#I HOPE THE DESIGNS ARE OKAY... they're honestly not the best bc I'm not feeling too well atm
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lovinglin · 1 year ago
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Ft. @4rachnophilia abt to win GF's heart and beat BF's ass rap battle style (and hopefully not get out of hand)
Also extra cameos in the bg ft. me, @ttimecode, @beeholyshit and @jils-things bc why not HRHEHDJAHDHD
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front-facing-pokemon · 1 year ago
Type null is my best fucking friend. Its a sweet little angel puppy baby sweet thing the size of a horse and i love it so much. Sniffles. I want to feed it tasty treat from the palm of my hand
i've been seeing this sentiment from a lot of folks. honestly i can see it now, after everyone's talked about it like this—it really is just a weird fucked up dog thing that loves to eat floppy disks. and honestly, aren't we all?
take some more asks now i cast curse of asks
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that's two asks excited for dhelmise now..! not a pokémon i imagined a lot of people would enjoy but holy shit have i been proven wrong so many times by now
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y. yeah. you're kinda right. i should probably be a little more positive about pokémon. i always end up looking back on my commentary when pokémon get posted and being like "wtf was i so negative for" and i think it's because i queue these guys up so early in the morning. literally it's one of the first things i do during the day and i guess that lends itself to me being generally pissy and not wanting to do anything. bc i just woke up syndrome. i hope that's it and that i'm not just a generally negative individual
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now. i have to let you guys know that before you see this next ask, it is perhaps one of the most unfortunate things that anyone has ever said in my ask box. ok? like genuinely i'm giving you a disclaimer here. it is gross and if you believe it will change how you feel about pyukumuku. that's a genuine disclaimer and warning. i wish i could put this under a second cut, but here
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this really sucks. the concept of this sucks. i have to HOPE that this is not true and that this isn't what tpc was going for or whoever designed this. lemme just google this real quick to see if it's EVEN true
okay now that i've done a bit of reading, i have to provide a solid HUH??? their intestines are CONNECTED to the anus how the mother fuck do you expect me to believe they're BLASTING their intestines out of their ass. for what purpose??? why would they do that?? i can see on wikipedia that they breathe through their anus, and fine, whatever, but it doesn't say anything about them just casting intestine beam on the nearest predator. i'm going to choose to believe that this is just a rumor about pyukumuku and leave it at that
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samsblades · 1 month ago
hi mari! hope this isn't too personal but how do you deal with big life changes like your study abroad program and all the anxiety that comes from it? i'm starting college next week in a city close to the one i live but i'll still have to take the bus everyday and i'm such an anxious person so everything feels like too much. i'm terrified of college and of maybe not being able to really catch up and of having less knowlegde in the field i'm studying than my peers. everything is just so scary. it's a different place and a different city and it's huge there and i'm scareddd bc i don't know it that well. feel like a dysfunctional adult but yeah, would appreciate some advice 😔 much love to you and congrats on your program!!!
hi honey! it's not too personal at all!! honestly i can be a hugely anxious person (which has lessened a lot since starting therapy!!) but even when i'm less anxious i actually do tend to have a lot of trouble adjusting from one environment to another, like even going from winter break back to school is hard for me! and i definitely had trouble when i started college :,) this post got very long also lol
honestly there's nothing exact or concrete that really came to mind in terms of how i deal with it, but i think a lot of it has to do with trying your best to have a positive mindset that's kind to yourself!! it's really important to know that you're not alone in what you're feeling and experiencing at all!! i don't think there's any college first year that isn't at least a little bit nervous, if not, totally scared and anxious just like you!! there are people at the university like older students and staff and faculty who are there to help you either casually or it's their literal job!!
unless you're taking advanced courses, which you probably won't be able to because of necessary prerequisite classes, i think that your courses should be designed for anyone to come into them and learn and not fall behind. even if there are students who are more knowledgeable in your field, there will also be people who are where you are!! and your program should be set up in a way that you start with classes that set you up for success!! schools expect students to come into their field of study without any sort of advanced knowledge! it's very normal and i think you'll be just fine!! and if you do need help, which is totally okay, your school should definitely have tutors and people to help you out!!
