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bvnnyl0v3r · 1 year ago
An angels kiss pt.2-Nikolai cuddles ig?
A/N: So like yeah… um…. This plays some hours later
You were exhausted. This day, or yesterday or tonight or whatever you may call it had been exhausting. Nikolai had been way more clingy than usual and you kissed Bram. 
Well anyway you were back at home and went to your room. Even though it was middle of the day you changed into your pj‘s aka sone short pink pants with flamingos on them and a frog hoodie. You plopped onto your bed only to realize, you couldn‘t sleep. You tried and tried for 15 minutes or so but soon gave up and went down stairs. Fyodor was in the kitchen. He looked you up and down.
“Not in the mood. Just tell me what‘s wrong“
“you‘re wearing quite the shirt outfit don’t you think?“
Fyodor quickly answered. You looked down at yourself and sighed.
“Oh please the worst thing that could happen is Nikolai slapping my ass….“
Fyodor nodded as he turned back to his tea. 
„No that we‘re talking about Nikolai…. I found him passed out on the floor while talking to Fukuchi. He then carried Nikolai on the couch“
“Hm…. Kinda sad he didn’t die from that hit…“
Fyodor drank a sip of his tea
“I mean i knew Nikolai was pathetic but dying from the simple hit of a pan…. It would have been shame to face god afterwards“
“How did you know i hit him with a pan….“
“I‘m not dumb“
Right. For a second you forgot you were talking to Fyodor…. You opened the fridge on,y to be attacked by confetti.
“I. Hate. Nikolai. So. MUCH!“
Fyodor just walked out at this point.
Still covered in glitter and confetti you went to the couch where Nikolai slept on
“Fuck you!“
He looked at her. As he had just woken up he rubbed his eyes before looking at your Glitter and confetti covered figure and chuckling
„You found my special surprise!~ Now you get a price! Let‘s role the dice, cuz you got spice!“
Fyodor walked in
“He said you look hot and he wants to fuck“
Nikolai chuckled. Fyodor just walked out again.
Nikolai slowly stood up and hugged you tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and burried his head in your neck and started nuzzling it.
“What are you, a fucking cat?“
„I can be if that‘s what you‘re into~“
„Hell no“
You tried struggling out of his grip but without luck. He had your legs through some portals so you couldn‘t escape. 
“Fineee….. but first, give me a kiss“
“you‘re gonna have to do it so or so“
“i don’t care!“
Nikolai made these kissy lips to wich He received a slap
“ugh…. Fine i guess i deserved that one….“
This was wrong…. Nikolai agreeing to having done something wrong? Was today the day you would die? Was today the day you would walk through the doors of heave- aaand he‘s touching your ass. You had hopes for a second.
“Fuck off.“
“I‘d rather Fuck yo-„
You gave him the deadly glare to wich eh soon let go and made the portaks dissapear. He then sat down k. The couch quietly.
“you‘re even scarier than Fyodor…..“
“I. Know.“
You yawned. You were really exhausted. Nikolai took your arm and pulled you towards him, holding you closer. That bastard and his mood swings. One moment he teased the shit out ofyou, the other moment he wants to fuck you and then there‘s these really weird moments like now where he actually seems to care. I mean he was still touching your ass i‘m not even gonna deny that but still…. You were really to exhausted to care.
Sigma walked in again.
“Guys! This is the 4th time this week! Are you sure you’re just friends?!“
“Sigma you‘re to innocent to understand….“
nikolai seductively whispered
“What he wanted to say is that he‘s assaulting me but i’m to tired to care“
Sigma just left without any other words. He went to his room probably to question his life choices. 
A/N: Oml guys srry for the short chapter i wanted to post but i was lazy? So yeah…. Enjoy this shirt chapter
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Srry it took me a hot minute to get to this Favourite colour:
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Song stuck in my head:
Last song I listened to: Some Lofi song my friend was playing on her phone
3 fave foods: Currently obsessed with these mini pitas I had at my friend's Baby Shower today, my other 2 go-to's are Pizza and Ice Cream (i know i'm 5 years old)
Last thing I googled: "blue" (so i could find a swatch to put for my fav colour)
Dream trip: La Camino de Santiago de Compostela
Anything you want right now: ...after reading Ann's answer i now want a mocha frappe from starbucks
The other posts were getting long so I'm starting a new one. Thanks for tagging me @berryblu-soda and @coffeeisfortheresponsible :3
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to know better!
Favourite colour: Yellow 💛
Song stuck in my head: Are You Bored Yet by Wallows, feat. Clairo
Last song I listened to: Could Have Been Me by The Struts
3 fave foods: Pasta, pizza, uhhhh waffles
Last thing I googled: alvin olinsky chicago pd
Dream trip: My bed. I'm a homebody lol
Anything you want right now: For dinner to be ready, it's 8:42 pm and the only thing I've consumed today is a mocha frappe from Starbucks
@my-rheality @adorablenonsense @the-tea-and-book-nook @vampireknitting
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yeehawkins · 3 years ago
top five bands!!!
i hav been awokened >:3
as a bonus: linking my favorite song from all of these artists in their name! hard choice for metallica njkdfbs but stil (I have many a faves from all of them! but pretty clear-cut have an idea of The fave for the rest)
Depeche Mode- I always liked 80's music, but when I heard a DM song in a playlist one day, something about it really gripped me. That song being my favorite song of all time now (is the song linked lol) and 14 albums later listened to, my favorite band of all time. I say 14 since I've heard every single album of theirs by now, but really after the first 2 (hell even just the first) I was hooked. I cannot believe I've been so deeply in love with this band since high school and that love is still so strong 🖤
Metallica- I've babbled about my story with these dudes before, but will give the short of it again. Uncle played a few songs for me when I was a kid, heard a few more songs when I was way older, watched a compilation of the members being himbos, listened to some albums, fell madly in anger love. I never pictured myself getting into Metallica (or metal at all) but I'm so glad I have, this band has honestly helped me realize so much about myself 🥺
Foo Fighters- I'd almost say me getting into FF was a combo of the first two bands oOo. I knew and really liked some songs beforehand, didn't get too into the first album I heard, but then one day The Sky is a Neighborhood was in my recommended on youtube. The video banged and so did the song (not actually the song I linked but check that one out too lole). Most recent concert I've been to as well and I've never gotten that emotional at one before. and ofc Dave Grohl is simply an incredible dude, both in talent and in heart
Shinedown- Most recent addition of these! I could probably babble quite a bit of how I got into them but will also gibe the short of it here. Friend I had in middle school liked them, I was ehh on the one song I tried. Mutual on here liked the same song I had listened to. Relistened to that song + heard the whole album, heard other albums and got obsessed. Been bumping a lotta their songs recently. Don't got anything else #deep, they just bop!
Ninja Sex Party- Second concert I ever went to!! and prolly the closest I'll ever be to the front of a concert 😎. Also not much #deep here; I knew about Dan from Game Grumps and then checked out NSP. I admittedly listen to their covers a bit more but man the original songs just keep getting better and better! I just love Dan's voice a ton (actually still gotta check out more of his new project, Shadow Academy)
put “top 5” anything in my ask
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baroquebucky · 4 years ago
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bucky always found comfort in steve, but he’s gone now. who will he turn to for comfort now?
word count: 3.1k
a/n: hi bffs !! thank you anon for requesting this <3 just angst and fluff (and endgame steve >:[) !! let me know what you guys think :] (srry for any typos)
“this is bucky!” steve smiled at you happily, you were Steve’s neighbor, always lending him a helping hand when he needed it and giving him emotional support and encouragement that would last him a life time.
“nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard lots ‘bout you” you smiled, sticking your hand out and bucky reluctantly shook it. “why don’t you guys come in for a bit? I’m making some pasta and i put way too much” you grinned, watching as bucky and steve looked at each other, having a whole conversation silently before Steve spoke up again.
“we’d love to” he grinned, pulling bucky inside your apartment with him before you closed the door. Bucky took in your apartment, it was somewhat messy, but it a nice way, a live in sort of way. You had plants all along your windowsill and a basket full on blankets near your couch, books along the shelf with a couple other things and pictures all over the place.
“hope you guys like chicken Alfredo” you smiled, checking the pasta before deciding it was good enough and scooping some out onto three plates
“bucky i have a serious question for you” you spoke as you set the three plates down on the dinner table, smiling at steve as he thanked you.
“oh, okay” bucky mumbled, shifting in his seat and heart racing. You were gonna ask him about his time as the winter soldier weren’t you? You were going to judge him for everything he’d done.
“what animal do you think you can take in a fight?” You spoke seriously, looking at him as you set his plate down.
That’s it? What animal he could fight?
“what?” He asked, confused as to why you were asking him this. Surely this was some test? Maybe it was code for something, if he answered a specific animal then it proved he was a good person.
Steve groaned as you asked the question and you scowled at him, hitting him softly as you passed by him and to the kitchen to get some water for the three on you.
“what animal do you think you could beat if it was just hand to hand combat?” You looked at him, studying his features and quickly taking in the fact that he was in fact the most breathtaking man on earth.
Bucky looked at steve who let out a sigh.
“you should answer now, she asked me that a couple days ago and we talked about it for almost an hour” steve smiled, reminiscing on the way you even made him coffee so he could stay until the end of your discussion.
“uh, i mean, well i guess I’m a super soldier so- i don’t know i don’t wanna fight any of them” he spoke warily, looking at you nervously and watching the way you narrowed your eyes at him before your face softened, breaking into a wide smile and nodding your head proudly.
“James barnes i think you and i are going to get along just fine” you smiled, taking in the way his eyes lit up just a tad at your words.
Steve smiled at the way bucky sat a little straighter, loosening up a bit and warming up to you little by little. He wanted him to have someone to turn to, he wanted him to have you like steve did, someone he knew he could always rely on.
After the whole Blip went down and everything was back to normal bucky found himself lost at times, wandering the streets in seek of comfort. He was left alone in the world with nothing left from his old life.
Steve had only been gone for a couple of days and he already felt horrible. He had no one to turn to, no one to lean on. He was alone.
He tried finding solace in sleep, wishing that his mind would whisk him away to be happy in his dreams. His attempts were fruitless, all he managed to do was toss and turn, his mind racing and never relaxing enough to fully sleep.
The small moments he did manage to sleep he awake in a cold sweat, nightmares plaguing his mind, his memories rushing to him alongside the pain and thoughts that has recently set in after steve left.
Bucky sat on couch of his apartment, it was silent as the sounds of the city were muffled through the walls, rain gently hitting his windows. He so badly wanted to just break down and cry, to have someone tell him everything would be okay, to comfort him and remind him that he wasn’t alone even with steve gone.
Bucky scrolled through his contacts, vision blurred with tears as he searched helplessly for someone he could go to. As he scrolled through his contacts he found you, when had he put it there?
He clicked on your name and sure enough, there was a picture of you smiling brightly with steve, a note written under your contact information.
buck, y/n helped me get through everything, theyre sweet and caring and kind, please talk to them if you ever need anyone i promise you they can help - steve
Bucky let out a shaky breath as he read the note steve had left. When did he even get ahold of his phone? Buckys mind was racing, he wiped his tears and locked his phone. He would be fine, he didn’t need anyone to help him.
As the day progressed bucky felt the pain in his chest growing with each breath, tears threatening to spill out any moment. He was frustrated that the feelings wouldn’t just go away, it was persistent and nagging at him every minute of the day as he tried to push it away.
Maybe if i take a walk it’ll clear my mind, bucky reasoned, throwing on a jacket and heading out, there was only a very light drizzle as he walked aimlessly, trying everything to get his mind off the emptiness he felt in his heart.
Was he not good enough for him to stay? Was everything bucky had done, too much for steve? Why would he leave him so abruptly? After everything he just left him with no hesitation.
Bucky tried to shake away the thoughts but they grew louder and louder, tears stinging at his eyes and he decided he’d had enough.
Bucky stopped in his tracks, taking note of where he was and recalling the path he and steve had taken the first time they visited you, he let his mind wander, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it.
By the time he reached your apartment he wanted to turn around and leave. Did you even live here still? We’re you even home? It wasn’t a good idea, he should deal with it by himself.
Bucky was about to turn to leave when you opened the door, dressed up with bright red lipstick on. Oh wow you were stunning, bucky thought as he turned around to face you.
“bucky?” You asked, looking at the man before smiling widely, “bucky! oh wow hi!” You grinned, not hesitating to pull him in for a hug and squeezing him tightly. As you pulled away you noticed his red eyes and the frown on his face. Your smile quickly disappeared when you saw the way he tried to hide the tear stains, looking down at his shoes.
“oh james what’s wrong?” You spoke softly, grabbing his wrist gently and pulling him into your apartment, he looked up quickly. It was still the same, it was just as homey as he remembered it.
You led him to the couch, quickly bringing over the basket of blankets and letting him choose whichever one he wanted, smiling as he picked the fuzziest of them all.
“good choice” you softly spoke, grabbing a blanket for yourself and setting it on the couch next to him.
“do you want anything to drink, i have coffee, hot chocolate, water and maybe some apple juice” you smile fondly at the man on your couch and he thought for a second before replying.
“can- do you think i can have a hot chocolate” he spoke softly, “please” the tone of his voice made your heart clench and you wanted to just hold him, but you knew he didn’t need that just yet, so you just nodded and made his hot chocolate as fast as you could, adding whipped cream and marshmallows and placing it on the table in front of him.
“added extra whipped cream for you” you smiled, slipping your heels off and grabbing your phone, “I’m gonna get changed and I’ll be back out in a second, make yourself at home buck” your smile was warm and sincere and he already found the emptiness fading.
“i have to cancel today I’m really sorry” bucky heard, his super hearing picking up on the conversation you were having. “something came up” your voice was calm. “no i cant just ignore it” your tone shifted, leaning towards annoyance as you continued.
“excuse me for caring about someone other than myself!” You spoke dryly, changing out of your dress and into some sweats and an oversized t shirt. “you know what i think, i think it would be better if you deleted my number and forgot about me actually! i think that’d be great” your voice was cold as you hung up, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly, thank god you didn’t have go through with that date.
As you walked out you noticed bucky getting up, heading towards the door.
“leaving so soon? you barely touched your hot chocolate” you frowned, your voice making bucky turn to look at you, his words died on his tongue when he noticed you were changed.
“you have a date” was all he said and you smiled, shaking your head and pulling him back to the couch with you.
“had” you corrected him, “cancelled on ‘em, didn’t really wanna go” you scrunched your face up as you spoke, sipping some of your hot chocolate before looking at bucky softly.
“got better things to do” you stated, watching the way he slowly warmed up to you, moving his body to face you.
“like what?” He whispered, looking down at the blanket in his lap as he let it lightly.
“like make my bestest friend in the whole world feel better” you answered, not missing a beat as you spoke, looking at him.
