aspiestvmusings · 5 years
Here’s what we know so far. 
Premiere date: Feb 2nd (02/02/2020) right after SB
Clues: There will be clues (video clips?) aired/shown during SuperBowl (commercials) on Feb 2nd
Clues/Clue packages: will be presented differently this time...to make the guessing harder.
Voiceovers: This season the clue package voice overs apparnetly won’t be done by the celebs themselves, who are in the costumes, but by their family members/relatives/friends - people, who know them. (Why not hire a VO actor to read all of the contestants clues instead of involving more people - because the more people that know the identities the harder the secret is to keep, right?) 
Kitty (Cat)
Miss Monster 
Night Angel 
White Tiger 
And based on the order of the revealed masks, it looks like they are divided into three groups in the following way (these are my guesses based on the order in which each mask was revealed, but there could be mistakes in my guesses): 
Edited: to correct the names/masks of the 6 contestants in group A, because it’s not the first 6 costumes revealed. Same with Groups B & C. The order of costume reveal is not the order they’re divided into groups of six. 
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GROUP A (1) 
(Pink) Miss Monster Mask (looks female & she is short!) 
Robot Mask (looks male, but he is short-ish; costume: vintage robot)
Llama mask (looks male; costume: tourist w. a camera style)
Turtle Mask (ETA: sounds male, & he is short-ish, could be a team-sports baller - athlete, but sounds like he can sing; costume: punk style leather)
White Tiger Mask (looks male & he is very tall - looks to be around/almost 2m) 
Kangaroo Mask (ETA: looks & sounds female...actually...)
GROUP B (2) 
Banana Mask (cannot tell if M or F, but possibly a female artist) 
Mouse Mask (looks female) 
Frog Mask (looks female to me, but could be male, is possible an athlete; costume: purple “Mask” suit)
Kitty (Cat) Mask (looks female, costume: LV burlesque show style)
Elephant Mask (looks male, & he is tal-ish; costume: design gives me MCU quantum realm/time travel space suit vibes)
Taco Mask (cannot tell if M or F) 
GROUP C (3) 
Astronaut Mask (cannot tell if M or F, most likely male, they are short-ish) 
(White) Swan Mask (looks female)
Rhino Mask (looks male, costume: safari & pilot jacket)
Bear Mask (looks female, costume: purple & pink teddybear) 
Night Angel Mask (looks female) 
T-Rex Mask (looks male; costume: Reneissance/Shakespeare style look)  PS. it seemed to be something resembling a 2-headed dragon or so.. so  2 people in one costume or like llama, who has two sets of legs... but instead...it’s a “dinosaur”) 
This year the US show has record number of masks/celebs (18), so they are divided into 3 groups (last year it was 16 and 2 groups). And this year the show is filmed and airs differently. First the first group filmed all their episodes, then the second group, and lastly the third group (filming currently). Then only after that all remaining contestants from each group are “united” and compete against each other in the “quarter finals”. 
And they also air the episodes this way: First three episodes are group A. And since each week one mask is voted out, then in the end that leaves 3 masks standing in Group A “finale”. Then next three episodes (eps 4-6) is group B. And then next three eps (eps 7 - 9) is Group C. That means that during the first 9 episodes each group competes separately. 
Then all remaining 9 contestants (3 + 3 + 3 from each group) get together, and form one group...and the show continues as known from previous seasons. And still each week one (or in some weeks 2) masks are voted out. Til only 3 remain by the Finale episode. This means that S3 has most likely 15 episodes or so (depending on how many weeks have double-eliminations between episode 10 and The Finale)
Each costume looks kinda male or female. But you cannot judge the gender of the celeb under it by the look of the costume. If the costume is pink and/or has a dress, it’s not definitely a female celeb wearing it, though they do prefer to use pink for girls & blue for boys...so far. And if the costume is dressed in a suit, it’s not definitely a male celeb wearing it. 
Some costumes, which show the persons physique more, make it a lot easier to guess who is wearing it (their gender, their size - height & bodytype), but even then there could be curveballs thrown in there. 
I have added guesses on who I think is wearing the costume (male or female celeb) based on how much of the person can be seen under the costume. And based on whats shown in the video clips, and promo pics...the little clues about the celebs that we’ve gotten. Some of these estimates might be off. 
We know based on the little info that has come out that there is (at least) one very tall celeb in the costume (Taco, Tiger?). And we know that at least two contestants are not very tall (a bit or quite a bit shorter than the shows host, Nick C., who is 6 feet..or so = about 180cm tall). 
Regarding height: When Turtle, Miss Monster, Kangaroo & White Tiger stand next to each other, then they are in order of height with Tiger the tallest & Turtle & Miss Moster the shortest. Miss Monster is quite a bit shorter than host Nick. Robot is also shorter than host Nick. Other short or short-ish contestants include: astrounaut...
IF we assume that (like in most of the time on this format) there are equal number of male & female contestants, then... that makes the guessing based on just the costumes easier...on which one each is. 
The 18 celebs in the costumes, combined have: 
in total: 69 Grammy nominations (so at least a one or few big(ger) names from music world) EDITED on Feb 3rd: - 25 (the number of noms that the Robot, the 1st mask voted out, has) = 44 left for the remaining 17 contestants 
in total: 88 gold record (so at least one or a few big(ger) names from music world) EDITED on Feb 3rd:  - 12 or more...depending on which ones count here (as far as I know all or almost all of the Robot’s albums have gone Gold and/or Platinum, and he’s released over 10 albums + mixtapes etc) = 76-ish left for the remaining 17 contestants 
in total: 11 super bowl appearances (this doesn’t mean that they’ve played during SB, it also includes all apperances during SB games...like performing during half-time, ...any celeb appearance during the game/broadcast...)
in total: 3 stars in the (Hollywoood) “walk of fame” (so at least 3 big names, who have been given a star there) 
in total: 160 tattoos (this means at least a few celebs, who have a lot of tattoos, because 160 divided by 18 gives us 8-9 per person, but I’m guessing some have none/max 1, and some have more than 10)  EDITED on Feb 3rd: - 86 (the number of tattoos that Robot, the 1st mask voted out, has - his tattoos made up about half of all the tattoos) = 74 left for the ramaining 17 contestants 
in total: 1 title in the “Guinness Book of World Records”** - this one could be easy to figure out if someone took the time to check the list of record holders in those books...
** There are quite many celebs, who have been in Quinness World Record Book. It doesn’t have to really be a “real record” - it can be something like “reached 1 million followers on IG the fastest” or “took the most selfies in a limited timeframe”. Some of the famous people, who have/had in 2019 (when they were cast) or have had titles of Guinness Records include: Eminem, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Shakira, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Justin Bieber, Dolly Parton, Ozzy Obbourne, The Rock, RDJ (kinda, thanks to his fans), Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Lawrence, Cristiano Ronaldo (athlete), Alex Rodriguez (athlete)
And that is basically all theyve revealed so far. Which I personally consider a plus. And I hope that theyve really upped their game, and dont make guessing so easy. For profesisonal singers among the contestants their voice alone will give them away most times (examples: Leopard, Rottweiler last season... who have such unique, well known voices). So it’s a bit more challenging for people guessing for the clues not to be so easy. Which is why I hope they really made the clues harder...like they have promised in the previews. 
SPOILERS: We have knows for a little while who would be eliminated first. Because weve seen the four costumes that make it to the last epsiode of Group A (ep 3x03) - Kangaroo, Monster, Tiger, Turtle. Since the Robot was unmasked first, that means Llama will be unmasked next (on Web, Feb 5th). We know this because they always miss that they’ve included soem revealing bits in their promos (or include the pictures/clips on purpose). They accidentally included an image of the last four masks for griup A. And you can also determine who stays for how longif you pay attention to the clips - you can tell how many different performances each mask has - cause for some they include just one, for some several, and the more different songs/performances the further they make. 
How many different perdormances from each mask/contestant have they included in their promos/promo clips (this means: they persorm AT LEAST this many different songs): 
Banana = 1
Frog = 1
Kangaroo = 1 + 1 
Kitty (Cat) 1
Llama 1 
Miss Monster 1 + 1 
Mouse 1 
Night Angel
Robot 1 
Turtle 1 + 1 
Taco 1 
White Tiger 1 + 1 
12 notes · View notes
let-them-read-fics · 3 years
BP Headcanon / One Shot: Raising A Kid With Lisa
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Requested By Anon: Lisa / Reader while they're raising a kid
Quote Requested By @ssamssamu: "I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was… not love at first sight exactly, but- familiarity. Like: oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you."
Pairing: Lisa x Fem!Reader
Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff, Slight Angst, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: This one's kinda long, guys 😳 I hope you enjoy, though. Thank you for the requests!
PS ~ Your child is female in this
♡ Happy Reading ♡
Dear lord... 🛐🤰
Let's get started
First off: milf
Second off: you'd either come home to find her, your child, and your 5 cats passed out, or chaotically playing with one another
If you give birth, she's literally the most supportive wife ever
Getting you any and everything you need, no matter the time of day or night
"Lis?" You ask into the darkness, voice coming out rough as it slips past your sleepy lips. Her soft snoring is cut off in an instant as she wakes up, ready to help.
"I'm here, my love." She yawns, quickly stretching before reaching forward to take your hand into her own.
"Can you get me some ice chips?" You wince, hating to make her trek all the way down the hall when she was comfortable and sleeping so well.
"On it, baby." She stands and brushes her lips against your forehead, reassuring you that she doesn't mind the task.
"Thank you; I love you," you call after her as she walks towards the door. She turns to you just as she reaches it, pressing a kiss to her fingers before holding a finger heart up for you.
"I love you more."
"Here you go," she says, helping you sit up in the hospital bed. "I got you a little water with it, just like you like." She raises the cup for you, tilting it so that the cool liquid can slide towards your lips, soothing your dry mouth. The styrofoam squeaks lightly, momentarily accompanying the sound of the beeping monitor that's keeping track of your vitals.
You gently push the cup away after you're satisfied, wrapping your arms around her waist as she puts it on the bedside table. She cuddles you back, kissing the top of your head.
"Thanks again, babe. I don't know what I'd do without you." You mumble against her, still exhausted from all that you went through earlier today. She crouches down beside you, taking your hands within her own as she looks up into your eyes.
"You've made me the happiest woman in the world, Y/N/N; I have you and our cute little baby girl now. I think that's more than a fair trade for getting ice chips at 3 in the morning."
You laugh, leaning forward to rest your forehead against hers.
"We did pretty good, didn't we?" You ask after a moment, gazing over at the clear bin your daughter is laying in, resting peacefully.
"We sure did." Lisa says, feeling tears prick at her eyes. She raises a hand to your cheek, cupping the soft skin as she looks at you tenderly.
If she gives birth, you'd do everything for her as well and take good care of her as she recovers
She'd try to be a bit more independent, though, just because that's how she is
She secretly loves when you surprise her with just what she wanted, but was too shy / stubborn to ask for
You come back into the bedroom with a pint of ice cream and two spoons in hand, clad in one of her oversized shirts.
"I got your favorite," you smile, saddling up next to her on the bed. She sits up with a shy grin, feeling beyond lucky to have someone like you.
"Thank you baby," she says, taking a scoop of the sweet treat as you stick it out to her. She sighs as the flavor coats her tongue, reminding her of all the reasons it's her favorite.
"You know," she starts after a minute, grabbing your attention mid-bite. "You taste even better than this."
She smirks as you nearly choke on the ice cream, coughing a bit as it trails an icy path down your throat.
"Yah, jagi! Are you trying to kill me?"
She doesn't want to feel like a nuisance
You reassure her that she isn't at all, and eventually she listens to you
Lets you help her more and cater to her needs
Repays you in the form of cuddles and millions of sweet kisses
As soon as she can safely take care of herself, she's back to normal (aka, being a crackhead)
If you adopt or have a donor, oh boy
That child is spoiled the moment you lay eyes on it
Raising her as your own
You agree to tell her about her past when she's older, if she wants that
Constant reassurance of your love for her
Telling her how proud you are of her
She'd be teaching your kid dance moves before she could even walk
"Lis, baby, she literally just bent her knee."
"I don't know what you're talking about. She was definitely practicing the move I taught her last night."
Almost always making a mess when she feeds her (though that's not entirely Lisa's fault... babies are messy)
Seriously, both of them completely covered in baby food and milk when you walk in
Lisa asking if she can buy a hazmat suit for when it's her time on diaper duty
Pouting when you say no
She decides to wear goggles, gloves, and a face mask instead
Singing softly to your daughter as she rocks her to sleep
Sometimes falling asleep in your rocking chair with your baby in her arms
And you find them and just 🥺
Visiting Lisa's family and your own when you can
Very wholesome memories being made with them
Food fights
She is 110% down to act silly and do anything your kid wants
You unlock the front door of your shared home, tiredly rubbing your neck after a long day of work. The sound of one of your daughter's favorite movies playing on the living room TV brings a smile to your face, and you quickly set your things on the kitchen table before joining them.
Upon stepping foot into the room, you comically narrow your eyes.
"What are you wearing?" You ask both of them as an amused smile grows on your lips.
Lisa turns to you now, appearing to have been so invested in the movie that she hadn't even heard you come home. You start to wonder if maybe she was the one who wanted to watch the movie all along.
A tin foil hat rests atop her head, matching the adorable, mini-sized version that your daughter is modeling. Lisa's grin widens cutely as she looks you up and down, happy to finally have you back home.
"Here mama, we made one for you, too!" Your daughter says excitedly, giggling as she hops up and runs towards you, cap in hand. You crouch down so she can put it on you, feeling your heart melt at the happy look in her eyes; she's proud of herself, and so are you.
"Thank you baby, it fits just right." You praise, lifting her into your arms as Lisa stands up and approaches you.
"We missed you, lovey." She presses her lips to yours, humming against them when you bring a hand to her hip to pull her even closer. You pull away before you can get too invested and scar your child for life, opting instead to cuddle into the cozy embrace that Lisa offers to the two of you.
The warm material of her sweater brushes against your skin as she brings her arms around both of you, protecting you from the slightly chilly air of the room.
"You know, I still have no idea what the hat's for..." you smirk, feeling your daughter raise her head from where it previously came to rest against your shoulder. She scoffs, sounding offended that you don't know the answer.
"It's to protect us from aliens. Duh," she rolls her eyes, making you and Lisa chuckle. Clearly Jennie has been giving her some sass lessons lately.
"My most sincere apologizes, princess," you bow your head in mock shame, doing your best to conceal your smile.
"Let's go sit back down. I wanna hold my girls," Lisa declares softly, kissing your temple as you go to agree.
The three of you make your way back to the couch, snuggling up close as Lisa presses play.
Very affectionate
Constantly squishing your cheeks and gushing about how cute you are (she does the same thing to your daughter too)
Spoils her (and you) rotten
Matching onesies
Matching outfits, totally coordinated (usually Celine or some other designer brand)
Pillow / blanket forts
"Queen Y/N, requesting entrance." You announce with a smile, hands full of snacks for the three of you as you sit back on your knees in waiting.
From inside, you hear Lisa say, "Your Highness, there's a guest at the door. Would you like to see her?"
Your daughter's faux royal voice almost makes you crack up. "Oh, alright. Open up." She commands, sounding British.
Lisa parts the front two blankets, doing her best to conceal her grin as she locks eyes with you.
"SNACKS!" Your daughter shrieks, completely breaking character.
"No no no! Wait--" She eagerly rushes over to you, knocking you over in the heat of the moment. Your mom skills kick in and allow you to angle the bowls correctly and keep most of the food in, though a few stray pieces of popcorn fall out and land in your hair.
"Oops... sorry mommy," your daughter says, snickering softly.
Lisa leans over you, peering down at where you now lay on your back. She smirks as she picks some of the popcorn out of your hair.
If you're preparing a meal for the three of you, they'd turn on some music and come hang in the kitchen with you
Dance battles everywhere
Lisa doesn't always let your daughter win, either, and it makes your little girl all the more competitive
Taking your daughter to street markets to introduce her to new foods and develop her palate
Betting on what foods she'll like more
Lisa getting sulky when she loses, and never shutting up about it when she wins
Lisa's always taking pictures of you all to add to your family photo book
More like photo books
Seriously so many pictures. She just can't get enough of how cute her little unit is
Taking trips to local cat cafés to let the gang play
Lisa convincing you to let her get another cat
"Pleaaaase?" She draws the word out, wrapping her arms around your waist. You glance over to where your daughter is surrounded by a sea of fluff balls, almost unable to be seen. She's laughing her head off, filling the room with her cute giggles as the kitties brush against her.
"Just one more. Last one." Lisa says, gathering your attention again.
"You said that last time," you quip.
"I mean it this time."
"I feel like that's a lie..."
"If you let me get this cat, there'll be a reward for you later." She husks the last part out, letting her fingers trail to the back of your neck to rest there. She leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek, then your jawline, smiling against your skin when she feels your heart beat a little faster.
"Fine, Lisa. But this is the last one," you point a finger at her, pushing her back slightly.
"Thank you, my love. You won't regret it." She smirks, head held high as she slaps your butt and goes to the crate to pick her cat of choice.
Sightseeing and exploring
Teaching your daughter how to take good pictures, too
"My little prodigy" - Lisa (🥺🥲)
You and your daughter go to Lisa's performances anytime you're able
Cheering the girls on, fully decked out in BP merch
"BLACKPINK IS THE REVOLUTION!" Your daughter screams, bonking her light stick against her head wildly. From the vantage point of your front row seat, you lock eyes with Lisa before glancing down at the little human with an amused smile. Lisa laughs when she notices her, leaving only the backing track to play for a second. She giggles again and points to you before picking back up with the song, a wide smile on her lips.
The other members look down and laugh, too, clapping for her.
Your baby has too much energy for her own good -- something she definitely got from your wife.
Visiting the girls often
They always love to see both of you
Jennie makes food for her and spoils her with lazy days, Jisoo teaches her how to play video games and be more of a crackhead, and Rosé teaches her to paint and sing (and also speak with an Australian accent)
They all have a secret handshake with her, different for each member
Which you think is absolutely adorable
They always take such good care of her
Always showing up for her school recitals and performances
When you pack your daughter's lunch, Lisa will usually sneak extra sweets into her bag, thinking you don't notice. You do, but you'd never tell her that. Seeing her think she's actually being sneaky is cute
Your Relationship With Lisa
Playful banter
She still makes time for you
Likes to be connected in some way as often as possible. Holding hands or pinkies, back hugs, kisses, gentle caresses, cuddling, etc. -- anything she can do to constantly remind you of her love.
You both always look forward to date nights
You drop your daughter off so the girls can watch her, or you call a sitter
Lisa takes you wherever you wanna go
Some past places: the park (to stargaze), the roller rink, fancy restaurants, art museums / galleries, couples dance classes (when you want to practice a new style and have an excuse to dance the night away together), or even just the couch
Sometimes both of you are too exhausted to go out, so you opt to stay in instead
Other times she wants to get all fancied up and see how gorgeous you look in your outfit of choice
She loves to show you off
"Damn, baby. How do you get hotter every time I see you?"
You look over at her with an incredulous expression, still clad in your oversized shirt with you hair pulled back.
"I haven't even gotten ready yet..."
"Still sexy," she coos, coming up behind you to give you a hug. You settle back into her arms, sighing softly when she trails soft kisses along your shoulder, towards your neck.
"I have to shower," you inform her, releasing the words gently. Part of you knows you'll be late for your reservation if you let her continue, but you can't find it in yourself to care. You've been aching for her touch lately, both of you caught up with the stressors of life. But she's here now, letting her hands roam to the places she knows they shouldn't be.
"You know," she pecks the mark she just finished making on your neck, feeling satisfied as it darkens before her eyes, "I'm in need of a shower, too." Her fingertips flirt with the waistband of your panties, dipping underneath the material to caress your skin.
"Didn't you get in a couple hours ago?" You ask, furrowing your brows in genuine curiosity.
She laughs at that, letting her head fall against your shoulder as she stills her movements.
"Y/N, can't you just go along with it? Jeez, let me flirt with you."
Both of you chuckle together now, giggles mixing together as they fill the air of the room.
"Alright, alright. Go ahead."
"You look-- No, you know what? Let's just get in. I'll show you instead."
One of the best showers of your life ;)
You somehow managed to make it to your reservation on time
Lisa had to help you walk, though
Cause, ya know
Wöbbĺý łəğ§
Flirted like crazy at dinner
But was also very romantic
As a plane blinks by in the distance, merely a speck on its journey across the dusky sky, Lisa ponders on what her life would've been like, had she not met you. That lonely looking plane symbolizes what she'd probably be doing right now: flying somewhere for tour or brand deals. Every flash of its lights is like a call out to the universe, searching for something it doesn't yet have. It reminds her of how she felt before she met you -- like something was missing.
"I love you, Y/N/N, so much," she says out of the blue, looking over to you. "I'm lucky to call you mine." She says sincerely, gazing into your eyes with a big smile. You turn her into a lovesick, giddy teenager just by being yourself. One look from you is capable of sending her falling all over again.
Her fingers intertwine with your own, hands resting on the table.
"I'm so proud of us. There's no one I'd rather grow old with." You bring her wrist to your lips, kissing it tenderly. Her heart melts at the action, and she cups your cheek in her palm.
She takes you to the park after dinner, right back to the place you met
It leads to a big sentimental talk about when you fell for one another and realized you were in love
You take a bite of the froyo you got as desert on the way here, looking over to her as she begins explaining.
"I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was… not love at first sight exactly, but- familiarity. Like: oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you."
She looks so sweet after she says it that you almost melt right then and there. You put the container down on the bench beside you before turning back to her. Curiosity shines in her doe eyes as she waits on your answer.
"Oddly enough, it was the same for me," you start, feeling your cheeks tug up into a smile as the memories come flooding back. "As soon as I made you laugh that first time -- when I saw your face light up after I told that stupid joke -- I knew it was you. I never knew what I was missing until I met you."
She cups your cheek, rubbing the pad of her thumb across it as tears begin to well up in her eyes. Years ago, when both of you happened to be in this very spot at the same time, you had no idea what life had in store for you. She had no idea that when she accidently bumped into a complete stranger, that that person would become her world.
She wouldn't feel complete without you, and neither would you without her. The life you've created has taken sacrifices and courage, but you know you'll always have one another no matter what. She makes the hard days bearable, and the good days unforgettable. She's your reason, just as you're hers.
"I love you--"
"I love you--"
Both of you say the phrase at the same time, laughing when you realize it. It's a sweet moment, plucked straight out of a romcom.
She leans forward after a few seconds to kiss your lips, reclaiming them for her own.
Holding hands as you walk through the city
Not wanting the night to end
You stop in a couple other thrift shops and take some pictures together before deciding to go home
You catch up on some movies / Netflix / trashy TV that you've been wanting to watch together, finally having enough time to do so
She holds you close, snuggling up against you and not letting you go
Of course, they're inevitable
Never fun
You both communicate well, though, so they don't happen too often
But when they do, they usually start over little things, your annoyance only heightened by the stress you're constantly under
It's tough on Lisa, being an idol on top of everything else, and it's tough on you to have to raise your daughter alone sometimes
You don't fight in front of her (your child), and you don't say things to attack each other's character. Sometimes you just get loud because you're frustrated and trying to get the other to understand things from your point of view
You usually take time to cool down and then come back together later, once you've had time to think and reflect
After putting your daughter to bed, Lisa comes to your shared bedroom.
"Y/N/N, baby, I'm sorry. Please open up, I need to see you." She says quietly, resting her forehead against the door. She's beyond disappointed in herself, baffled by the fact she could treat you in such a way.
You look over to it, weighing your options as you toy with your wedding ring out of habit. This was a particularly nasty fight, and you hated every second of it; the anger in her eyes broke your heart.
She hears shuffling from inside, and she stands up straight. When you open the door and lean against it, eyes red and cheeks puffy from crying, her heart sinks. It's not surprising that her words hurt you so much, but knowing that she caused you pain in any way is almost too much to bear.
She purses her lips as she gathers her thoughts, and you momentarily look down to the floor, scuffing your foot to busy yourself.
"I never should've said any of that to you. Work has just been stressing me out lately with the comeback and all, and I took it out on you. I was wrong," she says, fresh tears spilling out of her eyes. She quickly wipes them away, not wanting the moment to be about her. She knows if she breaks down in front of you right now, you'll be forgiving her in an instant and wrapping her in the embrace that she's been in dire need of all evening.
That's exactly why she doesn't give in; now isn't the time to be selfish. She sniffles, willing the tears away as she finds the words she wants to say to you. She has to make things right.
"You're everything I've ever wanted, and I treated you like that? I'm ashamed of myself, Y/N. I'm not asking you to forget about this; I just want you to know how sorry I am."
You let a shaky breath out as you look into her eyes, deciding on what to do. You can tell she's being genuine; her fear of losing you is real, and she's doing everything she can to prove how guilty she feels.
You drop your hand from the knob and step through the threshold of the door, wrapping your arms around her neck. The second you do, her tears finally begin spilling out again. Your hair tickles her nose as she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck, securing her arms around your waist like her life depends on it. You cry together, letting out all of your stress and frustrations while muttering out strained apologies and I love yous.
"I forgive you, Lisa." She sobs a bit harder at that, and you feel her lip tremble. You stay like that until you both calm down, your sniffles fading to hitched breaths every now and then.
"Come on, let's go take a bath."
She decides to take over, wanting to make it up to you. She has you sit down and relax while she lights some candles and fills the tub with your favorite scents and oils
She comes back out into the bedroom to get you as the tub fills up
She carries you back to the bathroom, cradling you lovingly in her arms
You get in and cuddle, massaging the pain and tension away from each others shoulders
Very soft way to end such a stressful day
She reassures you that she'll be better for you and that she never wants to lose you or jeopardize what you have
You believe her, and to this day she's never been like that again
You still argue from time to time, but you both listen more and stop things before they can escalate
When All Is Said & Done
At the end of the day, Lisa always makes sure you know how happy you make her and how much she loves her life with the both of you
Even though things get hard sometimes, you wouldn't want to do it with anyone else
One day, when your daughter is away at school, Lisa and you are snuggled up on the couch, watching some TV
"Yes, my love?"
"Let's make another baby."
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Uwaaaaaa can I request some sweet crumbs of Idia and his s/o sharing a few kisses and being a cute wholesome family with Ortho?? <3
“Whoa! Nii-san!”
You flinched as you heard the little robot’s voice from outside the room, followed by something crashing. You slowly peaked through the crack in the door, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. There, you saw the Shroud brothers with the older one on the ground, seemingly had toppled over a table, blindfolded. Ortho, the younger one hovers above him, face-palming at what predicament his brother got in.
“I told you to calm down and go left, right? Why did you suddenly go right, Nii-san?” Ortho said with an exasperated sigh. “Come on, stand up, Nii-san! We’re almost there!”
Idia, having no vision at the moment, desperately clung onto the wall, his legs were shaking as different kinds of emotions swirls in his mind. “Your left is my right though!? Don’t give me directions when you’re up front!” Idia complained, his hands trying to find anything he can grasp onto. “S-Seriously...Where are we going, Ortho? We’re still in our dorm, r-right...? Your Nii-chan’s getting a little scared here, you know...?”
“Uh-huh! So, just be patient and follow my instructions, alright, Nii-san~? Properly this time!” Ortho strictly said, floating ahead with Idia on his own left to maneuver his way towards him, being blindfolded and all.
“...E-Even if you tell me that...Geez...” Idia mumbled under his breath as he began to follow his litte brother’s voice once again, trying his best to not anger the little one.
Ortho spotted you peeking through the door and gave you a close-eyed smile, putting his index finger in front of his mask. You covered your mouth to prevent a giggle, but you thought that little scene between them as brothers were really adorable. You gave him a thumbs-up before entering back in the room, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible.
It didn’t take too long for the doorknob to sound their arrival, aside from the few crashings of items outside and bickering of the Shroud Brothers. You quickly moved into position and grab the plate of cake that was assigned to you, slowly tip-toeing over to the side so that you wouldn’t be a burden to the main boy of the day. The door opened without much further interruption, revealing Idia still with the blindfold on and Ortho guiding him by the shoulders from behind.
“O-Ortho...? Where are we- No, wait, this place feels familiar, are we in my room? Ortho, what did you-“ Idia was about to continue his rant, but shrieked in response when Ortho soon giggled and snapped his fingers.