and you know, everything is scary. you're not wrong. it's overwhelming and hard, but that in no way means that you are a dysfunctional adult! if being scared and overwhelmed and having a hard time makes you a dysfunctional adult, then we are all dysfunctional LOL even though i've figured lots of things out... omg i'm terrified and overwhelmed and things are still hard HAHA sorry maybe that doesn't help, but i do feel like i have the college thing figured out! and you're not alone!! it's sooo so so so normal to be scared. and you will figure things out!! you're allowed to think of that as a guarantee. you will figure it out. even if it takes a while and even if it's hard, you'll fall into routine, you'll know how to navigate your classes, you'll find friends, and things won't be perfect (because when are they) but they will feel better and they'll feel normal and not so scary someday!!
the biggest thing is to be kind to yourself!! and know that you're not doing anything wrong (no one knows what they're doing LOL but things get easier). if you need help, that is okay!! and there are people who will provide you with that help.
and it's also important to focus on the exciting things!! for me, anxiety and excitement feel really similar, at least physically, and so i try to let myself feel excitement even when i'm anxious!! when i got to college, it was really nice to be in the city and around more restaurants, cool stores, boba shops, etc!! that made things exciting! if you can find little things like treating yourself to a little drink at a cafe before you go back home, or reading a fic or book on your commute that you can make the whole ordeal a little more pleasant, that might be helpful!! even amongst the anxiety, let yourself have fun. honestly, romanticize it if you can! let it be fun and exciting, even if it's still scary too.
just remember that you absolutely will be alright. you can do it, you're not alone, and everything will work out!!! i promise!!
much love to you, good luck, and thank you for the congratulations!! if you ever need more advice or to talk about how things are going for you, please please send another ask, as many as you like!! i'm so so happy to listen and maybe help if i can! i hope something here is helpful even just a little bit <33
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fairycosmos · 2 years ago
Do you dislike people who have more than you (money wise)?
I guess i'm just embarrassed of my recent privilege. My family recently got more money bc my dad got a way better paying job a few years back.
We were a stable middle class (regular in my country) and now we're just like upper middle class ig. But I can def feel the difference.
They invested and bought an apartment that i can live in (paying rent ofc) until they're moving into it themselves (across the country bc they wanna live near the rest of the family).
And i'm so proud of them bc they're refugees and had nothing when they came here. My brother grew up actually poor but i luckily didn't experience that.
But it's almost embarrassing to tell ppl what they've done for me and i constantly try to think of excuses as to why it's okay that they've given me this.
But it's also like - this narrative of me seeking acceptance from people with less than me and trying to justify it through that.
I guess im just curious abt ur opinion of this (me) and the whole thing of seeking acceptance from people of the class you were previously considered being a part of (and below)
Im so sorry if i sound disgusting im really not and ive never recieved anything from my parents (barely even b-day/xmas gifts) christ i just keep going lmao
but if you'd like - pls tell me ur opinion abt it bc im curious abt how im perceived by others
hiii so honestly i don't dislike people purely on the basis of them having more money than i do at all - i think it's completely fine to be proud of your family's recent success and to enjoy the rewards it brings :) this is gonna be badly explained bc im tired right now but i think what makes a real difference is self awareness - continously educating yourself on people outside of your economic bubble, not blinding yourself to the lived realities of those who haven't been as fortunate as you, understanding that the system is designed to keep the majority relatively powerless and understanding how money and class plays into that. if you're making the effort to truly grasp that then i don't think you should crucify yourself over any of this esp since nobody in your family has had it particularly easy. it can definitely feel weird to "seek acceptance" from people who are poorer than you in this context, so instead of basically praying and hoping that they will understand you and your background and judging yourself through their eyes, i think it'd just be best to remain self-aware and grateful and educated and listen to lower class ppl when they speak on these issues - if you're doing that and you're doing the work you don't have to feel embarrassed or shameful about your own life, seriously. x
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golbrocklovely · 2 years ago
1. Personally agree about your opinion on matching tattoos with Colby. I’d think you’d want a tattoo that is unique to yourself. I get Colby can have made an impact on your life but like, you gonna be 50 and when your kid asks why you have a giant X on your back your gonna say cuz of a random guy you fanned over as a youth? Idk I have tattoos and some stand for people, but they are always a unique design that I understand. Not a copy paste situation.
