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crownednova · 4 months ago
What is this dude's problem???? Just kidding I like him :)
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muffin-snakes-art · 1 year ago
Hi. So I’m not a Layton guy and all THAT familiar with the lore, but a close friend of mine is, and as far as I understand Layton has a dead girlfriend? Can I please know who Magolor’s dead girlfriend equivalent in this AU is? I’m legitimately so curious. /pos
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I have been thinking A LOT about which Kirby character would fit Claire's (dead gf) role. In the end I chose Taranza bc I feel he and Claire are the most similar in character. They're both really good at what they do (Claire: brilliant scientist - Taranza: immaculate mage), quick thinkers, humble, and have a lot of love to give.
I'll explain more under the cut (along with images of Claire and younger Layton for design ref), but Taranza could've also fit in as a couple other characters bc I made Sectonia as Descole. In this essay I will-
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In Kirby there's an interesting connection between Magolor and Taranza. Primarily based on that one Magolor portrait in that haunted house in Triple Deluxe (like ok huh????) and also that one Star Allies Wave 3 illustration.
With that portrait existing, to me it implies that Magolor has met Taranza and Sectonia before the events of the game somehow. This theory is further backed up with the Old Friend mask in Merry Magoland. Magolor would HAVE to have known what Joronia looked like before her transformation, and that means he would also have met Taranza too at that time. I could be completely wrong about this HAHA but those are my thoughts on that.
When Wave 3 was announced, I didn't think much on the connection of the 3 characters other than they were from the first three core games of modern Kirby. But then they posted this art piece.
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It's so cute how Magolor and Taranza combined their magic to create a shield for Kirby!! Both of their respective magic circle designs are melded together perfectly. Did they practice together on their own to perform this or was that a lucky in-the-moment occurrence? Either way, they must know and understand each other's magic abilities to a decent extent. Like how both Claire and Layton understands each other's careers and goals. Layton is a professor in archeology. Claire is a scientist researching time travel and other stuffs. Those fields go hand in hand, and the two do what they can to support and improve each other's passions.
Now onto the other characters that Taranza would've fit as and reasons why I ended up putting him as Claire.
So I put Sectonia as Descole. Descole has an extremely loyal partner/butler/henchman named Raymond. Yea Taranza would easily fit as him, but a few things made me decide not to. Descole may appear cold and not show it, but even in his madness he cares for Raymond. He does order Raymond around, but he still gives Raymond freewill to do as he pleases. Sectonia is very controlling over Taranza. If Raymond were to make mistakes, I don't see Descole punishing him for them. Sectonia would. She blasted Taranza away for mistaking Dedede as the hero of the lower world. Maybe when she was Joronia she wouldn't and wasn't as controlling but....I feel we don't have the full story on their relationship. I also focused more on Sectonia's overall in-game personality. I absolutely love seeing the two spiders enjoying each other's company and having fun, but in-game we never really got what Joronia really thought of Taranza. As Sectonia, she saw him as a disposable servant. You can say her personality was corrupted by the mirror, but I personally believe the mirror actually amplified her negative feelings and views. Negative emotions are brought up a lot in Kirby lore. I personally find that more interesting than just the mirror possessing her or something. I may be very wrong on that, but those are what I thought about.
Last reason, which is uhm, Raymond saves Descole from death FGDHSJ I don't think I need to elaborate on that. It would be so neat and ironic to have Taranza as Raymond, but I also wanna keep things in line as possible with Kirby lore canon.
Yet, who could be Raymond then? Idk fgdsj that's why I struggled so much. If Claire wasn't an option, Taranza would've been Raymond.
Now the one other character Taranza could've fit as is Descole's late wife. His wife was never mentioned by name, to my memory, and didn't have a huge role in the games. There's not enough information on who she was. I wanted to give Taranza a fitting role in personality and importance.
So in the end after all that thinking, Claire it is! I also don't know who else in the Kirby cast would fit her better and be Professor Magolor's late partner. One may think Susie would fit Claire more, but I've already decided she will be Emmy. Emmy's and Susie's personalities are very similar to me. And Emmy's lore? Fits quite well with Susie's. I'll draw that at some point.
So uh yea. Thanks for reading all that if you did! Hope you enjoyed the insanity
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icedragonlizard · 1 month ago
I remember when people were giving Magolor shit for the Old Friend mask and how what was "bullying" Taranza. (While not saying the same about how the Haltmann mask could've been considered bullying Susie LOL)
But if I'm being honest, I think the Retaliator Mage Sister masks are more inflammatory.
At least with the Sectonia and Haltmann masks, one could make the case that Magolor was well-intentioned with those masks and made them as gifts for Taranza and Susie so they'd have another thing to remember their lost ones by.
The Retaliator Mage Sister masks, though? Those are literally a reminder of their physical trauma. Not sure how that can be considered a gift for them in the same way that the dead-loved-one masks could. I have no idea what Magolor was thinking with these masks unless it's a deliberate troll.
I imagine that the Mage Sisters would 100% get mad at seeing those masks. Mad enough to punch Magolor for it, at the very least.
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dark-meta-knight666 · 6 months ago
Just needed to get it out
everytime someone just makes Taranza personality just sobbing about Sectonia, it's annoys me. Has anyone even done Taranza without mentioning Sectonia's name for one second, it's like that what his whole character is and it makes me hate him more and more, and then they bring in Dark Meta Knight like he caused this, tbh i don't really care if he did or didn't there was no evidence stating he did and Taranza doesn't even know but it's like people coping mechanisms to just torture my poor little edgy borb with it by making him suffer and that makes me hate Taranza even more.
