on a false smile.
Trixie knew she wasn’t doing herself - or her mood - any favours, but she couldn’t help herself. She was ruminating, and she was wallowing in it. It was something she was quite skilled at.
She watched as Katya danced closely to the girl who was the current focus of her night. It was like watching a train wreck - even though she knew she should tear her gaze away, she simply couldn’t stop staring, despite the destruction of her insides.
Trixie continued to watch as - oh god - the girl leaned her face towards Katya’s. Katya rose to greet the kiss, wrapping her arms around her waist.
That was enough for Trixie.
She spun herself off the stool, and stumbled clumsily towards the bathroom.
Once inside, she clung to the sink with a shuddering breath. Her eyes rose to her reflection in the mirror. She looked ratchet. Her eyes were bloodshot, her hair in a wild tangle. Trixie sighed, before running the cold water over her hands. She had cupped a handful to throw on her face when the door opened.
Katya stepped inside. She froze when she noticed Trixie and she lingered in the doorway, uncertainty clouding her face.
Trixie steeled herself to remain quiet, to treat Katya with complete indifference. She continued to run water over her hands, revelling in it’s coldness.
Katya stepped towards her.
“Trix,” she breathed, her gaze burning into Trixie’s face. Trixie fought the urge to greet her eyes.
A pause.
“I was a drug addict.”
Trixie was startled at the outburst - a sentence like that was the last thing she was expecting Katya to say. She dared to look at her, but Katya’s eyes were downcast, her hands linked together and fidgeting.
“That’s…how I came to join the Cirque.” Katya heaved a sigh. “You asked me - how, when we were hiking and - well. That’s how.”
Trixie was unsure of what to say. Her venomous irritation with Katya wilted away into nothing. Instead, she felt hollowness in it’s place.
“I’ve never told anyone.” Katya’s words were choked with emotion now. “Roy…he found me. I was - taking a lot of shit. And by a lot - I mean a lot.”
Katya pressed her fingers into the corners of her eyes. “I was homeless. Roy, he - he took me in. He rescued me. He took me to the Cirque. I would be dead if it wasn’t for him.”
There was a deafening silence following Katya’s admission. Trixie was at a loss as to how she should respond - she was racking her brain for the right words to say to comfort her, but she came up blank every time.
“I need you to understand something.”
“What?” Trixie whispered, her head reeling with everything she was hearing.
Katya held her breath.
“I can’t be your - your drunken crutch for when you’re hurt over Willam.”
Trixie’s heart hurt.
“Because -”
Trixie took a tentative step towards Katya, raw emotion threatening to spill out of her very pores. Katya looked up at her, meeting her gaze.
“I-I can’t risk …falling for someone, who loves someone else.”
Trixie gawped. “You’re …falling for me?”
“I don’t know.” Katya’s hand was rubbing her face. “Maybe.”
Trixie wasn’t sure what to think. Her thoughts were all clashing against each other like ocean waves in a storm - she couldn’t make sense of anything.
“-so,” Katya muttered. “I wanted to tell you so that…if tonight was…the start of something, you knew about me. Or if it was just a means of distraction, it could stop there.” Katya looked crestfallen, as if she already knew the answer. Yesterday Trixie would’ve known what her feelings were - but after the stars colliding together around her when she kissed Katya, now she wasn’t so sure.
“I-” it was Trixie’s turn to stammer, her mind in total chaos. “Don’t -”
“It’s okay.” Katya smiled sadly. “Trix. It’s okay.”
Trixie clung to a baited breath, cursing herself for her inadequacies.
“I better get back to Pearl,” Katya mumbled halfheartedly, turning towards the door. Trixie watched her go - her mouth dry, and her head pounding.
The Cirque tumbled into their apartment in the early hours, still buzzing with the energy of the successful night. Latrice had gathered them all in the tiny kitchen whilst he poured them each a glass of champagne.
“A night cap,” he chortled happily, handing out the thin glasses. Trixie took hers gratefully, the bubbles tickling her nose as she raised it to her lips.
