Free day - Vampire Au -
In which (some) wealthy vampires rent a human for their blood. Huaisang signed up for the program because he likes easy money not seen by his brother and is snatched up and away by Meng Yao instantly. The vampire is soft, polite; only occasionally possessive and only slightly insane. Huaisang doesn't know much about him yet, only that he apparently killed his master and drank all his blood, becoming very powerful. Other vampires step away when he walks by.
No matter what most of his family said, he wasn't a complete idiot. He'd actually made the effort to look into this 'donation' business before submitting his name and medical records.
The problem was that there was little information to find.
The other problem was that he didn't have much choice, given his current situation.
Two days after he'd signed up, on the first real day off he'd had in over a month, he got a text directing him to a particular address, with the name of the match waiting for him, as if this were a dating site connection.
Meng Yao... why did that name sound familiar?
Shaking off his curiosity, he made his way to the train station to get across the city.
The address he arrived at was a condo building that was a hell of a lot nicer than the school dorm he lived in, and considering the directions were to take the elevator all the way to the top floor, this guy must have been loaded.
Well, that was why he was here, wasn't it?
Other people who were either residents or staff paid him no mind-
-no that wasn't quite right. They were expressly ignoring his presence, carefully looking in any direction besides his.
Snobby assholes. His clothes were just fine, and he was clean, and it wasn't any of their business anyway.
He was the last one on the elevator when it stopped at the top floor, and he stepped out directly into what looked more like an extra long waiting room than a hallway. There were only two doors, one on each side, and both were numbered.
Only two condos on the whole floor.
Letting out his breath in a sharp huff, he quickly stepped out of the elevator before it could go back down with him in it and looked at the door numbers, then pressed the bell button on the left.
"Nie-xiansheng, I presume?"
He supposed he could be forgiven for nearly hitting the ceiling in surprise, especially since the smirk the man behind him was wearing when he whipped around meant he had intentionally been snuck up on.
It... wasn't an unattractive smirk, he would admit, between the dimples and the honey gold eyes-
The smirk widened, briefly flashing very sharp teeth. Yep, this was his match.
"Shall we go in and get acquainted?"
"Sure," he managed to say without sounding too squeaky.
Once they'd left their shoes at the door, Meng Yao led him past the living room to an office that was by itself bigger than his dorm room and waved for him to sit on the huge plush sofa.
He did as told, then watched as Meng Yao picked up a file from his desk and sank into the armchair across from him.
"The agency sent me digital copies, but I prefer to keep paper as well. Do you mind?"
He quickly shook his head.
"Excellent. Now, then," Meng Yao said, opening it up. "'Nie Huaisang, age twenty-one. Currently in university for art restoration and conservation, with a night shift job as a hotel receptionist. A rather lengthy history with hospitals.'"
Meng Yao looked up over the file, and the way those gold eyes flashed with interest made Nie Huaisang involuntarily swallow hard.
"I must say, you are hardly the first university student to sign with the agency, but you're the first to be accepted with a medical record like yours. Why take the risk?"
"It- it's complicated, xiansheng." When Meng Yao waved for him to continue, he took a deep breath, then let it out. "M- my family is known for... physical pursuits. Athletes, soldiers, bodyguards, security, all that. There's a whole family business built around it that my older brother's running now."
"And then there's you," Meng Yao said, but surprisingly he sounded... more sympathetic than scornful.
"And then there's me," Nie Huaisang agreed. "Da-ge covers my room and board, and I've got a couple of scholarships that handle tuition and books, but for renting studio space and buying supplies? I'm on my own. It's... well, that's complicated, too. Anyway, the hotel night receptionist job was the only thing I could get that didn't clash with my classes and projects, but I'm getting so little sleep that I don't know how much longer I can keep it up. And then one of my classmates gave me a card for the agency."
"I see." Meng Yao closed the folder and laid it aside.
"And the medical stuff," Nie Huaisang continued, hoping he wasn't sounding too desperate. "I know the number of times I've been to the hospital looks bad, but it's mostly just been for testing."
For assorted types of delirium, he almost said, but that wouldn't sound good either. And besides, Meng Yao had probably already seen that, if he was as diligent about reading the records as he seemed to be.
"Hm." Meng Yao stood up and walked over to his desk, leaned against it, and folded his arms, gaze sharp. "Nie-xiansheng, I don't entirely believe the agency sent you here for benevolent reasons."
Nie Huaisang's stomach dropped. "W-what?"
