#I Have One Drawing of His Fanon Design Though
mumpsetc · 1 year
airy pretty please
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You Will Come Down Too Soon
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toffeebrew · 2 months
tell me your Ink headcanons NOW 😼😼😼
You're... giving me permission.... to share my ink headcanons.
well get ready
Talked about this one already but I'll share it again: I think Broomie is semi sentient. I like to think at first Ink didn't know that though, but still talked to broomie anyway. So, regardless of this fact Ink probably would've talked to broomie.
He's good at encouraging people but not comforting people. If that makes sense? (projection much pfttt)
If you ran your hand over the "tattoo" marks it have a slight divot in it. Like a crack in a road. Probably because... in my hc they're literally semi healed cracks.
They're is talented in many types of art not just one. Hes talented in singing, dancing, fashion design, mechanics, and architecture! Really the only one he struggles with is well... cooking. Do NOT let that man in a kitchen (I mean he's immortal why would he not learn multiple artistic skills?)
Y'know how canon!swap climbs on people because hes insecure about his height? I think Ink does the same thing.
(More yappening under the cut)
Deep down he feels like something is missing... what he doesn't know is he's missing his home, his AU. Sometimes hes goes on a search universe to universe in search of "something important he can't remember" but can never find it. Until he gets bored, forgets what he's doing or gets preoccupied with something else.
He likes switching up his looks so he may give himself a tail or paws or claws with his brush. Maybe he even changes the color of his limbs sometimes (that's more a crack hc though). He gives themself a new outfit at any chance he can get. (Edit: I actually imagine one of the reasons he would get excited for multiverseal events is mainly because he gets to show off a new outfit for that event. He goes ALL out)
Due to his dulled sense of pain often he isn't aware he's injured unless it's pretty severe. So he may just go about their day with injuries they don't know about. Typically Dream or Swap have to be like "dude you have a crack in your skull."
After that one comic with Swap and Ink, Swap bandaged up his skull despite Ink insisting he didn't need it. Mainly because Swap didn't know Ink could heal themself and just thought Ink was being humble. Everytime he went to go take it off, Swap would freak about it hasn't had enough time to heal. Until Ink did a more through "I have a brush bro chill" (not ink accurate dialogue).
He's super flexible!! like contortionist level of flexibility.
Oddly specific but I think they're the type to consume all sorts of fan content and enjoy it. Completely ooc and fanon stuff too. He would be the type to read a fic and go "I would NOT say that" with a giggle and write a heartfelt comment anyway.
If you know homestuck... Nepeta has a shipping wall. I think Ink would have something similar (projection?? blasphemy!). Maybe in his sketchbook or smth. I mean do you see how he reacts around his dads smh 😔😮‍💨. He doesn't take it all that seriously though... LMAO. But I feel like he would be like "🏳️‍🌈?" y'know? Is this making any sense? I hope LMAOOO
Ink knows being called "child" annoys Dream so when Dream's like "I'm not a child I'm 500 years old" he just uses different synonyms of kid " heya youngster" " hi boy" stuff like that to annoy him. Just to mess with him.
He loves "aggressive affection." Like he bites people. He also likes to be bitten (not in a sus way but like in a cat like way). He loves bear hugs. Stuff like that.
He loves being drawn on, like literally. He loves the sensation of art supplies on his bones. Particularly the texture of paint and pencil are the ones he enjoys the most. He draws designs and stuff on his bones sometimes.
He has that cartoon ability to walk on walls or the ceiling and completely defy gravity. How? Cartoon skelly powers ig.
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smakonca · 4 months
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How many times I've drawn this man? Who knows...
Also! I want to thank you all guys for your huge support! We're reached over 100+ followers! And maybe it doesn't seem like a lot but for me it's a great accomplishment. For that I am profoundly greatful.
About the way I draw Nightmare though. I have my own interpretation of him as a character (the fanon version of the fanon character, huh) because I don't really define "passive" Nightmare and his "corrupted" form. For me, he is a single being. He simply became the very thing people and monsters expected from him. They viewed him as a cruel and bloodthirsty creature, so he became one. The wanted a villian, he gave them a villian. No matter how hard his brother would try to persue him otherwise.
That is why I draw him differently. I think arrogance and cockiness work for him perfectly, so he dresses like this to show his status and superiority over other mortal beings across the Multiverse. And purple really suits him, as a color of royalty and wealth. And it takes as back to the old times when he wore his old outfit.
Side note: This version of him isn't suppose to be a "fixed" version of his design or anything like that. This is mainly because I am a sucker for a dark gothic vampire aesthetic, hence I expanded on idea that Nightmare is a king. A self-proclaimed of course but still a king. And octopus tentacles are for fun.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
Guyyss, y'all have no idea how happy I actually am to know that y'all like my AU of Nightmare having a clone. I haven't felt this hyper in forever! I also REALLY enjoy doing anything about my favorite boy Chaos, so I decided to write some interesting Facts about my AU!
Enjoy lmao
His design differences between Nightmare:
I don't know if anyone's noticed, but I draw Nightmares tentacles purposely more flowy and droopy than Chaos'.
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Chaos almost always has his tentacles lowered down, because he doesn't want to accidentally hurt anyone, but the only time he always has them up, is when he's near Nightmare, to look bigger and assert dominance.
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Chaos' tentacles sometimes makes him look like he has horns.
While Nightmare feeds off of negative feelings, Chaos feeds off of Nightmares misery. SPECIFICALLY Nightmares. And whenever he does feed off of his misery, a purple smoke surrounds him.
When Diana accidentally copied Nightmares code, she wanted to use the delete button. She was afraid of what two Nightmares could do to the multiverse. But her worries flew out the window when she saw how friendly Chaos is, apart from Nightmare.
You could almost say that Chaos could be a better villain than Nightmare, because Chaos is willing to actually do anything just to earn someone's trust. And he could take advantage of that too, but thanks to Diana's code, he won't do that.
Chaos is practically the only worst punishment that Nightmare could receive, because the only one that can get on Nightmares nerves, is himself.
Chaos doesn't have a passive form, because he's only the copy of Nightmares code. Meaning he probably doesn't even know who Passive is.
The only reason he wants to ruin Nightmares reputation so much, is solely because he gets a kick out of it. It's also strangely written in his code- Diana thought it would be funny and entertaining to see two Nightmares fighting each other.
