vanillabat99 · 2 years
POKÉMON ACQUIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sinningtamer · 5 months
You should draw all this (/nf)
I WANT TO AND HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT. normally i'm not in the mood for kink stuff with my sona but this gaaaaaaame fuuuuuckkkkk man. i'm tempted. my save has been such a comedy of errors when you imagine plot to it. we got married on the 4th, his birthday was on the 14th, and then i got his max heart event on the 15th AND GOT PREGNANT IN THE SAME NIGHT??? i looked it up and by god the game really gave me the opportunity as soon as possible.
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hello yes harvey here is your late birthday gift. also i was not keeping track of the days so catch me in shock running around the first day of spring hauling around and planting a billion crops cleaning up the farm etc always super busy OH HEY YOUR KID IS HERE
i know the game gives you the choice to get pregnant but in my mind's eye this is absolutely an accident. and i am choosing to internet this dialogue as evidence.
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welcome to GAAAAAAAME theory where we give out our hypothesis for one of dammek's names to be "treyaf" and throw out a bunch of potential clues.
mallek's FS route: refers to a bronzeblood as 'treyaf' (who we never see, which is a little odd given no other character namedrops someone that we're not meant to meet. konyyl for example namedrops azdaja and later we meet him.) and mentions sending them some cd's for their work (this is also likely a first name given he refers to diemen by first name because if they were on last name basis he'd call diemen by xicali (ig it could also depend on closeness aswell so put this as a loose possibility))
hiveswap: xefros has comb shaped cd's stating its the only type sold to someone so low as him. in dammek's room in the background we have circular cd's indicating he somehow got higher status merch (now who do we know that can hack delivery drones to give whatever to anyone? granted this could also correlate to his connection to cridea the violetblood so take it as you will)
bonus potential clues: typing in "treya" gets the result "treyarch" (dare i say it sounds like "TREYAf" and "tetchrARCH" meshed together?); a game company (remember dammek coding his password system to work like a game?) that produces first person shooters like COD (dammek sure does have alotta guns huh?)
take this all as just conspiracy really.
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kira-moonrabbit · 1 year
Neztach (Library of Ruina) with green flowers?
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I took out one of my old, special overlay Netzaches! They're world renowned, if I may exaggerate and brag. I would have made more that fit with the theme, but they only come in one expression.
....wait.... wait one god damn moment...
FUCK!!!!!!!!!! WRONG GAAAAAAAME!!!!! Looks like you've got another one incoming when I'm not so mixed up!!!!
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angellayercake · 2 years
Ask gaaaaaaame
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
💎So I asked this out loud and my bf said well me obviously and got really offended when I tried to think about anything else so there we go! It's ok because he is objectifying himself 😁
🐸 executive goth slut i think
🎤So many! I've worked so many jobs that have those repeating soundtracks that I end up learning all the words. But to give an actual actual example I know the Moulin Rougue soundtrack off by heart
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abjectathena · 2 years
Just got my first new computer since 2011 and I'm like shaking with excitement!!! I can finally play gaaaaaaames!!
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defiant-firefly · 6 years
I love how Kingdom of Hearts 3 is tomorrow and I'm just here
Getting this in the post...
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Like it just came today. I was honestly hoping it would get here tomorrow so it'd be funnier but here we are.
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b1a4seeyou · 4 years
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ainudraws · 7 years
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Inktober day 9 
Prompt #9. Pocky Game.
Kageyama, you mean tall giraffe.
Also, Happy hinakage day!! 
[More inktober] [Love it? Buy me a Ko-Fi ☕️] [Twitter] [Instagram]
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useramor · 2 years
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips
tagged by @sibylsleaves @buckleysibs @probieeddie @thatbuddie @probieravi THANKS LOVERS
i actually have some wips this time lets get into it 😎😎😎😎
1. buddieversion fic
2. parent trap au
3. pov outsider horse thewapy
4. they’re STUPID stupid
5. pwp
6. FIC unclouded day (this is just so i don’t get it contused with OUTLINE unclouded day)
bruh idk who to tag i would tag everyone who Already Tagged ME but uhh @prettyboyandthekid @ekstasisandangst @constructiononsunset sorry i just got off a flight i am tired if i would normally tag u act like i did and do it
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totallypathet · 4 years
Episode Six
Okay first of all, massive spoiler warning!!
