lucamisu · 9 months
Me: Okay this year we'll draw more Fully Charged stuff, it'll be great!
Also me: hahah, funny streamer men and magical ladies ahaheheh!
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Second Chance - Chapter 3
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Warning: mention of blip, death, life support, jealousy, panic attack 
Word Count: 3.9 k
So the problem with taking a long nap, it was hard to fall asleep. It also didn’t help that your stomach was a little upset from dinner. FRIDAY informed you that the common floor had ginger ale and crackers. You sat on the couch with your sketchbook on your lap and crackers next to you. You preferred drawing comics or line art, realism wasn’t your thing. But drawing portraits of people helped you remember them and the memories. You were drawing your mom when she was in the courtroom. It was rare that she let you come with her and watch her do her thing. She was afraid that you were going to be a target if people connected you to her. 
You missed her so much and you wished she was here to help you through this. When the doctors came into her room at the hospital and told you your options, it was the hardest decision you had to make. But you knew your mom better than anyone, she was your best friend, and you knew she wouldn’t want to be in a vegetative state. So, she was taken off life support and her organs were donated to help save lives. You whipped a tear from your eye before it fell onto your sketchbook. “Why are you crying in the dark?” A voice laced with a Russian accent asked. You jumped, not expecting a voice. In front of you was a blonde-haired girl wearing sweatpants and a SHIELD training shirt. She was fresh out of a shower; her hair was damp and braided. 
“Maybe because I don’t like crying when it’s bright outside,” she shrugged and made her way to the kitchen. You spun around to lean on the back of the couch. The blonde was taking out the leftovers from dinner. “Who are you?” If you were to make an educated guess, she was related to Natasha in some way. 
“Your Stark’s kid,” she deflected your question with a statement of her own. “I’m surprised he doesn’t have more of you running around.” 
“Probably does,” you said. “I wouldn’t put it past dear old dad,” she placed her food in the microwave and turned to face you, arms crossed against her chest. Her green eyes flickered to the beanie you still chose to wear. “I find it unfair you know who I am and I don’t know you.” She smirked and turned to take her food out of the microwave. 
“Where is the fun in that, Stark?”
“Easton,” you corrected her. She raised a questioning eyebrow at you. “I go by my mother’s maiden name since she is the one who raised me and Tony didn’t.” Your mom never spoke ill of the man when you questioned why he was never around. Instead, she told you the truth that she never told him she was pregnant. You stopped asking questions because you didn’t need him. Your mom was all you needed. 
“Well, Easton,” she smiled. “It was nice meeting you. Try to get some sleep.” She walked back over to the elevator and stepped inside. 
“Sleep tight, blondie,” you sat back down on the couch and focused on your drawing. But you didn’t miss the look of surprise on her face as the metal doors closed. You chuckled, popping a cracker into your mouth. You weren’t worried about the mysterious blonde that got food quickly and left. You figured she was supposed to be here since Tony’s AI didn’t alert anyone or alarms didn’t go off. Now you weren’t an Avengers super fan but you knew of them through the news and research for your comics but you didn’t recognize her. She must be a new addition post the Blip. You sighed, biting the end of the pencil. 
You weren’t part of the half of the population that was taken. There was a part of you that wished you were. The car accident happened a few months before the Blip. So you grieved your mom and those you lost. It was hard. You threw yourself into your drawings, and your research, and traveled the world to help others to ignore your grief. It worked. Was it unhealthy? Yes. But you helped a lot of people, wasn’t that worth it? 
You cleaned up the crackers and cleaned the glass you used. There was an ache in your bones and you knew it was time for bed. 
You were back on the common floor in the kitchen, sipping on coffee and waiting for your oatmeal to be done. You thanked every god that existed that your taste buds still liked coffee. The microwave beeped and you took it out. As you ate it you made a list of things you needed to do before the weekend was over and your doctor appointment tomorrow morning. Your new room was fully furnished even with kitchen appliances so you could donate your furniture except the desk and bean bag in your office. You could put the desk you had in your bedroom or near the window in the living room. The hall closet would be before seasonal clothes, extra supplies, and a few things you kept that were your mom’s. You had a lot of stuff which meant you needed to go through everything and donate the stuff you didn’t need. But you weren’t sure how long you would be at the tower? Was it a permanent placement? Or until you got better, if you got better. You didn’t like to think about that. “How did you sleep?” Natasha asked, walking up to the coffee pot and pouring herself some. 
“Okay,” you took a bite of your oatmeal. “I think that nap messed up my sleeping schedule.” You giggled. You couldn’t help but stare at the redhead in front of you, trying to compare features from the blonde you met last night. They had similar eye color and teasing look in their eyes. They even smirked the same.      
“You're starring,” Natasha smirked. “I’m sorry but I’m spoken for and I don’t think Tony would like that.” You looked away from her so she didn’t see your embarrassment but a playful smile danced on your lips. 
“Sorry, I guess I’m more tired than I thought,” you looked back at the Black Widow. “Or you're just that mesmerizing to look at.” Natasha groaned, gently slapping you on the shoulder. 
“You flirt better than your father, I'll give you that,” you giggled. “Well I was thinking if you weren’t that tired,” she leaned against the counter. “We could borrow a few of Stark’s cars and go to your apartment to get your things. I can bribe Bucky, Steve, and my sister to help.” Sister? Interesting. But you didn’t dwell too much on that. 
“Why are you offering to help?” You asked with a tilt of your head. 
“This can’t be easy,” she stated. “With your diagnosis, reaching out to your biological father, and moving into a new place with new people,” you smiled. It was not easy. “But I bet having stuff you're familiar with can make it easier.” She was right. The bed was comfortable but you missed your mom’s guilt. The walls were bare, missing your photos and artwork. 
“Thank you, Natasha.” 
“Don’t mention it. I’ll go round up the delinquents. Do you need clothes to wear?” You looked down at your sleeping clothes. You could change into the clothes you were wearing yesterday but they were dirty. 
“Uh yeah,” you scratched the back of your head. “I wasn’t expecting him to offer me a place at the tower.” It was common practice for you to take an overnight bag when you went somewhere due to your random spots of fatigue. You expected to be back at your apartment by lunch night. Natasha frowned. 
“Did you not expect Tony to help you?” The Black Widow asked. You shrugged. 
“I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” you told her. The frown remained on Natasha’s face. 
“Wanda will have something for you to wear. FRIDAY, can you inform Wanda to meet Y/n at her room with clothes?” The AI confirmed she would alert the witch. You smiled. 
“Thanks again, Nat,” you weren’t expecting this level of kindness from the other Avengers. 
“Just tell FRIDAY when you're ready,” you finished your breakfast and cleaned up the dishes. By the time you took the elevator to the floor you were on, Wanda was outside your door with an armful of clothes. You laughed. 
“Got enough options?” You teased, opening the door for her. She huffed with a roll of her eyes. 
“I wasn’t sure what would fit or your style,” she dumped the clothes onto the couch. “So I brought a lot,” she surveyed the mess she created. “Okay, I may have gone a little overboard.” You giggled and started to go through the pile. You settled on a SHIELD shirt, that matched the blonde’s last night, and a pair of black shorts. But a few dresses did catch your eye and you made a mental note to ask her to burrow them. After a quick shower and changing into clothes, you informed the AI that you were ready. 
“Miss. Romanoff and company are in the garage,” you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone. “Step into the elevator and I’ll bring you down.” 
“Thanks, FRIDAY,” you said, walking out of your room and to the elevator. Once inside, your mind began to race. You leaned back on the metal wall, looked up at the ceiling, and stared at your reflection. Was your apartment clean? You couldn’t remember. It was another effect of chemo - you called it chemo brain. Sometimes you couldn’t remember if you turned off the oven or locked the door. It was why drawing helped so much to pinpoint and focus on specific memories. 
So was your apartment clean? Gods, you hoped so. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. You tried to push down your anxiety at the thought of 4 Avengers walking into a messy apartment. The elevator doors opened and you saw Natasha, Buck, and Steve next to a moving van and the blonde you met leaning against a red Mustang. The sight made you smile. “Hey Blondie,” her head snapped to you. 
“Blondie?” Natasha questioned looking at who you assumed was her sister. 
“Easton,” she smirked. “You are the reason I was pulled out of bed.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I believe that was your sister,” you tilted your head to Natasha. The three Avengers watched the interaction with confusion all over their faces. “We met last night. She knew who I was but refused to tell me her name so from now until she tells me her name she will be Blondie.” Natasha shook her head with a defeated sigh. 
“Ya delayueta (idiot),” she said, hitting her sister’s arm. Whatever she said made Bucky chuckle. It was Russian that you knew but you and Steve looked at each other, the only ones not understanding the language. Her sister frowned, rubbing the spot Natasha hit. “You’ll be riding with my sister,” you huffed. Her name was still a mystery but the blonde looked smug. “We’ll follow you.” 
