templegate · 6 months
It really sucks that all my favorite characters have stupid fucking hair
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aiai0 · 19 days
-please, please, please, let me get what I want-
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Syn: reader notices that Sanji never flirts with her and can’t help but feel jealous whenever he shows affection towards Nami and Robin, a little silent treatment wouldnt hurt, right?
(Teeny weenie moment of smut but nothing too detailed)
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A single sigh left your yearning lips. 
You could physically feel your heart sob every time you  had the unfortunate experience of becoming a witness to another one of Sanji's flirty moods. 
Of course, these moods were never directed towards you. Never ever.
You sat beside Franky, eyebrow twitching and bottom lip tucked between your teeth. Franky knew about your feelings.
Ever since you had joined the crew, you couldn't help but adore everything about the blonde cook. 
He was cute, he was sweet and he went above and beyond to protect the crew. 
Especially Nami and Robin. He’d of course protect you too but he’d never go to the same lengths. 
Why? Why couldn't he just channel a bit of that flirtatious energy, that you so clearly wanted, to you? 
"I don't get it.." you mumbled, crossing your arms and legs as you leaned against the railing of the ship, squinting your eyes at Sanji, who was serving Nami a cold drink with hearts in his eyes. 
Of course he'd go crazy at the sight of her in a bikini, with the sun complimenting her smooth skin. 
"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Franky questioned, strumming his small pink guitar. 
Rolling your eyes, you lightly punched his shoulder. He didn't get it. Sanji would just shoot you down. It was obvious he didn't like you in that way, why else would he ignore you in such a way? 
"Sanji only likes pretty girls like Nami and Robin-" 
"What are you talking about? You're suuuuuper hot!" Franky interrupted, earning a giggle out of you. 
"Sanji doesn't see that though." You groaned, leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“Just cut him off, lord knows I’m trying to.” Zoro chimed in, grumbling as his eyes remained shut and his arms crossed with his three swords at his side.
You were about to scold him, but something clicked in your head. It all made sense. 
“Yes! I’ll give him the silent treatment!” You jumped up, feeling a mischievous plot forming in your mind. 
“Oh boy..” Frankly mumbled. 
"Nami-swaaaan! Where are you going?!" You heard Snaji call out, practically skipping after the woman. 
You loved Nami, she was like a dear sister to you, but you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in your heart. 
She knew you liked him too. To be honest, you were sure all the strawhats, except Sanji, and possibly luffy,  knew of your feelings. It was painfully obvious. 
"Nami-swaan! Robin-chwaann! God, give me a break." You mocked him, pouting a little. 
Zoro chuckled at your reaction, although he was sleeping. What a truly odd man. 
Later into that night, you laid awake in your bed, fighting back the angry and annoyed tears that seemed to constantly threaten to spill. It was like he consumed your mind, almost every minute of every day. You found yourself daydreaming of the reality that could be. 
You hated it so much. 
You hated how much you wanted him, and how much he meant to you. But you were certain the feeling wasn’t mutual. 
Sighing, you got up and left your room, trudging towards the kitchen in your oversized off-the-shoulder t-shirt and no bottom. You were too frustrated and annoyed to even care about anyone seeing you in your panties. Hell, Franky walked around in his constantly. 
You just hoped it wouldn't be Brook who saw you. 
To your surprise, the kitchen was lit up, and a faint humming was heard from behind the door. You peeked in through the circular window, spotting the blonde cook still doing today's dishes and wiping down the table and counter. 
He was so dedicated to his job as the crew's cook, it made your heart skip a beat. 
But this wasn't the time to swoon over his charms. 
You were going to give him the silent treatment. Give him a taste of what it felt like to be you. 
Entering the kitchen, you kept a stoic expression and went straight for the alcohol cabinet, ignoring the guy who greeted you. 
"What are you doing up so late?" He asked, keeping his eyes glued to the dish filled sink. You slightly hoped he'd glance your way, see your revealing state and actually see you in a different light. 
You took multiple big swigs from one of Zoro's bottles, careless for the consequences that awaited this decision. 
You craved the burn and the buzz, something you stopped yourself from feeling ever since you joined the crew. If you were going to be a strawhat, you had to be vigilant and alert at all times, even if the others weren't. 
But not tonight. 
Tonight you wanted to drown your sorrows within the delightful liquid. 
"(Y/n)? What's gotten into you?" Sanji came up from behind you, snatching the bottle away and handing you a glass of water. 
"Hey! why can I be the only one who doesn't drink?" You whined, refusing the glass of cold water. 
He had some nerve trying to worry about you now after practically ignoring you for so long. 
"Because you don't drink. Somethings wrong with you. What's up?" He pressed on, determined to get to the bottom of your odd behaviour. 
Those eyes. You couldn't take your eyes away from his.
The way he looked down at you made you feel cared for. It put you in a trance, a spell that you felt would never wash away.
"I don't have to tell you anything, eyebrows." You replied, turning your head away from him. You wanted to get back to your room as fast as possible and bury yourself away from everything.
"Wha- eyebrows?!" He yelled, taking a step back from you to pout. 
You, in turn, stuck your tongue out at him, quickly snatching the bottle away from his disappointed grasp. 
You seemed like you were joking, and maybe it was the alcohol that had heightened your emotions, but you couldn't shake the ache in your heart. You felt like, with a single word from him, you'd crash and bawl your eyes out. 
It seemed silly, and maybe a little childish, but seeing the man you wanted, so much, flirt and dote over the girls you already thought were prettier than you, hurt. 
It hurt more than words could explain. 
Sanji took you by the hand, leading you to sit down at the dining table, sitting next to you with concern. You hadn't realise it yet, but he was wiping the tears you didn't even know were spilling. 
"C'mon, what's wrong?" He asked again, his voice soft and gentle as he took a seat next to you. 
You bit your tongue, maybe right now would be the best time to give him the cold shoulder, show him you were upset with him. 
Smacking his hand away, you took in a deep breathe
"I don't need to explain anything to you."
There was a moment of silence, and for a split second, you swore you saw a flicker of anger within those blue eyes of his. Your repeated words seemed to strike annoyance within him.
You refused to look at him. You didn't want to. Acting like you were mad at him made you feel bad beyond explanation. Especially when he stared at you with such a disappointed look.
"I just want to help you, (Y/n)." He finally broke the silence, returning the warmth of his hand back up to your cheek that you so harshly slapped away. 
Making eye contact, you leaned into his touch, placing your hand over his and closing your eyes before finally getting out the words you've always wanted to ask him,
"Do you... find me attractive..?" 
You could feel him tense up. A bad sign. 
Oh god. Did he really think you were that ugly..? 
Trying your hardest not to jump to conclusions, you waited for him to speak. Waited for him to clear your worries. 
But he never did. 
You fidgeted with the end of your shirt, feeling so embarrassed and slightly annoyed. 
"Attractive? Do I find you attractive?" He repeated your question in a hushed tone that made it seem like it was the most ridiculous question in the world. 
"I can't even begin to explain how I see you, (Y/n). Every time you walk into a room, it lights up. Every time you smile at me, my day becomes infinitely better. And you ask me if I find you attractive?" He laughed, covering the lower half of his face with his hand. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. Was he really saying these words? Words that you’ve longed to hear since the beginning of your pirate journey?
"I'd pick you in a room filled with women,” he took in a deep breath, “I pick you, (Y/n)." He finished, his face now inches away from yours. 
"Seeing you like this.. I don't think I can keep my hands to myself anymore." 
Without missing a beat, his lips connected with yours, exchanging hungry and sloppy kisses, his hands gripping your waist and sitting you down on his lap as he mumbled a 'c'mere' into the make out. 
You felt your body heat up, begging for more contact. You needed him. Your hands tangled into his blonde hair, running out of air but never distancing yourself from him. 
You had imagined this moment since you joined the crew, and now that it was actually happening, it felt like a surreal dream. 
His hands knew exactly where to find themselves, massaging your thighs, to gripping your hips, to squeezing your ass. 
You instinctively rubbed your core against the tent that had quickly formed in his pants, needy for more attention.
Sanji pulled away, a grin stretched across his face,
“As much as I want to fuck you on moss-head’s chair, let’s go back to my room.” He purred, face now buried in the crook of your neck. 
Giggling, you nodded your head, “oui, monsieur.”
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A Day in Life
Synopsis: A day in your life while working as the Justice League's assistant. Also, they are all yanderes for you and it's Valentine's Day.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader
Tw: 18+ just because of a mention of Superman misusing his X-Ray vision and the mention of hooking up, aside from that, this is pretty SFW; Flash and Green Lantern are a little delusional; Hal Jordan is pushy; Batman is probably a little out of character (and I’m ashamed to keep it that way) bc I can't see him giving anyone flowers as Batman, just as Bruce Wayne; Mentions of them all secretly stalking you; This League members are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; John Stewart is mentioned), Aquaman and Martian Manhunter; I wrote too little about Martian Manhunter, Aquaman here because I don't know much about them; Wish I had more ideas for Wonder Woman’s interaction here too cause I love her; My crush on Hal is very obvious; Reader doesn't struggle much against them but they're also pretty tame; The physics in flying and running at super speed might be wrong but this is comic book science so it's wrong either way; English is not my first language.
Word count: 1,6k
Requested? No.
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
The zeta tube flashes and the AI voice announces the arrival of Flash. Your heart goes fast.
— Hey, (Y/N)! — In a flash, he's in front of you. — Happy Valentine's Day! — You tear your eyes off of your schedule on your tablet and see him holding a rose towards you.
— Oh, hey, Flash… — You reply a little tense. — Thank you… You didn't need to. — You hesitantly take the rose from him and whilst your attention is on staring at the flower and holding back a grimace, you miss the glint in his blue eyes. His blush is covered by his mask. His mind seeks for something to say before you decide to break the momentary silence. — You're really sweet, it's great to have a friend like you! — You make sure to exclain, the tone a notch higher, trying to make your point come across. Flash’s face falls.
— Uh- I- Actually- — His speech gets cut off by the zeta announcing Superman. Before you can have a heart attack, the boy scout also zooms in front of you, this time your hair blows back with the wind. He must've come flying.
— (Y/N)’s heart is pounding, what are you doing, Flash? — Superman alternates between looking at your face worriedly, then your chest, then glaring at the speedster by his side.
— What? Nothing! — Flash looks wide-eyed at Superman. Then his mind clicks and he looks at you again. — Wait, what? Your heart is pounding? Is it… Is it because of me?! — You see the dazed look on his face coming to the surface again. Oh boy.
You casually make the effort to take a breath you didn't know you were holding and make your heart go down. You hate when Super uses his X-Ray vision on you. You can never be sure when he is doing it, but why else would he analytically stare specifically at your body when he is worried about you? Also, that time when you commented with Sarah from the kitchen’s crew that you forgot to do your laundry and went to the Watchtower without underwear. Seconds later, Superman appeared in the doorway, looking startled and flustered, ears red. Although he pretended to have just arrived at the tower and you and your friend chose to ignore your embarrassment that your boss with superhearing might have chose that exact moment to focus his hearing on only the places around him, including your too intimate conversation, you still caught him red handed sneaking glances specifically at your hips, and he hurriedly exited the room after that. At the time, you had just recently started the job as the Justice League’s assistant. After that you were a lot more aware.
After a while you realized you had a reason to be.
Superman was glaring at the rose in your hand and Flash was daydreaming while looking at your face when the zeta flashed again and you snapped out of it fast enough that by the time you started talking, your mind didn't pay attention to who had just arrived.
— Hm, no. It's just you fast people are always catching me off guard. — Flash deflates and- Is he pouting? Bro. Superman lights up and looks at you again.
— Oh, sorry, (N/N), we always forget about that. — The alien chuckles while rubbing the back of his head.
— Superman. Flash. — You and Flash jump, but Superman, not surprisingly, doesn't react and just follows you three and looks behind the two heros in front of you to the one with the gruff voice that just arrived.
Flash groans and Superman just rolls his eyes, you can see that while trying to peak past the men’s towering frames blocking you. You don't have to guess much though, because they make space for the newcomer and you suppress a tired sigh at seeing Batman making his way to you with a gigantic arrangement of flowers that covers his entire torso, arms and head, only his bat-ears, legs and cape being visible.
— (Y/N). Those are for you. — Color me shocked. Before you can try to start thinking about how you are gonna take this absurdity anywhere, vengeance speaks. — I'm gonna leave it at your desk.
— Hmhmm. Thank you, Batman. — You refused to watch his retreating form and let any member of your yandere harem think you actually have an interest in any of them and look down at your tablet again. The action makes you remember the rose you're still holding and you hurriedly walk away from the two nutcases stuck glaring at the third and go to his side. — Actually, take this with you. — You stick the rose amongst the rest of the flowers and before any of them can say anything else, you get out of the room.
You take a deep breath. Since the League’s weird obsession started seemingly around a year ago, you had a whole crisis over it. The pay was good, and it increased even more when they took this insane liking to you, so it's not like you could just quit like it was nothing. Besides, it's the Justice League, you could run from the fucking planet and they would still find you. It's easier to adapt.
You go on with your routine for a few minutes until you bump into a neon green brick wall. Scratch that, it's just Green Lantern’s chest.
— Hey, cutie, I was looking for you. — Your eyes widen when the space cop suddenly holds you by the shoulders, pushes you against a wall, then lets you go just to keep his two muscular arms on each side of you, trapping you and keeping you close to his frame. Ugh, the Lantern with brown hair has always been the more touchy one. You miss the one with dark skin and common sense.
— Need me for something? — You hold a groan with the limitless possibilities of how he could use that sentence to be crude, but you just wanted to get rid of him. He smirks.
— I was wondering if you were free today and would like to go on a date with me later… — He knew you were free. You knew he knew you were free. Every time you have a date (and you never told them) the League seems to get more on edge and suddenly your workload increases. Tsk, you hate them. Unfortunately, you love nice things even more.
You raise an eyebrow.
— I don't even know your name. — You point out, maybe that would make him give up, but he just shrugged.
— I could tell you, trust is a fundamental part in any relationship.
— Is a date a relationship? Also I don't think Batman would like that. — Any of that. He cocks his head to the side and his beautiful hair moves down.
— Cutie, you don't have to worry about Spooky. And I don't want to just hook up with you, you know that. Now just stop playing hard to get and-
A golden light catches your attention, it could be a miracle, but it's just Wonder Woman's lasso wrapping around the lantern's neck and pulling him away from you. Unfortunately, she tied a it in a way that the action wouldn't strangle him or break his neck.
— Ugh, men really have no boundaries. — The amazon rolls her lasso back and takes a step towards you, keeping said man sulking behind her while analyzing you. — Forgive my friend, (Y/N). He grew up in a barn. — The stunning demigoddess smiles at you.
Ugh, if she wasn't just as crazy as the rest of them you would happily swoon over her.
— Right. Well, I have to go. — You turn your back to them and take fast but casual steps away from them and the empty hallway. It never fails to scare the shit out of you and give you goosebumps whenever one of them catches you alone in one of those, and the competition between them for your heart somehow makes you confident enough that if there are at least two of them, no harm will come to you.
You clear your throat. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. The martian should’ve arrived by now and you don't doubt he reads your mind 24/7 when he’s close enough.
You’re about to turn a corridor when you spot Aquaman poking his head in a room, looking for something, it's probably you, only his body is visible and he can't see you.
You hold a groan and run as quietly as possible away from him without him noticing, remembering the time he ranted to you about seahorses being the most romantic fish species, with monogamous mate bonds for lifetime, and all the times he promised to show you Atlantis one day and make you rule his people by his side.
A few minutes later when you look at the clock, you know by that time they're all already in their meeting and not wandering around, desperate for a crumb of your attention. To confirm that, you open the camera’s feed that not many had access to and idly check their presence in the meeting room. Your stomach churns seeing your figure in one of their monitors, the others displaying normal missions info. Of course they would follow you around through the cameras, because that's just as important as discussing wars and crisis in Earth countries and other planets.
You passively shut the screen when you finally get to your office, in which you avoid staying until you absolutely have to, or the coast is clear enough to, otherwise it's the most obvious place for them to force an interaction with you.
You look up and your shoulders drop in defeat at the sign of too many flowers, gifts and letters from each member of the League.
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0mg-bird · 2 months
Sunrise~ Tyler Owens x Fem! Reader
Summary: The curious case of the tornado wranglers, down to earth, girlfriend.
A/n: I just watched Twisters and am in love. Right now Sunrise by Ryan Bingham is my favorite song so here’s a little one shot inspired by it.
Warnings: Language, implied smut
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Everyone’s called you crazy ever since you were born. The people in your small Texas town said you were the wild child, your parents had four boys and when their baby girl came around, she had a mean streak just like her brothers. Ten years old and standing in an empty corn field, looking at the thunder heads forming above you, hot and muggy air gusting against your skin, the crack of thunder didn’t scare you, you were utterly curious and amazed. You’ve known storms since you were a babe, you remember the shrill sound of the sirens going off and your mama screaming for you to come inside. Your family was in a panic, you remember your daddy letting the horses loose and the way the cattle ran. That funnel touched down and prayers were prayed, you watched from the bathroom window despite the way your mama dragged you away.
It was beautiful, so utterly terrifying in the distance, a force of straight power.
You were hooked.
Telling your parents you were going to the University of Arkansas to study meteorology was a good idea in theory until they told you becoming a weather girl was a sweet job.
You told them about storm chasing and your mama almost had a stroke.
But you’ve worried everyone your whole life, only you would choose something so crazy.
You met Tyler your sophomore year when you had the same class, your energetic personality hid the fact you were a nerdy kind of cowgirl. The two of you quickly became best friends, despite his cocky personality. You formed a dare devil connection, you were the call he made when he got a lead on something.
Graduation came and you said you were going back home, he hated that idea.
“Come with me.” He said.
“Anywhere, everywhere.”
It’s hard to say no to a man with puppy dog eyes.
Somewhere between gathering a crew up from all over the boons and adopting a one eyed dog you found stranded after a storm in Little Rock, the two of you fell so deep for each other, it hit harder than any storm you experienced.
Here you are now in Oklahoma, cutting through fields in Tyler’s red Ram truck. “Lilly, talk to me.” You call over the radio system on the dash, looking for what data the girl in the vehicle following has. In the backseat, Boone, the right hand man, is recording like always, talking to the followers.
“Welcome back guys, we’re currently back at it again in the Oklahoma plains. This beauty we’re going into is gaining speed, turning into something good. What are we thinking, Tex?”
You look to the camera and smile. “You know, I’d like to call this an easy F2 but the strong updraft we’re getting here could push this baby into the F3 category.”