(just gonna bring in a theory just why not) I have a theory that Sectonia is just the mirror version of Joronia since the only time we see her real form is in the mirror of an artwork which means Sectonia just yonked her into the mirror trapping her inside cuz it makes no sense why she transforms into a wasp. (anyways back to me ranting)
I like Taranza and his design but how tf am i suppose to feel bad for him if his personality is just Sectonia and every bad thing that happens to him is just so funny, atleast Taranza in the manga has some personality. Also just noticed how Taranza got fucked up in the most possible way ever.
• First he loses his queen.
• Second KTD is overshadowed by KPR which has the same story but different aspects (also the name sucks who came up with Kirby Triple Deluxe it doesn't even contribute to the story), has one of the same sub-game but different and Susie has a personality. Despite the game coming first and having a original story Hal just decided to do the same thing and make it even cooler.
•Thirdly everytime he's in the fucking artwork it always shows Sectonia (like why is he making that fucking cookie of her, that must be so awkward and weird).
•And lastly that face mask of his dead queen, dang Magolor is just so savage that he went back in time just to see Joronia so he can create a mask (just imagine that you have someone you love the most just for someone to make a mask outta them).
Taranza is the most misrepresented, tortured character in the whole series.
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springbreezes-and-peonies · 3 months ago
For both Peony and Praespero: 🧣💄🐞
🧣 What comforts your OC? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how and why does it comfort them?
Peony: Peony finds comfort for the longest time alone as she lived alone for most of her life before meeting Taranza. She takes a lot of comfort in gardening and speaking to and singing to her plants. When she meets Taranza, he himself is a major source of comfort to her. He’s just such a gentle presence in her life. His voice so soft as is his manner. A comfort item she has, is her stuffed Como that Taranza gave her when she moved into the castle, his name is Jeri. His funny spider face reminds her a lot of Ranzie himself when he first gifts him to her and this calms her down in a strange new place. She squeezes him close to her when she’s anxious or sad even after so many years.
Praespero: Praespero’s biggest comfort is his best friend and loyal companion Bagel. Bagel can detect a “flicker” attack shortly before it occurs and wrap around him to keep him from being hurt during one when he’s alone, or go for help when they’re out in public somewhere and he needs help coming down from an episode or during one. (Flicker episodes are Praespero’s physical and magical form shifting rapidly across dimensions. It is very disorienting and afterwards painful for him often as it causes massive migraines and during one he can accidentally harm himself due to loss of perspective on reality/his surroundings. Flicker episodes are based upon seizures as a seizure survivor myself, I wanted to create a character who experienced something analogous to undo some of the stigma and how they’re often played for jokes). Bagel will also just comfort him when he’s stressed or depressed by cuddling up with him and sitting beside him for pets. They are soul-bonded and Bagel is essentially his service dog and familiar. Magolor is also a good comfort for Praespero once their relationship becomes more committed and serious, once they know each other better. Magolor is good at cheering Praespero up with humor and his lighthearted air. Something about his personality is oftentimes a great levity to Praespero who can sometimes, despite appearing outwardly so happy and put together, be very internally grim and fatalistic. He’s just very good at masking it behind a smile, but Maggie is luckily very good at telling when he’s masking those feelings, and rather than pry in the typical way, he’ll play and banter lightheartedly, removing some of the burdens of those difficult feelings from his shoulders. He really appreciates him. He loves to have cuddle time and grooming time with him (picture bunnies bonding with each other). It soothes him dearly to be close to someone like they are with no strings attached and no ulterior motives. He is very used to the ulterior motives. It’s refreshing to be actually loved.
💄 What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
Peony: Her face is a very interesting subject because until she moved to castle Floralia she never really saw a clear image of herself at all. Only in reflections of ponds and windows and the like as she didn’t have a mirror on her isolated, Sky-island home. When she finally sees herself clearly, she thinks she’s so beautiful. Not in a vain way, but in a sort of “that’s me? Oh golly. Look at me! I have all these little gold spots! And my eyes are so bright but so soft! And my smile!” She’s not socialized like most people so she’s no typical concept of beauty or ugliness or anything like that. She finds everyone to be beautiful in their own, unique ways. She doesn’t wear make up, save for very special occasions for fun and to be fancy. Her skin is naturally cleansing and restorative and only really needs a light washing daily to keep the moth fuzz clean. She really likes her freckles. When she first sees them she’s stunned. She thinks they’re like little kisses of sunlight. Taranza tells her as much too. And she likes her smile, she says it reflects very well how she feels inside when she is smiling.
