sootandco · 3 years
Hi don't know if your messages was available, nor do i know if you remember me. I came from wattpad lol i used to be "Potato_Johv" i just wanted to reconnect since you we're one of my first friends on the internet. Hope you the very best<33
omg i remember you!! it's been so long and i would love to become friends with you again!! my dms are always opennnnn <333
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sootandco · 3 years
Omg i love your writing the desk fic abt tommy gave me actual chills <3
awwww thank you so much!! that means so much to me!! you’ve made my day <3333
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sootandco · 4 years
i followed you on wattpad as MyGodsItsAFandom, and i finally found you here! for some reason i couldn’t find you before, but whatever lol. also, i’m new to tumblr, so do you have any tips?
. . .
hey!! i’m glad you were able to find me :) i’m not the greatesttt at advice but try your best, post as often as you can and interact with other accounts, even if it’s just liking their post <3
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sootandco · 4 years
you there,
the one reading this now,
yeah you.
you did great today, be proud of yourself
awwwwww! these last couple days have been utterly awful, so this made me feel a bit better tysm <3 and everyone reading this right now are doing the best they can and i’m proud of you!!
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sootandco · 4 years
I love your navigation post
Its so well organized and easy to read
awwwww thank you!! i don’t like to make things too confusing for the people reading my work!! it means a lot to me that you love it!! <3
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sootandco · 4 years
your blog looks adorable 🥺
awwwww omg tysm!! that’s my day🥺💞✨
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sootandco · 4 years
how they asked you out
pronouns: they/them summary: how the different members of the dream smp asked you out. requested: no a/n: tysm for 200 followers! + preference requests are open! tw: some swear words wc: 0.6k including: dream, george, sapnap, quackity, karl, wilbur
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it was obvious dream was into you, anyone could tell, he just acts vv different with you compared to how he acts with everyone else
he decided to give you a challenge!! if you beat him in bed wars he would do whatever you wanted, but if he won, you would go on a date with him. clay had NEVER been so focused in his entire life
you lost (oh well, it's not like you did it on purpose... right?) and he was like "well, about that dateeeeee ;)" and you could just tell that he was being serious
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bby boy was v nervous and had to call dream and sapnap before he told you for an extra boost of confidence (dream wasn't much help, but nick tried his best)
you were staying with george for a while (alex/karl meet-up type beat) and it was going good but he didn't want to ruin it :( but when you finished your first of many livestreams, you both sat down and started watching a movie. you were both sitting awfully close and he sort of just spurted it out by accident
he was vv flustered, but luckily you felt the same <3
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ngl, out of everyone, he would be the most anxious to tell you he likes you and i stand by that
you were both spending a night out in the town and sapnap was debating if it was a date or not, he kept zoning out (which definitely concerned you) but he was just vv deep in though and kept overthinking ever little thing
towards the end of the night he straight up said "thanks for the date" and his face FELL and he was just stuttering out apologies, but you were vv happy that he saw it as a date bc you did too!! that was his way of telling you his likes you <3
can you tell that i love him?
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we can all agree that alex gives MAJOR jealous vibes (seen on the stream he did with bad recently) and when he saw you on call with bbh in your OWN free time- he flipped!
you were a bit upset and confused to why he was being so hostile and he was pissed that he had to spell it out. so quackity sat you down and told you how he felt, and how he felt when you were talking with darryl :/
it was a very angst to fluff moment, but it all worked out in the end!!
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after a while of being an official member of the mrbeast crew, karl decided that he wanted to tell you how he feels since chris convinced him that you may feel the same
jimmy made this whole ass plan (great wingman) as a way for karl to confess to you !! he wanted it to be big :) fireworks! lights! the whole eight miles! and when you arrived, chris, chandler and jimmy launched the fireworks which spelled out 'i like you! - k' and you just KNEW what the 'k' stood for
very giggly hugs and cheek kisses!
fuck, i've made myself sad with my own writing
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this boy KNEW you liked him but was just waiting for the perfect moment to tell you that he felt the same!!
