#I LOVE these games
bagel-bird-ainsor · 30 days
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one more Attorney Damacy doodle for good measure!
(also now that I think about it rolling up all the evidence into a katamari and launching it into space is a great way to dispose of the evidence. Someone should tell Maya that before she’s done)
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hyrules-warrior · 3 months
I love how part of the plot of the first Luigi's Mansion is the result of Mario being a paranoid and overprotective older brother
The entire reason he is at the mansion is because he is suspicious of Luigi winning a contest he didn't enter and doesn't want him there alone. They agree to meet at the mansion but clearly Mario went early to "scope it out" before Luigi agreed to meet him there (cause Luigi is a punctual dude lets be real he wouldn't be late) and gets himself captured. He was right that it was a trap so his paranoia isn't unfounded but maybe if he hadn't gone ahead they could have handled it together... or both been captured... who knows!
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alias-inkpatch · 3 months
its late but i've been reminded today about how tall Papyrus actually is and i wanted to compare his height to some others.
enjoy, it's an experience
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(i added sprites from both games if they were available.)
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skyloftsword · 1 month
Why Tears of the Kingdom is the Breath of the Wild I was hoping for
Alright, so before I get into my rant. I really like Breath of the Wild. It's a very fun game and the events of 100 years ago are super interesting. It just... unfortunately let me down after Skyward Sword in two aspects that I personally feel Tears of the Kingdom succeeded at for me. Story and dungeons. Also please don't tell me to watch a Youtuber on why TotK is worse than nuclear war. I make my own opinions and my take on TotK is very unlikely to change. I have done 6 playthroughs and still feel this way. Spoiler warning.
Okay, so my issue with Breath of the Wild's story is how it feels like a mess at times. The memories don't even try to tell anything coherent outside of the final few. Some of them even need journals for any payoff as well. This system also limited the Champions from getting any development or character arcs. It took until Tears for me to appreciate them because Hyrule was still grateful for them. Revali's bow being treasured by Teba, Riju prays to Lady Urbosa in her diary, Mipha got Mipha's Court and Sidon's entire character arc was about how her death still haunts him and he doesn't want that to happen ever again. Daruk... got lights added to his statue's eyes I guess. Anyways, Tears' equivalent to them is the Neo Sages. Tulin, Riju, Sidon and Yunobo. They each get their own arc and you can tell how much they have grown since Breath of the Wild. What makes them better here is that they actually are relevant for more than just the Divine Beast boarding segments. Sidon deals with fear of losing his beloved Yona just like how he lost Mipha 105ish years ago, yet Yona and Link bring him to his senses. Riju goes from being stressed out about how she's too weak to defend Gerudo Town from the Gibdos with her aim, but Link returning reassures her. Tulin goes from being arrogant and thinking he can do anything all by himself to realizing that charging ahead all on his own is a bad idea and that working as a team is the best way to do things. Yunobo goes from being a manipulated crack dealer to being cowardly again for a bit to becoming courageous and willing to fight to defend Hyrule. These arcs help me appreciate the characters a LOT more. The Old Sages intentionally aren't fully fleshed out characters and its fine because they're barely on screen (their names are Ruto, Darunia, Nabooru and possibly just Medoh for the Rito Sage). Ganondorf being an actual character really helps as well. He wants to use the godlike power of the Secret Stones to his advantage to achieve total rule of the world (in the English localization at least). Rauru and Sonia are wonderful characters that actually try to help Zelda achieve her goal of returning to her time (nice opposition of Rhoam forcing her to achieve her light powers and being harsh towards her). Unlike the events of 100 years ago, the memories/Tears in this game actually focus on telling what led to the Imprisoning War in a specific order. The events in the memories and Tears also are all relevant and side stuff was pushed to the Stone Monument side adventure. Unfortunately the game is less linear than Breath (which honestly should be the other way around and is a massive storytelling issue), however Impa at least alludes to the order of the Tears when you go to the Forgotten Temple after the first one. The Fifth Sage quest is also an incredible questline that did what BotW should have done. It showed the Imprisoning War and how Ganondorf shouldn't be taken lightly. I seriously feel let down not seeing Link and Zelda fight the Calamity and losing. Also thank god you don't have to do an absurdly tedious backtrack quest to unlock the Camera, Tears, the Champion Leathers and the Kohga fight.