Snaaaaaaatch gaaaaaaame!!! I love snatch game. It's such a good opportunity to shine, and be hilarious, and show us what you can do! It's also the challenge queens have the most time to prepare for, so it's always interesting to see who actually comes prepared...
Also, the runway this week was incredible! I think it's been the best week so far for runway looks, so many of them were sooooo stunning! Who knew that a Frozen theme would bring out the best of the season so far??
Okay, let's get into the breakdown.
1. Aiden Zhane
Oh my god. I am so so so so so so so so glad to see Aiden finally fucking LEEEEEEAVE. It's been a journey guys, but we got here. I am so excited not to have to see that little black wig anymore. Honestly, there was nothing good about her performance this week. I was actually really excited to see someone do Patricia Quinn, it's cool seeing people do references that I hadn't even thought of and salute older parts of LGBTQ history. The reality, though, made me want to jump off a building. It was sooo cringy and sad. There was nothing Patricia about it, she didn't even bother doing the accent. How are you gonna stand in the work room and say "oh I know her, I had lunch with her" and deliver a performance like that?? And also, every question she was just like "I don't even know where I am am!" And it's like... dementia isn't funny. It was just hard to watch.
Her runway was, I think, the best she's ever looked. The wig was still shaky af, but her makeup was really pretty, and her padding was really good. The dress was lovely, but it wasn't very...creative. It was just a blue dress, and the yeti concept was only done from the neck up. It kind of felt like she went to the competition with just the dress, then she saw what everyone else was putting on and was like "oh damn I've got to make a concept out of this somehow!"
Also that lipsync though... it was like watching Vivienne Pinay and Honey Mahogany again, let's just say that.
Tl;dr: she deserved to go, and I'm glad to see her go.
2. Brita
Brita, Brita, Brita. Still bitter af. All she does is talk shit on other people and like...maybe if you stayed in your lane and focused on what you were doing, you wouldn't be in the bottom all the time? Just a thought. Shes another one where it felt like she just didn't do enough research on her character. It's so disappointing, and kinda inexcusable - you know what's coming, you have so much time to prepare and you still don't bother? I don't care for that kind of attitude. Also if she mentions that she won Entertainer of the Year one more time I'm gonna lose my mind. I don't care that you won it! Show me why you won it! Show me why you deserve to win this! I just haven't seen anything from Brita that I've enjoyed. I'm disappointed and underwhelmed.
Her look on the runway was also a bit underwhelming, it was a pretty gown, but it was almost and exact copy of Eureka's glitter look. That comparison has been made already, but it's true. We've seen it, why would you bring a copy of a gown from just 2 seasons ago? Underwhelming.
Her lipsync was also not that good, but she was against Aiden, so of course she won. Excited to see her go next week though!
3. Crystal Methyd
Whew, Crystal was a rollercoaster this week! Poppy was a really tough choice. I didn't know who she was at all, but I looked up a few videos of her after the episode and now I get what Crystal was going for. She actually did a fairly good job of what she was going for, but it just wasn't the right character for snatch game. We all know RuPaul has very simple humour, anything big, slapstick, edgy, all that stuff. The humour Crystal was going for could have been really funny (if I knew more about Poppy, that's on me), but RuPaul was never going to get it. And also, she was trying to do a robotic character like 2 seats down from Gigi, who was also doing a robotic character and killing it, so that's an extra level of difficulty.
Having said all of that. Crystal. Was the best. On. The. Runway. That outfit was incredible! And her makeup was so stunning! And the hair was perfect with it! She absolutely killed that runway, and I was gagged by it. Crystal has turned out so many looks, and I Love It. That runway 100% saved her from the bottom 2 and I could not be happier about it. So proud of her.
One other thing though, I am so bored of the El DeBarge thing. Move on, Ru. Crystal is far far more than a mullet.
