#I LOVE her suit but I wanted to exaggerate a bit hehe
niavir · 2 years
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I tried to redesign Peachy 😤
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smolghostbot · 1 year
GT July: Banter
In which I write for a prompt named "Banter" when only one of the characters can speak. :P (I think I pulled it off)
Story takes place well into the future after they're a Something. Technically Melody SHOULD be using Patch's actual name when being serious as they can properly communicate by now, but we're ignoring that for sake of Mystery(tm)
Word Count: 600 Character bios in my pinned post Worst CW I can think of is mocking a physical attribute (ears), but through a lighthearted, joking, and fantasy lens. When I'm scraping that hard for warnings, you know it is fluffytime.
It was a lazy Wednesday, one of Mel's days off work, and Patch was relaxing on the couch with her. The sprite was practicing drawing what they saw on the TV as they watched a nature documentary. Mel was lying upside-down on the couch, her long legs up against the wall and her head on the seat right next to Patch as she read a book, the cover of which had some generic knights riding on horses. Patch wasn't quite able to make out the name considering the book was upside-down, and their Human Script was still a bit rusty.
Don't do anything, don't say anything, she just wants to get a rise out of me… Patch thought to themself, as their ear twitched in response to Melody's poke. It was a completely involuntary reflex which always made Melody coo and giggle, as she found it to be the cutest thing ever.
"hmmm… boop!"
Okay she gets one more and then she's dead.
Patch braced themself for it. They could feel the ear boop happening any second… but there wasn't one.
"Hehe… tricked ya!" the human exclaimed, giggling again. Patch stood up and turned around, only to immediately have their ear poked. "Boop!".
Patch immediately started "angrily" stomping their feet, fists clenched as they looked at their human companion. This was half genuine, but was also an indicator to Melody that they were okay with this little game. Had they not been in the mood, that was their time to sign a "no".
The human smirked at her small companion before continuing. "You know, you're just the cutest little sprite ever. You know that, right? With your big cute ears?"
Patch crossed their arms defiantly, Melody knew they hated being called cute and played it up for all she could. "Aw… don't give me that cute little scowl, you know you love me!"
The human placed the book down on their chest, forming a heart with her hands. Patch did a similar motion in response, but then split the heart in two, an exaggerated angry look on their face. Melody placed a hand over her heart and gasped at this gesture in a mock astonishment.
"I can't believe you would say such hurtful things! All I did was compliment your cute and adorable ears!"
Patch responded by squeezing their ears closer to their face, in what Melody had seen before as a mockery of her own rounded ears. Learning that Patch (and all sprites, apparently) found human ears weird and ugly was one of the funniest things Melody had learned about their species, although considering how much they used their ears as part of their body language, she supposed it made sense. The human replied to this gesture with feigned indignation and offense.
"Wow, Patch. Wow. Here I am trying to be a good person, a diplomat between our peoples, and you show up with such a hateful and insensitive display. Frankly, I expected better of you as ambassador for spritekind."
At that, she finally hit her limit for what she could say with a straight face, as she started laughing. Patch followed suit, not quite understanding the joke, but the infectious laughter of their human companion was more than enough. Their silent laughter was felt more than heard as the two of them shared this moment.
As she calmed down, the human spoke again, in her normal voice. "Okay, okay, I'll let you get back to your art. Still just goofing around, right?"
Patch smiled genuinely and gave a proper heart symbol with their hands, which the human mirrored before picking up their book, giving a simple "Love you, Patch" before resuming their reading.
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cheonsarchive · 3 years
Beomgyu | Let Me (V)
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Pairing: Beomgyu x Fem!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!AU, strangers to lovers, angst
Featuring: the rest of TXT, ENHYPEN, aespa, ITZY
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: none
Summary: Struggling with Potions class right away, you try your best to settle into the new year at Hogwarts. But out of nowhere, popular student and fellow Gryffindor Beomgyu offers to help you. Not having spoken much to him before, you are wary. Will you accept his offer? What will happen if you do?
Author’s Note: As stupid as it sounds, I was kind of looking forward to this chapter. Maybe because I love writing some angst. Please don't hate me hehe
Taglist: @odifarts, @paragonofroyalty, @jayla-lover, @hugsforgyu @yoonsupremacy (bold couldn’t be tagged) (If you want me to tag you on the next chapters, let me know! <3)
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A few days after Soobin's return, Taehyun was back as well, followed by Hueningkai a day later. You had a lot of catching up to do, and you were glad that you had other people to occupy your mind instead of Beomgyu. Hueningkai enthusiastically recalled his Christmas celebrations with his sisters, but you knew he was blatantly exaggerating half of the time. You bet the Christmas tree wasn't as big as he described it. But you didn't want to pop that little rose-colored bubble of his. Taehyun was a bit more down-to-earth, mentioning how his Christmas was pretty uneventful. You could just shrug "Well, you decided to go home and leave me here to rot, your loss." Taehyun looked at you suspiciously. "Didn't you have a good time yourself?" You froze. What did he know? For god's sake, Giselle just couldn't keep her mouth shut, could she? You rolled your eyes, trying not to show how much that comment affected you. "Let's go or we'll miss the feast." was what you added to it, making everyone follow suit.
As always, the feast was phenomenal. You never complained about the food at Hogwarts, but whenever there was something to celebrate, you wished you had a second stomach to fit all the delicious plates. Being too engrossed, you almost missed the speech from the headmaster. He tapped the lectern, waiting for everyone to quiet down so he could start. Once he felt like he had the attention of the majority of the students, he began. "Welcome back to Hogwarts everyone! The professors and I hope you had great holidays and spent some quality time with your family. The next half of the year will be challenging, especially for those who are taking their OWLs." You glanced over to Hueningkai at that and chuckled when you saw the panic in his eyes.
After talking a bit longer about the plans for the next few months, including the Quidditch schedule and the House Cup, he made room for Professor McGonagall to announce an important event. She walked up to the lectern.
"Welcome back students. I have an important announcement to make. After the Triwizard Tournament last year, many of the exchange students from Hogwarts expressed their desire to have another ball similar to the Yule Ball that is connected to the tournament. After debating with the other professors and the student council, we are happy to announce that we will indeed hold a ball this year exclusively for Hogwarts students! It will take place in one month exactly, so there is enough time to prepare. Note that it will be a traditional ball, so I advise you to bring a partner. In preparation for the event, you are also free to go to Hogsmeade after school to buy appropriate clothing. On top of that, dance lessons will be offered to those who are interested. I am very much looking forward to this event and I hope we can have a cultivated yet fun evening."
All the girls at your table were excited, squealing about how they can finally attend a school ball or how they hoped their crush would ask them out. You couldn't share their enthusiasm since it meant anxiety for you. Will you find a dress you like? Will someone even ask you out? Deep down, you hoped Beomgyu would be the one to ask you to the ball. The moment his name popped up in your head, you looked over to where he was seated, only to be met with his eyes on you already. You looked away quickly, too nervous to hold eye contact. Giselle similarly lacked excitement, since she just called it quits with Jay, a Slytherin she had been going out with a couple of weeks before holidays started. Over the course of the holidays, he dumped her, though. She didn't mention it at first, but just like she knew whenever something was up with you, you could tell that things didn't go well between them. It was somehow sad to say that Hueningkai was the most excited about this, even though he had no idea who he would go with.
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Everyone around you was quick to find their dates for the ball, but Giselle and you were wary. Seeing that the majority of girls around you got asked out unless they were already in a relationship and it was clear who would accompany them, you decided to wait for someone to ask you out too. Every day you hoped that Beomgyu would approach you and ask you, but whenever you had a chat after your shared classes, the prom never even came up. You grew frustrated, especially because Giselle was pushing you to believe that he is going to ask you out one way or another. You really wanted to believe her, but the hesitation coming from him made it harder to trust her words.
Giselle figured that this wasn't going anywhere, she needed to push either of you in the right direction. You refused to ask someone out yourself, so she had to convince Beomgyu. She wasn't that stupid to just walk up to him and tell him to do so, she knew that wouldn't help. Just like she tried to push you, Beomgyu needed his friends to push him. Judging from her observations, they weren't as supportive as Giselle. Yeonjun and Soobin probably were too busy with their own flirtations. And if she could trust Soobin's words, Beomgyu was rather reserved when it came to this. She still had a plan though. She saw it as a way to get back to Soobin as well. Two birds with one stone.
After her Arithmancy class, she tried to catch Soobin on the corridors. To her delight, she could make out the tall boy in the middle of the students, pushing her way through the crowd to get to him. Soobin jumped when Giselle grabbed his arm without hesitation. He turned around in surprise, and upon seeing Giselle, he gave her a confused look. Heeseung was next to him, and he looked similarly bewildered. "We need to talk." Giselle simply said before tugging at Soobin’s arm to get him to an emptier corridor. Upon being dragged away, Soobin shot Heeseung a panicked glance.
Once they were out of the crowd of students, Giselle stopped. Soobin immediately freed his arm from her firm grasp. "What the hell are you doing?" he questioned. Giselle had an annoyed glint in her eyes. Soobin looked puzzled. "Look, I don't have time for bickering. And don't act too appalled, you did the same to me." she warned. Soobin slumped his shoulders in defeat. Yes, he did. "Okay, what do you want?" he questioned. "Listen, you need to get Beomgyu to ask y/n to the prom."
Whatever Soobin was expecting, this wasn't it. He arched an eyebrow in question. "Why should I?" he challenged. Giselle just rolled her eyes at that. "I don't know if you're really this dense, but he's into her and just too shy to ask. Even I noticed that, and I barely know him. Just give him a push in the right direction, got it?" Soobin could make out a hopeful glint in her eyes. She was serious about this. But it's easier said than done. After Beomgyu had a terrible experience with this girl called Minjeong, he never really talked about girls again. He barely even mentioned you in front of them. Soobin and Yeonjun weren't dumb, they knew something was up and they teased Beomgyu about it as well. But he just ignored them, so mentioning this now would probably not get the desired outcome. The boy had a talent of not listening to his friends either. Scared by Giselle's persistence however, Soobin simply muttered a quick "I'll try." before leaving her in the corridor to find Heeseung again.
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During the next classes, Soobin's mind was clouded with his interaction with Giselle. He wondered if she was right about his best friend liking you. To be fair, Soobin did have his suspicions, but since he doesn't share classes nor the same Hogwarts house with you two, he couldn't spy and investigate himself on the matter. He wasn't sure if Beomgyu acting weird lately was really connected to you. It could have been the Quidditch tournament as well, as the team had some disagreements from what he's heard. Or it could be the argument he had with his parents before coming to Hogwarts that was still bothering him. So really, it wasn't as obvious as Giselle made it out to be. But if she got the guts to pull him out of the corridor to tell him about the two of you, it must be serious. He might try to address this for real.
Little did Soobin know, Beomgyu was indeed struggling internally because of the dance. The moment the Spring Ball was announced, he knew that he wanted to go there with you. But my God was he a coward. He didn't know how to ask you and he was scared you would reject him. Maybe you wanted to go with Hueningkai or Taehyun, who knows? There were plenty of students taking their close friends to the prom instead of asking someone for a date. Also, after the disaster with Minjeong, he swore to himself that he would never fall for someone that fast ever again. And he hated himself for breaking that promise soon enough after spending so much time with you during the Christmas holidays. He refused to admit it, not only to his friends, but especially to himself.
That being said, Soobin and Yeonjun had no problem whatsoever. They were settled rather quickly. "My guys, I got myself a date." Yeonjun informed them with a proud grin on his face while sitting down next to Soobin in the Great Hall. The boys scoffed in response. "Should we act surprised now?" Soobin retorted, earning a glare from Yeonjun. Upon not receiving more information instantly, Beomgyu grew impatient. "Go on, tell us who it is." Yeonjun smirked. "Gladly, I managed to ask out Ryujin." Soobin choked on his cracker, looking at Yeonjun wide-eyed. "How the hell did you manage to do that??" He questioned in shock yet slight admiration. Ryujin was an extremely popular Slytherin girl who had turned down Yeonjun before. The fact that he did land a date with her in the end was impressive, to say the least. "I mean, look at me. I'm irresistible." He replied, wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. Beomgyu had to suppress his gag reflex.
"Well, I have a date as well." Soobin announced, smiling to himself. Yeonjun nudged his shoulder playfully. "That's my boy, who is she?" Soobin explained how he asked Ningning to the ball and she accepted after some slight hesitation. It was funny really. Giselle and Ningning were friends and he had business regarding the ball with both of them over the course of just two days. Yeonjun nodded knowingly, he knew Soobin had his eyes on her for a bit. Must be her new hair color. He was caught swooning over it before. As they both revealed their dates, Soobin thought it was the perfect moment to ask Beomgyu about his plans.
"Do you already have someone?" he directed at the younger boy. Beomgyu looked up from his notebook in slight surprise. Soobin never asked him about girls, so why now? There was an event, yes, but he was usually the type to expect Beomgyu to open up about this himself rather than asking. Whatever Soobin's intentions were, he wasn't willing to share the mess that his mind was. He wanted to sort out things for himself first before even considering telling one of them. It was a bit unfair, Soobin and Yeonjun really tried to be good friends, yet he always waved them off. But he felt like talking about his struggles and getting suggestions from someone else was only making it worse. So, he kept things to himself most of the time.
Before Beomgyu could find the right words to reply, Karina interrupted their conversation, sitting down next to him. "Hi boys, how are you doing?" she exclaimed excitedly. Soobin shot her a quick glance and only gave an unenthusiastic "Good." As a response. This wasn't the right timing for Karina to appear. "So?" Soobin tried to get an answer from Beomgyu again. The boy was weirded out by his friend's stubbornness, Soobin was usually quick to drop topics if he noticed Beomgyu wasn't in the mood to talk about it. He sighed silently, giving a short "No." as a reply. He hoped the conversation would die down, especially after Karina joined.
"Why don't you ask y/n to the ball?" Beomgyu gave Soobin a warning glare. What the hell was he insinuating? Upon hearing the question, Karina's head snapped to Beomgyu, a stunned look on her face. Truth be told, Karina had been silently crushing on Beomgyu for a while. She tried to be nonchalant about it, but everyone noticed, the crush in question too. Speaking of the crush in question, the grip on his pencil tightened as anger rose to his cheeks. He had enough to deal with regarding the ball already, why did Soobin have to pressure him even more? Yeonjun was similarly confused about his friend's behavior. Trying to calm himself down, Beomgyu took a deep breath before closing his notebook and getting up. "I have to go get ready for Quidditch practice" he said blandly, wasting no more time to wait for a response as he made his way to the exit.
Karina was perplexed by what just unfolded in front of her. Beomgyu was calm and collected usually, she has never seen him so on edge before. "What was that about?" she asked Soobin accusingly. Why did he push Beomgyu's buttons like that out of nowhere? Yeonjun looked over to Soobin expectantly, just as curious as the girl across from them. Soobin glanced between them and tried to play it cool with a shrug. "I was just interested." Yeonjun got that message. He didn't want to talk about it in front of Karina. The older boy had to wait for the real answer a little bit longer.
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Taehyun could tell that your attention wasn't on the homework in front of you, but something else. You've been staring at the same page for minutes, without writing anything down. "I assume how to solve the task isn't the thing you're contemplating right now?" he began, pulling you back to reality. You looked at him and he just returned a glance with raised eyebrows, knowing damn well that he caught you. You could only sigh. "I'm trying." you mumbled, doodling at the edge of the page to get your hands busy. "It's because of the ball, isn't it?" Dammit. Sometimes you hated Taehyun for being so fast at catching up. You dropped your pencil altogether, looking at him again with a helpless expression. He looked towards you compassionately.
"Do you know if Beomgyu asked someone else?" He suddenly questioned. That question made your eyes widen. You didn't know, but that was the worst-case scenario. And something you certainly did not want to think about. Taehyun noticed your reaction and nodded, signaling that you don't have to answer. He didn't want to pry, he was just worried. The more time passed, the worse you felt, and he could notice. Everyone could notice, really. But you couldn't help it. At this point, you were scared that no one will ask you at all and you have to show up alone.
The ball was just two weeks away, but Beomgyu didn't budge. You had to admit that you rarely saw him, as Quidditch practice was getting more frequent, and he usually rushed right to the pitch after your shared classes. It drained you, to say the least. The decline of attention from his side only made you feel more miserable and worried. Maybe Giselle wasn't right for once. You were important to him as a friend, you were sure about that. He wouldn't be spending so much time with you voluntarily if he didn't at least like you as a friend. But nothing more. Just a friend. And you started to hate yourself for rendering him so important to you. More important than just a friend.
You even declined someone else's offer to take you to the ball for Beomgyu. Okay, to the boy's defense, it was also because of the age gap. You didn't even know why Jungwon asked you to the ball in the first place, given that you were a few years older than him. Maybe he noticed you being close to Taehyun, as he himself was friends with him. You didn't have any business with him though, so it literally came out of nowhere. You politely told him that you would rather take someone your age to the ball, but what you didn’t mention was that you just wanted to take one specific boy overall. Someone who grew distant from you the more time passed. And you officially started panicking.
"I don't know what to do, Taehyun." you almost whispered, trying to keep your voice from shaking. He could sense your frustration and looked at you sadly. "Why don't you just talk to him about it? The current situation won't get you anywhere." Taehyun reasoned. Usually, you were okay with speaking your mind. But Beomgyu's current behavior would make this weird. What were you supposed to say? 'Hey, we rarely talk to each other anymore, but why aren't you asking me to the ball?' Hell no. The fear of rejection was too strong. Also, the hopeless romantic in you wanted to be asked out by someone instead of asking someone yourself.
"Not an option." you simply said. You preferred your state of being insecure but still hopeful rather than being rejected right away. "I mean, then you really have to wait and see. But don't wait too long. If he can't make up his mind, he's not worth it." Taehyun argued. He was right. You were waiting for Beomgyu so desperately, maybe he wasn't worth it in the end. Maybe you missed out on something else because your mind was so occupied with him. You leaned back in your seat. "God, I can't believe I'm talking to you about this." you said, realizing that you never had boy-talk with Taehyun before. Probably because there wasn't much happening in your dating life and when it did, you confided in Giselle instead. "Hey, I can give good advice too." he pretended to be hurt, a hint of a whine in his tone. You cracked a smile at that. "Yes of course you can, you know-it-all."
