shurisbathwater · 2 years
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↳Part III
: slight smut,angst & fluff
:ntm on the smut yall this is my second time. First time went terribly
^pls play the song if you can, it rlly resonates with me and I think it matches the storyline
Two months later
-"IS that the last of your bags, ma'am?" The worker asked you as he finished loading the last box into the truck.You nod slowly and give him a tight lipped smile. He smiles back and closes the trunk to his truck.
"These will be shipped back to the US as soon as possible." He tells you. "Thank you." You reply. It's true; you were moving back to the US. You felt as if you didnt have a purpose here in Wakanda ever since..you and Shuri broke up. You wanted to go back to school and resume your studies in marine biology.
You took your phone out to look at the time your plane was coming to get you. You only had two hours left until you left this beautiful place with beautiful people forever. But what mattered is that you're doing this for yourself-you weren't running away. Though the only thing was you didnt tell Shuri.
You sigh as you reach out to touch your necklace anxiously, only to realise its not on your neck. Your eyes widen as you look on the ground and all around the place, its not there. Someone very special gave that to you - Shuri. But yet it had meaning to it. It was something she made for your late sister, but was gifted to you instead.
"She would've wanted you to have this."
Your eyes started to well with tears. You missed her, though you wouldn't admit it to anyone- you longed for her touch and missed her presence. Whatever, it isn't that deep its just a necklace..You blink back the tears and look in your suitcase beside you; maybe you didnt put it on after all?
You looked up at your apartment complex and sighed. You had to go up there again, after packing all of your stuff. You went over to your car and loaded all of your stuff in for a minute and went up.
You took the elevator up and looked at the empty spaces. Where your couch and TV used to be in the living room, your kitchen..whenever you looked around you saw Shuri. Everything reminded you of her, even when you were trying to forget.
You remembered the time you guys tried to make cookies.
"Shuri, you're supposed to watch them, they're burning!"
"What? Oh shi-"
You laughed at her as she opened the oven and suddenly a puff of smoke came out of the place.
"Ahh!!" She screamed as she grabbed a cloth and started waving it around. You laughed hysterically at her.
You sighed and looked away. You made your way to your empty bedroom. You went on all fours and started looking for it. Nothing, of course.
You searched and searched for it and after all that time you couldn't find it. You muttered curse words under your breath and realised it could only be in one place.
Shuri's damned apartment.
You shut your eyes and put your head in your hands. "Ughh, oh my gosh" you mumbled as you got up once again.
ᘛ ᘚ
You stood at Shuri's doorstep as you tapped your foot anxiously. Its fine, you can just replace it. Its just a stupid necklace.
That had meaning to it.
You checked the time on your apple watch, you have one hour to get it, so you might as well just get this over with. You knocked softly on the door as your hands slightly trembled. You heard footsteps coming towards the door, she looked through the peephole and then opened the door with a click.
"Y/n..I.." her voice trails off. "Wasn't expecting you." She sighs shakily as she takes a good look at you. You wore a grey sweatsuit, the zip-up showing a bit of your cleavage.
"Yeahh..I can't stay long. I'm leaving today, soo.." you gave her a tight lipped smile. "I think I left something of mine here." You gulp as you look into her eyes to see hurt, loneliness and despair.
"Leaving? Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice cracks. She really didn't look in good shape. She wore a hoodie of yours and some boxer shorts. The eyes that were once full of love and life, were now empty black pools.
"Yeah..Im gonna be continuing my studies again." You add. Shuri nods slowly as she gives you room to come in. You walk straight into her bedroom and look in her jewlery box. You sigh as you realise its not there. "I..it's not here." You mumble as you close her jewlery box and put it back where you found it.
"Its fine. I can always get it replaced." You say to her. You fiddle with your fingers nervously. "Y/n, we'll find it, okay?" She says reassuringly, reaching out to touch your cheek. You shut your eyes and give into the comfort. She comes in to hug you and you give her the tightest hug. You wrap your arms around her neck and she rubs your back.
You missed this comfort and love. You breathe into her neck and let the tears fall on her shoulder. It was not because of necklace, its because you missed this. Though you broke up with her - that doesn't mean you can't miss her.
"I missed you so much." Her voice cracks once again. You pull away from the hug and look into her eyes, your hands still around her neck. She looks into your eyes for a minute and before you knew it your lips crashed onto hers. It was a loving and passionate kiss. She picks you up and puts you on the bed as you get deeper into the kiss.
She continues to kiss you softly as you both smile throughout the kiss.
Gosh,you're 100% gonna miss your flight.
ᘛ ᘚ
YOU woke Shuri up by planting kisses all over her face. She scrunched her nose softly and opened her eyes, smiling when she realised its you. She grabbed your waist and pulled your naked bodies closer together. You kissed her lips, but then realised you forgot about your flight. "Oh no." You say as you turn around and grab your phone. "Whats wrong?" Shuri asks you as she looks over at your phone.
You jump out of bed and grab your outfit, throwing it on. "I am..going to miss my flight." You mumble as you grab your clothes off of the ground.
"I'll call when I land." You grumble as you attempt to grab your glasses from the nightstand, only for her to put your hand on top of yours.
She instantly notices your nerves calm as you look into her cocoa brown eyes. "I can't stay. Nope, I'm sorry." You whisper. She removes her hand from yours and her eyes soften.
She gets up from her bed and throws on a cropped tank top and her shorts from before, and walks over to you. You get up on your tippy toes and kiss her on the lips, for the last time.
"I'll come to visit, promise."
She smiles softly at you.
ᘛ ᘚ
-𝖳𝖧𝖤 sunset in Wakanda was always so beautiful, too bad you were leaving it. You were in the mood for some music so you grabbed your duffel bag that was sitting beside you - and also had your airpods in it. You shuffled through the bag to find the case, in which you did, and so you put on your Spotify playlist.
As you were zipping up your bag, you noticed something was stuck between the zipper.
The necklace.
You chuckle lightly and grin as you close your duffel bag up again. Your phone suddenly vibrates, interrupting your music.
I love you, safe journey.
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personagf-moved · 6 years
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Hi no ones online 2 see this but this is me, dropping in to say that I am nowhere near packed, I am very stressed, but namjoon looked good today and that’s all that matters 🤧🤘🏼
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: i cannot tell yall how long i have been working on this one, so i'll save it. thanks to @ssaic-jareau for hanging in there with me as i pulled late nights to make this happen over the weekend!! i love you!! i know it's broad daylight for you while im being irresponsible, but i appreciate it nevertheless. let me know what you think, my lovelies! i cherish your thoughts!
words: 7.4k warnings: language, discussion of sex, canon-typical case events
summary: “we are not people who touch each other carelessly; every point of contact between us feels important, a rush of energy and relief.” veronica roth, allegiant. au!may 2012
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed!
It’s always tough to spend time away from home when you aren’t on a case, but a conference kept you from your boys the last couple of days, on Strauss’s request. Aaron was none too happy about it, but as the junior-most agent in the unit (even with five years under your belt), the shitty seminars and professional development events fell on your shoulders. 
Even though you landed early in the morning, flying coach all the way back from California, there was a whole day with Jack waiting for you and Aaron upon your return. A rare Saturday - no case, no paperwork, just family.
You knock on the door with a knuckle, unable to reach your keys around your bags and breakfast. 
Aaron opens the door with a “Hey!” coated in laughter, kissing your cheek. He’s still in his pajamas. 
You squint at him. “Am I early?”
He snorts. “Never. We’re running late.” He takes the takeout bags and coffee from your hands. “Thank you for breakfast.” 
“Of course. I wanted -” 
Jack runs across the apartment and slams into you full force. “You’re home!” 
You curl around him, your hands on his head and shoulder as he cuddles into you. “I am! I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
His voice is muffled by your shirt and it makes you smile. You glance at Aaron over Jack’s head to find a smile. 
“Come look at our fort!” Jack, wearing a blanket cape, takes you by the hand and brings you into the dining room, where the dining room table has been turned into a massive fort fit for a king. 
Or, rather, two kings. 
“Oh my goodness, Jack. This is incredible, little bug. Your architectural prowess knows no bounds.” You look up at Aaron from your place on the floor. “Where’s your cape?” 
His deadpan, as usual, never fails to make you laugh. “Uh, I’m wearing it.” 
Jack continues to drag you all the way under the table until you’re laying on your bellies in the little slap-dash shelter.
Aaron flops down on the floor on the other side of Jack. “We slept in here all night.” 
“Really? That sounds like so much fun.” 
What you mean is, What, with your bad back? 
“Mmhmm,” he replies, only to really say - 
Yep. I feel like shit. 
“Can we sleep in here again tonight, Dad?” Jack asks, turning to Aaron. “All together?” 
You exchange a glance with Aaron, who laughs. 
So much for grown-up plans...
You’re both scrambling to get ready for the bike ride across the mall and day at the Smithsonian when the phone call comes in. 
“Hotchner,” Aaron says, still at the counter, tucking his phone under his chin as he finishes packing the rest of the picnic basket. 
He freezes, hastily bagging some carrots and putting them in the basket before holding the phone in his hand and leaning heavily against the counter. “You’re kidding.” 
That’s not a good tone. 
Jack looks up at you, and you rest your hands on his chest over his shoulders, backing him into you as you watch Aaron with your lip between your teeth. 
“Did they raise the terror alert?”
“Okay. That’s for the best. Um…” He checks his watch. “I’ll get down there now. Yeah….Do you need the rest -” 
With a huff, he meets your eyes and nods. 
You let out a sigh and kiss Jack’s head. He knows the drill and runs off for your phone, still charging in the bedroom. 
“Understood, ma’am. I’ll be there first. We gotta get Jack squared away but I’ll get going while -” He pauses, probably interrupted by Strauss again. “Thank you...Yes...I’ll be there as soon as I can and the rest of the team will meet at the scene.” 
You know that also means you. You also can’t ignore the prick of anxiety that shoots through your belly, knowing he’ll likely be in danger without you for at least a half-hour. 
Jack returns with your phone, Jessica already on the line. 
Aaron, of course, leaves right away while you wait for Jess. 
You sit on the couch with Jack. “I’m so sorry, buddy. We’ll have to do a big day, just the three of us, another time.” 
Jack shrugs. “It’s okay. Sometimes you just gotta catch the bad guys.” 
The offhand nature of his understanding strikes you as instantly hilarious, and he laughs with you when you double over, wiping tears from your eyes. 
“Yeah. Sometimes you just do, kiddo.” 
When you finally arrive at the scene, Dave’s already set up hostage negotiation. You cross the street, finding Will and JJ huddled with Emily and Derek. 
“You okay?” You ask, placing your hand on Will’s shoulder. He’s not just JJ’s not-husband. He’s your friend, too, all on his own. 
“Yeah, jus’ fine.” He shakes his head. “Jus’ a little rattled, is all.” 
His mouth presses into a thin line as he exhales. “Thanks.” He checks his watch. “Y’all should get on back. I think Strauss just showed up.”
JJ kisses his cheek and trots off to meet the rest of the unit. After another hug for Will, you follow suit. 
“The media's calling them the Face Cards. Seven bank robberies in seven months. They've killed one person at each robbery.” Aaron leads the rest of you to the trailer, where the monitors are all set up. 
Dave furrows his brow. “M. O.?” 
“Single gunshot wound. Each of the victims has bled out.” 
That doesn’t make much sense. 
You jump in. “Serial killers with a 30-day cooling-off period and we're only just hearing about this now?” 
“Well, headquarters has always characterized them robbers first and killers second,” Aaron replies, glancing back at you. You roll your eyes. 
Of course they did. 
“No one kills seven people without serious psychopathic tendencies,” Spencer notes. He’s more than right, and you thought the same thing - it’s almost like he took the words out of your mouth. 
“I disagreed with the original assessment. I was overruled.” Aaron’s bland version of frustration is clear in his tone, but he knows, just as you do, that ship has sailed. All you can do now is handle what’s in front of you. 
“So why are we here now?” Dave asks. 
“Because crisis negotiation is overseas.” 
Aaron starts to walk again as JJ asks after more information. Aaron usually rattles it off pretty quickly, but with the quick start this morning, you know he trusts the rest of you to ask the questions you need. “What more do we know about them? 
“They're organized, they're efficient. Each strike lasts about two minutes.” 
Derek, walking beside you, finally joins the conversation. “They gotta be scouting the banks in advance. Why haven't we been able to identify them off of surveillance footage?” 
“They hack the security feed and turn off the cameras, both during the initial canvass and during the robbery, until the masks come back on, and then we're allowed to watch.” Aaron leads you all into the tactical staging truck, watching the security feeds. 
As you continue to watch, the scene becomes clearer, the power dynamics more tangible. 
Dave sees it, too. “They're using the hostages as human shields.” 
JJ, with Will beside her, studies the footage, watching the Queen run around while the King finds himself preoccupied with the Jack’s wound. “This is the first time they've been interrupted. What went wrong?”
“It's a big bank,” Emily says. “It's possible they weren't about to round everybody up before someone triggered an alarm.” 
That’s a fair point, but you ask your question anyway.  “Why haven't they cut the feed now that they've been cornered?”
Derek, still beside you, answers. “Letting us see inside gives up a tactical advantage. They gotta know that.” 
They don't seem to care,” Aaron says, from your other side. 
You’re all silent for another minute, watching to see what happens next. Even though their plans went awry, the team still looks fairly calm and collected, all things considered. 
JJ’s frown only deepens. “They're overconfident. Arrogant, even.” 
“The face card masks add to their narcissism.” Spencer’s voice comes from the end of the line. “Their personas are the royalty of poker.” 
You nod - it’s a great point - while Aaron starts making assignments.  
“JJ, Reid, and Prentiss, look at past robberies. That's gonna be our victimology. Pull another analyst if you need to.” He turns to you, then Dave, on his other side. “I want you two to handle negotiations. And, Morgan, strategize tactical options with MPD.” 
You shuffle, gathering your radio and earpiece from the charger next to Penelope’s computer. 
When the rest of the team leaves, you hang back with Dave, keying into the radio channels and standing by for further instruction - you know there’s more for you in the trailer at the moment. 
Further instruction, though, may have to wait. Strauss climbs the steps into the rig and Aaron greets her. “Chief Strauss.” 
“The Director ordered me to supervise your operation.” 
Of course he did. 
“Puts you right in the spotlight,” Dave says, not unkindly. It’s almost fond. 
You can’t help but hold back a little bit of a smile. If the situation were reversed and it was Aaron at the helm, you’d be proud of him, too. 
“Well, you've got gunmen with hostages in the Capital. The Hill's concerned.” 
Aaron nods, gesturing to you and Dave. “We're about to open lines of communication.”
“What about a tactical assault?”
The three of you shake your heads as Aaron responds. “I don't think it's a good idea. There are hostages in front of the doors and windows.” 
Erin, finally onboard, turns to Dave. “What's your negotiation strategy?” 
“The Jack's bleeding out. They'll ask for medical attention.” 
You hum, a little skeptical, and look back at the feed. “The female unsub might have something to say about that. Look at her body language.” 
Dave follows your gaze. “She is cold and detached. The King seems genuinely concerned about his partner's welfare. But she couldn't give a damn.” 
Your eyebrows raise. “The men probably know each other.” 
Aaron, picking up on your train of thought, flags Penelope, “Garcia?” 
She turns in her chair, already typing. “Shuffling my techno-fabulous deck of databases, sir.” 
And so it begins. 
“I’ll do the talking - I’ll need to establish some rapport with them, but I’ll need you keeping the team updated and coordinating any allowances or personnel as things come up, okay?” 
You nod, a little smile pulling at the side of your mouth. “You got it.” 
Dave claps your shoulder. “You’ll be in this chair one day, so pay attention.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
He dials in and the phone starts ringing through the speaker. You’ll be able to hear everything. 
“Who the hell's this?” You check the monitor. The King picked up the phone. 
Obviously, the Jack can’t pick up the phone, stupid, he’s bleeding out!
“My name is David Rossi. I'm with the FBI. To whom am I speaking?” 
The King doesn’t address the question, but rather looks back toward his fallen compatriot. “All right, I want a doctor sent in, and then I want out of here.” 
Dave checks his watch. “Well, we certainly can discuss that. Let the hostages go and we'll give you all the medical help you need.” 
You take a mental note. Your memories from Dave’s lectures at the academy are fuzzy at best, and you haven’t had very much time handling these things in the field. The last time a major hostage crisis was at hand, you were a hostage yourself. 
A shot hostage, if the chronic nerve pain in your shoulder is any reminder. 
“I can't do that. I need the leverage.” 
“How about a sign of good faith? Send out the women and children and I'll see what I can do.” 
You watch as the King takes the phone away from his mouth. You can vaguely hear him update the Queen, but she’s not having it. She pulls a child from the lineup and your lower lip disappears between your teeth. 
A man, you presume the girl’s father, speaks to the Queen before she shoots him in the abdomen. The King gets back on the line. 
“You better send in some more help or more people are gonna die.” He hangs up. 
“You’re not seriously considering sending an agent in there?” You turn on Hotch and he sighs, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. 
“We don’t have much of a choice. I’m not the authority on-site and with the director pressing Strauss, there’s not much I can do.” 
The two of you are alone for the time being, so you’re able to rib him for a second to lighten the tension. 
“What’s the point of being unit chief if you can’t lord it over everyone all the time?” 
You're rewarded with a shadow of a smile and a snort. “Don’t be ridiculous. I lord it over you plenty.” 
“Not enough.” Your tone is childish, the words murmured under your breath. 
When he walks away, he taps the side of your ass with the back of his hand. If you weren’t in a professional setting, you could mistake it for a promise. 
But, Aaron, that would be unprofessional!
You turn to look at him and just catch his wink as he hops up the steps behind Strauss. 
With Garcia’s magic and Aaron’s genius, you figure out that the men are related. 
While Rossi hops on the next phone call, you help Derek outfit the medic with a bug and a weapon. 
“We're sending in the medic now, Chris. Tell Oliver help is on the way.” 
Derek nods at the medic and he hops off, heading into the bank. You jog over to the trailer only to find a humorously horrified look on Strauss’s face. 
“Is she…” 
You get closer, looking up at the monitor. 
“...putting on lipstick?” 
You scoff. “She’s vain. Only contributes to a profile of vanity and narcissism. She likes to be seen - this is a game for her.” 
You jog back out before Strauss can respond, taking your place between Aaron and Derek. 
“Green. You gotta go. Green. Go,” Derek says into his mic. 
The agent-turned-medic makes a move and immediately gets a shot between the eyes for his trouble. Your hand files over your mouth and Derek ducks away, taking a second. 
Well, that couldn’t have been any worse. 
You look at Aaron, still staring at the screen, beside you. He’s thinking the same thing. 
Derek walks up to you, kevlar and sunglasses firmly in place. “Tactical's been deployed, snipers are moving into position.” 
At your questioning look, Strauss clarifies. “The Director's ordered a full tactical assault.” 
The look doesn’t leave your face. “His last orders cost us an agent.” 
Radio transmissions fly one ear and out the other, not to mention the flurry of activity around the negotiation tent. Before Strauss can reply, Will’s call shoots past you to Aaron.
“SWAT's getting itchy fingers.” 
Aaron turns, covering his comm mic at his chest. “You remind SWAT that bank robberies are federal jurisdiction. No one fires until they're ordered to.” 
Will disappears and you suppress a little pleased shudder. Aaron’s very much in control now and it is doing things to your body that are better suited for, well, anywhere else. You tighten the velcro across your chest as if to compress another rush of… nothing useful. 
Aaron turns back to you, Dave, Derek, and Strauss. “All right, when the crossfire starts, what's gonna happen to the hostages caught in the middle?” 
The question is a trap, and Dave doubles down. “That's the wrong call, Erin, and you know it.” 
Strauss falters for a minute, leveling with the rest of you. “It's not my call.” 
Aaron doesn’t let up. “You're here and you're in charge.” His tone is sharper than yours would be in the same situation, but you’re nearly fifteen years younger and a whole four steps down on the totem pole. 
Not for the first time, a rush of affection and gratitude for him crests over your in a wave and you have to look away, taking a deep breath to collect yourself. When you look back, he’s watching you. 
I’m okay. 
He nods as Erin speaks again. 
“So you want me to disobey the Director?” Erin sounds dubious, at best. 
Dave responds quickly. “Yes.” 
Aaron amends, and if the situation wasn’t so tense his correction would almost be funny. “No. I just want you to buy us a little time.” He pauses, wavering for a second as he rephrases. “Don't be quite so efficient.” 
You’re never surprised by Aaron’s political savvy, but it is a nice reminder that he can run circles around every bureaucrat in the district if given the chance. 
“Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast.”
“It’s an impossible ask, Dave. You know JJ will never go for it.” 
“It’s not up to JJ.” Aaron’s voice approaches from behind you. “It’s the director’s call, but mine first.” 
He comes to rest beside you as Dave leaves the two of you alone. 
“What are you gonna do?” You look at Aaron, finding his eyes trained on the monitor, arms crossed over his chest.
He sighs. “If it was you he asked for...” 
You bump his shoulder. “What, not interested in feeding me to serial killers today?” 
It’s a loaded joke, especially for the two of you, but after Emily, you’re past such things. If the situation were reversed, Haley would never stop giving you hell for getting serial-killed the way she did. It’s only fair to return the favor. 
“Over my dead body, baby.” He reaches down to squeeze your hand for a second before letting you go. “Do me a favor?” 
“Stay here.” 
You can hear JJ’s anguished shouts from here, beside Dave and the phone. 
Derek has a good enough hold on her, Emily and Aaron protecting him from JJ’s wild elbows. She’s beside herself but eventually breaks free and sprints back toward the trailer. You turn to follow her, just in time to hear a gunshot. 
You’re all gathered in the trailer as JJ asks the same questions over and over again. Garcia, just like the first time, doesn’t have any answers. 
The static on the monitors is nearly deafening in its silence. 
JJ looks at you for a moment and takes a shaky breath before looking at Hotch. Her eyes are red-rimmed and her voice is broken when she speaks. “Aaron.”
You know he’s never been able to deny her anything. In the entire time you’ve known him, it’s one of the few things that hasn’t changed. 
His eyes don’t budge from hers. “We’re going in.”
