tokensonsaturn · 1 year
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alluralater · 1 year
i had such an insane day yesterday and the rest of the week is going to be even more wild. guess who has to buy a bible and guess who’s going to church on sunday? me. it’s fucking me. the raised with ten different religions femme you know and thirst for. the super slut who is covered in tattoos and hasn’t picked up a bible in probably close to ten years. me who has had sex with more people than they’d ever like to believe and carries sexual energy so intensely on the surface. fuck me in the faaaaaaace UGH!!!
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
just broke my mouse and then my headphones in like 10 minutes 
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totaldramayuri · 10 months
Episode 7 spoilers
“Because you liiiike me?” I CANTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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I’m sorry but every time I come on your page to check tea I crack up that you just casually have that Conner video pined💀and it just randomly plays😭😭😭😭 I canttttttttttttt lmao
this is what I was trying to do pining it:
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wordholic · 1 year
i CANTTTTTTTTTTTTT SURVIVE day 2 in tokyo and i didnt bring my keyboard cz its not working anymore and i cant type anything i wanna write so bad i have an obsession with a new fictional character GOD PLS
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earthingoddity · 4 years
not wtfock posting the positive comments about moyo/kato to make it seem like people like this season
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def-ars · 6 years
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Youngjae →<Present : YOU> &ME Edition Teaser Image
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manchesterau · 4 years
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
imma be honest rouxls kaard my beloathed but also im kinda hyped for whenever i get to his fight in my current playthrough w friends
#i absolutely hate the bastard bc most of the game overs in my first playthrough where in his fights (i game overed at least once#for every time i fought him) but pretty boy ADORES him and is hyped to be able to voice him once we meet him in our playthrough#(our other friend is deeply confused on how to feel abt this character they havent met yet bc both of us have such differing opinions)#but i recently remembered that pretty boy said that to make the rouxls kaard fight better he would kiss me every time i took damage#(originally it was every time i died but he decided that wasnt very much lmao) so now im kinda like still hate the bastard but like... gay#(bestie thats a shit ton of kisses tho his fights are SO HARD FOR NO REASON rouxls kaard by BELOATHEDDDDD)#anyways thats how my life is going rn howre yall lmao#the thing is idk when we're gonna be able to continue next bc it depends on when theres a good amount of time to hang out outside#of school / to have a sleepover n this weekend is a long weekend but pretty boy is out of town until tomorrow so :(#(not having school yesterday n today and not being able to meet up w friends until sunday is why i am Touch Starve:tm:)#also i just wanna continue it because its so fun like the game itself is already awesome n i wanna play more and also!!! playing#with friends just makes it so much better n like we all do voices n do decisions n stuff its awesome i love it sm#also ive just been seeing a lot of deltarune fanart n stuff and im just like aaaaaaaaa i wanna play moreeee but i canttttttttttttt#just me rambling again#frogs down bad
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euphememoon · 5 years
( m!a: 3 )
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Llegó hasta la posición de su amigo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, elevándose seguidamente para poder alcanzar los labios del contrario. Tras el rápido beso, MacDonald masculló: “Así saben los hombres de verdad.” ( @thefoolishfragilespine )
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uno-writing · 2 years
I'm gonna have to ask u to stop making Isen so fycking fine OQJDKAJSKAODK
—🌻 Sunflower Anon!
I canttttttttttttt
its what he deserves 😌
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void-bitten-ghost · 3 years
So uhhh. After having a look at the Hades game fandom I got Madeline Miller's 'The Song of Achilles' and uhhhhhh. Yeah. You all right. I had three small novels as necessary reading for my course this year and it took forever to even get through chapter 2 of any of them.
This??? Chapter 11. It only got here a few hours ago, if that. I haven't had this urgency to read an actual novel since secondary school and I am L i v i n g
My God they're so tender. And just knowing how it ends is breaking my heart. How Achilles says 'I'm going to be the first' about being a hero that is also happy and he had Patroclus swear it to him because he was the reason it was going to happen I canttttttttttttt
I'm very emotional rn thank you for the book rec internet
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bunnixbabe · 5 years
i hate that I have so much going on in life and don’t know how to deal with it. it has my mind running to drugs but I canttttttttttttt
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zth98 · 2 years
Not mi hermano preguntándome por qué fui al circo con la novia de su amigo hahaha.
I canttttttttttttt.
Es que no, no. NO.
Porque tu amigo es un hombre con problemas mentales y emocionales que hace lo que todos los hombres con diferencia de edad notoria hace, que es manipular. Porque tu amigo con el que nunca sales tiene años yendo y viniendo para aprovecharse del inconstante apoyo y estabilidad emocional que llega a tener ella en su vida.
Porque yo puedo salir con quien me de la gana.
Porque qué tiene?
Porque ni siquiera es su novia desde que los años pasan porque el tiempo no es de hielo.
Ya no sé como terminar este texto pero hshs creo que lo único malo de todo esto, es justo que somos de esta maldita ciudad miniatura asquerosa y juzgona. Y quizá para largarme de aquí totalmente también deba dejarte aquí. Solo es una idea, no quiero. Estaría muchísimo mejor que la ciudad nos soltara, que no me importara nada lo que la ciudad rumorea en voz alta porque va a estar muy lejos.
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