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Beomgyu wasn't in the mood for Quidditch at all to be honest, but he knew he couldn't skip this training when they had to win their next game to secure a better spot in the ranking. He reluctantly dragged his broomstick behind him, the snow softening the impact of the bristles to the ground. He was one of the first to arrive, so at least he had some time to pull himself together before practice. Usually, Quidditch was his safe place to get his mind off things, but it had become harder to shut off his thoughts lately.
Tying his shoes in the changing room, Sunghoon entered alongside some other players from the team. One of them, Jake, seemed pretty excited today. He greeted everyone enthusiastically and began small talk with the group. Suddenly, the question Beomgyu didn't want to hear dropped once again. "So, guys, are you already settled for the ball?" For fuck's sake. Some of the boys around Beomgyu nodded as he remained quiet, hoping Jake wouldn't ask him specifically just like Soobin did before.
"What about you, Sunghoon?" He heard Jake ask and for some reason, it sparked his interest. Little did he know. Sunghoon looked over to Jake, smiling shyly and giving a small "Yes." as a response. Jake looked satisfied, throwing his arm over Sunghoon's shoulder before asking "Who's the lucky girl?" Beomgyu could see Sunghoon hesitating. He probably wanted to keep it a secret and surprise everyone at the ball. Sunghoon bit his lip, before answering with the name of the girl. "Y/n."
Sunghoon recalled the scene. You had just finished your homework and left the Great Hall alone as Taehyun had other homework tasks to finish. You basically bumped into each other and like in cheesy romance movies, you dropped your notebook. He was quick to pick it up for you while apologizing. You chuckled awkwardly "Oh wow, your reflexes are something else." you said, amused at how fast he leaned down for your notebook. Sunghoon smiled. "Well, I'm the Seeker for a reason." he playfully winked. Where was this sudden burst of confidence coming from? He was usually pretty shy and introverted, but he seemed to be more comfortable around you.
He saw the chance and he took it, before the confidence would leave him completely. He had thought about asking you to the ball for some time, but he wasn't sure if you would accept. Within the last two weeks, you could have found someone else to accompany you already. He found you really pretty, so he figured that someone must have already asked you out. But he needed to know for sure. "Hey, uh- I actually wanted to ask you something." he finally sputtered. You motioned for him to go ahead. He was more nervous than he hoped. "Do you already have a date for the ball?" Your face dropping would have been answer enough. Just when you were about to try and distract yourself, the topic came up again.
You mumbled an insecure "No." looking at the ground. Sunghoon became hopeful. Before he could overthink it, he asked "Oh. So... I was wondering if… you would like to go with me, maybe?" No. That was your first thought. And you felt bad for being so clear about it, Sunghoon was such a nice guy, not to say he was drop-dead gorgeous, and you should feel honored to be asked out by him. So many girls would kill to be in your shoes right now and would gladly accept his offer. But you knew that he wasn't your first choice.
On the other hand, you knew this was probably your only chance. Most students had already settled by now. How much longer would you have to wait for Beomgyu to ask you out? What if he already asked someone else? Who says he was even planning on asking you? You would wait in vain and end up having to go to the ball alone. The biggest embarrassment in your short life that would be. Even Taehyun and Hueningkai found someone, and you rendered them hopeless cases. So really, what choice did you have? Taehyun’s words began to ring in your head as well. Maybe Beomgyu wasn’t worth waiting for. Also, you really liked Sunghoon, he was nice to be around, and you only shared pleasant moments and conversations. It would be unfair to not give him a chance at least. And maybe give yourself a chance to meet someone new as well.
With a heavy heart, you put on the most sincere-looking fake smile you could muster and answered. "Yes, Sunghoon. I would really like that." Sunghoon looked at you as if he won the lottery. And the happiness in his eyes made you smile for real. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all. Perhaps this was supposed to happen. And you told yourself to give him a chance. Even if your heart told you otherwise.
Beomgyu could feel his heart drop to his stomach the moment he heard that one name that he wished would never leave another boy's lips in this context. You were going with someone else. Beomgyu wasted too much time. He was too late. His mind ran circles and blood was rushing to his head. He started to feel lightheaded. And once he saw how happy Sunghoon looked, a cold shiver ran down his spine. He didn't know how to digest this information and he wanted to slap himself for hesitating so long. This could be him. But it wasn't. And he was more than glad that Jake forgot about asking him due to his excitement for Sunghoon. Because at that moment, any minor inconvenience would lead to him breaking down completely.
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Hueningkai, Taehyun and Giselle were pretty shocked about your date, not gonna lie. Even though Taehyun told you not to wait too long, he didn't expect you to find a date for the ball literally only 5 minutes later. That was not the ‘don’t wait too long’ time frame he had in mind. They all knew that you weren't entirely happy with your decision, but they still tried to cheer you up. Sunghoon was a very, very nice catch. They had never heard anything bad about him even though with those visuals, he could pull the worst shit and still make it out alive. So at least you settled for royalty still.
"You know, maybe it's better this way. Who knows if someone else would have asked me out." you reasoned, stuffing your mouth with a bite of the cake in front of you. Food for the nerves, you told yourself. Giselle could make out the pain in your voice. Beomgyu would find out sooner or later, stuff like this spread like wildfire in your house. So, he probably wouldn't ask you anymore now. She tried to lighten the mood by stating "I can't believe I'm the last one here to find a date!" exaggeratedly, throwing her hands in the air. The four of you broke out into a laugh at that.
What made Giselle feel everything but the urge to laugh was what she heard from Ningning in their shared Herbology class two days later, though. Giselle actually freaked the younger girl out with her reaction, but she didn't care. Once the class ended, she rushed to find you as fast as she could. She skimmed the Great Hall but couldn't spot you, so the common room it had to be. Upon arriving at the painting, Giselle was panting heavily, croaking out the password with a dry throat. To her delight, or perhaps dismay, she found you seated at the sofa next to Kai. She quickly checked the room for someone else who wasn't supposed to hear this, but gladly, most students were out as they had classes or were on a trip to Hogsmeade.
"Y/n." she panted, and you knew this wouldn't be good. "What?" you asked, fear lacing your voice. Your friend was bending down a bit, resting her hands on her legs to catch her breath. The silence made you go crazy. "What is it, Giselle?!" you questioned again, this time more urgent. She looked up as if your puppy had died and she had to tell you. It freaked you out. "You aren't going to like this." she began, making goosebumps rise on your skin. Please don't say it. "Beomgyu asked Karina to the ball."
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 1~
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I know there are not many who are a fan of Kurama, but I swear he’s an angel. Also WARNING!!! The whole route has sexual content, gore, violence, murder, torture, and also spooky horror scenes involving demons all the way through. Now that I’ve cleared everything, I don’t have to put warnings in every chapter.
——-PART 1——-
(I’m going to collect the mystical powers that are required to cancel my pact with Tamamo….and I will definitely open my own pharmacy!)
While thinking about my ordinary lovely life, I looked straight with all the courage I could muster.
Yoshino: “Please take care of me, everyone!”
Shigehira:”......You’re already being noisy.”
Yoshino: “So-Sorry.”
Morinaga: “I think it’s nice to be cheerful, right?”
Yoritomo: “After nearly getting killed, I agree. So as a newcomer to the Shogunate, you will be standing at the frontlines of tomorrow’s war.”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
Yoritomo-sama grins and places a hand on my right shoulder.
As soon as I was about to reply to the words in a hurry, Tamamo placed his hand on my left shoulder.
Tamamo: “Don’t underestimate the power of the woman who is bound to me. I’m sure she can take at least the head of an enemy general.”
Morinaga: “Pharmacists are strong these days, aren’t they?”
Yoshino: “No...you’re exaggerating...”
Kagetoki: “If you don’t meet our expectations, you will be flogged, imprisoned and torture, understood?”
Yoshino: “DON’T YOU DARE!”
I panicked and shouted, but----
(Huh? Why are everyone’s shoulders are shaking slightly...)
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Yoritomo; “Not a bad reaction.”
Kagetoki: “Yeah, passable.”
Tamamo: “Are those glasses for decoration? We got a perfect reaction, no matter how you look at it.”
Morinaga: “Yeah, she’s so cheerful, honest, and cute. I have no words to say.”
Shigehira: “.....Sorry about that.”🠀(daily victim of these teasing adults)
(What’s with this flow?)
Yoshino: “Did you all just team up just to tease me?”
Yoritomo: “What are you talking about? Well, it’s half of that is true.”
Tamamo: “We were having a bit of fun. Forgive me, Yoshino.”
Yoshino: “How can Tamamo, blend in so easily....?”
(I don’t understand, he’s a newcomer to the Shogunate like me!)
Morinaga: “Aside from Tamamo’s appearance, he doesn’t sound too much like a demon when he’s talking like this.”
Kagetoki: “I’m not sure what it means to be a ‘demon’,”
Shigehira: “If you ask like that, maybe Kurama would be an example of how demons usually act...”
(Oh yeah...)
Kurama: “That’s not the point! You’re the one who’s been taking advantage of an ordinary person. Just look at her. As I expected, she’s just a boring little puss.”
------FLASHBACK END-----
A shiver runs down my spine as I remember those red eyes with their out-of-the-world glow.
Yoshino: “I felt like I was looked down upon.”
Tamamo: “Exactly, He’s the most selfish and unreasonable of all the demons. The most annoying part is, he always challenges me because I’m equal to him, in terms of power.”
------Part 2-----
Tamamo: “He’s the most selfish and unreasonable of all the demons. The most annoying part is, he always challenges me because I’m equal to him, in terms of power.”
Yoshino: “He’s that powerful....”
I shiver a little as I feel the night wind grow colder.
(I know the fight is still a long way off and there’s no point dwelling on it now.)
Shigehira: “Why don’t you just go into the palace and get some sleep? Seeing you wander around the palace with dark circles under your eyes is going to be a hassle.”
Yoshino: “Wander...?”
Kagetoki: “As expected of the man who goes to bed early and gets up early, has a different mindset.”
Morinaga: “Yes, they say that sleeping early makes children grow faster.”
Shigehira: “You both, stop making fun of me!”
Yoshino: “Hehe....you all seem to be friendly with each other.”
Yoritomo: “Friendly...well, what can I say...”
Tamamo: “I envy you.”
Shigehira: “Bullshit!” 
-----I’m going to live in the midst of all these personalities tomorrow.
(I don’t know what kind of day it will be.)
(If we’re going to live an unfamiliar life until we’ve achieved our goal, let’s make it a meaningful one.)
A few days later-----
Tamamo: “Oh, where are you going, Yoshino?”
Yoshino: “Ah, Tamamo. Good morning.”
Early in the morning, I was walking down the corridor when I bumped into Tamamo.
Yoshino: “I’m thinking of going to the mountains outside of town to pick up some herbs.”
Tamamo: “Herbs? As long as we are under the protection of the Shogunate, I don’t think you need to work hard as pharmacist.”
(It’s true that there’s good food at every meal, the room is too comfortable, and it’s a heavenly life...but....)
Yoshino: “I’m uncomfortable living such a good life even though I haven’t done anything. I won’t use my fox powers until the battle, and I hope I can contribute as a pharmacist first.”
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Tamamo: “I see. As the home of the samurai, a pharmacist would be of great value here. Perhaps it’s not such a bad idea to ingratiate yourself with them on a regular basis?”
Yoshino: “No, I didn’t mean to do it that way.”
It is true, however, I hoped it would help him to fit in with the Shogunate.
Tamamo: “But it’s not easy picking herbs, is it? Why don’t I come with you to the mountains?”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
I was delighted by the unexpected offer but...
(Yikes, no matter how you look at it, mountain trails don’t suit Tamamo.)
Yoshino: “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’d like to go into town this afternoon. If you don’t mind, will you join me?”
Tamamo: “That’s an excellent suggestion. You can leave the guidance to me.”
------Part 3------
Yoshino: “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’d like to go into town this afternoon. If you don’t mind, will you join me?”
Tamamo: “That’s an excellent suggestion. You can leave the guidance to me.”
I parted ways with the happy Tamamo and made my way to the outskirts of town.
Yoshino: “Okay! I wonder if this is enough.”
After gathering the necessary herbs, I take my basket and start walking along the mountain path.
After a while----
(The surroundings are getting foggy...)
(I have to be careful.)
At the same point, the temperature drops, and goosebumps appear on my arms.
Yoshino: “This is the direction I came, right?”
(I don’t know what it was, I can’t be sure of it but I have a bad feeling about it.)
I can feel the hair on the nape of my neck stand.
At that time, sudden anxiety attacks me....
There was a faint sound of wet earth being trodden on.
(Who is there?)
When I looked back, there was no one.
(Maybe it’s just my imagination.)
While convincing myself, I started walking fast.
(I can’t see my feet.)
At that time---
*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*
Yoshino: “.......!”
I was sure I could hear it and it made my whole body go all hairy.
As I quickened my pace, the sound of footsteps followed behind me.
Yoshino: “.....Who is there?”
Voice: “Hehehehe...”
The sound of laughter coming from behind the fog gives me a strange chill.
Voice: “Who is there? Who is there? Hehehe...”
A voice with the lisp of a young child and the lisp of a grown woman imitated my words.
(What the hell is that.....?)
Voice: “Is there someone? Someone? Hehehehe.....Hehehe....”
Yoshino:” Go away!”
I raise my voice and I feel my legs trembling.
Unable to resist, my feet tangled as I ran and I nearly plowed over the bumps in the ground, obscured by the fog.
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Voice: “Go away.....go away.....go away.....? I’m going catch you....”
Yoshino: “Kyaaa!”
I threw the basket at the voice and stood back on my feet and started running.
(Why is this demon....following me?)
I struggled to escape the sound of footsteps and laughter chasing me from behind.
Finally, when I can’t hear the voice anymore, I started breathing normally.
(Looks like I ended up in the deepest part of the mountains.)
Yoshino: “...I hate this. Why did this have to happen to me?”
(What should I do now?)
Rubbing the tears from my eyes, I walked on fearfully not wanting to go back.
Then a faint sound of water can be heard through the mist.
Yoshino: “Is there a river nearby?”
As I stared, I could see a faint spring through the slow-moving mist.
As we walked cautiously, a strong wind blew just ahead of me and it quickly lifted the mist.
(......! Someone’s there.)
-------Part 4------
As we walked cautiously, a strong wind blew just ahead of us and quickly lifted the mist.
(......! Someone’s there.)
This time I approached, squealing with relief at the sight of a definite figure.
Yoshino: “Excuse me! Um....”
------The first thing I saw was a jet-black spread of wings.
Droplets of morning light glisten from their glossy wet feathers.
(No way....)
The eyes of this person whose feet are immersed in the shallows and whose well-built body is generously exposed----
Those unforgettable glowing red eyes.
Kurama: “................”
Yoshino: “Karasu Tengu.....Kurama.”
It’s out of this world beautiful and for a moment my thoughts stopped.
Kurama: “----What an ‘unpleasant surprise.”
His voice rang with contempt and my breath caught in my throat at the intimidation.
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Kurama: “Who gave you the permission to be in my sight?”
(-----I have to run!)
I decided so and started running with my back towards him.
(I’m still wondering about the demon from earlier but there’s no time to get lost in other things!)
Kurama: “Stop right there!”
Yoshino: “Kyaa!”
An invisible blade gouges out the soil underfoot.
(It’s a wind blade!)
With a careless wave of his hand, Kurama let fear take over my movements.
The black feathers just flutter and splash once.
Kurama: “I said it was an unpleasant sight, but I didn’t give you the permission to run away. The only thing you are allowed to do is to answer my questions sincerely, without trembling like a fool.”
(I....must calm down, I have the power of the nine tail fox. But....)
I squeezed my fingertips which were hard as stone.
(I’m scared.)
(My legs are shaking even though I’ve been threatened only once.)
Kurama came out of the water quickly.
I tugged my sleeve in fear while thinking about how to get away from him.
Kurama: “Now.”
Every step he takes brings a cold sweat behind my neck.
My instincts told me that I was in the presence of a superhuman being.
Yoshino: “Ah!”
Kurama: “Little puss, why have you come to this mountain?”
He pulls me close and our breaths touch as he looks at me.
1. Nothing.(+4/+4)
2. I don’t know.(+4/+4)
3. Please let go.(+4/+4)
Yoshino: “For nothing....”
I shook my head, which had gone completely blank.
Kurama: “Only a lowly animal will move without a purpose.”
Yoshino: “Argh, I just came to pick some herbs, okay! What are you doing here?”
Kurama: “Don’t you see? I was having a bath.”
Yoshino: ‘Bath?......In the enemy’s territory?”
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Kurama: “No matter where I am, I do what I want and whenever I want.”
------Part 5------
Kurama: “No matter where I am, I do what I want and whenever I want.”
Yoshino: “But you didn’t come here just for a dip....right?”
I asked him fearfully.
Kurama: “Of course, I’m here to see Tamamo.”
Yoshino: “Tamamo...”
Kurama: “I thought I would see how the nine-tail-fox was faring in the Shogunate. Since he’s spending so much time in vain, I might as well give him a light fight. But before I went to see him, I saw this nice spring and stopped by.”
(Going into enemy territory doesn’t seem to be something that makes Kurama nervous at all.)
(I wonder if demons have different senses from humans?)
Kurama scratched his wet hair annoyingly.
Despite this situation, my eyes are drawn to the picture-like gesture.
(What are you thinking? I want to know even if he’s an enemy.)
Yoshino: “Um....were you the one making those strange footsteps and voices? Did you do that to lure me here?”
Kurama: “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
When Kurama was about to continue his words....
Yoshino: “.....! Wait.”
(That sound.)