Bucky swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Never in a million years did he think someone he met a total of three times not so long ago could bring him so much warmth, so much comfort. He didn’t bother hiding the blush on his face, he knew you wouldn’t tease him about it, you were more focused on making him feel better.
“what’s eating at you buck?” You prodded him gently, watching his body language closely for any signs of discomfort. He looked at you before focusing on his hot chocolate, picking it up and taking a small sip.
“good hot chocolate” he mumbled, taking another sip and you smiled, nodding your head silently. Bucky set the mug down again, fiddling with his fingers in his lap. “it’s just-” he began, cutting himself off before he could continue.
“he didn’t say goodbye to you, did he?” His eyes were whirlpools of emotions. You gave him a sad smile, shaking your head.
“no, not really” you spoke, “he kind of hinted at what he was gonna do y’know? didn’t wanna say it out loud so we kind of, i guess just didn’t wanna say it” you mumbled, “made it too real” you smiled at him again, not wanting to make his mood any worse.
“don’t you- how are you so okay with it? I mean it’s just- don’t you feel like if you did more he wouldn’t have left?” Bucky asked, desperation in his eyes.
Everything clicked in your mind instantly. Your stomach fell and your heart broke in your chest, Bucky’s sad eyes and slumped shoulders told you everything you had to know. The way he couldn’t even keep eye contact with you for longer than three seconds, how he fumbled with something when he spoke. You wiped the frown of your face before giving him a reassuring smile, scooting closer to him.
“sometimes i do” you nodded, picking at some fuzz on your blanket, “i do find myself wondering if i had given him different advice throughout the time i knew him if he would’ve made a different choice” you spoke softly, bucky looked at you, watching the way your lips poured slightly.
“I’ll think ‘maybe if i had asked him to stay for dinner one more time’ or if i made him more hot chocolate” you chuckled softly, bucky smiled at your words, sadness filling his chest as he realized how hurt you must be.
“you shouldn’t blame yourself y/n, you did your best” he whispered, clearing his throat before continuing, “i mean you brought him so much comfort and helped him through so much, in the end it was his choice and that’s not on you” he finished, hands shaking slightly. Bucky was silent as you nodded.
“listen to yourself buck” you smiled, placing a hand on his, “it’s not your fault, you did your best, you meant so much to him and you always will” you assured him, squeezing his hand in yours. Bucky was quiet as you gave him soft smiles.
“I didn’t mean me-” he began but you shook your head.
“you were his best friend for his whole life, he talked about you all the time, spent years looking for you to get you back” bucky let out a shaky breath. “You were good enough, you are good enough james.”
The firmness in your voice made bucky look up, your eyes were set and serious. Bucky tried to find any trace of lies, but your words were sincere and settled in his bones like a warm fireplace.
“it’s just- i wish-” his voice cracked and his bottom lip quivered, tears stinging his eyes. He was embarrassed, moving to wipe his tear quickly.
You beat him to it, your hand caressing his cheek and softly wiping away at the tears. You moved you hand to the back of his neck and softly pulled him into you, shaking your arms around him as best you could.
Bucky cried into your shoulder, mumbling incoherent sentences as sobs racked his body. You help him tightly, rubbing his back soothingly and whispering to him it would be okay.
“you’re okay, i got you” you whispered, “I’m here let it out sweets, it’s okay.”
Bucky knew he should feel embarrassed for crying like this, in front of you, someone he barely knew. Your words were too comforting to let him and your presence far too warm to even let him consider leaving you at this moment in time.
You didn’t mind one bit that bucky was crying into your favorite t shirt, you held him tighter, giving him all the time he needed to calm down.
By the time Bucky’s cries had softened to soft hiccups he pulled away from you, eyes red and cheeks tear stained. His nose was pink and he sniffled softly, using the back of his hands to run his eyes.
You silently handed him some tissues, softly letting him know where the bathroom is. He smiled at you softly, getting up from the couch and heading to your restroom. You sat in silence as you waited for bucky to come back, sighing softly to yourself. You closed your eyes for a second, blinking away a couple tears and getting snacks from your pantry, putting on your comfort show and switching to the pilot episode.
Bucky washed his face with cold water, smiling at the fact that your bathroom smelled like eucalyptus. His dried his face and washed his hands, letting out a shaky sigh before looking at himself in the mirror, frowning at how broken he looked. He tore his gaze away and turned off the lights, walking out and seeing you sitting on the couch cross legged.
You smiled up at bucky, patting the seat next to you and moving so he could sit. The couch dipped a little as he sat down, grabbing the blanket and bundling it in his lap.
“when I’m upset i watch this show, it always cheers me up” you spoke to him gently, “that is if you aren’t leaving, i don’t wanna hold you hostage or anything” you chuckled and bucky smiled at you, laughing softly.
“no i- do you think i can stay a bit longer?” He asked and you nodded, linking your arms together and pulling each other closer.
“you can stay for however long you want” bucky felt his heart grow in his chest, how could you be so warm and welcoming to him? He didn’t question it for long though, your dazzling smile and sparkling eyes cleared his mind.
“ready?” You smiled and he nodded, watching as you hurried to press play, adjusting the volume and grinning as the show began.
Bucky couldn’t help but steal glances at you, smiling at how you mouthed the lines, offering him snacks if he hadn’t touched them in a while, constantly making sure he was okay.
Relaxation. He finally felt relaxed, his jaw was unclenched and his brows were furrowed, he had a small smile on his face. His muscles were relaxed as the showed played on your tv, your body heat radiating onto Buckys side.
You looked up to comment on something in the show but quickly stopped when you realized bucky had fallen asleep. His eyes were closed and he just looked so soft.
You smiled as you looked at him, moving some pillows quietly so you wouldn’t wake him. You helped him lay down and set the blanket on top of him, telling him to go back to sleep when he stirred slightly. For the first time since steve had left Buckys slept peacefully. He found comfort and assurance with you.
Steve was always looking out for bucky, always saying that he had to pay him back for all those fights bucky saved him from in the 40’s. Steve helped him get out of hydra, helped him get his mind back.
Bucky smiled at you as you pet alpine in your lap, dozing off as you struggled to stay awake before finally giving into sleep. He picked you up swiftly, tucking you into bed like you had done with him nearly a year ago. He kissed your forehead gently before sliding into bed next to you, falling asleep quickly with you by his side.
Now even after he was gone, he was helping him heal. And for that, he was forever grateful.
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neokollection · 4 years ago
Their S/O Has Small Breasts & Is Insecure (M)
A/N: Ten’s was in the original NCT 127 post, here! I changed his a bit! ALSO WinWin’s is still there, if you want to read a diff one for him lol Situation is basically you’re dating them. ‘Semi-Mature’ situations because... B O O B S
He loved listening to your heartbeat, the steady rhythm enrapturing his attention. He found himself subconsciously grinning as he shifted closer, his soft cheek pressing further against your blouse.
“Kun,” you whined slightly, wanting to shift away in the sheets, but also enjoying the sensation of the closeness.
If your ears could tinge pink, they’d be glowing. You felt quite embarrassed about your chest, having a small size you worried he would also take more notice to it being so close. 
“What are you thinking?” 
Your heartrate had increased, pounding against your chest, intriguing Kun.
“Nothing-” you replied, attempting to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Kun pulled away, his face nuzzling against your own, his hand sneaking under the hem of your blouse. The cold sensation caused you to shudder, his palm cupping your breast as he felt your heartrate.
“Your heart is racing,” he informed, his eyes sparkling.
“What’re you doing?!” you whined, shifting under his hold, his bare skin upon your own making your escape attempt weak.
Knowing your insecurities, he knew exactly why you became anguished each time he came into contact with your chest.
“You’re so cute,” he whispered, trailing gentle kisses to your ear as he switched his attention from your heart to your chest, giving a gentle grope, the soft surface of his palm rubbing your perked nipple causing you to let out a breathy sigh.
“Let me see!”
“What’re you being shy for now?!” Ten bickered, fighting to pull your fists from your chest, your bikini top accentuating your rather small assets.
With a sigh, he sat back, straddling your hips with a challenging gaze. With sudden vigor he leant forward, face falling to the crook of your neck as his hands tickled your sides, the pool chair scraping upon the concrete momentarily. Giggling, you tried to swat him away, but he caught your hands, pinning them aside your head in triumph.
His head snapped from the crook of your neck to your pleading gaze.
“Don’t look...”
“Why?” baffled, by how flirtatious you were being before, your teasing winks and playful smiles in the pool now traded for reddening cheeks and shy glances. His brows knit together in confusion as to why you were now shy, his lips pulling into a smile of amusement.
“Just don’t-” you whined... “They’re small and...”
“Mine are too,” Ten jested, trying to make you giggle again.
However, seeing as you didn’t giggle as he expected, he let his fingers intertwine with your own romantically to give a reassuring squeeze.
“If you don’t want me to I won’t,” he promised before releasing your hands.
(WW has another scenario under my 127 reaction, it’s more of being in a new relationship type situation, this one is more of a you’ve been dating for a while)
“They’re quite small aren’t they-” you were talking to yourself rather than your preoccupied cutie, Sicheng.
His gaze flickered up from his phone, to your mirror image, lips pursing as you turned side to side to inspect the new top you’d gotten earlier that day.
“Maybe I should get a boob-job...”
You heard a disgruntled sound from the man in the corner, giving a shake of his head with his thick brows knit together.
“I didn’t think you were actually listening,” you teased slightly, giving yourself a once over in the mirror.
He stretched a long leg, the toe of his sock wiggling against your ankle, bidding your attention. He wore a pout, something he often did when he wanted something. He placed his phone to the side as he shifted against the wall he was leaning on.
“Aren’t you uncomfortable on the floor?” you asked with a small smile as you stepped closer.
He made ‘grabby’ hands as you, reaching up to open and close his fists several times.
“What?” you cooed at his cute antics.
Once you were within reach, he grabbed your wrist, pulling you down to him. You bent at the waist, face level with his own. Unsatisfied, he pulled you in further until with an ‘oof’ you were collapsing into his lap, though he seemed unfazed by the small tumble. He wrapped himself around you, caging you in with his long legs and arms, peppering pecks wherever he could reach between your giggles.
You were hardly paying attention to the movie playing on your laptop, snuggled with Lucas in bed, your cheek pressing against his strong shoulder as you occasionally snuck glances at his profile.
“Oh-” Lucas made a sound, smiling at the screen for a moment as the female lead came out of the shower in just a towel, her breasts quite impressive to your own.
Immediately, he looked at you, his smile fading. It was as though he’d purposely done something to get himself in trouble, looking to you immediately for a response or reaction like a disobedient puppy, expecting you to cover his eyes or scold him. You opened, but shut your mouth, not having the energy to shame nor scold him. Worried he’d made you upset, his long fingers tapped the space bar, pausing the movie, shifting your laptop from his lap to the side of the large bed. You’d gotten comfortable in your spot, emitting a small groan. He rolled over, wrapping himself around you, smothering your face with his massive chest, his scent overwhelming.
“Loo- cus...” you mumbled, muffled by him as your hands fisted his shirt.
He hummed in response, the deep sound reverberating through your whole being.
“What’re you doing?” you drawled out, although not expecting an actual answer.
“I don’t want to watch the movie anymore,” he informed, followed by a deep inhale of your scent. 
idk how to explain this, I think he’d either be super direct like ‘yours are great too!!’ or super indirect about it and just showing his love-
XiaoJun had his own insecurities, especially about his size- Compared to giants like Lucas he felt thin and skinny, determined to stick to his workout regimen- That being said, he was also aware of your insecurities, but this was the first time the two of you were being so open to each other about them. The clock beside the couch reach 3:04 AM, the gummy worm dangling from your fingers making him chuckle as you threw it at him.
“I don’t know,” you began, your pout deepening, “I just feel insecure about it- I know you shouldn’t compare yourself to others and all, but I can’t help it-”
“I understand,” he spoke up, toying with the bottle cap at his cross-legged feet.
“Sometimes I,” you paused, “I feel like a child rather than a woman...”
“No-” he retorted, his brows scrunching together with a face of sadness.
He didn’t want you to feel any less than you were. He thought for a moment, if you would let him he’d like to make you feel like a woman.
“I’ve never thought that way about you,” he replied, scooting closer, “You’re so beautiful- Seriously!”
“You think they’re small?”
“I mean,,,” you quirked a brow, “They are-”
Hendery made a disgruntled face, any other time you would have giggled, his wide eyes boring into your own-
“They’re perfect,” he retorted.
His sudden compliment made you break away from his gaze, attempting to hide your grin as he reached for the lingerie on the hanger, ignoring the stares of those passing.
“Try it on,” he urged, his expression serious.
“It won’t look good,” you argued in a hushed tone, taking the hanger from him in attempt to hang the item back on the rack.
He pulled the hanger out of reach, his frown deepening.
“I’ll be the judge of that-”
“Hendy-” you sighed (srry that’s the nickname I call him, I think it’s cute, okay-)
“Please,” he pouted, switching tactics, his bottom lip puffed out.
Giving in, you took the item from him.
“You’re gonna look so hot,” he exclaimed with a loud giggle, beaming.
“No-” you whined, wallowing in your bed, phone to your ear.
“But I’m outside your apartment...”
“But I’m comfy in bed,” you drawled.
“But I miss you,” he retorted.
“It’s too much work,” you lied, scrambling out of bed, “I’m my pajamas-”
“I don’t have a bra on or-”
“Well, you don’t need one anyway, right?”
Ouch. Sometimes he said things that he really shouldn’t- Even more painfully so, although it was a joke, he’d remain quite oblivious to how it hurt others until someone was giving him the silent treatment or crying.
You’d been in the process of pulling on a pair of socks- Even though he’d showed up unannounced, it wasn’t completely abnormal for him to do so- And although you teased him, claiming you were already comfy in bed, in a minute you would race down to him. The line was quite for a few moments.
“Shit- I’m sorry,” he began, his tone lowering, “I was just kidding, but I shouldn’t-”
“It’s fine,” you assured, you knew how he was, and technically he wasn’t wrong.
“No,” he fought back, “It’s not fine... I don’t know why I said that-”
The line was silent again for a few moments, neither of you knowing what to say next.
“Are you at the front? I’m um, coming down now-”
He’d give you so much love and would not even hold your chest size against you This is just a fake scenario so like don’t think badly of him!