Praespero: Praespero doesn’t just think he’s handsome and gorgeous and beautiful—he knows it. He’s often been praised for his looks, he knows he’s desirable and attractive. It emboldens him to be pretty flirty but he’s not one to brag about his face or anything. He just knows what he’s got if that makes sense. However! He is EXTREMELY insecure about the Star-shaped scar on his forehead the experiment left behind, the source of his dimensional shifting abilities. He doesn’t think it’s unsightly and he doesn’t think it makes him any less gorgeous, but he hates to see it. He hates the reminder, and he hates others to see it. He hates to be asked how he got it. He hates to have any attention brought to it at all. Lucky for him, it is very common culturally for his people to wear hooded cloaks. He will almost NEVER remove his hood around another, unless he trusts you and loves you dearly. He just doesn’t want to deal with the attention and questions that come with his scar being seen. He doesn’t wear make up, it’ll get in his bunny fur or caught up in his evanescent form. He does have a regular “skin care” routine in that he has to wash his fur and the skin on his face diligently but he rarely faces any sorts of skin issues. Features he loves the most are: his eyes, he knows they’re beautiful, set exactly like stars on his sweet face, and his nose. He has a very kyoot bunny nose. He knows he has an absolutely killer wink too. 😉
🐞 What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
Peony: A perfect day for Peony is gardening all day in the castle’s gardens with Taranza. They bring a picnic lunch, get their sun hats and garden gear on, and just take care of the plants all day together. Maybe pausing to dance under the stars once dusk hits, then going inside and curling up together by the fire, resting at last while he reads her something romantic and plays with her hair. She just loves being surrounded by their plants and being close to her Ranzie-Pansy-Dinky-Doo 🥺
Praespero: Praespero’s perfect day would honestly be a quiet, peaceful day at home with his dog and his man. Just sharing his research with Magolor and having him listen closely with him to everything he decides to present to him. Then they all gather some sleeping bags, find a very clear, soft field, and lay down in the grass and watch the stars. Bonus if there’s a meteor shower. Absolutely involves a lot of hand-holding and kissing and bunny-grooming-bonding. He loves closeness and cuddles. He’s spent most of his life being touch-starved and neglected. Being close and free with another means so much to him. And he just loves the stars and loves a genuine interest in his research. His anthropological endeavors are his pride and joy. All in all he’s a very soft, gentle boy who wants a soft, gentle day. And to see a meteor shower. He loves that.
SORRY I TOOK SO LONG! I lost this in my ask box! AH! Tysm for the asks! I appreciate the interest in my babies! I love to talk about them sm!
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desultory-novice · 2 years ago
...What time is it...? It's time to slowly clear out Dess's massively over-stuffed inbox with another LIGHTNING ROUND!
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> both does and doesn't survive
Oooh, that choice of words!! /pos
> a refusal to stop just because the story says its finished
And ahhhh, this too!! /pos
...Okay, wow, I need to draw more Beast Pack now... (Sorry, I wish I had a more intelligent response than that but I daresay you already laid claim to the most brilliant words!)
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Hello hello! As a fan of the show Firefly back in the day, I APPROVE OF GALACTIC WILD WESTS!
But no, this is really smart! Most of the people who come to Popstar could be easily categorized as shipwrecked or refugees of some kind. People from the "greater" more modernized galaxy winding up on a backwoods-y planet. (And I think it's been described that way in certain works. Or implied?)
Depending upon how you take the Floralia situation, Popstar could be a bit like Australia or some other small island callously "claimed" by the British Empire. Outside of a few places like Butter Building (and even that is a maybe) most of its locales seem to be places that are still standing from ancient history. Not a lot has been done with it from this generation of Popstarians. It's frontier-land.
Also, Max as a robber-baron is a A+++ idea! This all reminds me of how in my expanded Dreamy Gear concept, I made the HWC one of those shady AF age of expansion railway companies! It just feels very in tune with the way the HWC was doing things! (Under the table and independent of any galactic authority, to be certain!)
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As far as that particular puffed up depiction of Dedede goes, I can see it too, tbh! ...Nyeh. XD
Pardon my YGO Abridged reference.
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I have to admit, I haven't read every novel in-depth, but Takase-sensei is getting a lot closer to my own views of Kirby + Kirby-verse here. I feel like the Planet Robobot novel might be the last one of hers where I really appreciated the specific take she took with things!
(Btw, I wonder if we'll get a third novel this year? I still don't think a Mago Epilogue novel is coming just because no Meta Knight XD but I'm curious what other story she might cook up now...!)
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I think it's a great thing to think about! Just like HAL and Kumazaki love to dump lore in the most obscure places, I think we're meant to think about these things! Enjoy going in depth on them!
Now, I think I lean towards a more emotionally balanced Taranza, even while seeing him as someone in mourning. I've of course laughed at the various crying/distraught reactions people have given him (which are all really funny!) but I also think that maybe he'd be someone to take it more as what it is - a tribute?
(At least, I don't think Magolor means it negatively. I'm not 100% on that, because he DOES like to play tricks on people. But I also have a personal HC that he learned about Halcandra and the Lor/Master Crown during time he spent with the spiders so I don't think he'd do that to Taranza to be mean. Maybe Magolor never reached the stage of being "friends" with Taranza and Sectonia, friendless wizard that he is, but I think he liked them, potentially?)
So, I think Taranza would be touched by the mask (he MIGHT cry though) and the way it is labeled. It's subtle. It doesn't flaunt the fact that Taranza never got his feelings across to his beloved. Nor does it disrespectfully rewrite history as if he had.
I think Susie is also able to have a fairly calm (?) or at least highly restrained reaction to seeing her father's visage. But again, I like the concept that she might mock-threaten to sue Magolor too!
If Magolor DIDN'T get contracted by Susie to make that Weekend Outfit Susie mask and instead made it himself based on observations of her in his trip through the timelines, now THAT would get him in some serious hot water for sure! (But she probably would compliment him on how she looks appropriately cute in it.)
...Daroach would have something quippy to say, I would feel. Probably something a li~ttle prickly about how it's funny he doesn't see a mask depicting MAGOLOR's time under the possession of an evil artifact!
Magolor: "......"