With that, his blindfold automatically detached from his head, and as soon as he opened his eyes, the whole room lighted up. A bunch of automatic party poppers bursts loudly in every corner of the room, confetti flying everywhere with his favorite idol music echoing loudly in the speakers. Idia could only watch with widened eyes as he looked around everywhere, it was his room but it was barely recognizable with all these physical and holographic decorations running around. “Surprise!” Suddenly two voices instead of one rang through the room, making Idia turn around and instantly heating up as other than Ortho, he saw you, holding a whole plate of cake.
“Surprise, Idia-kun!” You greeted with a gentle smile, walking towards him with the cake. It was clearly a hand-made birthday cake, a joint effort between you and Ortho as it was decorated by things that Idia loves. Something that should only be known to those who knew him in a personal level.
“(Y-Y-Y-Y/N)-shi...!?” Idia backed away as his face almost exploded from the amount of blood rushing to his face to see his crush, out of all people, greeting him on his special day. Expecting this kind of reaction, you and Ortho looked at each other and nodded in agreement before taking a deep breath.
“♪ Happy birthday to you~♪ Happy birthday to you~♪” You both sang in synch as Ortho lighted up the the candles on the cake you were holding. “♪ Happy birthday, dear Idia/Nii-san~♪”
You looked up at him, gesturing the birthday cake in front with a wide smile as Ortho supporting you from behind. “♪ Happy Birthday to you~♪” You both finished with a playful giggle, like little children surprising their teachers on teacher’s day. “Please make a wish for your birthday and blow out your candles, Idia-kun!”
“...W-What...?” Idia exclaimed, still confused on what’s happening and turned to Ortho in panic. Though, he couldn’t deny that the sound of your voice singing him a birthday song was soothing as hell. But that’s not the proper time for that! “Ortho...! D-Did you upgrade yourself or something...? Why...Why is (Y/N)-shi here and...and offering me a cake...I-I don’t think...I-Is this real...!?”
“Geez~! Me and (Y/N) (L/N)-san went all through these trouble just to prepare a simplistic birthday party that you’ll enjoy and that’s the reaction you give~!?” Ortho scolded his brother while you sweatdropped in the background, preparing to calm the little boy. You can’t see his mouth moving but you knew for sure that he was puffing his cheeks, his eyes says it all after all. “Nii-san, you’re so insensitive! You’re not gonna go anywhere in life if you’re always like this!”
“A-Ah, s-sorry...?” Idia apologized at the upset little robot, but then realizing that his brother just actually confirmed his questions. He turned to you and certainly, you don’t look like a holograph, no matter how realistic one could be at this time and age. You’re here, in flesh and blood, smiling up at him as if you were intending to make his heart stop from your presence alone, which it actually did the first time. “...(Y-Y/N)-shi is...A-Actually h-here...?”
You sweatdropped at his frozen self before taking a step closer to let him see the candles that he has yet left to blow out. “Yup, I’m here. Now, make a wish for your birthday, Idia-kun! The candles will run out soon if you don’t~” You reminded him. “It’ll be waste if that happens.”
Idia was at the point of hyperventilating now, whatever Ortho did to get you involve in this surprise birthday plan, it was certainly bad for his heart...In an ironically good way. He couldn’t formulate the proper words, let alone think of a wish to give to these candles, he can’t even bring himself to calm down. He looked around, trying to avert his eyesight, but doing so only prompted Ortho to cross his arms, giving him a disapproving look whilst shaking his head. He flinched, this school has definitely rubbed its dirt on his brother for him to be so strict, where was his cute little angel brother that follows his every call!? Regardless, he really can’t blame him for this, he’s happy that you’re here but at the same time, it’s just puts him in a tight spot...Which he absolutely hates.
“Well?” You called to make sure Idia was still in there and not brain dead like Ortho warned you about.
Idia looked up at you, and to Ortho, before looking down, he fiddled with the tip of his hair timidly. His face was flushing in embarrassment, you find kinda cute actually. “...None.” He said in a small voice, but enough for you and Ortho to hear, earning a shocking response from the two of you. “I have none...At least, not anymore...”
You and Ortho looked at each other, wondering what the older Shroud means. “I-I got the game I wanted recently, I already went to a virtual concert of my favorite idol, and my wish for that childhood game that me and Ortho loved was granted as well...And, um...” He explained, looking away, becoming more and more shy by the minute. “...One scenario I wished for this day is just...impossible so...”
“...And that is...?” You tilted your head to the side, curious to hear what the Idia Shroud hasn’t attained yet. However, Ortho beside you only blinked as everything automatically clicked in his own mechanical head. He widened his eyes in realization and even gasp slightly, observing how his brother looked at you.
Oh, that’s right...His brother always wanted you to...
“...ce me...” You raised an eyebrow, leaning closer to hear what he actually said. It was barely a whisper, there was no way a normal human being like you could’ve heard that.
“Excuse me?”
Idia’s face got hotter, he whimpered at the intensity of the pressure and soon resorted into covering his face in embarrassment. Upon seeing his defensive position, you quickly backed away from him, realizing how rude you’re sounding like. “O-Oh, sorry! It’s fine! If you’re uncomfortable with saying it then, you don’t have to force yourself to.”
You reassured him as you remembered how scared and nervous Idia can be when it comes to social interactions. Instead, you went back into smiling as you kept your distance, holding the cake properly once again. Idia peeked between his fingers though, grateful that you stepped back but still felt somehow unsatisfied and disappointed with himself. “I’m sorry, wishes are not supposed to be said out loud, right? My bad~! Just feel free to blow out the candles in your own will~!”
Ortho flinched and quickly looked at Idia, signalling all his support to his timid brother, encouraging him to say what he wanted to say to you before its too late. Idia, felt that desperation, they were brothers after all and he just can’t left it hanging. “U-Um...” You turned back to him to properly hear what he has to say this time. Idia started breathing heavily, but you knew that he was probably trying to calm himself down.
Seeing how relaxed you are, not even weirded out the slightest of his actions, Idia could actually feel himself calm down. He was glad that you were quite the patient person, being able to tolerate him even if he’s like this. You knew that he was having a hard time so, you’re not saying anything, keeping yourself quiet to give him time. It’s almost like you understand his struggles, and that’s...He just loves that about you.
So with a deep breath he- “iwantedyoutonoticeme!” confessed in a single breath, which just lead to Ortho slapping his own forehead and you trying to process and break down what he just said. Upon realizing his mistake, he quickly looked up at you with his arms waving frantically, trying to explain his situation with the sound of his heart racing against his chest. “I-I mean! I love- NO. That’s not...! What I meant was, um-! I-I...Oh, God...!”
“I-I wanted you to notice me!” Idia covered his face as a last resort, so that he wouldn’t see your face during in his lowest. Seriously, someone just kill him now right where he stands, Ortho, please forgive your older brother. “Y-You’ll probably think I-I’m a c-creepy otaku but I like you! You don’t have to accept me but I always...I-I always wanted you to see me...”
Oh, god...This is the worst. He can actually feel tears slowly buidling up in his eyes. As embarrassing and scary this is though, he couldn’t stop his mouth from saying what he’s really feeling. He’s scared but he’s also desperate. “N-Not as the guy behind the tablet...O-Or the dorm leader of Ignihyde...” He said and finally gathered up the courage to look at you in the eyes. “But f-for who I am! I at least wanted you to notice me for that!”
“That! Is my wish!” Idia blurted out and blew on the candles rather aggressively that you were taken back with Ortho silently cheering in the background.
The guy kept his eyes shut as tears were prickling in his eyes, afraid to open them and see a look of disgust in your face. Well...He predicted it before and prepared for it but now that he’s in that current scenario, he realized just how scared he really is to face it. Meanwhile, you blinked repeatedly at his confession as you had never seen such a timid guy like him create an outburst as drastic as that. Your lips slowly formed into a calm smile and soon scooped up a decent amount of icing in the cake. “Idia-kun.” You called out, encouraging him to open his eyes, but smudged the icing on his lips before he could even have the chance to do so.
“Mmgh-!?” Before he could even fully open his eyes, he soon froze in his spot as he felt your lips on his, kissing him and licking some icing off. Ortho gasped and let out a sound similar to that of a squeal as he happily floats above ground.
Looking down at you, Idia was left without any functioning words to say but you just laughed back at him. You licked the remaining icing on your lips and wiped some from his own before looking up at him. “Granted.” You said with a wink. “You’re wish is granted, Idia-kun ♡”
He swears to God, Idia is in the verge of passing out, this was just too much! What the hell did you just say!? Y-You ki...kissed...! However, before Idia could fully deliver his explosion of different emotions, a sound of a camera shutter and flash engulfed the two of you and quickly turned to the mischievous robot boy in the other side of the room. “So cute~! Isn’t this great, Nii-san~!? You finally said your true feelings to (Y/N) (L/N)-san! Although you were all over the place with your confession!” He said, mildly roasting his older brother but still waved the camera with the picture he took in front of him. “But still, she accepted it! Congratulations, Nii-san! I should save this to my memory file just in case!”
“O-Ortho, you...!” Idia flushed red, while you couldn’t help yourself but laugh at the two bickering brothers, it’s really so adorable. You watched as Idia attempts to stop his little brother from possibly leaking the picture to everyone they know with sheer amusement in your eyes. Though, you let out a sigh of relief, cheeks slowly reddening in color as you finally come into terms with your situation. You were glad that you have confidence in your acting skills to be able to hide your feelings to a minimum when your heart was beating just as fast as Idia’s. It would’ve been a disaster if the both of you were to stumble over your words like that, yikes.
You watched at the scene in front of you with your eyes shining in relief and satisfaction. It ended up a happy ending after all, you honestly think Ortho’s the real winner here, pulling out such a massive match-making move. Letting out a breath, you walked towards Idia and clunged onto him with your usual smile, although your blush didn’t seem to disappear. “Wah...(Y-Y/N)-shi...” He stuttered, his body tensing up but his cheeks flared up, debating whether he should hug you or not. While he does that, you turned to Ortho and created a space in between you and Idia.
“Why don’t we all take a picture together instead?” You suggested, gesturing for Ortho to come fill up the space you made. “Come here, Ortho! I’m sure you’re the happiest one in here, even far more than the two of us combined, right?”
Ortho widened his eyes before nodding enthusiastically. “Of course!” He said as he flew right over the two of you and squeeze himself in between. A holographic camera came blasting out of his chest, ready to take a picture. “A picture to remember Nii-san’s special day and together with my new Nee-san~! Of course I’m the most happiest here!”
You and Idia looked at each other and couldn’t help but chuckle at the excited little robot. You leaned onto each other to fit the camera template, holding up a peace sign all the while.
How does one translate Idia’s use of “-shi” as honorofics, huh. His otaku language is beyond me puhihi~
Aahh, I want to write another one~ You darlings such interesting hornii in my inbox that I just want to- ughh I want to write more but I need sleep...( ;∀;)
Should I write another one~? Aah, but I don’t think I have enough time~ (>人<;) I also might pass out lol I’ll still try though! If Decemember 18 comes to pass and I end up not posting anything then it probably means that I succumbed to the bed lol
Anyways, thank you for attending yet another Birthday Crumbs Celebration~! (*≧∀≦*)
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bakugosbratx · 4 years
OMGOMG so idk if you’ve watched the promised Neverland BUT I RLY HOPE U HAVE anyways I was listening to isabellas lullaby and this au came into my head like how about bakugou x reader who were childhood friends in that au in another life and she gets sent away and he’s devastated but then they meet in another life when they’re older and she hums the lullaby and he realizes it’s her? Please omg ur so talented!!! Thank you!!!
SFW Lullaby - AU Bakugo x Reader
WARNING: Angst, swearing, alternate universe(s), soulmates, fluff, etc.
A/N: I didn’t know what to name Katsuki in the first part so I just called him Kanchan lol I haven’t heard of this anime but I did some reading and I want to see it now! I hope you like it. I kinda put my own spin on it and I hope it fits the image you were thinking. I love the concept. If any of you have request, please feel free to send it to me! ✨
Check out my other works here
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Year: 1900’s
You packed what was left of your clothing into your old, worn out suitcase. You’ve had it since as long as your young mind could remember. You always wanted a new start. Especially away from this orphanage you grew up in your whole life, but new starts never come without a price.
Everyone at school was excited for you. Except for one.
“What the hell you mean you’re leaving?” Kanchan huffed.
Even though you both are only eleven years old, Kanchan had quite a potty mouth with a short temper.
“I got adopted, Kanchan! Isn’t that exciting?!”
“Yeah.. exciting.”
“C’mon, Kanchan, let’s play on the playground. It is recess after all.”
You and Kanchan have been friends ever since kindergarten. It started off with him getting the adult scissors and cutting your ponytail. You cried, the principal was involved, and you both were not allowed around each other for the rest of the school year. Then, you got put into the same first grade class. Even though Kanchan still bullied you, at least he didn’t cause any destruction to your physical features. He only would take your juice box instead.
Once, Kanchan lied and said you were an accomplice to him doing something bad so you both had to stay in during recess and write sentences. What should have been punishment turned into fits of giggles as he found ways to annoy the teacher and cause more trouble. Even though it cost you both a few more recess days this brought you two even closer.
Throughout the years, fate would put you two in the same classes. You would always play on the playground together and work on group projects. Even traded lunches at times. You were inseparable.
Kanchan pushed you on the swings as you sang your infamous lullaby. You have sang it ever since you could talk. Your caretaker would always sing it to you and the rest of the orphans. Kanchan would pick on you for it, but he secretly loved it. It always made him happy.
“Let me sing a lullaby
As you close your eyes
And as you're drifting off to sleep
How I hope that the dreams that you find
Are bright
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?
Where a tomorrow waits for you and I
So hold me tight one more time, but don't kiss me goodbye
'Cause I know that I'll see you on the other side
I will think of our song when the nights are too long
I'll dream of you for that's where I belong
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies
Only, in my dreams, do we meet again”
“Recess is over!” The teachers called.
All the children rushed to form a single file line to go inside. Kanchan couldn’t help but fall behind as you ran ahead.
“C’mon Kanchan! Don’t want to be late!” You giggled.
Kanchan faked a smile.
“I’m right behind you!”
The days seemed to fly. For you, you couldn’t ask for any better. For Kanchan it felt like the world was against him. How could this be happening? As happy as he was for you, he sure as hell hated that his best friend was leaving. He doesn’t get close to anyone else. He doesn’t want anyone else as his best friend. He just wants you.
Kanchan came to the orphanage to reluctantly say his goodbyes. You made sure you had all of your belongings while happily humming your song.
“I get your leaving, but could you not act so damn happy about it.” Kanchan states in aggregation. It was to mask his pain.
“Oh, Kanchan. I apologize. I am just so excited!”
“I’m aware.”
You take a quick glance around your old room.
“Looks like this is what is left of my belongings. Will you help carry my stuff to the car?” You asked, sweetly.
Kanchan nods, taking your heavy suitcase and carrying it to your new parents car. He put it into the trunk and aggressively shuts it. You were saying goodbye to everyone else before you turn to him. You and him were close, but Kanchan wasn’t the PDA type. This time was an exception as you hugged him. You felt his warm embrace around yours.
“I’ll miss you, Kanchan. If you ever go to New York City one day, come find me.”
“I’ll always look for you.”
The hug seemed like years, but you both did not mind. Behind that happy smile of yours there was sadness. As much as you wanted to be adopted, you also didn’t want to leave your friends behind. They were like family to you.
You pull away to meet his gaze and you gently placed a kiss on his cheek. Kanchan was taken back by the sudden action of yours as his cheeks glowed a crimson red.
“Do me a favor and one day when you someday have a wife and a family, will you tell them about me?”
Kanchan processed your words.
“As long as you do the same.”
You held out your pinky and he connected his pinky with yours.
“Promise.” You both say in unison.
You said your last quick goodbyes before you hopped into the backseat of the car. You looked out the window to see everyone telling you goodbye. You could not help the tears that fell when you looked at Kanchan, looking sad. He stood there until the cars taillights were no longer in sight and then some. The caretaker had to convince him to go home.
Life goes on. You both live a happy life with beautiful families and homes. It took you both some time, though, as a tug was always on the both of your hearts. Some say that means your soulmates, some say it’s just a crush, and some say it’s just sadness over a friendship. You both never met in this lifetime again due to you both being so young and so far apart. You both always had dreams of seeing each other again and speaking, but it just never happened. You both were perished by the time the internet came around. Even on your death beds, some of your final thoughts were each other. Both of your children tried finding a way to get you both together, but it wasn’t possible.
Still, you both kept your promises.
Year: 2020
“Class, welcome our new student, Y/N!” Your teacher excitedly greeted. You nervously waved.
“Hello Y/N!” Said the class in unison.
“Y/N, take a seat next to Katsuki Bakugo and we will get class started.”
You looked to see where the teacher was pointing. You saw a ashy blonde hair boy sitting at his desk with a scowl on his face. He did not look like the friendly type so you did not even try to get to know him today, but for some reason, your heart raced at the sight of him. He was not your type so it seemed a bit off for you to feel this way. You decided to ignore it as you took your seat next to the blonde.
“Okay class, we are going to have group projects! You are paired up next to the person you are sitting next to. The project is due in two weeks.”
“Great.” Katsuki groans in annoyance.
You were taken back by his sudden rudeness, but tried to brush it off. You would probably have the same reaction as him if you were lured with the new kid. Plus, you came into the school year late due to the fact you just moved to Japan from New York City. It was a great opportunity for you to study abroad.
“If it makes you feel any better, I am really good at History.” You say nervously.
“It doesn’t, nerd.” Katsuki insults.
The teacher finishes teaching the lesson and the class is dismissed. You gathered your stuff about to leave and Katsuki follows closely behind you. He stops you by handing you a piece of paper.
“What is this?” You ask.
“Open it, dumbass.”
You opened up the folded paper to see it is an address and the words “meet me at my place after school.”
Before you could even question anything, Katsuki was gone. You rushed to your next class as you heard the bell ring. The high school does not give you as much time as you should have to get to one class to another.
School was finally over and you made your way out the building. You noticed Katsuki waiting at the entrance.
“Took you long enough. Got lost?” Katsuki teased.
Your cheeks went red because you actually did get lost.
“You didn’t have to wait for me, you know?”
“I’m aware, but we are going to the same place. I don’t need you getting lost and I fail this project.”
“Fair enough.”
You and Katsuki began walking towards his place. Awkward silence overcame both of you so you started singing a lullaby that calms you down. Your mother sang this song since you were little.
“Let me sing a lullaby
As you close your eyes
And as you're drifting off to sleep
How I hope that the dreams that you find
Are bright
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?
Where a tomorrow waits for you and I
So hold me tight one more time, but don't kiss me goodbye
'Cause I know that I'll see you on the other side
I will think of our song when the nights are too long
I'll dream of you for that's where I belong
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies
Only, in my dreams, do we meet again”
Katsuki stopped dead in his tracks. He has never heard of this lullaby before, but the song sounded so familiar. So did your voice and the feeling in his chest. He has never seen you a day in his life and neither have you, but the familiarity feeling in both of you said otherwise. You both have heard rumors of this feeling before, but you both have never experienced it until now.
You turned to face him.
“Something wrong?”
Katsuki shook his head no. You held out your pinky finger.
Katsuki contemplated before wrapping his pinky finger around yours. He usually would have laughed or insulted someone for doing that, but this was different.
All Rights Reserved
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averytinyelephant · 4 years
sing our love from the rooftops
Author’s note: This is my response for @tog-valentine-exchange! This response is for @jill-8-7 (who’s art is amazing, go check it out!!) and their artwork. I’m sorry for this being a little late, but hopefully the fic’s good enough to make up for it! My first go at a songfic, but I feel pretty good about how it turned out! Listen to Love Someone by Lukas Graham here. (Also, this can sortof (?) be read as a peek into (epilogue actually, haha) to my fic for Vih and Eevee’s Honey Lavender AU which... has turned out to be quite a monster, so apologies to both of you for taking so long to finish it! I really hope that it’ll blow you away once I’ve finished!!) Fandom: Tower of God (Read the Webtoon here!) Pairing: Khun Aguero Agnis/The Twenty-Fifth Baam Word Count: 2,633
Summary: Khun may be new to relationships, but he knows missing Valentine’s Day with his partner for work is a really shitty thing to do. So he’s planning on making up for it with a surprise that’s sure to sweep Baam right off his feet. Everything’s laid out perfectly, but Baam manages to beat him to the punch anyway.
Khun taps his foot impatiently and checks his watch. Half an hour to go, he thinks to himself. This damn meeting is dragging on like molasses, even though he’s already worked out an arrangement with Shibisu so he can get out of this one earlier.
It’s not that he doesn’t like his job: quite the opposite really, this business is something he’s poured years into building from the ground up. It’s quite simple, even if there are some days that are a little too reminiscent of a childhood he’d rather not think about, and much of it comes with practiced ease now.
No, it’s not that at all, it’s just that his whole life was turned upside down almost two years ago now by a certain man with the brightest golden eyes, and he finds himself looking forward to frivolous, overly sentimental things like Valentine’s Day despite himself. He knows that this meeting is important (there was a reason that he resorted to scheduling it today of all days, after all) and that he has a surprise planned out for his partner to make up for not being able to spend today with him.
Just half an hour more and I’ll be on my way to see him, Khun reasons, trying to force himself to pay attention to this meeting, when they’re interrupted by a knock on the door.
They enter briefly, and it’s a member of security, “Mr. Khun, I need to speak to you privately for just a minute.”
She tells him that someone’s requesting his presence from the ground floor, claiming to be his partner and that they’re incredibly persistent. Khun feels like his eyebrows might be touching his hairline right now and he’s about to dismiss her, that’s impossible, he wants to say, and it wouldn’t be a lie but she goes on to say, “He says his name is Jue Viole Grace.”
And that’s — Khun feels his world stop for a moment. This… this could be a real problem: he’d not even told his closest friends about Baam and had gone to great lengths to make sure their relationship remained private, something untouched by this messy life of constant competition, how could anyone know?
Despite the turmoil in his head, Khun manages to answer, “Thank you very much, though I’ll deal with this personally,” and walks back into the conference room to excuse himself briefly before making his way to the attached balcony. If he remembers right (which he always does), his car is parked on this side of the building and should be readily visible from this balcony. If the imposter wants his attention, he’d either be there or near his car, and there’s no harm in checking from here first, especially since they mostly likely wish him harm.
Peering over the balcony, Khun sees he was right, they’re just by his car and — he has no idea how he knows this, the figure’s much too small from all the way up here to see properly but it just clicks in his head with a terrifyingly overwhelming certainty that this is Baam, he’s staring right at the real thing, Baam’s right here looking up at him and waving excitedly, that’s impossible, how —
His phone’s ringing — no, Baam’s calling him. When he answers, he can’t even mask his shock when he asks, “Baam? How the hell—”
“Sorry to pull you out of work Khun!” he chirps back, not sounding the least bit sorry, “I wanted to surprise you for Valentine’s Day!”
What the fuck.
“But, Baam, you’re supposed to be — You told me you have a gig tonight at Endorsi’s place, it’d be crowded as all hell, and you flew across the country to see me?”
“Yup!” And Baam’s unpacking his guitar.
Wait. He’s unpacking his guitar.
“Are you crazy? You’re going to serenade me right here and now?”
“Oh, great, I was wondering how to explain this. It’s kinda awkward, y’know, I tried phrasing it a few different ways and none of them really clicked. I’m glad I don’t have to—”
“You can’t be serious, I swear, Baam, one of these days—”
“Put your headphones in! You’ll be able to hear me a little more clearly.”
Khun grumbles a bit to himself as he does, determined to express his indignation despite his shock, and Baam only laughs at him.
“Okay, they’re in. You’re so on, by the way.”
Baam just huffs and puts his phone in his pocket, and Khun doesn’t even need to look at his face to know he’s understood.
He waits patiently as Baam tunes the guitar and meets him with a challenging lilt to his voice as he asks, “Can you hear me okay?”
“Loud and clear.”
As Baam plays the first few notes, Khun can’t see his face from where he’s standing at the balcony’s edge, but he’s seen Baam play so many times he already knows how serenely focused his eyes are, the relaxed and confident set of his shoulders, the involuntary quirk of his lips as he loses himself in playing. He never gets tired of seeing it, and he wishes he could see it again right now. He thinks he’s already heard this song before, its opening is familiar but he can’t hope to place it right now, but he’s reminded again when Baam starts to sing that it doesn’t matter, this version — Baam’s voice, even tinny and distorted through the phone’s mic, a little muffled by the fabric of his shirt pocket — will be more beautiful than any original he’s heard.
There are days, I wake up and I pinch myself You're with me, not someone else
“Who else would there be but you?” He means it sarcastically, to poke fun at his choice of song in this game they’ve played for years now, but it comes out horribly dopey and fond instead and Khun suddenly feels his cheeks burn. Baam’s late for a chord for a fraction of a second anyway, so it’s not an entire failure.
And I’m scared, yeah, I'm still scared, that it's all a dream
“A damn good dream, I’d say,” Khun manages in the haughtiest tone he can muster at the moment and that gets Baam’s voice to crack a little with suppressed giggles, but his playing’s still flawless as always.
'Cause you still look perfect as days go by
“Please, that’s a given.”
Even the worst ones, you make me smile I'd stop the world if it gave us time
Khun’s about to say something snarky again despite how deeply the sentiment resonated with him, but the way Baam’s voice swells at the chorus tears away his pretense.
'Cause when you love someone, you open up your heart When you love someone, you make room If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em You’ve probably never loved someone like I do When you say You love the way I make you feel Everything becomes so real Don't be scared, no, don't be scared 'Cause you're all I need
(Privately, Khun admits defeat this time, because he doesn’t think he could muster a witty comment, a sufficiently steady voice, or even the will to compete right now despite all his pride.)
And you still look perfect as days go by Even the worst ones, you make me smile I'd stop the world if it gave us time 'Cause when you love someone, you open up your heart When you love someone, you make room If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em You’ve probably never loved someone like I do All my life I thought it'd be hard to find the one 'til I found you And I find it bittersweet 'Cause you gave me something to lose
Khun feels himself straighten before he registers commanding himself to do so, because that’s it — that’s what Baam’s trying to tell him. For a split second, he’s taken back two years and three hours before, a conversation asking about Baam how he chose songs to learn, a light voice on a hot desert breeze saying “there’s always one bit, a whole verse or a few words, one bit of the song that tells you plainly what they’re trying to say.”
He doesn’t know how he knows, there’s no evidence to suggest such, but Khun feels it like a punch to the solar plexus: this is that part. This is what Baam’s been trying to say, what he’s telling him now: It’s you, it’s you, it’s always been you. When we met the first time, my heart remembered the shape of yours from somewhere our eyes have never seen; we’ll never be favored by the stars but I’ll fight each day for us; everything beautiful reminds me of you because I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you more than I can ever show you in ten thousand lifetimes, so I’ll love you every day of this one and hope you understand.
But when you love someone, you open up your heart When you love someone, you make room If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em You’ve probably never loved someone like I do
When Baam finishes, he looks up at Khun, and he doesn’t even need to see his face to know he looks shy and sheepish like the reality of the situation’s finally hit him and Khun — Khun can hardly even speak. He’s certain he looks like a complete moron, gaping mouth and openly flabbergasted, but he can’t even bring himself to care. Before he knows it, his feet are carrying him away from the balcony and back into the still-busy conference room. He thinks Shibisu’s trying to speak with him and he’s distantly aware of Baam calling out to him in his headphones, and fuck, this is so fucking stupid, Khun’s never this impulsive —
He rushes out the door anyway, making a beeline for the elevator (he briefly considers the stairs when he passes by them on the way and has to focus to turn his brain on momentarily and think of how many damn stories there are in the building to decide against it) and slams the button for the ground floor. He can hardly stand still as it goes down, tapping his foot and checking his watch and oh, Baam’s disconnected the call, and his hands are shaking (absently, the rational part of his mind thinks it’s amusing how closely what he’s experiencing now resembles a panic attack) and fuck, this is still so goddamn stupid, and fucking finally, the elevator’s stopped at the ground floor. Before the doors even open all the way, he’s gone, sprinting through the front door and around the side of the building to where he parked this morning and he sees Baam, zipping up his guitar case and he looks ethereal now that he can see him up close —
And Khun feels the last of his sanity snap in two as he just grabs Baam by the collar and kisses him so hard he can feel the way Baam yelps in surprise in each of his teeth. His lungs are burning and his heart’s pounding in his throat, already winded from running so fast, but he still can’t bring himself to care.
Baam’s the one to break the kiss, breathy and concerned, “Aguero? What are you…?”
