taroicantwait · 1 year
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starswallowingsea · 28 days
For the ask game, uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm hm. HiMERU
ask game
My first impression
haha rinne's acting real gay with this guy i wonder what their deal is (re: mainstory interactions where himeru says the whole convo was a waste of breath and rinne says what you want me to kiss you to give you that air back?)
My impression now
eternal torment nexus for this one. he's everything to me and i want him to be happy but to be happy is first to suffer and be totally bare to your friends and let them into your life. at least tatsumi pretends to do that.
Favorite thing about that character
i think the way we still know almost nothing about oremeru as a person. odd thing to say about a character but we know his motivations for taking over for his brother and can theorize about some aspects of his "true" self but in reality he's still such a mystery and i want to know more about him. i have high hopes for the new event.
Least favorite thing
uhm. nothing because i think his flaws are also funny as fuck
Favorite line/scene
any time he talks about kaname in his head, wondering what kaname would think and how he's holding a space for kaname. just because the world doesn't remember you doesn't mean that i don't. i'm sorry i couldn't tell you i love you soon enough.
Favorite interaction that character has with another
PASTEL B BROTHERS i'm so excited they canonized an in universe name for him and kohaku. they're so cute together and ohhhh kohaku being not a kaname replacement but oremeru being more emotionally aware of what teenagers want/need out of the adults in their lives and trying to do his best but not wanting to give up his act. the way kohaku said that himeru will softly smile as he helps kohaku with stuff in the main story when they think crazyb is going to be disbanded and how they're all family despite only knowing each other for a short time.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
another madara answer but partially bc i wonder what he really thinks about double face's activities when they were active. we saw niki's perspective on that but given himeru's past. i do wonder how he would treat madara knowing the full extent of those activities.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
going to just leave this here. contextless 18trip spoilers.
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A headcanon about that character
himeru was in his college's drama club to learn more about acting outside of what the priest taught him for impersonation. he was never quite cut out for the lead but uhm. you haven't seen a3 but i think he'd take on roles similar to what homare does.
A song that reminds of that character
i left you a note by chad lawson it was the season 2 theme for unobscured and it's just instrumentals but it fits him i think. at least the more melancholic aspects of him.
An unpopular opinion about that character
this is more about crazyb in general but the fact that there are still people who think all of them need to be "saved" from rinne is insane. all of them have the ability to just fucking leave. himeru had a solo career before this he can find a new unit if he really wanted to. they're there because they want to be. if you like all of a unit but one member and think they suck then you do not understand that unit's dynamics sorry everyone is in their current units for a reason.
Favorite picture
would it be too cheap to say his newest event card unbloomed. the trip album framed in the background. kaname's hand. what would you do in this situation.
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also going to include his card from the souma ts2 scout he looks so nice. and and his unbloomed from the last globalstars campaign
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he looks nice in sunsets he should have more sunset cards
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miaclemeverett · 3 years
ok so I'll admit I haven't watched the full Tommy alt vod yet. Mostly because I watched just a bit earlier (right before/when Wilbur joined) and it was making me so uncomfortable and sad haha but here's my take sorry it got long lmao
0. context for those unaware
everything kind of came to a boiling point yesterday (?) when Tommy made a joke on Twitter about Schlatt:
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so people have been upset because it sounds like Tommy is poking fun at people who dislike Schlatt (for various reasons, but the majority of people who dislike him cite his his past use of slurs and jokes that he's made [most infamous being the Jackbox video])
1. Schlatt
I have a lot of feelings about just the dude alone lmao. I admit that I do watch a lot of his content even though that Jackbox video really was just a big wake-up call for me in feeling upset at that genre of his jokes. It sucked to see him and others make a joke out of people who are rightfully outraged at racism, when he has shown so much capacity to be funny without relying on lazy shock humor (literally the Fragrance Man stream and the Minecraft but videos with Wilbur are some of my favorite videos/streams of all time). But I think since that video Schlatt has taken that to heart and hasn't done that shit anymore, though I wish he'd actually vocalize that, so I've felt more comfortable still watching him I guess? Idk it's just hard for me, same when I think back on Soothouse and think about some of the jokes that were made during that era which make me a bit upset.
2. Wilbur's advice to Tommy
Tommy appeared on Wilbur's stream today and briefly mentioned how he's thinking of taking a break from Twitter (timestamp: 1:36:52, you can also see a transcript of likely the most important bit here). I have so many thoughts about what Wilbur said to Tommy here!!
I'm really glad to hear that Wilbur wants Tommy (and presumably other people with platforms) to be politically active. Overall, I don't think we should be lifting up & expecting content creators (especially young Minecrafters lmao) to be pinnacles of political activism. ABSOLUTELY NOT. But I think if you have a platform of millions of people, not using that platform to help & uplift others is a huge waste of potential & opportunity for even a bit of change.
As an adult, in an ideal world I wish NO KID OR TEENAGER felt the pressure to learn about politics or to be an activist. But as a person of color & a member of the LGBTQ community, I felt essentially forced into that role based on pure survival like... you think about the "extreme" cases of people like Malala Yousafzai and I can't even name how many teens I saw in the frontlines of BLM protests & the awful border camps. So many parents have to have the talk with their kids that the police and EVERY INSTITUTION are going to treat them differently just because of shit they can't control. It is very much a privilege to be able to be a 'normal teenager' and I wish it wasn't.
3. Tommy's response
Nonetheless, I think it's important to recognize that Tommy himself has many pressures on him that I can never begin to understand. The biggest being that he has hundreds of thousands of eyes on him during streams, millions of people follow him on Twitter and Youtube and TikTok.
