Explore tagged Tumblr posts
#phighting#phighting!#phighting roblox#roblox phighting#medkit phighting#medkit fanart#medkit#subspace phighting#subspace fanart#subspace#subspace tripmine#subkit#roblox fanart#roblox art#this freak really is terrorizing him in different dimensions#jokes aside yeah i hc he gets nightmares of sub a lot more than he should be having#if you start having nightmares of your loved one please talk to someone about it#seriously#i do not condone whatever the hell these two freaks have with each other#stay safe and well everybody#<3#art inspired by twitter link in third image please check it out#OH NO THE LINK JUST DISAPPEARED THE MOMENT I POSTED THIS WJAT#I FIXED THE TWITTER LINK!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY
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Observing Tumblr bugs
So I did some more work digging and observing around on tumblr wondering why posts are missing in on dashboard search tags, since you know? You have the power to search for terms in a post or tags on the dashboard. I also noticed that some posts don’t show up at all..
UPDATE 2/13/2020: Gonna update this post. As a warning, retweets of the post don’t have updated info
So, for WordPress when post don’t show up, you would change the date the post was made (The current time and date) and it would be added back to WordPress search where everyone can see it.
With WordPress, It’s a very easy fix to deal with. Not really a problem when you think about it.
Now with Tumblr, Dear lord. I can kinda see why Tumblr is seen as a hellsite.. Mainly for the issue, the site breaking search engine. It’s a mess..
So, for tumblr, it’s very different. Things I noticed.
A notice: Should go without saying but if your blog and posts are adult themed and not meant for anyone but adults, your posts will never show up. You can show a like of things but porn is a no go here.
1. There are some tags on Tumblr that will show your post for 10 mins+ before removing the post from the tags recent tab. If your post is popular (I.E. 3 notes or more) It will still show up there.
The tags I know where this happens is the tags “Twitter”, “WordPress” Let me know if you know of any other tags that act like this.
1.2 There are times when your post has 5 main tags but they won’t or don’t show up in search or tags. Retagging works in some cases but most of the time, it does not work.
2. Sometimes when you have 5 tags you want your post to be found in dashboard search, they just don’t show up. Sometimes if they showup, they show up on a new post (i.e. Re-upload) with the same tags will fix the problem.
2.1 Please remember this, as it may be another reason. If you have links in your post that are blacklisted, remove them. I can not say if having blacklisted links after the URL ban dropped may affect your post in the future or not.
Tags make it easier for readers to find posts about a specific topic on your blog. For instance, you could tag your landscape photographs with #landscape or posts about your butler with #butler. Tagging your posts is as easy as you’d expect. When you create a post, enter the tags in the field at the bottom of the post form.
You don't need to put a tag in quotes or start with a hash symbol (#).
Hit enter to separate each tag.
Only the first 20 tags on a post will show up in searches. After that, you’re just tagging for show.
Tags on Tumblr can have spaces in them. They are the most legible tags on the internet. Hooray! - Tagging your posts
3 It also seems the URL ban + being able to search posts for terms in the post or tags has had a weird effect on posts. Reblogs don’t count, as they only show up on your blog and not searchable
I was looking in a part of tumblr called “tags not working” and I’m not the only one with this issue. Some post seems to suggest the election day and/or tumblr tag system is broken (No shock about it being broken)
Search for multiple tags or terms
To search for multiple tags or terms, all you have to do is use the right syntax. For example:
picnic lunch - returns posts with the terms “picnic” and “lunch” anywhere (e.g., #picnic basket, or #lunch break, or a post using the word picnic).
#picnic lunch - returns posts with the #picnic lunch tag.
#picnic #lunch - returns posts with both #picnic AND #lunch tags.
There is a 4th option that a user or bot may have reported your post for spam or mass Automation by a user/bot. (If you post too much) If you use tags that someone thinks is not fitting for a post of yours or if you used any import tools to upload posts from one site to Tumblr. You may fall under this rule..
What I can assume is that Tumblr system for keeping spam like post out of search + the URL ban + being able to search posts by terms / any tags has hit a great number of posts made by users..
If that is the case, you have to re-upload the post to see in search or find it by terms.
I will talk about this later..
And there is a 5th option which I can’t prove to be true or false.. I have heard the porn bots that like or retweet your posts is another reason to why your posts may not show up in search / tags but can not prove this but something to keep in mind..
