“Of course, that’s why you’re a prefect” She nodded to the badge pinned to his robes. “I may have gone a little overboard in Defence Against the Dark Arts.” She frowned, holding the want up in front of her face, noting the crooked shape it had taken. “Damn Boggart gets be everytime.”
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“You might not care but I do,” he grumbled under his breath before moving his gaze to her wand as well. “What happened to that?”
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“I’m not sure actually, it wouldn’t surprise me.” Aelin clocked the serious look on the 6th years face. “Cheer up, there’s always next year.” She laughed going back to the almost dead wand in her hand.
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“Did you-Did you just say that we lost one hundred points?” Raphael spoke slowly with obvious shock coloring his voice. “Were we the only house that lost points?” he whispered after a moment of silence.
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Dutch & Aelin // Gryffindow & Slytherin
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“Somehow a bunch of third years managed to sneak a batch of Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs into the study hall. Personally I thought the fireworks were quite beautiful” She paused, smirking a little “You should have seen the look on the professor’s face. If you ask me, it was worth losing a hundred points.”
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Raphael just lets out a huff not commenting on the ‘bad mood’. “As if I would let that happen. What do you mean by again? Who was it this time?”
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“Someone is in a bad mood today.” Aelin laughed as she stopped beside the other Slytherin. She had been distracted by the handle of her wand - the wood was beginning to splinter. “What happened, did we lose house points again?”
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Taking a step back to avoid the other body colliding with him Raphael threw a glare at them. “Can you watch where you’re going?” he snapped.
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Hogwarts House Aesthetic: Slytherin
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.” - George Orwell
Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff | Gryffindor | Slytherin
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Aelin shrugged, her eyes not moving from the Hunt, taking in the sounds of horses galloping through thin air. “I think the hunt will take the side of whoever benefits them the most. Fae only think of themselves after all.” She paused, her head tilting to one side “Of course Gwyn could surprise us all. Whatever happens I am certain they will not be far when a battle breaks out.”
“What of you Mark Blackthorn? Will you be taking sides in this war?”
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In the fleeting moment he looked at Aelin, the Wild Hunt took over the sky. Mark promptly turned to watch, alert eyes searching for an specific black horse or a flash of unmistakable blue hair. Sadly, it was hard to tell at that distance. “Do you think they would take sides? If it turns out as the rumors say, the Clave and the Fae will be on opposite sides.”
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Aelin nodded, understanding why he wouldn’t return home. In a way it would be like her going back to the Seelie Court, she didn’t belong there anymore, not in the way she once did. As she looked up she spotted the hunters on their stange mixture of horses and motorbikes. “There they go...” She couldn’t help but smile as she watched them, riding like the owned the New York City skyline. “I suppose they must be waiting in anticipation for this brewing war.”
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“I have my convictions about the Seelie court as well as the Clave. Neither of them appeal to me.” He could argue that it was because he’d become used to the freedom of being a hunter, riding through the night with the howling wind, but both Shadowhunters and the Fae had failed him before. “No.” Mark replied to the question, lowering his gaze in shame. “The years went by differently for me, all my siblings grew up without my company. I fear we cannot recognize each other.”
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“I’m astounded that you doubted me.” She strolled up towards the vampire, a glimmer in her eyes. Although she wasn’t dressed as elaborately as the last time they met, the gown she wore still floated behind her in the wind. The blue fabric danced around her legs as she walked, white blonde hair falling freely around her shoulders.
The Seelie smirked as she stood in front of him. As much as fighting circle members for a while had been very fun, it hadn’t been the highlight of her night at the Downworlders Ball. The dance she and Roman had shared was something that crossed her mind more often than she cared to admit. It had been over fifty years since she had felt the way she did that night - of course the Hunt had brought her glory, but this was something different altogether. That night she had felt like she was floating on air, and no one could bring her down.
“I do believe you owe me something, Roman.”
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Roman hadn’t genuinely hoped anyone was alive since the night Lily was taken away, the night the last semblance of who he was shattered and splintered into tiny, muddled pieces. He hadn’t particularly cared whether Simon had lived or died, not that he would ever tell another in the clan that; it wasn’t an act of self preservation, of which Roman had none, but a similar peculiar blip of Humanity Roman had been beginning to think had been permanently burned out of him.
He’d pretended to care for the clan’s sake, for Raphael’s sake, which while sounding harsh was miraculous in itself. This on the other hand, his Seelie dance partner, was all him.