it was on a road trip, (stream now!) his hand was on your upper thigh and the music was softly playing on the radio and he sort of just glanced at you and told you how he felt. SUPER nonchalant about it, but inside he was nervous
it was a very memorable moment and overall adorable <3
he's so cute pls-
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sootandco · 4 years
meeting them for the first time
pronouns: they/them summary: how you met the different members of the dream smp. requested: no a/n: my first mcyt preference! + i'm vv tempted to write lil imagines about these! tw: couple swear words and slight tw on wilbur's one for creepy ass pervs :) wc: 0.7k including: dream, george, sapnap, quackity, karl, wilbur (might include more later)
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you were a big streamer and referred to as 'dream's competition' since you also speed ran minecraft, and were doing v well on twitch and youtube. the whole internet compared you two to each other, and basically declared you as enemies
he had heard of you but never really looked into your content, but one day he decided to check in, expecting you to be a stuck-up, cocky bitch, but he was surprised af! you were so nice!! and wholesome!! how could people assume he hated you?!
he messaged you after your stream telling you how he actually enjoyed it and that he in no way, shape or form hates you, and you told him how you loved his content too and found him to be super cool!! so technicallyyyyy it wasn't meeting face-to-face, but you felt a connection straight away!
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you were online friends with badboyhalo and skeppy and there was a running inside joke that you were in a poly relationship with them. so one day, bbh and skeppy asked dream if you could hang out in the smp for a bit. dream of course said yeah :)
you were on call with bad, skeppy, dream and george, giving you a tour and having an overall good laugh! and poor little gogy started gaining feelings for you out of the blue but he was convinced you were dating bbh and skeppy, and when he brought it up- oh boy, did dream LAUGH!!
you basically explained how the whole poly thing was a joke :) so maybe george does have a chance after all ;)
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he met you at a book store, he was looking for some manga that was very rare and the only place he saw it was at this small book store. as you were looking for a text book for school since you were starting your first year of university and you knew the kind, old man that ran the shop
sapnap was struggling to find the manga and you offered to help. he was shocked that a super pretty person just approached him!! vv flustered :)
he wimped out and didn't ask for your number but he kept going back to the book store in hopes of finding you and he wasn't disappointed !!
candle girl type beat
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he was starting law school and alex was vv nervous. his leg was bouncing up and down at his desk, waiting for the teacher to walk in and start the lesson already. it seemed like no one wanted to sit near him, but maybe he was just being paranoid??
he heard his voice being called as he looked up to see you! you looked different, very different. you looked gorgeous! you used to go to his high school before you moved, but he remembered you as the quiet kid in the back of the classroom, but he was thrilled that someone he knew was there!!
you sat in the seat next to him and he was genuinely so happy! you started talking and agreed to hang out and catch up some more after class :)
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you were around eighteen when you joined the mrbeast crew, you were seen as the 'adorable-comicrelief-wholesome-amazing-hilarious-brilliant-memberofthecrew' or just simply the 'favourite' :)
karl was just the camera man when he met you. you were just doing one of the 'last to leave' challenges and karl was getting some close-ups, but you just started having a whole ass conversation with him because you were extremely bored and wanted to know more about the cute camera man :)
he pretty much just recorded you the whole time since he was so distracted <3
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he was on the empty tube late at night, earbuds in, listening to music, absolutely tired. a couple meters away he heard two voices talking making him look up. a creepy ass man was talking to a very uncomfortable you. he was slowly edging closer to you as you were trying to get as far away as possible
wilbur was immediately on alert mode and decided enough was enough and stepped in. wil pretended to know you, making the man back off. you were a bit emotional so he stayed by your side
he walked you home since you were visibly scared. overall, wilbur felt like he needed to protect you at all costs straight away
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sootandco · 4 years
make-up ; georgenotfound
pronouns: they/them summary: george wants to wear make-up, but he's too shy to ask. requested: yes a/n: this might be my favourite thing i've written, this literally made my heart go whoosh, i love him <3 tw: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF wc: 0.9k
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george was always fascinated with the idea of make-up. every morning he would just sit there and watch you put it on your already flawless face, but never had the courage to ask you to do it for him. he thought it was silly and the guys would tease him, but you could tell that there was something on gogy's mind.
it was a sunday morning and neither of you had anywhere to go, and george didn't need to stream for another couple of hours. you were once again sitting at your desk in your shared bedroom, finishing up on your make-up as george looked intensely at what you were doing.