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tag game: get to know me!
thanks for tagging me, @reidsacademia @reidsmilf !! srry this took me a hot minute :D
no pressure tags, sorry if you’ve done this already! @unmitigatedsuperiority @sleepyspencer @reidactually
reason why you like/dislike your name:
even tho it’s pretty common i love my name! my parents struggled to have kids for a while, so when they had me they chose the name abigail because it means ‘cause of joy’ 🥲
star sign:
leo sun, virgo rising, gemini moon
country you live in:
united states
favorite artist:
i really love COIN right now but honestly taylor swift is my all time fave, just can’t escape her (and i don’t want to)
morning, afternoon, or evening?
i’m a night owl through and through!
one younger sister
favorite special item:
okay wait this is about to be a way longer answer than anyone cares about agdgafak but for my major i had to take shop classes and my last year i built an entryway table! the wood i used came from my great-great-grandpa’s cabin. my grandpa kept a lot of the wood when it was torn down, so i got to use some to build this
Tumblr media
i’m super proud of the way it turned out and using that wood was a cool way i got to tie in a bit of family history to the piece 😄
five random facts:
1. i was a dancer for 14 years! did ballet, tap, and jazz. i miss ballet a lot and would love to find a studio again where i could just do it for fun!
2. i used to live in orlando and had an annual pass to disney. my friends and i loved being able to pop over to the parks whenever!
3. i love to cook! (but would love it more if i had someone to do all the clean up)
4. i got randomly upgraded to pit tickets for taylor swift’s speak now tour, absolutely incredible
5. i had a bunny named bosco as a kid and he would sit in a stroller and let us take him on walks around the block hahaha
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jemej3m · 5 years ago
hi i love love love your writing! sorry if people have been asking this but ive been looking for a part three of your lawyer!andrew and neil is on trial for killing his father and I wasnt sure if I missed it or if you haven’t continued it. Just wondering thank you ❤️
its here!!!
(p1 / p2)
Andrew didn’t like to drag things out, but the prosecution did. They always did. It was their only joy in life, especially in appeals: tease every possible fraying strand of a case till they were three weeks into the trial and the jury was dead on their feet. 
And yet, here he was, on the second day of his closing. He’d never made it to a second day: once he’d finished a closing in five minutes. 
Neil had grown progressively more antsy over the three weeks, desperate for a resolution. Every time he was scanned into court, Andrew took his favourite key and slipped it into his pocket. Every time he left to be escorted back to his temporary holding cell in Baltimore’s central policing station, he gave it back for safekeeping. Andrew would hold it, the metal still warm to the touch, the teeth of the key worn with how many times Neil would run the tips of his fingers over it. 
Professionalism, Betsy had warned him. 
But damn it all to hell: Andrew was gone. 
“Mr Minyard, if you would continue where we left off last night?” the judge drawled. Andrew could read people better than books: it wasn’t looking good. This was his last chance.
He stood up, shoved down the strange anger that had simmered beneath his skin every time the prosecution slid their pompous gazes over him, and closed his laptop. His briefcase. Put away his notes and hooked his thumbs into the pockets of his slacks. 
“Your honour,” he said, with as much grace as his perpetually bored tone allowed. “This case is beyond that of my client. That much we can all agree upon.”
He waited for an answer. 
The judge cocked her head. “Yes, Minyard.” 
“It is a gruesome story of a luckless, loveless marriage, made for the sakes of alliances and blood money. Mary Wesninski paid that price with her life, when her husband took his favourite weapon - a cleaver - to her throat. My client was 17 when that happened. He was a minor. A child.” 
He turned to the jury. “Over and over, I have rebutted the prosecution’s solitary and feeble argument that my client is Nathan Wesninski’s son. The very Nathan Wesninski who earned his name, the Butcher, through bloody campaigns and fearmongering. That Nathaniel Wesninski was destined to follow his father’s path and continue his legacy.” 
“If it weren’t for his mother, perhaps he would have,” Andrew said, rocking back on his heels. “Without intervention, there’s no doubt that Nathaniel Wesninski would have been a carbon copy of his predecessor, and just as bloodthirsty. But that man -” he pointed at Neil. “That man is not Nathaniel Wesninski. Not in the way his father wanted him to be.”
“We’ve seen the pictures of my client’s torso. The bullet wounds and gruesome knifings that he earned whilst clawing desperately to free himself from his father’s iron grasp. Worse still: we’ve seen the proof of a tormented childhood, skin torn off by a hot iron, stitches from misplaced butter knives at the dinner table when Junior, seven years old, didn’t sit still enough. A crooked nose, broken three times before he managed to escape.”
He looked to the one woman who he knew would recognise this pain, this trauma. 
“You should have no doubt in your minds that this man here, my client,” Andrew said, voice lowered down. “This man was simply fighting for his life. He was running from his worst nightmare, clawing desperately for freedom when all he’d known was pain, chains and despair. He fought against what his father wished for him, every step of the way. In self-defence, he rid the world a serial killer. A rapist. A man who had committed every atrocity known to humankind. If anything, we should be thanking him.”
The room had gone deathly quiet. 
“Ask yourselves,” he said, taking a deep breath. “Is purging the world of a monster that monstrous of a thing to do?”
He turned back to the judge. 
“My client has served his time. He’s done twice as long as he should have for manslaughter, which is the true nature of this crime. Repeatedly, my client has expressed his willingness to comply with parole measures and prove himself a functioning member of our society. If you have any humanity left within you,” 
He looked over his shoulder at Neil. The man held his gaze, blue eyes so intense that Andrew nearly lost his train of thought. 
“Any humanity at all,” he continued. The judge looked down at him, face blank. “You would grant his mother her dying wish, and finally let this injustice rest.” 
He returned to his desk. “That’s all, your honour.” 
It took her a few moments to clear her throat and call: “Court adjourned.”
Two policemen came and cuffed Neil’s hands behind his back. Andrew had done everything he could: it was out of his hands now. He mightn’t ever see Neil again, if by the afternoon the jury had decided Neil’s pleas were worthless and had him sent him right back to maximum security. 
“Thank you,” the man said, just before he was turned away. “You were amazing.” 
Andrew remained very still until the courtroom was empty. 
Now all he could do was wait.
“The ‘dying wish’ thing was intense,” Matt commented around a mouthful of falafel. Dan flicked a crumb off his tie, looking at him with an irritated fondness. Both of them -  Wymack too - had sat in for both days of his closing. Dan because she pretended she had any sense of authority over Andrew, Wymack because he was Andrew’s boss, and Matt because he was fatally friendly and had never missed a closing of any of his coworkers, even Andrew. 
“The whole thing was intense,” Dan grumbled. 
“I bet the sexual tension was off the charts,” Allison called out, kicked up her feet onto her desk as she ignored Renee’s unsubtle shushing. 
Andrew ignored them all. 
“We’re just waiting for the verdict?”
“We’ll be called in when the jury’s ready.” 
“It’s been two days. They’ve dragged this on long enough.” 
The phone on his desk started ringing. He shoved it against his ear and said “What.”
“Mr Minyard? This is Amy Johnston from the Post, I was just wondering if you wanted to comment on the outcome of your most recent case -”
He slammed the phone back down onto the receiver, jolting his coworkers out of their idle chatter. He was going to kill Nicky for letting the press through. His cousin was useless, and the press were even worse: there was no outcome. The jury had been silent for 2 days, and at this rate, it’d probably go into three. 
Wymack texted him. I know you’re still at the office. Go home. 
 Andrew didn’t need to be told twice. 
He careened his ludicrously expensive car into the driveway of his small home. Being a lawyer did have its perks, even if his fellows were curious busybodies and he got attached to impossible cases. He’d crack a better whisky tonight and herald in the news of him impending failure half drunk. 
He was never taking a case like this again. Of course, there was no case quite like Nathaniel Wesninski’s, but the point still remained.  
He unlocked his front door, stepped inside, and immediately stilled. 
The heater was on. 
His briefcase, blazer and tie came off, thrown haphazardly in the general direction of Andrew’s study. When he entered his kitchen, he skidded to a stop. 
“Hi,” Neil said, skin far more bronze without the gaudy orange jumpsuit. Andrew just stared. The man ducked his head down, lacing his fingers behind his back. “I - uh, I got Wymack to call you in sick for the verdict. Wanted to surprise you.” 
“You knew,” Andrew said. “You knew the outcome?”
“Of course,” Neil snorted. “Had to do something with the bloodmoney. Don’t worry, it was only two of them. The rest you had hooked.”
“I don’t know why I’m surprised,” Andrew said flatly. Neil’s grin flashed, but he was clearly way out of his depth here. Free and nervous about it. Here, because he thought that Andrew would be the only one that cared. 
And he did. For the first time, he did. 
The man gestured at his ankle. “18 months parole. It’s a bit heavy but I’ll get used to it with time, I guess.” He rubbed the back of his neck, curls bouncing. “Gotta find somewhere to live, I suppose. Figure out how normal life works. I’m applying for a name change: the first random name generator on Google gave me Josten, so that’s probably what I’ll go with.”
“You’re a disaster,” Andrew managed, fighting every urge not to reach out and comb his fingers through the man’s hair. 
“What else is new?” Neil joked. 
“You said you’d go to law school.”
His eyes widened slightly. “You’re holding me to that?” 
Andrew shrugged. “It’s your life.”
“I suppose you’ll regret taking me on when I end up stealing your cases,” Neil teased, leaning a little closer. 
Andrew reached up and tugged on Neil’s collar. “I don’t believe in regret. But I sure as hell will give you the challenge.”
Neil’s lips quirked up at the side, warping his scars and making Andrew’s chest ache.
“Stay,” Andrew said, softer than he intended. 
And, now that he could choose to, Neil Josten, freshly minted and definitely real, whispered: “Okay.”
wow only months later did i finally figure out what i wanted from this 
srry its so short!!
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skellebonez · 4 years ago
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks
Hey. So. Remember THIS fill from like... a week and a half ago? Because of the comments I received I decided to rewrite it as a multi-chapter fic. The first chapter has the same premise but is completely written (barring a couple lines) and has many new scenes. Like a hint as to where the trio is maybe?
AO3 Link!
Summary: It had been over a year since MK had become the Monkie Kid. Months since Mei formed an unlikely bond with the Monkey King. Fewer months since Red Son had defected from his parents and was desperate to prove to everyone he could change a second time. In all that time a routine was set, communication alleys were formed, and agreements were made. Things had been going well.
Now the trio was missing without a single clue to where they had gone. And they weren't the only ones.
Warnings: None for this chapter, but perhaps mind the tags on AO3 for future ones.
Chapter 1: Thunder and Lightning
They were late. They had made sure to remind him of their plans multiple times last night... and they were late.
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King himself, would have been starting to get angry if he wasn't so worried. He wouldn't be surprised if Mei was late, it wasn't odd for her get distracted by some new thing she wanted to show him and take the time to get it before coming by. But Red Son and MK as well? That wasn't normal. MK had only been late to training once, that had been during the entire incident with Macaque training tricking him (they don't talk about that anymore), but even then he wasn't this late. Not to mention Red Son's thickheaded determination to show off just how serious he was about joining their side. He'd made promise after promise and did his best to keep his word in attempt to impress them, even going as far as going far over and earlier than what he promised.
The three of them were supposed to come to Flower Fruit Mountain for the day. Some training for MK, video games with Mei, and Red Son just tagging along so someone could keep an eye on the new comer (by Red Son's own insistence). They never showed. Didn't even send him an e-mail. He'd waited almost a hour, a personal record for patience, but not a peep from any of them. Something was wrong.
That was why he found himself standing outside of Pigsy's Noodles in the middle of the day disguised as a human, tail wrapped around his waist as a "stylish belt". Though, in retrospect, a mysterious man with flawless eyeliner falling from the sky without a single injury was not the most inconspicuous way to arrive. He didn't take the time to think about that, instead entering the noodle shop with a hastiness in his step he couldn't hide.
"Welcome to Pigsy's Noodles, home of the lon-oh..." The chipper greeting from the shop owner was cut off, a mix of annoyance and confusion taking over the tone. Pigsy looked over the counter at him and the ever present Tang turned around in suit. "It's just you. Ain't you supposed to be not here? With the trio?"
"Yeah," Wukong started, laughing oddly as he rubbing the back of his neck. There was an awkwardness he wished he could get rid of, something that didn't really belong on him. But things had always been tense between him and his once-younger brother and the tenseness had only grown since their separation after the journey. After he trapped the Demon Bull King. After he vanished for 500 years... after he came back. "See, funny story about that! I was waiting for them and you know how impatient I am but I was doing my best to not be so I waited for almost an hour and they kinda never... showed up?"
"What do you mean never showed up?" Pigsy questioned carefully, coming around he counter and brandishing a ladle in one hand.
"They did leave pretty late," Tang offered quickly, awkward smile showing he could sense the tension between the two old friends. "Red Son was fixing some of the equipment in the kitchen, maybe they ran into a demon and are on their way to the island right now! Maybe you just... missed them?"
"Yeah!" Wukong agreed immediately, laughing harder to hide his worry. Tang didn't seem convinced by his own explanation but Wukong as more willing to believe that without question than think about what the alternative could mean. "Yeah, that's probably it! I'm sure they're just fine, but if it makes you feel better I'm going to take a look around. If they make it there before I do they're sure to come home when they realize I didn't wait for them. Yup, totally sure of it. BYE!"
He ran out the door, jumping on his cloud faster than anyone could follow and took off in the direction of his home. He didn't miss the odd frown on Pigsy's face at his overly quick reaction.
They weren't anywhere he could see on the way to Flower Fruit Mountain. They weren't on the island or in any of the surrounding areas. There were no boats or any sign of a pogo ride on the staff on the sandy beach. There was just... nothing.
He only waited for another 10 minutes before the concern (not worry, he was not worried the three were very capable adults despite him thinking of them as his kids kids, one was even an ancient demon who nearly bested him centuries ago for Heaven's sake) took over once again and his somersault cloud was getting more distance this day that it had in years. He zipped back and forth over the ocean, looking for any sign of bodies people, boats, anything, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found absolutely nothing in the calm and clear water. But this only raised more questions. They had left Pigsy's, there were witnesses, but had they made it to- Sandy! He was so focused on them coming by that he forgot how they would get there!
"I'm sorry, elder brother," Sandy said with a frown. "They weren't going to come by today, see?" He held up his phone, way too small for his massive hands, a text from Mei reading "Took ur boat yestday, srry! Will return tmm! *heart heart heart cat*" Well. That at least explained how they were supposed to get there without going to Sandy.
The Monkey King, changed back to his usual form, took a half shaky breath and sipped the tea the fish demon had offered him the moment he opened the door. Mo sat in his lap, purring softly as he no doubt sensed the tension in the air. "Then where are they..?" He wondered out loud. He hadn't seen one of Sandy's boats anywhere, they stuck out like a big blue sore thumb just like his still-younger brother.
"I don't know," Sandy answered, standing and stretching before giving the shorter man a wide smile. "But I'll do anything to help!"
He'd returned to Pigsy's shop immediately after that, not bothering to change back into his human disguise. That took so little energy and time but it was still energy and time he didn't want to waste. It had just started to sprinkle rain, the weather station having planned this for some time now. He had sent Sandy out to check all the waterways in the area, just to be safe, and he hoped that his search would be fruitless. He really hoped he sent Sandy on a wild goose chase...