The familiar sloppy sound of footsteps makes my shoulders quiver
*tap tap tap tap tap*
Kurama: “..................”
(At a time like this......)
Voice: “Found you!....Hehehehe, found you found you!”
Yoshino: “No.....way.....”
The hem of a red kimono and the feet of a pair of sandals loomed mysteriously out from under the mist.
The next moment....
(What the hell!?)
A plume of black smoke came from somewhere, tinting the mist.....
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Demon: “Found you! Found you! Found you! Found you! “
Yoshino: “Kyaaa.....”
I can’t breathe properly because of the fear that crawls up from under my feet.
The outline of the huge demon distorted and stretched its arms wide towards us.
(No more.)
Kurama: “Don’t you dare interrupt me!.”
As I opened my eyes in despair, I heard a voice above me, which was the most sullen voice I’ve ever heard.
Demon: “Gyaaaaa!”
Yoshino: “Nghh.....”
The invisible wind blades sliced the limbs of the demon brutally.
The demon collapsed struggled violently on the ground in a black mass.
Kurama: “Crushed like a bug.”
I looked back, ducking my eyes against the strong wind blowing. Kurama pulls a fan from his waist and gives it a big flash.
Kurama: “I won’t allow a fly like you to interrupt me, so be  ready for what’s coming to you.”
Chapter 2
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 74 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: Galactica shut down for the holidays, and Bianca turned Courtney’s shitty day around.
This Chapter: Christmas Eve. Fame plays hostess for Juju and Detox’s family, Bianca and Courtney jet off to Puerto Rico, Violet spends the evening with Sutan, Raja and Raven, and Pearl thirsts for Dahlia.
“Patrick?” Fame called over her shoulder, a big porcelain vase on the table in front of her.
“Yes darling?” Patrick was sitting in an armchair, his finger holding his place in the crime novel he was reading, Charles curled up on the floor in front of the crackling fireplace.
“What do you think of this?” Fame took a step back, showing off the greenhouse bouquet she had arranged, their gardener bringing them in after his rounds, snow covering the ground outside. “I was hoping they could be the centerpiece for tonight?”
They were upstate, in what Karl had jokingly started to call The Farm one summer. In reality, it was a mansion with several acres of land, the incredible garden the reason for the nickname, though Karl had insisted it was because upstate New York was basically Hicksville.
Fame and Patrick had bought it forever ago, the property supposed to be a real estate investment, but when they had visited it to oversee the remodel during the fall of the year they got it, Fame had fallen in love instantly.
She adored The Farm, loved the open land, loved the space that reminded her of her childhood’s free roam, loved that Charles had all the space in the world, the property so big that no one ever bothered them while they were there.
“I think that’s lovely dear,” Patrick smiled, taking a sip of the spiced eggnog the chef had made. “Juju’s going to love that.”
“Good.” Fame smiled, a moment of happiness washing over her body. Juju and Detox were coming up for Christmas, bringing their children along, the bedrooms already prepared for them.
When Detox and Juju had accepted her invitation to join them upstate, Fame had been overjoyed, spending the holiday with her friends instead of family so much more enjoyable, and best of all, it required absolutely no flying.
Unlike the Manhattan townhouse, The Farm was decorated in a traditional Christmas red and green, a fresh cut actual pine tree set up in the parlor, copious amounts of gifts for Kelly and the twins already under the tree.
“I’ll go check up on the chef.” Fame put down her garden shears, quickly drying her hands on her tea towel, collecting the scraps for the compost out back. “Make sure they’re cooking the Brussels sprouts correctly.”
The night's dinner was a wild lemon and honey salmon, a spinach salad with goat cheese and beets, the dessert spiced tea-poached pears for the adults and a sundae bar for the kids.
“And the mac and cheese?” Patrick raised an eyebrow.
“Of course,” Fame smiled. “I specifically instructed the chef to go for the mega size Kraft. The little ones should know it’s Christmas too.”
In reality, Fame had requested a complete restock of what Patrick lovingly called the kids cupboard, a whole section dedicated to the Sanderson kids, Kelly always going straight there the second she stepped foot inside. Just because she was a teenager who rarely attended family events anymore didn’t mean that Fame would forget about her.
“The sleds are ready to go too.”
Fame had never wanted kids of her own, but she loved and adored her entire chosen family, especially the little ones. Spoiling them had been one of her favorite pastimes since they’d met, when Kelly was still a chubby little baby with a passion for sticking jewelry into her mouth.
Today, she’d planned a lovely afternoon of fun in the snow for when everyone arrived. Fame had even bought a new snow set, the pure white Prada demanding to go home with her, her new mittens lined with rabbit fur so she could truly get down and dirty while building the snowman she hoped they had time for.
It was one of the most liberating things about The Farm, the acres of land meaning that there was a sense of privacy she could never feel in the city.
“And did you go for the wood?”
“Of course I went for the wooden sleds,” Fame rolled her eyes, Patrick so often playing stupid on purpose just to rile her up. “The antique German design.” There was no way Fame was going for anything but the best, and Julia and Owen deserved the best sledding experience money could buy, gourmet marshmallows and Jacques Torres hot chocolate already in the kitchen ready to go.
“Mmh?” Patrick smirked, taking another sip of his egg nog, and Fame went over to kiss him, just to wipe it off his face.
“Kelly Sanderson! Don’t you forget your scarf!”
“Yes mom,” Kelly rolled her eyes, but snatched her scarf, putting it around her neck before walking towards the house with her gym bag over her shoulder, and Juju couldn’t help but smile.
They were emptying out the car, the drive upstate a complete pain since she had been nauseous the entire time, Detox driving while Kelly was in the front seat, so Juju had been alone in the back with the twins because someone had to keep an eye on them, and Kelly refused.
“Okay champ,” Detox looked at his son who was still in the car, Julia standing on the snow-covered ground in her Frozen jacket. “I’m going to unbuckle you, but that doesn’t mean that you can-“
“Bye dad!!”
Juju laughed as Owen ran as fast as he could towards the front door, his sister right behind him.
“We got them!”
Juju turned to see Patrick call from the door, a big smile on the man's face, Fame right behind him.
“Your death wish!” Detox yelled, and Juju smiled before digging back in, her husband quickly gathering enough suitcases to make his first trip up to the house, Juju taking a moment to enjoy the blessed silence of private property upstate.
She fished her phone out of her handbag, a sense of relief washing over her when she saw that Bianca had texted. They had only spoken once last week, when Juju called her to apologize for the dinner party pile-on, and Bianca said it was okay, but she also seemed a bit rushed and distracted. Juju was hoping that it was just work, that she wasn’t genuinely mad, but she couldn’t be sure, especially since she hadn’t responded to any messages the night before. Looking at the messages today, though, it really did seem like they were good.
JUJU: Hey there. Thinking of you, hope you’re good.
JUJU: To be clear, I was thinking of you because I got up to take a very large dump.
JUJU: Hehe
JUJU: <3
JUJU: OK goodnight! xo
JUJU: Merry Christmas Eve, lady! I love you.
BIANCA: Love you too, kiddo. Sorry for being MIA last night.
BIANCA: I’m taking Courtney to PR for Christmas, we’re heading to JFK right now.
BIANCA: Tell the monsters that I owe them some presents when I get back.
JUJU: Oh wow!! Have fun!!!! (And trust me, they will collect on those presents, lol)
She sighed, slipping the phone back into her bag, thinking that perhaps she should keep Bianca’s vacation plans under wraps for now. She turned towards the house, watching Fame on her knee, unlacing Julia’s shoes. Yes, better not to be the messenger for this particular news.
“So...is it everything you imagined?” Bianca asked, a wry grin on her face. She’d been a bit shocked when Courtney revealed in the car that she’d never flown first class before. She thought that surely someone as cute and charming as her had been slipped a free upgrade or two by a flight attendant trying to hit on her.
“It’s perfect.” Courtney tilted her champagne glass towards Bianca for a toast, her eyes taking on that slightly glazed, naughty look as she sipped on her third glass.
“Perfect, huh?” Bianca asked, clinking her glass lightly. “Then I guess you don’t want another present…”
“Wait, no...I do!” Courtney exclaimed, suddenly looking so serious that Bianca couldn’t hold back her cackling laughter.
Drunk Courtney was turning into one of her favorite people, the comically exaggerated faces she made when her defenses were down too cute for words.
“Oh, well in that case…” She reached into her bag and pulled out a box wrapped in sparkling pink and gold.
“How did you fit that in there?” Courtney asked, letting Bianca take her glass so that she had both hands free for the large gift, examining it closely. “Are you Mary Poppins?”
“Yeah, that’s me. A g-rated singing nanny.”
“Hot,” Courtney giggled, and Bianca gave her a stern look. “What, I like sexy nannies. Maria Von Trapp...Fran Fine?!”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Bianca shook her head, amused.
“Oh no, am I being naughty? Are you gonna spank me?” Courtney’s eyes glittered.
Well, this was an unexpected turn. Perhaps something to explore when they weren’t flying thirty thousand feet over an ocean, surrounded by people.
“Open your present.”
“Yes, ma’am…” Courtney said, making Bianca laugh again as she tore into the package, first pulling off the excessive ribbons and bows (Joslyn really shouldn’t be trusted with that kind of thing) and then the glittery paper. She lifted the lid on the box, revealing 5 brand-new designer bathing suits, all from this year’s hottest resort collections. Her eyes lit up. “Ooooh, wow! This is much better than the plan I had.”
“What was your plan?”
“I was just gonna go without a suit,” she said, shrugging a bit as she fluttered her lashes.
“Huh.” Bianca’s brow furrowed in mock disappointment, adding, “Yeah, no, I like your plan better, give these back.”
She reached over and attempted to swipe the box from Courtney’s hand, but Courtney clutched it greedily to her chest.
“No! They’re mine now!”
Bianca laughed, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek, just as Courtney grabbed her face and went right for her lips.
“Thank you, B. I love them. I love you.”
“I love you too, sunshine.” Bianca rested her forehead against Courtney’s with a happy sigh. “And I can’t wait to see you in them...or out of them.”
“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m not helping?” Violet asked. She was sitting on a silver bar stool and feeling absolutely useless, her fingers drumming on the marble breakfast bar.
Raja and Raven’s apartment looked like something from a catalog, big art pieces hung everywhere, fresh flowers in vases even though it was December. Violet had spotted the heavy oak Raja preferred, and the green and gold she gravitated towards, but it was clear that Raven was the main decorator.
“Of course,” Raven smiled, flashing her teeth over her shoulder. She was standing at the counter, filling up the sink so she could rinse off their dishes.
“Let her have the fantasy,” Sutan grinned, putting the empty tray he was carrying down, Raja right behind him. “This is the one time of year Raven pretends she’s the perfect housewife,”
“Fuck off.” Raven flipped him off, “I’m always perfect.”
When Sutan had told Violet he usually spent Christmas Eve with his sister and Raven, Violet hadn't been surprised. What had surprised her was when Sutan told her that Raven insisted on cooking every year. It had been a simple meal, roasted chicken and potatoes with gravy, but it did really seem like Raven had made it herself, Raja in charge of buying the dessert.
It was the first time Violet had celebrated Christmas Eve with anyone since she was 17, and while it was very different from what she usually did, which was wine and a movie, it was nice.
“You are, Princess,” Raja smiled, pressing a quick kiss against her hair as she dropped their dishes. “Now, does anyone want another drink?”
“Me,” Raven grinned, and Violet had to fight not to show the surprise on her face when Raven just grabbed the dirty dishes. She had never thought Raven would be someone who did chores, who’d willingly get her hands dirty.
“I’m driving tomorrow, so no,” Sutan was leaning against the counter, a smile on his lips. He was wearing a blue turtleneck sweater, and Violet had to admit that he looked stupidly hot in it.
“Actually…” Sutan paused, narrowing his eyes. “Raven, what’s going on with your nose?”
“Her nose?” Raja tilted her head, looking at her fiancée. “What do you mean?”
“It looks different. There.” Sutan pointed with his pinky at the edge of her nose.
“She seems normal to me.”
“Can’t you see it? Here, I’ll adjust- Let me push her head back.“ Sutan was just about to reach for Raven’s chin, when he was cut off.
“Hey!” Raven pulled away, “Crazy agent, I’m in the room.” She raised an eyebrow, her tone sharp, “I’m trying a new makeup technique.” Raven pushed Susn’s hand away from her face. “Is that a problem?”
“Of course not…”
“Good,” Raven rolled her eyes. “Now can we please get this done so we can watch a movie?”
“Sure.” Sutan rolled his eyes too, grabbing a dish towel before bumping his hip against Raven, making her yelp, laughter filling the room.
Violet let out a breath of relief she hadn’t even realized she had been holding, the knot in her stomach slowly releasing. She was probably overreacting, a childhood of tense Christmases just under her skin, but it had almost felt like Raven and Sutan were about to get in a fight.
Violet took her glass, a smile on her face as she took a sip of her wine, the uncomfortable feeling thankfully already fading.
Earlier, Courtney had enjoyed a healthy buzz from all the first class champagne, but then she fell asleep for half of the flight, and by the time they got to the resort, she felt refreshingly, deliciously sober, closing her eyes to feel the warm, fragrant ocean breeze blow in through the windows.
As Bianca directed the hotel staff with their suitcases, Courtney wandered over to the glass doors, eyes widening when she peered out at the terrace.
“B! Omigod, is this an infinity pool?” She threw open the doors and stepped outside, where a table was set up with a romantic, candlelit dinner. But even better, what was clearly a private infinity pool, which made her so excited she squealed with glee. “I’ve seen pictures of those but I never thought I’d see one in person!”
Bianca appeared in the doorway, a smirk on her face as she replied, “It’s not an infinity pool. It’s an infinity hot tub. The pool is down those steps.”
Courtney giggled, already slipping off her shoes to feel the heavenly warm water. She sat down at the edge of the hot tub, letting her legs dangle into the water while she gazed out at the gorgeous view, the gentle waves under a night sky sparkling with stars. When she mused last week about wanting to go to the beach, she certainly wasn’t imagining a private beach at this posh resort. But for once, everything in her life had worked out perfectly. All because of Bianca, who was now chatting with the hotel manager about their meal.
“Es esta la comida? Todo es vegano, verdad?”
“Si, of course. I hope everything is to your liking, Señora.”
“Es perfecto. Gracias.” She pressed some bills into his hand, adding, “Feliz Navidad!”
As soon as he left, Bianca turned back to Courtney, head tilting curiously when she took in her enraptured expression. “What?”
“I just think it’s sexy when you speak Spanish,” Courtney explained, biting her lip.
“Oh yeah? That’s what gets you going? My shitty high school Spanish?” Bianca asked, strolling towards her, dimples deep in her cheeks.
“Uh huh. I like the accent. Say more things…” Courtney leaned back, lashes fluttering, as Bianca laughed and pretended to think real hard.
“Hmm…” She settled in beside Courtney at the edge of the hot tub, slipping an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “Dónde está la biblioteca?”
“Ahh, yeah, that’s it,” Courtney growled, and Bianca laughed some more.
“Tu eres una gringa loca…”
“Uh huh…wait, what does that mean?”
“It means you’re a crazy white girl.”
“Oh. Yeah, fair.” Courtney cupped Bianca’s face in her hands, pulling her in for a kiss. Things were just starting to get a little heated when Courtney’s phone began to ring. She had a brief moment of panic before realizing that it was her personal phone, not her work phone. And since very few people made phone calls anymore, she was fairly certain that it would be her parents.
Coming out to her parents had been strange. She knew already, from how they reacted to Ben’s coming out when he was just 13, that they would be fine with her not being straight. But Ben hadn’t been dating someone nearly 20 years his senior.
So she was nervous, more than she’d have admitted, when she finally told them everything that was going on in her life--that she was dating, or rather in love with, a woman.
A woman who was, incidentally, a famous fashion magazine editor many years older than her.
Turned out, it was even more of an anticlimax than she anticipated, Mum giving her some bland platitudes about how love is love and Dad telling her to make sure she takes her vitamin D.
Which at first seemed like an innuendo, but actually was just him being his usual health-conscious self. Either way, they seemed both unsurprised and unbothered by the whole situation, which was a relief, she supposed. It was strangely reminiscent of when she was 16 and she’d announced that she wanted to graduate from high school early and go to America for University. Measured, unemotional support.
Courtney reached for her bag, pulling out the phone and answering, her family’s face popping up on the screen as she tried to figure out the time difference. It must already be Christmas morning in Brisbane.
“Hi, Mum! Happy Christmas!”
“Hello darling!” her mother cooed, elbowing Dad and Ben on either side of her, who she’d clearly forced into position, sitting on the sofa with the Christmas tree behind them, the picture of suburban bliss. “Happy Christmas!”
“Happy Christmas, love!” said Dad, pretending that he wasn’t thoroughly engrossed in whatever crime novel Courtney could see open on his lap.
Mum poked Ben again with her sharp elbow, and he scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah. Happy Christmas. How’s your rich girlfriend?” Ben asked.
“Great. How’s single life?” Courtney shot back, and Ben opened his mouth in mock offense.
“You fuckin’ cunt-”
“What was that, dickhead-”
“Kids!” Mum interrupted, putting on her best scolding voice as Courtney and Ben both broke out into giggles.
“She knows I’m kidding, Mum. Calm down.”
“I’m perfectly calm,” Mum said, rolling her eyes. “I’m just trying to have a pleasant conversation with my daughter, thanks very much.”
“Thanks Mum,” Courtney said, kicking her feet in the warm water. “It’s fine, though. It wouldn’t be Ben if he wasn’t giving me shit.”
“That’s called love, ya slag! Appreciate it!” Ben cut in, and Courtney blew him a kiss.
“Well darling, we just want you to know that we miss you terribly, but we’re so happy that you’re having a nice vacation. Right?”
“So happy,” Ben echoed, sticking out his tongue.
“And we’ve been talking about it, and-” she patted Dad on the thigh, then hit him harder when he didn’t say anything.
“Oh, yes. Ahem. We’ve been talking about planning a trip to New York next year,” Dad said. “How does that sound?”