Also from the back seat, Ben, the London journalist asks to explain what you just said.
The rain cap starts and muddies the earth, the truck drifts as Tyler maneuvers it greatly. You pull your sunglasses off and lean forward to get a better look at what you’re driving into.
“What are you thinking, darlin’?” Tyler asks, seeing the way you evaluate the area.
“Take a left, it ain’t gonna hit the tree line, see the way the wind shifted?” You instruct.
“Yes ma’am.” He nods, giving you one of his perfect grins before making a sharp left.
Ben makes a sort of strangled cry of fear as he gets tossed around in the back. You, completely nonchalant, chewing on a Red Vine, turn to look at the Brit.
“Ben, baby, how you feeling back there?” You ask, pointing something else out to Tyler.
“Oh I’m bloody great.” He lies before getting knocked into the door again. You laugh. “Man, I love this guy.” You declare, finding him so amusing. “Let’s keep him, Ty.”
He rolls his eyes at you, making you scoff. You look at the dog in your lap who’s wearing a tiny helmet with the words ‘Killa’ written across the front. “What you think, Rocky? You wanna keep Ben?”
The dog lays his head down and places his paw over his small snout.
“Rude. Ty, Rock used to agree to everything I say, now you’ve done gone and brain washed him. Poor fella.” You pout before yelping in surprise at the way Tyler drifts into a spot. He grips the radio, calling for the convoy to assume their positions.
“Sorry, I’m no expert but it looks like the twister is going to roll right over us.” Ben says as everyone buckles their harnesses.
“You’re exactly right Benny boy.” You say, opening the center console and placing Rocky inside his designated safety seat. “We need to be in its path so the data bugs we’ll launch have enough wind speed to reach the height needed. Put your harness on and you’ll be about as secure as a pistol in a PTA Mama’s purse.”
Ben looks to Boone in question. Boone just shrugs. “At some point you get used to all the odd shit she says.”
Tyler cranks the E brake, then looks at you with a smirk. “You wanna touch my joystick?” He ask, motioning to the control stick that has the button to activate the drills that will anchor the truck into the ground.
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.” You scrunch your nose, pushing the button.
The truck is secured, you’re all buckled in tight, now you have to focus on when it’s the perfect time to launch the processors. Things are blowing against the windows, Tyler’s laughing and Boone is howling into the camera, showing the viewers what they see.
“Tell me when.” Tyler says, and as thick water drops pummel the windshield, you stay silent, waiting…watching.
“Now!” You shout and he presses the button that activates the hydraulic opening lid to the tub in the truck bed, the small bug sensors fly out and are carried up into the funnel that is passing over you.
“Breaker breaker, what are we seeing?” You call into the radio, Dexter in the caravan off in the clearing responds. “We got eyes, Tex. Data is coming in clear.”
You shoot your arms up in victory, this was the first time you were launching the 2.0 sensors. “There we go!” You look directly into the camera Boone is pointing at you. “You see that kids? I still got it.”
You watch the storm pass you, the funnel goes into the distance and the winds calm a bit as you unbuckle your harness. You’re pulling the pup from its safety and throwing open the door, running to the spot it just was.
“Whoo!” You hear Tyler whoop, and you throw that snapback hat of his you were wearing, adrenaline pumping through you. He sweeps you into his large arms, twirling you around. “Did you see that, baby? God, that was beautiful.” He laughs and you pull on the brim of his cowboy hat. “I sure did, let’s go get those bugs before we lose their signals, cowboy.”
Later as you set up camp in some cheap motel, Ben is approaching Lilly and Boone with questions.
“I need a story about the girl, uh Tex? Does she have a name?” He settles into one of the fold out chairs and motions to you sitting on the roof of the truck, looking up at the stars and listening to the music playing on the radio.
Lilly chuckles and then makes an adjustment to her drone. “She does, but she’d kill you if she found out you was using her government name in your fancy paper.”
Ben finds that interesting, he writes a few notes about a very mysterious persona you have. “How long has she been in this business? I tried to ask her some questions but she shushed me and told me she was ‘meditating to a Childers song’ and it was very important that she did this.”
Boone shakes his head. “She says confusing stuff to make people go away when she wants her peace.” He explains. “Tex is the original, her and T were the ones to assemble the squad of us, they taught me everything I know. She might be crazier than he is if I’m bein’ honest, always pushing the limits but every move she makes is calculated.”
Lilly agrees. “She’s my best friend, but has always been a curious case. She comes from Texas, hence the nickname and the accent that gets too thick when she’s drunk. Mama wanted her to be this Southern belle but she turned out to be a real wrangler. She’s the smartest person I know, but has a very relaxed way about her.”
“Who?” Dexter asks as he passes by.
“Tex.” They answer.
He shakes his head. “That girl’s a tree hugging loon.”
Ben quickly comes to know the dynamic of you and Tyler. There is no home but each other, you make the best of every situation because you are together. Two pairs of cowboy boots and wide eyes, that’s what you two are.
“I’d compare her to like…a coyote.” Lilly determines. “She’s the perfect balance of wisdom and foolishness, always willing to make light of situations. One time, we were tracking a desert storm in New Mexico and we were camping in our trucks, it was hot, all our leads were gone and we’re ready to turn back. The sunrise comes and it’s prettiest thing I ever seen, we wake up to just a color spill of orange and pink. We open our doors up and Tex is out there dancing in a sports bra and boxers.”
Boone leans back in his chair, laughing at the memory. “Man, we thought she finally lost it, that being with Tyler for so long finally made her go off the rails. T is standing there, watching her, asking what the hell she was doing and she claims she was doing a rain dance.” He says, making Ben chuckle to himself.
Lilly lights a cigarette and rolls her eyes. “She was out there shaking her ass.”
“You fucking joined her!” Boone argues, taking the cigarette from her.
“Well yeah, you don’t let your best friend dance alone. And what happened that day? The rain came and the biggest thunderheads I had ever seen blew in. The lightning was beautiful, Ben, you shoulda been there.”
New Mexico rain was a memory you thought of often, it just felt a little fresher. Blame it on the heat you were dying of or the thirsty land you stood on, but you stood out in it, getting soaked to the bone and then fell into Tyler’s arms.
Now, far away in Oklahoma, Tyler stands looking up at you soaking in the moonlight. “Come down from there.” He calls. You lean over the edge of the roof and look at him. “Why don’t you come up here?” You challenge.
Tyler shakes his head. “I’m tired, darlin’. Let me take you inside.”
You look back up at the stars, then slide from the top of the truck, making him reach out and catch you. “Alright, take me to bed you old man.”
He shakes his head at your comment. It’s hard to resist anymore, you just looked so gorgeous underneath the moonlight. He leans to kiss you, nothing too deep but still of passion because he loves tasting the sugar of your lips, you were always so sweet that it made his head cloudy.
Arm around your shoulders, yours around his waist, the two of you say goodnight to your friends and head to your motel room, Rocky trotting after you. The lock on the door is hard to budge open, the room has a sort of stale smell.
As Tyler is distracted by setting up a bed for the dog, you grab your things from your duffel. “Dibs in the bathroom.” You shout before making a run for it. Tyler groans and tries to beat you, but you stand in the doorway, sticking your tongue out at him. “You just gotta be faster.” You tease before shutting the door in his face.
The low bulb light casts a hazy orange glow to everything, you start the shower and find it to have weak water pressure. Your clothes make a pile on the floor and soon the air steams up.
Your muscles relax as you wash off, you let out a small groan at your fingers scrubbing your scalp. The sound of the shower curtain being pulled back and Tyler stepping in behind you makes you turn. “I haven’t even been in here that long.”
He shrugs, then moves to hog the water. “I got impatient.”
After being with someone for so long and sharing everything, nothing really fazes you. The crew jokes that you and Tyler could probably morph into one body at this point.
By the time the two of you are mostly rinsed off, he’s getting handsy. His fingers trace over your handful of tattoos, wet skin sliding across you in a feverish way. You lean your head back against his shoulder, looking up at him. “Ty…”
He looks down you was an innocent smile. “Oh come on, we’ve been traveling with people for too long. We get one night without Boone gagging when I kiss you.” He says, then leans his head down, nuzzling into your neck.
You bite your lip at the feeling, your arm coming up to run your hand through his hair. “Who’s in the room next to us? These walls are thin.”
“I don’t give a shit about that.” He mumbles, hand slipping far past your navel, earning a loud gasp from you.
You lean your weight back against him, nodding feverishly as his fingers do wonders to an aching spot between your legs. “Okay, not having Boone around is really good.” You breathe.
He’s practically holding you up, his other arm is around you, holding you to his chest while he makes you fall apart.
It didn’t matter that the room hasn’t been updated since the 80’s or that the mattress groaned under the weight of the two of you or that Rocky runs and hides, the two of you were savoring this alone time because you didn’t know when the next time would be when you got it.
You’re laughing, making out and switching positions. The feel of his hand running past the valley of your breasts and giving your throat the lightest grip, it makes you feel on fire. The headboard’s getting knocked into the wall, you’re breathlessly whining and he’s loving every reaction you give him. By the time you’re gripping his shoulders so tight and his name is sounding broken as it cuts from your throat, he’s barely holding himself up.
The air conditioning makes an odd hum sound as you lay against him, skin on skin. You never understood how people could get bored of sex after being with someone for a while, having sex with Tyler Owens was hotter than west Texas in the Summer.
Well, the first time was a little awkward. Most people don’t establish they love each other before they sleep with each other, but you guys did. When you sat in his lap, lips slotted against his, you had to fight to push the idea out of your mind that you were grinding against your best friend. Everything was slow and every touch was unsure, after it ended you were scared that the relationship dynamic would never work if this was how sex was together.
You laugh now, thinking about it.
“What’s so funny?” He asks, fingers tracing the long horn skull that is tramp stamped on you.
“I’m just remembering the first time we had sex.” You shake with amusement. He groans. “You have to stop bringing that up.”
Pushing up from his chest, the blanket falls off of you. He watches in amazement as you swing your leg over his waist, your hands planted on his chest. “I think it’s cute, we were just babies.”
“Yeah, sometimes I miss the days where I didn’t know how insane you were.”
You glare, immediately going to move off of him before his grip yanks you back to your spot.
“I’m kidding, I always knew you were crazy.” He says.
“You love it.” You lean over him, and his hand comes to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. “You know I do, darlin’.”
Falling asleep was easy, you could fall asleep anywhere, but in a bed with Tyler holding you to his chest, it had you dreaming in seconds. You wake before he does, slowly sliding away to get dressed. You stand at the balcony outside, a cup of coffee in your hand as you watch the sunrise. After a few moments of peace, the door behind you opens and out comes your lover boy.
“No rain dance this morning?” He asks, kissing the top of your head.
“There’s plenty of rain in Oklahoma, they don’t need me to shake my ass in the parking lot for it to come.” You state, leaning down to pick up Rocky who trailed out after Tyler.
The two- well, three of you, look out at the horizon line, the air is already getting hot.
“You ready?” He asks you, and you turn to kiss his jaw. “I’m always ready.”
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sour-leminies · 2 months
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Paring: James Hook x F!RoyalReader
Summary: Parents suck. That was something you had come to learn. You hated their expectations of you. You hated about how they controlled every aspect of your life. The only thing that they didn’t see coming nor you — was a pirate with an offer.
Warnings: Intense kissing. Drinking, cussing and even mentions of smoking.
Taglist: @unhealthy-obessions @4ng3l-ch1ld @herondale-lightworm @astrynyx @snixx2088 Just ask to be added!
3.7k WC
Navigation — other works!
I really, and I mean really hate today. I’ve gotten yelled at already from my parents for not wearing my tie, not a single kid in this school wears a uniform, but my parents still decided it was the biggest thing in the world. I was late to class, simply because people couldn’t walk faster in the halls. And now I was listening to this kid go on and on about himself.
For an assignment we paired up, teacher choice, and now while I did the work I had to listen to this boast about his castle. To be honest I wasn’t really listening, only zoning back in for a sentence or two before zoning back out.
My parents are visiting today, and that was all I could focus on. They showed up out of the blue as I was about to head to class. It’s not like them to show up at random – they always try to put distance between us ever since they declared I was a disappointment. Something I was grateful for.
At first being called a disgrace from my mother hurt, and being called a sorry excuse of a princess from my father burned. Now though hearing that from them made me happy, because I wanted to be nothing like them.
Then why was I still trying so hard to be perfect?
The loud laughs of kids snapped me back to reality and away from my thoughts. “Ugh, James Hook and his stupid crew.” My partner had said, clearly annoyed they were laughing and talking over him.
James Hook, a ruthless cut throat pirate who took rules and shoved them up people's asses. A man who did what he wanted, and didn’t give a damn about the consequences. He was everything I wanted to be.
“Excuse me?!” I looked to my partner – my eyes widening at the sound of him calling out to the loud group of pirates. “Can you shut up?” My jaw dropped at him, not only was he going to get himself in trouble he didn’t want, he was going to get me in it too.
“He didn’t mean that!” I said to the pirates who started to make their way over to our table. “He’s clearly not gotten enough sleep, and he’s very sorry.” Where was the teacher? I didn’t see her step out of the class, but she wasn’t at her desk or in the room.
The boy beside me went to speak again, but I stomped on his foot, drawing his attention while he whined about his ‘pretty toes.’
“You know this man, Lass?” My breath got caught in my throat at the sound of Captain Hook’s voice. I had heard him before, obviously I had, but this was the first time he talked to me. The first time he looked at me for so long.
I shook my head, my heart pounding as he got closer to me, walking around the table. “You can speak.” I knew that, but every time I tried my mouth got too dry for me to even say a word. Say the wrong word and who knows he may make me walk the plank and drown.
I nodded again, I couldn’t hear or see anyone else besides James Hook. I never even fully met him and he had already had a hold on me, a hold I desperately wanted back. “What’s your name?”
A sharp feeling on the bottom of my chin caused me to look up at the captain, while he used his hook to ensure I didn’t look away. His brown eyes remind me of a puppy, but the glint in them reminded me of a lion. Ready to snap. His eyeliner enhanced and deepened the color, a thought crossed my mind. One I immediately snapped out of my head.
Who knew men in eyeliner were so handsome.
“Y/N.” My answer was short, and direct. What I had wanted this interaction to be, but nothing was ever that simple was it?
“Hm.” He removed his hook, letting me let out a sigh of relief. “Take your things, and go work at my table while I have a little chat with your friend.”
Don’t listen to a pirate. My mother’s voice echoed in my head, and I finally didn’t give enough of a damn to listen.
I opened my dorm door, seeing my parents snooping through my things, making me sigh out. Today had been stressful enough. Hook never went back to his table, nor did the rest of his crew, but they had taken my partner out of the class and he didn’t come back at all.
“What are you two doing here?” I was tired of this, them. Wanting parents who will never want me back. Trying so hard, and getting nothing in return. Caring for them, when they didn’t give a shit about me.
“Always so quick to jump, Y/N. I didn’t raise you to be that.” You didn’t raise me at all. I wanted to scream that to them. That the daughter they were so disappointed in, was because they couldn’t raise her. Some people weren’t meant to be parents – and I had really wished they had enough self awareness before having me.
“What do you want mom?”
She released an annoyed sigh, while my father reached into his shirt before pulling out a scroll. “You're getting engaged.”
Time stopped. I couldn’t hear anything besides my heart thumping in my ears. What? I looked to my mom, seeing nothing there. This wasn’t my mother. I looked to my father – seeing nothing but boredom. As if coming to tell his daughter they are selling her away was nothing but a daily task. This wasn’t my father. These weren’t my parents, because I never had any.
“No.” My voice was raw, and rigged, like I was an animal in a cage waiting to bite. My mothers jaw set, before she grabbed the scroll from my father and threw it to me.
I caught it, and opened it briefly. “You will be married to king Midas son. You will sign this contract.” I threw it to the side before snapping my gaze back to the people in front of me. “I said no. Get over it! I’m not your little fucking pet fish you sell off to when you get tired of feeding it.”
“You insolent–”
“I’m not done!” I cut my father off. “You don’t like me? Too bad, you had me. I’m not marrying anyone. You want to cut me off, go ahead.” They think I’m some rebellious teenager, then that’s who I’ll be.
They sent ferocious glares my way and I knew that mean look in my fathers eye. He never once hit me, but he would hit maids, or anyone who annoyed him. He took a step closer to me, and I felt panic start to spread.
“You heard the lady.”
I looked to my right as James Hook walked in front of me, in between me and my father. “I think it’s best if you leave.” Was he mad? That was a king. And he didn’t care.
My father and James started – or more accurately glared at each other before my father, brushed past us and walked out through the wide open door.
I looked back to my mother, who was looking between us. Disgust in her eyes. “You have four months to sign that contract, or else–”
“Leave.” Hook cut her off, and made a point to grab the sword hilt that was attached to his hip. She shook her head before also storming out, slamming the door.
I looked back to James who started at me, eyes full of wonder, interest, and mischief. “You didn’t have to do that.” I felt my eyes water, this whole thing draining me. I didn’t do anything wrong, and yet I’m always punished.
A tear dropped down my cheek but was quickly wiped away by a warm, and rough hand. “Don’t cry. You were so strong.” He stepped closer to me, his voice surprisingly in a low, deep and soft whisper. “Don’t give them the satisfaction of breaking you.”
I looked down to the floor where I had thrown the stupid scroll, “They hate me.” And I didn’t even know why.
“So make them hate you even more.” I looked back to the pirate, confusion all across my face. “It’s a lot easier to get someone to hate you than love you.” Yet I had a strong feeling that it was easy for James Hook to get people to love him.
He gave my head a pat before making his way out of my room, before I even had a chance to ask what he was doing in my room in the first place.
I took a seat on the outskirts of the campus, the image of a certain contract stuck in my head. I didn’t burn it, I couldn't, I was too afraid. Yesterday was suppose to be my push, but fuck it seemed like I need a bigger one. How much bigger could you get?
I had basically told my parents to go f themselves. Now I don't know what to do, I’m at a loss. I grabbed one of the over salted fries and stuck it in my mouth. Food was my comfort, and I loved salt but even I knew these were way too salty.
“Hello Lassie!” I looked over my shoulder to see a pirate dressed in red making his way over to me. What was he doing over here? He was a popular if not the most popular guy in school, Hades would be his only contest in bad boy charm.
“Hook.” He leaned down, plucking a fry off my plate before pulling me up as well. “Mmm, those are perfectly salted. Okay now I know he’s crazy.
“I have an idea for you.” Before I could even question him, or say ‘any idea of yours is mad’ his voice started to pick up.