"Are they back?" He demanded the second he opened the door, startling the 2 customers in the shop in addition to Tang and Pigsy. "Pigsy, Tang, did they come back?"
The dawning worry on the two men's faces was enough of an answer for Wukong to immediately run out, ignoring the shouts that followed him as he flew off again.
It was starting to rain harder. They weren't at Mei's house.
It was starting to downpour. He didn't see them at any of the food stalls.
The downpour worsened. They weren't at the anti-gravity arcade.
It was a torrential downpour. Red Son's apartment was empty.
There was electricity in the air. They hadn't been taken to the hospital.
Thunder and lightning. He carefully flew around DBK and PIF's hideout. He heard them talking about their next plan to "knock sense" into their son. They weren't there.
It was when he was nearly struck by lightning, nothing that would have actually caused him real harm but would have hurt like he'd been hit by a truck, that Sun Wukong finally decided that he wasn't going to find the trio. Not like this. Running around without a plan was not helping. He wouldn't find his kids like this.
So he made his way back to Pigsy's, soaked to the bone and brain fuzzy. Numb almost, not from the cold but in a mental exhaustion he couldn't explain. He walked in with his head down, dripping icy water from his fur, and was greeting with an almost as cold hiss before he could say anything.
"Where are my kids, Wukong?"
He looked up and took in the sight before him. Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mo were all gathered in the shop. He hadn't even noticed it was closed until that moment. Sandy had a towel over his shoulders, as did the little blue cat, and they sat sipping a bowl of hot broth each.
"You said they'd come home. So, where are they?"
Wukong grit his teeth, continuing to avert his eyes from the furious gaze of his once-brother. "Idon'tknow..."
"What was that?" Pigsy almost yelled, stepping forward to grab he tails of his soaked cloak to drag hi down to eye level. "You said they'd come home! Where the FUCK are my kids, Sun Wukong!?"
"I don't know!" He grabbed Pigsy's hands, not gripping them or moving to remove them just holding them, grip shaking as he tried to keep his tone level. "I don't know, Pigsy, I looked everywhere but... I couldn't..."
For a split second there was nothing but disbelief and fear in the shorter ancient's eyes and it hurt Wukong more than he thought it would. Far more than he prepared himself for. Everything from the entire day came forth to hit him like the lightning truck he barely missed and he collapsed to his knees, mental exhaustion finally taking it's toll and tears began to mix with the rain water running down his fur as he looked off into nothing. He came to the horrifying realization that he really had no answer.
"I don't know where they are Pigsy..."
"You ok, bud?"
MK groaned as the Monkey King grabbed him by his arms and stood him up, brushing all the dirt from his clothes. Training had been going well, Red Son and Mei battling each other in the new Monkey Mech game as he continued to have his butt handed to him. But he had gotten a single hit in on his mentor, matching his last training session, and he looked so proud of him! "Yeah, we gonna go again?"
"Nah, I think making a new crater with your own body twice in one day is more than enough," Monkey King laughed out, guiding MK toward the small house he called home now. "Besides, I want to kick your butt in Monkey Mech too!"
"Hey! I'll totally kick your butt!"
"Prove it Monkie Man!"
Despite the lighthearted banter between them something just felt... off. MK couldn't quite put his finger on it... now that he really gave it thought...
Didn't the weather station call for rain today?
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dudeandduchess · 5 years ago
Oooohhhhhhh~ Person A giving Person B a sponge bath, with Rengoku? Injured and embarrassed Rengoku? Pleaseee~ (*´▽`*) ? Srry for bad English
I may have gotten carried away with this. So I do apologize, bby. 😅🍉
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Bath Time (Fluff, Intimate Ideas List, Slight NSFW Scenario)
Warning: Slight Smut, Hand job, Adorably Flustered Kyō
Of all the times to have been shy, Kyōjurō just had to succumb to his soft and hesitant feelings when all of his efforts of trying to get (Y/n) to join him for a bath had come to fruition.
As it was, every minute movement of hers had his heart racing and his cheeks burning hotter and hotter with a blush. Every press of her fingers against his skin, embarrassingly, had him getting hard— to the point where he had taken to blatantly ignoring his twitching dick between his legs.
He shouldn’t have been horny in the first place; as she hadn’t been doing anything that would warrant any lustful feelings. She was fully clothed, to boot, and was merely scrubbing around the wound on his back— which he’d gotten from his last mission.
He should have been over the moon that (Y/n) was taking such good care of him, but he couldn’t muster that degree of happiness at that moment. Yes, he was happy, but he was also completely mortified.
Kyōjurō felt like nothing more than a hormonal teenager, as he desperately tried to hide his erection from his lover.
It wouldn’t have been a cause for issue had they already progressed further than heavy petting through clothes— not to mention that one time he’d eaten her out; but they hadn’t gone past that, and the towel that he’d laid across his lap was doing nothing to conceal the fact that he was liking things way too much.
Usually, he was so forward with her, but being so unprepared had thrown him for a loop— enough to reduce him to a quiet mess.
In turn, (Y/n) had to actively suppress her giggles whenever she deliberately let her hands linger all over the Flame Hashira’s body. It was payback for all of the times when he’d teased her— as well as that time when he’d pushed her against a wall and merely bunched her skirt up, before pushing her panties to the side.
The memory of that day still haunted her, in the best way possible. She could still feel his tongue as it thrusted in and out of her, as well as the feel of his mouth sucking on her clit.
It had her feeling so weak in the knees. But, thankfully, she was sitting down at that moment.
Deciding to tease her lover further, the young woman snaked her hands to his thighs— under the guise of cleaning them as well. She was careful not to press her chest against the somewhat fresh wound on Kyōjurō’s back, as she reached around him to set her plan in motion.
The blush on the Flame Hashira’s face intensified at that action alone, and he could only watch— completely wide-eyed and absolutely speechless— as (Y/n)’s right hand began to drift beneath the towel on his lap.
“W-what are you doing, (Y/n)?” The Hashira asked with a shaky laugh, despite knowing full well what his lover wanted to do.
To his utter surprise, she answered softly— even going as far as to slightly nip at the shell of his right ear. “I’m just cleaning you, Kyō. Every inch of you.”
He couldn’t help but swallow thickly, as he suppressed a shudder at the hot and heavy words that didn’t fail to make his cock twitch once more.
Then slowly, (Y/n) encircled her fingers around Kyōjurō’s thick shaft; biting down on her bottom lip when she realized how thick he was. The tips of her thumb and middle finger barely even overlapping, especially when she slid her hand up to the head of his cock.
Kyōjurō audibly hissed at the action, resisting the urge to buck his hips up into her hand. And when she took her thumb then used that to rub at his slit— spreading his pre-cum around his tip— he had to make a conscious effort to buckle himself down where he was seated.
All of his muscles were tense with his self-imposed restraint; steadily growing more lax the more that she rubbed her thumb across the head of his cock— paying particular attention to the pre-cum that, embarrassingly, kept leaking from his tip.
The Hashira’s breaths got even more labored as the seconds ticked by, even more so when (Y/n) tightened her grip and used his cum— as well as the suds that she had been rubbing all over his thighs from earlier— as lube for when she began pumping his cock.
Her movements were slow at first, steadily gaining traction as she got more and more confident with every pleased sigh and soft whimper that escaped her lover’s lips.
However, when she pumped his cock upwards— all while twisting her wrist slightly when she reached the crown of his cock— Kyōjurō jerked upright, which was followed with a loud and pained cry that had her letting go of him entirely.
Her heart was racing madly inside her chest, and all she could do was hurriedly move in front of the Flame Hashira so she could properly check on him.
His face was scrunched up in pain— eyes screwed shut, and teeth gritted to keep back any possible expletives— which worried (Y/n) immensely.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Kyōjurō!” The young woman’s voice raised in pitch the more words fell her lips, taking on a frantic tone as she moved to pull the towel on her lover’s lap away— if only to see what had gone wrong.
Only, Kyōjurō grabbed her hand before she could even touch the towel. And, with a shake of his head, he opened his eyes and told her, “No, no, that was good. It was my back.”
It took her a few seconds to piece everything together, only to dissolve into a fit of giggles when she realized that her lover— the mighty Flame Hashira— had agitated his wound after involuntarily jerking like that; all because her hand job felt too good.
Safe to say that they didn’t try anything of the sort again; at least, not until Kyōjurō’s back healed.
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tearsofgrace · 4 years ago
written for suptober day 10: sweet rides
word count: 1.1k, i’m so sorry i don’t know what this mess is like this is all over the place
He had always loved the way the sun glinted off her windshields. He’d be walking out from a frustrating interview, zero leads in sight, and stop to admire her. All golden in the light, the silver glinting on the wheels blinding him. He could stare at her for hours, get lost in the solid black finish.
The best part about her was that he didn’t have as many bad memories tied to her. Well, not childhood ones anyway. John was normally in a good mood while they were driving. He would let Dean pick out the tapes and smile when he always chose Zeppelin.
Inside that car, he was safe.
It wasn’t like the motel rooms. Every time he walked into them the stench of whiskey hit him and he could see himself laying on the floor, hands above his head, trying to fend off his father’s angry blows. He could feel the fear, the shame, the blinding pain. He would still look behind him and make sure Sammy was okay. Every single time they walked into a shoddy motel room. Because they reminded him… he had to keep Sam safe. Even from the people that were supposed to protect them.
Baby wasn’t like the dirty truckstop bathrooms they were forced to stop in. Sam didn’t know that every time he walked into them he could feel himself being forced to his knees. Could feel the tears start to spike in his eyes while he forced himself to remember that he had to do this. He had to put food on the table for Sam. So it didn’t matter. Didn’t matter if they went too far, didn’t listen to him, had him gasping for air. He did it anyway. He had to.
She was safe. Away from the hurt, the trauma, everything he kept bottled up. It wasn’t like nothing bad had ever happened in Baby. But mostly, the bad memories, the fights, they were just words. And even words were safe here.
Maybe that was why it was in the Impala Dean had finally decided to tell Sam all those years ago. Why he’d looked over at him, one day while they were driving, and blurted out that he liked men as well as women. It had felt safe. Sam had smiled, said something about how he supported Dean no matter what and he was proud of him. When they’d gotten out of the car, though, they’d left it there. Every time Sam tried to bring it up he shut it down. The Impala was safe. Outside, he could never be himself.
Baby was his safe place. Which is why it was only fitting that she was the last thing Chuck took away.
First it was the world. Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack watched it go up in smoke. Then, it was the angels. And once they were gone, Heaven collapsed in a flash of blinding light. Hell was right after that, and Chuck didn’t even blink twice when he snapped it out of existence. Purgatory had gone when all the monsters were gone, and likewise, the Empty followed suit. Billie along with it.
Chuck had kept his promise. This really was the end. No resurrections, no last minute plans, no saving the world. There wasn’t a world to save. They just couldn’t stop him. He was all-powerful, more so than they’d ever imagined. After he’d tricked Amara into captivity, he’d had free reign to play with his toys, make them suffer in every way imaginable.
But he was tired of playing now. Dean looked into his eyes, trying to steal himself. He wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Wouldn’t let him know that he had already broke them. Wouldn’t let him know that he would give anything to be snapped out of existence right now. Before Chuck took his family too. Before he burned this tiny little patch of Earth that he had left standing. Before he took his safe space, the one that was still sort of glowing, even with the sun gone.
Maybe Chuck heard his thoughts, because he turned to him and smiled. Then he snapped again, and Sam and Jack blinked away.
“No!” Dean screamed, finally breaking his silence.
“It’s gone, Dean. It’s all gone. You lost,” Chuck said. “And now, I’m going to take Castiel. He loved you, you know? That’s how he could have been truly happy, not that the deal matters anymore. Dean turned to Cas, saw the angel’s eyes filled with tears, but before he could answer Chuck snapped again.
“I’m bored. So bored with all of these little worlds, all of your little problems. Earth was my worst idea. Creation wasn’t. So it’s time to start again. You get it, right? I mean, you never really thought you had a chance against me, did you?”
“Go to hell,” Dean muttered.
Chuck snorted. “Right. I’ll just,” he looked around and spread his hands wide, “get to it.”
Dean didn’t answer. Maybe he was too numb to speak at this point. Chuck walked over to the car and patted her hood fondly. “Bet you’re wondering why I kept her to the end.”
“Not really,” Dean spat. Maybe he had some breath in him still. Or maybe it hadn’t hit him yet. That Sam, Jack, Cas, the entire world was all gone.
“I love this car, Dean. You and Sam were a great story, but Baby,” Dean cringed at the word. It sounded so vile in his mouth. “Well, she was a stroke of genius. I mean,” he took a deep breath, looking up at the sky of nothing, “the poetry of you and Sam being each other’s home. Of always being on the road. Of this car being your only constant… well, I was proud of that.”
Dean didn’t answer, just stared at him, frozen in place.
“But it’s time to start over. So I guess I have to say goodbye.” He rubbed his hand over the car again, smiling almost softly at her. But it wasn’t soft, because behind his eyes there was fire. Pure hatred, lack of any sort of human love. He had created humanity, but he didn’t have any.
Dean took a shaky step toward him. He knew it was pointless, so goddamn pointless, but he had to fight. And Chuck just laughed. A full-body, chilling thing. The sound rang in Dean’s ears, but he took another step. Almost in slow motion, he watched as Chuck raised his fingers to snap.
Chuck stopped laughing, and looked at him in pity. “Goodbye, Dean,” he said with a snap. And with that, the world was gone. The heroes that had fought to save it were no more. It was time to start again.
tag list: [ask to be added or removed... srry for the hot mess y’all]
@fandomstuff67 @menjiiii @witchyanaels @starlightcastiel @chaoticdean @larryforeveralways @samhainsam @ghostsforcas @tlakhtwritesdestiel @wanderingcas @prayedtoyou @spooky-things-do-happen-dean @jayus-fandom-writer @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @starrynightdeancas @radiantdean @piemaker-from-gallifrey @on-a-bender @eshaninjer
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seungmoroll · 4 years ago
Distant | TOO Donggeon
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Word count: 1.9k
Genre: angst with a happy ending, feat. verivery Kangmin
Requested: yes
A/N: to the lovely anon that requested this, I hope you enjoyed it!
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Today was the first free day you’ve had in a while. Work and school have taken up most of your time, that you haven’t been able to see your boyfriend Donggeon in a month. With his schedule and your schedule, you rarely had time to see one another, but you’re going to use this rare free day to go see him. Earlier you had texted Jisu to see where he was, and when he told you that they were all at the company, you decided to make your way there.