And damn, Khun realizes he has to give him answers.
Say something! “You’re fucking ridiculous.” Not that.
Baam looks more than a little offended. That’s… appropriate.
“Absolutely and totally impossible, I fucking hate you so, so much,” Khun knows he’s rambling nonsense, but Baam’s gotten him choked up and unable to even comprehend what he’s feeling right now, much less express it in words, so he just kisses him again and hopes he understands.
He breaks the kiss again (he doesn’t get it, obviously, because he’s not making any sense) and replies, “You’re telling me two very different things here, Aguero.”
Wait. What?
Khun forces his brain back online through sheer willpower and really, properly looks at Baam, and — this bastard’s smiling of all things right now, he looks like he’s about to burst out laughing any moment now. “You’re the worst. You know that?”
And he does burst out laughing, and it sounds like a million bells chiming in the most euphonious orchestra in the most irritating way possible. “I hate you so much — I have a ticket for a flight for LA in two hours and a rental car waiting for me, I made arrangements to work remotely for the next week to make up for today, I was going to — stop laughing at me!” He means it seriously, but he’s so giddy right now, he’s certain he’s grinning wide like a fool.
Baam exaggeratedly wipes tears from his eyes and wheezes out, “You scared me! I thought you were mad at me—”
“I am mad at you! You ruined my surprise!”
And Baam’s laughing again and Khun can’t figure out if he wants to kick him or kiss him again, but he redeems himself (just a bit) when he says, “I’m sorry! I’ll help you get a refund on that plane ticket if you want.”
“That’s not what I care about here, Baam!” That only makes Baam laugh harder, and okay, Khun has to admit, this entire situation is frankly ridiculous, and he starts laughing with him before he can catch himself.
After a few moments, Khun manages to collect himself enough to retort, “I’m definitely doing something else to make up for it.”
Baam looks at him curiously as Khun pulls his keys from his pocket with a flourish. “You mean right now?” he asks incredulously, “But what about your —”
And, well. Khun’s definitely not about to admit Baam made him forget about work entirely. But he’s saved from having to think of a decent cover because as if on cue, Khun’s phone starts ringing with a call from Shibisu.
“Khun? What the hell’s going on, you just disappeared, is that —”
“Shibisu, wait, listen.” At this point, Khun knows Shibisu well enough to know that if he doesn’t cut him off now, he’ll never stop asking questions. “I need you to manage the rest of it. You’ll be fine, it’s just a little earlier from when I had to take off anyway—”
“Yeah, I know, but, Khun, what’s actually going on? Don’t tell me—”
Khun just looks Baam in the eye and winks at him when he answers, “I’ve got something a lot more important to tend to.” Baam flushes bright red but beams at him anyway and Khun barely tamps down the urge to coo at how cute his partner is.
The other line’s silent, but it seems like Shibisu gets it because he sighs, dramatic and long-suffering, before muttering, “I really should’ve taken Hatz up on that bet, he’d owe me money right now.” Khun’s grips the phone a little tighter in irritation, but he makes a note to reward him somehow for not taking the bet before Shibisu continues. “Yeah, I’ll take care of it. But you owe me the presentation in two weeks and one hell of an explanation.”
Khun doesn’t even think before he answers, “Deal.” He still hates cashing out his end of a bargain first, being indebted to someone rather than having others owe him, but when Baam beams at him as he pockets his phone again, Khun thinks it’s really not all that bad.
“Come on, lover boy,” Khun teases as he spins his keys once and unlocks his car, “you showed me LA last time, it’s your turn to see New York City.”
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vkookjamz · 4 years
|| Prologue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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| 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑡-𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 |
"𝘉-𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭..?"
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬'𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯. 𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦..
Y/n's POV
Eyes now widened, you gripped the arm rest on your left. Your ears stood up, becoming stiffened along with your tail twitching in alert.
Who said that- What said that?? That definitely wasn't your conscience- It sounded- familiar, but your mind couldn't seem to come up with anything to pair the voice to.
The voice was feminine, deep and smooth it sounded almost like a mother's who was singing their child a lullaby.
But deep down in the pit of your stomach you just had a feeling it was instead masking a siren. Who's sweet sound would slowly lure you into its trap leading to your ultimate demise.
'I will awaken' 'do not fear what you are that's their job' Who is going to wake up and why would people be afraid?
You felt your head get dizzy and your body heat up. You felt as if you were about to pass out until it spoke again.
Calm yourself.
That's rich, how exactly were you supposed to do that when you're pretty sure you've gone mad.
'you're not crazy y/n- just close your eyes, take a nap, you're probably just tired and hungry that's all'
You spoke to yourself, repeating affirmations inside your mind until you heard it once again.
Growing irritated at whatever this was, you heard the eerily seducing tone giggle softly, causing you to let a snarl form on your face as you growled under your breath.
Oh come on now it's laughing at you?? How the hell was this possible- one second you're just staring at the moon on your way to dinner with the boys and now you've completely lost your shit?
Dear child, I am you. You are me.
'what are you talking about- I'm me..'
"Uh baby girl? we're here" Jungkook rubbed your back softly, tilting his head as he scanned his eyes over you.
Inhaling a deep breath from your nose, your eyes snapped open glancing around the car you saw the other members lazily unbuckling their seatbelts.
They all were getting up with slight groans and happy sighs while putting on their masks and coats, preparing to enter the restaurant you all were currently in the parking lot of.
Shaking your head you frowned your brows together confused. Had you been asleep? Was what you experienced a dream?
You didn't remember falling asleep- just looking at the moon, then everything got quiet, then the voice. Your eyes never closed, you know they didn't.
Looking back at Jungkook you blinked a few times to focus then nodded quickly. "Ah- yes I'm sorry Appa- I spaced out I guess"
He chuckled giving you a cute side smile, shaking his head he quickly threw his own coat over your shoulders, helping you out of the car and reaching down to hold your hand, knitting his fingers together with yours.
"It's alright baby, now that you had a little snooze during the drive I'm sure you should be plenty hungry yeah?" he ruffled the top of your head closing his door.
"I-I- slept..?" you frowned looking up at him, your grip on his hand tightening. Jungkook nodded looking back at you with pursed lips letting out a small laugh. "Yeah the moment we got in the car you looked out the window for a moment then passed out- I was worried at first but Namjoon-Hyung said you were probably just exhausted since- you know, first time being a human and we did a lot"
So you had fallen asleep..
Maybe what you heard was just you having a dream, after all Namjoon was right, you had done a lot since you were in your new form.
And one time when Hoseok woke up to take out the trash in the middle of the night, he swears he heard racoons talking to him- but we all thought he was just too tired and his mind was playing tricks on him. Maybe it was the same with you?
"Yah come on you two! Tae is starving!" Jimin spoke with a chuckle as he jogged down to walk beside the two of you. Wrapping an arm around both yours and Jungkook's neck.
You smiled with a nod, looking between him and Jungkook then facing the doors of the restaurant as you all approached it. Hopefully dinner would put you at ease.
~Time Skippy~
After you all had entered the restaurant, you noticed there wasn't too many people inside, which was equally good and bad.
Good because that meant you wouldn't have any trouble finding a table, or have to wait to long for your food, but bad because with no people around, the boys wouldn't have to hide their crackhead selves as they ate.
And when they ate, they would be at the peak of their crackhead energy. It was embarrassing at times but you loved it regardless- so okay maybe it wasn't BAD, just them being themselves.
"Yah where is the meat- I need meat" Namjoon spoke scrunching his nose up at the sight of the many lobsters on their table.
Taking a large bite of his own lobster Jungkook hummed singing with his cheeks stuffed. "I need you meat~"
"Jungkook please don't be like Jimin and start singing memes-"
"To be fair Hyung, you ordered a ridiculous amount of lobster-" Yoongi pointed out taking a swig of his wine.
"Oh so you want me to ask the waiter to take yours back?" Jin raised his brows eyeing the second oldest.
Yoongi pursed his lips grabbing his plate and pulled it closer to himself. "....No"
"Exactly, now hush and eat like Taehyung, he hasn't said a word since he sat down so that means he's eating well~" Jin praised continuing to eat his own plate of food.
Taehyung's head poked up, his cheeks filled with his noodles as he held a fork with meat attached to it in one hand and his other dipping into his bowl of soup.
"Wah you're eating like a pig- slow down or you'll choke-" Hoseok chuckled shaking his head as he took a small bite of his own food.
Jimin merely smirked at Hoseok's comment as Taehyung pouted then scrunched his nose to frown as he proceeded to eat. You on the other hand where just sitting watching all of the males as they joked and ate, you hadn't even touched your salmon.
"Princess you're not eating are you alright?" Yoongi nodded over to you from across his spot at the table, your ears perked from under your beanie and you nodded with a small sweet smile.
"Ah yeah uncle Yoongs, I'm just watching you all- it kinda entertains me more than eating I guess" you chuckled as you picked up your fork, beginning to dig into your meal.
"Ahh, you know- this actually reminds me of our very first meal together you know? The night Jungkook-ah brought you home and we all ate ramen in the dorms" Namjoon smiled revealing his dimples at you, as the waiter came placing his well waited for steak in front of him.
Jungkook's eyes brightened as he licked his lips nodding at the other. "Yeah Hyungs sent me out in the middle of the night to get them food when I could've been kidnapped"
"Oh shut up you muscle pig you're too heavy for anyone to kidnap" Jimin laughed leaning back in his chair, his sweet smile causing you to giggle as you looked back at a slightly offended Jungkook.
"Yah I was fifteen! you never know!" Jungkook huffed. You patted his hand gently nuzzling your head against his shoulder with a purr.
"Actually- I don't remember much of that night- what was all of your reactions when you first saw me..?" you blushed sitting up as you took a bite of your food nervously.
Everyone seemed to smile to themselves after your question, which made you a little uneasy and worried- but you were still curious.
"Well, I opened the door for Jungkook so I of course was the first to see you- but then Jungkook told me to 'sHuT uP' so I had to hold in my excitement" Jimin nodded giving a little glare to Jungkook who sat across from him.
Taehyung raised his hand and sat up clearing his throat as he took a sip of his Pepsi with a hum. "Well I was next to see you, since me and Jungkookie shared a room at that time, and he looked really excited and very fond over you so I was happy you made him happy"
You smiled pursing your lips as you looked up to Jungkook who was blushing a bit. "Then I was happy because I remember when you first saw me you pounced on me and made Kookie jealous" Tae laughed causing you to choke widening your eyes at his words.
You forgot when you were a young kitten you had a slight crush on him-
"Anyways- uh, uncle Hobi what about you?" you laughed a bit nervously as you felt the slight tension in Jungkook's body at Tae's words.
"Ahhh, when I saw you the first time I was actually even more excited than Jungkook- I was prepared to beg him to let me help take care of you but he wanted that job all to himself- I guess he wanted you to understand you belonged to him" Hoseok smiled with his mouth closed as he ruffled your head with his hand carefully.
"Yeah plus when our manager found out we had you in the dorm and that Jungkook had brought you he kinda made sure Jungkook was the one doing all your caretaking since he didn't want all of us getting side tracked when we were still in the process of debuting" Jin nodded cupping both of his cheeks as he rested his elbows on the table watching you.
"But when I saw you, you were automatically one of my children as well, it's just my instinct to be the 'eomma' of you all" he smiled winking at you as you giggled in return.
"I don't think I ever told you this Jungkook-ah- but actually our manager at that time made it up to me wether or not we would keep y/n or not-" Namjoon mentioned at Jungkook who raised his brows.
"Really Hyung? what made you say yes?- I mean I'm glad you did but- you know-" Jungkook questioned.
"Well when I saw y/n she was very tiny- and like Taehyung, I saw she made you really happy and she kinda helped you open up more with us since you were pretty shy" Namjoon replied as he gave a reassuring smile towards the younger.
"Thanks Hyung.." Jungkook smiled bowing his head once as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder protectively.
You purred pleased, becoming soft at all of their answers before you let your eyes fall to Yoongi.
"And you uncle Yoongs..?" you asked tilting your head, blinking once curiously since the older male had stayed pretty quiet the entire time.
Everyone seemed to stare at him awaiting his response, since of course he wasn't known for sharing his own feelings too often.
"Actually, I love animals so I was happy with you" Yoongi shrugged, his small answer making you pout a bit along with everyone else around the table, which he noticed.
"Aish alright alright, I thought you were really cute and I would baby you when you were a kitten and sometimes I'd have Jungkook almost get a heart attack because I'd sometimes take you to have naps with me in my office after I'd finish writing music because you helped me sleep" Yoongi sighed running a hand through his hair.
You smiled blushing as your tail twitched pleased at his words, everyone seemed to have loved you from the beginning. Most people wouldn't be so accepting of animals especially in their circumstances at that time.
As everyone proceeded to laugh and praise Yoongi for his answer, you kept your smile letting yourself slip into your own thoughts.
You saw how far they all had come from where they had started. Their company was basically nothing when they started their group, they didn't eat some nights yet they worked their asses off practicing hours on end. And through it all they had and cared for you, loved you, and basically raised you as they grew up themselves. It amazed you that from how much they've accomplished, still they are so genuine to themselves as well as with their feelings towards you. Even now that you've almost completely changed into an entirely different person, they still accept you like they did the very first day.
Finally you managed to snap yourself back to reality, looking back up to Yoongi who sighed with a smirk as he looked at everyone.
"Alright, who's getting the check"
A/n: I hope this isn't too sappy-
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zeoumren · 4 years
The skeletons, the swamp and the song bird(undertale  drabble)
I am not gonna post this to Ao3 (probably) but I wanted to  write something about the boys™ ( y’know San’s Red and Skull because they spark joy) and I ended up making...a swamp monster Au? hey, you know what sure. I'm chill. 
So please enjoy this little drabble 
Sans is half blue spotted salamander 
Red is half Marine  iguana
And our boy skull is an unholy amalgam of  giant leeches  that makes him look  like he has tentacles. c: 
It had been another indescribably shitty day.
You were not a pessimist but the dark circles under your eyes had something to say about your lifestyle. 
It was shit, plain and simple. You had a hard time separating your real life from your work life and that lead to more stress, less sleep and a pissy boss telling you to get your act together before coming back to the venue.
A sigh left you as you sat hunched over on a stump in the forest clearing. 
This was your quiet place, you came here to sing and practice routines.
You were an entertainer and it was hard not to keep your mask on, you pretended all the time to be someone...something you were not it was hard when someone asked you about yourself because you didn't know who you were off the stage anymore.
So yeah, life was kinda shit right now so you threw yourself into what you normally did when you hiked up here, into the humid underbrush of a forest no one wanted to come to, legends of creatures eating full-grown men whole and actual real dangers surrounded this place, but you didn’t much care anymore.
After all, the ones who were more dangerous were outside the forest.
Taking off a ball cap and letting your hair tumble free you wipe your brow free of sweat and kick your legs as you sit.
Most of the forest was loud, full if chattering and nattering of birds and other creatures, but this space that just dropped off into a bog, was quiet.
You liked to come here in the wee hours of the morning and watch the fog roll off the algae-green water, it made for the perfect ambience to a forlorn song or a crooning that let all your own heartbreak loose.
But today, in the evening after being told your routine was shit and you were one slip up from being let go and replaced by someone new, who you had no grievance with, but it was the principal of the matter, you had worked so hard to get to sing and perform for crowds and now….you were having it dangled above your head.
You grit your teeth and for the first time since you ever came here you let out a cry of pure frustration and rage.
The quiet never broke, even through all your angered screaming, then looking between your knees as you sat and into the murky water you buried your head in your hands and wept.
You did not know what to do! It was all too much all at once.
Still, you came back to a familiar song, even with a tearful voice.
"Green finch and linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird teach me how to sing."
You were able to get a few verses in before the sun began to Dip down below the horizon and you got up from your perch.
No point trying to navigate this quagmire in the gloom.
You took careful steps, keeping to the path you always did when something caught your attention. A pale bluish light hovering in the air, soon being joined by more close by of other colours…you spotted red as well, and a strange, almost grey-blue light. You hummed to yourself, reminded of the fact that this was a bog, and swamp gas igniting was a thing. Still, you stopped and stared, a smile playing at your lips.
"Wow, this is the most beautiful light show I have ever seen! And people say the Fen is haunted. More like hauntingly beautiful!"
You giggle to yourself and don't even notice the lights flare brighter at your statement.
You always loved the Gloom, you just never knew the gloom loved you back.
Well….you never thought it could get worse, but even after giving it your all you still ended up being fired. 
So you came to the bog to say your goodbyes. You probably would have to move back into your parent’s town.
"I'm gonna miss this place, not the shitty managers, or the fights...but I always thought the locals were silly to be afraid. This place is so magical and I'm really gonna miss it…" 
It was weird, saying goodbye to a place. But you somehow still ended up crying a little.
And for the first time ever in this clearing, you heard a sound.
A mournful wailing, deep like a foghorn that rattled into your very bones.
It looked like the Bog itself had seemed to shift, the top layer of Jenny green teeth giving way to the sound of mud slurping and water gushing.
You couldn't move, frozen to the spot as you watched in awed terror.
Writhing tentacles that moved like leeches and were just as black moved towards you, you figured this was it, you were dead. You sucked in a breath and screwed your eyes up tight.
You were startled as the wet appendages slowly ran over your cheek. Delicately.
You cracked open an eye and saw there in the water a skull, a giant gaping hole that looked painful gushing water as it rose, one of its eyes was devoid of light and the other…
Was a deep crimson, the colour of blood.
Yet it smiled softly, even with so many teeth.
The tentacles seemed to be coming from it and it made you cock your head to the side as it almost shyly drew closer, hauling more of its body out of the water.
Its torso was also skeletal, and it was gigantic, at least eight feet tall without including its lower half.
You thought of story's of swamp hags dragging people under and looked at this...it seemed to fit some sort of description...it definitely looked like a drowned corpse.
But as it hauled itself out of the water and you saw how it slid over to you in one fluid motion, how its bones melded into strange dark tentacles, how it's eye lit up when it reached a skeletal hand over to pat your hair.
This was surreal, strange in every sense of the word. Your voice caught in your throat as  two other skulls, smaller than the first bobbed in the water, one had white pinpricks of light for eyes like the stars in the sky, the other had sharper teeth and predatory red slits for eye lights.
They shared a look and dipped under the surface, leaving you with the behemoth.
It was so strange having something so giant hold your face and look you over, play with your hair.
You finally found your voice, it wobbled despite your best efforts.
"S-sorry to bother you...I didn't know anyone lived here. Don't worry I will go."
The touching and playing stopped and it said one word that made your stomach drop and your bones freeze.
"N o."
It was soft, but full of a strange emotion you could not understand and you felt your eyes widen in shock as millions of tentacles surrounded you, even if you were to scream it would come out muffled as the world was blotted out by the writhing darkness.
The moment you were spat out from the inky prison you were on a shore...a tiny island with a cave in the center.
You were surrounded by the bog and your heart sped up when you saw the water froth and churn.
Out of the murk popped the small skeletal creature...white eyes.
He watched you curiously before sliding up onto the island. His lower body made you actually smile, he looked like some sort of blue newt from the waist down. That was it. You had to have bumped your head and were slowly bleeding out. None of this was possible.
So, since this is probably a weird dream induced by bloodless, you may as well be nice. You smile and wave to the creature who looks shocked and  his skeletal face flushes a bright blue as little wisps of blue light curl around him.
He Pat's his face roughly and scampers off into the cave.
"Bye lil guy." 
The next thing you know you are being tackled and you are staring up at a grinning maw full of sharp teeth and slit red eyes.
"Um...are you going to eat me?"
If you are already dying you may as well just get that question out of the way. The newt skeleton seemed harmless...but this one…
It looked more like one of those lizards that catches fish, it had sharp claws on both its skeletal and reptilian appendages. This was a predator and it could rip you apart...yet you were suprised when it laughed and started ...purring?
It was a gravely sound that you felt in your bones, but it was strangely warm.
"Heh, cute but I'm not gonna even try songbird. Skull would kill me...oh speak of the devil. Goodluck sweetness.~"
He scrambled off of you, but not before licking your cheek with a forked red tongue.
He too wandered off to the cave...it struck you that these creatures could talk, which sent your mind reeling, even as you were picked up by curling black tentacles.
You crossed your arms and looked at the creature holding you.
"So...are you going to eat me?"
Skull...looked horrified. His one eye light got impossibly small and he surged out of the water, reaching out to hold you...your clothing was no doubt ruined by now and everything felt so surreal. He scooped you up and you were shocked by how warm he was.
"No. Wont. Keep you safe."
You blinked softly.
"Can I go home?"
You were squeezed a little tighter and you realized he was bringing you to the cave.
"Keep you safe."
You were placed up high on a rocky shelf that was covered with sweet smelling moss and animal skins. tentacles retreating after softly patting your head. You blinked in the low light.
It...was a little home? The cave had three rocky pools of water and some different shelves and outcroppings. You held in your grasp of wonder as all around you little jars filled with bioluminescent blue mushrooms blinked to life in the growing gloom. 
You may be dead...but you guessed there were worse places to be dead. You looked down and waved at the little newtiton and received a wink from the skelezard.
Skull was winding himself into a ball of tentacles inside the biggest pool while the other two were resting on old animal skins and warming up by a fire that crackled with the smell of roasting fish.
You sighed softly and laid down on the surprisingly soft moss.
You guessed this was fine for now.
It is not like you had anywhere to be and you were safe, unless you were already dead...plus you probably were in shock, nothing felt real right now.
Closing your eyes you heard three separate voices call out to say the same thing.
" Good night songbird" 
"How long do you think she will sleep for?"
Sans stifled a yawn as he had stayed up to chat with the others.
It was no fair, he had found you first, someone singing in the early morning just for him. He had hoped to lure you with the will-o-the-wisp's into the water at first but in the end he had let you go. You were just...your song was so sad.
He couldn't bring himself to hurt you, and you came back. A new song each day that felt like it was just for him.
Then Red had to show up and decide he liked your singing too.
And you came once or twice at night so, skull found out too. Skull was dangerous, sans thought for sure you were dead but the behemoth seemed smitten. He liked your happy songs filled with love, your sad songs filled with loss...you sounded like you had lived all these songs.
Then you came to the fen not with a song, but with tears, with frustration and heartbreak.
And yet you had still called their home beautiful...their lights that they put up to cheer you...you called them beautiful too.
And of course it was hard to hold skull back from wanting to take you then.
"I dunno squirt. But Hell. I know she deserves some sleep...she always looks so tired. But she still hikes out here everyday."
Red growled and looked up at your sleeping form.
Their songbird was suffering all this time and they never noticed until now.
It made his instincts flare up. He had to protect you...he had to, you were too fragile to keep out of sight for long.
If he did someone else might hurt you.
You were better off here.
He may be adverse to skulls method of getting you here, but now that you were…
"So, we all agree we are keeping her?"
Sans thought it over and nodded, he may not want to share, but he was stuck in this situation now.
"...I mean...I don't want her to leave, and she is so tiny and thin. We should probably take care of her."
"Protect little bird. Needs to eat more."
Skull was already in full nesting mode with you here. It was weird to see someone so...feral become a purring kitten in your presence.
They all stopped and stared all three skulls snapping up to the shelf when you cooed out a little yawn before rolling over in your sleep. 
"...too cute."
Skull was holding his face and twirling his tentacles into tight knots. He probably wanted to hold you.
"Stars, yeah we gotta keep her. I'll get her more furs for her nest tomorrow."
And now Red was gone too. His mind working on instinct to protect, provide and comfort.
Though sans was not much better. He was already trying to figure out where to catch more humans and extort them for favours so they would give him things for you.
Yes. They all looked at each other and nodded.
The songbird was theirs. The world would never harm them again.
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wthelvetica21 · 4 years
🔗💀Linked Souls
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in the Digital Cabaret’s lobby
All four of the Mystery Skulls investigators found themselves in a calmly lit room with skull decor. It was quaint to say the least. There were also musical instruments like guitars and old fashion keyboards on the walls as well like it was a recording studio. All of them were laying on the same large circular sofa with two tables.
Lewis: What… The hell… just happened…? Guys?
Vivi: Just a few more minutes okay Lew. I swear… mar 
Vivi rolled back sleeping with her plush turtle that she kept in her backpack before they headed out.
Arthur: (yawn) Can you keep it down… Whoa OH HOLY SHIT! Where are we guys? This can’t get any weirder man.
Mystery: *soft barking* (I must keep a low profile for now. I have a feeling that we’re not… in our world anymore. I sense four none hostile souls and least one that’s harbors some justifiable apprehension towards us.)
Lewis is the only one who could hear Mystery via supernatural telepathy.
Lewis: Huh? I hear voices from outside… 
Lewis along with Mystery and Arthur put their heads on the double doors to listen in.
Teenage Male Voice: I don’t know if this is a good Idea Doc. They seem sketchy as hell if you ask me. Especially the ghost rider reject in particular.
Calm Female Voice: I’m sure hun, my tombsona can since people’s intentions right away. They seem to be looking for someone or something whom was involved with the murder of the young man in the suit who has become a ghost. It’s all I could glean however. But the dog though.. is odd… He’s not a threat to us but that might not be his true form.
Suave German Voice: He could be a lycan… What? It’s possible since that ghost is particularly one that still has his body. 
 Mystery: *tilts his head* (A lycan? As in a werewolf? He also knows that Lewis is a special case as well.)
Softer Male Voice: … 
Strangely Familiar Voice: What’s that Armstrong? You think that we should meet them one by one? Maybe 2 by 2 would work better. I would rather meet them later… I’m still having a hard time processing this whole situation. I just woke up after all.
Lewis: Wait?… Is that the? (Is that the guy singing in that weird dream from earlier? Could it be that comatose guy who was begging for help? It’s modulated a bit but it’s that voice I heard. I just know it.)
Mystery: whimper (Lewis? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. You know that voice?)
Lewis: Uhh… I could’ve sworn I heard his voice before. (he said softly)
Calm Female Voice: Don’t worry cher. We’ll go first. Come on Rust since you’ve been itching to meet them.
All three backed up from the door so they wouldn’t get hit.
Teenage Male Voice: WHAT!? Why the hell me? Why not Tesla, Armstrong, or even your… Hey don’t give me that look. Dammit okay fine… let’s meet them already. (mumbles in Spanish)
Lewis: Tch… (Yeah you’re already gonna be a pain in the ass from the get go. Must be a high schooler or somethin’.)
Strangely Familiar Voice: Wait! I changed my mind. I’m very curious about these people from another universe.
The double doors open and two individuals come out. One was a woman who had discolored blue skin with glowing neon blue paint. And she had flowing hair that acted like willow wisps. She also had the attire of a stage magician with some witch doctor elements. The most noteworthy thing about her was the navy blue mask with glowing cyan eyes and outlines that took up most of the top portion of her face. She could even be mistaken for a ghost like Lewis. 
Vivi: OMG, she’s… so… cool! Oh man I wish I had that classy outfit she’s wearing. I could match with Lewis for once.
Mystery: *tilting his head groaning* (She’s certainly someone Vivi and Lewis could get along with very well. Maybe she patched us up from that elevator.)
Doc: My name is Doc or you could call me Ms. Doc for convenience. I’m the drummer for The Living Tombstone. Next to me is zero_one. He’s our keyboardist and composer. He also does the vocals as well.
The other individual was a tall svelte man who was shorter than Lewis but slightly taller than Arthur.  He looked like he was wearing a skin tight jump suit with yellow circuit lines with an orange fade to them. In the center of his torso is a rectangle that looks like a microchip with a heart beat indicator. He also was wearing a helmet that had a plume of golden orange hair made out of plasma and a pair of headphones. But what really caught Lewis’s attention was the LED skull with a bolt shaped crack on the right. He recognizes him as that guy from that dream he while he was passed out on that mining elevator. Almost immediately both of them blurted out…
Lewis & zero_one in unison : Do I know you from somewhere? But how?
Lewis : Hold up… Um Hey… (Aw man this shit just got weird already.)
zero_one : Uh… Hi there… (Oh… awkward.)
Arthur: Welp… This just got awkward and weird fast. What is going on here man? You recognize the dude with the mohawk?
Lewis : It’s a… 
Rust: Oh that does it… I’m going in. What flying fu…. oh… This is already got a weird vibe. Who the hell are you people anyway? AND You… yes you the ghost rider reject how do you recognize our front man hah?