I suppose Marx's reactions to a mask of his soul form depend entirely on where you place Marx on the "more intelligent than he looks" slider. If he's just a silly little guy, then Magolor just made a palette swap mask of him and that's funny!
If he's actually very, very SMART then he would say the same thing as before - on the surface. And then he and Magolor would have a very serious talk about things. In private.
(I, of course, love a Marx who is exceptionally magically inclined. Possibly more attuned to magic than a non-Master Crown empowered Magolor. And he might be able to recognize just from a glance what exactly is "going on" in the Marx Soul mask - certainly from the invocation of "Soul" in the name. Namely, that Magolor saw something HE SHOULDN'T.)
Coo: "...Why am I gray??"
And I agree that Kirby would love the different colored Kirbys and probably made all the Dream Team try them on!
PS: I would love to write/draw/read/see more depictions of the others enjoying Merry Magoland! It's such untapped ground!
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I did, in fact, post my treatment for my best attempt at coming up with an entry-evel Kirby movie with plenty of easter eggs back in this post! I'm not... 100% satisfied with it, as it's so heavily and clearly an ADAPTATION smooshing several plots into one.
But I did what I could with the idea of trying to cram as many games and major characters into three movies as possible while sticking with Kirby = Friendship as a major theme.
To be honest, I'm more in love with the plot concept I teased for the "second movie," that combines Squeak Squad and Triple Deluxe and RtDL together and pits Kirby and the gang against the Squeaks against Magolor and Taranza against Sectonia against Traitor Magolor in a wacky mystery of mistaken motives!
I think the "thief vs thief" and "royalty vs wannabe royalty" aspects make the characters from that game mesh together a little better than trying to speedrun the Dark Matter Saga + Marx in one movie.
But lets answer some of the rest of this, shall we? ...If you go back enough years, I would have liked to see a Kirby movie done entirely in 2D, but even the old anime series recognized it was easier to keep Kirby on model if he were 3D. So nowadays, it would have to be 3D.
I don't expect it would go for a particular visual style, ala Spiderverse or Puss in Boots. I really think it would look like your average Disney/Pixar/Illumination "clean" CG movie....
But it would be fun if they tried for a more impactful style! Something heavily cell-shaded, perhaps? I love the aesthetics of Epic Yarn and Rainbow Curse, so while a movie might not be the place to get super experimental, I wouldn't mind them trying!
Mario has proven that you don't need to massively twist the characters into the Hollywood "cartoon" model to be successful so I think Kirby could lean more toward a "faithful" depiction.
That said, while -I- personally would do everything possible to work in as many references as possible if I were put in charge, the sad truth is, I never would be, and so I expect a Kirby movie would be a little vanilla in its plot. A "Kirby vs King Dedede only oops, Dark Matter/Nightmare is really behind things!" story?
I wouldn't necessarily expect to see the Animal Friends or Adeleine or Gooey in it. Maybe Marx, given he's popular. (But I don't expect a massively nuanced take on him. ^^; )
...I'd go see it though, either way!
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This is a pretty interesting concept because Elfilin is not really anything resembling a combatant. Then again, Adeleine isn't much of one either...
Because Adeleine takes a lot from the Artist copy ability (and the same can be said for other Dream Friends who call back to certain movesets) I think I would continue along that path and base Elfilin at least partly on the ESP copy ability.
Elfilin would have a few unique attack moves, based on the use of their tail, probably. Little excited, flicky movements! As well as moves based around their ability to make portals/rifts!
They might be able to use weaker versions of Fecto Elfilis's moves including a softer version of Elfilis' Antares spear? (Probably made of light or a phantasmal version, rather than just a miniaturized version of it XD ) And of course, every X number of times you use the move that summons objects from a dimensional rift, a miniature Big Rig falls out and rams into something! XD
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How you tempt me... 
Our setting is a dimly-lit smoky bar. A woman with thick hair covering one of her ruby eyes and with warm, earthy skin leans in, her gold jewelry flashing, her dress sinking past her feet.
“The others call me...'clingy.' Said I don’t know how to let go.”
Her partner, an older gentleman with plenty of blond left in his slicked back hair and a surprisingly attractive squint shuts his pocket watch and smiles a cat-like smile at her.
“Misty, you know my only purpose in life is to grant your wish.”
May you all be damned with that visual as I have been!
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If I don't say this enough, I have received so much support from this fandom and I'm just so very grateful to all of you.
I hope all of you are receiving the love and care you deserve as well for being such creative, kind, patient, understanding people...!
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wolfgabe · 1 year ago
Now I want to see Nintendo do their own Once Upon A Studio style short.
Some day I would love to see Nintendo do their own little short film similar to Once Upon A Studio with all the different Nintendo characters gathered together with a giant group photo at the end.
My ideas for who could appear.