Stopping by a nearby café, you went in to grab some pastries for all the boys, making sure to grab Donggeon’s favorite. Making your way to the company, pastries in hand, you walk with a skip in your step, excited that you finally get to see Donggeon after so long. When you make it to the company, you text Jisu to see where they’re at. After reading his response, you make your way up to the practice room, unable to hide your wide smile. Approaching the door to the practice room, you can hear the sounds of their new song playing. TOO were getting ready for their comeback, which was why you wanted to get them a little something sweet to eat, to reward them for their hard work.
Through the clear door, you have a good view of Donggeon’s backside; he’s having a conversation with Jerome. Using this as chance to come in, you silently open the door, and put your finger to your lips when Woonggi looks at you with confusion. By now, everyone but Donggeon has realized your presence. To make your presence known to him, you creep up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. Donggeon slightly jumps in your arms and when he comes to the realization that it’s you, the reaction he gives you is not what you were expecting. He gently unravels your arms from his body and turns around to coldly ask you, “What’re you doing here?” Pouting at his response, you lift up the bags of pastries, “Today’s my free day, and I wanted to see you, so I came to bring you guys some treats.” Handing over the bag of pastries to Jaeyun, the other boys come rushing to get their sweets, mumbling their thank you’s as they stuff their faces, while Donggeon stands in front of you, a look on his face that you can’t decipher. You sweetly place the slice of cake that you picked out for Donggeon in his hands. Instead of thanking you with a kiss like he usually does, he silently takes it and goes to sit down with the others.
Following suit, you sit down next to Donggeon and wrap your arms around him, while laying your head on his shoulder. He shrugs your head off his shoulder and scoots closer to Chan, breaking your embrace. Making eye contact with Jisu, you give him a look of confusion, motioning towards Donggeon, but he only responds with a shrug, not knowing what was wrong with him either. Scooting closer to Donggeon, you cup his face with your hand, you caress his cheek with your thumb, you quietly ask him, “Are you okay?” Instead of answering your question, he pushes away your hand and says to you, “Can you stop touching me? It’s annoying.” he sighs, “Look Y/n, I don’t know what you’re doing here, but we’re really busy, can you just go?”
Gawking at him, you respond, “I’m sorry, I just wanted to see my boyfriend, who I haven’t seen in a month, but obviously my presence isn’t wanted.” Getting up from your spot, you turn towards the rest of the group, “I hope you guys liked the pastries I brought you. I’m sorry if I interrupted your practice. Please make sure you guys get some proper rest, and with that being said, I’ll see myself out.” You hastily make your out the practice room, tears threatening to fall. Aggressively pushing the down button to the elevator, you hear your name being called out. Sadly, it’s not the one person you wanted it to be.
“Y/n, wait up.” Jisu makes his way to you, engulfing you in a hug. You force yourself not to cry in his chest, not wanting to appear pathetic. After pulling away from the hug, he says to you, “You know he didn’t mean any of that. He’s just taking the comeback so seriously that it’s all that he can focus on. Why don’t you go back home and get some rest, it’s your first day off in a while. I’ll talk to hyung and make sure he apologizes to you.” You don’t bother to say anything to him as you get on the elevator.
The trip back to your house felt like an eternity. Woonggi had sent you a quick text saying, “srry hyung is being a big meanie. I hope you’re not sad.” You didn’t bother to respond, but instead texted Kangmin and told him what went down. He told you he was going to call you when you got him, but when you did get home, you didn’t bother to tell him.
Plopping down on your bed, you finally let the tears go. It was the first time Donggeon had ever acted this way with you and you hated it. He always told you that he was okay with you being clingy, heck, he even told you that he loved it. It just made no sense to you for him to act so harshly towards you, even if he was stressed out from the comeback. For the next hour, you can’t help but replay the whole scenario in your head again, and when your phone alerts you of a new message, you quickly go to check if it was from Donggeon. Unfortunately, it wasn’t, but fortunately, it was Kangmin.
“U home?” Sending him a quick yes, you wait for his call to come. You hesitate to pick up the call when you see that he’s calling you, but decide to answer it anyways.
“Okay, do I have to kick his butt?” Is the first thing you hear.
“Kangmin.” You whine, dragging out his name. You wanted to have a serious conversation with him, not this.
“Okay, okay. There will be no butt kicking…yet. But anyways, how are you?” he genuinely asks.
“I don’t know. I’m sad and confused. It’s been a month since we’ve last saw each other and the first thing he says to me is that I’m annoying. Jisu says it’s because he’s too focused on their upcoming comeback, but I don’t think that’s it.” Sniffling, you go to grab a tissue.
“Oh Y/n sweetie, you’re not annoying. Maybe Jisu is right, maybe the comeback is stressing Donggeon out, but…” He fails to complete his sentence, which makes you slightly concerned.
“But what Kangmin?” You urge him to continue.
“I don’t know if I have the right to say this, but…I just think that you guys have been pretty distant lately. From what we’ve talked about, you guys have barely seen each other, let alone talk to one another.” Thinking about it, Kangmin did have a point. School and work took up most of your time, and Donggeon had to focus on his career that you two rarely had time for each other. Sure, you texted each other every day, though you did begin to realize that Donggeon’s messages began to get shorter, but you couldn’t even remember the last time the two of you went out on a date. You couldn’t believe that you didn’t realize it sooner that your relationship was slowly deteriorating.
Fresh, hot tears quickly began to run down your face. “Uh, Y/n? Are you still there?” Attempting to rid the bile from your throat, you respond, “Yeah, yeah, I’m still here. I just got lost in thought, that’s all. But Kangmin, you’re right, we have been distant lately, and I just feel like we’re both not giving this relationship 100% effort.”  
“I didn’t mean to make you sad, but just talk to him, yeah? I know how much you like him, and I want you guys to work out, but I don’t like you being sad.” Kangmin was a friend you treasured so much because of moments like this. He was always willing to listen to you and be there for you when you needed someone. “Thank you, Kangmin. I’ll make sure to talk to him later; I think for now, I need a nap.” Before ending the call, he makes sure that you’re okay once more, and tells you to get some rest. Placing your phone down, you get comfortable in your bed and decide that you were going to talk to Donggeon that night. Eventually you let your exhaustion overcome you and you take a nice nap.
Once you had woken up to your nap, you checked your phone for any new messages. There was one, and it was from Donggeon.
“Can I come over later?” Sent an hour ago. Letting him know that he could, you get up and go freshen yourself up. Laughing at your reflection when you see what kind of mess you are.
It turns out that you didn’t have to wait long for later to come because 10 minutes after you responded to Donggeon, he was already knocking at your door. As you opened your door, you are met with the sight of a stressed out Donggeon running his fingers through his hair. Stepping aside, you motion for him to come in and when you turn around after closing the door, he says to you, “I’m sorry.” Not saying anything, you let him continue, “I shouldn’t have been so cold to you earlier today. You didn’t deserve it.” He chooses to ignore the, “Yeah, I didn’t.” mumbled out by you and continues on,
“I should properly explain myself to you. It’s just that, it’s been so long since we’ve last seen each other, since we’ve last acted like a couple, and I just thought that if I put enough distance between us, that it’d make everything easier. That’d it be easier for me to handle not being able to see you, to hug you, or to kiss you all the time, but instead I managed to hurt your feelings, and for that, I am truly sorry.”
Muttering a quick, “idiot,” you walk up to Donggeon and gently lay a hand on his face, lifting it up so you could meet his eyes. “If you really thought that putting distance between us was going to help make it better, then you are completely wrong. Why didn’t you just talk to me?”
“I didn’t know how to bring it up. Just tell me how to fix it.” Sighing, you let your hand drop from his face and gather him in an embrace, stuffing your face into his chest, “You made me sad and made me miss out on cuddles, it’s going to take a lot to make this up to me. I say, we cuddle all night and watch movies until you have to go back to the boys.” Donggeon chuckles at your suggestion, “Oh and next time, please talk to me about things like this. I want this, us to work, and for it to work we need to communicate. So promise me this, promise me that you’ll talk to me whenever you have a concern.” You lift your head from his chest and hold out your pinky finger. He hooks his pinky finger with yours, stamping your thumbs together.
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mcwriting · 6 years ago
starstruck (2)
Heyyyyyy so I stuck to my word lol.
I’m basically unable to function after seeing far from home this evening but also it was so good. I teared up when tom did and my mom made fun of me but its okay because his acting was awesome! Highly recommend y’all see it (even tho ik you probably will if you haven’t already lol)
Ps this is my first time linking one post to another so please lmk if it doesn’t work, but if it’s not, you’ll always be able to access this through my starstruck tag!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Fandom: Tommo Holland
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader eventually
Setting: LA
Word Count: 1386 (lol it’s shorter this time srry)
Warnings: i actually don’t think there’s any here, but lmk if there should be
Rating: K+ still
Background: part 2 of my DCOM inspired fic
B/f/n: your best friend’s name
Previously on starstruck...
The faint remains of his cologne wafted to your nose and you couldn’t help but breathe it in. You relaxed further into his grip and stayed comfortable until you heard a buzz on the table next to you.
You decided to ignore it until it happened two more times. Finally, you decided to wiggle out of Tom’s grip and succeeded without waking him. You picked up the cell and noticed it was 10 a.m. and all three texts were from b/f/n
Hey I’m coming over
I’ll bring ice cream since you said you weren’t doing too hot yesterday 
I’m on my way
“No. No, no, nonoNO,” you exclaimed, getting louder and louder, causing Tom to sleepily ask,
“Could you keep it down, darling?” 
“No, I can’t ‘keep it down,’ Thomas, because b/f/n is ON HER WAY HERE!”
He sat up fully awake.
“We have to get you out of here without her seeing, and she’s probably gonna be here in like 5 minutes.”
Tom rushed to get up and find his keys that were in the pocket of his discarded jacket while you hurried to brush your hair and take a makeup wipe to your face.
You clambered down the stairs and hurried Tom through the kitchen and into the laundry room when you heard the doorbell ring, and when you didn’t answer in apt time, it began ringing like crazy.
Panic stuck your chest and you looked at Tom.
“Open the garage and leave in 5 minutes, then text me so I can close it.” You commanded, beginning to walk towards the entryway.
“Wait, wait,” he grabbed your arm, “I don’t have your number!”
You scrawled it down on a sticky note and ran, hoping he would get out safely and quickly. You opened the door to find b/f/n holding two pints of ice cream, raspberry sorbet for you and coffee ice cream for herself.
“My gosh what took you so long? I about started searching for the spare key with all these goods melting.”
You were about to reply when the door between the garage and utility room shut loudly. 
“Uh, who was that?” she asked, knowing your parents were at work.
“Oh, uh, a friend from dance. We’re working on a piece together and we decided to talk about it last night since I hurt my head,” you lied.
B/f/n furrowed her brows for a second before letting it go and coming inside to set up your typical movie day in the living room. Meanwhile, you headed back to the kitchen to grab spoons and check your phone, where a new number had sent a message. 
I’m out so you’re good to close the door. Thanks again for the great night ;)
You smiled and sent back 
That makes it sound soooo much worse than what really happened haha. You made it out without suspicion too :)
You decided to put his number in as a contact, disguising him as “Clara Twinkletoes” after a joke made late into the previous night, then headed to the living room.
After finishing one movie and your separate ice creams, you both decided to take a break and were looking at your phones.
“Hey, I know you hate talking about Tom Holland,” you gave a side-eyed glance to the bringing up of his name, “but guess what? He liked my picture last night! I just remembered to tell you!” 
B/f/n held up her phone to show you the notification, then went back to staring at it excitedly. 
“That’s actually really cool. I’m happy for you,” you expressed, leaving out the fact that you had asked Tom to like it when you were talking about the post at 1 a.m.
A few minutes later, b/f/n breathed out a soft “woah.”
You looked at her in confusion.
“Y/n, look at this girl Tom was photographed with yesterday, she looks like your twin!”
Dread filled your stomach as you stared at the picture of you and Tom in his black Audi A8, that stupid ballet skirt wrapping your head.
“Yeah, maybe if I took ride alongs with celebrities and wore nineteen fifties headscarves,” you quipped, “you only think that girl looks like me because you want it to be me, b/f/n.”
“Hmm, I guess…” she trailed, taking back her phone to continue scrolling through Instagram.
Not long after, you got a text from Clara twinkletoes.
Have you seen the picture??? I’m getting tagged and you are too
Like… everyone thinks that girl is you
Psh as if. We can talk about it later, I’m busy with my gal pal
Fine. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the beach tomorrow? I wanna talk about all this in person
Hmm. Maybe. Probably not ;) 
“Hey, b/f/n?” You asked tentatively.
“Is it cool if you don’t spend the night tonight? I need to go to dance early tomorrow since I took the day off and I’ve also got this head injury so…” 
it wasn’t a complete lie. You did have a head injury and your plan was to go to dance at some point, but you decided to leave out the part where you might actually go hang out with hot shot Holland.
“Oh, uh yeah, sure. My sister is coming into town this week so it’s probably for the best, you know how my mom is about cleaning the house and stuff,” she said, obviously trying to hide her disappointment.
Around 4 pm, she got up to leave. You had watched two more movies and eaten plenty more snacks throughout the afternoon. 
“I guess I’ll see you later, y/n. Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow,” she smiled. 
You returned the gesture and gave her a hug, then watched from the doorstep as she mounted her bike and rode off to her house only a few neighborhoods away, you feeling queasy about lying so much.
You headed upstairs after a light dinner and some TV. It was only about 8 o’clock, but the combination of a head injury, late night, and slight emotional distress (from lying to b/f/n) made you feel exhausted, not to mention you would be waking early the next day. 
You changed into sweats and flopped into bed, checking your social media for a little bit to wind down. 
Your snapchat was just pictures from friends, only a couple of them joking to you about the whole Tom Holland situation (but of course none of them knew the truth)
Twitter and Instagram, however, were a different story. After the premiere, you had chosen to turn off notifications and were especially happy to know it was the right choice. 
On Twitter, fan accounts and other people were replying to a joking tweet you had made days before the premiere in reply to b/f/n where you said “Why be friends with that tom holland guy when you could hang out with your superior best friend hmmmm?? He’s lame compared to me lolol” 
People were going nuts about it, divided over whether you were just messing around or if you really didn’t like him. Most of them chose the former, though you knew you had meant the latter. Other people were tweeting about you separately and debating about that picture from the day before.
You almost deleted your Twitter in a rash decision but realized how suspicious that could look and instead closed it and moved to instagram.
It too was overflowing with tags and comments and follows and likes. Your stomach churned as you realized how big this was becoming. Finally you made the choice to meet Tom tomorrow, even if it risked being caught again. You sent him a single text to let it be known:
Alright twinkletoes. Let’s go to the beach.
You figured you could reply to whatever he sent in the morning and put your phone on do not disturb before plugging it in and checking the alarm.
You snuggled into the sheets and buried your head into a pillow. A sweet and musky scent drifted into your nose and you took a deep breath. 
Tom’s cologne
You sat up, sniffing around the sheets, pillows, and covers, realizing he had left his scent everywhere. 