2. Let’s just leave Kat and Sam alone to figure out their own relationship. Everyone has ups and downs. Maybe Sam was supposed to come visit her fam too and didn’t since Colby might need support so she went alone. It’s okay, they’ll sort it out and we just have to wish them the best either way.
3. I find it super sweet that even Jakes mom comments her support for Colby. I’m glad Jake is there for him even if it may be a smaller way than he would have back in the trap house days.
4. Finally, Kian being a dad is so weird but also I somehow think it suits him?? Like he’s gonna be a cool dad that really cares for him kid. I think Colby left a nice comment cuz while he doesn’t want kids any time soon I’m sure, he always talks about wanting a family and can understand Kians excitement. He mentioned how relieved he was the cancer didn’t affect his fertility in any way so when he is ready, I bet he will be so stoked to have his first child.
Sorry for the long one!!
hey, i don't mind a long ask. god knows my response will probably be longer lol
one. i think the reason i find it so weird is honestly bc colby's tattoos mean something to him. so to get the same one as him, sometimes in the same place, just feels off-putting. like, they don't mean the same thing to you as they do to him. you got the same tattoo as him just bc you like him. like, getting the x is fine, but getting it in the same spot is a bit silly to me.
in particular, i don't get getting the heart one. that one is literally just the simple pick-up logo. you're getting a pick-up artist's logo just bc colby got it and changed the meaning a bit for himself bc it also means protecting your heart. i just…. don't get it tbh. do whatever you want, i guess.
two. at this point, i've said all i can about sam and kat. i hope they're doing well. and that's all i can really say.
three. i saw jake's mom also commented on kian's post about being a dad. she's so sweet. she's like a friend's mom that comments on all your stuff just to be nice. i love her haha
four. i think it was just a bit surprising to see him announce it. i kinda thought that jc would have a kid before kian, but it doesn't really matter. i'm happy for him regardless.
and i think it's super sweet that colby was so concerned about having kids and making sure he could still have kids. not too many men actually look forward to being a father, so to see him want to definitely be one is sweet.
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oceaneyesinla · 4 months ago
Hi hello I've never been to your blog before (it looks like a lovely space) but CELLS AT WORK!!!!!! please!!! I need to know your favourite cells (it's for science) and will now burden you with mine;
Mast Cell - so so relatable, my allergies don't bother me nearly as much if I just tell myself that the nice lady is trying her best, peaks when she calls a B cell a bonehead
Langerhans Cell - niche immune cell appreciation, he's hot
Microfold Cell - gotta love GALT cells, also hot
Macrophage - I live for their carnage, any time they appear I grin like a madman
Eosinophil - I 100% kin, absolutely adore her
Basophil - ???? so ridiculously funny that they went "science doesn't really know what this one does, let's have him show up and speak in riddles and then just vanish"
Uhhh... I'm stopping myself here because it's just gonna turn into me listing what I love about all the cells, I'm sorry >< And man, all the bacteria and how well adapted they are from their actual shapes and abilities?? the designs are just so goooood, microbiologist approved lmao
Hope you're having a very nice saturday and taking care of yourself :3
HIHIHIHIHIHIHI omg an ask about cells at work i'm so excited i might cry !!!!!!
please never stop gushing about it, it's my FAVOURITE anime/manga and i never find anyone who knows it exists !!!!!
the macrophages are absolute icons, i adore that they're so pretty and refined but also carry GIGANTIC weapons and fuck shit up on the regular
my very favourites are the platelets, closely followed by White Blood Cell. the platelets are illegally cute, and they work so hard 🥺 and they're so brave 🥺 AND THEY'RE SO LITTLE 🥺 i also love the dynamic they have with everyone ??? the other cells look after them and make sure they're safe and honestly the way all of them lose their minds a little because of how cute they are is SO relatable (i also lost my mind when i was first watching)
White Blood Cell is unfairly hot (um that first shot of him covered in blood???? help) and i just love how much he cares about everyone. the way he follows Red Blood Cell around sometimes to make sure she's okay is so sweet, and he's just very earnest and kind 🥹 also him interacting with the platelets ???? ADORABLE
Basophil is SO FUNNY you're absolutely right, i love how they pull details from the science to add depth - like the monocytes ! that reveal absolutely blew me away, it was so clever!!!!