“Sounds good, you smiled, getting into the passenger seat. You didn’t catch whatever Natasha said to her sister before they got into the van. The blonde got with a sigh and turned on the car. “What did she say to you?” 
“Put your address in,” she handed you her phone with the maps app already up instead of answering. You did as she asked and plugged it into the charger. “She told me to stop being difficult.” She began the drive to your apartment. 
“Difficult?” You didn’t think she was. “Why are you being difficult?” But you were curious why she kept her name a mystery. You couldn’t find much about her online with a quick Google search. 
“It’s more fun,” you laughed, shaking your head. “Do you not think so, Easton?” 
“Whatever you say, blondie,” you smiled. “Whatever you say.” 
You unlocked the door to your apartment and stepped out of the way for the Avengers to enter. It was a 2 bedroom, 1 ½ bathroom. You used your second bedroom as your office and art studio since no one was coming to visit you. You were lucky to afford a place like this on your own and a glance around it wasn’t a mess. Bucky carried in some moving boxes. “So all the furniture is gonna stay beside the stuff in my office. The pots, pans, and utensils will be donated. I guess we’ll pack as much as we can today and I’ll come back another day to finish it.” 
“Anything you want to prioritize?” Steve asked. 
“My clothes,” you smiled. “As much as I love Wanda’s clothes, I don’t think this is my vibe.” Natasha laughed. 
“I’ll handle your clothes.” 
“Steve and I will get your furniture from your office,” Bucky suggested. 
“And I’ll stand here and look pretty.” 
“Ya delayueta (idiot),” you teased. Bucky, Natasha, and the blonde looked at you, mouths open. “I pick up on languages easily,” A quick Google search also didn’t help. “It’s Russian for idiot,” you told the blonde super soldier. Steve smiled, shaking his head with a laugh. 
“She’s not wrong.” She gasped, clutching her chest. 
“Steve Rogers, how could you?” You smiled. 
“I’ll buy pizza if you do some work, blondie.” You said and walked over to your hall closet to get a cooler and some reusable bags. Packing up the kitchen was going to be your job so you could go through the fridge and pantry. Natasha headed off to your bedroom and Steve and Bucky went to your office which left the blonde in your living space. She put a box together and began to take the pictures off the wall. You couldn’t help but watch her. The living room was decorated with pictures and items from your travels and the research you’ve done. She would look at the picture for a little bit before putting it into the box. It was odd, a stranger was going through some of your most prized possessions, packing them up so you could move into the Avengers’ tower. What a strange life you were living. 
“So,” you looked at the blonde. “What languages do you know?”
“I’m fluent in English and German but I’ve traveled a lot and I can put up with delicate differences.” She nodded, picking up a handmade mug you got while volunteering in South Africa. You continued to watch her. There was an odd look on her face. You frowned, going back to cleaning out the fridge not wanting to think too much about it. 
Yelena walked into the spare room you deemed as your office. The space was cleaned out of a desk, a bean bag, and an art easel. There was something about you that Yelena found intriguing but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She put together one of the moving boxes and began to take the artwork off the wall. They were all line drawings of various sea creatures with watercolor accents. Her favorite was the blue whale with her calf. Once they were safely in the box, Yelena opened the closet. She wondered how you could afford this place on top of your medical expenses. A majority of the stuff was extra art supplies and canvas, all still in their original packaging. But what caught her eye was the flying cabinet. She couldn’t help herself as she knelt in front of it and opened the bottom drawer. Was it an invasion of privacy? Probably but Yelena was a spy at heart and her curiosity got the best of her.  
She wasn’t surprised that she found more of your artwork but the contents of the pictures were surprising. It was the Avengers in comic book format. The mission they were on Yelena didn’t recognize so she assumed you made it up. The details were impressive. She put the comic back and picked up another drawing. It was a realistic portrait of a woman. Yelena didn’t know her but she saw similar features of you in her. She made the educated guess she was your mother. Natasha called her on her flight back from St. Petersburg and explained your story to her; diagnosed with cancer and the only family you had left was Tony because a car accident killed your mother. It was weird learning about your life through pictures she had to pack. You’ve traveled and seen the world by choice. You had a loving mother and now a father that brought you in without question. Those relationships weren’t brought together by a Red Room mission. She understood the feeling that grew when she saw you. Jealousy. She was jealous. Jealous of a girl who was dying unless she got a bone marrow transplant. It was ridiculous, uncalled for. But she couldn’t help it. Every time she learned something about you, a warm feeling built in her chest and she envied everything. “For a spy, you're pretty easy to sneak up on,” Yelena jumped, turning around quickly. You were standing in the doorway with a playful smile on your face. “Whatcha got there, blondie?” You asked, walked over to her, and sat down. Smiling, you looked at the picture in her hand. “That’s my mom. It was right before the car accident.” 
“They never found out who caused it, right?” You nodded, taking the picture from her. Yelena frowned, not liking the sadness radiating from you. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone through your stuff.” You placed the photo back where it belonged. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you stood up, holding out your hand to help her up. Yelena hesitated (she wondered if you noticed) but finally took it. Your hand was smooth against hers beside the small callus on your finger. “You would have seen them eventually. The pizza is here. I guess you did enough to deserve it.” You teased her. Yelena chuckled, rolling her eyes. She wondered how you kept your heart. It was what Melina said to her and Natasha before the Red Room took them - ‘don’t let them take your heart.’ Life had not been easy for you but you still managed to keep your smile and sense of humor. It was another thing on her list to envy. 
“Your evil, Easton,” you giggled, looking back over your shoulder. 
“You don’t know half of it.” 
FRIDAY told you that Tony was in his lap. You held a box that was decorated in red and gold, tight underneath your arm. In hindsight, you should have known who your father was based on the color of the box but you only saw it once or twice. When the lab door opened, Tony looked up from his workbench. “Hey kid, how was moving out of the apartment?” He asked. 
“Good,” you sat down on an empty stool next to him. “I have to go back again but a majority of my stuff is here.” You watched his eyes glance at the box. 
“Well, let me know if I can help,” you nodded, tracing the lid of the box with your finger and looking away from him. Tony pulled up another stool. “Hey,” you looked at him. “What’s wrong?” You sighed, handing him the box. 
“The letters she wrote to you,” he took the box, eyes wide as he stared at it. “You can read them or not or destroy them. It’s your choice.” 
“Thank you,” you nodded, standing up. 
“One more thing,” you let out a shaky breath. “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. Do-do you want to come?” You were afraid to ask him, unsure of his response. But your mom didn’t allow him to be in your life, you wanted to give him the chance. The ball was in his court. You could tell he was shocked by the invitation. 
“Of course. I’ll be there,” you felt the weight leave your shoulders. Since your diagnosis, you’ve gone to your doctor's appointment alone. “Just let me know,” you smiled. 
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later, Tony,” you left his lap, hearing a ‘see ya’ from behind you. You took the elevator to the floor and into your room. It was a mess, boxes everywhere. You sighed, grabbed your mom’s quilt, and sat on the couch. The quilt belonged to your great-grandmother, who passed away before you were born. She gifted it to your mom when she graduated high school. It was blue and white with stars. You had great memories of you and your mom wrapped in this quilt reading a bedtime story by the campfire. You sighed, falling deeper into the couch and allowing the quilt to keep you warm. The mess could wait and be dealt with another time. 
His leg began to shake as he stared at the box still resting in his hand. He felt a panic attack building inside him. It was a long time coming with everything going on but he didn’t have time for it. On shaky legs, he stood up and opened a drawer at his desk pulling out a bottle of whiskey and a glass. It was rare that he drank but he needed something to take the edge off. He picked up the box and sat down on the small couch. 
There was a part of him that thought about destroying the box of letters. He didn’t have to know what he missed in the past; he had you now and could look towards the future, no matter how short it may be. No, he couldn’t think like that. He poured his drink. “Tony, your heart rate has elevated. Should I contact Pepper?” 
“No, FRIDAY, I’m okay,” he wasn’t sure if he was okay but he opened the box. He wondered if there was an order to the letters. Each one was titled - 1st Christmas, High School Graduation, 5th birthday, and every milestone he missed Jessica wrote him a letter. Tony wasn’t sure how long it took before her words began to blur and he wasn’t making sense of anything. He missed you graduating high school and traveling with Captain Mills to help research how global warming was affecting sharks. He missed all of this because he wasn’t given a choice to be in your life. The beating of his heart was the only thing he heard in his quiet lab. His breathing was erratic as he picked up his full glass and threw it at the wall. The glass shattering startled him as he sat on the ground, back against the couch. He pressed the palm of his hands to his eyes, hoping it would help but it wasn’t. He couldn't stop the growing panic inside of him. It was too much.  
Soon he felt fingers running through his hair. FRIDAY must have notified Pepper and he was so out of it that he didn’t hear Pepper enter. “I’m here,” he mumbled. Pepper hummed, pushing some strands off his forehead that were stuck due to sweat. 