You press the heels of your hands to your eyes, trying to stem the stinging from the heat and debris. Your ears ring and you’ve got a scrape on your chin from where you face-planted into the asphalt. 
Eventually, you remove your hands and open your eyes to the early summer sunshine. Your bias is clear enough - Aaron’s the first one you look for and the first one you find.
He’s looking a little dazed and more than a little ruffled, but alive. 
Ignoring the whine in your ears and swiping some blood off your face, you jog over to him, taking stock of him from head to toe. “You alright?”
He doesn’t answer right away, and you realize he probably can’t hear you. An image of Kate reaching for you and the smell of blood flashes into your head, but you push it away. 
His ear…
“Aaron?” You lay a hand on his shoulder and he startles a little, meeting your eyes and coming back to himself all at once. 
He puts his hands on your shoulders, tipping your jaw up with one finger to examine your chin. “You’re hurt.”
“Honey, I’m fine. Your ear…” You follow a small trickle of blood up the side of his neck, rounding him to get a better look. Just as you’d feared, his bad ear is bleeding again. 
He waves off your concern and taps his comm mic, calling for support in quick, clear soundbites. You snag the back of his vest before he can get too far away from you. 
“As soon as you’re done with that, please get it looked at.”
With a sigh, he nods and gestures to your chin. “I will if you do.”
You roll your eyes. 
“Where’s Emily?” You hear Morgan ask JJ as they get their bearings around you. 
With a start, you follow them into the building, attached to a couple of SWAT agents. You know Aaron will get after you for going in before everything’s cleared by bomb squad, but you can’t keep still. 
The heartache you feel for JJ supersedes anything else going on in your head. It’s something that plagues you all the time - the both of you doing this job. Losing Aaron in the field is a stark reality you can hardly consider at any point, especially when evidence of its reality is right in front of you. 
Aaron can’t help himself - he pulls you close after you’re both released by the paramedics, pressing a kiss to your head. It’s almost desperate as he leans back and pulls your collar from your vest, his hands smoothing over your shoulders. 
“I need to debrief SWAT and first responders - can you stay with Dave and help with the media?” 
“Okay. Let me know if you need any extra hands - I’ll send ‘em right over.” 
He smiles at you, soft, small, and affectionate. “Thank you.” 
You pull your phone from your pocket. 
She picks up on the second ring. “Yeah?”
“Hey, Jess.” 
“Hey.” She pauses. “You okay?”
With a shaky sigh, you reply. “Yeah. I’m fine. Aaron’s fine.” 
“I heard about the explosion. Is there anything I can do?” 
“No, we’re fine. Just...Just stay out of the city.” After another breath. “Is Jack okay?” 
She laughs a little. “Yeah. He’s fine. He’s a little anxious but I turned off the TV and we’re headed out to the park for a little while.” 
“Good.” You look over at Aaron, who holds your eyes for a second before returning to his EMS strategy huddle. 
“Be safe and come home to us soon, okay?” 
“Yeah. We will. We love you. Tell Jack we -”
“ - Of course.” 
You follow Spencer through the debris once you’re done handling the media storm with Dave. Picking through the rubble, searching for something - anything - but not finding much. 
Derek’s voice echoes through the ruined, cavernous space that used to be the main lobby. “Everything they've said and done was for a reason. But what doesn't make any sense is she switched the negotiation demand. Chris wanted to go to Switzerland. She changed it to Chad.” 
“They also requested a private plane,” you note, “but no mention of a pilot.” 
Spencer stops, and you almost run into him. Emily stops as well, looking back at the pair of you as Spencer organizes his thoughts. When he’s ready to speak, he says, “Guys, if you think about it, even the dates mean something. In 2004, while she was wreaking havoc abroad, he was dishonorably discharged. Then in 2008, they likely met in Chad. And now this in 2012.” 
Good thought. But then again, when is one of Spencer’s thoughts bad? 
It’s a decent enough question, and you run the gamut of all the surprising and absurd things Spencer’s said in your presence over the years. One in particular comes to mind. 
Evil twin, eviler twin. 
You hold back a little laugh, despite the harrowing circumstances. 
Yeah, that one was pretty bad. 
“Okay.” Derek grabs your attention again. “So, is it a coincidence that those are all election years and they attacked D.C.? Maybe this is a political statement.” 
Emily’s eyes are stuck on something on the ground, but you’re not sure if it’s what she’s really looking at. “No. It's more personal than that. It's their story.” 
Derek’s brow pinches. “What?” 
“All of the details are a part of their story.” 
She starts to leave through one of the shattered windows and you follow her back to the trailer, Spencer and Derek not far behind. She hops up the steps and you take your place beside Aaron once you’re all inside. It’s much cozier in here, with eight of you. 
Spencer fills the rest of the team in on your conversation inside. Unsurprisingly, it’s rote - read like a cold script. 
Emily picks up when he’s done. “Their timeline suggests they were both destructive before they met.” 
“So we're talking about ex-military turning on their country.” Strauss looks and sounds skeptical, but you can’t blame her. In American culture, it’s rather incongruous. 
Now who sounds like Spencer?
“It's rare, but soldiers become disenfranchised no matter what the nationality. And if he met someone like-minded at that time, there'd be no stopping them.”
“So you're thinking they met during the civil unrest in Chad in '08.” Aaron’s voice isn’t skeptical - more probing. You can see the wheels turning behind his eyes. 
“Yeah,” Spencer says. “And one or both of them are pilots.”
“So if Garcia concentrates on that region,” Emily points to an area on a map, lit up on the monitor, “specifically weapons running in and out of Libya, there's a good chance we'll find their paths crossed.”
Penelope types furiously for a moment, her fingers flying over the keys. “Okay, multiple entries into Libya for a private pilot named Matthew Downs in '08, but I don't have her name.” 
“Well, because she had aliases. It's the only way to stay a ghost.” 
Looks like Emily’s Interpol knowledge is coming in handy. 
She continues. “Here's the thing - they are a couple. Regardless of what we believe of them, they will celebrate themselves and their connection.” She turns to Penelope, a thought sparking behind her eyes. “Is there anything that happened on this date in Chad?”
“Oh, you are good, Emily Prentiss.” Penelope types for a moment and you lean forward, watching her work. “But this news is not. Yes, there were multiple explosions on this date in '08.” 
Aaron speaks from beside you. He’s a little closer than you thought, and it startles you a little. 
In fairness, you’re still jumpy from the explosion. 
“Where were the most casualties?” 
“At a church-- no, no, a train. Yep.” 
Morgan squints at the photos of the hulled-out building. “Semtex and C-4?”
Penelope nods while Aaron turns toward Strauss. “Are trains still arriving at Union Station?”
“Yes, but only the authorities are allowed in.” There’s a moment where she almost looks panicked, but collects herself as the rest of you gear up to leave. 
Emily exhales down her nose. “That’s why they needed Will.” 
Aaron drives impossibly fast through the district. You sit in the back seat with Emily, holding onto the handles above the door for dear life. 
You’ve never flashed your badge so many times in such a short period. Aaron tucked his badge into a strap of his vest, just to save time, but still has his credentials locked between his fingers as he drives. If you didn’t trust him so much, it would freak you out a little.  
The comm in your ear crackles as Emily speaks. “I found Will.” 
“Is he mobile?” Aaron’s voice comes both from beside you and your comm - it’s a little disorienting, but you push through. 
“Negative. He's got 6 transmitters on him and this whole place is gonna blow.”
There’s hardly a hesitation in Aaron’s steps as he processes the information. “All right, where are you? I'm on my way.” 
He’d like to think he’s made of steel. 
Sometimes he is. 
“No,” Emily asserts. “You gotta get everyone out. Is the bomb squad here yet?” 
“They're 3 minutes away.” 
“Copy.” She sounds a little disappointed, or maybe frustrated, but doesn’t say anything else.
He turns back to you, holding you by the shoulders. “I want you leading evacuation. Get out of here.” 
Tears prick at your eyes and honestly, this is the first moment you’ve really been afraid. Existentially afraid. Afraid of walking out of this train station and leaving Aaron and Emily and Will to blow up. “I’ll see you later?” 
“Yep. Go.” He tries to push you away, but you resist. 
His brown eyes soften as his mouth presses into a thin line. “Can’t. I love you. Get outta here.” 
You bounce on your toes for a second, acutely aware you’re wasting valuable time, before yanking him forward to kiss his cheek before you sprint away from him, shouting instructions to the panicked crowd as you go. 
You catch up with Derek, racing to catch your suspect. He corners him in an alley but can’t quite overpower him. You reach for your sidearm, but by the time you take aim, Downs is already on the ground, a gunshot ringing through the air. 
Startled, you turn over your shoulder to find Aaron still staring down the sight of his Glock. 
Could take an eye out, with that thing.
You sigh and holster your weapon. Derek looks plenty dazed and you don’t blame him. It’s not often he’s on the receiving end of a near-miss in close combat. He looks over your shoulder and you can see something pass between him and Aaron. 
Maybe one day, Derek will know how much Aaron loves and respects him. 
You watch Derek shake it off and stumble as he attempts to rise to his feet. 
Today is not that day. 
Coming to your senses, you trot forward and help him to his feet, brushing wayward asphalt off of him. You turn back to Aaron. “Everything alright?” 
He ignores you, pressing the mic at his chest as he begins to run back toward the station. “Prentiss, what’s your status?”
Seeing Will and Emily leave the building in one piece is a relief. You meet Aaron’s gaze and his eyes are exhausted. The gears in his head still whir. He’s still in game-mode, and it’s a good thing. 
With the logistical nightmare of two bomb threats in one day, there’s a lot of work ahead of you. 
You swing back and forth in your desk chair, brain completely numb from the paperwork. It’s been a long day, and you’ve been up since three this morning, what with your flight back from California. You’re certain you’ve had longer days than this one, but you’re approaching twenty-one hours without sleep and it feels worse than you remember. 
What were we planning to do today?
A bike ride and museum day with Jack seems impossibly long ago. Last week, maybe.
Derek and Emily sit on their desks, attempting to keep a conversation going without much luck. 
They were house-hunting this morning. 
Penelope slowly descends the stairs as Spencer turns in his seat. “The convention’s still happening tomorrow if you want to go.” 
They were at a convention this morning. 
Everyone had lives this morning. Weird.
She makes an uncertain noise. “That whole city-on-the-brink-of-destruction thing kinda took the wind out of my sails, you know?” 
You look up at her as she takes her place beside Spencer. “It’ll get you every time.” 
“You gotta watch out for that,” Emily adds. It makes you smile a little. 
Derek looks a little less amused, reminding Emily they’ll have to finish the inspection another time. Between Spencer and Penelope, Emily cops to a crack in the foundation of her almost-home. 
“That does not sound good,” Penelope says. You can’t help but agree. 
There’s a weird look on Derek’s face, but you ignore it in favor of Strauss’s descent on the stairs. 
“Our unsub,” she says, “is Izzy Rogers. She'll be charged with multiple counts domestically, and our international counterparts will have their turn with her. She will never see the light of day.” A little smile graces her lips. 
You realize with the tiniest of laughs (really - it’s a one on the Aaron Hotchner scale of laugher, which means it’s hardly noticeable to the naked eye) that you don’t hate her or even dislike her as much as you used to. Maybe, you even want her around. 
Don’t push it.  
“I just thought you'd like to know that.” 
The five of you murmur something that sounds like, “Thank you, ma’am.” 
She pulls Derek, probably to kick his ass for something or another and send herself back on your shit list. 
That’s a problem for another time. 
You take Izzy Rogers’s file from Emily, looking over an impressive rap sheet. You’re happy for a few things. 
The first - that Aaron’s not a federal prosecutor anymore. This’ll be a case for the ages. 
The second - you’ll never have to think about her again. 
The third - you’re not sure. You’re sleep-deprived. It’ll come to you. 
She cost me my precious eight hours and I’ll never forgive her. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Aaron leave his office. You set the file down and look up at him, halfway-hoping for once he’ll tell you to go home without him. 
“Dave wants to know if everyone is free tomorrow night.” 
Without any inflection at all, you reply. “We better not be doing anything tomorrow night.” 
“Well,” Derek says, interrupting Emily’s snort. “If he’s buying, then I’m definitely in.” 
Emily, Spencer, and Penelope jump onto Derek’s conditional acceptance and a rare smile pulls at Aaron’s face, his dimples on full display. 
“Hear that? We’re in.” 
When you get home, Aaron all-but carries you to bed. With the tenderest of hands, he removes your shoes and socks, unbuttons your pants, slides them down your legs, and throws them in the laundry basket. 
You’re practically wilting where you sit, feeling more and more like a sleepy toddler by the minute. 
Aaron unbuttons your shirt and slips it off your shoulders, kissing each cheek in turn. “I’ll start a shower.” 
You move to protest, but he strips and that mostly shuts you up. He starts the water before he returns to your side.
“I just want to sleep, Aar. Please.” 
“Baby,” he says, a fond little pleading note in his tone. “We just changed the sheets. Do you really want to get semtex all over them?” 
With a huff - “No.” 
He smiles and helps you to your feet. “Didn’t think so.” 
You’re so tired, it doesn't even cross your mind to take advantage of the shared shower or his lack of clothes. By the time he dries you off, tucks you in, and locks the bedroom door to ward off the over-eager six-year-old down the hall, you’re asleep. 
His own exhaustion pulling at him, he doesn’t have the time or energy to cherish how peaceful, safe, and warm you look. He just draws you close to him until he can feel your heartbeat. 
Sleep takes him rapidly after that. 
As Will and JJ exchange their vows, you tuck further into Aaron’s arms. His whisper floats past your ear, barely audible. “Wanna do that sometime?”
“What? Get married?” Your voice is just as quiet. 
“Only if it’s you.”
There’s a kiss pressed to your temple with a smile behind it. “I think I can make that happen.”
You turn your head to the side to keep your snark from carrying. “Please don’t propose to me right now. This weekend’s been long enough.”
Derek kicks the side of your foot from where he stands beside you, unable to hear the conversation but knowing you both well enough to keep you from tumbling down the rabbit hole of distraction. 
Aaron presses another kiss to your temple. “I love you.” You feel it rather than hear it.
You pick up one of his hands and kiss the back of it. You don’t need to say anything. 
Aaron holds you close as you dance together, surrounded by your family. JJ and Will sway back and forth nearby, wrapped entirely in each other. Erin and Dave have been surprisingly brave, dancing and laughing quietly together throughout the evening. 
As nice as it was to just have something for the two of you, sharing your love with your family has its own set of perks. You don’t have to hide anymore or justify your pigheaded protection of the other. 
You can just… be. 
Eventually, Dave calls all the “...fortunately unmarried individuals to the dance floor,” and refuses to let anyone slip through the cracks. 
When Aaron hangs back, drink in-hand and a little smile on his face, Dave calls him out. “Divorcés and widowers, too, c’mon.” He pauses, finding another tactic when Aaron doesn’t move. “If you’re both, you get extra points!” 
Aaron rolls his eyes and you look around, finding an inappropriate amount of humor in JJ’s confused relatives. You can’t help but bark a loud laugh when you see how hard Derek’s trying to keep his mirth at bay.
Too soon for the dead wife jokes? He seems to ask. Can I laugh? 
Something in your eyes gives him tacit permission and he nearly blinds you with his smile. 
When Dave’s tricks fall short, you do your best to pull Aaron from the sideline with your best set of bedroom eyes. He courageously resists, so you give up and settle next to Anderson. “What do you think Dave’s come up with, this time?” 
“God only knows.” 
Anderson, like the rest of you, knows that Dave’s hosting abilities know no bounds. 
“Because so many of you are joyfully unmarried, the newlyweds wanted to make sure there was someone else to suffer the slings and arrows of matrimony with them in the near future. Thus,” he opens his arm to JJ, who appears with her bouquet and a smile, “the bouquet toss will be an equal-opportunity event.” 
With a laugh and a shake of your head, you prepare to duck out of the way. 
You look over at Aaron. This is ridiculous. 
He only shakes his head, hiding his smile behind his drink. And yet…
He leaves the rest of the implication unsaid, but you flip him off for good measure. Your exchange must have taken longer than you thought because before you know it, you have a face full of white roses. It’s over. 
You pull the flowers from your face and level JJ with a glare across the dance floor. “Really?” 
She raises her eyebrows and shrugs. “I turned my back and everything.” 
There are whoops and hollers from your team and you can only roll your eyes. Derek and Will strong-arm Aaron onto the dance floor (you know he let them - if he really wanted to avoid you, they wouldn’t be able to move him an inch), where you’re both cajoled into a kiss and a photo. Penelope’s on the other side of the camera, grinning from ear to ear. 
She waves at Aaron over the camera. “Smile for real, damn you!” 
She amends, adding, “Sir,” for good measure. It has its intended effect and she’s rewarded with a rare, bright laugh from her unit chief. 
Absurd traditions aside, you’d be lying if said you stopped smiling even once. 
As the party settles, some couples stay out on the dance floor, sedately twirling and swaying to the music that continues to play across the yard. 
You and Aaron have relaxed significantly since the Great Bouquet Debacle, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the top two buttons of his shirt undone. You’re sitting across his lap, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, with one of his arms wrapped around your middle and the other draped over your knees - the picture of relaxation. 
Penelope, Derek, Emily, and Will have taken up residence on the other side of the dance floor, their heads close together and voices low.
Aaron’s eyes slide over them as he watches the room, scanning out of habit. “What do you think they’re talking about?”
You lean further into him as four pairs of eyes flicker over to you before returning to their huddle. “Us, probably.” 
He hums, understanding and pensive. “Probably our sex life, right?” 
“Probably,” you sigh, playing at boredom. He covers your hand with one of his and you play with his fingers - lacing, unlacing, kissing his knuckles. 
It’s nice to feel safe, comfortable enough to love each other where curious eyes can see you. 
You can feel his smile against your forehead as he presses a kiss between your brows.  
“I mean,” you continue, “there is a lot to talk about.”
He shrugs, adjusting his arm where it lays across your legs to keep you both comfortable in the seat you share. “That’s true enough. Though, I can’t imagine any of their projections being right.”
“I bet they’re into like…tantric sex. Like hours and hours and hours you know?” Penelope says, conspiracy the top note in her tone. 
Derek looks at her and she backtracks, only a little on the defensive. 
“What? Spencer’s talked to me about it before and I...read.” 
He rolls his eyes, but Emily spares Penelope from any further interrogation. 
“I could see that.” She watches the way your fingers wander over Aaron’s bare forearm, playing with the ridges of his watch, the way his thumb absent-mindedly draws small circles on your outer thigh. “Yeah, actually I think that’s exactly what happens.”
“What do you think they’ve got so far?” 
He plays at boredom. “They’re probably trying to take a guess at anything they can reach - with both of our profiles in Derek’s pocket, he’s going to have the most luck, I think.” 
“Really?” You ask. “Not Emily?” 
He snorts. “No. She has her mind on other things.” 
That holds you up for a second, and you’re not sure if he’s still playing into the bit. “Wait, what do you mean?” 
He shakes his head. “I’ll tell you later.” 
“She’s resigning, isn’t she?” You give up the fun and lay your head in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
Without thinking, his hand rises to your cheek, affectionately brushing over your cheekbone before dropping back down. “She might be.” 
“Did she do that thing where she sighs really big and then looks off to the upper right middle distance?” 
You’re both quiet for a moment, just enjoying the low lull of the music and the lights and the sights and smiles of your family. 
You lean back a little and meet Aaron’s eyes. “Yeah?” 
“What’s my tell?” 
The concern drops out of your face all at once. “You think I’m gonna spill just like that so you can go and change it on me? Not a chance.” 
He sighs and his chin tips up in defeat. “So I have one?” 
“Of course you do, stupid.” You flick his chest and a laugh rumbles through him. “Everyone does. You know mine, I know yours. You’re gonna have to get over it.” 
“So you’ve caught me in lies before?” He asks, not without humor. 
“Duh. I’m pretty sure I’ve caught every lie you’ve ever told, but you seemed so proud of yourself that I just let you have it.” 
You can almost feel the eye roll. “Really?” He sounds skeptical. “Name one lie you’ve caught me in.” 
“Alright.” You count off on your fingers. “You dinged my car door a couple of weeks ago, you definitely didn’t drop the bags at Goodwill, you do know it wasn’t Jack who finished the ice cream in the freezer, you -” 
“Okay.” He covers your hands with his and kisses your fingers. “That’s enough. I get it.” 
You kiss his cheek. “I’m sure you’ve caught me in every single lie I’ve ever told, too, huh?” 
“Only every once since the day we met. Yours is obvious.” 
It’s a trap. You don’t take it. “Hmm. That’s convenient.” 
“Isn’t it?” 
You lean back to look at him. “You’re a shit, you know that?” 
He nods and raises his eyebrows, a cheeky, close-mouthed smile slowly creeping across his face. 
You playfully smack his chest with the back of your hand. “Fucker.” 
He says something under his breath and you level him with a look that has him repeating himself. 
“I said, you wish.” 
You roll your eyes and tuck back into his neck, kissing the skin above his collar. You can feel him shiver and you know you’ve got him. “Not just wish, honey. Know.” 
tagging: @writefasttalkevenfaster @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @hotchsflower @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @bwbatta @wakatoshislover @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @qvid-pro-qvo @jeor @spencers-hoodrat @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @this-broken-band-girl @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @winqhster @arthurmorrgans @the-falling-in-the-danger @iconicc @mangoberry43 @andreasworlsboring101 @mac99martin @itsalwaysb33nyou @baumarvel @kerrswriting @messyhairday-me @ssworldofsw  @deagibs @crazyshannonigans @moonshinerbynight @jhiddles03 @teamhappyme @mendesmelodies @starsandasteroids @unicorn-bitch @ambicaos @bispences @thebivirgin
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Aftershock ~ PJM [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 3.1K
↬↬↬Genre: ANGST!
↬↬↬Pairing: Jimin x Fem!Reader
↬↬↬TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions death, Earthquakes, cheating, no happy endings in this one guys, yall really trying to kill me off with the angst here.
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It was no secret that Jimin was growing distant from you but you were putting it down to the pressures of his job that was drawing him away from you but lately it had gotten worse.
"What if me and Yerin flew out with you? We could have a family trip in London?" You'd tried suggesting multiple options to Jimin but he shot you down all week telling you about how busy he would be in London, that it wouldn't be any fun for both of you to just sit in a hotel room while he worked all day.