I can already tell from what I saw of the alt stream (which has been taken down now) that Tommy was really really anxious about what's been happening on Twitter. I genuinely think this isn't completely routed in fear of being 'cancelled', I genuinely think he wants to make his community inclusive and he likely saw fans of his upset and alienated by his jokes.
I definitely don't expect Tommy to be as seemingly educated as Wilbur is on various issues. Wilbur himself is educated but doesn't really talk in depth about politics (which I think is a good thing; when it matters he will speak out, but the best voices to uplift aren't creators lmao that leads to a lot of idolizing and placing them on pedestals or tearing them down if they get something even slightly wrong even if their intentions were good). Wilbur is 24 years old and IN THE STREAM ITSELF told Tommy about how he used to say homophobic slurs when he was older than Tommy currently is, and he's talked a lot about how he hated the person he was up until like 21 years old.
I think people really need to keep in mind how fucking clueless and susceptible to bad influences white boys are. Remember how many white boys got caught up in the alt-right pipeline during that Pewdiepie era (up to the Christchurch shooting where I feel like he finally vocalized his complete disavowal of that). Of all people to essentially be the next Pewdiepie, I'm glad it's Tommy, but he's only 17 and he's not ever going to be perfect. I want to give him as much time to learn how he wants to use his platform, but in the end I just hope he uses it for good and that he takes care of himself.
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Something else I haven't seen before. What would the MC's parent from each background think of the ROs? Who would they approve of and who wouldn't they? I guess in the case of orphan MC, what would E's parents think? Since they kinda maybe vaguely adopted orphan MC?
Hmm, interesting! Since I did the opposite, I should have seen this one coming haha
Storm's comments:
E: "Rose has had that expectation for some time. This is preferable to the alternative. I know you will be in good hands. Rose raised them well."
R: Your father doesn't mince his words, a clear disdain evident, "Valleford. See that you don't take after your father, or there will be less than pleasantries next time we meet."
L: "Scio. I assume your father...?" Storm's lips pull in a small frown as L gives a small nod of confirmation, "I understand if you cannot forgive me. Your father is a significant asset to the Hospian war effort. If I find him, I will kill him."
V: "You've seen enough at your age," Storm says quietly, looking into the hollow glint in V's eyes, "I'm sorry. Those were battles that should have ended with my generation, not yours."
P: Storm's brow furrows as he makes a cordial greeting, "I assume your father is well? He does not speak of his second child often, but you seem more spirited than the other. That will make the greater difference when it matters."
M: Storm's brow furrows as he makes a cordial greeting, though there's little sentimentality in his voice, "I assume your father is well? He expresses confidence in your upbringing, but I can't say I share the sentiment. You lack something fundamental. Something to drive you to achieve more than what's expected of you."
Ra: Storm's eyes lock onto Raven with a harsh intensity, "Your eyes are filled with blood and you conceal weapons. Tell me your intentions or I will kill you right now."
S: "I admit I am unfamiliar with Orden. The conflict never reached that country, but I understand there are many hardships there already," Storm says, looking the brightly grinning student up and down before his lips pull back in small contentment, "You come out better than most. You have impressive strength."
F: Storm holds a frown as he takes in the vivid green hair, "Many allowed Frenza to claim their distance due to their significant contribution to Triaina's independence, but it doesn't absolve you of everything," he says in warning, "Don't step over the boundaries you've been afforded, or the military will have no choice but to respond."
Scurra's dialogue:
E: Scurra makes a grimace as he recognizes E, "Damnit, you've gone and done it now," he grumbles as he pulls out his wallet and hands a fold of bills to E, "Give that to your mom, will you? She's worse than a debt collector with bets..."
R: "Valleford! There's a name I haven't heard in a while. I knew they had a black sheep in the family, but I guess they couldn't take away the infamous good looks," Scurra chuckles, his eyes lightening reminiscently, "They've put me in a good bit of trouble on more than one occasion. I guess I should consider it a family curse now that MC is involved with you."
L: "Oh, I know those eyes," Scurra says wistfully, "Coming to find the world is a bigger place than you imagined, aren't you? It's even more expansive than that, too. I had that same look when I traveled overseas. I hope MC is being a good guide for you," he looks to you, and gives a knowing wink.
V: Scurra gives a meandering hum as he looks at V, "I've been all around, but I've only seen natural hair color like that a handful of times. They all had your same stare, too." He closes his eyes thoughtfully, "None as young as you though. I hope you're the last I have to see with those eyes. They're a bad omen."
P: "A fiery one, aren't you! Has no one ever told you not to say bad words in public?" Scurra laughs, "You should stop while you can. You're so transparent with your feelings that I almost mistook you for a window, so there's no point to pulling a tough act."
M: A small, genuine smile rises on Scurra's lips as he inspects M, "How interesting. You're so similar to your twin, but you're definitely the better actor. As I think about it, you remind me of MC's mother in many ways..."
Ra: "What are you doing here?" Scurra frowns, staring harshly at Raven. A silence passes and eventually he looks away, messaging his jaw, "Oops, guess I was mistaken. You looked a little like someone I know."
S: "You've got Orden written all over you, don't you?" Scurra says cheerily, "It's been a while since I've visited, but I have to say it gave me the most enjoyment. You all certainly know how to keep it lively."
F: "Your family has always been so hauty!" Scurra covers his mouth to suppress a chuckle, "But I think it would be a mistake to talk down to everyone you meet. I happen to be on great terms with your mother. If I took the opportunity, you two would have been siblings!"