“That sounds fantastic!” Courtney exclaimed. She hadn’t seen any of them since a quick trip to Australia last spring, before she moved to New York.
Bianca sat down beside her again, silently handing over a glass filled with ice and some kind of milky liquid along with a sexy wink, just out of camera range.
“Guys, check out the view!” While her family exclaimed over how beautiful it was, Courtney took a small sip of the drink, eyes widening with delight. “Omigod, this is like Bailey’s but better. Cheers!”
“Cheers,” Bianca murmured back.
“Hi, Bianca!” Mum called loudly. “Thank you for the wine!”
Apparently, Bianca had sent a whole case of high-end wine to her family home--and even signed both of their names on the card, although her family knew for damn sure that wasn’t something Courtney could afford.
“Um...hi. You’re welcome,” Bianca grinned, giving a quick, friendly wave and then leaning back out of frame, tilting her head towards the table with their food. Courtney nodded, reaching over to squeeze her thigh.
“Mum, thanks for calling. But we should go, we have dinner here and it’s getting cold.”
“Alright my love,” Mum said, smiling warmly. “Have a wonderful night. So long, Bianca!”
“Bye, Mrs. Jenek. Merry Christmas,” Bianca said, and Courtney giggled behind her hand.
“Mrs. Jenek…” she snickered, and Bianca grimaced, then put a hand on her hip.
“Well...shut up, I’m from the South. That’s just what we do.”
“You could at least say ‘doctor.’ She has a Ph.D.”
Bianca facepalmed, and Courtney laughed again, kissing her on the cheek. It was adorable how much she cared about making a good impression on Courtney’s family. “I’m just kidding, she doesn’t care about that stuff.”
“I care, though.”
“I know.” Courtney nuzzled into Bianca’s face. “And I love you for it.”
“Hey! I saw that!” Trixie gasped, pointing at Kim, who had just skipped a square on the Monopoly board.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kim smirked, leaving her car piece as she took another cookie.
They were all gathered around the coffee table, mugs of hot cocoa and Katya’s Christmas cookies on plates, a crackling fire playing on the TV, music playing from the speakers.
“You’re cheating,” Trixie looked around. “Say something!”
“I didn’t see anything, sugar butt,” Katya smiled, her knitting needles in hand. She was weirdly good at Monopoly, Katya dominating the majority of the board. When Trixie had asked her how, and what her strategy was, Katya had simply grinned and told him it was simply how it was done in Soviet Russia.
“Pearl, what about you?”
“What?” Pearl looked up from her phone. “Oh. Sorry. No.”
“Who are you texting?”
Pearl smiled. “No one.”
“Not again,” Trixie groaned, not even interested in whatever girl had managed to capture his best friend’s attention for more than two seconds. “Pearl please. It’s Christmas.”
“Relax Trix,” Pearl grinned, leaning over so she could press a kiss against his cheek. “You’re the only one for me.”
PEARL: Was just thinking about you...so I thought I’d say hey ;)
DAHLIA: Oh yeah?
PEARL: Uh huh
DAHLIA: What were you thinking about?
PEARL: Mostly I was hoping to be suffocated by your thighs real soon.
PEARL: Your thighs are the stuff of dreams
DAHLIA: Right now, my thighs are stuck to the plastic cover on my grandma’s couch...but thanks.
PEARL: Can I tempt you to sneak away at some point in the next few days? Without pissing off the fam, of course
DAHLIA: Possibly...I have like 40 cousins, so no one would even notice I’d gone
PEARL: Fan fucking tastic
PEARL: Hey guess what?
DAHLIA: You’re horny and wanna fuck?
DAHLIA: Patience, darling
PEARL: But also...it’s midnight. Merry Christmas.
DAHLIA: Shit, I missed mass again!
DAHLIA: For the 7th year in a row!
PEARL: Hahaha
PEARL: Oh god. My roommates are singing happy birthday to Jesus.
PEARL: With a fucking cake and candles
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kirishwima · 4 years
drunk RFA+ Jihyun and ge Saeran with not drunk female MC😆
ohhh durnk RFA! i like this hehe
However, since we know Seven doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke, I’ll switch his section into eating edibles with him; so be warned there’s mentions of both alcohol and weed in this!!
* Baby boy is a lightweight like...don’t even give him a single beer can, not even a sip of wine...MC why did you let him drink, this one’s on you
* Knowing how Yoosung gets when drunk, MC decided not to drink at all that night-they were out for dinner with the rest of the RFA, and one glass of wine turned into ordering beer after beer per Zen’s insistence lol
* By his second glass, Yoosung was a M E S S 
* MC actually had to excuse him and herself to take him home, the boy so tipsy he was leaning onto Zen, twirling his white locks of hair flirting with him, thinking it’s MC!!!
* It took a lot of strength to drag him to the car, and Seven actually had to come out and carry Yoosung as he drunkedly giggled while being princess-carried; something Seven will never ever let him live down lmao
* At home she managed to get him into bed, albeit in his day clothes, unable to get him to put on his pyjamas, simply curling up besides him as MC waited for Yoosung to fall asleep.
* He turned to her in his drunken haze, clasping her cheeks in his hands as he looked to her with a grin.
* “Youu...you are so cute! How can you be so cute and be mine? There’s-*hic*, you met pretty boy Zen and-and rich dude Jumin-but you want me! Me!”
* MC rolled her eyes, leaning close to kiss Yoosung’s cheek. “I did choose you. I love you” she whispered, making Yoosung fall into another feat of giggles. 
* “Yess-me! And I-I choose you! Like Pikachu! Chu, chu” he laughed at himself, the sound endearing and adorable all at once.
* He settled himself down after a moment, sighing as he let his eyes flutter shut.
* MC thought he was asleep, when she heard him mumble;
* “Marry her-I’m gonna marry MC...mm, then everyone will know she mine...ha”
* She smiled, curling up on his chest. She’d never admit she heard him say that, but she’d never forget it, and well, if she’s a little extra sweet and cuddly with him the next day, she’ll blame it on his cuteness.
* She doesn’t like to admit it, but she too, is a lightweight.
* She’s usually careful about how much she drinks, knowing how..well, how she tends to get when drunk, but this one night-
* MC had brought home a bottle of her favorite wine, saying they should make it a stay-at-home date night, and Jaehee couldn’t resist-between the two of them, they ended up emptying the bottle, Jaehee having just a tad more alcohol in her than she could handle.
* What MC was soon to find out, is that Jaehee is not only a very bubbly, talkative drunk, she’s also very, very handsy, a little cuddle fiend;
* Before MC knew it she was laying on the couch, Jaehee laying over her with her limbs locked on MC’s sides like a koala, talking about anything and everything, context gone in her hazy mind; from her love of Zen’s musical, to her distaste for cats, to Jumin, and how much she’d like to take that silver spoon of his and shove it-um. Anyway.
* MC giggled, letting Jaehee ramble on and on until she tired herself out, her head leaning down to fall onto MC’s chest, her hands clasped on MC’s shirt.
* “Are you sleepy?” MC teased, running her hands on Jaehee’s back.
* “Mmm” Jaehee mumbled, nuzzling her head on MC’s chest, “you-comfy. So comfy. Love you so much” she kept mumbling, the words muffled on the fabric of MC’s shirt.
* Jaehee was never this bold, and in the morning, when she woke up on the couch with MC beneath her, both of them sore from the awkward sleeping position-Jaehee would be a flustered mess, her cheeks a fiery red as she tried to recollect the scattered memories she had of the night before.
* She’d apologise profusely to MC, who’d insist there was nothing to be sorry for. 
* Just a cute sweet funny drunk really lol
* It takes a LOT to get this guy drunk-he’s so used to going out to bars back in his motorcycle-riding days and getting shit-faced that nowdays there’s only few kinds of alcohol that can really give him that tipsy kick.
* Well, one night he and MC were out at a bar with colleagues celebrating the end of a theatre production, when their producer brought a few bottles of some fancy smoked whiskey-Zen’s vice. 
* He loved whiskey, but rarely indulged in it, not only because there’s few situations in which whiskey would be suited, but also because honestly, it was the only type of alcohol left strong enough to get him drunk.
* He was careful at first, wanting to stay sober so he could be a proper escort to MC, but people kept pouring in his cup again once it was empty and he was too polite to say no and he kept drinking and well...this is a long-winded way to say Zen did get drunk lol
* As it turns out, drunk Zen is not too different from sober Zen-were it not for his slurred speech MC might’ve not even noticed he’s drunk.
* She only realized it when he started leaning his head on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist as he looked to her with a big exaggerated pout, his bottom lip jutting out as he blinked up at her.
* She laughed, flicking his nose. “What? What’s with this grumpy face, hm?” she asked him.
* “You are...so beautiful. I love you so much!” he started, and MC rolled her eyes at him.
* “And is that a reason for you to pout like that?” she asked him. Zen shook his head, looking around the bar as if to make sure he can lean up and whisper in her ear without anyone else noticing.
* “I don’t want all these other people to be looking at you-and I want you to only look at me” he whispered, before leaning back to look her in the eye. “You love me the most right? Right??” he grumbled.
* MC realized just how drunk Zen must’ve gotten by that point-and not wanting him to feel embarassed the next day, she slowly managed to get him home, collapsing with him on the couch in a giggling heap.
* By the next morning he was as good as new, minus the horrible horrible hangover he’d been experiencing-but thankfully his own personal Advil was right there to make him all better ;)
* Honestly, it’s quite impossible to get this man drunk.
* Or rather, it’s that he’s so subtly drunk that it’s almost impossible to realise when he is. He simply...becomes chattier. Bolder. That’s the only difference between drunk Jumin and sober Jumin lol
* MC only realized when one night at a dinner party, after having copious amounts of wine, Jumin leaned onto her, quietly nodding towards other guests and sharing his honest, undiluted opinion of them in MC’s ear.
* “Mrs Portokalou, the lady with the red hair; she’s a stuck up butt” he started, making poor MC nearly choke on her drink as she took in the bold words Jumin whispered. “Mr Khan, he’s a know-it-all, don’t ever get into a debate with him. So annoying. That guy over there, with the blue suit-I don’t...I actually don’t know who he is but I don’t like him. His tie doesn’t suit his suit. Disgusting” Jumin scoffed.
* It was so entretaining that MC didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop, biting her cheek to stop from laughing her heart out at Jumin’s commentary.
* “That man there; Mr Mel. What a douche-douchebag? Is that what Zen usually calls me? Well, that’s what this man is too. Douchebag...I should go tell him that.”
* Woah woah woah! Before Jumin could make his way up to Mr. Douchebag, MC gripped his wrist, tugging him back.
* With some effort and promises of kisses in the car, she managed to get him to go home without voicing his opinion of everyone there publically lol
* By the next morning not only was he completely fine, no hangover to complain about, he also had a full recollection of the night before-and he didn’t seem apologetic, not one bit.
* ‘Mr. Douchebag’ became an inside joke for the two of them, must to Zen’s dismay lmao
* He doesn’t drink alcohol nor smoke, but he does really like edibles; he makes his own butter out of weed, and then with the help of MC, will make hash brownies and cookies, and his favorite, honey-buddha chip buttery dipping sauce to dunk his chips into.
* One day the couple made a batch a little stronger than usual, which left Seven into a laughing high mess on the living room couch, an unopened bag of Honey Butter chips laying on his stomach. 
* MC had only had a little chunk of a brownie, so the effect hadn’t hit her nearly as much as Seven-he was giggling at nothing, turning his head this way and that before leaning back on the couch to look at MC who was sitting in the corner typing away on her phone.
* Seven smiled incredulously, poking at her thigh until she put her phone down and looked to him with a raised brow.
* “Hey-heyy, hey-hey did you knoww-” he wiggled his brows, making MC roll her eyes with a smile, “that I really really really love you?”
* MC ruffled his hair, relishing in his giggles. “And I love you Sae” she grinned.
* “No-I love you more! To inifnity and beyond and uh-to space....all the way into the galaxy...a galaxy far far away...” he zoned out, stretching his hands in front of his face as if to examine if they’re really there, wiggling each of his fingers like he’s testing them.
* It took a while for him to get down form his high, but he never seemed particularly embarassed about it-when MC reminded him of how he told her he loves her to infinity and beyond he simply laughed and kissed her.
* “Heck yeah I do” he admitted, and welll, that was that lol
* Like Jumin, he rarely ever gets drunk-but that’s only because he always, always drinks in moderation.
* He’s went through his rebel years as a teen, drinking himself into oblivion simply to spite his father, and he got that urge out of his system. Nowdays he drinks simply to enjoy the taste, winding down after a long day with a nice glass of wine.
* One night though...hoo boy. MC’s friends had invited her and Jihyun out to a bar, insisting they wanted to get to know her boyfriend better. Not one to disappoint, Jihyun agreed to come along, sticking out a little like a sore thumb in the group of giggling girls surrounding him.
* He’d tried ordering a glass of wine, but MC’s friends insisted he should try this bar’s specialty cocktail, a fruity drink that actually tasted really really good. Jihyun ended up drinking a couple of those cocktails, dissolving into a happy giggly mess, which only made him even more endearing.
* MC’s friends had already taken a liking to him, but seeing him joke around and even get up to try and be a wingman for one of the girls, they all decided he’d now be an official member of their friend group, lol
* MC ended up going home with Jihyun leaning on her shoulder, laughing beside her ear all the time. She couldn’t help but laugh along with him, his sweetness doubling now that the boldness of liquor coursed in his body.
* When she helped him lay down in bed, she moved away to get changed into a pair of pyjamas, she heard Jihyun whine behind her, shuffling on the bed.
* She turned to find Jihyun kneeling up, a frown on his face. “Where-where are you going?” he asked.
* MC laughed. “Baby I’m just going to get changed, I’ll be right back-!” She didn’t get to continue her sentence as Jihyun got up from the bed, fumbling about until he reached MC, sneaking his hands across her waist, hiding his face atop her head.
* “No-you can’t leave, please-”
* MC couldn’t do anything-he was so worried, his brain probably bringing up painful memories, that even having her gone from his side for a moment worried him. She simply hugged him back, reassuring him she was right there.
* They ended up falling asleep in their clothes, MC still with makeup on her face as she awoke to Jihyun shuffling in bed, pushing his palm onto his eyes.
* “never again...I’m never drinking with you girls ever again” he grumbled, pouting when MC laughed.
* He’d absolotuely be drinking with them again lmao
* Like his brother, he doesn’t drink, doesn’t want to, but once-just once he got drunk.
* There was a bottle of a strong clear liquor in the cupboard, so strong that MC had stored it there to use as an antiseptic.
* Yet...Saeran didn’t think much of the label on it, didn’t even try and catch a whiff of its strong smell. He simply poured the clear liquid in a glass and drank it all in one gulp, assuming it’s just water and someone stored it there by accident.
* Well..he soon found out it’s not. Gagging he smacked the glass back down on the counter, running to the faucet to drink some actual, honest water to wash down the taste.
* MC heard him gagging and gasping and run to the kitchen-one look at the bottle and the empty glass alerted her to what’s going on and she couldn’t help but laugh, even as Saeran turned to throw a glare her way.
* She explained why she’d kept that bottle there in the first place, and helped Saeran sit back down on a chair as she poured a glass of water for him.
* She couldn’t have expected him to start getting tipsy from just a glass-sure it was strong as heck but-it was merely a few sips!
* And yet soon enough she got her hands full of a giggling, cuddly Saeran, so unlike his usual shy demeanor that she couldn’t help but stare at him, wondering how someone could change this much with just a single glass of alcohol.
* Saeran had crawled his way onto her lap on the couch, his arms around her neck as he rested his face on her shoulder.
* “So sweet-You’re so sweet. Wonderful, and great and-and-”
* He wouldn’t stop complimenting her until MC was a blushing mess, hiding herself on his shirt with a squeal.
* That very same night after a nap and a raging hangover, MC couldn’t help but tease him about his previous boldness.
* He was blushing redder than his brother’s hair at the memories, and vehemently refused to acknowledge them-but MC knew. She k n e w .
-send me a mysme headcanon for character reactions-
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lingdidi · 4 years
Hehehe then, dear love counselor berry, what about your mutuals × golcha!!! Just like the cix one you did? 💖💖💖💕💞💖💗💕💞
mY DEAR KEE!!! thank you for sending this hehe i’m sorry it took me so long to get to it but !! finally here it is!! once again........ i................. actually don’t have that many mutuals who stan golcha. i’d say it’s only you and isa,,,, so to compensate that it’s only two people i will do once again who you are most compatible with and who you are more similar to!
i LOVE being called love counselor i will make myself a business card that says “Love Counselor Berry (20 years of expertise). Contact @lingdidi (tblr) for professional love counseling”.
ANYWAYS here’s a read more for anyone who’s not interested!
KEE ( @inspiricons )
MOST SIMILAR: Bae Seungmin !