“That was a big one,” she stated. “Just sit with me, okay?” Tony didn’t have the energy to resist her as he rested his head on her shoulder. The sweet smell of her lavender perfume washed over him. He felt better, felt grounded. His heart rate evened out and his breathing wasn’t as erratic. “Do you want to talk about what triggered it?” She asked softly. 
“Later,” he said. “Can we just be?” Pepper nodded, holding him tighter. And they would talk about it later. But for now, they were just Pepper and Tony. Not the CEO of Stark Industries or Iron. Not a mother of 1 and a new father of two. In the quiet and empty lab, they were safe in each other’s arms. Just being Pepper and Tony. 
Taglist:  @likemick
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tiny-vermin · 5 months
I want to know more about the m9 artist au!! I remember reading a post or two about it a billion years ago (and would love to read them again) 💜
hi jess!!!! thank u for being interested hehe :")
so ever since i drew that lil thing of essek painting a frank stella inspired painting (or even before), ive been thinking of what kinds of art each of the m9 would do. essek ofc is inspired by a minimalist show that i went to here, all the big names from that movement were shown, but those really dark, sinkhole-like paintings are speaking to me. another artwork of boxes made of mirrors also seems like the thing he would do too
there's a kiln here that we visited which was huge, and surrounding it were artists' studios and some other ceramic sellers, i imagine the clay family having a place like this in the middle of nowhere amongst the trees, and caleb would do his work there
anyways because at heart im a shadowgast luver its centred around them,, they meet at an artist residency or something like that and its an incredibly slow burn that involves talking and not-talking and looking and not-looking. in the end i am but a simple wong kar wai fan so. that kinda vibes would definitely influence this, i would describe it as a quiet burning i guess?? time skipy and words that are not said
i think im gonna rant a bit more about their different mediums and styles so i'll keep it under the cut
i think caleb sculpts figures and portraits, but in a sad, kathe kollwitz charcoal vibe. maybe some funky looking animals, perhaps some pots and vases to look at the pretty glazes. he's interested in using fire to burn texture into different mediums, like ive seen it being used on shellac to make a really cool net of ink looking structure.. but yknow, just seeing the aftermath of glazed ceramic from the kiln is enough, and probably better for him to keep his distance anyways
the clay family produces most of the ceramic to sell, vases, pots, plates, cups, teapots, yknow just a whole array. and its really colourful too, depicting every family members different style. i think caduceus would do some matte glazes with a lot of different colours, theyre all a little wonky but theyre better off that way anyways. he does some really mean ink calligraphy and painting though
jester definitely does,, everything, whatever her heart desires kinda thang. she makes pastel textile installations and lighthearted cute paintings, but theyre always so contemplative and soothing. she gets m9 a lot of work cus her mom has connections, etc etc. i really love the idea of jester creating works that talk about the female body and femininity (definitely not projecting no)
beau is a printmaker and photographer who's really experimental, she loves cyanotypes and printing flowers (for yasha), idk she seems like she would put fabric and rocks into the washing machine to see what would happen. u would probably catch her in someone elses studio learning about what they do or in the library learning about what old people did
veth works in a museum as a curator, getting beau to help her sometimes with gathering artworks and artists etc. she probably organises community art projects for kids and public art installations. her house is full of m9's artworks and various other artists shes worked with.
yasha does bouquets as her post-retirement part time job, prior to that no one really knows what she did ("she probably murdered a bunch of people and is now hiding from the government"). fjord draws comics for fun but is also not a job for him, molly is a question mark for me. but these guys probably wont be in it as much anyways
im still not sure what format i wanna do this in, im actually having fun just writing it in my notebook now (digital does not facilitate the creative juices) but i do want to do some visuals like fake movie stills or storyboards. maybe they will work together well???? dunno. working on the other shadowgasty thing im doing made me realise how much easier it is to draw when there's a script already there, so im writing the script for myself
im definitely not as practiced in writing as i am in drawing, but idk im just gonna have some fun and see where that takes me, meanwhile try not to feel too bad that its fanart HAHA (very bad habit)
edit: i just saw my previous thoughts on beau being an art journalist, but i kinda like this better.. but maybe she can do both muah
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missxfaithc · 2 years
Okay I gotta bone to pick with Markiplier about something.
In his livestream breakdown for WKM, way back when, he made a big deal of saying how if something wasn’t expressly stated in the story, then it wasn’t canon. Like, even if he verbally said it later on, it still wouldn’t technically be canon, unless the story itself was added onto to reflect as much.
But then, by the time ISWM came around, he added in a bunch of cryptic shit to fuck with the fans and when people naturally began to theorize and be like “ohhh I see some plainly laid out connections here between this scene/character/line and something in WKM” he was just like “nahhhh none of that shit means anything. You’re looking too much into it”.
Like… bruh. You were the one who told us that the only things that mattered were the things actually stated in the story itself. Like, he made the conscious decision to put parallels in the story between some of Engineer Mark’s decisions/lines and some of the things Damien said in WKM. The same thing goes for the parallels between Mrs. Whitacre (or however you spell her name) and Celine.
People also pointed out, at the time, how Engineer Mark’s whole speech at the end to the Captain about how tired he was, and how sorry he was could be representative of Actor Mark finally taking accountability for his actions in WKM.
But then Mark was just like “nope. They’re two completely different people. ISWM is a completely different story from the WKM thing with completely different characters. Actor Mark isn’t a part of this… except maybe he is”.
Like ??? 😩😩😩
Please, Mark, just give us something. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t simultaneously say that “only the things in the actual story are canon” and “I just added that shit in there to fuck with people”. Those two statements severely contradict each other.
Unless he changed his mind and that’s no longer how he wants us to view these stories??? I guess???
Idk, fam. This is no shade to Mark. I just find it kind of funny in a weird way and also kind of frustrating.
The way I see it, there are 2 ways to look at the Markiverse. You can examine the stories themselves on their own and draw your own conclusions thusly. Or you can listen to Mark’s explanations and get the version of the story that he either intended or wanted, regardless of whether the content itself expresses as much.
Again, this isn’t me criticizing Mark (well, mostly 😂). I just love the universe (multiverse, I suppose now) he’s created so much, and I love discussing it and theorizing about it. I just find it interesting how different a story’s content can be sometimes in comparison to how its creator views that story, and what message they want people to take from it versus what message it’s actually sending.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that at one point during the livestream breakdown for ISWM, I’m like 99% sure Mark said something along the lines of “yeah this story isn’t connected to WKM at all” and then like before the end of the stream he also said “I’m sure I’ll get back to finishing that story eventually” (in reference to everything that got started in WKM). So like…??? Which is it? Are the character arcs started in WKM actually finished or not? My man’s out here changing the rules on us again during the SAME livestream.
Also I saw someone in my replies mention those godforsaken masks that came from WMLW and yet to this day have never gotten an explanation. Mark E. Plier, Sir, please… I am begging you 😩 just put us out of our misery and give us SOMETHING we can work with.
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nolas-barf · 3 months
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Hayy Vom-Itz
I finally Drew one of my little characters that pops in my head.
Her name is Nicole/Nola, (obvi)
Alr so let me explain myself.
I can't.
Itzzz kinda freaky and I'm clearly going through a phase at the moment.. sooo, your judgment is not valid 🤙🏻😔
So I've had this little character floating around in my head and it's kind of been there for a couple of weeks. I have 10 different other characters that I have going on in my head but I have yet to illustrate.
I guess she just stood out more 🤷🏻‍♀️
She was kidnapped when she was 17 and when she turned 18 the experiment started and she slowly became less and less human.
Forced to endure abuse and on top of that working for her new "boss"(kidnapper) she has tons of tasks to do around his big ass mansion
Nola is a test subject along with many others, they all have different jobs that they stick to doing throughout the day. She's kind of the "leader" not really the boss or really even leader but they kind of nominated her I guess 🙄
(okay stay with me)
She carries the most of the heavy workload, making her have rlly bad anxiety with also the past and abuse that she endured when she did something wrong making her try to do everything perfect the first time.
She has a speech impediment that makes her brain feel like it is on fire (sizzling) when she can't think of a word or stutter profusely, not even able to get a word out without stuttering.
(Me 2)
She's really nice but incredibly shy and skittish.
Despite her speech impediment she is very well spoken and respectful when she talks.
Okay. The ears and the tail.
Before you call me a furry. I just want to say that this is totally anatomy based, I am obsessed with the anatomy of a half animal half human.
I find it really interesting and fun to look at and experiment with, the joints, how and why things would work ECT🤓👍🏻
I also think it would be cool to see how you would connect the ears and the tail if your character wasn't originally"born" with ears and a tail not originally a "hybrid" like with the nerves and connecting the tail to the spine, removing human ears and "moving the eardrum up to the top of the head" I put in quotation marks cuz obviously this is not possible but it's fun to think about!
Anyway the image above with the outfits was just a "mood board/ideas" on what they would wear. I always have to make mood boards for my characters before I illustrate them (draw).
D3: her third day under the "care" of her new"boss".