ugh i just love it all so much!!!! all of the characters are so engaging and it does such a good job of feeling likes there's high stakes while also maintaining the cutesy feel good vibe it's got going on. also it has a special place in my heart because i work in a haematology lab, so i've actually seen a lot of these cells irl!!! me and my work friend did have a slight crisis though because of the platelets - we have donor platelets on site, and we were worried about them being scared bc they're alone 🥺 (yes we are a little strange, it's endearing i promise 💖)
THANK YOU for stopping by to talk about cells at work!!!!! you are always welcome here to talk about anything 💖💖💖
i hope your weekend is going wonderfully, take care !!!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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flamechasr · 1 year ago
a special message for you ♡ @binarystarduet
HIIII MAOMAOMAOMAO. i have said it once before and i will again, you are my favourite silliest star twin creature still. i literally jumped up and down the day i got my gift recipient and at that time i had JUST woken up because i was literally so excited to make more things for you!!!! i got an excuse to make you furina stuff LOL it felt like the stars aligned for me or something bc i mentioned that i wanted to make furina stuff for you on the individual gifts before but i was doing pair edits and it was easier with yachimei + jeanlisa for you and anne but this time i get to go off and i. went off. SJDSJDN literally have never edited this much, or been this excited to edit. i am still not caught up with fontaine or anything but i know enough to love you and i'm still unfortunately ill about my genshins especially in recent days as i got feelings for furi and it's like...... you being her is just perfect and everything, but beyond that i also love YOU, i loved making all these, and i'm honestly so grateful that we've been talking more in recent days because i've always wanted to talk more, you were just always so nice to me and your energy is very contagious like omg i am always hyped and pumped to talk to you so Please please i mean this never hesitate to shoot me a message whenever. i love to talk always, it's a precious and special experience especially with you because i simply enjoy our moments so muchie and i hope we do even more in the coming year!!
explaining my gifts a bit! i know you love aesthetics and stims and i was going for those primarily but you know how i feel about my aesthetics and stims .... i think youre so much better at them god honestly so im like nervous making them wondering if you'll like fhdhshhddh which is pretty ridiculous since i know you'll love anything but :pweading: . i did my best and i put love into all of these so i truly hope it is okay. i made almost everything the same day except for the poem and gfx so like the soyoanon board was something i came up with the day after we were talking about bandori and you told me abt mygo and ave mujica and im like ! i can make something up from that yes i do love bandori art. but i don't actually know anything about soyoanon so i only went by vibes which is like... sharing tea after school in the evening vibes, and after school vibes in general because anon reminds me of cherry blossoms and soyo reminds me of a nice warm evening so thats what i came up with, again im not very confident with my aes but i hope i got it . cry. and then hikawa sisters of course because you are sayo and i know you love hina-chan and i chose that card in particular bc i always associate you with stars! and i don't know i think it's tender. and i love you both ofc omg my hina-chan as aya and you as tsugu you're so so cute and i hope this brings you happiness! :^}
the icons came as a "i'll throw this in" gift but its also bc you told me that you felt insecure (??) about having so many bandori kins but like . don't be i love you so much :} I went back and forth a lot on the style until i eventually settled on the star design with an alternate normal ver. the colouring is slightly diff bc i made them on separate instances and i didnt save the psd but we'll pretend like they're the same ajdjsjs
finally my abundance of furinas..... this goes without saying but i love my furi so much partly because of my inherent genshin spin but i actually Understand now and i love you... the stim board is bc i thought it would be fun to make one for her and it was ! she is so you like the teatime aesthetic and her love of cakes and i incorporated both so i hope you likeys.... even though im not good with stims i think it looks okay and i gave a bonus neuvi as well. tee hee. talking about the poem a bit i wrote that like the same day oz assigned me to you because i was so excited and that morning i listened to la vaguelette for the first time and i came up with that. because you said i can gift whatever else and i was thinking the only other thing in my arsenal is writing (art too but i have been terribly unmotivated on that end ....) i have not yet properly gone through fontaine or her story and of course it is Your feelings but i tried to put that into pretty words as well, plus i made my qpp and my best friend read through it first and they both liked it so i hope you will too... smile. the gfx set i was gonna make from the start but it took a couple days of inspiration-gathering, and i was thinking how we talked about like. how you like working with colours but struggle with like creating a design like making from a blank canvas but i do love making designs so i put my whole mind into the set and i really like what came out of it !! these are just tumblr gfxs that you just stare at and not use but regardless i really hope you enjoysies everything, i love you so much!!!