Nightmare could engage in a pretty violent battle with Chaos if he truly got pissed off- but he doesn't do that, only because Chaos is practically him. Chaos is pretty much on the same level of power as Nightmare. Which probably makes him the only appropriate opponent to Nightmare.
Killer often call NM and Chaos "twins". This earns an amused chuckle from Chaos and an angry Nightmare.
Chaos is partly supposed to represent how fanon Nightmare sometimes acts, apart from the canon one.
Chaos doesn't have a soul, since he technically doesn't exist, his whole body is made off of copies of Nightmares code, this doesn't include his soul.
The only people who know about Diana's existence are Ink, Error and Chaos. Diana doesn't feel the need to show herself to anyone often, so she just doesn't do it.
Ink and Diana are actually pretty good friends, though Diana denies any sort of friendship between the two.
Diana, Ink and Error, are like the three horseman of creation. Error is the destruction, Ink is the creation, and Diana is the rebirth. (Since Diana can copy anyone's code, she can technically bring out the dead. But this of course also has consequences.)
Diana's belt has eyes that follow whoever she's talking to.
Diana is supposed to represent a higher intelligent form. That's why she wears more 'angelic-like' clothes.
Chaos views Diana like his mother.
I'm sorry If these facts don't interest you! I just fell in love with my own Au 😭
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prince-liest · 5 months
IIRC, Alastor was specifically retconned to having Creole/African heritage after concerns were raised over Vodou being a closed practice/religion; he was always intended to practice Vodou, and still uses their religious symbols in the show.
The only official art of human Alastor we have was done BEFORE that retcon, uncolored, but he looks white- which is why fandom usually chooses to interpret that as him being white passing. That's how little thought was put into his backstory as of the pilot.
I've seen fanfics incorporate Vodou tastefully into Alastor's character and background, though- those usually go along the lines that his mother practiced it, but she worked mainly in positive aspects, like healing, protection, and divination (which is what REAL Vodou was commonly used for). There's this one Radiostatic fic that theorizes Alastor's shadow dolls might actually be zombis, lost/dead souls that have been captured by a sorcerer and turned into servants in Vodou folklore.
AH, okay, this makes sense! I love that take on his backstory. And the whole situation also really highlights something else that I have issues with with Hazbin, which is that so much of the background information is just plain not in the show (and oftentimes not in any place where I would even know to find it, at least not as a trustworthy source). I actually didn't even truly know 100% that the common human Alastor design that I see around a lot was based on an official art. I assumed it probably was just from how widespread it is, but I've never seen it, so I wondered if it was also just a fanon that got popular...
But I fully agree with you that I strongly suspect it came into creation with the assumption on Viv's part that Alastor was white. Not because mixed people who look like that don't exist (and boy can that be a trial in and of itself, when people are judging whether or not you look too white), but because the general way that the whole thing went down and Viv as a person make me suspect her default mindset for character design when she was creating her oldest character was indeed 'white.'
I do at least personally really like how a lot of the community has taken to addressing that, both in terms of drawing variations on his design, and in tackling the subject from the perspective of the complexity of being a mixed man in 1920s America and what role being white-passing (or not, or working to try to be) played in Alastor's life.
I'm not Black myself and I don't really have room to speak about this in a great deal of depth, but at least in the circles I've been kicking around in, I've seen a lot of love and effort poured into thoughtfully fleshing out this character's portrayal (especially by people of color), and it makes me happy to see.
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eliyips · 1 year
But also genuinely curious about the design translation from the actual skins to your interpretations due to the small but mighty details added in
Infodump as hard as you want!
If i ever pass up an opportunity to talk about my X design, it will be because I am either dead, or dying!!! neither are true at time of posting, so here you go! I will be going over my ENTIRE design process for Xisuma, starting with my initial design:
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My initial design for Xisuma wasn't anything special, in my opinion. Most of what I included was directly ripped from the classic Doomslayer. Though, the face scars were inherited from fanon, of course. :) The changes that I did make were in service of having things make more sense for Xisuma. Namely, the belt buckle, and the fabric covering the arms...
The belt buckle is simple - bullets didn't really make sense as a design motif, all considered - but the fabric is more complicated. I have a couple different ideas about why Xisuma wears the suit, but I haven't settled one way or the other on some of the specifics, so forgive me if I'm a bit vague. Ultimately, It is just my impression that X is not comfortable having his body visible more than it needs to be, whether that be for health-related reasons or for personal/emotional reasons. I don't intend to ever draw Xisuma with his helmet off, because of that. To me, it feels like a violation of boundaries. To be perfectly clear though, that's just for me - more power to other artists who draw him without the helmet/armor! :)
By the time I was full-on fixated on Xisuma, I realized I was unsatisfied with this first pass at his design. Mainly, in regards to the helmet. So I did more work on it!
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I feel like my re-design process for the helmet is a good example of the importance of using reference. :) I did a lot of unsatisfactory sketches before pulling up pictures of real helmets, at which point I feel like I settled on something I was happy with very quickly.
Specifically, I referenced motocross helmets! My choice of reference was mostly driven by my passing interest in sports equipment design, though motocross helmets are similarly bulky and have the same distinct mouthpiece as X's helmet, so I think it was a good choice. I also feel like the pixels at the top of Xisuma's skin can be pretty easily read as the brim of a helmet, so it works out!
Other than the motocross helmet influence, I also made the choice to add tubing to the sides and back of the helmet. This rolls with my headcanons about the purpose of the helmet, connecting to air tanks on his back! I also think it helps to distinguish him from the doomslayer, in addition to the new helmet shape.
The only other changes I made were to the helmet's palette, added a few additional grey tones for contrast, and the positioning of his scars. I decided I wanted them to be a little off-center, leaning towards his left eye. I'm pretty inconsistent with how I draw the scars though, lol, so it changed again by the next time I drew him.
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At this point my design is mostly settled for him, and I don't expect it to change very significantly any time soon. I don't have much else to say about it, but I listed the other iterative changes I made to the design above! I figure I will continue making small tweaks to his design every time I draw him :)
That said... I have yet to answer your initial question! So I will answer it now:
My answer is that it's (almost) all in the eyes!!! I have already talked pretty extensively about Xisuma's eyes. So I won't dwell for too long! In short, human facial recognition is very closely tied to the eyes. The ability to see the eyes of a character clearly affords you a lot of flexibility when it comes to making a design seem approachable, or "friend-shaped." I painted over a screenshot of doomguy to illustrate my point!