If you have a secondary blog account on your main that posts or reblogs adult things, be careful, I can’t say how much this may or may not affect you since there no way to test this but keep that in mind
I don’t know if adult blogs that like / reblog your posts will affect you or not.
There is one last option.. And this is a very extreme case.. but..
If your posts aren't appearing on Tumblr-wide tag pages, it might be because your blog is pretty new and we need to make sure you’re not a robot or a spammer.
Make sure you’ve verified your account via the email we sent when you joined Tumblr. Once you’ve used your account for a while (and done normal, human things with it like follow other blogs and like or reblog posts), your posts will start appearing on tag pages.
If you are a robot or a spammer, you should visit our article about account deletion.
On the help center page for Troubleshooting tags. The post I quoted worries me. There could be a chance your account is marked as a robot or a spammer. If, at that point happens.
You have 2 options. 1. Contact Tumblr support and tell them your problems and pray to god that they do something to help out, and hope they don’t send a automatic response which can amount to “we will try to do something but won’t“
2. Backup your blog, make a new account and re-post everything there by hand, and let your followers know of the new account. Your current account may be marked as a spammer account or a robot.

So… How do you get your post to show back up on Tumblr Dashboard search with the power to search for terms and any tag on your post, and tags that are after the 5th tag on posts?
ANSWER: Re-upload the post or posts that is not showing up in tags or is no longer searchable on Tumblr Dashboard. It’s the only current fix to the problem for why posts are no longer showing up in tags / searched by terms
treygocray said: onychaos HEY! I got it to work. Delete all your tags on the photo and re-tag it. Mine worked so I thought I’d share! :D
This does work but if the post didn’t have a banned link. This is worth a shot but be warned that your post may fall under the 5 tag or less rule.
end update
For users who only reblog or like, this will not affect you. But those who don’t reblog and make posts, this affects us greatly. When our posts can’t be seen by other users besides followers.. I don’t man, not feeling it since most followers may / are no longer active.
Since the dashboard search engine is awful and tumblr @staff don’t seem to want to fix this issue or know how to fix the issue. This is the only way from what I tested.
If you have this issue but don’t want to re-upload posts to fix it. You have to go by the 5 tags can be searched, and you can’t term and your posts may or may not show up in tags. I could be wrong but I know there are people who don’t want to use a wrong around for this bug if you got more then 50 posts.
You can test to see if your posts are searchable by making an empty tag that has never been used, ever. Then go to mass post editor and add the empty tag as the 6th tag to 30 or 20 posts at a time and search the said tag. If your posts that you tagged with the empty tag show up in that tag under the “most recent” search and not tagged.
A empty tag (Your username) seems to be able to hold 40 or 20 of your posts at a time. That’s why it is best to do 20 or 10 to test them. You may need to wait a bit as there is delay for posts to show up. Or you can add the empty tag to 3 of your post as the 6th tag or anything after the 5th tag works.
However, if the tag being used is brand new or barely used it can affect some post from what I tested.
Brand new tags (Never used aka no posts in the tag) Can hold 40 of your posts.. Sometimes it can hold more?
non-empty tags (Tags that get used once in a while) Can hold 3 posts and there is a post delay
Very active tags can hold 3 post but if you post a lot, your older posts in a tag will be hidden after a fourth post is made but will show back up after a week or so. Sometimes Tumblr may break and the post might not show back up if hidden and you probably have to reupload it or re-tag?
If you see the post in most recent or popular search, your posts can be found by terms / any tag but this is me just observing and testing about 20 posts
Now should say this. New tags that never been used can hold 40 of your posts sometimes more? But this is if you are trying to search by term and not tags
This means users can search for your posts by tags and tags after the 5th tag as well or terms in your posts on tumblr dashboard. (That is good, very good)
Because I tried to bring my posts from WordPress to Tumblr via a defunct import tool named wp2tumblr and as a result of my post falling under these rules of spam here what I took note of.
Posts that don't show up or can not be seen working well in tags or at all and not coming up in the search terms. Out of 147 posts. only 113* of my posts do not show up right in tags or search nor can they be searched by terms or tags (Some tags do not show these post after 2 weeks. You have to wait a week to see them but nothing happens..)
So only 34+ posts can be searched by tag / terms / seen in tags or searched by terms
113 posts have bugged / shadow flagged for spam / search from the effects of using wp2tumblr to import my wordpress posts to tumblr..