(hey!! this is ava i just scheduled the posts since elysia had them in drafts, hopefully we're right on time! thank you for being awesome and we all hope to continue being friends with you for a long time. <3)
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crispin-kreme · 4 years ago
hi! hope you're having a good day/night💛:) can I ask for an enhypen ship please?
I'm an 06 liner , 165cm?(5'4) , dyed blonde hair in a mullet and brown eyes with light acne+red cheeks/slight rosacea . sagittarius and mbti is an enfj . I'm mixed race and im triligual☺️!!
im considered pretty tall? I wear glasses , large , circle , brown ones and im freaking BLIND WITHOUT THEMMMM I do wear contacts to dance or when I wear sunglasses . I have naturally brown hair :) I have 3 piercings. I tend to wear whatever I want cause yk , it's abt the confidence in yourself!! my style is all over the place , but mainly high-waisted jeans and neon or neutral tops with a lot of accessories...I love butterflies , because they symbolise both the past and future , and gladiolus flowers because of moral integrity . I love to write and draw a lot , and I take art and creative writing subjects . im interested in fashion design and journalism as well as creative writing and poetry! I hope to be a fashion journalist when im older and I can design and sew decently? I don't have the most fashionable closet in the world , but I look good. I also love makeup . I really do...mainly because I can express myself through how I look , similar to fashion , but it's less expensive than buying a whole outfit and it's more versatile ! 💅
i'm the mom friend in my group and I make strong impressions because im pretty talkative and ..it's the first thing people notice about me . it makes me insecure because most girls in my area are pretty quiet. im not afraid to speak my mind , but I can be pretty, avoidant in arguing or conflicts (or playing peacemaker) because I can get really bitter quickly and guilt is a really strong emotion for me , especially with loved ones . in school and out , I'm quite polar oppositeI may come off as a devil-may-care attitude , but im honestly really focused on a lot of small details , especially because reading people's emotions comes easy for me , so there's a lot of pressure sometimes to please someone even if they may seem insignificant , so very much a people-pleaser...and thankfully , my friends try and help comfort me when im struggling , and vice versa cause we all just need a hand sometimes . they're my babies , and I'll always be there for them .
I try my best to hide a lot of my internal conflicts and stay happy but I don't deal well with negative emotions because they can be quite explosive for me personally , and I try not to blow up at others , more at myself? like breaking down in general due to stress or expectations, especially because I crave validation and like success? I prioritise that a lot , being successful or at least happy with what I do . especially for art ,there's high pressure to perform well , and I feel scared that im not good enough or if im not interesting / creative enough and it's why i can be quite determined and competitive. when im sad , sometimes all I need is a hug and a 'it's gonna be okay' to feel better , or a pizza the size of my calf or halo-halo..basically GIMME FOOD AND ILL FEEL BETTER!!! other times , I just need someone to talk to . not always listen , but someone who is willing to talk and comfort me a little 🥺
-please take your time in doing this !! take all the rest you need and please stay safe , especially with coronavirus and new variants...aish..hydrate and rest well!!and thank you so much!!(also ,sorry for writing in excess , I kinda got lost in my thoughts)thank you again!!
when you said halo-halo i already knew where tf you’re from (oR nOt idRK-) aNywAys
thanks for requesting! i ship you with jay :D
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fashion couple 😎 i do think like jay would help you with fashion and maybe makeup. no because seriously i feel like he would spoil you with some clothes. aNd- also might let you borrow some of his clothes bcs uGh why not 🤸🕳.
he will take really good care of you 😩🖐. he’ll be there for you when you need someone to talk to and all. cooks you your favorite food if you’re feeling sad. but seriously— i feel like he’ll very much take care of you when you’re having a bad day and all yee
i hope you liked this! <3
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tristinleighhh · 5 years ago
✨☀️ my heart & soul are so full.