He moved me away from where my food was now being eaten by ants and more over to the flower filled field.
“I know what you want from me, I know what you want from me.”
He bent down, picking a deep red rose.
“So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them. Show them you're all grown up.”
He handed me the rose, and twirled me around.
“If long hair, and tattoos are what attract you. Baby you’re in luck.”
He grabbed me and gave me a slight twirl.
“And I know it’s just a phase. You’re not in love with me.”
Setting me back on the ground, he lowered his voice, letting it fade out.
“You wanna piss off your parents, baby piss off your parents. That’s alright with me.”
“You're actually mad.” I scoffed at him, but couldn’t help the slit tilt of my lips. “I prefer bloody genius.” I lightly shook my head before handing him back his rose that smelled devine. “Thanks for your help with my parents yesterday. But it’s my problem not yours.” Just because I’m a princess doesn't mean I need someone to be my knight in shining armor.
“And I’m offering you a solution, love.” He tilted the rose back to be, encouraging me to take it, and his idea. “What's the worst that can happen? You’ll fall in love?”
I grabbed the rose, only because I knew he couldn’t take care of it. “Sorry pirate, I’d never love you.”
“Sounds like my cup of tea.”
I pushed the pillow further on my head at the constant knocking of the door. I was silently pleading for my roommate, Belle, to get the door. However as I looked up and over to her bed, I noticed her absent presence.
The knocking started up again, causing me to scream out into my pillow in frustration. It was a weekend, a very rare, and free weekend where I could relax. Slugging myself out the bed, I muttered every curse word I knew before yanking my door open.
“Hello, love, good day to hit the woods no?” I rested my head on my door, slightly whining. “What do you want, Hook?”
“How about a smile.” Oh my god he’s actually a dick. “I want you to get change, wear black – or red –” He smirked at that before continuing his list of demands. “Then you're going to come with me, and I’m going to show you what fun actually looks like.”
“That’s all?” My eyes felt swollen shut from dreariness. “That's all, now chop chop, off ya go.” I hate pirates.
Correction, I hate James Hook.
He took me to a party. Though he was such a gentleman about it, I’ll have to say. Located in the black forest, where it always looked night – he made sure to help me walk. That was the only redeeming quality about this party.
People were doing all sorts of things, from dancing, to drinking, to making out, etc. Definitely a villain kind of party. “Hook, I don't think this is my scene.” I rubbed my arms nervously, I felt like a needle in a haystack.
“No, this isn’t your parents' scene. I promise once you calm down you’ll have fun. Trust me.” Everyone was taught not to trust a pirate, but I couldn’t help but do so.
He reacted to his jacket before pulling out a flask, “here, don’t drink anything besides what I give you.” I nodded, engraving his words to my brain to not forget them. I twisted off the cap, taking a sip and immediately feeling the burn going down my throat causing me to cough. “The hell is that?”
I never had liquor before, but that tasted like acid with a twinge of something else.”Rum, the best.” I couldn’t help the laugh leaving me – finally letting out a sigh, and my discomfort. “You stupid pirate.”
I think I’m drunk. I’m not sure, but I can’t really see or more accurately focus.
“Alright lass time to get you home.” I looked over to where the voice came from, my eyes finally focusing on a very handsome man. “Hiii.” I gushed, my cheeks red. This man had a very attractive laugh, I thought as he laughed in my ear while bending down – picking me up.
“I’m a princess!” I said, loudly, as we walked out this stupid sea carcass thing. Why would they hang out in a dead sea fish? Not very sanitary. “Aye lass, a very pretty one.” This handsome man thinks I’m pretty.
Over the next three months Hook and I continued to “date”. It was surprising how easy it was to hang out with his friends. I had expected Hades to burn me alive or something with one of his cigarettes, but everyone – even the sea witch Uliana was pretty welcoming.
After I woke up the next morning from that first party Hook took me too. I had decided I hated drinking, and would not be doing it again. Something James laughed at. Tonight the vk’s were throwing some kind of party, I don’t know why – but I had opted out.
Usually James and I would spend late nights together, if not at my dorm than at his. We would lay on the bed, and it was weird – because our dating was supposed to be fake and to piss off my parents, but even when no one was around he’d hold my hand. Or we would cuddle, even though our roommates were out. He’d kiss my hand at random times – hug me at others and it all felt real.
We had felt real and I had realized I was falling for him. Hard.
A knock at the door pulled my attention from the fire crackling in my fireplace and to the dark oak door. Belle was having a date with her beast, but even then she had a key to get in.
Standing I opened the door, prepared to laugh at Belle for being forgetful but instead I was met with a Handsome pirate that I had actually wanted to call mine. “James.” He ditched his coat, and had his sleeves rolled up. Exposing his forearms, where his veins were showing. He had ditched his hook and replaced it with a guitar.
“Mind if I come in?”
No, not at all. Instead of saying it though I just moved out the way and opened the door more. The captain walked past me and sat on my bed. I closed the door, before I too made my way to my bed.
This would be normal for us, him playing piano, or even guitar while I listened. Though he would never leave a party that he needed to be there for. I’m pretty sure it was something about it being a blood moon or something to do with the moon.
His finger danced across the strings, and his deep rich voice started to fill the silence while the orange of the fire highlighted his skin.
“I met you in the dark. You lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough.”
My breath hitched at the sound of his voice. I could feel my heart in my ears, but it was in the best way possible.
“We danced the night away, we drank too much.”
I didn’t know who he was singing about, but at the same time everything he said felt so familiar.
“I held your hair back when you were throwing up.”
He finally looked back up at me, his eyes achingly beautiful. In this moment I knew I had loved him. I loved him more than the world can even express itself.
James Hook POV
“Then you smiled over your shoulder. For a minute I was stone cold sober.”
The night I knew I fell in love with her played through my head and out into the song. The first night I took her to a party and she got black out drunk.
“I pulled you closer to my chest, and you asked me to stay over. I had already told ya; I think you should get some rest.”
This woman has made me question every single moral, this woman has made me question who I am. Was I still a ruthless villain – yes, just not to her. I couldn’t be.
Y/N L/N was the definition of my saving grace, and I loved her like I breathed. Naturally, effortlessly, and most of all needing.
“I’m so in love with you, and I hope you know.”
God I couldn’t wait another moment. I needed her to know that I truly love her, that she made this darkened heart beat.
“Darling, your love is more than its weight in gold.”
When the final strings of my guitar played out, I was ready to pour my heart out to her. Ready to tell her how she taught me how to love. How love wasn’t enough to describe how I felt about her.
But this damn woman beat me to it.
Normal POV
“I love you.” I said the second he stopped playing. Fear struck my heart, he might not love me back – but I’ll be damned if he doesn't know how much I care for him. “I know I told you that I could never love a pirate, but the truth is you have stolen my heart and I don’t want it back. I know you might not feel–”
My words fell, and his lips absorbed them. I didn’t know when he threw down the guitar, but he was kissing me.
His lips were soft, gentle, and his kiss was full of love.
“I’d go to the end of the earth for you. I love you so much, and don’t you for a damn second consider that I don’t.” I smiled at him. I was happy – finally so happy. Tears laced my eyes, and I let them fall, because James Hook didn’t only want my strength, he wanted my weakness as well. He wanted all of me. Just as I wanted all of him.
I pulled his face back to mine, kissing him desperately. This one was rougher, sexier. Full of things I didn’t even know but wanted to explore with him.
His hand pushed through my hair, as he slightly gripped it and tugged. Causing me to gasp. He took that as an invitation, his tongue brushing against mine. He pushed himself forward, pushing me back onto the bed, using his other hand to keep him from crushing me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, sighing out as he kissed down my neck. Everything in this moment felt right. It was cut short by the sound of the door opening, and the sound of Belle screaming out sorries.
James let out a groan of pure annoyance, while I laughed – giving him a peck. His gaze softened, and he hugged me. Letting him fall into me caused me to release a groan while he laughed.
Belle had run back out the door, and so I pulled him up off me and led him over to the fireplace. I opened a box placed on top of it, and grabbed a scroll out of it.
“This is a marriage contract that, if I signed, would marry me to King Midas' son, and grant me royal immunity.”
James swallowed thickly, fear laced in his eyes, and I swore his eyes glazed over with water.
“Burn it.”
The fear was replaced with confusion as he looked at me lost. “What?” He asked. I placed the scroll in his hand before pressing a kiss to his lips.
“The only man I’ll ever marry is a pirate that goes by Captain Hook and has a drinking problem.” He wasted no time in throwing the scroll into the hot flames before he picked me up and twirled me. “Marry you I shall.”
A/N: I’m actually really proud of this one.
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mydearlybeloathed · 11 months
monster trio + ace reactions when reader got pms and gets really sensitive and angry?
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sanji x fem!reader, zoro x fem!reader, luffy x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: pms, use of Y/N
𝐚/𝐧: unfortunately i haven't gotten far enough into the anime to know ace's character, but here's sanji, zoro, and luffy for you 🥰
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You didn't exactly understand how hormones worked, just that yours were very, very pissed that week. And on a crew of primarily men, well, it's safe to say the Strawhat boys each had their own solutions...
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Grumbling under your breath, you wiped down each dirty dish with a ferocity that had them clanging back into the sink when you were done.
Sanji watched you from across the kitchen, mindlessly cutting carrots and wincing with each plate you threatened to break. "Love?"
Your shoulders tensed. "Yeah?"
He hadn't thought of what he was actually going to ask, scraping together an answer in seconds. "Pass me the soy?"
For a moment, you just stood there, before you heaved a sigh and nodded. You shut off the faucet and  shuffled to the fridge with a downcast expression, pulling down the bottle and bringing it to him, before you wordlessly returned to your station washing dishes. Sanji’s heart hurt to see you so distressed, at a loss as to what this could be about.
You huffed as you aggressively flipped on the faucet and picked up a dish. Sanji had just settled for finishing dinner and talking with you after, when you jumped away from the sink and clutched your hand to your chest. The plate in hand crashed to the ground in splinters.
Sanji dropped everything and ran to your side. You had your eyes squeezed shut and your jaw was set. Sanji reached for you, only grazing your arm before you jerked away from him and gritted your teeth.  
You jerked your chin to the faucet. “Water’s scalding.” Your eyes fell to the mess on the floor, and suddenly a lump welled in your chest and your throat started to burn. You dropped to your knees and started sweeping the glass into a pile with your hands.
Slowly, Sanji lowered himself at your side, reaching to take your hands and relaxing when you let him. “Don’t. You’ll get glass in your hands.”
He ducked down to meet your eyes, finding them shining with a waterline of rogue tears. He kissed his teeth and drew you to his chest. “Oh, hon.”
Surrounded by shattered plate, you let Sanji pull you in till you were held tight in his arms. Silent tears filtered down your cheeks, your hands grabbing at his loose dress shirt. He stroked your hair and pressed his lips to your hairline, mumbling, “Love, what’s the matter?”
You swallowed thickly. “I–I don’t know. My head hurts and I just feel like shit.”
“It’s okay,” Sanji assured you, forgetting all about dinner for once. He gently pulled you up with him, rubbing at your arms. “Let’s go sleep, yeah?”
You shook your head. “Dinner’s not done…”
“They’ll work something out.”
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Zoro knew something was up the moment he found you asleep before 9. 
He was creeping into the deep recesses of the storage room, where the hammock he’d strung up awaited his practically routine nap. When he saw the hammock swinging back and forth, an obvious weight resting in it, he was confused. You were the only other one to know about the hidden nap-spot, and you were above deck cleaning the cannons last he checked.
Coming upon the hammack, Zoro pulled the fabric back and started to grin as you blinked bleary eyed up at him. His grin quickly vanished. You looked like shit, and he told you so.
“Thanks,” you scoffed, moving over to allow him room. 
Now situated with you tucked into his side, his fingers started to run up and down your arm, making your eyes flutter closed. He admired you a moment, asking, “Thought you were doing cannon duty?”
You let out a long groan and hid your face in his neck. “I got Nami to do it.”
“But she hates cleaning the cannons.”
Waving an absent hand, you explained, “It’s a girl thing.”
“A girl thing?”
“Can it be a Zoro thing too?”
A little grin tugged at your face as you lifted your chin to rest on his chest. “Depends. Does your hormone cycle last a whole month?”
Zoro could only blink down at you. “Huh?”
“Then no,” you said with a pat to his belly, giggling as he squeezed you tighter and pulled you to lay atop him. You folded your hands under your chin and rested your cheek on your arm. A sleep smile was on your face. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Your tone was teasing, and he didn’t like it. 
His gaze bore into you with an intensity that had you blushing. “And if I wanna worry about it?”
You huffed. “It’s a bunch of science stuff. A few weeks before our period starts our hormones get weird and so do we.”
Understanding reflected in his nod. “So that’s why you’ve been bitchy lately.”
“I have not!” you laughed. 
“Oh, yeah,” Zoro smirked. “Don’t even try… But what does that have to do with the cannons?”
You flopped your head back down and wrapped your arms around his middle. “I’m exhausted. I swear my limbs turned to jello when I lifted those cannon balls outta the way. Nami noticed and offered to swap weeks with me.”
“And it’s ‘cause of the hormone thing?”
“I think so. I only know what Nami told me. She reads more than I do.”
His hand found your back, his fingers drawing circles into your skin. “I guess we should sleep then.”
You suppressed a yawn. “Yeah. we should.”
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“Y/N!” Luffy called, smile as bright as ever as he approached you on the deck of the Going Merry. He watched you lean back with a hand on your ship, stopping short at the cracking sound that came from your body. 
You weren’t phased at all—in fact, you continued to crack your bones by twisting this way and that, the frown on your face ever so evident. “Y/N?”
Turning to him, your lips curled up into a barely there smile as you trudged toward him, wringing your arms round his neck as he accepted you in a tight embrace. You leaned into him, smile growing. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he echoed, still so confused. “Why were you popping your back so much?”
“Oh.” You nuzzled into him further, putting most of your weight on him. “My back hurts.” Then, “My head hurts too.” With a sigh, “And my stomach.”
Luffy frowned. “Want me to call Chopper?”
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m fine. What did you need?”
“Oh, right. Sanji made ice pops.” The grin on his face warmed you from inside out, and you jumped to wrap you legs around his waist, your nose brushing against his.
“In that case,” you said as you tucked your head under his chin. “Let’s go raid the kitchen.”
Luffy laughed and hurried down below, bursting into the kitchen and setting you down on the counter. Sanji looked unimpressed as Luffy took the ice pops out of the fridge and rushed back to you.
“Those are for later,” the cook complained, though he made no move to stop you.
Grinning, you took the ice pop from Luffy’s outstretched hand. “Then why are we eating them now?”
Sanji rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, leaving you to sigh as you rolled your neck from side to side, cracking it once before Luffy reached to hold you still by your neck. A crimson blush covered your face, eyes wide. “Uh, Luffy?”
He started to rub tiny circles into the skin of your neck. “Poppin’ your neck so much isn’t good.”
You shrugged and leaned into his palm as he slid it to your cheek. “Eh. It helps.”
“Maybe Chopper has something for the pain?” he offered, already sprinting away, ice pop in hand, before you could tell him not to. 
“Chopper!” his voice echoed around the ship, leaving you a smiling mess atop the kitchen counter.
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haerenven · 1 month
♯┆SOFT SPOT .ᐟ ★ - roronoa zoro
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ────── ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂ ✦ ⊃ ⟡ ⺌.⋆ ────── ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ────── ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂ ✦ ⊃ ⟡ ⺌.⋆ ────── ⊹ ࣪ ˖
— you are the only person who can be trusted by Zoro when it comes to his swords, we all know how much he is so possessive and clingy and careful about his swords, but you were absolutely different
— he barely can handle anyone try to touch his swords, but her ?.. absolutely fine, you also sometimes clean his swords and blades until they get Completely clean
— “Zoro, I’ll borrow your swords” she said confidently before stand up and pulled His precious sword Wado Ichimonji and he actually didn’t mind at all ! , he was leaning his head on his arms that placed behind his head and muttered “don’t step over me”, she pulled the sword and looked at the little boy “let’s see what you’ve got” she said with deep tone, meanwhile Zoro lean forward the table, watching and absolutely enjoying the whole scene with proud smirk, and the little boy was He was trembling with fear.
— girls? NAH, her? HELL YEAH !!
— when you with both of Nami and robin go to shopping on new island you guys stopped in, Nami was showing her new clothes to the rest of the crew (with both of Sanji and brook compliment), Zoro was lay on floor on his side and didn’t look.., the robin came and show her new clothes, and still Zoro didn’t care..
— but when you came and show your new clothes, Zoro turned his head to look at you while still laying
— he usually like wasting his free time on training or naps, but if you were free and saw you needing company, all pleasure…
— he usually don’t understand any of things you actually interest in, but he don’t mind listening and when he hear weird things he be like “what the hell is that ?” He looked confused raised an eyebrow and rubbed the back of his neck, but keep listening to anything you say
— and that it the next point !
— Zoro don’t listen to anyone orders only luffy…and you, even he can not even say or admit it, but yeah that true
— “I’ll go to look, too” Zoro said huffed, Sanji stopped him “wait, moss-head !” , Zoro rolled his eyes before placed on Sanji “what?, gotta go to find an old man whose head is cut off, right?”, “you?!, go looking for someone??” Sanji said annoyed , Zoro start getting annoyed “shut up and let me go you shitty cook” , “then who gonna look for you?” Sanji said hating that idea, Zoro thinks before saying “well…” , “he is right, Zoro !! Stay here” chopper said worried and freaking, “you too ?”
— she sighed and said with soft small sweet smile “just wait for us here” she said softly, then Zoro said “alright then…”
— in any sudden fight or any uncomfortable situation, Zoro had this kinda thing it might be habit, that he make sure he step forward A front of you and make sure you behind him to protect you from any sudden attack, (even when everyone knows you are one of the strongest crew members and definitely you can hold yourself)
— when both of you be chosen to go and shopping for the rest as task, when you keep your eyes on any random stuff, specially when it’s something clearly you really like it, he will wait for you to be busy with anything else and then he pick up the same thing you were looking at seconds ago
— when you comeback to the ship he came to your cabin, “hey? I saw that earlier and I thought you might like it”, she gasped softly and smiled joyfully “woah !, thank you zo”
— when one time you both had an random conversation, “I can be anything for you, just tell me what do you want me to be”, she chuckled and shook her head “you’re dumb” she said joking, he had a small “I can be that” (the notebook movie)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ────── ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂ ✦ ⊃ ⟡ ⺌.⋆ ────── ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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midnight-black2 · 5 months
anyway can u write anything about Kai please 🥹 (I always thought he would be a perfect sub lol)
pairing : kai (from voyagers) x reader
synopsis : kai needs to be put in his place, and who better to do it than you?
disclaimers : sub!kai, dom!reader, degradation, handjob, masochist!kai (only a little), mean!reader, kinda fast pace (sorry)
note : i had to watch voyagers to make this, but it was so worth it because like why is kai so fine?? like he's an asshole, but a hot one. anyways, hope you like this !