Lewis : growls (Great another asshole with a green motif. But he’s some kind of punk who’s just got outta high school). 
sigh (trying to contain his anger) I’m not sure, I just seen someone like him that’s all…
Stoping the young man in biker attire with the green skull mask from lunging at Lewis was a slightly older gentleman who’s color scheme was similar to Lewis’s. He had the attire of a mad scientist with a winter hat.
Tesla: Can you not be hasty Rust for just a moment. They are not a threat to us remember. Herr Geist (german : Mr. Ghost) I still have so many questions. How did you find the elevator to this universe?
Lewis : Umm… (Who the hell is this guy? He looks like he just stepped out of an anime or a game or something.)
Long story short but it may sound batshit crazy ; we were chasin’ a dismembered gang green arm with a single black eye. Did ya’ll see him.
Rust: uhh… what? What kinda story is that? You must be tripping on something really strong to come up with that.
Behind the slightly befuddled young man in the green was a larger skull faced man with a burnt space suit who’s glowing red. He looks like he’s trying to calm things down before a fight breaks out between Lewis and Rust. 
Armstrong : … signing (I believe we all need to calm down first before we get our stories out there. I’m Armstrong gentlemen, lady, and… dog. You hail from another universe?)
Lewis : Huh… good point sir. (Why do I know what he’s saying even though I don’t know sign language. This shit really couldn’t get any weirder.)
Lewis then gives a paraphrased version of what Armstrong was saying to rest of the Mystery Skulls gang. Doc explained that Armstrong has tinnitus but can still play the guitar very well despite that. His tomesona can also give some form of synesthesia to compensate for his hearing loss.
Rust: (shakes his head in disbelief) Fine whatever. Names Rust, don’t ya’ll forget it. I do the vocals and rap.
Tesla: Guten Tag, my name is Tesla Herr Geist, Chicken with Mechanical Arm, Mysterious Dog, and Liebshen.
Lewis : *groan of frustration* (Oh that’s effing lovely. He better be usin’ that word as a term of endearment and not trying to flirt with her. But at least he isn’t an annoying little punk like the green one.)
Vivi: Oh how rude of us not to introduce ourselves. We are the Mystery Skulls ; we’re paranormal investigators. I’m Vivi Yukino, I’m the researcher of the group. But my day job is at a used comic book shop called TomeTomb. Oh I also know how to play electric guitar.
Tesla: Oh is that right Liebshen? Very nice indeed.
Armstrong : … (puts both of his thumbs up for approval and nodding)
Doc: Huh, TomeTomb(soft chuckle) what an interesting name. And you are young man?
Arthur: I’m Arthur Kingsmen, I’m just the mechanic of the group and I’m not as interested with this paranormal crap as much as Lewis and Vivi. And I work with my uncle Lance at his auto repair shop called Kingsmen repair. Also I play keyboard and actually own three keytars as well (he said proudly). Ha they almost costed me an arm… and a… (nervous chuckle). Yeah, the arm is a different story though. (he said sheepishly scratching his head.)
Rust: Well it must have… literately. Holy shit man, three of them? Talk about overkill.
Lewis could see zero_one light up like a kid in a candy store as soon as Arthur mentioned his keytars. He could feel this feeling radiating in the core of his locket ; its joy. He then sees zero_one approach Arthur like someone who was reunited with a long lost sibling.
zero_one : Three keytars? (in rapid secession) What brand are they? How did you get them? What year were they made? Do you have any pictures of them? 
Arthur: (he had a smile that the rest of the Mystery Skulls gang haven’t seen in months) Really? I have a 1980s Casio, a late 90s Korg, and an early 2000s Yamaha. I had some connections back then and I usually find them used online even though they were still…kinda expensive. And yeah I have pictures of them on my phone, you can come and look if you want.
The Orange-Yellow color coded duo sat next to each other like they just got a new hand held game and rambled on and on about mods and midi plug ins for keytars for a good 20 minutes. Lewis wished that he didn’t go into that cave in the first place. The relationship between Arthur and zero_one was not just like two long lost brothers but it was like his friendship with Arthur before this whole third wheel and ghost thing ever came about. Lewis felt a small pang of guilt before getting interrupted with a question.
Lewis : sigh… (At least Arthur is feelin’ better already after all the shit I put him through. Maybe comin’ here isn’t going to be that bad after all. Just Maybe…)
Rust: Who’s the dog though? Gotta say though he kinda looks badass with the red and black.
Mystery: *shrugs in embarrassment* (Yabai. (Japanese: Oh Crap.) Maybe I shouldn’t show my true form now, maybe wait til they are ready or Vivi or Lewis mention it.)
Vivi: Oh his name is Mystery. He’s our mascot, sorta. I know he isn’t a ghost like my boyfriend over here.
Tesla: Boyfriend ha… Oh well, but you could do so much better then…
Doc: Tesla stop. Lewis is Vivi’s beau, just leave it be. There are other women you know…
Tesla: Uhh. Gut, I’m a man of honor.
Lewis : (Oh sure you are hat guy.) 
Okay then, I’m Lewis Pepper and I’m more the guy who handles the heavy equipment in our paranormal investigations. My day job is waiter and chef at my adopted family’s restaurant “Pepper Paradiso”. I also play violin and I am a train vocalist.
Rust: Oh… really? Come on zero_one, me and you, let’s nock this amateur down a peg or two.
zero_one : You’re kind of putting me on the spot here Rust. Lewis did say he was trained, maybe you should’ve not called him that.
Lewis : (narrows his eyes) (Oh, I’ll knock this Rust punk down a peg or two.)
 Oh really Rust. Alright I’m game but just you and me. Mono a mono. Let the best vocalist wi…. huh?
Then a feeling comes over both Lewis and zero_one that made both of them and harmonize a beautiful arpeggio that brings all the room in awe. Rust was drowned out by both of them because he was just as shocked as everyone else in the lobby.
Doc: Oh honey, both of ya’ll voices are like two angels. And you thought he was an amateur Rust?
Rust: Well, damn I’ll admit it, you and zero_one won on this one. For now.
Armstrong : … signing 
zero_one : interpreting for Armstrong : Well since the introductions are out of the way, I believe you said something about a dismembered arm earlier. Is that the reason why you stumbled into our universe?
Lewis : Well yeah, it said it lead us into a trap or some shit like that. It was also working with someone or something else that wanted to do all of us in. 
* Loud Alarm *
A I Voice: Warning security breach detected. / Subject identified as a green dismembered arm that has already made entry into timeline v. / prerecorded transmission from the multi-universal edge by Helvetica. 
Helvetica: Something has just breached the reality layline. Sending distress signal to prime universe about Null’s escape. Butterfly effect radiating towards other divergent TLT timelines. Three inter-universal ones from the prime timeline. At least three no… it’s five from the universe MSA (Mystery Skulls universe). I’m making my way to timeline v as soon as possible. End of Transmission.
Lewis : Welp… I can see things have gone to shit already. At least we know where it is now. Might as well go looking for it but we’re do we even freakin’ start huh?
Tesla: I’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise you. My prime self told me about this Null character but… what is it doing at this time period I wonder? Poor fraulein Helvetica sounds like she can’t handle this on her own. She might be proto_type’s student but even a student needs some extra help. We should worry about the four ones from our universe first before the one’s from our visitor’s universe.
zero_one : Wait? There are people from Lewis’s universe that crossed over to this universe too? What’s going on here?
Tesla: It’s most likely a butterfly effect like the distress called mentioned. Oh I believe we already have a lead or two, that’s gut. Really gut.
A I Voice: First sightings found downtown at High May’s Junior, Le Macabre Dance club, and Toriyama’s School for the Arts.
They decide to split up into teams to not only look for the possessed arm but for at least three people from the prime timeline in TLT’s universe.
 Mystery, Tesla, and Vivi are going to that Toriyama Art school in Japan since Vivi is fluent in Japanese. Lewis is thankful that Mystery is with her if Tesla tries anything.
Arthur, Rust, and Doc decide head to that Le Macabre Dance club which is in Puerto Rico. Rust apparently knows his way around there.
While Armstrong, Lewis and zero_one head towards a popular hot spot on San Francisco’s Yvette district; more specifically a hole in the wall bar known as High May’s Jr. Lewis decides to go there alone since he can change his form at will unlike Armstrong or zero_one but has agreed to meet up with them later once they found whom ever they are looking for. Armstrong thinks he’s way too conspicuous to be seen in public and decides to rendezvous with this Helvetica woman who made that distress call earlier along with zero_one.
End of Transmission
Lewis :  Well. I still have my ID and all. But I don’t think it’ll matter all that much. I swear this whole thing with timelines , butterfly effect and shit makes me feel like I’m in a very anime video game. Was something like Blaze blue or whatever? Or someone’s fanfic… Umm… Nah, that’s fu_king bonkers.
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returningwriter · 5 years
A Night at the Lux
So this was posted before over on AO3 but because I don’t think I’ll be able to post much here today I present to you my weird little Supergirl/Lucifer crossover to tide you Tumblr folks over. Roll the intro hype!
"...Kara Zor-El what is it that you truly desire?”
A short and sweet story wherein Kara, while on assignment for CatCo in Los Angeles, finds herself at a nightclub called Lux and draws the attention of its annoyingly charming owner. There will be admissions of desires, singing and Kara deciding to stop being so weak about confronting Lena. Supergirl is about to dance with the Devil.
“You... at the end of all things, I thought about you..."
All in all, Kara felt that this trip to Los Angeles had been a roaring success and there had not been a single Supergirl emergency that required her attention. CatCo had sent her to cover a video-game convention something she had jumped at the chance to do. Especially after the last few months being one disaster after another. 
The Red Daughter and the dark mirror she’d been forced to stare into. The Crisis and carrying the burden of hope as Oliver had sacrificed his life for the multiverse and then coming back from that with Lena still hating her freaking guts thanks to Lex’s machinations and her own stupidity. It had been a rough year, even by her standards and she'd fought World Killers and evil Nazi Doppelgangers.
It hadn’t been all doom and gloom though, the Crisis and the following universal reboot meant that Kate and Barry were now only a phone call away and she had more masked friends than ever before with Nia and Brainy around. Alex was happy with Kelly and her extended family was strong even though it was missing a key member. None of that was the reason why she was in a nightclub called Lux with some of the reporters that had been covering the convention. No, she was here due to good old-fashioned peer pressure.
Truth be told, this place wasn’t her scene at all, she was a dive bar kind of girl and this place well it was too loud and glitzy. People watching from her safe spot in the corner while sipping her virgin Virgin Mary she counted down the minutes until she could go back to her hotel room.
Watching the club's patrons dance and drink the night away while wondering why there was a grand piano in a nightclub did take her mind of Lena though. Now, by her estimations, it was two more hours of this. Then she could make her exit without offending her peers and get back to the hotel to mope in private.
“Now I know every regular that comes through my doors, but I don’t think I’ve seen you before,” a British accented voice said and when she looked up she was faced with what could best be described as a tall, dark and handsome man in a black suit with piercing eyes. How she had not heard him approach her private corner? She thought before she found herself strangely compelled to explains why she was here.
“I’m not from around here, actually, I’m in town on business but would really love to be back on the couch at home and... why am I telling you this?” she asked as the words fell out of her mouth and on a hunch she used her x-ray vision to be sure that this wasn’t an alien. But what she saw confused her more than anything. Because upon using her enhanced senses, he appeared like a glowing being of light.
“It’s a gift, people always seem to want to tell me things, Lucifer, Morningstar,” the man introduced himself while taking a seat across from her.
“Kara Zor… Kara Danvers,” she said almost saying Kara Zor-El before finding the willpower to resist the man’s annoyingly soothing voice and piercing gaze.
“Oh, you’re impressive Miss Danvers,” he laughed, and she wished she’d paid more attention to when Eliza had been trying to teach her about Earth religions because that name was so familiar.
“Lena doesn’t seem to think so, she thinks I’m downright vile right now,” she said and that was it. Who was this being? Because he, sure as heck wasn’t human or alien and she sure as heck didn’t need her mind probed right now. Especially by some smooth-voiced club owner and she felt anger and rage rising in her chest.
“What are you?” she demanded with a bit more steel to her voice while letting the mask of Kara Danvers, good-natured reporter, slip.
“Oh, hello there, I must say this whole duality of being you got going on here is very interesting, Kara Zor-El, and I told you already my name is Lucifer Morningstar,” he laughed and greeted her again.
“As in the Judeo-Christian devil? The one that fell?” she asked in disbelieve when it finally clicked, but she'd always been more of a science guild girl herself anyways ever since she was a kid on Krypton and Krypton didn't really have a devil analog in their pantheons aside from Vohc the Breaker.
“The one and only and you look like one Constantine’s little friends, you know... one of those cape-wearing demi-gods that popped up after that little universal merger the other day,” he replied without any hint of not being serious while waving off the Crisis like it was just another Tuesday.
“How… how do you know all this?” she demanded and drained her Virgin Mary in one big gulp while her mind tried to process who she was sitting across from. Rao help her, not even going out clubbing albeit against her will could be simple.
“Let’s call it my unique outlook on the world, now Kara Zor-El what is it that you truly desire?” he asked and again those eyes bore down on her with the weight of ages behind them.
“I… want…” she stated saying through gritted teeth as she fought tooth and nail against what she wanted to admit. It was like a mental block, she knew what she wanted, but three years of denial wasn't easily overcome.
“Oh, this is fun, humans usually come right out and blurt out their darkest desires right away. I must admit, I haven’t had to work this hard for a confession in ages,” he laughed and clapped his hands together with unbridled glee.
“I want Lena Luthor! Now get out of my head Vohc!” she roared out switching from English to Kryptonian as she tore off her glasses and flashed her heat-vision at the insufferable being in front of her.
“My, my, my, that is a lot of pent up rage and emotions,” he chuckled and got to his feet seemingly satisfied with having gotten her to confess her desire for Lena.
“I want… Lena,” she whispered to herself while looking down at her hands and all of a sudden, memories of every touch, every gesture and every shared look between her and the raven-haired beauty came flooding back.
“How about a song? I bet you have a wonderful singing voice Miss Zor-El,” the infuriating devil, well literal Devil, asked her and offered her his hand.
Glaring up at him, with half a mind to fry him with a blast of heat-vision but judging from his personality he’d probably like that. Screw it, she thought to herself and took his hand with as much force as she could, which to her considerable pleasure made him wince.
“The Devil Went Down to Georgia, I assume you know it?” she asked with a smirk as he slithered behind the grand piano and then the club went oddly silent.
“Cheeky… I like it,” the Devil laughed and started gliding his fingers over the black and whites keys of the piano.
Devil Went Down to Georgia, sung with gusto, gave way to All Along the Watchtower at Lucifer’s request which then slipped into Moon River before her requesting that they sing Running Home To You which she had sung at Barry’s wedding. By this point, some of her colleagues from the other outlets had started filming the impromptu concert on their phones but she paid them no heed. This was fun and Lucy wasn't half-bad on the piano or when it came to singing.
“This next song is for a very special girl, her name is Lena,” she said softly before launching into Total Eclipse of the Heart and when the notes died down Lucifer was looking at her with something akin to sympathetic sadness. While she was pretty sure she was crying as she took off her glasses and placed them on the piano.
“It isn't simply a desire that you feel for this Lena is it?” he asked her as she looked around the club, then down at him before giving a small smile and shaking her head.
"Well providing distractions is something I'm very good at, how about another song, something more upbeat? We make a pretty good duet you know," the said with a devilish grin.
“Yeah, we do, but you for the record are still a jerk,” she said and accepted another drink from a passing waitress who was kinda cute and this drink wasn't virginal at all, no she was pretty sure this one fucked.
“Then let's do another song, what will it be?” he asked without missing a beat and she grinned at him thankful for the distraction and for some reason this particular cocktail was working freaking wonders for her.
“Piano Man! Scoot over!” she exclaimed and the groan and the look of horror on his face made the lame suggestion so totally worth it as she sat down next to him.
“Oh, you play too?” he asked sounding impressed and gave up the keys to her for which she flashed him a beaming smile.
“Didn't you know? I’m all sorts of impressive... Lucy,” she assured him with a tipsy giggle.
The night passed in a blur of drinks, music, dancing and an impromptu bar brawl when someone got too handsy with one of the cute waitresses. Thus, both her and her new best friend, the Devil, had stepped in to settle things. With her being a bit tipsy she might have gotten a bit too excited but Lucy assured that the hole in the wall could easily be patched up. Along with the handsy bro she'd thrown through the wall
"Your waitresses are all so cute!" she giggled with her glasses off and forgotten on top of the grand piano as they danced together. Oh yes, she was tipsy, potentially drunk and dancing with the Devil, but she was having the best time without any expectations weighing her down.
"And you are very drunk Miss Zor-El," he laughed and twirled her around before letting her go but he made sure she bumped into one of the said cute waitresses.
"Hi I'm Kara... you're like super cute!" she giggled to the waitress and the girl in a very short dress actually smiled back at her.
"And I'm... off the clock," the girl said with a grin before taking her hands and placing them firmly on her hips. Oh, this was new and she kinda liked it.
When she woke up the next day, she was back in her hotel room and thankfully by herself although that waitress had been cute, her endgame was Lena. Cracking her eye open to see that on the nightstand there was an apple and a bottle of water along with a handwritten note that read: You’re heavier then you look, come back for an encore anytime. L. p.s. Emily says hi
“Of course… an apple,” she chuckled but that made her head hurt. What had been in those drinks she wondered as she picked up the apple and took a bite. By Rao it was delicious, but then again Lucy would know a thing or two about apples.
Then she made the mistake of looking at her phone and to say it was blowing up would have been an understatement. Barry, Kate, Alex, Kelly, Nia, Brainy, Eliza, and even J’onn had messaged her while she slept. What had she done? What had she texted?
“Not good…” she muttered to herself as she checked the first message which was from Barry along with a link to a video.
Can’t believe you had a concert without me! I thought we were Super Friends and isn’t Lena that girl who hates you though? The message read and she clicked the link with a sense of dread.
“This next song is for a very special girl, her name is Lena,” she heard herself saying before Lucifer started playing the first few bars to Total Eclipse of the Heart.
Watching the video it was clear as day from her body language and singing how special Lena was to her and while this was a good thing, she did want the greeny-eyed genius, she hadn’t intended for her singing to the absent beauty to become quite so public.
“Oh shiitake-mushrooms!” she cursed and opened the message from Kate which was not as, let’s say, tactfully put as Barry’s.
So how was Narnia? Also how come I didn’t know you could sing sunshine? So much for me being a detective I guess. Call me if you need to talk the text from her cowled friend in Gotham read followed by a winky face and she wanted to crawl under the covers and die.
Love you and I’m here when you need to talk the message from Alex read. It was in a reply from one she'd sent at 4 AM which read, I'm bi or maybe pan and drunk and dancing with a girl! Don't tell Lena!?! and she smiled despite how gosh-darned awkward this all was.
The rest of her friends' messages were more along the lines of lovably mocking in their comments or outright praising her performance, but the one person who hadn’t texted her was Lena. Not that she’d had a text from the former CEO in ages anyways.
“I want Lena,” she repeated what she’d confessed to Lucifer the night before to herself and it still rang true in her heart and mind.
But if last night had taught her anything, it was that she didn’t just want to be friends with Lena again. No, she wanted to fly there and kiss the stubborn woman senseless after talking some sense into her thick skull. They’d both made mistakes but for Rao's sake, they weren’t teenagers.
Thinking about how to best approach getting to Lena as she munched on her apple before rolling off the bed. Giving a loud groan before gabbing the water bottle and chugging it to try to relieve her hangover because whatever was in the drinks at Lux wasn’t of this Earth that was for sure. Then a hot shower and room-service by an open window with the sun on her skin took care of the rest of her hangover.
Making the tactical decision of ignoring her phone, aside from sending a thank you text to Alex and sending ones that read something to the effect of; I’ll get you next time you do something stupid to Barry and Kate. It was almost time to leave the safety of the hotel room, so she packed up her carry-on and got on the flight back home. Of course, she would have preferred to fly home under her own power but CatCo was paying for her tickets and it would look weird if she didn’t use them.
Admittedly, the radio silence while on the plane was a welcome diversion too because it gave her time to think and to plan out her next moves. Getting Lana to see that she was truly sorry would require more than moping around like some heartbroken teenager, she was Kara Zor-El for Rao’s sake and it was time to act like it. Once she landed in National City, she headed straight for the nearest place to change into her Supergirl suit.
Lena would still be at work of course but that meant that she had time to put her plan into action. Drawing in a deep breath before taking off towards the sky she rose higher and higher until she broke free of the bonds of Earth. Her destination was a small asteroid, though covered in eons worth of dust it was in fact made of a special type of crystal and she needed one. Cutting a piece from the astroid using her heat-vision, she turned the crystal over in her hands and inspected it, this would do nicely.
Looking at the stars and then to the Sun, she smiled, feeling the rays of the yellow sun kiss her skin. Lena was her Sun, and she's been in an eclipse for far too long. It was well overdue she fixed that.
Returning from near-Earth space, she crashed through Earth’s atmosphere on course for the Fortress of Solitude. Lena had been here not so long ago and even in the cold of the Artic the woman had been stunning and she swore that one day she would bring her back here. Shaking away her day-dreams, she took her freshly harvested crystal and plugged it into one of the pillar style consoles that dotted the Fortress.
“Format this crystal and download all data on Krypton to it along with all information on my personal history,” she instructed the Fortress’s system and the crystal started pulsating with a faint blue light.
While the crystal was being prepared, she started zooming around the fortress, constructing a small device that would be able to read and display the information on the crystal. Combing information in the Fortress’s archives with her own living knowledge from Krypton the small metallic device took shape.
“Data upload complete Kara Zor-El,” the Fortress droned and the crystal now pulsating with blue light popped out of the console.
“Thank you,” she said slipped it into the reader she’d constructed. The entirety of Krypton’s history flashed before her along with her own family’s history.
Time for the final steps of her plan. Flying back to National City she stopped at a cute little stationery store while in full costume. There she bought a card and a box along with some red ribbon. The star-truck cashier was very helpful and as a matter of fact, so was the florist across the street when she asked him for a single longstemmed red rose.
It was getting dark so Lena would be back home by now and she had everything ready. The gift was wrapped, the card was written, and the rose would indicate that this wasn’t just a friendly gesture, she hoped. Taking another one of those deep breaths she flew to Lena’s apartment and landed gently on her balcony.
Through the glass, she could see the raven-haired beauty bent over her laptop with her hair up in a tight ponytail and wearing a blue dress minus the heels. If there ever had been any doubt about her wanting Lena, the sight of the raven-haired goddess working dispelled those doubts like the first rays of the sun when they hit the morning dew. She wanted Lena with all her Kryptonian heart but she had to approach this carefully.
“Here goes nothing,” she said to herself and knocked on the glass while hiding the gifts behind her back.
The knocking made Lena jump and then frown at the sight of her but she was used to being frowned at by now. Waving through the window, she watched the woman walk across her apartment and slide the door open.
“Kara I…” Lena started saying no doubt going to ask her to leave but this wasn’t about being nice or polite, she had something to say and she wasn’t going to be stopped or sent away. Supergirl didn't back down from a challenge or a fight and this was a fight for the most precious thing in her life.
“Lena, all I ask is that you listen to me and then I’ll go,” she said with as much authority as she could muster while being in the presence of Lena like this.
“Very well, speak then,” Lena said with a raised eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I messed up badly and I know that I’ve told you that before, but last night in L.A. I realized something and well these are for you,” she said and pulled the long-stemmed rose and wrapped gift from behind her back.
Lena looked at the rose and the small white box with the red bow and then back up at her. The look of confusion on that beautiful pale face was clear as day and she smiled back at her friend while holding out the gifts silently begging her to take them.
“I want to make amends for not telling you about... well everything, so this is everything,” she said and slowly Lena reached out and took the rose and then the small box.
“Everything?” the ever-curious raven-haired beauty asked and pulled the ribbon of the box to open it. The crystal pulsed when the box was opened bathing Lena's face in ethereal blue light.
“That crystal holds the entirety of Krypton’s history and knowledge and everything about me. It’s who I was and who I am, Kara Zor-El, everything,” she said softly, and it felt like she was introducing herself to Lena for the first time.
“The rose, it’s a thank you and something I should have given you a long time ago. A thank you... for filling my office with flowers back when we met... for buying CatCo and for believing in me and letting me be myself... for letting me write my Pulitzer winning article at your desk… for well everything,” she said stopping herself before going on too long and smiled at Lena again with hope in her heart because those memories were among her most cherished.
“Kara, what are you saying?” Lena asked in a moment of genuine confusion from the usually on-top of things woman followed by dawning realization.
“I’m saying that I get it now and that I want to start over again but do it right this time,” she said and leaned in placing a kiss on Lena’s cheek as softly as she could. Hold it together Danvers, she reminded herself, you're here on the hope that she will hear you out
“You… can’t just do that... not after…” Lena protested but didn’t push her away and Rao she smelled good.
“I am sorry, I will keep telling you that I’m sorry until the end of the universe. But Lena, I’ve seen the end and you want to know who I thought about when all seemed lost? What gave me hope? ” she asked and looked deep into those Kryptonite green eyes.
“No... please...” Lena tried to refuse but with her voice choking up and she could see fear flashing in those lovely green-eyes as those red lips trembled.
“You... at the end of all things, I thought about you and how I would never get the chance to see you again... to say I'm sorry again... to hold you again,” she spoke in almost a whisper with her lips almost touching Lena’s ear.
“You’re… not playing fair Kara,” Lena whispered back and she felt Lena's hand on her arm. They were the shaking hand of someone who was overwhelmed and afraid but she was getting through to her, she knew it.
“I’m telling you the whole truth. What you decide to do with it is up to you and when you want to talk things out I’ll be ready,” she said and as much as she wanted to kiss Lena right there and then, they weren’t there yet.
After a moment of silence with Lena holding onto her arm, she turned away while wiping away a tear and she got ready to fly off. Lena would need time to think and analyze as she always did but she’d said her piece and made her peace offering. But before she could go, Lena, pulled at her cape.
“Stay...” Lena asked in a very small voice while holding onto a handful of her cape and she smiled her happiest smile at the raven-haired woman who had always been the one. She knew that now.
“Only if you want me too,” she replied and turned around with Lena not letting go of her cape which pulled them dangerously close together. It was only when Lena started touching her cheek that thinking became very hard.
“I want you to stay… you’re not off the hook yet, but you’ve raised some interesting points that we need to explore,“ Lena said with her voice slowly gaining some of that confidence that she so loved and there was that smirk. That gosh-darned smirk and she felt herself melting inside from the look she was being given.
“That’s why I came... oh and in the name of full disclosure, there is a video online you should watch... then we can talk all night long if you want,” she said as she felt a small blush creeping into her cheeks. The Lena problem was not solved, not fully, but progress had been made and progress was something she could work with.
"Is that a promise... come on darling let's watch this embarrassing video of you, together," Lena said with her voice sounding husky and wait was she teasing her? It sounded like Lena Luthor was teasing her, then those ruby-red lips were pressed against her cheek and there was that kapow that Winn had told her about all those years ago. From just a kiss on the cheek, she felt those elusive fireworks go off and she allowed herself to be led into Lena's apartment for a long night of talking. Hope had been restored with a little help from the Devil.
Want to find out what happens next look right over HERE!
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nekoabiwrites · 5 years
Animals Know Best
Hey, it’s midnight here so you know what that means???
Happy Birthday @not-so-innocent-bi-sander!!! Here’s a fic just for you!! I may have gotten a little carried away... and it’s a little long, but uhhh I hope you enjoy it~
AU: Soulmate, Human Pairings: Logicality, Prinxiety Words: 3576 Warnings: Lots of animals, mention of fire, dragons. Anything else, let me know!
Summary: Virgil is yet to find his soulmate and he doesn’t believe the old wives’ tale of their animal companions leading them to the soulmate. Patton decides that Virgil needs some relaxation time and takes them somewhere special.
Virgil Addams let out a silent breath as he began to walk down the street away from his apartment building. His head was down, looking towards the pavement as he avoided the eye contact of everyone around him. This didn’t stop all of it, however.
Accompanying almost every person he passed were their animal companions, most being those something someone could take outdoors without having to worry about it. Various dogs, cats, wolves and other four-legged animals caught his eye as they passed Virgil. All of them almost seemed to be analysing him for a second before their paths split. It wasn’t uncommon, and Virgil had grown used to the scrutinising from the animals.