“I need to wash these sheets tomorrow” you breathed to yourself in an annoyed tone. 
With that you laid back down, glad that b/f/n wasn’t there to ask whose scent was all over your bed. Though you tried to convince yourself that you wanted the smell gone, had anyone been watching, they couldn’t deny the way you sunk into the bed and the faint smile that made its way to your lips as you drifted into slumber.
A/N: there’s chapter 2!! Hope you guys enjoy. I don’t think I’ll post 3 until this weekend but who even knows haha. Love y’all and am so happy to have your support!
Tag List: @marvel-lously
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legends-of-nisty · 6 years ago
Run From Home
Fandom: Fairytail
Ship Title: Gajevy/Gale
A.N.: Hello everyone. Apparently my last one wasn't as bad as I thought considering you all wanted a second chapter. Soooooo here it is. Hopefully chapter 3 won't be far behind. Enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Fariytail or it’s characters
Chapter 2
“Thank you for the coffee.” I say as he sets a mug in front of me. Gajeel had taken me to a local place that was popular after the baseball games but we were lucky enough to beat the rush as the game had gone into extra innings.
“Yer welcome…” He says gruffly as he sits down next to me. I hug my fingers around the warm ceramic letting the heat calm my nerves.
"Ya okay?" He asks taking his hat off and I can’t help but look at him. He’s ridiculously attractive but in an unorthodox way.
"Ya" I manage a smile.
"I'm okay, just a bit shook up I guess." I answer and he looks away, his cheeks turning a soft pink.
"Sorry again bout the kiss…" He mumbles.
"I shoulda stopped after I dumped my beer on em." He takes a drink from his coffee to cover his awkwardness and he must have burnt his tongue because mine is still piping hot.
"No, it's alright… I-it was actually very nice." I stammer and mumble into my own cup. I see him raise an eyebrow a bit surprised then grin.
"Gonna hafta get a neck brace or something if ya wanna make it a habit." He rubs at his neck dramatically but still grinning. "It's a long way down ta yer lips. Gihihi" He laughs and my cheeks flame. He wants to kiss me again?!
He laughs harder when he sees my blush and shakes his head.
"Relax shorty. I'm only kidding" he says and grins at me and my eyes get caught on his teeth which look surprisingly sharp. I almost miss his next words when he speaks but I catch them.
"We'll get ya a step stool." My blush goes crimson and I want to be mad at this stranger I only met an hour or so ago but I find myself giggling along with him. I can tell he's just trying to cheer me up and it's working. He takes a sip of his coffee and I mirror him.
"So Gajeel… what do you do for a living?" I ask shifting the topic wanting to know more about this man.
"Now?" He asks and I nod.
"Play baseball for the Fairies" He says after a moment and with a shrug like he just told me he worked at this coffee house. My eyes go wide and I lean forward in my seat.
"What?! How?! You were just watching a game less than an hour ago!" I say a bit more than a little disbelieving. I don't recognize him and I would even If he were the bat boy for the team. He's not a physique you miss and I've never seen him before today. He grins at my disbelief.
"Just got called up yesterday ta play for em from my farm team." He explains and I still don’t believe him.
"Then why weren't you on the field today?" I ask crossing my arms thinking that I'm calling his bluff. His smile fades a bit.
"My old man…" He starts off, sitting back in his chair.
"He took me ta a bunch of games when I was small then one day we were at a game and I was comin back from the men's room and he was just…" He makes a shrugging motion with his hand.
"Gone." My expression changes from disbelief to sympathy as he talks. He stares into his coffee for a moment before he speaks up again.
"Today was ten years since he disappeared. I go ta that game every year and sit in the same seats." He shifted in his seat not making eye contact with me.
"My agent worked it out so I could still watch this game. I start with the Fairies next one." He says and finally looks up at me. My heart swells in my chest but part of me, the meaner part of me, wants to call him a liar but he seems so sincere in his words.
I open my mouth to say something but before I was able to say anything, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I felt a knot form in my stomach. The dread must have shown on my face because Gajeel’s expression darkened.
“What?” He questioned as I pulled out my phone.
“That asshole messagin ya?” He said not concealing the fact that he was still angry. I unlocked my phone and tapped the new message which of course was from Todd.
‘U have some explaining 2 do! How could u kiss another guy!? Do u know how hurt I am???’
I read it twice in my head feeling guilt wash over me. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have kissed Gajeel. It was wrong of me to do that. I should have pushed him away. I should have-
“Oie. Shrimp.” Gajeel calls waving his hand in front of my face bringing me back but instinctively I flinch away from his hand before I realize it’s not Todd I’m with. Gajeel’s face grew increasingly angry.
“Does that fucker hit you?” He asks with a calm voice and a look that would scare a demon. He really isn’t one for beating around the bush. I shake my head after a minute but I’m a terrible liar so I look away hoping he wont see the truth.
“No, Todd just gets a bit… excited when he talks sometimes.” I mummble and hug my arms covering the bruise with my hand. He hadn’t technically hit me. It was the bannister that had left the bruise but it was his push that made me fall into it.
It was only once. It didn’t mean anything and he had apologized right after. He told me he loved me and that he would change. He had bought the tickets that night for the baseball game and gave them to me as a gift.
It was only once.
I repeat it to myself because maybe if I think it enough I’ll believe it was only once. I’d believe that his hand gripping my arm roughly wasn’t that bad or him forcing himself on me when I didn’t want to was just him persuading me to make love.
Because I do love him… I do… Don’t I?
Gajeel watchs my face as I’m thinking all of this and his expression does not lessen it’s rage. I pretend not to notice and blow on my coffee to fill the silence.
“You live with him?” He asks clarifying what I already told him, his voice unreadable in tone. I nod in answer this time and I see his jaw go tight.
I feel my phone buzz again in my pocket and I ignore it for now.
“It’s really not going to be a big deal.” I say, feeling my phone buzz again.
“We’ll talk when I get home and it will all be okay.” Another vibrate.
“It was all a misunderstanding.” Again it buzzes against my leg and I debate putting it on silent as I know Gajeel can hear it and, combined with my unlikely prediction for the evening, is making him look rather skeptical.
Another buzz and Gajeel raises an eyebrow. “You gonna answer that?” He asks, thinking it’s a phone call from the frequency of the vibrations and I blush.
“I think they’re just texts.” I say embarrassedly pulling out my phone. I open the messages one by one and feel my anxiety growing.
‘Where the hell r u?!?’
‘U better not b fucking that goth emo reject from the game.’
‘U slut.’
‘Ur going 2 b so srry when u get home.’
I read them and feel my face go pale.
“I need to go.” I say standing up and grabbing my purse. Gajeel looks up at me clearly knowing something is going on.
“What’d he say?” He asks looking at the phone still in my hand that I slip into my pocket self consciously.
“Nothing but I need to be getting home now.” I repeat trying to force a smile that doesn’t reach my eyes.
“It was really nice meeting you Gajeel, even under the circumstances.” I mean this and try to be genuine as I say it but my stomach is tight with anxiety. He looks at me not sure what to say then he pulls out his phone and taps a few buttons.
“What’s yer number?” He asks looking up and he mistakes my anxiety for nervousness at his request.
“Don’t worry shorty I’m not lookin for a date. But I owe ya a baseball game.” He says and I pause for a moment. I don’t want him to buy me a ticket to a game but then again, if he's telling the truth, he likely gets free tickets, if Todd allows me to go that is.
Then there is also the fact that I very much want to have his number. I haven’t had a friend in a long time and even if he's a liar at least he knows something about baseball so we can chat about it.
I end up telling him my number and he punches it in before standing up.
“I’ll get you a to go cup.” He says and walks over to the counter to retrieve the two cups for our drinks that we didn’t get the chance to finish.
“Do ya need a ride home? It’s late and the subway is gonna be filled with fuckers trying to rob, rape or kill ya.” He says and he smiles a bit and I think he’s attempting a joke. I smile more at the attempt then at the joke because he is trying and its cute but that was terrible.
“If you wouldn’t mind dropping me off I’d appreciate it.” I say transferring my drink as he does. He nods and we go out to the parking lot.
The ride is surprisingly comfortable despite the lack of conversation but the silence is filled but the radio as it plays smooth jazz music. Never would have thought him the type for it but I notice him getting into it every now and then, as he slightly bobs his head from side to side.
As we get closer to my place, my anxiety changes to fear and I lose focus of much else.
“Could you park around the block?” I ask, thinking ahead. If Todd sees me get dropped off by Gajeel, tonight could go much worse than it already will. I notice Gajeel give me a sidelong glance but he says nothing and does as I ask.
“Thank you for the ride, and the popcorn… and the coffee.” I say motioning with the cup as the car comes to a stop at the curb.
“And the kiss?” He asks looking at me and he’s smiling in a way that makes my stomach clench in a very different way then it was mere moments before. My cheeks burn from the blush that floods them and I don’t realize I’m nodding till he grins wider. My hand fumbles for the door handle as my guilt resurfaces.
“Maybe one day we’ll come back ta that.” He says shifting in his seat to focus back on the road as I open my door. I don’t answer him as I step out but manage another quick ‘thank you’ before closing the door.
I watch him drive away before I turn and start walking up the street. So many emotions swirl inside my head and my chest that I barely know what to feel when I arrive at our door. I go to put the key in the lock but hear it suddenly and quickly be unlocked from the other side.
Oh right, fear.
Fear is what I’m feeling.
A.N.: Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. If you have any comment or questions about this fanfic, another one I wrote, or just me in general feel free to contact me :)
I know this one was kinda bad but maybe I’ll continue it but maybe I won’t, In either case I hope to see all of you in the next fanfic!
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Chapter 8: I’m a simple human, nothing more than that.
In which you almost cried in a friend’s house
*Your POV*
I had to go to the doctor to see if my injury wasn't anything serious.
Turns out it was.
He had to put twenty-five stitches on my fingers. Obviously not twenty-five on each of them, of course not. They were twenty-five in total...
Wow, you are such an idiot. Who the fuck punches a mirror?! You'll probably feel worse than before...
And that was true.
The doctor recommended me to avoid any activities involving my fingers. That practically is avoiding any activity at all. But I, being the stubborn woman I am, won't listen to this suggestion he made, although it sounded more like an order. Still, I can't quit my job just because I did something stupid.
So I arrived at my messy apartment, angrier with myself than before. I felt like trash. But, after seeing the pleased and happy faces of all those people, I feel like I can't give up. So I'll continue living...
For now, of course.
I changed into my pajamas and sat on the couch. I surely don't want to go to my room yet, remembering what happened yesterday. Or today. Whatever.
When I was scrolling through the channels my phone buzzed, and I took it without hesitation. I watched TV a bit before checking the notification but I got bored and decided to see it.
Sans: hey
Sans: can i ask u something???
Well, that was new. Sans had never messaged me before; or well, at least not in private. After all, he did say a few jokes and puns to me especially, but only in the chat group with everyone else.
You: Go ahead
I silently prayed for it to don't be something related to my past or my backstory. It's really complicated and hurtful to explain; maybe it wouldn't make me cry, but it would definitely make me uncomfortable.  
Please, not about me. Please, not about me. Please, not about me. Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.
Please, not about me-
Sans: i noticed an injury on ur right fingers today
Sans: wanted to make sure what happened
Still, I couldn't just tell this guy that I punched a freaking mirror. He would probably block me and stare at my soul whenever we would meet. And it was for a fact that I will see him more, so...
You: Oh, about that...
You: It was an accident
Wow, that didn't look suspicious at all.
Sans: really?
You: Yeah, pretty much me being stupid
At least you didn't lie this time.
Sans: oh
Sans: it wasn't somethin' serious, tho?
You: A bit
Sans: stitches?
Wait, why does he know about stitches? He doesn't even need them!
You: Actually, yes
Why did you say that?! You are supposed to keep it a secret!
Even if he was going to find out anyway...
Sans: oh shit
Sans: how many?
Well, it's not like it's there any point in lying...
You: Twenty-five
Sans: jesus, what did u do?
Sans: r u ok now, tho?
You: Pretty much
Sans: well, that's good, kiddo
I'm fucking twenty-
Sans: welp, that's all i wanted to know
Sans: srry if i bothered ya
You: Nonsense!
You: That's actually really nice of you!
You: I mean, to actually care enough to ask
Sans: eh, it's nothin'
Sans: i was goin' to ask ya there, but thought it would be better in...
Sans: private?
You: I understand; talking about someone's injuries it's not that great of a topic.
You: It would have been catastrophic if Mrs. Dreemurr or Mrs. Arial knew
Sans: yeah
Sans: welp
Sans: i should go by now
You: I bet
You: Have a good night, Sans
Sans: you too, (l/n)
It was quite a conversation, I must say. I mean; Sans called me by my last name at the end, which it's weirdly formal. And, out of all the people, he was the one who asked. Maybe he was the only one that noticed something odd on my hand, but I highly doubt it. It was visibly out of place.
Or well.
At least for a human.
It's hard to remember that we don't have the same problems, physically talking. Some of the monsters that confuse me the most are the skeletons and the fish-like. How could skeletons feel anything at all? One day I heard Arial complaining about how hot the day was, and that's... weird. How Undyne can breathe? She's out of the water! Unless she has lungs...
But wait- skeletons don't have lungs...
This is confusing as fuck.
How could Sans have noticed something odd to my hand, though? It's either he had seen it before on Frisk, or he actually researches a lot about humans. That would be weird as well. I mean, it would be like he had a human fetish. And that's scary.
I'm making him sound like he's a fucking rapist.
I felt shivers down my spine and quickly shook my head. It was disturbing to think like that, to say the least. I don't think someone like Sans could have such a guilty pleasure.
But maybe he's just like me.
I mean- not as a fetish! But more like... curiosity. After all, I do have my doubts about monsters. I just made some five minutes ago. So he has all the right to know about humans as I do about monsters. Or maybe we don't. But hey, how a freak can judge another?
Did I just call Sans a freak? I barely know the guy, for God's sake!
I felt worse, naturally. I would apologize to him, but he doesn't know that I called him a freak. He doesn't need to know, either.
As much as I wanted to avoid it, I had to enter my bedroom eventually. This night, though, I decided to take a sleeping pill. And just like that, I was knocked out on my bed, forgetting that my daily dose should be a quarter of a pill.
Good thing I have an alarm, or else I would have been on dreamland forever. Well, I don't remember what I dreamed, but that's not the point. The thing is that I have work to do, so I can't sleep all day.
And so I got ready and went to work, taking the subway like every day. And, for my surprise, I saw a family of monsters hanging out on the subway station. I smiled, knowing that now they can take public services.
I arrived and went straight for a cup of coffee and a mini donut. Miracle there was any food to eat with the coffee; good thing they actually had coffee and not water. I need my drug to start the day. Always.