Xero's insight:
E: He smiles warmly to E, "It's good to see you again. I'm afraid there was little I could do for you: your mother has already found out about your relationship. I expect she'll make it as embarrassing for you as possible, if I know her well. I hope you're mentally prepared."
R: Xero studies R with a faint curiosity, "I'm afraid your father and I are on less than speaking terms due to some...past difficulties, but I understand you are more than simply your father's child. You may be villianized for your differing viewpoint, but aren't we all? I don't find it is so bad," Xero gives R a knowing small."
L: Xero's eyes widen upon seeing L, then falls into a soft smile, "To think history would repeat so aptly. To see you two now reminds me of my own school days," Xero closes his eyes and releases a light sigh, the smile still present, "I pray you'll also find the same happiness I did, and that it lasts longer."
V: Xero's grip tightens on an file in his hands as he sees V, his voice meticulous, "You are...Wolfe, correct? I'll admit the what I've heard and read of you is...less than appealing, but," he casts his gaze between you and the ex-Jagd member, a faint smile growing on his lips as V steps cautiously between you. "You seem to have a strong sense of duty. I hope you will be a good pillar for MC."
P: He looks disaprovingly, "In my field, words are paired with intention. To speak is to lay bare your thoughts. Why would you neglect your intent by forcing a negative connotation where it doesn't belong?"
M: He seems slightly more on edge than with P, "I don't believe I should offer my approval to someone unwilling to determine a focus. It's a testament to your negligence."
Ra: Xero crosses their arms, his face skeptical,"Marriage? Your lack of detailed forethought and hyperfixation gives me the impression of an unhealthy mind. As it stands now, I will refuse to give you my blessing."
S: "I'm afraid I'm ignorant to everything Orden related," Xero says sheepishly, "I am happy to learn all that I can, though. Perhaps you would like to bring your family at some point? I would be happy to host them here." Xero smiles warmly, clearly unknowing of the chaotic rabblerousing he's invited into his home.
F: "Ah, the royal line," Xero says in recognition of F, "Your own mother was a classmate of mine as well. To think one of her children would grow so closely with mine. Please give her my regards, would you? She has always kept herself closer than others, so I was happy when she took an interest in my friend. He's a lucky man."
Mr. Razor's thoughts (if he was alive)
E: He bows his head gratefully, "Thank you for taking care of MC all this time. Your selflessness has saved me a lot of worry, and I doubt I'll have any more leaving them in your hands."
R: Razor's eyes bore a hole through R, "To defy your father was a considerable risk. And not knowing what the academy had planned for you, you still allowed yourself to be incarcerated for an indeterminate amount of time," Razor taps his fingers to his chin, a smile spreading over his lips, "I enjoy those that stick to their principles, but what say we work on your jailbreaking?"
L: "Your father's quite an important man. He's lucky I was never contracted to kill him," Razor says matter-of-factly. A chilling air of silence deafens the room until Razor holds up his palms, "Just kidding. I've never killed anyone. They all died mysteriously."
V: "How's Jagd doing?" Razor narrows his eyes keenly on V, "I'm surprised they were able to bounce back after what I did to them. I guess they filled the empty spaces with whoever was able...or moldable."
P: Razor smiles sadly, "It must be difficult to be given another person's expectations and do well with them. You're like a fish trying to climb a tree. But I enjoy how far up you've climbed despite that. Would you like a reward? I know, how about...your father's weakness?"
M: Razor seems disinterested, "You're not worth the words, Crater. You're nothing more than what your father made you to be: a simple shadow to live vicariously through."
Ra: Razor's eyes have an approving glint, "The one that slipped through the cracks. How very odd. MC's mother was quite odd too. It's an endearing quality, isn't it? Yes, I think you'll make a perfect companion for MC. You've already been looking over them all this time, haven't you?"
S: "Earnestness is one of the first qualities people tend to throw away when faced with hardship. It is impressive to see how you've progressed through your poverty and discrimination so aptly. Perhaps you have a hope that things will get better?" Razor's mouth spreads in a wicked smile, "I do enjoy seeing how people struggle for such a small glimmer of light. I think I'll offer my aid."
F: "Ah, it's always cute to see people play at royalty," Razor smiles at F's exasperated face, "Why do you seem so angry? Do you actually believe your position has meaning? I'll assure you it doesn't," Razor casts a darkening stare towards the royal, "To me, you're no harder to kill than a beggar on the street. The power you attempt to flaunt means nothing, because in the end it does nothing to elevate you beyond a simple street urchin."
Thank ya for the ask!
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anonil88 · 4 years
Wandavision Ep. 9 (series finale) liveblog
Obviously there are spoilers below read at your own wishes im including a gif to give you more time to scroll away
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The picture is the family together in fight stance omg omg let me hit play
We back right where we left off.
Yea she wants to absorb your power sis, nah fuck that Agatha you can fuck right off.
I can see the cgi in the window and car.
Oh fuck this white mother fucker. Vision please come save your wife. Ayyy my guy!
I mean is he her ex? Or just her exes body.
Multi boss battle time!
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This has to be Peter from X-men just being manipulated.
Wanda really did create an entire man the only thing missing is the body.
Um we are missing a few scenes here. When did they capture Jimmy?
You handcuffed a magician? Stupid.
Cliff? Who's that?
So they are about to have a boss battle amongst civilians lmfao. They probably won't even notice what's happening.
On the nose entry of the Darkhold.