"I can't, it won't be fun for either of you." You sighed looking at the back of his head while he packed up his suitcase for the weekend ahead of him.
"It's just three nights, I'll be back before you know it." He turned around and for a split second you thought he was going to embrace you but he turned to walk out of the room going towards your 10-year-old daughter's bedroom to say goodbye. He kissed the top of her head while she slept, pulling the covers over her body wishing her goodnight before he came back out of the room and came face to face with you.
"But I'm going to miss you," You whispered pulling his tie so he would move closer to you, it had been so long since you'd been this close you'd almost forgotten what it felt like to be next to him.
"My plane- I can't do this Y/n," He stared at you as he placed his hands on your arms the usual heart skipping he got whenever he was close to you had faded, the fact that he could look into your eyes and no longer stutter confirmed everything he'd been feeling over the last couple of months. He was falling out of love with you and into love with somebody else,
"When you come back I'll make sure we have some time together as a family, Yerin missed you." You lied to him, Yerin had been growing distant from her father telling you that there was something off she couldn't put her finger on.
"Sounds like a good idea, I'll have Areum find some places for us." He lied again but you couldn't tell when he was lying to you anymore, it used to be so easy to detect but now it had become so normal for him to lie to you there were no telltale signs anymore.
"That sounds good, are Areum and Jungkook going with you this weekend?" You knew Areum and Jungkook really well since they were Jimin's personal assistants at work but Jimin froze as her name fell from your lips, you even smiled as you said her name.
"Areum is but Jungkook isn't, he has some work to be doing in the office. I thought I mentioned that-"
"You did! I'm sorry, I just forgot." The thought of Areum and Jimin being alone in London didn't scare you, your husband loved you so you and you trusted him so you saw no reason to worry about it. Plus Areum was young enough to be Jimin's niece or if you'd had Yerin a few years sooner old enough to be his daughter. She was only 25 while Jimin was 35.
"Oh will you tell her I got us some face masks for the next time she comes over, I remember her mentioning that she loved them before." Jimin hated the fact that you and Areum had bonded it meant what he was doing with her behind your back would hurt all the more if you were to ever find out...Which he wasn't planning on happening until he'd figured out his headspace. He'd felt himself falling out of love with you, after 18 years of being together it was bound to happen eventually.
"I'll tell her when I see her at the airport darling, I have to go." He leant closer to you leaving a small kiss on your lips as he went back into the bedroom. For you the butterflies never stopped, every time he looked at you it was like the first time all over again. Your heart would skip a beat whenever he said your name or came close to you, it was always going to be that way for you.
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Areum was waiting in the black SUV outside his house, the driver - Jung Hoseok - was growing more and more impatient with how long Jimin was taken but kept his mouth shut since he liked his job. Jimin was one of the fastest-growing CEO's in the business and everyone wanted to work for him even if it was just a driver or just a cleaner.
"Mr Park, lovely to see you this evening." He greeted as Jimin got into the back of the SUV and sat down beside Areum, as soon as the door shut and you could no longer see Jimin he slipped off his wedding band and placed it into the cup holder of the car - it would be there when he came back from London but he didn't need that holding him back.
"I was thinking we could start our weekend at the natural history museum, they have this exhibit on at the moment that you're going to love." Jimin groaned at Areum tilting her head up to look into her eyes before he laid a gentle kiss on her lips, the butterflies flew into his stomach instantly giving him the feeling he'd missed with you. Hoseok put his head down so he wouldn't have to watch the display happening in the back of his own car. He'd known Jimin for the last 11 years and to see him throw away his marriage with you like that wasn't a nice feeling for him, especially since he'd been close with you as well.
"A little traffic sir, will that be a problem?" Jimin looked away from Areum and to Hoseok who was glancing at him in the mirror,
"No Hoseok that's fine, I'll just close this. We have some business to attend to." Hoseok clicked the button that shut the glass window that saw into the back of the SUV he knew what ''business'' meant it was always the same with all of the CEO's. They'd cheat on their wives without the poor women knowing about it all.
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As Saturday rolled around you began to miss Jimin more and more, he'd only been gone one day but it was one day too many to you.
"Jungkook, I've been trying to get hold of you all night," You breathed down the phone as Yerin was at dance practice while you sat outside trying to get Jungkook on the phone.
"I've been swamped in paperwork, Areum is with Jimin so I'm alone at the office. What can I do for your Mrs Park?" You smiled at the fact that he still continued to call you that despite your constant pleas for him to just call you by your first name.
"I want to fly out and surprise my husband so I was hoping you could tell me what hotel to go to and which flight to catch," You'd never been good at this sort of thing which was why Jimin normally had his assistants do everything for the both of you.
"I can organise all of that Mrs Park, but that'll be nice for you both. A weekend away in London," He began clicking through his laptop to find the details on where Areum and Jimin were staying that weekend.
"I hope Jimin sees it that was Jungkook, he'd been so busy lately I barely see him." You laughed softly trying not to rant to the boy who worked for your boss.
"Looks like there's a flight tonight and he's staying in the Clinton hotel so I'll have everything booked for you under your name Mrs Park." He smiled ordered everything right away before looking around his desk, scattered in bits of paper.
"If you're going maybe send Areum back, I need help I'm drowning in paper." He chuckled to you,
"I'll have Hoseok pick you up to take you to the hospital, Mrs Park." You thanked him and hung up the phone waiting for your daughter's practice to be over so you could go home and pack.
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"Mrs Park." Hoseok greeted as he opened the door to the black SUV that had been parked outside your house yesterday,
"Thanks, Hobi," You smiled helping Yerin into the back of the car first, it was late at night so she was probably going to sleep throughout the whole flight which was a good thing. You hadn't told her that you were going to see Jimin just that you were going on a girl's trip and wanted everything to be a surprise for her.
"How was your day?" He questioned walking around to the front of the car to start driving towards the airport,
"It was good, I spent most of it packing up though." You frowned looking into the cupholder and Hoseok caught what you were doing, he knew the ring was in there he'd just forgotten to move it.
"Mr Park took it off yesterday, he didn't want to lose it in London." He hated that he was lying for Jimin right to your face but he had no other option, his life depended on keeping his job,
"Oh. Right, that makes sense." You whispered trying not to overthink the small detail but all the other times Jimin's had been away with you he'd worn his ring.
"How was your day Hoseok?" You asked trying to do something to distract yourself from the gut feeling that something was wrong, he was about to answer when he groaned hitting deadlock traffic.
"Looks like we're going to be a little late." Yerin looked up from her tablet to see what was wrong,
"Deadlock, get some rest sweetie I'll wake you up when we get there." You promised her as she started yawning, the tablet was slipped into her bag and she laid her head down on your shoulder to get some rest.
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"WATCH IT!" A workman screamed at his friend as he travelled through the airport carrying a glass window panel with another workman, you pulled Yerin closer to you. The feeling that something was wrong hadn't left you since you left the car and nothing felt safe to you right now,
"Walk in front of me, don't wander off." You made her promise you that she wouldn't go anywhere and she nodded at you watching as you held onto her arm tightly trying to make your way towards the terminal you needed.
"We're going to London? With dad?" Yerin questioned as she got a look at the tickets as the flight attendant took the tickets from you. You wasted no time in waiting for her to fight you on this and you walked through the terminal with her, holding onto her hand.
"It'll be nice for us all to just get out for a while." You whispered but that was when you heard screaming, the ground started to move and the sounds around you sounded like thunder.
"Yerin get between a doorway now!" You screamed at her pushing her towards the plane as you saw an elderly woman struggling to stay upright.
"Here." You called out walking with her towards the airport instead of the plane, it was closer for her.
"Shit!" You screamed as she finally made it into the airport but the door slammed shut on you, locking due to the emergency systems in place,
"MUM!" Yerin screamed out watching as you tried to make your way over to her but the ground began to shake rapidly, screams filled the air as rubble began to fall around you, the terminal wasn't structurally sound enough hide inside of and there were no tables for you to hide underneath.
"Yerin! Go and get under something!" You yelled at her, as you went to rush towards the plane to join her it came away from the door as the ground shook some more. The small shakes began to turn violent and the glass windows inside of the terminal smashed, you made your way over to the poles to try and keep yourself from falling but the whole place wobbled.
It stopped, the shaking stopped and everything seemed to calm back down you looked around at the destruction that had been left behind, shards of glass everywhere along with pieces of the building that had begun to cave in on itself,
"Yerin?" You coughed as you inhaled rubble coming from the ceiling,
"Miss, please stay there, there could be-" Before the flight attendant could even say the words aftershock the ground rumble once again and the terminal shook falling towards the floor below you, you screamed out loudly as people watched in horror. Yerin was clutched by a flight attendant so she wouldn't have to watch what had happened.
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Areum laughed as Jimin told her that he loved her, laughed. They'd been out to dinner the night before when he finally told her that he was planning on leaving you for her.
"Jimin, I don't do love." The words rung through his ears as she continued to laugh hysterically at him, he'd remembered her telling him that she'd only been sleeping with him to get to a higher place in the company. She'd done the same with all of her other jobs and nothing about the weekend they were spending together meant anything to him, she'd do this with multiple men if she could.
"We will be arriving in Seoul Private Airstrip soon, please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare to land." Jimin frowned coming out of his daydream to hear about the private airstrip, he took the attention of a flight attendant,
"Why are we landing in a private area?" She frowned at him turning on the news on the small TV in front of him, images of an earthquake at the main airport in Seoul filled the screen. Names were running along the bottom of those that had lost their lives, he felt no fear though. You were home waiting for him and he was going to confess everything to you, how much of a mistake he'd made by sleeping with Areum. He was going to come clean about the affair instead of holding it away from you.
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"Mrs Park?" You looked up through blurry eyes as a torch was shone into them,
"I'm cold," You whispered looking into the paramedic's eyes as he tried to talk to you,
"We're working on getting you a blanket, can you tell me where you are?" You hissed trying to sit up but you were forced back down into place but it wasn't by a pair of hands, something was pinning you to the floor.
"W-What's that?!" You whimpered out feeling pain spread throughout your body whenever you tried to move,
"One of the beams fell on you Mrs Park, I need you to look at me and focus on me okay?" You were too tired for this, you stared at him trying to focus on what he was saying but you didn't understand anything. He sounded far away from you and everything was too cold,
"Tired." Was all you managed to say to him as you looked around you, bodies were laid on the floor being covered by sheets and you frowned.
"Yerin! My daughter!" It gave you a little fight but you still couldn't move thanks to the beam pinning you to the ground,
"We're working on that Mrs Park but I need you to look at me while we help you," You shook your head begging him to go and find your daughter instead.
"P-Please." Your voice came out croaky as you spat blood out onto the spot beside your head, the paramedic swallowed the lump in his throat. Everyone knew what that meant when someone was throwing up blood in drastic ways like this,
"Mrs Park I'm going to give you something to make the pain go away, okay?!" You nodded your head laying it back against the floor as he pushed a needle into your arm, you hummed as you felt numb from it the second it worked it's way into your blood.
"M-Mr Park is in London, someone has to call him." You mumbled looking at the paramedic as you realised what was happening, the man was holding your hand and had his other hand on a cross around his neck.
"You have to tell him that his assistants know when all the dance practices for Yerin are." The paramedic opened his eyes and sighed at you,
"You should rest-"
"There's too much he needs to know," You cried out tears rolling down your cheeks, you weren't in pain you were just sad that Jimin was never going to hear you tell him you loved him one last time.
"I'm sure he'll know," The paramedic whispered that was when you started to gasp for air and he knew it was coming,
"Shh, it's okay." He whispered stroking hair out of your face as you whimpered, it didn't hurt like they made it sound like it did in the movies. It felt like falling into a deep sleep, almost calm as you looked up at the paramedic trying to comfort you.
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Jimin got home to find police knocking on the door Hoseok was talking to them with his head hanging low,
"May I help you?"
"Mr Park." Hoseok panicked looking up from the floor as the police turned to Jimin,
"What's going on?" Jimin felt panic rush through his body as he realised that the police were slowly taking off their hats and holding them across their hearts,
"Mrs Park and Yerin-"
"No. No, they're at home!" He didn't even give the police or Hoseok time to stop him as he pushed through the front door screaming out your names for you to come and see him but you didn't come out.
"Hoseok! W-Why?! Why would she go!? I told her-" He dropped onto his knees as the policemen informed him that you and your daughter had both been involved in the main collapsing of the fifth terminal at the airport.
"We're sorry for your loss Mr Park." He said nothing as they walked out of the house leaving him alone with Hoseok,
"Leave. I-I need to be alone." Hoseok nodded placing the three rings he had down onto the coffee table beside Jimin who weakly looked at him. Your wedding ring, engagement ring and his wedding ring were together making him feel even worse about everything he'd done to you that weekend and over the last months. He'd ruined his whole relationship over someone that didn't even care for him, he'd lost everything he'd ever loved in a matter of days because he'd been too foolish to see what was right in front of him was perfect.
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@snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @fan-ati--c​ @callingmyangel​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​
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sammy-gvf · 4 years
We get along (for the most part)
Chapter One.
OC x Lee Bodecker
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Warnings: None for now. Just some cursing.
Plot : The local rebel badass girl and Lee Bodecker have had run ins, lets see how it goes, shall we? 
MINORS DNI !!!!! Eventually this story will get 18+. I dont feel like getting in trouble because of you. Thanks a bunch. 
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Evan Rachel Wood ( Across the Universe 2007) 
( personally in my head this is what she would look like but you can interpret her anyway you want!)
My name is Margaret Lane, well Maggy. 22. Born May 2nd 1947.
The resident bad girl, don't worry, I gave myself that nickname.
I have lived in this tiny, middle of nowhere town my entire life. Same people, same gossip.  There's no escape. No matter how hard I try, something always stops me. I live with my parents and little brother here in Knockemstiff, Ohio. My parents and I have a mutual understanding of “you go to work and come home and then we don't talk”, which is fine with me. My little brother is the only one I can really rely on. He is 17 years old and he is really the only person in my family that I can really talk to. I mean, I have friends but they aren't living in the same house as me. Not yet at least, we are thinking about moving out all together.
High school is where I built my reputation, of course. Used to sneak around with Arvin Russell, which led me to meet Lee Bodecker. Sneaky ass sheriff used to follow my every move, making sure he took every opportunity to bust Arvin and I any chance he got. 
Had nothing better to do than to bust on teenagers who were sneaking out to their parents, what a loser. Along with gaining some parking tickets and speeding tickets along the way, we became acquaintances. Thinking about the future, I was dying to leave this town. Never got the chance to after high school, hopefully I will as soon as i'm done college. 
 I can say whole heartedly that I do NOT enjoy Lee's presence. That man memorized my license plate number. Stops me all the time, for no reason. 
It was a warm saturday evening, about 7pm. I had just got some college work done. Figured it was too nice to just sit inside, right?
 I get up out of my bed and put my school stuff in my bag, walking over to my closet to put on a pretty yellow flowy dress and grab my leather jacket, that'll go nice with the breeze coming in through my window.
I put my hair up in a bun and slip on some keds, something easy ya know? 
I turn off the light in my room and walk into the living room where I see my father asleep on the couch, I walk over to the counter and grab a little piece of paper and write “going out for a drive, be back soon” and put in on the table in front of my father so if he wakes up, he knows where I went. 
I actually have a lot of freedom compared to other girls my age, many girls my age are looking for husbands and/or their parents are trying to set them up with someone. My parents know who I am, I was so against having an actual boyfriend so I just slept around. Obviously, people at church got wind of it but I didn't really care, to me men are there at my disposal. I play the field for my own reasons. 
I grab my keys off the door in the foyer of my little house and head outfront. 
I head down the steps of my house and waltz towards my red little 1964 Ford Mustang. Worked for it all by myself. 
Getting in the car, I pop a cigarette in my mouth and light it up. Keeping the cigarettes in my car was my best bet, my father would kill me if he knew I smoked these things. Turning on the car, I throw in a Led Zeppelin cassette, immediately Whole Lotta Love starts playing. What a good song to drive to. 
I put my windows down and start driving down a long road where I know for a fact no one drives this time of night, partly because they are afraid of the sheriff, Lee Bodecker. 
Lee doesn't scare you, never has. 
Blaring music at high volume was what you  were known for in these parts and you could really care less about the time and how loud you had it. Music is a really important part of your self expression. 
Speeding down the road, cigarette in my mouth screaming the lyrics 
You need cooling
Baby I'm not fooling
I'm gonna send ya
Back to schooling
A-way down inside
A-honey you need it
I'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna give you my love
 I smile and listen to the lyrics, I feel like such a rebel. People in these parts don't listen to this type of music, devil music they call it. They think it has some deep down evil meaning. I just shake it off, they wouldn't know real music if they tried. 
 I could just leave right now if I wanted to. Drive out of town and start fresh, no one would miss me. Except my brother and friends. They are really the only people keeping me in this dead end town. 
The cool breeze enters your hair and you lose your hair tie. Fuck. 
“ Damn It”  You say as you put the cigarette down and try to look to see where it went. It's nowhere in sight. 
“ I have to pull over to get this thing” you think to youtself. It's the only hair tie you own right now.
you light another cigarette and pull my car over to a slightly darker side of the road. You get out of the car and start searching for my hair band, it had to have fallen behind your seat. 
 Of course, you saw familiar blue and red lights pull up right behind me.
“Fuck me” you mutter as you turn around, shut the car door, kick the dirt under your feet and lean up against the car , patiently waiting for Lee to take his good ol time walking to me.
Lee exits his police cruiser wearing the typical uniform with the typical toothpick in his mouth.
You watch him as he slowly strides over towards you and You roll your eyes at him as he eyes you down, prick.
“Well, well, well, Ms. Lane. Fancy to see you here.” Lee says smirking and laying one hand on your car's trunk. You scoff at him.
“ Hands off the car, Bodecker. Thought you'd know better than to touch what's not yours.” You say looking over at him, taking a drag of your cigarette. Lee scoffs and walks over to you, taking the cigarette out of your mouth and crushing it with his shoe. Your jaw drops and you look over at him in disgust as he chuckles at your reaction to his doing.
“Pretty little ladies like you shouldnt be smokin these, could make ya look ugly” He says. 
You can smell the tobacco smell coming off him, the smell of mints sticking to his breath. He is a little closer to you now, you back up and grab your pack of cigarettes out of the cup holder in your car. Bending over, the sheriff gets a nice view of your backside for a split second.  
“Sheriff, I would like to respectfully say I do not give a fuck what a man thinks about how I look smoking a cigarette, I am not here for a mans enjoyment. Also, one more pet name and I'm telling your wife.” you say as you light another cigarette and the sound of Led Zeppelin is lingering in the background, Lee clicks his tongue and looks over at you.
“Ms.Lane, you have quite the mouth on you. Not very ladylike for a woman your age.” Lee takes his hat off and leans against your car. He lights a cigarette and stands there for a minute. You look at him confused and you roll your eyes. 
“Lee, besides bothering me, do you have a purpose being here right now?” You look at him and say while you take a drag of your cigarette. Lee looks over to you and laughs. 
“Well, I just seen a car parked all by itself on the side of the road and I was on duty anyways but then I saw your license plate and figured I'd see why you, little lady, are out all by yourself at this time of night.” Lee says throwing his cigarette on the dirt ground below him. 
You turn to look at him and finish your cigarette, leaning against the car still.
“ I appreciate your concern, Bodecker. I am just out for a drive and pulled over to find my hair tie, it came out while I was driving. Pulled over to look around for it, don't want my hair in my face while I am driving. Also, not a little lady. I am grown.” You say turning away from Lee and finding your hair tie, you turn to Lee while tying your hair up, smirking you say
“ Goodnight Officer,also don't follow me again, yeah?” You say climbing back into your car and you slowly pull away.
Lee stands there watching as you climb back into your car, the smell of your perfume in the air invades his lungs, dumbfounded, he smirks and laughs to himself. 
“Smart girl” Lee says as he smirks and turns to go back to his cruiser.
You had noticed sometime down the road that there was a car following you with no lights on, you had just assumed it was some random person but with one certain lick of light you saw the sheriff's face in the mirror of your car mirror. Figuring that out, you went a little faster down the road and then you lost your hair tie, you knew what was coming. 
You look in the car mirror to look at Lee. He's already turned his car around and started driving the other way. You werent dumb, you know from the years of Lee catching you sneaking out and drinking and or having boys in your car as a young girl, he knows your moves. It makes you think he patrols these parts so he can catch you doing something dumb one day just to cuff you up and get some control. He never does. 
 Two people with reputations in this town. 
 How bad can it get?
Hi everyone! Welcome to my first fic! Lee Bodecker is quite the character and I have been wanting to write him for a while. Dont forget to leave some opinons so I can know what yall would want to possibly happen! Dont forget to like/reblog! It would mean the world. I am not sure about my posting schedule but itll most likely be once or twice a week! also let me know if youd like to be added to my tags so I can let you know when I post another chapter! 