D100: her 100th day,she has gotten used to her new "boss" and how things will work in the future.
D1826.25: her 1826.25 day it has been 5 years since she was kidnapped by her "boss" she has definitely gotten the hang of things by now.
I'm not too keen on giving her the tail or ears just because I feel like it leans too close into furry territory, not judging I used to be one-
(in 5th grade) buuuttt idk something about it makes me uncomfy🫶🏻😭
I don't feel like this is my best work yet I've definitely done better in the past but I'm proud I guess LOL.
I've been trying to give drawing another shot.
(I haven't drawn something since 6th grade)
I definitely struggled with her hair I finished this drawing super late at night and I couldn't figure out how to do it right or really what I wanted to do with the hair in general 😭
But here are my inspiration pics, you can see the vision. I hope. 🛐
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recklessracoon · 8 months
I thought I'd share my Saiki K playlist. It's just a bunch of songs I like that I think fit him roughly arranged by where I feel like they fall on his character arc. Justifications for my selections under the cut.
I Am a Rock by Simon & Garfunkel: This song really strikes me as affirmations of a deeply lonely person trying to convince themselves that they're better off this way. A good fit for Saiki at the start of the series when he's closed himself off from other people.
The Beast by Spectacle-P: It's about a someone who's been lonely for so long that they've forgotten how lonely they are being offered love but being too proud and full of fear to accept it. I'd quote some of the translated lyrics but I'd just end up putting most of the song here I think. Please watch the subtitled video on youtube and tell me if don't think this isn't a good fit for Saiki.
Nothing at All: Reminds me of early series Saiki's tirades about how much being a psychic sucks where he just describes the symptoms of depression.
Loveless by Steampianist: Honestly I don't remember why I put this on here. Probably because of the feelings of alienation it conveys and how it seems to be about the ace experience of not being able to experience love in the way that society tells you should.
Are You Satisfied by Marina: I think this ones pretty self-explanatory. If I was better at drawing I'd like to make an animatic about the Saiki brothers using this song.
Star of Show: I'll admit this ones a bit more of a stretch and honestly it's mostly on here because I like listening to it when plotting out my fanfic but also "I'm not a freak/I'm not an act/I'm not a deity's performance!" kind of fits with his issues about how his powers affect people's perception of him.
404 by Pinocchio-P: It's about feeling unable to connect to people and like your true-self will be rejected. I also think the little alien guy in the music video for it looks a lot like Kusuo. I actually forgot how good a fit this was until I went and looked at the lyrics again and yup past me was correct in putting it on this playlist.
A Hundred Years Unresolved: It's lonely sounding and I came to associate it with Saiki because like listening to it when I play the Regentquest segment of See You in the Dark. No deeper reason then that.
Oh No! by Marina: Kusuo is the sort of guy to go "I know exactly what I want and who I want to be." You know, like a liar.
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense: I'm not sure how to explain it but I feel like the theme of falseness that runs through the song fits him. It's also worth mentioning that this song is also on my Kuusuke playlist that I'm not sharing here because it isn't as good and frankly it's kind of shameful that I even have a playlist for that guy.
I Am Not a Robot by Marina: Kusuo is vulnerable and lovable even if he doesn't believe that about himself.
God-ish by Pinocchio-P: I'm not sure how well this one fits because frankly this is one of the Pinocchio-P songs I don't feel like I have as solid a handle on the meaning of. I mostly chose it because of the name and because it seems to be a pretty cynical song.
Fear and Loathing by Marina: "Now I see, I see it for the first time / There is no crime in being kind / Not everyone is out to screw you over / Maybe, yeah just maybe, they just want to get to know you" I feel like this is fairly self-explanatory
arms by Christina Perri: I listened to my Pandora stations for the first time in ages recently (well back in August, apparently), heard this and thought "Kubosai song?!" though frankly it would also work well for Nensai or other Saiki ships or even platonically if you ignore some the more romantic lyrics. Though I think it's best suited to the first two listed. Anyway I think this fits Saiki's relationship issues pretty well.
Soap by The Oh Hellos: It's a very hopeful song about how people need other people and you are not unlovable. So I think you can imagine why I thought it was a good song to end the playlist with.
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months
hi more me guessing hw songs.
i learned the lyrics to Snowman by halyosy (lyrics) and now can't stop thinking of it as a potential hw song- not as a song they would cover, but as a song their virtual singer would sing to them (kaito to tsukasa specifically). i don't think you've ever shared virtual singer lore so im making it up drawing influence from the feelings of both the nightcord and wxs virtual singers
""I told a lie to my mom", a boy began to cry. I am made to be all white so that I can take away the darkness in his heart". -> n25s miku's whole thing is to be there for mafuyu and help ease the pain in her heart. i'd guess the virtual singers of hw would have a similar motivation. (also, the lie in question was that the boy had friends and was talented at school and sports, so that his dying mother didn't worry about him. if this isn't tsukasa at its core.)
"I tried to warm your cold smile, but I can't make a smile with my artificial eyes" -> but the vs aren't actually real (i dont want to think about the implications of sekai so i will leave it there), so what can they do other than provide support? provide a word here or there, a wish of healing? but also- the wishes of the virtual singers have to come from somewhere, right? is this not also the wish of hw- "i want you to be happy, even if i am not yet myself"?
"Neon tubes and monochrome snow" -> i actually don't really know what this line means in the actual song but here- the neon lights of the theater, the colorful world of the stage, and the cold, grey feelings freezing them in place?
"I'll tell you how to do it, I believe you can do it, Soft snow covers our tracks" -> this again as the wish of the virtual singers- i can't change for you, but i can offer advice and push you forward because i know you can (oh also spitball other point- kaito's line in his 1.5 anni card- "when faced with a wall, i don't want to push them up over from the bottom. I want to climb it myself and pull them up with me, so that we can see the other side together"). i had a connection to the soft snow covering our tracks part but i don't know how to say it in words. but in colors it's a soft orange. which i know doesn't make any sense.
"You ran with your friends" -> emu nene rui do i need to say more here. (yes because it never gets old. because of the pain, of the things that tore them down, of the steps they took back up, they found their dreams friends family).
"He will be alright now, 'cause there's no winter that isn't followed by spring" -> yes
also raising the point of snow imagery- it alrealy exists in normal n25- mafuyu did chose the name "yuki". and i think there was an event about it. i think that theme also works in hw. but instead of the damp, blue sort of snowfall that feels cold and hollow, it's the warmer, sparkly snow of dawn. it's the snow that was lonely in the night, but beings to feel less so when the light first begins to break.
AADHWJJDNWKDNWKDUSQJOSHISKWUQNDOBWNSNSJ acey are you in my fucking brain. aroace wxs fanatics really do share a brain cell because HELLO??????/silly
i haven’t said shit about the virtual singers yet but ohmygod your guess is so fucking on point. awawawa. this is so fucking hw core and like it fits so so fucking well into the current thoughts i have for both tsukasa and the main story guhhhh explodes explodes explodes
firstly, might as well do a tiny bit of explanation for hw virtual singers. they both have the same overall personalities as canon wxs, kaito being the responsible older brother figure (representing what tsukasa wants to be like yknow) and miku being very childish and all (i. forget her symbolism w tsukasa. whoops). also given that the sekai and they were created from tsukasa’s feelings, they are well aware that tsukasa isn’t quite okay. even if he isn’t entirely aware of it himself. yknow how he is. anyway. you’re very right about hw virtual singers. their goal is both to ease their pain but also to like. revive the bit of hope they all had, and help them not lose it again. given it’s an online theater group, they of course want to help them do shows and find joy in doing again, because despite it hurting them so badly they still hold so much love for shows and the vs want to help them with it, but more than anything they want them all to find joy in living again. like they’ve all been hurt and vs is there to ease that pain and help them find joy and hope despite being given so much shit and having been hurt. yknow. and i don’t have much to add aside from that cause like. you got them so well. my god
"You ran with your friends" throwing UP. i hate these clowns and their stupid loving friendship and love and care they have for each other because who else understood them like they did each other who else did they have aside from each other because who else will drag them back up and cling to hope with them like they do for each other. they’re so. sobs.
"He will be alright now, 'cause there's no winter that isn't followed by spring" YES. YES INDEED. they’re all gonna be okay. they’re gonna be okay. cries.
tsukasa side note:
""I told a lie to my mom", a boy began to cry. I am made to be all white so that I can take away the darkness in his heart" -> also like you said TBIS IS TSUKASA AT HIS CORE and he’s exactly the same in hw. he wants to be that big brother his siblings can look up to he wants to make them proud and he especially doesn’t want to worry anyone Ever and saki and toya know something might be wrong but he won’t tell her (but to be fair. he hasn’t exactly admitted it to himself either) bc he’s tsukasa tenma!! he’s okay!!! he has to be okay!! he’s going to be a star!! and what kind of star would let a lot a few setbacks get him down!! so there’s no need for anyone to worry!! cause he’s a-okay!! (<- lying. to himself as well.) honestly at this rate i’m not even gonna need to do the tsukasa ramble since i’m just rambling about him in asks when i can /lh
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twotailednekomata · 4 months
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He~llo, y'all (^・ω・^)ノ" ! I recently played some Lifegen and decided to doodle the MC (⬆️), which later snowballed into a bunch more doodles so I've decided to show them here ˄·͈༝·͈˄
As I just mentioned earlier, this is the MC. Her name is Freezepaw (she/her) and she is a warrior apprentice with the traits 'cunning' and 'always learning'. She was quite a mature kit and always checked on her close one's health to make sure they were alright but that didn't mean she was incapable of mischief >:3 She loves to learn, even if it means she pushes for answer too much and prefers if things go to plan.