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My drawings tend towards being a little cutesy, of course, so that helps :) but you can see that the bright, saturated color, big distinct eyes, and less harsh expression all contribute to making him seem like he is less of a threat, despite this literally just being the doomslayer.
Another thing that helps is, again, related to the style I draw in. My art is very "clean" looking, not gritty. I use a lot of soft shape language and don't texture things too heavily. With Xisuma specifically, I also make no effort to make him seem intimidating. I use very neutral angles when drawing him, I don't frame him in a way that makes him seem intimidating or imposing, I don't pose him too confidently or angrily. Because he's not that kind of guy! Though it would be an interesting challenge to try and make him look as intimidating as possible :) I certainly think he could be quite scary, if he wanted to be. Just a matter of what I'm trying to convey.
... I think that's all I have to say for now! Once again, blown away by all the nice things people have to say about my Xisuma design and my art. Everyone here has been so kind and encouraging, and I really appreciate that. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to yell about Xisuma! If you have follow up questions, by all means, I am ready to answer :)
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cyandreamz · 2 months
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✭ Phoenix Wright ✭
Today I drew a Phoenix and I think I'm slowly but surely getting better at drawing him and enjoyed drawing this, especially his full body pose :3. I also found myself appreciating his AA5/6 suit design a lot more but still changed some details, like making the buttons on his vest pink to match his tie and making the vest light blue like it looks like it is in AA5 was was changed to white for AA6 which kinda makes me mad cuz a white vest on a white shirt!? WHY!? I think the white vest bothers me more than him suddenly getting blue eyes, though I think that opinion heavy influenced by fanon Phoenix having heterochromia, presumably because of the AA6 official art (cuz his model in AA6 still has dark grey eyes!? and they did the same with Maya, why???).
Now for some Phoenix hcs I have:
After much consideration I've decided I personally subscribe to Phoenix's being a Theatre art major however, I still hc him as being good at painting and I like to think he helped paint a lot of the sets and props.
He is also massive art snob, to the point Miles refuses to go to art galleries with him, otherwise he'll deal with Phoenix loudly criticizing each and every art work.
He's an only child and was raised by his Mom. His Dad and her divorced when he was a Toddler so he doesn't remember him. His last name is from his Mom.
he got his phone in 2008 as a teen (it was his first phone) and never upgraded it until 20 years later when it finally died. Trucy, Miles, Larry and Maya all bullied him into getting a smart phone.
He has ADHD but wasn't aware until Athena one day made an off hand comment towards him with the assumption her boss was diagnosed.
I also hc him as bi, cuz why no ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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shepscapades · 1 year
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I have two minds to answer this, because part of me is going 'WE GOT EM!!! WE GOT EM!!' While the other part of me is like 'oh god how do I tell them. Who’s going to tell them.' The easiest way I can explain: Tom, Ben, and Harry are not in a minecraft series together, and the lore that I have for them is not based in any actual series. HOWEVER. DON’T LET THE TRAGIC TRUTH MAKE YOU CLICK AWAY /silly so I can explain properly LMAO
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Here’s a TLDR for anyone who likes these guys and is a lil interested in them!!
Most of the lore for these three is based on an amalgamation of inside jokes, non-minecraft character trends, and general yogs minecraft world lore!
Tom was an editor (now has a YouTube channel, AngoryTom) and did behind-the-scenes minecraft prep for the Yogscast for so long that he was never really interested in any actual "main channel" series besides [Dig Site - 10 episodes] with Simon, Lewis, and Ben, and [Skyblock - 2 episodes] with Ben! Although he’s also played several npcs throughout various main channel series since he was helping run the show lol. My take on his character is that he’s a former yoglabs employee due to [YOGLABS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] and now lives his laziest life ever in an undisclosed remote location. He’s also the demigod of death but he’ll never tell
Ben started doing main series mc content a few years ago, but hasn’t done anything mc with Tom and Harry until recently (see below)! His character is a Shark Hybrid due to [YOGLABS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] who now lives with Tom at the same undisclosed remote location.
Harry has been an insane speedrunning minecraft legend for ages, but was never in any main series content bc he’s actually a graphic designer for the yogs. But he was part of Iskall’s twitch vault hunter event back in November, and he’s now in the [Vault Hunter Series - Ongoing] with Ben and Duncan on YouTube! <3 so there’s plenty of mc content of Harry and Ben, but not so much Tom. c!Harry has lived remote for as long as he can remember, locked in Hardcore, until…?
But again, I base their backstories on a bunch of kinda loosely connected lore dots that are half based on jokes <3
Below the read more includes: links to clips, compilations, and very brief lore explanations (though you can check my other lore drawings in Tom’s tag (#Angory Tom), Ben’s tag (#bedgar), Harry’s tag (#brryhrry) or posts that have any of them, which should be under the (#the outcast trio) tag)!
I’ve been in love with Ben and Tom as a duo forever, since the TTT (modded Trouble in Terrorist Town) days, where Ben’s player model was Left Shark, and Tom’s model was Emperor Palpatine (yes from Star Wars. I can’t stand them). But Ben and Tom have been yogs editors and Behind The Scenes guys forever, so it wasn’t until more recently that they became known personalities in the main yogscast circle (4-5 years is pretty recent in the 10+ years of yogs content timeline LMAO).
Through Warhammer streams and behind the scenes stuff, I kinda fell in love with their chemistry and idiocy, and they worked so well with the “main cast” that I just had to put them in the yogs minecraft universe, somewhere. Turns out, Tom had actually done a majority of the "behind the scenes" work for the Yoglabs series (he built a majority of the main building, did mod research and testing, was present during recordings to make sure things went well, stuff like that) so it only made sense to have his character be the Right Hand Man/ Behind The Scenes Assistant to Xephos (Lewis), the Morally Questionable Head of Yoglabs.