I was the most unsure of this choice because in my opinion you’re not that much similar to any member in golcha? I know it’s weird because there’s a lot of members and there should be anyone but it really was really hard to choose esp because many members gave me the same vibe and i felt they didn’t fit with yours! I chose Seungmin because you’re both!! Very sweet !! He gets shy at people calling him cute things or cute in general and so do you yet both of you (secretly or not so secretly) love it and that’s quite endearing ajkdnksjf also the tiny energy you both exude... i’m so sorry seungmin but it makes me want to baby you and protect you even though i am so much aware that you’re both older than me (and for you it’s ok because you wouldn’t mind it and i know but seungmin idk how he’d like being babied HAHA) you both are kinda shy in a cute way and i feel like you would be the kind to like?? sometimes get a bit carried away with your emotions and maybe if you’re upset you’d both have a hard time trying not to be mean without really wanting to and then you’d regret it a lot?? but it’s ok, as always, as long as it’s something you can learn from and improve. also needless to say because of course he’s an idol group member but you both’s dream is related to music so !! that’s really precious and i’m supporting the both of you in that pursue hehe. also i feel like you two are so great and nice and talented yet?? it goes kind of unnoticed amidst the other members and other people :/ but not for mE i love you and seungmin thanks bye
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Are you surprised? Probably not asjfnsdjkf You probably know that usually I would equally ship you with Sungyoon or Joochan but to be honest?? Not in a bad way, but while I think wajoo would make the best+sweetest boyfriends out of all of golcha, there’s something colder about Sungyoon (once again, not in a bad way, they’re just different) while Joochan gives me a warmer vibe! It’s weird since Sungyoon is literally... a honeybunny (insert eye emoji here... i can’t bc i’m on pc sjkfndskj) but this sounds cheesy and weird to say but literally honey and sugar are a different type of sweet and to me Joochan is more sugar and somehow I feel that suits you more. There’s something that feels more emotional to me about Joochan and I feel like that?? would be good for you? Also you two not only are opposites according to the zodiac chart but you two are also opposites in some personality/attitude aspects. I don’t know how to explain really well yet at the same time I wouldn’t want to do it here because I feel it’d seem personal JDNJSDKF but yeah !! I think you and Joochan would take really good care of each other but I think especially he would really love and dote on someone like you a lot?? and I think that’d be something very positive for you, to have someone dependable like him that will also find you dependable because he’d trust you and love you blindly. Probably super thoughtful and attentive hehe sjfjdsnksj The only con I can think of right now is that, as proven by the famous donghyun+joochan fight... I feel like when angry or after the fight he’s the type to push you away until he’s calmed down (me too joojoo me too) while you don’t like leaving things unsolved even with a promise of fixing it later because later feels too uncertain. But I’m sure he’d make an effort to take care of things as soon as possible because he knows it’d be a sensitive issue and a big problem for you. Anyways a fight between you two would be veeery hard since you both are pretty chill and pacific in my opinion.
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ISA ( @bluedelilah )
MOST SIMILAR: Bong Jaehyun !
YOU GET BONGO because you both are p silly, level: you both sometime ssay some silly (yet funny) stuff that maybe others wouldn’t say so casually or easily just like that one day we were playing the carrot-slicing minigame on wii party and when i was struggling you yelled at me “COME ON!! DO IT LIKE (i won’t say it for the sake of protecting her reputation but she knows what she said and me too and i’m actually laughing so hard right now)” and i went so weak laughing i couldn’t keep playing and i LOST the minigame horribly. Speaking of games! Jaehyun says he doesn’t play games but Donghyun (who would be me in an irl situation) says that he dOES and it reminds me of us hiding that we play ******** and in fact Jaehyun plays Kart Rider and so do you sometimes. You probs know but jaehyun along with the other 99' liners made an official subunit called googoos and that reminds me a lot of us and our squads like mississipi or the chengzeroppars. also I read he's friends with Haknyeon and i found it funny because we thought you'd be good friends with Haknyeon and we even called the lil pig plushie keyring you bought Juhaknyeon because of that KJDNKJFSNDJK also if i'm?? not mistaken?? doesn't he love harry potter too?  he’s either you or your twin flame
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I chose Jibeom straight away because, first reason, everyone says Jibeom is an angel and imo a patient+good man that will worry about you suits you a lot. I feel like he’d worry about you (not in an exaggerated dramatic way but as in, he’d take care about you) not even conscious of his own actions? As in he wouldn’t be like “I’m gonna do anything for you because I love you and I liek you being happy and I’m going to treat you right because I worry a lot and I do things consciously and I put effort knowingly” (even though that too) but it’s mostly because it?? comes natural to him?? he’s a caring person and he’ll be even more caring with you if you were his s/o. also he’s not just an angel but he’s also very funny in a non-overwhelming way so you two can do fun dumb stuff together and at the same time he seems mature enough so he’d be able to look after you well + also know you’re a strong independent woman and you two wouldn’t be depending on each other even though you obvs would love each other a lot and this is 10/10 tbh. I read that he studied chinese for ONE (1) month and I found it really funny because it reminded me of us in high school learning chinese on memrise in front of Wu Yu and showing everyone our incredible dialogue that just went “Hello!” “Hello, how are you?” “I’m okay, and you?” “I’m not okay :(” “Ohh *pat pat on the other’s shoulder* I’m sorry :(” “Thank you :)” and one day we realised we didn’t know how to say “You’re welcome” to complete the dialogue so we ran across the whole hallway to where Wu Yu was and asked him how to say it and he was very reluctant but in the end he did it. Therefore I can see you and Jibeom going all “Hello!” “Hello how are you?” “I’m fine and you-” SBJFDSFJSNJ you two invented chinese i guess Finally Jibeom is also part of the googoos so I think that could symbolise that you could be a best friends couple and that’s really nice
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queen--sherlock · 4 years
intimate nights -- chapter 1
chapter 1: washing up to the shore
hey guys! thank you SO much for motivating me to write aaa i haven’t written anything in almost four years so forgive me if im a lil rusty but i’ll do my best !! 🥺 i imagined this as ben!rog but can be just rog in any era but modern setting x actress!reader !! hehe
this short series would have around 10-ish chapters so i hope you guys enjoy! 🥺 here we gOOOOOO
The Rising Queen of Hollywood,  ___________ is featured in a new heartache-inducing, bittersweet movie titled Intimate Nights partnered with Richard Jones as her leading man. Set in the beautiful  island of Santorini, ________ and Jones are expected to steal and break the hearts of many with heartbreak, lovemaking, and powering through rocky relationships.
Fans can also expect a regal musical score with the director of Intimate Nights revealing a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration with Queen’s drummer, Roger Taylor for creative input and other surprising musical acts to further entice you to watch this blockbuster in the making.
Intimate Nights is due for a release Valentines next year. “And … scene! That’s a wrap for Intimate Nights and we’re headed for post prod!”
The crew and all the actors celebrated for joy, culminating their year of hard work with the movie that is very much anticipated. The magnitude of anticipation grows every month as the release date comes closer and fans are eager to see _________ and Richard on screen.
“Hey, _____! That was fantastic, I can’t believe filming’s over!” Richard approached you and welcomed you in his arms, giving you a warm embrace. The both of you have shared a lot in the past year you’ve worked together, even getting paired up as a rumor which both of you quickly denied.
“I know, it all happened so fast. You were a great partner, it would be lovely to celebrate with everyone, too!” You said until Richard abruptly stopped hugging you with an excited look on his face.
“But you know what I’m more excited about? The drummer of Queen is going to post prod with us, he’ll be working on the musical score and I’m fucking pumped!”
Your heart almost jumped at the thought of getting to meet your lifelong crush, Roger Taylor. The infamous drummer of Queen has been collecting hearts ever since they rose to fame, collecting your heart was an easy task. Your rising fame does not change that especially now that you get to work with him indirectly.
       A few days has passed with the studio being slowly cleaned and sorted out after filming is done, you and Richard got called by the director to check out some scenes which you want to be included and others will be offered in the director’s cut. Being in the studio makes you a little drained and you got coffee for yourself and everyone else.
“Do you guys have any requests? Sugar? Cream?” You asked with collective answers that blurred along as you heard them, briefly taking notes who ordered what.
“Rog’s would be black, ______! He’s running a little late, ran into some LA traffic!” The director chuckled and made you blush as you ran off to the nearby coffee shop you always order from.
Taking your time with ordering and walking back to the studio hides the real reason why you’re not in a hurry to get back because you want to be presentable and composed the moment you see Roger.
“Ah, there she is!"
Richard announced which prompted the director and Roger to look at you, making you blush. The Roger Taylor is looking at you and is seating at your designated chair with your name on it.
“The lovely owner of this chair finally arrives with coffee, I can swear I am one step closer to heaven with the scent of beans from miles away.” Roger grins and helps you distribute the coffee to Richard and the Director. “It’s also a plus to be sitting in the chair of the most beautiful actress in this room.”
“Roger, I’m the only actress in the room right now.” You laughed and his grin widens.
“That’s perfectly fine by me!”
       After choosing the scenes that you want to include and can let go off in the movie, Richard excused himself to be able to attend to a previously planned appointment. Roger and the Director are busy thinking of the most perfect and fitting music scores in the climax wherein you started falling asleep. 
“__________?” Roger shook you awake, with a sorry smile on his face. He probably feels guilty now for waking you up but it’s perfectly fine by showing it with a smile and stretching it at the same time.
“Hey, I’m sorry for falling asleep on you guys. What happened?” You sat up and looked for the Director which was nowhere to be found and finding yourself covered with a jacket.
“If you’re looking for the Director then he actually went out a couple of hours ago, he forgot it’s their anniversary with their partner.” Roger chuckled and you shook your head because it is really something that sounds like the Director.
“Say, ________. Are you free for the night? My creative director won’t be coming in as well and I would really love to get a second opinion especially from someone heavily involved in the movie.” Seeing this as an opportunity to get to know Roger, you agreed. It is also a chance for you to see what you have missed out on when you got the chance to sleep which you have been lacking for the past few days.
Roger lead you back to the booth wherein you get to see the movie coming to life alongside some pieces he already made to accompany some specific scenes.
“I’m sorry for ending up falling asleep, getting to rest has been a task I need to catch up on.” You profusely apologized and Roger just smiled kindly.
“S'alright, the Director told me to let you sleep since the last few days of filming were quite hectic.” You couldn’t agree more, knowing that the last few days were tiring, emotional, and just wanting to finish the entire project which got everyone a little bit on edge. He went inside the studio and talked to you through the mic installed there.
“Can you hear me, love?” Roger’s voice boomed and you gave a thumbs up. “Splendid!”
The studio was where Roger was meant to be in. He moved gracefully in between speakers, stepped over wires languidly, handling instruments with utmost care and played it with precision. He is widely known as the drummer but he was obviously more than being behind the percussions. Roger is multitalented which he displays effortlessly inside the studio, playing the drums, the guitar, and singing a few lines to accompany the melody.
“You sound wonderful and sing beautifully, Roger!” You exclaimed with awe and he animates a very exaggerated bow which you laughed at. “Such a shame I’ve only heard you singing and playing the drums at the same time which pales the talent you have for singing.”
“Thank you, love. And call me Rog, please. Roger makes me sound way too old.” Rog chuckles and you smiled at him. Old? His barely grey locks looked amazing on him, his hair a little ruffled but it suits him just fine.
“Would you want to have a delivery for dinner? I am nearing starvation.” He teased with a pout, making you laugh. The atmosphere between you two completely light and friendly which is something you never expected. Truth be told, you expected him to be someone that the media portrayed him to be. According to media, Rog is the notorious Rockstar, always rambunctious in parties together with Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the band, wild on the sheets, drummer with a temper, and just altogether a hot mess, literally and figuratively.
“Delivery? We can just get dinner in a restaurant. I know a place by the Bay—”
“Slow down, love. You want to dine me already?” Roger smirked and you smirked back in return. “You’re just shy I’m asking you first, Rog.”
Rog laughed wholeheartedly. He cannot believe you’re matching his game when other girls would just blush the living daylights out.
“You’re a delight, _________. As much as I would love to accept your offer for dinner, I need to practice and get the right tune for your movie.” He said apologetically and gestured at the studio. “That’s alright, we can just get Chinese takeout for now.” You said, instantly craving and already started ordering before Roger protested.
“You didn’t even ask if I like Chinese, love.”
“You don’t have a choice. What do you like?”“Fried rice, spring rolls and shrimp dumplings, please.”
        You spent the rest of the night listening to Roger playing around the instruments and responding to his questions which is a better tune or melody, the chords that sounds better, suggesting whether to focus on one instrument over the other, this or that and it goes on until it is almost midnight and you notice other offices in the entire studio compound closing already.
“Rog, it’s getting really late so I think we should start packing up.” You reminded him through the microphone and he looks up at you from the booth.
“What, that late already?” You started packing up, ensuring you won’t forget anything in the studio. Your chauffeur is also out of commission with him taking a leave for a month which means you only drive by yourself or walk to your apartment which is just a few blocks away.
Roger closed the lights and all the machines inside the booth and he grabbed his jacket from the couch that you were sleeping on this afternoon. The same jacket you woke up to.
“Oh! I didn’t realize that was yours, thank you for letting me use it.” You said and he rolled his eyes dramatically.
“I was forced to do so! Imagine a beautiful lady sleeping on the couch, she might get cold.”
You laughed, never imagining you will get a compliment from the Roger Taylor himself. A few weeks ago, you learned that you were going to meet your crush and music idol and even prepared for the day to come and when the day finally did, you were floored with how much you wanted to know him more as a person and eventually become friends.
“How are you going home, Rog?” You asked while the both of you cleaned the place up and throwing your Chinese takeout boxes and drinks.
“Oh! I brought my car with me, I got stuck in traffic, remember?” Roger said, “And you?”
“I’m just going to walk back to my place since it’s near.”
Roger whipped his head back to you so fast you can only laugh with the possible whiplash he would’ve gotten. “Are you dead serious? I’ll give you a lift!”
“I’m good, my place might even be out of the way for you and I wouldn’t want to impose.” You replied and he sighed.
“Alright, if you say so. Here, type your number on my phone so I can call you if you get to your flat safe.” Roger said and you were relieved that he didn’t even put up a fight to bring you home. Walking alone at night is relaxing but you have to admit, you did not expect to stay out this late in the studio and did not bring your car, besides, there’s a first time for everything. You typed in your number on Roger’s phone and saved it as “creative director 🤪”.
“What did you save your name as?” Roger inquired and you smirked. “Creative director with a wacky emoji for a little attitude.”
The both of you laughed as you slowly walked out of the studio and headed for the parking lot, wanting to see Roger off first before you go on your way. The mood was quite relaxing, the quiet comforted you both after hours spent inside the studio with blaring melodies of sorts, the gentle spring breeze giving a breath of fresh air as winter slowly fades, and a new found friend in each other’s company.
“Since I got your number already, let me give you a lift home.” Roger smirked which bewildered you. Here you thought he would’ve let you walk alone but the point of you typing your number was simply to have it.
“That’s not playing fair, Rog. I’m really fine to walk by myself.” You said and he crossed his arms, matching the smug look on his face.
“Like you said awhile ago and I quote, “You don’t have a choice.” Get in the car, love.”
You sighed. This might be the first time you’re walking alone late at night but you are admittedly scared as well but of course, you will not tell that. After a few seconds, you abide and get in the car with Roger laughing and saying to himself, “Gotcha, gotcha.”
The interior of Roger’s car was breathtakingly beautiful, not to mention it is already beautiful on the exterior. It is also well known that Roger loves his cars especially sport cars with beautiful, personalized interiors.
“Your car is beautiful, Rog. Thank you for giving me a ride despite me wanting to walk home.” You teased but still thankful nonetheless.
“Not another word about that, ______, it’s the least I can do for you staying out so late with me. Give me your address?”
You directed him to your apartment a few blocks away and he complimented what a wonderful place you got and a smart decision to stay near the studio to lessen the hassle.
“Yeah, I hate LA traffic and getting stuck in it is not a good experience. I was once late for almost an hour for a shoot! Funny thing is we were all late due to the traffic anyway.” You quipped and he laughed. That was one of the deciding factors for you to move closer to the studio and be a little nearer to the city lights. “Where do you live, Rog?”
“I have a mini house located by the beach, actually. Pretty great view at night but sometimes gets a little loud. It’s where I stay when I’m in the city.” Roger explained yearnfully, “Love seeing the sun rise and set, something London barely has.”
“What do you have?”
“Fog, fish and chips, pubs, and more fog.” He jokes and you laughed. Living in Los Angeles indeed have its perks such as the sunshine and occasional beach trips but it is something you cannot envision for the long run. It’s a beautiful city, no doubt, but the idea of eventually retiring and living somewhere a little more quiet is very much enticing to you.
“Well, I would trade to that for even just a day here. When summer comes in LA, it is very humid!” You complained and he laughed, shaking his head. While the both of you were talking, you just started to notice Roger’s Chinese takeout boxes were in the compartment near the gear stick.
“Rog, you didn’t get to finish your dinner?” You asked and surprised to see it was barely touched with only one dumpling and spring roll missing. “You must be starving!”
“Now that you mention it,” Roger said, he laughed and felt his stomach grumble, “I am famished.”
“You can go up to my place if you like, I can heat up your food for you and you can eat there. It’s the least I can do for you since you drove me home.”
“My, my, asking me out for a dinner date and then asking me to come over your place? I have to say, I am impressed. I haven’t met anyone like that before you, love.” Roger teased and you slapped his arm while laughing. “Keep your hands to yourself, love! I’m trying to make it home without crashing.”
The both of you still laughing as he pulled to the porch of your apartment. He is in awe as he sees the white expanse of the bungalow and the foyer space you have.
“Wow. You call this an apartment?” Roger said and you laughed since this was an expected response which always happened.
“When I bought the place, it was listed as is.” You replied and he shook his head and bewilderment. You were amused because he is acting like this is the most beautiful house he ever laid eyes on but from the both of you, it’s him that has already traveled the world and have been in lavish mansions.
“Your place is beautiful, _________.”
“You haven’t seen the river side and the view from the pool.” You joked and he laughed in awe. You had to bring down the window to acknowledge your guard gate and he waved at you after opening the gates.
The front façade of your house mainly consisted of steps leading to the house itself, beautified with bushes and flourishing wildflowers, and a staircase leading to the terrace facing the street. Once Roger parked his car outside the garage, you led him inside and he gets astounded one more.
“It’s bigger on the inside!” Roger remarked while looking around and you asked for his Chinese takeout box which you heat up for him as he goes on to observe more of the interior of your place.
“Rog, maybe you should go outside and wait for me there. It is lovely to eat out and the view is beautiful.” You recommend which he followed, walking outside through the doors you pointed out to him.
Placing his leftovers on a plate, you heat it up on the microwave while you scavenge for a snack so you can join Roger on your garden overlooking the pool and the river. You only hope you were there to witness his reaction to seeing the view but you knew that the man was starving and you could use some alone time as well.