Tags- @please-buckme , @ladyfallonavenger , @buckysdolls , @nerdy-depressed , @do-not-pray-for-me , @unsentlettersandmore , @local-spacegirl , @youcancallmeishita , @not-another-fangirl​ , @angelicbabydolll
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narcosmx · 4 years
Could I make a Pacho request? Please :) Could you do a H/C about travelling to Mexico with him as an associate for work? Somewhat protective of you? Dancing? Drinks? Thanks xxx love your writing 😊
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a/n: i’m usually not too good at writing like ‘you as an associate’ stuff bc it’s hard for myself to put myself in a boss bitch mindset when i am just a humble school teacher anyWAYS hope i did well pls love me regardless 🥺
traveling with pacho sounds like an absolute dream h o l y shit i cannot because like traveling but make it fucking high end fashion 
being his associate, with pacho in the cali cartel 
i can see it as like you were kinda a pety drug dealer in the beginning, nothing too big but gilberto always saw potential in you 
like you did this as a teenager and that’s kinda when the cartel brought you under their wing and kinda raised you to be this effective drug dealer
gilberto always always says that you have something none of them have, a pretty face to hide behind, an innocent face to hide behind and most importantly the mind to make it happens
anyways being a younger member, you soon become close to pacho and i just cartel best friends 🥺
and wherever pacho goes, you have to go too; ya’ll are a fucking package deal at this point
gilberto sees it as like okay pacho’s the one to come in bring the hammer down in negotiations but you’re actually the one doing the work to bring the people to the table; charming them, taking down their guards :)))
so when you catch wind that pacho is going down to mexico for some shit with miguel, you’re instantly packing your bags
pacho would tease you being like “this isn’t a big deal, you know, you could just stay home” and the little smirk he gets telling you 
you rolling your eyes at him and being like “pero luego, quien te va cuidar, hm pachito”
probably like “hm me encuentro alguien por ahi”
immediately gets a pillow to the head 
god the private jet that you both take to mexico can you imagine how fucking beautiful that plane is 
honestly the whole plane ride is like you guys drinking like mimosa with expensive ass champagne
try to throw pop corn into each other’s mouth and other stupid shit
discussing shit about mexico; kinda going over the game plan but like i see these plane rides are ones where you and pancho discuss things big picture like what you guys think miguel is really up to... trying to keep three steps ahead of him
plans to fuck up miguel angel mixed with you guys telling each other about your sexual conquests i am done 
getting to mexico and going to the most beautiful fucking hotel IF THAT BECAUSE PANCHO ISN’T ABOVE HAVING A RANCHO OR LIKE MANSION DOWN THERE 
wow getting ready with pacho is my favorite image wow i just want to be best friends with pacho
walking around each other half naked, him trying on shirts and waiting for you to approve of one
him being like “yeah that  looks great on you but just know you’ll be responsible for me shooting everyone who stares at you for more than 5 seconds” and protective pacho mode being activated means you’ve got the perfect outfit 
ALRIGHT so i’m imagining this at miguel angel’s birthday party and the fucking scene you two cause when you walk in 
not everyone knows who you are but the amount of confidence and the way other people who do know who you are are reacting people take fucking notice 
walking in beside pacho, looking all the plaza leaders up and down the same fucking way you know they’re looking at you 
when you guys stop pretty much in the middle of it all, pacho is wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head but smirking and whispering for you to cool it before you have them on their knees for you 
yall waiting for miguel to come over because you sure as hell not going over to him 
him greating pacho normally, you know hand shake and all that
probably kisses your hand though when he greets you and pulls you in for a kiss on the cheek because miguel already knows how this works, you’re the one worth buttering up 
miguel being quick to like take you guys to talk business but in this situation i see pacho wanting to make miguel sweat it out a little bit more 
he can see how nervous and uneasy he is so he’s just going to flex a little bit more by being like “apenas llegamos, miguelito, dejanos a disfrutar de su fiesta”
before miguel angel can even answer, pacho is pulling you away from him with a devilish smirk almost as big a yours
navegante chuckling as he walks behind you guys 
you two finding a place to sit, looking like you fucking own the place as you know everyone else is whispering amongst themselves 
probably, as always, trying to figure out if you two are together or not 
half of miguel’s guys are somewhere in the process of eye fucking you, like amado’s eyes havENT LEFT YOU SINCE YOU WALKED IN he’s staring at you and hitting miguel’s arm and being like “y esa reshulada quien es?”
the lower level guys trying to make it not too obvious that they’re drooling over you 
ramon out here about to risk it all after he saw your ass in that outfit
sinaloa being like she’s the only thing that could outsage the fucking tiger 
you but are acutely aware of it but as you deal with it by winking at them playfully just to see the way they nearly cum in their pants, pacho isn’t necessarily too happy about it 
he’s contorting his face into annoyance, like gritting his teeth, holding on to the glass a little too hard, pursing his lips as he’s calling everyone an hijo de puta under his breath 
gets fucking FED UP and shoots out of his chair and is telling you that you two are going to go dance now which is code for my protective ass can’t handle everyone looking at you 
putting out his hand for you and you take it without hesitation, more than ready to tease him to all hell and back about being so jealous
on the dance floor, pacho is immediately pulling you to his chest wrapping his arm tightly around you as you start dancing
and you’ve danced together so much it’s like you don’t even have to think about it, the music and your body take over
like you’re movements are flawless together, you know each other like the back of your respective hands
using this time for you to tease him about being so jealous and protective, that you can protect yourself 
and he gets to whisper about how he couldn’t handle watching the fantasy of you literally developng in their mind as you sat there and they’re lucky he didn’t have navegante kill every single person
pacho deciding he’s had his fun making miguel shit bricks and as he goes to go tell miguel, i swear to god amado and ramon are ready to swoop in expecting you to be left waiting for pacho to come back as they talk business 
you murmuring to navegante asking if he’s noticed the guys staring her down and he chuckles and nods and raises his eyebrow like asking if he needs to take care of it 
and you just shaking your head as you wave to them as miguel angel comes over to get you and lead you to the meeting room
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theficplug · 4 years
𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰 ℑ𝔫 𝔄 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢 - 𝔒𝔰𝔠𝔞𝔯 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔷
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Warnings: violence maybe ? none yet really (but i mean it’s my writing so yall know smut is coming lol so 18+)
Oscar Diaz x black reader
You slowly open one eye to look at the clock on your nightstand reading 2:43 in the morning. At this time of night you knew it could only be one person. 
You quickly threw on your cobalt blue robe accented with the floral pattern over your sweats and bralette and padded through your dark decent sized studio apartment towards the loud wrapping at your door. 
"Rough night?" you ask as you give the battered man standing in your doorway a small smile to mask the feeling of worry and dread sitting in the pit of your stomach while taking in all of his wounds.
“If I knew you were coming I would’ve worn something better than this big ass bonnet and old sweats.” you say trying to ease the tension as you reach out for him.
His usual plump lips were slightly busted and the freshly formed bruises were beginning to take shape onto his cheekbone. Your eyes wander to his side and you notice that there must be a deeper wound soaking onto the now crimson stained once white vest top. 
You place his arm over your shoulders and let him lean into you as you help him inside and onto your kitchen table before rushing to the bathroom to grab supplies and towels.
To say that you were a stranger to putting Oscar back together when he fell apart would be a lie.
Since you two were younger you’d always been the one to grab an ice pack for him from the nurse’s office when he’d get into it with the kids on the yard over something they’d say to you that he didn’t like. Or like the time you were helping him up off the ground when he was first initiated. That was the first time you’d ever been that angry and sad in your life. 
It was hard for you to accept at first. Your family came from rivaling parts of town, but a few wrong decisions and moves from your family and you ended up living across the street from Oscar. Your father and his father decided over the years that they had one common ground. Their common ground was to protect the block so they came up with a sort of truce if you could call it that. Down the line Oscar’s father ended up going to prison and basically all hell broke loose.
Life changed when Oscar had to step up and eventually become Spooky and you had to make a decision to leave Freeridge to later come back and help. You left for university a few towns over to become a doctor. It took a lot of years of discipline in medical school and a lot of all-nighters, but here you were back in Freeridge to give a voice to black women in the medical field after noticing black mothers were dying during and after childbirth at an alarming rate (not being taken seriously by their non-black doctors usually played a huge part in this statistic).
"I've seen better days." he says, giving you a half hearted chuckle and you nod along listening to his voice but his tired and purple-y pink eyes spoke louder than his words. 
 This was him. He never said much, not even the day you two met in middle school. 
You just wouldn’t stop talking when you walked over to him sitting by himself under a tree eating his own food. You even asked him if he liked anime and let him watch Inuyasha on your ipod.
“You make your own lunch?” you would ask him as he’d nod and take the bag out of his backpack. 
“Yeah, I ain’t got nobody to do all the shit like on the shows where they have pancakes waiting on the counter for breakfast. And like the brown paper lunch bag with the ham sandwich and apple slices in it or whatever they put in it. And I don’t like the stuff they serve. I wake up early anyways so I just make my own shit and something for Cesar to eat in the mornings.” he says laughing and laying out the little containers on his backpack one with mac and cheese in it and another with what seems like a hamburger patty.
“I get you. My parents work a lot to try to pay off some of my fathers “expenses” as they put it so. I usually just get whatever nasty food they’re serving up in the caf.” you say as you snuggle in next to him and pull open your chocolate milk carton. 
Ever since then you two met everyday under that tree in the courtyard during lunchtime. He eventually started bringing a container for you too so that you could eat “something good for once” as he would say. 
His intentions were always good at heart but they at times were clouded by his rage.
He wouldn’t, almost as if he couldn’t, let himself feel the hurt and process the trauma. He didn’t have the time to process it all because he was always thinking of his next move for himself and for Cesar.
His father left and his mother was never around as you learned quickly when you’d spend hours at a time at his home sometimes while your parents were off taking care of business. It was Oscar doing the grocery shopping, making sure Cesar never fell behind with his homework and classwork, and that he knew that he was loved. 
He was left behind to take care of his own business. You met Cesar pretty early on when he’d chase you around with random beetles he’d find in the yard and put in requests for you to bring him Gogurts and m&ms from your house. He liked you instantly and took it rather hard when you left for uni. 
You offered to take them both with you, but “Spooky” had already built a “life” for himself that Oscar didn’t get to walk away from.
You move around the kitchen to sterilize all of your supplies and lay them on the table next to him before cutting the shirt open to take a look at how deeply the weapon seared into him.
Your eyes moved up his body following the patterns of the bruises, cuts, and scrapes before meeting his eyes. You looked at you for a moment before looking away from your gaze and nodding to give you the okay to do what you have to do to fix him up.
You knew that it was better to never ask questions about his escapades.Which was fine because you weren’t sure if you ever wanted the real answer. It was almost a routine for him to come visit you from time to time. Whether it was to hook-up or just because he needed someone to talk to because it seemed like he could trust no one besides you, Cesar, and Jose. 
He stopped coming around after you told him you found someone. Safe to say that someone didn’t give a reason as to why he didn’t want to date you anymore after only 3 weeks and tried to avoid eye contact with you at the clinic.
You pour him a shot before pressing a soft kiss to his lips and proceeding with cleaning and closing up the deepest wound. You bandage the first one before moving onto the rest.
“Duele como una perra (hurts like a bitch).” he groans before you give him a quiet “i know” and press another gentle kiss to his lips.
 Around an hour later you were in bed with him after ordering food for the both of you. Your fingers tracing over his temples softly trying to get him to fall asleep, but he insisted on staying up and catching up with you for the last month when you haven’t had a chance to talk. More so kissing on you and loving on you when he should be resting.
“You’re not Spooky to me, you know. You’re still the same person who ditched so you didn’t have to participate in dissection day. You’re still the same person who taught me what the difference between a prawn and a shrimp. I mean I’m not blind to the fact that things have changed. Cesar calls me from time to time. I know what’s going on. I’m just saying, let’s go. Let’s leave. Let’s start over. Don’t you want that? We can go to Hawaii or Canada. Somewhere we can just start over. We could convince them that you’ve died from these wounds and they won’t even look for you.You know I can make it happen. I’ll still practice and you can carve a new life for you and for Cesar.” you say as you run your fingers over his chest.
He stops kissing on your neck to look at you for a moment considering that your impulsive plan might actually work before shaking his head.
“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it. You know this isn’t what I wanted, but I knew that  eventually it’d catch up with me. I just didn’t want Cesar wrapped up in all of this bullshit. I don’t know. Maybe it could work. But you know if this goes bad-” he says trailing off and you give him a quiet “i know” before wiping at a stray tear from his cheek.
You wrap your arms around him and slide your hand down to rest on his stomach gently.
“I’ve got something for you.” you say quietly before moving his hand from your thigh and reaching into the nightstand 
“Maybe this will finalize your decision, Oscar.” you speak softly while placing the ultrasound in his hand and watch as his expressive eyebrows scrunch before it dawns on him. 
He looks from you to the apricot shaped grey blob on the photo and back to you while nodding.
“I knew it. I knew something was different about you this time. Your skin is glowing more. You’ve got a different energy.” he says as he leans up wincing at the pain and wraps his arms around you to the best of his ability without aggravating the wound on his side. 
“ I wanted to wait until I knew for sure before I told you. 9 weeks today. Can you believe it? That’s why we have to do this. You deserve happiness and peace too Oscar. I can see you with your own restaurant. You changing lives by donating a portion of your food to those in need. Me with my practice for women of colour. We could even get Cesar in university or a trade school. Whatever he’d want to do. He knows he has my full support.” you plead to him as you trace over his cheekbone and take his hands into yours.
“Alright but we gotta do this precisely. There’s no room for mistakes-” .
@chaneajoyyy @blackmissfrizzle @theogbadbitch @spookys-girl @ceo-of-baby @heybriheyyy @sweetpeachjones @mbakuwife @wholelotta-melanin @ambitionwood @bigchoose @teardropzih @theesotericqueen @mirandkimy @doitforthevine67 @dasia21​ @sinfully-dope​ @love17us @amyhennessyhouse
(lemme know if i missed anybody for the tag list. i know this intro is long as hell but if yall like it i’ll keep writing on this one lol) 
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All my love
Warnings: noncon sex (oral, intercourse), stalking, general creepiness and deception.
This is dark!Peter Parker (adult) and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: The reader is new to the big city but she has a new friend watching over her.
Note: This is my first dark!Peter Parker so please be easy on me. He has been aged up and this takes place when he’s grown up and living his spidey dreams. I’ve made him like uber creepy I think and it gets pretty eerie I think but I hope yall enjoy some Spidey.
Anyway :) Please like, reply, and/or reblog if you read. <3 Love you all.
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It started on Monday. The first day of the week. Something was always bound to go awry. 
You should have suspected it. Work had been too easy. The library had seen a steady flow of patrons but not overwhelming. Visitors and books alike kept you busy and time rolled by. It was just too good to be true.
You stepped inside your small apartment and bent to pick up the mail just inside. The carrier had left a deluge of flyers on your floor. You stood and shifted through the coupons and carpet cleaning service ad. There was a single bill and another unmarked envelope.
You set your purse on the coffee table and the bill too. You sat and turned the envelope in your hand. It didn't even have your address on it. You squinted and slowly slid your nail along the lip. You peeled the envelope open and slipped out the folded paper inside. It was a handwritten letter, your name at the top beside a small heart. You stared at the greeting in confusion.
You didn't know too many people in the city. You'd transferred to New York from a small town. You wanted to live on your own, like, truly on your own. You didn't want your parents just down the street or to run into the people you went to high school with everywhere you went. It was scary but in a thrilling way.
Okay, you breathed and carried on.
My darling,
You do not know me but I know you. I know your favourite cafe to get coffee by the park and the little mouse keychain on your purse. I know you like rainy days and reading in your window. 
I know you're all alone. Lonely, even. I know the curves of your lips and the spark in your eye. I know everything but you don't know me.
But you can. You only need to ask me in. To leave the door open for your secret admirer.
All my love.
A bigger heart to end the letter. The paper fluttered from your fingers as you stood. You marched to the door and turned the deadbolt. You hooked the chain in place and peered through the peephole. The hall was empty. 
Your heart raced and you turned to glance around your apartment. Was it a joke? Some sick prank by a neighbour? Or worse? You pushed yourself from the door and strode back to grab the paper. You crumpled it and tossed it in the bin.
You didn't sleep that night. Or the next night. Another letter greeted you after work. The same sentiments, the same paralyzing fear. You threw it away like the other and a third one arrived on Wednesday.
You didn't read that one or the one the next day. You made sure to lock the door and windows and slept with a light on and knife under your mattress.
On Friday, you were ready to crumble. You couldn't decipher or explain the odd letters. You were on desk duty; answering questions, processing fines, and registering new members. 
It was close to your lunch break when the man walked in. His brown uniform and the slim box beneath his arm betrayed his occupation. The delivery man smiled as he approached your desk.
"I have a package for…" He held up his electronic pad and read your name. 
"That would be me," You replied dumbly.
"I just need a signature," He turned the pad to you. "Then it's all yours."
You took the pen and signed. Sometimes packages were addressed to employees. Usually packets of forms or new labels. Nothing overly important.
The carrier handed over the small package and left you to ponder its contents. You would wait until your lunch and finish up scanning returns.
You had your usual boxed lunch; a sandwich, tea, and a granola bar. The break room was small and smelled of aged paper, like the rest of the library, with a hint of coffee.
You took the package as you chewed your turkey and rye. You peeled away the paper and slid the small box out. It wasn’t really big enough to fit the usual forms. You lifted the lid and blinked at the fold of tissue paper inside. You moved it away from the slip of fabric beneath. 
You gasped and pulled away. What the actual fuck? The frilled pink panties stared back at you and you hurried to replace the top of the box. Your hands shook as you pushed the box across the table and into your over-sized leather tote.
You wrapped up your sandwich and closed up your travel mug. You’d finish your tea at the desk. You weren’t very hungry anymore. You packed up and waited for the clock to tick. You punched and returned to the services desk.
As the day wore on, you grew antsy. Every man who approached you had you on edge. Someone was watching you. Not just at home but work too. 
Was it the man with the salt and pepper hair and square glasses? Or the one with pale blonde hair and the checkered shirt? Was it a man? Maybe it was the woman with her messy bun and baggy sweater.
When you left, you walked quickly to the subway. Your ears pricked at every footstep and you peeked over your shoulder every thirty seconds. You stepped onto the train and watched the strangers filter in after you. Were they watching you then? 
You looked up and down the car and shivered. When your stop came up, you bolted off the train and up the stairs to ground level. Your flats scraped on the pavement as you rushed around the bodies of the New York crowds. 
You slammed your buildings door and ran up the stairs two at a time. You paused as your apartment and peered along the hallway. There was no one else there. No eyes shining from the corner, no shadow looming against the wall.
You shoved your key in the door and pushed inside. You locked it behind you and your eyes bounced around the apartment. All was as you had left it. Curtains drawn, throw crumpled across the couch, your mug still on the coffee table. 
You dropped your bag on the chair and paced the edge of the area rug. You spun back and neared the chair. You pulled out the box and shook as you opened it again. Beneath the panties was a red card. You fished it out and read the scrawled writing; the same found in the letters.
My darling,
It breaks my heart to see you so lonely. I hoped that I could comfort you in my absence. Let these be a poor substitute to my touch. My fingers along your skin, tickling you, caressing you fondly.
All my love.
You placed the card back in the box and closed it up. You trembled as you took it and marched into your room. You shoved it at the bottom of your drawer, to the back, so you’d never have to think about it. 
You slumped on the edge of your bed and held your head. Your mind was in a flurry. Panic and anger mixed into one. Whoever was doing this was crazy. Why were they doing this to you? You rocked as you tried to focus; tried to come up with something.
Nothing. What could you do? Your tormentor was as good as invisible and in a city like New York it was hard to pick out any among the bunch. The cat callers, the beggars, the swindlers, all too obvious. This person knew how to lose themselves in the crowd. They knew how to watch while not being seen.
You sighed and fell back. Keep the doors locked and a bigger knife under the mattress. That was all you could do.
That night was as sleepless as the last. You tossed and turned and managed to doze just as the clock hit two. It was a shallow sleep. One in which you were floating too close to the surface. Shapes moved along your eyelids and your head ached. An exhaustion-induced slumber, nothing more. It was far from restful.
You woke with a start. You swore you had felt a tickle along your neck. Almost like a hand. You sat up and peered into the dark. Shadows of furniture and the glare of streetlights streaming through the window. You were alone.
But you hadn't been. You looked at the mattress next to you. The blanket was folded back and the sheets were wrinkled from occupation. You slid your fingers slowly along the imprint. The bed was still warm.
You grabbed for your phone and the knife beneath your mattress. You dialed the police as you got up and held the blade at the ready. You slowly traversed the perimeter of your room as the line picked up.
"9-1-1, what is your emergency?"
"There's someone in my apartment," Your voice was low and shaky. "I was asleep and I woke up and…s-someone's here. They've been following me."
"Okay, Miss, are they in the same room as you? Can you lock yourself in somewhere?"
"I don't know where they are," You quavered. "I can…get to the bathroom."
"Go in there and lock the door," The operator advised. "What's your address, miss?"
You gave your address as you crept into the bathroom and clicked the lock into place. You sat beside the toilet and bit your nails as you held the phone to your ear. Your eyes clung to the door, waiting for it to be kicked in.
"I have dispatched the police. I want you to talk to me until they get there, okay?"
"Okay," It was half a whisper. You held the knife at your knee and exhaled into the phone.
"Breathe, okay? They're almost there." You nodded another acquiescence and the operator talked to fill the silence. To drown out the dread.
You heard a bang. Then another. Voices followed and the distant beep of a radio. You edged over to the door and slowly unlocked it. You crept out with knife in hand, phone still against your ear.
You saw the dark uniforms and set the knife on the table inside your bedroom door. You assured the operator the police arrived and they let you go. You were tempted to hug the officers as they shone their flashlights around your small living room.
"Ma'am, are you okay? Where is the intruder?"
"I...I didn't see them but...there was someone here. I swear. I woke up...and-- come see." You sounded crazy, even to you. 
The second officer flicked on the lights as the other made to follow. You led them to your bedroom and switched the lamp on. You pointed to the bed.
"S-see. Someone was in my bed." The outline was still there. "It was warm and--"
"This is the bed you sleep in, ma'am?" They shared a doubtful look. 
"Yes, but on the other side. I woke and...they've been leaving letters and they sent this." 
You scurried to your dresser and pulled out the box. You handed it to the first officer and he raised a brow. He took the box and opened it. He stifled a chuckle and moved the panties aside to read the card.
"Ma'am, the police aren't here to deal with your clingy exes." He jibed.
"It's not--I don't…" A tap at the window interrupted your protest.  
A shadow loomed on the other side. The second officer stepped around the bed and sighed. He unlatched the window and slid it up. A figure in a red suit sat on your ledge. You'd seen him in newspapers and on television but never in person.
Spider-man swung lithely into your apartment. You were stunned. 
"Saw the cars, the lights. Thought I'd check in." He said coolly.
"False alarm," The second officer crossed his arms. "Lady's ex is just tryna win her back."
"No…" You gulped helplessly and shook your head. It was no good. Why did you throw the letters away? They would see then. 
"Come on, Lawson, we gotta deal with real problems." The first officer scoffed and led the other out. "In the future," He paused at your bedroom door and glanced back, "I suggest you only use the emergency line for emergencies."
The second rolled his eyes. "Best find some real criminals to bust, Spidey."
You watched them go and frowned. You turned back to the superhero still stood by your window. His head was tilted curiously but thankfully his mask hid his disdain.