"you okay, georgie?" you broke the silence, making george snap out of his daze. he just hummed in response. "you sure? you can tell me anything, i hope you know that."
you move away from the desk and sat next to george on the bed as he looked down at his lap. "i just like when you do your make-up."
you stayed quiet for a few seconds, looking between your make-up they lay messily over your desk to your boyfriend before speaking up, "d'you want me to do your make-up for you?"
george's cheeks heated up in embarrassment before he sheepishly nodded.
you quickly jumped up from the bed and sat back on the chair and patted your lap, gesturing for him to sit. he smiled at your eagerness and did as he was told. it was a slightly awkwardly position but it didn't bother either of you.
"lets start with the basics-" you pulled out numerous different pallets. "what colour eye shadow do you want?"
gogy opened and looked in each pallet before settling a baby blue. "this one."
"i was hoping you would pick that one." you smile as you grab the brush. "now close your eyes, love."
a series of giggles escape george's mouth as the brush tickles his eye lid. "i know you're super cute, but i need you to stay still!"
after you put the brush down, george turns to pick up the mirror. "we're not done yet!"
"really?" george turns his head to the side. "i thought- you're going to keep going?"
"if you like." to which george rapidly nods his head. "onwards then. now, this is the hardest part, especially since you can't stay still for your life."
"oh god." he watched as you picked up the liquid eye liner.
"if you don't want to, that's cool-" george takes hold of your wrist as you move to put it down.
"i want it, i want to be pretty like you." george mutters making your heart flutter.
"georgie, you're the prettiest boy in all the land." you give him a kiss on the nose before lightly grasping his jaw, making him stay still. "don't. move."
it was a struggle since george wouldn't stop flinching and giggling, but eventually he had the eye liner on, and did he look adorable. the mascara was a bit easier, but it was still hard since, well, he's george for heaven's sake, he can't sit still for two seconds.
"okay, this next two steps are the easiest." you rub your left hand up and down his thigh as you pick up a small metal container and an extremely fluffy brush. "blush!"
"ooooooh." he closed his eyes as the brush stroked his soft cheek, "i like that."
"thought you would." you chuckle as you admire your boyfriend. "it's my favourite part by far."
the sensation was soon over as he pouted.
"don't worry, pretty boy. we're nearly done." you look through the tubes. "now, which lip gloss do you want?"
george looked deep in thought as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face. "i think i want the shade you have on." he leaned forward and captured your soft, pink lips. the kiss didn't last long, but it was perfect.
"well," you said in a daze. "you could've just said so."
you opened your eyes to see that george indeed had a faint trace of your lip gloss on his lips. he looked perfect.
"you ready to see, gogy?" you held onto the mirror, ready to show him.
he looked nervous, even though he knew he looked amazing, it was still a new experience, he had never wore make-up before. he nodded his head as you spun the mirror around so he could see himself.
"wow." he took hold of the mirror. "i look good."
"that's the understatement of the century. i think i made you look pretty hot, gogy. hotter than usual."
his cheeks heated up, contrasting the light blush on his cheeks. "thank you, baby."
"anytime, and if you ever want me to do it again- or, if you want me to teach you to do it yourself, i'm here." you caressed his cheek as he leaned into your touch.
"i might stream like this." george rested his head on your shoulder as you wrap your arms around his torso.
"you up for that?" you smiled down at him.
"yeah. yeah, i am." he confidently said. "i think dream and sapnap would be pretty jealous, don't you think?"
"oh, most definitely."
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sootandco · 4 years
baking with tommyinnit and tubbo
pronouns: they/them summary: baking with tubbo and tommy is chaotic af :) requested: yes a/n: tysm for 100 followers, sorry i was gone for so long <3 tw: swearing and a TON of fluff wc: 0.4k
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- first things first: this is chaotic as HELL
- you were ATTEMPTING to make a cake (a bee themed one, requested by tubbo) and you were all actually really stoked to do it !!
- so lets start off with tubbo, he is genuinely trying his best and wants to do well!
- he'll help you if you can't get the exact amount of milk in the bowl, or if you're struggling to crack an egg
- just a sweetheart <3
- but he mayyyyy throw a bit of flour in your direction occasionally ;)
- as for tommy...
- *insert deep sigh here*
- you and tommy will stick your fingers in the mixture and just straight up eat it when tubbo has his back turned
- and tommy will purposely pour the completely wrong ingredients into the bowl just to be annoying
- "are you tryiNG TO KILL US, TOMMY?!"
