magicratfingers · 3 months
Hewwo having pneumonia is no fun especially now spring and missing all farm baby animals, so can I have a baby goat? Feels like one has wrecked havoc on my chest, no fair I can't pet it about it
lady this animal has some crazy shapes
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I wanted to make u a super cute one I really did
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sanzosin · 4 months
Last year hasn’t treated me well, and lately I’ve been feeling oh so down. Really wouldn’t advise being me. Tonight i’ve been scrolling through saved folder on my phone and found a wonderful art of Jake by you… from 2017! I felt so nostalgic and decided to go check your other art here, and found out… that you’re still active!
I can’t really describe what it made me feel, to see you still drawing my favourite characters. It’s a very cozy, comforting and grounding feeling. I loved your art so much back in 2017, and I guess I’ll never stop feeling this way, haha.
Thank you a lot!! And also - Jack&Nisha 4ever <3
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Oh honey!
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heartsfortwotpot · 1 year
@leafpinyuri2018 gift for uoi
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agir1ukn0w · 2 months
so it looks like I've been getting one of two types of asks lately:
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I obviously won't be addressing type #2, but as for type #1, I've already said what I needed to say many times over. It was one fucking post and I wasn't aiming to call out the entire kanthony fandom, only the actions of a few obnoxious bigots (which NONE OF YOU, polins or kanthonies, should be denying that you have at this point). If I had known the details about what the kanthony fandom was also facing I probably would have addressed that as well. All y'all needed to do was let me know what I needed to know in an even-tempered way and I would have been like "yeah, no, you're absolutely right and I am supporting you all the way." which I do, btw, and you are. but because you decided you knew everything about me after one fucking post and projected all your issues onto me, I'm not going to engage with this anymore. "good riddance," you're probably saying. yeah. good fucking riddance. I gave an opinion that was not as well informed as it should have been and I should have known more.
but I also wasn't wrong.
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fatherbearfreddy · 7 months
I've had a really bad day can I see some silly cat gifs
I have saved a few of these!
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Also an employees cat.
I hope you feel better soon Superstar!
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faffreux · 2 months
Hi faff, life is being incredibly hard for me right now. But your presence always cheers me up. I've learned from you and realized that being care free and indulgent is the most blissful thing in the world. Never stop being who you are. There is a place for you out there and I think you found it 💚
I’m really sorry life is so hard rn 🫂 I feel it though bc it’s been pretty rough for me as well! (And honestly for quite a few of my friends as well… :/)
But it makes me happy that anything I do can help make it a little easier!! You’re figuring these things out a lot earlier than I did tbh and I LOVE THAT FOR YOU
And dw, I won’t :] the fun part about getting older is you just get weirder in the process lmfao
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
i just got sick (a small cold, nothing serious) but i still feel like garbage so can I request either san or yeosang (or both 👀) taking care of sick reader? -🌌
"What are you doing out of bed? I thought I told you to go lay down," the concern is clear in San's voice, echoed by the way his brow tugs downwards in a frown.
"I had to use the bathroom," you sniffle, wiping at your runny nose with the edge of the blanket wrapped around your figure.
Two steps later and San is in front of you, guiding you back into the bedroom and tucking you beneath the covers.
"The soup should be ready soon." He tells you, gently stroking his hand over the top of your head. "Your fever seems to be going down, too."
"You don't have to do all this for me, you know," your throat hurts, and you wince.
Of course, San notices, handing you the glass of cool water on the bedside table in an instant.
You take a sip.
"I don't want you to get sick." You say, scrunching your nose once more as another sniffle escapes you.
Wordlessly, San hands you the box of tissues, of which you gratefully accept. In the next moment, the loud sound of you blowing your nose fills the room.
"You should be resting at home." You manage to get out, a yawn escaping you in the next moment.
"You're the one who needs to rest more than me." He smiles softly. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take care of you when you're sick?"
"No 'but's!"He cuts you off, raising a finger to halt your protests in their tracks. "Now, try and get some sleep. I'll bring you some soup once it's ready."
Carefully, he stands back to his feet, watching as you settle deeper into the covers around you.
"Call me if you need anything," he reminds you, leaning in to place a tender kiss onto your forehead.
Just as he reaches the door, your soft voice calling out his name has him turning to face you once more.
"I love you," the way your eyes shine, a small pout tugging at your lips as you look at him has a smile tugging at his features.
"I love you, too, Baby," his tone is soft; gentle. "Now, get some rest."