Such a coincidence I was listening to that song: 'Always' by Bon Jovi. Such a nice and romantic ballad, cheesy and totally different from what I use to hear. But hey, whenever it's a rock classic, I have a reason to listen to it. Especially if it is a ballad of Bon Jovi. They are just unique.
Fun thing: I was listening also to a song called 'Unique', by Lenka. It's not a classic; it isn't even Rock N' Roll, but I like the calm and cheery tone it has. The lyrics have a direct and almost literal meaning, and it's really positive.
The group of monsters arrived, then we headed out of the building.
Work wasn't in my office.  
Everyone took their money and belongings with them. We went to a near bank and I made all the changes in their currency to make them dollars. We had agreed that every 'Gold' would be a dollar. 1 for 1. (I remembered a song again. I shouldn't be talking about my whole playlist)
They ended up with a good amount of money. Well, a lot. Some of them had sold their houses in the Underground, so they had even more money. Now, who bought their houses? God knows- that's the answer.
So some of them bought a house. Like, today. This totally surprised me, considering how much time I spent searching for a new place to live, that it's a small apartment. And now they have houses. HOUSES, FOR GOD'S SAKE!
Calm the fuck down, (Y/N) (L/N).
That kinda reminded me about my conversation with Sans. I glanced down at him and saw that he was talking to an excited Papyrus.
"You look happy" I bluntly said, facing towards him. I froze but quickly relaxed, watching his smile growing bigger.
"aren't i always happy?" he answered, winking an... "eye".
"I mean, for real" I muttered, but I was conscious that he heard me since he stared at me in shock "Shit, I'm sorr-"
"you could say i feel happier. i, after a long time, have a bit of hope about the future-"
He isn't that positive, huh? We may be really similar, then.
I could see why he was more positive, though; he got a house for his family, and that feeling is simply amazing. Well... I suppose it must be incredible. I haven't bought a familiar house, but when I got the keys to my apartment, it sure felt great. It must feel similar, if not better.
But he was eager about something else as well, noticing the look he gave to a bookstore. That really caught me off guard, not seeing him as the type to read a lot. Maybe I shouldn't be judging the poor guy just yet. He seems nice to this point, and that's it.
We finished our journey at the new and huge house of the Dreemurr family, everyone feeling like little kids. And with everyone, I include myself. I honestly forgot my problems for a bit and I was hoping to see how these guys reached their dreams eventually.
It's just a matter of time.
"How about if you stay as well, (Y/N)?" Frisk asked with a smile, snapping me back at reality. Wait, WHAT?!
"S-stay?!" I asked amazed, not believing what my ears were hearing. Why would they want me to stay?!
"YEAH! WE WILL HAVE A HUGE SLEEPOVER IN WHICH EVERYONE WILL PARTICIPATE!" Papyrus exclaimed, eyeing Sans and Dr. Gaster there for a second.
"Uh... I don't know..." I started, trying to dismiss the topic. And as expected, I failed.
"it's really late now, kiddo. from what you have told me, it's not good to leave at this time. less if you're a girl" Sans cleverly argued, using my words of that telephonic conversation.
Goddang it, Sans.
"...are you sure?"
"Well, if you really want me here..."
Everyone smiled, even that freaking flower (though I bet he won't admit it). I felt a nostalgic wave hit me, but I hold the tears.
You can always cry at night, (Y/N)...
Except that tonight you can't, if you plan to stay.
Shit. If I had grabbed along my pills, it would have been easier. Hopefully, this so-called sleepover would last until morning. Maybe then I'll pass out.
That means no coffee, though.
However, it wasn't as bad as I thought. All of them were super nice, and even shy Napstablook opened up once in a while. I felt really welcomed by most of them, making jokes and thanking me for what I've done.
Even if it was really nothing.
"So (Y/N)..." The sassy robot asked, making a fake hum of curiosity... that makes me feel curious as well. "How is your love life, darling?"
I don't think I should tell this guy I'm lonely as fuck...
"Pretty much dead, honestly" I simply answered, trying not to get into details.
"Oh. Did a bastard just left you?"
I don't think I should tell this guy I've always been lonely as fuck.
"Eh... sure"
"That didn't sound too believable, (Y/N)!" Frisk pouted, getting into the conversation without anyone minding her opinion.
...that was rude.
"YES HUMAN! YOU DIDN'T SOUND TOO CONVINCING!" Papyrus exclaimed, making my heart skip a beat for a second at how loud his voice is. I need to get used to this. "...OR DO YOU RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT IT?"
It would have been useless if I lied, knowing how little experienced I am about the topic. They would find out sooner or later that I was a fat ass liar, just trying to fit in and failing miserably. So instead of taking that risk, I decided to take another.
"Actually... my love life has always been dead..."
Mettaton almost choked in the glass of... an unknown drink he was... drinking?
How does he fucking drink, though?
"Darling, what the hell?!" He exclaimed with a remarkable tone of indignity in his voice, gaining the attention of the others in the room... who weren't paying attention before. Oh my god, why?! "We need to get you a date! Like, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Eh... what about no?" I answered, trying my best to escape. And, as expected...
I failed.
"WHAT ABOUT YESSSSSS??????????????????????????" He snapped back annoyingly, making me feel like the stupidest person on Earth. Maybe I would have really lied if I knew he would be like this about my non-existent love life.
"Me-mettaton" Alphys intervened, with an instant look of regret after spitting out that word. Please save me. "I do-don't think you should judge her that easily. I mean, everyone has their reasons. I bet she does as well"
"...fine!" He sassily exclaimed, faking their annoyance "Just don't say that I, an expert in love lives, didn't try to help!"
"...sure thing, Mettaton" I sighed, mostly in relief "Sure thing"
And so the night continued, not without me being able to avoid all their questions. I was okay with telling them about the surface, but my life... now that's another thing. People say I should be proud of what I've done, either in school and work, but it's hard for me to see it that way. And so my pride is substituted by doubts and insecurity, feeling not good enough. Because maybe if I tell them too much about me, they would not like me anymore (if they ever did, in the first place). And even if it's really selfish, I enjoyed their company more than anything in ages.
And I didn't want it to stop.
My time there was pleasant until it was 1 am. Frisk and Papyrus were seemingly tired, and Sans added that "his brother would get cranky without his bed story" or something like that. I felt a rush of panic hit me like a brick, realizing that it would be impossible for me to sleep at this hour.
And knowing that I couldn't do my nightly shenanigans made me feel worse.
Panic, then, was starting to get mixed up with anxiety, while the others were discussing who should get the couch-
wait a minute.
"Uh... I can sleep on the couch if you want me to" I interrupted, hoping that this would be a good idea.
A lot of the people arguing told me countless times I shouldn't take the couch since I was "the guest", but my insistence and my insecurities were way stronger than all of their goodwill combined.
Or maybe not, but the point is that I won.
Everyone went to sleep, some of them even hugged me before leading to their temporary rooms. I smiled, feeling happy...
Wow. Never thought I would use that word again.
Don't get me wrong, my life it's not that shitty. I mean, if we get ourselves more reasonable, at least I'm not in the middle of nothing dying from starvation and from having a fucked-up mind. That's something I should really feel thankful for, except for that last part, since my mind it's actually a huge mess.
Still, I can't consider myself being happy. Or more like... satisfied? Yeah, that must be. I've always been exigent with myself, feeling the pressure of keeping people's expectations high. I don't want to fail them. I don't want them to see me how I see myself. That's why I smile, I laugh and even cry when I don't want to.
To feel more human.
To feel sane.
To keep moving on.
Because I know that other people might need my help in, well, anything! I just can't give up if people in worse situations haven't. That would just make me look and feel worse.
But it's really worth living just for the others and not for myself?
I mean, it's not like I'm completely selfless. I consider myself really selfish at some points. Because I also do things to keep myself sane, to keep myself out of trouble, and hell, to even keep myself out from the death list.
I'm scared of death, no doubt about it. I'm scared of letting go before I find someone that truly cares about me...
...maybe I should listen to Mettaton. But a broken heart would be unbearable to me. Falling in love is a risk I can't take, less if I'm in this state.
I mean, look at me! I've been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and a high fucking IQ which I'm not proud of at all! I question reality often, I doubt how capable I am to do even the simplest of tasks, and I can't even establish a normal conversation without freaking out! I sometimes even ask myself if I don't have schizophrenia, for God's sake!
My mind went blank when I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. That warm and familiar feeling made me want to scream and punch a fucking mirror again. I contained myself, though, when I see in the darkness the green couch I was laying on.
I couldn't make them worry about me.
I just couldn't.
And so I softly removed the tears from my face and shut my eyes, not before noticing a blanket that, as far as I could remember, I never grabbed...
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cravingcrazewriting · 6 years ago
Trigger Warning- Mentions of suicide attempt and suicidal thoughts.
youwillbefound.com is a safe haven for any troubled teens/young adults who are looking for someone to find them. This site intends on being a place to reach out to others and to find them as you wold want yourself. Harassment is strictly prohibited. If we find you are abusing this site to target and harass people who are suicidal then you will be banned firstly for a week, secondly for a month, and thirdly will be a permanent ban and removal of your account. We hope you find whatever you're looking for on youwillbefound.com and we wish you the best of luck! Have a fantastic day!
What was Evan doing?
It wasn't like him to get a social media. It wasn't like him to rely so much on people, but yet he did, for no reason whatsoever. He did meet someone who he could trust, and needed help as much as he did. It was nice. He only had a few other friends who friended him out of pity.
He was currently on his laptop, writing his therapy letter, when he heard his phone go off.
HighandAllMighty: hey dude, wuts up?
Evan made a smile. High, that's what Evan nicknamed him due to privacy issues, was one of his closest friends, he'd even call him a best friend. High suffered from Anxiety and Bipolar, and had a very hard time making friends due to all of his outbursts. On the internet, he was able to calm himself down and not act rashly, but sometimes would assume the worst and snap at Evan a few times, but when that did happen, he'd awake to multiple apologizes from High.
High admitted to smoking openly, from cigarettes to weed, mainly because the way it calmed him down and less likely to snap at people. Evan didn't really mind this, since High's parents didn't get him any medication to him. If it helped, then that was that.
AnAnxiousTeen: Nothing much, just sitting in bed. I might write my therapy letter soon. What about you?
HighandAllMighty: sweet. Honestly I'm just dazing in and out atm. Me and my family just ate and my dad is trying to start shit again. HighandAllMighty: so the usual bs
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm so sorry.. I wish I could help you.
HighandAllMighty: Nah, don't be. U should probably start your letter.
AnAnxiousTeen: Well you know I hate writing them so I'd rather not heh
HighandAllMighty: hey, can I ask u something kinda important?
AnAnxiousTeen: Sure! Ask away!
HighandAllMighty: can we FaceTime? HighandAllMighty: I know u might not want to bc of ur anxiety HighandAllMighty: it was just something I wanted to try, if you wanted to at least
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm.. not sure.. I need time to think this over. AnAnxiousTeen: My mom is still home, so I can't right now.
HighandAllMighty: I understand. It's ok
Evan was trying not to freak out.
He was scared. He was scared he'd disappoint High. Incredibly scared of the mental image he imaged him looking like and being a huge let down and not being able to say anything and make things ten times worse than what they are and-
"Honey! I'm heading out! There's a twenty on the counter! Please get something to eat while I'm gone! Love you, bye!" Heidi called from downstairs, pulling Evan out of his thoughts. A moment later a door closing could be heard.
Evan sighed and ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair. There was another complication; he had completely fallen for High, one hundred percent in love.
HighandAllMighty: ah man, I'm rlly srry. My dad is gonna take my phone. HighandAllMighty: we'll talk later, k?
AnAnxiousTeen: I understand. I'll see you when you get back!
HighandAllMighty: in one week. Bye bud
Evan laid down on his bed. A whole week?! This obviously wasn't the first time it happened, but would that stop him from missing him? No. Definitely not. It'd be a lonely week without him.
This would be a long week
~~~ It was only Tuesday.
High had his phone taken on Saturday, so they were completely out of touch for tree days straight so far, and Evan was miserable and lonely.
Evan was sitting in his room, unenthusiastically working on homework. He was sinking into a depressive state. He'd never admit to it, but there was something wrong, that he just wasn't happy. He let out a sigh, setting his pencil down and grabbing his phone. The only notifications he had was some posts from people he liked, and a text from Jared.
Jared K: U have math done?
Evan H: -Evan H has sent a picture-
Jared K: thanks
Well, that made Evan feel even more like shit. It made him feel like Jared would only miss him for his car insurance if he suddenly disappeared. Hell, his mom would have it easier if he was gone. And High.. he was just a burden to him. Fuck it, he needed to vent.
AnAnxiousTeen has posted a status update: I'm always being told that things will get better, that I'll find someway to deal with my social anxiety, but nothing is seeming to be working. No one would notice if I suddenly left, if this account was suddenly shut down, maybe except for @HighandAllMighty but if I'm being honest, I'd be doing him a favor. I wish that things were different. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. Because let's face it. Would anyone here notice if I disappeared tomorrow?
After posting his update, he got a handful of responses, that mainly said stuff among the lines of "I'd notice! Please don't do anything rash!". It didn't feel real to Evan. He knew how this stuff worked. After a week of his death, people would forget him. All he could think of was how thankful his anxiety held him back from another attempt.
AnAnxiousTeen has posted a status update: If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it ever make a sound?
There was a lot of debate about this one. No one saw the hidden subtext, that he fell-no, let go of the branch that was holding him and was now restrained to a cast. It made his stomach do a cartwheel at the thought.
AnAnxiousTeen has posted a status update: Sorry for all the depressing stuff tonight. I'm going offline to hit the hay early.
Well, that wasn't a total lie. He had homework to do first, then he'd probably lay in bed till sleep took him away.
And that's exactly what he did.
~~~ HighandAllMighty: why didn't you tell me how you were feeling?
High was back, early, and Evan was downright terrified.
Unlike before, he used almost perfect spelling and grammar, something he'd only do in serious situations. Evan hated confrontation, so so much.
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm sorry.. I didn't want to be a burden...
HighandAllMighty: you could never burden me with your problems. HighandAllMighty: we have to look out for each other, otherwise we'll loose us both. HighandAllMighty: I want to video chat with you. I want to see /you/. Let me help you. Please
Evan didn't really think when he answered. He didn't consider what his anxiety was telling him. He just had to make it up to High, especially with what he just put him through.
AnAnxiousTeen: Of course, just give me a few minutes to set up.
HighandAllMighty: thank you. I mean it
Evan let out a puff of air and set his phone down. His mom was home but sleeping, so he'd have to be quiet and not talk to loud, which wasn't a problem because he's.. him. He grabbed a set of dark blue headphones (he preferred them because they felt more comfortable on his ear) and plugged them into his phone. He made sure they worked okay and sent High a message.