You placed everything on a tray, got some water and headed outside wherein you saw Roger lounging by the pool, his shoes off and is set aside under the dining table nearby, his feet wading on the shallow part of the pool.
“If only I had known your flat would be this beautiful,” Roger said and emphasized on the word ‘flat’, “Plus getting served Chinese food from a beautiful lady? I would’ve looked for more ways to know you, _______.” 
taglist !
@onceuponadetectivedemigod @benhardyasrogertaylor @love-you-for-your-mind @laurajw14 @littlebitofheaven57 @prettylittlegoldfish @kiainspace @but-legendsneverdie @jennyggggrrr
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missmartian369 · 5 years
*IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN AVENGER'S ENDGAME DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER! IT CONTAINS SPOILERS DURING THE SECOND HALF!* But if you have already seen Avenger's Endgame or if you haven't and don't care about spoilers or aren't even interested in seeing it, go on ahead and read lol. I hope you all enjoy! 
It was a Saturday night, and the team was on their way to the Metropolis movie theater to go see Endgame. Having gotten their tickets the week prior, they were all excited to finally see the movie that had everyone buzzing.
“You guys I’m so stoked that I’m finally seeing this movie!” Virgil told his friends. “Everyone at my school literally cannot stop talking about it.” He added.
“I know what you mean, it’s the main buzz at my school, too.” Jaime said.
“Literally when people are talking about it everywhere!” Traci exclaimed. “I had to put in my headphones when a group of kids started talking about it at a table next to me while I was reading at the library the other day.” She added.
“I had to leave the table when my friends started talking about it during lunch. I ended up walking a lap around the lunch room.” Cassie added.
“Did y’all end up deleting social media like I did?” Virgil asked. Everyone but Bart nodded their heads.
“On top of that, I made sure to mute my TV and cover my eyes when Endgame TV-Spots started playing.” Jaime said.
“Oh wow we did a lot to avoid spoilers for this movie.” Traci said, laughing.
“I’m just wondering if this movie will give me as much anxiety as Infinity Wars did, because that movie gave me so much anxiety.” Cassie said.
“I just hope that this movie is as good as Infinity War was.” Jaime said.
“Oh it’s even better than Infinity Wars.” Bart said. “In fact, this movie has a mark in history as one of the greatest movies of all time!” He added.
“Well you would definitely know with you being from the future and all.” Virgil said with a smile.
“Darn right!” Bart said. “You guys are going to love it! In fact, I can’t wait until we get to the scene when-!”
“NO SPOILERS!” Virgil, Traci, Jaime, and Cassie yell.
“Hehe….oops.” Bart said, sheepishly.
“Ok did you guys remember to bring your own snacks to sneak in?” Virgil asks.
Everyone nods.
“And we’re still in agreeance that absolutely none of us are to get anything to drink? Virgil asks. “Because we can’t miss not one minute of this movie.” He adds.
Everyone nods again.
Eventually they reached the movie theater. Once inside, they saw that the line for the concession stand was completely packed.
“Wow good thing we’re not getting anything.” Traci said
Everyone nods their head in agreeance. They scan their tickets and walk towards their assigned theater. Once inside they take their seats and talk with one another until the previews start to play.
After a three hour and one minute movie filled with laughter, cheers, and cries, it was over. The ending credits scrolled as people began to exit the theater, but of course a lot of people stayed to see if there was and end credit scene, the team being a part of those people. There wasn’t one, and only then did everyone else leave the theater…….except one.
The team was walking down the walkway that led to the doors to the theater when Cassie paused. She looked to her friends around her, turned to look back in the direction that led to the theater, and began walking back that way.
Jaime, Bart, and Traci excited the theater room.
“Wow………..I…..I’m literally speechless right now.” Jaime said. After that movie, he was literally a loss for words.
“Did I tell you or did I tell you?” Bart said
“Dude…..” Jaime said, high-fiving Bart, “That was the best movie ever! You were right it was better than Infinity Wars.” He added.
“Ha-ha yep!” Bart said.
Jaime looked over at Traci, who was hiding her face with her hair.
“Trac are you okay?” Jaime asked her.
“I…..I’m fine.” Traci said, wiping her eyes.
“Are you still crying?” Bart asked. “You’ve been crying since like halfway through the movie. Like since we saw Nat die.” He said.
“No!” Traci exclaimed, turning to look at them, eyes tinted red from crying. “No! That was Cassie! I only teared up when Nat died because I was pissed! Those were tears of anger! I started outright crying once Tony died! Because…..because why?! Why did this movie have to be so good, but so sad at the same time?!” She asked, tearing up again, wiping her eyes again.
Jaime laughed and put his arm around her, giving her a hug. Traci gladly returned it.
“Whelp we have another positive review.” Jaime said, looking at Bart.
Bart smiled and then looked around, finally noticing that two of their members were missing.
“Hey where are Cassie and Virgil?” Bart asked.
“We’re coming.” A voice called out. The three looked towards the door to the theater room they were in to see Cassie walking towards them dragging a dazed Virgil by the hand.
“Sorry I had to go back and get Virgil. He didn’t get up from his chair once everyone else left.” Cassie said.
“Wow and I thought that the movie left me speechless.” Jaime said, looking at Virgil, who still looked absolutely dazed.
“Tha…..that….was….was…..” Virgil whispered.
Bart looked over to Cassie, who, like Traci, had red tinted eyes.
“Cass you okay?” Bart asked, laughing.
“Listen don’t judge me right now!” Cassie said, pouting. “I didn’t expect the movie to have me this emotional okay!” She added, wiping her eyes. “Why did they have to kill Nat like that? I mean it’s not like I wanted Hawkeye to go over the cliff but I definitely didn’t want Nat to go over!” She asked.
“I don’t know!” Traci exclaimed. She removed one of her arms from around Jaime’s torso and extended it out to Cassie. Cassie gladly walked into Traci’s embrace. This left Jaime in a slight three-way hug, with Traci in the middle, as he looked on awkwardly at his two friends weeping over this fantastic movie.
“THAT WAS AMAZING!” Virgil exclaimed, stunning his friends at his sudden outburst. “Did you see how awesome they looked in those quantum realm suits? And how Cap basically kicked his own ass when they went back to New York during the first Avengers movie?! But I truly lost my shit when everybody came back! Technically we should have known they were back because Banner’s snap worked, but I didn’t even think of it until all of those portals opened. I literally shouted ‘Wakanda Forever’ when the Wakandans stepped out for war!” Virgil word vomited, doing the Wakanda Forever salute with his arms.
“We know bro we screaming and shouting with you. Hell the whole theater was.” Bart said, putting an arm around Virgil.
“Dude you were right! This movie will be one of the greatest movies of all time! I just know it will! Especially after seeing it!” Virgil exclaimed.
“See I told you!” Bart said. “So is anyone else hungry? Those snacks did enough to hold me for the movie but now I’m starving.” He added.
“Bart it’s 10:00pm what place is open at this time of night?” Jaime asked.
“Bibbo’s is still open. It’s a 24 hour diner.” Cassie said.
“Oh that’s right it is.” Jaime said.
“Well what are we waiting for? Come one guys let’s get going! There’s Bibbo’s burger that’s just screaming my name right now!” Bart said, heading towards the theater entrance.
Everyone laughed and followed him out the theater, further discussing Avenger’s Endgame as they headed over to Bibbo’s Diner.
Ok some of the reactions are exaggerated a little bit, but mostly the reactions that team have after seeing the movie are reactions that I had when I saw the movie. I literally teared up when Nat died and was mad when it happened. I then cried tears of joy when everyone came back and you know how Virgil yelled 'Wakanda Forever' when the Wakandans walked onto the scene? Yeah that was me in the theater lol. And then I was sobbing when Tony died.
I also got inspiration from a friend of mine here on tumblr, @toastedpastry. She saw the movie before I did and she said that she was crying like hallway though the movie until the end, and after I saw it she told me the part where she started crying was at Nat until the end.
I hope you all liked this chapter! Feel free to leave a comment on your reactions to Avenger's Endgame! :):):)
FanFiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13268013/1/The-Team-and-Their-Shenanigans
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18737131/chapters/44444542
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magicdrabbles · 6 years
Isekai Lucio AU
This was done for @junkpilestuff and their awesome idea of Lucio waking up in our modern era world and I HAD. TO. JUMP. ON. THAT. Here’s the finished product. Warning: This is pretty long and it’s dialogue heavy but whatchya gonna do? Read under the cut~
A flash of red, burning pain throughout my body...my vision go black...then...
Darkness...swirling around in darkness...but I feel so...light. I’m...fading…my senses are mixed and...and...
And what’s that horrible smell?!
Lucio’s eyes flash open and he jerks up with a heavy gasp, sweating. He squints away from the blinding light, settling himself down from whatever just happened.
It was probably just a weird dream...but why do I smell...whatever that is? Ugh! Dirt!
He opens his eyes, adjusting to the bright light and recoils his hand from the ground shaking away any residue that was on it. He scowls at the filth around him before finally getting up and wiping the dirt off his now grimy white suit. He looks up and his mouth drops. He’s standing in an alleyway next to a large trash can covered in graffiti, skyscrapers towering above, taller than his beloved palace. The unfamiliar sound of sirens and cars fills his ears and he quickly runs out the street. Everywhere, people everywhere.
Absolutely...FILTHY people! And why are they dressed so...bad?
The New Yorkers stare at him and his attire. It’s not completely unusual for the Big Apple to see weirdos like this. But his look is so...outlandish that many thought he might just actually dress like that. Lucio was twirling, back and forth, trying to take in his surroundings. The last thing he remembers before waking up here...Nadia. She killed me...that absolute BITCH! Lucio stomps down his heeled foot like a child. He growls, anger pulsing out of him like heat before he is almost bumped into the street by a burly man in a faded suit.
“Hey! Watch where you’re goin’ bub!” the man yells back at Lucio.
“YOU sir, were the one who hit me! How dare you! Do you know who I am?!”
“Not a clue,” the man laughs, “what a weirdo…” he chuckles to himself, disappearing into the crowd. Lucio huffs, and twirls to face whatever is before him. He scans the area, eyes falling on...what are those?
Large windows displaying colors and people lined up and down the buildings showing beautiful people just...staring and smiling, sometimes holding perfume or fine jewelry. Lucio stopped when he saw him. On the...I think I heard someone say...jumbotron, Lucio saw one of the most beautiful men he had ever seen, almost as beautiful as him. Hmph, I could beat that. If Nadia doesn’t want me in Vesuvia then I can be the best here. Everyone can love me, he thought immediately.
With his large golden claw, he grabs a passerby on the shoulder and turns them toward him.
“You! Who is that up there?” He points his fleshed hand up at the screens. A stunned young man, scrawny and red-eyed looks at the advertisement for Calvin Klein underwear.
“Uhhh I don’t know man...just some model dude?” He takes a sip of his soda he had been holding, not breaking his somewhat impressive eye contact with Lucio.
“A model? How do I do that?”
“Uhhhhh lots of dudes just get famous on Instagram really or like...make a youtube channel”
“A wha-youtube? Instagram? Quit being so obscure! And just tell me damn it!” Lucio grabs the guys shirt with both hands and shakes him a bit. “Okay okay! Jeez, my dude, I have a buddy who does photos for a living I can introduce you...but I don’t know if he’ll wanna take your picture since you’re such a...douche”
Lucio’s eyes widen, “A WHAT?”.
“Nevermind, just follow me” and the young pothead leads Lucio to his friend’s apartment.
“By the way, that’s a siiiiick arm, my man. You cosplayin’ someone or…”
“This is my arm and yes it is quite...sick? I’m assuming that’s good in this world” Lucio said matter of factly.
“Hehe...yeahhh...super sick”
“What is your name? It’s not that I care but I have no idea what to call you.”
“Ah it’s Jesse my liege,” he tips an imaginary hat at Lucio and do a little bow “and yours?”
“Count Lucio of Vesuvia. Grand ruler, military leader, excellent lover…” He smirks down at Jesse, running his claw through his blonde locks.
“Heh, schweet love the confidence, my man”
They continue down a few more blocks before they arrive at the apartment of Jesse’s friend. Jesse knocks a little tune on his friend's door before it cracks open just a smidge. His friend’s eye peers through the crack.
“What’s the password compadre?” Jesse’s friend asks ominously from behind the door.
“Lmao, the password is SUCK MY WEENUS! AAAAAYYYYY”
“AYYYYYY” they yell in unison. The door slams closed. Locks on the other side jangle as they fall off the door and unlock. The friend opens the door with large arms wide open.
“My dude, Dan, let me introduce THE Count Lucio”. Dan, the man behind the door, stares at Lucio and his grandeur.
“Yo, you’re mega hot not gonna lie” Dan praises. Lucio blushes for a split second before his signature smirk returns to his face.
“Ha! Of course, I am,” Lucio parades past Dan into his too small apartment. He lands, light as a feather onto the tattered and stained leather couch, “And that’s why I’m here dear Dan. YOU are going to have the privilege of photographing ME!” He extends his body seductively along the couch, leg raised straight up high and an over exaggerated pout on his lips. Dan raises a quizzical eyebrow and looks over at Jesse. Jesse, taking a drag of his vape (Where did he pull that from, Dan thought) just shrugs his shoulders and blows the vapor into his friend’s face.
“Dan, the man...you are the man and you take awesome photos. This dude wants to be a model and I thought ‘Well I’m bored and I bet Dan is up to nothing so why not?’ so now we’re here and I’m high and I’m vaping and you’re staring at me and that flamboyant weirdo is excited to model so, like, why not?”
There’s silence...Dan just slowly looking back and forth at his friend and then at Lucio. Lucio blows him a kiss and winks. With a sigh, Dan resigns to the requests.
“Fine. But only because I’m bored!” Lucio jumps up and claps his hands together.
“Excellent decision Dan! Now, what should I do? I should pose like some of my portraits maybe? Do you have a skull from an enemy I can hold? Maybe some fine jewels I can lavish myself in?”
“Uh no...but like, you can just take off your shirt. Ladies LOVE a shirtless dude.” He extends his fingers into small, pudgy finger guns and waves them at Lucio.
Lucio obeys immediately. It’s not every day people ask him to strip. He enjoys the attention. This is going to be FANTASTIC.
A while later, Dan and Jesse had set up the lights, the camera, and simple white background for Lucio to model in front of. Lucio had stripped down to just his pants, although Dan and Jesse had to stop him from going past that. After explaining he did NOT need a skull to stand on, and that most models just pout and pose fairly naturally, Lucio began to get into the groove of it all, displaying his muscles the best he could and giving the camera winks every now and then. Dan uploaded the photos to his Instagram after doing a bit of filtering and face tuning, and they waited for the responses to start flooding into the comments section. Lucio paced back and forth, his heeled boots click-clacking on the hardwood floor.
“What are we waiting for? Surely I should be on that big screen by now!”
“Ahh, that’s not how that works my dude…” Jesse explained flatly, not taking his eyes off the TV screen. Just as Lucio’s face turns red with impatience at these...fools... a high pitched “Ding!” resonates from Dan’s little device. And then another...and another and another...soon Dan is launching himself across the couch to silence his phone.
“Yooo what the fuck...you’re blowing up Lucio!” His eyes widen at the screen, his greasy finger scrolling through all the comments and likes on his photos. “Oh my god...GIGI HADID SAID SHE THINKS YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!” Lucio waves his hand absently “Yes, yes I know I am. I don’t care who this Gugu is, am I FAMOUS now?”
Dan’s jaw drops. In his direct messages are requests for Lucio to model for big brands. Other models are asking who he is, designers are wondering how Dan discovered him.
“My dude, you’re gonna be famous” Lucio delivers a flashy smile to Jesse and Dan. Jesse goes in for a fist bump but Lucio slaps it away with his claw.
Months later, and Lucio is signed with some of the biggest modeling agencies in the world. He’s walking for Valentino, Gucci (his personal favorite), Prada, you name it, he’s modeled it. The extravagance he receives from his work is unmatched to that of Vesuvian riches; it’s BETTER. Fine clothes, drunken nights with the world’s most beautiful people, all the men and women he could dream of being with, everything! He has it all. He was even on the jumbotron. He hid his face from others, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He had made it. Lucio’s face and body were gracing every major advertisement medium- commercials, magazines, runways, even the sides of buses. One day, however, his lust for himself gets the best of him.
While walking down the busy city streets, paparazzi began flanking him.
“Lucio look over here!”
“No Lucio look here, look over here darling!” Lucio complied, striking pose after pose, strutting down the street. With a sexy smile and wink, he began to walk backward, arms up wide in pride. “Yes, New York! This is your COUNT your GOD! I AM THE BEST MODEL IN THE WORL-” 
A bus slams into him. 
A collective gasp from all the photographers is followed by silence, then by the flashing of lights and cameras. The bus, displaying Lucio’s own image, is the last thing the Count remembers seeing before blacking out.
Head pain...swimming in agony and...riches….darkness is creeping up again
Do I smell bath salts?
Lucio startles awake. He’s lying on a soft, luxurious bed, still dressed in his silk Gucci attire. A scream startles him and he looks to his side seeing a palace servant screech and run out of the room. Moments later, Nadia enters, her face at first shocked, then replaced with a scowl.
“You’re supposed to be dead Lucio, we were fixing you for a funeral. That was the least- actually-the most I could do for you” She crosses her arms, not at all pleased in the slightest. “And what are you wearing?” she asks coldly.
“It’s Gucci, bitch”.
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altonadventures · 6 years
So...because its Friday and I usually update AA on Fridays, I figured it was time to make my big announcement! 
And that is...that Alton Adventures is changing. A little bit. 
Am I rebooted the comic again? No haha! Once I get back to it it shall continue as normal but some characters may look a bit different going forward. 
Who may those characters be?
Sir Gareth Nemesis 
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Why is he changing? 
Sir Nemesis’ change is actually less drastic than one may think. For starters, he needed a design rehaul. I wanted his armor to be more simple, easier to draw but with still details that could tie him to Nemesis (the green eye, the arms, the light pink details instead of inconsistent tentacles). I also had an issue where his hair was too close to his skin color, so to combat this I turned him into a ginger! His eye color also changed from gold to green, another thing to visually tie him more to Nemesis. 
