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Asking the visitors around Dornogal about their thoughts on Jaina Proudmoore and her role in the Kirin Tor 💜🎤 (also known as me dispelling the idea that I hate Jaina, featuring my four mains (in character): Shazi, Waria, Telarius and Palanzual) 💙
#world of warcraft#orc#zandalari#night elf#draenei#warcraft art#I DON'T HATE JAINA YOU GUYS#I JUST THINK THIS IS FUNNY OKAY
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HELLO internet users, you are now looking at my blog where i have come to burden you with my art pieces and funnies.
🔊Call me slyakoch or slkch
🌐English is not my native language so it is often difficult for me to understand or answer, forgive me if I make stupid mistakes. 🎨my art is under #my art tag 📨YOU CAN ASK ME THINGS -> here 💸COMMISSIONS INFO -> there
💙 https://bsky.app/profile/slyakoch13.bsky.social 🍊https://boosty.to/slkch13
I like to sit in the "children's horror games" fandoms and headcanon stuff about little-known characters there. I've been following the game since the first chapter, but I only got really involved in story since Chapter 3. My favourite is Leith Pierre (and my design of him), Doctor, Yarnaby and Kissy Missy.
Got here only in February but already in love with this game. All characters are fucking amazing and cool. But i think my heart especially belongs to Ferryman and Minos!
WoW has been my obsession for several years now, and now I'm not so interested in the new expansions, but I just love the old Warcraft before SL. Alliance? Horde? WHO NEEDS THEM WHEN THERE ARE THE FORSAKEN! I love them. And basically all the undead. Of the characters, I really love Jaina and Vanessa Vancleef. And also i'm biggest Sylvanas/Nathanos apologist. My favourite fucked up couple.
I love this crazy fandom. There is no one particular mercenary that o like, they are all cool and deserve love. Favorite ships: Bloody Suite, Boots & Bombs, and Science Party. By the way, I hate speedingbullet, please don't touch me with speedingbullet. I draw a lot SniperSpy, everything can be found under tags here on the blog!! I also used to play a lot tf2 sice summer 2023. Now I main Scout and Sniper.
I LOVE MARIA SILENT HILL TWO I LIVE FOR HER I CRY OVER HER CHARACTER and I think her character is very underrated! Otherwise, I also really love Heather (I cosplayed her!), Lisa and Walter. I'm a fan of the "classics" of all 4 silent hill games. This rusty, old, tense, frightening, depressing, meaty horror is just what I've always been missing.
It’s worth saying briefly - I adore the entire universe of half-life and the portal. These are great games, I love everything about them. They changed me and my perception of video games a lot. My favorites of the series are Adrian Shepard and Alix. I'm a fan of HEKU in general, they're funny guys. Probably the only military characters in video games that don't make me uncomfortable.
other fandoms that i was to lazy to make banner for, or they are smaller: OUTLAST, Garten of BanBan, Gloomwood, Faith:The unholy trinity.
these banners are made by me, and yeah they are fre to use(ijust pls credit me if you do)
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I beat World of Warcraft: The War Within (for now)
Every single word I am about to write I do so with the fear of god that none of it will age poorly
(also wow this is a long one sorry that my ramblings keep getting more rambly)
The summer of 2024 is the summer of "why do I have two separate MMOs that I want to play I hate myself", cause I already had FFXIV Dawntrail a bit ago, and now we got WoW, my first MMO love who I have had a horrible relationship with During BfA and Shadowlands and All That Blizzard Shit I was like Jaina in the scene of Warcraft III with the Culling of Stratholme "I'm sorry Arthas, I can't watch you do this." But then things (as far as I know) in real life are getting better, and then they did Dragonflight which in game was getting better and I'm over here tentatively having fun with a smile on my face ready for it to go bad at any time, and that's how I felt about War Within: This looks cool, are they going to be able to do it, or am I going to be disappointed once again?
And god. PLEASE DON'T LET THIS AGE POORLY BUT HOLY SHIT THEY LANDED IT SO HARD, I LOVED THIS EXPANSION!!!! I want to talk about why!!!! And like I said in Dawntrail MMOs obviously release more content (hell by the time I beat my set goals a raid came out (I did not do the raid), so I considered "beat" to be Loremaster (all the quests), all the dungeons, and all the delves so DON'T COME AT ME WITH "BUT YOU DIDN'T DO NERUB'AR" I WANTED TO WRITE A BEAT A GAME POST FOR AN MMO LEAVE ME ALONE
This is what I was scared of. I love Warcraft, I love it so much I love the world, I love the lore, I love the everything, and obviously this game has had a... Not Great experience with respecting its own universe with... good writing. So I am understandably hesitant! Even Dragonflight which was a step in the right direction still didn't grab me in some ways and was a little cheesy I did really like the avengers assemble in the emerald dream though I'm not above that; so I didn't come into War Within expecting the best thing ever, but I really did appreciate how they did this.
Everything fits pretty well within the world, nothing feels like it contradicts previous info, it actually takes a lot from the existing world and expands on it; Xal'atath and the sword was Legion, Earthen have been a thing since Wrath, Nerubians have been around since WCIII, they got Kobolds, they got a healthy amount of previous guys you know from Dalaran/other people who happened to be on Dalaran (lmao) to really make the whole thing FEEL Warcrafty and not something kind of disconnected, despite the new concepts being introduced, which made me very happy.
The story itself was great. I felt invested fighting against Xal'atath because she fucked with my mans, and I really liked how much of a presence she was; involved in everything, but not to an annoying amount, and it didn't feel like the conflict with her was bullshit like the Jailor (they can still fuck this up we got several patches to go). I enjoyed learning about the Earthen, the Arathi, and the Nerubians, and like I said it all fit really well and I didn't have any moments of like "wait what the fuck why this"; even the Arathi felt pretty well explained "oh there's an empire somewhere else we haven't seen" cool and awesome, doesn't contradict anything already existing and opens up a new place in the future.
I think the one thing that was strange was how short the main campaign was. I hard focused it on my main and it wasn't enough to get me to max. But once I did all the Sojourner achievements I could see where the rest of the writing meat went, because so many of those side stories were amazing; some I'm genuinely surprised WEREN'T in the main campaign (the Haranir got like 2 steps in the main deal and then never showed up?? do the side quests to figure out anything about this person we put in the teaser cinematic; this is like my one beef with the main campaign, anyways). So many heavy emotional hits, stories that actually made me feel. The old Earthen losing his memories I think was a highlight for me.
What I really appreciated about every quest I did was the focus on emotions, on internal processing; like yeah, this is World of Warcraft. We fight a lot. There's a lot of fighting. But this expansion takes its own title to mean more than just being in the world, and focuses a lot on trauma, fighting with yourself, accepting yourself, connecting with others after trauma, and I really really appreciated that a game like this actually managed to slow down and question these little large things that it never really did in the past. Also, even with the deeper, more serious tones being so strong, the humor this time around is really great. There are a lot of moments in the main story and in the side quests that actually got me laughing out loud. Overall, I was really satisfied with all the story they gave me and I cannot wait to see if they are able to continue this upward trend to finish the expansion off.
I also want to say "stay a while and listen"s have been the greatest thing this game has ever introduced to give nerds like me more good writing while letting other players not have to suffer through it if they don't want to.
This is also an important section which was really hard to separate from the above; like I said, Warcraft does not have a great track record of how it treats its beloved characters who can be amazing at the highest of times (COUGH SYLVANAS SHADOWLANDS AS A WHOLE COUGH), so I was worried here. But the way our returning characters were treated, on top of the new characters, was really surprising.
Our Returning Friends:
Anduin - My fucking boy. I love Anduin, he is one of my favorite characters, if not my favorite character, in all of Warcraft. Seeing his struggle with himself hit really hard, and I really appreciate how they did it, it didn't feel disrespectful, he got moments to bring him up, he got moments that validated his current state; it hurt me to see the optimistic prince in such a state, and I love where his journey is taking him. He also calls me friend and that makes me happy Anduin if you were real I would be your friend
Alleria - I think her story is going to be cooked a little longer in the future, cause for this expansion she was often in the background hunting, but I love that despite the internal AND external things trying to keep her alone, she's not so far gone as to be separated from the people she cares about; I am actually excited to see how she'll play out. The fact that her and Turalyon still clearly love and care for each other despite the circumstances makes me happy.
Moira - I very much enjoyed that the Bronzebeard-Thaurissan family got such a spotlight this time around. It was great seeing Moira continue to prove herself as a leader with the action taken + the diplomatic role she placed herself in with the Earthen. The sidequest where she gets Fearbreaker was really a place for her to shine on her own. While I was a big fan of the trio of her, Magni, and Dagran, I can't help but feel like her portion didn't stick with me as much as the other two, but that could be a me flaw rather than a game flaw. I do hope she continues to get more screentime to show off.
Magni - Did not at all expect where this man was going. Depressed and angry speaker was an interesting way to start the expansion, and I enjoyed seeing him be able to reconnect with his family, to be freed from his prison (they hatched him!), and to really start his grandpa arc/hopefully make a relationship with his daughter arc.
Dagran - If you told me that the 3 polygon baby in Ironforge was going to be one of the best characters in a future expansion I would have been very surprised. He's such a nerd but in a really enjoyable way, and the connection he has with his family + Brinthe is really heartwarming to see. I want more of this 🤓 motherfucker
Brann - Not really a character in the main story, but he's here and I love it, except when he tells me that those webs will summon Nerubians, and not to stand in them. I hope he gets more uncle moments.
Khadgar - Fuck. This old shitty wizard is also top contender for favorite Warcraft character, so the way this expansion started gutted me. I was actually real life mad I wanted to destroy that stupid purple elf and all her spiders; I am so happy that he's fine I am going to put him in the best retirement situation possible and he can get his girlfriend and live the rest of his life happy DON'T YOU FUCKING DO THAT TO ME AGAIN BLIZZARD.
Jaina and Thrall - Did not get to be there lmao. Thrall really got the short end of the stick being on the loading screen. The Horde as a whole could have gotten more love this expansion, and this is coming from a man loyal to the Alliance. But also you guys got a lot in the past so uuhhhhhh fuck you lmao
Side note, where the fuck is Muradin; your brothers, your niece, and your great nephew are here, your brother hatched, Where Are You.
Our New Friends (and Enemies)
The Earthen - Initially, incredibly off putting. Why are they not scottish. But I really grew to love these robot dwarves. The council was all surprisingly great, Merrix has his whole sidequest where "oh he's a bad guy" no not at all he cares about his people, Baelgrim warms up to you and is the Obligatory Sacrifice Character, Adelgonn really showed the humanity these people can have, Brinthe was surprisingly funny and charming, and I loved to see her grow closer to Dagran (new aunt unlocked let's go). Overall, it was really cool to see this race of people show both their construct nature mixed with the free will they've unlocked. So much more interesting than I expected.