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kai had been acting like an ass-kissing, cock-sucking dickwad ever since richard died.
for some context, he sucked up to zach, the person you hated most out of the entire crew. he would laugh at all of zach's rather rude jokes, they would walk through the ship halls together, standing tall with unnecessary pride as if they were God or something. you weren't quite sure what was happening, but you knew it had to do with the blue.
kai was a smart, sweet boy. but that was before. he would cross his legs at the table, speak with manners, he would even service others at times, especially you. whether it was making a plate for you (he seemed to always know what you wanted to eat), or carrying heavy things for you. but that was before. all of it was before. before everyone stopped taking the blue. before richard died. before you all needed a new group leader.
it all went to shit.
every single little thing. there was no in between, you either followed all the rules, or broke all of them. you believed in balance, it was the only thing that keeps people sane, yet there was none. you had been going crazy for weeks. with all of the noise, the ferocity, the smell of sweat and sex, everything was so overbearing, and nobody did anything about it. so when kai got hit in the head as a result of a fight and there was a meeting called over it, you were fed up. blue got rid of the emotions, and now that there wasn't any blue, and the emotions were getting in the way of everything.
"i for one don't know if there is an alien," the girl spoke. you didn't know her name, all you knew was that she was constantly doing the right thing. she was a little boring, but you didn't hate her or anything. her eyes were lowered, not daring to look zach or christopher in the eye.
"who cares what you don't know," zach spoke, annoyedly. you clenched your jaw, couldn't he just let the girl speak?
"if we repair the damage we can watch the surveillance video and-" she was cut off by zach.
"shut your fat, puss-filled face," you scoffed. how low, even for him. you saw the way kai snickered, you felt like slapping the two of them then and there. you pinched kai's right thigh, giving him a look of warning. he looked over to you, he gulped, yet rolled his eyes anyway.
"i have a right to talk," she responded, finally looking zach in the eye.
"you talk enough as it is, you bloated wheezing blister," he countered, with a smirk. everyone started laughing, including kai. you felt your blood boil. she was only trying to make a point.
"zach, she can talk," christopher interfered.
"you shut up too," zach muttered. he went on, and it escalated. it almost ended in the same way the fight ended last time. it was all a blur--everyone split up. kai and half of the others followed behind zach. you had it with him. you gripped his arm harshly. you pulled him down the hall, luckily no one noticed the two of you leave.
"y/n," kai called, brows furrowed, he was a bit angry. "y/n, what are you doing?"
"shut up," you ordered, through gritted teeth. he quickly complied, his breath hitched. you went inside an empty sleeping quarter, shutting and locking the door.
"you've been such a fucking brat lately, kai,"
"y-you can't do anything about it," he replied, stuttering, voice shaky. he knew damn well you could. you had this odd sort of control over him he couldn't quite understand. with the snap of your fingers he would be on his knees, consciously or not.
"yeah? watch me," you challenged. you crossed your arms over your chest, your patience was growing thin. "strip."
"w-what?" he was shaking slightly, eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips.
"you heard me, strip." he listened. it seemed an ounce of obedience was still left in him--only for you, though. he started with his shirt, pulling it over his head. he was lean, toned. you couldn't help but stare, you would've smirked if you weren't so frustrated. he felt your eyes, they were gaping burning holes all over into his body.
he slowly unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down, leaving him in only his boxers. you walk over to him, and grip his raging hard-on.
"all you do anymore is think with your stupid cock," you spit out, looking him right in the eye. he let out a soft whimper. you swiftly backed him up against the nearest wall. you were surely manhandling him, but who was he to tell you not to? you pulled down his boxers, and they sat at his feet. he breathing picked up.
it was embarrassing, to say the least. he was naked and you were completely clothed. he felt so vulnerable, but it was even more embarrassing that he liked it. your hand wrapped around his cock, you squeezed quite harshly. you had forgotten how big he was, probably a good 8.5" when hard.
"fuck, y/n," kai groaned. did it hurt? yes. did it only enhance his pleasure? also yes.
"seriously kai? you get in a fight over a girl. you get hit in the head with a metal rod, yet you're over here whimpering like a bitch when i simply squeeze your dick? a little pathetic," you utter, a brow arched.
"please," he let out, subconsciously. he cursed himself internally, he knew you would only be harsher on him now.
"please what, kai? please fucking what? i don't feel like giving you shit. you take what i give you," you responded. you brought your fingers to his mouth, thumb prodding at his lips. "open."
he did as he was told, and allowed your fingers to explore his mouth. you pushed them as deep as they'd go before he gagged softly. he shut his eyes. as humiliated as he felt, your fingers were quite warm. you took them out, and he sort of disliked the absence of you digging around in his mouth. god, he thought he was so weird.
your hand returned to his cock, wrapping around it and pumping up and down quickly, without warning. he cried out, gripping your shoulder.
"goodness, look at you. wish someone would walk in right now. hear the way you moan and whine weakly. they'd figure out so quickly you're not quite as high and mighty as you make yourself out to be," you chuckle, looking at him writhe. although he was taller than you, it still felt as though he were underneath you.
"s-shit, y/n," he moaned, hips bucking. your free hand gripped his waist, keeping it pinned to the wall.
"stay still." you instructed, your hand on his cock speeding up a bit. kai's knees buckled, he felt his mind was mush, he was shaky and all thoughts of you consumed him.
"fuck y/n, i think im gonna cum," kai warned, opening his eyes to take a peek at you. he couldn't handle it. the way you looked so angry, so ready to snap him in half. if he kept looking at you, he would surely cum right that second.
"already? that's a little sad, don't you think?" you teased, hand on his waist making its way up his chest. you pinch his left nipple harshly, and he whimpers once again.
"oh my god," he moans. you could feel his entire body shaking and jolting with every move you made. "can i?"
"cum? i don't know. why should i even let you?" you asked, only wanting to hear him beg.
"please. fuck, please let me cum. i need to i really need to. i'm sorry! i'll-ill keep my mouth shut when you want me to," kai pleaded. you, at last, gave in.
"go ahead, cum," you said. he let go with a loud moan, anyone directly outside the door could probably hear. you moved to the side just in time so his mess wouldn't touch you.
"o-oh, fuck," he panted, sliding down the wall, sitting on the floor. you kneeled, your hand placed on his cheek.
"you learn your lesson?" you asked, smirking complacently.
"maybe." you rolled your eyes at his response, but couldn't help the smile that followed.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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kana-daydreams · 8 months
𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 || 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲
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summary: you take Luffy’s hat hostage and use it as leverage to get him to look your way in hopes of rekindling what was once an unbreakable bond between childhood friends. genre: (attempted) angst w/ happy ending, gen wc: 3.4k
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Crouching, barely camouflaged between lush tangerine trees, their citrusy and saccharine scent almost overwhelming your sense of smell, you peer down at the deck below you watching as every member of the straw hat pirates bustle about the Going Merry. 
“We’ve searched everywhere Luffy. Are you sure you checked every corner of the boys’ cabin?” You hear Nami let out an exasperated sigh and see her wipe a hand across at her brows.
Luffy, a few paces beside Nami, fixes a potted plant back into place, craning his neck to look over at her. His eyes fix her with a watery stare and his face is stained with tears; new ones threatening to emerge as he answers her with a weak nod.
“It’s probably overboard.” An audible yawn follows Zoro’s voice which cuts across from their right. 
His comment elicits a whimper from Luffy and a death glare from Nami, the former suddenly flopping to the ground, wailing a river of tears at the thought of his missing and beloved treasure.
“Idiot, look what you did!” Nami scolds and Zoro matches her frown with one of his own, the two commencing a wage of war through a bickering contest. 
You watch in slight amusement despite the seriousness of the situation as the rest of the crew attempts to calm down their navigator and swordsman, deciding that now was the perfect time to intervene.
 “I found it!” you hail them from atop Nami’s tangerine garden. 
All eyes direct themselves to you; all except one pair, and you earn somewhat of a look between  hesitance and relief from the straw hats as you begin to make your way towards them and towards the owner of the straw hat held firmly in your grasp.
Nami’s figure, however, stops you in your tracks before you could take another step closer to the hat’s owner.
“Thanks for finding Luffy’s hat.” A warm smile tugs at her lips though you notice it doesn’t seem to reach her eyes. “I’ll give it back to him.” She offers.
You look down at her outstretched hand which demands you give her the hat before raising your gaze to meet her brown eyes. “I’d like to give it to him myself if that’s alright.” You smile, a sweet and practised one like her own. 
You notice her hesitate at your words. “I…I don’t think that’s a—” A sudden weight on Nami’s shoulder, followed by Luffy’s voice, interrupts her. 
“It’s alright Nami.” 
Nami’s eyebrows draw together as she gives him a worried look. “Are you sure?”
Luffy removes his hand from her shoulder, returning it to his side as he nods slightly in response. 
Nami, although hesitant to leave you both in each other's company, returns a nod the same and leaves you two to your own, but not before sending a warning glance your way.
You watch as she retreats to a further corner of the ship; her along with the others keeping their attention fixed across at both you and Luffy and you wonder what warrants their audience—your marine uniform or something Luffy’s told them about you…Did he tell them about you?
Your attention draws back to Luffy who takes a while to meet your eyes and when he does, he plasters on a strained smile. “I’m glad you found my hat— thought I’d lost it for good.” 
At his words, you spare a glance down at the said object. You examine it— how battered and weathered it is, the red sash that rings around it just below the crown and the telltale signs that it’d been patched up a few times. 
I hate you! 
A frown ghosts over your expression and your grip around the hat tightens.
You loathe this hat.
It’s a feeling that has always lingered inside you since the day Luffy showed it to you with that wide toothy grin he always sported, saying he’d gotten it from a pirate.
You hate pirates. Always had and always will. 
Except for…
You return your gaze to look at the boy in front you, his mop of black curls becoming more dishevelled from the wind lashing against it. “You really treasure it, don’t you?” 
Luffy watches as your gloved hands fiddle around with his hat. “...I do.”
“Then I’ll return it.” You brandish the prized possession towards him and Luffy reaches a hand to retrieve his hat, but before his hands could make contact with it, you pull your own away.
Luffy’s face contorts in confusion at your action, though he doesn’t question it and instead takes a step forward, attempting to pry his hat out of your grasp; his movement urging you to take a step back.
Again, he takes a step forward.
You step back.
He matches it with another step of his own and so do you. 
“What are you doing?” His voice sounds annoyed as he pins you with a stern gaze.
You do not waver at the glare he sends your way and instead remain calm as you speak. “I’ll return the hat to you,” you start. “But only if you allow me to speak to you, Luffy…please.” You say, your tone pleading.
An indiscernible expression shadows Luffy's face at your words and a momentary silence settles between you both.
“Give me back my hat.” Luffy finally says.
You furrow your brows slightly, hurt that he’d refused your offer. What did you expect? You stole his hat— something he cherished with his life, which was now being used as a bartering tool.
“I won’t until you speak to me.” 
Stealing Luffy’s hat, you’re aware, was a low move and most likely a counterintuitive one, but left empty of an idea that could get him to acknowledge you, you opted to steal his hat as your last resort.
You scoff. How fate plays—forcing you to use the very thing that inflicted scars upon your relationship years ago to try and mend it. 
“I said give me back my hat.” Luffy takes a step towards you as your name grates against his teeth, a slight warning in his tone.
You steel yourself cradling the hat close to your chest. “No. I won’t until you stop acting like a five year old and speak to me!” 
Luffy’s lips curl into a frown, his brows pinching together in anger and frustration at your stubbornness and without warning, one of his hands darts out, shooting forward in your direction and towards the hat.
Fortunately, your quick reflexes allow you to get both you and the hat out of the way, though the action seems to anger Luffy further who persists in attempting to retrieve his hat, and thus a game of cat and mouse begins as his rubber hands begin to chase you around the ship.
It’s a game that continues for minutes—almost an hour— his hand twisting and turning, weaving and zipping their way through and under both narrow and wide spaces in every direction while you expertly evade his every attempt to grasp a hold of his hat as you dodge, skid, jump and even manage a backflip, almost tripping over your feet.
The rest of the straw hats remain silent spectators to the tom and jerry chase around the ship, though at one point during the chase, Zoro offers to intervene, but Luffy warns him against meddling with his fight.
“Just give it back to me!” Luffy bellows your name as you both are scrambling around on the deck.
 His elastic hands aim towards you and you duck, barely managing to dodge it as it crashes into the wooden wall behind you, splinters of wood pitching dangerously in all directions, and a shriek escapes both yours and Usopp’s lips who cries at Luffy to be more careful with his baby.
“If you want it back, you’re going to let me talk to you first!”
“I don’t wanna talk to you!” Luffy shoots his arm in your direction from beside the ship’s guardrail and this time you're unable to dodge it as they tangle themselves around you like a rope, rendering you unable to move.
You struggle in his tight grasp, though not tight enough to hurt you, as he reels you in closer to him.
Up close, you notice his face flushed and covered with beads of sweat, and watch as he reaches a hand to retrieve the hat that had fallen out of your grasp;  it being your only hope of reviving your friendship.
“Please Luffy…I just want you to hear me out.”
Luffy tenses at the crack of your voice and at the flood of memories that ambushes him, along with the familiar feelings of guilt and regret.
“Why should I, after you stole my hat?” He fixes the said item back on his head.
You avert your eyes and are slow to respond after the mention of your sin. “Because…we’re friends.” You eventually say.
Luffy’s eyes widen slightly at your words—at your lie. “Were friends.” He corrects and though his tone is cold as he speaks, there’s a tinge of  hurt as he forces himself to say the next few words. “Now you’re my enemy.” 
You feel your heart pinch in your chest and tears slowly brim at your eyes, reminded of the words that were spoken–you’d spoken–that brought your friendship to an end.
But couldn’t he see how desperate you were to fix that. How many times you’ve tried gaining his attention for the past couple of days you’ve been stuck on this damn ship because of him, sneaking on board after a fight between your ship and his. All because you wanted to correct the wrongs of the past and attempted day by day; relentless, every idea that sprung to mind, to rekindle that bond you once had— 
You bite down on your lip in a futile attempt to subdue any sobs that might escape.
But it seems you’re the only one who cares.
“You rubber jerk!” 
Luffy is taken aback by the tears that start streaming down your face and isn’t prepared for when you unexpectedly nail him in the head with your own. 
A grunt escapes you both when your heads knock together, sending a vibration rippling through your skulls and you feel Luffy’s arms untangle themselves from around you, the action causing you to slump to your knees.
You hardly hear the splash that follows and the worried voices of Luffy’s friends as you grip at your head which rings in pain, and only manage to come to your senses when Nami’s horrified voice screams at you, Luffy’s name, alerting you of his presence being no longer in front of you.
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Later when the sun sets in, painting the ocean’s dark blue waters in its orange hue, you find yourself leaving Nami and Robin’s shared room in desperate need of some fresh air.
You’ve been cooped up inside their room the entire day after your fight with Luffy which ended with the taste of salt on your lips and your uniform soaking wet when you rescued him after he’d fallen overboard and into the sea.
“Luffy I–” your words were lost, interrupted when Luffy  hacked out a violent cough from beside you on the deck after you’d just fished him out from the sea.
You didn’t reckon that your headbutt would be strong enough to send him toppling over the guardrail and now both of you were drenched in salt water that pooled to the floor beneath you.
You waited for his coughing fits to cease before once again attempting to apologise. “Luffy I-I didn’t mean for all of this to happen— I was only trying to get your attention.” You admitted, not proud of the fact that you’d had to resort to stealing his hat to do so.
Luffy remained  silent at your apology and his lack of a response invited with it, a tense and uncomfortable silence. He didn’t even make an effort to spare a look in your direction.  
Instead, he raised himself off his back, reaching for his hat further beside him which too had been a victim of the sea, before putting it on his head.
It was all the hint you needed to know that he didn’t wish to speak to you and thus you pulled yourself to your feet, taking your leave. 
It’s been hours since neither of you’ve spoken to each other after your one-sided exchange, avoiding each other like a plague throughout the day.
You close the door to the lounge room behind you as you step outside, shivering slightly when a cold breeze attacks your skin; Nami’s clothes which she’d lent you after yours became drenched in water, not aiding much.
“Maybe I should have brought a jacket…” you murmur to yourself, rubbing your hands up and down your arms to warm yourself up as you start padding over to the guardrail near the figurehead of the ship.
As you approach, ahead of you, you notice a familiar figure seated atop it, seeming to be lost in thought.
Luffy is yet to notice your presence and before he could, you spin around on your heels, ready to head back in the opposite direction. 
However, you only manage to take a few steps forward when you hear him call out your name.
You ignore him, racing back in the direction of the lounge room, and although he continues to call your name, you still do not slow your steps; increasing your pace at the sound of his footsteps trailing after you.
Just as you’re about to take the first step up the staircase that leads to the lounge, you’re abruptly forced to a stop when a hand catches your wrist.
 “Wait, don’t go." Luffy’s voice pleads urgently from behind you. “I wanna talk.”
You remain silent for a beat as you crane your neck to look back at him in surprise. "W-What?" you ask, not certain if you'd heard him right.
"I wanna talk to you...please." Luffy says again.
“Really?” you ask, wondering why he’d had a sudden change of mind. 
Luffy answers you with a single nod, silently hoping that you would agree to his request.
There’s a faint smile on his lips at your response as he releases his grip on your hand before leading you both away in the opposite direction of the lounge.
A minute later, you’re both standing side by side; a few feet between you, near the railing closest to the figurehead.
Both of you are yet to speak a word to the other, the waves crashing against the ship and the howls of the wind, the only sounds which fills the silence that lingers between you.
It is soon broken when Luffy finally decides to speak.
“I’m sorry.” 
You turn your gaze away from the sea and over at him when you hear his voice that comes out barely above a whisper. 
 “For what?” Your brows knit together in confusion.
“For being a liar.” His eyes do not meet yours when he speaks.
Immediately the image of two children; a little boy with a mop of black hair and a little girl, the same age, makes its way to the forefront of your mind. Wide smiles grace their faces as they’re chasing each other around a lush open field of green, then clambering up a fruit tree; the boy’s hand reaching down to help the girl onto the branch he sits on before gathering the tree’s ripe fruits and eating their fill.