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm ready. Can you send the request?
-HighandAllMighty has sent you a Face Time Request!-
-x Accept x or x Decline x-
Evan hesitantly hit the accept key and sat down on his bed, tidying up his shirt and hair while it loaded. Things'll be fine. They'll be perfectly okay. Just stay completely calm, don't fuck anything up, and your guys' friendship will be saved.
A minute later, the Face Time had finished loading, and on Evan's screen he was greeted to a pale skinned boy with long brown hair that went down to his shoulders, his eyes were blue but they had this brown glint to them that really made them stand out and made them so much more mesmerizing. He was wearing a simple black hoodie and the rest of his outfit Evan couldn't see.
The room Evan assumed was High's was messy, to say the least. Evan never understood how people could find what they needed in a mess. That's why he kept everything organized and clean, so if he needed to find anything, he could right away. It was an anxiety thing he couldn't get over. Evan also noticed the contrast of dark colors in High's room, that was mainly dark purple and black for the most part. Evan knew High enjoyed dark colors rather than light ones it made sense to why his room was painted that way.
Holy fuck was he hot or what?
"Um, hi! C-can you hear me o-okay?" Evan asked nervously, adjusting his headphones ever so slightly. He could hear some shuffling around so he took that as a good sign.
"Yeah, you're good. What about me on your end?" High asked, leaning back.
"Yo-you're good too," Evan nodded, confirming that he could hear him quite well. "Why did you w-want to call?"
"Well one, I wanted to see what you looked like, and two, I need to ask you a few other things, and this is the best way to see if you're lying or not," he simply said, shrugging his shoulders.
"O-okay, ask a-away," Evan smiled, shuffling slightly on his bed to get comfortable, waiting for whatever High was about to ask.
High inhaled, staying silent for a moment, before asking, "..Are you suicidal?"
Evan immediately tensed up. He hadn't put much thought into being depressed or suicidal, although he had those thoughts a lot he couldn't possibly be.. right? "I.. I don't know, a-actually... It could be a p-possibility, I do get suicidal thoughts and... a lot of self h-hate..."
High nodded slowly, picking at what appeared to be black nail polish. "Well, have you ever... attempted?"
Evan bit his lip, and he turned his gaze to his cast, although it wasn't planned, it still counted as one. He simply nodded his head. "It's.. s-scary..."
High let out a sigh. "I know the feeling all too well.. Just, wanting it all to end, but yet your anxiety is telling you not to, and you get so afraid.. I dunno, it's a reminder that you're still human I guess, attempting or not.."
"Honestly, it's m-my anxiety holding me b-back from trying a-again.. I'm scared I-I'll fail again.." Evan chuckled meekly, picking at his cast's plaster.
"Well, I'm glad," High smiled at him. "You don't know how much better you've made my life. I.. probably would've attempted again if I didn't know you.."
"Same with m-me. I'm.. so, so a-alone at school, I don't have any f-friends, and I was-well, still kinda- miserable. But, when we started t-talking, I didn't feel as alone a-anymore.." Evan admitted, blushing lightly.
"I wish I could meet you," High admitted. "I can tell no one's signed your cast still, and I really wanna fucking sign it. I.. I want to be by your side... Helping you order food, keeping you company, hell, I even know a few places down here you'd fucking adore and I know it.."
Evan smiled like a complete dork at these things. "That's s-so sweet.. You probably w-wouldn't like to meet me though.. I-I'd be so awkward.."
"Hey, don't put yourself down like that. I prefer awkward over cocky assholes any day," High said. "And like, not to mention you're a fucking amazing guy. Any girl would- fuck how do I phrase this?- well, she'd be pretty lucky to be with a guy like you," High told him, a noticeable blush appearing on his cheeks.
Evan blushed probably more than what he should've, but he couldn't help it. No one except his mom had said this type of stuff to him. "Honestly, t-thank you.."
"Okay, secondly, I need to tell you something really important. I hope it won't weird you out or anything but here it goes.. I really, really like you- and I don't mean that in the friendly way, I mean like- fuck this is harder to explain than I thought. Look.. I'm, head over heels in love with you, man.." High finished.
Evan was in pure shock. He had his hand on his mouth and felt like he could've cried. All that his mind could register was he liked him back. Holy fuck, he never thought he'd see the day his feelings would be returned. He could process words, he moved his hand away from his mouth, revealing a huge smile he was wearing and said hand anxiously ran through his hair.
"Holy f-fuck.. I.. I didn't think you'd l-like me back, so I never said anything.. Oh my god, t-this is incredible!" Evan admitted, watching the brunette's shocked expression turn into a smile.
"Holy shit, you actually like me?" High asked, and Evan nodded to him, he'd proudly admit to it, because now he had nothing else to loose.
"Does this mean we're like.. a thing or..?" High trailed off, and Evan laughed, saying, "Maybe! I t-think We should try."
High smiled at him, "I'd love to date you.. even if it's long distance.."
"Can I a-ask you something?" Evan smiled sheepishly, tugging lightly at his shirt while High responded with a "You can ask me anything you want to."
"What-what's your a-actual name?" Evan asked slowly, as stated earlier, they both kept their names a secret for privacy, but Evan was too curious to contain himself from keeping the question residing in his mind.
"It's Connor. What about you?" High- no, Connor returned his question, gazing at him with a loving gaze.
"I l-like to go by Evan.." Evan hoped that would satisfy him, because who'd want to date a guy with a name like Mark? No one, that's for sure.
"It suits you," Connor stated. "A wonderful name for a wonderful boy."
Evan flushed at his comment. "Well er- it's n-not as beautiful as 'Connor'. It, it fits you, so so well.."
"Are you calling me beautiful?" Connor teased him, and Evan just laughed.
The two ended up chatting for an entire two hours, enjoying whatever they could get out of each other's presence. They were both hopelessly in love, despite distance keeping them apart, they hoped they would one day meet in person.
That would be more than enough for them both.
A/N-I fucking love this AU so much?? I loved writing every second of it,and going over 2000 words better prove it.
Anyways I'm opening up requests! I don't have a lot of ideas so please request so I can keep updating this book! Thanks a ton!
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neokollection · 7 years ago
Manipulative ㅡ Jaehyun (M)
‘Can I request dry humping with Jaehyun pls? Like really smutty and dirty talk etc.’ srry not dirty talk + ‘Fluff’
Word Count: 1.7K
A/N: I’m not even that into dry-humping, but for some reason, this ask- And imagining it with Jae made me into it. I think I’m in a Jae phase. oop didn’t proofread either
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“You’re lovey today,” you murmured, raking your hands through Jaehyun’s soft hair before tugging at the darkening roots to ply his plump cheek from your own.
“I always am,” he teased, shifting his weight from leaning upon your shoulder to draping his torso over you, his hands melding with the armrest and sofa cushions on either side of you, “The question is, why aren’t you being lovey?”
“I’m busy,” you whined, angling your phone from him.
“Doing what?” he prodded, nuzzling his cheek against your shoulder to catch a glimpse of what you were hiding.
With a seamless motion, you turned off your phone screen as Jaehyun reached for it. A playful grin toyed at his petal-pink lips, his soft dimples introducing themselves once more.
“So, that’s how it is?”
Your hand met his cheek as you attempted to push him away. He shook off your hand fervently, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as he dove forward, dropping your phone on the plush cushions as his hands grappled onto your thighs sloppily, tugging you from your previous position to lay upon the cushions below him. Your shorts hiked up your thighs, your soft cotton t-shirt drug to bunch around your waist.  He straddled you unceremoniously, drawing back, the harmony of each of your giggles filling the room.
You writhed beneath him, tossing your hands to his broad chest, fisting his navy t-shirt. His disheveled bangs hung low, his soft cheeks begging to be held and pinched.
“You,” he began, “...are going to unlock this-”
He wore a huge grin and although you knew your demise would come swiftly, you couldn’t help but giggle along. Fumbling, he found your phone tucked beneath the cushions, his weight settling onto your hips. Your hands balled into fists as he activated the screen, smiling as he was faced with one of his recent selfies.
“You’re heavy,” you wheezed, bucking your hips upward against his own in an attempt to alleviate the pressure.
His brows jumped at the suddenness, his wide eyes meeting your own before seating his weigh deeper.
“Naughty girl,” he shot, activating your phone screen once more before snagging one of your balled fists.
He laughed maniacally as he attempted to extend your thumb to unlock your phone- His strength beat your own however and you screeched as he brought your thumb bad to your phone, unlocking it.
“Jae! No! Stop!” you pleaded, knowing you’d be teased endlessly when his gaze landed upon the fan fiction you’d been reading previously.
He’d caught you once before reading about him and teased you relentlessly, reading the corny dialogue aloud and shaming you for wasting your time.
“Again?” he questioned, his smile just as wide as ever.
“I started it before you came over!”
He guffawed at your excuse.
“It’s really good! You’re a secret agent in it-” you offered.
He made a hum of appreciation, his eyes locked on the screen a few moments longer before tossing your phone over his shoulder onto the cushions.
“Be careful,” you muttered, squirming beneath his weight.
He shifted his weight from atop your hips to your thighs, tugging one of your legs out from beneath him to crook around his hip. He dove down to your collar, saline lips peppering kisses along the soft skin as you turned your face from him in an attempt to shield your lips, leaving your neck exposed. His crotch ground against your own, his knees digging into the polyester sofa cushions. His hands held your shoulders as his lips migrated from the curvature of your collarbone to the taut flesh of your neck, begging to be abused. Sucking upon the skin tenderly, he groaned in appreciation as your hips squirmed against his own. You cocked your head to the side, your shoulders shrugging suddenly.
“It tickles-”
Jaehyun drew back momentarily before colliding his lips with your skin once more, this time sucking harshly, his teeth digging into your tender flesh.
“Don’t leave marks,” you whined.
He shifted his weight to his forearms on either side of you, releasing your shoulders and allowing you to comfortably bring your hands to his face. Cupping his cheeks, you halted him as he leant down to meet your lips, his sparkling gaze like embers crackling in a dark abyss. The tip of his nose brushed your own affectionately, causing you to want to giggle and turn away to hide, yet you had to keep your composure- He wouldn’t allow you to hide your blushing face anyway, likely to pin your hands above your head.
“They’re hard to hide,” you admitted.
Your answer was a weak excuse- You didn’t mind when he’d leave marks and bruises in his wake; you just liked playing hard-to-get and defiant. He took your reply as a grain of salt due to the sly way you grinned. Your noses brushed together gently thrice more before he stole a sudden kiss.
Reds, pinks, and purples blossomed upon your skin, your once blank canvas of a neck and collar dotted with splotches as an artist did his work, or vandalism you could say- You’d managed to get your other leg from beneath him, draping them both around his lithe waist to keep him close. Your fingers woven in his tresses hugged and tugged him to and fro. You couldn’t contain the mewls and pants as his hot tongue and plush lips laved at your skin. Your eyes were screwed shut as you tried to keep quiet, not wanting to fuel his ego, yet pulling him impossibly closer. You drew his swollen lips from your jaw, coaxing them to meld with your searing lips. Cheekily, your lips pulled into a tight grin, attempting to withhold the chuckle that bubbled in your chest. He drew back, his expression mirroring your own.
“I love you~”
“I love you too-”
“I love you more!”
You let out a squeal as he dove to the other side of your neck, leaving love bites in his wake.
“Stop!” you whined, his lips having already pestered your skin for long enough.
“It’s my hobby,” he crooned playfully.
He relented, resting his cheek against the fabric at the valley of your breasts. Your back arched as his hands dug beneath your waist in an attempt to embrace you. For the past ten minutes, his blood rushed to his soft cock, stiffening it. The tent in his sweatpants pressed snugly between your thighs. Your legs dropped from embracing his waist to limply buffering his hips. Gently, his hips ground against your own, nuzzling his cheek. With a sigh, his name fell from your lips.
“Not now,” you muttered, it was only mid-afternoon.
“I need you,” he pouted.
You were too beat to go through the motions of foreplay and a rough round with your needy man; knowing his stamina- possibly another.
“How’s this?” he questioned, continuing his motions, “Just this-”
You gave a hum, knowing he wouldn’t relent. His back arching and relaxing as he humped gently before stilling and grinding roughly. Soft grunts and appreciative moans left him as he clung to you.
“You’ll make a mess,” you whispered.
“I can change,” he muttered, not caring if he sullied himself.
Huffs and hums became music to your ears as your back arched, the sensation of his stiff tent grinding into your sensitive clit.
With sudden vigor Jaehyun slumped, his weight dispersing onto your frame. Followed by a jerked groan, he quieted, his loud breaths filling the room accompanied by your own.
“It’s sticky,” he muttered with a pout.
Patting his cheek gently, you admonished him to keep his eyes open- to stay awake and take care of the spilt mess in his pants. 
“I love you,” he repeated.
“You are trouble,” you complained.
“You seem so sweet and innocent, but you’re a horny mess-”
He chuckled, drawing back to meet your gaze-
“This better not be as bad as I think it is when I walk into that bathroom and see my reflection,” you threatened, pointing to your neck.
He hummed in thought.
“Well, stay here then-”
He didn’t even attempt to block your escape, sitting up on the couch and raking a hand through his disheveled hair. A theatrical ‘O my God!’ left you as you disappeared into the bathroom. Quick paddings of steps made their way toward you.
“You are so rude!” you shot, “How am I supposed to cover this up?!”
Knowing your come after him, he heaved you by your waist, quickly dropping you out the doorway and slamming the door, careful to lock it.
“Hey!” you chided, slapping a hand on the door.
“I’m cleaning up,” he complained, as if he wasn’t aware of your complaints.
His sweatpants fell to the floor, the sticky white cum coating his length as well as the inside of his pants. He stripped himself of his shirt before turning on the shower. Hesitantly, he touched his sullied length, a small grin gracing his features as he awed at how this sticky mess was all due to you.
Jaehyun called your name as he felt his member stiffen once more, growing with desire.
“Do you uh- Want to do it for real?”
Scoffing in disbelief, you slapped the door once again.
He opened the door slightly and you were able to see his naked form, his pectorals flexing slightly as he covered himself. His gaze flitted from yours to where his hand covered before meeting your gaze once again.
“No,” you huffed, “You’re on probation.”
“What? Why?” he drawled.
He already knew, you didn’t need to explain.
“Come on-” he tried, “You liked it~”
“Well, yeah- I’m weak for my manipulative boyfriend.”
“I’m not manipulative...”
“Yes, you are! Stop acting innocent- That stupid smile and dumb dimples!” you argued pointedly, “You sweet talk to get whatever you want-”
You weren’t mad; his techniques were rather impressive and you did admit you didn’t mind being wrapped around his finger, it was just as beneficial for you as him... most of the time.
He chuckled again before closing the door, accepting defeat and impatient to take care of himself in the shower.
“Let’s snuggle after-”
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