"I am willing to admit I am someone who has made a lot of enemies, particularly with how I rose to this rank in the world. And I believe your being accepted into the donation program has been facilitated by one of them."
"How you-"
Oh, no.
Now he remembered why his match's name had struck him as familiar. It hadn't been the sort of scandal the mundane news covered, but those that were on the edges of the supernatural community, like his own family, had heard snatches of it.
A dhampir who'd killed his sire of both senses of the word, and in doing so, had stolen enough power to become a fullblooded vampire while still remaining a daywalker.
The other fullbloods in the province, most of whom had been business associates of Jin Guangshan, had been furious, but there had been no actual laws broken so things had eventually settled.
But what did that have to do with-
He jumped a little, surprised out of his thoughts, when cold fingers lifted his chin.
He'd been so distracted that he hadn't even seen Meng Yao move.
“But you, Nie-xiansheng, I do believe you’ve been sincere. That’s why I’m willing to let you walk away, and I’ll even give you the agreed-upon payment for having been dragged into this.”
"But then you'll still be hungry," Nie Huaisang said before his brain could catch up to his mouth. And then his mouth just kept running ahead. "And the agency will know that you know, and then they'll come after me, won't they? And then-"
He obediently shut up so fast his teeth clicked together.
Meng Yao's mouth quirked into a faint, but genuine smile. "You are adorable," he said before pulling away and turning back towards his desk.
If Nie Huaisang had been embarrassed before, his face was on fire now.
"Nie-xiansheng," Meng Yao said after a long silence. "With your history, I presume you're very familiar with giving blood in the medical fashion, yes?"
"Er- yes."
Meng Yao turned to face him again. "As it happens, I very much prefer taking blood from my donors in the same fashion. It might not be as glamorous as the traditional method, but it causes a great deal less mess, and lowers the risk of the donor going into shock. Therefore, I propose an experiment."
"What sort of experiment?" Nie Huaisang asked, though he was fairly sure he'd gotten the idea already.
"If, and only if the blood donation does not cause any lasting problems for your conditions, I would like you to permanently become my donor. In return, you will get the full donor fee each time, without having to give a percentage to the agency, and you will also be given my protection should whoever my enemy in the agency is make any false moves against you."
"And if my body's not up to it?"
"As it was because of my being targeted that you are under threat, you'll still be under my protection, you just won't be getting paid."
And Meng Yao would still have to find another donor, without agency assistance.
Nie Huaisang knew he should just ask for the second option. If this did make his health worse-
"Okay. Hopefully this works out," he said instead.
The smile Meng Yao gave him for that made him feel lightheaded.
And the room he was brought to next was like some bizarre fusion of guest bedroom and hospital room. The bed was definitely a medical gurney, but much more comfortably padded than any he'd ever been in before, and though there was other medical equipment about and the floor was stark tile, the lighting was low and warm.
He took off his jacket and shirt when prompted and accepted a sleeveless one instead, then laid down on the soft gurney cushion and watched as Meng Yao laid out his tools.
"What's that?" he asked when he noticed two syringes of clear fluid.
"How familiar are you with the process of blood feeding in the animal kingdom?" Meng Yao asked in return.
"Uh... not very," Nie Huaisang admitted. "I know there are mosquitos and bats... I could actually name you a few species of birds that do it? I'm better with those."
"You really are cute," Meng Yao said. "Many hematophagic species produce chemical agents in their saliva that create a numbing or sedation effect, to keep their hosts from noticing them and either killing them or shooing them away. So do we."
Nie Huaisang involuntarily wrinkled his nose, but then shrugged. "I'm pretty sure I've gone through worse than anasthesia via vampire spit."
Meng Yao looked amused. "That's refreshingly pragmatic of you. You wouldn't believe how many people are fine with the idea of being bitten, but disgusted by this," he said as he wrapped the tourniquet around Nie Huaisang's arm and then uncapped the needle.
Nie Huaisang barely felt it break the skin. "Oh, you're good," he murmured, relieved.
"A great deal of practice. Now, I'm sure you know the drill, start counting backwards from a hundred."
When he opened his eyes again, he could see a wash of sunset-ish colors through the window to his left, and a blanket had been pulled up over him.
Blinking sleepily, his vision swimming, he tried to sit up, only to find his body felt a bit like jelly.
"There you are," a familiar-not-familiar voice crooned, and a gentle hand brushed his bangs out of his eyes.
Slowly, Meng Yao's face came back into focus.
"How long has it been?" Nie Huaisang asked, the question slurring a little in his mouth.