Faerin and the Arathi - Definitely the strangest part of this expansion, but incredibly cool to see. I was unsure going in, did they really feel like the fit in, their vibe seems a little separate from Warcraft and more Diablo-y or a different franchise, but I was really interested in their culture, the genuine nature their society had despite the traitors (like I was totally expecting Steelstrike to be evil not to have a cooking quest with her and her family); Faerin was likewise a surprise. I see the name "Lothar" and I'm like oh geez how are they gonna mess this up and I was instead greeted with a kind yet tough warrior who Has feelings and struggles with loss and is a wonderful friend to Anduin (the quest where you sit down with Faerin and Anduin might be one of my favorite sidequests ever).
The Nerubians - Ok so yeah we're all used to these guys being Bad Spiders Go Kill which they were def introduced as, but then you get to their zone and they're presented as their own society in such a cool way?? These are people! They're spiders, but they're people! The Severed Threads are a fun trio of characters that I enjoyed talking to. Honestly, surprisingly enough the Nerubians as a whole are like, really funny? There's a bunch of really good comedic moments, some played straight which hit the hardest. (Mr. Sunflower my beloved) I loved the split in society shown, the dislike, the Reason for dislike shown between the Ascended and the normal Nerubians, I could really feel the reason for dissent against the Queen (I haven't done Nerub'ar like I said but I do wish she was more present.)
Xal'atath - I said my main opinion earlier, she was a great presence in the story and I very much enjoy her as a villain. I really like the bonus dialogue you get if you've interacted with her before. I really think she has the potential to be one of the best major villains we've ever had if Blizzard plays their cards right (I am scared).
World (of Warcraft)
Dragonflight's zones were cool; but. Nothing really WOWed me (funny joke). Going into TWW, I thought underground was cool, but I wasn't sure at first. Looked at the little pictures for each zone, still unimpressed. Once I actually got Into the game and played it though, these are some of the best zones in the game.
I have these four screenshots, my favorite parts of each zone, and I still feel like I am not doing them justice. They're huge, they're so incredibly varied, and you feel like you can still breathe despite being underground (and they're confining when needed). I've always said that despite the lows, Blizzard's art department hard fucking carries the game, and they continue to flex. The cities are getting so much better at feeling sprawling and lived in, an evolution from the tiny Stormwinds of classic WoW. I love Khaz Algar so much. One of my favorite parts of my playthrough was when I entered Hallowfall for the first time, during the Beledar shifting event (not the story one! the random one), and I was amazed and confused. I don't think I've felt this mesmerized by the game since I was like 10 walking through Teldrassil. Something really special I also loved about Hallowfall (might be contender for top 10 zone of all time) is yes, this feels outside. There is grass. There is water. There is sun. But then you look at the land, you look at the rocks, the stalagmites, you look up and it reminds you that you're underground. There's so much spectacle here and I feel like I could go on and on and on about each zone and how amazing they are. (I'm ending this section now but I have to say I love Bug Suramar)
Piggybacking off the last section, the music this expansion has been absolutely incredible, I haven't really hooked onto as much of the soundtrack as I have since BfA; Shadowlands really just had Maldraxxus and Revendreth and I honestly don't remember much of Dragonflight's, but here it's so strong. Isle of Dorn's windy outdoor flutes, The Ringing Deeps' sound of echoing mining, Hallowfall's beautiful choir, and Azj-Kahet's plucking spider sounds, it's all so strong, so memorable and unique.
Really small section here but I love the cutscene work they've been doing. The fact that we get what used to just be in the prerendered ones in game??? The models look so nice there! Yeah sure my character looks a little awkward doing default standing they haven't mastered it like FFXIV yet but I LOVE the cutscene work. Even the lower quality ones have shown a lot of character. I think of the scene with Elrich and Brinthe, he still shows off and feels like an asshole, and you can clearly see the humorous frustration Brinthe feels at being interrupted. It's great.
I am the least excited to talk about the gameplay here, but I really do enjoy what they're doing this expansion. I love Delves and the solo content they're doing, I think their quest design continues to be engaging and fun (even though I was a little tired of the shout instruction randomly to get item/do task and all of the pulling slowly mechanics), and even though I'm not really a dungeon guy each one was incredible, they all excelled in presentation and vibe. The mechanics didn't really get me like I think Dawntrail's dungeons did, but I imagine they go harder in Mythic which I will not be doing.
The classes I played during my session of goals were Warrior, Evoker, and Warlock, which I had fury mountain thane (later slayer), arms slayer, augmentation chronowarden, and demonology diabolist. I really enjoyed the flavor they all brought, and in the case of diabolist it's SO fucking fun holy shit. I know not every class got something cool, and I will be playing those eventually (haha two of every class split between factions I have a problem haha).
Speaking of alts, I love Warbands. The fact that I got to work on loremaster, level Brann, and work on renown across 4 separate characters is an absolute godsend.
Last thought here; Skyriding is amazing. Yeah it was introduced in Dragonflight but I really just needed to be able to fly Invincible everywhere. The fact that Blizzard finally embraced flying and made it engaging by just making the zones huge is the best path ever.
I Have Talked So Much I Am Sorry
yeah i hate this expansion isn't it clear
I really truly desperately hope that WoW continues this upward trend, continues this energy forward. I want to be able to hit each patch, to look back, and still feel the same happiness and excitement as I do now for the game. WoW is a game I have loved for most of my life. I want it to succeed. I want to say that I love it and not be embarrassed. If we continue to have more times like what War Within is at launch, I have no doubt that those things will be the case. They just need to not prove my fears right. With all of this very very very long post said;
9.5/10. The most love I've had for Warcraft in a long while. Honest competition with Legion for favorite expansion. Please Don't Fuck This Up.
please help me i still feel like i could have talked more
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If TWW didn't kill my fav char I might've cared for the others but, and I say this without any air of superiourity or trying to sound cool and condescending, I cannot care for anyone else in TWW. Like they can kill every other character and I wouldn't mind. I know Anduin, Alleria, Thrall and Jaina won't die, but because my fav died, I cannot care for their stories or be invested in them.
I read that Anduin mentions Wrathion, something I'd scream over because I love them and I just don't care.
I understand that character death can be cathartic, but sometimes it hits someone's mental illness at the right spot and that sends them in complete apathy. It sucks, but literally TWW, Midnight and TLT are all ruined for me cause of this one singular event and I hope I get bored from WoW by Midnight and quit.
It's kinda funny because in a way this is how Shazi feels yet she will have to act in self preservation, so writing her will be catharsis for me. I honestly don't care if Xal'atath wipes out all of Azeroth, there's no more stakes for me. The game doesn't let me save the one character I love, so I do not care about fighting the bad guys to avenge him. Like man Xal'atath can shut down the servers and I am with her. ✌️
So analyzing these feelings of mine as a writer has been fun, because for most people you will get the correct emotional response, but there will be that one mentally ill bitch like me who will irrideemably hate your story and your characters and won't care whatever else you write, no matter how good.
#tww spoilers#this got me at the wrong mental time#i usually like character death#but sometimes it hits you at the wrong time#i genuinely get annoyed seeing tww stuff#i not only dont care but sometimes actively resent the surviving cast
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I’ve said this a few times already but like, I’m so scared we won’t see jaina until the next arc. Like they have to handle the serpent and the bean rat guy who’s name I don’t remember and that’s all so not in jainas direction. When will she return from the pokeball
I think I'm also in this camp at this point. Now perhaps the only reason sending the second serpent away was not immediate/obvious/easy was because bean rat and uncle asshole Bronzebeard (I don't think I can spell his name and that feels more accurate) were waiting in the wings, but l do foresee that being a difficult task.
Plus they’re heading away from where Jaina is and Ultrus is absolutely going to use her as some sort of leverage.
If we don’t get to Jaina (and Calder) this arc, it’s absolutely their next step. I do agree with (I think) your tags from yesterday on one of my posts saying it seems like Jaina’s return hasn’t been recorded yet and we’ll at least be waiting for Jake’s on air return for her to come back.
In conclusion, you hate to see it, and bring our beloved general back from the pokeball, Brian
#I actually think c3 will surpass c2 in episode count before we see her again and I don’t love it#naddpod#naddpod spoilers#ba2mia#asks#rooolt
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Kael'thas for the ask meme thingy please i need
favorite thing about them Okay I'll try not to write a novel here but there's so little I don't adore about Kael'thas & it's hard to choose just one thing for this lmao. Like you can tell he cared/cares about his people a LOT, he just made some very poor decisions. I love that despite everything he tries to put the blood elves first, he definitely shouldered way more responsibility than he really needed to even for their leader imo, he had other people he could have relied on to share that burden! but he didnt!
Even before the scourge or the outlands, kael had SUCH an interesting personality? Like hes sometimes this bratty childish prince that can be stubborn as hell if he doesnt get his way but he's also easily one of the most powerful mages at the time, even getting on the council of six seemingly relatively easily because of it. So he may be a bit spoiled but he definitely clearly knows how to reign himself in & be serious when he needs to be & that makes him such a fun character with depth beyond just leaning into one trait or another.
Blizzard really shafted themselves when they tossed him away, I would have LOVED to see him progress through the expansions beyond being forgotten about until Shadowlands. least favorite thing about them how blizz threw him away :) I will never recover from the knowledge that they used him PURELY to fill a raid boss slot. He had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I guess on the other hand we probably wouldn't have nearly as much content with the triumvirate as we do but I'm still not happy about nerfing Kael like that. favorite line "This is your brain, say hello brain. (brain says 'Hello!') And this is your brain on fel magic: (fel magic burns)(brain cries in pain) Any questions?"
(Honestly any of the HoTS quotes are gold this one just made me laugh the hardest) brOTP Hot take perhaps? Sylvanas pre-scourge. I like to imagine he kept trying to play matchmaker with her & lorthemar at that time & both of them hated the concept (but unfortunately kael is a stubborn bitch) but otherwise their friendship was equal parts business and jovial (as much as Sylv could be anyways) OTP honestly a BIG tie between Kael x Rommath & Kaellidan nOTP Controversial take in the Kael fandom probably but Jaina. I like them as friends or friendly rivals but don't really understand why there would be romance between them. random headcanon okay idk if this is gonna make sense & this is more of like a character study headcanon rather than a legit "this is how I think he goes about life" sort of thing but i have a big hc the triumvirate are just...sections of Kael. His laidback/care free traits being Hal, His leadership & determination & drive to protect the blood elves being Lorthemar, & his passion for magic & everything scholarly being Rommath. Idk maybe I'm looking to far into it but the fact Lor has reminded Rom of Kael on more than one occasion & vice versa really has me thinking on this.
