legoangstissogay · 21 days
MK Brain Rot Part 2 :D
I need help.
Part 1
Still, her death haunts him and this is seen so clearly at the start of season 4, now I wouldn't say this is another stage as much as a continuation of stage 3. With how she died and that planting of the idea that all his actions and choices will lead to one single result he has no way of escaping from, how could he talk about that with his friends or family? Why would he choose to make them all the more stressed? Mk lets these ideas fester in the back of his mind and you can see that in the way he acts. He's more mature now, he's less funny, he doesn't go out with Mei as often and he's always either working or training or fighting. this constant cycle prevents him from ever-improving that mindset and if anything he just gets so much worse as time goes on. He blames himself for every single attack on the city, every action he's ever made he thinks of as a mistake. When he once used to see things so happily and in such a bright light, now he can only see the worst because that's what he sees in himself and it's eating him alive. Once he opens the scroll his fears are only even more confirmed no matter how hard Wukong tries to back peddle and take back the responsibilities he gave to MK he can't MK won't let him. That sort of change in their dynamic, from fanboy and superhero to apprentice and mentor, to the fixer and the broken is just so interesting. Mk feels obligated to take everything on his own if there's a chance his friends will get hurt. When Azure lends that helping hand that knowledge that MK wants so badly is the power, the authority, and the ability to actually help. Azure is what MK wants to be. Unbothered, kind, respected. Mk holds Azure to the standard he used to have Wukong on, and because of that reverts back to that mindset of happy-go-lucky, and childish because there's a stronger more authoritative figure he can rely on when needed. yet when MK finds out what Azure's plan is, his goals, MK FLIPS. He was betrayed and lied to by someone he had trusted there was no being eased into that realization that they are human and flawed no sign of Azure trying to improve. Mk sees what he aspires to be and now knows the flaws and faults of that goal. Because of that, it makes MK wonder even further what he wants to be WHO he wants to be who he IS. WHAT. HE. IS. Enter, Ink MK. the embodiment of his fatal flaws. The physical form of his fears, of what he sees himself becoming. His mistakes take the form of a monster with his face, it's terrifying. But what's even scarier is the fact that there's this little voice in MK's head that gets louder as the show continues that Ink Mk was RIGHT. Ink Mk verbalizes the questions that had been festering in MK from the start of stage 2. Who is he? Why is he here? and, does he have a choice in all of this? Enter stage 4. The final one. Mk runs. Runs from his friends and headfirst into his problems thinking some way somehow he has to figure it all out while the world is falling apart. Enter Macaque. Showing Mk that, no matter the choice there will always be a consequence and he just has to live with it, and that's okay. There's no one right or wrong he has to forge his own path. This doesn't really sink in for Mk even into season 5. He's so stuck in his ways this mindset that he can't choose anymore that it hangs on his shoulders, but at least now he realizes he doesn't have to make that choice alone. An improvement, even if it's just a small one. he reforms those connections and even though he's terrified of himself he fights. Now throughout stage 4, MK is still very much so terrified of what he is of who he is, he doesn't want to realize this because he fears change. in comes season 5 now I don't want to spoil anything so I won't yap as much here also because I need to rewatch it again BUT stage 4 of Mk's Arch is pushed full force in season 5 especially when it comes to the ending and that final choice MK makes. The stage 4 arch ends with, in a weird way, self-acceptance. Even if it's the smallest dose it's still there.
This was my Ted Talk.
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milessluvr · 1 year
idk abt y’all but
i fucking love mortal kombat
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Originally posted on 06/06/2024
I love it whenever this happens! Gotta be one of my favorite visual gags in the show!
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makoto-lmk-love · 2 years
Wukong : All of you who think I am the father of Mk hand up!!! Everyone : raises hands. Wukong : Mk put your hand down !!!
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claire-online · 2 years
review the last snack you ate
super yummy!! thanks for your ask maddy
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retquits · 4 months
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more stardew valley, leah in love 🧡
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Macaque spent the whole season Big-Damn-Hero-ing and was NOT happy about it xD
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bagel-bird-ainsor · 1 month
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anyhoo yeah I’ve been rewatching LMK since I haven’t seen S4 or S5 yet so I just decided to watch it again from the beginning to get a refresher. (On s4 rn no spoilers please)
Forgot how much I loved this show! Definitely needed to draw fanart for it
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butterflyscribbles · 2 months
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legoangstissogay · 21 days
Anyway here's my 1600+ word essay on why MK from Lego Monkie Kid is peak writing.