"It's just after seven. I took the liberty of ordering you dinner from the restaurant on the first floor to help you get your strength back. You did beautifully, by the way."
"Thank you," he mumbled, and he wasn't sure if it was for the offered food or the strange compliment.
The motorized gurney helped him sit up and more pillows were tucked behind him for comfort. His hands proved too unsteady to manage a spoon on his own, so he had to allow Meng Yao to help him eat.
"So... what happens now?" he asked when he'd finished the first of the dishes on the tray and a few sips of the smoothie.
"I have already deposited your fee for this session, and I would recommend you contact whoever you're living with and tell them you're staying somewhere for the night instead of trying to make your way home in your current condition. If you've fully recovered in the next three days or so, then we will jointly draw up a contract and get your bracelet made."
"It's akin to a hospital bracelet, really, only instead of having all your medical information, it's a warning sign to anyone else who would attempt to bite you."
Oh. That made sense.
At least as much as anything about this made sense.
Wasn't he accepting it all a little too easily?
Wasn't like he could do much else at this point, was there? He was kind of stuck.
Stuck with a very attractive vampire making the effort to look after his health and fixing his financial situation, though. He was willing to count it in the positives.
"Okay, then," he said, accepting the next bite of salmon and vegetables.
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raven · 4 days
mgsv is so joever
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kazehita · 1 year
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1 attack, 31 revenges - Artfight 2023
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late-tothe-party-07 · 2 years
*kicks down door *
I will die on this hill.
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mayvette · 1 year
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that one meme
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tapakah0 · 2 months
Animation based on this gorgeous animatic that I kept rewatching for 2 months (and finally gave up) made by @wolfythewitch
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ronanlynchbf · 1 year
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purrassicjet · 5 months
Thinking about the Bad Parents this episode because like, imagine your child, who's constantly burdened with the fate of the world, comes to you after school and says it's not enough. That they have to take the Last Stand exam and it's tomorrow. You have no time to take time off work to be with them, to be able to wait for them when they get home.
And then the next day you say goodbye in the morning, you kiss them on the head and tell them you love them. But you know that the next time you see them they will have died. You know that all the day you're at work, your child is fighting for their life in a drastic last stand. How do you focus with that knowledge? How do you move on, wondering if your child is already dead? That while your working or doing chores, your child could be lying on a sandy flood, dead, while all their friends fight for their lives?
How do you move past it? How do you live out that day?
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miguxadraws · 5 months
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new buttonblossom era
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hinamie · 1 month
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alongside someone like you
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro#itafushi#fushiita#fanart#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#jjk 266#jjk leaks#i feel like i say this after every piece at this point but iam once again. SO TIRED#collapses dead#cries i did it again i ws up all last night finishing the first 1.....tht one took *counts* 8 hours...#got 3 hrs sleep n picked up where i left off on th second one at 8 in the morning#2nd one absolutely ruined me n made the third one feel like a herculean task . even tho its literally just them on a bed#rooms....KITCHENS......beloathed!!!! public enemy no1 kill on sight!!!!!!#hell is real and they make u render different rooms of houses from scratch no perspective tool no clue what ur doing#n they see how long it takes u to completely lose it#clipped yuujis bangs back tho n i thought tht was cute . silver linings#1ST ONE WAS SO FUN ALSO idk if its bc outdoor environments r forgiving or bc i had more energy n was fresh faced n hopeful or what#but it is by far my favourite. once again pulled out nearly every nature brush in my arsenal#third one meh simple safe soft w/e i was just so exhausted after th kitchen tht working on it was such a slog#oh ya i added a bunch of scars 2 yuuji's arms n lobbed off his ring finger sighs the yuuji injury list (tm) grows every minute#also HINA USE YELLOW CHALLENGE CLEAR golden hour in2 sunset my beloved <333 easy warm light + safe homey Peaceful vibes...bless#cries eternally thinking abt them let us have this let THEM have this pls thank u#ok i need to not look at these anymore take them enjoy my contribution 2 the domestic itfs pile
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ba1laur · 19 days
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2023 darkstalker floating in space doing nothing grinning evily and scary. png 1 and 2
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mangodonutss · 8 months
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they're besties :D
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caccry · 3 months
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On your left!!!
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hey-howsitgoin · 6 months
So I've had this joke in my head for a couple months (at least), but hadn't found the right spot to make it. Today it is complete.
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A hole in my jeans?
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Hmm? What's this?
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A Patchypus?
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wardingshout · 26 days
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funny little island
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zaana · 6 months
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Omega having a day on Kamino with her brothers
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