As you might be able to guess, I picked her because of her heterochromia but also because of her kit traits, 'leader-like' and 'always learning'. These felt like traits that would encourage me to become clan leader and flesh out the world of my clan.
I didn't draw her kit-life, so for a brief summary: Freeze was found next to her dead, very young (19 moons old!) father, alongside four other littermates. They were all community raised, with their primary care-givers being the queen apprentice and a cat named Lilacburn (he/him). Over time, Freeze formed closed bonds with other cats (up to and including the deputy and an older healer). Freeze's desire to lead was inspired by the time the clan leader sheltered her from the rain and the kindness he showed during that, hoping to do the same with her clanmates.
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<< "I'm so proud of you" >>
Based on a 'mentor congratulates you' prompt. I will mention now that our mentor is a cat named Tanglebelly (xe/xem/xir) and xe is the mate of the deputy and parent to the queen.
Freeze always wanted Tangle to be her mentor due to xir connections to the deputy :3
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<< Bonewhisker
Rivernose >>
A random patrol I'd doodled. Bone (they/them) and River (she/her) got drenched in rain while trying to hunt. River is one of Lilacburn's kits and, despite her lonesome trait, she and Freeze get along and trust each other.
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Now we've met Freeze's mentor, Tanglebelly, and one of her friends, Rowanpaw (she/her)! Freeze and Rowan wanted to hang out with each other and Rowan's mentor happened to be sick so Tangle decided to host tree climbing sessions for the both of them.
Freeze excelled the task which had both Tangle and Rowan impressed.
Side note: Tanglebelly traits are 'lonesome', 'team player' and 'great mediator', an interesting combination. I, unfortunatly, don't remember Rowan's apprentice traits but she was a little (or should I say, big) goober ˄·͈༝·͈˄
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<< "I, Freezepaw, am a mousebrain" >>
The cat in the bottom right corner is Premafrostpaw (she/her). She dared her littermate to jump onto the Wooden Icicles (A big, spindly, twiggy tree the leader uses to make announcements) and proclaim that she is a mousebrain.
Freeze saw no problem with the dare, seeing it as a great opportunity to practice being leader as well as an excellent challenge to practice her climbing skills.
Premafrost loved the faux leader declaration.
Side note: To quote myself:
'Premafrost has a [feistiness] and a spice to her, always ready to get into a physical brawl, if need be. However, that doesn't [mean] she will scracrifice her relationships with her siblings >:3'
...I just now learned that I've misspelt 'Permafrost' this entire time. Welp, it's a bit too late to change the typo so that's staying as her name.
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<< Parsley (she/her): "Thanks guys. I thought I was gonna die!"
Premafrost: "No problem"
Rowan: *nod* >>
All of these apprentices mentors were out of the count so what did they do? Sneak off to do some training of their own :D !
Unfortunately, Parsleypaw got caught by a falling tree and pinned to the ground. Luckily, the others managed to free her but that was still quite an experience.
Side note: Parsley is Rowan's littermate and another friend of Freeze. When they were all kits, Parsley was one of the mature ones (alongside Freeze), always keeping an eye on them all and making sure they don't get hurt. In fact, when she was one moon old, she did an impressive dance routine.
I know Parsley and Rowan don't look like littermates now but that gets fixed, trust me.
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<< ---Live like the water---
✩⋆。 ˚ Freezepaw ⋆。˚✩ >>
This and the last two happened on the same moon, when Freeze was 9 moons old.
Here, she visits the moon place (I don't have a special name for it yet but the in-game artwork looks like a tree sapling) and gets some advice from a cat that died Moon 1.
I wonder if this advice will lead to something...
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<< Freezestrike!
Freezestrike! >>
Freezestrike graduated early at 10 moons old thanks to Lifegen patrols. She was honoured for her hard work.
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<< Meanwhile... >>
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<< Harefern (he/him): "I'm getting... siblings." >>
So around the same time Freeze graduated, Tangle announce that xe is expecting kits and let's just say that xir son, and the clan's sole queen, Harefern, is a little taken aback by the news.
Sidenote: Hare, in-game, has the traits 'lonesome' and 'efficiency aficionado', which describes him quite well. He enjoys the quite atmosphere when the nursery isn't occupied, not bothered by it at all, and he takes his job very seriously. He plans ahead to make sure everything is prepared, tries to pick activities that complement kits' personalities and teaches kits important life management skills.
Even after she is out of the nursery, Freeze likes to check on him, from time to time, to make sure he is alright.
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<< Harefern: *talking about Parsely*
Freezestrike: (///∇//✿) >>
Freeze decides to visit Hare this moon to talk about the recent news and it ended up with Hare talking about her totally not-crush, Parsley.
(Not that your hiding it well, girl. You and Parsley talk and hang-out with each other all the time.)
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<< Freeze -----> Got a log to the hunches <----- Parsley >>
Freeze's first patrol out (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ ...Annddd she got trapped by a falling tree. She's find, but still. At least you and Parsley can form a club now ¯\_(シ)_/¯
Also, yes, I've tweaked Parsley's design and the scratched-out sketch to the left was my attempt to draw Freeze while she was trapped.
I drew nothing for Moon 12 (/when Freeze was 11 moons old. Clan age and MC age have a difference of 1) but Freeze, while guarding camp, reflected on how far she had come on her journey.
Also, Freezestrike uses he/she pronouns now.
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<< warrior, lonesome, polymath, 12 moons, roe skull
Freezestrike >>
Look at the boy! She's all grown up -`ღ´- ! Let's hope that his future is full great times ahead!
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focusontheheart · 1 year
Meet the Team Lead - DinoKieran
Give a warm welcome to the passionate Lead for the Seyka route, it's DinoKieran! You can find them on AO3 as DinoKieran!
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Hi! The name’s Kieran (you can call me Dino) , long time nerd and longer time Fanfiction writer. I played Zero Dawn for the first time a few weeks before Frozen Wilds came out, and I’ve been enamored ever since. Before playing Burning Shores, I was a solitary fan just keeping to myself, but I finally decided to take a step out into the wider community and now look where I am! I’m knee-deep in Horizon Fanfiction WIPs, 3D printed Machine miniatures and the beginnings of cosplay, not to mention this huge project. I’ve never been a part of something so collaborative in a fandom before, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve made!
Q&A with Dino under the cut!
What is a favorite piece of work you've done (completed/ working on/ in-concept)? 
Because I’m still such a newcomer to the Horizon fanfic world, almost all of the works that I’m most excited about are all works in progress (keep an eye out though, I’ve got a lot on the way! I love a good rare pair ship and it shows!), so instead I would like to draw your attention to a fic that connected me to an unexpected ship: "Snowburn" by OutOfRetirement. Ask anyone in my social circle and they’ll tell you just how obsessed I am with that fic!
What are some of your favorite tropes (to write/ draw/ read)?
Give me a slow burn, honestly. Getting the opportunity to detail the long and complex construction of a relationship from first meeting to falling in love speaks to my soul! It’s a perfect opportunity to carry out in-depth character studies. A good Modern AU wouldn’t go amiss either. I enjoy being able to take characters out of their world and creating a less chaotic, simpler world. Gives me a break from writing drama, I guess you could say lol.
What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
Outside of writing, I have what I like to call my ‘roledex of hobbies’. These hobbies are a mix, from whittling and embroidery to wildlife photography and houseplant collecting, I know I never have to worry about being bored! 
What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
Honestly? Just getting to be a part of it! I’ve been a fanfiction writer for over a decade, but have never had the chance to work on anything collaborative outside of a singular joint fic I wrote a few years ago. Over the years I found myself watching other writers getting to be part of projects like Zines and believed that was something out of my reach, but now I’m here, surrounded by a wonderful community, and part of a project I never saw coming. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for this opportunity!
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daymxre · 2 years
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kuroo tetsurou x reader
tw: accident & blood!
your husband, kuroo tetsurou got into an accident.
the moment you heard the news, your phone dropped to the floor but it didn’t crack that bad.
still, your heart shattered.
how are you supposed to stay still with the newly received news? you picked up your cracked phone, still functioning (fortunately), grabbed the car keys and headed out of the apartment you live with kuroo tetsurou.