“I’m sorry. I...you can go,” You said awkwardly as you crossed your arms.
You picked up the box the officer had left on your bed and shoved it back in the drawer. You turned and he was still there. You frowned.
“If you want, I can...keep an eye out.” He offered. His voice was kinder than you expected. “Just outside. Maybe camp out on the fire escape…”
“You look tired. And it’s pretty slow tonight. Plus, it’s my job.” He shrugged. 
“Really?” You asked as you shifted your weight. “You don’t have to--”
“I do. If you’re afraid, I do. This city is mine to watch over. That means everyone. Even you.” It sounded like he was smiling but through the mask, you couldn’t see much. “So, I’m gonna plop myself on that fire escape, maybe kick the feet up, and if you need anything, you give a tap, okay?”
“But...what if somebody else--”
“Seems like the police are already on it, wouldn’t you say? One night without Spider-man, I think New York will survive. I mean, what do you think they did before me?”
You chewed your lip and thought. You looked at your bed and sighed. You were tired. The thought of sleep was intoxicating. A rare chance to rest without paranoia. In five days, sleep had become a forlorn memory.
“If it’s okay…” You ventured. “Just a few hours. I don’t want you to stay though if something happens.”
“It’ll be fine.” He assured you. “Get some sleep.” He neared the window and paused. “Uh, sorry, didn’t get your name.”
“My name?” You wondered. You figured it only made sense. Afterall, he’d be camping out under your window. You gave it to him and he nodded.
“You can call me Spidey, Spider-man, or some people call me a pest.” He hooked his leg through the window. “Your call.” He slipped out onto the escape and grabbed the pane. “Good night.”
With that, he shut the window and spun to sit on the metal platform with a creak. You stared out after him. You went to the bed and smoothed out the indent of the intruder before you climbed under the covers. He’d probably leave the minute you dozed but at least you’d be able to fall asleep.
You had Saturdays off. The interns and part-timers mostly worked the weekends. When you woke, you sat up and rubbed your eyes. You yawned and stretched as you turned your legs over the bed. A tap came at the window and you jumped. It was Spider-man.
It was an odd thought. An Avenger right outside your window. You stood and crossed to the pane. You opened it for him and he leaned through.
“How’d you sleep?” He asked.
“Fine. Very good actually. Thank you. I can’t believe…” You blinked at the sunlight that limned his figure. “You didn’t have to stay all night.”
“But I did. And you were safe.” He countered. “Now, it’s my turn to go get some sleep.” 
“Thank you.” You said.
“Never a problem. Especially for you.” His fingers tapped on the frame and he stared at you for a moment. He cleared his throat and shook himself. “Anyways, I’m tired. I should go.”
“Alright...bye.” You smiled nervously. 
“Yeah, see ya.” He hesitated before he spun back and jumped up on the rail. “Don’t worry. I’ll be swinging around soon.”
With that, he launched himself off the escape and you watched as he repelled along the next building with his webs. You closed the window and ran your hands over your hair. You needed coffee. 
You walked blindly into the living room and through to the kitchen. You sniffed as you set up the machine and hit brew. You leaned against the counter as you waited for the morning cure. Your eyes strayed to the door. An envelope on the floor, a single rose attached. It must have fluttered through the slot when you were asleep. Your heart skipped.
You pushed yourself away from the counter and tiptoed to the door. You bent and picked up the letter. You set aside the rose and opened it with your nail. You pulled out the paper and read it with your stomach in your throat.
My darling, I apologize if I startled you but seeing you last night was so lovely. I have missed you and could not resist a kiss. You were so peaceful I did not want to wake you. I hope you liked my gift and cannot wait to see them on you.  All my love.
You dropped the letter and clutched your chest. You reached up to touch your lips and a wave of nausea threatened. He had been there and he had kissed you in your sleep. At least, it would seem he did. You shook and supported yourself against the counter. 
The rose tumbled to the floor as you tried to keep from hyperventilating. You stared down at its pale pink petals and grunted. You stomped it until it was in pieces and the grind of the coffee machine matched your frustration. 
Why wouldn’t they leave you alone? What had you done to draw their attention?
You leaned, out of breath and numb, against the counter. You only hoped Spidey was in the neighbourhood during their next visit, otherwise you were fucked.
He did come back. Spidey, that was. He surprised you as you sat against your headboard reading. It was a distraction to keep you awake. You knew you wouldn’t be sleeping that night. 
It was almost midnight when the knock came. You jumped and looked to the window. You could see his outline beneath the streetlight, the faint hint of red beneath the yellow glare. You got up and unlocked the window. He leaned against the ledge and looked around your room.
“Told you I’d be back,” He announced. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just reading,” You held up your book. “Can’t sleep.”
“Oh, so then you do need me,” He commented. 
“No, I wouldn’t expect you to--”
“I can’t just leave you here. Alone. Afraid. Don’t worry, you’re not getting in the way of my crime fighting style.” He assured you. “Isn’t that what I’m doing here? Keeping you safe?”
“Yeah, but…” You sighed. “It’s really not the same. I’m just one person and there’s--”
“There’s others out there doing the job better than me. The cops, firefighters, paramedics. I’m really just back up to those guys.” He argued. “Promise, if anything pressing comes up, you’ll see me diving headfirst into it, okay?”
You rubbed your neck as you thought. You really didn’t want to be alone. “Alright…” You relented. “But...I feel bad, you sitting out there. Do you wanna...um, maybe you could pull up a chair instead?”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” He sounded surprised by the offer. “I mean, if it’s not too much. To be quite honest, this escape gives me a touch of vertigo and it’s not very accommodating to the tush.”
“Yeah, no problem,” You backed up and he climbed over the sill. You left him there as you went through to the living room to drag in the Ikea armchair you used more for your purse than yourself. “Here. It’s not the best but...it’s what I got.”
“I’m not picky,” He neared and lifted the chair easily and planted it in front of the window. “I’ve sat in worse.” You watched him sit and put his feet up on the window pane. “Now, get some sleep.”
That wasn't the last night the webbed crusader showed up at your window. A few mornings he even stayed for coffee. He was friendly enough and seemed to enjoy your company even if you were a bit quiet. He did most of the talking anyway.
And the letters continued to slide through your mail slot. Flowers sent to home and work alike. The ominous shadow, still unseen, always along your peripherals but never coming into focus. 
It was three weeks since it began and two weeks since Spidey declared himself your personal watchman. You kept the letters in a box and made note of every occurrence. The next time the police came, you'd be prepared.
You were at work. The letter had been waiting for you there. You didn't read it. You hid it in your bag and tried to focus on cataloging. Your mind was frayed and it became harder to hold the threads together. After scanning the same book six times, you gave up.
You looked around the library. A dull Monday morning. 
You went to Lois at the service desk. She had a book open before her as no patrons lined up for her help.
"Hey, I hate to do this but do you mind if I...go? I'm not feeling so hot." You asked.
"I was gonna say, you don't look so good," She joked. "Course, hun, think I can handle the hordes alone."
"I'm so sorry." You said. "Really."
"Don't worry about it, this place is about as lively as a convent." She looked back to her book. "Go on. Worst comes, I can get an intern in for extra credit."
"Thanks. I'll be in early tomorrow. Promise."
"Just go," She chided. "Before I decide I want company."
You were only too thankful to be done. You thought of adding locks to the door. on the subway. You got off and pondered finding a new apartment. It might be your only hope.
You were reassured to find your locks secure. You opened the door and closed it quietly. You paused and listened. You could hear the wind as if you'd left your window open. 
You tiptoed to your bedroom and peeked inside. A familiar red-clothed back greeted you. Unaware as he stood over your dresser, a small box in hand, he rubbed the pink fabric between his fingers and your jaw dropped. What the fuck? 
Your bag slipped from your hand and he turned to you. You were knocked back by the sudden force against your chest as the web sprang across your middle. You fell into the door frame as Spidey tossed the box aside. The pointed eyes of his mask rounded and he stuttered as he looked around.
As wordless as you, he darted for the window and disappeared into the sky. You held onto the wood as you gaped at the open window. You were breathless from both the suddenness of the scene and the force of the web. 
You looked down and tried to peel the strings from your sweater. They were tough and clung to the fabric. You gave up and shook your head. Your entire body was rattled. Was this what shock felt like? You crossed to the window and closed it. The lock slid into place and you peered through the glass.
You were entirely confused. Was he a snoop or a pervert? His evasion would suggest the latter, as well as the way he held the panties. Had you unwittingly invited a second predator into your life? Or had you merely traded one for the other? 
Yet, the first hadn’t gone. He stayed in the shadows and now his chance to jump had come. 
You didn’t sleep for a week. Not truly. You napped after work when the sun was on its decline but in the dark, there was no rest to be had. Alone and terrified, you huddled on your couch under the light of a lamp. You tried to read, but your mind was too frazzled for that. Then you’d just stare at the wall and doze off only to jump awake in a moment.
It wasn’t just the fatigue wearing on your mind. It was the incessant letters, the unwanted gifts, and now, texts. Nothing was yours anymore. You waited every night for the lock to break and your stalker to stroll in with knife or rope.
Then there was the loneliness. You didn’t realize how accustomed you had grown to the nocturnal visits. Spidey had become a stalwart of your nightly routine. You missed his shadow in the chair, staring out over the city. But you couldn’t help but wonder why he had been snooping around in your underwear?
Maybe you couldn’t trust anyone in this city. Maybe you should go back home to the old library with the church bell. A place where you had family to look over you and not some fantastical superhero.
You flinched as the coffee table buzzed. You looked over as your phone lit up. You blocked the first number. And the second. The third. The fourth. You lost count. It didn’t matter, they found a way. There was no barrier strong enough to keep them away. Definitely not your old front door with it rusty chain lock.
You ignored the vibration. You held your head and grumbled. Another buzz. And a another. You grabbed your phone and looked at the notifications.
Private number: Darling, are you okay? Private number: You haven’t answered me. I am beginning to worry for you. Private number: You should sleep, darling. It is late and you look so tired.
You hit silent and slammed the phone down. You were shaking. You looked around, the streetlights shone as they always did, and the speckled windows of other buildings mirrored the stars. You stood and let the thin throw fall back on the couch.
You stormed over to the window and ripped it open. You poked your head out and looked up and down the fire escape. No one. And yet it was as if they could see you. You grunted through your teeth and gripped the window sill. 
“What do you want from me?” You shouted into the night. “Just leave me alone!”
The fire escape creaked and a spot appeared in the corner of your eye. You yiped and pulled back and grabbed the window. A hand kept it from closing; the patterned red fabric revealed its owner. Spidey held the window and bent to look through.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” He said. “I...Are you okay?”
“No,” You crossed your arms. “I’m not.”
Silence rose between you as he perched outside your window. He hung his head and scratched his chin in thought.
“I am sorry, you know? I didn’t...I was only being nosy. It wasn’t--” He cleared his throat. “I shouldn’t have touched your stuff, I was only curious, you know? About why you were so scared.” He leaned on the pane. “I understand if you can’t forgive me but I had to at least apologize.”
You thought. You swallowed as the words bubbled in your throat. What had he really done but rifle through your dresser? He shouldn’t have done that, yes, but perhaps you had been quick to condemn. What had he done to earn such snap judgement? He had sat in your window and kept you safe for weeks. He had saved the city time and again and you were mad because he dared to open a drawer.
“You could’ve asked.” You dropped your arms. “I guess...I can’t be mad forever.”
He perked up. If you could see behind the mask, you were sure he was smiling.
“I can stay out here for the night but...you look like you need some peace. Some sleep.” He remarked.
“No, don’t stay out there.” You relented. “And thank you. I do need the sleep. I haven’t...You don’t have to--”
“Consider it my penance,” He carefully climbed through the window, almost hesitant to come inside. “Promise you, these fingers may be sticky but they will keep to themselves.”
“We’ll see,” You kidded and he closed the window. 
“Now, young lady, I think it’s time you get to bed,” He said playfully. “I’ll take first watch.”
You chuckled and led him into the bedroom. The chair was still by the window. You were reluctant to move it back. Moving it would mean you were completely alone. You sat on the bed as he moved through the dark. He stopped by the chair and turned to you as you pulled back the blanket.
“Should I tuck you in or…” You raised a brow and he laughed. “I’m joking. I do that when I’m...nervous.”
You blinked at him. Spider-man, nervous? Around you? You smiled. “It’s fine.” You yawned into your hand.
“Sleep,” He rounded the chair and sat, “I mean it. You know sleep deprivation can kill.”
“Gee, so optimistic,” You laid back on the pillows and pulled the blanket up. “Thanks. Really.”
“Enough of that.” He warned. “Sleep. Please.”
He watched you as you snuggled into the mattress. He didn’t look away even as you rolled onto your side. Through the dark you could feel his gaze. Despite the apology, the forgiveness, the jokes, it felt different. There was something off but your tired mind just couldn’t piece it together.
You slept so heavily, all traces of consciousness slipped from you. Your dreams were filled with hazy sunlight and muted tones. There was no story line, only a kaleidoscope of colours. It was like a river washing over you, cleansing you. All the sleep you had lost weighed you down until it felt like chains were hooked on wrist and ankle.
Your eyes opened slowly. Your head felt full of cotton and your mouth was dry. There was an unusual warmth beside you. You forced your eyes open and looked over. A man you’d never seen before laid there. Reddish brown hair and delicate but stony features. His brown eyes met yours and he smiled.
You did know him. He still wore the suit, only he had disposed of the mask. Your heart leapt and you tried to shake the sleep from your head. Were you still dreaming?
“Good morning, darling,” He sang as his fingers ran along your cheek.
“What are you--” You batted away his hand. “What did you just call me?”
“Shhh,” He sat up as you did. 
His hand clamped over your mouth as he hushed you and his other arm snaked around you. He drew you close. It was hard to believe this was the man behind the mask. He was still boyish and yet there was something darker. Something simmering beneath the surface. You whimpered as he clung to you.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, darling.” He cooed.
That word again. You tensed and your eyes searched the room. Was this really Spidey? Or had another snuck in and took his place?
“You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t resist. So long watching, it becomes harder to stay away.” He bit his lip and leaned in. He dragged his nose along yours as he spoke, his break hot around his hand. You trembled. “Please don’t be afraid. I’ve only watched over you. To keep you safe. To keep you company. You looked so alone.”
You murmured into his hand and he held you tighter. You brought your hands up to push against him and he sighed.
“I won’t hurt you. Ever.” He promised as your eyes widened. “Please know that.” He smiled sweetly and leaned back. “So please don’t scream.”
He slowly removed his hand from your mouth. You stared at him. Your eyes burned and your heart hammered in your ears. You opened your mouth to shriek. His fingers flicked and you were once more smothered. The thick webs covered your mouth and you reached up to pry them away.
He caught your hands and held them away from your lips. “I don’t want it to be like this, darling,” He said. “I’d love to kiss you and those webs won’t make that easy.” Your voice was smothered as you tried to argue and his grip grew tighter around your wrists. “Have I hurt you?”
You blinked and lowered your brow. He hadn’t but he hadn’t been honest either. This whole time it had been him. Watching you, following you, taunting you. And  he had sat in your bedroom and pretended to be your protector. You were a fool.
“I have only been good to you. And you would throw out my letters and spurn my gifts.” He tutted. “Wallowed in your loneliness.”
You tried to pull away and he tugged you closer. He got up on his knees and forced you onto your back. He climbed over you and straddled you to the bed. He released a hand and held the other against a bar along the headboard. He webbed it in place and grabbed the other. You tried to wiggle free but he caught you easily.
You kicked as your wrists were restrained above you. Your cries dampened by the webs across your lips. His fingertips tickled your neck and he framed your face with his hands. He smiled down at you. You squirmed helplessly as he squeezed his thighs to your sides.
He shot his hands out behind him. Your feet were caught in the webs that wrapped around the end board. You were entirely at his mercy. He inhaled deeply and carefully got off of you. His eyes ran the length of your body and you pulled against the restraints. It made no difference.
He turned and opened the dresser drawer. He pulled out the same box and opened it. He held up the panties. 
“I was sad you didn’t wear them.” He bemoaned. “A nice colour on you.”
You grunted and looked to the ceiling. It felt as if the walls were closing in. Your body was covered in goosebumps and yet you couldn’t stop sweating.
“It’s okay. We can save them for a special occasion.” He tucked them back beneath the tissue paper. “I just want us to enjoy this, darling. Let’s not worry about anything else.”
You glanced down at your body. The loose pajama shorts and camisole were poor protection. You hadn’t thought much of it in the dark. Now the morning light glowed in the window frames and limned along every fold and wrinkle.
“I was patient. I really was but...it’s time, darling. You and I are meant to be together.” 
He reached back and his suit fell slack. He lowered it down his arms and stepped out of it with ease. He was lean but muscular, his shoulders broader than most of him. He wore little black briefs beneath the suit. He brought a knee up onto the bed and looked over your body.
“It’s a big city. Dangerous to be alone here.”
He moved between your legs and his fingers grazed your thighs. His tongue peeked out between his teeth. He purred and leaned over you, his hands on either side of you. He bent and pressed his lips to yours. You could feel him through the webs. 
He brought an arm up next to your head and caressed your hair. He pulled away and his brown eyes sparkled. “You’re so beautiful.” His other hand brushed your hip and his fingers slipped beneath the hem of your camisole. “I love you, darling.”
You grimaced and he kissed you again. He dragged his lips along your cheek and down your jaw. His hand grazed your stomach and chest. He groaned. He doted on your neck and shoulders. He pushed your camisole up your torso and you flinched as he bared your chest.
His hands covered your tits and he buried his head between them. His mouth explored with fervour as his fingers kneaded tenderly. He took a nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. He nipped but did not bite. Firm but not rough.
You tensed as he moved lower down. He left a trail along your stomach as his hands hugged your hips. He nuzzled against the cotton shorts and pulled aside the loose crotch. You felt his breath along your vee and shivered.
He teased along your thighs, teeth and tongue. You winced as it sent a tingle along your spine. His fingers rubbed along your lips and he pushed them apart. You gasped but it made no sound. He ran his middle finger over your clit and replaced it with his tongue. You pushed your head back as the sensation intensified.
His mouth made you wet. You were ashamed as the heat began to gather in your core and he tasted your arousal as it rose. He suckled and lapped carefully. Every flick, every swirl, deliberate. His hand stretched over your thigh and he hummed in delight. He lifted his head, you couldn’t look at him.
“You’re delicious, darling.” He keened and you closed your eyes. 
He dipped his head down again and you spasmed. His tongue danced along your clit and slid between your folds. Your head lolled back and forth. You were dizzy from the shock of it all. Your thighs tensed and your curse was muted by the webs. You were breathless as you came. Surprised by the sudden rush as it left you weak.
“See,” He parted and looked up at you. You opened your eyes, a blur of tears and splendour. “I only want to love you.”
You arched your back and pulled against the webs. It was a paltry attempt. Your last act of pride as he moved closer on his knees. He rolled his briefs down and you blanched. You looked to the ceiling again as the mattress shifted below you.
He bent over you again, his arm bent under yours as he kissed you. He cradled your cheek as he felt around with his other hand. He pushed his cock past your pajamas, the fabric pressed against your thigh, and dragged the head along your folds. You squirmed and he gripped your chin.
You opened your eyes as he poked along your entrance. He stared down at you as he pushed inside and you tried to speak through the webs. He sank, deeper and deeper, his mouth slowly opened in a silent gasp. He shuddered and paused as he bottomed out.
“Oh god,” He whispered, “Oh.”
He pressed his lips to the web. He began to move slowly. His hips rocked against you in a gentle rhythm. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to steady your breathing. He felt much bigger than you expected. 
You tried to resist the echo of your orgasm as it began to build again. You whined through your nose as his lips left yours. He hung his head next to yours and nibbled at your throat. His pace mounted a little at a time. He groaned and grunted into your skin. 
He pushed himself up and grabbed your hips. His thighs were firm against yours as he worked into you. His flesh clapped loudly and you looked down at him. His muscles flexed as he watched himself fuck you. He was rabid as he admired the way his cock slid in and out of you. The sight spurred him on as he pounded into you harder with each thrust.
“I can feel it. You gonna cum?” He snarled as his pelvis jerked against yours. 
You hit your head against the bed as your pussy tightened around him. You couldn’t fight it. The feel of him against your walls. The fire crackling within as it licked at your flesh. He pressed his thumb to your clit and you spasmed. It was enough to send you over the edge again.
“Oh, oh,” He slammed into you and slid his hands around to lift your ass. The angle let him even deeper. “I’m gonna--”
He exclaimed and you felt him cum. He coated your walls and it eased his last few thrusts. He rode out his climax and his head fell back as he panted. He brought his hands around to your hips and down your thighs. He caressed you as he caught his breath.
“Darling, that was…” He sighed as he smiled down at you. “Perfect.”
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Worth Fighting For (Part : One)
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summary: You're entirely certain George is the one. So he hasn't got to put up much of a fight... but in a way, that's all he knows to do.
a/n: Drum roll! I believe this is the moment you've all been waiting for! I'm really excited about this one, too yall. So just know... I'm fully committed to this fic! I cross my heart to update as often as I can, but it maaay be a little slow. I hope yall enjoy the beginning of this labor of love. Let me know what you think, and if you'd like to be tagged!
w/c: 2k
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You watched as a dozen grader schoolers fumbled out of the studio door, clutching their mother's hands, some still dancing.
Every Friday, that's all they did. Your job was to teach them how. To the best of your ability, you helped kids learn to let loose through music on the weekends. You took pride in your perfectly crafted playlists and the fun patterned joggers you'd show up in; your favorite being a bright green pair that's pockets turned into dinosaurs when you pulled them out.
When you signed up to teach the weekend classes to a bunch of kids, you figured it would be the easiest job in the world. But the rambunctious group kept you on your toes in more ways than one, and always left you breathless at the end of every Friday. Still, you'd hardly have it another way. How could you wish for more?
Okay sure, maybe it would be nice to afford a car so you could get away from the dreaded city bus. And maybe you'd like to drive your hypothetical car to your very own hypothetical home in the country, one day. But all that empty space would only leave you lonely for now.
Good thing you were busy, these days. There was usually too much going on for you to think of anything besides your schedule. Between Friday dance classes with the kids, you taught private lessons to more serious paying customers. To top it all off you were often called in to choreograph all of the local school's plays and productions, community theater included.