If you want like a legit headcanon tho I definitely think Rommath got his humor and love of puns from Kael back from when they were younger. Kael said one (1) pun once, Rom laughed his ass off (& still refuses to admit it), & has come to appreciate the crafty wordplay of puns ever since.
Also another for you as an excuse to put it somewhere :: his title "the sun king" was actually from Illidan, back during one of their first meetings. Illidan meant it more in a derogatory way towards kael but kael thought it was brilliant & adopted it unpopular opinion i,,, actually dont like his VA in TBC. Nothing against the guy personally, imo it just doesnt fit Kael? I liked the one they used in Heroes of the Storm & SL (which i...THINK is the same person? idk im bad with remembering names but they sound similar so im sticking with that assumption) song i associate with them I have way too many actually that are just ship songs but I do associate this one specifically with Kael
Glass Animals - The Other Side of Paradise favorite picture of them his hearthstone battleground illustration does very gay things to me
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Paint the Lines, Cut the Flesh: Part 9

Sentry followed her gaze. Wings? He watched as an oily looking man in Flaming Fist armor landed on the balcony in front of Isobel. His wings were tattered and rotting with molting black feathers. Nothing good could come of this and the paladin quickly moved, forcing his own body between Isobel and the figure and drawing himself to his full height just shy of six feet. The man was burlier than Sentry's lean muscled scarecrow frame, but that didn't bother the tiefling, he'd defeated bigger men before. “Isobel, you must come with me immediately.” The man tried to reach out to her, but Sentry slapped his hand away. “D'you know this half-plucked buzzard, Isobel?” Sentry asked, looking back at the priestess. “Or more to the point, do you trust him?” “That's Markus, he came here with The Flaming Fist...but...” Isobel began, but her murmuring words were cut out by a jolt into Sentry's brain as the winged intruder began to speak. “True soul, help me. General Ketheric wants her alive. Aid me and The Absolute will give you anything you want, like she did for me.” The man's voice smirked within his head. “You could've had anything you want and you asked for a shoddy pair of wings? Bad dealin on your part.” Sentry's mind shot back. He turned to look at Isobel and spoke out loud. “This guy wants to take you to Ketheric. We should prepare for a fight. I'll protect you ask best I can but I doubt he came without reinforcements.” “I hate that you're right about that.” Shadowheart winced, looking around as the winged intruder cried out, his call bringing horrid winged fiends down on the inn in droves. A ring of moonlight surrounded Shadowheart as she drew her mace and raised her shield. Sentry's halbered glowed with raging fire and he swung a vicious arc at Markus as Isobel drew her staff, standing between Shadowheart and Sentry as she glanced warily about.
Down on the bar level, Wyll and Astarion turned their heads at the sound of a scream as one of the creatures lifted Mol into the sky and began to fly away with her. Astarion fired a few shots at the thing but it flew to quickly and, cursing, he ran to join Wyll in the battle. Kroger and Octavia joined the fray as well as Jaheira shifted into the form of a massive black panther and Rolan staggered to his feet, throwing up a shield over the remaining tiefling children. A hulking cave bear burst onto the scene followed by Lae'zel with her sword drawn and psionic energy coursing through her feet. Outside at the blacksmith, Jaina and Karlach heard the commotion and ran towards the inn, neither one noticing the creature swooping directly towards them causing Jaina to trip, her head hitting hard against the ground as her vision spun and her world swam out of focus. The last thing she saw was Karlach reaching helplessly for her as she felt herself lifted into the air and carried away. The last thought in her mind before she fell unconscious was 'Shit....Tibs always said I was clumsy...'
By the time the dust settled, Sentry watched calmly as Markus' head rolled from his body. He pressed his foot down on it to stop it and then turned, extending a hand to help Isobel to her feet. “Are you alright, Iz? Can I call you Iz?” Sentry asked as the half-elf accepted his hand and let him help her to her feet. “A little familiar for someone you just met, don't you think?” Isobel quirked an eyebrow. “But anyway, thank you...If it weren't for you, I'd have been dragged to Moonrise and all of these people would be dead...” “One thing I don't get, though...why does Ketheric want you alive? I understand the stopping your magic thing, he's a necromancer or something so a lot of dead people is good for his line of work, but he could achieve that same thing by just killing you, which probably would have been way easier.” Sentry frowned, studying Isobel's expression. “Who knows, perhaps to torture or to turn into one of his True Souls...” Isobel shuddered, but although Sentry missed it, Shadowheart picked up on a twinge of guilt and shame on Isobel's face as she spoke. Her eyes darted to Sentry, noting with annoyance that of course he didn't catch it. Still, something to keep in her back pocket till it was useful.
“Isobel! Thank the gods you are alright...” Jaheira panted as she dashed into the room. “Sentry dispatched my would-be abductor quite handily...I'm fine.” Isobel nodded. “To think that Ketheric would send his creatures directly to us like this...Now it is more vital than ever that he be defeated, and quickly.” The druid frowned. “I'll go find the rest of my party and head out, then.” Sentry nodded. “I feel like defeating this 'Ketheric' guy is something I would enjoy anyway.” He mused as he began to make his way downstairs, Shadowheart not far behind him. The moment they arrived in the tavern proper, the place was abuzz with commotion. Halsin and Kroger were healing the injured while Octavia and Gale did their best to calm the remaining children. Astarion was, predictably, checking the intruder's corpses for loot while Lae'zel helped the strongest of the Harpers cart out bodies and pile them. Karlach was speaking rapidly and breathlessly to Wyll, gesturing wildly and seemingly panicked.
Shadowheart broke off to help Halsin and Kroger with their healing work. Sentry noticed Rolan had return to the bar, a bit worse for wear. He gestured a quick healing spell his way as he approached and sat beside him.
“Rough day, huh, buddy?” Sentry asked. “Hmmph...Of course it would be YOU showing up now after it's all over.” The wizard scoffed bitterly, taking a sip of his drink. Sentry looked around the room and then back to Rolan. “I helped clear out the attack, I was upstairs.” “Not the attack I mean.” Rolan glared. “You and your friends and those pretty words about 'sticking together' and 'helping the weak'. You certainly got Cal and Lia excited to play heroes...And what did it get them? Taken away by that bloody cult.” He slammed down his drink. “You guys saved everyone, though, Alfira told me...” Sentry looked at him in wide eyed confusion. “Oh, well everything's fine, then, isn't it? Perhaps she'll write a song about me...” Rolan sneered, finishing his drink. “It won't bring Cal and Lia back from those dungeons...” “Then I will. If I got you guys into this mess, it's my job to get you all out.” Sentry offered, placing a hand on Rolan's shoulder. Rolan slapped his hand away, eyes blazing with fury. “NO. They are MY responsibility. Take your big damn hero act somewhere else, you oaf.” And he stormed off, leaving Sentry sitting there, blinking in bewilderment. “Ah beans...I should probably go after him.” Sentry sighed, rising to his feet. He got about half way across the tavern floor before Wyll and Karlach hurried over to him, both looking distraught. Sentry stopped, looking back and forth between the two. “What happened, are you both okay? Halsin and the clerics are healing people up right now, so...” “No, we're fine....But they took Jaina...She's been taken to Moonrise...” Wyll's expression was one of horror. He was worried for Jaina, Sentry knew that well enough, but the paladin considered for a moment the opportunity this afforded them. Jaina was strong enough to hold out until help arrived and more than that, she was smart. Smarter than most people Sentry knew. Put on top of that the way she could hide her feelings behind that inscrutable mask of diplomacy, and now they had a spy on the inside. The tables were turned on Ketheric and the general would think it was an advantage. “We'll get her back, Wyll. Don't worry. I'm heading there right now.” Sentry assured him.”We won't leave anyone behind.”
---- Jaina opened her eyes slowly, wincing as she reached up and clutched her throbbing head. She was laid out not in a prison cell but on a comfortable, if a bit dusty and long-unused bed. A skeletal dog sat beside the bed at perfect attention, watching her.
“Oh...that wasn't my proudest moment.” She hissed in pain. “I'm assuming this is Moonrise Tower, then...appropriately creepy, but with a few homey touches. I suppose not much worse than using one of the older buildings in town when we dock.” She pulled back the covers and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, rising to her feet. She noted that the dog immediately scurried out the door. “Eyes and ears everywhere. Well, it's a military base, so...fair enough.” She began to explore the room, examining the dusty paintings of what appeared to be a happy family. A tall, imposing male half-elf in Selunite armor, a smaller woman in Selunite robes, and a smiling fair haired little girl in blue play clothes. This painting hung above a fire place near a small vanity mirror that seemed to have fresh flowers placed on it. A portrait nearer to the bed showed a beautiful half-elf woman with silvery hair, pale grey eyes, and Selunite robes. Her makeup was similar to the style Jaina wore, a typical choice for devotees of various gods and goddesses, Jaina's was the same deep black shade, and she assumed the only difference would be unnoticeable to most, the fact that ground shells were used to achieve the color of hers in honor of her goddess. She almost laughed. Those flying creatures couldn't tell a tiefling from a half-elf. She was slowly realizing she had been brought here in the place of someone else. “Forgive me this insult, True Soul. Clearly I relied on fools to carry out what I believed was a very clear, simple task.” A voice from the doorway interrupted her thoughts, dour and cold as an open grave. Jaina turned to find herself face to face with a very tall half-elf dressed in heavy armor, a circlet set with a skull pushing back his wiry grey hair. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry...I understand this is a very heavy disappointment for you.” Jaina inclined her head politely, keeping her words sincere but guarded. “It's my fault for trusting that one easily convinced soldier could accomplish something this important. But, perhaps you can be of more use than he was. You appear intelligent...Truth be told, you remind me of...her...in some ways.” The old man sighed, motioning for Jaina to follow him. The tiefling nodded. This was her chance, explore the tower, take in absolutely everything she saw, and report back to the others. Already, she noted a horrible sound like wet meat slapping together inside the walls, a horribly undulating squelch that seemed to cause the tower to shake just a little. “You know, rats in the woodwork have been the end of a lot of great ships.” Jaina commented, looking at the walls as the noises continued.