The Super Mario Series
Toad/Captain Toad
Bowser Jr
Petey Piranha
Count Bleck
King Olly
Foreman Spike
Broque Monsieur
King Boo
The Legend of Zelda
The Skull Kid
Prince Sidon
Master Kohga
King Daphnes
King Rhoam
Chancelor Cole
The Happy Mask Salesman
Lord Girahim
Raven Beak
Mother Brain
Space Pirates
Dark Samus
Adam Malkovich
Fire Emblem
King Garrin
Black Night
Captain Falcon
Samurai Goro
Dr Stewart
Blood Falcon
Black Shadow
The Skull
Jody Summer
Buzz Buzz
Mr. Saturn
Flying Man
Dungeon Man
Master Belch
Kid Icarus
Eggplant Wizard
The Reaper
Dark Pit
Wario Land/WarioWare
Captain Syrup
Rudy the Clown
The Shake King
Queen Meralda
The Black Jewel
Princess Shokora
Jimmy T
Young Cricket
Master Mantis
Dr Crygor
The President
The Ancient Sirehound
Various Pikmin
Emperor Bulblax
Animal Crossing
Tom Nook
Mr Resetti
Tommy and Timmy Nook
Crazy Redd
Dr Shrunk
Zipper T
K.K. Slider
Daisy Mae
Don Resetti
Capn Cuttlefish
Dj Octavio
Callie and Marie
Big Man
Mr. Grizz
Commander Tartar
Crusty Sean
Annie and Moe
Lil Judd
Aunt Flow and Craymond
Mr Coco
Gnarly Eddie
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Candy Kong
Kiddie Kong
Swanky Kong
King K Rool
Tiki Tong
Lord Fredrick
Party Monkeys
Dread Kong
Ninja Kong
Karate Kong
Sumo Kong
Cactus King
Donkey Kong Jr
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl
Min Min
Master Mummy
Kid Cobra
Byte & Barq
Max Brass
Lola Pop
Dr Coyle
Yoshi Series
Burt the Bashful
Roger the Potted Ghost
Naval Piranha
Hookbill the Koopa
Raphael the Raven
Baby Mario
Kirby Series
King Dedede
Bandana Waddle Dee
Meta Knight
Whispy Woods
Mr Shine and Mr Bright
Dark Matter
Dark Mind
Queen Sectonia
President Haltmann
The Three Mage Sisters
Punch Out!!
Little Mac
Doc Louis
Glass Joe
King Hippo
Von Kaiser
Soda Popinski
Bald Bull
Don Flamenco
Great Tiger
Piston Hondo
Bear Hugger
Mr. Sandman
Super Macho Man
Xenoblade Chronicles Series
Metal Face
Riku and Manana
Star Fox
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
General Pepper
Wolf O Donnell
Prince Tricky
General Scales
Early Nintendo/NES Era
Mr Game & Watch
Professor Hector
Dr Mario Viruses
Mach Rider
Ice Climbers
The Condor
The Polar Bear
ExciteBike Racers
Duck Hunt Dog and Ducks
Wild Gunman Outlaws
Sable Prince
Eggplant Man
Balloon Fighter
Wii Fit Trainers
Ring Fit Trainees
Dillion and Russ
Rusty Slugger
Ryota from Wave Race
Sebastian Tute from Wii Music
Chibi Robo
The Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade
Nikki from Swapnote
The Flipnote Studio Frog
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goatztorm · 2 years ago
Welcome to the world of Star Blaster Saga!
I was inspired by @wtfgaylittlezooid’s Arcane Wastes AU that was inspired by the Kirby on the Draw minigame in Merry Magoland. So I started to think of the other mini games to see if I could try my hand and creating something like that as well.
And that’s when I remembered Booming Blasters, the Susie mask minigame. My brain started to spin and I knew I had found the minigame for an AU.
So picture this.
It’s a post-apocalyptic Popstar, with several BASEs all around the planet. All of the bases are underground except for one: BASE DMLD, or DreamLand. (This is the main setting for the AU.)
The reason it’s post-apocalyptic is because NME has essentially taken over the world, and the Demon Beasts (from the anime Hoshi no Kaabii, or Kirby: Right Back At Ya!) are running rampant. (It is my firm belief that the Demon Beasts could have been much more of a threat. I’m making them into such.)
All of the famous characters (or most of them anyway) would be living at BASE DMLD. King Dedede is still in charge, his name is just Commander Dedede now. He leads the BASE along with Meta Knight and Escargoon, though he usually has final say.
Then there are the recruits. Kids or teens who are training to become soldiers in the army that defends BASE DMLD from the Demon Beasts. It’ll be a mix of canon characters (games and anime alike) and OCs, most of which I haven’t introduced to this blog before.
Some more characters (the ones that are adults) are instructors for the recruits. This includes Meta Knight, Susie, Magolor, Taranza, etc. They all have a specific thing they excel in, and that’s what they teach. (Magolor is magic, Susie is machinery, Meta Knight is traditional weaponry, you get the picture.)
I think that’s enough world build dumping (?) for now, but if it’s interesting to anyone, please don’t hesitate to ask for more info if you would like! I’d love to go more in-depth with what I have, since I have a lot more to say!
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kimko-dragon-fan · 1 year ago
TADC/Kirby crossover AU interest check
yeah so yesterday I thought it would be a cool idea to take two fandoms I love and fuse them together. Now most of the TADC and Kirby crossovers I've seen have them as separate characters, but I have never seen one that fuses the characters together. what I mean by this is my AU combines a Kirby character appearances and sometimes their personalities with their most suited Digital Circus character.
so far I have:
Pomni/Marx (both jesters) Jax/Magolor (both lying tricksters) Gangle/Meta knight (breakable masks) Kinger/Taranza (both have dead queens) Bubble/Kirby (both are round and are full of air)
now I haven't figured out one for Zooble and I might use Prince fluff for Ragatha and for Caine through this AU there is this force from Kirby's world that is controlling Caine and then I realized the character that I picked didn't quite work out. so now I am thinking one of the more bigger dimensional controlling beings from Kirby (and it can't be one of Magolors forms because Jax is Magolor)
so any suggestions for Caine or Zooble would be great! I have to go do some stuff today so. you will get the whole backstory, lore and concept pictures after I get back on a separate post.