- "pfft, no-"
- will start a food fight
- you and tubbo vs tommyinnit himself
- but to spice things upppp, you would decide to betray tubbo for shits and giggles
- "y/n, how could you..."
- "it was never meant to be..."
- tubbo would probably still win lmao-
- after what felt like hours, and after a scolding from tubbo's mum, the cake would be in the oven and you were on to the best part
- we all love that part, right? right... guys?
- tommy was on washing up duty and would attempt to speed run it like he was dream or sum shit
- tubbo would put away all of the dishes after tommy washed them (tubbo would probably have to rewash them tbh)
- and you, well, you probably ran off to hang out with tubbo's sister
- but when the cake was out of the oven and you left it to cool, it was onto the decorating
- tubbo would probably take over since you and tommy can't keep your shaky ass hands still for two seconds
- tommy would most likely chase you around the kitchen holding a piping bag as tubbo just peaceful draws bees on the cake
- honestly i was just picturing that one brooklyn nine-nine meme where gina is just vibing as everyone's just fighting in the back but anywAYS-
- the cake genuinely looked good !!! (thanks to bee boy)
- but then it came to the taste test
- and it tasted
- like
- shit...
- "why is it so salty?"
- "..."
- turns out tommy poured salt instead of sugar in oops
- but what did you expect?
- overall, baking with tommyinnit and tubbo is hella fun :)
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sootandco · 4 years
welcome to soot and co.
1. ONE; introduction
hey! i’m asha! it’s a pleasure to meet you! i’m pansexual and my pronouns are she/they! this is my blog where i write imagines/headcanons/preferences for your favourite mcyts.
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2. TWO; rules
requests are currently closed since i’m trying to get through the ones i already have, but it shouldn’t be closed for long.
i write for wilbur soot, karl jacobs, quackity, georgenotfound, dream, sapnap + platonic! tommyinnit and tubbo
i don’t write smut or certain triggering topics (if you ever want more info about that, don’t be shy to message me and ask) but i will write for poly relationships, but only for karl, alex, george, clay and nick (i won’t do it for wilbur, tommy or tubbo)
female, male and gender neutral readers will be included, it’ll say on each fic what gender and pronouns the reader goes by, i’ll normally do gn! reader if the request doesn’t imply the gender, but if you want a certain gender, that’s totally fine
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3. THREE; masterlist
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i. | ii.
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wilbur soot:
being wilbur soot’s s/o and meeting for the first time 
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karl jacobs:
favourite boy
nothing here <3
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nothing here <3
nothing here <3
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nothing here <3
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nothing here <3
nothing here <3
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nothing here <3
nothing here <3
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the desk
baking with tommyinnit and tubbo
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nothing here <3
baking with tommyinnit and tubbo
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requests: 6
work in progress: dream imagine
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sootandco · 4 years
omg karl jacobs x fem reader where she is candle girl?!?! <333 - 🦊 anon
awwwwww yessssss, that video just came up on my recommmeded!! <333333 -🦊
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sootandco · 4 years
Can you write something quackity? The reader and him are in a long distance relationship (she’s in America whiles in Mexico) and they’re FaceTiming and he sings Hey There Delilah? And he like tells he loves her for the first time. I just think it would he really cute<3
awwwww, that is soooo adorable <3 my heart can’t take it! i’ll immediately add it to the list!! :))))
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sootandco · 4 years
favourite boy ; karl jacobs
pronouns: they/them summary: karl’s simping for y/n and it’s obvious. requested: yes a/n: he is literally my favourite boy <3 tw: none :) wc: 0.7k
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"karl!" y/n's happy voice was heard from the other side of the vc. "thank god you're here! quackity is bullying me!"
karl's cheeks heated up at the sound of their voice, it was his favourite sound of all time. "how dare he! what is he doing?!"
y/n's minecraft character hit alex's as he laughed. "he keeps killing my chickens!"
"you have so many, y/n! it's crazy!" alex continued to laugh as karl pulled out his diamond sword and repeatedly hit him until his character fell to the floor, his items scattered around him. "ka- karl!"
quackity was slain by karljacobs
"about time he left!" y/n sighed, as they lightly chuckled.
"i didn't leave on purpose! i was murdered by karl 'the simp' jacobs!" quackity's laughter only got louder and louder.
"i'm not- shut up." karl muttered, helping y/n get some of their chickens back into their farm.
y/n's character walks away around a corner and quickly runs back to karl. "for you." y/n drops a pink flower in front of him as he immediately picks it up.