For anyone who’s unfamiliar with Yoglabs, it’s one of the yogs’ more famous series featuring Simon (Honeydew) and Lewis (Xephos) where they tested mods! more info can be found here!
c!Tom also ended up as a Lumian (the fanon alien space species for the yogs fandom, vaguely inspired by Star Trek Vulcans) because of a one-off joke where one of the Yogs artists drew him as a star trek commander, and I really didn’t need any further reason to make him a weird little guy LDKFJG
As far as the “demigod of death” thing goes, it felt right to give him a lore thing that vaguely coordinated with the whole “Emporer Palpatine” vibe, since that’s kinda the mc skin he’s used most recently. There’s another reason there that I don’t think I’ve properly explained, so I’ll leave the rest of that be for now ;]
Ben, on the other hand, plays a shark character in pretty much every video game he ever participates in, so shark hybrid was a pretty obvious way to go. And of course, since the duo had to be in the same place… involving Ben’s shark Hybrid-ness with yoglabs experimentation made good sense and good angst. What can I say :]
Here are the bigger lore posts I’ve made so far (in the order i posted them i believe!), explaining in a little more detail plus art to go with! :] [x] [x] [x]
Harry is kinda known as the yogscast’s token memelord? But in the ironic way. He somehow makes it genuinely hilarious idk man. His humor is very dry, witty, and sarcastic, but he’s a sweetheart and kind of a god at minecraft. I’ve been arguing since day one that this man should be in mcc but we won’t go there
There aren't many solo harry compilations, so here's a link to a Harry and Ben compilation hehe
Regarding his minecraft lore, pretty much all of it is based around the idea that he’s a god at speedrunning and hardcore Minecraft. A common consensus in yogscast minecraft lore is that respawning is actually a Yoglabs-based mechanic tied to clones and clone making. I thought it would be interesting if Harry could be tied to a hardcore element in the yogs lore purely by having Somehow slid under yoglabs’ radar. And since he was never in any main channel (aka modded) series, i usually associate him with Vanilla mechanics, and since i also view mods as a Yoglabs-related lore element, it made sense! So basically— no clones, no respawns, no mods!
except that he’s in a main channel series now. So I’ll need to find a new lore reason around that DTBJDFGHK
And his design, well… this man’s skin is straight up Mr Mime, and there’s only so much I can do with that /silly But he’s a HUGE Pokémon fan! He’s played a couple of Disaster Nuzlockes with Lydia from the yogs a year or so ago, if that’s something you’re interested in! Was a huge comfort series for me for the longest time and rly good background noise, theyre soooo good at Pokémon I promise <3
Harry does more twitch stuff (hrry on twitch) than youtube stuff, so twitch is the best place to check him out if you're interested in his solo content!
Last thing I'll say about him is that he designed and ran an original minecraft minigame called "Capture the Wool" and he and Martyn are the hosts for a few episodes i think! i dont think there's any way to explain how entertaining it is to listen to him announce the chaos of yogs members trying to play competitive minecraft LOL
Um, so. TLDR…2, These guys are basically my ocs and now I get Actual minecraft content from them which is crazy. I love them as content creators and cool guys so so much though, so! Definitely recommend listening to these idiots (affectionate) babble and ramble to each other, mc or not <3
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Hi! You can call me Gekko. I make art, primarily for my Hollow Knight AU, named Feral PK AU, but you'll also find occasional dragon/dinosaur art or maybe even fanart from other media. I also reblog posts from various other things, so it can get a bit chaotic.
That being said, the AU is the main focus of this blog. It is a slice of life AU for my favorite characters which mostly takes place in Dirtmouth, though over time it also evolved into a personal worldbuilding and character driven project.
Just a heads up, it does stray quite a bit from the canon and many popular fanon interpretations, so please approach with an open mind! If you have any questions, check the FAQ below first and don't be afraid to send me asks about it!
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Other places to find me:
» twitter // 🔞
» bluesky
» ko-fi
Art tag: #gekko.art
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#feral pk au - the main AU tag, contains all related art, posts and ask responses
#modern fpk au - tag for the modern spin-off of the AU; same as above
#dragon fpk au - tag for the dragon spin-off of the AU
#au designs - tag for all the AU character design sheets and other related posts
#au character bios - similarly to above, this tag includes written down descriptions for the AU characters
#au worldbuilding - tag for all posts/ask responses related to the general AU worldbuilding headcanons
#au character posts - for separate text posts about the AU characters
#save - this is how I tag AU related posts which I find to be worth reading for a better understanding of the characters, or anything else I want to easily access in the future
#ask stuff - tag for all ask responses. If you only want those related to the AU, I recommend browsing through the main AU tag instead
#art guide - tag for any art tips and guides that I posted
CHARACTER TAGS: #fpk / #vyrm ● #grimm / #nkg ● #lewk ● #asta ● #milo ● #hornet ● #holly ● #zote ● #wl ● #brumm ● #divine ● #bretta ● #lurien ● #ogrim ● #cornifer ● #iselda ● #elderbug ● #jiji ● #jinn ● #mato ● #quirrel ● #lemm ● #tiso ● #radiance
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(disclaimers about the blog and the AU below)
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» Please do not reupload my art anywhere. I'm okay with people using it as their icons/banners, but please remember to credit me.
» Since this is a primarily AU related blog, anything I say about the characters is from a headcanon lens. A lot of my headcanons are quite different from the most popular fanon interpretations, so please be aware of that before you respond, especially in regards to fandom jokes and character hate.
» A large chunk of my drawings and posts features the ship Pale Nightmare, so if you dislike it I would not recommend following my blog. It's the only ship I'm invested in, and while I avoid ship discourse, there are some that I find uncomfortable, particularly those between the characters that I consider family within the AU (Grimm/Hornet and Grimm/Hollow being the primary ones).
» Although I might occasionally touch upon topics that are in the suggestive or sexual territory in regards to some characters, this blog is otherwise still meant to be SFW. I will not be posting any explicit artwork, and I try to keep the suggestive topics tasteful. If you are interested in my NSFW art, do not ask me about it here, instead head over to my Twitter private alt. I try my best to keep the two places separate.
» Additionally, some of my art includes blood and very mild gore, though I try to tag it whenever there's excessive amounts of it in the artwork (I use the tags #blood and #gore). There may also be very occasional mentions/depictions of pregnancy, please block the tags #pregnancy (for art) and #pregnancy mention (for text posts) if you would prefer not to see it/read about it. Please let me know if there are any other things that you would like me to tag!