You stayed later this afternoon, to think up a dance between a few props the school choir director dropped off for you to work with. So once your group of kids had flooded down the hall that separated the row of studios from the massive gym in the front of the building aptly named Fit For All, you got to work.
You'd been loaned a large paper mache tree and an old pirate chest to think up a dance around. As you started to move the props to the middle of the room, you found the pirate chest was much heavier than you'd expected. You cursed, using the bit of momentum you gained to pull the thing along, but lost your inadequate grip too soon. The chest came slamming down on your hand with an unsettling boom, and your shriek that followed might have been embarrassing if it didn't hurt so bloody bad.
You pushed the chest away and yanked your hand to your heart in a flash, backing up from the scene as if that would help ease the numb sting
"Y/n? What happened?" A voice thick with concern and hurried in asking echoed through the empty studio. You turned to see a friend of yours... well, someone you'd known for a while now.
George was almost always at the gym, every time you peeked in on your way to the studios in the back of the locally owned community center of sorts. The nights you both headed to the parking lot at the same time, you'd chatter about the weather as he walked to his car, before you stalled at the bus stop.
Once, when he was waiting on a ride from a friend, and your bus was late, you'd stood under the awning out of the rain and talked a little about why you were both always where you were now. George was some sort of trainer, you gathered. His jarringly shy demeanor must have put the kids he worked with at ease. But that's just nearly all you knew about the guy.
"I just- ow- I just lost my grip and-" You tried to explain calmly, gesturing to your stiffened hand with the other, trying to move the fingers that you couldn't quite feel anymore.
George took a few steps to meet where you stood, focusing his eyes on your injury. He brought a hand to your shoulder and gently nudged you out of the room while you went on explaining what happened.
What a sight you must have been. In your bright orange joggers and the t-shirt with spaceship designs you bleached to make it look a little cooler. Your hair mused loose from the tight hold you tried to keep it out of your eyes during this afternoons lesson. Dressed like you hadn't managed to let go of the past, trying not to go woozy from the way your hand pulsed with a steadily growing ache, now.
If you knew George would have been the one to swoop in to save the day, you might have at least applied a fresh layer of lip gloss.
He led you toward the gym, but entered one door too soon. Inside was a small medical station, where the athletes came to find first aid kits and tape for their wrists, but hardly much more. George found an ice pack, though, and asked you a series of questions all of which you failed to answer correctly.
"Your hand is most definitely broken."
"Thanks for coming to the rescue." You shrugged, trying not to let your new blossoming worry show.
"Come on." George waved, lingering in the door way of the tiny medic room. His sky blue eyes were ringed with hints of exhaustion as they considered you for a beat. You stared back, more anxious about the fact that he'd just given you instructions than worried about why. Then, you wondered.
"Come on. You missed the last bus till nine."
You floated along at his command, because only a fool would deny him. Your glance crossed the clock on the wall that read a few minutes past when your bus was due at the end of every day. You weren't even thinking about getting home when Geogre pressed the icepack to your knuckles. You were too busy trying to play off the sting.
George turned to make sure you were following close behind, as he started opening the door that flooded out to the car park.
So that's how you ended up sitting in the waiting room of an urgent care with a melting bag of ice that's chill numbed the hand you could feel- next to George. He shoved his hands in the pocket in the front of his pale jumper and slouched next to you without a word.
When the doctor came round for you, and confirmed your hand was, of course, definitely broken- you listened to his recommendations and thanked him for the few minutes he spent assuring you the injury could be fixed much easier than most others.
George was still sat in the same lazy position when you came back from getting checked out and halfway fixed up. And when he insisted on driving you home instead of letting you linger at the nearest bus stop, you let him. But you had something else in mind...
"Are you hungry?" You asked, bouncing your knee in the passenger seat of his old, warm car. Its personality shone through the vintage detail, as it's floors and seats were empty of any kind of clutter.
"Are you?" Geogre asked back, casting his bright blue eyes to you for a second before his attention focused back on the road ahead.
"Well, yes. Come to dinner with me. I'll buy since you've been entirely too kind to me this afternoon." You grinned, hopefully. Yeah, you wanted to thank him for wasting a couple hours of his night to help you sort out your situation. But you were also mostly looking for an excuse to spend a little more time at his side.
George was painfully quiet. You hadn't gotten to know him better at all during the couple of luxurious hours he'd spent near you tonight. You were nearly more confused by the guy than you had been back when he didn't know to acknowledge you on your matched leaves from the centre where you both worked. It made you even more desperate to know what he was about.
And for a couple of blocks, you tried to coax him into pulling into the lot of the fanciest place he could think of, in order to repay him properly. But Geogre just chuckled and waved you off.
"How about just DeAngelo's?" Geogre looked to you as he turned the wheel in the direction of the towns most beloved eatery. Frequented by all types at odd hours and as often as one might get away with, without breaking bank. Which was easy, because their exceptional food was just as exceptionally priced.
"Just DeAngelo's? That's like saying, how about we just have the best night ever?" You chuckled, as the blink of a broken stop light stalled Geogre's car behind a few others.
"Okay." George grinned too, a smile you had to pull your oggling stare away from. "Just the best night ever it is."
The diner was aptly busy, but you managed to score a cozy booth near the back. Next to a window that might have let in a draft on colder evenings, you had to actually think before reaching for a menu, because your dominant hand was out of commission and, for a dancer, you were embarrassingly uncoordinated.
"Order one of everything you'd like!" You mused, from behind the worn familiar menu. You were the kind who ordered the same thing almost everytime. But there was something about George's presence that made you feel as if you had to peruse the list of options. "Hell, I'll buy the place out if that's what you want."
"Well, I won't ask too much of you just yet." George tossed away the menu in his grasp after only a brief consideration. You had to bring your laminated list a little closer to hide your blush, though.
You both gave your orders to a tired eyed waitress who smiled your way when you remembered her name.
Then there were two.
"So..." You bit your lip, glancing over the vast expanses of the table that separated you from the mysterious and meek George. His piercing blue gaze was already sleepily settled on you as you dared to venture further into small talk. "Boxing, yeah?"
"Yeah," He agreed with a strain. "These days I just train, though."
"Just train." You arched a brow, hoping he picked up on your call back to the way he'd placed the adverb before his decision to come to DeAngelo's- wondering if he meant anything any it now.
"It's work." He grinned, casting his eyes down to your hand that had been given a new home inside an ugly, removable cast.
"I see." You shifted your weight, trying not to visibly squirm under his pretty, intense gaze.
"I like the sport. But I found it wasn't worth all the trouble." Geogre explained, vaguely. You had to bite back a laugh at how withheld he seemed. The way he studied you, as if there was so much on his mind. The way he kept to himself, even as you nudged for him to tell you more. So you tried his trick of keeping your mouth shut and your eyes focused on his. You nodded to George with a smile that insisted he keep talking. That promised you were listening.
And after the waitress left your drinks on the edge of the table as she breezed by, George slowly spoke up again.
"Boxing, it's... the only thing I'm good at. I could never be a banker or a builder or anything. So I'm lucky to have this job."
And you start to get the tiniest hint as to why he sounds so divided. So cautiously passionate. But every time he opens his mouth to answer your questions that you're hoping clear the enigmatic air about him, George only leaves you more complexly mystified.  
Then he asked about you. First, by wondering if the dinner you ordered was up to par. Then by asking if your debilitated hand would give you much trouble dancing. The answer was no, not really. You'd be set back a day and likely rush through recycled show choir moves to teach the kids later. But if anything, you were fine as ever. You'd even venture to say you were very good, but you blamed your calm happiness on the pain killers and went on talking about your work- because Geogre asked.
It wasn't often you got to gush over your job to someone who didn't already know how dearly you loved it. It wasn't often someone who asked about your dancing, to seemingly fill the gaps of conversation, listened as intently as George.
You figured it was because he was eager to bring up Barney. The older gentleman who'd built and ran Fit For All, with his late husband. The pair were interested in so many types of fitness they decided to open a space big enough for their favorite kinds of sports to live. The studios in the back were rented to dancers, yoga classes, and a few odd takewandow lessons. The gym in front was for boxers, bodybuilders and whoever felt like popping round to wear down the tread mill once a week.
According to Geogre, Barney was the one who coaxed him into picking up boxing. And you weren't surprised. Since the passing of his husband, Barney spent most of his time in the building, marveling over the classes and encouraging new faces to come back and get better. He'd watched you take lessons in the very studio you held yours own in now. It was home away from home, and Barney made it so. Even the mild George seemed to light up a little bolder while he yammered on about the owner.
Your history with Bareny was all either of you talked over till your meals were finished.
"How was your just DeAngelo's, then?" You asked, hoping sincerely that you'd treated him to something lovely enough to make up for his helping you, earlier.
"It was pretty close to the best, like you insisted." George chuckled, shoving his plate away as you noshed on the last of your chips.
"Well then we'll just have to come back till it is the best." You smiled coyly, as your waitress floated by to take away your rubbish.
George was quiet as ever as he drove you home. But for the first time, you were less mystified by his silence, and far more eager for a chance at asking him twenty questions the next time you got the chance.
When his vintage ride pulled to a stop outside your flat, George offered you a pleasant goodnight as you collected your bag. But before you returned the sentiment you dared to ask one final question. "See ya tomorrow?"
"Probably." George answered in a thin veil of sarcasm. The look in his eyes made his answer seem inevitable. The tone is his voice made it seem like he wasn't done keeping you on your toes. You took the smile on his lips as a good sign either way, as you returned a grin of your own- and thanked George one last time.
And on your skip to the door of your flat, you kept your cool and didn't look back to the guy you'd spent all night trying to get to know. But you crossed your working fingers as you slipped inside and wondered if it'd be entirely too strange if you started to pop round the gym more often.
───※ ·❆· ※───
taglist: @haileymorelikestupid​ @maria-josefin​ @imaginationandlove​ @queen-bunnyears​
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sarah-writes-marvel · 4 years
Imposter (2/2): Avengers x gn!Reader
S.S: sorry about the wait on this second part, havent had a lot of motivation to do much for a while. Im not sure how much I like this ending but I hope yall like it!
p.s::: Also, I write these as my own character first so if there are mentions of an OC let me know so I can fix it so everyone can enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, language, nothing else I dont think...
Word count: 1449
My door slammed behind me as rage fumed from my being.
“What a bitch.” I muttered moving to my bathroom and stripping from my sweaty clothes and turning on the shower.
The lukewarm shower felt nice against my hot skin, creating a calming effect. It was nice. Relaxing almost. Until a sudden pounding at my door broke the peace.
“What!” I yelled, not bothering to get out of the shower not really caring who was there, just the fact that they interrupted my relaxation.
“Y/N, open the door we need to talk! Now!” Tony’s distinct voice called through the door. Mumbling a few curses as I reluctantly stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my torso and opening my bedroom door to an angry looking Tony and Steve face of disappointment.
“Im kinda busy, what do you want?” I asked.
“What the hell did you say to Brooke? She's in tears.” Tony barked, eliciting an eyeroll.
“What a drama queen.” I mumbled under my breath.
“The hell did you say?” Tony said, gripping my wrist. I glared at him ripping my wrist from his hand.
“I said she’s a drama queen. Get over it.” I said clearly. “I told her that I didn’t trust her. I have the right not to trust someone who has been a part of Shield for the last 4 years, just come out about her powers.” I restated the conversation from earlier.
“Why would you say that to her? She's just trying to fit in.” Steve said in a sad sympathetic tone.
“Well, she seems to have fit in quite well, now hasn’t she.” I sent the two a fake smile “I’m going back to my shower.” I closed the door, ignoring the pounding knocks on the door as I walked back to my shower. 
The pounding against my door finally ceased and I got out a few minutes afterwards, changing to sweats and a loose shirt. 
I ran my finger through my tangled hair as I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. As soon as I turned into the living room, the team was there coddling to the sniffling Brooke on the couch.
“Seriously, you’re still crying? It’s been an hour and a half.” I scoff at the sight, eyes all turning to me, looks of rage across each face.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to be an asshole or something?” Sam questioned, standing from his seat and making his way towards me.
“I’m just trying to show you that not everything is as it seems.” I sneered peering at Brooke over his shoulder.
“You’re a monster.” She whimpered quietly.
“Then maybe you should watch yourself. Monsters are dangerous.” I mocked moving past Sam to the kitchen. 
Suddenly the quiet room went into chaos as Brooke stood up, placing her hand onto my clothed shoulder turning me to face her. Her hand still on my shoulder I took her wrist into my hand, tightening the grip.
A collective gasp came from the group, many standing from their spots on the couch. Brooke's eyes widened, frozen in shock before she realized that she was supposed to collapse right about now. As soon as I felt her knees buckle, falsely, I gripped her shoulders.
“Don’t play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you’re capable of that.” I chided, staring into her brown eyes.
Her mouth opened like a fish out of water, still in shock that her facade had been broken.
“I saw who you are. You really are a monster. The people you killed, families, innocent children.” She said, loud enough for the Avengers to hear, thinking she was really doing something. And she was, her words got under my skin. 
“Oh ya? What else did you see? How I killed them? How I watched each of their souls leave their body before I determined it was a completed mission?” I sneered, seeing the tears in her eyes.
“You killed so many.” she whimpered pathetically.
“Do you know why?” I asked, truly testing her. Noone really knew the reason behind my mercenary days, they believed that I had been manipulated like Bucky and forced into it. Which was accurate if you looked at it sideways and squinted.
“You were manipulated. You were under Hydra’s control.” she stated confidently, tears still evident in her eyes. Another false. 
“Bravo, you've read my file.” I smirked, “I was never manipulated into anything. And It wasn't Hydra, it was called The Mist.” 
Brooke’s eyes widened, being caught in her lie, tears dripping down her cheeks. She took a timid step back, which I responded with taking a step towards her.
“Believe me, I've brushed against your skin plenty of times before this. If your powers were true you would be curled up on the floor in unconsolable tears right now.” I remarked.
I looked over her shoulder to the Avengers standing guard, Tony looking through archives coming across a secret file under my name. “You really should have done your research before coming after me.” I directed to Brooke looking at her again.
“Well, I’m sure now that your true past has been exposed they don't want anything to do with you anyways, considering how awful you really were.” Brooke sneered.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t want to have someone untrustworthy on the team.” I started. “But I’ve proven myself trustworthy enough times to show that I’m not some bitch trying to wiggle her way into the Avengers.”
“I’ve been loyal to them, showed them they could trust me.” she argued her defenses high.
“I’m sure you have, every time you told them something from their past, something that could be found within a file.” I countered. “Every time you touched someone, even though you supposedly avoided contact, just so one of the guys could catch you and coddle you.” I moved towards her, causing her to step backwards. “Every mission that someone had to come to your aid because you couldn't handle fighting like an Avenger.” 
Her legs hit the couch and her knees buckled causing her to fall into the cushions. I planted myself in front of her, towering over her terrified figure.
“Your nothing but a liar. You’re not Avenger material, and after this scheme you're not even worth being a SHIELD agent.” I sneered. Her brown eyes widened as tears threatened to spill. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” she muttered quietly.
“God! You really don't know when you’ve lost do you? Get over yourself. You lost. You don't deserve a spot on this team or in this organization. Get out before I do something I might regret.” I emphasized. 
At that she leapt up from the couch and retreated to her room, packed her bags and ran through the compound exiting the doors.
“Friday, call Fury. Tell him we have a stray agent.” I call out, turning back to the kitchen.
My way was blocked by a broadening figure. I looked up to see Steve, his face twisted with regret.
“I don't need an apology from any of you. I get it. Misguidance can be one hell of a factor in doing something you regret.” I stated before brushing past the Captain, hiding the rageful tears in my eyes.
I heard the sound of footsteps following me through the doorway, the sound of boots against the wooden floor of the kitchen.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Tony questioned. His tone was soft and filled with worry.
“Well, considering the welcoming party thrown for Bucky, that was talked about all over the world, I figured that if you truly knew my history my party wouldn't be as kind.” I turned to face them with a knowing look.
Ranges of guilt and empathy passed over the faces of the heros in front of me.
“Besides, ‘The Mist’ was disassembled eons ago after I left. I didn't think it was appropriate to bring up a ghost story of another evil organization. We have enough shit to deal with.” I gave a half-hearted smile to them, which was slimmly returned.
“We’re sorry. For everything.” Nat apologized, her green eyes boring into mine. I gave her a soft smile.
“Like I said, Misguidance is a hell of a thing. So no more apologizing let's just get back to the way things were and hope to God that Wanda comes home soon.” A quiet chuckle rumbles from the few in front of me as they move in for a quick hug.
Though there was still some healing to be done, everything went back to normal and we were the compatible team that people believed we always were.
S.S: Again tell me what you think! Let me know of any errors or anything so I can fix them!! Thanks again for reading!
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dazed--xx · 4 years
Beside you 2
Member: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word count: 1,570
Trigger Warning: NONE
A/N: SO YALL BEEN WAITING FOR THIS COMMENT FOR A PART 3 and if you want a fake text request those are now on my request list so please let me know what kind of request you’d like. Inbox me please i love talking to yall. I pushed this before all my requests but if you do have a request it is in the process of being written but depending on how many comments i get i will write a part 3
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I lose myself in his lips soon I reach for my luggage bag and rush out the door and into my car. Jungkook is banging on my passenger side window trying to open the door tears streaming down his face “please, stop, stop the car, get out please stay with me, BABY PLEASE” he shouts as I reverse and drive off the last sight I have is Jungkook chasing my car with tears streaming down his face. 
The constrictor that is anxiety takes over my breathing. The road the only thing mind is focused on as I escape. After a few hours, I finally come to a stop at a beach and just lay on the sand my mind wandering off. The warm sun beaming on my face as I run my hands through the sand. The sky nice and sunny, watching the waves as I flip to my stomach watching the surfers and tourists. Laying back exhausted from the events of today I drift off to sleep.  
After waking up and realizing the sun is setting, I rush to my car and drive back toward Seoul. Stopping at a gas station I call my best friend Sunny. “I need to stay with you” I say sadly “Get your ass over here” She says softly. My heart warming at her friendly attitude, Sunny being the only one against my marriage to Jungkook in the first place. Her outspoken attitude making her the most honest person I know.
The messages go through my phone as I finally pull into Sunny’s driveway. My heart breaking at the memory of Jungkook’s pleading figure in the street begging for me to stop. The tears streaming down my face, pulling the phone into view I see Jungkook’s Contact in the notification bar. My heart stops as I swipe to read his messages....
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The desperate need to be in his arms comforting him takes over me, the want to reverse and go home is overwhelming. “I only want you too” I type into the phone shaking as my mind drifts back to Jungkook's deception. Hesitantly I delete the message as a tap on my window startles me “Hey beautiful, what's up?” Sunny’s eyes examine my tear-filled ones. A soft smile appears on her face “Come on beautiful let's go inside and you can tell me all about it” She extends her arms for a hug, forcing the seatbelt off I throw myself out of the car and into her arms sobbing.
A few hours Sunny has me set up in her guest bedroom. I lay in the bed and sob as my phone began pinging with more messages from Jungkook. My sobs grow harder, as I read his words.
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My mind drifting to the memory of him. The way he smiled when he walked into the kitchen every morning to grab his tea. The sexy way his suits would hug his muscles, his hair always perfect. The way his face contorted as he entered me. The blush that crept onto his face when I walked in on him. His words returning to my mind, the words he spoke when he thought he was alone. “Y/N yeah baby girl this is your cock, fuck all yours baby girl take it.” His voice moaned. The need to feel him inside me grows, pushing it down as I roll over and cry myself to sleep.  
“PLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Sunny pleads. I roll my eyes and shake my head “No, I’m sorry but I don’t feel like going out.” “Y/N! Come on you have to get out the house love you’ve been trapped in here for a month already.” She begs, I shrug and pull the blanket over my head again. “OH NO YOU DON’T" Sunny’s tone serious as she yanks the comforter off of the bed “Get your ass up I’m not taking no for an answer we’re going out cause the best way to get over some guy is to get under a hotter much better one” She tosses 3 dresses on my form “Take a shower and pick one of these 3 dresses and get dressed I have the shoes okay?”.
Nodding hesitantly as I sit up “Bitch your scary sometimes........ Fine I'll go but no guys okay? One guy for me and I'm gone” Her smile returns to her face as she winks “Promise! Love ya” she says seductively as she walks out. Trudging toward the bathroom my heart drops, the memory of the last time I went out returning to my head. Jungkook’s jealousy, his need for me when we got home. My fingers softly touch my lips as I lock the door behind me. The feeling of Jungkook’s soft lips return to me, my heart racing. The way he sounded as he lost himself inside me has me growing wet.  
The sight of his face when he realized I was leaving, the heart break and panic returning to break my heart. The hot water consuming me in my thoughts as I wash myself. Soon I’m dressed with the least revealing dress Sunny has left for me. My anxiety rising in the pit of my stomach. My heart threatening to jump out of my chest as I walk into Sunny’s room.  
“OKAY BODY!!!” She shouts excitedly. Soon we’re pulling up to a nice restaurant, “Sunny what are we doing here” She laughs “eating”. Slowly I get out of the car staring at the restaurant walking in hesitantly behind Sunny. The restaurant was definitely expensive, the hostess leading us to a private booth that sat 2 gentlemen in suits. “Sunny are you fucking kidding me?!” I stop walking. “Y/N please, I REALLY like this guy and the only way he was gonna go out with me was if I brought a friend for his friend. I’ll owe you BIG” She states sadly as she makes a puppy dog face. “FINE since I'm already here but don’t expect anything I mean I AM still married” “Of course!”  
Dinner actually goes pretty well, Min-Jun is really cute for Sunny they're both extremely outgoing. Min-Jun's friend Sang is a little more what I expected from a man in such an expensive suit. An heir to some fortune with a lot of knowledge of my father's business. Sang is extremely cocky, his wealth known with how he holds himself. The way he treated the staff, as if they worked for him personally. This type of wealthy man was the type I despised. Sang reminding me a lot of Jungkook when I first met him. A spoiled rich boy that daddy took care of.  