"awww!" karl coos, his cheeks heating up at the simple, but sweet gesture. "thank you!"
"it's no problem." y/n giggled, circling karl. "it's for saving me from big bad q."
"trust me, i took joy in killing him." karl smirks as alex's character came running back, picking up all his stuff.
quackity didn't say anything, but he instead continuously hit karl, attempting to kill him and he tried his best to defend himself. y/n stepped in as they realised that alex had the upper hand. they got their sword and after a few hits, alex dies once again. "goddamn it! y/n! i had him!"
"exactly! i can't have you killing my favourite boy." y/n said, as karl let out a beaming smile at their response.
"wait..." karl leans closer to the microphone. "i'm your favourite boy?"
quackity scoffed as y/n moved their minecraft character closer to his. "shut it, alex. you're just jealous that you're my second favourite boy."
"damn," alex clapped his hands together. "i didn't think i was that high! get in!"
"don't let it get to your head," y/n murmurs, "i still prefer karl."
karl moved around in his seat in pure joy, "you're my favourite, y/n. you're my favourite."
"yay!" y/n cheered, sounding like a kid in a candy store.
"you're both simping so hard for each other, get a room." alex picks up his stuff again and walks away instead of attacking karl and/or y/n. the two stay silent, contemplating if what quackity was saying was true or not. could the other feel the same way?
. . .
the three continued playing the game off stream, sapnap and dream occasionally joining in. alex went off into a cave as karl went to get some supplies for y/n's new house since tommy recently burnt theirs down. after a few hours, one by one, everyone left the game, until karl and y/n were the only two left on the dream smp.
"hey, y/n." karl spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence. they hummed in response. "thank you for the flower, it may have just been a flower, but to me, it means a lot. i love it."
y/n smiled, "hey, no worries. i'm glad you loved it, karl."
"when, um-" karl cleared his throat. "when are you going to be online again?"
"tomorrow, you can't get rid of me that easily, jacobs." y/n said softly, a light laugh at the end of their sentence.
"cool, cool," karl chuckled, "um, we should play again together sometime, like, just us two."
"like a minecraft date?" y/n said with a teasing tone. "or a real one?"
"um, either... both?" karl awkwardly said.
"i think that sounds amazing. a date with my favourite boy... sounds like a dream come true."
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sootandco · 4 years
blush ; wilbur soot
pronouns: she/her summary: y/n goes on another one of her nerdy tangents during a stream and wilbur listens to every single word, well, sorta. requested: yes tw: one swear word maybe??? wc: 0.7k
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"and we're live!" wilbur clapped his hands together as the chat began to excitedly greet him. "and of course, what would a stream be without my wonderful girlfriend, y/n!"
y/n was a fan favourite, there was no denying that. the second the stream met her months back, they fell in love with the nerdy girl, what can i say, she taught them more than school ever did, and y/n took pride in being their source of knowledge.
"hi hi!" she smiled, waving at the camera, wilbur chuckling at her enthusiasm, with y/n, there was never a dull moment.
"you know the drill, chat! you laugh... you lose." wilbur leaned back in his chair, glancing at y/n ever so quickly. "media share's on, let the videos roll."
y/n leaned forward in anticipation, awaiting the first video, which was the classic 'objects i've shoved up my arse', making will roll his eyes and immediately skip it, "rule number eight, chat! no videos we've seen before, and especially that!"
a brief moment of silence went by as the next clip played, and they instantly recognised it.
y/n stayed silent during the 'cheeto' video, as wilbur stifled a laugh, "how do you find that funny?!"
"the question is, how do you not find that funny?!" wilbur laughed as y/n gave him a knowing look. "that doesn't count! no, n-no, chat, stop. no. fine, fi- i lost a life, i still have another."
"i don't think that's how it works-" y/n began as wilbur places his hand over her mouth.
"my stream, my rules." y/n removes wilbur's hand from her mouth.
"you're such an idiot, i swear." y/n crossed her arms and scoffed at her boyfriend.
"yeah, but i'm your idiot." wilbur's cheeks flushed over the statement he made as he glanced up at the chat. they were already calling him a simp. "chat! listen here! stop calling me a simp!" wilbur turned redder as he read each comment. "it may be true, but there's no need to point it out, okay?! i have consent to simp."