“I wanted to tell all o’ y'all,” Latrice announced, his booming voice impossibly louder under the influence of whatever he had been drinking. “That I am so proud. I think that was one of our best performances.”
“I’ll second that,” Milk laughed. He still smelt deliciously of smoke.
“Cheers!” Violet raised her own glass, and the rest of the group followed suit. Trixie glanced over at the ever-silent Katya, sipping her own glass in the corner - orange juice.
Pearl leaned beside her, leggy and fae. She reminded Trixie of a doe - she was incredibly beautiful, and she wore a little silver headband across her forehead with a tiny crescent moon blazoned on the front. I bet Katya loves that, Trixie thought icily.
“Well, I’m off to bed,” Trixie announced, feigning a yawn. She wanted to escape having to look at the pair of them for any longer than she had to. “Well done, everyone.”
“Night, Mattel!” Courtney hiccoughed, and the rest of the Cirque gave her a collective drunken wave.
Trixie hurried into her room, pushing the door shut with a little too much vigour. A sigh broke apart her chest, and she threw herself onto her bed.
Weeks of pain, confusion and turmoil escaped her as she began to sob into her hands. She thought of Willam cheating on her - and how she had now cheated back. She thought of Katya, and her sudden apparent besotted-ness with her. What did it mean? What did the kiss mean? Katya - Katya was falling for her. Maybe.
And what about Trixie?
Maybe she was falling back.
After a few more moments of halfhearted back and forth in her mind, Trixie fell into a drunken sleep.
Trixie stepped off the tour bus, exhaustion threatening to overwhelm her.
She had mixed feelings about her return to L.A - part of her was relieved to leave the bizarre turn of events across the state lines, but she knew now that she would have to deal with her Willam situation - the Willam situation that had become much more complicated, thanks to her behaviour in Chicago.
She and Katya had barely spoke for the entirety of the trip. Trixie was riddled with guilt, embarrassment, and a longing for the friendship they had before. She was unsure if this was possible now, but she could hope. She would hope.
Trixie hauled her suitcase through the dust, coughing against the clouds that rose from her scuffling feet. Milk stooped out of nowhere, and relieved her of her burden. “Here,” Milk offered kindly, lifting the case into his muscled arms.
Trixie smiled at him. “Thanks, Milk.”
They had started towards Milk’s neon camper when Trixie heard a familiar voice clear their throat.
She turned around with surprise to see Willam standing before them. Her lips were pursed, and she was clinging to what looked like a rolled up newspaper with a clenched fist. “Trixie,” Willam’s voice was wobbling dangerously.
Trixie had initially started to approach Willam with a bright smile - Willam's demeanour made her stop dead in her tracks. Her eyebrows knitted together with confusion and concern.
Willam began to unroll the newspaper, and Trixie caught sight of a large, bold headline:
“Care to explain this?” Willams voice was like black ice as she handed Trixie the paper.
Beneath the headline was a collection of photos. Most were of the Cirque in action - of Kennedy prancing like a cat across the tight rope, of Violet hanging gracefully from her hoop - and then…
Trixie gasped.
The final picture depicted the outside of the club, where two blonde heads were bent together in a kiss for all to see.
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mochi-peaches · 6 years
HI GUYS oh gosh i’ve ALMOST!!!!! finished my final assignment 😪 i wanna share it with you guys so i’ll do it under a read more dsofnefvdcn i’m really hoping that this does well the past month i’ve been working my ass off to get it done... but hiii i’ll be back normal-ish by next week maybe? and with this last assignment means i’ve finished university... frick... i do have a bunch of exhibition stuff to do in june though but i’ll be kinda here wdjfnefkjn ANYWAY!!! I MISSED U ALL I HOPE I CAN TALK TO YOU GUYS MORE :(((
if ur interested in wtf i’ve been doing dwjvnijef u can check it out in the read more if not hi i’ll be back to annoy u all sooooooon (also btw warning  it’s SUPER LONG HHHHH CRAP)
OKAY......... LET’S GET TO IT...................... hhhh where do i start askfndfksncl okay this is my ‘major project’ i was set it in february but only ~properly started to work on it the last month or so bc i was doing an EXTENDED dissertation which meant i was doing 10,000 words instead of 6000... which i did so well on i’m so happy i’m a lil annoyed i was 2 marks off a first but anyway!!!! ONTO THIS...