My mind comparing Sang to Jungkook constantly. The difference in personality, Jungkook always being a little more down to earth. Jungkook has always been one of the most sought-after men in all of Seoul, holding himself in high regard without giving off complete arrogance. Sang was different.... He was opposite of what I could ever want. His shameless flirting disgusting me at every cliché line. Ordering more and more glasses of wine with dinner to tolerate it.  
“You okay kitten?” Sang questions grabbing my hand. My eyes drifting to where our bodies meet, my hand feeling oddly small in his uncomfortable. “Y/N can be a little.....shy sometimes” Sunny speaks up, my eyes flash to her smiling. “SO! I really want to dance should we go clubbing? Y/N?” Clubbing...Drinks...Forget....yes anything to forget. I nod “I'm down.”
The club is packed, I’ve had I don’t know how many shots. Sunny and Min-Jun pressed against the bar making out. Sang rambling on all the new extensions he is having done to his new mansion. His flirting becoming more persistent, “So Y/N do you want to like get out of here?”. Disgust appearing on my face, slurring my words “Hell-l n-no". A confused look appears on Sang’s face “Look I’m ma-rried and-d honestly you're-e irritating-g I-I did thi-s for Sunny” I laugh “I wouldn’t look twice at you otherwise” “Y/N!” Sunny shouts. 
“I’m so sorry about her she’s drunk” She apologizes to Sang. “Sunny don’t apologize to him he’s a douche-bag and you know it” I slur, a knowing look popping up on her face, “Oh I'm sorry I didn’t know that the only douche-bags you go for were the ones that treat you like shit, use you for sex, and then sleep with another woman in the same hour he sleeps with you . Right Y/N?” Tears forming in my eyes “Wow! REALLY?! No problem Sunny I’ll I have my stuff out before you get back have a nice night. And Sang you're a pathetic prick and no woman wants an insecure little boy bragging to her all night” The laughter taking over my body as I walk off. “You vindictive bitch!” Sang shouts grabbing my forearm. “Let me go” I yank my arm, his grip growing tighter. “No! You owe me I wasted my whole night on your spoiled bratty attitude the least you could do was give me want I want” He snarls.  
EXCUSE ME ASSHOLE, before I can get my words out a familiar voice cuts me off from behind me, making me sober the second the sexy harsh voice entered my ears. My body stuck, “If you want to live to see tomorrow, I’d suggest you take your hand off of my wife”  
A small gasp escapes my lips as my heart freezes. “Jungkook”
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nananaptime · 4 years
A Road Trip for the Mind
For the Writer of the Month on NCT Amino
I am so happy with this one!
Green: The colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy. Associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, and environment. 
Masterlist Rules
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Genre: Extremely fluffy yall
Word count: 3 057
Summary: What better way to relax than to go on a road trip?
I had been planning this trip for months, knowing that by now, Mark would be exhausted due to how hard he’s been working with the rest of the boys. He needed to get away, we both did, and what better way than to do it together?
My boss was nice enough to let me take the day off, hence using one of my vacation days, to start preparing for the little road trip I had planned for us. That included cooking Mark’s favourite cookies, making sure the car had enough fuel, packing suitable clothes for every weather and making a playlist perfect for both of us. What could go wrong when a mix of Itzy and Coldplay?
I alerted Mark of the fact that he would not be able to plan anything for the weekend but was to come straight home after the last schedule had wrapped up, hence he would be expected through the door at four sharp. I got multiple confused questions but refused to answer any of them, forcing him to settle with a mysterious “You’ll see.” He was not happy with me and I knew that, but he always had my back whenever I was in the gutter, it’s about time I was the one to do something for him.
All the packing was stuffed in the back seat when Mark came strolling down the sidewalk. A huge smile covered his features as he saw my appearance and he engulfed me in a hug when he was close enough to do so. Then, he pulled back slightly and pecked me on the lips, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Look at that, even after one year of dating, they still made no sign of disappearing.
“Babe, what’s this?” he asked as he eyed the car and its contents. I gave him a small smile and just answered with the same mysterious tone of my previous text.
“We’re going on a little adventure, just you and me.” He lit up and looked at the car again, as if he was seeing it in a new light. Then he practically skipped to the passenger seat, putting his stuff in the back, not even bothering going inside and putting it away. I laughed at him and entered the car on the driver’s side, pushing the keys in and starting the car. Then, we were on our way.
I had a couple of places in mind, places bound to make us relax and just enjoy life as it is, not wanting to rush anything or be anywhere else. Just forget all responsibilities around us and live in the now.
Our first stop was Mark’s favourite coffee shop, knowing he usually craved it after a day of schedules. I told him to wait in the car while I went in and ordered, he stayed after some resistance as he didn’t want me to pay for him. After I pointed out how he always did that for me, he gave in begrudgingly. I entered the car again with two hot chocolates in either hand, with the help from Mark who opened the door from the inside. He eagerly sipped the sweet beverage as I kept on driving, every now and then glancing over at his appearance. He looked slightly tired, with bags under his eyes. I wished to be at the motel in time for a reasonable time so we could get enough sleep before continuing the journey tomorrow morning.
As I put my cup down in the cupholder, I reached over for Mark’s hand, feeling it was safe enough as we were on a highway and there was no need for me to switch gears. His giggle caused me to look over at him once again and a feeling of adoration washed over me. His ears were slightly red, and his eyes nervously shifted between the road in front of us and our hands. I giggled and squeezed his hands again, this time receiving one back as he put his cup down as well and held my hand with both of his.
“What did I ever do to deserve you.” I couldn’t bring myself to look at him as he said that, knowing my cheeks would be just as red as his ears had been mere seconds ago. He chuckled at my stubborn smile and brought my hand to his lips, placing a small kiss on the skin. I couldn’t help my smile growing wider as he put our hands back in his lap and refocused on the road ahead, trying to figure out where I was taking him.
It was a couple of hours later that we pulled up beside the motel I had booked. He looked out, slightly confused but followed me, nonetheless, inquiring for the distance we were travelling at the same time. I once again refused to give him any answers and playfully locked my lips and threw away the key. He laughed at my dorkiness and after a small chat with the staff behind the desk, we found ourselves in a room for two on the third floor. It was currently nine in the evening and I suggested going to bed as soon as we put our bags on the floor, considering we had another drive in front of us in the morning. He agreed but expressed the difficulty of sleeping when he had so many questions jumping around in his head.
“Fine,” I said wearing a small, teasing smile. “You get one question.”
“Where are we going!?” I knew that was the question which would leave his lips. I laughed at his slight outburst.
“We’re going to multiple destinations, I can give you one, but not the last one.” He nodded, eager to gain some knowledge, no matter how small. “Tomorrow, we’re going to a food market a couple of cities away.” He seemed happy enough with that answer as he threw himself backwards onto the bed with a smile, before getting under the cover and gesturing for me to come join him. He had already changed into the pair of sweatpants I had packed, and I made quick work of my own clothes, getting into his arms in an oversized shirt and underwear.
“You really are amazing, you know that?” I smiled and turned around in his arms, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“You make me amazing,” I whispered against his lips before settling with my head against his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
The alarm went off at seven the next day and I had never seen Mark look so rested. As he stretched his arms out and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, I felt my heart speed up and I couldn’t look away. He let his arms fall into his lap with a satisfied sigh and looked at me, a smile playing on his lips.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Gosh, he’s been around Johnny too much.
“Morning, honey.” I leaned in and kissed him, ignoring both of our morning breaths. The smile he wore when I pulled back could rival the sun.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” I giggled at his never-ending curiosity.
“First, we’re going to get breakfast, there’s a nice little café down the road, then we’re off to the food market. It’ll take a couple of hours, but I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be away from your company.” At the mention of food and breakfast, his stomach grumbled, and he made a point of covering his belly with his arms and laughing, commenting that breakfast would be nice.
We spent around an hour at the café, revelling in the state of being in no rush and just taking our time. By the time the pancakes where in my stomach my tea had gone cold, I drank it anyway, not caring that the once warm liquid had gone tasteless. The only thing that mattered was that I was sat in front of the love of my life, who was sipping his banana milk like a child; with sparkling eyes and a big smile.
On the way towards the market, it started raining. Thankfully, I had taken precaution and put an umbrella in the back, nothing could make this road trip worse than amazing, not with Mark at my side and a happy Mark at that.
I reached for the power button on the radio and turned on the playlist I had made, filling the car with the starting notes of Coldplay’s Fix You. Mark sighed in happiness at the song and soon enough, the same notes and lyrics were leaving his mouth. I kept quiet, wanting nothing more than to hear that angelic voice of his. As the song came to an end, I had stopped at a traffic light. Mark leaned over and turned my head with his fingers on my chin before pressing his lips to mine in a deep kiss, putting every emotion he could into it. He pulled back, stopping only inches from my face.
“You fixed me.” It left his lips as a whisper and I kissed him again, this time longer, trying to hold the emotional tears in.
The people behind us honked and I noticed the light had turned green. Mark leaned back in his seat, leaving us both in silence.
Nothing had to be said.
When we arrived at the market, I got out and fetched the umbrella. Mark laughed at my soaked state as I went over to his side of the car, making sure to keep him under the umbrella as he got out. He insisted he should hold it, considering he’s the taller one of us. Eventually, I agreed and handed him the umbrella, making sure to cling to his arm as we started walking, taking in the smell of the many edible ingredients and dishes.
Strolling through the mass of people, tasting everything there was to taste, it made me feel closer to my boyfriend than I’d ever felt before. I leaned up and pecked his cheek, causing a redness to cover it as we made our way to a sushi stall. I eagerly picked one with squid and put the whole thing in my mouth, causing Mark to burst into giggles at the way I now looked like a blowfish. I then picked up a salmon for him and fed it to him, muttering when it didn’t result in the same effect his face that it had done on mine. He laughed at my expression.
Another stall contained British fudge, of which we both managed to taste almost every flavour, even though it was way sweeter than we’d expected. Not that the sugar high kept us from more sugar. I insisted that we get doughnuts, as it was my favourite thing to get at every market. As we found a dry spot under a tent, Mark closed the umbrella and leaned it against the bench before grabbing my hand and holding it in his. He then looked at me with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Want me to be cheesy?” I gave him a confused look and he giggled as he put the remainder of his chocolate glazed doughnut to my lips, making sure that I didn’t eat it yet. As he leaned in, I had a hard time not to laugh at what he was doing. It was cute though, the way he kissed me slightly as he bit of half of the doughnut, leaving the rest in my mouth. He blushed slightly as he looked at my face. I hugged him, slightly bragging about having the best boyfriend in the whole wide world.
An old lady at another bench close to us smiled and told us how cute we were and how we reminded her of her and her husband in their younger days. We smiled back and thanked her for her kind words before opening the umbrella again and making our way back to the car, me still clinging to Mark’s arm.
I hadn’t planned anything for the rest of the day, it was now three in the afternoon and I figured that if we saw anything interesting on the way to the second motel, we’d stop and check it out. I let Mark know of this and he praised me for the spontaneity which I rarely showcased.
It wasn’t long before we saw a small herb garden and before Mark knew it, I had parked the car and left it. It had stopped raining and the sun was shining, causing all the plants and flowers to gleam in the sunlight. I walked around slowly, taking in every sight and every smell, some looked so fascinating I had to crouch down for a better look and a picture. Mark was leaning against the railing a couple of feet away, observing my every move.
“Aren’t you going to look?” He shook his head.
“Nothing here will compare to you anyway.” I couldn’t help the smile which made itself onto my lips.
“When did you become this cheesy?” I asked him as I wrapped my arms around his torso in a hug. He gave a happy sigh and wrapped his own arms around me, looking out over the garden.
“This trip might be bringing out sides I never thought I had.” I looked up from his chest, giving him a proud smile.
“I’m glad, you deserve to be happy.” He looked down at me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I’m always happy with you.” I squeezed him one last time before pulling away and dragging him into the small shop.
The walls were covered with shelves containing big bowls of herbal mixes. In the middle were bags in a variety of sized with single herbs in case you wanted to mix them yourself at home. Mark and I must have spent at least an hour in there, smelling the mixes, laughing at the weird ones and revisiting the ones we liked the best.
“Y/N! This one says it should smell like popcorn!” Mark opened the lid and took a whiff before pulling away with a disgusted face. “It does and it’s not good.”
“Mark! This one’s named Dracula, what even?” I smelled it and grew slightly confused. I then read the index. “Why is it called Dracula when there’s no garlic in it?” Mark grew just as confused and, on that note, we decided to get back on the road.
We arrived at the second motel at ten in the evening, both of us exhausted. We threw our clothes off and got to bed. No words spoken. No words needed.
We weren’t up as early the next day, but it didn’t matter. It was Sunday, the last day before going back home and I was in no rush for this trip to end. We both showered, had breakfast at yet another café and then we were driving with the sun shining high above our heads. This time I gave Mark no hints whatsoever about our destination, all he should know is that I knew where I was going.
The road towards the destination was long and hence it gave us a lot of time to think, which was the plan. The road itself is perfect for becoming one with yourself because you become on with the road. Fields of flowers and miles of water swished past us as we drove by. We were holding hands nearly the entire time, except the few moments I had to switch gears, his thumb running across my knuckles subconsciously. We didn’t talk much. We didn’t need to. Instead, we were one with nature, one with each other, one with the world.
Mark gaped as I pulled up beside the waterfall. I smiled slightly before getting out of the car, opening the door on his side as he seemed to have lost the ability to move. With a small giggle, I pushed his mouth closed and pulled him out of his seat. His eyes never left the view in front of him.
“What is this place?” he asked as I grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the trail which was hidden beside the fall.
“I’ll tell you when we’re at the top.” That seemed to get him out of his trance.
“The top! You’re telling me we’re going up there!?” He pointed to the top of the waterfall, which was a long way up and I just nodded, finding his outburst hilarious.
It’s not that tiring to get to the top, but maybe that’s just my opinion who has made this climb millions of times before. Mark, however, was soon panting behind me.
“Urgh! I’m not Yuta, I’m not made for this.” I laughed at his lack of endurance.
“You’re telling me I should’ve brought Yuta instead?”
“No! No, that’s not what I’m saying!” He tried walking faster and soon he was right behind me. He grabbed my hand and didn’t let go, as if holding onto me would help his journey to the top.
We reached the top just as the sun was going down.
Just like I planned.
Mark gaped ever more on the top than he had on the bottom. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to me on the ground where I had sat down. Around us were trees on all sides, before us was even more trees and then, if you squinted, you’d be able to make out a town in the distance. Other than that, we couldn’t get more in contact with mother nature than we were now.
Eventually, I broke the silence.
“You see that town over there?” He nodded, his eyes never leaving the scenery in front of us. “I grew up there. This place was my inspiration, my escape, my everything. It was more my home than my actual home was. Sharing it with the person I love is something I never dared dream I would do.” I leaned my head against his shoulder, letting out a small sigh as memories from my childhood welled over me. Mark grabbed my hand.
His head leaned against mine as we absorbed the energy of the place. Letting it cleanse us. Letting it relax us, as we sat there.
Just existing with each other.
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‘light me up’ chapter three : haribos
a/n : ayo 😎here’s chapter three of ‘light me up’ (3.5 k wc) ! again , another chapter that i’m super proud of , so pls dont hesitate to tell me what you think . also , i got a request (requests are always open !!) to do an nsfw alphabet for draco - these take a while to write , so there might be a slight delay before chapter four . okay , love yall , xoxoxox starlight
reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
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The common room was buzzing with noise and laughter as you pushed the heavy door open; everyone seemed to be looking forward to tomorrow's Quidditch match. The Gryffindor v. Slytherin matches were always especially intense.
You didn't know how to feel about the game. It's not like you were a part of the team, really- you were just a backup. You also knew that you were going to have to see Draco again, and you needed to shut down any and all emotion that came with that. Everything was even more complicated now that you’d seen Cedric again; you knew you should feel something. Some sort of sadness, or anger, or even relief. However, it seemed as if you’d sealed yourself off almost too perfectly; you couldn't feel a thing as you strolled over to your friends.
“How did that go?” Belle asked in a sweet, sympathetic voice. She pinched Rose’s arm as well, grabbing her attention.
You and Rose had been friends since early on in year 2, when she’d accidentally spilled her pumpkin juice on you. It had been a fast friendship from there; she was quick witted and sharp tongued and brutally honest, but a fiercely loyal friend. The three of you, Belle, Rose, and yourself had become an unbreakable trio since the, one rarely found without the others.
“It went alright. Cedric was really excited to hear that I made it on the team, though. You know, it was because of him that I even tried out.”
“I’m sure that made his day. He’s still proud of you, even if you aren't together. He’s a good guy, you know.” Rose said, blowing a piece of hair out of her eye. She’d cut her own bangs as the result of a bet a couple months ago- they looked great on her, like everything else did- but she complained about them constantly.
“Of course I know that. He still wants to try and be friends, and I think we’ll be able to. We were friends before we dated, anyway.” You forced a smile, knowing that you were lying. 
Belle sneakily took something out of her bag and her hand up to her lips, raising an eyebrow at you. Rose took something out of the plastic package, then tilted the top of the bag in your direction. Inside were a bag of gummies, but not ones that you recognised.
“What are these?” you asked her in a low voice, snaking your hand in the bag. Belle always seemed to have contraband foods. You took a couple of gummies out as she answered you, popping them in your mouth.
“I bring them from home. When I’m homesick, the taste takes me back for a bit,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
Belle was muggle born on both sides, and loved her parents more than anything on the earth. Her mum, Linda, was a hairstylist, and her father, Alexander, was a chef for a fancy muggle restaurant. They were both completely supportive of their daughter, even if they didn’t quite understand who she was. Every year, before Belle came back to Hogwarts, her parents helped her pack up a trunk full of snacks from home. They were the ones who sent you and Rose christmas parcels, and had fought Dumbldore tooth and nail to let you stay with them over the holidays. The Brightstones were a kind family.
“They’re Haribos,” she said, watching you chew. They were good, fruity and chewy and sweet. You learned quickly that you were partial to the red ones, and found your hand making it’s way back to the satchel of bear-shaped candy. 
“Why are you feeling homesick?” you asked, remembering her earlier statement. Belle wasn’t anything like you in the way of not sharing her emotions- you’d once seen her having a deep heart-to-heart with one of the many paintings that lined the halls of Hogwarts. She was open and honest and vulnerable all the time, and wasn’t scared of her feelings; Belle always said that they made her stronger. You admired this about her, and you both knew it was one of the many reasons that you complimented each other so well.
Belle lowered her eyes to her lap, and a sad look took over her pretty face. “I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll smell a smell, and it takes me back to sitting at my dinner table, my dad bringing some dish out from the kitchen with a bright smile on his face. Or I see Rose’s braids, and it reminds me of my mum doing my hair the day we leave, before the train arrives. I just miss them a lot.”
You pulled her into your arms, running a hand down the length of her strawberry hair. “I’m sorry you’re missing home. I know it’s hard when you don’t have anything here to remind you of them, either. Have you been writing letters?”
“Yes. Mum tries to write at least once a week, but it’s not the same. It feels like Christmas is so far away,” she said, slumping into your shoulder.
“It’s not too far. It’s what, October? Only a month and a half. Plus, you have me, and Y/N. And Ron,” Rose said, poking her side. Belle’s cheeks pinked, and her frown twisted into a grin.
Ron and Belle had only been talking for a couple of weeks, but they were completely infatuated with each other. He walked her from class to class, and she snuck him her muggle sweets in the halls. They made each other happy, and you could tell she was feeling a little better just at the mention of his name. She had the sparkle in her eye that came with talking about him.
“He was really sweet, you know. He said he could tell that something was wrong, and he didn’t want me to be sad. He held my hand for the first time today.”
“Did he? That’s adorable.” You said, voice coming out only slightly monotone. You wanted to be happy for Belle- you wanted to let her talk all night and hope some of her joy rub off to you. 
She nodded, and flushed even darker, blood pooling in her cheeks. “All day, in between every class, and after dinner. I can’t wait to see him play tomorrow,” she mused, her tone dreamy. 
“I’m sure. I like the two of you together. He treats you almost as good as I do.”
You continued to talk with your group of friends until the fire was starting to dwindle, and everyone was yawning. From across the common room, you could hear Draco and his friends laughing about something, your heart picking up at the sound of his voice. This threw you; you’d felt nothing for the past few hours. You’d locked everything down. So what the hell was that? You berated yourself, smashing that little shard of hope into a million shiny pieces. You weren’t letting this happen. As Rose and Belle started to pack their things, you considered talking to them- telling them that you were doing it again. You zoned out completely, remembering what had happened last time.
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The last time this had happened was around six months into you and Cedric dating. The two of you had gotten into a brutal argument and hadn’t talked in days. Usually, things like that wouldn't have affected you- you’d just flip the switch and turn off your feelings. You couldn't do that this time, though. It was your fault that the two of you were fighting in the first place, and you knew it.
When Cedric had asked you about your plans for the holidays, you’d shut down almost immediately. For some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him that you’d be staying here, far away from your family. He’d called you on your shit, though, telling you that you were blocking him out. You knew that you were, and you knew that it hurt him when you did. However, your family was the one thing that you refused to talk to anyone about. You kept it under lock and key, inside a safe, inside a storage unit in your brain; one that you’d long forgotten the keycode to. Family was an off limits topic.
The two of you had just let the fight escalate until you were standing in the courtyard furiously whispering back and forth while snow fell gently on your heads. You accused Cedric of pushing you too far, and he retorted with the fact that you were putting your walls up. You thought multiple times about stopping; apologizing for the snipes you’d been taking at him and explaining why you didn’t want to talk about it. But that meant being vulnerable, and you weren’t going to do that.
Of course, the minute that Cedric had left for home, you wished that you had. He was leaving for two weeks with the two of you on bad terms- you hadn’t spoken to each other in days besides the terse ‘goodbye’ you'd exchanged just before the Hogwarts Express had pulled away. You knew that you had two options: you could feel awful for the entirety of winter break, even worse than you usually did around Christmas, or you could just… choose not to feel it. Choose to not feel anything at all, really. The choice hadn’t been hard.
It hadn’t lasted long, though. Rose had noticed the way you were acting on day one; how your laugh seemed to be hollow, lost somewhere in the back of your throat. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen you like this, and it wouldn’t be the last. Both of your friends suspected that your knack for dissociating from your emotions had to do with why you wouldn’t talk about your home situation. They were right, of course, buy you’d never tell them that. That would involve an explanation; you knew the minute you started to tell them what exactly was wrong with you, all your coping systems, the walls you had so carefully built to lock your feelings away would crumble and you would break completely.