4. Gigi Goode
Gigi is an absolute powerhouse this season. Her choice to play a robot was bold, but I live a queen with confidence. And she was confident, she knew what she was doing, she did her research, and she killed the snatch game. I'm so proud of her. One thing I will say, I swear they called the robot Maria, but I thought that human looking AI robot was called Sophia? Maybe there was a copyright issue. Anyway, her performance was so hilarious! The struggling with the cards, the calling everyone a bitch, the mispronouniation of vagina, I loved it all. She came with references, she came prepared, and I stan.
Her look was really great, but I almost feel like it was a little repetitive? I don't know, I just feel like I wasn't surprised by it. It was cute, it was perfectly fitted, there were really gorgeous little details about it, but it was the shape and style I expected from her. Maybe it's because she's set the bar so high leading up to this point, I was just a bit "meh" with her look this week.
She still fully deserved to win, and she did a fantastic job this week.
4. Heidi N Closet
Heidi also did a good job this week. Her Leslie Jones was a safe performance, she made me laugh, she had the look down, I was not at all mad at it. Was it perfect? No. Was it good? Absolutely. I enjoyed it. I'm glad she didn't do Phaedra Parkes. I really don't enjoy when Ru tries to change their characters in the walk through. They've brought information, and references, and preparation (most of them); and you want them to throw all that away and do someone else just because you think so? No. I will grant that sometimes Ru points them in the right direction when they're choosing between 2 characters - but I don't like when he just pulls a character out of nowhere for them.
Heidi's look was also really great; she was giving me 2018 Met Gala Rihanna but in Winter. Her makeup was stunning, she looked so pretty. The only thing I didn't love was the shoes. I kind of wish she'd just gone for a white or silver pump. The fur was too much for me.
Good week for Heidi, definitely a safe performance, I'm glad for her.
5. Jacki Cox
Jackie 👏 came 👏 prepared 👏 I have never watched Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I was only vaguely aware of Lisa Rinna nefore the snatch game, but I still found her performance so funny! She looked just like her, she sold me who Lisa Rinna was really quickly, so I was able to laugh at the rest of her jokes. I didn't specifically know Lisa Rinna, but we all know a woman like that, so I could still get the humour. I might not have caught all the references, but it was still funny. That's how you play snatch game. You need to be able to make people laugh even if they don't know who you're actually portraying. I absolutely loved Jackie this week.
Her runway look was also stunning! I loved the snowflake, I loved her makeup, and I adored her hair. Jackie is so good at serving something so different every week but still sticking to her brand and her signature. I love Jackie.
6. Jaida Essence Hall
Jaida's Cardi B was really good! She looked just like her, sounded just like her, had her humour down... absolutely solid performance from Jaida.
Her look this week was also soooo beautiful! She's such am absolutely stunning queen, her makeup skills are incredible, she knows her body, she knows what suits her, and she rocks it every week.
The only thing for me with Jaida is I feel almost a little...disconnected from her. I just don't feel like I've seen the vulnerability from her like we've seen from Heidi, or Jackie. And that doesn't mean I want her to tell some horrific story from childhood, I just mean that when we see her she's always on, yknow? And I get that it's a tv show, and a competition show at that; I just wish we could see her humanity a little bit. Having said that, I totally get that queens of colour (and particularly black queens) get so much hatred from the drag race fandom, and I completely understand that it would be difficult to open up and be vulnerable after seeing what other black queens have been through during and after the show.
Nevertheless, she is utterly incredible and so deserving of a top spot. She's a real contender for winner of season 12.
7. Jan
I love Jan. I love her so much. Shes so excited to be there, she's working so hard, and I appreciate it so much. Her Bernadette Peters was not great. Or maybe it was, I have no idea who she is. And she didn't sell me, like Jackie did. It was kind of a shame. I feel like Jan has the talent to have done almost anyone, and she just picked someone that I feel like took too much explaining. Still a solid performance - for me she was on a level with Heidi. Solid performance, solid runway, good week.
I did like Jan's runway look more than Heidi's though, I loved the concept. Jan is another one who has pulled out something very different every week, but still stays distinctly Jan. I love her makeup as well! Jan doesn't get enough recognition for her makeup skills, she's really talented, she paints beautiful faces, and is not afraid to get artistic and high fashion.