Later they’re settled next to each other on the pillow-soft grass, the girl’s eyes  pinned up at the sky watching the passing clouds and the boy snuggled up beside her, fast asleep while their pinky fingers remain entwined in a lifetime promise.
The wholesome image soon dies away when another appears in its stead, showing the same two children in the same field, but this time their bodies roll in the grass; their faces stained with dirt and bruises, and adorned with frowns as they tug and push at each.
“You’re not the one who should be apologising.” You return your attention back to the sea. “Becoming a marine was never your dream; it was mine.”
It was true. A younger and selfish you had forced Luffy into sharing a dream that was only truly ever yours, something you didn’t realise until you’d grown out of your childhood years and into your big girl pants.
When he’d come running to you one afternoon during your usual playdate session with a straw hat festooned with a single red sash attached to his head, announcing he’d gotten it from that red head pirate that’d come to town and followed it with the line that he was going to become the 'King of Pirates', you felt hurt—betrayed. 
His news to you had then escalated into a fight in which Luffy’s newly gifted hat got buried in the mud underneath your feet, him shouting that he hated you with a ruddy face, puffed with anger and with you declaring him your enemy, adding that if he did really become the King of pirates or even a pirate at all, you’d be the one to put him behind bars.
Your lips pull into a sad frown. “And I’m truly sorry that I took your hat...again.” You add with a whisper, recalling again when as a child, how you'd ripped the hat away from his grasp, how you’d tossed it in the mud— and how you’d trampled on it with your feet all while Luffy was screaming at the top of his voice for you to stop. 
Luffy looks over at you with a small smile. “It’s okay.” 
“No, it’s not!” You whip your head around, staring at him in disbelief. “I acted like an immature brat like I did that day, and because of it I lost you.” Your voice cracks. “ I…I don’t want to lose you again.”
Luffy notices you bite down on your lips and that your eyes begin to flood with unshed tears. 
The sight reminds him of back then when he’d told you he’d hated you and how a single tear had trickled its way down your face as you fought hard to stifle the rest.
“I missed our friendship Luffy…I missed you.”
Luffy felt his heart both ache and warm at your words.
He'd missed you to— Always had.
He'd thought about you everyday, since you'd left his town; the same day you no longer would be known as best friends. 
Losing you that day made him regret showing you the hat Shanks gave him and telling you his dream. Maybe he should have kept it a secret and if he did, maybe things would have been different—maybe your friendship would have lasted at least a little longer than it did. 
He’d thought that either that day would be the last he would see your face or that if he did see you again, you would be chasing after him from a marine warship. 
Apparently it was the latter. 
The initial feeling that bombarded him when he saw your face again was a heart-stopping surprise. But then a rush of other emotions accompanied it; guilt being the strongest, especially when the image of your crying face flickered to mind after he’d told you in a fit of rage how much he’d hated you.
Luffy points his gaze away from your own. “Back then when I said I hated you”—his hands ball into fists at the memory— “I didn’t mean it.”
You look at him with teary eyes. “R-Really?”
You can vividly recall that horrible moment when Luffy had uttered words you’d never imagined he would say to you, and which had brought tears to your eyes for weeks anytime you were to recall the memory.
Luffy looks at you, noticing your quivering lips and his starts doing the same. “Yeah, I do. I’m sor—” 
He’s barely finished with his response when you launch yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and engulfing him in a tight hug.
“I miss you so much, Luffy, I really do.” You sob violently into his shoulder.
Luffy stills for a moment at your unanticipated action but soon relaxes, his gaze softening down at you as you continue to unleash a happy stream of tears.
He then slowly and gently wraps his own arms around you, burying his face against your shoulder as he feels his eyes brim with tears, his lips pulling into their usual wide smile. 
“Missed you a lot, too.”
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© 2024 kana-daydreams
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lilbitdepressed27 · 2 months
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Mable/Fem!Reader implied g!p
Warnings: angst, violence, death
WC: 4.2k
Author’s Note: sorry for any mistakes
*This will be connected to another fic*
Going with Charlie was the best decision you made. You knew your older brother Tommy would complain but her was your older half brother you knew he would give in. As much as he was a hard head and a bit of a jackass. He always had a soft spot for you and Charlie. More you since you were his little sister.
You always loved going to work with your older brother. Catching fish and being in the middle of the ocean. Was something you had enjoyed since you were little. Tom's dad Jay always let you tag along even when your dad would get mad. It was something you loved doing.
"Tommy!" You shouted, your excitement of seeing your big brother overflowing. It had been almost a year since you last seen your brother. You had just finished your second year of college. With you going to college to be a Marine Biologist. You were busy, but four long years of sleepless nights, long days of studying you were free of all that stress.
You didn't give your brother the chance to react before you basically barreled into him. His laugh being cut off as you both fell.
"Get off me, you little shit. I swear you get taller every single damn time I see you."
Helping him you he hugged you properly.
You helped your brother on the boat where ever you could. The days you spent on the ocean had been long but exciting. You absolutely adored the sea. Another thing you loved to do was to take pictures or making film. The amount of pictures you've taken in just the days spent on the boat, it had been a lot. The day Harmony went down had been the scariest thing that's ever happened to you.
You had been in the bathroom, using Rocky's bathroom to shower and freshen up. As much as you loved being on the boat. You absolutely hated not showering. So you always tried your best to stay clean. By the time your were finished you had stepped back into the bar to hear your dad arguing with your brother.
"—Excuse me?"
"Dad I'm going back. I'm going back to sea. I as soon as we get another—."
You heard them continue to argue before the sound of a girls voice interrupted both of them.
"Hey, these boys almost drowned last night. You should be hugging your boy, not yelling at him."
You stepped from the corner to see your dad glaring at Charlie. "Dad?" Sharing a look with Charlie and Tom. More with Charlie seeing as it was your father after all.
"Y/n are you going to continue doing this? Instead of accepting that job that was basically put into your hands."
You scoffed remembering about the said job. "You're kidding right? They were complete assholes. Not to mention the pay was a joke. At least with Tom and his crew, I have more free range with my work. If you could just look at the pictures I've take-Call your mother she's worried sick. I'm late for a meeting." You didn't even have a chance to get out your camera before he walked out of the bar.
You looked down at the camera bag that was still a bit wet. But thankfully the camera it self was still dry and working.
"Hey Y/n your pictures are fucking awesome. They make all of us look so badass." Costa reassured. Taking in how sad you had gotten. As a father to be himself he couldn't imagine talking to his kid like that.
Nunes was quick to jump in, "Yea, especially the videos. I can't wait for all that editing stuff you said you'd do."
Tom handed you a beer as the girl spoke up.
"I'd like to see your pictures if you don't mind."
The small smile, that looked more like a smirk was what you got. She was absolutely gorgeous. The smile was a bit more gentle the longer she looked at you. "Sure." You took out your camera. Ignoring the teasing smiles of Charlie and the boys.
The short brunette was by your side in seconds. Pulling you to the empty couch, sitting quite close to you. "What was your name again?"
"Mable and you're Y/n. So you gonna show me those pictures."
While Tom and Charlie went to go see something about the boat. You stayed behind at the bar. Telling Tom you wanted to stretch your legs and you'd walk to his house. So with a nod he was off with Charlie.
You didn't make it far from the bar before Mable was by your side. "So where we headed?"
With a smile of your own you nudged her with your elbow, seeing as she was that close. Not that you minded, in just a short time you were quite comfortable with Mable. "You tell me, you're the local here. I feel like you know all the good places."
With your camera around your neck, you always took up the opportunity to take the perfect pictures. With an absolutely beautiful woman to your side. She came out in a lot pictures.
"Of course I do. But in order for you to see all these great places of mine, I need to know if you're ready to do everything I ask."
You tired to keep the warmness in your cheeks at bay at the way Mable was looking at you. Her confidence and straight forwardness was something you had to get used to.
It just a short amount of time, you and Mable bonded. Was it moving a bit fast. Yes, others might think so. But you've never met someone that made you feel so much. Mable was like that breath of fresh air. She was amazing, smart, cunning and not mention absolutely beautiful. "Mmh maybe."
With a short laugh, she took your hand and lead you to god knows where. But you happily followed. Completely trusting her.
Meeting Mable was such highlight. She had been quite persistent to be near you. And you welcomed it. You loved spending time with her. You arrived at Costas party with your brothers. Leaving your already packed bag in Tommy's truck. You always preferred to pack days before going to work with Tommy. Unlike your brother Charlie who always packed at the last second.
You had been refilling your drink when Mable arrived at the party. Mable couldn't get enough of you. She had spent all day yesterday with you and she planned to do the same today. There was just something about you that had her feeling so free, so much. You were like a breath of fresh air. The way you looked at her with that cute smile on your face had her feeling so much. All she wanted was to kiss you.
The smile that made her feel like she was on cloud nine, she could only imagine what it would feel like to kiss you. She was never too afraid to get what she wanted. And she wanted you. She'd make sure you knew that.
"Hi Mable." You filled her cup with some beer.
You spent the rest of the party with Mable. When she asked you to go with her, you were embarrassingly quick to agree. Telling Tom and Charlie if they could take your bag and camera onto the boat. Charlie had told you not to worry. While Tom had said to be on the boat by 8:00 am.
"So where we-Mable can you give me a ride." You were cut off by Skeemo who was swaying a bit from how much he had drank. You bit back a laugh as he stumble a bit on his feet.
"Threes a crowd, find your own ride."
"Come on, I can't feel my legs and it's not that far."
With a look directed at you she sighed and moved to push the front seat forward. The drive was quiet. You liked Skeemo he was funny and he also welcomed you and Charlie on to the crew with no open arms. But you couldn't deny that you wanted to spend your time with Mable, alone.
"Alright thanks, oh and Tom doesn't like when we're late so. 8 am sharp."
Meting Mable's mom hadn't been planned but you also knew Mable was in the 'drug business' she didn't do the drug but she did sell it. And you didn't judge. After that awkward conversation with said mother, you did have to voice out that you did like Mable and weren't planning to hit and run.
You stopped Mable's fast paced out of the apartment complex. Stopping her on the side walk. "Hey, you do know that I'm not going to do that, right? I like you Mable. A lot. And if you'd like, and interested of course wanna go on a date with me?"
A small smile was directed your way, this was the first time you saw her vulnerable. Her eyes held so much emotions. You felt like you could read her so well. It was a little scary. It hasn't been a full 48 hours since you've met Mable but yet it felt like you were old friends. You couldn't explain it but there was something about Mable that made you feel like she was, your other half? It was weird but yet you couldn't explain it any other way.
"You're such an idiot, of course I want to. My mom she's...I don't want that. I want to give myself a shot, I want to make the most out of myself, my life and I'm not sure how I'm going to do it but I know that I can." Mable had wanted nothing more than to just get out of this town. To move on live life. Go to college. But it was hard. She needed money and easy money is faster. Which was why she did what she did.
"I know you can Mable. Granted I've only known you for less than fourth eight hours but in this short time I know you have a way to do and accomplish what ever that pretty mind sets its mind to. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, okay?"
Mable couldn't look away from your eyes. The way they held so much certainty and confidence in her, made her feel so warm inside. Never did she have some who believed in her so much. "Okay."
"Okay," you nodded a smile placed on your face. "Come on then." You began to walk in the direction you hoped led to the car.
Mable couldn't help the smile nor the chuckle that escaped her lips. "My car is this way."
Mable's apartment was small but yet perfect. The area was filled with little things that just fit Mable perfectly. The stack of books on the coffee table, the books that were neatly on the small book shelf. The place was dark but yet the lights that did light up the place made the place warm.
"It's not much but it's home."
You smiled as you shook your head, "Not it's perfect."
Mable couldn't deny that she absolutely loved having you in her space. You had been the first and only to ever set foot in her small apartment. Your presence made her feel, complete? Which was crazy and a bit scary. Yet she wasn't stopping it. You weren't wrong, she did have a way to get what she wanted. And right now. Right now she wanted you.
You felt light kisses being placed on your neck, the weight of Mable's body felt so comfortable on your side. The sensation of her lips on your skin, it was something you certainly could get used to. The feeling of a warm hand smoothing over your bare stomach. The said hand continued it's journey down,
"You're asleep but the rest of you is awake."
The fogginess of your sleep, faded as Mable continued. "You like me Y/n?"
"Yea." You flipped her over, so you were now on top. Leaning down, taking her lips in yours. The kisses becoming more heavy and filled with lust.
"Like me a little lower."
You weren't one to disagree, kissing your way down. just before you could continue the sound of Mable's phone interrupted you. "Who's calling you so early?"
Mable absolutely loved having you between her legs. The sight was something she could get used to. The pleasure you had her go through last night had been the best she ever had. But the sound of her phone had been a the literal cock block. Running her fingers through your smooth hair "It's not that early."
You felt yourself quickly sit up, "what?"
"I put cardboard on the windows. I like the darkness."
You stumbled quickly out of the bed, almost tripping over the blankets as you tore down the cardboard from the window.
"Fuck. No no. No." You dressed as quickly as you could as Mable spoke with Skeemo, who had been the one calling her.
In a matter of seconds you were in Mable's car as she speed off. With what felt like your heart in your throat as the car picked up speed you reached over Mable.
With her eyes on road Mable felt your arm going across her lap. "Wh-what are you doing?" A soft click was her answer, a smile making it's way on her lips. "Really?"
"What? Safety first." You shrugged with a smile as you also put only your seat belt.
"Dork." She said as she took a sharp turn.
"There's actually something I wanted to talk you about. Community college? Do you think that's stupid or smart."
Your hand was clutching the handle on the car door at the sharp turn leading to the dyke. "What?"
"I've been wanting to go but I'm not-Mable you are smart, and you can do whatever your beautiful mind sets on doing. You can do it, not that it matters but I believe in you." The smile you got in return made you feel like you won the lottery. Her hand taking your shirt into a fist as she brought you into a quick kiss.
"Trust me, it matters. Now go! Good luck!" She shouted as you ran down the dyke. Jumping into the water as your brother and the boys cheered you on.
Being on the sea for ten days was as you could expect. You learned a lot about how to catch clams. The pictures you've taken so far had you excited to show Mable once you got back. The humpbacks you had seen had you extremely excited to capture those beautiful animals on film.
Skeemo taught you a few things and your older brother Tommy taught you how to drive the boat. You loved these moments with the team. Not only were you learning so much about fishing you were also expanding your experience with the camera.
Being in Canadian waters felt off, but with how much the you were reeling in, was it worth it? At the moment yes it was. That was until the Canadian coast guard showed up. Everything from there kept on going down hill.
"I have to write a letter for my college application" Mable asked as she kissed you, you had only been gone for a few days and she missed you like crazy. But she absolutely loved the feelings you made her feel. She could feel how much you liked it as well as she rocked on your lap. Your hands tangling in her hair bringing her closer.
Getting back early from what was supposed to be a ten day trip, Mable found you, seeing as you didn't have her number. Seeing Tommy's dad and finding out about his cancer, it was harder for Tommy to tell his father about his boat. It had been quite a tough thing to do.
You had to leave your house after an argument with your dad. Charlie also had left to find Tommy. Mable picked you up from your house. Which was why you both were now in her car in an empty parking lot.
"Make it personal? Make it about what makes you scared, what makes you happy?" You were in her car laying flat on the passenger seat, as she tried to catch her breath.
"Mmh I'll do that. Now how about you come with me. There's something I want to show you."
"Holy shit Mable." You stood back in awe. The view in front of you was absolutely stunning. The boat was a wrecked boat leaning on a rock cliff, but it had been completely over taken by mother nature. Grass now growing on the deck of the boat. A small water fall was by the boat making it even more beautiful.
"I thought you'd like it."
"I love it." You took out your camera, taking a picture. "Get in front."
Mable shook her head a smirk placed on her face, "Not without you."
You looked around seeing a rock at a perfect height not far. You placed your camera down setting it on a timer. "Alright then."
Mable was quick to get to your side. Her arms wrapping around your waist. One of her hands making it's way under your shirt. Her nails gently scratching your stomach. Your own arms wrapping around her shoulder bringing her closer. Her eyes looked up at you. Your own looking down at her.
You felt so absolutely in love.
"Wait where exactly are you guys going to get 100,000 dollars?" Mable asked her jaw dropping a bit. Three days had passed since she took you on that wrecked boat. You had just gotten back from going with Tommy and the rest of the crew to the court house.
"I have no clue." You laid face down on the couch of Mable's apartment. "I feel so helpless. Who the hell has that kinda cash? Can't even win it on onlyfans if I wanted to."
"Well I mean with how big your-Mable!" You quickly sat up face now flushed. Her laugh was heard through out the apartment. She stood up from her chair at her desk. Shutting her laptop and going to you. Sitting on your lap.
"I'm sorry. You guys will find a way, I don't know how but you will." Mable also felt helpless. She hated seeing you so upset, it was like how upset you had been when your own father turned you down and ignored you and your pictures, when she first met you.
You were nervous. Scared even. The plan was horrible to begin with. You hated the plan from the start. You couldn't believe that Charlie and Mable cooked this up. You were a little peeved but it was to help Tommy and you knew Mable just wanted to help.
The meet up at the donut shop had been so tense. You never left her side standing close even when the man who gave Tommy the cash gave you the creeps.
The plan was simple. Pick up the drugs, deliver the drugs. Get the money and that was it.
"You're staying."
"What? Hell no. I'm going with you guys."
Tommy stopped in front of you, tilting his head a bit up to look at you. You were his little sister. Half sister but sister nevertheless. He was already mad at Charlie for coming up with the plan. He didn't even know how he came up with it. Angry that he had already pulled his little brother into this bullshit. He couldn't bring you into this as well.
"Y/n you're a great kid and I told Charlie this but he won't listen-Tommy he's my twin brother. You really think I'm going to listen?"
"I hate you both, you know that?" He groaned in frustration.
"We love you to now come on."
Tommy and Charlie left the parking lot with the drugs, following the plan delivering the drugs. You had stayed with Mable, while Costa, Nunes and Skeemo left the parking lot to the bar.
"You're not going to go with them?" Mable looked at you as the boys got in the truck.
"No, I'm gonna stay with you. I don't want you alone right now." You held out for her hand and she was quick to take yours in hers. Giving your hand a squeeze.
Her free hand coming up to caress your cheek. "What? Gonna protect me from the bad guys?"
"With my life."