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sacrificecage · 2 years ago
dmk for the ask game. my blorbo <3
fellow dmk lover!! yippee!!!
sexuality (and gender why not) hc: transmasc (like meta) and grayromantic graysexual. Tends towards men but has no strong feelings either way!
otp: hoo.... i don't think i ship him with anyone, really! i like him with daroach, and dark taranza, though that last one is very au-specific
brotp: shadedede deffo!!! the two of them are bash brothers and love to train and fight, they have a real camaraderie. Until, that is, sddd uh. gets dark minded.
notp: i suppose with skirby? it's kind of a given, considering skirby is about 8 when he meets them in his 20s. uncle niece relationship ever tho!!!
headcanon: if you know me on a few discords you know my ultimate hc for dmk is that he speaks in shakespearean english. like as accurate to early modern english as i can get. calls people villain and cur on the regular. he also quite dislikes being called dark meta knight, and goes instead by reflecta.
favourite line from this character: doesn't speak sobs... but i do like his "dark meta knight cometh" line from star allies ehe!
one way i relate to this character: i am also an edgelord and want a sick broken mask >:3
second hand embarrassments: he can't even kill a child properly. kind of... cringe. but also the fandom's treatment lol makes me wanna look away sometimes.
and he is... a problematic fav. but a fun one dark meta knight my eternal scrungly!!!! i love you!!!!!
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icedragonlizard · 11 months ago
I'm willing to let the Japanese Kirby Twitter art in my headcanons.
It can lead to hilarious scenarios revolving them.
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Magolor: Hey guys! I'm sorry that I couldn't join the rest of you in making those sweets. I wish I could have!
Taranza: Don't worry about it Mags. It was fun!
Magolor: Was it, Taranza? What kind of cookie did you make?
Taranza: Oh, um, hehehehehehehe.....
Magolor: Go on!
Rick: Hah! The mate made a cookie of his best friend. He did a great job at making it, had a lot of detail!
Magolor: Wait what?!? Taranza... you made a Sectonia cookie? That's... not gonna lie, that's ironic considering you broke down when I made a mask of her! What's the meaning of this?!?
LMAO sorry to do that to Taranza.
And then here's the alternative.
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Guiltily funny to watch Susie holding a cookie of her dad. I do not know if she made it herself or ChuChu made it for her, but I wonder how she was acting when it was made. Either she was calm about it or she was broken inside to watch everyone else's loved ones while hers is gone. Maybe there was a moment that she cried and it made everyone else in the room sad. Who knows? Fun to think about, imo.
Under the scenario that these two bakery scenes happened at roughly the same time, I can just imagine Susie and Taranza talking to each other about what they were doing in the bakery rooms. Probably an emotional talk :( These two really desperately need hugs.
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lunaryhues · 1 year ago
I'm about to do a bit of an art dump. All of this was already posted on my twitter, but I'm putting 'em here too. This is the first of three. The original Twitter thread post date was April 23.
The rest is under the read more cut (there's a lot, be warned)
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chibi style doodle page i guess?
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a couple of sword guys
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Splatoon 2 era Jr players vs. Zap players (when they both had Ink Armor)
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masked charger inkling. i always liked splat1's hero charger design more.
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yeah i like kirby a normal amount
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there was a short period of time where i was experimenting with my character design a LOT. i liked the idea of an even more androgynous design...
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...but I also messed with some more cutesy things too. I'm too attached to my gigantic bobble hat to get rid of it though
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I can't explain this fully but this is Hell Miku, an injoke in my friend group that I got attached to
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doodle page. pretty sure the character doing the peace sign here was my animal crossing character at the time.
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top secret design information.
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deltarune ch2 doodle page
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wow i draw myself a lot more often than i thought i did what the hell
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a music-loving cyclopes character named Illumina.
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and finally, I drew this as a joke for some friends a long time ago (oh god tumblr made this one look like shit lol)
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I don't remember the context of this but the file name is "wacom test" so I guess I was checking to see if my old wacom intuos tablet still worked lol
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Splatoon OC doodle page
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Kris Deltarune thing that I am Not Satisfied With At All, but screw it, up it goes anyway
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uhhhhhh a long time ago i posted some kirby drawings and the taranza there was unfinished because my computer crashed while drawing it. anyways i finished it eventually but with an entirely different shading style
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Junko Enoshima SUCKS!!!! I love her
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Ralsei I doodle the day before Ch2's release from excitement
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Takanashi Kiara chibi. I really like the shading on this one...
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witch girl design that lives rent free in my brain
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uhh casual pearl? idk i like her
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unpolished sketches from around the time splatoon 3 was announced
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asks for peony!
⚖️ (Scales) - On the subject of a certain someone’s lengthy rant; is your OC moreso on the side of magic or science? Somewhere in-between? Do they incorporate the two together in some way?
🧃 (Juicebox) - What species are they? What’s their biology and physiology like? Do they differ in any way from a ‘typical’ member of their species?
⚖️—Peony knows little about science, she is a very magical being in many ways, her powers are innate from birth and the loss of them leaves her quite bereft. However, she is also very self-sufficient since she lived most of her life alone and is a good survivor, so in those ways she is fairly logical I would say, but she’s an entirely whimsical person, and is just naturally magical. It’s just a part of her she is unable to divorce from herself (willingly 😔). So I would say she, like most established Floralians in lore, is a very magical being and lands almost squarely on the magic side of the scale aside from basic survivalist instincts. She knows she has to rely on herself, even when her magic won’t work and she’s not one to lay down and give up when it doesn’t, even if she feels bereft.