This was truly the best experience of my life. Envision is something else. I danced and sweat out every negative energy that I had stored away before I came here. I feel like a new person..
🌊 I loved the whole vibe of the Uvita area. Everyone was so nice. I've missed the salty air in my hair and on my lips. Being surrounded by the jungle and the ocean is a euphoric feeling. 🐟 I ate a lot of good fish outside the festival and I am definitely missing it. I loved the fresh fruits and coconuts everywhere 🥥🌴🍍🍌🍓
🏕️ our air b&b was just a couple minutes away from the festival and our host Jose was the nicest human ever. He was constantly making sure everything was perfect for us and coming back to get sleep in the ac was prime. I'm very glad we did that. Cabinas yuriel 💛💚❤️☁️
🐳 we went on a whale watching tour and we're blessed to see a male and a mama and her baby playing around! Humpback whales are my flavorite animal and I haven't seen them since I was in Hawaii so it was an epic treat.
🌄Then Dan and I watched our last Costa Rican sunset for the trip and took a nice stroll home. On the way we saw a sloth in the tree, a crazy poisonous snake and a gnarly looking centipede. 🐍🌙
I have fallen in love with envision and everything it stands for and for the beautiful country of Costa Rica. I will be back there's no doubt about that. I want to explore everything. Thankful for this trip and all the lessons learned and friends I met along the way. Until next time 🥥✨ Pura Vida ✨🥥
✨ Top Envision Moments & Music ✨
🔥 the sunset and fire spinners on the beach with the drum circle. I had hoped to spin some fire down there but I'll be a little more prepared next time.. you walk up the path onto the beach and you are met with various vendors with cool bones and jewelery, cheap beer and food as you emerge into a sea of people on the sand. The sky was on fire and the vibes were hiiiigh. The drum circle was tribal and euphoric. Looking around me being surrounded by jungle and ocean and beautiful people was straight bliss.
🍄 seeing Paul staments talk about mushrooms. I only caught one but it was so cool to hear him share his stories and experiences with us.
🍽️💦the dishcoteque
The waste at this festival was pretty much non existent. It always makes me sad how people can leave a place so destroyed and covered in trash. I had to pick up no trash from the ground and all the volunteers who were picking up trash barely had anything in their buckets. When you got food at any vendor here you received an actual dish, bowl, silverware or cup. When you were done you'd bring it to the "dishcoteque" and recieve a voucher for your next one. No plastic at all barely any paper products besides some paper straws .. the bathrooms also did not have toilet paper in them.. you had to get it from the outside and bring it with you so they were not overflowing with paper and and overuse of products.
✨🎨✨ the art & the stages
There was so much phenomenal art. I was blown away by the murals everywhere and the art gallery was bursting with talent and creative energy.
The bars and booths were all made from the materials surrounding them. Everything was made from the earth. The Sol stage was surrounded by a beautiful design with a big screen in the back that had really awesome visuals on it
The lapa stage was filled with house n deep techno vibes all day and night. It felt like something out of an epic movie in there with all the mist and the lights. The entrance to the beach was right there too. It was a great place to go to just dance and chill out.  And finally... The Luna stage. W o w. The most incredible stage I've EVER seen in my life and I've seen quite a few cool stage setups. It was a huge tower of Earth and wood and vines and beauty. There was a portal where people danced behind. The lighting was a1 from the lasers to the mapping on the funktions. It was truly other worldly there.  I will be riding the high of that stage for a long time. There was water refill stations in all the right spots which made staying hydrated in the jungle heat so easy.
🌮🍓🍦🥑🥙 the food
It's usually hard for me to eat at festivals lately because I don't eat meat anymore. Chicken fingers was always a go to for me but I've sadly become very picky. Everyone was pretty accommodating to my needs ( I wish I thought about asking for no cilantro before the last day 😞 I hate that shit )and everything was so nourishing and healthy. I have not been eating well lately and I feel so nice and full after all the smoothies and juicy goodness I ingested over the weekend.