It was no where near the intensity of begging Lily to wake up, it was barely even what others might call actually caring, but for Roman it was a lot. It was like a distant note of a piano from several rooms down- a tiny moment of ‘I hope she did survive’. It took the vampire by surprise as he stood at the edge of the park, waiting for her.
A few minutes passed and Roman was about to sigh an ‘ah well’ and get on with his night, when he noticed Aelin walking towards him.
“You survived the night then” 
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Stick and Stones may Break my Bones
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Location: Downworlders Ball, a bit after the attack started until it ended. With whom: Aelin Whitewillow ( @aelinwhitewillow )
Once they stepped out of the small alcove the mundane and the faerie started cutting down anything in their path as if it were a dance, working in unbelievable equilibrium for two people who never fought together before. They twirled around each other taking down one foe after the other as they tried to make their way out of the ballroom and towards one of the doors that led to the back garden. 
Keep reading
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“Return to the Seelie Court? Why would I ever do that? I hate that place and would unwillingly lose my mind in it.”
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“Nice observation blondie.”
“It is one of my many talents.” 
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“Other titles matter here. My status as a shadowhunter still makes us different.” In a way, Mark had tried to acknowledge that he’d been more like her for the past years, but then again he didn’t belong completely to either side, did he? “I miss the grandiosity of it, not the bloody horrors. All those years coming to terms with my place in the hunt, and now here I stand again.”
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“Shadowhunters aren’t so bad, it’s their council you should be aware of - I have heard they are even worse than the Seelie Court.” Aelin shrugged slightly, still staring up at the sky. “I may have been high up in their ranks, but that does not mean I agree with Gwyn’s policies and methods.” She glanced this time at Mark, almost as though she were apologising for what the hunt did to him. The look didn’t last long, as quickly as she had looked at the half seelie boy she look straight back up to the sky. “It can be strange, finding your place in the downworld again. You haven’t returned to your home then?”
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“There’s no need for formalities here Mark, neither of us are riding with the hunt. Out here titles do not matter.” However much she intended to show Mark she saw them as equals, she still stayed stood beside him - possibly a way of maintaining the little power she had left. “You haven’t been missing long, yet you already miss it - don’t you?”
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“Lady Aelin.” Mark nodded in recognition when the seelie came into view. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk to another hunter that soon, but she was in a different position, not completely bound by them. “I believe there was no choice. With the distrust growing between shadowhunters and the courts, I should be glad that I’m still alive.” He hadn’t asked to leave, but he supposed that Gwyn’s interest in his skills had spared his life. It was a test of loyalty. “I hope you’re right, it would please me to see them ride through the clouds.”
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Aelin stepped towards the young half seelie. “Actually, I was hoping to see the hunt. I hear they may ride by here tonight.” She had recognised him when traveling past the institute on her steed that night, but it wasn’t until she had actually stepped on to the roof that she had realised he was a member of the Wild Hunt. “I am very surprised that Gwyn let you leave. He spoke so highly of you” She stood beside him, staring at the sky and not looking at the boy. 
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“You should step out of the shadows.” Mark called out without looking back. He sat on the roof of the Institute, mistmatched eyes turned up to the stars. “If you came for a fight, I shall send you away for interrupting my peace. However, if you simply wish to enjoy the beauty of the nightsky, I do not mind the company.”
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“That,” she pointed to the portal “is not my home. My home is with the Wild Hunt.” With her right hand on the hilt of the sword, she placed the tip of the blade in the palm of her left. Her eyes were admiring the piece of weaponry before they fell back on the warlock before her. “I can ensure my own safety. I may not be as old as you, but I assure you my youth is long gone.” It was clear that this man was annoying Aelin, and although she managed to stay calm, she was not going to do as he said. “Although I admit it is very beautiful, you will not be taking my blade.” With those words Aelin placed her sword back into its sheath at her waist. “And please, I do not talk down to you, so do not do the same to me.”
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The Recluse Bloody Rose Makes his debut
Luca folded his hands together, taking slow steps towards the seelie girl. “Put that sword away before you hurt yourself. Someone as young as you shouldn’t be carrying around a thing like that. You should be back home, enjoying your youth instead of waisting it on pointless battles and causes.” Luca spread his right hand out to the center of the room, red mist shooting out; forming into a portal to the faerie world. Luca looked at the world with fondness and nostalgia before looking back at the youngling. “And just to insure your safety, I’ll be taking…” He pointed a solitary finger at the sword the seelie girl was holding. ”That from you.”
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“Its a little hard for you not to hide in the shadows, isn’t it?”
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“Yeah, well, I like to hide in the shadows most of the time, not many people see me.” She told the other, she really wasn’t in the mood to talk.
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