“Then it's a good thing we are in a fortress of stone and not aboard some rickety pirate vessel.” The General replied hollowly, not looking back at her. Jaina's mouth twitched at the insult, but she bit her lip and continued after him. “You have a beautiful family, General...I'm sorry for your loss...” She spoke up as they passed another portrait of the serene, pale haired half-elf priestess who must have been his wife. The General said nothing, merely looked back at Jaina, his expression somewhat mournful, she had expected anger. “...Thank you...it's been a long time...” “If I may, what was she like?” Jaina asked, noting the kind, calm smile the woman always seemed to wear and the distinctly Selunite garb. This curse was Sharran and Ketheric's armor was Myrkulite. There had to be some connection. He seemed surprised to be asked about his wife, like no one had bothered to in quite a long time. He barely hid the expression behind his dour frown in time. “She was dutiful, kind, intelligent...a remarkable woman. She devoted her life to her goddess and to her family...but somehow, that wasn't enough for Selune.” Jaina nodded softly. “I see...it isn't quite the same, but my maternal grandmother was a devoted priestess of Umberlee...She used to help care for me when I was a child. She was strong and kind, and the most devoted priestess I ever met...She got sick, though...and Umberlee called her back to the sea...I think sometimes the Gods miss their most faithful, they think we're selfish keeping them all to ourselves...it can feel unfair with all the power they have, can't it?”
Ketheric raised a brow, frowning at the sorceress. “Yes, it can....And when they take the things we love and leave us in our pain, they don't deserve our worship. What they forget is that we are able to simply find a god who does....”
--- The party was ready to set out, near to leaving the inn when Halsin stopped Sentry, taking his hand gently but firmly. The young tiefling looked up at the elf and cocked his head to one side. “Something wrong, Halsin?” “I have offered to stay behind to help with a sick man in the main room...He mentioned a name I can't ignore...The healer attending him believes he may have been trapped in the Shadowfell for a hundred years or more and something of his may jar him out of his slumber...if you find anything, please bring it back here. He could be the key to finding my friend and breaking this curse.” The druid explained, looking Sentry directly in the eyes, his expression pleading.
“No worries, I promised you I'd help, didn't I?” Sentry replied, nodding his head. “I'll bring whatever I find back here fast as I can...just as soon as I rescue Rolan...and Jaina...and the rest of the Tieflings...and Jaina's gnome friend's....husband?” Sentry squinted as he tried to remember. “Anyway, I'll remember! Back in a flash.” And with that he hurried towards the door. Kroger remained back with Halsin to attempt to help in any way his Ghustil training would allow with the comatose Flaming Fist recruit. The rest of the party set off from the inn out into the dark of the Shadow Curse yet again. The light blessed teddy bear bounced bravely at Karlach's hip even as the pixie blessing and Selune's light shielded the party. Kroger liked to think that added at least a little extra protection, or at least morale.
--- Sentry paused, forcing back a look of anguish that threatened to cross his face as the party stumbled upon the bodies of those who didn't make it when the tieflings were ambushed. He looked over each and every face, trying to remember what he could about them. Every mutilated body brought back a flash of memory to his mind, a bound and terrified figure, screams for mercy, blood...so much blood...He felt his stomach turn when the realization finally hit him. He had done these things before. The murder of the Dragonborn bard was not the first time. Only the first time he had felt guilty, only the first time he hadn't reveled in it. He heaved and wretched, going to his knees in a nearby ditch as he was violently ill.
It dawned on him like it never had before, these people were alive, happy, celebrating alongside him only...what? Weeks? Maybe even only days ago. And now here they were, slaughtered like animals and scattered along the road. The wounds weren't from shadow creatures, not from goblins either. People did this. Humans, elves, dwarves, maybe even other tieflings. The wounds were distinct and the attacks deliberate, more so the order they happened in were done one of two ways split amongst the group of refugees. To halt a fleeing target or to maximize suffering before death. There were few signs if any to suggest the refugees had fought back, so he supposed any who did were captured instead, but why? Slowly, he rose to his feet, shaking out his wrists and squeezing his eyes shut as he let one last shudder pass through his body. “Alright....We need to hurry.” He remarked. “Octavia, Gale, would you two mind returning to the inn to fetch someone to retrieve the bodies? It isn't right to leave them like this.”
Gale nodded, wincing at the sight. “We'll be as quick as we can...Those people deserved better...” Octavia began to trace out a portal with her index finger, murmuring a spell as the rest of the party pressed onward. Sentry picked up speed as they pushed into the thick of the Shadow Curse, nearing the sounds of battle. Karlach kept pace with him fairly easily with Shadowheart not far behind. Wyll and Astarion hurried to keep up as Sentry hoisted himself over a crumbling wall and down a small ravine, charging forward with a burst of speed. Rolan was panting for breath as he felt his mana near depletion. He was cut and bleeding in several places and his robes were damaged. He cursed under his breath. Even if he did survive this, he could forget looking presentable when he arrived for his apprenticeship. Worthless. He couldn't rescue Cal and Lia, he couldn't defeat a few shadow creatures, he couldn't even keep up appearances. He felt near ready to just give in and accept his fate when the creature in front of him exploded with an agonized cry in a flash of light. He blinked up and groaned in annoyance. It would be that big, dumb paladin rushing in to save him like some knight in shining armor with that stupid friendly smile on his face like a pet dog. “Hang on, Rolan...I've got you, buddy.” Sentry grinned, positioning himself between Rolan and the remaining creatures. “You look parched, soldier! Have a pick me up!” Karlach called out as she cleaved a shadow creature into nothing with one hand on her axe while the other hand tossed a healing potion to Rolan. These. Idiotic. Wannabe. Heroes. Didn't they understand? He gritted his teeth, his hand shaking as he looked down at the potion bottle. Everything came so easily for them, they were strong, lucky, practically chosen by some greater power. How could he compete? How could he ever be good enough? He wasn't even good enough to save his own siblings. “Worse yet, I'm too cowardly to let myself die after all my failures...I still want to live...damn it!” He bit his lip as he opened the potion bottle and drank deeply from it. When the dust cleared, Sentry turned to face him with a relieved smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Rolan! You're okay! We were worried about you...Oh, here, before I forget...” Sentry fished the little silvery bell out of his pocket and shook it, whispering the words as Rolan's body began to shine with silvery light like the rest of the party. “Yes....of course...thanks to you brave heroes, the failure of a wizard who couldn't even save his own siblings has survived...Gods damn it....” He looked away, face flushed with anger and humiliation. “You should have left me for dead.” He slapped Sentry's hand away, causing the other tiefling to step back with a guilty frown.
“You're my friend, Rolan. I couldn't do that. Besides, think of how Cal and Lia will feel when we break them out and you're not there.” Sentry insisted. “Come with us! We're stronger together, right?” Rolan shook his head, shoving past Sentry. “No....I know when I'm outmatched. You're the brave knight in shining armor who rescues the distressed refugees....and I'm the drunk who thinks he's better than he is...I'll only slow you down...” Sentry was about to turn to follow Rolan, to try and talk to him again, but Wyll approached the wizard first with a gentle expression. “You held your own against The Shadowcurse with little to no protection and even suffering from it, you stood your ground in a dangerous fight and made it to the tower. You're not weak, Rolan. You knew the people your loved were in danger and you put them first. Consequences or not, you tried to do what was right. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero. For now, though? Rest. Your time will come.” The warlock gave him a reassuring nod and for once, Rolan did not have a clever retort or a barb, he simply frowned and inclined his head, making his way back towards the inn. “Damn, how is it you always know what to say, Wyll? All that noble training?” Karlach gave a little chuckle. “You've gotta teach me and Sentry sometime.” “Hardly, I've just met so many people over the years I've spent as The Blade and very often I've been where they've been. When I made my pact with Mizora, I'd wager I felt just what Rolan was feeling right now. Overwhelmed, helpless, like everything was on my shoulders and I couldn't ask for help...I just told him what I would have wanted to hear back then, and to be assured I'd done the right thing...” Wyll replied, slowly sitting down on a raised root and looking up at his party. “Well, at least he'd already killed most of them by the time we got here, it'll make getting into the tower a lot easier.” Astarion sighed, glancing around at the slightly glowing orbs of necrotic remnants that lay on the ground. “Shall we continue then?” --- Jackal leaned against the wall of the throne room, smirking wickedly as Ketheric took a seat in the massive chair at the head of the place. That Z'rell woman stood beside him on one side, and on the other, that pretty little school teacher he'd seen traveling with Sentry. Soldiers of The Absolute stood about the room waiting to listen in to the trial about to take place. A group of goblins shuddered, huddled together off to the side and Minthara knelt before the throne. Her eyes were darting about the room and Jackal knew she was looking for Gabraela. His grin widened, knowing the tiefling was busy somewhere else and not likely to come to her rescue.
Z'rell glared down at Minthara. “True Soul Minthara, are we to understand that you and the entire army The Absolute provided for you were undone by a band of unknown adventurers simple thrown together from survivors of a crash?” “You do not understand, these goblins---” Minthara began. “Oi blamin' us? As if it weren't your fault, princess!” A male goblin spat. Minthara glared icily at him and continued. “If you had given me proper drow soldiers, I might have...” “So you blame The Absolute for your incompetence? The resources provided to your were not good enough?” Ketheric sounded almost bored with the precedings. Jaina's eyes flicked to him, watching his face. This was all theatre, he didn't care what happened to his subordinates and despite the stoic expression and his relaxed position, he was itching to get out of this room, to tend to something else. Things were about to go very poorly for this woman the more time she took up arguing. “No! I ….Please, just give me another chance....I could...I shall retrieve the artifact...” Minthara insisted. “You had your chance and you wasted it...Guards, take her to the dungeons to be...re-educated.” Ketheric waved her off as two heavily armored guards came to take her away. “What!? No! You cannot! I am of House Baenre!” She struggled as she was dragged off. “Bye bye princess.” The goblins jeered. “Told 'er it'd go badly.” Jackal whistled with a dry, choking laugh, shaking his head. “Next, these goblins...They are also survivors of the failed attempt to retrieve the artifact.” Z'rell announced as the goblins were forced to the center of the room.
Jaina frowned. She recognized them from the goblin camp and a guilty part of her wondered how the children she'd set under the sleep spell were doing. Were these the only adults from their clan they had left? She shifted uncomfortably. “We was nothing but loyal! Did as we was told! That lady up there saw us, tell 'em, miss!” The male goblin looked to Jaina, desperation in his eyes. Even without moving, it was as if he reached for her like a drowning sailor reaches for a rock to hold onto. “It's true, they certainly did all The Absolute asks of them.” Jaina replied. It wasn't a lie, they had been awful, evil little bastards, they way this one in particular had been tormenting poor Barcus, but those children kept coming to mind, goblin or not, they were little and they needed to be cared for. This group might be all they had. “Loyalty is what you ask of a dog. I demand results. We are too close to end to tolerate failure.” Ketheric sneered, waving the goblins off. One of the goblins tensed. Jaina could see there was going to be trouble as the goblin woman swiftly grabbed an axe from the guard standing watch over the group. “You creakin' old bag!” The goblin shouted. The next chain of events all happened so fast Jaina was sure she'd stood frozen the whole time, unable to even consider how to react. The goblin woman threw the axe, striking Ketheric between his neck and shoulder blade, a blow which should have killed any man. The General slumped back a moment and then grabbed the axe, pulling it free from his flesh and rising to his feet as he did. He began to slowly stalk towards the frightened, retreating goblins, axe in hand, until he was glaring down at the woman. “Try again.” His voice was hollow, empty, as he handed her the axe.