Only way to fix this is by re-uploading the post to allow it to be found in tumblr tags and search terms.
Again, if you don’t see your post show up in search or tags, you will need to re-upload the posts in question.
And for me, I hate having to re-upload posts to have them be seen again but I will have to do it if I want my posts to be seen. Even if that means re-uploading my rants, vents, talking about users, and other things. So you will be seeing me upload some posts that may be 2017 or 2018 related.
Your followers may or may not be annoyed with you as a heads up if you re-upload posts to fix this issue.
And even if you do this, there is no 100 % plan yet or there is a chance someone may see you re-upload a post as spam.. Or the post may not show up later
But I thought I share what I have been observing how things been working on tumblr. If anyone has a better way of dealing with this, let me know.
Because when you make a new post, it is seen in tags / search. And it is searchable be terms or tags after the 5th tag
Again, if your post is not showing up in tags, re-upload the post in question and it will be back in search to be seen by everyone
However, another issue came to me. If you reupload the post it can be found in search and by terms.. now however If you edit/delete the tags when having more then 5 tags on the post and go down to 5 or less.
Your post may fall under the 5 tags or less rule and may also lose the right to search for that post by terms but something to look out for.
Update: It seems some of my new posts are not searchable by terms anymore.
I contacted Tumblr Support but got a fast reply but it was a copy and paste. I don’t know what Tumblr Staff is doing but it’s anything but helpful.
Here a list of my posts that got hit or don’t show up.. I added clear to the post name meaning it works / shows up. I need to look at all of them. I have since deleted some old posts so this list is outdated and this is not all of the posts yet..
Some post below don’t have the right name but keep that in mind
Nothing important below. :3
my plans for 2017 - clear 12:20 AM 12/11/2019
a new discord server archive it - 11:16 PM 12/10/2019
Twitch channel updates - archive it 11:16 PM 12/10/2019
Sonikchan update archive it - 8:08 PM 12/10/2019
Updates for Sonikmage twitch archive it - 8:08 PM 12/10/2019
Sonik muffins - clear 7:34 PM 12/10/2019
Future Update archive - 4:13 AM 12/11/2019
Shutting down Sonikmage twitter archive - 12:21 AM 12/11/2019
My little guide to streaming archive - 4:13 AM 12/11/2019
New twitch streams archive - 4:14 AM 12/11/2019
Twitch rant
mini twitch rant
one trick pony archive - 4:14 AM 12/11/2019
Sonic adventure SX 2018 clear - 12:02 AM 12/11/2019
how I been feeling
game progress
sonic speed R 2018
update log 6
The Tumblr purge
game dev update 2
game overhaul
kyle and lucy
Tumblr purge 2
Done with Pangya
Tumblr purge AM
Last speedrun to do
Twitch and youtube let's play
srb2 teleport
Sonic beta clear - 3:35 PM 12/11/2019
twitter rant
facebook update
srb2 update
Speedruns I plan to do clear - 10:03 AM 12/15/2019
Second Discord channel update
how to use twitter
Thoughts on SXSW
Thoughts on Sonic Speed 2017
What's next for me?
Thoughts on Pangya celebrity
Thoughts on Pangya celebrity big ann clear - 8:58 PM 12/17/2019
Thoughts on speedrunners
Why do you stream?