Virgil always chose to leave his own pet at home, as he was always worried that it would fly off somewhere and he’d have no way to catch it, or that it’d set fire to someone or something in public again. Well, that and he really didn’t believe in the old superstition.
For years, his grandmother had told him the old fairy tales and stories of couples who met because their animals had led them to each other and how they’d lived happily ever after. It was something ingrained in every child from a young age, even being told to them in pre-school when they were learning to read. They were always told to simply let the animal that chooses you take you to the one who is made for you. But Virgil had seen several animal-soulmate couples break off horribly; both in his own family and in those he was passively aware of, all of which had broken that child-like wonder and belief in the old superstition.
He did try to not be too cynical, but it was difficult considering he’d yet to even have an idea of who his soulmate could possibly be. Virgil sighed to himself, pushing the anxious thoughts away as his destination came into view. ‘Well, maybe not all couples I know…’ Virgil’s lip twitched as the thought crossed his mind after knocking at the front door.
From inside, a sudden loud barking and scratching of claws on hardwood reached Virgil’s ears and the man couldn’t help that his small smile widened significantly at the sound.  It was only a second after the lock clicked and the door swung open that Virgil’s arms were filled by a fluffy mound of excitable fur, the head of which began to attack his face with licks and nuzzles.
“Faraday. Down. Sit.”
The dog, after a final lick at his face, dropped back down to the floor and sat at Virgil’s feet, looking up at him, panting happily. Behind the dog stood one of Virgil’s best friends since childhood, shaking his head.
“I apologise, Virgil. She still gets far too excited to see people.” Logan apologised, giving the still happy dog a gentle scolding look.
Virgil chuckled, brushing some of the fur off of himself, “Lo, you always say sorry for her. You know I don’t mind.” He reached down and petted the dog’s head, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
“Yes, well.” Logan adjusted his glasses with a slight clearing of his throat, a well-known gesture of his embarrassment. “Faraday, inside. Please come in and join us, Virgil.”
The man followed the request and followed the two into the house. After hanging up his outer most layer, Logan initiated a simple conversation as they wandered through into the sitting area. It was once he was standing just next to the sofa that Virgil was accosted once more.
“Virgie! Hi! I’m so happy you could make it today!”
Virgil immediately felt water seeping into his shirt, “Pat, hands.”
“Oh, whoopsie! I forgot again! Sorry!” Patton let him go and practically skipped over to the tank at the side of the room to dry his hands on the towel he retrieved from the drawer. Patton began to ask more expected questions; how his life was going and how work was, the usual. Even after all the years of knowing Patton, his animal still confused Virgil and distracted him somewhat. Especially once it started to attempt yet another escape act.
Virgil opened his mouth to alert his friend, but Patton was already far ahead of him. “Hey, we just finished play time and feeding time. You know you’re not supposed to get out!” He gathered up the tentacles of the animal and put it back into its tank, sealing all possible exits well. Patton then wiped his hands again whilst giggling, “He always seems to want to escape when you’re around, Virgil. I think Squiddly really likes you!”
Beside him, Virgil heard a soft, long-suffering sigh from the other man in the room and he couldn’t help that he wanted to grin. He approached the tank and peered in at the octopus, watching its movements lazily, “You just get distracted, Pat. We all know that.” Patton only grinned wider and laughed in response.
The three of them took seats and relaxed, while something generic played on the TV between them. It was comfortable and normal, but Virgil still couldn’t help the nagging in his brain as he looked at his two friends happily cuddled together on their sofa in their home.
Patton and Logan had been Virgil’s first friends and they’d all been inseparable as kids. It was inevitable that something would come along to change the dynamic and Virgil was already aware of this at such a young age. So, when his two best friends turned out to be soulmates with each other, Virgil was just waiting for the moment the two of them left him alone to be together. He waited and waited, through elementary school and middle school. It was only in high school, when he’d handed Patton a ripped page from his diary instead of the homework he wanted him to look over, that Virgil finally seemed to grasp the idea that neither of his friends were going to drop him just because they were soulmates. It still didn’t stop Virgil from feeling a little left out.
“Virge… It’s okay, you’ll find them when its right.” Patton’s soft voice broke Virgil out of his reverie.
The dark-clad man huffed playfully, turning away from his friends, “Yeah, yeah, I know. You tell me all the time… Still kinda sucks though…” His fingers were running through the soft fur of Faraday, who’d curled up on the sofa beside him.
A long silence stretched through the room before Patton jumped to his feet, determination blazing in his eyes. “Right! We’re doing something great for your birthday!”
Both Logan and Virgil shared a confused look at the unprompted statement.
“Patton, where did that even come from?” Logan asked, nursing the slightly red patch on his cheek that his partner had accidentally hit during his sudden burst of movement.
“We’ll do something that will get Virgil’s mind off of everything! Something with just the three of us! Like old times!” Patton said, excitedly.
And that was how, a week after, Virgil found himself sat between his two best friends in the front row seat of the circle in their local theatre. If he was honest with himself, he could barely remember even getting to his current location or what they were even supposed to be seeing. Theatre was never something that he’d shown an interest in, so Virgil had to ask just what Patton’s intention was in bringing him here.
Patton merely smiled and gestured across to Logan, which was apparently the signal for the other man to begin spewing information toward him. “You see, upon researching various forms of entertainment that are used for escapism, watching a theatrical production stood out to both of us for its lack of connection to romantic excursions.” Logan continued to spew information at Virgil, but he was boiling it down to its main points in his head, rather than linger on every six-syllable word that was mostly unnecessary.
Logan was part-way through an explanation of how the darkened theatre during the production’s performance was a benefit to the escapism ideal when the lights in the audience began to dim, thankfully cutting him off.
The obligatory “turn off all phones” message boomed from the speakers hung around the stage space, followed shortly by the introductory music as the stage lights came up, making the fairly simple set visible to the entire audience.
Virgil hunched in on himself slightly as he glanced between his friends. Of course, Patton would want to bring him to a musical, they were the only two people in the entire world that knew about his secret love for them, specifically the Disney variety. The introduction with the booming narration was so unmistakable, as was the music.
The show continued, with Virgil slowly letting himself enjoy the production. Sure, it may have been a little low budget, but the singing was fantastic, and the familiar characters, locations and story were managing to pull Virgil in. He was eagerly awaiting the introduction of the next character, as they’d been hidden from the audience for the most part throughout the entirety of the first art so far.
The heroine stood centre stage, just in the edge of a shaped bright white light. “Come into the light…” She said, her voice being just the right amount of cautious. The other character moved, sliding into the light and showing off his costumed form to the crowd, causing some of the younger in the crowd to gasp.
Virgil, for some reason, immediately felt something deep down at the introduction of the supposedly-monstrous character. He couldn’t explain it, but he was entranced. Maybe it had something to do with the handsome face that could be seen under the clearly peeling attempt at a prosthetic, grotesque mask. Perhaps it was the voice that, while evoking the iconic character the actor was portraying, still held obvious hints to the true person beneath. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but Virgil wasn’t really trying. He just wanted to see more of him.
As the first act was coming to a close, Virgil felt his entire body inflate with a heavy intake of breath. The heroine ran off, screaming about how she wanted to get out of the castle she’d been staying in, while the monster reached out after her, somehow conveying intense sadness through the still-masked face. Virgil knew what was coming as soon as the first note played.
The rest of the world fell away as he focused entirely on the man singing so beautifully on stage in front of him. His voice was entrancing, almost putting Virgil under a spell that he never wanted to break out from. The emotion was reaching him so deeply, causing tears to well in his eyes that threatened to spill at any moment. Virgil almost felt like his heart was increasing in size in his chest as he watched and listened. It was utterly perfect.
“Virgil?” Something was shaking his shoulder, bringing him back to reality.
Virgil turned to see Patton looking at him with a sunny grin, the house lights now being back up as the interval had begun. His face immediately bloomed a deep red as he was aware he’d been caught in his intense focus.
“So, you’re enjoying it, right?” Patton asked, excitedly turning almost a full 90 degrees in his seat to look at his companions.
“Uh, yeah, its… really cool.” Virgil awkwardly coughed out.
Patton’s face lit up and he threw his arms around his friend, hugging him tightly, “Yay! I’m so glad! I really wanted you to like it, Virgie!”
A hand pried Patton’s arms off of Virgil’s shoulders, “Patton, careful. You’re smothering him again.”
“Oops! Sorry!”
The interval passed with the three of them talking amongst themselves, which helped Virgil relax. Neither of them had said a word about his trance at the end of the first act. Virgil hoped with all of his might that it could be mistaken for a simple lack of awareness or something else. When the house lights began to dim once more, the man’s heartrate spiked. He was determined to not let the same thing happen.
The second act passed with little problems, until the final scene. The monster was fatally injured, the heroine cradling his body in her arms. She proclaimed her love for him, practised sobs falling from her lips as the creature went lifeless. But then his body rose in the air, lights and sounds came in waves that heightened the atmosphere. Eventually, at the climax of the music, the creature’s robes fell away to reveal an utterly gorgeous man. He was clearly the one who’d been portraying the hideous being throughout the course of the production, but now his face was free for all to see. And Virgil was taking it all in.
He was a spectacle to behold, that was something Virgil was sure of. He seemed muscular, but not extremely so, just enough to give the impression of strength, even from a distance. The beautiful green eyes shone under the stage lights, as did the dazzling grin. The man’s face was just… perfection. There was nothing else Virgil could use to describe the man in front of him, and he doubted he’d ever use the word to describe anyone else afterwards.
In no time at all, Virgil found himself walking out of the theatre doors back into the street. Patton was chatting away happily about the show, excitedly recounting his favourite parts and asking the others for their input. They were about to head off to grab some dinner, when a commotion just next to them caught their attention. A few surprised yells and the unforgettable sound of featherless wings flapping had all three whipping around just in time for a miniature dragon to circle their small group.
“What are you doing out?! I left you at home!” Virgil harshly whispered. The small dragon simply breathed out a puff of smoke in response, which only got Virgil to set his jaw and widen his eyes in pure frustration. “We’re going home. Sorry guys…” He shot an apologetic glance to his friends before reaching out for the animal.
However, it seemed the dragon had different ideas as it slipped through Virgil’s fingers as he attempted to grab a hold of it. It let out a quiet screech before flying off round into a dark alleyway next to the theatre.
Virgil was quick to give chase. “SHADE! GET BACK HERE!” He sprinted off down the alleyway with no warning, which meant he left his two friends to catch up to him eventually. Each time he was close to losing sight of the red-scaled dragon, a small lick of fire burst from her mouth, lighting his way. He rounded a couple of corners before he found himself at a fairly inconspicuous door that had light pouring from it. Virgil stopped, resting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
His eyes were trained on his pet, who was currently sat very calmly on the back of a jet-black cat, who was equally as calm. The cat carefully padded over to Virgil and began to rub herself against his ankles, weaving in-between them as it did so. Shade did not move the entire time.
“What the hell…?” Virgil said to himself as he bent down further towards the cat. He went to reach for his own pet, but the cat intercepted his hand and knocked the top of its head against it. Before Virgil could even pull his hand away, the light from the door was blocked and a loud voice filled the space.
“There you are, Princess! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! You know you shoul-”
The stranger’s words were cut off as Virgil looked up with wide, fearful eyes and caught his gaze.
Virgil began to panic. It was him. The gorgeous man from the play. He was here, in front of him, and he’d been inadvertently interacting with this animal that might have been his. What if the man got the wrong idea, or what if Virgil was getting the wrong idea. There was no way this man could be-
“She’s never friendly like that with anyone besides me…” The stranger spoke quietly. He crouched down opposite Virgil and reached out towards the dragon riding his cat, allowing the animal to instruct him on how to properly pet her. He scratched at the side of her face as if he’d been doing it his whole life, and Virgil was suddenly feeling a small bubble of hope rising in his stomach.
When Shade squawked when the stranger pulled his hand back, Virgil was quick to apologise, “I-I’m sorry about her… She’s a little brat.”
An absolutely enchanting laugh fell from the man’s lips as he reached back in to scratch Shade once more. “It’s no problem. I have my own little brat down here.” The cat seemed to understand the insult immediately as she meowed loudly in protest.
“I hope I’m not being too forward, but I think you may be important.” The stranger’s attention was now fully on Virgil, his green eyes boring deep into his and twinkling with a sense of mischief. It unnerved and somehow excited Virgil deep down.
“I’m not important.” Virgil replied on instinct.
“I don’t know. Princess seems to think you are.” The stranger’s voice had lowered to a quieter volume. It almost transported Virgil away, as if he could feel the conversation having moved to a much more fitting location instead of a dark alleyway next to a theatre. “She wouldn’t have allowed you to touch her if you weren’t. I think… we might be soulmates.”
Virgil’s face immediately exploded into a deep blush as the words were said aloud. He dropped his head and tried to search for something to say in response that wouldn’t be utterly stupid or ruin everything immediately. It was only when a hand appeared in his vision that he returned to looking at the man in front of him, who was now standing.
“May I ask for your name?”
“Uh… Virgil…” The man responded, instinctively taking the hand before him. The actor helped Virgil back up to full height and absolutely refused to let go of his hand once he’d gotten there. Virgil almost wanted to pull away, but the comforting touch of the other man’s hand was wonderful. There was also something that could have been a spark of challenge in his eyes, but Virgil was almost sure it was just his imagination. He felt like he was coming back to himself.
After a decently long silence, Virgil quirked an eyebrow and deadpanned, “What? Aren’t you going to share too or are we stuck here?” He nodded down to their joined hands.
“I’ll share once you tell me I’m right or you let go now and never find out.”
“…Right about what?”
“Us, being soulmates.”
“What about if you let go first?”
The actor considered it for a moment, “It’s not like I’d ever do such a thing, but I suppose I could tell you then if I did…”
There it was again. The challenge in his eyes. Virgil tilted his head to the side and regarded the man, looking him up and down for a moment as if considering the idea.
The stranger was taken aback for a moment, “What?”
“I don’t feel like telling you you’re right.”
“Well, then you won’t know who I am. Guess you have to let go.”
“Like I’m letting go first.”
A dramatic sigh, “I suppose we’ll be here forever then, at an impasse, unable to break this connection of flesh. We’ll wither away and die here, as people eventually forget about the two of us and we’ll be the only two left in the- AH!”
The man let go of Virgil in order to shield himself from the incoming dive that Shade performed just in front of him, cutting off his dramatics at the same time.
Virgil could only smirk, crouching back down to pet the cat who was still rubbing around his ankles, “Looks like you’ve gotta share now.”
The stranger pouted and crossed his arms, “That’s unfair. You cheated! But I guess I’ll indulge you this time.” He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a very small pad of paper and a pencil, scrawling something down, “My name is Roman… and this-” He ripped the page from the pad and pushed it into Virgil’s hand, “-is my number. The show finishes its run in three days. Call me then. Princess, come in.”
With that, the str- Roman sauntered back into the theatre with Princess at his heels. Virgil slowly rose back up to his full height and stared at the paper in his hands, while Shade came to rest on his shoulder.
“Virgil! Virgil! Oh, my gosh! Are, are you, okay?!” Patton’s breathless voice came from behind him. “We came, running, after you, once you left. But, you’re, so fast.”
“Too fast.” Logan emphasised, also sounding out of breath, but less so than his partner, “You managed to, catch up to her then?”
“Yeah, and I, uh… got this.” Virgil held the paper towards the two of them, still a little unable to believe what had happened. That was until Patton let out a shrill shriek and happily jumped up a down.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides
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themaskedwriter · 5 years
Never Gonna Give You Up
Pairing: Peter Parker x Teen!Reader
Word Count: 1979
Summary: There’s a prank war going on that has to do with a certain song, but no one is owning up to it. The only people amused are Peter and his s/o that gave him the idea. Then Peter decides to turn on you, but you don’t really mind.
Warnings: Rick Astley, if that counts
A/N: I love prankster Pete, it’s just so wholesome
Clues: The color red on nearly any character is one of my weaknesses, I’m a Pisces and astrology is one of my many hobbies, and I call my hometown “yeehaw territory”
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“We’re no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
You wouldn’t get this from any other guy”
 Tony was confused. He did not remember adding the Rick Astley classic to his hard rock playlist, or any other playlist for that matter. But it was still being heard by friend and for during a raid on a HYDRA base, completely baffling everyone there.
 All he wanted to do was kick ass and listen to AC/DC while he did so. Was that too much to ask? Apparently.
No matter what he did, what song he tried to skip to, the command was overridden and that cursed song continued to play. He couldn’t focus on fixing his playlist mid-battle, so he just worked around it and planned very satisfying revenge for whoever did this.
 Peter showed you some of the audio from the previous mission, Tony fumbling and cursing when his audio wasn’t cooperating and the rest of the team laughing or groaning in shared annoyance.
 By the end of the audio, you both were rolling around on the bottom bunk of his bed in hysterical laughter. You had brought the idea up about using the song-that-became-a-meme to your boyfriend during chemistry class. Needless to say, it yielded terrific results. “Babe, that was absolutely genius!”
 “Come on, you know you did the heavy lifting. Hacking into the Iron Man suit? That is absolutely insane!”
 Peter’s smile took over his whole face as he let himself feel a little bit of pride for the accomplishment. Maybe it was time to step it up a notch. It was to impress you, after all… 
 During target practice the next day, Clint’s day had started normally. He woke up a good two hours after everyone else and drank a pot of coffee, nothing unusual.
 His bow and quiver were still safely stored in the weapons vault and they looked completely untampered with. Extending an invite to Nat and Bucky, the trio headed to the indoor shooting range.
 Headphones on. Targets ready. Arrow notched. Arm pulled back. Deep breath in.
 “Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around
And desert you!”
 “Clint, what the-”
“Turn it off, man!”
“I don’t know what’s happening!”
 Clint has no clue why his arrow sang when it hit the target. Maybe it was a dud or something since he knew that he didn’t add that option to his arrows. An interesting dud, but a dud nonetheless.
 “What do we do?!”
“Try shooting another arrow at it!”
 “Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie
And hurt you!”
“It’s happening again!”
“No shit!”
“Try another one!”
 Before Clint could fire another arrow at the target, Nat snatched the bow from his hands. “For all we know, every single one of these arrows sing! No one is firing anything!” The redhead jumps over the barrier and to Clint’s target, promptly yanking the arrows out of the center of the target and snapping them in two.
 The audio is distorted for a few seconds before crackling out, a couple sparks coming from the bugged arrows.
 “That was an adventure. Who wants lunch?” Clint offers, giving up on target practice for the day.
“We literally just ate breakfast two hours ago, how are you hungry?” Nat raised an eyebrow at her friend.
“Doesn’t matter, let’s eat.”
 Since becoming an Avenger (kinda), Peter had been given his own lab that was connected to Bruce and Tony’s in case something went wrong. In this lab he had access to both Karen and FRIDAY, the AI’s being extremely useful to the teen for various reasons.
 Sometimes he asked about certain formulas or the whereabouts of his mentor(s), but today he asked FRIDAY to show him the video feed from the shooting range.
 You were perched on one of Peter’s worktables, legs dangling off the edge. There was a bowl of popcorn at the ready, just waiting for the show. Peter sat in the chair next to you and leaned his head against your leg, one hand rubbing it affectionately.
 You both disregarded the small talk coming from the trio in favor of the reason you were watching in the first place: the latest prank.
 At first, you both succeeded in keeping your laughter at an acceptable volume. The key words were “at first” because when Bucky told Clint to shoot another arrow at the first arrow, Peter lost it. The thing about Peter’s laughter was that it was contagious, and his laughter caused you to fall apart not far behind.
 “Pete! Y/N! What in the world-” At the sound of the region’s voice in the lab, Peter hastily closed the video feed, hoping Tony didn’t realize what was going on.
“Nothing, Mr. Stark! We’re not doing anything! Just, uh…”
“Watching cat videos! You should have seen Snuggles when his claws got stuck to the curtain! Comedy gold!”
 Tony gave the two of you an incredulous look. He didn’t know what you were up to, but he knew you guys weren’t laughing that hard at the demise of Snuggles. “Right… just keep it down a bit, will ya? Bruce dropped a beaker of chlorine trifluoride and now we have a new window straight down into the gym.” Tony left the lab as quickly as he arrived, leaving you be.
 Once he was gone, Peter gave you a look that said “how did you think of that on the spot?!” because your boyfriend is literally the worst liar you have ever met.
 You shot him a wink as you turned the video feed back on, not failing to notice how he shifts closer to you and wraps his arms around your leg, arms resting on the top of your foot. It took you a little while to get used to your boyfriend’s cuddly nature, seeing as he is more than willing to have any kind of physical contact, no matter how unconventional, at any given time.
 Neither of you kept track of how many times you played the footage over, but it was indeed more than a dozen.
 But during about the sixth repeat, your boyfriend had an idea all his own, and decided to enlist the help of his mentor. He had been asking you for help with the elaborate pranks in your previous endeavors, but this was an idea that you couldn’t help him bring to life.
 “So why are you doing this song? Any… special reason for it?”
 Tony was glad to help Pete with his plan, but the fact the teen had chosen this song made him realize two things: one, you and Peter were the culprits behind the hacking of his suit as well as the mods on Clint’s arrows; and two, Peter was completely and utterly in love with you, whether the kid knew it or not.
 Peter’s cheeks tinted at the question, not wanting to give the whole truth but also not wanting to expose the both of you. So he settled for a middle ground and hoped that Tony didn’t completely see through it. “It’s a song that means a lot to both of us, and it’s also a promise of sorts.”
 Tony could tell that he was a bit reserved about telling much more and so the tycoon let it drop, favoring to work in silence (well, almost silence if you count the Rick Astley hit playing occasionally).
 Friday night, and you were all alone. Everyone that was normally at home with you had something better to occupy their time, leaving you to your own devices. Peter was out in the city patrolling, Ned was with his parents at some sort of family get-together for the weekend out of state, and MJ had found a way to some protest upstate.
 Right when you get home from school that afternoon, you began to marathon the latest season of GLOW with junk food on standby. This was one of the only shows you didn’t have a binging partner with, so there was no risk of offending any of your friends about watching ahead.
 Just as the third episode was starting to get good, there was a thud against your bedroom window. You found that quite peculiar since you lived on the top floor of a Queens brownstone, so you decide to investigate.
 Resting your laptop beside you, you move aside your curtains and try to see by the streetlamps whether or not there was an animal on the windowsill. Seeing nothing, you head back to your bed. Right when you pick up your laptop, you hear it again.
 Of course.
 Groaning as you set your laptop back down on the bed, you open your window once again and this time, you take a better look at your surroundings. You looked beside your windows and found nothing, but when you looked down, there was Peter in front of… a car?
 When did Peter get a car?!
 You were about to ask him that very question when your eyes caught a metallic glint that certainly wasn’t this random car. It was a boombox, and when he saw that you noticed him, he immediately picked it up and pressed ‘play,’ holding it above his head like it was Simba.
 The familiar instrumental nearly made you fall out of the window in laughter. Nothing, however, compared to your amusement when your cheesy ass boyfriend decided to sing along.
 “We’re no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
You wouldn’t get this from any other guy”
 That’s it, everyone else go home. Peter Benjamin Parker was the cutest boyfriend on the planet.
 You could tell Peter was having a great time, his smile nearly taking over his face. He was wearing jeans and a sweater over his Spidey suit (you could see the telltale red on his hands and wrists and he wasn’t wearing shoes), and his hair was tousled from what you assumed to be his mask. ‘He must have stopped at your house mid-patrol,’ you realize with a smile.
 “I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
Gotta make you understand”
 Before he gets to the chorus, he sets the boombox back on top of the car’s hood and begins to dance… if you could call it that. It was honestly just a very spot-on copy of Rick’s swaying thing that he did the entire video. You honestly didn’t care how he moved about; this was the cheesiest thing you had ever seen, and it was your boyfriend doing it! Peter, the biggest, cuddly dork you knew, was doing this for you.
 Obviously he chose this song because of your pranking endeavors from the past few weeks, but it was more than RickRolling the Avengers.
 “Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around
And desert you!
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie
And hurt you!”
 Peter kept swaying and singing, completely ignoring the yelling and hollering from your neighbors about the noise. He kept his eyes on you as he sang along with the hit and you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about the people outside of your little bubble with Pete. Part of you dared one of your neighbors to call the cops because what were they going to do, arrest Spider-Man?
 Once he finished, you immediately left your window and ran downstairs. Peter was leaning against the mystery car, just waiting for you to run up to him. You did, predictably, and instead of staying outside in the cold, you pulled him inside of your brownstone and didn’t let him leave your side the rest of the night.
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forestfairyunicorn · 5 years
@niuniente Entrapdak Secret Santa 2019 gift fic to @mysticqueen-bee! Hope you enjoy; one prompt was the best fic idea and ran away with me~  Happy Holidays!
Contrary to popular belief, Hordak is aware of most Etherian holidays.
He was aware of some during his time with Horde Prime. A passing fancy, as some cultures are determined to have their holiday as it was literally their livelihood. At the time, he did research into the subject, and sometimes there’s a pattern of togetherness and occasional superstition.
While as the ones on Etheria are not as extreme, he did have one or two determined soldiers request time off. A quiet request here, a spying there, and Hordak once discovered through Imp a closed off holiday party celebrating Snowrest.
From that, Hordak surmised what Snowrest is: loud, boisterous, well-wishing for the new year and a tradition of ‘driving off the Bonechill Specters.’ In other words, just like all the other holidays he was aware of and doesn’t care. He allowed some holidays as requested, but only within good reason. The last thing he wanted was some inefficient soldiers messing up a plan.
So when Entrapta mentioned Snowrest, Hordak pricked his ears at that.
They were in his Sanctum, Hordak tinkering at a small plan while Entrapta was off to the side, working on her own project while humming a familiar tune. The robot Emily chirped along, which was, Hordak admit to no one, endearing.
Entrapta finished the song with a final note, and a laugh. “My favourite Snowrest song! Always a good one.”
“Snowrest?” Hordak inquired, looking up at her.
“An annual holiday about celebrating the biggest snowfall of the year, so that winter will end and the new year will bring a better harvest, a better time, a fruitful year. Sometimes there’s decorations, singing, lots of lights, snowfalls, ice sculptures, festivals, plays, gift exchanging, and so much sweets!” Entrapta ended the last word with laughter as she was caught up in the excitement. Her hair propelled her around, her joy apparent.
And then she stopped. “Well, at least that’s how I remembered it.”
Hordak frowned. From her description, Snowrest seemed more than the party he recalled. “Do you still celebrate it?”
Entrapta shrugged, getting back to her task. “Sorta. I liked the sweets, some of the plays, decorating the tree, giving gifts, but it’s the parties I have a tough time with.” Her mask flipped down, her voice continuing. “Especially going to different places and dressing up. And crowds. Definitely crowds. Being forced to go to back to back parties with no rest, too much music, just…too much.”
Emily whirred, mimicking the solemn mood. Entrapta immediately perked up, mask up. “Best part of the holiday is the sweets! And a smorgasbord of it! Hot chocolates, candy canes, cookies, so much! Smaller, the better and the sweeter!”
“Hm,” Hordak mused, “Do you plan to celebrate it soon?” He’ll have to create a request form for her, and guide her through the process.
“Maybe not.”
That stopped him in his work. Blinking, he stared at her, confusion apparent. “I thought you enjoyed the holiday?”
“Oh I do! It’s just that after the last party I went to, my robot had malfunctioned and caused a bit of a scandal, which was expected because someone dumped juice on it and they blamed me for the trouble. Which was completely unfair because the kid was a brat and he did it on purpose. And since then I focused on my work, celebrating by myself. Which isn’t bad: no parties, no loud noises, no social rules. Just me, my work, my staff, my robots.”
And with that she focused on her task.
But Hordak heard the wistful tone in her voice. Allowing a moment to pass, he collected his thoughts. “You can celebrate it here.”
Emily squeaked a quizzical sound as Entrapta turned around, mimicking the noise. Hordak continued, “I would not oppose to having a small festivity here. Two of us—“ Emily and Imp, who appeared on the robot at some point earlier, chirred and squeaked. “With Emily and Imp. In a small place in my Sanctum. No loud noises, no crowds, no parties. Only our work and however you wish to celebrate Snowrest. Quietly,” he added the final word as a confirmation. No one else is allowed in the Sanctum unless he wished it. Entrapta is the exception as she preferred using the vents to travel.