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» The AU takes place after the Embrace the Void ending, and so The Knight/Ghost is not present. Here is a post detailing what happened to them (and the other shade siblings in the Abyss).
» Feral PK's name in the AU is Vyrm (an alternate spelling of Wyrm that he uses as his name), though I occasionally refer to him as FPK. Also, I headcanon him as gay (demi-gay to be more precise). At the current point in the AU he and The White Lady are separated.
» As you probably noticed, most of my designs stray very far from insect-like interpretations. That is very much intentional. In the AU, I see "bug" as a general term for "people", not an implication that they are all insects. While some characters do have more insect-like anatomy, there are others which possess reptilian, mammalian or even plant-like traits. I go a little more in detail on how I see that term in this post. So while I'm not bothered by people referring to for example, Grimm or Vyrm as insects, keep in mind that this is not how I personally view them.
» Additionally, I see the characters as much larger than real life insects. As a reference point, Vyrm is similar in height to a raccoon standing on two legs. For this reason, most of the characters have skeletal structures to support larger body mass. There are some exceptions, notably characters such as Unn.
» Please keep in mind that the AU originated as something I found comfort in, and it remains that way. There may be inconsistencies, I might retcon things on the go, and some things may simply not be well written. I also have no plans to turn it into a fanfic or a comic.
» I'm always open to answer questions about the AU and the characters! So if you have any, please don't be afraid to send me an ask, I absolutely love responding to them. 💖
» I am currently working on a WorldAnvil page for a more detailed, wiki-like AU info, link at the top of the post!
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cosmiischillin · 5 months
Twilight Town AU: The Ragdoll Monster
In the original Ruby Gloom, Ruby was essentially the lone “human” of the group. She does live with a cyclops, a skeleton, a banshee, conjoined twins, ghosts, a bat, and three crows/ravens. In addition to Twilight Town, there’s also a witch and a fallen angel. Now I do say “human” with quotes since she’s described a lot as ragdoll-like if not straight up a ragdoll.
So I’m gonna describe and sorta layout what type of monster, my process in creating her, and what I have planned for her for y’all to read below.
The Ragdoll Monster
So in the AU, she is explicitly a living ragdoll. I think it’s a general agreed thing in the fanon that she is a ragdoll in the likeness of Raggedy Ann. To be honest she reminds me of Strawberry Shortcake a lot more.
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With that in mind, I gave her all those little stitches on her body and even alongside her clothes since I think she looks adorable with the patchworks and wearing a lot of textile knits. I even made it a special ability that she can sew her body parts if she ever ends up injured though you’re better off not letting her bleed
The Dark Side
So it is planned already that Ruby is more than just a sweet looking face. This part of her design was based on the earlier versions of her character. The darker and very much goth version before the show. I was inspired by these snippets from an interview about her and some artwork of her
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She also has a lot of inspiration from Coraline, in fact her eyes were gonna have little white spots to look like buttons but I couldn’t get them to look right hence her big eyes now.
Now for her really dark side and Lore. Her monstrous side is based on two things. One is the creep factor of dolls and puppets and the other is vampires.
I didn’t put him in her mood board but Ruby got some inspiration from Wally Darling such as his creepy little stare which gave me more ideas alongside the early ruby works.
Now the vampire part was added when I began concepting classic monsters into the AU. Out of nowhere I began to draw Dracula with a regular doll version of Ruby. I love the concept so I expanded it.
Lore and Backstory
Dracula and other vampires can turn humans by having them taste vampiric blood so, to test it out, Dracula got a baby ragdoll then injected his blood into the doll’s insides. Miraculously the ragdoll was brought to life though she appeared to be like a normal infant with an overly cheerful disposition. It was only then she showed abilities that not even vampires could possess. Dracula decided to name her Ruby and sewn up the rest of her appearance, calling her his daughter. At some point, Dracula hired the Raven brothers to leave his castle with Ruby to a place she could be safe from humans and to record anything new powers she develops.
Ruby has lived in the Twilight Town Mansion for now 17 years. She is upset that humans see monsters as nothing but evil and dangerous creatures that should be destroyed hence why she creates her new Blog, the Good n Gloom where she will be able to show that monsters are just like them If not a little creepy and kooky. But that doesn’t mean that when push comes to shove, she’ll do what she has to do in order to help her friends.
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I hope you like this slightly longer post talking about Twilight Town! This is the first time I got to go in full about the lore and what has been done for these characters! I guess the vampires are kinda different from the classic movie version ^^:
Next Character: The Banshee
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hybbart · 1 year
hihelo, raau related things
i really like how you draw and write stuff with hybrid stuff in mind, especially avians, and was wondering if you could infodump a bit? stuff like instincts and little things like sounds they make stuff
sorry if this is too vague, i dont really have any specific questions, im just curious about it all :D
oh actually i do have one, where do you usually learn all this stuff from?
Thank you! I'll try to answer a few things
As far as major ones I don't think it's much all that differently than the general fanon you find in fics, the only real difference is that since I'm drawing, I have to figure out what it actually would look like/go with a more visual option. (For example a lot of people make blazeborn, or at least tango, purr, and that's not something you can depict in a silent, still image easily.) The only other difference is that raau is set on a single, modern world and so ones like blazeborn aren't from the nether or void and these species have a linear history that impacts the world's development.
Avians make all sorts of birb noises when theyre emotional of course, and they need preening. Maybe pre apocalypse they were picky about what to do with their feathers, but in the apocalypse they could be a potential resource so at least Jimym and Grian save them.
The main difference is I prefer to interpret things like feather-gifts and nests as familial things. A lot of these behaviours are based on bird behaviours but I like to imagine they don't just... act like birds. These are their culture and traditions not JUST instincts.
So, like, it's instinctive and better for their body if they sleep in a nest rather than a bed, but that nest replaces beds and- while their partner usually is the other person sleeping in that bed, it's more of a big like... sleepover space for everyone in their flock, not a romantic thing. It doesn't really say anything about their relationship other than they're comfortable sleeping around them, in their nest which is their safe place. Nests I also designed based on enclosed nests like weavers, or a bird house, or cavity nests like owls. I think it just made it more distinctly a nest rather than a round dipping bed, especially once all the blankets and pillows are placed. So they'll put up veils and curtains and basically make a fort but permanent. It's the focal point of their homes, basically.