“please.. please..” you muttered, with your shaky hands, starting the car and drive immediately to the place you were told.
“be alright..” you whispered, begging at the edge of desperation.
still driving, you did not care of the people that kept honking their cars at you for breaking the rules of being a careless driver on the road. for you, those noises were muffled to your ears and your priority right now is your husband, kuroo tersurou. at this point, you could be in fast and furious - yes, the movie.
the moment you arrived, your paces were fast, even though you hate running, you could win a marathon for running as fast as lightning. flash, perhaps? you reached the counter, didn’t want to waste a second to ask, “hi, I’m looking for a patient named kuroo tetsurou.”
“he is in the ICU, right now. are you his wife?” the receptionist said, looking at your worried figure.
“yes, I’m kuroo y/n. may I know the room, at least?”
the receptionist gave you all the information you need and you proceeded to head to the room that you have to wait outside. you have the urge to break the door open without waiting. you are kinda impatient but you didn’t want to cause trouble so you wait outside.
what felt like an hour and half, a doctor came out of the room, he noticed you and approaches you which you finally look up to see the doctor.
“you must be kuroo tetsurou’s wife?”
“yes, doctor. how is his condition?”
the doctor sighs audibly, he seems hesitate but he still needs to tell the person in front of him. “fortunately, we managed to save him,” hearing that first sentence from the doctor had you relieved at first until he continues, “he has some internal bleeding in his liver. apparently, we need more blood to keep him stable. it is due to his brain damage and blood loss. do you know anyone that has the same blood type as him?”
“I have the same blood type as him, doctor. I don’t mind giving mine as long as it means to save him,” you told the doctor, holding tears so it wouldn’t fall on your cheek. you have to be tough in this situation.
“alright, we will give you some time for you to rest and then we can proceed with drawing the blood,” the doctor informed.
some time passed, you are ready to draw your blood. you sat beside his bed, looking at all the wires connected to him. you hate seeing this sight, especially it’s him. ‘it should’ve been me,’ you thought, no expression showed on your face but deep down, you feel rage, anger, sadness, scared and more to describe.
“stay strong, my love,” you whispered, followed by a smile.
whoever did this to your husband, may death welcomed them in an unpleasing way.
“kuroo y/n, are you ready?” the doctor asked and you nodded as an answer.
kuroo’s pov
my eyes are taking a lot of time to open. white lights blinding my eyes that made me close my eyes right away. i can hear the beeping sounds of the machine, ‘yes.. I got into an accident.. at least my memory isn’t- wait- MY WIFE!’
I sat up straight at the thought of my wife, how long have I been here? is my wife alright? am I still dreaming? the sounds of my bones cracked, shit, I’m in reality.
I pinched myself and looked at the other bed that is placed beside me. that figure laying on the bed is definitely my wife. I can recognize those familiar features. what happened? why is she here? why is she not awake?
“oh- kuroo-san, you’re awake. I guess your wife still need more sleeping time,” a voice was heard as the person- doctor, came in. “your wife is alright. she just needs rest. you too, kuroo-san,” the doctor added, helping me to take off the napping mask as he knows I wanted to speak.
“I don’t understand why is she here,” I mumbled, unsure if that is loud enough for the doctor to hear.
“she gave her blood to you. it has been two days now. she fainted right after giving the blood. she woke up this morning, by the way. she said she wanted more sleep after having breakfast,” the doctor explained, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.
“I guess I’ll wait for her to wake up. I want her to see me as the first person when she wakes up,” I said and then I heard a chuckle from her.
wait- did she just-
“you’re the one who got into an accident, idiot. that should be me saying it to you,” y/n said, sitting up straight to face me.
“I thought you were asleep?” I asked, facing the doctor who gave a shrug.
“you think it was easy for me to sleep at the thought of you might actually die?!”
this time, it’s my turn to laugh lightly but painful because of the newly fresh broken bone. it didn’t have to be removed, fortunately.
the doctor joined in a second-short laugh. “you only have a broken right elbow and the back of your neck. it will take months to heal. therefore, your brain was the most complicated one. fortunately, it solved. kuroo tetsurou will be discharged in two weeks while kuroo y/n can be discharged today,” the doctor informed.
“that’s good to know. thank you, doctor,” y/n said, giving a light bow but part of me feel guilty.
“I shall give time for the two of you,” the doctor said and leaves the room.
“I’m sorry, babe. I’m going to cause you trouble because I got into an accident- I-,” my words were cut off by her shushing.
“shhhhh, I don’t want to hear apologies. it’s not your fault. I’m going to do some investigations on who did this so they would get a payback, okay? I’m going to take care of you this time. you have been taking care of me-.”
“we have been taking care of each other, y/n.”
y/n gave a smile, “yeah, right.”
“now that I know you gave your blood to me. this means we’re really meant for each other,” I said, pausing myself. “I love you, kuroo y/n. we will never separate from each other because you’re my lover, my life, my wife, my forever, we’re connected.”
“pfft how poetic of you even after this,” y/n stated, pointed out about this accident, which means, trying to tease me.
“hey! that shows how much I love you, y/n!”
y/n laughed, and continues, “‘we're like the blood in our veins. we must flow without stopping. keep your oxygen moving and your mind working.’ wasn’t that how you set the mood back in high school? well, that time, my brain only worked to do anything for you as long as it would save your life. and the fact that nekoma’s banner written as ‘connect.’”
“iconic how the blood and connect were mentioned and now your blood and my blood are connected and flowing in my veins! no metaphor intended!”
“yeah okay, I love you too, kuroo tetsurou.”
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kae-luna · 1 year
🌃//Writeblr Intro//🌃
Hello! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I am Kae Luna. You can call me Kae or Luna. I am pretty new to Writeblr, so please bear with me.
╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
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(Banner made with canva)
🌊About My Writing🌊
✨Genres: sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, action, drama, psychological, LGBTQIA+
✨Subgenres: dystopian, cyberpunk, biopunk, solarpunk, post-apocalyptic
✨Common themes: diversity, anti-capitalism, female empowerment
Since I like both anime art and storytelling, I'm planning to make light novels. Some of them may be short stories, standalone novels, or series. :3 Going to put some of them on Wattpad and Tapas.
I try to balance unique settings with complex characters.
🌊About Me🌊
I've been writing and drawing since I was little. And before I could write, I would tell my mother my story and she'd write it down for me. I've always had a crazy imagination. When I was a tween, I got into anime and manga, so I learned how to draw in that art style.
I am 25, queer-romantic asexual, and feminine-presenting nonbinary. I identify as both a girl and a demi-boy. You can refer to me as she/her, he/him, or they/them. I don't mind. I'm also white and have ADHD, dyspraxia, anxiety, and depression that prevents me from getting a "real" job.
I'm pretty shy and anxious, but once you get to know me, I may say some weird stuff and dad jokes. I'm a big nerd and simp as well.
I am also a Vtuber, but made this alt identity since I didn't think my work would fit that persona.
🌊About My Blog🌊
Here I am going to post about my WIP stories and some of my art. I will also reblog others' art and writing. Many aesthetics, fandoms, and other stuff may be reblogged as well with tags if it inspires my work.
Here I hope to find more creators to connect with and find some epic creations. Feel free to message me if you'd like, though I am kinda shy. :3
I am okay with:
✨Tag games
✨DMs. I'm happy to make friends. :3
🌊My Likes & Favorites🌊
✨Aesthetics/genres: vaporwave, cyberpunk, pastel, eco punk, nature, grunge, post-apocalyptic, solarpunk, steampunk, fantasy, LGBTQIA2S+
✨Movies: Alita: Battle Angel, Ultraviolet, Aeon Flux, Spider-Man 2, Howl's Moving Castle, Black Panther, The Matrix
✨Shows: Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, The Witcher
✨Anime: Death Note, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
✨Games: Skyrim, Baldur's Gate 3, The Sims 4, Minecraft, Fallout
✨Cartoons: Aeon Flux, Batman The Animated Series
Ultra Drive - Intro Post | Directory Post
Links: Wattpad | Tapas (coming soon)
✨Genre(s): sci-fi, cyberpunk, action, drama, psychological, dystopian
✨CWs: government stuff, pandemic mention, gore probably at some point
When AlexiKa was a child, her world was changed forever when her family was forced to immigrate to the imperial city of Venicula after the Ebony Plague - caused by mysterious eumalyptus spores - infected her home town. Now a young adult, she works as a courier (and secretly an anti-corporation activist). When going on a delivery, she accidentally uncovers dark secrets and ends up infected with the same Ebony Plague that haunted her hometown as a child. But when she survives the illness and instead develops superhuman abilities, she joins a mutant resistance group to fight against the Veniculan Empire, the Gaia Corporation, and other mutants with immoral goals.
Adventures in Alsteria - Intro Post (coming soon!)
Links: N/A
✨Genre(s): fantasy, comedy, slice of life, action, adventure, LGBTQIA+
✨CWs: None ATM? Violence probably?