at the end we have a exhibition at university, AND we’re going to a huge graduate exhibition in london which i’m so nervous about there’s gonna be tonnes of people seeing my work and being all pretentious and judging me am i gonna cry? probably yes.
i’ll try and explain as best i can... i’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from various sources to explain the idea it’s kinda???? mad adjsfkjfc or as my lecturer said “it’s either mad or ingenious” which. if i’m honest. is true dsoivnendc
okay... i had this idea originally about how the landscape is written about in literature and conveyed in words vs. what is actually seen by our own eyes? and talking about that sort of relationship between storytelling/the written word and visual language/the art of seeing??? and looking at it through myths and legends!!! bc i’m a slut for mythology :/
then the idea progressed and i was looking at the landscape in terms of mythical creatures, like looking at it as if i was david attenborough if he was talking about a dragon’s lair wdofnefndklx... so it became that BUT
as i was researching and having tutorials it occurred to me about the ‘four classical elements’ yes we’re talking avatar the last airbender kinda inspo here ladies!!!! and sort of? breaking the landscape down to those components, as well as relating those elements to the mythical creatures (because some mythical creatures are associated with particular elements!!!!) 
SO.... HERE COMES SOME MADNESS........ i was looking up archetypal imagery and symbols and characters (and in relation to psychology and literature - check out comparative mythology and jung’s archetypes it’s rly interesting!!!! fuck freud and his theories tho) - and one thing that jumped out at me was the concept of the world tree/the tree of life (which is also a biological term adapted by charles darwin and his theory of evolution) and how it links the heavens to earth and the netherworld... well. in my interpretation, i’ve created a sort of family tree/phylogenetic tree... which has the tree of life at the top, the second row is the four classical elements, the third row being landscapes that also represent those elements and describing them as habitats for specific mythical creatures which can be found being depicted across multiple cultures and religions - such as dragons, fairies, and mermaids!!!!
it’s also influenced by ideas in science, history, spirituality, psychology, philosophy (and of course photography bc that’s what i study LMAO)... for example the theory of everything plays a part - like these notions that everything in the universe is connected - which is also a similar concept of qi, in chinese tradition which is the “life force” or “energy” that everything in existence possesses? -  like in a way i’m finding all these similar concepts in various cultures and religions, and finding patterns and exploring the various meanings and interpretations... looking at how we all experience these similar things - even though there are some differences? and how our own knowledge/culture/various other factors influence our ways of thinking and how we interpret things??? sdofnjfic idk if this makes much sense... it’s a rly intense and massive undertaking of so much research that rly i’ve BARELY touched on bc i’ve only had like 3/4 months to undertake it alongside having my depressive episodes etc and my dissertation... anyway!!!!!!!
it’s pretty much just me going - oh hey. i fucking love learning about different cultures and things like that. i would like to read and research and i love finding patterns in things and utilising photography as a way of explaining things that i cannot explain in words. please enjoy how my brain thinks. it basically never shuts up!!!!! asodfnfjdsk yeah... honestly i’ve even thought about how it could develop further like... looking at specific biospheres/habitats/subcategories of those things... i rly like categorising things wdofnoejrdfkl but not like... in a traditional sense i guess? hmm OMG THE BEST ANALOGY I CAN THINK OF IS THINK OF IT LIKE HOW POKEMON ARE CATEGORISED??? LIKE BY TYPE/MOVES/BODY TYPE/HEIGHT/WEIGHT/ETC. like i’ve looked at various modern media for inspo too like how ancient mythology is depicted in modern media and how its adapted etc. 