The woman in question gasped, eyes sparkling as excitement took over her body. She vaulted over to Hordak, her hair giving her height as she hugged the surprised warlord. “Oooooohhh! A Secret Snowrest! I’ve heard of those before, but I never participated in one! Hordak, this is fascinating! Thank you,” and she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she squeaked. “I gotta get ready! There’s sweets to get, a tree to decorate, so much! Be back soon!” And with that she lifted herself off of him and into an overhead vent, the sound of thumping and thudding receding, and then stopped, and then returning. Her head popped out, a comical sight. “Oh! Hordak, you don’t have to give me anything for the gift exchange. Just a heads up. Be right back!” And then she is gone, taking away Hordak’s unspoken question.
He sighed, both amused and slightly bothered by Entrapta’s enthusiasm. It was endearing, yes, but the spontaneity and the mystery of it can be baffling to decipher. But it was part of her, and she was honest.
“What did she mean by—Oh.” He recalled that gift exchanging, an act of trading of tokens, however meaningful or whimsical, was one aspect of the holiday. For some, it’s departing of the old materials to those who are less fortunate to have such materials. A gesture of goodwill.
Glancing at Emily, Hordak mulled over Entrapta’s last words. “I think she would like a gift. I would not know what she needs.”
The robot twittered. He continued, “I do not require anything that she can offer in a small material form. This,” he placed a claw on his improved armour, that she made for him, unprompted. “Is more than enough, I think.”
Both Emily and Imp voiced their agreement.
Over the course of a few days, Entrapta and Hordak worked. Entrapta, her projects with First Ones, weapons and machines for the Horde, and assembling for Snowrest. Hordak, his occupation as Lord Hordak, warlord of the Horde, his projects, and keeping an eye on Entrapta’s work with amusement.
Finally, Snowrest was here.
And it was just the two of them with Emily and Imp. Hordak took in the small corner that designated as Snowrest festivity. A small crooked sculpture, assembled by scrap pieces of metals, adored with a few lights and minor decorations. A plate of small sweets, smuggled into here with some bribes to the cooks and the transports, side by side with two small mugs of steaming hot chocolate topped with tiny marshmellows. Against the wall was a sofa, covered with blankets.
“Oohhhhh, it’s perfect!” Entrapta stood beside him, alit with joy. Emily beeped beside her, happily jiggling a collar of bells on her leg. She moved to sit beside the sculpture, Imp scrambling on her. He himself was wearing an oversized sweater, from Entrapta’s youth. Garnished in odd colours, movement almost restricted, Imp adored the warm sweater. He curled up on Emily, taking position to gaze at the whimsical sculpture with glittering objects and beautiful colours.
“It is rather enchanting,” Hordak agreed, watching Entrapta. Her delight was worth the odd scuffle and near hassles. It felt, nice.
“One last thing!” Entrapta went to the sofa, sitting down as she gestured Hordak to come. He obeyed, settling himself. Once he was comfortable, Entrapta placed a single bow on his chest, right below the diamond-shaped crystal.
“What is this?” Hordak murmured, glancing from the tiny bow to Entrapta. Her soft gaze almost undid him.
“You know how I said you didn’t have to give me anything?” At his nod, she continued, “I do mean it, in that you are the best thing I’ve ever gotten. You listened to my theories, to my rambling, and you don’t belittle me. I don’t need anything, because you’re the best gift I’ve ever been blessed to receive. You’re my lab partner, my friend, and the best thing in my life.”
Face warm and ears parallel to the floor, Hordak barely comprehended what she said. He blinked, and cleared his throat. “I…I am honoured to be your gift on this Snowrest. You are, also a gift to me as well.”
Entrapta smiled, giving him a mug while holding hers. “I did have a hard time finding a gift for you, but Imp and Emily kinda helped.”
“Oh?” Hordak sniffed the drink, the aroma of earthy and spicy herbs a pleasant one.
Her hair brought over a small ornament of sorts, rather misshapen with various sticks and glitter and nuts and bolts.
“Yeah, Imp and Emily recorded that day that the armour I made was more than enough for you, but I also wanted to make you a small one. Your first Snowrest decoration!”
Hordak had to chuckle at that. Small and imperfect, the ornament is a clumsy attempt, but there is endearment in its form, and crafted with some care.
“Thank you,” he gingerly accepted the gift, “to all of you,” he directed to the snoozing duo. Emily let out a quiet chirr to respond.
Entrapta snuggled closer to Hordak as her hair wrapped the blankets over them and he moved into a comfortable position.
“Happy Snowrest, Hordak,” Entrapta whispered as she nuzzled his cheek.
Tenderly, Hordak kissed her. “And to you, Entrapta. Happy Snowrest, lab partner.”
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 15
Blargage. Sorry about the pause guys, work got crazy there for a while. For the record, I understand that there is a second season to Brotherhood (for some reason broken up into multiple parts on iTunes), I was just expecting that there would be an intro change at the season halfway point cause I’ve gotten used to that from other anime. Granted, the ones that come to mind are one-season or currently-only-one-season shows like KlK or AoT, so that perspective’s probably a little skewed. Onwards with Brotherhood!
Episode 15 - Envoy from the East We open in a city at ni- wait, what’s with the electricity? I thought the Terminator died last episode? Ah, an Alchemist duel, got it. In the alleyway the smoke clears to show what. What is this. Why am I looking at an Evil Mister Monopoly?
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Mr. Monopoly is chuckling as he fights oh hai Scar, how’s it going? No sunglasses? Heeey, this episode doesn’t have any subtitles. How am I supposed to spell this guy’s name then? (currently boasting that he’s the Silver Alchemist, name sounds vaguely Italian) Whatever, I’ll just stick with Mr. Monopoly. Not like he’ll be around much longer, facing Scar. Mr. Monopoly is certainly living up to his name, Transmuting numerous presumably silver weapons to fling at Scar. Doing fairly well too, dodging the Ishvalan’s attacks when he has a peg leg. Captain Monopoly, then? But it doesn’t last, one scratch is exchanged for a broken peg leg, the Silver Alchemist takes a bath and gets a Face Death Grab. Bye, Captain Monopoly! Ooh, new intro! Seems we’ve got a guy singing the intro this time, pale-shaded Al and Ed before we get normal-colored Ed on a hill reaching towards the sun/title. Hey, the captions are back! Wait no, it’s the gossiping at Central from last episode, Roy walking through the hallway. Guess the captions are broken this episode, turning them off. Odd. Intro continues with clouded skies, Ed and Al sitting under a tree- suddenly panda? Yeah there’s a little girl with a little panda on her head, striking martial arts poses. The titular “Envoy from the East”? Now another new character, older black-haired guy with a ponytail and sword standing on some ruins, what looks like a pair of ninjas drop into the scene before we transition. Quick shots of Roy’s Crew (Havoc, Furey, two others I don’t remember but one appears to be a Big Eater, and Riza) and Roy himself. Now we’re back to Ed glaring at the camera, a clear shot of Hohenheim/Papa Elric glancing back? Ooooh, they’re looking at each other in a graveyard, no doubt over whose grave is between them. Shot of metal-armed Ed getting pulled into the Gate, while a human right hand reaches for him? Dunno if symbolic or if he frak’d up again. Winry is sitting at a desk next to a picture board, we see the Elric Family with Papa Elric’s face still covered. Quick scenes of Scar surrounded by flames (“dang it, I did leave the stove on”), Lust and Gluttony on a rooftop at night (what the heck is up with Gluttony’s face?!), a dark red-eyed face surrounded by screaming masks (charming), an Uroborus left eye that I recognize as Bradley/Wrath, and Father/clearly Papa Elric sitting in his Pipe Chair holding a cup of “wine”. What is his deal, even? More fight scenes, Ed earthbending at Envy and Gluttony, Bradley firebending at Lust, werewolves charging at Panda Girl? Who’s got some neat Alchemy moves, cool! Then we get Bradley swordfighting Sword Man and the ninjas, who are actually getting in some hits? Seeing as we know that Bradley is a Goth now, this makes me very happy! Then Screaming!Scar fighting Screaming!Ed, screen whites out from their attack before we get Ed closing his watch (Don’t Forget Oct. 11), and the Elric Brothers walk along a traintrack into a desert. Episode proper continues with Scar, who does not seem happy and is asking “Who is this?” Inside the dilapidated house is that weasly guy from last episode who led the bounty hunters to Scar, is Scar crashing at his place? There’s also Intro!Girl, who politely introduces herself (going without captions here, apologies for misspelling) as Mei-Chang. And that is a little panda she has with her. Cute! Mei-Chang’s saying that “Master Yoki” (Scar shoots Yoki a look at this) found her collapsed by the side of the road and brought her to the house. Scar tries to shoo her out as she’s feeling better now, but Mei sees that Scar’s leg is cut, and says that she’ll close the wound. She sets up a standard circle-star TC, but puts shuriken at the corners? Oooh, we get to see foreign Alchemy styles now, neat! Scar and Yoki are shocked to see the injury healed so quickly, Mei says that’s it a skill called (please forgive the spelling, not having captions is really annoying) “Alcahestiry from the land of Shing”. Yoki scoffs at Mei’s claim that she crossed the desert from the east, Mei insists that she did it along with Shao-Mei (Assuming the tiny panda here). Scar is shocked when said panda looks back at Scar while Mei’s saying all this, he reaches out to either Hand O’ Doom it or pet it, I can’t tell which. Mei looks back though, and Scar freezes. Which means Mei sees his tattooed arm and identifies it as Alcahestiry? Ooh, Scar family backstory! Scar says that his brother researched both Alchemy and Alcahestiry (so there’s a distinction between the practices, then). Mei is very complimentary of his brother’s skill. Methinks that Scar doesn’t like to think about how he got the tattoo, though. Yoki notes that with Scar healed they can continue on to Central, Mei invites herself along. Saying something about immortality? Yoki dismisses her, and gets a bite from the panda for his rudeness. Ha! We get a mental monologue from Mei that she knows immortality doesn’t work with Alcahestiry, but it is possible through alchemy (Yoki’s behind her still screaming about the panda eating his hand, Scar’s sitting clearly already Done With This). That’s why Mei’s here, to meet the man she’s heard so much about. Wait, what’s with the roses and music… uh oh. Oh dear Leto no. Mei’s got a crush on Edward Elric. As cute as that is, I think Ed’s a little old for you, dear. Also, Winry. Central at night now, a blond woman (looks kinda like Riza) is walking her dog through an alleyway when the dog spins around and starts growling. Creepy laughing? Aw crap I know that hollow-voice, that’s Barry the Chopper! Run! Wait… ha! Ok, sorry for not recognizing you properly Riza, haven’t seen you out of uniform before. When faced with a Soul Armor serial killer, Riza just pulls a pistol from her groceries and starts blasting at the panicking Barry. Who tries to freak her out by removing his helmet? Pfft, sorry dude. That might work for some civilians, but Hawkeye knows Al. She just blasts his helmet away. Which makes Barry start crushing on Riza? Ew, no. Also, props to the dog who’s gnawing at Barry’s cloak. We’re at a warehouse now, puppy standing guard as it seems that Barry’s being questioned by Roy and his Totally Non-Military Civilian Friends. With Barry the crew’s got the lead on the secret lab that Bradley ordered Armstrong not to discuss. Now that Roy’s clued into the military producing Philosopher Stones, he wants to investigate the researchers- but it seems that when their research was done they got used to make Stones as well. Roy also asks if Barry was the one who killed Hughes, but that’s a dead end. Hey, it’s Rush Valley! Finally, we get to see Winry again. How’s her apprenticeship going? The mechanist is walking out of a story when she hears a familiar voice: Edward! Who’s reeeealy hoping that she’s in a generous mood today. Because yeah, Ed’s arm took a bit of a beating in the last episodes. Winry is not happy about this. Later, Winry is patching up Ed’s arm (who is slumped on a table, blood-stained wrench by his side), chiding him for getting into trouble even when their pickpocket acquaintance has an honest job as an odd-job woman. As for the brothers, they’ve made some progress but can’t give any details. Winry’s dones with the patch-job, but still needs a few parts to finish it, so until then she shoo’s the two out to kill some time. Ed’s complaining about there being nothing to do as a non-engineer in a town of nothing but automail shops. But Al’s found something in an alleyway. Aw, do we get a cute “caring for a stray cat” episode? Actually, wasn’t there a white cat in the credits scene? Oh! Not a cat then, rather an unconscious Intro-Sequence character in the form of Sword Guy. And rather than an extended healing sequence, we cut right to the guy (who sounds an awful lot like Vic from Red vs Blue) chattering away at a table piled with dishes, saying that they shouldn’t quibble about who’s paying (not him). Sword Guy says that he’s from Shing (sorry, actual map shows up saying that it’s Xing), and he crossed the desert to visit the ruins of Xerxes. *notes namedrop for future episodes, there’s no way that mention won’t pay off later* Sword Guy (when are we getting his actual name?) is info-dumping about Alcahestiry, saying that it’s actually Alchemy, or probably closer to Bio-Alchemy given the emphasis in Xing for healing. Ed remarks that for Amestris it’s more for military, what with border skirmishes to the south (Aerugo) and west (Creta), with a huge country Drachma to the north, with a sort of Russian Agreement: tentative non-aggression treaty and there’s a wintery mountain range between them, but relations are dicey. Finally there are introductions, Sword Guy says he’s Ling-Yao. Buuuut he’s not actually an Alcahestrist, he’s just in town looking for something: *dramatic eye opening* The Philosopher’s Stone. Aw come on, I was just starting to like this guy. Don’t tell me he’s another “Immortality at the expense of other lives” jerk. Ed claims that he doesn’t know anything, Ling wonders if they’re lying, snaps his fingers and SUDDENLY NINJAS!
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*Sigh* Yep, Ling smirks and says he want’s to achieve immortality. Well we did kill off Greed last episode, I guess we needed someone to take his place. Mid-episode pause here, we get character portraits for May Chang (w/ Shao May) and Ling Yao. Ok, so got Sword Man’s name right, I blame Avatar for mistyping May’s name. Back to the show, Ling’s telling Ed to spill the beans, Ed bluffs that it’s a bunch of nonsense. Then he breaks free nope boot to the head. Al gets tossed too, these guys are no joke. But if they can survive Teacher, they can survive these ninjas! Across the city pickpocket-girl (sorry I can’t remember your name) notices the sparks and smoke from the fight, and Ling just laughs as he sees the fight move away and orders some dessert. Sliding along some awfully large pipes now Ed transmutes a metal staff (and of course damaging the infrastructure like that causes no immediate problems), but Silent Ninja is easily beating Ed in this close-quarters combat. Experience fighting other Alchemists? Ed rants about getting attacked just because he didn’t give them information, “you and your boss with the freaky closed eyes”- wow ok Silent Ninja really didn’t like that, tried to poke out Ed’s eyes. Yeesh. Aw, poor baby Ed. He was so proud to finally land a hit on Silent Ninja, but nope another boot to the head. But now that Ed’s seen that Silent Ninja’s weakness is insulting Ling (hmmm, sudden suspicions about Silent Ninja from that), he has a plan. Begin the trolling! On Al’s side of the fight, he’s running down the street when pickpocket girl starts calmly jogging along side him. Al’s happy to see Paninya (thank you!) again, asks her for a favor. Mustache Ninja is thinking about how “every living person emits a flow of ki”, but he doesn’t sense any from Al. So he doesn’t know that Al’s a Soul Armor, then? Quick Al, pull a Barry and remove your helmet! Suddenly Al and Paninya turn around, Mustache scoffs at the aid of one person- and we’re back to Ed vs Silent. Ed is doing what he does best and annoying the crap out of his opponent, a dodge and gutpunch later he’s got Silent by the mask and yup no surprises here that Silent is a lady. Ed is shocked (shocked I say) that he’s been fighting a girl. Buddy, you of all people should be aware that the ladies are some of the biggest badasses in this show. Riza, Winry, Teacher, a quick flash of Paninya aiming her cannon-knee… and Silent’s now neutralized Ed’s arm and dropped a grenade in his face. Ouch. The townfolk panic at the dual explosions (really? You lot live in a town revolving around Automail, I’d think you’d be used to events like this), Mustache is thinking that this county is a force to be reckoned with, when Al swoops in and binds him to the town’s sign and demasks him. Mustache is surprised to see “Alkahistry without an array”, reminder at how special the brothers are to Transmute without TCs. On brother’s end… things could be going a little better. We see Ed’s mechanical arm reaching up through rubble as Silent walks up, and now I need a new name for her as she complains that she overdid it and that Master Ling will be furious- aha, the arm’s detached! A snare is sprung and the ninja’s hoisted into the air, Ed reclaims his arm and chides her for using a weapon that would have killed anyone else. Callback to the island, setting traps for rabbits. Nice continuity! Al and Paninya arrive with Mustache in hand- And then Sword Man shows up all chipper, complimenting their skills and offering them jobs to take over the country. Ed’s giving this the proper response, when… uh oh. The townfolk aren’t very happy right now, somebody’s gonna have to cover all these damages. Ed points to Ling, who suddenly can’t speak Amestrisian good and skedadles. And of course in the few seconds we looked away from the ninjas there’s nothing but cut ropes now.
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Welp, now to fix everything back up- oh right, Ed’s armless. Wait, why is it surprising that Al can Transmute without a TC now? This is a recent thing? I honestly thought he could do it from the beginning, my bad. Aw, chin up Ed. Just because your younger brother is taller than you and now he’s got your super special no-TC style as well, it doesn’t mean you aren’t important. Just… less so. Poor, poor Ed, collapsing in despair and writing something in blood. No subtitles here, can someone translate for me? Later that day, the Elric Brothers return to the AutoMail shop where Winry is apprenticing, and guess who they find? [Ling]: “Hello, we meet again!”
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Ed immediately bashes Ling over the head with his detached arm, who just tries acting all friendly. Still hoping to hire the brothers? Ah, info on the ninjas! I’m approximating the girl’s name as Lahn-Fahn, and the old man is Fu. Their family (so they’re related? Father/daughter?) has served his for generations, and are quite good as we’ve seen. So what about Sword Man, what’s Ling’s deal that he has ninjas working for his family? (Also, this guy in a purple shirt and suspenders drinking tea with Ling, another employee?) Oh, Ling’s “the Emperor’s son”! The Elrics… burst out laughing? Ling’s a little nonplussed about this reaction, but the Elrics explain that they just didn’t see it coming, that the guy who they found collapsed in an alley and mooched food off of them is a prince. Lahn-Fahn does not approve of this disrespect, yikes. Oh, a lesson in Xing politics, the country’s broken up into 50 clans, and the Emperor gets married to a daughter of each of the clan leaders (yikes). Currently Ling shares the prestigious title of Prince with 23 other sons, with him at #12. Obviously this family setup makes succession complicated, and with the current Emperor’s health iffy all the clans are working to gain favor. Ling’s attempt is to discover immortality, I’m assuming for himself to increase his own survival rather than give it to dear old pops and never get the job. So he asks again for info, Ed refuses to say anything, and the noble Prince immediately latches onto Ed and declares that he’s sticking around until Ed cracks. Ed beings wailing on Ling with his arm, Lahn-Fahn prepares to respond to this aggression- Uh oh. Winry’s just arrived, talking about how there was some sort of fight on Main Street. Just in time to see Ed waving around the broken arm she’d fixed earlier that day. Ling watches with a vapid grin as tools go flying and Ed pleads for nonexistent mercy, until Fu pokes his head through the window for his young lord. On the rooftop, Fu asks why Ling is acting subservient to a commoner, Ling just says that with the fate of 500,000 clansmen on the line a little bowing is a small price to pay. Huh. So is his clan at risk if he doesn’t become Emperor? Inside the shop Winry’s asking where Ed plans to go and break his automail this time, working away at the arm as Purple-Shirt looks on (I’m assuming that he’s the mechanic Winry’s working for right now). Al mentions that they’re planning on continuing their investigations in Central, Winry asks to go along to- uuuuuuuuuuuuugh. [Winry]: “I’d like to go see the Hughes’ family again.” Whyyyyy. Why must these poor kids be heading towards such bad news? Ugh, the scene where they’re told what happened is going to be excruciating. Al asks about Winry’s work in Rush Valley, Purple-Shirt (who Winry calls Mr. Garfield and who I now headcanon as having tea and discussing prototypes with Leeron) encourages her to take a break. [Ed]: “Okay, we’ll all go!” [Al]: “Central, here we come!” [Winry]: *Cheerful giggle* [Ling]: “Oh, we’re going to Central? How exciting!” Snrk. Cut to a wagon, with a sleeping May and Shao in the back (based on tropes I can guess that May’s a half-sister Xing Princess who’s off to try and find the secret of immortality like Ling, although I’d be impressed if the writer subverted expectations by having them be unrelated). Yoki’s chattering about how he doesn’t know Scar’s name, the Ishvalan says that names among his people are considered sacred gifts from God. But he’s renounced his name, and snaps at Yoki to keep moving. [Scar]: “I am walking down a path with no return. So I will leave behind me every gift I have received from God.” New credits sequence! Singing is a mix of English and Japanese, a view of the countryside behind a short white-stone wall. Winry’s standing against a blue cloudy sky with hair blowing, Ed’s looking away from the camera in his red cloak, same with Al, shot of their burnt-down house. The new characters of Ling and his Ninjas get dramatic determined poses, May and Shao get their own against a sunset background. Flashback of Baby!Ed and Baby!Al shopping for groceries, then walking along a path back home as the sun sets. Return to the wall of pictures (with Papa!Elric’s face still covered, come on show we know what he looks like), and then Papa!Elric looking away from the camera towards Central. And back to present Ed and Al walking towards the horizon, sequence ends with a night-time shot of the Rockbell’s home. Alright! New characters from Xing promise some new shenanigans, with everyone going back to Central I’d say things are coming to a head but we’re only a little over halfway through the first season. Bleh, our poor babies learning about Hughes is going to be awful, can we get that out of the way soon so it’s not hanging over our heads anymore? Assuming that they manage to get back home next episode and aren’t delayed by filler, we’ll see how things shake out in Central.
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3  GROUP A/ GROUP 1: (contestants 1 - 6)
EP 3x01: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5: 
Location: Outdoors: “Australia” 
Location: Next to a /in a yard of a “peach coloured” building with arch/vault-style architecture 
Sign: OUTBACK (with the U being in the shape of horseshoe)
Sign: Yellow “road sign” with an arrow pointing down (”spiraling down”) 
MIB as papparazzi/press following her - taking pics, media attention (for “the wrong reasons”) 
Gramophone on a tree branch 
Boxing bag -  the kangaroo boxing/hitting the boxing bag 
Jump rope - the kangaroo jumping over a jump rope (made of a vine...held by MIB)
”Like most of you watching, I’m a survivor.” 
“I recently lost a person, who held my familys heart together. Then, by my own admission, I found myself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.” 
“But I’m here to do what kangaroos do best - bounce back.”
“I have to fight for my family. And show them that bullies never win.”
“I am beyond terrified - I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m not about to lose the chance to realize the dream I’ve always had.” 
“To all the survivors out there -- This one’s for you.” 
Song choice: “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn 
Look/Costume: The kangaroo has a pouch (indicates female), but also has a red/silver boxing outfit & gloves (indicates male). Outfit colours: red & silver. Important: there is a crown on the back of her robe. 
Stage: hexagon-shaped mirrors (5 of  them) surrounding her/behind her [if my other guess is correct, then that stage design is a “clue”] 
Height: Tall-ish...almost the same height as host Nick. A bit shorter, around 175cm, probably.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “One of my greatest fears is being vulnerable. And this year I’ve had no other option than to be vulnerable. But...with this kangaroo costume I feel like I can get my superpowers back.” +  [breathes in/sighs heavily before the song starts]
I HAVE NO NAMES OF MY OWN. -- I thought she was this certain female artist, because the voice kinda seemed familair (sounded like hers to me), but none of the clues and other things seemed to fit. And after checking the clues it seems to confirm it cannot be her, cause nothing matches. Also... to me she doesn’t sound like any of the singers I thoughts she could be based on the clues, so... I havent actually figured her out...
I think people online are correct, and it’s a certain “reality star” (gramophone = reference to her dad being a sound engineer on a well-known past TV show) Though I am considering a few more options - mostly other reality stars/youtubers/family members of celebs... particularily one name. If my guess here is correct, then just like Llama, she would have a connection to a previous TMS contestant...but since I am not that familiar with her singing voice, I cannot be sure. But she has lost family members in the past few years, she has been in a media scandal, and you can even explain the australia thing kinda... so...until I hear more of her, I’ve got one name mainly in mind. But I wont name it until I’ve heard her sing at least once more.
Survivor = the title of a “Destiny’s Child” hit song
Lost a family member recently = either her family member (parent, grandparent?) died or they parted ways (were cut ouf of each others lives)
Gramophone = possibly a reference to a Grammy nomination/win. Or just music/sound/audio
Outback = possible connection to Australia
“spiraling down” road sign + papparazzi following her = she’s been in a media scandal “recently”
Crown = King/Queen 
Location: Radio station/Mixing studio - mixing console (close up) 
Location: Pottery making “class” 
Mixing console - close up of a studio/radio station mixing console 
23.3 The Wool (name of the radio station/show) 
Red lightbulb in the studio 
Photo of a bull (the animal)
Playing cards: Ace of Spaces & Jack of Spades). Two black suit cards showing (Jack Black)
Sounds of Seattle - title of a vinyl album 
Romancing a llama: pottery 
"Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mix it up!”
“Good morning, Nerd herd! You’re listening to The Wool. Where we’re all cool. No Bull.” 
“I’m here for one reason only - to have a laugh. And what’s funnier than a Llama? (laughs at his own joke)”
“You may call me a joker. But I’d like to get serious for a minute. The song I’m singing tonight is my favourite track for celebrating love with that... special someone. There’s nothing like being swept up by it’s deep, profound lyrics. It’s a tune that really gets me in the mood for romance. I can’t wait to sing it for you tonight.”
“Llama out!” 
Song choice: “She Bangs” by Ricky Martin 
Look/Costume: Dressed as a tourist - “hawaiian” style shirt,, photo camera around his neck. Llamas tongue out of his mounth, on the side. 
Height: he is around 180cm - about the same height as host Nick (their shoulders are on about the same height)
Mic hand: Left 
Talking: “umm.. This whole costume just spoke to me... My vibe... I wear digs like this in real life.” (answering the question about his costume & it’s looks) 
Drew Carey (TV host/comedian/actor...)
23.3 Wool = His show (The Drew Carey Show) had, during it’s 9-season long run, a total of 233 episodes. 
Photo canera prop = His hobby is photography. Actually, it’s more than just a hobby - he has been accredited press photographer during many (sports) events.  
Radio = He was a radio operator during the time he served in the Marine Corps. Also..he’s hosted a radio show (radio DJ) during his later career 
Red light in the room = photography reference. In the DarkRoom red light is used when developing photo film/photographs.
Buddha figurine (Dalai Lama/Llama joke) = He is a buddhist. 
Joker = he is a joker aka comedian 
Seattle = He is the co-owner of a Seattle Football Club. 
Playing cards = He took part in the celebrity poker game in 2003, where he did better than Jack Black did (played against Jack Black)
Nerd herd = He did take part in Zack levis (Chuck) “Nerd herd” lightsaber race one time at a Comic-Con convention. 
Nerd herd = his show (DCS) & character were/was about nerds/was a nerd
Llama’s side tongue = early in his stand-up comedy days he had a joke with a side-tie (it looked visually very similar to what the llama’s tongue looks like - he just added some wires & tape to do “the trick” of swinging the tie to the side)
BONUS: He knows last years winner, “The Fox Mask” - they did “Whose Line is it Anyway” together, so... connection... 
SPOILER ALERT: Llama is the mask who will be voted off next - in ep 2 (on Wed, Feb 5th). But while his voice might not be as trained as some other contestants, I loved his stage energy, and the comedy/fun he brought! One more song coming from him! And no, I am not sharing some secret info - they “accidentally” revealed the first two contestants, who get unmasked, so it’s been revealed by the network...for those, who notice small details...
Location: Lady’s restroom/bathroom. The moster getting ready (coming hair, applying hairspray...) 
Location: school hallway - lockers 
Sign:  (image) ladies restroom 
Itmes on the counter in bathroom/dressing room: Furspray (hairsray) can,  pink bottle of some beauty product, three crystals (stones), a piece of sequin fabric 
Key/Keychain: a single (old style) key with a keychain that says “FUN” #FUN #KEY = FUNKY = “QUEEN OF FUNK” 
Purple furry diary/good luck charm/cosmetics bag/pencil box (with a face + kitty ears & unicorn horn) + a glittery pen 
Lockers: Lockers numbered 10 (the ones she opens) & 11 (the one next to it)...with no other lockers having numbers on them 
Miss Monster Locker: filled with images of S1 Monster, scrapbook flowers..etc...