It's not her destiny to destroy the world at all. Even in the comics she fights and fights that destiny time and time again.
Oh no, angry puppets. Run Wanda run!
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Mrs? Ralph is that you?
Oh it is Ralph they casted Evan Peters to tease us all about x-men im guessing.
That is fucked up to tease us with that.... I'm just saying that is fucked up.
She doesn't even know how she has done this, she really thought she was doing the right thing.
Ugh this feels like when grief gets overwhelming.
No WANDA NOOO, oh shit she really doesn't know how to control it fully at all.
Get out everyone get out!
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Wtf is Agatha planning?
Oh no Vis! His soul, if only he gets closer to her.
No the boys....if only she could find a way to tether them to her and not the world she created.
She is going to try and suck wanda dry oh my lord.
Haha family stance too cute. A family that fights together, stays together? Maybe.
Ooo are together gonna fuse?
She is a hero and learning very very fast.
Ayyy boys
Monica lets goo! Take that Hayward.
Hayward is an entire bitch. Fuck him.
Oh they are gonna have a logic battle or a battle of the brains. Exactly you are both vision now kith.
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Who will this new vision be? Not quite how I expected it to happen with an awakening but yay, the rebirth of vision!
But, will he stay alive at the end of this? This new vision not Wanda's remade husband.
Let's go red wiggly woos and nightmares. Destroy you with your worst fears or your regrets.
A witchhunt really?
No wanda not like this. Agatha is a liar and has shown that why would you trust her?
We all thought vision would die but what if it's Wanda? Oh no.
Me to Agatha Harkness:
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Oh? Did she unknowingly cast another spell?
Ah ha that's why she was hitting the barrier so wanda is a visual learner.
I hope she gets that Darkhold book and reads it.
She is writing her own damn story. I know that's right.
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Ngl you can see they ran out if cgi budget this episode BUT I love this cute redone style of the comic book outfit. The new ones not the old ones.
Also she doesn't need you, she has a guy named Dr. Strange that she can call.
Awe this is so sweet but I know that this will end. I love that we see her vision and her boys happy all together because we do not get to see that in the comics really like all at the same time.
They are now friends in the comics that share kids, yaknow divorced parents that stay friends but can't make a relationship work.
At least for a couple moments we get a happy power family in house 2800, that get some last sweet beautiful moments.
They will live forever in her heart.....and cough eventually reincarnated cough. Their sound are very real.
I hope she saves that photo at least.
She healed and found out more about herself and who she loved, thats beautiful.
So he's not gonna tell her that he gave her vision the other back?
Awwww they are so in love and marvel doesn't even let them be happy in the comics.
I mean you literally will say hello again his body with his memories is flying outside right now.
Aww vision.
Emo wanda has returned in aesthetic. Starts playing BMTH or PTV
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She's like I'm sorry, oh and she said it.
Oooo with the hood and cape on yesss. She is pretty much a rejected member of society and "herodom" now who runs off to discover herself after a really fucked up situation and then a messy engagement similar to comics. Kind of like how Peter is set up to be in the mid credit scene at the end of far from home.
Wanda really said:
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Midcredit scene reaction!!
Is Jimmy gonna be director?
Yes a skrull! Talos heard? How? Yay Monica is going to space like she always wanted!!
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Thats the lake from the other movie right? Uh all these wait is Thor around? Oh wonderful I love this oh yes give me Wanda educating herself with this book. And she has learned sustained working projections without creating another hex, I love that for her. Two places at once. WE GOING TO THE MULTIVERSE, which i don't think she will be a villain for.
For a finale this was just okay like not great but good enough to pass because after all this is Marvel not Starz or HBO (GOT aside). I understand now why the executive or was it director said this would be a dissapointment. A lot of people had so many theories running but even with my own theories i haven't been conflating them as definites. The only one i did was Monica's scientist and now Pietro being just Ralph revealed. After seeing last weeks episode I just said imma just fully enjoy this last episode and didn't pay mind to many of the new theories.
Anyways I'm not super disappointed this was just an okay finale. So was Legends of Tomorrow's last season finale which I still found some enjoyment in. But, I'm not as excited for Falcon and the Winter Soldier because I can tell from this episode we are going back into movie marvel action with little depth.
I really enjoy the non-officially but official MCU shows like Jessica Jones or Agents of Shield because they often do both. The depth and the action which this show did with a much larger budget. I get there are probably plot holes in this episode for time or filming restriction reasons but still like dang it. Well this has been fun thanks for whoever reads these haha.
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dany36 · 3 years
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officially done with tales of zestiria!! overall, i really enjoyed the game and i'm glad i finally sat down and played it. more junk thoughts below.
so it's definitely not as bad as i had heard people say it was. i was really surprised when i saw just how much of a bad rep this game gets, but...i can definitely see some things as to why people don't like it... one of the things i had heard was that there was barely any character development in the game, and i agree with that. i was 35ish hours in when suddenly people were already talking about going into the final battle and i was like...what?! no sub-story about rose or eizen or lilah that goes more into their past/characters like sheena in tos or something?? i guess we did get more into edna with that sidequest about eizen (it was nice seeing her show emotions for once!), but other than that, i really didn't feel like the game focused on ANYONE else at any point in the story. they just sort of get introduced into your party and are there to help sorey in his quest.