New personal discord channel update 3
Sonic adventure 2 livestream
New thoughts on Pangya c
A side project
Mini server update +
sonik rp story clear - 10:05 AM 12/15/2019
another twitch rant
birthday livestream
my thoughts on spinball
The future for sonic 1 hell
Zelda shine hunting
Sonic Forces custom character
Revio shutting down
new personal discord server clear - 9:32 AM 12/15/2019
SRB2 forfeit rules clear - 9:30 AM 12/15/2019
my forum
moving out update
duel link replays
Mario Maker 2 experience
My Tumblr experience
Gave Pangya debug one last shot
Frozen Snowman Land - clear 9:30 AM 12/15/2019
Images of my fan game
venting about video games
changes and moving forward
sadx question
Playing duel links on twitch
Hyper's quest 2
video of srb2 kart
srb2kart rainbow road
mini update about my posts clear - 9:31 AM 12/15/2019
levels i forgot
srb2kart darkvile garden
tumblr theme bugs clear - 9:32 AM 12/15/2019
SRB2Kart final fall
Beaten nep
Zelda BOTW master mode stream
My review sonic spinball
streams this weekend
Why I dislike twitch fight streams
Thanks for watching
A long vent / rant
A message to a friend
Cyberscore review
What I done in 2 months
Youtube planned let's plays
My goals for 2018
Final post on speedrunning
Clicker heroes 2 thoughts
final Pangya c post
Chaos realm race nights
My CyberScore Ideas
New Start
Sonic Gather Battle
Pantufa the cat dx review
SRB2 review
Dungeon Souls revisit
Sonic R review
update log
my new server updates
Sonic World R8 review
Pangya C tea time
Sonic and Shantae 2017 demo
Sonic ages 2017
Update on Sonic hell
Sonic Forces review clear - 3:51 AM 12/12/2019
Battle for the internet act 3
game mode ideas
New changes for this year arc - 2:57 AM 12/12/2019
Sonic Mania delay archive second account -
rant: twitter archive
2 rants for the price of one
Twitch bits
Sonic Mania stream today archive - 4:44 PM 12/11/2019
SRB2 testing clear - 9:29 AM 12/15/2019
Sonic Grand Adventure clear - 10:03 AM 12/15/2019
#tumblr#staff#tumblr tags#tags not working#tags not showing up#tumblr bugs#really tumblr#tumblr search#tumblr support#my posts#onychaos
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I Welcome Your Hatred!
(No Free Speech on Private Property)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
I had quite a day yesterday. First, Twitter locked my account because I said mean things to some Right-wing group. Then, Democratic Underground deleted the links to two of my “Jake Hughes Fake News” videos. And, to top it all off, I was thrown off an Anarchist message board for using the ableist term, “stupid.” It’s all rigged, baby! I have been through this time and time again.
Steve Jobs, the Apple computer entrepreneur and wiz kid,was a Berkeley Hippie in the 60s. He took acid and listenedto Bob Dylan’s music. Back in those days, the Counter Culture had “Alternative” this and that. Jobs got into Alternative technology. His dream was for every human being to have their own computer. However, when he expressed this idea, his friends wanted to stage an intervention and take him to rehab. He introduced the concept of “electronic free speech,” through which every person in the world could express their opinion.
Well, ultimately it happened: the Internet was born. In the beginning, colleges around the USA had message boards called, “Usenet.” You could express any opinion you wanted on various “groups,” and people from around the world could view your message. Then, it all went downhill! Pedophiles, spammers, computer hackers, and trolls infiltrated and took over. The Usenet groups had no moderators, so they faded away.
In place of freeing people, the Internet got overtaken by greedy capitalists. Political groups created their own Web sites, but their message boards were censored by moderators. Popular web sites came about by accident. “Napster” was a free music sharing platform which became a monster with millions of hits. Then, artists complained, and record companies sued. It was replaced by pay-to-play companies like “Spotify.” What about “YouTube”? That started out as video-sharing platform, run by two kids. Everything about it was free! Millions of people opened the app and watched homemade videos. It was greatly successful! Then, a behemoth, corporate entity bought it and privatized it. Now, they run commercials in the middle of individuals��� videos. There is an option to avoid those ads by paying hefty fees. Pretty clever, eh? Hooray for Capitalism!
I was pretty late in the game and, plus, I was on a fixed income. I started to make videos and signed up to post them on YouTube. When the platform was first taken over, some IT wizard created an “algorithm”--, a mathematical procedure or rule—to determine the number of views a particular video gets on YouTube’s platform. Did this help me? No! When ever I posted a video, I got 10 views or less. You can put up a video and, literally, no one ever sees it! Unless, of course ,you pay YouTube to post an ad, or for some third party’s “content-enhancer” app, or if you have lots of friends to spread the word.
So, what I did was to join Left-leaning web sites where I posted links to my videos on their message boards. I found I did get more views that way, but, I got labeled a “spammer.” That is where I’m at now.
The Internet has been privatized and there ain’t shit you can do about it!
It’s a David and Goliath situation. Since my political Ideology is far Left, nobody wants to hear what I have to say. You think Conservatives are Assholes? Try Progressives. Jesus, are they neurotic! I’m sorry, but it’s true! One moderator I confronted hated my videos so much, she became a 12-year- old girl in a schoolyard. Here’s a quote: “I talked to Stephen Colbert and he thinks you are shit! Plus, you misspelled his name!” Unquote. Then, she took down my video.
How am I ever going to explain my political beliefs without becoming a pariah? These social media platforms have a big audience, and I want a big audience to hear me in addition to the usual “Conservative versus Liberal” bull crap.