"did you know that humans are the only animals that blush?" y/n took notice to his blush as wilbur turned to y/n, ready for another rant. "i know it sounds obvious, but it's true! ya know charles darwin, right? yeah, cool. well, he referred to blushing as "the most peculiar and most human of all expressions," as mark twain said, "man is the only animal that blushes. or needs to." it's fascinating really, chat, you should look into it!"
wilbur was only half paying attention, he mostly just admiring y/n, taking her presence in. y/n snapped her fingers in front of will's face snapping him out of his daze. "gosh, wilbur, are you even listening? at least chat is. thanks chat, i appreciate you guys." y/n gave the camera a cheeky wink, leaning closer to wilbur subconsciously.
wilbur and y/n read the chat together, smiling at some of the comments.
damn, y/n is the definition of big brain
y/n, pls be my tutor
if y/n ruled the world, it would be such a better place
god they make me feel so single-
mr and mrs soot right here
wilbur was so glad that his fans were accepting of his girlfriend. he admits, he was quite scared of introducing her to the stream since she was quite an intense person, but his fans adored her and he even attracted more viewers which was a bonus. they loved y/n, maybe even more than they loved wilbur (and that's saying something).
"okay, okay, lets move on and watch the next video, and i will not laugh!"
"hush, my little nerd."
"well, did you know the term nerd started back in-"
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sootandco · 4 years
being wilbur soot’s s/o and meeting for the first time
pronouns: they/them summary: self explanatory :) requested: yes tw: none  wc: 0.5k
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- wilbur never really thought that long distance relationships were his thing, but when he started talking to you, oh boy, was he hooked
- a virtual war was kicking off when dream had a BRIGHT IDEA to invite one of his closest friends onto the server in hopes of winning
- and that was lil ol’ you :)
- you, being the person you are, didn’t want to choose a side, you were practically switzerland in this sense 
- people came to you (the mediator) to solve many of the problems between l’manburg and pogtopia etc etc.
- and one day, wilbur soot himself went to you for advice about blowing up l’manburg
- you practically said “eH dOn’T dO iT bUt WhAtEvEr, It WoUlD sPiCe ThInGs Up.”
- he liked your attitude, and especially liked the fact that dream invited you to get you on his side and ultimately failed
- and wilbur admired that (even though he desperately wanted you on his side)
- and oh boy, before wilbur knew it, he was falling for you
- hard.
- it took time to realise that he was genuinely into you, but the little things came together
- like the way wilbur made sure that you weren’t caught up in the war and that you were safe
- the way he would leave little presents at your minecraft house
-the way he would stay awake all night just to talk to you because of the time differences
- everyone realised that wilbur soot was whipped
- and you luckily felt the same <3
- dream basically played cupid and said, “y/n, wilbur likes you. wilbur, y/n likes you too. date.”
- so you made it official :)
- only your close friends and family knew
- it seemed perfect, but the only problem was that you lived thousands and thousands of miles away
- you two always talked about meeting (mostly over late night calls when you’re both sad and lonely)
- and one day, you finally thought enough was enough
- you bought tickets to the next flight to england (with the help of clay)
- you sent a goodnight message to your boyfriend so you didn’t seem suspicious and before you knew it, you were on your way to england baby!
- you were extremely nervous, but you were even more excited
- you arrived in brighton midday (a little jetlagged) and luckily you knew exactly where wilbur lived
- wilbur was finishing up a stream with tommy as he heard a knock on his door
- and there you were
- his partner...
- in real life...
- “y/n?”
- “heyyyy, wilby...”
- he immediately pulled you into his embrace and held you as tight as possible, afraid you were going to disappear
- “what are you doing here?!”
- “well, i can go if you-”
- “NO! STAY!”
- wilbur was SO glad that he finished the stream when he did
- “how long are you staying for?”
- “as long as you’ll have me.”
- “stay. forever.”
- homeboy straight up asking you to move in
- and who were you to disagree?
- you both ordered takeaway because who actually cooks nowadays???