So yes, I changed Sir Nem’s design because I was unhappy with it. His armor was never drawn consistently ever, I was constantly changing the tone of his hair and his skin so that was inconsistent. I want my designs to be more consistent and polished going forward.
What else is different? Well, you can probably tell he looks much more serious, like in older pictures I drew of him. Why is that? Well, I was kind of..honestly tired of his role as the “dad character tm” that he kind of turned out to be. It almost undermined his true characterization and turned him into a typical over the top exaggerated hero character. And I started to realize how much I missed his original concept. A battle hardened solider that was filled with regret and remorse, who heavily sympathizes with the plight of the alien he’s locked in combat with. He’s still much a father however, as he has a biological son and adopts an alien who mimics his likeness (hence another reason he’s a ginger now as his Nemesis daughter always was one). He’s just returned to his roots as a character. Because I felt that characterization was a unique one for the Nemesis ride. And it was an idea I really loved. Sir Nemesis actually WAS one of my favorite characters...I wanted his role to be much larger than it is in the comics. I don’t blame anyone for him becoming a joke, I did initially kind of fuel the fire for it, I’m just hoping that its not to late to get back to the Sir Nemesis I originally wanted to write. And of course, all my characters are still meme and joke worthy. I just want to tackle much more serious issues with my comic and show the more serious side of some of my characters and don’t want there entire existence to be a joke Mr.S can’t have too many folks 1 uping him in the laughs department!  I guess to note with this change that his original voice claim has also been solidified as well. It’s a more somber and serious tone that I feel fits him as a character. 
Final Notes 
Sir Nemesis is a character that I have a lot of thought put into. His backstory is tragic, emotional, and his character is complex and he’s not the perfect hero people might image him as. I plan for his Arc to follow the Fireworks arc in the comic, as well as I am planning to start some more text heavy short stories about how the Secret Weapons became Secret Weapons (which I will likely call Secret Weapon Short Stories hehe) and will be writing his first. Also a very important thing i must address. Yes, the eye on his chest moves. (I have a gif but it doesn’t want to work on this post Ill have it up later ><)
Erica Annabelle Cloud 
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ooof okay this is a huge one. Confession time. Erica was always my least favorite character. Why? She just had...no character. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with her, her design felt phoned in and there because I needed an Air/Galatica character, (yes, she is changing as her Galatica stage too). She was just. not well thought out. She had a dual identity but I think a lot of people didn’t pick up on that? She felt like a Rita 2.0 as just a nice and friendly optimistic person and literally had 0 backstory. Originally she was supposed to have had some sort of accident that turned her into Galatica and she had memory loss and forgotten about when she was Air, yeah it was a mess. That eventually just turned into Nebula Corona being a character she made up (bc her one trait was that she was into space and wrote a lot) that she played as when her rides themeing changed. 
She was just..barely a character and her design was abysmal (Her Galatica suit was okay but her Air outfit was an afterthought) She needed a massive visual upgrade. A sleeker flight suit that makes more sense (I used a ref or two for this design!) A different face shape to help her stand out more, my signature they wear glasses they have dot eyes look. Long, wispy, flowing hair to resemble those trails planes make. A bit more lanky and tall. And let me tell you I LOVE her design now. It looks so much more unique and you can just SEE she has so much more character now!  As for her characterization im going full into her being a nerd. A very tech nerd at that! She designed her suit to help her fly at her best, and eventually will be the one that designs and builds all her Galatica tech! Her Galatica design hasn’t been done yet, mostly bc I wanted to focus on her current comic canon design, but not much would change I feel with her upgrade anyways! She is effectively the brains of the group, and the others often turn to her for plans of attack when dealing with a situation, or innovative solutions to problems! I have yet to get a voice claim for her, but im sure one will come to me soon enough! 
Final Notes
Erica/Nebula was a character I struggled to connect with. Everyone else had Airs that were either super plot important, or just much more cool and creative in general. I felt, that with my Air/Galatica she was just there, and I wanted her to be more. So a full character rehaul was done with her and it makes me so happy. She feels much more fleshed out, better designed, and I’m super excited to do more stuff with her, and hopefully you will all see her much more now that I’m a lot happier with her as a character! <3 
Welp that's the end of the updates....wait. Hold on. I have something written here. What could this be? Oh! I remember now! 
Black Hole, AkA Beatrix, will be joining the MAIN CAST of Alton Adventures! 
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When I drew my Black Hole design, I knew she was something special. She stands out compared to a lot of my characters, and her design SCREAMS main character. While the biggest main roles will still be held by Mr. S and Rita, I wanted to add another non SW coaster to the main crew, and because Canonically Corkscrew is MIA, Black Hole seemed like a fitting addition to the main crew! As she isn’t human, a species literally only referred to as Black Holes, I thought making her a main character and giving her a big arc would help flesh out the reality of non humans in Alton Adventures! Her powers and design and character and personality are just too fun to shove her into the background. I feel that adding her to the main cast gives them not only another character to support them, but a closer friend! You will all see her much more in the future for certain! 
Well that's about it! In terms of comic updates themselves...its still going to be hiatus as long as I’m being swamped with school work. I hope you all understand. I’ll try to squeeze in updates over the breaks I have IF im not working on assignments for class. As I also said, I wanna do short stories as well, to expand the world and explain it better, as a comic will only develop the world so quickly and lots of you have tons of questions! I also wanna do something animated at some point, that’s my dream. I’ve ALSO mentioned to some people about merch, likely going for making stickers first since that's simple. I got an excited reaction for that so I’ll come up with designs for them soon! I just wanna do a lot with Alton Adventures, because I know how much it means to people, and of course it means so much. Goodness I really need to actually get to this park, I look quiet silly constantly gushing over a themepark I’ve never been to all the time XP  That all aside I thank you all for sticking by me. I promise that even if I don’t do comic updates as frequently during the school year, I’ll still work to push out as much AA content I can outside of that! I’m always open to suggestions to what you guys want to see! ALSO, working on a big google doc spreadsheet with info on all the characters I’ll be posting when its more completed! So be on the lookout for that! 
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Again thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through this, Your support makes me feel nothing but proud of what I’ve created. These characters may have been created out of something some may consider silly or odd, but the only thing that matters to me if that I can make at least someone happy with what I create. 
Patreon (note that patrons got to see all of this content as it was being worked on!) l Ko-fi
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themightychickpea · 7 years
Chapter Two: Bound in Blood
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: sassy Loki hehe
Word Count: 1772
Summary: The alliance is made, with Y/n doing something drastic to prove her loyalty. With that, she leaves her coven and feels more alone than ever before.
Author’s Note: I just realized I commented on my fic to reply to people, but I did it with my other account😂 oopsie!I am not used to having side accounts so I apologize if there was some confusion!If anyone has any tips on how to properly run a side blog, please help! I am seriously a grandma when it comes to technology😣😂
Móraí is a word for “grandmother”
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About a week had passed since our initial encounter. Arrangements were made, my Shaman and a few other members of my coven were gathered, and everyone met to negotiate the terms of our alliance. Although this was an exciting experience, I was still nervous about the outcome. I could tell no one really trusted me yet. And if the ‘freaks’ of the world didn’t trust me, it would take another few lifetimes to get everyone else, too.
“Y/n… are you sure about this? Once you bind yourself there’s no going back.” Shaman Alanis is clearly just as skeptical as I, but I know this is what I have to do. I nod solemnly.
“It might be the best way to earn their trust. We’re going to need it for this to work.” I reply, gathering all the necessary equipment. We walk down to their designated meeting room for the occasion. More people than before have shown up, igniting more anxiety inside of me. As we enter, the room goes silent. Stark nods, indicating me to begin speaking.
“H-hello. My name is Y/n L/n. This is my Shaman, Alanis. We have come today to negotiate an alliance with the Avengers. We wish to come together because we believe we could be helpful for each other. King T’Challa inspired us by revealing the truth of Wakanda, so today we do the same for our Coven. There are many covens of witches, hiding from the modern world because they are scared. We were, are, as well. However, we want to break free from our fears. We want to help. This world is all of ours, so we should play a part in it.”
I take the ritual blade into my hand and carve an X shape. Lifting my hand up, I show each one of them.
“This is our symbol for strong and loyal partnerships. I pledge myself to you and your cause. I promise to aid you and your people if in return you aid me and my people. Bound in blood, do you accept?”
They all share glances, shocked and unsure of what to say. Stark and Rogers open their mouths to speak, but Thor beats them to it.
“I accept.” His voice is firm and unwavering.
“I’ll accept, too.” Rogers agrees.
“Sure why not?” Romanov as well.
One after another, they all agree to our alliance, and my heart is filled with anxious joy.
“I accept. You better not let us down, witchy.” Stark says, offering me a handkerchief to wipe the blood away. I decline it, but instead, cleanse my hands in the moonlight purified waters I brought with me. I turn to Shaman Alanis with a big grin, her’s matching mine. We embrace and her wrinkled hands cup my face gently.
“I knew you could do it. You were the right person to send.” She whispers. We press our foreheads together and share our thoughts.
“So… I'm guessing you’ll be staying with us for a while, correct?” Stark interrupts.
“Well, not exactly…”
“‘Not exactly’? Y/n, you can’t be thousands of miles away if we need your help. If you wanna be an Avenger, you’re going to have to live here. We all do.” He replies a little irritated.
“But… I have to be there to protect my coven,” I look to my Shaman to see her reaction, but I instantly know she agrees with Stark. “Who will be there for you in need?”
“We can care for ourselves, Y/n. You may be strong, but so are we. Together, our coven can protect itself. The world needs you now, you have my blessing.” She holds my hands, giving them a soft squeeze.
“Thank you, Móraí.” We embrace one last time, knowing we won’t see each other again for a long while.
She leaves with the rest of our coven, and my heart sinks as I watch them go. I’ve never felt so alone before. Covens are usually so closely knit, we always are near. Now they won’t be in feeling distance, so I have no one.
Stark shows me to my new room. It’s extremely large compared to what I’m used to, but I should complain. It’s just so… bare. It feels unwelcoming. Everything is light and monotoned. There’s no feeling to the space.
“This room is yours, so you can decorate it however you want. The bathroom is in that door. Unfortunately, you’re not on the floor with the rest of us. They’re all booked. However, there are a few other residents a few hallways from here. Thor and his brother are to the left, and Bucky is to the right.” Stark explains to me, but that leaves some unanswered questions. Who the heck is Loki and Bucky? However, I feel too tired right now to ask. Perhaps I’ll find out sooner or later.
“The kitchen is also to the right, so feel free to grab anything you want. The gym is three floors down, the library is a floor up, but if you get lost just ask FRIDAY. She’s the talking lady in the walls.” Stark chuckles.
“You don’t… actually have a women in your walls, do you?” I ask, knowing that was probably a dumb question to him.
“No, no! I was just joking! She’s not actually a real person, just an AI system that helps us a bit. Say ‘hi’ FRIDAY!”
“Hello, Mr. Stark. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss L/n.” Stark was right, it sounded like a woman’s voice coming from the wall.
“Likewise…” I reply, looking around for some sort of origin.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Wander a bit, not too much, and come down for dinner at about 6 pm, okay?” He states and walks away before I can reply. This might be too much for the first day, but I agree anyways in my head.
I walk back to my room, noticing my bags have already been set down on my bed. The mattress is so soft and pleasant. I’m so used to sleeping on the ground after long nights of work so this might have some getting used to. At least there are windows all across one wall of the room. I look out and see a forest not too far from the building. I’d love to go explore it and see what types of nature are present here. I make a mental note to do that fairly soon. It’s best to get a feel for my new surroundings, right?
I let out a big sigh, unsure of how to spend the next hour before dinner. Glancing around the room, I remember the bathroom. I should probably get washed up before properly meeting everyone. The bathroom felt even bigger than the main room. Obviously, this is an over-exaggeration, but it really is huge. Honestly, it’s roughly the size of my cottage back home, which isn’t comforting. I remove my clothing, which feels more like rags compared to what Mr. Stark was wearing. This was his home, right? Then why was he wearing such a fancy suit? Was it because we were dealing with serious business? Was what I was wearing not suitable for the situation? It’s honestly the best garb I have, despite my ritual and festival dresses, but those didn’t seem appropriate.
I push the thoughts out of my head, as they’ll continue to plague me until I chicken out of the dinner from embarrassment. There are unfamiliar soaps and shampoos. I choose one that smelt of lavender, which always brings peace of mind to me. After cleansing myself, I step out of the shower and dry myself. I look into the mirror, which is still foggy from the hot water. I look so different already. This new environment tires me out. I miss the energy of the coven already, and it shows on my face. I just hope the others don’t notice.
Noticing the time, I quickly throw on some clean clothes, which still seem too informal to me, and prepare myself to leave my room. I peek my head out and glance around. It’s scarily quiet. Too quiet…
“Miss L/n, Mr. Stark requests your presence in the main dining hall.” FRIDAY startles me to the floor. Thank goodness no one saw me, or else they’d regret recruiting me.
“O-oh, yes. I’ll be right down.” I reply and begin to walk to the left.
“Miss L/n, the dining hall elevator is to the right.”
“Oh, yes, o-of course. Thank you.” She better not be telling them how badly I’m struggling…
Once I arrive, I regret arriving so late. They’re all waiting at the table, eyes snapped in my direction once I enter.
“Ugh, finally! We’re all starving, so just sit and we’ll get started.” Stark moans dramatically.
“I-I’m sorry, I got lost.”
“Yeah, I figured.” He smirks, irking me once again.
I sit looking down, hoping they return their attention to something else. The food comes, and I feel even more out of my element. Before even touching my fork, someone across the table speaks up.
“And who is this?” He’s leaned back in a nonchalant manner, clearly unhappy to be here. Before I can speak, Thor once again beats me to it.
“This is Y/n! She is a new member. She vowed her life to help us!” I wish he hadn’t just said that. This new man wasn’t at the negotiation, so I can only assume he’s not actually part of the Avengers.
“Pledged yourself?” I assume this man is Loki, Thor’s brother. I can tell by the way they act towards each other. I’m the same way with Kenai, my younger sister.
“Yes, to prove my loyalty,” I reply with false confidence.
“Well, that was a waste.” He stabs back with an even worse smirk than Stark’s. He waits for my reply, but I have none. I just stare, embarrassed and unsure of what to say or do. The others say nothing as well, clearly just as shocked.
“I think I’ll finish in my room. The name’s Loki, by the way.” He exists swiftly with his plate of food in one hand, and a deep blue book in his other.
“Ignore him, Y/n. He’s always just grumpy.” Thor says reassuringly.
“Yeah, no. He’s a psycho, so stay absolutely clear from him unless one of us is with you. Understand?” Stark glares at Thor. I just nod and stare at my now unpleasantly cold food. This is really not how I expected this all to go. Pray for me, Shaman Alanis. I’m going to need it.
Tag list: @internetgremlin @ordinarygirlmeetsfantasticworld @lillyrosegirl @maripurcell92-blog @oddly-drawn-muse @whatisanniedoin
Thank you all that asked to be tagged! If new people wish to be tagged as well, just ask me and I’ll gladly add you to the list! I’m so happy for the positve feedback, so thank you all so much!
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Here's a sad Sonamy AU: Years later, Amy has move on from Sonic and only sees him as a close friend. While he just does his own thing, he ends up falling for her, but nobody knows this and he fakes his way through. He helps Amy and she ends up marrying, He's sad but still can pull off a smile. She asks him to dance but he despises slow dances, she offers to teach him and he gives up. Some blushy moments later and he accidently confesses his love for her. What's next is up to you. ;) (Not Boom)
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(x) Thank you to @mangaanonymous for her amazing preview image! :D You are amazing! And a great friend :’)
AU Prompt:
It all started when she turned 18…
I was off doing my own thing, you know, fighting Eggman’s old butt-tastic schemes again, only to notice her face on billboards and signs a lot.
That was the first time I found out she was the ‘logo girl’ for some candy brand.
I wasn’t much into sweets, but I found myself buying some anyway. I don’t know, support her maybe?
Then she wrote a book. A pretty decent book too, I might add. I don’t really know where it started, but while reading the book, I tended to find myself buying more candy.
Amy wanted to see me a lot, but I never knew how to make time for her. I wasn’t that I couldn’t, I just didn’t know if I should…
She started seeing him around a year later…
I felt awkward being around her after that. We had one smoothie and admired an old favorite spot of ours together- One where we first hung out so many years ago.
But then… her smile started to change. She was less girly and more womanly. I didn’t like that, the change anyway. But Amy was Amy, and as long as she was happy with whatever his face was, then so be-
Then I heard he proposed.
I think that’s when I started seeing her more. I couldn’t help it. I got… jumpy? I followed her to work, talked with her down the avenue of the rich places she was staying at for some signing deals. You know, the fancy gigs where people come and want your autograph? I wasn’t sure why. How big was Amy at that point?
Then she called. I kinda was thrilled, to be honest… Tails said this was my last chance, whatever that means. She had told the guy to wait on her, that she needed to think about it… I wasn’t gonna let her think long.
She wanted to write a biography of my life. What?
I thought you were gonna confess you’re undying devotion to me… I didn’t want to sound arrogant, but I guess I did. I was expecting her to want me back or something.
That whole interview, I was… well… salty.
I crossed my arms, my legs, even my teeth crossed the other in agitation at her strictly focusing on the details of my life.
Then it hit me.
“..Um.. this is where I come into your life… isn’t it?”
It was almost sweet the way she paused.
My eyes widened, and I straightened up, looking up as I began to think it through. “Oh, yeah..” I had no idea where we were in the conversation, too fixated on the picture of her and this new guy she’d been seeing. “I guess it was.”
“Ehem.” she fidgeted, moving her tight pencil skirt to the side along with her long legs over like a professional. What happened to her acting like a princess?
“I.. I would understand if you don’t want to answer this.”