This time, with trembling hands, she buried it in his chest with a heavy swing and a grunt of effort. Ketheric still stood. His expression never changed, there was no triumphant smirk, no taunting laugh or sneer, but with that same empty gaze, he raised his armor clad fists and brought them down with a sickening crack and a wet squelch, caving the goblin's head like a melon. “I don't have time to deal with every miserable failure that returns here, Z'rell. Make use of our newest True Soul, have her handle these wretches.” Thorm did not even look back as he left the room slowly. The orcish woman looked at Jaina, her smile was hungry, a bit lustful even. Anywhere else Jaina would have returned the expression, but she thought better of it. Strength and authority was needed here, she decided and she thought of Tibs back in the city. She took her brother's stance instantly, hands locked behind her back, feet shoulder width apart, head raised just so, chest out. “You heard the general, True Soul. Deal with these ones....and don't be afraid to get creative.” The orc smirked, turning and following Ketheric. Jaina looked at the goblins, approaching and slowly marching around them in a circle, pretending to think deeply about her course of action. She frowned and hummed to herself, cycling through thoughtful expressions as though she were deeply considering the best course of action here. Finally, she looked to the guards. “Let them go.” She ordered. The guards hesitated, exchanging looks of confusion. “Well, you heard me. How can word of The Absolute spread if we kill anyone who is imperfect? How can we expect to grow a proper army when learning experiences are squandered?” “Oh...Oh thank you, your ladyship! We will spread word of The Absolute! We will do better!” The goblins clamored, bowing and scraping. “Praise The Absolute.” Jaina intoned, raising her arms up and using the voice her mother had always used when preaching the word of Umberlee to the people of the island.
#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate 3#tiefling#oc#dark urge#durge#oc: sentry ojeda#writing#fanfic#Rolan#bg3 rolan#wyll ravengard#bg3 wyll#karlach cliffgate#karlach#wyll#shadowheart#tav#OC: Jaina Thalassia#OC: Jackal Silk#OC: Octavia of Creche K'liir#OC: Kroger of Creche K'liir#minthara baenre#minthara#ketheric thorm#bg3 ketheric#Z'rell#Githyanki#astarion ancunin#astarion
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If you make a character who is unanimously disliked, ask yourself why. If they're the villain, good! They are meant to be disliked unless there's some other circumstance that makes you need someone to like them. But if they're a good guy, you need to change something. The hero is meant to be at least somewhat likeable, unless there's some other circumstance that makes you need to hate them.
I forgive Feanorians. I forgive Malygos, Deathwing, Jaina and Murozond. Hell, I could probably forgive Grindelwald. I don't forgive him. He makes me uncomfortable (Probably because several people have accused him of sexual misconduct) and he does nothing but antagonize people. You call him such a great character but all he actually does is threaten people and not do anything.
This is directed towards a certain friend who wouldn't know it was them if I flat out said it was to their face.
#vent post#cw vent#SA mention#TW SA#not directed at anyone here#You may hear more about this person later#I might take this down later.#Vent#venting
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...I was tempted to ignore this, but you chose to put this in the Sylvanas tag despite confessing that this post isn't for Sylvanas fans, so idk what you were expecting.
How do you make a satisfying villain arc for Sylvanas? You can't. Because at this point one cannot escape what wanting a character like Sylvanas a villain arc says about oneself as a creator.
Sylvanas' character arc was deliberately sabotaged in BFA by Alex Afrasiabi, an actual sexual predator. BFA was supposed to take Sylvanas in a very different direction, but then Chris Metzen left WoW and Afrasiabi pivoted super hard because he was pissed that Garrosh was villain batted instead of Sylvanas in MoP.
And it's not surprising that Alex hated Sylvanas, given his track record. Sylvanas' death and undeath reads to many as sexual violence, considering how Arthas went out of his way to violate her soul and even tells her it was her fault for denying him. Hers is among the most explicit, most recognized case of sexual violence in WoW's, second only to Alexstasza who was ACTUALLY a rape survivor. And in case you think she was treated any better by the narrative, in War Crimes, Christie Golden wrote it so Baine strong armed Alexstrazsa into forgiving the orcs who violated her.
Back to Sylvanas, her undeath is literally the only claim she has to possibly being a villain. Canonically. Alliance characters all talk about how the 'brave and heroic Ranger General died against the Scourge and the Banshee Queen is just a cruel mockery and we are right about this and totally don't just hate the Forsaken cuz they're gross. We promise!' Before BFA, there was no real claim for Sylvanas to be a villain. The Wrathgate wasn't her fault, every Forsaken she raises is given a choice to serve her or not, invading Gilneas was ordered by Garrosh, the Blighting of Southshore was meant to mirror the Alliance burning down Turajo (which the Alliance got a pass on, thanks again to Golden), and she called for a retreat on the Broken Shore because they were already losing, making the idea that she betrayed the Alliance completely ludicrous. The story had to twist itself in knots and break itself in half to even begin to paint Sylvanas as a villain. But Afrasiabi and others think that Sylvanas being an angry woman who suffered insane trauma is enough cause for her to have a villain arc because framing traumatized women as villains is just what Blizzard does (Kerrigan, Widowmaker, Jaina etc)
"Oh but she's always been a ruthless, amoral, complex character." Well that probably wasn't helped by the fact that different quests and story events featuring Sylvanas were all written by different people who clearly did not communicate with each other at all. Seriously. From the authors of books to fucking quest designers can just write what they want and are not obligated to listen to the on staff lore experts when they point out a mistake in their writing. And keep in mind, Blizzard is already a very misogynistic work environment up to its neck in SA allegations to this day.
"Oh, but the Forsaken have always had elements of evil to them!" Because devs and writers wanted to just have the Forsaken be an evil race and Christ Metzen, the creator, had to argue them on this for years until he got tired and left. There are devs on staff that just want the Warcraft 1&2 model of 'Horde bad, Alliance good' despite the fact that very little of the actual playerbase wants that. Hell, people to this day still argue that Garrosh shouldn't have been villain batted. The idea since WC3 was that there are no quintessential good guys in Warcraft. It hasn't stuck to that idea consistently because, again, devs and writers just doing what they want, but that is the intended outline left by Metzen (who they recently brought back btw)
"But why does all that matter?" Because you cannot divorce Sylvanas from the canon events in her life and the intention behind them by the writers. Blizzard is a deeply misogynistic company who either has their female characters be arm candy for hunky men or become raid bosses for committing the crime of being traumatized and angry at the aggressors about it. And even then Sylvanas' character arc was an egregious case of sabotage that left everyone unhappy. The Forsaken players who were watching their queen get villain batted, the Nelf players who just lost their starting zone, Horde players who were forced to suffer ANOTHER evil warchief story, and Alliance players who shipped Sylvanas with Jaina. None of them were happy. The only ones that might have been happy were Worgen mains who were itching to live out their 'mind break' fics where their shitty ocs got to rape her.
And even after taking all of that into account, you still want to make Sylvanas a villain, you have to ask yourself why it's so important to you. Cuz off the top of my head, the two possibilities are you just want an uncomplicated evil bitch (which, in that case, Azshara is RIGHT THERE) or... you're a Worgen main.
I asked this question in a discord and really only a couple people answered before the conversation derailed into complaining about the Desolate Council/mostly Calia, but I'm also gonna ask here just for more input.
(Pretty much copy-pasted from what I asked in the server:)
So in the variety of conversations I’ve seen, I’ve seen multiple people say Sylvanas’ fall into villainy “could have made sense.” And, well, I’m curious to know what people think could’ve been a more logical route. I’m just not that familiar with the character, and reading her wiki page will only get me so far. I’m asking because I’ve got an AU where none of Shadowlands happened, but Teldrassil and the Fourth War did. Sylvanas is the main antagonist. The story is gonna follow Cathala and Tarinne tracking her and her loyalists down to kill them. But I want to do Sylvanas as much justice as I can, because she’s a complex character and I can understand why people like(d) her pre-BfA.
I’m not asking so I can steal ideas, don’t worry, I’ve just hit a wall and want to see what other people — who are more familiar with the character — have to say. Or if there's an official novel I should check out (or even an "almost as good as/better than canon" fanfic), you can point me in that direction too.
TL;DR What are some ways I could make Sylvanas' fall into villainy make logical sense, with the stipulation that the Jailer isn't a factor and Teldrassil has to happen by her hand?
(reblogs appreciated because the target audience of this blog is definitely not Sylvanas/Forsaken fans </3)
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I have this idea for a WoW/BNHA fic where instead of accepting Endeavor’s invitation to go train at his agency, Shouto gets mentored by either Jaina or Kael’thas (or both) when they wind up on Earth (because reasons).
I thought it simple at first, until I came across a problem. It was originally going to be about Alonsus Faol learning how if Shouto can learn how to use both his ice half and fire half of his quirk, then it should be possible for a priest - and even a paladin - to use the Light and the Void without suffering heavy repercussions. But then, a couple days ago when this idea first germinated at work, I stopped and thought Get real, Grand, no one’s going to read a fic about Alonsus Faol because he’s connected to Calia, and you KNOW how people are with her, so I stepped away from it. After all, Alonsus Faol isn’t really a character that stands out beyond being ‘that man of the cloth who created the first human paladin order, died, was raised as Scourge, regained his free will and broke away, went under the radar for 20+ years, and resurrected the princess of a fallen kingdom into lightforged undeath’.
Then I thought What about Jaina? and it seemed like I had something going at first: BFA-era!Jaina teaching Shouto fire magic.
Until I suddenly remembered KAEL’THAS! and considered replacing Jaina instead with him, perhaps a version of him not manipulated and driven mad by the Burning Legion, or reborn into HeroAca as a foreigner with the Quintessential Elf Ears and a fire quirk that lets him conjure phoenixes, or a pre-WC3 version of him, or even an AU version of him where the Quel’dorei never experienced the Fall of Quel’Thalas or the defilement of the Sunwell.
Then I thought But what about Jaina? and. Well. You can kind of see how I waffled from there lol. I just couldn’t decide on one or the other, especially since their last canon interaction was soured by the love triangle Arthas and Kael were in pursuing Jaina, and AFAIK Kael’thas’s only other interaction with someone from his mortal life is Vashj from TBC; he hasn’t had the luxury - if at all - of having the opportunity of talking to Jaina again, and Jaina herself has gone through plenty of hardships and trauma herself that could have put her on the path to Knight Templarhood gone too far (we’re not going to talk about the dreadlord memes, and that’s a whole other can of problematic worms I won’t open here).