speaking of sorey, i REALLY didn't care for his character at all. i think he's the only one where i was super apathetic towards in terms of character and personality. even zaveid, who i thought i was going to dislike because of how annoying i found him in berseria, grew on me and learned to like him. i don't know, i guess when i compare him to other protagonists in the tales of games i've played, he really is the most forgettable of them all. like, when he "sacrifices" himself and goes in a sleep slumber, i felt no emotion whatsoever. as soon as i got rose in my party, i switched to using her as my main (which never happens lol i'm boring and usually stick to main characters as my Player 1--emil, lloyd, luke, velvet, dude with the purple hair in vesperia for the amount i played in the game) cus i was just like wow give me someone more interesting PLEASE. so, sorry to sorey fans (if there are any) but to me he's one of the most boring aspects of the game...and he's the damn shepherd!
and continuing on that point, i think the plot in this tales game is also probably the weakest one out of the ones i've played (weak main character, weak plot). the game starts off with the simple premise that sorey is the shepherd and he must get rid of the Lord of Calamity, and...that's pretty much it. in other tales games, you start off thinking your objective is A, but then as you journey along, a plot twist occurs and you realize now that objective A really was just a small task in what is your true objective. Something like this never happens in the game, so the pace just pretty much stays the same throughout the entirety of the game. sure, there are some cool moments (rose's introduction and her learning to armatize will forever be my favorite), but they are scattered out and about and honestly in this game i can't really remember something as impacting as luke sinking that one city (haven't played tota in a while lol) or palmacosta being destroyed in tos or velvet finding out the truth about her brother.
but anyway, the rest of the cast, i absolutely loved, so it's truly a shame that they were stuck in a sort of forgettable plot. i already talked about edna and rose being my favorites, but lilah (that scene with the oregami...OOF...OOF!!!!) and zaveid are cool too. alisha is barely in the main game, but it was great seeing more of her in the DLC and showing her struggle of what she wants to do (her combat also seems cool for the couple of fights but i had to stick with rose...sorry!). i only wish we could have had more skits showing the party interacting with one other. i don't know if it's just me but i really felt like there were barely any skits in this game, which is sad because most of the cast is enjoyable and it's a shame we didn't get to see them talk with each other in skits more!
i had seen people say that it's best to play zestiria and then berseria so you can catch all the references in berseria, but...to be honest, i don't think i would have enjoyed zestiria as much if i had played it first! prime examples are the eizen sidequest and the sidequest where you FREAKING FIND MAGILOU'S TOMB. like...hello??? when i got to the eizen sidequest, i 100% would not have given as much of a shit on killing that dragon if i hadn't played berseria beforehand. it really made me sad knowing the tragic ending that eizen wound up having. and finding magilou's grave being guarded by her friend also broke my heart. like...seriously!!! that was something that i also would not have given another thought if i didn't know who magilou was. so yeah i don't regret playing berseria first since i actually think it enhanced the experience a bit more.
gameplay-wise, i really enjoyed it! took me a while to get the hang of the equipment system, but once i did, chaining combos with Rose was a blast. i also really enjoyed how easily you could change party members (unlike in tob where it costs 1 BG!) in the middle of a fight. and MAN i never get tired of seeing those sweet, sweet mystic artes animations. <3 <3 <3 it increases any character's coolness factor three-fold.
my main gripe in berseria was the terrible dungeon design. at the beginning, zestiria did a better job at putting in puzzles in dungeons so as to not make the same mistake that berseria did, but then...towards the second half of the game...it was pretty much all berseria-like dungeons of endless same-looking rooms with endless enemies (the DLC dungeon being a prime example of this). which is honestly just terrible and boring, but at least the gameplay makes the fights seem not AS tedious...
i also felt like zestiria did a better job with the music than berseria did. i can hardly recall any song i liked in berseria (there's like two or three i'd put in my vgm collection), but for zestiria, i'm gonna need to hunt down quite a few. also, i could actually remember the names of the towns/locations and what they looked like. in berseria, i felt like i was going town after town but for the life of me i couldn't remember at ALL what we did there in the first place. i really just felt like i was passing through each town not learning much about the place, but in zestiria i really got a feel of each town, so that was nice!
oh, and the ending i felt was...kind of weak lol especially cus...no one talked at all??? it was so weird haha in tos, tota, dotnw, and tob we have the characters at least saying SOMETHING in the ending but in toz it was just...animations and that's it lol. so glad we got a DLC cus i would have been PISSED seeing just rose leave off like that without saying a word and then...they show us her GRAVE??? i always think "wow i wish they would show us how the future of (insert favorite characters here) are like!! :)" but seeing rose's grave made me so sad (as well as eizen's and magilou's) like nononono you do NOT show my favorite characters just DEAD!! >:'v but anyway, yeah i mean it was an ok ending but nothing that made me feel with a great gap in my heart like tob's or tos's did. like mikleo seeing sorey again at the end? cool. did it make me feel something like when tear sees luke again at the end of tota? sadly, no. :(
and last but not least, the DLC. i mean, i absolutely LOVED seeing the girls in the team going out on their own little adventure and just interacting and talking with each other!!! lailah + edna + alisha + rose...who doesn't love that?? we got to see more of rose being the badass that she is and uh yeah her and alisha? totally gay for each other...like that last scene before they kill the final boss?? just A+++ material (except that terrible last dungeon AND the HORRID design of the last bosses??? dragons with purple bright titties so that the player will know they're FEMALE dragons??? LMAO)
oh wow i wrote more than i thought i would but uh yeah. all in all: DEFINITELY NOT a bad game, has a great cast of interesting and fun characters (except sorey) but sadly the game doesn't delve too deep into them as in other tales game, DLC was a fun addition to see more of who i thought was going to be a greater protagonist in the main story, but overall when compared to other tales of games, the weak plot puts it second-to-last in my list of tales games i've played. would i play it again? definitely :)
WHEW, ok, now off to watch the anime!! <3
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cosmo-era-yuto · 3 years
The Yuto-Wooseok-Yanan triangle is so great ;w; And the raw talent of Jinho and Hui <3 I agree, Shinwon is such a wild card!
tbh I legit cannot pick a bias, I love them all. I could go on a mini essay for each member about how much I love them. I love them loving each other!