Mable was putting herself in danger and you refused to leave her side. You knew she wouldn’t set you or boys up. Tommy and Charlie had been jumped as they made their way to the donut shop, the drugs had been taken. Meaning everyone was in deep shit. So you had defended her against your brother Tommy. Even when she had begged but you refused to leave her. Your brothers had each other and you knew they could keep each other safe. Not mention Costa and Nunes. So you left with her. Leaving your brothers and the boys
"Hey I believe you." You cupped her cheeks making her brown eyes, that were slightly red from her holding in her tears. "I trust you Mable." You lightly pecked her lips.
"I swear Y/n. I swear I didn't rat you out. I didn't tell anyone about the deal. I would never do that you or the guys. I did-Mable. I. Believe. You. Okay?" You stopped her rambling. You hated how she know doubted it.
"We'll find out what really happened. We just need Tommy to calm down. He's scared, we all are. Just gi-" The sound of the someone knocking on the door you let out a sigh, letting go of Mable to go answer the door.
The moment you opened the door a your face was struck hard with something. You didn't let the what you think was fist take you down. You were quick to return the punch catching one of the guys from the donut shop off guard. You fought hard. Trying your best but it wasn't enough three other men came into the apartment.
The moment you had been hit, Mable had moved to help only able to kick the man in between the legs before the others came in. One man succeeding in holding her down after punching her a few times. She thrashed in his hold hearing your grunts of pain as you were beaten.
"Now Mable. Where is my stuff?"
"I don't know. I swear." She cried as she watched you continue to fight the big man. You were doing damage but the other man who just recovered from being hit in the balls helped in beating you.
"Stop it!! Please. We don't know!" Her cry was cut off by a harsh slap by Pete. She watched as he gave a nod to the two men. She could only watch as you were beaten, your face covered in blood.
"Stop it! I swear. I swear I don't know where it is!"
Mable cried as she was held down as she watched them beat you. You had tried to fight back but you had been quickly over powered. She could only watch as their fist came down hard on to your face and body.
"Mm I don't know. Seems to me like you're lying." Pete let out a mock laugh. Taking out a gun from his jacket.
The sound of the gun clicking had her thrashing hard trying everything and anything to get out of this guys hold.
But it wasn't enough. He held the gun towards you.
"No!! Please! Please!! Stop it! Don't do this please."
"Show her why you shouldn't fuck with me or my money."
The sound of you chocking on your own blood had her tears blur her vision, "it's it's okay Mable. It's okay. It's-"
Screams filled the room. Her own scream as she was finally out of the clutches of those men. The sound of the gun shot rattled her ears. The men cleared the apartment. And she was quick to get to you.
"Y/n? Baby? Come on, please." The blood poured out from the bullet wound. The wound was right on your heart. Her unsteady hands doing their best to stop the bleeding. Using one hand to call the police. She needed an ambulance. You needed the ambulance. She didn't care about those stupid smugglers. She didn't care that she was putting herself in more danger.
You needed help.
"Help-help is on the way, okay. You just stay with me. Okay?" Looking down at your bloody and bruised face, the daunting feeling of not moving came. "Y/n?" Her shaky fingers checking your neck for a pulse. The aching deep feeling of great loss, the emptiness, the denial came crashing down.
You had no pulse.
"No, no. Please no. Y/n? Come on open your eyes. Open them please. Please don't do this to me. I'm begging you." The sobs that left her lips were heart wrenching, she felt like she could breath. Feeling like someone just took a part of her. Ripped her heart out and left her there to die.
But you remained unmoving. Your once warm cheeks were now cold. Now just realizing that your eyes were not closing. Those y/ec eyes that were once filled with so much joy, love, thrill to live life were now lifeless.
You were gone. Taken from her far too early. Far too soon.
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you were never mine
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summary: you absolutely hated your coostar. a fake relationship was something you never expected. now that it's begun you have no idea where it will take you.
a/n: a very quick intro to a new story!! had to write it while i was motivated lol
you hated jack champion.
and not in a teasing friendship way. there was such a burning hatred for everything he did. of course, you couldn't explain it, it was just a feeling. a feeling you couldn't set aside and ignore.
ever since filming began you had made it a point to stay out of his line. unfortunately for you, your characters were slow developing love interests. you just had to remind yourself that this was nothing more than your job, a task you had to complete.
so while your character was in love with ethan landry, you hated jack champion.
as filming was coming to a slow end, the whole crew was preparing goodbyes. of course you still had the press tour left, but it was bittersweet to be leaving the set that had become home.
packing up your things from your trailer, your set assistant called you in to talk to some PR people. you thought nothing of it, half expecting to go over interview schedules and premieres. that thought was hurled out the window when you saw an all too familiar curly headed boy sitting in the next open seat. saying a silent prayer you plop down onto the seat next to him.
no gaze exchanged, the usual uncomfortable tension arose.
"so we called you guys in today to go over some marketing moves we have planned." says the PR manager.
"as we all know, your characters are love interests which we think the fans are absolutely going to love. what we think they'll love even more is if their onscreen favorites were offscreen lovers." they explain.
you and jack sit there, no words, no glances, no expressions.
"what this means is that you two will make a couple public experiences. y'know the usual pda, hand holding, hugging, longing stares. which let me tell you, you two look absolutely ecstatic to do!" they laugh, trying to somewhat cut the tension.
as their words finally hit you, you and jack turn to each other.
"there's no way i'm doing that with him!"
"there's no way i'm doing that with her!"
"look i know this isn't an ideal situation for either of you. but we all believe this would really help sell your characters and create a buzz for this movie. just put it this way, complete this one last task, and you never have to see each other again. ever." they finish.
silently muttering agreements, the two of you exit the office ready to part ways. you can already feel anger boiling over so you try to leave as fast as possible.
"$20 bucks says you'll fall in love with me" jack teases leaning against the wall.
"in your dreams champion." you reply feeling pure annoyance.
"don't be too sure of yourself" he replies, just inches from your face.
pulling away, he walks away laughing.
your left to huff in annoyance and go back to packing up your trailer.
finishing up for the day you begin gathering your things. closing the door behind you, you shriek slamming into something. pulling away, its non other than your least favorite person. ever.
"jesus, champion what's your deal" you ask, catching your breath.
"the PR manager said i have to start getting to know you." he huffs.
"oh my god" you reply, tilting your head back.
"look i don't want to do any of this just as much as you do but god can you please make this process slightly more bearable." he asks.
you stand there pondering for a moment.
"no thank you!" you reply, cheerfully walking away.
"y/n!! cmon lets just get this over with." he pleads, pulling you towards his car.
"fine fine!! jeez"
getting into the seat of his car, jack starts the engine.
"hello?? its locked!!" you slightly yell.
"oh. is it really??" he questions.
"this was your idea please just open the door"
"just cause it was my idea doesn't mean i don't get to have a little fun" he smirks.
finally opening the door, you buckle yourself in. finding a pack of cds on the floor you start flipping through it.
"who even still uses cds" you question.
"i do. be careful with those." his mood instantly turning annoyed again.
"you have shitty music taste" you comment.
"and you're just shitty" he replies.
simply rolling your eyes at the comment you finally find a cd you like. popping it into the car you immediately skip to your favorite song on the album. head over heels by tears for fears slowly starts playing.
"i hate this song"
"yeah well it's your cd"
turning to the window, you start mouthing the lyrics to the song. jack starts tapping the beat against the steering wheel. a slight smile spreading on both your faces.
in an environment of pure hatred, something else was growing.
a/n: quick blurb of a beginning of a story :) requests are open!
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rorywritesjunk · 11 months
Master Post
Hullo! I am Rory. I write about Buggy from One Piece and One Piece Live Action. I decided to cobble a list of things. Unless otherwise specified, the fics can be read as either Anime Buggy or Live Action Buggy. Also I really like using song lyrics as titles so that's a thing. (Also my main account is @thehohwitch)
Requests are open as of 8/16/24!
Rules: No s-xual assault, *ncest, cheating, or age big age gaps (at least within a five year difference) things like that. I primarily write F reader with Buggy but I'm happy to write male as well, as well as nonbinary and trans. I don't do descriptions unless asked. I will also write for girl Buggy, just ask!
Also, if I am not vibing with a request, I will decline it, however I will also give it up to three attempts before deciding on it.
Also, please do not message me asking me to commission you for art. It is uncomfortable. I'm a friendly person but that is a boundary I don't want crossed. Works are under the cut! (Updated 6/17/24)
For Chapter Fics, please go here! *Fics in that link feature my OCs Sunny, Cupcake, and Birdie, as well as anything that is several chapters.
For one-shots, look below the cut!
Buggy is the Ultimate Girl Dad Headcanons Headcanons pt 1 Headcanons pt 2 (More indepth) Headcanons pt 3 (More!) Lil Buggy's Big Adventure (One-shot) One Shots "Pampering Buggy" PG-13 A fic of you pampering Buggy after he has a frustrating day.
"I won’t treat you like you’re oh so typical" Soft R Buggy wakes you up to help him with his makeup and he sometimes get grabby.
"All I dream of lately is how to get you underneath me" Soft R, sequel to "...oh so typical" It was Buggy’s turn to do your makeup.
"I will never ask you for anything, Except to dream sweet of me" PG-ish Look, everyone has some kind of secret. You just didn’t want Buggy to find this one out. "We’ll cry later or cry now, but baby, Heartbreak feels so good" PG-13ish Buggy messes up, there’s a fight, and he realizes how much you mean to him.
"So let’s set out to sea, love, ‘cause you are my medicine" PG-13ish Buggy has another frustrating day so you cook him some comfort food.
"I have seen no other Who compares with you" PG-13. Buggy decides you need your own ‘look’.
"best be prepared to get all that you bargained for" PG to PG-13. Buggy isn’t used to the gentle touch you give him since you joined his crew three months ago.
"there’ll be space for you always in my harmony" PG. Buggy finds out you have a hidden talent. "Home is wherever I’m with you" PG-13ish. You wanted to keep your relationship a secret but Buggy just wants you to join his crew.
"And all of my wildest dreams They just end up with you and me" PG. Richie is a pretty boy, yes he is, but so is Buggy. "I know it’s just a number but you’re the eighth wonder" R-ish. Buggy loves that you have a pair of glasses for every day of the week. "breathe the freezing crystal air, watch my baby crack a smile" G-PGish. You and Buggy agreed on exchanging just one gift for the Winter Solstice, but he’s a pirate and doesn’t follow the rules.
"Suppose I never ever let you Kiss me so sweet" PG-13ish Your healing powers are limited to one person a day but that doesn’t keep Buggy from demanding you heal him. "Dancing kisses on my cheek, it’s the wonders that I seek" PG-13 Buggy just wanted your birthday to go smoothly.
"So hold my hand, I’ll walk with you my dear" PG-13ish It’s the three year anniversary since everything changed in Buggy’s life for the worst.
"Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen" PG-13 You decide to ask Buggy an important question but he has major doubts. "Close my eyes for a while Force from the world a patient smile" PG Buggy says something he regrets to his older sister.
"I don’t blame you for being you But you can’t blame me for hating it". PG. A prank goes wrong, punishment laid out, and an accidental first kiss all in one day for Buggy. (pt 1)
"And I’m just the boy who’s had too many chances" PG. You and Buggy are finding out that becoming a teenager is absolutely terrible. (pt 2, sequel to "I don't blame you")
NSFW One Shots MDNI!
"I’m aiming for full control of this love" NC-17. Buggy has a fantasy that you decide to try involving Mihawk and Sir Crocodile.
"Like lighting when I’m swimming in the sea" R. Buggy never made time for sex until he met you well into his 30’s.
"You’re the only thing I wanna touch" NC-17. Buggy only comes up for air every so often and it’s a beautiful sight.
"You’ve got to promise not to stop when I say when" NC-17. Buggy’s been a bit of a brat today and you’ve had enough. "The stroke of your fingers The scent of your lingers" NC-17. You meet Alvida and get a bit of a crush, and Buggy is a rather supportive boyfriend with that. "If my velocity starts to make you sweat Then just don’t let go" NC-17. Buggy asks to try something new and you’re onboard with it.
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Lose My Mind | Wonwoo
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Pairing: Wonwoo x (f)reader 
Genre: angst, smut
AU: established relationship, biker!au
Wordcount: 5,722
Summary: you can only deal with your fiancé’s antics for so long before you finally give up.
Warnings: Language, fighting/violence, blood, cleaning of wounds, wonwoo gets slapped, much angst, smut, oral, unprotected sex (wrap it pls), creampie, cum eating.
Rating: M/18+
AN: Happy Birthday to my soulmate @playmetheclassics! I love you so very much, I'm so happy to have met you and can't wait for the day I can hug you for real and I hope you enjoy this lovely pile of angst with a dash of smut. First time writing from someone not reader’s POV so I apologize in advance if it’s eh at all. Trying to improve my skills. Thank you to @the-boy-meets-evil for beta-reading, and @classicscreations for the banner/divider. Enjoy!!! 💜
Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee?
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“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t live this life with you if this is how you’re going to be, Wonwoo.” 
The memory plays back in his mind clear as day as he spins the engagement ring around on the sticky counter. 
“I love you so much, I’m sorry.” Your voice breaks as the tears stream down your cheeks. He wants to wipe them away, wants to change your mind. But he can’t. He knows he can’t. So he lets you take his hand in yours, setting the engagement ring he worked so hard to find just for you in his palm and letting go. 
How could he have fucked this up so badly?
He met you four years ago at some party he couldn’t remember the host of if he tried. You were in skin tight jeans, a lacy bodysuit leaving very little to the imagination, boots, and a motorcycle jacket on top. 
The definition of perfection in Wonwoo’s eyes. 
Alcohol brought you two together quickly, and soon after sobering up while talking to you, had you on his motorcycle as he drove through the city to his place where you two had sex into the early hours of the morning. The way you moaned his name, nails scraping down his back as you clenched around him had him seeing stars and finally believing in something, anything, because you existed. 
You ghosted him for a month and he was going insane. Just one night with you was addicting enough that he needed more. He needed you around him at all times. He needs you on the back of his bike, your arms tight around his waist as you clung to him for dear life. 
He finally found you at another party, cornering you in a room and demanding you explain why you ghosted him. 
“Had to see if you were worth it. If you really wanted me or if you were just drunk and horny.”
He cut off any further explanation with his lips against yours, roughly fucking you against the wall when you said the word please.
Two years later, he’s hopelessly in love with you and you are with him. He had introduced you to his biker gang, which you thought was adorable at first, but soon grew to have a love/hate relationship with. You became friends with the other significant others of the gang, all of you often worrying about your men getting into trouble. The others treated it like a joke, but you genuinely worried every day and night for him. 
He often came home with bruises or a cut lip. He wouldn’t tell you what happened. He couldn’t. It always led to a fight. Which would then lead to angry makeup sex. He’d promise to lessen the fighting and you’d stupidly believe him. Every. Time. 
The third year, he wound up in the hospital you worked at after a car merged into him when he was in their blind spot. You told him to get rid of the bike, to just get a car and be safe. He refused. You were mad, but you loved him enough to stay home with him and help him get better. 
The day he proposed, you two were at a bar, surrounded by his crew. Mingyu handed you a shot, saying congratulations, not realizing Wonwoo hadn’t proposed yet. When you looked at him, it made Wonwoo want to tear Mingyu apart for spoiling it. He took you away from the group, taking you outside where it was snowing. He stood you next to his bike, getting down on one knee and showing the ring, asking you to be his forever. 
He swore he understood the entire universe when you said yes and put the ring on.
That stupid ring. 
That stupid ring he can't stop playing with as he fights the urge to throw it against the wall with the liquor bottles.
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“Wonwoo? It’s three in the morning, where have you been?” Your voice is laced with exhaustion, worry, fear, and anger. 
He hates that tone. But it’s nothing compared to the tone that always follows next. 
“I got sidetracked with the guys.”
“Sidetracked? Are you serious?” There it is. 
He tries to sidestep you in the dark living room, hoping you don’t see his face. But you do. 
Because you know. 
You always know. 
You’ve known since the beginning. 
He fights. Late at night in the back room of a dirty bar. He fights. 
And he wins. 
Your hand reaches for his forearm as he tries to move past you. You’re smaller than he is, but you have a control over him that he’ll never understand. He puts it down as either you being in the medical field or simply his love for you and the way he’d walk on fire for you. 
He winces when you drag him to the bathroom, flicking on the light and making him sit on the edge of the tub while you acquire the first aid kit. He watches you move, you still haven’t looked at him. Your body moves around the bathroom like it’s done this a hundred times before, setting up the counter with everything needed to clean wounds and stitch up the hits he received. 
When you finally turn back to him, putting on the disposable gloves, your eyes avoid his, grabbing his hands and assessing the damage. You let go of one of them, keeping his dominant hand in yours as you turn back to the counter to grab what you need. 
He’s cut off by your perfectly timed and nowhere near gentle application of rubbing alcohol. He takes it as a threat to be quiet, so he does. He watches you work, cleaning his knuckles before adding medication to them and bandaging him up. You quietly repeat the action on the other hand, this time a little gentler with the alcohol. 
“Jacket.” You mutter it softly, and he’s quick to obey, shedding the leather jacket that reeks of beer, liquor, and a dirty room, without making much movement. You inspect his arms, seeing only hints of bruises forming, but no blood or dislocations. Not this time at least. As if routine, he removes his shirt too, letting you access the hits he got to the chest and back. Nothing this time. 
Your hands delicately hold his face, your eyes continuing to avoid his gaze. His eyes follow yours as you analyze his injuries, preparing in your mind what you need to do. All part of the routine, he thinks. 
You turn back to the counter, hesitating. 
“Where are your glasses?” You ask, turning back to him, pouring some alcohol on a pad.
“I…I lost them.”
You sigh, dabbing the alcohol harshly against his eyebrow, letting him wince in pain. 
“Where are your glasses?” You ask again, with a hint of anger in your voice. He knows he can’t get away with lying. 
“They broke.”
“How’d you get home?”
“My bike.” 
He wasn’t prepared for the sharp slap across his face. 
All the punches he’s received in his fights, all the hits and kicks and cuts and bruises, all felt like nothing in comparison to that slap. 
But he doesn’t react. He sits and he waits for whatever’s next because this isn’t part of the routine. When he fights, his glasses are tucked away somewhere safe and he puts in his contacts, tearing them out once he’s done and the glasses go back on when he’s back on the bike so he can see on his way home. 
Your eyes finally meet his, and it feels like the earth is about to swallow him whole. The betrayal and the sadness in your eyes just enhance the pain from the slap. You say nothing, and neither does he as you turn back to the counter to quickly put everything together. 