So this puts me at an impasse: Either I throw in a Fire Mage!Jaina to fill in the quota (and there is precedent for an AU, thanks to Hearthstone), put in Kael’thas from one the above mentioned states, or plop both Jaina and Kael’thas pre-WC2/WC3 (or an AU where both live a.k.a Kael’thas doesn’t defect to the Legion/stays Horde as Sun King of Quel’Thalas/becomes an Alliance subfaction) into the setting of HeroAca and they can teach Shouto how to use both sides of his quirk (or, in Jaina’s case, how to reinforce his ice half, whereas Kael’thas would help with his fire half). Or, if I really want to take it that far, make it a Reincarnation Canon Divergence AU where they regain their memories, angst, and teach him.
Honestly, it could go any of these ways.
I just wanted this to be a simple one-shot but I guess I’m not getting that right away lmao
#warcraft#bnha#fanfiction#mywriting#let's call this 'that one story where jaina and/or kael teach shouto magic'#idk what do you guys think?#i honestly don't know what starting point i should go with they're all viable options#i hate to have to make this fic the 'choose your own adventure' thing#or something like dragon age origins but the wardens you didn't pick get axed as a result#gdi brain why do you have to make things complicated for me??
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Which Star Wars movie is your favorite, and why? Also, what are your thoughts on the EU?
Return of the Jedi, and here's why:
I know that a lot of people pick Empire Strikes Back as the best of the original trilogy, and obviously it's pretty much the best from a technical/storytelling/emotional beat perspective. In contrast, elements of ROTJ can be repetitive (really guys, you couldn't think of something besides ANOTHER DEATH STAR?) and a little goofy (I don't hate the Ewoks or anything, but still). But it's the movie that most perfectly encapsulates what Star Wars is about, it makes choices that other sci-fi movies even today (indeed, especially today, with the focus on Grimdark Cynicism) never do, and it brings all the trilogy's character arcs and plotlines to a satisfying and emotionally resonant end. Alas that George Lucas hasn't been legally forbidden from messing with it after the fact (why, oh WHY, did he have to add in that silly ROTS-esque "NOOOO" when Vader decides to kill Palpatine and save Luke???), but still. It's the SW movie that gives me the most straight-up chills and feelings, because like???
The whole plotline of Vader being ultimately redeemed and making the choice, even at the end of his life, to reject the dark side and fulfill his destiny after all? He's one of the most iconic villains in movie history and yet you fucking CRY when he dies (I've seen this movie hundreds of times and LITERALLY EVERY TIME). Luke Skywalker, Padme Amidala and Beru Lars' son who has kindness seared into the marrow of his bones, looking pure evil in the face, throwing his lightsaber aside, and announcing that he's not going to stoop to its level, he will not fight it, he will not turn to the dark side, he will do better? The MUSIC during Vader and Luke's duel??? The fact that a movie in 1983 let Lando Calrissian be the hero who destroyed the Death Star? Han and Leia continuing to be OTP #goals, from the Jabba's-palace-rescue to the callback to the ESB "I love you/I know" with Leia getting to say it? THE FINAL SHOT OF OBI-WAN AND ANAKIN (AND YODA BUT YES) REUNITED IN DEATH AND AT PEACE IN THE FORCE, GAZING SMILINGLY UPON THEIR CHILDREN TOGETHER???
IT'S ALL SO MUCH, AND IT GIVES ME SO MANY FEELINGS, AND YES. The emphatic affirmation of goodness, decency, courage, and compassion, the story of the good guys actually getting to win because they're not "morally equivalent" to the bad guys and everything is a morally relativistic Machiavellian hellscape etc etc Nobody Believes In Happy Endings Because We Are Very Smart? It's genuine and genuinely emotional in a way that so much modern media (ESPECIALLY the sequel trilogy) shies away from or tries to be "ironic" about, and that's why it really works.
As for the EU, I read every single book, more or less, in my Star Wars-obsessed teenage years. Obviously, the wide variety of authors and plotlines meant that some were better than others, and I would definitely have a different perspective on them as an adult. But they were an integral part of my childhood and I am still absolutely on the "Han and Leia got married, lived happily ever after, and had three kids, Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin" train. Likewise, they could have stopped before killing everybody and making everything go dark since they were out of ideas (Chewie's death in Vector Prime TRAUMATIZED me, as did the subsequent killing/darksiding of Anakin and Jacen Solo), but anyway, yes. The fact that I am now almost 34 years old and getting back into an actual Star Wars hyperfixation is deeply amusing to me. Full circle, and etc.
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it's Monday and i did not wake up in a good mood, so i cheered myself up by rereading that time i experienced the first book in the New Jedi Order EU Star Wars series and liveblogged it to @cassiopixie. yes, that's the book where Chewie dies. no, she did not warn me. in case you want to experience the Nonsense™ for yourself...
well, i'm just diving into Vector Prime with absolutely no knowledge of the larger EU, so we'll see what happens
can't believe that run-on got published
…in what universe would Threepio's voice be considered "melodious" Leia. honey. are you okay. blink once for yes and twice for no.
if Mara's eyes sparkle or twinkle one more time i'm gonna riot
Mary: I was suddenly slammed with the memory of how there's a whole side plot in the EU with Luke falling in love with a Force Ghost who possesses another body and is from the planet CHAD me: ...what the unholy fuck
jfc i hope "Wurth Skidder" isn't a name because it's a fecking terrible one
hm, getting the impression Nomnom might be a bit of a douchebag yeah, he and his buddies just stoned a pit full of droids to death
tell me what's wrong with this, Mary. prove you're better than whoever edited this novel. also they're all young, in case you forgot. in case you forgot Danni is a young woman… she's young.
ah yes, he happily removes his disguise and surveys his "ornamental disfigurements" like a split eyelid and torn mouth, because that's totally a normal thing to do
the thing turns itself inside-out and resembles the head of the dude he's talking to. what. the. fuck!
ah yes, recreational organ transplants, my favorite activity
this Wookiee's name is Triebakk and i s2g i keep reading it as Trebek so this Wookiee is Alex Trebek, the beloved host of Jeopardy gets really funny when the dude howls in protest imagine someone getting a Jeopardy question wrong and Alex Trebek just screaming wordlessly at them
politics are boring. i hope Jacen goes full Darth Brayden on them soon and stabs somebody
me: how much younger is he than the twins? Mary: Like…three years younger, I think??? Mary: So obviously he's not a baby, but a BABY all the same me: the wiki says a year and a half lol. so he'd be between 14 and 15, since the twins are 16… me: not QUITE a baby. a senior baby, perhaps. (aka the reason Anakin Solo is referred to as 'Senior Baby' frequently for the rest of this thing)
this story is going to be an ordeal
okay yeah Anakin's 15 and fucked up the Falcon by trying some flashy flying lmao gosh i love reading about characters who don't, you know, get off on MUTILATING THEMSELVES
HAH Anakin insults the Falcon and Chewie threatens to bite the kid's lightsaber in half. this is why the sequels sucked. none of this tomfoolery.
Lando invented an asteroid-dodging game that's only MODERATELY dangerous and somehow i'm not surprised at all
Mary: God do these guys ever RELAX and NOT TORTURE EACH OTHER
me: that'd be a no Mary: I…are we just reading carefully disguised hentai? me: very possibly
Mara's sick, the ~mysterious illness~ aka what's probably like mutated YV sperm or something, these sick fucks, is attacking her uterus and she's afraid she won't be able to have children… got some news for ya, lady you'll have a Ben eventually. he's MUCH better than the one we have now, i'm sure…
Jacen's in a Mood so he goes to annoy his little brother, a relatable sentiment
oh god Jacen is in top "i'm older and i know best so let me lecture you" form
YES THEY'RE GONNA LIGHTSABER BATTLE FUCK EACH OTHER UP a proper non-masochistic beatdown fuck yeah
Han's still fixing the Falcon and in the process gets annoyed at Chewie and zaps him in the ass with a live wire. i think this is flirting.
point in this book's favor, Leia occasionally feels a little jealous of Mara's mentor-student relationship with Jaina, but overall the two of them get along REALLY well and it's just nice to see. no bitchiness or nonsense. good female friendship.
Yomin Carr, sabotaging a ship: ew ew ew i have to touch this filthy technology with my pure mutilated Yuuzhan Vong hands
i'm glad you're my copilot on this adventure. i think otherwise i would've quit right around the time the sadomasochistic rituals started…
k we're starting off at a dock on a planet called Reecee. i initially read that as Reeeee and wondered why anyone needed that many Es
Lando: hugs Han Lando: hugs Leia LONGER Han: >:||||| Lando: gives Mara the ULTIMATE HUG Luke: hell yeah my wife totally deserves this
this rando Jedi named Kyp has the top time when it comes to racing through the asteroid belt and Jaina reeeeeally wants to beat him lol Jacen crashes Anakin does better and then faceplants into a giant asteroid Jaina finally crashes after 27 minutes, more than doubling Kyp's time Anakin hasn't come back so i'm just gonna assume he's still floating around out there until i'm told otherwise
lmao Kyp's squadron leaves while blasting music through the loudspeakers and showing off their cool flying
okay, so far Jaina is all awesome all the time, Jacen won't quit philosophizing, and Anakin's the only one who acts like a normal teenager
Kyp's squad is called the Dozen-and-Two Avengers and ngl that does not roll off the tongue at all
OH BOY now Lando wants Han to go to Sernpidal, aka the next target of ol' Nomnom and Luke and Mara are going to the planet Yomin Carr just climate-changed to death Leia tells Han to take their least exciting Senior Baby son with him
sweet, it's Miko! he's going to be fed to a tentacle beast shortly, but hey, he's alive for now what with all the hentai and sadomasochism so far, i guess vore was next on the board
Nom Nom and Da'Gara: wow can't wait to mentally break this Jedi before we toss him to the tentacles!!! evil chuckling
every time Anakin and Chewie are in the same room, they pick on one another lol Chewie, you're like, 300 years old. stop stooping to a fifteen-year-old's level
welp, apparently in seven hours the moon's going to crash into the planet. THANKS NOM NOM
they've figured out SOMETHING is pulling the moon down. i can tell them right now it's disgusting because the YV thrive on that shit Anakin's gonna go find it while Han and Chewie evac as many people as they can… look at Senior Baby, finally getting to do something
god dammit Artoo you're supposed to lay off the rum i bet you haven't been going to your AA meetings again
me: this stuff would be really cool if it wasn't the fucking Yuuzhan Vong Mary: It would also be cool if it wasn't ONE WHOLE SENTENCE
MARA SHANKS THIS BITCH FUCK YEAH press F to pay respects to Yomin Carr? I DON'T THINK SO
oooh, Miko's still alive! i guess they're torturing him by tricking his brain into thinking he's being repeatedly vored
Anakin Solo Has Two Dads
Chewie just fucking YEETS Anakin at Han lol
me: OH MY GOD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK me: WHAAAAAT THE FUUUUUUUCK Mary: …I didn't want to tell you that this was the infamous book where Chewie dies, but… me: CHEWIE NOOOOOO .__.