The ranchers' has to be comfortable and accessible to Tango as well but I imagine most avian families straight up make a whole room for just the nest and no stairs. I feel like avians are really bad about making accessible architecture. In raau I imagine their world a lot liek ours but I also image it without a housing crisis or lots of generic homes due to the needs of the various species usually meaning a LOT of people build their own homes.
Feather earrings I also imagine as a nuclear family thing between avians only, for the inner flock so to speak. It's sort of like a house flag, 'these are my siblings/parents/children' type thing. If that involves a non avian a non-feather item might be included, like a blazerod or scale. It's mostly a signal to other avians, though (and pretty). Like if Jimmy removed Grian's feather from his earring that would be A Statement. there isn't really any ritual involved with giving them, either, it's just expected. Outer flock aka friends, extended family, and unmarried partners aren't really involved.
Avians also have a migratory instinct in raau. Though they have specific birds they might resemble I think of them as their own whole species 99% of the time (Jimmy's ability to see sounds being the 1% unique due to their bird thing). In the case of the modern avians this usually takes the form of frequent travelling or nomadic lifestyles and taking up temporary/seasonal work.
A lot of cowboys were avians, and probably a lot of those world travel blogs were run by avians. Probably a lot of jobs discriminate against avians assuming they'll want a bunch of vacation time or up and quit like how women with families are treated. Jimmy doesn't travel much as he's more of a ground-bird and the farms he worked on were plenty spacious, but even he gets antsy if he's stuck at the ranch too long and usually is the one to go out scavenging with Grian or visiting the hospital.
And finally obviously their wings are very important to them. It's their everything, even if they're like Jimmy and don't fly too much. It's their main survival strategy so being grounded makes them very anxious and stressed. Even Jimmy who hasn't been able to fly-fly for several years in raau still instinctively tries to launch himself in the air when startled or attacking. Clipping or damaging them is the worst thing imaginable to them so they treat them with the utmost care.
It's how they display being healthy and well-groomed to others, like a nice clean haircut, and they puff up and flatten largely in the same displays and posturing as your average bird as far as communicating emotions goes.
I don't have nearly as much for blazeborn since there's only one of them, but I think their instincts are very cat-like as far as behaviour. They are completely in control of their ability to burn or produce fire, like rapidash. They get VERY firey and turn into a fire hedgehog when enraged, but if they know who it is then even then they won't burn someone they don't want to burn. It's more like a threat display, but of course whoever it's directed at will usually be burnt.
They tend to use their tail to communicate, and they use it like cats use purring; when they're comfortable or are trying to comfort themselves they wrap it around things. Otherwise it communicates much the same way as a cat's tail.
In raau their flame colour is an indication of their internal temperature regulation. Blue/white is extra hot and red is cooled down, yellow is in-between, average temp. Since it's also hair it can't be put out, but it does crackle and steam when wet. They do NOT do well in cold weather, obviously, nor weather that heavily fluctuates.
A lot of traditional blazeborn homes are in deserts or underground, and modern blazeborn-friendly homes ALWAYS have the main part of the house as a basement suit type deal with plenty of climate control, where it's much easier to regulate temperatures to warm and dry.
They have an attraction to metals, though tango's a little freak who likes iron more than gold. Them and pig-hybrids are probably the reason for the gold standard. Probably a lot of traditions involve metalworking and the like. It's instinctive to be attracted to metals, but the working of them into things is cultural.
Also in raau specifically blazerods are a whole effort and ordeal to produce. it's basically blazeborn cartilage.
raau doesn't have magic, so races defined by their magical capabilities are no around, like vex or witches.
Medusas like Cleo basically have multiple brains like an octopus and so require a lot of calories and nutrition. They're also immune to snake venom and can develop immunity to other toxins, thus they're actually very reliable for the development of anti-venoms and vaccines.
Scott's an elf but it doesn't mean much other than he's tall and has slightly pointy ears. They have a lot of cultural stuff, but Scott's not a very traditional guy.
Fauns have a lot of prey-instincts, so they tend to have very strong fight or flight instincts at the smallest thing. They're also a bit odd to most people. They're social but in a shield sort of way rather than a cooperative sort of way, so their moral compass can seem off. If I let myself I would make so much faun lore so I intentionally stopped myself there. The only other thing is their horns/antlers shed annually and so they treat them almost like how others treat family picture books or height charts.
Tiny Tom is both a voidwalker and a cow faun hybrid. As far as voidwalkers go they hate being looked in the eye and are similar to avians with a migratory instinct.
Merfolk like Lizzie need to live in humid climates if they are going to live out of the water, and have very strong schooling instincts. They'll often have very large families and friend groups. Home pools were unsurprisingly something that first appeared in land-living merfolk homes. It's an absolute necessity, as well as a large bathroom or full on bathhouse. (they separate the bathroom and the toilet as separate rooms)
And that's about all the things I've thought about. It seems like a lot when actually typed out and explained, but a lot of it's mostly common fanon maybe adjusted here and there for the setting of raau.
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cheetah-roll · 7 months
Some assorted MCYT drawings
1) A drawing of the Flying Fish SIblings :D. Minus Martyn because there wasn't enough space. ;w; 
It's supposed to be all of them sitting on two walls. There's one wall then a strip of grass and the other wall?? The perspective is really bad lmao
Grian's just teasing Jimmy as normal and Lizzie being the older sibling is scolding him and Pearl is just watching from up on the wall. Martyn is just answering all his asks from his Tumblr blog or something.
I headcanon them all as siblings. Lizzie and Jimmy technically are siblings because of Empire's SMP season 1, but none of the characters are actually siblings in any other SMP's. It's fine though because this fandom runs on an unholy amount of fanon and fan speculation (also the lore that Martyn IntheLittleWood feeds us) and that's what's fun about it. They all act like siblings anyways, and have a sibling dynamic, so it's fine lol
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2) I'm making reference sheets for my designs of all the Traffic Life Series characters. Here's Etho :D
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3) LIZZIE!!! I recently remade this one. The old one looked terrible. A lot of detail in this one because she's my favorite <3
She's an absolute girlboss and deserved so much better in the Life Series. Like, let the girl have her villian arc before giving her the most tragic death ever I swear. She at least got a small one in Last Life but it was cut so short in Secret Life :(
I also drew some little bisexual and trans pins on her sweater. She's not trans but I like to think that her characters are
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4) Some doodles of all the Life Series Girls!! I love them all so much it’s not even funny anymore. They’re all so amazing and their character arcs are all so good and they need to be appreciated more <3
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Featuring Buff Gem because she’s super jacked because I say so 5) Cleo reference sheet!! <33
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6) Gem reference sheet!! Slightly outdated design, because I’ve changed the way her legs look to make them more natural and deer like if that makes sense lol
Centaur Gem as well because I love it when people draw her as a centaur. 