Onto the dungeons. I don't get why people switched up on the Divine Beasts in a positive way. They have a great gimmick and the "fights" are cool but that's it. The puzzles are... fine I guess? The visuals are cookie cutter and so are the bosses in every aspect except gameplay (and are basically just the Calamity split into 1/4). Tears' Temples are legitimately the most enjoyable dungeons in the series for me. The atmosphere, music, puzzles having a large amount of solutions, etc. Not to mention the boss fights actually being unique and very fun this time (BotW had some bangers too like Koshia and Thunderblight) and have unique fight themes that are so, so, so good. Seized Construct might be my favorite non-final battle boss theme for me. Also the pre-dungeon segments actually feeling like dungeons for 4/5 of them really helped make me like them more. Both games also have great and bad Shrines. TotK has far less bad ones and has a much better vibe with it's Shrines.
Anyways, ramble over. Thanks for reading. The only reason I made this post was because I was pissed off due to personal reasons. I love these games and this series so please don't take this as me hating BotW.
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terebi13 · 10 months
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me and my bf thought of a crossover between ultrakill and incredibox,, (featuring my silly bfs’ art!! @shatteredskull )
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lesbianvamp1reeee · 5 months
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i found this as a wip on my phone and decided to finish it - based on a screenshot from that one cutscene
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wylanbsoundcloud · 6 months
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getting brainrot
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mnih765 · 1 year
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He has those m o v e s
For context I will link a video of how he's dancing in the show but the audio will be in Polish cuz I couldn't find that one clip in English and the Polish dub is more iconic to me
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galahadenough · 1 year
I like the koroks. I do. They are rather adorable, their puzzles are fun, I enjoy seeing people lose their minds collecting all of the korok seeds. I adore Hetsu. I even get some amusement from how easily I can hear “ya ha ha!” echo in my head.
The more often we get koroks in games the more it bothers me. I was wondering if I was just being old fashioned in my preference for the kokiri, but that’s what helped me realize what exactly was starting to bother me about them. They don’t feel very fleshed out.
They are childish in many ways, and while that does bring the kokiri to mind, shaped as literal children as they are, the koroks type of childishness is drastically different.
They feel like a caricature of idealized childish innocence from an adult perspective. And that feels so much worse to me when I remember that kokiri distrusted adults.
They are cute as they waddle around. They hero-worship Link, calling him Mr. Hero, wanting so badly to help him and to play games with him. Especially with totk and the backpack koroks, there is an added aspect of incompetence and needing Link’s help.
The kokiri on the other hand show a different side to this type of character. They are shaped as children and they are played out as children, but they show some of the harsher sides of childhood. The bullying, the ego, the exclusion of perceived outsiders in their treatment of Link and distrust of adults.
And that’s not to say that children are naturally nasty to each other, but it ties in with two other points for me.
Link is an outsider. Even in oot when he was raised among the kokiri he was an outsider.
And the kokiri and koroks both live in the lost woods. They live within woods that drive people mad, that are known to trap those who enter and transform them into stalfos. One of the best terms I’ve heard to refer to them is fey-adjacent. As much as I’ve enjoyed the koroks, it feels like they are missing a sharpness that should come from their background, a wildness, a hint of danger. And maybe a bit more individual personality.
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👻- who’s your boo: send someone a thought or thot and they’ll tell you who’s their boo (which babe they would want for that scenario)
A Halloween movie marathon with all kinds of fall snacks
OKAY, Im gonna pick two cause I feel like I would just always pick Curtis and that's not fair to only pick Curtis, but my first choice is Curtis.
I get it all set up, or so I thought. Sneaky Curtis had the same idea and while I'm making some Halloween themed puppy chow (ever have puppy chow? Its like melted chocolate over chex mix and then covered in powdered sugar and candies mixed in. I would get Halloween colored M&Ms for it.) Well Curtis comes home with a pizza that he convinced the pizza parlor to shape it like a ghost, with all our favorite toppings.
We pick a franchise, this time Scream cause lets face it, he knows I love it, and that's what were bing watching.
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My second choice for halloween movie marathon and snacks is Jake Jensen! And this man... he literally does it all and surprises me. He even buys us matching Halloween jammies, Friday the 13th ones. You are squealing all excited while he is putting finishing touches on some homemade butter beers and making the BEST popcorn in the whole world, which he refuses to share how he does it. He wants you just coming to him for your salty buttery popcorn needs. And candy? He has a permanent stash, just go get the favorites. Make sure you bring his favorite nerds clusters.
And the movie marathon? All the classics. It turns into a literal weekend binge where you two only break for the occasional playful make out session and finding more sustainable food.