Thanks for your b-side breakdown! It's exactly what I wanted to hear. And don't apologize for writing something lengthy! I'm the same, and I love to read everything, so it's really nice to find a kindred spirit! Give me those essays!
"Lose Yourself"-- I love this song a lot and I'm glad someone else does too. That's funny, liking "Like This" too much! But yeah, it goes hard and makes you Feel Things, hence it being probably my fav PTG song. And I agree, Shinwon needs to write more music! "Worship U" is so good, it could have been a title track if it had been on another album. I keep forgetting to put "Dazzling" on my ipod, so I haven't listened to it very much. I should rectify this. You seem to favor the Japanese tracks, haha! Do you speak it, or is it just coincidence?
You know what's funny, I didn't really like any Triple H stuff...I'm sorry Hui and Dawn...but I'm glad that it was a gateway to PTG for you!
I really applaud you for giving Pentagon a second chance and trying a second song. So many people out there would only listen to one track and then drop the group if they hated it. I can see how past you hated "Humph!," it's got a very simple melody with a basic repeated motif.
omg, "Can You Feel It" also made me a PTG convert! At least, music-wise. The decision to stan Pentagon as people/a group came after that. Summer 2020, some friends were visiting me and they were playing a bunch of k-pop, which was something I hadn't been into for years. So I was like, "Yeah, maybe I should get back into this, can you make me a rec list?" So one friend made me a playlist and I played it at work on YT for like 3 months. Ironically, there was no Pentagon on there, but PTG was connected to a bunch of other groups on the rec list, plus RTK had just happened, so PTG kept showing up on the suggested videos list on the side. I don't know what song I listened to first, but I remember "Violet" was one of the first ones, and I wasn't into it. But once I listened to "Can You Feel It," it was all over. I must have listened to that song like 5 times in a row at work (I usually hate listening to a song on repeat) and actually started searching out their music instead of just casually picking them out from the suggested videos. But then one day I saw the performance video for "Shine," and my life changed. They looked so happy! They were actually enjoying themselves and having fun! They were shouting along with the music and laughing with each other! It was so different from all the other groups I had seen in their performance/dance practice videos. Like, Pentagon members were *real people,* not just performers. And that's when I fell in love and actually started stanning them. I immediately started watching all content I could find of them on YT and began to memorize their faces and names. And now here we are, hahaha!
(I like plenty of other groups' music, but I don't try to learn members' names or watch their non-MV content. That's the difference for me.)
So in the continued string of coincidences, I think we both became Unis around the same time XD
Maybe I'll get into the b-side question another time, I feel like I've gone on long enough already, haha
Yes we seem really similar, maybe too similar
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Nah I’m kidding! It’s actually a really neat surprise
My favoring the Japanese tracks may have to do with the fact that I like the sound of J-pop music or maybe the fact that I’m half Japanese 🤠 As for my speaking it, hahahaha funny you should ask 😅 So my mother never taught me Japanese or spoke it around me because she didn’t know that I’d be able to learn it alongside English. She thought I would get confused and that it would hinder my own English. She’s trying to teach me now as a teenager but it’s a very slow process. However I will admit that I get ecstatic when I’m able to read a sentence written in the language (albeit a really short sentence with basic Kanji characters)
Oh that’s interesting, I actually love 365 Fresh and Retro Future is good as well, I haven’t heard any other song from them, though. Even so, the music can never compare to how Hui looked. OH HOW I MISS TRIPLE H HUI SO
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And thank you! That’s what I usually do when it comes to listening to new groups. If I hear a song a like I need to hear other songs to see if I actually like the group’s music, or just that one song. Same with if I don’t like the first song I hear.
Yessssss Can You Feel It was the moment. I also remember not vibing with Violet the first time I heard it. Once again I’m fine with it now, but I might skip it if it comes on the playlist 😬
Can I just say that Pentagon was the first group with a lot of members I tried to stan, so learning their faces was so hard 😭 Blackpink is what got me into Kpop in 2019 and they were the only group I listened to before Pentagon. I, for the life of me, could not stop mixing up Hyunggu and Hongseok. The only way I could tell them apart was because Hongseok was tanner, so if the lighting in a video was weird it was all over for me. Then I realized that Hongseok had a longer neck, so that helped. On the other hand Shinwon, Hui, Dawn, and Wooseok I could identify right away. Shinwon has a fox like face, Hui has a very straight (almost Greek) nose, almost every time I saw Dawn he had bleach blond hair, and Wooseok has wide eyes and a bigger nose. I would actually like to know, if you remember, who you had trouble identifying and who were easy for you? I always find that different people have have trouble with different Kpop idols which is interesting.
I actually don’t really indulge myself with content from other groups. Sometimes I’ll listen to songs from other groups, for example God’s Menu by Stray Kids is staying on my playlist even though all I know about the group is that there’s a guy named Felix. Also while we’re on the topic, who else do you listen to? I consider myself stans of girl groups Blackpink, Wooah, StayC, and Twice (I just started getting into the last two), boy groups TO1 and Kingdom, and I go HARD FOR KARD!!! Pentagon happens to be my ult group, though.