Also another little drawing of Buff Gem
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7) Grian reference sheet!! This one is pretty old and I’m planning on remaking it soon. His legs just look a little strange and the art is slightly outdated. He also looks too tall lol
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8) A pretty old piece of art, but it’s of Empires Lizzie and Pearl.
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9) Pretty recent little doodle page of assorted MCYT. The biggest drawing is of Shubble because we love Shubble and she needs all the support she can get rn Also a little drawing of Shrub because I love Shrub with all my heart and soul
I really like the Gem and Grian drawings as well :D
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ruckis--rookie · 5 months
there is a specific art piece of your’s that seems to have vanished off the internets: “Dark Lord Gerakobitz - Bad End AU”. and I know it disappeared recently because I have a cross-post from your DeviantArt from November 2023
https://www. tumblr.com/loveandmad/ 733130379991629824/dark-lord-gerakobitz-bad-end-au- by-ruckis-rookie (remove the spaces) that now goes to a 404 page
Yeahhh about that. A lot of old art of mine of Fawful and the other M&L lineup has up and vanished. Twould be on purpose.
Y'see, after some very personal events I tried distancing myself from the M&L fandom. The game series remains very sentimental to me, but paired with the personal reasons and the poor treatment Nintendo was giving their fans, I took a long (possibly few) year hiatus. One of several reasons for my hiatus was guilt that I had strayed so far from the source material that the cast of characters didn't seem like the og cast of characters, rather OCs made to fit the mold of them. So by the time I came back I had revamped all the designs I had for the M&L lineup were revamped to be featured as an antagonistic group for my nonfandom oc story called "Order of the Stars" that I'm working on.
The one inspired by my old Fawful design, now named "Geragera", is VERY special to me. He was the one I projected onto the most in the past and he was the one I worked the hardest to distance from the source material without changing him so much that what I had built was no longer there. He's basically a second Fursona to me now. Words can't describe what he means to me.
But despite the many reminders that I gave to old fans that I would be moving on and if I were to ever return to M&L I'd be referencing the source material closer, people still kept missing the memo. Even years later some get confused and it really made me realize how much of an influence I had on shaping the fanon Fawful that's remembered today. It was... incredibly disheartening and upsetting given how hard I worked to make Gera his own character. And furthermore it didn't make sense to me HOW comparisons were still being drawn. I had disappeared for a while to let the fire and the hype die down, in what world to people think THIS
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Looks like THIS
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If anything at this point Gera takes more inspiration from Yoshi in appearance, I'm shocked more comparisons haven't been drawn to the dinosaur because then I might actually be flattered
But given the circumstances I'd been silently deleting a lot of my old works and archiving them on a personal thumbdrive. It initially started with things I'd see pop up in my notifications that people liked. If I deemed a picture too close to my old fanon Fawful I'd save and delete it. But eventually it got so upsetting to me that in an anger fueled moment I went on an art purge to try and erase the impact I left, or at least scrub what I could to let Gera have a proper limelight instead of being stuck in the shadow of the thing that inspired him. People were also confusing Order of the Stars for an AU, which it's very much not.
While normally I wouldn't have minded the exposure, in fact I would have been flattered had it been years prior (even though the same pic was very much up on Tumblr at some point), that picture was a sore reminder of the past I was so desperate to distance myself. One of many, and reminded me I had to scrub more than just Tumblr... and might have possibly been the catalyst to the purge? I dunno, I slept since then.
The closest you'll get to it now is a horror themed bad end AU that I made that follows a very similar concept
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And this is very generous considering the hell I've gone through. It got so bad that I haven't felt very compelled to draw Fawful anymore for fear of further confusion, heck, more recently I decided that I was just going to exclusively post any future M&L art I make over here because I got tired of people finding reasons to draw comparisons on other sites too. I even thought about dropping ANY M&L drawings related to Beanish just to get away from it, but decided against it. I've even started putting more emphasis on Gera's snout just to make him seem less Beanish, which sucks because I've had to stray away from what makes my style mine to begin with. I could easily change his colors, but I can't bring myself to. He's been like this for years now and it's a characteristic that I can't easily let go of, nor do I want to. I've very begrudgingly changed my Beanish HC so that they don't have blue tongues and blood anymore (which was initially nspired by a beta Cackletta sprite having a blue tongue). It feels like I'm having to strip any and all hc personality I gave to certain fandom characters just to create more distance, which sucks.
It gets hurtful after a while, especially considering Geragera has more than just one inspiration... but yeah, a lot of my old stuff got purged and personally archived for my own growth. Truly sorry about that, and for the being a lengthy explanation. Truth be told I also needed a reason to get this off of my chest but I was never prompted until now. For future reference though (and this goes for just about anyone) I would greatly appreciate if you asked permission before making a crosspost sharing my work. There's a good chance I probably would have said no on that one. Anything that remains on this site is either too sentimental to get rid of or still close enough to the source material to stick around.
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
I noticed there's more of a difference now, it reminds me of toothless from HTTYD.
In part one toothless was a somewhat dark, dark Navy blue color(kinda like chaos) and then in the other two he goes completely black (like nightmare) was this intentional tinkering or maybe you just went random?
To be honest, I always try to connect things/designs/etc to the story. (I have a whole google doc written about this Au, so that I won't forget it)
I always try to make my ideas look like it was intentional, no matter what. And with Chaos' color, that's exactly what it was. My main idea with Chaos' design, was for him to have more turquoise colors, to symbolize a little bit Fanon Nightmare.
At first, I drew Nm And Chaos with light lineart.
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At that time, the only resemblance the two had, were their colors, and tentacles. I wanted to draw Chaos' tentacles more stiff, and less flowy than Nm, to symbolize he was fake. Or rather, a copy.