Piece of paper on the locker door: Monster Hits.
Photograph of a cityscape (skyline with many skyscrapers) on the locker door [if I could only see the image better to know which city it is on it, that’d be one more clue]
“When you become famous, people  want you to look or act in a certain way. They forget that you started off as just a shy little monster.” 
“It didn’t take long for me to be misunderstood. So I’m here to set the record straight. Just like my favourite creature in Season 1 did. The Monster. He made me feel. He re-wrote his story. It was fire!" 
“And now this performer in pink wants to follow in his furry footsteps, But darlings... I’m nervous. Will you still love me without knowing my name?”
Song choice: “Something to Talk about” by Bonnie Raitt
Look/Costume: pink & purple/violet furry costume with a bowtie
Height: she is short-ish (shorter than host Nick). She looks very short (barely 5 feet - more Dolly P. height 152cm than Chaka K height 162cm)
Mic hand: Right 
Chaka Khan 
Dolly Parton (since the total number of Grammy noms that the 18 contestants have in combined in 69 & Robot as the first revealed one has had 24-25 of them, that leaves only 44-45 for everyone else, that rules out this person, because she alone has had 46 nominations...compared to C. Khan’s 22 noms)
Number 10 = She has 10 Grammy Awards/wins. (interestinly: both D. Parton & C. Khan have 10 Grammy wins!)
Monster Hits = she has had (many) hit songs during her career 
He made me feel = She has a song by the title “I Feel You” (1984 hit)  
It was fire = She has a song by the title “Through the Fire” (1985)
Will you love me - that is (word for word) the title of of her her hit songs, “Will You Love Me?” (2007)
It was fire = She wrote the hit song “Fule to the Flame” (1967 hit) for Skeeter Davis. 
Will you still love me? = She has/wrote a song titled “I will always love you” 
Furspray/Hairsray = he was/is known for her big hair/haircut (managing that probably takes lots of hairspray)
FUN = FUN(K) #FUN KEY [FUN:KI] - she’s kinda the “queen of funk” (one of her albums is titled “FUNk This” (btw: Pun intended by her!) 
Location: school’s track & field event (Balzano Track Field) - contestants getting ready to run. The slow turtle surrounded by fast bunnies, all preparing for the event. [Slow & steady (turtle) wins the race]
Location: Schools track & field event - BANG! The race begings. The three other contestants (MIB as bunnies - wearing pink bunny ears - starting the race with a head start, all jumping on their blue bouncy balls)
Turtle vs bunnies 
BANG! in comic style - to mark the start of the race 
The others (three bunnies) bouncing on blue balls whe n the race begins 
Surf board - the turtle poliching/cleaning his poink & blue surf board 
Pins on the track...popping the blue jumpy balls 
Grilling burgers on an (outside) grill...on the track field. 
Turtle crossing the finish line first (bunnies just going in circles, being stopped by pins on the way, or other reasons), as he has time to do other things & take it slowly, and then still get there first...with a burger in hand & winning the golden medal.
"At the starting-line of my career I was surrounded by other hungry new-comers. It felt like everyone around me was fighting tooth-and-nail for the dream. And I watched as many of those stars burned too brightly, too quickly, and then fizzled down”
“I’m a turtle, because I’m always taking it step-by-step.”
“Slow and steady wins the race. But now I feel like I’m ready to break out of my shell. After years of preparation I would love to make a big splash. So I don’t want anyone to cross that finish line before me.” 
Song choice: “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal 
Look/Costume: Punk/Rock-style, dressed in leather (pants, jacket), has a spike (hair)
Height: Short-ish (shorter than host Nick) - seems around 175cm. Small in size.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “It’s hot. It’s really hot. And it’s heavy!” (when answering how doesn it feel to be in that costume and perform in it)
Jesse McCartney 
Joey McIntyre  PS. I tried connecting the voice to any boy-bands (of 1990s & 2000s), but I coukdnt. Even after some “research” - listening to each possible candidate...and IMO it’s none of them. The voices dont match, the heights doesn’t match---But it did sound like someone, who for me was a one-hit-wonder. Yeah, I only know that one song (and one more) from him... but voice seemed familiar.
Surf board = that he is a surfer;  that he is from Cali/Australia/somewhere which is known as being popular among surfers; that he has won Teen Choice Award(s) (this award in in the shape of a surfboard)
being surrounded by other new-comers at the start of his career = either he got his start through a (singing) competition and was one of many contestants fighting for the win AND/OR he got his start in a “boy-band” and was one of the youngsters looking for fame...
Surf board = Teen Choice Awards - winning several TCAs for his first/biggest hit song/album in 2005, and more. And he’s played a surfer character on a TV show
BSB references/connection  - he was the opening act in 2005 for BSB during the European part of the tour. 
Dream = he started in a boy-band with the name “Dream Street”
on stage presence/body language (movements) = very similar to J.M. 
Location: Football field. Tiger striking a power/winners pose. 
Location: School hallway, lockers. Tiger walking in, shoving everyone out of his way. 
Locatrion: School library (sitting behind a table, with his legs on the table) 
Location: School hallway, lockers. MIB trying to get him to audition for TMS. MIB (fans) taking selfies with him. 
Golden plate/sign with text: Ultimate champion for clam shucking: 51 clams” (next to a golden clam shell) 
Sign/ad on the wall: “Masked Singer tryouts 5/3.” + images of three past masks included: Eagle, Lion & Raven. Plus the text: “Hurry. Not for long" also written on it. 
Sign on the all with images of past US presidents, including Abe Lincolns & the text/quote “Four Score and Seven Years Ago...” 
The TMS golden mask throphee shown next to the lockers (as Tiger says “let’s party!”)
“Ready to meet your next champion? My entire life I’ve sought out perfection, so choosing a mask with unlimited power like the White Tiger was a no-brainer.”
“I’ve had a giant career full of accomplishments. But when I imagine being on stage (and) singing, I’m a big old scared cat.*
“It’s been a while since I did something that scared me, so I’m here to concour yet anither challenge.”  
“What’s my motivation? My fans! I don’t wanna let them down." 
“So now I’m ready to get in that ring and smash the competition.” 
“Let’s party!” 
Song choice “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice 
Look/Costume: Dressed in “Egyptian style"
Height: very tall & big (much taller than host Nick) - over 190cm, looks about 2m tall
Mic hand: R & L (alternates)
Talking: “It’s the most powerful I’ve ever felt. Like I can concour anything. I never wanna take it off” (when answering what did it feel like when he first put on the costume/mask)
He played during the 51st  (51 clams) & 53rd  (5/3) Super Bowl games. 
The three past TMS masks shown are all animals that are parts of  names of existing football teams: Ravens, Eagles, Lions. Meaning he is an athlete & specifically plays american football (NFL) 
The Lincoln quote translates to “87 years ago...”, so number 87 is the clue here. This could be a reference to player No. 87. 
He has had a very succesful career in his own field (sports). Singing is not his main job.
IF the voice-overs were done later, not during initial filming, then it’s possible that “smash” relates to the person smashing a lego-statue of a TV host during 2019/2020 New Years. Which in itself was supposed to be about his famous “Gronk Spike” during football games. 
A tiger (albeit “regular”, not white) was one of the characters & costumes + name of the sports team in the Katy Perry video “Swish Swich”, where this athlete also appeared. 
The Golden (Golden Mask) trophe - most likely a reference to his many wins (the trophees he/his team has won)
Rob Gronkowski (Gronk, athlete, 198cm) = 99% certain it’s him 
Because of the height alone (seems to be around/almost 2m = 6 feet 5) there are not that many possibilities at all. Even if we don’t listen to that voice or consider the clues. Based on height alone it can basiclaly be only one of these names: Dave Bautista (198cm); The Rock (196cm); Hulk Hogan (201cm); Tyler Perry (196cm); Brad Garrett (204cm); Joe Manganiello (196cm); Jeff Goldblum (194cm); Jason Mamoa (193cm); Tom Brady (193cm)..or the likes...
Even other possible names, like the ones listed by the panel, are not valid guesses, because of their height: John Cena for example is actually only 185cm tall. Also... several of these tall men are bigger/more muscular, so that makes it even easier to determine the name based on only the physical appeance...without even listening to the clues. 
First mask to be voted out in ep 1
Havent listed his clues, cause there’s no use for them anymore, as he was voted off. 
With his 86 tattoos he makes up for about half of all the 160 tattoos the 18 contestants have combined. With his 24-25 Grammy nominations he makes up about 1/3 of all the 69 noms the 18 contestants have combined. And quite many of the 88 gold records the 18 contestants have combined,  belong to him (I don’t know the exact number, but most/all of his 10+ albums have gone gold, I think) - exact number depends on how they count it for this list.
BUT... unless I decide to cut some sleep time to do this again, I am probabky not gonna do this after every episode. Possibly for the first episode of every Group (so beside ep 1, also ep 4 & ep 7)
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heyo! could you write something for michael / billy / stu / and any other slasher you think would be good - about their s/o who has a really bad stutter (and who possibly might be bullied or something of the nature) your work is really good and ahh!! i needed to see a stuttering mess in a work to make me happy about my own stutter
((Totally! I hope these lil drabbles help cheer you up some! And remember, never feel bad about your voice. It’s not the way you talk that matters, it’s the words and the feelings behind them. I’d write for all of them if I could but I decided to add Bubba, Norman, and Chop-Top for this one cause two of them have a stutter (though Chop-Top’s ain’t as strong and Norman’s is more due to anxiety and therefore written different) and the other is just always v good. They’re also some of my favorites so I’ll always love writing them lol. Btw I tried my best to write a stutter accurately but, like always, I want to make sure I didn’t write anything offensive or inaccurate so let me know if there’s anything along those lines. Also, this is long af so I added a read-more.
Various slashers s/o with a stutter:
“M-M-Michael d-d-don’t do this,” you pleaded. He stared at you emotionless, as he plunged the knife back in.
“P-P-please! You-You pr-promised!” He ignored you and pulled the knife in and out of the now-mutilated flesh.
”Y-Y-You sa-said you would w-w-wait! It’s n-n-n-not e-even  H-Halloween!” He reached in and pulled out a mass of slimy guts and pulp, then gestured to you to take it. You held out your hand and took his offering, mildly disgusted.
You went to a kitchen drawer and pulled out a gallon Ziploc bag, dumping the handful inside. “H-Here. We-we’ll j-j-j-just save s-some and I’ll m-make something w-w-w-with it l-later.” Michael set the knife off to the side and lifted up his current “project” as if presenting it for your approval. You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway.
“Yes, i-it’s a b-b-b-b-beautiful J-Jack O’Lantern, M-Michael. B-B-But it’s gon-gonna r-rot if we p-p-put it out n-now!” But even as you say it you know you might as well break out the tea candles.
Once the bell rang, you nearly ran out of the classroom to your locker. You glowered as you replaced the books from your previous class with the ones for your next. You slammed the door shut to see your boyfriend standing behind it, a wicked, yet charming smirk on his face.
“Boo.” You just rolled your eyes.
“N-Not in the m-m-mood.”
His brow furrowed at that, usually you were more happy to see him. “What’s up babe?” his eyes looked around defensively at your fellow classmates wandering the halls, “Some punks giving you shit again?”
“N-No…” you sighed, “The t-teacher c-c-c-called on me in c-c-class today to r-r-read. Asshole kn-knows I d-d-don’t w-wanna t-talk in front of ev-everyone.”
Billy scowled at that, “What a fucking prick. Want me to teach him something?”
You hesitated for a moment, he was a jerk, but no. “D-D-Don’t w-worry ab-b-bout it B-Billy…He’s-he’s j-j-just doing hi-his job…”
“Hey,” Billy gripped you reassuringly by the shoulders, getting you to look him in the eyes, “Never let nothings like that make you think less of yourself baby. You’re amazing just the way you are.”
You almost felt yourself well up at his thoughtful words. Sometimes he shocked you with how sweet he could be. You nodded, and leaned into hug him.
He returned the embrace, and you felt him lean down to whisper into your ear, “You wanna just ditch and watch movies at my place?” A very tempting offer you may just take him up on.
“H-H-Hello? Wh-Who’s this?”
“Do you like scary movies?”
“Ha Ha, very f-f-funny. Wh-Who’s th-th-th-this? F-for real.”
“I’m the scary killer outside your window…”
“Oh s-s-sure. I b-bet,” sarcasm and annoyance dripping from your words, “Quit b-being a creep R-R-Randy.”
“It’s not Randy. That your boyfriend?”
At that comment, you started to get an idea of who your mysterious caller was, but decided to play along. “N-Nah, b-b-but I d-do h-have one.”
“Oh yeah,” the voice giggled, “And what’s he like? Bet he wouldn’t like you talkin’ to lil ole me.”
“P-p-probably n-not, b-b-but he’s not h-here. And you h-h-haven’t h-hung up.”
There was a pause on the other end, then a huff. “You never answered my first question.”
“Oh? Th-that th-thing ab-b-bout s-scary movies? Yeah, I l-l-like ‘em”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
You hesitate for a second, while it would be fun to keep this going, you feel like upping the ante a bit. “I d-d-don’t know. H-How ab-b-bout you c-come up h-here and w-w-watch o-one w-with me?”
“What about your boyfriend?”
“C-C-Come on M-Mister K-K-Killer, h-he c-can join. I th-th-think you kn-know w-where t-to find h-him.”
You heard a shuffling on the other end and then the call abruptly ended. You sat in silence for a moment, curious about what would happen next. A familiar rapping sound came from outside your window. You pulled back the curtain, revealing your boyfriend standing there with his signature goofy grin plastered across his face. Through the glass you hear the voice you’d missed, “Wanna let me in?”
The Sawyer home was unusually quiet right now. With Drayton out at the gas station and his other brother doing god-knows-what, just you Bubba and Grandpa were left at the house. With Bubba working downstairs, you had been left to your own devices. Though you didn’t mind some alone time, it was odd that you hadn’t really seem hide-nor-hair of your beau lately. Though that seemed like it would be changing pretty soon, as you heard the large metal door to the kitchen slam. You turned to see Bubba coming towards you, happily clutching something in his hands.
“W-W-What’ve you g-got there B-Bubba?” He excitedly shoved the object, which you know could tell was a book, into your hands. “Where the Sidewalk Ends” the cover read, with a drawing of two children looking over what looked like the edge of a cliff. You flipped through it, and it appeared to be a collection of poems cute illustrations to go with them. You turned back at your love, who was watching you eagerly, seemingly trying to figure out your reaction.
“It s-seems like a v-very n-nice b-b-book H-Honey. Th-th-thank you.”  His brow seemed to furrow underneath his mask and he poked the book more insistently. You cocked your head in confusion, “I’m af-f-fraid I d-don’t get w-what your s-s-saying.” He opened the book and a warbling hum came from him as he pointed from the words to you.
“You w-w-want m-me to r-r-read it? Out l-loud?” He squealed happily and nodded. “ Are y-you s-s-sure? B-B-But W-what ab-bout th-the way I t-talk?” He nodded again and pulled you into his lap on the couch. He hugged you tightly around the waist, resting his head on your shoulder as he looked down at the book. You laughed softly about his enthusiasm, “Alr-right…I-Invitation…If y-you are a dreamer c-c-come in. If y-you are a dreamer, a w-wisher, a liar. C-Come in….
The whole Sawyer house was very much relieved today. It had been awhile since anyone had driven by and food was running kinda low, making everyone a bit on edge and touchy. Luckily, a whole van of people stopped by last night and were quickly dispatched, meaning everyone would get to eat. Your boyfriend’s brothers were currently preparing and cooking the meat, while your boyfriend looted and organized the belongings of the now-cattle.
“Y/N! C-Come in here and take a look at this!” your boyfriend hollered from the other side of the house. This was somewhat ominous as you never could tell what he was going to show you when he got excited like this. His tone of voice when showing you a neat bug was the same when he was propping up and goofing off with a corpse. You walked in and he was standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by a mess of objects scattered around him. On him was the ugliest shirt you had ever seen. It looked like bowling alley carpet had a love child with a kid’s drawing of what a Hawaiian shirt was supposed to look like. It physically hurt your eyes a bit to look at it. “Check out th-these digs babe!” he crowed.
“W-Wow…th-that s-sure is…c-c-copacetic.”
“I know r-right!” He turned back to admire himself in the dirty wall mirror, “T-Totally far-r out!
You hid a grin behind your hand, “You’re one sh-shagad-d-delic c-cat.”
He whipped back around to face you, beaming ear to ear, “Awww sh-shucks,” he wadded his way through the mess over to you, throwing his boney arms around you waist. “You’re pretty b-bitchin’ your-yourself,” he crooned, pressing a sloppy and slightly gross kiss on your cheek. Maybe you could get used to the shirt…
Norman Bates:
There was a record playing in the main lobby of the motel when your returned from tidying one of the cabins. As you stepped in farther, you could make out your sweetheart’s voice singing along softly. Curiosity drew you closer and you watched from the doorway as he folded laundry. His voice was as sweet and smooth as honey and the melody seemed to drip into you, wrapping around and warming your heart.
“It takes a lot of sunshine…To make a s-summer day…But just a little love…Can go a long, long way…”
You wolf-whistled, and he whipped around to face you, dropping the shirt he was holding. “Oh dear, I, um, well, you, w-weren’t supposed, to, er, see t-that.”
You moved towards him, picking up the shirt from the floor and returning it to him. “Y-You s-s-sing b-beautifully you kn-know.”
His eyes flicked back to meet your’s, “R-Really, I, well, I just never, s-sing in front of anyone…”
You smiled, looking up at him with faux innocence, “H-How does th-this one g-g-go again? So i-i-i-incid-dentally…”
He gulped, “Um, Treat love g-gently…”
“W-When it c-c-comes in view…”
“It-It could even, even happen to…”
You both joined in for the last line, “S-someone l-l-like you…”
As the song played on in the background you realized how close the two of you had gotten. You both blushed and turned away slightly, but neither of you could hide the blush or grins painted across your faces.
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hikikomori-kuma · 7 years
[USUK] Right Place
As a thank you! for the 100+ followers of this blog! Thank you very much! Here is an unbeta-ed, flangst (fluffy + angst), kinda “eh?” fic I made months ago. It’s really long but I do hope you won’t get sick of it. Without further ado. Dozo!
PS. Correct me if you see errors!
Edit: Thanks to @chibiblogerchan for correcting me about their child’s name. :)
He watched as Alfred attempt to dance with Tino on the dance floor. He awkwardly sway on the upbeat music but the goofy smile on his face make up for it. Other dancers are on the dance floor but Arthur decided to stay on their table and watch from the sidelines. 
He took a sip from his water - he’s restraining from alcohol for now, he reminded himself - as he scanned the room filled with happy people and even happier new couple. Tino and Arthur had been friends since their university years and even after years of short contacts and brief updates in life events and changes, it was very darling of Tino to invite him to his wedding. The omega met a quiet Swedish named Berwald and now, they are bonded - married even.
He remembered the day that Tino invited him for tea and with his sweet and comforting scent telling him his happiness, he showed his beautiful engagement ring to Arthur. His eyes shining with glee that matched the diamond on it and the usually quiet Fin had been talkative with how Berwald came up with his proposal.
With the reminder of ring, he looked at his own finger. Still pale like the rest of his skin and still untouched with metal on it. He wondered what it felt like to have a cool metal against his skin. Would it be cold to touch or will it share his warmth like it’s a part of his body?
He snapped out of his reverie before anyone nearby guest question his change of scent.
He looked up again to hear that the music has finished with a loud final beat and a round of applause and cheers filled the room. Arthur was one of the more polite one to clap his hands.
Tino and Berwald announced for their guests to continue dancing as they went back to their seats and watch their guest and be merry with each other. Some guest went to congratulate them on their table.
Another song was started by the live band, now accompanied by a Spanish singer and serenading the whole reception area. He saw that Alfred bouncing back to their table, panting, sweating and still smiling from his previous activity. He knew that the alpha would likely pull out his seat and talk to him animatedly thus he smiled at the other quickly before dodging his eyes to look for his glass but he did not expect it when the other stood in front of him and raised his hand.
“Sweetheart, come on. Let’s dance!” He smiled gently to Arthur, one that reminded him of knights on white horses often mentioned in happy ever afters - not that Alfred’s unlike one. He looked at him with wide eyes, shocked by the invitation and hand frozen half way to his mouth. Not to mention the crippling hot feeling of his cheeks. He did not seems to function for a long time that Alfred took the initiative to pick his glass, set it down on the table and grab his hand to pull him on the dance floor.
He felt hesitant yet he complied, keeping up with Alfred but with a distance as they went to the dance floor. Choosing a space near the centre and starting on a close dance position. Alfred grabbed his hand and put a hand on his waist - which shocked him for a moment - before pulling him closer to the alpha’s body.
He looked at the alpha, to his unkempt styled hair to match his suit and bowtie. He looked quite dashing, even with the glasses that made him more friendly. He grinned at Arthur as he hummed on the familiar love song the singer’s currently singing in the background.
He looked at Alfred’s blue eyes - such kind blues like its owner. They said that eyes are the windows of the soul and every time he look at Alfred’s, he knew that they are the purest and kindest. Just like Alfred.
He met this alpha, this man, when he was only an intern and Alfred was a graduating student of Engineering. He would never admit it loud enough or to anyone that the day Alfred spilt his coffee on his table while attempting - and failing - to balance his sleep deprived self was the day that instead of being spiteful to the other rather he fell in love with the man. Instantly! He noted himself. Even with his ruined documents and pants, the alpha made amends by taking out the omega for a night out. Arthur both surprised Alfred and himself for agreeing and one date became two, three, until he forgot to even count the casual visits to cafes and restaurants or movie viewing or even the taking turns of ordinary house visits just to cuddle on the couch.
He had dreams, Alfred also had his - which are always bigger than his, he would always tell Arthur his dreams whenever they watch home movies bundled in warm blankets and picking on a bowl of popcorn and occasionally throwing them at each other - but one ill-timed unprotected heat came and he felt like he failed both of them.
Alfred went to visit him on his home as usual, just to learn from the two red lines that soon - after nine months - he’ll become a father. Arthur knew that he’s not yet ready, he himself was not ready to be a mother yet but the frenzy of having a mate during heat blurred the possibilities of this unplanned future. He saw as Alfred’s bag slowly hit the ground, its thus making a single sound on the quiet room, making him wince, before he was engulfed into a big, apologetic hug.
“I’m sorry.” Alfred chanted into his ears, kissing his ears, cheek, forehead, neck, really anywhere he could reach just to ask to be forgiven.
He felt like crying, he cried many times before - on the bathroom when he saw the blasted positive result, the possibility to be fired on his currently acquired job, the disownment of his own family, rejection of Alfred and don’t even make him think of having an abortion. All those negative thoughts weigh him down and now, now, he felt bad to even letting Alfred catch onto it.
They embraced for a long moment, just standing there and letting the world go round as he felt at fault for ruining both of their dreams.
Arthur dared not to tell Alfred what he has in mind, now that he’s pregnant. He has to mask his scent for work to avoid conflict and he knew that Alfred just got his job and still has student loans to pay. Everything felt unprepared especially when one night, while eating Chinese delivery on Arthur’s couch - nowadays, he felt compelled just to sit and eat and be done with it - Alfred announced something he never thought he’d hear on the alpha’s lips.
“I’m introducing you to my parents.” He said before he started to gobble up again on his fried noodles. Arthur just looked at him with shock.
“We have to make it official, right?” Ah, yes. Yes. To save them faces. To avoid more conflicts and problems in the future.
He just nodded. Resigned to the thought that Alfred need to do that because he just needed to.
He tried cooking, making dessert for Alfred’s parents but he ended up buying a cake from the local bake shop. Alfred tried to comfort him, telling him that everything would be ‘just fine’ but Arthur haven’t been fine for weeks now - he would never said that to Alfred.
He tried to smile more during the night. They started with dinner, with casual talk of 'what’s going on’ to Alfred’s life and the casual talk of whats thrown at Arthur. He remembered being nervous but the 'Joneses’ were always understanding and welcoming. After the dinner, Alfred sat the five of them - including his beta brother Matthew - on the family room and announced his bond with Arthur. His mother has been happy, her initial reaction was to gasp and reach for her son as she congratulate his son with hugs and kisses and Arthur to this life achievement. He cleared his throat and made another announcement.
“Well, there’s another thing I wanted to announce. Arthur is pregnant.” It sounded clinical, too formal, too stiff but another booming joy came to the room. His father pat him on the back with unshed tears and Matthew quietly congratulated Arthur as he offered a quiet smile to the beta.
Everyone’s talking but all Arthur wanted that night was to go home to his flat and curl to his bed as quickly as he can but Alfred’s parents decided - forced - them to stay the night just to be safe. He chose to have a private quarters at the family’s guest room while Alfred on his own room.
He did not know what pushed him to woke up on the wee hours of the next day that he walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen just to hear muffled voices. He stopped by the wall - he did not mean to eavesdrop but the familiar voices of Alfred and his parents has been clear as he listened.
“You still haven’t finished paying up your student loan, dear.” He heard his mother with the voice of concern.
“Yes mom, I know that.” Alfred sounded exhausted but Arthur never heard him like that whenever he visits him.
“Son, are you sure about this?” His father asked the young alpha, like a man to man talk.
There is a long paused before he heard a sigh - one of exhaustion, defeat, forced. Arthur would like to listen more but he knew that the more he hear about this, the more he’ll be hurting. He went back to his room, forcing himself to sleep but he felt empty whenever he close his eyes.
The next day, he felt more tired than ever as he moved around the house with robotic-like manner. Alfred’s parents bid them goodbye with the same enthusiasm as the night before but Arthur felt like they just did it in front of him. He even received an embrace that he weakly returned.
As he head back on his room, after hours of travel and Alfred back to his own apartment, he just stared at darkness while he contemplated on what Alfred would have said that night. His thoughts wondered on 'Alfred being forced to the role of a father simply because he impregnated him’, 'he wanted to save face’ and the worst monster 'he’s just going with the flow and just plainly did not love Arthur at all’ That last one hurt the most.
He became quieter than usual, felt  more defeated to the forces he knew he had been weak against at the first place.
They made the bonding official as Alfred bit him on the shoulder and scented him off with his own scent. His alpha looked at him with such tenderness that Arthur felt conflicted; waking his inner demons and making it fight against each other. That he saw no other way to escape this, to just accept the consequence of their rash action. He wanted to tell Alfred to stop, to voice his thoughts, his hesitancy but invisible force stopped him. Choking his words and preventing them from spilling until he felt tears bead his eyes. They ended up tangled in each other’s arms as they shared warmth on his nest that night but he remembered staring at the dark walls, feeling the sting on his heart much more painful than the bleeding and throbbing fresh mark on his skin.
The people from his work place had been ecstatic with his bond as they fawn on him like birds flocking on seeds. They were very happy especially Feliciano who went on advising him on pregnancy tips.
He would be surrounded by the happy betas and cooing omegas but at home, he would be lonely on his flat and staring at the ceiling while he felt his stomach grew bigger by the days. It would only took a few months before Alfred will leave him, that’s for sure and Arthur just training himself for that.
He never called Alfred for help. He still can function like a normal human being, he reasoned - assured himself, but Alfred would always follow and assist him whenever he visited on the weekends or on his early out from his job. He would send him food and sometimes call to check on him. He never asked for his assistance yet Alfred was always willing to offer his help until he went overboard by completely moving in to Arthur’s apartment.
It was all of the sudden. Completely out of blue. It seemed that his life filled with such surprises. Alfred had his boxes outside his flat on a weekday as he waited for Arthur to return from work and asked him to let him in. With all the boxes and mess on the hallway, how could Arthur deny him refuge.
They awkwardly manoeuvred the boxes inside, well, Alfred did as he pointed to where he could place his packed stuff. That night had been very awkward as Alfred unpacked for his necessities while they remained quiet inside the flat. Bedtime that night even more as the alpha took the couch and bid him a shy goodbye. As he closed his door, he released a breathe he never knew he hold.
Morning came as the smell of breakfast reached his nose and he quietly but quickly excused himself in the bathroom. Making sure to lock the door before he gag and hurl out some rather non existing vomit.
He freshen up before walking out of the room, a frowning Alfred looking at him as he put down a plate of breakfast on his table.