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cloudcountry · 10 months
LIKE NO MAYBE I SHOULD CALM DOEN FIRST????? 😭 im fine tho dw just suddenly got overwhelmed after theater rehearsal
asra would be the best at calming down the apprentice, having known them for so long. we're talking sweet whispers, holding them if they need to be held, keeping their distance if the apprentice doesnt like being touched. they would remove them from the situation asap!!!
nadia would be great at calming down the apprentice too, whisking them away without leaving room for argument. heaven forbid anyone tries to stop her, for they will surely be met with a stern glare and a sharp demand to back away from them.
julian attempts to divert the attention to himself, making a specatle out of his actions so you can slip away unnoticed. He finds you a few minutes later, asking if youre okay with a flushed face. clearly hes a bit embarrassed...but its the thought that counts.
muriel doesnt like loud crowded places either. he doesnt even wait for an excuse, he just gets up and guides you away. his face is flushed bright red and his lips twist up when he asks you if youre okay, heavy hands cradling yours like you mean the world to him. (side note: you do.)
portia is another one that doesnst wait for an excuse. ever the impulsive one, she simply grabs your hand and whisks you away. the second youre out of earshot, she marches back towards the palace workers and reminds them to keep their voices down when youre near. only the best for her darling!
lucio doesnt understand whats going on at first. hes used to the glamor and the noise and the grandeur of his parties, but without his love having fun too its like its not even worth it anymore. his lips twist into a scowl as he jumps off the table he was parading across, scooping you up in his arms. he clears a path through the ground with his mere presence, and even when people stare his attention his fixed solely on you. once you two are out in the gardens, he sits you down and asks for an explanation. he wants to help. thats all he's ever wanted since meeting you.
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
to the archivist, the great and venerable;
during this school term i've been feeling terrible.. i burst into tears in the middle of my lunch and i still have a paper and three exams to sit for. anything to help me get through this rough patch?
(also....send help. last night i heard four knocks at the door, repeating for over five minutes. i didn't open the door but i'm a little scared)
A charm for you: a statue of a rabbit, carved from an emerald the size of a goose egg. Its presence calms and brings hope, and at night it repairs broken objects, quite deftly.
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bellsandwishes · 2 years
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tmnt-event-blog · 9 months
I might be sucking the sickness out of you because I'm coming down with something right now 😭
Nooooooooooo, don’t do that.
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parkersgnome · 3 months
Oh, I see. You’re ignoring saving the lives of over a million palestinien men, women, and children living in fear of getting bombed to death by jewish and american retards and going through things that no one should go through, all for overpriced shitty nuggets with a thousand preservatives in it that could’ve been used to feed THE FAMILIES IN PALESTINE
What the hell is wrong with you? Are you mentally retarded? Get your shit together, Mili. Go fuck yourself
WTF??? Why would you send me this? I’m sorry for coming off as insensitive. I do deeply care about the innocent children and women in Palestine….
I’ll stop buying from McDonald’s but like bro… wtf??
Why on earth would you call me an ableist slur and tell me to go fuck myself? Did you really think I would listen to you after hearing that?
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mcytkinconfessions · 3 months
It physically hurts to watch limited life. Like, me and my friends, said friends who know nothing about the fact martyn is present: "let's watch martyns poverty for limited life!!" Well now guess who's laying in fem's bed, staring at the celling, vividly remembering everything!! This fucker, this fucker, who misses everything it had with Scott, and Ren, and this fucker who feels sick at remembering how he killed the two people, he might have actually loved at one point!! Im saying might have cuz im having a might be on the aro spec crisis right now, but still!!
-everyone's favorite, and not depressed, and sad, and ohdigdigd, martyn
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petitelepus · 1 year
For Belowed Sire
It was First Aid's job to tell you, but Ratchet had said that he would do it. No reason to put a medic as young as him through this yet anyway. Ratched looked at you, sitting by the Medbay's doors.
You were staring into space, not paying attention to anything around you. The old medic sighed as he approached you and once he had your attention he told you the bad news. Your sire was gone.
You were heartbroken, that much was obvious. He watched you stare at him with your optics wide open before coolant rose to your bright optics and started streaming down your pretty face. You hugged Ratchet as you started to cry your optics out, letting all your emotions loose.
Someone who you loved and who loved you was gone and there was nothing you or anyone could have done to prevent that... At least the two of you had managed to share the last words of love together...
Ratchet wasn't good with these kinds of things. He was used to losing patients but he was never good at comforting the family of the lost ones.
Gently, the medic hugged you back and pet your helm. He told you how good you were, how strong you were for your sire’s sake.
He would have been so proud of you for being so brave for him. He no doubt had so many things to say to you. So many ways to say how much he loved you... There was no doubt that he loved you until the very end...
Ratchet makes sure that if you need any medical help then you should head to Medbay and if you need some grief counseling then Rung would be there for you.
That should be enough yet Ratchet still offers to come with you to see Rung and be there by your side when you need him. He feels like your well-being is his number one priority. He cares for you and wants you to get better. No matter what, he will be by your side, much like the spirit of your sire.
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Hi Bear, I'm home lol I was sick and dealing with a bleh brain so I've been lurking and liking things instead of talking for a little while. How are you holding up? - 🐍
I was wondering about you!! Im so sorry you’re sick I hope you feel better soon, sending love and hugs your way :( ❤️
Im not too bad. Just the same old writers block and all that stuff but I’m hanging in there. Started classes again and that’s meh. Hoping to get some stuff posted soon
Make sure to drink lots of water and eat food that’s easy on the stomach
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teyamsatan · 1 year
The first clip actually got me pregnant and I’m here to ask if you want to be my child’s godmother 👀😂
I feel conflicted cause on one hand of course i want to be your godmother but on the other i feel like the clip also got me pregnant so we could ditch neteyam and raise the children together?? 😌😉😏
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