You silently get back to work, cleaning up the rest of the injuries, turning back to the counter to open up the little tube of glue he knows you hate using. He’s seen you at work doing this, you’re great at it. But that���s because it’s your job and you’re good at your job. And it’s also in a perfectly clean and sanitary place. But in your bathroom, at three in the morning, patching up the man you love? It’s a complete one-eighty. And he sees the fear in the way your hands shake, the way a single tear falls from your eye as you turn back to him. 
He closes his eyes as you take a deep breath, trusting you completely. 
His nails dig into his knees the moment the tube makes contact, the glue seeping into the wound, forcing himself not to move or react to the pain of you pinching his skin together to help the adhesive do its job. 
When you’re done, applying a gauze pad over the adhesive stitches to keep them safe, his eyes follow you as you put everything away, throwing away your gloves and washing your hands. You don’t spare him a glance as you walk out of the bathroom, turning the light off and leaving him in the dark. He stays seated for a moment, trying to figure out how to fix this until he hears a door close. 
He heads to your shared bedroom, only to find the door closed and locked, two pillows and a blanket sitting in a pile on the floor. He leans his pained forehead against the door in defeat, sighing. 
“Y/n. Let me in, please?”
“I’m sorry, baby. I know I need to end this. And I will. There’s just one more and if I win, we’ll have enough for us, for the wedding, and for our future.”
He thinks he hears a faint sob on the other side of the door and has half a mind to kick the door down to be with you. But he can’t. You have every right to be mad, every right to be hurt and to cry and to lock him out. 
He grabs the pillows and blanket and heads for the couch. 
The next morning, Wonwoo wakes to the sound of your medical kit being placed on the coffee table. You silently wait for him to sit up, quickly brushing his hand away when he goes to rub his eyes. You turn around, grabbing the required materials to clean up his wounds again. 
His hand subconsciously grabs your thigh when you wipe an alcohol wipe across the laceration in his eyebrow. He feels the way your hands still, your body turning into a statue at the contact. 
You push through, finishing it up and turning back to your bag, pulling out the things needed for a week of taking care of his wounds. 
“You only need to keep the gauze over the stitches for a day or two. It’s the glue kind of stitches so there won’t be anything to remove, just keep it closed or you’ll have to go to urgent care to have them fix it. The rest are all superficial. Just don’t touch them and they should be fine.” 
You speak at such a rapid pace, but still manage to sound professional like you do with your patients. But it’s nothing in comparison to how fast Wonwoo’s mind is racing. 
“I’ll leave some extra gauze, polysporin, as well as just regular bacitracin. The ice packs are all in the freezer if you feel any soreness. Drink water and electrolytes and you’ll be fine. Your backup pair of glasses are on the kitchen counter.” Your voice fails you and you try to hide the sniffle it causes. 
“Fuck, I’m going to be late.” You murmur, grabbing your medical bag and heading to the front door where you have two suitcases. How did he not hear them being brought down? 
“Y/n, where are you going?” He slowly moves off the couch as you stuff the bag into the suitcase.
“Ari’s for now. She can only let me stay a few days, though. I’ll figure the next place out when I get there.”
“Why?” His voice cracks and you finally turn to look at him. 
“Because I give up.” You shrug, voice breaking at the admission. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t live this life with you if this is how you’re going to be, Wonwoo.” 
All at once, he feels his world crashing around him. 
“Baby, please. Don’t…don’t go. Just sit down and we can discuss this.” 
“There’s nothing to discuss, Woo. You’re going to stay in that silly biker gang. You’re going to keep going to that bar. You’re going to keep going to that back room. You’re going to keep fighting and coming home battered and bruised with broken promises of stopping and living a better life.”
“I…I’m serious this time, though. It’s just one more fight next month and we’ll be set.”
“We’re already ‘set’! We’re more than set, Wonwoo! I don’t need designer clothing, a nice house, fancy car, or jewelry. I don’t need any of it! You are literally the only thing I need and you can’t give me that while fighting.”
You take a few steps toward him, your fingers playing with the engagement ring that he had to win three fights to be able to afford. 
“I love you so much, I’m sorry.” Your voice is broken, you’re crying and he can’t do anything about it as you take his hand in yours, setting the engagement ring in his palm and letting go. You say nothing more as you drag your suitcases out the front door, refusing to look back at him.  
Time stops as he sits there, the faint sounds of you getting in a car and driving away in the background as he tries to process. 
You left. 
You left him. 
You gave him the ring back. 
The pain from the wounds on his face doesn’t even come close in comparison to the way his heart shatters when he looks at the ring in his hand. 
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He pockets the ring in his wallet, downing his drink in one go and slamming it down on the counter, almost crushing it. 
It’s been a month since you walked out. A month since he last spoke to you. A month since he heard your beautiful voice. You were gone. No longer his and he no longer was yours. 
However, you never came by to get your stuff, never sent someone else to do it either. A month and you haven’t set foot in the house you shared with him. Half of that stuff is rightfully yours, so there had to be a reason for you to not come back for it, right? 
There has to be. 
“Wonwoo? You ready?”
He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his shaking hands before he turns to his best friend, Changkyun.
“Yeah. I just need to put my contacts in. How much time do I have?”
“Eh. You know there’s no real start time. But we’ll say like forty-five minutes? Take your time. Get focused. Seungcheol doesn’t give up easily. He’ll kill you if it’s an option.” Changkyun laughs, but Wonwoo knows his friend is serious. He’s seen the way Seungcheol fights. It’s brutal and one guy he fought was put into a coma and has been for the past eight months. 
“‘Kay. I’ll be ready soon.” Wonwoo slowly gets up, walking past his best friend and towards the bathroom. He takes half a second to look around the bar. It’s become a habit the past month he’s been hiding here. Hoping and praying you’ll walk through those grimey doors. But you never did. You never will. 
Except he swears he sees you sitting in the back corner with Changkyun’s girlfriend. But before he can confirm if it’s you or not, one of the newer members with the nickname Dino, is drunkenly yelling his name and wishing him good luck. By the time Seungkwan ushers him away, you’re no longer in the back corner. You’re nowhere. Just another illusion there to haunt him.
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After spending a good amount of time in the dimly lit bathroom, the blue light flickering in and out. He removes his glasses and puts in his contacts that he hates wearing, he sets his jacket down on the counter, glasses sitting to the side and tucking all his important shit in the pockets, including the wallet with your ring. 
Your ring. 
“Fuck, why am I still doing this?” He silently questions himself, fist slamming down on the counter in anger. He looks up at his reflection in the mirror and he’s sick of himself immediately. What he’d give to punch himself in the face for driving you to leave him. 
The thought to punch the mirror quickly appears and disappears in his mind when there’s a quiet knock on the door. 
“I’ll be out in a minute, Changkyun. Just— I need a moment.” He states, trying to mentally prepare himself for this last fight. The knocks return, but louder. 
“I said I’ll be out soon!” He shouts, trying to resist the urge to open the door and punch his best friend just for annoying him. He heavily considers it when suddenly the door opens and he feels like he has been punched in the face. 
It’s you. 
You’re right there. 
In that fucking dress he bought you after one of his first wins. 
You’re really there.  
“Y/n? What…? What are you doing here?”
“I needed to talk to you.” You state calmly, fingers fidgeting with the fabric of your dress. 
Did you cut your hair? Color it? It looks nice. He wants to tell you how gorgeous it is. How gorgeous you are. 
God, he wants to crush you in a hug, keep your lips against his until either of you can’t breathe, have his hands everywhere on your skin and cause goosebumps. He wants to be close to you, but the growing fear that you’ll run away from him again is too much. 
“You love me, right?” You ask quietly, staring at the disgusting ground. You already sound like you’re about to cry and it’s making coming closer to you even more difficult for Wonwoo. 
“More than anything.” He breathes out quickly. 
“More than fighting?” Your brows knit together as you slowly start to look up. “More than the money and the ‘better life’ you seem to think I need? More than your gang or your bike?” Your eyes find his gaze at the mention of his bike and he wants to scream at the world for the tears building up behind your beautiful eyes. 
 “Of course, more than any of that, baby. I’d give it all up for you.” He takes a small step forward and you take one back, closer to the door. 
“Yet here you are, a month after I walk out, ready to fight someone Changkyun says is actually dangerous and requesting my medical assistance.”
“You’ve been talking to Changkyun?” He’s been talking to you? And Changkyun didn’t tell him he was in contact with you? All while, spending hours at the bar with him drinking himself to sleep, wondering where you were and if you were okay. 
Did he tell you about him? About how much he missed you? How it felt like his soul had died without you?
“Of course I’ve been talking to him! I needed to make sure you were okay.”
His mouth opens, but he can’t speak because you’re speaking again. 
“We’re supposed to get married, Wonwoo. And live a life together. Have a family some day, get a cat or something, go out and come home early because we’d rather be together than out there socializing.” Your voice falters with a small laugh, the tears silently falling. 
“But I can’t marry someone who’s risking their life every night, not just with the fights, but driving a motorcycle without glasses or contacts. I can’t marry someone who causes me to be in a constant state of anxiety every time you leave the house.”
“I’ll get rid of the bike. I’ll leave the gang. Whatever it is, I’ll do it.” He steps towards you again, and you take another step back, back meeting the door. 
“I don’t care about the bike, Woo!” You finally yell, throwing your hands up in frustration. “I don’t care about the gang. I don’t even care about the bar! I care about you and your safety and how little you care about it.” You pause to take a breath, hands shaking as you try to reform your thoughts. 
Wonwoo’s heart cracks at the sight. He takes two steps back, giving you the space he knows you need. He wants to say something, anything, to make the tears stop falling, but you’re right and he couldn’t defend himself if he tried. 
“Do you know how many people I’ve seen come into my emergency room half beaten to death? Do you know how many I’ve seen die from those injuries? Or put into induced comas because the brain injuries are so severe? I don’t want to be there one day and have them roll you in on a cart half alive. My heart would break if I did. I mean, fuck, I wanted to fall apart when you got in that hit and run and brought in.”
He looks down to the floor, memories of how upset you were when you came into the emergency room and found him lying in a bed. With a broken leg and scratches everywhere from being dragged down the road by his bike. 
He kept reassuring you it was never going to happen again, as if he could predict the future, but you were still upset and pushed him to sell the bike that was trashed and get a car. 
He ended up buying a better bike and you barely reacted when he brought it home. He promised to be safer and fucked you senseless after.  
“I… what do you want me to do?” He hesitantly asks, “Do you want me to back out of the fight?” You scoff, crossing your arms. 
“We both know you can’t do that. Joon would have your head on a spike if you lost him all that money.” You close your eyes, stepping forward and away from the door. “I want you to do two things for me. Win and never fight again. Keep the bike, hang out in the dirty bar with your friends, drink all you want. But never go in that back room again.”
Your eyes lock onto his and he feels smaller in comparison to you. Your hands reach out for his as you step closer and his gaze falls to the contact. 
“I promi—” 
“No.” Your hands tighten around his, “your promises mean nothing now. You’ve promised me hundreds of times. Don’t use your words, prove it with your actions.”
He doesn’t hesitate when he pushes forward, pressing you back against the wall as his lips crush into yours. His tongue easily slides past your lips when your mouth parts in shock. 
Your arms snake their way around his shoulders and his hands drop to your thighs, lifting you up to wrap them around his waist, pressing you further into the door. 
“I’ll do it. I’ll win for you, and I’ll never step foot back there again.” His lips leave yours, quickly finding their way down the space between your neck and shoulder. “I’ll do anything if it means never having to go a month without you again. I miss you so fucking much, y/n.”
You respond with a whimper, hands tangled in his hair as he feels your hips try to roll forward. Wonwoo pins your hips down, stopping them from moving and rolls his hips instead, eliciting another whine from you. 
“Woo, baby, please.” 
His lips make their way up to just under your ear when he whispers, “what is it, baby? Please what?”
“I need you.”
“Missed you. So much. Want you.” 
He pulls away from your skin to look at you. 
“You have me. Always and forever. Just you and me.” He places a small kiss on your forehead, a small grin forming, “and maybe a small kitten. We can name it Snuggles.”
“I like that.” You sniffle, the tears pooling in your eyes again. “But I need more right now, Woo. Please.” 
“I got you, baby.” He kisses your lips once more, standing you back up momentarily to pull his jeans down to his ankles, cock springing free from his underwear. You reach down and give his cock one stroke before his fingers wrap around your wrist, placing it by your head, grinning at your pout. 
“We don’t have time.” He chuckles when you’re about to complain, kissing your pout away as he wraps one of your legs around his waist. Your free hand reaches down to pull your underwear to the side while his free hand lines himself up before slowly pressing past your folds. 
“So fucking tight.” Wonwoo rasps, watching his cock slowly disappear as he sinks you down on him, grabbing your other leg to wrap around his waist as well. Your ankles lock together and he grunts at the feeling of your heels poking his skin. 
Wonwoo shudders when he’s fully inside, cock twitching every time you involuntarily clench around him after almost every breath you take. 
His hand sneaks down between you two, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing small and slow circles, watching your face contort into that of pure pleasure. 
“My girl. My beautiful baby.” The praise and pet names quietly fly past his lips as he leans forward, lips latching onto your neck, “gonna marry you and make you so damn happy. Gonna love you every fucking day and night.” You don’t respond with anything but whimpers and whines, your hands tangling back into his hair and pulling him up to kiss him. 
Everything about this is sloppy and heated and neither of you can last more than a few moments as you’re both coming undone around the same time, his hips stuttering you further into the door as he fills you up. 
He keeps you against the door for a minute, but before you can ask to be put down, he’s bringing you to the counter, laying his jacket out enough for you to sit on so you can avoid the grossness of the dirty bathroom. He grabs some paper towels and cleans himself up, bringing his underwear and jeans back. 
He catches you just in time when you’re readjusting your underwear, moving to stand up to fix your dress. He stops you, placing his hands on both of your knees, keeping them spread apart. 
“Hold on.” He whispers, getting on his knees and scooting you closer to the edge, “let me clean you up.” 
“Woo…” you try to speak but he picks that as the perfect moment and licks up between your folds, collecting what he can of both his and your orgasms. His lips latch onto your clit, switching between sucking harshly and softly blowing on it. He can feel how close you are, his actions a little more chaotic until there’s a hard banging on the bathroom door. 
“Wonwoo! I know I said there’s no time on this, but there’s a fucking time on it. Let’s go.” 
“Two minutes, Changkyun!” Wonwoo snaps back, anger quickly taking over his voice. 
“You have one minute before I come in there. Whatever you’re doing with y/n, make it fast.”
You look down at Wonwoo in horror, but that just eggs him on, “you heard the man, baby. I’ve got one minute.” 
Your eyes widen at the evil smile he gives you before diving back in. Only this time, he doesn’t hold back; licking, sucking, fucking you with his tongue until your hips are bucking upwards and you’re trying desperately not to scream his name out as you come. 
You have to push his face away from your center, much to his dismay, before he causes a third orgasm. He fixes your underwear, helping you stand up as his lips find yours again, hands adjusting your dress. He reaches behind you, grabbing his jacket and opening it for you to slip your arms into.
He pulls away from you, eyes locking on yours as his hand dips into a pocket, grabbing his wallet and pulling the ring out, dropping the wallet back in the pocket. 
The ring fidgets in his fingers as he looks down at it before glancing back at you. 
“…I give up the fighting, the money, the lack of caring about my safety. I’ll be better, I’ll do better. As long as it means this ring stays on your finger forever.”
The tears form in your eyes again as you slowly reach for the ring, delicately taking it from his fingers. You slowly put it back where it belongs on your ring finger, Wonwoo letting out a dramatically heavy breath that he didn’t think he was holding. 
“Deal.” You whisper quietly, pulling him back down for a kiss that’s perfectly interrupted by the door opening. 
“I gave you three minutes. Let’s go. Sorry, y/n.” Changkyun shares a look with you that Wonwoo can’t quite read, choosing to ignore it as he reaches for his glasses on the counter, placing them in your hand. 
“I’ll win.” He whispers, kissing your forehead and walking out after his best friend, your ring wearing hand in back in his.
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The fight is, as expected, brutal and bloody. Seungcheol never holds back, throwing punch after punch like it was his only goal in life to beat Wonwoo down to a pulp the moment the two of you stepped into the back room. Seungcheol gave you both one glance, chuckled, and looked away before the fight began. 
Wonwoo was able to dodge a good amount of the punches, but the ones that did land sent him straight to the ground, trying his best to stay conscious. 
He can feel the blood dripping down his face from a cut between his eyebrows. His nose feels broken. He's pretty sure his leg is bruised from Seungcheol kicking him down and kicking harder when he’s not responding. 
“Get up.” Seungcheol grumbles, circling Wonwoo, “unless you want your girl to watch you get pummeled.” He shrugs, a smug grin across his face as Wonwoo lifts himself onto his hand and knees. 
“I don’t mind. Maybe she can tend to my wounds after.” He smirks, watching Wonwoo try to steady himself as he stands up. “She can kiss them better. That what she do with you?” 
Wonwoo’s eyes dart to you, in the corner or the room, holding Changkyun’s girlfriend’s hand tight. Your eyes are wide and you’re trying not to react to anything happening, trying to stay neutral in case either of you needs immediate attention. You can’t hear the salacious slander Seungcheol is taunting Wonwoo with, and for that, he’s thankful. 
Seungcheol speaks again, but Wonwoo doesn’t bother listening, instead bringing his fist back briefly before punching Seungcheol in the jaw, sending him backwards. 
He wastes no time taking advantage of Seungcheol being even slightly disoriented, knocking him to the ground and punching one after the other. It takes you shouting his name to pull him out of his mind and stop punching the man beneath him. He sits back on his feet, mindlessly watching as Changkyun checks on Seungcheol before Wonwoo is declared the winner. 
He’s shoved aside by his best friend as you’re brought to the losing participant, checking his wounds and determining what needs to be done, instructing Changkyun how to do it before turning around and doing the same with Wonwoo. 
“Anything feel broken?” You whisper, cradling his face in your hands, analyzing the injuries. He tries not to wince as you gently move his head side to side. The nitrile gloves feeling oddly cool against his sweaty skin. “Tilt your head up for me, baby.” He obeys your murmur, teeth gritting as he does so. His eyes find your sad ones and he finally understands it. 
“I won.” He whispers, a battered hand reaching to wrap around the back of your neck, pressing your forehead to his. “Never again.” 
You nod, flashing a soft smile as you pull away from him, letting go of his head, checking his hands quickly before grabbing a towel and covering his knuckles. “We should go home. I can treat you better there.” 
You stand him up slowly, your name being called by Changkyun as he has someone else sitting Seungcheol up, wiping up any blood. You turn just in time to catch the keys being thrown at you.  