Now, YouTube hosts both Right and Left wing Pod Casters. They know how to manipulate YouTube by playing the game of monetization. Some actually make a meager living off of YouTube through their live-podcasts or posts of pre-recorded videos. Through this route, their YouTube “channel” is like a mini-television network. It all comes down to views and ratings and ad time on your station. Of course, YouTube is your boss and gets the bulk of any profits. They have strict, legal rules, aka: Terms of Service, (T.O.S) for users to follow. Most Left wing Pod Casters are Millennials who were gamers; somestill are. Otherwise much of this pod casting community is like a Cyber high school where there are fights and gossip about other pod casters. Sometimes, watching is a big waste of time. However, are they really influencing the public at large? A little bit. Better than I.
Speaking of me—where do I go from here? I can just drop out and live until the Grim Reaper pays me a visit. Or, I can try to find a different strategy. Maybe, I just don’t have the talent. Well, if that’s the case, then I can always become a Conservative comedian. Nah! I’m too Jewish for that!
I have always despised Conservatives and disliked Liberals. I get this notion that the political discourse is set up to keep those like me isolated and shunned. I think I am now finding it definitely to be true. When someone tells me that I am not alone, well...that means I am very alone. No, I don’t have a martyrdom complex—or, maybe I do. But, shit! I feel like a Homosexual in 1940’s America! An Anarchist without comrades. The Anarchists I do meet are either spies from the CIA or FBI, undiagnosed mental cases, or fucked up artists like me! Maybe I should simply chill out and enjoy life more. Or, should I just be an apolitical old man? In that case, the Capitalist State wins. I’ll think about it.
Throughout all of my political life, I’ve been confronted by bumptious Leftists of the Authoritarian Left. It all began in the 70s with identity political groups. I recall how some Black Nationalist group spokesperson said, “As a black man (sexist), everything I do against the White race is justified! Since my people are oppressed, we have right to hate White people, and pillage, plunder and rape!” I can hate you, but you better not hate me! Then there were the hard core feminists who said, “Women won’t be free until every man is castrated!”
The Left has been feuding forever. This is why the Fascists are wining! I was always suspicious when a Leftist preferred to argue with a comrade. My theory is that Fascists have agents infiltrating the so-called Left and dividing the movement. That is what happened to SDS in the 60s. But, it is just a theory.
The most feared specter of the Left is the Anti-Authoritarians. Remarks rooted in “Political Correctness,” now referred to as “Woke,” can be highlighted with, “Look at these animals! They hate freedom!” Unfortunately, I sound like one these apostates from the Left, who is now a patriotic Conservative, who will publish a book hot off the Right -wing press. Its title typically features a curt phrase like, “Why I left the Left.”
When an Authoritarian Leftist tells you can’t say this and you can’t do that, just say, “Piss off!” and move on. As Anarchists, we reject all injustices. But, don’t tell us how to think or feel; arguing is a waste of time. Debate after the revolution!
There are, among the Left, are so many kooks with causes. In1981, I lived in an artists’ flat, above a garage, with various musicians. We converted the garage into a recording studio, which we used to rent to bands to use for rehearsals. Now, one band who used it rehearsed in the nude; they had a White chick singer with dreadlocks. During one of their pot breaks, I engaged in conversation with her. Before long, the conversation derailed, and she started to talk about her dad; she praised him as having been a great lover! I asked her how she knew that. Then, Boom! Her answer, “I had sex with him!” Finally, she told me about her movement, “Incest Liberation Front.” She said that it was based on her own sexual perversion. Of course, she said that her ilk was oppressed. I am not kidding! Unsurprisingly, I never came across an “Incest advocate” again.
Later on in the 80s, there came such things as the “Fat Pride movement” and the “Handicap movement;” oh, forgive me—the “Handy-capable movement.” Then, the Anti-Authoritarian Left got constipated with all of these identity movements!
Anarchism encompasses all issues of freedom. So, if I say, “retarded,” “stupid,” “chick,” and even, “nigger,” that is my prerogative. If you don’t like it, tough darts, baby!
The Fascists are getting bigger and stronger, and all you want to do is debate? Fuck off! Doesn’t anybody believe in free speech for all anymore?
#anarchism#stephenjaymorris#poets of tumblr#american politics#baby boomers#autobiography#anarchopunk#internet#youtube
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