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 1 month
When do you gaze at your soulmate?
tagged by: @historias-multorum
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when they don't see you
you love them and you're not sure they know. but that's okay. you're used to loving more than you are loved. you give more than is given. and maybe others don't understand but you don't expect more. you tell yourself the love in your heart is not meant to be savored by anyone other than you. it's more than enough to get to exist at the same time as them. you stand in their shadow and you thank the sun for casting it. they touch your arm but they do not feel the same warmth which lingers on your skin for days. you gaze at them and they might even be looking right back but they are not seeing into your soul the same way you have memorized theirs. it's enough you tell yourself. it's enough. it's enough. but what if it's not? and what if you're wrong. what if they see you and all this time you have been too scared to ask what they're looking at.
tagging: @kiigan and anyone else who see this and wanna try it
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ineedlelittlespace · 7 months
for the ask game: ratthi murderbotdiaries?
Send Me a Character
Oh, Ratthi, my beloved...🥰
First impression
Like a lot of us, I only had eyes for Murderbot the first time I read ASR---the human team absolutely got shoved to my mental backburner while I was busy relating to MB. In the five seconds I did spend thinking about Ratthi, it was mostly in a "oh, so this is going to be the problem child, huh?" way when he almost walked outside into the worm's mouth.
Impression now
I love him, your honor.
But also, he is an all-around delightful human being. There's a kindness and an earnestness to his character that is just so endearing you can't help but like him, especially when you layer in the fact that he's excellent at his job, great at adapting to high-pressure situations on the fly, and has the people skills to successfully navigate the absolutely wild interpersonal interactions that the series keeps throwing at him.
Favorite moment
That whole sequence in Fugitive Telemetry where he and Gurathin drop everything to help Murderbot do some light breaking and entering. It feels like the equivalent of an errand hang-out, but if your bestie spends its spare time solving murders rather than picking up dry cleaning and going to Target. I love the implication that this is just what they do now, once Murderbot has settled into the group. Friends help friends with projects, right? So, obviously, Ratthi is going to help in whatever way he can.
Idea for a story
I kind of want to do more of his PoV for various scenes throughout the series. He's present for so many of the juiciest scenes---there's a lot to work with!
Also, it might be fun to do something with his friendship with Arada and Overse, perhaps with some backstory on their first meetings and how they moved from colleagues to besties.
Unpopular opinion
In all honesty, I don't feel like there's too much pressure re: popular vs. unpopular opinions in the Murderbot corner of the internet. The only thing that comes to mind with Ratthi is that I think we tend to...soften him a little too much sometimes. There's a tendency to focus mostly on his skill as a people person or a friendly face, not necessarily on the fact that if he wasn't so good at his actual job, he probably wouldn't be on Mensah's team. We see him tackle gory jobs like cleaning up the battle aftermath on ART in Network Effect, we see him jump into helping with medical emergencies, and in Fugitive Telemetry, he immediately identifies that "someone was dead here" when they come upon the scene of the murder because the physical signs are obvious to a biologist. As far as the humans of the series go, Ratthi is very capable!
Favorite relationship
Aside from the obvious friendship with Murderbot itself, I really do love that he's best friends with Arada and Overse. I love that these three stuck together for the next survey to follow the disastrous events of ASR. I love that their friendship is so obvious and loud that even Book One Murderbot could immediately point it out. I just really like seeing healthy platonic friendships (especially ones that coexist with and do not compete against healthy romantic ones involving some of the same characters), okay?
Favorite headcanon
The infamous "Who's this?" line from ASR was a full-on my-brain-is-short-circuiting-and-my-mouth-got-ahead-of-my-mind moment, not necessarily an ah-yes-a-stranger-to-be-introduced moment.
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healthydoseofhedonism · 9 months
i can get over the fact there are cannon queer relationships in ttp2
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nebjo · 3 months
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i justspent like, an hour going through the katamari fandom wiki and I LOVE all the captions on the photos!! these are some of my favourites <3
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maranull · 1 year
I'm sorry. I'm checking some materials more closely for a headcanon and...
Land octopuses eat humans in order to bear young, and theirs is the blood that runs through these ovaries. (x)
????? They need to eat humans?? To have kids??? This is so out of left field. What.
Also, the Octopus Head helm:
Has a lingering warmth reminiscent of human skin. (x)
What the hell kinda creatures are they? Weird ass octopuses that have been preying on humans long and successful enough to evolve into basing their freaking reproduction on them??
Hello? Why? And more importantly, how? Fromsoft, gimme your evolutionary biology notes about the Lands Between right now.
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ur-fave-is-texan · 7 months
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Solas is Texan!
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