“Are you okay?” Of course he can smell that he’s not but he still asked anyway. He just nodded and settled on making his tea and nibble on his toast for breakfast.
Moving through the house had been a messy affair, they moved around as if they would be stung if they get too close to each other. They fumbled on who will be using the bathroom first, Alfred scrabbled to look at his day clothes as he still hasn’t unpacked - not to mention where he would put his things as Arthur’s flat had been a one bedroom-one bathroom type and the lingering quietness inside the flat. Arthur decided to call in sick which he did not do often as he looked at Alfred struggle to make himself proper before going off.
Bidding the alpha off to work was something he usually see at the perfect domesticated life of an omega but when Alfred said that he’ll be off to work, he just nod in affirmation and waved a small unsure goodbye.
He had an impromptu day off, thus he had to make the most of it, right? He started off by cleaning the house, which was a struggle with all the boxes and hiding some of his stuff to make more space inside the flat. A few hours and he was set to go to even more impromptu check up to his doctor.
Alfred knocked - that’s sensible since he’s the one who just moved in 24 hours ago - into a cleaner house and to a more clinical scent of Arthur. He internally wrinkled his nose as the omega opened to door for him to go inside. He’s been removing his shoes when the omega spoke. He cleared his throat before forming his sentence. “I think we ought to have a talk after dinner.” Then he went back to the kitchen where apparently he forgot the stove’s been in high level and burnt his cooking a little.
Alfred offered his help to clean the dished in which Arthur was grateful and when everything’s done, it is time for their talk.
Arthur patted the couch space for Alfred to seat on, leaving a relatively good distance between them. Not too close for bonded mates but not too far to seem distant. Alfred listened to Arthur as he spoke, a bit nervous but stay still.
“Since you’re here - and your stuff had been loitering around,” If there’s anything that did not change to Arthur, it’s the sarcastic side comment. “I think you should unpack and set your things.” Alfred looked at him, happy to be received inside Arthur’s home.
“Including your personal stuff, I think I can share my bedroom for your personal belongings.” He said in a small voice but he squeaked as Alfred gently tackled him on the couch and embraced him, burying his face on the omega’s neck to express his gratitude, wanting to smell his mate, to know his happiness and gratitude. He felt  him sniffed deeply, smelling the same clinical scent from before. He patted the younger in the back, asking for time out but with a small kiss on the forehead.
The little gesture took him by surprise since they had been dancing around each other ever since his pregnancy. Things had been feeling rather cold as Arthur assumed it is going and this took him off-guard. He guided Alfred on his unpacking but made it very clear that Alfred still sleep on the couch.
Every morning, Arthur would wake up early to make sure that he would patch his mark with a rather expensive scent concealing patch before Alfred woke up. Yes, he did just that, sometimes even watching Alfred sleep for a few moments before he make his morning tea.
Slowly, they felt into something more relax, more comforting, more domesticated state of affairs. They would wake up, greet each other good morning, prepare for work to come home later with Alfred talking about his day, cook dinner before they retire to bed with murmured goodbyes.
They had jobs, which paid them for their expenses. Yes, they had talks about sharing bills but when Arthur, one day, struggled to button his shirt on the belly part, Alfred went home giving him a bag with a few shirts inside fit for his growing belly.
“Y-you don’t have to, Alfred.” His grip on the green shirt tighter than he supposed to. Alfred just grinned as him as he flopped on the couch/bed to went to the omega’s side.
“Nah. It’s okay, I got extra payment for working overtime and since I live at your apartment I think it’s just right to give you something in return.”
“But..” He’s still hesitant but Alfred looked at him reassuringly.
“Oh… I suppose, um- thank you, for all of these.” Putting back the shirt inside the bag since Alfred thought it’s a smart move to remove all the price tags before handling it to Arthur.
“Besides, it’s my child too, so, yeah.” He sounded happy, proud even but that sounded very different to Arthur’s view. Tasted bad to his senses that would surely reach his scent and emit his feeling. He internally thanked the patches but Alfred looked at him with concern.
“Hey, Artie? You okay?” That nickname. Since when did that became something Alfred associated on calling Arthur? He never knew.
“Artie?” Another one.
“Arthur?” He put a hand on his shoulder that startled the omega.
“Y-yes?” Damn. He was caught spacing off.
“You okay?”
“Ah, yes. Rather tired.” He picked up the bag then stood up, a bit slowly as he find balance. “Thank you again for these, Alfred. I really appreciate it. I’d like to talk to you more but I’m quite sleepy, so let’s call it a night, hm?” He offered a small smile. “Good night, Alfred.”
“Good night, Artie.” Alfred reached out for his hand, pressed it before letting it go.
Morning come, he was hesitant to wear the new shirt but his other clothes did not fit like it and when he walked out of his room, Alfred greeted him with a cheery smile.
“Good morning! They look good on you.” He stared at Arthur a bit longer, appreciating the new shirt on his mate then to his small baby bump, making the omega uncomfortable as he stood in the middle of the room before he could nod and proceed to breakfast.
It’s embarrassing to admit that the clothes Alfred bought are very comfortable, making him wear it in repeat for weeks until the alpha bought him a few more until he told Alfred that he’s happy enough with his new shirts.
Over the next few weeks, they grew closer. Sometimes eating out for lunch, walk on the park but Arthur’s secret was when they went shopping for the baby.
Alfred had been enthusiastic, holding his hand as he was pulled on the crib section to look at the selection. Since they did not have a room for the baby in the house, they chose to buy a small crib added with few baby clothes and other necessities for the child to come. Arthur may have thought that it’s safe to say that he’d been anticipating for the baby to come now that Alfred’s with him.
Life’s starting to get good, it seems when one late afternoon and one trip to grocery led him to see Alfred sleeping on his bed, glasses still on his face and his shirt fresh from what he had seen Arthur before leaving. He quietly moved to the kitchen, stacking their food supply before going to his bedroom. Contemplating if he should wake the alpha up or not because he himself is weary. A brief internal battle and he chose the latter, slowly sitting on his bed and settling himself on the space that still unoccupied by the younger. He made himself steady before braving to look at his companion. Looking at the youthful face with golden hair but weigh down by work and an child expectancy. He dared, slowly, to reach for his cheek to know if it’s warm - he’s right - and rested his palm on it.  Feeling bolder by this rare happening, he slowly stroked his thumb under his eye. Touching the bags under it, soothing the darkening skin as if it will be gone in a few. Oh, what will he do when this man left his life. Arthur thought to himself as he studied the sleeping man. It’s comforting as it aches to be with this man but he let the former win when he finally closed his eyes and took slumber.
The omega woke up, the room dark as the hours passed, to feel securely in the arms of the alpha. Spooned and feeling the ticklish breathe of Alfred. He pretended to be asleep for a few more minutes, just a few more to indulge to this feeling. Then on, Alfred tend to sleep on his bed and Arthur found that he don’t mind at all.
The remaining month of pregnancy has been bliss until it finally came.
“Darling?” He himself had finally called Alfred other than his name. He put a hand on his back, holding back a groan of pain as he tried to walk to the living room where the other busied himself with a laptop.
“I think I’m having contractions already.” He soothed his back. Alfred stood up to look at him.
“Really?! God, I- wait,” He went to Arthur and let him sit. “I’m getting the bags okay?” He kissed his forehead, sweat starting to bead. “Be back in a minute.”
The deliverance, to say, was an agony but Alfred had been there to hold his hand as he threatened him in every word he could muster at the moment but one cry from their child made it all worth it. He hold their son - a precious little boy, a very darling creature to Arthur’s eyes - kissed his small but grappling hand and showed him to Alfred.
Walking home with a new addition to the family made the flat more alive, more colourful even when William cried in the middle of the night, leaving them sleepless to function for the next day.
They never had time for each other as the baby occupied most of their time and gruelling twelve months and adjustment period came to William’s first birthday.
It’s been a small and private celebration as two people sang to their children 'happy birthday’ on their kitchen and blow his cake and kissed him on the cheek. They shared home cooked meals as Arthur tried to feed his little William while Alfred complimented him on his cooking. Taking a picture of them three, as a family had been hard but as Alfred settled the camera on the kitchen counter and pressed the timer, he pulled Arthur by the waist, pressing their son on the middle of them and smiled like there is no tomorrow.
He should be in back in heat in a few months but he knew life would be difficult now that he has a child and a job he had to resign from to focus on his son thus he relied on suppressants. He would secretly took one and hid it from the most impossible places Alfred would likely look for something.
It’s been hard, yes, but he kept going because he felt, knew that he’s in the high time of his life when Alfred told him something.
“They wanted to reassign me to a different site.” He’d been feeding William and even tasting a few bits of it when he said that. He hummed to tell that he’s listening.
“They say they’ll give me a pay raise but I refused it.” That stopped Arthur from feeding his son.
“Why?” It’s an opportunity and the alpha refused it.
“Arthur, I don’t want to be away from my family.” He frowned as he stopped from eating and looked at Arthur like deer in the headlights. “Will’s still small and I know that you’re always tired from taking care of him.” Alfred did not emphasize more, it was more than enough for him to know.
He’s holding back Alfred. Still holding him back.
He quieted after that, feeding William and cleaning up his child. He became quieter after that, keeping his mouth shut and his head low whenever Alfred talked to him. Eventually nodding if asked. He felt resigned but he kept his focused on their child lest his deep dark thoughts eat him away again.
One night, as he took a quick nap after successfully making having William sleep, he felt an arm around his waist then enveloped with warmth.
“Hey…” He felt breathe ghost on his nape.
“…Alfred?” He did not turn around.
“Are you mad at me?” He tried to inhale his scent but he got nothing.
“…No.” I’m mad at myself.
“I’m still sorry…"He was tugged nearer the alpha. The only sound was their breathe before Alfred spoke again. "I love you.”
It’s very rare that they exchange endearments like that and those made Arthur’s heart stop. “I love you so much. You and William.”
Stop. Arthur felt guiltier by the minute and when he couldn’t take it, he turned around and hid on his chest. Barely catching the smell of his mate.
“I’m so sorry Alfred.” Alfred just caress his back, reassuring him that everything’s alright.
Second birthday was decided to be celebrated on Alfred’s parents house. With some relatives and friends from Alfred’s side and a few from Arthur’s who looked ecstatic being invited. It felt like an holiday with all the food prepared, balloons, cutely wrapped presents and even silly birthday hats that Arthur tolerated wearing because his son looked so happy giggling with his father.
He went to the kitchen to fill up the pasta bowl as everyone seems to love Feliciano’s special sauce. Alfred’s mother had been busy with the muffins. Some of the noise in the living room reaching the kitchen.
“You okay, dear?” The alpha’s mother asked as she aligned the muffins in a flat tray.
“Ah, yes, everything’s fine here. Thank you for asking.” He smiled to the woman.
“No, I mean, are you okay?” Alfred’s mother leaned on the counter, looking at him.
“Yeah, I mean, yes. Is something wrong?” He did not understand this sudden inquiry.
“Have you gone into heat yet?” He involuntarily shuddered as he felt his cheek redden with embarrassment.
“W-why?” He put down the pasta ladle as he started to shake.
“Honey, I can’t smell Alfred on you and I can barely smell your scent.” Her mother smiled with concern.
How should he answer that? Clearly telling that suppressing his heat to lessen being a burden to Alfred won’t be a good answer. He cleared his throat.
“Maybe it’s just the party that overwhelmed my scent. There are a lot of people here today after all.” He tried to smile but it quivers at the ends.
“Oh, that might be it.” She picked up the tray but before she went out of the kitchen he looked back at the omega.
“But once you had, be sure to be satisfied, yeah?” She said with a wink that made Arthur blush even more.
Alfred’s mother kept on dropping hints.
“Here Arthur, eat this. It’ll make you feel more… energized!”
“Alfred! Give your mate some love!”
“I’ll leave you two to have some private time now.”
“I heard that there’s this good herbal drink that could fasten the coming of heat. You should give it a try Arthur!”
She would always say that while cooing on her grandson, while in the kitchen washing the dishes or even in the dinner table on their weekend visit.
“Alfred dear, do you have any plans on having another child again?” The alpha visibly choked on his food, tried pumping on his chest as he grabbed for his glass. Arthur looked in shock with what his mother had said while their son just giggled with her grandmother.
After some time, Alfred caught his breath again before replying. “Mom! That’s embarrassing!” He looked at Arthur as he muttered a 'sorry’ to which he nodded to.
“But why? I always loved to have a big family! If I were given a choice, I’ll have another of my own but that’s a different story.” She said, swinging her spoon as she explained. “Besides, omegas are only fertile for a certain number of years.” She chewed on her meat.
“Martha…” Alfred’s father tried to stop her.
“Right Arthur? That’s why you and Al should start on planning on your next child! Look at how lovely William is! I’m one hundred percent sure that your next child would be beautiful, don’t you think, George? Oh, I ca-” Martha kept on babbling but Arthur blocked it all off and now blanked with something akin to white noise as his mind’s voice spoke for him.
Can’t they see that I’m already a burden to Alfred? The one holding him back from pursuing his big dreams. That now, he’s stuck with a child and now, they want another?
It continued that even Alfred asked about it too. He had been cradling a sleeping William on his arms when Alfred sat on the couch.
“Hey Artie, when’s your next heat?” He sounded shy when he asked. He stopped swaying William.
“Why?"His voice small.
"Well, y'know, Mom’s been bugging me about it and I thought, maybe we could…try?”
No. No. No. God, please, no.
“You’re okay with that, right?” They never had this talk, or Arthur ever expected them.
“I don’t know…” He whispered.
“What’s that, Artie?"Alfred leaned on his personal space.
"I don’t know when” He tried to look relaxed, “but let’s just see when time comes. Is it okay?”
The alpha looked ecstatic with the idea that Arthur could not help but feel somewhat happy but more of dread.
Months passed and the heat talked forgotten, it being a weekend and Arthur’s busy with his home-based work and typing on his laptop when some flatten medicine boxes, a few empty pill bottles and some unused concealing patches had been laid down - well, it felt like it was thrown on the coffee table and in a very angry way.
Who would have thought that Alfred would rummaged to every corner of the house just to fix the leak under the kitchen sink.
“What are those?” The alpha asked, his teeth gritting together with the strong emotions he’s emitting. It reached Arthur’s senses but with the medication, he can barely smell his rage.
“Those are-” He looked at the forlorn glossy paper with the written medicinal name of suppressants. He gulped. “medicine.”
“Yes, I know that! Are those yours?” His voice sounded accusatory making Arthur internally winced. After the long sullen silence with Alfred impatiently being patient Arthur seemingly stuck on the couch like it take root on his being, he slowly nod his head.
“Why the fuck do you have those?!” He shouted again, pointed at the offending medicine and patches like it is cursed. Arthur flinched on his seat as he never heard Alfred became this furious. Another silence.
“Well? Are you gonna answer my fucking question or not?” And with curses too.
He swallowed the knot stuck on his throat before finding his voice. “T-they’re-” It cracked. Damn it. “-for my heat.” He fiddled with his sleeve. “They suppress my heat.”
“Is these the reason why I can’t smell you? Why you don’t go through heat?!” Alfred pulled at his hair. Arthur dared not looked at him. “Why are you doing this?!” He sounded rather upset than angry, questioning what went wrong.
Arthur can feel his eyes burn with unshed tears as he kept his head low, like the carpet has become the most interesting thing in the world.
“Hey, Arthur?”
Still no.
“Arthur! Fucking look at me!”
Arthur fisted his hands, his inner demons now voicing their thoughts louder. It makes his ears right, blocking Alfred’s apparent shouting.
Tell him.
Fight him.
He’ll leave you anyway.
You’re nothing to him.
You’re just a hindrance.
Say it out loud!
Do it!
“Arthur, why are you ignoring me?!”
That’s the final straw.
“Because I don’t want to be a baggage more that I already am to you already!” He looked up, glaring with threatening tears. He feel dizzy with the sudden movement and the intensity of the feeling he’s procuring.
“I know you have big dreams, Alfred. I know! And you starting a family in such an early age could stop you from ever achieving them! If it wasn’t for me, you could have been in a better place now! With a better job and not stuck with me!” He panted. “I know it’s all my fault. I’m sorry Alfred.” He bowed his head as silence filled the room. The ringing on his ears gradually fading with the replacement of the loud pounding of his heart.
“A-Arthur, I-” Alfred finally spoke but he was cut short by the sound of baby crying from the baby room. Arthur hurriedly stand up and ran to the baby room. Attending to their crying son as if he felt that sooner or later, his family would be broken. And that would be Arthur’s fall again. Arthur gently lifted William as he cradled and gently rocked the child.
Minutes turned to hours, Arthur had forgotten how long he’d been holding William and how his tears dry and eyes swelling. It’s near dinner time and when he opened the door of the baby room, the living room was empty. Alfred left hours ago, that fact did not surprise Arthur.
He realized that without Alfred’s loud laughter, his cooing to William and even the eventual overdramatic singing the apartment is quiet.
Ignoring the stillness of the once happy apartment, the omega focused on taking care of their son.
It’s on the dead of the night that a sound finally heard. The slow opening of the front door and light footsteps woke Arthur, looking at William gently sleeping on his bed. He stood up from his recliner, covering himself with a small blanket and looking for whoever opened the door.
As soon as he’s out of William’s room, his attention went into their room. With the door left open - as they always do ever since William was born - and saw Alfred lying sideways from his side of the bed. His soft slipper clad feet gentle above the carpet as he slowly walked inside, clutching his blanket with his hands and slowly approach his side of the bed. Alfred’s bad was facing him and with a deep breath in and out, he dipped onto the bed and lay.
He knew Alfred is awake by the small hitching of breath. He scoot closer, to the alpha’s side and buried his face onto the other’s back.
“I’m sorry.” Muffled but still audible.
He’d been thinking this through hours ago, while he tend on William and doing other house chores.
“I’m sorry for being selfish, for being insensitive and not understanding your way of looking into things.” He suppressed a sniffle. “But I still regret being the one who dragged away from your dreams. I’m sorry that you are stuck in this situation and I am nothing but dead weight.” He clutched an hand on his shirt. “I respect you and your decision and if you decided to leave us, I will not blame it you. I’ll blame myself for it. I know that I’m unworthy of someone like you and I apologi-”
Alfred suddenly shifted, now facing Arthur with a mix of concern and anger on his face. “You are not unworthy!” His lips formed in a tight frown. He put his arm around Arthur’s waist, pulling him closer. “You! You are not unworthy, Arthur! Don’t you ever say that to me or to yourself!” His eyes glossy as he touched the omega’s face. “Will you hear my side now, sweetheart?”
Why does Alfred has to call him that?! He asked himself but he just nodded.
“I am the selfish one. While you regret this, I don’t. I’ll admit that it was difficult when you handed me that positive result but as the days gone by, I slowly fall into the mindset of having a family with you. I’m working hard because of you and William, because I’m happy to be with you both.” He stroked Arthur’s cheek, momentarily staring at the glistening green eyes before continuing. “I’m sorry if I got angry with you. It’s just, I was overwhelmed by the fact that you’re blocking your heats. I don’t want you to have complications. You know I’ll take care of you, right?” He saw Arthur’s tears finally pour, one after another. His sobs quiet as he clutched on the sheets and cry his heart out. Alfred kissed his forehead, pulling away to wipe the flowing tears away from his lover’s cheek. “It’s okay to cry but it’s better if you share your worries with me. I’m here for you Arthur and will always be.” He nuzzled Arthur’s hair. “I love you so much, please know that.”
The omega has been crying ever since, his worries perishing through tears and replaced by clarity and assurance from this alpha - his alpha. His voice left him throughout Alfred’s speech and all he could is sob and let his tears fall. His heart even ache with the alpha’s declaration of love. He blindly cupped other’s cheek and he looked him in the eye. “I promise to be better from now on. I love you too, Alfred. Very much.” Yes, he loved this man with all his heart that he’s willing to sacrifice just for the man to be happy. He’s so  willing even if it means to give him up and be out of the picture just to see this wonderful man smiling.
Alfred smiled at him, gentle and affectionate with his glistening blue eyes. “I’m glad.” He pulled Arthur until their lips met into a sweet kiss.
Things do not magically get fixed overnight. They both knew it. Baby steps. As Arthur woke up entangled with Alfred and sharing warmth underneath a blanket, he decided that baby steps should start that day. He got rid of his heat suppressant pills together with the other rubbish outside. He even visited his doctor - one after a long time! - despite being scolded for the possibility of drug overdose, the appointment went well. The doctor explained that he needed to flush out the medicine from his body and eventually will start to have heat again. The prospective of heat made the omega blush in which the doctor humoured with a good hearty laugh.
He started to learn new recipes too, cooking for his family even with the usual burning-of-the-meal incidents and teasing from Alfred.
While Alfred got more affectionate towards Arthur. Kissing the omega whenever he got the chance, causing the other to swat him. He would bring him small gift, Arthur insisted on not buying him any gift but Alfred could be hard headed most of the time and bring him flowers, box of cheap chocolates, even a tin can of tea. Arthur would tell him not to spent him money on him but instead to their child but the positive glow on the omega’s face is something Alfred would not replace with anything. They are slowly and gradually getting closer.
One night, Alfred came home without his son’s usual running to meet his dad instead he went home to discover Arthur curled up on their bed. He slowly went to his omega’s side.
“Hey, honey.” He was answered with a groan. Arthur’s face sweaty and red and he’s slightly panting. Alfred felt his forehead, the skin warm against his palm. “Where’s William?”
The other opened his eyes to look hazily at him. “He’s with Matthew. I think I’m coming down with a flu, I can’t risk him getting sick because of me.” He winced as he tried to stood up. Alfred noticed that he’s wearing an old shirt of his, in any day he would tease the omega about it but seeing him in this state now, he only felt more concern by the second. “I’ll just re-heat dinner.” But he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
“Arthur, you’re clearly sick.” He looked at the other’s flushed state. “Just,” he sighed “just stay here, okay? I’ll do it myself. Do you want dinner?” Arthur shook his head and with a quick kiss on the forehead, the alpha went to the kitchen and have himself some homemade meal.
Turns out Arthur’s started in his heat - one after two years since - as he looked at the omega trying to built a nest on the carpeted floor of their bedroom. He now stripped himself of his pants as he drag more pillows to make his nest softer. He looked at the other as he settled himself in the centre of it and cover himself with a blanket.
“A-arthur?” He asked with worry.
“A-alfred,” Tears on the brim of those green eyes. “I’m scared.” He’s mind’s fuzzy and the overwhelming heat makes him uncomfortable. He cautiously went to the nest, keeping a distance between him and the scared omega. “I-I’m here, Arthur.” He sat down. “If you’ll have me.” The other slowly nodded. Their child stayed with Matthew for two more days after that.
After his heat, his scent slowly got back. It started out small, noticed only when Alfred nuzzle at the back of his neck. The sweet smell of rain and tea and morning dew getting stronger every time Arthur get embarrassed or surprised with Alfred’s antics.
Even his co-workers noticed the health glow that he seems to 'radiate’. Teasing and cooing at him every time they see Arthur.
Now, five years together with William staying over too Matthew’s who’s very fond of his uncle and them attending Tino and Berwald’s wedding, it’s safe to say that everything’s going steady.
They bid farewell to the newlyweds, with Alfred nudging Berwald with a cheeky grin and a wink to which the other silently blush. Arthur embraced Tino for the last time, congratulating them and wishing them good luck.
“Come on, stop it Al. We need to pick up William.” He hold the other’s hand. He’s not into PDA but the atmosphere had been nice and loving that he can’t help it.
“Ah, yes. Hey, Ber! Don’t forget what I told you, okay?” He laughed one last time before Arthur tugged him away.
They are waiting for the red light to turn green when Alfred suggested something. “Hey, Artie, you think we can take a little detour?”
Arthur looked from his side of the window. “Hm? Going to McDonalds?” When he did not get a response, he shrugged. “Okay.”
But fast food restaurant became a playground from a nearby park.
“Alfred, what are we doing here?” He followed Alfred as the alpha get out and run to the swing sets.
“Your majesty.” Alfred did an overdramatic bow to present Arthur the swing. The omega chuckled to the alpha’s gesture. “What’s up with you today?” But he did sit and braced himself to the metal chains. “Thank you very much.” He posh-ed up his accent. “Will you push the swing for me?”
“Gladly.” Alfred went behind and started to push the swing, slowly at first until he’s swing fully. He yelped at first but it erupted to giggles as the cold air of the night hit his face. The swing gradually slowed down and when Arthur decided that stopped, he looked around to see that Alfred was gone.
“Alfred?” He stood up, looking from left to right. “Alfred?” Alfred would not be that mean to left him alone here, right? The car’s still parked to where they left it. He continued to look around started to get scared when someone called him from behind.
“Arthur, I’m here.” He hurriedly looked back to see Alfred holding a tulip he clearly picked from the park and even though it has such a rich and vibrant red colour, it would not deter Arthur from scolding him.
“You git! Don’t just go- what are you doing?!” His eyes widen as Alfred kneel on one knee, pressing his suit trousers onto the grass. “You’re ruing your suit! Get up!”
“Please accept this,” he looked at the flower in confusion, “this flower.” He tried to smile encouragingly.
“Alfred, I know that you picked that from the park’s garden. You shouldn’t do that.” He shook his head.
“Then I’m not standing up until you accept this!” He understand that Alfred tried to be romantic but he’s such a man-child.
Arthur rolled his eyes before approaching the other. “I’m accepting this just because if I don’t you’ll be kneeling there for a long time and not that I care! I just worry about your trouser’s state-” Alfred gave an hesitant smile before handing the tip of the tulip’s stem. Cold touched Arthur skin. He looked to see something put around the stem. “What i-” He gasped when he saw what it is.
“Will you marry me?” Alfred said, looking hopeful and nervous at the same time.
“Stand up, you git.” He said as he felt his cheeks start to burn.
“I-is that a no?” Alfred stood up, not bothering to shook his trousers off the grass.
“Just stand up. Please.” He patted himself internally for keeping his voice from cracking.
“Artie, I-” Cold lips met his as Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred’s shoulders. Bringing him down to his height as pressed a kiss onto the other’s lips, effectively shutting him up. It is rare for them to be pressing kisses to each other’s lips outside of his heat, kisses on the forehead and cheek or even on the neck they did but lip kisses are rare enough for the both of them.
Recovering from his momentary shock, Alfred wrapped his arms around the omega’s waist. Arthur pulled away to cover his burning cheeks onto the alpha’s cheek as Alfred inhaled his sweet happy scent.
“What Artie?”
“I said 'yes’.”
Arthur yelped as he was lifted on the ground and twisted around. He clutched on Alfred’s shoulders and being mindful of the tulip with a ring around it.
“Put me down this instant!” He heard his - his - alpha laugh as he was put down.
“Do you really?” He searched the other’s face, waiting for that smile to bloom into a full one.
“Don’t make me kiss you again just to tell you, you git.” He did smile fully now.
“I don’t think I’ll mind that, actually.”
“Why not put this on my finger before sealing the deal?” The flower bobbed its head.
“I don’t mind that either.” Alfred stole a quick kiss before grabbing the stem and fishing out the ring from it.
He pushed it onto Arthur’s finger, the cold metal touching his skin slowly getting warm under.
It glinted under the streetlights and then and there that Arthur decided that he could get used to it. Now it’s his turn to surprise the alpha.
“Alfred, I think the new addition to our family is very happy too.” He grabbed the alpha’s hand and placed it on his stomach. He watched as the other’s eyes widened with glee and smile broke out even more than he thought possible.
“Wha- really?! Oh my God! Arthur, really?!” He picked up the other again, this time more gentle due to the new discovery before placing a sweet kiss on the omega’s lips. Arthur happily reciprocated, drowning in happiness and love.
He was put down but the kissing only deepen as hands entangled on hair and bodies Eager to be closer to one another while Alfred pepper his face with kisses.
“A-al” Arthur was the one to pull away as he panted and looked around the empty playground. His cheeks red as he looked at the dazed expression of Alfred. “We still need to pick up William.”
“I think William can stay the night over at Mattie’s."He nuzzled Arthur’s cheek. "I wanna express my love for you, tonight.” His voice sultry and for the omega’s ears only.
He swatted the alpha on the chest but he has a small smile on his face. “Then, let’s head home. I’m starting to freeze my arse out here.”
“Oh, honey, it won’t be long until its warmed up again.~” The bespectacled man wiggled his brows suggestively but the omega only laughed at him while dragging him back to their car.
It’s then and there that he realized that his life has fallen into place long time ago, he just need to open his eyes to see it clearly.
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