ANYWAY LEMME SO U THE PICS!!!!! i made them so they kinda look like examples in a scientific text? i guess? dsokfndw;lwsm anyway i hope this wasn’t too much for y’all to read gosh i need to learn to shut up
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Do your four favorite mythological figures!
No literally, I love mythology, as a kid I was shipping different gods and goddesses and making up fanfiction for them before I even knew what that was. But anyway.
This got real philosophical, guys.
Anubis: How do you feel about death?
I feel that it’s something I’m not afraid of myself. When I was suicidal, I saw death as an escape, an eternal sleep where I could finally rest and not have to deal with living anymore. I didn’t care so much about what came after, I just knew that it was different from life and I was sick of life. Right now, I see it as something that affects those that we leave behind. I don’t know what’s after death, but I feel like whatever happens to you afterwards, it’s almost more about the people who are stuck still living, missing you, trying to cope without you.
Bastet: Do you have any cats?
NOT YET BUT SOON. SOOOOOOON. I’ve wanted a cat since I knew they existed and I am going to get TWO OF THEM as soon as I have my own apartment.
Hathor: What brings you joy?
My friends being happy. My family financially secure. Spending time with people I love. Cuddles/hugs. Chocolate cake. A good book or movie. Acting. Writing when it’s actually flowing out of me and I don’t have to yank it out with forceps.
Athena: Would you consider yourself an artist?
Yes. You practice art, you are an artist. I write and I act, that is art, therefore I am an artist. Now, am I a good artist, that’s the real question.
Hades: Do you have a bad reputation?
HA. I don’t know, actually. I think I do. I’m rather prickly and cranky and I can be loud and emotional, so I think I’m known as an annoying dramatic bitch. I also tend to ignore, bend, and/or outright break rules when it suits me, so I doubt authority figures who have to deal with me get much joy out of it. I do know that I have a reputation for loyalty to friends, though, so that’s good.
Minerva: Do you give good advice?
Yes, ironically, seeing as I’m a complete mess.
Porserpine/Persephone: Do you ever feel trapped?
Short answer: always. Long answer: I suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts, so while I do have good patches, I tend to have times where I feel trapped, literally, in my own body and with the weight of living. Other times I just feel mildly trapped by my financial situation. So y’know, always, but the degree of it depends on the day.
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pleasereadmeok · 7 years
Goode News  -- So where were we...
I’ve missed SO much Goode news I don’t know where to start...
Oh yeah ...  Matthew Clairmont in A Discovery of Witches!!!   
Please. Somebody. Pinch me. 
If ever there was a PERFECT part for Goodey .....   
Reading the books was like seeing Matthew Goode described in detail (except the vampire bit... obviously.... although you never know....)
The physical descriptions of Clairmont’s beauty are pure Goodey - his size, his eyes, skin, his long...long... fingers (gulp), the love of wine, the lop-sided smile, the quaint old fashioned manners, even the prominent veins in his forehead (neatly forming a ‘V’!).  Deborah Harkness must have been taking notes on Matthew Goode for years and put it all into her books.
I was wary of the All Souls Trilogy at first - thinking ‘Buffy meets Twilight’ but I have loved them so far.  The protagonists are mature (mid/late 30′s) and intelligent in the extreme. I really hope the production is a good one because it would be an insult to the books if it isn’t.  I hope it is a success for Matthew and all concerned - I will be livid if the production wastes this opportunity.
Ordeal By Innocence
Phillip Durrant is another interesting and intelligent character for Matthew.  He’s an arrogant man who challenges people and that gets him into trouble.  An ex-fighter pilot (oh yes please - just imagine the uniform....) In a wheelchair again - sitting down all day must be TORTURE for the hyperactive, wired, athletic Goodey.  Eleanor Tomlinson plays his devoted wife.
The Wine Show - Season 2 
All wrapped up and looking Goode. Loads of guest stars plus plenty of Goodey humour, charm and eye candy.
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
A small part as Sidney Stark but it will be lovely to see him striding about being all bossy, big brother-ish and (again if they stick to the book) dealing with goats and parrots!  