A trans femboy wood elf named Nel finds the homeland of his people - the rain forests of Falinor - and goes on an adventure to form a guild of adventurers! Still kind of in the vibes stage I guess, but I have some ideas formed for lore and characters. :> Something more cute and lighthearted for me to write in contrast to Ultra Drive.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't have much that I can share at the moment due to much of my writing being lost (school assignments or lost on old computers) or attached to other identities. I also had a looong writer's/art block.
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tickledbreathless · 1 year
Hailing from the east coast, ladies gentlemen and nonbinary folks, here comes an introduction post!
What’s my name? I’m gonna go by Ame (pronounced “Am”). Sound good? I think so too. 😊
Age and Gender? Currently 23 and a guyy so hit me with those he/him pronouns!
What can I say other than I’m a nerd. I like nerdy stuff (ahem… minecraft, mario, pokemon, mha, marvel, more), so I might go unskippable cutscene on you if you talk to me abt the right thing 😭
Tickling. Yep, I like it. You can call me a switch as one might do!
It’s a kink blog. Sure, I’ll post/reblog about forms of tickling that can considered sfw, nsfw, or possibly outside of the realm of a kinky context, BUT this is still a kink blog.
NSFW will be tagged. I occasionally post or reblog nsfw/sexual material. You’ve been warned.
What kind of tickling? Whatever tickles my own fancy, I suppose. Teasy posts, tickling gifs, drawings. Probably some non-tickling stuff as well if I’m just feeling silly 🤭
18+ so minors and ageless bios DO NOT INTERACT !!!! Have your age in your bio. If you aren’t of age or don’t have your age in your bio and you interact with me, I’ll just block you immediately, so get it right the first time even if you’re of age.
Asks are allowed and encouraged! Keep is respectful and uncreepy or I’ll put rocks into your cereal.
Sending Teases/Tickle Talk? In DMs, i prefer to get to know people before tickle talk becomes involved. However, teases sent in asks are alright, but I reserve the right to not respond to them and no RP in asks pls!
I do enjoy DMs as well! As long we respect each other’s boundaries, we’re good to go, but also don’t immediately start off about tickling, man… but if we get along good and have gotten to know each other, tickle talk, teases, and rp are fine by me. ✨
Other kinks? W-well… yes… Gentle femdom, post orgasm, cnc, and tummy fetish /////
Also I may not always respond quickly to messages. I can get p busy some days, won’t respond to DMs while at work, and i guess when im Soooometimes touching grass. Please know that I may not be open to meeting every person who comes into my dms. I’m one person and I don’t have the time or energy to establish new connections all the time. Sorry.
It should go without saying but racism, homophobia, transphobia, whatever form of brainless hatred that festers like the disease it is is not allowed on this blog. You’re Not welcomed here. Discrimination doesn’t deserve a seat at any table. Your personal beliefs decide what you yourself should or shouldn’t do, your beliefs do not decide whether other people should be allowed to exist or whether you get to invade their boundaries.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! I’ll edit this post if necessary. For now, I’m taking it slow here and I’m unsure as to what I’ll do with this blog.
That’s all I got for you all! Feel free to ask me questions if you’re curious about me or this blog! Enjoy your day, giggly people 🪶
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
TOMORROW X TOGETHER On Their First Time Meeting, Performing in Singapore And More
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Everything you need to know about K-pop’s Gen Z darlings
Since making their highly anticipated debut in 2019, TOMORROW X TOGETHER has made waves with their energetic, youthful sound and dynamic dance performances. This weekend, the group finally brought their ACT: SWEET MIRAGE tour to Singapore, in their first-ever concert in the city. Below, the band’s five members tell BAZAAR all about their first times, from what made them fall in love with music in the first place to the first impressions their bandmates left on them.
When was the first time you realised you wanted to become singers?
Hueningkai: For the three of us (Soobin, Yeonjun, Hueningkai), it was more or less the same. We took part in music and performance-related club activities in middle school, and would perform during school festivals.
Yeonjun: The experience of being on stage and delivering the song you’ve been working so hard on, having everybody cheer for you—it’s incredible. Nobody can forget that. So from then on, we decided music was what we wanted to do.
Beomgyu: I was really young and was watching a movie called August Rush. The kid in there, played by Freddie Highmore, is really incredible with the guitar. I thought it was so cool, and sooner or later, it was my new dream to become someone who can touch others with music.
Taehyun: I was watching a newly released music video with my sister. The group was SHINee. Watching them sing and dance like that made me want to give it a try, and here I am.
Soobin: Yeah, the idea that it was something we wanted to do just came to us very organically. My parents always loved listening to music in the car, and we also had friends around our age who loved K-pop. We knew that doing music was a possibility and we all took it. I’m glad we did.
Is this your first time in Singapore? What do you love about touring here?
Yeonjun: Yes! We’re here on tour for the first time, and it feels incredible to be here. I know some of our fans here have been waiting for this show for a long while and I just want to make sure they know that we’ve been eagerly awaiting this night as well. We’re really happy to be here.
Taehyun: We keep our eyes and ears out. The best thing about being on tour here in Singapore is definitely the fans. They’re so passionate already. Also, it’s beautiful here. You have the Marina Bay Sands, one of the world’s iconic architectures, and really good food as well. We’re having a great time.
You’re set to be the first K-pop group to headline Lollapalooza. How does it feel?
Beomgyu: You can ask any of us. LOLLAPALOOZA last year was definitely one of the most memorable events of our 2022. The crowds were passionate and so were we. We were reminded yet again of why we love being in music so much. We’re really honoured to be invited back to the festival for the second year in a row, this time as headliner. All I can say is, it’s going to be a fantastic show so you better be there.
Tell us about your latest EP, The Name Chapter: Temptation. Are there any notable firsts on the album?
Hueningkai: I guess one song that we want to draw your ears to is “Happy Fools (feat. Coi Leray).” We all wrote lyrics to Yeonjun’s melody, so in that sense, it’s a very TOMORROW X TOGETHER-ish song. We’re really proud of this one and happy we can work on such good songs together.
What about this latest tour? How does it feel to perform certain songs for the first time?
Soobin: Without revealing too much for any of our fans who want to keep the show a surprise for when they actually get there… I want to say this tour and the songs we’re performing really mark our youth. If you feel that you’re also in your youth right now, you’ll be able to really connect and relate to the songs.
Do you remember the first time you all met one another?
Beomgyu: We’re all going to say the same thing for Yeonjun. We joined the company and he was already “BIGHIT Legendary Trainee Yeonjun Choi” since he was really good at everything. Soobin was really, really tall so he stuck out a lot since we were all young and therefore much shorter than we are now. He always liked to reach out and take care of others. Taehyun had huge eyes, and had random talents like magic tricks. He’s also very smart.
Soobin: Beomgyu was really shy for just one day but we soon found out just how energetic he can be. He really brightens up the mood. Hueningkai was really young, basically a baby but look how he’s grown now.
Lastly, what career firsts are you still looking forward to in the future?
Taehyun: TOMORROW X TOGETHER is just getting started. We have a great team here with incredible trust, synergy, and friendship and I can’t wait to see what else we can achieve together.
Hueningkai: We want to become a group with a unique signature sound that anyone can recognise. I want people to hear our music and immediately know, ‘hey, that’s TOMORROW X TOGETHER.’ I guess we want to become a staple for all youth who are experiencing growing up.
Yeonjun: We’re still here now, but we’ll also be back again sooner than you know. And you won’t be disappointed.
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josiebelladonna · 27 days
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
been a long time since I’ve actually read any fanfic, and it’s usually from other fandoms, too. music rpf is just… it’s painful to even look at anymore. between the awful grammar, the synopses that turn me right the fuck off, and the dark specter of a fact that i don’t know if the author is going to be a backstabbing jerk to me either on here or on ao3.
2. What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
anything from any of testament’s videos. gifs of these men are like canteens in a desert.
3. What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
there’s a few:
alex’s gray streak is synonymous with lightning and if he loses it, he loses his ability to play guitar as incredible as he does.
alex has crooked teeth to conceal his fangs.
alex really does shoot a little pre-cum whenever someone calls him alejandro. …take all the time you need.
the whole “milk and cookies” thing from fever (long story short: sam liked to treat alex to ginger snaps and he would let his gaze fall onto her chest. it’s a parody of the male gaze, a middle finger to misandry and the belief that men shouldn’t express their sexuality, and a subtle clue that alex has always loved her and been attracted to her).
eric is geddy lee’s evil twin (listen to dragonlord and you’ll see what i’m talking about)
from a few kinktober one shots: eric actually is a dragon. the thing that coaxes him out is angry eroticism.
eric often fantasizes about tying up alex and hand-feeding him things like cannoli and donuts.
eric has a food kink and a bdsm streak. chuck has a water kink + a textile kink. alex is the kinkiest of them all (a guy that straitlaced is hiding some things FACT).
chuck’s cancer left scar tissue on his heart and lungs. eric has scar tissue on his legs from when he fell down the stairs. alex’s gray streak is a scar from when he smacked his head on a thousand-foot Mesa of stone shaped like a castle. any questions?
another one: the whole thing with poison plants. my guess is it’s a hangover from writing anthrax fanfic, given joey’s last name (and it helps that he has a song called “deadly nightshade”), but i really don’t know where it came from.
another one: the connection between alex and snakes. one of those things that needs to be written out into a full-fledged essay.