8. Widow Von Du
I love Widow so much, but everything she did this week was just slightly off. I thought her Ike & Tina performance was actually a bit of a shame, I think she focused too much on having a gimmick that her performance suffered. The thing about switching characters in snatch game is that both characters have to be really good (and equally good), otherwise it just feels a little messy. Her performances just weren't quite there this week. I wish she'd just picked one and spent a little more time perfecting it.
Her runway also wasn't quite there. I loved the concept, she did something so different from everyone else, and I love when queens pull off a standout look. Her makeup and the ice on her face was also incredible, she honestly has the most beautiful face. I just wish that dress had hit the floor. I wish the skirt had been a little more full (maybe more petticoats?), and it had hit the floor. Widow does have this awful habit of wearing ugly shoes - and if the gowns hit the floor it just wouldn't matter. It was a shame.
Still a solid week and a decent performance, don't get me wrong; I just keep wishing for her to really pull it out and succeed, and she's just slightly missing the mark for me at the moment.
Okay, now I'm gonna say something kind of controversial about this season; I wish Jan, Jackie, and Widow weren't on it. I wish they were on next season. I'm saying that because I think they're all so incredible, and I think they all could potentially win a season - if they weren't on with Gigi Goode and Sh***y P**. Gigi has been so unstoppable, and I love her, but she's kind of overpowering, and I really want to see someone other than her (or Sh***y P**) win a challenge. I mean, it's no secret that Sh***y P** was pre selected to be top 4, and this season has been geared towards her, so of course she's been winning challenges. It just has almost become like a 2 person competition, and it's a shame! Because there's so many other queens who deserve wins, and deserve recognition, and they're not getting it because the top 2 is like always those 2. I'm not mad at Gigi, bc she's slaying the competition and she's working really hard; I just feel like there's been seasons where Jackie, Jan, or Widow would have absolutely killed it and won, but this season they're just not getting the recognition they deserve. Just my opinion!
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withoutapprcval · 6 years
I legit didn’t have enough characters to put in plus I got lazy on adding images so I just started adding in OUAT characters to fill ‘em in because I am a biased piece of shit.
feat. @mutedstrummer / @grantedlife / @dovedspirit , @chrmiing @facemarked @kxngofnxvxrlxnd @ladymalevxlent @diamcndscarred @jonesyard
simulator under the cut 
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DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNNN also i just realized there are two Alice’s oops
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why’d i put dizzy, a child, into this simulation again???? eh. also drizella should not have a weapon this is not good.
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I got ‘dreams’ for my PS4 and will now work my way through some tutorials. I want to make a gaaaaaaame!!!
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does anyone here play Fluxx? I just got Space Fluxx (we used to play it all the time in Japan) and it's so much fucking fun. I'm trying to remember how to play so I can teach my sisters xD card gaaaaaaames :D
If you kiddos ain't heard about Fluxx well, this is your wake up call xD ahaha
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jindongdongie · 7 years
3 and 12? story time✨
Hi Baaaaaae~
Seventeeen Ask Gaaaaaaame~ (Yas)
3. First impression of SEVENTEEN?Way too many people to remember. How the hell am I supposed to know ALL their names? *watches Highlight in a random compilation video* OMG IT’S THE MANY MEMBERS GROUP AGAIN.
*listens to Fronting*
*listens to Adore U*
*listens to Don’t Wanna Cry*
Okaaaaay…I’m in.
*About a week later*
Minghao is my husband, along with 12 side hoes that I can recognize by their eyes.
12. Have you had any dreams about SEVENTEEN?
okay. SO I had a dream, HELLA FRESH, btw, about Vernon yesterday that went like this.
I live alone, and I got a knock on the door, and I open the door to reveal a big ass, bright ass yellow box with a card in the shape of Ryan from Kakao Friends head hanging off the giant white bow. I open the card and it says, ‘Hello there, Open me!’ So me being a lover of presents I pull on the white bow, and the box falls flat, exposing Vernon in a hoodie who is holding a GIANT Hoodie Ryan.
He steps forward, smiles and says, “I know you’ve been indecisive for a while, but I think you should pick me instead of Mingyu Hyung, Jinju.” He hands me the Ryan toy, puts a sunflower flower crown on my head and the dream eNDS.
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