“I’ll answer it.” I really wanted too.
“Do.. excuse me, but-”
“Not so formal, Amy. Geez.” I slightly mocked her, starting to relax more.
This was my last chance.
Tails’s words never rang so profoundly deep in me before, but I was trying to relax back in the chair, play it off that I wasn’t nervous.
“Well,… could you recount that time? What impact my friendship had on your life?”
That night I was tossing and turning, hitting barks of trees and scaring little critters from their homes. I couldn’t help it. I knew I blew it. I acted cool. I tried to be smooth- but the second I tried to go deeper… tell her how I was feeling about then to now… I just choked.
I… I let her go.
She was married the following May. What’s with May? Spring is always a good time for anything, but she had constantly- no, BEGGED me for a June wedding. Something about June making you a bride forever or something.
Did she not want to be a bride forever now?
Now I can’t help but smile at her picture on streets or postboards. Can’t help but grin at seeing her in her first movie. Can’t but let the sweet sorrow sink in when I see a robot wielding a hammer and know that Eggman misses her a bit too, in his own way.
Knuckles constantly says he misses her energy, that it’s too quiet now that she never visits him or the chao with picnics. I remember spontaneous picnics… Amy would try to hand feed me, and it always made me uncomfortable. But for some reason, I wouldn’t mind her hand lifting up with her mouth slightly dropping in hopes I would let her do something for me. That makes a sad smile too.
Or when Tails mentions Amy hasn’t spoken to him for a while, but he still gets a new book edition free from her agency. He told me the romantic scenes made him laugh, cause he knew she still pined for me. I didn’t know if he said that to trigger me out of my fake persona or was trying to make me feel better, knowing I would fake-it-till-I-made-it everytime someone mentioned her name.
What really bites is that I can’t seem to help but want to run out and still fight for her.
But what’s left to fight for? That rich dude’s got spontaneous picnics, hugs, affection 24/7. He’s living a life with what most would suggest is the perfect wife. But the second a news channel mentioned a possible baby I smashed Tails’s t.v… I never really knew why I spin-dashed so hard into it.
Tails says it could be that I don’t want it to be permanent. And a baby would mean Amy isn’t coming back to me. To me?
I just wanted Amy back. Whether this was love or not, I wondered if I should have bought that first candy. I wonder if it would have made a difference to tear down all the billboards, all the posters, smack any man that looked at her funny from the signs, but that really would be crazy.
I wondered if I was going crazy…
Missing Amy Rose…
I missed her so much.
It’s like that feeling when something in your life goes off course, makes you stumble, almost unable to fully remain calm anymore. A nagging in the back of your mind that things could be better if you had that one thing…
Tails says If there is a baby, I needed to really step away.
Tails says a lot of things.
Can you really miss someone so much that your dreams start replaying the past?
But I acted differently in my dreams. I held her back. I put my arm around her more. I was confident when alone, and strode with a proud look of certainty when she came running for me… and I went to her.
I hated sleeping.
That wasn’t normal.
Hehe, who knew, eh?
The one girl that was always a no-brainer, a dead give away, would end up falling out of orbit and running off to do her own thing… and leave me behind.
Destiny, she called it.
Was that what this was? I felt guilty for some reason. And… strangely upset.
I tried to not go into town anymore, Eggman said I needed to chin-up, whatever that means. But it worried me that he could tell something was off with me too…
Maybe it was the lack of sleep.
Then I get a call from Vanilla, telling me Amy has invited everyone to a big ball event for some red carpet treat.
How big was Amy again?
Her husba-…ugh.
Her dude friend was paying all expenses, and apparently, leaving for some hotshot gig somewhere fancy.
Amy wanted me to come.
I came.
With the most itchiest and tight suit that Tails could find for me. Rented. Of course, it was rented. I wasn’t gonna take any money from Mr. Fancypants, that’s for sure.
Then I saw her.
Beneath the sweat from my new clothes, and the warmth of the lights, the intoxicating aroma of high-society, Amy walked in with a bright pink dress, sparkly and addicting.
I couldn’t take my eyes off her and mentally cursed for myself for not being able to.
Amy was a woman now, years had gone by and she had transformed herself into something jaw-dropping. But my mouth remained shut as Fort Knox.
I gazed at her while I strode aimlessly through the crowd of dancers.
She would float along the crowd, a beautiful smile, but not her true smile, I knew better. She was wearing her ‘enjoying but mellow about it’ smile… not my favorite, but a pleasant one at most.
Her eyes were bright with the glasses of drinks all toasting up around her, teeth as white as snow, and her dress flaring up at the ends as she pranced up to her friends and would gently touch their arms in welcome.
Then she turned to see me, and the world shut us out.
Sounds were cut from their strings.
Time halted and stepped back to let her through.
I even saw light pause to admire her before trailing on in its course.
My dreams were flooding the gates of my emerald eyes, and memories of a small, pretty young girl jumping into my arms flinched an impulse to catch her before she fell.
But she wasn’t running to embrace me.
Not this time…
Her voice!
Good heaven! Did she swallow an angel’s music box!?
What happened to squeaky and high-pitched?
Chaos, help me. I thought the movies exaggerated it.
It was deeper, fully matured, and rolled with a tumble that caught the ears of men into an endless loop as it repeated slower and slower in their minds…
“I’m so happy you finally made it!” she grinned, there it was… a smile I’d missed so much. But it faded when I didn’t reply fast enough.
Did she take my silence the wrong way?
“I-um…” to be honest, I didn’t know what to say.
I dream of you! I don’t buy your candy anymore! Or your books!
That wasn’t really what you should say in moments like these…
I already lost my last chance.
I looked away then, I hadn’t fully realized till she was standing right in front of me but…
I had lost everything.
Even my fame was fleeting.
She looked longingly sorrowful to me, as if worried before she turned to the music and instinctively smiled, getting a crazy idea.
That was the face anyway… for crazy ideas…
“Come dance with me!” she giggled, though, with a voice like that, it sounded flirtatious.
She wouldn’t be flirting with me anymore...
She swayed her body back and forth, before extending her arm out, pressuring me on.
I stared… wanting too.
“I don’t do slow dances.” but I only folded my arms when another thought came to mind. “And besides… You’re a married woman now.”
“He knows I’m asking you to dance right now,” she stated, her head held high. “I told him specifically that at the stroke of midnight, the second slow dance, I was going to the dance with you.”
I didn’t know how to take this.
But my eyes shot down to her hands and my arms immediately unfolded.
“Just one?” I couldn’t believe what was happening…
“Em-hmm.” She nodded, pursing her lips in.
I took her hand,… and she led me to the dancing peacocks all in their colorful and silly arrays.
I felt awkward, but this meant I could…
I could hold her again.
We did dance, although with great difficulty as I knew nothing of dancing this waltz nonsense. But it was fun to twirl her, fun to hear her laughter again, and even better when she got dizzy and had to sit down once I picked up the dance move better.
“Haha! I figured I had to lead for a while but you pick up fast! haha!” We escaped to the balcony for fresh air.
I was enthralled. Not only was the fresh, cool air of the night now loosening my constricted muscles and lungs, but I had my old self back.
Amy just made me feel younger, I guess. More myself. My real heroic self again.
I wanted to do something crazy and stupid, tell her to come away with me, fly off into the night while I stole Knuckles’s emeralds, one more adventure.. just one more...
But I realized that wasn’t enough, I wanted more, and I wanted her to know what I was feeling.
Then, as I pivoted to say something stupid in the moment, I saw her grip her head.. and then her stomach.
My entire flighty being was silently resolved. My foolish, youthful smile faded. The red in my cheeks from the heat of the party was now cooled with the air of reality.
I looked away, “Sorry... I didn’t realize… I should have been more careful.”
“Huh?” She looked up, as if unsure of what I was referring too.
“…I mean, it’s been a while..” I kicked the sleek balcony floor beneath me, not wanting to talk about this further. “Congratulations… Amy.” I looked out spitefully into the darkness.
That’s when her smile faded and she stood up. “I’m not pregnant,” she concluded.
My head bounced on my shoulders, eyebrows rising.
“…We… we tried but…” she looked away, “I don’t think he can medically… I would have to use other means and… And I’m scared of that.” Amy held her sides with her arms, and I suddenly scolded myself for letting newscasters get the better of me.
“You’re not..?” I turned around, it was more tender than I wanted it to be, but she seemed thankful of that.
She shook her head to me, “No. I’m not.”
“…Ever?” I moved a little closer… something sparked. My face burned again, my arms twitched for her, and I couldn’t help but breath and think fast.
She seemed a little uncertain by my response and looked down and away. “Not by natural means… I don’t think so. He can’t. Anyway…”
I got excited! I couldn’t tell why!
“Amy!” my body moved on its own, right up next to her, my hands only seconds away from being able to hold her again… this time… maybe for longer.
“I… The answer! The real answer is-!”
“I-!!! That first time… you entered my life, I-!”
I … I had too.
“I was conflicted!” I gripped my chest, my heart was out of control. Something about this all seemed plausible, like Destiny was still on our side, although… I wasn’t sure if Amy saw it that way anymore or not.
“Becuase I didn’t know what it meant. I liked you, but I didn’t feel anything for you. Then I met you again and again. You caught me in your killer-hugs and chased me no matter where I went! I… I fell for that… Amy… and I felt betrayed when you left me for him.”
I ducked my head, eyes turning to coal, and mouth being locked in my swallow.
Her eyes shook, and I knew what I did was wrong.
“…Left you?” she gasped out.
I turned away, “Sorry. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to-”
She grabbed my hand, “You left first! You never were around anymore! I got so popular, thinking you would like someone who had the same fame as you. Someone who was a woman, not a child! I thought that I could all these things, make you notice me, forced to see me everywhere you went! You still never came… you still didn’t seem to care… so I … I found someone. I wanted you to tell me to stay, not to get married, not to be famous anymore! But you were happy... you said you were happy for me!”
I stopped her, gripping her arm and pulling myself towards her. “I never… said that.” My eyes showed the serious sincerity of that.
She started to tear up, dropping a little as her knees seemed to be giving out.
“You… You never said anything against it!”
“I never said anything at all!”
“Because I thought you wanted to live this way! You wanted to be rid of me! Of the way I lived my life!”
We both were a mess, falling to the ground and holding one another. Amy sobbed while I scanned the skies.
How could a miscommunication get this bad?
“…Do you love him?”
She gripped my shoulder and nodded as she squinted her eyes as shut as she could manage.
“…Do you still love me?”
She wept loudly.
The divorce never happened.
Because Amy’s husband never came back.
There was an accident and Amy was left with no explanation to why the limo driver pulled him off at a drug dealer’s mafia site.
Amy remarried though.
She had a couple of kids.
Never seemed to complain.
And honestly?
Neither did I.
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gingerly-writing · 7 years
Hello? I'm currently trying to write a superhero novel and I'm extremely bad at it. Can you help me, like just give a few tips? I'm really excited about this project so your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Hello dear Anon! You have definitely come to the write (hehe) place. I have so much advice (and hard lessons learnt) to share that I almost burst with information when I saw this ask in my inbox. I’ve tried to trim it down a bit so I don’t clog up people’s dashes, but this is still gonna be pretty long. (Also, this is my 4,500 post on this blog, quite coincidentally, and I also just passed 700 followers. Consider this advice post my celebration!)
This is a novel, not a comic book series.
You won’t be able to convey every awesome aspect of your characters’ looks without boring the reader to death.
Some tropes don’t translate well. At all.
Nothing is wholly original, not anymore. But you can still come up with something you can comfortably call your own.
Action scenes will either become your trusty sidekick or your archnemesis (and each one can turn out to be either).
1) This is a novel, not a comic book series. Even if you write a whole series of novels, you don’t have the page space to waste on the tens or hundreds of smaller villains you might find littered across a Batman series. First of all, everyone your hero encounters has to be fleshed out at least somewhat, and that takes up both space on the page and in your reader’s mind as they try to keep track of everyone you’ve introduced. If you need to make your hero seem as though they’ve been around for a while and save a lot of lives on the regular, have them namedrop villains they’ve defeated or muse about just how many civilians they must have saved over the years and how that makes it all worth it.
What I’m saying is, you need a coherent plot. Obviously the journey from A to B needs ups and downs, but those probably shouldn’t consist of 18 minor villains with the Big Bad at the end unless all the attacks turn out to be related. Keep your plot tidy, and remember, this is a novel. For the first book at least, you might be better off sticking with one supervillain/group as your major antagonist, with subplots constructed from other, less major conflicts (tension with law enforcement, other heroes, collapsing marriage, love interest, high school issues etc. etc.). In my first attempt at a superhero novel, I had my hero (Ace) fighting gangs and cleaning up the streets, saving kids from their own stupidity, dealing with a new addictive and highly highly dangerous drug pouring into his city, trying to uncover who or what the Crime Syndicate was, fending off the police who were trying to arrest him, and a bunch of civilian life problems too, including his mother and best friend trying to work out what he was hiding, passing university and finding a job, all on top of tracking down and fighting his newfound nemesis. This is a slightly exaggerated list, but you can see what I’m talking about. Too much going on can kill your coherency, even if it’s the kind of winding plot you’re used to seeing on comics.
My tip here: pick one main villain, or gang, or anti-hero etc. –pick only one major villainous entity. Stack in one to three sideplots. Make sure everything is coherent and leads your hero from A to B, whether they know it or not. It might be a superhero novel, but it’s a novel above all. Stick to your basic plotting rules, and you’ll be a-okay.
2) You won’t be able to get down every aspect of your character’s awesome outfit. This is another rule applicable to everything, but it’s especially hard to resists in a genre where a hero’s public image is often built from their outfit and powers as much as what they stand for. But imagine if you had to read a block paragraph description of Batman’s outfit? He wears all-black, with a cowl covering the top half of his face that has pointy bat ears which electrocutes you if you try to take it off. He also wears eyeliner to cover the skin around his eyes. He never smiles, and his voice is a deep growl. His chest plate is black and decorated with false abs and a bat-symbol, which is yellow or black depending on whether he’s in camouflage- YAWN! I’m bored just typing all that out.
Pick defining characteristics for all of them. My villainess has candyfloss pink hair, a slow smile and a dappled black outfit fit for a thief. My hero is half-Japanese, wielding a glowing blue sword (which might become a shield in the edits) and donning his heirloom hero suit of black and matching glowing blue. It’s not a lot, and I drop in other details here and there (she carries smoke bombs and knives in her boots, he can’t wink), but sticking to core, important details when describing their outfits in particular can give a pretty clear idea without choking the reader.
3) Some tropes don’t translate well. At all. Put aside the rampant racism, the homophobia, the general mistreatment of many minorities in the comic industry. Put aside the America-centrism and the fridging of ‘pure’ girlfriends and the slutty villainess alike. These are all problems, but they also exist outside of the superhero genre.
Here, I’m talking space radiation giving people powers, killing their loved ones, serving the plot in any which way. I’m talking Superman’s 800 superpowers and Luthor’s inability to figure out his secret ID despite being the smartest man on the planet. I’m talking fallacies of logic, stretching the suspension of disbelief far past breaking point, Gary Stus galore. I’m talking Guy Gardener’s bowlcut. Y’know, just generally bad writing.
You’re going to have to come up with more original power-origins and better haircuts than they did in the Golden Age, I’m afraid. While I genuinely wish I could get in the invisible brainwave-controlled escape boomerangs from Captain Boomerang in the Silver Age, it doesn’t work so well in a pseudo-serious novel. But work a little harder at your worldbuilding than the golden oldies had to, and you’ll have everything down pat.
4) Nothing is wholly original, not anymore. But you can still come up with something you can comfortably call your own. This is linked to point three. Everything has been done. Every superpower, every storyline, every outfit, magic item, warping of genes. You name it, someone, somewhere, whether inside or outside the big comic houses, has done it. This is common with all ideas, but with superheroes you know some all-knowing jackass will pop out of the woodwork like ‘actually this was the plot of Assman #236 in 1987 and your just a hack’ if you ever publish your work.
Fuck ‘em. You might not be able to create something wholly original, but you can create something with a twist. From your superpowers and gadgets, to your plotlines and your worldbuilding, to your hero leagues and villain cadres and your mob squads –you can create something fresh, something we’ve never seen before, something that will open mouths and eyes and hearts. Everything can be original if you take it and play.
5) Action scenes will either become your trusty sidekick or your archnemesis (and each one can turn out to be either). Some will flow from your pen (or keyboard) as though the Muses themselves are scribing your words with golden ink. Other times, you will want to strangle every one of your characters, and throw their weapons, your writing implements and yourself out of the window. The real problem is that action scenes tend to be crucial to this genre, and you never know which fight scene is going to bite you in the ass.
It’s okay if you’re terrible at them (like me). Sketch what you need out of the scene in terms of plot, and then research to your heart’s content (while remembering this is a genre built on ridiculousness and you can stretch reality as far as you need). Then, as with wit, remember you don’t have to be an expert fighter. Unlike your characters, you can write and rewrite and play and mess with until everything is exactly how you want it.
LESS. IS. MORE. I think this is the sum total of my advice, though bear in mind that I’m a massive overwriter: if you underwrite, you might need to flip some of this advice on its head. In my experience, keep your original plot tight, because it will expand with heroic shenanigans and villainous sideplots. Keep your initial character description to key characteristics, and build in the cool, extraneous details over time. Watch out for some of the good old tropes (and not just the bigoted ones) that simply don’t translate well into a modern novel. Play with your assumptions, your tropes and anything else you can get your hands on, but don’t be too afraid to hang onto some of the old classics: this is a genre known for its fun tropes, after all.
If you need any more general writing advice, feel free to come back! You are talking to someone who wrote 60,000+ words of my core superhero novel and scrapped every single one of them, who’s plotted out seven superhero novels and counting, and who may or may not be far too in love with this genre.
But over everything else, remember to take all advice -including and especially mine- with a large pinch of salt. Come talk to me off anon if you just want to chat about superheroes, I don’t bite (and I really, really love superheroes).
Thanks for the ask!xx
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