“Here. I’ll take Wonwoo’s bike. Take the car.” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Don’t let him get on that bike like that.”
Wonwoo doesn’t miss the smile that appears on your face as you nod. You’re not the only one that cares about his safety. 
After you say your thanks, you help Wonwoo into the passenger seat of the car and get in the driver’s seat, taking him home. 
“I mean it.” His raspy voice pierces the silence in the car after a moment, “No more fighting. No more riding without my glasses. I’ll take better care…I’ll be better…for both of us.” He unwraps his hand from the towel, wincing slightly, and moves his hand over to your thigh, giving a gentle squeeze. 
“Good. Because I’ll throw an actual fit if I walk down the aisle to you in a tux with fresh cuts and bruises all over your face.”
“I think you’d kick my ass.” He jokes, but you just smirk. 
“Baby, I’m medically trained and have been taking self-defense classes for years. I know how to stop the blood flow to your brain and stop you from breathing with one hit. Don’t fuck with me.” 
“I love the image of you in a wedding dress just beating people up.” 
“Don’t compare me to the bride in Kill Bill, Woo. Please.” You groan and he laughs. 
“It’s hot. That’s all I’m saying.” 
“You’re lucky I love you.” 
There’s a long pause before Wonwoo finally speaks again. 
“That I am…”
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Hii, can you pleaase do 'you are in love' with Zoro and female reader? 💖
Hey! Yes, I totally can! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you've had a good day so far and I hope you enjoy this! You can find my Flower Asks here, Hozier asks are here, and my Taylor Swift Asks here. You can find my masterlist here and my rules here. And you can request here! You Are In Love: You never expected him to be the person you fell for. Characters: Zoro, Fem!Reader, Luffy (mentioned), Nami (mentioned), Usopp (mentioned). Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader TW: None that I can think of!
You Are In Love
.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.
If someone had told you that you would be in love with Zoro Roronoa, you would’ve told them that they were out of their mind. You didn’t like him in that way and you doubted that you ever would. To be frank, you hated him since you’d met him in the bar in Shells Town.
You’d grown up in Shells Town and, while it was boring, it was home. If there was one complaint that you had, it was that it was always so boring. Nothing fun ever happened, especially not with the Marines crawling around. You spent most of your days at the local bar in the middle of town. You worked there to support yourself since there was no one else to take care of you besides yourself.
It was a regular day like any other when he walked into the bar. He walked in carrying a upper part of a body in a bag. Blood could be seen drenching the bottom of the bag, dripping onto the floor on occasion. He then placed the bag on one of the stools at the bar. A sigh escaped you and you rolled your eyes. You already knew you would be the one cleaning that up.
As if that wasn’t the only thing to annoy you that day, he did something that annoyed you even more. A Marine came up to the bar and snapped his fingers at you to get your attention, “Hey. I want a beer. Now.” Ah, yes, the ever so demanding Marine wanted a beer. That was certainly the surprise of the year.
With a forced smile, you replied, “On it.”
That should’ve been the end of it. You were used to this kind of thing. If there was one thing Marines didn’t have, it was manners. You swore that they were too thick-headed to ever learn any manners. The lessons wouldn’t even be able to get past the layer of skin on their forehead. Of course you couldn’t say that out loud. So you smiled and kept your mouth shut unless it was to agree with whatever they said.
It didn’t seem like that was going to work this time because the guy with the green hair and body bag snapped his finger at the Marine, “Hey,” The Marine looked furious. His head whipped around to stare at him. “Yeah, you don’t like it either, huh? Treat her with respect.”
This only made things worse. The Marine continued to be angry and took it out on almost the whole bar. To top it all off, the green-haired man picked a fight with the son of Axe Hand Morgan and started a bar fight with all the Marines. Again, something that would result in you being the one to clean everything up. Sure, you appreciated the gesture of standing up for you, but you had the situation handled by just ignoring it. Now there was a full blown fight where you would have to deal with the repercussions later.
Somehow, you ended up being stuck with the man, who you found out was named Zoro, by being put on a pirate crew with him. During the fight at the bar, a Marine hadn’t gotten you even more frustrated so you took him down easily. That was the only time you interfered in the fight. A boy in a straw hat saw you easily take the Marine down and was impressed with your fighting style. He offered for you to join his crew. Wanting to get out of your boring town, you agreed. If you had known Zoro would be there, you would’ve turned down the offer. But now it was too late to do that.
You were now stuck in a close proximity to Zoro because of how small the boat was. He was always slacking off by taking naps. He always swung his swords around frigidly and didn’t care if he almost cut someone’s hand off. There was also the fact that he acted like he was so far above the rest of you. That’s how you interpreted it at least.
Eventually, you did start to become more understanding of each other. During your stay at Kaya’s mansion, you couldn’t sleep so you wandered around. Zoro happened to be doing the same thing much to your dismay. You were too tired to tell him to go away and too tired to leave yourself so you forced yourself to just be around him. You found yourself having a deep conversation with him that night. Granted, it was short because of everything that happened after, but it still felt significant to you.
That’s when you decided to lessen your hatred of him. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you were making him out to be. You started being civil to him. Being civil slowly turned into being friends. Light hearted jokes started being shared between the two of you. You guys started to gravitate toward each other more. You started confiding in him about your worries. There would be these small touches that only the two of you noticed. You were surprised to find that you didn’t hate when his hand lightly brushed yours. It felt nice.
At one point during the crew’s sailing, you guys ended up on a fairly peaceful island. You arrived just in time for the annual festival and decided to stay to relax a little. It ended up with you going in groups. Nami, Luffy, and Usopp went to look around together while you and Zoro were left on your own. As alone as you could be, that is.
It was hard to consider yourselves truly alone when a bunch of random women tried to have Zoro come away with them. Each and every time, he would turn them down by asking you if you wanted to do what the woman was suggesting. It shocked you but you agreed since it was an out of the conversation with the woman.
The two of you spent the whole night together and ended up coming back to the hotel you and the crew were staying at late. You were too tired to go to your room since it was on the third floor so he offered for you to stay in his room. You were flustered at first and refused but he insisted. Once there, he let you take the bed and slept in the chair in the corner of the room. You felt bad but couldn’t convince him to take the bed. You spent the remainder of the night talking before you fell asleep.
You think that was when you started to consider Zoro your best friend. Though, it felt like there was something deeper there. You already knew what it was. You were just afraid to admit it. You had relationships before and those didn’t end well. You were afraid of the same thing happening if you ended up with Zoro… But when you were with him, it felt like those relationships didn’t matter anymore. He actually kept his promises unlike previous ones. He treated you much better than they did and you guys weren’t even together yet.
After Zoro got badly injured by Mihawk during their fight, you were losing your mind with worry. You barely left his side while he was unconscious. You were angry with him even more when he woke up but was glad that you and the others didn’t have to plan for a funeral for one of your best friends. You guys talked when he woke up and you let him know exactly how much he worried you.
That’s when he told you that he didn’t think you thought of him as your best friend. When you told him that he was, he looked you directly in the eyes and told you that you were his too. You saw something else in those eyes of his. He loved you just as much as you loved him.
If the picture of you that was taken at the festival that he has in his stuff said anything, it was exactly that.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
Defend Your Blurbo Submission (this is LONG—1105 words, sorry!)
Dorsal Fin Appreciation or Lack Thereof
Hear me out y’all, but Arlong the Saw seriously needs more love in this fandom than he is getting. This is not a plea to the folks who don’t go feral at all for anyone in One Piece, this plea is for my fellow One Piece fans. Why so angry?
Out of all the villains in the entire franchise, and I am 100% ignoring the Live Action by Netflix—this is about OG canon Arlong from the anime (haven’t really read the manga yet), he seems to be the most hated. I have seen more genuine love and affection for Kleenex Boi Trebol than I have for He Carries Two Fish Sticks Everywhere He Goes Arlong.
Yes, he did conquer an island in the East Blue. Yes, he did extort money from the citizens monthly (effectively making him a loan shark). Yes, he took a young Nami and had her work for him, originally under horrible circumstances. And yes, he did kill Nami’s adoptive mother Bell-Mere. I feel like y’all shut him out of fandom love simply for killing Bell-Mere.
Out of all the villains that regularly see love, he killed a whopping one person. One.
He let Bell-Mere give parting words to her girls, he let her say goodbye, and he actually killed her rather quickly. He didn’t torture her, didn’t rape her, didn’t drag anything out. He stated that if you can’t pay, you die. He didn’t lie. She couldn’t pay so she died. Arlong is very cut-and-dry, you know exactly what you’re going to get with him.
Compare him to someone like Eustass Kid, who has killed way more innocent people than Arlong ever will. Kid got his bounty based on his egregiously high civilian casualty count. His big bad bounty came from innocent blood being spilled, that’s what makes Kid so damn dangerous to the government. Because let’s face it, he fails as much as Buggy does in the whole pirating thing. He took on Kaido at least once and lost and he took on Shanks twice and lost. He doesn’t win his pirate battles; he just wins at killing people who can’t defend themselves against him. And y’all eat him up like candy.
Arlong kills one backstory character and he’s the most hated man in One Piece. He’s better looking than Hody Jones and many other characters, he’s more humane than even he wants to admit, and he had great character development too.
He started off treating Nami like a slave or a pet and in ten years’ time grew to consider her a valued officer and crew mate. He wasn’t just fighting to keep his cartographer; he was fighting to keep the only female member of his pirate family from leaving.
Doflamingo killed his own father when he was a child, murdered his own brother, murdered countless other people, and overthrew a fucking country. And y’all drool over him like a stuck pig at a luau.
Arlong was a pretty solid pirate all things considered. He plundered consistently over the course of 10 years and built himself an empire on land rather than a fleet. He had a cunning plan. He had minions within the Marines (just as Doffy did with Vergo, but Arlong’s were actual marines), so he infiltrated through human frailty. He only committed one act of murder.
He had all the maps, a creature from the Grand Line and let’s not forget he and all but one of his crew were also from the Grand Line. He kicked ass. He even had convictions; he wasn’t all about himself. He cared about his own species, every single member of his crew, and he never turned on any of them. He did exploit a loophole with Nami but regarding his own people, he treasured all of them.
When they did something wrong or disagreed with him, he never harmed them. He didn’t treat them like shit. Their lives were precious to him. Hody Jones not only abused other fishmen/fishwomen, but he also flat out killed them. He murdered his own monarch and any fishman who didn’t agree with him 100% was killed. Arlong would fall on his own sword before even letting so much as the idea of killing any of his own kind cross his mind.
When Arlong did have disagreements with other fishmen, he just separated from them and went his own way. He never killed his own kind, wouldn’t dream of it. Arlong has lines in the sand that he will not cross, he has boundaries and respects them. Arlong actually has morals that he adheres to. Hody Jones is amoral, and Doffy isn’t far behind. Hell, Arlong has more solidified convictions and morals than Sakazuki, who like Hody, kills his own subordinates if they disagree with him.
Arlong really isn’t that villainous of a villain. In my opinion, he is a deeply traumatized person who never dealt with his trauma. He bottled it all up and is slowly consuming him. He’s damaging himself by doing that and he is able to be mislead by thinking he’s doing right and following solid ideals. He truly believes his species is superior and he truly believes that they need to rise up and take their freedom.
Now, he isn’t wrong. Fishmen are treated horribly and they do need to take their freedom, but treating humans the exact way they have been treated is also wrong. Arlong is so deeply wounded that he hasn’t figured that part out yet. He was starting to with Nami evolving in his crew. He even admitted to her intelligence and skill a few times, he was slowly starting to mend his ways when she left.
Arlong is deeply traumatized, misguided, but redeemable. And yet, no one gives him a chance. How can you all heap the love on civilian slaughterer Kid, pirate failure Buggy, snotastic Trebol, familicide Doffy, royal traitor Crocodile, domestic terrorist Sakazuki (because like me, some of y’all out there love him too), fish gutter Hody Jones, delulu “deity” Enel, lard ass Blackbeard, or giant psycho Kaido with the scrawny legs that shouldn’t be able to support him but y’all can’t find three nice things to say about Arlong the Saw and his glorious dorsal fin?
I mean come on! Have you seen that sexy dorsal fin of his? He’s tall, has luscious locks, teeth that regenerate, two fresh fish sticks in his pants, a cool ass sword, decent fashion sense, and he can breathe underwater which is just so cool.
Why must you hate him so? He’s not that bad all things considered.
Defend Your Blurbo #7
Please remember this post is about curiosity and genuine fandom discourse. Be kind with your answers because this is not a debate essay, this is a discussion between fans.
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Well, in case anyone doesn't know who Arlong is, he's an early One Piece villain.
Now, this anon took a much different approach to the series than the others, so have fun with this and One Piece fandom. Defend your Blorbo
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
He didn’t mean to hightail it straight to the nearest bar. He didn’t even know what a dive bar a was doing out in the fucking backwoods of Indiana, anyway.
Billy’d just gotten in a big fuckin’ fight with his old man, shimmied out the window of their new house, and started walking.
And he happened across a bar.
He didn’t have his wallet on him, rookie move, but he figured his black eye and three-day-old moving stubble might help him out a bit here.
The bouncer gave him an odd look, glaring him down as he approached, but let him pass without asking for identification.
There were motorcycles parked in the gravel lot, along with some sensible looking Mom Cars.
It was dim inside, and the floor was kinda sticky, but they were playing Patti Smith on a shitty jukebox, so he decided to stay.
He took a seat at the bar.
The bartender gave him the same funny look the bouncer did. She was one hell of a woman, her leather jacket had a pair of handcuffs sewn onto the front, she had her nose, lips, and eyebrows pierced. Her hair was greying and cropped into a very similar crew cut to Neil’s.
“What’ll it be?”
“Whiskey, please. And maybe a beer, Darling.” He winked.
She laughed.
“Honey, you know where you are, right? This is a fuckin’ dyke bar, and you’re no older than sixteen. You’ll have a pop and you’ll be grateful for it.” She had a slight southern drawl to her voice. Texas. Like his mom.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Okay, quit it with that shit.” She scooped ice into a glass, and poured him a cola from the well. “Why you here? It got somethin’ to do with that shiner?”
He took a long drink of the soda.
He didn’t know if it was her voice, or the fact that for the first time in a long time, he was with his own people.
“Someone at home?”
“‘Cause you’re a homo?”
She smiled at him, although this one wasn’t the sad one he’d been expecting. It was understanding.
“We’ll, Baby. You come here if you ever need a safe place to roost, okay? We all know when one of our own needs saving. You come here, and you ask for Susan, and we’ll get your mind off that bruise.”
He took another long drink of his soda, but this time, to try and swallow down the stupid sob that was trying to force its way out.
“Thank you. I’m, I didn’t realize what kind of bar this is. I didn’t really know that people like us were out here. My dad, he, uh, moved us here. From California. He caught me with a boy.” He averted his gaze from Susan’s face, making patterns in the condensation on the side of his glass. Patti Smith turned over to The Runaways. Some women were dancing by the jukebox now. “He told me we were coming here so I couldn’t do any of that fairy shit.” He furrowed his brow on the last line, puffing up his chest in an imitation of his father.
“Just because people hate us more here, doesn’t mean we don’t exist. Queers live everywhere, whether people like your daddy like it or not. He can’t stop us from living any better than he can stop the sun from rising.”
Susan scooped some ice into a clean bar towel, securing it closed with the yellow crunchy around her wrist. She slid it across the bar to Billy, and he put it on his eye gratefully.
“Don’t lose that scrunchy. That’s my wife’s favorite one, and she won’t speak to me for a month if I give it to some kid.”
“Yeah? Your old lady a hardass?” Billy grinned.
There was something, so fucking good, about talking to Susan. Talking to an actual fucking grown up. Someone with a life, and a partner. A queer, like him, who actually found love. And, by the dreamy grin on her face, had found happiness.
“Hollie would yell herself hoarse is she heard you call her old. She don’t look a day over thirty-five, she’ll tell you. We’ve been together for over twenty years. That’s why she’s my wife. We can’t get married yet, but she’s not my fucking girlfriend. We’re not silly high schoolers goin’ to the prom, and shit. No offense.”
“Nah, I may be a silly high schooler, but I’d rather be dead than go to any prom. Especially with a girl. No offense.”
“Hey, you’re in my bar, and we don’t allow bad talk about women. Unless you ex-girl fucked you over. Then we talk a whole lotta shit.” She refilled Billy’s soda. “But you could always go with a friend.”
“I’ve lived in this town for four days, I don’t have any friends, let alone a beard. Maybe if I did, my dad wouldn’t’ve popped me tonight.”
Susan’s smile faltered a little bit.
“Sweetie, I don’t like to interfere. And I know that most of the time, getting CPS involved makes it worse. But Baby, are you safe? I know he hits you, but do you think he’d-” she trailed off. “I’ve just seen some shit, you know? Boys like you with fathers like yours. Boys that didn’t survive.”
“Everything my dad does, is because he’s scared of how people see him. He’s terrified that people won’t think he’s a great father or a respectable citizen. I don’t think he’d get that low.”
But, in truth, Billy didn’t know.
He’s been getting hits from his dad since he was a kid. And there are times when Billy had thought well, this is it.
But Susan was right. CPS never did anything but piss off his dad.
Susan looked thoughtful.
She grabbed a napkin, and pulled a pen out of her leather jacket.
“I’m giving you the number here. You call if you need anything. We take care of our own, okay?” He nodded in response. “Finish your pop, and get back on home. I’m sure you have a curfew to mind.”
Billy winced, looking up at Susan, feeling like such shit after her kindness.
“I don’t have my wallet.”
“Yeah, you don’t have shoes on either, Dumbass.” She winked at him again. “Holl!” She shouted towards the group of women dancing by the jukebox. “This little birdie needs a ride!”
A short woman came drifting over. Her hair was dark black, and swept clear below her ass. She could’ve sat on it and not noticed.
The scrunchy made sense.
She was short, much shorter than Susan, but she beamed up at her, turning to smile just as warmly at Billy.
“What’s your name, kiddo?”
It was kind of nice, being called terms of endearment by these two women. He liked that they weren’t trying to pull one over on him. He felt safe.
Susan slid a set of keys to Hollie.
“Take Billy home, please. We don’t need him walking around outside.”
Hollie ushered Billy out of his seat, climbing in the stool herself to lean over the bar. She and Susan kissed over the bar, and that funny hopeful feeling washed over Billy again.
“You’re welcome here whenever you want, Baby. You’re not the first little gay boy we’ve had in here, and you won’t be the last. Don’t be a stranger.”
“Thank you, seriously, I-thank you.”
Susan beamed at him, sliding Hollie’s yellow scrunchy back in her wrist.
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