Anyhow, I can’t wait to hear your answers for the b-side questions! I hope you have a good rest of your day and until next time 👾
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tmtxtf · 3 years
Hi Tay 🐈💛
So sorry for the late reply ;w; (Was just a bit busy with work)
Ouu !! I haven't watched it yet this year , but I liked watching rhythmic gymnastics before , especially the ribbon one . So nice to watch ^^ Which ones do you like to watch the most ? Sameee !
I post some of them on Wattpad ! Ohhh nice !! Hmm , I haven't read many works on Tumblr bc I think most of them are fanfiction ? And the 1st fanfic I read was so incredibly sad 😭😭 I ended up being too scared to read more fanfiction loool
Right back at you hehe 🥰 I agree ! I'm looking forward to the reveal but I also feel like the anon thing makes it more fun somehow :0 (I want to say more about what I post on my blog , but I think I already gave away a hint by telling you my name starts with K , even though I saw that other people have just been going by 'carat anon' . Whoops ! My bad lol :P)
Ohh , I'm glad you like Canada hehe ^^ I live near Toronto ! Most people here don't speak French . I only learned it bc here , it rly helps you get a teaching job ! My city's kinda boring and empty haha , but it's nice that it's close to Toronto bc I can go there and it's full of multicultural restaurants and little pretty shops ! I also visited Mexico a few years ago ! It's so beautiful there ;w; Lately I've been dreaming of going back haha
Oh that's so cool !! Are there any countries where you'd want to work (or visit) ? I wish you the best of luck in your program too !!! <33 You've got this !!
Oh truee !!! I love how casual and laid-back the ttt episodes are . It's nice seeing them just be themselves and hang out as friends <3
Ouu you're into mbti ! I'm an infj ! My guess for you , hmmm , are you an infp , infj , or isfj ? (Sorry , I'm kind of an mbti nerd haha)
My fav Japanese single is Fallin Flower ! The song and mv are so beautiful and aesthetic ! I also really appreciate how svt puts equal effort into their Japanese releases ! Hbu ??
Adiós mi amor 💖
- K 🌸
(I also have written way too much haha , but I'm enjoying getting to know you ^^)
hola mi querida k 🌸🥰!!
oh, don’t worry! I hope you’re not too overwhelmed with work and if you’re then I wish you the best luck and I hope you finish soon with all you have to do!
I also enjoy gymnastics, but I’m more drown to archery and swimming/diving competitions!!
I used to use Wattpad a while ago but ever since they added ads I stopped using it, I hope I can read your work once the reveal is done! (I bet you’re a really good writer and I’m really interested on your works because of the genre!!) I always wanted to have an artistic friend and now I have a writer friend! this is so cool ^-^
oh!! ikr but I’m just curious on what you post / reblog, anyways I don’t even have an small clue of who you might be because I don’t follow too many carats here on tumblr but I already like and appreciate you a lot<3.
are you’re fluent? i studied french for five semesters but i still feel kinda awkward to speak it bc I don’t have a good pronunciation and I don’t have anyone to practice with but i really liked it! do you plan on living all your life in canada or would you like to live somewhere else? (just for a few years or in a long term plan) oh!! you’re always welcomed here in mexico!! i also would love to go again to canada 🥰
thank u dear! actually i would really like to live abroad, somewhere in south asia for a few years would be really nice (singapur, kuala lumpur or taipei are great options for me, i also really like chinese and japanese cities 🥰) wbu??
yes i am!! haha, oh you’re infj! that totally suits you because you’re a writer!! and also i get the vibes that you’re a creative and passionate person ^^, actually i’m isfp!
fallin’ flower is also my favorite jp track!! everything in the mv is so pretty and so aesthetically pleasing to me, i also love the choreography <3.
i don’t know if we should keep talking about svt or personal questions to get to know us better?? haha i’ll mix them and ask both:
- what’s your favorite jun / hoshi / hao era?
- what’s your favorite movie and book?
- if you could choose only three members to go out for drinks on a night, who would u choose and why??