The only info we have about this one is via Michelle Dockery who let slip in an interview that Matthew would be in this at some point.  No confirmation from his agent yet and he’s not listed in the cast on IMDb. So let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed because.... OH PLEASE CAN MATTHEW GOODE BE WEARING LEATHER CHAPS IN HIS GUEST APPEARANCE!!!!!  Just asking. (Begging). 
Filming of this comedy with Toni Collette was completed a while back but no release details yet.
The Hatton Garden Job AKA One Last Heist
To be released in the US at some point sooooooon.  September was mentioned but no confirmation.  A must see for Goode fans for the glorious sight of Matthew getting a bit sweaty drilling a large hole and the gratuitous sauna bod shots at the end!!  (Phew ... is it hot in here??)
The Crown 
I forgot this - how could I forget this?  Matthew Goode as Lord Snowdon - breathless with anticipation.
What else have I missed?  Some new Goode bloggers are around - WOOHOO! So I will be reblogging my favourite things that I missed since June over the next few days.
I finished Matthew’s biography for matthew-goode.net months ago but haven’t got around to replacing the existing page - so that is my next job over the weekend.
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royalcalum · 7 years
luke + perfect by ed sheeran + late night texts. "i hope things last between us. i want them to."
Warnings: um it’s short af, sorry
Luke’s texts / your texts
You were lying in bed for the fifth night in a row, texting Luke as he continued tour an ocean away from you. You had only been together for five months, but being away from him was already eating away at you. You didn’t have enough savings to join him until he made it back from South America, so you two had to rely on texting and FaceTime to make things work.
Since they were flying overnight to a new city, FaceTime would do nothing but disrupt the other passengers on his flight, leaving you to texting for the night.
I miss you.
I miss you, too. Come back sooooooon
I will. Only a couple more weeks and then I’m back!
Ugh. What am I supposed to do with myself until then?
Well whatever you choose to do, make sure you film it and send it to me ;)
You rolled your eyes at his response but didn’t expect much different.
In your dreams, lover boy.
Nah, most of my dreams involve me with you.
When you didn’t reply for a minute, Luke sent another text that sent your heart fluttering like crazy.
I hope things last between us. I want them to.
I do too, Luke. We’ll be fine. I promise. This kind of lifestyle is just something I need to get used to.
I love you [Y/N]. So much.
I love you too, Luke.
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
4-2 Reaction (WIP)
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: Turnabout Corner. Sounds nice enough.spin thingCARconstumes?3DNOoh so we die nowhehe the office is a mess i hate it whatever
Apollo's special talents: having a V for hair
hat is all i can think of
hehe this girl is great
SHE is the best person here
-Apollo punched my boy and
-Phoenix is being stupid
lol hahahahaha...
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she's 15? she looked younger than that
Apollo: I'm sure there's a good explanation. (I hope...) As i said im pretty sure she's adopted.
Apollo: I'm sure there's a good explanation. (I hope...) As i said im pretty sure she's adopted.
Trucy: He's in the hospital WHAT
yesss she is coming with me
hey hotti: die
i wonder how old he is now
to be fair, Phoenix did risk Apollo's entire career with that with little move.
I mean, as far as I"m concerned, he was justified, but Polly did have a right to be miffed. I'd have felt pretty used, too
haha and Trucy kind of gives off that air on purpose.
If i think about it that way it does make sense --- Phoenix: Thankfully i hit a telephone pole with my head Apollo: You hit a telephone pole with your head???!!? Me: Don't worry he's gotten assaulted many time he can handle it
it's more pronounced in the Japanese, but there was no good way to translate her speech patterns
BASICALLY she has a stage persona that she keeps on almost all the time, and it's a very cute one.
aw... man
these two are guilt tripping me into joining. ahahaha.
but she'll drop it a bit when she's talking about the things she's really proficient at, which tells you that she's honestly VERY smart
hahah if they'd tried to translate it fully, it would have given her a speech pattern that comes across as more annoying than endearing to an English speaker, so they had to lose some of that nuance for us.
makes sense.
dangit! It seems i can't present profiles anymore...
hey phoenix I'm carrying on the tradition
Hi client! you remind me of instant noodles
and he owns a harmonica
Guy: It was stolen! My stand! Stolen! Oh ya now that guy walking around with a cart behind him in the intro makes sense
sir that's not a whistle
sounds like you like him!