🧃—I based her on the Floralian bug-kind designs we see in game in a very basic way, they were like the bare bones of her design, so Taranza and Sectonia/Joronia because their culture and fairytale references fascinated me and were something I, as an avid reader and writer connected with. She differs in that she is a moth and the only two bug-kind Floralians we see are spider people, but I like to think they can come in many insect and arachnid forms so I made her a moth because I love moths, they’re my favorite lol That is probably the way she most differs though I don’t think it makes her “unique” because like I said, though it is purely headcanon I like to imagine there are more moths and other insects and such aside from strictly spiders. She also differs in that, as I wrote her, she grew up on a very small island way on the outskirts of the sky kingdom archipelago, so she never knew anyone else and while she is technically a subject of Floralia, she’s never known her fellow people and was raised by and with plants, who she socialized with and learned from. While she is a good survivalist and wise in many ways I would say she is high wisdom low intelligence? She has little to no social graces, she cannot read or write, she tells time by the stars and the position of the sun and even that is very relative and it takes her awhile to pick up on social cues and what is “rude”. She never TRIES to be rude, and if it’s pointed out to her she was, she’d be embarrassed (which also becomes a very new emotion for her) and she’d immediately stop the “rude action”, but I think in this way this is very different from monarchal Floralian society: she doesn’t mask because she doesn’t know to, and has never been told to, her emotions come very freely from her and she is open to share and express them and heed them from others, whereas most others would not be merely due to social/noble conditioning. I like to think that for some, this may be uncomfortable at first, but overtime, she becomes a very comfortable and very reliable person to be around merely due to this aspect of her nature. She is utterly herself, and cannot help but to be as such, she’s never been “anyone else” as they say.
Also: AHHH! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASKS! 🥹🕸️🌸🌷🥺 and thank you so much for putting the prompt in with the emoji lol it made it so easy on me!!!
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desultory-novice · 2 years ago
I know the obvious answer for Meta Knight would be just giving Kirby Galaxia. But if we're going with turning the Dream Friends into equipment, don't you think it'd also make sense and be pretty rad to have his mask become a shield? It'd be a different spin on the ability for sure, and make it feel less like just Sword Kirby But Again. Now I wonder if I can find similar spins for Bandee and Dedede . . .
...A shield...?
Oh my gosh, okay, wow, that is the kind of twist I am ALL OVER! Not just inheriting their weapons but making entirely new weapons out of them. Both their looks and their personality! So that Kirby is really fighting side by side with "them!" 
That was amazingly inspired of you! Once you break out of the "weapons they use" and go to "weapons that resemble them" there's so much you can do! Needless to say, I RAN with this!
So, if you take Meta Knight's round body/mask as inspiring the shield, I can envision King Dedede as some kind of shoulder-mounted cannon or fire-arrow launcher! (It'd be a fun play on him being able to open his jaw so wide!)
Coo, being a bird and yadda yadda air-stuff, could make for a good bow, with his quills as the arrows! Dark Meta Knight is so edgy, he'd make for a good glaive/halberd. (And then you get the "ultimate shield vs the ultimate spear" parallel with him and Meta, which, oops, I love!)
I like the idea from the previous post of Gooey being a whip and Pitch being a boomerang. Kine blows bubbles, so maybe some kind of bubble gun, or, oh like the FLUDD from Mario Sunshine! (A flame-thrower but it's a water thrower!)
Elfilin with their curved ears, might make for a verrrrrry interesting scythe, especially considering the dual nature of the scythe. (A tool for farming but also associated with death.)
Susie would make for a neat sci-fi-style, laser-linked chain sword, considering she's full of "hidden depths." Speaking of Soul Calibur callbacks (lol) Rick could be nunchunks - as I liked the idea of him being martial arts themed from the last post.
Who are we missing...?
You could make a trident or other "catching" type weapon from Daroach's claws. Alternatively, a jitte as used by Edo-era police. (...for the thief.) Even though I said Marx should be claws initially, the idea of turning him into a toy squeaky hammer is also really funny to me and delightfully against type. And then you could free up Nago to be claws and Chuchu gets to be boxing gloves.
Taranza could be a lasso or bolas, since he's all about webs and capturing. Adeleine I can imagine as a pair of chakram since she's so, err, circular! Ribbon can stay as a gun because it's just funny, darn it!
I really want to make Magolor not a long-ranged weapon but a dagger. Something ceremonial like the Javanese keris/kris knife or maybe a sword cane - a concealed weapon. He stabs you in the back in game, and now he can stab you in the back....literally!
It's hard to remove Bandanna Waddle Dee from polearms, but I don't want to steal Zan's thunder (hoho...) either - and darn it, the thee mage's weapons are just so cool I can't bring myself to turn them into different ones! So I'm thinking maybe a three-section staff for him?
Wow, did I cover everyone? (I may have also unlocked an old hyperfixation for weapons with this post, lol.)
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sacrificecage · 1 year ago
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Commentary under cut:
Animal friends retain extra fur and animal features. Standard kemonomimi! Special bonus goes to Chuchu, who has tentacle hair.
Fluff's hair *is* yarn! Patchlanders have yarn strands for hair and felt for skin and stuffing for blood, being massive plush dolls. Fluff's hair matches locs much closer than other Patchlanders, however.