bye bye dear k! 🌸💙
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kdollmarie23 · 8 years
Haven't done one of these in awhile
This could be fun or extremely sad 1: Name• keisha 2: Age • twenty freaking six 3: 3 Fears • spiders, car accident, heights 4: 3 things I love• animals, cosmetology, singing 5: 4 turns on• tattoos, androgyny, intelligence, manners, thighs. 6: 4 turns off• drugs, no sense of direction, mean, 7: My best friend• my cat and dog lol…. wow that sounds lame. 8: Sexual orientation• bisexual 9: My best first date• I’ll never tell 😽 10: How tall am I • 5'3" 11: What do I miss• free health insurance 12: What time was I born • midnight 13: Favorite color• green 14: Do I have a crush• yea 15: Favorite quote• idk 16: Favorite place• anywhere near the ocean 17: Favorite food• Thai 18: Do I use sarcasm• pretty much everything I say is sarcastic 19: What am I listening to right now• some weird ass movie on the tv. 20: First thing I notice in new person• their hair, what they’re wearing, and their smile. 21: Shoe size• 7 ½-8 22: Eye color• hazel brown/green lol 23: Hair color• right now it’s cool copper/ brown 24: Favorite style of clothing• feminine polished grunge 25: Ever done a prank call? Not since 8th grade 27: Meaning behind my URL• at one point I was loveable, and I also loved cupcakes 28: Favorite movie• dirty love and beaches 29: Favorite song• you’re not alone by Saosin 30: Favorite band• the used and knuckle puck 31: How I feel right now• mehhh 32: Someone I love• my girlfriend 33: My current relationship status• in a relationship 34: My relationship with my parents• complicated 35: Favorite holiday• Halloween 36: Tattoos and piercing i have• 7 tattoos, ear piercing and Monroe 37: Tattoos and piercing i want• nipples and lighthouse haha 38: The reason I joined Tumblr• to keep in touch Jainna, and find cool pictures for my myspace that no one else had back in middle school 😹 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don’t hate her. 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Yea, my gf gets up way earlier than me and texts me “good morning” around the time I wake up. Haha it’s cute. 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? That would be my boss, and heck no. 42: When did I last hold hands? I few minutes ago ❤ 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? It feels like it takes for freaking ever, I need a good 2-3 hours or else I look like a monster. 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Surprisingly yes! Although I wish I hadn’t because it’s fucking cold out. 45: Where am I right now? In my living room. 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? I would be home and in bed If that were the case. I don’t trust anyone lol 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Loud 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Neither since I was 15. 49: Am I excited for anything? I’m excited for the two news jobs I just started. I am now a freaking talent director for a modelingagency lol and back to doing hair! 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? No 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Pretty much every day if I’m working hahaha 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Today 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I unfortunately wouldn’t be shocked at this point. 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yes 55: What is something I disliked about today? I had a good day today. 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Uhmm… I’d like to meet a pleiadian in human form, if they don’t exist, then I’d like to meet Britney Spears lol 57: What do I think about most? Lately my career path, family, and making my relationship work. 58: What’s my strangest talent? I can sing and do the splits! Hahaha is that strange enough? 59: Do I have any strange phobias? Fucking spiders…. ugh…. 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both 61: What was the last lie I told? I have no idea, prolly that I wasn’t hungry or some shit lol 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Video chatting is becoming a lot more fun, but phone if my hair isn’t done. 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts idk, aliens yes 64: Do I believe in magic? What kind? 65: Do I believe in luck? Idk I just broke a mirror so….. 66: What’s the weather like right now? Cold as fuck in march 67: What was the last book I’ve read? #GIRLBOSS 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Not really 69: Do I have any nicknames? Kiwi 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I have never really been injured by anything…. oh, actually, Dorothy from my 5th class kicked me in the shin while playing soccer in gym class and that felt awful…. like thinking back I can still feel it. Ouch. 71: Do I spend money or save it? I freaking LOVE spending money, but I know I need to save it because I’m an adult and I need to be responsible. 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Just tried, nope. 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? Oh yea 74: Favorite animal? Cats 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Going over notes for my new job 76: What do I think Satan’s last name is? Uhm idk 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? I believe by nicko vega 78: How can you win my heart? I don’t have one anymore 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I don’t know, always laugh or some shit 80: What is my favorite word? Namaste 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr? There is more to Tumblr than just my page and my newsfeed???!! Lol 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Everyone should stop eating like shit because processed foods cause cancer and you need more veggies so go try some! 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Idk 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Wow what timing, I would be able to go invisible 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? If I was attracted to them lol 86: What is my current desktop picture? My pets 87: Had sex? Well of course 88: Bought condoms? Yea, practicing safe sex is important. 89: Gotten pregnant? No 90: Failed a class? College class 91: Kissed a boy? Yeah 92: Kissed a girl? Yes yes yes, finally 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Ya❤❤❤ 94: Had job? Yep 95: Left the house without my wallet? Prolly 96: Bullied someone on the internet? Lol yes 😞 sorry bout that 97: Had sex in public? Haha yea 98: Played on a sports team? Yes I was terrible 99: Smoked weed? Yea 100: Did drugs? No 101: Smoked cigarettes? Yes, I just quit yesterday 102: Drank alcohol? Yes 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Multiple times, I love steak and burgers too much 104: Been overweight? I think I am now 105: Been underweight? Nope, I wish 106: Been to a wedding? Yes, I love weddings 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Today 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes 109: Been outside my home country?Do the Bahamas count? 110: Gotten my heart broken? Unfortunately so 111: Been to a professional sports game?Like a legit football and hockey game, yes 112: Broken a bone? No 113: Cut myself?Ya 114: Been to prom? I actually went to 4 proms, 3 with the same guy and my senior prom with someone else 😸 I love dressing up. 115: Been in airplane?Yaaaaasssss 116: Fly by helicopter?No, but I've had sex in one .... secret never have I ever question! 117: What concerts have I been to?Omg sooo many! I love concerts 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Oh yea 119: Learned another language?In the process 120: Wore make up?Everyday 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? 16 lol 122: Had oral sex? I mean yea 123: Dyed my hair?Si 124: Voted in a presidential election?I did! I voted for Gary Johnson because there is no way in hell I was voting for Trump or Hillary 125: Rode in an ambulance?When I was six 126: Had a surgery?Tonsils removed 127: Met someone famous?Some band members and Delilah in NYC!!!! 128: Stalked someone on a social network?My secret crush 129: Peed outside?Only when I was camping or wasted 130: Been fishing? Yea, i suck at this, and deep sea fishing almost killed me.... I just like to lay out and tan and enjoy the scenery 131: Helped with charity?Yes, cuts for a cause and habitat for humanity 132: Been rejected by a crush? Yea, maybe I'm a weirdo, but now I have a gf so who cares 133: Broken a mirror? Yea I literally just broke one this week, and my week has been going great since, not gonna lie! 134: What do I want for birthday? A new car
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