Eldoon is great hahah
Apollo keeps insisting he's a lawyer not a detective but he has no idea how much detective work it seems a lawyer usually needs to do I probably shouldn't use the first three games as an example because apparently phoenix is evil or smthn BUT
what did who steal Trucy
oh no
dangit so maybe sense that was brought up it has to do with the guy who stool the cart accidently running past or something
have a biiiit more faith in Nick hahaha
stop crying about panties I'll buy you new ones I LIKE HIM A LOT I'm just talking from apollo's perspective because he apparently is mad at him for something im not allowed to hear about. Otherwise, im almost 100% with Phoenix
I still refuse to use the nickname 'nick' haha
Oh, no you know. He's miffed about the forged ace from the last trial, and he's also just mad in general that that trial resulted in him losing a steady job.
YES IT WAS FOR THE GREATER GOOD, but Apollo did end up being out of work for a month or so
DANGIT phoenix i understand and also Kris is probably evil BUT dangit whater I'm still mostly on your side
Now my age old tradition of: Examine everything because dialogue
Mr. Charley... I remember that... HEY
hahaha yeah, but no...I'm bang on Phoenix's side too, but you still have to consider that from Apollo's POV, in a single trial, he found out his trusted mentor wasn't the person he thought he was, AND he had his hero use him as a pawn.
Apollo don't judge my boy about a potted plant. Especially when you yell at the top of your lungs before every trial. you have no wright to judge puns
AGAIN, for the greater good...Kristoph wouldn't have been the best mentor to continue having in the long run...but that all still has got to sting.
Phoenix explain more and be nicer and be better and you know what you're mostly fine and Apollo im sorry for what he did please move on
....I need to sleep now. I got a lot done though!
hahaha okaaaay
let's recap on what happened when i last played: Apollo had to suffer through an extremly hard tutorial level and then punched a homeless man. Homeless man and his kid guilt tripped into helping some awesome noddle guy find his stand, help homeless guy find out who ran him over, and help his kid find her panties. ALRIGHT
not sure if i examined everything yet so
Trucy apparently uses the split box for furniture. Very smart. Apollo is creeped out though.
Apollo: But you can't play the piano with all of the stuff on it I thought you already knew that nobody around here is going to be playing piano
i should really sto examining everything and actually start doing stuff
to the accident scene
THUMBFACE!!! i remember seeing a picture of her
i like her
Hey so apollo likes tea too! Awesome!
Apollo let her handle it she's obviously doing much better than you are
i hate how we can't present profiles anymore
who is this yellow person
I told you someone was coming back sooooooon~
once again i am so mad i can't present profiles anymore. H
Q: yes. How could she.
Q: she is doing that glasses thing she did i love her
hey miss can you help me go to talk to ema
BF: hahaha Ema being a grouchy pants?
I got you on this. Go talk to HoboNick
BF: lol I'm not sure how many people agree with me on this, but I actually love grumpy Ema.
so do I love her
just LEAVE ME ALONE I"M EATTING. *angry munching*
dagit where is he
well i can't find him so im going to go to that room i havn't been at yet
oh hey it's the eldoon guy
i bet you expected i already met with him but nope
met with whom?
eldoon... you told me to meet up with phoenix but he wasn't there so I assumed i needed to do something before he reappeared or he was in a different place i should no about already.
how did i mix up know and no
awww the dog needs food
hmmm maybe I misremembered...have you tried back at the office?
i need to get to the office to get to the clinic place. Now that i'm done here maybe it updated
nah it didn't. I have another room to go to now though!
looks like i found the panties
so that is why they were son important to her! They were magic!