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Mk from Lego Monkie Kid is one of if not the pinnacle of dynamic and well-expressed characters in children's media that carry with them heavy topics themes and morals. While some could argue that Bluey does this as well it doesn't go as in-depth due to it being for younger audiences. On the other hand, LMK does this very well. Mk our main protagonist has a handful of different stages throughout the narrative. There are 4 stages. 4 different character arcs, 4 different morals, 4 different themes, 4 different portrayals of the same character. This makes MK as a character not only very interesting but alive considering that in almost every season of the progression of the show, there is a change in his motives, mindset, and overall character as a whole now, for him being a round or a flat character, there is a small amount of room for debate. We don't know much about his past but that's what makes his motives so interesting which is why I'd argue that he is a round character. Not only that but the change in his character has pinnacle moments but these changes can also be silent. this can be seen not only through his actions but also through the actions of his foil character Redson. Now Mk having a foil is important not only to measure his growth overall as a character but also his mindset and the change in his overall character. At the start of the story, we have stage 1. A happy-go-lucky kind of dumb main character without a care in the world other than to protect the people and home he cares so much about. He doesn't need to prove himself or learn anything about himself. No questions are asked he just IS. Here MK is a very flat and static character, he doesn't change all that much other than getting better at his powers and fighting but there's no change in his mindset or his morals. All the while his foil RS is giving his everything for his family, doing everything in his power to gain their approval for his name and identity. onto stage 2, this is where the fun part really begins when it comes to MK's character Stage two begins when Spider Queen shows up. Not her special or her fight but her first appearance. It's the first time Mk couldn't find a workaround to beating a villain. No SQ in this represents his fears which is where we get that first true look at his character. SQ captured his friends, she's large and opposing, and she can take a hit from MK. He can't beat her. And that terrifies him. Not only because she's a spider, but because of what she represents. His mentor's past coming to haunt him. to HUNT him. It's the first time we see him start to ask questions. Maybe not verbally but the seed has been planted. Demons are after him for his power, they want it, so it begs the question of how he got it in the first place. Why him? Why now? In the SQ special, we see this yet again. This feeling of helplessness, the need for self-reflection, and this is exactly what happens in the trigram. He reflects. For the first time he as a character reflects, on his actions, and on his choices. Meanwhile, RS is being pulled into being a hero into doing good for the sake of his family. He begins to form connections, while MK is questioning his. Now we move on to stage 3. The Lady Bone Demon and Azure Lion. These characters are the driving force for MK's third arc as a character. It makes him question so many things to cut off good connections with the people he cares for, all for the sake of supposedly protecting them. Meanwhile, the questions, the fear, the fact of not having a choice haunts him. Throughout this. LBD is another embodiment of his fears. She straight-up KILLS Spider Queen, because SHE is his new set of fears. The fears he built off of SQ taking a new form in the shape of Lady Bone Demon and she does so much more in that role than SQ ever did. LBD taunts Mk constantly, either face to face or through other characters such as Macaque or the Mayor. Mk is driven so close to the brink, but he still has his friends, he's still not cut off from his net. This is shown beautifully in the ending with how they defeat LBD
Part 2
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niadrawsstuff · 2 months
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“I’m a clone! :D”
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duckthevillain · 2 months
I missed his mentor era gang this part makes me go insane
And the way he cheers him up, I-😭😭😭
"..but come on, you saved the world twice!"
"Uh, three times actually🤓😌"
"First time was just a city, don't get cocky"
I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
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angelcake10023 · 18 days
//CW…. Slightly Suggestive (?) ⚠️
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Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, Tang! 🔥
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They ain’t subtle
Not one bit
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makoto-lmk-love · 2 years
Everyone who is reading this blog please tell me if MK IS TRANS?!
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Qgeuwsghssvshbshsvdgdvdhd uhhh blank wukong and mk template for your needs on slide 2 and the meme its based off of
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ningadudexx · 2 months
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I love these ominous snake people
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