I haven't finished Morpho's outfit. They might end up in East Asian garb, once I finalise it all, and I was thinking about samurai armour today.
Taranza *did* gave six arms! Not anymore.
Everyone has some fantastic hair stylists! And I love me some fancy hair~
Gooey wears outside-friendly clothes, being raised by a forest ranger in a... Forest. It makes it much more comfortable for exploring, and he never grew out of it!
Marx was born without arms, but has used magic all his life to replace them. He has clockwork prosthetics now!
Taranza's new arms are magically manifested, like Magolor and Marx's.
Dedede is not the only fat character. Nuff said. If you want a body type I don't draw enough, take muscular characters!
Galacta is tall for a Starran, at... 5'6.
Dedede's beard is made of blue feathers growing in. He is very proud of it.
Meta's mask covers his whole face (insecure), but Dark Meta/Reflecta couldn't care less. His face being revealed means more to recognise him as a hero!
Kirby's hair is his blood vessels allowing his magic to freely respire (Starran trait). His blood is pink, because magic (Also Starran trait).
Meta Knight is 5'0 tall.
Nuff said..? Morpho, Meta, Galacta, Fluff, Flamberge, Sectonia, etc, etc.
I mean.. The rest of Susie's family. Plus, like half the Dark Matters are White white, and Adeleine, and the fairies, off the top of my head.
Mirror Worlders are their own guys. They do what they want! They're kinda pissed at their origins! I give them their own names! They're their own people!!!
Eh.. Sorta? Susie doesn't have robot prosthetics, but she wears braces to support her unnaturally tall body that she built into functioning mecha.
Meta Knight needs heels to curve his deeply seated height trauma.
It's faster to count who doesn't have elf ears. Elfilin/s (Animal ears), Adeleine (Round), Waddle Dees (Round), most of the animal friends (Animal ears), Dark Matter (Frills, à la axolotl), Marx (Goat ears).
All Starrans have the cutest babyfaces of all time. It's a species thing.
Waddle Dee face mask is a cultural thing about revealing the face only when eating and allowing oneself to be vulnerable, from their history as alien prey.
Dedede wears Japanese clothing, because Dream Land is Space Japan.
Their outfits are greatly different because you cannot tell me they'd all have the same sense of style for Nunnery. Flamberge doesn't care and wears pants under her skirt. Francisca goes fullskirt because she's cold, and her legs are weird post-death, and Zan just took the standard uniform.
Sectonia can and will show off how she's able to fight in a massive fucking ballgown. She can float, she's a total egoist, why not? Also I took inspo from the French Revolution for her. So.
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i was inspired
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years ago
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I love Waddle Dees! I just wish they were a bit crunchier.
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Name: Sectra Dee
Debut: Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Sectra Dee is exactly like a Waddle Dee... but it’s a bug! Isn’t that grand? Yes! It is! And you agree. For a little while, I was disappointed these were not called Waddle Bees, but I’m over it now! Sectra Dee is, thematically, a good name, especially since it facilitates the naming of variants, as well! And there are so many variants!
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The most straightforward is Parasol Sectra Dee! Parasol Sectra Dee is exactly like a Parasol Waddle Dee... but it’s a bug! Isn’t that grand? Yes! It is! And you agree. Parasol is one of my favorite abilities for how whimsical it is, and it’s even more fun to see a bug using it! This insect can’t fly, but at least it can glide jovially.
But these variants are not all merely Sectra Dees with different props! They are so much more. Kirby is not in Dream Land anymore, no no. He is in Bug World! “Buzz buzz!” -the bugs
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Sectra Burt is the one Sectra variant blessed with the miracle of flight! Bronto Burt is already vaaaguely bug-like with its particular style of wings, but this one goes above the ambiguity and is oh so bug. It even has a pointy stylet on its face! I know it will slurp some liquids! I hope not yours or mine!
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Then there is Sectra Knight, a bug redesign of Lanzer, a spear knight enemy! This one is especially funny to me. It looks like it’s wearing a mask with a bug face on it! Is it a fraud? Is that a non-bug under there? Or is that its real face, and its cuticle is just shaped in such a way it looks like a mask? I will assume that it IS a mask, and it has the exact bug face underneath. I’m a silly one!
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Sectra Shooter is a bug who will shoot you! Imagine being stung by a bug, only to notice the bug is feet away from you, and just shooting you with arrows out of spite. I’m glad that doesn’t happen in real life, both because it would hurt, and because people would use it to hate bugs even more. But Sectra Shooter is a cool creature! Very cool compound eye shades, and I like how the top of its head kind of evokes a hat, with its antennae like feathers!
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Finally there is Sectra Gordo, who we have talked about before! The most different in style of all of these, and also one of the funniest. Just a levitating and indestructible beetle. Magical beetle!
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But this post is about Sectra Dee, and I got sidetracked! They have only appeared in Triple Deluxe and Blowout Blast, only having story significance in Triple Deluxe. But it’s kind of vague! All we really know is they inhabit Royal Road, the realm of Queen Sectonia, and probably serve her. But that’s all we get! I like to think they really are just like Waddle Dees, little guys just living their lives, not truly meaning any harm but maybe sometimes getting roped into bad crowds.
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At least, we get some Sectra Dee Content in one of the manga, where they are serving Taranza just like Waddle Dees serve Dedede! Cinematic parallels. Are those eyelashes on the one in the back? Awesome! a Girl Bug.
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Hypothetical Bandana Sectra Dee
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