janitor-figure-a · 8 months
phyrgian takes the form of cori's childhood bedroom to help her rest when she's recovering. it's an unruly number of plushies but her smile was so bright
phyrg in the form of brnines first real workshop (it's the third one, but the first you could just about fit a mech in upright) as the distract themself from the latest overwhelming set of decisions. grease and mechanisms clicking in and out of place and familiar smells take the edge off for once
the form of an all but forgotten teachers lounge. it doesn't seem comfortable but figure swears it's the best nap they've had in years
inexplicably a greenhouse with natural light, perfectly balanced to help struggling saplings grow
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padawansuggest · 1 year
The only way I will accept fallen Obi-Wan is if it’s a ‘I will make sure no one worthy of this wrath makes it out alive including me’ sorta situation. Hand in unlovable hand you know.
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arthurmorganson · 2 years
i hope tom and greg singlehandedly drive waystar into the ground
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yonpote · 8 months
i am drowning
there is no sign of land
you are coming down with ne
phan in unlovable phan
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You are drowning
There is no sign of land
I am coming down with you
Hand in unlovable hand
You hope I die
You hope we both die
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sherlockig · 10 months
the only song that exist!!!
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i am drowning
there is no sign of land
you are coming down with me
hand in cringe fail hand
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jestiric · 1 year
One Like and i will write an entire essay doing a deep dive into aziraphale and crowley as well as their relationship. Two Likes and i will read the entire bible and list symbolism and references as well as possible theories based on that. THREE likes ill rewatch the entire series and take extensive notes including background details, symbolism, and possible metaphors. FOUR likes and ill do a sick flip.
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unreversedumbrella · 11 months
"I hope you die I hope we both die" it's such a raw quote. I cannot explain it
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shitfridge · 2 months
cant even fucking hold a normal conversation because most of my mental energy goes to not attacking and biting him. and now i have to go to the 737 simulator with him. call me germanwings the way i,
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ieattaperecorders · 2 years
Okay, I need to know what the TMA fandom thinks No Children is about. I am losing my mind.
No Children is about two people who hate each other. Not "I love you, but I hate you too" just "I hate you. I hate you as someone can only hate a person they've been trapped in a loveless marriage with for a decade or more. I despise you with a depth that contains no love but mirrors love in its all-consuming passion."
It's a song about a couple whose miserable relationship has driven away everything good in their lives. They should break up, they know they should break up, but they won't because they'd rather destroy one another than be happy or free.
It's the wife and husband who married too young and can't get a divorce because their community is religious. The couple that keeps breaking up and getting back together who've driven all their friends away with their drama. Terrible people willingly stuck in a terrible relationship forever.
It baffles me that so many people decided to put it on JonMartin when the only TMA couple it could fit is Lonely Eyes.
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yourdestiny0 · 2 years
Czemu jakaś część mnie przejmuję się tym, że cię nie ma. Nie tęsknie za Tobą z teraz tylko za Tobą kiedyś, brakuje mi tego, jak byliśmy dla siebie dobrzy, lecz czemu mam się przejmować kimś kto nie ma szacunku do mnie? Nigdy nie zobaczysz moich wpisów, ale mam nadzieję, że jesteś szczęśliwszy beze mnie, bo mi jest tak lepiej. Życie bez ograniczeń jest piękne, jak człowiek może być na tyle głupi, żeby pozwalać na takie traktowanie? Żyję z myślą, że na świecie czeka ktoś kto mnie będzie szanował. Również mam nadzieję, że się nie odezwiesz z prośbą o powrót, to przecież ja miałam ‘ostatnią szansę’, którą ty zniszczyłeś. Dzięki Tobie dzień kobiet ZAWSZE będzie się źle kojarzyć. 
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cosmicbucket · 8 months
forgot i put a 'no children' the mountain goats reference in my notes for companion aether and the sight of it killed me instantly
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rozzwil · 2 years
This is truly not me stanning the devs doing dumb shit but I don't get when people are mad most gays in DA are problematic. Where else can I get so much fucked up queer rep instead of YA role model gays? At this point we're too far down the line to correct course so they might as well push it further honestly. I hope the Qun forcibly transitions people. I hope Dirthamen and Falon'din are both gay but also war criminals and married to each other.
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roseyturtles · 2 years
Bingo for Benny Gecko 😌
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cosmic-pr1nce · 11 months
i'm getting a matching tattoo with my mum next month :]
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