Apollo: Look, it's a folding ladder Trucy: That's called a 'step ladder' oh my god
Admit it Trucy your father's logic is flawed
get used to those, they will be mentioned a LOT
oh boyphoenix still isn't back. I'll keep checking in to see what is going on and if he is back
Hmmm. maybe I was wrong about that.
i think you were right but you were wrong about what time
When you're stuck: CHECK THE TALK BUTTON
and present everything to everyone!
ow could they do this to me.
I think they decided that was too complicated hahah
oh ya! I forgot! I can examine the examined!
yay i found another peice of evidence
i only have 5
im stuck
talk to Little Plum again?
I know she has more than one piece of evidence
hey! Trucy found stuff in the trash can!!
it's the mirror to the car!!
yesss i think we can talk to phoenix again now
yaaaaay hello homeless person
why is yellow girl at the office/home
Well sure i'll defend. You look like you could pay me so I'm sure apollo would be glad.
hahha BINGO if Alita's around and you've got a confirmed corpse, you are definitely on the right track
oh and yeah I should have asked if you'd checked the trash can
aw he looks cute IS THAT A BLUE BADGER SHIRT :OOO --- it's fine, haha
hahaha THIS GUY
and YES AND NO. this doesn't spoil much, I think, to say that's a character from the Badger universe
like Bad Badger or something. You can tell he's up to no good because he wears SUNGLASSES
it's fancier looking now is all hhahahah
remember to examine everything~
oh ya!
whoop brb but I'll tell you one thing...you'll KNOW EXACTLY when you are about to meet the rockstar prosecutor
it's another mr. gavin
what the
Ema: Anyway! This scene is off limits! NOT ANYMORE
I thought i would be happy to meet that guy but that just confused me so much hahaha
she's not talking to me but she'ss till great
well she isn't talking with me but i found eldoon's cart
Phoenix: Apollo. Tell me about this 'prince' of Trucy's. Well uh he's apparently bisexual and flirted with me and was very nice to your daughter and absolutely shocked me even though i thought i saw it coming
Apollo: White power...? I hope it's not what i think it is... THIS GAME
i forgot where he said it was
i am terrible with instructions apparently because i remember this happening before
and it doesn't look like he's going to repeat himself. Dammit.
Phoenix: Some kid i know keeps sending them to me oh hey was that the not-by name reference to Maya?
i need to find the white power stuff but i don't remember where it is
it's in the office!
ahahah and yes, that's almost certainly a Maya reference...the only character who's even close as much of a Steel Samurai fan as her is Edgeworth, and I don't see Edgey sending Nick DVDs and making him right reports
whaaat Edgey likes steel samurai? BACK TO GAME
to the office.
(where in the office
hahaha yeah it's kind of a subtle side gag in the original trilogy, but there are hints. the biggest one being the fact that he actually displays the SS figure Oldbag gave him in his office
it's more of a blatant running gag in other games.
nice haha
(this office is so cluttered where the hell is it)
and IIRC it should be on the split cabinet thing. the one used for the saw trick
I mean in cluttered rooms like that examine everything anyway, but I think that's where it is. or Very near there/
examined it and i can't find it :( I'll try checking near it
found it!!!
Trucy: I thought it was sugar so i looked it... He got mad at me DON'T LICK IT
yay :D
now that i am over the initial chock of meeting him i decided i like Klavier btw
Ema: A pistol... Not that easy to come by in this day and age let's hope so
but they DO look absurdly alike.
I know right? Can you believe that Kris is like 8 years older that Klavier?
EIGHT??? whaaat
7-8...I forget which. it's a big age gap.
but if you slapped glasses on Klav, you'd have a hard time telling them apart
I'm going to come back. This is great.
hahah OKAY
Trucy don't act so surprised. Like, there has been no time i can recall when the evidence when first presented has been directly helpful.
ema is great i love her
....though i think we're done talking with her for now
more underwear!
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