I didn't really think that much about it at that time, I only saw this as a little silly joke, that's not going to get relevant in the future, so I left the design at that.
But then, I got really tired of looking at their lineart- so I drew them with black lineart. But that would meant that the two couldn't be recognizable to the viewers, so I decided to change Nm outfit.
I researched for AWHILE for me to get to an outfit I really liked, and thought would look good on Nm. So I settled on his current jacket.
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This one 👆
I rewrote the script, so that Nm changing outfits would be somewhat reasonable, so I figured that Nm would probably don't like the fact him and his clone share the same clothes, and he'd eventually want to be recognized from him.
Over the time, I got tired of Chaos color- It was too similar to Nm, in my opinion (even though that was the main intention). And then, I got the genius idea, that would let me explore and, let's say... Toy with Chaos' design. The idea is basically this;
The more Chaos strays away from his main goal/purpose, the more his code is REBUILDING itself into another, completely different code. It sounds a little complicated...but it's not, really! I just cannot explain stuff for the life of me T~T
If you pay attention to my art, you can notice the first changes to Chaos' design in this comic;
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So..while it was a thing- IN THE SPUR of the moment, I managed to make it fit into the story, and to make sense of the change.
Hope you enjoyed my small talk :)
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synchronizedaxolotl · 5 months
I have my headcanon/fanon of Pico cause fun n whatnot when it comes to writing or drawing.
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Here are my headcanon/fanon writing of Pico
It will mention/include: The events of Pico's school, OCxCanon shipping, Mentions of Weekend 1 event,
Keep in mind!! Don't take all of this seriously- It is just headcanon at the end of the day. I can acknowledge confirmed facts about the ginger lad by the devs.
You can click to read more what are my Pico headcanons if your curious! Or don't considering it's kinda cringe...-
Plus Bonus doodle!
(There might be more I just couldn't remember some...)
He lives with his girlfriend, Hailey in an apartment.
An actual goofster but can be serious and a badass if the situation gets dangerous.
Can be an ass though only is if you treat him like one. It's fair if you ain't treating him nice then he'll just be an ass towards you.
Pico is bisexual.
Still has conflicting feelings about his ex, Boyfriend but not that he hated him.
(Read above) He is worried that this confliction is gonna affect his current relationship with Hailey.
He has scars from the fight he had with the Goth punks.
Used to not wear anything beneath the sweater but started wearing a sleeveless shirt cause "Hailey has some bad wardrobe malfunction timing..." which lead to some incidents of him lending his sweater to her. (He'd honestly be fine being shirtless but got to respect the common decency.)
After the events of Weekend 1, He isn't sure if his and Nene's friendship are strained cause of his failure to follow through killing Boyfriend (Or not getting paid in huge sums anymore).
Alternate 1: The shoes were from Hailey has a gift, he wears it but not a lot as he wants to keep it in good condition. (Especially that it has the newgrounds frown design)
Sometimes goes in a really late night trip cause of his insomnia, Does bring his girlfriend cause he enjoys company.
As much he works out, He doesn't drink protein shakes. He has drank like 3 times but stopped cause he can't stand the texture to taste as in his words "It's like drinking crushed up chalk with shitass flavoring."
He isn't bad nor good at cooking, He at least tries.
Isn't close to his biological father and has cut ties with him ever since he turned 18 and been on his own.
If you were to ask him about Cassandra's crush on him as mention by Cyclop's in Pico's school event, He'd respond that he never sees her in that light before and after the whole ordeal. (It confuses him when thinking about it on what does Cassandra sees in him during that time.)
Scratches to the point he kinda scars himself though it isn't a frequent habit.
Spends WAY too much on styling his hair.
Ain't much of a saint, dude can be vulgar.
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skullytotheark · 6 months
Doodle Dump: part one i think
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Toby mask test: drew him with one of my oc's gas Mask as a test because I'm having a slight design crisis. Dunno he'll end up having it at the end though. The mask was heavily inspired by the reboot toby's mask but i made it into like a pyro tf2 style gasmask
The reason I kinda wanna change the mask is 1: To be kinda unique to my design 2: The half mask & goggles aren't really intimidating, I feel like if you see some maniac with a gasmask on holding an axe it's abit more scary then some emo w/ a pair of goggles in a hoodie
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Toby unmasked concepts:
Recently i thought of redesiging toby for my creepyhornets au. At first I was thinking of leaning more towards the reboot design for My Toby however I did end up going to the Right image. The first image ended up getting modified and turned into a "toby inspired oc" named Garfield robinson
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Garfield Robinson "The Woodland Maniac": This character was made for my "creepypastas but OCS" au. A big trouble im having w/ him is that idk if I should give the mask to Him or Toby... Tbh I think he might end up keeping it at the end. I do have more "creepypastas but ocs" characters but im gonna try & make two more ocs before i do a full post on the AU
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Silly Zalgo concept: Wanted to try & design zalgo in my creepyhornets canon. That's it tbh
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Thomas Watson "Dollface": Another character for the "creepypasta but ocs" au. From now on im just gonna call the au "Clear Skies 75" because i had that name laying around for abit. But as you can tell this character is inspired via "Masky" because I fucking LOVE masky.
Inspirtation: His face is semi inspired by Joel from ltou game and I kept Tim's bodytype from Marble hornets because I don't like twink masky at all [I WILL RANT ABOUT HOW I HATE FANON MASKY DONT EVEN RN]. The main theme of the au is that the characters are semi inspired by "creepypastas" [masky & hoody are rare exceptions] and I take my own little originality to it. As for the Mask I was sort of inspired by concept art for brahms in from the boy, Random stertypical dummies and halloween masks back in the 80s where it was just the character's face
Story: Thomas's story is kinda similiar to the story of marble hornets with the whole "Stopping the sickness" thing. But instead it's pretty much camping trip gone wrong. Will be expanded upon in a seperate post once i ACTUALLY write it down instead of being a lazy ass
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Bryan Hoffman "Null": Another clear lakes 75 oc. Heavily inspired by Hoody & Skully. Bryan starts off as a "hoody" character, dies then returns as Skully. I still havent designed "Hoody" yet but all i can really imagine is little spiral on a black spandex mask w/ a black hoode for the design
I'll probably do more drawing dumps eventually, I dont reallyyy wanna just repost my content from tiktok but we'll see i guess.
See y'all in the next post
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