- you put on a movie and just leaned into each other’s embrace
- it felt right
- it felt perfect
- the two of you couldn’t be any happier <3
- anyone want to get me a wilbur? :,)
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sootandco · 4 years
the desk ; tommyinnit
pronouns: they/them summary: y/n has a conversation with a stranger on their desk. requested: no a/n: this is intended to be platonic, but to each there own ig + a lot of skips tw: mentions of death, slight angst at the end wc: 1k
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life was a bore. y/n had no friends, average grades, and a low-paying little job at a nearby café. they couldn’t wait for their final year of high school to be over so they could really start living.
y/n looked at their wooden desk, not bothering to pay attention to their geography teacher. faded markings littered the frame as they traced their index finger over them, but something really stood out to them.
the words ‘i’m bored’ was etched in with the sharp end of a compass. it looked new. y/n chuckled at the statement. simple, but true. they looked up to make sure that no one was looking in their direction as they slipped their compass out of their blazer pocket and began to sketch in a respond.
the second they finished, they quickly put the compass back into their pocket. luckily, no one bothered to look their way. they inaudibly sigh to themselves. what was the point in that? no one was obviously going to respond.
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the week continued on like usual, y/n didn’t spare another thought about the little conversation on their geography desk, well, until they sat back down in their seat and saw a respond.
‘glad we agree :)’
 y/n laughed lightly, bringing out their compass once again and began contemplating what they wanted to write.
they settled on ‘not a fan of geog either?’ before sitting up and listening to the lecture for the next hour.
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y/n began to find themselves looking forward to geography, just because they were curious on who the mysterious person was on the other side of the conversation. it was sad really, y/n considered this stranger to be their friend at this point. their only friend. and they hadn’t even met them! so that’s when y/n decided that they were going to meet this person, and nothing was going to get in their way.
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fortunately the next lesson rolled on quickly as y/n pretty much ran into the lesson, earning a smile from their teacher who was convinced they were excited to learn, but that wasn’t case.
they peered at their desk as they sat down, other students walking into the classroom, not bothering to look y/n’s way.
a new message was written underneath y/n’s question.
‘hate it. i assume u do too’
y/n didn’t want to seem too straight forward, but at the same time, they didn’t know how else to put it.
‘who are you?’
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the weekend eventually came and for the first time in forever, y/n didn’t want to go home. for the entirety of the two days, y/n sat there thinking about who it could and couldn’t be. they had geography... but most students did, but they had it at a different time, so they were in a completely different class, maybe even year group. that’s pretty much all they knew, so in conclusion, they were stumped.
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monday morning finally arose as y/n rode their bike to school. they had geography first period much to their delight.
they walked into the almost empty classroom to see their teacher at his desk. “ah, y/n, see that you’re here early again, enjoying geography are we?” mr. simons looked up at the teen through his glasses.
“er, yeah.” y/n nodded, speed walking down to their desk, and looked down to see a single word engraved, or as they should say- name.
 y/n didn’t know anyone called tommy, or even thomas for that matter. it was fairly small school and she was almost completely certain no one had that name.
“hey, mr. simons...” y/n began, walking closer to the front desk. “is there anyone called tommy you teach?”
mr. simons leant back in his chair and bit his lower lip in though, “nope, i don’t know a tommy.”
“a thomas?” y/n questioned.
“no, sorry, kiddo.” he said, standing up and walking closer towards y/n. “why’d you want to know? is he someone you know, or something?”
“uh, no, i was just-” y/n looked down before continuing. “someone said their name was tommy. it’s written on my desk-″
before they could finish, mr. simons chuckled. “so, it was you who was writing on the desk! i though so.”
“um,” y/n wasn’t expecting to be caught. “i’m- i’m sorry, sir. i-”
“don’t worry about it, kid.” he smiled down at the student. “you’re not the first one to talk to tommy.”
“wait- i thought you didn’t know a tommy?” they raised an eyebrow. a million questions going through their head. “i’m confused.”
“tommy,” mr. simons began, walking towards y/n’s desk, tracing his finger over the old conversations. “he was a student here centuries ago, long before i was even born. he used to sit right here.” y/n followed him to their desk and looked down.
there were so many conversations there, so many that y/n didn’t pick up on. they were all conversations between tommy and former students.
“he died in this seat, no one knows how, but the anniversary of his death was exactly a week ago. when he started talking to you, y/n.” mr. simons looked up to see y/n’s shocked face.
“how’s that even possible?”
y/n was talking to a dead boy all along...
“i guess the spirit of tommy will always live on.” there was something in mr. simons’ eye that scared y/n.
“mr. simons...”
“and now he will live on in you.”
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