like, okay, getting an entire moon to the face is a badass way to go, but OMG WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY??????
now i feel bad for Senior Baby. he is baby. someone give him a hug
well, at least Anakin Gets Shit Done, rescuing the x-wing while they're being attacked by insects and he fries them with some electricity, which even Han is happy about. i am also happy because the last couple interactions between them were difficult to read lol
me: oh good, Jacen's not being a dick to Anakin about what happened to Chewie me: awwww Jaina is a good sister, hugging him and all Mary: They're good sibs me: too bad about that death and Sith thing
maybe you should lend Mara to your sons for a while, especially Senior Baby
let's EAT while reading about the fucking Yuuzhan Vong jerking off to pain
i have to revise my earlier prediction, i kinda love them all might be ride-or-die for Senior Baby, surprisingly. he's growing on me
Anakin: alright Jaina's the good pilot let's do some wild telepathic mind-joining shit so she can kick ass and take names through us! Jacen: welp, okay
we were deprived of Darth Aiden and got Darth Jaiden instead. tragedy.
anyway, the sibs do amazing for a bit, but then Anakin gets overloaded and loses the bond then i think he blasts off into hyperspace to escape the asteroids before he goes splat, but blacks out in the process nobody has ANY idea where he went, but Han and Leia go after him anyway. good luck dudes
meanwhile, Anakin's chilling out in dead space like "well, if my sibs are okay, that's cool, i don't mind dying. if they're dead, i'm gonna fucking riot"
Da'Gara: maybe i should be worried about the lack of communication from Yomin Carr? nah lol gonna focus on glory and shit instead
Han: WHERE did these idiot kids get their recklessness from????? Leia: wow. much wonder. very surprise.
Lando: the pilot was wearing a mask we think connected her to the ship, but nobody's tested it. Luke: aight hold on a second
oh thank GOD Han's stopped being a dick, actually hugs his poor kid
Jacen gets to put on the creepy YV living pain suit and creepy YV living breathing apparatus such fun
Miko… goes down taking two more YV with him. godspeed, dude
Jaina, Consummate Badass Pilot, catches the iceborer and skips off into hyperspace in one gorgeous movement
the war council convenes and pretty much decides they are SO fucked …so they're gonna like. evaporate as much moisture off the planet as possible, cool it down so the volcanoes quit working and the entire thing freezes. that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about science to refute it
Senior Baby getting all excited about physics over here
…there are NINETEEN books in the NJO series how many different ways can you have the Yuuzhan Vong fetishizing pain and destroying entire planets
Mary: Thank you for letting me come with you on this wild ride hahaha me: no problem, my dude me: i will never ever touch anything from the EU ever again me: fucking Yuuzhan Vong Mary: Any EU book is better than Crystal Star, where Luke is sad because he can't feel the Force because a sun exploded near them, so he joins a cult that worships a giant golden blob me: that's just an average Wednesday afternoon for me
#it's like my Warrior Cats liveblog but with a lot more sadomasochism!!#feel like i should warn for body horror or something#fucking Yuuzhan Vong
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I think you misunderstood a part here. I said Neltharion specifically because it's not Deathwing that Sabellian and Wrathion look up to, but this glorified "before he was Deathwing he was good" Neltharion. (Something that even Alexstrasza is guilty of in the sense that Blizzard JUST NOW decided to make Neltharion a bad guy from the start "the true spirit of the earth warder watch over you" or what she said) and deus ex Aberrus: he was ALWAYS a bad guy.
Sabellian from the first place was daddy's son who just now in Aberrus saw that no, he is not willing to follow in daddy's footsteps.
Wrathion despises Deathwing yes, but he was very anecdotal about Neltharion to Anduin in the BFA cinematic. (Paraphrasing: my father, a once noble protector of Azeroth turned to Deathwing due to the whispers) he hated Deathwing, but he had a positive look on who he possibly was. Aberrus was the proof that Neltharion never was that "noble protector", he was always shady and manipulating. (Which is inconsistent, because A LLLLOT of characters are anecdotal of Neltharion eventhough it's proven he was shitty to them all their life, see: dracthyr)
Ebyssian's part in this was that even if he didn't know that Neltharion was an ass from the get go, he wanted to cut him out from his life completely. To him he was bad, very much so and whatever remains of him i don't want or need it.
Wrathion (Sabellian too he is just not the main topic now) wanted to get whatever he could from the dragon isles concerning the Black DF, save whatever he can from the old legacy, and Neltharion (the one that was an ass but not yet corrupted completely) was part of it.
The main difference here is Ebyssian completely cutting out Neltharion from his identity(it pained him to call himself heir of Neltharion to a simple door) and Wrathion(and Sabellian) being willing to save this positive picture that an uncorrupted Neltharion provided (which was a lie in the end)
I'll be honest, i did not read Ebyssian's talk, but zeroing either of his siblings out to shun is not wise either, given the situations they were in. That would just turn the one he zeroes out againts him and he needed them united, working together. If one gets berated then the other needs to be as well because it can easily turn into a "yeah but what about him" and then again they get nowhere(as siblings do...). Ebyssian's inconsistency is in that he did not care for the slitherdrakes, when previously in a cutscene Sabellian killed a creature just so it wouldn't be noisy, Ebyssian was about to berate him for it, just put it aside because there were more pressing matters.
My problem is that Blizzard can't take a character(any character for that matter) from 0 to 1. If they do it's really slow. Just think of the most butchered characters ever and Ebyssian's inconsistency becomes insignificant.
Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Varian, Arthas who got retroactively ruined when he was the one character that was well done in his genre, Garrosh's character assassination deserves a book, i could go on.
The only character Blizz doesn't ruin is the ones they kill off, and i damn hope they won't ever touch Cairne for this reason. Thank whoever is responsible for cutting the tauren plotline from Shadowlands.
Which is why i said: Try to see the intention not the end product, because Blizzard's writing and WoW lore is already an unsaveable clusterfuck. And i put way too much emotional investment into characters to let shitty writers ruin them for me when the character is perfect (Wrathion is one of THE most interesting ones they made ever and Ebyssian among crazy(both positive and negative way) characters is a welcome pace change, as tauren usually are the more considering bunch).
If you ask me, where the Black DF story started to snowball is when Ebyssian first told Wrathion and Sabellian to chill and they ignored it. From Blizzard's part it was a stupid ass decision, they literally conveyed all the messages they wanted about Ebyssian, and both Wrathion and Sabellian are clever they should be able to pause their argument for the sake of the mission WHICH THEY DID BEFORE when Sab first got introduced in DF, and they were fighting the djaradin. "We'll discuss this later."
Tldr: characters good, WRITERS bad.
A big rant about the black dragonflight story:
So... as always i have a hard time figuring out where to start...
Least complicated to most complicated i guess?
Ebyssian: SO many people misunderstand or just flat out not get his POV and point he tries to make. Players end up criticizing him for things that are flat out incorrect, such as "not standing up for Wrathion when Sabellian dissed him as fodder and playing extreme centralism"
None of those are true. Just because he didn't punch Sabellian in the face or didn't scream at him, he chewed Sabellian out in THE way Sabellian would get the message. Ebyssian approached Sabellian right away and told him flat out that Wrathion IS his brother and he better start treating him that way. He is "the middle man" but he is not extremely centric, he speaks politics, he had practice in it, he has to walk on eggshells around his brothers because both of them are extremely egoistical AND are being whispered to. I know in this modern day and age everyone wants things straight out, clean and simple otherwise they start screaming "abuse!!" But my peeps... that's not how humans work, that's not how YOU work.
For an overtly simplified example: imagine you are walking on the street, minding your own buisness and your fly is down, showing your underware but you didn't notice yet.
Which would you rather have a stranger pointing and laughing at you, screaming loudly for everyone to hear that your fly is down
A stranger discreetly pushing your arm, and pointing to your fly then quietly they continue on their own walk.
Telling something is one thing, HOW you communicate it is also important because the message gets lost if you don't chose the correct way.
Ebyssian tried his best to communicate to his brothers that Neltharion was never someone to look up to, something that those two always ignored in favor of having another bigdick contest and had to have an "in your face" wake up call in the Aberrus raid.(Sarkareth's death)
Now onto Sabellian:
Eventhough Sabellian is an older character than Wrathion and Ebyssian (both in terms of lore age and irl creation) he is the least developed. We hardly even know his character, everything he did people took as core personality trait for face value. And in all honesty that's all we can do for now. He is shown being caring, he is shown being competitive, he is shown being insecure. It's really not THAT unbelievable that he would call Wrathion fodder. Yes it hurt even to hear, but you know why it hits hard? Because THAT'S what a strained relationship between siblings look like! I had a very bad relationship with my older brother for YEARS and both of us knew exactly what to say to the other to cause the most pain. Siblings have that kind of power over each other and don't tend to pull punches in these cases. And still keep in mind the whispers that was activly keeping them on edge. I really hope the trio will not get broken up because all 3 of them were -one way or another- alone for so long... they deserve to heal.
Onto the problem child Wrathion.
Look... he is a very gray area for many of us.
Children (when we are talking about simple human children) are not responsible for the things they do. Adults take responsibility because they are supposed to know better, they are supposed to teach the younger and guide them.
Now fantasy dragon children that are just hatched but already have the lexical knowledge of a well read adult are absurd... there's no real life equalent for that, it does not exist. So how am i supposed to treat Wrathion?
A snotty, wild, "no parental figure whatsoever to guide him", misguided KID who had a serious world-politics defining shitbrewery - in which case it's "forgive and for the love of Azeroth LEARN FROM THIS WRATHION" (and for the record only forgive it because he is a fictional character, irl kids would catch these hands if they orchestrated a genocide(which is absurd in the first place))
Calculate his mental age as him having all the responsibility, in which case he is an asshole, caused an attempted genocide, sided with orc-hitler, brought Apocalypse 2.0 and weren't even around to help, AND still did not even apologize and also how dare he call Anduin a friend considering he is indirectly the cause of Varian's death. "But kehideni, he did it to prepare-" oh shut up... There is this saying in hungary that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But credits where it is due: he did stab a squid.