4. What’s a fanart you love looking at?
uuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh, i don’t know.
5. What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
i’ve had an idea for a fic called “weekend at billy’s” (parody of weekend at bernie’s) for a long time now. i’ve also had an idea for a second sequel to seasons grey since beginning dark roots of earth, and an idea for a testament/powerwolf fic for @teababe27
i officially do not have the motivation to do any of them because i am genuinely hated. fandom is sick of seeing me. in fact, i’m surprised i even have the motivation to do anything that has to do with writing people hate me so much 🫤😢
6. What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of them? Something else?
i’ve discovered a few things, actually. i like class. i’m sensual. i’m kinky, perhaps too much so. these five men have helped me uncover my true self. they are painfully untapped. dark fantasy and gothic lit tropes fit them like a glove, like they’re a step over a band like type o negative in terms of darkness: must be all the black they wear. testament fans (for the most part, anyway) apparently have me on some kind of shitlist—you know, i just think back to last year, when their social accounts started sharing more of my drawings, the amount of comments that downright bashed me, like i thought soundgarden, pearl jam, and metallica fans were fucking rude.
7. What’s your favourite era? And has this changed after multiple relistens?
practice what you preach era. forever the “stud” era.
and something about bands having album covers that are mostly black released around the time of albums with covers that are yellow, like it’s a sign that things are about to get kinky around here. they have practice what you preach —> souls of black —> the ritual —> low; anthrax had state of euphoria —> persistence of time; soundgarden had superunknown —> down on the upside; alex himself has a variant of this with veritas —> conundrum (see?).
8. What do you expect going into your kinktober event?
nothing, and i really mean that, too. i didn’t say “fuck it all and no regrets” yesterday for no reason. they’re not a popular fandom to begin with and i’m the most reviled fanwriter right now: i made them radioactive. in fact, i’m surprised more metalheads don’t want to tear me a new one, both with them and anthrax and metallica. i’m an alt rock kid who wandered off because the alt rock fandom wants nothing to do with me, either. what’s worse is when i’m out of here, i know some other writer is going to come along with something in their arsenal and people will just eat that shit up and bury me, forgetting i was ever here in the process. 5 and a half years and nearly 5 million words total on ao3, and it’s all going to be buried six feet under by some obnoxious 19-year-old bitch who writes for her “readers” not because she has a very real crush on alex and had a feeling that the feelings are mutual and wanted to explore it.
9. What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes them?
“you’re my vitamins.” -nirvana, “drain you” (one of their best songs, no less)
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blindrapture · 2 months
july 28, again.
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got asked a question about the july 28th log.
here's a transcription:
Dr0Shadow 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 — Today at 3:42 PM
@DJay did you just throw Elon Musk into the rapture and reference those dumb cars tesla made like a decade before they wouldve been invented
DJay — Today at 5:02 PM it was definitely a nod to the real-life present day. there are some of those in the final draft. but elon musk was already CEO of Tesla, he became CEO in 2004.
the log sorta implies that the Judge chose him sorta arbitrarily-- as he puts it, he's not even from San Francisco. I imagine he wasn't in it at the time and was just, like, whisked away to that court scene. so in some ways it's a demonstration of a "greater" logic being used by Xanadu's judgement (with the Judge as the vessel of that) that greater logic being something like… "this is a name more people in the world will know (even in 2011)." but the Attached for that log more overtly draws attention to real-life shit. the Attached makes a pretty obvious allusion in "tweet tweet" and "Now I'm for the birds." though it's still "ambiguous" enough that one can instead read a non-twitter interpretation out of it. poetry, and all. I seem to have landed on the font for that Attached being Georgia (for the website, and "Chat"/courier new for tumblr), which is the Tiresias/Thoth font. though there exist other Attacheds in a specific other font that are exclusively written by real-life author me, and I could have used that for this. I think, if I had used real-life-author-me font for that Attached, then we could just call this a cute anachronism. but I didn't want to do that. and I didn't do that. I elected more for Poetry. what does it really mean??? I dunno. sincerely. it's the kind of thing that, if I sat down and really concentrated, and rambled at you for an hour, I could reason out a convincing interpretation. and if I had to guess, like. the short answer is, like with the Fears themselves, "it's more about this deeper pattern that real-life Elon Musk is just one iteration of." "Elon Musk is one frond on a big hyperdimensional plant. Rapture depicts other fronds of it and shows how they connect to the Elon Musk frond, and Rapture tries to imply the deeper stem."
but. but yeah. the surface intent is "what if elon musk gets trapped in a car and thrown off a cliff. what if the fictional world gives justice for something that happened in a different world." the surface intent is for you to get a good chuckle out of it. rapture actually has a fair few instances of…….. Real-Life Bad People in completely different contexts. like there's Attacheds, including ones we haven't gotten to yet, saying that, like, "comcast really stepped up when the apocalypse came; they provided free internet for everyone and worked overtime, volunteered, to keep the servers running" and "Rupert Murdoch had a change of heart, seeing the planet collapse. he saved a fucking bus of orphans. and gave his newspaper offices to be used by squatters, pro bono." in those cases they're more like really dry black comedy. the joke is they would never do that. and, if they ever read rapture themselves, they'd be struck with a window into a world where they actually did something people liked. elon musk could have gotten something like that. but I elected to not even give him the chance. maybe we can read this as a Dante kinda thing. how Dante wrote real-life people into his Comedy. how he handled the bad people. and rapture has been compared to the Comedy before, by people who are not me!
it has never been my desire to make rapture into the Comedy. even after I read and learned to appreciate the Comedy. I deeply admire the thing, and I take inspiration from it in some broad ways. but I am willing to have moments in rapture that give you, like, a window into a world where rapture was like a different book. that works really well with rapture as a whole. gels well with it. lots of windows into other worlds. in some ways rapture is a hell of a lot like rick and morty. and that wasn't intentional either! but it's honestly one of the closest analogues I can think of. and I've tried.
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mimimariet · 2 months
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Posting this here cause twitter limit and whoever cares to read or relate lol-:
I don't know how to properly convey my feelings with this rant. My best friend told me I'm sure other creatives could relate. The short story is I've lost my hyperfixation that keeps me alive. I'm so emotionally and physically fatigued and arts been hard. In 2010 I dabbled with my OCs, and later on down the road it became my lifeline. I had invested such a huge part of me into my characters and building their world and stories. However, there came this period.. currently.. that I'm struggling to overcome.
A little background, my OCs were definitely an outlet for me. I had been in several relationships where I felt like I needed to beg for love. I thought I had found someone who truly loved me! Heartbreak can write some amazing stories and songs. Though for my mental wellbeing.. being in a toxic and abusive relationship has only left me damaged. Somehow it has taken my creativity away.. I have these experiences I can work and work thru on a personal level AND an artistic level but..
I'm now in a relatively healthy relationship. We both have our struggles but I'm at this point where I'm.. content with the feeling of "loved". I've lost the mourning connection of my OCs and their stories cause I'm content and at peace. I'm still forever damaged and even with the 10 months that have passed by.. I'm not fully recovered. I still strongly desire to work on my stories. I don't know when that'll be.. with a job I'm fed up with and with a heart in recovery.. I just don't know. Simply put, I am stuck. I miss my youth and energy to create. I hope it gets better for me soon.
I have no idea if this even makes sense! I'm trying to explain how.. there was the me back then, who was used and abused and all stretched thin with such a DRIVE to use those emotions to put into a story to tell.. the manic late night episodes of me making comics.. using heartbreak to fuel a story with my dumb little OCs. I used the hurt to make something happy, to live out my desires into my little personalities that are mostly named Billy. Now I'm content.. with love.. Not so much my job I'm TRYING to find a new one LMAO. It's been so difficult. I'm trying to find a new peace, I know I mention Kesha A LOT and shes a huge part of my life, too. "Too Far Gone" from her album Gag Order fits the vibe. "Am I missing you, or am I missing pieces of me?" I guess another word to describe me is optimistic and I always try to look on the bright side of things. Considering "if I can't be happy I can make my little guys happy! But they will be angsty along the way of course!" I'm severely stumped.. I've written so much for my comics and I'm just.. oddly art blocked and overwhelmed into creation. That and my job is whats KILLING my creative mojo. Sorry y'all. <3 I'll get there. I miss drawing so much. My current "fixation" at least.. is Kesha. So I can still create something..!! She's kinda taken the place of my OCs lmao. My brain should be studied, I dunno!! I'm not going anywhere so no need to be worried about that. :B I'm on.. an artistic life support, is all.
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