Rose had let you be until day 3 of break, when she’d shaken you awake just as the sun had started to come up. You’d reached out, blindly smacking whatever you could make contact with, but Rose was hellbent on waking you up. Once she’d wrestled you out of your pajamas and into the massive jumper that Belle’s parents had sent for Christmas you had grabbed one of her shoulders, stilling the short haired girl’s rapid movements. 
“Rose, what are we doing?”
She shook her head and opened her trunk, pulling out a smaller purse that she’d brought from home. She opened the leather bag, checking for something, and did a happy wiggle as she found whatever it was. “Don't worry about it. Put some shoes on.”
An hour later, the two of you were tucked in Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, warming your hands around ceramic mugs. Rose had gone to the Weasley twins last night, and somehow managed to bargain her way into having Fred sneak the two of you into Hogsmeade. Rose had already ordered lunch for the two of you when she had nudged you with her knee, catching your attention.
“What's going on, Y/NN?”
You knew that Rose bringing you here wasn’t a coincidence, or some sort of Christmas cheer. You’d just hoped that she wouldn’t bring up the elephant in the room. Rose didn’t do that, though. She was a blunt, point blank kind of girl, and she always had been. Even though it came from a place of love, Rose could be sharper than she meant to be. However, when she asked you what was wrong, her voice was soft and sympathetic.
“I really don't want to talk about this,” you explained, your voice tightly measured. “Okay? Lets just have a good time.”
Rose seemed to consider this for a minute, then slowly shook her head. “No. You’re letting go again, and I need you here- Belle and I both need you here.”
The statement tore through you- the raw pain in her voice was palpable and seemed to become a presence of its own in the small upholstered booth. You took a deep breath, trying to remain unscathed, but all was lost when a single tear dropped from the corner of Rose’s eye. She took a beat to wipe the small drop away and compose her thoughts before she spoke again.
“I understand hard things, Y/NN. I know that sometimes running away is the easiest option- trust me. But you can’t keep doing this. Not to yourself, not to me and Belle, not to Cedric. We love you more than anything; you need to learn to accept that love. You can’t keep pushing us away.”
You and Rose had sat in that small booth in the back for hours as you’d explained to her what had happened with Cedric, how you didn’t know if you could fix it. She’d listened as you put into words how scared you were of your own emotions- how they made you weak, and afraid, and exposed to the world. Rose had held you as you’d cried for the first time in years, purging all the fear and pain and hesitation from your system; she’d inadvertently forced you to start feeling.
When Cedric returned around a week later, you'd practically pounced on him as he exited the train. You’d wrapped him up in your arms, murmuring in his ear how sorry you were. He was taken aback but overjoyed by this- it was the best welcome home you could’ve given. The two of you had spent the night together for the first time that night, and he’d kissed you until your lips were sore. You’d allowed yourself to feel every bit of it. 
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You zoned back in as Rose pinched your arm, hard. Both her and Belle wore confused, concerned expressions on their faces.
“What? Sorry. I was… spaced out. What’s up?”
The two girls looked at each other, then back at you. You knew that you’d chosen the worst time to lose yourself in your thoughts- they were both already worried. Finally, Belle gave you a small frown. “We’re going up to bed. Are you coming?”
The look on her face told you exactly what would happen if you followed the two girls upstairs- you’d be questioned, and you didn’t have the energy or mental capacity to lie. If you stayed down in the Common Room until they fell asleep, you wouldn't have to. In a split second decision, you shook your head. 
“I’m not tired yet. And I need to do my Dark Arts homework, anyway.” You tried your best to give them a convincing smile, but it didn't work. Both girls were obviously disappointed as they grabbed their things and took the stairs up and away from you. As you opened the thick textbook, you tried to tell yourself that you weren’t responsible for your friends emotions, that you were just doing what you needed to do for school. You were lying to yourself, but at least it was comforting.
You were halfway through your Dark Arts assignment when you heard footsteps coming up behind you. You figured it was Belle; she’d left one of her books lying on the table when she went to bed, and was likely coming to collect it. However, when you turned around, it was not Belle, or Rose, or anyone you would expect to come up and talk to you.
 You were met with a swish of platinum blonde hair and a pretty, pale skinned boy. You felt your cheeks heat up, and prayed it was too dark for Draco to notice as he hopped over the back of the couch you were sitting on, landing next to you.
“Hi.” he said, looking slightly embarrassed. “I was going to come talk to you earlier, but you were with your friends. I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
“Oh. Hey,” you said, digging your nails into your palms. Draco was making it awfully hard for you to keep yourself in check. “What’s up?”
“Well, I just wanted to talk to you about tomorrow. Since it’s your first game on the team, and all.” 
You were simultaneously relieved and disappointed as the words left his mouth, and you carved your nails into your hand even harder. Of course he came to talk to you about Quidditch- what else would the two of you have to talk about? You would extinguish this flame you’d somehow developed for him, even if it meant you had to let people down in the process.
“Yeah, I was wondering how that goes. I know that I won’t play or anything, but-” 
Draco cut you off with a small laugh, and ran a hand through his hair, making it flop over his forehead. “It’s okay. That’s why I came over here- you don’t have to be nervous,” he explained, trying to ease you a bit. “It works a little differently for our back up players. You guys are welcome to sit in the stands, but you can also sit along the field, in case you’re needed quickly. Plus, you don’t have a uniform yet, so you can just wear whatever.”
You nodded at him, and took a handful of gummy candy. Belle had given you the remnants of the bag before you’d made her mad- she had plenty stashed away somewhere in the dormitories. You brought a hand up to your mouth and started to chew on the gummies, listening to Draco’s speech. It helped a bit; you could focus on the taste of the sweets, chewing and swallowing. You didn’t have to focus on him.
“Hey, what are those?” he asked, turning his head to the side to read the bag. 
You chewed quickly, and picked the bag up. “Belle gave them to me. They’re a muggle candy. Haribos.” As much as you wanted to keep to yourself, you also didn’t want to be rude to the boy. There was a fine balance between not allowing any feelings to permeate and being plain mean. You tilted the opening of the bag toward him hesitantly.
Draco looked slightly unnerved, but picked a couple out of the bag and threw them into his mouth. “Oh, wow,” he said, mouth full of candy, “those are good.”
The two of you talked about your new role for a little while longer, before Draco grinned at you, tipping more candy into his hand. “Are you excited for tomorrow?”
You didn’t know, but that didn’t seem like the right answer. “Yeah, of course.”
“It's going to be a good one,” Draco said, an evil smile painting his mouth. You tilted your head, and Draco started to explain.
“It’s no secret that Potter and I don't exactly get along” he mused, and his hatred for the boy was apparent just by the tone of Draco’s voice. “Anyway. Him and his mate Ron thought that it would be cute to play a little joke on me. It’s no big deal, though. I plan on driving him into the ground, as I always do.”
You swallowed hard, the look on his face sending shivers down your spine. All of a sudden, he looked like the dark, snarky asshole everyone painted him to be. This other side of him was oddly attractive.
“I’m sure that’ll be a sight,” you said, your voice coming out a little higher than usual.
“It usually is,” he said, a sly smirk on his lips. “You’ll be watching me, right?”
You felt yourself flush bright pink at the arch of his eyebrow, and when it became clear that Draco was waiting on an answer you nodded quickly. This seemed to please him, and you bit at the inside of your cheek. Clearly, trying to kill the flame that Draco had lit low in your belly wasn’t working in the slightest. You took a brief moment to wonder what would happen if you let it consume you, if you allowed yourself to go up in white-hot flames with him. But then you remembered the way you felt sitting in the Astronomy Tower, and you severed the thought in two. You’d rather go explain what was going on with you to Rose and Belle than to stay here, to let any sort of relationship start to bud.
Quickly, you flipped the conversation on its head- you weren’t doing this. You needed control, and you needed it now. “Shouldn’t you be going to bed, Draco? You need sleep if you want to beat Potter.”
Without giving him a chance to respond, you grabbed your bag from the floor and shouldered it, giving Draco one last look. The boy looked lost, but incredibly intrigued. Like he was trying to figure you out. Little did he know that no one had ever solved your puzzles, and no one ever would. 
“I’ll see you later, Malfoy.”
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moonlightstars16 · 4 years
Evening By The Sea
30 Days Connverse Challenge
Day 4 ~ Night In
AN: Yall if you love Steven Universe, then please read the comic where Steven goes to school for like a day with Connie. It's AWESOME! It's called 'Too Cool For School' (I know it sounds totally 90's but like the comic is amazing and funny! You can find it online with a google search(just be careful where you search please. Internet safety is important). I'm explaining all this because the plot points in that comic will be evident in my story. So slight spoilers if you haven't read it yet.
Also I'm cheating a little bit here. I say the part of the beach in front of the temple is apart of their land. SO it counts as still staying 'in'. Within the perimeter that is.
When it comes to education, there is one word to describe it. Stressful. Caused less by the subjects and more about how it's taught and the enormous amount one has to gather in a short period of time. Steven remembered it all from his...one day of public education. It was supposed to be for a week. But after an accident involving a certain gem issue which caused the school to be destroyed, he got himself banned (However his education continued to grow thanks to Pearl and in a sense, graduated being a home schooler).
Almost getting Connie suspended as well since she helped in containing the slimy creature (Convincing the principal that Connie deserved to stay in school, receiving a much better grade than he did by one question, and was allowed to continue her education). However she continued to work hard and was currently getting accepted by multiple colleges. Steven was proud of her. Although always feeling a twinge of guilt from ruining her chances long ago. So he made every opportunity to help her study and relax when she became too stressed.
Tonight was a relaxing date. No stress, no learning, just simple and easy. Starting with a walk on the beach, a picnic on the sand, dessert in his home while ending it watching a favorite film of theirs. She was coming from the library with a huge pack of books in her hand. Looking as beautiful as ever in her skirt, blouse and hair pinned back, like always. He smiled then frowned upon seeing her struggle against the weight of her pack. Obviously much heavier than normal.
"Hi miss I-took-too-many-books-and-now-my-bag-is-crushing-me." Taking the bag out off her shoulders, whistling for Lion as he appeared through a portal and grabbed the bag in his mouth, heading for the beach house.
"HEY- er...thanks" Connie tried to interject but felt the ache in her shoulders ease a bit. Unable to counter that she could handle it since it was a bit much. Raising her right hand to her left shoulder, rubbing it with a painful moan in her voice.
"Here, silly" Walking behind her he began to rub her tense shoulders as she sighed in content. Allowing him to lead her, whilst doing so, towards the shoreline. Grasping her hand before removing his sandals, her following in suit with her own shoes, holding them in their free hands. Letting the ocean waves rush over their bare skin. Walking along the soft sand, careful of broken shells and rocks, and swaying their linked hands with the wind.
"I'm so glad I'm able to spend time with you tonight."
"Upcoming test right?"
"Exams and such. Pretty important. Two days after tomorrow, i'll be in study mode the entire time."
"Fifteen minute study breaks?"
"Ten if I'm lucky." His lips sarcastically pouted as she giggled. "I'm sorry Steven, you know how much of a study freak I am. Besides all those minutes will be spent talking with you."
"Connie, first of all, you are not a study freak. Determined, focused and motivated? Yes. You've got this. I know how intelligent you are. Secondly, you better believe I'm going to talk to you for fifteen and not ten."
"Steven I swear." Hiding her laughter was almost impossible around him. Letting a few giggles slip out she nudged her shoulder with his. "Thank you, but I need to continue to apply myself if I- HEY!" He had snuck splashing water on her as soon as he saw the study look in her eyes.
"No more school talk. Have fun!" He did it again as their hand unlinked and she shielded her arms over her face, letting out a slight scream amongst a fit of laughter.
"Oh you're so on!"
The water battle began as they waded slightly further into the ocean. Each trying to get the upper hand splashing each other. Not caring about their clothes becoming wet as laughter along with the sound of waves crashing filled the air. Connie pushed almost a full wave of water towards Steven before beginning to run back and away from the shoreline. Smirking he chased as they ran around the cliff to the view of the picnic. He gained speed thanks to his diamond powers(being able to control them more and more), and reached her within a matter of seconds.
Grabbing her from behind, arms locked around her own and above her stomach as he lifted her up in the air. Standing firmly on the ground. Connie squealed again, gasping and trying to escape, feeling her own feet being swept off the sand.
"Cheater!" Steven spun her around once before setting her down. Arms still linked tight around her. Leaning closer to whisper in her ear.
"Say I'm the master of tag and I'll let you go." Connie struggled to break free. Ending with them kneeling on the sand.
"You asked for it!" With that he began to tickle her sides as she cried out in fights of laughter, almost unable to breath. Taking advantage of this moment he pushed her playfully to the ground with her on the bottom. Right hand gripping her wrists pinning them down above her head. Legs pressed around hers so there was no kicking. Her struggling began slowing down as she sighed and laid back in defeat.
"Okay, fine! I yield to you master of tag....and cheater" That last part, mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" He whispered while tickling her stomach with his free hand.
"Nothing! Please...s-stop!"
Deciding he was torturing her too much, he let go and pressed his lips against hers. She complied running her fingers up his neck and through his hair. A few minutes afterwords, they sat on the picnic blanket, having already eaten their dinner. Steven laid his head on her lap as she played with his hair. Sighing as they enjoyed the sunset and calmness of the waves. A bit tired from their impromptu chase and water fun.
Connie smiled as her eyes landed on his expression, eyes shut and lips curled slightly upwards while he rested. Leaning down carefully, she pressed her lips on his again gently. Feeling his hand on her cheek. Eyes finding each others.
"What was that for?"
"Do I really need a reason for kissing my boyfriend whom I love with all my heart?"
"I suppose not, girlfriend who I love with all my entire being." Connie glanced up with a blush, watching the waves go back and forth. The breeze was picking up and the brisk cold burst of air made her shiver a bit. Steven instantly sat up, slid his pink jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders(fully dry from the spontaneous water game). Gently rubbing her arms in an attempt to keep her warm. Lifting her up from the ground once more. One arm lifting her legs and the other holding her backside. Carrying her in his arms towards the temple.
After each taking a shower and changed into a fresh change of clothes (having packed extra in her bag in case of emergencies) they sat down on the couch, covered in blankets, curling up with ice cream and an assortment of movie candy and watching a movie. Connie had moved from her seat to his lap and leaning against him since she was still a tad cold from before. Not sick but still a tad chilly.
He was like a natural(or perhaps magical) heater and she loved that about him. Not didn't mind the least bit as she snuggled close in his embrace. Letting his warmth radiate off himself for her. Secretly loving the closeness they currently shared.
"Thank you, Steven...for everything."
"Anything for the one I love." She blushed and playfully slapped his chest.
"You are the most cheesy person I ever met."
"And yet you love me for it."
"Yeah yeah" Giggling, they pecked each others lips before continuing to watch the film within each others embrace.
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drabblesanddreams · 5 years
hey, idk if you’re currently accepting requests but imma try anyway. can u do a scenario with chuuya and his fem!s/o where mori had assigned her to a mission that requires her to stay at the ADA for a while. most prolly bc a new mutual enemy showed up in yokohama. chuuya is agitated and scared bc his gf and dazai had a long history together and they havent had a closure yet and its clear that dazai still loves her. so chuuya would have to ask for assurance from his gf. make it extra angsty! 😂
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omg hi!! I loved writing this request so much so tysm for sending it in! Though im not sure its the kind of angst you were thinking of i hope you enjoy it regardless! Also super sorry for finishing it super late, hope yall enjoy!
My kofi link if you wish to support!
TW: just arguing tbh 
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: What happens when you are sent off to work beside a certain ex-mafia member who you share an unresolved history with but your currently with chuuya?
“Hat…check…gun…check…” you mutter to yourself as you recount each of the objects that you had packed for your latest mission. “So, what exactly am I missing, then?” you still feel like something was off however, like you forgot something important. You scrunch your eyebrows together in deep thought as you tried to pinpoint what exactly you were missing. You couldn’t afford to forget anything that might come of use, for this upcoming mission was of high importance.
A new group had recently arrived in Yokohama, threatening the dual existence of the ADA as well as the Port Mafia. This shared threat meant that both organizations had to work together, at least until the threat had been wiped out.
That was where you came in, you had a certain history with one of the members, a history that painted you in a good light which was exactly what the Port Mafia needed in order to establish a functioning alliance.
On the other hand, both you and Mori-san weren’t foolish enough to think that this history meant Dazai trusted you, per se. He was a complicated man with an even more complicated way of thinking who was smart enough to know that trusting someone was one of the most foolish things you could do.
But the fluttering feeling you felt in your stomach was a strong indication of just how nervous you were to be working alongside the handsome brunet once more. You knew how sly he could be with his words, how he could get deep under your skin and make you question things you were so sure about before. You wanted to bury your past in the deep end of your mind, to never resurface again and haunt you. Regardless, your fling with Dazai ended a long time ago and you were now with-
“Hey,” the sudden sound of another individuals voice breaks you out of your deep thought and you blink haphazardly. You straighten up from looking over your backpack to see Chuuya standing by the door, hand seemingly hesitantly placed on the frame, gripping it a little too tightly. He stares at you solemnly, a man just as caught in the spirals of his mind as you were.
“Hey,” your mouth curves into a smile, happy to see your boyfriend before you were due to head off, “What are you doing here?” Chuuya was required for a different part of this mission, and though you were confused to see him you wouldn’t say that you weren’t happy.
“Got you somethin’” You watch as he pulls a bouquet of red roses from behind his back. You smiled warmly at him before accepting the flowers and burying your face slightly in order to inhale their sweet scent.
“You didn’t have to,” you comment, though very much happy as you temporarily place the bouquet on your bed so that you can later place them in a vase. Every day without fail he presented you with a big, bouquet of red roses. The colour as rich and passionate as the foundations of your relationship with the ginger mafia member. It was sweet, really, and never failed to make your insides flutter with affection.
“But what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to already be gone?” you question, turning around as he pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly and burying his face in your neck.
“What?” he snorts before planting soft kisses onto your neck, “I can’t see my beautiful girlfriend before she leaves me for another man?” you roll your eyes at his comment, moving back to slap his chest lightly, “Haha, very funny Chuuya.”
He returns to your neck and you’re distracted momentarily as he continues his previous actions. Light sucking, sensual kissing, tender licking, pleasure fills you as you flutter your eyes shut and loll your head back, letting him have even more access to your neck.
“Say it to me then,” he murmurs, and you hum, still too lost with how good his mouth feels on your neck and how his hand was gripping your hip.
“Say what,” you whisper back, and he stops his mission of decorating the skin of your neck with his loving kisses.
“That you don’t still love him,”
You huff, “Love who?” wishing he would just go back to making you feel good.
This catches your attention and you open your eyes, moving your head back to look at him in his eyes. Even now up close, the blue of his eyes is breathtaking to you, though they are now set hard with something you can’t quite identify.
Anger? Frustration? You have no idea what it is but its setting you off slightly.
The two of you never mentioned his name, not when it included the context of your previous relationship with said man. Later in the day, you would wish that you did, after all, maybe it wouldn’t have led to the conversation that the two of you were having now.
“What?” you ask, forehead creasing in a state of confusion.
“C’mon (Y/n), I think we both know what’s going to happen when you leave,” he states icily and you blink, shaking your head as you move backwards, sneering ever so slightly, “And exactly what’s going to happen?”
He rolls his ocean blue eyes at you and you cross your arms as you wait for his answer, “I seriously have to spell it out of you? It’s not cute playing dumb anymore doll,” your eyes narrow at his words.
“What the hell’s your problem?” you asked, confused and a tad hurt by his passive behaviour. You had no idea why he was acting like this; you watch monetarily as he strides further into the room and turns away from you. You have the faintest clue though, “Is this seriously over him? How many times are you going to keep bringing this up?!” you ask in indignation
His nostrils flare as he spins back around to face you, “Yes,” he confirms and you throw your hands up in frustration, “We both know that you’re still in love with the suicidal basted.” You wince at his words, you never thought that he would throw the fact right in your face. But his next words shamelessly cause your heart to skip a beat.
“And we both know he’s still in love with you.”
“Jesus fucking Christ Chuuya, unresolved history doesn’t mean that I’m still fucking in love with him!” you exclaim in pure frustration throwing your hands around as you turn away from him and sit back down to your bags on the ground.
“It does though!” he claims, jaw clenching as his voice raises to a shout, “You can honestly tell me that you feel absolutely nothing?” he snarls following you so that he can meet your scowling face. You almost want to shy away from his blazing fury. Chuuya has always been a hot-headed fool, but to take it on you over some insecurity…
“Well, what the fuck do you want me to do Chuuya?!?” you yell, throwing a piece of clothing at him as you stand back up, “What, do you want me to just quit the mission? Maybe move to another city so I never have to see him?” your eyes spark with fury as you continue, “O-or no, you know what? Why don’t I just move to another fucking planet huh?!” you scream.
“I knew I it, I knew you still had feelings,” he shouts back, knocking back his hat slightly so that he can run his hands through the orange strands. You shake your head in disbelief, “But I’m with you because I love you!” you cry out and he stares at you from underneath a heated gaze.
“You seriously have no trust in me? After everything?” you ask, as you stared at him in confusion. You didn’t understand how he could react to you in that way, how he could question everything the both of you went through.
A moment of silence finally overtakes the both of you and you stare at him, breathing heavily as you try to catch your breath.
His gaze darkens, his voice dropping to a low tone, “Yes.”
You flinch at that, eyes welling up pitifully as if he physically assaulted you. You try blinking it away to no avail and instead glare at him hatefully, letting the tears well up as the hot white-anger fill you to the core. All you want is to claw at him, to see him bleed and wail as pitifully as you feel right now.
The only sign betraying the resolute anger you felt was the quiver in your bottom lip. Your breath hitches as you slightly nod in resolution, “Get out,” you whisper.
He stays put, however, and instead fixes you with a hard glare.
“Get out!” You shout furiously, reaching for the bouquet of flowers on the bed and hurling them in his direction, the tears finally spilling down your face, “And take your stupid flowers with you!”
And he did. Leaving you behind with a broken heart and a hollow feeling that you haven’t felt in a long time.
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