Look, you can like what and who you like, but first of all don't expect good writing from World of Warcraft. It's been a spagetti of a story for well over 10 years now. Retcons upon retcons, wedged in new characters, villains that are bigger than the previous ones all the time.
And even so, characters are not static. They can say something then do a contradictory thing right after.
Characters in WoW tend to explicitly explain what and why they do BECAUSE so many different kind of people precieve it, it makes for poor writing but everyone should understand it. But they don't. Ebyssian had a cinematic of him explaining he feels ashamed of his ties to Neltharion and wants nothing to do with him and people question why he won't go into Aberrus.
"But it's irresponsible what if Sabellian and Wrathion fall to the Shasowflame."
Yes, what exactly is Ebyssian supposed to do in that case? Uh huh...
Also both Sabellian and Wrathion had a well educated guess on what awaits in there, shadowflame among those things.
"But Ebyssian convinced them to-"
First of all no, he convinced them to help open the door, also both Sabellian and Wrathion were open about wanting to loot the place. "Part of their legacy" or what...
Would i have changed bits of the writing here or there? Yes, absolutely. But as a veteran WoW fan i learned to see what was intended to be the story, rather than what it became through a long ass production line. I do this with GW2 as well.
(This is exactly why i ignore SL exists btw, since there was absolutely no detectable intention there, it was just a clusterfuck)
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This are totally my own thoughts but I couldn’t help to think this:
I find very interesting that when Jaina starts losing fans, and it’s pretty clear that the fandom adores Maya and Carina, and she is exposed to be a bit of a self centered drama queen, the writers decided to make her the rightful hero and the only one siding with Maya while all others kinda hate her now, and that Maya is becoming the bad guy, even by destroying her character and all the progress she made, especially ruining out of nowhere, all her relationships with other characters especially Carina…
I mean I’m clearly looking too much into it but it seems so clear to me that they want to make Andy ( and Jaina) shine in every way they can, and put Maya down at the same time, seems a bit a coincidence…
I’m just happy Danielle can turn any shitty storyline into something incredible, also they clearly don’t give a shit about Carina, and they are still going for the redemption hero of all storyline for Jack….Someone in the WR really loves that dude, cause let’s be honest it’s one of the most bland useless characters in the series at least in the last 2 season he’s unrecognizable from the first 3.
Maya had one of the best written characters development in the show and now they are destroying it…It’s sad to watch it unfold!
What a disaster and waste of talent
It is an interesting coincidence and I've thought about it myself and do wonder if it has any impact on anything but sadly we'll never know. I'm also surprised that Andy & Maya are actually interacting this season and it seems pretty natural? I mean even when they rarely interacted last season, you could just tell that things were off BTS between them but this season it seems like they're putting that aside? I don't know if it's because Jaina is now happy with the direction things are going in for her character and everything (of course she would be) and Danielle is just a professional no matter what because even last season she was never the issue but I don't know. I think the plan was always to make Andy captain of 19 anyway obviously so it was just the way they were going to go about it that was in question and you just wonder if it was always in the plan to make Maya go down in this way in order to make Andy shine and get back to the top. They probably never expected or intended on Maya being as popular and likable as she became, so I don't know if that had any affect on anything either but it does make you wonder.
Danielle is incredible and carrying this show, they really better realize how lucky they are to have her and how much of an impact she has on everything because she's capable of elevating everyone around her and making nothing out of something in literally any kind of storyline or situation and that's very rare. Yes someone is definitely obsessed with Jack because his character has been useless for seasons now like you said, I stand by the fact that he should've just left with Inara and Marcus and had his happy ending because he had finally developed and got out of old habits and found a family and people who cared about him and wasn't just sleeping around the station and wrecking relationships of the people he cared about and then suddenly they decided to take that away from him and have him go back to the same toxic cycle and it's just tiresome and I'm sorry but Grey does not have the capability to pull of an emotional trauma storyline like this so it just doesn't add up.
I really wish these writers actually gave a damn about Carina and stopped with the stereotypes because she has so much potential and deserves much better. It's a shame they've messed up Maya's character development too because it feels like they really crossed a line with the last scene in tonight's episode. It's one thing for old feelings/emotions from her dad and other trauma to come up onto the surface again because of Beckett like Krista had mentioned in an interview but it's another thing for all her development to complete disappear...it almost feels worse than Season 3 somehow and I just don't know how it's all going to end up.
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9, 19, 29 (lots of 9s)
9. did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
i don't like saying i've dropped things ever, you know me, but probably one of the ones people do just know is erik lehn.sherr. i started writing them for a friend and tbh, while i really enjoy his character, the rpc around him is often... questionable. i've known some very good writers of him, but he's one of those characters that people perceive in a certain way a lot and considering the content matter behind him and how much i know about it, it is just too uncomfortable to deal with. not the subject matter, but rather how people view him in relation to it.
19. do you have ship bias?
correct me if i am wrong but i thinkkkkkk that means you prefer threads with ships you have over non ship threads? if that is true, than no, i don't. like sometimes, i'm in a shippy mood and might do any replies i have in that vein first but it's rare and in general, it's just whatever order i decided was how i was going to tackle the insanity of my drafts. i actually get super annoyed when i see other people consistently prioritize ships threads over everything else (no hate there, but often these same people tell me they really want to write with me and yet.... never respond to anything because of said ship threads), so i try not to do the same to others.
if it just means you prefer certain ships, uh, yes, i do. i certainly harp on jag and jaina often enough to make my preferences obvious. (but lbh any time i get a ship i love it as much as my 'otp' for a muse so maybe not then?)
29. what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
i honestly know a lot of places where i would have done things a little differently, but in general? i like it. a lot of people seem to find her boring and never given enough air to develop. and while i agree she should've received more time on page (which is partly why i'm so said her trilogy never made it past planning), i think what there is was more than enough to give us things to parse out and play with, let alone make her interesting. she was, after all, the first star wars character to truly capture my heart, body, and soul. not leia or padme or any of the guys. her... even back then i needed some substance to be hooked and i think she definitely stands up to the test.
munday asks!!!
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i do think the war campaign is some of my favorite warcraft stuff because it's just schlock.
shandris has a vampire slaying story arc because they allied the san'layn with the horde
they allied the san'layn with the horde and straight up don't tell the horde players this at any point
the quest where shandris and the alliance champion are attacking the ships to go kill san'layn and the champion gets caught by nathanos (who gets bonked by falstad after he monologues instead of killing you bc he's just so excited to have gotten you) is the same quest where the horde player is scuba diving and finds derek's body.
the fucking. dalaran engineering trainer is the dude manning your scuba gear. why is he here? who da fuck knows. welcome to the war buddy.
keeshan and kelsey bonding over their knife collection.
yeah kelsey steelspark is here. that gnome from tanaris. no i never did those quests either. but she's easily the best gnome in lore.
sylvanas straight up leaving the horde champion, valtrios, and rexxar on the fucking docks instead of letting them get on the boat.
rexxar is here because he decided that even though he did kill jaina's dad, she was kind of rude at some point so she had to die. horrible character writing but absolutely hilarious to me that someone thought that was a good decision to make when they were friends.
keeshan gets lovetapped in a fight and shandris thinks hes dead and starts loudly mourning his loss and keeshan is just awkwardly on the ground still alive.
john j. "terminal survivor's guilt" keeshan is like "i wish your sentinel sister's survived instead of me" and shandris takes this as an opportunity to say how the value of an elven and a human life aren't different
nathanos orders you to go steal camp decorations from a nearby kul tiran town because the cabin they stole isn't spooky enough for his liking.
you and nathanos go grave robbing together later
that one point in the horde campaign where you can work against sylvanas and the first junction of this is one of her rangers going "alright ill be right back dont talk to any traitors" and before she leaves zekhan jumps out of a bush and goes EY MON WANT TO BETRAY SYLVANAS?
that part is like after you and that ranger disguised yourself as a human mom and a girl and i cant even remember why. all i remember is the most hilarious 'racism' writing ive ever seen.
the zandalari vault heist. need i say more.
the fact that a large crux of the war campaign is just the horde and alliance stealing this wand back and forth.
umbric has this whole character arc about needing to prove that the void elves deserve to be in the alliance and at the end of it when he's like "i failed the alliance" wyrmbane, exemplar paladin, is like "what are you talking about you did fine your value doesn't ride on this assignment." average metaphor for anxiety.
wyrmbane, that guy who is in that one 40 man wrath bg everyone hates. yeah he's here.
god. the stay awhile and listens. nathanos and garona bickering. wyrmbane and shaw bickering. that little thing was my favorite inclusion into wow yet.
falstad fucking bonked nathanos with his stormhammer right in front of you it was so goddamn funny i have to bring it up again.
the fact that the horde just. finds some terminally ill tidesage to sit around and talk with before raising to join the horde.
the fact that lilian calls the valkyr to raise him and nathanos just trusts her judgement that it was important despite their differences
the fact that this dude is just used to spite baine later. i dont even remember his name. i feel bad. thomas?
it's thomas zelling i was right im the greatest at lore.
lilian looks after thomas' family because she made a promise to him!!! even after he's dead again!!! what a good fucking character moment.
that part where baine literally just steals derek with you and thomas. that part where if you're a loyalist you take a detour to tell nathanos this and he's like "lol thats hilarious, okay have fun. make it convincing kill a lot of horde people." and you get the buff [license to kill]
the alliance version of the stealing baine quest. jaina and shaw and you just annihilate a picnic.
that part where the dark iron shamans make you a giant lava elemental and you just obliterate 200 goblins.
im looking at the wow wiki page to jog my memory umbric was supposed to assassinate gallywix i completely forgot and am laughing my ass off. umbric bitched about his stupid golf course i completely forgot.
gallywix calls nathanos "the banshee prince"
shandris has an invisibility potion she gives you and when you ask here where she got it she goes "we're in the middle of horde territory during a war and youre asking me where i got an invisibility potion?" and if you say yes she goes "ill tell you after the war"
the war campaigns were so good you guys.
i know i'm in the minority abt this but bfa was actually fun outside of the gameplay aspects everyone derides it for. the regions were new and exciting while being about people that have existed in lore for forever, it actually felt like a horde and alliance conflict rather than running around doing other shit and also bonking a few opposite faction members on the side, the war campaign story was hilarious and brought back so many minor npcs we've already seen before and fleshed them out more. 8.3 is out of place in all of it but the concept of a raid that moves locations depending on where the corruption of the raid boss is strongest is so neat. how bfa saw fit to have us return to old areas with both the war fronts and 8.3 dailies, so it actually felt like time is progressing in the world?
there were a lot of good shit in that expansion but everyone just remembers the azerite grind and the tree burning.
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