🕷️ the huge tarantula like spider that happened to wander through the crowd of people dancing with the bass vibrating the floor and onto our blanket. It was SO BIG how did you even make it through the crowd?! Stealthy dude. That was wild.
☕🍵The tea party!
I went to the bathroom and I came across a tiny but huge tea party. Everyone had tea cups along a very small rectangle table/stool and they were singing jungle tea time jungle tea time and cheersing to life it was so cute
🎭🤸‍♀️🔥💃 the performers...
Wow. I haven't seen performances like that ever. Every collective blew my mind they all had a vibe of their own and absolutely slayed it on stage. Serious inspiration
🎶🔊 the music
Every set was so good. Nothing was like oh that was cool .. everything i was was so we'll put together and everyone definitely out out jungle vibes.
I'll just put this first in case you don't want to read all the way cause this was my flavorite part 💓
👽 Tipper 👽
This was my 30th show.. in the jungle...and the Luna stage couldn't have been any better. He played so many fat unreleased tracks and vips I have never heard before. Serious deep jungle vibes. I can honestly say that was my flave set I've seen by him so far. There were no visuals but I was so okay with that. the lights were so on point and the performers were so freaking good and well paired with what he was putting out. I am sooooo freaking thankful for that experience and to have had it with all my tipper family. This community has Brought me all over the country and now out of the US. I am constantly overstimulated and it's just getting more intense as I get older so traveling can be difficult for me. The high energy if the airport is a lot for me. Music festivals are even a lot for me but I eventually get comfortable..I just love the epic moments of euphoria through music and these experiences that I'll push myself through the rest of it. The way tippers music makes me feel is so worth trooping through a sea of energies to get to that moment. It's truly beautiful for me and I know others feel the same. Blessed to be alive for the making of tipper music
✨ the first real full set of music we saw was jpod.. someone ive never listened to and I'm so glad I know about him now. It was so fun I found all my friends and it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.
✨Naughty princess was someone I didn't know as well and she threwwwww down a dirty heavy dubstep set. It was proper as fuck and she looked like a boss in the dj booth.
✨Honerable mention to Govinda and an-ten-ae
✨🔮Clozees first set on Friday night was so surreal. Seeing her live is a true experience. It got so heavy and blissful it was by far my flavorite set I've seen from her. She's so humble and cute and beyond excited to be doing this for us. When she plays she emmits such a powerful feminine vibe. The high that gave me was super intense.
✨ Honerable mention to
Stylust beats with the filthy dubstep set
Nico luminous
And attya to close was super smooth
✨ The funk hunters played two sets. The but their Saturday night set on the Luna stage was so fire. They're so fun and energetic
✨ Random rab was so beautiful. Probably the most beautiful performance I've seen by him yet. His voice is absolutely amazing.
✨LAZY SYRUP ORCHESTRA...... If you don't know them please go listen to their sets on SoundCloud. The sun had risen and the people were vibin.. 6am set - ???? It was so freaking good ahhhh words can't even decribes
They're all so talented I want to return to that moment forever.
Going to the beach and jumping in the ocean after that was so freaking cooooooool.
✨Honerable mention to symbolico for throwing down two dope sets & moontricks on the Sol stage
✨ Drrtywulvs ... Wowza. That was so fun and uplifting.. all the booty shaking..I love his music and all the noises. It always makes my body move in the weirdest of ways.
✨SUPERTASK..he's one of my flavorite artists ever and he threw downnnnnnnnn such a dope set in the jungle.
✨ SOOHAN was everything I wanted. His music makes me dance in all the best ways
✨🌄 Clozees played a sunrise set @ 545 and it was beautiful. She was very downtempo and played a lot of slower vibe songs.. it was perfect and blissful.
✨ and finally emancipator. They are forever one of my flavorites. They played at 7 am and closed out the Luna stage with the most magical morning vibes. I feel like they played a lot of new music and it was a perfect way to bring down the high energy from the night
✨Honerable mention to dirtwire on the Sol stage who pulled me out of my funk bc of the rain I love their music so much and Seeing them live is a huge treat.
If you've made it this far thanks for reading! Envision is my new flavorite place and I am already counting down the days until I can go back. ✨🥥
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